#6 months of matilda can you believe it!!!!!!!
pand1on · 1 year
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duskwoodgirl4life · 2 years
Jake's POV
I thought being this happy was just something I dreamt about, but it is so very real
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⚠️ Trigger Warning contains sadness so have a tissue ready ⚠️
Chapter 7
Jake and MC had now been together for 6 months everything was going so well, they spent even more time together not wanting too be apart. It was Friday and it was Jake's turn too stay over at MCs, Jake had the snacks and MC had the movies. MC came down too breakfast ready too start the day her mum had been busier than ever. When MC was making some cereal she could here her mum talking on the phone.
Matilda: it's going too come at a high price
Unknown: just name your price and the contract is yours
Matilda: £100,000 and I'll sign the contract and come back too the practice in Arizona
Unknown: I'll get the contract sent over too you today, read it over sign it and then send it back.
Matilda: see you in a couple weeks
MC's bowl fell crashing too the floor she couldn't believe mum was planning on moving back too Arizona. Tears started too fall she quickly grabbed her jacket and bag and ran out of the door. Jake didn't live too far away from her so it didn't take her long too get too Jake's house, she ran up the path and knocked on the door.
Sophie: hi MC, Jake's in his room come in is everything okay?
MC: I need Jake, my mum wants too move back too Arizona
Sophie: oh my love, I'm so sorry you go up and see Jake take all the time you need
MC went up the stairs and knocked on Jake's door, he opened the door too a crying MC he instantly put his arms around her.
Jake: it's okay, I'm here now what's happened?
MC: it's my mum, she wants too move back too Arizona, I heard her on the phone I don't want too leave I can't leave you
Jake: we will find away too still be together did she say when you would be moving?
MC: she said in a couple weeks, Jake I don't want too leave you I don't think I could handle being that far away from you.
Jake: I don't want you too go MC, we are going too find away I promise
Jake held MC in his arms until she had calmed down, he ran his hand up and down her back and lightly kissing her head. Jake felt his heart breaking he couldn't love the love of his life he had too think of away for them too stay together.
Jake's POV
Was faiet really going too split is up? I thought we really where meant too be, I don't know if I could ever handle losing her I've never felt like this before about anyone. Sure I've had crushes on other people before but this, this is different I heart aches for her. I hate seeing her so upset normally I would just hack into something for her and fix the problem. I can't do it this time I feel so powerless do we run away together? Does MC move in with me? My mum would be okay with it she loves MC like a daughter.
I still remember the day she told me how she truly felt, 6 months later we are more in love than ever. We have waited so long too be together losing her now would crush me I don't think we could handle the long distance relationship.
MC looks up at Jake and kisses him on the lips his lips are soft and warm they are so inviting she could just kiss him all day.
MC: Jake, can we skip school today? I want too spend the whole day with you I don't want too leave your side
Jake: I have the perfect place for us too go we can grab some food and drinks on the way
Jake took hold of MCs hand they went too the store and bought some supplies, Jake took MC too a remote abandoned house just on the edge of duskwood forest. Jake picked the lock on the door and both went inside, Jake put down the few blankets he had in his backpack and they both sat down.
MC: this is perfect Jake, just you and me together noone else too bother us
Jake: I'm glad you like it, I heard about this house awhile ago from my dad the owner just left after his daughter was in an accident
MC: Jake, I need too ask you something I know it might be too soon but.... I need you Jake I want too go all the way.
Jake: are you sure this is what you really want I know we have talked about it
MC: Jake, just kiss me please I need you too make me forget about everything
Jake leaned closer and kisses MC deepening the kiss they both fell back onto the blankets Jake's hands roamed MCs body, finding there was underneath her shirt. MC felt her bra losen as Jake unhooked it MCs hands lifted Jake's shirt off throwing it on the floor.
After they had finished they both lay back trying too catch their breath, MC cuddled into Jake putting her hand on his chest.
MC: that was amazing Jake I love you
Jake: I love you MC, that was amazing my love
They both lay next too each other for awhile before drifting off too sleep, awhile later they both woke up and noticed the time.
Jake: we better get home it's getting late
MC: are you still coming over too mine? You are aren't you?
Jake: of course, I won't leave your side come on let's get back and we can cuddle up and watch movies together.
MC and Jake went back toocs house and watched movies together cuddled up on MCs bed.
A few weeks had passed and it was time for MC and her move too move back too Arizona, MC was so upset she couldn't think straight. She hates her mum for making her move so far away from Jake. She tried everything too try and get her mum too change her mind and stay in duskwood.
Matilda: MC come on, we need too go now!
MC: I hate you, I don't want too leave
Matilda: don't say that MC, you will see it's for the best
MC: I hate you! I hate you for making me move I hate you for dragging me back too Arizona and making me leave Jake.
As they where about too get in the car Jake came running up too MC, kissing her softly on the lips.
Jake: I want you too know I will never forget you I will always love you, I want you too have this
MC: Jake what is it?
Jake: it's a promise ring
MC: I love you so much Jake, I will phone you everyday and text you I love you Jake I always will
Jake: I love you too MC always and forever
As the car drove away MC had tears running down her face, it was breaking her heart Jake stood watching MC leave he too had tears falling from his eyes.
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the-little-robyn · 2 years
Natalia's (aka Julistín oopsie 4th baby's) gifts
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Natalia is from the fanfiction called something unexpected by @wikluk ao3. Go read it. I decide to redesign Natalia to look more like Agustín than Julieta but i kept her clothes from my previous design of her that i made months ago. These powers are just sugestions and whatever gift little Natalia will get, is up to the author. i just like to imagine diffrent scenarios. So without any further ado, heres some of Natalia's gift ideas. I have alot of fun making these and i hope you like it.
1. Telekinesis.
Natalia's eyes would glow when using her gift (similar to Bruno but blue) as well as the object she's moving. I feel like if Natalia has telekinesis she would be close to Pepa since both gifts are control via strong emotions. Her powers are like Matilda from Matilda, Raven from Teen Titans and Carrie from Carrie but the way it works is similar to Eleven from Stranger Things (minus the blood). There are weight and time limits to what she can carry with her mind, she can get physically and emotionally drained from using it to much and she can't carry everything especially if it's heavy (she has telekinesis, not super strength). I also think she will be close to Agustín since she would often catch him with her gift everytime he trips.
2. Hydrokinesis.
Basically water bending from Avatar the Last Airbender. If Natalia have this gift her chores would be rerouting the river and watering the crops and various plants, making her close with her 2 older sisters Isabela and Luisa.
3. Empath.
This one is intresting. The way this gift works is that Natalia is able to feel other people's emotion by simply looking at them. If she have this gift she would be close with Dolores since according to superpower.wiki , people with this ability are prone to sensory overload especially if there are to many people near by therefore, she will absorb too many diffrent emotions all at once making her dislike large crowds. She will also be close to Julieta since i believe with this gift, Natalia is able to help heal people emotionally. She's pretty much a therapist at age 5. Her eyes will change colors depending on what emotion the people she sensing. Yellow is happy, dark blue is sad, red is angry, purple is fear and many more.
4. Portal Creation.
She can make portals. All around the Encanto. Though i felt her portal creation won't extend beyond the mountains of Encanto and if it does, her family will ban her from making portals going outside of the mountains.
5. Photokinesis
Light manipulation. Natalia can create balls of light and can move around as well as turning it on and off. After she got this gift, one of her chore would be lighting up the street lamps around the Encanto with her balls of light at dusk and extinguish them by dawn. Similar to a lamplighter, a now extinct profession that used to be very common in the 19th century.
6. Invisibility.
She can turn herself as well as anything she touches invisable. Would probably be close to Camilo if Natalia have this gift. They (and with Mirabel tagging along) would be absolute prank gods.
7. Super speed.
She can run fast. Similar to her portal powers, her family will not allow her to go beyond the mountains.
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jilytoberfest · 3 years
Author - @theroomofreq
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Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! You can find her on ao3 !
1. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Perhaps how I interact with other readers/authors. My favorite part of writing is interacting with readers, and the best part of reading fanfic is interacting with writers. There is nothing quite like conversations in the AO3 comments :')
2. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your stories?
There are so many grammar rules, so many.
3. Do you have any suggestions to help others become better writers? If so, what are they?
Find a Beta reader!! It makes a world of difference to have a second set of eyes on your work!
4. What do you think makes a good story?
I believe many things make a good story, characterization, dialogue, plot, world-building, etc. Most of all, I believe we create wonderful stories when writers and readers share experiences through reading and writing.
5. What is the first book that made you cry?
6. Does writing energize or exhaust you?
It depends on the day. Energizing writing days are brilliant, and exhausting writing days are difficult. I find taking breaks on both occasions to be incredibly beneficial.
7. Have you ever gotten reader’s block? If so, what are your tips to overcome it?
YES. Create a cozy environment. I like to snuggle up in a nice chair, a warm blanket, and my favorite snack. Sometimes I will set out a large blanket outside under the shade to do my reading. Other times I need to drive up the canyon and find a quiet spot. If all else fails, a trip to the library does the trick.
8. Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?
ABSOLUTELY. Only you can tell the stories in your head. What a person may sell themselves short on could be what makes their stories fantastic.
9. If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
Practice! Don't be afraid to take classes, reach out to others, and practice. (also, stop writing all that rhyming poetry!)
10. What was your hardest scene to write?
Honestly, all of '2am'. It was the second Jily fic I ever wrote and my first fem!Jily fic. I agonized over it for ages. I had the hardest time getting all the prepositions to make sense. I also wanted the fic to be really well done, and I worked on it for a long time! I am forever grateful for @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world who was an exceptional beta reader for this fic and taught me so much!
11. What is your favorite childhood book?
Matilda !!
12. How long on average, does it take you to write a one-shot or a chapter of a fic?
Weeks. (r/writing: what magic does it require to write a coherent story in less than a month?)
13. A fic that inspires you?
It's best if I just link my AO3 bookmarks, all of which I love dearly. https://archiveofourown.org/users/theroomofreq/bookmarks
14. How do you edit your work?
After I finish the first draft, I do a really quick rough edit/read-through. Next, I wait a day or two and reread/edit with fresh eyes. I usually add more to the story change plot points, add character/scene details, and characterization elements. I wait another day or so before I drop the story into my favorite web editor, ProWritingAid. Which is a HUGE help and where a majority of my massive editing takes place. After a day or so of editing, I find someone to beta the fic. Once I get the fic back from a beta reader, I do another edit to fix everything needed. I wait AGAIN, (and this is the one that nearly kills me) before I do a final read-through and post the story.
15. Where does inspiration come from?
A lot of my writing inspiration comes from my daily life or previous experiences. But it also comes from random thoughts, shows, books, and other fics.
16. Who has been helpful to you as you write for the fandom?
Readers who read my stories, readers who leave kudos/like my stories, readers who comment on my stories, and friends who beta read for me. Readers who come on anon to ask questions about my story, friends on discord who support my stories, and friends in group chats about writing. Anyone who reblogs my writing or recommends it in any forum. Writers who respond to comments with anything like, "I wanted that to come across, I am so glad you noticed it!" I could create an endless list of individuals who are thoughtful and incredible friends. The remarkable thing about the Jily fandom is everyone is like that, which is why is such a treat to be here.
17. What is your fav POV to write from?
Lily Evans!
18. What is a fic you would love to write but are worried you won’t be able to accomplish it/nervous it wouldn’t work out?
Any Hogwarts-era Jily fic makes me extremely nervous! Jily canon is a lot to work through!
19. Do you ever self-insert in fics?
20. What is the story you are proudest of?
"All I think about is you" & "Personality before Punctuality" (shout-out to hinny 'simple things you do')
21. Do you prefer writing canon jily or muggle au?
I love both, but I adore Muggle AU's most.
22. What do you do to keep you writing when you feel you have a block in creativity?
I remind myself of my writing goals/motivations with the mindset that taking a break can be healthy. I haven't found anything that works every time but I run through a good list when this happens. (Reading old stories, typing out silly dialogue, looking up prompts, reading old comments, rereading my fav fics, starting a new book, writing a very long journal entry, yoga)
Thank you very much for doing this!
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Real Happy - A Harry Styles Fic
Misery Doesn’t Love Company
Matilda Williamson is Happy. Really.
She’s got a Grammy before she’s thirty and is planning on riding that wave for as long as she can. She can’t remember when a song she wrote on wasn’t in the charts. Sure, there’s been compromise and trade-offs along the way, but isn’t that true of life in general? All Matilda needs is the ocean, her guitar, a project and she’s right.
Harry Styles is an Arsehole. Really.
He hasn’t written a song in months and is unexpectedly newly single. Somewhere along the line he fell out of grace with the world and his life became the sacrificial lamb in return for his career. He’s sick of the circus of it, but is desperate to make new music, inspiration be damned. All he needs is to be back in the game. A Grammy wouldn’t hurt either.
An enemies to lovers fic set in Australia feat. coconut suncream, misbehaving Marsupials, and salt water therapy. ++ Real Happy Playlist - Link Soon!  Real Happy Tag List My Masterlist
Prologue  Part 1 - California Part 2 - I Wish Somebody Would Build A Bridge Part 3 - You’ve Underestimated Me, Dude Part 4 - Opinions Won't Keep You Warm at Night Part 5 - I Believe You, Liar Part 6 -  P**** ** *** ***** Part 7 -  D**** **** ** *** ** *** *** * *** ** Part 8 -  A **** **** ** *** **** ******* Part 9 -  W**** ********** Part 10 - M****** ****
Join the Real Happy Tag List
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time-is-standing · 2 years
top 10 songs from august
1. Everybody Dies In Their Nightmares by XXXTENTACION
I am still on the journey of moruning a huge loss in my life, so my nights are terrible again. this song was the thing that helped me fall asleep most of this month, as I had difficulties.
2. NDA by Billie Eilish
this song is a masterpiece. ever since I moved to the big city I've been obsessed with Billie's songs. this one is quite special for me. it can ease my mind so easily and I love it.
3. All the Things I Hate About You by Huddy
this one is a huge bop. I love the beat, the lyrics, the meaning and the mcyt related tiktoks to the viral sound, lol. I have issues with anger management and screaming songs like this is real helpful.
4. walk away as the door slams by Lil Peep, Lil Tracy
this song is the best motivation for my walks. it has the perfect rhythm and I love the way the lyrics is repeating, somehow it helps me tune out the world.
5. Domestic Bliss by Glass Animals
nda 2.0 lyrics-vise. recently I've been listening to songs that confront my biggest fears/past traumas/these huge bottled feelings inside of me. this one is about domestic abuse and I've had enough of that for my life in the past few years. it's both unsettling and somehow calming at the same time to listen to this one.
6. Matilda by Harry Styles
speaking of past traumas, being someone that has never been loved in a healthy way before sucks. the lines that indicate I'm right where I'm supposed to be with these songs are giving me so much comfort, I can barely describe it all.
7. Sex, Drugs, Etc. by Beach Weather
I love the feeling this song gives me.
"break the air to feel the fall
or just feel anything at all"
8. Habits by Genevieve Stokes
this month I've made some risky moves. I declined the wedding invitation to my best friends' wedding. I am heartbroken about the whole situation and don't want to assist to this bullshit. but I am painfully aware of the fact, that I let him down in the process of protecting myself. and it'll hurt for a while I'm sure, but this is what I need to be doing in order to survive and maybe be happier.
that night I choose to go to another party to try and forget it all and I have found something special.
"it's on again, off again - love you like oxygen"
9. Atlantis by Seafret
I finished writing the other pov of my Wilbur Soot fanfic & the last part of it is themed after this song. it's a bit of heartbreak but I love it so so much.
10. Cinema - Acoustic by Gary
"I could watch you for a lifetime
you're my favourite movie"
I finished june off with the song Suicide being the 4th most listened to song by me. the lyrics "someone will love you but no one will love me" was mentioned in the post and I believed every single word of it. now, at the end of august a boy woke up next to me after a wild party and smiled at me in a way I never believed was possible. him covering his eyes and poking through his fingers to make sure I'm there...
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
If you were a witch, which animal would be your familiar? I don’t what a familiar is or anything about witchcraft.
If there's a design on your shirt, what is it? I literally just described it in the previous survey I did, but it has Ralphie from A Christmas Story on it with a bar of soap in his mouth and says, “Oh, fudge”, which is a quote from the movie.
If it was possible to colonize any planet and you were the leader, which planet would you choose? I really wouldn’t want to be the leader of anything. I’m not fit for that.
Is there a piece of technology that you just can't live without? I mean, I’m pretty attached to my laptop and phone, but of course if for some reason I couldn’t have them I would survive, but it’d be really quite boring. I don’t have much to do.
Would you ever visit a ghost town? That would be interesting.
What's the last thing you ordered from the last fast food place you went to? Loaded potato wedges and 3 egg rolls from Jack in the Box.
Which natural disaster scares you the most? They all sound terrifying. I’ve never experienced one. What're your religious beliefs and why do you follow them? I’m a Christian. I believe in God and that Jesus died for our sins and is our Savior.
What do you think happens after you die? I believe in heaven and hell.
What would you do if you found out your life was only a simulation controlled by someone else? That’s scary. I’ve had thoughts like that, though. Like a Truman Show scenario or that one day I’ll wake up and find out my whole life has been a dream.
What's the scariest thing you've accidentally found on the internet? Ugh, I HATED when jump scare things would go around. Like, people would disguise as a link for something else and then you click it and it’s some ugly, creepy looking girl screaming really loud. OH, and there was that one with the car that was driving down some winding road and you’re watching and waiting to see what the video is about and then bam! something pops up on the scream and scares you. Ughhh. Not cool. I’m such a jumpy person as it is already.
Is there anything bothering you right now? The usual stuff as always.
Thinking of every Halloween costume you've had, which one was the most creative? I never had a really creative one. They were pretty simple.
What song are you currently listening to and what song was the last you listened to? I’m not listening to music.
What's the picture on your calendar for this month? I don’t have a calendar for this year at the moment.
If you were a mythical creature, which would you be? A fairy.
If you were an animal, which would you be? A dog.
Were you ever bullied when you were younger and how did you handle it? I wasn’t, fortunately. It was something my parents worried about when I was in elementary school because I’m in a wheelchair, but honestly I never had any issues with anyone. The only bullying I receive is from myself on a regular basis. 
What do you remember most from being five years old? I have some vague, bits and pieces of memories from kindergarten. 
What do you remember most from being ten years old? I have some memories from 4th grade. My favorite teacher ever was my 4th grade teacher (who later ended up teaching 8th grade and I had him again) and I remember funny stuff he did and like how he read out loud to us books such as Matilda and he would the voices and made it fun for us. He also used to sing, and I remember one time he led all of us in a rendition of “I Want It That Way” by The Backstreet Boys lol. He was so cool. Oh, and he was known for doing “the robot” dance and miming. 
What do you remember most from being fifteen years old? Stuff from high school.
What does the last person you found attractive look like? Alexander Skarsgard is 6′4, has blonde hair, blue eyes, is very fit and in shape, and Swedish. He’s absolutely gorgeous.
Have you ever thrown something away and then wanted it back? Yes. I hold onto a lot of stuff that will sit in a box somewhere forever, but then if I get rid of something I’ll suddenly wish I still had it or have a need for it again.
What's one random city you want to visit? Seattle.
If you owned a store, what would you most likely sell? Books. It would have a cafe, too.
If you had a garden, what sort of plants would you grow? I don’t know, man. I have zero interest in gardening.
What's your favorite phase of the moon? I don’t have one.
What're your plans for today? I’ll attend my church’s livestream and then do the normal things I do everyday. 
What's the song for your life right now? I don’t know.
Do you believe that when you die, you get to see all your loved ones again? Yes.
Who would you be the most excited to see? My grandparents. 
Have you lost or almost lost someone close to you to death this year? Not so far...  I don’t want to think about that.
Did you lose any of your friends this year and if so, how? I don’t have any friends to lose. 
Have you experienced anything new this year and if so, what? Not so far, but we’re only in January. 
Do you enjoy reading National Geographic magazines? I’ve only read a few. 
Would you rather read the book or watch the movie? I love to read and I’m down to check out the movie.
Do you know anyone who's serving in the military right now? No.
Does or did either of your parents serve in the military? Nope.
Has anything in your house ever caught on fire? No.
Have you ever hugged a stranger you thought was someone else? No. Omg, that would be super embarrassing. I’ve waved to someone I thought was someone else, but never went so far as to hug someone I thought was someone else.  As a small child, did you ever feel as if you were different or weird? No, not really.
If you could instantly know any language in the world, what would it be? I’d like to be fluent in Spanish.
This year, how many times have you been to the doctor? So far just once. I go once a month and we’re only in January. 
Do you have a library card and if so, do you use it often? Nope. I haven’t had a library card since I was in high school.
Do you like romcoms and if you do, which one is your favorite? Yeah, I’m a sucker for the romcoms. I have several favorites.
Thinking of your ex and the person you love, are they similar in any way at all? I don’t have a significant other or someone I’m interested in at the moment.
Is there something you currently want and/or need that you can’t have? Yes.
Thinking back to six weeks ago, were you happier then or are you happier now and why? Neither then or now. 
Who's the first male you can think of whose name begins with "T" and what can you tell me about him? Thomas, my maternal grandpa. He sadly passed away 10 years ago. Both of my maternal grandparents passed away. I was very close with both of them and losing them was very hard for me. I miss them both every single day. My grandpa was an amazing man. He was the best husband, father, and grandpa. He was hardworking. He provided well for his family. He was loving. He was so funny. He told the best stories. He was known for being a talker haha, he could go on and on for hours, but everyone always wanted to hear what he had to say. And sometimes he’d go off on tangents, but the stories always came for circle. He was just an incredible man, well loved and missed by many.
Can you say "happy birthday" in another language? Yeah, “Feliz cumpleaños.” 
What subjects do you or did you get the worst grades in? Math was always my worst subject, I barely scraped by with Cs.
Should you be concentrating on something else instead of this survey? Nah. This is my nighttime routine.
Have you ever told someone that you loved them and they rejected you? I didn’t tell them I loved them, but I expressed my feelings for them and was rejected. Twice.
Do you know anyone else that's happened to? Yeah.
Is there anything you want to say to someone, but you can’t or won’t? Not at this time. What're your reasons for not saying it? --
Who's someone in the music industry you think is overrated? Taylor Swift. Don’t for me, Swifties. 
Who's the eleventh contact in your phone and when did you last see or speak to that person? I’m not checking. 
What’s your mother’s middle name? I’m not sharing that.
When was the last time you ate cake and what type of cake was it? I had some red velvet cake a few days ago.
Have you ever been told you were too good or not good enough for someone you loved? I had friends who said I was too good for Joseph. I wasn’t good enough, though.
Why do you think someone would say that to you? They didn’t like how he treated me and thought he was too immature.
If the last person you kissed said you were the only one they wanted, would you believe them? That was 8 years ago, I don’t see him ever saying that now...
Who was your first crush, how do you feel about that person now and do you still talk to them? My first crush was this kid Philip when I was in 3rd grade lol it was just some little crush, I was 9. He didn’t even know me.
Who was the last person that apologized to you and what was it for? I don’t recall.
So how're things going with the person you love? There’s no such person.
Are you "in love" with the last person you kissed? No. I moved on years ago.
Do you have photos to go with all of the contacts in your phone? I haven’t added a photo for any of my contacts.
Who was the last person to comment on one of your photos on Facebook and how did you meet that person? I think it was my Nana. 
How many of your friends are sexually active?
To finish, is there anything you would like to say to someone? Sigh.
Do you think surveys are annoying? They can be sometimes, but I really do enjoy doing them. Clearly.
What career paths are you considering? I don’t know. :/
Do you watch music videos? I haven’t in a long time.
Have you ever clicked on those banner ads that promise a prize for clicking? No. I definitely don’t miss popup ads. 
What kind of computer are you using? Macbook Air.
What kind of computer do you wish you were using? I’m happy with this one.
Have you ever had a weight change so drastic you went to the doctor? I didn’t see a doctor for it specifically, but yeah it was concerning. It’s still a problem I’m struggling with. 
How cold does it have to be before you put on a sweater? In the 60s F, I’d say. 
Do you eat things off the floor? Never.
Who do people say you look like? My mom.
Do you usually get your homework done on time? I’m done with school, but yeah I always got my homework done on time. I may have been a major procrastinator, but my work always got done.
Have you ever framed your old movie ticket stubs? Not framed, but kept.
Do you have a digital camera? Nope.
Have you ever stuck something inappropriate in an electrical outlet? No. I’m afraid to plug in things that meant to go in there as it is.
What do you have anything scheduled for the 16th of this or next month? We’re past the 16th now, but no I didn’t have anything going on that day and I don’t have anything planned for that day next month either.
Can you sleep without any pillows? No. I can’t sleep flat, I have to be propped up.
Is there a color you refuse to wear? I don’t like to wear white.
Has anyone ever pulled a gun on you? No, but I am a victim of random gun violence. 
Are there any chairs in your bedroom? My chair. There’s an ottoman that could also be a chair as well.
How many pairs of shoes do you have? Like 6 or 7.
How much was the last item of clothing you bought? My total was $40 for 2 shirts, but I ordered online so there’s additional fees. 
Where's your father right now? He’s in his room asleep.
Do you skip breakfast often? Yeah.
How many days has it been since your last birthday? My birthday was 6 months ago.
Do you want any more siblings than you have now? Nah, at 31 years old I can’t imagine having another sibling. 
Would you make a good president or prime minister? Nope. I have no desire to be one.
Are you going out of the country soon and if so, where to? No. I don’t have any travel plans and who knows when I will at this point. :(
Do you ever feel like you want to get away from everything? Yeppp.
Do you need a haircut? I could use a trim.
When was the last time you went on a trampoline? Never.
Were you alone today? I’m alone right now in my room cause everyone else is asleep, but they’re here in the house. My dad is off today and will be home all day. My mom and brother have work, but they’ll be home at some point.
Who was the last person you saw today? The day isn’t over yet, it’s only 4:51AM, but I’m willing to bet my brother will be the last person I see cause he and I stay up late.
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tinyghosthands · 4 years
Joy, but Not Joy (2015)
Several months ago, well before we entered the current situation we find ourselves in, I began to intentionally note moments of joy. This was an attempt to retrain my brain from its go-to state of anxiety, fear, and doubt. I journaled about it, jotting down things that I loved or made me feel loved, or anything that gave my fight-or-flight a third option: enjoy, or at the very least: chill out, babe!
And then the virus happened, is happening. At home, a place where I honestly thrive--I’ve noticed how quarantine is affecting me. The news, a void. Twitter, a void, with commentary. My job, where I get to see and teach the most amazing four and five year-olds, changed entirely--and though I get to see my students through the miracle of technology, I worry about them. My own sense of isolation, my need to be around people, is making me more reflective than I already was, which is like, help!
So, this is what I want to do. I want to take note of joy, gratitude, delight--whatever you want to call it--and share it. This idea isn’t novel; Kurt Vonnegut wrote: “If this isn’t nice, what is?” Ross Gay wrote about this intention beautifully in The Book of Delights. Wonderful! is a whole podcast about it. And with that knowledge comes the thought that I may be doing this out of performance--to be seen in my gratitude instead of genuinely sharing it--though all I can do with that thought is acknowledge it, and send it on its way, a la Rusted Root, a la Matilda, a la Danny Devito. Wow, beautiful. I don’t know how many times I will do this, or how long I will keep this up. I hope this is of some degree of help, distraction, or *ahem* joy. I hope you share yours, too. If all the weird, out-of-touch, not-helpful-at-all commercials for corporations and companies are to be believed, then we are indeed, all in this together, lol. Alright, ok. That’s so many paragraphs I’m honestly enraged. Here are some things I’ve loved recently.
1. Heather Sundquist Hall’s art!
2. Schitt’s Creek! 
3. This TikTok!
4. Rebuying and replaying Bioshock (PS4)!
5. Postcards From the Pandemic: Pico Iyer!
6. Animal Crossing, obv.
7. Fiona Apple, obv.
8. The dip cones from Dairy Queen Ricky and I got last night. 
9. Peppermint Tea!
10. The app Seek!
Please, reply with what’s getting you through! 
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yeonchi · 4 years
Kisekae Insights #11: Sea Princesses Part 1 (Introduction and Rider List)
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(Art by Rainbow’s Network, formerly Princess Rainbow Channel, source here)
You thought five months of Sea Princesses content wasn’t enough? Why don’t we make it six then? Oh, I’m sorry, you thought this was going to be one part like the other shows we’ve gone through so far? Oh no, the Sea Princesses series has so much significance in my project for a niche (and almost forgotten) series that it’s going to take three instalments to cover everything I want to cover.
I was planning to cover my versions of Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger and Kamen Rider Decade first, but I’ve been so busy with other stuff that I haven’t had time to prepare those instalments ahead of time. Also, I thought it would be better to cover Sea Princesses while it’s still fresh in my mind. In case you didn’t know, Sea Princesses content has taken up the majority of my Tumblr posts in the last six months under the coronavirus lockdown; from April to June, I reposted my reviews of the cartoon series that I wrote in 2019, then from July to September, I fulfilled an item in my bucket list by translating and reviewing the books that inspired the cartoon series. You can check them out here.
In the next three instalments, I’m going to take a look at the involvement of Sea Princesses in my personal project, as well as share some theories about the series that I’ve implemented in my project and teased in my reviews.
A brief introduction
The first mention of Sea Princesses in my personal project was in 2010, when I assigned them warrior names like I did with the Flowertots. Unlike Lucky Star, however, whose characters were divided into five different clans, the characters of Sea Princesses form only one clan, namely the Uesugi clan. In the Moushouden Series, the Uesugi clan would also be known as the Salacian Army.
After being inspired by the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror XI segment Night of the Dolphin, I drafted up some mock battle fixtures for a storyline named Salacia Rebellion. The storyline wouldn’t get made into actual stories until 2017 with Three Kingdoms Series 3.
Sure enough, the Sea Princesses made it into Doctor Who as well, crossing over with two sea-related animes. They had appearances in Series 7 Part 1 (the Salacian Time War arc) and the Next Gen Series (a two-parter in Series 8 and then a minor appearance in the Series 9 finale two-parter). In the Moushouden Series, they became Kamen Riders, which I’ll elaborate on later.
Regarding timelines
Most of this series’ involvement in my project is based on the timeline of the animated series. When I bought the books, I was hoping that I could implement them into the series as well, but I decided to stick to adapting the animated series because the timelines for them and the books are very different.
So what is the series’ timeframe in terms of this project? Officially, I decided that the events of the series would be set in 2004, the release year of the first book, assuming that everything in the series takes place in one year as there is no indication anywhere in the series that the class has moved up a grade. This means that the characters would have been born around 1996-1998. You can calculate for yourself how old they would be during the years my stories are set in.
Original characters
What would any adapted series be without any original element to them? There are four original characters that I’ve made, but one of them isn’t as “original” as you may think.
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The Squid Princess: Squid Girl
You thought I couldn’t make an original character for this series with a character from another series? Haha Rider machine go brrrr.
Yes, that’s right, Squid Girl is, in fact, a Salacian. Her father, the Squid King, was killed by Maurice Mouseling at the fourth Battle of Kawanakajima in 2006. He was the first king to suggest an invasion of Dryland to prevent Drylanders from coming into Salacia. Initially, the other kings were not willing to join him, but they eventually warmed to his cause, given the damage the Drylanders were doing to the ocean. Following the Squid King’s death, his daughter went onto Dryland to take revenge, but she ended up in the wrong place and well, you know the rest if you know about her series.
Squid Girl was one of the two who worked behind the scenes with the Master to bring about the Salacian Rebellion of 2010. She is seen fighting Maurice during the final battle as she attempts to take revenge for her dead father. She also served at the catalyst for the group’s backup plan when the Salacians were defeated by the Dryland armies, eventually starting another conflict amongst the Drylanders before returning to her home at the Lemon Beach House.
In 2012, Squid Girl met the Fourth Doctor in an episode of his spinoff series before she became a companion of the Fifth Doctor, alongside Tsukasa Hiiragi in Series 6 Part 2 and Series 7 Part 1, and alongside Clara Oswald and Takeru Aizawa in the 50th Anniversary Series.
In 2018, Squid Girl was part of a faction of princesses who became Amazon Riders thanks to Narutaki and Nozama Pharmaceuticals. She gained the Neo Amazons Driver and fought as Kamen Rider Amazon Neo.
The Squid Girl anime also featured a girl named Kozue Tanabe, who is implied to be an octopus. She is only mentioned once in Three Kingdoms, but I stated that she was related to the Octopus Royal Family.
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The Mermaid Prince: Zhuge Shu (and son, Zhuge Sōta)
Originally, I created this character in 2012 out of nowhere and it wasn’t until 2018 that I actually gave him a backstory. Believe it or not, this was going to be my answer to the Barracuda Kingdom saga until I thought better of it and kept it separate by making him the Mermaid Prince. He was also one of Hiroki’s echoes created when he split himself all over his timeline.
A long time ago, the Mermaid Kingdom was notorious for frequently breaking the First Law of Salacia, which stipulates that Salacians are not to be seen by Drylanders. This resulted in the other kingdoms turning on them, forcing the royal family onto Dryland. The Mermaid King transformed into Agito and fought with all his might, but was killed in battle. His daughter, the Mermaid Princess, was saved by a Drylander before they could hunt her down. They eventually got married and had a child named Seretao. When Seretao was still a baby, the Shark King invited the Mermaid Princess and her husband to discuss a treaty, but his real intention was to kill them.
Luckily, Seretao was left in the care of the Wolonggang Academy, the same academy where Parker trained when he was very little. Upon graduating, Seretao became a mercenary for hire and changed his name to Zhuge Shu (courtesy name Hutiao, made from separating the characters in his name – 虎 and 儵, the latter is made up of the characters 條 and 黑).
Sometime in 2005, one of his jobs led him to the city of Hiroki’s primary school army, where he overheard two girls plotting to kill him. He eventually managed to find Hiroki and tell him to escape to Honnōji, which only served to delay the inevitable.
Over the next few years, he became acquainted with Salacia and worked odd jobs both there and on Dryland. At one stage, he took on the name Magoichi Saika and fought for the Date Army, led by Doctor Eggman. He was the other person who worked with the Master to facilitate the Salacian Rebellion and he was also the Shark King’s strategist, supplying him with weapons and strategies.
Later on, after Squid Girl executed the backup plan, Zhuge Shu, now the leader of the Saika Renegades, defected to Parker’s army. Not much was seen of him, even after they disbanded, until the Salacian Time War in November 2012. Zhuge Shu meets Parker again and helps him set up a delta wave generator, which is actually a trigger that would fire the Harmony Signal once it was charged. Following the battle, Zhuge Shu was entrusted with Akeno Shiranui, a woman who Parker accidentally married following events that led him to see her true form as a mermaid. The two got married and had a baby boy named Zhuge Sōta, who was born in October 2013.
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Salacian General: Lorah
Lorah is a Salacian general who fights as Kamen Rider TheBee, with his underlings, Hugo and Tata, fighting as Drake and Sasword. He isn’t known to be a part of any royal family (that never came to mind when I created this character), but given who his underlings are, you could argue that he is affiliated with the Turtle Royal Family.
At the end of his debut episode, Lorah would be revealed to be a Roidmude alongside Hugo, Tata and the goddess Salacia; Narutaki had kidnapped their templates and had some Roidmudes copy them so she could trigger the Global Freeze. After Narutaki’s plan was foiled, Lorah and the others were rescued and they continued fighting as Kamen Riders.
Characters and Riders
When I first implemented this series in 2010, I wasn’t able to include all the characters because I was unable to find or keep records of them at the time. All I had was the characters that had descriptions on the official website at the time, including Agostinha and Dinho, even though the former had no lines and the latter had no appearances (I thought he did at one point, but after watching both series, I was proven wrong). Naimo was also added as I did remember watching The Babysitters back then.
Jaune, Goldina, Flourison, Matilda, Veto, Caton and Caramelo, the “forgotten characters” (who had no descriptions), were implemented in 2017. The speculations I had for them weren’t added onto the wiki until 2019 for the sake of completeness.
The great thing about Sea Princesses having so many characters is that I can make armies of Riders out of them. The characters’ Rider designations are derived from Ryuki, Hibiki, Kabuto, Agito and Amazons. Most of the Riders were featured in Kamen Rider Decade, while some additional Riders were added in Soulbound Series 3 and 4 because god, I can’t stop thinking about Rider War storylines with them. The Salacian Riders are split up into factions typically consisting of Riders from one series.
Ryuki Riders (led by the Shark King):
Kamen Rider Ryuki – Daniel Camielez
Kamen Rider Knight – Kelvin Galvarro
Kamen Rider Scissors – Sirilo
Kamen Rider Zolda – Elektra
Kamen Rider Raia – Soraia
Kamen Rider Gai – Marcello
Kamen Rider Ouja – Tubarina
Kamen Rider Odin – Shark King
Kamen Rider Tiger – Ester
Kamen Rider Imperer – Leia
Kamen Rider Femme – Polvina
Kamen Rider Verde – Vivi
Kamen Rider Abyss – Bia
Daniel and Kelvin are Drylanders; additionally, Daniel is the Dryland boy from The Boy and The Secret Admirer. He will be elaborated on in Part 3. Kamen Rider Ryuga has not been implemented into Decade or Soulbound, but he will be implemented in Zi-O.
Hibiki Riders – Ibuki Faction (led by Marli):
Kamen Rider Ibuki – Marli
Kamen Rider Todoroki – Caramelo
Kamen Rider Zanki – Delfi
Kamen Rider Danki – Naimo
Kamen Rider Sabaki – Matilda
Kamen Rider Eiki – Dinho
Kamen Rider Shuki – Socita
Hibiki Riders – Kabuki Faction (led by Maurico):
Kamen Rider Kabuki – Maurico
Kamen Rider Tohki – Isa
Kamen Rider Nishiki – Lia
Kamen Rider Habataki – Camarina
Kamen Rider Kirameki – Angelica
Kamen Rider Amaki – Jaune
Kamen Rider Kyoki – Goldina
Kabuto Riders – TheBee Faction (led by Lorah):
Kamen Rider TheBee – Lorah
Kamen Rider Drake – Hugo
Kamen Rider Sasword – Tata
Amazon Riders (no leader):
Kamen Rider Amazon Omega – Juli
Kamen Rider Amazon Alpha – Jessi
Kamen Rider Amazon Sigma – Agostinha
Kamen Rider Amazon Neo – Squid Girl
Unaffiliated Riders:
Kamen Rider Agito – Zhuge Sōta
Kamen Rider Gills → Chalice – Zhuge Shu
Kamen Rider Hibiki – Marcela
Kamen Rider Saga – Salacia
Soulbound Series 3 additions (2019):
Kamen Rider Amazon New Omega – Akeno Shiranui
Kamen Rider Amazon New Alpha – Miss Marla
Kamen Rider Gouki – Caton
Kamen Rider Touki – Veto
Kamen Rider Shouki – Flourison
Kamen Rider Banki – Serena
Soulbound Series 4 additions (2021):
Kamen Rider Aqua – Duante
Kamen Rider Poseidon – Windy Adams
Duante is the mysterious boy featured in The Healer while Windy is the name of the Drylander girl in The New Princess, not to mention that she is named after the Drylander girl featured in the third Sea Princesses main series book, The Windy Letters.
I’ll start covering the history of Sea Princesses’ involvement in the project from the next instalment.
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foofygoldfish · 4 years
A L L F I F T Y for Tilly :3
oh my god
also this is from literally two months ago whoops
1)      Age? 23!
2)      Gender? female
3)      Romantic/Sexual Orientation? lesbian
4)      Height? 5′6…ish? i swear i’ve said this before, but i can’t find it dslkfj
5)      Race? Half black, half white
6)      What do they look like? (i.e, hair color, eye color, etc): fiona nova!
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7)      Any disabilities? No
8)      Is there a meaning to their name? she was named after her great-grandma, matilda!
9)      What makes them, them? she’s a major horse girl. major. and awkward as fuck, but also intensely curious about the world.
10)   What do they want to be when they grow up/what do they want to do with their lives? she wants to work with horses! she considered working in the clinic with her mom, but she really prefers it in the barns.
11)   Do they have parents? What are they like and how do they act with their child(ren)? yes! her parents are hannah, who runs the clinic in jackson, and charlie, who teaches at the school! they’re both very caring, and have done their best to raise their children in this new world. 
12)   Do they have siblings? How do they interact with them? If not, do they wish they had siblings? she has an 8 year old sister, leticia! tilly is very protective of her - she knows that leticia can handle herself, but that’s her baby sister, y’know? also the two of them love gossiping in sign language - not many people in jackson are fluent, and they take advantage of that.
13)   Extended family? Do they see them often? unfortunately, no - hannah and charlie lost track of their families after the outbreak. tilly assumes that they’re all dead.
14)   Do they like where they live? (Is it a safe place?) yes! she does think it’s too safe, but that’s just her wanting to go on an adventure.
15)   Where do they live? Are they wealthy? Poor? Middle-Class? jackson, wyoming! i feel like pretty much everyone there is probably roughly around the same level? the norths were firmly middle-class before the outbreak though, and they do have one of the nicer/larger houses in town, just by virtue of being one of the first settlers.
16)   Do they have a lot of expectations/pressure on them from family to do great? nope - hannah and charlie would like her to do amazing things, of course, but they want their kids to be happy first and foremost.
17)   Do they have pets? yes lol - she has three dogs, a pit bull named timber, a german shepherd named grizzly, and a rotweiller named bear. they’re all giant softies. she has a horse as well, callie, and honestly thinks of all the horses in jackson as her own.
18)   Who do they look up to the most/are the closest to in their family? her mom. shes close to her entire family, but her mom.
19)   This there anything special about their family? i… don’t really think? before the outbreak, they were pretty average - a med student and an adjunct professor. 
20)   Do they wish they lived in a different family/household? nope. 
21)   Best Friend(s)? talisa york
22)   Who was their first friend? will and ben!
23)   What is their friend group like? .... small. tilly doesn’t really have any friends? she has will and ben, but they’ve drifted apart over the years. she’d still drop everything to help them in a heartbeat, but she’s not sure if they’d do the same for her.
24)   Do they have a love/hate relationship with any of them? ...see above?
25)   Do they consider any of their friends to be like siblings?  aaaand above
26)   Have they ever hurt a friend or lost one? not intentionally, but she had a very bad habit of speaking first, thinking later when she was growing up, and said some things that came out much harsher than she intended
27)   Do they have a crush on any of their friends? ...does talisa count?
28)   Do they share classes with good friends? she was in the same ‘grade’ as will and ben when they were still in school
29)   Whom do they go to the most when they need a shoulder to cry on? tilly, her mom, and maria
30)   What would this person do without their friends in their lives? uh. she handles it better than her parents expected, honestly?
31)   What grade are they in? If they aren’t in school, how come? ....she’s 23
32)   Do/Did they like their teachers? Was there a good one? Bad one? she did like him, but her dad was her main teacher lol
33)   Do/Did they listen to their teachers or are/where they goofing off a lot? yes, because her dad is really good at the disappointed dad stare and the disappointed teacher stare 
34)   Are/Where they a good student grade wise? she was average - didn’t really have the attention span to pay attention in class. 
35)   Do/Did they need extra help? a little, particularly with math
36)   What is/was their school like? it was pretty much a one-room schoolhouse when she started - there is an actual school building in jackson, but there weren’t enough students to justify spending energy on it at first. they moved into that building her last year.
37)   Do/Did they have bullies in school? ohhhh boy. school was rough. she was the weird kid who never quite fit in, and even in the apocalypse, kids are mean.
38)   Have they ever gotten into a fight at school? ...yes.
39)   Have they ever done something stupid/embarrassing at school? yes. no, she won’t tell you.
40)   How far do they plan to go with school? If they dropped out, do they want to go back? she graduated!
41)   Are they dating anyone? Do they want to date? Are the married? Divorced? at the time of joel and ellie’s arrival, she’s dating talisa! they get married roughly a year and a half after the game.
42)   What is their favorite hobby? Do they keep it a secret? besides spending time with the horses? writing. she doesn’t talk about that much, though. mostly just tells the stories to the horses, or leticia, if she’s convincing enough.
43)   If they could have one thing in life, what would it be? to be able to travel.
44)   Do they work? If so, what is it? If not, are they looking for one or even want one? she works in the stables and the clinic!
45)   Do they use social media? no social media in the apocalypse 😔
46)   Have they ever been in the hospital? an official one? not since she was a baby. she’s had to go to the clinic for broken bones a few times since she started working in the barns, though.
47)   Do they believe in the supernatural, that there is more than the eye can see? she’s convinced the old school and the dam are haunted.
48)   What do they do when they get angry, stressed, or upset? cry. or she’ll get really quiet - that’s a dead giveaway that something is bothering her.
49)   Would they consider themselves as a good person, bad person, or morally grey? good.
50)   Does this OC have any part of you in them? (I.e, personality traits, similar background, etc) yuuuuup. as the resident Weird Kid with adhd/autism in my elementary school, i know what she’s gone through, and i really apologize to her because it really sucks... also, horses
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2old4kpop · 5 years
15 Underrated Girly Kpop Songs That Make Me Go Absolutely Feral
When it comes to girl groups, more than anything I am a Blackjack and Blink. I like to listen to girl songs that make me want to murder men (and believe me, that blog post is in the works). But I’m also a ONCE, as TWICE are my sweet darling babies, but they’re about as girly as I can tolerate. I’m not one for the super girly concepts. I mean, did you guys ever see MINX? Occasionally I ironically jam to Shakey Love Shakey Shakey Shakey Shakey Love, but it was an absolute blessing from the K-pop gods to rebrand them as Dreamcatcher. It’s really only the A-list girly songs I tolerate, like GFriend or Oh My Girl. Everything else below them just seems really cringy.
Except for a few chosen few that are so good that they make me absolutely lose all of my shits. And I’m talking about songs that nobody seems to know like at all. Either these songs came out when the groups were still under the radar, before they had their big smash hits, or they just never seemed to rise to the top. But they are still valid and important. Videos are linked in the song names, since Tumblr won’t let me add more than five videos, but here we go.
15. April- Dream Candy
April is one of those rare groups that pull off the girly concept so well but don’t ever seem forced, like they are just truly naturally sweet and pure and precious. Honestly all of their songs are great, and it’s tragic that they haven’t had a comeback in 2019. But their debut, Dream Candy, is the one that really gets deep in my soul to that animal part of my brain that makes me scream this god damn chorus. But only really at the end. I never really listened to this song until it came on shuffle one day when I was walking home in the rain, and thought, why not listen to this awkward girly song, and then the last chorus hit and OH MY GOD. It’s a good one guys.
14. Momoland- Jjan! Koong! Kwang!
So this song comes out by some unknown group called uh, Momoland?, with a title that is just a bunch of sounds that don’t exist in English, and I felt like I was the only one on Earth that was like, “This is fine.” I was honestly in some I Am Legend universe where instead of me being the only living person on Earth, I was the only one that liked Momoland’s debut. As time went on Momoland started putting out what is pretty much some of the worst K-Pop that exists (I mean, have you SEEN the video for Wonderful Love? Try not to cringe challenge) and sadly enough this group just faded into obscurity and never had any huge, Earth shattering hits or anything. 
13. DIA- My Friend’s Boyfriend
On paper this song is awful. I mean it’s a song about being a petty bitch who has decided to steal their friend’s boyfriend, hence the title. Also the song ads cute little quirks like *squints eyes to read this metaphorical paper closer* coughing. Also the video has an unnecessarily long intro. But believe me when I tell you that this is an absolute slapper.
12. Gugudan- Wonderland
It’s a crime that Gugudan has never really hit it off, even with two I.O.I members. Their debut has this amazing Little Mermaid concept and believe me when I tell you that this chorus is best when screamed at the top of your lungs. After all the screaming I am basically in a manic state by the la la la’s.
11. LOONA 1/3- Love&Live
You’ll notice that the main theme of this list is that the choruses are absolute fire. But this one comes in and basically knocks the wind out of me with sweetness, like some kind of aegyo Kool-Aid man. It’s really the music that does it for me in this one, along with the melody, along with Heejin’s perfect high note. If this song doesn’t make you smile then you are a robot, like ViVi. 
10. Shannon Williams- Why Why
If Ant and/or Dec were here, they would hear this song and definitely say that Britain’s Got Talent. Shannon is the British IU,hands down, undeniably, I will not be taking questions at this time. But it’s very sad that her career was nonexistent after this came out. Was it the fact that this features a sixteen-year-old grinding against faceless boys? Or that this video widely revolves around her intensely stalking someone? It can’t be the song because that is perfect. 
9. AOA- Bingle Bangle
Okay so some history for those non-Elvises out there. AOA was THE HOTTEST girl group for a good minute, with so many timeless collaborations with the Brave Brothers that really changed the shape of female K-Pop for a while. And then ChoA left the group. And without the only member who could actually sing the face of the group, AOA kind of went quiet, save for a few Jimin solo songs. Then AOA came back with a new sound, and while everyone else thought it was terrible, I thought it was a bop! And I love the video and the concept! And the dance for this is so fun. Bingle Bangle is a real yes for me dawg. It’s only too bad that they lost yet another member and their concept was handed off to FNC’s new girl group. Speaking of which...
8. Cherry Bullet- Really Really
Yeah so they literally gave this entire “girls in a video game but it’s fun and cute” concept to Cherry Bullet, and they hit the ground running with it. This comeback in particular is my favorite of theirs because it hits one of my favorite pop music tropes: Having A Funky Instrumental Chorus, Only At The End To Put Words Over The Music. It ticks all my boxes.
7. Rainbow- Whoo
If you ever wanted to hear a song that made you scream “RAAAAIIINBOOW AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” then this is it. At this point in this list we start to hear the songs that make me truly insane, and this song absolutely destroys me. It’s really sad, however, that this is basically Rainbow’s swan song, as it was their last song before disbandment. 
6. Matilda- Macarena
I bet you haven’t even HEARD of Matilda. I bet you didn’t even KNOW that MATILDA just DISBANDED a FEW MONTHS AGO because ALL THEIR SONGS WERE BAD except for THIS ONE which is just full of CHAOTIC GOOD ENERGY and if you don’t ENJOY THIS then GET OFF MY LAWN. 
5. Berry Good- Angel
Berry Good was destined to be one of those girl groups, like Matilda, that came from a tiny company and was just given bad songs and were set up to fail. So they crowdfunded, and somehow made two incredible comebacks, Don’t Believe (which is a whole other story that we won’t get into today, but it’s an amazing song that you should check out) and prior to that, Angel. I don’t even know where to begin with this song because it literally makes me forget who I am and why I exist. It’s a banger?? This song starts off so soft and pure and jumps right into a chorus that makes you bang your head and scream “I TAKE A CHANCE, YOU NEVER KNOW” as loud as possible. And right when you think you can’t take it anymore, that you are gasping for air because you are drowning in perfection, THEY GO EVEN HARDER. Like, girls, you did not need to go that hard. Holy shit. They go full IU in Good Day. I don’t know why we were blessed with this, especially since after this all their other songs have been garbage, and they’ve been so unsuccessful that they lost their strongest member and they’re heading for disbandment. But we have this gem, and I’m thankful for it.
4. 4Minute- Heart To Heart
Back when 4Minute was just another 2NE1 clone, trying to compete in the market of “Girls Who Look Tough But Are Actually Sweet” 4Minute, aka The HyunA Group, put out this. Third Geners, this is what Second Gen was all about. This is the meaning of Christmas, Charlie Brown. This song is everything. It’s perfect. And it’s too bad that 4Minute didn’t really stick with this sound, but also not, since with their more mature concept they wound up getting pretty famous once Park Bom... I mean, we’re not gonna talk about it. 
3. Hyolyn- Bae
Okay so I know that Hyolyn as an entity is not technically considered underrated, but her entire solo career is being slept on and I don’t understand. With Sistar gone, and now Red Velvet carrying the torch for summer anthems, Hyolyn doesn’t necessarily have to give us one of the best summer songs of all time but she did. Every second of this song to me is perfect. And yeah okay I’ll admit it, I am a Gay, I am attracted to women, and Hyolyn is a lot of. A lot of wow. She and HyunA are exactly my type, and this video is a lot. But the SONG you guys. It’s so much that I told even regular people who listen to English music to listen to this song. They didn’t, of course, because the world doesn’t appreciate Hyolyn like I would, I mean like I do as a fan and nothing else. This song was my summer anthem in 2018, Power Up wishes it was this good.
2. BESTie- Thank U Very Much
One of the things that really got me into K-Pop during the Second Gen was that it sounded so much like pop music from my youth. This is gonna sound weird, but I grew up in a Wiccan Neo-Pagan household where 90% of the music we listened to was traditional Celtic or New Age, and if it was ever anything else it was like The Beatles (my Mom and her sisters were one of those screaming and fainting Beatles fans, the trait that was clearly passed down to me, based on what happened when I saw G-Dragon live, but that’s another story) or ABBA, or any kind of British/European pop/rock from the 70s or 80s. So once I was old enough to really find out what kind of music I liked, I dived deep into cheesy pop songs like S Club 7, Britney Spears, and the like. But I always had a soft spot for ABBA. The melodies, the music, the strange lyrics that didn’t really make sense or weren’t quite grammatically correct but it worked. I feel like that love for obscure pop, along with the 90s and early 2000s bubblegum pop, pushed me right into the K-Pop scene. And this song is the best example of that kind of weird melody with oddly used English words, but it works in the best way. The chorus of this song sounds like it was written by ABBA. The ending of this song is transcendent. Tell me you can’t picture a Korean Meryl Streep in overalls singing the ending of this song while dancing on a beach. This song makes me lose all my shits. But I do have to say that this video is uh, Not Good, especially compared with how amazing the song is. But these underrated bottom of the barrel groups don’t have much to work with in the first place, so we can’t really fault them. This song holds up, and is going to hold up for a very long time. I stan.
1. Laboum- Shooting Love
So like I said before, I don’t typically like the super sugary, super tacky, super girly girl concepts. BUT I LOVE LABOUM. ALL their girly sweet songs are AMAZING. They somehow get everything right, in their own unique way. They’re not at all like “Oh, they’re like GFriend”, “Oh, that’s like Lovelyz” or anything, if you get what I’m saying. Laboum had their own cheesy yet perfect style of girly. Aalow Aalow: A CLASSIC. Journey To Atlantis: A CLASSIC. Hwi Hwi: A CLASSIC. Only U: YES YOU GUESS IT, CLASSIC. Sugar Sugar: DON’T MAKE ME SAY IT AGAIN. I could have made this whole list with just Laboum songs. So I made myself pick one by listening to as many old Laboum songs as I could before I would become an absolutely menace to society, as I am not responsible for my actions after listening to so much girly perfectlon at once. If I was arrested and went to court for I dunno, causing distress and mayhem to the citizens of my city, my lawyer would call it “the Laboum defense.” “You see, Your Honor, my client listened to a lot of Laboum songs, and lost control of themselves and became an entity, a ball of energy, a comet destroying everything in its path while screaming cheesy Korean lyrics.” And I would be set free, of course, because who wouldn’t lose themselves completely to the power of Laboum? But anyway I picked Shooting Love, as it puts me in a manic state from the very intro until the last second. And let me just say now that I deeply mourn this old Laboum, as they came back in 2018 with a new concept that makes them sound lobotomized compared to their old sound. Like slow R&B is fine, but compared to this it’s drab and slow and dull and I hate it. I Hate It. Bring back cute Laboum in 2020, or at least study Apink if you want to see how to properly change an aging cute group into a mature group. I could go on, but now I have the urge to listen to more Laboum. You’ll see me on the evening news tonight, I’m sure.
anyway 안녕
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Learn Ya || Chapter 7
blTag List: @deliciousstreetkidcroissant @rose-bliss @theunsweetenedtruth@cancerianprincess @wakanda-inspired @aykanna@supersizemeplz@ayellepea @Ijstraightnochaser @chaneajoyyy@vanitykocaine@blowmymbackout @slimmiyagi @kissmyafropuff @purple-apricots@justanotherloveaffair@beautifulqueenflaws@hotthrow@90sinspiredgirl@hidden-treasures21@marvelpotterlove@depressionandfandomsinc@theblulife @airis-paris14@blackchickfics @skysynclair19 @jusanarae57 @leahnicole1219 @blackdesires-blog @ voyagetoadinas9 @ lalapalooza718 @blackpinup22 @chefjessypooh @tntnv @jennajai @erikstan4ever @raysunshine78 @determinednot2fall
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Author Notes: There are a lot of words here like this is probably the longest chapter I’ve written for this fic thus far. I’m talking 6k+ words just for this chapter so it’s under the cut for obvious reasons. I told y’all I had some Daddy!Challa coming. So strap on in and secure your wigs. ALSO IT TOOK ME ALL DAMN DAY TO WRITE THIS SO Y’ALL BETTER LIKE IT
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This was such a bad idea. Amaya didn’t know what she had been thinking when she thought it would be a good idea to cook dinner for T’Challa at her apartment. It sounded like a good idea when she convinced him to come over. He was a damn king and she had invited him to her tiny ass apartment that she shared with Charlie. There was a small part of her that was a little embarrassed, but there was no time to back out now. She had no choice but to make the best out of this less than ideal situation.
She pulled out her best wig and allowed Charlie to do her usual slay, making sure that she looked even better than the last time T’Challa saw her. She struggled with her outfit for far longer than she needed too, finally deciding to dress in a pair of black shorts since she knew that he enjoyed her legs so much and a yellow crop top. This was the first time he was going to be seeing in her person in weeks and she wanted to make sure that she looked damn good.
She wanted to make sure that everything was perfect and that was why she called up her grandma all the way in Florida at the ass crack of dawn to get her recipe for meatloaf. It wasn’t just any basic bland old meatloaf. It was the exact one that her grandmother had made for her granddad just months before he proposed. Let the old man tell it, he knew he was in love during that very same dinner and that had been over 50 years ago, and the old couple were still very much in love with each other. So as far as Amaya was concerned, whatever was in the recipe was magic
Flicking on the oven light, Amaya checked on the dish even if she hadn’t placed it inside the oven but five minutes ago. She was being a little obsessive she knew that much but she wanted to make sure that nothing went wrong. There was nothing worse than inviting someone over for dinner and then serving them that very same dinner burnt to a crisp.
The knock at the door has Amaya jolting to her feet. It was a soft tap of knuckles against the wood but it sent her heart pounding in her chest because of who she knew was standing on the other side of it. She raced to her bedroom, nearly tripping over her feet on her way there, and spritzed a little perfume on the sides of her neck, checking herself out in the mirror for a few seconds before deciding to add a little gloss to her lips and trying to fluff up the curls in her hair.
There was another knock, this time a little louder and harder than before, and Amaya had to take a deep breath before she walked out of her bedroom to answer the door. Taking another deep breath, she answered the door, and the air she had just filled her lungs with immediately escaped her at the sight T’Challa standing in her doorway. He was dressed in his usual all black attire but it was far more casual than the suits she had seen him in, and a little more Americanized. A simple pair of black jeans and a form fitting black shirt with a matte black bomber jacket to top it all off.
It just wasn’t fair that he could make something so simple look so good. There was no way this man could even be real and about to step foot into her apartment.
“You’re a little early.” Her words came out a little more clipped than she would have liked thanks to her nerves. She chewed on her bottom lip when he lifted a brow towards her.
The corners of his mouth quirked a little as if he were holding back a smile. “If I didn’t know any better I would think that you didn’t miss me, Amaya.”
“I didn’t say that….”
“Ah, so you did miss me. You have quite the interesting way of showing it.” The teasing nature of his words had her holding back a smile as she rolled her eyes. “Are you going to invite me in or will we be having dinner out here in the hallway?”
Amaya took a step back so that he could walk inside and suddenly her apartment felt so much smaller with him standing in her living room. She watched as he looked around the small room, from the love seat that Charlie’s mom had been so gracious to gift to them when they first moved in to the television that was mounted on the wall. T’Challa seemed to be taking it all in for a moment before he turned around and looked to her.
“Do you live here alone?”
Amaya shook her head. “Nope. I have a roommate. Charlie. The girl you conned my number out of.”
“I conned her out of your number?” He placed a hand on his chest and had the audacity to look offended.
“That’s exactly what I said. Don’t think she didn’t tell me all about how charming you were so you could get my number. You knew exactly what you were doing. Probably flashed that smile of yours and it was a wrap from there. You’re not slick.”
“I can not believe I am being accused of such a thing. I have never used my smile to get what I want.”
“Not once in my life.” The smile in question started to take over his lips as she placed her hands on her hips.
“That sounds like a lie if I’ve ever heard one and I just wanna let you know that I don’t believe you.” She threw back at him as she shook her head a little. “Do you drink wine?”
“I do.” There was a bit of confusion that passed over his face.
“Good hold that thought please.” She held up one finger before disappearing into the kitchen.
She grabbed the bottle of wine from the fridge that she and Charlie had been saving for a special occasion--she didn’t see an occasion that would get any more special than this. She grabbed two wine glasses from the cabinet before filling them both half way. With both glasses in hand, she walked back out to the living room to find T’Challa standing front of the the few bookcases that were able to fit in the living room.
“Finding anything interesting?” He looked over his shoulder before turning to face her completely and taking the glass she was handing over to him.
“Have read all of these?” She was distracted for a second by the way his hand gripped the glass and she found herself watching his fingers drum against the side, reveling in how thick they were.
She cleared her throat, trying to push all of those thoughts out of her head. “Yeah, I was a big reader as a kid. If you’ve ever seen the movie Matilda, I was a lot like that growing up.”
“Cannot say that I have seen that movie before, but I will take your word for it,” he took a slow sip of the win as his eyes wandered the shelves of her bookcases before he stopped. “And have you read these three?”
Amaya squinted her eyes as she read the titles. Fifty Shades of Grey. Fifty Shades Darker. Fifty Shades Free. She nearly choked on her wine. She could have sworn that she had gotten rid of those books when she realized just how terrible they were.
“That’s a funny story actually. I remember when it came out and I was looking for a mother’s day present for my mom and some magazine recommended that it was a good present so I ordered the whole series online, right?  Then I read the first book and was like there’s no way I can give this book to my mom…..so I kept them for myself and read them all.” She did her best to hide her embarrassment behind her wine glass, taking a large gulp of the bittersweet liquid.
“You kept them for yourself?”
“Listen, don’t you judge me. I was all of 14 and thinking this was the best thing I had ever read but I broadened my horizons and realized that this was not a great depiction of a healthy BDSM relationship and it was terribly written, but I will credit it to opening my eyes to a lot of things.”
There was something flickering in his eyes as he looked at her, something that she couldn’t exactly place her finger on, but she knew that she liked it. “No one is judging you, Amaya. The shift in the air between the two of them was so subtle that she almost didn’t realize it. “And what exactly were your eyes opened up to?”
“The kind of relationship that I do want and the kind that I don’t want.” She shrugged her shoulders and finished off what was left of her wine.
“I get this feeling that you give vague answers on purpose.” T’Challa licked his lips slowly and Amaya had to take a deep breath to calm herself.
“And so what if I do? What are you gonna do about it?” She knew very well that she was playing fire, and she was more than willing to get herself burned in the process if it meant she got what she wanted.
His only response was a small smirk before he turned back to the bookshelves. Feeling a little bolder, Amaya placed her empty glass down and moved herself between him and the shelves, forcing him to look at her. With the small distance that had been between him and the shelves, there was an even smaller distance between her body and his.
“You should know something about me, Sir…” her fingers toyed with the collar of his jacket, dangerously close to his neck. “I don’t like being ignored.”
His arm disappeared above her head and she heard the soft clink of the glass being placed down, but he eyes never left her face. Normally, the longer he stared at her, the more her bold nature would start to fade, but that was the furthest thing from the case. The wine mixing with how long it had been since she had seen him, there was no backing down as far as she was concerned.
“Is that so?” His hand wrapped around one of her wrists, holding it down by his side before yanking her forward quickly and without warning. Her body went crashing forward and closed the distance between the two of them.
Staring straight ahead of her she could only see just the barest amount of his chin and she craned her neck back a little to look him in the eye. Shivers worked down her spine as his thumb brushed against her bare thigh, tracing small circles that she could feel radiating through every part of her body with one part in particular. His other hand grabbed her other wrist and before she realized what was happening, both of her hands were pinned behind her back. The trapped feeling that washed over her body sent her heart racing, but she didn’t fight against it. There was a large part of her that embraced it, wanting to have more of it and wondering how she would feel if he had her exactly like this, but naked in her bed.
“That is exactly so.” If he could hear the want in her voice, he wasn’t acknowledging it which was only serving to frustrate her even more.
His grip tightened around her wrists, forcing her arms further behind her back and pulling a soft gasp from between her lips that borderlined on a moan.
“Well now you have my attention. What are you going to do with it?” She was unable to ignore the challenge that laced in his tone and the sharp edge in his voice. Maybe she had lit a fire that she hadn’t quite anticipated burning like this.
“What do you think I should do with it? Because I can think of a few things that I can do with it.” There was a voice in the back of her head that was telling her that she needed to chill out, but she was never one to listen to that voice anyway so why start now?
“I have had a few thoughts of my own now that you mention it. And I do recall that you said something about how you wanted to get into trouble.” His lips were dangerously close and she was dying to have him close the distance. She was seconds away from begging for it if she needed to.
Amaya opened her mouth to answer but she was cut off by the oven timer going off, signaling that the meatloaf was ready to be taken out. “You’ll never know now. Dinner is done.” She went to wiggle free from his grasp but it only resulted in him holder her even tighter, delicious pricks of pain coursing through her shoulder blades that had her chew on the inside of her cheek to keep from moaning out loud.
“You cannot keep using food to run away from me.” Her eyes were trained on his tongue, watching as it peeked out from between his full lips and moved across the bottom one, stealing every bit of her attention for a few seconds.
Just fucking kiss me.
The words were on the tip of her tongue but she held them back. Instead she chose to smile in response.
“If you would like to starve instead of eating the delicious dinner I made then be my guest, but do you know how hard it is to get the smell of burnt meat out of an apartment?” She lifted her brows.
T’Challa made a sound in the back of his throat as if he were thinking and there was a moment of silence before he finally released her wrists. She was both grateful and a little disappointed when he did. She grabbed both of their glasses on her way back to the kitchen. She made it just in time, turning the oven off and pulling the hot dish from inside. She grabbed the only two plates that matched and placed two slices on each plate. She quickly heated up the mashed potatoes and green beans before placing servings of each next to the meatloaf. She took T’Challa’s plate and now full glass back out the living room first and placed them on the coffee table, finding that he had made himself comfortable in the time that she had been gone, having stripped from his jacket to showcase the way the cotton material of his shirt stretched across his chest.
She had to tear her eyes away from him so that she could go get her own food. She could feel his eyes watching her every move. “Stop staring at my legs.”
Her words were met with his laughter, the sound following her as she grabbed her own plate and glass of wine. She settled on the couch, curling her legs underneath her body. She looked at him expectantly and waited for him to take the first bite. She watched him chew and go back for a second bite without saying a word.
“You’re staring.” He finally looked at her, another bite just inches away from his mouth.
“And you’re not telling me if you like it or not. I gotta tell my grandma something.”
“Did your grandmother make this?”
“No, it was her recipe and when I told her I was making it for you, she wanted me to report back so to speak.” She finally dug into her own food, cutting off a piece of meatloaf and popping it into her mouth.
“Well, you can tell her that I love it.” A little smile came to his lips. “So you told your grandmother about me?”
“Don’t let it go to your head or anything. My grandma is just nosy and wants to know about everyone in my life even if they don’t mean anything.” She pointed her fork in his direction, rolling her eyes playfully.
“I really am starting to get the impression that you’re just trying to hurt me tonight. Now I do not mean anything. I know when I am not wanted…” He started to rise from his seat, but Amaya quickly moved her legs from underneath her and placed them across his lap to keep from getting up.
“Didn’t anyone ever teach you that you can’t get up from the table until your plate is clean?” She kept her legs draped across his lap even after he sat back down. “Should I have a conversation with your mother so she can have a conversation with you?”
His gaze on her thighs was so intense that she could almost physically feel it, and it was a few long moments before his eyes were on hers again. “Why go through all the trouble when you could cut out the middle man and have the conversation right now?”
“You have a point, but did you ever think that maybe I just don’t want to?” She smirked at him from around her forkful of mashed potatoes.
“There’s something you should know about me, Amaya….” She found herself hanging on his last word as he took another bite of food, waiting for him to finish his statement. “I am very good at persuading people into doing things.”
“I really don’t doubt that, but I can be pretty stubborn when I want to be so I might not be as easy as the other women you’re use to dealing with.” She pulled in a sharp breath when his thumb brushed against her knee and the look in his eyes let her know that he knew exactly what he was doing.
“Let the record show that I am currently not dealing with any other women. Just you.” All the playfulness had left his voice and he held her gaze until she was the one to look away.
She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth to keep from smiling too hard. She hadn’t really thought about if there would be other women that he was talking to, but to hear that there weren’t made her feel good. It had been a long time since she had felt secure enough to not have to worry about being played by someone. Hearing it from T’Challa made her believe it even if she had no way of proving it. He wasn’t Rod and he wasn’t going to run off and get someone pregnant after telling her all of the right things. He didn’t seem like that kind of man and he didn’t deserve the comparison to Rod even on his worse day.
“In case you were wondering, it’s just you too.” She cleared her throat and finally looked up at him only to find him smiling back at her.
“I do enjoy the sound of those words.”
“I just bet you do.” She was grateful the moment had shifted back to playful as it had grown a little too serious, giving her an odd feeling in her stomach.
“I would also really enjoy dessert if there is any.” She had been so focused on him that she hardly realized he was done with his food.
“So I’m gonna be straight up with you, I suck at baking…...like I can’t even make box pudding without messing it up somehow and I didn’t think it would be fair to just go out and buy something from the store.” She pulled her lips between her teeth and averted her eyes. She only looked up when she heard his laughter. “That’s not funny! Stop laughing!” She swatted at his arm a few times.
“I apologize. I’m not laughing because I think it’s funny. No one has ever put that much thought into making me dinner before.” T’Challa’s laughter faded into a soft chuckle before giving way completely. “If anything, I think it’s cute that you put so much thought into it.”
“If it helps, I have ice cream.” She was trying her best not to smile, but it wasn’t making it easy for her. He really was a charming bastard when he wanted to be and she hated how easy it was for her to fall right into it. She wasn’t even trying to fight it at this point. There was no need.
“What flavor?”
“Strawberry cheesecake.”
“I accept that flavor.” He leaned forward to place his plate down on the coffee table, coming back and resting his hand on her legs as if it was something they had done before. Amaya had to contain herself because she was very close to jumping all over him in response.
“You didn’t have a choice. It’s the only favor we eat in this house.” When she started to pull her legs from his lap, he fingers wrapped around them to keep her put. “You know, in order for me to actually get that ice cream, I have to go to the kitchen which means I have to get up and that means my legs have to leave your lap I’m afraid.”
“This is quite comfortable though.” He shrugged his shoulders, fingers trailing up and down her calf never once moving above the knee even if she wanted him to. She was actually dying for him to do it. It had crossed her mind more than just once.
“But think of how good the ice cream is gonna taste.” Now she was thinking about the ice cream and despite how good his fingers felt against her bare skin, she was craving the frozen treat now.
“You have a point…..” He lifted one hand to tug at the hairs of his beard gently before lifting his other hand from her leg.
She paused before swinging her legs from his lap and collected their plates to take to the sink. She rinsed them off as a way to try to buy herself a little more time. Even more time was bought when she went to the freezer and took a quick shot from the vodka bottle that lie within before she grabbed the pint of ice cream. This man was truly working a number on her and she wasn’t use to it. She picked up two spoons on the way back to the living room. When she sat down, her legs were being pulled back into his lap and she found herself being pulled closer to him, her hip right up against his and his hands now resting on her thighs.
“You really have gotten comfortable?” She teased him but didn’t pull away because she was also a little comfortable though she would never admit it out loud to him. “I figured this would make up for the fact that I ate our last dessert….completely…..by myself.” She pulled off the plastic that surrounded the top before peeling off the top and licking some of the ice cream that was there. She could feel him staring but she decided to ignore it and instead handed him his spoon, beating him to taking the first bite.
“I have realized something.” She was so focused on the way his tongue moved across the bottom of the spoon that she almost didn’t hear him.
“And what’s that? Because I’ve realized something myself, but you first.”
“You never did tell me why you wanted to become a lawyer.” His thumb moved across her bottom lip, catching a bit of ice cream that lingered at the corner of her mouth before she could lick it away, and sucking his thumb clean. He did it in such a fluid motion that it almost felt like a normal thing between them that she shouldn’t be so turned on by.
“A lot of things. I guess it started when I was younger. I use to be obsessed with Law and Order, you know the tv show, and I use to think being a lawyer was the coolest job in the world and then I went to college and I took a pre law class and I saw it was nothing like tv. Somehow that made me want to do it even more because it wasn’t about the glory of winning a case, it’s more about trying to help people and that’s the part I love.” She licked at her spoon and made a small face. “And there’s so many people, especially black people, that are falsely accused of all of these crimes and end up going to jail because they can’t afford a good lawyer. I don’t think the justice system to should only work for the people who have a few zeros attached to their bank account or look a certain way.” She looked up from the ice cream and saw him staring at her. “What?”
A hint of a smile started to pull at his lips. “Nothing. You just have a really good heart. I can admire that in a person.”
“You’re just saying that to make me smile.”
“I am saying it because I believe it. Your beautiful smile is just a nice bonus.” He reached out and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She knew this move and she knew what would come next…..except it didn’t come next because T’Challa didn’t kiss her.
Amaya felt her stomach drop a little with disappointment. She hadn’t realized how much she wanted him to kiss until she thought it was going to happen and it didn’t. It was like a slight blow to the ego that he hadn’t kissed her yet. She didn’t care if it was technically the second date. She wasn’t one to fuck on the first date, but she wasn’t opposed to a little kissing by the second or the third. Hell, she would have fucked him on the first date if the opportunity arose so kissing definitely wouldn’t have been a problem in her opinion.
Changing the subject would be the best thing for her to do because no matter how much she wanted to ask him why she hadn’t kissed him yet, she didn’t really want to know the answer to that.
“So let’s say I wanted to become king of Wakanda, what would I have to do in order to do that?” She scooped up more ice cream to keep her mouth busy from asking the question that she really wanted to ask.
“Kill me.” He said it so nonchalantly that it took her off guard.
“Wait. Seriously?”
“It’s ritual combat. You either would have to kill me or get me to yield, and I never yield.” “What else?” All of this fascinated her, and she really did want to keep him talking because she enjoyed listening to him.
“Do you plan on taking me out to become king?” With his eyes searching her face, he shifted his body, bringing her even closer to him. Close enough that she could the faint amount of grey that was peppered throughout his beard.
“How old are you?” She blurted out and ignored the question she had been asked. It was something she did. When she got a question in her mind, she needed to know the answer immediately or else it would bother her until she found out. Sometimes she would even fixate on it, letting it consume on her.
“37.” His brows furrowed and sat low on his forehead in his confusion.
There was a 15 year age between the two of them that placed them in very different places in their lives. It wasn’t something that had crossed her mind before. The only thing that concerned her was how attracted to this man she was. She never thought to worry about how much older he was than her. In a very strange world, he was old enough to be her father, or at the very least her older brother…..maybe a distant uncle she only ever met at family reunions.
“Why do you look so horrified?” She hadn’t realized that a look had come to her face.
“You don’t have any kids, do you? None that are currently on the way?”
“No, definitely not.” He let out a low chuckle and shook his head. “Is that what you are worried about?”
“No. I’m more worried that you might want different things than I do because you’re so old.” Now that it had come to her attention, it was all that she could focus on.
“I wasn’t aware that I was ‘so old’.”
“You know what I mean.”
He gently pulled the carton and spoon from her hands and placed them down on the coffee table before giving her his full attention. “And what do you think that I want?”
“I’m not sure.” She leaned one arm against the back of the couch and used the crook of her elbow to cradle her cheek.
“Alright. Then what is that you want?”
“I’m not sure.”
“Then how can you be sure that I might want different things than you do?” He lifted a brow.
“No one told you to poke holes in my theory like this.” She pushed at his chest and swung her legs from his lap so that she scoot away from him.
He caught her arm and pulled her back, wrapping an around her waist so she couldn’t get too far away. “I would not call it poking holes in your theory. I was simply showing you that you had no reason to worry.”
“I see your point.” With her hip pressed against him, she could feel the vibrations that came from his pocket. His arm released her waist and he reached into his pocket as she moved away from him a little so he could grab it. “Do you need to take that?”
“It’s not a phone call. It’s a reminder of my meeting in the morning.” His thumb slid across the screen before he was sliding it back into his pocket.
“Oh. I’m guessing you need to go then?” She did her best not to sound disappointed.
“Unfortunately. If I could cancel this meeting I would.” She narrowed her eyes a little at him. “What?”
“I thought you said you were coming for me?”
“I did come for you, but what kind of a king would I be if I didn’t get a little work done while I was here?” He teased and she found herself smiling a little.
“Probably a terrible one.” She tossed back as she stood up to her feet slowly, watching as he mirrored her actions as he grabbed his jacket from the arm of the couch. She tried to keep herself from acting like a little girl who was having her favorite toy taking away as she walked him to the front door. “I had a lot of fun tonight and I’ll make sure to tell my grandma you said her recipe was the best you’ve ever tasted.
“Somehow I do not remember saying all of that.”
“Humor the old woman and let her have this win. You wouldn’t deny and old woman that, would you?” She leaned against the doorframe after opening the door for him.
“I wouldn’t dream of doing that to your poor grandmother.” He pulled on his jacket and somehow made even that look like the sexiest thing Amaya had seen in her whole life. This man was a whole ass man.
“I think she’ll really appreciate that.” She smiled at him and found herself unwilling to let him leave even if she knew it needed to happen.
T’Challa leaned down and closed the distance between the two of them and once again she thought he was going to kiss, but instead she felt his lips brush against her cheek. She was about to take matters into her own hands if he didn’t get it together, but she would let him slide this time.
“I will call you tomorrow.” She nodded her head and he gave her one last smile before she watched him walk down the hall.
She let out a small sigh as she closed the door and locked it. She grabbed the melted ice cream from off the table and replaced the top before going to put back into the freezer. She started to load the dishwasher and clean up the kitchen when she was interrupted by a soft knock at the door. Other than T’Challa she hadn’t been expecting anyone else so it was probably just Charlie who forgot her key once again. She tossed the dish towel down on the counter and went to answer the door. She peeped through the peep hole and was surprised to find T’Challa standing on the other side with a look of determination on his features. She immediately opened the door.
“Did you forget something?”
“Actually I did.”
He grabbed her arm and yanked her close until her chest was pressed right up against his. Before she had a chance to react, his lips were finally pressing against hers. There was nothing sweet about his kiss. He kissed her as if he had something to prove and she loved every second of it. Her arms came up to wrap around his neck as she stood on her toes trying to get closer and his arms wrapped around her waist.
Amaya let out a soft moan as he gripped her hips tightly. He was finally giving her exactly what she wanted and it was even better than she had thought it would be. She felt his tongue move across her bottom lip enough to make her part of her lips. She could taste the sweet taste of ice cream on his tongue and it sent sparks electrifying all over her body. Her fingers moved and she pulled at the short coils of hair as she felt her back hitting the wall near her door, trapping her between it and the hard planes of his muscular frame.
His hand crept down her body and his fingers curled around her thigh, lifting it off the ground and hooking it around his waist. The way he pressed into her allowed her to feel just how hard his body truly was and it pulled a needy whimper from somewhere deep in her chest. She took it upon herself to lift her other leg, wrapping it around his waist along with the first one, wrapping her arms tighter around his neck. He seemed to waste on time placing his hands underneath her ass, strong hands holding her up and gripping her ass tightly all in the same regard, pushing her even harder against him to allow her to feel just how much he also wanted this. If this was what she had been waiting for then it was well worth the wait.
By the time he pulled away from her lips, she was breathless, but craning her neck forward for more. She wasn’t ready for the moment to end just yet. She had to bite down on her tongue to keep from letting out a small sound of frustration as he placed her feet back down on the ground. Her hands moved from his neck down the front of his body, unabashedly feeling him in the process. She stared at his chest for a few moments before she looked up at him.
“Did you find what you forgot, Sir?”
“Some of it. The rest I think I should save for later if that is alright with you.” He cupped her chin gently, a far cry from the way he had just roughly kissed her.
“Depends on much later. I don’t think I have a whole lot of patience left.” She toyed with the zipper on his jacket.
“I am afraid you will need to find some. It could be a while...or it might not to be. You’ll have to be a good girl to find out.” The moan she let out was almost inaudible, but the ghost of a smile on his lips let her know that it wasn’t as quiet as she thought it had been. Those two words shouldn’t sound so good coming from him and yet there she was, with a heartbeat between her legs because of them. “Can you do that for me?”
She nodded her head once. “I think I can do that if the reward is worth it.”
“I would like to think it will be more than worth it.” There was a promise in his words that she was hoping like hell that he could keep.
“Then I can do that for you.”
“That’s what I like to hear. I will call you tomorrow. Goodnight, Amaya.” His lips brushed against her cheek once more and she found herself watching him disappear down the hall again.
“Well damn child. I can see why you didn’t want my grandsons.” Miss Catherine’s raspy voice brought Amaya back to reality. The older woman stood in her doorway with a black garbage in her hand and bright pink rollers in her hair. “If I was 20 years younger…..the things I would let that man do to me.”
“Goodnight Miss Catherine.” Amaya couldn’t help but laugh as she slipped back into her apartment and closed the door, her lips still tasting of T’Challa when she licked them.
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vrenaewrites · 5 years
My Favorite Books Ever (2019).
In June 2018, I did a video about my all time favorite books. I included 13 books and only a couple were young adult, which is the genre I write in.
Boy how things change in a year. I’ve read probably 20 books since then which isn’t a lot compared to other people, but you’d be surprised how many of those were absolute knockouts for me, quickly moving into my hall of fame favorites. So let’s revisit my top 10 list.
10. TIE: TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD by Harper Lee and MATILDA by Roald Dahl.
[previously #5 and #10, respectively]
These books have to be included on the basis of how much they meant to me as a child and young teen who was bookish, compassionate, and open-minded in my rural (read: often racist) southern community. Scout Finch and Matilda Wormwood were little girls I needed as a little girl, and while I may not reach for these “favorites” too often anymore, they’ll be some of the first books I share with my kids of reading age. They made me who I am.
9. THE MERCILESS by Danielle Vega Rollins.
[new addition]
Boy, oh, boy. If you didn’t catch the pop culture influences on my new WIP, you don’t even know what kind of impact this book had on me. If The Exorcist and Mean Girls had a baby written by Stephen King, this would be it. Sofia Flores is welcomed by the popular, virtuous girls at the expense of outcast Brooklyn, and the price for inclusion is higher than anyone could have known. This is a brutal, BRUTAL book. Full of intrigue, pulpy dirty laundry, and tons of gore, it’s not for the faint of heart. But it is right up my alley.
8. SHARP OBJECTS by Gillian Flynn.
[previously #8]
This book messed me up so bad I had to let my little sister borrow it so I had someone to talk about it with. It worked. Journalist Camille Preaker returns to her small Midwest town to investigate the disappearance of little girls, she has to reconnect with her toxic, dysfunctional family I’ve mentioned it before: a fucked up family and a strong sister dynamic - good or bad - are two of my favorite elements to read about. SHARP OBJECTS comes through with that in spades, along with questionable allies, mental illness in the protagonist, twist after twist, and the classic Gillian Flynn style of stylistic, highly personal writing.
7. THE EXORCIST by William Peter Blatty.
[previously #6]
I am totally and utterly obsessed with this story. I did see the movie before I read the book because I’m a horror movie junkie and I saw this movie at like, ten years old. Twelve year old Regan MacNeil makes an imaginary friend through a ouija board and things...get...weird from there. But of course, the story isn’t really about Regan. It’s about Father Karras, the titular exorcist who wrestles with the imaginary friend within Regan - the demon Pazuzu - and his own personal demons. The vulgar violence Regan is subjected to during her possession will burn into your brain forever, and the exploration of the relationship between god and man and devil feeds my dogmatic interests like few things really can.
6. THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE by Shirley Jackson.
[previously #7]
I can’t overstate how much I love this book. From the queer coding of Theo and Nellie to the unsteady narration, Hill House has been ridiculously impactful on me since I read it almost two years ago. A parapsychologist invites people with paranormal experiences to spend time with him in the titular home, where he plans to prove the existence of paranormal activity. That’s right, this is the start of the ghost hunting trope, guys. Basically, these people get real fuckin’ haunted. As the sanity of each guest of Hill House is threatened and questioned, we as the reader start to wonder what the truth really is.
5. A HEAD FULL OF GHOSTS by Paul Tremblay.
[previously #4]
Paul Tremblay is a contemporary to Stephen King. I said what I said. The Barrett family is torn apart by the change in Marjorie, the oldest of their two daughters. As signs of acute schizophrenia become more prevalent, the father turns to religion and the mother turns to mental health professionals. As their resources deplete, they are forced to allow a reality tv show to document Marjorie’s affliction for the paycheck, where the reality and sanity of all involved comes unraveled. The narrators. The twists upon twists. The unrelenting tension as you become invested in finding out what is really wrong with Marjorie. It’s a book I wish I wrote.
4. THE FORBIDDEN GAME trilogy by LJ Smith.
[previously #3]
I just don’t know how to explain what this book did for me creatively. It’s 90s pulp horror and it made me realize that I kinda want to write 90s pulp horror...in 2019. It’s engaging, well written, interesting, unique, diverse, and quick. LJ Smith can do no wrong in my book.
[previously #2]
Do I have to get into this? The introduction of Remus Lupin, my literal father. The introduction of Sirius Black, my literal son. The introduction of not so annoying Hermione, literally me. The Draco punch. Buckbeak. Big baddies on the horizon. The first YA entry in the series. Chef’s kiss. Also the best film, I said what I said.
2. CARRIE by Stephen King.
[previously #1]
I know, I’m shook. Carrie has been dethroned. Don’t tell her though - we don’t want a prom repeat. Stephen King’s debut is ridiculously good - gritty, scary, brutal, sad, and believable despite being about a telekinetic teen who’s abused into massacring most of a town. Spoilers? The book is like 40 years old. Too bad.
Alice Hoffman’s PRACTICAL MAGIC [previously #9]
Grady Hendrix’s MY BEST FRIEND’S EXORCISM [new]
Dhonielle Clayton’s THE BELLES [new]
[new addition]
Oh my God, y’all. I read this book in one day while I was in upstate NY last month. I read it on a dock, on a lake, in 80 degree weather, and I had goosebumps by the end. Mary Katherine Blackwood and her sister Constance live alone in the Blackwood mansion, hated by the villagers, jeered at in the grocery store, and gossiped about - for good reason. Six years prior, their entire family was poisoned and the prime suspect, Constance, was acquitted to the disdain of the public. But when a long lost cousin hungry for the Blackwood fortune comes to visit, secret after secret is unearthed along with little Merricat’s various treasures of protection. Talk about twists. Jackson has a KNACK for the vicious town opinion - The Lottery, anyone? - and how it can ruin a family, a person, and how there can be no sole responsibility for mob mentality. I just cannot overstate how much I love this book.
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amandagaelic · 5 years
First Lines
I was tagged by @thethistlegirl about a month ago. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to play along. Believe me when I say, it’s not you it’s me. I can’t quite seem to keep up these days. Le sigh.
So, the game is to post the first line of your last 10 published fics, then tag 10 people. I’m not sure I know 10 people here on tumblr who haven’t already been tagged, but I’ll do my best. Okay, here goes, last 10 from most recent, backwards.
1. Solid Ground (MacGyver)
Matilda Webber was no stranger to loss.
2. Sight Unseen (MacGyver)
“Get behind me! Get behind me!” Jack’s voice was tight, demanding. Bozer didn’t hesitate.
3. High Rise + Free Fall (MacGyver)
It started because of a paperclip. Or, really, the lack of one.
4. Mythology + Snare Net (MacGyver)
Jack Dalton opened his eyes to darkness.
5. Wolf + Snow (MacGyver) 
There was a sensation of weightlessness he associated with freedom when in a helicopter.
6. Anvil + Duct Tape (MacGyver)
The darkness was heavy, as if the very air had weight.
7. Devil You Know  (Defenders/Daredevil)
For a moment, it’s a perfect night.
8. War Scars (The Musketeers)
Four years, nothing but letters—few, far between, and lacking any true news from the front, but his words, none-the-less—and now here he stood, half-naked, water glistening on his bare chest and dripping from his freshly-shaved chin, lips tipped up in a confident smile cheekily asking if she’d missed him.
9. Breaking Point (Timeless)
Jiya held his hand loosely, fingers tangled enough to reassure him of her presence; Rufus followed her willingly, purposely lagging a bit behind so that he could watch her move without accidentally catching her eye.
10. The Raid (Timeless) 
They’d slowed their desperate escape the moment they’d breached the line of buildings, leaving the smoke, screams, and cannon fire behind them. 
tagging @disappearinginq, @purplecolouredglasses, @writtenbyblair, @pandigirl19, seriously, anyone who happens to see this and wants to jump in. Consider yourself tagged by me. And link me so I can see it b/c I’m slightly tumblr-skills deficient. No joke.
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fluidityandgiggles · 6 years
Sleep Is For The Weak - Chapter 6
Previous Chapters: Prologue, Chapter 1, Last Chapter
Writing Masterlist - for previous chapters not otherwise linked, Read on AO3
Notes (I guess): I started writing this chapter while writing chapter five and I was expecting to have fun with it, and I did, and it has a new OC in it. One that I’ve been talking about through this entire fic basically. One I’m terribly in love with and would start a fire for. So... I’m sorry if it seems like you have to keep up with all those OCs, but it really isn’t. It’s mostly just India, and this gal in this here chapter.
I apologize in advance. (Also Remy’s dad’s phone number starts with 212, which if anyone didn’t know is the Manhattan area code. Just pointing that out.)
As usual, thanks to @broadwaytheanimatedseries​ for the original thirty second long recording of them rambling about this idea, to @whatwashernameagain​ for Keep Him Safe and just for being pure and sweet as she is, and for @anony-phangirl​ , @asleepybisexual​ and @winglessnymph​ for dealing with my insanity and random bouts of ideas.
Tag list (sort of): @bunny222​ , @ab-artist​ , @secretlyanxiouspersona​ , @your-username-is-unavailable​ , @virgilcrofters​ , @why-things-go-boom​ , @ilovemygaydad​ , @violetblossem​
(If you want to be tagged or removed, please let me know! Preferably via notes/reblogs, I have bad memory, but… you do you.)
Trigger warning: period appropriate transphobia (the early 00s were not exactly trans-friendly). This chapter also discusses forms of child abuse and drug use.
Emile was sent to the hospital the moment they explained the situation to the doctor on campus and was released from the ER a couple of days later. It was the very day Remy made the worst decision of his life. He missed some classes, Remy was glad to fill him up on those, and his mother had to fly in from Minnesota to look after him for the time he was there.
(Nathalie Picani was an incredibly nice woman, Remy decided within five seconds of meeting her. And he was yet to be proven wrong.)
But on the day Emile was released, Remy finally did it. He did the one thing he said he'd never do.
On that one fateful night in early November, Remy Harris agreed to babysit for Linda and Stephen Hollander. The victim? Remy. And also Leah.
"Would you please tell me who Leah is?" India asked him after a group meeting.
"Linda's daughter." Remy couldn't stop shaking. "She's six. Almost seven. And I don't want to babysit her."
"You're making a much bigger deal out of this than it really is and it's driving you crazy. It's a six year old. What's the worst that could possibly happen?"
But then, a couple hours later, Linda dropped the demon child off at Weld Hall - Remy wasn't a fan of her knowing where he stayed, thank you very much - and left. Well, then.
"You don't look like a Rebecca," the demon child muttered when she first saw Remy. And he was thankful. Both for the child having the sense to not imagine him as a Rebecca, and for the fact that it was nearing winter and he could start wearing baggier clothes, meaning he didn't have to bind.
(His back and boobs were going to thank him for it for the next six months, give or take.)
"Because it's not my name. My name is Remy, and Linda is just a bitch."
"A bitch is like my auntie when she doesn't listen to Mom, right…?"
"Auntie Steph wants to take me to see Lion King in New York on Christmas and Mom thinks that she shouldn't because I don't deserve to so she called her a bitch. Is that what you mean?" Less than a second later, "I dreamed last night that I was in a bouncy castle, and there was a clown, and I really don't like clowns, I think they're scary…"
She avoided eye contact. Much like two other figures in Remy's life. He didn't want to make wrong assumptions, but the thought was there.
"I saw a movie about real-real lions and you know that Simba is Nala's brother? Boy lions are really lazy, they don't hunt for themselves, the girl lions do it for them. Did you know that hyenas don't like boys? Like, at all? They have a really weird—"
"Look, kid, I'm sure all that is very interesting, but why do you know all this shit about hyenas?"
"My name is Leah Mae Hollander and I'm not a kid, I'm seven!"
"You'll be seven in two weeks."
"Girl hyenas have pen—"
"Yeah, I'm not gonna let you finish that! Let's do something other than talking."
He failed to notice her expression change when he said that.
Remy didn't have the heart to tell Leah that he already knew who George Michael is and that Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go was the song his dad used to wake him up all the time, which is why he doesn't like it, when a tiny gray bunny followed Katherine into the suite.
She swore she didn't steal him. And for once, he actually believed her.
"But it's a song about oh oh oh Remy that's a bunny I wanna cuddle the bunny can I please please cuddle the bunny?" He couldn't even answer before she dashed from the couch and grabbed the bunny a little too harshly. "Fluffy bunbun! You're so cute, little bunny!"
"Leah, someone needs this bunny right now. Would you mind putting him down so we could take him back?"
The look she gave him could kill a man.
"I found him. He's mine now."
"No, his name is Mycroft and he belongs to a very good friend of mine who is sick and needs him back." She tried using puppy eyes. Well… "You can come with me. But I'm taking the bunny back."
Leah bounced all the way down the hall, and insisted on knocking on the door herself. It took several tries before Emile opened the door, still looking incredibly pale.
"I'm actually surprised you're doing this well," the nurse said while changing Emile's IV. "The lab suspected GHB, and—"
"Let's celebrate the small miracles instead of constantly pointing out facts that my son would rather forget."
"I can't hang out right now," Emile sighed. He sounded incredibly tired, almost… as if he's been crying. "I need to study for—"
"You, my good bitch, need to study for nothing. Get back in bed and I'll make you more tea."
"I'm not actually sick…"
"No, but it will help calm you down. And your mom would hate me if I didn't."
"Hello, I'm Leah!" Oh yeah. The demon child was here too. Emile looked down at her, forcing a smile. "I'm seven."
"You're not seven."
"Not yet but almost."
"Remy, please, she's clearly seven!" Leah's smile grew at that. "I'm Emile, I'm sixteen. Thank you so much for returning my bunny, Leah!"
"He's my bunny now."
For a second, Remy thought Emile was trying to imitate him. He never saw his adorable blond friend be evil... "How about he'll be ours, together?"
Leah bolted into the suite after the bunny, who was placed on the ground and started hopping towards his food. She was an interesting kid. A demon child, but still interesting.
Remy didn't know if he liked her or not.
"Thanks for coming to check on me, but I'm okay. You don't have to do anything. I'll be fine." Emile kissed Remy's cheek as he entered after Leah… and then didn't immediately leave. There was no way he was going to. "Remy, please!"
"No! You were—"
"I know what I was. I kept being reminded of what I was when I was in the hospital. Please stop reminding me."
"I was in the hospital two months ago," Leah started rambling again and broke whatever tension was between the boys. "Mom took Rachel to the park and I wanted to go too, because the park has the slides and the swings and there's a red slide that has rollers on it and it's funner because of the rollers and I really like it but every time I go there someone is already on it and nobody lets me slide on it so I really wanted to, so I took my rollerblades and I was on my way and then I tripped and it was very close to my home and it all hurt so our neighbor Matilda called Dad and when we went to the hospital he told me that I'm stupid and shouldn't do that ever again and when I tried to tell him that it was because I wanted to slide he called me stupid again and said the fuck word."
"And what happened then?" Emile asked softly, finally going to sit down and allowing Remy to make him tea. Well, sorta.
"I broke my arm. And it was very cool! I had a cast and everything, and nobody signed it, not even Mom or Dad, so I signed it for myself. And I did whatever I wanted!"
"What did you sign then?"
"It was a story about a group of princesses who went to fight a knight who was trying to kill their dragon friend."
Something didn't seem right to Remy. Other than absolutely not understanding a single word she said (that was a bit of an exaggeration, yes), something about the story didn't… make sense. And earlier when he cut her off, she looked incredibly offended.
Yeah… nothing matched up.
"Wait… Leah, let's work it through, okay?" She hummed in agreement. Remy was looking for mugs in the suite kitchenette. "You broke your arm rollerblading?"
"Yeah, I said that—"
"And Stephen called you stupid for breaking your arm rollerblading?"
"Yeah! I told you that!"
"And what did Linda say?"
"She said that I'm a stupid child for thinking I can rollerblade. But I can! I learned how to last year, and I'm practicing, and the park isn't that far, so I can!"
"Are you trying to analyze your sister?" Emile looked overly worried. "The tea bags are in that wooden box on the toaster oven."
"I'm not trying to analyze anything, but… something is weird." There were about ten different types of tea in there. Oh dear. Chamomile…? Emile likes chamomile, right?
"I saw Monsters, Inc. last week," Leah said out of the blue. "I saw it on my birthday and I stayed until the very-very end, and Mike Wazowski actually did a musical called put that thing back where it came from or so help me! And there's a song that's like, there's a child there's a child there's a human child, running ‘round the restaurant, this is really wild, what in heaven's name will become of us, we who are living in Monstropolis?"
"You saw that last week?" Emile sounded happy. "Remy, please no chamomile. It makes my stomach feel worse. Peppermint, please?"
"You saw Monsters, Inc.?"
"Yeah! I like Mike. He's fun."
Linda said that Leah was disruptive, annoying, a monster of a child. So far she… certainly talked a lot, but she wasn't disruptive, or annoying (well, maybe a little), and she didn't seem stupid at all. On their way over here she kept pointing at the suite numbers (not that many, but apparently she loved it) and asking Remy to read them to her, after which she'd declare whether or not they were multiples of three. And she couldn't stop talking about animals, some of which Remy didn't even know existed - she kept talking about betta fish for some reason, whatever those fish were, and how people killed their fish by putting more than one in the fish tank or putting cold water instead of warm (he was starting to think she just really liked betta fish). And those things meant she was… the opposite of stupid. No?
He was being redundant in his own head, it wasn't nice.
"Leah, I don't think you're stupid." Leah made a squeaky noise in response. "Linda and Stephen make no sense."
"But I can't do anything right…"
"Says who?"
"Remy Harris, you came here to make yourself useful, now where's my tea?" Emile laughed.
Once the tea was made, they sat down and watched Monsters, Inc. as per Leah's request.
Things were going to be okay today.
"How was babysitting the little rascal?"
"Dad… don't call her that."
"Changed your mind?"
"I don't know… I don't remember Linda berating me as much as she does Leah, and it sucks. I almost want to call social services and I only met that girl today!"
"Remy, kiddo, calm down. You'll get to see her again for thanksgiving and get a better picture of what's going on—"
"But I don't want to see them for thanksgiving and I'm worried for Leah! She's learning to play the piano, she can calculate stuff really quickly for a six year old, she remembers things with scary accuracy, it's almost inhuman… and she was called names by Linda and her husband for breaking her arm rollerblading. That's not—"
"How's Emile? Last time I called you said he was in the hospital."
"Yeah… he had a blood test. They found traces of GHB. He doesn't want to talk about it though."
"I know you probably don't want to hear this—"
"Don't tell me if I don't want to know about this…"
"When you were three, your mom used to go out a lot. She loved clubbing."
"She went out a lot my whole childhood, Dad. It's not news. She never really grew up since the eighties."
"She was seventeen when she had you, you can be a little bit—"
"Which means she's thirty-five, in a good enough position to raise children, and she chooses to call her daughter names for not fulfilling her expectations. Huh, kind of like how she treats me, isn't it?"
"...you'll be the death of me, child."
"I know. I'm already working on it. You can't see me but I'm winking at you."
"Remy, please don't make this harder than it is. Do you think I want her to want contact with you?"
"No, I don't. I don't want her to either. But it's not like I have any choice. You're making me do this!"
"You're being a brat."
"Thank you so much, I totally needed to hear that."
Remy hung up. Something was… not quite right. He just had to—
Incoming Call: 212-729-5555
"I don't want to talk to you right now."
"You said you didn't want to babysit Linda's kids, and now you're protecting her child like your life depends on it. Do you want to listen to what I have to say or not?"
"...sure. Whatever."
"When you were six, I had to leave you with your grandparents one night because your mom didn't come home from one of her parties. She almost died that night."
"And that has to do with what exactly?"
"That has to do with you being super worried about Emile. He's alive, isn't he? And he's doing alright. All you can do now is be there to support him."
"Well… yeah, you're right. I hate it when you're right."
"Now, about Leah. I know you don't trust your mom, I know you can't stand her, but it's no reason to call social services."
"Okay, I call her Linda to distance myself from her. She's not my mom. And the way Leah says she treats her is horrendous, and I would say it's abusive but I don't know the severity of it yet. So will you please just…"
"I think you need to take a day off, think about it, and we'll talk tomorrow."
"...fine. Good night, Dad. I'm going to go to sleep."
"Good. Good night, son. Sleep tight."
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summeryoongki · 6 years
85 Questions Game
85 Questions Game ~
i was tagged forever ago by my beautiful wife @sarangtaee i literally havent been on this blog in months sorry 
⇢ Rules: Answer these 85 questions about yourself and tag 20 people
Originally posted by mimibtsghost
⇢ Last:
Drink: diet Candada Dry
📱Call: i just ordered chinese food bih
Text Message: three upside down smiley face emojis by the one and only @sarangtaee
Song you listened to: Get on Your Knees by Nikki Minjaj ft. Ariana Grande
Time you 😢: Yesterday watching a documentary about Jonestown
⇢ Ever:
Dated someone twice: yes unfortunately
😘 someone and regretted it: nope
Been cheated on: yep
Lost someone special: by death? thankfully no. in other ways? yes
Gotten drunk and thrown up: no i took 6 jello shots the other day and felt absolutely nothing. one hit from a bong and im faded though explain that science
⇢ In the last year, have you:
Made new friends: yep! and im so happy for it. they are amazing
Fallen out of 💛: actually ive fallen for someone and it sucks
😂 until you 😢: yes
Found out someone was talking about you: yes but not negatively at least to my knowledge
Met someone who changed you: my new friends have made me happier and i like being alive again. id say that is a change
Found out who your friends are: yeah
😘 someone on your Facebook friends list: no, unfortunately
⇢ General:
How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them. I dont friend people i dont know or like
Do you have any pets: i have 3 kitties
Do you want to change your name: i do, id change it to luna
What did you do for your last 🎂: i literally dont remember
What time did you wake up today: 6 am
What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping
What is something you can’t wait for: to meet my soulmate. hopefully i can muster up the courage to tell him i like him
What are you listening to right now: Phil DeFranco tell me the news rundown
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yeah i used to work with a guy names tom, he was a hoot and definetly eccentric
Something that gets on your nerves: people that get in other peoples way, humans in general
Most visited website: snapchat and instagram
Hair color: natural medium brown with teal tips
Long or short hair: its medium short atm
What do you like about yourself: my creativity and adventurousness and my empathy
Want any piercings: i have many and id like a couple more
Blood type: A+
Nicknames: Micky, Kenzie, Kizie
Relationship status: single and pining after a boy who only sees me as a friend
Zodiac sign: Cancer Sun, Rising,/Leo Moon
Pronouns: i hate this question
Favorite 📺 show: if i had to choose 1 it would be the office
Tattoos: 2
Right or left handed: right but im kind ambidextrous 
Ever had surgery: ive had a few teeth taken out
Piercings: many
Sports: ew
Dream Vacation: south korea, japan, greece, hawaii
Trainers: what are you asking me? i had a personal trainer almost kill me, and i have sneakers?
Eating: fried rice
Drinking: water
I’m about to watch: jessie smiles
Waiting for: Myself to gain some courage to tell my co worker that i like him
Want: my coworker
Get married for: raw, real, supportive love
Career: id like to be a zoologist or an interior designer
Hugs or kisses: neither if they arent from my SO, both if they are
👄 or eyes: eyes, i love eyes. i draw them on everything and i love looking into the eyes of someone i love
Shorter or taller: taller. i like being the little 
Older or younger: dont care as long as i like them and they are responsible
Nice arms or stomach: i dont have either, on a guy? arms, *shvers* the guy i like has nice arms with some good subtle veins happenin
Hookup or relationship: relationship, i cant do hookups i got an old civil war era piece of equipment and thats all she wrote
Troublemaker or hesitant: im hesitant and troublemaker are annoying like the paul brothers
⇢ Have you ever:
😘 a stranger: no
Drank hard liquor: vodka? yes
Lost glasses: no
Turned someone down: yeah a couple times
Sex on first date: never
Broken someone’s ️❤️: perhaps?
Had your 💔: too many times, thats why i cant tell the guy i like him. im norma jean
Been arrested: no
😢 when someone died: yes ugh so many times, mostly book movie chatcters but also all those children at Jonestown
Fallen for a friend: yes story of my life
⇢ Do you believe in:
Yourself: no, thanks childhood!
Miracles: yep
💛 at first sight: yes bc i have experienced a version of this. the first time i saw my bestfriend walk through my 7th grade ancient civilizations class, i knew i had known her in a previous life, with absolutely no doubt
😘 on the first date: actually i dont know
Angels: maybe. i dont think they would have fluffy wings and halos though
⇢ Other:
Best friend’s name: im not sure thats for anybody else to know since one of them is @sarangtaee
Eye color: olive green
Favorite Movie: i have so many, harry potter, forest gump, matilda, Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men and many more
Favorite actor: Evan Peters, Aubrey Plaza
Favorite Food: Japchae, Alfredo pasta, Fried Rice, Pizza, Deviled Eggs, Watermelon, Peaches, Cherries
Extrovert or Introvert: Introvert all the ways
Favorite flower: Daisies, lotus, Sunflowers, dahlias, foxgloves, moonflowers
Favorite Hello 🐈 characters: i dont know what this is asking me sorry
And i will not tag anyone since i barely use this account and i have almost no followers, why did i do this? well i guess i just like talking about myself 
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