#Anxiety thoughts. But I didn't really have my intrusive thoughts and I think it's a big part of my anxiety so I wanted to portray that.
blueishspace · 2 days
Looped Sun 12
Loop #380
Mumbo: Ok, it is done!
Scar: What is- WHAT IS THAT!?!
Grian: Is that why you needed the power stone?
Mumbo: It sure is mate. I present to you the new and improved powers stone powered Buttercups mech.
Grian: It's great!
Mumbo: Doc stands no chance against it!
Scar: Wooho! big and large! My favorite combo!
Mumbo: ... U-uh. R-right moving on.
Scar: What!?
Loop #383
Scott: Thomas sanders, right?
Thomas: Yeah? A looper right? Whose place did you take?
Scott: Oh right right, I'll be your Creativity for this loop.
Thomas: Oh... can you tell me why my friends had animal features this time around?
Scott: Oh that is a thing from our loop that seems to have carried over.
Thomas: ... Wait...Ours?
Scott: Right! Morality!
Jimmy: Hello! First fused loop for me so I'm a bit nervous... Why didn't you just call me by name though.
Scott: Easiest way to introduce your role. Next, Logic!
Mumbo: H-here! I uh... I really should have been anxiety though.
Jimmy: Eh, I see it. You are like, really smart Mumbo.
Mumbo: Oh... thanks.
Scott: Well, since you mentioned her, Anxiety!
Pearl: Hello mate.
Thomas: My anxiety being australian I didn't expect.
Pearl: Yeah... did you know about this australian spider that can kill you and is basically impossible to see?
Thomas: This is going terribly.
Jimmy: Listen It's not that bad, right?
Thomas: ...
Scott: It is pretty bad... Thomas' sides are all fragments of his personality but we aren't...we are complex people It's difficult to do their job.
Thomas: ...
Scott: Take me, sure I'm colorful and creative and prideful and all about that jazz but I'm also rational. I can't give Thomas the same delusional and completely fantastical type of pure creativity and imagination that he needs.
Jimmy: Well I think I'm doing a good job as morality!
Thomas: You are It's just...
Scott: You are also prideful and get weird when you feel insulted so your flavour. morality is too emotional, you also aren't used to killing being a bad thing as the life series has multiple respawns and Empires has infinite which means that the most basic morals of don't kill and don't steal don't really come to you naturally.
Jimmy: O-oh... well, I'm trying.
Scott: And Mumbo?
Mumbo: Y-yeah?
Scott: I mean it in the nicest way...Logic is supposed to reign Anxiety in, not akwardly stutter whenever Pearl makes a point.
Pearl: What can I say, I'm right.
Scott: And Pearl, I know you are having fun with this but you are treapassing into intrusive thoughts territories way too often.
Pearl: Do I? I'm sorry mate, I didn't mean to.
Thomas: It's...it's fine, I understand It's hard I just-
Mumbo: U-uh can I say something?
Thomas: Y-yeah?
Mumbo: Uh...you do know Scott scottish accent is not really that strong right?
Scott?: ... Frick... Well, I knew it wouldn't last forever.
Thomas: Huh!?
Grian: Hello Thomas, I just couldn't stay back while...this happened.
Pearl: G! You cunt! You didn't tell us you were here!
Grian: Sorry, sorry, just wanted to keep the surprise a surprise.
Mumbo: Grian!? You are here!
Grian: Sure thing Mumbo.
Thomas: How did I not-
Grian: What can I say? I'm a looper, I'm really good at lying. Now, I have a few ideas to fix these issues.
Thomas: Ok, ok this is fine Scott I need some ideas for the video-
Scott: Already on it! Are you-
Scar: Have you ever tought about tasting human flesh? I heard and totally have no experience with it that it tastes like pig.
Thomas: What!? No!
Pearl: Scar!?! Grian, did you know about him being here too!?
Grian: Yep, sure thing.
Pearl: And you didn't say anything.
Grian: Funnier this way.
Scar: Ok, ok, what if you stole a bone from a grave and sold it to one of their family members!
Thomas: Nooo!
Scar: Hm...
Scott: Got anything else?
Scar: ... Uh...murder?
Thomas: Not happening.
Loop #387
Jimmy had known about this type of loop from Grian, still waking up with healing powers and stuck in a tower was a lot. Still Grian said he just needed to reach the castle, reunite with this loop's version of his parents and get mother gothel apprehended. Which he did, in record time he might add which meant he was surprised when the loop didn't finish immediately when Grian said it would. It lasted a while more actually, he even got a special guard-
Jimmy: Pearl!?
Pearl: Jimmy!?! Of course you are taking Rapunzel's place.
Jimmy: You are my guard now?
Pearl: Yeah, It's my sworn duty to protect you.
Jimmy: So... why did the loop not end?
Pearl: This is the extended version of the loop mate.
Jimmy: Oh. Oh! Ohhhh.
Pearl: ...
Jimmy: I don't know anything about it.
Pearl: Oh right, well... follow my lead, mate and you'll be good.
Jimmy: Ok!
Jimmy: That's...different from the healing incantation.
Pearl: Yeah, don't read it.
Jimmy: What why not?
Pearl: It's not going to be good.
Jimmy: Well now I want to read it!
Pearl: Jimmy no-
Jimmy: Wither and decay... see nothing bad.
Pearl: Don't the words not make you think about it!?!
Jimmy: Hmm... End this destiny... no! Break these earthly chains and set the spirit free.
Pearl: Ok then, I'm just going to wait here to tell you I told you so.
Jimmy: Nothing is happening. Wither and decay, end this destiny. Break these earthly chains and set the spirit free.
Pearl: Guess It's happening.
Jimmy: Wither and decay, end this destiny. Break these earthly chains and set the spirit free. Wither and decay, end this destiny. Break these earthly chains and set the spirit free.
Pearl: ...fuck.
Jimmy: The moonstone? It's pretty.
Pearl: Yeah.
Jimmy: So do I just grab it?
Pearl: About that, plans have changed.
Jimmy: Uh?
Pearl: Listen, I'm the PearleascentMOON, I have a bit of a thing going on.
Jimmy: Don't -
And then light enveloped the room.
Jimmy: I can't believe you tricked me for the bit!
Pearl: Oh C'mon, it was funny.
Jimmy: ... Power of the sun, gift me with your light-
Pearl: And that's my cue to go.
Loop #393
Jimmy: Wait, why did I get Mabel's place and you Dipper!?
Pearl: You tell me mate.
Jimmy: You know what? I don't care. This is going to be great anyway.
Pearl: You do know what happens in gravity fall, right?
Jimmy: Not really! Just the basics!
Pearl: ... Right. Don't get your hopes up too high.
Jimmy: Wait, what happens!?
Pearl: ...
Jimmy: I hate gnomes.
Pearl: Big L.
Jimmy: Not even king! Queen! They tried to make me wear a dress!
Pearl: Nothing wrong with a dress.
Jimmy: There is when I'm forced into it by small creepy men.
Jimmy: How do people deal with so much...this!?!
Pearl: Probably used to it, they live here. It would be weirder if they didn't.
Jimmy: I- I guess!? You know what, I'm going to make more sweaters.
Jimmy: Oh, we can't just leave Pacifica there all alone.
Pearl: But she's a-
Jimmy: You said she gets better though.
Pearl: ... Yeah but-
Jimmy: Pacifica! Do you want a ride?
Grian: Oh It's nice to be here! You must be Gideon then?
Gideon: What are- How do you know my name?
Grian: Oh, I know lots of things. Lots of things.
Jimmy: Grian!?!
Grian: Hey there Timmy, I told Pearl this would happen eventually.
Jimmy: Why are you talking to me?
Grian: Well, it is near the time when the puppet show happens, you just didn't make them.
Jimmy: ...What?
Grian: Doesn't matter, at this point Bill would posses Dipper but I don't really want to posses Pearl, a bit unconfortable for me.
Jimmy: I'm not letting you posses me G.
Grian: Oh C'mon, it would be funny!
Jimmy: Why do even want to?
Grian: The nightmare realm is just so boooring. I promise I won't embarass you.
Jimmy: ...I want control at least 75% of the time.
Grian: no way, 50%.
Jimmy: 70%.
Grian: ... 60%.
Jimmy: ... Fine.
Grian: It's a deal then?
Jimmy: Yes.
Pearl: Grian you-
Grian: What? I didn't do anything!
Pearl: You caused Weirdmageddon!?!
Grian: Oh come on, It's so much tamer then canon, i'd call it Tamemageddon even.
Pearl: Grian.
Grian: I even turned infinte respawns AND keep inventory on.
Pearl: Grian.
Grian: Look at Timmy, he's having a blast! Aaaand I know for sure someone wants to pratice using the moonstone and chaos magic together.
Pearl: ...
Grian: I'm not going to hurt anyone Pearl, this is all innocent fun.
Pearl: ... Fine.
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olivianyx · 9 months
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thriftedtchotchkes · 5 months
love like you
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pairing: mike schmidt x gn!reader
summary: mike helps you through a rough patch by reminding you of the many, many reasons he loves you
warnings: established relationship, angst, comfort, mentions of depression, anxiety & panic attacks, self-doubt, intrusive thoughts
word count: 2.1k
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"Why do you love me?"
You ask the question so quietly, Mike almost misses it over the movie playing in the background. At first, he's not sure how to respond—or at the very least, where to begin.
You've never asked him that before, and he'd never given it much thought if he's being totally honest. He assumed you hadn't, either. It's just something he feels.
It's something he's always felt, gradually building since the day you led his sister back to him after she'd wandered off in the supermarket. He took one look at you, your kind eyes and patient smile, and asked you on a date without a second thought. That's what it's like to love you—instinctual.
He glances away from the TV and looks down at you curiously. Your head is nestled on his lap, eyes already locked on his and filled with apprehension he can't even begin to understand. There are a thousand and one reasons to love you; don't you realize that? He'd tell you every one if you asked.
He loves you because you're always there, through the late-night shifts and nightmares, helping him parent a child you shouldn't have to be responsible for at such a young age. You confiscate his controller every time he tries to smash it in a fit of rage, beating whatever boss he'd been fighting for hours like a champ. He thinks you're so fucking cool.
And you understand him like no one else ever has, so attentive and always willing to try. You kiss away his fears, strip him bare, unmask him. Allow him to seek shelter inside you, ride him to a mind-numbing release when his darkest thoughts threaten to consume him.
You hold him when he wants to give up, when the weight of the world is too much and persevering is too hard. The familiar, soothing tone of your voice reminds him to breathe, to tune out the little things and remember that there's still good to be found in life.
It's everything you do and everything you are. That's why he loves you.
But before he can say anything at all, your face screws up and your bottom lip begins to tremble. His chest immediately tightens.
"Woah, hey. It's okay," he murmurs, keeping you grounded in the present despite his rising panic. "You're okay."
You're prone to spiraling, but after years together, he knows the best way to mitigate it is to stay calm. Regardless of the raging storm in your head, you're safe with him, warm and dry at home on your couch.
He caresses your cheek, then trails up to scrub at the crinkle in your forehead. "What's going on up there?"
"Nothing. It's—really, it's nothing. I'm sorry, I don't know why I asked you that," you shake your head, averting your gaze elsewhere. But after a moment, your eyes snap back to his, and there's so much pain there, he can almost feel it.
"No, it's...it's everything. My brain won't shut up, and it's mean and loud, and I just—," you pause, clenching your jaw in frustration. "I just don't get it. Of everyone you could've been with, why me? I can't understand why you chose me."
The question feels like a slap in the face. Like he had so many choices and only picked you based on some predetermined criteria of what someone should want in a partner. He didn't just pull your name out of a bowl, either. You chose each other.
He wracks his brain to figure out what he could've said or done to make you believe otherwise, but then remembers this isn't about him. He tries again to explain all of the reasons he wanted to before, to tell you that the unrelenting thoughts ping-ponging in your head are wrong, but you continue on, unraveling before his eyes.
"I'm a shitty person. I'm selfish and useless, and all I do is make everyone around me unhappy. There's always a crisis, I'm always sad. And I always make everything about me," you tell him, getting angrier by the second. "Ugly, worthless, selfish, selfish. I’m a fucking burden. You know, I—I just keep waiting for you to figure it out and leave. To get sick of this...of me."
He listens helplessly as you tear yourself apart, the ache in his chest intensifying the worse your verbal barrage becomes. He knows he can't just reassure away your insecurities or magically heal your trauma, no matter how badly he wants to. But he also can't let this go on any longer.
"Stop," he says softly, cutting you off. Hearing the full extent of your criticism is agonizing, and if it's hurting him this much, he hates to think what you must be feeling. "None of that is true. I think...I hope, deep down, you know that."
The broken look you give him tells him you don't, or maybe that you can't, at least not right now. You open your mouth to retort, but he shakes his head and hauls you up into his arms. He holds you close as you start to tremble, guiding you to rest your cheek on his shoulder.
"There's nothing shitty about you, alright? You're the least selfish person I've ever met. Kinda wish you were so you'd stop prioritizing us over yourself all the time," he murmurs into your hair. "And you're fucking gorgeous. I don't want to hear you say any of that ever again."
He tilts his head to meet your eyes. "Got it?"
You shake your head, turning to hide your face in the crook of his neck. He sighs. He just can't fathom how you could possibly look at yourself and not see what he and Abby do. But then again, he might understand more than he'd like to admit.
Everything you've told him tonight feels jarringly familiar. The self-hatred, the unending criticism—he wallows in those thoughts all the time and knows better than anyone that they'll eat you alive if you bottle them up for too long.
He hates that you have to suffer through this just because brain chemistry is indiscriminately cruel. It's unfair. He, at the very least, deserves it.
Except, that's not actually true, is it? And if your roles were reversed, you'd remind him as many times as it takes for him to believe it. You'd tell him that he's perfect exactly the way he is. That he's a good parent, brother, and partner, and regardless of all of the shit life has thrown his way, he's still a good person that isn't defined by his lowest moments.
So, he'll do the same for you.
He shifts you on his lap so you're face-to-face, your legs bracketing his thighs, and cups your cheeks to keep your attention on him. He's not letting you hide anymore. He needs you to hear what he has to say and trust that he'd never lie to you.
"You're not worthless or useless or anything else your brain is telling you right now. Okay? You're perfect," he says quietly, stroking your cheek. "I've always thought you were perfect, from the moment I met you."
Doubt clouds your expression. "I don't believe you."
"Why would I lie to you?"
"B-because that's what you're supposed to say when you're trying to make someone feel better," you reply shakily.
Ouch. He hadn’t expected that answer. It stings that you'd think so little of him, especially after all this time. He feels like he’s grasping at straws now, but everything he wants to say is just a variation of how highly he sees you. It’s all equally true, but if you can’t accept that, then what else can he do?
"Then, tell me what you need to hear right now. Tell me how to help you through this, because I love you so fucking much, and I will do anything," he pleads, his frustration bleeding through despite how hard he tries to suppress it.
It’s starting to affect you. You’re shaking like a leaf, and he can tell you want to run away, but instead of letting you go, he wraps his arms around you as carefully as he can to keep you from leaving. He doesn't want to force you to face this. He just needs you to stop hurting yourself. Your face crumples, and he feels his own do the same.
"I don't know. Probably nothing," you tell him, voice cracking. "Look, we don't have to talk about it anymore. I'm sorry for bringing it up in the first place. Can we just go back to watching the movie? I’ll rewind it—“
But Mike doesn't want to let this go. Even if he should, even though you're asking—he's determined to make sure you go to bed tonight knowing how loved you are. His next words come out harsher than he wants them to, but he’s getting desperate. He’s only human.
"Fine. You want the truth? Being with you is hard. It's one of the hardest things I've ever done, and sometimes, it hurts like hell," he starts. Your expression morphs from sad to devastated, and he feels terrible for upsetting you, but he has to say this for both of your sakes.
"But that's what makes it worth it. I've never felt this way about anyone, probably never will again. Not because it's easy; because it's you. Sure, no one's perfect, but you're about as close as it gets. You're it for me.”
He truly believes that. Maybe you do, too. The tension in your body is beginning to bleed away, and you slowly sag against him, tucking yourself into his chest. He catches a glimpse of your face as you melt into him, and for the first time tonight, you look hopeful. Nuzzling into your hair, he continues.
"I can't imagine a life without you anymore. It's like you're part of me now, maybe even the best parts, and I fill in the gaps in between. We just…figured it out at some point. Together.” He’s starting to ramble, but he’s too invested to stop. Judging by the fact that you haven’t interrupted him or tried to intervene, it doesn’t seem like you want him to, either.
“Even the small shit other couples fight about. Like the dishes—you hate doing those because digging the silverware out of the sink grosses you out, so I do it. And you fold the laundry because I always burn myself taking the clothes out of the dryer. We talk shit out. We try."
He squeezes you a little tighter. “Maybe those seem like shitty reasons to love someone, but they’re real. Just as real as what I told you before," he says softly, pausing to kiss the top of your head. "You're beautiful. You're kind and passionate, and I’m just the lucky guy that gets to be with you. I’ll be here as long as you want me.”
When he finally finishes, he’s all but gasping for air. His heart pounds wildly in his chest, and he’s breathing so heavily, he feels like he just ran a marathon. But it’s worth it to see the look on your face as you peer up at him, cautious but peaceful.
“How could I not want you?” you whisper, splaying your hand across his chest, just below his collarbone. You're feeling his heartbeat.
"I've been asking you that all damn night," he chuckles. Cradling your head in his palm, he swipes away a few stray tears that fall with the next flutter of your lashes. "So, did I answer your question or should I keep going? Because seriously, I can keep going—"
You snort, effectively cutting him off, then give him a wry smile. The relief he feels is palpable.
“You know, I really don’t deserve you," you murmur as you lean up to kiss the underside of his jaw. When your lips linger, he ducks down to press his against yours, kissing you deeply and pouring in everything left unsaid.
"Sure, you do," he says kindly, but with finality. Now that the adrenaline has worn off, you're both starting to look as tired as you feel. But more than that, he's grateful; to have you in his life and to be able to comfort you when you need it most. You taught him that. "And I think we both deserve some sleepytime tea and a really soft blanket...if Abby didn't already steal it off our bed."
Your face lights up, and it's as if he solved all of the world's problems with that one simple offering. It's the same look you give him when he tells you he loves you. The corners of your eyes crinkle as you say it back.
"I love you, too."
thanks for reading!
divider by @saradika-graphics
a/n: this was a homework assignment from my therapist 💀 oops
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baby-yongbok · 1 year
You & Me
Han Jisung x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst, idol
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Warnings: mentions of wanting to die. (It's just for a second, I swear), Themes of a breakup/ ended relationship
Word Count: 1,460
Note: As soon as I heard Miserable (You & Me) I knew that I had to write based off of the lyrics. So I wrote this in thirty minutes while on anxiety medication that makes me a zombie so I'm sorry if it sucks but I actually love it.
Summary: You and Han's last call is emotional, to say the least.
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"Did you tell them yet?" You whispered into your phone receiver. Han was quiet for a second before sighing heavily.
"No… I'm not sure that I know how to. Do I just say, hey guys y/n and I broke up during rehearsal or something?" He lets out a sad chuckle and a ghost of a smile pulls at your lips.
"Just sit them down and tell them, Ji… I don't want you to go through this alone." It's quiet for a few seconds. The dim light in your room embracing you softly, mirroring how you feel inside.
"I'm not going through this alone… you're going through it too."
"You know what I mean, Ji." You sigh, shutting your eyes and leaning your head against your bed's headboard. "You know… we probably won't really talk anymore anyway so -"
"Don't say that." Han's words are rushed but you can still hear the pain behind them. "Of course we can talk."
"About what? Do you want to reminisce about all of our arguments? Or talk about the future we gave up on? Talking to you would just…" Your voice grows smaller as you process your emotions.
"Don't." Han whispers, you can imagine his pained facial expression. Eyes closed and his nose slightly scrunched as he battled his heavy thoughts.
"It would just be painful… for both of us and I don't want you to be in any more pain, Jisung."
"Then let's fix this, y/n… let's figure out the long distance."
"Please, you don't understand how many times I shut my eyes and hope that when I open them that this is all a dream. For two years you have been my everything, y/n. You have been the center of everything, you are a part of my life and if I have to let you go…if I really have to let you go then I honestly rather be dead."
Tears fall down your cheeks as you bring your knees to your chest and shrink into yourself. You knew that this would be hard when you decided to break up with Han but you also knew that the long distance and constant fighting wasn't what either of you needed or wanted right now. Deep down Han knew that too, he was just too afraid to say it.
"I know that this is hard… I've cried every night since we talked about it but this just can't work… I never see you, Ji… your job is something bigger than the both of us right now and it's not anyone's fault… it's just how your life is designed and right now I don't fit here… we don't fit here." You hear Han sniffle on the other line and you swear that your heart breaks a bit more. The sound only makes your own tears fall heavier.
"Is there someone else?" His question comes out in a whisper. He didn't want to ask it but knowing him he probably couldn't go another second without a solid answer to his intrusive thoughts.
"Of course not."
"Then… then tell me you're still mine, baby, please."
"Jisung… you shouldn't call me that." You pull your lips into a thin line as you take in the silence on the other line. At this point the silence has said more than either of you for this entire conversation.
"Please." His voice is once again barely above a whisper and you bring a hand up over your heart to make sure it's still beating. You're almost positive that the amount of pain in his voice could kill you but you have to try your best to stay strong. But, even if you are staying strong you can't leave him as the only one being vulnerable here, it just wouldn't be fair.
"I think… I think that I'll always be yours, you have my heart, Ji." That was the push that broke the dam for him. You listen helplessly as he sobs into his hands on the other line. You sit quietly trying not to succumb to your heavy emotions as well. The all too familiar silence swallows you both until your emotions seem to calm down a bit and all that's left is the sound of light panting and deep breaths every now and then.
"Do you remember when I came to visit you and I took you to the carnival?" A grin tugs at your lips as you shake your head.
"Yeah, I do, we got on the Ferris wheel because you swore you could handle it but you freaked out the second we started moving." You both chuckle lightly at the memory.
"It was terrifying but… when we got to the top and I looked at you.. and I watched you marvel at the view and that smile on your face when you pointed to the sunset…" He got quiet for a second as he recalled the memory. You could imagine a ghost of a smile across his lips.
"When I saw you looking like that… looking so beautiful, so breathtaking… I wasn't scared anymore, y/n." Now it was your turn to cry. The hand that was over your heart was now over your mouth as you tried your best to muffle your sobs. You knew it was no use, you knew that Han could tell that you were crying but you couldn't help yourself. You wanted to be strong for him.
"I kissed you on top of that Ferris wheel while the sun kissed the horizon and it was then that I knew that I love you."
"That was the first time you said it too." You manage to choke out through your small sobs. "I was so happy."
"I smiled for weeks after that. How could I not? You loved me.. I just.." The smile in his voice faded as reality hit him again. "I just wish that you would love me like that again."
"Han Jisung, I do love you… I love you with all of my heart but this relationship is going to hurt us way more than it is now if we don't take off our rose colored glasses and look at the reality of it all."
Han sighed in defeat, he knew you were right. The two of you weren't doing well with the distance and the dating rumors that social media constantly pushed out was not helping at all. They shipped Han with everyone they could think of which did horrible things for both your anxiety and his. You'd fight over pointless things and though you always made up you'd be fighting again a week later and it became a cycle that you two just couldn't seem to escape from. The last thing that you wanted to do was leave him but this just wasn't how your relationship was meant to go.
"You're my heart, you know? You always will be."
"You're my heart too, Ji."
"When I come to the states… Could I visit you?" He was shy to ask but he had to know if he could see you. It's all he ever wanted to do anyway, he always wanted to be around you. Hugging you, kissing you, cuddling you, and you used to love every second of it.
"You're always welcome here, Ji." You can nearly hear the smile that paints his face.
"And you're always welcome here, y/n… next time you come to Korea I'll show you all of the places I never got to show you while we were together… is that okay with you?" You smiled a sad smile 'while we were together' this is really over, huh?
"Sounds like a plan, Ji." Just as Han is about to reply you hear Changbin calling for him in the background and Han lets out a deep sigh. "Gotta go?"
"Yeah… we have promotions to do." His voice is sad again, small and distant.
"Can you promise that you'll take care of yourself, Ji… for me." Your voice is hopeful and pleading, something that Han can't seem to resist.
"For you, I'd do anything… So yeah, I promise." The silence came back to you both as you tried to figure out how to say goodbye.
"Well… I'll see you around, good luck."
"See you around, y/n.." Neither of you hung up for a couple of seconds, both wanting the other to say one last word. To hear one last breath escape their lips. Neither of you wanted to let go but you knew you had to. Just as you were about to hang up you heard Han's whispered words followed by the call ending. Tears welled up in your eyes once again as his words echoed through your head.
I love you, y/n
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j can you please make a corpse x reader where they are both publicly dating and as all internet couples do, get a fair amount of hate. but one day a specific comment gets under the readers skin so they distance themselves from corpse (lots of angst but with a good ending ?)
I'm sorry this took forever, I couldn't get my meds and went a lil crazy agh, also idk if this is any good tbh I feel bad at writing lately. Hopefully you like it though oof.
-J The Ghost
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➢ Author: J The Ghost ➢ Pairings:  Corpse X reader | Corpse X y/n ➢ WC: ~4k ➢ Themes:  Hurt/Comfort? | Angst | Fluff | Happy Endings ➢ Warnings: Depression | Anxiety | Death Threats | Spiraling | Intrusive Thoughts | Cyberbullying? ➢ Summary: You and Corpse are publicly dating, you knew you'd get some hate, but you didn't actually think it would get to you like this...
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Request: Hate Mail
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You woke up from your nap to the sounds of several voices coming from the other room. He must be streaming… You thought groggily as you stretched and snuggled back into the covers enveloped in the scent of his cologne.  You pulled out your phone and checked the time, almost four… Jesus, he really had made good on his word, you didn’t even realize you could be that exhausted. As you scrolled through your socials you saw the notifications of most of his friends live streams. Sussy Sundays, of course, how did you forget? He really had taken it out of you earlier. 
You were grateful to have weekends off, allowing you to see him more than just any days you managed to get off work at a decent time, but you hated Sundays. You both took turns staying over at each other's houses and coming up with fun things to do together, but since he’d agreed to be a part of the Sussy Sundays, you had to find a way to entertain yourself. When he would stay at your house, it was easy to find things to do- dishes, laundry, and tidying up always needed done- but at his place, he mostly ordered takeout, and didn't really have enough stuff to ever accumulate messes, much less any laundry, so you were left to figure something else out. 
A few times he’d asked you to join in on games, or hangout and watch him, but if the viewers got wind that you were with him- everyone's chat would latch on and start blowing up about it. You hated the fact that you’d turn viewers' attention away from the streamers they were watching, which led to you feeling guilty for making even the slightest sounds despite both him and his ever supportive friends trying to actively involve you. 
Ever since the two of you had gone public, the internet had gone wild. In the beginning fans were pretty supportive and kind, but once Corpse started to post about you more and more, they quickly turned on you. It felt like the majority now was vehemently against the idea of your relationship. You knew that once it was public, you would get a lot of hate, but some of the comments were so hyper specific and vile- you couldn't help but be hurt. You always did your best to not read through them, or let him see when ones you did see affect you. You knew it was mostly young fans that were crushing on him and envious of you, but it all still seemed to leave you feeling drained, and anxious, an empty feeling of doom settling in with each critique. What if he saw merit in some of them? Sure most were shallow insults, but some seemed so spot on to you. 
Who even are they? They're nobody, why is he with them??
He probably felt bad- he’s just too nice…
He can do soo much better…
You weren't usually an insecure person, but it was hard to stay positive when you did kind of agree. You worked a normal job, lived an average life, and you weren't really into the world of streaming, even as a viewer. It was- at the least- confusing to understand why he would be with you over someone with a similar lifestyle, or had more in common with him. 
Tik Tok was your savior while he finished up with his friends. The algorithm only showed you the mind-numbing content you wanted to see, nothing about him or streaming at all. It was around 7:30 and you were halfway through a dinner recipe video when he finally entered his room again. 
“Have a good nap?” He smirked tiredly as he plopped down on the bed beside you. 
“So good…” You chuckled, saving the video before tossing your phone aside to snuggle up to him “How was the stream?” 
“It was fun. Everyone said to tell you hi…” He wrapped his arm around you and absently traced his fingers along your arm.
“Tell them I say hi too.” You smiled as you buried your face into his hoodie. “Your friends are so nice…” 
“Mhm… they really like you.” He chuckled. “Are you hungry yet? I'm starving…” You nodded and paused, still groggy from lying in bed. 
“Can we get pasta? I’m craving it so bad…” Your voice perked up at the thought of the recipe video.
“Of course,” he laughed at your enthused voice, “you better start getting ready though…”
“Were going out?” You looked up at him in confusion, it was rare he ever wanted to go out, especially so spontaneously. 
“Yeah why not? I mean… as long as you’re up for it?” 
“Y-Yeah, just surprised that you are…” You beamed up at him before mustering the energy to get up and get ready. You pulled your hair aside and headed to the bathroom to wash your face, peeking slightly in the mirror's reflection and catching glimpses of him changing from the bedroom. The cheeky blush across your face turned quickly to a hot embarrassment as you watched the black button-down settle across his lean shoulders. Your mind started flashing through images of all the comments deeming you unworthy of him. You turned your face away from the mirror and avoided eye-contact with yourself- knowing it would only cement those thoughts and sour your mood even more. 
You quickly brushed your teeth and headed back to the room, only to stare at the clothes you had brought in disappointment. Too loose you’ll look like a soggy cardboard box, too tight you’ll look like a shrink wrapped ham, too-
“You okay?” He chuckled from behind you as he fixed his shirt.
“Yeah… I’m fine.” You huffed out, grabbing at a random article of clothing and feeling yourself physically recoil at the thought of wearing it. 
“You don’t look fine- if you don’t wanna go out we can stay in…” He shrugged and examined your clothes with you. “You still have some other things in my closet you know… you don’t have to keep living out of your carry on bag. You can keep things here.” He laughed softly. 
“I- I know. I just… I don’t know- it's one of those days- you know?” You mustered up a small laugh. “Nothing feels right.” You shrugged it off. 
“I get it… let's just stay in.” He sat beside your clothes on the bed, offering a soft smile as he took your hands and pulled you closer .
“No, I want to go out…” You furrowed your brow a bit, irritated that you were letting it all affect you so much. “I’ll hurry up.” You pulled another few items of clothing out and headed back to the bathroom, not wanting to even think about him watching you change right now. 
You came back out after continuing to struggle through every aspect of getting ready while your mind attacked you. He sat up from scrolling his socials on the bed and quickly tucked his phone back into his pocket- a detail you wish your brain would find insignificant.
 “Ready?” He smiled and stood as you nodded. He grabbed his jacket and threw it on as you grabbed your things and started to head out with him. 
You were grateful for the comfortable silence as he drove to the restaurant, allowing you some time to try and change your mood. He’d put some softer lofi on the radio and let you silently watch as the streetlights flashed past your window. You weren't sure how he always seemed to know exactly what you needed, yet he always did. 
When you arrived at the restaurant you were surprised to hear he’d made reservations for the two of you. You couldn’t help but smile, despite the discomfort welling up that he’d chosen something more fancy than you had expected- or dressed for. 
“Wait, wait…” He hooked arm around your side, stopping you as you followed the host to the booth. He spun you into him in front of the elegant floor length mirror stood beside the entrance and pulled out his phone for a picture. You giggled at the quick cute gesture and posed with him, shutting your eyes as he snapped the pic to avoid any further mental spiraling. 
Dinner went by uneventfully, you stayed a bit more quiet as he excitedly told you about new songs he was working on, or vented about the issues holding up his new merch drop. It wasn’t entirely due to your bad mood, you loved seeing him enthuse about his passions and how animated he’d suddenly become. His whiskey toned eyes would light up and his excitement was palpable in the air, making even you more energized. It wasn’t until halfway through or so when you came back from the bathroom that things shifted. You caught sight of him looking up at you returning before tucking his phone quickly away again. 
“What’s that about?” You questioned lightheartedly with a laugh.
“Oh it’s nothing… Did you wanna get dessert?” He dismissed before swiftly changing the subject, but not before you caught a strange look on his face. 
“Okay Mr. Secretive… um, I think I’m full though.” You shrugged awkwardly as you looked down at your plate.
“You sure weren't saying that about the wine though…” He chuckled as he sipped his own glass.
“I- okay?” You rebutted, hesitating as you gave him a confused glance. “I was just trying to cure my bad mood…” You internally cringed as your voice came out more defeated and offended than you intended, seemingly proving his point that you’d had too much. It was only two glasses… am I really that bad? All that stupid pasta I kept shoving in my fat mouth absorbed it all- I don’t even feel drunk…
“Wh- no… baby I- I was just making a joke… I didn’t mean anything by it-” His face softened with concern. 
“No it’s fine… I probably have had too much- sorry.” You managed to squeak out, your face reddening with embarrassment. “Let’s just get the check…” I just want to go home now… Jesus Christ. You bit down on the inside of your lip as you heard the harsh, irritated sigh he let out. 
The drive back from the restaurant was insufferable, just as it had been for him to the restaurant. He wasn’t sure if even his knives could’ve cut the tension radiating from the passenger side. It was clear something happened but he didn’t know what. Before he’d gone to his office to join the stream everything was fine, but once he came back the mood had completely changed. 
“Are you- okay? Did I do something to upset you?” He asked as tentatively as he could upon getting back home. 
“N-No, I’m fine. I’m sorry I had too much to drink.” Your voice was still soft but had a bit of an edge to it. 
“I’m sorry I said that at the restaurant, I didn’t mean it like that at all. I meant it in like a- ‘it’s funny that you chose the wine over dessert…’ because I agreed- kind of way… I’m sorry baby.” He paused, taking your hands and tugging you gently closer as he kissed your forehead. “Y/n, If I did something to upset you, I wanna know, so I can fix it and make you feel better. You’ve seemed upset since I got off stream.”
“It… it’s fine, I’m just stupidly sensitive. I’m fine.” You ruined the entire night with him, great job. If he really wasn’t hiding anything on his phone earlier, he’ll surely start now. You huffed in frustration at yourself. “I should probably get home…” 
“W- Why? You always leave Monday mornings…” He asked, feeling his energy plummet as you continued to shut down. 
“I just have an early day tomorrow is all. I’m sorry…” You met his gaze, immediately wishing you hadn't as you offered a half smile to his heartbreakingly defeated expression. You pushed back the self-criticism as you went to collect your things, that could wait until you were alone in your car. He silently followed you back into his room like a kicked puppy and helped you gather your things, making your brain slew more insecurities about him wanting you gone. Once all your stuff was in your bag he walked you out to your car while you said your goodbyes. 
“Please drive safe…”
He’ll just feel guilty if something happens…
“...text me when you get home…”
He feels like he has to say that… you’re so fucking sensitive. He walks on eggshells with you.
“I love you…” 
No he doesn’t, why the fuck would he? 
The drive back home continued that way as you dissociated the entire time, only letting the tears fall once you were back inside your own house. After having a small breakdown over the bullying your brain had done, you texted him you were home before collapsing down into your bed- exhausted by it all. You were ready for any solace you could get from mindlessly scrolling your phone, though it seemed the universe had something else in mind. You opened your instagram to check messages from your friends but were promptly bombarded by a photo he’d posted of the two of you from the restaurant. He’d put some goofy angel and devil emojis over your faces that you tried to let yourself laugh at but couldn't muster at the moment. He’d captioned it ‘LOMFL 😍🥵’ that got a small smile out of you, but not without a scoff. It wasn’t really until you tapped on the comments, you felt your gut tighten. The first few were various heart emojis from Rae, Tina, and Sean- but below that it took a turn. His fans attacked everything about you, your outfit, your weight, even your personality- as if they even knew you. But it didn’t stop there, some crazed fans had gone as far as finding you somehow- despite him never tagging you- and DMing your personal account even more vile things, even death threats. You wanted to vomit. You wanted to scream and show them how awful you could really be, but mostly you wanted to make yourself stop believing them. You didn’t want any of it to be true… but you were now convinced it was. 
The next day you kept your phone completely off, even going as far as deleting all your socials before shutting it off. In the morning meeting with your boss you informed her your phone wasn’t working and email was how you should be contacted from now on, so you wouldn't even need it on for later. You went about your daily tasks at work completely numb, doing everything you could to keep yourself too busy to think. Of course, that only worked at work, at home it was entirely different. The next few days turned to weeks as you cleaned like you never had before, you rearranged furniture like you were suddenly trying to fit four Alaskan king sized beds in your home, you went to the store and meal prepped- full well knowing you’d have no appetite, you binged several of your favorite shows entirely. 
By the third week, you’d fully run out of tasks to keep the thoughts and anxiety at bay. You scrolled through Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon- finding nothing. Out of either habit or some subconscious cue about the anxiety of not texting the only person you wanted to at the moment, you opened up Youtube. You rolled your eyes and groaned softly but scrolled through the videos anyway, cringing as the recommendations of Sussy Sundays and various other videos with your boyfriend popped up. You felt incredibly guilty about not talking to him. It wasn’t like the two of you talked non-stop, or that he’d be mad, you were just sure with the way you’d left things he was likely worrying about you by now. As you continued to scroll you saw a live video pop up in your suggestions, of him. He’s live? Why is he live? He doesn’t stream anymore… You were already anxious, but after reading the title ‘we need to talk…’ you started to feel sick. You hesitantly clicked the video and his voice rang out from your TV. 
“...I really don’t give a fuck how you guys feel or what you fuckin think…” He paused, presumably reading the chat. “I know it’s not all of you… but those of you that are commenting this shit… I don’t wanna fuckin see it- I don’t everr wanna see this shit again… if you like my content but come into my chat, or friends chats, or on twitter.com or instagram and say that shit… fucking unsubscribe right now, fuck you. Get off the fucking internet, it's disgusting.” You took in a deep breath as anxiety welled up more, why was he doing this? “I’ll straight up never put out another thing ever again if this keeps happening. I know that people are always gonna be assholes, but if you’re a fan of me or whatever- and saying this fucking shit about my partner? Go fuck yourself. I don’t want your fucking support…”  
You stared at his animated figure standing in the rain blankly and opened up your laptop, starting a video call to him. You waited for a while as he went silent on stream before it was denied. Is he mad at me? It’s all my fault- fuck.
“Anyways- I just thought I’d get on here and reprimand you fucks… and to all my actual fans, being kind and supportive, thank you, and keep reporting these people- love you guys… oodles and oodles… keep being you- I’m sorry you guys had to hear this… love you.” 
 You tried again as the stream ended. Again denied. Fuck he’s pissed… Because of me he had to get on after not streaming anymore and do that- fuck… You took a deep breath and tried to not overthink. Maybe he’s just sick of your bullshit. If he was worried or he’d been trying to contact you at all, he probably would’ve answered. You fidgeted nervously at the thought. I’ll just start a new show- keep my mind off this… You shut your laptop and dejectedly threw it aside on the couch before getting up and grabbing some blankets for another night of Netflix. 
You were two episodes in when you decided to grab a snack but just as you paused the show and stood, there was a knock on the door. You looked over, and cautiously moved toward it. Peeking out the peephole you saw what looked like an outraged figure of your boyfriend standing outside. You felt icy panic run through you as you grabbed the handle and twisted, preparing yourself for the worst.
“You’re okay…” He sighed in relief as his whole body relaxed. 
“I- Y- yeah… I- I’m fine.. What are you-” You tried to play catch up, still in shock to see him at your door, let alone not yelling at you. 
“You haven’t answered your phone- for anyone- in like a month…” He seemed to pant out. “I tried to give you space and not worry too much when you weren't answering, but then you deleted your socials, and then didn’t answer Tina, or Rae… or me… I was… scared.” He paused and caught his breath. “When you video called me I panicked, I thought you were in trouble or- I- I don’t even know… I just rushed over.” He stepped in and yanked you into one of his enveloping bear hugs. You stood motionless, mostly from how tight his arms were around you, but partially from even more surprise. Here he was, yet again, proving that he knew you better than anyone- and certainly better than you knew him. The guilt of not talking to him only grew now. How could you have ever thought any awful things about the panic stricken, devoted, heart-of-fucking-gold man that was seemingly holding onto you for dear life? 
“I- I’m sorry…” You squeaked out, faltering under his obvious concern. He sighed again and released his hold but kept his hands gently on your arms. 
“Please don’t do that again… If you need space that's okay, but please just tell me… I- I didn’t know what to think- or do…” He knelt down to your level slightly, his face full of worry as he seemed to practically beg. 
“I’m sorry…” You swallowed hard, feeling your face heat as your voice wavered. 
“I-It’s okay… I- I’m not mad… I just wanted to know you’re safe- cause I worked myself into a panic not knowing- I’m sorry I just showed up out of the blue…” He took a deep breath. “If you still need space that's okay I just- I was really worried. I know I’m probably overreacting…” 
“No… I just… I don’t know-” You looked down at your feet, the guilt consuming you now as he continued to prove every horrible thought you had about him wrong. 
“Do you want to talk?” He questioned hesitantly as his mind began reeling in the same way yours had. You just nodded, looking up as he closed the door and looked back to you, eyes still full of worry. 
You moved back to the couch and curled up into the blanket, comforting yourself and trying to hold back tears of guilt over how you’d acted toward him. He slowly moved to sit by you. 
“What’s going on? A-are you upset with me?” He stuttered nervously, also anticipating the worst. You shook your head and shut your eyes as they welled up. It all felt so stupid now- but the constant harassment, death threats, and insults had done a number- and having him here, almost completely in the dark about it all but still so kind and loving was just too much all at once. 
“Oh- baby… shh come here.” He soothed melodically as he pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around you tightly again. “Please talk to me.” His voice was soft and quiet as he pressed kisses onto the top of your head. 
“I don’t wanna cry- it’s stupid…” You managed to mumble. 
“It’s not stupid- something is really bothering you… is it the comments and shit?” You nodded. 
“It’s all of it- I- I don’t know why you’re even with me…” Your voice cracked and broke. 
“Y/n, I’m with you because I’m in love with you- I wouldn’t ever let the opinions of fucking dumbass ten-year-olds with no internet supervision change or dictate that…” You cringed as you heard the offended tone in his voice. 
“I know… I just… I let my brain believe it all… and I feel shitty… and that just makes me wonder even more why- because I do shit like this- even though you’re nothing but amazing and loving to me…” You choked out between sobs. 
“You’re not shitty…” His tone softened even more as he pulled your face up. “I have no idea what it’s like to go through that, and how you can even deal with it. Most people don’t. I knew it was hard to see, and if I had any idea that you’d been this upset about it for this long I would’ve stopped it right then and there…” He kissed your forehead and wiped off your tears. “I’m so sorry baby… I should’ve known.” You shook your head. 
“I should’ve just told you… but I felt so stupid- letting it get to me- I wanted to just come home and clear my head and get over it… but then it got worse and I just I don’t know, I couldn't deal.” He pushed your hair from your face and let you continue after the sobs began to slow. “Now I just feel guilty and shitty for avoiding you- avoiding all of it, not telling you… especially when you are… like this- so nice, and understanding.” You scoffed harshly at yourself, making him chuckle.
“Don’t. It’s a pretty understandable way to react… I’m sorry honey…” He leaned in and kissed you softly. “Would it help if I pretend to be mad at you?” He joked lightly as you parted. You let out a weak but honest giggle and gave an exaggeratory nod. He laughed and tsked loudly. “I can’t believe it… how could someone so goddamn attractive, funny, kind, and lovable think that I’d be dumb enough to see any warrant to the words of fuckin dipshit kids? To think that I’m not already blindly and completely head over heels? I’m disappointed…” He mocked in a goofy tone.
“Shut up…” You laughed, wiping your face and pushing him playfully. 
“I love you dummy.” He chuckled and kissed you again. 
“I love you too, Corpsie.” 
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alkaline-wtr · 6 months
Ghost x gn!reader
Description: Ghost and reader are neighbors who get stuck together in an elevator. Genre/Warnings: Ghost x reader, gn!reader, fluff, angst, a little hurt comfort, possibly enemies to lovers, imagine WC: 987
My Masterlist
**AN Good morning! Here's a little fluff, I don't exactly know if the genres I tagged it as fit, but either way i thought this piece was cute. Enjoy.
Ghost steps onto the elevator watching it close slowly, the doors are almost shut when he hears a voice.
He peered through the two metal plates you come walking quickly down the hall.
Ghost lets out an irritated sigh realizing it's you.
You and Ghost were neighbors. Living on the same floor of the apartment building. For some reason, despite your efforts over the last year Ghost just didn't seem to like you. In fact, he despised you.
Ghost wasn't exactly sure what it was about you that made him dislike you so much. Maybe it was your intrusive nature.
You put your hand in between the doors causing them to retract.
"Good morning, Simon. How are you?"
You asked in a sweet voice as you stepped onto the elevator beside him.
Ghost grumbled in response. You smile back at him but there is a sadness in your eyes.
Ghost presses the button for the first floor. He is obviously in no mood for small talk.
The elevator begins its descent. A low hum emits from the fluorescent lights overhead. Filling the uncomfortable silence between you.
You're watching as the numbers go down when suddenly the elevator comes to a halt rumbling beneath your feet.
The first thought that comes to Ghost's mind is confusion. His hand reaches across you and taps the button a couple times.
You watch with wide eyes as Ghost fiddles with the buttons.
"We're not stuck, are we?"
Ghost's glares at you,
"Obviously." He snapped.
Normally the comment would have hurt you but all you felt at this moment was the rising panic at the realization of the situation.
Ghost sighs pulling out his phone. He immediately notices the absence of the little white bars on the top of the screen.
"No reception."
He states, holding his cell up in the air in an attempt to find a connection.
The pounding of your heart is like a drumbeat in your chest. The warm wave of the fear and adrenaline washing over you makes you feel disconnected. You don't hear Ghosts frustrated grunts.
You'd always had anxiety, and this was one of your biggest fears.
Ghost lowers his Phone and looks down to you.
Ghost asks annoyed. Pure terror is apparent on your face.
"I-I just- This... has always been a fear of mine."
You stuttered.
His expression softens. Ghost was well aware of anxiety and the effects it can have.
"It'll be okay."
His attempts at reassuring you don't seem to work as your breathing grows shallower.
Instead of the usual irritation Ghost felt being in your presence, he felt sympathetic towards you. Understanding first-hand how you were feeling in this moment.
"I suffer from anxiety too sometimes."
His voice is soft, and you can see something in his eyes you never had before, vulnerability.
The momentary silence between you two is loud. Your eyes are locked with his before you finally speak.
The words are soft. He looked at you expectantly.
"Why do you hate me so much?"
The whispered question hangs in the air. Ghost breathes out a sigh averting his eyes.
"I don't..."
He stops himself from answering and thinks. Ghost hadn't really had a reason. He just wasn't fond of you. His negative feelings were unjustified. As he thought back to all the previous interactions, he realized you'd never been anything but nice to him.
With the pain and hurt of his difficult past, He'd found it hard for him to tolerate your positive and bubbly attitude. He was hurting deep inside, and you only brought that to light.
The truth was you hadn't done anything wrong, Ghost just couldn't separate his feelings of frustration from his opinion of you.
"I owe you an apology, y/n. I've allowed my own frustrations to interfere with my behavior towards you. It is unfair, and you never deserved to bear the brunt of it."
You looked at him shocked by his words. Ghost didn't seem the type to apologize.
"Will you please forgive me?"
He asked. Ghost knew you had every right to turn him away. After the way he had treated you for so long, he didn't deserve your forgiveness.
As always you proved to be kindhearted with your generous response.
"Of course. We all have our struggles. I appreciate you being honest with me."
You smiled at him. Your smile seemed so genuine and pure.
"I know this may mean nothing but if I'm honest with you, I've always liked you."
Your admission takes Ghost by surprise. The truth of the matter was that you had feelings for Ghost for a while. By hanging around and being friendly you hoped he could eventually warm up to you. Although, it had all seemed stupid now, you should have just communicated.
Ghost searched your face for any indication of what you were thinking. He had no idea how to respond. So, he did the only thing that came to mind at the moment.
A rough hand grabs your cheek forcing you to face him. Ghost hovers his lips over yours for a moment a silent way of asking for your permission.
When you didn't pull away Ghost took that as an okay to continue. His plush lips brush against yours.
You stiffen in hesitation, unsure of your actions. This had been a moment you'd only dreamt of and now that it was happening you didn't want anything to mess it up.
Finally, you lean in, kissing him back.  laughing nervously, when he pulls away.
"I almost forgot that we are stuck in an elevator."
You whisper. Ghost chuckles to himself and glances around
"Oh yeah. We aren't we."
He leans across you and presses the emergency call button. As you're waiting for Ghost to find a solution to the situation you can't help but smile to yourself feeling giddy and excited about what is to come.
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macgyvermedical · 5 months
My Experience in Inpatient Psych
So I know a lot of people on here have talked about their experience in inpatient psych facilities, but I'd like to add mine just to give all you writers out there a writer-focused one. It's below the cut just in case you have to sit this one out for your own reasons.
To give you some background, I am 30 years old and have had hallucinations since about 16 and bizarre intrusive thoughts (someone living in my house that wasn't supposed to be there, somebody poisoned my walls, etc...) for about a decade, as well as very severe anxiety since I was about 3 years old. This is something not a lot of people know about me, even people I am friends with IRL.
The only thing I am actually diagnosed with is anxiety, which I'm starting to think is a failing of the psych systems I have been a part of. I have had counseling off and on and prior to this hospitalization I took escitalopram, aripiprazole, and gabapentin prescribed by my primary care doctor- all for the severe anxiety.
Quite frankly, I should have been in inpatient psych at least a few times before this, and it's by sheer dumb luck that I've survived to continue this blog.
On Friday, I was at home alone and made a few pretty bad decisions. I wont say what they were because frankly they're embarrassing, but they have to do with self-harm. I was scheduled to work Saturday and at about 9pm I realized that if I drove myself to work I would crash my car. Since my wife drives me sometimes, I figured I would just ask her to.
I told my wife and she asked- even if she drove me to work, since I was a nurse, would I be able to keep myself safe around insulin or other potentially dangerous drugs? I couldn't answer that question. We talked for a couple hours and came to the conclusion that I probably needed to go to the emergency department.
At this point I figured they would evaluate me and release me because I couldn't possibly meet the criteria for inpatient. I was wrong in this assumption. After telling them the decisions I had made that day, the feelings of wanting to die in a car crash, plus about a previous attempt, they recommended inpatient. Turns out, when you're a nurse, you can make some really bad life choices with the knowledge you have, and they didn't want to take any chances.
I was given paper scrubs to wear (so I couldn't hurt myself with my clothing or a hospital gown). I was also given a patient companion (someone who sits in the room and makes sure you don't hurt yourself).
They gave me the option of signing myself in voluntarily, or putting me on a writ of detention. A writ of detention is a piece of paperwork that allows a medical professional or law enforcement officer to hold someone for 3 days in a psychiatric facility against the person's will for the purposes of psychiatric treatment. Whether you sign the voluntary or get placed on a writ, you cannot sign yourself out. You need to wait until the psychiatrist taking care of you thinks you're ready to go.
I didn't believe at this point I needed to go inpatient, but I took the voluntary option because there are some perks, like being able to leave within 3 days if appropriate. At this point I was convinced I was probably going to have to call off work Saturday and Sunday, probably be out of the hospital Monday, have a few days to rest and be back at work on my next scheduled shift after that, which was Thursday.
Well, that's not what happened.
Because of some of the decisions I had made, along with bed availability, they wanted to keep me in the observation unit overnight before they sent me to psych. I stayed overnight in a unit that shares staff with the unit I work on, so I was taken care of by my coworkers. This was surprisingly not that bad. I like my coworkers and they were really professional about it.
Saturday I felt like I was in a fog all day. I couldn't watch TV. I couldn't color or write. I worked out some in my hospital room and paced the halls once or twice. Mostly I hung out with my wife and occasionally talked with my companion, but even talking was difficult. I had refused ativan because I felt like I had no hope of finding a medication that made me feel better, and I figured I didn't want to take the one medication that might actually work and then not be able to get it ever again.
Around 7PM I took a 45 minute ambulance ride to the facility. Getting my blood pressure taken is a big anxiety trigger for me, but my brain felt so scrambled that I couldn't express this well. They took it every 10 minutes on the ride there and by the time I got there it was in the 170s/100s (BP goes up when you're having severe anxiety). This was not their fault of course, but no matter how much I thought about telling them or refusing the BPs, I just couldn't do it.
When I got to the facility I was greeted by a tech who took my BP again (150s/90s this time), showed me around and looked through my personal belongings (basically just the clothing I came in with since my wife took my phone and wallet knowing I wouldn't be able to have them on the unit) to make sure I didn't have anything I wasn't allowed to on the unit. She showed me around my room and was really thorough with telling me how things worked, what the rules were, etc..
The rules included:
No patients allowed in other patients rooms
No personal belongings that had strings, belts, or laces, or that could be used as a weapon
No caffeine after lunch and no free access to caffeine
No personal electronics (including eReaders and watches). There was a TV in the day room and 2 phones mounted to the wall for patient use
A little later my nurse came into my room and asked me a ton of questions. Here's the thing about any hospital- you get asked the same questions over and over. By the time I'd gotten there I could give my story in under a minute. Or at least, that's what it felt like. There were only 2 clocks on the unit, at the nurses stations.
The unit itself was laid out in a "T" shape. There was a main nurse's station at the place where the two hallways intersected. At the end of the long hallway there was another smaller nurses station, a cafeteria/day room, and a "comfort room" which was a small room off the day room that had a collection of the oldest and worst donated books that have every come together on a bookshelf.
I did some pacing that night and then went to bed, but didn't sleep particularly well.
On Sunday morning the tech woke me up to take my blood pressure, which was, not unsurprisingly, still high. It was about 5 AM so I got up and paced the longer of the corridors for about an hour. Breakfast was served at 8 and the food wasn't that bad. The coffee was about the worst I'd ever drank, which I suppose helped with the no caffeine goals.
Just after breakfast I met with a psychiatrist on an iPad for about half a minute, and I'm not exaggerating there. The only questions he asked were whether I was suicidal and whether I would be fine with tripling my dose of aripiprazole in light of the hallucinations. I had had a 50-lb weight gain in the last year so I asked to switch my med. He switched the med to cariprazine. That was all.
I had a much longer meeting with my nurse later. All the nurses did an excellent job of assessing me, asked tons of questions, and it seemed like they really tried to figure out what was going on. That day I also met with a social worker, and a therapist, and a nurse practitioner. Each of them did an assessment to see what my needs were while I was there.
There was also a music therapy session where I cried my eyes out to Because of You by Kelly Clarkson.
I was really tired by the end of the day but I also didn't think I could sleep so I asked for trazodone. I should clarify that when I say "I" in this piece I really mean my wife convinced me to ask because I legitimately didn't believe I needed or deserved any of the things I asked for at this point. To my utter shock and surprise, they gave me the trazodone.
My first night on trazodone was amazing and I realized I hadn't slept well in a long time. With trazodone I fell asleep and stayed asleep until the blood pressure cart came rolling down the hallway at 5am. The second I got up on Monday morning I was wide awake.
I paced a lot Monday. I went to a goals session in the morning where I gave a goal to write 3/4 of a page. I didn't know if I could do it or what I was even going to write about, but I know I like to write and it might be a reasonable introduction to getting back to life.
I also was having kind of a rough day brain-wise. My brain was coming up with all the ways I could hurt myself in my room. There weren't a lot of them, but it was trying. I told the nurse during her assessment and she asked if I felt I could keep myself safe. I asked her what she would do if I said no. She said they could move me to a more secure part of the unit and give me more supervision. I knew what part of the unit she was talking about, and I didn't want to go there (no space to pace, and pacing was keeping me alive right then). So I told her I could keep myself safe (if anything, the idea of moving was good motivation to do stay safe in itself). I hallucinated some black and white blood cells falling from the ceiling and music coming out of my vents.
I also had another meeting with the social worker to figure out discharge plans. I voiced in the meeting that I wasn't sure that I could trust my wife, since it felt like at the time she was the one who exaggerated my symptoms to get me in here. The social worker said we had really good communication skills, since this was something I felt needed to be said in front of both of them and we both stayed really calm through the whole thing.
I finished the day with an art therapy session that really helped me turn a corner. The prompt was to draw the emotion(s) you felt right now on one side of the paper, and to draw the emotions you wished you could feel on the other side. For the first time I realized that my emotional state was actually really bad and that the suicidality hadn't come out of nowhere, and that I needed help.
When my wife came to visit later that night I was able to tell her about my breakthrough, even though I still felt a little bit like she had done something to get me in here and I still wasn't sure I needed to be inpatient.
Tuesday was a lot better. I felt like I had woken up out of some kind of fog and I had no idea how long I'd been in it. I went to goals group, a spiritual group, and group occupational therapy. My goal was to be more social and I made a friend and we paced together and worked out. I read a quarter of The Martian by Andy Weir (my wife brought it for me because the best thing on the bookshelf was Louis L'Amour). I wrote about how good I suddenly felt. Turns out, I thought, a few days of good sleep, lots of therapy, and a new medication or two will really change things.
A quick side note about The Martian. I highly recommend it to anyone who is chilling in a psych hospital but has the ability to read while they're there (I sure didn't the first few days). I don't really know why, but the first few times I read it, I felt like they had created this superhuman character in Mark Watney just so they could throw a ton of wild things at him for the story. This time reading it, as a suddenly not suicidal person, I realized anyone with Mark's skill would have done the same thing and not just died on Sol 7 to get it over with.
Wednesday I woke up not feeling nearly as good as Tuesday, but still like the fog had lifted. I was a little disappointed (I hallucinated my cat (thanks for coming to visit me, Corina), some spiders, and just felt kinda meh. But I remembered how good I felt the day before, and that really kept me hopeful about going home.
I saw the psychiatrist again and asked to go home. He joked a little about me staying till Christmas, but ultimately he said as soon as his note was in I could go. I ended up leaving at about 12:30 with my wife.
In the time since leaving I have required a lot of support from my wife. The medications are all locked up, so are the blades and anything I could use to hurt myself. My wife has me in eyeshot at all times. I can't drive due to intrusive thoughts, so she does all the driving now. I quit my job because I feel like it was a big part of why I ended up as bad as I was. As someone who has been a pretty independent person this is a big change of pace, but something that is really necessary to my healing.
Ultimately at the end of my hospital stay, I was prescribed escitalopram, gabapentin, trazodone, cariprazine, and then a few days later propranolol. I'm currently on a total of 5 psych meds and honestly I don't care one bit because its so much better than being not on them at this point in my life.
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lu-lus-dicks · 6 months
You all need sleep and I may not be the best sleeper but here's some tips. these especially go out to @xxx-angie @nunalastor and @the-aprilfools-bitch . I will be in your closets making sure you all get good sleep >:(
rest your eyes from tv and phone. Just blue light in general. instead you could listen to music or podcasts. those are much better.
try sleeping between 2-4 PM at the latest (which means either that or EARLIER). your body produces the most melatonin (the thing you need to sleep) at those times. It will be much harder to fall asleep later than that
Take a warm bath or shower. If I didn't have a bad relationship with liquids, I would be doing this all day. the warmness helps drop your body temperature and generally lower temperatures signal to the body that it's nighttime and consequently bedtime.
no coffee if you drink some, unless you got ADHD (angie). I've heard caffeine works backwards for people with ADHD
If you grew up in a home with the TV on constantly or just generally had some noise around you in your childhood whenever you went to bed, TURN ON SOME NOISE. It is what happens with me and I can't sleep without some noise.
It would be nice if your bed was only used for sleeping, but I know that's not happening lmao
midgnight snacks disturb your sleep. try to avoid those, since your body starts metabolism during nights. it doesn't need more food to process. but if you must grab a snack, it's best to choose something that's easily digestible and maybe even increases the production of melatonin. some of these are milk (obviously), bananas, nuts, eggs, tea, vegetables and such.
Don't rely too much on meds, otherwise your body will get used to it and will depend on it for you to go to sleep. Instead you could try pavlov effecting yourself with something similar that can always be available. For example, before going to sleep, perform a certain action (I used this method in school and my version was patting myself on the head or touching my cheek with the hand opposite to it). once you've done this enough times before sleep, your brain will associate that action with sleep and you'll get a little sleepy if you do it again. This takes a long time though, A month maybe I have stopped doing this, but if nothing else works this can be an option. Though this isn't perfect lulu side rant: tried to condition myself with a ring once. was really bad with doing homework on time, so everytime I was doing homework I would switch a ring I wore to my forefinger. And this was only used for that situation. I never moved my ring to my forefinger for any reason at all. Thought this would work, but the only conditional response I got was that everytime I moved that ring to my forefinger I started thinking about homework and not really doing it.
If that doesn't work, try changing your enviorment. It doesn't have to be drastic. for example: sleep backwards. lay your head where your feet usually are and your head where your feet usually are. or maybe try sleeping on the floor. I am paranoid about sleeping in other peoples houses but this is the reason I tend to fall asleep anyway
If your lack of sleep is caused by anxiety (like intrusive thoughts or thinking about the future), try listening to a mindless podcast or a youtube video. It will help distract from your thoughts and give you something to focus your mind on, plus most content these days tend to try and turn your mind off to get that sweet sweet watchtime.
If all else fails, you can try to tire your brain out I guess. that's my method for extemely bad sleepless nights. I start reading because that's the most tiring activity I can do in bed and usually I fall asleep in the middle of it.
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warnadudenexttime · 9 months
I know the actual reason behind Virgil's shift in behavior from "loving his job as anxiety and being the villain of sorts" to "I mean... this is just my job I don't wanna hurt Thomas and I hate when I do" is Thomas making Virgil more sympathetic to keep him around longer since the audience took a hold of him more then he expected
BUT what would be in the in universe reason per say for the sudden change in his demeanor towards his job and his role as Thomas' anxiety?
In his first appearance he was very confident and cocky when it came to making Thomas anxious. It feels more like, Virgil is Anxiety rather than him being anxious himself if that makes sense?
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Then in Losing my motivation, something shifts. Virgil starts moving into his current viewpoint of his job, not completely yet though.
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As the season progresses it def feels like Virgil is beginning to dread his role, and cares more about how he effects Thomas. I think something that I consider about Virgil's character is that from the beginning of s1 to the shift into deep s2 he becomes for me- from the literal trait of anxiety, scaring Thomas into feeling anxious to moreso a guy with anxiety that causes Thomas to be anxious by extension if that makes sense.
So I wonder, why the shift? Cause up until this point, we can assume basically from Thomas' teen years Virgil has acted the way he did in taking on anxiety but there's a sudden mix up in Thomas' late 20s where he begins to change. Can we assume that up until this point maybe he didn't interact with Thomas as much directly, like we don't know how long the sides have been interacting with Thomas directly in a physical presence (as far as I remember, correct me if I'm wrong.) So now he's seeing his effect on Thomas and dislikes it? Was it a shift in Thomas' own outlook in anxiety or morality or something?
Idk im gonna dumb, too dumb to character analyze but here we are.
Also, Virgil saying in DWIT to remus "you used to really unsettle me. I thought you were some terrible illness." which surprises me? Since anxiety and intrusive thoughts can be linked and such, so if we are going off the idea that Virgil used to enjoy his job which was making Thomas anxious- I'm surprised he wouldn't in the past see Remus in a positive light if he's just doing what he similarly did in the past-
Uh what was the point of this, uh- what are you guys' thoughts on Virgil's change in motivation? Somewhat role? Or outlook on it?
Idk I just work here, someone smarter then me figure this out- HKDJSAH /silly
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sheriffaxolotl · 7 months
Fallen: A Path to Redemption (Chapter 3) Alastor x Reader
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"Solace, you say? Well, my dear fallen friend, in Hell, solace comes with a price."
“What kind?”
“How about... your soul, my dear.”
Word count: 5353
✿ Friends to Lovers ✿ Slow Burn ✿ Eventual Romance
✿ Drabble | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡
As Charlie led you down the dimly lit corridor of the hotel, your nerves began to flutter in your chest like a trapped bird. While her offer of hospitality was undeniably kind, the prospect of leaving behind the familiarity of your own apartment in Hell filled you with a sense of unease you couldn't quite shake. After all, your apartment had been your sanctuary for longer than you cared to admit, a haven amidst the chaos of your day-to-day.
When you finally reached the door of the room designated for your stay, Charlie's infectious enthusiasm was impossible to ignore. Her bright smile was enough to momentarily ease your anxiety as she gestured for you to enter. "Here we are! I hope it's to your liking!"
Stepping over the threshold, however, disappointment washed over you like a wave crashing against the shore. The room was devoid of character, lacking the warmth and charm of your own living space. Despite Charlie's efforts to make it inviting, it fell short of your expectations.
"I appreciate your thoughtfulness, Charlie," You began, your voice hesitant as you struggled to find the right words. "But I think I'd feel more comfortable in my own apartment. It's just... I'm accustomed to it, you know?"
Before Charlie could respond, Alastor, ever the showman, interjected with his trademark flair, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "Nonsense! Allow me to remedy this situation." With a snap of his fingers, the room was transformed before your eyes, your own furniture materializing right in front of you. Your bed, dresser, bookcase—every piece of your beloved belongings stood before you, a perfect replica of your own apartment.
You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks as you surveyed the scene, overwhelmed by Alastor's unexpected gesture. "Alastor, you really didn't have to go to all this trouble," You managed to stammer, your gratitude mingled with a hint of embarrassment at the intrusion into your personal life.
But deep down, despite your protests, you couldn't deny the warmth that bloomed in your chest at the sight of your familiar surroundings. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes about Alastor's willingness to make you feel at home in this unfamiliar environment. And for that, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude, even if it came with a tinge of embarrassment.
In true Alastor fashion, he waved off your protests with a casual flick of his hand and a wide grin. "Truly – No trouble at all, my dear!" he declared, his voice filled with cheerful reassurance.
Charlie looked torn, caught between wanting to respect your wishes and knowing that ultimately, you didn't have much say in the matter. After all, Alastor owned your soul, and you was bound to serve him regardless of your personal preferences. It was a reality you had grown accustomed to over the centuries, a reminder of the bargain you had struck with him long ago.
You sighed inwardly, realizing that there was little point in arguing. Alastor had signed you up for this, and as much as you resented the loss of autonomy, there was little you could do to change it now. Besides, in the grand scheme of things, having your own furniture in the hotel room was a small comfort, a reminder of the life you had built for yourself in Hell.
With a resigned nod, you turned to Charlie, mustering a small smile. "Thank you, Charlie. I appreciate your kindness," You said softly, accepting the situation for what it was. After all, in a place like Hell, it was the small acts of kindness that kept you going.
As Alastor exited the room with his characteristic flair, Charlie's warm demeanor enveloped you like a protective embrace. Her eyes sparkled with genuine interest and a hint of curiosity as she turned to you. "Let's get you settled in, shall we?" she suggested, her tone inviting and reassuring, offering a glimmer of comfort in the unfamiliar setting you have been put into.
Charlie’s smile was infectious, and you found yourself mirroring it, appreciative of her warmth amidst the uncertainty that surrounded you. With Charlie's help, you both delved into the task of unpacking your belongings, turning the hotel room into a semblance of familiarity. Side by side, you found that Charlie's warm presence offered a sense of comfort, her genuine curiosity evident in the way she eagerly engaged you in conversation. With each exchanged word, she sought to unravel the enigma of your connection to Alastor, her inquiries veiled in a delicate balance of curiosity and respect.
"So, how long have you been working for Alastor?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity and sincerity.
You paused, considering how much to reveal. Charlie was kind-hearted and well-meaning, but you weren't sure how much she knew about Alastor's true nature. "Centuries," You replied cryptically, deciding to keep the details vague for now.
Charlie nodded understandingly, though you could tell she was curious for more information. "He's quite the character, isn't he?" she remarked with a chuckle, her eyes glancing towards the door through which Alastor had exited.
You couldn't help but laugh at her understatement. "That's one way to put it," You agreed, remembering the countless times Alastor had surprised you with his antics and enigmatic nature. "Alastor has a way of keeping things interesting, that's for sure."
Charlie's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she leaned in slightly, as if eager to hear more about your experiences with the Radio Demon. "Oh, do tell," she encouraged, her voice filled with genuine interest.
You hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal about your complicated history with Alastor. "Well, let's just say he has a knack for surprises," You replied cryptically, deciding to keep the details vague for now.
Charlie nodded, though you could tell she was eager for more information. "I can only imagine," she remarked with a bit of a disappointed smile.
As you continued unpacking, you couldn't shake the feeling that Charlie was probing for more information about your relationship with Alastor. While you appreciated her curiosity, some secrets were best left buried, especially in Hell. Nonetheless, you were grateful for her friendly demeanor and genuine interest in getting to know you better.
As you both finished unpacking, Charlie glanced around the room with a satisfied smile. "There, all done," she announced cheerfully. "I hope you find everything to your liking."
You nodded appreciatively, though a small part of you still felt hesitant despite Charlie's warmth. Trusting others had always been a challenge for you, but in this moment, her genuine kindness made it a bit easier to let your guard down.
"Thank you, Charlie," You said sincerely, offering her a grateful smile. "I really appreciate your help."
Charlie returned your smile, her eyes twinkling with kindness. "Of course, anytime," she replied warmly. "If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask."
With that, Charlie bid you farewell, leaving you to settle into your new surroundings. As you unpacked the last few personal items, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for Charlie's hospitality and the opportunity to start afresh again in Hell.
As you sat alone in the room, the events of the day replayed in your mind like scenes from a vivid dream. Alastor's sudden appearance and his effortless manipulation of your belongings had stirred up a storm of conflicting emotions within you. On one hand, you were grateful for his assistance, but on the other, You couldn't shake the feeling of being manipulated, of being at the mercy of forces beyond your control.
As you ponder these thoughts, a sense of vulnerability washes over you, leaving you feeling exposed and uncertain in this unfamiliar environment. The room, a sanctuary of familiarity a moment ago, now felt like a battleground of emotions, each conflicting feeling warring for dominance within you.
With a heavy sigh, you pushed aside the thoughts swirling in your mind, reminding yourself that in Hell, trust was a luxury few could afford. But deep down, a flicker of hope remained, a glimmer of possibility that perhaps, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there was still room for genuine connection and kindness.
With another heavy sigh, you decided to retreat to the comforting embrace of the bed, its soft mattress offering a temporary reprieve from the whirlwind of emotions swirling within you. As you lay there, staring up at the ceiling, you couldn't help but feel the weight of the day's events pressing down on you like a suffocating blanket.
The room was silent, save for the distant echoes of laughter and conversation drifting in from the corridors of the hotel. The dim light filtering through the curtains cast dancing shadows across the room, your eyes following them as they grew heavier by the second. As you lay there, the softness of the mattress beneath you beckoning you into its embrace, you felt the weight of the day begin to lift.
Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself to sink into the warmth of the bed, the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest matching the steady rhythm of your breath. In the silence of the room, the echoes of the day's events slowly began to fade, replaced by the gentle hum of tranquillity that enveloped you like a cocoon.
With each passing moment, the lines between wakefulness and slumber blurred, the edges of consciousness softening as sleep beckoned you into its embrace. And as the darkness of sleep swept over you, carrying you away on its gentle currents, you surrendered to its embrace, grateful for the respite it offered from the turmoil of the day.
The following morning arrived with a soft, golden glow seeping through the curtains, gently nudging you awake from the depths of slumber. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, you found yourself disoriented, the unfamiliar surroundings of the hotel room a stark contrast to the comfort of your own apartment.
With a groan, you shifted in the bed, the soft sheets clinging to your body as if reluctant to release you from their grasp. Glancing down, you grimaced at the realization that you had fallen asleep in the same clothes you had worn the day before. It was a small inconvenience, but it added to the disorientation of waking up in a new place.
Reluctantly, you pushed yourself upright, the mattress protesting softly beneath your weight as you swung your legs over the side of the bed. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you rose to your feet and made your way across the room toward the door that Charlie had pointed out as the bathroom.
Stepping inside, you took a moment to survey your surroundings. The bathroom was spacious, far larger than the cramped quarters of your own apartment. The pristine white tiles gleamed in the soft light, casting a warm glow over the room. A sense of luxury emanated from every corner, from the sleek countertops to the gleaming fixtures.
You began to peel off the clothes you had slept in, their fabric clinging uncomfortably to your skin. With each garment removed, you felt a sense of liberation, as if shedding the weight of the previous day's turmoil along with your clothing.
With a sigh of relief, you stepped into the spacious shower, allowing the warm water to cascade over your weary body. It was a welcome respite from the chaos of the previous day, a moment of tranquillity amidst the storm of uncertainty that surrounded you.
As the steam enveloped you in its comforting embrace, you couldn't help but luxuriate in the sensation of the water washing away the tension that had settled in your muscles. With each drop that fell, you felt yourself relax a little more, the knots of anxiety slowly unraveling beneath the gentle caress of the shower.
Taking your time, you reached for the shampoo and lathered it into your hair, massaging your scalp with slow, deliberate motions. The scent of lavender filled the air, soothing your frayed nerves and calming your racing thoughts. It was a small indulgence, but in that moment, it felt like a luxury you had been denied for far too long.
Next, you turned your attention to your body, allowing the soap to glide across your skin in long, sweeping motions. The gentle hum of the water provided a soothing backdrop as you washed away the grime of the previous day, reveling in the simple pleasure of cleanliness.
With your body feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, you turned your attention to your wings, careful not to neglect them in your grooming routine. With practiced ease, you spread them wide, allowing the warm air of the shower to penetrate their delicate feathers. It was a sensation unlike any other, the soft flutter of the air against your wings sending a shiver of pleasure down your spine.
Stepping out of the shower, you reached for the plush towel hanging nearby, relishing the softness of the fabric against your skin. As you dried yourself off, you couldn't help but hum a small tune under your breath, the melody a testament to the newfound sense of peace that had settled within you.
Glancing around the bathroom, your eyes landed on the unfamiliar hair dryer sitting on the countertop. With a smile, you reached for it, grateful for the opportunity to dry off the last of the water from your hair and wings. It was a small gesture, but in that moment, it felt like a gesture of welcome from the hotel itself, a silent acknowledgment of your presence in this strange and unfamiliar place.
With your face freshly washed and teeth brushed, you emerged from the bathroom, feeling rejuvenated and ready to face the day ahead. The room, once a temporary refuge, now felt more like home, its familiar surroundings offering a sense of comfort amidst the chaos that is your life.
As you perused the selection of clothes you had brought with you, your gaze settled on a crisp white button-up shirt, a pair of tailored dress pants, and a sleek black vest. It was a classic ensemble, one that never failed to make you feel confident and put together.
You paused momentarily as you reached for the binder that lay atop the dresser, its presence a constant reminder of the wings hidden beneath your clothing. With a sigh, you fastened the binder around your chest, the pressure a necessary discomfort to keep your wings concealed from prying eyes.
Over the years, your wings had gradually diminished in size, their once majestic span now reduced to mere remnants of their former glory. Perhaps it was the weight of your sins or the relentless torment of Hell that had caused them to wither away, but regardless of the reason, they served as a constant reminder of the life you had left behind.
Once your wings were securely bound, you slipped into the shirt, relishing the sensation of the smooth fabric against your skin. The sleeves were a perfect fit, the cuffs falling just right over your wrists. Next came the dress pants and vest, the familiar routine bringing a sense of normalcy to the morning ritual. With each garment donned, you felt a little more like yourself, the layers of clothing offering you comfort.
Finally, you sat down on the edge of the bed, the leather of your dress shoes gleaming in the soft light of the room. With a practiced hand, you laced up the shoes, the familiar motions soothing in their repetition.
You stood before the mirror, your reflection staring back at you with a mix of familiarity and uncertainty. With a small sigh, You smoothed down the fabric of your vest, adjusting the collar of your shirt. You couldn't help but indulge in a moment of vanity, spinning around in a small twirl for your own amusement.
As you came to a stop, your gaze drifted down to the watch on your wrist, its hands ticking steadily towards the start of another day in Hell.
7:50 am.
Yesterday, this would have been the time you’ll be bustling around the kitchen of your apartment, preparing a cup of coffee and a quick breakfast to fuel you for the day ahead. But here, in the unfamiliar surroundings of the Hotel, you were faced with the daunting task of reintroducing yourself to the kitchen.
The memory of last night brought a small smile to your lips, the warmth of camaraderie and laughter still lingering in your mind. Despite your initial discomfort, you couldn't deny that there was something undeniably comforting about being surrounded by such lively company.
Stepping out of your room, you descended the stairs to the first level of the hotel, the echoes of your footsteps reverberating through the empty corridor. Despite the grandeur of the Hotel, navigating its labyrinthine halls proved to be a challenge, and you couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration as you found yourself turned around once again.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of wandering, you stumbled upon the entrance to the kitchen, a wave of relief washing over you as you stepped inside. You set about your morning routine, the familiar tasks of making coffee and preparing breakfast grounding you in the present moment. You rummaged through the pantry in search of a loaf of bread, your fingers trailing over the shelves until you finally found what you were looking for.
But the toaster proved to be more elusive, hiding away in some forgotten corner of the kitchen. With a sigh, you embarked on a mission to locate the elusive appliance, determined not to let it thwart your efforts to enjoy a proper breakfast.
After what felt like an eternity of searching, you finally unearthed the toaster from its hiding spot behind a stack of pots and pans. As you wait for the coffee to finish brewing and the toast to brown, you let out a sigh of contentment, the tension of the morning melting away with each passing moment. It was a rare luxury to have no idea what the day had in store for you, to be free from the constraints of routine and obligation.
With your plate and mug in hand, you made your way to the dining room table, sinking into the chair with a sense of satisfaction. As you savor each bite of toast and sip of coffee, you lose track of time scrolling on your phone.
The tranquillity of the morning was shattered by a sudden crash that jolted you out of your mindless scrolling. With a sigh, you set down your mug and followed the sound, your curiosity piqued by the source of the disturbance.< /p>
As you rounded the corner, you found yourself face to face with Husk, his head slumped on the bar counter as he snored softly. A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips at the sight of the sleeping demon, his usual gruff demeanor softened by the vulnerability of sleep. You couldn't help but marvel at the fact that the noise hadn't stirred him from his slumber.
But your amusement was short-lived as you noticed the broken glass scattered on the floor, evidence of the disturbance that had disrupted the quiet of the morning. With a sense of resignation, you retrieved a broom and dustpan from a nearby closet, intent on cleaning up the mess before it became a hazard.
Careful not to disturb Husk's slumber, you began to sweep up the shards of glass, the rhythmic swish of the broom against the floor a soothing counterpoint to the chaos of the moment. Halfway through the task, you were interrupted by the sound of Husk's grumbling voice, his eyes squinting as he blinked away the remnants of sleep.
"What the shit are you doin'?" he mumbled, his gaze shifting from you to the broom and dustpan in your hands, then to the broken glass on the floor.
Suppressing a laugh at his disheveled appearance, you offered him a sheepish smile. "Just cleaning up a little mess," You replied casually, gesturing to the broken bottle on the floor. "Didn't mean to wake you."
With a concerned furrow of your brow, you couldn't help but comment on Husk's less-than-ideal sleeping position. "Isn't it uncomfortable sleeping like that?" You questioned, your tone laced with genuine concern. "I have to admit, you look awful."
Husk's response was predictably nonchalant, a mere grunt escaping his lips as he half-heartedly acknowledged your remark. He leaned back from the bar to stretch, his movements sluggish and weighed down by the remnants of sleep. "Eh," was all he offered before rubbing the sleep from his eyes with a tired sigh. "At least you look like you slept well enough for the both of us."
"Well, that's what happens when you sleep in a bed," You retorted with a teasing smirk, emptying the glass into the bin behind the bar. "Obviously that habit isn't going anywhere soon?" You couldn't help but add, shooting him a judgmental glance as he reached for another bottle at the bar.
"Piece of advice, little lady," Husk began, his tone surprisingly serious as he pulled the bottle away from his lips. "The best way to beat a hangover is to keep drinking," he declared before taking another swig from the bottle, his eyes glinting mischievously.
The suggestion caused you to grimace involuntarily, shaking your head in disapproval. With a dismissive wave, you turned away from Husk and headed back to your coffee, only for it to be gone, much to your dismay.
You then notice Niffty running around, chasing what looks like a bug. “You shouldn’t leave such a mess behind, (Y/N)!” Amidst the chaos of Niffty's playful antics, her voice pierced through the lively atmosphere, chastising you for the mess you had left behind – your unfinished breakfast. Niffty's scolding only added to your frustration, her words a stark reminder of your oversight.
Taking a deep breath to quell the rising irritation, you pushed back the urge to snap in response. 'Stay calm,' you reminded yourself silently. 'It's not worth getting worked up over.'
With reluctant determination, you turned back toward the kitchen, hoping to rectify the situation with a fresh start. However, your hopes were swiftly dashed as you laid eyes on the coffee machine. The once-pristine appliance now bore the telltale signs of neglect, its surface marred by scattered coffee grounds and spilled espresso. The milk steamer, once gleaming, now appeared to be encrusted with dried milk, a testament to its recent use and subsequent neglect. And standing nearby, leaning casually against the counter, was Angel, his presence exuding an air of nonchalance.
"Morning, tots," he greeted you with a lackluster wave, his eyes lingering on you with a hint of judgment. The intensity of his scrutiny sent a ripple of self-consciousness through you, prompting an involuntary shift in your stance as you struggled to maintain your composure.
With a tense smile, you offered a tentative nod in response, your fingers twitching nervously at your sides. The weight of Angel's gaze felt heavy upon you, casting a shadow of doubt over your every move.
"Good morning, Angel," You replied, mustering a small wave of your own, attempting to mask the unease bubbling beneath the surface. 'Maybe he'll clean up after himself,' You thought optimistically, a faint glimmer of hope flickering in the back of your mind.
However, your hopes were swiftly dashed as Angel straightened up and sauntered out of the kitchen without a second glance. Disappointment washed over you, mingling with a growing sense of annoyance.
With a frustrated huff, you seized a cloth and set to work, methodically wiping down the counter and tackling the stubborn remnants of spilled coffee and dried milk. Each swipe of the cloth was fuelled by a mix of irritation and determination, a silent vow to restore order to the chaos that had unfolded in the kitchen.
As you meticulously cleaned every surface, a sense of satisfaction washed over you with each spotless section. Finally, with a small smile of accomplishment, you surveyed your handiwork, admiring the gleaming countertops and pristine coffee machine.
Clean. Orderly. Good.
As you reached for a new mug, the kitchen suddenly became a hive of activity as Charlie burst in, radiating her usual positivity, with Vaggie trailing behind, looking a bit groggy. Their contrasting energies collided in the space, momentarily overwhelming your senses.
"Morning, (Y/N)!" Charlie greeted you with her trademark bright smile, her movements fluid as she glided across the kitchen. Vaggie offered a nod in your direction, her expression reflecting her morning weariness.
Your spirits sank further as you watched Charlie effortlessly use the mugs labeled 'C' and 'V,' resigning yourself to the fact that your morning routine was once again being disrupted. With a sigh, you stood there with the mug in your hand, feeling a sense of defeat wash over you.
Vaggie, ever perceptive, caught onto your struggle, and without a word, she held out her hand for the mug. You hesitated for a moment before handing it over, managing a small smile at the gesture. Sometimes, it was the little victories that made all the difference.
Charlie's question about your sleep broke through your fog of exhaustion, her energy levels seemingly boundless even at this early hour. "How did you sleep?" she asked, her voice filled with a bit too much energy for your still-groggy morning state.
"Yeah, I slept well, thank you. What about the both of you?" You asked, trying to mask your slight discomfort with a polite tone. Conversing with others, especially so early in the morning, wasn't exactly your forte. After all, spending most of your time alone and communicating through a microphone had become your norm.
As the conversation unfolded, we found ourselves engaged in a pleasant exchange, standing around the kitchen with steaming mugs of coffee in hand. Each sip seemed to punctuate the pauses between our words, creating a rhythm of its own.
"So, any other jobs besides paperwork I should be thinking of?" You inquired, breaking the brief lull in conversation. You observed Charlie's lips parting to respond when suddenly, a static-like voice interrupted, slicing through the air with an unexpected intrusion.
"Well, well! What do we have here? Morning meetings?" Alastor's voice cut through the air with his usual flair as he entered the kitchen, his presence commanding attention. He looked just as polished as he did the day before, not a single hair out of place. You watched as Charlie began to respond, but you found yourself tuning out her words as your gaze lingered on Alastor. There was something about his demeanor that struck you as different today, something more serious and focused than usual. It left you wondering what had prompted this sudden change.
"Then I guess I better show her, hmm?" Alastor's voice snapped you back to the conversation, his piercing gaze meeting mine. You blinked, caught off guard by the sudden attention directed your way.
"Sorry, what now?" You asked, your tone slightly abrupt as you perked up at the mention of something concerning you.
"Showing you your office, my dear," Alastor clarified, bringing you up to speed with the conversation that had unfolded in your momentary distraction. 'Oh... OH! You get an office?! Neat!' You thought to yourself, a spark of excitement igniting within you at the prospect.
Placing your empty mug into the sink, you followed after the overlord, trailing behind him as your eyes scanned over his back. Despite the anticipation of seeing your new workspace, your thoughts couldn't help but wander back to Alastor's sudden change in demeanor. Where had he been all this time again? The question lingered in the back of your mind, a nagging curiosity that threatened to consume you if left unanswered.
Before you could muster the courage to speak, Alastor's attention was diverted elsewhere, and he began leading you through the hotel, guiding you to your small office space.
"This will be your domain, my dear," he explained, sweeping his hand around the room in a grand gesture. "I trust you to keep track of expenses and paperwork. It's not the most glamorous task, but it's essential for keeping the hotel running smoothly."
You nodded, a small smile tugging at your lips. The idea of having your own office space was rather exciting. Back in your apartment, you had only ever used the dining room table for tasks like these. As you tried to settle into the idea of this new role, you couldn't shake the feeling of warmth and acceptance that surrounded you in the Hazbin Hotel. So far, you have been offered a room rent-free and now an office space to work in. Sure, there were a few minor hiccups, but overall, this was a nice change.
As you walked past Alastor and into the office to inspect the desk and chair, your eyes caught sight of a medium-sized box placed on your desk, adorned with a red bow. Alastor noticed the confusion evident in your furrowed brows as you studied the box.
"It's for you. A present from me – A way to give thanks for everything you did in my absences," Alastor declared, making a sweeping gesture toward you and the box. You shot him a puzzled look, wondering what he could possibly have gotten you as thanks. As you pondered this, you slid the box closer and began to unwrap it, lifting the lid with anticipation.
A gasp escaped your lips as you peered into the box. There, nestled within, was a beautiful Cathedral Radio (Atwater Kent Model 82 for reference). You traced your fingers along its edges, marveling at the exquisite craftsmanship. You had been trying to find one of these for years, but they were always out of your price range.
"Alastor – This is gorgeous," You began, intending to express your gratitude, but he cut you off before you could finish.
"Oh! Isn't it? Much better than that dreadful Voxtech radio you had in your apartment," Alastor remarked, inspecting his gloved fingers with an unmissable amount of sass.
Oh, bollocks.
You offered a strained smile as a wave of awkwardness churned in your stomach. The past drama between the TV demon and Alastor bubbled to the forefront of your mind, casting a shadow over the moment. "Well... These are really hard to find now, and not to mention expensive—"
"Which is why you need one, my dear! Nothing but the best for you, hmm?" Alastor interjected with a grin, leaning closer and placing a hand on the table. His proximity and smug expression made your heart flutter nervously. "You do like it, don't you?"
"Of course! I love it—"
"Splendid!" Alastor cut you off with a flourish, turning to leave with a self-satisfied air. As he headed for the door, you couldn't help but reach out a hand, calling after him. He paused, glancing back over his shoulder, and your eyes locked.
"Thank you. I really do love it," you said, your voice softening as you looked down at the radio. For a moment, you thought you saw a flicker of something in Alastor's eyes—a hint of warmth perhaps, or genuine satisfaction. But it was gone in an instant, replaced by his trademark grin.
"Of course. Anything for an old friend," Alastor replied with a nod, executing a gesture akin to a regal bow before departing through the door, disappearing from view. As he vanished from sight, the bubble of awkwardness in your lower belly seemed to swell, leaving you feeling unsettled. A quick flash of memory teased you, hinting at something you couldn't quite place—an emotion flickering in Alastor's eyes that didn't quite match his usual demeanor.
Shaking off the confusion, you resolved to focus on the task at hand: settling into your new role. Drawing on the years of guidance from Alastor, you set to work organizing the paperwork and expenses. Despite the lingering questions and unease, you were determined to prove yourself worthy of the responsibility he had bestowed upon you.
Anything for an old friend.
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My AO3 account!
Hey everyone! Once again, a massive thank you for all your comments and kudos. Your feedback means the world to me! Just a heads up, I've decided to post new chapters every Thursday from now on. I've recently started my Masters at university, so Thursdays work best for me. See you next Thursday! -Ivory
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erinnkenobi · 2 years
𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗻'𝘀 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗻'𝘀 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹 | Pevensie's blood
Jacaerys Velaryon x fem!reader
– words: nevermind.
— 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝. may contain( I really dunno) mature language and might some violence. If you're a minor, DON'T READ.
— summary. your house has been forgotten in the darkness for too much time and that's enough, as your parents doesn't has a male heir, although they don't really care about this anymore. Nonetheless. both em wishes you to marry well, besides knowing well how Westeros is within it's kingdom's is a cruel world to be a woman, your mom wishes the best for ye, a young and clever maiden. Your mom seeks for a betrothal marriage, the revelation of your presence leaves everyone with an astonished look, whose people thought that the Pevensie bloodline was gone, though what really put them with a triggered face is that you, you got for yourself a dragon, making you been seen as a threat as well someone meant to be respected in such a young age.
However in Westeros, you are now not only a damsel in distress but also a pawn for this sick game of thrones, therefore you catches everyones attention with ye cleverness and sassy tongue.
details. your mom is the only Pevensie, except by you, that remains alive, she was betrothed to a Stark Lord, your father, the house Stark has kept this secret for themselves all way long. Cregan Stark does respect your family and house, they'd be there to aid you whenever it's needed, plus house Pevensie by its own have a bunch of soldiers, people that swore loyalty to ye family. — Emrys is bigger than Balerion, yeah, I know.
Note's: English is not my mother tongue, however I hope you folks might be able to enjoy, then be easy on me and if there's any mistake I would be glad with feedbacks.
♥︎ – if you liked. (+ Reblog – if you liked)
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The cold weather created a tough path that you ye mom and retinue had to face so could make at King's Landing, the weather wasn't the only problem, it was an worse situation, time before you sat foot in the targaryen land's, your family and servants passed through the northmen, paying them tributes and giving lord Cregan Stark some gifts from your homeland twas distant from those lands, however your mom and you needed to keep on track.
You were apprehensive, thinking that appearing out of nowhere without any warning and just showing up at King's Landing was madness, that your mom went mad and also your father whose agreed with, you have just nineteen years old..
"Well... I know I have to marry, but so suddenly? Who would be mad to marry a crazy maiden who's rides a bloody enormous dragon, and not even having a targaryen or velaryon blood or valyrian culture! They might think that I had stolen them or suppose that this is a sick prank"– you mentally talk with yeself.
Oh, who knows? Sometimes you have intrusive thoughts and anxiety issues, causing you being agitated, your thoughts just ease when a low feral hums behind you, making you feel on ye skin a warmth breeze, its breath as if was wooden sticks recently burnt, Emrys.
Emrys, his snout pokes your back softly interrupting your thoughts; it was his way of showing that he cares about you, so when you become unquiet, anxious or stressed, he knows. Then he'd try to help, even if he wasn't subtle he'd try anyway help you, since the day that you both connected (or the day you claimed him and won his reliance after helping heal his front paw, you could've die in that day, however he didn't did anything to you).
– I know, I know, Am I doing this again, ain't I?-you crossed your arms hugging yourself. — It's just...It's just this overwhelming and uneasy feelings.-you turn to face the huge dragon, poor boy had to turn his head to one side, so he could see all of you with one of its eyes.– What am I suppose to do when we arrive in King's Landing? What if the dragon in there attack us and what about the first impression, you know, the first impression it is what matters.
[Emrys huffs uninterested, he knows due to his size, he'd eat all of them if they tried to hurt his precious rider]
You breath in and out, calming down.
– I have you.- emrys tilts his head, he doesn't exactly knows what you meant, but he feels and tries his best at interpreting you.- I guess with you, dad and mum, I don't need to freak out, just be spontaneous yeey.-you try to cheer youself up and Emrys.– We will soon leave Winterfell, o geez, here is like living inside an ice cube, what a place! Lucky I which have an amazing dragon, in which just standing near is warmful.- you caress his scales, but stopped when you hear two well known voice. –Lykirī.
Sybilla Pevensie and Ivar Stark, Cregan Stark middle brother, a year younger, then well, you're half Stark, but carries the House Pevensie family coat of arms, the reason was simple, you were the "only" child, no. You're an older sister, your mom and dad two years ago had your younger sister, but that's not what we're talking about. You're the one that needs a husband, you're old and your parents desperately wants you married, well your mom, she cares about the future of House Pevensie, the blood, the precious Pevensie's blood, why? Once your mother said that your blood is somehow magic and she wouldn't accept it's extinction.
– Are you freezing my dear child? -your father smiles to you and wow, seeing him using traditional Stark clothes you knew; he was in home, comfortable with it's kin. You wave your head hurrying in ye dad arms, hugging him.– My little cub, these clothes ain't enough? Should I demand the serves put on more clothes in?
– Oh no dad, it will pass.- you hope so.– Eventually, I guess I am not prepared to this weather as I thought I would be.
–It's my fault, I should've bring our family more often here, your uncle said this as well, he almost couldn't recognise you and got surprised when I showed your sister.
– And where is the lovely brat?
– (y/n), don't call her by this name, couldn't just say baby?
You rolls ye eyes, Emrys just enjoyed the time for a nap while you were talking.
– She is with her uncle and auntie, and I dare to say, Cregan is not happy that you with your mom will go to King's Landing just to find a betrothal marriage, he'd confirmed for sure, that he could find a fine men here in the North and...-your father is trying the same, he didn't want you to marry someone else, well he is your father, it's understandable his denial. Your mom cuts him off.
– I said that you wanted to choose by yourself, if it didn't work well in King's Landing, we'd come back here and just giving a spoiler so we could leave this freezing realm, I will go with you to King's Landing with some servants and soldiers, your father and sister will stay here.
– What?Why mom?!-oh no, why dad won't go?
Ivat tried to say something, but ur mom replied quickly.
– Because my young maiden, he have to solve some business with his brothers and it's brethren, me and you can't waste time, ok? The path to King's Landing might take days or hours, we got nothing to lose.
Mom's right, what if the Prince in King's Landing is already married and I lose my opportunity to share my thoughts and doubts about dragons that they've could answer.
– Then... Is this a goodbye papa?-you stare at your dad who waves positively his head, you hug him again, tightly.– I'll miss you, can I see my little brat?-you look at your mom and dad, your mom denies with a soft smile, your dad huffs moody. – OK, that's good, if she sees me and cry I know I'll come back right after her, postpone our mission.
– Yes, we can't wait anymore, each seconds counts.-Ivar look at her with a grumpy mood, he doesn't like being apart of her.– I know, I'll be careful and our girl will be safe, Emrys is by her side and you promised me to look after our baby, Odette.
– I assure you my dearest woman, if something bad happens with our baby, it won't be me who would kill, Cregan and his wife already loves her, she's with them at this moment.
– Oh, it seems my baby melted their heart.-she kisses your father.– We will be back right away.– methapor. Favoravel
The minutes has passed, you were in barouche with mom, before we left, Cregan and his people wishes you a farewell: – Farewell, my dear (y/n) and Sybil, before you go, a wee reminder, remarking if someone out there mess with you, both of you are Starks!
'Yeah, uncle Cregan would aid our house whenever it's needed, but everytime he refers us as Stark, he misses his brother, I guess he didn't overcome the fact that my dad uses Pevensie as his surname and not Stark.'
– Of course! If someone tries anything bad, for sure I'll use the surname as my advantage, soon we will come back! -your mom waves from inside, you do the same but sending kisses in the air.
It was a long travel indeed, you were bored, you wanted to go with your dragon flying around in his backwards, but the weather was awful and you could probably hurt yourself, why? You didn't have a saddlery so it was pretty rough fly on his dorse, thencenforth you usually use proper gloves, shoes and even clothes, sometimes it was painful but you got familiar with it, Emrys dorse in a special part didn't have any thorns/horns, your perfect spot.
– Is he following us from above, innit?
– Yes, since we left Winterfell... –you tried to see him out of the windon.– Mom do you think bringing him out of nowhere won't scare the other dragons? They might become nervous and attack us.-Sybil sees reflexive for a moment.
– We will see, let's hope that nothing bad will happen.
This doesn't help you anxiety, what if they'd attack? A lot of intrusive thoughts runs through your mind thinking the worse, one leg start trembling, hitting softly the barouche floor. Your mom swift touches you length.
– Whatever will be, Will be, my dear daughter, mommy will be there for you, besides we also can count with our men, we are not heading to a dangerous path without being prepared, just... A reminder, we don't need tell about our magic's blood, right?
You shake your head in affirmative.
– Well mom, at least we stopped at some point and took a great shower, we will appear tidy, that's a relief.-you babble looking out of the window until you sees amidst the foggy clouds a spot stirring. - Smart dragon.-you sheepishly whisper with joy.
Before you make a surprise entrance, your mom demands to stop the barouche, she would go inside first (which you disapproved) and you? You would go with Emrys, on his back and wait for a special signal.
– Are you certain of that mom?
– Yes, I'll handle them, just because your father is not around, it doesn't mean that due me being a woman they will do anything, at first sight they will complain but when I show this pendant.-she pointed at the necklance she's using, it was made out of pure valyrian steel based silver, it's older than even Aegon The Conqueror existence, and is well preserved, a signal of loyalty and intimacy, soon it will be yours. ‐ the king mayharps know what it means, hope it is not too late so the truth of the song of ice and fire been told and avoid bloodshed.
The pendant was made of valyrian steel, purr silver, carrying on a figure of a Pegasus, the symbol that represents your House, a gift from the House Targaryen to House Pevensie due to their intimacy (with no marriage, just reliably), a symbol from a long past friendship, when Valyria lived.
– If you sure, I'll just do my part.
– Good, your part of all of this is to be a good calm girl, go with Emrys now, he waited his friend rider for too long throughout this travel.
You give her a big smile hugging your mom.
– Thank you, go ahead, I will be right behind you, I mean... Right above you.-you chuckle kissing her cheeks, before you get out of the cabin she holds you and kisses your forehead.
– My young lady, just don't mess your beautiful braided hair.
You laughed getting out of there.
– I will see with Emrys, see you soon and take care of yourself, my marvelous mom, because we might play the ugliest game, if not avoided.
– Go.
At the gates of King's Landing your mom faced a little trouble with the guards, but gladly it was solved with no fanfare. A knight had to accompany them but before Sybilla were able to enter, the Knight had to talk foremost with Ser Harrold, for permission, Harrold, a lord commander of the kingsguarding so he could let her come in.
Ser Harrold doubted the knight and even threatened accusing him of lying at such critical conditions right after the petitions of Driftmark , the knight then said "If you doubt of my loyalty and my disposition in favor of your Grace, the King, see for yourself her carriage my lord, her knights said she could ease our King pain, I rather die right now over lying, I saw it will my full eyes, the symbol on ghe flags around the carriage." what a bold man.
– Show me where she is. If this is a treat or fantasy it will be considered an act of treason, if she lies and kill herself the King, all of them must die.- the knight said nothing more and just guided the way.
Before Harrold could reach his way near the barouche, Pevensie's knight put himself in front of it.
– My Grace wishes quickly for an audience, she knows somehow how this moment is cruel to your King's realm, yet as her sworn knight Lod Commander, she pledged for urgency and her desires is at her orders to take, she wants to talk directly with your King, she might explain everything, Ser Harrold Westerling.
How could they know his name if the true Pevensie were all dead, weren't their lands and Highlands ruined a year before the Valyria doom?
Harrold tried to contest, but the knight said the same thing, tough he changed the sentence in last minute: "– We are here in peace and with gifts, my grace can't loses her patience nor time, if she lost it, her temper might affect all us." After that Harrold understood and quickly ran by the other knight side back to the Palace room, a few minutes ago he was able to hear a muffled roar, he thought it was the dragons from around in the dragonspit, but his consciousness says otherwise.
At the Red Keep room where everybody were gathering, Ser Harrold entered in a rush with a grumpy face. He leans his head to whisper something into the king ears which won Princess Rhaenyra, queen Alicent and the rest of the Velaryons and Targaryens attention, not metioning the handmaidens and witnesses.
Viserys first of his name looks shocked as if he could faint at the knight words which Rhaenys tries unriddle, whatever makes the her cousin looks like that is when something really bad happened or something else that might be seen in his sight wondrous, but what was it? She cannot decipher.
– Let her come in, treat her as a guest.-Viserys says to Harrold who waves positively and get himself out of the room, Alicent was desperately by his healthy as well Rhaenyra who also tried to say and bring the maesters.
– What was that dad?-Haelena question softly.
Alicent changed stares between Rhaenyra and her husband waiting also for an answer, Lord Hand is stranged.
– A wondrous visitor, my child.
Lucerys change glances with his older brother as if them could mentally talk; "Do you know something about this?" – "I don't, it seems neither mom nor Daemon knows about it, even the one‐eyed is curious."- Indeed, Aemond didn't get his sight our of the huge doors.
It was when a big entrance with fours knights entered the room, two carrying Spears entirely made of a well known steel by Daemon and the other two with sheated swords made of the same material. Viserys is trying his best so he could see what is a head of him, is this a dream? The armors of Sybilla knights carries a Pegasus on their backs and a symbol of the same animal on the center.
– A friend that comes for help, apologise for being late, there she comes, A Queen sent by the old Gods that now is out of her homeland, far from Essos, far from their Highlands there she comes to see our King, Sybilla of House Pevensie.
The lads couldn't stopped themselves from staring the knights with their weapons and now after the declaration, there she's.
Wearing a long black dress with red in honor of the colours of the house Targaryen, Rhaenyra stared your mom dumbfounded, Jacaerys and Lucerys couldn't stand their feet anymore, what is all of this?
King Viserys were speechless by it, he didn't even seen bothered by her got herself called Queen inside his Castle. Then Sybilla walked forward, followed by her guards and a man carrying a medium box in hands.
Sybilla bows kneeling before the King, and waited for his voice.
– Rise...Sybilla of House...Pevensie.
She obeyed the man, everyone at the background were muttering:– As you wish, your Grace.
– You...Are really what they've said?-his breathing is worse than ever.
– Yes, your Grace, I am a Pevensie, an only heir, yet I know that wasn't invited and We might not be seen welcomed... To the party.-she looks down on the floor seeing fresh blood, where is a Targaryen there's trouble, cliché. – King Viserys, first of his name and King of the Iron Throne, I would like to speak freely as I don't wish to waste your time, neither the time of your family nor guests.
– Continue...-he says weakly.
– Most of you all must been doubting of the veracity of my House name and if I am a real Pevensie, extinguished more than thousands of years ago, so to proof what is the truth.- she puts her necklance out and holds so everybody could see the round steel based silver jewellery, in a side was a symbol of a Pegasus, on the other the symbol of the Targaryen House, the Dragon with it's three heads.- Your Grace, shall I continue before it could be late?
Otto Hightower changes glaces over Alicent who seems lost, Lucerys were amazed by the jewelry.
– Please.. This opportunity is... A great delight.
– My house, indeed was destroyed and our first homeland also condemned by the doom, but the real doom was our ignorance and secretiveness, we used to known great things that we didn't shared with ours brethren, yet the time when we tried to share, the spirit of envy ruined it all almost provoking our last bloodshed, glad the gods were merciful and here I stand at full length and your grace.-she approaches her body to the throne but stopped.– I would like to share with you and your personal maester a medicine that could skin over your open wounds and give you furthermore month's or years living and...-Alicent bold enough to cut your mom speech asks.
– Viserys, do you believe what is she saying? Is it safe for you?-she pledge touching him.
Before your mom could continue Rhaenyra step in.
– Lady Sybilla, could you assure it, do you have any proofs?- "mom..."-Jace touches his mother's hand.- Just in case, you know?
Aegon in the same time he was bored he also finds interesting.
– Of course, princess Rhaenyra and... Consort Queen Alicent.-she tilts her head maneuvering for one of her servants near the doors using a cloak, not showing his identity until now, the man lowered it's hood revealing a deformation not only his appearance but also half of his whole arm, some fingers missing, but miraculously all of his body is now healed.
– My good Queen saved my life, your Grace.-the old bald man bows.– She saved my life so I could stay alive with my family and also, her realm most of all pregnancies succeed, blessed is their house name, she traveled all this way so she could help you, she thought she'd be welcomed.
Viserys couldn't bear what his ears were listening, with Daemon helps with Alicent by his side, all eyes following Viserys just during to stare at Sybilla.
– How much is for... This impossible miracle?-he asks our of breathe.
Sybilla smiles, Ser Otto thought all of this was false, nonsense, yet for now he's believing, someone new is coming to the game.
– At this matter, I would likely speak only by your family presence or if you'd like to go now and apply what I brought to you...-he replies quickly.
-Everybody out!- the guests leaves one by one grudgingly, the gossip would spread sooner or later.
Minutes of a dreadful silence.
– Please, Lady.. I mean, your Gra...
– Lady is fine, your Grace, I'm a foreigner in Westeros, you're the King.-she continues.– I beg you your grace for simple things, two of 'em, first... I'd like to restore our houses friendship, not only with the Targaryens but also with the Velaryon.-Sybilla looks at Rhaenys who is more than ever interested and Rhaela.– And offer you aid, I know about the conflict on Stepstones and the issue with Driftmark inheritor plus the problems with the fleets and it's ships, your Grace, I have men willing to fight, the war and troubles might not be my problem... I have not only an army, but I've enough money, I have spice trades, extract, food, fabrics which I'd like to share if our intimacy were to be restored.
– How come?-Daemon step in.
– M'sorry?- Sybilla stares at Daemon whose can't believe.
– How come you're doing all this? Why you left your homeland, do you intend take something of the King, what do...-Rhaenyra touches Daemon arms, Viserys also shussing him.
Sybilla sighs in awe.
– Sorry for my impetulance, I must be right on the goal, I mean... Target.-she pauses.– My price and pride is more than anything that I said before, yet again I must remind that I've talked about men willing to die, an army, but for what? Why Am I doing this? Because of my precious daughter.
Viserys eyes softness, Alicent worried face is now way more than interested, she eager for what may come now out of the Queen" Sybilla's mouth.
– Are your daughter in danger?- Haelena blurted, shyness overcome her again.
Sybilla denies with a soft smile.
– Not anymore, again, I don't have only weapons that men can use, not only white weapon but also a fire one.
– What do you mean by "A fire one"?- Rhaenys question.
For the gods forsaken will them stop interrupting her? Viserys is almost dying(literally) by curiosity.
– We've got a Dragon.–silent fills the air.– My daughter five years ago, at her ten-four years old found one and she claimed it, how? I don't even know how because as far as I know House Pevensie never married neither Targaryen nor Velaryons, so this is why I'm here today, because she begged me for years she pledged me and my dear husband to come to Westeros.
– Are you married? With whom?
– A Stark, that now uses Pevensie as his surname.
– Don't tell me he is...-Otto whispers, Aemond looked at his grandsire:"what?"
– Rickon Stark middle son, a year younger than Cregan Stark.–Daemon suggests slightly amazed, but he won't tell, Rhaenyra was out of breath, Sybilla Pevensie, an angel that came out of nowhere bringing good news, she must act quickly.
Damn it, Rhaenyra thought, she already betrothed Jace and Lucerys to the Velaryons, but what if she... She doesn't even know if you hand is already taken, gods be good it would be a no. However she's not the only one thinking about a brethotal marriage, Alicent since Sybilla mentioned a daughter thought it too, Aemond was free and Otto thinks the same when both of them for a millisecond changed stares.
– Indeed he's my husband.-Sybilla continues.-Before any more question, my mother made the Stark promises an oath, creating their own son a false death so no one would suspect of a marriage with some one unknown, but this is not the time to the my fairtale.
– Do you... Have an egg?-Viserys asks, your mom's face turned dark for a moment, yet were followed by a bright smile.
– Only my daughter could answer your question, your Grace.
–Well, I'd like to see her then and...As you said and I would like you to continue, tell me more about why you want to aid us, please everyone, pay respect to our guest and don't interrupt any longer.
– Thank you, your Grace.-Sybilla bows.– I'm here today because my daughter asked for it, she's nineteen years old and rides a huge Dragon.
Jace and Aesmond thought the same:" As if wer possible, Vhagar and Caraxes are the ones".
–[...] I'm afraid she could fall and hurt herself again, she's stubborn I dare to say, but is brave enough to ride a dragon with no proper supplies, though now she wears proper gloves and shoes, she'd also would like to learn more valyrian, at our castle we used to have a septa whose taught her, unfortunately eventually she passed by old age, it has been over a year, but there's more.
Rhaenyra and Alicent all by ears now, not only them but count with Jacaerys and Aemond interest, Rhaenys read Rhaenyra face, she would need one of her boys, the eldest at least.
– Go head.-Viserys awaits.
– She doesn't know, not completely, she knows that one day she'll marry, it's her duty to go ahead with my bloodline, years has passed and now is kind an urgency for me, though I would've liked she chooses by love, then I'd propose a...
– Betrothal marriage?
Aegon muttered under his breath: " geez, she's fucked up." Viserys firstborn son looks at his brother face and sees where his eyes is on, staring with a challenging look at Jacaerys who chooses to ignore him.
Sybilla waves positively her head, she won't say anymore, she's fat fattedup.
Rhaenyra sharply look exchanged Alicent, but both of them know, who you will supposedly marry it's your choice.
– And where is your daughter?- Viserys didn't care about the Betrothal insinuation, he wishes to see the dragon and it's rider.
– She's not used to be la...- A guttural roar near the Red Castle is now heard, an animalistic sound and the Lord Commander shut his eye:" Gods be good, I was a misconception."
Lucerys and Haelena ran towards the windows so they could see what was that, not only them, Jace and Aemond ran as well.
Rhaenyra whispered something to Daemon, Daemon just waved his head slightly in agreement and holds his brother, the King that was excited.
– Before we go, your Grace, I'd like to treat you first, mayharps the Queen and the Ser Harrold, plus Prince Daemon could help?-Sybilla suggest.
– Please, Lady Sybilla... I'd like to see your daughter's Dragon first, but I now you're right, would you like to dine with us?
– It's a honor, your Grace, I accept.
– Her daughter is also invited.-Alicent proposes.
– Undoubtedly, my wife.
You finally found a place that Emrys could stay near the castle, you go down cautiously out of your dragon who also help you by lowering his size.
– Thanks ma boy.- you fix the dress that you were using, you're not smelling bad, but unfortunately the lowers part of your dress is not as in a good state as it was.– Mom is gonna kill me.- you stand in front of one emrys eyes.– Is my hair messy? Please be honest.
The Dragon huffs which makes you step backwards, it was a yes, when you touched the back of your head and felt all of your braids dismantled, in a hurry you try to fix, but the only way was letting your hair free with its natural beauty.
You turn to see the voice owner, oh shit, it's a bloody beautiful boy.
Emrys lifts his head towards the boy, but before he could do anything you touch his scales.
–No, Emrys, Lykirī.-you whisper.
When you blinked, you were surrounded by teenagers, close age you guessed, but not only them, adults were coming too. Emrys is now calm and just stares at everyone, seeing if any of them would harm you.
– Fucking hell, that woman wasn't mad when she said her daughter have a huge dragon and...-Aegon was interrupted.
–Four legs!? FOUR?-Lucerys is blank.
Should you say something or just let them talk without thinking twice? You don't mind, yourself was lost when you saw the brunette as well he was infatuated with you, and then another young handsome white haired come at sight.
"Here just have handsome boys? Oh goods... My intention is not that! Stop thinking dumb brain!"
– Hm... Hello?-you wave in the air you hand stepping in so everybody could see your figure.– Yes, his name is Emrys and yes, he has four legs.-you try to sound extroverted, but you're shy, shy at first sight.
– Sorry for our lack of manners, princess ...?-Jace tries to approach you, but Emrys whiffs as a warning, you put your hand on his snout.
– Emrys.- you look with difficult at him due his lengthy.– My name is, (Y/n) Pevensie, don't need to call me a princess since I'm not at home, and yours is...? -you says in a sing songy accent.
– Jacaerys Velaryon, but you can call me Jace.
Emrys whiffs in warning again.
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Tag list: @chevelledahuman
If Emrys could speak, he would just say: "mind your own businesses, brat".
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swhhdr-wthhr · 16 days
lots of fun facts about my sanders sides opposite au: (but i clearly have thought of some characters more than others)
logan :
introduced around the time of og accepting anxiety. represents bad decision making and willful ignorance
his first big moment was in can lying be good, which was a game show run by him instead of a play directed by janus. he didn't care whether thomas lied or not. he just wanted to give janus a morality crisis and joke around with virgil
only uses analog technology (ex: if someone asked to borrow his phone, he'd pull out a rotary phone, which works despite not being plugged in)
he's an amateur magician and loves showing off his tricks. virgil is the only one who is impressed by this
pulls things out of seemingly-too-small spaces like mary poppins with her bag, but only from other people's clothes (he will often steal janus's hat and pull something absurdly large out of it)
instead of rising up or appearing out of nowhere in the videos, in every video he walks out from a different random place (ex: from behind the tv like remus, from underneath the couch, down the stairs virgil sits on)
all of his clothes are glow in the dark
he doesn't know he needs glasses. he just assumes everyone has blurry vision
uses vocab cards like original logan but all of the words are made up and have never been said by anyone
regularly puts inflection on all the wrong parts of words and pronounces common words wrong (he doesn't pronounce long, uncommon words wrong, just short, easy to pronounce ones)
always talks just a little too loud and a little too fast
conspiracy theorist but only for theories that no one has ever heard of
wears a suit in every video except the court room one, where he wore the unicorn onesie the whole time
when thomas died his hair purple, his hair was inexplicably a completely different color. it would change every time someone mentioned it and he would never acknowledge that his hair looked different from everyone else's
censors people like og janus, but instead of covering their mouths, he just makes a loud distracting noise like og remus
the only side who doesn't think he's annoying is virgil, who finds him hilarious
introduced in episode 1. represents pretty much all of thomas's positive emotions and none of the negative ones. also impulsive thoughts (impulsive not intrusive)
is technically a light side based on his role in the story but he's friends with everyone and "doesn't pick sides" (he sides with whoever is the most useful or interesting to him in the moment)
whenever conversation with the others bores him, he shamelessly ignores them, often scrolling on his phone in the middle of a video
extreme form of a hedonist. he chases dopamine like his life depends on it and is willing to do extremely reckless things if he thinks it will be a little fun
often causally tries to usurp the others and gain unilateral control over thomas's life ("wouldn't it be fun if you just ignored all of them and listened to me?")
is very open to trying new things for the experience, even if he can reasonably guess that he won't enjoy it. roman has no short supply of horrifying, painful ideas that they can try together
very good at insulting people in ways that really hurt. also very good at acting innocent and pretending he wasn't trying to be mean
some parts of the fandom in this universe would think he had a corruption arc when he became friends with the dark sides (there would definitely be fanfics where patton kidnapped and brainwashed him to be evil or smth) but he was just always like this.
always excited to help out the dark sides with their plans, being a bit of a double agent because thomas trusts and listens to him
he's an asshole who just wants to have fun and get what he wants all the time forever
introduced in this version of dwit, but he represents dark creativity and melancholy more so than intrusive thoughts
claims to hate disney but constantly quotes disney villains
frequently goes on long, depressing, overly dramatic speeches
collects dead things. he's trying to get a corpse of as many different animals, plants, etc. as possible
shameless masochist. (his shoes feel like he's walking on broken glass all the time and he loves it. he was inspired by the original little mermaid)
says all of the same types of things as og remus, but in a more monotone, gloomy way
often very aggressive, especially towards logan. he shows his love through violence and insults. he does the same with patton and virgil but less overtly because he can't get away with it as easily
came up with the name "the dark sides" just like he did in the og series, but this time it's an official term because it was created by one of them
always fights with patton over who's in charge. patton is usually the winner. either way, they don't like listening to each other so whoever wins would just boss around logan (they already both do)
introduced in episode 1. represents honesty and justice
the most gullible person ever. assumes everyone is always telling the truth and is completely blindsided when he's lied to
a strict kantian. he literally has never lied intentionally
associated with sheep instead of snakes (get it? like the bible?) it's much more subtle than the snake symbolism but gets more obvious as the show goes on and he gets an outfit change. (he wears a white wool turtleneck, has sheep/goat rectangular pupils, and has little horns under his hat, which is why he wears it)
his logo doesn't have a sheep on it, but his christmas sweaters do
tries to be nice to everyone since it's his job to be a good role model, but he would rather be honest than polite, so he can be pretty sassy at times
always feels guilty for something, even if he did nothing wrong
always a target of logan for his gullibility, and how he tries so hard to steer thomas in the right direction. in can lying be good, the game show logan hosted was rigged and completely nonsensical. this drove him crazy because...
he cares very much about things being fair
much more competent in the courtroom scenario than og patton was, too bad patton in this universe is also more strategic than og janus
introduced in episode 1. represents light creativity, hopes and dreams, and innocence
very squeamish and easily scared
if og remus is r rated creativity and og roman is pg creativity, this remus is g rated. never curses. very averse to violence
he's kind of the straight man of this group of gay men (similar to og logan). he's fed up with everyone, especially the dark sides
really hates the fact that virgil is friends with the dark sides, but he can't really do anything about it so he just sulks
you know in the we take requests video where they say the most out of character thing each character could say? and for remus they say like 'can you guys just chill? i'm trying to sing all of moby dick'? that's this remus's energy
writes poetry in his free time
his ideas can be pretty out there and weird like og remus, but just without the dark stuff
mostly pretty calm and subdued, but can get very hyper and intense when he's exited about an idea or a romantic opportunity for thomas
introduced around the time of svs
very strategic. plans meticulously before doing anything. (even little unimportant things) he was the mastermind behind pretty much everything logan and roman did before he was even introduced
says that he doesn't care about the other dark sides and that he only works with them out of necessity. he is actually very fond of and protective over them. he'll never admit it
always polite to everyone, even when he's arguing against them (this was very confusing to thomas who expected him to be even scarier than roman). it's just performative though. he's a hater, not a lover
enjoys making puns but always denies that they were intentional (like og logan but if he was lying about it being an accident)
has very dulled emotions. he enjoys spending time with roman, logan, and virgil because they're all so intense in different ways and allow him to feel something
he is especially attached to virgil, since virgil can't just make him feel any emotion, he can make him feel happy
doesn't emote with his eyes. or blink.
starts off as less threatening than roman, but later on, he gets some much scarier moments. roman has more of a constant, steady stream of scariness, while patton holds most of it in until it builds up to an explosion
has a #1 Dad mug, but it's been crossed out and has #2 Boss written under it (logan gave it to him)
roman frequently tries to kill him. he pretends not to notice it to frustrate him (ex: roman will poison his coffee and he'll drink the whole thing with no reaction)
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zayray030 · 2 months
hi hi! My first time here
I just saw your headcanon about ace fearing authority figures because of what happened at nrc and, bro, please let me give you a hug,we must share the same braincell
I think a great angst potential no one uses is the fact that after book 2 ace suffered 3 betrayals in a row
Like floyd, his club mate, who ace thought was just a weird guy and had fun with every once in a while helped his housewarden deceive and basically enslave him, his friends and a whole lot of students, all with a grim on his face and showed not even a hint of remorse after
then he receive an s.o.s from his friend and uses his money and and break time to basically cross the world to see if they were ok, only to discover they had to fight someone having a magic psychotic breakdown, again, but for the first time him and deuce weren't on their side
and it was his other clubmate that did it, the chill, responsible and reliable jamil that used mind control, deceived and basically held his friends hostage before trying to kill them, and again no apologise
Then there's vil, i think he gained at least a little respect for him in that month,seing how he started to resolve things with epel made him think he wasn't as much of an asshole, and then vil tries to murder neige and overblots, at least he apologised after
I woulsn't be surprised if Ace developed trust issues TM
And you're so right about the kidnapping part, another thing that happens a lot is him being separated from his friends and they being in danger, like endless halloween is the lightest case, he was worried the whole night thinking something happened to them but they were fine
Then there's book 4 and 6 and they couldn't be there for yuu, and styx is a nightmare, in vargas camp that overblot monster would have literally killed deuce if they didn't come back, he was going to run out of magic eventually, if they waited more they would find his dead body there,and there was the whole glourious masquerade situation were he would only discover after it was over, and playfull land hoo boy playfull land
and i think the what if's, the idea he could not arrive in time, that he could get there too late and find his friends death,sometimes haunt him
There's also the fact that it's always mentioned him, deuce yuu and grim are aways together, and considering how the main story went and and the duration of the events i think we can assume they never get separated for than a few days, you can say since they first school day they ever passed a week apart and i would believe it
so all this horrible situations happening when they aren't together is just...man i'm a sucker for angst, i want to see ace havin a slightly separation anxiety, like at first it just looks like he is being clingy and also teasing them "you guys are trouble magnets, i can't take my eyes off you for a second ", but they were already blued by the hips so no one, not even deuce or yuu, bats an eye
Them another event happens and he has to stay behind, and lets assume all the other events here somehow also happened, at first he tries to act normal and others think he is just mopping because he couldn't go(and is lonely they know him well), but then by the 5th day they can see he is super stressed, but still trying to not show it
Until he can's control all the intrusive thoughts about what could be happening there, about how they could be on the brink of death and he wasn't there to help, and ace is fallen on the floor and a trembling mess, the senpais have to sit and calm him down, and it only really stops after they call deuce and he manage to chat a little with the group and see everthing is ok
He begs the senpais to not them this to anyone because he is embarassed, the senpais are just worried as hell
SEPERATION ANXIETY ACE IS MY FAVOURITE ACE!!! I love seeing fanart of him pouting about not being able to attend events that all his other friends are attending
I can imagine him getting really touchy and subconsciously holding hod friends hands whilst walking and they all love it too much to point it out and go along with it.
(Of course if any of the other senpais try and hold his hands he slaps the hand away lmao)
Ace finding out about the masquerade Halloween event and he spends 3 months making Rollo's life a living nightmare without any break or pause in between, just ruining everything for him, whether it be the bell, gargoyles or food, he will ruin it
Eventually he stops because NBC sends a letter to NRC to stop harassing their students lmao
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
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It still hurts
König aka dominik from now on bc me and @bloodlst said so
Tw: people being fucking trash, fatshaming(?) Like idk but like a very mean comment about weight, depictions of anxiety, panic attacks and overall big sad könig.
Summary: könig may be bullied a lot even now as an adult but at least he has you
A/n: this is so self indulgent and I took the liberty to project my own big fat sadness onto him CAUSE I AM TOO VERY SENSITIVE ABOUT MY APPEARANCE. Not as good as I wanted it to be but at least I've tried. Take the German bits with a grain of salt cause I used the Google translator IM SORRY.
Es ist so entmutigend: it's so discouraging
mein Schatz: my darling
König could see the subtle worried glances you would give him but he couldn't find it in himself to care about it, he just wanted to run away as far as possible and let it all out. He hated to feel like this, he hated even more how people always managed to make him feel so weak and stupid all the time even now that he was an adult. He knew they were just joking, he knew that but it didn't help his uneasy mind to find some of the remarks cruel and hurtful. He always felt stupid for getting offended over such things, so he would crack a self-deprecating joke now and then hoping they would just drop it if they saw he was laughing about it too, he always tried to make himself go as unnoticed and small as possible cause maybe if he didn't exists too much too loudly people won't bother him too much.
But they always end up doing it. If it wasn't about his height it was about what or how much he eaten, if it wasn't about him fumbling too much while speaking it was his accent, if it wasn't him getting scolded for being clumsy it was reminding him about how his stupid anxiety and his stupid appearance didn't allowed him to become what he wanted. There was always something to say or joke about him, and he saw them doing it to other people like ghost or soap. But he wasn't them, he wasn't the ever so stoic and cold Simon who didn't care anymore about anything or the easygoing and always ready to talk back John who didn't let anyone walk over him. He was just..him, at best he was könig the surprisingly efficient and dutiful soldier who always completed the mission no matter what, at worst he was just Dominik, feeling like the chubby kid again hiding in the bathroom at lunch time because they won't stop tormenting him.
While he just let everyone at the table using him as the bottom of the joke you were very much pissed with how your teammates were acting. You have clapped back at them multiple times before they started to use it to reinforce the already infinite jokes about könig, which just led you to silently death glaring everything while biting your tongue back from snapping at their stupid remarks. They couldn't possibly know how much it affected könig comments about his appearance, or if they knew they just didn't care cause as soon as the next sentence came out of their mouth you felt your heart sink to your stomach.
"König you gotta tell your grandma back at home to stop with the sweets, the older you get the harder it is to stay in shape mate" their laugh made you feel sick as they playfully slapped könig shoulder.
He could feel himself pulling on a mask of easiness and replying to a funny and careless reply but his mind was already out of the conversation. His mind was already sending waves of debilitating and painful hurt that spread all over his body making him suddenly too aware of every part of him and, most importantly, everything that was wrong with him. His already weak self-esteem was being drowned by the countless intrusive thoughts and harsh judgments of his own brain. From outside all you could see was him stiff as always, his hands now resting on his lap torturing themselves and his absent gaze looking forward.
At some point he excused himself to get some fresh air and he felt your steps behind him but once again couldn't really think about it now that his mind was going so fast yet so slow. It wasn't hard for you to find him anyways, you just had to follow the sound of his panicked deep breaths coming from not too far from the building.
And there he was indeed, pacing around with his hands tugging at his soft hair. He wasn't crying and anyone who didn't know him wouldn't think he's as upset as he really feels, but you do know him and that's why you can't find the right words. "Sweetheart are you okay? Do you…do you want to talk about it?" You cautiously took a few steps towards him, now your own hands fidgeting too, while looking at him closing his eyes, his face contorted in distress while trying to keep back the tears "I just…I'm fine. I just need a moment, can you- i…I need to be alone please" his accent slipped even more as he tried to keep his voice as steady as possible, failing miserably and rubbing his eyes with frustration. He was quite literally shaking now and the way his jaw clenched looked so painful you had to actually look away "I know you want to be alone but i-" you sighed defeated and just closed the distance, stopping in front of him to prevent him from pacing around any longer and softly taking the hands away from his face. "I just want to help.." your tone was as gentle as possible, mentally thanking the universe for allowing you to say it without your voice trembling from unshed tears.
His hands were still close to his face, balled into fists with his knuckles turning white and his face scrunching in an attempt to keep himself from actually breaking down. His bottom lip quivered ever so slightly as he tried to say something that never actually left his mouth before a single tear fell from down his cheek. He shook his head no as trying to get all those thoughts to go away, to make the tears go away and not feel weak like this. "Hey…hey hey hey it's okay, you can let it out. You hear me? You can let it out Dominik.." hearing you say his name with all that love, to say he was allowed to feel like this broke something inside him. He let go of that painful sob he was holding back with such difficulty and you almost sigh with relief seeing that he was ready to let it go.
He just let his hands fall down to his size while yours find their place on his cheeks, getting caught in the flow of tears spilling out of his big, sad glossy eyes. It wasn't the first time you saw him like this, he always bounced out of it pretty quickly but that didn't stop your heart from shattering at the sight of him looking so defeated and broken. You would never be able to understand how he always manages to get over such a state so quickly.
His forehead gently pressed against yours as he cried a river, your hands slowly guiding him into a hug while you whispered sweet nothings. "I-I'm sorry… I know it's really stupid to get…to get so upset, they were just joking but it's…Es ist so entmutigend" he sobbed in the crook of your neck, his voice raspy from crying as he gave up on trying to speak another word in English. His hands were slowly placed on your back, you could feel his long fingers pushing on your shoulder blades to bring you closer to him. You just kept rubbing his back trying to think about what you could possibly say to make him feel better "it's not stupid love, they were being rude. It's normal to be upset, you know that right? You know there's nothing wrong with you, right?" You moved back a little to look him in the eyes. The sentence, maybe even just your voice being so kind after hours of listening to harsh and offensive sounds made his troubled mind melt slowly. Somehow you always managed to get more in his head than any hurtful joke and he would never understand how you could do that, he just felt the need to believe everything you say. You held so much power over him and you never took advantage of it, maybe that's why it wasn't hard to just take everything you say as the truth.
It took him all the strength in the world to not keep avoiding your gaze and when he finally locked his eyes on you his breath hitched, his own gaze softening as he felt his heart speeding up not from pain but because of you. He never felt quite pretty in any sense, his view of himself was one of resignation to not being able to change what he saw. But every time you looked at him he could swear he felt the prettiest he has ever felt in his whole life, which made him wonder if you did it on purpose, if there was an intention full of love behind that adoring gaze. "I wish you could see yourself like i see you…if you could you would never have to worry about those jokes'' you softly whispered as you brushed back a strand of his soft hair, a sad smile grazing your face as he just looked at you "it will pass mein schatz…it hurts only in the moment" his voice was hoarse but still held that special kindness only reserved for you, and in a moment he had that shy smile again on his lips although a little tainted by the redness in his eyes and the traces of tears on his cheeks. His big hands slowly went up to hold your face, engulfing your cheeks with ease "you know it will always pass…I just need to let it out" he sighed and once again his forehead found its home on yours "I could never believe those things if you're looking at me the way you do my love…" you couldn't help but smile at how cheesy but inherently sweet he could be, always reassuring you even when you weren't the one who needed it. You stole a quick kiss before your courage could falter, just to see that pinkish blush coloured his nose, cheeks and ears as his eyes widened from surprise. You breathed out a laugh at how he still managed to get so flustered with these things as if it was always the first time, and it somewhat always felt like it. It always felt like every time you looked at him you both were simultaneously falling in love all over again, even now as you kissed his palm and moved to hug him again. He just couldn't but smirk to himself and pulled you as close as possible, feeling so much better and making you both slightly swing back and forth while already planning a well deserved nap with you once back inside the base.
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grapejuicegay · 1 year
A... rather personal defense of Pran
I've seen a lot of people being confused about Pran's behaviour and rather upset by him. But like @waitmyturtles said in their review, "I see Pran dealing with something really complicated." Which, yes. That's what this post is about. I just don't think it's about Singapore.
It's about Pran's OCD. I think there was a consensus last week with the way Pran talked about it that it was a recent diagnosis. And I think this episode just confirmed that for me.
This is where the personal part begins - I was diagnosed with OCD in 2020, in the very first few months of covid. When I told people about it I got about the same response that we had to Pran - it's not surprising but it's good that it's an official diagnosis now.
Such a diagnosis is almost a relief when you get it because suddenly a lot of things start making sense. But it also comes with a very fun challenge - learning to deal with it. Because while you understand why you get so much more anxious and overthink more than most people, you're also suddenly more aware of your thought patterns. You have to be, to find a way to work through them, to not give into the intrusive thoughts. But looking at the intrusive thoughts is one of the best ways to let them take over. You do have to look at them though, because you have to learn to recognise them. Because you cannot deal with them until you do. It's a rough cycle.
I was a few years older than Pran when I was diagnosed, and in a very different place in my life. The pandemic that we didn't know a lot about at that time looming over our heads did not help my anxiety, but the lockdown gave me something really special - time and space to work through it all. I wasn't in college so I didn't have the constant looming threat of deadlines and figuring out my future in that very moment. I also didn't have the very unique set of stressors Pran lives with - friends and family from whom you're hiding a relationship that if revealed could potentially lead to very severe consequences, consequences that in the past have been the worst of his anxieties come to life. Nor a relationship to maintain while being overtly aware at all times that this is not the kind of relationship your partner would really want, that they're only in this because of you.
And there is the sacrifice of it all. There is the thing that keeps coming up again and again - that Pat does so much for him. That Pat helps him all the time, that Pat's sacrificed so much for him, that Pran isn't sure he's good enough or ever will be.
Add to that the regular reminders from Pat that he overthinks. They're meant in a very good way and they do help in the moment, I'm not denying that at all. But it's also a fact that Pran struggles with. It adds to his concern that he's a burden on Pat with the way he thinks, that Pat has to do so much work because of Pran's brain, something Pat had no say over (something Pran had no say over but it's harder to see it like that in the moment).
I've had my diagnosis for the past 3 years now. And it hasn't been until the past year that I've finally started feeling confident in myself and my ability to regulate my anxiety, to finally start feeling like I have control over my brain. Because as much as knowing the diagnosis helps, the work you have to do afterwards is no joke.
So yes, Pran is going through something very heavy, but it's not the prospect of going to Singapore (I don't believe that exists just yet, but it's coming soon). Pran is in the process of figuring out how to make his brain work in his favour instead of actively against him. He's learning to rely on people when he needs to while fighting off constant reminders that he's a burden.
And we've seen Pran make a lot of progress. Any points at which he talks about being anxious are progress. Any time he lets himself be upset is progress. Any time time he says any of his worries out loud (even if he can't say them directly to Pat yet), he has fought his way through who knows how many intrusive thoughts to get to that point. And in the same regard - he probably feels guilty about having Pat say "I can't live without you" first. Because he's likely just as aware that Pat has done so much for him that this is just another thing he's adding on top of that.
But - and I think this is very big - he knows that he needs Pat to say it first, to give him permission to feel this, that this isn't too much for him to ask for. This is him asking for help to express himself when he feels like too much. It helps them both in the long run. And I do think it's a very important step to get what we saw in ep 12 - a Pran that demands love, that demands to be babied. This is him giving himself permission through the hardest part of learning his diagnosis.
I love that we get this between ep 11 and 12 because with this ep 12 also becomes a hug, a way of telling us things may be rough for him but he gets through it. He'll get where he needs to be, wants to be. Just give him some time. Because just like with the parents, sometimes time is just what you need.
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23starii · 3 months
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Part 2/2 Kenma Kozume X Reader
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((Not my photos!!))
Find part one here
The game of connection!! ♡︎♥︎♥︎♡︎
Summary: Kenma will!! He will get your number.. or something.
Warnings/notes:intrusive thoughts, anxiety, I'm really sorry if this is dookie, tumblr deleted my progress twice, I gave up a little bit 😹pls lmk if I missed any warnings I'm not good at identifying them!!
It had been two whole days since Kenma last saw you.
As he begrudgingly made his way home after a long day of practice, along with Kuroo, he theorized that you might be avoiding him.
But no, that couldn't possibly be the case..why would you not show up to class just to avoid him?
He was playing tricks on himself again, making himself worry for no reason at all.
"Did ya get her number??" Kuroo questioned.
"..I didn't get a chance. She wasn't here." He reluctantly replied.
"What? Seriously?"
"Ha! Maybe she hates you or something!!" Kuroo joked, Kenma didn't find it so funny.
Kuroo's words shot through his body, leaving him paralyzed, or well, that's what it felt like, but he was still moving. His eyes shot open, and he grumbled quietly.
Kuroo glanced at the shorter setter, finding him distraught.
"Hey, it was a joke!" He cleared, realizing his effect.
"I know.."
That night, Kenma got home, and he hoped he would see you the next day, back in your seat.
Attempt number one: Fail
Kenma sat in his seat, staring at the screen of his Nintendo. It was not lit. The colors were not reflected on his face. He wasn't playing. He was thinking.
If she misses today, too, then she definitely hates me.
His intrusive thoughts were demanding.
"Good morning, Kenma!" Your sweet voice snapped him from his horrid thoughts.
"Oh, hello." He finally responded, only taking a second to glance at you.
"What's up?? Did you miss me?" She teased, sitting to his left. That wasn't her seat, but it wasn't class time yet, so she supposed it was okay.
Kenma clicked the POWER button of his Nintendo. He could finally play again. Your presence eased him.
He didn't answer your question.
"Kenmaaa~," she called, a giggle escaping her lips, clouding the boy's thought process.
"Aren't colds the worst? I can't believe I missed out on two whole days.." She mentioned, leaving Kenma relieved. His breathing felt easier.
"Mhm. Yeah, they suck." He answered. The bright colors of his game reflected onto his face his fingers moved quickly and with ease as he clicked the buttons and rolled the black joystick.
"Do you ever get colds? I feel like you would get them often." She stuck her head closer, taking a peak at his game while she spoke.
"Oh, I do, actually. It really sucks. I guess I'm prone to them or something."
You hummed in response, focusing on the screen in his hands. You thought he was really good at video games.
Kenma suddenly got an uncomfortable reminder that he was supposed to ask for your number.
Well, he didn't have to. But it would be nice to have it. It was only the process of getting it that stumped him. How would he go about it?
He wasn't made for these sorts of situations. That much was evident. There was also the chance that you didn't even want to give him your number. What, then? It would be awkward.
Then again, if you hated him for asking, it would hurt, but at least he wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.
That's what he had to live by in order to have a chance. A singular, minuscule chance.
With you?
But..not yet. He just wasn't brave enough.
Attempt number two: Not close enough.
His head lifted, by the time you called out his name for a second time.
It was nice.. waking up to your voice.
He lifted his head from the desk it rested on.
"You fell asleep. Again." You stated, watching the sleepy boy wake up and rub his face before turning his attention to you.
God, why does he look so attractive when he's just waking up..
This is what you thought every single time you had to wake the sleeping boy up.
When his eyes adjusted to the lights and your face, he noticed your arm was stretched out to him.
"Here." You said. You held his book bag in your hand. Yours strapped onto your shoulder.
"Oh, thank you." He said, lifting his body from the desk before taking the bag from you ny the strap.
"It's club time! Shall we go?" You grinned. He nodded and hummed in agreement.
"Volleyball, right?" You wondered, glancing at him as the two of you exited the classroom.
"Yeah. What do you have?" That was one of the first times kenma mustered up the courage to ask you a question about yourself.
"I have [club name]!"
"Hm. That actually makes sense." He responded, a smile creeping onto his lips.
"What's that supposed to mean..?"
You laughed.
As the two of you made your ways through the emty and emptier halls, Kenma realized it was over.
There was no way he could ask for your number now...
He should just try again tomorrow.. when he comes up with a plan.
He just wasn't brave enough..
Attempt three: win, win!
Kenma spent all of practice hoping to come up with a plan.
"Kenma, you're slower than usual." He hears the voice of his upperclassmen, yaku state.
"Sorry.." he replies, hiding behind his hair.
The short third year gives Kuroo, who was close by, a look.
Being the captain and concerned for his younger friend, Kuroo called for a five minute break.
Kenma, along with his teammates, headed for the water bottles.
When he finally got his hands on his own bottle, he made his way to a corner of the gym where he usually played on his phone until break was over.
"Kenma. Did you get it?" Kuroo asks. He was already at the corner, waiting for the second year.
"What? Oh.." Kenma didn't give a direct answer. He only held onto his bottle and stared at the floor.
"..did she show up?" The raven haired male crossed his arms, wishing for a good update.
"She did.. but I didn't get a chance. I didn't know how to ask."
Kuroo sighed.
"She didn't show up for the past few days, right?"
Kenma looked up at the captain, confused.
"She didn't." He replied anyway.
"Okay, so how about you ask her if she needs notes? Then, offer to take her number so you can send them?" Kuroo suggested. He also hoped this was a good plan. He didn't have much experience with asking girls for their numbers, actually..
"Um.." Kenma thought that was a good idea actually. He thought he would have to use that excuse the next time he saw you.
Hopefully, you hadn't gotten the notes from a different classmate already.
He was about to say something when suddenly, he was caught completely off guard.
It was you, right at the door. You were talking with Yaku, and you looked lost.
Kenma was absolutely mortified.
What the hell??
What are you doing here? What?? What???
Kuroo didn't fail to catch the sudden shift in his friends expression. He followed the setters eyes to you.
What really pushed kenma over the edge was the moment yaku looked around, spotted kenma, lifted his arm to point a finger at him, and then said something to you.
The second year immediately averted his eyes. He did his best to act nonchalant, like he hadn't seen you.
You aren't there if he can't see you..
"Kenma!" He had no choice but to look up. You were heading his way, you book bag strapped to your shoulder like before.
"Kenma! I'm so sorry! I messed up!"
Sorry? Wait. What?
You stopped right in front of him, cheeks burning out of embarrassment. An upperclassmen was watching too. You were super embarrassed.
"Um.. I accidentally swapped our bags..I'm really sorry!" You bowed your head apologetically.
"Oh..that's okay." Kenma answered, stunned.
"So.. can I have mine back?" You wondered, straightening your back and lifting your head to face him.
"Oh, yeah.. it's over here." He didn't wait for you to react before quickly making his way over to a nearby bench.
You turned to the tall third year who had been standing there and gave a quick bow rigjt before speedwalking to catch up with your classmate.
"Again, I'm really sorry.." You repeated.
"It's okay, really." He said.
His mind was racing. He said he'd ask you the next time he saw you.. did he manifest this or something??
Oh crap..
Is he brave enough to do it now..?
No, no way.
Kenma closed his eyes, turned away from you, and took a deep breath, knowing he'd probably never do it. He picked up the book bag and turned to hand it over. He felt absolutely defeated.
He was a coward.
"Thank you, kenma. Here's yours." You smiled gingerly, taking the bag and handling over his.
"Yeah, no problem." He glanced at you for a second.
"Um..Kenma?" You spoke.
He looked at you.
"So.. I haven't been here the past few days.. I was told I missed a lot." You began, a flip switched inside of the young setter.
"Could you possibly lend me some notes.. if you took any, that is." You scratched your cheek, looking off to the side.
Now kenma stared at you.
You opened up a path. An opportunity.
"I'm kind of busy right now."
"Oh..thats okay I can just get them from someone else-"
"I can send them to you later..?" He quickly added, not letting you finish. He was not letting you take this opportunity when he just got it.
Your eyes lit up and you looked at him.
"Yeah, if you wanna give me your number..or something."
Mission: Success!
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