When children stare at me and my mobility aid: 🤗🤗🤗🤗😎😎😎😎😎!!!!
When full grown adults stare at me and my mobility aid (absolutely rubbernecking me, not even saying hello or waving or anything-- not even acknowledging me really just Staring at me with their expressionless or disdainful eyes, no sign of whimsy or curiosity. Just staring.):😒😒😒😐😐😐🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🫢🫡🫡🫡😒😒🙄😮‍💨😤😤😤
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snixkers · 7 months
Lost & Found
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Pairing: Spencer Reid × GN!Reader
For: Anonymous Request
Summary: After receiving notes from an unknown sender, you realize that your stalker is closer than you thought.
Content Warning: Abduction, stalking, restraints, canon compliant violence
Author's Note: Did my best! Anon wanted a PLL storyline, so I tried to incorporate that as best as I could.
Feedback is always welcome!
Requests are OPEN
It had been a week since the flowers had shown up on your doorstep with a note from ‘A’. You were certainly confused. You’d never dated anyone with a name that had an A, and none of your friends were confessing to it, so you were sure it was probably a fluke on the part of the delivery man.
Until it happened again. You were sitting at your desk when you got a call from an unknown number. You picked up, assuming it was a spam or a butt dial, when the voice spoke up.
How was work today?
The words sent a chill down your spine. Once could be written off as a mistake, but two times was enough to confirm what you were worried about. You had a stalker. Before you could reply, the caller hung up, leaving you dumbfounded at your desk.
You told the team, and they all did their best, but there wasn’t much even Garcia could do. The call had been traced to a payphone, and the flowers were paid for in cash. On the security cameras, the man was wearing enough to obscure any details that would have been important for identification. He was good.
The next couple weeks, you resigned yourself to just putting up with it. You carried pepper spray, tasers, anything you could. Your commute was now carpooling, and you used the buddy system to the best of your ability. But one day, the batteries in your smoke detector went out, meaning you were officially going insane from the noise.
You slipped into some sneakers to head to the convenience store down the street, grabbing your keys and phone.The streets were dark, with the occasional car passing by. You made your way inside and searched for the batteries before finally coming across a pack of AAs. The man standing at the register watched you come up, scan your items, and swipe your card. As you picked the package up, you noticed his nametag: Alex.
Oh, shit.
Something hit the back of your head and you passed out cold.
The team had been searching for you relentlessly, calling in every favor possible. They tracked your credit card to the corner store, where they watched the cashier come up behind you and take you out. They found out he didn’t even work there, but they were able to track his car to a man named Alex Pinof.
The team pulled up outside his house, guns raised and ready to go. Derek kicked the door down and they swarmed the building, clearing the rooms. They found you in the basement, bound and gagged but otherwise unharmed. Hotch went to arrest Alex while Emily untied you, leading you out of the basement and up to the main floor.
Spencer pulled you into a tight hug and you returned the favor, gripping him as tight as possible.
“I was scared you weren’t going to find me.”
He shook his head, burying his face in the top of your head and giving it a small kiss.
“I’ll always find you.”
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phantomoftheorpheum · 3 months
PLL: OS (Summer School) Finale Live Notes.
*Spoilers for the entirety of PLL Summer School
Okay friends, we've come to end of the season! I took notes throughout the episode, so here they are, plus some post-episode thoughts.
I knew Kelly wouldn't be dead! Faran had no reason to arrive so quickly if she wasn't going to be able to save her.
Okay, not important, but Kelly's hair always looks so good when they let it be wavy, I hope she'll get that style more in season 3 (assuming there is one), which would also set her apart from Karen.
Y'all, istg if the Ravenswood namedrop means they're taking an actual supernatural angle with this, I will be the one rioting.
"They just kinda showed up outta nowhere. I mean, doesn't that Christian guy make horror masks?" hkhjsdhfjk Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point. Jk, jk, I promise I do not actually hate Jen or think she's the worst person in the show, I just really hate the love triangle trope and the way this storyline has been handled and this made me laugh, and while this feels like a big deflection, yet again (like... as did you?), she seriously does have a point, someone SHOULD be bringing up the masks.
I actually love the bickering when people start accusing each other’s SOs. I do like that the girls are supportive of each other, but they need conflict, too. Also interesting to see what comes out when people are getting defensive. 
Aaaaand there's another Scream reference. Tabby: Safety in numbers! but then Tabby, approximately 2 seconds later: Let's go individually investigate our suspicious love interests and then regroup! TABBY YOU ARE A HORROR NERD, YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER!
If Johnny is not involved, he really is the CHILLEST dude on the planet.
Confirmation that the Bloody Rose murders were filmed! That's so validating. At this point in the episode, I'm leaning towards Wes and not Christian in this aspect. They're (the girls) too worried about Johnny and Christian, which wouldn't make either of them a major twist, and they have been literally 0% worried about Wes (which I still maintain makes absolutely no sense, considering what Tabby and Christian found at his place. & the main reason he ever dropped ever so slightly on my suspect list [he was still very, very up there] was how ridiculously HUGE of a red flag that should have been that it felt like it could be a set up, but then Tabby didn't get suspicious [which was also my biggest red flag with Christian, but now she is suspicious of him] so...)
I thought it would be a stabbing and not her smashing him on the head (I also thought it might be a nightmare), but I WAS right about my “rule of threes” and my prediction that Johnny was going to fail to talk down Imogen, after successfully doing so twice before.
I'm not convinced he's actually an antagonist because if he were, why the fuck would he hide bodies at the place he works, like that is a ridiculously bad move, but also if this kills him & he’s not bad, that’s gonna be so fucked & also Imogen could definitely go to jail. So. Idk what to believe yet. 
Y’ALL, I swear to god these are my as I am watching notes & I absolutely did not realize how hilarious me calling Johnny “the CHILLEST dude on the planet,” was going to end up being. I know this scene is serious, but I just lost it, knowing how it related to my notes.
Okay, on a more serious note. Survivability is not looking great for Johnny. Also, Imogen, word of advice- when you find bodies in the freezer, LEAVE and call the police, don’t go confront the guy you believe murdered them!!! 
Okay, pause. Tabby just fell down the stairs at Christian’s (knew that was coming, obviously) after finding a Davie mask (not surprised), but since we have half an hour left in the episode, I’m guessing this means that the frame job I thought was happening IS happening and it’s happening to Christian (Wes hired Christian specifically to frame him?) and Johnny, meaning Wes is likely the mastermind. Also, this makes me VERY suspicious of Jen. She pushed the girls towards Johnny and Christian and now there’s the perfect evidence to turn Imogen and Tabby against them?
Right. So I did not have on my bingo card that Rose Waters would actually get her face carved off, that was honestly more brutal than I was expecting. 
The body on the altar is Pastor Malachi, which I’m a little disappointed about (in myself), but I did say he was the only one of the other victims that I could make any argument for being there, but I really thought it was going to be somebody important to Rose.
Okay, WELL, yes on Mrs. Langsberry and yes on Wes, but I did NOT expect him to take that mask off during the livestream. I really thought he was going to try to pin everything on someone else. I also don’t believe for a second he intends to let Tabby live, no matter what she says (though I do believe he would let her “seem” to live for the sake of the film, then kill her after). 
Did Christian not just say they should go to the screening room because there are no doors? But then immediately direct them out of some exit doors? I think this is just silly writing & not actually nefarious, but rofl.
“Mickey is a sick fuck who wants to get caught!" It really is Scream 2! It really is! Except Tabby didn't have a "wavering because I'm not sure if I can trust my boyfriend and maybe I shouldn't untie him," equivalent moment, really.
I know they all did self defense, but that last guy Tabby took out looked like a video game takedown, lol. I would have probably believed it more with Faran, but I get it.
Well, at least Faran got to punch Bloody Rose.
I AM SO MAD AT MYSELF. Tabby and Christian have that whole convo about their favorite horror movie deaths and she brings up the pitchfork, and at the time I even thought, “I wonder if someone is gonna get stabbed with a pitchfork,” and then I chose not to bother to type that up and I cannot believe I did not type that up! Of all the useless crap I typed up and that's the thing I didn't bother to ever post about? I'm disappointed in myself.
Y’all, maybe one of you should stay with Tabby, like maybe you don’t need 4 of you to go into the cabin to check the Wes situation. 
I do love the “they always come back” Scream reference with Wes’s death here.
Okay, but... why did he kidnap Dr. Sullivan? And why was Pastor Malachi on the altar? And we're not gonna talk about the tests? Like I get they were for the movie, but we're just not even gonna mention them? Because if Wes is using that footage for his film, then isn't it kind of a problem that they all survived because that very much does not make Tabby the typical sole final girl.
Uuuuummmm…. Like assuming we’ve had all the important reveals and not considering what they might write next season, Imogen really fucked up the Johnny situation, turns out that really was the chillest dude on the planet.
Whoa. Wait. After all that, we’re just getting it thrown at us that Dr. Sullivan is actually a total asshole?? It's wild that she was actually risking her license just to write a book and she hates all of them.
I mean, Archie not actually being dead is the least surprising thing ever. Obviously he was not actually dead.
So.... are the girls wearing the girls masks supposed to be the movie Tabby is imagining? Or are we actually supposed to be concerned about this?
Wow, okay, lots to digest.
Immediate Post-Finale Thoughts
I'm so tired and I stayed up super late to watch this, so I will probably do a "now I've had some time to think about it," post finale post later, but this will have to do for now.
Overall, I thought this was a fun finale! Personally I like this reveal much better than the Principal Clanton one.
However, there are so many loose threads, unresolved storylines, and randomly missing characters, so I'm gonna go over a few of those.
Ash just basically stopped existing. They say his name a couple of times, but him just not being in the finale at all felt weird.
Same goes for Greg, who I normally wouldn't miss, except they had all the Faran/Greg stuff last episode. I'm not sure why they cut most of that, but then left what they did in 2x07. It feels like maybe they felt they had to keep some of it because they wanted to show Faran missing Kelly's phone call, but they couldn't explain why Faran and Greg were out together if they didn't have their hookup earlier in the episode, but... I think it would have been cleaner to just cut all of that and just show Faran seeing the missed call without any explanation of why she missed it. I don't know. I think this was a pretty messy way to handle it.
-longest sigh in the world- you're telling me that the Shawn/Noa/Jen love triangle literally had absolutely nothing to do with anything and we spent that much time on it????? This kills me. I gave the writers too much of the benefit of the doubt on this one. I really, really thought they wouldn't do all of that and literally not have any of it matter. Is this really what they wrote? This isn't the edit? Blegh. This was such a waste of time of a plot point. Why did they bother to have Shawn in this plot line at all? You're telling me not only did I sit through 2 of my least favorite tropes (love triangle and infidelity) and you could have just written Shawn out between seasons and had the conflict be that Noa is enamored with Jen, but one (or more) of the girls don't trust her because she showed up out of nowhere (like she accuses Christian and Johnny of doing) and keeps lying about things? But instead they did this? And for what? So Noa can call someone to hot wire a car? Because we didn't even get any drama out of it (aside from Noa smashing Shawn's car and the little bit of bickering in this episode) because the girls were immediately supportive and Shawn's reaction was relegated to some angry weightlifting. What the fuck? This was a huge miss, imo.
So... It seems like a lot of Imogen's stuff was only there to set up her attacking Johnny. Like the whole babysitting Estelle sequence never comes back around (but this is the first time Johnny sees her panicking with a knife), and the stuff with her dad and Rebecca didn't matter, except for the fact that Johnny also talks her down when she has a knife. Hm.
So? How long were those bodies in the freezer and what was the point of putting them there if Wes wanted to get caught anyway? Because surely Johnny would notice if they'd been there a long time, but also they weren't trying to frame him (poor dude got hit on the head with a wrench by his girlfriend and then locked in a freezer with 3 dead bodies), so?
I wish we'd gotten a little more explanation of Wes's plan. I still don't really get why he kidnapped Dr. Sullivan and tied her up in the shack. Where was that going?
Am I just super sleep deprived, or did all this just not have any connection to the Waters family lore, aside from Wes killing Rose (I think she's dead) and appropriating the Waters family story for the film? Also, how does his reveal work, since he's just suddenly not in character? Like what the hell is Wes's film?
Who/what did the snake in Imogen's poster represent? WAS it Dr. Sullivan and Wes knew about the book? I can't think of why it would be there, otherwise. This stuff feels quite messy to me.
I have a hard time believing Mrs. Beasley is just not going to be an abusive piece of crap any longer, but it's nice to see Kelly with the other girls.
How did SpookySpaghetti get all the girl's new phone numbers? That was not made clear.
Do we think there was someone else we know who was involved (I mean that they've actually planned for, not that they will retcon in later) that didn't get caught?
So the three figures in the poster are Wes as Archie, Mrs. Langsberry as Rose, and Chip? as the skeleton? I assume?
I do feel pleased that I called the combo of "someone making a movie and a mother avenging her dead child," but I'm a little disappointed a love interest didn't get revealed as evil, and also I thought the "mother" would be a bit more unhinged than Mrs. Langsberry ended up being. Like obviously she is committing a bunch of murders at Wes' direction, so not a shining example of rational thinking, and she's in denial about Chip, but I thought the "mother" was going to be fully delusional, tbh.
Am I still a little sad that they didn't find a way to shoehorn in a musical moment for Antonio? Yeah, a little, but he's alive so there's always possibly next season. (To be clear, I do not want them to do a musical episode, like please no, I just was hoping they do karaoke at some point this season or something, though I had no expectation of that fitting into the finale).
Season 3 renewal announcement soon?
Okay, I'm sure there's more, but I'm super exhausted and I need time to mentally digest this.
As usual, if you have any thoughts/feelings you want to share, feel free to shoot me an ask!
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jaggedwolf · 3 months
pll rewatch 2x01-2x03
new season, a forced separation, an unexplained greenhouse set
the introduction of one Dr Anne Sullivan. Shares a name with Helen Keller's instructor for no discernible reason, she is played by an actor known to the contemporaneous recappers I've been reading, because more than one of them go "Oh, it's Annabeth Gish!"
She was in 27 episodes of The X-Files and 6 episodes of The West Wings, both shows I'd expect TV recappers to have watched
Another sleepover, featuring the liars revolting against the strength of Spencer's coffee
They don't even get to have coffee because all non-military and non-Tom parents are assembled to tell the girls (1) yeah we think you're making shit up (2) you have to go to grief counseling because you are too obsessed with your friend's death
Our 2010s suburban teenagers are like we don't want to go therapy because we are not crazy (note: Spencer and Hanna are most negative on this topic)
Emily is traumatizing herself by rewatching the Jenna-Toby video, and then gets traumatized by Pam letting a broker go "get rid of all personality from this room asap". Pam work on your scheduling
Spencer on one couch while her parents + Melissa are on the opposite: will this framing ever change?
I'm just saying, in the supposedly unlikely event your daughter and her friends aren't lying...she almost fucking died! Give her a little comfort!
Caleb's apology is very good sad boy, but more than that or Hanna not getting back with him, what I enjoy in this early season era is that there is no secret noble motivation. He did a shitty thing for selfish reasons, because he dismissed everyone involved as rich pretty girls, it isn't more complicated than that and doesn't need to be
Spencer trying on sexy(?) shirts for Toby when it's like. The dude's hair has gotten worse and you know he just put on a random t-shirt and jeans. Also he won't care.
Anw the show has remembered that Toby and Emily are friends. would love for them to be able to hang out without a Spencer motivator, but you know, custody's been transferred
It is a sweet scene, I like Toby immediately taking out his knife and Emily going :0 and Toby going it's okay, I've already gotten my teen carpenter upgrades, I will fix it up (and he does, as we see in the background later)
only Ezra comment is that they painted on his abs LOL please that man does not go to the gym
Jar of Hearts plays as all the girls are really emo about Sullivan-endorsed and parent-enforced separation between them. love that they are so distraught by this
and Spencer freaking out so badly once she hears a sound outside. Spencer :(
I say "parent-enforced" very loosely because all four girls sneak out at night to meet at a greenhouse. It's a great-looking set but where is this greenhouse whose is this greenhouse why is this greenhouse. Is this a public property. Did they break into the local botanical gardens.
It's probably abandoned. Classic.
Okay later episodes show them constantly passing Alison's house when leaving the greenhouse. Do Spencer's parents own a greenhouse nearby.
Emily should be more upset about her laptop being wiped, beyond the videos, like that's all her shit!!!
okay i guess Emily doesn't use her laptop that much, I am projecting
very funny to me that the first Emily/Samara scene this season is at a swim meet. does Paige notice this or is she too busy going insane because there is a scout here and her dad is going well there's the scout too bad you aren't anchor huh
Probably she does not notice because she is laser-focused on swimming and in her "ignore Emily unless we are literally doing a relay together" era. Good/bad for her
Sorry you will continue to get my theories on what Paige is up to when not on-screen. Until I crack and fic it.
Random break-ins happen, reported by Pam. god 2024 pam would be on NextDoor huh
A ring camera would solve a lot of problems in rosewood
Toby is the saddest unemployed boy in the world and Spencer would like to be his sugar mommy. 100% believe Spencer would be good at that
Honestly who cares if she lost Melissa's ring, Melissa sucks, so does Ian, the Hastings can easily afford another ring.
Spencer saying "I wanted to say it first" in response to Toby's ILU and still not saying "I love you too"....Spencer will Win even at love
Aria got fucking shoved into that lamp holy hell, forget her wrist her torso probably should get iced
Samara and Emily have a conversation about first girlfriends
Samara is already kind of boring, I'm surprised they don't kiss in this episode
There's a flashback where Spencer and Emily were going to have a sleepover before Ali crashed. i should be commenting something intelligent about this being the rare chink in Ali's armor, instead i want to know everything about flashback-era Spemily sleepovers
Look it's rare evidence of the liars having individual friendships back then, and they are quite cute in their little sleepover outfits of Spencer's pajamas and Emily's hoodie
Spencer is so fragile-looking when she asks Melissa if she'd protect her....oh Spencer, I'm glad you have Toby and his abs right now
I am also glad you have nightmares where you discuss theories with your friends at the movie theatre while a black-and-white horror film plays. Going to count this as Emily influence
Emily tells her mom it's Paige calling when the landline rings and Pam goes sure and moves on, and like, I have so many questions. obviously the Fields and the McCullers know each other from the swimming but last time Pam saw Paige's dad, he was being a real dick.
has Emily told her mom that Paige isn't a real dick, was Pam at home when Paige came over in 1x20? many possibilities, given that Pam is not confused or disturbed by the phone call claim
Emily you could have said any random swim teammate
I still really like the Aria-Jenna scene, that Aria's forced to listen to what Jenna lost and that Jenna is tricked into revealing this vulnerability to one of the liars - very pretty lighting here too
Hanna's plot is kinda whatever to me these episodes, it's her parents flirting, Mona, Lucas
I like that she and Lucas are friends again already, but I am doubtful of her strategy in getting Lucas a date. love him and Caleb being bros though, I wonder what Caleb wanted from the hardware store
When A was petting the dog all I could think was that in a darker show, A would've snapped that dog's neck at the end of it...
Pam talks to Emily about her sexuality again after looking at Emily's kid stuff and that makes Emily tear up the forged letter - I forgot that Pam brings it up of her own accord here, and it is nice that don't have it be and all settled thing after yelling at Nick McCullers
was distracted in the whole car scene about the forged letter because (1) is this the first hanna-aria-emily scene we get where it's not because spencer is off somewhere else getting almost murdered? (2) hanna somehow thinks emily's forgery skills can get her into harvard. hanna wants emily to re-use a stamp from an old letter she has. hanna what the hell
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mayasdeluca · 2 years
I would like Ash to have another match just so she could end on something that isn’t a blowout (against them). But it really does call into q her plans for next yr. She’s not exactly feeling the love at Gotham so idk… we’ll all have different opinions in her shoes if it’s worth it. Ali should have another season since this one is a wash, and I’m sick of watching her be screwed out of trophies and medals and done dirty by coaches. She’s probably not even going to be in contention for season’s end mentions because of how badly Gotham is doing. They’ll just give it to players from teams who make playoffs which is short-sighted and a complete joke. It’s going to be complete bs if the ‘journalists’ are the ones deciding. How does live tweeting games = a press pass?
P.S. Oh, by the way, I live tweeted four seasons of Wynonna Earp — guess that makes me a tv critic now 😁🙄
P.P.S. You used to watch PLL, right? I’m doing a rewatch and spotted Lachlan Buchanan toward the end of season 2. I was so shocked!
Yeah it would be nice if Ash could end on a high note but it does make you wonder if she plans to continue on or what and if this year has changed her plans or mindset at all. It does seem like the move to Gotham and playing for this team didn't exactly go as planned for her but obviously we don't really know how she feels about it or if she's ready to move on from playing the game despite obviously enjoying being a mother and that being her top priority since we can tell she is loving that. So who knows! Maybe she will take the time to figure it out over the off season but there's also still 7 games left so hopefully she would still be able to play again this year anyway.
It's definitely frustrating that Ali's great season is being shadowed by Gotham playing horribly because you're right, people aren't going to give it the recognition they should and most of those awards and such will go to players on better teams. You can already tell the patterns of the best starting lineups they do every month and it's usually all players from good teams and those "journalists" are biased from the start so it's just annoying. I do feel like she will play next year though and hopefully can continue her good form and hopefully Gotham will be better but who knows about that too.
The way these people are able to get press passes is mind blowing like really if all you need to do is live tweet the games then I should get one too! And now they're complaining about Gotham charging for parking tomorrow lol
I did watch PLL and loved it!! I didn't realize Lachlan was in it though, that's wild! Now I'm gonna have to go back and look lol
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clarkgriffon · 3 years
So, the PLL Series Finale was as bad as I remember.
The Minor Offenses:
The Callbacks - These are inevitable in a series finale for any show that’s as long as PLL is, and I thought some of them worked cute and worked (Spoby Scrabble Game, Hanna handing Em a tissue at the Ezria wedding and saying “Today you do,” just like she did with the flask in the Pilot). But most of them felt forced and just... out of place.
The minor antagonist revivals. Throwing characters like Jenna, Lucas, and Melissa on our screens one last time just for them to be there. Lucas was in a dream sequence, Melissa was teased as an antagonist for it to be another “hyper-realistic” mask. Jenna was arguably the most useful as she LITERALLY IDENTIFIED THAT SPENCER WAS NOT SPENCER. Who decided Jenna was gonna be the one to figure it out???
Ending the series on the Ezria wedding as our last major touchstone with the girls (at least, prior to their little rendezvous in the park). It’s just for a show that became so Spencer-focused in the final seasons, and I have stuff to write about that in a separate post, the fact we go back to our first 2 seasons main character of Aria for the fade out is just questionable? It feels like if we were going to end on a major life moment of one of the girls, it should have been... Spencer? They’d written her as the main character since literal Season 3 onward.
The “happy endings” - I think the writers genuinely forgot these girls are supposed to be 23. Why were Haleb trying for a baby! They’re 23! Same for Ezria, though I guess Ezra is older but Aria is ALSO 23. Emison ALSO have babies and are 23. Why do all these children have to have children.
The Major Offenses:
(Note: I’m ignoring the reveal in itself as an offense. Commentary on who “AD” is would take way too long and has been hashed out by everyone before already)
The fact it takes 45 minutes to get our reveal; everything in the episode before Alex is inconsequential drivel 
The relationship drama- The only drama I can excuse is the Ezria “I can’t have kids” squabble because it has plot relevance in making the girls think Ezra skipped out on the wedding rather than that he was kidnapped. But honestly, why the fuck were Haleb squabbling throughout the episode about Mona and their potential kids- why was that necessary in the finale?
The Addison Thing. Just.. no. It was bad. All of S7 it was bad, but the final scene was particularly egregious. Why was Maya’s cousin one of the girls in the posse? WHY does Addison go missing exactly like Alison with identical dialogue? It’s uh... dumb.
So, was any of it good? Sure:
I genuinely enjoyed the Alex flashbacks, them showing when exactly Alex was acting as Spencer and especially the Alex/Wren backstory. Wren is a diamond is one of my favorite things from the series in its entirety.
Controversial, but I love the Mona ending. In my opinion, rather than the extra Addison scene, that’s where the series should have ended. Is it fucked up? Absolutely, but that’s kind of been the point of PLL all along. Mona has never been able to get better, the writers will never let her, despite her attempts again and again, but she is shown to have real love for the girls (especially Hanna), and the audience ROOTS for her. I think the Mary & Alex dolls are her happy ending, and obviously, as intended, she’s finally “won the game.” I think it’s a fantastic ending note overall to have the original fan favorite “A” finally win the game.
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soul-music-is-life · 4 years
Hey!!!! I was wondering if you could do like the tiniest Drabble of em and Ali finding out their having another baby? That Ali’s pregnant with Sam?
The lovely people in my asks: “Emison prompts please?”
Me: *re-emerges years after apocalypse, sees asks are still in inbox, waves arms around in vast wasteland shouting* “DID SOMEONE SAY EMISON?”
You all have been asking for quite some time. Sorry the delivery has taken forever. Apparently the package got lost in the mail. Or the delivery driver read it and liked it and decided they wanted to keep it all to themselves. 
Seriously though, I haven’t forgotten about you all. I think about my PLL fam often. The state of the world has been a bitter pill to swallow for a lot of people, especially during quarantine. It’s an isolating time. I know the importance of needing an escape. I’ve been working on my Emison fics “The Dawn of Autumn” and “The Heart of Beacon Heights” but haven’t done a little ficlet in ages. I have so many sweet and loyal people who still follow me despite my years of fictional torture. And I just wrote this fluff as a thank you. Hope that it brings a little light into the world. We need more of that good light.
This is unedited. I wrote it in about half an hour at 2 in the morning, so if you find mistakes please send your notes to my inner critic. She will deal with them promptly.
Alison was hunched over on the edge of the bed, her knees bouncing as she anxiously tapped her feet against the carpet. She rubbed her palms against her jeans and exhaled a heavy breath.
Not many things made her nervous. She’d gone through a lot over the years. It had helped her develop a heavy outer armor. She had learned how to face adversity with her head held high. She had gone through a tremendous amount of growth with the help of Emily’s love and the love of their children. And several years of therapy.  
Her most recent session had her opening up about her fears and insecurities as a mother, and about whether or not she wanted to carry another child.
She felt the bed shift and then felt a comforting hand in between her shoulder blades.
Emily’s warmth was a force in her life that nothing else had ever come close to. Nothing compared to the way she felt about her wife.
The brunette was always there to calm her nerves. Every time. They’d been faced with some incredibly hard times. They’d endured a lot.
Even after everything had settled down...after all the torture had stopped...after they’d found their bliss...things still weren’t perfect.
They’d talked about expanding their family for a while. They’d been waiting until they’d found some stability, both emotionally and financially. After Alison landed her job as a professor at Hollis and Emily got her position at a prestigious swim academy that trained young hopefuls for the Olympics they’d found a stride...a balance between work and home.
That’s when the talks of having another baby had come up. They’d discussed it for months. The girls were old enough that they’d established a certain independence. And Alison and Emily missed having a little one around. Grace and Lily had stopped wanting to cuddle after they started middle school. They missed it.
Emily wanted to carry, so they’d gone through the process. They’d tried several times. The first time it didn’t take. The second time it took, but after six weeks they’d lost the baby.
It had been difficult to waver. Emily had wanted to try one more time, but after some routine testing her doctor discovered that she had uterine damage that made it very unlikely that she’d ever be able to carry a child to term. It had gone undiagnosed previously, but they found out it was from ill-effects from the torture she’d endured over the years.
That had left them with the choice of adoption or giving Alison the opportunity to carry.
Emily didn’t want to push her into it. She knew that Alison didn’t have fond memories of her previous pregnancy. She knew that having the twins had damaged her psychologically. So she didn’t ask.
They’d been laying in bed looking at adoption brochures one night when out of the blue Alison told Emily that she was open to the idea of carrying the baby. She’d been working through a lot of her past in therapy and she thought she was ready for the next step.
“Are you sure?” Emily had gently taken the brochure out of Alison’s hand. She would love any child that came into their lives. She didn’t want Alison to feel pressured. “You’re sure you’re ready?”
“I wasn’t at first. But I can’t let my past control me forever. There’s something about this...” She’d chewed on her lip.
Color flushed her cheeks and she smiled softly. The same vulnerable smile that Emily had seen hundreds of times when they were in high school. The smile that was reserved for her. And her alone.
“I know what happened with Lily and Grace wasn’t...we didn’t exactly ask for it or plan it. But I wouldn’t trade those girls for anything.”
“If Grace keeps mouthing off to her teachers I might consider trading her.” Their wild child was constantly in some kind of trouble.
Alison laughed. She appreciated Emily’s unwavering sense of humor. It helped calmed her racing mind.
“You know, that pregnancy...God, it was so hard...”
“I know.” Emily took her hand and peered at her with a soft expression.
It was a look that could only be shared and understood between the two of them. Because they both knew what it was like to have choices taken away from them...to have things thrust upon them that could never be completely overcome. It was something they would live with for the rest of their lives. But they shared that pain. They’d gone through that tumultuous journey together.
“I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting about this. And even though the pregnancy with the twins...it...it nearly destroyed me...”
Emily saw her retreating into herself sometimes when she thought back over those memories. But there was something different in her expression tonight. A newfound sense of confidence. It’s like she had chosen a direction, and she knew exactly where she was going.
“This isn’t the same. I...I want this. We’ve wanted this for so long, Em. And I realized that I actually have a choice this time. And it clicked. That’s what’s important to me. I...” she’d paused and then looked up at Emily, “WE...we get to make the decision this time. And that’s the biggest difference.”
She had watched Emily with their girls over the years, and she had fallen even more in love with her than she realized was possible. She was a beautiful person and a beautiful mom. And Alison woke up every morning thankful that someone like Emily loved someone like her.
Their family had started out from a broken place, but they’d picked up the pieces together and they’d created something beautiful along the way. And Alison wanted more of that.
She had threaded her fingers between Emily’s, interlocking their hands. She’d put her other hand on top of their joined fingers.
“I want to do this for us. I want to have our baby.”
Emily had been completely speechless. Alison was constantly surprising her with her courage and the depth of her strength. How was it possible she’d taken for granted just how incredibly resilient the blonde was? She looked at her and she saw the epitome of determination. A fighting spirit.
She was certain she’d never loved her more.
“I love you so much.” Emily turned towards Alison with a watery smile. She reached up and placed her palm against the side of Alison’s neck, leaning forward to capture her lips.
Alison could feel her emotions in her movements. She could feel it in the way that Emily gently stroked her cheek and brushed her hair aside.
“I love you, too.” Alison pulled back, tears of joy in her eyes.
There were moments in life that defined certain unspoken love between two people. There were moments that put them in a world all to themselves, where all there was...all that existed...was their love. Sometimes words were meaningless. Sometimes it was quiet little moments that people shared in which the most powerful exchanges of love were experienced.
Emily gently cupped Alison’s face and kissed her forehead tenderly. The warm smile on Emily’s face had sparked an even deeper meaning behind Alison’s choice. She looked at her wife and she saw pure joy. And she felt pure joy. She looked at Emily and she knew that everything was going to be okay. She knew that no matter what...they were going to be okay.
She had the most loyal woman in the world by her side. It had stripped her of her nerves that night. She knew they’d made the right decision for their family. In an odd way, it had taken the looming pressure of her past off of her.
But that had been months ago. Months before the fertility treatments and the hormone injections and the IVF procedure. That had been months before she’d started hoping and wishing. Months before she’d started picturing their child. What their baby would look like. How much her heart would melt when she saw their baby for the first time...first smile...first laugh. She started picturing what they wanted.
And now she was terrified they wouldn’t get it. They’d already had two failed attempts. Could they survive a third? They had spent their entire lives waiting for the other shoe to drop. Any time something good happened in their lives they were inevitably faced with something bad that ripped their happiness away from them.
When they’d bought the test Alison had felt her anxiety rising. The nerves had returned.
She glanced over at the pregnancy test on the edge of the dresser. She’d been shaking so much after she’d taken it. Emily had led her to the bed and made her sit down and take several deep breaths. She didn’t want Alison to stress herself into an anxiety attack.
They’d set the timer and had been waiting together. It felt like it was taking an eternity. The last time she’d taken a pregnancy test she’d been physically repulsed at the idea of having a child. But this time she was experiencing a painful worry that she wouldn’t have a child.
Emily could feel Alison’s tension underneath her touch. She wrapped her arm around Alison’s shoulder and pulled her in for a hug. She kissed her temple.
“Ali, relax.” She pulled her close. “Whatever the outcome...we’re in it together, okay?”
Alison nodded nervously. Her mouth felt dry and sticky. She reached for the bottle of water that Emily had brought to her and took a sip.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been so impatient waiting on test results.” Alison curled her toes against the carpet.
“Remember when we were waiting on the girls’ placement tests?” Emily tried to take Alison’s mind off of the ticking time.
“Don’t remind me.” Alison scoffed.
Grace had tried to cheat by writing the answers on the back of her water bottle label. It was actually ingenious. If she put half as much energy into her school work as she spent trying to get around her school work she’d be at the top of her class with her sister.
“I thought Lily was going to have a nervous breakdown waiting for those results.” Emily reminisced.
Lily had always been their studious child. She was introspective and as sharp as a tack.
“What did we do to calm her down?” Alison asked.
“We rubbed bourbon on her gums and sang her to sleep just like when she was teething as a baby.” Emily waggled her brows with a grin.
Alison playfully smacked Emily’s arm. She’d forgotten all about when the girls were teething. That had been hell. But it had been worth it. There had been moments that her innocent little babies looked up at her with wide-eyed wonder that she’d never seen before. And it made her feel serene. She couldn’t wait to feel that again.
“Pretty sure we bought her a cell phone and told her to obsess over social media like a normal child,” Emily said. She shook her head. “That child and her test anxiety...I swear.” She glanced at Alison with a lighthearted smile. She poked Alison. “Wonder where she gets that from.”
“You know, we’ve spent so much time teaching them about the importance of rising to the occasion and passing their tests with flying colors. But this is the one test I wouldn’t want Lily and Grace to pass.” 
Emily made a face.
“God, we’re almost at the point where we need to sit down and have that conversation with them, aren’t we?”
“That’s all you. I handled the potty training. You handle the ‘don’t have sex or else your mothers will kill you’ thing.” Alison smiled.
“Or...we could teach them to be responsible about it. I’m not into scare tactics. They tend to have the opposite effect on people.”
Alison nodded in agreement. She’d certainly rebelled against her parents when they’d told her not to do things. Emily had, too.
“Whatever works. As long as we keep them off the pole and they don’t come home pregnant.”
“What a charming thought. You’re such a romantic.” Emily rolled her eyes, gently bumping against her with a playful smile.
“They’re good girls.” Alison felt herself relaxing. Her children had a way to her heart. “You think they’ll be okay with all of this?”
They’d spoken with the girls about the fact that they were trying to have another baby, but Lily and Grace had sort of waved it off like it wasn’t a possibility. Then again, they were just coming into their own as young teenagers, so they rarely listened to a word their mothers said.
“They’ll be fine,” Emily dropped her hand to Alison’s back and rubbed circles against the tension she was carrying.
Alison reached out and touched Emily’s knee, commanding her attention, drawing Emily’s eyes towards hers. Her lips twitched. A loving smile washed across her face.
“I really love you, you know.” She let out a content sigh.
“Well, I would hope so considering we’re married.” Emily grinned at her.
She got a lot of joy out of teasing Alison. She liked to see the spark in her eyes when she was flustered.
“Seriously.” Alison moved her palm up against Emily’s side, her fingers resting against her ribs. “I don’t think I realized how little I knew about love before you and the girls came into my life. It’s so much bigger than I ever knew. Have I ever thanked you for being so wonderful?”
“You don’t have to thank me for loving you, Alison. It is the most natural thing in the world for me.” Emily leaned over, their lips meeting for a chaste kiss. “I would do it over every time.”
“Maybe with a little less torture.” Alison added.
Emily chuckled.
Alison glanced at the timer. She watched as the clock rolled backwards from the sixty second mark. She felt her stomach tightening up in knots. Her heart started hammering in her chest. Her palms felt clammy.
“Breathe, sweetheart.” Emily tugged her into another hug, resting her chin on top of Alison’s head.
“I can’t believe how much I really want this,” she uttered under her breath.
It had been different with Lily and Grace. She certainly loved her little girls, but that pregnancy had been hell for her. She felt like she’d been alone on an island in the middle of a hurricane. She remembered feeling like her lungs were filling with water. But this time she felt like she was jogging along a beautiful beach...pushing desperately to reach a perfect destination with Emily in sync with her every step...right beside her.
She reached for Emily’s hand just as the timer beeped. Her head whipped towards the test on the dresser, but she looked away at the last second.
“I can’t look.” Alison shifted her feet and stood up, turning away from the dresser. She glanced at Emily. “Would you...”
Emily nodded, not needing to be prompted. She walked over to the test and picked it up to observe it.
Alison looked at her in anticipation, eagerly rubbing her hands together and licking her lips.
Emily pressed her lips together in thought, tilting her head with a furrowed brow, her eyes narrowed in concentration. Her mouth was twisted. Her nose was crinkled.
“Oh.” Alison felt deflated.
“Ali...” Emily slowly looked up at her.
Normally the blonde could read her wife like a book, but there was an expression in her eyes that she couldn’t decipher.
“Oh, God. It’s negative, isn’t it?” Alison dropped her head in defeat. They knew there was a possibility. They’d been through it before.
“We...we’ll try again.” Alison cut her off. She reached up, running her fingers through her hair.
She was so consumed by her disappointment that she didn’t realize that Emily had moved next to her. She hadn’t seen the smile on her face.
“Hey...” Emily touched her cheek to get her attention.
Alison froze in place. She saw a glint in Emily’s eyes, a shocked expression on her face. She seemed to be having a hard time finding the right words to say. Tears were pooling in her eyes, but she was smiling.
Emily lifted the test up and Alison took it from her, her heart suddenly beating faster. Because she realized that the tears in her wife’s eyes were not tears of sorrow. They were tears of joy.
Alison stared at the positive test, a surprised laugh coming out of her mouth. Her eyes welled up with tears.
She looked at Emily. The brunette put her palm against Alison’s belly, knowing a bump would soon be growing.
“We’re going to have a baby.” Emily laughed through her tears.
Alison reached down and put her hand on top of Emily’s hand, holding it in place as she let the news sink in. Their baby was already growing. Their child was already carving out a space in their hearts. It was a glaring reminder that as they went about their daily business...they wouldn’t be alone. There would be a little child...a little piece of their heart coming to life.
She pictured tiny little hands. Baby toes. A button nose. Sweet coos and giggles. And the most kissable little face in the world.
After a few seconds she lurched forward, wrapping her arms around Emily’s neck. Joyous laughter filled the room.
“Oh my God! We’re having a baby!” Alison hung off of Emily’s shoulders and pulled back to press a hard kiss against her lips.
“A little you.” Tears were rolling down Emily’s cheeks. But she couldn’t stop laughing.
“Let’s hope this one takes after his or her Mama. I can’t deal with more of my attitude reflected back at me.” Alison sniffled, her cheeks rosy.
Emily looked at her, and she could suddenly see it. The glow. She wasn’t sure how she’d missed it before. She didn’t know why she’d doubted that the pregnancy would happen. Alison had been practically glowing for weeks. She could see a beautiful radiant aura around her.
Alison saw the adoration in her wife’s eyes. She shot her a bashful smile. It was crazy that after so many years together that Emily could still make her feel like she was back in high school, falling in love for the very first time. She still felt like that young kid crushing on her best friend. She felt loved in a way she’d never been loved.
Their hands naturally linked together. They shared a quiet intimate moment. The air in the room was tangible. Alison took a quivering breath, trying to center herself. Emily cupped her cheek. As always, Emily helped center her.
The moment was interrupted by a loud clatter and two squabbling teens.
“MOMS!” Grace burst into the room. “Lily stole my phone and changed the password, and I can’t get past the lock screen.”
“I’ll give you the password when you take down that picture you posted of me when I was being potty trained.” Lily had a smarmy look on her face.
She knew exactly how to get under her sister’s skin.
“I only put it up because you put up the video of me crying after a frog jumped on my arm.” Grace shoved her sister.
They spun towards their mothers to mediate their fight, but then they saw the tears.
Their faces dropped. They shot each other worried looks and then looked back at their parents. Grace’s brow was tight. Lily had her lips pressed into a thin line. They looked just like Emily when they were concerned.
“What’s wrong?” Grace’s voice quivered.
“Did something happen?” Lily echoed her sister’s worry.
“Is it Grandma? Is she okay?” A hint of panic reverberated in Grace’s tone.
“Grandma is fine.” Emily put her arms up in a calming manner. “Everything is okay, girls.”
“Then why are you crying?” Lily asked.
Emily and Alison looked at one another, smiling. Alison nearly bit through her lip in excitement.
She was pregnant. They were having another baby.
“Well...there is something your mother and I need to tell you,” Emily said, glancing at the pregnancy test in Alison’s hand. The girls hadn’t seen it yet. “We’ve got some good news.”
She grabbed Alison’s free hand and they gave each other a loving glance.
“Okay, you two are being weird.” Lily made a face.
Emily couldn’t help but laugh. Her little Lily was ever the cynic.
“You know how we’ve been talking about expanding our family?” Alison asked.
“Oh, are we finally getting a dog?” Grace lit up in excitement. 
“Not exactly,” Emily said. Though, that was on the table, too. The girls had been begging for a dog for years.
Alison moved forward, gripping the test in her hand like a lifeline. She glanced at Emily again before facing Lily and Grace, who were looking at her eagerly.
“Your mother and I...we’re...” She felt a fluttering sensation in her chest. A warmth.
Seconds later Emily was next to her, her arm around her shoulder. Alison smiled at her.
“We’re having a baby.” She held up the pregnancy test. “I’m pregnant.”
There was a quiet pause, but then both girls gasped in delight.
“You’re pregnant?” Lily’s face brightened. Her jaw dropped. She had a huge smile on her face.
“Yeah.” Alison still couldn’t believe it herself.
“For real? We’re going to have a little sister?” Grace asked.
“Or brother,” Lily said. She threw her hands up and squealed. “This is so exciting. Finally, a sibling that will be a much less pain in the ass.”
“Oh, you wish. This kid is so going to like me better.” Grace scoffed. She looked at Alison. “Is that the test?”
“Mmmhmm.” Alison nodded, extending it out to Grace.
Grace didn’t even bother to grab it from the sterile end. She was too caught up in the moment. She looked at the positive result.
“This is super cool.” Grace smiled. She looked at Lily. “Check it out, Lil. Proof that someone else in this family is going to be cooler than you.”
“You know she peed on that, right?”
“Ew.” Grace suddenly held the test out like it was dynamite, handing it back to her mother.
“So...” Lily looked at Alison curiously. “Can you feel the baby yet?”
“Not yet. But we’ll get there.”
“I read that sometimes if you touch someone’s belly when they’re pregnant that you can feel things. Can we try?” Grace asked.
Alison and Emily laughed. They were overjoyed when the twins reached out to touch Alison’s stomach. It didn’t matter that she wasn’t very far along yet. The sentiment behind the bonding was real.
“That’s our little brother or sister in there.” Lily grinned, her palm on Alison’s stomach.
“What if it’s both?” Grace smirked.
“Don’t even joke about that.” Alison laughed.
But she didn’t hate the idea. It wouldn’t be easy having four kids, but she wouldn’t be upset if it happened.
“This is amazing.” Lily looked up at her mothers, a sincere expression on her face. “We know you’ve been trying...”
“Yeah. And we’ve been hoping this would happen.” Grace added.
“I know we give you guys hell sometimes, but you’re really amazing moms. And this baby is very very lucky to have you.” Lily smiled.
“To have us.” Grace corrected her.
Normally, Lily didn’t like it when Grace corrected her, but it didn’t bother her in this instance. She leaned into her mothers, wrapping them in a hug. Grace followed suit, embracing them all.
Emily and Alison smiled at one another as they bathed in their family’s affection. There was nothing quite like having a home in the hearts of the people you loved most, a safe place in the storm of life. They didn’t love anyone in the world like they loved their children. Their lives had only just begun after Lily and Grace were born. And they couldn’t wait for the next chapter.
They couldn’t wait to see the ways in which this baby was going to change their lives for the better, to complete their family.
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funkylittlebidiot · 4 years
I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but I have a question and I hope you can help. Why is that representation in Comics and TV for LGBTQ people (or other groups) important? I never understood that but now I have a daughter and I think its important for me to learn more about it, I don't want to be a bad Mama who doesn't understand her child wishes or needs.
First of all, I want to applaud you for taking the time to research and understand these topics! I’m in no way an expert on LGBTQ+ issues but I can try to explain from my own (very privileged) experiences. I’m mainly focussing on the LGB experiences because as a cis person, I don’t feel comfortable speaking out for the trans community, though I’m quite sure most of these points also count for them because the main point is just; it’s important to know you’re not alone. 
1. Education. I live and was raised in Belgium, where gay marriage was legalized way back in 2003. Still, it was never something that I remember people really talking about, so the first time I heard about the concept of homosexuality it was when I was sitting in the car with my dad on my way to elementary school (i must have been around 6). There was a story on the radio about two guys having been beaten up in Russia because they were holding hands. Even though it was only about twelve years ago, it was a completely different time and my parents never saw the need to educate themselves on the topic. So, when I asked why they were beaten up, my dad hastily explained it was because they were gay which meant they liked having sex with other guys.  I asked why that was bad, and he explained it was because it was purely about sex and not love. That didn’t seem right with me because if it wasn’t about love, why were they holding hands? 
My point is, I was never properly educated on the topic, and only learned more about it through watching PLL a few years later. Seeing a storyline where a girl liked another girl and the topic of her sexuality was explored fully, taught me more than any education I ever got in real life. And PLL is by far educational.
I watched a lot of series in my teens, and that - along with getting a tumblr account - was how I was finally able to realize my feelings for what they were. Because of being knowledgable on the LGBTQ+ community, I didn’t really have a questioning phase, it just kind of hit my like a truck and I was able to understand and accept myself immediately as soon as I realized i had feelings for a girl. Now, what if I hadn’t known about the LGBTQ+ community? Or if I had realized my feelings at a younger age? There are a lot of members of the LGBTQ+ community who go through a very uncertain period where they see themselves as weird or different or a freak, which can lead to a lot of self-hatred and can be detrimental to their mental health.   
On top of that, the educational part can also be for the parents of LGBTQ+ children. I urge every parent to watch some coming out storylines because it can teach you how to react in the right way. There are storylines where parents react badly - you can learn from those and note what they could have done better - and storylines where they react well and you can use that same response. Plus, it can teach them about the other letters in the acronym beside the G and L, even though representation on those is even rarer. 
And to parents who aren’t yet accepting, it can help to see those storylines because it shows that their child isn’t terrible for not being straight or cis, or that it isn’t something they did as a parent to ‘make them’ that way. It can help them come to terms with the situation and hopefully make them change their views. If there’s a storyline about a teenager being kicked out for being gay, they can see how terrible the experience is from the child’s point of view, and if it’s a situation where the parents are accepting of their kid, it can show them that they can still love and care for their child regardless of their sexuality or gender identity. 
2. Normalization. The same month I realized I was bi, the Pulse shooting happened in Orlando. For LGBTQ+ people - and I’m sure this counts for most if not all minorities - a lot of the time when there is a mention of homosexuality on the news, it’s something bad and terrifying. It’s either about a hate crime committed against someone like them or a debate on whether they deserve rights. To a lot of young LGBTQ+ people, their only experiences with the word ‘gay’ or ‘queer’ are bad. Representation can help show people that it isn’t. The more LGBTQ+ people are shown in media, the more it is normalized and that, of course, they deserve rights. Normalization is important because it prevents a lot of the struggles to begin with. Teens and children can see that they aren’t alone, that it isn’t something to be ashamed of, and that it’s their environment that’s wrong, not them. 
It’s important for the exact same reason it’s important to see female superheroes. 
3. Perspective. If you’re in a certain situation - say you’re in a very homophobic household - it’s hard to see past your reality. You can’t be out and proud. You can’t be happy with who you are. You are stuck. This can lead to a lot of LGBTQ+ youth feeling hopeless in their situation. Media can portray situations where that isn’t the case, or where people are living loud and proud despite the many tribulations. In this sense, just like how a straight person might want to sit down and watch their favorite romantic comedy, LGBTQ+ want to be able to do the same. You might wonder; why does it have to be a gay couple? It’s just the gender that’s different, but the storyline can remain the same, right? Not really. 
LGBTQ+ people often have completely different experiences and can’t always relate to heterosexual storylines. They want to relax and escape to a different world, but to do so they still have to be able to see themselves in a certain character. This is extra important in those hopeless situations because at the very least it’s a good distraction. On top of that, it can help them hold out hope that someday in the future, they too will be in a situation where they can be proud and open about who they are.  
I’m linking Dan’s Howell’s Basically I’m Gay, because I just think everyone should watch it. It’s a fun and wonderful video to watch if you want to understand the perspective of a person struggling with their sexuality and for a parent to know the struggles their children can go through. Also, Anthony Padilla’s I Spent A Day With Asexuals and Pansexuals
And queer representation to watch: One Day At A Time, Queer Eye, Sex Education, Atypical, Love Simon (!!!), Wynonna Earp, ...
I hope this was coherent 😂 and I might be missing some important points, so feel free to reblog and add on your own experiences or why representation matters to you (doesn’t have to be about LGBTQ+) 💕
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themarinaalexis · 5 years
Open Letter to Freeform
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing to share my response to the cancellation news of “Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists” that became public knowledge yesterday afternoon. As a long-time fan of both “Pretty Little Liars” and the spinoff (for time’s sake, I will refer to them as PLL and TP, respectively, throughout this letter), I could not be more disappointed that the franchise is ending on an unresolved cliffhanger. More than that, however, I am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction with how your network handled this show from the very start. I fully believe that it was partially your mismanagement and mistreatment of this show that led to its lackluster ratings and subsequent cancellation.
I could predict the poor viewership from the moment I learned that TP was set to air during the same timeslot as “Riverdale.” It is beyond my comprehension why the decision was made to place this new spinoff up against a show that is aimed toward the same demographic, but which has been on-air for several years, receives approximately two million viewers per episode, and airs on a much larger network. It is no surprise that TP encountered some of its highest ratings during “Riverdale’s” several weeklong hiatus. I was, and still am, baffled by both this decision, and the choice to show only one airing of TP each week. During the majority of PLL’s run, episodes aired two times during their premiere night: Once at eight pm, and again at ten pm. This allowed viewers, especially those of us with work and other evening commitments, another chance to view the episodes and have our viewings counted toward the Nielsen ratings. By failing to include a second airing of TP episodes during the first twenty-four hours, you ensured that the only views that would count toward the episode’s live ratings were those who were able to sit down in front of their television in the mid-evening - which is not a large percentage of your target demographic.
Perhaps my largest issue with the management of TP comes from its accessibility to international viewers. While, as a resident of the United States, I was fortunate enough to have both live and streaming access to each episode, tens of thousands of potential new viewers were left completely in the dark. By not making the show available outside of the US either through your website or Netflix, as PLL had been, you pushed out thousands of possible fans that undoubtedly would have increased TP’s ratings by a substantial amount. Hulu’s audience is not nearly as extensive as that of Netflix, and offers no international plans, making it an inadequate way of providing further access to the show. While I recognize the costs of international accessibility, I believe that this lack of access had a direct impact on the poor ratings - simply not enough people were given the opportunity to have their views counted.
Finally, the lack of promotion given to this show throughout its entire run was extremely noticeable, and, in my opinion, shameful. While your network did a great job of promoting the season premiere, it felt as though as soon as ratings did not equal those of the original PLL, the show was essentially thrown to the wayside. Freeform is a channel that I generally keep on as background noise throughout the day. In the week leading up to TP’s season (and, evidently, series) finale, I noticed numerous, almost constant commercials for shows such as “Siren,” “The Bold Type,” and “grown-ish.” In contrast, I recall exactly one advertisement for TP’s finale. Expecting superior ratings from a show that you refuse to promote or advertise is asinine. You cannot expect a show, regardless of quality, to succeed if you do not do everything in your power to give it the tools to do so.
From the very start, it felt as though TP was given up on without giving it a fighting chance. Looking back at all of these factors, most of which easily could have been changed or improved upon for a second season, the show’s cancellation feels like even more of a betrayal. The original “Pretty Little Liars” was one of your network’s most successful shows, and paved the way for your network to become what it is today. The fact that you could not find enough worth in its spinoff to make simple changes and give it a second chance is, frankly, disgraceful. It is beyond unfortunate that the world of your most successful original franchise has ended on an unresolved and unsatisfactory note. The cast, crew, and fans of both series did not deserve to be treated in this way, especially after being strung along for months, waiting for renewal news.
I have been aware of your network’s falling ratings and viewership for several years now, and the cancellation of this show, along with the poor treatment it received while on-air, has cemented my decision to no longer tune in to Freeform’s original shows. I will in particular be making a conscious choice not to watch any new series. Your network has a hideous pattern, which began far before TP, of cancelling shows after only one brief season. I no longer have the desire to engage in watching and enjoying shows that are surrounded by so much insecurity. After all, what is the point in getting absorbed in a show that is only going to be cancelled after ten episodes?
It is my hope that you will take into consideration everything that I have written here. I understand that I am a college student, majoring in Education, who is not aware of every intricate factor that goes into the production and maintenance of a television show. That said, it is clear to me that very obvious mistakes were made during the entire run of “Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists,” and what I can say with certainty is that your network has lost a very loyal fanbase with the cancellation of this show.
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ghostie-hoe · 6 years
So the episode opens with Sofia Carson’s monologue introducing the theme of the show - perfectionism and how the desperation for perfection has lead someone to snap under pressure and kill.
The monologue is talking about prestigious students at the University, so we can be lead to believe that the person who killed Nolan is amongst them - a student. I’d say, let’s keep an open mind and not rule out Dylan, Caitlin and Ava just yet.
In the next scene, Alison is in a Uber on her way to Beacon Heights, claiming that she doesn’t know anyone in town. We then see Alison entering her new home - there’s a sound and suddenly she’s a character in a horror film calling out “Hello?” And of course she checks the basement. It’s easy to fall back into old fears after two years of a safe, AD-free life. Mona then appears out of nowhere holding a knife and box of pie. Classic Mona. Creepy. Alison doesn’t seem to surprised to see Mona, they make small talk. Alison asks Mona “What are you doing here?” and She explains lightly that Mary and Alex escaped her dungeon (without confirming those words) and then moves onto say that she does GAME DESIGN for Hotchkiss. GAME DESIGN.
Let’s just throw back to the original show where Mona was addicted to the game - she became a master at the game and even admired Alex’s board game. In other words she was unhealthily fascinated by it. Why is nobody bringing up Mona doing Game design when we know now that she may have been communicating with someone through mirrors and is in the house where this state of the art security system is located? Link? Coincidence? There are no coincidences in Rosewood therefore no coincidences in Oregon. Mona talking to Alison about fresh starts and trust and Alison expresses wanting to leave the old mean girl behind her and help the kids and Mona replies “You will. I know it.” Mona already knows something. She brought Alison here for a reason knowing that she’d be able to help. “Allison’s determined as she ever was, don’t you think?” I’m not gonna be surprised if Mona is talking to her other personality (more on that later).
Alison and Mona walking to campus together and Alison brings up Taylor Hotchkiss to which Mona says “lovely girl” and Alison gets a little suspicious about the timeline of Mona being in Beacon Heights after Taylor committed suicide and not during. Mona always has an answer for everything “I read up on her” she claimed. From this, I believe that Mona knows Taylor is alive. Mona just knows everything.
Alison begins her first day at Beacon Heights by signing her name on a digital board and this full scene has How to get away with murder vibes. We first meet the mains in this scene. Alison launches into conversation about one of her favourite books by Agatha Christie ‘And then there were none’
Ten strangers, apparently with little in common, are lured to an island mansion off the coast of Devon by the mysterious U.N.Owen. Over dinner, a record begins to play, and the voice of an unseen host accuses each person of hiding a guilty secret. That evening, former reckless driver Tony Marston is found murdered by a deadly dose of cyanide.
The tension escalates as the survivors realise the killer is not only among them but is preparing to strike again… and again...
Marlene always chooses literature that has significance to the story - to her characters. So, let’s say our island mansion is Beacon Heights, who has been lured to Beacon Heights? Alison. As far we can tell as we’re only one episode into the story, nobody has been accused of having guilty secrets - however, Nolan was blackmailing Caitlin. Our Tony Marston is Nolan Hotchkiss, the first and one of many people to be murdered and the killer is amongst them, meaning the killer must be one of the main characters we were introduced to, Dylan, Caitlin , Ava, Dylan’s boyfriend, Caitlin’s secret boyfriend or someone we haven’t yet been introduced to in Alison’s class. At this point, Taylor could’ve murdered her own brother.
Dylan is called on to talk about a theme in the book and he chooses isolation. “The author deliberately picks this remote location so the characters can escape themselves. It’s part of their punishment.” Let’s take note of the significance of the mains answers. Dylan talking about isolation may have significance to his role in the story or his own secrets. Is Dylan out? Does he feel isolated?
We then have Ava who claims that Dylan is always right to avoid answering the answer because she didn’t have an answer. She then goes onto say “Well it’s about dichotomy of something and nothing.” A reflection of how Ava feels about herself knowing that she’s a real person but nothing connotes her self esteem? Or even the whole Nolan - Ava - Caitlin - situation. She then admits that she didn’t read the book because she was too busy focusing on growing her YouTube channel, her outlet for paying her tuition.
And then we have Caitlin. “The author wasn’t subtle. She named a character justice. It comes down to, well, is it okay to murder a murderer?” Caitlin isn’t a subtle person as we can see from the later scenes where she speaks of being inspired by her fantasy to get rid of someone to Alison and then describing how the core 3 could murder Nolan, and it happened in the exact way she said. Caitlin goes on to to say that she would hurt someone that hurt someone she loves. Nolan then says “Don’t worry babe, nobody would mess with me.” Now, Caitlin turns to look at Nolan before he reassures her that nobody would hurt him. We find out later in the episode that Nolan is blackmailing Caitlin with information about an affair between one of her mothers and another person. Little hint that Caitlin wouldn’t hesitate to hurt Nolan for destroying her family - and their perfectionism dynamics?
And finally, Nolan. “Paybacks a bitch. Characters got what they deserved. They did terrible things, they got terrible things done to them. Thought you’d appreciate that world view, Miss Dilaurentis.”
So first of all, Nolan obviously has information on Alison’s history because ‘missing dead girl turns up alive’ would make serious headlines but it seems a little deeper than that. I’d say his insider is Mona. It’s possible that this has significance to the other girls for partaking in bullying ‘Loser Mona’ the Jenna Thing etc. Possibly hinting at Alison coming back and being tormented by Alex and “Elliot”, the insemination. And we all know that seeing a dead body in PLL doesn’t always mean that character is always dead, this could be Nolan’s plan. Fake his death, Make it look extremely convincing ie. a body. One of my followers suggested that Nolan could’ve had a Nolan mask made (not shocking in the PLL universe) and this statement is him talking about his plan to kill people who deserve it in his mind because “people did terrible things and had terrible things done to them.” After saying that the camera pans to Alison, Dylan and Ava. Interesting. His victims maybe?
After the class ends, Alison pulls Nolan to the side and asks Why he thinks she knows about payback and he answers with “My mother is gonna tell you that you’re here because you remind her of my sister. It’s more than that.” Weird answer to bring the Taylor and Alison comparison into it. Rather, Nolan knows that Taylor is alive, faked her death. An early hint that Taylor isn’t dead. You can’t recruit someone because they’re blonde and remind you of your blonde daughter, there’s more to Taylor in Claire’s eyes that reminds her of Taylor. Was Taylor a mean girl?
The group are walking out of the main building whilst Nolan is trying to confirm Caitlin’s attendance at Claire’s dinner party and Caitlin claims that she has plans to which Nolan replies with “Can’t imagine what would be more important than you showing up for me” Showing up for me? That’s not something you normally say to your girlfriend (But Caitlin isn’t Nolan’s girlfriend, she’s being blackmailed into it so that he can date Ava without his mother knowing) Then Nolan talks about the papers that Dylan has to write for Nolan and Ava because he’s the smartest. Nolan has something on him for him to say “I’ll do yours but I can’t do Ava’s” then talks about another academic interest of his. So, Ava is our Hanna equivalent, possibly secretly very smart, interested in her social media presence and was doing fashion design during the monologue. Dylan is our Spencer, academically focussed. Ava and Nolan leave and Caitlin expresses to Dylan how she thought things would be different this year and Dylan asks “Because of Taylor? He didn’t even cry at her funeral” Nolan didn’t cry because he knew that his sister wasn’t dead. She’s alive. That’s why he didn’t cry. Also, it’s socially acceptable not to be crying at a funeral because everyone grieves differently. Caitlin then goes on to ask if she can help him with anything that Nolan has on him and Dylan claims that they’re all his fake friends and they hang out with him to make it look like he has “the perfect posse” Caitlin seems to want to make a real friendship out of the fake friendship, with Dylan anyways. We then get the scene of Dylan walking away, a pan to the camera ontop of the building and a birds eye view shot of Caitlin on her own and people walking in different directions around her. I LOVE THE WAY THIS IS FILMED. Camera cuts to Mona walking through campus and Alison sneaking up on her and startling her.
Alison mentions Nolan’s name and then about how her and Alison were talking all “Summer camp” about fresh starts and Mona doesn’t look surprised but asks “What did Nolan say” instead of giving her a straight forward answer. Mona claims that she didn’t tell anyone information about Alison and that Nolan doesn’t belong because he’s extremely smart. Nolan is now the Mona equivalent. She then says that by her calculations, Nolan could be dangerous.
Alison grading plagiarised papers against the plagiarism policy, at this point we need Spencer Hastings. The song in the background playing about wanting to be out of the familiar, can you help me please? I want to know. Significant? Why is the word ‘meticulous’ being highlighted for us to see. We could see Alison grading papers against that polity and talking to her students about it and we’d understand what’s happened but instead we are shown the scene of highlighting the word ‘meticulous’.. the shot of Alison’s glasses on the page gave me the PLL The Great Gatsby poster vibes (The one with the glasses and the eyes, saying ‘someone’s watching you’ )
Nolan has something on Dylan, his boyfriend questions him on writing papers for Ava and Nolan and he changes the subject to ‘I promised myself I wouldn’t get serious about anyone when I came to college, but the day I met you that changed.”
So then we have Caitlin, naked, laying on her bed doing her homework and her boyfriend comes over to her and they start making out. He strangely looks like Toby from his side profile and he has a British accent. Again, the partners asking why they associate with Nolan and we are given an answer. Nolan appears and starts talking about how even though Caitlin is seeing someone, to the outside world she and Nolan are still a happy couple. He then proceeds to blackmail her with a photo of one of her mothers having an affair with a man and Nolan says that he doesn’t want to have to ruin her political career. “Guess two moms don’t always make a right.” Wow. Emison? I love Emison. Caitlin feels comfortable enough to confide in her boyfriend about Nolan’s blackmailing and suggests that he talk to Nolan and find away to keep Caitlin’s family out of it and not ruin her political career. If this guy loves Caitlin, could he be the one for this very reason to murder Nolan?
Ava working hard on her YouTube channel. Nolan suggests that she takes the easy route and hire someone else to do the hard work. When you come from privilege, this is a common thing to say. He seems to downplay Ava’s ability, getting Dylan to write her paper and now saying that she should get someone else to do the hard work. Ava is a strong character, she stands up for herself and claims that she wants to take care of her own branding. She wants to reclaim her surname Jalali, and have people think of her not her father. Nolan constantly talks about his perfect family image, or at least how it looks to outsiders and claims that Ava will be somebody just by being herself.
We finally met Claire Hotchkiss, as Thebestplltheories pointed out the way she’s filmed to be looking down at Nolan, promoting her power. Claire opens with how she saw Ava and that she doesn’t want him involved with the Jalali family. He’s on the right track with Caitlin. Claire wanted Nolan to lead an extra practice and Nolan objects claiming that he wants time to himself. A healthy thing but his mother says that he can handle it because he always does.
Claire takes a phone call. “I want active surveillance of BH5.” “That’s your son.” BH5? Is Nolan under some kind of brand name or is BH5 the name for the group Ava, Caitlin, Dylan, Nolan And...? Why would Claire want to watch her son? That’s a little strange. I have a feeling that it has nothing to do with Ava.
We then have Alison telling Ava that this “extremely thoughtful and layered “ essay wasn’t written about Ava, and asks if Nolan or Dylan wrote it. The conversation then turns to Ava’s absent father and mother. Ava tells Alison that “My dad had to run, my mum chose to bail.” Which we are then taken to a flashback of an FBI agent interrogating Ava about her parents leaving and Ava claiming that they left her with everything - They did leave money though. Ava then tells Alison that if she wants to help, she should leave her and her friends alone and let it go. And again, Mona is watching. Mona is always watching. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mona has some device that allowed her to hear that conversation.
The party scene. Alison is standing by the window looking down at the party below - Caitlin and Nolan look heated with Caitlin attempting to storm off and Nolan grabbing her arm to pull her back. The camera then pans to Claire joining Alison by the window, “it’s quite the view isn’t it. When my daughter was little she loved to sit up here and watch our parties.” Then Claire starts talking about why she was impressed by Alison and wanted to recruit her. Her academic record? - Wait, girl goes missing and misses most of high school, to my knowledge doesn’t go to college.. pretty impressive academic record. Her essay, and her mean girl to mentor journey. So, Claire sees a comparison between Taylor and Alison and mentions, mean girl to mentor journey. This says to me that Taylor was probably a mean girl. Alison undermining her teen years as nothing to the pressure that the BHU students are under? Umm Alison you literally bullied many students; one of which had a personal vendetta against you and drove you to fake your death for years whilst she proceeded to torture the other girls and then when they thought that was over, your sister took over and built a real life dollhouse where she tortured your friends whilst you were behind bars. Not to mention that this again persisted with your ex husband who was under a fake identity and inseminated you with your fiancé?? Wife??? eggs. Yes, these people so have it harder than you and the other girls. So, then Claire proceeds to talk about just how similar Taylor is to Alison and how the death of her daughter motivated her to keep her students safe. I.e the security system, but suicide usually indicates a mental health problem and I’ve not yet seen any posters up about mental health or even talk of mental so far.. Mona and Claire really keep reassuring that Alison is safe at BHU.
The whole Dylan - Nolan situation. Dylan sees Andrew and Nolan socialising and asks Nolan why he’s talking to Andrew to which Nolan says that he hasn’t told him anything and that Dylan is hot when he’s angry. Dylan then says that he doesn’t want to see him angry. Question raised that I answered one of my followers last night, Am I under the impression that Nolan is biesexual? Honestly, I believe that Nolan is a manipulator, a toxic one who stops at nothing to get what he wants. He could very well be a closet bisexual (I’m a bisexual myself) but I think that he’s using Dylan’s sexuality against him if anything. Claire wanting Caitlin and Nolan to be next to each other in the perfectionism photo. Ava then subtly reaches for Nolan’s hand which he pulls away as his mother makes eye contact with Ava. She knows.
Alison joins Caitlin on the (bridge?) and compliments her on her provocative insight paper and says that it encouraged to take a look into her file. Alison brings up her opposition to capital punishment and that Caitlin almost made her believe that murder could be justified. Then shady Caitlin jokes that her paper was a little too inspired by her fantasy to get rid of someone - Nolan. Who ends up murdered at the end of the episode. We know by now that Alison DiLaurentis doesn’t take lies and bullshit. She saw right through Caitlin and Nolan’s happy couple image and offers her help. Caitlin then tells her that her asking questions will complicate things. Alison tells her that she knows about manipulation and compares her past self to Nolan. Caitlin tells Alison that Nolan will do whatever it takes to ensure that his mother knows she has the perfect son.
Mona leaves a couple that she’s touring to watch Nolan trek into the woods whilst she sips her wine. We see Nolan check for a BHU connection? There isn’t one and he proceeds to take a phone call. This means that there’s a system on the smartphones, possibly just Nolan’s that notifies someone - Miss Hotchkiss? Whoever Mona is working for? about what he’s doing on his phone - recording calls and messages. There’s no connection in the woods. He’s talking to Taylor, and we can’t hear her side of the conversation but this is how imagine it
Nolan: I need to see you
Taylor: Nolan, we’ve talked about this. It’s too dangerous. Mum’s close to knowing
Nolan: Yesh I was afraid of that. She’s ordered surveillance on me and she’ll be watching Ava too
Taylor: Break up with your girlfriend I’m bored.. (Kidding)
Taylor: She never gives it a break, this is exactly I did what I did.. You need to leave Ava. You need to protect her from our mother
Nolan: We need to meet
After this, Alison is talking to Dylan about his talent with words and Dylan says that that’s what it takes to be here. Alison then proceeds to bring up Nolan, how she knows about him and Ava. Asking why he’s manipulating Dylan into doing their papers. We get a flashback of Dylan and Nolan talking about how Nolan took a subject he wasn’t interested in to make conversation with his mother at family dinners. He constantly strives to impress her. Dylan gets envious and brings up how his family are far away therefore he doesn’t share that luxury and Nolan brings up Andrew. And then Nolan manipulates Dylan into cheating on Andrew. Alison knows that game “I know this is important to you, so you can tell me that you wrote those papers or goodbye to music hunny.” Wasnt quite like that but they share a moment when Dylan explains that he came from a small town and he wasn’t accepted for being “different” AKA gay and that music was his escape. It gives him a purpose.
Ava deserves so much better. We know that scene was staged but, I still feel for her because he died with her not knowing that he was protecting her.
Alison researching the Hotchkiss family. That clever and beautifully shot scene where we see her reflection in the laptop screen next to Taylor. This is like all the mirror scenes on PLL such as when the girls search Mona’s room for clues and we see half of Spencer’s face through the crack of the mirror - representing Alex. I genuinely hope there’s no more secret siblings.
Who followed Nolan to Taylor’s hideout? As Nolan enters the gateway, a white car parks up in the drive. Who is in that car?
Taylor is alive. That much was obvious. Nolan and Taylor are talking about how Nolan broke up with her to protect her. Taylor has a system where she monitors the BHU security system and Taylor claims that it can be proved that they’re using Beacon Guard to spy on a select few students. Nolan claims to know someone that they can trust - Alison ? Mona? .
Ava calls a meeting between herself, Dylan and Caitlin about putting a stop to Nolan’s manipulation. Going to Alison’s faculty - with Alison to take him down. Then comes the conversion of Killing Nolan
Caitlin: “I have fantasised about him drying in lots of different ways.”
Dylan: “Agatha Christie wasn’t wrong you guys. Murder can be justified.”
Ava: “Yeah But that’s just fantasy.”
Dylan: Drowning in that pool of his
Ava: “Heart arrack whilst he’s hooking up with some dumb ass bitch.”
Caitlin: “That’s inspired.”
Ava: Yuh, by recent events.”
Caitlin: “We push him off the roof. And it gives him a second or two to think about dying before he’s empaled on the spikes at the bottom.” Then there’s a rustle. Someone heard that conversation.
Mona in her car saying to the mirror. Who is she talking to by the way? “I think I’m doing a really good job, don’t you?” And then Alison fully parallels Hanna by smacking her car bonnet. “WHY AM I REALLY HERE?” Damn Ali D chill out. And then Alison is in Mona’s car talking about how it��s not just Nolan and his mother and Taylor could be her doppelgänger? You aren’t Elena sweetie. The physical similarities? Selected before Mona knew what she looked like. That’s not true though is it Mona? Alison saying what we’re all thinking and a little hint from Marlene here “Did you learn nothing from Rosewood, there are no coincidences.” Mona launches into this story of how Taylor cracked under the pressure and that’s why Alison is here, to help people like her and that’s all we get from that conversation
Another birds eye view. Somebody Is watching the three amigos walk together. “Maybe if there wasn’t a Nolan we’d be friends.” Taking a moment to refer back to the Agatha Christie novel “One amongst them is the killer.” All three want to him to disappear. The song as they all leave and turn back “Always said I was a good kid.” “Always said I had a way with words.” Significantly the camera focuses on Dylan at this point. He is the smartest one. Nolan is on the roof, watching them walk away. Nolan on the roof, “Sorry I’ve been an asshole to you.” Okay personally, I can’t rule out Caitlin yet. Whose to say that the scene where she walks away happens around like 5 minutes before or 10? Giving her time to get up to the roof. We have no timeline here. It could’ even be Mona. It’s unclear. He confirms that it’s not only about him, Taylor’s alive and they need help. Who would they need help from? It’s someone who’s Nolan has been horrible to but he needs their help. Alison lives in Taylor’s house so it’s plausible that Taylor wrote that “They’re watching you” message and covered it in wallpaper or Claire covered it. So we don’t actually see Nolan fall. We don’t see the timeline. Whose to know that someone didn’t just stumble across this and didn’t see it physically happen in front of them. Ava has the most emotional reaction, Mona is extremely casual and Caitlin appears and looks at Jeremy. Jeremy. Hmm. Okay, so Ava and Dylan are gonna suspect Caitlin. The death happened in the exact way, Caitlin imagined after all. There’s a few ways this can go. A few different theories.
1. I saw a post on here yesterday where someone was comparing the bell tower deaths to Nolan falling off the roof. Marion also was pushed off the roof by Bethany. It’s an occurring theme to be pushed off a roof in this show. Marion, Ian off the bell tower and Charlotte. Mona was involved in two of these. This can be enough to suspect Mona. It’s in her character after all. Plus, Mona could’ve done it on orders of whoever she’s communicating with through mirrors
2. The conversation on the roof didn’t actually happen. Nolan lured someone up to the roof, somehow got them to agree to wear a Nolan mask and shoved them off the roof. He was the one that overheard Caitlin’s fantasy and recreated it to make the other two suspect her. He will now spend his days in hiding with his sister, cracking the mystery of the security system and such
3. The timeline isn’t clear. Caitlin had many shady moments in the first episode. She was loud about her fantasy to make Nolan disappear and expressed it on multiple occasions i.e “if someone hurt someone I love then yeah, I’d hurt them back.” telling Alison was a little too inspired by her fantasy to get rid of someone, Nolan and saying that she imagines Nolan dying in many ways, and the way that she described actually happened. Now, just because it seems a little obvious doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen. Nolan watches them all depart whilst he’s standing on the roof. Caitlin could’ve met him on the roof around 10 minutes later where she then pushed him because she believes that murder CAN be justified. She was one of the last people to turn up outside the university to see Nolan’s body after all.
The Mona theory may not add up, if she is communicating with someone through the mirrors as she’s asking “What the hell just happened. Was this our fault?” A person in a big room full of security things answers her telling her to go to her safe place. See, this can be interpreted in various ways - Mona has a personality disorder - This has never been said OUT LOUD. But she could really be talking to her other personality asking if this is our fault then being told to go to her a safe place, something therapists promote. But if she is communicating then, it can’t really make sense for that to Mona killing Nolan.
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moonshoes-uwu · 5 years
starting Days In The Sun 6/23!
so a little bit of a life update:
i wrote a good chunk of chapter 1 thursday evening but haven’t really been able to touch it since. i partied hardy last night (if anyone wants to talk about that lmk) and because of that took all of today (saturday) to wake up and feel normal and kinda get back to feeling like a human being.
on that note: i’m most likely gonna watch PLL for a good chunk of tonight and potentially write later??? i’ll post chapter 0/the prologue sunday morning est for sure, and hopefully around then i’ll have enough of chapter 1 done to think of a tentative posting schedule
in the meantime i’d still really like to take requests (or at the very least send them in and if i’m super feelin it i’ll write it) and also a friend/potentially more that i’ve been talking to for a while and could totally rant about or get advice on!
but yeah more than anything i want to keep you guys posted about things so i guess that’s that :)
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malexfan10 · 5 years
Now that my anger has calmed down.....
We got a season 2 renewal!!!
I can't say how happy I am about that. To get the renewal so soon after that wreck of an episode last night means everything! If we had to wait a whole month.....
Trusting the writers to fix what they broke is a whole other thing after that finale. But it can go two ways.
Either they completely decide to screw everyone over and have M&M be endgame (if Michael says 'I never look away' to Maria I will be completely done with it all) or they will test the waters with M&M and when they decide they've had enough, break them up and have Michael go back to Alex. I'm thinking scenario 2.
Now how should this all play out? It sucks that we even got a triangle to begin with and the fact that Michael said 'I never look away' and then ended up looking away to Alex's best friend no less brings my anger back from last night. The fact that Alex was sitting there waiting and wondering, looking at his watch, sad and alone while M&M was happening is not a visual I will forgive the writers for anytime soon. To top that, this ending made Carina happy if it ended there? That still puzzles me. Seriously, lady?? BUT what's done is done. Can't change the past. We can only hope that season 2 is not a terrible shitstorm like last night was.
So how can this all play out? Will Alex be waiting in the sidelines, depressed and upset, watching his best friend and true love across town being happy? I hope not! If they have M&M explore a relationship for half the season or even the whole season, then Alex deserves to move on as well. Do I still want Malex to be endgame? You betcha! But both sides to that relationship deserve happiness, not just Michael. If they can't have it with each other right now because one side has decided his happiness lies elsewhere, then Alex deserves the same treatment.
The last thing I want is for Alex to take that rejection as a sign and shoot his walls back up. He has done amazingly in terms of growth this season and I need his character to keep growing. The boy deserves so much happiness! So does Michael after all he's been through but because he chose Maria and because I dislike the triangle and how those M&M feelings came out of nowhere, he's not my focus right now.
Should a new relationship for Alex be with Kyle? I love that dynamic and I don't want anything to mess with that. Plus, in terms of where they are with each other, there is still so much healing that needs to be done. These two were probably best friends as kids. I love Kyle a lot but you can't fix that friendship overnight. Little by little, they've been making wonderful progress so I want that friendship to flourish next season and an added complication of a relationship won't exactly help. If Malex were completely done, I'd be gutted but I would change my tune on Kylex. But for now, let Alex be with someone new.
All of this is if they keep M&M together for half or most of the season. If it's a one or two episode storyline, then I don't want Alex getting involved with anyone else. But they put the effort to push this triangle so unfortunately, it doesn't seem likely that they will abandon M&M that easily or anytime soon.
Michael and Alex have been through so much in 13 episodes, together and apart. It's why we love their characters and storyline as much as we do because we feel for them and our hearts hurt seeing them tortured. Michael was always searching for a family, for a sense of belonging and when he found his mother, she was taken away in the most cruel and tragic way. But all these people around him see him as family too. They care for him from one degree to another. He's been through a lot on the show but he still has such a huge capacity to love.
For Alex, he started as an abused, scared, gay teenager terrified from his father's actions into choosing a life he never wanted for himself. Did he end up enjoying the Air Force? I think he did because like he said, it felt good winning battles. But at what cost? He put his life and happiness on hold for 10 years and lost his leg in battle. He's the definition of pain and suffering on the show but despite it all, he has always maintained this incredible kindness in his heart that is unmatched.
Alex started the season closed off and unsure and the journey he went through was beautiful to see. He found his inner strength, he faced his demons (Jesse) and he started forgiving those who had hurt him by seeing who they are now (Kyle). He finally reached a place where he wasn't terrified to open his heart to love again. That scene with Michael last episode? That was so pivotal to his storyline. He showed Michael how important he was to him, not just through actions, but through words. Words that have been lacking between them for so much of their history. He was willing to stay and die with him. He wouldn't have been able to have that moment with Michael at the start of the season. Where he was and where he ended up showed the biggest growth from all the characters in my mind. It was easily my favorite personal story arc of the season. Sucks how that growth got spat on last night but it doesn't take away from who Alex is now.
Do I want to see Malex be separated? No, I love them wholeheartedly. I haven't been this invested in a TV couple in a long time probably since Pacey and Joey back in the day. Oh, just a side note - Carina mentioned how she wants Michael to be the Joey Potter of Roswell. Giant No Thank You to that idea. As much as I love DC and PJ, the way Joey ping-ponged between him and Dawson was just ridiculous, never knowing who she wanted until literally the final episode of season 6. That is not what I want to see for Malex. Hope she changes her mind on that idea quick.
But anyway, with Michael choosing his version of a happy ending last night, then Alex certainly deserves the same. I hate that Michael chose Maria. I hate that he knew he and Alex were going to talk but he blew him off and went straight to Maria anyway. I hate that they kissed. I hate that Maria acted on her feelings knowing what Michael means to Alex. I hate that neither thought about Alex in that moment. I hate that he played the guitar in front of her. But if we're going to be forced through more M&M, then let Alex try to move on too.
I want Malex together, of course I do! But if Malex is endgame, and I think that they are, the writers are definitely not making the road easy for them or us. In the meantime, while I fast forward through whatever M&M scenes we're going to be getting, let Alex have some pleasure too. I want them to explore his family more, his mother, his heritage. Just give that boy some love and happiness please!
I love both Vlamis and Tyler equally but it shows how inexperienced Vlamis was with TV fandom. Tyler was a lot more reserved with his interviews - he'd been through it with PLL Haleb vs Spaleb. He expressed how he felt about Malex but that wasn't all he touched on. Vlamis (Oh how I still love him) was all Malex, Malex, Malex for weeks and then the shift in his tone was so obvious. He spoke about M&M a lot more towards the end. The powers that be advised or urged him to do so because everyone knew how the season was ending. But I still love him and of course I love Tyler. The Vlamburn bromance is everything.
I just want to add that Tyler's tweet today really helped heal my heart a bit. He's such a sweetheart for reaching out to the fans and trying to assure us. Knowing we have a season 2, I choose to believe him.
Sorry for the long post. I still hate how it all went down last night, how Alex was left alone and pining while M&M got together. I hate how both Alex and Maria were nothing but props for Michael's storyline. The finale felt rushed and I could probably pick only three things that I liked from the whole episode. Kyle, Liz and Max hugging in the desert and Rosa. I didn't even like that Malex scene in the trailer or Michael telling Isobel he loves Alex because of where it all went.
But now that we have a season 2, we have to look forward. I want to see filming pics and behind-the-scenes when they start planning the season. Hoping that M&M won't be depicted as some grand romance next season because seriously, what the hell? I hope that Alex can continue to grow and his friendship with Kyle grows even stronger. In the end though, I want Malex. I wanted them last night and I want them in the first episode of next season. That's obviously not realistic anymore so all I can hope is that they don't make Alex a sad, lonely, heartbroken 3rd party while they explore M&M being together. Because if they do, this fandom will seriously riot! And no more giving sacred Malex moments to Maria either. Please stop doing that. And flesh Maria's character out more next season too. Away from Michael, preferably, but more than being the bad best friend who hooks up with her besties soulmate. Like, honestly, come on. Girl's got such great potential.
In the meantime, I will bury myself in writing fanfic to tame my anger at that crap ending until season 2 🙂
Vlamburn ❤
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thepllreviewer · 6 years
PLL: Comparing/Differentiating the ‘A’ Reveals
Over the course of 7 seasons, Pretty Little Liars presented us with turns, twists, and revelations galore; all resulting in the form of 3 major A reveals throughout the shows juncture. While there’s been a myriad of differing opinions on each A and their motivations and overall storylines, each one provided a completely unique contribution to the show and a different kind of twist each and every time.
I’m going to break down each A reveal, and go into the depths of their particular strengths and weaknesses; what worked and what didn’t work; and my overall stance of each one. Mona, Charlotte, and Alex each had their own individual reasons for tormenting the girls and ‘playing the A game.’ If there is one commonality among the three, is that the game was an addiction that none of them were able to resist once the opportunity presented itself. So alas, let’s explore!
Original ‘A’: Mona Vanderwaal                        
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There is no doubt that Mona stole our hearts as the original ‘A’ of Pretty Little Liars. It was her genius and motivation that propelled so much of what was to come on the series, all stemming from her motive to punish the Liars for the torment she endured under the PLLs queen bee, Alison, as the rest stood by and watched it happen. Not only did they watch, but ultimately they let it happen. By the time ‘Alisons’ body was discovered and the Liars were reconnecting, Mona picked her ‘A’ persona back up in order to break the girls apart, in fear of Hanna being taken away from her.
What worked: one of my favorite parts of Mona’s storyline of being the shows first A was the genuine feeling of a betrayal to both the audience and the Liars, something that was severely lacking in the following A reveals. We felt the betrayal just from the look on Hanna’s face as she discovered her best friend was the masked villain under the black hoodie who had been stalking and tormenting them throughout their junior year. You feel the emotions as the girls all huddle together in tears after Mona has just fallen off the cliff, in an attempt to recruit Spencer on the A Team goes awry. All in all, we FELT this reveal. Mona was a character who had been established from the shows pilot, and was someone’s journey we cared about. We were able to form a connection to her, and held stock in where the story took her, thus we felt just as betrayed as the Liars.
What didn’t work: while it’s liked in some ways, it most be noted that while Mona’s reveal succeeded in The Who and the why, it lacked on backstory and exploring the history of how she became A in the first place. We weren’t given flashbacks into the moments Mona had enough of Ali’s torture, and decided to take matters into her own hands. She didn’t have the intricate back stories of Charlotte, nor the long awaited twin shock that Alex Drake gave us. Mona wasn’t rooted in the deeper mythology of the show, nor connected to the Dilaurentis or Hastings family, where the true heart of all the drama began.
Alas, Mona will always be known as the instigator of the ‘A’ saga, and was first to wear the famous black hoodie. And let’s be honest, she rocked it quite well. Without her introduction as ‘A,’ there would have been no one for Charlotte to steal the game from, and then no death of Charlotte to then lead into A.D avenging her. It all began with Mona, so even without all of the intricate plot points that the other reveals had that she lacked, Mona made up for it with the simplicity of being the classic who of it all.
2) ‘Big A’ : CeCe/Charles/Charlotte
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The triple name in itself shows the dynamic complexity of this character, and all of the depth that comes along with understanding the backstory, motives, and mythology of this person. When I think of CeCe, an enigma is what comes to mind. She had this allure from the first moment that she appeared on our screens. Sasha had it right when explaining in an interview before 6x10 premiered that this ‘A’ was someone who we had seen enough, but they weren’t around all the time either. They achieved the perfect balance with her scheduling, and the timing of her appearances and mentions on the show. This furthered the enigma quality of this person being so seemingly omnipresent.  
What worked: Charlotte came into the show knowing everyone, and everything about them. She somehow seemed to connect into all these people, situations, and places, yet we were just now meeting her. Her Alison like persona, and striking energy made it hard to figure her out. Looking back on it, it was obvious what she was doing, but you didn’t know why she was doing it and how. Those answers were to come later, and that always only gave us enough to wanna know more about her. Her backstory was intricate and full of depth, emotion, and tragedy.
What didn’t work: the very thing that made Charlotte’s story work is also what made it not work all at the same time. Big catch 22 there. The trans twist, as shocking as it was, didn’t receive the proper care that it deserved. The death of Charlotte the very next episode only proved this point even more. As well, while her connections to everything and everyone were so important, it also created many holes and gaps in the story that needed to be properly filled in. Because the story went on for 3 1/2 seasons, and connected back to the first two seasons before her arrival, there was lots of tracks to be covered. While I commend the writers for filling in most of it with care, there were still many plot points that were left blurry or completely unattended to altogether. Many timeline and continuity errors ensued as a result. Emotionally connecting to Charlotte was also difficult to do by the time the reveal rolled around, as we weren’t made to connect with her previously on that level. They always kept her on the sidelines to keep that enigma persona up, and while that worked on one hand, it backfired upon the big reveal.
All in all, CeCe was the most dynamic reveal of all, and credit must be given where it’s do in the sense that the writers really did pull that one off. The moment CeCe turned around in that black hoodie, my jaw dropped in disbelief as it came to light she was trans, and had orchestrated all of this madness. The dollhouse was a huge milestone, and this genius of a villain pulled that off. Only in the end, we came to see what led to this damaged soul becoming villain, which made her much more human in my eyes. Even in Charlotte’s death, we continued to delve deeper into her complexity, coming to find she had a secret history with the Drakes, Jenna, Noel, and Archer. Just when you think you know her, we come to realize there’s so much more to her. Sara hit the head on the nail when saying in 6x15: “no one ever really knew all of her - Charlotte. But maybe if we put our pieces together when we can understand things a little better.”
3) ‘A.D’: Alex Drake
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A.D, the third and final A of the saga, took us out with a bang, and truly landed somewhere in the middle of the spectrum; thus striking a balance needed for this type of reveal. In choosing Alex, Spencer’s secret twin, the writers gave us a reveal of someone we sort of knew with them being a twin, but not someone who was too close either. The twin twist payed homage to the book series, and thus created an even more dynamic backstory into the history of the Drakes. We learned so much more about the history of these three crazily interconnected families, and tied in loose ends that had been hanging for quite some time. The reveal was shocking, yet to the point. It was connected to the deeper mythology unlike Mona’s reveal, but it wasn’t so rooted like Charlotte’s to the point that you get lost in all the details, thus eliminating continuity errors and gaps in the story.
What worked: Unlike most, I was happy for Alex not to be connected to the pilot or beginning of the show. They tied her back just far enough to intertwine with Charlotte’s story, but not so far back that it confused the plot even more. That night was done and dusted. Much of the fan base was unhappy with the answers they were given, therefore wanted the show to create new answers to already closed cases. This would have been counter productive, and I for one am glad that they steered clear of this. Wrens involvement with this plot, and tying him into the mythology made me so happy. There were so many lingering questions surrounding him, and they really did a job well done at plugging him right into it. It was a completely organic fit.
What didn’t work: I would have preferred to have seen Alex on our screens from at least 6B on. I was pleased that we got flashbacks dating back to 4B-5A, but if we had actually met Alex initially in 6B that would’ve been ideal. We have 5 instances specifically in Season 7 that we can look back on and go “wow, that was Spencer’s twin!”  - and while those were so well done, I wanted more of that! Especially since A.D took over the game right after Charlotte’s death. You can tell the writers were scrambling around in 6B with what to do story wise because the network didn’t green light Alex Drake until 6x20.
For the third A, Alex Drake delivered beyond measured. I had my small gripes, but I do feel she was the most fluid story they had presented so far in the A saga that was both rich in mythology and fact based details. It went deeper than the Mona story, but without all the clutter and messiness that Charlotte’s plot brought about. The moment Alex yelled ‘booo!’ on the other side of the glass to Spencer will forever be one of the most iconic PLL scenes! Well done, writers!
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belovedfinch · 6 years
Re-watch of Veronica Mars & Movie
“I used to be cool” -keith   “when” - veronica
lol veronica putting a bong in logan’s locker
“i suddenly feel like I’m in a scene from the outsiders” - wallace
“be cool soda pop” - veronica 
I love that my favourite book is referenced
“the people you love let you down” - veronica
I forgot paris hilton was on veronica mars 
Duncan and his antidepressants and side effects and hallucinations of lily, I never liked duncan but please never go cold turkey off prescribed meds!
the fashion 😂
when veronica was 12 and logan first saw her he said he thought she was hot - love at first sight ? 😜
dude where’s my car joke
“change had a tendency to walk up and punch me in the face” - veronica
you can tell logan is afraid of his dad straight away 
his mum sits on the couch drinking wine while her son is getting belted cool cool cool cool....
Never underestimate the size of my cahoeneys😂Logan is my fav
“what is so great about living?” - Logan
Mac is awesome, I forgot her name was cindy, I named my cat after my favourite barbie doll whose name was Cindy r.i.p beautiful ❤️
“I guess we remember it differently” - Logan, me to my brother about our childhood
leighton meester, monique coleman from high school musical, Adam Scott!
logan put his gum under a chair in the police office! yuck
“there is also a tribe that worships Donald trumps hair” - veronica
“what, did he loose a puka shell?” - weevil about logan😂
when logan starts crying in the lobby after he mistakes his step-sister as his mum😭
meg with her pretty in pink dress up for the 80s valentines day dance and duncan is ducky❤️
I wish my school had an 80s theme dance, but I would be too indecisive about who to go as tbh.
“whoever said it’s a mans world, didn’t know how easy it is to be a girl” - veronica, you can tell a man wrote that line
horned mascot from riverdale - veronica and calls herself betty when she goes to the other school
kinda forgot how relatable veronica is, loner, pushes people away
that black beanie with the flames
the flashbacks or hallucinations that show lily speak to people/mostly veronica, remind me of allison in pretty little liars
aussie guy - from home and away i think
never really liked duncan
logan punching the fbi agent
love how mac and keith both say “earth to mars”
logan step-sister trina when she asks him for money reminds me of my brother
veronica had a slider and so does wallace in the second season, my sister had a purple one and i wanted it so bad
logan’s smirk at veronica when she found his step-sisters boyfriend
wow aaron’s father being an abuser, then himself, glad the cycle stopped with logan
thats amore playing whilst aaron beats up his daughters abusive boyfriend
I always felt bad for leo as much as I love LoVe. Veronica basically just used him
sean from degrassi is on veronica mars
“i like what i see in him when he’s with you” - aaron echolls
I think i could love her plays as veronica stands logan up on his boat
“the thought of you breeding? ugh” - logan to dick
logan’s allergic to shell fish
“All i care about is you” - logan
“just evaporate or something” - logan
why didn’t aaron get rid of the tapes? did he not think someone would find his secret ?
sucks that veronica spent her savings for college on her mum to go to rehab and her mum didn’t even last
logan on the bridge where his mother committed suicide, about to jump
when keith saves veronica from the fridge and his on fire and his in a gurney and says “who’s your daddy?”
I’m glad she realises her mum as much as she loves her she is better off without her, that’s what alcoholics do, they are liars.
“don’t forget about me veronica” - lily
greenhouse academy has the same cliffhanger as season 1 of veronica mars
logan shows up at 3am beat up and framed for stabbing someone, then he hears on the radio that his father killed his girlfriend and that his father was sleeping with her
it’s was always duncan right? breaking up with logan making any excuse, all because you finally find out your not brother and sister. ugh
like logan said everyone in his life was gone, the one person he opened up to. also left him. Not cool veronica
the bus crash reminds me of degrassi
“you must chill” veronica says to a girl that has just lost her father in a bus crash and is being bullied and blamed just because her dad had mental health issues and the good ol sheriff feeds the press that it might have been a suicide attempt
curly dude washed up on the beach with veronicas name on his hand, is that like twin peaks, or the guy in australia that was found on the beach with something on his hand but they he had no ID and all the tags were off his clothes
PLL writers should take notes on veronica mars on how to tie up loose ends
“what conspiracy have you pulled out of your ass today”- logan
“my day is complete veronica mars has accused me of evil” - logan, as he twists the ends of his imaginary moustache
veronica is very selfish if you think about it, she asks for favours all the time from her friends but she is never there to hear their problems, she thinks the world does actually revolve around her.
lol logan in the line-up
eye roll aaron blaming duncan and then saying he snapped
cameo by that chick off of america’s next top model
aaron got a psychology degree in jail lol
omg able coonz dying thinking his only daughter is alive but she got killed and shoved into an ice machine holder thingy at a stingy motel
lol when veronica lays down onto logan thinking its duncan
“3rd wheel beginners guide” - logan
“nobody likes an eager beaver” logan to cassidy, was rob waiting a whole season to make that joke and thats why the nickname beaver was given to him?
singer maybe billy idol?
I feel like megs death was a crappy ending, like did she just die so that once again duncan and veronica are split up because of circumstance and they are star-crossed true lovers (eye roll)
“whats your poison” - veronica (breakfast club reference)
“sorry we are all out of liquid evil” - veronica to logan
michael cera
when logan pretends to get burned by the bible when interning for woody
gia says logan uses humour and sarcasm to something something, dance episode
we used to be friends along time ago, but i haven’t thought of you lately at all
logan not taking any of his fathers bull shitting when he was on trial on the stand
“So, apparently, if you're handsome and famous enough, you can just lie under oath, and that's cool.” - veronica
when woody finds veronica on the computer he is creepy af
can we just talk about how much logan went through and how mentally that would fuck you up, yet he never resorted to violence
“it was worth getting taped to a poll” - wallace
lol veronicas dad when she graduates
dicks “trust me I’m rich” shirt
keith says “Carol channings still alive isn’t she?” and I’m like no she died 6 days ago
season 3 
don’t like the new intro
“Back ups in charge? what about the bitch he’s been seeing” - V
MAC “hey i know that guy’ (wallace)
there is no one else, i only want you - logan
victoria from twilight is in a sorority
I love when logan comes over for dinner and he just smirks at keith and veronica’s banter
i forgot logan had a brother
lol the clerk calls condoms “raincoats” so does my great aunty
diana from glee is on here
veronica is pretty selfish, like her dad was in a car accident and she is annoyed and disapproving of him having a relatioship , she can’t just trust logan?!? ugh
but for logan to run away from the burning motel, it’s just what douchebag pukashell wearing logan would do, not the actual logan
holy crap veronica was SOO damn lucky logan was there at that moment she would be baled and raped, like is once not enough for gods sake?
guy from the nanny
when logan calls veronica from the other side of the cafeteria and she ignores it and he is basically crying :(
logan and i broke up , “are you okay?” keith, “it was unexpected” -v wtf bitch you didn’t trust him, you had a fight, how was it unexpected
dude from waynes world
I love the hooker story line, max & wendy aww
I’ve always hated maddison far out she is a piece of work
ep13 “where are your heads?” basketball coach, me “Obviously not in the game”
lol how dick locks logan on the balcony
logan is yoshi in mario cart!! so am i
“how is it you have so many friends? you don’t even like people” v to l
Lafayette from true blood is a child solider
why did logan invite parker to be with him over break when he obviously wasn’t happy or didn’t want her to go, was it just to prove veronica wrong that “that’s just the way he is” like v said is true, to prove that he has changed.
like it just seems logan and veronica are denying their feelings for each other
that writer from once upon a time is in here, he is in everything
mars uses venus razor
oh the logan piz fight…
such a crap ending to an amazing show
I just love the scene where logan is leaning up against the car like jake from 16 candles (i did post a comparison of the two ages ago)
I like how logan went out with the crazy chic, he was so nonchalant about it, because he wanted to pay veronica back for coming back to neptune when he called even though they hadn’t spoken like 10 years.
kind upset that it wasn’t leighton meester that played carrie
comeback always
logan isn’t supposed to remember the epic quote because he was drunk?
I have so much love for logan, I relate to him so much and it was honestly the best day of my life when I met Jason ( i also met percy and michael) he was so kind to me and I gave him a letter I had written and he was just so down to earth.
How else is pumped for the return?!? 
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hqsofia · 5 years
are you ready for it?
TAGGING: Jordan @jordnconnor , Sofia.
LOCATION: New Orleans, LA.
TIMEFRAME: April 6th, 2019.
NOTES: Sofia comes to visit Jordan in NOLA and an altercation in a bar leads to something more.
Jordan If there was one downfall about shooting in a place as awesome as New Orleans, it was that you were pretty limited on people to hang out with unless you wanted to spend every waking moment with your cast mates. Luckily for Jordan, he had people dedicated enough to their friendship that they would make the trip down to see him - Sofia being one of them. If he had wrapped on set earlier, he would've driven to the airport to pick her up, but she had already landed by the time he was barely on his second scene of the day. Still, he supposed that allowed her time to get settled and ready before the plans that they had for the evening. It was already nearing 10pm as Jordan sat on a bar stool of their arranged meeting place, which meant they had a lot of drinking and a lot of excited chatting to do before the bar kicked the last stragglers out at closing time. Lifting a bottle of beer to his lips, Jordan kept a keen eye out for the dark-haired actress, breaking out into an instant grin as he spotted the gloss of her hair from a mile away. Weaving his way through the crowd, the male hurriedly swept his friend off the floor from behind, his arms hugged around her waist as he gave her a little spin. "Carson! You made it!".
Sofia was thankful for the chance to put a busy week behind her and travel somewhere for fun instead of work. She loved her job and was so grateful for the opportunities it had given her, but she was tired and needed the weekend to treat herself. Her week had started in New York, a day full of press and then she had spent the rest of the week in the studio. Music was her passion and she was thankful for the time in the studio because it helped her to relax, but when Jordan had invited her to spend the weekend in New Orleans she couldn't pass up the opportunity. Her flight landed in the afternoon while Jordan was on set so she had settled into her hotel, Facetimed her sister and then did some exploring of her own before heading back to her hotel to get ready for the night. It had rained most of the day but she wasn't going to let that affect her mood. She thanked her driver as he pulled over to let her out at the bar Jordan had picked for them to meet up at and hurried inside to avoid the rain. Sofia gasped as she felt Jordan's strong arms around her waist, snorting as she laughed in classic Sofia fashion. "Jordy!" she greeted him with a smile when he finally set her down, turning to face him so that she could give him a hug.
Jordan As nice as his current castmates were, there was something even more exciting about having a friend you’d known from before joining you for a night - a fact that was shown clearly by how tightly Jordan held Sofia as he hugged her back. “How was your flight?” He spoke over her shoulder, finally releasing her and taking in her appearance. Suddenly he wished he had dressed in something a little different than his denim jacket, baseball cap, and boots, but he never was one to put thought into an outfit for the evening rather than just plans themselves. “C’mere, let me get you a drink. I can’t believe you actually came here for me, as nice as the hotel I’m staying at is, I was starting to go a little stir crazy”. Leading her over to the bar, Jordan angled himself into a space and awaited one of the bartenders to be done seeing one of the many drinkers. He had begun to love the nightlife in New Orleans. There was never a shortage of live music or people around, no matter how early it reached in the morning. “Can I get a uh, double Jack and coke, and...what’re you thirsty for, Sof?”.
Sofia "It was good," she answered with a smile, ridding herself of her leather jacket and slinging it across her arm. "Well, I can't say no to a drink," she replied with a smirk. "Of course I came! I've been so busy with work, it's nice to finally have a little break," she added, joining him at the bar. "I'll take a margarita," she answered with a smile. She looked around at the establishment and rolled her eyes at some guys who stood in a corner looking wasted already. She also noticed a dance floor that piqued her interest, but for now, she was content to just sit and have a drink with her friend.
Jordan Turning back to the bartender, Jordan ordered Sofia’s drink as well as his own and tapped his card against the contactless reader. Then, his undivided attention was back on Sofia (despite being admittedly curious about how the hell a margarita was made - he was a man of simple drinks, himself). “What have they been working you hard doing? You seem to have a million things going on at once, I can’t keep up with you”. Okay, so that was an exaggeration, but he remembered when they first met she gave him the low-down on Descendants and The Perfectionists, and he had since learned that she had a killer voice, too. So there was no knowing which direction her career was taking. When the drinks were ready, Jordan grabbed both of them and handed Sofia hers, scouting out a table they could sit at. “Wanna go over there?”
Sofia smiled as he ordered their drinks and then turned his attention back to her, "Well, I was in New York on Monday for PLL press, I actually met Mark when I was on LIVE with Kelly and Ryan because he was filling in with Kelly for Ryan," she started, "He was going on and on about how proud he is of all of you, it was very sweet," she added with a grin. "Then I spent the rest of the week in the studio as much as possible, which has actually been really fun," she continued. "Recording my music is actually kind of relaxing for me, but I'm thankful to actually be able to relax now with no work at all," she finished, tucking her hair behind her ear just as the bartender arrived with their drinks. She thanked him and then nodded at Jordan as she took a quick sip. "Sure," she said, "I want to hear all about what you've been up to down here."
Jordan “Shit, make sure they don’t pull you from too many angles, eh? They need to save some of you for the rest of us.” Jordan was yet to experience a workload that hectic - he wasn’t exactly successful enough to be booking talk shows or press days yet, for which he was sort of thankful for. He had always been a pretty private person, but of course, he would jump at the chance to be interviewed by Mark. “Really? He’s such a cool guy, I feel like I’d feel too comfortable being interviewed by him and start talking utter shit to him like we usually do. I’m gonna have to catch a replay of that or something”. Moving towards the table in the corner, Jordan shimmied himself into the cushioned chairs and shrugged off his jacket before taking a few too many refreshing gulps from his glass. “Me? Just the same old really, I’ve tried to cram in as much touristy stuff as possible when I’ve not been filming, and I’ve been having a lot of seafood barbecues with the cast on our off-days because...apparently that’s big around here? How long are you planning on staying, anyway? I could see if anyone would be down for it tomorrow?”
Sofia “I didn’t know I was in such high demand,” she teased with a chuckle. “Yeah, it was super fun, meeting him and Kelly together was great, they’re a very sweet couple,” she replied with a smile. “That would be fun to see,” she answered with a cheeky grin. “I pranked them because it was April Fools Day and it was really funny, you’ll have to watch it on YouTube,” she added. Sofia slid into the chairs as well and set her jacket beside her. She sipped at her drink slowly as he answered her. “Sounds fun, I was thinking of staying all weekend so I’m totally down,” she answered with a smile. Meeting his cast mates would be cool and partaking in some classic New Orleans traditions sounded fun.
Jordan “Well, you said you wanted to be a bro, right? That means you’ve got to be available at 3am sometimes so you can join me and Drew in sitting around in our underwear, headsets on, playing online video games against each other. It’s just the law.” He teased, though it certainly wasn’t a lie. Even though he and Drew lived together now, they had definitely still played in different rooms on shooting games to keep each others location a mystery. He wanted to ask how she managed to prank Mark and Kelly but figured it’d be best kept as a surprise as he had every intention on watching the interview, so he sipped on his drink to help combat the curiosity. “Awesome. Remind me to not get too wasted then, because of the sight of crayfish still alive in a cooler before they get barbecued is something, not even I could stomach on a hangover”. Luckily the barbecues usually took place in a crew member’s back yard, which meant a large expanse of an open airfield, complete with wooded areas surrounding it and the odd barn or two. Vastly different to Vancouver living, and something he only ever thought he’d see in zombie apocalypse movies. “What do you usually like doing in your downtime, anyway?”
Sofia "Yes, I want to be a bro," she confirmed with another laugh. "I'm not very good at video games, but I'll try if it will help with my bro status," she answered. "I'll keep an eye on your alcohol intake," she assured him with a smile. "I usually spend as much of my downtime with my sister as possible, but I also like to travel," she answered, taking another sip of her drink. One of the guys in the opposite corner that she had noticed before was now looking her way and gesturing to his friend. She rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Jordan to avoid a glance her way. She was not interested in interacting with drunk frat boys. Sofia finished up her drink with a few more sips and nodded towards the bar, "Do you need a refill?" she asked, standing up with her empty glass in hand.
Jordan “It’s cool, we can train you up real good. You’ll be a pro at shooting animated things within no time.” Jordan assured her with a smile. Sometimes Vanessa would join them in their video game quests but that always made the teams uneven, so bringing in Sofia as his teammate sounded like a damn good idea now their third musketeer was happily shacked up with his best friend and therefore biased. “Well, I’m glad you’ve got another state to tick off the travel list now - if you’ve never been here before, that is. I’m a big traveler, too. Before I signed on to Riverdale I spent a year backpacking around Asia, and I can’t remember ever feeling happier.” He admitted, unsure why his brain had allowed him to tap into those memories considering they all contained his now ex-fiancé. He really needed to get back out there again on his own this time to rewrite all the good times. Nodding his head to her question, Jordan gave her a “yeah, please”, without noticing the attention she was gaining. If he wasn’t a male himself he probably would’ve picked up on that sort of thing easier and went in her place so they couldn’t ogle at her anymore, but alas - he wasn’t, so he didn’t.
Sofia "Sounds like a plan," Sofia responded with a grin. She hardly knew anything about video games, but she was always up for trying new things, especially to help a friend. "I'm glad too," she said with a smile, listening intently as he spoke about his year backpacking around Asia. "That sounds amazing," she replied, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Sofia grabbed his empty glass and made her way back over to the bar, paying no attention to the boys in the corner. Setting the empty glasses down, she politely asked for refills and pulled out her phone to keep herself busy while she waited. She was scrolling through Instagram when she felt someone come up behind her and she did her best to ignore him as he tried to get her attention. His breath reeked of alcohol and she could smell it over her shoulder. Sofia was trying to tune him out, hoping that by ignoring him he would just go away, but then she felt his hand on her ass and she whipped around instantly. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" she said in a sharp no-nonsense tone.
Jordan: Relaxing back into the seat, Jordan tried to divert his attention onto other things but found his gaze kept falling back onto Sofia’s back, grateful that she had come and he got to hang out with someone else for once. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t notice the guy approach her almost instantly, though he assumed he was just another drunken bar-goer with a lack of respect for personal space, so he watched some people dancing on the dance floor until he heard Sofia’s voice in a tone that he wasn’t used to hearing her use. Furrowing his brow, Jordan wasted no time in heading over, putting two and two together as he noticed the look on the unapologetic guy's face. Grabbing him rather harshly by the shoulder, Jordan pulled the male back so he could get to Sofia, paying him no mind. “What’s going on here, Sof? Are you alright?”
Sofia was thankful to have gotten Jordan's attention so quickly with her tone. She caught her breath as he came to her rescue and she noticed her heart was pounding in her chest. "Y-yeah, I'm okay," she assured him although her tone was a bit shaky. "He's been eyeing me all night, but I tried to just ignore it and then he came up here and when I didn't pay him any attention he grabbed my ass," she whispered, biting down on her lower lip and reaching out to grab Jordan's arm to keep her steady. She had no idea what Jordan was going to do now that he knew what had actually happened. Sofia sat down on the empty barstool behind her and reached for the drink refill the bartender had just set down for her. She took a few sips and enjoyed the cool taste of the alcohol.
Jordan He could’ve guessed that the guy was being a creep. He always heard the complaint from women about men in bars not showing them the respect they deserved, but that didn’t prepare him for the shake in Sofia’s voice and the way that it made him feel. His grip on the man's shoulder tightened like a vice so that he could feel the inner part of his collar bone. If there was one thing that he wasn’t going to stand for - it was for creeps like this thinking they could get away with pulling stunts like this. “Alright asshole, you have two options. Either you apologize to my friend here right now, go grab your coat, and hit the road. Or I’m gonna drag you out of here by the skin of your neck, and you’re not gonna like it”. He could tell the man was contemplating being cocky by glancing over at his friends in the corner to see if he’d have back up, so Jordan curled his fingers round that much deeper, hitting a pressure point and causing the male to grimace and squirm under his grip. “You have four seconds”.
Sofia couldn't help the slight smile that crossed her face as Jordan confronted the creep in front of her. He was a total sweetheart, but now she was seeing a whole different side of him and it was doing something to her. She wasn't sure if it was the alcohol coursing through her veins or just the fact that he was standing up for her, but suddenly she wasn't feeling so much like a bro. Sofia continued to sip her drink as Jordan got more serious. She watched as he hit a pressure point in the other guy's shoulder and watched as the creep squirmed under his grip. Before she knew it her glass was empty and she was asking for just one more because she was already starting to feel a bit tipsy.
Jordan Before Jordan could speak again, the creep finally broke his silence, a peeved look on his face. “Look, I was just trying my luck, alright? You would too wouldn’t you or is your job here just to be the worlds biggest cockblock? I mean if it’s your girlfriend, my bad, sorry to tell you this but I’ve been making eye contact with her ever since she got here”. He preferred when the shithead wasn’t talking. The urge to sling a right hook around his face was overwhelming, to say the least - Jordan felt his free hand bundle into a fist and he had to suck in a long breath to prevent it from flying. It wasn’t as if he was worried how he’d fare - the actor usually doubled most people in size, and he had taken up boxing as a hobby a long time ago, but he had never had to use it, rogue, before. At times he could be pretty hot-headed, and at other times completely soft, but the only thing stopping him in this instance was the fear of it getting out to the world. He could already imagine the articles about it. ‘Riverdale star kicked out of the bar for starting a brawl. Descendants star, Sofia Carson pictured here leaving after him’. Instead of letting it get that far, Jordan did exactly as promised and started hurling him towards the door, doing the bouncers work for them. “Alright, second option it is.”
Sofia rolled her eyes as the creep broke his silence. She could tell his words were really getting to Jordan when she saw his free handle bunch up into a fist, "Jordan... don't..." she whispered, not wanting a fight to break out because of her that would result in pissing off the Looking For Alaska crew. Sofia was fine to just ignore the douchebag, gather her things and go but she also didn't want to have to leave just because this asshole couldn't mind his own business and be a decent human. She gasped slightly as Jordan began to hurl the creep towards the door and watched as his friends followed suit, grumbling and complaining as they went. Once Jordan came back to her, she was sipping her third drink and smiling right at him. "My hero," she whispered sweetly, placing her hand on her heart with a cheesy grin.
Jordan As Jordan passed the one doorman, all he had to do was quickly share what the guy had done for the staff member to agree he had to go, and Jordan shoved the man out through the door, confident that he wouldn’t be allowed back in, along with his other potentially creepy friends. Then, he made his way back over to Sofia, shoulders still hunched as it would take another drink to allow him to fully unwind from the guy's audacity. Her smile worked wonders with cheering him up somewhat though, and he waved a hand at her in an ‘it’s nothing’ gesture. “Just doing my part for Gotham city” he quipped, letting the inner nerd speak for him rather than coming up with a cooler response. “I don’t know about you, but I could really do with some shots now...” catching the eye of the bartender, Jordan acted upon his cravings and ordered a round of one tequila and one sambuca for each of them.
Sofia snorted at his comment about 'doing his part for Gotham city' and nodded her head in response to his request for shots. "I'm down for shots, honestly anything to help me forget the feeling of his hand on my ass," she shuddered, reaching over for the first tequila shot that the bartender set down in front of her. She counted down and swallowed it, wincing as it slightly burned the back of her throat. "Jesus, I haven't done a shot in a while," she replied with a laugh. Sofia took the sambuca shot next and it burned a little less, but she still made a face. She was definitely starting to feel it now, "Jordy..." she giggled, trying to keep it together. "I really appreciate you taking care of me."
Jordan Quickly paying for the shots once more, Jordan aligned them both in front of them, reaching for the same one Sofia was going for first. He had always preferred Sambuca over Tequila, so it only made sense to use it as a chaser. Of course, it was a little harsher than your normal chaser, so he grimaced once they were both down the hatch, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before smiling back at Sofia as she called him by her nickname. "I told you I would, didn't I? I'm just sorry it had to happen so soon" he reached out and rest his hand just above the wrist, on her arm that currently rest upon the bartop, and his expression turned serious for a moment. "If it's really got to you, we can leave, if you want. Or, we can go dance and forget about that prick. Either way, I'll drop you back at your hotel later and walk you to your room. There's no way I want you to feel uncomfortable here or anything".
Sofia nodded, "Yes, you did," she smiled. "It's okay," she said, resting her free hand over his above her wrist. "I'm not going to let some prick ruin our night," she added. "Let's dance a little bit and then we can head back to my hotel," she decided, grabbing his hand and leading him over to the dance floor. Sofia whispered to the worker who was running the music and requested 'Pop' by N Sync as a surprise for Jordan. She smiled as it started over the speakers and started dancing in Jordan's direction, shaking her hips and singing along at the top of her lungs as she dragged him into the center of the dance floor with her. "Show me whatcha got Jordy," she said above the music, continuing to move her hips to the beat.
Jordan Nodding along in agreement, Jordan allowed himself to be led onto the dancefloor, only for her to leave him moments later. It became pretty evident why though when the recognizable intro of 'Pop' came on, and the tall actor had to shake his head in disbelief that she had gone there. "You didn't" he grinned as she made her way back to him by cutting shapes. The vast music change didn't deter anyone else on the dancefloor though, so he figured there was no harm in showing Sofia just as weird as his dancing could get. "You're going to regret this." He stated before throwing out some of his best 'break dancing moves' - they were all pretty terrible, obviously, with the exception of maybe the end part where he threw himself onto the ground to do the worm. He was always pretty proud of his ability to nail that one. Then, once he'd got back to his feet, he instantly grabbed for her and pulled her into him as a way of hiding his embarrassment in a tight hug. "I hate you".
Sofia "I did," she answered with a smirk. "I don't think I'll regret it," she replied with a twinkle in her eye. Sofia watched as he started to break dance and she couldn't help the snort that escaped her. Honestly, she wasn't sure why she was laughing and she hoped she hadn't embarrassed him. He just looked so cute with his break dancing moves and all she could do was laugh. She clapped her hands and cheered when he did the worm though, that was impressive. Sofia squealed as he got back up and grabbed for her, pulling her into him for the second time that night. She managed to turn around in his grip and their faces were mere inches from each other, "You don't really mean that" she whispered, looking into his eyes. If she wasn't dead set on being a bro this would've been a moment where she kissed him and she blamed the alcohol coursing through her veins for even giving her that thought.
Jordan "No, I definitely think I do" he started out strong, his laughter fading out into more of a chuckle as he met her gaze and his act faltered. "Okay so no, I don't at all. But I'm going to get you back for that. I come to your rescue and this is how you reward me? You know I can't resist the N'Sync". Taking a few glances around the room, Jordan noticed a few people smiling directly at him, and once he glanced back down at Sofia he only then realized he had kept hold of her the entire time. "Come on, now I really gotta get out of here before too many people try and recruit me into their dance squads". Reluctantly, Jordan released her from his arms and collected their jackets, eager for a change of scenery.
Sofia smiled, "I know, that's why I had to do it, you were great!" she responded excitedly. "Dance squads?" she questioned with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. She couldn't help but laugh. Sofia accepted her jacket from him and slid it on before linking her arm in his, desperate to keep some sort of contact between them. As they stepped outside, she rested her head against his arm, suddenly feeling sleepy. She didn't want to sleep though, she would much rather prefer staying up talking with him. As they got into the car he had got for them, she slid into the backseat and gave the driver the name of the hotel where she was staying.
Jordan “Yeah, yeah. You know you’d wanna sign me if you were a talent agent.” Jordan remarked as they left the bar. A quick unlock of his phone had him ordering an Uber with a few taps, and with the amount that was lingering around New Orleans, one came within no time. He wasn’t oblivious to the way Sofia had been cuddling up to him, in fact, he had been trying to ignore how nice it felt to be that close, so as they slid into the car he sat in the seat next to her rather than the two by the windows. The warmth of the car and the street lights passing by worked their calming effect on Jordan, and he too fell into a rather sleepy state with the mixture of alcohol, but there was no way he was going to give in when this was the first night they would actually spend hanging out together. Within what seemed like no time at all, the car pulled up outside the hotel, and Jordan thanked the driver before assisting Sofia in getting out of the car and making his way inside the hotel lobby. “Whew,” he let out a long whistle. “This is MUCH nicer than where they’ve put me up”.
Sofia “Keep dreaming,” she teased with a coy smile. Sofia noticed how he had slid right up beside her in the car but didn’t pay it any thought. It was nice to have someone so close. She hadn’t had that in a really long time. As the car pulled up outside of her hotel she graciously accepted his assistance in getting out of the car and smiled. “Such a gentleman you are Jordy,” she whispered before thanking the driver and then heading inside the hotel. “I’ve got a reputation to uphold,” she teased with a roll of her eyes. It wasn’t true at all, Sofia liked nice things but she didn’t care about spending excessive amounts of money on silly things like hotels. She lead him towards the elevator and pressed the button for her floor as the doors closed. Within just a few seconds they were stepping out onto the floor her room was located on and she was heading towards her door while fishing the key out of her wallet. Sliding the key into the spot on the door, she opened it, “Welcome to my crib,” she exclaimed with a laugh, welcoming him inside.
Jordan With his eyes bouncing around the interior of the hotel, Jordan followed Sofia up to her room. He understood that she was here short term whereas he was being paid to stay in one on the French Quarter for a longer period, so he wasn’t about to be a diva and get jealous that the place was nicer, but it sure would be nice to relax somewhere with a comfy place to sit and room service. They hadn’t exactly discussed him going back for drinks or anything, but the way she had welcomed him inside sounding like as good of an invitation as any, so he slid past her inside, immediately noting the large windows at the far side with a nice view of all the city lights. “Damn, I need to get that Disney channel paycheck”. He joked, moving over to the window and resting a forearm up against it.
Sofia knew they hadn't talked about him coming into her room to hang out but she wasn't ready for the night to end. She laughed at his Disney Channel comment and rolled her eyes again, "You could totally play a prince in one of the new live-action films," she replied with a smile. She took off her jacket and joined him by the window, looking out over the city. "It all looks so peaceful but at the same time full of life," she said. Sofia wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or the fact that he had really saved her back there from that creep but she felt herself being drawn closer to him. She tugged at the sleeve of his jacket, "Take off your coat, stay awhile," she said with a smile and a sparkle in her eye.
Jordan gave a chuckle at her comment, his eyes narrowing as he tried to imagine himself in such a role. “You think? We should’ve auditioned for the Aladdin remake, we would have been shoo-ins”. Allowing his mind to wander for a while, the actor was brought back down to earth as he felt the female next to him tugging at his jacket, and he’d be lying if a little excitement didn’t spark inside him. He had been waiting for her to say it out loud that she wanted him to stay a little longer, so he obliged in taking the jacket off. “You sure? I don’t wanna be a pain in the ass if you just want to get to bed. Then again, I’m also /totally/ down with getting in the hotel robes, ordering room service and watching something shitty on TV until you fall asleep”.
Sofia "You would've been the perfect Aladdin to my Jasmine," she said with a smile. Sofia nodded, "Yeah, I'm sure - if I didn't want you to stay I would be politely asking you to leave," she confirmed. "The robes are very comfy," she said, making her way over to the closet to fish out two of them. She tossed one his way and then reached into her suitcase for her pajamas, which were just a pair of short shorts and a tank top. "I'll be right back," she said, disappearing into the bathroom to change into her pajamas and put the robe on. She grabbed a makeup wipe from her makeup bag and rid her face of the products she had been wearing. Sofia emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, fresh-faced and as comfy as ever.
Jordan As Sofia disappeared into the bathroom to make herself comfy, Jordan silently wished that he had brought his sweat pants, but wearing a shirt and jeans underneath the robe would have to do for him - it still had that luxurious feel of being at a spa or something, so he slipped the thing on and made himself comfy on the bed, over the comforter. It didn’t take long for Sofia to be finished, but by the time she had emerged, he had flicked on one of the music channels on her TV. It was a strange turn of events, ending up back in her hotel room already, and Jordan had to fish around in his mind for something to talk about to prevent his mind from wandering other places. That failed, however, as she re-emerged looking as naturally good as she ever did, and Jordan found his eyes lingering a little too long on her, so he merely offered a sheepish smile when she caught his eye.
Sofia caught Jordan's gaze lingering on her but said nothing about it, just offering him a smile in return. She giggled at the sight of his jeans peeking out of the robe. "Did you find something to watch?" she asked, joining him on the bed. Something about this felt different from nights she would spend with BooBoo and Cameron on the set of Descendants. With them, she felt like a bro but right now sitting here so close to Jordan she felt the least bit like a bro. She knew she shouldn't let her mind wander, but she couldn't stop herself. Sofia could admit that Jordan was attractive, but she had never thought of him in this way. Something had changed tonight when he had thrown that creep out of the bar and every time she looked at him her mind traveled back to that moment. He had gotten so heated and she would have been lying if she said she hadn't been thinking about how hot he had looked. She was usually bold, but all of a sudden she was shy and she didn't want to make any moves because she didn't want to make anything weird. If anything was going to happen tonight, it would be on his terms.
Jordan: had been in this situation before. Girl invites you round to her place, doesn’t exactly suggest anything, but you’re still left wondering ‘what if I leaned across and kissed her right now?’ but this was different. He had already built a solid foundation with Sofia as ‘friends’, and a little more hung in the balance, so it was going to take a lot more caution and a lot more work with her. Work that he was willing to put in if he would just admit it to himself. Because god, every fiber in his being wanted to kiss her right now, just to see what it would be like. Deciding to play along with her conversation, Jordan’s eyes stayed firmly glued to the TV screen. “Yeah, yeah...I went for the music channel, because...real quality entertainment...” he trailed off, knowing he wasn’t making any sense. Oh fuck it, if he didn’t find out now, when would he ever? “I’m sorry, I can’t concentrate. I’m just gonna try something...feel free to slap me, if you want” He disclaimed, feeling like he needed to seeing as they had banged on so much about her being ‘his bro’. Maybe he’d read all of the signs completely wrong, but it was worth a shot, wasn’t it? Then, without another word, Jordan ever so slowly edged into her, giving her every opportunity to pull away if she wanted. He laced his hand under her hair, and pulled her into him the rest of the way until their lips met, but only barely.
Sofia wished at that moment that she could read Jordan’s mind because he looked like he was pretty deep in thought about something. “Hey, music is always a great option. Most times I prefer it over shows unless it’s PLL or Riverdale of course,” she replied with a smile. What happened next slightly caught her off guard but she didn’t mind. She watched him with a curious look in her eyes as he told her he wanted to try something. Sofia was already certain she knew where this was going and she wasn’t going to have to slap him if she was right. His face came closer to her and she kept her eyes focused on him. She arched her back slightly as he pulled her into him, gasping quietly as his lips came in contact with hers. She steadied herself against the mattress with her right hand and let her left hand travel through his hair, pressing her lips more firmly into his and letting out a soft moan. It had been a while since she had kissed anyone and it felt amazing.
Jordan: Until now, kissing Sofia was something that had never crossed Jordan’s mind. But damn, he should’ve thought about it sooner. If he had then he wouldn’t have wasted what little time they had while she was here. Intending on fully making up for that now, Jordan let out a soft hum of pleasure as she arched her body into his. He assisted it gladly by letting the hand that was curled around her neck reach to her hips instead, and he held her close to him, lips moving slowly against hers as he relished the feeling of being intimate with someone again. He pulled away briefly, eyes scanning out her own while his hand held her exactly where she was. “I should’ve done that sooner,” he thought aloud, eyes darting from her own, down to her lips, then back up to her again before he moved in to continue kissing her, his lips gently easing hers open so he could deepen the kiss with his tongue.
Sofia couldn't believe this was actually happening but she had no regrets at all. She felt warmth in the pit of her stomach and she couldn't help but smile into the kiss as his hand moved from her neck to her hip. When his lips left hers, she licked her lips as his eyes traveled from her eyes to her lips and then back up to her eyes. Her hands moved up to hold his face as he continued to kiss her, pulling his face closer to her as she opened her mouth to give him access to her tongue. Not wanting to interrupt the kiss, but wanting to change her position, Sofia kept a hold of his face while she moved to sit on his lap, straddling him with her legs as best she could while he was propped up by the headboard. 
Jordan If he was honest with himself, the last time he had been this intimate with someone was when Jinjara had pushed for ‘breakup sex’ which was nothing more than sad and awkward, a memory that he was more than happy to overwrite with the girl in front of him. He almost couldn’t believe that his next ‘experience’ had come in the package that looked like Sofia, and he couldn’t help licking his lips as she straddled him; a vision as she towered above him a little. He found himself taking short breaks from their kissing so he could glance back up at her and take it all in. Then, his hands moved to the tie on her robe, and he blindly began to untie it as he trailed his lips off of her lips, down over her chin, and into the crook of her necks. She smelt like some fruity strain of perfume, and as his tongue grazed out just above her collarbone, he could just about taste it. His lips encountered the robe though, so he pushed it back as far as he could, hoping she would shed off the rest.
Sofia could hardly remember the last time she had kissed someone /not/ for work so she was really drawing a blank on the last time things had gone this far. She watched as Jordan licked his lips as she straddled him and she couldn't help but smile about it. When his hands moved to the tie on her robe she could feel that familiar sense of warmth return to her stomach. Her head tilted back as he trailed his lips over her chin and into the crook of her neck, letting out another soft moan at the feeling of his tongue just above her collarbone. She brought her hands to the robe, shedding it from her arms and letting it fall around her waist. All that lay between them now was her thin spaghetti strap tank top and short shorts. After shedding her own robe, she moved to untie his and peeled it from his arms as well.
Jordan What a waste of time those robes had been. But he was glad they were gone, and that now as he rests his hands upon her thighs, there was nothing but skin beneath his fingertips. Raising his back off the pillows, Jordan captured her lips in his again, enjoying everything just that /little/ bit too much, and he was sure she'd be able to feel it. Making out was one thing, but getting undressed suggested something else entirely, and he didn't want to be too presumptuous, but the tightness of his jeans was more than a little annoying, which he expressed with a frustrated "fuck" before wrapping an arm around her waist and flipping Sofia onto her back in one swift motion. Getting to his knees, Jordan unbuckled his belt and undid his zipper, already feeling ten times better for it. His thick black hair was already beginning to look pretty disheveled from where she had had her hands in it, and yet she still looked immaculately inviting, so his hands work didn't last long before he had dipped back down to continue exploring her body with his lips, his pants left hanging open and ignored momentarily. There were far too many things he wanted to do all at once.
Sofia wanted to laugh at the fact that they had put the robes on maybe 10 minutes ago and they were already off. She ground her hips into his as they continued to make out. As Jordan cursed under his breath she gasped when he flipped her onto her back in one swift motion. He was really good at this, not that she had expected any less. She watched as he unbuckled his belt and undid his zipper, biting her lip. Her head rolled back as he came back down to explore her body with his lips. She wanted to help him out, so while he was kissing down her body she did her best to peel his pants down at least past his ass. She could feel a slight trace of wetness in her panties and she bit her lip again as he continued to work his magic.
Jordan Grateful for her assistance with his pants, Jordan used his legs to kick them completely off, leaving him in just his boxer-briefs and t-shirt, both of which were black, as if he ever really wore any other color. Bunching up her tank top, Jordan exposed Sofia's stomach and continued trailing kisses over every inch of her body that he could reach. He didn't need to see it all to know that she had an amazing one, and his arousal strained against the fabric of his underwear. Then, he reached her shorts, and instead of following the trail with his lips, his eyes met hers once again as the palm of his hand brushed along her inner thigh, snaking it's way under the shorts until his fingertips met with the delicate fabric of her underwear. "Say something, Sof". He spoke softly, hoping to gain some sort of approval to continue what he was doing.
Sofia let out a soft moan as he bunched up her tank top and continued his trail of kisses. She could see the slight bulge in his pants and she couldn’t help but feel good that she had that effect on him. As his fingertips met with the delicate fabric of her underwear she gasped. “Don’t stop,” she mumbled at his request. She was pretty much breathless so it was all she could get out before he got to work.
Jordan couldn't help but smile at her request. Though it was different from any other smile he had given her before - it was coy and devious, and he couldn't help the next words that fell from his mouth. "Well okay then, princess". He knew that in a normal circumstance she would probably inform him that she wasn't a 'Disney princess', but before she could say anything, Jordan's fingers bug beneath the fabric and ran one long stroke up her folds. She was already wet, which only gave him another reason to smile, and instead of wasting any more time beneath her shorts, Jordan retrieved his hands so he could tug them down, her panties coming with them. How many times tonight had he licked his lips already? Putting them to better use, the Canadian repeated his fingers prior motion with his tongue - giving her one, antagonizing long stroke up her center, his fingers digging into the skin on her lower-thighs.
Sofia blushed at the smile he flashed her at her request and the blush stayed on her cheeks as he called her princess. She whimpered as he ran his fingers along her folds. Sofia gasped slightly as he tugged her shorts and panties off in one fell swoop. As he bent down to replace his fingers motion with his tongue she grasped at the sheets with one hand and ran the fingers of her other hand through his hair, tilting her head back in pleasure she let out a much louder moan than before. "Jordan.... yes..." she whimpered, bucking her hips in pleasure.
Jordan If he could resist her moans, Jordan would've probably made her wait a little longer before delving back in, but the more encouragement that fell from her lips, the more the actor lapped at her, his tongue creating circles around her bundle of nerves before taking it between his lips and sucking on it. He let out a groan as her fingers entwined in his hair, and wished she'd pull on it harder. That might've just been his main weakness, paired with biting. Eager to hear more out of her, the actor hooked one of her legs over his shoulder, stiffening his tongue and pushing it inside of her. If anybody had told him that by the end of the night, he'd be tasting Sofia Carson, he would've laughed it off, but a quick glance up at her from his vantage point had him so fucking glad that they would've been right.
Sofia continued to moan as Jordan kept working with his tongue. When he started to suck on her bundle of nerves, she began to lose even more control. "F-fuck..." she stuttered, with a groan. She pulled harder on his hair and gasped as he hooked one of her legs over his shoulder. With his tongue inside of her, she gripped even harder at his hair. When he looked up at her, she bit her lip and whispered, "I want to feel you inside of me," with a devious smirk on his face. Her hands went for his boxers, starting to remove them from his lower half which was harder to do with one of her legs hooked over his shoulder.
Jordan didn't know it was possible to get any harder than he already was until her soft voice was making her demands, and she'd soon find out just how much it was doing it for him as she tugged at his boxers, and his erection sprung free. Again, kicking them off of himself, Jordan dipped back down between her legs, his breath hot on her core. Sliding two fingers in at once, Jordan curled them both just to tease her, knowing full well that wasn't what she was asking for. "I /am/ inside you, babe" - the nickname had a habit of tumbling out of his mouth in this sort of situation, and it never felt foreign to believe that the recipient was his, if only for the night. With his other hand, Jordan grabbed at his own length, just to show he understood. "Or is this not quite what you had in mind?"
Sofia bit down on her lip, harder this time as his hard member sprung free from his boxers. She shivered at the feeling of his breath hot on her core and let out another moan as he slid two fingers it at once and curled them both inside of her. F-fuck... Jordan... don't tease me," she whimpered. Hearing him call her babe just made her want him more. After this was all over she wasn't sure what was going to happen, but for now, she was loving every minute of this. Sofia wasn't sure how easy it would be to go back to bro's but she didn't care, because this was well worth it. "Definitely not what I had in mind, though it is enjoyable," she whispered breathlessly. She was a dancer so she was flexible which came in handy as she removed her leg from his shoulder and spread herself out in front of him to give him easy access.
Jordan How could he hold out any longer when she was whimpering his name out like that? Maybe another time, he would've persevered with the teasing and really made her beg for it, but it was getting silly now how long it had been since he had any form of release that wasn't brought on by himself, and once she spread herself out in front of him, he couldn't take it any longer. Moving up a little on the bed, Jordan reunited himself with her lips as he angled his erection right where it should be, enjoying sliding it around to coat himself in her wetness a little too much. Then, he slowly began to guide himself inside, letting out a guttural moan as it felt impossibly tight at first. He was barely two inches in when he suddenly remembered they may have gotten a little too carried away, and birth control was the last thing on his mind. "Wait, is this all good? I mean, are you covered?". It was some form of torture having only his tip enveloped and pulsating, but there was no way he'd carry on further unless she gave him the heads up.
Sofia kissed him hungrily as his lips attached themselves to hers once more. She whimpered a bit when he pulled back, his tip barely breaking the surface of her folds. Sofia smiled and nodded her head, thankful that he hadn't gotten too caught up in the moment and had remembered to check in on protection. "Yeah, I'm on the pill," she whispered. Sofia attached her lips to his once more and kissed him feverishly as he completely entered inside of her. She moaned against his mouth and fisted at the sheet with one hand that she had dropped from his face, bucking her hips as she felt him inside of her. "Feels so good," she whispered against his lips with a grin.
Jordan Thank fuck that she had come prepared, or Jordan would've regretted every moment leading up to this where he didn't just grab a condom. Of course, he never imagined that this is where they'd be at the end of the night, so he was just grateful that Sofia had their backs. Wasting no more time, Jordan thrust himself inside her, burying his face into her neck momentarily as he relished how good it felt. She voiced his very thoughts, and he let out a single exhale of laughter at the understatement of the century. "Fuck, Sof. You can say that again". And it only got better as the male began to repeatedly thrust inside of her, his hand wandering underneath her tank top that he wished he'd have taken off sooner to tweak at her nipples and enjoy the feeling of her breast filling up the entirety of his large hand. "You are literally...so fucking gorgeous" he realized out loud, unable to keep the thought to himself though he probably should've.
Sofia “Feels so good,” she repeated in a whisper as he expressed that she could say that again. She felt his hand travel underneath her tank top and she gasped as his hand came in contact with her breast. “Just take it off,” she whispered, gesturing towards her tank top as she felt his hand massaging into her breast. Another loud moan escaped her lips as she whimpered, “Fuck... Jordy...” Her cheeks blushed as he spoke about how gorgeous she was, looking him in the eyes to see the look on his face as his eyes traveled across her body. She wanted to switch positions so she could pleasure him for a bit but she didn’t want to interrupt the magic he was currently working with his hands.
Jordan Not needing to be told twice, Jordan quickly pulled Sofia’s tank top over her head and resumed his hands work with his mouth, encasing her nipple between his lips and thrusting into her harder with every go now that she was getting more used to him. Hearing her say the cute nickname that she always called him in such a way now pleased him to no end, all he wanted was more and more to fall from her mouth, so he hooked her back over his shoulder once more, able to fill her completely from this angle. “Let me know if this hurts” he got out in a rushed breath, plunging into her fully, his hands lifting her hips off the bed ever so slightly.
Sofia A shiver went down her spine as he pulled her tank top off and took her nipple in his mouth. “Yes... oh, fuck... yes...” she moaned as he lifted her leg and continued his plunge. It had been so long since she had last felt like this and on top of that, she felt so safe in his arms. As his hands lifted her hips off the bed she arched her back up into him and tilted her neck back again. She was starting to feel close and she knew it would only be a few minutes longer before she completely came undone.
Jordan From her reaction, Jordan could tell he was doing something right, so he didn't stray from it for a while, eager to get her falling apart underneath him. He attempted to lean down and kiss her, but as his thrusts became harsher, he found it was too difficult keeping up with both. Instead, he placed a flat palm against the back wall and drove deeper and deeper, her moans only spurring him on. "Jesus, Sof. You feel amazing". He practically groaned, letting his head fall to rest against his outstretched arm, eyes closed as that familiar stirring sensation began in the pit of his stomach.
Sofia kissed him back feverishly again as he attempted to kiss her while still thrusting into her, but that clearly wasn't working and they could get back to that later after she had completely come undone. As he drove himself deeper and deeper inside of her she got louder and louder. She was Columbian, it was in her blood to make her voice heard and she knew it was turning him on. "You feel so good too," she mumbled, breathing heavily as his head rested against his outstretched arm. "I'm... so close..." she whimpered, bucking her hips upward against him as the pit of her stomach stirred.
Jordan paid no mind to the volume that they were creating within the hotel - the last thing on his mind right now was the comfort of whoever was in the room next to them. Hell, they should be honored to hear her moans anyway, Jordan certainly felt like it. Smiling down at her words, lust in his eyes as he caught her gaze, the male egged her on, reaching down to press on her clit and take her over the edge. "So let go. Cum for me, baby. I want to feel you trembling".
Sofia looked up at him, returning the same lust-filled gaze as he began to egg her on. When she felt him reach down to press on her clit she came completely undone, spilling out around him. Her legs trembled as she panted, her breathing was heavy as she looked up at him. "Your turn," she whispered breathlessly, unhooking her leg from his shoulder and flipping their positions with his help so that she was now on top of him. She gripped at his waist and began to ride him, leaning forward to leave a trail of kisses down from his chest to his bellybutton.
Jordan was sure he was about to spill out inside her thanks to the way her walls clenched around him tightly, and how she kept his gaze while she enjoyed the ends of her climax. The only thing keeping him from doing so was the fact he wanted to see her ride, and once they flipped themselves over, Jordan let out a low groan as his back hit the mattress and she towered above him. Not even two minutes later, Jordan was sure he couldn't hold it anymore. He squeezed his eyes shut and bit down onto his bottom lip harshly, suddenly filling her in waves with every time she brought herself down upon him. By the end of it, he was breathless, but he still dragged her down to him to kiss her hungrily again, wanting to show how grateful he was at that moment.
Sofia could tell that he was going to come undone in just a couple of minutes, so she took her time riding him to give him something in return for all that he had done for her. She bit down on her lip as she felt him fall apart inside of her. She continued to ride him as he finished his own climax, keeping her eyes trained on him. When he had finished she let him pull her to his chest, kissing him feverishly again and moaning slightly against his lips. She pulled away just slightly, hovering over his lips as she whispered to him about how amazing he had felt and how good she was still feeling right now.
Jordan had forgotten all about the music channel in the background until there was nothing but their heavy breathing and that going off in the background. Either they had managed to drown the music out, or his attention really had honed in on only her. Keeping his arms wrapped lazily around the female's body, Jordan couldn’t help but smile and agree with her words. He had no idea how she was feeling about the situation now they had both come back to reality, and he didn’t want to put her in the awkward position of having to ask him to leave, so he brought up the topic before she could. “So are you the type of girl to kick a guy out of bed or are you down for me staying the night?” Obviously, he would prefer the latter. The time was getting on, and it would look more than suspicious for him to be creeping out of her hotel room, looking all disheveled in the middle of the night, but he also didn’t want her to feel obliged to house him for the evening. “It’s cool if you wanna get some good rest, we can still hang tomorrow if you want?”
Sofia rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him. She loved the way their arms were lazily tangled around each other's bodies. "I'm down for you staying the night," she replied with a smile, reaching her head up to press a quick kiss to his lips. "I definitely wouldn't mind falling asleep in your arms and waking up next to you," she mumbled with a coy smile, reaching over to grab his black t-shirt that had been thrown off in the midst of their makeout session and slipped it over her naked torso. The actress stood to put her panties back on, giving Jordan time to get his boxers back on and then slipped into the bathroom to splash some water on her face and get herself ready for bed. She couldn't believe their night was ending this way, but she had zero regrets about it. As she returned to the bed, she quickly found herself back in his strong arms, resting her head on his chest where she would soon fall asleep to the rise and fall of his chest with a smile plastered on her face.
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fanboyscribbles · 2 years
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#PLLOriginalSin #PLLOSFinale. Now that's how you finish a season strong and in only 10 episodes. Turning Pretty Little Liars into a teen slasher was probably one of the beet decisions they've made since the reveal of OG A in PLL S02. The build up of the last three episodes was executed so well, especially as we see both the teens and their moms in action. So many secrets just started unraveling and it's so awesome to see how they snowballed within these final episodes. What I loved about this finale is they went straight for the kill. No unnecessary red herrings, and it didn't feel dragging at all. And in true slasher film fashion, the reveals at the end were genuinely WTF moments. The plot points were everywhere and yet they all surprisingly made sense. Definitely trumps I. Marlene King's mind games from the OG series. (We still love, but they could really take a lot of notes from this iteration) Also, love the Rosewood callbacks throughout the series, and was surprised to hear a mention of Riverdale and Sisters of Quiet Mercy. That's it! Great finale. Worth watching if you like slashers, secrets, mysteries, and more. P.S. I wish I could make the same comparison for Gossip Girl but I wasn't able to watch the OG series. https://www.instagram.com/p/ChcAxQ7Px31/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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