#5sos headcanon
eefeefeefeef12345 · 4 months
Another song for sunflower boy.
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This is for sitting in the garden with a pot of tea. Admiring the plants on a slow afternoon together
"I feel most alive
Staring out your window
It's a garden life
You are the weeping willow"
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bartxnhood · 2 years
teardrops on my guitar | l.h
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luke hemmings x songwriter!fem!reader
summary: your feelings for your friend go unnoticed, but one night you finally told the world how you felt through your music.
warnings: unrequited love :’(, luke is one oblivious mf !, crying, angst.
a/n: 5sos stans and luke people this one is for you !!! everyone say thank you to the slaysos gc for this beautiful idea. AND YES THIS IS INSPIRED BY TAYLORS SONG. i hope i executed it to your desires. enjoy all my loves !! lyrics will be italicized. feedback is appreciated.
a/n pt2 ALSO this is in no way to hate on sierra, i just couldn’t think of anyone else SO PLS DONT THINK I HATE HER I LOVE HER SM.
read part two here !!
requests open
not proofread
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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(this feels kinda rushed but i still hope u guys like it.)
you and luke had been close since grade school, always attached at the hip. wherever he went, you were right there with him. so, when he introduced you to the members of his new band they were forming you made it your mission to be friends with all of them.
whoever luke is friends with, you had to be friends with. it was your law of nature. and by luck, you had to find out you were one hell of a songwriter so of course luke kept you close even as the band took off. often you’d help them with songs. and you grew even closer with the boys, especially calum, creating a very close bond with the boy. only to realize, you had some feelings growing up for your blond best friend.
you don’t know what made you realize that you were indeed falling in love with luke hemmings. maybe it was when he’d lean in too closely and your breath would hitch, taking in all of his beauty, or, it was all of the times he made you laugh without effort.
whatever it was, you were slowly falling for him.
and as you did, 5 seconds of summer took off and were now on tour. it was unreal to you how they gained success but you couldn’t be more proud of the people they were becoming.
while they were out chasing their dreams, you decided to dip your toes into the industry and started to write the songs for your debut album. most of the songs were ways to express your feelings, and once released you did pretty well. a couple of your songs even charged for a few weeks.
time was flying by, you were growing to success following behind your friends.
soon, it was time for their tour and they approached you with the idea that you could open for them. when you first heard of the idea, you declined it. but, calum eventually talked some sense into you
your friendship with calum was a bit unexpected, luke said you’d probably get along with ashton the best, but he was wrong. calum became your right-hand man (behind luke of course). so, after you declined the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity calum talked to you.
“you should reconsider” he started, and you just shook your head. “calum” “no, listen to me” he pointed at you, “you’re good at what you do, you’re talented so please just consider opening for us. they guys want you on your, i want you on tour, y/n.” you stood with your hands on your hips. “okay. fine, i’ll do it. but just for you.” calum grinned.
tour started. it was magical, you were going to places you had never imagined you’d be. it was wonderful, and you continued to thank calum for talking to you and reconsidering. you were able to spend months with your best friends and the boy you were head over heels with.
during soundcheck, the boys would always come to mess around while you sang, oftentimes acting out your songs or ashton would casually drum.
it was memories you’d never forget, from interviews across the world to sleeping in hotels you’d sworn you wouldn’t stay in again. but most importantly, it was fun. you and luke had been closer than ever, thick as thieves. and then, it was coming to an end.
the last stop of the tour, you prepared for your set. your outfit was extravagant compared to previous stops, you wanted to change it up and make it more special. you were about to go on, but luke stopped you. “y/n?” you turned around, and he smiled “you look beautiful. knock ‘em dead, gorgeous.” you felt your cheeks warm up, “thanks, lu. i’ll see you after”
after the show, you met with him and he grabbed you into his arms so quickly. “you did amazing! that was the best show i’ve ever seen!” he spun you around, and you laughed. “thank you so much! that was amazing. that crowd is wonderful. you guys will have an amazing show.”
then a week away become a month, a month into a few, and eventually it had been well over a year since all of you actually had time to be together.
it was hard, because not only did you miss you friends but you missed your best friend, the one you loved most.
later, all of you found yourselves living in los angeles and so naturally you all became close again. hanging out every other weekend, and going back to your regular antics. everything was going well for 5 seconds of summer and yourself. you had made a name for yourself in the industry, especially after opening for their tour. you always thanked calum for talking some sense into your thick skull.
but, the more you were around luke, the harder it was to hide your feelings for him.
“y/n?” you jumped, eyes wandering up, and found luke who was standing over you. “guys want coffee, wanna go with me?” you closed your journal, nodding “sure” you smiled.
so, you sat in the car with him in the usual traffic of los angeles, on your phone with light music playing from the radio. “i’ve missed you” he said, you looked up, raising your eyebrow “you saw me last week, lu” “no, like in all the time we were away. i missed you, a lot. it wasn’t the same without you” you smiled, “i missed you too. but hey, we’re together now and i don’t plan on leaving anytime soon”
the car fell silent after, you returned to your phone and luke focused his attention back on the road for some time. “how’s writing going?” he asked, you turned off your phone and let it rest in your lap. “good, i have about half of my songs written. just kinda going through a phase, no inspiration, yknow?” he hummed, “oh, yeah i do” he laughed, looking at you. you smiled back.
there it was, that beautiful smile.
“you’ll get there, it’ll come one day and you’ll be writing for hours. i know how you are” you laughed, luke raised an eyebrow. “you’d know, i learned from the best” luke laughed, shaking his head. “you are something, y/n/n” he teased, “whatever, you love it” you retorted.
“oh, i do love it, and you” luke replied.
for the rest of the day, it was all you could think about. it was such a small thing but you just couldn’t help but get butterflies whenever you thought about it. but then you noticed all the times he was slowly coming around more and how close he would be towards you.
at first, it was subtle. maybe his state would linger just a bit too long, or he’d sit unusually close to you when there was the whole rest of the couch open. then, he began to see you on days you weren’t working together or hanging out with your typical friend group.
then, he’d start to hold your lower back if the two of you were in a public place. you had a little too much to drink that night? he was the first to take you home and stayed with you until you were okay on your own. luke was always glued to your hip, always holding your hand while rubbing his thumb over your knuckles, or his hand resting on your back. it was such a 180 from his usual behavior
everyone around you was talking about how good of a couple you two would be. saying, ‘oh, my god, you guys are like perfect for each other!’
could he possibly like you back?
youngblood was charting number one, so what does one do when one reaches such an achievement? party. ashton decided to hold a party at his place and everyone he knew was invited, including you. luke was your ‘date’ so, he was by your side most of the night like any other get-together. but this night changed things, for the worse.
ashton approached you, luke, and calum with someone following him. “guys!” the man yelled over the loud music. “this is sierra, a new friend of mine. wanted to introduce her” calum shook her hand, saying hello, then she got to you.
she shook your hand smiling, “hi! i’m such a fan, your music is amazing. you’re also so pretty in person!” you smiled, returning her kindness. “thank you so much!” but, when she got to luke you saw his eyes light up.
sierra was a nice girl, very welcoming and sincere. plus, she was probably the prettiest woman you had ever seen. so, who wouldn’t want to know her better?
since that night, luke and sierra hit it off. she was at every gathering with the boys, eventually taking your place in luke’s heart. at first, it didn’t bother you. luke would still hang out with you on his own, he’d still check on you if you got too drunk. but it all started to disappear. luke got distant. but maybe it was you who was pushing him away, knowing you were no match for sierra.
then, it happened.
luke announced that he and sierra had made it official, they were dating now. the guys cheered and all congratulated him, you just stood there in silence. “y/n?” you blinked, coming back to reality. you flashed a smile, “congrats luke!” the blond grinned and hugged you but you didn’t return it.
it was only a matter of time before it just got worse. anytime you’d hang out with them luke was always bringing up sierra. “oh sierra this!” or “oh sierra does that too!” in the beginning, it didn’t bother you, you tried to suppress those feelings because he was now with someone else but it hurt. you couldn’t lie about that.
you wanted him to say that about you, you wanted luke to tell everyone how proud he was that you were his. you just wanted him to see you.
one day, luke asked if he could hang out with you just like the old days. you said yes, of course. so, the two of you sat on the sofa for hours talking about anything and everything.
“i’m proud of you, lu” he shook his head, “you should be proud of yourself too, you help us write it” you shrugged. “just happy to be apart of something as wonderful as that” you smiled.
“you seem happy” luke nodded, “happiest i’ve ever been, y/n/n” you were happy to hear that, his happiness was everything you wanted for him. “sierra..she’s just so amazing, y’know? like i finally got it right. i’m so in love with her.”
gathering at parties was even worse, he was always holding onto her like she was his most prized possession. so, you found yourself distancing yourself from the group.
calum was the first to notice this, and it worried his heart. you were his closest friend, what was going on in your mind to cause your sudden drift?
you huffed, throwing your pencil down and stood up from your seat, and headed to the door. the constant knocking was getting on your nerves. when you opened the door you saw calum. “cal? what are you doing here?” you asked. “we need to talk”
calum sat across from you on the sofa, his heart heavy with guilt. he said, “where have you been?” you shrugged, “well, calum, i have an album i need to finish so i’m sorry if i’ve been busy trying to wri-“ he cut you off, “no, it isn’t that. because if it was, you would want our help we always wrote as a team” he knew you were lying, calum knew you too well. maybe even better than luke knew you.
you knew it wouldn’t do any good to lie to him, you hesitated, picking at your fingernails. “it’s just..” you didn’t know how to word it properly and you didn’t want to sound crazy. “i love luke..” you finally said, calum laughed “we all love luke.” “no, calum i’m in love with luke” calum froze, his eyes going wide even though he probably knew it himself. “oh..” he whispered. it was all connecting now.
“so, i’m sorry if i’m a little distant now it just really fucking hurts to see someone i love with my entire heart with someone else, and yes i know i should’ve said something. but id rather have him in my life as a friend instead of losing him and never hearing from him.” you were getting a bit emotional now, so calum came closer and hugged you. “it’s okay” he said, rubbing your back. calum wasn’t the best at comforting people but he cared about you and he had hoped it was enough.
“it’ll be okay, just don’t shut me out, okay?” he pulled away to look at you. “you’re strong and you’ll figure this out, and i’ll be by your side for all of it” you nodded, wiping your eyes. “thank you, calum.” you smiled, he nodded. “of course”
after he leaves you sat there for a while, you were left with your emotions. you weren’t sure how long you were there just staring at the wall. you decided that the only way you could deal with your feelings was to write a song to help the feelings go away.
days passed, you went back and forth removing and adding lyrics to the song and eventually took out luke’s name, and inserted a mysterious ’drew’. you kept your songwriting journal close, especially when you were around calum. no one needed to see it, it was for your eyes only. it was just for you to cope with the pain.
eventually, you had finished the song but if you were going to add it to your album, you didn’t know. maybe it’s too personal, or maybe it just wasn’t good enough to be released. it was just for you.
you sat across from calum, tapping your finger against the leather couch of the recording studio and staring down at the book in your lap. “what’s on your mind?” calum proposed, you hummed looking up at him. “i finished a song, i think i’m gonna go to that open mic night and perform it. i haven’t been on stage in a while” you suggested. calum agreed, “i think that’ll be nice. i’ll be there” he grinned, which earned a laugh from you.
you entered the building with your guitar and looked around before finally spotting calum, he grinned walking to you and wrapping his arms around you. “you look great” you chuckled, “thanks, cal. and thank you for showin up” he nodded. “anything for you, i’m excited to see you perform again. it’s been a while” you hummed, “yeah, it has” you agreed, calum patted your back. “break a leg!”
you laughed, walking past him, and headed up the few steps to the small stage, opening the case and getting your guitar out.
“hi everyone” you smiled, sitting against the stool and looking at the small crowd in front of the stage and you saw calum smiling. “so, most of you guys know me, if not i’m y/n. i’ve been writing and performing music for some time now.” you lightly strummed some cords. “some of you may know i have an album coming out soon, but tonight i thought i’d share an unreleased song that i’ve just finished.” you smiled, meeting eyes of a couple of people. “so, yeah. i hope y’all enjoy”
drew looks at me i fake a smile, so he won't see that I want and I'm needing
everything that we should be.
i'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about and she's got everything that I have to live without
drew talks to me i laugh 'cause it's just so funny that i can't even see anyone when he's with me
he says he’s so in love, he’s finally got it right
i wonder if he knows he’s all i think about at night.
you take a breath, about to enter the chorus and then you spot him entering the room, with her. luke spots you, throwing a smile your way but you looked back at calum and continued singing even though you began to get choked up.
he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
the only thing that keeps me wishin' on a wishing star
he's the song in the car i keep singing, don't know why i do.
drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?
and there he goes, so perfectly
the kind of flawless I wish I could be
she'd better hold him tight, give him all her love
look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky 'cause
your eyes find luke in the crowd again, his arm wrapped around sierras shoulder, who, was also enjoying your performance.
(pretend y/n sang the whole song lol i didn’t feel like writing it all sorry)
so, I'll drive home alone as I turn off the light
i'll put his picture down and maybe get some sleep tonight
'cause he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar the only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
he's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do he's the time taken up, but there's never enough
and he's all that I need to fall into
drew looks at me I fake a smile, so he won't see
everyone can tell what you’re singing about is coming from the heart and they’re giving you sympathetic looks. after you finish you quickly excuse yourself outside to take a breather “thank y’all” you smiled, standing up from the stool and leaving the stage as the crowed continued to applaud for you.
luke, for the first time in a while, notices something is wrong so he follows you out. not before cal intercepts, he could see that calum was kinda frustrated. luke asks “what’s going on? is y/n okay? she’s never done that” calum nods. luke sighed and asks “we’ll tell me! what happened?” calum says “think about the song she just sang and then ask her yourself.”
you were behind the building, pacing back and forth trying to stop the overflow of tears pouring from your eyes. “y/n?” you stopped in your tracks hearing the voice, you turned around and met with luke.
upon seeing your disheveled face, his eyes softened. luke asked, “are you alright?” you sighed, chewing on your lip. should you answer him honestly? or continue to lie, which you had gotten pretty damn good at for some time now.
“not really.” you answered. luke took a few steps closer to you and asks, “is that song about someone?” you nodded, but luke still couldn’t figure out why you never told him. he was your best friend since the two of you were just little kids. “why haven’t you told me? who is drew?”
you take a deep breath contemplating telling him, this would be the moment that changed everything. luke sees the hesitation and touches your arm “you can tell me anything you know that, y/n/n” he looks so earnest so you answer “it is about someone and i couldnt tell you because, well, it’s about you.”
luke falls silent, a wave of emotions coursing through his body. he starts to speak a couple times but stops before he can get an actual word out. “i wish you would’ve told me sooner.” luke had always been in love with you way before sierra came into the picture, maybe he just didn’t know how to show it properly. plus, he thought for sure you just saw him as a friend.
at this point, you were crying. tears falling rapidly as he was talking. he says,“do you know how many songs i’ve written about you? hell, you’ve even helped me write some of them.” he took a few steps closer towards you. do you remember when we wrote meet you there? i thought for sure you’d see right through it and know the truth. but you didn’t, and now..now i’m with sierra..” now he was beginning to tear up. “and i—i don’t know. i just wish i’d known sooner”
“luke..i..” you wiped your eyes, it was so hard for you to hear that when you had spent all your life with him only to lose him in the end. “i’m sorry.”
luke shook his head, “no, i’m sorry.”
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lipringlrh · 2 years
let me sleep - lrh
summary: luke’s snoring and blanket stealing has kept you awake all night. he tries to make it better when he realises.
an: happy valentine’s day! i used quite a few prompts from this list so i hope you enjoy it:)
word count: ~950
pairings: luke hemmings x genderneutral!reader
warnings: none really, just fluff and wearing someone else clothes
feedback + constructive criticism appreciated, requests are open
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You had a terrible sleep - you'd just woken up and you already felt dreadful. Luke had spent the whole night hogging the blankets and pressing his icy feet against your legs - no matter how far you moved away, they seemed to drift back to you.
He fell asleep a lot quicker than you, and the first time he tugged the blankets off of you, you took them back rather easily. But the more it happened, the harder it was to get any for yourself.
After multiple failed hours of sleep, you were sick of it. You went down stairs and stole the two blankets off the sofa and brought them back to bed. You wrapped them around you, folding the corners into your chest so Luke had no way of stealing it. And you finally managed to sleep.
You woke up an hour later to your whole body frozen. Luke had wrapped himself in both the duvet and the blankets, leaving one leg stuck out which happened to be pressed against yours. He was snoring incredibly loudly which irritated you more and more. You began trying to lift just one of the blankets away from him to no avail. He was wrapped in them so tightly; you didn't understand how he wasn't overheating.
After that, you couldn't sleep whatsoever. You gone and borrowed one of Luke's hoodies, and a pair of his joggers, from his wardrobe yet the cold was still numbing. You'd be able to slip your feet and a small portion of one of your legs under the duvet which gave you a little comfort until Luke's legs found them and froze them again. He wasn't ill so you had no idea how he could feel so cold.
You tricked yourself into falling asleep not long later but it felt like minutes until Luke was waking you up again. He'd wanted to get up early because he knew this weekend, you'd promised each other to spend as much time with the other as possible. However, you made him swear he wouldn't get you up too early as you'd never been much of a morning person.
He'd woken you up rather nicely, shaking you a little, then pressing kisses all around your face. As sweet as that was, you were having none of it - you turned around and spoke, "piss off."
Luke was slightly taken aback, but figured you'd just had a bad sleep. He tried to latch onto your waist and wrap his arms around you but you just pushed him off and grabbed the duvet. If you couldn't sleep last night, you were going to make it up now and not let Luke distract you.
"You okay, angel? Did you not sleep okay?" His hand was on your head, trying to comfort you without annoying you.
As much as you liked talking to him, you'd wake yourself up and have no chance at sleeping again if you did. You tried to murmur something back - with was unintelligible to both you and Luke. Instead, you answered him again, "no, let me sleep."
Luke could tell you were not happy and needed this so he just carried on trying to comfort you. Nothing was working; you still couldn't sleep and had spent the last five minutes wriggling around trying to find a comfy position.
You felt Luke move away from behind you and figured he must've been bothered by the squirming around. Instead he gently flipped you around and placed your head on his chest.
As usual, he knew exactly what you needed and you felt a lot more comfortable, "you're so cute when you're irritable and sleepy."
You chose to ignore him, "you're so warm. How are you so warm? You were so cold earlier."
You felt him chuckle against you, pausing to wrap his arms more tightly around you. You moved your hands under his shirt, letting them rest on his stomach and steal his heat.
"Are you wearing my clothes? I swear you weren't wearing them when we went to bed." He moved his hands to your shoulders, gently massaging them, keeping you relaxed.
"You spent the whole night hogging the blankets and duvet, snoring in my ear, and pressing your frozen feet into me, I think this is the least you can do."
He kept one hand on your shoulders whilst letting the other one move up and down your back. "m'not complaining, you look very pretty in my clothes. And I'm sorry about that, angel, I didn't mean to, let me make it up now, yeah?"
You nodded, trying to relax yourself again, cuddling into him more and more. Luke hadn't once removed his eyes from you. He was looking down at you fondly the whole time, trying his best to make sure you're okay. He was grinning slightly at the sight of you - he was so grateful to wake up with someone like you and wanted you to spend every moment tucked in his arms.
"Will you sing to me, Lu? Anything you'd like."
He gripped you tighter, moving one of his hands to intertwine with yours. He pressed a kiss to it, then placed another on your head, pausing for a moment to remember it, "of course i will."
You were mostly asleep already, so when he began to sing something you didn't recognise, but had a feeling Luke wrote, you fell asleep almost instantly, His voice was so soothing you wanted to listen to it forever. No matter how hard you wanted to keep listening, you fell asleep, the last thing you remember being another kiss to your face, an, "I love you, sweetheart," and the end of the song.
feedback + constructive criticism welcomes, requests are open
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bratzforchris · 1 year
hii, do you think you could do a headcanon with ashton about the reader having a bad day at work? I had a really bad day to which I didn’t even take my lunch break so on the drive home I wanted to cry :( I just really need some comfort :(((
Bad Days
awww angel i'm so sorry you had a bad day! i hope this helps a little bit<3 here's a list of headcanons about ashton helping you after a bad day!
☆ashton knows you love to be called by pet names, so whenever you've had a bad day, he calls you "my love" or "baby" or "darling'
☆always makes sure you have a nice, filling dinner that's usually one of your comfort foods
☆gives you so many kisses and cuddles on the couch or in bed
☆burns specific incenses and diffuses special essential oils to cleanse all your sad/negative energy
☆ash loves stupid jokes and will always tell them to you to make you giggle. his favorite is the orange and banana joke.
☆since you absolutely love the smell of the clubhouse candle co scents, he'll run you a bath and light the candles and get out his guitar for you while you soak
☆he knows that sometimes it's more comfortable to "be alone together" so he'll do some of the housework or his writing while you lie on the couch to take a "recovery snooze"
☆helps you with prioritizing your to-don list for tomorrow if you're feeling overwhelmed
☆ashton loves old hippie-dippy love songs, so if you're feeling up to it, he'll get out his old vinyls and dance in the living room with you
that's all the ones i have for now! i'm sorry it's so short, but i hope you enjoyed it :)
➜ taglist: @thatmarvelgirly @lukesbolts
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eueclid · 29 days
have been brewing a bassist suguru au behind the scenes and it is so incredibly delicious..
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bloodhoundluke · 1 year
luke hemmings headcanons —❦ halloween
description: this is just a small collection of halloween things you’d do as a couple 🎃🧡
warnings: a few curse words, an illegal amount of fluff, a sexual hint. loosely written so might contain typos.
a/n: so this is my first headcanons post ever! hope you like it, and happy halloween to everyone who celebrates ❥ also, the cute little ghost dividers are by @silkholland & can be found here :)
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decorating the house
i don't think you'd go overboard with the decorations, tbh. you'd decorate the house in some spider web and pumpkin decorations, some halloween lanterns on the patio. some orange and yellow candles across the house. you'd put up some pumpkin and ghost string lights in the entryway of your house, and a decorative skeleton leaning against the entryway wall. and you both would startle everytime you came home (losers ❥).
and you'd go to the florist to get some halloween-y colored flowers to put in your kitchen and the living room. you'd take forever choosing which bouquets are the best. "do you think this is better? what about this one? oh no, this is cute as well! luke??? are you listening?". his only concern would be that you'd be happy with the choice, even if he had a favorite of his own. but then you'd persist and you'd propose he'd pick one and you'd pick the other. you'd pick one for the kitchen with orange and red roses, orange asiatic lilies and dried leaves. luke'd go for different shade of orange with lilies, roses and carnations for the fireplace in your living room.
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baking halloween treats
you’d bake something relatively easy or medium hard, not anything too complicated. you’d go for halloween cake pops, pumpkin cupcakes, caramel apples or spider web brownies for example. i don’t think gordon ramsay would be too impressed of your skills in the kitchen tbh (at least not luke’s, lmao). "luke you are not supposed to put that in yet! the dry ingredients are supposed to go in first". "are you serious?? oh my god have i ruined the whole thing? i definitely have, have i?". "we can fix it, lu. or at least i hope so". "i should not be allowed in the kitchen, jeez", he'd sigh dramatically and you'd giggle at his adorable reaction. "not if you can't read the instructions, baby", you'd kiss his cheek and later you'd offer some dough to him from your fingertips. "mmh, damn this is good though".
& you’d go to the nearest grocery store or bakery if you craved something you didn’t know how to make or were too scared to even attempt.
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halloween movie night
yeah you've watched a few halloween movies on singular nights after work etc. together, but you both wanted to have a marathon night. you could go for harry potter, coraline, hocus pocus, nightmare before christmas, etc., the classics. and if you were feeling wild, you'd go for a scary movie first. "lu i'm scared", you'd hide behind a blanket. "c'mere", he'd offer you his embrace and kiss your forehead. he'd wrap his arms tightly around you, and your head would rest against his chest, your hand around his waist. "are you scared?", you'd ask him. "no". "then why's your leg shaking?". "...cause it's numb". "right...". you'd joke about possibly being plagued by nightmares the following night, and as an attempt to avoid that, you'd end the night with some sappy and cute halloween movie. you’d also eat the halloween treats you made earlier and drink apple cider etc., while watching the movies. your living room would be candle lit and the couch would be filled with blankets and pillows, so it’d be extra cozy and homey. and of course petunia would beg for food, and you'd give her the dog halloween treats you bought from the store. then the pupper would happily go to sleep and start snoring in her own bed 🥺
and at some point during the night you’d hear the doorbell ring. it’d be little kids trick or treating. you’d give them a lot of snacks and gush about how cute they were afterwards. you’d melt because you love seeing luke with children, he is so extra attentive and lovable. (maybe some day you’ll have a toddler of your own running around the house in the cutest costume ever 🥹💞).
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carving pumpkins
you’d go to a pumpin patch together. you’d look for the perfect pumpkins, but they’d all be a bit off so you settle for some decent ones. (this would take at least 30 mins and then you both would get frustrated at the selection). you carve the pumpkins at home while listening to some halloween playlist. then you’d look at the final results. “this looks like shit”. “...look at mine” and somehow luke’s even worse. this would lead to a stupid amount of giggles. luke takes a picture of the carved pumpkins together and sends it to the boys whatsapp group. (they’d all think yours is better and luke would frown, following with a jokingful ”well fuckin’ obviously they think yours is better”.)
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dressing up
there’s no way luke would not want to have matching costumes… yeah you’re that annoyingly cute couple at the party that arrives in painfully matching set of costumes. mike, cal and ash would totally make fun of you being clingy and predictable, but secretly think you two are adorable. you’d pick something you both like, ranging from cute to sexy to actually scary costumes. you could be dressed as each other too. you’d pick whatever you feel like that year. i feel like you could go for a barbie theme this year and you could help him with his makeup and apply glitter in his eyelids etc 🥹 "is this okay?", you'd confirm luke about the makeup and he'd take a look at himself in the mirror. "it's perfect, darling". "..do you know what else is perfect?". "huh?". "your incapability to know that you have a boner...". "well it's not my fault you are so sexy, is it?", he'd smirk and the comment would be followed by a hot make out session.
and of course petunia would be dressed up as something like a pokemon, pig or a ghost!! ”i don’t she likes it very much, luke”, you’d giggle. ”oh mama here thinks you don’t like your costume. don’t you like it tuney?”, luke babbles and petunia responds with a grunt and goes to her sleeping nook. you both giggle at her grumpy reaction and how cute she looks.
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attending a halloween party
so first of all, you’d be super late. you don’t have the concept of time whatsoever. but all of your friends are used to it so they don’t really expect you two to be on time. you’d arrive to the party in your painfully matching costumes and mingle with people. then one halloween you’d win the prize for the best costume together. ”i told you we would win!”. ”luke….you told me we’d lose because our eyeliners weren’t matching enough…”. ”oh… did i? silly me!”.
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© 2023 bloodhoundluke.
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lovermine · 1 year
everything i’ve ever wanted, a.i
desc: co-parenting with ashton had become easy the past four years since your daughter had come into the world, but one night alone with the man could change your relationship entirely. fem!reader.
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"dada! i can't leave without cuddles!" ashton's face lights up as he sees his daughter sprinting into the hallway, her backpack slung over her tiny shoulders, packed with everything she needs for her overnight stay with your parents. it's the first time she'll be spending the night away without one of you, but she seems completely unfazed.
"of course you can't, honey," ashton chuckles, pausing his conversation with your parents to lift his daughter into his arms. you can't help but smile at the sight of her holding his face in her small hands, planting kisses on his cheeks. the resemblance between your daughter and her father is striking—same light brown hair (though his is still dyed black) and hazel eyes. she has inherited most of his features, though ashton insists she has your nose. regardless, they are both beautiful.
almost five years ago, you fell pregnant—a result of what can only be described as a fling between you and the man who's now giggling with your four-year-old. you had met through mutual friends and engaged in a mostly sexual relationship with plenty of playful flirting. when you discovered you were pregnant, you feared you would be going through it alone, since the two of you weren't serious. but ashton stepped up the moment you told him, attending every doctor's appointment, holding your hand throughout the birth process, and even suggesting that you live together so he could be as close and helpful as possible. you could never have asked for more from him.
"be good for grandma and grandpa, and remember, she'll call us if you need anything. just tell her if something's wrong, okay?" ashton explains as he hands off your little girl to your father. your parents want her to stay the night so they can take her to a nearby zoo the next morning. it was hard to say yes, as your maternal instincts kicked in, but ashton convinced you that she would have fun and that the two of you would rush to her side if she needed anything.
"i’ll be fine! i'm a big girl now!" your daughter giggles. although you know she's still young and will need you for a long time, it becomes increasingly bittersweet to see her growing up and becoming more independent. as much as it's a good thing, it's also difficult to let go.
"we know you are, honey, but it's okay to still need us," you explain, brushing her hair out of her face and placing a kiss on her forehead.
"okay, bye mama! bye dada!" the toddler cheerfully waves as they walk out the door, bidding their final goodbyes for the night. as the door closes, a familiar pang of longing settles in your chest.
"why does she have to grow up so fast?"
"she's four, babe. we still have her for a long time," Ashton reassures you. the casual nickname tugs at your heartstrings, as it always does. although your relationship has been platonic since raising your daughter together, the playful flirting between you and ashton, albeit toned down for the sake of little ears, never ceased. it's comforting, knowing that this one thing has remained constant since your lives changed dramatically all those years ago.
"never long enough," you murmur, leaning your head back against his shoulder. you feel him let out a soft chuckle behind you, his thumb gently rubbing your shoulder in a comforting manner. "i can't believe she's already staying away from home for the night."
“i know," ashton sighs, the weight of the situation weighing on his mind as well. although he's accustomed to being away from his daughter for extended periods, he has always found solace in knowing that you're there with her. you are the best woman he's ever met, alongside his own mother. he watches your daughter grow and witness the incredible mother you've become. it's made him realize that he could never entertain the idea of having a child with someone else in the future.
"come on, let's do something to take our minds off it," ashton suggests, leading you towards the living room. you both plop down on the couch, and he reaches for the remote on the coffee table.
"what do parents even do when they're not taking care of a kid? i have no idea," you muse, allowing ashton to take control of the television.
"most parents? probably enjoy some much-needed alone time," ashton replies with a mischievous grin.
"we're not most parents, though," you counter playfully. "so, movies not made by disney it is?"
"i don't know, maybe i want to watch 'moana' for the sixth time this week," ashton teases.
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"yn, sweetheart," ashton's voice interrupts your dozing off, and you recognise the feeling of his shoulder as you slowly begin to wake again.
"oh, sorry," you murmur, realizing you fell asleep, but making no effort to move away. it felt good to be this close to him again, to be enraptured in everything that is ashton irwin after all these years. the relationship the two of you had before the pregnancy was casual, but if life hadn’t thrown the cutest little curveball in the way, you’re sure that the two of you would have gotten further.
"you haven't fallen asleep on me since the little monster was a newborn," ashton says softly, his voice filled with affection.
"i’m so glad i agreed to move in with you. i have so much respect for parents who do it alone," you admit, grateful for the support you've had.
"yeah, well, i wanted you and our little girl as close as possible," ashton confesses. "and i guess a part of me also hoped that you'd fall for me someday if you were forced to spend time with me."
"seriously?" you ask, surprise evident in your voice.
"there's no way that surprises you," he snorts, his hand gently brushing the hair out of your face. he gazes at your features, as if committing them to memory yet again. "i asked you if you wanted to be something more when you fell pregnant."
"yeah, but i said no because i thought it was just because you felt like you had to, considering we were having a kid together," you explain, your thoughts racing.
"it definitely wasn't just that," ashton states firmly. "because even four years later, those feelings haven't gone away. pretty sure they would've by now."
"but you've dated other people since then," you point out.
"no one that mattered enough to keep around," he admits. "it's hard to let yourself fall in love with someone when you keep comparing them to the mother of your child."
"why did you never say anything?" you ask, your voice filled with curiosity and longing.
"because i have everything i need," ashton replies, his voice barely above a whisper. "i have a beautiful daughter, and i have the family i’ve always wanted, even if it's not the conventional kind. i didn't want to complicate things by introducing feelings. i'd rather keep my feelings at bay than have her caught in the middle of an awkward situation."
"why would it mess things up?" you question, a glimmer of hope building within you. "don't you think I feel the same way?"
"well, now i do," ashton murmurs. "has it seriously taken us four years to realize what we mean to each other?"
"i like to think we've known it in a way," you reply, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "i think this is the part where you kiss me, ash."
"i don't think I'll ever be able to thank you enough," ashton whispers before pressing his lips against yours. It's a sweet, tender kiss that speaks volumes, expressing emotions that words could never fully convey.
"for letting you kiss me?" you giggle softly, feeling a rush of warmth and love.
"for so much more than that," ashton murmurs against your lips, his voice filled with sincerity. his hand cradles your cheek, his thumb gently caressing your skin as he gazes into your eyes. “for giving me everything i’ve ever wanted. for being such an amazing mother, friend, co parent, everything.”ashton's eyes shine with affection, his love for you and your daughter radiating from within. “i know it’s hard sometimes, especially when i’m away for long periods of time, but i always come back to loving arms. that wouldn’t be there without you being as amazing as you are.”
a soft smile plays on your lips as you feel the weight of his words sink in. "you being you makes it all worth it ashton. you’re an amazing father, even when you’re away you make it known that you’re thinking about us, that you’re coming home. it would be easy for you to use it as a break from parenting, but you don’t, and it shows how much you love us.”
ashton's eyes shine with affection, his love for you and your daughter radiating from within. "i do, i really do.”
you lean in, capturing his lips in another tender kiss, savoring the feeling of his warm embrace. in that moment, all the unspoken words, the longing, and the hidden emotions find their voice. the connection between you grows deeper, intertwining your lives in a way that transcends platonic co-parenting.
as you break the kiss, ashton rests his forehead against yours, his breath mingling with yours.
he pulls you into a warm embrace, enveloping you in his comforting presence before a smug grin appears on his face. “so how about that alone time, huh?”
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vai's thoughts: i think about dad!sos way too often to be considered normal, esp the dad!luke series i have planned and partly written in my drafts. so enjoy this little dip into domestic dad ashton aka the loml
© vailvr I all rights reserved. please do not repost any of my work as your own or share on other platforms thnx &lt;3
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adiraargent · 6 months
Requests Open
Hi everyone! I'm a second year uni student living in Australia, I'm 19 and love anime, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Supernatural and gaming
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What I Will Write
y/n x OC
OC x Canon
Canon x Canon
What I WONT Write
Pedo behaviour
Age gap
Just general uncomfy stuff
I write for pretty much any fandom, feel free to message me for inquiries :) Have an amazing day <3
Tips are appreciated
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theshyspy · 2 years
bookstore au with ashton irwin - headcanon
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Based on this request from the very talented @littledrummerangie,thank you for sending it in lovie🦋
He was a bookworm who loved the familiarity of the known. He didn’t even notice how everything was a routine: the way he went to the same cafe and browsed the menu but got the same coffee each time, before heading to the usual bookstore a few feet away.
Which was why Calum was so confused as he stopped outside a newly opened bookstore, his eyes fixed at you moving inside it. In no time he had pushed the door open and started browsing through the shelfs, waiting for you to ask if he needed any help.
He swore you had the voice of an angel as you moved towards him, smile on your face as you wondered if he needed anything. (He didn’t, but) shortly after you were recommending all sorts of books.
He was so quick to return the next day, claiming he forgot to get one of the pieces on his wishlist (something he definitely hadn’t). He was just hypnotized, adoring the way you strang your sentences together and how all your opinions was so reflected. He could listen to you talk about anything for hours.
Every other day he would come up with a new excuse and be back again, not that you minded. He was your favourite customer, always smiling and asking about your day. Once in a while he even brought you coffee (he swore the barista had made an extra on accident but it happened way too many times for it to be a coincidence)
You always looked forward to your meetings, but was getting impatient, kinda hoping he would ask you out.
He most definitely wanted to ask you out. But it had to be perfect, something you couldn’t say no to.
So when your favourite author came out with a new book, he figured it was his time to shine.
At the end of your shift, he was waiting patiently outside the door. A basket resting on his arm, filled with food you’d briefly mentioned you enjoyed. To say you were surprised was an understatement, but you followed with a smile plastered on your face as he said he knew the perfect reading spot.
And that’s how you ended up with your head in his lap, his fingers gently playing with your hair as you fell in love with both your new book and the man beside you.
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madsnic1119 · 2 years
Just fyi. It’s not x reader if you give them a name. Atp it’s an oc :) annoys the fuck outta me y’all give them names. Like a nickname to go along with the story like something out of cod I can understand but naming the reader and giving them specific traits is NOT x reader. Don’t tag it as such if it isn’t. I’m not the only one who’s annoyed by this.
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zukkaart · 1 year
I don’t jump on the divorced Zukka bandwagon- not because it’s stupid or invalid but because it makes sense and I hate it because I want them to be domestic and happy until they’re grey and old okay???????
That being said
“Bleach” from 5sos5 gave me a thought-
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So we know that cutting your hair is generally seen as a formal act of losing a part of yourself or your nation. Seen very clearly here- Iroh and Zuko cut their hair off when they realize they no longer have a home to return to.
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A little more indirectly when zuko shaves everything except his top knot after being banished as a sign of his exile and dishonor but still tied to the fire nation.
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And even a little MORE indirectly when we see Azula cut her own hair- not out of solemn realization or dishonor but because she is LITERALLY losing pieces of herself to her madness
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All this to say
(Sorry I went on a bit of a tangent there)
And IF Sokka and Zuko DID break up or get a divorce it would be seen as improper for the fire lord to cut his hair over something so “trivial”
After all Ozai didn’t alter his when Ursa left
SO I think Zuko would probably try everything possible to alter his hair without actually cutting it. I.e. braiding, hiding under hoods, etc.
I think he would even go as far as to bleach his hair- especially if they really did get divorced because even though there was no love lost- their lifestyles of being leaders of separate nations just couldn’t cope. He’d start a little at first- just a few strands on the underneath where no one could see done by himself late at night.
Little by little he realizes “cleansing” little pieces of him makes him feel the slightest bit better because the man in the mirror is starting to look less and less like the man who Sokka loved, who loved Sokka…
Obviously he couldn’t bleach all of his hair but imagine Sokka comes to the Fire Nation as his Ambassador and Chief status requires to find Zuko with one stark strip of white cutting through the right side of his hair, he looks closer and finds the smaller- subtler ones in the under layers, some obviously more well done than the others, some faded with time.
Imagine Zuko finally turning to lock eyes with him- but before he can get a word out to explain Sokka reaches up and brushes the light strip that leads into his topknot.
“What’s this?” He asks, dangerously closer than most Ambassadors should be to their hosts.
“An experiment” Zuko says quickly, unsure why he chose those words in particular, but Sokka is a scientist right? He’ll understand.
“Oh,” The playful smile drops from the darker boys features, although Zuko is unsure why.
“Does it bother you?” The words came out more defensively than Zuko meant. Why should he care now anyway?
“Not at all it’s just…” nothing. Everything.
All the words Sokka left unsaid somehow came down to this one white strip of hair, as white as Yues. The truth was that he had hoped Zuko would tell him that he had no idea where it came from, letting Sokka come to the logical conclusion that it was in fact Yue who had blessed him, and he could take it as a sign that he and Zuko were meant to be together. That they could make it work this time if they really tried. Spirits knew that stuff right?
It doesn’t matter now. The hair was fake. For whatever reason Zuko had done it on purpose. It unsettled Sokka in a way he didn’t expect.
“Sorry” He snapped out of his own thoughts. “It just looks so different from the pictures I have, it looks good though.” Sokka offered a timid smile.
Zuko stiffened imperceptibly at that but still responded in kind. “Thank you, I should go. I have others to greet before dinner.” His voice did not waiver but his mind raced. He still has pictures of me? Of us? And he looks at them? Zuko hadn’t been able to do that for months.
“Of course” And when Sokka turned to leave Zuko noticed something. A thin strip of leather braided in to the underside of Sokkas wolf tail, dyed such a deep shade of red that it almost blended in to his hair, but Zuko noticed, because Zuko always noticed.
It was the same strip of leather that Zuko had used to tie his topknot with on his first visit to the South Pole. Deeper in color than his usual choice because he didn’t want to stick out too much, but Sokka had protested anyway, gently pulling it out of his hair and replacing it with one of brilliant blue, a color as deep as the ocean but somehow still as alluring as a familiar set of eyes. At the time, he would have gladly drowned in both.
That was 15 years ago now, when Zuko hadn’t even been brave enough to hold his hand.
Sokka had kept it. All this time. And now he was even wearing it - subtle as it may be. And Sokka was just the same, just the same, same blue eyes, same genuine smile, same gentle brush of fingers against his hair, the exact same Sokka. His Sokka.
Zukos hair was back to its natural color by morning.
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emotionalcarousel · 10 months
Nancy and Ace are the ultimate AuDHD couple. Nancy is autism, not quite good with people, special interest of solving mysteries, blunt and a little bit rude when she doesn't mean to be, loyal to a fault and just wants to help. Ace is adhd, a little bit scattered, hyperfixations of hacking, mysteries, and Nancy, golden retriever energy, doesn't always think before he speaks, also loyal to a fault.
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bartxnhood · 3 months
san francisco masterlist
luke hemmings x oc!
friends to strangers to lovers au!
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𓇼 - - - - - - - - 𓇼 - - - - - - - - 𓇼 - - - - - - - 𓇼
𓇼 - - - - - - - - 𓇼 - - - - - - - - 𓇼 - - - - - - - 𓇼
prolouge - downtown
chapter one
chapter two - unpredictable
chapter three
chapter four - wherever you are
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bratzforchris · 1 year
Let Me Help You
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Summary: Luke has always loved his safe foods, but when the time comes to try knew things, he knows you're always there to help <3
Pairing: Neurodivergent!Luke x neurodivergent!reader
Warnings: Mentions of being unwilling to eat
Word Count: 1241
A/N: Neurodivergent!Luke is so so so special to me :')
Being a neurodivergent couple wasn’t always easy, but you and Luke worked through it slowly, taking it day-by-day. With him being autistic and you being ADHD, it could be difficult to do things most couples considered “easy”. That didn’t matter to you two, though. In fact, you honestly believed that since both of you were neurodivergent, you honestly got along better. 
One of the things you disagreed on, or rather, struggled with, was food. Having ADHD, you adored trying new foods because it gave a little something spontaneous to your life, which made it easier to focus and overall gave you some good dopamine. Luke, on the other hand, would rather die than not eat his safe foods. His safe foods brought him comfort and routine and just gave him something to look forward to. His favorite safe food by far was spicy phõ. The blond would honestly go through several bowls of the stuff a day if he could. 
“Luke! I’m home!” You called, stepping inside the apartment and setting down your grocery bags. 
Your boyfriend had much higher support needs than you did, making it more difficult for him to go to the store than it was for you. You didn’t mind, however. He was always appreciative of you making the trip and always helped put groceries away. 
“I missed you,” he smiled, beginning to unpack the bags. “Wait a minute. Y/N?”
“Yes?” You asked, looking his way. 
You already knew what Luke was going to ask, but you’d been avoiding telling him just to avoid a breakdown. Recently, you’d notice how much sodium was in the phõ packets you got him at the store, as well as how the spiciness gave him awful acid reflux every time, without fail. You figured that couldn’t be healthy for him, so you opted to not buy the packets this time, instead planning on taking him out for the noodle soup one day this week. 
“You forgot phõ.” he said bluntly. 
“Lu,” You said softly. “Baby, those packets have a lot of sodium in them and that’s not always healthy. Plus, they always upset your tummy. I’ll take you out for phõ one day this week, I promise.”
“But,” Luke started, already beginning to tug on his hair. “I don’t want other foods, Y/N.”
“I know, honey, I’m sorry,” You really were, you knew how much safe foods could help, but you couldn’t just let Luke ruin his health. “I promise I’ll take you out for some later this week. I got some other foods you can try?” You suggested. 
“No,” Luke said flatly. “I don’t want that.”
Your heart broke for the blond. You knew how much comfort his safe food brought him, but also the sensations of being thirsty and the burning throat that the packets gave him always caused a bit of sensory overload. You began to make lunch, eyeing the way Luke was fiddling with one of the multiple stim toys that you two had laying around the apartment. This one seemed to be a pink and blue tangle, and Luke was desperately pulling at it, huffing and sighing as angry (and change in routine) tears filled his eyes. 
“Here sweetie,” You said, setting a plate in front of him. “It’s just pasta with marinara sauce and some broccoli, nothing too crazy.” You said gently. 
“I don’t want that.” Luke mumbled. 
You knew he wasn’t trying to be rude, so you pat his hand gently and sat down beside him at the table, beginning to eat your own lunch. It became awkward after a few minutes, with you quietly eating and Luke seemingly having gone non-verbal from the frustration. 
“Would you at least like to try a bite?” You asked softly. 
You weren’t going to be overly forceful with him, but Luke needed to eat. You could tell by the way his hands were shaking slightly that he’d yet to consume anything today. The blond shook his head, pushing the plate away and stalking off to the couch. You let him be for the moment, figuring he just needed some time to calm down and snuggle under a weighted blanket with his comfort stuffie. 
By the time you had cleaned up your lunch mess and wandered into the living room, Luke had fallen asleep on the couch, headphones on and stuffed animal clenched tightly to his chest. You smiled with a small chuckle, knowing he needed the rest, however, you made a mental note to make sure he ate when he woke up. 
When Luke woke up, you were almost sure he had been reluctant to eat because he was beyond tired. The poor boy had slept for four hours, making it currently five in the evening. 
“Hey Lu.” You said sweetly, looking up from your book as you caught him rubbing his eyes and yawning out of the corner of your eye. 
“Ow…” Luke mumbled, wrapping an arm around his stomach. 
“You okay, darling?” 
“My belly hurts.” he whimpered softly. 
You bit your lip and rubbed his side. “It’s because you haven’t eaten today, honey. You need to find something to eat.” 
“But there’s nothing I want,” Luke’s face was bordering on a pout, but you knew he didn’t mean it that way. “I’d rather not eat than not have safe food.”
“Luke,” You said, slightly more stern. “You have to eat. It can be something small, but you have to eat.”
His big blue eyes began to immediately well up with tears. “I can’t,” he cried. “It’ll be bad and hurt my mouth and I don’t want it.”
“Lu, you have other safe foods, honey,” You said gently, running a hand through his blond curls. “What about some oranges? Or barbecue chips? You have a Sprite too.” You bargained. 
Luke pulled his lip through his teeth, debating his options. “Fine.” he eventually said. 
You smiled encouragingly, helping him to the kitchen. “Would you like to make it or do you want me to?”
“Me please…” Luke mumbled, searching your eyes for approval. 
“Go ahead, bubba.” You smiled, truly trying to praise him. 
You knew how hard eating could be for Luke, especially if it wasn’t a safe food, so seeing him willing to make his own food was a step in itself. You stood by, just in case he had trouble with the knife when cutting his oranges. Being autistic meant the blond sometimes struggled with his fine motor skills, but he was getting better at it every day with the help of a wonderful support team and you couldn’t be prouder. 
You watched as the blond slowly sat down to eat his meal, tentatively putting the food in his mouth and eating it just to make sure it tasted okay. He once again looked up at you for approval, and you nodded with a smile. 
“I’m so proud of you, Luke.”
“Thank you,” he said with a blush. “I guess it wasn’t so bad. ‘M sorry for being difficult…”
“None of that,” You kissed his blond head of curls. “I know how hard things can be, baby, especially when it feels like your brain is so messed up compared to everyone else’s.”
Luke blushed and leaned into your side, pushing away the now-empty plate. “Thank you for looking out for me. I’ll try to eat new foods. I still like phõ best, though.” he stated honestly. 
You laughed. “I know, love. I know.”
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lovermine · 2 years
promising forever, clifford
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desc: michael’s been sure she’s the love of his life for long enough, it was time for him to make the next big move when it came to promising forever
warnings for: a whole lot of tooth rotting fluff
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michael feels bad for those unlucky enough to have not befriended her, or those that had lost her company in the past. because to those who don’t know her had never felt her grace. the kindness she showed to the people she encountered. she helped when she could, whether it was random chores around a house that she doesn’t even live in, or a shoulder to cry on when you had nobody else. every minute michael had come to know her he had fallen more in love. with the emotions inside of her, the moments where he could laugh with her over a great day, or the days where he held her after life had dealt a shit hand. and he fell in love with every inch of her skin, explored under moonlight nights with soft touches and whispers of love.
to michael, she was the blood pumping through his veins, the strength in his bones when he had his own shit hand. when he was missing home on tour and she would fall asleep on call with him, send him videos throughout the day recounting what she was doing so just for a minute, it felt like he was there with her. when nothing was going right in the studio and her fingers danced across his skin in all the right places to help him decompress. and she was the constant by his side throughout the good too, when their new single hit number one and she had run into his office to congratulate him the minute they found out, when they had bought their first house together and insisted they christen every room in the house with large smiles and promises of forever.
it was those promises that had brought him to this moment, when the assurances of their always were as strong as ever. his fingers play with the small black box in the pocket of his jacket, foot tapping along to the music playing over the speaker as he awaits her to come home from her night out with friends. she had insisted on coming home early, despite him telling her that he didn’t mind spending the night alone if she wanted to truly let loose. but she had never felt more free unless she was with him, she said. and he knew tonight was the night.
he hears her keys jingling on the other side of the door from his spot in the living room, casting a quick glance to the area he had set up in the garden over the past few hours before making his way to the hallway where he could greet her as she came in,“mikey!” her smile widens as soon as she meets his eyes, dropping her keys onto the small table by the door she could wrap her arms around him.
“hey, sweetheart.” he mumbles into the material of her dress as he rests his head against her shoulder, the dark green fabric reminding him of the time she had worn it out when the band had been celebrating another success. he can smell her perfume as he holds her close, ignoring the small voice inside of him that tried to tell him it could be the last time. she loved him, he knew that. but the weight of the box in his pocket still sent his nerves sky-rocketing. “how was your night?”
“was fun, i missed you though.” he pulls back to admire her face, every feature having being studied extensively by him through their relationship, yet her beauty still managing to catch him off guard every time his eyes meet hers.
“i missed you too.” he mutters with a sigh, as if finally having her with him takes a load of weight of his shoulders. it definitely felt like it did, she had a special way of making him feel like all his problems melted away. he finally presses a kiss to her lips for the first time since she walked through the door, hand on her hip squeezing slightly before he pulls away to slot her hand into his. “i have something to show you.”
“oh god, what did you do?” she giggles as he leads her down the hallway,
“you’ll love it, hopefully.” her eyes widen in surprise when they step into the living room, gaze landing on the set up in the garden they can see through the sliding doors. there are candles set up everywhere, on the patio chairs, the floor, the tables and along the fence. they glow into the night and from afar, they almost look like resting fireflies.
“michael?” she questions as he leads her into the middle of all the candles, standing in front of her with a nervous smile on his face.
“i uh..” he cuts off whatever questions she was about to ask, rubbing his palms on his jeans. the nerves that he felt in the hallway seem to be slipping away as he starts thinking about what to say, knowing that whatever he said was coming straight from his heart, that his statement of profound love was the easiest thing he could ever think about because it was all he did. he’s convinced it’s his life purpose to love the woman in front of him. “i’m not sure a lifetime is long enough to truly show you how much i love you, you’re my inspiration, my motivation, and i want to spend the rest of my life with you because i can’t imagine a day without hearing your voice, or thinking about when i’m going to be able to hold you next.” he takes her hands in his, flicking his eyes between hers that are looking at him with the most sincere amount of admiration that he thinks he could ever recieve and the way her fingers are tracing over his tattoos on his hands, probably being able to sense his nerves. “i’ve found myself thinking a lot lately about what’s next for us, because everyday with you feels like another step in the right direction. i want us to have the life that we’ve spent countless sleepless nights talking about, having our own family one day and experiencing every new adventure life will bring us.” michael lets out a deep breath he had been holding as he moves to get down on one knee, her free hands now moving up towards her face that is contorted into a mix of recognition and surprise. a quiet giggle leaves her lips as she realises what is happening, heart beating so loudly in her chest that she’s scared it’s going to drown out his words. “i love you so much it gets overwhelming in the best way possible, and it’s the only thing i ever want to feel, so will you marry me?”
“there is no doubt in my mind that we are forever, michael.” she places her hands on his wrists to gesture him to stand up, “of course i’ll marry you!” her voice almost cracks with tears as he takes her in his arms, both of them laughing with the highest feeling of glee that they had ever felt before. every moment in their lives, the ones before they had even met, had been a rollercoaster edging it’s way to the top just before the long drop, and this moment was the feeling of exhilaration crashing down onto them.
“i love you so much.” michael mutters, taking her face in his hands so he can press kisses to every inch of her face.
“i love you, and our family.” she whispers into the night, inching her face closer to his as she kisses him once again. she watches as his eyes flash with confusion for a moment when they pull away, processing her words.
“our family?”
“i was gonna wait to tell you..set up a whole thing.” she laughs at the idea now, knowing that no moment would have been more perfect than now, when they had confessed their desire to be bound in marriage beside candlelight under the sky of their shared home. neither of them are fans of the large romantic gestures, or at least the ones in public, confessing their love for one another was something they preferred to be theirs alone. “but i found out yesterday, michael, i’m pregnant.”
“oh my god,” a smile takes over his face and even though she had never feared his reaction, it brings her a sense of relaxation now that he finally knows. there was no explicit trying for a baby, but they both knew that they had been getting sloppy when it came to protection and when neither of them questioned it, it was almost like a silent agreement that they were ready for that step. maybe it was the same feeling he felt when he was getting ready to propose, knowing that they were absolutely ready for the large commitments because they were ones they never dreamt of experiencing with anyone else. “we’re having a baby!”
“we’re starting a family, mikey.” her pointer finger caresses the stubble on his cheek as she holds his face between her palms, admiring the wide smile and all his features that she wishes their child would inherit.
“i love you, both of you, with absolutely everything i have.” michaels voice drops to a whisper as he mutters into the night, as if the words are meant for her and her only. because they are, for her and the unborn child. the woman in front of him filling his heart with so much love it was almost painful, but it was a pain he never wanted to go away.
“we love you too.”
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vai's thoughts: i absolutely love how this started but i kind of hate the ending, but michael is my baba and i need someone to be in love with me the way he’s in love with his girl in this fic. enjoy <3
© lovermine | all rights reserved. please do not repost any of my work as your own or share on other platforms thnx <3
link to taglist form <3 : @nimrats @arakuki
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louisdeadpoets · 2 years
every time i hear the lyric “when you ask me what’s the matter, the actor says he hates himself” all i can think of is neil perry. 5sos, thank you for your service to the dps fandom 🫡
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