#And I don't have coins to fast pass please
iys-cloud · 5 months
anyone willing and able to help me get coins in webtoon with the code thingy??? I need them and don't have the money to buy them ;-;
code: N12S2WV
thanks everyone for the help :)
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amarmoria · 2 months
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꩜.ᐟ Qimir x Padawan! Reader
Why would your master want a padawan like you when he has his acolyte?
Notes: I've seen fics abt padawan reader and none can quench my thirst eugh😫pls note i have nooo idea what goes on in the star wars universe please don't come for me😣
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"Hand me that one, fast" He gestured to the purple fruit just beside you, not daring to glance at you. "Yes, sir"
You curiously peeked over your master as you handed the fruit, what was so important it had him rushing like this?
"It's for Mae," he says, the squelching fruit making you frown, you forget he reads minds as easily as breathing. Your frown deepens as you remember. Mae. His acolyte, he took you in a few months before Mae came, that first few months felt like heaven, it was just you and him, in this unknown planet, training, practicing.
Yet, after Mae came, it almost felt like you were some kind of servant for the both of them, he trained with her day and night, leaving you to fend for yourself, he told you it's because you've already been trained by him, that you don't need to anymore, you didn't mind, you got along with Mae... on your perspective that is.
Mae was a fast learner, you were proud of her, now you have someone to share your training with, converse like a normal person, but later you realized that him and her were two sides of the same coin, quiet, mute, they don't like conversations, although you made an effort to be friends with Mae, than you ever did with your master since she was the lesser evil, you're quite proud of yourself when your conversations with her turned from smalls nods and no's to simple phrases.
You didn't care that your master had two Padawans under his belt, that is until he taught her some things he never even told you about, every now and then he would drop hints about what he would teach you next, to prepare you, but this one was unknown to you, you thought, maybe, maybe he forgot to tell you since he was so engrossed in trying to make Mae catch up to you, but Mae didn't just catch up to you, she had already passed way above you, while your stuck on the pedestal she was weeks ago.
"Something on your mind, little bee?" That nickname, he never once gave an explanation on why he calls you that. "No, uh, nothing.. master"
You focus on his muscles grinding the stone bowl.
"I don't think that's nothing"
"I'm fine, really." You bite the inside of your cheeks. "Hm"
You blink, fiddling with the hem of your robes, you let a few seconds pass before speaking up.
"Why.. why does Mae need it?" He halted his movements, and right then and there you almost regretted asking, almost. "She's having nightmares"
He resumed his cooking, although his brief answer didn't provide you with anything, so what? You were having nightmares once too, and he told you to suck it up.
And as if he read your mind, which he did. "I don't want it to hinder her performance, we don't want any distractions during this time of her training."
What about my training? You wanted to yell at him, what about me? Why can't you make me one of your anti-nightmare potions too?
You could only clench your fists, making sure he doesn't hear some of your thoughts, which is hard considering he didn't teach you to, only Mae, along with healing your body by using the force, all her, and your left in the dust.
Your master said using negative emotions is the best fuel for people like them. Them. He told you, him and Mae obvi, you're nowhere near the equation, like an addition symbol in a multiplication question, makes no sense right? Because you make no sense being there when he clearly prioritizes Mae.
"—are you still listening?"
"I, huh," your eyes flutter up to him, frowning when he says nothing but look at you. A few seconds pass with only the both of you staring each other down, I mean, him staring you down with his creepy mask, he suddenly lets go of the pestle, the tool colliding with the mortar loudly.
He was now towering over you, and you realize then how big he was compared to you, it's like a dwarf next to a willow tree. (Guys no matter how big you think you are, Qimir is always bigger✋)
"I can't hear you, but I feel you" oh fuck, you forgot about that. "What is this plaguing your mind?"
Before you could answer, Mae comes running.
"You're back" He focuses on her, you let out a deep breath, for once your relieved Mae came in just a nick of time. "The ship's ready, master"
"Good, let's go" he grabs his robe from behind you. "Finish the potion before we come back"
"Whe, where are you guys going?"
"Nothing of importance, now go." He gestures to the stone bowl, his menacing helmet buzzing in your ears. "Yes, master.."
"Good girl." you couldn't hear his last few mumbles, only registering everything when they left the cave, leaving you alone.
You decided that you're gonna make an anti-nightmare potion for yourself too, because why does only Mae get it when you can make one in case you get nightmares?
And the best place to buy ingredients was with the best apothecary in town.
"Qimir?" You knock on the door. "I need to buy things for him, are you there?"
No answer.
You pouted and turned around, now everyone's busy when you're not, you wanted to wait for a few more seconds but people might think you're crazy for trying to buy from an abandoned pharmacy, your master told you Qimir was there anytime you needed something to use for missions, but now that you don't go to missions, you love to annoy the clumsy pharmacy owner.
"Hey, wait!"
You tried to stop the smile creeping to your face when you hear the door bust open.
"I'm here!" He yelled, you turned around and waved, a big smile covering your face. "What took you so long?"
"What do you mean?" He playfully shrugged. "Been here since forever"
You felt more comfortable with him, you don't have to have to tiptoe around him unlike with the other, you liked to tease him about not taking a bath and for looking like a ragged hobo.
"What are you doing here though?" His eyebrows furrowed as you skip to him, you gave him a warm smile once again before making your way inside. "I need some things for him."
He frowned.
"Things? He didn't tell me he needed anything when they passed here."
"Well he told me, so go fetch it for me, servant" you chuckle and hit him on the bicep, he fakes a cry before hesitating to open the shelves.
"Here's the list of his majesty needs"
"His majesty?" He laughs, you just love making him laugh, maybe it's just you, or maybe you're just alone, but if there's anyone in the world you're going to survive an apocalypse with, it's Qimir.
"Uh huh, he keeps barking orders, finish this, finish that before we get home nyeh nyeh nyeh"
He chuckles once again. "Are you sure about telling me that? I might just snitch and get a promotion."
You feign an insulted look. "You don't dare"
"Oh but I do"
You both sat there laughing, forgetting about what you were here for. You clutch your tummy and struggle to inhale air.
"I can't— stop—" you burst out laughing once again, your face heating up, the tears in your eyes now brimming full.
"No no don't die on me" He jokes, you can see him staring, you wanted to look at him like that, shameless, but you can't stand looking at him for more than 3 seconds without blushing.
"Really?" He mumbles, but you heard him, clear as day. "What?"
"I, I mean, really h-huh? You can't stop laughing?" He waved both his hands in the air.
"You weirdo"
"Oh so now I'm the weirdo?"
"Uh huh"
"Since when?!"
"Since we met"
"Says the person who keeps barging in my shop"
"You like it though right?" You look up at him expectantly. "Like w-what?"
You gesture with your hands. "This?"
"This what?"
"You're always alone here, you must be grateful that I always visit."
"Yeah, always"
"What does that mean!" You put your hands on your waist. "It means you're always here, so you're like an everyday occurance by now"
You roll your eyes as he finishes up the list.
"Here's the last one—" you frown as he pauses. "What?"
"Isn't this," he picks up the list again. "It's for.."
You gulp, your fingers fumble with the wooden seat.
"N-no, no, it's not" you avert your eyes from him, the floor looking a little more interesting today.
"It's for nightmares isn't it?"
"I don't know, he only gave the list, nothing else."
"It is for nightmares, why do you need these?"
"I don't know, it's not for me." You clench your fists. "If it was for him he'd tell me himself"
Your eyes try to find something, anything, to tell him.
"I think it's for Mae okay? Maybe, maybe she's having nightmares and, and maybe he doesn't want it to distract her.."
"But I al—" he pauses, his jaw flexing. "I already gave him these."
His eyes narrow on you, like a deer in the headlights you could only look away.
"Tell me?" His soft voice lures you to him. "Are you having them?"
"No.." you sigh, do you tell him you're making the potion out of spite for your master? For making one for Mae and not for you, ugh it all sounds childish now, before you left you had a plan, and now you look like a child caught.
"Just—" you let out a deep breath. "Give it, and I'll be on my way"
He stares at you for a moment, before placing everything in a small pouch. You thanked him and left the credits on the table before hurriedly leaving, you could still feel his stare at the back of your head.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
follower! bishops with an s/o that was apart of their cult but now runs a tea shop in the lambs cult?
"Huh, so this is how my consort wastes the immortal life I've given them...by running a cutesy little tea shop in the cult of my traitorous vessel.."
"Good to see you, darling. Care for some chamomile tea?"
"....yes, I suppose I could indulge in some."
Narinder never thought this is what you've been up to after all this time: sitting in a cozy tent and selling specialty teas to followers who spent their hard-earned coin on refreshing drinks.
He thought you'd use your immortality necklace as a means of travelling the world and spreading his word after he was banished.
But nope. You settled down here with goals to live a comfortable life.
Although you didn't let him forget his cruelty to the other followers and Lamb..
"You wouldn't make me pay, would you?"
"I should charge you double...considering you threatened to kill all of us and Lamb once they've done your bidding." You reminded him, causing him to tense up.
"..I would have spared you-"
"Of course you say that now."
"S/o, please..I'm...."
"...I'm sorry." He finally relents.
".....you'll get this one for free, and maybe next time too if you show these followers more kindness." You kiss him on the cheek, passing a cup of tea into his paws.
He acts all huffy about being humbled by you, but from there on he's a little bit nicer to the other followers.
You ran a small tea shop back in Darkwood. There was no ingredient that didn't make the perfect tea: peppermint, camelia, citrus..you name it.
After Leshy went blind, he got accustomed to every kind of smell from your shop. So when he stopped by, he always knew what you were brewing and would request some.
Of course, how could you deny him? Your beloved deserved a nice and calming drink in the chaos of his realm.
Unfortunately some of his fanatics obsessed with destruction began trashing your shop while you were out on a supply run.
You tried chasing them away, but got seriously wounded and had to flee for your life. Soon afterwards, Lamb found you and took you to their cult.
Leshy believed you to be dead.
So imagine his shock when he's indoctrinated and smells those familiar teas, immediately rushing to the source and discovering you're here and alive.
"S/o!! Where have you gone?! I thought I had lost you forever!!"
"It's okay, Leshy. I had to run away, but Lamb found me and saved my life. What ever happened to those raiders, by the way?"
"...I had them hung for your murder."
"....oh. Well, they're better off as bird food anyways. Come and sit, dear. I had to start back at square one, but I have every kind of tea flavor you love."
"Yes, of course....it's so good to hear your voice again, s/o."
"Likewise, Lesh."
Back in Anura, your tea shop helped her keep followers in line..specifically dissenters.
You used to slip mushrooms into teas and offer it as a "gift" to those who opposed her ruling.
And they'd do anything you wanted. Usually you left that to Heket, but as her consort you're allowed some liberties with brainwashed followers.
While she would make them eat dung or fast for the day, you'd tell them to go out into the world and advertise your tea shop to bring more people into the Anurian cult.
Or you'd make them do stupid things just for laughs.
When you were taken to Lamb's cult, Heket fully believed you were "stolen" and demanded your return, lest she starved their entire cult.
Of course, they don't. And she's killed, revived, defeated, and indoctrinated before she finally gets to see you again, promising they won't separate you anymore.
Obviously she's starving, but she beelines for you instead of the kitchen, wanting to see your face and make sure you were alright.
"Oh, my dearest Heket! How are you?"
"....hungry.....come with..."
You pout at her inability to talk for too long, though you join her for dinner, which she has with tea.
While it doesn't soothe any part of her severed vocal cords, it does help her calm down a lot.
Her only disappointment is that Lamb banned you from selling shroom-laced tea to their followers.
They weren't any fun.
Back in Anchordeep, you ran a small tea shop with drinks that could cure minor ailments, such as the common cold.
However, it often felt like Kallamar owned the shop instead.
You were only allowed to use specific ingredients and he told you to refuse any followers cursed with a sickness that he inflicted as punishment (indicated by a glowing green mark on their forehead).
You felt guilty every time you turned one away, but you had to listen to him..lest he shutdown your business.
It was a pain, and you couldn't take it anymore as you were losing more and more coin.
So when Lamb stopped by, you begged them to take you away from here.
Kallamar wasn't happy about that, putting all his focus into hindering Lamb's progress as he thinks they took you away.
Only when he becomes indoctrinated does he realize how wrong he was...
You had some rather venomous words for him. Words that you've been afraid to speak out loud when he was a godlike bishop.
Now you didn't have to hold back.
"I wanted Lamb to take me away, Kall. You were so controlling...trying to run my shop for me and make me refuse followers whose only crime was catching you on a bad day. You preached about how terrifying the Red Crown was, but honestly I was more afraid of you. I should refuse to serve you any of my healing teas so you know exactly how they felt."
He's 0.01 seconds away from having a breakdown, knowing you're absolutely right. You probably didn't love him anymore-
"...but I don't like watching others suffer when I know I can help them, even if they are scum. And part of me..still loves you. So if you wanna start over, we can. But only if you help me run this shop and listen to me."
"O-Of course! I'd love to assist you!" Kallamar managed to hold back the tears on this one, willing make up for how terrible he's been to you.
He lets you run the show, his only suggestion being that you adorned the shop's entrance with crystals to make it prettier (an idea that you accepted right away, showing you forgave him).
They (quite literally) drop by your tea shop a lot, often surprising you.
But you enjoyed their company.
While having a drink, they'd chat with you about the latest knowledge they've discovered, some facts about war and ancient methods of combat, and/or how their day with their siblings went.
They could go on for hours, and you loved hearing it all.
They ensured your shop was well-protected, giving you some scorpions who acted like guard dogs.
When their brain got damaged by Narinder, they often forgot about your shop and stopped visiting as much.
You knew it wasn't their fault. But seeing them slowly start to neglect your feelings to yearn for their traitorous brother 24/7 hurt a lot. He's all they ever talked about anymore whenever they did remember to see you.
Eventually you angrily muttered how much you hated him...which was a huge mistake, as Shamura looked at you with the coldest eyes.
And commanded the scorpions to kill you.
You had to run away and were eventually saved by the Lamb.
With nothing but a small satchel of spare ingredients and tea bags with you, you started a new life in their cult, trying to accept that Shamura was too far gone to be helped.
Yet after they were indoctrinated, they immediately asked where you were and cried as you approached the pillory imprisoning them, believing you had been killed.
You realized they finally remembered you, and you wiped away their tears, offering them their favorite tea to jog their memories.
And at last...everything was alright again.
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mishoarts · 10 months
I don't have coins to fast pass tomorrow, but I still want something like this
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Momma bear beat up that Karen PLEASE -
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whocaresaboutdecent · 18 days
Written for the Ineffable Prompt-A-Thon by @ineffablyruined Week 4: Closed Door
Locked Out
Rated: General Audiences | Angst | Read on Ao3
After Armageddon't, Crowley feels they’re lingering on the threshold of something. Something complicated, something impossible to name, but something that has a pull too strong to ignore. Yet, there’s still this door standing between them, this door Crowley has been hovering near for … someone knows how many years. It’s a weathered, wooden door, once secured with locks that have slowly, one by one, given way over the past millennia.
The keys to unlocking them had been found in shared moments—the playful bickering over coin tosses, crêpes in Paris, a satchel of books passing between their hands, late lunches turning into wine-heavy conversations that stretched deep into the night.
And if Crowley, in his longing to bask in Aziraphale’s company, occasionally forgot to secure those locks again after their meetings—well, that wasn’t entirely his responsibility, was it?
Now, the pull from behind the door is stronger than ever. When Crowley presses his hands flat against the worn wood, an intense feeling of warmth and belonging tingles his palms. He’s no stranger to crossing lines, but even now, with all that promise just beyond, he can’t bring himself to step over the threshold, too aware of the devastating consequences a careless step beyond a boundary can have.
Instead, all Crowley dares to do is inch the door open, just a crack, offering a silent invitation, hoping for Aziraphale to accept it. Crowley is too afraid to swing the door wide open, limiting himself to reassure Aziraphale that it isn’t locked from his side – it never has been, and it never will be. He lingers there, hand resting on the doorframe, waiting for any sign that Aziraphale might be ready to step through. 
But the angel doesn’t even dare to look at what might lie beyond.
“I'll give you a lift, anywhere you want to go.”
“You go too fast for me, Crowley.”
Crowley yanks his hand back just in time before his fingers are jammed between the door and the frame as Aziraphale shuts the door in his face, clearly overwhelmed by what he had glimpsed behind it.
“We can go off together.”
“I don’t even like you.”
Each time Aziraphale dares to peek through after the failed apocalypse, however, the door seems to close a little softer and more reluctantly on Crowley.
“You can stay at my place, if you like.”
“I don't think my side would like that.”
“I could hunker down in your place, slither over and watch you eat cake.”
“I'm afraid that would be breaking all the rules.”
A very, very reluctant click.
Yet, there are moments when Crowley feels like he's the only one standing there, staring at that door, desperate to know what's behind it, while Aziraphale remains safe on his own side.
Until, one day, the door stays ajar, until it is Aziraphale who even opens it a little wider – our car, we both get plenty of use out of it, maybe you can tell me while we dance. Crowley can almost see the Welcome-doormat rolled out just for him.
They are on the verge of stepping through, so close to finally, finally taking that leap, when Aziraphale turns away again and nothing Crowley says can lure him through.
“I would like to spend …”
“Then there’s nothing more to say.”
The door swings shut with finality, keys turning in locks that haven’t been touched in years. Crowley stands there, disbelieving, unable to take it once again.
He is through the door before he even realises it, wood splinters as he bursts through. There are no words this time, only desperate lips and trembling fingers gripping Aziraphale by the lapels. Crowley holds on tight, trying to pull Aziraphale through, pleading without speaking. Don’t let me rush through this door alone, not after everything, please angel, don’t …
But Aziraphale holds his ground, pushing Crowley back over the threshold, resolutely staying on his own side.
“I forgive you.”
The shattered door disappears, replaced by cold, unyielding elevator doors. The hydraulic hiss as they slide shut between them echoes in Crowley’s ears, and he stares at his own distorted reflection in the metal surface, helpless. This is a door he cannot force open, no matter how hard he tries. This something he has hoped for slips away, leaving him on the wrong side of the door. 
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artbyifer · 8 months
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~~@symbruary time!!!~~ For day one, xenobiology, please have a diagram I dew for @bakageta for the holidays. I've got another one somewhere on paper but IDK where yet. We'll see if I find it before the month ends.
Anyway! This is how my 4D symbiotes work WRT a host. Symbiote tissue in black, Host tissue in red, other matter in green, and reality/plane/dimension stuff in blue.
The basic thrust of it is that the main symbiote body is in a pocket dimension floating outside another reality. We'll call that the material universe, but insert whatever marvel 616/MCU/etc dimension you want. The symbiote pocket is tethered to an anchor - a part of the host that either thinks (produces VitT) or initiates signals to control the host body, typically a brain or brain-analogue - by the symbiote's hold-fast, an organ that specializes in host-klyntar integration and communication. The graphic doesn't say so, but a symbiote can tether to its own biomass, which is how they don't just sucked out of reality without a host, but it doesn't help with the next part.
Connecting the pocket dimension and material reality via the host is the threshhold, which can be thought of kind of like a hallway/throat/tunnel/meniscus membrane leading from the body of the host into a non-xyzt dimension and ending at the symbiote pocket. Through this, the symbiote can send biomass and have it emerge at any bit of the host's body, or have it hover just out of phase in order to perceive inner processes. Nutrients and resources can be gathered in the material world and transferred through the threshhold. Though passing into the pocket itself will scramble/digest them, they can be instead temporarily stored in the threshold itself to be pulled to either side later.
Parts of the host, or its entirety, can be held out of material reality if cantilevered by equal or greater symbiote mass. When this is done it is safely stored in the threshhold. This is not quite suspended animation, and is both tricky and somewhat taxing to both components, but can temporarily remove the threat of damage to the host. The failure state of this is the host falling back into reality, not being stuck in the threshhold or being drawn into the pocket.
Ease of transfer through the threshhold - the "bandwidth", basically, the amount that can be stored there and the safety of those things is directly correlated to host compatibility, though host size and symbiote health are also a factor. Communication counts towards the bandwidth limit, and that includes between pieces of the symbiote itself.
A hostless symbiote, especially one with very little mass left out in the world, has its mind throttled. This can be somewhat mitigated by hardcoding some memories into its biomass beforehand, or creating structures analogous to a brain, but that is a stopgap at best. The hold-fast itself contains the very minimum that the symbiote needs to be able to reconnect to a host, but it is life support at best, and without that or with the threshhold severed entirely they are essentially dead no matter the amount of resources and life in the pocket, as it has no way to reattach to a reality and will simply drift away and starve.
Similarly, any bits of symbiotic biomass cut off from the main body, whether that's a a chunk taken out of the whole or the other side of the severed threshhold coin, are mindless. They might flop around for a bit based on existing pre-programming and movement structures, but they have no will behind them and will soon die unless reattached to the main mass.
Uhhh... what else is in this picture?
That physics in the material world vs the pocket are different, are the threshhold is less concrete than that (labelled as "physics???"). There is some influence by the pocket, some by the material world, some by whatever dimension the threshhold is tunnelling through (not necessarily stable), and it can also be changed somewhat by choice and will. This is helpful when you've got part of the host in there and only want some biological processes to run and not others, or you want to have raw biomass in the same space as your gameboy, which would normally require incompatible sets of physics; biomass in the material world needs to have some shape and structure and stuff.
They symbiote main body has a bunch of raw biomass and some organs - (digestion, thinking, memory storage, chemical production, etc), some pockets of digested resources (single-type atoms/molecules mostly) [Carbon dioxide, silicone, bone], and indigestible resources (scrambled). Those contrast with the host organs on the host side (the host is depicted as a human), and the host's digestion, as well as the nondigested resources in the threshhold, depicted as a boot, a pencil, a gameboy, and a bone.
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fyodoro · 1 year
Congrats on 800 followers!!
So may I ask for chigiri with no.14 from your event? Tq! Have a nice day/night!
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Combining these requests… just to make things a tad bit easier for myself
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Prompt 14 | "You're so lucky you're cute."
No cw's, pure fluff! wc - 726
800 follower event!
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"So you're just gonna lay there?" Chigiri's question remained in the air, your slumped figure on the bed stayed still despite the redhead's hand shaking you.
Yours and Chigiri's friends had all planned to hang out today. It wasn't going to be anything fancy, just a small get together with friends. Although much to your disappointment, they planned to meet up rather early in your eyes.
"It's sooo early Hyoma, can't we go later?" You drew out your words, not only emphasizing your sleepy state, but also the dramatic tone in your voice. "Your friends can wait, can't they? At one in the afternoon... I doubt anyone is fully awake."
"(Name), at one in the afternoon, most people have been awake for hours." He deadpanned, earning an exaggerated sigh from your lips.
"Do we have to show up on time?"
"You sound just like Nagi.."
"I bet he's not even up right now..."
Chigiri knew this wasn't going anywhere and he was only wasting his breath. Once you were set on something, you wouldn't budge. And right now, you were set on sleeping in with him (even if he wasn't sleepy in the slightest).
He rolled his eyes playfully, opening his phone to snap a quick photo of your curled up frame.
Princess 'me and (name) are gonna be late' *one attachment* 'this one wanted to sleep in till noon and won't budge"
"Hyoma... can you lay back down? It's getting cold." You murmured, voice muffled by the pillow you were snuggled up to. Chigiri let out a chuckle at the sight, finding you both incredibly oblivious and adorable at the same time.
"I swear, you're so lucky you're cute."
He finally caved, pulling the pillow your arms were wrapped around away and replacing it with himself. After all, your friends could wait a little bit longer.
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At this point in the day, Rin only wanted to go home and lay with you in the comfort of your shared bed. But alas, that didn't seem to be happening anytime soon.
"It'll only take a couple seconds! Please Rin?" Your hand was interlocked with his, while your free hand was pointing toward an arcade across the street. Tons of cute, colorful plushies were displayed through the window, easily attracting the attention of anyone passing by.
Unfortunately for Rin, you weren't exempt from those people.
"And who's to say you'll be able to win one? Seconds turn into hours fast in those places you know."
You didn't hide your pouting face. In fact, you were hoping Rin would notice it, feel bad, and give into your idea. But this is Rin Itoshi, of course he wouldn't...
...for anyone else
He sighed, "fine, but you're lucky your cute. If you weren't, I wouldn't be doing this." You squealed in excitement, repeating 'thank you's over and over.
Stepping foot into the arcade, you spotted the plushie you've been eyeing since you saw it. It was a decently sized fluffy black cat with green dots for eyes, "doesn't it look like you, Rinnie?"
In your eyes, the plush cat resembled him greatly. From the color scheme to it's blank expression. Of course, Rin refused to admit seeing any similarities in a plushie. He stayed silent, inserting coins into the claw machine (that was most likely rigged) without a second thought.
"Hey, I can win it on my own? You really don't have to-"
"Shut it, I'm gonna win this and you're gonna watch," he said with a determined look on his face. You merely rolled your eyes at his attitude, muttering a small "whatever."
Claw machines are almost always rigged. It's either the claw is too small, too big, or has little to no grip. Truthfully, you were planning to win with pure luck rather than skill. So it's no wonder your eyes widened as the claw opened, dropping the stuffed animal into the winner's box.
"You actually got it..." you breathed, kneeling down to take the rin-like black cat out of the machine. "Were you doubting me?" he asked, one eye twitching in slight annoyance at the thought.
"Maybe a little."
It was safe to say Rin only got half his wish when you arrived home. While he got to cuddle with you, he also had to put up with the plushie you snuggled into at the same time.
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© enassbraid 2023. i do not permit plagiarism, translations, or reposts of my work on any platform
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🤔⛵️🥰 please 🫶
Wooden Treasures - Romantic Wojchek Headcanons
Warnings: Bit of angst because it's Wojchek, it's like a requirement.
Notes: Some romance with my jolly sailor bold? You guys are spoiling me Q//w//Q This ended up being a bit of a broken up drabble since it's hard to write romance for someone who's away for so long, so when he is around that's when the true headcanons start 😊 I hope you enjoy~ 💗💗💗
You meet him in the most unromantic way possible, while he's coming ashore to check cargo and you're passing by completely distracted. You bump into him as he's in the middle of his inspections, the payment for his cargo knocked out of his hands and onto the dock, the coins spilling every which way and into the water. The look he gives you is nothing short of loathing, and you end your first meeting gathering everything up and reimbursing the rest, plus a little extra for the trouble.
The next time you see him he's returning, and since there's no rush you introduce yourself and offer to maybe buy him a drink to make up for last month, but he doesn't even remember you, the moment so inconsequential once the money was handed over that he concentrated on the voyage and pushed you right from his mind. He does hesitate at turning you down though, and while it still isn't very romantic while everyone drinks and talks and sings around you, you learn his name is Wojchek and that he prefers to drink outside rather than inside.
His next voyage isn't for a week and a half while they restock and buy new livestock, so you end up seeing him quite a bunch while you go about your day. He sticks to his ship, preferring to sleep on board instead of renting a room on solid ground, and you learn that when you're closing your window in the morning chill and see him stretching on deck. You almost call to him but don't, preferring to watch as he breathes in the sea air, his hair even more disheveled as he pulls his suspenders over his shoulders and heads for the dock. You invite him out to breakfast instead with the excuse that you were just on your way, and he seems almost fond of you as he asks if you'd want to eat on deck with him while the sun rises.
By the time the first week was almost over, he'd seen you so many times that he'd remembered your name, and you learn that he wasn't just distant, he was just so used to moving around that he never bothered remember anything outside of his crew. You don't realize how important this made you to him until he was the one asking you to dinner, but not at one of the many seafood places lining the docks, but instead on the Demeter while the others were out. He doesn't use any of their growing supplies, they needed to save them after all, instead buying rarer things from the import section of the open market nearby, using them to make you something from his home country to share. You don't realize it's an actual date until he lights the lamps as the sun starts to set, a candle on the makeshift table he and the others had carried up on deck just for this, and he tells you all about the recipe as you enjoy the meal he'd made just from memory.
He's very self-sufficient, living on the sea had made him grow up fast, but it also means he was now a jack-of-all-trades, from cooking, to mending his few clothes once it became unavoidable, to even repairing the ship. He loves working with his hands, this becoming apparent when you find a handcrafted wooden sculpture of a fish waiting for you on your doorstep the night after your date. There's a lot of care put into it even though he would've had to work fast, the next one coming a couple days later when you step out to visit the market before the morning rush. This one is of a bird, and it sits in your pocket as you do your shopping and feel him there with you.
He can only stay for one more day, the new cargo coming earlier than expected and allowing them to make even better time, and while you knew it was coming you hoped you'd at least have a couple extra days to get to know him better. As he tells you this on the docks he seems different than before, the serious, stoic sailor who'd made you want to jump into the water to avoid his rage now replaced with the man asking if you wanted to have one more dinner together before he had to go. Again he cooks for you as you invite him into your home, only this time he teaches you what to do as he chops and simmers, helping you commit this part of him to memory so when he left you could make it on your own and remember him. When it's over he kisses your hand and wishes you goodnight, and you almost don't let him go as he heads back to the Demeter in the dark.
You meet him on the docks the next day, unable to bear the wait without one last goodbye, and this time he presses a new sculpture into your hand with a kiss to your forehead and a promise that he'll return to you spoken in his native tongue.
You don't hear from him for weeks until they reach their destination, someplace far away that you can't even place without visiting the library and looking over their hand drawn maps of the world, and you count the days and memorize every word on the page until you can see the stars with him.
He sends another letter when they make an emergency stop halfway home, one of the animals they'd brought on board had gone rabid and caused quite the panic, and it was only through a miracle that no one was hurt. In it, because it'd been over a month by that point, he confesses to you how much he missed seeing your face in the morning, how the sunrise used to be the only thing that warmed his heart, it replaced by you and your laugh instead. He promises that even if they can't return for long, he still wants to hold you in his arms, otherwise it'll be hard for him to leave again. You make the recipe he taught you that night, but it doesn't taste the same without him sitting across from you.
His sculptures find a permanent spot on your windowsill so you can wake up and think of him as soon as you see them, and when the wind knocks one over you finally notice the words you can't translate carved into the bottom of each.
When the Demeter finally pulls into port, you race down the stairs and through the duplex door straight to the docks, the commotion of other returning ships doing their best to stop you until you trip and crash into a bunch of people. The hands that catch you are strong and steady, and you instantly know it's him before you even look up and see him. His eyes are tired from the delayed return but the smile he gives you holds so much that you make sure he makes good on his promise as you throw yourself into his arms.
He only has a few days before he's gone again, this just another small stop on the way to their next job, but he really does make good as he finds you the moment he's done with his tasks. He needs to find a bigger crew to take care of this one, the cargo much bigger than the usual hauls, and as you walk together you joke that maybe you'll come along this time. He doesn't joke with you, something in his eyes telling you he wants you to be serious, and you actually consider it as he almost kisses you goodnight on your doorstep.
You're only able to see him again before he leaves, your eyes on the Demeter all night in case they need to leave early, your chair pulled up to the window as you watch for any sign of movement. When they start moving around you get dressed and rush out, but there isn't any time to say goodbye as the sails are lowered and the ship starts to leave. You call for him as your heart aches, and before it pulls away you see him appear at the end, and he points behind you as his voice gets lost on the wind. You turn to find a box waiting for you by your doorstep, you'd run right past it, and when he disappears from sight you find all the others letters he was never able to send along with over ten new sculptures, each one different and sporting the same text as the others on the bottoms, and you just hold them and pray that he'll return to you faster this time.
You space out the letters, one per day until he can send something new, and you miss him as he tells you about how beautiful the sea looks when the sun is low and it shines like gems, but how it's nothing compared to what he sees when he looks at you. He shares more recipes with some, stories from in his past in others, but the final one you can't read as it's entirely in polish, and the next day you go back to the library to see if you can translate it yourself.
The wait doesn't feel so long as you pour over your books, slowly recognizing the words until you can chip away at the last letter piece by piece. He sends a couple more but you hold off on reading them until the whole thing is finished, and it's rough and badly translated in some places but you still understand that it's a confession about how he thinks he's falling in love with you all the same, the page filled with everything he loved about you and why for the first time in his life he wanted to stay. You cry as you read the last sentence about how maybe someday he'll have the courage to tell you this himself, since he knows you can't read it, and how he wishes he could have more time with you the next time he comes to port. You file away each one lovingly into a drawer, the new sculptures joining the rest, and finally you understand as you read the words on the bottoms: Kocham cię. "I love you."
You space out the new letters but they're more closed off than the last, no more secret messages for you to translate as he talks about how he wished you could see the shorelines of the places they pass, how you would love the quick stops they make at those coastal towns, but nothing else. You blame yourself for not leaving sooner, even though you know that you never would've been able to read his confession before he left, and you start on your own to give to him when he returns.
It takes almost 3 months this time but finally the Demeter returns to port, and you let him work as you watch from your window, his letter sealed and waiting beside you as you rest against the sill. You wait until you see him glance towards your place, and you catch his eye as he hurries towards you, his letter in your hand as you take the stairs two at a time until you're opening the door and he's there. He reaches into his pocket to grab something for you but you hold out your letter first, and he just stares at it before coming inside to read it. You wait as he struggles a little with your amateur translation, but it must still make sense because when he's done he's holding you to his chest and speaking to you in words you still don't understand, you can only read them, and you tell him this before he finally kisses you.
For once he doesn't go back to the Demeter as he cooks one of the recipes he shared in his letters with you, delicious and new smells filling your home as he tells you about their upcoming voyage. They'd been hired to transport cargo all the way to London, so he'd be gone a long time again, but there was a bonus pay waiting for them there if they made good time. You ask him what he'd do with his share as you grab two plates, and he answers in polish again but doesn't translate this time no matter how much you beg him to. He spends the night for the first time, and you whisper for him not to go as you fall asleep in his arms.
You receive no letters as the weeks drag on, your worry increasing with each passing day that you don't hear from him, and you know something's wrong when a storm hits you as you're coming home, all of your sculptures knocked to the ground as the wind and rain invade your living room. When you're on the docks heading to market you finally hear what happened, how the Demeter ran aground and was shattered against the rocks when it reached London. You froze in your tracks right there, your knees giving out as the word that there were no survivors shoots right through you and makes you break down right there.
Your collection of gifts from him becomes your treasure, each one valuable to you as you move the sculptures from your sill to your dresser. They line up in front of your mirror, guarding you as you sleep alone each night, each letter memorized again and again until your tears make the letters smudge. You force yourself to leave them alone, you can't lose the way he loved you so soon, his confession still unspoken as you wish you could still feel him laying there with you.
A few months go by before you start to move on, your sea view no longer beautiful as you walk along the docks in order to reach the market. A ship had pulled in around the time you left, the sailors all piling out to hurry for the bars, but you just ignore them as you try not to look. They all brush past you as you just try to get by, your chest hurting with each one that makes you stumble until you finally trip and fall, crashing hard into someone with a bag slung over his shoulder. You both fall to the ground, his bag tearing on the old wood, and you just barely get out an apology before you see the wooden sculptures sprawling out beside you. You take them all in before looking up at the person you landed on, and you can't stop your tears as you see him there, wincing, bandaged, scarred, but alive. You can't speak as he explains that he jumped overboard before the crash and it only just saved him, but everyone else was lost in the storm, he didn't know who else made it. You'll care later but you don't now as he's the only important thing to you, and you kiss him before helping gather up everything he made you while he was recovering. There are no letters though, and he admits that he didn't want to hide behind the ink any longer as he meets your eye, and before he can say anything else you tell him you love him, his hand leaving his pocket at the same time. You stare down at his hand as he tells you he spent the last of his money on this before he boarded the ship to come back to you, and you translate his final mystery sentence from months ago in your head as you lovingly pick up the ring sitting in his palm.
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trashlie · 1 year
Solidarity with quimchee and ILY; an email to webtoon
In a follow up to this post (please read it for the details and reblog it it, as well), over in the discord we decided that one of the ways we can help quimchee is to send an email to webtoon. One of our members, solidaritea, wrote up this template which you can use to send to this email: [email protected]
Feel free to make adjustments to this, to make it a little more personal, add any more thoughts you would like to reach them. We only ask that you keep this professional - we aren't in the place to harp on them for how the negative ways they impacted the readership by misrepresenting what ILY is as a story. We want to instead focus on the support of quimchee's artistic integrity, as we are not a fandom of children who cannot comprehend multi-part episodes as webtoon seems to think.
Please reblog this so that it can reach others, and if you are on ILY twitter, feel free to share this post over there!
To whom it may concern: I am a fastpasser on Webtoon, and am writing to you today as a concerned reader in regards to some subjective practices of your company, that are compromising my ability to enjoy your product as a fiscally contributing consumer. In good-faith: I am requesting that for the sake of capturing the integrity of story-telling, that you allow creators such as Quimchee just a modicum more of freedom in how she decides to share her work. Without any prompting from this author, and purely out of our own volition as fans of "I Love Yoo" and Webtoons as a whole, we decided to come together to express we are fully intellectually capable of handling a two part episode and have done so before. We are also enthusiastic and unbothered by the prospects of potentially needing to pay to unlock both parts. Infact, our fandom has tried offering occasional help to others who wish to fast pass specific important chapters such as the one that has been delayed for 2 weeks now, due to a seeming communication break down. We want to support your company, and the author we follow closely. But for the sake of solidarity, our group will be withholding fastpassing any of our current subscriptions - as well as pausing the purchase of any additional coins, until this issue is rectified in good faith. Us reaching out to contact you with this concern is our attempt to communicate as consumers there is something we would like to see kindly and professionally addressed. I deeply would appreciate a personal response.
A note: if possible, please send this from an email associated with your webtoon account (so they can see it's actually connected to something and not just fluff and fodder, if they bother to look).
Also: do not mention this on quimchee's patreon or twitter lol. I don't want webtoon to think she asked us to do this. This was by the people for the people.
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hideousvoid · 2 years
how would octavinelle trio react to accidentally hurting their s/o (physically),please?
A sea of problems
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reader: gender neutral
Warnings: none
・゜゜・┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °
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You were trying to prank him by hiding near the door of his office, so when he was going to open it you would have throw yourself at him with a scream. It didn't end well, he was furious that day and smashed the door open. You saw it rapidly hitting your face followed by a loud "ouch!" coming out of your mouth, Azul's world feel down.
What were you doing behind the door?? Your nose started to bleed and he panicked more, using his scarf to cover your nose. The grey haired man was shaking like a leaf, he was mortified and worried that you were mad at him. A heavy sigh left his mouth when you and your face were ok, he was red for the embarrassment and shame.
"I'm so sorry my pearl, I didn't know you were behind it!"
Tears formed in his eyes as you two stayed in his office, complete silence as he was feeling more and more guilty. Are you mad at him? Do you think he is a stupid octopus? How helpless could he be to do such a thing to you? The thoughts stopped when your hand laid on his, your other on his face drying his tears with the thumb. Admitting your first intention and then saying soft words, a gentle kiss on his cheek. The dorm leader turned red as a tomato starting to stutter and avoiding eye contact, as he slowly got closer. Give him more but he won't admit it unless you force it out of his mouth, always so desperate for you.
"You forgave me right? Oh my, thank you (y/n), I'll make sure to never do it again!"
・゜゜・_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
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You were helping him and Floyd with the monstro lounge, it was late and you three were cleaning the room. He slipped over a drink that was on the floor, while trying to not fall he had a worse result making both topple. He was heavy, very much and you even managed to hit your head (not too hard). Floyd laughed seeing you two doing something so "idiotic", teasing and joking while continuing to work.
Fast Jade got up pulling you with him, first he controlled that you were ok and then apologized. He cursed under his tone while you two went to the kitchen, you had an ice pack wrapped with a towel on your head, the "calm" eel near you. He kissed your hand massaging it with his fingers, if it weren't for the fact that you got hurt he would have probably laughed for the way you two fell.
"I'm mortified (y/n) I didn't imagine that such a thing was going to happen. Let's look at the right side of the coin, we are relaxing while Floyd is doing the rest~"
Jade was glad that he could pass time with you alone, without the orders of Azul or his noisy twin between you two. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders making your face rest on his chest, the heart beating fast with you so close to him. A pleased grin was present on his face, his sweet crush putting all their trust in that moment. What a good evening he was going to pass, trying to dry all your affections.
"let's enjoy this moment before someone bothers us, shall we?"
・゜゜・_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
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Floyd almost sent you to the nursery, he was arguing with a classmate when he opened his arms and slapped you with the back of his hand. A loud smack rumbled in the room, the eel was shocked and everyone got silent. The guy ran away faster than light, Floyd hugged you almost squeezed you to death. He started to repeat you over and over how sorry he was, it's true that he likes to squeeze you but hurting you by mistake isn't funny at all.
You had a red mark on your cheek, the mark of his hand very visible. He kissed it a few times trying to light your mood, you weren't think of being angry at him all day, were you? Look at him, he is so quiet and sorry, how can you not forgive him? Nobody could guess that you were coming for Floyd, a unlucky surprise for the twin.
"I'm sorry Koebi-chan, you don't even look good at all! Can you hear me??"
You won a free meal at the monstro lounge, cooked by Floyd of course. He has to repair what he did, and believe me, his cooking it's delicious and you won't regret it. It will start with a plate of pasta with shrimps, he is going to make jokes about it laughing like an idiot. The second a salad of octopus and potatoes, at the end some slices of cake he put all his effort in. Come on, how can you not accept his apologies now? He is literally looking at you with puppy eyes while being on his knees near you, he is practically begging you.
"How rude you are being right now (y/n)-chan, huh? No wait, I'm just kidding, don't go!"
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Summary: You were separated from your childhood crush and meet again.
Warnings: Y/n is technically a criminal, bloody Y/n, Wanda is a little scary, not that i'm complaining, I don't really know what else to put, let me know if I missed something.
A/n: I wrote this a long time ago so it might be trash. I don't really remember so might as well post it.
The Scarlet Queen, the Queen, and the Scarlet Witch were the only titles you could use to describe the queen of Sokovia. The once small but cozy town that had become the biggest powerhouse kingdom to exist. 
It was all because of one woman, The Scarlet Witch, no one knew her real name. I did though. I knew her in elementary school. It was a rich private school which my father worked at. We were friends until 8th grade when her father died and she had to leave school and become queen. I admit I might have had some other feelings for her but I ignored them. When she made the rule that she was only to be addressed by her titles I made sure that I never slipped up while talking about her. When I was in 9th grade my father got this disease and passed away. I no longer could stay at the school and had to provide for myself so I started a life of pick-pocketing. I felt awful and would never take more than I needed but it was the only way to survive. 
One fateful day I picked the wrong pocket.
I was looking around for someone to pickpocket when I saw a tall guy that looked like he made some money. So when I passed him I reached in his pocket and pulled out some coins and started to walk away. When he yelled,”Come back here you pickpocketer.” He started to chase me so I ran. He then caught up to me and threw me to the floor. He yanked my hair back and asked,” Do you know who I am.”. I shook my head. He then angrily said, “I am the captain of the guard.”. I finally realized how bad I fucked up. Rule 12 states that If you steal from someone that has a lot of power you can be sentenced to death. “Wait, please sir.” I pleaded. “You better not say a word till I say you can.” He said. I agreed and followed him. He grabbed a couple of horses and they started riding with me connected to the ends of the horses. I was covered in mud and dirt which was probably from before to. He then took me to a huge courtroom thing with paintings all over the wall. He threw me to the middle of the floor and said to wait till the judge comes to huddle this. Apparently the royalitie type people have their own judge. Who? I didn’t know. 
I just stared at the floor till I heard a loud voice that was sort of familiar but rough and stern,” You can face the court now.”. I looked up to see my childhood best friend, The Queen, in charge. She continued on and didn’t recognize me, “State your name.” She sternly said. Everyone was staring at me but I didn’t know what to say. She looked more angry, “Don’t make me repeat myself.”. I then said as loud as I could without coming off as rude, “Y/n Y/l/n”. Her face faltered for a second and she then quickly yelled, “Everyone leave.” As the captain went to grab me she angrily yelled, “NOT HER”. He quickly scurried. She ran down to me as fast as possible, ran down to me and hugged me.  I said, barely able to breath, “I’m a little dirty and bloody.”. She still didn’t let go until 30 seconds after. “What happened to you?” She said, “Wow, still straight to the point.”. She looked at me with concern. I answered her question with,” Life I guess.”. She didn't push further but just said,'' You need a bath come on.``. I followed her to a washroom with a fancy marble tub already filled with hot water. “Here is a towel and there is some fresh clothes in that drawer. Then we can talk.”
A/n: To be continued?
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fantasyinallforms · 1 year
Nr 47 for Bagginshield sounds very interesting if it hasn't been done already, please and thank you🫣💖
Ok, so this prompt turned out longer than I originally anticipated. It was also a little bit of a challenge so thank you for sending it!! It's a little angsty but kissing out of spite is an angsty prompt!
He threw the meeting door open to leave the room. His feet could not carry him away fast enough. He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs. He heard the door get pushed open behind him and briefly considered slipping on his magic ring. 
“Laddie, he didn't mean it like that! You have to know how delicate all of this is!” It wasn't like Balin to trip over his words, so he was sure now that he had not been in on the announcement. 
“He meant exactly what he said. He always means exactly what he says. Having me in Erebor is too much of a complication.” 
“He didnae say that.” Balin tried to counter. Bilbo stopped and whirled on him. 
“He might as well have! When Gandalf announced he was heading back over the mountains and would escort me back home, what did Thorin say?” There was nothing but silence from the old advisor. “What did he say, Balin!” He had long abandoned his willingness to stay calm. He was shaking with rage and hurt beyond words. 
“He said that would be for the best.” 
“That’s right, he did.” Bilbo walked away, and Balin did not follow. He closed the door of his room and screamed. He screamed so loud he was sure they could hear it in Dale. He had been deluding himself this entire time into thinking there was more. He really could have sworn they had gotten closer. They took meals together and smoked together. Thorin had gone out of his way to make him comfortable, even going so far as to make him a new armchair that put his at home to shame. He thought Thorin might even offer to let him stay. He hoped it with everything he had. The Shire didn't feel like home anymore, not when his heart rested in the mountain, even now as shattered as it was. There were hints the last week of this happening. They had stopped sharing as many meals, and Thorin stopped seeking him out before meetings or in the library. What had he done wrong?
He started to pack his things immediately. He wouldn't stay a moment longer than he needed to. Twenty minutes passed, and there was a knock at the door. 
“Leave. I don’t feel like company.” He heard footsteps retreat, and a part of him resented that they didn't even try. 
“We need to talk.” Thorin’s voice said clear as day from behind him. Bilbo nearly jumped out of his skin. 
“How did you get in here!” He gasped and stumbled back. Thorin surged forward to help him but thought better of it halfway through the reaction. 
“Our rooms are connected through a door in the kitchen,” Thorin stated plainly. 
“I-I never noticed a door in there.” Bilbo cursed dwarves and their invisible doors but recovered. “What do you want, Thorin.” 
“Someone said they heard you scream. I wanted to make sure you were okay. Y-your packing?” Thorin was standing stiff as a board; his words came through gritted teeth. 
“Of course, I’m packing. You just offloaded your burden onto the wizard. I won't stay longer than I’m welcome. I’ll stay in Dale tonight, then with the Elves until Gandalf is ready to depart.” Even he knew that mentioning the elves was a low blow. The elvish ambassadors always made it a point to remark on how well taken care of he would be in Eryn Lasgalen and over inquired about his safety in the mountain. Right now, he wanted Thorin to hurt as much as he did.  
“If you stay another day, Gloin can prepare some of your share of the treasure for you.” Thorin’s entire being seemed to be shrouded in shadow. His hair hung heavy over his shoulders, and his eyes looked like there were deep circles under them from days without sleep. He had noticed it in the meeting, but now they seemed to sink into his face. 
 “I don't want a single coin from you! Not one piece of it!” The words carefully and not at all accidentally chosen had the same effect as a slap to the kings face. Bilbo hated himself for hurting Thorin in his pain. He wanted to apologize immediately and leave on better terms, but he had no idea how to at this point, so he didn't. His bag was now packed. He didn't take anything with him that he had accumulated in the last three months except a few mementos from the company, Sting, and the Mithril shirt tucked away at the bottom of his bag. He walked to the door, passing Thorin, and turned to him. This would be the last time he got the chance to do this, then it would be a lifetime of what-ifs. So why not. He walked over to him and yanked him down rather harshly until their lips met. He felt Thorin gasp against him and freeze. His lips felt warm and chapped, and by the lady's green garden, why did he do this? Because all he would ever want was this feeling again. They say love drives you to do crazy things, but so does spite. “I hate you for making me fall in love with you…you…bastard.” The words came out watery and much less harsh than he meant for them to be.  
He didn't have the chance to move a single step before Thorin seized him. Ice went through him. He had done it. He had finally, truly set off that electric temper the king was so well known for. He felt his bag pushed off his shoulders as Thorin cradled his back and head. The second kiss was so much more than the first. Thorin held nothing back. He devoured Bilbo’s mouth, plundering it like it was the difference between living and dying. It was not gentle; it was desperate. 
“How could you do that to me?” Thorin sounded truly hurt. His eyes were glistening with tears as he struggled to verbalize his thoughts. “I knew you were stubborn, but I did not think you so cruel as to reveal this to me now and try and turn to leave.” Thorin was now holding Bilbo’s head in his hands, his face wild with sorrow. 
“You wanted me to leave! You practically pushed me into Gandalf's hands! Don't pretend you love me now after that.” Bilbo took several steps back, and Thorin’s hands fell limply at his side. 
“I did that because what other choice did I have? I want you, but I can not have you! The moment I laid hands on you my right to your heart was forfeit by the laws of my people. It is against our law to even ask for it! I can't keep living like this knowing you are so near yet so far away. It’s like torture, Bilbo! How long until someone else catches your eye? I can't watch that happen! Watching you share your private moments… your body… Your love with someone that isn't me. I would rather shore all the hair on my body and cast myself upon my blade.” He meant it. Bilbo could tell he meant every word of it. The way he was standing and the tone of his voice, Thorin Oakenshield was not a dwarf built for lies. Bilbo stagged backward until he bumped into the frame of the bed. 
“You… love me? But wait, you said… it’s illegal to be with me?” His brain felt fried. He was trying so hard to make sense of the information laid at his feet. “Wait, but I wronged you as well! I was technically an enemy of Erebor when you… when that happened. Surely that explanation is enough! Did you even think to try and work around this, or was casting me away your first solution!” The confusion had not extinguished his anger, but there was not nearly as much power behind it now. 
“I didn't know that you wanted me in any way more than a friend. I had not dared hope, and the part of me that did hoped I wasn't forgiven. Am I forgiven?” Thorin looked so hopeful. The dark circles under his eyes only make the blue of his irises bright with life and pain. All the anger, all the vitriol left him like a tidal wave. He took a step forward, and his legs buckled underneath him. Thorin caught him and cradled him against his chest.
“I forgive you. Of course, I forgive you, you fool.”  
Fun kissing prompt game to be found here!
also to the Anon who gave me the jealousy prompt. I did not forget you. You gave me my all-time favorite trope and therefore I am incapable of writing less than 1500 words for it.
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
The Queen of Thorns P3
Media IRL X Fantasy / DND
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating smutty ish?
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Please do part 3 this is so good ❤️❤️❤️❤️
this needs a part 3, it was so hooking
I agree please do a part 3
My body landed on the bed and she crawled over me her nails stroking my neck as she chuckled at me, "It's been an awfully long time since I've had a visitor thomas." She smirked, "Why don't you stay for a while." 
This became a pattern, she would make passionate almost at times violent love to me, and the first chance she let me go I'd bolt for the door only to have her vines wrap around my legs and drag me back kicking and screaming, but she would always free me again once I was in the bed as if she liked toying with me, and it didn't help with each exhausting orgasm I got weaker and weaker to her, more willing, but more tried and thus unable to run as fast or as far from her. 
She played with me like a cat to a captured mouse giving me room to escape only to pull my tail and drag me back again, 
And this went on for days! 
I hadn't slept merely at times passing out from pure exhaustion, as much as It was torture I couldn't deny it was heavenly too. I have to admit... I did kinda like being her little sex toy. 
it began that I didn't even bolt for her, I merely reminded or if I did try and go it was less from fear and more just wanting to have a goddamn rest! 
While she was sleeping I managed to sneak away still gasping as I went down the stairs of her tower but I merely got halfway down before the thorns wrapped around my ankles and dragged me back up to the bed, where she sat waiting for me. 
"Y/n... darling... you know I can't keep up like this-" I began but she kissed me and at this point that was enough to convince me. 
I had lost track of time, and days, anything other than her had been replaced in my mind, I was hers utterly and devotedly, if she wanted me she could have me, and she always wanted me, I had begun keeping track of time in orgasms, began marking days by positions, with the few rare events being my attempts to leave her bed, 
I didn't want to leave her, not now. I was happy here with her but I was tired and exhausted and even just a brief walk out of the room was a nice cool change of pace. 
My last time leaving the room was four missionaries and a reverse cowgirl ago so I kept away for some air and to stretch my legs only half dressed heading down through the castle even getting as far as the front gates where I leant to catch my breath and enjoy the cool air, looking out to the thorn forest. 
I wonder if everyone thinks I'm dead? 
Then again, is that such a bad thing? not like I had a great life, and I did owe that orc in Loslin a hundred gold. 
But before I had time to really think too much the thorns wrapped around my ankle and I was tossed up into the air caught midair and dragged back into the bedroom, 
"Hi," she giggles.
"Hi honey," I smiled giving her a kiss 
"I missed you,"
"Humm your insatiable you know that?" 
"I know," she smiled before she jumped on me again, 
I laid catching my breath holding her tightly, petting her hair a little as we lay together, "Do I get an explanation of... everything or not?"
"Alright, ask away my knight."
"You cursed yourself?"
"So the sleeping is just..."
"Me sleeping,"
"And the huge thorn forest..."
"I am the queen of thorns, always had the power."
"I see." I nodded, "The castle?"
"I wanted to be left alone, you'd think building yourself a huge castle with a massive thorn forest would be enough to tell people to fuck off."
"You would."
"It doesn't. Adventurers still come trying to take some advantage, be it the castle, the magic, the coin or even me."
"I mean... I did."
"Exactly, What did you come here for?"
"... I'm one of the few 'adventurers' yet to succeed at something. Been up and down the map looking for a quest to achieve and... I'm pretty useless."
"I don't know, I've found lots of uses for my knight."
"Humm Thank you, my queen." I smiled kissing her, "So how did the myth come about?"
"People kept coming I kept killing them, rumours swill about people going missing, people know there's a queen in the castle it doesn't take long for the myth to swirl through all the whispers and changes." 
"What have you done to all the other adventurers?"
"I killed them, wrapped the thorns around them and used them as fertilizer for my roses."
"I see... this after you do like you've done to me and borderline bed trap them for... uhh... however long I've been here." 
"ehh some of them," she shrugged, "If I felt in the mood, none as long as you though most a night or so but nothing more."
"what makes me so special my queen?"
"Humm your handsome, and sweet, and full of energy" she smirked, "I like my knight very much." 
"Do you?"
"I do."
"I like my queen very much,"
"Do you think you'd ever... be willing to stay here with me?"
"Oh? as fertilizer?"
"As a bed warmer?"
"No, I was thinking perhaps I could... Make you my Knight of thorns."
"You're what?"
"My knight of thorns, the big strong handsome man that I could arm with a thorn-sharp sword and dominion over the forest, he who guards the castle and protects his queen." She smiled,
"You'd really want ... me? as your Knight?"
"I would. I'm sure the myth would add you in, as the challenge past the forest that no soul survives, forever guarding his queen." 
"I think I'd like that very much, and... what would the knight do while the queen 'slumbers' in wait for another adventurer?"
"Hummmm... slumber with me, there's a port bell on the bridge a mile from the castle anyone comes to try and get though the forest we will know, so we can slumber, and snuggle and... make love until we hear such bells and then we simply wait to slaughter them together when they arrive and fed them to the roses."
"Sounds perfect my queen."
"excellent my Knight" She cooed pulling us back into a kiss. 
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peachymilkandcream · 2 months
Collecting Dust|Levi x Evelyn AU
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Request from AO3: "You write very well, you could make an AU where Levi is a nobleman and Evelyn is a maid who just started working with him."
(A/N: This one will be a bit shorter, I usually take the weekends off so I only have a short amount of time to write this XD)
WARNINGS: implied noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, heavy on the misogyny, power imbalance, age difference, etc.
Evelyn stared at the large house in front of her. As someone who had come from such a poor background, it was magically to know that she had the privilege of serving such an amazing and influential man like Levi Ackerman. The nobleman who was known throughout the city as mysterious and strict. Many girls would give their left arm to be noticed by him, they wanted a taste of that mystery and a taste of his coin.
Evelyn didn't have the same goals and aspirations, she wanted more to make a good enough impression that her family would live a comfortable life without fear of the mortgage coming to ruin them. Debts were easily to accumulate in a economic climate like this, constant shut down of businesses because some rich asshole made regulations impossible to follow.
Hopefully Levi would be different, he was a rich and entitled asshole allegedly but his pay was better than most so she could afford her pride to save her family from debtor's prison.
Without hesitation, she launched into her list of duties. She had learned that Levi was a fickle man when it came to the quality of the services he was paying for. He demanded the best of the best and if that wasn't delivered then a swift dismissal would follow.
She hoped she would be enough for him.
She never saw him, and when she did he simply passed her by without so much as a downward glance. She hoped that this would continue, to work under his intense scrutiny was something she wasn't sure she could handle. He already made her nervous enough. She didn't more of that.
It wasn't until Levi tripped over her that he finally took notice of his newest hire.
"Don't you know to stay out from underfoot!?" The first sentence he ever spoke to her.
"Begging your pardon sir, it won't happen again sir."
"Who are you you little wretch. I must speak to my housekeeper and instruct her on what imps to hire and which to dismiss."
Tears welled up in her eyes at the thought of losing such a precious job. What was left but to throw herself at his mercy?
"Please sir, I'm begging you please don't dismiss me. It will never happen again, I vow to work twice as hard to earn back your favor, but please don't dismiss me-"
There was a pause of silence before he sighed, taking advantage of her vulnerable position to use his boot to push her head down further into the ground.
Evelyn could swear she heard him smirk, but the moment she ventured to meet his gaze it was full of emptiness and a lack of remorse.
"Is this the cleaning you've been providing for me?"
"Yes sir, I hope it is satisfactory."
He inspects it without moving his foot off her head. As if from just a look he can determine how dirty something is.
"This isn't even good enough to consider keeping you on."
Evelyn couldn't help it, quiet sobs burst out as the reality of her situation hit. She had tried her best but it was not enough.
"Quit your noise. I didn't say there was no possible way to gain my favor back."
She quiets, her heart beating fast as she considers the hope before her.
Now he takes the boot off her head. "Come with me."
Evelyn tried her best to flex her jaw without Levi noticing. The salty taste still in her mouth from her task of gaining his favor. It was humiliating, but Levi assured her she would continue to have a job. Now he was satisfied and she would never have to lower herself again.
Until the next time. When he took things further. And the time after that when he took it further still.
Her chores eventually stopped, giving way to Levi's demands and ridiculous appetite for her body. It was no longer about gaining his favor but threats of what would happen should she deny him. Threats Evelyn desperately didn't want to see come true.
When she missed her time of month, and pushing her down the stairs didn't work, Levi took drastic measures to maintain his dignity. However he wasn't impressed that his lowly serving wench had become Lady Ackerman, and made his displeasure of the whole arrangement known at night.
Although now there was no need to hide, and she had no right to refuse him. This was her duty now as a wife. And she must obey and serve her new husband, no matter how painful it was. It was her own fault for getting knocked up in the first place. Had she cleaned well she wouldn't be in this position.
Or at least that's what her husband told her, and who was she to have a thought on her own? No one. Just some serving wench.
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projectsbymilo · 5 months
you're on another job. light political meddling, get in get out. you know how it goes. it feels like you've been to a thousand parties just like this one. you just have to do as your boss asks; keep up appearances.
the woman who falls into your arms for the next dance is a frail little thing, color hectic in her cheeks. when you touch her skin, it's noticeably hot.
>flinch away. >ignore it. >comment.
"madamoiselle, are you well?" she giggles airily. 'i'm sorry, i'd hoped you wouldn't notice. it's been a long night, and i'm feeling a little faint."
>finish the dance. >escort her off of the floor.
"i'm fine, please don't worry--" the woman protests, but she happily limps along behind you. you settle her in a chair to the side of the floor. the pulse in her neck is racing
>leave her. >stay with her. >bring her something to drink.
"oh! thank you! i didn't realize you were such a gentleman." she laughs. her eyes are very large and very bright, gold as coins and watery. she sips like a bird, and condensation drips down her wrist where the glass meets her hand.
>a lady like yourself deserves nothing less. >is everything quite alright? >are you ill?
she laughs. "i have a delicate constitution. but i'm happy as i am. you've been very kind."
[willpower check.] [you do not pass.]
>that's a strange thing to say. >are you sure there's not someone i can get for you?
"strange how?" she widens her eyes. "it's hot in here, and there are so many people. i get overwhelmed, but isn't it lovely to see everyone?" the girl gestures broadly with a translucent hand. "anyhow, please don't let me ruin your evening. my chaperone will be here soon, and i'm feeling much better--see?" she stretches out her hand.
>take her hand. >feel her pulse.
it's fast and uneven.
>offer to find her chaperone. >politely make your exit. >drop her hand like it's on fire.
"my goodness. a gentleman, indeed. she's the tall one with a scar just here." the woman gestures. you turn away and look into the crowd, thinking with faint irritation that there are at least five people present who fit that exact description.
walking into the crowd, the beginning of a champagne headache gnaws at the back of your eyes. you furrow your brow as you realize you can't remember the woman's face to describe her even if you do find her chaperone. you only remember the heat of her hand. your palms burn. your face feels flushed. there are a lot of people here. the room is very warm. perhaps you should retire. you're not feeling so well, after all.
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conjuremanj · 2 years
Petitioning Saint Expedite
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Saint Expedite Spell for Fast Results.
St. Expedite is one of the more favorable saints to petition when a situation is indire need. He works quickly and the trick to having success while petitioning him is to make sure of a few things.
1) Need. You should only petition him when you really NEED what you're requesting. Do not petition Saint Expedite for things that would be nice to have, or things that you want. Petition him when the going gets tough and you have no other options. (Example if you not in a relationship don't ask for love, or if you don't have a job don't ask to be successful things like that) remember spirits get burn out too.
2) Payment/ Offering. You must strike a deal with Saint Expedite as part of the petition. Ask clearly for what you need, then promise him that you'll pay him his due wages with ether a piece of pound cake and a glass of water along with some flowers, St. Expedite, it should also include an image of him and it can (of you want) include a rosary too. pay him after the work is done.
Here's how I typically petition Saint Expedite. I take a red candle then put one drop of Saint Expedite Oil, around the wick. ( Also would use Holly oil if I don't have that pacific oil for that saint.) I write down what I need in detail on a piece of paper then I dab a little Saint Expedite on the four corners and center of the paper.... I place this under the dressed candle by my Saint Expedite card. I place a vase of fresh flowers by the statue - red flowers or water on his altar space is preferred.
Prayer of Saint Expedite. (You can Make the sign of the cross if you choose to)
Saint Expedite, faithful and hard-working servant of our Lord, hear me. I come to you humbled and desperate, seeking your divine intercession on my behalf. You who have fought many righteous battles and know the pain of hard labor, help me in my hour of need.
I seek __________________________, for _________.
I pray to you, divine servant of God that you assist me now. I offer you your due wages of a piece of pound cake, a glass of water and flowers in thanks once you have assisted me. ( If you have more or less offerings say them) With gratitude and humble thanks, Amen!"
Let that candle burn all the way down. You can repeat this prayer every day until it has come to pass. Once the candle has burned out if you want to repeat the candle burning and prayers you certainly can but it is not necessary. You can wear Saint Expedite Oil if you want.
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Paying Saint Expedite Once Saint Expedite comes through with your request, simply place a slice of pound cake on a plate in front of his statue or coins
Praising Saint Expedite It is also traditional to praise Saint Expedite publicly once he has helped you.
If You use this working can you post your thanks to him as a comment to this article! And let me know your thoughts. 💭
If you need me to read you glass candle. Please feel free to contact me.
I hope you enjoy this one. ASE.
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