#57 in the main story
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so i redesigned my Henry once again and i just realized his outfit underneath the coat kinda looks like a mix between dober’s henry and canon henry, but anyways, here is the official new revamped design of prowler’s henry, he gained a different colored eye because of surgery reasons and ptsd from the war stuff i guess, i dunno- i will make a design for him of all the changes that has happened to him in the studios, i just need to figure out what to do. but yeah here he is, the original gilf of my bendyverse LOL
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smol-tired-binch-blog · 5 months
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It's midnight which means it's techincally and officially Felix's birthday!!! Everyone look at him!!!
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yourocdoeswhat · 1 year
Hey, are you awake? Good! No, don't scream, I'm not going to hurt you. It's just I've got this convoluted story, setting, and cast of OC's in my head and I needed to talk to someone about it. I'll let you go when I'm done.
What? NO I can't just tell my friends. What if they think I'm annoying or my OCs are cringe? That's what you're here for.
Now, here are the picrews I have saved so you can get an idea of what my OC's look like. I have at least 57 of the same character, for each of the 23 in my story's main cast. So this whole thing started when I was in 6th grade-
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hellolulu · 2 years
It's definitely a bad idea but man I'm really going to go back to my genshin era huh
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ileftmysoulinnorway · 4 months
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The Vampire Laws (according to the Children of Darkness).
Total of one hundred.
Written in Latin. The main coven was based in Rome, and Armand was sent from there to Paris. Is Latin his third language? ("French my fourth and poorest language").
They largely use the term "lamiae" for vampires (which makes sense given the part of the world), but not always.
The Five Great Laws
1. Quisque suum thalamum debet habere ducem e ... ponat ... doli.
(my translation) Each coven (literally „inner room“) must have its leader ... order ... Trick.
(used in the show) Each coven must have its leader and only he might order the working of the Dark Trick upon a mortal.
2. Dona tenebrosa numquam debilesdebile.. ... er.. aut iis qui necum potestatibus quidem obscuris suis vivere possunt debent.
The Dark Gifts must never be given to the weak ... or to those who cannot (in fact) live with their dark powers.
The Dark Gifts must never be given to the crippled, the maimed or to children.
3. Nullus lamia vampiris debet scribere historiam lamiae vel quamlibet veram cognitionem lamiorum netalis historia inveniatura mortalibus et credatur.
No vampire should commit to writing the history of the vampires, or any true knowledge of vampires, lest such a story be discovered and believed by mortals.
No vampire must commit to writing the history of the vampires.
4. Nemo lamia suamveram naturammortalibus unquam patefaciet et mortale vivat.
No vampire will ever reveal his true nature to mortals and lives as a mortal.
No vampire shall ever reveal his or her true nature to a mortal and let the mortal live.
5. Nullus lamia potestalium lamia destruere nisi quod dominus copuluspotestatemhabetvitae et necis super totum gregem suum.
No vampire can destroy another vampire except for the coven master who holds the power of life and death over his whole flock.
No vampire may ever destroy another vampire except that the coven master has the power of life and death over all his flock.
Other laws that are at least a little bit readable:
51. Lamia semper ad sep... re...bit vel uni simillimum.
A vampire is always ... or very similar to one.
52. Lamia non cognoscet gaudium.
A vampire will not know joy.
53. Non cognoscet lamia felicitatem.
A vampire will not know happiness.
54. Leges magnae lamiae ...olasse iudicatus exs... ... morte punietur.
The laws of the great vampire* ... judged ... will be punished by death.
*or more likely the great laws of the vampires.
55. Lamia(e) exilia punienda ...buntur in terra tumulanda.
Exiled vampires to be punished ... buried in the ground.
56. Lamia non ambulabit in locis lucis.
A vampire will not walk in places of light.
57. Vampires praedam e consortio rapient ...s profuxis[?] et vagi.
Vampires will snatch prey from the group  ... runaways and vagrants.
58. Lamia nunquam cognoscet delicias vitae vanitates saeculi.
A vampire will never know the pleasures of life and the vanities of the world/age.
59. Lamia non requiret solatium foci[?].
A vampire will not require the comfort of a family.
60. Vampires nunquam carnalem delectationem cum mortalibus requirent.
Vampires will never seek carnal pleasure with mortals.
61. Vampires nunquam mortalium consortia quaerunt.
Vampires never seek the company of mortals.
62. Vivere inter homines ....nt labentibus annis lamia ad insaniam.
To live among humans .... the passing years ... a vampire to madness.
63. Vivere inter homines alios videre senescere ac mori sicut lamia nunquam sequila[?] lamia ad insaniam impellet.
To live among humans and see others grow old and die, like vampires would never, will drive vampires to insanity.
64. Lamia non ....patem quaerunt.
A vampire not ... seek.
65. Vampires in choro[?] delectationem non reg...rent.
Vampires do not ... delight in dance.
66. Vampires in musica non quaerunt ....tem.
Vampires do not seek .... in music.
67. Lamia(e) non[?] actibus[?] delectationem quaerunt,
Vampires do not seek pleasure in perfomances.
68. Vampires litterae** voluptatem non requirent.
Vampires do not seek pleasure in books.
**thank you lilium-in-blue
69. Vampires magicae non ....ionem requirent.
Vampires do not seek .... magic.
81. Factor amittit fac....diendi f.lli sui cogitationes ..c ...tium est donum obscurae largi...
The maker loses .... his thoughts ... is Dark Gift ...
82. Lamia in alias formas inc..sa europaea mutare poterit sed numquam in ...rundom africanum vertere poteris.
A vampire in other forms ... European ... will be able to change but never in ... African ... will be able to turn.***
*** I have no idea what this means. Words are missing and the whole sentence can have a completely different meaning than what it looks like now. My first thought was that it was some kind of reference to Akasha and Enkil. Please don't jump to conclusions.
83. Veri filii dei potestatibus eam ...per fidem resistere possunt s.... ....e sunt creaturae infidelis damnatorum.
True children of God .... powers ... can resist faith ... are the creatures ... damned unfaithful.
84. Lamia corpora aquae salsae in aestus maximo et infimo .a.tum transibunt.
A vampire will cross bodies of salt water ... at high and low tides.
85. Ut tempus mortale depopulatur corpus lamia depopulabitur tempus ut anni decennia vertuntur in saecula millennii corpus petrificat et lamia volvitur in saxum.
As time destroys the mortal body, so the vampire will be destroyed over time, as the decades turn into the centuries of the millennium, the body petrifies and the vampire turns to stone.
86. Vampires victimas non relinquent ubi a mortalibus cognosci possint nisi tales dolores fuerint ut mors non sit causa praeternaturalia.
Vampires will not leave their victims where they can be recognized by mortals unless they are wounded in such a way that their death does not seem supernatural.
87. Lamia vera loquetur scobe[?] domino.
The vampire will speak the truth ... to the master.
88. Lamia domino suo asse obediet eique exhibebit quantum tale officium postulat.
A vampire will obey his master and will give him as much as such a duty demands.
89. Lamia ad omnes casus paretur.
A vampire is prepared for everything.
90. Lamia paratus ad immolandum se ad bonum testudinis.
A vampire is willing to sacrifice himself/herself for the good of the coven.
91. Paratus lamia paratus erit suum testudinum et dominum suum ab omnibusiminis externis et domesticis defendere.
A prepared vampire will be ready to defend his/her coven and his/her master from external and internal threats.
92. Super omnia custodiatte.
Above all, be vigilant.
93. Nullam lamia eg... posuere eget t.n.idunt quam.
No vampire ... needs to put ...
94. Si lamia in...niret socium lamia fractam testudinis regulas tali de..sta domino cousco referentur.
If a vampire ... vampire breaks the rules of the coven, such ... they will be reported to the coven master.
95. Defectum de .ae...is membris certi... facere faciet ..os criminum facitos[?] lamia ac s ... .a... miserit.
The failure of ... members ... will make ... crimes ... vampire ... will be killed/released.
96. Ignorantia testament.. regulae non erit acceptabile defensionem contra regulas praevaricationis.
Ignorance ... of the rules will not be an acceptable defense against breaking the rules.
97. Admissa in cr..am un ... via exeundi ...
Admitted ... way ... avoid ...
98. Pactum lamia s... et pacem[?] praesedit.
A vampire pact ... and presides over peace.
TL;DR: Very cult-like rules, calling for restraint, moderation, obedience. Lots of little callbacks.
Let me know if you spot any mistakes or can add anything. I'm used to translating from Latin, but not into English. Latin is a bit tricky, mainly because of the crazy word order.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 11 months
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[8:57 pm]
(cw: cursing, suggestive ending, f!reader)
Jaehyun was anxiously waiting for a text, a call, something from you. It was Halloween and Jaehyun was at work while you were going out with your best friends. While Jaehyun wouldn’t call himself possessive, he respected your autonomy and wanted you to live your life to the fullest, but he wanted to be there living life right by your side. He also knew that while you were going out partying and no doubt drinking a little that people could get crazy and he wanted you to be safe.
Not to mention he knew you’d be going out looking gorgeous. He tried to focus on the dance moves being taught, but his mind was stuck on trying to remember what you were going to dress up as. Something “so cute” he remembers you saying but somewhere in your rambling about how you were buying the accessories and your best friend was buying the main outfit you got distracted and began telling Jaehyun all about your best friend’s horrible boyfriend. All he could remember was how this guy had moved out of your best friend’s apartment for the second time that month. You were so excited to be going out so you could get her mind off the guy.
We’re you both going to be nurses? No, it was something more flowy and sparkly. Princesses? That could be it. He was feeling a little more secure thinking that even if the costumes were on the sexy side, a corset could only show so much. He breathed out a relived sigh and focused on the footwork of the new dance.
“Go ahead and take 10 minute break, nice work,” the choreographer smiled.
Jaehyun was quick to get to his phone, scrolling through his notifications to look for a text or missed call. There was neither. The best was a notification that you had posted on your story. It was a short boomerang of your hand clinking shot glasses with your best friend. Unfortunately there was no glimpse of the costumes besides bare skin and sparkly arms. He texted you quickly, wishing you a safe, fun night and reminding him to text him when you were ready to be picked up.
You had extended the invitation, telling him that he could join you after he was done with practice. He had declined at first, he would be too tired, he wasn’t a huge Halloween guy, and he didn’t want to go out shopping for a cheap costume he’d only wear once. He was starting to rethink that decision now.
With his mind too preoccupied the rest of the practice went by quickly. Which turned out to be a bad thing… with nothing else to occupy his mind he was anxiously checking his notifications and refreshing his socials. You hadn’t posted anything since the first video almost an hour ago.
Thank god he followed your best friend. She has posted a video of the two of you in her apartment before going out, posted just half an hour ago. His jaw dropped, his mouth watered, and his mind went blank at the sight of you. You were dressed as a fairy, that much was clear with the wings strapped to your back and the flower crown on your head. That wasn’t what was driving him crazy, however. No it was the damn “costume” your best friend picked out, if you could even call it that. You were dressed in a light pink babydoll, split down the front to show off some skin of your abdomen, held together at the top with a beautiful white bra covered in pink lace. It was a piece of lingerie and I barely covered your ass!
If anyone asked how many times he had watched the video he wouldn’t be able to tell them, his eyes were first stuck on how gorgeous you looked, then how jealous he was to not be there with you, and how he hoped your best friend had chosen some little shorts instead of sexy underwear. He doubted she did, she was trying to make her piece of shit boyfriend jealous, so of course she’d buy matching underwear! Why was Jaehyun, the not piece of shit boyfriend, being punished? Why did the universe hate him?
He continued to refresh anything he could in the hopes of more videos, a message, a text, something else to keep him occupied. You had posted a video of the club you were both at, the light, the disco ball, your best friend, things he didn’t care about in the moment.
And for another 2 hours there was nothing, until you texted him asking him to pick you up. He was out the door in a second, he had been ready to pick you up the second he got home from practice.
He pulled up outside of the club and let you know he was there. He waited all of 3 minutes before he saw you legs and thin, shiny straps of your heels wrapping up your bare leg with tiny butterflies here and there. Then you were in the car smiling brightly at Jaehyun in the driver’s seat.
“Hi baby, thanks for picking me up,” you told him and you pulled on the seatbelt.
Jaehyun felt like an idiot, his mouth was moving but no noise came out. You were sitting right beside him looking absolutely ethereal with a pretty smile just for him. His eyes traveled all over your body, the sparkles on your collar bone, the sliver of skin he saw from the slit of the babydoll, and the never ending amount of skin that was your legs.
“H-hey baby,” he cleared his throat, “I was expecting two passengers tonight.”
You sighed with a roll of your eyes, “her ex was at the club and she disappeared into a bathroom with him. I wish you had come with us so I could have had fun with you instead of her ditching me.”
Jaehyun smiled to himself, eyes focused on the road ahead of him, “we can have fun at home baby.”
“But the night is already over and these wings are hurting me. Plus, you don’t even have a costume.”
“Different kind of fun, baby. So you can show me the intended purpose of that little costume.”
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The Story of Us
Last Kiss (pt.1)
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I don't know what posessed me to write something sad but here it is.
(Update: I turned this into a series!)
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Words: 1.8k+
Warnings: starts with fluff, then angst, heartbreak
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Looking back, would you have done anything different if you'd known it was your last kiss? Would you have savored the feeling of his warm, plush lips against yours? The scratch of his mustache against your face. Would you have inhaled a little deeper, bathing in the scent of his smell, and committed it to memory? Looked longer into his soft, warm eyes and memorized the molasses swirl of his irises. Would you have stayed in bed those extra few minutes in the arms of the man you were falling in love with?
Yes, you would have.
But you didn’t know it was your last kiss.
Morning light filters in through the crack between your curtains, coaxing you awake. As you gain consciousness, the feeling of Javier's warm body intertwined with yours underneath the sheets brings a content smile to your face.
His soft, sleeping breath tickles the back of your neck through your hair, and his arms engulf you. One under your head where you rest in the crook of his arm and the other draped across you, splayed across the soft skin of your stomach.
The time on the alarm clock perched upon your desk blinks at 6:57 am. You reach an arm over to turn off the alarm that would go off 3 minutes later.
You roll gently in Javi's grasp to kiss him awake. He smiles against your lips.
His warm mahogany eyes meet yours.
"Good morning, sweet girl," he purrs in a sleep-laden voice, deeper and grumblier than usual.
"Good morning," you repeat.
The morning unfolds like most others throughout your time together over the last few months, during which he's been staying the night at your place more and more.
You shower before Javi, then take your time getting ready for work while he takes his turn showering clean.
He exits the bathroom, steam unfurling behind him and hair dripping wet as he pads across the room with a towel around his waist. His golden skin glistens, and you can't help but stare as he slips into clothes.
Soon after, both of you prepare a quick breakfast in your small kitchen, then scarf down the eggs and buttered toast with cups of coffee you refill twice before finishing.
You can't help but smile at the domesticity of it all. The way you two have grown so close so fast. It feels so natural to have him in your space.
As you tilt the coffee cup to your lips to finish the last sip, it dribbles down the side of the mug and splashes an ugly brown stain onto your work blouse.
"Shit," you curse, checking your watch and seeing the time.
Javi's eyes meet yours overtop the newspaper he'd been reading with a concerned look.
"I don't have time for this," you say, pushing up from the table and quickly walking back into your room to change.
"I can't be late this morning," you complain to Javi across your home as you duck into your closet and scramble out of your stained shirt into a new one. "I'm leading the team meeting with the project developers for the first time, and being late is not a good look."
You rush back into the kitchen in your new shirt, tucking it into your dress pants as you dash toward the kitchen table to remove your mess from breakfast.
Javi stands and waves you away. "Don't worry about this; I've got it," he assures you as he gathers the dirty dishes and begins rinsing them off in the sink.
"Thank you, baby," you say as you shove your possessions into your briefcase across the room and hurriedly slip into your work shoes by the front door.
Normally, you'd run across the room, kiss him goodbye, and hold him close before forcing yourself to peel away from his grasp to continue your day.
You look down at your watch, contemplating, but you don't have time this morning.
"Go, baby," he smiles at you and nods toward the door while still working over the sink, "I'll see you when you get back."
"Okay, okay, I'm going." You relent and grab your keys to rush out the door.
"Knock 'em dead, Hermosa," he calls to you just before you close the door.
"You know it," you reply before sprinting to your car and speeding to work.
Javi finishes cleaning up breakfast and gathers his things to head into the office to meet his partner Steve and interrogate their latest catch about Pablo's whereabouts or other helpful information.
The job is tough, and there have been many hard days and terrible accidents, but having you in his life makes things bearable. He leaves behind violence and betrayal for a beautiful girl full of life and joy. Your innocence is unmarred by the world's cruelty, like a beacon of light in his life.
But today, that reality shatters. He can never really leave it behind.
Work follows him home; today, it had followed him to yours.
Javier slips through your front door, silently cursing you for not locking the door behind you again as you rush to work. He makes sure to lock the deadbolt for good measure.
He slips into his car and works to situate his pair of sunglasses on his face to deflect the early morning sun. Then, he starts the engine and checks his rearview mirror to look behind him before backing out onto the street.
His blood runs cold, and his heart begins to sprint in fear. But not for himself.
He immediately notices the car parked along the road on the opposite side of the street, several houses down. It was so out of place in your peaceful, beautiful neighborhood. Its exterior, marred by bullet holes, which have been poorly patched and haphazardly painted over, makes it stick out like a sore thumb.
His eyes, hidden beneath the darkness of his sunglasses, flicker to the men inside the car. Two rough-looking individuals pretend not to be watching as he pulls out of your driveway.
He calms his rapid breathing and attempts to settle his wildly beating heart as he pulls away from your house, and they follow. Good. They're here for him, not you.
He drives to the station, fists white-knuckling the steering wheel the entire way there, even after his watchmen disappear down a side street when they realize he's only heading to work.
He moves through the entire day like a ghost. Never fully present. Anxiety is like electricity in his veins, and fear becomes a yawning pit in his stomach to the point of nausea. But he's not scared for himself. He's scared for you.
When you get off work and pull into your driveway at the end of a long day, Javier waits for you on your front porch, still in his work clothes and tactical vest.
Weird, you think, he usually peels away his vest, guns, and badges when he comes over, eager to strip away the reminders of his harsh job.
You're smiling when you park the car and walk to greet him, but your brows crease in confusion, and your mouth opens to ask what's wrong when you see the expression on his face.
Javier meets you at the bottom steps of your porch, his expression unlike anything you've ever seen. The light behind his eyes is gone; they've become cold and dark. His jaw clenches, and he steps away from your outstretched arms.
Your stomach drops.
You can barely register what he's saying.
"I'm sorry," he continues. "But I don't think this is a good idea anymore. Us, I- I can't do it."
"Javi," you say, voice quivering with emotion and hurt, "did I do something wrong? Please, please tell me what's going on."
The hurt and confusion on your face nearly brings him to his knees. He'd never wanted to make you feel this way, his sweet girl.
But he should've known better.
He needs to break things off fast and hard. The longer he stands here before you, the more likely he is to break. The more likely he is to keep you for himself. The more likely he is to continue selfishly pulling you into a world of violence, danger, cartels, and terrorism.
But because he loves you, he must let you go.
"There's no place for you in my world," he says coldly. Finally. “I don’t want you here.” The words burn his throat like acid, and his stomach rolls with despair.
It's like a slap to the face and a knife to the gut. He can see it in your eyes.
His words hit their mark just like he'd known they would.
 You are strong; he knows this. He knows you won't beg to have someone in your life if they don't want to be there. Even though, in this instance, he wishes you would. It would likely be his breaking point, and he couldn't go through with leaving you.
But you don't beg.
So, he leaves you and walks to his car, packed with his toothbrush, pajamas, and other miscellaneous belongings once scattered across your home. Evidence that he cared about you. Proof that you meant something to him. Evidence that you were his weakness, which someone evil would eventually exploit.
Javi walks away, not because he wants to, but because he has to. To keep you safe.
The monster he'd become if something ever happened to you is something he would never recover from.
He pulls out of your driveway. Leaving you standing in shock and with a broken heart as he drives away.
He knows he's done the right thing when he checks his rearview mirror and sees the same watchmen following him out of the neighborhood. No matter how bad it hurts, keeping you is not worth the cost of your life.
Days turn into weeks, and those into months. Your sheets no longer smell of Javier, his warm, intoxicating scent you hadn’t had enough time to be able to describe. Proof of his existence no longer litters your home. No toothbrush next to yours, no badge discarded on his bedside table, and no work boots cluttered next to the door.
A week later, you had found a lighter lost between your couch cushions. No doubt it was his; you don’t smoke. Against your better judgment, you didn’t throw it away. Instead, you tucked it away into a drawer in your bedroom only to pull out on the days you missed him most. Pathetically, it’s the last thing you have of him—the only shred of proof that he was ever here, happy in your home.
As time passes and no contact is made, the details of your time together blur.
He’d left so abruptly, and that day replays in your mind often—the pain, hurt, and heartbreak.
You wish you’d done something different; ideas of how you could have saved the relationship from ruin plague your thoughts. Most of all, you wish you could remember your last kiss.
But maybe it's for the best that you don’t. It would only add to the heaviness in your heart if you could remember the details of the man you’d loved. Maybe it's easier this way. To have forgotten.
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imoenhatesthis · 1 month
Lily Orchard and Imoen: Lily is a Liar
If you remember, we discovered the work of T.C. Dale, one of the main writers of the current Imoen Romance mod and erotica author. This author has sexualized the topic of incest even outside the mod in question.
Now, when approached about T.C. Dale on Tumblr, Lily had this to say:
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Never read any of T.C. Dale’s work? Well, she mentioned T.C. Dale in her Imoen video just as mod credit. And she's only really talked about the other listed author on her blog favorably. So maybe it's true? Surely, this is the only video where T.C. Dale is mentioned...
Well, you can see and hear for yourself, Lily has read T.C. Dale’s fanfiction about Imoen (A Messy Origin of RPG Romance, 1:57).
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We get a name drop AND a picture, as well as favorable language describing the book (Implying "at least the Ward and Imoen are safe from Larian Studios at T.C. Dale's house!")
On the Imoen Romance mod site, it's listed as such:
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"Crumbling Down" is a novelization of...Gorion's Ward (Cassandra) and Imoen's BG2 story using the Imoen Romance mod. Sounds familiar. Only, one of these fanfics has no qualms with being honest about the taboo subject matter:
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(Source; Crumbling Down, Chapter 11. There's plenty more examples, it isn't one scene. Once again, leave this author alone).
So that's Lie #1. Lily has engaged with T.C. Dale's work outside the mod. And has talked about it quite favorably.
And that isn't even the ONLY lie. In the same video, she has footage of playing the mod with Aryana and Imoen. And guess which path they're on!
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(File: RomanceContent, v4.1.2. Pink is Imoen, Yellow is Charname/Aryana. Dialogue is only initiated after starting romance.)
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(File: GorionWraith, v.4.1.2). This is the same scene where figures taking the shape of your foster dads chastise you for the relationship. This dialogue is the direct aftermath. Again, dialogue you'd only find on the Romance path.
So Lie #2. Aryana and Imoen aren't played exclusively on the Friendship Path.
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yuurei20 · 2 months
I had a question on Lilia's battle start/end voice lines.
I only realized this a few days ago when I started book 7, but Lilia's voice lines for the beginning and end of battles with his general's armour card is different from all his other cards. I think he's saying something different but on EN the text is the same.
I just wanted to know if he's actually saying something else and what it is.
Hello hello! ^^ Thank you for this question--you are absolutely right!
Here are General Armor Lilia's actual voice lines:
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If you would like to confirm these lines on EN, they are the same lines that he says in the main story battle of Book 7-57!
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As you say, it seems that EN has opted to reuse his battle lines from his other cards rather than translate his new lines to match the new dialogue, but it is possible that these changes are being addressed!
His General Armor DUO line translation used to match his Dorm Uniform DUO line translation, for example, but it has since been corrected ^^
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Kanna on Twitter will sometimes comment on these translation oversights, and in May they reported that EN replaced the General Armor voice lines with his usual voice lines.
The end result is General-Armor-Lilia speaking in School-Lilia's voice on EN! (video below!)
If you are now hearing General-Lilia's voice but seeing School-Lilia's text, maybe it is a sign that they are in the middle of correcting the oversight? :> And maybe the accurate text will follow soon!
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felassan · 2 months
Game Informer "Hub" archive
This post was like their index/contents page of links to every article.
(Please note that in some cases article titles were updated at some point after first being published, e.g. the "A Deep Dive Into Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Expansive Character Creator" article is the same article as "Dragon Age: The Veilguard's Character Creator Is BioWare's Most Robust Yet".)
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"Dragon Age: The Veilguard Exclusive Coverage [note: the inclusion of the listing for GI's final piece of coverage on DA:TV - the art book announcement - was not captured in time by the Wayback Machine from what I can see, and so while the article itself is still available to read, it does not appear in this record of the Hub. it would have appeared here first before the listing for the article on Bellara, which is below]"
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"Everything We Know About Dragon Age: The Veilguard's Bellara Lutara We spoke to BioWare about Bellara Lutara, the first companion players will recruit in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. by Wesley LeBlanc on Jul 22, 2024 at 02:00 PM"
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"Here's The Main Voice Cast For Dragon Age: The Veilguard The protagonist, Rook, will have four options to choose from. by Charles Harte on Jul 22, 2024 at 11:24 AM"
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"BioWare Leads Discuss The Making Of Dragon Age: The Veilguard Corinne Busche, John Epler, and Mark Darrah dive into BioWare's long-awaited RPG. by Alex Van Aken on Jul 19, 2024 at 02:43 PM"
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"Dragon Age: The Veilguard Is 'Respectful And Referential' To Previous Games Without Making Them Mandatory Game director Corinne Busche tells Game Informer it's about managing assumptions. by Wesley LeBlanc on Jul 17, 2024 at 02:00 PM"
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"A Deep Dive Into BioWare's Companion Design Philosophy In Dragon Age: The Veilguard BioWare says these companions are the series' best yet. by Wesley LeBlanc on Jul 15, 2024 at 02:00 PM"
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"Yes, Dragon Age: The Veilguard Has Nudity, And I've Seen It And we're not talking implied nudity here. by Wesley LeBlanc on Jul 10, 2024 at 01:00 PM"
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"Companions Can Romance And Form Relationships With Each Other In Dragon Age: The Veilguard Giving a cold shoulder to a companion might nudge them into the warm shoulder of someone else. by Wesley LeBlanc on Jul 08, 2024 at 02:00 PM"
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"Dragon Age: The Veilguard Will Feature A ‘Robust’ Transmog System At Launch You won't need to compromise fashion for function in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. by Wesley LeBlanc on Jul 04, 2024 at 04:00 PM"
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"Here’s How Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s ‘Unbound’ Option Lets You Customize Difficulty And More Using the Unbound difficulty option, you can customize parry timing, enemy health, and more. by Wesley LeBlanc on Jul 01, 2024 at 02:00 PM"
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"Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Character Creator Is BioWare’s Most Robust Yet We spent nearly 40 minutes crafting a Rook in BioWare's best character creator yet – here's what we learned. by Wesley LeBlanc on Jun 27, 2024 at 02:00 PM"
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"Dragon Age Cover Story And Shadow of the Erdtree Review | GI Show Our flagship gaming podcast covers Dragon Age: The Veilguard, our Elden Ring DLC review, Concord, Supervive, and more. by Alex Van Aken on Jun 27, 2024 at 01:57 PM"
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"Breaking Down Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Classes And Factions There are three classes and six factions to choose from for your Rook. by Wesley LeBlanc on Jun 25, 2024 at 02:00 PM"
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"Ahead Of Dragon Age: The Veilguard, The Entire Series Is On Sale For $10 You should at least give Dragon Age: Inquisition a go ahead of The Veilguard this fall. by Wesley LeBlanc on Jun 21, 2024 at 08:20 AM"
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"Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Leads On The Name Change And Solas’ Role In The Story Though Solas name isn't a part of the game's title anymore, he still plays a major role in The Veilguard. by Wesley LeBlanc on Jun 20, 2024 at 03:00 PM"
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"A Deep Dive Into Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Combat, Abilities, Skill Tree, And More With Veilguard, Dragon Age has completed its long shift from real-time strategy combat to full action, and we spoke to BioWare about that transition. by Wesley LeBlanc on Jun 18, 2024 at 02:10 PM"
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"The Dragon Age: The Veilguard Digital Issue Is Now Live! If you subscribe to the digital edition of Game Informer, you can now read all about our trip to BioWare for Dragon Age: The Veilguard. by Kyle Hilliard on Jun 18, 2024 at 12:30 PM"
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"Get Your First Look At Dragon Age: The Veilguard's Real-Time Action Combat In First Gameplay Trailer More than 20 minutes of flashy Veilguard action, coming right up. by Wesley LeBlanc on Jun 11, 2024 at 10:21 AM"
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"Cover Reveal – Dragon Age: The Veilguard The latest issue of Game Informer features an exclusive, in-depth feature on BioWare's return to the Dragon Age series, 10 years in the making. by Wesley LeBlanc on Jun 09, 2024 at 02:00 PM"
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memesmadefullmetal · 1 month
On the topic of Riza and conqueror of shamballa:
I think both riza and roy were ooc, and the main problem was that their story had already ended at episode 57. There wasn't really a reason for them to be in the movie except for a brief cameo.
So I guess my hot take is that they shouldn't have been in cos at all.
Anon, you make a great point! 👏🏻
Roy and Riza’s character growth is definitely detrimentally impacted by their participation in Conqueror of Shamballa (and they only get about five-minutes of screentime!) 😔
When we leave them in 03, their story has come to a natural conclusion. In amongst the bleaker landscape of the 03 series’ ending, they’re also probably the characters with the ‘happiest’ end
They actually reach a point where they’re ready to explore their relationship outside of the Amestrian military so when we see them in Shamballa, it undoes a lot of the excellent groundwork which the 03 series laid down: it rips up the script for a “cameo” which could’ve been removed and had no overall impact on Shamballa’s story 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏼‍♀️
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- Mod Mustang & Mod Hawkeye 🔥🦅
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kikyoupdates · 22 days
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⭑˚💘⭑ bnha x f!reader
reverse harem, my hero academia x fem!reader, slowburn
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Ever since your Quirk first manifested, you’ve been the apple of everyone’s eye. With the goal of becoming a hero, you enroll to U.A. and soon find yourself drawing the attention of many. Will you form genuine connections with others, or is this all just your power's will?
00 — prologue 01 — beloved 02 — pastel heart 03 — new class cutie 04 — lover boy 05 — sweet & spicy 06 — sugar cheeks 07 — freckles 08 — win their hearts 09 — divine presence 10 — overtake them all 11 — pretty hurts 12 — two of a kind 13 — princess of mischief 14 — mesmerizing 15 — the charmed 16 — wondrous beauty 17 — blessed by the gods 18 — cherry lips 19 — cats are great20 — chicken nuggets 21 — drunk on love 22 — affectionate storm 23 — simply lovely 24 — boyfriends 25 — like a butterfly 26 — disillusioned 27 — aesthete 28 — serendipity 39 — love trumps all 30 — enchanting 31 — chance meetings 32 — no love 33 — serene 34 — sun kissed 35 — melting gaze 36 — exquisite 37 — tainted beauty 38 — whispers in the night 39 — beautiful torment 40 — revered 41 — helpless little lamb 42 — a friend's hand 43 — flickering flame 44 — the gods must be crazy 45 — saccharine 46 — new home 47 — strengthened desires 48 — song of voice 49 — progress 50 — love you a latte 51 — center of attention 52 — thriving devotion 53 — graceful rescues 54 — disagreements 55 — a troubling feeling 56 — long overdue 57 — friends once more 58 — better than a kiss 59 — sowing the seeds 60 — instant defeat 61 — golden gaze 62 — love's in the cards 63 — humorous introduction 64 — repressed emotinos 65 — a discovery 66 — violent embrace 67 — arisen 68 — newfound appreciation 69 — shackled by pain 70 — infiltration 71 — the meaning of fear 72 — ghost-like beauty 73 — misguided love 74 — the raid's aftermath
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More chapters are available on Quotev and Wattpad!
⊱.⋅follow + post notifications on for story update announcements or join the author's discord!⋅.⊰
💘 main masterlist ♡ oneshot masterlist
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darkspellmaster · 5 months
Master Post for A Phantomhive in Night Raven College or one Hell of a Twisted Tale
So If you're looking for the story, Here is the master post with all the Chapters broken up in to groups. I hope this helps, and also if you want to skip over say the Long Halloween, you can.
Main Arcs are linked, All Vignettes are in-between Chapters.
Ciel Phantomhive, the Queen's Watchdog, has seen some serious situations in his short life, and always had control over them, but he never once believed he would find himself in a world where all his skills and charms would be useless to him. Now, tossed through a gateway to a Twisted world where magic abounds, can the young Earl Phantomhive manage to survive going to Night Raven College, and unravel the mystery of why he was set there, and how to get back home.
A, mostly, Cannon Compliant, crossover of Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji and Twisted Wonderland.
Chapters (Only Beginning and Endings)
Welcome to the Villain's World Ciel
Chapter 1 / Chapter 6
The Rose Red Tyrant
Chapter 8 / Chapter 24
The Usurper of the Wilds
Chapter 25 / Chapter 46
The Phantom Bride
Chapter 47 / Chapter 57
Halloween is Coming
Chapter 58 / Chapter 61
Halloween: Terror is Trending
Chapter 65 / Chapter 130
Halloween: Spectral Soirée
Chapter 131 / Chapter 156
Merchant of the Depths
Chapter 157 / ?????
Chapter 165:Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, A Deal with a Devil
Chapter 166: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Splashing Encounter
Chapter 167: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Scheming
Chapter 168: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Water-logged Misfortune
Chapter 169: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Shocking
Chapter 170: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Marred
Chapter 171: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Advantageous
Chapter 172: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Brainstorming
Chapter 173: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Dastardly Heist.
Chapter 174: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Gone Fishing
Chapter 175: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Jousting with a Kraken
Chapter 176: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Lonely Pot
Chapter 177: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Packing and Unpacking
Chapter 178: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Late Night Conversations
Chapter 179: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Interventions
Chapter 180: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Enter Dream World
Chapter 181: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, First Time Riding
Chapter 182: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, It’s a Small World
Chapter 183: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Everything Goes Up And Down
Chapter 184: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Learning to Steer
Chapter 185: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Screamin’ in Space.
Chapter 186: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Traversing the High Seas
Latest Chapter
Chapter 187: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Tally Ho
Chapter 188: Merchant of the Depths–That Butler, Sunset Screaming
Have questions, just shoot me an ask. Happy to answer it.
Discord for those interested in it.
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mainstoryarchive · 4 months
[TRANSLATION] Main Story Archive - Masterlist - Ensemble Stars!
This is an archive of various translations of the the Ensemble Stars! and Ensemble Stars!! main stories. Only translators who have given permission have their translations posted here. As such, there will be numerous missing chapters throughout this archive.
Click here for the Ensemble Stars!! archive masterlist.
Ensemble Stars!
There are no Ensemble Stars! translations to archive prior to Revolution.
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❖ Season: Summer ❖ Writer: Akira ❖ Release Date: 1st May 2015
❖ Characters: Tori, Tetora, Subaru, Hokuto, Makoto, Koga, Mao, Rei, Kaoru, Izumi, Keito, Kuro, Souma, Adonis, Hinata, Yuta
❖ Translation: Creampuffs & Mika Enstars.
❖ 40 ❖ 41 ❖ 42 ❖ 43 ❖ 44 ❖ 45 ❖ 46 ❖ 47 ❖ 48 ❖ 49 ❖ 50 ❖ 51 ❖ 52 ❖ 53 ❖ 54 ❖ 55 ❖ 56 ❖ 57 ❖ 58 ❖ 59 ❖ 60 ❖ 61 ❖ 62
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❖ Season: Summer ❖ Writer: Akira ❖ Release Date: 1st May 2015
❖ Characters: Tori, Hajime, Subaru, Hokuto, Makoto, Yuzuru, Mao, Rei, Eichi, Wataru, Keito, Nazuna, Souma, Akiomi, Hinata, Yuta, Tomoya, Mitsuru
❖ Translation: Creampuffs & an anonymous contributor.
❖ 63 ❖ 64 ❖ 65 ❖ 66 ❖ 67 ❖ 68 ❖ 69 ❖ 70 ❖ 71 ❖ 72 ❖ 73 ❖ 74 ❖ 75 ❖ 76 ❖ 77 ❖ 78 ❖ 79 ❖ 80 ❖ 81 ❖ 82 ❖ 83 ❖ 84 ❖ 85 ❖ 86 ❖ 87 ❖ 88 ❖ 89 ❖ 90
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❖ Season: Summer ❖ Writer: Akira ❖ Release Date: 13th August 2015
❖ Characters: Tori, Tsukasa, Subaru, Hokuto, Makoto, Kuro, Mao, Rei, Eichi, Wataru, Keito, Adonis, Souma, Chiaki, Hinata, Yuta, Midori, Tetora, Jin, Akiomi, Ritsu, Arashi, Izumi, Shinobu, Kanata, Hajime, Tomoya, Mitsuru, Nazuna, Yuzuru, Koga, Kaoru
❖ Translation: An anonymous contributor.
❖ 91 ❖ 92 ❖ 93 ❖ 94 ❖ 95 ❖ 96 ❖ 97 ❖ 98 ❖ 99 ❖ 100 ❖ 101 ❖ 102 ❖ 103 ❖ 104 ❖ 105 ❖ 106 ❖ 107 ❖ 108 ❖ 109 ❖ 110 ❖ 111 ❖ 112 ❖ 113 ❖ 114 ❖ 115 ❖ 116 ❖ 117 ❖ 118 ❖ 119 ❖ 120 ❖ 121 ❖ 122 ❖ 123 ❖ 124 ❖ 125 ❖ 126 ❖ 127 ❖ 128 ❖ 129 ❖ 130 ❖ 131 ❖ 132 ❖ 133 ❖ 134
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trendfilmsetter · 4 months
Apple Music’s ‘100 Best Albums of All Time’ list:
#1. Lauryn Hill — The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
#2. Michael Jackson — Thriller
#3. The Beatles — Abbey Road
#4. Prince & The Revolution — Purple Rain
#5. Frank Ocean — Blonde
#6. Stevie Wonder — Songs in the Key of Life
#7. Kendrick Lamar — good kid, m.A.A.d city
#8. Amy Winehouse — Back to Black
#9. Nirvana — Nevermind
#10. Beyoncé — Lemonade
#11. Fleetwood Mac — Rumours
#12. Radiohead — OK Computer
#13. Jay-Z — The Blueprint
#14. Bob Dylan — Highway 61 Revisited
#15. Adele — 21
#16. Joni Mitchell — Blue
#17. Marvin Gaye — What’s Going On
#18. Taylor Swift — 1989 (Taylor’s Version)
#19. Dr. Dre — The Chronic
#20. The Beach Boys — Pet Sounds
#21. The Beatles — Revolver
#22. Bruce Springsteen — Born to Run
#23. Daft Punk — Discovery
#24. David Bowie — The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars
#25. Miles Davis — Kind of Blue
#26. Kanye West — My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
#27. Led Zeppelin — Led Zeppelin II
#28. Pink Floyd — The Dark Side of the Moon
#29. A Tribe Called Quest — The Low End Theory
#31. Alanis Morissette — Jagged Little Pill
#32. The Notorious B.I.G. — Ready to Die
#33. Radiohead — Kid A
#34. Public Enemy — It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
#35. The Clash — London Calling
#36. Beyoncé — BEYONCÉ
#37. Wu-Tang Clan — Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
#38. Carole King — Tapestry
#39. Nas — Illmatic
#40. Aretha Franklin — I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You
#41. OutKast — Aquemini
#42. Janet Jackson — Control
#43. Talking Heads — Remain in Light
#44. Stevie Wonder — Innervisions
#45. Björk — Homogenic
#46. Bob Marley & The Wailers — Exodus
#47. Drake — Take Care
#48. Beastie Boys — Paul’s Boutique
#49. U2 — The Joshua Tree
#50. Kate Bush — Hounds of Love
#51. Prince — Sign O’ the Times
#52. Guns N' Roses — Appetite for Destruction
#53. The Rolling Stones — Exile on Main St.
#54. John Coltrane — A Love Supreme
#55. Rihanna — ANTI
#56. The Cure — Disintegration
#57. D’Angelo — Voodoo
#58. Oasis — (What’s the Story) Morning Glory?
#59. Arctic Monkeys — AM
#60. The Velvet Underground & Nico — The Velvet Underground and Nico
#61. Sade — Love Deluxe
#62. 2Pac — All Eyez on Me
#63. The Jimi Hendrix Experience — Are You Experienced?
#64. Erykah Badu — Baduizm
#65. De La Soul — 3 Feet High and Rising
#66. The Smiths — The Queen Is Dead
#67. Portishead — Dummy
#68. The Strokes — Is This It
#69. Metallica — Master of Puppets
#70. N.W.A — Straight Outta Compton
#71. Kraftwerk — Trans-Europe Express
#72. SZA — SOS
#73. Steely Dan — Aja
#74. Nine Inch Nails — The Downward Spiral
#75. Missy Elliott — Supa Dupa Fly
#76. Bad Bunny — Un Verano Sin Ti
#77. Madonna — Like a Prayer
#78. Elton John — Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
#79. Lana Del Rey — Norman F*****g Rockwell!
#80. Eminem — The Marshall Mathers LP
#81. Neil Young — After the Gold Rush
#82. 50 Cent — Get Rich or Die Tryin'
#83. Patti Smith — Horses
#84. Snoop Dogg — Doggystyle
#85. Kacey Musgraves — Golden Hour
#86. Mary J. Blige — My Life
#87. Massive Attack — Blue Lines
#88. Nina Simone — I Put a Spell on You
#89. Lady Gaga — The Fame Monster
#90. AC/DC — Back in Black
#91. George Michael — Listen Without Prejudice, Vol. 1
#92. Tyler, The Creator — Flower Boy
#93. Solange — A Seat at the Table
#94. Burial — Untrue
#95. Usher — Confessions
#96. Lorde — Pure Heroine
#97. Rage Against the Machine — Rage Against the Machine
#98. Travis Scott — ASTROWORLD
#99. Eagles — Hotel California
#100. Robyn — Body Talk
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mapoeggplant · 8 months
skip to loafer chapter 58 analyze // spoilers
takamatsu-sensei continues with her beautiful and delicate writing, respecting her characters so that they themselves come into their own at the right moments — extending even to the secondary characters.
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when i first opened the chapter and saw kazakami, i confess i was a little surprise. on one hand, exploring more of his character was something i was waiting for so long. on the other, it surprises me how she chose such moment to explore him a little further, but now I understand why she did it.
while we see the ending of the summer trip and mitsumi opening up to her friends as a closure to a long storyline, we do have to keep in mind that it only opened another door, way more tricky to explore. to dive deep into that right away would give her little to no time to explore the other characters that englobes the narrative and makes it function. it’s such an intelligent way to keep the plot flowing and adding more details to it.
well anyways, i digress. let’s focus on kazakami for now:
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i’ve seen a lot of people often calling him a little selfish or self centered before, since the little scenes we had with him, his posture were always nonchalant. for me, it always felt like something was off, something he was hiding. not that i was sure about it, it just felt like “hm…this comes from a place of defense”. giving up soccer and focusing on being the president, for exemple, gave me an impression of him trying to find a distraction and a way to keep boosting his curriculum. and now, with more information, i have my doubts.
for kazakami’s backstory, sensei uses a plot she’s been using for a while: the “show not tell”, where she explicit give us a little of said character as a way to keep us going — for shima, the scandal; yasaka, her bedroom; now for kazakami, it was dive. opening the chapter with him pretending to be the main character was a very smart idea. that instantly broke the image we had of him, as this serious, ironical guy, specially after how ch 57 ended. now, we clearly see he’s just a boy with his own story and interests.
that brings the reader closer to kazakami (specially since us, the readers, also love anime and such lol). and she keeps on “showing, not telling” when she choses to show how kazakami is on school first to later expose his life at home.
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that wall he build, that nonchalant attitude, it’s all a result of strict parents. it’s not that kazakami doesn’t want to be a normal teenager with interests: he was raised with the mindset of productive rather than pleasure. he was repressed into this box and feels guilty to break from it — by doing that, he’s afraid to sound ungrateful and selfish; that’s why he just swallows his food and accept his fate. the next day, a little more gasoline is added to the fuel. kanechika is the exact opposite of him, the perfect description of “freedom”.
but he also is someone who’s fighting for his dreams, someone who have his parents approval, someone who never let go of his interests and still have a bright future ahead of him. it’s frustrating for kazakami. he had to let go of everything in order to have the same future of the the “authentic” guy who never let go of anything. it’s a slap on the face, specially when kanechika holds dear the same thing as him: dive. the contrast between both characters is amazing and
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i’m glad sensei chose to explore both at the same time. yes, we do focus more on kazakami, but we know a little about kanechika’s future and we also know a little more of his personality (i mean, he ran after kazakami just to talk about anime. he is observant, he can see that there is something more there). it’s a balance between narratives to maintain the equilibrium and use kanechika’s kindness as a way to tell more of kazakami’s backstory. but this is a conversation we will only continue when the next chapter is out…
thank you for reading it!! i’m sooo excited with what sensei have in store for us and can’t wait to discuss more with you guys
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