#Anyway this is what I try to convey so I’m sorry if it’s not clear from my writing or generally makes zero sense x)
lieutenant-amuel · 2 years
okay i suppose this is not a chapter all about valerio but you revealed so much about him here i can’t even imagine what else you have in store for him
and overall this whole scene is fantastic
This is definitely not.
A chapter all about Valerio will probably turn into two chapters of my usual length aijsjfjlf. Anyway, Valerio told his story super briefly and he didn’t really clarify the setting, so there’s still lots of things he’s hiding. Just Valerio’s story spoke to Emilio, and he couldn’t be suspicious of him anymore. All he thought about then was Verónica.
And thank you! I loved writing that scene.
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kaaaaaaarf · 7 months
So I watched that episode of Our Flag Means Death where Ed finds the bunny and thinks it's a wolf and thought, what if Remus was a wererabbit and Sirius had no idea? Anyways, have a drabble.
Here I Am (a rabbit-hearted boy)
Hogwarts Era. 654 words. Wererabbit Remus. G.
Remus' floppy ears twitch unhappily. He had been so careful—so careful not to let his friends see the monster he becomes every full moon. He thought he was sneaky, when he made his way out of the castle before dinner—after the other boys had already left for the Great Hall, but here is Sirius, standing above him with wide eyes. He'd seen the whole thing, the whole transformation—running into the clearing before Remus could even shout at him to stop. Before his body bent and twisted violently into a monster.  Remus' tiny body shakes in fear. Finally, after an impossibly long moment, Sirius seems to come back to himself. "R—Remus? Are you—you're a werewolf?"  …I'm a what now? 
"I thought maybe you were upset about Snape ruining your Potions final when you didn’t follow us down to dinner, so I came back to find you and saw you sneak out of the castle. I decided to  follow you, but I didn't think...Oh my God. You're so...so...cute."  Remus' nose twitches in a way that he thinks sufficiently expresses his shock and distaste. He’s not cute. He’s fearsome! An abomination! Sirius, unafraid, crouches down and strokes a gentle hand over the tawny fur on his back.  Okay, well Remus doesn't hate that.  Sirius scratches behind one floppy ear, and it makes Remus’ back foot twitch. Sirius smiles. "Are you a friend, wolf? Merlin, wait til I tell James about this! Our Moony—a real bloody werewolf!" and then as quickly as he’d appeared, he's gone, running off back toward the castle. It's just as well, Remus is dangerous like this. As much as he would love some company on the moons, one bite is all it would take and he could turn Sirius, too. He couldn't live with himself. Remus has just finished snacking on some grass, and is just about to hop into the underbrush to play chase with the rabbits of the Forest, when Sirius comes running back, this time with James in tow. Great. "See James! That's Remus, he's a werewolf!"  James, who is bent over trying to catch his breath, looks up at him like he's stupid. "That's a rabbit, Sirius." "No...I saw him transform—that’s Remus. He's a werewolf." "At best that's a wererabbit." He looks down at Remus, his face twisted in thought. "Sorry Remus, just a sec. Sirius—" he looks back up at the other boy, pinching the bridge of his nose. “—have you ever actually seen a rabbit before?" "Well, not precisely...Grimmauld is in the middle of London, not exactly teeming with rabbits and the like." "Babbity Rabbity? Surely you've read Babbity Rabbity at least." "I'm pretty sure Babbity Rabbity would never make it into the Black family library. Not macabre enough." James sighs. "Okay well, I’m telling you that's a rabbit." James points down at him, and Remus twitches his nose, hoping it conveys how tired he is.  Sirius stomps his feet, insistent. “But his last name is Lupin, not Lapin! He's Wolfie McWolf, not Bunny McRabbit!” “I’m pretty sure his name has nothing to do with which were-animal decided to take a chunk out of him, Sirius!” Remus tries to hop away while they’re fighting, but Sirius spots him and scoops him up into his arms. “Oh no you don’t! Come on Remus, I’ll sneak you back into the castle—get you something to munch on. What do rabbits eat, anyway? Hay? Flowers?”  Human flesh.  “They eat grass and, like, carrots. Good call though, better get him inside before an actual wolf spots him. Come on, Remus.” And that’s how Remus finds himself, a few hours later, in a soft bed, snuggled under the covers with Sirius’ hand gently resting on his furry back. He supposes being found out isn’t so bad, and if he wakes up in the morning—human again, Sirius spooning against his back, he thinks that might actually be even better.
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simporado · 7 months
imagine a funny lil misunderstanding between you and Bakugo
Bakugo feels like someone keeps looking, watching him. He looks around to try and find whoever it is, and he spots you, having turned away just before he could see you looking. It happens until the fourth time, where he’s caught your starin’. Now he’s confident you really were looking his way. He contemplates for a minute, hiding his lower face behind his hand, boldly keeping his eyes on you and watching you. Tongue in cheek, he slams his palm lightly on the table he’s sat at before standing and head towards where you’re seated.
“Oi, you.” He roughly says, and you jump at his call.
Your eyes widen before squinting then you sport a confused smile. “Me?” You say, pointing to yourself in a small manner.
“Yeah. You keep lookin at me,” He starts, voice low and confident. there’s a subtle smirk on his face. You’re cuter up close.
You sit up straight and repeatedly bow your head, finding his words accusing contrary to what he wanted to convey “I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize, that was rude of me!” You say, voice a bit higher. “I was looking at the door behind you, i’m waiting for a friend.” You explain.
Bakugo’s confidence drops at that, and his ears starts to burn thinking he’s gotten the wrong impression. He bashfully scratches his head with one hand and shoves his other in his pocket. “S’fine, my mistake.”
He starts to turn and go back to his seat. He only takes three steps before turning and walking back to you. “I still wouldn’t have minded the staring,” he clears his throat then sighs deeply, “I thought you were cute anyway,” He says, and you think he burns even brighter. You’re eyes widen and your heart skips a beat at his words.
“So, can I have your number?” He asks softly, head low and you think his demeanor now makes him all the more cute.
You do accept and save each other’s number, then he leaves first. Your blushing and smiling to yourself, looking at his saved contact in your phone.
You sigh and slump a little in your seat. You definitely were just oogling at him, you just refuse to be called out for it.
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xcherryerim · 3 months
A Call Away (Help, I’m Still Hard!)
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Josh Futturman x gn!reader | word count: 1.6k
Warning: stablished relationship, Sub!Futturman, SoftDom!Reader, erectile medication, oral sex / handjob (only josh whomp whomp), toy usage, facial, porn without plot.
pet names used: baby, dear
Notes: I wrote this out of boredom, and i revised it ONCE so there’s probably a lot to of mistakes. If you want more smuts with plot and better writing than this consider checking my masterlist, thank you 🫶🏻
Summary: After taking some pills to have some fun by himself, the harness doesn’t seem to go away so he calls his beloved partner for help.
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"What's up, baby?" You softly said, eagerly waiting for Josh's response on the other end of the line. You could hear him take a deep breath, but he remained silent. His heavy breathing was the only sound you could muster, and the silence was deafening. It wasn't until you had almost hung up that he finally spoke, his voice husky and quiet.
"I know it's late, but can you come home?" He asked, his voice full of need and desperation. His tone left little doubt about the urgency of the request, and he seemed unable to hide his distress. "Please?" He added, his words sounded more like a plea than a request.
“Why? Is something wrong?” You were slightly concerned.
"Well..." He paused as if searching for the right words. It was clear that he was trying to gain control of his breathing. You could hear the light whimpers in his voice, along with the sighs and pauses that indicated his desperation. "I took some of uh... those types of pills, you know what I mean?" He hesitated, seeming to stumble with his own words. "I've tried everything; trust me, but nothing is working." He sighed. "I need you right now, please."
“Josh.” You sigh. “Why did you take those pills anyway?”
Josh let out a sob, his voice broken as he declared, "I wanted to stroke one out, but nothing seems to work for me anymore since I met you. So, yeah, I bought pills hoping they would work, 'cause I wasn't going to call you just to... you know. "
You simply replied, "But you’re doing that right now."
Silence continued for a moment as he finally muttered in response, "I know, I'm sorry. I'll pay you back. I'll do anything you want, please."
"Fine, I'll be there in six minutes." You responded immediately, your impatience making your tone sharper than intended.
"Please, please hurry." He begged with desperation in his voice, making it crystal clear how much he needed you.
You hit the road with a need and urgency that were unlike yours. This was no ordinary drive. The sudden rush to be with your boyfriend—his desperate and needy nature—fills you with excitement like no other. The laws of the road held no sway at all as you pushed the limits of the speed limit, determined to get to your destination as quickly as possible.
You entered his apartment using the spare key he had given you months ago, your steps quick and determined as you hurried upstairs. As you neared his room, you could hear his frantic breathing and see his hunched figure in front of the computer. Your picture was plastered on the screen, and his attention was focused solely on it.
"I need you, I need you," he panted, his hand moving frantically up and down his shaft until he heard the subtle creek of the door opening. When he realized that you were there, all the tension and desperation he felt immediately dissolved. "Baby, you're here!" He exclaimed excitedly, his voice full of relief and joy. "Oh, thank God you're here. I need you."
“I could tell.” You said this as you looked at the screen.
“You must think I'm pathetic, huh?”
"How could I think that?" Your words were comforting and reassuring, conveying your understanding and empathy. You gently took his jaw in your hands, looking into his eyes as you spoke. "Everyone gets needy sometimes; it's nothing to be ashamed of, but next time, don't wait, just call me."
Futturman nodded eagerly, seeming relieved by your words and encouragement. He turned his gaming chair in your direction, his erection imploring you to help him.
Your eyes caught a glimpse of his body beneath his shirt, and your stomach fluttered with excitement. You stepped closer, your playful mood leading the way as you leaned above him, your fingers lightly brushing against his thighs.
His eyes were locked on you, his face full of excitement and anticipation. "Like the view, Futturman?" you teased, the hint of a smirk crossing your face. You saw his face turn red with embarrassment, and you couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of admiration for him.
"Yes, yes, I do; I mean, it's you," he stuttered, his embarrassment making him seem even cuter.
As you bent down, the sight of his throbbing member filled your field of vision, the tip glistening with pre-cum. With a gentle smile playing on your lips, you began to trace its length with featherlight kisses, starting from the engorged head. Each tender peck sent ripples of pleasure coursing through him, causing soft moans to escape from his parted lips. His breath hitched with every caress, his hips twitching slightly under the stimulation.
Your movements were slow and deliberate, taking your time to savor the taste and texture of his skin. As your mouth moved lower along the veined shaft, you paused occasionally to let out a soft sigh, drawing attention to the wetness of your lips. This only seemed to fuel his desire further, his breathing growing ragged. You continued this dance, slowly covering his entire length with delicate kisses, never rushing, allowing the sensations to build between both of you.
With each pass, his moans grew louder, filling the room with raw lust. It was clear how much this simple gesture meant to him. Even though it might have been something small, it showed him that you loved him.
“Please.” He pleaded again, his voice trembling with urgency, but instead of rushing, you decided to take things slower. You knew that patience would make the experience even more intense for both of you. Leaning in close, you placed a gentle kiss on the sensitive tip before wrapping your lips around it. Slowly, bobbing your head up and down, letting his length slide deeper into your warm mouth inch by tantalizing inch. The feeling was enough to send shivers down his spine, his breath catching in his throat.
Each movement was calculated and controlled, drawing out the anticipation and building the intensity. Despite his earlier impatience, he found himself appreciating the slowness now. Every sucking and pulling made him shiver, the pleasure washing over him like a tidal wave. His grip tightened on the armrests of his chair, his nails digging into the fabric as he fought to maintain control. The rhythm you set was hypnotic, pulling him further into the depths of lust.
His deep moans and labored gasps reverberated throughout the otherwise silent space, creating an intimate symphony solely dedicated to shared pleasure. His hips bucked wildly, thrusting his hardened member deeper into your hungry mouth, seeking release. Yet despite his desperate pleas, you remained steadfast in your pace, teasing him mercilessly.
After several minutes of this tortuous yet heavenly treatment, you finally pulled away, leaving his head wet with saliva and precum. Breathlessly, you asked, "Do you want more?" His answer came out as a strangled cry, almost too low for you to hear properly.
"Ah, my dear, we can try something else," you murmured, standing up and heading towards the closet. Your gaze fell upon the discarded sex toys, and you quickly picked one of them up—a sleek and powerful vibrator that promised to bring immense satisfaction. Turning back to Futturman, you kneeled before him once more, placing a tender kiss on his forehead before reaching out for his length.
Gripping it firmly yet gently, you began to stroke him with long, firm motions, eliciting soft cries of delight from him. Simultaneously, you powered on the vibrator in your other hand, adjusting the settings until it hummed with vigor. Guided by instinct, you pressed it against the pulsing head of his cock, watching as his muscles clenched involuntarily. A muffled cry escaped his lips, followed by a series of short, sharp pants as the newfound sensation overwhelmed him.
Slowly, you traced the vibrator's surface along the underside of his shaft. The cold steel contrasted sharply with the heat radiating off his skin, amplifying the sensations coursing through him. Each brush of the vibrator sent jolts of pleasure racing through his core, causing his hips to buck uncontrollably.
Watching his reactions, you adjusted the angle ever so slightly, ensuring maximum impact. His moans became more pronounced, intertwining with the steady purr of the device.
Time seemed to lose meaning as his climax approached. Suddenly, he arched violently, his scream piercing the air as waves of pleasure engulfed him, his entire being convulsing with unrestrained euphoria. Unable to contain himself, he released, painting your body with his come.
“Fuck baby, I’m sorry.” Apologetically, he tried to wipe the stickiness from your features, but instead, you extended your index finger covered in his essence to your mouth and delicately licked them clean, savoring the tangy flavor with relish. An electrifying charge surged through him at this bold display of carnality, leaving him uncertain whether to fret or rejoice. One thing was certain, however: your sensual act reignited his flagging libido. His cock, which had been lying limp mere seconds ago, began to stiffen once more, responding to your audacity with renewed interest.
The sight of his twitchy member made you effortlessly push him onto the mattress, following suit and landing on top of him. Your lips sought out his, exploring his mouth with reckless abandon while your hands explored his form. Nips and kisses rained down on his vulnerable neck, eliciting soft moans that fueled your desires.
Drawing back slightly, you gazed into his dazed eyes and murmured huskily, "This night isn't finished yet, Futturman." A devilish gleam sparkled in yours, promising more adventures ahead.
Futturman breathed out a soft and nervous "Oh boy," his face flushed red with embarrassment. Then, your voice cut through the atmosphere, unexpectedly innocent and unassuming.
"You have cuffs, right?"
His face flushed a deeper shade of red as he stumbled over his words. "Oh my god..." He mumbled, both stunned and aroused. “I’m dating a freak.”
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bro-atz · 4 months
otp [bro's 500 — mingi]
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[work rivals, smut, idol!au, mingi/afab!reader]
requested by: 🍒
word count: 1.6k
content: smut, dressing room sex, lowkey aggressive, mingi's kinda a tease?, completely consensual!
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Mingi was pissed. He was done with you. Seriously. He didn’t think he’d come to resent someone like you— well, he never thought that he would be an Inkigayo MC, and he certainly did not think you would be his co-MC, so all the events leading to him being annoyed with you were just twist after relentless twist.
The two of you were done with recording, but before you could even think about going back to your dressing room to get into your street clothes and go home with your manager, Mingi grabbed you and pulled you into his dressing room, his chest heaving as he tried to calm his angry breathing.
“What the hell, Y/N?!” he hissed as he pinned you against the door— and, no, not like kabedon, but painfully with your shoulder blades being pressed in an uncomfortable way against the door. “Are you trying to make me look like shit right now?”
“Why? Is it working?” you asked cheekily with a scowl on your face.
“Shut the fuck up. This isn’t funny, you know.”
“I thought it was hilarious.”
“Making me look like an absolute idiot on TV is not fucking funny— you tricked me with that question, and you know it,” Mingi huffed out. He let go of you abruptly and nearly started yelling, “What is your problem?! Why are you suddenly acting like this, anyway! We were fine up until a week ago, so what the hell?”
“I just think we should stop being fake on camera, you know?” you told him. “Fans are starting to write fanfiction about us.”
“What do you mean “so”? I don’t like that we’re being shipped when we clearly hate each other.”
“We hate each other?”
“Of course we do! What the fuck— we’ve been at each others’ throats since we both debuted! Do you think that’s not hate?!”
“You hate me?”
“Well, it’s clear that you hate me because why else would you be so rude—”
But before you could even finish, Mingi grabbed you again. He pulled you into his arms and kissed you fiercely, his hands grasping your waist desperately as he made it very clear he had no intention of letting go. And, instead of fighting back, to his delight, you kissed him back. You held onto the back of his neck and pulled him even closer to you, your kisses getting more feverish by the second.
“Y/N, I…” Mingi breathed out, his lips leaving yours to convey his thoughts. “I don’t hate you.”
“And I’m sorry if I made you think that I do, but that’s not it at all… I mean, you annoy the fuck out of me sometimes, but that doesn’t mean I hate you or anything, it just means—”
“Mingi,” you interrupted.
“Just shut up and kiss me.”
A growl rumbled in the back of Mingi’s throat as he pulled you into him, his lips passionately tangling with yours as you commanded. His hands went under your thighs and pulled you up so that he was carrying you, your legs wrapping around his waist and your fingers getting tangled in his hair as you clung to him.
He carried you to the vanity table and pushed aside whatever was scattered along the countertop to sit you down, your back pressing against the mirror as he leaned so far into you that you nearly hit your head against the mirror. His sloppy kisses persisted as he flipped up your skirt and groped your thighs with so much intensity you felt like he was going to rip your muscles off.
“You— You got protection, right?” you gasped out when you felt his fingers stroke your pussy through your wet panties.
“Of course, darling,” Mingi smirked against your lips. “Now, tell me. What did those fanfictions say?”
“You had to have read them if you know they exist. Tell me— what did I do to you in those?”
Mingi pulled your panties off one leg and pushed that leg up, forcing you to let it rest on the table. His fingers continued to stroke your cunt, his nails teasing you slightly as they slipped in and out of your folds.
“I d-didn’t read them, Mingi,” you whimpered.
“Then tell me this,” Mingi’s low voice somehow got lower. He kissed you sporadically as he started to focus more on making your pussy happy as he continued, “What do you want me to do to you?”
“Fuck me silly,” you groaned lightly as you clung to his shoulders, his fingers slowly slipping into you. “I want you to be rough and fuck me so hard that I can’t walk.”
“And what if I say no?” he teased.
“Mingi, you better fucking do it, or I’ll make you look way worse on camera next time.”
“You should be careful with what you wish for, princess,” Mingi’s voice rumbled as he roughly shoved three fingers into you, making your back arch and your entire body move towards his.
He grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled your head back as he trailed his lips down your neck— his mouth was partly open as he did so, and it looked like he was going to leave a trail of hickeys in their wake, but no. He teased the everloving shit out of you. While his fingers were completely tearing you up inside— his massive rings definitely making things feel so much more intense— his lips just ghosted over your skin, building the irritation and tension in your stomach.
He finally stopped teasing you when he pulled up your shirt, and he left painfully sweet hickeys on your breasts, in your cleavage, your under-boob, and along your ribs. You did your best to stifle your sighs of pleasure the more Mingi catered to you, your nails digging into his shoulders in the process. You could feel your head begin to enter the clouds, and your vision started blurring, only for the man to keep you from cumming when he quickly withdrew his fingers.
“Fucking Christ, Mingi— you’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you? Hurry!” you complained.
“Just wait, Y/N,” Mingi grunted as he grabbed his wallet from his pocket.
He quickly grabbed the stashed condom in there and tossed his wallet aside before hurriedly rolling the condom on, your eyes widening as you got a good look at his immense size when he whipped his cock out in the first place. Then, without so much of a warning, Mingi shoved that immense size of his into your pussy. You almost screamed, but Mingi’s lips consumed yours before you could, your cries getting muffled in his mouth.
“You need to stay quiet, darling,” Mingi hushed— he had yet to move, his throbbing cock just beating away between your tight walls.
“Hurry, Mingi, just move already,” you whimpered as shifted your own waist slightly.
One hand on the vanity countertop and the other under your thigh, Mingi held on tightly as he began to move. He wasn’t fully pushing his length into you yet, and he was taking his sweet time. You would’ve yelled at him to go faster, but you stopped when you saw the dark, intense look on his face. He was looking up at you, seemingly glaring, but he was huffing slightly as he showed an insane amount of self-restraint. His hold on you was getting tighter with every thrust, and after doing his best to ruin you gently, a single bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face, breaking the guy.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, I can’t hold back,” Mingi hissed before holding you with a firmer grip and ramming his waist into yours.
Your entire body lurched, and loud screams and cries threatened to escape your soul as he thrust into you so hard that the entire vanity shook. You clung to him for dear life as he thrust upwards, his cock hitting your cervix perfectly. Instantly, your vision went blank, and you came hard, your pussy convulsing and clenching tightly.
“Oh, shit,” Mingi gasped and choked out as the feeling of your pussy squeezing his cock just right sent him over the edge.
Within seconds, Mingi’s cock shook and trembled, cum oozing into the condom as he shoved himself as deep inside you as he possibly could. The two of you remained in place as you panted and caught your breath, Mingi’s arms pinning you in place. You unlatched yourself from his shoulders and attempted to move away, only for his hands to swiftly wrap around you and hold you against him tightly. He pressed his lips against yours at first desperately, but then sweetly, his lips threatening to pull into a smile as he kissed you over and over again. You brought your own arms over his shoulders and kissed him back, unable to get enough of his soft, plump lips.
“For someone who hates me, you seem to enjoy this a lot,” Mingi couldn’t help but tease.
“Oh, shut up,” you retorted, a hint of laughter in your voice. “You seemed to like it way more for someone who was pissed with me earlier.”
“…Water under the bridge.”
“Yeah, okay.”
You giggled slightly and pushed the man away from you, noting the slight frown on his face as you put your clothes back together. After the two of you got fully dressed, you stretched out a little. Your waist and back were extremely sore— though you tried to make sure Mingi didn’t notice— but your legs were solid.
“Hey, Mingi?”
“I can still walk,” you said as you started walking to the door of the dressing room.
Before you could leave, Mingi pinned you against the door, and this time, it was definitely kabedon. He tucked his fingers under your chin and tilted your heat up to meet his gaze— his sincere, intense gaze.
“I guess we’ll have to do this again sometime, darling.” 
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In my time in the MDZS fandom, I’ve seen people use Wei Wuxian dismissing the bathtub scene with “it’s normal for men to be like this sometimes” as evidence that he’s oblivious, but none of it ever takes into account the context of that dialogue.
First off, the quote from Chapter 96 is this:
Wei WuXian only put on one boot before continuing, “But you don’t have to feel too apologetic either. Uh, it’s normal for men to be like this sometimes. Please...don’t take it too seriously.”
Here’s the thing: Wei Wuxian doesn’t truly believe what he’s saying here! He’s saying what he thinks he needs to say to salvage their friendship! He thinks his confession has just been rejected and that he’s provoked Lan Wangji into doing something that he didn’t really want to do
[Side note, I’m using the ExR translation (with the exception of one scene, where I use multiple translations) because at the time this post was begun, it was the only fully translated version of these chapters I could find]
The sequence of events are as follows:
1. Wei Wuxian tries to express his feelings 
Wei WuXian, “I have to tell you something.” He breathed lightly before speaking, “Lan Zhan, thank you.”
With thousands of words, there was nowhere to start. If he didn’t meet Lan WangJi when he came back, Wei WuXian didn’t know what he’d be like right now. In reality, even if he roamed around alone, it wouldn’t necessarily be that bad. But no matter what, he believed that nothing would be better than this.
Unfortunately, he didn’t notice that after Lan WangJi heard this, his body froze slightly. 
The surging heat finally began to retreat. Wei WuXian’s head was still dizzy as he rambled on, “In these two lives, you’ve helped me a lot. I know you’re... really nice to me. You’re really great! Apart from thank you, I don’t know what else to say to you... Anyways, towards you, I feel... I feel...”
He’s trying so hard to convey his feelings that he doesn’t realize that as soon as Lan Wangji hears the words ‘thank you’, he thinks Wei Wuxian slept with him out of gratitude. So on one hand, we have Wei Wuxian sincerely trying to confess his feelings, while on the other hand, Lan Wangji believes that Wei Wuxian only slept with him because he feels grateful to him, not because he actually wanted to. That leads to,
2. Lan Wangji pushes Wei Wuxian away
But this wasn’t the point at all. Wei WuXian had never confessed like this to anyone before. Even someone whose face was as thick as his felt a bit embarrassed. He could only first pick a few random things to say. Just as he was thinking how to explain himself to make it sound sincere and serious when Lan WangJi suddenly pushed him away.
Now, we as readers know the reason for Lan Wangji pushing Wei Wuxian away, but Wei Wuxian doesn’t. Wei Wuxian is yet to realize that Lan Wangji has a thing about being thanked. That realization only happens later, in Chapter 111.
Wei WuXian looked at him, “Lan Zhan, you’re really scared of me telling you ‘thank you’, aren’t you? I suddenly remembered. Many of the times we parted ways in my past life, I said ‘thank you’ to you right before. And every time we separated, I worsened the next time we met.”
The time they killed Wen Chao and Wen ZhuLiu at the courier station, the time they met each other through the flowers at the tower in Yunmeng, the time they parted at Yiling’s Burial Mound. Every time, he used the word to mark a clear line between him and Lan WangJi, stretching out the distance between them.
With a long while of silence, Lan WangJi replied, “Between you and me, there is no need for ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’.”
At this point, to Wei Wuxian, the only reasonable conclusion to make about Lan Wangji pushing him aside when he’s trying to confess his feelings is that Lan Wangji doesn’t return his feelings. Worse, that he has taken advantage of a drunk Lan Wangji. (Many people have already pointed out that Lan Wangji has already sobered up by the time they have sex, but again, Wei Wuxian doesn’t know that!) 
This is Wei Wuxian’s immediate reaction.
Although Wei WuXian didn’t know when he woke up, now that he was awake, Lan WangJi’s reaction meant that one thing was clear: he didn’t want to continue what they were doing. He didn’t want to listen to Wei WuXian finish what he was saying, either.
A little later, he thinks
That the most disciplined person would throw tantrums, hit people, mess about after he was drunk, meant that Lan WangJi’s drunken actions weren’t self-controlled. And, even though Wei WuXian knew this, he still took advantage of the easy manipulation, purposely provoking him and leading him to do what he wanted. 
This situation clearly verified the worst possibility. Lan WangJi was indeed very nice towards him, but... it probably wasn’t the kind of nice he hoped for.
He already knows and acknowledges that Lan Wangji treats him in a special way! In fact, he was hoping that it meant Lan Wangji reciprocated his feelings, but he didn’t know for sure. The fact that Lan Wangji pushes him away when he starts to confess solidifies for him that Lan Wangji does not reciprocate his feelings. Which finally leads to
3. Wei Wuxian apologizes for taking advantage of Lan Wangji and tries to reassure him by saying ‘it’s normal for men to be like this sometimes’
It’s made clear that Wei Wuxian is trying to assure Lan Wangji that it’s normal because he doesn’t want his feelings (that he believes are not reciprocated) to ruin their friendship.
Originally, Wei WuXian thought that compared to having his feelings be found out and them become so awkward they couldn’t even be friends, he’d much rather have Lan WangJi feel that he was a cheap, flippant person instead. But right now, he began to regret saying those idiotic things without thinking about them first. He whispered, “... I’m sorry.”
The text literally specifies that he says what he says because he thought it would be better for Lan Wangji to think that he was a “cheap and flippant person” than ruin their friendship! He does not actually believe what he’s saying! That’s also why Wei Wuxian’s confession in the Guanyin Temple begins with “Back then, I really wanted to sleep with you”. 
For more clarity, this line has also been translated as
He had only said it as an offhanded comment, but unexpectedly, Wei Wuxian came to the realization: "You're not wrong."
"Lan Zhan! Lan Wangji! Hanguang-jun! I—Earlier I—slept with you because I genuinely wanted to!"
  — spicychickenyang’s translation
He had only been thinking out loud. Little did he expect Wei WuXian to suddenly go, “You’re right.”
With that, Wei WuXian proceeded to shout at the top of his lungs, “Lan Zhan! Lan WangJi! Earlier, I—I truly wanted to sleep with you!”
  — Chapter 100, boat-full-of-lotus-pods translation
 Now that Lan Xichen’s monologue has revealed that Lan Wangji does return his feelings (and probably because he has been able to connect all the times he said ‘thank you’ to Lan Wangji with negative reactions from Lan Wangji), Wei Wuxian immediately figures out why Lan Wangji reacted the way he did and clarifies it.
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evangelineshifts · 3 months
(This has been sitting in my drafts since feb)
I just had the weirdest shifting (?) dream ever???
Warning: sorry if this is confusing I’m literally losing my mind trying to process this. It probably won’t convey as dire as I’m making it out to be but I’m very disoriented still
Basically the dream started out normal (which for me isn’t normal at all) I was in my living room with my family when all of a sudden my front door slammed open and in comes my older brother- my older brother who DIED SIX YEARS AGO. I did have it in mind to manifest him being alive again but I was gobsmacked. He comes in and everyone acts normal as if he’d never left and I audibly went “oh my god” in the most horrified voice ever and they all looked at me and I ran upstairs to my room (which also hasn’t been my room up there in years) and went to grab my phone which was still like modern to these times. My Lock Screen was different and stuff but like I could read everything on the screen. Which is weird cause in dreams you shouldn’t be able to do that. Everything was clear I read the date it said it was Wednesday, December 8. I fuckin lost it I was going insane. I was like crying cause I was overwhelmed and I went to google and I searched up what year it was (idk why I didn’t just go to calendar but I was distressed). It said it was 2016 which I thought was a bit weird cause I didn’t manifest I wanted to go back to 2016 I wanted to go back to 2021 when I was 15 but I didn’t complain cause my brother was back. (Woke up and checked if Dec 8 was on a Wednesday in 2016. It wasn’t but it was in 2021 😭😭)
So I went to snap chat and checked my friends list and there where tons of new people that I had sent pics too but I was looking for one in particular- the girl I script to be my bsf in every DR that I wanted to manifest was real here and lo and behold, there’s her name “Savanna 😊🙈” i was 🫨 so anyways the dream goes on and looking back at it, it didn’t make as much sense as I thought it did at the time but I was sort of confused then too cause things weren’t how I wanted only half like it. So I told someone (who I think was meant to be savanna but looked nothing like her) about what was going on and I told her “I haven’t always been here” and she went “yes you have 🤨” and I went “no like this current awareness, this consciousness hasn’t always been here” and she just looked at me blankly and went “ok” and kept walking while I was loosing my shit. I saw friends from my dr that I wanted to manifest into this reality and my bf from my better cr dr and he called me over to him and he literally just held me and looked at me with the biggest smile but then I realized he didn’t look like my boy. Like his hair was lighter and his eyes were brown not bluish green like usual so I like decided to go away and look for other people. I found Jules (Leblanc) and she’s my best friend in a ton of my drs and ran over to her like practically sobbing cause I was so confused cause everything seemed clear and yet not at the same time and it feel like my brain was exploding and she just hugged me and listened as I babbled on about how I just woke up in the wrong year and my dead brother was suddenly alive and nothing was exactly how I wanted it yet it was close???? I was just so confused and overwhelmed and everyone was really supportive and trying to comfort me as I was literally losing my mind but I could visibly see the confusion on their faces which made me more distressed cause I didn’t understand. And then after awhile the dream got. all weird again. If anyone and I mean ANYONE has any ideas of what the fuck this could’ve been I’d be open to theories cause a whole month later and I still got nothing 😊
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piplup335 · 5 hours
Valk x reader fluff!
…first of all-
as I write this, it is past 1AM.
I’m on medication due to sickness, and I also gotta go to school tomorrow (I wake up around 4h from now ;-;)
“One more tumblr post”, I told myself, and that one post just so happened to be Valk x reader angst…
(I’M LOOKING AT YA, @sourle-)
couldn’t sleep after reading that, so I wrote this…
@lunarwashere, you poor soul…I made this for myself and the fellas that read it too.
take note, I’m on medication and an sleep deprived so this may not be up to standard, sorry…
uhhhh anyways-
enjoy! :D
“…and that’s it! Hit 'em right where it hurt!”
You were playing video games…again. It was the weekend though, and you had a ton of free time on your hands. Apart from the evening, though- you had to go support your boyfriend at his concert.
Contrary to you, Valk worked on the weekends. Hell, sometimes he was even busier on the weekends than he was on the weekdays!
However, you had a role to play in his job too.
You needed to clear out the mailbox every few days.
Sometimes, you’d open your mailbox…only to find it overstuffed with pretty pink letters, letters with decorative bows on them…and you knew it was yet another influx of fan mail. It always happened after another one of Valk’s concerts with his brother.
The days leading up to the concert were much worse, mainly because he barely got a wink of sleep on the nights before each concert. He woke up earlier than you and you only had time to give him a morning kiss before he left for work. Valk only came home by the time you were asleep, often with an empty coffee mug in your hand- a testament to the efforts you put in just to stay awake for him, to spend some time with him…
Occasionally, you’d stay awake for long enough to pepper his face with kisses and cuddle him to bed. But those moments were few and far between.
The concerts themselves were tiring, but what happened after that seemed much worse. Almost like torture to him.
You’ve even seen it firsthand on many, many occasions…and today was no exception.
The crowd cheered as the two idols waved to all their onlooking fans.
“That’s the last song for today! See you next month!”
You looked at your boyfriend. His shirt, his jacket…everything…they looked so cute on him. His usual bubbly, energetic personality was still evident by the enthusiastic smile on his face, but something was off. His face looked so…empty.
Deep down, he had no more energy. No more enthusiasm to keep up the performance.
He was exhausted.
And considering the all-nighters he pulled during the days leading up to the performance, you couldn’t blame him.
As soon as the crowd dispersed, you made a beeline for the double doors leading to the backstage. At the sight before your eyes, however, you froze.
An entire army of fangirls were there. They surrounded the brothers, clamouring for their photos with the duo. The fans’ squeals of joy were loud, but the crowd’s arguing was louder. All of them wanted a picture with Flipside, the most famous idol group in Crossroads…but Photos and videos would never be able to convey how they felt, deep down.
Valk’s cheerful facade masked a tired and lethargic soul. He just wanted to go home, flop on the bed and snuggle into your embrace. He wanted you to caress his horns and comfort him after the long day as you used your free hand to give him his much-wanted headpats…
By then, you’ve learnt to read the expression of his brother too.
Dom’s stoic expression managed to disguise his exhausted self quite well. He wanted to take off that bulky Dominus as it was quite humid to wear for prolonged periods…
As your boyfriend glanced at you with that pleading look that begged you to get him out of there, you tried to push through the crowd. You were swiftly pushed back by the fans, however.
“Wait for your turn!”
“Hey, outta the way! Quit trying to cut your way through!”
Valk shot you an apologetic look as you got pushed further and further away…and a few seconds later he was gone. Vanished into the sea of fans.
Three hours after all that, you lay on the bed with Valk in your arms. He insisted on taking a quick shower and changing into something more comfortable, but once he did all that he instantly snuggled up to you and found peace in your embrace.
You ran your fingers through his soft, messy hair. That was one of the many things you adored about him. You absolutely loved everything about him- from the groggy but cute little expression he’d always have when he just woke up to small moments like these.
Your mind wandered to the pile of fan mail from two days ago. A lot of effort had clearly been put into decorating each one. You even read some of them with him before, and some of the messages were quite heartening.
You recalled the occasional gifts that would pop up in his mailbox. They were specially designed for him, and when Valk unwrapped them you could see that some of them definitely weren’t cheap.
But what did you ever give him? Other than gifts on special occasions, you never really had the budget to get him anything too extravagant.
“Hey, Valk…?”
His pastel-yellow eyes met your own, the sleepiness evident in his gaze.
“…why’d you date me? You have so many adoring fans who send you gifts, cards, and a ton of stuff…and you still picked me…why? They’re so much better, and yet…you still chose to be with me…”
Valk’s eyes widened, his once exhausted expression turning into one of concern.
“My dove…why do you question that? You’re always so sweet and caring…not just to me, but my brother, the other Phighters, everyone…it’s hard not to love you. I should be the one asking what I ever did to deserve someone like you. Someone who always takes care of me without expecting anything in return, someone who knows me for who I truly am…gifts and cards mean nothing compared to that. Besides, I’ve already found the best gift I could ever have.”
“What is it…?”
Valk planted a soft kiss on your lips.
aaaaand that’s another story down! I’m trying to work on requests, dw :D
again, sorry if this is ooc!
hope you enjoyed!
(sidenote: as I post this, it is almost 1:30AM, I am so tired, hELP ME-)
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specialinterestshows · 11 months
The wlw Rhea Ripley fans have spoken, and I shall deliver. The first part of what will likely be a continuing Rhea Ripley x lady!reader fic for a bit because I have no clear or even vague idea how to end it
Warnings for this section: Mention of alcohol, cannabis (weed), social/crowd anxiety
Absolute Smokeshow (Part 1/?): I Wanna Take You To A Gay Bar
Smoke escapes into the night air as you exhale. A soft, warm breeze makes the cloud dissipate as you bring the joint up to your lips again to take a long drag. Hopefully, it wouldn’t take much more to calm you down. You tried to avoid crowded, social spaces when you could, but a couple of your friends had convinced you to go to the newly-opened queer bar with them. “I guess it’s better than a straight bar,” was your defeated response, unable to argue with a friend who had recently gone through a bad breakup.
The moment you stepped into the bar, your anxiety began steadily increasing. It seemed like the city’s entire queer community was packed into the building; drinking, dancing, and enjoying the night. The cacophony of music and chatter made the bar seem all the more crowded as you followed your friends toward the only available bartender. You looked around at some of the women on the dance floor as your friends order and anxiously wondered if any of your exes were there. After downing your water, you let your friends know you’re going to get some air before pushing past several people to get to the door that let out into the alleyway. Now here you were, cursing the fact that you only brought the one joint to what was already a far more popular bar than you had bargained for.
A loud burst of music and chatter hit your ears as the bar door swung open, depositing an angry-looking woman into the alley. Swinging back around at the door, she kicked it closed with a grunt. Pushing her dark hair out of her eyes, she notices you for the first time. You try to put on what you really hope is a harmless smile that conveys you don’t intend to anger her further and give a little wave.
“Sorry, didn’t see you there,” the familiarity of the Australian accent catches you off-guard.
“No worries,” you pretend to be casual in case this was someone you’d met already, not wanting to deal with more social awkwardness than necessary if she realized you didn’t remember, “I’m sure that door had it coming.”
You re-light the joint you had instinctively put out earlier in response to the sudden noise. The woman sighs and leans against the wall next to you, “It’s not the damn door, it’s…” she watches you take a hit, “Can I have a bit?”
“Sure,” you hand her the joint - it looks like she needs it. You fidget with the hem of your skirt as she takes a hit and you try to remember where you might know her from, “So what’s wrong?”
She hands the joint back and you place your mouth carefully around the black lipstick now smudged on one end as she sighs again, letting out a steady stream of smoke, “My boyfriend is in there hitting on some fucking twink,” she kicks a nearby rock.
You cough despite not having inhaled very much. Whatever you thought you were about to hear, it wasn’t that. Noticing your confusion, she places her open palm in front of you, “Let me have some more of that and maybe I’ll tell you about it.”
Another big hit and she starts explaining, letting smoke come out as she spoke, “So we got together, blah blah blah, it was good, y’know?” - another hit from the joint - “Then one night, he sees me checking out this gorgeous woman and the next thing I know we’re in an open relationship so I can ‘explore my sexuality,’” - she flicks away some ash - “meanwhile he’s always known he’s bi, so he’s off chatting up men while I’m on the sidelines trying to figure out how to fucking flirt!”
She offers you the joint back but you shake your head, “Sounds like you need that more than I do.” It was starting to hit you a bit anyway, and you tried not to stare as the embers of the bud illuminated her features. Suddenly, a light floods out into the alley and the noise returns. You look over to see the silhouette of two of your inebriated friends peering out into the darkness. You call out an amused “Hey guys” in response to your name.
“Come dance with us!” they insist. You shake your head, “I love you guys, but I am NOT going back in there.”
“Ooo, she’s with someone!” one of your friends whispered loudly to the other, “Wait, is that…?”
The door slowly closes behind them as they duck back inside, “Isn’t that Rhea Ripley?”
You tried not to let the realization phase you, instead focusing on the relief that you definitely hadn’t met this woman before and didn’t have to keep worrying about remembering how you knew her. A dry cough brings you out of your thoughts and you look over to see Rhea flicking the roach in the general direction of a trash bin.
“Got any more?” she asked.
“Not on me,” the apology was evident in your voice, “There’s more at my place if- I mean you totally don’t have to- it’s just that I have a bong and-and-“
“Are you asking me over?” she seemed surprised.
“Yes?” You held your breath.
“Let’s go, then.”
[end part one of ?]
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/specialinterestshows/723407742373609472/absolute-smokeshow-part-2-i-call-shotgun
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aj1dordinary · 6 months
Not Feline Too Good
A/N: omg the semester I just had… anyways, sorry for being M.I.A for a bit. I made it home for the Winter Break and decided to take some time for myself and family. Also to celebrate my sister’s birthday and my own tomorrow! I also needed time to think about advance the plot and development of my character. I’ve settled in now and hope you enjoy the new addition to the series. This should be like the last filler part before all the action takes place. Hope you enjoy!!!
the restful week had passed and you soon found yourself back at the Wu Shi Academy, this time as an active participant rather than a spectator.
you sat among the jungle that surrounded the palace of the fire god in a meditative state, the lush grass bending in the slight breeze. liu kang had incentivized you to do so in part of your training to become one of Earthrealm’s champions. meanwhile, the boys would continue their physical training. you tried to push out any thoughts that made their way to the front of your brain but it became increasingly difficult with the surrounding sounds of nature.
it should be calming, but the rustling of leaves in the wind, branches crackling, and small critters playing around had you thinking about your place among them, you had yet to make the distinction if it was natural or not.
more noises entered your brain, the pitter-patter of paws as they hit the ground, the clinking of metal, the wail of an animal — wait a second…
successfully pulled from your attempt at meditation, you spin your head to figure out what direction the sound had come from. another wail put you in the right direction.
your moves were soft and calculated, you attempted to make no noise in hopes you wouldn’t scare the creature further. approaching a clearing, the first thing you saw were black and orange stopes, making identifying the creature easy.
i should’ve stayed my black ass at home.
you thought as you were facing the back of a tiger. an angry tiger that was caught in a trap nonetheless. you immediately made a move to turn around and let any nearby monks know of the predicament, surely they were better prepared for this. but then you heard shouting in the distance, human voices. the tiger thrashed its head around in a frenzy, trying to escape but only pulling on its injured leg more. in its attempted escape, it made eye contact with you.
you stilled. it stilled. the jungle suddenly became eerily silent. the voices were becoming closer and the tiger got more and more agitated. surely, it did not want to see what was on the other side. you raised your hands in front of you and crouched, making yourself appear smaller to it. what the fuck am i doing?!
your heart was pounding and the silence was so deafening you could hear the blood pumping in your ears. you inched closer and closer, your hands never leaving the tiger’s vision as if that were to convey that you weren’t a threat like whoever was looking for it. it growled as you approached and you stilled again.
“do you want my help or not?” you backed away a little and suddenly it seemed to understand your intentions. it chuffed. almost beckoning you to approach again. taking a deep breath, you got to a point where you could reach over and mess with the trap, you made no move to get closer.
you finally break eye contact to take a look at the trap. a standard bear trap. you go to touch it and the tiger growls again. this time, you feel it reverberate through you due to your proximity. so you remove your hand.
“look,” you point at it as if it were some common house cat, your eyes a bit grounded now as you look the large creature in the face, “you’re trying to get away from something and I’m trying to help.
do you want to be someone’s throw rug or continue frolicking through the jungle?”
it turned its head away from you with a gruff. you take a look around until you are able to find the release switch, then you maneuver your fingers through the teeth and pry it open until all of a sudden, the tiger snatches it’s paw from the trap. frightened, you squeak and quickly pull your fingers out as the trap went off again, nearly taking them clean off.
you fall back on your butt with your arms covering your face preemptively. peaking through your shut eyes, you see the tiger standing over you. you can take in its large stature now from its standing position. it was easily twice your size. the growling returned, this time, drool dripped from its barred teeth. you wanted to curse a god - liu kang, perhaps - about your predicament. how you went out trying to be nice and instead of praise, you were mauled to death by a maneater.
as the tiger’s face inched closer, you pleaded with it not to eat you. you felt it’s cold nose press against your chest and take a deep inhale. with shaky hands, you place your hands on either side of its face, fingers threaded through the fur in case you had to forcefully remove it.
suddenly there was rustling nearby and both you and the beast whipped your heads to look at the source. as quickly as it was on you, it had receded to the tree line with a newfound limp. you propped yourself on your elbows to look at it as it slinked away. before disappearing completely, it turned its large head back to you and gave you one last chuff.
“there you are.” a familiar voice broke you out of your staring contest. “you okay?” raiden asked, seeing your blown eyes and messy form. you look one last time at where the tiger had gone, but it wasn’t there.
you threw a punch towards kung lao who used his forearm to redirect it. you replanted yourself as to not fall over and used your non-dominant arm to send another punch which he dodged. now on the defensive, you quickly brought your arms into an x to block his kick which sent you back a bit. still standing, you came out of your defensive position only to find him running directly toward you. you internally panicked, looking left and right to find an escape. to your left you could see your spectators: liu kang, johnny, raiden, and kenshi who would soon make the decision on whether or not you could be support on the mission the god of fire had yet to disclose you on. kung lao was closer now, you could see him winding back to land a strike on you. with approximately 3 seconds until impact, your neurons raced on adrenaline, trying to rack your brain for any reaction.
you found it as you pulled one of your solo lessons with liu kang from the back of your brain. “face your fears or face defeat every time” he said as he threw a couple combos of his own, leaving you on your ass each time you hesitated or tried to run from him. in his assessment he mentioned one thing that stood out to you, “you seem to be stronger and sturdier when you use your core and legs, i suggest you use them more often.” you were broken out of your head when you heard johnny cheering for you.
“kick his ass y/n!”
you know what you must do. as kung lao reared his arm back, you took a form similar to a handstand to plant yourself on your arms, effectively raising your lower half in the air. carrying the momentum through, you bring your legs back and scorpion kicked kung lao right in the face, breaking his flow. he grabbed his nose trying to recuperate from the blow. still maintaining the handstand, you use one arm to grab on to his leg. he looks down at you in confusion and sees you sticking your tongue out at him before finishing your roundoff, dragging him to the ground. you were careful to not land on his face, planting both feet just beside his chest. his razor hat which he usually smugly wore had rolled off in the direction of the spectators before spinning and wobbling until it stopped right by liu kang’s feet.
“wooooo! i told you she would win. she’s had to manage like, multiple fangirls for me.” johnny said while nudging raiden’s side.
“the rules were that the first person on the ground longer than 3 seconds loses. y/n wins.” liu kang said with a smile on his face.
you reach down to help kung lao from the ground which he gladly accepts though he brushes himself off to hide his damaged ego. you walk over to his prized hat and pick it up, placing it on your own head.
“y/n - 2, kung lao - 0” you crossed your arms and held your head high.
“actually kung lao - 1. you nearly cried the first time you were partnered.” kenshi broke your confident smile. he snatched kung lao’s hat from your head and returned it to its rightful owner who accepted it graciously. you turn to him and flip him off as liu kang rolled his eyes at your childish behavior. he cleared his throat which caused all the commotion to halt immediately. you lined up amongst the men, standing between kenshi and raiden. from an outside perspective, the height difference would be laughable.
“well, we had a deal did we not? all those in favor of solidifying y/n’s position as one of Earthrealm’s protectors speak now.” liu kang turned to raiden first.
“i accept.” raiden shot you a smile as he was the one who spoke highly of you to liu kang in the first place.
“i accept.” kung lao nodded. he felt more confident in your ability to hold your own after you beat him, the smug bastard.
“for sure.” johnny said with no hesitation. he felt a swell of pride in his chest at your growing smile with each member’s approval.
“i do not…” kenshi began. you felt your heart skip a few beats. you held back tears from building in your eyes. you were sure that you had worked out your differences, “disagree with the others.”
“i am so gonna beat your ass, takahashi.” johnny said before you could begin to put a curse on his bloodline.
“oh it was just a joke, cage. she’s clearly capable of holding her own.” kenshi clapped a hand on your back.
“well then it is settled.” liu kang sent you a look that ‘i told you so’, as if he knew this would happen.
“now as for your mission. raiden and i will head to the capital of Outworld as he must conduct diplomatic business as Earthrealm’s champion. it will also double as cover for your whereabouts. you four must find this man and bring him back for questioning.
he handed kenshi the scroll which he unraveled to show a man with long hair who wore a smirk that definitely said ‘i am up to no good’.
“yes. If what I fear has happened, he is a grave threat to the realms.”
“shang tsung is a master of deceit —“
“oh so like a pathological liar.” you interrupt.
“Do not trust a word he utters.”
“sounds a lot like my first agent.” johnny joked.
kenshi sent you both a look. “and these are the tools we need to get the job done? can we have support from some of the monks?” obviously referring to you too.
“your words don’t hurt me takahashi. you complimented me earlier so no take-backs.” you crossed your arms and turned your face away from him in mock disgust. you stood closer to the silent observer kung lao.
“‘this one’ has all the requirements for the job.” johnny walked up, nearly bumping chests with kenshi.
liu kang stopped the argument from getting any further, “This mission must be done quietly. By sending you on this mission, I am breaking my word with Empress Sindel by sending you there against her knowledge.”
“i assure you kangaroo, i will cover our tracks. it’s what i do best.” you smile trying to air out the tension.
“is that a diss towards me or — ow!” you stepped on johnny’s foot to shut him up.
liu kang also handed kenshi a talisman that he said would help guide you to his location like a GPS.
“be careful,” he looked at kenshi. “and may the Elder God’s protect you.”
to say you weren’t tired would make you no better than a liar that Shang Tsung was said to be. the men were much taller which meant that you had to take more strides to keep up with them. the armored gear did nothing but weigh you down and make you sweat in the desert-like heat. you even made them stop a couple times to dump sand out of your shoes.
johnny spoke for you when groaned and asked, “are we there yet?”
“how old are you again? five?” kenshi spoke without looking behind him as he led the group. you lagged behind with kung lao keeping casual conversation as you let the duo duke it out how they typically do.
“so kung lao, what did you do back in…”
“fengjian,” he finished for you. “i was a humble farmer.”
“‘humble’ farmer turned warrior. i’m sure this is doing wonders for your ego.” you rolled your eyes and twirled your locs, bored and wanting to keep your hands busy.
“what about you?”
“easy. i was orphaned and became johnny’s assistant.” you answered a bit too quickly for kung lao’s liking.
“so was that like right after the other or?” he tried to coax a little more out.
“oh no. i was jumping through orphanage after orphanage until i aged out of the system. i was already a teenager when my family died and no one wants damaged goods. they all want a baby they can pass as theirs. with what little money i had made through jobs, i booked a ticket for L.A and didn’t look back.”
“surely you had other family that could’ve taken you in.” lao tilted his head in confusion.
“they all think i should’ve died that night too.”
“it’s alright. then, when i made it to L.A, i got a job as a cleaning lady under a company and slept in a cardboard fort.”
“i’m sorry —“ you quickly cut him off.
“don’t be. it was the most fabulous cardboard fort the world had ever seen. then as any fan fiction would go, my serviced were hired out to johnny. since he’s a millennial superstar, current technology and trends aren’t really his strong suit. i’m young and love trends so i helped him with how to cash out on social media. he loved it, his fans loved it, and so he went looking for me one day for more ideas and saw the state of my life. i’ll never know why he took a chance on me, but i owe him everything.”
you look forward to see johnny dragging his feet in the sand like a child being made to take their first steps. you laugh to yourself about how your description of a man wanting to help the less fortunate sure didn’t behave like the man who was featured in Forbes’ ’30 Under 30’.
“guess i was wrong about him.” lao sighed.
“johnny just doesn’t cope very well. his job is to make others happy, even when he isn’t all the time. try that for a week and i think you’d be more appreciative that he acts like this rather than some grump like kenshi often is.”
“these boots surely weren’t meant for walking.” johnny complained again.
suddenly, all the compassion kung lao felt went out of the window at the reference.
“if that’s all the pain you’ll feel today, consider yourself lucky.” he said almost unconsciously.
“oh, im feeling lucky. i’ve got Sento strapped to my back.”
“oh, that’s not the flex you think it is.” you winced as johnny had undone your work of trying to make him look good.
“i will reclaim it, cage.” kenshi’s voice had turned cold.
‘i will never speak proudly about a white man again’ you thought to yourself
“are you not cold?” you asked lao as you crossed your arms over your chest to brace against the chill that had begun to take effect.
“no. why?” his focus turning back to you.
“you’re always sleeveless. are you not impacted by the weather? you trying to impress someone by being a manwhore with your arms out?”

“is it working?”
“i regret asking.”
you were broken out of your conversation when you approached kenshi and johnny arguing. you only caught the last of it.
“i got out. i need my clan out, too! we can’t be apart of their crimes any longer.”
the talisman glowing is what stopped kenshi’s death glare from actually killing johnny.
you and kung lao walked passed johnny who remained still. lao, the ever so petty, flashed the light in his face like a mic-drop.
“y/n, help me out here” he started.
“i’m sure you deserved it.” you kept walking, a little irritated at his behavior.
you finally arrived upon a town that looked to be in shambles. you caught johnny looking at you out of the corner of you eye and so with a sigh, you brought out your phone to record the altercation you were witnessing.
the people were disfigured to say the least. their lips pulled back to reveal rows of teeth. their skin looked as though it was made of stone blades as they fought back against the palace guards.
“shang tsung is here.” kenshi said as a matter-of-fact.
“there.” you point out a figure who held a syringe before plunging it into one of the disfigured people.
“this reminds me of..” johnny started.
“this reminds me of how i’m telling your fans you sleep with 10 stuffed animals when this is done.” you turn to him to return a look that says there is a time and place.
“jokes on you, they already know.” he muttered.
you were interrupted by the beginning of a coup as the group of beings started to retaliate against Shang Tsung and his followers. Just as Shang Tsung was getting engaged, you spoke.
“is this the part where we join in or?” you said, looking to kenshi.
“seems like they’re doing fine without us.” johnny took a step back.
“liu kang needs him alive.” is all kenshi said before leaping into battle. all you could do was follow your self-imposed leader.
kenshi grabbed the man before he could finish shang tsung. he kicked kung lao and johnny as they each went in for their attacks. you watched that in his moment of rest, shang tsung transformed in to one of the disfigured beings before sneaking off.
“i would have killed him but for you!” the man’s voice was gravely. you stepped forth between kenshi and the large brute. you held your hands up as to signal peace.
“understandable, but we’re hear to retrieve him so he may face punishment for his crimes alive.”
“then you will die.” oh ok.
“i’ll handle him, you go help cage and kung lao hold off the others.” he didn’t have to tell you twice.
you held your own. it seems as if the others did not possess the ability to form blades as the man you encountered just before. you focused on providing support and assist whenever kung lao or johnny got tired or faced multiple opponents. as small as you were, it worked as you often evaded attacks and attempts to grab you.
you look back over your shoulder to see kenshi had worn the brute out, but the others were still closing in.
kenshi made quick work to dispatch tension and explain the situation. and as he attempted to make a friendly gesture, the brute introduced himself as baraka and told you all that their appearance is an effect of a disease called Tarkat. by his explanation, it was to your understanding that these were a doomed people.
with kenshi as your negotiator, baraka stood the army of Tarkatans down and allowed you to pass.
“the talisman…” you pointed out. it had gone out.
“i know where to find him.“ baraka’s gravelly voice sounded.
“then by all means.” kung lao stepped back to let baraka lead the way.
“great. more walking.” johnny muttered and rolled his eyes.
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sainamoonshine · 1 month
Hey can I be petty for a minute?
I’m remembering something that happened last summer and I’m still pissed
So I was at the cottage and I ask my SIL if there are sodas in the kitchen. She says « there are two in the fridge and more in the cupboard ».
So I open up the fridge and take a soda.
She repeats « there are more in the cupboard btw ».
So I’m like 👍 good to know
Then we go outside and she starts making fun about me to everyone and ribbing me in that « we’re not laughing about you, we’re laughing with you! » way where you’re definitely still the butt of the joke because it turns out that when she said « there are more sodas in the cupboard », what she meant was « when you take one from the fridge you need to replace it with one from the cupboard ».
But what I thought she was trying to convey was « hey when you see that the fridge is almost empty of sodas you might think we’re out and need to buy more, but actually we’re good and they’re just stored elsewhere. »
But ofc nobody let me actually explain my pov, it was more interesting to just rag on me all weekend about how dense I am and how I don’t get subtext 🙄 nevermind that I was getting subtext just not the one that was actually getting conveyed. Like I thought she was giving me an information about supply levels and storage location but she was giving me a fucking order and just couldn’t be bothered to make it clear because she thought it was « obvious ». Like idk but maybe when you watched me completely miss it you could have clued in that I needed more actual words and less hinting? But noooo, I guess it’s just easier to assume I’m just being lazy or rude on purpose?
Like sorry but my brain just does not always connect that if I take a cold soda I need to put another soda in its place in the fridge because that’s part of the executive functions and mine sometimes glitches!
Ugh anyway. I’m just angry because my whole fucking life has been like that and I can’t beat the incompetent allegations even when I’m on fucking vacation I guess
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horizon-verizon · 19 days
I get now why Alicent is standing by a lake or frolicing in the grass:
Based on the trailer, it looks like she’s still trying to be the voice of moderation on the Green Council, the name given to the faction which supports Aegon’s claim to the throne. “Who can she trust? There’s no one around her,” said actor Olivia Cooke. “Everyone, it seems, has been spying on her. It’s this sense of peak paranoia within her own home. That had to really permeate throughout my performance. All of a sudden she’s of no use to anyone. She’s done what she was supposed to do — put her son on the throne — and now she’s discarded. Who is she if she can’t be the person to implement wisdom?”
However, in a way, her new role is freeing: “Oh, I could do whatever the f--- I want and no one cares. All of a sudden I’m not important. I’m not a player,” Cooke said. In a very giddy way, that’s really novel and exciting.”
I’ver NEVER EVER hated a character as much as I hate her, oh my god, she crowned a man while knowing he’s incompetent, sadistic and unfit to rule, she started a massive and devastating civil war that will result in hundreds of thousands of deaths, her daughter fell into madness after her child was beheaded in front of her, but she happily choose the “Après moi, le déluge” approach, she choose to let everyone down and force them to clearing up the mess SHE created.
"Après moi, le déluge" -- "After me, the deluge". An expression meant to convey a nihilistic view or dismissal of what will happen after and/or in consequence of your actions after your death. Or removal from a situation.
I agree, she's still trying to moderate everyone as if she hasn't been the one to participate in their coming to power out of her own jealousy, and I hate that the show has tried to make us feel sorry for her or think her relationship with Rhaenyra is in anyway real, since it also seeks to validate Alicent's bigoted jealousy against Rhaenyra for not being compliant with "the rules" enough.
Some might say "that's the point"; I'm saying that the way it's written--thus the thing itself as there is no other version of this relationship--we are encouraged to commiserate with Alicent or feel more amenable to her feelings and her role as "peacekeeper" while being as unobservant as her about the state of affairs surrounding and determining Rhaenyra's conditions. I have never seen more people so sexist towards the girl and woman who tries to find her own happiness in this violently patriarchal world than in this fandom, and yes there is illiteracy and bigotry regardless but it is also because:
The show has both made Alicent much younger when she married Viserys AND much less intelligent/scheming--this more vulnerable & genuinely trying to make peace and "girlfail" for sympathy points. We don't witness a pattern (basically not enough scenes of how she regards and treats people around her during the time between the wedding feats and Joffrey's birth) of the jealousy the show claims she has for Rhaenyra.
We've had to had this show explained to us by the actors afterhand AND/OR/BECAUSE some of us have had to really sit and go over the plot holes, inconsistencies, quick character switch arounds, etc. -> to trace how exactly Alicent got to a point where she thinks Rhaenyra "tramples" duty and sacrifice "under her pretty foot" and her resentment for Rhaenyra not being as unhappy as her/not acquiescing to her queenly authority that she hangs onto to justify her own suffering
As for Olivia's words:
However, in a way, her new role is freeing: “Oh, I could do whatever the f--- I want and no one cares. All of a sudden I’m not important. I’m not a player,” Cooke said. In a very giddy way, that’s really novel and exciting.”
....Yes, I know we've only gotten trailers...but nothing we've so far seen from those trailers AND how they have already characterized Alicent as wanting her Queenship to mean something because of her suffering and thus her resentment towards Rhaenyra for not also complying in season 1...this is, let's say, very odd and contradictory.
Yeah, this is good to show TG stans that Alicent is not the power they think she is. It also portents--in my eyes--of more logical inconsistencies in the writing for season 2.
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I accidentally posted this without the complete post and tumblr wouldn't let me fix it. Why is tumblr so unforgiving with mistakes? Lol
Anyway, I'm not the best person to answer this because I don't know Korean so if someone knows Korean and can provide more info, please please do. I can only go by the stuff karmy said.
These are the lyrics:
어떤 말 해야 할지-Formal speech starts
What should I say? 
또 어떻게 전할지
And how should I convey it?
서툴기만 하네요
I’m really not getting my words right 
뻔하단 걸 알지만
I know that it sounds so cliched 
가볍지 않도록 이 말을 전할게요
But I’ll try to say this so it sounds sincere
I say Oh Oh 더 행복하길 바래요-Deletion of dangsin
I say Oh Oh I hope you can be happier
나 넘어질 때면 내게 그 손 내밀어주던 you
You, who stretched your hand out to me whenever I fell
I say Oh Oh 이젠 내가 잡아줄게요
I say Oh Oh, I’ll hold it now
울고 싶을 때면 넘어지지는 않도록
So when you feel like crying, you won’t fall
시간이 흘은 뒤에도
After all this time has passed
우린 그대로일까
Will we still be the same?
처음 만난 그 때처럼
Just like we were when we first met
우리가 함께라면
Like the ‘us’ that together
사막도 바다가 될 수 있던
could turn even the desert into the sea
그때 그 모습 그대로
Just like we were then
I say Oh Oh 꼭 영원하길 바래요
I say Oh Oh I really hope that it’ll last forever
추운 겨울 속 네겐 따뜻한 봄날 같던 you
You, who felt like warm spring in a cold winter to me 
I say Oh Oh 언제나 간직할게요
I say Oh Oh I’ll always treasure it
너와나 그 사이 채웠던 그 순간들-Formal Speech Ends
All those moments between you and I
Baby 떠나지는 마 -Jk voice, Informal speech starts
Baby don’t leave
그냥 내 곁에 stay
Just stay by my side
작디 작은 날 크게 봐준 너에게
You, who see someone as small as me as someone big
받은 만큼만 전할 수 있게
So that I can give as much as I’ve received
내가 했던 말 지킬 수 엤게
So that I can keep my word
걱정하지 마
Don’t worry
그냥 네 곁에 stay
Just stay by my side
어떤 날이 기다릴지 모르기에
We don’t know what the future holds
무섭긴 하지만 겁이 나지만
And that’s scary and makes us afraid
함께라는 말 항상 잊지 마-Informal speech ends
But don’t forget that we’re always together
뻔하단 걸 알지만-Formal speech, No Jk voice
I know that it sounds so cliched
가볍지 않도록 이 말을 전할게요
But I’ll try to say this so it sounds sincere
Trans cr; Aditi & Annie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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"I read the lyrics carefully, and there are honorifics and rude(informal) words. Baby From this point on, the chords are so beautiful. This is a very precious song"
I think it might be hard for us to understand the formal and informal speech thing since English doesn't have that. But in languages and countries were that is used, this is a bigger deal.
Jimin doesn't address the fans with informal speech. His posts in weverse are all formal, thats why they are translated nicely by weverse.
But remember this?
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Just for Jungkook. And Jk's voice starts with the informal speech.
You also have to take in consideration Jikook's history. All the times that Jimin has said Jk is strong and takes care of him and has called Jk baby and Jk has called him dangsin.
Jimin calling Jungkook baby during the February live. Jimin telling Jungkook to keep getting stronger so he can protect him during the boxing live in March.
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I feel like Jimin was trying to remind us so we would connect it to Letter.
But people are so dense. "JiMiN sIAD iTs a FaN sONG". He had to say it was a song for fans.
And Jk comes and reminds us that he is Jimin's fan.
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And had Jimin fest part 1 where he watched the videos that Jimins fans watch.
Omg. This is why Jk hosted Jimin fest part 2 a few days ago!!! To remind us that he is Jimin's fan.
Ahhh, I need to go do a write up on that asap.
Ai sorry. My thoughts got lost lol
But hopefully this was a little clear? I can't help more because I don't speak the language but maybe someone who does will chime in.
Ahhh read this. It's nice:
Thanks for stopping by!
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chewchuck · 3 months
I absolutely picked up on a few things that honestly had me just asking more questions about Chilchuck’s pov. On one hand, I usually love seeing each pov within the chapters, but! on the other, it was very what’s the word… fitting? nicely done. how you handle the showing and telling of the story
My internal dialogue was a lot of “Oh surely this man is not entirely oblivious to dog boy over here.” “Oh he has GOT to be thinking thoughts rn.” So eek! Yes I am so excited about the addition lol
Also I have no idea WHAT they’re put in this stuff, but Dungeon Meshi has just… gotten me in a chokehold. The Chilaios Nation, don’t know what y’all are doing, but it also has me in a chokehold. Scarily dragging me in. I am obsessing I am refreshing my tabs I am unwell I am blessed with a feast fit for a king this is affecting my mental health I need sleep. Anyway, love all the chilaios nation folks <3
listen to me. look me in my eyes. i am gripping you by the shoulders. this is everything to me
because so genuinely while writing the first part, i considered every single aspect of what chikchuck thought about what was going on. what was he feeling what was he thinking etc etc and i while i don’t always think that’s necessarily for a limited pov fic, especially not when it comes to one that boils down to self indulgent smut, like i said *i* knew what he was going through and wanted to try to translate that to the audience with out like. making it so obvious that laios should have picked up on it.
and when trying to convey something subtle like that it’s so easy for it to go completely unnoticed. and honestly i do think i would have been just fine with that actually! bc i never intended to make a second part of this from chilchucks pov!
but the way sooo many people have been like “i am picking up on this” just made me so happy!!! like i said a billion times while writing this i made and am still making this for me first and foremost! it’s self indulgent and all about what *i* want to happen and what makes me happy
but that doesn’t change the fact that i am so overwhelmingly happy that so many other people are enjoying it!! im over the moon about that! and thats a HUGE part of why i got inspired to actually write a chilchuck pov!!!
(and not to curse myself but uhm. based on the current word count compared to the equivalent part of the first part it. well it might end up longer. but shh don’t tell anyone)
i think it’s crack cocaine
i’m would like to reiterate/make it clear that i made this blog LESS THAN A WEEK AGO. that’s how insane this shit had made me. it’s been less than a week and i’ve made a whole side blog, wrote over 11k of fic, made several friends, joined a discord server and am HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE. i am having more fun in this fandom than i can remember having in almost 15 years
sorry this reply got REALLY long but. it just feels good. i’m happy. i’m having fun and im glad there are other people along for the ride who are having fun as well :3
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tingerines · 2 years
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Pairing: Riddle x GN!Reader Genre: Fluff
Everything about Riddle Rosehearts is almost perfect.
He’s handsome, kind, respectful, smart, and very well-spoken — but he takes nearly everything too seriously. That, of course, includes his work.
When you initially saw him at the company’s grand event for new hires, he could have easily fooled you for being an executive with the way he carries himself.
It comes as a surprise when you discover that not only will the two of you be working in the same department together, but you’re also the same age.
But it’s not like you obtained this information from the man himself. Instead, one of your seniors — an attractive young man named Cater Diamond who claims to have gone to college with Riddle — was the one to let you know.
“Are you interested in Riddle? I can call him over if you’d like,” Cater’s eyes hold a glimmer of mischief as he speaks of the offer.
You raise an eyebrow skeptically before sparing a glance towards the general direction you last saw Riddle disappearing into. You absentmindedly stir your vodka tonic with a straw and shake your head.
“No, thanks. A man like that has no interest in sitting around and talking to fresh meat like me,” you state plainly, causing Cater to chuckle in amusement.
“Oh, you’re misunderstanding him. Riddle’s great. Here, I’ll prove it,” Cater sits up straight and ignores your hushed pleas for him to stop whatever it is he was planning on doing. He cups his hands on either side of his mouth before calling out, “Riddleeee! Over hereeee!”
You shrink into yourself in embarrassment as most of the conversations around you cease. You could practically feel all the eyes burning curious holes into your figure, but thankfully the feeling doesn’t last for too long.
The sound of someone clearing their throat makes you correct your posture, and you find yourself face-to-face with Riddle Rosehearts once you’ve sat up properly.
“You didn’t have to yell to get my attention, Cater,” Riddle scolds the older man, but the latter doesn’t seem to mind the stern tone in his voice.
Cater rubs the back of his neck and offers the younger man an apologetic smile, “I’m sorry, but you were all the way across the room. Anyways, have you met y/n yet?”
“Y/n?” Riddle questions, his head turning to follow the direction Cater’s hand is gesturing towards.
He meets your eyes just as you were about to turn away and hide. But since you’re caught in the act, you’re forced to offer him a tight-lipped smile and a small wave, “that would be me. Hi.”
“Hi, I’m Riddle Rosehearts,” the man holds a hand out for you to shake briefly.
“Nice to meet you,” you reply, the awkwardness of the situation making you sip at your vodka tonic just to keep yourself busy.
While Riddle turns back to a conversation with Cater, you shoot daggers at the latter that you hope conveys what a bad idea this turned out to be.
Needless to say, your first encounter with Riddle Rosehearts was anything but perfect. In fact, it felt so awkward that you decided to hide your face from his sight every chance you got.
But try as you might, it’s literally impossible for you to avoid the man when you’re working in the same department. The senior analyst (damn you, Cater) even has the two of you sitting next to each other.
On the bright side? It doesn’t seem like Riddle is a fan of small talk, so you don’t have to try too hard to avoid him.
In your work environment, Riddle is almost perfect.
He learns fast, and is always the first one to volunteer to take on new projects or suggest changes to make your jobs more efficient. But his relentless work ethic also causes him to work too many hours to the point that you wonder if he ever goes home and sleeps.
“Sevens— have your eye bags always been that bad?” Cater is the only one brave enough to bring the topic up to the younger man — and, predictably, Riddle looks unamused by the prodding.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. My eye bags are normal-sized,” Riddle says without taking his eyes off his computer screen.
“They’re the normal size for sleep deprived people,” Cater retorts with a roll of his eyes. When Riddle doesn’t reply, he decides to change targets and makes his way over to your cubicle. “Hi, y/n.”
“Hey. I haven’t seen you around in a while, Cater,” you hit “Save” on the spreadsheet you’ve been working on before turning your chair around to face said man. “Have you finally gotten tired of marketing?”
“Absolutely not! I am having the time of my life marketing away! Social media is my L-O-M-L,” Cater says in mock offense and a hand clutching his chest. “I just stopped by to say ‘hello’ to my dear friends in the Finance department.”
Riddle shoots Cater with a suspicious side eye. He’s not sure if his friend is acting strange because he’s interested in you or because he’s simply up to something else; years of friendship would tell Riddle that it’s the latter.
For who is Cater Diamond if he’s not trying to cause some sort of mischief for fun?
“I also have a favor to ask of you, y/n,” Cater smiles sheepishly as he leans down and lowers his voice to a whisper. “Could you make sure that Riddle leaves at a reasonable time today?”
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion at the man’s request, “why can’t you do that?”
“Because I’m not the one who has a little crush on him,” Cater sing-songs before taking a step back to avoid your attempts to swat him.
“I do not have a crush on him. I barely know the guy, and—and he’s your friend,” you hiss out, careful to keep your voice’s volume low.
“And I don’t believe you! So will you do me this favor?”
You take a moment before giving Cater an answer. Your eyes trail to Riddle’s hunched over frame, where the light from his computer screen illuminates his face, and you can see that Cater’s right about his eye bags.
You sigh in defeat before nodding, “fine, I’ll try. But you know that he’s very stubborn.”
“Yeah, I know. Good luckkk,” Cater shoots finger guns at you and turns in a rush to leave your cubicle before he gets yelled at by a superior for slacking off. “See ya!”
You silently wave goodbye to Cater’s retreating figure before your shoulders slump down and you turn back to your computer screen.
You spend the next few minutes typing away on your keyboard, your mind too focused on making sure that the data and numbers you were entering is correct, that you don’t even notice Riddle’s presence besides you.
He clears his throat and you guess that’s his way of making his presence known to people. It’s not the most polite method, unlike the way you’d assume he’d address most people.
Could it be that he’s just not particularly fond of you?
“Yes?” you ask without sparing the man a glance.
“I’ll go home when you do today. So don’t worry about asking me to leave.”
“What?” you look at Riddle in confusion, unsure if you’d heard the man correctly.
“You’re both terrible at whispering,” the man chuckles at the horrified expression appearing on your face. “But since Cater asked you for a favor, he must actually be concerned about me. So I’ll leave early today.”
“Um… just how much of that conversation did you hear?” you ask in a hushed voice, your feature twisting as if you’re in pain.
“That depends. What else did you talk about besides that and your ‘little crush’ on me?” The smile Riddle offers you is sweet, and you can tell by the dash of pink on his cheeks that he doesn’t mean to tease you maliciously.
“I’m going to dig a hole in my backyard to lay in after work,” you nod absentmindedly as you mumble to yourself and turn your chair back in place.
Riddle laughs to himself and leaves your cubicle to return to his own; the absence of his presence allows you to finally let out a breath you were holding in.
You try to focus on your work, but the mental image of the man smiling at you feels like it’s permanently stamped onto your brain. He didn’t even smile when you were first introduced, but now that you’ve seen it, you’re even more smitten.
The remainder of the day’s work hours tick by at a snail’s pace. Every time you think you’ve been working for at least an hour, the computer clock would say it’s only been 5 minutes.
By the time Cater announced that it was time to leave, you feel as if you’ve aged a good ten years.
“Thank goodness,” you sigh as you stretch your arms out above your head, the stiff muscles of your back protesting as you move.
“Are you ready to go?” a voice asks above your head, causing you to jolt in surprise. “Oh, I’m sorry.”
“Riddle? What are you doing here?” you ask when you turn your head to look at your unexpected visitor.
“I’m waiting for you to leave so I can leave too,” the man says his answer as if you should have known all along.
You laugh and stand up before collecting your messenger bag and slinging it across your chest, “you know you didn’t have to wait for me, right?”
“That’d be very rude of me,” Riddle waits until you appear to be ready to go before gesturing for you to walk ahead of him.
“No, it wouldn’t,” you laugh again and comply with the man’s wishes by making the first moves to leave your cubicle. “Well, maybe if we were friends, it’d be rude.”
“Aren’t we friends?”
Your eyes search Riddle’s face for any sign that would indicate he’s trying to pull your leg. But, as usual, Riddle is being serious.
“Would you consider me a friend?” you challenge once you’ve stepped inside an elevator and pressed the button to the building’s lobby.
“Sure. Any friend of Cater’s is a friend of mine’s,” Riddle says nonchalantly with a shrug.
“That didn’t sound convincing at all. If you want to be my friend, you’ll have to start doing things that friends would do.”
The elevator doors open with a loud ding and the two of you step out into the lobby to find that a light rainshower has begun to fall.
Riddle rummages through his backpack for the travel umbrella he keeps inside at all times for emergencies such as this. With the rose red bundle in hand, he’s about to exit the building when he realizes that you haven’t moved an inch since exiting the elevator.
“Y/n, I was serious: I’m not leaving until you do,” Riddle calls out for your attention, his arms crossed and his back pressed against the glass door of the entrance as you face him.
“The weather forecast didn’t say anything about rain today, so I didn’t bring an umbrella,” you confess as your ears begin to warm up from embarrassment.
“Do you walk home?”
“Yeah, I live nearby in those apartment complexes a couple blocks North from here.”
Riddle mentally pictures the nearby roads as you begin to explain them to him, using the landmarks you recognize to pinpoint where exactly your home would be before deciding that it shouldn’t be too long of a walk.
“C’mon, I’ll walk you home. Unless you prefer I wait here with you until this is over,” Riddle adds quickly before you could protest.
“No— let’s go home,” you smile gratefully as you quickly make your way over to him.
The man situates the umbrella above his head and waits for you to scurry over to his side before you start the short journey to your apartment building.
Your budding friendship with Riddle is almost perfect.
Despite your initial judgment, Riddle is actually someone who likes to smile and crack jokes a lot. He’s good at listening to your problems and giving advice when you ask for it — and on the same token, he knows exactly what to say to cheer you up when you’re upset.
The only problem with your friendship is that what started off as an infatuation with the man has turned to a full-blown crush.
“Hello, my precious friends!”
Oh, and also now Cater won’t leave the two of you alone during working hours.
“Cater… we literally just got here. How do you have so much energy already?” you groan as you pinch the bridge of your nose in an attempt to fight back an oncoming headache.
“Are you alright?” Riddle asks, the concern clear in his voice when he notices the pained look on your face.
“Yeah, I just haven’t had my coffee yet,” you offer Riddle as wide a smile as you could muster up in the moment. “Thanks for asking.”
“Of course,” Riddle smiles brightly at you before it quickly disappears when he turns his attention back to Cater. “Go. Shoo before I have your head. We’ll see you for lunch.”
“Sheesh, it’s been a while since you’ve said that. It’s still scary… G-2-G!”
With that, Cater scurries away towards his own department and leaves the two of you to wordlessly turn to your computers.
Every adult has their own daily routines, and somehow you’ve made yours around the two least likely friends you could have made.
You’re grateful for their presence though, and especially for Cater’s outgoing personality — no matter how annoying he could get sometimes — because you would have been too shy and awkward to reach out to anyone first.
Another plus? Work goes by so much faster when you have something to look forward to for lunch hours and after work hours.
None of you like to leave the building in search of better food than the menus served in the company’s cafeteria. So, at 1:00 P.M. sharp, you always meet up at the basement floor to debate what is and isn’t going to give you food poisoning.
The safest bet? An egg salad sandwich and a bag of chips.
“I don’t know why you subject yourself to this mediocre food, Riddle. You’re the only one out of the three of us who can actually cook,” you jokingly comment once you’ve found an empty table to sit at.
“He’s let you try his food before?” Cater asks with a raise of his eyebrow.
“No, but it always smelled good when he brought it in the past. Wait— is that weird to say? I’m sorry if it’s weird,” you grimace, but Riddle chuckles at your comment and shakes his head.
“It’s not weird, don’t worry. I just haven’t had enough time to cook in advance with all the extra hours I’ve been working.”
“You know that those hours are optional and you really should go home and get some sleep— right?”
“There’s no use in trying to convince him, y/n,” Cater cuts into the conversation with a cheeky grin. “But since Riddle’s too busy, I’ll spend time with you instead! We can learn how to cook together.”
You squint your eyes at the mischievous man and before you can stop yourself, you blurt out, “why would I want to do that?”
“Ouch,” Cater gasps dramatically as he falls back on his chair and clutches his chest.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” you say with a roll of your eyes.
“Could it be because…” Cater leans forward on the table clearly unphased and fake whispers, “you’re interested in someone else?”
You could practically see Riddle’s ears perk up at Cater’s words and you wave your hands frantically to dismiss the accusation.
“Wh— I’m not— I’m not interested in anyone,” you stammer out, hoping your burning cheeks don’t betray how flustered you are.
You miss the way Riddle’s face briefly falls in disappointment, but Cater doesn’t. It’s like that was the light switch that turned a light bulb on inside his head and he suddenly places his hands over yours.
“Then you can’t say no to going on a date with me!”
“Y—yes, I can,” you protest, but it comes out sounding more like a question.
You know that the man has no romantic interest in you, so you’re not sure where this request for a date came from. But with the determined look on his face and a familiar glint in his green orbs, you know that he’s up to some sort of mischief again.
“Fine, we can learn how to cook together. If that’s what you mean by ‘a date’,” you sigh and pull your hands away from Cater’s grasp.
“Great!” Cater exclaims and shoots Riddle an innocent smile, “we can do that after you walk Riddle home today.”
“Is it really necessary to appoint y/n as my chaperone?” Riddle finally speaks up with a hint of annoyance to his voice.
You’re caught off guard by the tone of his voice. You’ve never known Riddle to be someone who could get upset or annoyed easily, but you suppose you don’t know everything about him.
Besides, getting cranky is a side effect of being sleep deprived — or so Mr. Google would have you believe.
“I’ll walk you home, I don’t mind,” you meet Riddle’s tired eyes and smile softly. “And just like last time, I won’t take no for an answer so don’t even try it.”
“Okay, fine,” Riddle smiles half-heartedly and shoves the remnants of his egg salad sandwich back into its ziplock bag. “I’ll try to finish early so you won’t be late for your… date.”
You and Cater exchange glances, yours filled with confusion and his filled with smugness; looks like his hunch may be right after all.
After knowing the man for a decent amount of time, you still think that Riddle Rosehearts is almost perfect.
He’s a diligent worker and a wonderful friend, but you can never guess what’s on his mind — nor is he ever vocal about his feelings.
Well, you suppose that might be seen as a strength in some people’s eyes.
After lunch, you could tell that something was bugging Riddle. He didn’t spare you a glance for the rest of the day until it was time for you to go home — and even then, he barely spoke a word as you rode the elevator down to the lobby.
“It’s raining again,” Riddle comments while rummaging through his backpack. “But don’t worry, I… I have my umbrella? I can’t find it— what?”
He looks up when you poke at his shoulder and see a familiar rose red bundle in your hand. His eyes widen in surprise at the sight of his umbrella in your possession, “I don’t remember leaving that with you.”
“It’s not yours, actually,” you correct him with a gentle smile. “We just happen to have the same colored umbrella.”
“Small world. I must have left mine drying at home,” he readjusts his backpack, stepping aside to let you exit the building first and open your umbrella.
“That was over a week ago, Riddle.”
“Did I mention I have a bad memory?” you give Riddle a look of disbelief, knowing that no one with bad memory would be able to remember 810 rules and still remember them well after finishing school.
“I have a bad memory too, but apparently not as bad as yours,” you joke, poking the man at his side.
Riddle hums and stares at the sidewalk ahead, ears growing red from the feeling of your unwavering eyes on him. For a few minutes, you walk in silence, the only sound being the rain gently pattering on the nylon material of the umbrella.
Every now and then, Riddle would steal glances at you. It’s not the first time he’s done it. Even at work, he couldn’t help stealing glances at you.
He was never sure of what the reason for that could be — until he listened to you accept to go on a date with his friend.
Instead of being happy for the two of you, he felt jealous; jealous that Cater had the courage to ask you out and jealous that you accepted.
But did he have any right to feel jealous when he knew you were interested in him before — and he didn’t make a single move then?
Maybe he could change that now.
“Would… would your memory be bad enough to forget that you have a date with Cater tonight?” Riddle hesitantly asks, his voice almost too quiet for you to hear him over the rain.
“I don’t need a bad memory to forget about that. No offense to Cater. He’s great and all, but…” your voice trails off before you bite on your bottom lip to keep yourself from elaborating.
“Oh, no, mister. You tell me why you’re bringing up Cater when we both know he was definitely just pulling my leg earlier.”
“Well,” Riddle breathes out, face beginning to turn the same shade of red as his hair, “he was definitely pulling mine too.”
“What do you mean?”
The two of you stop walking when you reach an all-way stop and Riddle turns to you with his lips pressed into a thin line. He appears to be deep in thought and you know better than to interrupt him in the middle of it.
“I think— no, I know. I like you,” Riddle blurts out before he could talk himself out of it.
“Like… as a friend?” you question and grip the strap of your bag tightly.
“No, as more than a friend. And I can’t believe Cater was the one that made me realize that,” Riddle laughs shortly.
“Oh, well, I—I like you too,” you can’t help but giggle nervously after your confession.
“So, that means it’s not too late for me to ask you out on a coffee date?”
“No, Riddle, it’s not too late,” You take a step towards the man and, after mustering up all the courage you have, lean in to place a soft kiss on his cheek. “I’d love to go on a coffee date with you.”
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thxta · 2 months
Riding the Edge
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⦗ pairing ⦘ Tenth Doctor x Tenth Doctor, The Doctor x Theta Sigma, Tencest
⦗ word count ⦘ 12.6K
⦗ warnings ⦘ nsfw / 18+ only / minors dni
⦗ summary ⦘ The Doctor has been travelling with a dark alternate version of himself from another universe named Theta Sigma. After accidentally dropping a glass vial filled with a powerful alien aphrodisiac, the two Time Lords must seek relief in one another.
⦗ a/n ⦘ Okay so, this is my first fic in years, and I'm used to writing in roleplay format where the viewpoint alternates between characters, just to let y'all know.
Also posted over here on A03 Feel free to leave a comment in the replies! Please let me know if you liked it? :3 Anyway, enjoy~
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"Extractor fans, on!" The Doctor called out to the TARDIS after the main console room was suddenly flooded with a powerful aphrodisiac gas. Coughing and waving at the air around him, the TARDIS began to draw in the harmful gas. It only took a few minutes to ventilate the entire room, but the damage seemed to have already been done.
"Ah! Well, that's unfortunate..." he blinked, coughing once more as he suddenly began to feel strange. It started in his fingertips, and then began to travel up along his arms and legs. A warm, tingling sensation. The effects would soon progress rapidly; body temperature would rise, and the tingling would soon shift into a painful aching of arousal that would only subside with one form of treatment.
"Are you alright?" He asked as he turned to his companion, whom he's secretly been harbouring feelings for. "I'm... I’m so sorry about this! I should have been more careful, I mean, I usually am! It just... slipped from my hands." the Time Lord frowned as he looked down at the broken glass bottle at his feet.
No matter how much he tried to cover his nose and mouth, Theta began coughing hard once the gas was released and had dispersed all around them. It was no use running to grab their gas masks, now that they'd already breathed in the chemicals. He waved his hand in the air, just like the Doctor, until the TARDIS successfully ventilated the room and cleared the gas.
This wasn't the first time that Theta's ever been affected by an alien aphrodisiac, but he could already tell that it would be the strongest. His hands were already tingling, the sensation washing through his entire body, making him feel disoriented, and a little high.
He couldn't help but giggle in response to the situation. Looking down at the broken glass between them. He pointed down at it, and then up at the Doctor, unable to contain his laughter.
"Did you just-?" he asked between laughs, "You realise what you've just done, yeah?" Theta asked and then coughed a few times again. His face began to flush in response to the gas, and from his amusement. "Of all the times to drop something, you drop that?"
The Doctor looked at the laughing Time Lord, trying his best to suppress his own laughter as well. It was quite the predicament they found themselves in, definitely not a normal occurrence for someone like him. As he felt heat roaring its way through his chest and abdominal region, he knew very well the only fix - and it meant getting close to Theta.
"Oi! Don't blame me for my clumsy ways!" He chuckled back, trying to keep lighthearted despite the embarrassing ache growing steadily lower. The smell of the gas was still faint, and Theta's flushed complexion seemed to only confirm the Doctor's suspicions. "At least it wasn't something boring, huh?" He asked, attempting to make light of the situation.
Taking a step closer, he reached out and gently placed a hand on the other Time Lord's shoulder, attempting to comfort him amidst the mess. His eyes were locked onto Theta's, trying to convey the seriousness and concern behind the playful façade.
"Well, uh… shall we try to help each other out? We both seem to be affected, and it's not going away anytime soon." The Doctor offered in a strained voice. It was never ideal, but unlike Theta, he didn't have experience dealing with such gas. However, he knew the solution was right in front of him - and it involved getting much closer than usual.
It didn't take long for Theta's laughter to dwindle, as he began feeling the effects quickly intensifying. He noticed his inhibitions instantly lowering, as a haze of lust and arousal started clouding his mind and body. The warmth from the aphrodisiac was unmistakable, as was the reaction that his body was giving. 
Theta would've been lying if he said that he never thought about being intimate with the Doctor, but he never expected it to happen like this. Looking up at his other self, Theta smirked at his suggestion, and the way that he held onto his shoulder.
"This is your first time, with something like this… isn't it?" he asked, his own tone dropping as he recognized the seriousness of the situation.
Exhaling a breath, Theta reached up and loosened his crimson red tie. He could feel his temperature rising, almost nearly as quickly as his arousal.
"I think we should head to the bedroom and get undressed." he suggested, before taking the Doctor's hand in his and leading the way deeper into the TARDIS. 
Since this wasn't Theta's first time, he knew they didn't have very long before the aphrodisiac would make them desperate, and he knew that they would want to be somewhere comfortable while they took care of each other.
Halfway to the bedroom, Theta let go of the Doctor's hand and began undoing the buttons of his suit. He also gestured for the Doctor to do the same. 
Once they were in the bedroom, Theta shook off his black and red pinstripe blazer and threw it over the coat rack. Doing the same with the Doctor's, he smirked softly before pulling him closer by his tie. Before the Doctor could protest, Theta pulled him in for a deep kiss, coaxing his mouth open expertly with his tongue.
The Doctor nodded slightly, meeting Theta's gaze and not denying the question. He wasn't exactly ignorant to these kinds of aphrodisiacs, but he had never been the subject of one himself. Always the saviour, the one to bring solutions, but today it was different. He followed Theta's lead, heading into the TARDIS to find a private spot where they could navigate the uncomfortable arousal that crept in.
As Theta guided him towards the bedroom, the Doctor mirrored his actions, undressing and helping to remove his suit jacket, their fingers fumbling slightly under the influence. When they finally entered the bedroom, the urgency and intensity of the kiss caught him by surprise. He could feel his heart rate increasing with each passing moment, each second the aphrodisiac lingered.
Theta's tongue teased entry into his mouth as his fingers nimbly worked to loosen his tie, and the Doctor couldn't deny his own desire. Instead of pushing away, he responded eagerly, meeting the intimate invasion with equal passion. Their tongues danced together, heating up the room, as the rest of their clothes fell away.
Suddenly, he broke the passionate kiss with a gasp, glancing around the room and landing on the bed. "Let's get on the bed," he panted, guiding them both towards the soft mattress. He wanted nothing more than to satisfy Theta, to rid the overwhelming urgency plaguing them both.
Gently laying Theta down on the sheets, the Doctor hovered above him, staring intently into his eyes. He couldn't help but wonder whether this was wrong, or if it was fate. Regardless, he knew they needed relief and he intended to provide it.
Even now that their clothes had been discarded, Theta could still feel the chemicals in his body influencing his temperature. The only thing that always seemed to help ease the effects, was skin to skin contact, and they both knew that. They both also knew that they would eventually have to succumb to, not only climax, but sexual penetration. 
Now that they were both undressed down to their briefs, Theta followed the Doctor towards the bed, but not before reaching into the bedside drawer and pulling something out. It was a small bottle of special lube that he knew would help make them feel even better. Smirking softly, he hid it underneath one of the pillows before laying down.
"Mm, this is much better, isn't it?" he hummed softly, pulling the Doctor on top of him by his slim hips. Groaning from the back of his throat, Theta could feel both of their hard cocks rubbing against each other through the thin fabric of their briefs.
The Doctor could feel Theta's eyes observing him as he laid on the bed, meeting his gaze with apprehensive curiosity. He watched as Theta slipped a bottle under the pillow, a sly smile playing upon the latter's lips. Excitement bloomed within him, understanding the intentions behind the action.
As Theta pulled him down, their erections rubbed against each other through fabric, heightening the anticipation that coursed through both of them. He hesitated for a moment, unsure of what was proper and what wasn't, given the circumstances, but ultimately, he surrendered to his desires.
Slowly, he wriggled his hips, guiding their groins together in a grinding motion. Hissing silently, he met Theta's heated stare before murmuring, "Lube… the sooner the better," matching his apprehension with a hint of courage. Surrendering to the situation, he returned the grinding motions, savouring the friction as it built their passion.
His lungs felt tight, and his chest rose and fell in ragged breaths. "Please. 'm assuming we don't need protection? Given the circumstances and all..." His words were barely audible, tainted by speedy breaths. With trembling hands, The Doctor's fingertips grazed Theta's hip bone, searching for his waistband.
Unsure of himself, the Doctor hoped this wasn't misguided, but his body craved the release promised by their intimacy. If this was the only way to relieve this intense discomfort, then so be it. He decided to dive in headfirst, casting his caution aside.
Theta's breathing grew heavier and heavier with each thrust of their hips against one another. The friction of their brief-covered cocks felt so good, but he knew that it wouldn't nearly be enough. The aphrodisiac was rushing through their bodies, clouding their minds with a haze of lust and need. But Theta wanted to take this slow, and savour every moment. He'd been wanting this for so long now, that he wasn't going to let it pass by so quickly.
Watching as the Doctor pushed himself up to straddle his thighs, Theta sucked in his bottom lip as he looked up at him. Underneath their clothes, they were physically identical in almost every way, except they had different beauty marks in various places. He smiled up at the other Time Lord, his own hands resting along the Doctor's spread thighs.
"It's alright, Doctor… we can take things slow." Theta reassured quietly, "As long as we keep physical contact, we'll be fine. Just… breathe…" he murmured softly, while his hands moved up to the Doctor's hips.
"How about we get these off first, hm?" he hummed, gently pulling at the waistband of the Doctor's briefs, and his own. He wanted to feel his cock against his, while he used the lube he'd hidden away to heighten their pleasure. It was a special lubricant that gave a tingly sensation when warmed up.
The Doctor found himself nodding into Theta's words, the idea of taking it slowly comforted him amidst their current state. His breaths slowed slightly at the assurance and gentleness in Theta's voice. As Theta began to pull down their respective briefs, he followed suit, setting aside any hesitation and concern to focus on the task at hand.
Naked underneath, their bodies appeared nearly identical, save for a few minor differences. And yet, there was something more tantalizing about them now – more vulnerable, more primal. The Doctor couldn't help but blush lightly, yet he fought it down. His gaze locked onto Theta's as their briefs hit the floor, their erections standing tall and ready.
He waited patiently, trusting Theta's expertise as he reached for the hidden lube. Underneath the aphrodisiac's influence, his skin burned with anticipation as Theta guided the slick liquid between their bodies. The coolness of the lube contrasted against the heat building inside him, and he whimpered softly at the initial contact. Anxiety and excitement mingled, leaving him vulnerable and raw before Theta.
With a shaky breath, the Doctor whispered, "Just... please," his gaze bouncing between Theta's and the lube. His body throbbed from the mounting desire, awaiting the next step in their unorthodox solution.
Theta's eyes flickered up to the Doctor's, catching his gaze as he squeezed some of the tingling lube between his fingers. He applied the slippery substance generously, ensuring it coated not just their shafts, but the sensitive tips as well. The tingles raced down his length as soon as the cool liquid met his heated skin, sparking a delighted moan.
Positioning themselves just right, Theta guided their cocks together, letting out a relieved sigh once they were aligned perfectly. Slowly, he began to stroke them together, the tingle from the lube set their nerves alive, making their breaths hitch and stutter.
"Fuck, yes..." Theta gasped, the sound of the Doctor's whimper making him even harder. "You like that, Doctor? Feels good, doesn't it?" he purred seductively as he stroked their slick cocks together with both of his hands.
The Doctor nodded, his eyes widening at the intensity of the sensations, the tingling turning into a fierce delight that built anticipation through his veins. He bit his lower lip hard, struggling to hold in more vocal expressions of pleasure. Electric waves danced over his sensitive skin, heightened further by Theta's skilled touch.
Their bodies mirrored each other, practically identical forms driven by reckless desires; a sight that created a strange sense of intimacy. Yet the Doctor was far too wrapped up in their grinding cocks to appreciate that for long.
His voice wavered, but determination prevailed. "Yes… it feels so good, Theta… Why didn't we do this sooner?" Swallowing hard, he panted inconsolably, "Make me cum... please – I can't take it anymore." He wanted nothing more than to dissolve into oblivion beneath Theta's guidance.
Their moans echoed through the room, lending urgency to their movements. Desire drew tight lines across his face, clinging onto the aphrodisiac's promise of relief. Chasing that relief became his sole pursuit, and he cursed their predicament internally.
Theta growled from the back of his throat at the sound of the Doctor's begging. He loved the sounds of pleasure he was making, and he was determined to hear more of it. He also loved the expressions on the Doctor's face as he continued to pleasure them both. The slick sound of the lube mingled with their combined gasps and moans echoed faintly in the bedroom. Theta could tell that the other Time Lord was trying to hold back, so he slowed down his strokes so that he could lean up and capture the Doctor's lips with his own.
Taking one hand away from their cocks, he quickly wiped it dry on the sheets beside them before he lifted it up to hold the back of the Doctor's neck. His one hand continued to slowly stroke the tips of their erections, both of which were leaking pre-cum.
Pulling back from their passionate kiss, Theta kept his hold on the back of his neck and gazed up at his counterpart through half-lidded eyes. 
"Shh, shh, shh… it's okay, Doctor, we'll get there…" he murmured between heavy breaths and gentle kisses. He slowed down his strokes to a frustrating halt, intending to prolong their pleasure by teasing them both, and keep them from reaching the edge too fast.
"Deep breaths…" he advised the other man, while nuzzling affectionately at his jawline. "We're not done yet…"
Whatever feelings of frustration Theta intended to invoke were immediately overshadowed by relief; the Doctor sagged slightly, submission creeping into the contours of his features, and gratitude. He needed this - the control.
Theta's heavy-eyed stare held a world of promises, words without a single syllable being spoken. It was a silent reassurance, soft whispers carried on his warm breaths. His touch anchored the Doctor to reality, preventing him from spiraling off into desire's abyss.
Slow, deep breaths filled his lungs, and even the simplest of acts took on monumental importance now. Pre-cum glistened on the tip of his engorged member, twitching ever so slightly as he listened to Theta's advice. They were playing a dangerous game, and the Doctor knew it, but the other Time Lord's tenderness somehow made it bearable.
"All right," he whispered softly, "I'm ready." The Doctor gripped the sheets tightly, needing something to ground himself.
As much as the Doctor despised being kept waiting, there was something enthralling about the anticipation, the building tension. And inexplicably, knowing Theta held the key to release. There was beauty in control, even when he was the victim of it.
Theta smirked softly before swiping a teasing lick up at the Doctor's lips. He could sense that he'd calmed down enough, despite the excited twitch the other man's cock gave within his palm. He could feel the other Time Lord's heartbeat pulsing against his own cock, the sensation nearly making him lose control right then and there. He wanted to feel the Doctor's pulse like that, but all around his cock. But that would have to wait, he had to make sure that the Doctor wanted it too.
"… are you?" he wondered quietly at the Doctor's words, "Are you truly ready?" Theta whispered, before giving the Doctor's cock a gentle squeeze.
While keeping the Doctor's attention and gaze on him, Theta released his cock, but sneakily reached down lower, between his twins' legs. He watched the Doctor's face as he brushed his slick middle finger against his sensitive hole. 
Using the remnants of the lube on his finger, he gently rubbed at his entrance in slow circles. Keeping himself from pushing his finger inside until he knew he really wanted it. He was testing the other man's reaction, as well as attempting to draw out more of those delicious sounds of pleasure that the Doctor was trying to keep inside.
The Doctor couldn't help but let out a soft whimper as Theta's finger played so closely around his entrance. He was definitely ready and eager for what was coming next, but he wasn't one to rush into things. The anticipation was part of the fun, after all. He gazed into Theta's eyes, trying to convey his desire and trust in the alternate version of himself.
His breath hitched when Theta started rubbing the sensitive area just below his navel. It was a ticklish yet erotic spot of his that he never told anyone about, it sent shivers through his body. "Yes, I'm ready," he breathed heavily, his voice barely above a whisper. The Doctor's hands tightened on Theta's hips, he needed to feel their bodies connected, skin to skin.
When Theta finally pushed his finger inside the Doctor, he let out a soft moan, getting lost in the sensation. He slowly rocked his hips, matching the rhythm of the finger eagerly probing him. "More… I want more," he begged, leaning down to steal a kiss from Theta's lips. He craved the feeling of being filled, of submitting to Theta's expertise and dominance. The anticipation was killing him, but in some twisted way, he enjoyed the agony and ecstasy it brought.
Theta decided to indulge the Doctor further by carefully pushing in another finger. He moved them both slowly within him, stretching and prepping him for what was to come. The Doctor's pleading fueled his desire even higher, the sound was like music to his ears. He pulled back slightly, breaking their passionate kiss, "Don't worry, baby. I'll take care of you…"
His smirk grew wider as he leaned in once again, placing a soft kiss to the corner of the Doctor's mouth. Then, he dipped lower, trailing open-mouthed kisses across the Doctor's jaw and along his neck. With his free hand, he reached for the bottle of lube again. 
Latching his mouth onto the most sensitive part of the Doctor's neck, he began sucking and nibbling at it. Intending to leave a dark love bite, Theta used this opportunity to distract the Doctor while he pulled out his fingers, leaving him empty. 
Hearing a whimper of disappointment leaving his younger alternate self, Theta bit down on his neck even harder, knowing how sensitive this spot was, as it was also a weak spot of his own.
Without looking, he squeezed a decent amount of lube onto his fingers, and then some more onto both of their cocks between them. Letting go of the Doctor's neck, he gasped softly from the cool tingling feeling of the lube. "Stroke me, Doctor… feel how much I want you… how much I need you…" he panted as he pulled back, gazing up at the other Time Lord.
With his lubed up fingers, Theta returned them to the Doctor's entrance. Rubbing them teasingly over his hole, he waited until the other man obeyed his instruction before he continued prepping him. 
The Doctor moaned against Theta's lips, his hands desperately clutching onto the sheets as he felt another digit added into him. He writhed on top of the other Time Lord, his arousal growing with each touch. When Theta broke away, he sighed out loud, and hung his head down on Theta’s shoulder  in frustration. But the sensation of those heated kisses along his neck and jaw convinced him otherwise - he couldn't help but groan and thrust his hips, seeking more.
He felt the cold lube drip down between his thighs, and although he wanted nothing more than to be entered, he did as he was told. His fingers met Theta's thick cock, stroking slowly at first before increasing speed. Theta's reddened cock head glistened with pre-cum and lube under the dim lights, making the Doctor whine at the sight. He gripped tighter, stimulating himself too, matching their rhythms together.
"I want you too," he breathed out, feeling the anticipation building up within him. His breath hitched when Theta began preparing him once more, the contrast between the cool lube and warmth in his core creating a unique sensation. "Please, just-..." he trailed off with a soft whimper. 
Despite his protests, the Doctor complied with Theta's command. Each stroke of their cocks synced perfectly, their eyes locked together in passion and desperation. He could hear his own hearts beating faster and faster, the scent of their lust hanging heavy in the air.
Theta smirked deviously as the Doctor obeyed his orders, stroking both of their cocks together, just as he did earlier. He watched hungrily as the Doctor's grip tightened, matching their movements perfectly. Theta grinned - he knew all too well how close he was to claiming this body that he already knew so very well.
Finally pushing three fingers fully inside the Doctor, he reached up with his free hand to the Doctor's hip, holding him steady. The younger Time Lord whined loudly, unable to keep quiet despite how hard he tried. Leaning back up, Theta pressed another hungry kiss to his lips before whispering darkly into his ear. "Please, just- what?" he asked tauntingly, wanting the Doctor to finish his sentence. 
Sliding his fingers out of him slowly, he replaced them immediately with the tip of his length, which he pulled out of the Doctor's grasp. He rubbed the smooth, blunt head of his cock against the Doctor's slickened hole. Back and forth, he rubbed against it, his breath hitching in his throat from the teasing sensation.
The Doctor's eyes fluttered shut, his mouth slack as pleasure overwhelmed him. His breathing came out ragged, each thrust against Theta's fingers causing waves of euphoria. When their lips met once again, he moaned into the kiss, the sensation almost too much to handle.
As Theta questioned him, he murmured softly, "Just... please..." He hesitated for a moment, unsure whether he should ask for more. "Please fuck me," he eventually finished in a hoarse whisper, thoroughly ashamed of his uncharacteristic submission. But at the same time, the pulsating desire between his legs was impossible to resist.
His own cock twitched in his grasp, glistening with pre-cum. The Doctor looked down at Theta, his gaze full of vulnerability and need. He hoped that Theta understood what he was asking for, and that the alternate version of himself wouldn't deny him. The Doctor was willing to try anything to get closer to him at this point. His body arched instinctively, desperate for affection and release.
Theta's eyes sparkled dangerously as the Doctor finally asked for what he truly desired - the ultimate surrender. Withdrawing his fingers, he glanced down at the Doctor's leaking member, feeling satisfied that he had driven him this far.
Suddenly, he grabbed the Doctor’s waist and flipped him onto his back. Climbing up over him, he positioned himself right at his entrance. "Are you sure, baby?" he asked teasingly as he rubbed the smooth, blunt head of his cock against his slick opening. 
Theta wanted to see if the Doctor would dare challenge him, to push back or beg for mercy. He found it amusing how much he could control this situation.
But it seemed the Doctor relished this game as much as he did, because he nodded eagerly, "Please, Theta..." The pleading tone only drove Theta further into a frenzy. He slowly pressed in, taking his time to adjust to the tight heat enveloping him.
Theta muttered a curse under his breath when the Doctor's inner walls clenched around him, driving him mad with desire. Claiming his lips in a demanding kiss, he began thrusting slowly, testing the waters before picking up pace.
The Doctor's eyes widened in surprise as Theta flipped him onto his back, showing no mercy as he positioned himself at the entrance to his body. He whimpered faintly,
"Y-yes," struggling between defiance and desperation. However, seeing the mischievous grin on Theta's face reassured him that this was exactly what he wanted.
As Theta gradually entered him, the Doctor couldn't help but gasp. His body tightened involuntarily, before slowly adjusting to the new intrusion. His nails dug into the bedsheets, his entire being focused solely on the sensation of being claimed. He knew very well that resistance was futile, and instead surrendered completely to Theta's actions.
It only took one kiss to set the Doctor ablaze in fire. The dominant, insistent taking of his lips fueled his need for more. As the pace increased, he cried out in pleasure, holding onto Theta’s shoulders for support. The rhythm felt foreign yet almost familiar, echoing the dynamics of their relationship.
His hearts throbbed as quickly as Theta's thrusts, his nerves screaming with pleasure and pain. The Doctor gasped into the kiss, "Harder, Theta... please... don't stop," he begged, his voice raw and torn. He was close, so incredibly close, and he wanted nothing more than to share that moment with Theta.
Theta hummed approvingly, speeding up as soon as the Doctor gave in to his desires. The younger Time Lord's submission was more delicious than he imagined, thrilling him to no end. He enjoyed the Doctor's frantic gasps, the desperate way he held on to him, and especially that vulnerable plea for harder.
Their bodies slid together, sweat moistening their skin. The pleasure was intense, and Theta could feel the Doctor clenching tightly around him, his body begging for release. It was a beautiful dance, a perfect representation of power and passion.
Theta leaned down to nip at the Doctor's throat, growling deeply as his hips started moving recklessly. His grip tightened on the Doctor's waist, feeling him squirm beneath him.
With each thrust, he heard the Doctor panting his name, the words becoming louder and more urgent. Theta revelled in the screams of pleasure, knowing he was edging closer to the peak.
And just as Theta felt the final moments approaching, he pulled out suddenly, leaving the Doctor crashing down in pure confusion and disappointment. "Oh no, not yet, baby... I still haven't had enough," he snarled possessively, rubbing his tip against the Doctor's entrance.
Theta would give him no relief until he was ready. Until he was drowning in the ecstasy of Theta's dominance as a whimpering, needy mess.
The Doctor cried out in protest, his body jerking wildly when Theta abruptly pulled out. Angry and frustrated, he tried to grab at the other Time Lord, only to find empty air as Theta had pushed himself up and kneeled between his legs. "No, please! Don't stop!" he begged, his voice shaking with unsatisfied lust.
He was aroused beyond measure, desperate for more of Theta's touch. Every inch of his skin tingled with anticipation, waiting for that slick invasion once more. His hearts pounded erratically, his mind swimming with confusion and desire. He didn't understand why Theta would toy with him like this - but he couldn't deny that it excited him, as well.
When Theta's hand wrapped around his cock again, he let out another moan, arching underneath him. The Doctor knew this wasn't over yet, and somehow found himself grateful for it. His breathing became ragged, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.
His hearts hammered against his ribcage, craving the promised sensation of Theta inside him again. And yet, there was something thrilling about being denied, about experiencing the exquisite torture of delayed gratification. The Doctor whimpered softly, begging desperately, "P-please, Theta..."
Theta chuckled at the Doctor's plight, enjoying every second of his desperation. He squeezed his shaft firmly, watching as the pre-cum dripped down its length. He leaned down, planting small kisses along the Doctor's temples, shoulders, chest - anywhere he could reach, without going back inside him.
"I know you want me, baby," he whispered seductively, brushing his nose against the Doctor's. "You're such a good boy, letting me take control."
Theta thrust three fingers into the Doctor's hole once again, eliciting a loud cry of surprise from him. He pumped them in and out ruthlessly, stretching him wide open while constantly brushing his prostate. The Doctor bucked wildly under his touch, the desperate need to cum evident on his flushed face. Theta could see the tears welling in the Doctor's eyes, and it was beautiful. 
"Yes! Yes, Theta please! Feels... so good," the Doctor whined, pushing back onto Theta's fingers. His body trembled, and he struggled to keep up with the intense sensations overwhelming him.
The taunting tug on his erection added to his torment, nearing the edge without being able to leap off. It was as if Theta was a puppeteer, controlling every string attached to his desires. He was helpless under his manipulation, a fact that both frightened and exhilarated him.
He stared up at Theta, his face a mask of desire and vulnerability. The Doctor's hearts raced wildly, the lines of time blurring as they merged into one moment. The Doctor's thighs quivered, his muscles tense and strained, eager to feel Theta's return.
"I... I promise, I'll be yours whenever you want, just please... take me... fill me up," he groaned. His voice broke slightly at the end, begging for mercy amidst the chaos. He needed this more than anything, despite knowing he was playing a dangerous game.
Theta smirked at the Doctor's pleas, noting the newfound submission in his voice. He withdrew his fingers abruptly, causing the other Time Lord to cry out in protest.
"Please, no more games," the Doctor begged, "Just fuck me, Theta. Please."
Theta chuckled softly, leaning down to capture the Doctor's lips in another crushing kiss. As he kissed him hungrily, he slowly pushed back into him, filling him with a single, slow thrust.
The Doctor gasped into their kiss, his eyelids fluttering as he adjusted to Theta's return. His arms wrapped tightly around Theta's neck, a silent plea to stay inside of him this time.
Theta pulled back slightly, gazing down at his lover with hooded eyes. "Such a good boy, begging for my cock," he murmured, thrusting harder now. The Doctor's cries filled the room, intermingling with the wet sound of flesh meeting flesh.
The Doctor's breath hitched as Theta reclaimed him, every muscle in his body tensing with pleasure. He couldn't help but whine softly, arching greedily into the deeper thrusts. The Doctor clung to Theta, needing the security his strong embrace offered.
"Yes, please... fuck me hard, Theta," he breathed against his lips. "I beg you, don't stop."
He was close, so agonisingly close. Every slap of flesh against flesh drove him further into the abyss, and he knew he wouldn't last much longer. The Doctor squeezed Theta's neck, his nails digging lightly into his skin as he cried out in passionate need.
"I... I love you... oh god, Theta!" The admission slipped past his lips unexpectedly, raw and unfiltered. His cheeks turned red, shocked by the sudden confession. But there was no denying it anymore - he was falling in love with this ruthless creature.
Theta's thrusting intensified, matching the tempo of their pounding hearts. The Doctor bit his trembling lip, tears streaming down his face as he clawed at his shoulders. Each throb of Theta inside him brought him closer to the edge, his body crying out for release.
Theta smiled, relishing in the Doctor's confession. "That's right, baby," he purred, "Tell me how much you love me while I fuck you…"
He watched as the Doctor's expression twisted between pain and pleasure, his features contorting beautifully. As he slammed into him, Theta reached down to pinch one of his nipples cruelly. 
"Say it again," Theta commanded. 
Noticing the tear tracks on his lover's face, he instinctively leaned down and licked at the Doctor's tears without even thinking about it.
The Doctor couldn't help but comply, his voice breaking as he uttered the words again. "I... I love you, Theta." The confession came easier this time, fueled by their shared passion.
As Theta continued thrusting, he arched his back, taking every stroke graciously. The pinch of his nipple only heightened his lust, adding a new intensity to the experience.
Theta's tongue tracing the path of his tears was surprisingly tender, sending shivers down his spine. It was both comforting and arousing, making him want more of this unusual affection.
"God, yes... keep going, please! Just a little... bit... more," the Doctor begged, his voice hoarse and raw. The pleasure was building up too quickly, threatening to send him spiraling into oblivion at any moment.
His nails dug into the sheets beneath him, a stark contrast to the tenderness of Theta's touch. The Doctor was caught between desire and fear, unsure of what lay ahead for them both.
Theta smiled at the Doctor's pleading tone, gauging his limits with a glance. His grip tightened on the pillow underneath the Doctor's head, bracing himself as his hips kept up their brutal pace, listening intently to his repeated confession and begging.
"So lovely," he murmured, lapping his tongue along his tearful cheek again. A strange sense of satisfaction washed over him, feeling needed, loved and desired all at once.
Their bodies collided furiously now, sweat mixing and mingling between them. Theta could feel his own release looming, teetering dangerously close to the edge. He wanted to share this moment with the Doctor, but he also craved control.
"Look at me," he growled softly, forcing the Doctor's gaze upward. When their eyes met, Theta held his stare while thrusting harder still. "Cum with me, Doctor. Show me just how much you love me."
It wasn't just a command; it was an invitation to lose themselves together. The heat between them burned bright, promising both ecstasy and ruin in equal measure.
The Doctor swallowed hard, locking gazes with Theta. In that moment, he saw something beyond ruthlessness; he saw vulnerability and a thirst for connection. And it terrified him.
"I... I will," he promised, his voice barely above a whisper. The power dynamics shifted, and the Doctor found himself longing for their simultaneous release.
Every thrust sent ripples of pleasure coursing through him, the pressure building within him like a storm brewing. He counterattacked by reaching down, gripping his leaking shaft once more.
The Doctor stroked himself feverishly, matching Theta's pace as best he could. He looked up into those golden eyes, searching for a glimmer of trustworthiness hidden within.
"I mean it..." he mumbled, stuttering slightly before finding his rhythm again. "I... I really love you, Theta."
Theta's eyes widened at the fierce determination in the Doctor's gaze, unable to resist the pull any longer. He increased his pace, matching the fervor of their emotions.
"I love you too," he whispered, burying his head in the crook of the Doctor's neck, hiding his face from his own confession. Hearing those three words again brought something primal alive within him. His hearts pounded deafeningly in his ears, drowning out everything else.
"Cum with me, Doctor," he demanded into his ear, thrusting deeply as he felt the familiar surge of release beginning within him.
His hips moved erratically now, driven by sheer need rather than skill. Between breaths, he praised the Doctor with sweet nothings, encouraging him towards climax. 
Reaching for the Doctor's free hand, he entwined their fingers and held on as their energies merged from the intimate act.
The Doctor's grip tightened on his shaft, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as Theta's words echoed in his mind. He could feel it then, the love bleeding into their actions, creating an inextricable bond between them. The sensation of Theta's hand in his made everything more intense, their bodies dancing as one.
"Right here, Theta... with you," he panted heavily. Their connection was unlike anything he'd ever experienced; it was beautiful and terrifying at the same time.
He closed his eyes, surrendering to the inevitable as his thoughts swam with Theta's promises. Their fingers intertwined, a tangible reminder of their connection. With one final desperate stroke, he let go.
His orgasm crashed into him like a tidal wave, leaving him breathless and gasping for air, every nerve ending igniting at once. Crying out as a mixture of pleasure and relief washed over him. His vision burst into stars, blinding him momentarily. 
The Doctor clung to Theta, his hearts pounding against his chest. As he climaxed, he felt Theta follow suit, the pleasure-pain of their simultaneous release washing away all doubt and hesitation. 
For a moment, their world dissolved into an explosion of pleasure, leaving only love in its wake. His body shook from the intensity, still caught in the afterglow. Despite everything, he couldn't deny the profound connection they'd just shared.
Theta's own release exploded inside of him like a supernova, his body convulsing as he emptied himself into the Doctor. Their connection seemed to intensify in those last few moments, leaving them both lightheaded and breathless.
He pulled away slightly, panting harshly as he gazed down at the Doctor. His golden eyes reflected the intensity of their union, softening with awe and gratitude.
"You're mine now, aren't you?" Theta asked, pulling him closer for a slow, tender kiss. He didn't want to lose this feeling - the warmth, the safety, the promise of something more than mere survival. This love was dangerous, but so was every other decision he'd ever made. And somehow, it felt like exactly what he needed.
Theta ran a fingertip along the side of the Doctor's face, wiping away the lingering tears that had fallen during their climax. He knew theirs was a fragile relationship built upon chaos and darkness, yet for now, there was nothing but peace between them. The weight of their love hung heavy in the air, threatening to swallow them whole.
"Tell me, Doctor… tell me it wasn't just the gas…" 
The Doctor hesitated, searching frantically for the right words. He couldn't deny the truth of his feelings anymore; they were bonded now, whether he liked it or not.
"No, no it wasn't... just the gas..." he whispered against Theta's lips, basking in the tenderness of their kiss. "I... I don't know what we are, but... I need you."
Feeling vulnerable, he let out a soft sigh. Their connection was fragile, but it was real. In that moment, they were more than just lovers - they were bound together by something deeper than lust.
"We're both damaged," the Doctor finally admitted, his voice shaking slightly. "But maybe, just maybe..." he looked into Theta's eyes, hoping he'd see the same fear underlying their love. "We can heal each other?"
As much as he knew their relationship was doomed to fail, he clung onto hope, believing in their potential as unlikely saviours. For now, all that mattered was the warmth of Theta's embrace and the promise of a future that could exist beyond chaos.
The Doctor traced his finger along the curve of Theta's jaw, drawing him in for another soul-deep kiss. Their hearts pounded together, a testament to their shared vulnerability and unyielding devotion.
Theta's features softened, he hadn't expected such honesty from the Doctor, but it resonated with him deeply.
"I need you too..." he confessed, returning the tender touch on his cheek. For all their flaws and darkness, they needed one another - a fact neither could deny anymore.
His lips met the Doctor's once more, capturing his breath in a passionate embrace that transcended their troubled pasts. The connection was undeniable; it was a sun and moon locked in an eternal dance across the cosmos.
Pulling back from their kiss, he pressed their foreheads together gently . "The gas may have brought us here… but it's our choice to stay."
Beneath the wreckage of their lives and the darkness within them, there was a flicker of hope. A small thread connecting them in the most unexpected way. And suddenly, Theta understood: this was worth fighting for.
"You are the only one I would ever let even try to heal… whatever's broken in me." Theta whispered honestly. He never got close to anyone these days, and if he did, the darkness inside of him would always end up consuming them.
"Now… how about we get you cleaned up?" he smiled softly at the Doctor, before leaning in and playfully brushing his nose against his. 
The two of them were still connected, but as much as he wanted to stay inside of the other Time Lord, Theta wanted to show the Doctor just how much he meant to him. 
Breathing raggedly, Theta slowly pulled out of the Doctor. He let out a soft groan from the loss of contact and how sensitive he still was. His golden yellow eyes traveled down over the Doctor's body, and he moaned from the sight of the Doctor's cum over his chest and belly. He wanted to know exactly how he tasted, so he carefully lowered himself down, and began licking up the remnants of the Doctor's orgasm from his body.
The Doctor watched in awe as Theta descended upon him, his hearts pounding with anticipation. This was an intimacy he rarely allowed anyone else, yet he felt safe in this moment.
He moaned softly, arching his back as Theta's warm tongue traced the length of his chest. Each lick only heightened his growing arousal, making him squirm beneath him.
"Theta... that feels... so good..." he panted, while gently holding onto Theta’s shoulders. Their gazes locked, filled with raw hunger and need.
"Please... more..." he pleaded while his hands trailed down, and his fingers dug lightly into Theta's strong arms. He'd never experienced such a rush of desire before, and it left him feeling both weak and invigorated at once.
As Theta continued his gentle assault, the Doctor closed his eyes, letting the sensations wash over him. He trembled, suddenly aching for more as he pushed his hips upwards in silent encouragement.
His body reacted before his mind could catch up, eager for another taste of Theta's touch. Their love had taken on a life of its own now, and he was helpless to resist its pull.
Theta hummed in agreement, relishing the feel of the Doctor's body under his tongue. His own arousal was still apparent, semi-hard and gently pulsing against his thigh. He wanted to take more than he was given, but their present state wouldn't allow for another round just yet.
Instead, he continued to clean the Doctor with tender care, feeling a desperate need to show him his true feelings. Theta moaned from the very taste of the Doctor's cum. Pressing open-mouthed, wet kisses on his warm flesh after licking it all up, Theta paused, his golden gaze lifting to meet his lover's needy auburn one. 
A hint of mischief danced in their depths as he whispered, "Now, now, Doctor… we mustn't rush, or we'll risk burning ourselves out entirely." he smirked and winked up at him teasingly.
He pressed another wet kiss to his stomach, and then just below his navel, right where he was most ticklish. Chuckling from the way it made the Doctor whimper and thrust his hips up again. 
In that moment, Theta's nostrils flared as he caught the scent of the Doctor's arousal. His mouth watering at the sight of his semi-hard cock, he leaned down low and licked a tantalizing stripe up the length of the Doctor's growing erection. 
"Mm, seems like I missed a spot…"
The Doctor gasped, his breath hitching as Theta's tongue teased him. Every touch was deliberate, every movement designed to drive him wild.
His body twitched, aching for more even as the slight sting of laughter echoed in his ears. Theta's teasing sent shivers down his spine, leaving him breathless and desperate for more.
"Oh god, Theta..." he whined, gripping the sheets beneath him tightly. He felt exposed and alive, craving the feeling of their connection once again.
As Theta's tongue trailed up his length, the Doctor groaned loudly, every brush against his sensitive skin making him shiver.
"I... please, Theta..." he begged, his hearts racing wildly. He needed this, needed the reassurance that their love was real. Their passion was a force of nature, one that threatened to consume them both. But for now, it was all they needed - a beacon amidst their darkness.
Theta grinned wickedly, enjoying the sight of the Doctor's pleasure-stricken face. He lowered his head further, taking the tip of the Doctor's cock into his mouth gently. Slowly, he began to suck and swirl his tongue around it, playing with the sensitive nerves hidden underneath.
"My perfect little Doctor... you always were a greedy one. Is this what you want, baby?" he murmured teasingly, caressing the base of his shaft with one hand. Theta couldn't help but grin wider, knowing how much this tormented the Doctor. He knew that nobody else had ever seen him like this, he could sense it through their very connection.
The Doctor moaned, his fingers digging into the sheets as Theta took him in. Their connection surged through him, an electric current that ran from head to toe.
"Yes... please... don't tease me, Theta..." he begged, his voice straining with need. Every touch from Theta felt like electricity coursing through his veins, lighting him up from the inside out.
He closed his eyes, tilting his head back in pleasure. The sound of Theta's purring laughter sent shivers down his spine, igniting a fire in his loins.
"You're driving me insane..." he groaned, his breath coming in ragged gasps. It was a cruel game, but one he was willing to play for eternity if it meant feeling this close to Theta.
He arched his back, his hearts pounding with each lick. They were on a precipice, hovering between love and obsession - two near identical souls bound by their primal desires.
His renewed erection throbbed and began to ache for release. He clenched his fists tightly, trying to hold on as long as possible.
"More... please, more..." he whimpered, needing this connection to survive.
Theta hummed in response to the Doctor's pleas, loving the sound of his begging voice. He knew they had a fragile balance between love and obsession, and he intended to push it as far as it would go.
His tongue swirled around the head of the Doctor's cock, licking droplets of pre-cum from its tip. The salty sweet taste made his mouth water, and he groaned into the sensitive flesh.
"Such a greedy Doctor... always wanting more," Theta murmured, finally taking him fully into his mouth. He bobbed his head gently, swallowing him down until his nose brushed against the curls of his pubic hair.
He looked up at the Doctor with golden eyes alight, taking in his aroused form beneath him. Their connection was tangible, pulsating between them like an electric charge.
Relaxing his throat, he sucked him slowly, all the way up and down his shaft. Using one hand to gently fondle the Doctor's balls, massaging them in his palm in a way that he knew he would love. Closing his eyes, Theta concentrated on pleasuring the Doctor, in a way that he knew no one had ever done in years, if not centuries. 
When he sensed that the Doctor was getting too close, Theta groaned around his cock and pulled up and off of it. Cupping the swollen head of the Doctor's cock in his palm, Theta gathered up his saliva and spat down on it. Using the slickness of his spit as lubrication, he shallowly stroked the Doctor's tip. His other hand left his tender balls, and caressed the other man's thigh, up and up, until he was holding down the Doctor's hip, keeping him from thrusting up. 
"Not yet, Doctor… you'll cum when I want you to cum…"
The Doctor let out a strangled cry as Theta's lips engulfed him. The sensation was overwhelming, a surge of pleasure that sent his world spiraling. 
His fingers dug into the sheets as he tried to hold on. His senses were heightened to the point of delirium, and he welcomed it with open arms. This was what he craved, what he needed - to be taken by Theta in every single way.
When Theta suddenly stopped, he whined in protest, struggling against his grip. His skin was slick with sweat, every inch of him thrumming with desire. It felt like a whirlwind of pleasure and pain, a perfect storm of their desires colliding.
"No! I need you, Theta!" he cried out, bucking his hips helplessly. He needed this connection, this love that burned between them like wildfire.
As Theta stroked his tip, the Doctor hissed in frustration. The promise of release was so close, yet so unattainable. He stared into Theta's golden eyes, begging for mercy with every fiber of his being. But it was too late, he knew that. Theta held all the cards.
The Doctor moaned, his hips jerking up despite Theta's restraining grip. 
"Why are you doing this to me?" he demanded, his voice raspy. His hips bucked again, his breaths ragged. He needed to feel their connection, to feel whole again.
Letting go of the Doctor's aching member, Theta moved to hold down both of the other man's hips, keeping them absolutely still. He could feel the other Time Lord's body tremble and shake, his muscles tensing from the desperation that threatened to overwhelm him. The sound of the Doctor's begging was like a drug for Theta, and he didn't think that he would ever get enough.
"Why am I doing this to you?" he repeated huskily, his eyes darkening as he watched the Doctor squirm beneath him. "Because I know you can handle it…" Theta smirked as he lowered his head down, giving the Doctor's length another long lick from base to tip, right along his throbbing vein, "because I know how strong you are… and I know how badly you've needed this. Someone to take control." he murmured, before blowing a cool breath over the Doctor's heated flesh.
He allowed the Doctor a few moments of respite, so that he could pull back from the edge. While his hands massaged his hips, Theta moaned from the beautiful sight before him. The Doctor's brows were pulled tightly together from both agony and ecstasy, his body covered in a thin sheen of sweat that glistened in the dim bedroom light. Those thin hips squirming beneath his hands, so desperate and needy.
"Just breathe, Doctor… trust me…" he whispered, waiting patiently for the Doctor to comply. 
Once he sensed that he'd calmed down enough, Theta smiled and slowly leaned back down. His face hovering mere inches from the Doctor's cock, "Good boy." he whispered, before taking it back into his mouth, still holding his hips down with both hands.
"I trust you, Theta," the Doctor panted, his voice shaky. His breath hitched as Theta's mouth enveloped him once more. The sensation was indescribable, a rush of ecstasy that left him breathless.
His eyes fluttered shut as he tried to stay still, feeling the waves of pleasure wash over him. It was both pure agony and bliss, a tightrope walk between sanity and ecstasy.
Theta's words calmed him slightly, easing some of the tension that had built up within him. Forcing himself to stay still, he took deep breaths, letting the other Time Lord take control.
The Doctor fisted the sheets as the pleasure built up once more. It was almost too much to bear, but he was determined to give himself over to Theta completely.
Feeling Theta's hands securely holding him down, he let out a small, thankful sigh. It was both achingly painful and maddeningly pleasurable.
As Theta began to suck him again, the Doctor let out a keening whine. The intensity of the pleasure was almost too much to bear, but he was determined to give in to it. 
Letting go, he threw his head back and celebrated this new form of acceptance, of love, and control. 
His grip on the sheets tightened as the heat between his legs grew, building to a fever pitch. "Oh… Theta," he gasped, "you have no idea how much I want you to make me cum…"
Theta purred at those words, feeling its vibrations rumble against the Doctor's cock. His hands gripped the other man's hips tighter, holding him in place as he continued to suck him. His throat relaxed, allowing the Doctor to slide further in.
Theta loved this, giving the Doctor pleasure and listening to him beg for more. He had never felt this kind of control before, but now he realised how much he enjoyed it. Taking in this other version of his past self into his body, he could feel it - the connection between them, pulsating like an overwhelming current.
He pulled back again, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. The Doctor's body was drenched in sweat, his eyes half-closed from the pleasure. He looked so beautiful, so desperate, just like how Theta always craved him to be.
Leaning in again, Theta sucked the Doctor's cock deeper than he had before, his nose brushing against the dark fuzz nestled between his legs.
'Tell me how good it feels, Doctor,' he whispered telepathically, penetrating his mind now, as well as his body. He found that he loved hearing these details, the descriptions of how good it actually felt.
Theta glanced up for a moment, catching the Doctor's gaze, his mouth still full of cock. 'You're so gorgeous, so responsive…' he moaned, setting a slow and steady pace as he expertly deep-throated him.
The Doctor let out a low, desperate moan as Theta's nose brushed against his fuzzy pubic hair, "Theta," he whimpered, feeling the pleasure building up inside him. Every stroke down his throat was like a lightning bolt, coursing through his veins, making him ache for release.
Feeling Theta's hands tightening on his hips, the Doctor gasped, "It feels..." he had to take a deep breath, "so good, so perfect…" he finally managed to get out. His eyes locked with Theta's, "Please..." he pleaded, "Please don't stop."
His fingers dug into the sheets, his hips bucking despite Theta's grip. Every stroke sent shivers down his spine, a trembling mixture of lust and longing.
Every deep thrust pushed the Doctor further towards the edge, closer to the point of no return. But he wanted it, needed it, right here, from Theta.
As Theta's tongue traced a lazy circle around the tip, the Doctor shouted out, "Come on, Theta… I need you to make me cum!"
Bobbing his head slowly up and down, Theta pulled up and began swirling his tongue around the head. Purposely tonguing the sensitive nerves and slit, he let go of one of the Doctor's hips so that he could use it to gently stroke the base of his length. He knew how crazy this would drive the Doctor, as this very treatment had the same effect on Theta when done to him. 
With his eyes closed and his lips wrapped around the swollen head, he gently sucked the tip and continued licking the underside with his tongue.
Feeling as though the Doctor had enough of this slow torture, Theta opened his eyes and gazed up at the other Time Lord through his lashes.
'That's a good boy… now, I'm gonna let go of your hips… and I want you to use them to fuck my mouth until you cum.' Theta ordered him, while still using his telepathy to speak while his mouth was full of the Doctor's cock. 
'Ready, baby?' he asked, and when he saw the brief nod, Theta let go of the Doctor's hips.
Holding and gently stroking the base with one hand, Theta positioned himself so that the Doctor could easily use his hips to thrust up into his waiting mouth and throat. 
The Doctor's eyes widened at Theta's command, but he enthusiastically nodded in agreement, not wanting to break the moment. He released his grip on the sheets and eagerly grabbed onto Theta's free hand that wasn't stroking him.
Pumping his hips in rhythm with Theta's expert strokes, the Doctor started thrusting, his head thrown back as he groaned dramatically.
'Fuck, yes…' he thought, feeling the heat building within him, getting dangerously close to the edge. Every thrust seemed to propel him further into pleasure's abyss.
A high-pitched moan escaped him, shivering as the muscles in Theta's throat worked around his shaft. With each surge, the Doctor's pulse quickened. Every glide down his throat was sending sparks flying, making his skin buzz with anticipation.
Feeling Theta's hand guiding him, his movements grew frantic. He couldn't hold back any longer, "Theta," he moaned loudly, "I'm gonna cum!"
Hot and riveting pleasure surged through him as his cock pulsed and shot his load of warm cum down Theta's throat. 'Oh, it feels so good…'
Theta hummed in approval as the Doctor's hips rocked against his mouth, his hand still stroking it slowly in a matching rhythm. It added an unexpected twist, watching the other Time Lord lose control and fuck his mouth like that.
As the Doctor teetered on the edge, Theta couldn't help but moan, sucking harder and swallowing as he did. The taste was unlike anything else, adding another layer of excitement to this encounter.
When the explosion finally came, Theta gulped and swallowed, his eyes glancing up at the man above him. The Doctor was so beautiful, glistening with sweat and passion. Every twitch and jerk spoke to him, reassuring Theta that he made the right choice.
Theta's body pulsed with heat, his own hard cock rubbing against the bed underneath him. He continued sucking and swallowing, before carefully letting go of the Doctor's cock with a lewd 'pop'. 
As the Doctor lay there panting, staring up at the ceiling, Theta carefully and gently stroked him until he began to soften in his hand.
Once the Doctor was out of breath, Theta slowly rose up to lay beside him while his hand caressed the other man's spent body. His deft fingers trailing over his stomach and chest, until they brushed over one of the Doctor's hardened nipples, playing with it. Licking his lips, he smirked softly at the reaction this gave.
His own throbbing erection was now resting along the Doctor's hip, but Theta was patient enough to allow the other Time Lord some rest before paying it any attention.
The Doctor lay there breathless, staring at the ceiling as his body tried to adjust to the intensity of what just happened. Licking his lips, he couldn't help but glance at Theta, who was now laying beside him.
His eyes followed Theta's hand as it trailed up his torso, a soft gasp escaping him as Theta played with his nipple. Shivers ran up and down his body, making his hearts beat a little faster again.
The Doctor turned to Theta, running his fingers through his hair as he stared into his golden yellow eyes. 'Theta...' he whispered his name through their telepathy, a faint smile forming on his lips.
Feeling Theta's heavy erection laying over his hip, the Doctor shifted slightly, so that he could lean over and kiss him deeply. 'Thank you...' he sighed, feeling a content warmth radiating from inside of him.
The Doctor's hand caressed Theta's cheek, "But now it's my turn. Please, let me take care of you," he murmured, while his thumb gently traced the bruise-like circles beneath Theta's eyes.
Theta's hearts skipped a beat from the tenderness in the Doctor's voice, his own eyes fluttering closed as their lips met. He sighed softly into the kiss, taking in the Doctor's warm embrace. This was something he hadn't experienced in so long, if ever - genuine affection, and pleasure shared between two Time Lords.
When the Doctor moved and suggested turning the tables, Theta smiled softly and reached up and held the Doctor's wrist still. He truly believed they had something special between them. Something that had been missing for far too long.
As the Doctor's thumb traced the bruise-like circles beneath Theta's eyes, he felt a strange warmth in his chest. "Soon, baby… for now I want to keep tasting your lips." he murmured. His eyes lulling closed as he reached up to hold the back of the Doctor's neck, he pulled him close for another passionate kiss. He was fine with allowing the Doctor this time of rest, knowing that he'd probably need it.
Laying back on the pillows, Theta pulled the Doctor over him and continued kissing him. His tongue gently coaxed open the other Time Lord's lips, licking into his mouth and letting out a moan from the taste of him. He could still taste the Doctor's cum, and he knew that the Doctor would be able to taste himself now as well.
The Doctor's hearts swelled with happiness, feeling Theta's lips press against his once more. As he opened his mouth, accepting the other's tongue, the connection between them became even stronger. Their tongues danced, sharing traces of each other's flavour.
The Doctor revelled in this moment, laying on top of Theta and kissing the other Time Lord passionately, his hands roaming over his body. He marvelled at how different, yet familiar this experience felt.
When Theta finally pulled away, his eyes met the Doctor's, and he could see the sincerity in them. Nuzzling Theta's neck, he whispered, "This is something... extraordinary..."
He listened to Theta's words, nodding lightly as he kissed his way down his neck and shoulder. The Doctor's hand gripped his length, gently stroking him and feeling the warmth radiating from it. "Let me know when you're ready..."
With Theta laying back on the pillows, the Doctor took a deep breath, 'I hope this is okay...' he thought, before lowering his head and sucking gently on one of Theta's nipples. 
His tongue flicked at it, swirling around it before doing the same to the other side. He wanted to give Theta the same treatment he had received earlier, and make sure he was satisfied as well.
Theta would have been satisfied with simply kissing and holding the Doctor, but he could sense that the other man genuinely wanted to reciprocate the pleasure that was just given to him. Had they been human, the two of them would've needed a much longer resting period - but since they were Time Lords, neither would have to succumb to exhaustion for long, as their stamina quickly replenished itself.
He smiled from the way the Doctor nuzzled him, and began kissing down his neck and shoulder. A quiet groan rumbled from the back of Theta's throat as he felt the Doctor's hand wrap around his cock, stroking it tenderly.
'Yes… it's more than okay,' Theta replied to the Doctor's thoughts telepathically as his eyes closed. He savoured the feeling of the other man stroking him, but he couldn't help the way he lazily rolled his hips into it.
He moaned appreciatively as the Doctor licked and played with his nipples. His hand lowering to weave his fingers through the Doctor's brown locks, Theta sighed happily from the love that he felt through the Doctor's touch.
'I love you so much, Doctor…' he murmured through their mental connection. He still found it difficult to say the words out loud, while maintaining eye contact, but he knew that the Doctor could feel his sincerity.
The Doctor inhaled a silent gasp at Theta's confession, feeling the love and sincerity running through their mental connection. His own hand quickened its pace around Theta's length, feeling him buck under his attention.
Another low moan escaped him, realising this wasn't simply lust, but an emotional connection as well. The Doctor's mind was racing, wondering what this meant for both of them. With a slight smile, he stopped sucking on Theta's nipples, licking the sensitive buds before moving further down his chest.
As he reached Theta's abdomen, the Doctor looked up into his eyes for a brief moment. 'I love you too, Theta...' he whispered back mentally, supporting himself on his arm as he moved closer to lick along the length of Theta's pulsing member.
Focusing on the taste of his lover, the Doctor gently sucked the head of Theta's arousal, and then ran his tongue over the length of it. His hand glided in sync with his mouth, trying to bring pleasure to the other Time Lord. He cherished these moments with him, while not wanting it to end. However, he knew they needed some relief before their hearts exploded from the sheer intense desire.
Theta shivered from the Doctor's teasing suckle on his nipple, his fingers tightening slightly in those soft wisps of hair. He felt the wet heat of the Doctor's mouth envelop his shaft, sending shivers throughout his body.
A strangled whimper escaped him when the Doctor's tongue swirled around the crown. He clutched at the sheets, desperate for more as his hips arched involuntarily. The sensations coursing through his entire being made him feel weak. The fact that this intimacy was with someone he loved intensified it even more.
'Deeper, harder…' he pleaded through their connection, his control slipping ever so slightly as the Doctor's lips and hands worked in tandem. His need for this man bordered on desperation, it had been far too long since he'd allowed any sort of intimacy into his hearts.
Understanding his desire, he wrapped his lips around Theta's member, taking him deeper into his mouth. The Doctor could feel the energy pulse, urging him on.
His free hand gripped Theta's leg, pulling it up and opening him further. He continued to suck and stroke him eagerly, feeling the other Time Lord's control slipping. 'You're getting there, my love...' he thought, feeling Theta's pleasure increase with each motion.
The Doctor increased the pace, taking him even deeper and moving faster. Gazing into Theta's eyes, he could feel the love and passion burning within them, which fueled his own determination to satisfy him.
His other hand wandered, gently caressing Theta's balls, feeling them tighten with each thrust of his mouth and hand. The Doctor wanted this to be perfect, as if they were setting the course for their future together.
'Please, Theta... let go,' he whispered telepathically, his eyes locking onto the other Time Lord's, urging him to reach his climax. He refused to stop until Theta found relief.
Theta felt his body begin to tremble, the energy coursing through him threatening to consume him whole. He panted heavily, his head thrown back in pleasure as the Doctor all but worshipped him. The control he had tried to maintain crumbled beneath the Doctor's insistent mouth.
"Fuuuck!" he cried out, his entire body arching as bliss washed over him. He felt a sense of euphoria unlike anything else, knowing this bond stretched beyond physical pleasure. He came hard into the Doctor's mouth, his cock pulsing with each spurt of cum, which he felt the Doctor swallow every drop of.
As he slowly came down from his high, Theta could sense the Doctor waiting for his permission, and he rewarded him with a brief mental nudge towards the solution to their next predicament. He smirked and rolled over the half-empty bottle of lube that had lay almost forgotten beside them.
"Take me…" he suggested breathily, eager for the other Time Lord to find his comfort as well. He needed to feel that connection again, the mutual embrace of their bodies and souls.
"Use me, Doctor…" Urging him on, he breathed heavily, even as aftershocks still rocked him from the release that had only just happened. He wasn't sure if he could cum again so soon, but he knew the Doctor needed to, and that's all that mattered to him now. The aphrodisiac wouldn’t allow him relief if Theta didn’t let him.
The Doctor quickly swallowed the last of Theta's release, pulling his lips away from him with a soft kiss to his tip. Nodding at the request, he wasted no time in reaching for the lube. He knew Theta was once again offering him release, and he was beyond grateful for it.
Slicking up his own cock and fingers, the Doctor teased the entrance to his lover, gauging his readiness. 'Are you ready?' He questioned silently, his eyes searching for any sign of discomfort.
Once assured, the Doctor pushed into Theta slowly, letting out a relieved breath as he entered his love. He paused to allow Theta to adjust, feeling the other Time Lord tense around his length.
With a tender smile, the Doctor began to thrust gently but firmly, finding a rhythm that brought them both pleasure. He leaned in, kissing Theta softly between each movement, wanting to assure him of their connection.
The Doctor was determined not to rush this; it was important for them to share this moment in its entirety. He gave into the sensations, feeling the heat of Theta's core clutching at him with each thrust. 
'Do you want me to be rough?' he asked silently, knowing Theta enjoyed dominance during their encounters.
Theta relaxed into the Doctor's embrace, feeling the connection between them grow stronger with every thrust. He let out small sounds of pleasure, enjoying the slow and gentle pace before the intensity built. 
When the Doctor asked if he wanted to be rough, Theta allowed a small smile to pull at his lips. "Yes, please..." he replied softly, craving that edge of dominance from the Doctor. He could sense the other Time Lord's battle with his own restraint, but he needed more.
As the Doctor started to pick up the pace, thrusting harder, Theta let out a soft groan. The sensation of being taken by someone he cared for deeply intensified everything. He gripped the sheets tightly, his skin prickling with anticipation.
Theta couldn't help but whimper when the Doctor hit just the right spot within him, making his eyes flutter shut. He was beginning to feel the familiar tension building once more. 
Even if his cock was still sensitive from his recent climax, it was still hard and throbbing against his belly. It was too sensitive to be touched, but he knew that if the Doctor continued with his rough pace, he could come again without even needing to be.
The Doctor grinned, reacting to Theta's request. He pulled back and slammed into him, loving the sound of pleasure that left the other Time Lord's lips. 
He continued to thrust forcefully, feeling Theta tighten around him with each deep stroke. Their energies mingling and amplifying the sensations for both of them. The Doctor knew Theta's limits, respecting them yet pushing the boundaries just enough to grant him release.
The intimacy they shared reached another level, each thrust echoing the depths of their love. The Doctor could feel himself nearing his own orgasm, unable to hold back any longer.
As he thrust into Theta one last time, he felt the energy surge through them both; it was as if their souls were melding together with each movement.
The Doctor reached down and grasped Theta's sensitive member, stroking it gently as the other Time Lord came again. Feeling Theta's release and pleasure was the perfect culmination for him, driving him over the edge.
"Oh, Theta..." he moaned, pulling Theta close as they both came together, their climaxes intertwining perfectly.
Once they'd both caught their breath, the Doctor held onto his love tightly, whispering soft words of reassurance and affection in his ear.
Theta gasped at the Doctor's touch, feeling the final push send him over the edge once more. He let out a long, drawn-out moan, arching into the other Time Lord's touch. Theta loved how the Doctor knew exactly what he desired, and he revelled in their shared climax.
When they finally slowed down, Theta breathed heavily against the Doctor's shoulder, feeling the comforting embrace that surrounded him.
"I never realised how much I needed you..." he confessed softly, his cheeks reddening slightly. Part of him wondered if admitting this vulnerability would change something between them.
He could feel the energy finally receding - the aphrodisiac spent. Yet despite the relief, he didn't move from the Doctor's warm grasp.
The Doctor smiled, holding onto Theta as they both caught their breath. It was a rare moment of vulnerability that he cherished. 
"And I've always needed you," he replied, leaning in to kiss Theta softly. There was a tenderness in the action, a promise hanging in the air that they would always find comfort in each other's arms.
He felt Theta stiffen slightly at his confession but remained silent, keeping an eye on him. The Doctor respected his partner's hesitancy; he knew their relationship had its complexities.
As the aphrodisiac's effects wore off, he felt a twinge of disappointment but focused on the comforting embrace between them. He didn't want to break this moment, not now.
The Doctor kissed Theta again, whispering to him, "You'll always find solace here... whenever you need it."
His words were backed by a silent vow - a promise of unwavering support and love. He hoped their bond would stand strong, no matter what other challenges they faced.
Theta took a moment to gather his thoughts, looking up at the Doctor with a mix of relief and gratitude in his eyes. Their shared experience truly brought them closer than ever before.
He nodded slowly, accepting the comforting words that resonated within his hearts. He knew their bond was unique and strong; their connection transcended anything he'd ever felt before.
"Thank you... I don't think I've ever felt so needed, or wanted." he whispered, feeling an unexpected weight lift off his shoulders.
He leaned into the Doctor's touch, wrapping an arm around him in return as they lay there together. In that moment, all that mattered was their love for each other and the safety it provided.
Theta closed his eyes, feeling content despite the challenges ahead. For now, they would rejoice in their newfound closeness; knowing they were there for one another was enough to face whatever came their way.
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