altruistic-meme · 7 months
Nicky getting taunted by another player and just going "aw, bless your heart :/"
Nicky unironically saying "yall" without thinking and getting teased about it
Nicky slipping into a heavy southern accent on random words in his sentences and Dan and Matt repeating the word jokingly
Nicky singing "If You're Going Through Hell" at the top of his lungs in the lounge just to piss everyone else off
Nicky calling Allison "darling" and Renee "sweetheart" and Neil "dear"
Nicky is from South Carolina Nicky is southern please let him be a dramatic southern gay
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strawbeelemonade · 1 year
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Imagine: going to a Garden centre/Plant Nursery with Miguel O’Hara
🕷 - No I don’t care if this is stupid. Yeah I just got back from a garden centre when writing this.
🕷 - They are so much fun, I don’t care if it’s a bit old person of me.
🕷 - This man is willing to do old people stuff with you.
🕷 - Your both wandering around and he keeps stopping to look a grills because it’s,,, he’d totally yearn for a grill. It’s a feeling. But he always moves on because he’d get angry at himself for wanting something domestic like that.
🕷 - He pushes around the cart.
🕷 - No get off he’s doing it.
🕷 - He will follow you, just get what you want babe.
🕷 - He’s not a plant guy, he’s never been a plant guy. But in this scenario you are DEFINITELY a plant person. So when you ask to go together he starts the car in a heartbeat.
🕷 - It’s like a little date.
🕷 - He always comes prepared. If you go in the spring or summer then you’ll definitely feel the heat.
🕷 - It hits him way harder, he’s much more sensitive in every way, so he sweats a lot more. Awooga.
🕷 - He’s got water on hand if you get thirsty. Your welcome babe.
🕷 - There are always people with dogs EVERYWHERE in these places. Watching you love on every dog you pass by makes him want to get a puppy.
🕷 - He acts like a cat, but I feel like he’s secretly a dog guy really deep down, you know.
🕷 - Every dog is obsessed with him, even if he shows no interest in petting them. it drives you up the wall.
🕷 - If anyone runs their cart into you he will beat ass.
🕷 - If anyone speaks to you disrespectfully he will beat ass.
🕷 - He is literally ready to beat so much ass at any given moment. Just because he’s nice to you doesn’t mean he’s like that with everyone else.
(I literally checked those 3 paragraphs multiple times to make sure I spelt ‘beat’ right.)
🕷 - His main personality trait is carrying heavy things for you.
🕷 - He doesn’t mind if you wanna peruse a bit… it’s ok since it’s you. He one of those people that will literally go with whatever. If your happy then he’s happy.
🕷 - He hardly gets time away from work. And his ‘night gig’ takes up a lot of his time too. Between all that and The Society… that doesn’t leave a lot of time for you. It makes him feel really guilty, So he is completely willing to do or buy whatever you’d like.
🕷 - He doesn’t understand why you keep trying to save wilting and dying plants. Why would you pay full price for a half dead orchid when there’s dozens of healthy ones right next to it??
🕷 - He doesn’t mind paying for it but he wants you to have the best. >:(
🕷 - When you both get home he’s reminded of why you do it.
🕷 - Your home is full of heathy, happy plants, nurtured by your loving hands. It’s a statement of the kind of person that you are. Full of love freely to give.
🕷 - He loves you so much.
🕷 - If your into propagating succulents he’ll point out all the random cuttings cascaded on the floor for you to grab. He likes seeing your eyes light up.
🕷 - you will leave that place with handfuls of cuttings.
🕷 - Free real estate babyyyy.
🕷 - Seeing all the kids totting along with their families makes his heart clench.
🕷 - One day you see a little boy ducking between some large pots, he seems to be hiding away from all the big shopping carts rolling by.
🕷 - Miguel sees him first, his heightened sense pick up on his nervousness almost immedietaly, but he hesitates.
🕷 - he’s not sure what to do, He doesn’t really know how to approach kids anymore.
🕷 - While he’s fighting an internal battle within himself, You swoop in.
🕷 - You ask if the kid is ok, and you take his hands and lift him out from between the stacked pots. He giggles and Miguel’s heart skips a beat.
🕷 - Miguel stands next to you awkwardly, watching in awe as you work your magic and make the kid laugh. You dry his tears and give him something to drink.
🕷 - He tells you he got separated from his mom in the confusion of all the crowd, and that he tried to stay put and wait for her to come back. You tell him how he’s such a smart boy, and that he was very brave.
🕷 - Miguel lifts him on to his shoulders silently so he can spot his parents. The man absolutely towers over all the plants. When he hears the kid giggling above him his the kid giggling above him his resting bitch face relaxes a bit.
🕷 - Miguel comes out of his shell a bit more as you both wait for his parents. The kid absolutely loves him. Miguel is starting at the sweet expression on your face as you chat with the kid and he is absolutely w i n d e d.
🕷 - has he ever told you that your really good with kids.,,
🕷 - haha.
🕷 - down bad fr.
🕷 - Then you spot Two women rushing towards you and they thank you both for finding and helping their son. And the moment is over.
🕷 - You assure them that it’s not a problem and you mention how sweet their child is.
🕷 - After you give a little wave you turn back to Miguel and he’s— wait.
🕷 - “Miggy, why are you looking at me like that?”
🕷 - “Like what, cariño?”
🕷 - Y e a r n i n g .
🕷 - Bro will literally drag you home, immedietely.
🕷 - Sorry not sorry.
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Miguel: I need you all to understand - for this mission, I need EVERYONE at the top of their game. No room for slip-ups, no room for jokes. And absolutely no room for calling people PET-NAMES like POOKIE and SNOOKUMS on the MAIN COMMS LINE. Am I being CLEAR???
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Hobie and Disco-Spider!Diane:
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"Fucks he looking over here for?"
"I don't know, snookums. I think he's got some kinda problem."
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dizzybizz · 7 months
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"my evil little cookie" me upon seeing a portrait of van zieks in my dream this morning
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ashertickler · 24 days
so gavin may have earned himself another fan...
suggested nsfw under cut
"spread your legs, my love"
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aeb-art · 6 months
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they never went, but it was a nice thought at least
geo belongs you @8um8le as always 🙇
edit: realized this is a good soundtrack for this comic
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buckera · 24 days
on a quest to find more than 2 good scogan fics... so far unsuccessfully
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aro-culture-is · 9 months
aro culture is calling your dog baby because it doesn’t have a romantic connotation to you (but all animals are babies <3)
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featherdusterbelphie · 3 months
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
Soap : Cap! I just had a thought, what if-
Price : Jesus fuck, have you heard of knocking?!
Soap : Oh, yeah, sorry, anyway - wait, are you okay? You're really sweaty... You know that could be a sign of heart failure in older men, right? You should get that checked out-
Price : Older men??? Okay, get the fuck out of my office before I throw this stapler at you.
Nik : *snorts*
Price : Fuck you.
Nik : You wish, зайчик. Go back to your papers~
Gaz : Did someone know Nik was here? I just saw him exiting Price's office, I didn't know he was on base!
Soap :
Ghost : No, I didn't know. You think he's here for a mission?
Soap : Holy steamin Jesus my poor eyes does anyone have bleach-
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the-sunshine-dims · 5 months
hey just saying, with his sparks, it could be said, that Fenris could be referred to /romantic, as firefly
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wild by troye sivan is byler. honestly all of blue neighborhood is
YESSSS such a good song, and album, and it fits so well for them. Put that whole album on to get through the morning here, been a while since I listened to any album beginning to end, that was fun. Off that one I also like For Him & The Quiet for Byler. And another Troye Sivan song off a different album I have on my Byler playlist is Angel Baby. So good.
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ghoulbrain · 4 months
god could you imagine the ghoul with a swearing jar.
LMAO that must be what he calls his wallet at this point. it's just full of rattlin' caps! 😂
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rexscanonwife · 6 months
(Shitty screenshots from mobile bleh) I rewatched the powerprof. episode and I'm ACTUALLY gonna throw up
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THE WHOLE THING STARTS CAUSE THE GIRLS ARE TOO BUSY HERO-ING TO SPEND TIME WITH HIM 😭😭 they come home to find he waited up for him and they just fucking curl up in his arms like this and pass out I'M GONNA FUCKING 💖🫶💖🫶💖🫶💖🫶💖🫶💖🫶💖
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jaijaitbinks · 2 years
While Genos and Saitama are found by the public to be dating, most people obviously assume Saitama is using him and all the sudden he gets more and more hate mail and public confontrarions. Saitama actually tries to forget about it and ignore, but the harassment just continues and he doesn't really realize the toll it takes on him. He starts to believe that he is manipulating Genos and doesnt know what to do. It isnt after another public confrontation when someone tells him obviously Saitama is using him cause no one would love him that he just breaks. Saitama doesnt even realize he started crying and before he can leave Genos returns from a monster fight, sees his beloved crying infront of a crowd, and goes straight to him, hugging him in comfort. While Saitama is hugging him and saying sorry, Genos is looking at the crowd with a killing stare, memorizing everyone faces for later. He tells everyone if anyone makes Saitama cry again they will have to face him before taking Saitama away to properly comfort.
"Of course he's using him! Who the hell would ever love a bald, weak bastard like you!?"
Those sentences. Those two sentences.
He can't tell you, even if he tried his hardest to think about it, why that one got him the most. Maybe it was just the dam finally breaking, maybe there was some hidden insinuation underneath that he couldn't seem to register but still felt, even though it was as straightforward as it could get. But it got him. Deep in his racing heart, stabbed him.
He didn't realize he'd started tearing up until a cold breeze—not sure if it was real or not—passed by, made his eyes strain. Inside, he fought harder than he ever had to keep the tears inside. His limbs were weak and numb. If he cried, he wouldn't be able to hide, and he definitely wouldn't be able to stop them. He tried everything: bit his tongue and bottom lip. He tightened his fists and dug his nails into his bare palms. He tried to think of something nice and sweet, but all that came up was Genos' face.
The face he knows, now, that he didn't deserve.
And he hiccups.
The jolt it does to his body catches him off guard, and embarrassingly would have sent him into fight or flight. But he couldn't move. He couldn't bring his hands to his face, couldn't move his legs to run away. So he stood there and hiccuped again, humilation and shame tearing at his skin like a lion to a deer. Then hiccuped again, sucked in a breath. He looked down at his feet, as if not looking at the throng of people would make them go away.
A hurricane of self-deprecation strikes him, and he cries harder from how much he just hates himself. Here he was, a grown, bald man, standing in the middle of the street and crying like a fucking child because people are telling him the truth. And that truth was that he was unlovable, he did not deserve Genos, and he used the one person he loved most for his own gain—let greed consume him. Intentionally or not, he had used him. And ue's being forced to face a reality he didn't want to see because simply loving Genos was so, so good for him. Him.
He hated how their comments got to him. Part of him believes their words are untrue, just hatred coming from jealous people. And for the longest time, that's what he saw it as. Why he couldn't just keep believing that he doesn't know, but there was a shift and now he believes them. He hated how he wished he could ignore the truth, too, as painful as it was to acknowledge. And he hated how he was doing these horrible things he's doing to Genos. And for what? For him to feel like he's loved? Was it worth using his hero worship against him, manipulating Genos, just so he could feel loved?
He felt so, so very ill. So disgusted in himself.
He felt dizzy, and sick, and he wanted to cover his ears to block out the increasing volume of the crowd but just the mere thought of feeling his own skin made him nauseous.
He fliches hard, like he'd been punched in the face. Saitama's eyes, pouring with tears, look up with that hopeless instinct to see Genos, even as he screamed at himself for being so horrible of a human, if he could even be called that. He frantically looks for Genos' face through the anxiety and tears blurring his vision.
And he finds him, shoving people aside in a way that would have been funny if the self-loathing wasn't eating him alive right now. The jeering had instantaneously disappeared, like it was never there. One final shove brings Genos into the eye of the crowd, and he beelines it towards his teacher, his partner.
Saitama can't even bring his muscles to move away from Genos' touch, even as his minds screeches at him to "Pull away! Don't let him touch you!! You don't deserve his touch!" His hands grasp his shoulders, firm and tight but with that instinctual caution programmed into his human brain. It makes Saitama feel comforted and loved, and he wants to hate that he's letting it happen but he doesn't.
The silicone of Genos' palm slides up his neck to cup his cheek, and he disgustingly tilts into it with ease. He tells himself its to hide his tears from him, but he knows that's only half-true.
"Sen– Saitama." Oh, how his name on his tongue makes him preen. In the back of his mind, he shames himself for it again. Never allowed to feel happy because of Genos anymore. "Saitama, mein shatz, what happened? Are you alright? Are you hurt?"
Saitama melts into him, cries more but quietly and shakes his head. His mouth refuses to open unless it's to let out another choked inhale.
"I–" he gasps. It's broken and he sees Genos' heart break through his eyes. He takes a moment to stop, study every inch of his face. His golden irises, his disheveled hair, the little nick of cracked skin on his cheek. He'd been fighting, hadn't he? He admires Genos. He loves him.
He leans further into him, body tipped forward so his face presses to his hard chest. "I'm s–" another gasp "–sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry–"
He babbles a mantra of apologies he knows isn't good enough, and around the fifth one, Genos seems to realize what he's muttering and pulls him away, only to look him in the eyes. He doesn't push you away in anger, he just wants to see your eyes, Saitama. That's all he wants to do.
"Why are you apologizing? You've done nothing wrong," he says. There's and edge of desperation to his voice, hoping it would convince Saitama. It doesn't.
"I have. I have and– and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm not good enough, I'm sorry–" his voice clips at the end, breath hitching as another wave of tears tease at the back of his eyes. It only comes out when Genos gawks at him.
"What– you're– Saitama, mein shatz, my love," he almost whines. He's desperate to make Saitama stop crying, and Saitama can see it's because it pains him to see his partner cry. It's not because his crying annoys him. (A whisper in his ears adds: "I hope.") "You are enough. You're more than enough for me, you know that. I've told you countless of times before, and I'll continue to do so. What could've–"
And then he pauses. It's as if he only now realized there was a crowd surrounding them—no. No, they were surrounding Saitama. Hounding him. The realization of why hits him so hard, Saitama, even through bleary eyes, could pinpoint when the horror set in. And 3 seconds later, the fury.
His eyes looked away and scanned everywhere with such a calculated speed, scowl full of rage, he knew whatever he was thinking wasn't going to be good.
"Genos–" It only takes his name to make his attention come back to him. The feeling of importance that gave him made his heart warm.
"We'll go home," he says, matter-of-fact. Laced with hatred directed at the silent crowd seeping into his tone. "We'll go home and I will spend the entire day, week, or however long it takes to eradicate every horrid idea they planted into your head. I'll spend all the time I have convincing you that you are my everything and more. You are my life, in every way I can think of. My beloved, my life, and so, so much more."
Genos' face falls into something so sweetly genuine and soft—something Genos reserves for when they're alone, and only then. And Saitama cries some more, for a completely different reason.
"I love you. You are enough for me. And when you tell me what other lies they've fed you, I will tell you the opposite. I will tell you the truth." He kisses his forehead, and Saitama clings onto his touch harder than he should in front of prying eyes. "I love you."
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bobmckenzie · 11 months
Bob's name starts with B... so for a nickname I can call him... honeybee...
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