#Always happy to talk about Moon Knight
This is dark but do you think Comics!MK have any surviving extended family or is he truly the last of his family?
I like to think he has cousins but their parents didn't flee to America like Elias did so he hardly sees them
MCU Marc doesn't talk to family for very different reasons obviously
I got an ask!
Now this is a truly difficult question to answer for a lot of reasons, but I will do my best!
Comics Moon Knight has a LOT of re-writes. Moench only included Randall in Marc's known family. He was killed off before Moon Knight even had his own official comic (See the Incredible Hulk appearance, which I will review someday in the hopefully not too distant future). We don't get a lot of references to Randall in Moench's run after that. Like at all. In fact, there is so little discussed about Marc's family in Moench's OG run that I'm pretty sure that people forgot about his brother all together unless Marvel decided they needed to do something and then we got a quick "Oh yeah and then this happened" moment.
Zelenetz gave us Elias Spector and more of a family backstory. We got the story of how their mother died when he was very young, which is going to be retconned later on in Lemire's run when we see his father dying much earlier in Marc's life and his mother still being alive. We get no mention of Randall in this. There are a lot of people at the Shiva/Funeral, but since Elias was a prominent figure in their community (Rabbi), it's hard saying who is family and who is community.
As far as I am currently aware (I haven't dived through ALL the comics in a VERY long time and my re-read is slow and steady), no other family has ever shown up or is mentioned.
HISTORY LESSON!!! (TW Holocaust)
Elias Spector, as noted by Zelenetz, is from Czechoslovakia. Those of you that got a bit more of a history lesson than what they bothered to toss at you in high school, may recognize that this country has been through A LOT. So much so that it has been split, reunited, renamed, taken over, given independence, divided, and renamed and split over and over and over again.
It is safe to assume that his family lived there for a few generations. It's hard to say when they arrived there, but Jewish history is…strife with certain parts of Europe inviting Jewish people in then going "Just kidding" and kicking them out (or killing them) immediately afterwards.
And with the history of Czechoslovakia's REPEATED wars and revolutions and divides…. Who knows the history of the Spectors of if they all settled there or if they had been divided over time.
But what we DO know…
According to a census. In 1921, the Jewish population was 354,342. In 1946 it was 55,000. This was not because they decided to move.
The numbers continued to drop. By 1990, it was 7,800.
The German occupation started in 1930 and was not a pretty picture from the start. In 1939, the Jewish population realized this was not going to go well and desperately started to get out, but 78,000 had already been killed. Many were sent to surrounding camps where Typhus epidemics along with brutal conditions started to wipe them out even before 'the final solution' was put into action. Getting dark here: of the 15,000 CHILDREN that were sent to Auschwitz, only 93 came back.
In 1948, Communist Russia took over. Russia does not have a good history with their Jewish population.
In fact, the 40 year period of this occupation is called "Communist Holocaust". Jewish people were forbidden from practicing their religion and Jewish leaders were forced to leave, convert, or die. Children were prohibited from learning their own culture or religious practices.
So do I think that Moon Knight has any cousins surviving in Europe that didn't flee to America like Elias did?
It is with a very heavy heart that I have to given an honest answer: No.
Is it possible that maybe some of the family left with Elias and came to America or went to England? Maybe. Possibly some made it to Denmark or one of the few places that tried to help get a few out. But if they stayed in any of the countries that were occupied, I don't think they made it. And this may have given another reason behind Marc's anger at his father's unwillingness to do anything about the anti-antisemitism that he witnessed.
Perhaps Marc saw the children with extended family and wondered why he didn't have any. Or why they had no pictures or why his mother and father wouldn't talk about those that were left behind.
If he DID happen to have ANY family that survived, Marc probably has no idea where they are or how to find them or who they are. After the Holocaust, the surviving Jewish population was so scattered and left without homes to return to. The countries that they had fled did not welcome them back. Many didn't want to go back. It has only really been recently with the modernization of the internet that efforts have been made for survivors to reach out and try to find out what happened to their families.
With their father and mother gone, I wonder how much about his family Marc actually knew. The REAL question is: Would Marc, Jake, or Steven make an effort to try to reach out? Would they want to find survivors? Would they feel guilty? Would they be able to even talk with the surviving family? Would they want to?
I don't think Marc would. I think this is one more burden on his shoulders and he doesn't want to be a dark shadow on the surviving family tree. I think Steven would be curious and attempt to dig up records to find out what happened to his father's town or people, but I don't think he'd reach out. Jake doesn't travel. Jake's home and people are New York. I think his soft heart would feel the loss too much to want to know. But I do think that if he found any family living in New York, he'd wander by to say hello.
That being said: What about their daughter? Is she being raised Jewish? Marlene certainly is not Jewish. Or at least she was never given that designation in any of the comics that I can recall or in Moench's run. Even if she is not being raised Jewish, perhaps she would be the one to reach out. A generation reaching out to another to find answers and connection. And maybe through her, it would bring the Moon Knight system back to their own connections.
I can see Jake curiously looking at pictures of grandparents and aunts and uncles and saying "Look I have my Great Uncle's mustache!" only to be reminded that his mustache is very much a fake mustache and him quipping back that he has the same taste at least. I can also see Steven being delighted to trace his roots back and saying "The Spectors are survivors." I think even Marc might be able to sit down with his daughter and recall stories he had heard growing up about the town his family comes from and the people there.
And that does bring me a bit of optimism and hope. That they can share good things about a past that they used to look at and find only pain in. That maybe it would finally let them talk about it when it was something they couldn't talk about growing up. A way for him to say "I have generational trauma, but at least I can start to let it heal through my daughter."
SO.... That's a really long answer to your question, and maybe not the one you were looking for... But it's honest and probably more than Marvel will ever give us (I fear what Marvel might do to the history if they tried).
Thanks for asking!
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lost-romantique · 9 days
It really isn't hard to see why people ship Stolitz...
One thing I notice a lot of Anti-Stolitz shippers do is demonize one person over the other on what happened in Full Moon. Either Blitz is the most abusive asshole that was about to physically beat the shit out of Stolas, or Stolas is some rapist that got upset his victim didn't accept his grand love confession. Both of which are extremely bad takes.
If you blindly pick a side on who was right and who was wrong, than yeah it's no wonder you can't get aboard this ship and that's your own prerogative.
When people ask me why I ship Stolitz, I'll tell you why:
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Because underneath all their resentment and anger they hold for one another, they both genuinely care so deeply about the other. Their interaction in the latter half of Apology Tour says as much:
Stolas, despite, having the right to completely blow off Blitz when he approached him. Chooses to instead hide Blitz's face as a way to protect him from being seen, just so they can have a chance to talk.
Despite how horribly Blitz treated him earlier in the day, Stolas still finds comfort just being held by him. Stolas still trusts Blitz, his little knight in shining armor to protect him.
Blitz is so gentle with Stolas throughout this interaction, when Stolas gets upset and falls dramatically off his lap, Blitz freaks out. The first thing Blitz does is curse at himself for fucking up, only to immediately get Stolas up on his feet and guide him to the couch.
Blitz does the right thing and allows Stolas to dance with BTB when he looks to him for permission because: Blitz understands that he wasn't in the right mindset to reciprocate the sort of affection Stolas was seeking at that moment, and because Blitz knew that Stolas deserved to have a night of fun.
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This scene is so poignant and so powerful in my mind, that I honestly consider it one of the most beautifully heartbreaking moments of the show.
Blitz is forced to realize that by pushing people away, by building up all these walls that surround him, he essentially created this much carnage he never meant to.
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To top it all off, this episode ends with Blitz letting Stolas go, even though he desperately doesn't want to.
(Someone give Blitz a hug please, my poor precious bean.)
I love the fact that these two men are genuinely what the other needs in their life.
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A big reason as to why Stolas is in love with Blitz is because Blitz was the first person that introduced him to the concept of freedom. While Stolas just seemingly accepted his fate of dedicating his entire life to being a proper Prince of the Goetia.
Blitz wasn't like that, from the very beginning, Blitz was someone that dreamed of something bigger for himself, something better, something that usually an imp like himself could never hope to achieve. Blitz is a dreamer, and Stolas admired that.
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As adults, Blitz taught Stolas that he had a right to pursue his own sense of freedom, that he didn't need to live a life trapped in the woes of being a Goetia in an abusive marriage.
Blitz, unknowingly, taught Stolas that he didn't need to be an owl trapped in a cage! Blitz taught Stolas that he had a right to pursue his own dreams, his own happiness.
If it wasn't for Blitz, Stolas would still be living that miserable life of conformity.
Even now, there's so much Stolas could learn from Blitz, and Stolas recognizes that: "Maybe there's somethin' here for us to glean. For you to teach, and me to try to learn"
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What Stolas can do for Blitz, is be that pillar of support Blitz desperately needs in his life. Someone that will always be by his side when his self-hatred starts to take control.
Blitz needs someone in his life that can be there to remind him that he too has a right to be happy, that he too has a right to be loved.
And there is no person better for that job than Stolas, who *still* holds so much love for this little red lizard.
Stolas can be there to teach Blitz to be better for himself, and for others.
Also, low-key...
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These two are so fucking hot together, like goddamn.
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genshin-obsessed · 1 year
Confessions | Honkai Star Rail
So i've been super into hsr recently and I thought I'd get back to doing longer hcs because those are always fun! This time I left out Welt and Sampo and I'm not sure how I feel about it lol ✧ Includes: Dan Heng, Gepard, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Blade ✧ Extra: Something a little weird has happened to my Blade lol, he's just a confused man who really likes the reader. It may be ooc- i have no clue
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Dan Heng
For Dan Heng, he doesn’t know how long he’s liked you. He just realized it one day when you said something- a compliment towards him- and he just couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Dan Heng’s not the most outward person, so wanting to confess wasn’t something easy for him. He actually needed to prepare, give himself a pep talk and all. His method is invite you to his room and then just tell you- no beating around the bush.
You’re shocked to say the least- I mean it’s DAN HENG. He liked you?! HE CONFESSED?! You sat there for a good minute just staring at him. He looked calm but kinda started panicking on the inside.
“I-I like you too!” You say before he can speak. You were so loud, he jumped a little. Safe to say, he’s extremely happy you accepted because then it would’ve been awkward afterwards.
“Oh good… good.”
Gepard Landau
Everyone knows Gepard likes you before himself. He can say it’s just been a few months but others know it’s been like a year. It’s just the way he acts and stuff.
Gepard has a VERY hard time confessing. He’ll keep trying to do it, but then backs out at the last minute. He’ll keep saying he wants to talk to you about something important then just doesn’t tell you. Finally, one day… it slips out. You two are alone and he barely realizes it until he sees your face.
You’re happy but also shocked. The guy you’ve liked for like ever finally likes you back! Do you go through the statue phase of freezing up and staring? Yes. Did he start panicking because of it? Yes. Your reaction right after was to throw yourself at him and give him a tight hug.
He doesn’t say anything right then and just hugs you back. You not running away, horrified, probably meant you felt the same. That made him happy- so happy he didn’t even know what to do.
“Thank you… for not running away- oh and liking me back.”
Jing Yuan
His feelings had been around for a few months now, he knew pretty much instantly when he was attracted to you. It didn’t take him long to figure out he was in love with you either. It was obvious, his heart pounded when you were around, he couldn’t stop thinking about you, and he was always worried you’d find someone else.
Jing Yuan confesses fancy style. He’ll invite you out to like dinner or something or maybe just to take a late night walk with him. As you’re walking, he’ll coyly bring up the topic of dating and whatnot. You two chat for a bit, then he just admits it. He makes sure to add the “it’s alright if you don’t feel the same way, I won’t be upset.”
Of course, you do feel the same way! Your eyes widen and you gasp as the reality sets in. The General of the Cloud Knights liked YOU! It took a moment to just process his words, and Jing Yuan stood there patiently, giving you time to think. If you were going to say no, that’s fine, he just needed a clear answer. You found it hard to speak but forced the words out, “I-I feel the same.”
Jing Yuan’s over the moon with this newfound knowledge. He’s so happy, he could shout it out from over the rooftops. Honestly! All he can do is give you a tight hug, not wanting to do anything else if you weren’t ready for it- say a kiss.
“I’m glad. We should go on a date then- a proper one.”
Luocha is very good at keeping his feelings to himself. At first, he thought it was just a little crush and it would pass. But it didn’t. It just… kept developing. He tried to manage it, feeling that maybe a relationship right now wasn’t the best option for him. But when his heart would start pounding every time you smiled at him, or his mind went back to you and what you might’ve been doing when you two were apart told me he… maybe didn’t wanna wait.
Luocha’s confession wasn’t exactly grand. I mean, what was there to be super grand about? Especially if you were going to reject him. So he just took you out on a little walk and slyly brought up the topic of relationships. Once you mentioned you didn’t mind being in one, he just said, “will you be in one with me?”
You kinda froze. Deer in headlights situation. You needed a moment to process what he’d just said. He… wanted to date you? WELL GOOD! YOU WANTED TO DATE HIM! You happily nodded, a big giant smile spreading on your face.
There was this emotion he felt when you said you liked him too. Pure, unadulterated happiness. He felt so good about himself, about life, about everything. That emotion spoke volumes and all he could do was hug you. Tightly. 
"I'm glad... because I was really, really nervous you'd say no."
Ok… hear me out. Blade knows he likes you… when he doesn’t hate you. When you ask him for a favor and he says yes. When you hug him and he doesn’t strangle you- honestly, it wasn’t hard for him to know. Kafka teases him and he just ignores her.
Blade… doesn’t know how to confess. He’s not crazy about relationships or… people. So his entire confession was just confusing. You followed absolutely nothing except: “I like you.” You thought he was just admitting he didn’t hate you. That was good news! But you didn’t realize how good it was. “That’s great! I like you too!” You replied to which he crossed his arms, nodded, and said… “we’re dating now.”
Mhm. Yeah. That’s how smooth he is :’) you- you poor soul- didn’t know what he meant at first. So you were beyond shocked when he said what he did. Blade- BLADE- liked you- Y O U- romantically? You liked him too but you never ever expected this. Not in a million years.
You could only manage a dazed nod for a few seconds before a giant smile spread on your face and you practically threw yourself at him. Blade’s usual reaction would be to shove the person away but this was his special person. So… he hugged back.
“That was… rude, I think? Will you go on a date with me?”
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Hii I was wondering if maybe you could write a Aemond Targaryen fic? Where Aemond is like Gomez Addams and he says, "Look at her --I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way --what bliss." With maybe even a taylor swift song? Thanks :))
EITHER WAY WHAT BLISS ( House of the Dragon x Reader )
AUTHOR NOTE! It makes me so happy to know that you requested my writing! I love this idea! He does ( lowkey ) give off this vibe <3
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Fem! Tully! Reader 
prompt: Aemond is willing to die for the Reader if it means he'll get an ounce of her love.. ( The inspo was 'Gorgeous' by Taylor Swift. )
key: h/c = hair color, Dahlia = random servant girl, Evan Tully
word count: 2,000+ words
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Brushing away a strand of white hair from their face, Y/n scans the rows of men, her eyes lingering on her brother Brynden. Her name day was supposed to be a small affair between her family and her bethorthal’s. But, the King was stubborn and insisted on having a Tourney at the very least. So, she’d be sitting through at least an hour of jousting, games of archery, and grueling duels. Not exactly what she wanted to do on her name day. But, what can she do? 
Picking at her bottom lip, Brynden gives her a weak smile as he adjusts his armor, her heart clenched tightly. He could barely hold a sword, and of course, he had to enter a bloody swordsman match. Feeling Dahlia nudge her side hard, she snaps out of her daze, her cheeks flushing red from embarrassment. Shit. Turning to look at Dahlia, she tries to smile as the black haired girl continues to ramble away about something about men and their ‘walks’. 
“I bet you my finest necklace, that knight. The one in black armor is really fine under that helmet.” Dahlia giggles, twirling a strand of her hair. 
“Oh? How do you know that? For all you know he’s got the face of a donkey. How good he looks in armor, doesn’t mean that he’s that good in regular clothes.” Y/n scoffs, following Dahlia’s eyes. 
“It’s the walk. Look at how he holds himself. A fine looking man walks with a little extra pep in his step. Like he knows that the moment he removes that helmet, girls are going to swoon over him.” Dahlia smirks, “Just like your little Prince.” 
“Just because you want to fuck my betrothed does not mean that I wish to hear about it, Dahlia.  Keep that talk for the other maids.” Y/n scoffs, rolling her eyes. 
“I am envious that you, little Y/n Tully, are going to call that man her husband. The ungodly things I would do make him look at me the way he does to you. He looks at you like you crafted the moon and stars.” Dahlia rambles, a dreamy look on her face. 
Scoffing at Dahlia’s teasing, she narrows her eyes at the knight, inspecting the black armor he adorned. His face was hidden under his helmet. Looking for some kind of hint of which house he was from, the only thing that was kind of a hint was the sapphire blue cape he was wearing. But, even then it could mean nothing. Tilting her head to the side, she didn’t like that the man was a mystery, why was he hiding? What was he hiding? Watching as he strolls over to Brynden, she stands up a little straighter in her seat, her jaw clenching. If he so much as touched a hair on her baby brother’s head, she’d make Maegor the Cruel seem like a baby compared to her. 
“Brynden will be fine, Y/n.” Dahlia reasons, but her voice is weak. 
“Brynden cannot even hold a sword upright.” Y/n argues, “Not to mention he’s got two left feet!” 
“Well you’ve always looked rather pretty in black?” Dahlia weakly smiles. 
“Dahlia!” Y/n scolds, shooting her friend a look. 
“I know! But, at least he’ll look good dying?” Dahlia cringes at her own words, “I don’t know! I don't really know what to say..”
Slapping Dahlia’s shoulder, the pit in her stomach only worsens, her face curling up in anger and uneasiness. She did not have any other siblings but Brynden. He was her whole world. Her baby brother. She had practically raised him! She was the one to teach him how to say his first words. She was the one who taught him how to walk. She was there to teach him how to handle a horse. How to be a just and kind Lord. How to be the perfect husband. She did everything that a parent would do. Except how to hold a sword. 
Picking at her bottom lip with her teeth, she slowly rises from  her seat, pacing back and forth in place. She wouldn’t be able to stomach her baby brother getting hurt. It’d kill her, surely! Feeling Dahlia grab her arm, she’s pulled from her darkening thoughts. The taste of blood floods her mouth. Shit. Wiping her bottom lip clean of blood, she’s aware of the eyes that now shifted onto her. The maiden of the day.  Aemond Targaryen’s betrothed. The sweet little Tully girl born with white curls. The Enchantress of the Realm. 
"Ocean blue eyes looking in mine I feel like..I might sink and drown and die.."
“If that was your attempt to make me feel better, it failed..” Y/n breaths out, “Perhaps, I should just talk to him about pulling out. It’s not too late..” 
“My Lady…” Dahlia tries, but Y/n doesn’t hear her. 
“Do not try to talk me out of this, Dahlia. I will not allow my brother to make a fool of himself, or worse kill himself.” Y/n shakes her head, “I have made my mind! Come let us⎯”
“It’s your future husband..” Dahlia speaks through her teeth.
“You're so gorgeous, I can't say anything to your face..'Cause look at your face..gorgeous...” 
Furrowing her brows at Dahlia’s odd words, the black haired girl turns her around, forcing her to look down. Shit.  She finds herself staring down at Aemond, the mysterious knight in black armor. Her face flushes a bright red from embarrassment. The knight they had⎯Well the knight Dahlia was gawking at was Aemond. Staring at him with wide eyes, Dahlia nudges her side, trying to snap her out of her little daze. But, it feels like her tongue is made of lead. Looking him up and down, his long white locs are braided back from his face, but a few stray strands frame his face. There’s a small smirk on his face, as he adjusts his armor. Gods almighty, he looked gorgeous in armor. 
“And I'm so furious..At you for making me feel this way..But what can I say? You're gorgeous..”
“Aemond..” Y/n breathes out, “You're the blue knight..I..I thought you didn’t give a shit about Tourneys?” 
“I don’t. But, it would be a shame if I did not participate in my future-brides Name Day Tourney.” He smirks, licking his bottom lip. 
“I..Aemond, could you..?” She chews on her bottom lip, “Could you possibly? Please watch out for my brother?” 
“I will.” He nods, making her smile gratefully. 
“Thank you.” 
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He kept his word, or at least that was what Dahlia was telling her. She hadn’t dared to open her eyes just yet. She didn’t not care if that made her a coward. She just couldn’t stand to watch the fights and not think about her brother while men pummeled each other with swords. Squeezing Dahlia’s hand tightly, she tenses at the call of her brother’s name and Aemond’s. Her eyes shoot open, her jaw dropping slightly. No. No. No. No. That couldn't be right! She must have misheard! Sharply turning her head to the fighting circle, she bolts from her seat, leaning against the railing. Her nails dig into the wood like a cat’s would. Her eyes are flickering between the two of them. 
One of them would get hurt, she was sure of it, whether it be intentional or not. Her breathing grows ragged, her heart pounding against her ribcage. She was afraid that it would jump out of her chest. Watching as they  raise their swords, she stuck in a trance as they slowly circled each other. Their swords collide, her eyes shutting tightly at the horrid sound of metal against metal. Biting her lip, she doesn’t know why her eyes peel open, but her heart stops in her chest as  she catches the sight of Aemond falling to the ground. His sapphire blue cape slowly turned red. She nearly faints at the sight of red, he’s bleeding. Oh gods..He was bleeding. 
“You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah..”
“AEMOND!” She shouts, the words escaping her lips before she can stop it.
“My Prince!” Someone shouts, their voice a blur in her mind. 
No. No. No. No. Watching with blurry eyes as Maesters rush to him, she wants to bolt to him, but her legs are frozen in place. Brynden drops his sword, the realization creeping on his face. Feeling Dahlia’s arms wrap around her, it seems like the Arena explodes with chaos in an instant. Everyone is shouting loudly. Guards are rushing around in every direction. But, throughout the chaos her eyes are on him. Her Aemond. 
“He’ll be okay…” Dahlia reassures, “Maesters are tending to him..” 
“Take me to him.” Y/n breaths out, tears flooding her eyes. 
“Y/n..” Dahlia nervously warns, “I..I don’t think we should. Not right now at least.” 
“Take me to him.” Y/n repeats, her voice more firm than before.
Shooting Dahlia an icy glare, Dahlia chews on her lip before nodding her head at the request, a nervous look on her face. What if it was bad? What if he died? Would Brynden be punished? Gods, how in the Seven bloody hells did this happen? Following Dahlia, she picks up her skirt, her eyes searching for the white haired man that was to be her husband. Pushing past frantic Lords and Guards,  it felt like an invisible force had her by the throat,  squeezing her lungs and throat with each step she took closer to a bleeding out Aemond.  
Seeing him laying on the ground, his chest piece was removed, his white tunic cut open to reveal the rather gnarly gash on his stomach.  Tears flood her eyes at the sight before her.  Covering her mouth with her hand, she rushes to his side,  her eyes scanning every little detail that she can. His chest was moving up and down, he was drenched in sweat and dirt. That was a good thing. Looking at his face, his eye patch was removed, his hair completely unbraided and spread around him like a halo. 
“Oh..Aemond..” She whispers, petting his sweat soaked hair. 
“My Lady, you should not be here.” 
“He is my husband to be, I will not be leaving.” She argues, turning back to Aemond. “Aemond, are you okay, love?”
“I am fine. Do not worry.” He grunts, clenching his jaw.
Staring into his eyes, she tenses up at the sight of his missing eye-patch. Fuck, he looked gorgeous with that scar. Looking up at her, he notices her attention on his face. Lifting a hand to touch his face, his face drains of color when he doesn’t feel the leather of his eye-patch. He had been purposeful in hiding his scar from the world. He didn’t want to be viewed as a monster. But, she looked at him with such softness in her eyes. Hunching over him, she casually places her hand over his eye, hiding his eye from everyone. Giving him a small nod, his breathing grows shaky. 
“You dodged his attack. But, not like someone as experienced with a sword as you are, would. Why?” Dahlia asks, narrowing her eyes at Aemond.  
“Look at her, I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way⎯what bliss.” He whispers, High Valyrian flowing off his tongue. 
“You are a lovestruck fool, Aemond Targaryen.” Dahlia scoffs, “I hope this is the bloodloss talking.”
“What did you say?” Y/n furrows her brows, “Dahlia..?”
“He didn’t want to risk hurting your brother. That he rather he be the one hurt and not your brother. Come, let us reassure your little brother that he hasn’t killed your beloved.” Dahlia lies smoothly, nodding her head at Aemond.
Y/n looks between Dahlia and Aemond unsure, chewing on her bottom lip. She didn’t know enough High Valyrian to understand what the two of them were discussing. But, she trusted Dahlia enough to take her word for it. Opening her mouth to speak, Aemond grabs onto her hand, stopping her. Looking down at Aemond, her cheeks flushing involuntarily, her heart was pounding frantically in her chest. She wanted him to keep on looking at her like that. 
“Go..” He nods, "I will be fine."
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Another from the secret blog
Ganon x male reader
Reader is Zelda's Brother
Omegaverse, fluff, angst
(name) was quiet as he wandered the halls of the palace, tonight was the grand ball between kingdoms and his sister told him to not be near but... He couldn't help himself! He was so fascinated by the other kingdoms, having read about them in books. The other kingdoms people were so much taller than Hylians!
His sister never let him leave the palace, the Alpha woman fiercely protective of him and always seemed on edge about people knowing about him...
"Oh? Why aren't you joining the festivities?" A voice broke (name) out of his trance as he peered through the glass windows of the ball room, the Omega jumping to see a tall guredo man in gold's and silks, clearly of importance "o-oh! My sister didn't want me to be near the ball but... I couldn't help myself... I just got curious" (name) confessed looking down embarrassed and the smell of slight distress leaked from him causing the Man to look almost startled but kept his cool, for every Century a guredo male is born and such a Hylian male Omega is born.
Centuries ago the two kingdoms make a treaty for the Omega and the male guredo to be mates.
Seems Zelda wasn't keeping her end of the bargain.
"What's your name little Hylian?" The man gently traced his cheek with his large hand, when did he get so close (name) wondered "I am (name), prince of Hyrule" he said straining his neck to look up at the giant of an alpha "what's yours?"
"Ganondorf, King of the Guredo people" his voice deep, (mame) entranced by the man's amber eyes, warmth radiating from his olive skin and a purr almost ripped from his throat "I always wanted to see the valley... I read about it in books, are hydromelons really as good as I read?" (Name) was curious and an invisible tail was wagging as he looked at the king with stars in his eyes, clearly he didn't know about the treaty, not knowing the ruby haired man was technically his fiance. "I have, they are quite delicious" his little mate was quite adorable he noted to himself.
"You should probably return to the party... They are probably wondering where you are" (name) fretted after a while, realizing he's taken so much of his time "I believe they can hold off without me for a little while longer"
(Name) beamed at him and Ganon took in the sweet smell of a happy Omega as they wandered the halls, passing an open arch to see the full moon. (Name) shivered slightly at the cool breeze and looked confused as Ganon removed his ornate cape and placed it on the omegas shoulders, the height difference almost laughable as (name) drowned in it.
"Thank you..." (name) looked up at him shyly and Ganon revelled at the glow of the moon casting itself upon (name), he looked ethereal like this and he couldn't help himself as he leaned to the others level, a feat within itself as the Guredo stood at ten feet tall, finger hooking under the Hylians chin and lips grazing before going in for a ki--"My king!" A Guredo guard said worried as Zelda came in looking horrified at the fact Ganon was near her brother, (name) completely taken by Ganon.
"Why have you kept my mates existence a secret?" Ganondorf cut to the chase before Zelda could talk, she was clearly nervous about this interaction and (name) looked confused "you do know this is would break the treaty" the Guredo people were key allies, masters of combat and a powerhouse with their military as unlike Hyrule they don't discriminate on secondary gender.
"Mate..?" (Name) looked confused and looked to his sister for answers, his sister looked furious at this and her fists clenched as she took a silent breath.
She knew she was controlling of her brother, micromanaging every second of her brothers life.
She was protective, could you blame her?
She didn't think Ganondorf was good enough for him, having plans to mate her brother off to the head knight Link though neither seemed very interested in the concept.
"You and I are fiance's, every generation a male guredo and a male Omega are born and are set to be wed" Ganondorf was told that there was no omega born yet, causing tensions to rise.
"Is this true..?" He looked to his sister who couldn't deny it "yes, you are engaged to King ganondorf by law" (name) was already in his adulthood, 23 to be exact but heavily sheltered and all knowledge of the outside was through books and stories from guards.
Come morning (name) was in the gardens eating sweets the kitchen had made him, thoughts heavy at last night's events and avoided his sister like the plague. He was engaged? To the king of another kingdom?
Ganon was handsome he would admit, the giant king made him feel giddy and giggly when he looked at him, remembering when their lips brushed--- he was so flustered at the memory. Ganondorf smelt of spices and honey, the smell was on (name)s clothes when he returned to his room.
"Ah, there you are" Ganons voice caught (name)s attention, the Guredo alpha dressed less regal but still recognizable as a king, long purposeful strides towards his fiance "last night was surely stressful"
"I still can't process that im engaged... Zelda spoke of an engagement with the head knight but to know I had already been spoken for..."
"We would have already been we'd if you had not been hidden from me" Ganon said crouching before his fiance "...could I get to know you? I know we are to be wed and it would most likely be fast tracked but... I would like to know you... Know my future alpha" (name) looked at him hopefully, even crouching Ganon towered over him "that could be arraigned, perhaps you could come with me to Gerudo valley for one or two months and get to know the people and the vulture" he offered and (name) grinned "really? Are Sand seals really as big as the books say?" He asked hopeful and Ganon smiled "you will have to find out, won't you?"
Zelda looked like a kicked dog, unable to deny the request of her brother going to Guredo valley for three months, tensions already thick.
And Ganon looked so so smug.
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leoascendente · 8 months
PAC/ Who's thinking about you? ✨️
Hi my loves! ❤️ Welcome to this new pac about the person who has you currently on their mind. As always, take only what resonates with you and leave what doesn't. Take a deep breath before choosing your pile and pick the one that calls you the most, hope you like it :)
My blog in Spanish here
Paid readings here
The pictures are taken from the blog of @simena, my absolute favorite blog, highly recommended<3
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Pile 1/Pile 2/ Pile 3
Pile 1:
Who and why?:
(Cards: 3 of wands, 4 of cups rev, 8 of swords rev, death/ ace of pentacles, 7 of swords rev, 4 of pentacles, hermit rev)
I feel a friendship vibe from this pile, this is a person that you thought would be in your life for a really long time, you felt really happy and fulfilled by this person's side, everything seemed to be fie but something happened that you lost contact with eachother, for some I see you had to consciously pull them off your life because they were becoming a toxic influence. Even though you had future plans with this person, maybe a travel or something like that, you decided to leave them behind or the relationship ended before aything bad could happen to you. I feel this was a friendship of yours who was troublesome but you didn't realize of their true colors until it was late, I see here that you really loved and appreciate them deeply and their actions after the separation dissapointed you, like the kind of people that talks bad at your back so they look nicer to the eyes of others.
This person feared that you could find out some truths about them that they wanted to keep hidden, I'm also hearing 'copycat' energy so this person was trying to make theirs your ideas or projects, this person lacks originality and have to absorv it from others like a parasite, even if sounds bad. I really feel that the person who decided to cut off this relationship was you in order to protect yourself and your wellbeing, it might sound weird but it seems like everything was fine on the outside but there was a perceptible tension in the air that you were avoiding or not giving the proper importance to. They are thinking about you because you were a lighthouse for them, their life was better when you were on it and they know it.
Future actions:
(Cards: queen of wands rev, wheel of fortune rev, page of swords, queen of swords)
This person will try to enter your life again, expect a suddent text message or call from them, it has taken them a lot of effort to do it and I even see the have written you before but never sent the message. I take the queen of swords as an advice for you to act more strategicaly and, if you feel like responding the message or call, do it in a cold way because they are coming from a place of interest not love, and might even try to force an argument to prove you wrong. This person is projecting a lot of things over you because they feel small, even more if this separation between you two happened a long time ago, this person feels frustrated about the fact that you could move on and they don't, they might even be jealous of how your life is currently going and the blessings you are receiving. Things look to be moving against this person and they saw you as their lucky charm, now that they don't know how to get out of the circumstances they created, they are coming back into your life for you to save them. Be intelligent my dear, don't let them manipulate you because those are their intentions, play smart.
Pile 2
Who and why?:
(Cards: 7 of wands, hanged man, 3 of swords rev, 10 of pentacles/ knight of swords rev, 5 of wands, 5 of cups rev, empress rev)
Gosh, this person is intense as hell, the kind of person that always has their guard up because thinks that the whole world is against them, always on fight or flight mode. You had a fight or argument with this person that led to break the relationship, this person might be a pisces sun or moon, this person is really defensive and rarely take things lightly, it feels like living in survival mode, it could be a family member for what I'm feeling. For a little amount of you I see that this person could be a love interest that kept you moving back and forth but never commiting to you, they used you for their own interest and avoiding facing the truth of their behavior, this person, whoever it is, is really conflictive within themselves and with the world, they don't know how to keep and care the relationships in their life. If you resonate with the love interest option, this person might be dealing with someone that will treat them the same way they treated you, they are about to receive a heavy karmic lesson.
This person was a little jealous of you, and instead of being ispired by your energy they saw you as a threat even though it was never your intention to make them feel that way. I see that this person holds so much anger and rage within that they need to create any excuse to start an argument so they can release those emotions in a toxic way with people that don't really deserve it. You know that kind of people that get yelled at on their work by their boss and act submissive but when they arrive home they start yelling at everyone the way they wish they yelled at their boss? Well, that's the kind of vibe I'm getting from this person. They think of you from time to time but when you appear in their mind they try hard to pull you away from their thoughts, they have remorse and they know why, they are just avoiding reality and the consequences of their own actions.
Future actions:
(Cards: 4 of pentacles, tower rev, 10 of swords rev, 6 of cups)
This person really misses you, with two 10 cards in their spread I feel like they have solved some issues that were a trouble in your relationship when you were dealing with eachother, right now they feel more positive but they still have this melancholic energy when it comes to you because they know that they could end up things in a more positive light, . They are not going to approach you, their pride is too big for that but, they think about you pretty often and, when they do, they feel remorse and guilt, they know that you were a good influence for them and are aware that their behavior was a burden that caused all the disaster. Anyway, this person thinks that you made them really happy and miss those joyful moments, they know you are a good person and recognie all the good things you made for them, they might be even looking for you in other people because I keep hearing on repeat on my mind the song Glimpse of us (beautiful song but with a very toxic message, it's singed by joji, in case you want to check it)
Pile 3:
Who and why?:
(Cards: star rev, 7 of cups rev, page of wands, strenght rev/ justice, judgement, 4 of swords, page of swords)
This might be a love interest that ghosted you and, for what it seems, for no reason, but in fact they really had serious reasons to pull you away, it might not be ghosting per se but right now there's no contact between you two for any given reason, like things just got cold. This person had a lot of unsolved bussinesses in their life that they needed to be attended by the moment they met you, this person might look very outgoing and resolutive on the outside but there's a deep anxiety they are trying very hard to hide, they might even be using sports as an scape mechanism to stop thinking about everything that's currently on their table. There's a lot of attraction between both of you and this person feels it very intensely, you left a significative mark on them and they can't forget about you, and in fact, they don't want to forget you at all but now they don't feel enough for you, or at least, like they can't offer you what you deserve.
The why is a little more complex than what I expected, for some there could be legal matters involved that they had to solve, maybe this is some kind of forbidden relationship and this person was in the middle of a divorce, whatever it is, law is involved here, for those who don't, they are going through a serious karmic lesson. This person has you on high regard and wants to offer you something real and stable but they know that the circumstances weren't the right ones, they want to present themselves as the perfect match for you and, instead of being honest and tell you about what's going on in their life they decided to let things at pause waiting for the perfect moment to come back.
Future actions:
(Cards: 3 of swords rev, high priestess, hierophant, knight of cups)
This person is coming back into your life with their heart on their hands ready to give it to you, they see you as their counterpart and they regret deeply for not acting correctly with you. Now that their problems are solved they want to come back but they have this fear of you having the door closed for them, I see they have an apology and an explanation for you but they are scared that you might reject them for their behavior. They've been thinking a lot about you and you have probably thought a lot about them too, even have some psychic glimpses of this person like dreams or intuitive toughts. Expect soon a contact from this person, they won't take too long. There's a soulmate/ twin flame connection between you two, and even if this person don't know about this kind of connections they know that there's something special here and that your connection and chemistry is true.
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multiwreckedmess · 7 months
February Filth Fest - Day 19
Pairing: Bard!Hongjoong x Princess!Reader x Knight!Seonghwa Prompt: Double Penetration WC: 6.3k Summary: Even as a Princess, life does not always go your way. When the gilded cage calls the shackles still weigh heavily. The eve of your wedding night to a man you’d only heard about, you call upon your friends to assist in your petty subversion.
This is a work of fiction, it does not represent Hongjoong, Seonghwa or any Ateez member. On top of this it is an 18+ work. For my comfort and boundaries please if you are under age do not interact with this.   TW/CW (nonspecific): Not so happy ending, fem descriptions for reader, sort of cheating?, arranged marriage, first times/virginity loss, rites/ritual, dom!Hongjoong, two instances of mxm.  Additional TW/CW under the cut.
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TW/CW: Being bathed by others, guided first time, brief “whore” mention, reader called “princess”, Hongjoong kisses Seonghwa, Hongjoong and Seonghwa aren’t exactly friends but not exactly enemies either, p in v, blowjob, squirting, breeding mention, cum everywhere. reader says “no” but they stop and talk. 
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 “So, Princess, you’ve gathered us here in a strange cabin in the woods on the eve of your marriage in order to…?” Hongjoong smirks and tilts his head. “Truly I can’t imagine what scheme you’ve cooked up.”  You fidget, looking between the two gorgeous men in front of you. You’d never expected both to show up, despite your status. Your only friends behind the castle walls, Seonghwa and Hongjoong. Two more different men couldn’t have been better friends, like the sun and the moon. Your sun and moon.  In contrast to Hongjoongs off kilter stance and confident smirk, Seonghwa stands tall, nervously raking his hand through his hair. “You called upon me so I came. Princess. If there is anything I can do-”  “Take me.”  Seonghwa’s mouth drops, Hongjoong shrugs.  “I can’t have that-that oaf of a man be the one who-” you shudder, tongue darting out to wet your dry lips. “He can’t. I’ll kill myself.” Your voice tremors. Truly the man your parents had chosen was a partnership of diplomacy rather than love. A man you’d never met before, never seen, and had only heard of in economics and treaties meetings. The betrayal on their part was unspeakable to you, yet not unexpected. Some small part of your heart had hoped they’d listen to your pleas to change from the old ways. “I don’t love him. Not like-not like I love you. Both. Both of you.”  The cabin is silent save for the crackle of the fireplace, dimly illuminating the three of you. There’d been many times you’d told each man you loved them but never with this weight. Your trio holds the moment suspended by invisible chains holding you still. For a second you want to blurt out that it was all a joke, a funny prank to test their loyalty. Anything to save face from what you are sure is going to be a brutal rebuff. Even still you’re friends. You’ve always been friends. If you couldn’t be safe with them really who could you be?  Seonghwa finally speaks, “okay, how do you want to do this?”  “I took a bag of the anointing herb from the matron,” you begin to rattle off your plan. Nerves leaping from the pit of your bowels to your throat.  “You took! Naughty girl, didn’t know you had it in you!” Hongjoong’s eyes sparkle. “So what’s next, you want both of us? With you?”  “I didn’t think both of you would actually show up,” you mutter sheepishly. “But yes, both of you. If you are alright with it. If you both want it, me, this. It’s always been the three of us. And I asked you both.”  The men look at each other, sharing a nod of recognition.  Shimmied down to their underclothes, your eyes dart to the floor, prolonging the appearance of modesty. Gingerly your hands cup over your breasts, nipples peeking through the thin fabric. The echo of the water splashing down into the large marble basin drowns out the thud of your heart. You’d never thought it would come to this and yet it wasn’t terribly shocking. Numb to your parents will, the second in line to the throne, despite customs you’d dreamed maybe there was a chance to escape your fate. But as it turns out, there is more to the throne than ascension, sometimes there’s just greed. Seonghwa takes command of spreading the herbs throughout the bath, whispering a prayer to the gods. The trail of his fingers through the steaming water leaves only the slightest disturbance to the surface tension. He’s careful and measured and clean, as in all things.  “You ready Princess?” Hongjoong’s sing-song voice gloats from behind you.  “Or are you busy studying the floor? C’mon, it’s just like old times except- well. You know.”  “It’s hardly the same,” Seonghwa sounds exasperated, “we’ve changed a lot since we used to play in the mud together Joong.” Out of the corner of your eye you see Seonghwa shift slightly to look at Hongjoong, undoubtedly shooting him some sort of glare.  “No, he’s right,” you say with a sigh, “it’s all parts we’ve seen before.” Your thighs hit the cool ledge of the tub, steam billowing up from the water. Both men are correct in their own way. No matter how intimately you’d seen others, or even them as they grew up, nothing was quite like this. Gathering your courage and your skirt, you cautiously lift one leg over the edge, then the other, submerging up to your knees in the water. It burns to numbness immediately. You swear and gasp, Seonghwa’s hand flying to your waist protectively. Hongjoong joins, grasping just under your armpits to support your weight.  “I’ve got you, it’s too hot right? If you need to get out I’ve got you right here.” Hongjoong drops his tough exterior in a second to come to your aid, steady and stone faced.  “I’m fine, just unexpected. I’m fine. Back down boys.” You shake off their hands and strip down to lower yourself into the water. The bath isn’t the only thing that’s hot, the intensity of their stares burning into your skin before the steam even has a chance to lick against it. You press your chest to your knees protectively. They each are so different and so alike. Both intense in their convictions and their love for you.  “Do you want us in or-” It’s Hongjoongs turn to break the silence, surreptitiously averting his eyes.  “It’s customary that the betrothed sit beside and tend to his lady first.” Seonghwa rattles off. His queensgard training showing up in full force.  “Normally I’d say fuck the customs but,” you trail off, unusually hesitant to voice your needs.  Hongjoong is eerily soft with you. His normal tough love attitude almost all but evaporates as he watches you, wrapped in on yourself in the tub. “It sounds pleasant. I understand.”  “-but I might want you to join after. I reserve the right to change my mind.”  “As always, Princess. You have that right.”  Each man grabs a waterlogged cloth, Seonghwa opts for your arms while Hongjoong boldly reaches into the water to grab your calf. He tries his best to bring the fun back into the night, the force of his pull dragging your torso down into the water and letting it splash up into your face, both of you giggling. Meanwhile Seonghwa methodically moves in concentric circles, muttering the ritual prayer as he does so. You can barely hear it, he knows you’d tell him to stop otherwise, but his lips move just enough to let his breath not so subtly fan over the droplets clinging to your skin. Studying his features, he’s too beautiful to be a knight you think. You’d always thought that of him. No matter how many layers of cold armor he put on there was still the soft boy beneath, wide eyed and warmhearted. It was his family, his noble lineage, that doomed him, as it doomed you. It wasn’t fair, he would’ve been as good a choice as any for you to marry.
 Your eyes flick back to Hongjoong, sharper features but equally as handsome. His eyes are closed as he brushes up over your knee to your thigh. You were never his to have. You’d both known that. And yet you’d kept up with him most easily. Bards have a way of skirting social rules like that. Always a little cocky and willing to tease, now he sits silently, hand tensing as it wanders closely to uncharted territory beneath the water. “Scandalous, taking your ritual bath with two men who aren’t your husband and letting them have the first taste. Can you imagine what the court ladies would say?” Hongjoong’s airy chuckle carries the silence, eyes locking with yours.  “Probably that ‘it’s a quick way to get stabbed.’”  “Or beheaded.”  “Married for a fortnight to my husband then beheaded by his family. Such is my lot I suppose.” You start giggling again, his fingers tickle your inner thigh. Your nerves drain as you both laugh. His eyes light up, “here our princess lies, maidenhead taken thrice, actual head removed once.”
 Seonghwa bristles, washcloth having barely ventured lower than where your collar usually sat. “It should be your betrothed doing this not-”  “Do you really think he would’ve done this for me? Really? In your heart of hearts?” You snap, your giddy laughter turning to quick rage. The water in the tub splashes as you turn to stare at him incredulously.  Seonghwa pauses the answer immediately on his tongue but is almost ashamed to say it. Your heart breaks a little again, face softening as you watch his eyes travel down to the floor tiles. “No. I know. He wouldn’t.” The pain of what could’ve been his all too evident across his face.
 The three of you sit in silence again, the water growing more tepid by the second. Their hands continue when their mouths don’t.  “You know, the gods aren’t the only reason behind the bathing ritual. It’s to get you used to each other’s touch. The herbs are all from the doctors garden, a mixture to help relax your muscles.” Hongjoong offers. You sigh. It's true, or at least it feels true to you. You’ve eased into their hands like magic, even as they creep closer to intimate areas of your body. Arching into Seonghwa’s circles, he brushes inadvertently over your nipple. For a moment he looks shocked, close to muttering an apology before he realizes how you’re pressing into his ministrations with your eyes closed in bliss. Hongjoong’s hand ventures farther, slowly massaging the crook of your thigh and your sex. They feel good together like this, you think as you slide farther against them.  “Do you want us in there or you out here?” Seonghwa asks quietly.  “Out.” You state simply, letting the water slosh as you emerge like Aphrodite herself. The men divide and conquer, Seonghwa draining and tending to the herb-lined tub as Hongjoong pulls you into his warm towel-lined embrace.
 “So Princess, you’ve really never done it before?” Hongjoong teases as he rubs the towel against you vigorously. “Narey a bite from the tree of knowledge? Even a nibble?”  “Joong, of course she hasn’t.” Seonghwa sounds exasperated as he returns to the bedroom. “Exactly what person would risk their head to defile a Princess?”  “Us, currently, we are.” Hongjoong rolls his eyes, giving you a squeeze before backing towards the bed.  You and Seonghwa stare at each other, looking for comfort but only finding the same nervous energy darting behind his eyes as was living in your body.  “So have you? Done it?” You ask Hongjoong, eyes unwavering from Seonghwa.  “Of course, write what you know, you have to have the full world of experience. All of that. Comes with the job, no pun intended.”  His ease about the matter is refreshing. Bustling around preparing god knows what as you and Seonghwa hold each other's anxiety in stillness. You shiver, looking hopefully at the man in front of you. Pressing his lips together he slowly wraps his arms around you, pulling you to him. For such a slender man he’s strong, and warm. Heat radiating from his skin in waves. Safe, is the word that floats to the top of your mind. He’s safe. “I haven’t either.” Seonghwa mutters under his breath. Resting his chin on you, he calls to Hongjoong, “there’s the anointing, don’t forget-” he sounds anxious, despite his warmth he shivers.  “Yeah yeah, you do the oils and prayers and I'll be on my knees.” Hongjoong tugs at your towel, unraveling you from the other man. Tumbling slightly your thigh hit the side of the mattress Hongjoong offers a hand to ease your back flat. Staring at the ceiling your nerves rocket around. It’s happening, it’s going to happen. “Hwa, you get on the bed and do your little ritual thing. I’ll tend to her.”  You press your chin to your chest curiously peering over the towel as a flurry of activity surrounds you. Seonghwa shines as he gathers the vial of oil from your things, strewn at the bottom of the bed. Hongjoong smiles as he kneels at your feet.  “You know most of my lovers haven’t been so used to seeing another person kneel before them, this is usually quite exciting,” he jokes. “No matter, I think you’ll like this next part Princess.” His eyes rake down your body as his hands travel up your shins. The tip of his nose tickles as it presses to the front of your thigh, lips trailing after. Your toes curl and lashes flutter as your stomach tightens. Heat spreads to your sex, blood rushing southwards. It’s embarrassing how easily his palms part your legs, how excited you are that he looks so excited. Slotting himself between, his shoulders press your knees up slightly, hands hold your hips as his tongue presses flat to your slit, licking one long pointed stripe against you, lips meeting the top of your mound with a harsh suck.  “JOONG,” you yelp and scramble, all at once forgetting the towel. Hipss held in place with surprising strength, his tongue twirls around your clit before his lips surround it, kissing at you hungrily. “Oh my god.” You writhe in delight, Seonghwa’s blushed face appearing in your periphery. For a second you worry that such a brash display of arousal will have turned him off, that it’s made you lesser than in his eyes. That somehow even though you’d all agreed to this, he would want to back out now, seeing you so vulnerable. Instead he looks flushed, eyes darkened and hungry. Licking his lips he shakes his head to clear the thoughts clouding his judgment.  “I thought he’s supposed to pray, not you,” Hongjoong emerges from between your thighs.  “Your tongue is so lo-” your praise is interrupted by his wicked muscle thrusting into you again, slurping with delight.  “Wait until you see what else is long.”  “Hongjoong. I need quiet. If you could be less…enthusiastic.” Seonghwa, having emptied the vial, holds a bowl of oil. His chest rises and falls as he concentrates heavily, almost boring holes in you with his gaze. Your own breathing mimics his as you study him, he’d always taken his job seriously, ever since the three of you learned your fates as children. Always keeping the knights code in the back of his mind, even before entering training proper. Holding up the dignity of the kingdom was important to him, almost as important as holding up yours. Dipping two fingers into the oils he slowly and methodically paints translucent runes on your chest, focusing as though he was the one that would be making his vows to you tomorrow.
 All it took to break him was you breaking first. You’d done so well, dosing your small whines into large breaths as your vision blurred beyond what a prescription could fix. Even as Hongjoong knelt dutifully between your thighs, enthusiastically licking and fucking his fingers into you, you’d managed to choke down your moans and limit your convulsions to your fingers and toes. What sent you over the edge was a simple brush of Seonghwa’s fingertips around your nipple. The second to last rune required by the ritual. Dropping your mouth open, you moan and writhe.  “‘M sorry! Felt good,” you whimper.  Seonghwa looks flushed, “I have to do it again.”  “I hope,” you beg, Hongjoong lightly swatting at your upper thigh.  His hand shakes as he recites and draws the final rune, your eyes rolling back as your back arches from the mattress. Almost in a trance he takes what's left of the oil and pours it on the center of your torso, his hands meeting to pull tendrils of the liquid out, covering what he’d worked so diligently on. His hands gliding, Hongjoongs tongue teasing, your brain fuzzes over in pleasure. Filthy words spew from your mouth as one man presses and pulls, the other lapping at some new source of pleasure, you’re suddenly glad you opted for the most distant of the cabins on the castle grounds. As you shudder out a gasp, Seonghwa wraps his arms around your waist, supporting you as he leans forward to kiss your breast. His lips are like a whisper against you, tentative and airy.  “Again,” You command, pulling at his shoulder hastily. “More.”  He obliges, mouth encircling your nipple with more confidence, latching to you and tugging back with a small pop. It stings. It feels good. You pull him to you again, nails digging in as he joins in the feast. Head pressed into the center of the mattress your head feels full of cotton, eyes closing and relishing in the attention. Thighs trembling your hips finally break free from Hongjoong as you cum, thrashing as his fingers drive into you over and over, fucking you through each refractory wave.  All that fills the room now is heavy breathing.  “Little rebellious princess, should’ve expected you’d be loud,” Hongjoong muses, sucking his fingers clean before  wiping your glistening release from his mouth with the back of his hand in one fluid motion. “She’s delicious Hwa, want a bite?”  He grunts, one hand still mauling a breast while he nuzzles into the crook of your neck. His hips move subconsciously, wet splotch on his undergarments gently prodding your side in time with his snuffled moans.  Hongjoong tugs lightly at Seonghwas arm, jostling him just enough to release you from his grasp. His eyes are blurred, lips pinks and full.  “You first, it’s more romantic that way,” Hongjoong grumbles.  “Hm? First?” Seonghwa blinks slowly.  “You’re both virgins. It’s…cute,” Hongjoong sighs begrudgingly. “I’ll help.”  Seonghwa shifts, thumbs disappearing beneath his waistband. Hongjoong’s do as well and you realize you’re going to see them. Your eyes blow wide as your two men stand nonchalantly, tugging down the last vestiges of their modesty. The tops of their hipbone dip gracefully down into the valleys of their pubic bones. Something about the way their abs expand and contract is entrancing, mouth watering. You gulp. There’s a twinkle in Hongjoongs eye as he teases just the top of his member, using the taut waist of his undergarments to push himself down. In profile, Seonghwa has no such ritual, peeling off his own underwear and gently folding it in front of himself. If your eyes could set fire where they stared Seonghwa’s clothes would be ashes.  “Eyes on me Princess,” Hongjoong smirks. “See ‘Hwa? Women need a little more anticipation.”  You can feel your pulse elevate, heart leaping into your throat as your stomach tenses. It’s hard to decide where you want to look more on the man; his fingers, slowly rolling down the top of his waistband or his face, full focus locked on you.  “Women? As opposed to-?  “Men.” Hongjoong states with a small chuckle. “Men want action and women want suspense. Isn’t that right Princess? You must be nearly dying to see the rest.”  You nod. “Please, I-”  “Beg.”  Seonghwa shoots him an incredulous look. “Don’t forget yourself, she’s our Princess.”  “Was she our Princess when you were humping her thigh like a dumb mutt? I want her to want it. I want her to beg.” Hongjoong refuses to lose your gaze as he speaks, low and slow, to the man practically ready to him for your honor.  You whine, “please Hongjoong. Seonghwa. Please.” Begging like this has your insides on fire. It’s foreign and taboo and beneath you and you love it. Shakily your hand moves between your thighs as you continue to plead.  “Go touch her,” Hongjoong gently instructs. Seonghwa doesn’t need a second prompting, scrambling back to the bed and between your legs, hitching them up on his hips with a fluid scoop of his arms. Hongjoong hovers in the periphery, finally lowering his waistband to reveal himself to you. Mouth watering thickness bouncing back up as he sets it free, running his palm over the head and smearing the fat tip with the pearled precum that bubbled forth.  “That’s a good boy. Now you’re going to get yourself nice and wet to make this easier on her.”  Seonghwa’s face is buried in your neck as his shaft glides along your folds in awkward stuttered thrusts. “I could- oh you feel so good against me- I could just-” Reedy whines vibrate on your skin.  “Don’t you dare,” Hongjoong snarls as he yanks Seonghwa up from your chest by the hair at the back of his head. “Don’t you fucking waste her time cumming on her stomach.”  “Then what, asshole,” Seonghwa huffs. “What the fuck do I do?”  “Touch her.” Hongjoong rolls his eyes at Seonghwa’s lack of action. Crawling up onto the bed next to him, he guides his hand to your swollen cunt. “Start with the lips and then slip in, and when your fingers and good and wet, touch yourself.” You can’t see it but you can certainly feel it, the calm demonstrative teaching hand and the cautious student following.  If anything could’ve convinced you of divine right it would’ve been the feeling of their fingers slipping simultaneously between your folds and filling your aching walls. How else could one describe the ascension except heavenly. Your back arches into the bed, hips bouncing down onto their hands.  “See? Our Princess likes being stuffed full of our fingers. Just imagine how much she’ll like other parts.” Hongjoong smirks and you moan. Pulling his hand from you and stroking himself with the essence that clings, Seonghwa follows suit, coating himself as well. “She’s ready, if you are. If you spill too quickly…” he smiles to himself, “well, that’s why I’m here.”  Seonghwa looks down at you, chest heaving, hair messy and knotted in the sheets. Eyes large and hazy, smiling dumbly up at him, he can hardly believe this is about to happen. It takes a second for him to find the give of your needy walls, poised at your entrance he leans close to you, wrapping you in his embrace. Your breathing becomes shallow as he presses into you, enveloping himself in the wet heat. His head spins but he steals himself.  “There you go, nice and slow like that, really let her suck you in.” Hongjoong directs from afar.  Seonghwa’s lips tickle the shell of your ear as he whispers, “you can always tell me to stop.”  “I know, that’s why I don’t want you to.” Your legs lock over his hips, resting on his low back, weighing him down into you farther.  Both of you moan, half out of pain and half relief, as he stills, taken upto the hilt inside of you. Circling your hips you work your walls to accommodate his size, twitching with stimulation.  “Let her work your cock, her body knows what it wants, listen to that.”  Your body does know what it wants, it wants them. Arm reaching out blindly from you, gesturing Hongjoong to come closer as your screw your eyes shut. The carnal way your body is reacting would be almost too embarrassing if it didn’t feel so mind-numbingly good. Seonghwa starts to pump inside of you in time with your hips rolling, bouncing you back down into the sheets. The warm grasp of hands pinning your wrists to the sheets sends your eyes flying open.  Seonghwa looks like an angel in a renaissance painting, beads of sweat collected at his brow, mouth dropped open, and eyes cast to the heavens. He’s focused on balancing his weight mostly off of you. Instead it’s Hongjoong who holds your wrists, every present smirk lighting the corners of his mouth and the fire behind his eyes.  “You’re taking him so well for your first time, princess.” The light praise has you enthusiastically moaning and whimpering. Your fingers wrapped around Hongjoong’s wrists for support twitch and seize. “Just keep fucking yourself back on him like a good girl.”  Leveraging his weight on your wrists you do just as he instructs, bucking fiercely back on Seonghwa. High strangled whines die in his throat as his brows furrow in concentration. The wetness between you grows, lessening the dragging feeling in your gut.  “God, Seonghwa-fuck-I-” you groan, familiar intense feeling of fire coursing through your veins blooms brilliantly from your core. In an instant your walls pulse around him, pelvis jerking erratically as you orgasm. It practically brings the man on top of you crashing down as he stumbles to his forearms, barely caging his weight off your chest, pained expression crossing his face. He whines, thigh tensing and shaking, trying to think of anything to stem the wave growing in his gut.  “Gonna cum so soon, loverboy?”  Seonghwa grumbles and sneers up at the other man, “I got it. I’m fine.”  “You at least satisfied her properly, more than most first timers can say,” Hongjoong chuckles. Seonghwas nearly feral devotion showing its full colors as he’s hunched over your squirming body. “Kiss her.” The command is simple, but it has Seonghwa sitting back on his haunches. You squeal and wriggle, thoroughly giddy at the thought, breathing new energy and eagerness into you.  “I won’t be able to control myself.” Seonghwa gasps as you circle your hips, quickly biting down on the inside of his lip and mumbling a prayer.
 “You’re liking this, aren’t you, princess?” Hongjoong leans close over you, face upside down hovering inches away. “All this attention, all this pleasure. You want more? Want me to teach you more common things?”  “Please,” you bleat, voice high and airy, the word coming out like a puff of smoke from a doused fire.  When he leans down to kiss you, your mind spins. Upside down his lips are ill matched to yours as they meet. It’s unlike kisses you’ve shared before, you can feel the smile at the corners of his upper lip as you feverishly meet. His hands long having abandoned your wrists, cup your cheeks and jaw. Carefully he takes your lower lip between his teeth, gently pulling at it as he emerges, staring up at Seonghwa. Daring him. Your mouth is red and puffy, eyes glazed over. “Princess, have you ever taken someone between those lovely lips of yours?”  “Taken…like a blowjob?”  His eyes light up, faking incredulity, “what a dirty word coming from someone of your stature!”  “I can read things besides scriptures and rites,” you giggle, pawing at his knee. You still haven’t seen him. It bothers you. Seonghwa and you are as bare as the day you were born and yet Hongjoong still remains modest in comparison. Hands blindly scrambling behind you, up and over his toned thighs, you tug at the waistband just enough to slide the tips of your fingers along him.  “Oh,” you gasp. He’s velvety hot as you graze his shaft, bulging veins running along his length. Somehow he’s thicker than you’d expect the seemingly slight man to be. Not that you’d had a lot of experience but still.  “She’s eager Hwa, do something about that.”  His hips snap into you fiercely, knocking the wind from you, blurring your vision and dazing you for just long enough for Hongjoong to slip away and remove the last of his clothing. While you hadn’t gotten a great look at Seonghwa, Hongjoong was headed straight for you, beet red tip jutting out proudly from between his hip bones.  “Already opening your mouth? My my, maybe you do read more than I give you credit for,” Hongjoong teases you lightly as his hand barely wraps around the circumference of his shaft. “Wanna kiss it just a bit for me?” He offers, hips canting forward. So you do, lips pressing to the side hovering nearest to you. Bucking involuntarily along your soft mouth more flares go off in your chest. The power of pleasure. You want him to do that again and you want it to be because of you.  Like the heroines you’d read about in the cover of night, you wrap your lips around him, sucking down as much as you can fit of him which is admittedly less than you’d imagined. Lips stretch to their limit around him, you experiment, licking every edge of him as the two men lazily bounce you between their cocks.
 “If she wasn’t a Princess she’d make an amazing whore,” Hongjoong sighs and pets your hollowed cheek, watching intently as it thins from the bulbous tip pressing into it insistently. He can feel his hand dully from the other side, almost tickling himself.  “She can be a Princess and a whore,” Seonghwa states through gritted teeth, laser focused on maintaining a sharp rhythm. You moan around Hongjoong as Seonghwa strikes your spot, briefly and powerfully, knees falling into each other.  “Do that again,” Hongjoong gasps, shoving himself deeper, your cheeks and throat spilling over with spit. Seonghwa obliges without thought, more firmly landing the next press and watching your hips attempt to buck upwards as your legs fall out from under you. “Again.” Hongjoong snaps at him. You groan louder, vibrations dancing through you and into him. “Again,” the command comes quickly after, speeding the both of them up until you’re gagging and spluttering and moaning and writhing between them as they overwhelm you.  “I’m gonna-” Seonghwa’s eyes are wild, he’s barely able to choke out that much of the sentence as his hips grow erratic again. Last moments of sanity slowly slipping from him as he loses himself to the promise of your wet heat.  “Cum, breed her. Make your heir,” Hongjoong grins wildly. “Like you’ve always wanted to. Fill her. Make her yours.” The smile is almost sadistic by the end as you and Seonghwa unravel, primally keening and you climax together, you walls greedily milking him dry as they tense and release. As you blink the haze away you watch Hongjoong wrap his hand around the back of Seonghwa’s neck and pull him close, lips locking firmly over his. Your entire body twitches, whiting out for a second as the battle each other for dominance. Seonghwa practically mewls, Hongjoong winning with a hair tug, sending a weak spurt of cum into your walls again. “Go clean yourself, loverboy,” Hongjoong snarls, “she’s mine now.”  Frankly you’re exhausted, limbs pliant and brain foggy. It’s all too easy for Hongjoong to separate the two of you, a few tugs and shoves to send Seonghwa to the bathroom and haul your ass to the side of the bed. You can barely croak in surprise as he flips you to your stomach and still Hongjoong runs his mouth, no wonder he’s a bard.  Using Seonghwa’s cum, he slides in with little resistance. Another croaked groan of pleasure escaping your mouth as he fills you, pushing the other man’s release deeper into your walls. Thicker than Seonghwa but shorter and yet the position has him hitting the same spot Seonghwa found nearly immediately. Your fists grip the sheets as he assaults the small spot that’s making you jitter and clench uncontrollably. The build is all too fast, like a freight engine roaring up behind you, your stomach twists and drops.  “Joong!” You yelp, “no!”  The man freezes, panting, “no?”  “Oh,” you moan as your hips continue to swirl and bounce of their own accord.  “Princess?” He leans down, chest to back, pulling your hair back and away from your mouth and nose.  “‘S so m’ch,” you slur. “Felt…weird.”  “Good or bad weird?”  “G-good. But…” you trail off. It felt good but made you anxious and tense in a way that needed to be released.  Hongjoongs armed criss cross underneath you, pulling you up from the bedspread and leveraging his cock yet deeper in, carefully balancing you away from him. “Do you trust me?”  You nod, “with my life.”  “Watch this Hwa, come nice and close for us.” Hongjoong’s lips graze your shoulder wickedly, Seonghwa kneeling before you on the bed. Cock resting semi-erect between his thighs, he palms himself, wincing slightly. Palming the outline of his cock through your lower belly, Hongjong presses his fingers to the hood of your clit. Every thrust up into your wet heat has him caressing your swollen sex. He builds you back to the precipice quickly. Your head thrown back against his shoulder, arms squeezing around you, Hongjoong mutters and groans through his own sort of rite. “Let go, you’re going to be just fine. Relax. I’m here, I’ve got you. Just let go. Let go for me sweetheart. Let me see you cum all over my cock. You can do it for me, for us. Show Seonghwa what a good girl you are.”  “Hwa?” You eyes search frantically as Hongjoongs aural magic works. Clenching down on high length, you fall forward from Hongjoong into Seonghwa’s chest. The drooling tip of Seonghwa’s member pokes your stomach as Hongjoong rails you into oblivion, eyes tearing and mouth silently agape. A sudden shock runs up your spine, a shuddering gasp finally escaping your lungs and your thigh seizes and stamps. Liquid gushing from you, coating Hongjoongs thighs, falls to the floor in a messy cascade. You bite, hard, on Seonghwas shoulder, crying out to the men supporting you.  “Greedy little cunt,” you hear as Hongjoongs hips slam against you, burying himself as deeply as he and gravity could muster together. Warmth suddenly covers your tummy both inside and out, Seonghwa’s second release dribbling downward to where you are still speared on Hongjoong.
 There’s an unspoken dance as Seonghwa gathers your exhausted frame in his arms momentarily as the other man staggers off to clean himself. Laying back in the downy sheets your gaze traces the ceiling, totally exhausted as Seonghwa folds your legs and hips upwards.  “More?” You ask sheepishly, your walls twinge and aching.  “One last part,” Seonghwa mutters. “It’s a blessing. The last part.”  You groan, lips down turned in an exaggerated pout. “Tired.”  Seonghwa scrapes the cooled cum from your stomach, fingers fucking it into you to join the indecent mixture. You can’t help but wince from overstimulation. He’s methodical about it, collecting the drips and stuffing any escaped seed into your sore hole. He’s muttering something under his breath as he does it, hand coming up to rest on your lower belly. “May the seeds spread fertile for my wif-” he catches your stare, remembering himself suddenly. “...fertile for our Princesses’ womb,” he back tracks.  “That’s not how it goes,” you blurt.  Seonghwa tries to hand wave the hiccup. “You aren’t helping me.”  “You don’t need it, you know the rite.”  “That’s not how it goes for us,”  “I want to hear you say it,” you press. You need to hear him say it. The full correct rites. Tears bubble and slip silently down the side of your face into your ears. “Can you just say it as written?”  Solemnly he kisses the tear streak closest to him. He recites slowly, holding himself close to you, despite the sticky clamminess where your bodies touch. “May the seeds spread fertile for my wife and may her womb be hearty as the earth's our crops grow in. May our son be as cunning as his mother and our daughter as strong as her father. Protect and bless our offspring and our union, under your eye we bloom.”  Seonghwa squeezes you, your lower lip trembling as you fight back the harsh reality of tomorrow morning. The sound of Hongjoongs footsteps on the floor doesn’t even shake you from it.  “I like that one, a bit provincial for our Princesses’ class but I like the floral imagery,” Hongjoong muses, rolling next to you on your other side. Seonghwa locks eyes and shakes his head in silent warning. Trying to communicate the obvious, she’s fragile, be careful, don’t.  He understands, trying his best to simply look up at the ceiling with you as your occasional tremors shake his side. “You think if we ask them before we’re beheaded if they’d let our tombstones lay next to each other, just like this?” Hongjoong askes with a lighthearted exhale.  “Joong, is now the time?” Seonghwa leans over you ready to slap the other man when he sees the smile tugging at the corners of your lips. He smiles too, just seeing you finally break is enough to lighten his heart.  The three of you sleep just like that. Seonghwa curled up attached to your side, Hongjoong stroking the back of your hand. You sleep until you hear the dogs barking in the distance. No doubt dogs that were sent to find the missing bride. Hongjoong is already awake, scrawling something messily in a notebook.  “What are you writing?”  He doesn’t look up. “You better get while we retain some amount of deniability, if they find us here there’s not much we can say to unruffle the feathers.”  Scrambling to put on your nightclothes and robe, you forget to say your goodbyes. Leaving one man sleeping and one scribbling away. Panic invading your mind you excuse it, it’s not like it was the last time you’d see them. Closing the cabin door you run, as fast as you can, to the small blooming orchard on the perimeter of the castle grounds, you hadn’t run away from your husband to be, you were simply clearing your head.
 Seonghwa stirs as the cabin door shuts and the soft patting of your footsteps crackle the less tamed pathways. It hurts more than he cares to hold, rolling so the other can’t see his face.
 “I know it won’t help you, but I have an incredible idea for a story.”
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I really didn’t know what to do for this one until when Matz dropped and then again was inspired post Japan concert stream to write this. 
167 notes · View notes
danaewrites · 1 year
you with the dark curls (you with the watercolor eyes)
part i: and while you were asleep, i was surely awake
james potter x reader // read it on AO3
word count: 2.8k
summary: “Falling in love with your best friend was never a good idea, but you’d managed to do the idiot thing anyway, carrying a torch for a boy who would never look past Lily’s emerald eyes to see the watercolor ones that had always been by his side.”
tags: best friends to lovers, angst with a happy ending, based on the song "dear arkansas daughter" by lady lamb, fem!reader
author's notes: hii y'all, sorry for not posting in a year :P my only excuse is that i didn't feel like taking the energy to actually write out my story ideas. also perfectionism. anyway i somehow wrote this in two hours while procrastinating my college app essays and have plans to make this a multi-chapter fic despite intending to write an angsty oneshot request for a completely different fandom (i see you, beloved anons, and i raise you this completely unrelated fic <3)… the brain of a writer works in mysterious ways.
read it all here: part i, part ii, part iii (coming soon!)
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You were in love with James Potter.
It was a fact of life, just like how the sky was blue, or that his favorite dessert was treacle tart, or that you were the only person he’d ever let see him cry besides his mother. You’d loved him from the moment you met him on the train to Hogwarts as a shy, anxious muggleborn unsure of the new world of magic and prejudice you’d been thrown into without so much as a warning. He hadn’t cared at all about your blood status- didn’t even think to ask about it. He had launched himself into your compartment and began talking at you a mile a minute, beaming with every tooth showing once he found out you were hoping to get into Gryffindor, his hazel eyes alight with the joy of making a new friend. And friends indeed you had become; you were proud to remember that you’d known him before Sirius or Remus or Peter did, though it took only an instant after the Sorting for him to become best mates with the rest of them, too.
You and James were inseparable from that moment on, giggling at Professor Binns’ failure to notice Sirius’ antics in the back of class and reassuring each other when home seemed too far away for comfort. He stole sweets from the Slytherin table for you at meals, and you covered for him when the teachers almost caught him pranking Snape– after all, who would believe that sweet, innocent Y/n would ever be involved in such shenanigans? The soft-spoken demeanor and love of everything pastel you’d thought would eventually oust you from the close-knit Gryffindor boys’ group proved to be quite the useful asset when affirming their ‘innocence’.
Not that they only wanted you around because you were helpful, of course. You had quite the talent for exaggerating stories until even Sirius fell off his seat laughing in disbelief, and your creative mind made for some glorious pranks and entertaining mistakes. Peter would blush for an hour straight if anyone mentioned The Great Plum Pudding Incident of Christmas 1974, all thanks to your clever meddling. And Remus– well, he was eternally grateful for your mother-henning during the worst of his moon cycles. You’d been the first to figure out his “furry little problem”, and upon learning that enjoying chocolate was his favorite method of escapism, showed up every month without fail with an armful of Honeydukes sweets. The little ways in which you loved each Marauder meant the world to them. They would do anything to protect you and make sure you were okay, James most of all. You often teased James that he was more bodyguard than friend, with his deep glares at too-forward Hufflepuff boys masking the big softie you knew he was underneath. You remembered fondly the summer days he spent chasing you around your house, scaring your mother half to death with his colander-and-pot ‘armor’ as he declared that as a chivalrous knight, he was meant to save Princess Y/n from the terrible Acromantula King. Privately, you thought James had a few too many Arthurian legends for bedtime stories as a child, but what could you do?
Even now, as sixth years, the bond between you and James never changed, your love for him ever-growing. Your heart melted every time you glanced over your shoulder in the hallway, only to find him chatting softly with a sniffling first-year and guiding them to Professor Sprout’s office for a hot cuppa and a biscuit. You cheered at his Quidditch victories and were euphorically lifted up onto his broad shoulders afterward, whooping as he galavanted through the common room in celebration. You were there when he needed a shoulder to cry on when his grandfather died, softly stroking his hair as he fell asleep in your lap with tear tracks still running down his face. And he adored you in return– braiding your hair while you worked on Herbology essays, racing you on his beloved broom when you stayed with him during the summer, distracting you from your rants about Slughorn’s unfair grading with a trip to the kitchens and a blissfully soft blanket.
James was your lifeline and you his– and nothing in the world could change that.
Except, perhaps, one tiny little complication. A complication with vibrant red hair, sparkling green eyes, and a natural affinity for Potions. A complication that had sparked your jealousy since the first time you noticed James glancing dreamily at Lily Evans in second year Transfiguration, jealousy that had only gotten worse with his grand declarations of love every week. He’d begun to announce his affection for the muggleborn to anyone who would listen in third year, and it didn’t stop there. No, when James Potter loved someone, he loved hard, and that meant that you had to watch as beautiful bouquets appeared on Lily’s nightstand nightly while the rest of the girls in your dorm whispered and swooned. You were a wallflower when he sighed about how lovely her skin was and how bloody talented she was at everything she did during one of your late-night chats in the common room, curling in on yourself with every word he spoke. When he asked her to Hogsmeade the first time (and the second, and the third, and the fiftieth), you observed as she rolled her eyes and shoved past him, despite the small smile on her face.
It wasn’t that Lily wasn’t smart or pretty or talented– far from it. She deserved every good Potions grade she got, and even the pureblood Slytherins begrudgingly noted how she was the darling of Hogwarts society. But you thought that the way she treated your best friend, refusing his advances quite harshly but sending him flirtatious glances and making a show of wearing his flowers in her hair, was rather unkind and misleading. She had James wrapped around her little finger and didn’t seem to want to let go of his attention anytime soon, despite Snape’s protests about how much time he was spending with her. You disliked Severus, but didn’t think he deserved Lily’s bad treatment either. Sometimes you’d see him staring at James and Lily deep in conversation, and shoot him a glance of communal disappointment– before realizing who you were sharing the moment with and resuming an expression of disgust, at least.
At first, you ignored your growing angst about his new obsession, chalking it up to sleep deprivation, stress over your upcoming exams, and even your monthly. But when you started to run out of excuses for the despair slowly overtaking your heart and flashes of his dark curls began to appear in your sweetest dreams, you were forced to admit that your feelings for James ran much deeper than a platonic friendship. From the way he spun you around in the snow to the way he snorted at Remus’ awful puns, you were head-over-heels smitten with your best friend.
The way he’d filled out since the end of fourth year hadn’t escaped your notice, either; you were pretty sure that his pecs should be considered a traffic hazard, with the way you’d fallen flat on your face after seeing him shirtless after a match. He’d rushed over to clean up every one of your injuries, of course, with a touch so gentle it released a whole menagerie of butterflies in your stomach. You’d barely managed to mumble a coherent thank-you before sprinting to take a very cold shower and scream into your pillow with embarrassment. How on earth did Lily Evans even think around him?!
Alas, you’d read your fair share of romance novels, and you knew how this story would end. Falling in love with your best friend was never a good idea, but you’d managed to do the idiot thing anyway, carrying a torch for a boy who would never look past Lily’s emerald eyes to see the watercolor ones that had always been by his side.
That was the state Sirius found you in, broody and lost in thought in a quiet corner of the library. He grinned rakishly, planting a well-polished boot on a nearby chair and leaning over to tap your forehead. “Lots going on in there today, huh?”
You snapped out of your daze and smiled sheepishly up at him. “Sorry, Siri, didn’t mean to ignore you. Just, er, thinking about my Potions essay, do you know how many uses there are for mandelwort? Quite fascinating plants, hones–”
Sirius winced and slid back far across the table. “Oh, no, you are not discussing horrid Potions work with me today when there are so many other wonderful topics.” He gestured to a table of swooning fifth-years gazing dreamily at his backside. “For example, those lovely ladies,” he crooned, sending an exaggerated wink towards them and smirking when they sighed.
You wrinkled your nose and scoffed. “Oh, please, as if I haven’t heard enough about your conquests already. I’m already scarred for life from your stories about that Belgium Veela, let alone the muggle sailor you nearly broke the Statute of Secrecy for.”
He waved a hand, dismissing your allegations of the mental injury caused by his excruciating attention to sordid detail when slightly tipsy in the common room. You made a mental note to charm his shampoo to turn his hair bright lavender for the next week for that little snub. Although, being Sirius, he’d probably just use it as an excuse to sway the rest of the Hogwarts population into going to Hogsmeade with him. “Ah, but darling Y/n, that’s what I’m here for!” He furrowed his brow and stroked his chin in mock consideration. “However, I can’t seem to recall a time when you–” here he poked you in the cheek for emphasis– “confessed to a little tete-a-tete in the hallway. Ever. Which means we have a problem,” he grinned.
You felt rather like prey being hunted for sport. “That would be because I’m not interested in anyone, you dolt!” Crossing your arms, you turned your face back towards your homework. Maybe if you denied romantic interest for long enough, Sirius would leave you alone and go flounce off to flirt with the noisy table of fourth years. “Anyway, I heard Marlene’s been circling Dorcas like a lovesick pigeon lately, so perhaps you should be putting your matchmaking efforts to her benefit instead.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “C’mon doll, I know you weren’t actually thinking about Potions when I arrived. Who’s the lead actor in those fantasies, mm?” He snatched up your favorite pink gel pen, twirling around his fingers as he looked at you expectantly.
Drat. He wouldn’t be so easily distracted with the latest gossip. You opened your mouth to protest yet again when you caught a flash of red over Sirius’ artfully tousled locks. You watched as James strode up to the alcove where Lily and her friends were studying, transfigured a sheet of parchment into a butterfly clip and held it out to her with a grin. Her laughter pealed out through the library as she let him lean over her shoulder to place it in her hair. He seemed oblivious to the titters of the girls around him while he gazed at Lily adoringly. You felt your heart clench as you recognized the expression on his face; you’d seen it on your own in the mirror after spending time with James, after all. And it seemed like maybe Lily was finally starting to be swayed into accepting his starry-eyed proposals, if the pretty blush on her cheeks was anything to go by.
Sirius tracked your despairing gaze to the couple and immediately paled in realization. “Oh, shit.”
Shit, indeed. Your face turned bright red as you scrambled to pack your bag and leave the area as fast as you possibly could, not sure how you could face Sirius knowing your deepest secret now. The boy had no self-control, fueling the Hogwarts gossip mill with the wild stories he overheard, and he had even less discretion when confessing things to his friends around the common room fire. It’s no wonder he wound up in Gryffindor, you thought miserably. There’s no way he’d be able to keep a secret like the rest of the Slytherins, and definitely not from James. It would only be a matter of time before he let it slip about your feelings to the rest of the Marauders, and— well, you’d just have to face losing your best friend for good once he heard.
Sirius broke your train of thought by wrapping his hands around yours, looking up at you with concern. “Hey, doll, wait— I didn’t know—“
You sniffed and wiped the tears threatening to fall from your eyes away fiercely. “That’s exactly it, Sirius, you didn’t know because you won’t be able to keep it from James.”
He looked guiltily down at the table. “I’m sorry. I’ve been a bit of a git with keeping things private lately, yeah?”
You nodded, covering your face with your hands. Sirius reached out, placing them back down on the table, and softly said, “Listen, I shouldn’t have pried so hard. You don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to.” He broke off, pausing to scramble for a handkerchief from his bag to wipe off your rapidly disintegrating mascara. “And I promise not to breathe a word of this to James,” he finished.
You looked up at him, startled. “Are you serious?” At his answering grin, you groaned. “Don’t answer that. But really, are you sure that you’ll be able to resist telling him everything?” You fiddled with the now-soiled handkerchief and whispered, “You two are so close, I don’t want to drive you apart. If James thought you were hiding something important from him, it would destroy him,” you sniffed.
He frowned. “Doll, you know you’re just as important as James is to me, right?” At your answering slump, his jaw clenched and he continued on with more intensity. “You’re like my sister, Y/n, there’s nothing you could do to make me care for you less. Especially not asking for your privacy. Clearly, I haven’t been treating you as well as you deserve if you doubt that.”
He walked around and took a seat in the armchair next to you, pulling you in to lean on his shoulder. “And I can be discreet, you know. I might not show it often, but growing up in a family of the most intensely secretive purebloods ever to exist taught me a few things.” You glanced at him doubtfully, the tiny quirk of your mouth the only sign that you were joking. “Hey, I’m being serious!” He laughed, then quieted suddenly. “This thing with James— you really love him, don’t you?”
You gave him an exasperated look out of the corner of your eye. Sirius released a breath and gazed deeply into the space in front of him. “Hey, we’ll figure this out together, okay?” He poked you in the side. “If he’s too focused on the smell of Evans’ hair or whatever to see that he already has the perfect girl in front of him, he’s not as smart as you think he is.” You giggled slightly, his words warming you. Sirius smiled, happy to see you cheering up a bit.
“Why don’t we go raid the kitchens? The coolest person I know once told me that elf-crafted mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best way to heal a broken heart,” he teased. You groaned, remembering how you’d told him that as a last resort to get him to stop complaining about how he missed his sailor ex-boyfriend every time you two went to Hogsmeade. At least your random advice wound up benefiting you now, you thought as you collected the last of your stationery and exited the library.
Neither you nor Sirius saw how James watched you smile up at Sirius as you walked away, holding his arm and laughing loudly at something he muttered. Anna Dumotier, a Hufflepuff fifth-year and one of Lily’s friends, would remember later that night how he seemed to tune out Lily’s voice for a moment and stared at the doors to the library with a strange expression on his face. His brows were furrowed like he was trying to decipher the answer to an unfamiliar puzzle, his eyes widened with confusion and a glint of something she could only identify as jealousy before Lily brought him back to the conversation with a graceful flip of her hair. But no— she shook her head— that couldn’t be right. What could James possibly be jealous of when he finally had the girl of his dreams in his arms?
taglist: @magpiencrow @that-kid143 @lilly-aliyah @itmustbegreattobecalledtheitgirl
comment if you'd like to be tagged for any of my works/fandoms in the future! :)
read on: part ii
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vesppperoro · 5 months
Could I request headcannons of the Hazbin Hotel Crew/Staffs Reactions to a batman or moon knight like hero appearing in hell and somehow drastically taking down its crime. ( Let's just say they got the information from the news or something)
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Hazbin Hotel Staff with Batman Sinner!Reader (Male)
Includes: Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty, Cherri Bomb, Sir. Pentious, Alastor.
A/N: This request is so silly I love it. Sorry if some of them were too short! I couldn’t really think. I’ve been busy cramming for college exams </3
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Charlie Morningstar
When she first figured out that the crime rate was decreasing, she was happy. Conflicted, but happy.
Maybe people are actually trying to be better! But.. why?
She didn’t know.
That was, until, she came across a thief one night. She could handle herself perfectly fine, but something stopped the man.
A figure appeared behind the princess of hell and scared off the thief.
She turned around and saw you! Your face was covered with a mask, so she couldn’t tell who you were.
Before she could say anything, you dashed off. She tried to follow but you disappeared into the night.
She told Vaggie about you and they proceeded to look for you.
They almost gave up. If it wasn’t for you showing up at the front of the hotel, of course.
Charlie was overjoyed! But how did you get into Hell anyways? Why were you so hellbent on fixing the crime rates in Hell?
At least you were trying to help.
You support her idea BIG TIME. You even became the protector of the Hotel! If anyone dared to oppose it or attack it, they’d be swiftly dealt with by you.
She’s OBSESSED with your gadgets. She loves how unique they all are!
She obsesses over your cape.
You two have definitely sung a song together. Maybe something relating to wanting to redeem sinners, Heaven being in the way, and to not relent due to that fact.
She was weirded out by you, to be honest.
It’s HELL, there’s always gone be crime. Why would someone try to stop it?
Either way, she tried not to think about it.
However, when her girlfriend showed interest, she lightened up. Anything for her, Y’know?
You two have pretty deep conversations, especially about the world.
You two spend nights together sometimes! You’re up during those hours anyways and she is as well (sometimes).
You both watch over the hotel and have fun while doing so.
I’d say you both became close friends.
Angel Dust
He treated you like any other man. He flirted with you ALL the time.
He teases you about your name and sexualizes the hell out of your outfit.
He didn’t really get too close. That was, until, you came with him and the group whenever Charlie and Vaggie went to talk to heaven.
When you nearly beat the shit out of Valentino, Angel began to see you as more than some dude who protects the hotel.
The fact you didn’t even show that you were doing it for him made it better. He wouldn’t have to suffer for it the next day.
You tried to break him out of the contract, to no avail. He was happy you cared for him, however.
You’re very protective over him. He appreciates it, but he never admits it.
He loves your gadgets but he always asks if you have sex gadgets. You always deny it but he still asks.
You probably go with him and Cherri whenever they go out so you can make sure they’re safe.
He also found you weird. As I stated before, it’s HELL, why would you try to destroy crime rates?
You and him became friends after a while though.
You two have deep conversations as well.
You two are probably best friends.
Songs!! You two have sung together before.
He likes when you mess with his wings. He would never admit it, but he does.
When he saw you in action one day… oh my. THAT was the day his respect for you grew.
That and the few times you stuck up for him when it came to Alastor.
You two hang out often. You’re almost never seen apart!
Oh boy.
She calls you the “bad boy killer”. She kicked your shins when she first met you.
You grew on her though…. When you tried to help her kill Valentino.
She LOVES climbing you.
Whenever she’s not cleaning, she’s on your shoulder.
You sometimes have to stop her from stabbing someone or burning down the kitchen.
She’s a little much, but you find her adorable.
She likes coming with you whenever you fight crime.
She says it’s because she likes seeing bad boys be punished.
It kinda scares you but you don’t say anything.
Cherri Bomb
Honestly, she found you hot.
How protective you are over them, the way you fight, the way you’re mysterious.
She likes your little bombs because.. yk… explosives are her thing.
She hangs out with you at times.
She took you out once with Angel and… it didn’t end too well.
You ended up beating the shit out of some HORRID people.
She thinks you’re cool. You two aren’t besties, however.
Whenever you fought with them in the war, she loved how you still protected everyone.
She tends to your wounds sometimes and calls you a dumbass.
She won’t admit it, but she wished you two were closer.
Sir. Pentious
He LOVES your gadgets! He’s an inventor too, y’know.
You two often talk about your projects and weapons.
Sometimes he asks you to make something with him, which you do.
He’s very interested in your stuff lol. He loves your costume too!
His Egg Boiz found your suit AWESOME.
You made them tiny versions of yours and they LOVED it.
You two are relatively close.
He finds you very cool. He likes hanging out with you!
Just two buds with awesome weapons bonding.
Like some others, he found you weird.
He still doesn’t like you. He finds you to be annoying.
You actually care for the hotel, so he’s not very fond of you.
You take down crime rates, which is one of the main reasons he gets deals and shit in the first place. Because of this, you make him angry.
You also don’t smile much, so he teases you about it.
He treats you like he treats Lucifer.
You’re just another nuisance to him.
Your power does worry him a bit.
And he also doesn’t like the fact your technology is more advanced. It reminds him of Vox.
Maybe tried to strike a deal with you, but you declined.
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 8 months
Love Languages (Xiao, Tartaglia, Kaeya Diluc)
I was reading tie a lasso around the moon by starglittered on ao3 (which is a very, very cute Tartaglia x lumine fic, very much recommend) and this popped into my head and I absolutely had to write this.
CW: fluff, angst in Kaeya and Diluc sections
Xiao x gn!reader, Tartaglia x gn!reader, Kaeya x gn!reader, Diluc x gn!reader
I think Xiao's giving love language is likely Acts of Service (there's definitely a difference between his giving and receiving love language)
I mean, one of his big things is if you need him just call his name
Whether it be old gods before Zhongli saved him or Liyue, service is something he's known his whole life. So it's very natural that it translates over to his relationship with you
Whenever he's free, he's helping you with whatever he can. He spent a lot of time learning how to cook because he loves your smile when he makes breakfast for you
His receiving love language is physical contact.
It's odd because while acts of service is so familiar and comfortable, physical contact is something he had to get used to.
He never really thought he'd ever receive something so human, but now that you're here, he's grown to really love it
Xiao has often found that your touch is enough to drive away his demons and settle him, sometimes even allowing to sleep. Once again, a human act he never thought he'd participate in
Tartaglia's love language is 100% physical touch
He radiates a certain physicality, especially when he fights, and that translates into the rest of his life
He loves having an arm around your shoulder or waist and his always peppering you with soft kisses just because he feels like it. And I really wouldn't put it past that little shit to keep trying to cop a feel.
He loves it just as much when you reach out for him. When you're cuddling on the couch and sit on his lap or when he's cooking (I feel like he's a really good cook) and you give him hugs from the back
After a long absence it gets even worse. It's hard to get him to let go, because he missed you so much. He gets touch starved during those absences because it's not like he's going to cuddle with anyone but you. He's 100% yours, but it means he suffers when he's away for so long
Kaeya has a couple love languages, I think. A mix of quality time, physical touch and words of affirmation
Starting with the first, he just seems like a touchy person who loves to spend time with you
If you're there he's happy and while you spend time together, he has a tendency to give brief touches. Stuff like a hand on the shoulder, a kiss to the forehead, quick touches before moving to the next task. I dunno why, but Kaeya gives me very restless vibes so they aren't long, but they're definitely there.
Aside from physical touch and quality time, words of affirmation are a thing. Surprisingly, it's not his primary giving love language. He's usually a little more genuine with you, not finding it necessary to sweet talk you, though it definitely happens.
Words of affirmation is his receiving love language. As strong as he can be and cold as he can be, he feels a great deal of conflict and guilt. he doesn't get to forget about his divided loyalties or the pain of the past, so when you're with him, hugging him, telling him that you're there and not going to leave him, that you love him--honestly, sometimes he finds it overwhelming, but the combination is something he finds he needs.
To hear that someone loves him for him, makes him soft and very, very happy.
Diluc is a quality time person, though he really likes physical touch
He's so very busy, with his business and his dark knight hero gig, so he treasures time with you even more
Even if it's just you hanging out in his office reading while he does paper work or helping babysit the drunks while he's working as a bartender, he'll take what he can get
His receiving love language is physical contact
By the time your relationship is truly settled, it's just habit for him to get home and seek a hug. He buries his face in your neck or hair and relaxes
There are a lot of times, especially after his patrols as the dark knight hero where it's the only thing that can ground himself.
After a bad day, it reminds him that you're there and that he's not alone.
I mean, he's lost so many people. His father, Kaeya, and he lost the brotherhood of the knights when they did Crepus dirty. There are times when he's terrified that he's going to lose you too.
Your touch grounds him and gives him a feeling of safety and security that he hasn't had in years. Sometimes it drives away his demons, while other times it allows him to feel comfortable expressing it.
You've seen more of Diluc Ragnvindr in those cuddle sessions that anyone else has.
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ivystoryweaver · 1 year
With You part 14
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<-prev next-> || Fic Masterlist || My Masterlist
Summary: Your husband is a system and an amazing person. There's hope.
Pairings: Jake Lockley x gn!reader, Steven Grant x gn!reader, Marc Spector x gn!reader. No use of Y/N.
Word Count: 2.4k
Content: So much fluff, these babies have earned it
Warnings: NONE, you can die happy. for now. well there is always cursing so... and the tiniest mention of Marc's past, slightly suggestive. not beta'd
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PREVIOUSLY, on "With You"...
"Can I ask you something?" You echoed his question. "Do you want to be Moon Knight?"
He didn't answer for a while. And that pretty much told you everything you needed to know.
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3:24 a.m.
Jake unlocked the front door and found you curled up in Steven's reading chair. Frowning, he wondered what had kept you awake, hoping it wasn't him. It felt good to be worried after, but he didn't want you to wait up.
Kneeling down in front of you, he gently smiled, watching the way your lips formed the sweetest pout as you deeply breathed in and out.
"What are you doing here, cariño?" He whispered, his eyes traveling over the face he'd come to love so much.
Watching you unguarded for another indulgent moment, he decided to take you to bed. This, of course, woke you up, earning him a sleepy smile and the musical sound of his name on your lips.
"Jake," you murmured sleepily, watching as he worked his way through his nightly routine - shedding his jacket and flat cap, pulling the gloves from his fingers, and all the things that never ceased to make you tingle with desire.
"We talked about you sleeping in that chair," he playfully scolded, sliding the tie from his neck before kicking off his shoes. Easing down on the edge of the bed, he leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead.
"You're gonna be twisted up in knots, and then I'm going to have to spend the rest of the night massaging them out of you."
"Sounds good to me," you drowsily giggled. "But I didn't fall asleep on purpose."
His dark eyebrows pinched together in confusion. "Why, then? One of Steven's books bore you to sleep?"
With all the sleepy noodle-y arm strength you could muster, you bopped him on the chest. "Nothing about Steven is boring."
"I know, I know," he conceded, trapping your hands in his and kissing your knuckles. "Steven reads to you in French." Playfully rolling his eyes, he added, "Yo te puedo leer en español."
"Damn, I love it when you do that," you sighed, your eyes heavy with exhaustion.
"Go to sleep," he sweetly admonished, a smile crinkling his nose as you let out a big yawn.
"You too," you murmured, your eyes flittering closed.
By this point, you were halfway draped across his lap. He didn't really have the heart to wake you again, so he eased down, holding you close.
"You're still dressed," you mumbled into his chest.
"You prefer me undressed?" The deep rumble in his chest equally soothed and exhilarated you. You never ceased to be amazed at how the timbre of his voice differed from Steven's so much.
"Always," you teased back, trying to make your fingers cooperate with your brain so you could unbutton his white shirt.
"Too late for all that, mi vida," he admonished, even as he pushed your hands aside and removed his shirt anyway.
"Party pooper," you pouted, nuzzling against his solid, bare chest, feeling satisfied that you'd gotten your way.
After a few moments of sleepy contentedness, he asked you one more question before he let you drift off. "You weren't really waiting up for me, were you, honey?"
"No," you sighed. "I was researching. And studying."
"Okay. Can I ask what you were researching?" He hated to keep you awake, but he was curious.
"Well I was studying for my next nursing exam, but I was researching some stuff Steven's been working on."
"Are you doing Steven's homework?" He teased, nuzzling your temple as he rubbed his strong hands up and down your back.
"No, it's about Khonshu and stuff like that. To help Marc. And you."
Halting the soothing motion over your back, he inched away so he could see your face. You thought he might disagree with what you were researching, but he nodded slowly.
"Steven's been talking to me about that," he confessed. "Marc too. I...I told him I was sorry."
Completely awake now, and extremely curious, you sat up in bed. "What are you sorry for, baby? If it's okay for me to ask. You guys don't have to tell me everything you say to each other."
"I know that," he gently smiled, sitting up to join you. Reaching for your hand, he tangled his fingers with yours, the way he did the first night he met you. "You know how I didn't want to take Marc's time away from you and...I think I might have actually done that."
"Jake - "
"No, just listen," he went on, squeezing your hand to let you know it was okay. "I've been watching over Marc for a long time - way before he knew I was there. And nothing has ever made him feel as safe as he feels with you. Not even Steven."
You heart stirred at this confession - both at the protectiveness of Jake over Marc, and the realization of how you could make Marc feel safe.
"So, it's not easy for me to feel like I'm not protecting him," Jake explained, rubbing his thumb back and forth over yours. "That's why I left you alone for so long and tried to keep him in the dark about Khonshu, but...I think maybe it's worse that I did."
Nodding slowly, you waited to see if he would continue.
"Feeling out of control - it really scares him. So not knowing part of himself - me, and not knowing Khonshu was there - it hurt him." Jake sighed, grateful to have you to talk to, after so many years of having no one. "But since Marc was the one who made the deal with Khonshu originally, and because I'm a part of him - all it did was make him angry at himself. He blames himself, you know."
"Oh, I know," you agreed, leaning over to rest your head against Jake's shoulder.
"But I think it's getting better," Jake added. "We talk a lot."
"You do?" A smile brightened your sleepy countenance. "Jake, that's wonderful. He needs you. I know he does."
"Mmm," Jake agreed, his eyelids drooping. "I better sleep or they'll both kill me."
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The next morning, Steven was already up and making you breakfast by the time you clambered out of bed (neck as stiff as Jake had predicted) and hit the shower. Once you were dressed, you headed into the kitchen to the same question Jake had posed the night before.
"You alright, love?" Steven asked, noticing you rubbing a sore spot on your neck. "Been sleepin' in my chair again, have we?"
"Yes, I know," you playfully grumbled. "My fault."
Reaching for your hips, Steven turned you around and pulled your back against his chest with a little more force than you were used to from him.
"Steven," you giggled as his breath warmed the skin of your neck. You shivered as he pressed an open-mouthed kiss there, nibbling just a little before nuzzling his way to your ear.
"Do you have time for a neck massage?" He murmured, running the tip of his tongue along the shell of your ear, sending a wave of chills all the way down your body.
Biting your lip, you squirmed in his embrace, knowing very well you didn't have time to fool around.
"Massage? Yes," you stuttered out, wetting your lips. Thrusting your rear end backward, you groaned at what you felt developing there. "No time for that though."
Kissing a trail down the side of your neck, Steven stopped at your collarbone, gently biting before completely releasing you from his strong arms. "Je te vois plus tard, mon cœur.," he whispered, turning you around once more and pressing a tempting kiss to your mouth.
"How am I supposed to leave after that?" You gasped, swatting Steven's arm playfully. Grasping his oversized white t-shirt, you pulled his mouth back to yours.
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'On the roof -M'
The note on the countertop sent a thrill through your body, which was a nice change from sheer panic or profound worry (when it came to Marc). Looking a little closer at the note, you noticed an arrow at the bottom of it, seeming to indicate to turn the paper over.
'Change out of your scrubs.'
Biting your lip excitedly, you decided to freshen up for just a few minutes, and change into one of Marc's favorite outfits. Nothing too fancy, but something that fit you perfectly, and always caught his eye.
Blowing out a nervous breath of anticipation, you decided to use the long ride up in the old building's lift to calm down a little. You loved Steven and Jake, of course, but it was Marc who was struggling so mightily lately, and who you had spent the least time with. You were elated to see him.
Your outfit choice paid off because, upon making your way out onto the roof, you saw that Marc had set up a rooftop dinner. And not just a picnic, like you and Steven were prone to do. This was something else.
Blinking a few times, you felt as if you had become the lead character in a rom com. It almost felt a little cliche, except that this was Marc Spector. So it was nothing short of miraculous.
Your Marc had found a small, circular patio table with two chairs, procured a table cloth, brought up the dishes from your grandmother... The food was likely catered and smelled delicious. A hodgepodge of colorful candles were lit on a silver tray - a makeshift centerpiece, you assumed.
Then there was Marc. Your husband. Dressed in a simple, fitted black t-shirt and jeans, his dark jacket was draped over the back of his chair. His inky curls were neatly smoothed away from his face, the way he preferred, and even before he reached you, you could smell the rustic warmth of his aftershave.
In his hands, he held three orange flowers: tiger lilies.
"I hope this isn't too much," he disclaimered, in classic Marc fashion. His warm, chocolate eyes met yours before briefly flickering down and back up your body. The tip of his tongue dragged temptingly across his bottom lip appreciatively.
"I just...I wanted to do something for you." Reaching up to scrub his hand over the back of his neck, he shuffled forward, thrusting the vibrant flowers out as a meek offering. "Tiger lilies. You said my voice was like tiger lilies...not long after we met. I don't know if you remember - "
"I remember," you breathed, surprising even yourself as moisture gathered in the corners of your eyes. "Thank you. They're beautiful." Reaching for the flowers, your fingers brushed his and you felt a thrill that he could make you weak for him after four and a half years.
"Come on," he urged, placing his arm around your shoulders to guide you to your chair. "I hope you're hungry. If not, it's okay, we can eat later - "
"I am," you quickly assured him. As soon as he took his seat, you reached across the table for his hand, careful to avoid the gathering of candle fire. The flames showed off the handsome contours of his face - the rusty warmth of his eyes, the strength of his square jaw. The scrub of stubble that tickled when he kissed you - something you were dying to do.
"You look...really good," he complimented, squeezing your hand affectionately. "I love when you wear that."
"I know," you smiled flirtatiously. "That's why I wore it."
He eagerly nodded, relaxing at this small triumph. But unsure of what to say next - of how to begin to explain to you the feelings bursting inside of him - he defaulted to the next sensible task.
"We should eat," he decided.
You were hungry, but really - you could hold his hand and stare at him forever. Nodding in agreement, you set your three lilies down on table's edge and squeezed his hand.
From there, conversation was pretty standard - he asked about your day, your co-workers and if you thought you might advance to the next level of nursing. He asked about your family and, of course, teased you for falling asleep in Steven's chair.
"Yes, my god - you guys are three-for-three on the chair interrogation," you playfully pouted. "I'll try not to do it again."
"Jake told me why you fell asleep...and Steven told me, you know - what you've been researching."
"I just want you to be okay," you confessed, reaching for his hand again, now that dinner was done. "I don't want you to ever be harmed like that again, Marc. It scared me so bad that Khonshu let you get hurt."
"I know," he nodded, and you realized, when you saw the distant, pained look in his eyes, that it scared him too. After a brief but comfortable silence, he went on.
"Steven talked to him, you know. Talked to Khonshu."
You probably looked like one of those cartoons with gigantic eyes bugging comedically out of the character's head.
"He what?"
Marc nodded, easing out of his chair. Keeping hold of your hand, he helped you to your feet and started leading you on a nighttime stroll around the rooftop.
"One night, he suited right the hell up - like, the whole, three-piece, Psycho Colonel Sanders get-up, marched right up here, to the roof, and said he would wait all night until the 'silly old bird' showed up," Marc explained.
"I think he wanted to call him the 'bloody stupid pigeon', but realized he might get an audience if he was a little bit nicer."
"Oh my god," you laughed out, concerned, but amused by Steven's antics. "What happened?"
"He gave Khonshu hell for what happened, apparently. I didn't hear him. Jake told me later, and then I asked Steven about it. Jake said he did hear it and he was laughing his ass off."
"The shit you three get up to in the middle of the night, I swear to god," you marveled. "Did Khonshu actually answer him?"
"Yes," Marc responded, bringing your stroll to a halt. Taking both of your hands in his, he stared deeply into your eyes. "He gave Steven the 'protect the travelers of the night' speech, like a damn broken record. So Steven said he would just take things up with the Ennead if he needed to."
"He did not!" You gasped. Steven had always been forthright and could be terribly sassy when he wanted to be, but this was next-level.
"He did," Marc confirmed. Shaking his head, he pulled you into his arms. "You know, when I was a kid...I never had anyone to look out for me. Not once. Not even my dad, but now..." His jaw twitched as he fought through his emotions, "Now I have three of you."
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inkyarcturus · 3 months
give me all your headcanons for snape nEOOOOWWW (pretty please 🤎)
Okay so I think I’m going to break this down into chunks because I have a LOT of thoughts so here’s the first chunk :D
TW: for child abuse?
it’s pretty much canon that Sev came from an abusive home with an alcoholic muggle father and a pure blood mother.
Personally, I believe that his mother Eileen Prince was disowned by her family upon marrying Tobias. Although at first they were a happy couple, Eileen becomes pregnant with Severus and reveals to Tobias that she is a witch. Tobias, coming from an era where witchcraft is demonized and realizing the drain that a child has on his finances, becomes abusive.
Eileen tries her best to keep the abuse from Severus as much as possible, leading to her stopping herself from using magic as she believes that would just anger Tobias even more.
Severus is absolutely a mamas boy as a child and you can pry that headcanon out of my cold dead hands. He would do anything for his mama, growing up hearing stories about Hogwarts, magic and the legacy of the Princes, it was all he had to stay sane. Whenever Tobias was out of the house for extended periods of time, Eileen would brew with Severus as well, usually healing potions.
He would often be seen wearing his mother’s clothes because of the families lack of funds but also just because it was a way to connect with her.
The first time Severus uses accidental magic was to help his mom avoid Tobias, blasting him unconscious. It’s a mess of emotions for the rest of the night. Eileen is panicking, worrying about her husband’s health and her own but also trying to celebrate Severus’ magic so he knows magic isn’t bad (pure bloods are aware of obscurials). Severus is in tears worrying about his mother’s injuries, unable to understand the situation. Eileen calms him down enough to get him to agree to never tell Tobias about this incident.It happens again more times afterwards.
Severus is sensitive as a child, always crying despite his father’s anger towards his tears. He becomes agitated with himself, being unable to control himself. His father’s words haunt him every time he cries.
He goes years without any friends, not going to school because of his magical status, but still being allowed to go out to play and escape his fathers grasp.
The kids usually don’t like him cause of his poor hygiene, odd clothing and even stranger words. He’s rather intelligent for his age, but being raised in an abusive household has only taught him vulnerability is weakness and everything is a threat.
When he meets Lily he learns how to let go of his shields. He’s made his first magical friend, someone who doesn’t mind his clothing, or hair, or overall oddness.
He goes over to the Evan’s family house at least once a week. Lily’s parents constantly fuss over him, asking if he’s alright or need food or clothing. He constantly denies it because he doesn’t want to burden them, or have them look too closely at his home life
Eileen is so grateful her son has a friend she is brought to tears wherever she hears Sev talk about Lily (which he does, a lot). Whenever she knows Tobias will be out of the house she’ll ask Sev to bring Lily over so all three of them can make potions together.
Petunia is less receptive of him, constantly starting arguments with Lily over why she even talks to him, but generally leaves them alone to stay in her room.
Sev was always quiet as a child, he would play silently whenever on his own, keeping his thoughts within his imagination. His preferred method of play, pre-Lily, was organizing objects. He would organize them by color, shape, name, then mix them back up and start again.
With Lily he would let his imagination run wild, playing the part of dragon, knight, prince and spy, usually acting as a helper to Lily. They call each other sun and moon. He sees himself as a reflection of Lily’s light. His self esteem will only get lower as the years progress.
Occasionally, Lily would get extra allowance (Lily’s parents purposefully gave for Sev) and they would go to a corner store to buy sweets. I imagine he has a pallet for less overwhelming sweets, like matcha flavoring, but as he grows older he convinces other people he likes bitter sweets the most. I think he has an appreciation for berries the most.
Hope you appreciate these :D think took almost an hour to write and I keep on wanting to add more but this is honestly already too long :,)
Side note I just realized I can’t do multiple posts on one ask? So if you want the second chunk can you please send another ask :,D
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joemama-2 · 3 months
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gojo x reader
tags/warnings: pure angst, no comfort
you dreamt of the perfect love when you were a kid. your own knight in shining armor, your prince charming, your one true love. the movies and shows opened up your eyes and created a forever sense of longing in your soul. you wished and prayed upon a star that one day, those girls would be you. those princesses would be you. go ahead and call it naive, childish, stupid, but is it so wrong that you knew what you wanted from day one? is it so wrong that you just wanted to grow old with someone, be loved for deeply, love someone so much that you want a family with that person?
you wanted to be a mom.
and after years and years of waiting, saving for yourself for "the one". you finally found him. and that was in the form of a white-haired man with blinding eyes. you mistook him for an elder until he spoke. that spark people talk about? it's real. you felt it the minute you locked eyes with him. the only way you can really describe it is like a pull, a passion, a sudden desire to be with this person. it's like a fire erupts in your chest and burns you from the inside out. but it's a good sensation, a beautiful one. and that fire expands when he touches you, treats you like you're made of glass.
and god, did you miss those touches.
the kind of touches that made you shiver while simultaneously leaning into them. the kind of touches you crave day and night. the kind of touches that express the love the other person had for you.
he was good with his hands, but he was even better with his mouth. it's like he knew just what to say in the moment. if you were feeling upset, he'd make some stupid, corny joke. if you were mad at him, the apologies he'd spout full of genuineness were endless. and when he was happy, he would tell you he loved you more than anything, to the moon and back.
there was no doubt about it, gojo satoru was your first love, and maybe, just maybe, he would be your only one.
loving someone comes with so much. the communication, the ups and downs, the arguments, it was all new to you. but he helped you through every step of the way. he was always there, offering his support and encouragement. you wanted to pick up knitting? he'd go out and buy ever starter kit he could with ten balls of yarn the new day? baking? here are a plethora of things to make with their needed ingredients.
in other words, he was the most wonderful man you have ever met. he was everything. he offered everything. there were times when you just wanted to cry from how much you loved him, and you did. loving gojo satoru was one of the best experiences you went through.
loving gojo satoru is a forever thing, that will probably take you years to get over. but that's okay, it will be okay. because does anyone ever really stop loving the man who showed them the true extent of happiness?
there's a pit in your stomach that forms whenever you think back to him. you want to throw up and cry out every single drop of liquid your body has to offer. the longing from when you were a child reappears like a missing friend to comfort you as you spend yet another night hunched over your toilet bowl, another night curled up in bed with nothing left to hug but a cold pillow.
is this really how loving someone feels? you think to yourself.
and well, yes. that is how it feels.
it feels like you can't go outside, can't even look at anything without it reminding you of him. you suddenly see his car make everywhere, the color blue everywhere, white everywhere. and it feels sickening.
the tears are nonstop, the anguish is there everyday.
so, you see how everything has been in past tense? now it all makes sense now, doesn't it?
those hands that used to leave you begging for more do nothing but push you away, albeit gently. the soft words he would whisper into your ear after another lovemaking session are cruel, harsh, and distant.
and there's not much you can do. no matter how much you want to, you can't make someone love you back. that was a hard pill to swallow.
but maybe strength was on your side. because it's something you have learned to accept now. you've accepted that gojo satoru has moved on, you've accepted that you're nobody but his ex now.
and because you love him so much, you wish nothing but the best for him. you wish nothing but a happy life for him. you wish he can find that person for him. although he was yours, you weren't his. and that's okay.
you can't deny that a part of you still hoped, wished he'd be yours again. that he would come back to you. a silly illusion you had. it kept your heart beating, that heart that is now forced to see him as nothing more than a friend.
you won't deny what happened between you two. you embrace it because it taught you so many new things. it showed you what love truly was, the bad and the good. the pretty and the ugly. however in the end, it was a beautiful love.
even though he denies it, even though he acts like you were nobody to him, just someone he "messed around with".
you have nothing left. but that's okay.
loving gojo satoru has been the sweetest memory you will savor, cherish, and reminisce about.
you have nothing left, but to accept defeat.
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
hi! i see that requests are open and i love your writing! could you do an imagine with all three moon boys based on the prompt “running into reader’s ex” thank you! <3
Vengeance (Moon Knight x reader)
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist | Wanna be Tagged?
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A/N: Hi lovely! Thanks for the ask, here’s the protective moon boys (I had to include the all powerful being too)
Warnings: Slight dark!moon knight, them being extra protective, swearing, mentions of bad mental health and unresolved trauma, Khonshu needs his own warning sometimes. 
Word count: 1.3k
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
“You know, I really could have just driven us here.” Jake grumbled, one hand protectively clutching onto yours and his other arm slung around your shoulder.
You leaned into him as he guided you through the city’s bustling streets, your bag slung on his shoulder. You smiled at your fiance’s coddling, loving the attention that he brought with him whenever he fronted. 
The new bookstore that you wanted to visit was located in a cultural hub and you had a list of books that you wanted to splurge on. Steven was happy to join you on your spending spree, Jake was happy to carry all of your books and Marc was just happy that you were happy. The second you walked in, you sprinted away from Jake’s protective grasp towards the novel section, making him chuckle at your enthusiasm.
“Don’t go too far princesa, we’re gonna lose you to books, like we always lose Steven.” he joked, shaking his head at you.
“Jake, we are quite literally attached to the same body, what are you on about?” Steven grumbled. 
“I mean mentally, hermano.”
The second you were a bookshelf away from your boys, everything started going horribly. Your eyes landed on someone that made your hair stand on its end, goosebumps rose throughout your skin as you stood frozen, in shock. The person hadn’t seen you yet, instead talking to a customer. You back away slowly, turning the corner before you collide into a familiar chest.
“Aye, why you walkin’ backwards, sweetheart?” Marc questioned, the amusement in his tone fading instantly as he scanned your face. 
He instinctively put his arm around your shoulders and you buried your face into his chest, breathing in his calming scent. You started to count from one to ten, backwards and forwards again and again until your breathing calmed. Marc knew you were scared about something but he didn’t ask instantly, choosing to look at his surroundings to find anything that could have triggered you. You fisted his jacket and pulled him close when he shifted slightly.
“Not going anywhere, baby, we’re still here with you.” he soothed, rubbing your hair and kissing your forehead.
You were safe, you had Marc, Steven and Jake, you were fine. You focused on Marc’s voice, holding on to it like he was your rock as the memories started to flood to you. Marc began to rub a spot on your back that made you begin to tear up. 
“He couldn’t hurt you, not when your boys were around.” you thought to yourself. 
You were pulled out of your swirling memories by the call of your name.
That voice.
“Huh, I thought I saw you here.” said the smug voice.
Marc, Steven and Jake were absolutely confused. Marc looked between the man in front of him and you, trying to piece together what was happening.
“Hiding in the arms of another man like the whore you are.” 
You began to shake in Marc’s arms, fear creeping up your spine and dread flooding you. Marc was in shock. He couldn’t react to what this man had just called you, he just stood there, holding you tighter than ever. You wanted to tell them what was going on, or just pull Marc away from this mess, pretending that it never existed, but you couldn’t.
“Who the fuck are you?” Marc spat when he came to his senses.
A cruel laugh met your ears, your blood curdling at the sound, your heart racing as your brain began to shut down.
“I’m guessing the right slag didn’t tell you about me? I’m her ex.” 
Marc froze. Your ex wasn’t a topic they got to discuss. You had your own troubles, it gave you nightmares and horrible anxiety that plagued you worse than any disease ever. It haunted you but the boys hadn’t figured out how to bring the topic up, choosing to deal with the aftershocks of whatever you had gone through. They were happy with you, they didn’t exactly need a full rundown of your life to know that you were good for them. 
Marc was a little lost, trying to both focus on his own anger and pushing his alters to stay at bay. Khonshu had taken an interest in what was going on and had appeared behind the man that claimed to be your ex. No matter how much he despised the god he worked for, Marc felt relief rush over him, as if Khonshu had casted a safety blanket over them and flashed a reminder in Marc’s mind that he literally had the power of the gods. He swallowed his demons and took a deep breath. 
“I suggest you apologize to my fiance and I before I make your life a living hell, Mr… Vic.” he said, eyeing the man’s name tag.
“Hmph, what can you do? Like I care about her to apologize. She should be the one facing the music.” the man lunged forward and grabbed your arm.
Fear coursed through you like a wave as you felt yourself being pulled away from Marc but all you saw was a flash of white before you. You dropped to your knees as your eyes fell on graying bandages. You knew you were not staring at any one of the boys’ suits. Slowly you looked up and there stood your fiance’s body but he looked different, more dangerous than any of the three could be.
“What the fuck is that!” your ex screamed and looked around but no one came to his aid. 
Reassuring energy took over your fear and you now knew what was happening. Khonshu had taken over Marc’s body, his eyes shining bright and white like a full moon. Your ex was cowering now, his arms over his head as the possessed Marc stepped over your body, towards your ex. 
“Don’t hurt me, please.” he begged and part of you wanted to smile at the fear that was etched on his face.
“You’re going to pay for this.” boomed Khonshu’s voice and all you saw was another flash of white before your whole vision went blank.
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You woke up in your fiance’s bed, Steven’s worried and tired face forming in your vision. You tried to smile at Steven but it came out as a grimace as you tried to sit up, your head pounding.
“Shh, stay down, love.” Steven cooed, pushing you back down onto the pillows. 
“What happened?” you whispered.
“Well, our boss decided to show his full form, right in front of you and you passed out.” Steven said nervously, playing with the cuff of his sweater. 
“What happened to, you know…” you asked, fear edging you around you again. 
You were admittedly worried that the four of them had collectively done something irreversible and you stared at Steven with big scared eyes.
“Oh, let's just say that you’ll never have to deal with him again, my darling.” Steven said, his voice a tone lower. “And before you ask, no, he is not dead. Death would be mercy for him.”
Your mouth went dry but you didn’t question it. Instead your hands found the collar of Steven’s sweater and you pulled him down. His lips met yours gently and he pressed his forehead against yours reassuringly.
“I guess I owe the three of you an explanation.” you mumble.
“Only when you are ready, baby.” Marc’s voice slowed your heart and ebbed your anxiousness away. 
“We’ll always wait for you, amor.” Jake promised and with a soft kiss to your cheek he laid down and pulled you over him as you began your story, never feeling more safe in your entire life. 
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
With the contact’s Marc had, wiping a person off the face of the Earth without killing them was probably the easiest thing in the world. All it took was a few calls, a little bit of money and Marc’s thoughts slowly started clearing. He didn’t care about the explanation you had for him, he knew your love was true and that fuelled him to do anything for you, no matter the consequence. 
Reblogs are appreciated ~~~
Taglist: @fandxmslxt69 @randomnessfangirl @in-between-the-cafes @bodhisattva11 @marc-spectors-wife @nyotamalfoy @steven-grants-world @jbearre85 @whatsliferightnow @excitedcurtain864 @minigirl87 @wonderfulboiledcoldpotato @alexxavicry @autismsupermusicalassassin @flordelalunas @marygraceee @lia275 @euphoricosmo @sky-robin @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @sugarpunch-princess @violet-19999 @celiaswife @swiggy-needs-mental-help @ghostheartbeat @kierramofficial @ryebreadsworld @your-voice-is-mellifluous @lil-stark @absolutelybloodyhopeless @mintpurplemnm @spookyysilverr @bubblezuku @cookielovesbook-akie @mandoloriancookie
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romanarose · 11 months
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Marc Spector x GN!reader
Join my tag list!
Moon Knight masterlist
Summary: Marc and you enjoy rough sex, but when Marc asks you to try something new, it quickly goes downhill.
Warnings and Content: reverences to BDSM, Dom/sub, whipping with a belt, Marc's abusive childhood, references to self-harm in the past, mention of self-harm scars, just.... a lot of talk about self-harm. Misuse of BDSM. Breach of trust in a D/s dynamic, miscommunication. This isn't meant to be a perfect or even good D/s relationship or relationship in general. this is a relationship that is struggling right now. Don't look to fanfiction for sex and relationship advice. Marc is self-destructing, reader isn't the best at handling it but the are trying. Lots of crying lmfao. If I miss anything LMK but really this is a proceed at your own caution situation as I've at least laid out the basic themes.
Immersability: Marc can pick up reader. I think that's it? I usually write Fem!reader but there really wasn't a reason to make this fem so I put GN!reader this time. If I accidentally fem coded something lmk.
“Are you ready to talk about it?”
Marc looked up from his food he had barely eaten. You’d made him his favorite: chicken strips and fries. Marc was a picky eater due to his sensory issues so you were happy to have simple little meals when Marc was fronting for dinner. He’d been absent for a few days, only fronting when Steven and Jake insisted. You’d been worried, after all. The last night you and Marc had together hadn’t ended well, and you wanted to talk to him.
“That’s it, I’m calling it.” You said, climbing off the back of Marc’s legs that you had been stradling and quickly pulled on your robe.
“I- what?” The panic in Marc’s voice was evident. You and Marc… liked things rough, but unlike you and Jake, it was you who was the dominant in this dynamic. You and Marc had been doing things like this for a while, clearly defined boundaries and safewords and communication had made a smooth going of things. Marc had been having a bit of a tough time lately so you had stuck to regular love-making, but tonight he had come to you with a request to try something new. He wanted you to use a belt on him.
“Something’s wrong, Marc.”
His face was still in the mattress, face down, but lift enough to speak without looking at you. “I didn’t use the safeword?” It was more a question than a statement.
“Well, I am. Red, on your behalf.” You weren’t super into the idea of using a belt on him, but you weren’t uncomfortable, and since it was something he wanted, you decided to give it a try. Pretty quickly, you didn’t think it was going to happen again but you intended on seeing it through. Marc usually whimpered and yelped during sex, but you could tell his pleasure even still… something told you this was different. This was wrong. He didn’t use his safe word, but he didn’t need to. You knew him.
“I’m fine-”
“Turn over” You instruct, and when he doesn’t you nudge him over gently. Your heart hurts at the tears in his eyes, but his boxer briefs tell you what you suspected. His erection was gone. “Marc…”
Immediately, his lip quivers, breath shaky and he sputters out apologies and you remember your job. It’s not to chastise him, not to question him. Not right now. Right now you need to take care of him.
First was reassurance. “Hey, hey baby,” You cup his face. “It’s okay, you didn’t do anything wrong.” 
Second was always his weighted blanket. He didn’t usually sleep with it, so you kept it under the bed for any time he needed the pressure.
Third depended. If he needed anything medical or was hurt, that was next, but you didn’t think what you had done was too bad (your hesitant actions didn’t lead to anything harsh and you had been researching and reaching out to others on how to do this correctly.). Right now, Marc needed to calm down. With tears wetting his cheeks and his anxiety over thinking he ruined the scene, he needed reassurance next. 
“Can I lay with you?” You ask as you tuck the blanket over him the way he likes. When he nodded, you lie down beside him. “The usual?” He nodded again, and you place yourself how you usually did. You lay on his chest, arms holding him, right leg bent over his, adding to the weight of the blanket.
“You didn’t do a thing wrong, Marc. You were perfect, this is me, okay? My choice to end it.”
You stay like that for a while before asking to check his back when his breathing was normal. He nodded again and you knew he wasn’t going to be talking the rest of the night. That was okay, you knew how to communicate without words. Marc rolls over, and you see you were correct; not much as far as wounds. You ice him and gently rub aloe vera ointment over the small welts. Once that was done, you help him in dressing in his most comfortable pj’s and resume your previous position until he fell asleep.
You woke up to Steven that morning.
“Talk about what?” Marc tried to deflect, but you cocked your head to the side and raised your eyebrows.
“The other night, Marc. We need to talk about it.”
He avoided your eyes again and mumbled. “I wasn’t the one who safworded.”
You couldn’t help but sigh. “Marc, honey, please? I wanna talk about it so I know what I did wrong-”
His eyes flicked up, his tone harsher than you were used to. “Only thing you did wrong was safeword.”
Taken aback, you feel your chest tightening with anxiety at the argument bubbling. You want to dial it back, but the implication of his words hurt. “Marc… I’m allow to use the safe word too”
Immediately he looked regretful. “No- that’s not what I meant, fuck, sorry…” You gave him a second to regain his thoughts. “I just meant you shouldn’t have done it for me.”
You soften, understanding what he meant. “Baby, you were clearly uncomfortable, and that makes me uncomfortable.” 
“I was fine!” He snapped, yelling at you and you see it right away when Jake takes over. “Lo siento, amor.”
“It’s okay, Jake.” But it was clear that his shouting hurt your feelings.
“He shouldn’t yell at you like that.” Jake began eating the chicken. One thing about Jake is he’s going to take care of Marc, and that includes eating when Marc won’t.
“We’ve been… going through a little bit of a rough patch…” You conceded, admitting it to yourself for the first time. The last month with Marc had been hard. He was drifting, and you couldn’t figure out how to stop it. 
“It’s not you. He loves you very much.”
“I know he does, I love him.”
“I know.” Jake stuffed his mouth full of chicken. “I told him it wasn’t a good idea to reenact his moms abuse, but he never listens to me.”
That caught your attention. “Wait, what?” You weren’t stupid. You knew his enjoyment of rough sex probably had something to do with his childhood, but Marc didn’t divulge much other than his mom physically abused him.
“Oh great, Marc’s yelling at me now, I guess he never told you his mom whipped-” Marc took the body back. “SHUT UP!” He screamed with eyes pinched shut. You sat in silence until they opened again. When he saw you looking at him with wide eyes, he spoke quietly. “Sorry, I didn’t think… I didn’t realize I was in control again…”
“It’s okay…” You whisper. “Marc… what was Jake gonna say.”
Marc sighed, closing his eyes I think you know.
You did, but you wanted him to say it.
“Marc?” Your voice was shaking and seemed so distant from you as you slowly realized what happened, what he had done. What he had made you do.
“She whipped me with a belt.” Marc’s face was deadset, the look he gave when he was trying so hard not to show emotion, but the heavy rise and fall of his chest always gave it away.
You stand up suddenly. “Marc…” stepping backwards as Marc stands with you, you try to get distance  from him, disgust with yourself permeating your bones.
“Baby, it’s not what you think-” He held out his hand to calm you but your body began to curl in on itself, horrified as you wrap your arms around your waist.
“Were you using me to self harm?”
Horror washed over his face. “No! No that’s not it!”
“But you were! You were using me to hurt yourself, to punish yourself! That’s sick, Marc! Sick!” You couldn’t believe he’d made you an accomplice in his battle against himself.
“It’s not like that, I swear!”
“Making me into your mother, Marc? How could you use me like that?” The tears were welling in your eyes, hurt and self-loathing swelling your thoughts. 
“Baby…” Marc looked like he was about to cry himself. “It’s not- it’s not that big a deal…” Marc always tried to down play, to refuse help, to refuse to admit when something he’d done hurt you. Not because he didn’t think he was wrong. Marc always thought he was in the wrong. No, it was because he didn’t think he was worth crying over.
“YES IT IS!” In a fit of frustration, you reach for the kitchen knife. Marc didn’t jump, didn’t startle. He knew whatever you were doing, you wouldn’t hurt him. You give him the handle and hold out your wrist. “Cut me.”
He looked as confused as he was horrified. “Wha-”
“Cut me!” A litany of scars riddles your wrist, he knew what asking him to add to it meant.
“No!” Marc set the knife down far away from you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into him in concern. “Baby, why would I do that?” He kissed the scars., speaking softly now as you cried freely. “C’mon, your scaring me… are you having urges to hurt yourself again?”
Classic Marc, always more worried about you. “N-o,” You stammer, crying hard as Marc pulls you into a hug. “That’s the point! You’-d-d-d never help me hurt myself, why would you ask me to hurt you like that?” You are crying, legs shaking and you don’t feel you can keep standing.
Marc sinks to the floor with you, holding you close and crying with you. “I’m sorry, baby, I’m so sorry.” He held you in his arms for a while until you started to calm down. When you were no longer shaking, Marc lifted you up, carrying you to your bedroom.
First, he reassured you. “You didn’t do anything wrong, baby girl. It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault.”
Next was the weighted blanket. It was a gift from you to the boys, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t sleep under it sometimes.
“Can I lay with you?” He asked, and when you nodded, too tired to speak, he crawled under the blanket with you. “The usual?” You consented, and Marc wrapped you up tight in his arms, leg draped over yours in extra comfort.
Lastly, he whispered more assurances in your ear.
“I’m sorry, baby.”
“I shouldn’t have done that to you.”
“Rest, we’ll talk about it later.”
“Everything is going to be alright.”
And you knew it would be. It always would be between you four. Marc just needed help, and he needed to let you help.
Rough sex was out for now. If you couldn’t trust him to use the safe word, you wouldn’t be putting him or yourself in that position. Slowly, Marc opened up and let you, Steven and Jake in, and slowly things got better. It took time, to be sure, and a lot of work on both your parts to repair the trust that was broken, but you loved Marc and Marc loved you.
In the end, Marc was right. Everything was okay.
angsty marc overwhelmingly won my poll. yall like to see a pretty boy cry, huh?
@moonknightly this is the fic i was brainstorming months ago that hurt you so bad lol
@whatthefishh @missdictatorme @ahookedheroespureheart @eyelessfaces @campingwiththecharmings @runa-falls @fandxmslxt69 @k-ra @ivystoryweaver @steven-grants-world @littlenosoul @mikaelak @stevenandmarcslove @pikapuff-316 @del-ightfulling @faretheeoscar @boysddontcry
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Minchan Masterlist🖤
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Fluff: 🌹 / Angst: 💭 / Smut: ❤️‍🔥
Work Count: 55
More Minho | Chan content here: Collection of Masterlists
Info: Every fic without the fem/male/gn Reader attached in the title is a Minchan only fic
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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No more secrets (femReader) - 💭🌹
Minho longs for nothing more than to show everyone how much he loves you and Chan. Due to past events and worries about their careers, only Chan's and your relationship is public. After getting back from a trip, he can't cope with being Chan's and your dirty little secret anymore.
Only joking (femReader) - 💭🌹
After dance practice Chan and Minho get into a small fight and one of Chan's jokes crosses a line.
Be nice - 🌹💭❤️‍🔥
Sometimes, Chan helping him out isn't what Minho wants, and this time, they get into a fight. Later that day, they talk it out, but it never stays at that with them...
Safe space (femReader) - 💭🌹
Minho has always been the strongest, never showing when he's upset to never worry Chan and you. When he comes home hurt one night, that starts to change.
Pretty please (femReader) -❤️‍🔥
You've ended up in bed with Minho or Chan as friends with benefits a few times by now. Chan and Minho had a similar agreement for quite a while themselves. After proposing to Chan to all spend some time together, he promises to talk to Minho. Coming home from an event Chan can't keep his hands off Minho, completely ignoring Minho's concerns about you still being home.
Second chance (femReader) - 💭🌹
Chan and you help Minho the night he gets out of his abusive relationship. Due to your shared past Minho seems anxious to intrude. A year later things seem to be going well until a situation escalates and triggers a panic attack.
Soft thoughts on Minchan-🌹
Title says everything.
Only the best for you -🌹❤️‍🔥
Felix's birthday party turns thrilling for Chan and Minho as they sneak away for a moment of privacy...more or less.
My heart remains with you - 🌹💭
Prince Minho, the neglected second son of the king finds a dear friend in Chan who later becomes his knight. When war parts them the lines of friendship and love start to blur.
I always see you - 🌹💭
After their break Minho isn't quite happy with his currently gained weight. Struggling to accept himself, his friends make it worse by pointing out the changes of his body lovingly and teasingly. Chan tries to figure out what's wrong, but it takes a while until Minho lets him.
Whispers of the Moon - 🌹💭
In the heart of Seoul, beneath the gleaming skyscrapers and ancient palaces, lies a hidden world of magic and mystery. Chan, a gifted healer, and Minho, a shapeshifter hiding as a sleek black cat, find their destinies intertwined in this enchanting underworld...
Ready, pretty?❤️‍🔥🌹
One night, after sharing a few drinks, Minho feels safe enough to overshare a little, thinking Chan is too drunk to remember the next day. He doesn't know that Chan remembers every word and is more than willing to help him with his little issue.
100 types of kisses - 🌹
Prompt 22 -> A kiss in a rush of adrenaline.
100 types of kisses -🌹💭
Prompt 20-> A kiss on a scar
You always come first -🌹💭
Worrying Chan is by far one of the things Minho hates most. So when he hurts himself during practice one day, he'd rather die than tell his boyfriend. His body isn't quite happy with his choice, forcing him to open up at some point...
Anon ask 1-❤️‍🔥
Sometimes you and Minho make Chan feel so good he forgets he's the one in charge and starts begging.
I need a hug - 💭🌹
Minho can't relax after their concert and searches for the comforting warmth of his only hyung late at night.
I need a hug (smut edition) - 💭❤️‍🔥🌹
The same as above but with smut
Minho comforting Chan after a rough day - 🌹💭
...title says it all.
Mhm, I know - 🌹
Minho overdid it a little at their practice room and Chan's there to take care of him.
Minchan x reader series
More than friends (femReader) - complete
More than friends Pt. 1 - 💭🌹
Having a crush on both Minho and Chan, you hate seeing them stupidly in love and happy. One day, you snap at Chan, hurting Minho in the process. Minho picks you up the next day since you two have a lot to talk about...
More than friends Pt. 2 - 💭🌹
Things with Chan don't work out as expected and he seems a little irritated by your sudden deep bond with Minho, feeling left out. When he doesn't feel well you're the one taking care of him...
More than friends Pt. 3 - ❤️‍🔥🌹
Chan and you grow closer as time passes by and after your first kiss things are still unclear. That's until Chan walks in on you and Minho and you walk in on Minho and him only shortly after..
More than friends Pt. 4 - ❤️‍🔥🌹
Chan has trouble forgetting about the day he stumbled in on Minho and you. With Minho gone for business and stress rising he decides to take matters into his own hands...accidentally calling you instead of Min ...
More than friends Pt.5 -❤️‍🔥🌹
On your ride home, Chan notices Minho needs some extra attention tonight, and before you know it, you're invited. Chan makes sure Minho and you feel comfortable throughout the process and lets you experience your own dominance once Minho fully submits to the both of you...
I owe you a kiss (femReader) -ongoing
I owe you a kiss (femReader) - 💭🌹
As the upcoming comeback gets closer, Chan starts isolating himself from you and Minho, getting overwhelmed. He can't quite deal with feeling so much and nothing at all at the same time and takes it out on the two of you. Minho and you try to help your husband out.
I owe you a kiss Pt.2 (femReader)-🌹💭
Minho and you work out a few methods to help Chan acknowledge his feelings, good or bad. Both you and Minho have nothing but Chan's best in mind, slowly realizing how insecure Chan truly is...
I owe you a kiss Pt. 3 (femReader)-🌹💭
Whilst Minho and you grow closer his relationship to Chan is strained, suffering from all the responsibility he has to carry for the group. You want nothing more than your boys to work things out..
I owe you a kiss Pt.4 (femReader)-🌹💭
Chan arrives at the hospital to be there for his family in person. The news they receive about you aren't what they expected and Minho can't help but blame himself. Your husbands try to navigate their life as you recover.
I owe you a kiss Pt.5 (femReader) - ❤️‍🔥💭🌹
Chan and Minho enjoy their evening together before realizing how much they truly missed each other over the past six months. After their shared lazy night, they get an important call...
I owe you a kiss Pt.6 (femReader) - 💭🌹
Once you're back home, your husbands try their best to support you, but the circumstances are taking their toll on you. It all goes well until you find out who was the one driving that night...
I owe you a kiss Pt.7 (femReader) - 🌹💭
The more time you spend with them, the more you realize you're not the only one struggling. Chan and you try to sort things out, making sure Minho feels safe at home as well.
I owe you a kiss Pt.8 (femReader)-🌹💭
Three weeks later, you're still feeling left out. Your therapist suggests communicating your worries to your husbands, but this doesn't go as planned.
I owe you a kiss Pt.9 (femReader)-🌹💭
Minho and you spend a day at the art gallery, Chan takes you out for dinner by the river. Both of them try their best to make room for you and reconnect. You haven't been so happy in a while.
Minchan series
Addicted to you Series (mainly Minchan)🌹💭❤️‍🔥 - completed (requests open for additional content)
Minho and Chan have been secretly in love with each other for ages. One day, they act upon their feelings, and their new bond grows without any clear boundaries. Whilst Minho is hopeful for their future, Chan is scared of the public finding out; a big fight seems to destroy everything they have and takes a toll on the whole group. Will their love for each other outweigh the hurt and fear of possible consequences? Or will they keep on hurting and longing for each other without finding any common ground?
Chapter 1 - 🌹
Minho and Chan are very good friends, with nothing but friendly admiration between them. At least, that's what they both fail at pretending to. The most simple acts of kindness seem to draw them in deeper without the other one knowing...
Chapter 2 - 🌹(💭)❤️‍🔥
Listening to previously recorded audio files of Minho makes Chan question his feelings for his younger friend once more. It gets even harder to ignore when Minho joins him and notices. One thing leads to another, and they both deal with Felix almost catching them differently.
Chapter 3 -🌹(💭)❤️‍🔥
Chan and Minho finally decide to talk more in-depth about their experiences and current feelings. Chan slips up once again, and Minho finds himself in his lap sooner than he thought.
Chapter 4 - 🌹❤️‍🔥
The next morning, Minho gets caught slipping out of Chan's room, only to find out that Felix knows damn well what happened the night before. Chan can't help himself, teasing Minho right back into bed. Minho decides to trust him all the way...
Chapter 5 - (❤️‍🔥) 💭🌹
Felix tells Minho how much Chan adored him months ago already. Chan and Minho reminisce about the times they realized they loved the other one. Everything seems to be great for months until it isn't, and Chan feels like everything is too much. Minho tries to accept it for a while but gets into a fight with him as he snaps at Jisung.
Chapter 6 - ❤️‍🔥💭
Minho misinterprets a message of Chan and climbs his balcony despite his fear worried for him. Chan finally opens up to him about what's been worrying him. Another fight during dance practice makes Chan realize how much he's hurting Minho and he has his own way to fix things.
Chapter 7 - ❤️‍🔥💭🌹
Another two months later, things seem to stabilize again, and Minho is happier than ever with Chan despite his injury slowing him down. Everything seems to be perfect until their friends confront Chan about a possible relationship, and Chan's fear of being out in the open gets the better of him. He notices too late that Minho's right there, hearing everything...
Chapter 8 - 💭🌹
Felix and Jisung stay the night with Minho, making sure he's okay. The next day, Minho tries his best to avoid Chan as much as possible but fails miserably. Finally alone, Chan follows his heart...
Chapter 9 ❤️‍🔥💭🌹
Felix decides to try a new way to cheer Minho up for a bit, falling back into old patterns with him. Chan walks in on them and at first, Minho doesn't care...until he does.
Chapter 10 - 🌹💭
The night Felix and Minho have shared raises questions amongst their friends and Minho feels pushed into a corner. Another fight with Chan escalates and Felix and Changbin step in. Minho and Chan try to work on their differences and get closer.
Chapter 11 -🌹💭
Staying together for the night, Minho and Chan have trouble fighting against what they both long for deep down. Making out in the kitchen, they get caught by Felix, who isn't very amused. Both Chan and Minho try and figure out how things will develop from here on.
Chapter 12 -🌹💭
After weeks of pushing himself beyond his limits Minho's body gives up and he collapses during their live performance. It's Chan who's by his side when he does and also when he wakes up again...
Chapter 13 - 🌹💭
Back home, Minho decides to make the best out of his break and opens up to his mother about the past events. After finding some letters his friends wrote him, he calls Jisung. It takes him a week to finally open Chan's letter, which seems to change everything...
Chapter 14 - 🌹💭❤️‍🔥
Chan decides to stay for a few days, and they can't stay away from each other for long. Minho's parents let Chan off with a gentle warning. Chan shows Minho the songs he wrote about him and Minho takes it differently than expected.
Chapter 15 - 🌹💭❤️‍🔥
Chan bottoms for the first time, enjoying it much more than he thought he would. While Minho and Chan are busy, their friends can't help but wonder what they're up to at the moment. Minho shares his thoughts on further steps with Chan...
Chapter 16 - 🌹💭
Chan takes the news better than expected and they end up having a casual date night. The next day Chan has a little surprise for him, making things official for the two of them in private.
Chapter 17 - 🌹❤️‍🔥
Chan and Minho enjoy their newfound comfort in each other despite all the headlines their recent strolls around town made. Chan invites Minho and his parents to dinner to celebrate their "anniversary. " The boys spend their evening alone in a nearby hotel, worrying their friends about possible consequences...
Chapter 18 - 🌹💭
After their shared night Minho wakes up to Chan packing his things. He sure finds out why and Chan's plans backfire, sending Minho down the spiral of anxiety and trust issues. Minho decides to fill in the rest about some recent decisions and his true mental state.
Chapter 19 - 🌹💭
Minho enjoys his time back with the boys and teasing Chan on set for Red Lights before returning home. He joins his friends for the upcoming week abroad, knowing there'll be some interviews coming up. On their flight, Chan and Minho settle some ground rules for the near time.
Chapter 20 - 🌹💭
Back in public Minho tries to build up the courage to open up about what really happened without revealing too much. His friends support him every step of the way, hearing some things for the first time as well. Chan has to decide how open he really wants to be and walks the fine line of supporting his boyfriend and keeping their relationship a secret. Especially after Minho's first performance doesn't go as planned.
Chapter 21 - 🌹💭❤️‍🔥
Chan and Minho organize a long break for the whole group, knowing they all need one after these troubling times. Five months later, Chan gets a taste of Minho in his best form, and he couldn't be more proud.
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