#55 bedroom house
hometoursandotherstuff · 11 months
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Why would someone build this monstrosity, if not for charitable purposes?
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skidar · 7 months
Despite keeping my apartment at 55 and trying to save power my bill is still stupid high this month.
My application for assistance last month also looks like it was never received.
So fractional income this month and high bills whoopee...
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sunlightmurdock · 2 months
ain’t afraid of a little thunder | tyler owens
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“now, sweetheart… I know you didn’t come crawling in here in the middle of the night,” his gaze flickers between your shadowed, sullen face and the way your sleep shirt ends at the middle of your thighs. “just because of a little thunder?”
warnings: minors dni, 18+. smut. unprotected pinv. oral (m+f). no physical descriptions of reader except some hair pulling mentioned.
Blinding white light flashes, spilling through and under the gaps in the curtains. The furniture is, at once, illuminated a ghastly white. The room remains still, aside from where you lay in your bed, tangled in sheets and breathing softly. 
What comes next isn’t the rolling kind of thunder that usually spills across these parts, there’s nothing slow or melodic about it. It comes as an almighty clap, shaking the old farmhouse down to its foundations. 
Seemingly spurred on by the sound, the wind joins the symphony by crashing into the window, slamming at the shutters and making the two panels swing wide open.
The storm howls now, spilling through these old walls and waking you with a start. You shoot upright in bed, eyes wide and heart thundering in your ears. Rain splatters on the worn floorboards as you look frantically around your childhood bedroom.
“Shit.” You huff out, hurling yourself out of the creaky, old metal-framed bed you had spent your teenage years in. You stumble towards the whirling wind and wrestle the window shut, snapping the latch shut once again.
You had been jolted so violently from your dreams that you aren’t even sure your eyes are open until you’re staring at streaks of lightning painting the dark sky. With a trembling hand, you reach for the edge of the curtain and pull it back across the window.
Even with your view gone, as you slip back into bed it’s impossible to pretend that the storm isn’t happening. It whips at the house, making the foundations creak and groan. Every few seconds, the sky will streak bright white and will roar with another clap of thunder. 
Eyes squeezed shut and the sheets pulled high isn’t cutting it. The weather rages just beyond these four walls, refusing to be ignored. Your heart thunders along with the bellowing horizon.
You toss onto your left side. Then your right. A frustrated sound slips your lips as you thrash onto your back. It’s like the storm is just getting worse. Closer. 
Each flash of lightning feels brighter. Each clap of thunder feels louder. You tremble under the confines of your comforter, lips pursed. You shoot a quick look toward the little digital alarm clock on your night stand. 1:55. 
Panic flares in your chest. You remember being small in this room, terrified of these same storms. The nights where you would tear out of bed and race down the hall to the safety of your parents’ bed.
You’re a little old for that now, and they chose this week of all to be vacationing at Niagara Falls. 
You pull the blankets tighter around yourself, momentarily blinded by the prospect of being alone in this big, rickety house all by yourself in the path of a storm — you’re miles away from help reaching you.
But you aren’t all alone. 
After a tough few days of field work, you had opened your doors — well, your parents’ doors — to a… colleague, of sorts. If that’s what you could call Tyler. You had a common goal, and he needed a place to stay while the two of you got some work done, that was all. It was easier than sending him to the motel an hour away.
He’s down the hall, probably sleeping like a baby, in the guest room.
You couldn’t possibly wake him. He would hold it over your head for the rest of your life. You would never live it down. Being a meteorologist who can’t sleep through a little—
It’s that last, tremendous crash of thunder that sends you flying, once again, out of your childhood bed as it rattles the house. You’re cursing yourself under your breath already as you pad, barefoot down the hallway. 
Past pictures of yourself missing teeth and grinning, sporting pigtails and wearing overalls — all images of yourself that you would rather the famed ‘Tornado Wrangler’ himself hadn’t seen. 
The only thing that stops you is a brief moment in front of the door to the guest room, where you stand debating whether it would be better to knock or to just slip in and hope that he doesn’t even notice you.
You should knock. He could be naked. Shit. 
Swallowing both your pride and the lump of solid anxiety in your throat, you close your eyes and rap your knuckles softly against the door. Maybe he doesn’t hear you over the storm, or maybe he’s just a deep sleeper, but he doesn’t answer.
You should leave him alone.
But you can’t stand the thought of being by yourself through this. What if it’s something big? — You should have checked the radar.
You’re already twisting the doorknob, as slow as you can. It complies silently, the door slipping open without a peep. You would have gotten away with it, if you had thought about the light in the hall.
You get a glimpse of him while he’s still asleep. Sprawled out across the bed, laying on his back on the side closest to the door, his hair mussed and his face turned away from you. Curtains wide open, still. His clothes are thrown on the chair in the corner. The sheets are slung low on his waist. A flash of lightning illuminates the ridges through the golden skin of his abdomen. 
Then, that darned light from the hallway casts across his face and wakes him. He stirs, groaning in soft complaint as he lifts his head from the pillow and blinks angrily in your direction.
He says your name, his voice deep and growly from sleep. His tone vaguely suggests that he’s checking if it’s really you, but you’re too distracted to answer him.
Tyler twists his neck and looks around for a clock, pushing himself up just a little and letting the sheets fall to reveal the waistband of his navy boxers. “What time is it?”
“Late. Sorry,” You mumble out, still standing in his wide-open doorway like an idiot. “You should go back to sleep.”
His brows knit together as he turns his head to look at you again. Grumpy looks good on him. Especially when he’s laying in bed, his hair disheveled and his clothes on the floor. 
He presses the base of his palm into his eye socket, every bit as disgruntled as he looks as he rubs the sleep away with his big hands. 
“You gonna stand there and watch me all night if I do?” 
Your immediate reaction is to put your hackles up and get defensive at the accusation, like that’s not kind of exactly how the situation would appear to him.
“No, I just… I couldn’t sleep.” Your answer isn’t really an answer at all. Tyler reminds you of this by simply raising his eyebrows, as if to say ‘and what might that have to do with me?’. You shrug your shoulders. “I was just coming to see if— if you were up.”
“I am now.” Tyler offers. “What did you want?”
Desperately to go back to sleep. You’re exhausted. These past few days have been some of the hardest of your life — and here you are, unable to sleep, trying to find a bed to sleep in, like a child.
You stand there, debating for a moment if you’re going to come clean. It would be easy enough to just admit your irrational little fear and crawl into bed, and deal with the constant teasing from then on. 
Unfortunately, your body makes the decision for you. Thunder and lightning crash together, shaking the house once again. The rain whipping at the shutters does nothing to conceal the gasp-bordering-shriek that slips your lips as you jump and rush into the room.
Tyler’s eyes widen through the dark. His gaze is quizzical as he studies the abject panic on your face, then looks to his window. Then, he looks slowly back to you. 
His mouth twitches. Excitement flashes across his face with a burst of lightning as a grin twists at his mouth.
“Now, sweetheart… I know you didn’t come crawling in here in the middle of the night,” His gaze flickers between your shadowed, sullen face and the way your sleep shirt ends at the tops of your thighs. “Just because of a little thunder?”
“Don’t be a dick about it — I know it’s ridiculous, I just can’t sleep.” You rush out, folding your arms across your chest. As you do so, your shirt bunches and rides up just enough to prove that you are, in fact, not wearing any shorts. He’d been wondering about that.
As he studies your face for the next few moments, you can see that he considers being a dick — and decides against it.
He holds his palms up in surrender, and shrugs his shoulders as he peels back the other side of the covers. Amusement coats his words as he drawls a playful, “Well, why didn’t you say so?”
Closing the door to the hallway, the room is plunged into darkness once again. You trudge around to the other side of the bed, begrudging every moment of this ridiculous night. You should have had him sleep in the barn like you had threatened to. But then you really would be all alone in this big old house.
His eyes follow your silhouette around the foot of the bed, as the sky flashes white once more he takes note of the way your cute graphic tee sits a little higher in the back, giving him just the smallest glimpse of where your thighs meet the swell of your ass.
He waits for you to reach the bed and set one knee on before he goes back to trying to rest. He lays down on his back and closes his eyes as the bed shifts slightly with your weight and the covers wriggle around with your movement.
Then, things settle.
The bed goes still, and so do the both of you as you lay side by side in it. It’s not an especially large double, but the two of you both seem to be choosing to ignore the way his warm shoulder is pressed right up against yours.
It’s just his shoulder. His bare shoulder, sure, but it’s not like you could ask him to put some clothes on — you’re the one who came crawling into his bed in your underwear. You’re just grateful that there’s just about enough room for the rest of you to not graze him at all.
You close your eyes, and inhale deeply. This whole house usually smells like lavender and vanilla, but not now. This room smells like spiced oak and pine, and the familiar smell of his cologne lingers on his clothes, his belongings— his bare skin.
His voice cuts through the dark. “So, you’re not like a bedwetter or anything, right? — D’your parents usually like give you a stuffed animal to get through this kind of thing, or—“
You reach out and smack him hard in his stomach. His hard, taught stomach. “Shut it, Owens.”
The bed rattles with his soft laughter.
“I just— I’m blindsided,” He admits, still laughing. He tucks an arm behind his head, meaning your shoulder now sits in the curve of his underarm. “You’re afraid of thunder.”
You throw yourself onto your side, turning swiftly away from him and tugging away his share of covers just out of spite. “No one will ever believe you. I’ll tell them you’re crazy.” 
He grins in the dark.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m not gonna tattle on you — you have no idea how much I’m enjoying being the only person who knows that Little Miss ‘Do As I Say’ gets this rattled over a little rain.”
You roll your eyes, then close them. “Goodnight, Tyler.”
The bed shakes again with another bout of his quiet laughter. “Yeah, g’night, honey.”
The pet names are going to be put to an abrupt end first thing tomorrow morning. You’re going to give him hell before he even gets a chance to open his stupid, pretty mouth. Until then, you have to keep yourself from doing anything that might have you exiled back to your own room.
Once again, the room settles. The rain whips at the windows, soaking the soil outside. Thunder rumbles closer again, but the lightning flashes don’t seem quite so bright. 
You focus on the sound of him breathing. Deep, slow inhales. He’s calm as could be, his weight pressing into the mattress and his body heat radiating under the shared covers. Uncomfortable on your right side but not wanting to be facing him, you roll onto your back.
Unconsciously a few moments later, you roll back onto your right side. Maybe then your left side. After that, your back again. Then your front.  
As you sigh and twist, Tyler sucks in a sharp breath from beside you.
“God damn, will you sit still? — You’re gonna spin yourself out of this bed.” It’s not until he’s done complaining that you realize he’s now holding you. His arm is secured tight enough around your middle that you couldn’t roll over again, even if you wanted to. Facing away from him, your eyes stare at the painted wall.
He huffs, closing his eyes and flexing his arm around you as he drags you closer.
“Go to sleep.” He mumbles groggily, his breath tickling at the nape of your neck. 
Well, if you were struggling before, then the sentiment is entirely hopeless now. 
You lie awake, watching the sky crackle and glow with flashes of colour. Tyler lies with you, feeling you flinch at every boom that follows.
He shifts suddenly behind you, feeling you go rigid.
“This thing really has you spooked, doesn’t it?” His fingers sprawl across your covered stomach, his voice coated with a softness you weren’t expecting. You feel him lift his head and peer over your shoulder, trying to get a look at your face.
“No.” You bite back, trying to tug yourself free from his hold and shift closer to the edge of the bed. You’ll be hanging off of the side if you keep this up.
“Here, c’mere,” Tyler murmurs, catching your bicep and turning you back around. Your brows furrow and your face grows stormy, and he can just tell that you’re batting up to argue with him. 
He opens both of his arms and wraps them around you at once, giving you no choice but to squish against his chest. Your eyes squeeze open as he presses his lips to your hairline. “It’s alright, you’re alright.”
You stare at the freckle on his neck up close as his fingers stroke at the length of your trembling spine, frozen.
“Listen,” He mumbles against your hair as another clap of thunder tears across the sky. “Two, three, four, five — it’s already getting further away. Was just passing us by.”
“I know that.” You mumble begrudgingly against his chest, hating the way your fingers instinctively splay across his bare ribs.
Quiet falls between the two of you. You get it, he’s just trying to help — and frankly you are being a little ridiculous. He gets it, sometimes there’s no explaining fear. It’s just there.
His fingers stop at the base of your spine, disrupting the soft pattern he had going. Just for a moment, before he skims them all the way to the nape of your neck and curls them around the curve of your shoulder.
Once again, his mouth grazes your temple. Barely a kiss. Maybe even something platonic. He’s just trying to settle you. But then, there doesn’t feel like there’s much platonic about the way you’re wrapped together.
“It’s alright,” He murmurs. You can feel the rumble of his voice in your chest as he gives your nape a soft squeeze. “Breathe with me.”
Tyler takes long, deep breaths. Slow, and steady, but not patronizing. The kind that make you feel a dizzy kind of sleepy. You could fall asleep just like this, wrapped in his arms and copying his breaths, but you won’t let yourself. 
You dip your head forwards just a fraction, and press your lips to his bare shoulder. It’s small, and again barely a kiss, maybe even something platonic. Just like his was. He doesn’t say anything about it, and the quiet continues for a little longer.
His thumb strokes at the column of your throat as he leans in, turning his nose towards your hair. “That’s it.” 
You turn your head too, closing your lips softly around his collarbone. This one’s an inch less polite than the others, just a bit more daring, but still easy to misunderstand.
Opening up your palm, you trail your nails along his side, brushing softly from his ribs to his hips. Then, you stretch your neck and reach higher.
His fingers squeeze at your nape as your lips close against his throat. His free hand comes from its resting place against the sheets to curl around your thigh.
The tip of your nose bumps his chin in passing, he looks down while you look up until your eyes are locked together through the dark.
You would never live this down. Your work is too important to risk it all by— he’s kissing you before you’re done arguing with yourself, and your mind is made up.
His stubble scrubs at your cheek as he presses against you, capturing your mouth with his, kneading at his hold on your thigh. 
Your palm presses into the muscle of his back, firm and pulling him against you. You’re the one who hikes your thigh around his hip. He’s the one who twists the two of you and plants you firmly on your back between the pillows.
And then, you’re looking at each other again.
Lightning flashes across the sky, making his green eyes glow emerald for a moment. They search across your face while his hands take hold of your hips.
He looks at you in a way he never has before, all those days working together, his eyes hungry with lust. The intensity in those pretty, green eyes sends shocks of electricity up your spine.
“Just for tonight, and we never speak of this again.” You breathe, eyes wide as you stare up at him. Tyler’s lips twitch.
“You’re gonna regret those terms.” He promises, letting that cocky grin of his twist across his mouth, raising his brows in challenge. You swallow, narrowing your eyes back at him. “But, sure. Whatever you say.”
Right as you’re starting to think that maybe this isn’t worth its risk, he leans forwards and turns your head to the side, closing his mouth around your pulse point. 
His teeth graze against the spot, just sharp enough of a sting to make you gasp before he’s pressing against you harder, kissing harder, soothing his mark with his tongue. 
The tip of his angled nose bumps the curve of your jaw, his stubble scratching at your sensitive skin. You hike your leg higher around his waist, pressing your foot into his thigh. His tongue dips from between his lips, flicking across your jugular before he captures the spot with his mouth.
Your fingers curl around his neck, squeezing at his nape, holding his mouth against your throat. A moan slips your lips as his teeth graze over your skin. He sucks a firm kiss into the spot below your ear.
He hums as your fingers slide up into his hair, rewarding you with another open-mouthed kiss in a spot that makes you squirm. Your eyes close contentedly as his mouth works against the smooth skin there.
When the next crash of thunder shakes the foundations, you almost forget to flinch. 
Tyler twists his head sharply and with a sudden, mutual urgency, you crash together. He pulls you flush against him, sliding his tongue into your mouth and caressing it expertly against yours.
Then, his attention turns to the large, old local team jersey you had worn to bed. It was the first thing you had found in your closet. He doesn’t seem to care, bunching it around your middle and tugging you forwards to lift it over your head.
Lightning strikes as the jersey hits the floor. As his knees sit between your thighs, Tyler studies your body. He has thought about this before, what you might look like under all that office-wear. His imagination doesn’t compare.
He sits back on his knees, cupping his palm over the tent straining against his boxer-briefs. Your gaze flickers downward, eye-lids drooping with want as you watch him palm a hand over his cock.
“Don’t move.” He mumbles, reaching out to settle his other hand against the soft curve of your bare waist. It’s clear that he has a plan in his head, you can practically hear the gears turning as his darkened eyes study your body.
Stroking himself carelessly, he drops his hand to the inside of your thigh and pushes it back just a bit. Then, Tyler groans as he lowers his mouth to your chest. One of his warm, weathered hands comes up to caress your breast while his mouth cares for the other.
He kisses softly over the swell of skin, more gentle than you would have expected someone like him to be. He glances up at you as he purses his lips and blows softly, fanning cool air against your already half-hardened nipple.
Then, that talented tongue dips from his lips again, and traces the colour of your nipple, flicking back and forth across the bud before he finally closes his mouth around it. 
Your head sinks into the pillows as your chest arches eagerly toward his kisses. Moans spill from your lips, and you just know that you’ll be soaked by the time he finally touches you.
He doesn’t keep you waiting long. Amidst his parade of kisses, as he’s approaching your navel, his hand dips between your legs. You almost flinch at the contact, keening into his touch instead. 
His fingertips are featherlight, trailing the seams of your underwear where they sit between your thighs. His thumb presses firmer, experimentally sliding between your folds. 
Taking your bottom lip between your teeth, you glance down as he looks up at you. His mouth twists as your excitement spills through the lace against the pad of his thumb.
This is most definitely territory that neither one of you have business venturing into. It’s certainly going to make your next venture a little bit more tense than usual. The irony of it being your common venture that had led you here isn’t lost on either of you either.
Tyler makes it known that he has every intention of bringing his usual cockiness to this encounter, smirking as he presses his mouth to your hipbone, circling his thumb softly over your clit.
Bright, white lightning streaks again outside the window. It bathes the farm you grew up on in sudden, harsh light. The rumble of thunder doesn’t come until Tyler’s sucking a mark into the inside of your thigh— he was right, it is getting further away.
And he’s getting closer.
You gasp sharply as he opens his lips and dives forwards, mouthing at your soaked core through the flimsy constraints of your lace underwear. 
The next streak of lightning catches all of the shadows in the muscles of his back, working and flexing as he peels your underwear down your thighs. He kisses the length of your legs, nipping and biting as he goes, tossing the lace to some far corner of the room as soon as he’s done.
Your fingers shoot into his hair, squeezing firmly as he buries his face between your legs. Eager and animalistic, he sucks and licks, holding your thighs over his strong shoulders. You shudder. He groans as you tug at his sandy roots.
As you have found with everything else he does, Tyler’s ginormous ego seems to be well-founded. He has every bit the right to be so confident. 
Though, you’ll never admit that outside of these four walls.
He doesn’t need you to. The way your body thrashes and arches against his mouth tells him all he needs to know. 
You hum softly like you haven’t been moaning openly into the chilled room, tugging at his short locks once again. He groans into your excitement. At once, ring finger slides into you alongside his middle. He curls them both into you.
The sharp gasp it draws from you goes straight to his cock, eliciting another deep groan from his chest as he grinds himself against the patterned sheets.
All you can do is breathe, heels pressing into the mattress as you chase his mouth. Unhindered whimpers spilling from your lips as he works his fingers into you. It feels better than good. Incredible, even.
For the sake of your dignity, you’re grateful to lack the ability to tell him how good this feels. 
“That’s it, pretty girl,” Tyler takes a break to nip at your thighs and coax you towards the finish line you’re already desperate to cross. He looks up at you from between your legs. Your head is thrown back into the pillows, your muscles tensed and trembling. You’re fucking yourself on his fingers. “Take what you need. You gonna get yourself there?”
Then, he leans down and licks one stripe along your core, making you cry out. “Or you need me to do it for you?”
“God, you’re an asshole,” You rush out, brows furrowing in concentration as you desperately chase that high. He chuckles softly, leaving you hanging as he waits for your answer. “Yes! Alright? — I need you.”
Tyler takes that answer with delight, pinning your thigh back against your middle with sudden strength as his fingers twist into you. You shiver as his mouth takes charge once again.
It doesn’t take him long to blind you with your orgasm, your eyes balled shut so tight that you’re seeing stars. You’re trembling as he’s kissing across your stomach
He licks his lips, still grinning as you drag his glistening mouth back to yours. Meeting you with exactly the same fervor, rolling his hips into yours. You groan at the gentle scratch of his stubble, holding him close.
“Fuck me.” You mumble against his lips, trying to reach between your bodies to push down his boxer-briefs. Your fingertips graze his straining cock, stilling immediately. You glance down, eyes wide as you take note of his size.
“I don’t have a condom.” He mumbles back, kissing you hard before you have enough time to comment on what he’s been packing beneath that stupid, huge buckle this whole time.
“You— You don’t?” You pant, trailing your nails down his back as he sucks at your throat.
“Didn’t think I’d be needing one.” His hands skim up your middle and grab at your tits together, kneading them in his capable hands. He drops his head to suck at the tops of them, his stubbled cheeks scratching at the sensitive skin in the best way.
You almost growl in frustration, thighs trying to clamp together around his hips. You don’t want the night to end here.
“I’m on birth control. If you’re—“
“I’m responsible, we’re good.” Tyler swears, flicking his tongue across your pebbled nipple. “If that’s what you want, baby. You want me bare?”
Your core throbs at his deep voice, so close and so filthy.
“Yes.” You whisper, arching your chest into his mouth as he turns his head to pay equal attention to your other breast. “Fuck, yes.” 
He finally pays himself some attention, sitting back on his knees and dipping his hand into his boxers. Your lips part, watching through lust-hooded eyes as he fists at his cock from between your legs.
“Take them off.” You demand, more urgently than you’ve been before. Tyler’s lips twitch, but you’re not letting him have this one without playing first. “You’re not shy, are you?”
He rolls his shoulders back, giving a slow and certain shake of his head. No, of course he isn’t shy. Why would he be? 
Your mouth goes dry as he pushes the boxers down his thighs and kicks them off of the bed. His cock springs free, standing to attention against the trail of sandy brown hair that trails Tyler’s navel.
It’s impressive, and pink at the tip. Annoyingly as pretty as the rest of him is.
He looks carved from stone, kneeling between your legs with broad shoulders and a chiseled chest. Hair sprawling across his pecs neatly, and just down his sternum. The same kind of pretty light brown as his hair. Angled hipbones. He’s defined all over, with strong thighs to match.
“You have no fuckin’ clue how long I’ve been wanting to do this.” Tyler’s admission catches you by surprise, and the shock of it is just registering in your system as he leans down and covers your body with his. 
His weight leaning against you feels better than you’d like to admit, caging you in. The storm feels far, far away. 
The tip of his cock notches at your entrance and you forget all of the doubts you just had about what he had said.
“So, do it. Please,” You breathe out, turning your face towards his neck, kissing the vein that trails there. “I want it.”
Tyler revels in the desperate sound you make as he drags his cock between your folds, his lip between his teeth as he watches the tip sink into you. He really has been waiting a long time for this.
He had made the effort in the beginning, tested your boundaries and swung by your motel rooms every now and again. Every interaction you’ve had has been strictly professional, and he wasn’t going to keep chasing someone who didn’t want to be chased.
As your walls squeeze him tight and your mouth sucks at the column of his throat— fuck, he wishes he had chased a little harder.
You roll your hips into his eagerly, gasping as he pulls almost all the way out and drives back in. You trail your nails along his shoulders, squeezing your thighs around his hips. Thunder rumbles somewhere far away, deep and low like the sounds of Tyler’s groans.
“You feel like you’re fucking made for me.” He mutters, pressing his fingertips into the supple flesh of your ass as he hugs you as close as he possibly can. Buried in you as deeply as he possibly can be, he stills for a moment and pants hard.
You make an incoherent sound of vague agreement, nipping at the curve of his jaw as you rake your nails along his shoulder. He groans at the feeling, his hips stuttering.
Pulling out slowly one last time, Tyler glances down at where the two of you are joined. A muscle in his jaw ticks as he buries himself into you once again, hard this time. Then, he’s relentless, dragging against your walls as he bottoms out again and again.
The old bed creaks in complaint under the two of you, but it’s the furthest thing from your mind as your moans threaten to muffle the sound all together.
The sky rumbles again, another loud clap of thunder making your eyes snap open. Breathless, your head whips towards the window. You watch the streaks of lightning paint the sky shades of electric blue and white. 
Again, that irrational feeling starts to gnaw at you. 
Tyler’s fingers curl around your chin, turning you back to face him.
“Look at me,” He orders, giving a sharp snap of his hips and revelling in the way it makes your mouth fall open. “I’ve got you. Just keep looking at me.” 
Dumbly, you nod your head. Your fingertips skim the ridges of muscle in his arms. Warm and strong under your touch, his body surrounds yours. His green eyes are focused and unwavering, his hands anchoring your hips to the bed.
There’s no room left for that stupid, irrational feeling. It’s all him. Fucking into you, and staring down at you, weighing you down into the creaky mattress. 
You arch your back, pushing your chest up against his as he fills you up. Tyler’s hand abandons your hip to hook around the back of your shoulders, grabbing a firm fistful of your hair. 
His other hand shoves hard at the back of your thigh, bending it up and out of his way. Your ankle rests against his shoulder, your mind going blank as this new position allows him to angle himself deeper.
“Fuck— Tyler.” You whimper, eyes wide as you look up at him. 
His hand flexes around your roots, tugging hard and making you cry out. You muffle yourself in the crook of his neck, kissing at his salty skin. 
“I’m gonna come.” You breathe out. 
“Yeah?” He murmurs, lips grazing your ear as his thrusts grow deep and fast. “Go ahead, pretty girl. Make yourself come on me.”
You don’t need to be told twice, grabbing onto his shoulder for leverage with one hand as the other dips between your colliding bodies. 
His mouth is hot against your throat as you circle your clit, his deep and desperate groans filling your ears, the smell of his sweat and faint cologne making you want to bury closer to him.
It isn’t long before you’re spilling over that edge. You bite at his throat, moaning at the way he keens desperately into the feeling. Your thighs squeeze around him, trembling through the feeling. Your fingers scramble for purchase against his bicep. 
Tyler grunts hard as your body tenses all over, your walls squeezing him tight. His pace stutters just briefly, then picks up. Your brain feels like mush, your eyes rolling back as he fucks you hard.
His head falls forwards, resting against your collarbone as he cums hard. His fingers flex around both your thigh, and the nape of your next, his voice strained as he groans. His chest heaves with his next few breaths.
You sigh, contented as you turn your face towards his neck and close your eyes. He lingers there for a moment, covering you like a blanket, gently stroking the spots he had grabbed so tightly moments before.
Then, he pulls out of you with a sigh and turns to flop onto his back. You’re surprised as he drags you with him, eyes wide at the prospect of the famed ‘Tornado Wrangler’ being a cuddler of all things.
He turns your head toward him, wasting no time in capturing your mouth with his. “How are you feeling?”
You smile hazily, turning your face towards his bare shoulder for a moment. “Tired.”
He chuckles softly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. The two of you lie there for a few moments, catching your breath and enjoying the comfortable silence. His fingers trail the length of your spine, swirling soft patterns into your skin.
You almost let yourself fall asleep like that. He makes room for you to get up and watches you walk away as you excuse yourself to the bathroom.
He’s silent, but there’s a smile on his face when you slide back into his bed instead of your own. 
When the sun-rises and pours through the window, it wakes you first. You would complain about the curtains being wide open and the lack of sleep you had managed to get through the night, but it’s hard to when you turn and admire your view.
Tyler is asleep on his back, one arm outstretched toward you. You had been sleeping on top of it. The sheets are strewn messily around his middle and there’s a distinct purple mark at the base of his throat, a reminder of where your mouth had been.
His chest rises and falls steadily, his face calm. His hair is still disheveled, another reminder from last night. He looks even more beautiful in the daylight. 
Then, you remember what you said. Never again. How he had promised you would regret those terms— and you already do, thinking of how you’d like to wake him and repeat last night.
Unprompted, Tyler stirs in his sleep. In doing so, he shifts his hips and announces his morning wood as it stands against the sheets. 
Given that you’re still in the same room, and it’s still technically the same day, this surely doesn’t count as a separate encounter. Your terms could still stand, you reason with yourself as you lean down and kiss his shoulder. 
He doesn’t flinch. In fact, he doesn’t stir at all as you kiss your way down his muscled chest. 
His brows knit together as he starts to come to. He blinks through the abrupt morning light, squinting at the brightness as he remembers where he is. He jolts at the feeling of you mouthing along the length of his cock, eyes going wide.
He takes note, then, of the shape under the covers that sits between his legs. He peels them back slowly, meeting your gaze as you kiss his tip.
“Good morning.” You greet him cheekily. 
Tyler quirks a brow, but smiles. He shifts his hips and tucks a flexing bicep behind his head, settling back down against the pillows.
“It is now.”
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rheya28 · 4 months
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Ink Heart Tattoo Shop ♥ The Sims 4: Speed Build // CC
Ink Heart is a small industrial tattoo shop that combines urban edge with a welcoming vibe. The space features graffitied and exposed brick walls, giving it a raw and artistic feel.
➽ Rheya's Notes:
● Hello my lovelies! It's been a while since I last posted a build. I'm still quite busy with school until end of August, so build releases are gunna be inconsistent. I will try my best to upload and will notify you all if anything changes. ● Anyways, for this build I used Cepzid's tattoo mod! I placed this build as a generic lot type, but you can also have it set as a cafe!
➽ Important Notes:
●Please make sure to turn bb.moveobjects on! ● Please DO NOT reupload or claim as your own. ● Feel free to tag me if you are using it, I love seeing my build in other peoples save file ● Feel free to edit/tweak my builds, but please make sure to credit me as the original creator! ● Thank you to all CC Creators ● Please let me know if there's any problem with the build
➽ Speed Build Video
00:00 Beginning 00:02 Intro 00:25 Speed Build 10:55 Photos
➽ Lot Details
Lot Name: Ink Heart Tattoo Shop Lot type: Generic or Cafe Lot size: 30 x 20 Location: I built this in San Sequoia, but it could be placed anywhere
● Tool Mod by Twisted Mexi ● Functional Tattoo Chair by Cepzid Creations
➽ CC List
Note: I reuse a lot of the same cc in all my builds, specifically cc's from felixandre, HeyHarrie, Tuds, and Pierisim so if you're interested in downloading past, present, future build from me i suggest getting all their cc sets to make downloading a little easier! other creators include Sooky, Charlypancakes, Sixam, Thecluttercat, Myshunosun, awingedllama, Peacemaker, kiwisim4. This will also ensure that the lots are complete and are not missing any items upon downloading ! Joyceisfox ● Simple Live pt [4] S-Imagination ● Nota Living Room [painting] Simlicy ● Sketches Sooky ● Abstract Framed Art Wooden frame Xtc ● Graffiti Pack House of Harlix ● Bafroom ● Baysic ● Harluxe ● Orjanic pt [1][2] Bbygyal123 ● Aesthetic Collection ● Martini FelixAndre ● Berlin pt [3] ● Chataeau pt [2] ● Colonial pt [3] ● Florence pt [4] ● Grove pt [1] ● Soho [all] CharlyPancakes ● M&S Construction pt [1] ● Sleepy Head Collection ● Soak Harrie ● Klean [all] ● Kwatei ● Octave pt [2][3][4] ● Spoons pt [2] ● Jardane ● Livin Rum ● Kichen Lilac Creative ● Jewelry Collection [sign] Little Dica ● Rise & Grind Myshunosun ● Arrie [laptop] ● Gale Dining [rug] Peacemaker ● Creta [Plant] ● Post Modern living [artwork] Pierisim ● Autie Vera ● Calderone ● Combles ● David Apartment pt [1] ● MCM pt [1][3][5] ● Oak House ● Stefan bedroom ● Unfold ● Winter Garden pt [1] ● Wood Land Ranch Mlyssmakescc ● Pufferhead [wall art] Ravasheen ● Art Attach Graffiti Sixam ● Hotel Bedroom [desk] ● Teen room [wall light] The Clutter Cat ● Sunny Sundae pt [3] Syboulette ● Contemporary Haven [wall art] ● East Oak [wall art] Tuds ● 2nd Wave [chair] ● Cross [wall light]
● Tray File: Patreon Page ● Origin ID: anrheya [previous name: applez] ● Twitter: Rheya28__ ● Tiktok: Rheya28__ ● Patreon: Rheya28 ● Youtube: Rheya28__
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
I'm Having Your Baby
It's None Of Your Business
It was supposed to just be a one night stand. It wasn't supposed to be anything more. But three positive pregnancy tests later and she realises she's fucked.
(I actually don't like Harry Styles)
Warnings: smut, mention of abortion
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The bass was thumping, the music blasting and the lights flying in the club. She was letting loose, shaking her hips in time to the music. She was the envy of everybody in the club.
He was across the dance floor, sat in one of the booths lining the wall. In his hands was a jack and coke, the ice in his glass almost completely melted. Although he was on the other side of the club, he could still see her. Actually, he couldn't tear his eyes away.
Something about her drew him closer. He wove his way through the crowds of people until he was standing in front of her, hands of her gyrating hips. Wordlessly she wrapped her arms around his neck and moved her body along with his.
He knew he had to have her. Carlos kissed her that night. He pulled her close as he pressed his lips to her. Before long his tongue was down her throat and they had forgotten about dancing.
She ended up at his place that night. He laid her down in his bed and stripped off her clothes. She shivered in the cool air of his bedroom, but it wasn't long before his warm, naked body was on top of hers, thrusting into her, bring wave after wave of pleasure.
He rolled his hips against her, setting his pace according to his moan. He was completely focused on bringing her pleasure again and again.
Nobody had ever fucked her like that before. No single man had ever made her cum that many times.
But still, she was out of his bed, out of his house before he woke up, never to see him again.
The pregnancy test was taken three and a half weeks later. At 25 days she realised she had missed her period. It wasn't worrying until she remembered her counter in the club.
But she never expected it to come up positive. It must have been a fluke she realised. There was no way she was actually pregnant. Not after a single occurrence of unprotected sex.
But then she took another test. And then another. They all came up positive. Fuck, she really was pregnant. And she didn't even know the name of the father.
Actually, it was pretty easy to find out the name of the father. Her little brother was into Formula One, and she recognised him the moment he walked onto the screen.
She hadn't told her family of her pregnancy yet, and she wouldn't, not until she absolutely had to. She hid her pregnancy tests in her apartment and headed off to spend time with them.
It was a Sunday, so of course her brother was watching Formula One while her mother prepared Sunday night dinner. She was sat behind her brother, sipping lemonade as the driver's on the screen were interviewed.
The camera slowly panned across the Ferrari garage. Her glass dropped out of her hand, shattering on the floor. "What the hell?" Her brother shrieked as he stood up, avoiding the smashed glass.
"Who is that?" She asked as she pointed to the number 55 driver. He looked just as he did all those weeks ago, somehow better in his black fireproofs and red overalls.
Her brother gave her a frown. "That? That's Carlos Sainz, but why do you care?"
But she had already disappeared into the bathroom to throw up until she was dry heaving. Her baby daddy was Carlos Sainz, the world famous Ferrari driver.
It took her a moment to calm down. When she did, she opened her Instagram and went to his account. She scrolled through his account, as if to make sure it was definitely him. But it was undeniable.
It was a gamble going into his messages. But she had to do something to get his attention, had to let him know what was going on. If he didn't see it then so be it, she didn't need him to raise their baby.
Hi, you might not remember me but we hooked up a month ago. We met in the club and I was wearing a red dress with converse. Well, I'm pregnant.
She sent the message and walked out of the bathroom. The glass had been cleaned up from the living room floor and her family were already sat around the dinner table, the race on in the background. Her legs shook as she joined them.
"Is everything okay, dear?" Her mother asked and she nodded her head. She'd tell them, but not today.
Three days later Carlos Sainz messaged her on Instagram. She couldn't quite believe it when she woke up to that notification.
I remember
That was all he said. It was disappointing, actually. Where did she go from here?
Carlos Sainz said nothing more to her, not until a few months later. She got on with her life while their child grew inside of her, and he got on with his.
Or she assumed he did, at least. Actually, Carlos hadn't stopped thinking about it. It was distracting him from racing and training, and stopping him from eating and drinking.
He remembered her from the club, remembered fucking her. Remembered the way his cock slipped through her velvety folds.
It was one night, it couldn't have been his, right?
After four months of needless stress, Carlos finally messaged her again.
I'm sorry to do this but I need you to prove it to me
No, it was fair enough. She grabbed her pregnancy tests, stood in front of her mirror with her bump exposed. That was the picture she sent to Carlos. That was the picture that made him realise that he really was going to be a father.
Fuck. A new wave of stress rolled through him. What was he supposed to do now?
Are you keeping it?
Yes, she texted back. Yes, I'm keeping it
That wasn't the answer that Carlos wanted to see. He was going to be a father and he really didn't want to.
I want nothing to do with it
She sucked in a breath. Fine, she didn't need him. They didn't need him. But still she accepted Carlos' request on Instagram.
Something in her still wanted his attention. As soon as she could, and for as little money as possible, she booked tickets to the next grand prix.
It was hot, swelteringly so. She was dressed in a tight fitting shirt and shorts that showed off her bump. Her parents paid for paddock passes and she spent as long as she could walking in front of the Ferrari garage.
Carlos noticed her, but not right away. It was a minute before he regnised her. But then he was Marching over to her. "What're you doing here?" He hissed as he pulled her away from prying eyes.
She swallowed thickly. "I..." but she had nothing prepared to say to him, no excuse. She'd hoped him just seeing her bump would change his mind.
But it remained unchanged.
"I'm here with my girlfriend. You can't be here," he said. He hadn’t looked at her bump, not yet. "Get out of here," he hissed.
But she stepped up to him. "I'm having your baby, Carlos."
"It's none of my business." He turned on his heel and walked away.
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Sexual Questions.
Feel free to ask I'll answer any
1. First kiss?
2. First time masturbating?
3. First sex toy?
4. First kink tried?
5. First time doing oral?
6. First time having sex?

-Turn Ons
7. Biggest turn on?
8. Biggest turn off?
9. Quickest way to get horny?
10. Weirdest thing that ever turned you on?
11. Top 3 places to be touched?
12. Ultimate fantasy?
13. Do you like the idea of a three or moresome?
14. Do you send nudes? Do you like receiving them?

15. Sex or masturbation?
16. Spit or swallow?
17. Cut or uncut dicks?
18. Rough or sensual sex?
19. Oldest person you’d sleep with?
20. Loud or quiet partners?
21. How much foreplay do you like?
22. How much teasing do you like?
23. What is too big for you to take?
24. Do you do hookups or only sleep with a partner?
25. How much kissing do you like during sex?
26. What’s the most attractive part of the body?

27. Would you have sex in public?
28. Last place you had sex?
29. Where would you most like to have sex?
30. Do you like spontaneous sex, or do you need to be in the mood?
31. Could you go through with a hookup at a strangers house?

32. What’s your biggest kink?
33. Are you okay with name calling in bed?
34. Would you do any BDSM?
35. Do you prefer to tie somebody up or be tied up?
36. Do you like orgasm denial/forced orgasm?
37. Do you like overstimulation?
38. Do you like having pain involved?
39. Do you like biting/being bitten?
40. Have you ever been made to/made somebody beg for it?
41. Do you have any strange or extreme kinks?
42. Have any roleplaying preferences?

43. Do you own sex toys? How many?
44. What do you masturbate to?
45. How often do you masturbate?
46. How often do you use sex toys to masturbate?
47. Do you masturbate with penetration?
48. Do you go for multiple rounds or settle at one or no orgasms?

49. Do you enjoy giving oral?
50. Do you prefer giving or receiving oral?
51. What makes you orgasm the fastest when receiving oral?
53. Can you deepthroat?

54. Do you like playing with your clit? If so how do you prefer to do it?
55. What’s your breast size?
56. How often do you go braless?
57. Do you finger yourself?
58. How familiar are you with your g-spot?
59. Do you squirt?

60. How often do you do unprotected sex?
61. How loud are you in bed?
62. Do you enjoy having nipples played with?
63. Do you like/dislike cum?
64. How good are you at dirty talk?
65. Do you get sleepy after an orgasm?

66. Do you trim, shave or leave pubic hair untouched?
67. How do you prefer partners pubic hair?
68. How many orgasms can you have in a day?
69. How many other people know your bra size?
70. What do you wear to bed?
71. Any funny sex stories?
72. What food if any would you use during sex?
73. Would you give somebody a sex toy as a gift?
74. What’s the weirdest porn you’ve ever seen?
75. Do you often get horny in public?
76. Ever used something that isn’t made for sex in the bedroom?
77. Have you ever walked in on somebody or been walked in on?
78. Do you have any friends you’d sleep with?
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captainfern · 1 year
just read rock bottom (both parts) - it was really good !!on a side note, thank you for making it gn, not many writers do that =]
but after reading part 2 i cant help but think that price knew and was kinda putting on a show for soap ... maybe as a reward after a hard mission he invites soap to help him and reader out, and soap realizes some Things about himself, mainly that he likes both of them -- but thats just my thought, im a sucker for threesomes (all good things come in threes after all lol)
anyway, like i said before, rock bottom is really good !! i love how you wrote it, and especially soap's orgasms - im a sucker for guys who are pathetic and cun in their pants
sorry for the long ask, i just wanted to say my thoughts =D
Rock Bottom pt. 3
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x gn!reader x Captain John Price
[“Rock Bottom” by KISS]
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• summary - soap thinks he's dreaming when price invites him to make you feel good lol. • rating - 18+ • wordcount - 3.5k • warnings - gn!reader [they/them, 'hole', 'sweetheart', 'love', 'baby' are used], unprotected piv, threesome? idk price doesn't do a lot but it's enough lol, sub!soap, praise, oral [m!receiving], fingering, m!masturbation, a sprinkle of cum play, strong language
i've changed it up a bit but i hope you like <3
sidenote i fucking LOVE that pic of soap
Late that night, Soap had a knock on his door. He wasn't expecting anyone, so when he checked his watch and it read 23:55, he was confused.
He opened the door, and was shocked to see you standing there. You smiled at him, and Soap swore he almost melted on the spot.
"Hey, Soap. Sorry, did I wake you?" You cocked your head to the side curiously, taking in Soap's unkempt mohawk and pyjama pants.
Soap shook his head. "No, no, was about too, though. Are you alright?"
You nodded, fidgeting with your fingers. You looked up and down the hall, before you leaned in closer. Soap's breath hitched, and he could smell your shampoo. He took a breath.
"Price wants to talk to you," you whispered. "He's in my room."
Soap's stomach sunk. Why would Price want to speak to him while he's in your room? The only logical explanation was that he knew what kind of sick fuck Soap was, listening in on him and you on more than two occasions.
Soap felt his cheeks warm in embarrassment, his spine tingling with nerves.
"Am... I in trouble?" Soap asked, and you gasped, shaking your head.
"No, of course not! Why would you think that?"
"Just wondering..." He trailed off, before he was following you down the hall a couple of metres to your bedroom door.
You opened the door and ushered him inside. Soap heard you close and lock it before you breezed past him and settled on the edge of your bed, a soft smile on your face.
Price leaned against the far wall by the window, a lit cigar in his hand. He exhaled a plume of smoke and it drifted out the open window, the tip of the cigar glowing red. The room was pretty dark, asides from the couple of soft, golden lamps dotted around the room.
Price cast a look over his shoulder at Soap.
"You know why you're here?" Price questioned, and Soap's stomach flipped with nerves.
"Uh... not really, sir."
"I think you do." Price said simply, closing the window and crossing the room with his cigar hanging from his lips. He paused beside your bed, placing a hand on top of your head, petting your hair.
Soap was burning up, and he dropped his gaze. He had been fucking caught, hadn't he?
"You're not in trouble, Soap. I told you that," you said soothingly, leaning into Price's touch. "But we know you listen. Through the wall. At the safe-house."
Soap was mortified. The tips of his ears were burning so hot he imagined there was steam coiling from them. He had his eyes firmly on the ground, looking at his feet. He didn't have the nerve to look up at you and Price.
"It's okay," you concluded. "You don't have to be embarrassed."
"Easier said than done..." Soap grumbled, face and body growing hot. Despite his torso being bare, he felt like he was being suffocated by his skin.
"You like the way they sound, don't you, sergeant?" Price voiced, and that made Soap finally tear his eyes away from the ground. "You have quite the crush, don't you?"
"...yes sir." Soap whispered. There was no point in denying it now. He was far too deep in whatever was going on.
Price hummed, looking down at you as he continued to massage your scalp, smoking his cigar. The smell permeated the room, lingering thick and woody. A light grey haze shimmered in the lamplight, hovering just above Price's head. Soap'd be concerned for his own lungs if he wasn't overcome with a million different emotions right now.
"You can fuck them, Soap." Price said suddenly, dragging his hand to the side of your face, cupping your jaw.
Soap's mouth dropped open. He couldn't help it. He wasn't fucking expecting that.
"I... I mean— not that I don't— it's... you know, it's just— are you sure? I don't—" Soap stuttered.
"It's okay, Soap," you said calmly as Price traced your lips with his thumb. "I want to. If, of course, you want to as well? You don't have to if you feel uncomfortable."
Price slipped his thumb passed your lips, and you snagged it between your teeth before you sucked it lightly. Soap's mouth continued to gape, not quite sure what to do or say.
"So?" Price urged, pushing his thumb deeper into your mouth, cigar hanging loosely from his lips. "You want to fuck them, or no?"
"But... aren't you two... together?"
"I don't mind sharing."
Soap's cock twitched at that. You were still sucking on Price's thumb, but your eyes were on Soap. You battered your lashes at him, and he felt his cock jump again, now semi-hard beneath the thin cotton of his pyjamas.
"Well?" Price prompted. "Last chance. You in?"
Soap was nodding before he got the words out of his mouth. "Y-yeah. Yes, sir. Please, sir."
Price beckoned Soap forward, popping his thumb out of your mouth. With one last pat to your cheek, Price settled at the head of your bed, smoking his cigar against your headboard. Meanwhile, you continued to sit cross-legged near the edge of your bed, smiling up at Soap as he approached.
When Soap's abdomen was parallel with your face, you reached forward and took hold of his pyjama drawstrings. You slowly pulled the bow apart, before you tucked your fingers beneath the waistband. You paused, looking back over your shoulder at Price. Soap realised you were looking for some kind of instruction. That made his cock harden further.
"You want to suck his cock, sweetheart?" Price asked.
You nodded, and Soap released a shaky breath.
"Right. Let him up on the bed."
Soap sat on the edge of the bed and you crawled onto the floor. You skimmed your fingers along his waistband teasingly, enjoying the goosebumps that appeared along the pale flesh. You could see the imprint of his hard cock beneath his pyjamas, and saliva flooded your mouth. You looked up at him, and the way he was looking at you made your stomach draw tight in pleasure.
You pulled his pyjamas down, and he helped by lifting his hips. You slipped it down his thighs just enough for his hard cock to spring out. It was achingly hard already, the tip flushed red and adorned with a single bead of pre-cum that threatened to fall as his cock bobbed against his stomach.
Soap hissed, tossing his head back when you took hold of him. You grasped him tight at the base, leaning forward to drool a string of saliva down his length. He groaned, breathy and desperate, as the saliva dripped down his shaft and collected above your closed fist. You smeared it up and down, pumping him, before you placed a couple of tiny licks to the tip.
His hips stuttered, and a hand shot down to hold your head. His hands weren't as big as Price's, but they sat heavier. Heavier in a way that made your stomach flip as he attempted to guide your mouth further onto his cock. You didn't let him— still placing small licks across the weeping slit, and along the underside of his head. He groaned your name, pressing your head closer, your mouth pushing against the tip of his cock, pre smearing across your lips.
Your other hand reached down to cup his balls, and his hips jolted again. He whined, eyelids drooping as he watched you fist his cock a couple of times. Then, you licked a fat stripe from base to tip, and he moaned loudly, tugging at the roots of your hair. He tasted heady, tainted with salt, as you swirled your tongue around his cockhead once more, before you finally gave in to his desperate pushing and opened your mouth wide.
You sunk your mouth around him, and he released another desperate moan, followed by a whimper when you hollowed your cheeks. He wasn't as lengthy as Price, but he was certainly wider. His cock stretched your mouth taut as you took more of him, and when your lips came into contact with your fist at the base, you gagged.
"Fuck, fuck," Soap groaned, hips twitching to thrust deeper. "S-so good."
Saliva leaked from your mouth as you pulled back, and then took more of him, bobbing your head up and down. His hand in your hair was a stable pressure, encouraging you to take more and more of him. You removed your hand at the base, holding his thigh for stability as his tip dragged across the back of your tongue, edging your throat. You gagged again, and Soap moaned in response.
Behind Soap, Price palmed himself through his trousers. He grunted softly, pressing his hand to the imprint of his hard cock. He puffed on his cigar, intent on not touching himself fully until Soap was fucking you into your bed.
"Mmmfuck, m'gonna come," Soap whimpered, pressing your head closer until your nose pressed to the hair at his pelvis. "M'gonna... fuck..."
"Pull back, sweetheart." Price ordered calmly, and you listened. You pulled your mouth off of Soap's cock with a wet pop, admiring how it glistened with your saliva. Soap groaned, frustrated, trying to push your head back towards his cock.
Price nudged Soap's lower back with his foot. "Don't start, Soap."
Soap stopped with a whimper, looking down at you. He pet your head, massaging your scalp. You kissed his inner thighs, before retracting your hands and getting to your feet.
Your chest was now level with Soap's face. Soap couldn't help but stare when you ripped your shirt off, nipples hardening in the cool air. Soap whined, and you let him lean forward and take one of your nipples into his mouth. You hummed in pleasure, hugging his head as he sucked and skimmed his teeth along your nipple. He switched to the other one as Price tutted behind him.
"Look how desperate he is for you, love," Price grunted, dipping a hand into his own pyjama pants and cupping himself, not fully stroking yet. "Make him beg to fuck you."
You cried out, the sound morphing to a moan as Soap bit at the skin around your nipples, sucking bruised over the indents of his teeth. He pulled away finally, his lips puffy and glossy. You stroked his short hair before taking one hand to the longer strands of his mohawk, tugging it to expose the bare expanse of his throat.
His Adam's apple bobbed as you clambered into his lap and attached your mouth to it, sucking harshly. Soap groaned, the vibrations travelling through your mouth as you peppered bruises up the column of his neck.
"You heard the captain," you teased, sucking a bruise right beneath Soap's ear before you bit down on his earlobe. "Beg for it."
Soap offered absolutely no resistance. He angled his head to look up into your eyes as you pulled away. His eyes were glassy and full of desperation, and it forced an involuntary moan from your throat.
"Please, please, let me fuck you," he begged, hands at your waist, trying to grind you against his lap. "Please, baby, please, I need it, I need it so bad—"
"You need it?" Price chuckled, and Soap's face burned up. "Hear that, sweetheart? He needs it."
"Aww, such a needy boy." You chuckled, placing a kiss to Soap's nose before you slipped off his lap.
You clambered across the bed until you were sat between Price's legs. You lay down, your head on his lap as you lifted your hips and pulled your shorts and underwear down, exposing yourself to Soap. Soap moaned, throwing his own pants away before he was swivelling his body, now sitting between your ankles. He grabbed your shorts and underwear and pulled them the rest of the way down, tossing them across the room.
"Please, please..." Soap whimpered, taking hold of your ankles and rubbing the skin. "Please can I... Please can I fuck you?"
You hummed, running your hands up and down Price's legs, feeling the material of his pyjamas. Price grunted, finally taking his cock out behind your head, gripping it in his hand. He fisted it, stroking a few times before stopping.
"Your choice, love." Price uttered, voice gravelly.
You smiled, biting your lip. "Have you been a good boy, Soap? Do you deserve it?"
Soap nodded desperately, crawling closer until his hands were smoothing against your thighs. "Yes, fuck, I've been a good boy. I'm—" he cut himself off with a whimper. "I'm your good boy. Please."
As Soap whimpered and begged, Price placed his cigar to the side and leaned down, cupping your jaw to angle your mouth to his. He kissed you deeply, tongue probing your mouth. Smoke swirled between the two of you, and you whined into the kiss. It was sloppy and lewd, the sounds downright pornographic. It tasted bitter and sweet all at once and when Price pulled back, he ran his tongue along your bottom lip for good measure.
Soap whimpered, moaning at the sight. He took his cock in his hand, fisting it roughly as you and Price pressed your tongues together. Price pulled back an inch, a thick string of saliva connecting the tips of your tongues. Soap moaned again, pre rolling from his aching tip and down his shaft. He was painfully hard, cock twitching with each movement of his fist.
The string of saliva snapped and Price pulled back completely, picking up his cigar and placing it between his lips, taking a deep inhale. Meanwhile, you looked back at Soap, all desperate and whiney. Butterflies fluttered around your stomach, and your smile grew wider after you licked your lips.
"You're so pretty, Johnny," you whimpered, fingers trailing down your body. "Want you to fill me."
Soap moaned, mouth dropping open. He continued to jerk himself off as you quickly sucked your fingers into your mouth, before you were placing them at your hole. You pushed them in, arching your back, and Soap moaned again.
"Don't they sound so pretty?" Price mumbled, stroking his cock too.
Soap was nodding deliriously, eyes trained on where your fingers fucked your hole. He whimpered, begging silently with his eyes, pupils blown wide.
Price chuckled. "Come on, sweetheart. Give Soap what he wants."
You nodded, removing your fingers and spreading your legs wider, draping them over Price's. Soap wasted no time drawing closer until his cock rested against the plush flesh of your inner thigh. He was breathing deeply, whimpering softly as his cock ached, throbbing with need.
"Fuck me, Johnny." You said, and that was all Soap needed.
Cock wet with your saliva and his pre-cum, he notched the head at your entrance and pushed inside. Slowly, he stretched you open, and you moaned loudly, turning your head into Price's thigh. Price stroked your hair, other hand fucking his cock into his fist. The sounds were loud behind you, making you moan again.
Soap screwed his eyes shut, chewing on the inside of his cheek in focus. He didn't want to bust a fucking nut halfway inside you. Fucking hell.
He pushed in further and further before he bottomed out with a guttural moan of your name. He grabbed your legs and put them around his hips, notching himself deeper with the new angle.
He whimpered. "Fuck, feel's so good, baby. So tight."
You moaned, feeling him deep inside you. Not as deep as Price would normally reach, but deep enough that his tip skimmed somewhere inside you that had your back arching He was thick, stretching your hole open around his girth, making you whine.
"Move, Johnny." You whispered, pleading.
You felt so full.
He obliged, beginning to rut into you like a man starved. He whimpered and whined, one hand kneading your thigh around his waist, the other gripping your hip and pulling you back onto him. His cock slammed into you, fucking your hole in a way that even made Price let out a groan.
"That feel good, love?" He asked, a puff of cigar smoke blowing across your bare body.
"Mhm." You nodded, unable to form a sentence as Soap fucked you.
Price fucked his fist, grunting around the shape of his cigar. The air was hazy around your head— or maybe it was the dizzy pleasure overtaking your brain and the thin ring of tears in your eyes. The noises that both Price and Soap were making made your stomach twist, butterflies coursing through you.
Price grunted, deep and earthy, tasting of smoke. Slick sounds followed as he continued to stroke his cock, his other hand coming to rest on the side of your face, rubbing your cheek with his thumb. A small ember from the tip of his cigar floated down and landed on your cheek. It burned slightly, but Price smoothed it away with his thumb. It made you moan.
Soap meanwhile was the complete opposite. No deep grunts or curses or anything like that. He had been reduced to a whimpering, whining mess. Each time his cock pressed deeper into you, he whimpered softly, often followed by a higher-pitched whine before he was moaning your name like a mantra. His breathing was rapid and uneven as he rutted his cock into your hole.
"Tell them how good you feel, Soap," Price grunted above you, and your eyes rolled as Soap hit a spot inside you that had your hole pulsing around him. Soap moaned breathlessly, now peppering wet kisses along your neck and chest. Price huffed, nudging Soap's leg with his foot. "Tell them, sergeant."
Soap whimpered. "Feels so good, baby, fuck. Such a t-tight hole, all for me."
"Careful..." Price grumbled, but Soap didn't seem to notice. Or maybe he just didn't care.
He had his sole focus on pumping his cock into you. Your body trembled beneath him, legs quivering against his hips. You were moaning softly, his name. Johnny, Johnny. He had been wanting this, craving this, for so fucking long. He could feel his orgasm building, but he wanted you to come first.
"You wanna come?" Soap whispered after sucking a dark splotch onto the base of your throat.
You nodded, chewing your lip as your body began to heat up. Price continued to pet your face, fist speeding up, cigar still hanging loosely from his lips.
"Go on then, baby. Come for me, please." Soap whispered, and you listened— your body spasming, back arching as you came.
Soap moaned loudly at the feeling of your hole squeezing his cock as your orgasm rolled over you. Price moaned too, thrusting up into his hand a couple more times before he came. Hot spurts fell past his fist, splattering your hair and cheek. You whimpered out and, breathing hard, he placed his cigar on the bedside table's ashtray, and smeared his cum across your cheek.
"S’all right, love, there you go." He muttered, admiring the way his seed painted the edges of your hair and the soft dips of your cheek and cheekbone.
Soap watched the exchange and whined deeply, the sound stretched out as his orgasm neared. He fucked into your tight hole with his eyes halfway open, pleasure making it difficult for him to open them fully. But he wanted to see you. See how pretty you looked when he came inside you.
"Fuck," he cursed. "M'gonna come— fuck— gonna come inside you, baby, just— ah, ngh— mmmfuck, baby, 'm gonna—"
"Not inside, MacTavish." Price growled, and this time Soap heard him, he just didn't give a fuck.
Soap shook his head. "M'gonna— please—"
You whimpered. "No, no... please, inside."
Price grit his teeth. "Fucks sake, don't—"
Soap came with a string of whimpers on his lips, your name falling across his tongue in a moan. He pumped you full, stretching your hole around his fat cock and filling you hot. You moaned, hands now running up and down Soap's back.
Soap's body dropped onto yours, cock still inside you, and he nuzzled his face into your neck as his breathing calmed. He gently kissed the skin, and you stroked his back, legs flopping off of his hips and laying either side of him, pressed against Price's.
"Good boy, Soap." You whispered, bringing a hand up to massage the back of his head.
He whined into your neck, and you smiled. Then, you looked up at Price, who was still stroking the side of your face, looking down at you with those pretty dark eyes.
"You 'right, love?" He asked.
You nodded, smiling, barely able to keep your eyes open. "Mhm..."
He patted your cheek gently, before he took a fistful of Soap's mohawk and lifted him from your neck. Both you and Soap gasped, and Price made the Scot look up at him.
"You're on cleaning duties for the next month, Soap," Price said simply. "Listen to me next time."
Soap scoffed, and Price let go of his hair. He immediately buried his face back into the curve of your shoulder, sucking gently on the bare skin.
After a moment, he mumbled: "So, there's going to be a next time?"
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gurugirl · 1 year
The Halloween Call | cop!harry
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can be read as standalone
Summary: Harry takes a call to check out the scene of crime at an old abandoned house, well known as the Slaughter House with a grim history.
A/N: You guys voted for a cop!harry update and so here you go! This one is a little different than the usual cop!harry one shots and is connected to an upcoming ghost!harry one shot to be posted later this month. This is a crossover of sorts where cop!harry responds to an emergency call at the haunted house that ghost!harry lives in. Hope you Enjoy!
Word Count: 3656
Warning: 18+ only, smut, mentions of death, murder, evil spirits, a seance, and Harry gets very spooked (nothing gruesome just mentions)
cop!harry masterlist
Something told Harry his day was going to be a strange one. Maybe it was because it was Halloween. He wasn’t sure where the feeling was coming from but he knew he needed to cuddle and love on Y/n before he left their house for work.
And of course that turned into Y/n grinding down over him with his cock deep inside of her with her palms flat on his pecs, tits in his face.
“Fuck, Harry!”
Harry’s tummy was already swirling with that thick, syrupy rippling that made his balls squeeze against his body. He held her hips and gritted his teeth, “Shit, baby. That feels so good…”
“Can I come? Oh god! Please?” Y/n’s face was screwed up as she inhaled a sharp breath, her orgasm about to spill out.
The bed rocked gently and every time Harry thrust up into her and their bodies pressed together, the squelching of wet sex sounded in their bedroom.
“Baby, come on my cock. Fuck, honey!” Harry closed his eyes. Only a couple more minutes and he could come. If he continued to stare up at his gorgeous girl grinding on his cock with her tits swaying and her lips all puffy and bitten he was sure he couldn’t last while she was coming and squeezing around his cock. He cherished the way it felt when she was orgasming and gripping him tight right before he’d allow himself to finally come.
“Yes! Fuck… Harry! I’m coming…” She moaned through her gasps and rocked over him when her orgasm snapped and she gushed in her release.
“Good girl… feels so good doesn’t it?” Harry whimpered his words with a shaky breath.
Her moans and whines and the slip of her walls over his shaft put him over the edge. He could no longer hold himself back as he pumped his orgasm into her tummy. He lifted his hips and held her down on his prick tightly as he coughed out a loud groan.
He had come so hard he nearly fell back to sleep after his body calmed but when he heard her giggling he opened his eyes. She was lying flat on his chest and looking up at him with her finger twirling a section of hair at his temple.
“What a perfect way to start the day.” She hummed and grinned at him.
Harry smiled and pinched her bottom, “Agreed.”
During Halloween, Harry was used to getting lots of domestic calls. Sometimes they were about the occult or someone being scared someone was in their house. Pranks were usually the culprit, but typically it wound up just being wild imaginations and a little too much weed and horror movies.
But today’s call was different. First of all, it had come quite early in the day. It wasn’t even 10:00 a.m. Usually, Halloween calls came when the sun was down. He turned on his lights and siren and safely raced down the neighborhood streets toward the house, famously known as the Slaughter House. A supposed haunted house long abandoned by its last occupants 55 years ago. Normally Harry didn’t investigate things of this nature but he was closest to the scene and could get there to secure the premises.
The call was for the homicide of 11 people. The woman who called 911 admitted to having been in the house and was hosting a séance. He was told she might be a little crazy and that backup was on the way but an officer already on the scene was with the girl so she didn’t run off.
Pulling up to the front he visually inspected everything, the neighbor’s yards, the street, the front of the house. Officer Danzel was with a young woman who looked distraught.
Looking at Danzel he asked, “Is this the woman who called in about the homicides? Cooper?”
“Yes, I’ve been trying to calm her down. She’s saying they held a 55-year anniversary séance inside that house. In the basement. If there are any bodies they’ll be there.”
The young woman looked up at Harry, “You won’t find any bodies. Or anything. The house took them. I saw it. It started off with us making contact quickly and then…” She looked down and inhaled sharply.
Danzel patted her back, “That’s okay, Cooper. He’s just gonna go in and take a look.”
The girl shook her head and reached for Harry’s arm, “But… you need more- more men. Don’t go in there alone. He… he’s still in there.”
Harry looked toward the house and couldn’t see any activity from where he stood in the street but he had a job to do regardless of how scary and gruesome the scene might be, though he doubted there would be anything based on the warning he was given about the Cooper’s mental state, he still had to check it out. Plus, he had a gun and was a trained policeman so any murderer would be put at a disadvantage very quickly.
“Okay. Thank you for telling me this, but I do need to check the premises and make sure whoever is in there doesn’t escape.”
“NO!” She shrieked and Harry widened his eyes. This young woman had really seen something that had her shaken up. “No! Officer, listen. This thing isn’t of this world. It’s not human. It’s… evil and it’s attached to the house. It was a séance! We were trying to speak to the innocent…” She backed away and put her hands in her hair and lowered her voice, “No one will ever believe me. Just please,” she looked back up at Harry, “Please don’t go in alone. I can…” she sniffed and looked at Danzel, “I’m not going anywhere. I can stay put here and you go in with him. Don’t let him go in alone.”
Now Harry was not a superstitious man. He didn’t believe in ghosts or anything supernatural like that at all. But the girl was scared out of her wits. She seemed genuinely concerned for him. And somehow he was feeling uneasy about the whole thing as well. He felt his adrenaline spike and a little scratchy something in his spine that had his hackles raised.
“There’s no need to worry. I’ll be in and out. Backup should be here to join me inside soon.”
The girl shook her head, “Officer. I know you don’t believe in evil or spirits but that house is full of them. And the one that’s conducting everything won’t be deterred by a gun. Sir, please-“
“That’s okay, Cooper.” He looked her over and then back to Danzel who had a telling look on his face. The man didn’t believe a word the girl had spoken.
She nodded and turned to look back at the house before Harry continued, “You’re right. I don’t believe in that but I believe that you think something very scary happened and I will be going in safely and soon I’ll have more help to join me.”
There was nothing she could say to deter Officer Styles and she knew it. But she tried and she figured that was going to have to be good enough. Hopefully, the other cops would be arriving soon.
The front of the house was all boarded up. The grass was overgrown, vines wound up the porch's banister. He walked to the side of the house and noticed a small piece of paper taped to the siding: The Séance Experience this way with an arrow pointing in the direction he was headed.
From what he could tell, every window and crack had been boarded up. The house was huge. Harry could only imagine what a property like this could fetch if someone fixed it up.
When he got to the back there was a small table with burnt-out candles and a box turned on its side that appeared to have been a spot to take money, though the box was empty.
Harry scanned the backyard and the fence that contained it. Not much different than the front. A huge oak in the middle with long grass all around, overgrown bushes, and patches where weeds were growing tall along the fence.
Turning back to the door, where boards had been carefully pried off he had a feeling that something bad was about to happen. He wasn’t a man who usually tapped into his gut feelings but something about it all wasn’t sitting right and that strange little scratch at the base of his spine began to rise and gave him goosebumps as he pushed the door open to enter.
He noted the door wasn’t closed. Which made sense based on the story Cooper had told him. She was obviously in a big hurry to get out of there.
Inside the house it was dark. The windows being boarded up didn’t let in much light and electricity was obviously shut off. Everything was dusty and quiet. As he walked deeper into the house, gun out in front, his finger in the safety position, he stepped quietly and observantly into the hallway off the kitchen looking both ways before continuing toward what appeared to be the front of the house.
The hair on the back of his neck rose when he felt a deep chill over his frame and his heart thundered wildly. He couldn’t hear anyone, nor could he see anything amiss.
The living room was empty, aside from old furniture covered with sheets. He turned back into the hallway and checked each room, all of which were empty and quiet. He knew the house had a basement and that’s where the séance was held so the basement would be his last stop.
Slowly he made his way up the old wooden stairs. The house must have been quite grand back in the day. Harry noted that it was in need of repair and love but the craftsmanship was stunning.
The first room he got to was a bedroom. Nothing. No one. The second bedroom was larger. The master suite possibly. He stepped into the room and paused when he saw something move but then breathed out in relief when he realized it was only his reflection in an old mirror atop a dresser.
The next room was a bathroom, then a hall closet, and then another room (so far Harry had counted five bedrooms). Like the other bedrooms, he opened the closet to check inside. Shining his flashlight in he saw a long brown wool coat hanging at the back. He reached for the coat to move it away so he could look at the back of the closet when suddenly the bedroom door slammed closed. He turned quickly, gun aimed at the door, and saw no one.
Harry was feeling his nerves prickle in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time. So far he’d seen nothing but this house gave him the serious creeps. And where was his backup? What was taking them so long?
Harry slowly made his way back to the door that had just been slammed and opened it to look into the hallway. Nothing. No one.
He sighed to catch his breath. Maybe it was a heavy draft that caused the door to slam. But that itchy scratchy feeling up his spine began to spread and he felt the tremble in his hands. He couldn’t stop it.
Looking back into the bedroom at the opened closet door he made the decision to leave it and head back downstairs to go into the basement. He really hoped his backup would have arrived by then so he didn’t have to go down into a dark basement where there was supposedly some kind of dark entity waiting for him. Not that he believed in any of that.
At the top of the stairs, Harry pulled out his radio to check it. He clicked the call button but the device didn’t even fuzz back at him. It was silent. It was dead.
“Just fucking great,” he mumbled as he hooked the radio back into his belt and descended the steps.
Going back into the kitchen and into the short hallway that led to a laundry room he stood before the closed basement door and inhaled a deep breath.
Placing his hand on the knob he hesitated. Cooper had nearly begged him not to go in alone. What if he never came out? What if there was something otherworldly down there? Something evil? Would Y/n think he’d abandoned her?
He shook his head and laughed at himself, “Don’t be a pussy.”
Twisting the knob and pulling the door open, he peered in and there was nothing but blackness staring back at him.
Clicking his flashlight back on and stepping in onto the landing he pointed his light down the stairs and around the area he could see as he began to slowly step down into the dark space.
As soon as his shoes hit the cement flooring at the bottom he heard something that sounded like scraping but could have been a mouse or small rodent. He adjusted his flashlight and turned it toward where he thought the sound was coming from but saw nothing.
And just like the rest of the house. There didn’t seem to be anyone around. Not only that, there was absolutely nothing alarming in the basement at all. It didn’t appear to have been a place where there were 11 people supposedly murdered. There was no table or chairs or candles. Harry imagined at least something that pointed to some people having been in there. But there was nothing.
The chill he felt when he first entered the house descended on him again. Only this time he felt it start from the top of his skull down to his toes. He turned the flashlight upward to check the ceiling, perhaps a vent was pulling cool air in, but it was just flat cement. The vent and connected pipes were across the room.
Harry cleared his throat and strained his eyes to follow the light but it was then he realized his flashlight was dimming slowly.
The scraping noise started again, this time from behind him. As he quickly turned toward the noise, which had grown louder and sounded like a metal chair being dragged across the damp cement flooring, his flashlight died.
Harry put his hands out and felt for the stair banister. He needed to get out of there. He’d have to wait for backup before getting deeper into the basement. His flashlight going out was his last straw.
When he found the banister, thankful for his natural sense of direction he gripped the metal and took one step at a time so he didn’t fall. He was shaky and his adrenaline was making his ears begin to ring.
But he was suddenly aware that the door to the basement was closed. He hadn’t heard the door shut but being that it was pitch black right where there should be some light coming in through the door, he knew someone had closed it.
And now the odd feeling he’d gotten on his way into the house, the chill, and the anxiety, had turned into something a lot like terror. He hastened his steps up the creaky wooden stairs and reached for his radio, pressing the call button over and over again to no avail. When he reached the landing and tried twisting the knob to open the door, it was jammed.
“Fuck!” He whispered to himself and continued yanking at the handle as he pressed the radio’s button to reach out to anyone.
“Fucking piece of shit!” He shoved the radio back into its loop and began to pound on the door, “Hey! An officer is locked in here! Hey!!”
Harry couldn’t think of a time he’d been so spooked in his life. He felt his life was in danger as he continued banging on the door and loudly calling to anyone who might have entered the house.
A whisper from his left had him swinging toward the noise. It sounded as if it had been whispered directly into his ear. He was in a full-on panic as he beat on the wooden door.
“Get out!” A guttural feminine scream came from behind him with a whoosh of air blowing around his body and toward the door. With a violent crack, the door blew open and Harry had never run so fast in his life as he darted into the kitchen and found the back door. The moment he stepped out into the backyard he saw Officer Davis and Lyle.
“Styles! You okay man?” Officer Lyle grasped him by his shoulders.
Harry was heaving breaths and, in that moment, felt as if he’d miraculously escaped death. Though he saw nothing, and most of what had happened would easily be brushed off by anyone he told, he was visibly frightened.
“Fuck. I don’t know. Something weird… I didn’t see anything. Just…” he caught his breath and shook his head, rethinking what he was going to say so they didn’t think he was insane, “House is clear but the basement might need a thorough search. My flashlight died down there so I couldn’t finish. I’m gonna go check on the girl.”
He was still shaking as he walked toward his squad car. The girl was sitting in the back of Danzel’s car with the door open and her feet out on the curb as he approached. Danzel was leaning his bottom into the hood of his car on his cell phone. He felt his heart rate pulsing heavily. Everything that had just happened was intense. Something he’d never forget.
He walked toward the pair at Danzel’s car and leaned down to look at Cooper.
“You’re white as a ghost,” the young lady spoke as she took in his face.
“The house is definitely creepy. But I didn’t see anything in any of the rooms.” He wanted to tell her more but he still hadn’t even wrapped his own mind around what had just happened.
“But surely you couldn’t have checked the whole house and all those rooms? You’ve only been gone for like,” she looked toward the clock on Danzel’s dash and pointed at it, “three minutes.”
Harry stood up and looked back at the house. Three minutes? How was that possible? He had been in there for at least 15 minutes checking and clearing each room.
“Something happened to you in there, didn’t it? To everyone outside of that house, you were only in there for three minutes. But to you, it must have felt like much longer.”
Harry nodded pensively but decided to not respond to her comment, “Just wait her a sec.”
He walked to the front of the car to follow up with Danzel before getting the fuck out of there. Danzel ended his call quickly, “See anything?”
Harry shook his head, “Nothing. But the house is definitely… it’s creepy.”
Danzel nodded and hummed, “You think she made it up?”
“I…” Harry took a deep breath and shook his head. “No. I don’t think she’s lying. I know this might sound crazy but some really weird shit happened to me in there just now. Things I don’t think I can really explain or wrap my mind around at this moment. But she’s really shaken up and I believe her. Plus we have 11 other names we can follow up on if they wind up missing.”
“But there are no bodies in the house? No blood or any weapons?”
Harry sighed and shook his head, “No. Nothing like that. I think this is something that you and I won’t be able to understand. Like…” he scratched the back of his neck, “… evil or some shit. Not that I believe in any of that, but… I don’t know.”
He noted that Danzel had given him a look of pause before pushing himself from the hood of his car, “Okay. Well, we’ll get her official statement. Once Davis and Lyle get out of there we’ll have someone back out and secure the door, make sure no one can enter easily.”
Harry nodded and waved at Danzel as he walked away before turning back once more to look at the girl. She wasn’t lying. There was nothing to back up what she had said but he knew something had happened.
Harry sat in his car for a moment taking deep breaths to calm himself. He needed a moment to breathe and collect himself. He closed his eyes and thought of Y/n. She always calmed him and made him feel safe and warm.
He picked up his cellphone and dialed her number. She picked up on the first ring.
“Baby? How are you?” He asked, already feeling better hearing her little hello when she answered the phone.
“Doing good. Just… Are you okay, Harry?” She always knew when he was upset somehow. He couldn’t explain it. Maybe it was in his voice? He didn’t know how she was so good at picking up his subtle changes but she was.
He opened his eyes and looked back at the house as he started up his car, “I’m okay. Just… Missed you. Wanted to hear your voice.”
He could hear her shuffling around, “Did something happen, baby? I’m worried–“
“I’m okay, Y/n. Just had a weird day. I’ll tell you all about it when I get home.”
Harry drove away from the house and felt his body settle and his mind quiet the further he got. He didn’t know if he’d ever tell anyone what happened in that house except for Y/n. She was the only one he felt safe to tell. She might not understand but he couldn’t say he even understood it himself. All he knew was that whatever was in that house was evil and there was nothing the whole police force could do to stop it.
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soapybutt17 · 6 months
Lost In Ikea
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Summary: John was a patient man, but he had his limits. That includes having to navigate his way around a maze you called IKEA and the impossibility of having to put the bloody bed together—his patience was even shorter after being interupted twice and a broken bed as an aftermath. Character: John Price x F!Wife!Reader. OC Daughter (Katherine Price) Word Count: 1,066 Chapter Warnings: General Chaos. John gets cockblocked twice. Unedited. Lol. Author's Note: for @glitterypirateduck;s O'Captain! Challenge Scenarios:
4. Lost In IKEA 55. Someone gets walked in on (doesn't have to be sexual) 89. Shopping for a new bed.
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The frown has marred John’s face the moment he had placed the car on park and he was greeted by the annoying blue and yellow signage. It still confused him to no end why you insist on buying a bed in IKEA when he could make one himself.
“Are you excited to go to IKEA?” The gentle baby talk lingered besides him as he turned towards you whose attention was solely on your six month old daughter on the car seat.
It was another special occasion for the three of you aside from buying a new bed for them, you had also decided that it was time to invest on some more furniture and decoration for the baby’s bed.
John grumbled under his breath as he reluctantly got out of the car, following his wife as you handed him the sling carrier to carry your daughter. Without another word, he placed his daughter onto the carried on his chest and was greeted with the lovely grumble of his pride and joy.
“You’re the only thing keeping me sane now, Love.” He whispered gently kissing on top of her head before following his wife through the towering blue and yellow entrance.
The sprawling maze of Scandinavian furniture loomed before him like a daunting labyrinth, and he could help but feel a surge of irritation bubbling within him. Why can his wife just allow him to make the bloody bed or more specifically fix the one they had broken last night instead?
“Can’t we just order online like normal people?” John muttered to himself, his voice barely audible over the chatter of shoppers around. He honestly hated being surrounded by people and having to act hyper vigilant because of it.
You turned to him in amusement, but a sympathetic glance lingered, you know all too well his disdain for crowded stores and aimless browsing. But you also know him enough to know he hated online shopping just as much.
“Come on, John. We’re just here for the bed and some decorations for Katherine’s bed.” You tried your best to reassure him.
But as you three continued to venture deeper into the seemingly endless aisles, John’s frustration only intensified. Every turned seemed to lead to yet another showroom, each meticulously staged to showcase the latest in minimalist design. He couldn’t help but scoff at the idea of spending hours wandering through fake living rooms and bedrooms.
"This is ridiculous," John grumbled, scanning the maze of shelves for any sign of escape. "How can anyone enjoy this?"
You chuckled rubbing his bearded cheek before kissing him on the cheeks, knowing there was only one way to placate him and his stormy mood.
“How about this,” You began pulling him towards one of the less populated showrooms. “How about once we’re finished with shopping for the bed and decorations, we can bring Katherine to your parents’ house for a few days so we could handle fixing the bed and redesigning Katherine’s room?” You wiggled your brows knowingly.
John was slowly cracking at the proposition.
“Three days. One day for creating that bloody bed and two days of whatever I want.” He proposed.
“How about a week and we fly your parents and Katherine to Disneyland?” You offered.
“Deal.” John shook your hands sealing the deal and your fate for the weak.
Even with the deal in place, John could not hide his annoyance. Meandering through the store, his annoyance grew with each passing moment especially when you three had found yourself walking in circles for a couple of times. The endless stream of shoppers, the blaring announcements over the intercom, and the overwhelming array of choices left him feeling claustrophobic and irritable.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity and the growing irritable baby on his chest, they had reached the checkout line with their items at hand. John let out a sigh of relief, eager to finally escape the chaos of the store.
“We are never setting foot in an IKEA again.” John muttered to you as soon as you three had exited.
“I hope you keep your word and keep the bed sturdy.” You pointed out knowingly.
John rolled his eyes, not wanting to remember the reason behind the broken bed in the first place.
Last Night
“Get out!”
John was close to a coronary at this point. It was the third time tonight that someone had interrupted him with his wife and he was ready to shoot anyone else that would try barging into his bedroom without bloody knocking.
“I told you to lock the bedroom door.” You giggled finding the whole thing amusing. Even with you barely clothed at this point just as much as him, you were barely affected by the fact that Gaz had seen the two of you almost having sex.
John had wished he had never brought the three to his home, he had wished no one knew about their relationship, and he had wished that his wife was not so hospitable as you were right now even after the incident that had now become a common occurrence when everyone was off base.
If only he could turn back time.
“If I had known that those Muppets didn’t know how to knock I would have.” He muttered, the mood now dampened with annoyance of being interrupted.
“Just lock the door and fuck me already.” You giggled, nudging him with your foot and he somehow sprang back to life at that.
Wasting no time, he got up and locked the door before jumping right back into devouring you. You were a giggling mess as he began to strip you of what remained of your clothes.
Even before John could begin, the sound of Soap’s laughter and the crying that came soon after from their daughter had finally sealed the deal that the moment was ruined permanently for the night.
“Bloody fucking hell.” John couldn’t help himself from cursing as you burst into fits of laughter as you stood up and slid on your night robe and opened the door to tend to your crying daughter and attempt to scold Soap from keeping it down.
Slumping his full body into the bed in frustration, the last thing John would have ever expected to happen was for the bed to give out under him further sealing his fate for the night.
“God fucking damn it.”
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munsonsprincess11111 · 8 months
My fucking rockstar.
Rockstar eddie munson x reader
Summary: the paparazzi are all over Eddie and his new mysterious girlfriend that they've never seen. However they have seen her Eddie and her have just kept there relationship well hidden.
Laying in bed on Eddie's chest. His breathing is calm. His arm around your waist. And holding your hand. He has an award thing later and wants you to go. Are you anxious as this would be your first thing like this even though you've been dating for years before Eddie was even famous? Yes.
People recently discovered you as Eddie's girlfriend when someone saw you both having coffee and holding hands took pictures and posted them. Eddie stirs awake groaning.
"Morning sweet thing." HE says kissing your head.
You smile up at him brushing the stray curls out his face. "Ready for your first award thing n being my hot date everyone's gonna be jealous of?" HE says smirking. You nod.yiur nervous but it'll be OK as long as your with Eddie.
Eddie looks at the cock snd it read 12:55. "Fuck we really should get up weve gotta be there by five n the car gets here at 4." HE groans running a hand over his face. You get out of bed grabbing Eddie's hand and pull him up into sitting. Once he's sat up you let his hand go and he throws himself back on the bed.
"Suit yourself I'm gonna go shower..." You say walking out of your bedroom into the on suite bathroom. When Eddie hears the water Eddie gets up quickly drops his boxers in your bedroom and runs into the bathroom getting in the shower with you kissing you from behind making you jump.
Your pulling up to the award show. Eddie's holding your hand. "You'll be fine ok. I aint going anywhere n plus we've got a table of us 2 n the other three boys. That's it." HE says trying to reassure you kissing you softly.
The car stops and Eddie opens the door getting out. Cameras going off immediately. He turns and puts his hand to you. You take it and get out the car. People gasp when he's seen with you. Eddie being Eddie kisses you on the lips giving the cameras what they want before putting his arm over your shoulder and walking in. You hold his hand that's over your shoulder and smile at Eddie's actions knowing he doesn't care n he will show love to you cameras or not.
As you enter the event Eddie throws his middle finger back at the cameras with arm that isn't around you.
Eddie woke up hung over in bed. They won the award but he had a bit much to drink. He saw you on your phone when he woke up. "U OK?" You look over asking him. He nods. And then shakes his head getting up and getting to the bathroom. He sits by the toilet and throws up.
You walk in after him holding his hair back for him. Eddie eventually stops throwing up and sits against the sink. You hand him some pain relief and some water for him to take.
"Anyone posted anything about us last night?" Eddie askes eyes closed.
"OH yeah people have said stuff. Good stuff some bad but mainly good. And people have found my tiktok account and-" You speak but Eddie cuts you off.
"HANG on they found your account the one with all the posts of our karaoke nights. Us being us. N stuff. By a picture." Eddie askss opening one of his eyes.
You nod at Eddie. "If u want me to take the posts down I can." Eddie cuts you off as you speak.
"NO keep em up its us being us n besides there's nothing bad on there." Eddie says smiling at you. "Just means people can see how much I love you."
You nod and help Eddie get back to bed. And you lay there together watching rhe videos on your accounts and seeing what people say.
(Video 1)
Caption: this mane istg
Your running through the hallways of your house screaming while Eddie's chasing you.
"Come hereeeee." Eddie shouts.
"Fuck off Eddie." You shout back laughing.
"Sweethearttttt" he shouts approaching.
"NO NO NO NO NO Eddie!" You scream as he grabs you. You drop your phone but from its place on the floor Eddie can be seen spinning around holding you.
(Video 2)
Caption: lead singer of corroded coffins lead singer singing love is an open door from frozen with his girlfriend? Nah never.
The tvs on karaoke mode and you and Eddie are both holding mics.
"I mean its crazy."
"We finish eachothers."
"That's what I was gonna say."
"I've never met someone who think so much like me."
"I've never met someone who think so much like me."
"Jinx. Jinx again."
"Jinx. Jinx again."
"Wow Eddie who knew you was such a frozen fan." Gareth laughs behind the camera.
Eddie laughs. "Fuck off Emerson." HE says putting his arm around you. "LOVE IS AN OOEN DOOOOOOR." HE screams before the video cuts off.
(Video 3)
Caption: the right way to wake up a rockstar.
The video starts with you opening your bedroom door snd Eddie being asleep in bed.
"It's 12:33 pm. This bitch can wake up." You giggle.
Your in your bikini as its summer and was hot. Then you jump on Eddie. He groans and opens his eyes. "Afternoon." You say smirking at him. He looks at your phone and pretends to roll his eyes. "OH my god it actually is." HE says when he sees the time.
"Wanna come in the pool?" You ask laying on top of him.
"I'd rather come in something else but I guess I can." HE says smirking. You slap his arm. And get up. "You dirty bitch. I'm going to the pool. Meet you there." You say walking off.
"Babe wait-" he says as the video cuts.
(Video 4.)
Caption: date night?
The video starts om Eddie looking at a menu.
"Wow its so quiet." You giggle. Eddie looks up at you and smirks. "Cause I rented the private bit so we could eat and not get seen." Eddie says looking at the menu.
"Your just that good looking you don't want anyone to see huh?" You ask still recording Eddie.
"NO babe. You so good looking I DINT want anyone to see. That means sharing." HE smirks.
You giggle. "I love you." HE says looking at you Not the camera. "I love you too." It can't been seen hut your smiling and it can be heard in your voice.
There are other videos of you lip syncing songs Eddie in the back some even in bed with Eddie half awake. More karaoke nights some from the side of the stage at there shows. All having thousands of likes and comments.
Your most recent one is the most viral as you actually tag Eddie.
(The video)
Caption: munson wasted.
The video is the corroded coffin boys and you before and after the award show.
"I'm y/n n this is my first drink."
"I'm Eddie munson n this is my first drink."
"I'm Gareth Emerson and this is my first ans possibly last drink."
"I'm Jeff this is my first drink."
"I'm doug n this is my first drink."
At the end of the night.
"I'm y/n and this is me at te end of the night 2 shots and 2 glasses of champagne later."
"I'm Gareth and this is me one glass of champagne later."
"It's doug and this is my 3 coke and vodkas and a glass of champagne later."
"Jeff and I've had 3 champagnes."
Then the camera went to Eddie who had a goofy smile on his face looking at you. Jess was recording. "GO in ed" You say laughing Jeff making sure to get you both in. "Your really fucking pretty. You know that. Pretty gal." HE says completely drunk.
"He's Eddie munson and he is fucking wastedddd." Gareth says everyone starts laughing. "GUYS can you bring ir down I think ym head might fall off." Eddie laughs
"HUH WHAT WAS THAT?" Gareth shouts. Eddie glares at him still smirking.
One week later.
"Babe!" Eddie shouts as you walk in.
"Yeah?" You say slipping your shoes off. He come running over.
"I saw the video of you out when u got asked questions." HE says smiling.
"Did I answer ok?" You ask confused.
"Yeah just one thing." HE says smiling.
"What?" You ask.
The lady had asked you many questions but one answer stood out to him.
"Remind me what am I again?" HE smirks.
"My fucking rockstar babe." You say laughing.
He throws you over his shoulder and walks you to our bedroom throwing you on the bed. "Well lemme tell you something I'm about to rock your world so hard you'll be seeing stars." HE says kissing your neck leaving noticeable marks.
Later that evening you and Eddie go for a late night walk. Some people saw you both and got pictures obviously. When you opened your phone the next day you gasped and called Eddie's name. He came running a summing something was wrong snd you showed him the picture. You was wearing a low cut crop top and Eddie's sweat pants. And he was wearing a black tee shirt and a pair of his sweatpants.
But that means your neck was on display with all the marks Eddie left fully viewable. The photo was captioned: y/n seems to be enjoying Eddie's guitar skills when there alone. Eddie can't help but start laughing. Pulling you in for a hug still laughing.
"I love you so fucking much." HE says still laughing kissing your neck Iver one of the marks. You groan and hug him back puttingyour head in his chest. "I love you too dumbass."
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After an $80K price cut, the 1866 Philip Chapin house is under contract for $595K in New Hartford, Connecticut. 5bds, 3ba. This historic home is a bargain. And, look at that belvedere on top.
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This home has been meticulously maintained and preserved.
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Sitting room #1 is magnificent. It's simple, but the gold accent gives it all the glitz it needs. I'm sure that the light fixtures are all original.
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Sitting room #2 has a lovely built-in cabinet, plus a beautiful fireplace.
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Details of the fireplace.
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This room, also with an original fireplace, is used as a family/TV room.
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The dining room feels transported back in time. Not sure why the wallpaper is peeling off, though.
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This is the most incredible kitchen I've seen in a vintage home, b/c it's not a modern renovation. It's almost looks original.
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The primary bedroom has a beautiful bed alcove.
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And, look at this bath. Flawless combination of old and new. Love that sink.
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This secondary bedroom looks like a time capsule. Look at the cute little sink in the corner.
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This zinc tub must be original.
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The 3rd bedroom is also amazing and has a corner sink, as well.
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How great is this? We're up in the belvedere and it lights up via this original lamp.
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In the basement is an extensive wine cellar with a loose brick floor.
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You can see the lamp thru the window of the belvedere.
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The exterior architectural details on this home are exquisite.
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And, it also has the original carriage house on 2 acres of land.
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wanderingsimsfinds · 9 months
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WanderingSims Fave CC - Clutter Pt. 2 List
1 - Art Vitalex - Mid Century Modern Neil Vases (TSR)
2, 16 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 novvvas Desierto Bedroom (Desenio Poster Vertical V2 & Vases)
3, 48 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 PsychicPeanutKitty January Clutter (Lamp Globe & Books)
4 - Kelly&Co - Scandi Wall Shelf
5 - simstiful - Incipit Console
6 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Sundays-sims Umalas Cermic Jar A-D
7, 57 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 novvvas MidCentury Modern Living Room (The Poster Club Square V2 & The Poster Club Horizontal V2)
8 - Onyx - Excelsior Reed Diffuser (TSR)
9 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Sundays-sims Raventons Dunes Set Vase A-B
10 - Onyx - Diego Painting Frame (TSR)
11, 14, 44 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 PsychicPeanutKitty May N3 (Small Vase, Wall Clock, Books)
12 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Sundays-sims Raventons Oken Set Glass Vase A
13 - Art Vitalex - Glen Mirror
15 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Sundays-sims Conversion Set 4 Ceramic & Wood Vase
17 - Kale House - 4t3 MXIMS Menu Afteroom Coat Hanger with Gallery Bag
18-19, 23 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Sims-KKB One Room Set 6 (Cupboard, Books V1-V6, Files)
20 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Pinboxdesign Ceduna Set Cupboard
21-22 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 novvvas Kirsal Set Part 2 (Candle A & B)
24 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 novvvas Boho Deco Vase 1
25 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Sundays-sims Berawa Set Candle V2
26 - Over-waxedBanister - 4t3 Slox Bojo Shelves
27 - kitty-pixelz - hyschool book sv2
28-29, 33-34 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Sundays-sims POP Set (Candle for Box, Candle B, A, D)
30 - Ameriko-Steelie - 4t3 Mechtasims Back To School Textbook
31, 37 - breadcrumbssims3 - Cosy Academia Books 2-3
32 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Kaihana Onyx Set Decorative Box Candle
35 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 novvvas Kirsal Set Part 3 Candle Tray
36 - Over-waxedBanister - 4t3 MXIMS Soy Candle
38 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Leosims Free September 2023 Content Venus Books
39 - deggdegg - Kanken 1-3
40, 42-43, 45-47 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 novvvas Rahat Set (Leaning Poster, Candle Box, Candle Closed, Décor, Jewelry Plate, Jewelry Holder)
41 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 KerriganHouseDesigns Ralph Lauren Hurricane Candle
49 - Mutske - Aria Study 6 Books (TSR)
50 - Over-waxedBanister - 4t3 Gleamer Isobel Wall Shelf
51 - Onyx - Gibsonton Pillow Storage (TSR)
52-53 - SimsDeoGloria - 4t3 Pierism Oak House Large Leather Shelf & Narrow Leather Shelf
54-55 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 MintyJinx VHS Set (Player & Player with Items)
56 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 MeinKatz Platform Tray by Muuto
58 - LemyLou - Curtains Eyelet Long, Mid, Short
59 - kriss - Savoy Curtains L&R Sheer & Tieback Versions (TSR)
60 - SimsDeoGloria - 4t3 Pierisim Oak House Part 1 Dining Room (Curtains Large & Low)
211 notes · View notes
vxntagedior · 1 year
drunken love affair
summary | college frat wedding
pairing | frat boy!james potter x fem!reader
warning | fluff, drinking, everyone is drunk, james is drunk and in love
word count | 2.2k
Joining a frat was not James’s first thought when he started university, let alone becoming frat president. Always making sure to put his studies first, members of the frat noticed how disconnected James had become from everyone. 
Into his freshman year, second semester was when he had met you. It was 7:55 and James was still half asleep, not having enough time to get some coffee or any caffeine for that matter before leaving for his first class of the day. 
James wasn’t a morning person, but the 8am class was the only offering and he needed to take the class. 
Blinking his eyes rapidly to wake himself up, you could probably still see the sleep marks on his face and his bedhead was evident. So when you had sat down next to him, James was not prepared. 
Hearing shuffling next to him, James looked over to see the most beautiful girl on campus. First of all, he couldn’t believe how put together you were for it being so early, and how you smelled like peaches. James stared linger, surprisingly looking because you hadn’t looked his away.
He tore his gaze away from you when the professor started the lecture, introducing them before asking everyone to turn to a neighbor and introduce themselves.
“Hi.” Hearing your melodic voice, James smiled softly, turning towards you, “I’m Y/n, first year.”
“James.” He replied groggily, his morning voice still evident, “Also a first year.”
Walking into the house, each of the pledges greeting you immediately. You always giggled at the antics of the pledges, the boys desperate to join and were willing to do anything. James and the rest of the brothers were not cruel like some of the other frats on campus, there were bad things here and there but you remembered waking up to over 30 text messages on your birthday, one from each of the pledges. 
Saying hello to the rest of the brothers, you made your way up to James’s room, knocking on the door before entering. 
Frowning, you noticed how James was in the same spot he was in when you had left earlier that morning for your class.
“James, did you go to class today?” It was into the evening, the sun starting to set soon. As spring came, the days became longer and you were sure that James was probably sitting at his desk for at least 8 hours. 
“No, I need to finish this report.” He muttered towards you, barely sparing you a glance. You knew there wasn’t anything you could do to pull him away from his work. Sighing to yourself, you set down your stuff, pressing a kiss to his temple before heading back downstairs. 
Sirius could see the defeated look on your face when you went into the kitchen, starting to make him something to eat knowing he probably didn’t eat the entire day. 
“You alright there Y/n/n?” Sirius questioned. 
“Yeah, I’m fine, just worried about James.” You whispered, leaning against the counter, “He’s overworking himself, and you know how he gets it, I just need to find something to get him out of his head.”
Saying nothing more, you left with a plate heading back upstairs leaving Sirius in the kitchen. Keeping your words in his head, it was like the lights in his head switched on. 
Running like a maniac around the house, all the brothers and pledges not even sparing a glance to him, a normal occurrence. 
Remus being the social chair had been a running joke because of how anti-social he looked when you first met him. 
“I have…an idea.” Sirius held onto Remus’s bedroom door frame, doubled down, the other hand on his knee as he caught his breath. “We should have a wedding.”
Remus’s eyes widened, “Sirius we’ve only been together for 6 months, it’s-”
“Not for us.” Sirius interrupted, “For James and Y/n.”
“I don’t think either of them want that either.” Remus answered. 
“Not like a real wedding, well yes a wedding but James has been in a funk and we haven’t held a social in a while, invite the other frats and sororities and fake marry James and Y/n.”
Remus just sat with the thought for the moment, before he wanted to protest, Sirius beat him to it.
“Don’t say no, I know you think it is a good idea.” Sirius defended himself. Before Remus could even answer his boyfriend, Sirius had already left the room. 
Sirius didn’t bring the idea up to you, hoping it would be a surprise so when James ‘proposed’, you’d give a real reaction. 
Finally taking time away from his work, James thought the timing was perfect because of your anniversary that was coming up, he wanted to make it special. Luckily going to school in the city, he was surrounded by higher end jewelry stores. 
James spent days trying to find you the perfect ring. It wasn’t just some fake wedding ring he was looking for, but a promise ring. James knew from the moment he met you that he never wanted to let you go. 
After looking for almost a week now, James was defeated, he had lost hope and along with that had gone to almost every shop within a 5 mile radius. 
Finishing up with class and heading into the city for lunch, James was trying to come up with some idea of what to do when he walked past it. 
He froze on the street, the people around him a little annoyed that he didn’t keep going. He stared into the window of the shop, looking at the ring on display. Going into the shop, he didn’t spare any more time before buying the ring. 
The velvet box was in his pocket when he arrived back at the house, sending out a text to Sirius to get enough roses for each pledge to have one. 
The brothers and pledges worked the rest of the afternoon until you arrived, helping James with his proposal. 
Getting out of the lab, it was well past your dinner time, you were sore from standing for hours, working with lab partners who were not making it any easier. You wanted to see James, eat dinner and go to bed. 
Upon entering the house, you felt something off. The house looked cleaner and smelled nice, and though the main lights were never turned on, the color of the lights were different. 
Turning the corner towards the main part of the house, you were met with a tunnel of pledges.
“For you.” The first one said, offering you the rose. From there each pledge handed you a rose as you continued towards the main living room. 
Soon as the pledges ended, it turned into brothers, the ones you were closest with, ending with Remus and Sirius handing you a rose. 
Turning back to the main living room, you noticed how the lights were dimmed and there were candles everywhere, and James standing in the middle.
“Jamie, what is this?” You smiled, the bouquet of roses still in your hand. 
“I’ve been busy lately and Sirius thought we needed something for a social event, and then what better than a wedding.” James laughed. You stared at your boyfriend in shock as he got down on one knee. 
He just laughed quietly to himself before looking back up at you, “Will you marry me?”
“Of course you numb nuts.” You laughed getting down on your knees with him, letting him slide the ring onto your ringer, before kissing him. 
All the boys cheered, as James wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you to the ground. Shrieking, you tightened your arms around James as he kissed you again. 
“We’re getting married.” You smiled, resting your forehead against his.
“Yes we are.”
Dressed in white surrounded by girls from other sororities with all sorts of drinks everywhere. The entire house was plastered, the brothers making sure you and James don’t see each other until the ceremony. 
“Shot!” Marlene yelled out, passing around shooters to everyone before handing the last one to you, “To the bride!”
The rest of the girls echoed their words, just you smiled at the antics of her before drinking. Your face scrunched up at the taste, knowing you weren’t drunk enough to be taking shots. 
“Oh isn’t this exciting.” Dorcas expressed. Her and Marlene had deemed themselves as your ‘bridesmaids’, trying to make it seem as real as possible.
“You ready Y/n/n?” Sirius peeked his head inside. The rest of the girls scrambled out of the room while Marlene helped you with the veil while Dorcas was getting out a stain from your dress already. 
“Quit it you two.” You gasped, “Everyone here is drunk, no one is going to notice a small stain.”
Gladly accepting Sirius’s hand, you let him guide him out to the backyard. Slipping his hand into his pants pocket he pulled out a flask, offering it towards you. 
“To clear your last minute jitters.” He smirked. You just smiled, taking the flask and taking a sip. 
Coming outside, you just laughed seeing everyone in the audience practically screaming for you as Sirius walked you down the aisle. Seeing James at the altar who was probably cheering the loudest out of everyone. 
Finally reaching him, you grabbed his hand as he helped you up to him. Not being able to contain himself, James’s hands were placed on your cheeks as he pulled you towards him. 
“Not yet!” Remus rolled his eyes, pulling James away from you. He just pouted, kissing the tip of your nose before pulling away and reaching for your hands. 
“Alright alright,” Remus yelled out, his voice going over everyone else's, “We are gathered here today for the union of James Potter and Y/n L/n.”
You and James drowned out Remus’s voice as the two of you looked at each other. As much as this was fake, you could imagine the two of you actually getting married. 
“If there is anyone who believes that these two shouldn’t be together, speak now or forever hold your peace.” Remus spoke. 
Just as one of pledges went to object, something Sirius pushed him to do for a laugh, James glared down at the pledge.
“Parker, you better not say a single word.” James yelled. The pledge nodded, before looking back down. 
Smiling, you covered your hand over your mouth to conceal your laugh. 
“Well then, by the power invested in me, I pronounce the two of you husband and wife, you can now kiss your bride.”
Wrapping his arms around your waist, James pulled you down, dipping you down as he kissed you. Wrapping your arms around his neck to stabilize yourself, you pushed him closer towards you. 
Pulling you back up, James smiled, fixing your hair and kissing you once more. 
Dragging you down the aisle, he smiled with the rest of his brothers as he brought you back inside the house. 
You just stood in the kitchen he maneuvered around, grabbing two champagne glasses and a bottle of champagne you didn’t know he even had. 
“For the bride.” James offered you a glass. Clinking your glass against his, you took a sip. 
“We’re married.” You whispered, smiling, knowing the moment was going to be ruined in a mere seconds. 
“Yes we are.” James kissed your forehead. 
“Let’s get drinking!” Sirius yelled coming back inside. You just smiled, pecking his lips before joining everyone else. 
Music was blasting through the speakers, the social now just turning into a party. You and James were together the entire night, just matching each other with drinks, but having a higher tolerance than James, you weren’t as drunk as him. 
“Hello, hello.” James grabbed the microphone from the dj booth, “I’d like to make an announcement.
Thank you to everyone who came tonight to witness a beautiful moment between me and Y/n, I got to marry the love of my life tonight and even though it wasn’t real, it was real to me.”
Though he was drunk, you could hear the sincerity in his voice, just smiling softly at his drunken antics. 
“And have a drink, and enjoy the night.” He finished out his speech. All the brothers cheered for him as he left the dj booth and returned his way back to you. 
“Hello love.” He smiled, pulling you into him, your cheek squished against his. 
“Jamie,” You giggled, “you’re drunk.
“In love.” He retorted. You just shook your head, wrapping your arms around him to keep him stabilized. 
“Alright husband, let’s get you some water.” You pulled him into the kitchen, leaning him against the counter. 
Turning away from him, you didn’t notice the look James was giving you, his eyes full of love, a smile on his face. 
“What?” You asked, seeing him looking at you. 
“You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and you’re all mine.” He smiled, taking the glass of water from you. Smiling, you kissed his cheek, staying in his arms. 
“Yeah?” You asked.
“Of course.” He drunkenly babbled, “Gonna be with you forever and ever.”
“Forever and ever.”
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joelswritingmistress · 6 months
You Scare Me, Professor: Chapter 55
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Summary: The reader is taking graduate classes at a local university in the wooded upstate New York. She is drawn to her professor, Dr. Joel Miller, though she is also inherently aware that he has something dark about him that she can't quite put her finger on. As the reader's attraction grows deeper, she has to decide whether to endure the danger or run away as fast as possible. 
Pairing: Professor Joel Miller x f!reader 
I think I fell asleep from exhaustion. I must have. I awoke on the oversized couch in the main living room covered with a pair of fleece blankets, stiff as a board. My neck hurt, my side ached and for just a second I had one of those, ‘where am I’ moments.
Was all of that a dream? No. It wasn't. The events of the weekend were a waking nightmare.
I sat up slowly and looked around. Another overcast day peered in through the window, extending its shades of gray through the castle walls. It's like the world knew of the tragedy that had just struck, and it set the stage accordingly.
“Joel?” I rose to my feet and set the blankets down before rounding into the kitchen. It was vacant. My eyes scanned the room wall-to-wall before I continued on into the billiards room and then finally into the small library.
There, in an oversized chair in the corner of the room, Dr. Miller sat slouched in a bathrobe with his eyes closed and a family photo album opened across his lap. On the small table beside him was a half-empty cup of black coffee.
I hurried to get close enough to him, eying the part of his chest that peaked out from the robe. When I witnessed his breaths heave in and out I could relax again. After the events of the night before I wasn't ruling anything out.
Before I could go to retrieve the blankets he had covered me with overnight on the couch, Dr. Miller’s eyes flickered open and he stood up abruptly, sending the picture book to the floor.
“Hey, it's me,” I assured him with my hands up, “Hey, I'm sorry. It's just me. I didn't know where you were and I found you here.”
Dr. Miller took a deep breath and slowly sat back down, reaching for the album as he did. He closed his eyes and put a hand over his chest.
“I didn't mean to scare you,” I said.
“You didn't. I..” His voice trailed off and he shook his head. “I didn't know where I was for a second.”
When his eyes met mine I could see the dark circles beneath his eyes. It appeared as though he hadn't slept in weeks.
“I'm sorry, Joel.” I walked to him and ran a hand over the top of his head before kissing his forehead. “I'm so sorry.”
“I bet you're wishing you took Psychology with some other professor,” he joked without laughing.
“No.” The one word came out in a voice just barely above a whisper. I hugged him against my chest. “I would never wish for that.”
I parted from him and squatted down beside him. My hand rested on top of his on the arm of the chair. When he didn't say anything I spoke again.
“Did you get any sleep?”
Dr. Miller pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. “I don't know when I dozed off.”
My eyes landed on the cup of coffee for just a half-a-second. I wondered how many cups he’d had or if he made that one when he was on his last leg.
I squeezed his hand, causing his tired eyes to open once more. “Come on.” I gave a gentle tug now, “Let’s go upstairs.”
He didn’t argue. I don’t even think he had it in him to. Dr. Miller set the photo album in the chair and let me lead him out of the room.
“Do you want to bring that?” I asked, but he shook his head and made the trek with me through the house, up the stairs and finally into the comfort of the bedroom.
I shut the door and locked it. Despite being tucked away in the woods upon a hill behind steel gates, that last click of the lock sliding into place assured absolute seclusion. I, then, pulled the curtains to darken the room.
Dr. Miller cloaked the covers around him, not bothering to ditch the robe. He pulled the covers up toward his chin and glanced over his shoulder when I climbed in beside him, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind. The side of my face rested on his clothed back and I closed my eyes with an accompanied sigh.
I felt Dr. Miller pull his knees up toward his chest as he laid on his side. His icy foot grazed my calf when he moved and I pulled my body in tighter to his.
“It’s only a matter of time,” Dr. Miller mumbled.
“Only a matter of time until what?” I whispered.
“Until you decide to leave.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” My fingers squeezed his and I arched my neck enough to leave a kiss just below his earlobe. “I’m here, Joel. For you. Always.” I nuzzled back down so my cheek rested between his shoulder blades. “Now, get some rest. You’ve been through so much.”
“So have you.”
“I know.” I inhaled and exhaled deeply. “We’ll have time to talk but for now let’s just give ourselves a break. We need it.”
Dr. Miller was asleep in less than a minute or two. He was snoring in less than five. I laid there awake for over an hour reliving the nightmare at the hotel, reliving Dr. Miller’s confession and thinking about the immediate future.
Classes were shut down, again, at Woodbridge. Both Dr. Miller and I were granted temporary leave from our respective jobs. I knew there would be time to talk, rehash and reflect. For just a moment I let my drift elsewhere - to happier thoughts; to the first time I met Dr. Miller.
“My name is Dr. Miller,” he had said, “If you didn’t know at least that much by now I’d have to wonder how the fuck you made it this far in your education.”
I smiled to myself. I remembered the first time he spoke and just as well, the first time he spoke to me. I remembered the first time our eyes met. Those were the fine details I wouldn’t trade for gold. Dr. Miller had a presence that oozed with more confidence than anyone I had ever met.
Who knew he was so broken inside. The thought filled my heart with a thousand somber arrows. He had lived with the guilt and the memory of killing a man who attacked his sister. He had lived with the deadly secret of Ace Deerfield. And now, there was this haunting, new chapter of his life.
I knew Dr. Miller had to endure everything from his past alone. The thought of him retreating to this isolated fortress all alone for years made my already-stinging eyes weld up with tears yet again.
Am I not cried out, yet? I wondered. Nope. I cried away every thought of my lonely lover sitting in this castle of blood money with nothing but his thoughts while using every ounce of charisma he had to get him by outside of the walls.
I cried. I cried some more. I cried until my eyes had had enough and my body was begging, ‘no more!’
I would never abandon him. I didn’t care what he did. I loved Dr. Miller in every sense of the word, and I knew why he did what he did. And that’s all that mattered - at least to me.
“You’ll never be alone, again,” I whispered in his ear, kissing the area just after several times in a row. I laid my head back down and let me final tears fall on the pillow. “I promise.”
@untamedheart81 @suttonspuds @cesspitoflove @michilandcof @grogusmum @morallyinept @akah565 @brittmb115 @magpiepills @poodlebae @gobaaby-blog-blog @mermaidgirl30 @mandojojo @shotgun-shelby @itscatrodriguez-thepearl @macaroni676 @smolbeanzzz @bandluvr97
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makeitmingi · 11 months
Cause Baby You're My Muse [Chapter 55]
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Genre: Romance, Idol!AU, Music, Slight angst
Pairing: Mingi x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Producer!Reader, IdolLyricist!Mingi, IdolProducer!Hongjoong, Idol!Seonghwa, Idol!Yunho, Idol!Wooyoung, Idol!San, Idol!Yeosang, Idol!Jongho, cameo(s) by other celebrities
Summary: You always preferred producing underground, having an unknown face and governed by your own rules. But when you start freelancing for idol groups, you say goodbye to your lone wolf lifestyle as you learn to work with idol producers and lyricists.
Word count: 3.2K
"Tell us the truth about what?" Wooyoung opened the door, getting the attention of the 2 in the bedroom and the 5 in the living room.
"Tell us what? What truth?" Hongjoong stood up, heading to where Wooyoung was standing at the treshold between the bedroom and the hallway. Jongho looked at Seonghwa, who looked away, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Seonghwa... Jongho... What are you two hiding?" Hongjoong frowned. Jongho could practically see the internal debate that Seonghwa was having.
"Let's talk in the living room, hyungs." Jongho stood up, wiping his palms on his pants.
"Jongho..." Seonghwa spoke, his voice strained with confliction.
"They already know we're hiding something, Seonghwa hyung. There's no point hiding it anymore, they should know the truth." Jongho said, walking out of the room.
"Okay...?" Wooyoung frowned in confusion but followed behind Jongho, leaving Seonghwa and Hongjoong there.
When Seonghwa looked up, he saw the hurt and betrayal flash in Hongjoong's eyes. Hongjoong has never given Seonghwa that look before, making the oldest chew on his bottom lip. But the captain didn't say anything, pursing his lips and following the youngest to the living room.
"Hongjoong..." Seonghwa sighed. He stood up and walked out to the livinf room but didn't sit down with the others. He opted to stand beside the wall, leaning against it.
"Speak. What truth?" San said.
"Wait, before Jongho says anything, I need all of you to promise me something." Seonghwa spoke just as Jongho opened his mouth.
"Considering you two have been hiding things from us, should we really owe you promises now?" Hongjoong asked. The others nodded in agreement.
"It's not a promise to us. It's a promise to Indigo." Seonghwa crossed his arms.
"Okay, what?" Yunho asked.
"When you guys hear what we have to say, no going to CEO Kim, Eden or anyone. If you're going to do something, tell us. No going off on your own accord and plan. And no spamming Indigo's phone with calls and mesages." Seonghwa said seriously.
"We promise." Yeosang spoke for the group. They were confused as to what Seonghwa meant but agreed for Jongho to be able to tell them what he had to say.
"Indigo... was forced to leave. That's what CEO Kim meant with his last comment." Jongho said.
"Forced to leave? By who?" Wooyoung asked.
"Indigo, on her own, has been dealing with threats. These threats have been escalating. They were first letters and emails then packages. She was even stalked at her home." Jongho revealed.
"That night she called Mingi, having a panic attack, that's what really happened." Seonghwa informed.
"I found out because I saw she was acting differently with Mingi hyung. Seonghwa hyung saw one of the threatening emails pop up." Jongho explained.
"Eden hyung knows because he was there when she received a package with blood and a dead animal inside." Seonghwa continued.
"That's why she moved house. The stalker ripped up her old house, that's the only reason she filed a police report because the landlord told her to. The final straw that pushed her to the edge was when she was sent pictures of us and Haneul. Indigo felt that she had no choice but to leave to keep everyone safe." Jongho said.
"What was this person threatening her about? Was it because she's a producer with us or that someone saw her with us somewhere? Like a jealous fan?" San frowned.
"No. We believe it was someone inside KQ. Because the person found out she was dating Mingi and wanted her out." Seonghwa said.
"Mingi ah, breathe." Yunho reminded. Mingi didn't even know that he was holding his breath.
"She didn't want anyone else to know. The police offered to launch an internal investigation but she didn't want that to affect our comeback so she told our CEO that she was going to leave." Jongho said.
"That's why she moved out the country. That's why she made Mingi hate her."
"No... No..." Mingi shook his head. He felt like someone had just punched him in the stomach.
"She knew that by making Mingi hyung hate her, all of you would too so it would make her leaving easier." Seonghwa whispered, tears spilling down his cheeks as he thought about everything you went through on your own.
"Oh God..." Wooyoung sobbed. San pulled him in, letting the smaller cry against his shoulder.
"Why didn't you tell us?!" Hongjoong yelled and stood up with so much force that the side table fell to the ground with a crash.
"She made us promise not to tell you until she was settled in her new place. She didn't want to be called back. It was the least we could do after everything she's been through." Seonghwa reasoned.
"That's bullcrap!" Hongjoong said and stormed out of the dorm, letting the front door slam loudly.
"Indigo..." The immense guilt made Mingi's chest hurt so much. He doubled over.
"She didn't want you to know, Mingi hyung. She knew you would blame yourself if you knew so she tried her best to hide it." Jongho said with dismay.
"No..." After everything you've had to deal with on your own, Mingi still said all those hurtful things to you. It made him want to throw up. He ran to the toilet, emptying his stomach contents. Yunho was quick on his heels, rubbing his best friend's back. Mingi leaned on his hands, sobbing loudly.
"Mingi, you didn't know." Yunho comforted.
"Oh my gosh... I said all those terrible things to her... And she just stood there... And took it... I'm a horrible person... I asked her if she even loved me." Mingi cried.
"And she suffered so much on her own. She couldn't even tell me cause she was worried about me and I treated her like that."
"You know Indigo shoulders everything on her own. That's not on either of you." Yunho said.
Yunho took Mingi out of the bathroom to sit with the others. San was still comforting Wooyoung, Yeosang wasn't around but Yunho guessed that Yeosang went after Hongjoong.
"Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you tell me? You just sat there and watched me let her go..." Mingi strained, asking Jongho and Seonghwa. The two suddenly seemed like an island on their own, separate from the others.
"It wasn't our place to tell, Mingi." Seonghwa said firmly. Jongho nodded his head sadly.
"But I had the right to know! I was her boyfriend for God's sake!" Mingi yelled. San let Wooyoung go to stand up between Seonghwa and Mingi, in case Mingi lunged at the oldest.
"You know she keeps everything in and shoulders everything on her own. Why would you keep the secret for her?" Mingi asked.
"You're her older brother right? You and Hongjoong hyung. You're supposed to protect her when I can't!"
"Mingi hyung, you know that's not fair. Seonghwa hyung tried his best, we all did, myself, Eden, even CEO Kim. But you know how Indigo is." Jongho defended.
"I couldn't protect her, I promised to keep her safe but she was anyhting but..." Mingi shook his head.
It was best the separate everyone now. While Yeosang and Hongjoong were still out, San brought Wooyoung away, Yunho brought Mingi to his own room and Jongho sat with Seonghwa in the Matz's room. The two hugged each other and cried, they saw it coming, they knew from the moment they kept your secret.
"Mingi's right... They didn't know but we did and we still couldn't help her." Seonghwa said.
"Hyung, you know Mingi hyung just said that out of anger and frustration, probably guilt too. He doesn't mean it so don't take it to heart." Jongho patted the oldest's shoulder.
"This is a mess, Jongho ah."
"It is. But we'll recover. We always do and always will." Jongho comforted.
Life in America has been good. Good in a sense that you've been so busy that you barely have time to mull over the events in Korea or miss Ateez, especially Mingi. Whatever free time you had was spent on Haneul.
"Haneul!" You went to pick her up from school. The company got you a small car so you could get to and from the office. At the same time, you could drop Haneul and pick her up after school.
"Unnie!" Haneul ran out, crashing into your arms. You chuckled as you hugged her, holding her hand.
"How was school?" You asked while walking with her to the car.
"It was good. I learnt a lot in English class today, I got a star for getting everything right in my spelling. My friends think you're cool because you make music." She informed.
"What?" You laughed. You guessed to kids, 'making music' was better and cooler than other jobs out there.
"But I'm glad you did well in spelling, especially in English. I say we go get ice cream sundaes?" You suggested. She nodded her head excitedly. She climbed into the backseat, obediently putting her seatbelt on. You began to drive to the ice cream parlour that you two always frequent.
"What did you do at work today, unnie?" Haneul asked as you drove. She always liked asking that after you ask her how school was, you appreciated that she did that.
"Well, I met with some other people who also make music. Then we talked about upcoming work." You informed.
"Are you meeting BTS?" Her eyes lit up.
"Baby, since when did you like BTS? I didn't even know that you knew who they were." You chuckled. You didn't particularly expose Haneul to Kpop so it wasn't from your influence for sure.
"My friends like them. They say BTS is really really famous, like Korean princes." She shrugged.
Wait until she realises how popular Ateez is. Bunny pancake oppa and bear oppa are also just like BTS, singers and performers.
"I see. Well, to answer your question, maybe. I'm not sure which singer I will be working with yet because I'm still new." You said to her, smiling at her through the rear view mirror. She held onto her bunny and giraffe stuffed toys that were in the backseat.
"We're here." You parked and both got out. You already knew what Haneul wanted so she went to table to wait for you to order. After you ordered and paid, you sat with her.
"Joong oppa!" Haneul suddenly squealed, pointing. You turned around in panic, did Ateez find you?
"And San oppa!" She continued to point. Only then, did you realise she was pointing at the television that was playing their music video.
"Oh... yeah..." You forced a laugh as you calmed yourself down.
"Here you go." The employee smiled as she set down the ice cream cups, laughing at the awe on Haneul's face. She obediently thanked the server before digging in.
"Unnie?" Haneul looked up at you as she ate a spoonful of ice cream. You hummed in acknowledgement.
"Will the oppas come visit us?" She asked.
"I don't know, baby. The oppas are busy so it's hard for them to take a break. We're pretty far away." You lied. Of course you felt bad for lying to her but there was no way you could tell her the truth. You took her and ran away to America so you would never have to see the Ateez boys again? Haneul might actually hate you.
"Oh..." She said, disappointed. If she was a puppy, her ears would be pressed to her head in sadness now. You smiled softly, reaching out to pat her head.
"Do you miss them?" You asked softly. She nodded her head.
"I'm sure they miss you too, baby." You told her. No, you didn't want to say you missed them too.
After ice cream, you took Haneul home. You gave her a bath and made a really simple dinner for the both of you. Before she slept, she wanted to have a call with Jongho.
"Hey, Indigo." Jongho greeted.
"Hi. I'm gonna hand the tablet to Haneul. She went to the bathroom." You informed. He nodded.
"Listen, Indigo. Actually there's something important I need to talk to you about." Jongho said. You would have said no but you saw the desperation on his face and in the tone of his voice.
"Alright but speak to Haneul first. I'll call you after she goes to bed." You told him just as Haneul ran into the room excitedly. She climbed onto the bed and you handed the tablet to her. You heard her greet Jongho happily as you left them to talk.
As you were doing the laundry and putting Haneul's clothes in the cupboard, you heard their conversation.
"BTS?! No, no no! I don't allow it. You can only like Ateez, little bear. Ateez only." You heard Jongho say. All of Ateez was possessive, not only Hongjoong it seems.
"Why?" Haneul tilted her head cutely.
"You love me, right?" Jongho asked. You couldn't help but snicker, knowing where this was going. Haneul nodded in reply.
"Then you can't love BTS. You can only love one group and if you love me, that means you love Ateez more." Jongho reasoned. Haneul frowned slightly, trying to understand his rational.
"You're funny, bear oppa. I can love everyone!" Haneul exclaimed as she burst into a fit of laughter.
"You're killing me, little bear." Jongho grunted.
You shook your head and went out to let them talk. You always did chores little by little so there wasn't much tidying around the house that you needed to do, thankfully. So while waiting for Haneul to finish, you laid on the couch with your laptop over your thighs, going through some work.
I go for that 타오른 채 불길 속에 욕망을 베어내 손댈 수 없이 커져만 가 huh I’m gonna keep it up, for that 커져가는 속삭임을 뒤로 숨길 수 없는 본능이 날 깨워 멈출 수가 없이  갈기 갈기 부딪쳐
Even hearing Mingi's voice on a track still made your heart lurch. Missing him was something you just had to continue to suppress until it was no longer there.
"Unnie?" Haneul poked her head out of the room. You sat up, putting the laptop aside as she ran to you.
"I'm done talking to bear oppa." She handed the tablet to you. You smiled and nodded your head, reaching out to pat her head. At least you had Haneul with you. Standing up, you held her hand to put her to bed since it was late.
"Sleep, baby." You whispered and tucked her in. Haneul wanted to try independently putting herself to sleep instead so this was something new you were both trying.
"Goodnight, unnie." She wished as you went to turn off the light, leaving the nightlight on.
"Goodnight, my love." You kissed her forehead and left the room, leaving the room door ajar just in case she needed you.
You grabbed yourself a coffee from the fridge, wanting the caffeine to curb the migraine you were starting to have. You peeked into the room and saw that Haneul was already asleep.
"Hi Jongho." You greeted, propping the phone up on your desk in your home studio.
"Indigo. Thanks for calling back and agreeing to speak with me." He said.
"It's fine. What did you want to tell me? Or talk to me about." You cut to the chase, already feeling that slight sinking feeling in your chest as you looked at him. Jongho was the person you spent the most time with before you left, you both shared a lot of good memories working in the studio together.
"Right. I thought you should know that the rest of Ateez know the truth behind your departure. By 'the truth', I mean, they know about the stalker, the death threats, all that." He informed.
"H-How...? I didn't want them to know yet. Not so quickly." You frowned at what he told you.
"I'm sorry, Indigo. A lot of things happened and it just came out. Admittedly, it was my fault... " Jongho sighed.
"The hyungs... They were falling apart, we were all falling apart. I wanted to tell them but Seonghwa hyung said no, we have to respect your wishes." He said.
"But I didn't know what other alternative there was. CEO Kim put us on early vacation and I was scared."
"I'm sorry, Jongho. I didn't mean to cause all that to happen." You shook your head, finally understanding why he said what he said.
"Hongjoong hyung was a mess, he barely came home anymore. Mingi hyung was a shell of himself, Yunho hyung was stressed trying to help him. Wooyoung hyung overheard Seonghwa hyung and I talking. Then it all just came out." Jongho explained.
"I understand. It's alright, Jongho. I know it's not your fault or Hwa's either. The truth was bound to come out sooner or later." You sighed, leaning back.
"No, Indigo. This isn't you fault, you have nothing to apologise for." Jongho denied.
"So what happened?" You gulped.
"Hongjoong hyung stormed out, Wooyoung hyung and Mingi hyung broke down. They're mad that Seonghwa hyung and I kept the secret from them. Expectedly, Mingi hyung is inconsolable."
"I shouldn't have implicated the two of you in the first place. It isn't on your guilt for keeping my secret, alright? Tell Hwa that too. It was all me." You said.
"I just... couldn't let them speak of you in such an ill way. When you didn't nothing wrong, you were just a victim. But they were making you to be the bad guy. It was fair, it wasn't right." Jongho shook his head as he began to cry. You softened, wanting to just hug him to comfort him.
"You and Hwa have been shouldering this all on your own, Jongho. I thank you for that. Especially since you've been maintaining this relationship with Haneul. She loves it." You bowed your head.
"Of course, she's my little bear. And compared to what you've been through, this is nothing." He said.
"But Indigo, do you think you'll come back?" He asked.
"I don't know. Maybe I will but not for a while. I've started the settle into a routine for myself here with Haneul. And work has been good." You told him.
"Can you at least tell me what company you signed to?"
"Big Hit... They gave me an offer and Eden thought it was good to accept, considering the circumstances as well. I'm in HYBE America's space but my projects mainly come from Big Hit in Korea."
"Wow... That IS a really good opportunity. I agree with Eden hyung, you'll only go up with your talent. I'm glad they recognises your talent. You deserve to be recognised for your talents and who better than the biggest entertainment company in Korea?" Jongho smiled.
"Thanks for saying that, Jongho. I-"
"Jongho?" Hearing another person's voice, you quickly hung up. You didn't know why you did that but you panicked and instinctively, ended the call.
You didn't even know who it was, you didn't have time to discern the voice. But on the off chance that Mingi was there, you didn't want anyone to hear you speaking to Jongho.
"Who are you talking to?" Wooyoung asked.
"Just a friend. What's up, hyung?" Jongho sat up, putting his phone aside when he noticed Wooyoung climbing into his bed.
"I know you talk to Indigo. I've heard you say hi to her before." Wooyoung said, hugging Jongho's pillow to his chest. Jongho didn't reply, neither admitting nor denying Wooyoung's words.
"Can you just tell me something?" Wooyoung looked up at the youngest. Jongho gave a nod.
"Can you be honest with me and tell me if she's okay?"
Series Masterlist
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opaloharas · 2 months
lazy sunday
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for the last few months, i have been thinking about older miguel. and by older, i mean... grandfather age (i.e. gilf) i got the inspiration mostly from a movie with benjamin bratt i watched too eeek.
this is a little snippet and something unrelated to a whole story i have planned out but i have been eager to post something!
a special thanks to my pookies in the discord server ! especially @bluesidez because this would not have happened if we did not talk about this !
cw: a disclaimer: THIS IS NOT A SUGAR DADDY/SUGAR BABY relationship and THIS IS NOT a dad's best friend situation either (not saying these are bad, just not the dynamics of my story!) just two strangers who fell in love :3, age gap (miguel is 55 and reader is late twenties like 29 to early thirties), fluffy, breakfast in bed, evening cruises, smut, Miguel is a lil freak but he loves reader, oral (f & m receiving), wholesome domestic activities, P in V, unprotected sex (do not do!), miguel being a little introspective, i think that is it !
Sundays are meant for resetting before the week starts. They are meant to prepare your mind and body for the weight of the world that is going to crush you within the next twenty-four hours.
In the O’Hara house though, Sundays are meant for lazing around and loving. Through tender touches in the morning, and breakfast in bed, Miguel wants to make sure that you feel loved through and through. In his fifty-five years of life, he has learned all the right ways to keep his partner happy.
When he woke up on this particular Sunday, he saw you sleeping beside him, curled up in the blankets with your hair splayed on the pillow like a halo.
“My angel..” he whispered, tenderly touching your cheek with his knuckles.
He shuffled downstairs, already deciding how to surprise you. Through apples cut into little turtles, carefully cutting a mango, and making the fluffiest omelet his hands had ever crafted. He smiled at his work before making a mug of green tea for you in the mug he bought for you to have here. Another touch that you were the one he cherished.
His venture back upstairs had him feeling like an old maid, his hands full as he nudged the bedroom door open with his foot, stopping again to admire you while more sunshine filtered into the room. If he was not holding the tray so tight, everything would have fallen off of it. Carefully, he set the tray down on the nightstand, shaking you awake gently.
“My sweet angel… let’s wake up, hmm?” He cooed, watching as your eyes fluttered open, your long lashes touching against your browbone.
You rubbed your eyes, the smell of breakfast causing you to wake up a little faster as you reached for the plate, “Thank you so much. You didn’t hav-” Miguel cut you off by placing a mango chunk against your lips, shaking his head.
Oh, how he loved you so.
The morning passed with lazy kisses and snuggles before he stretched, releasing a loud groan as he did so, the paper he was reading in bed tossed somewhere on the bedroom floor. He knew that you both had to do at least something so he encouraged you to get out of bed with him. Both of you got ready and the whole time, he was admiring you. He watched how you curled your lashes, and how your mouth hung open while you applied your mascara. He did not think you needed any cosmetics but he loved how makeup brought you joy. He buttoned up his shirt, thankful for this moment with you before he planted a kiss on your lips, holding onto your waist as you both walked out of your joint bathroom.
The middle of the afternoon called for grocery shopping. Grocery shopping with you was something he never thought he would enjoy. Seeing your eyes sparkle as you picked up a new type of jam or exclaimed your excitement for raspberries being on sale, made his heart soar. He followed behind you or either had his hand resting on your lower back, comfortable with the minimal display of affection. Together, even the simplest of tasks felt like the most romantic.
Hours passed and when you were about to fall onto the couch, craving a morsel of quiet, Miguel jingled his keys from the opposite side of the apartment. The little sound of metal making your heart flutter. It was time for the weekly ritual.
Miguel escorted you out to the Cadillac convertible that you both loved dearly. Every Sunday night, he took you for a drive. It never got old. In fact, the first time he took you out on a drive, he realized that he loved you the first time. His right hand was placed on your thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. Miguel’s eyes could barely focus on the road ahead, blinded by your grace as the wind blew your hair back. He could not tell what was brighter- your smile or the sun.
Music filled the silence between you, him, and the world that moved by you while he drove. He still felt nervous around you, after all this time. He would still think he was not good enough for you or that you did not actually love him. But whenever he looked at you, he knew that he was just in his head. He saw how you looked at him and how you would be the person to fill his heart again.
When he pulled up to a stop light, he pushed his sunglasses back up over his nose bump, letting out a contented sigh.
“I am bewitched by you.” He gave a suave smile, causing you to laugh.
“Bewitched? That is a very strong word.” You shrugged, mildly caught off guard by his seemingly passionate declaration. He just looked at you and shook his head, turning up the music as a signal he had nothing else to say.
When the two of you pulled back into the parking area of your home, he looked over at you, his glasses pushed up to keep his hair back.
 “Mama,” he started, “You bewitch me. I am madly in love with you. More than you ever will know. And I need to express this to you more. You make me feel like a.. a.. you make me feel whole.” He managed to get out, his palms sweaty. Even though he’s spoken more heartfelt words to you in the past, this time just felt like he was doing it all over again. And when you kissed him and wrapped your arms around his neck, oh, he felt like he did the first time you and him kissed.
Miguel could not contain himself by the time you both got inside. His hands ran up your body, shedding off your little brown sundress, the buttons falling onto the floor.
“That was a vintage piece!” You exclaimed, and he just rolled his eyes and kissed down your bare neck, nipping at the gold necklace he had purchased for you shortly after becoming a couple. 
He lifted you with ease, carrying you to your shared bedroom. You stripped down the rest of the way before he lifted you, gently setting you down on the bed before he undressed himself. Your eyes admired every inch of his exposed body, a sense of pride and love rushing through you. You watched as he sunk down onto his knees, taking off your kitten heels and kissing up your ankles to your lower thighs. The last sun rays were filtering in, mixing in with the bedside lamp you had left on earlier before you both went out, making his skin glow.
He looked up at you with warm eyes as he spread your thighs apart, not caring his knees were going to be aching by the time he was finished with you. He rested his head against your thigh, arms hooking around you and pulling your hips closer. His tongue traced up the center of your pussy, his eyes closing as through each taste of you, the more he got lost in his head. His mouth worked slowly and skillfully, his fingers now spreading you apart to give him better access. He spit against you, relishing in the sound of your gasp before he let his tongue savor you again. Your thighs clamped against the sides of his head while you ran your fingers through his hair. Your back arched off the bed before he shifted, sucking against your clit and using the hand that was spreading you open for him to press down on your stomach to hold you in place.
His lips shined with your slick as he pulled away, admiring your spent state. You motioned for him to come onto the bed, scooting up. The bed dipped slightly from his weight joining you, his knees digging into the mattress. He adjusted the pillows behind you, making sure you were comfortable before you moved onto your knees in front of him, eyes focused on his thick cock.
“You are so pretty.. and you treat me like a queen..” You trailed off, taking him into your mouth. Miguel gasped, his head leaning back as he basked in the feeling.
“Mmm.. fuck. Just like that, oh.. right there, you feel so amazing.” He whined, his hands holding onto your head gently. His hips moved forward and he nearly came when he felt you match his rhythm, your nose now pressed into the thick patch of hair on his groin, your eyes looking right up at him. He felt his heart pound in his chest, his eyes squeezing shut before you pulled away from him, leaving him to chase his high.
With a chuckle, he pressed you against the bed, his fingers slipping inside you briefly to prepare you. He replaced his fingers with his cock, a slew of obscenities leaving his lips as his hips met yours. His thrusts were slow and passionate, his fingers lacing with yours as he leaned forward to press kisses against your breasts before finding your lips. He adjusted, pulling your hips up a little more, allowing him to press into you from a different angle. As his movements got more sloppy, he hit all the right spots for you, your moans echoing off of the walls as the headboard slammed against the wall. He released into you, his hair sticking onto his forehead, his body glowing from sweat.
“You’re gorgeous.” He whispered, looking down at you, moving hair out of your face before he rested his head against your chest. His eyes closed, whining as he pulled away from you. Both of you basked in the emotions and love, a comfortable silence settling within the space.
Miguel felt love and Miguel knew the love you and him shared was genuine. And now, as he held you close, he could only wait until tomorrow to tell you how beautiful you are to him when he takes his first breath of Monday morning.
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