Can i request avengers x teen!reader where she feels a bit left out because she's young and when they see it, they show her that they love her still and she's their baby? If you wanna write it ❤️
Left Out
Pairing; Avengers x teen!reader, Sam Wilson x teen!reader
summary: the team always leaves you out of the celebration after the missions until a new team notices and brings it to there attention
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"Great Job Team!" Tony said to 6 of his teammates: Steve, Natasha, Thor, Bruce, Clint, and Y/n. You were the newest and youngest addition to the team, this only being the 2nd mission you have been on with them. "And good job out there Y/n, the super speed sure came in handy today." You just nodded your head and smiled. "Thanks, Tony!" you responded.
"Usually Plan I assume?" Clint said looking at the billionaire. "Of course Katniss, the party starts at 8 so be there!" Tony said as he pointed at each of his teammates. "Um, party?" Y/n said as she looked at her coworkers. "Oh um," Bruce started to say before Natasha interjected.
"After big missions like these, Tony likes to throw parties to celebrate. Unfortunately, they are more adult parties so you can't come." the redhead stated as she sat down next to you on the bench of the Quinjet. "Oh," you said, "do these happen a lot?" you asked the group. "Not too often anymore now that you are here," Steve said giving you a warm smile. "Okay, sounds good," you said as you sent the group a smile. "I can give you company if you would like," Bruce said, the two of you were very alike in your introverted ways.
"that's fine, I still have some shows I want to catch up on." Thor came over and gave you a hug. "Thank you Lady Y/n, you are appreciated," he shouted. "Okay.. too much.." you tried to say until Thor finally let go. As the quinjet finally landed, Tony turned towards the team and clasped his hands together. "Let's get the party started."
It wasn't a one-time thing.
It turned into almost every mission that Tony was involved in or anytime the community wanted to celebrate the Avengers, excluding Y/n. You should have said something to someone, but as the youngest, you felt you didn't really have a say in the after-party. And it wasn't like they were ignoring you all the time, they were great friends and teammates. But the after-mission part just became routine that nobody noticed or asked how you felt.
The group just came back from another mission, this time with Sam Wilson with them. He was a new teammate and you didn't know him too well. But you knew that he worked at the VA and was a therapist of some sort.
"Seriously Y/n you did great on this mission, we couldn't have done it without you kiddo," Clint said as he patted your back. "Thanks, Arrow" you responded. "Hey Tony what time does the party start?" you asked. "Um around 9pm so you can go get your dinner quickly then head upstairs," Tony responded. You wanted to ask if you could all hang out as a team but with the way everyone responded to the party news, you didn't want to bring everyone down.
"You send Y/n upstairs for the party? Why doesn't she join?" Sam questioned looking puzzled. it wasn't a secret that you were one of the most helpful avengers. Your powers have helped a lot on a mission and saved countless lives, including your teammates. Before you could even speak, Steve spoke on your behalf.
"They like to spend after a mission in their room. It's routine for them." Steve said as he started to remove part of his mask. "You are okay with this Y/n?" Sam asked concerned. You put on a fake smile and nodded. "Yeah, as Steve said, it's routine," you commented. Sam could see you were hurt inside, but knew now wasn't the time to ask about it.
Later on, once the party was in full swing downstairs, you were in your room in your favorite pair of sweats and got a cupcake and a candle out of the fridge in the room. You had on y/f/m in the background as you sat on the bed with the cupcake on a plate. You were about to light the candle when you heard a knock on the door. "Come in," you responded. You were surprised someone even came to check on you.
Sam walked in and closed the door behind you and let out a sigh when he saw the image in front of him. "Please tell me they didn't forget your birthday or else I'll go down there and beat their asses." he quipped. You laughed as you shook your head. "No don't worry, it was just my 50th mission today," you responded as you lifted up your cupcake. "Want some?" you asked. Sam came and sat on the bed, "yeah why not." he responded.
The two of you ate in silence for a while before Sam spoke up. "Do you like spending your nights in here after missions?" he questioned looking at you. "Depends, most nights I don't mind, but on missions where I know I did a lot of help and they don't even include me in the celebration, that's when it sucks," you responded. "I thought that I would be invited tonight," you stated. You gestured to a short y/f/c dress that was in your closet. "I even had an outfit picked out." you laughed. It was stupid when you thought about it.
"Well go put on the outfit." Sam said with a straight face. "wait, really? I can come?" you asked with hope in your eyes. "I'm part of the team now, and I know it's no good for you to celebrate a big milestone alone," he said as he got off your bed. he extended his hand, which you took. "Now hurry and get ready, I don't want to wait all day." You turned towards Sam with a smile on your face. "Thanks, ill hurry I promise," you said as you locked your bathroom door.
Ten minutes later, the two of you were heading downstairs and the avengers and company were shocked to see you with Sam. Tony and the rest of the team were quick to approach you. "Hey, what are you doing down here kiddo? Thought you would be upstairs." Tony said with a glass of whiskey in hand. "She never wanted to be-" sam started before you put your hand on his arm. "Sam, I got this," you stated before turning back towards the group.
"I never wanted to be upstairs. During our first mission together, you guys kind of sent me upstairs because there was a party. And you promised that it would only happen every so often. And that didn't turn out to be true, and I was too afraid to say anything to correct you guys. But tonight was my 50th Mission, I was hoping that we can do something as a group to celebrate, and it seems you had all forgotten about it.” you stated to them. The group all looked incredibly guilty.
"It was your 50th mission?" bruce asked. "Yeah," you said with a laugh as you pulled back some hair. "I'm sorry Kiddo, we should have done better," Clint said with a sad face. "Yeah you should have." sam said annoyed. "How about this, I can kick these people out, give us an hour to clean up, and we can eat ice cream and watch a movie. sounds good?" Tony asked coming over to give you a hug. You looked up at him and smiled. "That sounds perfect." Tony smiled back before nodding toward Steve.
"Attention, everyone. Unfortunately, we are going to ask you all to leave so we can spend some team bonding time. But before you go," he said as you notice Natasha gave you a glass of your favorite drink and gave you a quick hug. "can we all raise our glasses to Y/n. Tonight was her 50th mission as an avenger, and we wouldn't be more grateful to have such an incredible person on the team. To Y/n." Steve said. The crowd responded as everyone cheered in your honor.
You wiped some of the tears from your eyes as you saw the guest leave down the main exit. Thor turned towards you and gave you a good pat on the head. "We are all very proud of you young one. Would you like some Asgardian Liquor to celebrate?"
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literaryavenger · 10 months
Broken - part 3
Summary: You find Bucky having a panic attack and do your best to help him.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Minimal use of Y/N. Panic attack. Innocent and broken Bucky. I'd also like to say I never actually had a panic attack but did my best to write the whole process with the research I did. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 2.1K
Part 1 | Part 2
A/N: I'll say it till the end of time: English isn't my first language and this is my first fanfic. I'm thinking of starting to write fanfics because I have so many different ideas and scenarios and I have NO idea where this one is going, so maybe let me know if you'd like to read more from me? Idk. If you find mistakes please feel free to point them out so I can correct them. I'd also love some feedback and constructive criticism Enjoy!
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As soon as you left the medbay, you immediately went to the floor where the guest rooms are, determined to check up on Bucky.
You find them all empty, so you decide to check around the tower in all the communal spaces: Living room, kitchen, training rooms, ecc.
At this point you're starting to wonder if he left the tower altogether. "Jarvis?" you decide to ask the AI.
"Yes, Miss Y/LN?" he answer.
"Do you happen to know where Bucky is?"
"He's locked himself in his room." Jarvis promptly answers, leaving you a little confused.
"But I checked the guest rooms, they were all empty."
"Mr Barnes has been assigned a permanent room, like every other Avenger."
"Oh." you say, a little surprised but happy about it "Could you tell me where it is?"
"It's on the 48th floor, room next to yours and in front of Mr. Wilson’s."
"Thank you, J." you say, making your way to the elevator.
"You're welcome, Miss." he says.
It made sense he would get assigned that room. It's one of the last ones left free as the team keeps growing, and it also happens to be the floor where Steve lives along with you and Sam.
You get to your floor and are thankful to see that it's empty, not wanting to confront anybody else today.
You make your way through the corridor and stop at the first bedroom on the left, Bucky's new room.
You gently knock on the door but don't get any type of answer, so you knock a little louder.
Again, nothing.
"Bucky, it's Y/N." you can't hear anything. "
I just wanted to make sure you were okay? Jarvis, are you sure he's in there?" you ask after not hearing a sound.
"Positive, miss Y/LN." you consider what to do for a few seconds.
He obviously doesn't want anyone's company. Or maybe he just doesn't want yours.
After all, you have known him less than a day, and he did left the medbay after you made eye contact and you saw him crying.
You hope he doesn't think you agree with what Tony said, even though you didn't even try to defend him after you learned about his past. But you were just shocked, whatever you expected, it definitely was not that.
Before you could decide to knock again or just leave him alone, you hear a very muffled sob coming from the other side of the door. As much as you do want to respect his privacy, you're getting a little worried.
You try opening the door but it's locked. "Jarvis, override lock on Bucky's room."
"Lock override successful." he says just as you hear the lock click.
You carefully open the door and look towards the bed, but see that it's empty.
You come in and close the door behind you, standing with your back against it and trying to adjust to the newfound darkness in the room without the light from the corridor.
You look around the room trying to locate Bucky when you hear another quiet sob coming from the furthest corner of the room.
You slowly make your way towards it and, as soon as you're close enough, you see Bucky curled up with his arms hugging his legs against his chest and his head buried in his legs.
"Bucky...?" you try to get his attention before getting any closer so as to not scare him, but you’re not sure if he can even hear you.
He's still visibly shaking like before and sobbing very quietly but uncontrollably. you get closer and kneel down right in front of him, gently putting a hand on his shoulder.
His head shoots up in surprise and the look on his face is that of pure fear as he moved back as close as he can against the wall and as far away from you as possible.
you feel bad for scaring him, and pull away a bit further from him, but still close enough so he can see who you are after the initial shock.
You can tell he recognizes you when his face and his shoulders drop some of the tension, although he makes no attempts to get closer to you.
You decide to try and get a little closer after a few moments, so you slowly get back to kneeling right in front of him while he watches your every move but doesn't try to get further away.
His eyes are wide open and his breathing is getting quicker by the second, tears still streaming down his face.
Then you realize he's having a panic attack.
You consider your options for a second. You've never had a panic attack yourself, but you know Tony gets them and, although you've happened to be there for a few of them over the years, you were never the one to calm him down. Getting him wasn't an option either, everything considered.
You could try to get Steve, he might know what to do if this has happened to Bucky before, but seeing Bucky's breathing get quicker and quicker you guess there's not enough time to get him here.
Then suddenly you remembered something helpful, thank fuck.
"Bucky, look at me." you order him quietly so as to not make him panic even more.
He meets your eyes, meaning you have his attention, but shows no signs of calming down.
"Tell me five things you can see." You simply tell him.
He's confused for a moment, but seeing the determined look on your face you guess he decides that he indeed heard correctly what you asked of him and starts looking around.
"I can see..." He starts but seems to have trouble finishing his sentence.
"It's okay, just try to take a deep breath and concentrate on the things around you." You tell him in the softest voice you can while trying not to panic yourself.
"I-I can see a lamp," he starts, looking around. "the door... a bed, a chair, and... a desk?" he finishes, a little unsure of what he's even doing.
"Good. Now, tell me four things you can touch." you tell him, still surprisingly calm.
"I can touch the carpet" he says, slowly touching the fluffy carpet under him. "The dresser, the wall..." he says, touching the dresser at his right and the wall at his left that he was basically hiding between.
"And... Um..." he looks like he has a little trouble coming up with a fourth thing, until he reaches for you, puts his right hand on your shoulder and says "And you."
You chuckle, which seems to calm him just the slightest bit and you keep going. "Alright, tell me three things you can hear."
He stays quiet for a few seconds, listening for sounds you imagine, and then says "I can hear the AC, the rain and the elevator being used."
He then looks at you waiting for the next thing, but you take a second to realize what he said and you're impressed.
You hadn't even realized it's raining and the elevator was all the way across the floor. The hearing on this man. With a small 'damn' that you’re now sure he can hear, you keep going.
"Tell me two things you can smell." you tell him.
You can see his nose scrunch a little, which you find adorable, and he says "I can smell jasmine." looking at the flower vase on his bedside table filled with jasmines, your favorite flowers that Tony tends to leave here and there just for your enjoyment.
"And… strawberries?" he says, a little confused with his answer.
You're confused too until you realize what he's probably smelling. "Oh, it's probably just my shampoo" you say with a chuckle.
He gives you a nod with a smile smile and you say "Now, last thing, tell me one thing you can taste."
He thinks about your words for a second, a look of concentration on his face, then he looks back at you and says, very quietly. "I can taste my tears."
you give him a sad smile and say "That's heartbreaking... But on the bright side, you're not panicking anymore."
He gives you a sad smile of his own, but seems to suddenly realize everything that just happened.
His face drops and he bows his head, refusing to look you in the eye, clearly very embarrassed that you saw him in the middle of a panic attack.
"Are you okay?" you ask him softly, tears still running down his face and his body still trembling a little but visibly more calm.
"I should be the one asking you that..." he answers, his voice a little hoarse from all the crying.
You can't help the smile that makes its way on your face at his concern.
"I'm fine, thanks to you. Are you okay, though?" you ask again.
"You shouldn't be here..." he says quietly.
He's still avoiding your question, so instead you ask "Why not?"
"I could hurt you..." he says in a small, sad voice that breaks your heart.
"Would you hurt me?" you ask.
He frowns and almost immediately says "of course not" still very quietly.
You give him a reassuring smile and say "Then I'm not worried." he finally looks up at you and gives you a small smile.
After a few minutes of silence, you feel the need to ask him. "Was that the first time that happened to you?"
He shakes his head and, when you don't say anything else and just look at him expectantly, he elaborates.
"I've had a few in the last three months, since... You know..." He says with a quiet voice and avoided your gaze. "It was the first time someone helped me though... Steve tried to, but they wouldn't let him..." he finishes.
You know by 'they' he means the guards at the Raft, so you don't ask any more questions about it, knowing he probably wants to forget about that place in the first place.
So instead you get up, look down at him and, extending your arm for him to take, you ask. "Why don't you get some sleep? You look exhausted."
He just nods, slowly taking your hand and getting up with absolutely no help from you. Being a big and strong dude of course he doesn't need it.
You walk to his bed and he sits down, you turn and are about to walk to the door when he stops you, his hand still in yours.
You turn back towards him and see him looking down, which makes you think that maybe you imagined him pulling on your hand?
But then you hear him, barely because of how low his voice is, asking "Can you stay?"
You aren't sure you heard right, so you ask him "You want me to stay with you?"
But he seemed to take that as you thinking he was crazy for even suggesting something like that because he very quickly drops your hand and says "You don't have to, you probably have enough of me after the panic attack, it's alright you can go." and just lays down on the bed, turning his back on you.
You stand there for a moment, thinking of what to do before you decide that not only is it clear that Bucky was desperately reaching out, not wanting to be alone, but you don't want to be alone either.
And, right now, it feels like Bucky is your only friend left in the tower. The only one you aren't pissed at, at least.
You move closer to his bed and quietly say "Bucky... I can stay, if you want me to."
He turns around to face you, a little shocked so you give him a smile to let him know you're serious.
He scoots over to make space for you and, after taking off your shoes and without either one of you saying another word, you lay down on your back.
After several minutes of silence you hear him quietly say "Thank you." which makes you turn on your side so you're facing him, only to find him already facing you.
"Anytime." you whisper back with a smile, which he returns.
You stay like that for a little while, just looking at each other, and eventually you fall asleep, his beautiful, freakishly blue eyes being the last thing you see.
Bucky watches you sleep for a bit until he also falls into a quiet sleep, with you very unaware of the fact that this is the first time in years, if not decades, that Bucky actually gets a full night of peaceful sleep.
Part 4
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thesirencult · 9 months
You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your f*****’ fingers and say, “That’s the bad guy.” So what that make you? Good? You’re not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie.
(Tony Montana, Scarface)
Most people can not handle their darker side. They can not handle their ego and their deepest desires. Now, I'm not telling you to become like Tony Montana. He was consumed by his vices and they run the show for him. I'm telling you to do what you what to do and to stop lying to yourself and hiding from your true nature.
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A couple of years ago, I met a girl who had an obsession with finding a wealthy man. She did not care about anything else other than the money. In her defense, she grew up in a poor family where, her dad beat her mom up and he even did that while her mom was pregnant with her.
That girl was studying finance. She took up Arabic and wanted to work for off shore companies where she could find a husband. She specifically told me she wanted her husband to drive a Porsche which has more prestige than a BMW and buy her a BMW cause the woman should be beneath her husband. Overall she was "micey" in character. If you didn't know her you would think she was shy and religious, but. you should know better guys, these people have more ego problems than the most outspoken, egomaniac extrovert.
So, she looked "weak" but had an agenda. She also was trying to give off the "trad wife" vibe but salivated as soon as a man breathed her direction and shamed any woman who showcased her seductiveness.
A few days ago, she messaged me. She wanted to grab a coffee with me as she would be in town. I was surprised when I saw her. In the "kindest" way I can put it, she looked like women who run on every single rally around and fight for justice (nothing wrong with taht, but if you're following me I bet you get what I'm trying to convey). A white girl with Bob Marley braids! Yup, there it is!
She told me she had given up Arabic and no longer wanted to work in a big shipping corporation because that supported big oil and their agenda. She then preached to me about equality and why the left is supreme. Now, I'm pretty straightforward so I asked her, how and why her views changed. She wanted to own 3 cars and be a stay at home mom! She looked outside the window of the coffee shop and saw my parked car.
"Do you see this car?"
I said "Yeah, I see it."
"Whoever drives this car is a right wing egomaniac who doesn't care about the environment and just wants to flaunt their money." (my car is a hybrid you guys!)
"Do you drive?"
"No, I can not afford a license and my family owns only one car. Also, I'm scared of driving. Also, did I tell you I'm running on the elections with the *left wing side*. Will you vote for me? If I make it I'll get 2k per month plus health care benefits."
"That's my car. I was going to ask you, do you want to take the train home or will you ride with me?" I just wanted this meeting to bo over, to tell you the truth.
She came with me.
Wanna know why? Here is my hypothesis (and it ties in with Tony Montana's words):
99% of people give up on their dreams by age 23. In order to make it easier for them and help them soothe the guilt this breeds, they begin to drift to the opposite "side" of the court. Pornstars turn to trad wives. Playboys turn to "faithful" husbands who preach the word of the Lord. Money and power hungry individuals take up boring jobs and blame the rich and the goverment for everything. Men who can not pick up women turn to red pill guys and so on and so forth.
Most people can not handle their darker side. They can not handle their ego and their deepest desires. Now, I'm not telling you to become like Tony Montana, he was consumed by his vices and that's who runs the show. Either you run the show or someone else or something (an addiction) runs it for you.
We see all that often with sex. Body counts, "I can not find a good man/woman" etc. People who can not get what they want hate those that have the GUTS to get it.
If my acquaintance's beliefs are that strong why did she enjoy the drive in the luxury SUV? Why did she then ask me when are we going out again and if I can bring "that" guy friend who runs a tech start up?
Because they are not her beliefs. They are just a cover up. A mask.
We've all seen how happy some people get when a dreamer fails.
So, go one. Fail. You''ll succeed at some point. You're better than those who sit on the sidelines running their mouth.
They would want to be at your shoes. They would want to run free on the court.
Own that. Own yourself and run after your goals and desires. Fuck them.
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ad1thi · 2 months
stevetony recs you won't see on other rec lists
I've (surprisingly) been reading a lot of stevetony lately, and have come across a couple of gems that i feel are vastly under-appreciated, and wanted to show them some love. Obviously, the title is a misnomer because maybe you have seen these on other rec lists, but it's clickbait okay !! Don't forget to leave kudos and comments, if you like what you've read !!
No Trait As Much As This : @kandisheek-art
Tony gets hit with truth serum. It's a terrible time for everyone.
the year you were mine : @areiton
The night that changes his life forever, Steve is on a date with another man. Or: Steve is a pricy escort and Tony buys him for a year. Neither of them are doing this for love.
Meant : @ardett
What Steve meant when he asked out Tony was very different than what Tony meant when he said yes.
One Last Second Chance : @/Muccamukk
Tony Stark, second newest engineer at Rhodes Labs International, is just trying to rebuild from the ruins of his failed company, vanished fortune, and struggles with alcoholism. His goals include keeping his head down, avoiding stress and convincing Dr. Rhodes to let him build a really cool robot, so why does the universe keep throwing Avengers in his path?
Not just a river in Egypt (Tony is most certainly not in denial) : @lilgideon
"You are most definitely not in love with me, Cap, what you are experiencing is called cabin pressure," Tony explains, because he has a rational train of thought and he's met enough shrinks to have figured out their tactics by now. "And possibly, you know, sexual frustration, because it doesn't matter at all that you're, like, America's national icon, Fury still won't let you out. I know that, I see that, I acknowledge your pain, I feel with you, Cap, believe me, I do. And I get it, because I am a very good-looking fellow and we spend a lot of time together, stuck in this tower, and it's easy to--" "I am," Steve cuts off, equal parts amused and frustrated and concerned. "In love. With you. Tony, I'm in love with you."
then sirens, then bells (the broadcast remix) : @isozyme
“I tire of this,” Amora says, and with a casual gesture the entire team is pinned in place, frozen in mid-air. Steve has the unsettling, half-familiar feeling of someone rifling through his head like it’s a card catalogue. A mind-reader as well as a witch, then. A female voice whispers into his mind’s ear. It’s very tragic in here, dearheart, but I think your armored friend is, somehow, more psychically toxic than even you. What’s wrong with Tony? Steve thinks, but the presence is gone, leaving his memories of war stirred up like flying insects rising off a lake in at dawn.
The Enchantress opens Tony's mind to anyone and everyone near him. Steve knows he should let Tony keep his secrets, but he's not noble enough to stay away
The Twice-Told Tale : @arysteia
For someone he'd hero-worshipped for so long, Steve Rogers in the flesh is a pretty big disappointment. For one thing, he keeps looking at Tony as though he reminds him of someone else, and even if he never says anything, Tony's pretty sure it's his father. A lifetime of not measuring up to Howard's expectations is more than enough, thank you very much, and he's certainly not going to make an effort to live up to any of Steve's. Steve's pretty clearly failed to live up to his expectations, in any case, and that's not hypocritical at all.
i'm going too far (just to have you near) : @/zaynerpaner
“Rhodey, why did you leave me here?” Tony demands. The voice on the other line doesn't sound exactly like Rhodey’s – in fact, it sounds like he’d woken somebody up, which couldn’t be right since Rhodey had been here with him earlier. “Who is this?” the voice speaks again, and – it’s too deep. Rhodey’s voice isn’t that deep. “Rhodey? It’s Tony, m’phone’s dead and I need you to pick me up,” he tries again, frowning as he leans against the bar. “Uh, I think you have the wrong number.” OR the one where Tony drunk calls the wrong number looking for a ride home from the bar, and Steve comes to pick him up.
Living In The Future : @/Closer
Eighteen-year-old Tony Stark is the boy genius who woke Captain America, and now he's stuck with him. That's not a bad thing, but between Steve's wide-eyed wonder at the new world and Tony's little fanboy crush, the awkwardness just keeps happening.
if we ever meet again : @/anonymous
"It’s been two months," Steve says, voice low. "Rhodey- Colonel. It’s been two months.”
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To celebrate one week since the ending of Such Stuff, here are some headcanons about the future that awaits our boys 🥰✨
Such stuff future headcanons 🎭
They make it work, obviously. It takes a while for things to go smoothly, they fight some more, but they both do their best to find solutions and in the end it pays off. John learns to speak up when things are bothering him without fearing a negative reaction from Gale, and Gale learns to ask questions and not to assume he knows everything that goes through John's mind.
Gale doesn't become a full-time professional actor but he keeps acting with amateur groups and sometimes he joins the Hundredth's productions in smaller roles and John always brings him flowers at the stage door, even if he was acting too.
It's ok, though: at some point he realizes he actually likes teaching and once he's not a substitute teacher anymore he likes it even more!
Gale also runs the drama club at school, and every year there's a different actor from the Hundredth working with him to teach the kids. They put on a show that goes live for one night at the Abbotts at the end of the school year, and soon the other schools in the area want the same kind of extracurricular. Bonus: Tabitha does actually become an actress!
Marge becomes the Hundredth's official costume designer and even when she moves on to bigger clients she still takes time to design things for them for (almost) free. And after a long on again-off again stage, she and Rosie actually do get together for good and become the Girlboss/Malewife duo that was missing from the group.
John's career takes off after the Tempest, he remains in the Bloody Hundredth but also participates in productions of bigger companies. He ends up winning different awards, most importantly a Tony, and dedicates every single one to “his partner, his Buck”, and later to “his husband, his Buck.”
John and Alex act together in something at some point and Gale risks having a stroke because he didn't know he could fangirl so much.
Gale and John start thinking about moving in together around a year after the Tempest, but Gale feels guilty because he doesn't want to leave Benny with the burden of a rent too high/a house too big for a single person. What he doesn't know is that Benny is hesitating about moving in with Brady for the exact same reason; luckily for them Bucky and Brady figure it out and make the other two talk about it.
They end up finding flats in the same building, one on top of the other, which is great so Meatball can have all his four dads with him.
Benny and Gale still have lunch together at their diner on Sundays, once a month without exceptions.
When Bucky's mom and/or sisters come visit they always want to see Brady too and bring food and other stuff for both their boys.
John tries reconnecting with his father but since he still disapproves of his career he decides to cut him loose. It hurts him a whole lot, and Gale does his best to comfort him because he knows exactly what it's like.
Three years after they first met Gale decides that he wants to ask John to marry him. He goes at great lengths to plan the perfect proposal because he knows John would like something big and extravagant; he chooses the Abbotts as the perfect spot, prepares a picnic to eat on stage and vows everyone else to secrecy.
Still, the proposal doesn't go as planned because John can't keep his mouth shut (we'll see this moment in the future, I promise). But they still get engaged and they'll have a funny story to tell their guests!
John's vows at the wedding are super elaborate with quotes from good ol' Will Shakespeare, math puns, and whatnot, but he gets so emotional that he starts tearing up so his sniffles the whole time he reads them. Gale affectionately gives him shit about it after the wedding but in that moment he is so incredibly happy he feels like crying too.
Gale wouldn't mind taking John's last name after the wedding but he suggests to hyphenate them so Gale won't lose part of himself, and Gale accepts.
Benny and Brady adopt a little girl from the foster system, it's Brady's idea because he wants do be for someone else what Bucky's family has been for him. The girl instantly becomes the mascot for the Hundredth as everyone loves her, and auntie Marge makes her beautiful dresses.
The question of having kids or not creates a little bit of tension between the Bucks because they both want them but John fears Gale doesn't because of his father, and Gale fears John doesn't because of his career. They both talk about it with their sleep deprived ex roommates and they force them to fucking get it together.
They end up adopting a kid too, a few years later than their friends, when John's career is at a point where he can take some time off without risking losing too much money and opportunities. It's a little girl and her name's Viola, like the main character in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, so they take it as a sign from fate.
She becomes the Hundredth's second mascotte, and best friend/cousin to little Amelia DeMarco. When they're a little older they put on mini plays for their families, because of course theatre is a big part of their upbringing! They like to watch their dads act and the Abbotts is basically their second home. The Colonel pretends to be annoyed by it but they're his uttermost delight.
John doesn't die at 45 in this universe but he still has a health scare around that age, like a worrying bout of tachycardia right when he's working on a new project. He only goes to the doctor because Gale pushes him, he's convinced it's gonna be nothing but the doctor tells him he's actually at risk of heart conditions.
Gale immediately puts him on a healthier diet and starts worrying immensely about him, always checking where John is and what he's doing, until one day he fully has a panic attack because he can't reach him (John's simply rehearsing) and it's John turn to drive him to the hospital.
They talk about it because they can't keep goin on like this. John promises to take a break after this new show is over, then he'll talk to the doctors about a pacemaker or something. Gale makes him install an app on his watch so he can monitor his heartbeat remotely, and with the help of his friends and daughter tries to keep his anxiety in check.
They have a pretty ugly fight when John tries to launch himself into another project after this one, Gale accusing him of not caring about himself or their family.
Their friends help them riconciliate, and Crosby saves the day asking John to help him write and direct a new play; it's less stressing on the body than acting, and John finds out he's actually pretty good at that too. They win some prizes, but after the run is over John goes back to acting.
He doesn't present it as an ultimatum to Gale, he even tells him he'll quit if that would make him feel better, but Gale knows what theatre means to John and by now he's learned how to cope with his anxiety so he gives him his blessing. And oh boy, John shows him well how thankful he is for that...
That's it for now, but more may come in the future!
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aurumacadicus · 7 months
Tony gets personal mail a week after he sends off his Dear John letter. He stares at it like it's a venomous snake, hands shaking whenever he reaches to open it. Finally, he takes it to Pepper, too ashamed of the disgust he might see on Rhodey's face when he tells him why he's scared to open it. (Rhodey had received a Dear John letter on his first deployment and it left him gun-shy of starting relationships anymore. Tony had promised he'd never be like the girl who broke his heart, wait to break up in person, but the idea of faking it in letters for eighteen months just to drop Steve on his ass as soon as he saw him feels no better.)
"...Tony," Pepper whispers, shoving the letter back at him frantically. "He hasn't gotten your letter yet."
"HUH?!" Tony bellows, snatching the letter open, and crumples to the ground when he sees it laden with 'sweetheart's and 'baby's and 'honey's. There's also some really raunchy stuff that he is mortified that Pepper saw. He looks back up at her, clutching the letter to his chest. "What. What do I do."
"Well, I don't think you can write back at this point," Pepper says after a brief pause.
So Tony doesn't, even though he keeps reading and rereading Steve's letter. Steve just didn't know he'd been broken up with when he'd written it. When Tony's letter catches up to him, he'll learn why Tony never wrote back to the one he sent. It's embarrassing, but, what can he do.
But Steve's letter's keep coming, week after week, and it dawns on Tony, as he reads about the things Steve's been doing, and he finally gets the PS of "I know mail is dodgy where I am but when are you going to write back :(", that his Dear John letter... must have gotten lost in the mail. Steve doesn't know Tony broke up with him two months ago.
Tony sits down to write another one, but in the end, he can't quite bear to write 'I think it's better if we part ways' twice. Especially not when he's found himself enjoying Steve's letters. Part of the reason he'd wanted to break up was because he knew he was clingy, and he'd never managed a long-distance relationship before (although, he realizes as he stares at the blank paper, he'd never broken up with anyone because of it; he'd been the one broken up with). Plus, all of Steve's comrades had such involved family and friends when it came to their service. Tony doesn't have the leisure of going hard for the army when his company is trying to change its image. Steve had said he'd understood, but he'd also looked a little sad about it. He hadn't really wanted to break up, anyway, he figures, rubbing a hand over his face. He'd just been trying to get ahead of Steve dumping him.
So he sends Steve a letter. He tells him his other letter must have gotten lost, but there was nothing important in it. He'll try to write more often. He just didn't know how often Steve would get his letters. He pauses writing again after sending it off, but then he gets a letter back from Steve telling him he was sorry he missed the other letter, and yes, mail calls might be sparse, but he'd happily take a stack of letters with the same joy as the letters trickling in one by one.
Tony falls more in love with Steve through their letters. This is a different side of him than he's ever seen before, somehow impossibly sweeter and yet even more sincere. He understands why Steve insisted on letters instead of emails beyond the basic 'there's not always internet where we are.' He adores going back, reading over things, tracing his fingers over the ink as if he can read how Steve felt when he wrote. He can't wait for Steve to come back from his deployment so he can see him face-to-face, tell him all about his stupid first letter and how glad he was that it got lost. Steve will almost certainly laugh. Tony's confident in that now.
And then, all at once, the letters stop. Tony doesn't notice at first--sometimes mail is sporadic. Steve can't give him his exact location, but he knows enough that sometimes, bags of letters aren't important compared to bags of supplies. He keeps writing, hesitantly deciding that maybe they're just... moving locations? Or. It's too dangerous for mail. Which is scary. But Steve being deployed is scary in general anyway. So. And Steve said he'd like a stack of letters. He'll be delighted by the size of the stack he gets.
Then one day his letter comes back. He didn't even know the army did 'return to sender.' He stares at the envelope for a long time. Maybe he'd gotten the address wrong. Maybe they moved? He doesn't know how addresses work in deployment. He turns the letter over, to see if it's still sealed.
DEAR JOHN is scrawled on the back, in big, block letters.
Tony drops it as if it burned him, and he claps his hands over his mouth to muffle the wounded keen tearing at his throat.
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tastefulstars · 2 years
He's With The Band
You intimidate Steve a little but that doesn't stop him from wanting you.
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steve harrington x f!reader (best friend!eddie x reader)
warnings: 18+ only mdni. eddie tries to be a good wingman but doesn't really manage it. r thinks she's too out there for steve and steve thinks r and eddie are together. unprotected sex. car sex. dirty talk. oral (f receiving). floor sex. switch steve i guess (more sub steve than anything). not proof read.
w/c: 4.4k
You were excited, nerves fluttering in your stomach. Anxiety always ate at you before a show, no matter how much you enjoyed yourself. Putting the finishing touches on your makeup, you give yourself a once over in the mirror and grin. Your tartan print pants fit your legs and ass beautifully, chains hanging and tinkling as you walk, and your shirt was ripped and faded and you knew that everyone would probably get a glimpse of your cleavage at some point.
You look good.
Your friends and band-mates, Alex, Sean and Tony, call out for you and you rush over to them. You wrap your arms around them, creating a little huddle and you bounce on your toes.
“I’m so ready!” You cheer, “Are you ready?”
“Fuck yeah!”
“Let’s fuckin’ go, baby!”
"I was born ready" Sean laughs, accented voice filling the space.
You laugh and as you all hype each other up, giving each other a gentle squeeze before breaking away. You grab your guitar and walk onstage.
You step up to the microphone, take a deep breath and pluck the opening notes to your first song of the night.
You belt out songs, loosing yourself in the moment and by the end of your set, you're covered in sweat and breathing hard. You always loved the thrill of it, riding the high long after you'd left the stage.
All you wanted to do was have a couple drinks and relax but you also didn't want to leave the boys to have to pack up your equipment. Your arms ached as you lugged the guitar cases to the van, you groan as you place them inside.
You hear loud laughter and you grin.
"Hey, I'll be back in a tick" You tell Alex and he waves you away dismissively, rolling his eyes.
You almost run towards the laugh, beaming.
"Hugs incoming!" You laugh and launch yourself at Eddie.
He opens his arms and catches you, spinning you around squeezing you tight. You hold onto his shoulders as he places you back onto your feet.
"I didn't think you were coming tonight"
"Don't be silly" He laughs, "I'll always come to your shows. I even managed to drag my friends along"
He gestures to the people lingering around him, watching you both curiously. You turn slightly, wrapping your arm around Eddie's waist as you beam at them and wave.
"Ah, thanks for coming"
"Not gonna lie, half of them only came because I told them that there was a girl fronting a rock band" Eddie teases and you roll your eyes.
"This is Robin, Nancy, Steve" Eddie gestures to each of them as he introduces them, "Erica, Dustin, Max, Lucas, Will, El and Mike"
"You guys were awesome" Dustin says.
"You, um, really put on a show" Nancy says, and you laugh.
"Ahh, I know our music isn't for everyone. Did you have a good time, though?"
"Oh absolutely" She says, nodding her head.
"I didn't think that I would enjoy it, to be honest" Robin starts, "But it's kind of refreshing to see a woman fronting the kind of music Eddie listens to"
Eddie snorts at her comment and rolls his eyes, leaning down he loudly whispers to you.
"Robin thinks it's just noise, not real music like Cyndi Lauper"
You laugh loudly at the disgust in his voice and you see her flush with embarrassment, you shoot her a soft smile to let her know you don't mean any harm.
You laugh as they chat, cuddling into Eddie and enjoying his and his friend's company. You glance over at Steve a few times and see him quickly look away each time you catch his eye. You can't help yourself, dragging your gaze over him, enjoying his soft eyes and fluffy hair.
"Hey Egg!" You hear Tony shout from the van, "Quit slackin' off and come help us!"
You groan and hug Eddie harder, burying your face into his chest and he laughs as you cling to him.
"No!" You shout back, your voice muffled by Eddie's shirt. You feel his chest shake with laughter.
"Go on" He says, "I'll hang out for a bit and we can catch up after"
You pull away, pointing at him sternly.
"Don't go anywhere"
You say as you start to walk backwards before you turn around and head back to the van, continuing to help load the equipment into the van. You glance over every few minutes to check Eddie and his group were still there.
Once you slide the van shut, you immediately start walking back to Eddie. Alex, Tony and Sean following behind you. Eddie smiles at you and you slot yourself back into his side, his arm resting around your shoulders.
"Hey man" He greets your band-mates, "Good show tonight"
"Thanks Eddie" Sean says.
You tune out a lot of the conversation, eyes drifting back to Steve every few moments. You turn slightly, squeezing Eddie and peering up at him as he looks over to you.
"Yes?" He raises his eyebrow and you purse your lips.
"Is, um" You lean in closer and whisper, face flushing, "Is Steve like, seeing anyone?"
A big smile slowly spreads over Eddie's face and he wiggles his eyebrows, making you groan and scrunch your face up.
"Forget it" You pout and he shakes his head, stepping away from the group and pulling you along with him.
"We'll be back in a second" He throws over his shoulder.
Eddie leads you to his van, offering you a smoke. You lean against the side of the van as you light it, side flush with his.
"From what I know, Steve's not dating and not wanting to get involved with anyone" He tells you as you inhale the cigarette, you pass it to him.
"Why do you wanna know?" He asks and your stomach flips.
"Um. I, I dunno- guess I wanted to know if I had a shot"
"Hmm. Look - to be completely honest with you and I'm not saying this to hurt you or anything okay? But I don't think I've ever seen Steve with anyone who isn't the Good Girl Next Door cookie cutter type. Go for it though honey, if you don't at least ask him you'll never know"
Something curls deep in your stomach and you sigh, knowing that a lot of people had passed on you because of the way you dress, your way of life, your Take No Shit attitude.
It wasn't the first time you'd been told something along the lines of 'if only you weren't... like that".
"Thanks Eds, I guess one day I'll find someone who likes me for me"
You laugh awkwardly as the two of you pass the cigarette between each other.
"What are you talkin' about, I'm right here" Eddie says hands flapping around himself and you laugh, rolling your eyes.
"You know what I mean" You groan.
"Ahh, like someone who wants to get all up inside you?" He laughs and you shove him.
"We could never work" He sighs dramatically, "We'd be too powerful"
"You mean we'd crash and burn real quick" You tease.
It's not like you hadn't thought about it but you just couldn't see Eddie as someone you wanted in that way. You wanted him to be in your life, be in his life for as long as you could. He was one of your soulmates, your closest friend and someone you could count on for anything, but it was all platonic.
You chew on your lower lip, you sigh and push off the van.
"Better get goin'" You mumble, holding your hand out and wrap your hand around his.
You can't help but feel a little disappointed and you know your smile fell a little short when you reached the group. Tony raises his eyebrow at you and you scrunch your nose slightly.
"Well, it's been great meeting you all but we should probably head off" Tony says.
You say your goodbyes to Eddie's friends, disappointment filling your throat as you reach Steve. You give Eddie another big hug, pressing a quick kiss on his cheek.
"See ya around, baby doll"
Eddie's loud, bark of laughter follows you to Alex's van. You climb in the front, glancing over to Sean and Tony squished in the back amongst all the gear.
"You okay, Egg?" Tony asks, "You looked a little upset when you and Eddie got back"
"Yeah" You sigh, looking out the window as Alex starts the drive to his home, "Just sucks hearing that someone wouldn't give you a chance 'cause of the way you dress"
"So which one of Eddie's friends do you fancy, then?" Sean asks and you groan, hating how well the boys knew you.
"Not telling" You pout, not wanting to give them any more ammunition to tease you.
"I bet it was the girl, Robin was it?" Alex muses.
"Nah, it was totally Nancy" Tony shoots back.
"You lot are mad" Sean laughs, "She was clearly checking out Steve the entire time"
You huff, crossing your arms over your stomach and turn to face the window much to their amusement.
You hate that you can't get him out of your head. Images of his warm eyes and his kissable lips and his fluffy hair flash behind your closed eyes, driving you insane with want.
You're so worked up that you get yourself off multiple times over the weeks to fantasies involving Steve. You imagine him fucking you hard and fast in the dirty bathroom of the club, imagine sliding your way down his body and sucking him down your throat and listening to the noises he makes, imagine him pressing you against the door of a dressing room and burying his fingers inside you.
You let your fantasies run wild and you almost hate yourself for it and it certainly didn't help that you see Steve everywhere. Heading to work? Steve's running past. Pushing your cart at the grocery store? Steve's coming around the corner. You're dropping off some equipment Eddie asked to borrow? Steve's spread out on his couch.
There's a Corroded Coffin show tonight and you decide to dress your best, let loose and maybe go home with a a cutie. You feel great - black band shirt loose around your torso paired with a short black skirt and your leather jacket. You pull on long boots that sit an inch or so over your thighs, teasing a flash of skin between them and your skirt.
You take your time styling your hair and doing your makeup and you carefully slide rings onto your fingers. You looked sexy and felt it.
You didn't expect to see Steve there, wearing tight jeans and a loose shirt that had the sleeves torn off. You got an eyeful of his strong arms and chest, your mouth floods with saliva and your cunt gushes, clenching around nothing and you ache.
"Hey!" He smiles warmly at you when he spots you, speaking loudly and leaning close so you can hear him over the music, "Eddie will be glad you're here"
He stays close to you throughout the set, making your skin burn. You try to ignore it but your eyes dart to him every few minutes and you don't know if you want to throw yourself into the crowd and loose yourself in the music or grab Steve and plant a desperate kiss on his lips.
The show wraps up all too soon and you find yourself leaning against a table, Steve next to you. The two of you sip on your drinks while you wait for Eddie to pack away the gear and the people to slowly leave.
"Eds always puts on a great show" You say into your glass, eyes flicking to Steve.
"Yeah" Steve says, turning to face you, "Never thought I'd like it so much but I do"
"Not a big metal head, huh?"
Steve laughs and shakes his head, he lifts his glass and your eyes fall to his fingers. You swallow hard and force yourself to look away, to not watch as he presses his lips against the rim.
You squirm and press your thighs tightly together, feeling the wet slickness soaking your undies. You almost whine when his tongue darts out and licks at his lips.
"There you two are"
Eddie stands between you and Steve, forcing his way into the small space and throws his arms over both your shoulders. You groan and push away from him.
"Fuck off, Ed" You say as you shove at his arm, "You're so fuckin' sweaty"
"Oh" He lets go of you to press his hand against his chest, "You don't like my sweaty musk?"
He stares at you with wide eyes and you screw your face up.
"I'm hurt"
"Good" You shoot back and he drops his arm, laughing.
Steve's glancing between the two of you like he's trying to work something out.
"You want a drink?" You ask Eddie.
He smiles at you and you move to the bar.
There's still a number of people milling about and it takes you a little longer to get the attention of the bartender than usual. You carefully carry Eddie's drink back to the table and see him deep in conversation with Steve.
Eddie glances at you as you approach and beams, thanking you as you place the drink in front of him. You feel a little awkward, like you're intruding and focus on drinking and people watching while they talk.
"Right" Eddie says loudly, startling you, "I'm going to mingle with my adoring fans"
You snort at him and he gives you both a look. Steve rubs the back of his neck, eyes darting around the room.
"So, um- ah, how long have you been in your band?"
"Oh, a couple years now. Met Eds not too long after at a gig"
"That's cool" He says.
"How 'bout you? How'd you and Eddie meet?"
"We, um, met at school - Dustin, Lucas and Mike were all in a club Eddie ran"
"The Hellfire club?" You laugh and Steve nods.
"Yeah, he tell you about it?"
"Mhm, heard all about the campaigns and everything"
Steve looks over to you, laughing and eyes sparkling in the low light and you feel your heart flutter. You bite your lower lip and Steve's eyes drop to your mouth, he swallows hard.
Hope blooms in your chest and you slide a little closer to Steve, you don't miss the way he shifts nervously.
"How, how long you and Eddie been together then?" His voice is rough and he's staring at the people dancing.
He glances at you and sighs.
"Aren't you and Eddie, like, dating?"
"God no" You say as you pull a face, "Don't get me wrong, I love him but no"
Steve's eyes go a little wide and his lips part, he breathes a soft 'oh' and you shake your head. You lean in closer and don't miss the way he flushes.
"Tell you the truth?" You murmur, "Eddie isn't my type"
"No?" He breathes, eyes flicking between yours and your lips.
"No. I like soft, pretty boys with warm brown eyes"
Your stomach flutters painfully as you watch the flush spread over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.
"You, uh - um" He stutters , "The night we met, at your show. You, you looked like you could beat the shit out of me and um, turns out I'm really into that"
You let out a giddy laugh.
"I think I could take you"
Steve licks his lips, eyes dragging up to yours. His pupils are blown out and he looks so, so hot.
"Yeah?" He breathes and you nod slightly.
"Mmm you want me to manhandle you a bit, huh?"
You love the way his face slackens and lips part, his eyebrows pull together slightly and you want to just press him against the table and lick your way up his neck. Steve flushes deeper.
You shift, pressing into his space and bury your fingers in his hair. You hesitate, glancing at his lips before looking him in the eyes. Steve doesn't make you wait, hands wrapping around you and pulling you flush against him as he presses his lips against yours.
Steve pulls back slightly, far enough that you both can gasp for air before you lick at his lip. Steve whines softly against your mouth and you feel your insides shake.
The noise of the bar disappears as Steve holds you, his lips against yours.
You're not sure how long the two of you stand there, clinging to each other and making out but you start feeling like your nerves are exposed. Raw need eats at you and you're aching so badly, your cunt hurts.
You think you might go insane if he doesn't touch you soon.
"Steve" Your voice is shaky, "If we don't go somewhere else right now, I'm gonna cry"
"We don't want that"
He teases you as his strong hands grip your hips and gently tug you towards the door as he walks backwards.
You think you hear Eddies voice saying 'fuckin' finally' but you're too focused on Steve to pay much attention to it.
You press Steve against the side of his car, fingers winding around his hair and pressing a fiery, desperate kiss against his lips. You slide one of your legs in between his and grind down on his thigh. He groans softly and grips you so tightly, you think you might just melt into him.
"Fucking hell" Steve groans, throwing his head back and rocking against you.
You pant as you feel his cock hardening and you whine a little, feeling every thick inch of him pressed against you. You shove your hand between you and grip him through his jeans, Steve shudders and thrusts sharply against your palm.
You suck at his neck and curl your fingers, pressing firmly.
"Baby, we should. We should, go" You murmur as you lick his skin.
He fumbles and pulls his keys out of his back pocket and you peel yourself away from him. Steve clumsily unlocks his door and you climb into his car. Your hands don't leave him, you paw at his thighs and rub his chest as he drives.
"You takin' me home?" You purr and Steve clenches his jaw and his knuckles go white as he grips the wheel.
He grunts and pulls off, coming to a stop on the side of a quiet road. He pushes at you as he climbs into the backseat and you almost throw yourself over the seat.
You climb onto his lap and slam your lips onto his, Steve's hands gripping hard on your hips and pulling you down onto him. You bury your fingers in his hair and reach down between you, unzipping his jeans and tugging his cock out.
"Fuck, Steve" You whine as you stroke him, "Need you inside me"
Steve whimpers softly and you pull your undies aside, lowering yourself down on him. You moan loudly as his cock stretches you, the pleasurable burn as you sink down overcoming your senses.
"God you're so fucking wet" Steve moans, head tilting back and thumping against the headrest.
You lift yourself and slam yourself back down, riding him in a steady rhythm. Steve holds you and rocks up to meet you. The only noises filling the car are your combined heavy breathing, moans and the squelching of your cunt.
You chant his name as you work yourself on his cock, moaning and whispering into Steve's mouth.
"You feel so good, so big. Wanna come all over your huge cock, baby"
Steve presses his fingers between you, circling at your clit and you whine.
"You gonna come with me?" You breathe against Steve's lips, sharing air.
"Yeah, yeah" Steve whines, "'m close. You're so tight"
You both move faster, harder. Focusing on reaching your climaxes.
"Oh, god" You moan, "Don't stop, ah fuck, Steve"
"I'm gonna-" Steve grunts and you cry out as your own release slams into you.
Fire burns under your skin and you shake, pure pleasure coursing through your veins. You clench and flutter around Steve, milking his cock and making him groan.
You mouth at Steve's neck and sigh softly as he holds you tight against him.
"God damn" He breathes and you chuckle, pulling back and cupping his cheek. You kiss him softly.
"Better still be taking me home"
Steve laughs and pepper kisses over your face.
"As soon as you hop off me, gorgeous"
You pout and raise yourself, whining as Steve's cock slides out of you along with his fluid. You push your undies back into place to catch it all and climb off Steve, pushing the door open and stumbling out on shaky legs.
Steve follows you and you both fall back into the front of the car, Steve lets a small noise as he pulls back onto the road, speeding his way to his home while you whisper the filthy things you want to do to him.
The both of you practically fall out of the car, tripping over yourselves in your rush to get inside.
Steve presses you against the door as soon as you step inside, kissing you. His hands wander over your body, slipping under your shirt and gripping at your skin.
You hum and tip your head back, leaning heavily against the door. Steve kisses his way down your throat before dropping to his knees, pressing your legs apart.
He runs his palms up your boots, traveling up your thighs and pushing your skirt up until it bunches up around your waist. You peer down at him and moan as he stares up at you from under his lashes, face slack with desire.
He hooks his fingers into the waistband of your undies and pulls them down, letting them drop down your legs before he presses his mouth against your cunt.
Your eyes flutter closed and you bury your hands in his hair, pressing him firmly against you. Steve moans as he licks his way into your folds, his thumb sliding over until he can press it against your clit.
You shift, raising a leg to hook over his shoulder. You whine as he tilts his head in order to press his tongue into your entrance, pushing it as far as he could.
"Fuck, Steve" You moan, rocking your hips up into his mouth, "You- ahh, you're so good"
Your praise spurs him on, making him press himself harder against you and devour your cunt faster.
"So good to me" You whine, fingers digging into his scalp and tugging on his silky hair, "Gonna make me come again"
You feel his moan vibrate through you and you shake, core tensing and you can feel it building. Moans slip past your lips as Steve almost desperately eats you out, nipping and licking and sucking at your cunt until you can't take it anymore.
"Ohh, Steve"
You shake against him, vision blacking out and stars bursting behind your closed eyelids. Your knee buckles and Steve carefully lowers you down until you're pressed between the door and him. You pant harshly and tug at him, slamming your mouth against his and licking your own juices from his lips and chin.
The kiss turns filthy quickly and you pull away, tearing his shirt off his body before you pull your jacket and shirt off. Steve's hands immediately go to your torso, feeling your skin and palming at your tits.
"You're so fucking pretty" He whines, "Wanna fuck you"
"You can fuck me, baby"
You sigh, trailing your fingers down his torso and hooking your fingers into his jeans, popping the button and slowly dragging the zipper down.
"You gonna fuck me here on the floor?"
He turns you, laying you down on your back as he slides your boots off your legs before pulls your skirt off. He kisses his way up your stomach until he reaches your lips.
"You want me to fuck you on the floor"
You bite your lip and flush.
"Yeah" You whine, "Come on, baby doll. Fuck me like you mean it"
He drops his head and groans, furiously shoving his jeans down his hips. He kicks them off his legs and grabs your hips, pulling you close to him and wastes no time pressing into your soaking cunt.
Your back arches and you moan softly, wrapping your legs tightly around his waist and clinging to him.
Steve fucks you hard and rough, focused entirely on his own pleasure and you feel a thrill go through you at the idea of being used. Steve's groans and grunts fill the space as he thrusts into you. The push pull of Steve's thick cock fills you with ecstasy and you revel in it.
"You're so fucking tight" He groans into your ear, "So perfect for me"
You feel your cunt gush around Steve's cock at his words and you dig your nails into the soft flesh of his back.
"Ah fuck" Steve's soft groans, "God, so perfect. Perfect pussy"
Steve's babbling mindlessly as he rocks into you, spearing his cock deep inside you and making you squirm under him.
You pry your eyes open and gaze at Steve - his eyebrows drawn up in pleasure, lips parted and face flushed. You clench down on him and watch as his face contorts in pleasure.
"Come on, baby" You breathe, "Come on"
Your encouragement is all it takes for Steve's hips to stutter, slowing until he's gently rocking himself through his orgasm.
He collapses on top of you, his face buried in your shoulder and you feel his panting breath against your hot skin. You hold him close and stroke his back and his hair.
"Good, honey?"
He shifts and leans over you, gazing at you sweetly before leaning down to press his lips against yours. He rocks against you softly and you whine.
"Want you to fuck me until the only thing I remember is your name"
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pod-together · 20 days
Pod-Together Day 7 Reveals 2024
Love, not sedition (琅琊榜 | Nirvana in Fire (TV)) written by aninfiniteweirdo, performed by paintchipblue Summary: 'What is this, if not sedition?' The recording only shows stating as Xiao Jingyan doesn't answer out loud.
settling in (Welcome to Night Vale, The Magnus Archives (Podcast)) written by Koschei_B, performed by DuskDragon39 Summary: On his trip through America, Gerry passes an town of interest. In the end, it might not be exactly all he's expected to be, but he can't say he regrets staying in the long run. At the very least, he get to live, and all the dangerous stuff around isn't his concern to deal with. And, just maybe, he likes how friendly the people are, even if it's a little creepy. Sue him. Or better yet, Mary Keay.
Voice and Heart (The Murderbot Diaries - Martha Wells) written by lc2l, performed by EternalLibrary Summary: Good morning this is S9BT5, the heart and voice of your Company Substation. Please be aware that we have visitors onboard the station today from a Preservation Survey Team. Staff are expected to be courteous and welcoming, and to remember that all conversations are monitored for training and enforcement purposes.
Time May Change Me (But I can't trace time) (Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy) written by Little_dumpling, performed by Kittona Summary: Anakin’s mother is leaving for Europe and Anakin does not want to come along, thank you very much. But his only other option is to go live on his Uncle Qui-Gon’s horse ranch. Anakin will go, but he did not sign up to do chores!
the cul-de-sac on the spiritual path (The Locked Tomb Series | Gideon the Ninth Series - Tamsyn Muir) written by olive2read, performed by carboncopies Summary: stuck in a random catacomb niche, deep in the Ninth House, Wake gets to know Gideon Nav (whether she wants to or not) -or- 5 times Gideon went to visit her mum’s niche -or- why Wake didn’t take the shot
elutriate calor vulpes (All For The Game - Nora Sakavic) written by Opalsong, performed by Flowerparrish Summary: Andrew hated heats. He hated being vulnerable and out of control. Neil…helped. [4 Heats Andrew Struggled Through + 1 He Enjoyed]
Gifts of Gold (gold) (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) written by BardicRaven, performed by BardicRavenReads, audio production by OneGoldenRaptor
Two and a Half Men (Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Shadowhunters (TV)) written by Sivan325, performed by Ceewelsh Summary: "Do you mind telling me why I have kid-Bucky in my apartment?" Steve asked. Tony looked at him, noticing how the man looked exhausted. "Bucky? A kid? Are you out of your mind?" "How many kids do you know who have a metal arm and long hair?" "Touché."
Blood of the Covenant (is thicker than the water of the womb) (One Piece (Anime & Manga)) written by stereden, performed by Aibhilin Summary: The little postgull drops the newspaper right in front of her and then hightails it away from Mount Corbo, and that should have been her first clue, because the bird usually likes to hang about and beg for scraps. But not this time. No. Because this time, the newspaper has her oldest brat’s picture plastered all over the front page, but it’s not the cocky grin of his wanted poster. No. It’s her kid, bruised and battered and in chains. Firefist Ace, Whitebeard Commander, to be executed! the headline proclaims for the world to see, and Dadan freezes. birds of a feather (Dungeons and Daddies (Podcast)) written by travvymybeloved, performed by godoflaundrybaskets Summary: “Oh, fuck,” Glenn said and through the windshield, Henry could see him throw his joint down onto the dashboard. He threw himself half out the window, leaning out at the waist and throwing open his arms. “Come on, Henry! Go, go, go!” Henry let out a wordless honking noise and started flapping his wings, skipping against the ground and taking off in the air for a few seconds. He hit the ground, took a few shaky steps, then took off again with more confidence. Darryl whooped, starting to rev the car, and Glenn caught Henry out of the air and yanked him into the car. Darryl slammed the stick into drive, the car lurched and shot off across the field, and Ron continued cry-laughing in the backseat as they beat a quick retreat. “You almost got your butt kicked by a bird,” Ron wheezed out, wiping at his eyes, and Henry harrumphed. “Oh my God, that was great.” --- If Henry was asked to guess anything, anything, about Faerûn, "geese act as malicious guides to your soulmate" wouldn't have even made the top 100 guesses. The Hall Pass (หัวใจไม่มีปลอม | Beauty Newbie (Thailand TV 2024)) written by Wereflamingo, performed by Annapods Summary: Liu’s comfortable relationship with her boyfriend Guy gets shaken up when Guy gets cast in a Boys Love series opposite charismatic established actor Saint. Well, Liu thinks he's charismatic. Guy thinks he's extremely annoying and can't be trusted. There's no way that hall pass will ever be needed. Or: a rookie BL actor and his girlfriend acquire a third through the power of BL and complaining about your shared real/imaginary boyfriend. A story about social and parasocial relationships, monogamy and polyamory, sexuality and lack thereof, beauty, choice, and enemies-to-lovers BL, told through voice messages and phone calls on Liu's Phone.
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darkhairedmenrule · 1 year
would you be oh so kind as to make an
papa's x gn reader with fluff :)))))))))))
pretty please with gay men on top
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Comfort time with the Papas
These are just little comfort headcanons that I came up with, this should be gn! reader because I don't mention any pronouns. I hope you like them Tony <3 All of these are romantic but if anyone wants a platonic or spicy version let me know. Please be gentle, this is my first Ghost fic. Enjoy!
Primo- With Primo, I imagine you two often peacefully coexist in his garden. Whether it be that he is teaching you how to garden and the differences in all of his plants, or you already know about gardening and he trusts you to help. These early mornings or evenings allow you both to just spend time together without having to fill the silence. You always make sure that he actually takes breaks and doesn't push himself too far. You guys only work for maybe an hour or so, nothing strenuous, and after you walk back to your shared rooms hand in hand. After you guys clean up, sharing sweet kisses or hugs depending on what you are comfortable with, he asks you if you want a drink. If you are a tea person, he makes you an absolutely lovely cup of tea ( from leaves that he grew himself, we love a girlboss). If you aren't a tea person he will make you anything that you want, even learn how to make your favorite drink. With your drinks, you cuddle either in bed with a good book or watch a movie that you both like.  All in all, you both enjoy a sweet calm evening after your long often hectic days. He always is generous with his affection, whether that be kisses and cuddling or letting you talk and being there for you physically and emotionally. Primo just wants his darling to be happy and healthy and will do anything to make that happen( even if you have to convince him to get a TV or any new technology in his room). He is simply grateful and honored that he gets to share these sweet moments with you and to let his heart be full of love and affection. Primo is a sweetheart and I just wanna kiss his forehead <3
Secondo- With Secondo, I imagine that he is used to filling his free time with carnal acts of all kinds, which is perfectly fine but we are not focusing on that today. I think that like his older brother, Secondo would crave domestic normalcy and would never pass it up. I imagine you found out about his hobby after he realized that you were interested in more than one night with him. I can see you finding his paintings and asking him if it would be okay if you joined him, and of course, he would want you to join him. He may be more stoic in some aspects than his brothers, but this man has so much affection to give you. Regardless of your skill level, he is going to treasure any and every painting you make with him. I can imagine him either keeping them in your shared room or creating a little gallery that he keeps on his phone( yes he has one but you might have to help him with it sometimes). After you guys have decided to finish painting one evening, you guys clean up and he offers to make you a drink. If you aren't a big fan of alcohol, he has different mocktails, Italian sodas, or anything else you would like. You two would probably cuddle up on the couch or in bed, either enjoying each other's company with a good book, listening to music, or maybe even a movie. Secondo is happy to share the evening with you in any way that you want. He simply just loves to bask in the sweet affection that you two share and remind himself that he deserves this love <3
Terzo- I imagine that quality time with Terzo can be many things. Like his older brother, he enjoys carnal acts, but also just existing together. I imagine that you two would spend some of your free time baking together. Terzo may be clumsy at times but he enjoys baking, especially if he has a personal taste tester. He would love to have you help him or just simply watch him enjoy his process. He loves to fill the time by asking you about your day, what you are excited or upset about, and anything that you would like to talk about. During all of it, he just has a sweet love drunk smile on his face. When whatever he was making is finally ready for you both to eat, he makes sure to give you the first bite, and he wants you to be honest about the taste, texture, and overall experience. He is extremely interested in your thoughts and loves to hear you in general. He always makes sure to take note of your criticism or praise so that if he ever recreates or remakes anything it is the same quality or better. After you two have shared your little treat, he likes to make you a hot chocolate. I know he might not seem like the type, but I know in my heart that he enjoys hot cocoa. Makes it from scratch every time and uses the same recipe that Primo used when he and Secondo were little. Adds any toppings that you like to yours and insist that he made it with love. You both cuddle and enjoy your delicious hot cocoa with either him reading you a book, you reading him one, enjoying some music, or a movie that you enjoy. He adores these evenings where you both can be yourselves, with no expectations or chores to do. You both just get to be close and love each other and know that you are cherished by your beloved Papa <3
Copia-  With Copia, I just have to mention his beloved rat babies. If you are in love with Copia I just imagine you spending the little downtime he allows himself to be with his sweet fur babies. You two are just sitting with them all, giving them the love, treats, and attention that each little cutie deserves. He loves this, he gets to not only decompress and relax with his Amore but he also gets to be with his beloved pets. The rats all have their personalities and love to run around you both, so happy that you are home. If you wear hoodies or =clothing with bigger pockets they love to crawl in and take little naps with their beloved parents because congratulations you are the co-parent to these little rats. After they have their food, cuddles, zoomies, and a few snacks they go back into their cage to rest and cuddle with each other. With your kids all in bed, you both get ready for bed yourselves. You either help Copia with his Papal paints if he hasn't already taken them off or maybe take a quick shower together or separately. Either way, when you both are ready to relax for the evening you grab some of Copia's beloved Juice boxes and relax in bed. Whether your evening ends with playing some video games, watching him play or you both playing, watching a movie, or just cuddling in bed before you sleep, Copia reminds you just how much he adores you. This is where he can let himself be Copia, not just Papa and he is so grateful that you see the real him. He loves to spend his evenings with his favorite person, all cuddled up and cozy in bed, knowing that he is loved and adored.<3
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marksbear · 2 years
Cry, no Tony Stark requests? Saaaaaaddddd. How about Tony Stark x Idiot Twink Healer boi (maybe a poly with Spidey or perhaps healer boi is a sugar baby??) (Could be dirty haha, up to ya, bro)
Well Anon you are the first person in my blog to ever request Tony stark thank you for requesting! Im going to do sfw headcaons plus nsfw! And headcaons with sugar baby
Hope you enjoy it! A/n= Age name! but for the sake of this fic young 20s!
🤖 He was beyond shocked when he founded out you were the healer of the team. I mean he was so surprised. You didn't look like you belonged in the Avengers he really thought someone brought their younger brother to work.
🤖 When Nick gives you a proper welcoming Tony was the first to ask how old are you. "I'm twenty two!" (or A/n but the reader has to be in his young twenties)
🤖 Tony wasn't the only one who was wondering about your age since he heard other gasp in the room.
🤖 "But everyone Y/n will just help yall with only the missions I choose for him. Since he is way too young to be going out there with y'all and he doesn't have too much experience fighting aliens like Spiderman. So Stark he's under your care.
🤖 At first he thought you were gonna be a pain in his ass like Peter and he was far from wrong. You were far from a genius like Peter some may even call you dumb.
🤖 "So thats your heart? Can I hear it beep please? Or does it race when you see someone you like?" You ask him looking at his chest with no shame.
🤖 Thats when he realized your gonna be a handful.
🤖 He always finds you with Hulk or Thor. Since Hulk is an idiot like you y'all two click instantly even Bruce is only mad for a while you found your ways to enjoy Hulk's loud and dumb presence
🤖 With Thor hes always injured from his mission so you see him in the medbay quite often so you make an effort to know him more. One time Tony walked in the medbay seeing you on Thor lap listening to his stories as you clean up his wound.
🤖 Since that incident with Thor. Tony never lets you out of his sight when y'all two aren't even dating yet
🤖 He always ask Nick how the hell did you become a healer when you sometimes forget how to add some easy numbers or when you forget your avenger and you get paid a whole LOT and you ask to borrow some money from others.
🤖 Thats actually how he founded out you were a sugar baby. One day him and Nat went to a cafe just to hangout when they saw you with two men times your age. One of them had envelopes with cash in them sliding you one every once in a while as you talked to the other man.
🤖 They watch you like a hawk across the whole cafe. They see the man you're talking to and place his hand on your inner thigh too close to your crotch and kiss your cheek bye. As he leave the other man he was with hands you the rest of envelopes kissing your forehead bye.
🤖 You check the envelops making sure its all of the money before stuffing all of them in your bag paying the check before leaving.
🤖 Before you could leave Nat pulls you by your arm sitting you down at her table. "Oh. Hi Mr Stark! I just finished reading the math book you gave me!" "That's good, but we have a question." Tony says gesturing to him and Nat. "What is it?" "Who were those guys you were just sitting with?" Nat asks not pressuring Y/n. "That's my sugar daddy Ben with his husband! Great couple." The two freeze and spare each other a look. "Lets finish this conversation at Stark tower'" Nat says paying for the bill.
🤖 Tony takes you into his room sitting you down on the bed ask he sits on a chair across the room. "What do they want from a young guy like you?" Tony asks with a hint of jealousy. "Mostly company. But sometimes group sex. They pay extra if I let them double penetrate me." Y/n answers way too honestly having no dignity to hide anything.
🤖 "Y/n why do you need the money if your Avenger?" Stark asks.
"Well because i'm a part time avenger y'know? Nick knows my parents well and promised to protect me no matter what. That's why I never go on big missions with y'all... Most action I got on the field was trying to calm down Hulk. Kinda sucks. So I don't get paid like all of you." The room became silent until Y/n says something again.
"Its not that bad. I get to help all of you and it makes my day better. But i'm a sugar baby so I just have food and water and money for clothes and extra things. Lots of people tell me they would pay to fuck me or just pay to spend time with me. So why not net them."
"Be my sugar baby."
🤖 Y'all's relationship was strictly sugar baby and daddy sometimes more like friends with benefits. He didn't ban you from seeing other people just gave you rules. Like no more fucking they can only watch you fuck yourself or touch yourself. He grew possessive of you always marking your neck just in case another sugar mommy or daddy tries to make you theirs.
🤖 The thing that changed your little agreement when you gotten to badly injured you might had died. It was supposed to be a simple day watch when you got attacked by powerful villains and almost found dead. You were able to take them down but almost got yourself killed.
🤖 You gotten lectures from everyone in the team even Thor lectured you and Nick was busting your balls. But no lecture compared to Stark's. One minute he was going off on you about being safe and prepared next minute you two are naked making love.
🤖 Yes making love.
🤖 It wasn't your guys typical fuck and quickey. No this time everything was emotional. The kisses lasted, the gentleness with every thrust, the long lasting words of affirmation. This time Tony helped Y/n to see he was more than just a sugar baby. This time the sex meant something deeply to the other.
🤖 A few days after that was a bit awkward for the both of you. Nick even gave Tony the longest talk about what he would he to do him if he breaks your little dumb heart. Finally the both of you get officially together and Tony is quick to show you off to the world posting and talking about you with every chance he gets.
🤖 Sometimes you'll forget your dating and asks people is he single like your drunk or something but your completely serious and sober.
🤖 "Hey is Ironman single I have a crush on him and I wanna ask him out..." You ask Hawkeye and he gives you "are you serious look."
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About your AEMH x TFRB crossover AU, I think Cody and Captain America would get along well and Iron Man would get along with Frankie. They might even consider the kids as their unofficial sidekicks.
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Steve would immediately get the MOST NOBLE GUY. Since Steve is more of the old ways but still adapting to the new days Cody is a perfect companion for him and a good guide if Steve ever lands on Griffin Rock. Steve would completely fall for Cody, not only does the kid have the same aspirations he once had when he was just Steve Rogers, but he also has such a resemblance to Bucky... that will open a few wounds.
Imagen Charlie meets Steve for the first time and then learns that he wants Cody to be his ¨ apprentice ¨. The man is going to have a mental collapse in 5 seconds...
The rest of the Burns family, the Bots included would have mixed reactions. Mostly support and hidden jealousy from the older siblings
Do NOT put Stark close to whatever Doc Greene is doing, better put him to teach some awesome way to explode your enemies with Frankie 👍 Peter would have completion for being the FAV kid. If she doesn't end up working at Stark´s company Tony will never forgive himself XD
Hulk would fight Iron Man because he is the Greene's family unofficial uncle.
Doc and Anna would be so proud that their daughter impressed probably one of the most brilliant superheroes in the world. You could say that Frankie has a bright future with the contacts she is making.
However, I don't think that Charlie, Erza, or the Bots would want that. Mostly since the Rescue Boy incident and you know, the kids are still too young. No adult will let them go and fight aliens and other crazy people with powers.
But of course, Cody and Frankie can always sneak out 🙄 and we do not see it happen.
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robertdowneyjjr · 11 months
hey, so. funny thing.
@whinysteve and i have been going insane for like two days because we couldn't find this one fic we really liked, and we both remembered reading it not so long ago but somehow neither of us could recall how it ended? and we kept saying that it's so GOOD and how the heck did it just disappear? well, after hours of losing my mind going through my ao3 history, the steve/tony tag with various keywords, the findingstony blog... it. it hit me that i can't find it because it doesn't exist. because it was the soulmates au idea you posted like two weeks ago where their words only show up after they've met their soulmate.
i thought you might find this amusing. 😩 (i do, but i also need to lie down for a bit because i will never know how steve fixed that mess)
hahahaha omg liv if this is your way of peer pressuring me into writing the whole fic i might actually do it??? because your ask has got me thinking about what would happen next.
that said, steve still hasn't figured out how to fix this mess. i'm very sorry about this.
(stonyclunks soulmates au part one here)
having been rescued by SHIELD, news of steve's recovery was immediately delivered to howard stark who, while not as involved with SHIELD as he used to be, still receives weekly reports as one of its co-founders.
he'd gone home that night and brought it up in the middle of cutting his steak. coincidentally, tony had been visiting that day and stayed for dinner, so he found out about captain america's miraculous resurrection before the general public did, and honestly, he had enough of hearing about how great this guy was growing up. he really didn't need to keep hearing about it as an adult after he'd finally worked through his issues with his dad and his obsession with a (not quite) dead war hero.
so after howard's announcement, tony politely requested howard refrain from talking about this guy with him.
"i know he's your friend, and you'll probably be spending a bit of time with him now that he's been found, and i'm really happy for you, but i think it would be better for our relationship if we could talk about literally anything but him," he'd said.
and, well. howard was trying. he knew he wasn't the best dad and he also wanted to do right by maria, who spent so many years torn between her son and her husband while trying to mend their relationship. they were finally in a relatively good place with each other which made maria happy. and to be frank, howard had actually come to really enjoy tony's company whenever he was home. he was quite happy too. so he agreed. they don't talk about steve and howard doesn't ask tony to meet steve.
that very night, tony made sure 'captain america' and 'steve rogers' were muted in all his news feeds and social channels.
he literally doesn't know a single thing about the man besides what he learned in his childhood, which he's blocked out. it's a peaceful two years of blissful ignorance.
fast forward to now, tony's packing up his suitcase and getting ready to check out of his hotel when he sees a text from his mom in their family group chat.
seems he's not quite the perfect role model you always made him out to be, howard 🤡, her message reads.
what follows is a link to an instagram post, and from the message preview he can see that it's steve rogers' profile, and under normal circumstances he wouldn't even bother clicking the link.
but 1) maria usually never brings up the man in tony's presence either, and 2) her comment made him laugh. so color tony intrigued.
he taps the link and sees the post. it's a picture of a coffee cup from the place he was at a week ago. the one where he got body slammed by his mysterious dick of a soulmate and unfairly yelled at for it.
he reads the caption and his legs give out under him.
i don't even know if you'll see this, but all i can do is hope. i'm sorry for the words that have made their mark on you. i know i don't deserve it, but i'm hoping you could give me a second chance. i won't yell at you this time, i promise. yours, a fucking asshole
one week ago, captain america was barely even a blip on tony's radar and that's how he preferred it. now, steve rogers is tony's mysterious dick of a soulmate.
what the fuck even is his life.
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ircn-dad · 2 years
Sometimes I think about Tony's life before Iron Man and I just feel bad for that man.
He spent his entire childhoods in a house where he wasn't loved for who he was. His dad didn't payed attention to him and mentally abused him (idk if in the MCU he was physically abused too, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was), his Mother- even if she wasn't bad and was lovely- always tried to justify Howard's action towards him (during the BARF scene we can see an example of her actions). Living in a house like this, where you feel no one is at your side is exhausting. Where everyone expect from you the best, and even if you try it, you won't ever be enough for your parents.
He entered at MIT at only fourteen, so that means (I guess) he never went to school with his peers. At seven years old he enters at the Philips Academy and it's a secondary school. Despite his outgoing behaviour, I don't think a little kid is comfortable around people much older. I don't think he even had real friends before going to MIT because even if he was more mature than his age, I don't believe a lot of teenagers or pre teens were ready to befriend with a kid.
So, no friends at school and not a good relationship with his family. He must have felt lonely for 14 years, and when he goes to MIT he decides to change. He puts a mask on and begins his new behaviour. He starts going to parties, to drink and to act cool around people to be liked and appreciated. I remember reading some fake testimonials that Marvel made to honorate the release of Iron Man 3, testimonials about how some ex students remembered Tony at MIT and two of them said:
“No one really knew him, he was just a rich kid. Everyone wanted him around, though, because he'd always bring something fun for the party.”
“I remember him at after-parties on Thayer Street. He was up later than anyone else. But you could always get a ride home with him, because he always had a car.”
No one knows the real him because that's what he does: he hides him self behind parties, fun and this kind of stuff to just be noticed by someone. Some people might say that he just wants to be at the centre of the attention, and yes that's true and it is a bad thing, but ever wondered why? Imagine being a kid, who has no friends, who's father hates you and you feel like no one will ever love you, until you find a way to be finally appreciated. You found a way to have someone who notices you after years of loneliness. I can't speak for everyone, but I would have done the same thing.
He keeps doing this for years and years. He lost his parents, he lost Jarvis and he has to take responsibility for his father's company at 21. He doesn't want that, he just wants to have fun and to distract him self from the reality because half of his life, at the time, was just empty, with no one taking care of him. So he practically leaves the company to Obadiah and he just spends more than 10 years trying to fill that void.
Why do you think he was a playboy?
Now... I don't know if that could be possible in the MCU, but in the comics he was assaulted at fourteen by a woman who was way older thank him That was the first time ever he was touched by someone like that, and even if he was a genius I wouldn't be too surprised (again) to find out he was taking refuge from his problems in s*x. He probably thought that was love, that the only reason someone could really love him was to make s*x with them and to make them feel pleasured (we could apply this logic even if he wasn't assaulted). I can think of other fictional characters who are Playboys (Barney Stinson from "how I met your mother" for example) in which is heavily implied that the only reason they act that way is because they need to feel loved.
Ten years of doing this, and you think he would be able to recover? Ofc no.
He has Rhodey, He has Pepper, He has Happy (and he has Obadiah but we don't talk about that man in this house), He has moneys, fame, he can finally have fun, he can drink and have all the women he wants. His life seems perfect, but we all know that's a lie.
He has everything, but he still has nothing, as Yinsen said.
And Tony, after being kidnapped for three months knows that. He knows his whole life was empty at that point. He said it him self when Yinsen asked him if he had a family out the cave. He just said no, he thinks no one is waiting for him to come back. For 38 years of his life he had nothing to live for, and even though we know how much his friends cared about him, he's not aware of that because he thinks they care for the mask he created for him self when he was young. At the age of 38, he still thinks no one could ever love the real him, because he doesn't love him self.
That's why I hate when people says he's immature, narcissistic and egocentric. Is he aware he is a genius? Yes. It's not bad to know that, especially when everyone expected him to be one since he was born. But that doesn't mean he's narcissistic. He acts like he's better than everyone else, but in reality he feels like the worst person ever. How can a narcissistic person think how their girlfriend deserves so much better than him? (As he said in Iron man 3). How can someone be egocentric and then puts other's life before him every single time, or when he's one of the few who cared for everyone, and who was ready to sacrifice himself for a world who never loved him? How can people even assume he thinks he's better than everyone when he admits himself he's just a man in a tin can?
If you can't see that during all the movies that he covers him self with an armour- not iron man, an INVISIBLE ARMOUR made of humour, sarcasm and fake self-esteem- to protect him self from further pain, then I suggest you to rewatch the movies.
Tony Stark is one of the most human and well written characters in the MCU, it's sad that not a lot of fans (and almost everyone in the marvel universe as well) can't see that.
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My Problematic Girl-Chapter 7
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Character: College!Steve Rogers x Rich!Female Reader
Words Count: 1,200,-
Prologue:  Steve has lived being nobody in this prestigious university. He just wants to graduate and get a job to get more money to pay the bills for his mother's surgery. 
But his life turned upside when a new student attended his class. His quiet and dull life became dangerous and full of surprises.
A/N: In chapters 6 and 7, we will learn about Y/N's background story. 
She exhaled the cigarette smoke from her lips. She still doesn’t care even though he told her he has asthma. 
She looked at Steve and said, “Bark for me.”
Steve felt humiliated, and his pride was crushed. But she held his life and secrets. He had to bury his dignity to the ground, and he murmured, 
I would appreciate any comments and feedback you can give me. 
You can tell me if you want to join the tag list. Don't be shy 😘💖💜💙
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9,-
Main Masterlist || Buy me Ko-fi
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Y/N has never stepped into the Solomon house again since that day. Brian became a famous lawyer all those years, and his image as a loving husband and father towards Sophia and Sarah always appeared in the newspaper since Sophia was a socialite. 
One day, on her 15th birthday, her father called her. She thought he had realised his mistakes, but she became more disappointed. 
It turned out he asked her about the share from Starks company. Back then, Stark was just a small company, but now it has become an industry and beat Solomon company. It was unpredictable and put shame, especially on the main family of Solomon. They want some share from the Starks. 
Brian remembered his deceased wife owned a share at the Starks industries. How surprised he was when he discovered that Evelyn was the top main shareholder, and she gave it to Y/N. 
He wants it. 
Y/N rejected him upfront. He has taken everything from her, her mother, and her ability to play the piano, and now he wants to take the last gift Evelyn gave her. 
“Don’t you ever feel sorry about your wife?"
"Your anger means nothing because it doesn't change anything."
"Don't you know what today is?"
"Today is my birthday."
There’s no guilty expression on her father's face. He typed his phone without looking at her. "Do you want to have dinner here? I'll call Sophia and Sarah."
Y/N scoffed. "Goodbye, Father."
"You should've said see you again. It seems like you don't want to come back here." 
She ignored him and left. Nothing here made her feel at home as long as she stayed with Stark's household; that's enough. 
She should've made that wish in front of the birthday cake with a candle to make it come true. 
Because Howard and Maria got into a car accident three days after her birthday, the bridge they drove through collapsed.
Tony couldn't accept his parents being gone. He searched for the answer and found an inspection about what there was. The quality of the materials is poor. And another important clue is that the company responsible for building this bridge is Solomon construction company. 
He already has the evidence, but the court denied the case. Say the evidence is not enough. That must be her father doing.
Y/N want to burn the Solomon company to the ground. But she remembered her anger was useless. She needs a bullet to shot. 
Solomon became untouched after her father joined the family. No law can bring them down. That means she has to understand their mind and her father. 
"I will go back to that house to find the evidence."
Tony shook his head. "No, you will die if you stay there." 
"Whatever it takes to find the evidence."
Y/N went back to the prison house and became invisible. If she has to suffer, so be it to find any document related to her mother, Sophia's first husband and the collapsed bridge. 
But she got nothing. 
Then there are left 2 options—the document could be in her father's law firm office or with Maximus. 
Since then, Y/N has studied all the time to become a lawyer. 
But then her father said no. She must enter medical school at the Imperial University to become a doctor. 
"You want me to become a doctor to help your stepdaughter if she finds any difficulty at the university."
"That's right. Both of you need to help each other. Your grade is more than enough to enter the Imperial University."
"No, you want me to be her loyal dog like you with that woman. I don't owe anything to these people!!!"
"Y/N, just listen to what I said for your good."
"Fuck you!!!"
Y/N clenched her fist even though it was painful. 
She doesn't want to be a doctor. It was Sarah's dream, not hers. 
Y/N must save her place as a law student; to do that, she must meet Maximus.
Her father underestimated her. Not just him who knew how to blackmail; she also got dirt on that old man. That was the first time she learned that blackmail was useful. 
Her trick worked, and she entered law school without any problem, and there she met Brock Rumlow. A bright and friendly person. Both of them start as friends, and he is always there when she feels down. 
With one goal in her mind, Y/N was able to graduate faster than her classmates and join her father's law firm. 
At her father's law firm, Y/N didn't find anything that related to the case, but she found a clue that Maximus had it. 
But before she met Maximus, she got kicked out from the family because of the case she handled vs Imperial University, and she rejected the engagement with Brock Rumlow after she found out he's been with Sarah all this time. 
"How does it feel to lose?"
She hates it.
"You could ignore me as your father, but you can't deny my blood ran in your veins."
"It's true, but I won't be a loyal dog like you."
Brian smirked. "In this world, you need power to survive and not be underestimated. Kindness won't make me rich, Y/N."
"Is that why you left your wife? It's never enough for you!!!"
Brian sighed, he loves Evelyn, but it's not enough. He wants more. He doesn't want to live as middle class for the rest of his life. Especially with his job as a lawyer. Reputation is important in the industry. 
When he met Sophia, a stupid but ambitious woman, he admired her greed and honesty to get whatever she wanted, and she could hear it because she was a Solomon. 
His biggest regret is that Evelyn found out about his cheating. If she stayed quiet and did not ruin his reputation at his office, they wouldn't fight, and Sophia would only be his mistress. 
Brian wishes his daughter could have the same view as him, but it's difficult to tame her. 
"If you just sit still, you could enjoy the good life of being Solomon."
How? All he ever did is taken everything from her. "When you die, I'll laugh on your grave."
"If you make another problem, I will make you lose your lawyer’s license and send Lilly somewhere else, and you'll never find her."
Y/N snapped; there's no right and wrong to her anymore. She approached her father, her hand reaching his neck and strangling him. "Just once, please be a father to me."
"Uurgh." Her hands are on his neck, but why does she have difficulty breathing? 
That voice. Steve? She looked right and left, but where was he?
"Y/N!!! Wake up!!!"
When Y/N opened her eyes, she was confused; her eyes weren't accustomed to brightness. Her hand covered her eyes. "Steve? What are you doing in my place?"
Steve's hands hold her shoulders, "Tony called me. You don't realize you have a seizure in your sleep?"
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naferty · 13 days
Does someone know Wingfics of the avengers especially stony?
Ooh fic recs! It's been a minute. Here are some of my personal wingfic favorites.
Birds of a Feather by LoquitorLatinae Tony only ever wanted to be an Alpha with bright feathers, a huge wingspan, and attitude. But he was an Omega, and while he still has the attitude, his lot in life as dictated by society leaves a lot to be desired. But he was Tony Stark, and he wasn’t going to let anything get in his way—though he wouldn’t necessarily be against the company of a certain Alpha Capsicle.
The Winged Soul by inukagome15 It wasn't until he was three that he realized he was different and no one else could see the wings.
Albatross feathers by Indigomountain A young Albatross-winged Harpy could go months or even years without ever even touching land if they were on a pilgrimage. If they didn't have a hole in their wing that is...
Airheart by deadeyeboy Steve Rogers is an anomaly. One in a million. A man out of time. Tony Stark is an anomaly. One in a million. A man without wings. It's only natural that they'd meet somewhere along the way.
the slightest touch (and I feel weak) by SailorChibi “When you’re really tired or out of it, you show the underside of your wings to Steve,” Natasha says to Tony, ignoring Clint, who is doing an excellent impression of a fish. “We’ve all noticed it, but no one ever said anything because we didn’t think you knew. And judging from the look on your face, you didn’t.” “I don’t –” Natasha cuts him off with a raised hand. “Save it. I’m sure JARVIS has got video proof. You do it with Steve, Clint does it with Coulson, and both of them melt all over themselves when you two do it.” She stands, picking up her glass of wine. “So please, for the sanity of everyone else who has to live in this house, get over yourselves and just mate already.” She sweeps out of the room.
Get Some Fresh Air (At Quad) by Sineala Steve, newly arrived at the Academy, meets Tony, whose wings are like nothing he's ever seen before. He wants to know more. He wants everything. And luckily for him, the interest is mutual.
Care and Comfort by MusicalLuna Tony offers to preen Steve's wings. It's been a long time since anyone did something so intimate for Steve.
Soft Touches by GayRainbowBridge Tony's wings were damaged during his time trapped in Afghanistan. They constantly hurt and Tony was afraid of anyone touching them. But Steve shows him he doesn't need to be scared.
Dancing With Your Ghost by LunaStories Tony never thought he'd be here, getting his wings groomed by Captain America of all people. It was too intimate, but Steve had offered and he was too weak to resist.
Here's some Stuckony, too, if you're interested:
Just the way you are by IronEyes Tony is in love with not one but two supersoldiers. Too bad that they have so beautiful wings and he...doesn't have any at all. But nobody knows that.
Featherbrain by Reioka Tony has always been shy about his wings. He doesn't understand why Bucky and Steve want to see his when theirs are so big and regally understated.
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omg-just-peachy · 1 year
Tony got caught up in an explosion while disarming a bomb and thanks to some, ahem, structural issues with the armor he was wearing at the time (the faceplate was cracked and some the the torso plates dented thanks to a previous explosion earlier) he’s gotten himself temporarily blinded AND wrenched his back. Also a concussion but that’s beside the point
He’ll be fine, eventually, but boy is he bored. He can’t read anything, he can’t end walk around to much atm, and even listening to say JARVIS and trying to dictate any work makes his head throb pretty quick
And Steve, who came into Tony’s room to finally give him hell for not reporting his injuries/damage after the FIRST explosion and therefore Steve sent him to try and stop the second, ends up finding Tony in a state of distressBOREDOM, acute BOREDOM and sticks around to help him get his mind off of his discomfort, boredom, and pain. Some gentle conversations and reading and finding some puzzles for the visually impaired, hair petting, foot massages, ya know, normal teammate stuff
The lecture can wait
steve taking care of my tony my most most beloved <3
Tony is pretty sure he's going to actually die of boredom when the door to his room opens and a familiar, soft voice says his name.
"Tony? Are you— Oh. Sorry," Steve says quickly, voice melting into an apology before he can even finish his sentence. "You're trying to sleep."
Tony shifts himself up in bed. "Oh, you mean because of this thing?" He points to the eye mask he'd been instructed to wear, tugging it off unceremoniously and tossing it aside. "I'm not asleep, I'm just supposed to keep it on, due to the whole... eye thing," Tony explains with a grimace.
Steve laughs from the doorway. Tony can't see him, but he can picture the look on his face, half playful exasperation and half something Tony can never quite put his finger on.
"You should probably put it back on, then," Steve suggests. His voice is a little closer now. "I just wanted to see if you wanted some company, but if you're—"
"I do!" Tony cuts him off. Company sounds amazing, of course. Company in the form of Steve Rogers is more than he'd dared to hope for. "By all means, make yourself at home."
Tony knows he looks ridiculous, pointing at his wreck of a bed, unable to see much of anything, his hair and face and, well, just about everything else a mess, too.
"You're sure?" Steve asks, but Tony can tell by his voice that he's already making his way into the room.
"Very sure, bomb pop, now pop a squat," Tony instructs.
What he doesn't expect is for Steve to sit quite so close, not that he's at all complaining. Heat radiates off of him, putting Tony at ease almost embarrassingly quickly. He hadn't been tired before, what with his mind racing with all the things he isn't currently able to do, but even that settles with Steve beside him.
It's not a new feeling, not for a while now, but it makes his stomach twist the way it always does. Steve's just being nice, he reminds himself.
"I thought we could watch a movie, but I'm realizing now that's not really an option," Steve's saying, the apology slipping back in his voice. "I did bring a book, in case you fell asleep. I could read it to you? If you want," he adds.
Tony finds himself wish he hadn't tossed the eye mask aside, suddenly sure his face is giving away just about everything he's thinking right now. He never could control his expressions.
"Sure, yeah, that sounds great," Tony says, nodding. "Clint came by earlier, asked if he could use me as target practice since I'm just sitting here. This sounds much better."
Steve huffs a laugh. "Glad to hear it," he says. "Really glad you're okay, too," he adds, voice softer now. "Promise you'll be more careful out there?" There's a hand at Tony's forehead, touching the butterfly bandage there, gentle as a breeze, and Tony leans into it, just for second.
"I'll see what I can do, Cap," he quips, though his voice comes out sounding a little strangled.
"Right, good. Um. I'll just..." Steve shifts beside him, clears his throat, and starts to read, but his hands make their way back to the bandage as he reads, and card through Tony's hair as he sinks into the story, something about a pirate in a basement and magic that carries Tony somewhere far away.
Tony's eyes are heavy before he knows it, the insistent tug of sleep pulling at him, but he doesn't want this moment to end, either. "Don't finish it without me," Tony manages to say through a yawn. "But don't take it personally if I pass out on you, either."
"Never," Steve promises. He doesn't get up to leave, though, and this time, Tony's too out of it to say for sure if the soft, warm pressure at his forehead could really be Steve's lips.
He'll find out how that story ends soon enough, too.
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