#And it kinda got clumsier
jesterwriting · 11 months
Hi Jester!! Hope you’re having a good day 💞 I absolutely love your work !! Your writings style and how you write the op boys.. my heart 🫶
If you’re taking requests, is it okay to ask a confession scenario from Law and Sanji, to a reader who’s never been in a relationship before?? They kinda freak out, after hearing the boys like them, only cuz they like them back but don’t wanna mess up?
Wishing you a good day- and thank you!! Stay awesome <3
pairing: sanji x reader & law x reader (separate)
contents: fluff, idiots in love, confessions, humor, nonbinary reader in sanji’s, gender neutral reader in law’s, reader is short in laws, everyone in this is so stupid, did i say idiots in love yet
word count: 2.4k words
note: AWWW HI im so glad you like my stuff hehe. okay so i got WHOLLY carried away with this request. like totally got carried away, though, i had an absolute blast writing this and hope you enjoy it too<33 idiots in love is my absolute favorite trope if you couldn't tell.
playlist: moscow - autoheart
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Black Leg Sanji
It wasn’t obvious at first.
Sanji treated you the same as anyone else, always feeding you when you were hungry or offering a pleasant word when you shared the same space together. Sure, he didn’t fawn over you like he did the ladies, and he certainly didn’t treat you as roughly as he did Zoro, but the two of you had your own rapport. Sanji was nice to you, you were nice to him. That was all there was to it. While it was no secret — at least not to the observant eyes of Nami and Robin — that you wanted a little bit more from the flirtatious cook, you were happy with what you got. There was no reason to ruin a good thing with childish feelings, especially not when you were so inexperienced with them.
What you had was fine. It was good even, you supposed.
That was until Sanji started treating you differently.
It happened almost overnight. The camaraderie you shared with him grew into something entirely new. You weren’t sure what to do about it. When you woke up that fateful morning, Sanji seemed distant, though he wouldn’t stop staring at you with the most bewildered expression you had ever seen. Instead of setting a plate down in front of Nami or Robin first, he placed a breakfast platter right under your nose, a rosy blush staining his cheeks. The final nail in the coffin was the shaky compliment you got from him as you left the room.
“You look positively ravishing today, Y/N.”
You froze in place, fingers curled around the doorknob. When you turned, Sanji blinked at you a few times, lips parted as if he wasn’t sure as to what he said. Seconds passed — though it felt more like years — of the two of you staring at one another. Ashes dribbled from Sanji’s cigarette onto the floor. You shuffled your feet. It was completely silent, save for the sound of your heart thundering in your chest.
“Thanks,” You finally said.
With that, you slipped out the door, unable to stand the tension a moment longer. Something squirmed in your chest, and an anxious tang in the back of your throat made you want to throw yourself overboard. It was one compliment, it didn’t mean anything, you told yourself.
You weren’t sure what scared you more. The idea that it meant nothing, or the idea that Sanji might like you the same way you liked him. Either way, you couldn’t stop trembling. You hoped that whatever this was would work itself out on its own without your intervention.
Spoiler alert: it didn’t.
In fact, it got worse.
Sanji hovered around you more often, going from occasionally asking if you needed anything from him, to asking every twenty minutes. While he didn’t stop doting on Nami and Robin, he found himself too preoccupied with watching you to remember to refill their drinks on time.
Worst of all, Sanji wouldn’t stop complimenting you. They were far clumsier than the usually smooth flirtations that rolled off his tongue, but they were more than enough to get under your skin and into your heart. You didn’t miss that unmistakable glitter of pride in his blue eyes whenever you blushed under his flattery.
What you wouldn’t give for everything to go back to normal. When you realized you harbored a little crush on Sanji, you never expected it to be reciprocated. Now that it was, you weren’t sure what to do. You had never been in a relationship before, and with your luck, you’d end up screwing everything up.
You flushed when you felt his eyes on you, trailing from the top of your head to your feet. Gentle footfalls approached you, and you braced for an inevitably awkward interaction that you would replay in your head for hours after it was done.
“Hello, my sweet—” Over the past few days, Sanji had gotten more confident with the pet names, much to your chagrin — “Care for a refill.”
“If you can make it alcoholic,” You replied, staring pointedly at the ocean. If you looked at his ridiculously handsome face right now, you’d crumble to dust.
“Anything for someone as lovely as you.” You could practically hear his dumb smile on his dumb lips that you wanted to kiss stupid. Frowning, you fidgeted with your fingers.
You heard Sanji tip the pitcher as ice clinked together, filling your glass. The smell of sea salt filled your nostrils. There were words bubbling in your chest and up your throat, threatening to spew forth and coat the deck with bile. You bit your lip to keep that from happening.
“For you.” Sanji handed you the glass, and his fingers brushed against your own. They were warm, the skin was soft and well maintained. As always, you wondered what they’d feel like cupping your face, Sanji’s lips against your own.
You couldn’t keep it in any longer.
“Do you have a crush on me or something?”
Sanji’s mouth fell open. Before he could speak, you bulldozed right over him. “It’s okay if you do, I don’t really care, I’m just curious. I mean, maybe I would care because I’ve had a bit of a crush on you since forever. But that’s stupid. I’m stupid. I need to stop talking right now. Why can’t I stop talking?”
“You’re not stupid,” Was the first thing that Sanji said, surprisingly stern for how red he was. Followed by an almost incredulous, “You like me?”
“That’s what I should be saying” You cried. “You’re not supposed to like me back. I have no idea what I’m doing.”
He stared at you for a moment before reaching to remove his cigarette from his mouth and dangle it between two fingers. “You’re in love with me?”
“Well, that’s a really serious way to put it, but yeah. Sure. Whatever. I’m in love with you. There! I said it.” You let out a manic cackle. Your face felt so hot, like you were about to burst into flames any second. “I’ve never been in a relationship. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what I’m doing.”
Sanji grabbed you by the shoulders, his expression serious. “I don’t know what I’m doing either. We can figure it out together. If you’ll have me, of course.”
Your arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him into a tight hug. “Okay. Together then.”
“Together, my sweet.” He said, so suave as if steam wasn’t coming off of him from how hard he was blushing.
Not that you were much better.
Trafalgar Law
You hadn’t meant to overhear. Really, you didn’t. You were passing by the engine room, arms full of supplies you were supposed to deliver to the team, when you overheard your name. Maybe it was nosy of you to start eavesdropping, but anyone would if they were in your position. Once you heard Shachi and Penguin say your name, you stuck around to see what gossip had been floating around on the Polar Tang about you. It was a fact of life, one you refused to be held accountable for.
What you didn’t expect was to find out the captain had a crush. That in of itself sounded wholly ridiculous, and at first, nearly tore your heart in half. You had been harboring feelings for Law for a long time now, none of which you were confident enough to act on. Part of the reason you never confessed was because you had hoped he was too damned awkward to have a crush on anyone else in the first place. The other part was because you were inexperienced. Love was not something that came easy to you. It was messy, rough, and altogether stressful, none of which you wanted to deal with.
What really got you though, was the fact that out of everyone in the entire world, the infamous captain of the Heart Pirates had feelings for you.
You really, really hadn’t meant to overhear.
With your heart beating out of your chest, you shuffled past the engine room and delivered your supplies, wishing you were anywhere but here. This was bad. Law had been avoiding you for weeks, and now, you knew why. At first, you worried you had gotten on his nerves enough that he was finally sick of you. You enjoyed talking to him, even discounting your little crush. Whenever Law had a free moment, you found yourself by his side, chattering away over whatever had caught your fancy. He was a good listener, chiming in with a smirk every so often to show that he was paying attention. Recently, however, Law had started to dip into adjourning halls when he saw you coming, or take his meals in his office rather than sit with you in the mess.
It would almost be easier if he hated you. Then you wouldn’t be sweating profusely in your boiler suit, scared that Law would show up around every turn. How could you look him in the eye knowing that your feelings for him were reciprocated? All you knew is you were thankful he was avoiding you. It made staying as far away from him as possible much, much easier.
You were confident you were doing a good job getting your tasks done without running into the captain until you, quite literally, ran into him. The top of your head knocked directly into his chin, sending you sprawling on the floor and making Law frown. A frown that deepened when he saw you.
Still, he helped you to your feet.
“Watch where you’re going, Y/N-ya.”
“Right, sorry. Bye,” You said, skirting past him.
Law didn’t let you get far before his hand shot out to grab your wrist. His brows were furrowed, and you tried not to think about the glimmer of disappointment in his eyes. “That’s it?”
“You’re usually always talking,” He said.
You removed your arm from Law’s grasp. He let go easily, thank goodness, you were fully prepared to wrestle him to get out of this conversation if you needed to. “I just don’t feel very chatty right now. Bye.”
With that, you turned on your heel and marched down the hall. It was quiet for a moment, only the sound of your footsteps resounding against the walls of the Polar Tang. It wasn't until a second, much heavier pair joined you did you start to pick up the pace. To which Law responded to by matching your speed, easily gaining on you. His strides were longer than yours. Two of your steps equaled one of his. At this rate, it would only be a matter of time before he caught you, and then where would you be?
So you started running.
Law faltered for a second before he joined, boots like thunder against the floor. Instinctively, you ducked around the first corner, hoping to lose him, before your stomach flipped and you, once again, ran directly into your captain.
That asshole. He shambles’ed you.
“Why were you running from me?” If he was hurt, he hid it well through an entirely unamused mask. You swallowed hard, shuffling your feet slightly under his gaze.
“I had the runs.”
Law gave you an unimpressed look. “No you didn’t. Now tell the truth. Why did you run from me?”
You were really in it now. If the universe had any amount of love for you, there would be an emergency happening in about five seconds from now that would demand Law’s attention. But, of course, nothing happened. You were trapped.
“Uh,” Law repeated, his usual smirk worming its way onto his face. It wasn’t until then that you realized just how close to him you were, nose mere inches away from his chest. Your cheeks blazed.
Taking a couple steps back, you fidgeted with your fingers. “It’s none of your business.”
“It is my business when one of my crewmates runs from me,” Law countered.
He had you there. You weren’t sure how to get out of this, or even if you could get out of this. This was it. D-Day. Your tongue felt too big for your mouth, the pink muscle flailing uselessly. It was hard to breathe as your heart pounded furiously enough to make you feel lightheaded. Finally, after a full minute of silence, you couldn’t hold it in anymore.
As he processed your words, all of Law’s confidence leaked away, the tips of his ears turning bright pink, confirming what you already knew. His pupils darted to your face in search of something.
“What did you think?” Law licked his dry lips and tried again. “What did you think when you heard that?”
“I don’t know because I’ve had the biggest crush on you since we met!” There. You said it. That wasn’t so bad. “I didn’t know what to do, so I was avoiding you.”
Tugging on the brim of his hat to cover his face, Law asked, “So what do you want to do now?”
“Didn’t you hear me? I don’t know! I’ve never been in a relationship before, how am I supposed to know these things?”
“I haven’t either,” He confessed.
You let your forehead knock against his chest. A chuckle rumbled against you as Law brought his hand up to cup the back of your head. His touch was delicate, barely there at all. You couldn’t help but lean into him. “That doesn’t help at all.”
“Get some dinner,” He said. “We can eat in my office together and talk about it more then. No more running.”
“Says the guy who avoided me for three weeks.”
Law only let out a huff while you laughed.
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taesanrot · 5 months
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[twenty questions] sungho x f!reader | 2.3k words college au, coworkers 2 luvrs, e2l kinda, forced proximity lolz note. thank uuuu to lovely anon who requested this <3 i need to write for sungho more this was sm funnn. nini’s summer writing era starts NOW.
park sungho is an actual fucking dumbass. he decides this as he stares at the newly formed wet spot at the front of your sweater, wincing at the deathly glare you're shooting him.
"you're kidding." you grumble, watching your wide eyed coworker scramble to the bathroom in search of napkins, and perhaps a baseball bat to knock himself out cold with.
for the longest time, you'd been the sole employee at your university's bookstore. it was a small store your uncle owned, and with how many other bookstores that ran in your college town, you didn't have much work to do or much foot traffic to counter.
but with your uncle and aunt travelling to spain for the majority of your semester, they decided to take on a couple more employees in consideration of the fact that you were just one person and the fact that you were starting university.
one of these new employees was none other than park sungho. the first time you met the boy, he was already 10 minutes late to his training shift. you let it go pretty easily though, seeing the panic on his face and the way he explained how he got lost on the way in between heavy breaths.
you found his nervous demeanor pretty cute at first, not to mention his raven hair that draped over his ears and framed his face prettily. sungho, on the other hand, was floored by you.
so floored in fact, that he'd found himself with a pretty bad habit of dropping whatever he was holding or tripping on air when he saw you.
you two had gotten into the routine of always nitpicking each other's mistakes, picking apart any little thing each other messed up. sometimes that was a mislabeled box, a mistake in the cash transactions, or stumbling on the stepladder while shelving new arrivals.
it was like you two were keeping a mental scoreboard of who was the clumsier employee, and most of the time you came out victorious, including today
the day had been nothing but ordinary, both you and sungho a bit bitter to have to be working on a saturday afternoon.
you walked up to the bookstore entrance to see sungho already leaning against the wall next to the door, scrolling on his phone before looking up and noticing you. upon your arrival, he sighed, causing you to turn and look at him as you typed in the security code into the entrance's keypad.
"look who’s finally here." he droned, glaring at your pretty fingers gliding across the buttons.
"oh, shut the fuck up." your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head as you yanked the door open, nearly whacking sungho with it.
the shift dragged on as usual, boring and uneventful. you'd like to think you mentally jinxed it when you were smiling to yourself at how well the day was going. because less than a second later, sungho's chest was in your face and his cup of water from the break room was spilling onto you.
you didn't get the chance to hear what he had to say, groaning and tugging off your sweater and stomping into the break room.
after the whole water cup incident, sungho had definitely taken the brunt of the tormenting today. checking the time, he sighed and stretched out his arms. the final few shoppers were filing out and he followed behind them to lock the door after, tapping on the keypad and listening for the familiar beep and click.
cracking his knuckles, he walked behind the counter to begin closing the registers while you, now in just a tshirt, cleaned up around the store.
it was still light and balmy outside, the last rays of the sun resonating through the clear sky and casting a pinkish purple glow into the store, as you slowly found yourself squinting to read the section labels and book titles, you called out to sungho.
"sungho, it's dark, turn on the lights."
"yeah, yeah, whatever" sungho rolled his eyes even though you couldn't see him, leaving the front desk to find the light switch. you scoffed at his sarcasm, using the flashlight of your phone to illuminate your workspace.
"uhhh, y/n?" you looked toward the direction of your coworker's voice in confusion, wondering why the lights hadn't turned on yet. groaning, you hoisted yourself up to go find him, figuring that he simply couldn't operate a light switch.
"i swear to god if you're seriously getting bamboozled by a light switch--" your voice faded off as you found sungho and the switches, realizing all of them were flipped on.
"what the fuck is going on?" you asked, pushing the boy out of the way to properly look at the switchboard.
"i wish i fucking knew, y/n" he retorted sourly, clicking his phone open to check his texts. as you turned around to glare at him, you noticed his eyes widening at one of his notifications.
"what happened?" you inquired nervously, not particularly comforted by sungho's dreary expression.
"there's a fucking power outage." you groaned loudly in response, before your face blanched white.
"the back door." you stated monotonously, causing sungho to tilt his head in confusion.
"what about it?" he mumbled.
"whenever the power goes out, the emergency alarm system engages and it automatically locks all of the doors."
"does that mean-" sungho's question was interrupted as you bolted over to the back hallway. the boy stood in confusion, listening to the sound of your yanking the doorknob and kicking the back door.
"it's locked!" you yelled down the hall. sighing as you retired yourself to the break room. sungho joined you soon enough, not quite sure what else to do with himself.
"the generator will probably start up in a bit, we can just wait until then." you sighed out and sat down in defeat, laying your head down on the break room table.
maybe if i close my eyes and fall asleep this will go by quicker.
sleep was immediately out of the question, though, as the lack of heating sent a chill up your arms and legs. you really should've brought an extra sweater.
sungho watched your figure from the break room couch, looking back down at his phone to check the time. he sighed, shrugging off his jacket and moving over to you.
"here." you looked up to see the broad shouldered boy's jacket in front of you, hanging off of his outstretched hand.
"sungho, i'm fine."
"no, y/n you're shivering. plus it's my fault you're cold anyways. and come sit on the couch, it's warmer than sitting by the window." you met his eyes hesitantly as you grabbed the hoodie from his hands. slipping your arms into it, you sighed in relief as the boy's warmth encased you.
"thanks." you smiled and stood up to move and sit on the couch. sungho followed you quietly.
sitting on separate ends of the couch, an uncomfortable silence fell between the two of you. you didn't particularly want to kill the time scrolling through your phone, afraid it was going to die. looking over at sungho's side profile, you thought about how you've never really talked to him other than your stupid banter.
as if he'd read your mind, the boy turned to you.
"wanna play 20 questions?" you giggled at his silly inquiry.
"don't you want to get to know your fabulous coworker better?" he smiled and held his chin in his hands dramatically, making you laugh again.
over the past 15 minutes, you learned that you and park sungho liked the same music, had the same favorite show, and had fairly similar majors.
"how have i never had a class with you?" you breathed out in between giggles.
"actually, we have bio together." sungho spoke nervously, wondering what you were going to say next.
"no fucking way. you're lying." you stared at him blankly, reeling from shock. how had you never noticed him? why didn't he say anything? for a reason you couldn't decipher, it made you sad to think he might've avoided you in class.
"i'm serious! i'll show you my schedule." sungho exclaimed as he fished his phone out of his pocket. you moved over on the couch to sit next to him and peer over at his phone screen.
"why didn't you say anything?" sungho's cheeks flushed red, not that you could see it in the dark anyways, the whole room lit up dimly by the evening light.
"i don't know. i was nervous i guess." he spoke quickly, stuffing his phone back in his pocket and fiddling with his thumbs.
the idea of you making sungho nervous made your head spin. was it because you guys always bickered at work? you fought to not delude yourself into assuming it was for any other reason.
you slowly looked down at sungho's thigh that was mere inches away pressing against yours.
seeing how close he was to you, almost hearing his breathing, you don't know what came over you.
you scooted closer to him, fully letting your thigh rest against his and your shoulder kiss his bicep. sungho sucked in a breath.
this was normal, definitely. you two were just conserving body heat.
"y/n ..." sungho spoke quietly, his voice breaking the thick silence. you turned to meet his eyes just to see him avoiding your gaze.
"what?" you pouted teasingly, fighting not giggle at the way sungho was acting. you brought a hand to his lower thigh, fingers splaying across the thin fabric of his pants. sungho bit his lips and screwed his eyes shut, trying to think about anything other than you touching him.
your lungs and stomach burned as you decided to test the waters further, moving to slide your hand higher up. before you could move your fingers any further, a hand wrapped around your wrist.
"don't..." sungho's eyes bored into you in a way that made your cheeks flush. "don't play with me right now."
the boy's lips were parted slightly, expression almost pained as he breathed shallowly. your lips curled upwards. there was no going back anymore.
"i'm not playing." you whispered. that was all the boy needed to hear; before you could even blink his lips were on yours, hand moving from your wrist to slide behind your neck.
you gasped at the feeling of his plump lips against yours, hands grasping for his chest and clutching his shirt. you shifted to sit on his lap, sighing into sungho's mouth as you felt his other arm wrap around your waist. you swiped your tongue across the boy's lips. they parted immediately, beckoning for you to explore him further.
you moaned softly after feeling his fingers slide into your hair and push your face even closer to him. he tilted his face so he could meet your tongue with his, groaning into your mouth.
shaking your arm slightly, you silently asked him to help you out of your jacket. the boy took the hint immediately, pushing his hoodie down your arms and letting it fall onto the floor behind you.
running his hands up your arms, he broke away from your lips to catch his breath. you watched as the boy under you tilted his head back and sank further back into the couch. he pulled you onto him, letting his wet lips land on the soft skin of your neck.
you melted in his grasp, moaning and bringing a hand up to pull your hair out of the way. reaching his tongue out to taste your skin, sungho's hands pressed into your shoulder blades, holding you close to him. your eyes fluttered shut as you tilted your head back, sighing softly.
sungho ran his hands up and down your sides, groaning into your neck in a way that made you shake. you brought your hands to push at his shoulders lightly. breaking away from your neck with a lewd pop, the boy looked up to meet your half-lidded gaze.
you cupped his jaw with your hands and pulled him to smash his lips against yours. you moved your arms to wrap around his neck as he slid his hands up your shirt, dragging them down your back and sides. you whimpered as his hands ghosted over your boobs.
"can i?" sungho whispered against your lips, hot breath fanning onto your chin. you nodded hurriedly, aching to feel his hands on your skin.
in all honesty, sungho was ready to take you right then and there if you'd let him. luck was not in your favor, though, as the two of you were unceremoniously interrupted a loud whir and blinding light.
pulling away from the dark haired boy, you giggled.
"power's back on." you smiled as you watched the boy underneath you groan out curses. you didn't miss the feeling of something poke your thigh as you got off of his lap, laughing even louder.
sungho walked you to your apartment, mumbling that it was too dark for you to go alone.
before you had the chance to walk towards the entrance of your complex, you felt a hand grab your wrist, just like in the break room.
turning and smiling, you took in your coworker's nervous demeanor.
"y/n, i know we kinda got off on the wrong foot, but do you wanna ..." his voice trailed off.
"wanna what?" you played dumb, finding enjoyment in his nervous laughter and pink cheeks.
"hang out? just the two of us?" you smiled and stepped towards the boy, softly placing a hand on his shoulder and leaving a chaste kiss on his cheek. you smiled giddily at sungho as you nodded.
sungho's smile was even bigger as he pulled you in for a hug.
"are you gonna spill coffee on me this time?"
"shut up."
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shinestarhwaa · 7 months
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This piece broke me, apologies x
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut
Pairing: Miyeon x Fem reader
Word Count: 5.6K
Tags/Warnings: Closeted lesbians, Forbidden Love, High society/Bridgerton inspired, 1800s, Princess!Miyeon, Aged down Miyeon (you and her are both 18 years old), unprotected sex, virginity loss, make outs, fingering, cunnilingus, squirting, scissoring, overstimulation, grinding/humping, emotional damage, heartbreak
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @mjyungi @bratty-tingz @sugarnspice630 @stardragongalaxy @bro-atz @wisejudgedragonhairdo @mingisg00dgirl @wh0re4yunsangho
February 10th, 1815
You couldn't help but look at her all night. It was as if the entire world paused and only she, she was moving. In fact, she was moving right into your heart and you swore you could literally feel it swell in your chest.
She was absolutely magnificent in her gown, hair pinned up and a beautiful, shining crown in her hair. The jewelry she wore must cost millions and she truly did look like a million dollars, as they say. If only she'd look at you, right? And if only you were a man of royalty because how else would you ever be with her?
Yes, you were lucky enough to be born in the high society class, in a family that was wealthy, but the smile you wore everyday is fake. Your mother and father didn't marry out of love and they couldn't stand each other, always fighting. Honestly, you were used to it and you could definitely handle it, but that doesn't mean it hasn't had a negative effect on you and your sisters.
All five of them were different from you, they're more to the standard. Alice, Idylia, Florence and Genevieve were all married now to their husbands and the eldest two even had children. Florence and Genevieve both got married last season and your mother now forced you to find a husband this year's season.
You hated it, the way things were arranged in the society, but you couldn't possibly break the rules that have been the standard for so long. But you really do not want to fit into the society's standard, you are too emancipated according to your family and most important of all; you'd have to marry a man while all you can think about is princess Miyeon.
Princess Miyeon and her beautiful hair, her slim body, deer eyes and her elegant manners. You were a little clumsier than that, and you didn't truly mind but somehow you wished you were more elegant and calculated so maybe she'd like you. But you had to get those thoughts out of your head, you told yourself, nothing could ever happen. You are a woman and she's the royal princess, she's the heir, she's to be queen one day. She'll probably be excited to have a king by her side to rule the country with.
But fuck, you wanted her. You had met her long ago and spoke to her a few times because you played together as kids when the adults held their party's or fancy balls if you will. As you and Miyeon turned older she got more reserved, held back and protected by her family. She looked sad though, she must want to be more free.
Suddenly you looked eyes with her and you swore your heart stopped. She flashed you a smile and walked up to you. "Y/N, it is lovely to see you again, it has been a long time, hasn't it?" She said. You bowed to her and smiled kindly. "Princess Miyeon, your grace, I'm glad to see you again too, it has been years indeed."
"The ball is kinda boring, is it not?" She giggled. You smiled, recognizing the mischief she had in her eyes when she was still an innocent child. When the world hadn't caused her pain yet. "It sure is a quiet one," you nodded.
"Do you wanna go for a walk? Let's sneak out," she grinned. It truly was just like old times again. The two of you slipped away from the stunning ballroom and ran through the halls. Your heels were clicking on the floor and your giggles and laughs were echoing throughout the halls.
Miyeon stopped running and entered the balcony, taking a deep breath as she leans on the cold white stone. "Your grace, isn't it too cold to be outside? It is still winter and I do not want you to catch a cold," you said worriedly, stepping onto the balcony with her.
She grinned and sighed. "It does not matter, Y/N. I'm just glad I finally can breathe again. I love the fresh air and I hate staying inside all day, drinking tea with my mother. Ever since my father died she's been so..."
Miyeon stopped talking and sighed. Your heart sank, remembering the terrible news from last year when it was announced the queen's husband; king Theodore had fallen sick and passed away in his sleep.
"It has been hard on her, and now she's making it even harder for me because she's pushing me to get married and have children so there'll be more heirs."
Princess Miyeon is the only child of Queen Isabella and the late king Theodore, as they hadn't spend much time together in their younger years due to wars and battles. Queen Isabella raised her on her own while also ruling the country. You had felt bad for Miyeon, it must be a tough and lonely life for her. Maybe, just maybe, you could spend more time with her, as a friend?
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
April 29th 1815
Time passed and you and Miyeon had actually gotten closer to her as a friend. The queen was glad Miyeon had a lady of great class that Miyeon could trust so she elected you to be the princess' court. You'd spend a lot of time with her, the queen told you, and to be honest you couldn't be happier.
In public you were very professional but behind closed doors you joked and played around like every normal 18-year old girl. You drank tea together and discussed all the drama and gossip going around and you shared wisdom with one another, reading books together.
Today Miyeon was feeling particularly mischievous and she took you with her to one of the big libraries in the palace. You were checking out the books when all of a sudden her voice called out to you.
''Y/N, What do you know about the marital act?''
You froze and looked at her. ''The marital act? You mean the wedding night... occurrence?'' ''Yeah, do you know what that is?'' You sat on the couch next to her and looked at the book she held in her hands. ''I don't know much about that, actually, my family has never told me about it except for my sister Florence. She told me there's a thing that married people do and that's how children are made.''
Miyeon nodded and opened the dusty book. It revealed texts about the marital act with pictures and details of male and female anatomy. ''That's what a naked man looks like? That is the...'' ''That's the penis,'' you said, nodding. ''It looks strange,'' Miyeon comments. You nodd and sigh. ''I agree, I'm not really... attracted to it. Or the man,'' you say. You mentally slap yourself for basically confirming your sexuality but Miyeon seems to skip over it.
''I have never seen it before. I have only seen myself naked.''
You felt like your skin was on fire, why did she have to talk about her being naked? As if you hadn't imagined that enough already. ''Are women's bodies different?'' she asks. You grin and play with your bracelet nervously. ''You're a curious one, for sure. Well, me and my sisters' bodies are all different... Some of them are taller, some have bigger breasts, some of them have bigger buttocks or thighs...''
''And the... crotch area? Is that the same?'' Your cheeks were bright red about now. ''T-The crotch area? You mean the... the vulva. I haven't seen my sisters', that is a little... inappropriate.'' Miyeon nodds, understanding that it's a more private matter. ''Sometimes I think about what it would be like to touch another woman's body. I wonder if it's different,'' she confesses.
You can feel your pussy clench around nothing, and you were most definitely aroused now. It was only because of Florence - who is definitely your favourite sister - that you learned about what arousal is and what you can do about it, what you can to do yourself. Even though you don't understand the entire concept of these so called 'sexual' acts and feelings, your instinct is to touch yourself between your legs and now you definitely feel the desire to do the same to her.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
May 11th, 1815
It has been about two weeks since your feelings for the crown princess started to develop into something more. You felt such affection and fondness while looking at her. You wanted to kiss her lips and carress her, and also undress her and lay naked with her, desiring to feel pleasure with her. You secretly stole the book from the library and in the back there were several drawings that were vague and nearly crossed out, but you could see well enough that the drawings and texts were about sex between women.
You had never seen, heard or read anything like this but you could not stop. At every waking moment you wanted to look at the drawings again, imagining princess Miyeon and yourself and at night you touched yourself. You did it all night long, dreaming about her and her body. You thought you might be delusional because you felt like she might be experiencing the same things. Did she not say she wanted to touch another woman?
When you showed up in her room you felt some sense of guilt, because you felt like it was the most horrible thing in the world to do. But her sweet and kind smile and her beautiful feminity made you forget that guilt. She seeked more touch than before, giving you hugs, holding onto your arm and hand and she even gave you a kiss on the cheek when you left her last Tuesday night.
Miyeon's welcome was warm as always and you sat in her room without any guards, just hanging out as two normal girls, not caring about your statusses. Once again Miyeon started to talk about the sexbook and you hold back a frustrated groan. You just nodd along and listen to her rants as she keeps on talking and babbling about it.
''So I don't know if I would ever have sex again if I had a child. Sex with a man doesn't interest me much. Would it not be easier to be with a woman? Know how the body works? It seems like... like a good time,'' she finally says, leaving you with your mouth wide open. What did she just say?
''You feel that too?'' you breathed out. ''I do... Maybe all women feel like that. I think women are prettier, more delicate.'' You literally could not breathe at this point, your core aching for her. ''Have you ever kissed anyone, your grace?'' Miyeon shook her head. ''No, but I have read about it and I saw other people doing it.'' ''Ah, I understand,'' You nodded.
''Would you like to kiss me, Y/N?'' She swiftly and suddenly said. You gasped a little as Miyeon scooched closer to you, her leg brushing up against yours. ''I... I would like that, princess,'' you nodded. Miyeon rested her soft and dainty hand on your cheek, carressing your face ever so gently. You leaned in and pressed your lips on hers, pecking her softly before pulling back. A fire broke out in your body, it was burning with passion as you stared into her eyes. Miyeon licked her lips and closed the space between you, pulling you close and putting your lips together again.
Her head tilted to the right as your lips moved together. It felt so nice and smooth and you felt the desire to deepen the kiss more. You pulled her even closer and felt her torso against yours, the sensation of your chests coming together sent a lightning bolt straight to your core. Her hands ran through your hair now, as yours ran over her back and hips. The material of her expensive dress felt so nice in your hand you wanted to keep touching it but you desired to feel her skin even more.
Your hands now slid from her back to her buttocks and you grabbed it, pinching and squeezing it. She whimpered softly, lips parted against yours. The princess slid her tongue in your mouth, slowly gliding it against your own and tasting each other's saliva. You felt so warm, like you'd combust. To your disappointment she pulled away from you after a few minutes, panting softly.
How were the two of you ever gonna move on from this?
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
May 20th, 1815
Apparently, you did not have to move on from it, because it kept happening. Miyeon kept kissing you from morning 'til late at night, in her room, hallways and secret places. Your hands, lips and tongues were all over each others ever since the first time. You're in the library once again and you lifted her on the dark wooden table in the center of the room. Your tongue glides over her neck and she throws her head back, moaning out softly.
Miyeon tugs down the top of her dress so that her breasts pop out. You curse underneath your breath and pepper kisses from her neck and collarbones down to her chest. Your hands reach up to her breasts and fondle them gently, watching her face closely. You kiss them and then close your lips around her left nipple, licking and sucking on it. She mewls and squirms underneath your touch and instinctively widens her legs.
''Y-Y/N,'' she moaned softly. The princess takes your dominant hand in hers and brings it underneath her dress, to her crotch. Your hand grazes the fabric of her underwear and it's so wet, so goddamn wet.
''You're so aroused, aren't you, my princess?'' You teased as you rubbed over her clothed crotch. ''Y-Yes, my lady, my Y/N, I'm so hot right now, please, I have read so many texts about this and I want it, I want it, please, I know you can make me feel good, please, God, I want it!'' she begged.
A smirk played on your lips and you pushed the bombastic skirt of her dress up and pulled her underwear down, revealing her glistening wet cunt. You looked at it up close, admiring how it's similar and yet a little different than your own. But it was wet in the exact same slick way yours got when you thought about the princess.
''I'm going to touch you now,'' you announced, spreading her legs wider. Your fingers slid through her folds, collecting her juices before pushing one finger inside her. ''Relax,'' you ordered her as you felt her body tense up. She nodded and watched you pump your finger in and out of her pussy slowly.
When you noticed her body relaxing you moved it faster and harder, opening her up before adding a second finger. You scissor your fingers inside her and curl them just right so it hits all the sweet spots inside her. You take off her panties and stuff them in her own mouth to keep her quiet. Her pussy clenches around your fingers and you decide to use your other hand to play with her clit. This is one of those times where you're thankful for having perfect co-ordination between your hands.
The princess is squeeling, whimpering and squirming as you move your fingers faster and put pressure on her clit. Her body tenses again and you know she's close to orgasming. You keep going and rub her clit even faster. ''That's it, princess, you're gonna come for me now, you'll come like the perfect princess you are,'' you breathed out, surprised at your own vulgar talk.
In a matter of seconds Miyeon came undone, coming and squirting so hard on your fingers, arousal seeping out of her pussy. She drenches herself and you in her juices and you ride out her orgasm before retracting your fingers from her wet hole.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
May 23rd, 1815
The Queen threw another party in her gigantic ballroom for the debutants and other ladies to find a suitor and both you and Miyeon were expectant to look for one tonight, but you sneaked off again. This time she brought you to a room full of artworks that were just collecting dust, meaning barely anyone came here in the past weeks, if not months.
She crashed her lips on yours again, sinking into your embrace and feeling your warm body against hers. You pulled away minutes later and panted, wiping the lipgloss from your cheek. "Princess, should we be doing this here?"
"Y/N, my dearest I keep thinking about you. About your hand between my legs, and your lips on my breasts, but that is not all. I think about your kind and beautiful face, your beautiful laugh and your golden heart. I think... I think I might have fallen in love with you, my dear."
You gasped softly, stunned at the sudden confession from the heir. "But princess, do you not know this is impossible? You need to find a suitor to be your king, you have to focus on ruling the country. It is... definitely not possible for us to be anything," you muttered.
Her eyes became glassy, welling up with tears, but as she learned she held them in. "But Y/N, I love you," she whispered. Her hand carressed your cheek softly, her fingers grazing your jaw. "Our love isn't impossible, I know you want me too."
"But the situation is impossible, in years you'll be the queen and you cannot... you cannot be a queen without a king and children. And even if you were, you couldn't be a queen who loved another woman. It's scandalous!"
"If I'm the queen can't I just... change the rules?" "You know damn well that you can't, Miyeon, you'll be a queen and not God" you spat. "Well fuck God, to hell with God!" You gasped and palmed her mouth. "Do not shout these things princess, please, we'll get caught and you'll get in a blasphemy scandal."
She took a deep breath and took your hands in hers. "I only want to be by your side. Can we do at least that?"
˗ˏˋ ♡ ��ˊ˗
June 4th, 1815
You just came back to the palace from a long walk with the princess, which was more of a date because you felt like you were out with your lover. You talked about the world and about happy things while you held hands and laughed. Now you brought her back to her room and before the staff got to say anything Miyeon told them that you would be helping her get a bath and get ready for bed. You bowed to the staff and send them off, then closing the doors to Miyeon's room.
She pushed you up against them immediately. The gold ornaments on the door was gold on your chest but the hands gripping your buttocks firmly set you on fire once again. "Finally we are all alone," she whimpered in your ear as she pressed herself against you. You felt her breasts on your back and you wanted to turn around but her grip was surprisingly strong this time.
The princess grinded her crotch against your behind while her hands traveled up to your chest, pulling your dress down so your breasts sprung free. That's when she spun you around and fondled your breasts, kneeding them and massaging them just the way you like it. "Y/N, you drive me crazy, these... these beautiful breasts of yours, I wanna hold them all day long and I wanna touch you while I drown in your eyes," she sighs, kissing your breasts and lapping her tongue at your nipples.
"Why don't you drown between my legs instead?" You moaned softly, smirking slightly. You helped yourself and the princess out of your dresses and underwear, seeing each other completely naked for the very first time. Miyeon pulled you to the bed and you laid down on it together, embracing one another. "You're a beautiful woman, Y/N," she says with a smile, caressing your hip gently. "As are you, your grace." She laid you against her soft pillows and spread your legs wide. "I can not wait to taste you, my dear," she breathed out. "Then don't wait, please, do it, now." She nodds and licked a stripe up your wet pussy, tasting your arousal and smirking.
Her tongue glides along your folds, licking you up and again, and again until she tries to push it into your hole. You mewl and quickly cover your mouth with your right hand, stifling yourself as much as you could. After a few minutes of her tongue pumping and licking your inner walls she pulls out and finds your sensitive clit instead.
You cry out and grab the sheets tightly with your fists and moan at the sensation. It's one thing rubbing your clit with your own fingers but having the most beautiful woman on earth licking and sucking on it was something else. It didn't take Miyeon long to make you come undone on her tongue, lapping up your arousal as your body squirms.
When you gain your breath again you pull her on top of you, feeling her breasts on yours and rubbing them together slightly as you make out with her again. You notice yourself becoming impatient and wanting more so you flip yourselves over, getting on top of the princess. She looks at you with her big and beautiful brown eyes, patiently waiting with hunger in her eyes, curious as to what you're planning to do now.
You spread her legs and lift the right one up, letting it rest on your shoulder. She gasps as you align your sexes together, arousals colliding as you do so. "God, baby, Y/N, what are you doing to me?" She moaned. "I'm going to make love to you, princess, and I can do this sweetly, but I could also fuck you, fuck you hard," you grunted as you slowly rubbed your pussy on hers. "God, that sounds so good, please, that's what I want, Y/N, please do it hard and make me cum again," she begged. "Say no more, my princess," you nodded.
You started to rub your crotch on hers quicker, aligning your clits together and sparking a fire between your bodies. Both of your whimpers, moans and pleads were slowly becoming louder and louder, no longer thinking about keeping things quiet.
"Yes, yes, Y/N, that's so good, that feels amazing, my love, please do it harder, oh! O-oh that's good, yes! Please!"
Miyeon was a loud one, squeeling and moaning, nearly screaming as you quite literally rocked her world. The headboard of the bed was banging against the wall as you kept riding and grinding on her at a fast pace. The tension between you two was growing and both of you were getting close. You held each other as tight as you could while grinding together and quickly you both came, arousal dripping out of you and moans becoming a beautiful set of sinful harmonies.
When you stopped and laid down next to her, Miyeon still hadn't had enough, spreading your legs and putting her pussy on yours once again. She was still so sensitive from her previous orgasm, as were you, so it didn't take long before she started moving quicker and harder, moaning loudly. She threw her head back, her hair coming undone and falling onto her shoulders in lucious shiny curls.
Miyeon presses her lips onto yours as she keeps rocking into you, moaning into your mouth as she comes again in a matter of minutes, squirting on your pussy. "Fuck, fuck, princess!" You moaned against her lips. You flipped her over again, laying her down. The princess' head is laying over the edge of the bed and you set yourself back in the familiar position, grinding on her pussy, her pelvis, her thigh, you rubbed your pussy everywhere, chasing your own high.
"Yes, Y/N, Fuck! Use me! Rub it on me baby, rub it on me, use my body and make yourself come, give it to me, come for me!" You screamed loud and came, shuddering and shaking and falling on top of the princess. The two of you laid there for a while, sweaty and panting.
After a while you stood up and helped the princess up, carrying her to the bathtub. You drew the bath and helped her get in, massaging her skin and scrubbing her while pressing soft kisses on her lips. "I wish we could do that all day long," she sighed. "Me too," you nodded, washing her hair. "I love you, Y/N, You're my dearest love." You sighed but smiled and kissed her. It hurt you when she said those things, because you were realistic enough to know this was gonna end badly and you'd end up in pain. So you didn't ever say it back. But she knew.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
June 15th 1815
''Miyeon, my dearest,'' Queen Isabella said, ''I have found you a suitor! He will be attending the ball next Saturday. You will have to look your absolute best, yes?''
You swallowed thickly, looking down at the teacup in your lap. You tried hard to stay calm, and not to scream 'No! Don't take her from me just yet!' but you knew there was no use. If it's the Queen's orders Miyeon would have to obey her wishes. Miyeon nodded and cleared her throat. ''Yes mother... May I ask what he looks like? What his name is? Where he is from? Because... I would rather marry out of love but if I cannot then I will at least have to know who I marry, right?''
''That is not important. He is a good man, he is from France and we shall hold the wedding soon, after the two of you meet.''
Miyeon nodded, but she stayed quiet the entire time. When the Queen had left and you asked for a private conversation she bursted out in tears. ''Y/N,'' she cried, ''I do not want to marry that French prince, I wanna stay by your side!'' ''My princess, I will be on your side, except our situation will be different. You understand that what has been happening can not happen again.'' She sighed and brushed some hair out of her face and dried her cheeks. ''Not until after the wedding. I can still do whatever I want right now.''
The sovereign pulled you close in her arms and kissed your lips and then your neck. Her hands slid over the material of your dress and she pulled the skirt up, grazing your soft thighs. ''Oh, princess,'' you sighed out when her hand slid into your underwear, cupping your sex. She rubbed your folds as she kissed and sucked on your neck. ''Miyeon, oh God,'' you moaned when she entered you with two fingers. You wanted to stop her, tell her it would only hurt more if the two of you would continue this illicit affair, but you could not stop her. The power of her love and her being was too strong for you, and so you let her.
Her slender fingers pumped in and out of your pussy, making you wetter and moan her name into her mouth as she kisses you. It did not take long for you to come undone on her fingers, falling into her embrace.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
June 18th, 1815
Watching the love of your life meet her future husband was killing you inside. What was worse than that is the fact he was making her laugh and he was touching her hand. The hand that only belonged to you, the hand that fucked you just a few hours ago. Louis, was the guys name and you found him a snob, an arrogant man. Why was she laughing at everything he said?
You knew you tended to overthink certain situations but the way she looked at him showed you she was fond of him and you could not watch it any longer. You took a glass of champagne and drank the entire thing in a matter of seconds before exiting the ballroom. You sat in the hallway, where staff walked around but did not give a damn about how you fell to your knees and cried out. You were losing your love and nobody gave a damn.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
June 19th, 1815
''He's not too bad, luckily,'' Miyeon sighed after she told you about her fiancé. ''Not too bad? You were drooling all over him,'' you scoffed. ''Y/N, please, if I had a choice you know it would be you, not him. I'm just saying I'm glad he's not a total... twat.'' ''He is a twat, he is stealing you from me. You might end up with someone but what about me? I will not be living in a golden palace and I will not be having anyone's children and-''
''Y/N, for one moment, will you think about me?'' ''ALL, I think about, is you princess. You are my thoughts, you are my life, you are it.'' ''You have said yourself that this would hurt and it would not work out even before I did, why are you suddenly verbally attacking me? You knew this was going to happen.''
''So that means I cannot have feelings about this? That means I cannot hate him and feel outraged that he will kiss you and hold you while I rot away in my parents house?'' ''Y/N, please, I will be heartbroken too if I can never hold you again but you knew it was coming. This is not new information. I might be with you but I am still your princess!''
You swallowed your pride and looked down, nodding and taking a deep breath. ''Yes, your grace, princess.'' The tone in your voice was enough for Miyeon to know you drew a line. ''Come on, Y/N, do not do this, we still have a little while,'' she says, trying to take your hand but you step away and bow for her. ''I will not let you cheat on your fiancé, my princess, I shall head home now.'' You bowed once again and left princess Miyeon alone, in tears.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
June 21st, 1815
You were a weak woman, because only days later you were back in bed with Miyeon. Her body felt warm and delicate against your own skin. ''Princess,'' you called out softly. ''Do not speak, Y/N, do not say anything to... to stop this moment.'' You nodd and close the gap between your lips. They move together as you get on top of the beauty. You spread her bare legs and put your crotch on hers. The contact feels so good you throw your head back as you roll your hips forward. You bite back a moan as you bit your lips, breathing picking up as you grind your clit on hers.
''Y/N, Dear, please move faster, please make me finish on your beautiful cunt!'' she pleaded, holding your hips tight. ''Yes darling, my princess I'll make you come again, that is my duty.''
Your hands moved to her naked chest, fondling her breasts as you fucked yourself on her crotch, chasing your on relief. Miyeon was moaning over and over again, nails clawing in the soft flesh of your buttocks. ''Do it harder, harder!'' she screamed. ''Oh my God, oh my God!'' she squeeled when you did her just right. She moved her body along with yours and came hard, eyes rolling back to her brain. The sight of her coming for you made you come as well. You rode out your highs before getting off her but keeping her legs spread.
Miyeon whimpered when she felt two of your fingers dip into her core and she clenched around them. ''Y/N, please, t-too sensitive!'' she cried, but you did not care, you wanted to leave a memory and make her orgasm over and over again. Her arousal was seeping out of her cunt as you moved your fingers inside her quickly. Miyeon's breathing was picking up and with just a few more thrusts she squirted over your hand, coating you in her slick. Without giving her a chance to gain her breath again you kept going, determined.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
June 26th, 1815
The wedding bells were loud, too loud actually for you. It was incredibly hard to hold back the thick tears welling up in your eyes as you watched Miyeon walk out with her prince, her husband. It made you feel nauseous, you wanted to throw up and run away, cry, scream and disappear, knowing you have now lost her to someone else.
You bow to her and congratulate her as she walks by, and when she gets into the carriage you run away. You do not even know where you are running to but you are running, running far away from the church. You end up in the field you once sat in with her and you fell to your knees, not caring your dress would get dirty. You laid in the grass and looked up to the sky while tears fell from your eyes, rolling down your cheek. You missed her dearly, already, and this was only day one. From now on there would be a lifetime without her. Without anyone ever knowing she was once yours.
And that's the thing about illicit affairs And clandestine meetings and longing stares It's born from just one single glance But it dies, and it dies, and it dies A million little times
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teecupangel · 1 year
Here's an idea I think you might enjoy: animus but Des is in their head, controlling them. They can feel it and talk to him and everything, ratatouille style.
……………… You know what would be funny, nonny?
If Desmond sucks at controlling them.
Like, we’ve heard the rites of passage in AC games:
We make them jump instead of doing a leap of faith
We accidentally make them climb the wrong high building and the actual viewpoint is the tower next to it
We miscalculate a jump and fall into the waters below or into an unsuspecting civilian
And there’s the game specific problems I refuse to believe I’m the only one who suffered thru it.
So just imagine Desmond trying to control them in the Animus and they know they’re being controlled.
There’s this… change in the air around them. It feels more charged. More… mysterious.
And they also become clumsier for some goddamn reason.
Incidents include:
Altaïr falling into the waters in the docks of Acre for the fifteenth time and he just hisses under his breath, “What is wrong with you?! Do you enjoy seeing me wet?!” and Desmond’s just “Dude, your control sucks!” which leads to Altaïr having an argument with Desmond under his breath about how his ‘control’ (whatever that means) does not suck, Desmond just sucks at this thing he likes to call ‘platforming’ and they both just agreed that, yeah, okay, they’re gonna assassinate Sibrand by going around instead even if it meant Altaïr had to walk slowly and pretend to be praying the entire time.
Altaïr breathing heavily as he glared at the ten (nope, five more guards found him in open combat, damn it) guards trying to kill him. One of them stepped forward and raised his sword. Altaïr readied himself and he still got hit, “(Growl)! Desmond! Get your timing right!” “Your Hidden Blade counter timing is too fast, Altaïr! Let’s just use your swor-” “No! You will learn how to counter using the hidden blade or, I swear, I will find a way to control you and drill it to your body myself!” (Guards just glance at each other, thinking “oh shit, he’s insane”)
Ezio just staring into the sky as he places his hands on his waist as he called out, “Desmond! How about we try this again later?” “No! I almost got it!” “……… It’s been an hour, Desmond. Let’s try clearing this tomb after-” “No! We’re gonna get that Armor today if it’s the last thing we do! Just… this goddamn time limit is annoying! Time limit sucks!” Ezio who is already used to the mysterious voice (who calls himself Desmond)’s strange words: “………… (sigh)”
“I can take them out. Desmond, please, I’m begging you, let me take them out. I can do-” (Desmond takes control and Ezio watches as his recruits take down the targets) The recruits looking at Ezio for approval. Ezio: Bene, that was a good takedown. (inside, Ezio is just tired because Desmond is enjoying all this ‘summoning’ thing too much…)
“Why can’t we have different lethal bombs?! You have the ingredients for it!” “I don’t know, Desmond. Could we just please finish preparing all the bombs?” “Dude, wouldn’t it be better if we have, like, all of these bombs?” “… I don’t think I have enough space in belt for all of them…” “You should get a bag.” “(Sigh) Desmond, we already talked about this. This Animus of yours don’t allow more ‘inventory’, right?” (inside, Ezio is wondering what his life has become that he sorta kinda understand the words leaving his mouth)
“Desmond… I’m imploring you to not mess this up.” “I’m trying, man, this is hard.” “Who are you talking to, Haytham?” “Ziio! No… no one.” “…” “… sigghhh… Desmond say hello to Ziio.” “Hi, Ziio.” “… is this a curse placed upon you white men?” “…” “…” “…” “Perhaps.” “Sorta?”
“You are a Templar. May the Father of Understanding guide us.” “May the Father of Understanding guide us.” “Wait, what?!” “…” “…” “Master Kenway, is something the matter?” “… no, Charles. I simply… remembered something foul.”
“It’s okay, Desmond. You’ll get this soon enough. Just take a deep breath and………… Desmond. Desmond. Please stop doing whatever you’re doing right now. My head is starting to hurt.” “It’s not me! The cameras of these tree view points sucks ass!”
“How is it you came to captain a ship, given the way you sail?” “Oh, screw you, Haytham! You wanna talk shit, why don’t you try doing this shit yourself, huh?!” “…” “…” “…” “… Apologies, father. Desmond was out of line.” “No, I’m not, fuck you, Haytham!” “I can say with absolute delight I have not missed you one bit, Desmond.” “Bite me, tacohead.” “I still do not know what that means.”
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leaentries · 1 year
luke hughes x chubby!reader headcanons part 2
part 1
SFW & NSFW under the cut!
so this has been on my mind all day, luke being just so protective of you.
this man is not afraid to stand up for you or put someone in their place if they do wrong by you. his arm is constantly always around your body in a protective manner, pulling you into his side whenever you’re out somewhere with a lot of people
if y’all ever go out to clubs or parties, he will not take his eyes off of you incase he needs to sprint into action and whoop some dickwads ass.
i dare someone to ever make an inappropriate comment about your looks or size anywhere near him, because that might be the last thing they ever do
he also has a tendency to make sure you don’t bump/run into things. if you’re a bit on the clumsier side of life, lukey boy has your back. always covering the corners of counters in the kitchen or table if you bend over, holding your hand and helping you out of the car, guiding you by the small of your back through places, etc.
luke’s goal in life is to take care of you. so with this comes his uncanny ability to read your body language
this dude can look at you for .2 seconds and know what you’re feeling. he wont hesitate to help accommodate your needs. if you’re tired, luke is doing everything in his power to get you to bed and comfy in his arms. if you’re hungry, he is finding out what you’re craving and getting it for you ASAP. oh boy, don’t get me started on him feeding you.
luke has actively said in an interview that his favorite thing about being in the nhl was the food bars, so it’s no surprise that he loves being able to shove food into you as much as possible.
he definitely always makes you a plate or shares his pre-game meals with you. he’ll just walk over to you with a big grin on his face and two plates in his hands full of food for the both of you
you will always get the certain “have you eaten today?” “what did you eat for lunch?” “do you want me to get you some food?” texts multiple times a day
he will get so so sad if he notices you not eating properly and taking care of yourself, so he takes on the task of making sure you are fed properly every single day
i also am bringing this back from my last post, but i just strongly believe that when y’all are home, he is a level 1000 clinger
he just loves your body so freaking much, just how warm and soft you are. he’s not afraid to tell you this either, he’s just such a big ole teddy bear when it comes to you and all your curves
luke definitely has a tit fucking kink. just the thought of your full boobs wrapped around his thick cock is enough to make him throb with need
100% loves to cum either on your boobs, stomach, or inside if you let him
he is so pitiful when he’s in a more submissive kinda mood, definitely whimpers the second he sinks into you. it honestly is kinda a power trip for you, cause you have THE luke hughes whimpering at just your touch
he loves eating you out. he’s a munch. he will do it anytime you want, all you got to do is ask. he just loves to please you. he will lap at your puffy lips and suck your clit until you’re screaming his name.
it’s his element. other than the ice, his favorite place to be is between your thighs.
he loves when you kiss and lick up and down his abs, the feeling of your tongue dipping into the defined lines of his muscles will have him cumming in seconds.
he also loves when he can just rub his cock through your lips, grazing your clit and giving just enough stimulation for the both of you to become hot and bothered before slipping into you
his ears and neck definitely get bright red when he’s flustered.
making him flustered is very easy for you to do, especially if you are wearing anything slightly revealing. simply run your hands up and down his body slowly and whisper in his ears and he will fall to the fucking floor.
he will press down under your soft belly rolls while he fucks into you so it just feels that much better.
loves when you ride him so he can watch you boobs bounce. he just loves watching your body bounce on top of his cock; stomach, boobs, ass, he loves it all.
a/n- look at me posting 2 days in a row, woohoo!! i still have so much more to say about luke, so i will most likely be making a part 3 😋 sorry if this is a bit short, i just have a lot of thoughts and i want to spread them out into multiple parts! feel free to send in requests for our lukey boy and chubby!reader!! thank you for reading :))
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animatorweirdo · 8 months
A Dream or Reality?
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Finrod had unknowingly changed his fate when he met a hunter from another world.
(This is a fic I kinda abandoned in my WIPs and have no motivation or what so ever to edit or do proper work on it, so there are certain mistakes. A crossover between Silmarillion and Bloodborne. I didn't want to simply put it in the trash, so I hope you like it. Another note: I haven't played Bloodborne, so I'm sorry if some of the things are wrong. )
Warnings: violence, blood, reader scaring most of the elves, using a gun, a lot of fighting, mentions of getting eaten by a wolf, and reader coming to rescue Finrod.
Finrod’s first encounter with you was strange and sudden. 
He was on patrol with his men, seeking something else to do besides his royal duties and ensuring no orcs were hiding in his lands, trying to find out the location of his kingdom. 
The patrol was going more easily than he expected, so he allowed himself and his men to take a break at a river, enjoying the sounds of the flowing river and letting the horses drink after hours of riding. The sun was at its highest, so Finrod was certain no orc or other creature of darkness would ambush them at such a peaceful hour. 
That was it till he heard shooting in the distance. 
The horses were startled by the sudden sounds of what seemed to sound like explosions. Finrod had never heard such sounds before, so he didn’t know what to call them. However, the sounds were then accompanied by the howls of wargs– sounds which he knew very well and gave him a feeling something serious was happening. 
Finrod rallied his men and rode to investigate, following the sounds, which became louder as he got closer. He then arrived at a scene of a lone edain fending off a pack of wargs. 
You were shooting down the wargs one by one with a strange projectile-like weapon that created an explosion from the top of its pipe and sent something small yet fast flying at the wargs, killing them instantly. 
In your other hand, you held a strange saw-like weapon that seemed to be folded in a way, using it to cut down the wargs that came too close for your liking. It suddenly changed form as you plunged it into the warg’s chest and threw the beast over your shoulder, letting it die on the ground as your weapon changed back.
Finrod was surprised, to say at least. Your weapons were strange yet efficient contraptions. 
With his elven sight, he noticed your movements and reactions getting slower and clumsier. You also left a trail of blood in your steps, so it was clear you were injured and would soon get mauled by the pack if he didn’t do something. You were clearly getting too exhausted to handle the wargs by yourself, so he needed to step in and save you before it was too late. 
He ordered his men to shoot down the rest of the wargs as he came to you, dropping down from his horse when you fell to the ground, obviously exhausted and wounded. 
However, before he could touch you or even ask to see your injuries – you pushed your weapon at him, breathing heavily and with fear in your eyes. Finrod stayed still, trying not to startle you even though he was unnerved by the scent of something burning within the pipe of your weapon. He saw what it did to the wargs, so he was not keen on finding out what it could do to him, especially from such close range. 
His men were ready to shoot you, but he told them to stand back.
Your hold on the weapon was shaking, and the frightened look in your eyes told him you had never seen his kind before and the rush of fighting to stay alive was still affecting you. 
Finrod remained calm and slowly but gently assured you he was a friend and wanted to help. 
You cautiously laid your weapon down, confused by his fair appearance and calming voice but convinced he was not a monster or an illusion to trick your mind. He offered to check on your wounds, but before you could say anything – the blood loss you had suffered during the fight made you lose consciousness. 
Concerned, he quickly took you to his kingdom and left you in the care of the healers, who tried their best to stabilize your condition even though the odds seemed to be against you. He feared you would die despite his efforts, but luckily, you survived and fell into a deep sleep. 
He left you to rest in peace, letting the healers watch over you and wait for you to awaken from your sleep. However, he was confused when they told him about the unusual healing speed of your wounds. They had given you medicine, but your injuries seemed to have recovered in a matter of a day without leaving scars. It was like you were never in a fight in the first place. 
It was way too quick for a human, and not only that — you also seemed to be bothered by an illness of sorts. 
Finrod was concerned by the news, but he knew he could not do much about your condition. He will only find out when you wake up and tell him who you are and what this sickness was. 
It took a few days for you to recover, and when you finally woke up, you were startled to see yourself in a new place without your weapons and dark garments they took to be fixed and washed from the blood. It was a good thing Finrod was visiting when you woke up because you nearly wounded some of the healers in your panic. 
It was chaotic, but Finrod managed to calm you down before you accidentally injured his people. 
He tried to talk to you when you calmed down and went back to rest on the bed. You seemed much more docile around him but did not utter a word. Strangely, you seemed to be trying to figure out if you were in a dream of sorts or trying to find something hiding in the corners. At least taken by your constant cautious and suspicious look in your eyes. 
It was such a strange behavior. Finrod could definitely tell you were not from Beleriand since everything seemed so new and strange for you, minus your weapons and clothes, which were strangely fashioned. 
But when you spoke for the first time, he was both delighted and even more perplexed. 
“Is this a dream?” you asked him. 
Finrod was not certain how to answer since you looked at him seriously, yearning for the answer to your question. It gave him thoughts if you had something to do with dreams before that had greatly affected your mind. 
He assured you were not in a dream, and everything was real. You didn’t seem very convinced but took the answer and didn’t speak much. 
When he asked where you were from; you told him you were from a city called Yharnam which he was not familiar with like you weren’t familiar with Nargothrond or Middle Earth. 
It was one of the last times you spoke so much. Now you mostly answered with hums and nods. 
Finrod took you for a quiet person, so he didn’t push you to talk when he started visiting you, bringing some sweets and filling you in about his people and the kingdom and the world outside. 
You listened attentively and rarely answered his questions with words. 
You told him you were a hunter and your home had been plagued with a terrible disease that turned people into monsters. Your task was to hunt these monsters while trying to find a cure for the illness within you.  
Finrod felt sympathetic for you, especially when there was no known cure yet for your illness. 
The last thing you remember was an odd feeling taking over you during a fight then you woke up somewhere unknown, ambushed by the pack of wargs. 
Since it would take time for you to find a way back to your home. Finrod allowed you to stay and even offered the help of his healers to find a cure for your illness. 
You gratefully accepted the offer even though you had doubts even his healers could find the cure and thus – your stay in Nargothrond began. 
Finrod’s people felt unease by your presence when you got better and started walking around. You were quiet and dressed strangely. They had also heard about the weapons you possessed, so no one dared to approach you. 
You followed Finrod around like a shadow, listening to him and rarely speaking. It intimidated the elves of Nargothrond even though their king did not seem to mind, already used to your silence. 
Celegorm, however, decided to test your patience, throwing slight insults and trying to gain any reaction from you. It was pretty clear to you, so you paid him no mind and continued with your own business, talking with Finrod and working with the healers on the possible cure for you. 
It of course made him try harder, but you have faced darker things, so his jabbing was nothing thus there was nothing to gain by ingulding his attention-seeking behaviour, so it was rather easy. 
When Finrod couldn’t contain his curiosity anymore, he asked you about your weapons, especially about the projectile weapon that made explosions. 
You were confused till you realized he was talking about your pistol, so you then gave a brief explanation and even demonstrated how to use it on the training grounds, blowing the targets with your bullets and startling the bystanders with its explosive sounds. 
You even demonstrated your saw-cleaver in both of its forms. 
Finrod was fascinated though he did not like the sounds your pistol made in its use. 
You were interesting company even though you didn’t talk much. You spent most of your time with him or enjoying the calmness of nature since you were rather reluctant to interact with anyone else. Finrod had hoped you would spend some time with other people, making friends and acquaintances since it seemed you might stay in Nargothrond for longer. Your reasoning was you shouldn't make attachments that might not last or because you might never see them again. It was logical in a way, but still. To his delight, you did start interacting with his loyal friend Edrahil, who was often seen scolding you for scaring other elves with your looming presence even as a joke. He had a feeling you liked it in a way since Edrahil did not seem to bear any fear toward you. 
The day finally arrived when Barahir’s son, Beren,  came to seek his aid in a quest. Finrod knew the day would eventually come, but to reclaim a silmaril from Morgoth’s crown, he hoped it would have been something else, especially when the two sons of Feanor spoke against him and convinced his own people against partaking in the quest, save for Edrahil and a handful of people, who were willing to join. 
You were willing to join to repay for his kindness, but Finrod convinced you to stay behind. You have been healed from your injuries, but since you were ill. It would be best for you to stay behind with his people, so they could continue researching the cure for you. 
You did not like the sound of him going on his own with only a handful of people to steal from Morgoth. But you did not like trying to talk back to him. He was too convincing, so you stayed behind. 
But as Finrod suspected, he, Beren, and his company barely made past Sirion and got captured by Sauron. He tried to fight back the wicked lieutenant of Morgoth, but his power proved to be too great and they were trapped in a dungeon with a ravenous wolf who began eating his companions one by one. 
Hope seemed lost, but he couldn't bring himself to give up easily and let Beren die, so he was prepared to die. 
But in the darkness, he heard a sound that sparked hope within his heart, the gunshot of your pistol. 
You had come. 
You were shooting Sauron's werewolves left and right as they charged at you. You pulled out your saw-spear and plunged it into one of the beasts, letting its blood dress the bridge that was now collecting bodies of werewolves. 
You pulled out your weapon, letting it click back into its primary form and the werewolf fell dead on your feet. The hound, Huan, stood beside you as it had fought alongside you. You gazed at the tower before you. 
You have faced several foes, so you did not fear. However, this time you hoped you would get to Finrod just in time before fate's claws would take him. Determined, you clogged your gun and prepared for a fierce fight to save your friend. 
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johnnycakesswitch · 2 months
few random hcs i figured i’d share!
Ponyboy grows taller than Darry by maybe 2 inches-he’s always been uber small for his age but by the time he’s 16 he just shoots up in height and is suddenly clumsier than Soda. His appetite also spikes and he gets SO mad because “I just ate why am I hungry again 😡” like bro gets so angry 😭
Darry is actually super good with little kids and babies. He makes faces at babies in the stores to make them laugh and I kinda like to headcanon his second job is a daycare worker or something because he just is super good with little kids and he just loves kids man
Also I saw the one about him having a super contagious laugh and I feel like it’s like that with all three Curtises-it’s not too hard to make Darry laugh surprisingly-if you tell him some dark humor joke he will die laughing-he has South Park humor lol-Soda LOVES dad jokes and puns. I don’t know why but I feel like if you make any sort of pun around him he’s just dying laughing. Pony’s the hardest to make laugh-he probably has teenage boy humor honestly-either that or he likes dry/sarcastic humor. if you manage to make any of them laugh then everyone in the room is laughing
Soda was a thumb sucker as a baby and needed braces as a kid but he pulled it off-he has the most beautiful teeth now though and he gets complimented on his smile a lot
I like to think Mr. Curtis was gigantic, like 6’7’’ and broad like Darry and Mrs. Curtis was pretty tall too-maybe 6’ or so, so all three Curtis brothers end up being pretty tall (Soda is the shortest tho-he doesn’t care tho because his mentality is “my brothers are bigger than me, bigger brothers = more brothers to cuddle” so he’s honestly just happy being the smallest (he’s 5’11’’ or so
Johnny shoots up in height too like Dally was out in the cooler for a few months and he gets out and Johnny is just towering over him like “hey Dal” and Dally’s so angry-
That’s all! No pressure to answer this, just figured i’d share!
Yay hcs!!! Pls always send me some I love yours! I’m gonna talk about them one by one
• I love the idea of Pony getting taller but also clumsier, he doesn’t know what to do with all the extra height now 😭 he totally just walks like a baby deer. And omg Darry and Soda can hardly keep up with his appetite when Pony has a growth spurt
• I love that Darry is good with babies, I can so see him being a daycare worker! I feel like when he was younger maybe Two-Bit’s mom would give him a couple dollars if she could afford it to watch his little sister and he was SO good with her. Even as she grows up she loves Darry bc she spent a lot of time at their house when she was little, I hc her to be decently younger than Two-Bit I don’t remember what I’ve said before but I think I ask I hc her to be like 7 or 8?
• I love that all the brothers have different humor, it’s so silly. Darry having dark humor is part of why he and Dally get along so well, they say the craziest shit to each other you can hear them cackling from rooms away
• I think Soda would be adorable with braces 😭😭 he probably had them kinda young like 12-14ish and he took such good care of his teeth because he wanted a beautiful smile when they came off and that’s exactly what he got 😌
• i definitely think everyone in the Curtis family is tall too- Soda definitely ends up being the smallest but he does love it
• Johnny getting taller than Dally 😭 I can so see him shooting up in height and maybe even bulking up a little and Dally is just like what the FUCK
Thank you for sending these I loved them!!
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Hay...... Do you think you could do tadc characters with a reader who has super bad depth perception (due to an eye injury) and as a result often ends up walking into things because they didn't realise it was right in front of them?? :3 (aka me)
TADC cast x reader who has very bad depth perception!
fuck it we balling!! (admin is now on a small time crunch, theyre not going to explode if they fail to finish this before they timer is up, but they are weird about time stuff) rolls around ehehehhehe i hope you enjoy!! i must admit, admin was a little stumped on this so this might be a little..... meh </3
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i think he blows it out way out of proportion... though im not sure thats the right word... i mean, if you manage to get close to caine (which is quite a feat considering before he didnt really. build genuine connections with circus members as well as being busy with... whatever it is he does...) he doesnt quite.. understand... so i think he insists on being your eyes, utilizing his... thousands of all seeing eyes. he can get overbearing at times so youre going to need to set the record straight and explain things to him... hes a little confused but hes got the spirit.... takes you to his room whenever things get hard (migraine, nausea, ect ect ect) and pampers you... so.. maybe him taking things too far/seriously isnt that bad...
has probably tossed you something before remembering your depth perception... the regret on her face is immediate, spreading over it before you even have the chance to react to whats going on... quick and long stream of apologies as she picks up the thing; it wasnt even likely anything important or fragile
eventually builds the habit to not toss things to people when they ask for something.. offers to read things out for you if you have trouble with it, as well as guiding you to dark places if you have trouble with migraines as well (while admin doesnt have depth perception he does have something funky with his eyes that make them sometimes roll and cross and it suuuucks)
oh she is so so so empathetic with you. as mentioned above in pomnis part, if youre prone to nausea or migraines, shes going to do all that she can to help you... usually lets you lay in her bed to collect yourself... helps you judge the distance things are, especially if its in a chaotic situation such as an in house adventure. if you open up to her about the reason behind your bad vision, her heart is going to hurt for you. if you need comfort, she will provide it; if you just need some ears, she will provide. generally very good about accommodating you
has probably asked why your eyes look off, assuming they cross or otherwise arent "standard". doesnt really say it to be rude, well.. actually no this is jax hes likely just scoping to see what the deal is, though its more of a curiosity thing. gives a soft "oh" when you briefly explain why. honestly i think he has a habit of tossing things to people when they ask him for something, and i think this would carry over to you.... does sometimes feel bad, but hey! hes not trying to be mean (kinda...)
does not stoop low enough to use your poor depth perception to his advantage for pranks, though. hes an asshole but i dont think he would be that evil tbh...
honestly? same. like i dont think that he has bad eyes thanks to an injury, no rather i think its just because hes OLD!!! so theres times where you guys fail to be each others eyes. you have terrible depth perception, he is shortsighted... uh oh... good news is that hes always keeping an eye on you (no shitty pun intended) due to him constantly worrying about you, so the chance of you somehow being in the way of danger is fairly low.... probably.... if you tend to attract it, though, or are on the clumsier side, rest assured that hes keeping you in the pillow fort!/lh
probably doesnt even notice it at first until you bring it up in passing, and honestly i dont think their view on you would change. sure they would try to be more accommodating for you since theyre not totally apathetic, especially since youre a friend and/or partner... but theyre not too... emotional, so unlike ragatha they wouldnt outwardly give you an excessive amount of.... pity? care? im struggling to find the right word, im afraid... will let you vent about it, though, if the issues that come with it cause any stress.. otherwise doesnt bring it up too much unless you bring it up, both because they dont think its too much of a big deal as well as not wanting to pry
very sad very empathetic if you ever open up to her about the events leading up to your injury (assuming you remember/it was something that happened in the real world that carried into the digital world), and perhaps sheds a tear for you. helps you read and write things if you struggle with it, as well as even wrapping her ribbon around your eyes should any random bouts of nausea roll in. generally very sweet about it but is very careful about not stepping over any lines, tends to ask before doing something (especially with the blindfolding/nausea thing)
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lesinquietes · 4 months
Got some yandere Shizuo thots to drop below 🌻 think he’s the type of yandere who wouldn’t use physical force against darling and I wanna talk about it
18+, violence, yandere
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Shizuo isn’t made for love; that’s what he thinks. So, when he starts to develop a strong friendship for you, and those feelings begin to creep in, he panics. He gets angry. He destroys things. He hunts Izaya, because he was probably doing something devious, anyway. He does everything but sit with his emotions and talk to you. In fact, he avoids you, for fear that he’ll say something stupid or overexert his strength. He notices he gets clumsier around you. The last thing he needs is to accidentally send you to the emergency room.
As usual, he tries to confide in Tom.
“I just… don’t know how to date females.”
“To start, they’d probably like it if you called ‘em women.”
“See what I mean?!?!”
And Tom’s really just teasing him, but the strain Shizuo feels is incredible. He hasn’t opened himself up to love in a long time. Old wounds sting, and he doesn’t want to fuck this up. You’re just so pretty and easy to talk to and your job is kinda cool and Celty likes your style and you like cats and— he could go on until he spirals. Most importantly, you’ve got a head on your shoulders. You don’t fall for Izaya’s schemes, and you sure as hell don’t have a soft spot for him, like some idiots in this city seem to. He respects you even more for that.
He finally works up the courage to face you, sick of spending time without you and intent on telling you the truth. Thankfully, he discovers that Tom did him a solid and made you privy to his feelings. You show up at his place, in the cutest little sundress he’s ever seen, gazing up at him shyly. It turns out you share his sentiments and want to give it a go. That’s great!
But… just know what you’re signing up for.
Dating Shizuo means marrying Shizuo. He’s not going to let you go so easily. He has it in his head that you’re The One, and that means you’re by his side forever; leaving isn’t a viable option. If you ever discuss ending your union with him, he’ll assume you’re ill. Why would you want to do that when everything is so perfect? He protects you, he provides for you, and he loves you — what more could you want? Sure, perhaps he gets excessive with his force sometimes, when other men leer at you, but you should take that as a compliment. He’s possessive for good reason.
“You get it, right?”
“Shizuo, please!”
“You get why I put him in the hospital, right?”
“…he didn’t have to—“
“He disrespected you. He disrespected us.”
“Do you understand?”
No more questions asked. You gotta go along with it. Who’s going to help you? No one, that’s who. The man has superhuman strength. He won’t kill you, but he will kill someone who threatens to take you away. It’s best to keep quiet and let him do as he pleases, being complicit with violence.
You don’t want to know what he’ll do if you ever run away, and you don’t want to find out. The only person you could possibly ask for help is Izaya Orihara, and we all know how that’s going to end. Not well. For anyone. Especially you. But it could also be the event that does the information broker in for good. Hell hath no fury like a monster’s love.
Despite the whole “you can’t leave me” thing, though, Shizuoka will never force you to do anything else you don’t want to do. Trying to cuddle? He’s in. Movies? Sure. Not down to smash? Cool. Him neither. Aside from being a little scary sometimesquite often actually, he isn’t all that bad of a romantic yandere :)
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msfcatlover · 1 year
Can you tell me the about the talon jason au?
YES! Yes, yes, yes, yes yes!!!
The Talon!Jason story is really heavily inspired by All Birds Have Talons, a fantastic little oneshot which got my gears churning with possibilities (as well as Talon’s Grasp, my all-time favorite Talon!Dick fic, specifically for how it handles the conditioning & Dick’s escape.) I just… snipped the Joker out altogether, and had Shiela betray Jason to the Court directly. They wanted Robin, after all, and she’d been out of Gotham for so long that even if she had contacts to know about the “wanted alive (or else)” bounty on Dick’s head, she probably wouldn’t know any of the details. She’s embezzling funds, she’s being blackmailed, she’s kinda on the run, and here’s the son she never wanted offering to help her with whatever problem she has, insisting they won’t even need to get his rich new dad involved if she doesn’t want to because Jason can handle himself; she doesn’t need to worry about him, because he’s Robin.
The Joker isn’t involved at all. Shiela calls her old contacts herself.
(CW: heavily referenced if not described brainwashing, torture, medical abuse, dehumanization, and depersonalization ahead.)
They’re not happy. Jason’s not the Robin they want, but he’s seen/heard too much once Shiela tricks him into the meeting, and they might as well get something out of this meeting. They fake Jason’s death with Shiela, the bomb, flesh too charred to get a DNA reading off of, a dangerous amount of blood, and hack off one of Jason’s arms before pumping him full of experimental healing drugs so they can stick a new one on and don’t end up with a one-armed Talon. (It never connects quite right, and Jason is always a little clumsier and a little bit number on that side.)
Jason wakes up in the labyrinth, fighting off the drugs & shock, with an arm that looks dead, doesn’t move right, and that he knows he should not have anymore. He’s not ready, his body isn’t chemically prepared for the procedure, so they keep dragging him back to the medical area, talking over him like he’s not there, and when Jason fights back, the punishments are brutal. There’s also plenty of classical conditioning, trying to train him to do what they want one step at a time. (He loses fingernails & teeth, because those are easy sources of extreme pain that won’t damage him in the long term, but he does piss them off worse. Jason learns that broken bones hurt worse when forced to heal too quickly. Spitting in one of the doctors’ masks cost him color in his right eye. The shock collar was just to make him put on the hood originally, but eventually they just… left it on. Food can be bought only with cooperation, and it’s a hefty price indeed.)
Jason does hold out for an impressively long time. First it’s because he thinks he needs to wait to be saved; they break that hope by showing him his own funeral. Then it’s because he needs to escape, though his attempts all come to naught. In the end, Jason hangs on because he listened when the Owls talked over him, and he knows they’re just using Jason as a trial run; he knows they’re planning to go after Dick. The longer Jason holds on, the longer his big brother will be safe. Conditioning corrupts that, though. Memories fade, names slip through his fingers, he’s… he knows he’s here for a purpose. Protecting someone. Someone the Court will also make Talon if he fails—no one should go through this, and that person is (warmth & sunshine, bright smiles & sky blue) is important, and he can’t… he can’t fail. He can’t let them down.
If he can just be a good enough Talon, that person will be safe. (This is what carries him through the training, the treatment, the cold, humiliation, and death, death, death, death, death. He can do it. He can be good enough. He’ll keep them safe.)
And then. The Court gets what they want.
Jason doesn’t realize it at first (of course not, who tells a Talon anything?) He doesn’t realize it until the base is under attack, all the Talons are woken up and sent to defensive positions, and he finds their newest prisoner in the middle of an escape attempt. He freezes for just a second, hands on his knives, trying to make sense of this. His voice is still hoarse from scarring and flat from disuse when, for the first time in well over five years, he says, “Dick Grayson?” (He didn’t even know he still knew that name.) Dick has been fighting Talons since he got here (and is pretty drugged up himself,) and acts on instinct. Dick strikes out, and it’s not until he knocks the Talon down that he realizes it’s only fighting defensively—and only because it stops fighting altogether. It just lays there on the floor, staring at him through that blank hood. “Dick Grayson,” the Talon says again, and this time Dick can make out what almost sounds like confusion in its voice, “You shouldn’t be here.”
Dick doesn’t know what to make of the Talon that helps him escape. Dick does try to help the Talon back (raiding a bat-safehouse to check both of them for trackers and to change their clothes. The Talon seems hesitant to change out of the uniform, even when Dick turns away and promises not to look. Dick still catches just a glimpse of the old scarring on the Talon’s neck out of the corner of his eye, thinks of how hoarse the Talon’s voice was, and feels sick.)
The Talon stays with Dick all the way to the back entrance of the Batcave, but when Dick turns to ask if they want to come in, the Talon is gone.
(When Dick tries to explain everything that happened to the rest of the family will be the first time he realizes: “The other Talons, they were very formal, full names only. ‘Richard Grayson, the Court of Owls commands’ blah-blah-blah. The Owls just called me Grayson. But the Talon who helped me called me Dick.” “Do you think it was someone you knew?” Tim asks. Dick manages a weak, humorless laugh. “I don’t know, Tim. Maybe?” Dick thinks of the scars again, the breathy rasp of the Talon’s voice, and swallows. “Gods, I hope not.”)
It’s not the last time they meet, though. Not by a long shot.
(The Talon cannot go back to the Court, not after having the greatest failure possible dangled in front of its face, stealing the Court’s prisoner, and… and what if they try to take Dick again? No, no, can’t let that happen, can’t let this happen to Dick too, not after everything. Never, ever, ever again.)
(And gradually, the Talon begins to find Jason Todd in the graveyard of his own mind.)
I have several scenes I really, really love drafted (the moment when Dick convinces the other bats to see Jason as an ally. The moment Jason realizes what his connection to Dick actually is. The entire sequence where Dick finally realizes who Jason is, who Jason has been this whole time.) I also have a few concepts that won’t seem to go right on paper, like a final confrontation with Cobb, and Bruce finally seeing his second son face-to-face for the first time in years.
And it is, like most of my stories, full of holes I’m still trying to fill; I can’t promise this will ever resolve into a cohesive, fully narrative fic one day. But! I’m happy to ramble, and nothing helps me fill in the holes faster than getting to talk through things with people! So please, feel free to ask more if you’re interested.
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twst-drabbles · 10 months
Your Jade piece is fun, I got a lot of laughs while reading it. I have a question: How did you practice writing and description? I enjoy your writing style immensely, and I want to improve my own.
I have a couple of things that I do.
Hmm okay so there's this mental rule that I have whenever I'm writing. Basically if I want to describe the emotion of a character, I don't use the exact word that describes that emotion. Let me give an example.
So, say there's a character that you know is feeling happy because they're going to the carnival. You don't say, "She's jumped around happily," you say, "There's a spring to her step, as though she's about to jump on the nearest counter as she bobbed up and down." You kinda have to walk around the exact emotion via figuring out what actions they use to express themselves when they're feeling a certain way.. This rule is specifically for if you want to linger just the slightest bit longer on a character's state of emotion. If it's an action scene or you're trying to quickly get from plot point A to plot point B, then you can go on ahead with doing that.
Whenever I'm writing, I also sort of imagine myself as this 'ghost' in the scene, right behind the shoulders of my audience. My ghost self is floating in the air, knowing what's going to unfold but you don't, so I tell it to you all the while just, chilling there. I have no worries because I know how it's going to all end.
Whenever there's an opportunity for people to read out loud, often I'm the one that everyone else chooses because they love the sound of my voice. Because of that, I end up noticing a certain "flow" to paragraphs. Some books are clumsier than others in their word flow and others are silky smooth. It's not something I can give a definitive set of rules to, it's something you have to learn on your own. So, when you can, read my stuff out loud to yourself, then read your own stuff out loud.
Another thing that I do that helps me with writing is to find a book or fanfiction that has that writing style I like. I have a small collection at the ready but I'm not going to share it because, uh, yeah they're dark. I don't pick the fic or book apart actually, I just read through it, take in the mood it gives me and just, write my stuff out.
There's this exercise I used to do before I got bored of it was basically slowly focusing in on an object. You describe the outside, then you focus in on a neighborhood, then you focus on a house, then a section of the house, then a room and finally an object. A slow zooming in, you're walking or floating there. You can also do the opposite of slowly focusing out. I find that it has helped me with figuring out how to set the speed in a story. I don't like being too quick, because I don't like my stuff to feel too fleeting.
Oh and have a document or notepad at the ready dedicated for just, blabber stuff. When there's too much noise in my head and I really want to write, I end up typing down my barest, baaaaarest attempt at a story. It's entirely missing in context, little description, and just not good stuff. But it's stuff I have to scrape out of my head. And they have no pattern. Sometimes it's 2nd POV stuff, and then it hard cuts to mutterings like "alright, there stuff in my head and there's noise and ho boy is everything too clouded for me. Could go for a sweet drink but I don't want to get up or do anything honestly but if I don't write I'll never will and there's no way I'm losing my passion for writing again." So, rambles. Yeah have a note or something dedicated to rambles before you start writing, especially if you're the kind that gets this "head noise" like I do. Just, the static fuzzes right up in the brain. And even if you still can't come up with anything after all that, then you're good, because you wrote something. In a stream of consciousness kind of way. Which is also another writing style.
But, yeah that's about all the things I did while through the years. Unfortunately, there's no quick or easy fix for this, it's just writing even if it feels like work. And if writing starts to feel like genuine torture, as in you end up in a spot of self-loathing every time you write but find that you can't, you probably have to put the pen down, or put that rage against an empty page. If you can't write about anything, may as well write about yourself that you'll probably not show to anyone. Get into the nitty-gritty, get into the nasty bits about it. The story may be missing in your head, but your existence isn't void of one. You're kinda living it now, may as well place a bit of it on a page.
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aidensteddybear · 9 months
hiiiiii! waves so i wanna request a fic i kinda want a little ! raj fic bc im too lazy to do it (With cg ! bowie) plot: raj is playing with his huge stuffie, and he falls off the head, bringing out bowie's um... helicopter parent ness? idk btw TYSM
Regressor! Raj w/ Caregiver! Bowie
Today, Raj was pretty tiny, meaning he was clumsier than usual. Bowie had been making sure to keep a very close eye on him, not wanting Raj to accidentally hurt himself.
Right now, Raj was playing with his giant snow owl, which he named Snowy. And by playing, he was really just hugging it while bouncing a bit on the bed.
All was fine, until Raj began to play kinda rough with the toy. He pounced on it, then began to toss around with it. That would’ve been fine with Bowie, if Raj wasn’t on the bed.
“Raj, please be careful.” Bowie said. Raj didn’t respond, he just continued to sort of roll around with his stuffed animal.
Bowie probably should’ve moved Raj farther away from the edge of the bed. Especially when he was playing like this.
It happened in a split second, Bowie had no time to react or attempt to catch Raj when he ended up accidentally falling off of the bed.
“Raj!” Bowie shouted in a panic. He got out of bed and rushed over to Raj, who was wailing. Bowie sat in front of Raj and pulled him into his lap, cradling him.
“Baby boy, you’ve got to be more careful.” He said. “Are you okay? Where does it hurt?” Raj didn’t say a word, he just kept on sobbing.
Bowie grabbed a pacifier out of his pocket and slipped it into Raj’s mouth, hoping it would help calm him down, as he began to slowly rock him.
It took a while, but eventually Raj calmed down. Bowie sat the boy up in his lap and looked at him.
“I don’t want you playing on the bed like that again, okay? I don’t want you getting hurt.” Bowie told him, his voice a bit stern. Tears filled in Raj’s eyes again, since he thought he was in trouble.
“Oh, Raj. You aren’t in any trouble, little one. You didn’t do anything bad.” Bowie spoke. “I just don’t want you to play rough on the bed and hurt yourself again. That’s all.” Bowie said. Raj let out a tiny whine as he clung to Bowie.
“Maybe we should take a small break from playing, hm? Do you want cuddles?” Bowie felt Raj nod against his shoulder, so he stood up and got back on the bed with Raj, laying the boy on top of him.
Bowie turned on some cartoons, mainly so that the room wouldn’t be dead silent. Raj didn’t seem to have much interest in the show, and just wanted to cuddle up with Bowie. Which was fine by him.
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Hi there! I hope these asks don’t overwhelm you!
Anyways could you do (headcannons or fanfic I don’t mind) frank frankly taking care of a clumsy little reader?
They don’t overwhelm me in the slightest! In fact, I feel as though I don’t get a lot to begin with (╯ω╰,) I wrote Frank as more of a big brother care giver here ! Frank gives me big brother vibes
Update on myself tho : my tongue has healed a lot more and it’s easier to talk ! My shoulder still hurts (it’s the same one I hurt when I had my last seizure) but it’s getting better every day :D I’m still a little out of it but it’s all good
✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂
✿ Frank is seen as kinda the bookworm of the Neighborhood, although he specializes in bugs (especially butterflies) he makes sure he studies all kinds of books. How else would he know all the answers to your questions ?
✿ When you felt little, you tended to hang out with Frank more than anyone else. Sure, other members of the neighborhood didn’t mind watching you but you’re favorite person to be with was the know it all himself, Frank Frankly
✿ No one else knew how to take care of you as well as he did anyways. And no one played doctor as well as he did ! ᕦ(ò‿óˇ)ᕤ
✿ When you were little, you were even clumsier than when you’re big, and consequently you tended to be more prone to scrapes. You were already known for being a little clumsy but even little you couldn’t help but accumulate more scrapes than usual (╯ω╰,)
✿ If the weather was nice, the two of you would venture into his backyard and play while the sun was out ! Being so close to the woods gave you ample opportunity for exploring and pretending up new stories to play !
✿ If you preferred to play alone, Frank would sit on the back patio with a book, casting you the occasional glance up to make sure you haven’t accidentally hurt yourself. He would call out making sure you were alright and offer to play as well.
✿ If you don’t like playing alone, Frank would join you in whatever game you wanted to play, whether it be something made up on the spot or something the two of you had played in the past. You loved playing pretend with him!
✿ Either way, Frank would keep a close eye on you, softly reminding you to be mindful and not get too excited. He’s always worried you might hurt yourself if you get carried away, he knows how clumsy you can be.
✿ He always makes sure to keep bandaids and ointment on him in case of small scrapes, but if you were to really hurt yourself, he’d scoop you up in his arms and carry you inside, telling you over and over that he’s got you and that it’s “gonna be okay”
✿ Easily setting you up on the kitchen counter, he’d quickly make sure you’re okay and check for any other possible places you could’ve gotten hurt. He’s very thorough when making sure you’re okay
✿ He always makes sure to keep your favorite kind of colorful bandaids on him, both in his pockets and inside his home. Whether you like colorful ones, plain, cartoon, or a variety, Frank always has them. He lets you pick which ones you want when patching you up
✿ No one likes getting boo-boo, especially when you can’t help being so clumsy, so once you’re feeling better he’ll take you to Howdys and together you’ll grab a treat ! It instantly lifts your mood (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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clumsyexpression · 2 years
Rosinante Donquixote x Fluff Alphabet
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I love this man with a burning passion - he lights my heart afire and kindles the fuzzies 🔥🔥🔥🔥 I'm not very good at romance, but i still wanted to shoot my shot and give it a try c:
⇥ based on this fluff alphabet prompt found here
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
Spontaneous human combustion. He doesn’t understand how he does it but he wish he could make it stop.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
You know when you leave home, and you know you’re going to be awhile, so you double check EVERY known hazard that you’re aware of in case of some weird, freak accident happening? Well it’s especially anxiety-inducing for Rosinante because of his accident-prone self and even after triple checking all of his appliances and outlets and he sets off to go to Target or whatever, it’s only halfway through his commute that he realizes that he probably left the stove on after all and almost instantaneously as the realizations sets, a strident succession of beeps sound off, cause he’s sitting in the middle of traffic until BLAM! He jolts forward, sitting ramrod straight in bed as he awakens from the fire alarm going off, smelling something getting extra crispified as indicative from the sooty smoke coming up from the hall towards the kitchen and so he jumps out of bed only to see that apparently it was from the toast that had already popped up from the toaster and the crumbs were still toasting in the crumb collection tray and then bizarrely enough, when they were done toasting, they also popped up in the toaster like toast would do and eqaully as loud when you’re not expecting the toast to pop up when they go PFFT! And then he realizes that ‘no, there was no toast’ as he begins to wonder why the origin of the sound he heard is right above him – only to realize that he’s now drenched because you just hosed him down and the sound was definitely because the hose had too much air in the line and you admonish him for smoking while falling asleep and he insists that he wasn’t and then you realize he was right, cause he totally caught on fire because he just sat in sun and by freak chance – like an ant under a magnifying glass – he just kinda caught..fire..
Anyways, his worst nightmares consist of spontaneous human combustion and its quite understandable.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
YES. Definitely a family man. He yearns to know what its like to have somewhat of a normal, loving family without strife and would fight the world in order to make it possible for yall to live comfortably without the worry of the evil, hurt, and turmoil that runs amok in the world. It would also be very convenient and comforting knowing that there are people who will have his back unconditionally to douse him with water when he spontaneously catch aflame.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Not that he would try to baby you – he knows that you’re more than capable of taking care of yourself – but knowing how many injuries he may have accumulated or ‘walked off’,  he can be a little over protective but will still give you your space, if that makes sense. He’ll ask often if ‘you’re okay?’, or ‘have you drunken enough water today? You might be a little dehydrated’,  or sometimes ‘I’m not saying that you need it, but if you’re not using it, I’ll hold on to that burn ointment for the time being..until you do, that is’. He just likes to make sure.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
You know when you make a mood playlist and you cant expect people to understand it completely? That’s how I see Rosinante – he’s so complex and reminds me of a variety of things, so hear me out:
Fireball – Pitbull
You can call him Mr.Worldwide cause he’s a marine and been places
‘Sticks and stones may break my bones but I don’t care’ cause my boy is clumsy and that shit gets old after a while – the only thing that’s somewhat new is the new way he finds to be even clumsier
‘Momma said that everyone would know my name - I'm the best’ MM YEAH cause he used to be a celestial dragon and everyone knows about them
‘If you think I'm burning out, I never am - I'm on fire’ HLLE YEAH cause he’s literally on fire and there’s no definitive way of ever keeping him…not-on-fire lmao
We Didn’t Start The Fire – Billy Joel
My mans is trying to better the world and even joined the Marines in order to do so dunno if that was the right call or whatever but he did
Firework – Katy Perry
Okay but who cant relate???
And he’s trying his best.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Rosinante is just a naturally quiet person, devil fruit and covert operations aside. He occasionally glances at you, which causes his small smile to grow wider when you catch him watching you. He gives subtle affirmations, but is also very expressive; like, he can wear a mean poker face and all, but when his guard is down (which is typical when he’s around you), he’s not aware of how transparent he can truly be.
For example,
when he tries your cooking, he’ll be over the moon about it and will give you mad props for the delicious meal and will sincerely look forward to it again;
when he catches you making a pun, he’ll snort the moment he makes the connection;
when you stomp out his coat because the tail end has somehow kindled a fire out of thin air without him noticing, he’ll truly be confused cause ‘why are you stepping on my coat? I thought you hated my hat more, but..that’s a bit much, Y/N’
I dunno, but there you have it – my guy is pretty lit and wuv him so so much 💕💕💕
Jk this was not actually a fluff alphabet prompt but actually a SOS from yours truly cause he could really use a fire extinguisher right about now and hopes you got the message ( ・ᴗ・̥̥̥ )
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leffee · 5 months
Vinnil for the otp ask!
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Ok, so, since the first person wanted ALL those questions answered with Vinnil, I'm putting all other Vinnil asks I got along with this one because, you know, they will be answered now anyway.
1. Who is the better cook?
Sunil, definitely. Vinnie's not into cooking at all aside from maybe baking sometimes but that's only because he craves cake and sweets, plus he's perfectly fine with buying already ready food from supermarkets or ordering fast food. He can cook a few things but not much. So, Sunil, he likes cooking for himself and has been doing it for a while, moreover he often does that as a way to keep in touch with his Indian roots so he cooks Indian dishes which he really likes. Vinnie's happy to help though.
2. Who gets up to cook at 2am?
I mean, kinda neither? If anyone it's Vinnie, but he doesn't cook, just gets a snack or something in the middle of the night. Unless they're both staying up for whatever reason then Sunil might propose cooking something quick if he gets hungry enough at that hour.
3. Are they into PDA? Who initiates most?
Like with Shahrukh x Sunil, Sunil is not so much while Vinnie is very much. Vinnie LOVES letting other people know that Sunil is HIS boyfriend (satisfies his possessive urges and all), even strangers who won't see them ever again. Sunil on the other hand prefers to be affectionate in private because that's more comfortable for him. It doesn't mean he's 100% against pda or anything, he's fine with holding hands or an occasional hug or kiss (especially knowing how touch-craving Vinnie is), but in private he's much more comfortable with being affectionate and is happy to indulge his boyfriend. So who initiates it more? Well, Sunil actually because Vinnie doesn't wanna make his bf uncomfortable as much as he craves affection, so when it comes to pda he lets Sunil initiate it so that he knows he's fine with it at the moment.
4. Their favorite show to watch together?
I honestly have no idea. I mean, how do I even answer that in a way that everyone will understand? I don't really know american shows and I doubt you all know any polish ones. I could say Shake-a-leg but nah, I don't think Sunil would watch it, or he would but occasionaly not because he likes it but because he wants to spend time with Vinnie. So yeah, idk, maybe they would sometimes like watching some of the quiz-like shows like Who wants to be a millionare, I think they could enjoy those and trying to guess the correct answer.
5. Who is the cheesier one of the two?
Vinnie because omg, he's so in love with Sunil (to an extreme degree yada yada). He practically looks like (,,♡ᵕ♡,,) when looking at Sunil so yeah, he's cheesy especially with his words, though that doesn't mean he can't be more original but stuff like nicknames or cheesy lines are his shit, especially bragging about Sunil to anyone and everyone who will listen, or even if they won't. He's not the cheesiest person ever mind you, but between those two he is the cheesy one because he is just this happy about being in a romantic relationship with Sunil.
6. Who is always, always running late?
As stated in the poly boys ask about that, neither. In short, Sunil doesn't because he's just this kind of person who doesn't like running late plus he's responsible and neither does Vinnie because he likes being with his boyfriend too much. If you wanna know more just read what I said about them in that poly boys reply, but that's the gist it.
7. Who's clumsier?
I mean, do I even need to say anything? Being clumsy is one of Vinnie's defining traits, so him of course. He trips, he falls, bonks his head on things etc. But hey, it's also pretty cute, so it's alright :3. Sunil, if he's close sometimes manages to catch or stabilize him before he can even fall or he falls directly onto Sunil and that's adorable. But I can't say it's all good, Sunil does genuinely get annoyed by this sometimes, because seriously, how on earth does Vinnie trip sometimes seemingly every other step? Plus, it can cause other things to be destroyed, and realistically it irritates him every now and then. But at the end of the day, it's (mostly) not Vinnie's fault and he knows it. He doesn't fall on purpose after all, he doesn't control it.
8. Who is a morning person? Who is a night owl?
Vinnie is a night owl, more often than not he stays up until at least 2 am no matter what. Sunil can stay up but would rather not, if he doesn't get enough sleep he has a terrible day and is so lost. If he does stay up it's when he doesn't have to get up early the next day because he still needs to sleep around 8 hours to feel good. But he's not a morning person either. He likes sleeping long, so unless he falls asleep very quickly (like 10 pm) he won't happily get up early. So, Sunil is neither.
9. Who travels lighter?
What the hall does "travel light" mean? Googles a few things. Ah. Yeah, that would be Vinnie because Sunil definitely thinks a lot about what to take and makes sure he does take it all, while Vinnie can just kinda throw a few closest things into his luggage and he's pretty much good to go. He can take a longer time to do it but he doesn't have to, he feels no need to. Plus, he's perfectly fine with wearing one outfit for a long time while Sunil is more picky, not wanting to wear the same, getting diritier with each day clothes for a longer time, plus he wants to be ready in case of emergencies. So Vinnie takes lighter load.
10. Who is always reminding the other not to forget important documents/general things before leaving out the door?
Sunil reminds Vinnie because he's more worried about such things and needs to make absolute sure they take all the necessary things such as documents. It's not that Vinnie forgets all that often, rather that Sunil really, reaaaally needs to ensure they definitely took all important things.
11. Who leaves notes in the other one's lunch? (Bonus: what do they say?)
Vinnie would be such a sucker for this, oh yes. Cause it has no flaws really, it's a way of showing Sunil support without risking overwhelming him and it's such a nice but simple gesture. He loves making Sunil lunch (even if he's not that into cooking but you know) he will do it if only for the sake of those notes, he always leaves at least one no matter what. It can be very simple, like "Have a nice day, I love you," or something more original and Sunil-specific like "Your eyes are the same as your personality - golden", oh the goof.
12. Who prefers calling to texting (& vice versa)? Bonus: Who is so bad at texting it made the other think they weren't interested when they first started hanging out? [This could be hypothetical as much as real].
Also been stated before in poly boys reply, Sunil texting, Vinnie calling. No one was bad at texting.
13. Stay home/go-out? What are their date nights like?
I think it'd be a mix-up of both. They're both completely fine with having home dates, Sunil is more comfortable like that plus Vinnie likes having everything at hand's reach like food and toilet etc plus he's more than happy not having to dress all fancy (honestly he probably wouldn't do that even if they were going out). When they do go out they often go to some sort of semi-private place like the park (well, it's not really private but not as public as a restuarant, you know what I mean?) but they also like going to a roller rink or an ice rink. Of course, Vinnie keeps tripping but eh, he's used to it and it's worth it to see Sunil having fun once he relaxes.
14. Who falls asleep during a movie?
If anyone, it's Sunil but mostly during movie nights because as stated in one of the previous asks, he's less good with staying up. But at the same time if they did plan a movie night then he's most likely ready for it. Still, it can happen because when compared to Vinnie he's not as good at not sleeping at night. On occasions, Vinnie can fall asleep during a movie if he stayed up one time too much, but it's rare, so Sunil.
15. Who's the first to cry during movies that don't seem sad?
Sunil but only because he's more prone to crying. Vinnie cries rarely, especially around others, so even in he did feel like crying he wouldn't. But still, if the movie is not explicitly sad it's really rare that Sunil will cry.
16. Who hogs the covers?
Vinnie, unintentionally too. My boy is always cold so he already has more covers on his side anyway but it doesn't stop him from hogging Sunil's too. That is when he's really, really out of it like very sleepy or sometimes when drunk. Cause under normal circumstances he wouldn't hog Sunil's covers, he doesn't wanna do it to him plus he genuinely has enough covers already. Listen, Sunil understand the comfort and he likes having more covers sometimes too but man, the sheer number of covers Vinnie can sleep under and not feel too hot is just straight up weird.
17. Who is more competitive?
Mmm as in competitive with each other they're pretty even I think as in both are pretty low on that. Sunil is not that much of a competitive person anyway and Vinnie can be but with different people. In my version he's waaay too obsessed with whoever he's crushing on to want to win when competing with them so in this case with Sunil. Honestly, he'd probably lose anyway because he's poop at most stuff.
18. What are they like when they're drunk? How do they act together? & when 1 is drunk, while the other one's sober?
This one is a repeat again so once more this will be rather short. Vinnie - more impulsive, emotional and cuddly, Sunil - relaxes and becomes chill. So when they are both drunk they can talk for hours about random shit and Sunil simply observes or occasionaly joins in. When only Sunil is drunk Vinnie happily follows him with whatever he wants to do and when only Vinnie is drunk Sunil just kinda lets him run around and do whatever he desires while keeping an eye on him, sometimes. Though a lot of the time he will indulge him because drunk Vinnie is affectionate Vinnie.
19. What do they fight about most often? (Alternative: what was their biggest fight?)
Gaps! Vinnie would never fight with his beloved buuut realistically they mostly argue when the other is too stubborn about something. Mostly, if one says he's fine when he's clearly not "Vinnie, you're literally covered in blood (mm) let me help." "Sunil, really, I can do it myself, you look exhausted." So basically they resort to arguing when everything else fails.
20. Who randomly brings home a stray puppy/kitten to adopt?
Vinnie, but he doesn't bring puppies nor kittens rather he just brings random animals, like he will lead a fox to their house and the other day it will be a ladybug which will always fly away later anyway (he would bring other bugs but of course Sunil is afraid of them). A fox, ladybug, a hedgehog, as long as he's able to bring it home one way or another he will.
21. Any routines one has that the other had to get used to (ex. morning, nighttime, sleeping habits)?
Yeees but at the same time those two had spent so much time together they are already mostly used to each other's routines and know how to work around them - Vinnie's tendency to stay up late into the night and then sometimes sleeping until long houres into the day as well as his constant need for warmth, occasional food binges, contant want to drink energydrinks, there's a lot there. On Sunil's side there's his grumpiness if he doesn't get enough sleep, prefering spicy food, being really loud when asleep... but yeah, they're mostly used to it by the time they're in a romantic relationship.
22. Love languages? How do they get around differences, if any?
Vinnie's most prominent, main one is physical touch while Sunil's main one is a mix of words of affirmation and acts of service because those two are a mix of what someone would have to do to convince him that they truly do love him. And it honestly works pretty well. It might not be his love language but Sunil really likes being physically close with Vinnie anyway, though it's not all perfect because Vinnie craves SO much touch he sometimes needs to restrain himself. But hey, they had been friends before, he can restrain himself. And in Sunil's case acts of service especially are pretty much perfect because once he's in love with someone Vinnie gets so much happiness from it Sunil doesn't even have to say it, Vinnie will happily give up his time for Sunil's sake. Words of affirmation too, Vinnie just buries him under affirmations, though sometimes he gets so excited that he's pretty incoherent with his words, but you know, Sunil gets what he's trying to communicate.
23. Who initiates cuddling more?
Well, Vinnie of course. But at the same time he craves touch so much as you already know, he will often do it indirectly like getting closer and closer to Sunil or touching him in any other way - like putting his feet on Sunil's lap - it's often a sign that he wants cuddles, or well, that he craves physical affection in general.
24. Sleeping/cuddling positions? (Big spoon, little spoon, etc.)?
So many. Sure, Vinnie is a little spoon often because well, he is smaller, but he's also sort of a big spoon sometimes, though with Sunil being much taller it looks more like he's his backpack or something. But also Vinnie sleeping with his head on Sunil chest and/or laying on top of him. Heck, sometimes Vinnie will even lie the other way around, with his head on Sunil's legs and his own legs on Sunil's chest (since he's short enough that lying like that won't cause his legs to be on Sunil's face, yup, I'm very fond of reminding y'all of their height difference, it's my favourite part). Basically any position is possible with those two, like Sunil lying on his side, his arms wrapped around Vinnie one pushing his head to Sunil's chest so he kinda just cradles him. There's much more of those positions but this post is super long with 40 questions, so Imma end it here.
25. What do they like about each other?
Vinnie being his obsessive self likes basically everything about Sunil, the good the "bad" and the neutral. As I stated somewhere before, once Vinnie's in love with someone that someone becomes perfect in his eyes, it's not that Sunil's eye color is perfect because it's gold, no no, it's that gold is the best eye color because it's Sunil's, get it? As for what Sunil likes about Vinnie? Nothing, he's a loser. Naaah, I'm just kidding, I just like tormenting my boy. Sunil likes Vinnie's determination, once he really has a goal set he will never stop trying to achieve that goal. That, as well as having a pretty neutral approach to most things, like Vinnie will almost never assume someone is bad and so dislike the person at first sight, or he's neutral about let's say body types. He doesn't think one is better than the other, they just are there and they sure do exist. Also, he likes Vinnie's shortness, he thinks it's adorable though he won't say it around Vinnie too often because he knows Vinnie's insecure about it even if Sunil himself likes it.
26. Who is prone to road rage?
Vinnie but Sunil is not immune either. Vinnie is less patient in general so when something happens on the road he's irritated especially when that something is traffic, oh he can't stand it for a prolonged time. Other stuff too, like if someone drives too slowly or gets into his lane without a warning he gets pissed nevermind if it repeats. As I said, Sunil's not immune either but he's more prone if he had had already been irritated before going onto the road or if it happens one time too often during one trip.
27. Craziest place they had sex?
Skipping this one, sex-repulsed, blah blah plus in my headcanon they are all asexual (for my comfort mostly and just because).
28. Who always steals the other's food? How does their partner react to it?
Vinnie, but he doesn't so much steal Sunil's food because Sunil very often happily gives him his food on his own free will, that or Sunil has food that Vinnie wouldn't wanna eat anyway and then he doesn't "steal". In short: Vinnie's the more hungry of the two a lot of the time so if Sunil has something he doesn't want to eat he will just give it to Vinnie who will devour it.
29. First date? (Give as much or little detail)
I think their first date would be some sort of picnic date or something akin to that. The thing is, when they started dating they had already been best friends for years so their first date wouldn't need to be something exciting, they had already done many exciting things before. Instead, they would need a quieter moment to discuss their newfound romantic relationship, so yeah, a picnin or something like that in some private or at least semi-private spot.
30. Pet names? Yes or no?
Another repeat from earlier ask about boys poly but I honestly can't imagine them using pet names, they don't dislike them per se, but they don't really use them, not their style I suppose. They are more into name variations like Vin and Sunster, idk, I just can't imagine either of them casually calling the other sweetheart or my love. But Sunil does sometimes calls Vinnie "cutie".
31. How do they spend their anniversary?
If possible, they spend their anniversaries relaxing, forgetting for a while about the ever rushing life and just being with each other. They don't do anything "special", they just are together. They might cuddle, take a shower together long and hot, cook and bake without stressing, stuff like that. One thing they also do is give each other gifts, it's an unspoken rule, they never said they should buy/make each other gifts and it's not like they would get mad if the other didn't give them anything, but as for now they have never missed a gift, even if it's a small one.
32. Who's so affectionate they can't stop touching the other?
Oh boy, I mean they both are super into touching each other (I mean, they're like that in canon too) but Vinnie is sooo super into physical touch, he revels in it, both touching and being touched. While he doesn't do it as much as he'd like to (he still does it a LOT but he wants to do it all the time basically). He just clings to Sunil and craves Sunil touching him but tries not to be too desperate, because as into touch as his boyfriend is he's still not as touch-starved as Vinnie.
33. What is their wedding day like?
Hmm, I never thought about that since for some reason I don't like fictional wedding. But I think they'd do a small-ish wedding for only the people they really want there, they wouldn't for example invite Sunil's more distant relatives. Why small-ish? Well, because they'd rather have that money for the honeymoon. But they'd still have quite a lot of food and some attractions, but while they do care about their wedding day it is just one day in their entire life, and they don't need it to be grand to know that they love each other.
34. How do they cheer the other one up during sad times?
Vinnie cheers Sunil up by being there for him and being ready to do something if needed, no matter what it is, if Sunil tells him that doing this or that will help him feel better Vinnie will do it. But he's mostly just there for him ready with reassuring words, though he can be a little over the top, doing something even if Sunil didn't ask him to just because he hates seeing Sunil sad so much. As for when Vinnie is sad? Sunil encourages him to express it because Vinnie will more often than not pretend that everything is fine/he can take it no matter what. He also hugs him and all that physical affection knowing how much Vinnie loves it and that it will help no matter what. Aside from that, Sunil brings him snacks because he knows Vinnie stress-eats as well as does the stuff Vinnie likes doing together with him xlike hot showers/baths.
35. What are their tastes in music?
Vinnie's taste in music is basically - he likes what he likes, there's no pattern here, he can like a rock song as much as a metal or pop one. Though he has a special spot for edm genres - like dubstep or techno. Sunil is not against any music genres either but he's a big fan of acoustic music especilly. Pretty contrasting one could say but no, not exactly since they are both fine with anything (partially also because I have no first clue about music genres actually).
36. Who is more protective?
Vinnie because he's more possesive, jealous and guard-dog coded (I said it so it's true). In other words, he will bite if needed, or sometimes even not needed, just don't hurt Sunil, don't even try and you'll be fine. Probably. Vinnie's a little paranoid over stuff like that.
37. Who wanted to see Oppenheimer; who Barbie? Did they switch opinions after?
I just don't think they cared about neither xd. Sorry, but I was not into the whole Barbenheimer at all, so I really do not care and so I think they didn't care either, it just flew past them.
38. If/when they have kids, what is their parenting style (or pets-who does what)?
They wouldn't have kids (because I hate the little feckers) but pets? Sure, why not, they can have a dog or something, never really thought about it, but if they had a dog or something Vinnie would go on walks with it more often while Sunil would keep an eye on dog's food and water, making sure it has enough. They both would play with it, but Vinnie probably more. I imagine if they needed to go to a humanarian vet they would both go. Stuff like that.
39. Do they get along with the other's family? If not, how do they deal with the other's family?
I wrote about Vinnie adoring Sunil's parents and them adoring him back many times so yeah, Vinnie is definitely getting along with Sunil's family, he's basically their second son, I mean aside from the fact that their son dating also their son sounds weird. But you know, he's their son not their actual son. As for Vinnie's mom, well, she's terrible, so of course Sunil doesn't get along with her but it's not like he gets to see her often and neither does Vinnie, fortunately for him. They just ignore her mostly.
40. Who is the skilled shopper for holidays? Who always waits 'til the last minute to get all of their gifts? (Which one gets stressed out easily)?
In general, Sunil is more skilled because he's more organized so he makes sure to buy everything and enough of it he doesn't wait till the last minute to buy gifts neither. But neither does Vinnie because he's excited to buy gifts, so he actually does that early or on time. Still, even if Sunil is more organized and does things on time he's the one more stressed out about holidays.
Here, all forty questions answered with Vinnil! Now to do that with Zoe x Pepper *dies*
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booburry · 9 months
Snippet Sunday
@fangbangerghoul - ty for reminding us all it's Sunday haha
Kinda in limbo rn on deciding the next short WIP or going back to my loooong fic WIP's, but I have this little snippet below for my Marcus Pike WIP 'Heiress'.
It summarizes the premise of the story pretty well. I want to continue this but yesterday I also wrote for three (?) other WIP's I have, so...
Marcus Pike x F!OC; 616 words. Setup: Marcus rushed from a diner, where he finally spoke with Izzy (OC), due to an urgent work call. Marcus has major crush on OC, long lasting for months prior to today, but is too scared to try to get into anything with anyone.
“We found the next target for that Swedish group we’ve been tracking.” Charles stated as Marcus sat on the conference table, raising one leg to rest on top while the other supported his position. He tossed the folder by his side and placed his mug gently in front of him.
This was why he rushed back.
They had been tracking these assholes for a while, but they always managed to slip through their fingers, and with each heist they were becoming brasher, clumsier, and no longer showed signs of being against resorting to violence.
Things were going to end badly if they didn’t get them this time, Marcus was sure.
“Whose the unfortunate target?” Marcus asked, his eyes darting to Charles who clicked to the next slide.
“Some rich Belgian family...Vanthorn. One of the oldest family names in Belgium that still holds power and wealth, from what we have gathered. They have a ridiculously large vault of priceless art, some never seen before by the public, it’s unknown how vast it is or the value. The family’s kept that secret pretty tightly locked.” Charles clicked to the next slide that contained numerous images of historical artifacts and artworks that Marcus immediately recognized. “You will probably best know this family for being the ‘poor bastards’ who got ‘robbed’ of billions of dollars by being forced to return all of these pieces to the proper countries and cultures of origin.”
Marcus stood up, immediately intrigued at the fact that this family lost all of this and still holds status of being rich and influential. That they still held art within their home that Charles would claim to be priceless?
What the fuck were these people hiding?
Same question the thieves must be thinking too...
“There is only one living heir to the Vanthorn fortune.” Charles continued while Marcus turned around, finding himself pacing as his mind got ahead of himself. “Miss Genevieve Vanthorn,” Charles announced with a resounding click, Marcus’s focus still elsewhere. “Who surprisingly, but thankfully, lives here in DC.”
“What?” Marcus blurted out as he turned on his heel to look at Charles, sure he heard wrong that a Belgian Heiress would be living here, in Washington, DC, but his eyes caught the screen and he felt his body freeze and his throat clamp shut when he saw the picture of Miss Genevieve Vanthorn and recognized her as Izzy.
She looked different, but the features were the same—her eyes, nose, lips…the small scar on her chin and indent above her right eyebrow, her pronounced cluster of freckles on her jaw and the bridge of her nose that begged Marcus to kiss every dot whenever he could see them.
It was a sickening feeling on a multitude of levels.
“I know.” One of the other agents commented, raising his eyebrows at how Marcus paused to stare at Genevieve—Izzy! Marcus just glowered at him.
“Not the point.” He sternly scolded the agent as he walked towards Charles. “Why do we need to involve her?” He clarified, glancing once more towards the image, his rage at the goon behind him stepping back to make space for his growing worry for Izzy.
“Their vault is DNA locked. She’s the only one who can open it, so naturally, she will be the number one target.” An overwhelming sense of dread came over Marcus at the realization, and before he could dwell on why that feeling came up, why it was so strong and why he felt so overwhelmed by it, he rushed into action. He ensured to give all his agents, except for the egghead, tasks to handle while purposefully leaving for himself the handling of attaining the target—Izzy.
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