shradsmanifestt · 2 months
I feel you, I understand you, IT FEELS SO IMPOSSIBLE, like as if it juts isn't working, it seems pointless all of this affirming, when the 3D is still shit. But you're wrong. You really are. Who told you that you don't have it? The stupid 3D??? Your stupid circumstances??? I mean like why? Why are you putting so much power on that. You already have what you want and that's it. That's all. Don't give up. You're so close, You have no idea. You have no idea how you're winning. It really is done. The minute you decided it was. Trust me on this, just trust me on this. Don't give up. Just don't give up. I know you want this. I know you want it badly. I know if you would persist you could have it, just like that. It really is yours, it was always meant to be yours. You just think it won't work, cause you think that imagination isn't the real reality, because you give more power to your 3D and circumstances .
Why?? If you want it why would you do that to yourself? You shouldn't. I am telling you rn. You are not allowed to give up. I mean c'mon dude you literally know about the LAW OF ASSUMPTION. I mean knowing all this and you're still choosing to live in that life where you're not in control is just stupid. You owe it to yourself. Do you even know how fucking lucky you are to know all of this. I know for sure that a very very less percent of people actually know about manifestation/ manifest consciously. Do you realise howw fucking lucky you have to be to stumble across this. Every single day of my life I see people living their ordinary normal lives, just going with the flow, having little to no control of their lives and their circumstances and not evem realising it. I can literally see why their lives are exactly the way it is and it physically hurts me to know that people who do know about this are struggling. I understand it can be hard but if you persist you'd get it so easily. That's all you gotta do. I mean like really!! Just know it's already done. That is it. It is done. IT IS ALREADY DONE. YOU ALREADY HAVE IT. THE MINUTE YOU DECIDED IT WAS YOURS. AS LONG AS YOU DON'T GO BACK TO THE OLD STORY, NO ONE AND I REPEAT - NO ONE CAN STOP YOUR DESIRE MATERIALISING. THAT'S IT. THAT'S ALL THIS IS ABOUT. YOU HAVE IT AND YOU HAVE IT NOW.
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angelic-loveerr · 1 year
I love these little circles
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saydesole · 8 months
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Love Affirmations -Ranasia Shakur
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thecosmicangel · 2 months
How to Manifest an SP easily 💗✨🥀
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First of all choose your sp, so this could be someone you know already, or someone completely new.
Now write a list of everything you want them to be like, be as specific as you want to be. If you want certain physical features then be specific. Be specific about everything from physical features to personality characteristics & be detailed as possible about the type of relationship you want to have with them and how that relationship looks like or even feels like. ( Do this step whether you already know who you want or don’t. If it’s someone you know already just be specific about the type of relationship you have with them & how they treat you/ how you both feel being with each other. Basically you are writing down your perfect ideal relationship & person whether you know them already or if it’s a completely new person. )
Now look at your list and make affirmations based on your list, but if you want to make it short here are some of my go to affirmations.
💗I am in a fully committed loving relationship with _____ ( if you know the name of your person then you can use the name)
💗_______ is completely devoted & committed to me.
💗I am in the perfect relationship with ______ .
💗______ loves me.
💗______loves spending time with me.
💗______ loves talking to me.
💗______loves taking me out on dates.
Now remind your self (affirm) that they have to show up for you exactly as you desire them to be because they have no free will in your reality, they have no choice but to do so.
For the ones manifesting someone from their past or someone who you have been involved with already, it’s important to know that you aren’t not manifesting a change in the person. You are simply selecting the best version of them so you can affirm., I am with the best version of _____, he/she has no choice but to show up for me exactly as a desire them to be because they have no free will in my reality. So forget about the past story with them and start focusing on the new story you want. It’s not manipulation or anything “bad” because they will always show up based on your assumptions. You just have to create new assumptions about them. This is why you will affirm/ visualize or script for what you want.
Don’t focus on timing, it’s going to happen no matter what as long as you assume it will. You don’t need to focus on how , when or where. Just focus on your affirmations or whatever method helps you focus on the new story. What you are really doing is convincing yourself of the new story. It is all up to you how long it takes to happen. My advice would be to not worry or check on time. Remember not to worry about the 3D , because the change has to be within, it has to be in your mindset and how you see that person & relationships. Remember to not give Sp the power, so don’t try to wonder how or when they are going to come in, what they are doing or thinking. Also whatever you assume they are doing is what they are doing so think In your favor. Remind yourself of your power & capability to manifest whatever you want because you are totally capable of manifesting anyone you want. Remain in the new story and feel it real because it is!!!! 💗💗💗
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- xoxo, the cosmic angel ⭐️🪽
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qrettyinpink · 10 months
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( random vaunt bc i’m feeling mahself 😭ᰔ)
i’m the prettiest little thing to ever exist. i am constantly pulling and attracting love confessions every second. each second i get more attractive than the last. i wake up pretty, i fall asleep pretty. my self concept is forever upgrading. my skin is clear, my hair is always looking its best, my side profile is beautiful and ideal, and i have my desired body <3 everyone is always treating me like royalty — with the utmost respect. i don’t chase, i attract. everything is always working in my favor. everyone loves and adores me. i’m a literal angel. everyday my life just gets better and better. my life never has a dull moment for me, i know my future is going to be bright and full of love ♡ i am forever abundant in all areas of life. i am forever aligned with my desires. i am blessed. i always manifest my desires instantaneously because my mindset is impeccable and untouchable. i am extremely lucky, good things are coming to me left and right. the world is my oyster. i’m the girl who has it all. i am in complete and utter control of my reality. what i say, goes. ࿐♡
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stxrrgrll · 3 months
What time should you be
waking up.
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You should really be using the 24 hours you have in a day to your full advantage. What time you should be waking up is completely personal and will differ from others around you but none the less you should not be sleeping in every single day.
{Getting started}
5:00-6:30 should be when you get up to start your day, setting multiple alarms may help with getting you up.
When you wake up you shouldn’t be checking social media or text messages. This is one of the only parts of the day that is best for you-time. Stretch a little bit, drink some ice water and listen or read some daily affirmations. Don’t forget the most important meal of your day, a filling homemade breakfast will be the cherry on top to waking up early, it’ll give you energy and keep you going throughout the day.
{Nobody said it was easy.}
A big change in your daily routine isn’t mean to be easy, it’s meant to help you become a better version of yourself and create the dream girl you are striving to be. Stay strong and believe in yourself.
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axelwolf8109 · 1 year
Here's to the writers who've lost notebooks with their works, word or Google docs that have been deleted, ambition to write, been plagued by writer's block, and all the troubles with writing. I wish everything you've lost or been plagued with is found and clears away. Only good vibes to other artists.
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n3xii · 1 year
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Mental blockages that are hindering you
None of the blockages described here necessarily mean that you can't manifest while having these blockages, this is just a few mental constrictions that may be keeping you from seeing your own potiental and developing a stronger self concept. Choose a perfume from above and go to your pile ♡♡ send suggestions to my inbox for readings if you have ideas!
🍨remember I do tipped readings! Tip here and send a question to my inbox!
🍰pile one
8 of wands reversed and queen of wands
Your mental blockage is that if you don't see immediate movement then you may become discouraged and impatient, you're a firey passionate type of person, you have a way you like things to be done and expect nothing less. You like for things to happen instantly so when you don't see instant movement you may feel bad about it. Though with the queen of wands, I also feel youre self concept is very magnetic and powerful, this has a very witchy, "dark feminine" vibe, I think you guys are really good at manifesting already it's just your blockage around things not happening instantly that trips you up. Remember that if you don't see instant movement that doesn't mean you don't have your desire
🧁pile two
Ace of cups, page of cups reversed
I think your mental blockage is very emotionally driven and subconcious. when an influx of emotions happens you may dwell or spiral, and for some people you may feel like it's hard to dwell on the "right emotions" either way I see you getting overwhelmed and struggling to recapture a sense of inner stability. I also feel there is blockages on a subconcious level that may need to be "flushed" away, listening to subliminals that target cleansing the mind of blockages may help you
🍒pile three
Nine of wands and the star
I feel like this pile struggles to perisist and have faith while dealing with difficult circumstances. Your mental blockages revolve around maintaining persistence and faith during times that are very trying, emotionally and spiritually testing. This is very understandable, it can be hard to maintain your spirit when your current life feels cruel. Reconnecting to what gives you hope and motivation and nurturing that connection can be very healing, for some of you your mental blockage is simply not giving up, you struggle to do something long enough to see results.
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cyber-f4iry · 1 year
Pretty Privilege Affs
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People are always buying things for me
I turn heads because of how pretty I am
I know for a fact I am extremely beautiful
I’m always being spoiled by everyone
Just because of how beautiful I am I get a lot things for free
I know I have the type of beauty that can’t be ignored
People will do anything for me because of my beauty
I easily hypnotize people just from my looks alone
I know my worth and what I deserve
The privilege of being beautiful is what I have
My beauty is just beyond this world
I am perfection
I have confidence in myself
I naturally have the upper hand in life due to my beauty
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blossombambi · 11 days
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1sleepypaendeo · 6 days
I am a master shifter.
I am all I need to shift.
I shift easily.
Shifting is easy for me.
I shift without trying.
I shift all the time.
I am the key to shifting.
I am the method to shifting.
I can shift super easily.
Shifting is the easiest thing in the universe for me.
Even if i have doubt, I shift easily.
Everything I want comes to me.
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marylinasblog · 7 months
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angelic-loveerr · 1 year
☆°•Schools Affirms•°☆
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☆ I'm always so productive , even when things get hard, I can always do good
☆I'm so smart, I'm the star student to my teachers
☆ Things come easy to me when studying, my brain retains information easily
☆ I'm very organized with work, I get it done on time or early
☆ I always get good grades , only As, I only do great in classes
☆ Tests are easy for me , I know all the information I need to know
☆ I'm good at every subject I have , even the teachers like me and want to help me when needed
☆ I have no bad teachers, all my teachers are amazing and helpful
☆ I attract positive people to be my friends , everyone loves me
☆ Everything in school comes easy to me , I understand it and use it when it is needed
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adambja · 2 months
A new success story with the specific person tape
I am so happy when I receive these pls 😭💗
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flcwermimi · 3 months
Hlo everyone so right now my Summer breaks are going on and I've decided to enter the void state because I can and this is my daily routine progress chart though I've decided to share this with you all yesterday but I was unable to post so I am sharing it right now
Ok my routine is simple and right now I am not doing anything in day ( like listening to subliminals or doing robotic affirmation) I am using deep trance hypnosis method which I got to know by @/gorgeouslypink when I came across one her of post she suggested this video and after that when I research a little bit on this topic I get to know that DEEP TRANCE : is altered states that are characterized by profound relaxation and loss of control over the body, as well as a subjective sense of floating or detachment from one's physical self
I kind of found deep trance similar to Void helpful for my brain because it doesn't question around when I am doing this method
So this all for this post right now I will be updating it after doing the method tonight bye luv you all🫶🤍
— 5/07/2024 : okay so update 😭this is hilarious lmao what happened actually is that I thought first I will do some breathing exercises for relaxation & for which I was listening to a video and I didn't knew that my mobile was charge was low on the top of that I fell asleep on my back lol but anyway I when I woke in up the morning I affirm that ' I can enter the void when I want ' I will update tomorrow luv y'all 😌
— 6/07/2024 : y'all probably thought I had give up but no I was in mobile area for few so days so there no internet connection and for update I had change the methods because the voice in hypnosis is too sweet to focus. everytime I found myself wandering in different things. So what I did in next two days was focusing on lucid dreaming
— 7/07/2024 : The whole day I listen to this subliminal ( probably one of the best subliminal I've ever found) while listening to subliminals I affirmed that ' I am always aware when I am dreaming & I lucid dream easily and effortlessly ' I kept doing reality check every hour like biting tounge counting fingers and pinching nose though in the night'I didn't dream😭lmao all I remember was a pitch black so belive I was in void but unaware and I also kept the subliminal on loop so that was the mistake I guess
— 8/07/2024 : Again I did the same routine which I did yesterday but this time I didn't kept the subliminals loop all night instead I started counting while affirming the same affirmation then I fall asleep again when I woke up in the morning I thought it again ended on the same page like yesterday but I was able to recall each and every single details of my dream & I am pretty sure I will Lucid dream tonight will update tomorrow and also I will be making a different post how to shift/tap into void through lucid dream that's all for today luv y'all 🫶🫡
— 9/07/2024 : update so yesterday I did the same routine though I just couldn't sleep on my back because I felt like someone was ripping my scalp out of my skull and I thought I will do that 4-6 hours method for Lucid dream but when alarm woke me up😭💀I was like it's just 4:30 why I am waking up so early?? I forgot what I was doing then fell asleep but anyway each and every step I take I am feeling I am very close to my goal I am very motivated any second you all can get my success story 🤭so hang on lmao will update luv y'all 🤍
— 10/07/2024 : update okay guys I seriously have no idea what happened yesterday's night cause i feel I did have multiple dreams I tired to connect the dot but it doesn't end up anywhere so that's it will update tomorrow 🤍
— 11/07/2024 : i feel like I am having iceberg it's frustrating but okay I didn't follow the routine yesterday cuz I was feeling very low but I will do it again today will update tomorrow 🤍
12/07/2024 : okay okay update I was lucid in my yesterday dream but all of sudden a spider was crawling in my hand💀 an I have Arachnophobia so I just couldn't control the dream and I woke up lmao I will try today not freak out with a spider okay bye will update tomorrow
13/07/2024 : update I just fall asleep normally because I feel I am having burn out so I will took break of three days where I am going for tracking and I will update after that 🤍
14/07/2024 : Break
15/07/2024 : Break
16/07/2024 : Break
17/07/2024 : 😂okay I forgot I was doing void routine but any way will update tomorrow 🤍🫶
18/07/2024 : okay I didn't follow any routine yesterday I did have plenty of works and after doing that I just fell asleep will update tomorrow 🤍
19/07/2024 : okay I didn't did anything different from yesterday I've been busy with the uni addmission process will update tomorrow
20/07/2024 : yesterday I didn't know how but from nowhere I did have alot of symptoms and I was so tired. In my mind I was convienced I am not gonna move but the symptoms were alot I couldn't focus so u gave up will update tomorrow
21/07/2024 : Yesterday I was in sleep paralysis but I heard smthing terrible sound in my earbud it was really terrifying I just can't describe here skskdkshkdsss will update tomorrow 🤍😐
22/07/2024 : I went for bonfire so i didn't did anything after that will update tomorrow
23/07/2024: 😭 seriously I forgot to update
24/07/2024 : Either I am dreaming about spider or someone chasing me with something axe on their hand yesterday I was lucid but I got freak and woke up will update tomorrow
25/07/2024 : 😭 update yesterday I was in hypnagogia state i also had that floating sensation ok ok will update tomorrow skskskssfkss
26/07/2024 : pulled allnight so didn't did anything will update tomorrow
27/07/2024 :
28/07/2024 :
29/07/2024 : hey y'all sorry I haven't updated it two days cause I've been sick it's some kind flu spreading in our area and I don't feel doing the routine so I will update when I get better and yes I will answer your DM thankyou 🤍
- sorry if there are errors I am improving my English
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qrettyinpink · 2 months
may my ass grow fatter with each joke I make, and may my bank account grow with each breath I take.
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