#And dick 'team leader team player' grayson
theresamouseinmyhouse · 9 months
refuse to believe stephanie brown is a cheerleader in any way shape or form. Ur telling me she wouldn't be that one aggressive lacrosse girl? Lies.
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mid-nightowl · 6 months
steph as nightwing??? 👀
Yes, a hundred times yes. 
For me, the idea came out of this meta that @benbamboozled did ages ago (that I for the life of me cannot find now :( ) about how Barbara should have been the one to mentor Tim, but she wasn’t because dc (and superhero comics generally) are too cowardly to let a female superhero mentor a male hero. And it got me thinking--there were three “older” vigilantes and three younger vigilantes in the Batfam at this time, which then led to the whole Barbara mentoring Tim, Bruce babysitting Cass, and Dick mentoring Steph. Which would then eventually lead to Steph taking on the Nightwing mantle.
Nightwing!Steph was also an idea I had regarding the Batman!Dick era and the Tom King pitch of Tim becoming Nightwing during the Ric Grayson arc. In my delusional AU idea, after the “death” of Bruce, Dick would be Batman, Damian would be Robin, Barbara as Oracle, Cass would return as Batgirl after a short hiatus or be Black Bat, Tim would be Red Robin, Jason as Red Hood, and Steph would take over the Nightwing mantle while also attending college (a similar start to Dick’s own trajectory).   
I don’t have like a full meta on this (and I haven’t read everything regarding Steph so please correct me if I get something wrong or the vibes are off!), but I think Steph could be a worthy successor to the Nightwing mantle if there were a point in time where Dick moved on or couldn’t be Nightwing anymore. 
I think Steph embodies a lot of the same ideals and values that Dick/Nightwing resembles: hope, determination, and guts. There’s also the immediate similarity of the two of them being more light-hearted and quippy compared to the other Bats, which (almost) hides how capable and competent they are, but also how this happy-go-lucky mask hides anger and trauma.
Both of them had the guts to go out on their own, to create their own mantle and mask despite being told “no.” They both have the drive and determination in their actions to help others and stop criminals, and an innate need to be a hero/vigilante and that they can’t stop being a vigilante. And out of all the Bats, Stephanie has the most potential to represent hope, just as Dick does. 
To me, Steph has all the criteria to be one of the best vigilantes in the Batfam, but just doesn’t get the opportunities to do so. She’s got the foundations and the materials, she just needs help getting there. Being Nightwing (or being mentored by Dick) would give her the chance to showcase that. 
Being a vigilante that has ties to the Batfam but isn’t necessarily considered a sidekick character or in need of a mentor (like Batgirl or Robin), Steph could grow as a person and a vigilante with the Nightwing mantle. Nightwing is also a key component to the Batfam and is often the middle ground between the smaller groups within the family and I think Steph can easily step into that role, especially given her past relationships with Tim, Cass, and Barbara, her similarities and the trauma-bonding she does with Jason, and the older sister-younger brother relationship with Damian. Not to mention, Nightwing’s role as a leader in the Titans, which would give Steph a chance to show her capabilities to be a leader. But, Nightwing is also a stubbornly independent loner, a solo-act vigilante. So, not only can Steph be an important team player (in the Batfam and the Titans/equivalent team) but she'll also have the freedom to do her own thing. 
Nightwing (imo) was all about moving on, growing up and maturing on your own, and while Dick might not have realized what it would become later on, it’s grown to represent hope, the “universal constant,” and creating your own legacy. The transition from Robin to Nightwing is all about this, and I think this transition would have made a lot of sense for Stephanie (Spoiler to Nightwing = growing out of her anger towards her father but also growing out from underneath Batman/Batgirl’s shadows). I think there would still be issues and insecurities of Steph living up to a predecessor, similar to when she took on the roles of Robin and Batgirl, but I want to believe that Dick would train her well enough and his own belief in Steph taking on his mantle would alleviate these problems. 
There’s a lot of AU potential with Stephanie being Nightwing (I’ve got a few myself 👀), but canon wise, I don’t think we’ll see Dick move away from the Nightwing mantle ever. I think you could probably make a good argument for Steph to be Flamebird in canon and really introduce that mantle back into the Batfam (and her and Bette can bond over terrible mentors/families, being Batgirl, and being rejected).
I've got some more thoughts circling in my head about Dick mentoring a Spoiler!Steph, but I've kind of touched base about that here so I'll leave that for another time lol
thanks for letting me ramble about this idea<3 <3
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azol-otl · 2 years
Sometimes I wish that fic writers and canon writers would give perfectly nice characters meaningless beef with another decently nice character. Just characters who have a reputation for being charismatic, team players, or great leaders and they just happen to have the pettiest grudge against someone.
Give me Dick Grayson and Kara Zor-El who had the same rocky relationship every Robin has had with a Super, but instead of getting closer they just doubled down and never got over it. Give me, “Oh don’t listen to Supergirl she’s angry and causes property damage” and “Don’t fucking talk to me about Nightwing, that asshole tried to gaslight me into becoming a villain.”
Give me Jaime Reyes who finds Kyle Rayner perfectly fine but if the man calls their gas station taco a burrito one more time he’s going to fucking lose it and nobody will blame him. 
Just, these meaningless but humorous little grudges is all I ask for.
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
Why do you Dick Grayson as Batman, outside of the Gotham context, never really felt like a big deal in the wider DC universe? Like, Batman seems to have a large profile within the superhero community, so wouldn’t his massive void being filled by his almost polar opposite in many ways have been extremely notable to many of the other heroes?
There's two answers to this.
Firstly, timing. Dick's in the cowl for just over two years real time from 2009-2011, and 3 months in 1994. There's just not a lot of time, in terms of storylines, to explore this. If they'd kept Bruce dead for longer, I expect we'd have seen more effects on the wider community, but in the Reborn period up to nu!52:
Dick gets a 20 issue next gen JLA run with Donna.
You've got Blackest Night (and Brightest Day which was SUPPOSED to be done before Bruce returned) taking up a lot of the wider universe event time. Then you have Flashpoint. They're universe-wide events and focused on other hero groups.
Gotham's in the middle of a power restructure in any case, so Batman being focused on his city would make sense to others (and also the reactions ARE happening in Gotham).
Secondly, the 'void' is filled by Dick Grayson, one of the best connected heroes in the DCU. There doesn't really need to be a big change to how things work: for everyone Titans age and down, it's just 'oh I call Batman' rather than 'oh I call Nightwing' in a lot of scenarios. For the older heroes who would ordinarily call Bruce for assistance first: Dick's a known leader who is currently heading the JLA. Sure his style is different to Bruce's, but they've all seen him in command of teams since he was in his teens. He's a known quantity, they know how he operates, and he's led them in battle and shamed them into better behaviour before.
Was the change 'extremely notable' to many of the heroes in the DCU? Sure. But the thing is, the major players knew Dick, knew Dick was in the cowl, and had decades-long associations with him. It's just Wally-instead-of-Barry for them again. People who it would have had a "wait what?" effect on would have been newer heroes who hadn't encountered Batman very often. And because of the universe reset, we were largely robbed of many opportunities to see these contrast moments, simply due to time constraints and other plotlines occurring.
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northoftheroad · 1 year
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Hello~ if you could pick three personality traits that define Dick the most, which would you choose (and why)? Thanks!
I guess I would say...
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Kind. He does what he does because he wants to help people, and I'd say it's also a part of what makes him a good leader and team player. (Star Spangled Comics # 100)
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390 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
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Rick Leonardi on Twitter.
527 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
Ten-ish panels to sum up Dick Grayson
@roma107 challenged me some time back: “10 Nightwing Panels That Perfectly Sum Up His Character. Your turn. Go.” It’s been hard to even get close, and in the end I couldn't quite keep it to ten panels... But, enjoy disagreeing with me all the same. 😉
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1. Robin vol 2 # 13 (1995)
Dick has issues with Bruce – they have had occasional problems with communication since the early 1940s – but he is loyal to a fault.
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618 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Ophelia by John Everett Millais (1851)
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Detective Comics # 1067 (2022) Edit: the artist is Colleen Doran.
1,965 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
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enkeynetwork · 2 years
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stxleslyds · 2 years
ive also stopped reading nightwing issues bc of all the same reasons uve posted lol.
u know those recommendation lists like "if you read book X, you might like Y" ? do u have any similar recommendations for fans of nightwing who are just tired of his recent runs? can be fanfic, old issues/ runs, other fandoms!
Hey there! How have you been doing?
It sucks that you have also stopped reading Nightwing, I think that the fact that many people have stopped investing their time in that run is very telling of both Tom Taylor’s writing and DC’s approach to Dick and Barbara as individual characters.
I hope better times (and comics) come our way!
As for recommendations, I have some in mind right now, I will list them down below!
Other Dick Grayson/Nightwing books I enjoy:
Future State: Nightwing
This book was pure bliss, two issues of competent Dick Grayson, leader of the resistance and the great comeback of his mechanic tendencies!
Outsiders vol.3
Dick is flawed, he is a shell of the person he used to be and is going through an immense rough time. This book shows us just how much the nickname “golden boy” doesn’t work for him at times. Dick is deep down still Dick but he also acts like a dick. Judd Winick makes him bearable thanks to the team by his side but most importantly thanks to Roy Harper who makes the perfect companion for Dick.
Nightwing vol.3 (New 52)
Alright, I know, New 52 was shit for the most part but I truly believe that Kyle Higgins did an amazing job with what he was given. His Dick/Nightwing was very sad and lonely but he was a beast, he was competent, an excellent fighter and extremely resilient when confronted with terrible upon terrible situations. To me this is a wonderful run if you pull it away from the whole New 52 narrative.
Batman: Gates of Gotham
They really popped off when DC gave us this beauty with Dick!Bats. The art and story are really worth anyone’s time. It is story heavy but it really gives us a look on what Dick was able to do as Batman even without his Robin. Detective heavy stuff.
Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Nightwing vs. Hush
Now, this issue might have the advantage of Travis Moore’s ridiculously gorgeous art but the story is quite good too. We get a look at just how important Dick is, was and will be to Bruce and we also get some “unreliable narrator” vibes from Dick. If it was intended or not, I don’t know, but I can still appreciate it.
Nightwing: Old Friends, New Enemies.
Well, this one is on the list because it has the recompilation of “Cheshire’s Contact”. Those amazing issues in which Roy Harper trusts Dick only with getting his daughter back. Very enjoyable and a story that I would love to see made canon again.
Batman: Prodigal.
That’s a solid book, it is a good book to read if you want to see a bit of how Dick did in his first time as Batman and that time with Tim by his side. Not only are we offered Dick!Bats but we also get to see a more “domestic” side of him. Alfred left the Manor with Bruce so all the chores have to be done by Dick and it is always a good reminder for people who are convinced that Dick is a “human disaster” and cannot attend his own needs.
Nightwing vol.2 (#140 to #153)
Tomasi’s turn on that roller-coaster of a book was a good way to end it. He pushed Dick/Nightwing’s status up in every single way. Dick was a protector, leader, detective and so much more. His skillset and will to be (and become) better were always there. If you are looking for some BAMF Dick Grayson this is the place.
Other books that don’t have Dick Grayson:
Yeah, I can offer you some marvel… don’t know if that’s your cup of tea but check then out if you feel like it.
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #6
You could read the entire run (it is complete), it is honestly amazing. It is a team book so you won’t find many of the issues to be related to a single character. However, #6 offers an in depth look at Richard Rider (Nova). Richard is a leader, a team player and an excellent hero, but just like Dick he tends to put a lot over his shoulders and take the blame for things that maybe he shouldn’t. This issue is all about him and how he deals (or not) with his demons and everything else in his life.
Black Widow (2020)
This (ongoing) book is a masterpiece, Kelly Thompson is someone that sometimes misses me with her takes but ever since she took a hold of Nat, she has only made her more badass and interesting. This is an assassin heavy book, yes. But the villains and storytelling would really please some Nightwing readers. Dick and Nat don’t have much in common but I am sure that this book will be someone’s favourite either way.
This is me pushing Gwen Stacy as much as I can when I am given the chance. This book might not seem like it will match your average Nightwing connoisseur but there three separate books of Gwen’s life kinda give us the perspective of someone who might be like you and me and got powers. Gwen grows into the hero life and herself. The Spider-Gwen runs might be a bit too teenage heavy but it takes a turn once Ghost-Spider comes into place. Gwen is faced with more responsibilities, moving away from home (a whole ass different dimension) and then… Knull, 2021’s biggest Marvel Comics baddie. She is extremely fun and a bit too forward at times, it can certainly be a hit or miss but I would say that she is worth the try!
Dick Grayson Fics: I have to be sneaky; I will link here two asks in which I was asked about Jason Todd fics and I ended up recommending Dick fics that have Jason in them or “Dick and Jason are/were friends” because those fics make me weak and I just can’t help myself.
I will link the first one here! and the last one that I made here!
I hope you enjoy some (or all) these recommendations. I tried my best to remember some of my favourite Nightwing books, I got my notes back at home so I might be missing some. Maybe @hood-ex can help you out and rec amazing Dick/Nightwing books, she is my favourite Dick Grayson connoisseur!
Thank you for the ask, hope you have a lovely week!
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bluebeetle · 2 years
Issued covered: Batman #357-359, Detective Comics #524-526, Young Justice #44
Doing this in multiple reblogs because of images. 
I have been toying with the idea of writing a retelling of Jason’s time as Robin for my own amusement for awhile now, and part of my plan was to read a bunch of his comics and compile a bunch of interesting things mentioned in them, especially from his time as Robin--because I take some things way too seriously. Plus, I have toyed with the idea of reading every coming Jason appears in before…I may try, but may skim ones where he’s a bit player lol. 
So, here is a little liveblog/review thing I did of the first arc Jason ever appeared in back in 1983.  I hope to do more in the future, roughly in chronological order, and hopefully not all as long as this. Mind you these are Jason centric, so plot points not relating to him may be glossed over.
Starting us off is Batman vol 1 #357--the very first appearance of Jason Todd! …sort of.
For those unaware, let’s go into some backstory--not Jason’s backstory, no, but the backstory of how he was created.
In the early 80s, Dick Grayson--the first Robin--started appearing in the New Teen Titans as the team leader. This meant that because of how the comics were written back then, the writers for Detective Comics and Batman--the books Dick had previously been a protagonist in during the 60s and 70s--weren’t able to use him very often, leaving Batman as the sole main character.
This was a new problem. Writing in the 70s and 80s differed from writing in the 60s, where plot and continuity didn’t matter, but as time went on, characters tended to stick to only a few books at a time. Plus, by this point, Dick had been aging, being around 18 now, but the Batman writers (or editorial, I can’t remember which) supposedly wanted to de-age Robin back into a younger child, like he had been for decades, until the more mature (compared to before, anyways) writings of the Bronze and Copper age in the 70s and 80s rolled around.
That left the writers wanting to give Bruce a younger, pluckier sidekick, one iconic like Robin (so Batgirl, being around Dick’s age, didn’t count) for Bruce to bounce off of--and so there was a compromise: the Batman writers would get a younger Robin, and the Titans writers would get college age Dick Grayson! So Dick hung up the old pixie boots, became Nightwing--a reference to an old Superman story where the name is used for a legendary hero of Krypton--and a new character was created to take up the mantle of Robin. 
Enter: Jason Todd. He’s like Dick, but younger! In fact, it seems Jason as a separate character from Dick was mostly an afterthought; while Dick got to develop in the Titans run, Jason was there to be the Robin for Batman first and foremost; so his design, backstory, and personality were all formed heavily around that.
Which is not to say he’s bad, per say, but Jason was infamous for being disliked by older fans (younger fans, however, generally seemed to like him based on the letters I’ve read). But this has more to do with the writing he got later, especially from Starlin, who hated the concept of Robin--and in fact part of fan dislike can be attested to just a general disinterest in sidekicks by the 80s; This can best be seen in the New Teen Titans cast, where some of the character’s have no close relationship with a pre-existing hero, and the ones who do eventually take on new names (Troia, Nightwing, etc) to further separate them from their mentors as they grow and become adults on their own. 
As a result, much of the dislike for Jason at the time came from a dislike of Robin as a concept, not him as a character, especially as Batman comics would continue to become darker, grittier, and more ‘grounded’ as the decade wore on, culminating in The Killing Joke, A Death In the Family, and The Dark Knight Returns.
 I’ve heard a lot of back and forth on if the early Jason was hated or well liked, and vice versa; I think it’s best to say all versions of him were divisive for various reasons--mostly stemming from him just being Robin, as many people didn’t like that he was ‘usurping’ Dick along with the above. Despite his role as a soundboard for Batman to bounce off of, something that's been integral to the Batman comics since 1940--less than a year after the character was created--and such a fact is why Tim Drake was introduced no long after Jason’s death. Batman, as a character, often works best if there is someone else like Robin for him to contrast off of. That is not to say all stories need a Robin or similar character, merely that in the long run, it’s good to have a Robin around for when you need them.
That is, of course, not to say every adult hated Robin; Jason was still pretty well liked by readers--when we get to it I’ll even share some of the letters in the issues I own that criticize Starlin’s obvious dislike of Jason--and the vote to kill him off was actually pretty close.
But that is a story for another Jason Todd; for now, let’s focus on Pre-Crisis Jason.
For those not in the know, ‘Pre-Crisis’ refers to versions of any DC character prior to the 1986 story, Crisis on Infinite Earths. Originally, DC’s comics existed in a multiverse, where not every book was in the same universe but others were. For example, a story about Barry Allen’s Flash meeting Jay Garrick’s Flash--the first Golden Age Flash--involves Barry traveling to another universe using his powers. Similarly, the Superboy in various Superboy and Legion of Superhero stories lives in a world distinct from that of the Superman from Action Comics. 
 Instead, the plan hatched by Teen Titans writer Marv Wolfman was to combine all these universes into a single one. A shared continuity and universe for all the characters they own--not just a select few--was a pretty novel idea at the time. 
This event also gave the writers a chance to hit a soft reset--changing characters backstories, tweaking events as they see fit, and bringing in newly acquired characters from Charleston and Fawcett comics. DC had bought them out, getting the likes of Blue Beetle, the Question, Captain Marvel, and Captain Atom. It gave the writers an opportunity to start fresh without willing away everything; many Krypton related characters were killed off to better establish Superman as the last of his kind (most famously Supergirl’s death) or killing off Barry Allen to allow his sidekick to become the Flash in his stead, as well as writing off Superboy’s adventures forever, so that Superman only became a hero in adulthood. 
One of the characters changed drastically as a result of that was Jason Todd, who was stripped of many of his similarities to Dick backstory wise, once he reappeared in the Batman comics after the event.
However, this hasn’t stopped people from pulling from or enjoying bits from this early version of the character; he was around for around the same time as the post-crisis Jason was before his death, after all.
 Most famously was Batman and Robin writer Grant Morrison referencing Jason’s original red hair colour and him dying it black. Though they instead changed it to Bruce forcing Jason to dye his hair, instead of a choice Jason made on his own. 
This is a change I don’t care for, but I have always been amused by the idea of Jason lying about this to his siblings after dying his hair because of a breakdown; Bruce was believed to be dead at the time, after all. Going farther, I have also been very amused by the idea of pre-crisis Jason’s backstory as being how Damian imaged Jason’s time as Robin--complete with the dyed hair lie, with Jay’s backstory being like Dick’s because Damian only knew that one, and a cool femme fatal mom (Nocturna), because Damian cannot imagine a childhood without one.
Back to the point at hand: Issue 357, the first appearance of Jason Todd.
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Despite this having our new Robin, he is absent from the cover, instead showing Bruce deciding to become a hentai model.
Get used to this. 
Jason not being there, I mean--not the tentacles.
Plot starts off with Bruce digging around trying to stop drug trades and deal with mobsters; nothing groundbreaking. 
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Interestingly, Gordon is 60 in this continuity; matches with his design and the fact that Barbara was supposed to be closer to Bruce’s age than Dick’s originally, but definitely a fact that was changed in most other versions of the character.
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And this brings us to Dick visiting Haley’s Sloan’s circus; Cleveland Brand is notable as he is the brother of the hero Deadman, Boston Brand, if I remember correctly. Anyone familiar with Jason nowadays may be confused as to how a circus factors into Jason’s backstory--well, see, as alluded to, Jason used to be Dick Grayson 2.0.
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Like, down to the letter. If you told me the early script was half copy pasted from a comic about Dick’s backstory, I’d believe you.
I never got why, however, they decided to do what they did with Jason. A similar personality and design, I get, of course; but why the same backstory? Why the red hair dyed black? Why is Croc their killer (as we’ll get to) when Tony Zucco was just a mob guy, other than the shift in Batman’s villains being mobsters to monsters from the 40s to 80s? It just seems like such an odd choice, to me. 
At least they learned their lesson by the time Tim Drake was created. Could you imagine if he also had circus parents with a high flying act, who also came to Gotham (a historically terrible place to bring a circus; seriously, that place is cursed) only to have their lives tragically ended by Condiment Man because Jack Drake said his mustard was too spicy? Tim would probably be blond, too, so that Bruce can have a whole array of small acrobatic children whose hair he dyes with blue panther manic panic every week. Chills. 
Back to our plot:
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That’s the trauma, Dick. Go to therapy. Also loving Jason’s stupid little bowlcut.
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Are lame mobsters actually an alien species of pineapple heads? Discuss.
Also yes, he does talk like that the entire time.
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Didn’t get the memo that having a gimmick is the new way of doing things in Gotham, huh fellas? Anyways, Bruce hatches a plan to trick the Squid, who wants revenge on both Batman and a mobster named Falco due to previous events, at the trial for Falco. 
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I love Pre-Starlin run Bruce. He’s such a delight.
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Early 80s Batman is a comedy. Anyways, Bruce gets captured and thrown in the tank like in the cover, yipee! 
Anyways, that little cameo is about all we get of Jason in this issue! Onto the next--358! Oh wait, this is comics--we’re actually going to Detective Comics #524! ...In a reblog at some point because I have to re-add all these images painstakingly slowly and I gotta head home soon
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redhoodssweetheart · 3 years
Blackbird | One
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Fem!Reader slowly turning into a Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2K
Requested: No
Warnings: Swearing, angst, some fluff, talk of having a dark soul and not being a good person, death mention, shot with a gun
Description: You were once a member of the BatFam known by the moniker Blackbird.   You and Dick Grayson were close, but when a tragic accident left many members of the team thinking you were dead you went into hiding and tried to build a new life for yourself. But now Dick is back and he’s about to find out your secret.
A/N:  You may recognize this from @writersfortheworld​ which I was once apart of.  I am moving my Marvel/DC stories from there to here.  Enjoy.
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The rooftop was dark, little light from the street lamps below casting light this far up.  She preferred it this way, less time for her prey to catch wind of her if she were up here with no light then trying to avoid the yellow tinted pools the street lamps caused.
Below her was a man stalking an instant pedestrian.  She wondered why someone was out this late at night and alone no less.  The city wasn’t known for being safe in the nighttime.  She also wondered why the person hadn’t called a cab or hired one of those drivers from one of the apps they had nowadays.  That certainly would have been safer than this.
If she was going to act it had to be now before the mugger got any closer to the other person.  Swinging over the side of the building she dropped down in front of the man who came skidding to a stop.  “What the fu--”
“Ah, ah,” she chastised.  “There’s no need for such harsh language.”
The mugger was clearly frustrated that some masked vigilante had just interrupted his heist for the evening.  He lunged for her, but in a swift move she kicked him in the stomach and set him sprawling backward until he hit the pavement.  He was stunned for a moment before sitting up, “You’re gonna pay for that.”
She merely inspected her nails, “Am I though?”
The person who the mugger had attempted to rob had fled the scene the moment the masked woman had jumped down from the building behind them.  Their phone in their hand as they dialed nine one one to alert the police of what was going down on the corner of sixth street.
The mugger clamored to his feet and tried to come at her again, his fist aimed straight at her face, but she was quicker and ducked out of the way.  She laughed, which only spurred the man on.  “Come here!”  He yelled as he lunged for her again.
She jumped into the air and used his back as a springboard.  “Is that really the best you can do?”  She taunted, the distant sound of sirens piercing through the air.  “Well it looks like our playtime is over, now be a good boy and wait here until the cops show up and arrest you.”  She took his head and rammed it into one of the light poles knocking the man out.
Handcuffing him to that same light pole she took off into the night once more.  She was trying her hardest to go unnoticed by the law and others around her.  There was a reason she didn’t want to be discovered and had managed to protect her identity pretty well except for a few fuzzy photos bystanders had managed to snap of her.
The night was relatively slow after that as she picked her way across the city back to her apartment.  She was tired and just wanted to get a few hours of sleep before she had to be at her job the next morning.  Maybe tonight she could finally shut her brain down long enough to get some actual rest for once.
Doubtful, but a girl could wish.
She carefully opened her window and discovered that everything was how she had left it.  Pulling the mask from her face she headed for her room to turn on the shower.  Hunting down bad guys gave her a thrill like nothing ever would, but she always felt icky after a night out on the town.
Steam poured out of the bathroom letting her know that the shower was nice and warm.  The hot water relaxed her muscles and she hummed in content.  This was her favorite part of the evening.  These few minutes to herself where she could just relax and not have to worry about anything else.
When the water ran cold she grabbed her towel and stepped out of the bathroom to finish her nightly routine.  Tomorrow was going to be a good day, she could feel it in her bones.
Dick Grayson walked into the Batcave with a folder in his hands.  There was a new vigilante that had popped up in Preston City, no one knew much about this new player and the only photos there were, were all blurry and dark.  He wished that he could find out more about this new vigilante but it seemed he would have to go to Preston City himself and see this person up close.
“Bruce, I’m going to be out of town for a few days,” he said without looking up from his file.
“What for?”  Bruce had noticed Dick come in with the file in his hands and wondered what the former Robin had discovered.
Dick finally closed the file he was holding and met Bruce’s gaze, “There’s a new vigilante that’s sprung up in Preston City.  I was gonna head there tomorrow and see if I could recruit them.  Maybe offer them training and get them on our side.”
“No,” Bruce shook his head.  “The League and I have discussed it and we’d rather not bring in the vigilante.”
Dick was confused, “Why the hell not?  We’re always looking for new members to bring in and they could be useful to have around.”
“Don’t worry about it, Dick.  Just leave this one alone for now.”  He turned his attention back to his computer and hoped that Dick would drop the subject.
Dick stood there for a moment just staring at Bruce’s back wondering what the hell was going on with him.  Normally the League looked for new recruits, it was better if the vigilantes that sprung up were watched by the leaders than running around causing problems on their own.
When Dick saw that this was no longer up for debate with Bruce, he huffed and left the Batcave.  He still had plans to go to Preston City no matter what Bruce or the League had to say about it.  His gut was telling him something different and he was going to listen.
Bruce waited until he heard the doors to the elevator slide shut before he picked up his phone and dialed a number.  “It’s me,” he said.  “Dick’s going to be heading your way tomorrow.  Be careful.”  With that, he hung up and set his phone down.  Steepling his fingers together he leaned back in his chair and stared blanking at the computer before him.
“How do you know Master Dick is going to be heading her way, sir?”  Alfred asked as he emerged from the shadows.
Sometimes Bruce swore that Alfred had a superpower of knowing when something was bothering one of the people living under the same roof as him.  “Dick is impulsive and if he thinks something is for the better good of the world then he’s going to do it.  Tomorrow he’ll be heading for Preston City and I’m not sure he’s going to like what he finds there.”
She set her phone back on the nightstand and stared at the wall in front of her.  This was the exact reason she had been so careful.  She didn’t need him coming into her city and messing up the life she had built for herself.
“What am I going to do?”  She whispered into the darkness of her room.
She could take a few days off.  With Nightwing in the area he could handle any small crimes he came upon.  The city would be safe until he grew tired of waiting for her to come out.  But she knew she wasn’t going to do that.
Growling she stood and headed into her living room to try and find something to watch.
Another sleepless night on the books.
“You ready Blackbird?”  Dick looked over at her, his usual carefree grin on his face.
She rolled her eyes and pulled her gloves a bit tighter, “I’m not the one that needs to be focused right now.  Keep your eyes on the prize, Nightwing.”  He chuckled and knew that she wanted to use his last name.
“Focus you two,” came Bruce’s voice over the earpiece.  “We can’t let Luthor or any of the others escape.  Remember what’s at stake here.”
Luthor had banded together with the likes of Poison Ivy, Deathstroke, Black Atom, Deadshot, and Killer Frost to try and steal a nuclear reactor.  The League had called in all the help that they could get to stop them before it was too late.
Dick’s eyes scanned the road and tapped her on the shoulder, “There.”
She followed to where he was pointing and saw the flash of headlights in the distance.  “They’re here,” she warned.
Things hadn’t gone as planned though.  There were more villains there than the intel had said and the heroes were ambushed.  She and Dick were on the roof fighting off Harley Quinn and Joker when the Joker had pulled a gun and shot her.
“Blackbird!”  Dick had shouted as she went falling over the side of the building, pain blooming in her chest.  
That had been the last thing she could remember before the world went dark around her and she was lost in a sea of pain.
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dilfbatman · 3 years
can u talk about college kid percy on the weekends?😞
- realistically his weekends involve doing homework, crying while eating hot cheetos and drinking cherry coke, procrastinating, and looking at a wall for 45 minutes daydreaming about that super hot dude who’s a lacrosse player in his bio class... yes i’m projecting but we’re BOTH valid frankly <3
- but okay when he’s FREE he actually just wants to spend time w his besties <3 i don’t clock percy as much of a partier honestly like he doesn’t really seem the type and i think it’d just be him silently wanting to beat people up bc they keep bumping into him SO. he instead likes to go out w his pals
- percy & leo. the dynamic duo. dumbass bastards <3 they’re the chaotic couple honestly (ok not couple as in boyfriends but @blackracheldare posited that they both kissed during a game of dare and i think they both liked it 😳 leo did have a crush on percy and percy was like thanks king :) and leo promptly kicked percy in the knees for his dumbass response but he started dating jason so it’s all good) BUT ANYWAYS. it’s always an adventure w these two!
- percy & leo go on 3 am runs where they get on their skateboards and go to their nearest gas station to get icees (blue-raz for percy & cherry for leo) and they just drink it and talk and take pics w each other that percy posts at 3:30 am on insta when no one is on LMAO <3 and they both dye e/o hair bc they have no impulse control so one day when percy is bored and doesn’t wanna do hw he has leo dye his grey streak electric blue and leo gets his whole head dyed electric red and they both start crying afterwards bc of laughter and bc they’re having an Episode... and they’re once again: VALID!
- more percy & leo bc i love them so they also like going to the arcade and this pizza diner and actually on a serious note percy finds it really really really easy to talk to leo abt his feelings like sometimes they’re just chilling in percy‘s dorm and percy will just rant for hours and leo is SUCH a good listener! he interrupts at the perfect times and throws in a few jokes to make percy feel at ease and also gives such good advice! leo finds it difficult at first to open up to percy but once he does he really makes a strong bond and i think since percy is like a Dad Friend he just holds leo when he’s sad. percy gives the biggest warmest hugs and leo genuinely finds safety & solace in percy’s arms! that’s his bestie fr!
- i also think piper, leo, hazel, jason, reyna, nico, frank, the stolls, & will are really amazing friends w percy like they just all like to go to restaurants and eat out! sometimes they drink the night away, others they’re doing karoke, others they’re just chilling in the park eating ice cream! or going to the summer fair! i think percy can be a social creature but i really do think sometimes he needs his alone time so when he doesn’t feel like interacting he likes to just watch netflix in bed! esp loves comedies & horrors & dc animated shows ;) he has a BIG CRUSH on dick grayson & jason todd and on dilf bruce wayne bc! HELL YEAH!
- percy is a competitive swimmer and like his friends are always there when he has his competitions! they hype him UP and make shirts and posters and percy is just like omfg y’all are embarrassing me 🙄 scream louder that you love me though 🤑 he’s the team leader and everyone really loves the guy and idk man college percy is just so elite
- his weekends will also involve going back home sometimes to see his mama and they watch trashy reality tv while baking cookies and cupcakes <3 they also like going shopping in the town and have fun mother-son days! they eat outside and take pictures and the polaroids that percy takes of him and his mom/him and his friends are all on his wall back in his dorm <3 i love you college kid percy <3
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brawltogethernow · 4 years
Is Dick Grayson-Batman not getting the opportunity to be in a big name JLA squad, (a la Kyle Rayner and Wally West in Morrison’s run) a missed opportunity? Yeah, there was James Robinson’s epic C-list lineup, but I was wondering why you think DC seemingly weren’t interested in Bat-Dick having a bigger role in the wider DCU? And in-universe, how would Dick function in a real Justice League, compared to Bruce? What would the dynamics with Clark, Diana, J’onn, etc. look like, in your opinion?
I’m only passingly familiar with this period of canon, and I’m kind of surprised to hear there wasn’t Dickbats-with-the-League content? Was there just not a good JL book running at the time. That said, I feel pretty confident ascribing any lack of follow-through on incorporating Dick-as-Batman into the line outside of the Bat-titles to DC’s general problems with a.) really committing to deviations from the status quo b.) poor cohesion across the titles they put out ostensibly set in one universe.
In my opinion, Dick would excel at being a major player in the JL, but shouldn’t. Narratively and for the sake of living his best life. (Though infrequently would be okay, as a flex.) He’s as competent at hero stuff as Bruce, but he’s more sociable, a superior team player, and better at presenting an inspiring face to the public. I can definitely see him funneling too much of his energy into being excellent at JL stuff and burning out in every other aspect of his life. Work-life balance is pretty much the one thing Dick Grayson absolutely sucks at, and being integral to the JL seems like the perfect situation to interact with that to eat him alive.
I also like the interpretation that it was sort of expected the Justice League would eventually absorb all the best pickings from the Titans, but then the Titans evolved from a clubhouse for sidekicks to a serious team of adult heavyweights capable of kiboshing world-ending threats with a stronger found family vibe than the JL, and they’re good where they are, actually. I’m vaguely against the poaching of all Titans to the League -- Wally overwrites this because of the extremity of his legacy hero situation, but give back Cyborg, oh my god.
Dick, as the Titans’ usual leader, is a microcosm of this. He could be a critical member of the League. He could run the League. But he’s good where he is, actually! (Yes, the Titans are a less consistently present team in the books than the JL, but they’re always present in my heart.) Leading the Titans instead of joining the JL is one of the many ways that he’s got his own deal distinct from being a copy of Bruce -- and awareness that Dick is not a copy of Bruce was the source of most of what made his tenure in Bruce’s mask a story worth telling.
That said, Dick Does The JL seems like an easy arc to write. The conflict comes from B-list heroes going “I can’t take you seriously, Sidekick Batman, everyone’s known you since you were eight” and A-list heroes being anticipated to do the same but actually rising above expectations and going “I’ve known you since you were eight and that’s why you frighten and impress me.” The former are won over after some kind of competence-demonstrating series of events and then Dick is officially integrated into the team book and can enter the rotation of having intermittent spotlight stories.
I’m kind of mentally comparing to the end of the Justice League Unlimited cartoon where that JL’s core members remain aware that Flash is the youngest but have balanced that with awareness that he’s an on the ball professional (despite not sacrificing his air of levity in the name of being taken more seriously) and is critical to their dynamic. Kind of arriving there faster and with more deep character history to draw on, with “young” fleshed out with “infamous team leader, but of the kiddie leagues so what does that even mean”. (Answer: It means he does what you do with fewer resources while also functionally running a classroom.)
I’d probably have Clark and Diana as the key relationships that are both kind and mutually respectful -- due to relationship history and also because they’re the most important to not accidentally make look like tools due to conflict with another popular protagonist -- but with a core of melancholy restricting the marshmallow goodness because they all think Bruce is dead. Everybody else varies more and has more room for relationship evolution. You specified J’onn and made me realize I’ve literally never seen J’onn and Dick interact in any media?? What is their existing dynamic like??? Going off of literally nothing I want to say that as coworkers they’d be one of those relationships where you can kind of afford to be quiet together.
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Reverse Robins
I was talking about the Reverse Robins AU on discord and it was actually mention that Duke would technically come before Damian in this AU and that actually makes things super perfect.
The We Are Robin kids are the Baker Street Irregulars to Batman’s Sherlock Holmes! (For those who don’t know Sherlock Holmes used to pay/ use kids to spy for him or do jobs for him to help with his cases and he had a network of these kids all across London).
Just as Batman is starting out rumours and stories about him fly around Gotham and Gotham kids can feel that times are changing, criminals are less likely to get away cops are more eager to do their job, they’re inspired to take their city Back!
Like Bruce they figure out that they need a symbol to unite under and fight against crime with but a Bat isn’t representative of what they want to do, what they want to be. They don’t use a Bat bathed in darkness as their symbol but a bird, a symbol of freedom, bathed in colour. They are represented by something linked to Spring and new life.
They are Robin.
They stop crimes where they see it, feed information to good cops, and try to influence events. Batman starts noticing these kids and starts getting more involved with them, he worries but he can't stop them all (and it's new/ young batman he's still as optimistic as he can get) so he gives them missions that will allow them to help while not putting them in too much danger. He gives them equipment. He let's Alfred coordinate them and the Robin's call Alfred 'the nest' they're very fond of him. Through these kids Batman ends up having eyes and ears all over Gotham and criminals become even more convinced that The Bat is somehow everywhere at once.
Eventually Bruce has to put a stop to them, all of them except for Duke who he takes in and continues working with. Bruce keeps on working with the leader Duke who becomes The Signal and Duke starts his own intelligence network like a hands on Oracle leading a team he calls the Birds of Prey making and coordinating allies.
Then one day when Talia reveals that during the time Bruce trained with the League of Assassins she became pregnant and Bruce suddenly finds himself with a ten year old assassin son who insists on going out at night with him and it’s the only way Bruce can seen him using his training for good and Damian needs an outlet so Batman suddenly finds himself with a partner.
And what better name for a partner of Batman than Robin?
Bruce wanting Damian to interact with children his own age but worried about Damian’s assassin training finally leaves his solitude from other heroes to reach out to other heroes namely Superman who’s son is indestructible. Clark nearly has a heart attack when Batman turned out to be real and tried to set up a playdate between their kids.
Nell Little a girl who was inspired by the We Are Robin movement decides to don a cape and calls herself Batgirl, when she grows up she starts working with the Foxes but an attack on the Wayne enterprise building by a new crime lord king pin called Black Mask forces her into a wheel chair and she becomes The Oracle one of the most important players in the Justice League working closely with Duke and his Birds of Prey.
Jon and Damian are best friends and when they are older become crime fighting partners Nightwing (Damian) and Flamebird (Jon).
Stephanie Brown’s mother OD’s and she’s stuck with her criminal father, sick of her fathers crimes and wanting to stop him she puts on a homemade Batgirl costume to try and get back at him due to her father hating Batgirl. Bruce finds out someone who isn’t Nell is running around as Batgirl and goes to confront her only for Stephanie to panic and hit him in the face with a brick and Bruce decides to adopt her on the spot. 
She becomes the second Robin and though Damian wasn’t sure how to react to this girl becoming his successor Jon encourages him to mentor/ look out for each other and Damian and Steph becoming like real sibling, always bickering but always there for each other.
Steph’s dad knows she’s Robin though due to knowing she had dressed up as Batgirl to stop him and he sells her out to Black Mask and she dies. Eventually though Stephanie comes back as the Spoiler getting in the way of not only criminals but Batman’s own operations that she doesn’t agree with. (Steph becomes Spoiler in reverse which is fun).
Tim is literally still just Tim here which is hilarious, Tim will always be Tim. Damian is resentful of this boy taking the place of someone he viewed as a sister and is hostile towards him leading Tim and Damian though they do care about each other to have a slightly hostile relationship. Timsteph in this AU is hilarious because Tim is still Tim he's the kid that was obsessed with Batman and Robin and followed them across Gotham. He would spend hours talking to talking to Steph’s case you can't tell me that he didn't have the biggest crush on Steph in the reverse Robin's AU. Then his childhood crush comes back from the dead to kick his ass meanwhile Steph wanted to mess with her replacement and was not ready for Tim.
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Their first interaction is literally this.
Jason get’s caught stealing the wheels off of Tim’s Red Bird and Tim takes Jason under his wing and becomes kind of like a mentor/ partner to keep Jason out of trouble. Jason reminds Bruce heavily of Steph giving them a complex relationship as he tries to keep Jason out of the field. Jason ends up being Robin when Tim’s dad finds out for a short time only to be fired by Bruce. Trying to prove himself Jason ends up beaten with a crow bar by the Joker when he comes back he calls himself the Red Hood as a middle finger to the clown.
Cass is still Cass because she’s perfect. It’s revealed that Jason is her brother (because I really like the Jason is Shiva’s kid and Cass and Jason are sibling stories) and Jason cares about Cass a lot and Cass loves her little brother. Jason gets frustrated by being called little because they are only like 9 months apart.
Bruce takes Tim to the Circus to try and cheer him up after Tim’s life took a downward spiral and they witness the Grayson’s fall. Being reminded of his own tragedy Bruce takes Dick in. Dick wants to be Robin because he wants to go after Zuco and also those are his families colours, that’s his mothers name for him, it’s destiny! When Bruce is believed to be dead Damian takes over as Batman and makes Dick Robin because he thinks Dick needs it. When Bruce comes back Damian goes back to being Nightwing but Dick continues to be Bruce’s Robin.
Dick is spoiled rotten by all his siblings as the baby of the family.
It’s my personal headcanon that Bruce always planned for Cass to become Batman when he died but didn’t think Cass was ready quite yet so in canon he made Cass give Steph Batgirl and sent her on missions around the globe to prepare her until Tim found her in Hong Kong, Bruce came back and Cass set up shop there. In the Reverse Robins AU Cass is still Cass so per Bruce’s orders she leaves Gotham and starts going on missions around the world.
Barbara who’s noticed Batgirl hasn’t been seen and noticed criminals getting more confident during the shift in Batmen makes herself a Batgirl costume and starts fighting crime. No one wants to go against her, she literally decided she was Batgirl now and they all went with it. She forces Steph to train her which Nell encourages, Cass loves her a lot.
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Super random question time. If thanos was about to attack and you can make any four member team to fight him from your tv show list who would it be. I would do Vera stone ( the order) because let’s be honest no one can stop her, Julia wicker (the magicians) she’s a total badass and she tricked a god, eleven(stranger things) total power house, and jack Morton (the order) because he’s a super strong werewolf. Who would be on your team?- Sincerely the fox 🦊
My first named anon I love it!
Uhhhhhh Five from “the Umbrella Academy” because he’s bad ass and also competent and incredibly smart. He’s obviously struggled with team work but he’s an incredible team leader and could totally kick ass.
Dick Grayson from “Young Justice”. He’s also a fantastic leader and I think he and Five would definitely butt heads, but in the end their incredible genius and usefulness would come in handy. They’d impress each other and come to respect each other and work well together eventually.
Bronwyn from “Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children” because she is both INCREDIBLY strong, a great team player (which would balance out my need to fight authority and the Dick/Five fight for control in the group) and also just incredibly caring and understanding. She’s the kind of person that would be the one to get us all to focus and get our shit together when we dissolved into arguments lol I love her. Also Five needs a friend who will be decent to him and help him with his trauma and I think her and me could totally do that for him.
Fucking Aang???? He’s incredibly powerful and kind and is willing to follow instructions but also give wisdom that helps progress shit. Unfortunately he’s not a great leader (as seen by how Katara and Sakka and even later Zuko and Sukki often have to take charge and also how he’s very easily distracted) but he is a fantastic asset and very powerful. Imagine him just wacking Thanos with rocks and water and even air to distract him and tire him out while the rest of us got to work?
Aang and Dick would be the distractions and also the ones who tired him so that Five could teleport in with Bronwyn at just the right moment so our strong ass girl could pull that glove off of his dumb hand, and then just that on repeat until it worked.
I’d come up with the plans and keep everyone well rested and fed and hydrated because I am otherwise useless LMAO
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any predictions for titans s3??
hi, anon!
these are less predictions than ‘things i wish would happen while accounting for titans’ general lack of regard for pacing or plot’:
more trippy mindscapes. the show gets more colourful and imaginative, characters can show off powers that they don’t possess in the regular world, and jericho could have a bigger role to play.
dick grayson smiling more, being happier, and generally just... more comfortable in his own skin now that he’s nightwing. that’s not to say all his issues are resolved (clearly he didn’t really learn much in his overlong and overdrawn arc in s2) but at least this way he would actually give himself space to be an actual leader and look out  for the people on his team instead of being stuck inside his head all the time
a big story arc for gar with lots of screen time. a reminder that he had a past before joining the titans - with maybe a cameo from the doom patrol? develop his relationships outside of rachel - his friendship with connor has a very strong canonical foundation. i want a whole episode of gar chilling with dick and kory and connor and rose and being listened to. 
gar’s arc needn’t be complicated or plotty: after all this time of being used and abused for his powers and made to feel like a monster because of what he’s capable of, i want his journey to lead to the realisation that his powers don’t define him and have nothing on his infinite capacity for good. the more confidence he feels in himself, the more forms he’s able to change into. i want to see him rejoice in what he can do.
at a moment of great stress and vulnerability, rose made a monumental choice in the s2 finale: she decided to side with the titans against her dad and was vital to slade’s defeat. but that’s obviously not the end of her struggles with her identity and her choices. i want to see her grapple with her relationship with her family, however she chooses to define it: be it her mom and her stepdad, or her father, or the titans; to see her lash out and work out her pain and to see people like dick--who’s just reached some sort of fragile peace with his own family--relate to that and help her with it.
it’s quite obvious that kory and her sister will feature heavily in s3 (at least, that’s what the s2 finale seems to suggest and what i hope will happen). i’d like for titans to go more the slade route than the trigon route with this, in that the villain has a nuanced perspective and is often sympathetic. blackfire might be the most tragic villain of the show yet--unfairly ostracised her whole life, translating her pain and anger into death and mayhem, lashing out at a sister that she secretly wants by her side. there’s wonderful potential for a sweeping family drama here.
not to mention blackfire’s ability to possess/impersonate other people--this device would serve titans’ frequent stabs at deception and unreliable narration more than what they tried to do with slade and rose this year
and maybe just put aside the setting-up-a-mystery-and-then-drip-feed-clues-until-a-late-reveal pattern altogether? it’s not particularly clever and doesn’t drive fan engagement as much as they think. narratives can be interesting and complex without having to be unfolding mysteries or trying to manufacture interest by withholding crucial information until very late in the game. 
(looking at you, star wars)
dick and kory hold hands and have a conversation. i think i would implode out of pure joy. anything beyond that is a sweet bonus
dick being a secondary character to kory and gar’s stories. 
i actually would like to see hank and dawn, but only if they’re not going to brush aside all the complex stuff about their characters and their relationship that was set up in the last season. i would love to see them spend time apart from each other, developing relationships with other characters, and to see each other with clearer eyes. i would like for hank’s addiction and his breakdown at the end of the last season to at least be acknowledged by someone other than dawn (preferably dick) and that he’s getting the support he needs
i don’t expect bruce wayne or jason todd to show up much in s3, but it would be cool to see dick and jason communicating through the season (it really did seem for a hot minute that dick was getting through to jason last season, and i did get the impression at the end that dick was probably the only titan--apart from connor--that jason didn’t dislike/distrust). 
i am fully expecting jason to die at the end of s3, however. red hood, baby!
i would love for hints dropped through the season that slade’s not actually dead, tho i don’t want him to be a major player in the season and crowd out blackfire and the others
donna is almost certainly coming back in s3; i hope that she and dick would have at least one heart-to-heart and we see more of that famous bond that they’re supposed to have
a confident rachel with more control over her powers.
the titans team actually fighting crime and solving cases
Hot Psychiatrist Guy comes back and is hired as the team’s therapist. snippets of his sessions with each of them are post-episode codas. the justice league Could Never--
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dragon-star-light · 5 years
Batboys Sports
So quick thing this post is inspired by @jaybird-rednerd Jason Todd Hockey AU Moodborad and Headcacons. BTW I love them! Anyway I had I thought on what the other batboys along with Jason would play/do. Hopefully this isn’t stealing or anything cause that’s not where I was going with this.
Yell Leader is what my school calls the male cheerleaders. So when it comes up that’s what it is. I don’t know if that’s the right name because my knowledge of cheer or any sport really is small. 😅
Dick Grayson - Gymnastics and Yell Leader/Mascot
Gymnastics 🤸‍♂️
Dick has the coordination, strength, flexibility, and balance to be an amazing gymnast.
Plus he would look great in the uniform.
He would most likely compete in the rings, floor exercise, and the pommel horse.
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Yell Leader/Mascot 👏
This one could go either way. He could be a yell leader (male cheerleader) or the school’s Mascot.
As a yell Leader he would be helping with stunting and pumping up the crowd.
He would be tumbling along with flips.
He would probably volunteer to help teach a kid’s tumbling class.
Now as the mascot, he would ham it up.
The whole point is to get the crowd and the team pumped up.
He would probably be doing silly dances, cartwheels, and anything the suit allowed him to.
This spirt and energy would make him good at both.
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Jason Todd - Hockey and Volleyball
Hockey 🏒
Okay so I’m not going to be able to write this one without copying @jaybird-rednerd so here’s the link to theirs. Go check it out. It’s really good!!!
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Volleyball 🏐
The gym teacher was out sick one fateful day of his freshman year of high school. And boys volleyball coach was the sub
Volleyball was the choosen activity during class
Jason got into the volleyball game and he seemed to be a natural at it
The coach didn’t hesitate and told him he should tryout for the men’s volleyball team when the time rolled around
Jason was all for it. He would practice when ever he got the chance and when tryout rolled around Jason made it
When Jason grew taller and gained more muscle mass, he became a force to reckoned with.
You didn’t want to be on the other side of his spike
He was best at spiking and blocking simply because of his strength and jumping ability
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Tim Drake - Chess Boxing and Baseball
Chess Boxing 🥊♟
He is having to explain that chess boxing is a real sport ever time he brings it up
Low key annoys him
When he first found out about chess boxing, he was immediately interested.
He was good a chess and he knew how to box thanks to Jason.
Shortly afterwards he began practicing both more and began to compete.
Baseball ⚾️
At first he wasn’t sure if baseball was his sport
Once he stated, he found out quickly that swing a bat felt as natural as breathing
He was Gotham High School’s (I have no clue what the school is actually called) star hitter.
He had the best batting average of any other players to walk the halls of the school
When he wasn’t hitting, he could be found in the right field.
He had a killer throw and was great at catching. Hitting into right typically resulted in an out.
Tim thanked Damian for his throwing abilities. He would throw things at Damian to get him out of his. After so many year the skill had to come in handy.
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Damian Wayne - Fencing and Badminton
Fencing 🤺
This kids has a odd obsession with swords and sword play.
VS letting him have any more real swords Bruce signed him up fencing classes
Damian hasn’t looked back since
He typically defetes his opponents quickly
Fencing requires speed and strategy which Damian has
Very rarely does he meet someone he struggles to beat until... well that’s for later
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Badminton 🏸
Damian was more forced into playing Badminton then anything
Original he wanted to play tennis but the boys tennis team was full, so the coach sent to the badminton coach
Damian tried out and made it but he was excited about it, until his first match
He was able to play singles and batminton was kinda of a smaller version of tennis
He quickly progressed and was the top badminton player in the school
When a spot on the tennis team opened open, the tennis coach wanted Damian on the team
Damian turned it down flat
Turns out badminton + Damian = a perfect combination
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Messed With The Wrong Heart - fic
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul, Lincoln March, Alfred Pennyworth, bits of Clark and Diana Summary: He had a feeling this would happen one day. It was a simple solution to a mutual problem, an almost mutual goal. An easy team-up. It was shocking it took them so long to think of it. A/N: I probably didn’t do it justice but I have just been so obsessed with two major baddies teaming up against Bruce to get at 1+ of his kids. I had such a blast writing this, even though I’m bad at fight scenes. Bruce probably ran into Talia or Lincoln prior or found out about their plans somehow in a case etc etc. Dick and Damian (and the other kids) had no idea about anything beyond there being a threat Batman had to take care of. Bruce sedated/headphone’d Dick and Damian so there would be no chance of them interfering in the fight or attempts to sacrifice themselves to keep him safe. Bruce is very guilty/not guilty about doing it though. He also sent the others away to protect them as well. 
It wasn’t complicated.
He sent Tim away to his Titans, Jason to his Outlaws. Cassandra to the protection of Kate, Barbara and Stephanie.
Didn’t tell them anything. The less they knew, the safer they were. They knew something, though. All of his children did. Knew there was a threat coming, knew they wanted to help their father and should stay at his side.
No, he wouldn’t hear of it. Shooed them all away. He could handle this himself.
Would, even if he had to die to do so.
He stood at the top of the stairs, watching, waiting. His only light was the moon shining through the giant windows of the manor. He had some weapons nearby, but not on him. Had no tools on him, in fact. Was just in sweatpants and a tshirt. Socks.
But ready. Oh, he was so ready.
He had a feeling this would happen one day. It was a simple solution to a mutual problem, an almost mutual goal. An easy team-up.
It was shocking it took them so long to think of it.
He heard the sudden call of disturbed birds in the trees outside, checked his watch. Barely the middle of the night.
He tapped a button. Heard the locks click shut on the door down the hall. Cracked his knuckles, stretched his neck. Smirked.
Bring it on.
The glass of those giant windows shattered, attackers crashing through in waves of two, three, four, six.
Some wore maroon, covered their mouths. Others wore black, gold, facemasks with large black eyes.
The League of Shadows. The Court of Owls.
They all jumped. All had various blades already drawn. Bruce didn’t care. Grabbed one assassin before he landed and swung him like a bat, taking out the line of fighters behind him easily.
A Talon tried to use that to her advantage, and duck around Bruce’s arms. He merely kicked backwards, hitting her spine. Flipped over her, and out of the way of others. Flung her body towards another mob of them, and barely held back his laugh as they tumbled comically down the stairs.
The numbers didn’t matter. Their means didn’t matter. He was prepared for this. Had prepared for this since day one. Since he started being Batman. Since he started being a father.
Not to mention: fighting was in his blood. For him, fighting was fun.
Especially when he knew how to win. Especially when he knew he was going to win.
Especially when it was for love.
Besides, these were just the lackeys. He could let every single one of them go past if he felt like it. They’d be taken down when they got to their destination. When they got to that door he locked with a deadbolt, combination lock, and defense system even he couldn’t get through. And even if they got through that, there was Hell and the Devil himself waiting for them inside.
But these fighters weren’t the main players. Oh, no. And even as he fought them, and beat them, he kept his eye out. Looked past them, for the two who were no doubt already present, somewhere in this house.
Them, he would not let by. Not ever. Not even if they killed him. Over his dead body and all that, but even if he was cold and bloodless, he wouldn’t let those two win. He wouldn’t let those two get near that door.
So he fought and he waited. Enjoyed the fight and enjoyed the waiting. Mostly because he didn’t have to hold back, not really, not here. He wouldn’t kill, of course not, still wouldn’t cross that line – unless he absolutely had to.
But he didn’t have to have mercy.
Because under the smile and the enjoyment, was pure, raging fury. How dare they. How dare every single one of these human beings, living or modified.
How dare the two he was waiting for.
They should have known better. Their leaders, the special two, did. So were they insane, trying the same thing over and over again? Or were they just stupid?
In the long run, he supposed, as he punched a Talon into an assassin and knocked them both unconscious against the wall, it didn’t really matter.
He figured it was time, when he noticed that there were no more enemies coming through the windows. When he was thrown against the banister next to the stairs, and saw that his front door had been opened.
So he dodged the next punch. Ducked the next stab, took the weapon and slashed at the back of both his attackers’ knees, then rolled to the wall, where his weapons still sat waiting. He grabbed a few smoke pellets, launching them straight into the faces of the mob running after him.
There were a few small clicks, a few louder hisses, then the landing was engulfed in gray.
He took down the remaining thugs with ease.
When he knocked the last assassin down for the count, tossing his unconscious body into a few Talons in a similar state, he just slowly backed out of the fog. Kept himself between the stairs and the door, his fists at the ready.
And when the smoke cleared, there they were. At the top of the stairs, one with a sword, the other a dagger.
“I want my son.” Talia said simply.
“I want my warrior.” Lincoln March added.
“Too.” Bruce looked to Talia. “Fucking.” He looked to Lincoln. “Bad.”
Lincoln clicked his tongue and shook his head like he was disappointed. Talia just blinked slowly, and sighed.
Then, they came at him.
He blocked Talia’s blade while he kicked at Lincoln. The Owl got the blade into his calf before he went flying backwards, crashing into portrait of the grandparents they supposedly shared. Lincoln got right back up, plucked another dagger from the belt across his chest and came running back.
Talia just kept hacking at him. Pulling her sword and slashing it back down with even more force than before. Over and over and over. She was hitting his arm, his blood was spraying across her face, but she didn’t care. He knew that look in her eye. She was desperate. Crazed. Murderous.
She would get what she wanted, whether she killed her Beloved or not.
And even after all this time, it broke Bruce’s heart to fight her. To have to punch her in the throat and send her tumbling away as he turned to deal with Lincoln.
But he just couldn’t let her hurt their son again.
Lincoln was screaming as he came at him. Bruce merely ducked, let his ‘brother’ tumble over his shoulders. Lincoln gave another shout as he flopped to the floor, floundering to get himself righted.
“You were never supposed to have him!” Lincoln roared as he got to his feet. “He was promised to us!”
Bruce stood and looked at him with an emotionless gaze.
“Dick Grayson is not a thing to be owned.” Bruce countered. And it was hypocritical, he knew, and maybe showed just how similar he and this potential sibling of his were. “But I will never let you take him from me.”
If Lincoln was going to respond, Bruce didn’t care. Not when he heard Talia leaping at his back.
He dodged her swing, yanking the sword from her grasp and snapping it against his knee, throwing the remnants over the banister. Caught her fists as she tried to slam them into his face and chest, pushed her kicks away like they were nothing.
“You didn’t want him.” She hissed. “You never wanted him. He’s in this world because I said he could be. Now give him back.”
“Never.” Bruce swore. “I’ll never let you or your rotten father near him again so long as I live.” A pause, to correct. “So long as you’re like this.”
“He needs his mother.”
“He needs love.” Bruce pushed, trying to keep the begging out of his voice as her hits forced him back, as the railing began to dig into his spine. “And even I can’t give him the love he deserves, I’ll admit that – but this family can.”
Talia didn’t respond to that. Just let out a battle cry as she kicked out the railing behind him, and the wood shattered.
And he didn’t want to do it – he didn’t. But he had to. He had to win here, he had to beat her and Lincoln. He had to protect that door.
As he started to fall backwards, at the last possible second, he grabbed her instead. Used his momentum to pull himself up while simultaneously throwing her from the top floor of the manor.
She was so light compared to him that she flew instead of dropped. Hit her head on the nearby chandelier. Was unconscious before she hit the bodies of her army on the ground.
He grabbed the broken railing to balance himself, feeling blood blossom on his palm. He couldn’t lament his actions right now, or even take a moment to rest. Because Lincoln was still there. Lincoln March – maybe Thomas Wayne Jr. – he was still an annoyance that had to be dealt with.
So he tightened his grip on that broken banister and ripped it from its frame. Shifted his hold on it to be more comfortable, and turned towards Owlman.
The other was still on his knees, new knives in hand, deciding his next move. Bruce didn’t care. He’d bested this man before, and he’d gleefully do it again. So when Lincoln inhaled, when he shifted to move and use those blades, Bruce leapt and swung. As quick as he could. As hard as he could
Over and over and over and over.
Even when Lincoln collapsed, Bruce didn’t stop. Just kept swinging. Kept hitting this man who threatened his family. Threatened one of his children.
Hitting and hitting and hitting and hitting and hitting.
The spray of blood didn’t stop him, nor the ache building in his arms. It was a groan from nearby. One of the assassins or Talons, already starting to wake up.
And he could fight them again, maybe. But he couldn’t guarantee a victory, not with the injuries already sustained, the energy he already used. Could still win, probably would. But not guarantee.
He needed to be able to guarantee, here.
So he gave one last hit, then dropped the stick and backed away. Huffed and puffed for a few moments, then carefully dropped his shoulders, closed his eyes and leaned his face up towards the ceiling.
“It’s done.”
A second later, he heard the whipping of a cape in one of the windows. Glanced over his shoulder to find Clark and Diana.
“And everyone’s okay?” Clark asked, eyes darting around the bodies. He didn’t mean the criminals, of course.
Bruce turned to glance back at the door down the hall. “Everyone’s fine.”
“Then we’ll start loading out. I’ll call the others to help, so we can get out of here faster.” Clark sniffed. “You guys have somewhere to go tonight? The manor is…”
“Only the foyer is damaged. The rest of the house is fine.” Bruce grunted, stepping forward, not-so-accidentally kicking Lincoln March in the head as he did.
“…Bruce.” It was Diana, gently landing behind him, putting a hand on his shoulder. “You’re injured. There’s blood everywhere. Let us fix you up first.”
He immediately shrugged her off. “The first thing you two should do is get Talia and Owlman the fuck out of my house.” Then quieter: “And I’m fine, Diana. Nothing serious. But thank you.”
Diana hesitated at the answer, but sighed anyway. Bruce watched her stoop and sling Lincoln March over her shoulder, listened as Clark gathered up Talia, before stepping off towards the door.
He waited until he was standing in front of it before hitting that button on his watch once more. Listened as the locks clicked again and the traps disarmed before opening the door as quietly as he could.
His eyes barely scanned the dim room, instead going straight to the bed in the corner. Dick’s bed, since this was Dick’s room.
Dick was asleep in said bed, just like Bruce had left him. His arm was wrapped around an equally slumbering Damian, who was curled into his side like a cat, using his shoulder as a pillow. Both tucked in, both in comfortable pajama-esque clothing, both with noise-cancelling headphones tight to their ears.
And one Alfred Pennyworth sitting in a chair next to them, shotgun across his knees at the ready.
“Did I hear Clark and Diana out there already?” Alfred asked, leaning back a little in relief. Bruce nodded silently as he entered the room, shutting the door firmly behind him. “The battle is already won?”
“Piece of cake.” Bruce mumbled walking forward. “How are they? Has the sedative worn off at all?”
“No, sir. Neither of them have moved an inch, and have remained entirely unaware of the battle just waged for their honor.” Alfred sniffed. Bruce cracked a smile as he passed him and stared down at that mattress. “…Might I say, Master Bruce, as I have so many times already…they’d have been happy to fight at your side this evening.”
“No.” Bruce answered simply. Carefully, he reached out, brushing Dick’s hair off his forehead. “I won’t let Talia or the Owls even look at them. I refuse.”
Alfred hummed thoughtfully. “Despite their defeat…do you believe they will attempt this again? Together or separately?”
“With even more numbers next time, I bet.” Bruce gently pulled the blanket up to Damian’s chin, brushed at the fingers the boy had curled up by his mouth. “But I’ll be ready.”
“And let the family assist you in protecting their brothers as well.” Alfred tried. “Let the boys protect themselves.”
Bruce didn’t answer right away. Just sat down on the bed, and stared at its occupants. At their peaceful, relaxed, young faces. At the ones he would gladly die for. Two of the ones who owned his heart, wholly and unconditionally. His eldest and his youngest.
He softly ran his knuckles over the hand Dick had across Damian’s shoulder, carefully stroked Damian’s arm. Glanced out the window to watch his friends drag his enemies away.
“I’ll be ready.”
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