huariqueje · 4 months
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The Camp # 26 - Alaa Albaba , 2024.
Palestinian , b. 1985 -
Acrylic on canvas , 19 7/10 × 11 4/5 in. 50 × 30 cm.
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paliwalls · 3 months
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Resist…so as not to be defeated | قاوم.. كي لا تهزم
Al-Amari camp, Ramallah | مخيم الأمعري، رام الله
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jacobbyart · 2 years
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the polycule says hi
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amaribelt · 1 year
in commemorace of me almost busting my ass on the slick ass dominos floor I'm assigning the twst boys jobs at dominos and my reasoning why, we have had like 10 gms at one time so not that unrealistic lmao
riddle- riddle is a heavy stickler for the rules so as much as I could see him being a corporate inspector that would ruin the fun of this so for the sake of this post rank 3 general manager and future franchisee. he trains new employees the "right" way even though it's not as efficient (like cutting sandwiches with the pizza roller cutter thing instead of the giant guillotine blade we use for the actual pizzas) he's the reason the store would get a perfect score on inspection
trey- treys pretty responsible and his parents run a bakery so I can def see him as a rank 1 or 2 gm they honestly don't really have any special roles other than just being helpful in my experience, definitely works make line or oven most of the time. he used the cutter blade on sandwiches all the way efficiently maximize profits, and I KNOW this fictional twst dominos store would be busy af.
Cater- Rank 2 gm but specializes up front, this man can talk to people great customer service skills and is pretty enough to get good tips and sell extra food just because he's cute.
ace- I don't trust this man at all making my pizza but that's the thing most people get trained on first unless they have something that makes them appealing or more fit for something else, ace is cute but I don't think he's fit for register. he probably works on making and loading sides as those aren't that hard to mess up half the time your throwing 8-32 peices of chicken onto a little trey or putting in like cookie brownies or like twists in.
deuce- my man is trying his best to make his way up to main makeline he probably makes the simple pizzas like a simple Hawaiian because I think he would struggle a bit with specialitys he probably knows what goes on like a meatzza or deluxe but struggles with like Honolulu Hawaiian.
leona- he could be promoted if he wanted too but he doesn't care that much, definitely a driver. is their stuff they are actually suppost to do? yes, do any of the drivers at our store do it? no never not in a million years. I'm like 75% percent sure their suppost to clean out our hot bags according to the schedule but I've never seen anyone at our store do it half of them are just on their phones or chilling in their cars. in Leona case it's napping he's not aloud to sleep in his car anymore because he has gone back to sleep and ended up not delivering a pizza.
ruggie- he's either a GM in training or driver GM they both get payed more than the rest off us and ruggie is pretty competent so I think it fits, drivers get payed the most out of standard positions and I think driver managers get payed a little more than that, drivers also get really good tips too.
jack- he's on main makeline, jack has good grades and studies so it's fair to say he memorize all of the abbreviations and what goes on each side. you yell out "large extravaganza and philly sandwiche" and he's got it. he probably doesn't make the prettiest pizzas but he's got a good memory to make up for it and double checks whatever ADeuce duo makes for the days they are on main makeline.
azul- he owns a restaurant so as much as I could be cheap and say he's the actual owner who never comes into the store and just collects the money I'm not, GM level 4 he's the "boss" and the most likely to get his own store in a few years time. he never closes ever I could maybe see him opening but I really just see him coming in a few times a week for like 3 or 4 hours and sending out the schedules. I know he's a hard worker but I can't see this man making pizzas at all he's either up front taking orders and ringing people up with cater or working oven with trey. their not "easy" jobs but don't require you getting your hands too dirty especially if your the boss and can get someone else to do the dirty work.
jade- GM level 2 again not many "responsibility" level 2 gms tend to just be their for questions and occasionally helping or training new employees, might work up front from time to time but I can see him slapping dough sometimes. does what he's told without complaining.
floyd- this man doesn't have the patience for anything else this man is a driver on a pretty good driver on a bad day you better give him all contactless for the safety of the customers, sorry Floyd fans but I have to be real with yall.
kalim- I love kalim as much as the next person who lives off of sunshine characters but this man only has the skills to work up front at register, I don't think he'd complain if you asked him to hop on makeline or like sweep or do dishes but he's not happy. he likes to give people their orders and make the kids smile.
jamil- Jamil is more than capable and can easily get stuff done and doesn't complain what you tell him to do, tell him to clean the absolutely disgusting hot bags? he's on it, need him to clean out the catch treys? those are going to be sparkling and you don't even have to worry about them almost being dropped. he will rack cheese and clean the deep freeze no hesitation. he's a great GM but he has definitely fumbled a few times, he has sent most of the drivers home exreamly early right before a huge thunderstorm hit and incase you didn't know people order more deliveries when the weather is cold rainy and overall icky. he didn't tell anyone that he send home over half of the drivers so their were Many frantic phone calls from the rest of the GMs to get all the drivers back. (that is based off of a true story we had to call our boss and atleast 15 more drivers because he only had 3 clocked in and our delivery times were over a hour and a half)
vil- when training people on makeline we have the fact that we must make the prettiest pizzas known to man, pizza making is a form of art and you better be the next da Vinci or atleasr give your best effort. GM level 2, fast and efficient and has good customer service skills so he works up front when understaffed. if vil works up front for a whole day their is definitely a jump in carry out sales. although he would rather not do the gross and disgusting tasks he will if theirs gloves he is not washing pans and grabbing them out of the disgusting and greasy pan bucket empty handed no matter how much you pay him. heavily inspired by my 4th favorite manager and myself no matter how much you pay me I am NEVER grabbing and cleaning pans empty handed yall don't know how gross that is.
rook- definitely works main makeline with vil and even though he's not as strict on making the best pizzas known to man he can be particular he will make sure pizzas aren't burnt and under his watch their won't be any illegally big bubbles on pizzas or too dry cheesey breads. whenever he's upfront he memorized peoples orders to their faces he doesn't even have to ask if it's a carside he definitely memorized peoples license plates
epel- he is not aloud to work up front no matter how understaffed we are he's always on makeline he has no customer service skills, if he and vils schedules overlap then maybe he could answer a phone or hand people a pizza. they have sent him to get something off of the top shelf in the walk in and almost brought the whole self down on multiple occasions (based off of many of my true stories where the latter was no where to be found I almost died that day) he's pretty strong and helps with some of the more physically demanding tasks like refiling the sanitation buckets (those get unbelievably heavy for no reason okay and I'm pretty strong) or refilling the fridge he can definitely carry more than one of the packages of 20 onces and the stacks of 2 leaters get pretty heavy too.
idia- If he wasn't so anti social he would have good potential of working up front when you have to type in your social security login a million times a day or type in someone's credit card info it helps to be able to type fast but my man could not even ask someones name on their order to hand it to them, good in theory terrible execution. he would probably be a driver or stick to cleaning like doing the dishes, most of the time you don't have to talk to anyone if your a driver then you have to get them to sign the receipt and I think he would implode. dishes Is the best job you don't need to talk to anyone and most people do it alone unless your like some of my managers who like too do it together and gossip. perfect for putting on music or a podcast and zoning out too.
ortho- even though he's a child when he grows up I see him working up front, he's pretty social so I don't see him struggling that much
malleus- people think he's scary and tend to avoid him so even though he's pretty sweet I feel like customers and some coworkers would go out of their way to not talk to him, would probably be a okay delivery driver he wouldn't even have to stair people down to get a good tip his threating aura would mean people would do it so they could run back inside with their pizza asap
lilia- he's honestly pretty flexible but I feel like he would be a terrible driver I feel like he would be the definition of r/maliciouscomplalence or a huge troll and no inbetween. if someone said bring pepper flakes for a better tip without saying a exact amount he would bring the whole box of pepper flakes. no one needs a 100 packets of pepper flakes but they didn't say an amount so rip. he's probably only aloud to do it when they are really desperate for drivers.
silver- probably just a general insider and will do whatevers needed pretty flexible and chill, probably not aloud to work oven just incase he falls asleep we can't have a pizza falling out of the oven.
sebek- he Is also not aloud to work up front due to the fact he has no volume control we can't have him scarring away customers can we??? if not a general insider than maybe a driver I honestly don't have much of a opinion of him or what he's good at sorry sebek enjoyers but I honestly have no idea what he would be good at.
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unis-trash-stash · 10 months
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Blorbos from my brain
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lifeofkaze · 2 years
Milagro Navideño
What would this Christmas be without a word, a present and the biggest of hugs to my favourite person, my most cherished friend, and the person who awes me both with her kindness and sheer force of talent? Who else could I be talking about other than @the-al-chemist?
Al, thank you so much for another year of friendship, laughter, exploring, trading book recommendations, tearing each other's projects apart to make them better (lovingly) and getting completely soaked in the rain because if the outdoor museum doesn't close for another hour we're going to go in, no matter what.
I can't wait for next year's adventures. Merry Christmas. I love you. 🌻🎄
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Warning: Plant abuse. Plant parents, look away.
December 22nd
“And you’ll promise to behave?” The smile on Dante’s face was soft as he spoke. “You’ll be a good girl and be extra pretty for me when I come back.”
“Are you quite done yet?” came a snort from somewhere behind him. With a decidedly more mischievous smile, Dante glanced over his shoulder.
“I wouldn’t mind you looking pretty for me, too, but I know better than asking you to behave.”
Reva snorted again, this time with laughter, as she pushed herself off the doorframe and joined Dante’s side. She pointed at the big plant he had been talking to.
“What’s so special about this one, anyway?”
“This is Milagro Navideño,” Dante said proudly. “That’s Spanish for -”
“Christmas Miracle.”
He nodded. “She is very rare and only blooms every few years at Christmas. I’ve been waiting forever for her to get these.” 
He affectionately looked at the tiny buds peeking out from between fleshy, green leaves. Reaching out to touch them, Reva chuckled at Dante flinching.
“If you want me to take care of them while you’re having a ball in Spain, I’ll have to touch them. You do know that, don’t you?” 
“I’m aware,” Dante sighed. “I really wish you could come.”
“So I can meet your family, or so someone else can water your flowers?” An indignant expression passed her face when Dante didn’t reply. “Oh, how hard can it be? I was a crack at Herbology.”
“You barely even got your O.W.L.”
“I wasn’t trying.”
“In any case, I made these for you,” Dante said diplomatically, pulling out a stack of colour-coded flashcards. “Black ink are daily tasks, the green ones have to be done every three days, and the red ones are emergency measures.” He gave Reva a look. “Please make sure there won't be any emergency measures.” 
“Who do you take me for?” 
Reva reached for the flashcards, but with a flick from Dante’s wand, they fluttered away and stuck themselves to their designated pots.
“Are you sure there aren’t any questions?” he asked again. “I can still ask Dana to do it.”
“Dana won’t arrive until Christmas Eve. Some kind of barkeep you are, wanting your plant buddies to go thirsty until then.”
“I need you to be serious about this, Reva.”
“I am.”
“No, you need to -”
“The only thing I need is for you to leave,” Reva said, turning Dante by the shoulders and marching him toward the door. 
“And you really -” 
Before he could finish, Reva grabbed him by the collar of his jumper and pressed her lips against his.
“Just go!” she laughed. “We’ll be perfectly fine, you’ll see.” 
December 23rd
The Montrose Magpies’ last match of the year was approaching fast. It was scheduled for Boxing Day, and if they were able to win against the Wigtown Wanderers, they’d be one step closer to the top of the League. 
When Reva returned from the training grounds after a long day of practice, it was all she could do not to fall asleep on the sofa. Across from her, her team- and housemate Rory McTavish slumped into an armchair, cracking his neck from side to side.
“Who knew your mum could be such a drill sergeant?” 
Reva sat up, wincing at her aching back muscles. “You know how she is when we’re playing Wigtown. She can’t handle the idea of losing to the Wanderers.”
“One thing’s for sure, the flat would have to go up in flames for me to move again.” Rory raised one eyebrow at Reva. “Not giving you ideas, I hope.”
“No, too tired for arson. The sofa and I are best friends now.”
“Rude.” Rory tilted his head at her. “Don’t you have something to take care of before you become one with the furniture?”
Reva frowned. “What would that be? Shit!” she exclaimed a moment later, almost falling off the sofa in her hurry to get up. 
“Wait with dinner,” she told Rory as she grabbed her coat and wand, “I’ll be right back.” 
Dante’s flat was quiet when Reva entered it. She switched on all the lights and looked around, not sure what she had expected. This was silly, she chided herself, they were only plants. She had left them unattended for just a little over twenty-four hours; not like they would wilt and perish from a bit of alone-time.
Humming a song she had heard Dante sing the other day, she set to work, watering the plants in the guest rooms, the kitchen, the hallway and the living room. She had never realised just how many plants Dante had actually accumulated, but she diligently checked each and every pot for instructions. By the time she reached the bedroom, her already tired arms were aching. 
She looked at the remaining plant pots thoughtfully. Surely they would be fine without that extra bit of water until the morning? Reva shook off the thought immediately. It didn’t matter whether she found all of this redundant or not. Dante cared about his plants, and she cared about him; she would do as he had asked her to. 
Adjusting her grip on the watering can, Reva worked her way along the shelves. When she turned to refill it, she misjudged her momentum and heavily bumped against a tall rack filled with succulents. She watched with wide eyes as it swayed, the plant pots on it sliding towards the edge. The shelf teetered, seeming to stop in mid-air for a moment, and came crashing to the ground with a mighty slam.
Her heart hammering in her chest, Reva took in the mess of splintered wood, ceramic shards and soil littering the floorboards. Her throat grew tight as her eyes fell on the colourful remains of what had been the pot of Dante’s Christmas plant, now buried beneath the upper edge of the shelf. Of the plant itself, nothing could be seen. 
Reva hastily took out her wand, repairing everything as best she could. Most of the plants looked worse for wear, but there was nothing to be done about it now. She inspected the broken leaves of the Christmas plant with a worried frown before turning it around so its good side was facing the room. Maybe Dante wouldn’t notice right away.
The only problem that remained was the flashcards. They had fallen off during the crash, and Reva had no idea which one went where. Eventually, she shrugged it off. There was no way to fix this without messaging Dante - which was out of the question - so she watered each of the plants ad libitum, with a little bit of extra to make up for the commotion she had caused. 
Satisfied with her day’s work, Reva switched off the lights and left. 
December 24th
When Reva opened the door to Dante’s flat on the morning of Christmas Eve, she found her hopes of finding the repotted plants up and well crushed.
There hadn’t been enough pot saucers for all plants, so she had distributed them at random. Now, puddles of water were covering the floor, while most of the plants were either hanging their heads or had collapsed onto the rims of their pots altogether. 
With a curse on her lips, Reva’s eyes settled on the Christmas plant. Because it was so special to Dante and she had been sorry for crushing it underneath the shelf, she had given it an extra generous amount of water; as a result, its leaves were now a yellowish green and hanging limply from the stem.
Panic was rising in her chest. She needed to do something, and she needed to do it now.
Once she had calmed down, Reva carried all of the leaking pots into the kitchen, magically desiccated them and picked the correct soil for each of them with the help of Dante’s books and her buried Herbology knowledge.
By the end of the day, Dante’s flat was clean, and most plants still a bit ragged but otherwise upright and well. Reva breathed a sigh of relief as she put the last of them onto the shelf. The feeling disappeared, however, when she turned to face her problem child. 
Milagro Navideño hadn’t appreciated Reva’s efforts at resuscitation. It had looked sickly before, but now its colour had changed from yellow to almost grey. It was on the verge of dying, even Reva could tell that much, but she refused to give up just yet. 
She had to save this plant, no matter what. 
The light coming from her parents’ windows was warm and golden when Reva Apparated to their front door. She paused to listen to the mix of voices and laughter drifting outside, a smile forming on her face that wavered only slightly as she adjusted the plant pot in her arms and entered. 
After a round of hugs and hellos, Reva’s brother Dylan nodded at the plant in Reva’s hands.
“Who has been naughty enough to get that thing for Christmas?”
“No one,” Reva said defensively. “It’s Dante’s.”
“I didn’t know you wanted to break up with him.” 
“What’s the matter with it?” Dylan’s girlfriend Dana asked sympathetically, after elbowing Dylan into the side. 
With a deep sigh, Reva handed Milagro to her and recounted what had happened. Nodding every now and again, Dana inspected the sickly plant, prodding and probing it carefully. 
“I don’t even know where to start with this,” she sighed eventually as she handed Reva the plant back. 
“Is there nothing you can do at all?”
“Nothing that would help short term. When is Dante coming home?”
“The day after Boxing Day.” 
“That won’t be enough time, I’m afraid.”
Reva hung her head. “Can’t we just give it a Growth Potion or something?”
A look of alarm flickered over Dana’s face. “It might work, but…”
“Let’s do it then!”
“No, there’s no saying what a Growth Potion would do after everything you’ve done with it. It might kill it for good.”
Dana wasn’t to be swayed from her resolution, so Reva let the topic drop. When the rest of her family had gone to sleep, she took the small bottle from Dante’s personal storage from her pocket. Holding the potion into the light coming from the window of her old bedroom, Reva thoughtfully tilted it this way and that. 
Then she shrugged, unstoppered it, and upended the whole thing into the plant plot.
It wasn’t like it could get any worse. 
December 27th
Like so often, Reva had been wrong.
On the morning of Christmas Day, she had woken to something repeatedly brushing her cheek. Thinking that Vega, her mother’s one-eyed calico cat, had snuck into her room, Reva had tried to push her away without opening her eyes.
By the time she had realised that whatever was bothering her didn’t feel like Vega’s fur at all, half her room had already been covered by thrashing Milagro vines. Almost falling out of bed in her hurry to get up, Reva made short work of the proliferating plant and hexed it back to its original state.
She hadn’t told anyone about her little mishap with the Growth Potion, and since she was now thoroughly fed up with Dante’s stupid plant, Reva had dumped it into his bedroom and decided to forget about it for the time being.
On the day Dante would return from Spain, she couldn’t push her bad conscience away any longer. She nervously waited for his Portkey to arrive, trying to keep her face straight when Dante took her into his arms and kissed her. 
After finding their way back to the flat above the Hogshead Inn, Reva’s joy at Dante’s return had turned into a nervous flutter in her stomach. As they were about to enter the door, Dante paused. 
“Are you alright? You’ve been very quiet.”
“Just the match yesterday,” Reva fibbed. “It got pretty late.”
Dante raised eyebrows ever so slightly, but didn’t comment any further. When he dropped his bag in the hallway and turned to her with a smile, Reva stifled a sigh of relief. He hadn’t noticed anything yet; another moment of calm before the inevitable.
“It’s good to be home,” he said with a content look around. His eyes settled on her. “I missed you over Christmas.”
“I missed you, too,” Reva sighed. “You have no idea how much.”
“So sentimental, that’s new.” The corners of his mouth twitching, Dante pulled a neatly wrapped gift from his bag, the paper as outrageously patterned as his favourite shirts. “I’ve been looking forward to giving you this. Merry Christmas.”
Seeing the present in Dante’s hands, Reva froze. She had gotten him something as well, of course, but over the drama of the past few days, she had entirely forgotten about it. Her thoughts racing, she took her gift and kissed Dante on the cheek. 
“I didn’t know we’d exchange gifts right here in the hallway,” she mumbled, frantically trying to come up with a plan. “I’ll just go and fetch yours. It’s… in your bedroom. Yes, that’s where it is.”
Dante laughed and placed his hands on her hips. “Shouldn’t I come along then?”
���It’s not that kind of gift.”
“Just wait here, will you?” Reva begged, slowly backing away. “I’ll be right back.”
The moment she closed the door to Dante’s room, she had to fight the urge to scream. Resting her hands on top of her head, she turned in the middle of the room. She had no idea what to tell Dante about why she hadn’t brought - or even wrapped - his present. She was still trying to find a proper conclusion when there was a knock on the door.
“Reva? Is everything alright?”
Nothing was, in fact, alright, and Reva had a mind to tell Dante so, but before she could, he had already entered the room. His eyes widened as he looked not at her but the spot where she had put his overwatered, desiccated, magically-grown-and-cut Christmas plant in a fit of rage.
“What have you done?” he whispered, taking a hesitant step into the room.
Reva screwed her eyes shut. “I can explain.”
“I hope so,” Dante said as he moved past her, “because you’re a bloody genius.”
Baffled, Reva opened her eyes again. When she looked at the source of all her plights, her mouth dropped open. 
It seemed like the supposedly delicate Milagro Navideño had appreciated Reva’s desperate mistreatment, because what had formerly been a cut-down ruin of sickly green leaves now stood lush and tall. The leaves had regained their shine, new buds sprouting in place of the old ones, and there, right on top, the biggest one of them had opened.
Reva moved closer, touching her fingers to the velvety petal. It was dark red with white tips, looking like someone had dipped it in the snow. The blossom’s centre emitted a sweetly smelling sap, which sat in tiny drops on the petals and sparkled in the light coming from the window. 
“Unbelievable,” Reva whispered. 
“A veritable Christmas miracle,” Dante smiled broadly and put his arm around her shoulder. “Tell me your secret. How did you get her to bloom?”
Reva swallowed, hoping he wouldn’t notice the colour rising to her cheeks. “I took good care of it, I guess.”
Dante’s laugh was warm as he pressed a kiss against her temple. “That you did, mi vida. You’re full of surprises, you know that?”
At last, Reva’s lips curved into a smile. Chuckling to herself, she rested her head against Dante’s shoulder. 
“It looks like I am.” 
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nereb-and-dungalef · 2 years
tfw you finally find a pdf by someone who shares what you thought were just insane theories and proves those insane theories in a way that supports your even more insane theories that the previous insane theories were just a footnote for))))))
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mayolfederico · 3 months
Palermo e Maredolce ~ Cesare De Seta
Trionfo della Morte, 1450 ca., Galleria regionale di Palazzo Abatellis, Palermo Solo fantasmi s’aggirano nel centro storico di questa grande capitale: la gente non ci abita più, tanto che all’imbrunire non s’ode voce umana. Mura a brandelli, intonaci che si sgretolano, stucchi fastosi che cadono a pezzi, chiese sconsacrate e palazzi scoperchiati.   PALERMO Il centro storico di Palermo è uno…
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sunshineandviolets · 1 year
tagging my ocs as dolls
y'all should've seen this coming tbh (under read more cause its a lot)
Rekha as Barbie (girlboss, top of the world, she's everything)
Raini as Bratz (passion for fashion, a diva )
Mai as Monster High (freaky, a lil weird, ghoul at heart)
Shanaya as Ever After High (believer in destiny, finding her story)
Crystal as Rainbow High (embracing her weirdness through art & design)
Nilam as Shadow High (alternative / dark aesthetic, opposite to xyrs sister)
Chandrika as Star Darlings (astrology kid lmao)
Asher as Polly Pocket (is tiny, chewable clothes, loves adventure)
Shivani as Project MC2 (Science enthusiast girly but make it cute)
Karthik as My Little Pony (friendship is magic, colourful persona)
Safiya as Littlest Pet Shop (Animal lover, also small)
Tulsi as Enchantimals (lives with nature, animal lover #2)
Rowan as Bratzillas (glam witchy girly )
Bliss as American Girl (history nerd, deep in the past)
Jasmine as Porcelain Dolls (underrated, fragile and handle with care)
Arielle as Lalaloopsy (taking old rags and sewing to create new fashions and loved items)
Aster as Hairdorables (loves to experiment with her hair, trying new styles)
Divya as Wild Hearts Crew (very punky, skater & artsy kid)
Reiko as My Scene (baby barbie girl)
Ananya as LOL OMG Surprise (older sister, dealing with unwanted surprises lmao )
Aditya as DC Superhero Girls (Savior complex, wanting to be seen as a hero)
Isabella as Hello Kitty (a cat person, cute and adorbs)
Autumn as Slyvanian Families (chill, calm vibes - loves the little creatures)
AJ as Pinkie Cooper (dog lover and pigtails girly, wishes to travel to explore the world more.)
Nicola as Mermaze Mermaids, Winter Waves (ice princess, lover for music)
Aleisha as Winx Club (normal girl ends up with new powers, fighting bad people )
Noah as Strawberry Shortcake (sweet dude who likes to bake)
Akira as Integrity Toys Dolls (elegant, expensive tastes, put together)
Cerise as Monster High Skullectors (dark aesthetic, horror vibes)
Minerva as Na Na Surprise (small, fuzzy, wild animal themed)
Kalin as Magic Mixies Dolls (whimsical magic vibes)
Naomi as Betty Spaghetty (messy side ponytail, long & lanky)
Rahul as Disney Dolls (literal disney prince vibes tbh)
Meera as Disney ILY 4 Ever (Disney fan, embroiders and customises outfits to suit her personality/interests.
Logan as Paper Dolls (always changing looks, new face, new name depends on the time & place)
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violottie · 7 months
do not become immune to seeing this. "israel" and the usa and the uk are killing children.
"The Palestinian child Mustfa Abu Shalbak (16) who was killed by the occupation forces whist raiding Al Amari refugee camp." from Hisham Abu Shiqrah, 04/Mar/2024:
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huariqueje · 4 months
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The Camp - Alaa Albaba , 2023
Palestinian , b. 1985 -
Acrylic on canvas , 50 x 40 cm.
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kilobytten · 1 year
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The biological parents of my GW2 OC Serafima "Iris" Yáng! I did this as an in-character portrait by her mother, MíngHé Yáng.
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goblinselfshippr · 2 years
Can I ask both Albert and Amari questions? If so what do you both think of Caz's family?
Hello! Of course you can!
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I like talking with Samael, he's an...interesting specimen to say the least. As for their never ending list of aunts and uncles, I get along with most of them. Their partying reminds me of when I was in college haha. I think Egyn might be my favorite, but don't tell the others! Amaimon isn't my biggest fan, I can tell, but at least he isn't leaving me little... "Presents" at my doorstep anymore.
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Seeing as their father left my town in ruin and ran off for a few centuries… I am not too fond of him. Though I must admit he did something right in guiding and teaching Cazimir. Amaimon is alright in small doses, but I think perhaps I am just antisocial. I have not yet gotten the chance to meet all of their family, but I am quite fond of their uncle, Lucifer. Especially when he pisses off Sam😈😈😈
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molecoledigiorni · 1 month
- divenire -
Ho già visto tutto il mondo
nei suoi occhi
tutte le insonnie dei giorni amari,
tutta la dignità
di chi sta in ginocchio
di fronte al dolore.
Siamo divenire costante,
con un’ anima di vento
e un cuore di vetro.
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showtoonzfan · 10 months
Also yeah this new Hazbin cast is not it man. I’m sorry. Most of them either sound flat, don’t fit with the character design, or are just not as good as the original. Angel and Alastor I especially don’t like, Alastor sounds so nasally and Amari just can’t top Bosco’s performance, with Bosco not only was he good but when Alastor was threatening, he SOUNDED threatening. I may have made fun of Al’s design, but Bosco’s voice is what made the character interesting and threatening for me. With Amari’s voice he just sounds beyond silly and I can’t take him seriously.
Blake Roman is literally just intimidating Kovach, except this time Angel just sounds forced and awkward. It makes you wonder why Viv just didn’t get Kovach back since it’s obvious she wanted to find someone so similar to him, and then you realize…oh yeah, Kovach wasn’t on Broadway or is a big singer. Micheal was really good at what he did as Angel too as everyone has already said so Viv fumbled the bag SO hard with these two it’s sad. I’m especially pissed about Alastor cause Bosco was the reason he was my favorite character and now he sounds so cringe.
Husk and Vox are played by two very talented actors/singers but their voices just don’t fit with the character design, though I’m not that against Christain Borle as Vox, the voice doesn’t fit the twink design but at the very least they got a man who sounds like a full grown adult playing a full grown adult lmao. Husk is a different story however, because it feels like Keith was picked to play him just because he was famous and nothing else. Back in the pilot, Viv had a specific voice in mind for Husk and she found it, aka Mick. He perfectly came off as an old washed up grumpy alcoholic, and Keith’s voice kinda just…erases all that personality. Sure Keith’s voice sounds cool but that’s it, it’s style over substance.
I wish I could say more about Charlie and Vaggie but I’m not sure what to say other then they kinda sound forced and awkward too, and I hate saying that cause they’re also played by two very talented actresses. Stephanie B played Mirabel from Encanto, she’s had voice acting experience before so I hope she ends up sounding good in the actual show. Erika meanwhile…I hate to say this but other than her singing voice there’s nothing really special about her as Charlie compared to Jill Harris, though even with Jill I never felt any strong feelings towards her performance.
Adam meanwhile, dear GOD I was right about him looking bad in animation form, his design sucks so fucking much. Fans were right, that’s Alex Brightman’s voice, he seems to be using his normal voice but just a tad deeper. He’s the only one who’s a fine choice, though I really wish we got to hear him as Pentious here!
But yeah in terms of the voice cast I’m just disappointed man, really disappointed. It makes you really realize how talented the pilot cast was. They were so good cause they were all chosen for a reason that wasn’t just “they’re famous” and it fucking sucks how bad Viv fumbled everything.
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Wait: Genji Shimada x Reader
That’s all that rushed through his person as he pushed past doors and people, muttering apologies in his native tongue as he launched himself around corners and down hallways.
He could barely breathe. He couldn’t speak clearly, rambling under his tongue in cut off words and phrases. He made no sense.
What was left of his human parts were coiled tightly, precise, not missing a single beat against the metal floor of the Overwatch base. Metal feet colliding against the hard metal floors like a rabid symphony, scratches and cracking and squeaking and scuffing. It truly bled the ears.
He knew no longer of the monk’s words. The painful trials of learning patience and long grueling time of relearning how to feel again were thrown out the window.
The heat coming off of his face blinded him, steaming up the faceplates covering his face. His face was red under the metal coverings. Wet too, from salty tears and dribbles of snot like he were some scared little child again.
Fear of losing you.
But his older brother followed. The older Shimada matched his younger’s speed once he took off from his place in one of the training rooms towards the medical bay. Upon turning the corner towards the sterile door, Hanzo had snatched at Genji’s shoulders, yanking him back. Folding the arms at the elbows, Hanzo grabbed Genji’s wrists and pressed him against the wall.
Both panting, Hanzo glared at his younger brother.
Footsteps could be heard follow, the jingle of spurs had followed, along with the calm calls of Genji’s master.
“You need to calm down,” Hanzo scolded. “What good will you running amuck do for them? In the state that they are in? You could distract them! They could slip up! They could die!”
“Let me go, anija!” Genji spat, attempting to yank himself away from the older Shimada. “I need to see them!”
Instead, he only grunted as Hanzo pressed him closer to the wall.
“Not until you calm down.”
Cole and Zenyatta had rounded the corner, the cowboy out of breath and grasping at his knees, panting like a wild dog. Zenyatta tilted his head towards his student before humming softly.
Hanzo and Cole alike were both shocked to see the omnic suddenly stand on two feet. In their time of knowing Zenyatta at the base, the omnic always seemed to defy the laws of gravity and float everywhere in a lotus position.
“Let go of his wrists, Hanzo,” he calmly advised, placing his metal hand on top of Genji’s tense shoulder. The older brother hesitated before sighing, releasing Genji’s wrists. “He is right, Genji. You cannot panic now for their safety and health. Miss Ziegler and the other medics are doing what they can to help them.”
Just as Genji opened his mouth, the door opened. Ana Amari stepped out, adjusting her eyepatch as a tear slipped from under the black cover. She was shocked to see the four outside, but eyed Genji the most. Her eyes softened before she sighed.
“Ana?” Cassidy whispered.
“They’ve lost a lot of blood. Angela is doing what she can to save them,” she mumbled. She stepped away from the door. “You can sit in the viewer if you need to, but… I wouldn’t stay long.”
Upon hearing those words, Genji rushed inside only to stop dead in his tracks at the window. One way, bright, crowded. A small screen sat in the corner, a view from above looking down on…
Genji felt Cole’s hand on his shoulder, but paid no mind to it as he watched your face.
Stitches across your face, bruised, bloody still and bandaged to all hell. You had caught in an explosion in Dorado, Los Muertos’ doing. You were in a small building when it had happened.
If you were right outside…
Genji didn’t even want to think about what would’ve happened.
He could already see some equipment that took him back to when he was initiated into Blackwatch. Cybernetics.
You had lost a body part… Maybe more. He remembered how devastating it was for him to lose both of his legs and a whole forearm.
“Genj…” Cassidy murmured, “they’ll be alright.”
He could only imagine how terrified you were, how much you were screaming and crying from the agony. Reinhardt had told him you were strong though, even as he and Morrison dug through the wreckage to find you. He saw how the old German warrior was saddened that even he couldn’t stop this from happening.
He felt like he would vomit right there.
Cole and Hanzo stepped outside after Zenyatta waved them off. The two were left in near silence. They could only hear your faint heartbeat fluttering every now and then.
“I know that this is a hard time for you, Genji,” Zenyatta hummed. He placed a hand on Genji’s shoulder and watched the screen with his student. Precise fingers worked on your body, tools were passed and needles dug in and out of your skin, sealing it closed as other needles numbed your body. “I know that you are suffering, that time is cruel to you as to us all during this tragedy. But know that even as time may take away what we love the most and how it may bring pain and agony, know that time will also heal all wounds and time will allow you both to grow. But sadly, all we can do now is wait.”
Genji said nothing, only letting his shoulders slouch. He was defeated. There was nothing the ninja could do now but wait just as his master had said.
“How about we meditate on this and we can discuss how we can help them after they wake up? Perhaps brightening up your shared quarters with some flowers?”
Genji looked to his master before smiling. Zenyatta, all the wiser, knew despite the faceplates blocking his view, that his student would do so at the drop of a pin.
And so the two sat in the viewing room, listening to your heartbeat slowly growing stronger.
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