#African exploitation
alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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dgtcreative2024 · 5 months
The Ones Who Claimed Africa's Whole Gold Inventory
At any point might you at some point comprehend that Elon, musk, Jeff, Bezos or Bernard Arnold are only walking around the domain of the rich? In no way, shape or form these refined men have shot themselves to an unbelievable status, standing side by side with the titans of abundance all through the chronicles of history. Presently, how about we set out on a fascinating excursion to investigate and reveal the tales of the genuine heavyweights. Who've made a permanent imprint on the abundance scene across hundreds of years, John d Rockefeller. While diving into the records of history's most affluent people, we unavoidably experience faces that become the stuff of dreams for scheme, scholars around the world, john d Rockefeller is exactly one such figure.
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readyforevolution · 7 months
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The Paradigm of Capitalism (Legalized Exploitation)
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blackbrownfamily · 1 month
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starredforlife · 2 months
So are we emailing Kamala only about Palestine and are the atrocities still happening in Ukraine already old news?
And dont even get me started about current affairs in Bangladesh and several African countries.
bruh this is such a weird message you’re like this tweet
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like are you trying to score vindictive moral brownie points or smthn. These are also things people should research and care abt, of course. The reason advocating for Palestine is so pressing to rally around is because we, unlike with Ukraine!!!, are actively funding, arming, and participating in its current destruction and in the killing of thousands and THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE
“Don’t even get me started…”. Bro what are you fucking doing on my tumblr blog mad at me abt this shit. You sound like a stern parent. Go make some noise in the president’s inbox if you actually care about these issues. Do you think I’m fucking Taylor Swift??? It’s a miracle the post I made even gained traction lmfao that was luck of the draw + thanks to a few mutuals I have that have wider audiences.
This reeks of “person who gets told what to do by social media” lmfao like I am literally not stopping you. You don’t need a green light from a random tumblr user to advocate for things you care about. Don’t make me god in your head and then get mad at me when I don’t make up commandments for you??
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workersolidarity · 1 year
Modern Pirates of the African Coast
"Okay, what do you do with this money?"
"The money? I use to buy ammunition and speed boats, and the rest to take care of our families. Because we do our jobs. That is why we are doing this dirty job."
"You come to exploit here and don't want to employ me. That is why, that is the major reason why we are doing this. You don't want to employ us and you are exploiting from us."
I find this very sad. These people have ZERO prospects for their future from the moment they were born. Their country has been used, abused and had the wealth sucked out of it over the last 4 centuries, continues to be exploited to the extreme and they grow up in harder circumstances than Westerners could ever fathom. They take from this a lesson: their lives are meaningless to the powers-that-be and if they want any shot at wealth or security, then they must fight to the death to take it.
Is it really surprising then that some of these men with no future and no security turn to kidnapping, smuggling and extortion to give their lives some meaning?
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will-pilled · 7 months
"Who cares what happens to middle easterners there is always something going on there anyways" oh so you're just extremely evil aren't you?
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tariah23 · 7 months
I hope that girl gets out safe somehow… My god.
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book51ut · 2 months
Review of Decolonial Marxism by Walter Rodney
A wonderfully modern revolutionary read. I think the main problem that most of the people i know see with communism is that it was supported by a bunch of stuffy old european men in a time before many of us had rights- rights that the communists barely addressed, if they did at all. Their words don’t squarely fit into our 21st century American perspective. Rodney points out that they don’t need to. The idea that marxism and communism are white western european ideologies are simply false unless you want them to be true, if that makes sense. Places that have adopted Marxism in some form, many of which were not white at all, took the theory and adapted it to their cultural and historical contexts. Of course Marx doesn’t make sense in 21st century USA: it was never meant to. That doesn’t mean that it can’t be taken and adapted to our needs. Saying Marx doesn’t work for us is the easy way out. The hard task we have is to implement a communist reality within the American historical context. That’s certainly not easy, but also not impossible.
Another thing that really stood out to me was Rodney’s strong criticism of “riding the line” He used the example of Senegal under Leopold Senghor - a man that decided the economy into three sectors (foreign, joint ownership, and a fully publicly owned sector). This is not communism and cannot even approximate communism because it still operates within and benefits from the white supremacist heteronormative ableist capitalist system. While when we try to play the world game, we do exactly what we are trying to avoid. To build something that genuinely functions as a communist society, we need to move past any dependence on capitalism in any form. In order to decolonize our societies, we need to move past any dependence on capitalism in any form.
I’ve had a realization similar in my own journey with theory which is as ive become more political i’ve given less of a shit about party politics. The movement is really happening on the ground in community building and what we are doing for each other. It’s also about making this theory more accessible (another criticism of Marx and stuffy old european men who can go fuck themselves). I just moved back to the US from spain and i was really weirded out by their government. They have a thriving communist party in the government. This was weird because communism is super persecuted in the US and is literally a prohibiting factor to enter the US as an immigrant and i had a very american perspective that governments everywhere felt that way BUT also. While spain is a relatively left ish country, it still participates in this colonial capitalist society. To me, it feels like a waste of time to send communists to work in the government when they could be directly helping people. Changing the working hours from 40 to 37 a week is great but if you believe in the fall of capitalism there’s more to do than that. Let the government fall into disarray around you and don’t lose sight of the goal with the piece of candy capitalism places in your mouth every once and awhile. We want to exist outside of it, not within it.
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seohyun0306 · 8 months
Someone called me a far right wing white nationalist 💀💀firstly, I’m not white, secondly just because I’m not a western liberal, doesn’t mean that I am not part of the far left. I am a nationalist but being a South African nationalist is probably one of the least problematic kinds to be.
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 9 months
#cnn just had a special about the shake it off lawsuit#which I’d never really read up on#and while I absolutely don’t believe that Taylor plagiarized the person’s song#and could absolutely believe she’d never heard of it#(cnn pundits: this song was everywhere! it was a hit! it was always on TRL!)#(me around the same age: legitimately have never heard of these people)#I kinda feel the professional thing for her to do would have been to credit them regardless once it was known#the same way she did right said Fred for lyymmd#or the way OR ended up having to for DV#because I feel like there’s more similarity between the complainant’s song and sio#than there is between CS and DV#(read: not much at all)#especially given the optics of the power dynamic and communities involved#and while I don’t know the details and frankly cnn’s reporting was incredibly flawed and didn’t answer its own thesis#I’m assuming because it was dismissed/settled out of court/NDAs involved etc#and I’m sure Taylor’s team held fast because they don’t want to open the door to future suits for other songs and become a target#for people wanting to make a quick buck and exploit her fame#but the one good point they made was that giving 50% credit or whatever would be a drop in the bucket for her but go a long way to support#artists protecting their work and especially African-American artists whose work has been historically diminished and stolen#especially when she’d later set the precedent for her work herself with lwymmd and on the flip side with OR#idk as a swiftie the obvious angle of the episode was irritating because they definitely had an agenda#but that doesn’t mean that points weren’t made#tag novel
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the-penandpaper · 2 years
Prison Abolition Film Series: Live Stream 📽 🎟 🎬 All today (10/21/2022)
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Upcoming Twitter space, Saturday (10/22/2022): Join Here!
Live stream with us. We can chat and watch films/documentaries today about a wide range of topics about PIC and abolition.
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alieisntdead · 10 months
did he forgot to change the logo on this fucking login widget screen lmfaooo
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(screenshotted 23/12/06)
alt text: it's a screenshot of a login widget for Twitter that shows up when logging in to your account through another website. Instead of showing the dumb X logo that dipshit elon musk made it shows the old blue twitter bird. the page is also in twitter's old white and blue color scheme, i think x uses black and white. the terms of service at the bottom of the page say Twitter instead of X as well, but I'm not sure if that's unusual bc I think the company that operates X is still called Twitter. maybe? i don't know shit and i have to go to bed but i gasped when i saw that logo lol
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blackbrownfamily · 3 months
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TEMS 🎼❗💯
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mamiwatafilm · 1 year
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Is all fair in love and war on climate change? A supernatural force is awakened when eccentric electric car entrepreneur Alan Murdoch & two scientists travel to Congo - where their cobalt mining operations thrive on child and slave labor - to steal the mythical cobalt magnet that will help harvest an endless supply of cobalt from the ocean.
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daeluin · 1 year
god sometimes i really truly hate watching gringos (specially white ones) talking about certain aspects of andor bc their analysis are so shallow
like im sorry if you never lived in a country under an imperialist regime set by an outsider militaristic force then you'll never get the feeling seeing the stormtroopers deployed in ferrix evocates on those of us who did/still live under US-backed "democracies"
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