#AND they do not talk nearly as much as the group of people i've stuck with all season
talkorsomething · 5 months
I can't really believe the season is over... weirdly enough it was the song about uhm ... [redacted] that made me feel like crying about it. It is only the first day back, though...
Well, there's another big change now, too. That doesn't really help...
Everyone said we're going to make plans for the summer. I really hope that happens, because, well, these are my only irl 'friends'. (in quotes because i love* most of them so much but i really feel like i didn't connect with ANYONE over the season :( )
*? appreciate? I Wish To Be Friends With Them
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billybob598 · 1 year
Hey I was thinking of a FWB with either Alexia Putellas or Ona Batlle ( doesn’t have to be smut if you’re not comfortable) where they’ve been fwb for a few months and the reader and one of them have a crush on each other. One day, one of the ( reader or one of them ) confesses their feelings than they start dating!!!
Sorry if this is bad I’m horrible at making requests!
Have a wonderful day!!
Friends With Consequences (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
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So, thanks to the anon who sent this in! I've got like 5 or 6 more requests I'm gonna try and do this week sooo yeahh... Also big shout out to Grammarly for correcting all 999999 writing mistakes I made in this one. Again any feedback good or bad welcomed! Have fun reading!
Word Count: 1.7k (Boom)
As you stare longingly at Alexia, your thoughts wander to the current predicament you’re in. You and Alexia had been friends with benefits for a couple of months. At first, it was just the consequence of a night with a few too many drinks in it. Then, it was celebrating Barca winning the league (again). After three “one time only” nights, both of you knew there was a little something more. That’s when Alexia came up with the brilliant idea of friends with benefits. Alexia also came up with the idea that there would be no strings attached, no caught feelings, you guys would be fuck buddies and teammates, nothing more. If one of you called upon the other, they would be there, but the next day there would be no bringing up what happened the night before. Sure, you liked her as more than a friend, but anything to keep her in your life while also having a little taste of what it’s like to be with Alexia.
As you guys started preparing for the World Cup you would usually be excited, however, with the Spanish teams' current state a.k.a Jorge Vilda you weren’t nearly as excited as you should be. Jorge was being quite hard on players part of the “Las 15” that had come back. While you didn’t take part in the rejection of call-ups, you openly supported your teammates. 
As the tournament progressed, you tried your best to keep a distance from Alexia. Not that she noticed, she was under so much pressure from the media, fans, and Jorge. It didn’t help that her knee had started to bother her during the group stage. The team, despite all off-field events, had been performing well. You guys cruised through the group stage, finishing top of the group. Unfortunately, Spain lost in the quarterfinals. Everyone was heartbroken, and of course, Vilda was not very happy. After the game, Vilda said some terrible, terrible things to the team and you specifically. You had not played your best game ever, but for him to blame it all on you? It made Alexia’s blood boil. 
Throughout the tournament, Alexia realized just how much you meant to her. She was able to admit that you were important to her. She, however, refused to believe that her care for you ran deeper than just friends, who occasionally fucked. So, as the new season at Barca began the two of you kept your current relationship the same. You knew you were in love with Alexia, at this point, there was no denying it. Alexia, on the other hand, kept denying and denying her feelings for you. 
“So, how’s it going Alexia?” Ingrid asks. She was probably your best friend on the team and the only one who knew about your current situation.
You sigh, “I don’t know Ingrid, every time I feel like she likes me back she goes and says something about how she thinks the friends-with-benefits idea is perfect for us. Or as soon as I think that I might have a shot with her, she’s talking about her latest match on some dating site.” 
It was no secret that Alexia was on multiple dating apps. She was always going on dates with different people, it seemed none of them ever stuck for more than two or three dates. It bothered you to no end, here you were ready to do anything for Alexia, willing to drop everything if she ever called, yet you know she wouldn’t do the same for you. 
“Well, maybe just give her signs that you like her and want to be more than just friends with benefits,” the Norwegian suggests.
“Signs? What does that mean?”
“Doing things for her, to you know, show her that you care for her in a different way than friends.”
You think about it for a couple of seconds, “So just like, be extra nice to her?”
“Yeah, basically,” Ingrid says with a shrug. You nod. You can do that. That’s easy, just show her that you care about her.
Over the next couple weeks, you did everything you and Ingrid could think of to show Alexia you like her. Bringing her coffee in the mornings, her favourite candies left at her locker, buying her food whenever the team ate out, anything you could do you did. It was so obvious that even some of the rest of the team started to pick up on it.
“Why don’t you ever buy me coffee, Y/N?” Mapi whines with a cheeky grin. One that quickly disappears after receiving a sharp glare from her girlfriend. You turn red before stuttering out a comeback,
“I don’t know Mapi, but maybe you should think about your girlfriend before asking other women to buy you coffee.” The look of true fear that crosses Mapi’s face is enough to distract the rest of the team enough for you to slip out of the locker room and onto the pitch. 
“So you really like her, huh?” You are startled by the voice, thinking you were the only one out here. When you turn around you’re met with Keira giving you a soft smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Don’t worry about it,” you say quickly, hoping to avoid the question.
“So what?” You try to play dumb.
“Do you like Alexia? And don’t try to lie Y/N,” Keira asks, pushing you to tell her.
“I think I love her if I’m being honest. She’s in my head 24/7, I can’t stop thinking about her,” you admit shyly.
“Then why not tell her that?” 
“I’m scared. What happens if I ask her out and she says no? I think I would have to move clubs,” you say in a joking tone, but both you and Keira know it wasn’t a joke. She looks at you sympathetically,
“Let’s say that does happen, you get that initial embarrassment over with and then you start getting over her. I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but if she rejects you there will be other people. It’s not like she’s your only chance at love, mate.” 
You ponder over her words for a bit before speaking, “I guess you’re right, I should ask her out. Should I ask her out? I shouldn’t ask her out.” Your mind races, then Keira puts her hands on your shoulders and gives you a look. “Okay, I’ll go ask her out.” You walk away feeling nervous and confident at the same time if that’s possible.
As you approach Alexia’s door you feel nervous as hell. The second you knock on it you know there is no going back. So, when she opens the door and sees you, fidgeting with the flowers in your hands, you want to immediately run away. At this point, though, you have to see it through, no chickening out now. 
“Hey Ale,” you can’t keep the nervousness out of your voice.
“Hey Y/N, what’s up?” She senses your nerves and takes hold of your hand to try and calm you down. Smiling at the contact you take a breath before spitting it out,
“Wouldyouliketogoonadatewithme?” Confused, Alexia asks you to repeat what you said. You sigh and say slower,
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” You then hold your breath, as Alexia processes what you said. Then, an expression comes across her face that you can’t quite explain, it’s almost a look as if she’s in pain and then apologetic. 
“Uhm, Y/N, I’m really sorry…” She trails off. When you get the gist of what’s saying, your shoulders slump and your face heats up with embarrassment.
“Yeah, no that’s okay. Don’t worry about it, Ale.”
“I’m really sorry, I just don’t like you like that,” she says feeling worse and worse every passing second.
“I get it, anyways these are for you,” reaching out and giving her the bouquet of flowers you were holding before turning and walking away, head hanging low. 
Alexia couldn’t keep her mind off of you for the next couple of days. Anytime she saw you in training she would try and catch your eye. It seemed, though, that you were determined not to speak to or even make eye contact with her. The entire team saw it, how you slowly cut yourself off from everyone, how you refused to come to team bonding nights, how you stopped going out with the team. For you it became, go to training and go home, nothing more. You had always been relatively quiet, but you didn’t even speak to anyone unless you were on the pitch. This concerned everyone, and Alexia couldn’t help but feel responsible for you isolating yourself. It was also around this time that Alexia started feeling like she made a mistake. Every date she went on she would always imagine that it was you across from her. That you were the one holding her hand and kissing her. So, as the January transfer officially opened, Alexia decided she was going to ask you out.
She originally planned to catch you after training, but you weren’t there. When she asked Ingrid about you the Norwegian just shrugged and said she hadn’t heard from you and that you probably were just not feeling well or something. Now, as Alexia walked up the stairs to your apartment she took note of how nothing was hanging off your front door. Usually, you had some sort of wreath or decoration hanging, she shook it off and put it down as you just forgot to put a new one up after Christmas. She knocked and stood waiting for a couple of seconds. That’s when she saw that your door was slightly ajar. She slowly pushed it open,
“Y/N? Are you in there?” Fully entering the apartment, she let out a gasp. It was completely bare, with nothing more than a couple of boxes and trash bags left. At that exact moment, she got a notification from Instagram. Tapping on it, her heart sank as she saw the post on your account announcing your transfer to Bayern Munich.
Alexia sank to her knees and started sobbing uncontrollably.
Hope you enjoyed this one! Do we want a part 2?
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andromedasummer · 2 months
Finished the first book. Can see why this hooked me so much as a teenager. Stroud cuts a fantastic balance of horror and humour in these novels and its a tragedy that netflix, who adapted the first two novels so well, decided to drop it altogether.
- The red room in Coombe-Carey is so fucking nasty I love it. I love everything in the hall, the ghost stories and their backstory, how its described to look, the gnarly old groundskeeper. good stuff.
- I like that the book highlights the fact that the monks were accused of blasphemy and then murdered horrifically. When they tried to claim in the tv show they became demonic worshippers I wasnt able to take the rest of the scenes with them very seriously. Ghost monks who turned to devil worship dying and coming back? Incredibly C-List horror filmy plot-like. Monks who were accused of devil worship being horrifically persecuted and violently murdered by the church, only to come back as an amalgafied horror? After dedicating their life to god? Betrayed by the people and organization they dedicated themselves to? Expecting an afterlife and finding themselves husks stuck in the inbetween abandoned by their religion now twice over, brewing in hatred and misery existing in the perpetual state of their collective deaths? That is something scary. That is the kind of shit that leads to a haunted as fuck place like the hall.
- The stuff about the Fittes boy breaking his neck on the stairs while trying to escape the screaming and his body lying there for decades... awful. Especially with how his ghost tries to help the group. I'm glad he gets a proper burial. And I'm glad Stroud doesn't shy away from how exploitative this whole business would be of children. How gruesome it often ends.
- I forgot Lucy nearly jumps in the well because of ghostlock eugh that whole scene unnerves me. King Lockwood and the teenage urge to blow up scary shit. Love when they use magnesium bombs and flares to solve problems.
-Sidenote No wonder so many kids are agents you just get weapons. They give these kids bombs to blow up ghosts.
- Hated every second of Fairfax talking hes so slimy and sexist. Love the scene of Lucy opening the locket so much. Still so satisfying 11 years after I originally read it to see that old man die horribly.
- Quill having to do cleanup with his team, barely able to move around plastic boxes. Theres no meat on that twig of a man. I love it.
- Okay the Skull trying to be all mysterious and scary to Lucy? Incredibly funny knowing hes just a scrawny teenage boy. And a brat. Bro I've read (most) of the other books. You are not scary. Creepy at most.
- Now I've finished it, The Whispering Skull is next. Its probably my least favourite of the books so we'll see if thats changed but I doubt it. Fav is the 3rd book by far, the department store shit is proper scary. But I do enjoy the heavy plot stuff about Bickerstaff that gets revealed so looking forward to that! This reread is VERY fun.
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kiwinatorwaffles · 7 months
hmm. i'm usually not one to post about these topics but i think i've gathered enough thoughts on wilbur's abysmal apology towards shelby to form a cohesive message.
WARNING: the rest of the post will discuss abuse and also a lot of my personal experiences as someone who has hurt other people in the past. obviously not to the extent that wilbur has, but please move on it you don’t want to see it. thank you and stay safe.
being stuck in a hard place, whether it be living conditions, mental conditions, or any other factor, will naturally hurt the person going through those tough times. and hurt people hurt people. but i think there's a pretty Big Fucking Difference between doing bad things in the past and actually owning up to your actions after regretting it VS doing bad things in the past and turning a blind eye against those you've hurt to wallow in your own ego and misery.
i’ve experienced my fair share of abusive friendships, but when i was fifteen, i WAS the toxic friend. (yes, i’m aroace. friendships aren’t the same as a romantic relationship but they can be just as strong. i value my platonic bonds as much as allos value their marriages or date partners.) i was going through a huge depressive episode. it was tough for me, but during that time, i made fun of my friends' interests to their faces because i couldn't personally understand it, and i also vagueposted about the little things they did that ticked me off right where they could see it. it got to the point where they had to make a separate group chat to talk about their interests where i wouldn’t see it. i hurt all of them, and it ended in them confronting me about my actions. they put me in my place and called me out for my horrible attitude.
after seeing my friends' perspectives, i realized just how awful i was to them and sincerely apologized to each of them. i recognized their feelings towards my actions and didn't make excuses. even though i was going through a hard time myself, my abuse towards them was absolutely NOT justified. as i recovered, i made sure not to hurt them any more, and years later, our friendships are still going strong.
my experiences aren't nearly as extreme as what wilbur has done to shelby, but i think it's pretty fucking clear that his apology was flaming dog shit served on a trash dump. like, i was a fifteen year old. he's a Grown Ass Man with a big platform. he dug his own grave by talking about himself first instead of actually addressing his mistreatment of shelby first and foremost. he didn't even MENTION shelby by name. talking about his "strides to betterment" without even directing his apology towards the person he actually hurt is just pathetic. that whole spiel about how he "thought" the whole exchange was consensual is fucking wild. he didn't even apologize for that; he moved on right afterwards.
we can infer that wilbur has been struggling with being a person who has done bad things through his songs and lovejoy's music. he might have been going through a hard time and maybe even regretted it (though his apology really makes it seem like he's just doing it for damage control), that STILL doesn't validate any hurt he might have caused. the least he could’ve done is to sincerely apologize to shelby, even if she didn’t accept it. but he couldn’t even do that.
it's just disappointing that, as someone who has a platform of millions of followers, he displayed an act of shallowness. in the end, his attempt at sincerity fell flat and benefited no one, especially not the people he abused. if he had properly apologized, even if his apology wasn't accepted, it would've shown people in a similar situation how to apologize to the people they hurt in the past in a mature and sincere way.
so, yeah. FUCK wilbur soot. focus not on the fact that he has done bad, but that the one he abused didn’t get a proper apology. support shelby and other victims of abuse. listen to their experiences and spread awareness of these cautions. uplift their voices, not his.
for those who have connected to his and lovejoy's music that have gone through a similar dark time in their lives, i also extend my heart out to you. it must also be hard to see someone who reflected your struggles of betterment reveal himself to be someone who really hasn't gotten better at all.
but you don’t have to be like him. you don’t need to follow in his steps as long as you own up to your mistakes, even if you can’t talk to those you hurt anymore. in the end, what matters most is that you apologize in a sincere way and make sure you don’t repeat those mistakes going forward.
you CAN get better. if anything just so spite that british boy’s ass
thank you. kiwi out ✌️
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icarus-does-fall · 5 months
The actual cod fic I've been meaning to write 💪
Aka I wrote the first paragraph like... two weeks ago, then did other things and then wrote the rest of it in two hours ^_^
Anyway it's a poly fic, Ghost, Roach and Soap- it's also fluffy as hell an super sweet
Please enjoy <3
.𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤..𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤.
Ghost, a cold man, un-emotional, harsh, hostile, a killer. Those that saw him walking the halls moved out of his way, people walked on eggshells around him.
Simon, a warm man, a man kept hidden from everyone except a select few. One who smiled, laughed, had a home and melted at his lovers’ touches. Simon who carried in all the groceries and demanded morning cuddles even if it made him and others late.
So how did a man as harsh as Ghost, find the people that broke past his walls, to make his two sides collide?
.𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤. .𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤.
“MacTavish!” Price shouted, and it was in that moment Soap knew he fucked up.
Soap wasn’t stupid by any means, he was the 141s demolitions expert, a little bit of a maths genius and he knew multiple languages. Yet he was also a child at heart and he couldn’t resist the occasional prank.
“Capt'n! Is a pleasure, whit kin I do ye fur?”
Price scowled. “Ya bloody nearly blew half of the barracks, an’ now the other half is covered in glitter- What exactly were you trying to achieve there?”
“Jist a wee bit o’fun Cap’ naethin’ too serious… Ah might've gaen a bit o’erborard but naebody ‘round here seems to ken how to lighten up- ‘cept maybe Gaz an’ Roach. Place jist needed some colour is aw Cap.”
Price's scowl deepened before he simply shook his head and sighed. “You're on clean up duty till the barracks are back to normal- Ghost is supervising you and the rest of ya muppets to make sure nothing else breaks.”
“Shite- Ghost? Why can't… uh… literally anyone else keep an eye oan us? Swear that man hates our guts, he’d raither shoot us than listen tae us talk.”
At that Price let out a gruff laugh and clapped Soap on the shoulder before sending him on his way towards the rest of the so-called detention group. “That's the exact reason, Ghost will keep ya muppets in line cause I got other stuff to take care of instead of babysittin’.”
Soap merely sighed he knew there was no getting out of the punishment that Price had set up for him and the rest of the “troublemakers” on base. He marched his way towards the barracks, as he ran into Gaz, Nikolai and Alex all marching towards their doom as well.
“How’d ye lot pish off Price tae end up wae Ghost in detention?”
Nik simply rolled his eyes as Soap joined in with the little group walking towards the barracks for clean up. “It's all your fault that we’re in this mess MacTavish.”
Soap baulked, “My fault? Whit gies ye that idea?”
“Because we were helping cover your ass- And now John is pissed at me so I’ve been kicked out of bed-”
Gaz cut in before Nik could keep talking. “I'm here cause I was stupid enough to think we wouldn’t get found out, so not really on ya, its more of uh mutual screw up but still, we could’ve done better we’re stuck with fuckin Ghost of all people now… I know he's on our team ‘n all but he scares the shit out of me sometimes.”
Alex however just rolled his eyes and continued on walking, while he loved his team and the occasional chaos they all could get up to, he knew the punishment they were facing was all their faults in the same faction or another and there wasn't any true reason to argue (or blame) it all on Soap. No matter how much Nikolai wanted to simply cause Price kicked the poor guy out of bed.
Soap tsked and walked ahead of the group, slinging his arm around Gazs shoulders with a grin. “You lot worry tae much, surely a wee Ghosty can't be tae harsh.”
The rest of them exchanged glances and laughed at how optimistic Soap was, for an intelligent guy, sometimes he was kinda stupid. But of course that's what made him ever so loveable, by the lads and the ladies.
Not long after their short chat in the hall they made it to the barracks and there was Ghost, standing at the entrance clad in his uniform and mask. The group immediately sobered up and waited for Ghost to speak. He didn't. He merely grunted with a nod and made sure each of the four walked into the barracks. “Price put in charge. You lot are gonna clean, and there won't be any games- Get to it.”
The four grumbled up, picked up the brooms and dustpans that had been laid out and began to clean. Ghost leaned against a nearby wall and supervised the clean up. Soap would make an odd joke here or there causing Gaz or Alex to throw something in his direction leading Ghost to bark orders in their direction to knock it off- For the most part Nikolai kept his head down and did what he was told, merely grumbling about how it was unfair and was a rookies job, not for him.
And the four cleaned until well past dusk, other soldiers on the base working their way around them to make their way towards their beds, all casting pitiful glances in their directions as the rest of base headed off to bed. At one point even Price stopped by to collect Nik, leaving just three left to keep cleaning.
“Aye Ghost, keep them muppets on task till this place is spotless- but I am taking Nik back, beds getting lonely. Kicked ‘em out for nearly a week now.”
Ghost nodded at the order. If nothing else the man was loyal and followed orders like a well trained dog- Which Soap of course made a comment on.
“Like a dog aren't ye Ghost? Trained for on an’ aff the field are ye?”
Ghost scowled underneath his mask and in a low grumble, one that spent shivers down people's spines as he spoke. “You think you're any better ‘cause ya make noise? You're just as much of a bloody dog as I am MacTavish, so quit your yapping ‘for we muzzle ya.”
Soap flushed and chuckled nervously as he for once did as he was told and stopped talking. He went back to cleaning and Gaz and Alex exchanged semi-nervous glances, it was suddenly very tense and heated where they all stood.
At least it was until Gaz spoke up. “Sooo- If we muzzle Soap that mean he gets a leash too? Cause the pet store has these ones with bells on ‘em, got one for my cat cause I kept losing her in all the pillows back home.”
Alex laughed and shook his head, “Nah mate Soap looks more like the type of guy to wear the muzzle and still keep growling… Unless of course he’s secretly into that sort of that thing~”
Soap huffed and with his cheeks still a slight red threw his arms over the twos shoulders, turning his growl into a cheeky grin and playful wink. “Ye ken ye just have tae dae is ask if ye wanna find oot whit kinda beastie I am in bed~”
Gaz scowled playfully and lightly shoved Soap off of him with a laugh. “Yeah right, my girl would have my ass if I took you to bed Soap and we both know it- My ass and your dick would be hanging on her wall for trying to mess with her.”
Soap grinned and then poked Alex in the cheek. “Sooo whit’s that saying aboot ye then?”
Alex shook his head as he chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Yaknow for being so smart, you're a terrible flirt sometimes Soap, honestly I’ve heard my abuela do better than that and she's almost 95.”
Soap pouted and his eyes flickered towards Ghost before he laughed and shook his head, sure he was goofing off but he wasn't going to try and test his luck that much- Not while the mans already pissed off at them all anyway. He knew Ghost could have a laugh every once and a while but it was a hard achievement to get.
.𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤. .𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤.
It was nearly 4 in the morning by the time the four- turned tree of them finished cleaning while under the supervision of Ghost who stood as still a stone the entire time. A couple times it was brought into question if he was still awake, or was blinking. In which he scared them with a response and coincidentally shut them up at the same time.
Once they were allowed to depart they were nearly sleep deprived for all the cleaning. Staying up 48, even 72 hours for a mission was no problem but to make them clean and they were whipped out after just a few hours of work.
Gaz and Alex went to bed almost immediately, but Soap in his sleepy and ever intelligent state decided to be a menace to Ghost just a bit longer. So as Ghost was turning to walk away Soap caught up with him and swung his arm over his shoulder with a cheeky grin. “Aye Ghosty! Ye never answered the question of seein’ me in bed ye ken.”
Ghost scowled slightly and shoved Soap off of him with a growl. “Because it was a stupid question. How can you be so smart and yet so bloody stupid all at once?”
Soap rolled his eyes as he kept pace with Ghost and huffed slightly. “Not stupid, just know how to have fun unlike some people around here- I might need a muzzle but I’m not kept on a leash like you are.”
Ghost stopped walking. Dead in the middle of the hallway he stopped walking and turned to Soap with a glare, it was a dangerous and deadly look. “On a leash? What, want me to prove I think for myself?”
Soaps grin came back in a flash and he laughed, “obviously.”
It was almost sunrise, but for now the base was quiet, it was just the two of them in the halls and so Ghost did something unexpected. He pinned Soap up against a nearby wall, one hand on his waist and the other tugging up his mask just slightly so it sat on the bridge of his nose before his lips crashed down onto Soaps leaving him in shock as a slight gasp and whine slipped past his lips.
The kiss only lasted for a moment, less than a second even before he pulled away and tugged his mask back down but not before Soap caught a glance of a grin playing on Ghost's lips. “How’s that for thinkin’ for myself eh Johnny?”
And then he began to walk away.
Soap was left agape and blushing redder than a firetruck when Ghost walked away from him. “Bloody hell- Naeb’dys luck that that just happened right? Fuck meh.”
Ghost grinned from underneath his mask, the crinkle by his eyes gave that away as he looked over his shoulder and back towards Soap for a moment. “Ask nicely and I might.” And with that Ghost turned the corner and disappeared from Soap's sight, leaving the Scotsman more flustered than he was to begin with.
So of course once Soap was able to calm down and gather his thoughts he rushed into the nearest room- He simply needed someone to tell all of this to and at this point he didn't care who it was.
It was Roaches room that he ended up barging into at dark thirty in the morning, not that Soap cared what time it was anymore either. He was wide awake now and there wasn’t any chance that he was going to go to bed any time soon either.
Soaps accept was thicker than it had ever been as he took a spot on Roches bed and shook him awake. “Roach- Roach mate- Mo ghràidh!! gie yirsel a shake, bloody hell! I need somebody tae gab wi here mate, ah might juist explode otherwise! Come oan, please.”
Groggily Roach woke up after Soap shook him awake. His voice raspy and hair all a mess from just having been woken up as well. The sight caused another blush to rise to Soap's face but he quickly pushed it aside. “Fuckin hell man, what is it? People are still trying to sleep, not getting caught up in your schemes.”
Soap pouted and rolled his eyes. “Nae, nae that, nae schemes either- The lieutenant, thon wee bawbag kissed meh!”
At that Roach was sitting up in bed and seemed a lot more interested in what Soap was saying. “Wait- wait… You're talking crazy Johnny, I can barely understand ya mate… You're saying Ghost kissed ya?”
Roach chuckled, and shook his head as the sleep began to leave his body. “Well I’ll be damned- Is he any good?”
Soap openly blushed at that, which Roach noticed. “Aww the mighty MacTavish is blushing~ You like him then huh?”
“Oh shut ii Roach! I’m being serious here, the man kissed me! I didn't know he could do that-”
“What kiss people? He might be a killin’ machine but he’s still human, he’s still a guy.”
“Bloody hell, Gary! That's not the ficken point, I'm in crisis over here and you're having a laugh about it.”
“Course I am, you freaked out like this when I kissed ya drunk on new years- You're a decent kisser Johnny, expect the guy to come round for another one.”
Soap once again flushed red and then playfully pushed Roach away with a light glare and a huff. “You're an arse sometimes Roach, hope ye ken that.”
“Course I know that, I gotta be if i wanna be friends with you.”
Soap raised a teasing and mischievous eyebrow as he spoke next. “With all we do an’ we’re only friends? Here I thought we had something more going on than that~”
This time it was Roaches turn to blush, “Oh shut up! We can be friends and still something more at the same time- Now go chase after that lieutenant for us ye hear me?~ Somebody has to make the guy loosen up a bit and who better and a loose cannon and his boyfriend.”
A loud chuckle burst out of Soap's chest as he stole a quick kiss from Roach before moving to walk out of the room. “Aye sounds like the perfect plan.”
Yet as Soap moved to leave Roach pulled him back into his bed and it was obvious the two weren't going anywhere for quite awhile.
.𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤. .𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤.
While Soap was having his time with Roach, Ghost on the other hand was having a slight breakdown. He kissed someone- Furthermore he kissed a guy, and not just any guy, a guy with a known boyfriend. Man did he have problems.
Yes, it was also known around base that Soap and Roach weren't in a closed relationship and Ghost never thought he was that type of guy. But damn him and damn Soap, the lad was a good kisser.
With a sigh he collapsed onto his bed, throwing his mask off onto his bedside table and tried for at least a few minutes of shuteye before it was time to be back on duty and training the rookies. Until it was time to be Ghost again. That short exchange in the hall with Soap was the most relaxed he’d been in months since his last leave and he was almost aching for it again.
Before he knew it though the sun was rising and it was time to be awake, it felt like he barely got any sleep as he dragged himself out of bed and pulled his mask back on before heading into the mess hall. He found a spot tucked away into a corner by himself with just a simple cuppa coffee before Johnny bound into the mess hall with his usual grin, his neck covered in illy hidden hickies.
The sight caused an unusual heat to rise to Ghosts face which caused him to scowl and tuck away further into his corner, he couldn’t decide if he wanted to punch something or drag Soap down by his collar and make him go dumb around him like he'd done with a few of his one night stands.
With a low growl he sipped on his coffee and sighed, he was at war with himself and didn't want to do anything to fix it.- Well that's not entirely true, he wanted to fix it, he just wasn't entirely sure how to, or even if the how was possible.
Yey of course as the fates would have it, Soap noticed him tucked away in his corner of solitude. So Soap and his ever boyish attitude he made his way over to Ghost and took the seat across from him, grinning mischievously and propped his head onto his hands, his elbows resting on the table. “Hey there lover boy”
Ghost blue screened for a moment and nearly choked on his coffee mid sip causing Soap to burst out into laughter.. “I- what??”
“Naethin but a joke, just thought it’d be fun to see your reaction after that stunt ye played earlier.”
Ghost blinked. And then blinked again before trying to focus his attention back onto his coffee. “I was out of line for that- Shouldn't have done it, was just tryin’ to prove a point, more than a dog on a leash an’ all.”
Soap merely shrugged, unbothered by Ghost's dismissal. “Ye got naethin tae worry aboot, been tryin to egg ye on fur ages now an’ Roach dinnae mind any about it no aen, lad was all jokes aboot it when I was freaking out this mornin’, want to compare note an’ what nae.”
A slight blush rose to Ghost face no matter how hard he tried to fight it as he simply stared at Soap, words almost failing to form. “You- Roach wanted to do what? Wait… You talked about me kissin ya? Didn’t think it was that big of a deal, wasn’t even my best work.”
Soap chuckled and shook his head slightly, “Nae naethin like that- Well, kinda actually… ye terrifying and if ye didnt already know it everybody thinks ye attractive juist naebody has the balls to make a move on ye.”
Ghost sat there mouth agape, and his blush darkened to the point it was finally noticeable and before he could respond Soap spoke up once more. “Meh and Roach are havin a movie night tonight, naething serious, just a bit o’fun, time to relax an’ all- ye mair than welcome to join us”
Ghost paused and swirled his coffee around in his mug for a moment or so, the two simply sat in silence for a couple minutes as Ghost thought before he spoke up. “What movie did you two pick?”
Soap grinned, “The Princess Bride, it's a timeless classic that ye cannae go wrong with- Got a projector fur the room an’ everything.”
Ghost nodded, placing down a now empty mug and then nugging down his mask once again. “We’ll see about it.” And with that he stood and quickly vanished from view, being the ghost he was known to be.
Soap rolled his eyes at the dramatics but he was giddy at the thought of Ghost possibly, maybe, showing up for movie night. He knew there was a slim chance that something would actually happen between him, Ghost and Roach but there was always that one percent of possibility and that's what Soap decided to focus on. He loved Roach but damn was Ghost enthralling.
.𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤. .𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤.
The hours passed and the day went by as usual, Ghost was outside working the recruits half to death, terrorising another generation of soldiers. Soap wasn’t being a menace for once, he was working with Price on the logistics of certain types of explosions and trying to explain the maths of how each of them worked. And Roach, Roach was tucked away somewhere doing who knows what but at least everyone was staying out of trouble.
As the sun began to set on the day Soap ended up back in Roaches bed, tucked into his side (so sue the man if he liked being the little spoon on occasion) and the movie played on the wall. About 30 minutes or 45, neither were sure there was a slight knock on the door.
“Doors open!”
There was a pause, it seemed like a moment of hesitation but then the door opened and there stood Ghost. Instead of being dressed in his usual tactical gear he was wearing a black hoodie and a matching pair of sweatpants. Even his mask was more casual, this one only covered about half his face, showing off his hair- which was a dirty blonde and messier than you'd think possible.
“I’m still invited, yeah? Not too late am I? Couldn’t decide if I should show up or not-”
“Aye! Of course Ghosty! Plenty of room in the bed, come on in.”
Roach laughed softly at his boyfriend's excitement yet shifted slightly to accommodate for another person joining in their not so large bed. Ghost ended up nestled in between the two, Soaps legs were draped over his and Roach was nestled into the crook of his arm. It was… warm, comfortable even and the movie held a nice ambiance to the background.
The movie played and the three laid there cuddled together, a few teases and jabs here and there were exchanged but overall everything was peaceful and Ghost felt context for the first time in a very long time. As the credits began to roll Roach was falling asleep on Ghost, and Ghost had found himself absentmindedly playing with Soaps hair- No one dared mention that in case he’d stop upon being called out for being soft.
The other two looked up at Ghost as he spoke, the rumble of his chest when he talked rosing Roach enough to light a confused spark in their eyes. “Huh?”
“My name- It’s Simon… Don't use it too much though- Or in front of the rest of the team, but my name's Simon.”
Soap grinned, and Roach simply nestled back into Ghost's side but that didn't mean he didn't kiss Ghost's cheek first. “Pleasure tae meet ye then Simon~”
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stevebabey · 2 years
ruby’s very own tour of hawkins!
yoohoo! here is all ze blurbs i wrote for the beloved celebration <3 enjoy!! and as always, i'll bite chew devour (appreciate) any reblogs so feel free to validate me hehe the kiss of venus the prompt: kisses in which ‘i’ll kiss you right now to prove i don’t feel anything for you’‘ but the kiss proves the opposite. You’re convinced that a bad kiss means a boy doesn’t like you. Steve disagrees and offers a good kiss to prove it — even though he does, very much, like you. fem!reader. only exception the prompt: “I want to spend all my time with you.” You’re not used to people sticking around and Steve’s seems to be an exception. Even better, he might like you the same way you like him. crush vs. crush the prompt: physical touches that aren't sexual but full of love >>>> Steve and you debate who fell first and you realise Steve’s been pining for you a lot longer than you’d ever realised. wistful wishes the prompt: forehead against forehead Steve’s just your best friend and no amount of wishing on eyelashes, 11.11’s, and dandelions is changing that. Til he notices the wishing. missed you, lover the prompt: a swirling reunion kiss You go out of state and Steve makes sure gives the proper boyfriend welcome back. (a real good kiss hehe) talk it out the prompt: fumbling with their hand as you tell a story. It’s been a long day and Steve helps you unwind, even if it just means holding you when it turns to tears. misplaced kiss the prompt: an accidental kiss that confuses you both, but only a moment pass before you crash your lips back against each other's Steve has been planning his move on you— a kiss on the cheek — for weeks. He misses and kisses you straight on the lips instead. Then deals with the aftermath. unlucky seventh the prompt: extending your hand for them to hold everytime they walk behind you and they wrap clasp their fingers around yours You’re stuck at the back of your group, lagging behind because there’s not enough space for all of you side-by-side on the sidewalk. Steve makes sure you’re not feeling forgotten. softest lips in the world the prompt: “Nobody in the world has hands this soft.” Dustin gives stellar advice and you try out the trick of comparing hand sizes with Steve. A slip of a tongue reveals a little more than intended. love in the a.m the prompt: a kiss that says 'we're late for work, but let's be later' Kisses in bed, kisses in the shower, kisses in the kitchen— it’s a wonder you and Steve ever make it to work on time. wildflower bouquets the prompt: “Thanks for marrying me.” + “I have never loved you as much as I do right now.” A wedding in a garden, lots of tears, and one very happy couple. fem!reader. rough day the prompt: “I wouldn’t wanna fight you. You’re pretty feisty.” Keith is an asshole but hearing you threaten to fight him might just be the thing to make Steve feel better. kiss it better the prompt: "I've had a terrible day at work so just kiss me." Sometimes the only remedy for Steve is a kiss from his lover. clingy drunk the prompt: physical touches that aren't sexual but full of love >>>> + "Tch, stop moving!" "Why-?" "You feel amazing in my arms." You’re a clingy drunk, demanding cuddles in the middle of a party— Steve thinks it’s downright adorable.
ramblings headcanons & thoughts this one (nsfw, we just nearly died tender-lovin sex), in the summertime (river date with stevie hehe)
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Absolutely begging you do to a part 3 where they somehow manage to bring Lucy back, I need hugs and celebration my heart can’t handle it
I suppose I can heal the pain I've caused lol
It takes way longer than they planned for fix Lucy. I'm talking a couple years.
Because of this, Lucy has gotten used to floating around and spying on people. So now she has a terrible habit of knocking things over, falling over, and getting way to personal (physically and mentally) with members
It's Lucy who figures out how to come back so she get's the joy of surprising everyone
She goes after Happy first. Revenge is sweet
He's walking home alone from the guild and Lucy sneaks up behind him and grabs him. He screams in pure terror
But then when he sees it's Lucy and she's really there, he buries his face in her chest and starts sobbing.
They sit like that on the street for way to long just hugging
Natsu smells Lucy on Happy when he comes home so Natsu knows she's back (or at least he's hoping his nose isn't lying to him)
He runs out of the house and searches for her (because why wouldn't she go see him next)
Lucy is standing there in the walkway, almost sheepishly. Natsu freezes at first and just stares
It doesn't last long because soon he's tackling her. Lucy tries to be mad at him but she's so happy to be actually touching him that she just giggles as he clutches her tightly
Natsu wasn't able to smell her while she was a ghost so he sniffs her pretty hard, missing her scent (Lucy actually lets him do it too)
Wendy had helped come up with the spell to return Lucy to her body, but hadn't actually been there when Lucy successfully did it
So Wendy is stuck in the library trying to figure out new ways to improve the spell (they had several failed attempts so Wendy was always tweaking things)
Lucy simply comes up and sits on the desk next to her. Wendy is so buried in her research that she doesn't even smell her
She just assumes that its Lucy's 'ghost'. Well, until Lucy snatches the book from her hands
Wendy literally shrieks. I'm talking the loudest, most high pitched scream ever
And Lucy is once again tackled. Giggling all the way to the floor
Carla had seen it coming so she simply hugged Lucy and welcomed her back to the land of the living
Having heard Wendy's scream, Erza came running into the room. She was so confused when she saw the three women on the ground giggling
Lucy stood quickly and walked up to Erza. Erza was skeptical of what Lucy would do (ghost Lucy is a bit of a menace)
Without a word, Lucy pulled Erza into the tightest hug known to man
Well, she thought it was a tight hug, until Erza hugged her back and nearly broke all her ribs
Lucy had to tap out of it, but held Erza's hand the rest of the day
Erza didn't cry then, but that night she was the first to go to Lucy's house and cried into her arms about how much she missed her
The rest of the team showed up at Lucy's apartment that night. Something they had been doing since Lucy first turned into a 'ghost' (they figured they should make use of Lucy's space since they were paying the rent)
Everyone apart from Gray knew Lucy was physically back. So while they are all chatting, Gray tries to walk through Lucy (a habit he picked up because she kept trying to block his paths to things)
He ran straight into her and nearly slammed her into the doorframe. Lucy yelled at him because wth and then realized "oh shit, we didn't tell Gray"
He freaked out and lifted her off the ground as he hugged her.
He tried not to cry, but Lucy started bawling instead because now her could touch her whole team. This caused Gray to cry as well
Pretty soon everyone was crying all over again and Lucy was pulled into a group hug
They all cuddled her that night as well. No one wanted to take their hands off her for fear that she would disappear again
(Also Gray was pissed that everyone knew besides him and didn't say anything... there was a fight)
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mari-lair · 1 year
Y'know I've just realised that now that Aoi can see supernaturals it's going to be really interesting to see how she's going to influence the plot. Because her first interaction with supernaturals was nearly killing her childhood friend, getting attacked multiple times, watching who was meant to be her saviour (because Teru was the strongest person in that situation, he had to be the one to save Aoi because no one else could) nearly die, and slowly crumble away herself. That was horribly traumatising! And now she has to keep living her life with a numb hand and the understanding that (in particular) Nene and Akane are doing incredibly dangerous things. And since it seems the clockkeepers are becoming relevant again, Akane is almost definitely going to be in danger. Again. All the other characters have an at least somewhat positive relationship with supernaturals (as seen by the most recent chapter) but Aoi's got nothing. It'll be interesting to see how her place in the story is going to change given how in the past all she had was the distant amusement about the school's rumours.
Aoi does have a few positive interactions with supernaturals! Noticeably, with the mokkes, who she helped and they helped her back.
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And with Hanako, who she doesn’t know had planned for her to die, so in her point of view, he is a friendly guy that helped her in the Far Shore. He is also someone that Nene has a crush on, and vise versa, so Aoi can fall back on her usual “love talk” with him to comfort herself, as shown by how she talks a bit about her feelings on the train, and is even able to relate to him
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And while her trust in him is not blind, she does listen to him.
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Her overall view is understandably still negative though.
She was clearly traumatized by all the events you listed since she kept the bracelet Teru gave her: A gift that surely brings bad memories but serves as protection.
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And I suspect she still wears the bracelet in school, she just hides it, since she suddenly started to wear long sleeves, something no one else has done in her class.
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So is not like the days got colder and students changed uniforms, Aoi was the only girl that made a conscious choice to wear long sleeves even if it would make her stand out.
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I would love to know how her interest in supernatural rumors would be transformed now that she knows they are real and that they can be as cute and fluffy as a mokke or as dangerous as Hakubo. Or how she addapts to seeing these creatures in her everyday life.
(Please Aidairo I am on my knees begging you to explore Aoi more.)
Aoi usually worries about Nene easily, but she seems to trust Hanako with her safety, since he was so protective when Aoi threw them in the trash’ and Akane, one of the few people Aoi trust, also trusts in Hanako's competence.
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As for Akane, I really really really hope she doesn’t just go “He has Teru to protect him, is okay” because while it would make some sense, considering Teru was the one that rescued Akane and led the group that came to save her, I want her to be a relevant part of this arc! Akane was so important in her arc, she should be relevant in his arc too! Not just be a goal (her hand). Let her help him somewhat. I would love that so much!!
If you want to see how a character without a single positive relationship with supernaturals would fit the narrative, we already have two: Akane and Teru. Exorcist life is not very comparable to Aoi’s situation, but please take a better look at Akane.
Akane was a normal person that has consistently been tormented by supernaturals. Since his complaints are mostly treated as a joke, people might forget that Akane never forgave the clock keeper for putting Aoi’s life at risk and tricking him to work a job he really hates.
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When directly asked about his opinions, the manga drop the ‘comedy lenses’ and shows us point blank that “the clock keepers recruitment trick stuck with him even after all these years. Akane hates them on a fundamental level.”
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He isn’t looking at Hanako here, his eyes are unfocused, he is thinking about the day Aoi almost died and using a ton of '...' in his dialogue: It is a trauma. Just because he tries not to think about it, and it isn’t as brought up in the narrative as the main characters' traumas, it does not make it any less of a traumatic event: Many of his beliefs and attitudes got shaped by that event.
Even the mokke try to attack him to steal his School Mystery seat. So he really has no exceptions. 
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It makes sense that every supernatural is either an uncaring asshole or a beast in Akane’s eyes. Sure, he can be forced to work with them for the greater good, he is a guy that values his word and his duties, but he will never respect or like them.
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asexualbookbird · 11 months
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The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon ⭐⭐
I followed this book from it's conception, through it's editing, and hyped it's publishing date on twitter. I was genuinely excited to read it, and really thought and hoped I'd enjoy it. I wasn't a huge fan of what I read of The Bone Season, but everyone assured me this was different! And to be fair, it was! I think in my heart, though, I knew the truth because I waited so long to read this and I'm sorry to say I did not have a great time.
My problem with Samantha Shannon seems to be she creates these wonderful worlds full of interesting magic systems and characters that are fun to follow, but there's too much crammed into the book as a whole. In The Bone Season, I felt the Rephaim were unnecessary. In Priory there are too many points of view. There were things I liked, this wasn't a complete waste of time, but wow they were hard to come by in the end.
What did I like?
-Ead! Ead was clearly the main character and I think it would have worked better if it was just Her Book (I'd also settle for her and Tané, please Tané deserved more page time than she got) -Sabran. I'm surprised, but not really, that people didn't like her. She's complicated! She's mean! She loves deeply! She's a person! People just hate women who are mean lol -MAGIC! Magic comes from fruit that comes from the stars? It's fire and water and ice and air? NEAT! COOL! Cool magic systems seem to be SShannons strong point! -High fantasy with no sexual assault or threats of sexual assault. There was a little misogyny with the way Sabran and her line is treated for their ability to give birth (and no, one throw away line of "This is bad actually!" doesn't fix it lol) but it fit in context and considering no one was mean to women for being women I'll let it slide!
What didn't I like?
-LACK. OF. DRAGONS. yall there are dragons on the COVER, every time someone talked about this online, they added dragon emojis. So why, in the more than 800 pages, did dragons show up for maybe five pages TOTAL. Like if we went line by line and pieced all those lines together, it would maybe take up five pages. Ten if I'm being generous and include the dragons that are The Enemies. Which, by the way, -Dragons are Mean. I've discovered that I prefer dragons to be neutral to allies, I don't like dragon books where we are slaying dragons. It's nice that we have both here, no group of people? Creatures? Are a monolith, but I want more of the eastern dragons! They were pushed aside and we hardly saw them! We hardly saw any of them! If you promise me dragons, then deliver! The! Dragons!!!! -Writing style. I'm thinking maybe SShannon's writing style and I do not vibe at all. I'm not sure what it is about it, I know she doesn't like writing action scenes and so avoids them, and I love reading action scenes, but that didn't feel like the entire problem here? But something about this writing detached me from the characters. Yes I liked Ead, but I felt nothing about Tané, other tha wanting MORE of her. SShannon spent a lot of time saying not much at all, it's really rather impressive. -Tané in general. Part of the writing problem is the way the POVs were split. It was most obvious in Tané's storyline. She has everything stripped away from her, but the emotional impact wasn't there because we hardly spent any time with her. -The Priory. The book is named after it, but we're hardly there at all. I spent a good chunk of the first half wishing Ead would go back to the Priory, but once she was there, I wanted her to leave. The Prioress' motives also seemed iffy to me? Ead was right, why spend nearly ten years trying to keep Inys afloat and then go "actually! Nevermind! Let it burn!' -Plot....holes? Not so much holes but Convenient Plot. I was ready to ignore some of it, suspension of disbelief and all that, but nah I"m going to be picky now! The scene that stuck out the most was Ead being chased and hunted down and CONVENIENTLY wyrms attacked her pursuers and she was the one who got away. Or how about Niclays at the LITERAL LAST MOMENT deciding to have a change of heart because......plot has to move forward? Also. What the fuck happened to Ishari lol Tané noted Ishari was disappointed to be sent to Feather island, but said she hoped their paths would cross again one day! And then! Tané goes to Feather Island! And NO MENTION OF HER AT ALL! Or how abut Loth learning a VERY BIG VERY IMPORTANT PIECE OF INFORMATION ABOUT THE NEIGHBORING KINGDOM AND THEN NO ONE MENTIONS IT UNTIL NEARLY THE END LIKE "OH YEAH BTW THE PRINCESS THERE IS COOL LOTH SAID SO" -Wrap Up. I didn't really mind the final Big Fight. I know even fans of the book have been disappointed, but honestly it's one of the strongest stretches of the book, even if it was a little hard to follow at times. What bothered me was after. I know I tend to be impatient when reading the final chapters of a book, the What Happened Next bits, but never have I been so annoyed as to have to read a wrap up from the POV of someone who WASN'T EVEN CONSCIOUS. I suppose it's better than a book where a single first person POV character is knocked unconscious mid battle and then the next scene is "and then everything was over" but come ON.
I know she had to edit this book down a LOT, which. Girl. It's 800 pages how was there MORE. So maybe my questions were answered in things that were cut, but I could not physically handle any more of this book. I got fatigue from her writing, I cannot handle more of it at once, but considering how long it takes her to finish a book (not a complaint! Everyone has a different pace!) I also would not have wanted to wait that long for a conclusion. There's no winning for me here. We were simply not meant to be. It's just that if I'm going to read a book that takes hundreds of pages to say nothing at all by an author that puts out a book once every few years at best, I'd read VE Schwab or Patrick Rothfuss.
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chickpea0 · 6 months
Going to be real for a sec, just thinking outloud because I know this is a safe place and I need to get thoughts out. Veeerry long! Not a vent just a brain dump. do not bother reading this unless youre really reallyyy into biographies lol this is literally 1,915 words
I'm stuck inbetween minds at the moment. I keep asking myself if regression, or dreaming, isn't really for me. I found agere and petre when I was very young, about 14; it piqued my interest because I'm a very curious person, interested in different lifestyles and ways to explore the self but I also think that because I was just coming out of childhood even though I thought my childhood had ended years before. I was just growing out of being a tween and at that stage in life, it's really startling going from childhood to seemingly adulthood overnight and it's quite natural and common for people to want to cling onto things when everything is being shaken up like that.
Intamacy with people, vulnerability and emotional closeness is always somethign I've struggled with and felt like it was just out of reach so the idea of allowing myself to be back at a stage where I was raw, authentic and less closed up was really really appealing. Plus, the idea of people understanding that and guiding me and just being around me would mean they *really* like me and they're not just there because they have to be, even though I've never had a caregiver though I have had like 2 online friendships where I could be baby around them which felt quite good but I never quite felt satisfied. probably because it was online and neither laster over 3 months. I'm practically always masking and the idea of being weird (I mean this without negative connotation) and expressive really sounded amazing. I have also always always always wanted to be apart of a community but I just never have. No clubs or hobbies that made me feel welcome growing up, no proper friend groups that made made me feel at home, I think I've been in a lot of fandom/online community spaces just because I wanted to feel apart of something though because I was never able to contribute it just felt like a one-way mirror.
So!! I find a lovely community like this! With a focus on mental health, togetherness, working through things and taking time to appriciate things, it's great! I love you guys! I can even make moodboards and little posts and I have a cg blog and a slightly bigger blog where I help boost creators on here. I have mutuals!!!!! People follow me!!! We talk on tags and comments!!! I feel like I have insider knowledge and experience because I've had a lot of oppertuinty to reflect on life and mental health and even on regression itself. But thing is I do not regress often at all. When I do it's for split seconds. When I'm really sleepy, when I'm allowing myself to be vulnerable, if I'm having a weird spacey day. I'm not sure if it's more dissociation or a sudden wave of emotion or what. I think I'm just generally an immature person some times. I haven't grown up yet, I'm only an adolescent. It's not something I want to force because forcing things like this, especially if it is dissociation, can be pretty bad for your brain. Age dreaming is a different thing though.
For me I'm between a rock and a hardplace. I do not feel like I regress organically enough to be on here nearly as much as I am. I'm so tense that I feel like I can't relax or open up enough to enjoy even age dreaming. Brainfog, sure! But it's not regression. I also do not want to edge too far and go into maladaptive nostalgia terratory. I feel, lately, like I kind of need to say goodbye and thank you to my childhood but it's over now and that doesn't have to be a bad thing. I think there's such a focus- everywhere online not just here- on "how good" the old days were. People making heart wrenching nostalgia edits with slowed minecraft music and ambient noise just to rake in veiws and to pull at your own heartstrings. It's natural to seek solace and yearn for something that was so familiar and safe especially at a time where not only is daily life changing for the individual but also for society at large. But rose tinted glasses are not accurate and can be dangerous. Nostalgia should be something that makes you feel light and refreshed. When you hear a song that you haven't heard in years and go 'oh! I remeber! I remember what my brain was like back then' and smile and move on. Maybe taking inspiration from it.
I feel like my nervous system is so fried that making any progess is really draining and proper healthy coping mechanisms never seem to stick. I also feel very isolated, having no irl friends at the moment and not having any purpose like education, work, volonteering, passions, whatever. These are all things I have experienced for well over a decade which is... obviously a very large chunk of my life so far. So I really do need something to fill my life with, a familer space with familiar ideals and stuff. You guys are great. You have such refreshing takes and it just feels so calm and kind here. At the end of the day despite feeling a bit repetative at this point for me, I do enjoy looking at life through this lense. This place has not changed much at all since I started my blog in 2021. It's honestly one of the most consistant things in my day to day life! God. even the streets are changing but it's nice to know I can log on here if I need some reliability.
And thing is, I don't know if it's related to my ASD or my trauma or lack of experience in the world or none of those but I just feel a few steps behind my peers. They are all acting on their life plans or getting out and being social or enjoying new relationships. And I'm perfectly fine taking things at my own pace and growing in my own way but I just don't fit in really. I genuinely feel like I'll hit my stride in my mid twenties or older. Not because I'll have more qualifications or be high up in a career, I just feel like that is when I'll really start knowing and feeling like myself. That's the age when people generally start to figure things out. Basically, I like it here because I feel like I'm in a more similar life state. my focus is on getting through the day and making my own steps. I'm fine as long as I'm growing even if I'm burnt out lmao. Healing for over a decade drains you and I feel like my mental capacity is so small at the moment because of it. Like. I can't pick up a book or a new hobby or a job whatever because ALL of my bodily, mental, spiritual, emotional energies are going into mending and stuff. I feel like a 29 year old preschooler lol. 5 o'clock shadow and a sippy cup. haha. I like it here because it's like easy mode. it's like a holiday for your brain.
I'm honestly not sure what the point I started off with was. I have sooo many thoughts swirling in my head. At the end of the day I feel so burnt out and like I said, with such a small bandwidth that I feel like even regressing or dreaming or even just thinking about it is too much. Like. I used to cope and regulate by imagining scenarios in my head, like fanfics in my brain when I needed a little comfort but now I just can't! I can't imagine myself with a dream job or in a fantasy world or kissing someone cute, I just don't have it in me. It's not like I'm super low or anything, I'm actually generally pretty stable at the moment. I think what I want right now is to not feel alone. I don't want a relationship per se, not sure if it'd be fair to start something with someone but having a nice social circle would be a big relief. I can't remember ever really... having that. I guess I'm esoteric, with a full plate. I had a nice group of friends in college for about 2 years but thats dead now, we got on each others nerves at the end. But it was nice while it lasted. Imaging having a caregiver or being one is one of the only ways I can barely scratch that itch of wanting to rely on someone. Like. It's so deep at the moment, wanting comfort and all that, that "normal" soloutions to that just don't hit hard enough. Like I could imagine having a really nice friend group but irl I would need to be in a healthy friendship for quite a while before it started fulfilling that need, so imagining someone coddling me like I am a child, like I am something to be cherished, not just valued but cherished, that hits harder. thats nicer to think about. also also also co regulation + company is something i really desire.
I feel like I am so entwined with this community, more than anything else these days. It's sort of got a grip on me. and i dont know how i feel about that. none of you guys know me. i have mutuals, nice mutuals and people who are in my notes but none of you actually know me. i think maybe this place is more of a fantasy than a reality for me. and that tells me i need to distance myself but what else do i have?
I've tried taking a break before, you might remember, it only ended up being a few months but it was nice to come back.
right thats basically it. I assume if you've made it this far, seeing as I'm not even writing to anyone I'm just emptying my brain, I assume you're a very curious person. Someone who likes to feel involved. Like meeee. If anyone has any advice or sage wisdom or anything you want to say at all, please go ahead. This post is basically a bunch of thoughts with little resolve. This isn't really something I want to bring up with my therapist because onneee, I'm embarrassed, twwwooo she has most likely no idea of what age regression this, in this context. like. the age regression they talk about in regard to mental and psychological contexts, its pretty different to all this. anyway. i have other things in therapy to talk about lol maybe one day ill bring up that i feel like a small child in certain situations but let her lead that conversation. ah so.
yeah like. yeah. hi. if this resonates, im glad you found that. yeah. yeahhh i dont know. i have a lot of stuff going on. nothing in my life is straight forward. hence the... want to simplify things. I'm really tired now, wow!
to conclude, I'm a baby not necessarily a regessor. I'm running on fumes. i have a weird relationship with agere and im very hot and cold about it. goo goo ga ga but also i want to be respected and seen as a capable adult. i need a hobby. i need to rest but blehhhhh.
Here's a puppy as a treat for reading it all
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imnotkosmic · 6 months
The Way, chapter one: 'A Voice in the Wilderness.'
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It had been three weeks. John had been stuck in that dark, dingy, rat infected prison for three weeks. His followers where scattered throughout Gailiee, even making their way to Nazereth. Andrew, son of Jonah, was one of those followers. His older brother, Simon, had told him it was a stupid idea to follow that rouge Baptizer. Now that he was in prison, Simon had told his brother to stay away from him. Andrew thought about how he could see John in prison without his brothers knowledge, when someone yelled his name, "Andrew! Andrew!" the man in question turned around to see one of the other followers of the Baptizer running toward him, waving. "Tobias?" Andrew asked. "What is the matter?" Tobias grinned broadly, "Its John! He's finally out!"
Simon put the last of the fish into the barrel and called out to James, "I've finished! How much do you have left?" James looked at his net and back to Simon, "A whole nets worth." Simon laughed. Even without their younger brothers, they got all the work done. Well, Simon had gotten all his work done. "Go back to town," James said, "I'll meet you there when I've finished." Simon nodded, said their goodbyes, and started walking into town, hoping James would put both of their barrels of fish into market this time. As he walked into his home, he saw his wife, Edah, standing at the counter, cutting vegetables, probably for tonight's dinner. He put his hand on her shoulder and leaned forward and pressed a kiss into the side of her head. They talked, and then Simon went and changed. "Have you seen Andrew?" he asked as he walked into the big main room. "Not since last Shabbat." his wife answered.
"You brood of vipers!" John the Baptizer exclaimed to the group of Pharisees. "Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? Repet! Don't think you can say, 'we have Abraham as our father' I tell you, that God could make children of Abraham out of these stones!" The 3 Pharisees that had had interrupted John's sermon, Josiah, Asher, and Levi, had been asked by the higher ups of the Sanhedrin to question the rouge Baptizer. So far, no luck. After a few minutes of arguing, the quiter Pharisee, Josiah, asked a question: "Are you the Christ?" John looked at the him, "I am not the Christ." "Or perhaps Elijah?" "No." "The Prophet?" "I am not." The Pharisees were getting angryer by the second. "Then, who are you, man?!" they asked. "I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the path of the Lord." John said, qouting Isaiah. "Then why do you baptise if you are not the Messiah, nor Elijah, nor the Phophet?" one Pharisee, named Levi, asked, pointing his finger in John's face."I baptise with water," John said, his voice getting louder, "but among you stands One you do not know. He is the One who comes after me, the straps of whoses sandals I am not worthy to untie." The Pharisees, being quite fed up with the Baptizer at this point, looked at one another, and started to leave. Most of the crowd did the same. John's followers came up to him, "Rabbi," they said, "the people are starting to leave, we should try again tomorrow." John paused, looked at the crowd starting to depart, and said, "Very well."
The three Pharisees that had questioned John the Baptizer earlier, Levi, Asher, and Josiah, had just got a earful from the High Preist, Caphias. They managed to get nothing from the Baptizer, and on top of that, actually had drawn more people to him. They had orders to go back the next day. "Ugh! How much longer?" Asher asked. He, Josiah, and Levi were on their way to the Jordan, were John proformed most of his sermons and baptisims. "We're nearly there, sir." the man who was driving them there answered. "I can't believe we have to go back to that mad man!" Levi huffed. Josiah just sat there, staring out the flap of the carriage. He, being the newest out of the three, didnt see John as a 'mad man'. Maybe a little weird, but not dangerous. Soon, they heard the Baptizer's loud voice when they got to the Jordan. They made their way out of the carriage, and quietly into the crowd. John and his dicsiples were baptising in the river. Suddenly, John started to look at a tall man coming his way. "Behold!" John cried, "the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! This is the One I meant when I said, 'a man who has come after me has surpassed me because He was before me'! I myself did not know Him, but the reason I came baptising with water was that He might be revealed to Isreal." The crowd watched as the Man came down to the river, took His sandals off, and went into the river. "Rabbi.." John said. The Man smiled and put His hands on His cousins shoulders. "Shalom." John paused, realising what He was doing there. "Have You come to be baptised by me? Shouldn't You be baptising me?" He smiled, "You don't realise now what I am doing, but later, you will understand. This is the Fathers will." John nodded. Then he lowered his cousin into the water, and baptised Him. Suddenly, something like a dove came and rested just above the Man's head, and a loud voice came from heaven, "This is My Son, in whom I am well pleased."
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taocc-updates · 19 days
Rant about taocc yayyy
I feel like taocc isn't taocc anymore, or atleast what it was made for/about. Now days we aren't doing silly or random rp's, we're doing fully fleshed out plans and having huge lore with past family's and remembering probably everything from before and after the headset. We remember everyone from our families to friends and even trips we had but mainly trauma for. Y'know. Lore purposes. Even then the characters aren't even tadc characters at this point, we have extreme resemblance or just complete humans at this point, any other cartnoonish or unrealistic characters that are left aren't or feel like they aren't important to taocc anymore (Bob, Sun, Neb, Kopi, Lantern, ect ect ect.). Also also, abstraction has pretty much never been a thing in taocc other than three times with Bob, Tiger, and Juko. Also also, we have full on other dimensions for some people or full on places that shouldn't exist from either no space on the digital island or because of they straight up kill/kidnap people (Home, that one repeated day place, kingdomquest ect) also also, the filter died a long time ago with the canon cast of Tadc. Also also, if you aren't rping with people you're talking with mods about life and interests which isn't bad that's a great factor but it just makes me feel like there's not enough rp that goes on even though there is and I'm just not seeing the blogs which the taocc updates blog doesn't fix anyways because not all of the mods know how/were invited to the blog, it's only main mods as I've been told they're called (me, Xeya, Hope, Jester, Soup, Elsie, Jeff).
Main point of all of this, I feel like the tadc part of taocc has been taken away and this place is just a fantasy rp that we've been saying is Tadc because of the branding. And for people that are new and just now seeing this RP group see all of this and think that we're too good for them because they're not only getting into the taocc group but they're trying to fit in which now days requires like alot of writing, well developed character, and a huge plan for this character that they're making. I feel like we should have an au or have some sort of limited time event for taocc that brings back the original taocc, atleast try to bring it back as best we can since most of the original mods are gone
You know, I’ve been thinking about this a decent bit lately, actually.
taocc is not what it started as, but the foundation is absolutely still there. C&A exists and is consistently important. Most of the base worldbuilding rules (moderator AI, abstraction, gimmicks, etc) are taken from TADC.
Also, side note, abstraction has been used TONS of times I’m sorry that’s literally just not true and I can list some, even if not everyone will know who/what I’m referring to. (Simon abstracted once, Mix got his wings from abstraction, Icia abstracted, Dusk nearly abstracted, sun abstracted once I think, alpen nearly abstracted once, Starro’s whole GIMMICK is based around abstraction, Achilles and Yume are stuck in half-abstraction, the list goes on!)
also also, taocc as we know it is a mash-together of 2 (maybe 3) different projects. To bring back the “original” taocc, we’d need to put those separations back into place, which is probably a bad idea.
is the worldbuilding a bit of a mess? Yes. Is it over complicated? Probably! Should we maybe work on putting that mess in order? Absolutely!
but I don’t think going backwards is a good idea, personally.
Edit: I almost forgot: as far as I can tell, every mod has access to this acct, it’s just that not all of them post here much.
Also, Kopi is still super important, and still the pink menace of all time.
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stobinesque · 1 year
a quick end-of-S3 thing that came to me and would not leave because I can't get the image of Robin and Max sitting on the same stretcher post-starcourt out of my head. —polished version now up on ao3 | 1k
Monsters are real, there are were Russians hiding beneath the (now smoldering remains of) her summer job, and Robin is sitting on a stretcher next to a teenager who just watched her step brother get torn to shreds by a spider-creature made of human flesh.
Robin doesn't know where to slot any of these facts into her understanding of the universe.
Other currently-uncategorized facts of the universe (in no particular order):
Robin will throw herself into danger if a child's life is at risk 
This is a helpful fact to know, considering she will also throw a kid into danger provided she is A) bored and B) does not have an accurate sense of the relative stakes of a situation 
A bunch of kids have been fighting the previously mentioned monsters for nearly 3 years now
Chief Hopper knows that there are monsters in Hawkins 
The smell of burning human flesh is a scent so incomparable as to defy description in any of the four languages she knows 
Steve Harrington is a genuinely good person who doesn't care if she is a lesbian likes girls
That last one in particular has been tripping her up for a while. She thinks there's a part of her still stuck on the bathroom floor. Held in stasis in that perfect moment of pure fear.
(Yet another part is still stuck underground, tied to the man she will later face with dread of him seeing all of who she is.)
Whichever part of her is sitting on the stretcher next to the child who just watched her brother die thinks she should say something.
"You get used to it."
Apparently the child has beaten her to the punch. 
"Get used to what?” Her voice hurts. She's spent too much of the last 24 (36? 48?) hours screaming; swallowed down so much smoke and ash that her throat is thick with sludge, and her tongue heavy in her mouth.
"Monsters." The kid's voice is flat, no nonsense.
"Do you?" Robin's not sure she believes this kid. Robin should probably learn her name.
The kid shrugs. "No. But it's a nice platitude, right?"
"What's your name?"
The kid's face scrunches up for a moment, but Robin doesn't know what it's supposed to mean. "Max."
"Hey, Max. I'm Robin." She just manages to hold herself back from sticking out a hand like they're at the start of a job interview.
Still, Max stares at her for what Robin thinks is probably a couple beats too long. "I know," she says. And there's some kind of inflection there, but Robin can't pin it down. "You've still got your name badge on." Max reaches over to flick the small plastic rectangle affixed to her chest. "Plus, Steve talks about you all the time."
Robin folds her legs up onto the stretcher, so that her knees are tucked under her chin and she's turtling beneath the shock blanket. "He does?” What does he say? (Did he say?) Does he complain about her? Talk about how annoying she is? "What does he say?"
Max shrugs. "He says you're a dork, but he means that he loves spending time with you."
How can she know that? "How can you know that?"
Max rolls her eyes. "Because all of us are dorks—okay, well, I'm not—” Robin thinks that probably people who feel the need to specify that they themselves are not dorks are probably pretty dorky. "—and he loves all of us. I think he has a type."
"Is Nancy Wheeler a dork?"
Max blinks. "I don't think I've seen him talk to Nancy for longer than 5 seconds."
Robin squints, and adds that to her list of uncategorized facts. 
"Are you okay?" That's something Robin should ask right now, right? Except, fuck, that was probably a dumb thing to ask. "Fuck, that was a dumb thing to ask."
"Yeah," Max says, looking down at her shoes. "This was all new to me too, last year. Like, the rest of the group, they'd already gone through it once before and then I just got thrown in and I had…no idea what was happening."
Robin picks at the rubber of her shoes. 
"It's…really scary," Max says, trailing off with a frown into the middle distance.
Robin nods. She wants to say something. She wants to try to comfort Max in the way that she's pretty sure Max is trying to comfort her, but she's scared to say something that will make it worse. 
"Do you like hugs?” Robin is ambivalent about them most of the time, but that's a good nonverbal option for providing comfort, right?
So Robin doesn't move. 
But a moment later, she glances down in surprise when a soft weight lands on her shoulder. Max is leaning her weight into Robin's side, and rests her head on Robin's shoulder.
"Shut up."
Robin wraps an arm around the kid, and her heart lurches in her chest. She thinks maybe she understands the bright smile on Steve's face from whenever any of the children walked into Scoops. (She saw it, even though he tried to hide it. For some reason Steve Harrington has always been the one person she could read—when she cared to really look at what she was seeing, at least.)
The lights from the emergency vehicles continue flickering red, blue and purple around them. Men rush from one point to another, constantly moving, ceaselessly fixing. Robin feels like a large stone in a river—the rapids rushing all around her as she sits steadfast in place. If she holds still enough she can be stable enough for two. Robin darts her eyes around the lot and catches sight of Steve. She remembers Dustin and Erica up on Weathertop. 
Maybe she can be sturdy enough for four.
Her eyes dart around and catch on each of the kids huddled into the back of transport vehicles. She doesn't really know anyone else's name yet, but as she lets her gaze linger on each one, she finds that number expanding.
For now though, she can sit in the eye of the storm with Max.
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Hi.What reactions ninja will have to Tiger Widow stuff in Skybound?Will the encounter with one make Nya remember her true potential or is it just "oh,those can make good food" reaction from Underworld duo?
Skybound is one of the seasons where I have a vague idea of what will happen, but not a whole lot nailed down. Like in cannon a few people have been captured already, and on top of that I think I'm going to have everyone split into two teams almost immediately, after the Lantern Memorial but before Nya actually makes it back to Ninjago.
I have no idea who's already been captured at this point, and other than probably Lloyd being the first family member Nya finds, I'm not sure how everyone is going to be split up, or which group will be doing what.
All this to say, I'm not entirely sure who'se going to be going to Tiger Widow Island, so I'll just list all of the Main cast and what they would be doing if they end up going there
Jay: Doing him first to say that if Jay makes it this far he doesn't get sent after the venom solo bc if he still makes the wishes for money and a big house he doesn't hide it from everyone else bc he has no interest in Nya in VT and a wish for money and a house would be for his parents bc they're not getting any younger and Jay's worried about them. No motivation to lie -> no liar revealed fallout.
Nya: If she doesn't have much of her memory back, she's taking one look at the Tiger Widow, thinking 'hell yeah, lunchtime!' since Tiger Widow is probably her favorite food, and charging. If she does have more of her memory back, then she's a lot more cautious; not for her sake tho.
Lloyd: He all but superglued himself to Nya once they reunited, so he's clinging to her back while she's doing whatever she's doing, whether that's on Tiger Widow Island or not. He would think it's really cool to finally see a Tiger Widow after hearing his dad and sister talk about hunting them, and he's also really glad he's still kinda stuck in his Dragon form bc holy shit they were downplaying how freaky and dangerous Tiger Widows are.
Garm: While answering this ask the image of Garm chokeslamming Nadakhan through a brick wall popped into my head, and now I have a bit of an actual plan for what happens to him, so thank you for that! He is going to be captured by this point; Nadakhan targets him first bc he's the biggest threat to his plans, and also bc Garm's a grieving father who desperately misses his daughter, so he has a glaring weak spot to exploit. But as soon as Nadakhan tries use Garm wanting Nya back to manipulate him, the Oni snaps, going from super depressed to super pissed in .02 seconds. Its been awhile since I've seen Skybound (its my least favorite season despite how much I Love fictional pirates) and I don't remember when/where the lava lamp of doom Sword came from, or how it worked (didn't he like, need them to wish themselves into the sword or something? or did he just like fucking with them?) so lets just pretend that there would be nothing preventing Nadakhan from immediately trapping Garm, he just tried getting him to make wishes for fun and made it two sentences into his 'wish it all away' pitch before nearly dying
Misako: Nothing really phases her anymore, so she just kinda shrugs off the giant spiders. If she's the only parent there she insists on being the one to milk the Tiger Widow. If she's not the only parent she initiates the game of rock paper scissors to decide who's going in.
Ray: Absolutely hates spiders, they gross him out, but if he's the only parent he also insists on being the one to collect the venom.
Maya: Actually kinda excited to see the Tiger Widow. Again, insists on being the one to collect the venom if she's the only parent. And if she isn't the only parent, she grabs the other parents and drags them with her to get the venom as a team.
Kai: If Kai doesn't know that Nya is back, he's laser focused on getting the venom. He and Pixal actually start planning on using the venom to weaken Nadakhan so they can wish for Nya back without him twisting their wish to help him. If he does know that Nya's back, he's more focused on helping her than anything else.
Pixal: Pretty much the same as Kai.
Morro: He would nominate Jay as the one to get the venom, but would probably choose to be the one to get it.
Zane: Would volunteer to get the venom. If I go with Oppo, he's also picked up on the fact that Kai is planning something and he's keeping a concerned eye on him. If I don't go with Oppo, than Zane has turned his emotions way down, which means he would try and insist that he be the one to get the venom, as he's rebuildable and therefore the most logical choice.
Cole: Other than not being mad at Jay, unless I go with Lava the only thing that changes for Cole is him not being a ghost. If I go with Lava than he's the one who picks up on Kai planning something and is keeping a concerned eye on him.
I think that's everyone
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feeling-uncomfy · 1 year
OKAY!!! I figured I would start this rant about my OC's with a little introduction to them considering I've never mentioned them in my life!!!!!!!!! There's 64 of them in total(that are actually plot relevant) but I'm not gonna do that today SO instead I'm gonna just introduce the main ghost hunting crew and a few extras I love dearly <3
They're under the cut ;0
First up!!! Our main character- Kosuke!!
Kosuke Vinci is Japanese, he's 19 years old and was adopted when he was 6 years old :D!! Hes 5"6 and enjoys music and art!! School is not his thing- nothing is, really, he's a temperamental, hot headed kid who swings first and asks questions later. He finds it really hard to socialise due to depersonalisation and deep-rooted trauma(he's working on it, apparently) and can't really keep friends- he does love people, though, theyre just very carefully picked people and he would(and probably has) murder for them. The fact that he's in college is a miracle, he was rejected from most schools despite being very well achieved academically- he was just too much for a problem starter for colleges to risk their reputations on him-
Next up is Jinn!! >:)
Jinn Ozan is, similar to Kosuke, very well achieved academically- he's Turkish, 16 years old and about to get a PHD in medicine. He's 5"11 and much bulkier than most kids his age, and has a hard time fitting in at college- everyone around him are older and give him crap for being so young, but it's genuinely not his fault- he was pushed into this- he's extremely extroverted and is always the life of the party, he doesn't let anything bother him and looks on the bright side of things- he's got DID- there are three people including Jinn in the system. Jinn is almost too optimistic, and is insanely interested in ghosts and magic :D
Then there's Diego Gomez and Desi Gomez!!!
Diego and Desi Gomez are siblings, Diego is 21 and Desi is 15, and Mexican!! Diego is studying business and is well on his way to making his own company. Desi is a bit less organised than their older brother and is less interactive than Diego. Diego is quick on his feet, calm and collected and protective over his friends and family- he's also the only one with a licence. Desi is quiet, introverted and scares easy- they compliment each other well. Diego is unfortunately only 5"0 tall, while Desi absolutely towers over him at 6"2. Desi was adopted at 8 years old, when their parents, Diegos aunt and uncle, were killed in a car crash that left Desi's face scarred. Desi is intimidating to most people around them, so they keep to themselves- Diego is working on getting them out of their shell :D
Now we have Lapis >:D
Lapis Mikos is 20 years old, 5"8 and half Greek, half Scottish!!! They're apart of a huge family with 5 siblings and is studying photography!! Lapis is as tough as nails and easy to be around, she's the lead singer in their band at college and is one of the first people in the ghost hunter group that Kosuke meets!! She's a great cook and always has snacks on hand but can be forgetful and they have ZERO sense of direction. Theyre Jinn's roommate at college by force(she stuck Jinn in- he lives alone off campus!!!!) And they're the second best option for driving(she can fly a plane but not drive a car ;0) they often work out at the gym close by the college and can lift Desi up effortlessly ✨️
Next up(almost done I promise!!) Is Ellie!!!
Ellie Williams(El is preferred) is 19 and Latin-American!!!! They lived with their grandparents on a farm until recently and moved into the city for college and to reconnect with their dad. They're studying computer science and is nearly always on their phone, laptop- a screen of some description- they're an only child and refused a roommate when assigned a dorm :O their room is a designated hang-out spot!!!! They're pretty scrawny, only 5"5 and wouldn't last long in a fight- though they talk shit often. They like to provoke Kosuke a lot because he gets frustrated really easily, though Lapis usually ends up between them so Kosuke doesn't blow a fuse at El- they're the one who approached the group about ghost hunting in the first place, having already seen/looked into the entire thing in their free time. El is a quiet, stoic person- they're apathetic at times but will stand up for their friends if needs be- they're mature ✨️
Last but definitely not least!!!! Tess >:>
Tess Visser is 22 and half Polish, half Dutch!!!! She's actually doesn't go to school with the rest of the group- she's a junior detective at the local police station!! She helps out a lot with their investigations because she's really curious herself- she's been through military school and is working with the chief that saved her life when she was only small, so she can get away with a few things if needs be. While she doesn't believe in ghosts, she does admit it's fun to run around town with people her own age- the officers at the police station are three times her age. She's 5"9 and built, her and Lapis work out together often!!!! Her and her dad don't have the best relationship, after his arrest and her mother's death when she was small- she never really forgave him for that- so she helps people whenever she can >:>!! She's pretty cool and likes to poke Kosukes buttons with El :D
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sastielsfandom · 1 year
SPN but it's just a game of DND AU. Coming from someone with incrediblely limited knowledge I've randomly picked up even though they've never played a game, or managed to finish watching a campaign yet, but has many ideas. So, with that, here are more thoughts.
Also, little background information, this is just the idea that Chuck Shurley invited some of his friends to a DND campaign, and most of them, if not all of them just stuck with their actual names because it was easy and less confusing that way. Sam and Dean are the most frustrating and fun characters to have because they have such bad rolls at inconvenient times but are so creative about their solutions no matter what's thrown at them that it's enjoyable even when things don't go according to plan.
The original campaigns true big bad is Azazel, which later gets changed to Lucifer, and so on and so forth, until the big bad ends up being God. (Chuck was going to do it a lot earlier but they never got the rolls they needed for it. But also, when it seemed like it was finally going to happen, he was petty and made it so that the big bad was God's sister.)
It wasn't supposed to be a long campaign, at least not as long as it went, but Chuck had ideas and people joined. So, it continued.
Link to the original post if you want to read it
Now some other things I thought about while I was trying to sleep.
Chuck is a genuine writer and actually took these ideas and used them in a book, with everyone's permission. They're supportive, but that doesn't mean he's not going to be made fun of for adding that into the campaign. His retaliation? Inviting Charlie, knowing fully well she'll manage to out meta him. And she did!
There's some ongoing bits. Like Sam asking if he could roll to get a dog nearly every session, and when he finally managed to, the way he got it was by accidentally hitting it with his car. The other players, and Chuck included, weren't sure by the looks Sam was giving if they were going to have to find another DM after Sam murdered theirs.
Dean makes it a point to describe whatever he's eating in character as if it's important lore. And will sometimes even bring actual food to truly immerse himself, and shares depending how many people are playing that day.
Castiel makes others roll to see if he'll understand their joke or reference and they go with it. The first time it happened Chuck was so confused but it was funny, also Dean has the worst rolls when it comes to it which is why Castiel never gets his jokes or references. Sam would rather explain over a roll sometimes though.
Dean has tried many times to roll and seduce Baby, but has failed every time. Which everyone is thankful for. Even if it doesn't stop Dean from being like that with his car.
Dean kept flirting with a lot of NPCs and Chuck tried to deflect it a bit by making some of them monsters and gave that info to the group, but it backfired because then Sam flirted with the NPCs.
Sam will listen carefully about the lore that's presented and loves twisting it so it technically would work. One example is when Dean needed to be on holy grounds to get away from the racist truck, Sam presented the idea and Chuck makes him roll for it. He rolled high enough especially with creativity that it was granted. Another time was when Sam painted their faces with blood to appear as a mask. And him and Dean were funny enough with the bit they didn't even need to roll for it.
Also, I think it would be funny if that reason Sam and Castiel didn't get to talk much at times was because Chuck didn't want to deal with the flirting. It kept sidetracking everyone but it wouldn't have anything to do with the campaign because they wouldn't even be in character! So Chuck just quit putting them together unless he had to for a bit. But that only fueled them, hence the soul fisting, will you, boy? Sharing Sam's trauma, Netflix in Sam's room, raising a kid together, they had fun with it. And Chuck pretended to hate it but they got creative with it and were pretty funny about it. That and were good at pulling at the heartstrings. And it's why later in the campaign he kept putting them together more and more often.
Oh and Castiel didn't know he didn't get an official goodbye to Sam, he wrote a speech as they got to the end and there wasn't anyway he wasn't going to do the speech. So he just said it facing Sam and that's why when Cas was all emotional Dean wasn't because Cas was facing the other way, he didn't have anything to bounce off of!! And so when Dean's character died he made sure Cas was there and turned his back with a long speech to Sam as a way to poke fun.
Sam didn't appreciate either because they both made him cry. And only one actually made it in the campaign. (They said it was only fair for the amount of times Sam made everyone cry during the campaign.)
Jack is incredibly comedic. Looks at Jack eating the Occultum, but also likes to balance heartfelt moments, childlike naivety, profound perspectives, while also giving fantastic one liners that make people break character.
When Jack randomly mentioned it'd be interesting if Jack became God, that became everyone's mission. Chuck included.
There's been times outside of the campaign where he's accidentally referred to Cas or Sam as father or dad. He doesn't get to live down those moments and the next session is always sappier when he makes those slips.
Oh, and Rowena was a really fun add. She made a really tragic character but played her with such confidence that it was easy to forget. So moments where she's vulnerable, with no alternative motives, really shine. Also, she helped Crowley come up with his character and accidentally called him Fergus and for some reason he added it. So when she joined way later in the campaign she said he didn't use it enough so she would. And had the perfect excuse as why, because she's his mother.
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