#And you should too
jameskinniesrise · 4 months
mary macdonald, who is arab. mary macdonald, who loves to do her makeup. mary macdonald, who leaves her hair natural. mary macdonald, who loves to paint. mary macdonald, who loves the lily flower. mary macdonald, who loves coffee. mary macdonald, who loves sour candy. mary macdonald, who loves christmas. mary macdonald, who listens to ABBA. mary macdonald, who loves divination. mary macdonald, who loves muggle authors. mary macdonald, who never leaves the house without eyeliner and lipstick. mary macdonald, who loves lily evans.
for @marylily-my-beloved
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ahfrickenfrick · 4 months
flash: kf said he had a school assignment and couldn’t come fight
the entirety of flash’s rogue gallery: oh well, we can always reschedule?? we know how much he likes chasing us… is there anything we can do to help? like we can tutor him, no problem at all:D
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poorlittlegreenie13 · 5 months
Taivan dynamic is so much more painful if you think they were just hooking up pre-crash, not involving their emotions at all, just Van who was pretty easy to clock as gay & Tai who wanted to kiss a girl and thought Van wouldn’t mind.
Like if pre-crash, they never thought about being anything more than teammates who sometimes made out in the empty locker room. Then everything changed in the wilderness when all of a sudden there wasn’t a society full of bigots all around them and both of them were able to explore their sexualities & feelings for each other pretty much without judgement.
I personally look at their relationship as only happening because of those factors — before the crash, I don’t think Tai ever would’ve thought of confessing her feelings for Van. We see her cutting her hair in season one, seemingly getting more comfortable with being a bit more masc (similarly, in season two, after she leaves Simone she stops doing her makeup and starts dressing in progressively more masculine clothing). Essentially we know that when Taissa is out of “public” view & with Van, she stops performing femininity as much. So I feel like her ability to really be with Van was entirely dependent on the perceived safety of their isolated wilderness society. I focus on Taissa in this mostly because Van appears more comfortable with gender expression, as well as with romantically pursuing Taissa, whereas Tai seems to occasionally hesitate. We also know from Ally’s pre-crash comment about Van not being asked to prom that Van was probably either clocked as gay at school or just thought of as unromantic, whereas I think Tai would’ve had a much easier time passing for straight.
And in that way, it’s like a relationship that was formed entirely in the controlled environment of the wilderness. I cannot imagine coming to terms with your sexuality as a teen, going through the entire process of cutting your hair, publicly coming out to all your friends, and experiencing all your queer milestones, only to be rescued and returned to a place where you were still thought of as straight. Like, Tai and Van were sleeping in bed together every night, kissing in public, making little “happy wife, happy life” comments to their friends, and just generally being gay together. And then they would’ve returned to the 1990’s where that kind of queer love would’ve been, at the very least, unusual & surprising. It’s not difficult to imagine this driving them apart. But it is really heartbreaking to imagine the two of them being separated immediately upon being rescued & the realization they must’ve both had that they couldn’t stick together anymore without outing themselves.
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astrolotte · 11 months
i've been finding great joy recently in referring to the Lords in Black in NPMD as their "high school au forms"
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notpixl · 10 days
Feixiao takes care of you!
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Y'all didn't even leave crumbs it HASN'T EVEN BEEN A WEEK 😭
GN!Reader, as per usual. Maybe some made up stuff since I haven't made it to 2.5's story yet ☹️
> You?! Sick?! Injured, even?! That's two words she doesn't like being paired up with you!
> Holds Jaioqiu by the collar or on a call. He's her only hope in having a chance to save you.
> You've only caught a cold? Or that it was just a minor cut? That's good! She doesn't want anything way worse than that!
> Spoils you like a child when you're in a bedridden state like this. A bath? No worries! Some food? She'll bolt towards the nearby store, even checking out everyone's groceries to speed things up! It isn't called a General Store for nothing!
> But when everything's settled and it's just the both of you laying in bed... she silently hugs you, almost trembling.
> You're her bundle of joy, bringing her these newfound moments in life since all she's ever known before meeting you... was the battlefield.
> And seeing you in a state like this... breaks her heart.
> But her worries would ease away when you ruffle her hair with a small smile on your face.
> She stays silent for a little while before breaking a smile as well.
> Yeah... maybe... maybe things will be better tomorrow.
> Her embrace tightens, leaving you with an adorable looking Foxian as she soon falls asleep with a smile on her face.
> And even if your illness is gone she's sticking with you like Gum! That way no one will harm her Beloved!
My ahh is running out of ideas and I feel like the end was rushed 😭
At least I managed to feed you guys with something before I leave again 🥲
Gimme requests or smth BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH-
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pleeborp · 2 months
Guys I’m actually crying right now I’m so sad all the time over how Harry’s abuse is never addressed
He was ABUSED guys and NOBODY ever talked about it
And can you just imagine Harry James Potter waking up that first Christmas expecting nothing and then Ron Weasley his FIRST friend telling him he has PRESENTS. The joy the shock that boy must have felt. But can you imagine for a split second he doesn’t believe him. Can you imagine for one second that Harry thought Ron, his first friend, could be playing a cruel trick on him. You think Dudley never pulled that shit on him? You think he was never given false hope that he had presents before?
Or how about the fact that Harry probably woke up every morning for what was probably his first four months at Hogwarts at least, panicked and rushed to get up to make breakfast for the Dursley’s only to realize he didn’t have to. Can you imagine the relief? The weight off his shoulders. Or even worse can you imagine the guilt he felt? He had been raised to cook for them every morning and you think it wasn’t deeply engraved in his mind that in order to feel some sort of acceptance without doing something for others? You think he didn’t try to do things for his friends those first months at Hogwarts, believing it to be the only way he’d be accepted?
Think even harder about how as the years went on and as he did more things for people it seemingly fed into those beliefs? How every time he saved someone, every time he did something for the school, everyone loved him for it? How Hogwarts was his safe haven, but even then they always expected something from him in return. And when they hated him, and he did something else to save them, suddenly they loved him again. You think he didn’t solidify in his poor, hurt mind that in order him for him to be accepted he had to do these things for the people around him?
Or even the betrayal he MUST have felt when he learned all of this was PLANNED. That he was raised and built and forged to be nothing else other than a hero for a society that always expected that from him.
That despite the fact that he escaped the Dursley’s, he would never be without expectations and responsibilities shoved into him from those around him.
Guys I’m so upset I just want to hold him. He deserved a loving, supportive home, where he should have had no expectations other than to be a child and to be loved. This is secretly a PSA that I fucking hate Albus Dumbledore for the pressure and the manipulation he put on Harry.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Also FUCK Jk Rowling
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pixiesempire · 11 months
jizzie pictures i need to see fanart of 🙏
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whether in their empires outfits or last life or secret life, you choose!!! i just. NEED. to see them 🥺 i'll do anything tbh
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laurencin-draws · 1 year
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the girlie of all time
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beebopboom · 10 months
i think it would be funny if God said they literally just liked the sound of music but
misinterpreted it as The Sound of Music
and that’s how Aziraphale’s personal hell was brought about
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sijopolang · 4 months
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Wotakoi cover with Jinshi and Maomao, anyone?
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malarign · 1 year
i’m sorry but the way sunoo looks at sunghoon makes me cry, i can’t do this today, i’m in my sunsun hours again 😔😔😔💔💔
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mandiemegatron · 6 months
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༺ 𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚈𝚘𝚞 ༻
Shachi x cisfem!reader
A birthday treat for all the Shachi lovers out there! I love you, my main mans!! 💖💖💖💖💖
Rated: G
Reader has a huge crush on Shachi, the moment friends become lovers, Reader is a baker, sweet and soft!!
No beta for this, if you see any mistakes, no the fuck you didn't 🥰🥰🥰
ᴿᵉᵐⁱⁿᵈᵉʳ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʷʰⁱˡᵉ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᶠⁱᶜ ⁱˢ ʳᵃᵗᵉᵈ ᴳ, ᵐʸ ᵇˡᵒᵍ ⁱˢ ⁿᵒᵗ! ᴹᴰᴺᴵ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵃⁿʸᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ˡᵃᵇᵉˡᵉᵈ ⁿˢᶠʷ, ʸᵒᵘ ʷⁱˡˡ ᵇᵉ ᵇˡᵒᶜᵏᵉᵈ ᵒⁿ ˢⁱᵍʰᵗ. ᵀʰᵃⁿᵏ ʸᵒᵘ! ♡
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The sweet smell of baked goods constantly floated through the Polar Tang ever since you joined, not that anyone's ever complained. Whoever said the way to a man's heart was through his stomach, they weren't lying - especially when it came to Shachi. 
It didn't take the redhead long to catch your attention, always happy to be the guinea pig for your goodies, which, in turn, caused you to spend the most time with him. It didn't bother you in the slightest. 
It got to the point where you would gush to Ikkaku every night as you both settled in your small, shared room, your best friend shaking her head every time with the reply of, “Just tell him!” 
“Absolutely NOT,” You'd snap back, horror flashing across your face before bursting into genuine laughter with her. 
One beautiful Sunday in April, the only place you would be found was in the kitchen. From the moment you woke til the sun set, you worked tirelessly on a new recipe you were praying would come to fruition. 
Taking a bite of your newest creation, you frowned after a few chews, giving a heavy sigh through your nose as you stared down at the pastry. 
“What's got you down, jelly bean?” 
You jump in surprise, turning around to see Shachi sitting at the island that separated the kitchen from the eating area. He had a playful frown on his face, almost in a mocking manner as he chuckled out, 
“Jeez girl! What's got your panties in a twist?” 
He snickers as you whip your small, half bitten donut ball at him, catching it in his hand before popping into his mouth as you reply, 
“I'm just… frustrated. I've been working on this for days and I just…. Can't figure out-” 
“What it's missing?” 
You huff at him with an unimpressed look at him cutting you off, though you nod slightly and continue, 
“It's getting me worked up, I won't lie. I just, ugh, I don't know.” 
You give a heavy shrug before leaning against the counter with your arms crossed, your head tilting back as you give an irritated glare to the metal ceiling. 
“... want some help?” 
Your head raises so you could stare at him instead, eyes flickering over his shaded face to find any indication of joking. You then gave another heavy sigh before nodding again, waving to your bowl of batter on the counter beside you. 
He quickly sat up and came around the island, humming and haa-ing to himself as he looked over everything on the counter. 
“Are you dead set on the vanilla?” 
You raise a curious eyebrow at him though he doesn't reply, instead grabbing a small vial of caramel extract, giving a small grin before opening the lid and tipping it into the batter. You stiffened at his actions, watching him with a hawk-eyed stare as he moved it into the batter before making a small ball and dropping it into the pot of oil on the stove. 
He carefully used the slotted spoon to turn the ball over, finally taking it out when it was golden brown. He spooned it into the bowl on the counter containing sugar and cinnamon, rolling it around for a few seconds before taking it out and holding it out to you. 
“Shachi, it's still hot! Put it down, you goof!” 
He laughed and shook his head slightly before taking a bite, his sharp teeth tearing into the donut ball easily. He hissed as steam immediately rose, his free hand coming up to rub at the tip of his nose before offering you the other piece. 
You cupped a hand under his, ready to catch the ball, but he didn't drop it, only holding it closer to your face with a slightly cheeky smirk. You rolled your eyes in return, a playful grin on your own lips as you took the rest of the ball into your mouth. 
You couldn't see it, but his eyes widened behind his shades, his breath catching in his throat as your tongue brushed against his fingers tips, lapping the cinnamon sugar off them gently. You haa-ed out the steam, quickly chewing the donut, and you couldn't stop the wide grin that overcame your face as the sweet tasted danced over your tastebuds. 
“Shachi! That was genius!” 
The redhead grinned in return, rubbing the back of his head with a shaky laugh before he replied,
“Ah, it was nothing. I just feel like I've watched you enough to know what would work well?” 
You rested a hand over your heart as you gave a soft, “Aww, Shachi…” before you pulled him into a tight hug. He clung to you in return, his heart pounding in his chest as your perfume fell over his senses. Squeezing his eyes shut, he tried to breathe you in as much as possible, etching the feel of your body against his into memory almost desperately. 
When you finally pulled away, you pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, grinning up at him as you commented, 
“I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks Shachi.” 
He couldn't reply, his words dying in his throat as the sound of his heart thudding descended him. He stared down at you near breathlessly, his grip on your waist tightening slightly as he leaned in slightly. 
Your cheeks burned at the movement, your eyes flickering from his shaded eyes to his lips a few times before you met him halfway, your eyes finally sliding shut as your lips met his. 
He pulled you right to him, chest to chest as one of his hands went to your hair, his palm cradling the back of your head as he deepened the kiss, his tongue brushing against your lips, begging for entrance. You gave it with a soft, muffled moan, your fingers tightening around his boiler suit as if to keep him as close as possible. 
When you finally parted to breathe, you stared each other down before he finally broke the silence with, 
“... So, that totally means you're my girlfriend now, right?”
You blinked a few times before bursting into laughter, grinning up at him as you responded, 
“I guess so! I also guess this means it's your birthday gift.” 
He choked at that, his own cheeks burning as he jokingly moaned out, 
“Aww, you didn't get me a real gift?” 
You laughed and shook your head, one hand moving to cup his cheek as you brushed the tip of your nose against his lovingly as you joked back,
“You don't need anything. Just knowing you have me now should be more than enough!” 
Shachi pouted slightly before leaning in to press a few soft kisses to your lips, holding you to him again for a bit before finally letting you go. He gently pushed loose hair from your face behind your ear before asking, 
“Did you want me to help you with this?” 
You looked over your shoulder at your project for a moment before humming, turning back to him with a small grin as you commented, 
“Honestly, I think I'd have much more fun doing this with you. I'd love your help.”
He grins in response before peppering your face in a few sweet kisses, thanking whatever gods existed above that you loved him just as much as he loved you. 
“Best birthday ever,” he breathed, catching your lips in one more loving kiss. 
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surr3al1sm · 4 months
R.I.P Jack Rose (Lose Yourself arc specifically) you would have loved HIND’S HALL 😔
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hey btw the quality of any 70s movie is directly proportional to how hairy and sweaty the actors are. if u even care
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slippinmickeys · 10 months
Is there anything more embarrassing than your personal MSR playlist?
What’s this playlist? It’s nothing, give me my phone back rightfuckingnow.
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Just a reminder that Dean Winchester canonically HATES nazis
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