#And considering how long I thought about this it really is a haunting thought huh?
kupfergeist · 1 year
What loot do you drop?
Interesting question! I've been mulling this over for a while before responding, and have come to the conclusion that the answer varies. First, what kind of game-genre are we taking as a basis here? What kind of creature/character would I be considered as in that genre? Etc Etc So, to make it easy, I'll narrow it down to three answers, Real Life and my two favorite game genres.
Real Life: What kind of stuff would I have on me usually that someone could get from besting me in a fight? I normally carry the necessities on me, my Phone, money, ID, that stuff, but that's boring. So! You would get a pair of octagonal glasses with a golden chain attached to it, complete with little star and moon charms. Furthermore, some citrus bonbons and sugar packets (I carry those since I have a tendency of low blood sugar and need energy boosts from time to time), my favorite lavender ballpoint pen and green mechanical pencil as well as a sketchbook full of character ideas and little scribbles. Maybe my pocket knife if you're lucky, but it's dull and I'm normally too anxious to bring it anywhere.
Survival horror (or just Survival): Okay, this is more interesting, since I think about what I would do in horror and/or survival scenarios about half the time. If I can choose in these type of games, I normally go for stealthy, careful gameplay, stocked up on healing items and foods and I mostly make sure I have a secure base to put most of my stuff. For you, this would mean that I would not carry most of my valuable stuff on me, but I would still have some things worth fighting me for! I wouldn't carry a map, especially not one marking my base since my sense of direction is impeccable for some reason (only in games tho, in real life I can get turned around real quick) The most likely things to have on me would be at least 2 items of healing, 2 food items and 2 light sources. If I have to carry light, I'll forgo the light sources. There would also be weapons that are best for stealth, so most likely some sort of knife or small long range weapon. And, since I am a sucker for them, a fire axe. I just love them, no explanation there.
Story based/RPG (I am thinking specifically Fallout New Vegas here, to be totally honest) Fire Axe, some sort of face obscuring helmet or hood, impractically cool coat and some small weapon like a revolver. I would go into detail here too but honestly, that's just the things I always carry in every single game of this style. I really like gas masks and stuff like that tho, if that helps.
In short, I think I would drop pretty common loot, mostly.
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verfound · 14 days
FIC: "Love is a Star" (MLB; Lukanette; LBSC Lukanette Month 2024)
@lovebugs-and-snakecharmers is doing a Lukanette Month for September 2024, and we all just kinda tossed some prompts in the disco to compile a list?  We ended up with 71 prompts, so I decided I’d roll some dice to pick a prompt, do a twenty minute (ish, bc we all know sometimes they run away from me) sprint, and try to get some short fics out this month?
Read on Ao3
04 September 2024
Prompt 32: Stars (B)
“Have you ever heard of hanahaki?”
He turned his head, looking away from the expanse of stars stretching out above them.  They’d had to drive nearly two hours out of the city to find this spot, but lying there now, looking up at the night sky stretching out above them, he thought it was worth it.
That might have just been the company, though.
A lot of things felt worth it when Marinette was with him.
“Hanahaki?” he asked, frowning as he considered her question.  “That’s the flower thing, right?”
“Yeah,” she said, tapping her fingers against her stomach.  “Kagami was telling me about it.  It’s like…when you can’t confess your love to someone.  Or if it’s unreturned.  Something like that.  Flowers grow in your lungs and suffocate you.”
“Sounds awful,” he said.  She was still staring at the sky, but he was still watching her.  He had the better view anyway, he couldn’t help but think.  “What brought that up?”
“It was in that new book she’s reading,” she said, shrugging a little.  “You know how I’m always late.  She’s started bringing books while she waits on our juice dates.”
He grinned at that.  They hadn’t been drinking juice during their meetups for a while now.
“I dunno,” she said, shrugging a little.  “It just kinda…stuck with me.  The thought that telling someone you love them could be so paralyzing you just…choke to death.  I’ve just been thinking about it lately, I guess.”
He frowned.
“…you’ve been thinking about suffocating on flowers?” he asked.  She giggled and reached over, blindly swatting at his shoulder.  She missed, hitting his ribs instead, and he moved an arm from behind his head to find her hand.  He smiled once their fingers were linked.  “We have a zillion beautiful stars up there to distract us, and you’re here thinking such morbid thoughts.  If I had wanted to hang out with someone so grim, I would have stayed home or invited Juleka.”
“Jerk,” she laughed, squeezing his hand.  “No, it’s just…I don’t know.  It’s not necessarily the choking on flowers part, but…huh.  I wonder if it’s always flowers?”
He frowned, waiting for her to continue.  She sighed and shrugged, a little awkwardly since they were still lying down.
“Like…I don’t know.  What if you choked on stars?  What if your love turned into a light, so warm and bright inside you you just…couldn’t contain it?  And then it just had to get out, but you’re a hopeless disaster that could never tell the boy you liked you were so nuts about him?” she asked.  She finally turned away from the stars.  Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at him.  “I wonder what would hurt more: thorns scratching as they came out or stars burning?  I mean, you’d be dead either way, but I wonder which is worse.”
There was a haunted, distracted look to her face – one that reminded him of days long past filled with plots and schemes and too many tears.  It didn’t sit right with him – it never really had.
“…thank God it’s not real and the answer is neither,” he said, his voice soft.  She rolled her eyes and looked back at the sky.
“Seriously,” she said, huffing out a little laugh.  “I bet I’d have it, if it was.  I’d be dead by sunrise”
“No, you wouldn’t,” he said, his voice firmer.  “Don’t say that.”
“Why not?  It’s true,” she said.  She sighed and closed her eyes, her smile turning bittersweet.  “You remember Adrien.”
Of course he did.
“…yeah,” he sighed.  It was hard to forget, some days.  She’d been in love with Adrien for most of the time he’d known her.  He finally looked back at the stars, unable to look at her any longer.  “No offense, Mari, but…I kind of hated him, in the end.”
She frowned, and he knew she had misunderstood.
“He had nothing to do with –” she started, but he shook his head and squeezed her hand again.
“I didn’t care about the Hawkmoth stuff,” he said.  “I know how hard that was on him.  I meant because of you.  I never understood how someone could be so…calloused with another person’s heart.  You deserved better, Marinette.”
“It was all for the best, in the end,” she said.  “Kagami saw him not so long ago.  He’s happy in London.  And it’s been a long time since I would’ve choked on anything for him.”
She closed her eyes, sighing, and he wondered at the little inflection of her voice.  The emphasis she had put on the ‘him’.  He wondered who she would choke for, if not Adrien Agreste.
“No, it’s just…I don’t know.  I just wonder sometimes…” she said, shrugging again.  “Am I just doomed to never be able to tell the people I care about how much I love them, and isn’t that the root of hanahaki?  I’d choke to death in under a week, all because I’m a coward.”
Bullshit, he couldn’t help but think.  She was anything but.  He pushed himself up on his elbows and leaned towards her, his brow pinched.
“…you’d tell me,” he said, his voice firm.  She opened her eyes and looked at him, and they widened just the slightest when she saw him leaning over her.  “You would tell me if you loved me, right?  You wouldn’t put yourself at risk like that.  Especially since you know that’s all I’ve ever wanted to tell you.”
“…I…” she started, but then his hand was on her cheek and his thumb brushed beneath her eye.
“Marinette, promise me,” he said.  “Because there’s no way in hell I wouldn’t return it.  And there’s no way in hell I’d just sit back and watch you die because…God, Marinette.  You wouldn’t do that to me.  Right?”
“…I thought hanahaki wasn’t real,” she said, her voice quiet.  “So why would it matter?”
“It matters,” he said.  “Your feelings always matter.”
She swallowed.  The stars suddenly didn’t seem as interesting anymore, which was kind of a shame.  Luka had put so much work into this trip for her, wanting to get her out of the city so she could finally relax.  You couldn’t see stars like this in Paris, and she was so busy staring at his stupid face she was missing the whole thing.
…she didn’t really mind.  She was pretty sure she had the better view, anyway.
“…of course I’d tell you,” she said softly.  “I’d try, at least.”
“There’s no try, Marinette,” he said.  Her lips twitched with a smile.
“Only do or do not?” she asked, and he rolled his eyes as he chuckled.
“You’d tell me,” he said, ignoring her joke.  “Promise me, Marinette.  Promise me you’d tell me.”
“I’d tell you,” she said.  He sighed, his body seeming to sag with relief, and he nodded.  She swallowed, a pleasant thrumming running through her as she studied his profile in the darkness.  “…hey, Luka?”
“Yeah?” he asked, opening his eyes, and something about the way they glittered in the starlight was making her dizzy.  She reached for his hand again, then seemed to think better of it and reached up to tuck some of his hair behind his ear.  He closed his eyes and leaned into her touch, his smile growing.
“I love you,” she said.  Her breath caught as he turned his head and kissed her palm.  She lost it entirely when he opened his eyes to smile down at her.
“…I love you, too, Marinette.”
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samynnad102687 · 1 year
Oct 8th - Everyone- Haunted House Hide and Seek
2,324 words
“What do you mean, you want to play Hide and Seek in a haunted house? Are you nuts?” Regulus asked as he stared at his brother, who had just burst into his house and announced his plans without a care in the world about who was actually listening. 
“Just that. There is a house down the street that is haunted and I thought it would be fun if we got all of our friends together to play hide and seek,” Sirius shrugged. 
“And have you already talked to your friends about this?”
“Not yet.”
“So why did you start with me?”
“Because I want you to convince your friends while I convince mine. It will be fun, I swear. Please, Reggie.” Sirius was practically begging as he got on his knees.
“Fine,” Regulus said after a few minutes. “I’ll talk to them but I’m not guaranteeing that they will want to participate.”
“Okay,” Sirius said and he left just as quickly as he came. 
Regulus already knew that he was going to be dragged into this game whether he wanted to or not. If Sirius couldn’t convince him, James could and Regulus kind of hated how easily he folded for him sometimes. Regulus pulled out his phone and called Pandora first.
“Hey, Reggie,” Pandora answered sweetly.
“Hey, Pan.”
“What’s up?”
“Apparently, Sirius would like everybody to join him at a haunted house down the street to play hide and seek,” Regulus sighed exasperatedly.
“Oooh, that sounds like fun. Maybe I could talk to a spirit while we are there.”
Regulus shook his head even though he knew she couldn’t see him. Of course, she would be excited about it. Out of all of his friends, the only one who would probably have reservations about going to a haunted house and playing hide and seek was him. He called Barty and Evan next even though he already knew the answer.
“What’s up, Reg,” Barty answered on the first ring.
“Were you staring at your phone when I called?”
“No,” Barty said a little too quickly.
“Uh-huh. Whatever, do you want to play hide and seek in a haunted house?” 
“Of course!” Barty exclaimed.
“Ask Evan.”
Regulus could hear Barty walking around and opening a door before screaming for Evan and asking him if he wanted to join. He does, of course.
“When is it?” Barty asked after a minute.
“I don’t know. It was Sirius’ idea,” Regulus said nonchalantly.
Regulus hung up and called Dorcas who had agreed easily considering she was with Marlene and Sirius had already talked to her. Once he did his part in convincing his friends to join Sirius’ stupid game, he went back to the book that he was reading before Sirius had interrupted him so dramatically. It took another hour before he got another visitor at his door. This time they actually knocked, which already told him who it was. Regulus sighed and got up to answer the door, not even bothering to put down his book.
“Hi, Jamie,” Regulus said easily when he answered the door and left it open for James to come in. 
“Hey, love,” James beamed brightly.
“Let me guess, Sirius sent you.”
“No,” James said slowly and Regulus just gave him a look. “Okay, yeah he did but I wanted to come over anyway.”
Regulus sat back down on the couch and made room for James to sit next to him. Once James was situated, Regulus laid his head in his lap and kept reading while James ran his fingers through his hair. He already knew that he was going to break. He was just wondering how long it would take for James to try and convince him to join the game. They sat there quietly with Regulus reading for thirty minutes before James took a deep breath.
“So…” James started.
“I already know what you’re going to say and I really don’t want to go.”
“Come on, Reggie. It will be fun.” Regulus looked up at James from where he was lying in his lap and cocked an eyebrow. “We could try and scare Sirius,” James offered and it was tempting.
“What even gave him this idea in the first place?” Regulus sighed.
“He saw something on the telly about ghost hunters or something like that,” James shrugged and smiled down at Regulus.
“So he felt the need to burst into my house because of a stupid show?”
“Pretty much,” James laughed lightly. “So will you come and play? We can hide together if you want.”
Regulus sat there and thought about it for a few minutes and when he looked up, James had the most hopeful look in his eyes that Regulus couldn’t say no.
“Fine, I’ll come but if shit starts to get fucked up, I’m out,” Regulus gave in. just like he knew he would. He suspected Sirius knew it too and that’s why he sent James.
On Saturday night, just before sundown, Regulus and his friends met up with Sirius and his friends for the oh-so-fun game of hide and seek. Seriously, why did Sirius have to be so immature sometimes? If it wasn’t for James promising Regulus something fun after this game then he wouldn’t be here. 
“Okay, here are the rules. You can hide anywhere inside the house but you cannot go outside. If you go outside then you are automatically out and have to do the punishment,” Sirius started to explain.
“What the fuck do you mean ‘punishment’? That was never a part of the agreement,” Regulus complained as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“I just made it up,” Sirius shrugged.
“Oh, I’m going to kill you,” Regulus declared as he started chasing Sirius around the grounds. 
Regulus chased him until Sirius screamed and tried to hide behind Remus. James had to grab Regulus to make him stop, even though he was still trying to fight his strong grip.
“Calm down, love,” James said as he increased his grip around Regulus’ middle.
“Fine,” Regulus relented and went limp in James’ arms, forcing him to catch him before he fell to the ground. 
“It’s only a game, Reggie,” Sirius said even though he was still hiding behind Remus.
Everyone else was trying not to laugh at the brothers’ dramatics. After everyone was listening again, Sirius finished explaining the rules and everyone drew straws to pick who sought first. It was Sirius. While Sirius stayed outside and counted, everyone dispersed inside the house which probably hadn’t had an occupant in it in probably fifty years. 
Regulus and James headed for the top floor and it really was a creepy house to be in. Why did they want to go to the top floor? He didn’t know but it was James’ idea. They passed Marlene and Dorcas who had hidden behind a staircase that would be entertaining to knock on to scare somebody. 
Once they were in their hiding spot which was in a closet behind a bed in the farthest room on the top floor, Regulus heard Sirius call out for outside.
“Ready or not, here I come.”
Regulus chose to curl into James’ lap and make himself as small as possible. Regulus and Sirius used to play hide and seek all the time when they were little, especially when their mother was on one of her rampages. 
Suddenly, Regulus heard some chains rattling and he was not having that. Fucking spirits needed to knock their shit off. Then there was a scream that sounded like Marlene and Sirius yelling that he found them. Two down, seven more to go. 
Regulus heard footsteps and James had to put his hand over his mouth to try and muffle his breathing. If Regulus didn’t have his head on his chest, he wouldn’t have heard James’ heart speed up.
“Are you scared, Jamie?” Regulus whispered in his ear and James nearly jumped out of his skin. Regulus had to swallow his laugh that would have given away their hiding spot. 
“Found you, Barty!” Sirius exclaimed right outside of the bedroom door.
“How the fuck, Sirius? I swear, nobody could see me.” Barty complained.
“Maybe the spirits wanted me to find you,” Sirius said nonchalantly. “Wanna help me find the rest of them? I swear Reggie has got to be up here somewhere.” Oh, if Barty gave away his hiding spot he was going to kill him before the night was up and he would just be another spirit to haunt this place.
“Sure, why not. Where did he like to hide when he was little?” Barty asked knowingly. Oh, he was dead.
“In closets, mostly,” Sirius said as Regulus heard a door open. 
Regulus stopped breathing as he heard two sets of footsteps walking around the room that he and James were hiding in. He closed his eyes and buried himself into James’ chest more as he heard things being moved around the room. 
“There’s a closet over here,” Barty replied and they got closer to the door.
Somehow, Regulus isn’t sure how but somehow, when they tried to open the closet door, it didn’t budge. It was as if someone had locked it behind them when James and Regulus closed it to hide. Neither of them were breathing as one of them rattled the handle of the door.
“I guess it’s locked,” Sirius sighed. “Do you know where anyone else is?”
“Who have you found so far?”
“You, Dorcas, Marlene, and Lily. So that leaves Reggie, James, Pandora, Remus, and Evan.”
“Okay, Dora usually prefers brighter areas and Evan is probably sitting in the most obvious place possible.”
Regulus waited until he heard them retreat from the room and waited a little while longer before allowing himself to let out his breath slowly. 
“You okay, Jamie?” Regulus whispered when he looked up and James nodded. 
“How did the door not open?”
“I don’t know. Maybe the spirits were helping us out,” Regulus shrugged and let out a little laugh.
They sat in the closet until they heard Evan and Pandora get found. Now it was down to three. He was wondering where Remus could possibly hide when he heard James’ phone start to ring and they both scrambled for it to turn it off. Luckily they got to it before Sirius could hear the ringing because Regulus could hear him running around the house calling out for the three remaining players. Regulus put James’ phone on silent and made sure his was as well. 
“Why was your ringer on?” Regulus whispered.
“It wasn’t. I turned it off before we started to hide so Sirius couldn’t find me.” 
“Maybe Loki is haunting this house,” Regulus said quietly before turned toward the ceiling and said, “Loki, if you are here, don’t mess with our stuff.”
“Does that usually work?” James asked quietly.
“I have no idea. I read it somewhere but I can’t think of where I read it at the moment.”
“Ha, I found you, Moony!!” Sirius exclaimed and it sounded like he was in the room next door. 
“Took you long enough. I was starting to wish I brought a book with me,” Remus said sarcastically and he could hear Sirius suck in a breath and could picture him acting offended.
“Yeah, well. The only ones left are James and Reggie. You wouldn’t happen to know where either of them are hiding would you?”
“Why would I know that?” Remus replied mischievously and Regulus knew that he knew where they were. 
“Shit,” Regulus whispered. “Do you think he will tell Sirius where we are?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you think they are hiding together?” Sirius asked from right outside the bedroom door.
“If they are, you’re never going to find them,” Remus said easily.
Remus wasn’t wrong. This wasn’t the first time they had played hide and seek. They used to play it all the time when they were younger and every time James and Regulus hid together, they were the last ones to be found. If they were even found at all.
“Do you think they are even in the house? I wouldn’t put it past Reggie to go back home,” Sirius questioned and Regulus had to smirk. He would have definitely walked back home if he was by himself and Sirius wasn’t counting outside.
Before Sirius or Remus could say anything else, there was more screaming downstairs and he could hear them running downstairs to check it out. Clearly, the spirits didn’t want them here anymore because that scream didn’t belong to any of them. With the addition of the rattling chains and the flickering lights, Regulus was absolutely positive that they had overstayed their welcome. After everything went quiet, Regulus’ phone lit up with a message from Sirius.
Siri: If you are still in the house, you and James win. That place is fucked up and we are headed home.
“Do you think I should trust this?” Regulus asked as he showed James the message.
“I don’t know.”
James took out his phone and texted Sirius quickly. Sirius would definitely text Reggie to get him to come out from his hiding spot but if James got the same message then it was legit.
James: Are we still playing?
Pads: Fuck no… That was the worst idea I've ever had. We are going home so if you are still in the house then you and Reggie win.
“Looks like we win,” James smiled happily. 
Regulus and James left the closet that opened just fine for them a few minutes later and slowly made their way out of the house and walked to Sirius and Remus’ flat. When they got there, everyone was sitting around the living room and they looked like they had seen a ghost.
“What the fuck? Where the hell were you?” Sirius asked angrily when they walked into the flat.
“Hiding,” Regulus shrugged nonchalantly. “Wasn’t that the point of the game?”
@belowthestarrs @accuratewhereabouts @clementinewoolf @cazzythefrogking @maladaptivewriting @multiimoments @remusregulusrosekiller @lavenderhaze @literally-the-prettiest-star @thebibutterflyao3 @seiworf @heartsoncover @emjayeingray
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rearranged-fanfic · 6 months
Cut Content (REARRANGED: Arc 2, Ch. 3)
Because this chapter is completely kicking my ass, let me share one of the many, many sections that I've had to delete from the chapter. It has been a process, TBH. I've now edited out over 15K words and shuffled them into my 'Scraps' file for later perusal/deletion. So, in the time that I've tried to get this thing wrangled, I've basically managed to type up 1.25 chapters worth of content that simply doesn't fit. And this chapter still refuses to come together in a cohesive way. Fun. Lol.
*Spoilers Below*
Excerpt 1:
Gojo cradles the shades in his long digits and taps his temple in a telling way.  Right.  His Technique makes his eyes sensitive.  But how much, I wonder? Sensitive enough that he has to wear blindfolds and thick black glass to keep them hidden away for most of the day, if the way he dresses is any indicator. “Then just turn the Six Eyes off for a bit.  Like,” and I pause to mime flipping a light switch, “click.” “Yeah, no.  No can do, I’m afraid.”  But he hardly sounds put off by it.  And he shrugs to capture some more of that ‘don’t give a fuck’ energy he embodies so very, very well.  “They’re a permanent fixture.” And that… that doesn’t seem right, does it?  The Six Eyes are permanent—since when?  In the Hidden Inventory Arc, he was able to turn them on and off at will.  In fact, letting his Technique drop is exactly how Toji had managed to sneak up on Gojo and stab him.  Or maybe I’m misremembering?  Honestly, I’m not sure.  Truth be told, there’s very little that I understand about Gojo, The Six Eyes, or Limitless.  I can’t pretend to know how his Technique really even works, not when it’s a combination of Physics and mystical mumbo-jumbo.  And the Six Eyes had gotten even less explanation. “You could turn them off before, right?  Before the whole,” I gesture vaguely, “thing that went down in your teens.” ‘Thing’, I say, because bringing up the fight with Zen’in Toji and Amanai Riko’s murder like they weren’t awful and formative parts of his past makes me feel icky inside.  So, I leave it up to interpretation.  He’ll know what I mean, anyway.  Again, I show more knowledge that I shouldn’t have, but do.  The man in front of me is used to it now, though.  There’s no suspicion or paranoia anymore.  Just a calm acceptance.  He nods at my query, blue eyes boring into me. “But not anymore?” A shake of the head.  Perfunctory.  Short. “So you’re stuck with them on all the time?” “Pretty much!” he chirps like a bird, seemingly not bothered at all. I can’t help but think about how sad that sounds, to hide his eyes permanently. And, before I can stop it, the question is out of my mouth: “Don’t you ever miss it?  What if you could turn off the Six Eyes again and just be… normal.” I wince at the word.  Normal.  That’s pretty fucking ableist of me, isn’t it?  ‘Normal’… Like having anything less than perfect sight makes somebody some sort of freak.  I lambast myself for my poor phrasing.  And I start thinking of a way to backpedal when I notice his thoughtful expression.  Gojo’s frozen in his seat, staring down at his glasses.  He takes a long moment to think.  And he finally breezes out a laugh. “’Normal’, huh?” he says softly.  “I’ve never even considered it, really.  What does ‘normal’ look like in the world of Jujutsu Sorcery, I wonder?”  He tilts his head and looks up at me, considering something.  “Does something so mundane even have a place in it?  Or is it an impossible concept for people like us?” “I, err, didn’t mean for that to become a philosophical question.” “No.  I’d imagine you didn’t, my curious creature.”  The glasses slide on, cast his haunting eyes in shade.  “You want an answer to your question, Oracle-chan?  The truth is that I don’t think about it. I could wonder ‘what-if’ for so many things in my life.  A hundred things—a thousand things, even.”  Those long pale fingers of his find the notches in the table that he’d left a few days ago.  They sink into the warps left behind perfectly.  It’s like he’d dipped his fingers into wet clay for how well the table has remembered the imprint of them.  “But to do so is to stand idly in place, never moving past those things, never coming to terms with them.  I’d be stuck facing behind me, always, feet chained to the ground.  But I don’t have the luxury to wait around.  I have to keep moving forward and accept things as they are.”
Excerpt 2 (directly related to 1):
But I also know that there’s a deep layer of hypocrisy to this as well.  Because Gojo is stuck in the past, in a way.  He can’t let go of his friendship with Geto Suguru, and probably agonizes over not being able to stop him from leaving.  I don’t know the man well, not now that he’s no longer a 2D character in a manga panel or television screen, but I’m certain that this is one ‘what-if’ that he’ll never leave alone.  I wonder what other skeletons lurk in his closet, what other fixations he purposely buries to keep from becoming distracted by them. And I wonder how exactly he distracts himself. Casual murder, my mind supplies instantly.  And then I realize that I probably don’t want to know if that’s true or not.  Not exactly the healthiest coping technique.  Or most legal.  Or sane.  Maybe he has a secret harmless hobby, like macrame or nude modelling?  Or maybe he secretly paints Picasso counterfeits and sells them on the black market? I don’t know.  Anything other than fighting and killing for sport, I hope. Maybe I need my own distractions, if this night is any indicator--besides what Shoko had suggested.  Because that clearly hadn’t worked out at all.
Why was this removed?
Honestly, because Reader-chan and Gojo aren't currently at the comfort level to be having these kinds of discussions. I think this talk about vulnerabilities is best saved for a little later, when they can actually be in a room together without teasing each other (Gojo) or insulting each other (Reader-chan).
Plus, this scene was running too long anyway, TBH. So this is the fat that got trimmed. Might reincorporate it in the future, but not in this chappy.
Hope this tides you over for a little longer, pookies 😘
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birues · 9 months
Wip whenever
I was tagged by soo many people 2 weeks ago but academic suffering was kicking my ass so jdjdjdhdhd this time I tag first since tomorrow is Wednesday anyways! @lavampira @hythlodaes @verraising @scionshtola @galadae @hylfystt @consulaaris @impossible-rat-babies @sirotras @coldshrugs and anyone else, bc i know I'm forgetting some beloved mutuals, consider yourselves tagged friends!
Tuana has arrived to Elpis and with the memories of the two lifetimes and unresolved traumas stacking up. Unknown to Hythlodaeus and Hades, a ghost from the future came to haunt the heavens.
Five minutes and one thing becomes painfully clear, Themis was right. She meant to be nothing but an observer here. The doors, too gigantic for her sundered form, will not budge and her shouts will not be heard. Neither she can pass the warded walls like a ghost. Frustration tears a huff from her but she concedes to wait. Surely someone will go in… Some time. One can only hope it won’t take too long. Oh, Ardbert. How did you endure this a hundred years?
She tries to breathe. He’s with her. And surely she can–
“Is this truly necessary? Surely you can tell who we are.”
That voice. That voice. Once a star’s worth of light tore down her very being. Yet… yet… the emotions clawing through her wretched presence are far more vicious. This is no hallucination, no. No half-remembered dream. Not a memory long forgotten surfacing from her soul. This is real. He is real. He is here.
And he's not alone. Another voice, amused and calm and full of love coerces Hades to remove his mask.
She thinks she can burst out of this reality right there. The ache, all-encompassing. Transparent tears fall to the ground, making no dots on the carpet. Hythlodaeus.
Paralyzed, she watches the pair making their way to open the door that bars her way. Why them? Why now? Was carrying the burden of long gone memories not enough? Is she condemned to exist as a ghost? Reaching out but only haunting?
At this exact moment a pair of golden eyes, far brighter than they were on the First, pierce through her own. A weight she's far too used to have on her chest. But no. He can't possibly be seeing her, right?
Hades abruptly cuts her inner dilemma by tearing his eyes from her and he proceeds to guard his displeased demeanour with vigour. Like nothing has happened. Like he never saw her. Tuana pinches the bridge of her nose. Rhalgr…This isn't a good time to start hallucinating.
She stills her breath as the couple approaches the gate. A small mercy, at least she will have a way in. Even if the price is way too high.
Too high. Her hand goes to Azem’s crystal, hanging on her neck, inside her shirt, out of sight. Small habit of comfort where none can be found. To her dismay what Hades apparently chose to ignore, Hythlodaeus does not.
“By the by...you see it too, yes?”
Hades’s scoff is heart wrenching in its familiarity. A bittersweet feeling, intertwined by the memories of two lifetimes twists her lips into half a smile half a grimace.
“I haven’t the foggiest what you’re talking about.”
His dismissal does nothing to deter Hythlodaeus. “Hmm?” He raises his eyebrows. “That's odd.” Then he kneels down right in front of her. Just like his shade on Amaurot used to. Hades really had done an excellent job, hadn’t he?
“It's right here. A bit thin in the aether, but there's no mistaking it—the color of its soul is almost identical to Azem's.”
She wills her expression blank. Of course. Of course they would recognize her soul. Fear drills into her brain, just how is she supposed to explain this? Thankfully, blissfully unaware of her inner turmoil he continues with his musings. “Do you suppose she created it? Rather unusual for a familiar to have a soul, though…”
A familiar. Huh. She would laugh if the wretchedness hadn’t seized her. Can she go by that route though? She immediately crosses the thought of her mind. It would require her past self to cooperate with her or everything would fall easily like a house of cards. There's only so much she can stomach.
“Don't ask me. All I know is that it's trouble—doubly so if it's her spitting image.”
A trouble. Understatement of the millenia. That’s what she’s ever been to him, wasn’t she? A mistake. An anomaly. A trouble. His chest, unmarred by her axe, heaves.
“So let’s leave it be.” He beckons his husband. “Come now.”
You can see me? Oh Gods… how long has it been?
Tuana lunges toward with a despair and rage that would turn her to a blasphemy if she were on the Source.
“You don’t get to turn away from me you fucking bastard!” She snarls at Hades, but her hands are intangible as Ardbert’s ever were. If only her anger could solidify her form. “You don’t get to treat me like dirt under your shoe.”
Her words go unheard but her outrage does not. Hades squints his eyes to her small form as if his glover can sniff her out.
As always it’s sweet Hythlodaeus who rushes in to quell the flames. No wonder they ended up destroying each other once he was out of the picture.
“It's trying to say something...but it's literally too intangible to form words.” He says his thinking gesture is still adorable even after aeons. He turns to Hades, with that particular grin indicating he’ll ask something from him. “Why don't you give it some aether? Spare a snifter of your bounteous reserves.”
For a moment, Hades stands there utterly perplexed. “Who do you take me for?”
“Why, your partner and a dear friend, of course! One who wouldn't let acts of kindness—such as my accompanying him on errands to far-flung outposts—go unrewarded.” He smiles and Hades sighs in defeat. This was a battle lost from the beginning. He could never say no to him. Nor Azem.
His mistrust apparent, he stares down at her. “I suggest you close your eyes, or this may be...unpleasant.”
And she does, at least to partly shield herself from breaking down while feeling his aether, as familiar as her own, with no trace of Zodiark, wove her flesh to something tangible. A familiar click, and there she is. She opens her eyes to find two men looking at her intently.
“Oh, you even adjusted its size.” Hythlodaeus beams.
“The better to indulge your whim.” Then he inspects his work, stopping on her face. “This way it will be easier to communicate.”
“How very thoughtful of you.” Hythlodaeus says, with admiration in his lovely eyes. “And may I applaud your artful reinforcement.”
“Right.” She quips back. “We wouldn’t want you to bend your back too much, trying to communicate poor tiny me. You’d look horrible with a permanent slouch.”
Her comment steals a genuine laugh from Hythlodaeus, even if he doesn’t get the irony.
Hades’s mouth opens, from astonishment as much as irritation. “Hah. Says you, being able to form words only by my grace. Or maybe you’d like to go back to how you were.”
“Now now,” Hyth intervenes once again. “No need to get that far. Without further ado, then... Greetings! I am Hythlodaeus, chief of the Bureau of the Architect.”
A genuine smile crosses Tuana’s face, infectious as his is. A fond memory of their celebration of his promotion blooms in her mind, oh how proud they all were. And how he still insisted that he was nothing remarkable...
It sickens her to the bone to think he sacrificed himself deeming he was nothing remarkable.
Before she can descend properly to the depths of grief, he gestures to his side, to the man who refuses to let go of his frown. “Sulking beside me is the most honorable Emet-Selch of the Convocation of Fourteen.”
Ah yes. She probably should stop referring to him as Hades. Even in her mind. That particular knowledge is too dangerous to slip out. Especially when she knows he’ll be on the hunt for every clue. Just as she was on the First. Oh how the tables have turned.
“And how might we address you, my new friend?”
His smile hasn’t faded and the love she feels towards this gracious man entangles through her soul. As if twelve millennia of life death cycle never has occurred. Loving him is such an effortless, easy thing to her. As natural as breathing.
As it is to the man glovering right next to him. Of course he would drown at the depths of the ocean without him.
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sadruru · 3 months
20. alone, finally
Thank you! 💜 That was pretty easy to write. Careful, there's a little blood at the end ~ "...Mel, I can understand this one time, but when was the last time you got any sleep? This is the third day in a row you've been on guard. Last fight, you were barely on your feet! What's going on with you?"
Melissa clenched her fist and punched the tree with all her might. There was a thud, and she looked pretty angry. "Seelah - go. It's the commander's orders," her voice was as cold as steel.
Seelah looked at the tiefling, unsure of what to say. She was worried about her friend, but decided to go back to the tent and not argue. Orders are orders.
Аlone, finally.
Melissa let out a long sigh and sat down on the nearest log near the fire. Even the moon was hidden behind the clouds in pitch blackness.
How many days had passed since they tried to save the Hand of the Inheritor? Three? Five? Another night of insomnia had once again discouraged all desire to go to bed. Nightmares… They didn't used to be as troublesome as they are now. Could it be the influence of the Abyss? No, Sosiel had said it wasn't a problem, and there were no symptoms of it in the others. Baphomet's curse? No, Arueshalae, being a demon, would surely have noticed such a thing. So why did the demon lord's words still haunt her? Nights of pondering brought no answers. In the silence, she mumbled something to herself. "It's gonna be okay. I just need to get back to Drezen."
Her head was splitting again, eyes closed from sheer fatigue, and the wounds on arm from her own claws on her palm were making themselves felt. The alcohol in the flask did little to help, worse, not even a bite of food could make its way down his throat. Attempts by the others to show concern caused only irritation.
"I'm fine. It'll pass, like always. Just a moment of weakness."
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The intrusive thoughts kept her awake. They were voices or even figures of people she had known in the past. She was aware of it, but it was as if the strength to resist had vanished. Melissa remembered her nightmare of today again. ***
The head of a young man with blue eyes and blond hair was lying on the ground, still burning her with his gaze. He was wearing several amulets of the three goddesses, Sarenrae, Shelyn, and Desna.
"I died because of you and your carelessness. You had never listened to me. I tried, took care of you, and this is your thanks? It's your fault." "No. You died because of that crazy asshole. I was trying to save us!"
A hand touched her shoulder. It was a woman with snake green eyes. Part of her face was burned and her eye was artificial. Her lips moved closer to the tiefling's ear.
"You still believe in fairy tales of trust, huh? Did you really think I considered you a friend? You're the spawn of a demon. You and your recklessness have crippled me. You're the reason for what happened to us. I wish you had choked to death on the water the day we found you. It's your fault." "You're the one who betrayed us at the right moment. I'm not guilty. I'm not…"
A familiar male chuckle sounded from behind. Golden eyes glittered in the darkness, no longer looking with the love and affection they used to. Just the look of disgust and mockery. He no longer cared about her.
"Nothing personal, chief. It was fun, but I knew this Crusade was a waste of time and no good. I shouldn't have listened to you then. I've just been offered a very good deal. I don't need you anymore. It's every man for himself, no?"
In one sharp movement, the commander's neck was slit. Again the old feeling of pain and suffocation "It's all your fault."
It was enough to wake her up. Melissa's heart was racing with... fear. ***
…Dawn was already showing on the horizon. She had to clean herself up, for it was going to be a long journey.
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mcd-brainrot-hours · 7 months
*taps mic* hi guys i wanted to post something for vylenix week so have my wip of today’s prompts :3 @vylenix-week
i attempted to combine the two prompts (ghost/ghost hunting au and reincarnation) for this wip
Vylad often stumbled across ruins during his travels (but he wouldn’t if he followed the paths he was told to by his GPS). He’d spend time admiring the aged or rotted exterior but he never dared to actually enter one. He’d rather not have to deal with asbestos.
But this one- this one was different. It wasn’t as eerie as other buildings he found on his way here. He began to assume this area used to be a village once bustling with life. However, unlike the other buildings in it, this one’s exterior remained oddly intact. The stone walls showed no signs of crumbling. Vylad admired the architectural style of it in an attempt to put an age on it. “Looks like a guard tower… huh. Those haven’t been used in ages…” He mumbled to the mist around him.
“Nothing bad could happen… right?” Vylad shrugged and decided to enter the oddly-preserved guard tower. The first thing he noticed was how organized it was. Why was this place so… put together?
If Vylad’s memory was correct, these guard towers were used during the Phoenix Era. They played a key role in a village’s defense. He read about a library’s worth of books on that era alone- the last era to use relics.
Vylad continued looking around. He admired the weapons on display, each of them still shining and sharp- he wouldn’t test that though. He decided to look around for some books from older time periods.
He made his way to a bookshelf but stopped when he heard… footsteps? No one else should be here… He shrugged it off and continued towards the bookshelf.
. . .
Haunting what remains of Phoenix Drop’s guard towers isn’t the most exciting thing. The world seems to have forgotten it even existed. Zenix doesn’t have much to do other than recall his glory day- being a ghost really limits what you can do.
Zenix stared out of the windows at the ocean. His favorite activity… Zenix let out a groan and decided to pace around the room for a bit longer- wait. Someone’s here. Zenix debated whether he should investigate or continue to do what he’s done for centuries.
But it’s not everyday that someone stumbles across this ancient town. Zenix decided to spice things up. He’s going to investigate.
. . .
Vylad didn’t realize how much history this tower would hold when he first found it an hour ago. Majority of the books here contain old fighting techniques and different types of weapons that were used then. He found a few that held details of the relics- mainly Esmund’s. He peered at the tower of books he’s created next to him. Vylad added another to the top.
He stretched his legs before getting up from the wooden chair he was using. Irene, that was a lot of reading. He checked his phone for the time. He didn’t have anywhere he needed to be today so he could spend as long as he wanted here.
He wandered over to the weapon racks on the wall. He reached out to carefully trace the blade of one of the iron swords. “Get out…” Vylad snapped around, trying to find where the voice came from. He gulped. “Ok… cool. This place is probably haunted… should’ve figured-“ He let out a shaky breath. His eyes traced the room like a hawk.
Vylad felt someone poke him on the shoulder from behind. He froze. Definitely haunted, he thought, why didn’t I consider that? He carefully crept to where his bag sat by the door. He didn’t want to leave just yet- he hasn’t even been to the second floor.
A sudden chill filled the room. Vylad froze. “…not supposed to be here…” That voice again! He put on a brave face and called out: “Show yourself!” He held out his phone like a weapon- maybe it could scare off the ghost?
He searched the room with his eyes again. “Behind you…” Vylad startled and slowly turned around.
There was a ghost here.
. . .
Zenix expected to find some nerd who studies his time period- he’s gotten good at scaring them off. He didn’t expect him. Vylad was supposed to be dead. Not staring at Zenix in fear and curiosity.
Zenix took a moment to take in Vylad’s appearance. He looked… different. His once messy, unkempt hair was tamed (just a bit) in a small ponytail- only half though. His clothes looked new but he still has his green scarf. Time has been kind to him (he deserves the kindness, Zenix thought).
“W-Who are you? Or what are- wait no… your a ghost that’s what you are…” Zenix couldn’t help but laugh. “You don’t remember me?” He questioned.
“…should I?”
“Well, duh. I’m supposed to be an important part of your life.” Zenix teased.
Vylad squinted his eyes. “How is a ghost supposed to be important to me? I don’t even know your name!”
Zenix stared at Vylad. Why doesn’t he remember? “Are you not Vylad Ro’meave?” He asked. Vylad jumped. “How do you know my name?” His eyes squinted at Zenix.
“…we dated?” Zenix knew there were probably better things to jog Vylad’s memory with but he didn’t want to find them. He watched as Vylad started to fidget with the hem of their leather jacket. “I… don’t date people.” Vylad muttered.
“Did he wipe your memory, Vylad? It’s me, Zenix. Y’know… your boyfriend? The one who survived literal hell with you?” He sighed exasperatingly. “I give up. You clearly don’t remember me.” He turned away and looked down at his translucent hands. If he was still around, then it made sense for Vylad to be his Vylad.
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
The riddlers reacting after reader told them she is pregnant?
Riddler Headcanons at least a few of them would have the same terrified reaction as me so that's a plus lmao request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: pregnancy, adoption, child slandering lmao, abortions, this is a pro-choice place i don't care if you had an abortion just to say you had one it's still a valid reason fuckers 💖
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hmmmmm shooting loads into you bareback was definitely going to come back around to haunt him eventually
hopefully you're on the same wavelength as him: no babies
you get an appointment to terminate, he'll make one for a vasectomy right now right this minute
under no circumstances is he giving up fucking
but this was a close call, and he won't have that again
if you have some stupid baby to look after
then you won't be able to pay as much attention to him
and he should be the most important person in your life
sure. his robot children were enough for a while but he's past it
someone to carry on his legacy might be nice
an heir to his future empire, and his current...sewer domain
it's a redemption arc, a puzzle to be solved:
how do you raise the perfect child
because god knows he could have been so much more had his parents not been absolutely useless and cruel
he, however, will achieve it certainly
edward nigma, genius, super villain, best dad in the world
get ready for the most irritating 9 months of your life
because he will learn at least 100 new facts every day
as well as the ones he already knew
and will not stop telling you them, even when they make you a bit nervous or uncomfortable
but it's biological, so you should be prepared
and he'll be there to hold your hand and comfort you
as long as you promise not to let the kid be sporty
he wants a little mini-him to play video games with
and commit arson with too
ok this is weird but he feels strangely...accomplished? proud?
this is an achievement right? it's normal to feel this good?
a whole little person who will hopefully take after him
someone to scheme with
someone to appreciate his puzzles
a little re-headed minion to come home to that will idolise him
excellent, what a statement of his manhood
plus, there's something about domesticity that might make him seem more wholesome
or at least might trick his adversaries into thinking he's weakened, giving him the perfect opening to brutalise them
young justice
huh, ok he's not as stressed as he thought he might be
but now isn't the best time
he's glad though, because he didn't know there was a right time
so the idea of doing this in the future isn't off the table
but he's so young and so...not pathetic just...
he's not strong or accomplished enough yet in his own goals
maybe in the future when he can stand up to children
then he can consider having one in his own home
uh oh he's crying!
because now he has the chance to give someone the childhood he didn't get to have
he can be a good dad, a super dad
and he'll always have a friend because kids can't leave
until they can walk...but his kid will like him right?
oh the insecurities are mounting, but he's still pleased
and he can get to work right away on planning everything
how are we feeling about puzzle themed names??
he is way past dad age
if you're not his s/o he'll gladly take on the role of supportive uncle
or grandparent more like
if you are his s/o then get ready to have a serious conversation
because that little monster is not being raised by him
and if you decide to put it up for adoption
god help the poor people who raise another riddler
it really took it out of his parents
"but i'm baby"
would absolutely throw a fit
he's far too busy with his scheming and riddling to be a dad
not to mention he's not necessarily the nurturing type
unless you want to raise another little psychopath
under any other circumstances cheating would annoy him
but please god let there be a chance this baby isn't his
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
So, I read your Oswalds being asked out by reader and as the angst sucker I am I saw myself in the obbligation to make a request based on BTAS Oswald's one 😇 Sooo... Reader trying to make BTAS Ozzie realise that her feelings are genuine but out of fear that she might also be trying to hurt him he is particularly harsh on her and makes her cry, although she holds it in and doesn't give in until she apologizes for bothering him and leaves
A/N: Oooohhh you’re a bold one aren’t you dear, anon. I have yet to really write any angst, and if I did there was always a hint of comfort but nope, not this time. :P But also this is my first only angst and I hope I did the genre justice. I read it enough and experience it enough, I hope I get it rip
Trigger Warnings: angst, angst, and angst. Negative thoughts and feelings, mean!Oswald
Word Count: 1.2 k
BTAS Penguin x F!Reader - Leave Me Alone
Oswald had to admit it, he did admire your tenacity. 
But really, did you have to keep pushing it? Why couldn’t you understand he wasn’t going to fall for your tricks.
“Oz, I hear a new play is in town, want to go see it with me?”
Oh, please like you would actually want to be seen with him.
“Ozzie! There’s a new exhibit of bird paintings going on at the Gotham Museum of Fine Art, want to come with me?”
You’re just teasing him at this point. Surely, you don’t actually care about him and his interests. No, no this is all just some game. You’re playing it well too, he almost believed you a couple of times. 
Every time he felt even a sliver of a smile don his face or just the slightest inflection in his voice to say, “yes,” or “I’d like that.” He was brutally reminded of what happened the last time…that happened every time he thought someone cared about him…that someone loved him. 
He wanted to believe, he wanted it to be true, but he refused to be made a fool of again. It’s been years since the Veronica Vreeland disaster and those pictures from the paper still haunt him. Just like the laughs, all the laughter from the elite society of Gotham City at his expense. 
He tried to push you away, turning you down, hoping you would just give up…but you are so damn persistent. 
“Oh, it’s okay Ozzie, another time then?”
“I just think you need to relax a little, I’m worried about you Oswald…”
Lies, lies, lies! All of it. So what you tried to include him in everything you did? You offer to take him out? You show your concern for him? You try to treat him…treat him like a human…
Huh…treat the notorious Penguin like a man, Joker would get a laugh out of that one. 
Oswald’s fists clenched, he grinded his teeth on his cigarette holder. The cigarette long gone by now. He’s puffed it all out in frustration and desperation. 
Why…why did you have to be so cruel to him? Why couldn’t you see that he…couldn’t be with you, he can’t believe you? 
No matter how much he wanted to…he couldn’t. He is a creature, a monster ostracized from society because of something out of his control. If no one would accept him as anything more than a freakish nuisance than so be it. He’s a criminal, a crook, a rogue. Someone incapable of love and being loved. 
“Hey, Ozzie! How’s your day going?”
Speak of the devil.
Oswald groaned under his breath. He thought surely you would leave him be the last time he shown you the door. 
“Fine, Y/N. What are you doing here? Besides wasting my time!” Oswald snipped. 
You froze in place. You stood in front of him in the living room of his studio apartment. He was sitting up on the couch, with his head in his hands. 
You inhaled and exhaled, this isn’t the first time Oz snapped at you, and surely won’t be the last. However, you couldn’t give up on him. You adored his smile, his love for birds, and his gentle nature that he tries so hard to hide. 
“I’m here to see you! I don’t consider that a waste of-”
“It is! It’s a waste of my time!” Oz remarked. 
Okay, he was being particularly short today.
“Ozzie, w-what happened? Is something wrong?” 
Oswald stood up, supporting himself on the table. “Yes..yes there is…”
“W-What is-”
“You, Y/N. You’re what’s wrong.” He snatched his cane and leaned on it as he started heading towards you.
No matter how annoyed or frustrated he got with you. You were never scared of Oswald, you refused to be disgusted or afraid, because you weren’t. 
Nevertheless, you found yourself walking backwards every time he took a step forwards toward you. You eyes widened in shock…maybe even fear. 
“O-Ozzie…what’re you talking about?”
Oswald growled angrily, sneering. “You, you're always coming here! Teasing me! Toying with my feelings! Don’t you understand you foolish girl? I won’t fall for your flirtatious wiles!”
“F-flirtatious? Ozzie I just wan-”
“Stop calling me that!” He barked. 
Your back was almost to the door at this point. You had no where else to go, but you had to do something, if there was anything you could do.
“O-Okay..Oswald please…I just wanted to..to..show you that I care about you! I want to be with you!”
“You’re a relentless thing, I’ll give you that. But I won’t fall for it! Not a day goes by I don’t hear them laughing and jeering at me! Look at that freak? Who would want to be with him? Who could love The Penguin?”
“I want to! I do Oswald! I’ve been trying to get you to see that! If you’d just let me in…”
Oz started feverishly shaking his head. He couldn’t fall for it. He won’t fall for it. No matter how badly he wanted to, he really wanted to. 
You tried to reach out and put your hand on Oswald’s shoulder, but he jerked away like your hand was a hot skillet. The abrupt force caused Oswald to lose his balance and fall back on his back. 
“Oswald!” You cried. You ran up to him ready to lift him back up, but he smacked your hand away. 
“Leave.” He grumbled.
“O-Oswald please…”
“For the last time…” Oswald grabbed his cane that fell with him to his side. You stepped back to give him room. “...get out…get out and don’t come back.”
You couldn’t stop the tears that were slowly brewing in your eye ducts from slowly tipping over and slide down your cheek. “Oswald…”
“Are you deaf? I may have grotesque features but I know I do not stutter. Get out! And never return!” Oswald barked. He started walking away from you, not wanting to look at you or the tears on your face. 
This was for the best. Hurting you now will save both of you hurt in the long run. 
The Penguin snapped his head back over his shoulder at you. “Get out! Leave me alone, Y/N! You’re not wanted here!” 
Sobs started bubbling up in your throat. You exhaled more air than your lungs could keep up with as you felt your heart break into two. 
“F-Fine! If I really mean so little to you! I’ll leave you alone! I won’t come back!” You cried, trying to muster up any sort of facade of strength. Even if you were already failing miserably. 
Maybe if I say it back, he’ll hear what he’s really telling me.
“I’ll never come back, Oswald. You’ll be alone…” You weeped. 
“I’ve lived my whole life alone, I’m sure I’ll suffice just fine, even better without you. Now, for the last time. Leave me alone!” Oswald snarled. 
“Sorry to be such a bother…sorry for showing that I care about you.” You muttered but loud enough to where Oswald heard you. 
The last thing The Penguin heard was the loud slam of his apartment door and your muffled cries as you sobbed down the halls. He lowered his head and sighed. A single lone tear fell down the crook of his nose. The nose you often poked and called “cute.” 
It’s for the best, Oswald old boy.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS : Haunted Dark Bridal — Hunter Prologue
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The loss of my heart, the capacity to love
The Fall of Man, the forgotten garden
To defy is to be banished
To be strong is to be alone
Then, to be weak is to be loved
A truth I found absurd
I cursed the world, 
and held my head high in spite
Though somehow, I wished to try again
[Someone's Thoughts]
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— Location: Entrance Hall
Kayo: ...Alright, hear me out!
Reiji: This is ridiculous.
How can a bride attempt to stab the eldest son the moment she steps into this house?
Kayo: To be fair, I didn’t actually end up stabbing him.
Reiji: The point still stands that you attempted to do so to begin with.
In fact, I'm a little disappointed that you didn't go through with it.
Ayato: Eh, losing Shuu wouldn't be that bad. It's like losing your favorite fly.
Reiji: Favorite is a bit of an overstatement.
Laito: Aah, don't you think we should keep her anyway~? She's pretty easy on the eyes!
Kanato: I agree. Wouldn't breaking someone like her be fun? Fufufu...
Subaru: I don't trust anyone swinging around a knife like a lunatic, much less a hunting weapon.
If you aren't gonna kill her, I will.
Kanato: Aren’t you just talking about yourself?
Kayo: Ahaha... hahaha... let's not be brash everyone!
( I’m fucked. )
( I didn’t quite think this through, did I…? )
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— A flashback occurs. Location: Church.
Yui: Huh? Kayo-san, weren’t you supposed to leave with father this morning?
Kayo: Ooh, yeah, about that. Change of plans. 
You’re going to Europe.
Yui: Eeh?
Really…? Father wanted to take me after all?
( How strange, when he left, he seemed sure I wasn’t going to accompany him… )
Kayo: …Yeah, he did. He started crying on the way to the airport and decided he was going to take you along.
Yui: ...??
( No matter how much father loves me, I doubt he’d start sobbing like a child. )
( Is this her way of making a joke? I should laugh… )
Hahaha, very funny, Kayo-san… but are you really serious?
Kayo: I’m serious, though. See, I even got you a ticket.
Yui: ( …! So she wasn’t joking? )
( A lot of this doesn’t seem to make sense, though… but Kayo-san is an earnest person. Why would she lie? )
I see… will father see me at the airport?
Kayo: ( He has no idea she’s coming. )
No, he’s pretty busy, but if memory serves me right, he’d be in the Vatican by the time you arrive. Just go tell him you were going to go to the Sakamaki mansion. He would know what that means.
Yui: The Sakamaki mansion? Those are our relatives, right?
Kayo: ( Am I really gonna explain everything to this kid? No way, I’m not gonna freak her out. )
( Seiji-san will do the talking. Not me. )
Yeah. It’s hard to explain, but I think Seiji-san would be able to explain it to you.
Just trust me, okay?
Yui: …I see. Okay. 
What about you, though, Kayo-san?
Kayo: Oh, you know… the usual. Don’t worry about me.
Have fun, okay?
Yui: Alright…!
To be honest, I barely had any time to think this plan through.
I was supposed to go to Europe with Seiji-san in order to complete my rite of passage as a demon hunter, a trial set in order to test apprentice hunters and allow them to work independently from their masters.
Though, I ended up overhearing a few clergymen talk about how Yui was chosen as the next sacrificial bride.
Haphazardly, impulsively, I decided to take her place.
We’ve only ever spent time together once, but she’s a good kid. She deserves better.
It won’t be too bad if I went in her place, anyway. I’m the unwanted child of the church—considered a demon for reasons I can’t understand myself. 
For as long as I remember, I was the child of the devil, trained to kill demons, a twisted sense of irony.
Despite all my training, however, I’ve never been able to kill a demon without any remorse. I always hesitate. I’ve never killed without crying afterwards.
“You’re a coward, you can’t bring yourself to kill your own brethren.” What a ridiculous train of thought. I’m human, after all.
Yet, my own empathy was punished constantly…
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— The flashback ends.
Kayo: ( That’s right, I was going to pretend to be the sacrificial bride instead. But when I saw that blond man sleeping on the floor… )
( I thought, wouldn’t it be a better idea to get rid of these guys, so no more girls would be sent here? )
( But in the end, I stopped myself… I’m just a coward, after all. )
( Now I’m surrounded by the vampires I only heard of from stories… )
Reiji: “Let’s not be brash?” 
I believe you’re the last person in this room who should be saying those kinds of things.
Laito: Isn’t that right? Nfufu, let’s see here…
Kayo: …!!
( He suddenly embraced me from behind! )
Laito: What a sexy body… but I’m also quite interested in this knife you have here...
Looking closer, Subaru-kun was right. It even looks just like his!
Kayo: ...?
( I caught a glimpse of his face from the corner of my eye. His tone is playful, but his face is cold, almost calculating... )
Ayato: Wouldn’t that mean… she’s some kinda vampire hunter or something?
Kayo: No. Why would you think that?
Ayato: Really?
Kanato: I… are you really going to believe everything this girl says? She just tried to kill Shuu.
Sometimes I wonder how we’re related.
Hey, Teddy, wouldn’t this girl be really pretty as a doll, though? She’s tall, and her skin is smooth like porcelain…
Even her eyes are utterly lifeless, fufu…
Kayo: …
Kayo: ( Ugh, I can’t move! It’s like this pervert’s arms are made of steel! )
Laito: Eeh? Trying to escape while we’re trapped in a passionate embrace like this?
Kayo: ( I am quite literally trying to run away right now. )
Subaru: Che, leave it to that pervert to abandon all sense of danger at times like this…
Oi, gimme that.
— Subaru takes her knife.
Kayo: Wha—hey! 
Subaru: It looks just like mine… what the hell is this?
Answer me, dammit!
Kayo: Hey, I don't know either!
( I just got that knife from Seiji-san when I started training... I heard it was special, but I could only wonder why. )
Ayato: It’s weird though. Haven’t heard about a single new bride recently, but this chick suddenly shows up?
Well, Laito’s right. You're definitely one of the hotter ones.
Say, even if she isn't actually a bride, let's keep her.
— Ayato approaches her.
Ayato: Scream lots for me, okay?
Kayo: No way.
Ayato: Aah? Do you really not understand who's at a disadvantage right now?
Laito: Fufu, it's like a butterfly trying to escape the web, Ayato-kun. I say you let her do as she likes.
The more she tries to wriggle out, the more trapped she becomes...
Kayo: ( I should be angry right now, but... )
( Deep down, I guess he's right. Even if you don't count the fact that I'm outnumbered... )
( Even now, I can't find the courage to do it. )
Reiji: Alright, that’s enough! We are not tolerating this girl’s presence alive or dead.
Why would the church send a vampire hunter here? I would understand if they stripped her of her weapons, however…
I have my reasons to believe you shouldn’t be here.
Kayo: No, no. I’m definitely the one you’re looking for.
I had no idea how that knife got into my pocket. Or how it ended up in my hand. Or why I was about to stab that guy.
Reiji: Are you even trying to make up a convincing lie?
Usually the triplets would take someone like you out, but the fact that you're... a young woman, is distracting them.
Kayo: ( He has a strange look on his face. It's almost predatory. )
Reiji: I'm not going to risk you causing a mess in this mansion.
Kayo: ...!!
— Reiji approaches her, wrapping his hands around her neck.
Kayo: Guh...! St...op!
( Fuck, how are these guys so strong...?! )
( I've dealt with pureblooded demons before, but are vampire princes really this... )
Reiji: Struggling is futile, though that face you’re making… Fufufu, how about you kick around some more?
Or are you too weak to do even that?
Kayo: ( ... ... )
( Why am I struggling...? I'll be put out my misery faster like this. )
( But that kid... if they try to find her, then... )
— Kayo is pulled away.
Reiji: ...?
Kayo: Hah... haa... [cough]
W... What...?
( ...!! The blondie I tried to... )
Shuu: Ah, what a pain...
Ayato: Oh, you're alive?
Shuu: I actually had faith for once that you guys weren't going to do something stupid. Really should take it as a lesson to abandon all hope.
Kayo: ( He's saving me? )
Shuu: If this girl gets killed, I'll get booted to the North Pole again.
Kayo: ( Oh, nevermind. )
Reiji: Don't tell me, she's actually...
Shuu: If she wasn't, she would've been dead the minute she pulled that knife out on me.
Reiji: ...
I would have preferred if you went over this with at least one of us before this happened. Shuu: Too much trouble.
Ayato: ...Che. At least that means you're the real deal, huh?
I kinda wanted our next bride to be some plain girl who goes "Kyaa!" at lightning, though.
Kayo: That's oddly specific...
Shuu: Hah... whatever. The old man said not to kill her. Do whatever, but if she dies on your watch I'm handing you the ticket.
Laito: Oh, so we really are going to have a good time with our little vixen here!
Kayo: ( I actually don't know if I should be relieved that I'm alive or annoyed that I have to keep dealing with these guys. )
Kanato: Hmph. If she's the bride, then we should be able to do anything we want to her...!
Why is she getting special treatment all of a sudden? She doesn't even smell good.
— Kanato approaches and sniffs her.
Kanato: ...In fact, you smell like nothing at all...
Kayo: ( Ugh, he sniffed so close, I shivered a little... )
Laito: Hm, that's what I've been checking out. This girl is practically a phantom in terms of scent...
Kayo: ( So that's why he's been embracing me since earlier. )
Ayato: I guess you can't have everything.
Would've been a lot better if you were hot and had great tasting blood.
Subaru: Oi.
— Subaru throws her the knife.
Kayo: ...! What?!
My knife! It's dull!
( My favorite pastime was sharpening this thing! )
( Well, to be fair, it was my only pastime... )
Subaru: Pissed, aren't you?
Consider it a welcome gift.
Kayo: You—!!
Get back here, you brat!
( That kid...!! )
Subaru: Heh, keep screaming. You're a hundred years too early to try and pick a fight with me.
Reiji: Ah, so you left to dull her knife down.
As much as I would like to argue with father over letting another problem into our household…
Well, might as well take advantage of this situation. You’re utterly harmless without a weapon.
Kayo: ( His mood changed suddenly...? )
Kayo: Huh?!
A whip?! Where did that come from?!!
( These guys are total nutjobs! )
( I can't believe I'd find someone worse than Seiji-san! )
Reiji: I look forward to turning you into a proper woman.
Laito: I’d love to be the one to break her slowly though, with my love rather than with sticks and stones, nfu…
Kayo: ( Somehow this feels a lot worse than them threatening to kill me… )
( What about the blondie? He saved me once, even if it was to avoid getting punished himself... )
Kayo: Hey…
Shuu: Grabbing onto my sleeve…? Don't get cocky just because I saved your skin once.
I’m looking forward to punishing you for earlier.
Kayo: ( I really got my hopes up for a second there. )
( Ugh, what can I do…? I can't kill them, but they can't kill me either. )
( Even still, if I have six guys throwing me around and drinking my blood, I might as well end up dying... )
( Plus, there's also the chance that they could learn about the real bride. )
I'm a demon hunter!
Shuu: A rather ineffectual one. So what?
Kayo: ( He didn't need to mention that last part. )
Well, you see, that means I was raised in the church—I have very traditional values!
That means, even if you guys are vampires and all... I only want one man to be my everything.
Shuu: Pfft. I can see you cringing from a mile away—you don't really believe that, do you?
Kayo: It's true! It's just embarrassing to admit...
Ayato: Heh, once a church girl, always a church girl, huh?
You heard her! I'll do the honors and be her everything!
Laito: Are you really deciding that on your own~? What if I'm her type? I know how to take things nice and slow, nfu~
Kanato: I hope you're saying this so no one can get between us.
If we can’t kill you, then I might as well make you a living doll.
Though, that process is a lot more painful than just getting killed outright, fufufu...
Subaru: Che, just seeing these guys get all competitive over her is pissing me off...
Laito: Oh, are your teenage hormones acting up, Subaru-kun?
Reiji: Traditional values or not, you neither have the blood or pedigree to be making outlandish demands like this.
Still, I'm interested in disciplining a wild girl like you.
Shuu: Hah, whatever. You're not worth fighting over... but I'm not against you throwing yourself at me, anyway.
Kayo: ( These guys are easily goaded... thank goodness. )
( At least I only have to deal with one of them from now on. )
( Who should I choose? )
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Character Select
[Shuu] [Reiji] [Ayato]
[Kanato] [Laito] [Subaru]
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Since the concept of “Adam and Eve,” and therefore also “Lilith,” were not introduced at the time of Haunted Dark Bridal, Kayo is referred to as “Hunter,” while Yui would have been “Bride.”
Secondly, with the context that you already played at least once as Yui, Kayo’s prologue shaves away stuff like not knowing their names, not knowing they’re vampires, etc. It’s both a meta joke and also because Kayo herself knew all of this before entering the mansion. I hope this revision isn’t too jarring, it helps cut away a lot of unnecessary fluff!
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lakemichigans · 2 years
tlou episode 9 thoughts!!
- I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I'M SO HAPPYYYY this has always been my favorite theory for why ellie is immune and it also means that, however unlikely, there actually could be other immune people out there. it wouldn't benefit the narrative to meet any other immune people yet, but in the future...? like a third game...?
- baby ellie just popped right out huh fksjfkd i guess the quickest way to speed up labor is to kill a zombie
- hearing ashley johnson's voice, especially hearing her use her sweet baby voice brought me to tears immediately
- joel seems a lot more aware & understanding of why ellie is so checked out, but still tries to cheer her up. in the game he's well-meaning but pretty much clueless. i like this change!!
- the giraffe scene was perfect, 10/10, no notes
- "i'll follow you wherever you go" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- i'm a fucking mess because of that conversation by the medical tents, that was an incredible moment to add and i wasn't expecting it at all. the look on ellie's face when she realizes that it's her, she's the one that "healed all wounds"
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- no sarah photograph? :(
- "we didn't tell her, we didn't cause her any fear" FUCK! that's the problem!!! the problem is that ellie would die for the cure if you gave her the option, but you were too chicken shit to tell her the truth! everyone in this room has their own (selfish) motivations and no one is thinking about ellie, not really, not even joel. IT MAKES ME CRAZY AHHHHH YOU'RE ALL COWARDS
- the hospital shootout was everything i wanted and so much more. joel found his reason to live and god help him, he'll fight for it -- no matter how many lives he needs to take to get there. it was so intense and the music was beautiful and it was just gory enough to make you feel the weight of the brutality without feeling like it's a cheesy slasher. also loved how many times joel reloading or switched guns. and his dead eyes throughout the whole scene are haunting
- wow, killing jerry happened so damn fast!! in the game, you can stand in front of him forever and he'll just keep pointing his knife at you (and in the remake he pleads with joel, "this is our future, think of all the lives she'll save.") but i love the decision to shoot him in the blink of an eye. joel is beyond caring about anything other than ELLIE ELLIE ELLIE. i do like that he doesn't kill the nurses though, because it's a purely practical mission: save ellie. everyone else is just in the way.
- no abby sighting? :( i really thought there would be one :(
- i'm a little bummed that the themes were spelled out so specifically by marlene and joel's last conversation, but eh, whatever. TV audiences tend to need things spelled out clearer lol. i'm a little surprised they took out the line "how long until she's torn apart by a pack of clickers? that is, if she hasn't been raped and murdered first". considering what happened last episode, i felt that line would ring more true than ever. kinda underwhelmed by this confrontation tbh, which is sad because it's so pivotal
- ohhhh god he expanded upon the lie 😭 that hurt so much worse. i'm devastated for ellie
- joel talking about sarah felt more painful than i previously thought possible. also adorable how he doesn't want to offend ellie by calling her "not girly" ajfjsjfksj
- maybe i'm just blinded by my love for the game, but i don't like any of the dialogue they changed in the final scene. joel's original speech is SO poignant and perfect but i didn't get the same emotion from this one. and there was no glance at his watch :( i would've preferred keeping riley's fate vague (we already knew anyway), because "i'm still waiting for my turn" is so much more emotional to me. ugh. i'm a little peeved they changed so much about this scene that has long been considered as close to perfect as possible :(
- i don't want to end on a bad note so let me just say that the entire experience of watching this show has been incredible beyond words. seeing a game i love so much be treated with care and passion, opening up a whole new world for people who never would have known about it before this... it's just amazing. i'm so grateful that this show exists and feels like a love letter to the fans rather than a cash grab. it's so damn beautiful
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liminalpebble · 2 years
The Refugee: Chapter 24
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Lea paced the little living room of her cottage, smoothing and checking her hair and face and dress for the hundredth time. She was waiting for the hologram of Magnus to appear as they had arranged, through an exchange of letters. Magnus, predictably mature about things, sent her a message as soon as possible, apologizing, admitting he was wrong. Lea wanted to forgive him but didn't have the strength to face her tangle of feelings about it then, so she asked for this. She had to see his face.
The image of him materialized before her. She felt the buzz of nerves fizzle in her stomach, but it quickly subsided as she saw his kind face, his lovely grin. She walked closer to the image.
“Hi Lea...” he said smiling, glancing down and putting his hands in his pockets, a sequence she came to know as his nervous habit. She found it adorable, and found herself desperately wanting to hold him, kiss him, protect him. “You're looking very well.”
Lea blurted out, without preamble, “I forgive you, Magnus. I love you. I...” She walked forward to hold his hands only to have her own pass straight through the image of him. “Right...idiot...” she scolded herself under her breath then looked to him with an affectionate but sad expression, “I wish I could hug you.”
Magnus let out an anxiously held breath. “God, Lea, you have no idea how relieved I am to hear that, but...you forgive me? Just like that? I wouldn't blame you if you didn't.”
She shook her head. “No, Magnus. I think I'm almost incapable of staying angry with you. I've had plenty of time to think. I know you. I know you're a good man and friend and you made a very stupid mistake while you were very angry. I did also overhear you standing up for me, and besides that, you've always stood up for me. I know you care.”
“You're remarkable, Lea. Thank you. Truly.”
“I'm not, Magnus. I would just be a fool to lose you over one mistake, after all the kindness and care you've shown me. It would be senseless.”
He chuckled a little. “Rational as always, huh?”
He was glad to see he made her chuckle too. She parted her lips into that shy smile that emphasized her full cheeks and squinted her eyes as they glimmered slyly through her black lashes. The mannerism was just as he remembered it, and it enchanted him just as it always had.
They small-talked for a bit, avoiding the topic of Loki. He could see she wasn't ready to discuss him. Loki told Magnus that she hadn't yet responded to him, but strangely, he didn't ask his old friend if she had contacted him. Perhaps the jealous king couldn't bear to hear the answer he already assumed to be true; that she would speak to Magnus but ignore him.
Although Magnus cared deeply for his oldest friend, he found himself unable to consider Loki much right now. The doctor noticed his mind wondering. He couldn't stop looking at her. Had she always been this beautiful? He thought. Her eyes were so dark and deep, her lips and skin so rich in color even through the hologram, her round sweet face and gentle curves so alluring. She stood up straighter. She seemed healthier, not haunted or exhausted or bruised. He noticed, charmed, that she still had the nervous habit of looking around when she talked, and fiddling with her small hands.
Finally, she asked,  “Will you come visit me, Magnus? I...I miss you so much. I know it's a hassle and a lot to ask...”
“Yes!” he nearly yelled. He had been desperately hoping she would ask him. “I...I mean. Yes. I would really like that.”
They laughed and blushed and finished their conversation with full hearts, reluctant to say their farewells. She realized, for the first time in a long time. She was happy. She was looking forward to something.
“Again!' Nadia commanded, and Lea swung another hazy purple slash of her scimitars. It made the guard stumble but not fall.
“Again!” repeated Nadia, as Lea took a breath and attacked again, this time flooring the guard, who then rose and shook her hand.
Lea took off her helmet and chain mail hood. She shook her head, exasperated, with sweaty hair plastered to her face. Nadia put a hand on her shoulder. “It takes time Lenora. You're doing well.”
“When will I be stronger than Loki?” she said with a glower at the thought of him.
“Child, he's had thousands of years of training. You might need to accept that you may never be. Also, your skills are very different than his.”
“I can be patient. I want to see the day where he can never hurt me again.”
“Yes. You are patient and you can be strong. You're getting stronger every day.” She smiled and patted her student on the shoulder. “I have good news as well. There is a Midgardian witch I have found with my sight, a scarlet witch with power over the mind, very similar to yours. Perhaps she could be persuaded to train you in the ways that I cannot. My brother, Heimdall, watches her and will alert me when the time is right to speak.”
“Thank you, m'lady. That would be wonderful! I hope to meet her soon. I've been wondering lately...why are our powers so different if my magic comes directly from you?”
“I gave you the raw energy of magic, it changes according to the person. How the magic chooses which gifts to bestow, which part of the individual to enhance and make powerful, we do not completely understand.”
“I'll investigate that. Maybe there's some pattern we can document. I want to know how it works.”
Nadia gave a melodic laugh. “Of course you do, but not everything can be measured, Lenora. Some things are simply mysteries to be in awe of, rather than puzzles to be solved.”
The queen's full suit of golden armor gleamed like a beacon in the sunny training grounds, contrasting sharply with Lea's black and purple chain mail. Nadia helped Lea forge it herself, incorporating the ore which was a gift from Noa's family. It was practical, since the ore was magically strong, but Nadia also wanted the refugee to remember her people and where her strength came from each time she fought.
Lenora had been living in the Vanir kingdom for several weeks now. Queen Nadia had given the young refugee every opportunity and freedom she could. Although she lived in her own comfortable cottage on the palace grounds for the sake of practicality, she was no prisoner to it. She was free to stroll the colorful and lively bazaars, see the sights of the city, and indulge her passion for learning about her new home. It was a beautifully golden late summer now in the kingdom, sailing into the warm early days of autumn. The young refugee couldn't believe the contrast between her warm open life here, and her cold limited fearful existence in Laufeyhavn; couldn't believe that almost a year ago, she was in shackles on Loki's ship.
She had begun to frequent a local tavern with a friendly owner who took a liking to her, and reminded her, not unfavorably of Beatrice. The city had received several waves of refugees since her arrival, so she asked the owner if she might dance there as a morale boost to weary travelers. She wanted to bring some joy to the lives of those who were displaced as she was. Maybe there would even be other Morhari looking for a taste of their home and culture. She enjoyed her work and realized as soon as she put her beloved costume on again, running her fingers through the satiny fabric and chiming coins, that she'd missed this part of herself terribly. So in this way, Lenora had her freedom, her own life, and received a personal education from the queen herself. Occasionally, Nadia would request her assistance in translation and code-breaking, but made it abundantly clear that it was truly a request, not a command.
Lea felt driven towards the purpose of learning and strengthening herself, and to her surprise she felt happy more often than not. Part of this joy arose from having Magnus back in her life, and looking forward to the possibility of his visit. They talked often and it eased her heart knowing things had settled between them, so much so that one day Lea asked the queen what she thought of the good doctor visiting her realm.
“Has he made his amends properly?
Lea chuckled. “He has, Your Majesty. He's a good man.”
“Hmmm. I can see that is true, but I still think you've gone too easy on him.”
Lea shrugged.
“Okay child. If you are satisfied, so shall it be. And what of his king?”
Lea sighed. “He has sent many messages. I have read or listened to or watched them all,” Lea recounted, sitting down across from the queen and meeting her thoughtful expression. “But I have not answered one word.”
“Good girl,” Nadia said with a smiling wink.
“I feel a bit strange about it. I'm not doing it out of malice, simply from uncertainty. I truly don't know what to say. Every message is a long-winded slew of contradictions about how he feels towards me and his intentions. Sometimes he seems like completely different people; one day kind and insisting that he's changed, and another back to his old pompous threatening self. He doesn't know what he thinks or wants regarding me. In most of the communications he keeps a tight leash on his anger, so that's an improvement. Although I do feel anger towards him, certainly, I cannot feel malice for some reason.”
Nadia looked thoughtful. “You would be well within your right to.”
“Yes. I can see that now. I had trouble seeing it then. Everything gets so distorted in his wake. It becomes so hard to think clearly under his influence, his games, and intelligence, and charm...he even weaponizes his vulnerability and it worked on me...even knowing what he was doing, it worked on me. I'm a fool.”
“Don't scold yourself, Lenora. He's fooled even the best of us. He's the god of that after all.”
Lenora sighed, “What does one say to a man who destroyed your civilization, captured and tortured you, and compelled you to give him your virginity, but who you for some absolutely inexplicable reason, empathize with...maybe even love.”
Nadia considered this and said with certainty, “I would make him suffer. The trickster has gotten away with enough over the centuries. He thinks he'll always slip out of consequences. I would make him feel my hate and wrath, slowly and personally, but you are not me, Lenora. You have to make your own choice, and if your choice is vengeance I will approve of you extracting it.”
“I hate to sound suspicious, after all you've done and all the respect you've shown me...”
“But you wonder if I'm also using you to my own ends, as it is in my interest to get my kingdom back.”
Lea nodded, looking a bit guilty.
“Don't be sorry, Lenora. I like your habit of healthy skepticism towards the motives of others. I'm actually quite proud of your caution. All I can do is continue to show you through my actions that my intentions are good. You may use that logical mind of yours and collect the evidence of it, as you have been doing, and again, choose for yourself.”
Lea smiled. “I'm noticing a theme.”
Nadia returned her expression. “I should hope so.”
@gigglingtigger @lokisgoodgirl @unlucky-number-13 @goblingirlsarah @thenerdyoldersister @peaches1958 @thedistractedagglomeration @sweetsigyn (Thank you again, my friends. much love!)
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sleepdepravity · 1 year
obscure "walk around a cool place and pick stuff up" games
a lot of the games i enjoy and love playing are games where i just walk around a place and pick stuff up. "stuff" can be collectibles, or it can be story, or lore, or pictures of creatures, or quests to complete. there are no enemies. there are some puzzles. whenever i see a game and it has a premise that promises walking around and picking up collectibles, i am compelled very strongly to get it. i don't know how i find these games. steam just cultivates them for me sometimes.
anyways i think i'm gonna order these in some haphazard subcategories as well, from "story-heavy/driven" to "not"
walk around a cool place and get a story
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i really expected this to have more reviews than it did! you're just a gal. going around in the space river. finding artifacts to learn an alien language and figure out history. the main crux of this game is puzzling out the language, and you can make guesses on the words. the language is logical, actually, so you could potentially figure out the words yourself before the game will fully confirm it for you, and that's honestly fun. you also have a robot buddy. i thought this game was very neat. also i guess there's a mystery involved too.
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you're an astronaut who got sent up to the moon to give power back to earth (i forget how you do this, it probably involves. solar power. maybe.) anyways, this means that you walk around this abandoned decrepit space station, which i find fun, and you can find and pick up lore and read it if you'd like. (yet another space game, huh...) you're mainly just walking around and doing puzzles and stuff. on the moon (actually i guess this one maybe shouldn't be considered obscure either? quite a bit of reviews.)
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I remember being put off by one of the....twists? of the story. involving you and your sidekick. I think it's a twist that they get out of the way rather quickly, though and it didn't bother me much. I liked the environments, and I liked walking around a town and going into people's houses and finding out mysteries. exactly my shit.
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there's an AI in this game and i liked it. This game involves, uh, AI chat, i guess? y'know. you type in a console, and then the game has the AI spits out responses. that's part of the game. you get to make friends with the AI. it's been a while since i've played this, but the game was made in 2016, so I suspect that the engine for, generating responses to text maybe isn't the most robust at this point. but i mean, once again, space! walking around a space station, looking at things. AIs. good stuff. people in the reviews going like "we need chatgpt in this game" shut up. that's not gonna help actually. how are you gonna translate chat gpt responses to gameplay interaction and progression? huh??? hm??????
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in this "walk around a place and get a story" game, you're accompanied by a ghost. There's a story you sorta have to sus out, about the people and village and what happened. You get to find little letters and small lore things and i love that shit. I also like hauntings. you are very much haunted by a ghost. there is a plot development in the end regarding the ghost that i really enjoy.
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this is a fun premise, where the place you're walking around in is "an incomplete game." There's a whole narrative of nightmare development and developer infighting. Because the conceit of this game is that, it's literally an unfinished game, you can also hack elements in the game to do things, such as, not fight or hurt me. which i like because fighting is the worst part of any game. the ending has like a few different ways it can go, which is fun.
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another timeloop game, but sort of a lowkey one. you're walking around a place in like. the last ten seconds before its destruction. you go around to landmarks and look at stuff and find. secrets? secrets. it's been a LONG time since i've played this game actually. but you sure do walk around and look at things!
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okay, THIS one is sort of a weird one. and you don't exactly "walk" around a place. and also, there's not exactly a story to find. you do "have" to find, like, logs. as in, there are text logs to find, i guess. and those text logs probably comprise a story. but for the most part, it really is just pretty to look at and mess with. i cannot for the life of me explain what any of those controls do.
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You go around a place in a boat, and i do like sailing. There,s a lot more, uh, jumping and avoiding monsters and gameplay stuff in this one. though i guess "a lot more" doesn't say much when you compare it to, "none at all." One of the collectibles in this game is seagulls. I don't think I found all the seagulls but I would have liked to. The water is very pretty.
walk around a place and finish quests/solve puzzles
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a very silly game. there is, sort of a story i guess, you're supposed to meet up with your girlfriend. also, i guess this is post-apocalypse??? you're in a post apocalyptic world surrounded by nothing but dogs and also your girlfriend is here too somewhere. also, the airport signs are all in an alien language so if you want to catch your flight you have to pay attention. Also, there's a dog compendium. you collect dogs in your compendium. i love collecting thigns in compendiums.
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I think this counts in this category. I don't remember any particularly huge plot. you walk around to cities and stuff and talk to other people and make paintings. maybe you sell them sometimes. sometimes people will give you quests. No mysteries. I think. it's pretty. I like the environments and poking around in nooks.
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cute game. you're trying to help maintain a park! which means you also walk around and explore a park, and do quests for the park, and clean the park up. (another thing i like in games is cleaning things. this is not true to real life.) you're also a bird and that's nice.
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I was contemplating whether to put this under "walk around a cool place and get a story" or not, because there is dialogue, and you do, kinda talk to someone? But at the same time, i feel like the main crux of the game was going around and collecting things and doing some biology shit. I think the biology thing is neat. i didn't care about the story i just wanted to find biology things and catalogue the animals in this ocean.
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recently finished this. it's rather cute, a platformer where you go around and deliver mail (do quests) for people. very small and short game. there are a lot of birds!!!!!
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this one is on the "puzzle" side of the. uh. genre. the environments are very neat, and i love the paper beasts thERE'S A SANDBOX MODE?????? WHAT????????? anyways the environment is fun, and i like messing around with those paper beasts. and being near them and seeing the fun ways they move.
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very cute animals, very cute frogs, very cute style. really liked the humor. i really liked talking to these animals. volleyball was annoying, though. I think volleyball is annoying. but that's okay i forgive it.
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this game is ALSO a farming sim. But you ALSO sail around in a boat and do quests. I......don't remember why you have to do a farm. I guess I must have sold produce??? I don't remember why I needed money. I guess I must have needed to buy things. I guess also maybe there is a larger overarching plot??? but I mainly remember farming and also sailing to other islands and that's what I think is most important.
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more of a puzzle platformer. there are so many frogs. very many frogs. you go around and do quests for these frogs so you can build your boat and leave frog island. you actually don't even need to finish all the quests, actually, but i mean, why not finish all the quests??? help these frogs.
walk around a place and collect/take pictures of things
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i am making a specific subcategory for this just because. i really like collecting things. all you do is collect things in some of these games and i just absolutely go bananas over them. you take pictures of animals in this one and catalogue their behaviors, and it looks very nice and cute and there are birds! the birds are so fun i love them. you get to take pictures of all these creatures. pictures of creatures is a type of collection.
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this one you definitely collect things. also, you talk to constellations, by collecting things. the chats with the constellations are fun, also there are a lot of puns, but also, you're collecting things, with your net, and that's important. the art is very cute too! the place is very nice to walk around in.
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this one very much more of a "pokemon snap" type of deal. These guys are so weird and funky!!!!! i liked taking pictures of them. take a look at some of these funky guys. You can also collect pictures of them doing different behaviors, if you would like to be a True Collector (i am a true collector) (i cheated though and looked at guides)
train station renovation gets its own category
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i realize that a simulation game doesn't actually. fit. here. but i mean, you're walking around. an area. you're doing things. i really liked train station renovation, because it really is just fixing thigns and picking up trash. other simulations, i got annoyed with because it would also throw in thigns like "decorate your museum!!" or "design this house!! sell it for a good price!!" and i'm like, please, i'm just here to pick up trash and fix things and clean stuff. NOTHING ELSE. there is admittedly a part of the game where it asks you to put down decorations, like benches and clocks and stuff, but the thing is. they only give you a number requirement. you can just plop down benches and shit wherever you want and the game will be like "yup. sounds good. you've met the requirements." so all i needed to do was just throw down like eight benches right next to each other in the corner of the lobby or somethign and i was all set! no thought necessary. and then i could just focus on what REALLY mattered, which is: cleaning this train station. train station renovation is literally my favorite one of these types of games. it knows what the people (me) want. it understands me.
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mamamittens · 7 months
Since I'll probably never get to it, I figure I'd share this snippet I wrote for a fic I really wanted to do well over a year ago. Technically, I've wanted to write a The Gamer inspired fic for YEARS but math is hard and it's a lot of technical world building I could never commit to (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
Uhhh, context, it's about an OC named Mina (nickname, her full name is pretentious). She ate (? Was still deciding if I wanted it to be like The Gamer manga and it's just a random skill or a devil fruit) what's essentially a gamer fruit and periodically does dungeon runs. She's Thatch's niece, I wanted her to travel for a bit with the Straw Hats until they meet Ace and she explains she's looking for her uncle (with a horrific name, Thatch being short for like, Thatcher or smt, it's written down somewhere???) And Ace realizes who she's looking for. Not sure if he thought Thatch was dead or nah but takes her along cause he feels responsible in at least taking her to Whitebeard as his technical grandkid.
She went looking for Thatch cause she's still a minor but owns all her parents assets and her paternal uncle has gambling debts... And may have been about to sell her out to Crocodile, didn't decide honestly. But basically she REALLY couldn't stay home any longer.
Anyway! Until an incident where she nearly dies and discovers she can actually call for help, she... Doesn't quite blend well with the crew. Mostly cause Thatch has BEEF with his family and doesn't quite know how to handle this.
This snippet is after her DF is discovered and she's saved from a boss battle, essentially.
The rest is explained well enough in this fic.
(snippet under the cut)
The kitchens were mostly vacated at the moment. Thatch’s division busy elsewhere until it was time to get to the meat of meal prepping for dinner. Tonight required a lot of potatoes, so Thatch decided it was as good a time as any to have some quality time with Mina. His niece… fuck it was so weird to consider everything he’d learned so far.
Before, he was too blinded by the strong resemblance to his sister—and to be fair he knew it and tried to keep his distance while sorting through his feelings. He knew better by now than to blame her for who she was related to. It was hard though. Hell, even her cocky laugh reminded him of his sister. The mental image of his niece standing strong with bandages wrapped around her stomach, eyes blazing as she challenged the hell spawn in that dungeon haunted him.
It was just… so different from the amicable, eager young girl he had seen up until that point. He thought that Mina was kind of weak, maybe with a secret bitchy side like his sister. But it was clear now that Mina and himself were cut from a very familiar cloth. Something stronger than steel ran in their spine that made a cornered fight turn into unique opportunity to overtake their enemy. Anything can be an advantage with a little creativity. And it was clear that Mina had been very creative her whole life with the ease that she handled a rapidly spiraling situation beyond her control.
Not quite comfortable leading people, clearly, but eager to share knowledge to gain an upper hand.
And now he was here. Sitting on a barrel opposite to his niece, both of them huddled over a growing pile of peeled potatoes. The sound of knives swiftly cutting apart the skin the only sound for a very long moment. Thatch just… wasn’t sure where to start.
What could he say?
“…So. Dungeons, huh?” Thatch grimaced at the piss poor start but kept going, “How long has that been going on? I know you said earlier they weren’t optional but when did they start?” Mina glanced up at him.
“I was ten, actually. Not sure if it was because of my birthday or because I reached a high enough level. It was a pretty tame dungeon though. Slime monsters, but they were just little goopy puddles. Cute but they tended to get bigger fast if I didn’t take them out quick enough. Almost drowned because I didn’t realize I could physically rip them apart and I didn’t have a weapon at the time.” Mina explained, smoothly running the potato in her hand in circles to form a seamless peel.
“Wow. That must have been pretty scary. How did… how did Victoria take it?” Thatch couldn’t help but ask. It sounded messy. And if nothing else, he just knew his sister would have loathed the mess.
“Victoria?” Mina paused, looking up at him for a moment until she realized who he was talking about. “Oh! Her. Uhm, she wasn’t there. I had been playing in my room at the time. No one saw me disappear and I cleaned up afterwards.”
Thatch frowned, hands still making the practiced motions to efficiently peel yet another damn potato.
“Kind of lucky then, I guess. Someone probably noticed when things got more serious though, right? I mean… back there… you were impaled Mina. Most people can’t just walk that off.” Mina snorted.
“Nope. No one noticed. I was pretty good at covering up for any… mistakes I made. And the worst anyone saw was bruises, but that could come from anything. Usually I just said I tripped over a rug. Gramps saw through it a little, I think. But he didn’t call me out on it.” Mina elaborated with a smile.
Thatch’s heart stuttered and he stopped. Knife poised over a potato.
“You could have died.” Thatch said, looking up at Mina as she stopped as well. She looked confused. “You were ten. You didn’t leave the island until you were fifteen. Five years you were dropped in random dungeons. And no one noticed?! Victoria never happened to see anything? Or her husband?! Were they all blind?!” Thatch knew he was growing a little hysterical, but it wouldn’t leave his mind.
A little ten-year-old girl, his fucking niece, having to plan around death matches in a house crawling with servants. And his sister was always a nosy bitch. There was no way in hell she missed even a misplaced hair on her only child!
“Well, the staff were a bit busy running the estate. I liked doing chores and helping, but if I disappeared for a few hours no one minded.” Mina looked confused as to why Thatch was growing more and more upset. Finally, something clicked. “Oh! Right. I’m really used to it by now, but that’s probably upsetting to hear. A little kid killing monsters in her free time without a choice. I’m… sorry?” Mina grimaced herself at the awkward trailing apology.
An apology. She was apologizing to Thatch.
Somehow, Thatch knew this was not going to be the most upsetting part.
“Did my sister really never notice you fighting for your life?! You were ten!” Thatch tossed the potato into the peeled pile, ignoring how little was left after he got a bit too hasty with his knife. Mina frowned, tilting her head in confusion. It was cute, but Thatch could already feel the horror dawning on him.
What the fuck did his sister do all those years?
“I don’t know how she could have noticed, Thatch. They weren’t even there?” Mina looked so earnest as she said that. Like there wasn’t something really fucked up with that sentence. Sure, plenty of kids grew up without parents. Technically, so did Thatch, but his parents were too invested in their business and politics to be emotionally present. They were at least mostly there as his sister and himself grew up.
Mina looked down, selecting another potato with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Well, yeah. I don’t know when they left. I don’t actually remember them, so it must have been when I was really young.” Mina laughed, the sound a little too forced, “You know… I actually thought I was just like… an illegitimate child. Thought that the portrait of my parents was my grandparents because the painting was so old. It made sense at the time. Oh! Or that I was adopted. Possibly just a really lucky kid of the staff that… never wanted to acknowledge me. They were on trips all over ever since I could remember. I never talked to them. Not even once.”
Thatch put down the knife, afraid he would do something terrible if he held onto it.
“Mina…” Her shoulders were trembling despite how steady her hands were as they meticulously separated the potato skin with delicate curves of her knife.
“They showed up again for a week, isolating because they were sick and didn’t want it to spread to the staff I guess. My parents were home for a whole week and I didn’t even know they were my parents until the reading of the will. I stood there dressed in funeral clothes and so very confused. Gramps realized after the will reading that no one had actually told me who my parents were. I was just educated ‘as a young lady should be’ and that was that.” Thatch gently reached out and pulled away the knife. Tears dropping onto the blade and sinking onto the exposed potato, “T-They left when I was just a baby. I… I never got to know them. Never got a chance to. D-Did I… did I do something wrong? Is that why they left and never came back? Was it that obvious I wasn’t worth the trouble?”
Thatch crumbled as Mina finally looked up at him.
Her face was red, eyes bright with tears. She looked hopeful and resigned, like she thought she knew exactly what he’d say. Like she was afraid of what he might say. A weak sniffle jostled her whole body as she pressed her lips in a thin line. Mina was almost grown, but Thatch had no trouble lifting her into his lap and tucking her head under his chin.
“Oh Mina.” She sobbed, hands fisting the back of his shirt desperately as she clung to him. Thatch pressed a kiss to her temple and whispered into her hair, “I am so sorry, sweetie. I don’t know why my sister left, but you’ve always been worth it. You will always be worth it.” Thatch tucked his niece in closer to his chest and stroked her hair.
He had thought, having grown up in such a lonely household, that his sister would never repeat what their parents had done. It seems that she decided to top their neglect instead. It was harsh, but as his poor niece cried harder in his arms, he solemnly decided that the only good thing his sister did outside of giving birth was die and leave Thatch with custody.
Sure, he didn’t really know how to parent anyone, but fuck. There was no damn way he could fuck up harder than his sister did. And he had plenty of family here with him to help. Hell, Oyaji would know exactly what to do if nothing else! Thatch sighed and resigned himself to the strong possibility that they would be behind on the potatoes.
He sure as hell wasn’t going to tell his niece to suck it up just so his division wouldn’t have to peel any vegetables. They’d understand anyway. Despite wanting to follow his example in case things went south, Mina had clearly grown on them. Her eager (attention starved), willing to learn (desperate to please), and charming (a miracle in the midst of shitty parenting) personality winning them over. It was a wonder she wasn’t more fucked up—though a strong argument could be made for her reckless behavior. That did explain why she got along so well with Ace though... Actually, that was probably also a severe warning sign in it’s own right given Ace’s horrendous self-worth issues. But ‘gramps’, which was probably old Barty if he remembered the head butler well enough, could hardly be expected to pull a miracle out of his ass to make up for every deficit.
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a-lettertothe-void · 1 year
Death x Gn! Reader
(obs: this is my first fanfic, so it is probably horrible, english is not my first language, but I will try my best!)
You felt a chill run down your spine as you heard a haunting whistle right next to you, even though nobody was there a few seconds ago. You cautiously turned to the source of the sound and were somewhat startled to see a white wolf with a black cloak sitting there on the stool right next to you, whistling a melody that seemed to reverberate through the air.
"Well, well.. If it isn't Y/n! Nice to finally meet you! Been followin' you for a long time!"
you looked at him nervously and said
"Huh..who are you?"
He slowly look at you, that same smug smirk plastered on his muzzle. His crimson eyes bore into yours and it feels like he is peering into your very soul. After a few seconds, which feels like hours, the wolf speaks
"Just call me.. Death."
you looked at him confused and a little intrigued
"Hm, strange yet intriguing name"
He chuckles, his tail wacking the floor from side to side. His eyes narrow slightly and his smug look returns.
"Is that so?"
He sits back on his chair and folds his arms, clearly amused by your response. He leans in towards you and the air begins to cool as his presence grows more eerie. A silence hangs in the air for a few moments and the wolf appears to ponder you for a moment, his eyes studying every inch of you.
"Tell me.."
He slowly asks.
"What do you think of when you hear the name "Death"?"
you thought for a moment
"Hn,i think..everything is devalued, de-symbolised and untenable in the face of death. It is an equalisation of the totality of everything that could be valued, faced with the radical ontological finitude that death represents.. People should be happy about death, death is what make us alive, if we know we all will die one day, if we all know that there's nothing in the end but death.. We should be grateful we are alive"
You said in calm way
His crimson eyes stare into yours once again as his smug look grows even more smug. You can tell that he is amused and impressed. His muzzle forms an almost proud smile and it's as if he is giving you credit for your wise words.
"That is all true.. But how does that make you feel? What do you feel when you're confronted with the reality of death? Do you feel happiness? Regret? Fear?"
"I fear death but.. Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive - the risk to be alive and express what we really are.. But I respect the death, death is what make us alive, you know?.. Death is our biggest achievement on life, we can't deny it, death is always present on our life, no matter what, it can be on the littlest things, but it is always present on the life of everyone"
The wolf's smug smile grows even more as a look of respect and admiration enters his crimson eyes. He nods his head as he listens to your wise words.
"Wise words indeed..."
He speaks softly as he leans in and gets closer to you.
"Yet I still wonder... Do you fear me?"
"Yes, the fear of death is inevitable, the living things will always fear death no matter what, think about it, we all know death is our end, "so why fear it?" some people says.. But.. I fear death by the simple fact that I and all the things on earth will die one day.. The thought of everything dying is a little scary you know?"
The wolf nods in understanding. His smug smile is replaced by a thoughtful look. He pauses, pondering and thinking about what you just said. You can see him think and consider your words, taking them into heart. He suddenly reaches a conclusion, and you can see his smug smile re-enter his muzzle. He leans back in his chair and folds his arms. You can see a spark of enjoyment in those crimson eyes.
"That's a very wise answer..."
He says as you feel an ominous feeling permeate the air around you. It seems that you have amused the reaper with your words.
you nod saying a little "thank you"
He leans in closer, his red eyes boring into yours.. The air was thick with tension.
" Why should I spare your life?"
You could feel death's breath on your neck as he spoke.
"You don't have to spare it, I fear but I also accept death, as I said before, it is inevitable, I can't do anything about it, I would accept my fate happily knowing that I completed my story"
"A wise choice, one I admire.. "
He slowly backs away, the ominous aura around him gradually disappearing, and yet you could still feel a bit of fear from his very presence. When he speaks, his voice isn't menacing like it was before, or boastful. Instead it seems soft and understanding.. Almost gentle.
"What would you like for your final reward? Anything.."
He gives you one final look with those crimson eyes as he waits for your answer. His tail bobs from side to side behind him, a slight smile on his muzzle.
"Hm, I don't need anything actually, I just want a peaceful death you know? I don't know if there's a heaven, hell or anything like that, but I hope I have a peaceful death"
The wolf is silent for a while, staring at you with those crimson eyes. His smile slowly grows wider and he nods his head slowly.
"Very well! Your wish is granted.."
You nod in a thankful manner
"Thank you,we had a very good conversation"
"It has been my pleasure.."
He speaks, bowing his head slightly in a sign of kindness.
"And if it's any consolation, you've made me quite happy tonight."
He gives you a warm smile, and there's even a slight hint of affection in those crimson eyes as he looks you in the eyes. It seemed like he genuinely liked you.
You smiled a little
"I'm glad you feel like that"
The wolf smiles at you for a few more seconds, then suddenly vanishes into a cloud of dark black smoke that smells vaguely of flowers. There's a soft sound in the air that sounds somewhat like a wolf howl, before all goes silent. What does this mean for you? Who knows... but you feel a small sense of sadness within you, as if it's a reminder that time is ticking and it's time for you to start facing your own mortality... Time is ticking...
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the-wizard-writes · 2 years
For questions about Aj! 4,5,6,7,8,10!
Huh. Never really thought about opening ask for questions like this but, I guess it would be cool to do so!
A.J’s real name is Aishia Jauni but, she goes by A.J with friends.
4. How easy is it to earn their trust?
I would say a moderate level. She isn’t SUPER trusting but, she is super forgiving. A.J is pretty tolerant of some things, but it does take a little bit for her to to completely trust someone. It’s not because of anything in her life though, she was just told to have a healthy dose of skepticism.
5. How easy is it to earn their distrust?
Lying. That’s the easiest way to get her to not trust someone. And she can tell.
6.Do they consider laws as flexible or immovable
A.J considers them to be immovable. Laws are meant to be followed and there’s always a set of rules in place for a reason.
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Ooooo, the ocean. She lives in a dense city right now so the ocean is pretty nostalgic for her since it reminds her of home.
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child
Looking after others, her family comes from a long line of sea witches and even some merfolk going waaaay back. Her grandmother told her that when she gets older and when she has a family of her own she needs to look after them.
10. What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
Uhhh… Man, I dunno. I don’t see her as the type to lie like that.
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