#European imperialism
w-m-pitt · 30 days
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Maps of the Great Belgian Colonial Empire.
The Belgian Empire possessed the world's thirteenth largest population by 1939, was history's forty-seventh largest empire, was the third largest empire in the world by 1917 and reached it's greatest extent in 1946.
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lasttarrasque · 2 months
President Maduro calls out the Hypocrisy of the EU
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fiapple · 8 months
“Thus was the white man’s burden toward Jews cynically transferred to the hapless Palestinians whose pleas for justice continued to be utterly muffled in the same European capitals that placed them in this unenviable position in the first place. Then, decade after decade, Europe fiendishly observed silence as it watched the gradual but certain dismantlement of Palestine and the displacement of its indigenous population, followed by the subjugation of those Palestinians left behind to Israeli segregation, occupation, and malevolent apartheid. Meanwhile, all the U.S. and Europe could muster in response was meaningless coinages such as decry, deplore, and, when the fancy strikes, if any courage is finally found, the term ‘condemn.’ This game of words by the U.S. and Europe, sprinkled with other canards like ‘peace process’ and ‘two-state solution,’ has long served as a wink and a nod to Israel to keep doing what it has done over the past seventy-five years of its colonialist settler history, while blithely savoring unconditional Western acquiescence and collusion along the way.
So now, as the U.S. and Europe continue taking Israel’s side during its unrelenting genocidal assault on Gaza, how does the Israeli government manage to sell its massacres and decades-long oppression of the Palestinians?
By never failing to invoke the potent memory of White shame and remorse associated with the Holocaust, Israeli governments since 1967 have claimed that Israel, alone, is the rightful proprietor of the collective Jewish memory. Worth noting here is that many Holocaust scholars have excoriated Israel for its unabashed weaponization of this unique and painful Jewish experience by shamelessly linking it to the current Gaza events.”
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horizon-verizon · 11 months
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Get all you need to know about what is going on in the Democratic Republic of Congo and how it came to be in the above link.
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troythecatfish · 5 months
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kurdiyya · 21 days
something about middle eastern politics and modern history has always been so off-putting and depressing to me…wdym the Lavon Affair is a real thing that happened????
wdym Europe&USA put and puts extreme pressure on middle eastern countries to give up their resources or else they’ll idk, bomb innocent people??????(fortunately most international organisations are just NATO 2.0 so nothing gets done about it).
wdym Churchill draw the borders of Jordan (and the ME in general) so carelessly that it was thought that he was drunk???? (and clearly he was, those borders still cause thousands of deaths daily)
wdym the balfour declaration was a suggestion by a man who was well known to have hated arab people and believed they were unfit for self rule ????
one proper deep dive in how the middle east was exploited from the 1800s until now would radicalise anyone.
maybe im bias because ive seen it first hand… but i think about this once a day minimum and it makes me feel so angry and the intensity of that frustration never dies down and ive felt it since i acknowledged what war in the middle east even was
TLDR: i hate western imperialism
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dgtcreative2024 · 5 months
The Ones Who Claimed Africa's Whole Gold Inventory
At any point might you at some point comprehend that Elon, musk, Jeff, Bezos or Bernard Arnold are only walking around the domain of the rich? In no way, shape or form these refined men have shot themselves to an unbelievable status, standing side by side with the titans of abundance all through the chronicles of history. Presently, how about we set out on a fascinating excursion to investigate and reveal the tales of the genuine heavyweights. Who've made a permanent imprint on the abundance scene across hundreds of years, John d Rockefeller. While diving into the records of history's most affluent people, we unavoidably experience faces that become the stuff of dreams for scheme, scholars around the world, john d Rockefeller is exactly one such figure.
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traaansfem · 5 months
American and European and just... general Colonial Imperialism really is just a history of the process of failing upwards by having all your failures have worse effects on everyone else. With the additional garnish of "stridently evading any and all consequences and repercussions by kicking other people while they're down and blaming them for shit that your government did" to top off that shit sundae.
The dominant political philosophy of the day is "We can ruin everything for everyone else as long as it's ruined slightly less for me and mine for exactly as long as I'm alive to care about it.", and that gets even more toxic when you realize we have everything we need to feed and house everyone on the whole damn planet several times over, but those assholes are the ones stopping it.
Capitalism is a philosophy of waste and deterioration sustained at the expense of everyone not already at "the top". I'd call it a crab bucket, but some crabs are known to utilize social behaviors to protect recently molted crabs from predators! It just disgusts me. We could be doing so much more good, with so much less waste.
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immaculatasknight · 6 months
Independent Jewish Voices Canada
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w-m-pitt · 3 months
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Map of the Europeanisation of the World (1908)
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wavecorewave · 8 months
US and Israeli officials are present in many nations around the world, training, arming, or pressuring local officials to enforce their policies on immigration, counterterrorism, and policing. The Global North, including the US, European Union, Australia, and Israel, ruthlessly enforce their power, controlling four-fifths of the world’s income, because there’s no interest in sharing their wealth. This architecture of control has to be managed at home but also around the globe with reliable client-states. External borders are physically invisible but ideologically powerful. It includes Israel keeping Palestinians in a ghetto, Australia forcibly sending refugees on boats to remote and dangerous Pacific Islands, the EU deliberately allowing nonwhite migrants to drown in the Mediterranean, and the US repelling people from Latin America who are often fleeing policies in their home countries that were designed in Washington.
Antony Loewenstein The Palestine Laboratory - How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World
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fiapple · 11 months
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historyhermann · 1 year
A post about growing European imperialism in Africa by 1900, and relating it to the novel Things Fall Apart.
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Sweden saying they'll vote against allowing the use of Catalan, Basque and Galician in the European Union Parliament because "there's lots of minority languages and we can't allow them all" is so funny because CATALAN HAS MORE SPEAKERS THAN SWEDISH
Catalan is the 13th most spoken language in the EU. It has more than 10 million speakers, which means it has more speakers than other languages that are already official EU languages like Maltese (530,000), Estonian (1.2 million), Latvian (1.5 million), Irish (1.6 million), Slovene (2.5 million), Lithuanian (3 million), Slovak (5 million), Finnish (5.8 million), Danish (6 million), Swedish (10 million), and Bulgarian (10 million).
Neither Galician (3 million) nor Basque (750,000) would still be the least spoken languages to be allowed in the EU representative bodies.
But even if any of them did, so what? Why do speakers of smaller languages deserve less rights than those of bigger languages? How are we supposed to feel represented by the EU Parliament when our representatives aren't even allowed to speak our language, but the dominant groups can speak theirs?
It all comes down to the hatred of language/cultural diversity and the belief that it's an inconvenience, that only the languages of independent countries have any kind of value while the rest should be killed off. After all, isn't that what Sweden has been trying to do to the indigenous Sami people for centuries?
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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illustratus · 6 months
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The Varangian Guard defeats the Pechenegs at the Battle of Beroia 1122 AD
by Giuseppe Rava
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