#Actually no more lowkey it’s high key now
stinkypeanutbutter · 4 months
this is how their next interaction is gonna be trust
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dragonanon · 1 year
Okay I know there’s a lot of controversy surrounding the use of AI to create things. But if I hadn’t known this was made using AI, I deadass would’ve believed that Rodger Bumpass decided to make a god tier shitpost that ironically came out really good.
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poppadom0912 · 10 months
Hii! 🙋🏻‍♀️
I saw that you are accepting requests, can I request an imagine with Jay Halstead where he and the reader (a surgeon) don't get along very well and, as fate would have it, they both live in the same building. One night the reader discovers that there is a camera hidden in the lampshade that she got from a strange guy, so the guy threatens her and Jay protects her. 😅❤️
Sorry for my English.
Warnings: Stalking/pedo men, brief hospitals, small injuries, and swearing.
A/N: Now that my series is done, I can finally get to completing and putting out all these requests. I wrote this in school. And do not apologise for your English, it was perfect.
Life is stressful right now so I lowkey got carried away writing this because it's somehow nearly 3k words but please do enjoy this!!
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You weren’t too sure when it all actually started but it was too late to reverse time now.
Growing up, there was no way to avoid the Halstead brothers because all the way throughout your childhood up until the age of eighteen, you all went to school together and outside, your mothers were near inseparable. You could never catch a break.
What made matters even more confusing was that you didn’t mind Will, on fact, the two of you were quite good friends. You tolerated Will and with both your combined loves for medicine, an inevitable friendship bloomed but even with this, you and Jay just could not get along.
The only time you ever found solace was when the two of you finally parted ways after high school. You remained in Chicago to become a doctor and later surgeon while Jay, he spontaneously decided to enrol to become an army ranger. Your shock could not be hidden.
With both brothers out your life, days were so much more simple. From time to time, you wouldn’t say it aloud but you missed Wil’s company but Jay, his absence almost made it as though he never existed in the first place. And yes, maybe that was a bit cruel but the genuine hatred you had at the mere thought of him or the sight of his face, it made you want to hurl.
And the rest was history. Even with the more recent parts being a bit more pleasant yet depressive, your pure hatred for him didn’t seem to wane.
Fast forward a few years and this is how it all is: your father remained ever so absent, both mothers passed away several years ago, Pat died last year, you and Will worked together and you and Jay weren’t exactly civil.
Living in the same building, on the exact same floor and literal doors apart could only do so much damage.
Today had been a very, very long day. You had just been on shift for a double that had run over because of the complicated surgery that almost went sideways last minute. You were practically dead on your feet. You loved trauma surgery as much as the next trauma surgeon but you could go without blood and scalpels for the next few hours because sleep was calling your name like a siren song.
Upon Connor’s insistence, he drove you home because he expressed his fear of you sleeping on the train and never getting off.
Finally in your apartment building, you dragged your feet to your door, your keys almost missing the hole due to your sudden misalignment. Your mind was nearing haziness but with one final push, you were inside and collapsed on your bed.
Sleep was instant. It was expected but you also weren’t surprised when you knocked out and woke up randomly at two in the morning. You felt semi-rejuvenated but you could definitely sleep for longer.
Drowsily, you stripped out of your clothes, chucking them towards the basket before walking into the bathroom. Doing what you needed to do, you returned and searched for comfortable pyjamas that were good enough for this heat.
Standing half naked in your own bedroom in the apartment that you rented alone was a completely normal thing to do. Never in your life did you need to be paranoid or extra careful. You were in the comfort of your own home, so why was there the need to be riddled with anxiety.
Well, apparently you should’ve because as you pulled you cotton shorts on, rummaging through your draw for an oversized shirt, you caught a miniscule red dot. You were so tired you contemplated if it was a hallucination but a few minutes later, remaining in the same position, the nano dot was still there.
Diverting your attention to the suspicious dot, you threw on a random shirt but somehow, during the milliseconds your head spent under the shirt before it reappeared, the red dot disappeared.
Now you were on edge. Sleep didn’t come as easy this time.
In the morning, everything looked the same. Going around, you tried to look for anything that could’ve been tampered with but alas, everything was in tip top condition. Maybe you really were so out of that that you were delusional, it all really could’ve been a hallucination.
You had a few more hours before you needed to go back to work and considering the state of your empty fridge, grocery shopping seemed like a promising idea.
Your sweetening mood however quickly turned sour at the familiar sight of a certain detective standing down the hallway, walking in the same direction as you towards the buildings only elevator.
Sighing in disappointment, you readjusted the tote bag on your shoulders and walked ahead anyway. There was no way you were letting this man ruin your mood.
Being stuck in the elevator though, it did ruin your mood a little.
For once in your entire life though, Jay didn’t rile you up. He didn’t say anything nor did he even attempt to roll his eyes when he saw you. It was weird, he barely even acknowledged you.
And you hated to admit it, but you didn’t like it. As much as you despised the man, Jay acting as if you were a ghost was something that irked you. But obviously, you were never going to tell him that, it’d only boost his already enormous ego.
“You look like a rat.”
“Ha ha, you’re so funny.”
You took it all back. Everything you said two days ago, you were taking it all back. Jay could rot and burn in hell and you still wouldn’t care.
Over the course of twelve hours, something must’ve changed because Jay’s renewed vigour was back and it was here to stay. You didn’t relish his silence long enough because the second he opened his mouth, your headache returned.
Next time, you were dragging Will and forcing him to escort you up to your apartment door because at least then he’d save you, he’d make this all much more bearable.
The sudden change in weather suited your mood, the rain mimicking your emotions that Jay was only half responsible for. The other half was a result of your newly achieved paranoia and anxiety that made itself known whenever you came home.
No matter where you searched or how many hours you slept, the red dot came and then disappeared again. It was annoying and it came to the point that you tried avoiding you bedroom especially as much as possible. To not be comfortable and safe in your own home wasn’t right.
Rolling your eyes, you fished your keys out of your bag and ignored whatever Jay was saying. You’d known him for so long that blocking out his voice had become second nature, it was something you did subconsciously.
You wished his apartment was before yours, that way at least you could have some peace but life worked in funny ways.
Stopping in front of your door, you were just about to unlock it when your body froze.
“What’s wrong?”
The sudden change in your mood caught him off guard, your frozen body worrying him slightly. He might’ve shared your feelings of hostility but you were his older brothers best friend, which had to count for something.
Following your line of sight, Jay’s eyes hardened at the unlocked door, a slither of light leaking out from inside as the door sat ajar. You definitely locked it this morning, there was no doubt about it.
Maybe you had the right to be paranoid. Perhaps you should’ve acted on it sooner.
Not wasting another second, Jay pushed you behind him and drew his gun. With his shoe, he gently nudged the door open and began surveying the apartment bit by bit with practised precision.
You hadn’t seen the man in action for a while now, it was weird to see him so proper and serious.
With nothing out of place and all valuable belongings safe and sound, Jay deduced that for now, things should be fine but if need be, if anything was out of the ordinary, he was the first person you called.
And for the first time ever in over thirty years, you made Jay a promise.
You kept to your promise. This was a matter you weren’t going to mess around with, even if it was with Jay.
You had just come out of the shower, hair dripping wet, shorts and an oversized shirt on because despite the rain it was still humid and the summer heat wasn’t going away anytime soon.
Stepping into the dark room, you started patting your hair dry with a towel and walked towards the lamp so there was at least some lighting. A dimly lit room made you feel less paranoid.
It was upon turning the lamp on though did your anxiety peak. This new height it reached making it hard for you to breathe all of a sudden.
Without even thinking of the consequences, Jay’s number was the first thing you found on your phone, his contact name pressed within seconds of your discovery.
Heart pounding out of your chest, you forced yourself to move at the sound of the door. This fear was almost paralysing, you didn’t even know what to make of all of it.
“What happened?” Jay’s concern was immediate. All you did was call him and he came over without question. Your call alone told him enough.
You stared at him wide eyed, words lodged at the back of your throat but they wouldn’t go any further than that. Remaining wordless, you simply grabbed his wrist and dragged him towards your room and he followed obediently.
Your bedroom was now back to pitch black; you turned the lamp off straight away because the pyjamas you wore left little for imagination. That trail of thought made you want to be sick.
Jay stood beside you; your hand still wrapped around his wrist tightly while your other still held the wet hair towel that you probably should put away. He surveyed the dark room, taking it all in and trying to poke out anything out of the ordinary.
It was only when you tugged on his wrist, his head turning down to you before following your line of sight and pointed finger towards your innocent looking lamp that idly sat on your bedside table.
But it turned out to be not so innocent after all. Jay immediately saw the red dot no matter its small size, he saw it straight away and alarm bells went off.
Gently prying your fingers off his wrist, Jay holstered his gun and strode towards the lamp, tilting the lamp shade as he fiddled with something underneath. It didn’t take long before he stood up to his full height with a small black square in his palm.
This all-escalated way too fast for your liking.
Jay refused to let you see anything from what he told you was a camera; he wouldn’t let you see it even for a price but he did briefly talk about what he saw in very little detail. What he told you was more than enough to make you want to bleach your body in a bath and move out of state to a place no one would know you.
Jay also wasn’t one hundred percent confident in letting you return back to your apartment alone. That’s how you found yourself wrapped in a blanket sitting cross-legged on his sofa, hiding yourself and your body from the world. Even with your shirt and shorts on, you felt liked dying at the thought of a man staring you down with intentions all but pure.
Gosh, you wanted to be sick.
Slowly sipping some water from a cup Jay silently handed you, you tried relaxing, rotating your shoulders to try release any of the tension but you failed. Fidgeting with anything was the only way you were able to not focus on the conversation Jay was having on the phone in the next room over. He was probably most likely talking to someone else from Intelligence.
The rest of the night, well more very early morning really, Jay explained the plan about how Intelligence were going to go about this but it would all happen in the morning at an actual suitable time.
With much bickering, Jay forced you into his bed as he took the sofa. It was weird that this was the most civil and even most nicest interaction the two of you ever had in either of your lifetimes. You wouldn’t tell him this unless under a life-or-death situation, but you kind’ve liked it. When Jay wasn’t being such a bastard, he was actually kind of decent.
Goodness, thinking about him was not something you would’ve ever thought of doing before yet here you were, thinking about your childhood nemesis at work.
The morning was relatively fine sprinkled with bits of awkwardness. Jay forcefully drove you to work when you insisted on going in today despite his attempts of getting you to stay home. If you tried and told Ms Goodwin the truth, she was very likely to give you the day off. Your stubbornness didn’t wane though.
You shift was normal, going from boring and mundane to fast paced just how you liked it. Nothing changed and it was relieving to be surrounded by familiarity and some sort of routine, it was a big distraction from the mess waiting for you at home. You tried keeping yourself occupied at every moment because any second you got alone with your deprecating thoughts, you were for sure going to spiral to a dark place.
And you’d been doing a great job at keeping busy till a certain detective walked in through the ED doors.
From the corner of your eyes, nothing about him looked off but when you squinted and walked towards him, you could make out a bloody gash poking out from his ripped jacket sleeve.
Now, Jay being hurt at work was nothing new. In fact, it was to be expected and you’d never been too bothered by it unlike Will was whenever his injured brother walked in so casually like it was another normal Wednesday.
However, you knew what he was doing at work today and your concerns peaked to such a height that Will had no reason to be worried anymore; you took it all from him.
“What happened?” You tried to remain somewhat calm, schooling your face as you dragged his non-injured arm towards an empty treatment room. Internally, you were glad Will was in surgery otherwise he’d be smirking and laughing like a manic at the sight he was seeing, a sight he’d never even envision in his dreams.
“We found the guy.” Jay ignored your question, begrudgingly sitting down on the bed, rolling his eyes when you wouldn’t let him get up. “We arrested him. Platt’s booking him as we speak.”
And just like that, all the weights pushing you down under the ground dissipated and you were beyond relieved.
You hands faltered as they went to grab some gauze, your eyes looking up to see whether or not he was lying but the soft smile spread across his lips, you didn’t need to question his credibility.
Without thinking, your arms wrapped around his shoulders and interlocked around his neck. Instinctively, you squeezed him a little, eyes shut as you relished in the good news. For a while, the world around you didn’t exist before it all came rushing back.
Suddenly, you abruptly pulled back, eyes wide in shock as your actions sunk in. Pressing your lips together tightly, you avoided eye contact and went back to preparing the gauze and butterfly strips, maybe even some wipes to see the real extent of the damage your stalker inflicted onto Jay.
Jay huffed in amusement and you could feel his eyes burning into the side of your head. All of a sudden, you felt the need to smother his god forsaken handsome face-
What the fuck? There was no way you just thought that.
“He looks worse than me, don’t worry.” Jay started again, a smug smirk on his face as he spoke, his eyes not moving from your face. “He was being a bit of a dick so I roughed him up a little. This little nick is nothing.”
And for once, you didn’t doubt the truth behind his words. You fondly rolled your eyes before going to clean his bicep that was no longer covered by his jacket.
“My saviour.” You smiled placatingly, making brief eye contact before breaking it. “What would I have done without you.”
And for once again, there was no sarcasm dripping from your words. Behind them lay mostly the truth and maybe a hint of your typically sarcasm but without his help, who knows what would’ve happened.
“All in a days work.” Jay’s face didn’t change, his expression not moving a single bit. For a reason beyond your medical and surgical knowledge, you blushed, cheeks randomly feeling flushed.
Maybe now with childhood rivalry forgotten and shoved aside, things between the two of you could get better.
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snazzyturtles · 1 year
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“Backseat Lover”
pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3 | pt 4
tsukishima x f!reader, nsfw, mdni
you and tsukishima have hated each other since the minute you moved into the house across the street from his. but when his car breaks down on the ride home, and you're stuck with him for the night, things are bound to happen
wc: 5 k
tw: enemies to lovers, car fucking, grinding, semi-public sex, unprotected, creampie, biting, marking, pet names (pipsqueak, shortie, baby), tsukki & reader are lowkey both tsunderes so prepare for smack talk
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"sup pipsqueak-" tsukishima whispered in your ear as you opened your locker. you snapped your head around to look at him, yamaguchi snickering close behind him. you narrowed your eyes and rolled them.
"you do realize that it's pretty narcissistic to call anyone that's a centimeter shorter than you a pipsqueak, right beanpole?”
he chuckled a bit and leaned in closer. "pipsqueak" he whispered once more.
you grabbed your books from your locker, swinging and hitting him in the chest with it before turning around. "shut up kei~" you yelled over your shoulder as you walked away.
his eyes went wide, his back hitting the locker door he was pushed against. yamaguchi was bent over laughing at your actions as tsukishima simply stared at your back as you left, his breath catching. he didn't think you could hit that hard. "so the pipsqueak is still feisty…” 
“i like feisty…” he whispered under his breath.
you and tsukishima had been like this ever since you moved into the house across the street from his in middle school. it was your final year in high school, and yet your dynamic had still never changed. you don't think you'll ever understand why he acted this way, picking on you nonstop, but you weren't someone who took that treatment. getting multiple classes with him and his friends this year definitely didn't help though, it only made you two have to see each other even more often.
he pushed himself off the locker and ran after you. ”hey, pipsqueak. you know i got my driver's license right?" he said smugly as he walked up to you.
you glanced in his direction with your eyebrow raised. "oh really? and that matters to me because…?”
"i don't know, pipsqueak, maybe because now you don't have to walk all the way home from school anymore? no wonder you’re still in shape, you have to cover a lot of ground.” he smirked at you.
you stared at him in silence for a bit, before sighing and looking away “...okay fine. whatever.”
"you actually want a ride?" tsukki’s smirk grew, “aweee, are you finally letting go of your pride and ego, pipsqueak?" he poked your cheeks, chuckling at you.
you rolled my eyes at him. "no, it's just probably going to be easier than walking home… i wanna give my legs a break.”
“awe, lazy little pipsqueak-“ he leaned down and spoke at you with a baby voice, before smirking and standing back up, looming over you. "but if you are thinking you're going to be sitting in the front, you’re wrong. the front seats are for big kids, and i don’t want to hear your smart mouth." he smirked at you.
you stared at him with furrowed brows, obviously upset and growing more annoyed as the conversation progressed. "are you serious? i'm already going to have to wait until after you finish volleyball practice, i think i deserve front seat rights.”
"nah, i'm the one doing you the favor. back seat or walk, pipsqueak~”
“…ugh fine! whatever. let's just… get to class and... figure this out later.” you mumbled under your breath, turning your head.
"hehe, shortie’s finally becoming submissive, as she should be. i knew it’d happen one day." he smirked at you and ruffled your hair as you entered the classroom. rolling your eyes, you sat down at your desk, looking away from him.
you sat through the final two classes of the day, collecting your things and heading to the library. you wanted to stay as far away from him for as long as you possibly could, but when the hour passed and the library closed, you were required to go to the gym and watch tsukishima's volleyball practice.
you knew he played, seeing him occasionally play with his brother or friends in the neighborhood, but you had never actually seen him in action. he looked…. hot.
the sweat was dripping off his body, muscles flexing and panting hard as he practiced. his t-shirt was tight, sticking to his skin, and you could practically count his abs from where you sat. you had never noticed his physique, and while he was still just about as skinny as he was when you first met him, he had definitely buffed up over the years. you kept having to look down at your phone to act like you weren't staring at him, but it was definitely obvious to the boys in the gym- especially tsukishima.
he could feel your eyes, watching every move he’d make, every play he did, every dive he made. after practice ended for the night, he turned and looked at you for a moment, smiling and winked at you as he went to the showers.
his wink made you freeze, eyes glued to his back as he walked away and out of the room. did he notice you staring?
he soon came out of the locker room after a quick shower and changing into different clothes, walking towards the parking lot with you trailing after him and his long strides. once you got to the car, he opened up the door to the back seat, snickering as you rolled your eyes and threw your bag in the back, sliding in after it. he slammed the door shut, turning to open his and sit in the front. starting the engine, he looked back at you with a smirk, "tired pipsqueak?"
you looked at him with a dead stare and shook your head.
"no." you said, putting your headphones on as he backed the car out of its parking spot.
you sat in silence for a few minutes, and he couldn't stop himself from chuckling at the way you were acting. he could hear you muttering the words to the song you were listening to under your breath. "you know i can still hear you, right pipsqueak?” he spoke up louder, smiling at you through the rearview mirror.
you were staring out of the window, trying your best to ignore him as he drove out of the parking lot and got on the road that led to your side of town. it was late, and you were too tired and annoyed to deal with his teasing or even bother to give any back anymore. The car became silent once he realized you weren't going to interact with him, and he decided to just stare forward at the road he was driving on while you watched the dark scenery passing as you moved through the mountainside on your way home.
suddenly, the car jolted, making you lurch forward in your seat and hit the back of his as the car abruptly came to a stop.
“k-kei? what just happened?”
"hm?" his eyebrows were furrowed as he looked at you through the rearview mirror, cursing under his breath. "damn this car is old. it must be the alternator- pipsqueak, can you come and check with me?” he yelled over his shoulder as he got out of the car and headed towards the front.
your eyes were blown wide as you followed him out of the car, circling to open the hood. when tsukishima opened it, smoke began to come out.
"yeah, i think the car's dead... here let me call-“ when you looked down to turn your phone on, you noticed it wasn't turning on whenever you’d hit the on button. the battery had run out- your phone was dead.
"uh oh…"
he just sighed, closing the hood again with an obviously frustrated slam. that car was ancient, a hand-me-down from his older brother when he got a new one. he should've known this would happen sooner than later.
"well, shit. we’re gonna have to wait until someone passes by on this road to help, or walk to the house. you want me to carry you on my back?”
your eyes blew wide at his suggestion, not expecting him to volunteer to carry you like that. “i-let’s just wait for someone to come by… another car has to drive past at some point tonight, right?” you sat back down in the backseat as tsukishima stood with his back pressed against the side of the car. you were stuck.
"damn, why did this have to happen to us?” you buried your face in your hands.
his foot was tapping against the road from the state of stress that was shared between the two of you. you already looked so tired and upset, and it made him feel more agitated. "relax pipsqueak, i'm sure someone will pass by… we just have to be patient.” he sank to his knees and sat against the car, letting out a long sigh.
you groaned, flinging your head back against the seat to look out the sunroof. “ughhhh.”
"our luck, nobody's going to pass by until tomorrow morning. let's face it, nobody drives around this part of town this late at night. we're stuck kei.”
he looked up towards you, and then stared out into the road that stood ahead. you were probably right. "maybe we should just sleep then. i have a blanket in the trunk, it gets cold around this part of town at night so we’ll probably need it…” 
“you can sleep on my lap if you want" he smirked up at you in addition to his side comment, taking you by surprise from his forwardness.
your face started burning bright red. ”y-yeah, i guess you're right.” you looked at the front of the car, before turning to look back at him as he stood up again. “i’ll probably have to do that though, you're so tall that i don't think the front seat will be very comfortable…”
tsukishima chuckled as he went to open the trunk and picked up a small blanket. he walked back towards you and handed you the blanket, smirking again. “you’ll have to be the little spoon today, shortie.”
he picked you up and placed you against himself, his chest pressing into your back and the small blanket laid on top of your waists. the feeling was awkward, and you lay there in silence as you stared at the back of the front seat. you rotated your head slightly to look back at him, whispering, ”h-hey kei? can i ask you a question?”
he looked down at you, and his hand began to play with the ends of your hair. "sure, pipsqueak. you can ask me anything." he murmured in a grumbly voice. when his hands started touching your hair, you froze, suddenly unable to think.
"why are you so mean to me, and then act like… this, sometimes? it… it's confusing..”
he stared at you, implying that this was not a question he was prepared for. he kept playing with your hair as he stayed silent, thinking. the silence was definitely awkward, and he could see how uncomfortable you were becoming. he decided to be honest with you, not wanting to lie to you anymore.
"i don't really know. your voice, your face, your personality, everything about you has always been just so annoying, but i think i’ve slowly begun liking you, i guess? i don't know if that makes sense.”
you slowly shifted your body weight to the other side, turning over to look into his eyes. you were face to face, close enough that you could feel his breath ghosting your nose as you looked up. "w-wait... what? you... you... like me?”
you were so close that he could smell the leftover scent of your strawberry shampoo in your hair, making his heart beat faster and have to hold back a moan. he looked into your eyes, your facial expression looking so cute for once. "i think i do pipsqueak." 
he looked scared of his own words, that his feelings might ruin the relationship you shared. years of holding the idea of mutual hate and irritation, suddenly turning into love confessions in a cramped car seat. you stared at each other in silence for a minute, unsure of what to do, before tsukishima shifted and began to lean his head down and forward towards yours.
he leaned in closer and closer to you, and you could feel his warm breath right next to your lips. "pipsqueak~" he whispered, just before your lips met.
his lips were soft, and he kissed you kindly as his hand snaked around to hold the back of your head closer to him. he was being gentle with you for what felt like the first time, his mouth almost teasing yours from how light he was being. it took your breath away- you would've never thought you’d be doing this with him. when the kiss finally broke, you sat there, panting and staring into his eyes. he was still blushing, and just looking at you made his body tremble.
"that was... uh…” he looked at you with his eyes darting around in uncertainty. he just kissed you, and neither of you could believe what just happened. “uhhm… pipsqueak? can i kiss you again?”
you were shaking, your breaths coming out short and heavy. you definitely didn't expect that. "y-yes kei" you whispered. he leaned closer to kiss you once again, wrapping his arms around you so he could hold you even more closely. 
"god i want you, pipsqueak.” he whispered in your ear while moving to kiss your cheek. you whimpered at his words, eyes squeezing shut. it made you blush- you weren't expecting him to say that.
he suddenly sat up, pulling you up onto his lap as he began to kiss you again, more passionately. faster. harder.
after the first two kisses, he definitely wanted more. he wanted you to be his, and only his. ”i think i might love you, pipsqueak.” he murmured under his breath. your breath caught at his words. love? kei tsukishima loved you? a moan left your throat as he continued to kiss you, your mind and thoughts blurred by all of this.
you both didn't want your lips to stop touching,  feeling like you could finally be happy for once by just kissing each other. your lips were his heaven. he began feeling your body and running his hands through your hair as he started to kiss and nibble you on the neck. "baby, i want you so bad~" he whispered in your ear.
a long whine escaped your mouth as you felt his teeth tug at the skin on your neck, his hands beginning to trail under the back of your shirt. “w-w-want you too kei" you breathed out.
he let out a small exhale at your words, smirking to himself. his hand began to explore your body more, feeling the curves and bumps of your soft, sexy skin. he wanted to be with you right there, and he wanted you to be his. "you are so soft, pipsqueak-" he whispered as he kept kissing and licking at your neck.
your neck was so sensitive, more sensitive than you thought it could be. his actions were making you go crazy, and his hands touching you at the same time as his mouth was almost too much. the noises you were making were loud and constant. your hands began to trail from his shoulders down too, trying to trace his abs through his shirt.
his lips kept moving further down your neck, leaving hickeys as he kissed your neck like a starved man. "pipsqueak-" he whispered seductively into your ear, as if the nickname was now a dirty word.
you moaned loudly when you heard him say that, your head rolling back, exposing your neck even further. his hands lowered to your ass, gripping it and lifting you slightly to pull you closer to him. your chests were now touching, and you could practically feel all of him. your legs were on either side of his, pressed against each other so close you could feel the other’s breaths and small shivers. you could feel his body heat as you became closer and closer to him; your hips, your waist, your legs, all pushed against his.
he leaned in closer to kiss your neck, trailing his tongue from your ear along your jaw, tickling your throat. he could finally feel you, everything. you were one. his hands slowly tightened around to your hips, grabbing them and starting to pull them back and forth, aiding you in grinding atop him. the feeling made you whine even louder.
“p-pipsqueak..! o-oh my god..." his jaw dropped and his cheeks turned bright red when he began to feel your movements. his heart was racing as he tried to keep himself from making noises, but he couldn't help it. he was surprised that you continued grinding on him, but then again, he wanted this too- he wanted you. his body was becoming sensitive, reacting to your touches and movements. he continued to kiss your neck, slowly moving his tongue up the open skin as he felt your warm friction.
it felt so good, you felt closer to him than you could have imagined you’d ever be. your uniform skirt didn't leave much fabric between the two of you, just his pants and your small panties rubbing against him. "k-kei...aH" your voice caught when you felt his arousal poking you, at the same time as him biting your collarbone.
"p-pipsqueak, i have to..." he couldn't finish that sentence, he was becoming too sensitive to keep his cool. his hands were shaking, as he struggled to take off your skirt. his fingers found the buttons, quickly removing them and throwing your skirt into the seat next to you. he ran his hands under your shirt, warm fingers brushing against your skin as he began pulling your shirt and bra up and over your head at once. the air was cold, and your breathing was heavy as you sat atop him in only your panties.
"k-kei... please…”
it was hot now, and he was still wearing both his shirt and pants, the fabric now rubbing against your bare skin. you began to touch all over his body eagerly searching for more contact. you were so close to each other, your body on his, your legs wrapped around his waist, and he began to let his hands wander around your soft, smooth skin.
"baby... i want you so bad… i can't wait anymore.” he whispered in your ear as he started to kiss your body all over, his lips finding every inch of your skin as his fingers started to explore as well. he was sucking hard against whatever skin he could reach from his position, wanting to mark you, claim you.
your moans and whining became louder as his lips and hands went to places they hadn't touched before. you tugged at his uniform top, trying to quickly unbutton and take it off of him. you wanted to see him more, make it even between the two of you. he made a loud noise when you touched a sensitive spot, mumbling something about volleyball bruises, before gripping your hands and taking control. he wanted more, he needed more.
tsukishima quickly threw the rest of his shirt off and snaked his hand up from your thighs to your hips as he lifted you with one of his arms, the other reaching underneath himself to yank his pants down to his knees. placing you back down on his lap, where underwear was the only barrier that protected you from touching each other, making you whine louder and his eyes roll back once he felt your heat.
his heart started beating super fast, and he was sweating lightly in his anticipation. he could feel you, your thighs, your hips, your breath, everything. when you shifted your weight to lean in and kiss him again, it pressed his clothed cock against the wet spot in your panties, making him groan loud and shiver. god, you were his. he took off his boxers, making him more vulnerable to you. you were one, and you were more than just friends now.
he stared into your eyes as he slowly reached towards you, lifting you again, pulling your panties to the side, and lowering you down on his cock. the moan that left your mouth was deafening, and made his eyes roll back. you were lightly panting as you tried to slowly sink onto him, your eyes squeezed shut. “i should have known how long you’d be, considering how lanky you are.”
“shut up.” he grunted, bucking his hips as almost a punishment for your response, slamming balls deep into you. your mouth hung open and your head flung back, looking like you wanted to scream but couldn't. your expression turned him on even more, and he grabbed your hips, aiding them in moving on him.
you felt him slowly, gently, moving you up and down, your legs and arms wrapped around him like he was your safe place. his eyes were locked into yours, his hands holding you around him as if all he wanted was to keep you close to him, keep feeling you. your grip around his chest was practically choking him, your gummy walls squeezing and milking his cock. your breath was shaking and your legs were quivering as you started moving. “fuck! you’re so tight, baby.”
you wouldn't have believed it if you told yourself a few hours ago that you’d be doing this with tsukishima kei, fucking him in the back of a car on the side of the road, but here you were. enjoying all of it, whining and moaning at the top of your lungs for him.
”k-k-kei..." you couldn't form full sentences as your hips rocked back and forth against his.
your hearts were exploding as you moved. your body against his, it would be a sin not to enjoy it. he was feeling you all over with his large calloused hands, slowly and gently exploring you. he kept you close to him by holding your hips tight, nibbling at your neck and jaw. you were his lover now, and the world outside the car didn't exist. only the two of you, only intense pleasure.
you were mewling, it felt so good. his hands trailing your skin made goosebumps form and you shivered under his touch. "kei i-i.." a groan left your throat as you felt his cock bump your sweet spot.
hearing your moans, he couldn't keep his cool anymore. he felt like he was losing himself and that he was going completely insane from your touch. he began moaning and whispering praise into your ear, coaxing you to continue even more. "pipsqueak, please... don't stop."
you started moving quicker, bouncing up and down on his lap while your mouths were glued to each other. your stomach was beginning to feel twisted, and you couldn't help it when your whines got more constant. his body was twitching with every sensation that was made, and he had lost all his patience. he didn't want it to end, he wanted the night to go on forever. 
he was sweating heavily even though it was cold inside the car. he felt crazy, insane, like he had lost every feeling of logic in his head, and it was all about you and him. his moans were becoming louder now, the sound of leather squeaking against hot skin amplified each time you moved.
"k-kei? i-i'm close" you whispered out. your legs were squeezing even tighter around his hips as you moved, almost like a warning.
he felt you, and your words made his heart stop. "baby... can i..." he looked at you, begging you for permission. "can i…” he whispered.
you nodded your head furiously, panting and looking into his eyes. ”yes... please.”
tsukishima felt like he was going to blow up, and he was begging you silently to just do it. his body was shaking so hard because of what you were doing to him. even though he was trying not to, he looked so desperate, staring into your eyes as you were riding him harder and harder. "baby, i'm all yours”
you felt him buck his hips, his cock ramming up and hitting that deep spot inside you that had you seeing stars, and that was the final thing to make you explode. you tensed up, practically screaming your whines out as your body shook around him, gripping his shoulders so hard you were sure your nails would leave indentations in the morning.
he was barely controlling himself, whimpering your name over and over again just hoping you were enjoying him as he was enjoying you. the look on your face, the way your eyes were squeezed shut, your voice mewling, your cunt squeezing and fluttering around his cock. everything about you was making him lose control. he closed his eyes and moaned loudly through gritted teeth. "ohhh my god baby… fuckkk…”
you felt him tense up, and his cock began twitching inside you as he came, a warmth spreading through your core. you looked up at him, both of you panting heavily as you leaned up to kiss him again.
the sounds of the two of you breathing mixed together, almost synchronized. he was panting heavily, but he continued to kiss and hug you like he couldn't get enough of you. when your mouths finally split, you started to lift yourself from his lap so you could sit on the seat next to him, only to feel his warm cum begin to drip out of your pussy once you began to move. you stopped, looking down, and shaking as a moan left your mouth at the feeling.
"pipsqueak, i, uhm, was that..." he looked a little bit scared, staying silent for once, waiting for your response and wanting to help you as much as possible, he didn't want anything bad to happen to you.
you nodded slowly, chuckling at his reaction. "it's you kei…” you looked back up at him, “-it’s okay, thank you.”
tsukishima stayed silent, still trying to process what happened. "thank you too, baby." he whispered to you. his face was still flushed, but he was starting to calm down. "are you okay? i didn't hurt you, did i?”
you looked into his eyes, smiling. ”i'm alright kei..." you giggled, "you've hit me with a volleyball before, many times. don’t worry about pain.” he smiled at you, he was glad you were okay. the conversation felt flat, almost nervous, but it was still sweet.
"yeah, that makes sense." he laughed gently. you shuffled off of his legs, sitting next to him in the backseat. the air between you two was awkward now, with the only sounds cutting the silence being the sounds of nature outside the car and the heavy breaths you were still making. "so what are we gonna do now?" he whispered, staring up at the night sky through the sunroof.
the stars above you were beautiful, the wind felt soft and peaceful. you looked up, watching the view above you as you tried to think about what just happened. “...don't really know to be honest…”
you took a breath and swallowed. "i mean, we could go back to acting like we hate each other, pretending this never happened…” you paused, glancing over to his face, then whispered, “...or do you want to do something else about it?”
"mmm, i don't think we can just forget about this..." 
suddenly, a smirk crossed his face and he began to laugh a little under his breath.
"okay, i have to admit, the first time i met you, i thought you were gross and a pipsqueak, and i didn't expect that i would ever be in a situation like this with you. it's insane... but, i want to be with you now, i want to be your lover. can i be your lover? can i make you fall in love with me?" he asked with a soft voice.
you smiled, turning your head to look at him. "i have to be honest, i thought the same way about you. you were always cold and bitchy towards me from the start, and i didn't know why, so i had just decided to return that back towards you... and now? i don't think i can do that anymore.” your reached up, brushing some of his fallen, sweaty hair away from his brow. "i think i might like that though.”
tsukishima took your hand in his and softly smiled. he wasn't the same guy you knew, he was different now, he was vulnerable. he whispered to you. "i never want to be away from you, i want to share everything with you. i’ll be your lover. i'm yours now.”
a soft smile spread as you nodded, leaning up to press a small kiss on the tip of his nose. his whole body was filled with butterflies and he was blushing hard at your response. "pipsqueak, you are adorable." he leaned into you again, resting his head on top of yours, burying his face in your hair. "can we stay here for the rest of the night? just the two of us?" he mumbled, sighing, "don't wanna leave.”
you nodded, shuffling to be closer with him, curling your body to press with his. you grabbed at the small blanket that had long since fallen to the floor and draped it over your bare bodies cuddled next to each other. you knew that in the morning, things would be different. things would change. and you couldn't determine if that would be a good or bad thing, but at that moment, it was just you two, in your own little world of the backseat. you fell asleep with his warm arms wrapped around you, your face tucked into his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his breaths as you drifted off, not waking until the sun rose the next morning.
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a/n: the fic was named after a song they play nonstop where i work & it lowkey matched the fic a lot lol, if you wanna listen to it as a prerequisite it's "back seat lover" by mayer hawthorne :)
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@tsukiran , @msbyomimi , @sun-yo , @leenmizeke , @kei-tsuki21 , @hissy-fit18 , @totallynoanalien , @riiceandsoup , @ks-tsukki , @qyiyiqng , @yuri-2004 , @c1nn-amon , @em-writes-posts , @longhairandnormalhairtsukkisimp , @goryki , @blackreadersalty , @dinotittes , @utaralita-blog
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242 notes · View notes
juyeonszn · 8 months
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PAIRING kevin moon x f!reader
GENRES angst ﹒little bit of fluff ﹒little bit of smut
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, reader is better than me cause i would not let kevin do all the shit he’s done 😭, ANYWAY i digress, this part is very reader-centric — whereas part one is very kevin-centric, inner turmoil goes absolutely crazy, most of this fic is reader putting kevin in his place and him realizing how big of an asshole he truly is, mentions of injury (past tense), mentions of insecurity, lots of arguing, reader cries at one point or another, the smut places a very minimal role in this, but unprotected sex, public sex (the auditorium dressing room), no foreplay but wtv we fall like soldiers in battle, pussy job lowkey (high key…), creampie, lmk if i missed anything!
SUMMARY it wasn’t like you and kevin hated each other. in fact, you quite admired him despite his somewhat indifferent attitude toward you. well, now that you’re paired up for the last dance of the year, you guess it’s the perfect time to find out why.
MORE oh my god. it’s finally fucking here. A MONTH, 2 SICKNESSES AND MANY MANY STRESSFUL NIGHTS LATER— part two of princess and the pauper is here!!! i’m so sorry to those of u who have been itching and waiting on me to get ‘er done,,, it’s been an ordeal to say the least, and while it’s nearing the two month mark since the black out or back out collab was announced, SHE FINALLY FINISHED!!! for once i saw something through omg i can sleep peacefully and work on my other wips without guilt now… 😭 ALSO THANK U SO MUCH MAYA @/kimsohn FOR PUSHING ME THROUGH THIS and for making me thug it out bc without u it definitely would’ve taken much longer to finish 💔 please dont forget to read part one and the other fics in the series if u haven’t!! both are linked below! and as always, pls reblog if u enjoyed <3
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri @deoboyznet @cloverdaisies @vernyangel @ericlvr @sunwooverse @kimsohn
TAGLIST @millksea @deobibbang @deobi0412
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Never in your life have you felt so… Confused.
It wasn’t just confusion that settled deep in the pit of your stomach. There was a sharp pain there too, like someone stabbed you and twisted the knife. That was probably the best way to describe what you were feeling. You were bleeding out, and no one was coming to save you.
Kevin wasn’t answering your calls. He wasn’t answering your texts. He ran out of the lecture hall as soon as class was over, never giving you a moment to speak to him. It was making you nervous.
You still had half of a dance to choreograph and a fuck ton of pressure riding on your back. After the last performance you and him did together, you’d have a lot of eyes on you. It most definitely wasn’t your fault that he dropped you. How many people willingly want to acquire a broken ankle? The crutches were a bitch to maneuver around with. But like every single thing that’s happened in the three years you’ve known Kevin Moon, he’s managed to place the blame on you like it was.
It was crucial that you make amends with him even if it was momentarily. Your final grades were dependent on your performance. If he couldn’t get his shit together for at least that, he was a lost cause in your mind. Not even your professor would be able to refute that fact. Actually, nobody would be able to refute that fact.
Your lips form an O as you blow the steam away from your coffee, pulling out your phone to try Kevin’s phone once again. The line rings a few times before going straight to voicemail like it has the past couple weeks. You kiss your teeth, tying your sweater around your waist as you slump in your chair. The baristas at the campus cafe were probably sick of seeing you sitting in the same high-top counter spot since the incident with Kevin in the studio.
Ji Changmin appears beside you and you click your phone off, so he wouldn’t see his friend’s contact on the screen. You give the Early Childhood Dev major a weak smile.
“Changmin! What’s up? How are you and your girlfriend?” You hope he can’t recognize the distress written all over your features. You highly doubt it, though. You can feel the wrinkles pulling at your skin.
“We’re good! How’s the showcase performance going with Kev?” He asks like he knows something you don’t. When your lips fall to a thin line, an all too familiar grimace, he sighs a knowing sigh. “Do I have to smack some sense into him?”
“Not gonna lie, yeah, you do. He’s being really fucking difficult and like half of our dance is unfinished. I can’t even get a hold of him, so I’m starting to lose my patience.” You express your annoyance. The border between complacency and free-will was a lot slimmer than one might think. For example; your feelings when it comes to Kevin Moon.
You don’t expect to get a returning call later that night when you’re washing dishes after dinner.
In fact, you don’t even hear it at first, too absorbed in scrubbing the staining out of your bowl. It’s when your roommate yells out to you, that you snap out of your reverie, albeit dazedly. You dry your hands on a nearby tea towel, hitting the green answer button without a second glance at the caller ID.
“Are you free tomorrow?”
Your heart catches in your throat. You recognize the owner of the voice practically by the first breath into the receiver alone. It’s actually kind of unhealthy how quickly it took to realize who was on the other end. You swallow heavily, praying he doesn’t hear the gulp.
“In the latter part of the afternoon, I believe. Why?” You try not to sound hopeful. That’s one thing you’ve learned being in the same vicinity as Kevin Moon. You could never be too expecting, because it would only lead to disappointment. And you’d dealt with enough of that the past few years.
“We need to finish this fuck ass choreography,” he grunts, and it takes everything in you to bite your tongue. “I’ll meet you in the same studio at 4.”
He doesn’t let you get anything else in, hanging up swiftly. You deflate as you set your phone back on the counter. All you had to do was push through these next couple weeks, like you always have when it came to him.
That should be a piece of cake, right?
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“No, that looks stupid.”
You grit your teeth, swiping the back of your hand on your forehead. You’d been inside of this studio maybe 30 minutes tops, and you were on the verge of strangling Kevin. With as long as you’d been putting up with his shit, you thought getting through this wouldn’t be as rough as it’s been. But if there was one thing Kevin Moon had, it was pride.
“We don’t have time for you to nitpick right now. Let’s just finish the choreography and clean it after.” Your hands rest on your hips, nostrils flaring.
“If we clean as we go, we’ll have more time to drill it into our systems and get down muscle memory. It’ll be a stronger performance.” He argues. You roll your eyes as you turn away from him, taking a water break to calm yourself. “Why do you have so much fucking attitude today? You were the one preaching to the choir about me making things difficult. It seems the tables have turned.”
Usually, you were pretty good at keeping your frustration at bay when it came to Kevin’s remarks. You liked to think it was because you were down bad for the guy, despite him always wanting nothing to do with you. But as of late, (Read: Since your performance of Princess and the Pauper) every little comment he’s made has managed to crawl under your skin like a damn parasite. You were beginning to get real sick of it.
“God, you’re so—“ You interrupt yourself to groan, fingers curling into fists. “You’re fucking insufferable. Do you know that? I’ve been bending over backwards to ensure we aren’t kicked out of the goddamn program and you don’t even fucking care. Over what? A kiss that you initiated?”
Kevin is stunned into silence, not at all prepared for you to blow up on him like that. After all, that razor thin line between complacency and free-will had yet to be crossed. And well, it appears that you just crossed it. You whip around toward him, pulling down the collar of your t-shirt to reveal the faintest of bruises that still remains from your impromptu act of intimacy.
“I’ve had to look at this every day for a week and all it’s done is make me feel shitty, ashamed of something I didn’t even start. Now I need you to stop acting like an ass and get it together so we can finish this and perform the best dance this university has ever seen.” Your chest is heaving up and down, similarly to when you made out against the mirrors last week. Except this time isn’t out of breathlessness, but rather anger and exhaustion.
Kevin’s eyes don’t leave the hickey on the base of your throat, something undetectable swimming in them as he stares. You can’t read the emotions swirling rampantly in his irises, a mixture of too many blurring into one another. Honestly, it’s funny. It’s funny that it’s taken you this long to get him to shut his mouth for once.
So you laugh.
It’s a snort at first, an off handed projection of how comical the situation has become to you. But then it metamorphoses into a small giggle, which leads to full scale laughter that has you hunching over your knees and wiping away tears. This whole thing is stupid. Absolutely fucking stupid.
“What are you laughing at?” His eyebrow raises in question, broken from his weird trance.
“I just can’t believe it took three years for me to shut you up,” you shake your head slowly, rubbing your eye with the heel of your palm. “You’re always the one who can’t stop talking.”
Kevin deadpans, mouth pulled pin-straight as his expression drops. “You’re so unserious.”
As the height of your laughter reaches a valley, you collapse onto the ground, resting your back against the mirror. You take another long sip of water before sighing. “Look, I know this isn’t ideal. Trust me, I know. But, we’ve gotta set aside our differences just this once. Please, for the sake of the department.”
“Fine,” he murmurs, plopping down beside you to stretch his back. “Let’s finish choreographing so we can start cleaning it up.”
It’s a victory in your book, and probably the most obedient the Pisces has ever been. Maybe this wouldn’t end in complete disaster like you assumed it would. It turns out Kevin Moon wasn’t entirely brainless and knew when he was wrong. Sometimes. Maybe. We’ll see.
You shut your eyes and visualize what you’ve choreographed so far, going over the moves in your head to see if the rest will come to you like a prophecy. It’s wishful thinking, but with how much you’ve accomplished since setting foot in the studio, you’re willing to try anything. The track would be nice for elements of hip hop style choreography, but you knew the audience wouldn’t eat it up as much as they would the route you’re currently taking.
Driver roll up the partition, please…
The song plays through the speakers and you watch as Kevin stands to run through everything you have. You’re entranced by his movements, the flow of his body on certain points. It’ll look ten times better once you’re doing it with him, costumed and performing it perfectly in front of a crowd. You can picture it now, the gentle but controlled glide of his hands along your arms when Beyoncé sings “We ain’t even gonna make it to this club”. He was right. You very well might be seduced by your enemy.
“Should we use props?” You suddenly voice, eyes narrowed in thought. He hums.
“That’s… not a half-bad idea, actually,” his tongue darts out to wet his lips. “What did you have in mind?”
“A chair, maybe,” you look away from him, placing your focus on the way your toes alternate between a tendu and relaxed position. “That could take up a good chunk of the choreo.”
Kevin stalks over to the supply closet in the corner of the studio, pulling out a folding chair. He puts it in the center of the room gently, careful to not scratch up the wooden, lacquered flooring. You spend the next couple of hours brainstorming through numerous versions of the dance. While it was a lot easier than your past practices, there were still the occasional argument over which movements looked good and whatnot.
At a certain point, everything becomes cohesive and the end is near. You gulp down some water as Kevin does some random choreography. It’s then that it comes to you, like a vision from That’s So Raven. You practically drop your water bottle, scrambling to your feet and stopping him. Your breath is heavy from fatigue and you’re slightly afraid of even suggesting this, but it’s exactly what this dance needs. It’s exactly what everyone wants to see from the two of you.
He pauses the music and gestures for you to get on with it. You push down the lump in your throat, scared of rejection. But maybe he was smart and he would agree that this is what you have to do. “What if we did a lift?”
You see the hesitation swirling in his eyes and you raise a finger before he can shut you down entirely. “Nothing crazy like… um— you know— Princess and the Pauper, but something smaller. Something… sexy? Like, Dancing with the Stars type beat.”
When he shrugs instead of outright dismissing your idea, you know you’ve won. He nods slowly, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants. “Okay, sure. But we better clean up everything else fast so we can perfect the lift.”
The two of you take another three hours running the entirety of the choreography, ingraining the moves into your brains and muscles. You still had a bit until the actual showcase, but your priority now lies with the lift. If you nailed it, the entire department would very well grovel after you in reparation for all of the slack you got after Kevin dropped you. Hell, the entire university would kiss your feet. This was your redemption. In more ways than one.
You both decide to call it a day at around 9:30 PM. Your hands reach for your belongings and then you halt yourself, a thought coming to mind. While you had him in this weird state of obedience, you figured it was as good a time as any to ask the question that’s been weighing on you for the past few years. Your fingers swipe away the sweat beading around your hairline.
”Kevin,” you start, voice a lot softer than before. “Why do you— what did I do to make you dislike me so much?”
He’s caught completely off guard, eyes widening in surprise. If he was anticipating you to say anything else prior to parting ways tonight, he didn’t think this would be it. He’s actually a little off put that you hadn’t asked him this already in the span of your definitely-one-sided rivalry. He takes a large gulp of water.
”I’d call it indifference, not dislike,” he corrects after a pregnant silence. “It’s really fucking stupid thinking about it in hindsight. I don’t know if you remember this time, way back in our first year, we ran into each other at the campus cafe— literally, might I add— and you spilled your coffee all over this white shirt of mine that Changmin had gotten for me as a birthday gift. I only recently found out that it wasn’t as expensive as he made it out to be.”
You blink at his admission, processing his words as thoroughly as possible. You don’t know what you wanted him to say. You weren’t even sure if there was a concrete reason for him to be so fucking mean to you all this time. And now that you know, you come to the conclusion that Kevin Moon isn’t as smart as you’ve painted him out to be in your head. He’s actually a gigantic idiot. Because who in their right mind goes through these lengths to form a distance between the only other person on par with their talent?
Before you can stop yourself, you’re bursting into another fit of laughter. Kevin falters at your reaction. He was waiting for you to blow up on him, to scream in his face for causing you so much pain and unnecessary drama over something so silly. So when you do none of that, when you start fucking laughing like a damn hyena, he feels dumb. Like his entire college career has been built off of nothing.
”This is so—“ you pause to gather your bearings, wiping away the tears that managed to escape. “We’ve spent so much time going back and forth over some spilled coffee? Surely you’ve realized how insane that is at some point.”
”It took a lengthy argument with Changmin, but yeah, I did,” he nods, adjusting the strap of his bag on his shoulder. “Old habits die hard, I guess.”
You worry your lower lip between your teeth, finally getting your things together. The two of you bid each other an awkward goodbye. Neither of you knew what to make of your relationship now that things had been partially sorted through. There was a fuck ton of baggage that still had to be sifted, but at least you had an answer.
That was enough to push through this showcase performance. You think.
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You’re nervous.
Never in your entire life have you ever been this nervous for a performance.
You grew up doing musical theatre and dancing, it’s always been the one constant presence you could rely on. But standing here, backstage at the showcase, you think you’re going to throw up. Your palms are clamming up uncontrollably and your chest feels unbearably heavy as you watch the quartet doing a contemporary piece to some ballad you couldn’t be bothered to remember the name of. There were still a couple groups before you.
Not even when you had to perform fuckass Princess and the Pauper were you this anxious. You wince, trying to stop the incessant bouncing of your leg. Your weight keeps shifting from one hip to the other. As a seasoned veteran, you don’t know why you feel this way. Maybe it had to do with all the pressure riding on this very dance. Every single eye in that crowd was going to scrutinize your every move on that stage.
“Calm down,” a voice whispers harshly from beside you. “You’re making me nervous.”
Kevin wraps his fingers around your wrist, stopping the annoying tap-tap-tap your own were doing against your thigh. He gives you a look, and you sigh. “Sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
That’s a lie. Not only was the high expectations from the entire school getting to you, but so was the fear of history repeating itself. He knows this, it was inevitable. After what happened the last time he was tasked with lifting you, it was only natural.
”We’ve drilled this dance hundreds, if not thousands, of times, Y/N. We’ll do just fine.” Kevin assures you.
His hand feels foreign holding yours, like it was illegal for his skin to be touching your own. You feel your lower lip quiver, a sense of trepidation that you’ve never once felt creeping down your spine. Your mind was spiraling, and quite honestly, Kevin being so close was making it worse. All you could think about was him dropping you again, leaving you in the middle of the stage with a broken leg and a broken heart. You release a shaky breath and he turns to face you.
Your eyes widen and he searches your face for any disingenuity. When he finds his answer, he brings the hand that was holding yours up to cup your cheek. He’s cautious, afraid he might break you like he always does. He waits for you to shove him away and to yell at him for being a fucking coward.
You don’t. You stay still, hoping he follows through with what you think he’s about to do. And then he does.
It’s such a featherlight peck of his lips on your own, you almost don’t even register. But sparks shoot from the source all the way to the tips of your fingers. You feel as if you were dealt a static shock of electricity, your whole body buzzing from the small kiss alone.
He pulls away just in time for the stage manager to inform you that you’re next. Kevin rolls his neck jogging over to the wings to patiently await your performance like he hadn’t just kissed you a moment ago. You blink dumbly, two fingers coming up to touch where his lips had been. Sure the nerves were gone now, but the sensation of butterflies swarming about in your stomach easily replaced that. What the fuck was his problem?
“Our last performance is one I’m sure all of you have been waiting for. Kevin Moon and Y/N L/N with Partition!”
Before you know it, you and Kevin are in position, your body squared upstage and his to the crowd. Your eyes are closed, but you can feel his arm wrapped around your waist and his steady breathing on your nose. The spotlight switches on, the heat of the lighting warm against the side of your face. It’s silent in the auditorium, but it rings in your ears. You could do this.
Let me hear you say ‘Hey Miss Carter’…
You move on reflex, muscle memory kicking in instantaneously. Each circle of your hips, every turn you make— a fouetté here, a pirouette there, a couple coupes, each roll of your body. But what really gets you is the long brushes of Kevin’s skin on your own. You’d practiced with distance between the two of you. There was a tension that had been there for years. Now it’s all coming to a rolling boil, a new uncharted tension that every single member in that audience could see.
And then comes the lift.
You, along with everybody in the auditorium, practically hold your breath when Kevin’s hands grip your hips. He raises you above him with all of his strength, completely focused on you and only you. You shut your eyes and feel the moment, like, really feel it. Your body is relaxed, the Dirty Dancing-esque lift bringing the whole performance together just like you knew it would. The only difference from the movie and real life is the fact that you’re flipped, your backside to Kevin and your chest to the ceiling.
Your eyes flutter open, the spotlight all but blinding you, and you finally feel content. Like everything has fallen into the right place for once in your life. Especially so when Kevin sets you down gently and you finish your dance with the utmost confidence.
The crowd erupts into a roaring chorus of applause, going as far as giving you a standing ovation. Holy shit. You pulled it off. You actually managed to pull it off.
Your face feels like it might split from how big your smile is. You and Kevin bow, walking off stage. You’re entirely too happy right now, a newfound energy overtaking you as you trail behind him.
“We did it!” You cheer as you follow him towards the dressing room where your things are. You’re the only ones left backstage, everyone else filtering out between performances. Kevin doesn’t give you much of a response, just a small nod of acknowledgment. Your smile falters. “What the hell is your problem?”
”Nothing, Y/N, fuck. Can you just mind your own fucking business?” He snaps, turning around to glare at you just as the door slams behind you. You instinctively flinch at both loud noises. His features soften but you take a step back from him.
You aren’t sure why you’re surprised. This isn’t anything new. Kevin has always made it crystal clear that he wasn’t your number one fan. Being neutral for your performance wasn’t enough to repair all the holes in whatever your relationship was, and you should’ve known better. You shouldn’t have let your guard down so easily. You should’ve expected this. Old dogs can never learn new tricks.
But Kevin’s scared. He’s afraid of letting you in after all the mess he’s put you through. The only thing he’s good at doing is hurting you, over and over like there was a prize that came out of it.
”No, you listen to me,” you swallow heavily, tears already tight lining your eyes. “Kevin, I have taken so much shit from you. Over these past few years I have just sat there and let you unload all your fucked up insecurities onto me. Have you ever wondered why? Have you ever thought to stop and think about why I let you be so mean to me without even questioning it?”
He says nothing, just stares with his lips parted. They open and close like a fish out of water, words there at the tip of his tongue but refusing to make their escape. And then one of your tears rolls down your cheeks and he’s directly in front you, his heart on his sleeve for the first time since you’ve met him.
”Why?” The simple question is so quiet, you almost don’t hear him. But his eyes hold so much hurt, so much anguish that you’ve never seen in a person before.
“I’ve had feelings for you for so long, it’s actually starting to ache. You’ve only ever seen me as this thing, this obstacle. And I’m afraid that that’s all I’ll ever be to you, because you won’t let me be anything else. You won’t—“
”That’s not true, Y/N,” Kevin sighs, looking off to the side, away from you. “I just— it’s complicated. It’s more than just being rivals.”
”So help me understand,” you frown. “Let me in, please.”
”My entire life I’ve had to work to get to where I am. I’ve fought tooth and nail to be as good of a performer as I am today. There were so many hoops I had to go through to even get into this program and— and I thought I’d finally become the best I could be. I thought that there was no way anyone could ever be better than me. And then you showed up. You and your pretty smile and your natural ability to be the best at everything you do. It was like you were the real life manifestation of all of my critics, of every challenge I faced to get here. Where I had to practice day and night to perfect something, it just came to you like second nature. During Princess and the Pauper, when I dropped you, it truly was an accident. But we’d spent so much time nailing it, that it— I just made myself feel better by saying it was your fault. ‘How could it have been my fault if I perfected it?’ I was jealous and petty and it was just easier to blame hating— to blame my indifference on you spilling coffee on my stupid shirt. For that, I’m sorry.”
You don’t know what you were waiting to hear, but it wasn’t that. Your tears turn into full on blubbering, because what the fuck? That’s so much burden for someone to carry on their shoulders for three years.
“Why are you— why are you crying?” He flounders, reaching up to swipe away your tears.
“I wish I knew… I wish I could’ve helped you somehow,” you sniffle. “Kev, I’ve always admired you and your work ethic. I hoped one day I’d be half as disciplined as you, half as determined.”
He blinks. You’re both dumb, aren’t you? Too focused on the wrong things. You both could’ve been a lot less hateful, a lot less miserable, had you just spoken your differences out. This entire rivalry has been completely one sided, but also built off of plain stupidity and ignorance. He supposes it’s not too late to make amends if you aren’t running in the opposite direction despite everything he’s put you through.
Kevin leans forward, hand still pressed to your cheek, and connects your lips softly. He’s testing the waters, making sure you’re comfortable before he continues anything. When you don’t back away just yet, he adds more force, deepening the kiss like a man starved. You whine against his lips.
This is what you’ve been wanting from him. More than what he gave you before your performance, but not what happened in the studio a few weeks ago. This desperation isn’t abashed lust, it’s unbridled affection— it’s everything he’s holed inside of himself for years, unwilling to let it see the light of day until now. If you were to label anything as perfection, it wouldn’t be a dance or a moment on stage, it would be this. Just you and Kevin finally bringing yourselves together in the most intimately emotional union.
He pulls you closer to him, hands sliding down to grasp at your waist, bunching up the thin fabric of your leotard. You can’t help but bury your fingers in his hair, tugging when he nips at your lower lip. A gasp permeates the air when his mouth travels south, along your jaw and down the side of your neck. He bites and sucks the tender skin at the base of your throat, ensuring he leaves his mark on you. This time isn’t careless, this time he has purpose. He wants everybody to know that you’re his, that you’re the only person insane enough to put up with him.
Your breathing is shaky when you reach behind you to lock the dressing room, dragging him over to the long vanity adjacent to you. He slots between your legs when you hoist yourself onto the surface. He pecks your lips and pauses his movements, rubbing up and down your thighs. In the dim, yellow lighting of the room, you look so gorgeous. He’s always thought you were beautiful, the most stunning thing he’s ever laid his eyes on, but he’s repressed it for so long. He wants to take his time staring at what he’s avoided.
”You’re so pretty,” he says quietly, kissing you again and again and again. “I don’t think I can last long with you.”
“Can we skip the foreplay?” You ask, bottom lip jutted into a pout. “Need you to just fuck me like you mean it.”
Kevin’s forehead falls to your shoulder with a groan. “I don’t deserve you,” God, he’s such an idiot for holding out from this. You should’ve been given the world and so much more. He has a lot of lost time to make up for. He kisses your shoulder with a sigh. “Yeah, baby, I can do that.”
You don’t waste another second, slipping your arms through the sleeves of your leotard. He has to bite down on his tongue when he sees that you’re braless, fingers going slack as they unbutton the rest of his silk shirt. You shimmy out of the one piece, left in nothing but the fishnet stockings you wore underneath and your lacy panties. Kevin thinks he must’ve done at least something right in a past life to experience this.
Your eyes sparkle as you look up at him, undoing his slacks and kicking them down his legs with your feet. Something takes over him when he rips a bigger hole in your stockings, pushing your underwear to the side. His thumb glides through your folds with ease, your slick providing enough lubricant. He pushes your lower lips apart while you busy yourself shoving his underwear to his ankles.
His cock slips inside of you with less friction than he would’ve thought, but he doesn’t complain, screwing his eyes shut as he acclimates to the feeling of your walls surrounding him. You moan, such a soft sound that he nearly loses his balance.
“You feel so good, baby,” he coos, digging his fingers into your hips as he rocks his own. “You’re so so perfect.”
The praise is too much for you, given the circumstances. Your brain is already cloudy, stuffed with what could only be described as cotton. You watch with half lidded eyes as he begins to piston into you at a faster speed. This all feels like a fever dream, something that was only possible in your craziest fantasies. Even then, it seemed unlikely.
“‘M close, Kev,” you whine, unable to stay still and attempting to match his thrusts.
“Already? We’ve only just started, gorgeous.” He laughs, but it’s breathy, strained from the exertion of his body. You hardly have the strength in you to be embarrassed about it, especially since he’s seen you in much worse situations.
You nod frantically, snaking a hand between you to circle your clit with nimble fingers. Kevin halts you and pulls out momentarily, sliding his cock between your folds like it was your hand. The tip catches your sensitive bundle of nerves repeatedly, making you dizzier than you already were.
He presses back into you with ease, resuming his sloppy but animalistic pace. He uses his thumb to continue your handywork, your cunt fluttering around him needily. You’re both losing your sanity quickly, both going batshit insane over the bare minimum. You’ve just needed this for so long, yearned for this moment for a humiliating amount of time.
Your moans start to rise in pitch and he groans. “Fuck, baby, you can cum for me.”
He could cry, he thinks, when your back arches and your legs shake with your orgasm. It hits you like a freight train, triggering his own release just as fast.
You stay like that for a bit, regaining yourselves and comprehending everything that’s just happened. So much for the whole hating each other narrative.
“What does this mean for us?” You suddenly ask, arms hooked around Kevin’s neck. You’re still connected by your lower halves, but he makes no effort to pull away. Part of you likes it that way, it gives you hope that this isn’t a one time affair.
“It’ll be hard for things to change overnight,” he says, massaging your sides. “We have a lot of unresolved issues and insecurities that we still have to push past. But I’m willing to do that with you. I want to take a chance on us.”
Your lips pull into a smile, an expression you don’t think you’ve worn around him genuinely in the years you’ve known him. “I do, too.”
“It’s kind of ironic that it was a performance that tore us apart and brought us back together, don’t you think?” He laughs.
“And we fucked in the dressing room…” You add, glancing to the top corner where a security camera is stationed.
“Maybe we should get out of here before someone checks the footage,” he suggests. “Tau Beta Zeta is conveniently hosting our end of semester party tonight, do you wanna be my plus one?”
“I would be honored.” You grin, pecking his lips tenderly.
Perhaps happy endings existed after all.
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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rena-lily · 6 days
Yall lowkey in school and suffering so I was like might as well daydream while im at it!!!
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Anyways so I was thinking the first years in Twst!!!
So they’re all just in the library trying to study(key word:trying) so then Ace being Ace decides that it would be a good idea for them all to pull a prank on their upperclassmens! Of course the others all tell him it’s a BAD idea
“Ace why do you always come up with the dumbest ideas…”-Epel
“Ace do you seriously wanna get in trouble with our housewarden again?!”-Deuce
Many more complaints rang out but Ace continued to try to convince them and because they were all extremely bored they eventually agreed albeit extremely reluctantly on Sebek part(Justice for Sebek and Jack’s sanity) Oh and Epel agreed cause he just wants to make Vil’s life a little harder.
Ace eventually tell them his idea where they should all request to switch dorms temporarily without the housewardens or any of their upperclassmens knowing just to see how they react
“Ok but Ace..despite how bad of an idea this is btw! HOW ARE WE GONNA DO IT??? We need The headmaster’s approval and there is no way he’s gonna agree”-Yuu
“Ortho could you come up with some plans with a high success rate?” Everyone instantly turns to Ortho who seemed to have already been running calculations
“Actually the best way is to get Yuu to ask him and there is a 70% chance he will say yes!!!”
“Whelp you heard it here guys! Yuu go ask him now!”-Ace
Everyone except ace and ortho groaned in unison and just decided to go along with his idea…
The housewardens throughout the week after the transfer genuinely started tweaking when their beloved firsty wasn’t with them! Riddle was close to snapping at anyone, Vil was tearing out his hair from stress, Leona could not sleep, Idia became even more isolated then before, and for Malleus…well there was constant thunder at Diasomnia😭
The other upperclassmens weren’t doing any better either
Octavinelle and Scarabia just watched on in pity and amusement while the First years still didn’t even realize how bad the upperclassmens were reacting to their little transfer!
Yea that’s about it honestly I should prob start doing my actual work🥲
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
holding out for a hero ( iii ) // platonic! mercedes amg
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summary: a holiday party at marcus armstrong's house brings changes to y/n's life, in the form of both a british f2 driver she'd rather not show her face around ever again, and a very awkward milestone.
pairing: platonic!mercedes amg f1 x reader, brief olli caldwell x reader
warnings: first kisses, a slew of emotions i don't want to unpack, it's going to be cute and angsty all at the same time, self-deprecation, basically the same warnings as the rest of the series tbh, mentions of an alcohol allergy, paul being a little shit
author's note: this is lowkey based on the story of my first kiss from last december . . . i actually hated it all and we're back to the drawing board on that whole dating thing. i fear my standards may be too high.
this series would make such a good sitcom tbh
"marcus, for the last time, i don't do parties." y/n insisted, frowning at the face on her phone as she stride out of the mercedes building in brackley. "i don't care that i already know most of the people who are going to be there, or that the guys are bringing their girlfriends. the answer is no."
"come on!" marcus armstrong begged on the other end of the facetime call, laughing as the young intern clumsily zipped up her tommy hilfiger jacket, hiding the bottom half of her face under the collar as the wind whipped her face, flakes of snow beginning to fall from the winter sky. "it's not as bad as you're thinking it's going to be. it's literally just at my house, my younger sister is going to be there."
y/n snorted. "come on, armstrong. if you think telling me that your teenaged sister is going to be at the party is a drawing factor, you need to reevaluate things in your life. besides, liam is going to be there and it's going to be ultra painful to see him and his girlfriend being all loved up."
silverstone had been a huge knock to y/n y/l/n's self-confidence. it had taken a lot for her to allow herself to be that vulnerable. to dance in front of the rowdy group of boys, to let her guard down long enough to meet new people, to have a good time.
to tell liam lawson that she thought he was cute, just for liam to shatter her heart into a million peices without even meaning or trying to.
god, she wished she could stop being so sensitive sometimes.
she hadn't been to another race since. she also hadn't spoken directly to liam, occasionally being looped into things on the group chat. as far as she was aware, red bull were shipping him off to japan with cem bolukbasi to run a superformula test.
she was heading back to her car now, the cold air turning her fingers numb as she clutched her phone, digging in her pocket for her car keys.
"i'm not doing it, armstrong."
"and why the bloody hell not? you had a great time in sliverstone, and i'll have james keep liam away from you if that would make you feel better."
y/n had opened her mouth to say something when she felt a pair of hands clapping her on the shoulders.
"she's going." susie wolff insisted. "come on, y/n. you need to get out more. you deserve to let yourself have fun."
"but this party isn't going to be fun, susie."
susie grinned, hands in the deep front pockets of her trench coat. "you won't know unless you try it, kiddo." she turned to the phone. "marcus, she'll be there!"
y/n stood in front of her mirrored closet door, smoothing her fingers over her hair, drawn back into a tight half-up ponytail kind of style.
"you look great, kiddo!" angela cullen's voice faintly filtered through the phone speakers, a kelsy karter song playing softly from the turntable in the corner.
"ang, i'm going to make a fool out of myself out there." y/n groaned. "i hate parties!"
"but you know these guys, y/n. you know marcus, you know clem and you know fred. you'll be fine. with that being said, if you want to leave early, call one of us."
"oh, you'll definitley be getting some kind of call." she rolled her eyes, stopping the turntable and sliding the shiny black vinyl back into it's sleeve, fairy lights twinkling above her. "what if they don't like me, angela?"
"and what if they love you?"
after bidding the physiotherapist her goodbyes, y/n pocketed her phone and padded across the dusty apartment floor to her kitchen. the apartment felt too big for her to live in on her own, and technically she didn't, but it's not like her roommate was ever home. she sighed to herself, opening the fridge to stare at the almost empty shelf, making a mental note to order her groceries.
if there was anything that gave her anxiety, it was grocery shopping. there was a voice in her head that always seemed to tell her that the cashier ringing her groceries through was judging her, or that that mother with two kids in a stroller was frowning at the nutritional index of meals she hadn't even made yet.
she grabbed the plastic container with the kirkland signature logo, groaning to herself as she realized that the lettuce in her pre-made ceaser salad had gone off.
"fuck me." she muttered, throwing the entire thing in the trash before grabbing a ziploc container filled with sliced peppers, that way she had at least eaten something before she went to the party.
just in case her anxiety stamped out her appetite
her nimble fingers sailed across the keyboard as she texted clement, asking for a ride to marcus'. she had no idea where she was going, and she didn't want to be lost in london this close to the new year.
i'll be at the apartment in twenty, and i've got my girlfriend with me. she can't wait to meet you! you're going to have a great time at marcus'
she took a deep breath, reminding herself to calm down a little. it was just marcus armstrong's house. what could possibly go wrong? they're the same people she had such a great time with at silverstone, right?
she regretted going to marcus' almost as soon as she walked through the doors to his massive penthouse. at the track, they could pretend that they were all the same. but not here, not out in the real world when y/n walked through the front doors of his doorman building with glass elevators, his penthouse that was bigger than even the townhouse she grew up in with her parents.
in the kitchen, marcus had stacked a sturdy tower of martini glasses. behind them, felipe drugovich was standing on a kitchen chair with a bottle of ferrari trento champagne in his arms.
"i've always wanted to do this!" the f2 champion shouted. "come on, guys. someone get this on tape!"
"dear lord, what are the twenty stooges doing now?" she groaned, leaning against the wall next to jehan daruvala.
jehan laughed. "making a champagne fountain because liam said he saw it in a movie once. felipe wanted to do the honors of puring it, and nobody wants to argue with the f2 champ, especially when he just found out he's not getting a race seat next year, but logan is."
"shit. i guess the feeder series system just isn't working like it used to."
a chorus of cheers from the kitchen island disrupted further conversation, the warm lights shining down on the last person that y/n wanted to see. god, motorsport was a small world, wasn't it?
liam lawson locked eyes with her from across the apartment, giving her a sad and sympathetic smile. she bit her lip to stop from grimacing, meekly waving back.
nobody else knew what had happened between her and liam, and she preferred to keep it that way.
"y/n!" marcus shouted, throwing his arms in the air and waving her over. "come join us!"
"have a drink." clement encouraged, trying to pass her a glass of champagne.
she shook her head. "give it to your girlfriend, novalak. i'm actually allergic to alcohol."
calan williams narrowed his eyes, skeptically sipping from his own glass. "that sounds fake."
y/n laughed, moving closer to the kitchen island. "its a genetic thing. i can't handle anything more than a cooler or a mixed drink. anything stronger will have me throwing up for hours."
"i think there's some smirnoff ice in the fridge." marcus suggested, pointing towards a large cabinet front. ayumu iwasa opened the cabinet, revealing the fridge behind it.
fucking rich people.
"what the hell, pass me one of the peach smirnoff coolers in the door."
"to felipe!" dennis hauger shouted, hefting his beer into the air, arm full of tattoos on display. "our 2022 champion!"
"and to logan, my old teammate!" liam lawson added, throwing his arm around logan sargeant's neck. liam looked drunkest of all, though it seemed like all of the drivers were a wreck. "williams racing's last hope."
she spent most of the night wandering around marcus' massive house, ducking in and out of conversations. she appreciated that the drivers were trying to help her feel at home, but there was still a small part of her that wanted to flee, to run away and sit at home with her emily henry book or watch a korean psychological thriller.
"so who's actually sticking around next year?" jack doohan asked, slumped across marcus' living room sofa. "aren't they cleaning house in f2?" his buzzcut was growing back in, his shaggy blonde hair fitting his face much better, although the look still seemed odd since the length was at that awkward stage.
"it's dennis, you, ayumu, jehan, enzo, theo, me, amaury, roy, ralph." fred vesti started counting off on his fingers, a drunken slur underneath his words if one listened carefully.
"and i'm not going anywhere any time soon!" ralph boomed. "i'm like fernando fucking alonso, motherfuckers! 2023 is going to be my year, just you wait and see!"
"yeah right! the championship is as much yours as it is clem's!" marcus shouted back with a laugh, an aperol spritz in hand as he messed with the stereo.
"oh, fuck you lot." clement laughed, curled up in an armchair with his girlfriend. "you didn't need to do me like that in front of ines, come on, have some class."
"am i forgetting about anyone?" fred hummed. "i skipped clem, but am i missing anyone else?"
"what about zane? he's coming back, yeah?" amaury suggested.
"dude, it's a miracle that you're coming back." dennis snorted. "i thought you were gone for sure after that speeding ticket fiasco. how long did you lose your license for?"
sitting on the couch in between jack and olli caldwell, she felt suffocated. she drew her arms in on herself, trying to create a bubble of space from the aussie on one side and the briton on the other. her palms felt sweaty, her chest heavy.
"are you okay?" olli asked her softly. "do you want to get out of here? we can go for a walk, take a breather?"
she nodded quickly, her voice soft. "please? i love you all, i really do, but this is a bit much."
"yeah, come on. let's grab your jacket." olli encouraged, taking her by the hand as they both slipped out of marcus' living room.
not that anybody noticed they were gone. or that they had left together.
once they were both outside, y/n felt better. the cool breeze on her face, the twinkling christmas lights that had been lit up glowing in the haze as snow began to fall gently.
"so where are you off to next year if it's not f2?" she asked, fingers still laced with olli's as they walked down the sidewalk.
"endurance, i think. alpine are still sponsoring me as a driver, so laurent has been a hige help in trying to find me something else. it's something different, and i'm looking forward to it. what about you?"
"i have no idea." she answered truthfully, dropping olli's hand. "my internship runs out before the season starts in bahrain. then it will be back to the real world, the world where i'm on my own with my five friends and my roommate. i'm hoping that toto will keep me on next year, but i also realize that he might not have that control. it would be a shame to leave, though. i feel like i've finally found my place in this world."
they stopped walking, y/n leaning against the brickwork exterior of marcus' condo complex. olli stood in front of her, hands in his jeans pockets, his breath turning into mist in the air.
"i'm sure it will all work out. and even if mercedes don't take you on, there are so many other motorsports in europe that you can try. and you'll always have us, y/n. any time you want them, i've got wec tickets for you."
"thanks, olli. really."
they drifted into a silence, somewhat easy, somewhat not. olli's hands came up to press against the wall, his face just milimeters from hers. her heart started pounding, anticipation building in her bones.
is this it? is it really happening? is olli caldwell going to kiss me?
and then he leaned in, his lips pressed against hers.
y/n y/l/n had just had her first kiss.
"so let me get this straight, you finally got your first kiss, a boy actually wanted to go out with you, and you're turning him down?"
"well, when you put it like that!" y/n groaned, face in her hands as she slumped back in her desk chair.
it was the week after marcus armstrong's party, the group sitting in the legal department at the mercedes f1 factory in brackley. she had already told the full story, and her face was pinker than a crush cream soda.
"i just don't understand what your train of thought is here, if i'm being honest." george chuckled. "so caldwell kissed you. what's the big deal?"
"because it was my first kiss, george! i've been thinking it over all weekend, and i felt sick to my stomach when olli texted me the morning after." she groaned, running her hands over her face. "you're going to laugh at me when i tell you why."
"i promise you, we aren't going to laugh, y/n." lewis said gently, placing a hand on her shoulder. "all of what you're feeling is normal."
she sighed. "it didn't feel the way that the books said it was supposed to feel."
"that's your big reasoning? really?" nyck's tinny voice rang through the speaker on mick shumacher's phone. in abu dhabi, the reserve driver had officially been traded to scuderia alphatauri, and by extension, not allowed into brackley to be privy to this conversation. so, naturally, he was facetimed and looped in anyways.
"mick, can you please mute the traitor." y/n groaned, reaching for the german boy's phone before mick laughed and pulled it out of her reach to mute the call himself.
on screen, nyck was still talking.
"i know it sounds stupid, but i've felt sick about it all weekend. what am i supposed to do, guys?"
"i think that your feeling are vaild, first of all." mick began, "and that maybe olli came on too strong."
mick's finger slipped, unmuting the call enough for nyck to shout. "did i not just say that? were you not listening?"
"you have so much time, y/n." lewis said with a small smile. "but i hope you've learned something about yourself from this, yeah? maybe this was the boost of self confidence that you needed?"
she had thought about the kiss all weekend, hoping that she could make it make sense, and that she wasn't overreacting. and it's not like olli had done anything wrong, although french kissing was a little much for the first date, even when it wasn't even a date, and she was trying to convince herself that telling olli she just wanted to be friends was the best call.
and then, digging deeper, she had to ask herself if she was even ready for a relationship. because when the idea was finally breathing down her neck, the idea of olli, and going on a date, and sharing so much of herself with someone else, it scared the shit out of her.
"he put his tongue in my mouth, lewis!" she whined. "god, i sound like a child."
"he what?" a muffled voice called from the other side of her desk, followed up by a thump and frantic whispering.
"what the fuck?" y/n mumbled, getting out of her desk chair and leaning over the glass cubicle wall. "paul?"
with a shit eating grin on his face, paul aron slipped out from underneath the table, kimi antonelli just behind him. while paul didn't look the least bit apologetic, kimi looked like he wanted the floor to swallow him whole.
"i am so sorry, miss. we shouldn't have been listening." the italian boy bowed his head. "but blame paul, it was his idea."
"what, i wanted the office gossip." the estonian boy shrugged. "he french kissed you, and you friendzoned him? that's a little sad."
"paul get out!" y/n snapped. "or i'll call toto and bono!"
the threat of toto wolff was enough to get kimi and paul to dart out of the room faster than the freca cars that they drove. toto didn't know about the kiss, mainly because she knew that he had otmar and laurent on speed dial and would find a way to put the fear of god into oliver caldwell for hurting his intern.
the bond that she had formed with the wolff family wasn't something she would have traded for the world. she found herself calling or texting toto's daughter rosa more often, with the two being of a similar age.
she just hoped that toto liked her enough to keep her around for another season.
"there are plenty of fish in the sea, kiddo." susie wolff added, striding into the office. "and don't worry, i'm not going to tell toto. although, paul and kimi might. take this as a learning experience. and don't take any advice from this lot." she added, whacking george in the back of the head with a file folder.
"why did i feel like that was directed at me?" the man from king's lynn groaned.
"the right boy will come when the time is right. god knows i met toto later in life. and look at us now." susie continued, pulling y/n in for a hug. "come on, we have an investor meeting with monster, and toto wants you there."
"me? he wants me in a meeting with our biggest sponsor?"
lewis laughed. "you need to start giving yourself more credit. you are so loved here, y/n. you have a future in motorsport law, a future here."
mick, lewis and george all exchanged a look, bright smiles on their faces.
"what are you not telling me? is toto keeping me on for next year?"
"we aren't allowed to say anything just yet." george started. "but, i think toto has a soft spot for you."
"put it this way: you'll know before bahrain, and you might want to pack some summer clothes." susie smiled.
@magnummagnussen @diorleclerc @daydreamingleclerc @scuderiamh @sidcrosbyspuck @libraryofloveletters
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luffyvace · 8 months
Nami x female reader ☆
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This gif is so high quality?! And she looks so beautiful here⁉️⁉️😍
I’m writing this with anime nami not opla but I just had to use this gif 😋
shopping w her WILL take hours!
not that you mind! It’s fun!
you guys laugh, make jokes, buy snacks and try on clothes
you two hype each up and “no! Your butt looks fine in those jeans!”
you two are fashion icons
anyone who says otherwise is jealous~
sometimes you do fun challenges where you buy each other clothes and see if you like them
(You always do)
if your silly like luffy/usopp
she doesn’t get as annoyed with you as she with those two but she still scolds you
at least you don’t get hit 🤷‍♀️
”WHY are you going along with those two MORONS’ plans?!”
”why not namiii? It’s fun, you should join us!”
*huffs and turns to get robin instead* “Robiiiin! Could you help me raise the sails?”
your more likely to convince her to goof off than luffy and usopp so they always make you do it
and sometimes she goes with it!
only because she loves you and your silly little smile 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️😒(😊)
if your a more serious person though she low key appreciates that!
and by that I mean the fact that you are sane
you might’ve got together because your romantic
like as in you know how to go on an actual date and don’t have a nut for a brain 💖
you buy her paper and pens as gifts
and also clothes!
especially after pirate payday 😉😋👌
you guys likely talk about your past together and if you were there for hers you comfort her
vise versa as well if you joined after her
If your an affectionate person she doesn’t mind but she lowkey prefers to be in private
like little kisses, linking arms and hugs are more than fine (as long as you don’t overdue it)
but being straight up sappy?
That’s not how she rolls..
if you have a lot of energy…..
”calm down y/n! Enough with the kisses!”
”okay okay! Not now!”
never in a mean way or anything
Just do this later will you?! 😅
Stress Sunday <3
where you both vent your feelings to each other weekly (or monthly if chaotic circumstances happen-)
this started because Nami’s stubborn independence and somewhat wack communication skills (LOL)
you initiated it
she agreed because she needed it more than she wanted to admit and knew that
mostly just strawhat stress (luffy, usopp, chopper, sanji and zoro)
you guys go in the girls room, the aquarium (if luffy and usopp ain’t there) or the library on every Sunday you can
you guys talk about the past a lot (as well as some of the straw hats as well)
you both welcome robin with open arms if she wants to join too !!
she pours tea or lemonade and serves the snacks sanji made!
she’s an excellent advisor so listen up👂‼️
doing/washing each other’s hair is a thiiiiiingg!!! 💥💥💥
it’s so relaxing and goes hand in hand with stress Sunday 😍
you both take turns scrubbing the luffys and headaches away
really massaging the scalp and making the other melt in comfort 💗💥💗💥
then you put it up in a cute style for the day/night
and btw when this happens it’s it RELAX time
which means it doesn’t matter if the ship is sinking, flying or doing back flips the navigator is OFF limits
Whatever the straw hats do just don’t let zoro take charge 🤷‍♀️
Nami’s love languages are quality time and some gift giving<33
quality time doesn’t have to be special
as the one who enforces peace around the merry/sunny she appreciates any quiet she can get with you
although a refreshing hot spring/beach date would be ideal….
again it can just be doing simple things;
walking on a new island (that’s not chaotic)
creating maps while you do your hobbies in the same room
watching the ocean/sunset
chatting and eating lunch
all of those little things matter to her 💛
for gift giving 💝
It depends if you like flashy materialistic things or gifts with deep meaning
for flashy gifts she gets you luxurious dresses/suits (if your a more masculine female)
lots of rings
anything of the highest quality for your hobbies
your a writer? A pen that doesn’t hurt your fingers just for you! :)
a artist? Lots and lots of high quality paint!
for more sentimental gifts it’s bracelets with your birthstones
pictures of previous vacations you enjoyed
she’d honestly prob still get you stuff for your hobbies too
and tangerines 🍊🧡
you being a female doesn’t fluster her much or anything
she’s quite content before and after she realizes she loves you/when you start dating
if anyone wants to insult you they can try it-
it’ll only land them in a world full of hurt
and by that I mean Nami’s version of fist of love 😜
Robin is your biggest supporter
Luffy is like the most carefree guy ever
if anything you’ll get a “huhhh?? nami why are you dating a girl?”
😬😒 ✊ 💥💥
he never mentions it again..
zoro really doesn’t care
none of his business 🤷‍♀️
usopp supports! He’s aware of lgbtq+ and doesn’t mind at all<3
sanji is………utterly crushed and disappointed….(ROBIN-CHWAAAAAN~ [he’s going to vent and plead for her love])
chopper is a reindeer….so once you explain it he’s okay with it! c:
franky also knows about lgbtq+ and is probably one.. supports!
brook (♡) is educated and has no qualms<3
(dudes’ like 90 how could he not know?)
jinbei knows what lesbians are, he supports!
for the record if you tell luffy that two girls liking each other = lesbian = lgbtq+ = the thing bon clay is = queer…..he might get it !!
;3 -Brook
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samstclair · 9 months
Tony Soprano's Goomah
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Tony Soprano X Reader
Anonymous Request -
Hiya Saint Samuel!!!!! So listen to this, I've just started Sopranos, you know, the HBO show? Anyway I've come to the conclusion that Tony is exactly my type. He's brought out an inherent and animalistic part of me I never realized was there in the first place. Like, a strong attraction to alpha men. I'm not that far in the show, but I love the idea of him taking me to dinner at Vesuvio's, you know, Artie's restaurant? I love that he supports his friend's small business when he's not busy blowing it up! So could you come up with an imagine about the date? Let me know!! Thank you!!!!
P.S. - I love your work but please keep this one short! It's gotta be a quickie before bed!
Word Count: not that long tbh
"It's so gloomy out," you said, face souring as you looked out the window of your apartment. "It's always gloomy." 
"Um, where the fuck do you think we're at? It's New Jersey," your friend, Snooki, said. "That's why I only like the shore. It's different out there."
You smiled. Her thick Jersey accent always threw you off but it felt so warming. You forgot people actually talked like that. She'd come to visit you from the Shore to help you get ready for your little date. She was filming a season of her TV show, which you didn't completely understand, but nonetheless you were supportive cause you always supported your girls. That's just how being a girlie works. 
"So who's this guy anyway?" Snooki asked as she began to flat iron your hair, clouds of thick smoke rising from it as it fried your shit straight. "You're so like, secretive about him. You never ended up telling me."
You blushed, living for the idea of this little forbidden-esque romance you and Tony had. 
"I didn't tell you because I'd only just met you, I had to make sure you were a girl's girl first, you know?"
"And when was that?"
"When I found out you were down to help hide me go into hiding from the stupid ugly IRS men-in-black people, THAT'S when I knew."
She smiled to herself, she DID that. 
"Anyway, and I couldn't tell you over the phone cause you were on that stupid duck phone. I didn't want the show to be recording my business, silly," you said, "plus, those guy friends you have there are creeps. I don't want them knowing my business, either."
You shuddered at the thought of those overly-tan, Ed Hardy cologne smelling boys. You didn't trust them in the slightest. After one of them called you a grenade because they caught a glimpse a single stretch mark, you knew DAMN well they had never been connected to any basis of reality and therefore not REAL.
Except Paulie, you didn't really mind him, if you catch my drift if you catch the flow! ;). He was lowkey a girl's girl.
"So tell me now! I'm so over waiting!" she whined. She really was over it. You loved holding back information some times just to create a little suspense. A little of that never hurt no one never hurt a FLY.
"Well, what do you wanna know?" you smirked to yourself. 
"Is he Italian?"
"Oh, def."
"Is he tan?"
"Oh, no."
She suddenly stopped the ironing and gave you an annoyed look in the mirror. You knew that was a no-no in Snicker's book. "Then why are you wasting your time?"
"Because he's just hot, like, I don't know how to explain it," you really didn't. When you first met, you just found it odd how insanely attracted you were to him. You just were. It made you feel like a middle-aged mom. But who cares? EXACTLY! "He's low-key, rich, high-key. He works in like, garbage disposal or some shit."
"That's what they say when they're in the mafia." Snooki said, continuing to iron your hair. 
"I did my fair amount of business with Italians back in England, I know what the mafia looks like." Of that, you did. But that was your old life, you were supposed moving on. The Queen is dead, after all. Don't push! 
You wish you could tell your girlfriend more, but you had to remind yourself that you were under a different identity - as you mentioned before, the IRS are actually a bunch of Debbie downers and negative Nancies who wanna see you, just a girl, down. They hated seeing you, just a girl, succeed, and that's not cool or cute. They ran you out of the country once, but not again. You were a full, beer-blooded American and that's that. (if ur reading this and not American just pretend you are! Who wouldn't want to?!)
You met Tony through the Italian connections you had in England, and once you knew you had to escape back to America, they were the only allies you knew that could help smuggle you in like the cocaine in little baggies shoved up the asscracks of a flight attendee. If it weren't for that, New Jersey would have definitely NOT been the first place you had in mind to arrive in. 
Once the Italians brought you through, they directed you to this deli place called Satriale's after you moaned and groaned about your tummy rumbling. You kept joking that you were a different person when you were hungry, what you dubbed as the "hungry monster", over and over. Safe to say, the Italians soon grew increasingly uncomfortable with that and your other incoherent ramblings about food and decided you needed some gabagool. 
Let's just say - you went to absolute fucking town on those slices of meat and cheese. All those thoughts about becoming a vegetarian? Yeah, out the window they WENT. 
You assumed that none of those Italian-Americans knew that a girl could fucking eat, because they looked at you with both horror and confusion. Also, a little concernment. You also learned the complete difference between Italian and Italian-American, as if that horrendous atrocity that is your bff Snooki's Jersey Shore season 4 wasn't enough to learn from.
As you were munching away on what you were sure was only your third slice of 'salam' (salami), (it was actually your eleventh), the door swung open along with the little bell atop ringing. That wasn't what broke you out of your trance, no, no it would take a LOT for that to happen in the state you were in, but it was who....
"Hey, sweetheart, save some for the rest of us, huh?" He giggled, his other goons giggling behind him.
You looked up. You hated being spoken at while eating. It was really a trigger.
But there he was. Tony.
Tall, big, low-key balding, leather jacket and Goodwill's men section polo with some khaki pants, cigar in hand, under-sized gold rings and necklaces bulging, and a whiff of men's cologne (probably an Italian designer's).
You were stumped. Stunned. Stupefied.
So were they. They watched you, waiting for some sort of response whether it was verbal or physical. Instead, they were given your mega disassociation-state, blank expression, mouth full with a slice of meat in one hand and a slice of cheese in the other.
The entire deli went silent - it was literally as if there was a cowboy standoff going on like some Western film shit. A Spaghetti western here, perhaps?
"Fuck's wrong with her?" one of his minions asked. You later found out this was his wannabe Aaron Sorkin nephew Christopha.
"Hey, Ton', I think you broke the poor broad!" the other said, who had crazy white streaks of hair. This was his other minion, Paulie who giggled with the possible case of Tourette's syndrome.
"Ayyeeee, sweethaarrttt," the other said with a grumpy face and crazy hairline, (Silvio), "what's tha matta?"
You didn't know what the matter was. And honestly, neither did Tony.
All you two knew, is that you were both locked IN. What you didn't know at the time, was that he realized he had landed his eyes on one of the most beautiful, fine ass women he'd ever seen. And man was down BAD! Of course he was, girl, LOOK AT YOU!
(For realsies all respect to Carmela she did not deserve any of Tony's caca!)
"Who the fuck is this?" he finally asked, somewhat angrily. He wasn't angry, just taken aback someone had defied him as much as you did in that moment from that face off. And that's just the regular tone of how a lot of these people talked, which you ALSO later learned.
"I'm me," you said back.
The three minions behind him all raised their brows in shock. They couldn't conceive a girlie, like you, could sass just as hard back. That response ALWAYS worked.
And that was that. You two were history <3. 
You then met Snooki at a bar later that same night and she let you stay at the Jersey Shore house for a bit until Tony gave you enough money to get your own spot. And now, here you two were. Some full circle shit. 
So yeah back to your apartment WE'RE BACK AT THE APARTMENT!!
You were in the midst of a rant to Snooki about beefing with your hairstylist, the same lady who bleached your hair and unknowingly participated as an accessory to concealing your real identity from authorities. 
"...and so I was like, I want a bleach and tone, like can you do a bleach and tone for me please, like smiley face emoji and she was like tone? (question mark) and I was like, a bleach and tone, like, a bleach and tone, like a bleach and tone, like what do you mean tone, like? Like after you bleach it, can you tone it, like make it not brassy, and she was like 'oh oh I understand' and put, like, the blonde princess emoji and I was like, okay I'm glad you understand."
"What a fucking dumbass," Snooki laughed, finishing your hair. "I can just give you the number to my hairdresser, just let me know."
You heavily considered. A couple chunky stripe black highlights here and there? Some reverse raccoon shit? SHIT!!!
As she wrapped up, you admired yourself in the mirror. Your other girlfriend, JWoww, had done your makeup but had to leave early to let out her dogs at her house. She'd done the full Y2K trashy mcbling look - black smokey eye with glitter, heavy on the contour, thin ass brows and a nude lip. You looked like a Pamela Anderson variant and you were fucking it up! 
After taking some grainy ass photos on your hot pink bedazzled camera, Snooki hyping you up some more and pregaming with you before your date, you got a text! 
"I've got a text!" you said like a Love Islander. 
"Oh my god, is it from him?" Snooki asked, drinking the remnants of the Ron-Ron juice she made, the only good thing he's ever been associated with.
"Oh, fuck he's like - he's like here! He's here!" 
You ran towards your window and peeped your head through the blinds - he was indeed here in his red Chevy. A wave of anxiety flushed over you - but you weren't sure why? You were literally his 'goomar' or 'goomah' however you spell it and this definetly wasn't your first time on a date with him. But every time before one, you felt like you needed to shit yourself. He just made you all nervy! Like, that's a MAN RIGHT THERE!
"Oh, fuck Snooki," you said, frightened. "I think I need to go."
"You're kidding. You don't have time! You said he made a reservation, right?"
"Oh, I don't know. He just walks into anywhere and he automatically has a reservation for that exact time. You really think I can't go?"
"I mean, how fast can you go?"
You ended up going. And you were fast.
It was a quickie, definitely not ALL that needed to come out, but it was something for now. You knew your body too well. As you hit that flush lever thingie, you saw all your anxiety go down with it. You were ready, renewed, and refreshed. THOSE are the real three R's for saving the planet. You also smoked the last bit if your blunt, a 'roach' if you will, to see if that could calm your nerves. Spoiler - it didn't. Girl there was less than an inch left the fuck did you think that would do.
As Snooki was closing the front door, she yelled somewhat drunkenly "YOU'RE FUCKING HOT!" It definitely gave you a little pep in your step, to say the very least. Your heels clicked and clicked down that staircase, you felt like Rose in Titanic to Jack in that one scene.
Tony exited the car, admiring his view. Snooki was very right. You were eating it UP LIKE THAT BITCH!!
You had a slip on sequin dress, not too clubby but not too dressy, low-key classy and a little not too shabby? Your hair was all done up and your hoops dangled from your ears. You smelled of some sweet Nicki Minaj's body spray from TJ Maxx.
A cloud of cologne (a good cologne, one that you secretly stole for him also from TJ Maxx) hit you as you and Tony embraced. Even with your heels, he still stood over you like a fucking wall. You got why the gays love their bears. 
"How do I look, Tony?" you asked. You knew your answer you just fucked with compliments. 
"You look beautiful, hun. Like an old Hollywood actress. Let's get goin'." He opened the passenger's seat door for you like the gentleman he was and closed it behind you. Once he was in the driver's seat, you two were off. 
It was now Christmas time - so the aesthetic was KICKING! Lights were all around on people's houses and trees, the air was cool and there was a little snowfall. It felt like some cozy 2000's digital photos you find under looking up 'nostalgic' on Pinterest. The car's heater was on full and the warmth felt good against your ass. You thought about fucking up a sauna and how you'd love one of those. Maybe a future date with Tony?
You lowered the sun visor to check yourself in the mirror. These false lashes were CRAZY. You only trusted JWoww or Snooki to put them on. 
"You smell that?" Tony asked, sniffing the air.
"No," you said. You only smelled the his strong cologne and Nicki.
"You smell like weed," he said. 
You did forget about the 'roach' and plants you were growing on your balcony to make some extra cash. But then, you thought, this could be the perfect lay-up right now. If it worked on Megan Fox, maybe it would work on Tony? If it didn't, you'd honestly Lady Bird yourself out of his car from the embarrassment.
"I am weed," you said, trying to sound femme fatale, biting your tongue like a mom. 
He didn't get it. 
"What did you say?"
You weren't high enough for this.
"Man, never mind," you said. "Where we going, anyway? You said you were take me to eat some real food. Cause apparently McDonald's isn't."
"Oh please, you're gonna start with that shit again?" Tony said. One thing with Tony, and all these mafiosos, they have more insecurity than a thirteen-year-old middle school girl. You've had to learn how to dodge Tony's whiny moments. 
"So where?" you asked again, back to the topic. 
"Oh, like Olive Garden?"
He stopped at a light and faced you, with a look of pure disgust.
You saw him in the corner of your eye, trying not to smile. You loved fucking with him. It was like fucking with a toddler.
"The fuck did you say?" 
And there it was. 
Tony then began to rant about what true Italian dining and food was, as he always loved to flex in his whiny self about how there's no other shame of an establishment other than Olive Garden to bring embarrassment to Italian cuisine. You disassociated for much of it after, watching the lit-up suburbs as you drove by.
"....and that's why Vesuvio's puts back the honor in the Italian name. End of story!"
"That's crazy," you said, one of your many safe automatic responses to have after your disassociation trips. 
Anyway, you two had finally made it to the restaurant, as Tony mentioned before, called Vesuvio's. It was owned by a close friend of his, which made you all happy as it was refreshing to see Tony support small businesses. It was the late evening, so the sun had already set and the ambience was hitting. 
Before you entered the restaurant, Tony said he had a surprise for you and took out from the back of his car a quite large box.
"What is this?"
"Go ahead," he smiled slyly, "open it up."
You felt like a child needing to rip the bitch open, but you stopped yourself - you liked playing hard to get so you knew you had to act indifferent. You instead opened it slowly, as if it was just an ordinary box but no it WASN'T!
"No. Fucking. Way," you were in disbelief. "Tony - a FUCKING VINTAGE HOT PINK JUICY TRACKSUIT?! THESE ARE LIKE, $100 ON DEPOP?!?!?!?!"
He was fucking up your reaction. He must've really listened to when you indulged in him your airport troubles and losing your suitcase, as well as your vintage Juicy Couture tracksuit. This got you all hot and shit down there to know he cared like that. Again, this is a MAN. He makes ugly dudes like Tate tater tot look like a little bitch and that's that.
"You like it?" he asked as you yanked that shit out and were admiring it. "Here, let me help," he put the box down and helped put the top jacket part on.
You were too shock to speak. Non-verbal, if you would.
"Tony, no bro it's that I can't - "
His little dumbass smile made it all the better. You hated that he knew he ate with this.
The fresh smell of baked bread and pasta was making your toes curl violently. You loved being a fat ass. Once inside, Tony greeted like half the staff because that's what these men do, but you were just bouncing your eyes from table to table at all the dishes. Shit was about to HIT! You purposely didn't eat all day so you could have room for what tonight was to come. But, with that, the Ron-Ron juice was now in full effect. Uh oh oh no.
No, no - you couldn't. Had you not learned before in England? You cannot embarrass Tony, no, not in front of all these people. Tony was like a pillar in this little suburban community, you needed to make him look good!
But then, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror - you DO look good! 
And then it hit you - you're just a girl who likes to dress up and eat good. The last thing you were gonna do was hide who you truly were! High key who gives a fuck about Tony? You do but you get what I mean.
A very pretty, blonde hostess came to you guys and led you to your table. Tony said hi, gave her the usual besitos, and introduced you two. 
"Y/N, this is Adriana. You know, Christopha's girlfriend?"
"Oh my god yes! I remember!" you brought her in for a hug and your own besitos. She smelled great. It made you so happy to see another girl do her thing! "You look so good, bro! And your nails!"
"Oh, my god thank you!" she said, modestly. "You're so pretty!"
Tony smiled, happy to see two girls do their thing. Men will never understand.
You two sat a little more secluded towards the back. He had introduced you to Artie, the best friend and owner of the restaurant.
About an hour in, the vibes were HITTING! You were on your third slice of bread, dipping it in the olive oil and vinegar (though you preferred butter, but you weren't just about to say that in front of all these Italians, LITERALLY when in Rome like??), laughing as Tony was making his shitty dad jokes, light Frank Sinatra and 'like a big pizza pie in the sky' in the background, the chatter of other customers who were also vibing, and, like you, looking forward to absolutely demolishing the dishes. 
What those dishes were, you wouldn't know. The moment you sat, Artie pulled up and took your menus, saying he would make y'all something exclusive from the menu. Like THAT? Like that. You felt like it was 2017 all over again and you just found out about the secret Pink Drink that wasn't on the Starbucks menu. Exclusive! 
As Tony was rambling on about his new horse, you were just thinking about how insanely attractive he was. Again, this ain't no boy - no, this is a MAN. This is a man who gets shit done, whenever and wherever. You always thought yourself to be pretty humble and not consider power a trait to find attractive, but you just realized you were lying to yourself this whole time, cause Tony proved it was. Is it shallow? Oops. Who gives a fuck be real. That and giving you money every time he saw you was definitely a plus! He was just too smooth with shit.
And let's be real again, it was a little bit of a power trip for you too. Like, you're TONY'S girl. You know what that's more powerful than? Exactly. Anyone other than Tony's girl.
"What's your horse's name?" you asked.
"That's such a cute name!"
Dumbass name, you thought. But in all honesty you would've named a horse like Pickle or some shit so.
"Do you like horses? I should take you ta see her sometime."
You weren't a horse girl, even though you did have a small phase in middle school. "How could you not? They're so, like, otherworldly. Back in Colombia, my old boss used to have a zoo, and there were a bunch of horses there too."
"When were you in Colombia?"
You froze - you forgot. You're not Y/N, you're Y/N! You're supposed to be under a false identity! You can't just be revealing your past, Colombia was not supposed to be talked about! Have England Colombia not taught you anything?
"A long, long, long, long time ago. Long time. Looooong time," you said, smiling sheepishly and taking a nervous sip of your wine. This topic needed to be SKIPPED.
"For business?"
And then you forgot. Tony literally knows you're a fugitive. You are safe <3
You went on to expand about your brief but not-so-brief, actually extensive, time in Colombia, working for Pablo and committing heists with your girls. It seemed like another lifetime ago, but recounting it brought you such nostalgia, it made you happy to reminisce. Tony was eating it up too, he fucked with the fact that you weren't just no ordinary girl, no, you were a girl with a past. Dare I say, not like other girls at that. A criminal one, at that. To these macho mafiosos, seeing a girl do more than being a housewife is considered very exotic. 
"One time, in Colombia, I almost set off one of Pablo's bombas by accident," you giggled to yourself. Shit was crazy. "It was supposed to be a hit on someone and I opened the wrong door to the wrong car lol. Thank god it malfunctioned and didn't detonate, but ever since then my close experience with death has just taught me to live, laugh and love more, you know? He was reaalllyyy pissed at me, for like a minute. Then he got over it, cause like, it's never that serious, you know?"
You dug into your pasta, which had just been brought out. It was Alfredo, your favorite. You weren't sure how Alfredo was an exclusive dish, but whatevs. You felt the warmness go down through your intestines - deletable. You felt Mark Weins possessing your spirit.
Tony was in awe of your stories. 
"Wait, wait, Pablo's what?"
"Bombas. You know."
He still didn't comprehend. Ugh boys.
"Bomb bass?" you repeated.
"Boss Baby? Like that cartoon scientist prick?"
You'd never seen Boss Baby, but was pretty sure he wasn't a scientist. Just a baby in STEM. "No, Tony, bom-bas."
"Baz Luhrmann?"
"Oh my god, no, but I miss that summer," you said, thinking about that curse of a movie. "All that our love surviveeeesssss. So good. So good." 
You continued eating your pasta, imagining Jacob Elordi's face instead of Austin Butler. It helped with the nightmares.
"Wait, you mean bombs?" he whispered. 
"Yes, that!" you covered your mouth with your hand, still chomping away, "Sorry, all that time in Colombia I forgot English words. I should redownload Duolingo again."
"You can't say that around here. Not around Artie."
"Why not?"
"He's sensitive to subjects like that. Gets him all nervous." Tony then went on to basically play with his food by making his fork dance in and out of it, never actually accumulating more pasta. This was his fidgeting.
"You garbage disposal guys love to pretend you're all hard and shit."
He stopped. Again, he's offended. "What did you say?"
"Like, you pretend you're all hard, and shit, but then you're not. Okay, like, okay - Paulie doesn't like me cause I made a joke. A little joke and he got all butthurt."
"Yeah, cause you said that if he eats more than 12 grapes on New Years, he's cursed."
"Yeah, so what? His fat ass ate the entire bag. I had to make him feel bad for that. Reparations, honestly."
"You know Paulie, he's superstitious. And you weren't helping when you asked his zodiac sign or whatever bullshit."
"And what about Silvio, huh? So what if I've never seen the Godfather? How else is a normal person supposed to react if you just randomly say 'once I'm out they pull me back in'? Like, what? Back into what? I was being nice pretending I knew what he was talking about the first couple of times. I can only fake it til I make it so much."
Tony was growing more impatient. 
"And Christopher? Sorry if I didn't know that an Elf Bar would break his sobriety. I just thought he'd love to invest -"
"Listen, sweetheart, I gotta be honest with ya. My friends, they're not perfect, but they're my family. Let's not forget about the sanctity of loyalty and respect. So let's put this aside and enjoy each other's company, huh -"
"How's the food, huh?" Artie asked, suddenly appearing like an Gusteau's ghost. 
"It's great, Artie," Tony said, somewhat dismissively.
"Artie, you ATE this shit up! I'm gonna be sleeping sooooo good tonight!" you smiled. He smiled that you smiled. 
"Well thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Let me know if you need anything else, okay?" Artie then walked off, leaving you two to yourselves. He quickly turned around and came back. "Be sure to call if you feel you have food poisoning, though."
"Wait, what?" you asked, mimicking Trisha Paytas.
"Cause if you do have it, it's not my food," he chuckled. "Right, Ton'?"
With that ominous comment/inside joke that you really had no idea what he was talking about, he walked away laughing. Tony wasn't. He, underneath it all was fuming but holding it in. He didn't like to raise his voice in front of you, because he knew you would hit lengths that exceeded his. One of your favorite activities was to make guys feel stupid, and you were too good at that and he knew. Honestly, he was kinda scared of the power you held, like one of Pablo's bombas. 
You just shrugged it off and continued eating up your pasta. 
It was quiet. It wasn't an awkward quiet, just a 'who's gonna talk first to get us past this quiet' sort of quiet. You didn't care, you were being wined and dined for free. 
You then thought about how you could enhance the dish, like a wizard adding potions and his creation. You pointed to the parmesan. 
"What?" Tony asked, oblivious, munching. 
"Cheese, hellur?"
"The fuck is 'hellur'?'
You swallowed the food that prevented you from saying 'hello' correctly. 
"Like, hello. So, cheese, hello?"
"Why not say hello?"
"Tony, I don't make fun of you when you say things in Italian," you shot back. He couldn't know food delayed your speech. "Don't make fun of my language, xenophobia doesn't look good on you."
He passed the parm, again in awe. "You know, of all the women I've been with, you're the weirdest fucking one," he laughed to himself. 
"Awe, Tony, you're so sweet." You smiled. The bad quiet vibes had gone away and the good vibes had returned. So what if there was a boulder on the path? You walk AROUND it!
Fast forward to dessert. Artie brought you some cannolis because we're in an Italian restaurant remember. 
Tony was in the middle of being pretty vulnerable with you. You loved that type of shit, when a man opens up. It's like seeing them fully evolve to becoming a normal person and you were front row.
"The things I do, you know. It's to get food on the table for my kids. But they, they don't understand. Meadow does, she's still young, but AJ? I don't know about the poor kid. Stays in his room all day, on that fucking computer, listens to that metal bullshit -"
"He's just going through his emo era. We all have it, don't worry. Some worse than others. And, he's a boy. They all enjoy a little Reddit from time to time. But just cause you're a criminal, Tony, doesn't make you a villain. The IRS just love to hate, trust me, I know."
He appreciated that you cared. "Therapy helps too, or whatever."
"Awe, that's great Tony!"
"But don't tell anyone, or I'll get whacked."
"By who?"
"You know. My associates."
"That's nice that you play games with your associates. It should be more than just business, you know. Like, there should be room for some bonding time and exercises."
"What are you talking about?"
"Like, Whack-a-Mole. Isn't that what you were talking about?"
Tony laughed. You thought he got it, but he was just still confused and was actually laughing at the shit you just say. 
After the check (there was no check cause it's Tony Soprano), you two stopped by at Wawa to get some SpongeBob popsicles, cause those cannolis didn't hit that 'sumthin sweet' feeling. The flavor you got wasn't as good as his, despite being the same thing, so at every free opportunity when he wasn't looking you scooped a little of his. He started to notice as his popsicle shrunk and shrunk, getting hot at what you were doing. You didn't mind, you liked it sometimes when he got mad cause you thought it was funny you got to him like that. He got over it eventually, realizing that it's never THAT serious. 
Some time later you were back at his place, what your girls would call an 'open crib'. It was just you two, and as Nicki once said, the night was still young. The possibilities? Yeah, they're endless. You had to admit, you were getting impatient. You needed something and that something was NOW.
By the pool, you two were making out. Shit was getting heavy and the night was getting pretty fucking chilly. A little too chilly, like the Juicy tracksuit was cute asf, but let's be real not helping in the slightest. But you weren't just about to have that interrupt you. What's a little cold? People literally live in like, Russian tundra.
Still making out, you felt small droplets of water hit you. 
You broke from the kiss and said, quite sensually but not exactly meaning to, "I'm wet."
Tony chuckled with his goofy, excited smile. "Tell me more -"
He brought you back in for another kiss.  
You felt more of those droplets hit you. You broke your kiss off again.
"No, I'm actually wet."
As if on cue, the rain began to pour pretty hard, increasingly violent. He grabbed your arm and pulled you to go inside. You two laughed as you were drenched, trying to escape the heavy downpour on some rom-com bullshit. 
You slid your heels off and ran, you ran and ran. One thing you knew how to do - you knew how to ran. Your feet hit those puddles of water with such velocity, Tony could no longer catch up to you and lagged behind. Your hands let go - you couldn't wait for him. Once you were in this state, there was no breaking out of it. He was amazed at your abilities. You couldn't risk your makeup running. That's a big no-no, no?
Once inside, he brought you two towels and began drying you off. You caught a quick glimpse of your make up in the mirror, and needless to say, you needed JWoww to drop you that link of the setting spray she used cause shit was STUCK. Immovable.
"Thanks for the towel, Tony." you said. He winked at you, pulled his soaked shirt off and tossed it on the kitchen counter, then pulled out a jug of orange juice from the fridge, downing that bitch. Your eyes trailed from his body hair, down to his chest, to his belly, then his happy trail down to - oh. Oh there it is. 
"Peter, the horse is here." you said. That bulge was bulging. 
Tony clocked his head to you. 
You thought you said it in your head, but you actually said it loud and clear.
"Who the fuck is Peta?" he interrogated, getting scared into thinking someone else was in the house, or that maybe 'Peter' was someone you were seeing...
"My god Tony you're such a fucking boomer."
"Is Peter your boyfriend -"
"- oh SHUT UP TONY!" you said, before pouncing on top of him. You hugged him, and he hugs tightly back, he then throws you on the dining table and you feel his member pressed against your leg. He begins kissing you, his tongue licking your lips for entrance. You let him in. Your tongues fight for dominance but you let him win. He eventually starts going down on you, taking your sequin dress off, and starts kissing your labia.
"This...this is a labia," he says. "End of story!"
You lift your legs as he begins to eat you out, his wet breath on your cooter. He holds your foot up and raises himself, ready to press his member into your entrance. Your eyes are closed, ready to take the man from North Caldwell, New Jersey in. This is it. No Peta, no duck phone, no garbage disposal, nothing - just you and Tony.
Hope you guys enjoyed!
Also, a heads up!  A friendly warning - DON'T tell me how long to make story. That is up to me, myself and I. Anyway this one's shorter so whatevs. 
~ Sam St. Clair
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madrone33 · 7 months
Listened to the Circe Saga last night! (I'm in the superior timezone, 15 hours before the americans lol /j) Absolutely incredible, did not disappoint!
Here's the notes I hastily typed out during and afterwards lol:
The plucked guitar in that melody, thinking of Polites fr fr
Eurylochus sounds less autotune than in the snippet. Musta been compression.
Fuck i can't believe i'm actually listnening to it!!!
The time skip is wind I think?
"Inside we heaard a voiiice!" SO GOOD! SO SMOOTH! I LOVE IT!
Those deep strings tho- oof so good!
"What." HAHA add it to the count XD
CIRCE! It's fucking Circe!!!! Her little riff on "Go ahead and rest where-ver you liiiike!"
The party music is really cool
Her voice at "This is the price" is angelic!
Huh. The party music comes back in the Eury and Ody second verse, but it's weirdly off beat.
Second vese is a bit different from the old snippet. Ody is less... soft sounding?
Ok time to write down the overlapping lyrics.
Yeah I still don't really understand Circe's lines rip
Also, Ody's final line is strangely not emphasised a lot? It's easy to miss behind Circe.
Wouldn't You Like:
Hermes giggles are so mischievous lmao
Ody is shocked and awed at seeing his Great-Grandfather while Hermes is just there for the lols
OOOF YES! The fucking amazing bass in the first chorus!!
The rising and descending harp!
"She can TURN you into an a-ni-mal!" I'm smiling so hard rn, it's HERMES
Here in the root of this flower! So smooooth
That high note on "bEING of your cre-A-tion!" Hell yes!
Not how I imagined that Holy Moly part ngl. Thought it'd pause for a beat to let the joke sink in with Ody's "Ah." being very dry, but whatever, it works, I'm sure I'll get used to it!
Also the beat transition to the end chorus reminds me of Micheal Jackson? Or- wait. Did I just get rick rolled??
The end chorus with all the harmonising vocals and the chorus and Ody' high riffs!! It's so damn GROOVEY
Ody sounds so happy and grateful awww
Pffft Hermes that's cold bro. So blase and teasing. Also yeah, lowkey King George vibes lol.
Done For:
Ody is so sassy passive agressive lmao
The LFOs!!
The chimera roar snarl is very cool!
Ody is one cocky snarky mf
Circe is bitching and sassing and sounds so done with Hermes and Ody both lmao
The LFOs and electric guitar mixing!
The sound effects of the BOSS BATTLE! The heavy thuds of footsteps and the snarls. Also that's one sharp sounding sword
There Are Other Ways:
The waltzy sounding strings are so pretty!
Que the key change! And more fantastic overlapping hamonising vocals!
The... hand- drum thing? Took me off guard, still not sure if I like it.
The abrupt "I CANT." YOU TELL HER ODY!! Bro I was so tense without know how he was gonna get out of that.
Not the Penelope stringssss!! *adoring sigh* The Penelope strings... It's so fucking cool how you can just immediately tell exactly who he's thinking about.
"She's my everything... My Penelope..." AHHHHH
Just now realising that Ody tells Circe "Back at home my wife awaits for me" and Circe respects that and helps him, while him telling Calypso that Penelope's his wife doesn't deter her in the slightest. Yeah.
"12 long years" Timeline lore? Write that down write that down!
God of Tides is such a cool epithet
The "Circe" and "mercy" rhyme took me off guard in the best of ways.
And then he hits me with the breathy high "let us puppets leeeave" like bro COME ON
Nylon strings my beloved!
The deep piano drop at "Problem is, this prophet is DEAD" lmao
The return of the LFOs lesss goooo!!!!
Ody sounds so baffled and hopeful and excited like SAME BRO
"There are many ways of persuasion" as in, he managed to pursuade her in a way she didn't expect!!
"Maybe showing one act of kindness, leads to kinder souls down the road..." HOLY FUCK! HOLY FUCK! Circe's on the mercy end of the ruthlessness scale?? Also took it to mean if she shows him mercy, maybe he won't turn and become like those strangers that dealt a heavy loss to her nymphs.
"I have been in love once before" 👀 Circe lore??
"Maybe one day the world will need a puppeteer no more..." When I realised where this was going! The END FUCKING RIFF IT'S FROM THAT CLIP! THE HIGH NOTES I LOVE IT!!!!
Odysseus and Circe friendship is real!!
I love it! The Circe Saga is out, and it's amazing! Thank you Jorge and Talya and Troy and Armando, and everyone else who worked on this amazing project to show us this incredible music, thank you so so much! You should all be proud!
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bleep-bloop-boo · 14 days
i would love to work at a library one day
iugfbnwqkwsdjf AWW THANK YOU FOR THE ASKK IM GOING TO RAMBLE NOW <33 AND SAMEE i hope you do get to work at the library :)) i need to wait 9 more months before I can applyy
First off all, background In my 7th grade i did Semester 1 online school and Semester 2 in person. I didnt get a choice in elective cuz i switched over so i became an office aide tho i would be sent to the library most of the time to help the librarian. another thing, the librarian started the same time as me. the old librarian quit and the new librarian was just out of college (and also lowkey traumatized but we dont acknowledge that heree) so she was like in her early 20s I LOVE HER SM OMG!! BEFORE BEING A LIBRARIAN SHE PLAYED COMPETITIVE VIDEO GAMES AND SHE HAS AN ANIMATION CHANNEL AND NOW SHES ILLUSTRATING CHILDRENS BOOK AND SHE WAS IN FANDOMS TOO!! SHES AMAZING AT ART, LIKE WHEN YOU ASKED HER TO SIGN YOUR YEARBOOK SHE'D DRAW YOU (i can find the picture of me she drew if youd likee) IN 2 MINUTES!! AND SHE TOLD ME ONCE SHED DRAW A FANART OF NICO GETTING MCDONALDS WITH WILL FOR ME CUZ I TOLD HER I LIKED PERCY JACKSON AND SOLANGELO (i never told her bout the mcdonalds thing, she knew) and it was so much fun cuz id be sorting books and reading books and scanning books and helping kids and fixing books and organizing and just talking with peoplee i loved it smm and speaking of her, she did so much cool stuff!! she had no idea how the library worked or how to do stuff and she did end up crying the first month because of how lost she was but she got a hang of it and i so proud of her for that <33
She made a cozy corner where there are tons of blankets and pillows for people and with cozy curtains and lights
she bought (using her own money) nearly 40 boardgames and made a shelf for people to play with fidgets, cards and games
she brought her switch in so kids could see and watch her play
she made a suggestion box and read every single one
she started a thing where she made slides for the elementary schoolers and read to them every week
she let students come in during lunch and play games and talk and chill (which is amzing cuz our school was HELLA strict, like middle schoolers could only sit at the tables or on the grass. you cant walk anywhere else.)
and we all loved her sm, she was the best <33 i miss her cuz now im in high school and the kid i tutored told on me thursday she moved and she doesnt work there anymore and now i miss her even moree but ill see if i can find her insta time for the actual stories of me and the one other office aide 😭😭😭 - we built a throne out of old textbooks and made a whole photosoot using paper decorations - we spent an entire hour just reading and laughing at this book about toilets - we spent 15 minutes learning how to use a key cuz we locked ourselves outside of the school (we had keys with acsess to the whole school and all the gates, were just stupid) - had so many debates with elementary schoolers who snuck in about the best pjo character and other books - kicked said elementary schoolers out because the school didnt allow them to be there after their school ended (then snuck them back in) - we spent an entire period just playing random songs and videos on the TVs and kept trying to change it to Never Going To Give You Up - kirby. so much kirby. EVERYWHERE - SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR omg, the books come in the shelves pre-pepared but the shelves are like tall, metal blocks on wheels you need to open up yourself and move around. we ended up creating a labryinth and getting trapped then i stacked a rolly stool on a chair and that didnt work cuz the stool was bigger than the chair and even tho i would have surived, they said it was too dangerous so i had to climb on a booksehlf to jump over these 6 foot tall bookselves we opened wrong and escape the maze - selling at said scholastic fair which was so fun <33 (i want a retail job so badd) - the amount of times i just sat and read while sorting books- - theres prolly more im forgetting lol, this is getting long tho so ill just end itt TYSM FOR THE ASK, THIS WAS LITERALLY MY FAVORITE CLASS IN ALL OF MIDDLE SCHOOL (barely beat geometry) AND I LOVELOVELOVE TALKING ABOUT ITT
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This is for the highschool au but, how would things go if y/n was with Ben but, cheated on him at a party or something with Jeff? Would this cause issues with Ben or would he care bc it’s Jeff? Also would Jeff even do it considering him and Ben are close friends?
Ben is possessive like crazy, but he willing to share when it comes to sexual shit, mostly because it brings him entertainment.
But the more intimate stuff, like cuddling, going on dates, and actually being a couple, that's for him and him alone.
So if you cheated on him, your ass is actually getting beat. Ben's a sensitive guy, so he'll probably beat you half to death and then take you back to his little spot and treat you there. He'll be so much more cold towards you and lowkey, he's the only yandere in the high school to actually break up with his darling, Canon Ben would never tho, like, your ass might actually die.
Now, would Jeff fuck Ben over like this? Nah, not really. Jeff and Ben are close, being best friends since Freshman year and then EJ just got brought into the group around sophomore year.
These two are loyal to each other, and they have been times where Ben had fucked Jeff's darling and Jeff has fucked Ben's, but it never went past that because they actually respect each other.
EJ is too possessive to share and they low-key respect it. Like, They might flirt here and there, but they'll actually fuck EJ's darling or take them away from him, the proxies on the other hand, everything free game.
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stainedglassandpigs · 5 months
I don’t know if I’ll continue this story much bc I don’t have tons of confidence in it but it was fun to do something with Clark since I kept seeing a bunch of edits with him and I rmbered how much I liked the lil farm boy.
Also I don’t know how I feel about using emojis in writing lowkey don’t like it but yk gotta try it out at least once or twice to see fr ( jury is leaning toward don’t like)
It appears to be somewhere in the country. Lush green trees and a sea of grassy plains for miles. I don’t remember when I began walking or why I was.
As I was now pushing through a corn maze it began to be clear I was looking for something. I became more and more frustrated that I wasn’t finding whatever it was I broke out in a run, I had to find it now time was running out. Hope was beginning to lose me when I stumbled outta the ocean of corn stalks. Getting up and dusting myself off I could see in the distance there was a house and barn. Just as I began to walk to the far off house something zoomed out of the corn and crashed into the barn.
I bolted up, my alarm going off.
Turning it off I reach for my phone checking the time.
Shit shit shit.
It was 8:30, that was my alarm that told me I was supposed to be out the house by now.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Mom hated when I was late, the office lady was always so unusually mean for someone who worked with people all day.
Rushing outta bed I began a speed run of my usually morning activities.
A normal person might forgo finding a playlist to listen to when they were already in a rush, but I figured the morning was already fucked at least I could still listen to my favorite songs while I panicked.
By the 2 song I have changed and was beginning to brush my teeth. Song 3 began and so did my morning skin care.
Rush or not there were things I was not willing to compromise on when getting ready.
My grand final now is deciding what to do with my hair.
It was wash day yesterday so the hair was looking a bit wet. I didn’t prefer it this way but at least it was cute.
I opt for down since it would help the curls dry faster
Making sure all the hairs were in place and my part was clean I called it. And all it took was 4 songs to get ready, not too bad.
Before I headed for the kitchen to pack my lunch I made sure my back pack was ready for the day.
Well I made sure my headphones were in there and I barely spared a glance at what was actually in the bag.
The kitchen was a bit more tricky of a situation. If I were lucky no one would be in there to question why I hadn't left yet, especially not mom.
Being as quiet and quick as I could, packing my lunch and dashing off immediately, grabbing my keys from the bowel and sneaking off.
Gettign in the car I threw my stuff in the passenger seat and checked my phone for the time and any important notifications.
The time read as 9, first period began at 8:50. I was officially counted absent when I was deciding on water or tea as my drink of choice for the day I thought.
Being absent wasn’t good but math class was soooo boring, I was thankful it was my senior year because there was no way I could fight another year doing high school math.
I answered a few of my messages most of them being from my best friend Jade on different platforms.
She had sent me at least 30 tik toks, 5 instagram memes and 9 messages about random stuff.
Replying to the message and telling her about how I woke up late she laughed about it and pointed out how I hated math anyways and I should just pick up a nice sweet treat cause I was already late.
I would have picked up something for her too but she already graduated last year and was off to Metropolis University getting her degree in computer engineering.
Next you I would be doing the same for anthropology so I didn’t let the distance bother me bc soon we would be seeing each other everyday annoying the living shit out one another. I smile at that.
So instead I just sent her some money to get something nice for breakfast, picked a song from my ongoing playlist and began heading to my local smallville coffee shop.
Getting a large motcha and danish i sorrowfully started heading for school.
Pulling in the student parking lot I happened across another late student. When I saw them I honked my horn lightly and waved for them to come over.
“doesn’t your mom hate when you're late y/n (nick name)?”
“Doesn’t your coach hate when your late Jacob?” I copied the tone of the football player while I open the car door.
“Touché, why you late tho ?” Jacob said, grabbing my drink out of my hand, I made him hold the rest of my stuff as we walked in the building cause his greedy ass was gulping down my drink like I had gotten it specifically for him.
“slept in by accident, stayed up trying to read the last of Macbeth cause I kept putting it off, what had you late?” Gesturing for my drink back I open the doors for us but he just grabs the door and waits until I walk in.
“Went to the lake with a few of the boys”
“How late could it have been that it had you sleeping in '' we were halfway to the attendance desk now.
“3 in the morning 🤥”
“Yall have terrible time management skills, I just want you to know that”
“At least I finished the class reading on time” he said with a grin.
“Name one thing that happened in the second act, quickly” I said side eyeing him
“Macbeth , he, he ummm”
“times out” now I’m the one grinning
“If you know everything then name something miss know it all”
“Lady Macduff and her sons gets killed cause Macbeth went crazy, boom and under 10 seconds'' he rolled his eyes at me dramatically causing me to laugh.
There were a few ppl in front of us in the late line so we continued talking about random things until we both got our late notes.
“Your going to art now right, lemme walk you my next period we get a longer passing period then yall”
“You work in the library during this period right ? What do you even do in there? "The art class wasn’t that far off from the office so I wasn’t in a rush either.
“Mostly just put the books away n once we’re done with that it’s basically a free period”
The conversation continued on random classes and such till we came to my class and Jacob handed me back my stuff. We said our goodbyes and I entered the art room, it looked like I was one of the first ppl there other than Mrs.Ruth the teacher.
A lovely woman, very bright and passionate about her craft.
Taking my seat I chat with her and as more students fill and get situated.
Mrs.Ruth said we were waiting on something b4 we started our assignment today, I didn’t think much of it and continued yapping about with my classmates and friends.
Another one of my best friends came to class, taking her seat behind my table. We started talking about what could be holding up the class today.
“Wonder what the hold up is. Maybe we’re getting a Halloween party, what do you think Rose ?” I say trying to think of what it could be
“Mmm prolly not we’re so busy with our projects, maybe something about another art comp”
Our conversation naturally fizzes out as we both start getting our normal art stuff out for the class.
It was maybe the length of a weekend song (famously long asl) when the door opened.
We were in October now so never would I have thought she meant a new student.
Another thing that shocked me was who it was.
I immediately turn my head to look at Rose and she’s already looking at me, giving me a knowing smile.
You know how when a new person comes and you always hope they’re cute to give you something to look at, that was him but this was even more exciting because of who it was.
Because he wasn’t new new, I had just never had any classes with him up until now. But trust me and my girls were more than well acquainted with who he was.
Because my brother was a football player I got to know tons of the players and even became good friends with some of them.
So I would see him all the time, but we would only really talk in passing. The thing was though me and the girls had this one going minor local celebrity crush on him and we would talk about him all the time, not only was he such a gentleman (plus) he was also unearthly pretty (big plus)
Cause who doesn’t love a good pretty man. Like how could we not talk about him, with all due respect and regard for his personhood ofc…
And here he stood now in our class.
Just from Roses face alone I knew the girls were gonna love this, lunch was going to be so exciting today ‼️.
I didn’t want to keep staring the boy down so I tore my eyes off him for Miss Ruth who was explaining what was going on.
“Okay class as you can see we have a new class mate today, Clark Kent” she said motioning him over to her.
“Clark was in art four, but me and his old art teacher talked and thought it would be best for him to join us in ap art, please class if he needs any help adjusting give him a hand and be nice.” She says giving the class a once over, our class wasn’t bad but we could definitely be asswholes, and it was clear she was trying to get us to be nice on his first day.
She turned to him now and explained a few things before telling him to pick a seat anywhere.
As he looked around the class he spotted me and seen where I was sitting, heading over he waved. At first I rationalized it, ofc he would sit with me I was probably the only person he knew in the class fr. But I doubted he even remembered my name fr.
Well I was wrong, but I was happy about that.
“I didn’t know you were in this class! Is it okay if I sit with you ?” He said so politely,
lord this was going to be a long year if I had to sit next to someone so beautiful.
I know Rose was finding this all very entertaining right now for sure.
I had to remind myself he asked me a question cause I was staring yet again. Up close I could see that his blue eyes had specs of green but I digress.
“Ofc Clark” I smile trying not to look too much like I indeed did have a massive crush on him.
He settles in and all I can think bout is how close we are sitting to each other.
I mean he was a football player so ofc he was huge, but Clark was pretty big even for a football player. He was touching above 6 feet at this point. Even though he was huge he still remained a respectable distance and didn’t manspread trying not to take up any space.
How nice, then again that was the bare minimum and I reminded myself to pay attention, I probably wasn’t even his type anyways.
“Today we will be starting a new unit, so pair up because you’re gonna need a partner.” Miss Ruth said as she gathered the lesson plans and her notes on it.
I look over at Clark and he’s already looking at me with a small smile with his eyebrows raised a little. How he didn’t have a gf right now was a marvel I thought.
“Partners ?” He said, returning his small smile in tandem.
“Partners” I whispered back enthusiastically.
I take my phone out and send Rose a quick text saying we also are gonna be partners.
She just sends back a reaction meme of someone smiling.
Putting my phone away again I look at Clark again x
It was almost like the sun was in love with him I thought.
the way it shown on him, living art, I wasn’t much of a romantic but I wasn’t blind to the way he was making me feel.
But I ignored it, talking about attractive people and being delusional over them was one thing but actually putting myself out there was a whole other thing. Most days I was just content with being friends with people I had crushes on and that was exactly what I was gonna do with Clark.
Just friends.
To get myself to stop thinking about him I remember that I still had my cheese danish from the coffee shop. As I get it out I tear it in half and tap Clark. I don’t say anything, I just hand it to him with a napkin. When he realizes what I’m doing he mouths a thank you with a giant smile.
He must like sweet just as much as i did.
Miss Ruth finished explaining what the class would be doing for our next project.
We were tasked with creating a sort of art year book with our partners. We would be capturing moments and artwork and putting together two books. And the books had to be huge at least 2 feet in hight.
She handed out the rubric, and showed some videos and examples, but for the most part the rest of the class period was left to us to brainstorm and get a feel of the project and get the ball rolling.
Which meant I would be talking with Clark more.
I was being to hope that he was secretly a dick and he would kill my crush with his actions.
Turning my whole body to face Clark now, the art room was big so the tables were too, meaning there was a lotta space in between us technically,
but it felt like I was breathing down his neck.
He turned too, but once again I could tell he was making sure to give me my space
how kind,
a symphony of screaming began playing in my head as I thought about how stupid I must look to him.
Pushing it down instead I began thinking of our project, that I could do with ease. Art was my thing and not even an unearthly sweet and cute guy was going to change that.
“So far honestly it don’t look to daunting, which is nice, it’s more a time and dedication thing. Very tedious but I’m excited lowkey. I always loved the idea of making my own yearbook” digging through my backpack I bring out my class sketchbook and flip to a free page. Grabbing a random pen from onna the pockets on the side of my backpack I write “ Clark and y/ns year book project”
“So whatcha thinking ? Any ideas of things you really wanna have in here ?” I know sometimes I tend to talk a lot and I didn’t want him to feel like his thoughts weren’t important.
“I’m actually in photography and journalism class, so I think maybe we can use some of my skills from there too”
“Dude that’s so cool Clark !Do you write for the school paper ?!” Ofc he’s arty, the screaming in my head pitched up an octave.
“Sadly no, football takes up a lotta my time but they do let me help, I’m best friends with the editor, Chloe. And if I have the spare times sometimes every blue moon she’ll let me run a story. I do take some of the photos tho, cause “I’m in the field and get a closer perspective,” Chloe says.”
“We’ll definitely find a way to incorporate that, I don’t have any fancy cameras like the ones the school does but I am an instant and digital camera collector. So you can use mine if you’d want to as well” This was good, I always loved photography but a lot about it confused me and here Clark comes filling in that blank.
“May I?” Clark gestures to the pen, as I hand it to him for a moment his hands cover mine and I can feel my face going red so I get up abruptly which startled him a bit.
“I just remembered you don’t have any of the standard Ap supplies, lemme go ask Miss Ruth for you. You can just write your ideas and stuff down while I go get it. You can also look through my sketch book I don’t mind” I was ready to speed away from him when I heard Clark call my name. I turn n look and he has a very sincere look on his face.
“I just wanted to say thank you y/n, you’ve been really nice to me when you could have picked someone else to be your partner. Thank you”
He smiled but it looked a little sad, like he was thinking of something else.
“What are friends for” I say half smiling, I wondered what could have given him that far away look.
Going off I got all the stuff he needed for the class and came back to my set, it took only about 5 minutes, about as long as a rock song I thought.
Handing it to him I explain what everything is and get a permanent marker so he can label his name on everything .
For the next 40 minutes we sat there drafting up ideas and thoughts.
The conversation came easily and when Mrs Ruth reminded us as she always does that we were at the half way mark of the class, we began really planning out what we wanted to do.
First we looked at the due date which was in 3 months in January after Christmas break.
Each book needs to have at least 16 pages not counting back and front. With that we calculated how many pages a week needed to be done and began planning the little things.
By the time we got done most of the planning the period was soon to be over.
Getting up to stretch I started thinking bout lunch.
I wonder who Clark ate lunch with, the football boys? He’s own friends ? By himself?
“Clark which lunch do you have ?”
“B lunch why?” He says while he packs his things up.
“Just curious. Oh hey actually can I borrow your phone real quick” I say as I too begin putting my stuff away.
He hands my his phone unlocked, interesting that he didn’t ask why I needed it I thought.
“Since where most likely gonna have to work outside of school we should have each others phone numbers and stuff. And honestly all the years I’ve known you it’s crazy I don’t have it yet”
“Not really on my phone too much, being on the farm all day the WiFi’s awful so I’ve never really used it much. I always forget I have it” he was now standing in front of me and I had to look up a bit to see into his eyes.
If I was a little less stubborn one might call it butterflies but I just gonna chalk it up to me being hungry.
“Hey smile for me for a sec Clark” and ofc the sweet boy that he was he did.
I took a pic showing it to him then made it his icon on my phone and texted him a pic I took this morning of the clouds saying it’s y/n.
“Okay you have my number now, I’ll text you later bout some ideas I have for our year books”
“Wait you didn’t put an icon in my phone” he said pointing to the blank one on his phone.
“Didn’t think you would want one” I say with a small shrug.
“Well I do, smile y/n please” I put my stuff down and smile making a heart with my hands.
He begins smiling ever so slightly as he makes it the new icon. Now I think the photo must look crazy cause what was he smiling for
“I demand tew see the awful photo you just took” I say moving to be right next to him.
He tries to hide it from me but I just grab his hand and take the phone with my other, we’re both laughing now.
When I finally see the photo it just looks like a normal photo of me smiling and I wonder if he was just doing that to trick me.
Giving the phone back I noticed he had a red case.
I begin to think about the little details that he has all about him.
It was barely visible but I could see the glint of a small chain around his neck, it was silver but that's all I could tell about it.
That was the only other jewelry he had other than a Rolex that was also covered by the flannel he was wearing, the Rolex was silver too. It looked at least 20 years old.
A family heirloom I thought. He wore weathered jeans with well loved sports Nikes. His style, although simple, appeared very thought about.
Checking my phone I see we only have 5 minutes left of class, I kinda got sad because now I won’t be able to talk with Clark anymore.
But then again art ending means I can go eat lunch and talk to my friends about all these new developments
I looked over at Clark, he was right about not being on his phone, as the class waited for the bell to ring he was doodling in his sketchbook what looked like a man holding a camera.
Being the D1 yapper that I was, I think of a random question to ask him.
“What type of music do you listen to, Clark ?”
He looks up at me closing the sketchbook and thinks for a moment.
“A lot of people are kind of surprised to hear this but I do enjoy a lot of rnb actually”
“I can def see why” you laff a bit at the idea of him on Stan Twitter arguing about album sales and whose a better performer
“Who’s onna your fav artist?”
“Steve lacy is a favorite of mine I really like his song mercury”
“He’s a good artist, his song infrumai was good and ofc dark red”
“Dark red’s a classic. I also listen to a lot of rock, like Jimi Hendrix, radio head, and Rick James”
“Where do you listen to music on, I wanna follow you”
“Spotify mostly” Clark fidgets with his phone then hands me the device with his Spotify pulled up.
It was becoming very clear he wasn’t a phone guy at all, he even looked a bit confused when I said I would follow him on Spotify. I followed him on my phone then accepted his request on his phone.
He didn’t have any other followers than me, I noted.
Just when I was bout to say something else the bell rang so I handed his phone back.
Looking around for Rose I couldn’t find her, she must’ve darted off to hear her lunch. She always had something to warm up.
“What’s your next class? Maybe I can walk you?”
“Photography near the cafe, what’s yours?”
“This is my lunch period, so I can definitely walk you”
We began walking out of the class and I said my goodbye to Miss Ruth.
“Good thing where I eat lunch is on the way, so I can ask you more random ass questions. did your schedule change much for the switch to ap?” Walking and talking to him like we were good friends was nice.
I looked at him as we walked,
I wondered if he knew how polarizing he was. Could he feel it like I could ?
The conversation continued on his schedule change, until we reached the table where I sat.
Ofc the only person there at the moment was Rose trying to conceal a sly smile.
She immediately looks between me and Clark walking up to the table raising an eyebrow at how close we were.
Our eyes alone were having a very excited conversation about the presence of Clark Kent while he was none the wiser.
Where we had lunch was in a nook of the school with some tables and a decent window that looked out onto thin woods that basically surrounded the school.
The two tables that were in the corner had long since been riddled with stickers and ppls graffiti, the table had treated me well since my freshman year when our little group began sitting there.
There wasn’t much in the little area other than the two tables and its accompanying chairs.
The school had a lot of areas like that, little nooks for ppl to sit and get work done. But the main cafe wasn’t far from where we sat, maybe a classrooms distance separated my little area from the rest of the cafeteria and I could definitely still hear everything going on in the lunchroom.
The doors that connect the two areas always open and ppl constantly drifting in and out. By no means was it a still space.
Setting my backpack down, I introduce the two.
“Rose this is Clark, I'm sure you heard Miss Ruth introducing him to the class” Rose just silently smiled at me, going her best to act like she didn’t already know basically everything about him.
I could literally see all the questions she had formed ready to burst out.
“Clark, this is Rose onna my best friends. She sat behind use in art”
“Hi rose, nice to meet you” Clark gave her a little smile and wave. Rose returned it.
“Well this has been fun, Rose I’ll be right back I’m gonna walk Clark to class it’s only down the hall.”
“Kk I’m gonna go grab my pizza from the microwave” I was right about her needing to warm something up, and we all parted ways.
As we walked a few people said hi to Clark, dapping him up in passing and they exchanged friendly remarks. It was endearing to see him interacting with other people.
As we walked to his next period I kept asking questions about the class.
“What are y’all working on right now?”I said fidgeting about with my hands trying to make the normal amount of eye count without staring too much or looking away for too long.
“Right now we’re taking pictures of interesting things around the school and putting it in a newspaper model. It’s pretty fun, the teacher wants us to make our model first though. So he’s giving us all of today to get that done.”
“That’s perfect for you too cause your whole journaling thing, I def would like to see your assignment when you're done it sounds fun.”
“I can show it to you maybe this weekend? We gotta work on our assignment too…” he said slowing down
“This is my class right here.” He gestured to the sign about the classroom that said Journalism and photography class.
The door was open so I could see a glimpse inside. It looked like a standard computer room, there was a big cabinet at the back end of the classroom. I imagined that’s where they must keep all the cameras.
“Wait, I forgot we had to work during the weekends, lawd, would you prefer my house or yours ?”
“Mine is fine, the barn has a nice area to work and you can see the farm”
“Great, we can text more bout the details later” We were now both standing next to the door as students passed by
“ ight been fun but my stomach is beginning to kick” I say playfully, I was just about to walk off when Clark began speaking again.
“Thank you y/n” I was looking into his eyes now.
“For?” All I did was walk him to class, what could he be thanking me for.
“I know we didn’t know each other that well but even so you made sure to help me. You even walked me to my class. I just want you to know I appreciate it a lot. "It took everything in me to keep eye contact with him as he said nice things about me but I knew this was onna those moment where I had to.
In the back of my head I wondered if he was just being nice or someone had made him feel like he was a burden.
Being from the south I was very familiar with southern charm but the way Clark acted was so much more emotional, southerners were nice sure but it really felt like he truly cared .
Not that I didn’t like it but it took me by surprise a bit.
“You make me sound so nice, Clark. And besides I couldn’t just let you struggle by yourself.” A quick moment passes where it’s just him and I looking at each other.
Feeling awkward I quickly fill in the break in conversation.
“Ight, I’ve held you up enough. Get to class young man” I say lightly
Laffing a bit he says his goodbyes and headed into class.
I watched just for a moment until he fully entered the classroom before I made my way back to my lunch spot.
Lawdddd these girlies were gonna love hearing about this. I could already feel the fan girl giggling we all would let out about these little details.
Walking over to the table I began replaying everything in my head.
I was secure in who I was, but Clark seems on a whole other level. I also knew Pete so I heard bout Clark’s massive crush on Lana all the time. And she was everything.
Kind, smart, opinionated, beautiful, and hilarious. I even lowkey had a crush on Lana to hell. She was onna the first friends I made when I moved to Smallville. Whitney may have been her boyfriend but just by the way they looked at each other I could tell deep down Lana liked Clark too.
It’s crazy how a moment of overthinking and something that you were excited for turns sour.
I try to justify my bad thoughts, ofc Clark wouldn’t like me. I mean do I even like Clark ? He’s not even all that.
Clark didn’t do anything.
Lana didn’t do anything.
I didn’t do anything.
Being mean to myself and attacking them only made me feel awful.
A quick fix from being an asswhole to ppl who didn’t do anything wasn’t gonna get me far or make me feel better.
All these thoughts just cause I had a small,
Small crush on someone lord save me.
I can stop this, Clark is nice, and being his friend would make me happier than anything else.
Just friends, no crush.
That’s enough.
The walk back only took about 3 minutes I thought. Taking a deep inhale in and out,
I am calm and I will not let a crush drive me crazy not again.
Turning the corner I could see Rose was seated talking with our friend Devan.
Walking up I didn’t even get a word in before Devan started asking questions, I respected her speed.
“Did he smell nice? How do you feel? Class together?!!! You walked him to class ???? Rose told me you got his freaking number ??? Like helloooo.!! Y/n cmon don’t hold out” devan said practically buzzing.
It was like talking to the girls no matter how unserious we were being always made me feel better.
“He smelt amazing, think woody with notes of vanilla, I feel pretty normal actually, he switched from his old class into mine. So we’ll be having class together for the rest of the year. He walked me to the lunch table, then I walked him to class. He was just being friendly guys trust” sitting down I let out a little sign at the last part, of course for no reason in particular.
“Friendly” Rose said looking at Devan
“Friendly” Devan said looking at Rose.
“Friendly” they now both said looking at me.
I was beginning to hate that word.
“We’re gonna work on the yearbook project together. Also have y’all finished applying to the colleges you want. I’m almost done, just gotta write my essay. I wanna have it all done as soon as possible, with all respect due I’m not tryna stay in Smallville any longer then I have too”
“Pause rewind, I wanted us to be partners for that. I know you said you’d still work with me but I don’t want you to be doing all the y/n (nick name). Immediately no longer team Clark, he needa back up a bit stealing my wife” Rose said while picking all the pepperonis off her pizza for Devan.
“We can still work together trust, it’s just I don’t wanna leave him out in the cold. He just got in there and doesn’t really know anyone in class. Besides, it's not like the project needs to be done in a day, I can multitask beloved.” To keep the narcissism at a low level, I try not to think about it all the time, but to say I was more than okay at art was putting it nicely.
Art was my shit, my sauce, my thing.
So it wasn’t like doing both projects would be the end of the world for me, and I was not bout to leave my friend hanging just cause Clark was there now.
Opening my lunch box I almost shed a tear at what was packed. My Ma had recently given me the recipe to her famous rice and beans, and I had finally braved up to trying it out myself. It was ofc not as good as hers, Gordon Ramsey couldn’t make better rice and beans than my ma. Nonetheless it was close, and compared to the mid oatmeal’s I had been packing for lunch this was Michelin Star in my eyes.
I went silent for a moment there just absolutely fucking it up. I was so entranced by my food that I started doing a little jig. Small things like this made thinking about your not-crush seem so stupid.
Like who cares about Clark Kent there’s Rice and Beans in this world ‼️
The girls and I continued on about the upcoming school project as I reserved myself to my food, giving small comments here and there. I was a quick eater so it wasn’t long before I rejoined the conversation as a full member.
“Hey did yall read the new article from the torch? Apparently there’s been a string of students falling into comas after they started seeing these weird creatures. Chloe’s writing is riveting per usual. This time though she mentioned it in connection with that particle explosion in Central City. She thinks there’s a connection between our so called “special space rocks'' and all those weird things happening in the city.” Devon was mid-bite of what looked to be a pretty good looking sandwich when she began talking bout our local school newspaper, The Torch.
“Oh I was reading bout that, well I was reading bout the streak and they mention the particle accelerator explosion, the writer thought there might be a connection between the two.” Rose said, checking her phone.
“We have 10 more minutes of lunch, I’m dreading math. I heard Miss Anhook was giving out quizzes today”
“Ohhhh don’t say that, I alr hate thinking about the class when I’m actually in there. I don't wanna ruin my lunch with such thoughts” I said rubbing the sides of my temples, math was truly made by some evil spirit.
Eating more of my rice and beans the conversation digressed back to The Torch.
“What do you think has all these students in a coma ?” I asked separating the rest of my food into 4 perfect bites.
“I heard that all the first few got sick after going to the last football game, and ppl think it spread from there” Devan remarked
“Y/n didn’t you go to the last game ? Did you see anything weird ?” Rose said curiously.
She was right but I couldn't recall anything being abnormal about that night. I was just about to tell her I didn’t see anything when I remembered leaving the game, usually I would park pretty close to the football field but Jade and I got there later cause we couldn’t find our Digital cameras and we really wanted to get cute pictures that night since we finally got to see each other in person after so long because she was now in Metropolis. By the time we got there the parking lot was beyond full so we opted for parking a little walk out.
When the game ended and we were walking back to the car Jade had pointed out a small group of ppl doing something strange, but it was so dark and neither of us could make out anything for real so we just continued on back to the car.
Jade swore she saw a green light coming from the group when we talked about the game over at the local burger place everyone went to after games.
But we both abandoned the conversation after more and more of our friends packed in and everyone began talking to each other about plans for after the food.
I recap the night to the girls “ definitely weird but I don’t know if I would say it’s connected to the sleeping students”
The conversation continues but with no real evidence or sources we naturally move onto something else and before long the lunch’s bells rang it was time for the next period.
The rest of the day goes by pretty uneventful until last period when a student was found near the football field passed out like the others. Keeping us in a hold so no one was in the halls while the student was driven to the hospital
This would be the 6th student affected and all of them somehow connected to the football team.
Maybe I could ask Clark about it… it would give me an excuse to text him…
Taking out my phone and going to messages and finding his contact. Ig in all the commotion of the day I didn’t notice that he had actually texted.
It was a photo of the assignment he was doing in photography. Under the photo Clark left a little message.
“The newspaper template I made, not as cool as I woulda hope but I figured you would like to see it 🙂”
Even his emojis were cute.
This was so frustrating.
Liking both messages I thought about what I should say.
After a few moments of coming up with nothing I take a screenshot of the message and send it to Jade.
“What should I say ?”
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lookingforlia · 2 years
Best friend Oikawa x reader
Sleepover with Oikawa
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- you guys had a bunch of things on your bucket list to do together . Your sleepover being one of those . So you decided to finally have that sleepover you guys have been wanting to do for ages .
- it's Oikawa's house
- his room isn't too big or decorated , it's pretty avarage and a little bit messy with his books laying around.
- has a bunch of books on volleyball and an unhealthy amount of romance manga .
- you get the snacks , and he cooks the dinner.
-only healthy balanced meals are acceptable.
-high-key cooks well .
- comes home late cause he stays back practicing volleyball.
- you guys eat together as you watch a TV show .
- he enjoys TV shows more than movies .
- juges the carecters the whole time just to annoy you.
- sleepover , more like you lowkey having to babysit him.
-before sleep time gives you a lecture if you don't have a proper skincare routine.
-What a disgrace for his friend because he takes care of his skin and has good ass hygine. "Don't call me your friend with that crusty ass skin ."
- tells you you're ugly for no reason.
- you guys end up doing a face masks
- you guys have deep talks about how you feel about the people around you guys .
- would talk about how Iwaizuni nags him all the time but he still feels like he needs Iwa-chan in his life.
- also might open up about how he feels threatened by kageyama and is afraid of falling behind .
- trusts you enough to be vulnerable .
- if you slip out anything about yourself like , your ex . He would straight up call your ex ugly .
- " Are you for real ? He literally looks like Sid from ice age ."
*Loud laughter intestifies in the middle of the night .*
"But for real , you're pretty , why did you fall for this . . . . Whatever this is . I knew your taste in men is bad , but you really exceed my expectations . Atleast fall for personalities if youre bad at picking for looks. "
- that hurt oikawa-chan .
- makes you sleep on the floor because he ain't giving anyone his bed.
- but you guys only get more and more energetic and end up watching the entire season on that TV show .
- observes all the carecter personalities , and actually is pretty accurate .
- catches you cry at the sad parts and makes fun of you .
- you need to hit him for him to shut tf up
- pillow fight .
- he accidentally tears his pillows and now you're left with a ringing tv and feathers and cotton flying around in the room that none of you are going to agree to clean up.
- snorts in laughter when you have to pick out feathers from your hair and mouth.
- rock , paper, scissors , whomever looses cleans this up .
-looses but then fakecries to convince you into helping him clean up .
- dramatic piece of shit
- "we should probably sleep ."
"No we shouldn't , it's 7 am ."
- you know Iwa chan is gonna scold you right ?
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fluffomatic · 2 years
Spectra Phantom Tickle Headcanons
Am I the only person who cares about this, 1000%. Am I going to do it anyway? Absolutely.
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1. Lee, he's such a dang LEE. Like, 80% lee, 20% ler. BIG OL LEE
2. The only people who he'd actually tickle would be Gus (obviously) and his sister Mira. He definitely tickles Dan, too. Even as they're still enemies.
3. But okay, EVERYONE TICKLES HIM. Like, mostly Gus cause they're always together but everyone gets in on the action. Mira let's it slip that he's crazy ticklish and it's all down hill afterwards.
4. Mostly it's Gus, Mira and Dan tickling him cause they get the biggest kick outta it. Dan definitely tickles him before he even joins the group cause he finds it funny! There's that one episode where Spectra is lowkey forced to help the brawlers and high key, Spectra is tickled constantly then in my headcanon. Cause of course he does something evil and egotistical so the others have to teach him a lesson! Gus initially goes to stop the brawlers but once he realized they were just tickling him, yea buddy just watched~
5. Dan and Spectra definitely have this big brother, little brother relationship, even before they join sides. Like, Spectra just wants to prove he's better and Dan is being annoying back. So, what I'm saying here is, they get in tickle fights constantly! Spectra rarely wins, but he puts up a hell of a fight, just to try to prove his superiority.
6. Now him and Gus however~ 😏 Oh it's obvious from the start they like each other! I feel like Spectra is more subtle but yeah, you can tell he's head over heels for Gus. So when Gus finds out his Master is ticklish?? He just fuckin MELTS. Like, could this man get cuter??? Then he tickles him and hears his laughter, his real, not maniacal laughter, and just falls further. And poor, poor Spectra, cannot find it in himself to fight him cause 1, of course he likes it and 2, Gus is playfully touching him???? Poor Gay boy can't cope and just let's it happen.
7. He definitely prefers lighter softer tickles. Ones that get him all giggles and make his stomach flutter. He's a real hard edge, angsty, tough dude, so anything to break down that exterior and make him soft? He just can't help but love it. (This also includes hugs, cuddles, somft kisses, sweet nothings, etc)
8. Just cause he prefers the lighter tickles doesn't mean he doesn't like getting destroyed as well! He likes being pushed to his limits to see what he can take but he also likes letting go and losing control (in a tickling sense not like, for real, he likes being in control of situations but he likes being pushed out if his comfort zone is what I mean)
9. He's kind of ticklish like, all over but most spots only get him giggling. He has 3 really REALLY bad spots! That being his ribs, knees and, his worst spot, his thighs!!
10. He is also feather sensitive which is a dangerous thing considering his coat covered in feathers. Luckily his hair protects his neck and ears, plus he's not crazy ticklish there, but if you were to use them on one of his bad spots? Ruined. Soft fluffy tickles? He dead
11. He may prefer soft tickles himself but he absolutely loves destroying others! Of Spectra decides to tickle someone, they better start planning their funeral. He can dish it OUT! He will lose a tickle fight 99% of the time but he will make the other person suffer the whole time! He's a mean mean ler!
12. When he and Gus actually start being affectionate with each other, they absolutely do sleepy tickly cuddles all the time! It's mostly Spectra on the receiving end cause duh, soft sleepy tickles, but if Gus has a rough day he returns the favor!
13. He definitely has a hard time sitting still when he's tickled, kicks his legs, swings his arms around, bucks his hips, and just straight up squirms and thrashing around wildly. He cannot help it! His body just can't handle them tickles!!
14. He actually prefers being restrained while he's being tickled! Just so he can get tickled without accidentally hurting someone and ending the tickling prematurely. He's definitely kicked Dan mid tickle fight!
15. Once you have him down, you've won. He's a strong cookie but he loses all his strength when he's tickled, especially if it's soft cause he just melts.
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Normally this is when I ask you guys if you have any more you wanna add then share em but uuuuh I think I only know 2 other people who actually know about Bakugan and are in the Tickle Community soo, this is just for me! 🤣🤣
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alarrytale · 8 months
I agree with you about Harry having an overexposure problem, but I think his team and him are working well right now in trying to solve it by keeping him away from the public eye for a while.
He was most definitly really overexposed in the end of 2022/begning of 2023 and it was a good move for him to mostly desapear after tour and having a really lowkey stunt. I have already seen a couple of accounts on twitter from people who are not in the fandom and used to critise everything Harry was doing in 2022/2023 saying they actually love his music and are excited for a new album. So the strategy of going away for a while is most definitly working and it's starting to make people miss him and be more excited of a comeback, which is good.
Hi, anon!
I sort of disagree with you that he's currently away from the public eye. He's being papped and there's an article in the daily mail about once a week or once every second week about him. It's been like that ever since he wrapped his tour. While the current stunt might look like it's low key, it's really, really not. It's low effort, but high exposure. Besides O and TS this has been the third most covered stunt by the tabloids. It just has an illusion of being private and out of the tabloids. It's really not.
If it's true that hs4 is coming in q3 or q4 of this year, i get why he wants the exposure now. That's not really that far off. He can't afford to be out of the limelight when he needs full attention when autumn comes. We'll see if people have had time to really miss him and if people haven't grown tired of him yet when he turns up the exposure a notch or two more. I can only speak for myself, but i'm still extremely stunt tired and disappointed in him for not speaking up against genocide. I'm also tired of him hanging out with morally corrupt people like Corden and it's making him look very hypocritical with the tpwk spiel. I need more time to forget all about it and forgive him. I'd love to not seem him for a while, and by that i mean leave the face of the earth for a year. Take a sabbatical. That's what he made it seem like he was up to after tour. He's obviously been fully at work after tour. So he's still in danger of overexposure from where i see things.
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