#919 Street
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919 Street
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theicarusconstellation · 10 months
@jegulus-microfic prompt: takeout // words: 919 // mild nsfw // vampire regulus black x human james potter
He comes to the restaurant every evening.
Regulus is almost getting tired of watching from the alleyway as the man with such beautiful, beautiful blood walks into the building and comes back out with a takeout bag of Italian food in his hands. He usually stakes out by Barty’s restaurant to feed, but never before has he come across someone like the man that caught Regulus’ eye just by walking through the door.
The first day he was here, he cut his finger. Regulus doesn’t know how or why; all he knows is that the moment the man stepped outside again, the sweet smell of his blood was so strong that it almost knocked him out. There were too many people around though. He couldn’t afford to risk a taste. Now, however, it’s later than the man’s usual arrival time, so the streets are nearly empty.
He’s a pretty man, too pretty, so Regulus plans to leave him alive. Regulus knows drinking this blood will be…an experience, to say the least. Maybe he can even come back for more someday.
And then.
There he is. The man with the golden glasses and warm brown skin and nectar flowing through his veins. He gets out of his car, locks it, — smart man — and begins walking across the street without a care in the world.
Regulus makes quick work of capturing him. He darts out into the road and snatches the man’s arm, ripping him along as he pushes them both back into the alley. He has him pressed against the wall of the office building next to them in seconds, and Regulus can smell the blood beneath his flesh. He wastes no time, his hands trembling as he holds the man in place and —
“Finally decided to make a move, did you?”
Regulus’ jaw drops. His eyes, burning red with hunger, snap up to meet the other man’s. Hazel. The man’s eyes are hazel. Regulus thought they were brown from afar, but no, they’re hazel.
“I saw you watching,” the man murmurs. Strangely, he isn’t afraid. Rather, his hand comes up to press against Regulus’ cheek, his thumb brushing over Regulus’ skin with a tenderness that can only be described as curiosity. “I’ve been waiting for you to do something. Wanting you to. I was starting to think you wouldn’t. I wasn’t even going to come today. Got sick of Italian food.”
“You’re late,” Regulus snarls in response, but it comes out unsteady. No one has ever caught him stalking before. By the time they do, if at all, they’re dead.
“No, I’m James,” the man replies easily. Regulus is gripping him hard now, desperate for his blood. Desperate for him.
“I am going to bite you, James,” Regulus says. He’s already inching his mouth along James’ sickly-sweet neck, trying to find the perfect spot. “And I am going to drink your blood, drop by drop.”
“Good. I want you to. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
Regulus’ breath hitches. Want. The word echoes through his mind as his fangs brush against the skin of James’ neck. The man shudders at the touch but doesn’t pull away. Instead, he does the unthinkable and leans into it, tilting his head in such a way that Regulus’ fangs press deeper against him, millimeters away from breaking skin.
“Just don’t turn me. Or kill me. And promise you’ll do it again,” James whispers. Regulus nearly scoffs; he’s not in the habit of bargaining with his food. But this…James is strange. Different. James isn’t just want. James is need.
In one swift motion, Regulus sinks his teeth deep into James’ neck, biting down hard and groaning as those first drops of blood touch his lips. James is right along with him, releasing something less like a cry of pain and more like a moan. His fingers slip into Regulus’ curls, and it almost feels like he’s holding him in place.
Regulus sucks up James’ blood with fervor. It overflows down his chin onto both their clothes, with excess blood dribbling down James’ neck. It tastes like miracles, like he’s drinking sap from the sun. Not only does his blood taste magical, but every inch of his skin does too. Regulus wants to consume it all, until the burning desire inside him is quenched and all this golden taste is his.
“Easy,” James urges, his voice straining. Oddly enough, Regulus finds himself listening. He lifts his head, and blood trickles down his lips. The puncture wounds in James’ neck are deep, but they’ll heal quickly. Nothing too worrisome.
Regulus’ eyes flick to James’ right collarbone, visible around the unbuttoned top fabric of his shirt. Blood has pooled there like a serving of dessert saved just for him. Its heavenly smell coats them both now as they stand, panting, drenched in James’ blood. The man’s hand is still in Regulus’ hair.
Unable to take it anymore, Regulus lunges forward and licks at James’ collarbone with a needy whine. James hisses through his teeth as Regulus begins to lap at the leftover blood on his neck and chest, tiny noises of desperation escaping as he does.
“Oh, fuck,” James mumbles. The vibrations of his voice in his chest make Regulus pause. He meets the other man’s eyes, taken largely aback when he sees that James’ pupils are blown wide, eclipsing the forested hazel of his irises.
They pause for a moment, frozen in time, before James breaks the silence. He removes his hand from Regulus’ hair in a slow drag, trailing the tips of his fingers down Regulus’ jaw as he goes.
“Same time tomorrow,” he says lowly.
He doesn’t give Regulus a chance to reply. Without further ado, James fixes his shirt collar and walks back to his car, and Regulus is left standing in the alleyway with blood on his lips and a newfound blaze in his chest.
Same time tomorrow.
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HAMID SALEH HAROUN AL TAHAN (Rusty Quill Gaming) VS HISIRDOUX CASPERAN (Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia)
Propaganda under the cut!
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HAMID SALEH HAROUN AL TAHEN "Goofy guy, really. Lots of growth. Basically (without too many spoilers) he’s the son of banker, literally, super rich. Went to college to become a wizard, was very bad at it in a very good at it kind of way. No matter how much studying he did, it didn’t help him learn anything but when he needed them, the spells would work. Anyways, he got kicked out, was cut off by his parents, became a mercenary because he recognized a friend from university during a street fight with a bit too much death and didn’t figure out he was a sorcerer till season 3. He did learn not to be a little spoiled brat though, growth"
HISIRDOUX CASPERAN "HES SO COOL AND CHILL!!! Silly big brother wizard who slacks off and casts spells!!!"
"Before, he was clumsy and he was trying his best when like not that experienced (he was Merlin's apprentice btw) but he has grown quite a lot now he's much more serious still kept his personality which means he can be sometimes still impulsive in the face of danger he's like 919-920 (but still look 19yo bc wizard logic) and is still like very hard-working and still learns to one day be worthy to be a master wizard He protects the universe against evil monsters. He doesn't want the power to go to his head so as a csq magic is never his first resort he will try to fight without it if he can (which is kinda badass) and then use magic if he can't Some of the cool powers he has: • Sleep Inducement: put others into an instant deep sleep • Banishing: able to banish and imprison (in like limbo for example) • Infinite Hallways: can cast infinite hallway portals that can trap ppl with no way out • Memory Projection: able to use his magic on the tree name carvings of Arthur, Gwen, and Morgana to bring their childhood memories to life (idk if he can do it if he doesn't know them) • Pyrokinesis, Flight & Telekinesis •Astral Projection • some kind of time magic: he capable of creating time traps (which slow down time in a bubble around the one who tripped it) His design is very cool and like he has a staff now, it's all between like nuances of blue and like dark, even his magic is blue so like love the consistency"
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germancarssince1946 · 23 days
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2017 Porsche 919 Street Concept
My tumblr-blogs:
www.tumblr.com/germancarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/frenchcarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/englishcarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/italiancarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/japanesecarssince1947 & www.tumblr.com/uscarssince1935
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spacebeyonce · 4 months
calling my fellow virginians:
since our bitch senators mark warner and tim kaine decided to vote yes last night in favor of sending $95 Billion with a B of foreign aid to multiple countries, one of them being 'israel', here's their addresses and phone numbers so you can tell them how you feel about it!
mark warner (term ends in 2027):
703 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Phone: 202-224-2023
919 East Main Street Suite 630 Richmond, VA 23219 Phone Number: 804-775-2314
tim kaine (term ends in 2025):
231 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: (202) 224-4024 Fax: (202) 228-6363
919 East Main Street, Suite 970 Richmond, VA 23219 Phone: (804) 771-2221
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medusapelagia · 5 months
Running From The Daylight - Part 8
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, (coming soon Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15)
Written for @whumpuary Rating: Mature  Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson  Prompt: Headache WT: injuries, sick character Words:  919
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“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Eddie curses, trying to wake Steve who is murmuring some nonsense “Baby, you have to wake up. Please. Look at me, Steve. Please.”
When Steve finally opens his eyes with an annoyed whimper, Eddie breathes a big sigh of relief.
“Hurts.” The boy complains, his eyes closed, trying to avoid the light.
“What? What hurt’s baby?” Eddie whispers, gently brushing his knuckles on Steve’s cheek.
“My head…”
“Where did you hurt yourself?” Eddie asks, turning the phone on to check on his wound.
“No… headache.” Steve replies, and Eddie stares for a moment at Steve’s feverish eyes, thinking that it doesn’t sound good, and trying to remember if they packed anything that might be useful.
“Ok… I’m going to check if we have any medicine, ok? But you have to keep talking to me.” Eddie tells him, turning toward Steve’s backpack.
“I know it does, baby, but I really need you to. Can you do it for me?”
“Good, you are doing so well for me.” Eddie praises him while he searches frantically for any medicine that can help them and finally finds a little green bottle with the very comforting name Headache Medicine stamped on it. Eddie takes a couple of pills and wishes they had a fucking thermometer “Are you ok, Stevie?” He asks him “You feel kind of hot.” Eddie whispers, holding his hand on Steve’s forehead which is definitely too hot.
“I’m always hot for you, babe…” Steve chuckles, but Eddie is too anxious to laugh with him.
“Don’t joke, this is serious.” He scolds him, looking at his boyfriend's glassy feverish eyes.
Help is on the way, Eddie keeps repeating himself, while he gently coaxes Steve into drinking some molten snow and swallowing the headache pills, help is on the way. They will be here soon, they will know what to do. They will fix everything. He leaves Steve’s hand, getting up to search for something to lower his fever when Steve stops him.
“Don’t go…” Steve whispers, holding out his arm, and Eddie comes back to his side.
“I need to check if we have some other medicines…” he tries to explain to him but Steve shakes his head.
“I’m fine. Just stay with me for a moment. Can you… can you massage my head please?”
“The pills will kick in soon…” 
“Please.” His voice is so feeble that Eddie doesn’t have the heart to deny him. 
Eddie sighs and nods, kneeling behind Steve’s head and massaging his temples slowly.
“I wish we had some peppermint tea…” Steve murmurs, his eyes closed and a pained expression.
“As soon as we get home I’ll make you some peppermint tea, I promise.” Eddie replies, seeing Steve relax under his touch “Help is on the way.” Eddie whispers softly “I called Wayne, Robin was with him and they called Hopper and you know that nothing can stop Hopper. He will be here in no time, you know how determined that man can be, we just have to stay here and be patient for a little more.”
“Are you sure you can’t try…” Steve murmurs.
“Nope. I’m sure.” Eddie cuts him off, not wanting to fight again “The road is covered in snow and debris, we must wait for someone to clean the street before going anywhere, but as soon as the road is clean help will be here and we could finally get back home. Together.” He repeats trying to convince himself while he keeps cuddling Steve “We just have to stay here, all cozy, and wait for them. Uh, and Wayne said we are both grounded.”
Steve chuckles “Are we?”
“Definitely. He wasn’t very pleased with our situation, can’t really blame him, you know?”
Eddie always made Wayne’s life more difficult than it was, he fought with him when he was a kid and he never was a perfect student or a perfect nephew, he learned how to deal with his father when he was a kid and anytime he noticed that money were too thin, he got out and came back with some bill that he put in the old emergency jar, keeping for him just a few dollars.
Wayne never scolded him but he wasn’t pleased either, always worried that Eddie might get involved in something too big but unable to stop him, fearing to lose him once and for all.
More than once Eddie thought about leaving the trailer, but every time his father’s face came to his mind, and if Eddie was sure about something it was that he wanted to be like Wayne, not like Al.
He never understood how two people so different could have been related by blood, Wayne Munson was quiet, hard worker, always kind with his words, while Al Munson was a hooligan who was always in trouble with the law and Eddie was doing his best to follow a different path from his father and he will never admit to anyone that his ability to hot and wire was fundamental.
Steve's voice drags him away from his thoughts “Sorry.”
“For what, baby?”
“For bringing you here… it’s all my fault.”
“If we decided that it wasn’t my fault, it was not yours either.” Eddie states, sternly, while checking on Steve and helping him sip some water.
“I thought it was going to be a relaxing weekend…” the chestnut haired boy whispers softly and Eddie keeps massaging his temples whispering sweet nonsense until the boy finally falls asleep, and Eddie thanks whatever god there is that the stupid medicines finally kicked in.
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q-gorgeous · 1 year
You’re Dead
word count: 919
AU - Jazz had always been gifted. So gifted she was the only one in her family who could see ghosts and help them move on. (Danny can still become Phantom if you want) @summerssixecho
Jazz had always been gifted. 
And not just in the way that everyone thought. Sure, she was smart. She did all sorts of presentations and speeches at school and she tutors a couple different kids. She even had her eyes on the Ivy League schools. But no, that’s not what she means by gifted. 
Her parents studied ghosts for a living. They’ve been at it for twenty years, still going strong even though they themselves had never seen a ghost before. It was something they believed so fully that no matter how much Jazz tried to convince them otherwise, they would never budge. 
She just didn’t want her parents to know they were right. 
Jazz had been able to see ghosts all her life. It was some innate ability she had been born with. She never, ever wanted her parents to find out about it though. 
They always told her and Danny stories about what they’d do to the ghosts if they ever caught them. About how they’d perform all sorts of tests, tear them apart molecule by molecule. It had scared Jazz growing up. It scared Danny even more. 
So she resolved to never let her parents find out that ghosts were real. All the ghosts that Jazz saw on a regular basis were all nice. They usually wanted to be left alone. She didn’t know where her parents were getting these ideas from, that ghosts were inherently bad. They were supposed to be scientists but didn’t seem to wait for any proof before they came to their conclusions. 
They continued to work on their life project, the ghost portal. It didn’t work the first time they tried turning it on. But one day when they went down to the lab to look over their schematics again, it had miraculously been turned on. 
It’s the only machine Jazz can say with total certainty actually worked. 
Ghosts were coming out of the portal left and right. Most of them went right back into the ghost zone once they found out how hard it actually was to interact with the living world. There were some that came and managed to find ways to cause trouble though. 
It had been months since the portal opened and everything had been pretty normal. Her parents still didn’t find proof that ghosts actually existed beyond the ghost portal being on. 
She was walking home from school one day when she saw something that made her heart nearly stop in her chest. 
There was a ghost across the street that looked suspiciously like her little brother. 
What could have possibly happened to him? He was alive and well this morning when they left for school. What could have possibly happened since then? What could have gone wrong in such a little amount of time?
She ran across the street towards him, ignoring the cars that had been driving down the road. He made eye contact with her and looked confused before looking down at himself. When he looked back up at her he looked panicked. 
She never told him that she could see ghosts. It was a secret she kept only to herself, if only to keep it away from her parents. 
“Danny! What’s going on? What happened to you? Why are you…”
She was out of breath and was breathing hard. She could tell he’s trying to think of something to say. He looked away from her and scratched the back of his neck. 
“I, uh, nothing. I’m fine! There’s nothing wrong.”
“But you’re… you’re…” Jazz didn’t want to say the words. Didn’t want to speak them out loud. 
“I’m what?”
Tears welled up in her eyes. 
“You’re dead!”
Danny stared at her for a moment. His fists clenched and unclenched. “No I’m not.”
“Look at you!” She gestured at him, his white hair and green eyes. “You’re not the same. You’re different. You’re a ghost!” 
“No I’m not. Ghosts don’t exist, Jazz.”
“Yes they do! I’ve been able to see them all my life! That’s why I know you’re lying to me!”
Shock crossed his face before he schooled his expression again. “Whatever… Whatever prank you’re playing on me isn’t funny, Jazz. I’m gonna go hang out with Sam and Tucker.”
He started walking away from her and she didn’t have the strength to follow after him. 
How hard was he in denial? What had even happened? 
She didn’t go right home that day. She meandered her way through town until it was time to be home for dinner. She wanted to put off the news soon enough. Surely her parents must’ve been told what had happened already. 
She walked in through the front door and dropped her backpack on the floor solemnly. She made her way toward the kitchen where she could hear her parents shuffling around and talking together. Why didn’t they sound upset?
Jazz raised her head to look at them and her eyes widened in shock.
Standing in front of her was her brother, alive and human looking, setting the table. 
“Danny?” She squeaks. 
“Jazz?” He says back to her, mockingly.
They get ready for dinner. When Jazz sat down to eat, she sat in stunned silence. 
She didn’t know what was going on. She didn’t know how her brother could be both alive and dead. But that didn’t matter to her. At least he was still sort of alive. 
No. The only thing that mattered to her was her parents. 
They could never find out ghosts were real.
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otcerph · 1 month
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From bustling city streets to quiet rural paths, our delivery partners traverse all terrains to bring you our best with unwavering dedication. Each package delivered is a milestone in our journey of trust and service. To all our riders, your hard work lights the way. Learn about their journeys at https://otcer.ph or chat with us at +63 919 839 9123. #UnwaveringDedication #JourneyOfTrust #OtcerphCelebrates
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lgbtqweddingsnc · 8 months
LGBTQ Centers in North Carolina
October 19th was LGBTQ Center Awareness Day. LGBTQ centers are a huge resource to the community. They provide support, resources, education, crisis intervention and more. We have compiled a list of all the LGBTQ centers in the state of North Carolina.
LGBTQ Center of Raleigh
19 W. Hargett St. Suite 507 Raleigh, NC. 27601 (919)832-4484 [email protected]
LGBTQ Center of Durham
1007 Broad St, Durham, NC 27705 (919) 827-1436
LGBTQ Center of the Cape Fear Coast
1506 Market Street Wilmington NC 28401 (910) 262-0327 [email protected]
Carolina's Care Partnership
5855 Executive Center Dr Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28212 (704) 531-2467
Guilford Green Foundation & LGBTQ Center
121 N. Greene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 790-8419 [email protected]
North Star LGBTQ+ Community Center
930 Burke St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (336) 893-9053 [email protected] 
Blue Ridge Pride
PO Box 2044, Asheville NC 28802-2044 (828) 423-0655 [email protected]
Onslow County LGBTQ Center
2440 Commerce Rd, Jacksonville, NC 28546 (910) 333-9968 [email protected]
Youth Specific Centers:
Youth OUTright
PMB 128, 30 Westgate Pkwy, Asheville NC 28806 (866) 881-3721 [email protected]
Time Out Youth
3800 Monroe Road, Charlotte, NC 28205 (704) 344-8335 [email protected]
Youth SAFE
Greensboro, NC [email protected]
OUTright Youth
748 4th Street SW, Hickory, NC 28602 [email protected]
PO Box 25217 Durham, NC 27702 [email protected]
University LGBTQ Centers:
Many universities in NC have an LGBTQ Center, but not all. Some that don't, have diversity and inclusion centers which provide similar services.
App State
East Carolina
NC Central
NC State
UNC Chapel Hill
UNC Wilmington
Duke Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity
Wake Forest University LGBTQ Center
Queens University
Elon University
National Call Centers:
The Trevor Helpline:
1-866-4UTREVOR (1-866-488-7386) http://www.thetrevorproject.org/
Trans Lifeline
(877) 565-8860 http://www.translifeline.org/ 
National Runaway Switchboard:
1-800-RUNAWAY/1-800-786-2929 http://www.1800runaway.org/
RAINN - Rape Abuse & Incest National Network
1-800-656-HOPE (4673) http://www.rainn.org/
GLBT National Youth Talkline:
1-800-246-7743 http://www.glnh.org/
National Domestic Violence Hotline:
1-800-799-SAFE (1-800-799-7233) http://www.glnh.org/
National Child Abuse Hotline:
1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) http://www.childhelp.org/
National Youth Crisis Hotline:
1-800-442-HOPE (1-800-442-4673)
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middleland · 4 months
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Chittenden Hotel and Hunt's Cinestage theater, 1972 by More Columbus History
Via Flickr:
https://digital-collections.columbuslibrary.org/digital/collection/ohio/id/16739/rec/919 Photograph of Hunt's Cinestage taken the year before its demolition. The High Street Theater opened on this site in 1894, on the site of the World Museum. It was followed by the Lyseum in 1913, then the Uptown in 1935. Herman Hunt remodeled the theater and renamed it Hunt's Cinestage in 1957. The theater had 550 seats and showed Todd-AO films in 70 mm. The building was demolished on February 19, 1973.     
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toiletpotato · 1 year
nc general assembly and the republic supermajority
I can't think of a provocative title. I am tired.
Hi y'all. As you may be aware, parts of the US are passing some terrible laws in their local legislatures. While there is action in every state to be taken, I'd like to take the moment to highlight one.
North Carolina, a state that does not have a statewide recall policy. Currently has a Democrat governor (Roy Cooper! Decent guy. Could be better but definitely better than the last guy), but also has a Republican, veto proof supermajority in both chambers of the General Assembly (legislative body- like mini Congress but just for NC)
Part of this is due to Tricia Cotham. She is why Republicans now have veto proof control.
About Tricia
Ran as a Democrat on a pro-LGBTQ, pro-choice platform
Switched parties during her term because she claimed she was facing harassment on social media and Democrats were mad at her for not voting along party lines
Recently, despite what she ran on and WHAT HER CONSTITUENTS ELECTED HER FOR, she voted FOR (along Republican party lines mind you) a 12 week abortion ban. This ban was introduced just this week and is now on the way to the governor's desk.
If you are interested in contacting Tricia, her email is [email protected]
Her office phone number is 919 733 5764
Her mailing address is 300 N Salisbury Street Rm 528 Raleigh NC 27603-5925
Now, because I do not want to contribute to social media harassment, I will say I have no control over what folks do with that contact info. I believe that people should know that they can contact their local legislators just like they can contact their congresspeople. There are countless Republicans that are causing havoc in the state. This is just one particular example.
thank you for your time!
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petsincollections · 1 year
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Girl with toy penguin, Los Angeles, circa 1935
Girl seated on low wall holding large plush penguin, with foliage and fence in background, Text from nitrate negative sleeve: Extra - Children's Hom[e?], 34.015121375972065, -118.23910117149353, Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds., Probably photographed at Children’s Home Society, 919 E. 25th Street, Los Angeles, about 1935
Bartlett (Adelbert) Papers
UCLA Islandora Repository
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miniimapp · 2 years
can u do an Aaron t x Chinpui crackfic? TYYY
Gen. ;; Fluff + Crack - Imagine/Scenario
Warnings ;; Complete and utter tomfoolery and confusion lmao + Cursing/swearing also
Proofread + edited ;; Nah, I'm tired af lol
Word count ;; 919 words (5100 characters)
Auth. Note ;; THE AMOUNT OF RESEARCH I HAD TO DO BECAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW WTF CHINPUI WAS IS ABSURD. So sorry if anything is slightly off because of this lmao ANYTHING TO APPEAL TO THE NICHE SIDES OF THE 4*TOWN FANDOM !! ANYTHING !! (i have no idea what i've created lmao help-)
this is a bit short, please forgive me haha !! all interactions are platonically coded as this is a first meeting - i found it p hard to write a magical space mouse but here we go, enjoy !! <3
T's chest heaved as the backing for U Know Whats Up faded out, heat crawled all over his skin as he held his final pose alongside the rest of his friends. It had been a long day full of rehearsals in preparation for their upcoming concerts but despite the fatigue settling in his bones T's face was split by a huge smile. Nothing would ever feel as freeing as singing alongside his friends - his brothers.
As their manager called for a break, sending praise to everyone that they could, 4*TOWN were handed some cooled water bottles. The cooling trickle of water felt like heaven in T's throat, which had a tendency to feel dry after he hit some of his lowest notes.
As an incredible, amazing plan entered T's mind he felt his grin slip into a mischievous smirk. T noticed Robaire's face pale as he took a couple steps back, and then a dozen more to be safe, and elbowed Jesse and Tae Young. Fortunately, they'd forgotten to warn another poor member, one who was looking eerily like T's next victim.
Holding back premature cackles, T snuck behind Z as he wiped his face with his shirt. Poor guy didn't even know it was coming. In one fluid motion T uncaps his bottle and dumps it all out on Z's head. T dissolved into bouts of snorts and cackles as Z remained stock still. That should've been a warning but what's the fun in that.
As T rolled on the floor laughing he failed to notice Z beginning to move again, flicking water off of his face.
"T, dude, you might wanna-"
"Oh my god, can we not have one normal practice-"
"Anyone got a casket laying around-"
T wheezed, holding his stomach as it started to cramp, barely listening to the world around him. At least he wasn't until heard the countdown and a chill was sent down his spine.
Oh shit, he'd fucked up now. T scrambled to his feet, glancing at the pitying and smug faces surrounding him.
No time for dawdling !! This is life or death !! T sprints past some technicians, yelling apologies as he went. He rushed down the stage steps and through the stadium
Though it was barely audible, the final number within the countdown rang the loudest, seemingly echoing as T ran. Turns out genius ideas have not-so genius consequences.
Not stopping until he found some empty alley a couple streets over from the stadium, T finally let himself collapse against the wall, even more out of breath than he'd been at the end of the last rehearsal.
"Fucking...ahhhh...holy shit...."
T takes sharp breaths as he spews curses into the air, clutching his side that decided to give him a stitch
"God, why won't this ease up for a second !!"
"Chinpui !!"
What- what the fuck ??
A high pitched shout cam from his left as the pain in his side disappeared. T turned to look at the source and found nothing...
"Down here !!"
T frowned but looked down all the same...
T tripped backwards in a scramble to move away from the giant....thing ?? Mouse ?? Monkey ?? Monkey-mouse ?? WHY IS ITS HEAD SO BIG !? Mouse, right ?? Looking like Mickey's purple cousin Michael fr-
"Haha !! Are you okay ??"
"NO !!"
The big-headed mouse thing just hums and FLOATS OVER HIM-
"I-" T sighs and flops into the ground, tired after his very dramatic day
After a minute or two of lying on the gross alley floor T stands up dusting himself off and grimacing at the feel of the muck on his clothes.
"Great, as if I didn't already feel gross enough." T begins to aggressively brush his clothes, "Get off of me !!"
"Chinpui !!"
T freezes as he feels air pulling at him, like he's being sucked up by a fucking vacuum
"What the shit-"
Once the suction finally stops, T falls forward, bracing himself against the wall before he turns to the apparently magical purple mouse
"What kind of magic genie are you ??"
"That wasn't magic-"
"I think the fuck it was !!"
"-it was scientific method ??"
"As if you pulling a blackhole out of nowhere is any kind of logical or scientific ?? Yeah, okay..."
"It is !!"
"Mhm, sure it is, little mouse dude. Whatever you say, buddy."
"I can access scientific technology by using a key word !!"
"The fact you don't have a name for this "scientific technology" speaks volumes...but anyway, moving on, do you have a name or is it just freaky floating mouse ??"
"I'm Chinpui !! And you're Aaron T, known as T to close friends and family !!"
T frowns and points as finger at the floating alien accusingly, "You a spy drone or something ??"
"Nope !!" Chinpui (if that's even its real name !!) giggles and flies closer to T's face
T hums in thought, questioning all of his life choices in those few seconds, before he felt a stroke of genius enter his mind, and he plasters an innocent smile on his face "Say, Chinpui, my dear pal, my good friend, mi amigo, you ever tried a few practical jokes with your...scientific method ??"
Chinpui does a few log rolls in the air as it thinks, "Not that I can remember !!"
T's smile turns into a mischievous grin, "How about we test that out then, turn our hypothesis into a working theory, yeah ??"
Chinpui giggles and somersaults above T's head, forcing him to look straight up, "Sure thing !!"
"Glad to have you in on the fun, partner !!"
I think I panicked and blacked out writing this, please don't ask-
Here we go, I hope you enjoyed !! <3
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swamyworld · 17 days
HMRC will increase the number of data scientists
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has significantly increased its spending on data science expertise, according to figures revealed by a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. The FOI findings were analyzed by the Parliament Street think tank, who investigated the department’s data capabilities over the past three financial years. The FoI request found that in the year to March 2022, HMRC employed 919…
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eld-posh · 19 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vision Street Wear Aztec Slip On Womens Sz 7 Shoes Multicolor Skate Sneaker NEW.
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aldonatpowell · 29 days
Spacious 2-Bedroom Apartments for Rent in Grapevine
For nice and spacious 2-bedroom apartments for rent in Grapevine, the Aldon at Powell & Broad is a designer luxury home community located in Fuquay-Varina, NC. The community offers a blend of convenience, comfort, and style, with a spacious kitchen with wood floors and stainless steel appliances. Amenities include a well-lit lounge with seating, a large, well-lit bedroom with plush carpet floors, and large windows. The community is situated in the historic downtown area, providing easy access to dining, shopping, and entertainment.  Aldon at Powell & Broad Apartments is the best choice if you need a home. Simply call 919-439-1575 for more information. 
Fuquay-Varina: CA, A Live, Work, Play Community 
Fuquay-Varina is a bustling and growing community in North Carolina that provides its residents with various options for living, working, and enjoying life. As one of the top-rated counties in the state, it boasts numerous housing options that cater to all budgets and styles, from modern apartments to classic suburban homes. In terms of working, Wake County and Fuquay-Varina offer a diverse range of industries, including healthcare, finance, and technology, providing ample opportunities for employment and career growth. Additionally, the community hosts various events from festivals, concerts to farmers markets and art shows, making it a nice hub for both entertainment and cultural experiences. When it comes to recreational activities, Fuquay-Varina has something for everyone. 
Downtown Fuquay-Varina
Fuquay-Varina is a charming town with two downtown areas that you absolutely must explore. Walking along the brick sidewalks in both areas is a delightful experience that will transport you to another era. The downtowns are brimming with unique shops and boutiques, each with their own distinct personality and character. You'll find everything from handmade crafts to vintage clothing to artisanal foods. And when you're ready to take a break from shopping, there's no shortage of excellent local restaurants to choose from. Whether you're in a mood for a classic Southern comfort food or something more exotic, you're sure to find something to satisfy your taste buds. So why not plan a leisurely day exploring all that Fuquay-Varina has to offer?
Fuquay-Varina: NC's Safest Small Towns
A personal finance site, MoneyGeek, has ranked Fuquay-Varina as one of the safest small towns in the US. The study analyzed FBI crime data from smaller towns and cities with a population between 30,000 and 100,000. The cost of crime includes impacts on victims, such as loss of stolen property and medical bills, and the cost to the justice system. Violent crimes typically result in a higher price than nonviolent crimes. The safest small communities are found in the Northeast, with Monroe Township in New Jersey ranking first due to its low property crime and violent crime rate. Other top-performing communities include Wallingford, Connecticut; Shrewsbury, Massachusetts; Westfield, New Jersey; Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania; and Princeton. Zionsville, Indiana, Mason, Ohio, and Lone Peak, Utah, also scored highly outside the Northeast.
Link to maps
Fuquay-Varina North Carolina, USA Head east on W Academy St 62 ft Turn left at the 1st cross street onto N Main St 0.3 mi Turn left onto Wake Chapel Rd 0.7 mi Turn left onto NC-55 W/Broad St 1.3 mi Make a U-turn at Dickens Rd 453 ft Turn right onto Stobhill Ln 358 ft Turn left onto New Peak Ct Destination will be on the right 89 ft Aldon at Powell & Broad Apartments 141 Stobhill Ln, Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526, United States
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