koinotea · 7 months
He could never be mad at him and we all know it
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makigorogoro · 1 year
disorganized thoughts on fionna and cake eps 5 and 6
ok ive only seen the eps once each and im going off of memory so a lot of this is probably gonna be paraphrased and mixed up but whatever . also this post is really fucking long lol sorry
-obviously we are in the farmworld, not surprised but very happy!!!
-also not very surprised fionna and cake immediately went along with simon’s plan
-the whole time they were talking about where to find a crown i was like lol. simon don’t look behind you
-cake bringing fionna a dead rat was really funny
-the versucci gag or whatever was also really good
-but what made me die was fionna talking abt how she’s played a lot of post apocalyptic rpgs and then it pans over to “man who has actually lived through the apocalypse”
-was really cool to see how the farmworld has developed after what happened with ice finn, i think it’s interesting how they’re more technologically advanced since the first time an ice age happened in this world they pretty much reverted to medieval times (does that make sense. you know what i mean)
-i was SO convinced jay was farmworld finn’s little sibling so when he said dad my heart stopped
-the name jay didn’t immediately click until bonnie was revealed to be one of his other kid’s name and i was like HOLY SHIT PUHOY???
-veeeery interesting since assumingely golb destroyed/erased the pillow world
-i guess you could just chalk it up to finn would have named his kids the same thing in any universe?
-but i mean speaking of his kids GOD he got busy with huntress wizard
-i mean it has to be huntress wizard. one of them looks just like human hunter wizard
-sucks that she died though
-simon’s ship of theseus thing was so fucking funny oh my god he’s just like me fr (i started talking about the ship of theseus in one of my assignments a few days ago and i was like. is this too nerdy.)
-i haven’t really talked about farmworld finn yet. a little sad he turned out so cold (pun not intended oops 😭) because of what happened to him when he was younger
-good on him for saying simon was a damn fool or whatever for wanting to put the crown on lol
-i wish they actually had a talk though
-cake saying fionna should kiss him while knowing he’s just an alternate version of her??????? girl
-also farmworld jake still being alive was crazy
-so it did turn out the crown was destroyed in this world, i honestly wasn’t sure since the crown from the main world survived direct contact with a comet lol
-the romeo and juliet style romance going on between finn’s kid and big destiny’s kid was really good
-finn showing up with bartram lmao!!!!!
-dude i love bartram, the bit in finn the human where finn’s mom says that they have to sell the mule and then bartram’s head peaks out from the bed in the corner is unironically one of my favorite jokes in adventure time
-i kinda forgot what happens between here and the end
-so did farmworld finn fucking die????
-idk what happened there i sure hope not
-i really don’t know if we’re going to revisit these worlds in any capacity considering the amount of time left but i hope we do now!! i feel like we need to see what happens lmao
-now for ep 6
-wasn’t really expecting it to open on “fionna world” as they started calling it
-i was wondering how they were gonna balance gumball and marshall yaoi with what’s going on with the main trio
-they did it really well though i think
-i also wasn’t really expecting to be introduced to winter king right away once we got back to the main plot
-he definitely gave me weird vibes right from the start im gonna be honest lol
-blaah i don’t really remember what happens between that and the winter wonder world sequence
-so ill just talk about that. holy fuck
-every review i read before the show came out was really hyping this scene up and i get why now
-was really cool to see the beyond the grotto animation again and the song was so good it’s still stuck in my head
-but the moment the winter king said he overcame the crown with sheer will i was like. um. im calling bs
-i was just thinking however it did happen though i have a bad feeling about! felt really bad for simon and when he said that he sucked i was like. oh no ☹️ dude
-the moment i saw little ice marcy pretty much cemented it for me i was like oh no something fucked up is happening here. tbh i still can’t really figure out what happened with that but given what the winter king said about making an ice betty. uhhhhhhhhhh
-OH YEAH cake once again saying simon and the winter king should kiss . GIRL WHAT ARE YOU ON
-i looooved crazy pb
-i remember when people were saying she was a marcy pb child lmao.
-simon saying that he wanted to “fix her” while the winter king just wanted to kill her was really interesting. im trying to figure out what it means lol. like we know that simon wants to be the ice king again but also now knowing he would want to fix and save someone from that madness…idk
-her song was really good
-her playing those ominous notes on her keyboard made me laugh
-i haven’t really talked about gumball (im not calling him gary im sorry) and marshall. i thought they were really cute!!! could definitely see marcy and pb meeting in a similar way
-the juxtaposition between gumball talking about his creations to fionna fighting the fucked up versions of them was really cool
-i hope gumball doesn’t take what the lemoncarbs said to heart . they’re just like that
-ok so. I was honestly more shocked that fionna kissed (a version of) simon than him disintegrating seconds after lmaooooo
-i have to wonder why he immediately died here when in betty (the episode) he was dying relatively slowly without the crown’s magic
-ive been writing down a bunch of crack theories and the first thing ive gotten right was the winter king transferring his craziness to pb lol lets goooo
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-i was thinking that simon might’ve transferred it himself but then i was like nooo he wouldn’t do that….apparently he would do that
-idk despite how he seemed i think the winter king was still a little insane in the membrane.
-maybe the crown was still influencing him in some way? and that’s the message here? idk
-i can’t believe bi fionna is real
-back to gumball and marshall. gumball describing slumber party panic……oh my jod 🥺🥺🥺
-the baby world was so cute
-“and i’ll be cursed the right way” simon do you fucking hear yourself
Ok that’s definitely not all i have to say but this post is long enough lmao ,, god this show is SO GOOD i can’t believe it’s real. ok that’s all
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eliotlime · 1 year
Hello, I first saw your comics on tapastic. I was just today going thru all my subscriptions to cull out the ones that haven't updated in a while and weren't memorable enough for me to remember a single detail of. I found yours and was abruptly reminded of how much I loved your content. I'm a bit too busy now to really immerse myself in what you've got going on anymore, but I'm really glad to see you're still around. I can't honestly say I remember any of the comics you posted bc I was not my best self at the time, but I can say they meant a lot to me. Anyways, the point of this message is to thank you for being a relatable voice when I needed one. I'm really glad to see you're still around and that you've got things that you find enjoyable enough to blog about.
Hey man that's great, I'm glad you remember me! I feel like I can say the same about me making the at the time comics as well, I went through a few years absolutely hating that comic and what it represented because I made it as a way to cope with.. honestly, being a teenager. I really didn't like who I was and that comic was like a great summation of my being at the time.
(read more cause woof i talk alot!)
I'm just skimming through it because I pretty much forgot what I've even made. Like Holy Shit I made 117 comics? I think it holds up okay, it's pretty normal relatable humour though a bit dated. I think i definitely could have been a little weirder with it, though at one point I did try to do something meta with it (chickened out though, it was just way past my skill level). It all just screams of being a teenager, and that level of sincerity would make anyone cringe.
I think it's wild to me how willing i was to share my life to the world like that when I was so riddled with anxiety and sadness. Can't say I'm free of that still but I'm working through it, and I still stand by the last update I posted to that comic. .. Though I'd cut back on how many jokes i'd make to mask my fear this time. I still really love comics, narratives and characters! Though I've not been very good at sharing them lately haha but I promise I'm still chipping away at them. This is probably a very strange time to mention but I set up a Patreon recently, though I haven't gotten around to announcing it formally. But I have a short comic up in there I did for school! Of course if you don't feel like subscribing, I also have it as a one time purchase on gumroad as well :)
One more thing I'd like to say is that the timing of this ask is pretty crazy, cause I was just thinking of doing a retrospective. Just the general reflecting on art school and just looking back on what being nonbinary means to me and I guess YLNB as a whole. Though it's probably too soon to reflect on the latter haha, I'm probably going to wait another 3 more years.
Anyway thank you for reading and sticking around! I hope you're in a better place anon, I know things are rough in the world but I promise that there's good things too! If you'd like to support me I have Kofi and as previously mentioned a fresh new Patreon (wow!) I'm also on youtube where you can find some of my animations and though I've never mentioned it I'm drawing a rabbit (well, lagomorph but its been bunny central lately) a day @dailylagomorphs! We're about the half way point so you can spend half your year looking at all those little guys.
Additionally! my commissions are open! if you want to buy a funny little drawing from me
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hey-sherry · 1 year
Act III The demo area + more!
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I am not sure why I was a little surprised that Act III is exactly the same as in the demo, but oh well. I played this pretty late just to beeline it through the areas that I already know.
My mouth fell open when Gerda and Heidi straight-up disappeared. What in the world!
I took no screenshots of the 'demo' bits because, well... I have more than enough. XD
The little side-quest with the "boiling frogs" was very chilling, and I think those names are some of the Kickstarter backers? At least they sounded very... real. I feel like the killer's identity should be a reference to something, but I can't place it.
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Posting this because what the fuck is that face angle
This was such a funny cut-scene, they're both a little mad.
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Ah yes, the Chapter One smile 'w'
A lil ~INTERLUDE~ here because I forgot to prattle about this earlier, and I had more time to think about random stuff while running around the demo area brainlessly. So, Jon...
I've been thinking about whether Watson knows about Jon, and at this point I don't think he does? He mentions both Vogel and Sherlock's tales of Cordona, but nothing about Jon. Surely he would've said something when he heard Sherlock call out for him. (And it's better storytelling if they let that unravel 'on screen' :D)
& there was a scene when Sherlock realises he misjudged Barnes' behaviour and says "I see things that aren't there" and boy was that an OOF.mp3 moment. I think there's more scattered around, just little things he says that make it clear he's still thinking about Jon. Sigh.
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Ooooohhh how I loved that I had a choice to call Sherlock out on his shit! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
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Dawww ♥ The look on Watson's face!
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At this point, the Mementos that I unlock are a bit ahead of the game story (this happened with the ornate dagger that you find at the end of Act II as well). I have no clue what this is, but I sure can look at it! I guess I'll find out soon.
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Let's pick the boring answer.
Watson is growing on me!
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Snowpiercer reference?
Yes, I did try to run into the pumpkins and kick them around.
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Is this what Sherlock sounded like to people :)
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There's the Otto letter but can't pick it up :(
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also WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY. WHO WROTE THIS So maybe he's aware of Jon after all, loool
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Honestly, same.
I picked all the bottom options for the letter, by the way, I figured Watson would still want to sound classy. Not sure if there's a difference if you choose differently, or just flavour.
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This is very cool! Reminds me of the time I went to one of those human body exhibitions.
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Birds are my favourite animals and I'm not ok with this :/ Can I free them please? That's too many birds per cage...
I'll take a moment to appreciate the achievements being mostly optional/rewarding exploration. Yes, I gazed into the abyss... yuck. :(
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Psychonauts 2 moment PROPERLY CREEPY I LOVE IT
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My poor dude needs a hug :c
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hot ngl
The beard is back, boooo
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Okay, thank you
I love assertive Watson!
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I DID NOT EXPECT THIS HOLY SHIT! Revenge for what she did to Heidi, I guess...
Well... to New Orleans!
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It’s been a bit...
I rewatched Zexal’s finale.
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...I still kinda don’t like it.
I enjoyed it a lot more this time around, I like where we end up with the ending and the actual Yuma vs Astral duel is really good and exciting and brings everything that happened over the course of the series together in a really nice way.
The emotions of the duel on the other hand... “Yuma needs to remember to have fun duelling!” Hi, Judai called, he wants his character arc back, he says he did it way better. And I agree with him. We see Judai hit rock bottom, we see Judai become so obsessed with winning over anything else that it warps who he is to such a drastic degree that he becomes a villain and kills people. Sure, Yuma changed as a result of constantly having to duel for his life but it’s not nearly as fleshed out as Judai’s arc. If you’re gonna repeat the same arc, can you at least do it better so I don’t feel like this has already been done and been done better.
Also “the two partners who’ve done nothing but work together over the course of the series are now duelling each other with the ultimate conclusion of separating.” Yeah... that’s just Yugi vs Atem again. Except that duel had the characters being honest and even vulnerable with each other in their final meeting and did well acknowledging both characters’ growth while Yuma vs Astral... did okay with Yuma but Astral’s growth is somewhat ignored. It’s shown at the end but for a lot of it, he’s faking this honestly still really jarring goal of wanting to destroy Barian world.
Also, as a side note even the “partner lies that he’s gonna do a big bad so his partner will beat him” aspect was something VRAINS later did better with its finale duel. That’s not Zexal’s fault as VRAINS came after but it does add to my point: Yuma vs Astral isn’t a bad duel but falls a bit short as a finale. All its main points are things three other finale duels in the series did better and in 2/3 cases, did first.
Iffy finale aside though, man I loved revisiting this show. I forgot just how much I loved Zexal’s characters and how beautiful the animation is and how well executed the twists are and how emotional some of these duels are-
My god, it’s great. And the dub managed not to take away from most of that, except the Barian’s backstories, holy shit were those massacred. But the rest is actually pretty faithful to the sub, at least in spirit. It’s not perfect, and I certainly prefer the sub version overall, but aside from the Barian’s backstories, none of the changes it had really took away from the experience for me.
And with that random and amazing rewatch over I should probably pick up Sevens again. I like Sevens don’t get me wrong I just don’t feel much inclination to watch more than a few episodes of it at a time. Plus I’m watching it in sub so it’s not something I can watch in the background like I can with the dubs.
Also quick update: I have no intention of quitting Tumblr, and I never did. I love this cursed place and Yugioh too much to ever leave completely. Heck, even during the week I took off from posting I was still lurking around in the shadows of this place like... *long sigh of ‘I really hate to make this pun but it fits’* like a spectre. I’m not leaving. But I won’t post as often as I was.
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barry-propaganda · 2 years
Holy shit, I just decided to check watch.pokemon.com on a whim, only to find it’s got season 11 up on it currently, meaning it’s got Barry’s introductory episode. So I have decided that I must do a not-so-live reaction (‘cause I’m gonna put all my thoughts in this one post and then post it).
Alright, here we go: S11E49 Barry’s Busting Out All Over
The Sinnoh Arc openings go HARD.
I know the episode just started, but HE’S HERE! Love that they introduce him with the classic “THUD!”
Love the consistency of him saying he’s gonna fine you but then him never enforcing it; maybe he keeps a running tab?
Brock, Dawn; Ash was not running that fast or that far away that you missed him meeting Barry.
Dawn, why do you sound surprised to have found Fantina at her gym?
THUD! the sequel
Okay, so Dawn knows who Barry is, but they still made the executive decision to have them not be childhood friends in the anime?
It’s been so long since I watched the Sinnoh Arc that I forgot just how big a Paul stan they made Barry. If you’re gonna have Barry constantly bring up a trainer he thinks is real strong, at least get it right and have him bring up Palmer. (That other post was right that he really does feel like a mouthpiece to hype up Paul here.)
I will say, this definitely feels like a conversation that would happen between 10 year olds, at least.
Barry, I know I think you deserve better than Palmer, but I would literally take you not shutting up about him over you not shutting up about Paul; since, you know, that’d be CONSISTENT.
[Barry: I have 3 badges. Ash: I’ve got 4.] XD this reminds of when Ash said he had 7 badges and then Barry flexed his 6 badges on him.
More on them being 10, it definitely makes them constantly falling for Team Rocket schemes more believable; especially here since this is Barry’s first encounter with them.
Sinnoh Arc motto is fun, especially since I think it’s the one that gets interrupted the most; my favorite will always be when Jessie was hit with Yawn in the Hippopotas episode and fell asleep during the motto, so James has to cover her lines while doing an impression of her.
I’ve never understood how the hair that Dawn has pulled back by that third clip is longer than the rest of her hair.
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Love how offended TR gets at Fantina saying they don’t know how to dance.
Also love “James loves his Pokémon” moments, this time featuring his old Cacnea.
Those three have GOTTA be doing theatre on the weekend or something, right? The dramatics, the rhyming, the alliteration, etc.
“I’m not sure what you mean by bonding with them.” BARRY, DON’T YOU HAVE A FUCKING ROSERADE?? I mean, unless you caught it as a Roselia…
Barry, why are you making it sound like Paul is who inspired you to become a Trainer? WHAT ABOUT YOUR DAD, BARRY?
Barry, is your Staraptor secretly part Grass-Type? How did one Flamethrower from a Chimchar take it out?
I always forget that the anime tends to not give a flying fuck about type match-ups or STAB or whatever.
Dawn, he also earlier put a Grass-Type against a Fire-Type, and he won that bout, so… Also Empoleon is part Steel-Type, which I think makes Electric neutral (I forget if it does or not) which realistically doesn’t make sense (since water and metal both conduct electricity).
Huh, surprised they kept the consistency of having to recharge after Hyper Beam.
RIP the days of Volt Tackle; you will be missed.
Alright, episode over; that was fun. Thanks for joining me slip a lil further down the Barry wormhole.
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acheronidae · 2 years
Thought's While Binging the Entirety of Ninjago Crystalized in One Sitting:
Warning: I cuss like a drunken sailor, and major spoilers(...duh)
(The following is more chaos than it is actual substance, but what more can you expect from a person who's probably got both ADHD and Autism? I put it under a text break to preserve your sanity.)
(White -> notes I made while watching.)
(Green -> notes I made after the fact.)
-These new ninja assholes are pretty fuckin' annoying. I'm glad those bitches got crystal-zombified./hj
-Zane freezing Nya so she wouldn't return the sea was pretty fucking clever actually, I like that he's actually smart in this show again. Although, how removing a water spirit's powers makes her human again makes less sense to me the more I think about it.
-Ohp, the ninja are in cryptarium...this has never happened before. What do you mean? season 6 isn't canon, the show said so. Fun fact: I skipped it on my most recent rewatch of the show because I hate it so much :D
-Ronin, aka bitchass, you used to be cool, then the island happened and now I hate you. The island ruined everyone, but at least Ronin got his cool status back by the end of the season, he deserves to be cool.
-Pythor, you're still cool(plus that gag where he slapped himself awake was genuinely funny). I wish he was on-screen a bit more this season, he's never not been funny.
-Please, for the love of god, tell me I'm not going to have to endure having this dumbass (Fugidove) being on-screen for much longer. I did, it was agony./hj
-Dareth, back in season two, I hated you, but now you're actually funny so you get an official pardon for all previous bullshitery. Actually, the comedy in this season was pretty good overall.
-*happy stimming*OMG, SALLY'S VAN HAS A PROGRESS PRIDE FLAG ON THE BACK OF IT!! Her guitar has one too.
(For further context: I was spoiled about the fact Harumi was going to come back)
-The reveal should happen soon, I wonder how well it'll be handled......REALLY FUCKING WELL APPARENTLY. And they not only addressed her presumed death, they gave it an entire episode of explaination.
-HEY, I KNOW THAT GOOPY EVIL ASSHOLE! This fucking show, they did NOT! They fucking did, I had to go downstairs and process that for a moment afterwards because holy shit.
-Lloyd, your ex-girlfriend is just as stubborn as you are gullible, she's not gonna change her mind......see? what did I tell you, now your friends and your uncle are presumed dead. But not actually dead, of course, fake-out deaths are a dime a dozen with this show.
-Okay, shit's going down now. Harumi I stfg if you don't change sides by the end of this season and get back with Lloyd I will punch you, not even fictional characters are safe from catching these hands. She did, I knew she would, but now she's definately safe from getting punched.
-Garmadon's his roomate isn't he? *sees flashback* oh, I forgot about that in season ten, this makes a whole lot of sense now. I may or may not have immediately gone to ao3 looking for Lord Garmadon/Vinny fanfic out of curiousity, and then spiraled downwards into being a survivalshipper.
-Holy shit, Oni Garmadon's new design FUCKS, huge step up from when he looked like a goddamn cars movie shitpost. Makes sense, this season was clearly not as rushed as season 10 and they had to figure out a good design for him(the overlord looks kinda dumb tho).
-Homebois, why do you always immediately jump to hating on Garmadon. I know he's a dick sometimes but he's helped you just as much, probably more than he's fucked shit up.
-As much as I don't like post-oni-and-dragon era Ninjago(aside from this specific season, this one was good), the animation style is something I cannot complain about, it's real pretty.
-(Reacting to Zane's plane crashing) Please don't almost die again, Zane, don't let the show bully you like that. He almost died again, first fake-out in a while that actually got me emotional, especially with Zane being the victim(cause he has the highscore).
-Oh shit! No, nononono, he's making Ninjago city all weird again, please don't let this end like season 3, that made me cry so fucking hard. It didn't, thank fucking god.
-Your dad has a point there, Lloyd, he hasn't always let you down when you've needed him(though he has done it more than few times).
-OOOooh, callbacks to season 2. Makes sense because this is (presumably) the last season of the main show, and ending it fighting off the villian who was the big bad in what was previously supposed to be the last season(and the antagonist of season 3(and Decoded)), makes a lot of sense.
-God damnit, I know it's just a glitch, but I did NOT need the Ice Emperor to show up again even a little bit. I fucking hated season 11 btw, fucking hated it.
-Ronin, I take back what I said earlier, I love you, you glorious bastard(also GODAMNIT FUGIDOVE!...okay that one joke he made was funny). "Because...Inspirational Speech!" was the joke in question btw.
-(Reacting to Borg being oblivious to the invasion because he was hyperfocused on a project) That's a big fuckin mood right there. I should get that Autism diagnosis, shouldn't I?
-Cole absolutely has a concussion right now, homeslice is not having a good time. And then he was fine right afterwards, because this show does not take injuries seriously at all(no one's surprised).
-Pythor's right guys, it was rude of you to leave while he was monologuing.
-(Reacting to the titlecard for "Compatible") This episode is gonna give me the feels, isn't it? Yep, yep, it gave me the feels...godamnit show, godamn you, they used the music from the end of season three too, omfg this SHOW!/pos/aff
-Oh yeah, I forgot Jay and Nya were married(or the contradictory in-universe version of marriage, anyway).
-I'm going to start quoting that, aren't I? "Complation," that's fuckin funny. It was also really sweet of Lloyd to go back to the Serpentine library for Chistophern, knowing it'd make up for yelling at his dad earlier.
-*sings at top of lungs*JUMP UP, KICK BACK, WHIP AROUND, AND SPIN!! AND THEN WE JUMP BACK TO IT AGAIN, NINJA! (GO!) NINJA! COME ON, COME ON, INTO THE WEEKEND WHIP! As you can probably tell, I have a lot of nostalgia for this mess of show.
-The fuckin' lightning chicken is infected? We're out of hope you guys, I'm sorry./j
-I've always loved Garmadon's sass, and I am so glad that it only got better when they resurrected him in season 8. Honestly, as much as I missed Sensai Garmadon after season 4(and technically 5 too because he only showed up briefly), this version of him is probably my favorite.
-Shintaro, Merlopia, and the Sepentine to the rescue, hell yes!
-Oh FUCK...OVERLORD YOU DONE FUCKED UP SIR, HARUMI'S ABOUT TO KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS, DUDE! I like that the Overlord having possesed the Great Devourer back in season one makes the first two seasons make more sense in retrospect(I mean, it took around ten years for that reveal, but still).
-(@ King Vangelis)You did slave labor bro, that ain't cool, cool people don't own slaves.
-She attached the godamn drill to her mech? Pixal is Donnatello kinnie confirmed?!/hj To anyone reading, go watch Rise of the TMNT right now if you've never seen it before, it's fantastic.
-Oh boy, series finale time...I'm not ready for this.
-Garmadon you bitch, you better not fucking die right now, I stfg! He faked his own death to motivate Lloyd into entering his oni form, which is both very in character and hilarious.
-THE ULTRA DRAGON?! It wasn't, but I was confusled for a second.
-I'm actually going to fucking cry...*looks at clock and sees that it's almost 2am*...I think I should go to bed actually.
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afarcryfrommymain · 2 years
🌎👨‍👩‍👧🐱 for Aphid?
Questions from this ask game
🌎 are there any aus you have for your muse? what are they like, and how is your muse different in them?
A couple, I actually designed him as a d&d character a while back for a fantasy au thing but hate that art now, I made him a druid-barbarian multiclass because of the ffhs and the way. I also of course have no bomb and no cult AUs for him that live rent free in my head and like, supernatural AUs where he's a werewolf because it works very well with the themes of guilt I put on him
Edit: I completely forgot but I actually designed a cult au aphid a while back and holy shit is he fucking insane I love him I will post at some point. The thing about that au is that there would have to be a lot of prerequisites for him to join in the first place. Also a lot of Aphid and John in that one.
👪  what is your muse’s relationship with their parents like? was it always this way?
I've talk about this before in a different ask/ask game thing but they are not in contact with their parents and have no desire to be because they fuckin suck. They got kicked out when he was young and before that they were uhhhh bad, very bad.
🐱 does your muse have pets? did they have pets as a child? how do they feel about animals?
Ffh are definitely considered pets in his eyes and in no bomb aus he at the very least keeps Boomer but his sister had a bird he fuckin loved. Growing up he didn't have any pets but he definitely wanted one.
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
could u please do like a harry x youtuber/influencer!reader and like lots of fluff🥺
Hi bubbie! Here you go :)))
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Language
Harry was panicking. His mum and sister were going to be here in less than two hours and he’s burnt the eggplant parmigiana he had worked tediously on. 
He grabbed what he had left in his fridge - ground beef, shredded cheddar cheese, and a little bit of bacon. 
It was the type of foods he usually strayed away from so sometimes when his shopper would bring this stuff home - he’d avoid it and admittedly sometimes it would go bad sitting in the fridge.
The singer pulls up YouTube onto his phone - hoping something would come up when he typed in the ingredients on the search bar.
He clicks on the first video by cookingwithnofucks. A chuckle at the name as an advertisement plays.
A cute, bubbly girl appears on screen in a beautiful modern kitchen. She has a shirt on that says ‘fuck the patriarchy and eat pizza’. A high ponytail and minimal makeup.
“Okay - today we’re making a cheeseburger casserole,” the girl chirps, “It’s a heart attack in a dish but it’s so fucking good.”
Harry finds himself smiling as he crinkles his nose - it sounds absolutely disgusting but he’s intrigued more by the girl on the screen.
“Shit, I forgot to introduce myself. Hiii, if you’re new - I’m Y/N and I do cooking shit. Subscribe to my channel and all that jazz,” she titters while cutting open her beef package.
Harry follows along step-by-step, shaking his head as she doesn’t describe the instructions nearly well enough and is generally all over the place.
It’s a fucking cooking channel and at one point the meat starts burning. She just laughs and says, “s’just a little crispy!” 
The casserole turns out looking even better than Y/N’s to be honest. It’s done in just the right amount of time for him to shower before his family arrives.
He makes sure to subscribe to her channel - eyebrows raising when he sees that she has 16 million subscribers.
Harry wanted to spend longer, looking at her social media but there was a fixed time so he locked his phone and went to get ready.
Anne - always the sweetheart just tells Harry that the casserole is delicious even as a bit of grease runs down her fork from the fatty meats.
Gemma wasn’t as kind, grimacing at the casserole and remarking, “You truly are turning into an American, huh?”
Laying in bed that night, Harry swipes back onto YouTube. Going back to the page he just subscribed to - under a pseudonym. He clicks on another video.
“Uh, okay. So I’m cooking...fuck, it’s called unicorn bark. It looks like a magical animal puke but it looks delicious so we’re going to try it.”
Harry realizes he’s been watching this girl cook for nearly an hour. Different videos from desserts to dinners.
She curses like a sailor, fucks up almost every recipe, and makes a mess everywhere. But she’s smiling and talkative which makes him quite memorized by her.
“I hate editing,” Y/N groans, letting her head fall dramatically against the desktop. Her best friend and dog looked at her oddly.
“I keep saying you need to hire someone, you stubborn bitch,” Laney retorts, clicking through her Instagram feed.
“Fuck off,” she tells her friend with no real heat. The video was almost fully edited - how to make spicy as fuck jalapeño poppers.
There is a calm silence for a while until Laney gasps, “Holy shit.”
“What is it?” Y/N asks, not really caring as she clicks her mouse to trim a segment.
“Harry fucking Styles just followed you on Instagram and Twitter!” Laney shouts, her dog - Rufus popping his head up in confusion.
Y/N looks at her friend to see if she’s really serious and sees no signs of deception. “Oh my god,” Y/N replies. She loved Harry Styles in One Direction and as a solo artist - a fangirl if you will.
Y/N was a well-known influencer and has run in the circles of many celebrities. She’s even met Liam Payne but she’s never been able to bump into Harry.
Her alerts tell her it to be true, she swallows as she looks back up at Laney, “He dm’ed me.”
“Open it! What did he say?” She squeals, squeezing herself on the chair next to her, peering over her shoulder at the phone.
Y/N is a bit nervous, trying not to have a mini aneurysm as she opens the message thread.
HarryStyles: Hello. Just wanted to let you know that your cheeseburger casserole recipe saved my ass last night. Cheers x
“He’s totally coming onto you,” Her friend states instantly, bouncing excitedly - she also had a bit of a crush on the singer.
It takes the two of them a minute to cool their shit before Y/N manages a reply.
Y/N/LN: Well I guess it’s only fair. Your songs have made a few of my nights much better. I’m a bit of a slut for Fine Line.
Harry laughs behind his screen at the cheeky reply he gets back. He’s usually never this forward - especially on social media where he likes to fly under the radar.
HarryStyles: Well if you fancy my music that much, I totally love for you to come to a show. I’m performing in New York City in two weeks.
“This has to be a joke, right?” Y/N sputters to her friend, eyes wide at the invite to a concert she already had tickets to.
Y/N/LN: I’m not going to lie, I already have tickets to the show. However, I don’t have any backstage passes to meet the man of the hour. Do you know someone who can hook me up?
It does wonders for Harry’s narcissism to know that she already had tickets for his concert. Was he really going to do this? He hasn’t met up with some like this since his One Direction days.
He had to remind himself - she may just be friendly and take this as a totally casual interaction. Which would be normal, Harry really shouldn’t be so infatuated with someone he’s watched cook on social media.
HarryStyles: I think I can arrange that. Shoot me your number? I’ll have them sent digitally to you with instructions on how to get backstage.
Y/N is a bit dumbfounded at how fast they agreed to meet up. A harmless backstage tour - he could just be a fan of hers and totally not interested, right?
Over the next few weeks, they never really stop texting. Harry sends her pictures of the recipes he copies off her channel - that usually always look better than the original. He sends her clips of him goofing around during tour rehearsal. FaceTimes her when he’s finally home for the night.  
She sends him videos of her watching Harry Styles Best Moment Part Five. A few photos she snaps throughout the city of him on billboards and buildings, in Times Square. YN facetimes him when she’s frustrated with filming or watched a sad movie.
It didn’t make sense to either of them how seamlessly they’d clicked - especially without meeting. They were a perfect balance for each other. Harry - laidback, organized, level-headed. Y/N - eccentric, all over the place, adventurous. 
Jeff had told him that he’s been gaining media attention from his social media interactions with Y/N. They like each other’s photos, begin following each other’s friends, and comment goofy things on their posts.
“Listen, I have a great idea,” Y/N begins - which Harry learned is never good. “You should film a video with me sometime.”
Y/N knew she was going out on a limb and instantly regretted the questions she’d been building the courage to ask for days when it’s quiet on his end. There’s static for a moment and Y/N needs to fill the silence.
“It was - I was just, uh, I know you’re probably too busy. I was -“ She stutters, embarrassment flooding her.
Harry cuts her off, “I’d love to.”
“Yo-you would?” She asks timidly. Was she really going to have Harry Styles in her apartment? If so, should she take down her poster?
He laughs sweetly, “Why do you sound so surprised? I can’t wait to come to New York, love.”
Y/N giggles, “Not the fact that you’re performing in front of a sold out crowd at MSG? I don’t think seeing me will top that.”
“I’ve been looking forward to meetin’ you in person since I came across your channel. You so lovely,” Harry replies, his voice a little softer but more serious.
“I’m nervous,” Y/N admits, picking at a thread in her jeans.
“Me too,” Harry murmurs, despite not wanting to admit it - he wanted her to know this was new territory for both of them. He didn’t want her to think that this was something that he did often. But a little too prideful to admit it’s the first time he’s ever done something quite like this.
“What if you don’t like me?” Y/N whispers, she...well she didn’t compare to the models he’s been seen with before. She’s regretfully fell into the rabbit hole of looking up his past flings and relationships.
Harry barks out a disbelieving laugh, “You can’t be serious, darling. I’ve been gone for you since I saw you burn that ground beef.”
Harry was having a bad day - scratch that. An awful one. He tried to go get coffee at eight in the morning and got bombarded by fans, he left the shop without even ordering. They followed him back to his car and it took him fifteen minutes to pull out.
His favorite Mickey Mouse Gucci suitcase he was bringing along on tour had busted. The zipper unraveling and the trim falling off as a result. It was a one-of-a-kind.
Then he’d been stuck on a Skype meeting about tour merchandise with a group of business partners for the last three hours - all he wanted was a fucking nap.
When Y/N’s contact vibrated across his screen, he’s itching to answer but declines as he needs to give these people his attention.
When she calls again, Harry feels a prickle of annoyance. It’s not even at her - to be quite honest. It’s just the shitty day and everything’s piling up.
He always got like this before he kicked off a tour - stress level maxed out and his ability to handle minor incidents nearly shot.
I’m busy
Okay! Sorry, just have a super exciting surprise for you, bub! 
I really do not feeling like talking. I’d rather be left alone.
Oh, alright. Hope everything’s okay! Do you still want to facetime later?
Harry leaves her on read because he doesn’t want to slip up and take out his frustration on her. He’d been known to do that and he didn’t want her to think he was anything but besotted with her.
Y/N feels a little hesitant as she begins the uploading process to her channel. The red loading bar told her it’d be twenty-minutes before it’s going to be posted to her 16 million subscribers - one of them being Harry himself. 
Twenty-minutes for her to back out and cancel the upload. She starts having doubts about it when Harry never replies to her text which is unlike him. 
She takes Rufus out to avoid staring at the loading screen with unnecessary anxiety and uneasiness.
Harry is just getting home from a business dinner with the touring company’s management team. The tension and anxiety from today piling up on his shoulders and he just wants to call Y/N and crash in bed. 
He tosses his keys in the little bowl in the entry and kicks off his dingy white vans to the side. His phone dings with an alert from Gemma.
You two are the literal cutest ever. It’s quite gross.
Harry slides onto a stool in his kitchen, confused by the text message before she’s sending the link to him.
Fine Line Inspired Cupcakes!
Harry isn’t quite sure why his heart starts pounding furiously in his chest. A sinking feeling in his stomach when he realizes that this was probably the surprise she was excited about.
He clicks on the thumbnail.
“Hiiii, it’s Y/N. Okay, well today we are going to bake some Fine Line inspired cupcakes. And if you haven’t listened to the album - get your ass out from rock you’re living under and stream it on Spotify!”
She has her hair down in long, waves and a loose cropped shirt that says TPWK in rainbow embroidery.
Harrys mouth is dry and he can’t take his fucking eyes away from the screen. 
“Soo, I was thinking the first batch would be cherry flavored? ‘Cause he has a song titled ‘Cherry’. Let’s start there. First - I need to find my measuring cups.”
In true Y/N fashion, she scours her kitchen - cussing and yanking stuff out of her neatly organized cabinets before huffing and storming off to the side.
She comes back into view, a little frazzled but smiling when she holds up the ring of plastic measuring spoons, visible bite marks notched into the material.
“My asshole of a dog had a little snack,” Y/N shows the camera before shrugging, “Let’s get this shit started. Okay, you’re going to need one cup of sugar - no wait, two? I can’t read my fucking handwriting.”
Harry’s absolutely enamored by this scatter-brained, giggly girl who manages to produce cute blue and pink cupcakes that very vaguely resembled his album cover. His heart felt a million times too big for his chest.
He was enraptured for the entirety of the thirty minute video without taking his eyes away once.
To be honest, he hadn’t felt this way since his last relationship which was over a year ago at this point.
It’s not even a thought as he’s requesting a FaceTime with Y/N. 
She answers after a few rings. She has a green face mask painted on her nose, chin, and forehead with gold eye masks under each eye. She is so fucking ridiculous it’s not even funny. 
What is even more ridiculous is how gone Harry is realizing he is for her. She was quirky, unfiltered, carefree. If he was honest - he hadn’t met a girl like that in a very long time - especially a well-known influencer.
“Hi! How was your day, grumpy?” Y/N asks brightly, making a goofy face as the mask begins to tighten and crack on her skin. Not holding the earlier conversation against him and deciding to just move forward. She understood how stressful it can be.
“M’sorry. I was a bit grumpy,” He admits, “I loved your new video, darling. Did you make those just f’me?”
He can tell she’d be blushing if her face wasn’t covered, a bit bashful as she mutters, “You already know I did it for you.”
“You’re too sweet to me, only six days until we meet,” Harry replies, voice taking on a slow, lazy drawl. 
“Six days,” Y/N repeats, eyes crinkling as she smiles with excitement.
“Is this outfit too much?” Y/N panics. Even though there’s literally nothing she can do about it - they’re already walking towards the backstage entrance of the massive arena. It’s still about two hours until the show starts but Harry requested her to come earlier.
Laney sighs, “For the millionth time, you look fucking sexy and Harry’s going to want to rail you right when he sees you.”
Y/N shoves her lightly with a faux annoyance as they meet up with a burly man who’s blocking the entrance to the backstage hallway and rooms.
She gives him their names and pulls up the passes on her phone before he’s nodding with any expression and letting them pass.
They’re not quite sure where to go from here so they begin to wander down the long hallway toward what looks to be the main area that people are milling about.
Y/N is nearly on the ground when someone rounds the corner without looking and walks right into her. Both of them let out huffs of air as they collide and attempt to stabilize themselves.
But there are large hands grasping her arms and holding her steady. In typical Y/N fashion she’s already cursing, “fuckin like a brick wall, look out next time.”
Then she’s looking up to Harry staring back down at her with an amused expression. He doesn’t let go of her and instead tugs her against his bare chest. He’s warm and a bit sweaty - like he’d just worked out. He was only in a pair of thin, running shorts, nike tennis shoes, and a little clip holding his hair off of his face.
Y/N can’t help but wrap her arms around his waist, returning the embrace and amazed by how right it feels to be in his arms. Her face tucks right against his collarbone and it’s like they’d known each other for years.
Pictures and videos don’t do this man justice. He’s gorgeous - sharp edges and dark inked skin. Tall and muscular but dimples that are carved in his cheeks. 
“Nice to meet you, m’Harry,” Harry rumbles, removing one hand from Y/N’s shoulder to reach out his hand to her friend.
Laney shakes his hand before asking, “Laney. I’ll leave you two lovebirds be. Where’s the food?”
Harry chuckles against Y/N’s wavy hair, “Down the hall to the left.”
Laney’s trailing off without another glance, she was very food motivated despite her skinny frame. Also not wanting to intrude of the very personal first moments of their meeting.
The popstar pulls back to look down at the girl he’s fallen for in mere weeks. She’s as beautiful as he thought she'd be - if not more. He can’t help himself, “Would it be too forward to kiss you?”
Y/N smiles widely, running a hand along his jawline, “I’ve wanted you to kiss me since you stayed up on FaceTime with me until two in the morning as I cried after watching The Notebook - despite me seeing it a million times.”
Harry ducks forward to press his lips softly to her, large hands come to cup the side of her face as they connect. He’s so gentle as he moves his mouth against hers. In true Y/N fashion, she’s bold and has no hesitation slipping her tongue into his mouth.
He’s so fucking in love with her. It doesn’t make much sense - it’s definitely not logical but he’s realizing that’s okay.
“Oii, get a room!” Someone shouts from down the hallway teasingly.
Harry flips them the middle finger and pulls back, pink lips swollen and puffy, dimples on full display, “Let me take you out to dinner after the show, darling.”
“You going to wine and dine me, Styles?” Y/N giggles, unable to contain the pleasant warmness he’s spreading through her body. 
“Mmm, have t’make sure you’ll want to keep me,” Harry murmurs happily against her lips once again, pressing kiss after kiss to her to make sure she’s real, “Definitely want to keep you.”
Y/N bites teasingly at his bottom lip, hand planted on the soft but firm skin of his stomach, “You’re never getting rid of me, hope you know that.”
“Was hoping you’d say that, now let me introduce you to my band.”
                                  -- ---- ---- -- 1 year later - -- --- --- --
“Hi bitches! Today is a super special day. We have the one, the only Harry Styles filming with us. I know that’s not really that special since he’s on here all the time with me. But we’re celebrating our one year anniversary!” Y/N smiles, bumping hips with Harry who stands dutifully next to her. 
Anyone viewing can see the absolute heart-eyes and adoration he has for the girl standing next to him. He’s still as lovestruck and gone for her as he was the first time they met. Harry’s fans were thrilled - for the first time in years, he’d opened up again.
They weren’t very public on social media beside’s tagging each other in memes and posting the occasional picture. Y/N was constantly uploading cooking videos from wherever in the world she was with Harry on his tour, she’d also begin making vlogs about different foods she’s been experiencing.
“Okay, so here in Peru - they’re known to have this really fucking spicy beef with noddles. So obviously, I’m going to make Harry try it first,” Y/N laughs as she props the camera up on the side of the table on a napkin holder.
Harry - who has a concert in a few hours - frowns at the steaming dish in front of him, “Darling, I don’t want to try it first. It’s going to burn my mouth. Not gonna be able to sing.”
“You’re sucha baby sometimes,” Y/N rolls her eyes, slurping up the noodles with her fork while making a silly face at her boyfriend. She pulls back, straight-faced, “It’s not hot at all. Tastes amazing, though.”
Harry takes that as an initiative to shovel a spoonful into his mouth. It only takes half a moment until his taste buds erupt in fiery flames from the spices, “You bloody little brat, y’tricked me! It’s so fuckin’ hot!”
Y/N smiles widely, laughing much too loudly in the restaurant when Harry chugs the glass of water next to the plate while glaring at his love. “I’m sorry, s’just to easy with you, lovie,” She replies, leaning over the table to press a kiss to his lips. 
He’s a sucker for her and kisses her right back despite his mouth being an inferno. His heart was on fire for her and that burned much more intensely.
“No, love. The instructions say baking soda, not baking powder. They’re not the same thing,” Harry sighs, attempting to read her scribbled, sloppy handwriting. She’d already spilled milk on half of the paper.
“S’interchangeable, right?” Y/N hums, cracking an egg into the bowl and Harry automatically knows to look to fish out the eggshells that’d she’d let slip in because she sucks at cracking eggs but always wants to do it.
Harry reaches over her, grabbing the vanilla extract and a teaspoon, “It’s not, baby. Lemme do this real quick.”
“Will you make me a grilled cheese after this?” She asks, nuzzling into his side and wrapping her arms around his waist as he finishes adding the wet ingredients to their bowl. Harry stopped questioning her thought process a long time ago.
Harry swipes his finger into the mixture of icing off to the side and rubs it right onto her nose, cackling at her pout and squeaking when she pinches at the fleshy skin of his hips. She in turn dips her finger into the sugary cream and pops it right into her mouth.
Harry eyes darken, watching her lips purse as she sucks off the icing. It was a dirty move on Y/N’s part and she knows it. It has her boyfriend dragging an icing-covered thumb along her collarbone before leaning down to slowly lick up the sugary trail with his tongue.
When Y/N slides her fingers into his hair and lets out a pretty moan, Harry’s standing back up, trailing over to the tripod and saying into the camera, “We’ll be back after a little commercial break,” and is then turning off the record button.
It takes little to no time for Harry to have Y/N’s bum on the countertop, mouth on her neck, and hand in-between her thighs.
And when they finally posted a very edited final cut of the video - well there may be a couple of fans who notice the how flushed Y/N is halfway through and a lovely purple mark on Harry’s neck that wasn’t there in the beginning of the video.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Animator!Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: None :)
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: When a character in Y/N’s new animated video looks a lot like Corpse’s avatar, people are starting to suspect whether it’s a pure coincidence or sneakily intentional. Corpse is quick to put an end to the debate though.
Requested by Anon. Thank you so much for your request hun! Really sorry for the long wait for the fic to be posted but I still hope you come across it and give it a read and if you do so I hope you enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤
“Hi everyone!“, Rae, aka the creator of today’s lobby, greets us all as we pile in one by one, excited to start the stream. 
I am especially excited however because I haven’t participated in a stream in quite a while seeing as how I’ve been very busy with my original content - animations. I made an animation talking about my vacation to Canada over the winter about two years ago. In my defense, it was a long video and I hadn’t posted in so long that I wanted to make it a special comeback - sort of - and something to repay my audience for their patience. I got too carried away in the gaming world and forgot my main field which is animation.
“Hi guys! Missed ya!“ I greet them for myself too, genuinely happy to be back seeing as how it’s been so long since I’ve talked to them or played Among Us with them. Maybe that’s another reason why the animation took so long to be finished: I lose motivation when I’m not social and since I don’t leave my house a lot when I’m working on a project, these guys are usually my only social interaction and without them I turned into a literal bum. “How have you all been? How’s it going?”
“It was barely going, to be honest.“ Corpse says with a huff of laughter.
“Yeah, it was super boring without you! Glad you’re back!“ Poki interferes too, her statement widening my smile.
“Aww thanks guys! I’m glad to be back too, feels like it’s been forever since I last was in this Discord server or in an Among Us lobby.“ I say, throwing a quick glance at my chat to see the excited comments left there by my viewers.
“Oh, and congrats on making it on Trending! I was overjoyed when I saw your video on the Trending tab, you don’t even know.“ Rae gushes, bringing a slight blush to my cheeks - yeah I know, I suck at receiving compliments about my work, I’m working on it though!
To be perfectly honest, that video didn’t deserve to make it to Trending. Hell, the chances of it making there were nonexistent considering my channel’s rather small and has a tight-knit community of about two hundred thousand people only. And I don’t mean that as though it’s a bad thing, I’m just using it to set the scene of how impossible it seemed to me that a video of mine would make it to Trending.
“Um yeah, thank you so much, Rae. Honestly, I need to thank Corpse for that.“ I say, my blush deepening as my cheeks grow even redder. “People thought the character in the animation was him so they had to investigate.“
Yeah, apparently a fan of mine who watched the video recognized the character of my boyfriend as Corpse and immediately took to Twitter to let people know what they’d found and man did it blow up. Anything involving Corpse blows up nowadays but I still owe him a ‘thank you’. One I bet he won’t accept. I know him too well at this point - I know he won’t take any credit for it whatsoever but oh whatever.
“My phone got blown up the day it was posted, holy crap.“ Corpse laughs, “I was so taken aback, in all honesty. I was like: yeah, no shit, Sherlock. - Thought everyone already knew we were dating. Like, the confusion really caught me off guard. I thought we were being obvious.“
Well....I guess that’s one way to reveal a relationship you’ve been keeping secret for months now.
“Thanks, babe. Couldn’t have done that any more originally, I guarantee.“ I sigh, tangling my fingers in the roots of my hair as I feel laughter bubbling up from my stomach to my chest, begging for me to let it out.
“Wait...“, Rae is, unsurprisingly, the one to break the silence that commences on our friends’ part, “WHAT?!“
“Yeah, I second that...“ Poki is quick to follow, “WHAT!?“
Oh here we go....
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse  @sunnyrae-cessh  @ladykxxx08  @meowiemari  @renupf  @booklover76  @sra-verissimo  @beatrhizn  @blueberrystigma  @beatrhizn  @chicken-taco-burrito
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shirozora-draws · 3 years
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Had a rather brutal work week and am making good on my promise to stop drawing so much in order to finish a fic, so no new sketch dumps posts. Instead I’m doing what I said I would a while back (and then promptly forgot bc undiagnosed AD[H]D brain is a helluva thing) and posting the JPG version of the GIF if anyone wants to see an HQ version.
Also posting a close up of the Darksaber animation because I’m so fucking proud of that sizzling Darksaber edge that makes me think about circuits in Tron/Tron Legacy and also why the fuck not.
Lastly, good god y’all, I’m nearly at 600 followers and the vast majority of you showed up when I started putting out some Star Wars doodles. It is incredible, humbling, and quite frankly terrifying to see so much of my art get put on blast for positive reasons (I was once put on blast in a fandom wank LJ comm bc someone got sick and tired of me spamming a fandom comm with my art lololol those sure were the fucking days). You guys have given me so much encouragement and confidence in how I draw (mainly, sketch a fuckton of nonsense messily with pencil and don’t bother trying to turn everything into a polished colored piece), and I am forever grateful. 
(also learned a former Pixar artist would use a bajillion lines to build up their forms [go check out concept art for Ratatouille and Brave] so, y’know, everyone has a process, the process can get you actual factual work, and I am not hopeless)
Meddling in a galaxy far, far away from the likes of Rian Johnson come on bro meet me in fucking pIT LET’S GO and seeing all of your tags/replies (this never happened to me before so I didn’t know you could reply to those replies? I’M SO SORRY I DID SEE ALL YOUR COMMENTS)/mentions/gif use (holy fuck is that how Tumblr gifs work???) and seeing your comments at AO3 and faffing around on the dinluke server has been pushing the bounds of what I can do and offer as an artist and writer, and that is incredibly precious to me. Suppose it’s a good thing I showed up here as a tired working Millennial and not years earlier when I was still stumbling around like a fucking fool and getting involved in Fandom messes I shouldn’t and hating my art style for never being Good Enough.
Sometimes Good Enough is fucking rad. Embrace that shit.
... okay I’m sorry I didn’t mean to word barf so much but I’ve been running on 4 hours of extremely frustrated sleep due to having OT and not being able to write/draw so enjoy the details, I’mma bounce.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 301: All My Todorokis
Previously on BnHA: We learned that when a bunch of superpowered villains are suddenly set loose with nobody around to stop them, things get fucked pretty quickly. Old Man Samurai and a bunch of other useless people decided to make “I pretend I do not see it” their new mantra, and resigned. Endeavor had a moment of despair on account of being crushed by the guilt of having ruined the lives of himself, his family, and basically everyone else in the entire world. For various reasons the heretical notion of “person who has done bad things feels sorry for doing them” sent fandom spiraling into a meltdown, so that was fun. The chapter ended with the entire Todoroki clan descending upon Enji’s hospital room to have a dramatic chat about Touya and All That General Fuckery.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “here’s the story of how Baby Touya slowly went insane trying to win his father’s love.” It’s a tale full of subverted expectations and heartbreaking inevitability, and also like twenty panels of the cutest fucking kids who ever existed on planet earth, who are so fucking cute that I can’t stop thinking about their cuteness even with all of the horrifying family tragedy unfolding around them. It is absolutely ridiculous how cute they are. Touya is out here pushing his tiny body past its limits because he inherited the same obsession as his dad and neither of them can put it aside even though it’s destroying them, and yet all I can think about is Baby Shouto’s (。・o・。) face. Anyways what a chapter.
so I have to confess that even though I managed to avoid being caught off-guard by the early leaks, the number of people reblogging my Endeavor posts from earlier this week and using the tag “bnha 301” kind of gave me an inkling that this chapter will include more Tododrama lol. that said, I don’t know anything else about it, so we’re still good spoiler-wise
AHHHHH FLAHSBAKC AHHHH. omg I know I typoed the shit out of that, but I’m just going to leave it lol I think it’s fitting
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holy shit holy fuck. so this is Rei and Enji’s first meeting, then??
yepppp, oh shit
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so wait, I know this is not even the slightest bit important, but are they meeting at Enji’s home or Rei’s? because I always figured that Enji was the one with the super-Japanese aesthetic, but maybe that was Rei’s side of the family all along
(ETA: from what I found during my very brief google search, omiai meetings are often held at fancy hotels or restaurants, so maybe that’s what this is.)
there’s such a period drama feel to this setting. like it’s so outrageously formal fff how can anyone stand this kind of atmosphere though seriously
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I mean they’re still stiff af but at least they’re not rigidly sitting in seiza and staring at each other unblinkingly anymore lol. Enji’s actually got his hands in his pockets now. why is this somehow almost cute
oh damn it’s the flowers
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Rei seems so subdued and it’s so hard to get any idea of what she’s actually thinking. I want to see her side of this dammit
but anyway, so at least from Enji’s perspective it seems like even though the marriage was arranged and he picked her because of her quirk, he still loved his wife and wanted to do right by her. the fact that he was watching her and noticed that she liked the flowers, and remembered that detail for all these years -- there’s a reason why Horikoshi’s showing us this. we know what’s going to happen later on; we know how much fear and violence and breaking of trust is coming up ahead, and while it may seem like this scene is serving to soften Enji’s character further -- which to be fair it is -- it also helps drive home the full impact of his abuse. that it’s so terrible not only because of the trauma of the abuse itself, but also because of the way it retroactively destroys all of the good things as well. this could have potentially been such a sweet scene, but it’s inescapably tainted by the knowledge of what’s to come, at least for me. and that’s just brutal
anyways, shit. is the whole chapter going to be like this?? feel free to toss in something I can actually make a joke about sometime, Horikoshi
oop, back to the present
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omfg lol
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“are you all right” “NO I’M NOT ALL RIGHT WHAT THE FUCK.” “oh, right, because of all the stuff that’s happened with me abusing you and you having a mental breakdown and being hospitalized for ten years and then our son coming back to life and killing thirty people, right, right. I almost forgot.” whoops
omfg you guys I’m loving this new and improved steely-eyed Rei. I’m loving her a lot
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and what do you mean “part one” fkjds how long is this going to be. TOO MUCH DRAMA FOR ONE CHAPTER TO HANDLE
oh, hello
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yeah I’ll say you did. didn’t seem to bother you much at the time, though
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Dabi Is A Noumu intensifies even further. anyways though would you fucking look at this boy lounging on this moth-eaten couch doing his best DRAW ME LIKE YOUR FRENCH GIRLS impression wtf
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Dabi what if you actually had killed him??? what would you feel?? satisfaction?? regret?? anything at all?? tell me your secrets goddammit
who are you talking to buddy
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Fuyumi-chan, Natsu-kun (is it common for brothers to address each other as -kun?? can’t recall seeing that in many other anime, but hey), and “dot dot dot,,,,,, SHOUTO” lol thank you so much for this bountiful heaping of Tododrama Horikoshi we are blessed
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(ETA: and on a more serious note, it’s interesting to see that “look at me”/”watch me” theme being used again though, because we see that same sentiment uttered repeatedly by the younger Touya in the flashback. well kid, you definitely got your wish at last. don’t know what else to say.)
oh my sweet precious lord
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just as cute as we left him. giving us a child this cute when we all know full well what’s going to happen to him is just unspeakably cruel though
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I’m fucking speechless. you broke me, congratulations. what am I even supposed to do with this
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I can’t get over this. moving forward my life will be split into two distinct parts, B.P. (Before the Pout) and A.P. (After the Pout)
and meanwhile there’s ALL THIS BACKGROUND ANGST BUILDING UP, AND I CAN’T EVEN FOCUS ON IT. Touya’s arm and cheek are covered in bandages (I’m guessing this is shortly after that “ouch!” panel we got some chapters back), and Enji is deliberately avoiding training with him because he doesn’t want him to hurt himself further. I can’t fucking get over the irony that all this time everyone thought Touya had died because Enji pushed him too far in his training, and it turns out that it’s the opposite -- the tragedy ultimately happened because he didn’t want to push him. but I’m jumping ahead of myself though I guess
by the way,
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remember this?? just wanted to remind you that it exists just in case you forgot
so now someone is talking and basically saying that Touya is the exact opposite of what Enji was hoping for when he decided to start playing with quirk genetics
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-- okay hold up
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...lol no, never mind. for a second I thought “holy shit he looks kind of familiar WHAT IF IT’S UJIKO OMG” before I remembered that Enji would have recognized him during the hospital capture mission if that was the case. so NEVER MIND, PROCEED
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(ETA: how the fuck did this man go around saving 62 towns in a single day what even is All Might.)
[clicks tongue several times] trouble a’brewin’
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oh my god. oh my god. what is this chapter. WHAT IS IT
so now Touya is all “YOU JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND MY MANLY DESIRE TO BURN MYSELF ALIVE” well you got her there champ
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also are they just home alone lol or what. “hey Touya, you’re what, like six now?? do us a favor and look after your baby sister for a couple hours for us would you? make sure not to set yourself on fire or anything.” WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG!!
now it’s nighttime and Enji and Rei are arguing, presumably about his decision not to train Touya anymore
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whew. okay. so, a couple of things here
1. first of all I think this conclusively shows that Enji really was trying to do the best he could for Touya. he stopped training him as soon as he realized it was hurting him, but Touya was still determined so he tried to make it work anyway, and even visited doctors to try and figure out if there was anything they could do. then, once they were absolutely sure that it wasn’t going to work, he tried multiple times to explain to Touya why they had to stop. he didn’t just abandon him out of the blue, which is really important to note. “no matter how much I tried telling him...”
so yeah, that debunks another common fandom accusation. so by the time he finally makes this decision, which we all know is going to turn out horribly, it’s basically because he’s already tried everything else he could think of. which, by the way, still doesn’t mean he handled this right. but at the very least he was taking Touya’s feelings into account and he was trying, and he didn’t just abruptly toss his son aside (at least not yet)
2. buuuut, then there’s this panel right below all that
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which is the other side of it. if he’d just quit like the doctor person advised him to, that would have been the end of it. Touya would still have been upset, but he would have eventually gotten over it and the family would have moved on and possibly even been happy. but what happens next happens because Enji can’t let go. he still has this maddening urge to surpass All Might, and so he and Rei keep having more children, and then Shouto is born, and Enji finally has a kid he can start projecting all of his hysterical ambitions onto once again, and everything starts spiraling out of control soon after
though p.s. none of that is Shouto’s fault though!! he’s one of the few good things to come out of this whole mess and I’m very happy that he exists. the tragedy is that his dad fucking lost his mind over his quirk and fucked everything up. but that’s on him, not Touya or Shouto
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because children aren’t stupid, after all. he understands that his dad is still looking to surpass All Might. and so he feels like a failure, and feels like his dad is trying to replace him because he wasn’t good enough. and even now, isn’t that what the adult Touya is trying to prove?? that he was good enough after all?? “I’ll show you what happens when you give up on me, dad”?? “I’ll show you what I can do”?? fuck my life fuck everything
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really nice touch here with the panel outlines becoming all shimmery from the heat of Endeavor’s flames (and/or becoming more unstable as the family gets closer and closer to their breaking point). but man, Horikoshi I can’t handle this, please show us more cute kids or something I can’t
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WITTLE BABE. BEEB. BUBS. SMOL. lkj; oh ouch a piece of my heart just detached and latched onto him huh look at that
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crazy how they all just seem to know right off the bat lol. kid doesn’t even have object permanence yet, let alone a quirk. but do they care?? IT’S THE HAIR, RIGHT. WE’RE ALL THINKING IT, I’M JUST GONNA COME OUT AND SAY IT. they knew the minute they looked at him lol
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are those blue flames yet?? they seem pretty close
(ETA: this is one of the few cases where the manga being in black and white is infuriating lol.)
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so it’s not like he was so disinterested that he didn’t notice what was happening, and he was still trying to stop it and get through to him. trying to reassure him that it wasn’t the end of the world and there were other things he could do with his life, but this one particular thing just wasn’t going to happen
fucking hell. it’s agonizing seeing how close they actually were to fixing it. if he’d only said the right words, or if he’d realized at this point how destructive his obsession could be to his kids, and backed off from putting that same pressure on Shouto. we came so close to possibly having a happy ending
AND ALSO THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING BUT PLEASE LOOK AT HOW TOUYA IS LIKE THREE AND A HALF FEET TALL AND HIS DAD IS LIKE NINE AND A HALF FEET. Touya barely comes past his knees flkjlkg. the Todoroki household must have been so filled with like plastic stepstools to reach the bathroom sink and all the little baby toothbrushes, and baby gates to keep the kiddos out of the important grown-up rooms and stuff. and also days-old half-empty cups of water and stale crackers and hot wheels and my little ponies strewn everywhere
“BUT EVERYONE AT SCHOOL SAYS THEY’RE GONNA BE HEROES” a wild Deku parallel appears?? how bout that
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I know this is like a pivotal moment in the Todo Tragedy and all, but fucking look at this lil dumpling
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“sup bro, it’s me, the manifestation of your fears of inadequacy and lack of fatherly affections. a GAAA. ba-baAA-baa [gurgling baby sounds]”
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HE WANTS TO BE LIKE YOU ENJI. good lord somebody please just get this family some therapy
“DAD YOU IGNITED IT IN ME” flkjslkj nope, nope. not ready for this pain here
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baby Shouto, would you like to weigh in on this affair? “DA!! ba-ga-daaa, [pacifier chewing noises]” oh my, you don’t say. so insightful for one so young
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“yo, the fuck kind of family was I fucking born into” oh, son. if you only knew. IF YOU ONLY KNEW!!
(ETA: lmao I got so distracted by the ridiculous cuteness that I glossed over the fact that Baby Touya seems to possibly be aiming at him?? it’s hard to tell because he’s also super out of it from heatstroke and may just be losing control in his attempt to show off his upgrade.)
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ladyyatexel · 3 years
I Went On A Manga Binge
So you don't have to
For those of you who have wisely avoided the shreds of it I've left around the blog thus-far, I had some weird notion to go re-experience Yu-Gi-Oh uuuuuh a week ago? We'll go with that. Time is meaningless.
I'd been able to read a good portion of the early manga at the end of highschool, and somewhere in my stacks and stacks of paper is fanart from this dark time, so you know I cared. I also still own a Dark Magician action figure somehow, so. I'd also watched a large portion of the anime with my brother because it had been laced with some kind of crack and we couldn't look away? I remember when we both were just like shit, wait, don't change the channel, I can't stop looking at it. And the next thing we knew we were waiting for new episodes and I was doing research on the Japanese original because I was that kid.
Anyway, unnecessary backstory out of the way, here are some... let's call them Observations and Consequences of having read somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 chapters (and growing) of a manga primarily hinged on card games from a spectrum of sources ranging from boringly lawful to sketchy as fuck.
Surprise actual character that develops in typical shounen fashion being Jounouchi. My limited experiences with the 4Kids dub and only early manga had not painted him in a particularly good light. I don't know if episodes were being aired out of order or if I had just missed the ones that established that he was making shit up as he was going along, but Wow I liked him a lot more going through the manga than I ever did watching the (dubbed, heavily edited and censored and thrown into a slurry machine) anime. I'd managed to come out with the impression that he was just as reasonably experienced with the game as Yugi back in the day. Wild.
I'm now reading every single comic-style post on Tumblr backwards.
Striking inverse to first point, wow, I don't like Seto Kaiba. Though he gets points for his general philosophy of the future, and the line I read in my sketchy online combo of scans and scanlations in which he said, "If God is in your way, you run him down," was Metal As Fuck. I somewhat shame-facedly admit to enjoying him a lot more as an Abridged Series character. (I watched Abridged as it came out back in the day! The experience of watching the anime with my brother had been so fresh that I got all the in jokes about the way things were edited and dubbed, it was great. Series remains influential part of my life to this day, which is hella weird.)
I almost understand how Duel Monsters works now. I don't want this.
That said, wow a lot of the decisions made in the anime made everything a lot more ridiculous than the admittedly already ridiculous original. I got the distinct feeling in the manga that the Duelist Kingdom stuff we were seeing was designed to be used and exploited in ways that don't make sense in an actual cardgame just played on a table like a normal person and this was part of testing everyone to think higher, differently. Maybe this is obvious to everyone already, I don't know. I had always liked that it was very, 'Not so fast, I'm going to blow up the moon to change the tides,' but I'm not really sure the anime gave enough explanation that this was an extra layer added to things for that event? You can see people actively getting used to it in the books, and people who aren't considering the real or 3D nature of it getting owned, but my memory of anime version is everyone just like, 'oh, shucks, fuck me, I forgot to consider the phase of the moon before i played this card, can't believe I forgot.' No one calls Yugi on any of this stuff because it's valid play in that situation. Plus Yami Yugi had mad trickster energy in the beginning and it suited him to think of ways to do things inside these little simulation boxes the way it suited him to set perverts on fire. I imagine the real card game trying to emulate this element as something that would be to its detriment, but I neither know nor particular care haha
Ryou Bakura.
Really, though. I think he became kind of casualty of 'wow, we have a lot of characters who really aren't able to do anything in this story anymore,' despite the fact that his whole inner life could have been as interesting as Yugi's. I always like thinking about the possibilities of stories in which main character falls into magical world and is given magical item and told they're the hero and then they find out they've been the bad guy the whole time. The first several volumes of manga were about the quiet weirdo kid that no one talked to who was always blacking out and turning into a fucked up version of himsef because he was so attached to his ancient Egyptian jewelry, so like, Bakura could have much the same shit going on. I want to know what's happening with him so much. He clearly doesn't love being possessed, but he's also so drawn to the ring. Despite it having stabbed him at least twice and him knowing it's a danger to him and his friends, he keeps being pulled back into it. You see so much more of him being like, 'Oooh, a creepy thing, I love that! :D' in the manga than ever in the anime, which I'm all about. Also more blood. I'm very about that as well. Though my memory of the anime also made it look very much like normal regular daily Bakura was just a weird facade in places before he ever would have been. I think that was it trying to compensate for what people didn't see from the Toei anime, but okay whatever, that I love everything about this guy is not news, I don't need to talk about Bakura excessively here, I'm pretty sure that's gonna show up on my blog by itself
On a related note though, damn, more of these people need to talk to each other. Can we have some existential crisis support clubs or something. Can we get like some apologies or something? "I respect you as a duelist." "Cool, but you literally built a tower designed to specifically assassinate me and my friends? You were supposed to get Better after I retaliated by putting you in a coma, but you kinda didn't." "Why would the coma have made it better" "I just told you it didn't" ---- "Sorry I went along with the plan of your evil parasite stabbing you, misled you, and then also jumped in and took up some real estate in your head too." "I understand, I also have an evil thing inside me that does things while I'm blacked out." "...no, I was conscious for all of that." "Oh." "..." "..." "..." "Do you like Ouija Boards?" "sure okay" ETC. Like damn we are reading shounen manga because no one is talking extensively about their feelings here and I'm tapping my foot angrily.
Holy shit there are so many mythologies happening at once. The ancient family guarding the Egyptian Pharaoh has a surname that's a Mesopotamian goddess. None of the god cards make any Egyptian sense except Ra, and just like. Baaarrrrely. Somewhere either Evil Ring Bakura or Mar/lik makes a reference to cremation and spirits being taken to heaven with smoke which several things, but definitely not Ancient Egyptian. Marik/Malik meanwhile is clearly trying to head Arabic, along with Rishid, but then, hey, our sister is just Isis. Goddess McGoddess. Sometimes they're the same goddess! Her name could be Isis Isis or Ishtar Ishtar. Meanwhile, all the obviously 'occult because Christians think it is freaky' stuff. ~ancient egyptian pentagrams~~~This isn't a complaint, I guess so much as a 'Wow, I can kind of see the cultural spot the author was coming from and where he was aiming' kind of thing.
Wonder where things would have gone if the card games had not been latched onto the way they were.
Managed to forget how gross the pre-cardgames stuff was on the sexual harassment front. I'm glad there was a sort of explanation of everyone drifting away from being dick heads and that that decision was made. It got way more comfortable to read after no one was bringing Yugi p*rn on VHS.
Yugi looks better with a nose, glad we got that upgrade.
Interesting to watch the series style shift as it goes away from being horror to being over the top cardgames and friendship (with blood!). The first picture of Mokuba is fucking Jarring. Also noticed that the nicer a character is, the less their teeth are defined.
Glad manga did not go as completely off the fucking the rails about Marik's face. I never got as far as seeing him back in the day because college occurred, but I remember seeing pictures and stuff and being like, "what in the Fuck happened to that dude, I think the house style has collapsed in on itself"
Things the author Really Likes: motorcycles, belts, SHOES, holy shit the shoes. These are some of the most lovingly rendered sneakers I've ever seen. All the detail on his characters goes straight to their feet and then it's stretched upward until it forms stiff peaks. Gently fold in 3000 years of trauma and bake face down in a crumb coat of scattered mythology. Remove when you roll two zeros.
Where the fuck am I going to put the extremely large omnibus volumes of this comic I purchased in order to balance out how much I would be reading for free on the internet. I should have grasped that a three in one edition would be Thick and yet somehow I was still :O when it arrived. Have I strategically purchased volumes that contain my favorite parts, maybe, what's it to you will i eventually get the whole thing because incomplete book series gnaw on my soul? yes
Wish the transition from "I've murdered several people in delightfully karmic ways" to "all you need is friendship in your heart and cards in your hand" Yami Yugi/Pharaoh had been discussed more/transitioned better. Buddy, where did you get this approved for television high horse? Please go back to strangling people with yo-yos or at least tell me why you stopped.
I still can't tell anything that looks like a big robotic monster apart from any other big robotic monster. My dude, I can't tell cars apart, all these monsters look the same.
Yami Yugi fascinated me way more in highschool? Maybe because it was still super early and the anime was like 'we need to torture you about his origins WeEkLy. Now I'm just like 'wait hold on, can we go back to Bakura and Marik for a minute, there's some extreme unpacking to do here?' Those two are paying so much more in baggage fees here my guy wow
Violently uninterested in any of the spinoff media
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komfortkiri · 3 years
NOTES: I’ll make a banner for this series whenever I get my shit together on Photoshop, lol. I’ve been on a Sero/Kiri thing lately plus this was brewing in my head so I wanted to hurry and type it all down before I forgot it.
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You had been staring at this ad for a couple of days now. Surely they must have found someone by now, right? You were new around the area and being on your own, wasn’t quite what you had imagined. Your parents? Well, your mom up and decided to leave you behind after bringing you home from the hospital and your dad.. He’s always been there but you wanted to prove you could finally be on your own. You were 24 for God’s sake, of course you could do it, but sometimes— you found yourself wondering if you bit off more than you could chew. Living in this big city full of crazy quirks of all kind, including yours, it was pretty overwhelming.
Oh, your quirk? Well, you were part wolf and people could tell that from looking at you, due to your pointed black ears that rested on either side of the top of your head plus a tail that was pretty fluffy and was also black in color.. Can’t forget the fangs that you have, too. Your howl could deafen someone for a brief amount of time, distracting them. You also had the agility which mean you could run— fast. 
Growing up wasn’t easy at all. You were often teased about your appearance. Kids would pull your tail, thinking it didn’t hurt you when in reality, it did. You spent majority of your childhood wondering why you had to have such an awful quirk, blaming your father since he was also part wolf. However, as you got older, you became more mature and focused more on yourself. Of course, you apologized to your father, which brought the two of your closer, allowing you to confess the reasoning behind why your child days were so… dark and why you lashed out in such ways. 
Your father was a strong man, taking on a few jobs at a time to support you and his self while also keeping the bills paid on time. You admired him for that but you didn’t want to depend on him anymore which led you to where you are right this second— staring at this damned ad, wondering when you’re going to build up some type of courage to text the number. “Oh, for all that is holy, just do it.” You grew tired of being scared so you brought out your phone and texted the number.
TO KIRI: Hey… I was texting about your ad about needing a third roommate and wanted to inquire about it, if you haven’t found anyone yet.
You thought about it again.. What if it was a scam? Oh, you literally brought your palm to your forehead, tapping it a times then halted when your phone buzzed. You looked at the screen, eyes widening in surprise because it was the number from the ad. You had your phone set to where you wouldn’t be able to see previews of your messages unless you unlocked it fully. You braced yourself for a ‘Sorry, we’ve found someone’ or something along those lines. You wouldn’t be surprised since it did take you forever to even act on this whole thing. You swiped left on the message, unlocked your phone, squeezing your eyes shut then took a deep breath. Your right eye slowly opened, eyesight adjusting to the brightness of your screen then falling amongst the words of this Kiri’s response. Your other eye shot open in shock, both your ears perking up.
FROM KIRI: Awesome! We haven’t really had any luck with anyone reliable.. so since that’s the case.. would you mind if me and the other roommate meet you for, say.. coffee? How’s tomorrow morning sound around 8:30-ish?
Thinking to yourself, were you reliable? Of course, you were. Responsible? Absolutely. You worked at a local animal shelter, coincidentally. You worked more with dogs than cats, though, which came with the territory. Dogs obviously gravitated more to you given your natural wolf scent that only they detected with their sense of smell. Recently, you were moved into a management position so you were paid pretty well, which struck up this whole idea to be on your own, per se. Before you could think any further, did you work tomorrow? No, perfect. You rolled over onto your stomach on your bed, tail moving from side-to-side.
TO KIRI: Of course! That sounds great. There’s a coffee shop a few blocks from where I currently stay.. called Camille’s Cafe, not sure if you have heard of it or would prefer something else?
Were you coming off pushy? Demanding? At this point, you didn’t know and you were so nervous that it was driving you crazy but before you could go into panic mode— you got a text back, agreeing on the meeting place and everything. That was… easy.. almost too easy.. Either way, you were thankful they wanted to meet in a public setting in case they really were scammers. That’s when the thought had hit you.. What if they were guys? Kiri didn’t necessarily sound like a guy’s name.. did it? You laughed at your overthinking. No way these were guys.
With that, you looked at the clock on your bedroom wall, it reading 9:30 PM. You decided to go ahead and settle into bed to get enough rest so you didn’t look like a walking zombie when you met your potential roommates for coffee. You plugged in your phone to the charger and laid down, laying awake for an extra hour or so before drifting to sleep.
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After a long day of getting phone call after phone call, text after text from different people saying they were interested in their ad, Eijiro and Hanta were close to giving up. Everyone who showed interest had some type of flaw about them, whether it be a bad history of paying rent on time or being an awful roommate in the past. It was becoming annoying, to say the very least. After denying everyone who reached out, Eijiro thought it was best to just block all the numbers to prevent further contact.
“Bro, I’m beginning to lose hope. We probably won’t ever find someone else to move in with us.” Hanta sat down on the couch in the living room with a sigh, kicking his feet up on the table in front of him. “Might as well talk to Kats about ditching that condo he’s in to move in over here with us.” They had thought about that a few times but even the slight mention of a roommate the first time, their friend, Katsuki, was the first to say not to even consider him because he valued his privacy. They didn’t press further because they understood and knew how he was. 
Eijiro sat on the other end of the couch, directly across from Hanta, leaning forward to prop his elbows on his knees and his head on his hands. “You know exactly how that’ll go, Sero. I say the next person that texts us, we invite to coffee and really figure shit out. It’s been days since we posted that ad, and you know that we need the help we can get.” Hanta nodded in agreement then both their eyes shot down to Eijiro’s phone that lit up with a unsaved number, inquiring about the roommate situation. Hanta moved over to the same side as where Eijiro was to sit down once the red head picked up his phone to look at the message. 
“Huh, look at that! It’s almost like this person heard you.” Hanta chuckled, looking over the message. “What do you think? Coffee?” Eijiro nodded then sent his first text out in response to the inquirer.
TO (YOU): Awesome! We haven’t really had any luck with anyone reliable.. so since that’s the case.. would you mind if me and the other roommate meet you for, say.. coffee? How’s tomorrow morning sound around 8:30-ish?
Sero scowled, “8:30 in the morning, dude? You really must be desperate because we sleep till like noon on our days off. That or you’re hoping it’s a girl.” He laughed then got up to circle around the furniture to head to the kitchen. “I mean, it might be a girl… and it might be good for us. Could teach us a few things.” Kirishima didn’t think about what all that last statement could entail but Sero, thankfully, didn’t catch onto it. “I guess so. Did they respond?” Just as soon as he finished asking his question, another text came through. 
“How do you feel about Camille’s down the road?” Kirishima looked over to Sero who thought for a minute then shrugged with a nod, “Alright, yeah. I could go for one of her bagels. We haven’t seen the lady in a while so we should pay her a visit.” Camille was an older woman who had a heart of gold and loved both Kirishima and Sero. They always were such gentleman when they came in but they stopped going once the crime rate escalated the past few weeks. 
“That’s true. I told the person it sounded great so. Let’s head to bed so we can actually wake up early and look decent instead of a mess.” Kirishima rose from the sofa to head toward his room. Sero called out, “Wouldn’t have to get beauty sleep at all if you didn’t schedule this meeting at the crack ass of dawn.” With that, Kirishima held out his arm behind him, giving Sero the middle finger. “Stop your bitching and go to bed, princess.”
Sero laughed and both settled into bed for the night. While one went to sleep pretty quick, the other laid awake, wondering who this mystery person could be. The thought of whether it was a female or not, really stuck to Eijiro’s mind. He had hoped that if it was, they wouldn’t be scared away by the fact that they’d be living with two guys should they accept the offer at all. Kirishima wanted them to be as comfortable as possible and that’s what he intended on doing and without noticing, he drifted into a deep sleep.
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calltomuster · 3 years
2021 Fic Review
thanks for the tags, @hellowkatey, @willowworkswithwords, @the-last-kenobi, and @indigostars!!
total number of completed works: 24
total word count: 203k!!
looking back did you write more, less, or the expected amount of fic this year?: uhhh??? holy shit??? 203k is so many words??? I know other people write more, but to me that is insane! it really added up so quickly.
your own favorite story this year?: I'm very sorry to people to follow me/know me because this story is the only thing I ever talk about, but my favorite story this past year was definitely The Moments That Time Remembered.
did you take any writing risks this year?: I did!! TMTTR was a big risk for me because I'd never written or posted anything longer than 4k max (TMTTR ended up at 71k), and I had never done a multichapter before I started writing. I was also in a few exchanges this year for the first time (and ran one too!), and that was awesome!
do you have any fanfic goals for the new year?: biggest goal is to start and finish the sequel to TMTTR, which will be called The Moments That Time Forgot. I'm only in the outlining process of it right now, but it's an extensive outline and will be a great blueprint for me to write much quicker that I did for the first fic, which took me about 16 months to write.
most popular story of the year?: uh. also The Moments That Time Remembered. I'm sorry for talking about it so much!! but it was undeniably my most popular fic this year, coming in at over 1100 kudos currently, the most I've ever gotten.
story most under-appreciated?: I'm gonna cheat a bit and say the four fics in my Angstpril series! I put a lot of work into those fics (wrote over 30k during my final exam period!) and they each only barely broke 100 kudos. which is still a good number, I'm not complaining! two of these fics were put on one of GFFA's rec lists, which was the most fun heart attack I've had in a while, but still not much engagement.
most fun story to write?: probably Healing Hands, Healing Heart! It's a fic in the TMTTR verse that is essentially just babywan whump for 3.5k words and that is my SHIT, I'm telling you I basically just wrote TMTTR so I could have gobs and gobs of babywan whump, so that one was very fun. also any of the treats I wrote for people in exchanges! I love giving treats!!! OH WAIT AND ALL OF THE SERVICE ANIMAL BOGA AU FICS!!!! AHHH HOW COULD I FORGET ABOUT THOSE?!?! THOSE WIN!!!! SO MUCH FUN!! CHECK THEM OUT!!
most unintentionally telling?: uhhhh. ???. hm. oh, I guess maybe instead i took care of you, which is a service animal boga au fic with a much older obi-wan who is struggling with a progressive neurologic disease like dementia, who gets loving help from everyone around him. while I was writing this fic, my grandpa passed away from dementia, and I didn't do it intentionally but I think I channeled some feelings in there.
biggest disappointment?: all year I told myself I would do whumptober this year and then I just,,, didn't. I was so busy at college. I think I just did like one fic for whumptober. oof.
biggest surprise?: seeing that I've posted 203k words this year. absolutely incomprehensible to me. to put it into perspective, I've been on ao3 for 7 years at this point and before this year, my record yearly word count was like 22k total.
my favorite part of fandom this year?: DEFINITELY MEETING PEOPLE ON DISCORD!! the lovely @hellowkatey and I started a discord server called the kenobi kafé and it's brought so many feelings into my life. love you all!!!! even if you cause me pain!!! 😂
no-pressure tags for: @swranger @coalmine301 @catboydogma @calika @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12 + anyone else who wants to share!!
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eruhatesu · 3 years
Hey Eru! Hope you're doing well.
MM here with a bit of a ranty post (so please bear with me).
I was thinking. You know how there's a theory that Utahime is the other traitor, right? What if, WHAT IF, that's the reason why she didn't appear in the JJK 0 movie? Because she was in the background doing evil shit? 😳
Honestly, Utahime not appearing in the movie doesn't make any damn sense. I know the cope now is that Gege is saving her CT for later, which sounds like a valid reason at first sight, but... Why not just show her doing hand to hand combat like they did in the anime?? They did NOT have to show her technique for her to appear in it!
To not show her around while her students were risking their lives was just such a odd decision, specially when you consider that minor characters like Kusakabe and Ino appeared (she's top 3 female character in polls! Come on).
So, there are only a couple of reasons that I can think of as to why this happened:
1. Utahime is the traitor (still have my doubts about this one, I think she cares about her students too much to pull this).
2. Gege really is saving her CT for later. But he handed it TERRIBLY by thinking removing her from the movie altogether was the way to go about it.
3. Gojo asked her to do something in the background?
4. Gege does not give a flying f*** about her character.
The last one is scary, but considering how Gege, just like most shounen authors, have a clear bias towards male characters it wouldn't really surprise me. Male authors spend the whole Manga developing M/M bonds, while their female characters and M/F dynamics always feel like an afterthought. All while we're left lamenting the wasted potential *sigh*
Look at Sashisu, for example. Satoru, Shoko and Suguru. The OG trio. Look at how well the relationship between Satoru and Suguru has been explored, while Shoko is just... There. Nothing about the way Suguru's downfall affected Shoko. Nothing.
It is always the woman getting pushed to the side (Oh Nobara, my dear).
I would personally love it if Shoko ended up being the traitor, because it would be a good way to bring her to the forefront. There's just something about Kenjaku getting a hold of Geto's body that doesn't sit right with me.
I could see him manipulating her feelings for Geto, making her believe that there was a way to bring him back to life if she handed him his body.
But yeah, I just wanna see her doing something. Even if it means Gojo going through even more pain 😬
So after that rant, the actual questions! (I think I forgot this was an ASK 😂).
How would you feel about Utahime or Shoko being the traitor? Are you satisfied with the way Gege is handling the female characters? And most importantly, What in the world were they thinking when they decided not to include Utahime in the movie?! (Seriously, I'll never get over it).
mm, hi. Im doing fineeeee finally having a very short break and finally got the time to respond to this hehe. Sorrymasen if I took a while. and.....
Dont worry I love reading this bc holy shit you opened my mind to a possibility that Shoko or Utahime might be the traitor.
My vote for Utahime not being in the movie is your 2nd or 3rd theory. Ngl, if we didnt get the one shot recently, I would choose your 4th theory but not now that we saw Utahime having good relations with even Yuuta.
For SHOKO.......OMFG. I love her character sm bc of all the possibilities. She has a very unpredictable vibe that makes you wonder what is going on with her. For sure it wasnt only Gojo who was greatly damaged emotionally with the events with Riko and its rippled events with Suguru... so Shoko acting out of track because of it is really plausible.
As much as I want Utahime to be the traitor to take on the spot light, Shoko having that role will be a lot more satisfying for me too. The impact would be top tier plot twist.
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