buddiebeginz · 8 months
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aaron in eps | 01/18/24
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imqueerandadeer · 1 month
Okay it's time again for rants and personal stories no one fucking asked for. Todays topic: How fucking rampant and normalized ableism is, with comments from @pansgoobernonsense as usual.
Really long post ahead guys you've been warned.
The reason it has been featured in the last post and now this one is because it's also ND and Asian and I wanted to get other peoples experiences with ableism.
It also said that I can interview it for practice because journalism sounds cool to me and I might want to be a journalist.
Anyways obligatory disclaimer/reminder. I don't speak for all mentally disabled people because we are not a monolith!! For example I am great at masking my ADHD and Autism (I'll get into that with more context later) and it's somthing I've picked up subconsciously. Other people with my same conditions may not be good at masking.
Also this post will mostly center around mental disabilities, specifically ADHD and autism because thats what we have and know most about. Neither me nor my friend are physically disabled (to my knowledge) so I won't speak much on it because It's not my place.
Alright with that out of the way lets add some context.
Hi, if you don't know me or haven't seen my blog before (most of you probably have though in some shape or form) I'm Ollie or Cupid. I have ADHD, self diagnosed (and peer diagnosed) autism, and possible dyscalculia. Theres also a millon other things I'm suspicious about having but I won't get into those.
Lets start with this, imagine (or don't idc) that your back in *gasp* middle school. Terrifying. Now since this is tumblr I'm gonna assume most of you have autism and/or ADHD so y'all most likely know what it's like to be in middle school and be ND. But still I wanted to talk about my experiences with ableism in school.
Okay I've noticed that the difference of how I get treated because I mask and those that can't mask for whatever reason is wildly different. I have instructional support which is technically special ed and no one has ever called me "Sped" or the R-slur. Versus the the kids who visibly have support needs and their disabilities are present. They get called those things all the fucking time.
The hypocrisy of it all is what really gets me. Kids at my school will really stand there and call these other kids dehumanizing things while I stand there as a person with ADHD and autism having to akwardly laugh it off and pretend it doesn't effect me. Yes of course I tell them off but it doesn't work, because they have been taught that what they're saying is fine and people who have higher support needs are not human, which is wrong and ablesist.
Thats not even their fault really it's what they were taught. Although if they weren't taught it and they know It's wrong but still do it then it's their fault
It genuinely got so bad that me and my friends wrote a letter to the office telling them about the ablesist language at our school, I don't think the letters ever got sent but yeah it was that bad.
On another note I don't think my schools very wheelchair accessible at all, although I wouldn't know really because I don't use a wheelchair.
Now heres @pansgoobernonsense experiences woth ableism as a whole, while mine were mostly about school its are more personal
"My personal experiences with ableism are mostly from my parents, and since I have not one but two neurodevelopmental disorders I’ve experienced it a lot. The most notable of these experiences come from my parents reaction to my autism.
A notable example was the time I was crying because I didn’t want to go to a party (I had had a panic attack at another similar party at the same place with similar people) and my dad had said I didn’t need to go but my mom made me.
I tried to explain (through tears) that I didn’t want to go and my dad angrily called me “autistic”. I’ve also been told to just “act normal” in social situations (despite the textbook definition of autism being essentially “I can’t act normal in social situations”). My parents have also neglected to tell me about my diagnosis for basically my entire life.
I was diagnosed when I was 2-3 and only found out this year. The reason behind this decision was “if I knew I’d tell everyone and use it as a get out of jail free card”.
They seem to treat my diagnosis as a label rather than an actual disability. It makes sense, since historically mental disabilities haven’t been treated the same as physical disabilities, but it’s still an awful experience."
While my experiences with things like this haven't been as severe as Nicks experiences I do have some of my own.
One time I was talking to my mother and she said that they suspected I had ADHD but didn't get me tested until I was 12 because she didn't want me on meds that early, which yes is a semi fair point but still why would you keep your suspicions a secret until I startes to notice and suspect it myself. That seems so weird to me and it could have saved me a lot if trouble if she had just told me.
Anyways thats it, sorry if it's not cohesive or coherent it's 1:00 am for me, I need to sleep
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ADH looking FaF
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mr-gromgy · 4 months
ADHD and You (and Me!)
On the 28.01.2024 I finished the problemset for cs50 Week 1. Did the completion of the problems, as well as the new gained knowledge convince me to continue the lecture?
Did I immediately continue on my educational journey through the cs50 course?
I tried, but instead I did fuck all.
For two whole months.
All that thanks to ya boi suffering from ADHD
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While others get to be lazy and have fun in the process, out of their own free will,no less, us ADHD folk get what I like to call "involuntary procrastination"
also known as executive dysfunction.
Basically we somtimes get posessed by some demon that keeps us from starting a task, no matter how much we actually want to do it.
Like the fool that I am, I thought that could simply beat that demon with help of RITALIN. But it was not enough.
The thing is; I tried to do the learning on the very same computer device that I do the playing, the very same computer that resides in my bedroom, where I do most of my relaxing.
Most of the neurotypicals reading this will not get how thats an issue
But my fellow friends afflicted with ADHD, you probably understand why trying to learn programming in such an enviroment is a fools errand.
In such an enviroment the distraction demon thrives.
But I have come to an ingenious solution to this problem!
I just need to go and learn in a place that isn´t my room!
And whats the best place for learning? The Library.
And the solution actually somwhat worked.
yay me
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mission-to-dietitian · 11 months
Hypothalamus does vasopressin/ADH elevates blood pressure.
Glomerulus secretes renin, vasoconstricts to increase blood pressure.
Erythropoietin stimulates the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells.
1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D activated in kidney.
Renal disease decreases glomerular filtration and creatinine clearance rate (labs: GFR, BUN, creatinine. BUN and Cr elevated.
In acute kidney injury, a BUN:Cr of 20:1 indicates a pre-renal state in which BUN is increased due to acute kidney damage. AKI may be reversible, not requiring dialysis.
Reduced BUN reabsorption indicated by a BUN to creatinine ratio of less than 10:1, suggests need for dialysis.
Renal solute load = solutes excreted in 1L of urine. MAIN SOLUTES: nitrogen and sodium.
Anemia, upset blood pressure, and decreased activation of vitamin D involved in renal insufficiency (due to the hormones released by kidney and hypothalamus).
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carnegiescenic · 11 months
A Doll’s House snow roller concept to show!
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erikaportugalreis · 2 years
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Minha fanart do Katsuki junto a minha personagem original, Zhuzhi.
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birdisgay · 1 year
ADHD is fun because I was doing my homework late at night and now i've been researching wether tom and jerry were actually best friends for 20 minutes, and i have never even seen a single episode of the show.
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psicoonline · 1 year
Neurodiversidade e Ajustamento Social: Compreendendo Altas Habilidades, Autismo e TDAH na Adultez
Neurodiversidade é a palavra-chave deste artigo. É um termo que abraça a diversidade da mente humana, o espectro, que é uma gama contínua de diferentes estados, condições, ou graus, onde as variáveis podem se mover de um extremo a outro sem interrupções claras e que é infinito nas nossas diferenças neurológicas – que refere-se a qualquer coisa relacionada ao sistema nervoso, incluindo o cérebro,…
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View On WordPress
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l00ney-m00ny · 2 years
Just because you don’t struggle with normal things doesn’t mean you have it ‘better off’ than other people with your illness. It just means you are having a better day.
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sarah-j-bethany · 2 years
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I try to post chapters every other week, if not more frequently. Check out book one at https://tapas.io/series/The-Past-Awakened/info
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buddiebeginz · 6 months
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Aaront tests positive for the BRCA gene
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1:50am Hoy te pensé ....
Aveces solo pasa es como una briza helada en éste invierno, solo llega sin avisar chocando , invadiendo , golpeando duro.
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morganablenewsmedia · 3 months
No Cause For Panic, We will rise to any security challenge - COAS, Lagbaja
No Cause For Panic, We will rise to any security challenge – COAS, Lagbaja Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen Taoreed Abiodun Lagbaja has reassured that the Nigerian Army will rise up to any security challenge He also charged the Army Personnel and the general public to pray for peace and security in country. Addressing the general public at the Inter-denominational Church Service to mark the Nigerian…
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imjustaloverr · 4 months
sorry but Torvald was so audacious with Nora by calling her dramatic like he wasn't acting like the biggest pussy ever only 45 seconds before
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adh-d2 · 5 months
One of my favorite pieces of canon continuity is that clones cannot lie for shit
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