#At least now he's getting what he needed but didn't get back then.
fallenneziah · 2 days
Poly-situationship 141 bringing the new sergeant into their fold. (No real NSFW in this one, unless I decide to make a full version. Testing the waters for demand.)
A new sergeant to Task Force 141 trying to participate in the on-base antics. Kyle and Soap have arranged for a fun little game with some others. Spin the bottle.
You were shy, at least, when it came to games like this with strangers the atmosphere needed to be right to be comfortable. But, in light of impressing your superior officers like Price and Ghost, you didn't play.
The others didn't care. They made out, spinning the bottle endlessly. Kyle and Johnny exchanging kisses too heated for just friendship.
And you wandered the halls. No paperwork, no one to hangout with, you just wandered. Until you happened upon Price's office.
The door was ajar just enough that you could see the burly British man and his giant counterpart, Ghost. They always hung out together. You weren't sure what it was. They talked amongst each other, until Ghost stopped. Your heart skipped a beat when he swiveled his chair, lightless eyes staring at you.
You swallowed, hell he was creepy. His eyes staring into you, his figure unmoving, his body unprovoked. He was creepy as all shite in the dark, even more so than in the light.
"Where're the others? 'expected you to be with them."
You shrugged and slipped into the room, and when they didn't push you out, you felt relaxed.
"No, spin the bottle, sir. Told them I'd rather not participate."
"Mm, they can get rowdy." Ghost muttered, reaching for his glass of whiskey at the end of the desk. Finally, he moved. "Yeah, I guess I'd rather not do that right now."
"They let off their steam on each other," Price said, taking another drag. "We all do from time to time."
You looked between the men. Ghost's legs were spread apart in the chair, an awkward position for the big man. But the crease in his pants seemed even more uncomfortable. Then you understood.
"Oh." Would your superior officers fraternize like that? Is that why Kyle and Soap got off so easy? Because the other two didn't care.
"Am I intruding??" Your voice raised slightly. And even under the mask you could feel Ghost's lips peel into a little grin through the way his gaze fixed on you.
"No, you're right in time, sergeant." Price moved his chair back and patted his lap. "We won't play spin the bottle, but we can show you what the big men do for fun 'round here."
Your stomach exploded with butterflies. You were glad you skipped out on spin the bottle. Instead of stolen kisses and giggles, you got split open, praised, and treated to the warm welcome you deserved.
All in team spirit naturally.
(want a full version? Ask nicely and I might give it to you~ I'm sorry, I made myself cringe)
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Bruce Soli x Witch!Reader
Your best friend talks to you about an issue he's been dealing with, hoping to maybe get some magical assistance from you. However, his issue evolves into something much bigger when he asks for some physical help too...
(This was technically supposed to be finished in time for 400 followers, but you guys are way too fast for me 🥲 we're already past 450 and I couldn't be more grateful 😭 i hope you guys enjoy this! This guy is part of a collaboration project between me, @the-witches-creatures (Ari and Bloom belong to her) and @silken-moonlight and I hope you enjoy! This took a lot longer than I wanted it to, and once again, I made it way too long lol I apologize for such a large gap between my posts, as I am currently still a busy college student, but I'm trying my best! I hope the quality makes up for it lol enjoy the show!)
Contains: size kink, weed use, oral sex, fingering, unprotected sex, boob job, loss of virginity, breeding kink, pregnancy risk, bulging, a lot of cum
"SON OF A BITCH!!" You heard Bruce suddenly bellow from his room angrily, followed by a loud crash. A long sigh escaped your lips as you broke your meditation and got up. It was a full moon. He knew not to disturb you when you were meditating, especially during the full moon. You got up with a huff and stomped over to his bedroom, throwing the huge heavy door open with the assistance of your magic.
"What the fuck do you want?! You know I need SILENCE during a full moon, you fucking dickhead!" You yelled at him. You were the only one that could talk to him like that without getting put in the hospital. You crossed your arms and furrowed your brow, ensuring he knew how pissed off you were. This shit always happened during the full moon. You saw him with his phone in pieces on the floor between his legs. He was sitting on the edge of his giant bed, tugging on his ears as he groaned in anger.
"Fuck you, bitch! I don't need your fucking attitude right now!" He yelled as he turned to you. Getting a better look at his eyes, they looked red and the fur under his eyes were wet from tears. However, the strange thing was that it didn't look like it was because he took too hard of a rip like you usually found him. In fact, his bong was completely untouched so far tonight from the looks of it. Your anger dissipated slightly as you looked at him. Sure he was a dickhead, but if something was really wrong, you did want to help.
"What's going on then? Why are you being an asshole?" You ask, scoffing a bit as you rolled your eyes. You knew jumping into feelings right away in conversations would go nowhere. You learned from experience.
"I'm not fucking trying to be!" He tugs at his ears again before burying his face in his hands. He grunts softly with each breath as he tries to calm down. He didn't want to be the cause of another noise complaint if he wasn't already. "Go back to your shit. I want to be alone and smoke." He grumbled as he went to open his stash box next to his bong on his bedside table. You let out a long sigh before walking over, literally jumping onto his bed because it's much taller than yours. He scoffs as he watches you in the corner of his eye, but doesn't tell you to leave. You liked to think that he liked having you around. At least a little bit.
As he absent-mindedly packed a bowl, his mind wandered. He had planned on going out to meet with a lady werewolf who needed help during the full moon, but he had gotten ghosted once again. As soon as he told her how big he was, she said she couldn't do it and didn't respond to his texts after that. That's why his phone was broken. He was so frustrated with this happening and had no idea what to do. Even other minotaurs didn't want him. Because of his temper and his size, most people couldn't handle him.
You could, though. A human witch. Although he found your presence annoying at the beginning of your friendship, he had grown to deeply care for you. You were always there, whether he wanted you there or not.
"Hey idiot." You say as you waved your hand in front of him to get his attention. He snaps back from his thoughts and looks down at you. "What's going on?" You ask with genuine concern. Concern for him. Concern you had shown him whenever he opened up to you. But he was frustrated that he had distracted you from what you were doing and didn't want to bother you. He stayed silent as he just stared at you for a moment, internally screaming out of guilt.
He didn't really understand much about your practice, but he knew the full moon was important for you, and you needed it to be as quiet as possible in the apartment. Usually, he'd be able to go out and practice with the band, but they were all busy. He figured that going out and hopefully getting laid for real for the first time would kill two birds with one stone.
That's right, folks, Bruce is a virgin. It wasn't from lack of trying, but everyone he had tried to sleep with found him to be way too big. No matter the monster, he was always left blue-balled and frustrated in more ways than one. It didn't help that you were always around. You always smelled so good. Poor guy couldn't even get any peace in his own room. The whole apartment smelled like you, even when you weren't around. It drove him crazy.
All of a sudden, his phone, now intact, plopped into his lap, and he once again snapped back to reality. He picked it up and looked it over before staring back at you. Why were you so nice to him when he treated you like shit? You always called him your best friend, but that statement made him sad in many ways. You deserved someone better to hold that title. He also wished he had a different title, but knew he deserved that one even less.
"There. I can perform a durability spell on it tonight if you want? It'll be extra strong since it's a full moon. I don't want to have to keep repairing it all the time." You said with a soft laugh, and he just nodded in response with a faint grunt. He could listen to your laugh for hours. You leaned in close to him and placed a hand on his thigh as you reached over, grabbing his phone from his hand. You used his leg to help yourself hop off the bed, and you smiled up at him. "Go ahead and smoke a bowl while I go do this, drama queen. It won't take long. Make yourself useful and pack me a bowl for when I get back too." You pat his thigh before walking out of his room, leaving him alone to his thoughts. The sensation of your hand on his thigh lingered for a moment after you left and he gently put his hand over top of where yours was. As touch starved as he is, he never tried to touch you. He was too worried about hurting you, as he had been too rough with you early on in your friendship and caused some pretty bad bruises. God he wanted to hold you though. He wanted you all to himself.
He slammed his palm into his forehead with a grunt before angrily grabbing his bong and his torch lighter. He needed to smoke. He couldn't keep thinking like that. He knew you deserved a kind, gentle guy. He wasn't kind or gentle. He was harsh. Hurtful. Harmful. That's how you got stuck with him in the first place.
He had recently transferred to your school halfway through senior year of high school. He had been expelled from his last school, and his grandma had contacted the school to see if anyone could keep an eye on him. When they were briefed on his temper and his size, the school administrators invited you to take on the role.
You were a bit of an outcast in your school, despite being surrounded by odd, magical creatures and fellow magic users. You often studied alone and in silence. You would perform unauthorized spell experiments during class, damaging things so you could repair them, and didn't talk to people unless spoken to. This led to people avoiding you, finding you odd or creepy.
So when you said you'd keep an eye on Bruce, they were surprised how quickly you agreed. To say he was shocked at your immediate yes after meeting him was an understatement. He had point blank told you that there was no way he was going to have a babysitter at school, much less a tiny human. Without a word, you used your magic to turn him into a large frog and told the administrators you agreed. He turned back. Eventually.
After that, you two were basically glued together. You got good grades, so you went out of your way to make sure he was caught up with the material. You always tried to help him the best you could, even if he was abrasive towards you. You knew from his Nonna that he actually seemed to have a soft spot for you, despite his protesting. You learned from her how to handle a lot of his outbursts. How his tempermental ass was related to such a sweetheart was a mystery to you.
You also had never told Bruce, but you had a huge thing for big monster guys. It was a big reason why you had said yes to keeping an eye on him. Or at least a huge bonus. The main reason was when you saw all the scars on his arms and face. You wanted to find out more about him, and it seemed like if you didn't take him, nobody else would have.
You heard the bubbling of his bong and the lighting of his torch as you finished up the spell on his phone in your room. It shouldn't break now. At least you had hoped not. Durability spells worked better on larger objects. The bigger it was, the harder it was to break. He had broken a few phones and bongs despite them being protected by your magic. He hadn't typically broken anything bigger than one of his large plates after you put the spell on all his things. However, even though his phone was the size of a tablet for you, it was still too small to be fully protected by the spell.
You let out a soft sigh and thought about all the nights you had thought about casting it on yourself. It was just a simple sigil, followed by a phrase you had made shortly after you had met Bruce. Once you had it mastered and tailored it to Bruce's strength, you slapped that thing on everything he would come in contact with that he used everyday. You just had to draw it on his stuff or carve it in if you wanted it to be extra strong. You had even considered finding a fellow magic user to tattoo it on you due to your... romantic interests.
You would have never admitted it to his face, but from the moment you saw him, you thought he was cute. What can you say? You like a big guy you could tame. You like an experiment. He was a giant, angry bull, and you wanted to ride him. You still did. But you knew his reputation. He never showed any interest in you and only saw you as a friend from your perspective. He had been with a lot of other people over the years, always busy on the weekends and late at night. As you walked back into his room with his phone, he was in the middle of rolling one of his giant joints.
"Really? Those things are massive. They make me feel like I'm sucking on a tail pipe." You groaned as you jumped onto his bed and crawled over to him. He rolled his eyes and scoffed, trying not to let his eyes wander as he watched you out of the corner of his eyes. The sight of you crawling onto his bed was something he enjoyed a lot more than he should.
"You're so fucking dramatic. This is for me. I already packed you a bowl for your bong, princess." He said with a small smirk tugging at his lips. He brought joint up to his lips, lighting it and inhaling. You suddenly snatched the joint from his lips, smirking as you brought to your own. "You couldn't handle this stuff. It's a special strength for bigger monsters like me." He softly grumbles, exhaling the smoke through his nostrils and into your face, rattling his septum ring.
"Oh yeah?" You jumped up on his bed and grabbed one of his horns with a giggle. You use his horn to tug his head closer to yours, purring into his ear teasingly. "I can handle more than you think."
"Fuck... don't do that..." He hissed through grit teeth. His voice dripped in an unfamiliar tone as he spoke. You felt your face flush as you quickly let go of his horn. His eyes snapped to look at you, and you felt a bit of fear for a moment. But when you read the look in his eyes, your heart started to pound. You hadn't seen him make that look before.
"I-I'm sorry." You stammered as your face burned from the rush of blood. "I forgot you don't like your horns touched... did I hurt you?" You actually were a bit worried that you just hurt him or he was upset. He hadn't actually gotten upset with you in a really long time, so it was possible you just mistook his anger for lust, right? There's no way he actually looked at you like that.
He suddenly coughed and snatched the joint away from you, avoiding eye contact as he took a long drag from it. He hunched over as one of his elbows rested on his knee, his hand holding the horn you tugged on. You felt guilt well up inside you as well as tears. You knew minotaurs horns were sensitive, but you didn't think a little tug would hurt so badly. Then again, you didn't have horns. You felt awful for causing him any pain.
However, he was actually trying to fight the urge to pin you down on his bed and finger you until you were screaming. He may still have his virginity, but he was pretty talented at fingering and oral from what he had been told. You tugging on his horn and blowing smoke in his face made him so hard he was surprised he didn't rip his pants. He was hunched over to try and hide the massive bulge that appeared. He was trying his best to calm down from your sudden touch by smoking, but unfortunately for him, it just made him hornier. He always wondered if you had cast a spell on yourself to make you so irresistible.
"I'm fine... just... didn't expect that." He grumbled under his breath. That was an understatement. He noticed the room beginning to fill with smoke and that he had burned through half the massive thing already. He coughed a bit and put the half burnt joint out on the ashtray to save for another time. He tried his best to use his arms to cover his dick while he looked over at you. His blood ran cold for a moment when he saw you... crying?
"I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you or anything." You cry softly, your eyes extremely red from both the smoke and your tears.
"What? That didn't hurt me." He scoffs as he looks away. He acts offended at the suggestion you could hurt him, but in reality, he actually felt bad that he was making you cry.
"Then... why are you so upset about me touching your horn?" You sniffled and wiped your eyes. He looked back at you with his piercing green eyes for a moment and sighed.
"I'm not... upset with you... ugh, I know this sounds stupid, but I had a date for the full moon tonight, but she chickened out before I even went over... so I'm pent up and you know my fucking horns are sensitive. I don't know why you fucking touched them... Ugh! You always make it so difficult!" He bellowed before punching his wall above his headboard. Thankfully, this wasn't uncommon, and the durability spell on the wall was effective.
"What do I make difficult?! I make sure you don't destroy half your shit when you get like this!" You snapped back angrily as you felt yourself getting a bit annoyed with his whining.
"You make everything difficult! Living with you, your stupid incense and herbs, just your fucking scent is so fucking overwhelming. I can't take it anymore!" He bellows, hunching over with his head in his hands. "You make me fucking ache."
"... Huh?" You squeaked, confused.
"You cause me to act like this... I'm fucking pent up because of you. You're always around with your dumbass beautiful face and sexy body." He growls. "You have no idea how hard it is for me to keep my hands off of you all the time..."
"What if... I don't want you to?" You asked more as a question for yourself than for him. He rarely touched you, although you would touch him. You always wanted to know what his more gentle touch would feel like.
"What?" He asked, shocked at your suggestion. He stared at you, confused as you began to explain.
"Well, what if I don't want you to keep your hands to yourself?... what if I want you to touch me?" You had to look away as you spoke. You felt your face redden from embarrassment as you admitted what you really wanted.
"But... what if I hurt you again?" He grumbled lowly, clenching his fists in his lap as he sat up. Remembering the times he was too rough with you and hurt you was painful for him. You stuck by him through so much and still wanted to be around him to this day. He didn't want to cause you any pain.
"Oh, Brucie..." You began softly, resting a hand on his forearm. You were one of the few people that knew his real name, and you used it when you were more serious.
"Shut up." He snapped at the use of his real name as he rolled his eyes.
"You shut up." You retort as you look up at him and stand up on his bed. "Brucie, you won't hurt me."
"You don't know that. I've hurt you before." He says with a sad look in his eyes. The sight of the bruises he had given you back when you had first met were burned into his brain.
"There's only one way to find out." You gently take his giant hand in both of yours and look at him with a bashful smile. You felt his hand shaking as he tried to follow your lead, his other hand slowly reaching for you. He gently let's go of your hands and gingerly wraps his giant arms around you, pulling you into a tender embrace. His warmth surrounds you like a comforting blanket as you try your best to hug him back, wrapping your arms around his neck. You feel him let out a deep sigh and you do the same. One of your hands rubbed the back of his head, and the other rubbed between his shoulder blades. A deep rumble in his chest viberates through you as he relaxs at your touch. You can feel his tense muscles slowly relax through the fabric of his hoodie under your fingertips. He leans his wet nose into your neck and inhales deeply, making you shiver with a shakey breath.
"How do you smell so fucking good?" He groans, his hot breath bathing your neck. You have to hold your breath to ensure you don't moan. The way he was holding you made it impossible for you to move away due to his strength, but you also didn't want to. He suddenly snaps back to reality and pulls away from you, his large hands moving to gently hold your shoulders to keep you at arms length. "This is dangerous."
"I can't stay gentle for long. I'll end up hurting you if we keep going..." He says with a hint of sadness in his voice. Your warmth felt so nice and he wanted more, but he knew holding back wasn't easy for him to manage long-term. He didn't want to put you at risk for his own selfish wants.
"Oh... um... I have an idea then, actually." You say while trying to avoid eye contact. You just needed to do the durability spell on yourself and grab that lube you have... but you didn't want to admit that you had special magic lube for fucking large monsters for when you used your toys. You didn't want to seem desperate, even if the puddle developing in your panties argued otherwise. "I-I can help with you being pent up..."
"What?" He asked, genuinely a bit confused. "Why?"
"I just want to help!" You lied. The truth was that you had wanted to fuck him for years. Longer than you guys had been living together, but it felt like when you guys moved in together that it would never happen. After you guys moved in together, when he wasn't with you at the studio or in the apartment, he was seemingly off getting his dick wet where-ever he could. It was frustrating, but you knew you probably wouldn't be able to handle him as a human anyways. However, you could experiment on your own. You had done research on how big an average minotaur dick was and had gotten a few different toys to work up to it, and a huge bottle of magic lube that was supposed to help humans accommodate larger monsters. Over the last couple of years, you were comfortably using the minotaur dildo without any issues as long as you used the lube. You would often have to buy more. A small smug smirk began to develop on his lips as he cocked an eyebrow.
"You want to help? What makes you think your tiny human body could handle helping me?" He said as he tilted your head up to look at him by using one of his fingers under your chin. He repeatedly looks down at your lips while staring into your eyes. He may have seemed confident in that moment, but he was actually trying to get you to back down. He thought you were joking about wanting to help to try and cheer him up. He thought playing along would make you chicken out.
"I, uhhhh... may or may not have magic lube in my room... and the durability spell should work if I cast it on myself, so theoretically I can help you... and you wouldn't have to hold back." You said with your resolve only wavering slightly. You couldn't look him in the eyes, and your face was beet red, but you didn't pull your head away from his hand. After a few moments of silence you looked up at him and you saw that his eyes were wide and his mouth was open like he wanted to say something, but nothing was coming out.
He was stunned that you actually had that stuff. Maybe you had been with more guys than he thought? No, he never smelled anyone coming over he didn't know about. Would have been nice to know you had magic lube. He could have been fucking you for weeks. Months? How long have you even had that lube for? Slowly, his resolve to hold back was dwindling at your words. He couldn't help but look you up and down, unintentionally undressing you with his eyes.
"Show me." Bruce commands with a deep growl, a dark look in his eyes as you slowly nod. You didn't want to argue with him if he looked like that. You jump off the bed and run over to his bedroom door, a bit wobbly from smoking. You hear him chuckle as you leave his room. "Hurry up, or I'll change my mind." You felt a bit dizzy from your high, but it could have been from all the blood in your cheeks.
As you got to your room, you walked over to your closet and sighed. You ended up with the smaller room in the apartment, of course. It still gave you more space compared to Bruce. You gently rubbed your cheeks as you tried to calm down and opened your closet. You had a large box on the top shelf that you kept everything in. As you were pulling it down, you heard familiar stomping coming towards your room. Shit. You dropped the box on the ground and quickly opened it, grabbing the lube before trying to close the box before he walked in. However, your timing wasn't good enough, and he walked in just as you had grabbed the lid to put it back on. You could have died right there on the spot as he stared at your collection of giant sex toys.
"Woah... I didn't think you were that much of a slut. Examples of real dicks you've taken?" He laughs as you felt extremely embarrassed, but still felt the need to defend yourself.
"Shut up! I'm a virgin, okay?! I haven't been with any other guys!" You blurt out without a second thought as you slam the lid back on the container. Your hands snap to cover your mouth as instant regret sets in. You didn't want him to know that. You didn't want him to know that you jerked off with those toys, hoping that he'd replace it. You let out a long sigh while you worked up the smokey courage to admit more. "I've only ever had an interest in a particular guy if I'm being completely honest..."
"Oh." He felt a pang of guilt as his heart sank. He felt awful for putting pressure on you. Why was he also upset that you were interested in someone else? "Who?"
"W-well, he's always near me... he's strong... makes me feel safe... he's, uh..." You glance down at the bulge in his jeans and swallow before looking up at him. "B-big..."
"Is it fucking Aram? That son of a bitch!" Bruce grumbled angrily, unable to hold back his temper and punching the wall. Thank god you made sure almost everything in your room had the durability spell too. He was frustrated that you wanted him as practice for his annoying manager. He wanted to kill him in that moment. "Fucking creep!"
"Wha- it's not Ari!" You yell in annoyance. Bruce was so dense. "It's you, dumbass! I'm interested in you! I wouldn't have wanted to fuck you for my first time if I wasn't!" You were fed up. You were done trying to throw hints around. He stood there for a moment, seemingly trying to process what you said.
"WHAT?!" He bellowed, shaking the walls of the penthouse before clearing his throat and trying again. "You're interested in me?"
"W-why do you think I have all those toys and that lube? I'm not stupid. I know minotaurs are big... I didn't want to be totally inexperienced..." You scoffed softly, trying to play it cool, but miserably failing with how you couldn't even look at him and your face being dark red.
"But why me?... I'm an arrogant asshole that takes up all your time and energy... you deserve better than me... I drive you crazy." He states gruffly, but you can still hear a hint of sadness despite his attitude.
"Yeah, but have you ever thought about how you make me crazy? You always try your best to be nice to me. You take care of me and protect me. I get to travel all over and smoke weed all day with you. I wouldn't have the life I have if it weren't for you." You say with a soft, genuine smile, approaching him as he backs up into the wall. His heart fluttered in his chest as he listened to you. "If all I have to do is make sure you don't break anything and repair a few things, I'm more than happy to take on more..." You hesitated for a moment, unable to stop yourself from looking over at his bulge before quickly looking away again. "Um, responsibility..." His breath catches in his throat as he looks at you. He stared down at you with wide eyes for a few moments before they narrow.
"I need you to do that fucking spell now." He says in a deeper voice than you're used to. It took you off guard.
"What? N-now?" You stammered softly. You worried you got him upset again.
"Just fucking do it." He growls in a more commanding tone. The sound sent a shiver down your spine, but also stirred your excitement. You didn't argue though, just quickly grabbing the closest marker and standing in front of your mirror as you tried to carefully draw the sigil on your lower abdomen under your belly button. It technically would work if you drew it anywhere, but you figured that you might as well have it close to what you wanted protected. You tried your best to stop your hands from shaking as you could see Bruce in the mirror, waiting. You could see the bulge in his pants grow bigger by the minute as you worked on getting the sigil drawn. Once it's done, you whisper your incantation, and a faint electric shock washes over your whole body out from where the sigil is.
"There. It should be ready- Ah!" You squealed as he suddenly grabbed you by the waist and threw you over his shoulder without a word. You brace yourself on his shoulder as he keeps one hand on your waist to keep you from falling.
"You're such a bitch. I can't believe you fucking hid this from me." He growls before delivering a swift smack to your ass, earning a screech from you. It was hard, but it didn't hurt other than a sting. Either he was still being gentle, or the spell worked. Thank god. You let out a moan involuntarily as his large hand rubbed and groped your ass through your shorts. What did you get yourself into? "How long have you wanted to do this?"
"A while..." You admit quietly as you watch his ass, a bit distracted by the view until his hand connects with your ass once again.
"How fucking long?" He growls, growing impatient.
"Y-years!" You admit, gripping the back of his sweater as you squeeze your thighs together tightly. You hoped he couldn't smell your arousal, but you could hear him sniff the air a bit as he started moving. He made his way back to his room and kicked the door closed. The door slammed on it's hinges, startling you for a moment before Bruce suddenly throws you onto his large bed and you land with a bounce. He tosses the lube onto the bed and it lands with a bounce a couple feet away from you.
"Really? Years?" He asks, pulling off his hoddie to reveal his muscular upper body. He had many large scars visible through the fur of his chest and arms, and many more you knew about that were hidden underneath. He had gotten a bit of soft belly over the years of being on the road and eating takeout, but you thought he was still hot. You always thought he was. You wanted to kiss every single scar on his body and tell him that. "Even now?"
"Yes." You admit with a sly smile. The haze of smoke that still lingered in the room made you feel warm, and maybe a bit overconfident. You're taken by surprise as he crawls over you on his hands and knees, a grin spreading across his face as his imposing form casts a shadow over yours.
"Shit... you made me wait so long... I'm gonna enjoy tasting you, princess." He presses his large wet nose against your neck and inhales softly. His tongue slides out and licks along your collarbone and up your neck. He pulls away just enough so his face is in front of yours. He can't help but stare into your eyes before crashing his lips against yours in a passionate kiss. Your hands quickly find his chest and run upwards, wrapping around his neck as you moan against his lips. His large tongue slides into your mouth as he moves one of his hands to pull your shorts off. He pulls off your shorts and panties in one smooth motion.
His tongue filled your mouth so much it made you gag, but you didn't care. You had craved him for so long. And after knowing the spell works, you couldn't wait for him to just fuck you, but feeling him finally touch you was more intoxicating than the smoke he smelled like. You felt him slowly pull his tongue out of your mouth and pull away from your lips. You gasp and pant as you realize you had forgotten to breathe the whole time.
"B-bruce-" you speak shakily as you stare up at him with your gorgeous, lust drunk eyes. He lets out a soft groan as he suddenly rips your shirt with the hand that was groping your boobs and throws the shreds off to the side.
"Say my fucking name, witch." He growled as he starts to move down. He positions himself so his head is between your legs, braced on his elbows with his hands holding your hips much gentler than you were expecting.
"Brucie... please." You were quickly silenced by a squeal as his large tongue slid between your wet folds, giving your pussy a long, teasing lick. His nose pushes against your clit as his hands grips your hips a bit tighter.
"Oh fuck... You taste so fucking good..." He moans softly against your pussy lips, making you involuntarily grind against his face. He grins and keeps lapping at your pussy.
"Shit." You moan as his tongue slides into your needy pussy. He knew he'd never be able to fit his dick inside you without stretching you first, even with the spell, so he was glad he was talented in other ways to help the process. His thick tongue fucked you as you threw your head back, moaning loudly. You kept trying to buck your hips, unsure if you were trying to get away or get more, but he kept you held firmly in place for him with his rough hands. He wasn't letting you go anywhere. And he was eating you out like he was starved.
You squirmed in his hands as his flat nose rubbed your clit. His tongue kept thrusting in and out of your wet pussy, curving to hit everything just right and listening to your moans to make sure you were enjoying yourself. Your thighs clamp down on the sides of his head as you feel yourself getting closer to the edge. You suddenly grab his horns and he moans into your cunt, the vibration sending you into your first orgasm of the night.
"You're lucky you taste so good..." He chuckles as he pulls his mouth away from your drenched pussy, moving one of his hands from it's place on your hips to grab the lube. "Grabbing my horns made me real impatient now... but I need to make sure you're ready for me..." He sits back on his cloven feet as he squirts some lube onto his index finger. You take the opportunityto adjust yourself comfortably, biting your lip as you wait in anticipation of what he's doing. He puts the lube next to him as he moves his finger to press against your entrance. He rubs your outer lips with the lube, making you squirm as he teases you. He places his free hand gently on your lower abdomen to keep you still as he pushes his finger into your pussy. You stretch around him as his digit slowly fills you. It felt like the human sized toys you had tried before, but a lot better. A low grumble resonates from his throat as he looks down at you with a smile. "You're so tight... even with all that work you put in..." His voice and what he said made you clench around his finger, moaning as he slowly pumps his finger inside you.
The magic lube did have an odd side effect you had forgotten to mention. It used a mild aphrodisiac to help with the 'relaxing process' and because you were human, mild aphrodisiac mixed with smoking weed usually made your mind only think about him and what he'd do to you. It had just been fantasy for the longest time, but experiencing it now was making your brain melt. His hand on your abdomen gently pressed down as he started to move his hand a bit faster, earning plenty more desperate moans from you. A mix of your juices and the lube were dripping from your pussy and onto his sheets, but he didn't care. They were going to get a lot more messy soon enough.
"You seem eager... Ready for another one already?" He asks, slowing down for a moment as he teases your slick hole with another one of his thick fingers. You nod eagerly, opening your mouth to say yes, but only moans spilling out. A deep chuckle comes from him as he grins and eases another finger inside you, speeding up the pace again. You felt a sting for a brief moment before the lube helped you accommodate him. Two of his fingers was almost too much for you, but the lube was working wonders, just like his fingers. "I haven't had anyone take my fingers so well. Impressive for a human."
Bruce chuckled again as his fingers worked inside you, pressure building once again as you felt yourself close to your second release of the night. He can feel you getting close, so he adds a bit of extra pressure on your belly, and he curls his fingers to hit your g-spot. Your eyes roll back as he keeps up the pace, forcing your orgasm out of you as you scream out in pleasure. Your body shakes and your pussy twitches around his fingers as he grins and slows to a stop. Your sweaty, stunning body was tembling under him, and he was drinking up the sight.
"Fuck, you're so desperate for me baby. You already came twice." He moves his hand from your lower abdomen to place his hand next to head. He leans down and kisses you, groaning against your lips as he feels you buck your hips to try and get more friction inside you again. "You're always so fucking impatient." He whispers as he slowly pulls out his fingers and gets off the bed. You whine at the empty feeling, sitting up as you watched him take off his jeans. In the process, his phone fell out of his pocket. He grabs it and sees a text on his phone.
Bloom: close your fucking window Bruce. The whole city can hear you guys.
"Ah, shit." Still in his boxers, he walks over to close his window before walking back over to the bed with a sigh. "Where were we?" He says with a grin, making sure you were paying attention before he finally took off his boxers. You watch him closely as he reveals his dick, and your jaw drops slightly. It's bigger than your fucking arm. His thick, vieny cock bounces in front of you as you can see precum drip from his rounded tip and onto the edge of the bed. Thank god for magic lube, or you wouldn't have been able to fit him inside at all. You have to look away before you start drooling, and you look up at him. Upon looking at his face, he's avoiding eye contact and actually looks a bit nervous. An idea pops into your head based on the look on his face and how his dick is twitching, clearly eager for what's to come.
"Are you a virgin too?" You pipe up quietly. His eyes snapped to yours and he spots the shit eating grin spreading across your tired face.
"Excuse me, bitch?" He questions, annoyed that you had even suggested it. Sure, you were right, but how dare you? He's caught off guard by you getting on your hands and knees to crawl over to him. Your legs were still a bit unstable, so you were shaking a bit, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't love the sight of you crawling to him. His dick twitched more in response and you bit your lip.
"It's not a bad thing if you are, Brucie." You sat back on your heels at the edge of the bed and grasp his dick in both hands. You feel him tense under your touch. His dick is so heavy in your hands as you gently rub your hands along his length. He moans and shivers in response, his hands gripping his thighs as he tries his best not to grab you. "You seem happy to have my attention like this."
"F-fuck you." He grunts out between moans and closes his eyes for a moment. He sucks in a breath as he suddenly feels your tongue on him, his eyes snapping open to watch you lick and kiss all over his dick.
"That's exactly what I want. And I know this guy wants it too. Do you?" You giggled as you position yourself so his dick is resting between your boobs. You use your arms to squeeze them together around his cock the best you can while each of your hands grip his cock as well. You can't get your mouth around his tip, but you still lick and suck the tip the best you can as you use your upper body to jerk him.
He stares at you with wide eyes for a moment before cupping your face gently and watching you enthralled. He's never had anyoke try to do this for him before. It may not be a normal blow job, but the fact that you wanted to try and make him feel good too drove him crazy. He can't help but gently thrust against you as you try your best to jerk him. He didn't want to interrupt whatever you were doing, but it just felt so good...
"O-oh fuck-" He stammered out, trying to pull away, but you kept a surprisingly strong grip. He was twitching widely against you and you could tell he was close already. Poor guy must be so touch starved. After only a few more thrusts, he bellows and groans as one of his hands dig his blunt nails into his thigh. He cums hard, moaning as you continue to jerk him and lick him until the ropes of cum came to a stop. You latched your mouth onto his tip and you tried you best to swallow but he came so much and the rest spilled all over your chin and chest. He was shaking a bit, panting as his vision refocuses on you once again.
"I didn't expect you to cum so quickly." You said with a giggle, slowly pulling away and letting his dick fall. "Too bad. I wanted more still." He groans as he looks over you, messy with his cum. As he catches his breath, he suddenly pushes you back on his bed, grabbing your legs and pushing them back against your chest. His dick quickly springs back to life as he sees you under him, covered in his cum. It's all over you like you just stepped out of a gang bang, but it was just him. You were both loving it.
"I never said I was done... and after you came on my face and my fingers earlier, I deserve your hot pussy wrapped around my dick and ready to take everything I give you..." He growled, his eyes showing pure lust as he roughly pushes you back onto the bed. As you flopped onto your back, he was quick to spread your legs and position himself between them.
"Is that a threat or a promise?" You giggled softly before seeing him run his messy cock along your folds, your overstimulated clit throbbing. He grabs the lube once again and coats his cock in it while still grinding against your pussy. As he presses his thick tip against your entrance, you realize he's gonna fuck you without a condom. "W-wait, no condom? What about-"
"I'm not fucking wearing a condom when you've been teasing me for so fucking long..." He growled through grit teeth. You didn't even want to argue. You wanted to feel him. All of him. You didn't want a condom on him either. You weren't on birth control, and he knew that. "I'm gonna fuck you until you're fucking pregnant."
His words made you feel hotter than you cared to admit. Without another word, he starts to ease himself into you with a stiffled groan. You moan and shake as his cock stretches you with a slight sting before melting into pleasure. It takes a minute for you to adjust to just his head before he starts to thrust his hips, slowly pushing deeper and deeper. You were already on cloud 9, and so was he. It took some work, but once you took him all the way, he couldn't help but hold himself inside for a few moments. He was panting heavily as you felt every throb and twitch he made inside you, just like how he could feel every squeeze and flutter your walls made. Your stomach was bulging from his size, leaving you getting even more hot and bothered with every second he sent just having you cockwarm him.
"Fuck... you feel even better than I thought you would..." He groans as his massive hands grasp the back of your thighs, pushing your knees back against your chest. You gasp and don't have a chance to say anything before he suddenly starts to thrust like a wild animal. The sudden jolt of intense pleasure nearly blinds you, everything inside you that made you scream, being hit all at once. Your pussy squeezes his cock hard as only a few thrusts in you're already ready to burst and he moans at the sensation. "Already gonna cum? Such a slut. Be a good slut for me and cum on my fucking dick. I'm not fucking stopping."
You didn't need to be told twice, screaming out in pleasure as you came hard, your vision going white as he just continues to fuck you like nothing is happening. You can't think straight, just moaning and quivering as he continues to rail you through your most intense orgasm to date.
You finally start to come down from your high after what feels like hours, but in reality it was only a couple of minutes. You feel him start to throb once again, his thrusts getting more sloppy and his hands shaking as he keeps your legs held in place. It felt like he was going to break you in half, but you didn't care about anything, but your next rapidly approaching orgasm. He leans down and his large tongue licks the sweat from your neck, his hot breath bathing your neck and leaving goosebumps on your skin.
"F-fuck... I'm close already... what did you do to me? I think I'm fucking addicted to you..." He groans in your ear, his words turning you on even further as he drinks up your moans directly into his ear. "You want my cum baby? I can feel you getting close, too. I want you to beg for my cum baby. Fucking beg for me."
"F-fucking cum in me, please!" You moan out, his thrusts getting even rougher as he grunts. His last bit of restraint is gone as he fucks into you like a machine, unrelenting. You feel his cock throb wildly, his hips and heavy balls snapping against yours in a final rough thrust as he cums inside you. You cum with a screaming moan and clamp down on his dick, milking his cock as he bellows and dumps his load inside you.
You're both panting and trembling as he fills you up for what feels like forever, your belly bulging due to both his cock and his cum. You're both high on endorphins and super strong weed, so both of you have to take a pause before he attempts to pull out. He tries to go as slowly as possible, hissing with a grunt as the head of his dick pops out, his cum spilling out of you and onto his sheets. He groans at the sight before biting his lip and getting up.
"Fuck... you really are addicting..." He grins as he crawls over top of you, pressing his hand gently on your belly as the rest of his cum flows out of you. You moan softly, and he takes your lips in a tender kiss before picking you up and carrying you to his bathroom. He placed you down on the counter as he grabbed a face cloth and dampened it before carefully wiping you down. You can't help but moan as he rubs your sensitive body, shaking as he cleans up your pussy as well and avoids the sigil on your stomach. He watches your every move as he bites his lip hard, trying to keep himself from fucking you further. He kisses you once again before grabbing another face cloth and putting it in your hands.
"Finish cleaning yourself if there's anywhere I missed. I'll be back. I'm gonna go change my sheets." He says with a small grin as he turns to leave the bathroom. It's not like you could go anywhere if you wanted to. The durability spell and the lube worked great, but you were so sensitive and high that you would fall on your face if you even tried to walk. You cleaned your face and tried to clean your hair was best you could. You needed rest. You could shower in the morning.
Once he was done changing the sheets, he came back wearing boxers, with one of his shirts in his hands and puts it on you without asking. He then picks you up and carries you back to his bed, pulling back the covers and putting you down gently. You giggle, his bed nice and soft and his shirt nearly being a floor length dress for you. You stick your hands out the arm holes and smile up at him as he crawls into bed next to you.
"Thank you, Brucie." You say as he covers you both with his plush blanket and pulls you into his chest.
"Shut up. I wanted to make sure you were comfortable. You need to rest." He whispers gruffly as his arms surround you. "We have a long day tomorrow." You smile and nuzzle your face into his chest, letting your exhaustion take you after he kisses you goodnight.
As you're drifting off, you can swear he whispers, "I love you."
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Could you please do 14 with art from the comfort prompts? Maybe handjobs while he has his back to the reader if things get spicy 🤭🤭
Anyways, your fics never fail to amaze me! Always look forward to reading them💗💗
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I'm getting the sense y'all would like me to write #14 from the comfort prompts with Art Donaldson 🤔
Also thanks, nonnies!!
Warnings: Fluff, handyj's, subby Art Donaldson, praise kink, smattering of dirty talk, established relationship
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"In here!" You called out. You listened as Art's footsteps grew closer, and your brows furrowed as you heard him slow just outside.
"It's okay, you can open the door."
Art seemed a little perplexed by how dim the bathroom was, but as he spotted the candles you'd put around your jacuzzi tub and the glass of wine on the side table, it all seemed to fall into place.
"How was your—What are you doing?" You laughed as Art began to strip off.
"What does it look like?"
Your eyes drifted down over his muscled chest, lip drawing between your teeth as he shoved his pants and underwear down around his ankles before kicking them off. You grinned, scooching back against the tub as Art climbed in in front of you. He groaned as he settled in, cradled against you.
"Comfortable?" You teased, brushing your lips against his temple.
You curled your arms around his shoulders, closing your eyes as you savored the peace of his body pressed against yours.
"How was practice?"
The question hung in the air for a few moments. Art shifted a little, raising his hands and trailing gently over your bent knees.
"...Art?" You pressed.
"I don't wanna talk about practice."
It wasn't the answer you were hoping for. It wasn't Art's first career slump, likely wouldn't be the last—but you knew better than to remind him of that.
"I wanna talk about you," He added, tipping his head back to get a look at you. "Feel like I've barely seen you the last few days."
"We've been busy."
He craned his neck, pressing a kiss to your jaw. "Tell me about your day."
"It was fine, boring. The usual."
"What's the usual?"
"Please?" He urged again, taking your hands in his and intertwining your fingers. He raised one to his lips before resting it over his heart. "I've missed your voice."
You smiled as he snuggled closer, the water swirling around the two of you.
"Well...I woke up around seven. You'd already left, obviously."
"I had breakfast, got dressed, sat down at my desk and worked all day."
"You stop for lunch at least?"
"I didn't have time."
"I know, I know," You sighed. "Things just kept coming up and before I knew it, it was 6:30."
"Explains the wine."
"Yes it does." You untangled one of your hands to reach up, gently combing through his hair. "Want some?"
"Not right now."
"...You're too wound up, you know."
Art sighed heavily, head flopping back against your shoulder again. You took in his closed eyes, his slightly pinched expression.
"You are," You insisted, lowering your hand from his hair. You trailed your nails over his shoulder, down past your joined hands on his chest. "I know you need something to get you going on the court, but having your gut all tight like this makes you all..." You slid your hand beneath the water, trailing along his inner thigh. "Stiff. And not in the fun way."
Art smiled, huffing a laugh. "Is that so?"
"Mhm. You need to relax."
"Any suggestions on how I might do that?"
"Well, I'm no tennis coach..." You curled your fingers around his shaft, smiling as he pulled a stunned breath in. "So my ideas may be a little...Rudimentary."
You stroked him gently, shushing him softly as he whined, pushing up into your touch. You grasped him a little more firmly, moving in long, even strokes as you felt him hardening in your touch. Art turned his head, mouthing at your jaw and neck, anything that he could reach.
"That's it," You murmured, watching a blush spread across his neck as you swiped your thumb across the head of his cock. "Fuck, you're so beautiful Art." You twisted your wrist as he whimpered, and bit your lip as his teeth grazed your skin. "You've been working so hard...You just need someone to take care of you a little, hmm?"
The water sloshed around your legs as Art's hips rolled up into your hand. You could feel his hot breath pushing against your neck, his tongue flickering out to catch a droplet of sweat sliding down your skin.
You were so hot, so slick as his skin shifted and almost seemed to stick against yours. His legs knocked against yours as he reached down, curling his fingers around your forearm. You watched his hips judder, his back arching as he spilled across his abs. You smiled, smearing it into his skin as he sagged back against you. His heart pounded beneath your joined hands, his thumb skating along yours.
"We should get out of the tub," He mumbled.
"Because we're going to get pruney and we're sitting in jizz water?"
Art laughed, tipping his head back to nip at your jaw.
"And because I'd like to return the favor."
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burntsaltsblog · 3 days
cruelty - billy butcher x reader
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details: butcher is being a real ass, so you decide to run away for a bit <3
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"Well, if ya' tried putting effort into any of these missions, then the rest of us wouldn't have to carry you around like dead weight."
Butcher's words hung in the air before piercing me. I met his gaze, waiting to see if he'd display even a tiny ounce of regret, but his face remained stoic, and his eyes bore into mine unapologetically.
No one said anything, and a tense silence encompassed the group. Everyone was waiting to see if I had a rebuttal to defend myself against Butcher's harsh accusation.
But I had nothing to say. For weeks, Butcher had been unusually nasty towards me, a complete switch from our old dynamic. Instead of his praise that I'd grown used to, he'd hurl nothing but criticism and bitter insults my way. And what made it worse was that he was charming to everyone else. Well, as charming as Butcher was capable of being.
The whole situation was disheartening and confusing because he and I used to be quite close. Yes, we had a significant age gap between us. But those years didn't hinder our ability to connect over our love of bizarre humor and sarcasm.
The rest of the boys assumed that we had had some misunderstanding or disagreement, but nothing of the sort had transpired. I had tried approaching Butcher to coax the reasoning for his cruelty out of him, but he brushed me off, refusing to give me the time of day.
But today was the last straw. I refused to linger any longer in an environment where I wasn't wanted or appreciated. Wordlessly and full of resolve, I turned on my heel and headed for the comfort of my room.
"Kid, wait," MM called, trying to fix the situation, but it was useless. I slammed my bedroom door behind me and slowly sank to the floor.
I didn't bother stopping my tears as they shamefully slid down my face. Through my blurred vision, I pulled out my phone and composed a text to an old friend.  
Hey, do you still need help this weekend?
I used to be a drug dealer and ran in various questionable circles to support myself before I joined The Boys. But I still had friends from my former life that I kept in touch with, and every once in a while, I'd dip my toe back into the drug scene when they needed help with an extra burdensome deal. And right now, I was desperate for any excuse to get out of here.
Have you changed your mind about joining?
Yeah, I have. It's an out-of-town one, right?
Yup. We'll be gone for at least three days, so pack a bag. And you can crash here tonight because we have to head out early in the morning.
Grateful for the impromptu getaway, I packed my small duffle bag with my spare pair of black jeans, sweaters since it was getting cold outside, and other essentials like face wash and my phone charger.
Considering it was just past midnight, I didn't have to wait long before I heard the guys mumble goodnight to each other from the other side of my door before they all retreated to their respective rooms.
I waited five minutes to be safe before opening my door and peering out. The common room in our bunker under the pawn shop was empty, and I took it as an opportunity to sneak out. I tiptoed up the old wooden stairs and breathed a sigh of relief after bolting through the old store and out the door, letting the chilly New York air blow across my face.
The walk to Alex's apartment was short because I was already close to that side of town. And I arrived soon enough with my duffle bag in tow.
"You look like shit," Alex said, opening their apartment door and quickly letting me in.
"Well, hello to you too."
Alex snorted as they pulled me in for a hug before directing me towards the couch I would be sleeping on that night.
"Don't let the bed bugs bite!" They called, heading into their room to rest for the night.
I dumped my bag on the floor and fell onto the couch. It squeaked loudly in protest, and I felt several springs dig into my spine. But I wasn't complaining. Anything was better than sharing a wall with Butcher, knowing the hate he now carried for me. Besides, he snored terribly loud, which the entire group complained about daily.
After some extensive tossing and turning, I fell into a fitful sleep.
"Rise and shine, motherfucker!" Alex yelled.
I jerked awake before immediately falling onto the floor. The decades-old carpet did little to cushion the blow, and I groaned loudly as my head throbbed in protest.
I peered up at Alex from my place on the floor and saw them holding two coffee cups. "Want some?"
"Yes, please." I rose gingery before sitting back on the sofa and accepting one of the steaming mugs. I took a small sip and nodded thanks to my friend.
"We need to get on the road in twenty minutes because our first client expects us to arrive at eight tonight. And I don’t want to be late so we can make a good first impression."
"I think the eighteen pounds of coke you're selling them should help win their approval," I said, taking an enormous gulp of the caffeinated beverage.
"Speaking of coke, I need you to help load it into the car. Come on."
"You gonna answer that?" Alex asked from the driver's seat on our way to Bardstown, Kentucky.
"No. It's probably just spam."
Alex glanced from the road ahead to give me a knowing look. "I don't think any spam caller would ever waste their time calling the same person two hundred times."
"It's not my fault they're dedicated to their job," I mumbled.
My friend chuckled, shaking their head.
I rolled my eyes and finally peered at my phone after ignoring its constant ringing for six hours. Hughie had texted me a wapping eighty-seven times and called me fifty-one times, which wasn't surprising because he did tend to be a phone stalker. I scrolled through his messages, landing on the most recent one sent three minutes ago.
Look, I get that you're pissed at Butcher, and that's probably why you left. But please let us know that you're safe. We're freaking out over here.
I sighed heavily before I forced my fingers to type out a response.
I'm fine. I'm out of town helping a friend. Sorry to worry you. I'll be back on Monday.
I pondered over the words before deciding to go ahead and send it. It was a little colder and more direct than how I usually communicated, especially to Hughie. But I knew he'd understand.
Hughie's reply came within seconds. But before I could read it, the notification of an incoming call covered my screen. A lump formed in my throat when I saw Butcher's name flashing in front of my eyes. My thumb hovered over the 'accept' button before I shook my head and hurriedly declined the call. I am sure he only called to yell at me for disappearing, and I wasn't in the mood to be reprimanded by him.
"I can drive the rest of the way," I offered, returning my focus to Alex.
"No thanks, I'm good," They responded like I knew they would. Alex was very particular about driving and refused to get into an operating motor vehicle unless they were the one behind the wheel. I respected that, but it still felt like the right thing to do was offer so it didn't look like I was putting the burden of transportation on them.
My phone vibrated, notifying me that I'd received another text, and I reluctantly viewed the message.
I know you ignored my call.
Ok? And the sky is also blue. I'm so glad he's able to notice the obvious. At least there's nothing wrong with him in that department.
Just as I decided to ignore his text, his name lit up on my phone again, signaling another incoming call. I slumped in my seat, and groaned under my breath. Again, my finger pushed the red icon, sending him straight to voicemail. Not even a second later, Butcher began to call for the third time.
"You know," said Alex, "If you answered the phone, they might stop calling."
"I'd answer if it was anyone else. I refuse to talk to this particular person."
"Alright, have it your way," they muttered, changing lanes.
We fell quiet, and the only sound was my phone as it buzzed with a final text.
Please come back.
"I'd say that was pretty successful," I declared as we pulled into our Kentucky motel the next day. We had just finished our final deal, and while it was a little tedious, Alex's client ended up being happy overall with their purchase and promised they'd do business again.
"Yeah, thank God," Alex replied, cutting the engine after pulling into a parking spot. "I'm just grateful you were there. I think your presence was a great influence. You're still a legend in the drug community," they smirked.
I laughed lightly. "I'm happy to help anytime."
"Watch out because I will hold you to that promise."
We piled out of the car, and I waited out front while Alex headed in to get the key to our room. It was just past one in the morning, and I glanced over my shoulder, staying on high alert.
Alex exited the front entrance and dangled a key triumphantly. After entering our room, we each fell onto a twin-sized bed, and I watched as Alex almost instantly fell asleep.
I curled up on the wrinkled comforter for a few minutes before sitting up and rummaging through my bag for my phone; it had died a couple of hours ago, and now was my first opportunity to charge it.
I had received a text from Hughie asking if I was ok, to which I replied that I was, and I hadn't heard from Butcher since I'd blocked him last night when he proceeded to call me every thirty seconds, disrupting my sleep.
With nothing else to do, I slipped my jeans off, stashed my handheld in the bedside drawer, rolled under the covers, and attempted to sleep.
"That was fun. We should do it again sometime," Alex said as they pulled up to the pawn shop.
I nodded my head. "Yeah, it felt like old times."
We hugged before I got out of the car and looked up at the one building I wanted to avoid more than anything. Three days wasn't long enough, and I genuinely considered asking Alex if they wanted a roommate. But their jeep was already speeding down the road, so I had no choice but to enter the pawn shop and descend the familiar steps.
"You're back!" yelped Hughie as he rushed forward and wrapped his arms around me. I stumbled back before gaining my balance and returning the hug. "Yeah," I replied lamely.
I nodded to Frenchie and MM before they both turned to Hughie. "You ready?" MM asked, and Hughie replied that he was.
"D'accord, let's go," Frenchie said, and the three of them passed me as they headed upstairs and out of the pawn shop, leaving me alone with Butcher, who stood by the couch.
I ignored his question and headed for the solitude of my room.
"Oi, I'm fuckin' talking to you." Butcher barked, and I heard his boots stomp in my direction. He wrapped a large hand around my arm, spinning me around. "Don't ever fuckin' do that again, ya' hear? You 'bout did me fuckin' head in, running off like that."
Butcher's face was inches from mine, and his warm breath fanned out across my cheeks and neck, causing goosebumps to flare. "I guess you forgot that I can take care of myself," I muttered bitterly as I wrenched my arm from his grasp and pushed the door open to my bedroom. Much to my dismay, Butcher followed me in.
"What's with the fuckin' attitude?" he demanded, crossing his arms. "You're acting like a right twat."
I whirled around as I threw my bag onto the floor, my nostrils flaring. "Oh, so you're allowed to have an attitude, but I'm not?" I glared daggers at him. "Get out."
"No. We're gonna talk," Butcher pressed, standing his ground.
"I don't want to talk to you."
"Well, too fuckin' bad, sweetheart. I ain’t leaving until you tell me what kind of stick is up your bum and why the bloody hell you fucked off for three days without telling anyone."
"It's a free country, and I'm allowed to go where I please," I shot back. "Besides, I figured I'd give you all a break from carrying my dead weight around. I hear it can be quite tiring."
Butcher's mouth opened before he closed it, taking a beat before speaking, "S’that’s what this is about, eh? The fact that I called you dead weight the other night? No offense, love. But if a comment like that was enough to drive ya' out of town, you've gotten too sensitive."
"It wasn't just that one comment, William. It's the fact that you've been terrible to me for weeks now, and the shittiest part of it all is that I have no idea what I've done to deserve it!" I exclaimed, panting slightly as my shoulders rose and fell. Butcher raised a brow, and I scoffed, flopping on the bed. "Forget it. Now, would you mind kindly fucking off and leaving me alone?"
I turned away, and Bucther sighed quietly. A couple of seconds passed before the bed dipped behind me.
"M'sorry, alright?" he said quietly.
"Whatever, I don't even care anymore," I muttered, picking at the skin on the side of my nail.
"Yes, ya’ do."
My stomach flipped as Butcher carefully reached up and brushed the hair off my shoulder. "I didn't realize I was hurting ya' so much. I thought I was doing what was best."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, turning back to face him. A calloused finger traced my cheek before his hand fell limply in his lap. Even though Butcher never slept more than a couple of hours a night, this was the first time I'd seen him look truly tired.
"I needed to push you away, and I figured a bit of tough love would do the trick." Butcher's hazel eyes met mine. "I realize I may've gone a bit too far."
"But why would you want to push me away? I thought we worked well together." My voice grew softer. "I thought you liked me."
"Oh, love, my feelings for you go way beyond like."
My thoughts became jumbled as I tried to comprehend what Butcher was saying, and I struggled to form a response, but it all ceased when he cupped my face in his hand. I instinctually leaned into his touch, and my eyes drooped, feeling serenity from the simple contact.
"M'sorry. M'so fucking sorry," Butcher apologized again. But this time, I saw emotion in his eyes. "You're the most precious thing in my life, and the last thing I would ever want to do is hurt ya'."
His lips gently grazed my forehead, placing a soft kiss there before continuing. “I'm no good for ya', doll. God only knows I'd fuck up an angel like you. In me own messed up head, pushing you away was the only way I could protect ya'."
"That's not true," I whispered, shaking my head, but Butcher didn't look convinced. "And even if it were true, I wouldn't care because I'm no saint either."
It was quiet between us, and our breaths were the only thing filling the small space. My gaze roamed Butcher's face before it fell on his lips, and I swallowed audibly.
"I want you, Billy."
Butcher looked torn. There was a deep crease between his brows, and his breathing grew quick as the seconds ticked by.
"I'll ruin you." His voice was rough, full of gravel.
"I'm already ruined."
Butcher's resolve began to fray before it split wide open, and his lips crashed into mine.
ღ∞∞∞∞❦∞∞∞∞ღ ღ∞∞∞∞❦∞∞∞∞ღ
not my best work, but i hope you enjoyed it!
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biscuitsandwires · 2 days
In which Danny wakes up in a weird place.... again. (pt. 3)
(pt 1 here) | (pt 2 here)
The first thing that really gets Danny interested, and keeps him from just taking off through the nearest convenient wall, is that the guy's eyes are the same vibrant shade of green as his own.
Which is a halfa thing, right. It only really shows up whenever one halfa is in the presence of another halfa, and it really really only happens when they're more ghost than human.
Right now, in his intangible form, Danny's eyes are bright green. This guy's eyes are also green. But Danny gets the feeling that the tough guy with the red leather jacket doesn't actually know his eyes have turned brighter than a snapped up glo-stick, so he decides to take the easier, more pacifying route.
"I'm Danny!"
Well. Based on the unamused look on the guy's face, that was maybe playing a little too dumb. The guy asked what he was doing here, not his name. Duh, Danny.
"Alright, Danny. Why are you here? How did you even get in here?"
Gingerly floating a little closer to the floor (and taking note of the way the guy's hands twitch at his sides, the uneven bulges of cloth around his top of his belt meaning he could have anything hidden beneath that jacket), Danny shrugged.
"I just kinda... found it. Did you know there's a really really big cavern system underneath Gotham? I sure didn't!"
The guy's eyes squint, that green turning venomous. Danny started looking for potential exits, because while this halfa likely didn't even realize he was a halfa, he felt dangerous. Unpredictable. Danny didn't like unpredictable.
"Alright kid, I'll ask you one more time, okay? Then I'm gonna do something we both ain't gonna like. Why are you here?"
The "kid" ruffled Danny a little. Sure, he'd just turned 18 earlier that year, and sure he was just finishing up high school next month, and sure he didn't feel like as much of a man as he was told he looked, but hey!
"I don't really know how to explain it. I woke up in a mansion, the old guy told me a "Damian" took me there, and I ended up here. Other than that, I got nothing. Nada. Zilch."
The guy's face pinched, eyes closing and hands coming up to rub his temples like he'd suddenly gotten the world's worst headache.
"Damian... what the fuck."
"Well I wasn't going to leave him to die, Todd."
Both Danny and red leather jacket guy whipped around, finding a guy that was about two inches shorter than Danny, but looked about the same age. He stood in a brightly lit doorway that hadn't been there a moment ago, and Danny saw way as the guy walked forward and a sliding piece of wall came down to replace it.
"You're gonna get in so much trouble, you little asshole." 'Todd' snarked. "I'm stayin' out of it, you can deal with Bruce all on your own on this one."
Damian, or at least Danny was assuming this was Damian, just scoffed. "I am not worried about Father. Run along, go back to your Call of Duty or what the fuck ever. I need to speak with Danny."
'Todd' gave a lazy salute that turned into a middle finger, before turning and wandering off. Where to, Danny had no idea.
"You can come down now, Fenton."
His head whipping around, not for the first time today, Danny felt something like an eerie disquiet come over him as Damian stared at him with dark eyes.
"We need to talk."
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alwayscorvus · 3 days
Waking up from nightmares - Wuthering Waves Characters
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Waking up from nightmares - WuWa Characters
malereader x Jiyan/Calcharo/Mortefi/Yuanwu/YangYang/Baizhi (separated), fluff, scenarios;
mxm or mxg;
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You saw it again. Your partner slipping away, on the ground, in your arms. Just because you arrived too late to rescue him.
You couldn't get over it. Your heart started beating like crazy. Tears came to your eyes. And seconds later you woke up. With a headache that was killing you.
You growled angrily at yourself. Again you let yourself be swept away by those awful illusions.
You looked around, but in the darkness you couldn't see what you were looking for. Nor could you sense it. Unsatisfied, you moved closer to other side of a bed. Fortunately, this helped you reach your partner.
You hugged him gently around his waist and he instinctively woke up by that.
When it came to him that you were not an assassin, only his fiancé, he just murmured questioningly.
-I'm sorry - you replied with slight guilt - Bad dream
-I didn't know that boys your age still have nightmares - he said teasingly.
At which you pinched him with a scowling face.
-Oi oi I was just joking - he assured while snorting lightly, really amused by your behavior.
-This old jokes are not really funny
-Maybe for you - he replied trying to light the mood.
After a while, however, he turned towards you and returned the hug.
-Are you all right? - he asked this time with clear concern in his voice.
-Yes, because I am here with you now
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At first second you were running through the middle of a battle, escaping from monsters.
And at the next one you were snatching your upper body from a bedsheets scattered all over your tent.
Your eyes were wide open and your mouth gaped.
You don't know how long it took. Seconds, minutes or maybe more.
Eventually, however, you came back to reality. You calmed your breathing and looked around, recalling where you actually were. Still at least a couple of kilometers away from a battlefield.
You threw something over your uncovered shoulders and blindly walked out of a tent.
A small campfire and glow of stars allowed you to see more than just a tip of your own nose. You were deeply grateful for that.
A few steps away, just under a large tree, Jiyan seated himself. As you thought, he had taken over the watch over this part of a camp.
Even though it should be done by someone lower in rank, Jiyan still felt this strange sense of responsibility inside him. A need to be sure that all his comrades were safe.
You used to try to talk him out of it, but over time you got used to it. And at this exact moment you needed something other than an argument.
With a sleepy steps you walked through the separating distance and took place right next to him.
Beaten, you rested your head on his shoulder and closed your tired eyes.
-Bad dream? -he asked just for affirmation.
And you murmured with a nod, snuggling your head more into his body. Trying to find a perfect position and insisting on getting those few more precious minutes of sleep.
Jiyan understood well what you were facing. He himself had experienced it many times. Nightmares only escalated the more you approached your next battle. Memories kept coming back and phantoms of your lost comrades haunted you after nights.
Yet he also knew that there was no way to deal with it.
So he took your hand in his and began to knead it gently. He didn't want to express his feelings too much in public, but at the same time he wanted to reassure you about his presence. Hoping that his support would allow you to relax and drift off. While he kept protecting you both.
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-[M/N]! [M/N]! -irritated Mortefi slapped your arm several times. Stubbornly trying to get out of your embrace. He didn't know about what terrible thing you were dreaming, but whatever it was, it made you squeeze him with an unhuman strength. Almost crushing his fragile body.
Your heart beat faster.
Suddenly you opened your eyes. Your grip only tightening.
-Mortefi? -you asked hesitantly. Wanting to make sure of his nearness.
-It won't be for long, if some fool doesn't stop suffocating me! - Mortefi hissed with a fake anger in his voice.
And without warning, he flashed with colors of his scales. Thanks for that, even in the darkness, you could see his sulky face for a split second.
-Oh… sorry.
Still not fully awake, though rather sad, you loosened your grip. Mortefi immediately crawled out of your arms and moved to a sitting position.
However, hearing your voice, his heart melted. Real Mortefi instantly returned.
-Can- can I do something for you? -he asked unsurely, angry at himself over how he had jumped on you.
For a moment, he just really felt close to getting broken ribs.
-Oh, no baby no -you assured- Nothing really, don't worry -you suddenly raised yourself on your elbows- Are you alright? Did I hurt you?
Mortefi rapidly shook his head. However, he quickly remembered that with the light off you couldn't see it.
Not wanting to bring up the subject again, he reached out his hands in your direction.
At first contact, his fingers gently brushed your neck. Slowly he moved his hands higher. Stopping on your cheeks. He squeezed them tighter, pulling your head in his direction and laying it on his stomach.
-Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you - you asked slightly heartbroken. At that, Mortefi could almost picture you with imaginary flopped ears.
-Then I'll wake you up again- he assured, quite embarrassed.
-What did you dream about? - he changed the topic.
You just frowned and mumbled, not really wanting to return to that.
-Do you want me to sing for you? - he bit his lip unsurely, recalling situations from the past.
You rapidly nodded your head, and Mortefi laughed lightly at the sensation of your tickling hair.
He grabbed your strands and began to gently play with them. Massaging your head in the process. After a long moment, he began humming a lullaby from his childhood.
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You jumped off the bed with a silent scream. Looking straight ahead, you were inhaling air with a greedy gasps. While thick drops of sweat ran down your face, chest was dropping and rising like crazy.
You involuntarily slid your hand out to your right side, in search of help. Instead of the expected warmth of your partner's body, you appeared to come into a contact with the cooling bedsheets.
You rushed with your eyes to the other half of a bed.
Calcharo was nowhere to be seen.
Though still in shock, you made your way to the hallway.
A dim light came from a small kitchen, so you followed its path.
When you crossed a doorway of room, your partner came into a view.
Calcharo was standing backwards. In his hand he was holding a cup with an unidentified drink.
-Care to join me?
He turned towards you. As if completely unfazed by your presence. Even though it happened to you for the first time.
Still hot and overwhelmed with emotion, you looked at him more closely. Despite your distraction, you couldn't help but notice a slightly torn white T-shirt. Signs of overclocking.
-What-… what's that? - you asked hesitantly while slowly stabilizing your breathing.
Man spun around once again. Though this time sideways, to the close stove. He pulled a new cup from a cabinet and turned his attention to a pot from which steam was still floating.
He moved as smoothly as if things that he had just experienced were completely normal for him.
-One of my clients said that hot milk helps. Not that I believe him. But we are wasted anyway.
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You were awakened from your nightmare by a gentle shaking. You gritted your teeth and squeezed your eyelids tighter. Trying to banish a sight of fallen comrades from your mind.
-[M/N]? -someone squeezed your shoulder harder.
You pulled yourself up on a bed. Sliding your hand out of a pair of delicate palms. You opened your eyes blinking several times. You could feel something wet slide off your forehead. A cold compress.
-You started to sweat a lot and tremble as well - someone explained monotonously and quietly.
You turned towards direction of that voice. Sight of your girlfriend came into a view. Light of a candle placed on your bedside table was falling on her body dressed-up in your white shirt.
Baizhi looked like she hadn't slept for a fairly long time.
-At first I wasn't sure if it was a nightmare or an illness. But after a long analysis, I came to the conclusion that it was just a bad dream.
You looked at her confused and at the same time slightly offended.
Baizhi looked down at her hands, avoiding eye contact. She bit her cheek gently.
You were already about to say something when she got up from her knees and, almost jumping off the bed, ran to the cabinet.
-Herbal tea made with flowers from Taoyuan Vale. It is supposed to help with sleep - she straightened her hands, moving cup closer to you. By doing so, she bowed in traditional way, with expectation of you accepting her gift.
Drink definitely left a bitter aftertaste, but at the same time it strangely calmed you down.
-Thank you, Baizhi - you replied with genuine gratitude. Corners of her mouth gently lifted upward. Not to mention a slight blush on her cheeks.
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Frightened, you rose quickly from a bed. Panting heavily. In your head you still saw that chase. Or rather, an escape. In this dream, you were the prey.
You quickly pulled yourself together. You wanted to go right back to sleep, just to avoid waking up your girlfriend.
However, when you were about to rest your back against the mattress once again, something prevented you from doing so. And it wasn't that suspiciously lit bedside lamp. Something was stubbornly squeezing your hand.
You looked to the side. Your girlfriend was kneeling by your bed. Waves of her black hair splashed across your duvet, right next to your body.
-Yangyang? -you asked softly. Girl, however, didn't respond.
You dipped your free hand into her hair and gently stroked her strands. Trying not to get tangled in them, and in the same time awaken your partner. Slowly you repeated her name louder and louder until she finally woke up.
She immediately got off the floor and threw herself around your neck, squeezing as hard as she could.
-I was so scared! -she spoke in a shaky voice- I tried so hard to wake you up, but- but I couldn't! And you-. you just…-
Words caught in her throat, she couldn't finish. She began to swallow air and tears greedily.
Worried, you squeezed her torso, pushing her back by a short distance.
-Hey, babe. I'm completely fine, you have nothing to worry about -you assured, stroking her cheek in a calming manner.
You quickly forgot about your nightmare when all your attention got preoccupied with taking care of one tiny soul.
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lyrefromthesea · 2 days
Male pillars x reader - bringing them their favourite food.
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author's note: due to a comment I've received on an earlier post, i'll not write for Muichiro anymore. i've stated before that i do not write sexual content for minors, nor do i engage in writing romantic relationships including them. everything i've written for him was seen as a platonic relationship between him and the reader. since my statement fell in deaf ears, i've decided to leave him out completely. i do not feel comfortable mentioning him in my posts anymore, my deepest apologies.
request: how would the pillars react to receiving their favourite food from you?
pairing: Tengen x reader, Obanai x reader, Rengoku x reader, Sanemi x reader, Giyuu x reader, Gyomei x reader
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you were standing in the kitchen, whistling to yourself. today had been good so you decided to make your husband a little treat.
the market had been rather full, but you walked through the crowd and bought the ingredients you needed for his favourite dish.
seaweed. rice. and already prepared fugu. it had taken quite some time to find it, but you did it nonetheless.
standing in the kitchen, you had already made a plate of fugu sushi. at least that's what you thought. when you turned around to place another piece on the plate, it looked like there was one missing. have you forgotten one?
placing your finished piece on the plate, you turned around to make more. finally, you would be finished-
and another one was gone.
"Tengen! stop stealing the fugu sushi!" you scolded, not surprised when you heard quiet footsteps behind you. he wasn't a shinobi for nothing.
"sorry, darling. you looked so flamboyant, i didn't want to interrupt you!" he answered, wrapping muscular arms around you. a laugh escaped you, feeling him place his chin on the top of your hair.
"have i ever told you that you're the best?" he teased, finally freeing you from his embrace.
"i already know, that's why we're married."
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you placed a bowl of tororo konbu right in front of him, telling him that you tried your best. naturally, he thanked you, but he didn't dive in like you would've expected him to do.
"what's wrong?" you asked, wondering if you had messed up the dish. it was your first time making it, perhaps you had missed a step or overcooked something.
"i.. could you maybe..?" Obanai asked, he appeared much more timid than usual. you tried understanding what was wrong.
seeing his finger brush against his mask, you understood, he still felt insecure about his face. you hadn't been in a relationship for long, he probably needed time to get used to this. "of course."
"just know that i would never judge you for what i see." you added, placing a kiss on his temple. truthfully, you were saddened about his request, but you wanted to give him the time he needed.
Obanai, on the other hand, was touched by your words. his meal long forgotten, he stood up, taking your hands in his.
"we should marry."
you looked at him, first shocked, and then you started laughing. perhaps he overreacted just a bit, but who could blame him?
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sweet potatoes. so many sweet potatoes.
when you've told Rengoku you could cook his favourite dish in the near future, he had been incredibely happy about it.
he came back with a load of sweet potatoes the next day, his whole head nearly dissapearing behind the amounts of the root vegetable he had bought.
now, another day later, you put miso soup and sweet potatoes for two on the table, smiling at your enthusiastic husband. he had offered to help you the whole time, which eventually led you to ban him from the kitchen.
he nearly devoured the dish as soon as you were sat on the opposite side of the table. it made you chuckle, seeing him swallow the huge bite he took down.
"you've outdone yourself, i'm glad i brought some sweet potatoes home!" he brightly smiled, earning another laugh from you. some sweet potatoes?
"Kyojuro, you brought a ton of them home." you countered, pointing at the rest of the potatoes you've put on the counter for now. "that will probably be enough for a month worth of miso soup with sweet potatoes!"
"sounds good, don't you think?"
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Sanemi plopped down on the engawa, letting out a heavy sigh. training had been rather hard, but he needed to stay fit. nevertheless, his muscles ached and he could really take a break.
he debated over going inside, he trained enough. a shower wouldn't hurt, he was sweating, dampened hair was sticking to his forehead. the man sighed, standing up to finally move inside.
however, when he saw you standing right behind him, he froze. you were looking up at him with wide eyes, as if you tried surpising him. he looked down at your hands - you were holding something - only now realizing that he had been right. you did try to surpise him.
he looked at the plate in your hands, it was filled with ohagi. his favourite food. his eyes moved back to your face, watching you tilt your head.
"it's for you." you told him, tilting your head to the side. "let's go inside, you've trained enough." you smiled, nodding towards the door. he nodded, following you into the kitchen. you placed the ohagi down on the counter, watching him slowly take one.
"you didn't have to." he said, already having bitten into the one in his hand. you chuckled at his words, he had nearly eaten the ohagi with one bite, yet he claimed he didn't need any.
"i needed a reason to get you away from training." you admitted, a sly smile on your face. but both of you knew he would've listened to you no matter what.
"i would've stopped anyways." he answered, placing the ohagi he had picked up to the side. he came closer, watching your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"what? why?" you asked, not questioning why he came closer. in a matter of seconds, you were in his arms, your eyes squeezing shut in disbelief.
"i wanted to shower." he smirked, basically squishing his sweaty body against yours. you let out a whine, trying to free yourself from his hug, but only managing to do so when he let go.
"great, now i can shower too!" you scolded, seeing him laugh to himself. he walked towards the bathroom, seemingly wanting to wash himself.
"let's eat the ohagi after you're finished."
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Giyuu didn't know what he had expected when he came home today, but he certainly didn't think it would be the smell of freshly cooked food.
no, scrap that. he was often greeted by the nice smell of a promising meal. this was different. it wasn't just any meal.
"welcome home, Giyuu." you greeted, watching him step into the kitchen. you looked content, already knowing that you would make him happy.
"are you hungry? i prepared something for you." you smiled, seeing him nod slowly. when you moved away from the table, his gaze wandered towards the bowls full of food.
your gaze was fixed on him, wanting to catch his reaction. he wasn't the type to voice his happiness, but you certainly caught the way he looked at the salmon daikon you made.
the lightest twitch of his eyebrows and the way his eyes narrowed showed his interest. he stared at the food for a moment, the quiet grumble of his stomach revealing how hungry he truly was.
but he didn't immediately start eating. instead he looked back at you, his gaze softening.
"i've got you this" he muttered, extending his hand towards you. you stared in awe, a small bag of your favourite sweets being placed in your hands.
"let's eat them for dessert, Giyuu."
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when you brought home the ingredients for takikomi gohan. you have wanted to surprise Gyomei with his favourite dish.
you stood in the kitchen, cutting the vegetables into small pieces, as you hummed to yourself. Gyomei should've been home in an hour, at least that's what you've thought.
"i'm home." you heard his deep voice call from the hallway. your head snapped up, looking at the ingredients and then towards the door. you wouldn't have enough time to put everything away. before you even had the chance to react, he already came through the door.
"..are those?" he stopped in the doorway, his head turning towards you. you knew he was blind, but his ability to detect your exact location surpised you ever so often.
the smell of his favourite food hung in the air, almost as if the world had wanted to ruin your surprise.
"i wanted to surprise you." you admitted, lowering your head. you knew he wouldn't be disappointed, but you've planned this since last week. he must've sensed your sadness, walking towards you and putting his hand over yours.
"i can help you, let's cook together." he offered, carefully taking the knife out of your hand. truthfully, you nearly objected, not wanting him to hurt himself, however, you nearly chuckled thinking of the large weapon he was wielding.
"let's call it a cooking date then." you smiled, opening the drawer to get a second knife.
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justauthoring · 2 days
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dabi doesn't understand love, but that's okay, because he's never understood you either.
a/n -> i honestly don't know what this is but i wanted to write and i am NOT ready for next weeks mha episode so... here you go ;)
pairing -> touya "dabi" todoroki x f!reader
tw. -> mild spoilers? not really, but just incase. implied abuse.
you were a enigma to him.
he couldn't completely understand you in the way that he couldn't really understand most humans nowadays, but it was a little different with you. in small, miniscule ways that often happened beyond his comprehenson.
because you were kind and you were bright and you twinkled in a way that took his breath away and made his heart beat in a way he thought it no longer could. you were gentle, fingers brushing against his burnt and ruined skin and yet it felt like he could feel your soothing touches. and you smiled at him with that big warm smile and doe eyes and dabi just didn't understand one damn thing about it.
about you.
why you were here. why you were a villain. why what had happened to you had.
but most of all, he didn't understand why you chose him.
the first day dabi sees you is the day you joined the league of villains.
shigaraki introduces you as a new member, gesturing to you as all eyes, including his own, fall on you. it strikes him as odd, instantly, the way you smile at everyone. it's just so... un-villain like, as silly as that sounds.
because your smile isn't twisted nor is it guarded. you're not smiling for the sake of smiling but because you genuinely mean them.
stood in the back of the room like he always is, dabi watches you. watches as you introduce yourself to those who bother to ask, the way you laugh as toga comes bouncing up to you. you smile and laugh and talk and it's all so... normal.
dabi hates it.
most of all, he hates the way he can't look away.
"you're bleeding."
the next time dabi sees you, it's just the two of you.
"tch," dabi spits, meeting your eyes across the room. "where?"
you raies your hand and press it to your cheek. "there."
sure enough, dabi presses the pad of his finger against his burnt skin, feels the metal of the staples holding it all together and pulls back to see blood. it doesn't hurt, it's why he doesn't notice it — he doesn't really feel pain like that anymore.
his heart though?
his heart aches.
you don't say anything as dabi wipes it away, but he can feel your eyes on him.
"you need something else?"
the words are sharp, cruel, bordering on yelling.
and you don't flinch. your eyes don't widen. you don't get angry, either. really, you do nothing. you blink, and then shake your head. "no," and then, you turn and walk out the room.
dabi watches you, frowning.
it occurs to dabi he doesn't even know what your quirk is.
at least, not until now.
and for the first time in a long time, dabi watches someone use their quirk and thinks... you look beautiful. it's a confusing thought. dabi isn't even sure he understands the meaning of the word — not anymore.
not after what he's become.
and yet, he thinks it.
because you look graceful. and happy. and at peace. and despite your smiles earlier, those genuine, warm smiles, dabi thinks this is the first time he's seen you so at peace.
dabi thinks it's amazing a quirk make someone feel that way.
he walks in and you're standing in front of him naked.
dabi pauses, halting, and for a minute the two of you are just standing there. you're pressed against the sink, body twisted as you'd been trying to look at your back, but your motions stopped the second dabi came barging in and instead, you're just staring at him, wide eyed.
for the first time, you look afraid.
eyes lowering, dabi's eyes dance across the scars on your back. they're muted to the colour of your skin but they're there — bumpy and ridged and permanent. long, deep gashes across the entirety of your back; everywhere.
then, dabi meets your fearful eyes.
your lips part like you want to say something, but you continue to just tremble in front of him.
dabi doesn't know what to say. if it was anyone else, he would've just left. dabi long since stopped caring for the people he crossed paths with because that part of him was gone and yet since he's met you, you've changed that without evening knowing. he's spoken no more than a few words to you and yet, his eyes always find you in a room and his heart races at the sight of you.
his dead, still beating heart.
if it wasn't you, he wouldn't care. so what you had scars that looked like whipping marks? so what you looked so afraid?
dabi wouldn't care. he shouldn't.
yet, oddly, inexplicately, he does.
"do they hurt?"
he's not sure why he asks it. the words just leave his lips.
"no," you answer, finally gaining the courage. but you hesitate, face faltering; "at least, not... physically...—"
and you don't need to finish, because dabi understands. he doesn't feel the pain of his burnt, ruined skin nor does he feel it when he pulls the staples and makes himself bleed. but it still hurts.
strangely, you smile at that too.
in some weird twist of fate, something changes between the two of you after that.
it's unspoken. neither of you really still say all that much to each other, but your actions are different. softer. gentle.
you don't tell him when he's bleeding anymore, instead, you wipe the blood away for him. when you wake screaming from nightmares, dabi will come in your room and sit with you until you've calmed.
you tell him how you got your scars. tell him about your father and the things he did and the way you'd killed him the day before you joined the league of villains.
and dabi?
dabi tells you about endeavor. about who he is.
tells you about touya.
everything changes after that.
"i could die."
dabi's not sure why he says it. but the reality of it weighs on his mind and realistically, he knows it's a possibility. this was the cultimation of everything and dabi wasn't really sure if he'd come out alive on the other side of it.
dabi isn't really sure if he cares either.
"i know," you say after a moment, staring at him. "me too."
dabi blinks at you. "you scared?"
and you shrug, pressing your hand further against his chest. your fingers press into his skin, and then brush across his staples, and your eyes aren't on him anymore — not his eyes, at least. you eye him, in his completeness, and then, smile.
"no," you breathe. "this is what i've been waiting for."
dabi smiles at that, dark and twisted and not at all directed at you. "the battle to end it all, huh?" he muses, letting his eyes flicker up to the stained and ruined ceiling.
"i guess," you agree. "this is what you've been waiting for too, right?"
dabi turns back to you. "yeah."
your hand drifts, falling into the palm of his hand; you thread your fingers through his and squeeze. "i'll be sad about one thing, though."
dabi raises a brow; "yeah? what's that?"
"if we die, i won't get to see you anymore."
dabi blinks, shocked. he shifts, sitting up, and oddly finds himself touched by that; "you mean that?"
"yeah," you nod. "i mean, despite everything, i'm happy i found you."
it's sappy. it's sentimental. dabi should hate it. most of all, he should hate the way he relishes in the words. should hate the fact you say them and that he likes them.
and that he feels the same.
but he doesn't hate it.
dabi isn't sure if he loves you. he doesn't think he's capable of love, not anymore. but he knows he feels something for you, whatever that is, and in your own broken, twisted way, you've provided him with a sense of peace he hasn't felt in years.
so yeah, if dabi could feel happy, he'd say he's happy he found you too.
he squeezes your hand in return, soft and gentle and so unlike him and allows you to shift until you're leaning against his chest. slowly, you lean into him and dabi wraps his arm around your waist, and he allows himself this one moment of peace.
allows himself to hold you. allows himself to pretend that it was a different world and the two of you had found each other not broken and ruined as the result of your fathers but instead whole and happy and complete.
"yeah," he finds himself whispering, "me too."
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cher-rei · 3 days
hopelessly obliviously devoted to you [ T.A.A ]
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"but baby can't you see? I'm hopelessly devoted to you" [hopelessly devoted to you- olivia newton john]
pairings: trent alexander arnold x fem!reader
summary: when your best friend needs some moral support for her date, you don't hesitate to ask trent for some help. but something else sparks that evening instead
[wc: 2.8k]
genre(s): fluff, idiots in love, denial is a river in egypt
notes: call me capser with the way that I ghost.
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"I need your help."
you didn't look up from your phone and continued to aimlessly scroll, hoping that if you avoided eye contact with your friend mia, then she would leave you be.
however, she didn't leave and stood in front of you in your living room, her hands on her hips with a look that screamed "I know what you're doing and it's not going to work".
you could feel her glare boring into your forehead, but you tried your best to persist but you were weaker than you thought. a heavy groan left your lips and she smiled in victory but you knew what you were getting yourself into.
you looked up at her with pursed lips. "I'm not lying to anyone again, or pretending to be your doctor so that you can stay out of work, or--"
"woah, okay." mia waved her hands in front of her in urge for you to stop, a shameful blush flushing her cheeks at the list of things you'd "helped" her with before. your eyebrows raised as she promised that it was nothing of that kind, and that you barely had to do anything.
you nodded in intrigue and she continued with a hopeful smile. "I have a date on friday."
your stomach dropped. "with dean right?"
mia and dean had only been seeing each other for about a month now but it was going well, so you were hoping that she wasn't about to ask you to tell him that she died or something. but to your surprise she said that she liked him a lot, and intended to see where it lead her.
"and you need my help with this how?" you asked with a quirked eyebrow. mia then took a seat next to you and placed her hand on top of yours, a pleading look in her eyes as you mentally prepared yourself for her answer.
she gave your hand a tight squeeze. "we're going to the arcade and I'm really nervous because you know that's not really my scene. so I was wondering if you could tag along and just ease my mind a little?"
just as you were about to interject and refuse the invitation to third wheel the entire evening, mia pulled you back down with a look of utter desperation.
"you can bring trent or something since you two are like--" she made a gesture in the air with her hands. "--like whatever you two are."
if there was something that you hated talking about, then it was that you and trent had a thing for each other. which wasn't true at all! you'd known each other for a while now, about 4 years, and you admit that you were close but nothing special.
"literally everyone can see it except you two oblivious idiots," mia spewed, which took you by surprise. you were just about to agree to her idea of tagging along and she decided to be a little brat.
that's when you made your dash out of the living room, yours and mia's voices sounding over each other as one apologised and the other screamed to block them out.
"I can't hear you!! la la la!"
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you ended up going to the arcade.
trent didn't hesitate with his answer either, despite that he wasn't too fond of being around new people which surprised you. his excuse was that you hadn't gone to the arcade in a while anyway, so it would be doing you a favour.
when mia heard the news, she was ecstatic, to say the least, and rushed off to tell dean that you'd be tagging along. so now here you were, in your room, tidying up your outfit while waiting for trent to come and pick you up.
dean and mia left a while ago because they had dinner plans before the arcade, but you made it clear that you and trent would not be joining for the formal stuff.
yname added to their story
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it wasn't long before you heard your apartment door open, meaning that trent had arrived. a small smile tugged at your lips as you grabbed your bag from your bed and left to the lounge where he was, a look of surprise on his face.
"where are the cameras?" he asked suddenly and started looking around, lifting the pillows from the couch before looking back at you with a look of mock disbelief.
your eyebrows furrowed at his absurd question. "what are you talking about?"
he took out his phone and pointed towards the time on the screen. "you're actually ready on time for the first time in years."
your jaw clenched at his comment, a flush of red rushing to your cheeks as you threw your handbag at him. "shut up and get in the car. I can't believe I said yes to this."
a hum left his lips as he locked the door behind him, listening to you complain all the way to the car. you didn't notice it, but this was one of those moments where mia would sit back and watch the two of you in slight disappointment and hope.
she would sit in the back seat of the car and watch as trent's attention stayed on you whenever you spoke, a flicker of something lingering in his eyes and on his tongue. mia would notice the effortless gestures between the two of you, such as trent holding the car door open for you no matter the circumstance, the occasional buckle of your seat belt if your hands were full.
how you would mindlessly cling to his side or interlock your arm in his wherever you were. there were always the flirtatious comments that were thrown around but neither of you showed any reaction that wasn't irritation.
it was so obvious to her. so obvious that either of you would always think of each other first before anything or anyone else.
when you arrived at the mall, it was no later than 6 p.m but the mall was already packed with teenagers and family's who couldn't have waited until saturday to enjoy their lives. you took a deep breath and followed trent inside, banter firing back and forth as you tried to find mia and dean.
"we're in the food court and they're not here," you said exasperated and dialed mia's number so you could call her.
trent forced a smile, "well how about you try and look instead of standing in one spot."
that earned a glare from your side, and before you could argue back mia's voice sounded from behind you, to which you mouthed a proud "told you so".
just from the looks of it, mia could tell that this was going to be a long night.
after the introductions were over, the four of you leisurely made your way to the arcade on the 3rd floor of the mall. laughter and excitement boomed from inside and you couldn't help but be a bit giddier than you expected.
there was a skip in your step as you trailed in front of the others, commenting on how it's been forever since you'd been to an arcade— just as trent said. mia and dean walked hand in hand beside trent, who wasn't bothered with trying to hide his smile as he watched you.
you turned around to look at them. "you guys are walking like a bunch of old people hurry up."
dean chuckled at your quip while mia rolled her eyes instead. "I thought you said you didn't want to come to the arcade."
a dramatic gasp left trent's mouth. "she would never. arcades bring back so many memories for us."
a lump formed in your throat when he said that, your heartbeat speeding up at the memory of the incident less than a year ago. the two of you swore never to talk about it again, but you couldn't deny that ever since that evening something between you two shifted.
you were brought back from your daze by the gentle touch of trent's hand on the small of your back. "I'll promise to let you win this time though."
with that, he dragged you off to the token station, leaving behind a very confused dean and a fed-up mia. "I thought you said that they're not together?" dean muttered loud enough for his girlfriend to hear and she clicked her tongue.
"they're not."
40 minutes passed and you and trent were back at it again. it was two completely different sights for the people in the arcade. on one hand, dean and mia were at one claaw machine, giggling and gently guiding each other the best they could to successfully grab the plushy.
and then there was you and trent right beside them at the other claw machine. to say that you were screaming at each other would be an understatement, the both of you swearing that the other wasn't going to get it in, shoving each other at the side to take over.
"no, not that one!" you screamed as you watched trent move the claw with indescribable concentration to find the correct ninja turtle plushy. "mikey is the one with the orange mask!"
a stressed huff left trent's lips. "baby, I can get you a private meet-up with mbappe instead! it's practically the same thing!"
you didn't register the term of endearment at all and instead continued to whine about the plushy until he finally got it. 5 attempts later. but it was done and it was worth it to see you smile that beautifully.
you looked up at him and nudged his arm. "you see. that wasn't too difficult."
he shook his head in disagreement and took your hand into yours again to drag you over to the basketball machine. "you owe me for that later."
you brushed his comment off with a scoff, not thinking much of it.
the evening continued and you couldn't deny that it was the most fun you've had in a while. that and trent had become way more touchy than usual. were you complaining though? hell no.
the basketball machine was one thing but then you stumbled across the photo booth at the back of the arcade, which was surprisingly empty. you tried your best to walk past it as quickly as possible but he spotted it, and you knew what was coming.
a cheeky smile drew to his lips. "I'd like to cash in that favour now."
no. that was your answer, plain and simple. not after what happened last time you were in there. the memory alone was enough to have you feeling lightheaded.
the embarrassed look on your face didn't go unnoticed, and that made him chuckle a bit. it took you a bit of convincing and to no one's surprise, you found yourself on the right side of the photo booth with trent sitting beside you closing this curtain.
"talk about deja vu," he said jokingly which earned him a slap on the arm, out of embarrassment more than anything else.
nevertheless, you shook off your nerves and got on with it. it was just a few pictures, what's the worst that could happen?
the pictures started normally, just as playful and cute as you'd hoped and the photobooth was echoing with laughter and banter as usual, that was until you turned to look at trent only to realise just how close you were.
it went quiet for a moment, and before you knew it your lips were on his. now this was deja vu. he knew exactly what he was doing when he said that you should take these pictures and you weren't any smarter to say no.
the featherlight touch of his fingers beneath your shirt was the reason you pulled away. unlike your bashful expression, trent was smiling from ear to ear.
"okay, now that was on you," he said playfully and you groaned. "last year it was me, I admit that, but this time you kissed me."
your words were lodged in your throat and you found yourself unable to speak, or move, or anything really. the heat that was on your cheeks spread throughout your entire body and all you wanted to do was hide in a hole.
after a moment of recollection, you were met with a look of anticipation from trent who was waiting for you to say something. you sighed and nodded your head, "yeah, this one was on me."
"yes!" he clapped in victory and took the two photo strips, and took the one where you were kissing for himself.
before you could interject, his lips met your again for a peck. "I'm glad the feeling is mutual. let's hurry back to my house, I need to explore these new found feelings of ours with a little more space than a photobooth."
hopeless. you were utterly hopeless as you found yourself trying to suppress your smile, and the sound of mia saying, "oblivious is in understatement."
yname added to their story
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khaylin27 · 1 day
But Daddy I Love Him
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pairing: fernando alonso x stroll reader; lance stroll x sister reader
series: the tortured poets department
synopsis: y/n stroll rebels against her controlling family and falls in love with a certain spaniard.
warnings: some cuss words; toxic family; age gap 42 and 25
author's note: I included some characters from my other fics from this series, Y/N Piastri-Norris and Y/N Wolff. Hope y'all like it!
I forget how the West was won I forget if this was ever fun I just learned these people only raise you to cage you
It was fun traveling around the world with your dad and brother. Your father had raised you and your brother in F1. But once Lance got his big shot in F1, you noticed that your father only raised you to cage you.
When Fernando, the older Spaniard, joined the team, he noticed the way the team and your family would cage you from anything relating the F1. They just wanted you to be there and sit pretty supporting your brother.
You were watching the team work on repairs to Fernando's car. The mechanics were doing stuff wrong but you didn't want to make comments. Your father would get mad if he found out you made comments on the livery instead of doing your actual job of 'sitting still and looking pretty.'
Fernando walks to the garages to see how the progress is going. He notices you watching the mechanics working on his car. He knew you had something to say by the way you looked. "Y/N, any input on the car?" He knew what your situation was with your father and brother, but didn't want to comment on it. Technically it was none of his business since your father was his employer. "I know you have something to say."
You then explain to Fernando and the mechanics about the problems the mechanics were ignoring. Fernando watches you in awe as you explain. "This car needs to be in top shape if you want him to win this weekend." You smile at Fernando and he smiles back at you.
Sarahs and Hannahs in their Sunday best Clutching their pearls, sighing "What a mess" I just learned these people try and save you cause they hate you
It was the Chinese Grand Prix, you and your sister plus her husband were dressed in your Sunday best. If you couldn't race in F1 at least you were going to the paddock in your best looks.
Lance had made contact with Daniel during the safety car period. Scotty, Chloe's husband, was a mess since he's friends with Daniel. "This is a mess," Scotty tells Chloe stressed out about the collision. "I need to go to RB to check if he's okay." Chloe nods an okay before Scotty leaves.
Once the cars went back to the garage, you run in there to check if Lance is okay. Before you can get into the garage, security had politely told you it was a restricted area.
"What do you mean restricted area? I'm family and part of the Aston Martin team." You explain to security.
"Sorry Ms. Stroll but direct orders from your family that you can't come into the garage anymore." Now you were furious. "Who the hell from my family would say that?"
"Your father and brother." You turn around and see that Fernando was standing right there. "Let her come in. She's my guest."
"Are you sure sir?" The security guard asks. Fernando nods yes and the security guard sighs before he lets you in.
"Why would my father and brother do that?" You asked Fernando pissed off of what happened earlier.
"I don't know why they would do that. All I know is these people try and save you cause they hate you." You stop on your tracks confused at what Fernando was saying. You ask Fernando what he meant by that. "Your father says he doesn't want you to race in F1 because he's trying to save you but it's because he knows you're a better driver than Lance. I've seen how you drive in the car and the statistics don't lie Y/N."
They slammed the door on my whole world The one thing I wanted
You were too shocked to even speak. Your father sabotaged your whole F1 career just for Lance.
Before you could even speak, Lance runs up to you and Fernando. "Y/N what are you doing here? Security isn't supposed to let you in."
From there you got angry at your brother so you yell at him. "Yeah security didn't let me because of you and father. You two are assholes."
"Woah Y/N calm down let's not make a scene."
"Make a scene! Lance we've raced together ever since we were little. My dream has always been to be in F1. Father slammed the door on my whole world because you're not a better driver than me." You yell out explaining to Lance.
Fernando notices all the media taking photos of the argument. "Y/N we should go to my paddock room. The race is about to resume." You nod yes to Fernando before saying one last time to Lance.
"I'm tired of watching you race Lance. Wasting a seat for one hell of a driver to replace you." You walk away with Fernando to go watch the race in his paddock room.
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f1news TROUBLE WITH THE STROLL SIBLINGS: After the red flag at the Chinese Grand Prix, Y/N Stroll was yelling at her brother with Fernando Alonso there. Witnesses say that Y/N was furious at her brother and father for restricting her access in the Aston Martin garage. This also included Y/N yelling at Lance about their father slamming the door on her dreams to become an F1 driver because she is the better driver than Lance.
user2 Y/N has always been the better driver than Lance. Lawerence is stupid for not putting her in that seat instead of Lance.
user3 did y'all see how Fernando was on Y/N side 🥹
user4 the perfect comeback for Y/N is to date Fernando. I know that Lance and Lawerence are going to be PISSED!!
Dutiful daughter, all my plans were laid Tendrils tucked into a woven braid Growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all
After the Chinese Grand Prix, you decided to financially separate from your family. You needed to start new. You've been a dutiful daughter all your life because the plans were laid out for you. Once your family didn't let you race in F1, the tendrils of your relationship loosened and became chaos. You grew up precocious about being in F1 and that has never grown off you.
It was the weekend of the Miami Grand Prix. Susie Wolff had pulled some strings for you to let you be in F1 Academy. You were now the driver of Charlotte Tilbury Beauty F1 Academy Team.
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yourusername I'm happy to announce that I am now the driver for Charlotte Tilbury Beauty F1 Academy Team. Thank you @/susie_wolff and @/charlottetilbury for giving me the opportunity to inspire so many females around the world. 🏎️💋✨
charlottetilbury darling you're going to be stunning on track 🤩✨
liked by yourusername
susie_wolff I'm so happy that you're finally in F1
yourusername its been a long time coming 😉
little_wolff yay I finally have someone to hang out with during f1 academy events 🥰
liked by yourusername
chloestroll my little sis finally fulfilling her dreams 🥹
liked by yourusername
racerbia so glad we get to race together!!
liked by yourusername
fernandoalo_official proud of you bonita pretty ❤️
yourusername 🥰🥰🥰 user1 FERNANDO WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!? user2 wait ... are they together?? user3 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
He was chaos, he was revelry Bedroom eyes like a remedy Soon enough the elders had convened Down at the city hall
Fernando had messaged you after your first win in F1 Academy. He had asked if you wanted to celebrate together by going to dinner. You obviously said yes because it was Fernando. Who wouldn't say yes to a hot Spanish driver.
"Congrats on your first win." Fernando greets you before kissing you on the cheek. He had never greeted you that way before you.
"Thank you Nando." You blush before you two order your meals. Once you order your meals you continue the conversation. "I wouldn't have done it without you. If that day didn't happen I don't think I would have left."
Fernando reaches out to your hand over the table. "I'm happy that you left. I missing seeing you in the garage but I couldn't stand the way your family treated you."
"You miss seeing me in the garage?" You ask blushing that Fernando had confessed to you that he missed you.
"Yes, I've always had feelings for you Y/N." You were shocked at what Fernando was confessing to you. "I wanted to tell you but your family had convened. If I ever made a move on you they would punish you." Fernando is still holding your hand.
You smile at Fernando. "Thank you for protecting me when I was there. But they can't punish me now." You give Fernando a passionate kiss after your confession. You knew Fernando was chaos and revelry but his eyes were like a remedy.
"Stay away from her" The saboteurs protested too much Lord knows the words we never heard Just screeching tires and true love
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f1news Y/N STROLL CELEBRATING HER FIRST WITH FERNANDO!? Y/N Stroll, Charlotte Tilbury Beauty F1 Academy Driver was seen getting close with Fernando Alonso at dinner. Is Y/N getting back at her brother and father?
user2 I knew they had something together 🥹
user3 thank god y/n left her family to be in f1 academy and brought alonso with her
After a romantic night with Fernando, you woke up with breakfast in bed. "I ordered room service for us, bonita pretty."
"Thank you Nando." You give Fernando a kiss before you start eating. While you're eating, you open your phone and see messages from friends
New Messages
Little Wolff 🐺: GIRL!!! You need to spill the tea on your new relationship with Fernando ☕️
"Nando." Fernando looks up to you. "How do some of the wags know we're dating?" You show Fernando your messages while he's drinking his coffee.
"It's probably the media. I should've done something small so the media couldn't see us." You could tell that Fernando was anxious that people found out that you two were together.
To calm his nerves, you give him a kiss. "It's okay. They were going to find out anyway."
"Did any of your family text you?" He asks.
"I blocked most of them except for Chloe and Scotty." Fernando's phone goes off and he checks it. It was a message from Lawerence Stroll.
New Message
Lawerence Stroll: Stay away from her
"Don't answer it." You tell Fernando. "I'm a grown lady and I can do whatever I want. We're happy and that's all that matter." You both smile at each other before finishing your breakfast.
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yourusername just screeching tires of true love 🏎️💋
tagged fernandoalo_official
little_wolff you two are too cute 🥹
georgerussell63 you don't think we're cute @/little_wolff 💔 fernandoalo_official you guys remind me of toto and susie too much little_wolff that's what we're trying not to do 💀
mrspianorris I did not see this coming but I'm happy for you guys 🥺
yourusername thank you @/mrspianorris 🥹🫶
lance_stroll really y/n 🤢
user1 lance stroll more like lance sTROLL user2 why can't you be happy and supportive for your sister for once? not everything is about you. 🙄
And now I'm running with my dress unbuttoned Screaming "But Daddy I love him!" I'm having his baby No, I'm not, but you should see your faces
You were in Paris doing media for Charlotte Tilbury. Fernando had tagged along with you since the race wasn't until next week.
"So Y/N, we see that your man is here to support you at the event. How has it been going in your relationship?" A reporter asks as you're walking down the read carpet.
"Our relationship is doing really well." You smile while Fernando is hugging you on the red carpet. "We've known each other for a while and our relationship has grown from there."
"We see that Fernando is very affectionate with you." She smiles before adding. "How did your family react to hearing the news?"
"They found out through the media which isn't ideal but yeah." You give a faint smile. "They can't do anything about it. Fernando has always had feelings for me and it took me leaving my family to find out. I don't care what they think because like Ariel said 'but daddy, I love him.'" Your quote from the little mermaid made the reporter laugh.
"Any upcoming plans for the future?"
"Yes," You smile before continuing. "Fernando and I agreed we would take the next step in our relationship and move in together. We have to because we're having a baby."
The reporter jaw drops before Fernando clears the joke. "She's just joking. We want to move in together so we can spend more time together while we're not racing. Of course we want children together one day, but I know her F1 career is just starting and I want her to focus on that." You smile at Fernando before giving him a kiss.
I'll tell you something right now I'd rather burn my whole life down Than listen to one more second of all this griping and moaning
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yourusername screaming but daddy i love him 🖤
tagged fernandoalo_official
fernandoalo_official Mi hermosa dama 😍 my pretty lady
liked by yourusername
taylorswift 🖤✨
liked by yourusername
user1 MOTHER APPROVES user2 I swear Taylor wrote this song about Y/N 😭
lance_stroll you guys disgust me
yourusername @/lance_stroll I'll tell you something rn Lance. I'd rather burn my whole life down. Than listen to one more second of all this griping and moaning. user3 YOU GO TELL HIM GIRL user4 Y/N FINALLY CLAPPING BACK AT LANCE 👏
God save the most judgmental creeps Who say they want what's best for me Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see
It was the weekend of the Canadian Grand Prix, your sister and Scotty had asked you to come to the race to spend time with you. You tried saying no but it was your older sister and you couldn't say no. At least you could support Fernando this weekend.
Since Fernando was racing at this moment, you walked by yourself to the Aston Martin paddock. From there you saw your sister and Scotty.
"Ahh you're here!" Chloe runs up to you and gives you a big hug. You haven't physically seen Chloe since the Chinese Grand Prix. "I thought you weren't going to come."
"Well you are my older sister so I couldn't say no." You laugh before Scotty comes up to you for a hug.
"So glad you're here sucker." Scotty says in his Australian accent. "We have exciting news to tell you." You were confused before your sister takes out a small Aston Martin jersey.
"We're having a baby!"
"Oh my god! Congratulations you guys." You say before giving them a big hug. "I'm so happy for you guys!"
Your moment of happiness with your sister and brother-in-law cut short as Lance and your father come in. "Y/N what are you doing here?" Your father asks.
"I invited her this weekend to tell her about the baby." Chloe says happily before adding. "It would also be great for her to support her man." You smile at your sister.
Your smile went away as your dad starts to talk. "You shouldn't be with Fernando."
"And why is that? I'm a grown lady." You answer back.
"We want what's best for you Y/N. Fernando is an old playboy driver who will just break your heart." Your father admits to you.
You were tired of your father and Lance treating you this way. You're a grown woman who can make her own choices. "I'm so tired of you two telling me what to do with my life. I sanctimoniously perform soliloquies to you two my whole life. I never noticed until Fernando showed me how you guys truly are."
Thinking it can change the beat Of my heart when he touches me And counteract the chemistry And undo the destiny
"We do that because we love you," Lance says.
"You think you 'love' me Lance," You scoff at Lance's words. "I never knew love until my heart beat changed for Fernando. The chemistry we have undid everything you guys put me through. It lead me to the destiny I have today."
You ain't gotta pray for me Me and my wild boy And all this wild joy If all you want is gray for me Then it's just white noise And it's just my choice
"I pray that you're not making a mistake." Your father adds before grabbing the door handle.
"You ain't gotta pray for me. Me and my wild boy are happy. I'm finally happy now that I have my wild joy." Your wild joy was finally being in F1.
"If all you want is gray for me. Then it's just going to be white noise for you." You laugh before adding. "I finally did the one thing you two caged me from. I'm finally an F1 driver."
Your father and Lance don't say anything and leave. It didn't matter what they think. You were happy with the choices you made.
"I'm happy that you stood up to them Y/N," Chloe says before giving you a hug. Scotty joins the hug as well.
"Thank you guys."
There's a lot of people in town that I Bestow upon my fakest smiles Scandal does funny things to pride But brings lovers closer
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f1news SCANDAL DOES FUNNY THINGS TO PRIDE BUT BRINGS LOVERS CLOSER: We know Y/N for the fakest smiles while staying in the sidelines of her brother. But reportedly Y/N spoke out to her father and brother about the way she's been treated for years and how she's "never felt love until Fernando came into the picture."
user1 @/f1news the taylor swift lyric!!!
user2 they're literally brother's teammate x forbidden love troupe
user3 so glad the media to finally addressing the way the Stroll men have treated Y/N.
We came back when the heat died down Went to my parents and they came around All the wine moms are still holding out But it's over.
The next time you went to Aston Martin in Barcelona. Since you were racing in F1 Academy that weekend, you didn't see Fernando until late every night. Once you won first place in the race, you had rushed back to your hotel room to get ready for Fernando's race. You couldn't miss this race since it was his home race.
As you scan your paddock badge, you see that your brother was at the entrance. You try your best to not get his attention but you were too late. "Y/N!" You don't turn to look at him. You needed to get to Fernando and support him.
As you're speed walking to Fernando's garage, Lance stops you. "Y/N I've been yelling your name."
"Okay, and?" You say before you start walking again.
"Y/N I want to apologize for how me and dad have been treating you your whole life. I know it wasn't right. It should be you in my seat instead of me." You were shocked at what Lance was saying. "These past few months have been hell without you. I miss seeing you around the paddock supporting me and Fernando."
A smile creeps up to your face as Lance adds Fernando to his sentence. "You finally address my boyfriend."
He rolls his eyes. "Yes, I was mad that you left Aston Martin and instead of supporting you getting into F1 Academy I publicly slandered you for your relationship with Fernando. I'm sorry for being a asshole."
"You've been an asshole most of your life Lance." You both laugh at your comment. "But thank you for the apology. Does this mean you approve of Fernando?"
He gives you a big hug before you says, "Yes, I don't want to lose you again." You give him a big hug before he has to leave for the race.
Now I'm dancing in my dress in the sun and Even my daddy just loves him I'm his lady, and oh my God You should see your faces
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yourusername now i'm dancing in my dress in the sun and even my daddy just loves him ☀️💚✨
tagged fernandoalo_official
fernandoalo_official glad your dad finally approved of us 🩶
little_wolff @/yourusername what did fernando have to do to get your father's approval? 💀 yourusername he had to extend his contract to get on my father's good side ☺️ i'm his lady so of course he did it. he loves me 🥰
lance_stroll you guys are too lovey dovey for me 🤢
mariloublg_ let your sister be happy for once babe 😭 yourusername yeah what my sister in law said 😼 pls marry her already 🤗
user1 finally the stroll family is getting along 🥺💚
tagged: @omgsuperstarg @splaterparty0-0 @2pagenumb @c-losur3
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anxious-witch · 2 days
I would like to talk about Edwin, Charles and asexuality for a moment and why I personally like hcing Charles under the ace umbrella rather than Edwin.
To preface, this is obviously just my opinion, and if you like ace Edwin, relate to him or hc him as such, totally valid! I am just basing this off some of the narrative purpose that Edwin's sexuality plays in, and how in parallel, Charles' seems to fit into the flavor of ace-spec I am more familiar with.
Splitting this into two part bc again, I cannot seem to stop talking. This part talks about why I don't see Edwin as ace, part two will talk about why I can see Charles being ace/on the ace spectrum.
Edit: here's part two
Anyway! To the actual reasoning.
Let's start with Edwin. First thing we need to remember about Edwin is that he was born and raised in 1900s, and so that some of his behavior, habits and the way he talks about sexuality can't be judged by modern standards. Plus ofc, added layer of trauma of decades of hell.
So his dislike for being touched, his inital reaction to being flirted with etc, can all be contributed to that, imo.
But let's look at why I think it's important for his character specifically to experience sexual attraction.
Given his upbringing, and growing up with what was likely lots and lots of shame and repression around being a gay man, Edwin seems to completely block out any sort of feelings or wants he might have around other men. (Which is why he didn't realize he was in Charles until he was forced into situations) With his added trauma from hell, in which we know he, at least for a time, believe he deserved it because of being gay, I think it makes perfect sense he didn't wanna acknowledge any of it.
The first hurdle in his path was, of course, the Cat King. Now, you can love him, you can hate him, but I hope we can all agree that what Edwin experiences around him is sexual attraction. I touched upon that in my analysis of their interactions and how symbolic it is for Edwin's sexuality so I will try to keep this short. The way Edwin gasps and looks at the Cat King up and down when he transforms into just a coat and underwear, the way he recalls their meeting with the focus on the wink, on the CT's abs, the way he stares at his lips at their second meeting in ep 4. I don't think Edwin has feelings for the CT, except for maybe last ep where we can see a crush forming, but before that? That looks to me like pure sexual attraction.
It doesn't translate just to the Cat King either! We see it when CT transforms into Charles. Edwin is stunned, yes, but I think him pulling away and saying "Stop it!" Very sharply when he realizes it's a game is very telling. Sure, having romantic feelings for your best friend isn't easy to accept, but to realize you want him, in a sexual way, for even a few seconds? That must have been devastating for Edwin, due to him thinking of such desires as shameful.
Which I think is supported again when Edwin is caught by Lust in Hell, falling back into his shame, and Charles pulls him out. Because experiencing lust towards another man isn't a sin, but Edwin thinking it is is what briefly gets him stuck.
I am also not very keen on making Edwin ace due to the implication of "oh, Charles could pull him out of Lust because Edwin's love for him is pure and not lustful" because well. Being gay is no more pure or no more sinful than being straight. Gay people can have sex and it's not more morally wrong than a gay-ace couple that does not. With the rise of purity culture I feel a bit...uncomfortable with the implication of Edwin only coming to terms with his sexualityis due to the fact he only likes men romantically and there is no "sinful' sexual part. I think it kind of...defeats the purpose of his arc, especially the part where he meets the Cat King in the alley and the Cat King holds no power over him due to the fact Edwin is finally at peace with wanting him. Because that's okay. He can be attracted to him, be fine with it and not let it go any further(for now at least, hence idk what they are gonna do with s2).
So yeah. Again, not faulting anyone for any hcs or fics, if you like Edwin as ace, totally do your thing, I just feel like Charles is right there, with much more interesting dynamic when we apply ace lenses to him. But more about that in part 2
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songbirdseung · 1 day
happy accidents / park jongseong
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synopsis: maybe getting hit by a basketball wasn't so bad?
pairing: jay x reader
warnings: injuries?
wc: 1k
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Your solo trip to the park did not go as expected when you felt a sudden pain in your back. Ignoring the fact that your drink fell from your hand and almost ruined the white maxi skirt you were wearing, you turned towards the direction you assumed the ball came from.
"I'm so sorry, my friend is a clumsy idiot," a voice called out.
"Jake, shut up!" another male voice responded before facing you and apologizing for hitting you. "Basketball isn't really my thing, I'm more into guitars."
You blinked, still processing the pain and the sudden chaos. The guy who had spoken was now standing in front of you, looking genuinely apologetic. He had a warm, approachable aura that somehow made the whole situation less frustrating.
"It's okay," you managed to say, trying to smile despite the discomfort in your back. "Accidents happen."
Jake and another friend, who you assumed was Sunghoon, jogged over, both looking equally concerned. Jake had a sheepish grin on his face, while Sunghoon looked more serious.
"Are you alright?" Sunghoon asked, glancing at you with worry.
"Yeah, I'll be fine," you replied, waving off their concern. "Just a bit startled, that's all."
Extending his hand. "I'm Jay, by the way. Sorry again for that."
You shook his hand, feeling a bit more at ease. "I'm Y/N. And it's really okay, Jay."
Jake stepped forward, looking at the fallen drink. "Can we at least get you another drink to make up for it?"
You nodded, appreciating their efforts to make amends. "That would be nice, thank you."
As the four of you walked towards the park's cafe, you couldn't help but notice how easy it was to talk to them. Jay, in particular, had a relaxed demeanor that made you feel comfortable despite the awkward start.
"So, guitars, huh?" you asked, looking at Jay.
He chuckled, nodding. "Yeah, I've been playing for a few years now. Basketball is just something I do for fun with these guys."
"He's actually pretty good with a guitar," Jake added, nudging Jay playfully. "You should hear him sometime."
"Maybe I will," you said, smiling at Jay. "If you're not too busy accidentally hitting people with basketballs, that is."
Jay laughed, shaking his head. "I'll try to keep my basketball skills in check."
As you all reached the cafe, you realized that what started as a mishap had turned into a pleasant encounter. You got your new drink, and the conversation flowed easily among the four of you.
As the four of you sat at a small outdoor table at the park's cafe, the conversation continued to flow easily. You found yourself increasingly drawn to Jay's warm smile and easygoing personality. The initial awkwardness from the basketball incident had melted away, replaced by laughter and shared stories.
"So, Y/N, what brings you to the park today?" Jay asked, leaning forward with genuine interest.
"I was just taking a solo trip to enjoy the nice weather and watch the swans by the river," you replied, glancing in the direction of the serene water where you'd been earlier. "It's one of my favorite spots to relax."
Jay nodded, his eyes following yours. "I get that. Sometimes, you just need a peaceful place to unwind."
Jake and Sunghoon excused themselves to get refills, leaving you and Jay alone at the table. The air between you felt charged with a new energy, the kind that comes with the potential of something more than just a chance encounter.
Jay cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "You know, I really am sorry about earlier. I hope it didn't ruin your day."
You shook your head, smiling. "Not at all. Actually, it turned out to be a lot better than I expected, thanks to you guys."
Jay's face lit up with a smile. "I'm glad to hear that. Maybe we could hang out more often. You know, when I'm not accidentally hitting you with basketballs."
You laughed, feeling a warmth spread through you. "I'd like that. Maybe you can even show me some of your guitar skills."
Jay's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Deal. How about we exchange numbers? That way, I can let you know when we have a less hazardous hangout planned."
You both pulled out your phones, quickly exchanging numbers. As you saved his contact, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement at the thought of seeing him again.
Jake and Sunghoon returned with their drinks, and you all spent a bit more time chatting before deciding to head your separate ways. As you walked back through the park with Jay, the conversation continued to flow effortlessly.
"You know, I wasn't kidding about the guitar," Jay said, glancing at you. "I really would like to play for you sometime."
"I'd love that," you replied, looking up at him. "And maybe you can teach me a thing or two."
Jay's smile widened. "It's a date, then."
As you reached the park entrance, Jay turned to you with a sincere expression. "I had a great time today, Y/N. I'm really glad we met, even if it was because of my terrible aim."
"Me too, Jay," you said, feeling your cheeks warm. "Today turned out to be pretty amazing."
Before you could part ways, Jay hesitated and then spoke up. "Actually, do you mind if I walk you home? Just to make sure you get there safely."
Before you could respond, Jake and Sunghoon, who had been lingering nearby, burst into laughter. "Aww, look at Jay, being all protective," Jake teased, nudging Sunghoon.
"Yeah, make sure she gets home safe, lover boy," Sunghoon added with a grin.
Jay rolled his eyes but couldn't hide his smile. "Cut it out, you two."
You laughed, appreciating their playful banter. "I'd love for you to walk me home, Jay. Thanks."
With a final wave to Jake and Sunghoon, you and Jay started walking in the direction of your home. As you strolled through the streets, the conversation flowed easily, and you found yourself feeling more and more comfortable around him.
As you approached your building, Jay turned to you with a soft smile. "Here we are."
"Thanks again for walking me home," you said, feeling a bit shy.
Jay shrugged, his smile warm. "Anytime. I had a great time today, Y/N."
"Me too," you replied. "See you soon?"
"Definitely," Jay said, giving you a wave as he started to walk away. "Goodnight, Y/N."
"Goodnight, Jay," you called after him, watching as he disappeared down the street.
As you closed the door behind you, you couldn't help but smile. Today had turned out far better than you could have imagined, and you were already looking forward to your next meeting with Jay.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 3 days
Forest Guardian pt.2
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Daryl Dixon x reader [pt.1]
Your second day in the woods goes nowhere near how you thoight it would go, but at least it ends nicely.
Teeny bit of nsfw at the start.
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Back behind the curtain to the makeshift sink and cleaning station Daryl took a couple of minutes to make sure you had fallen asleep and unfolded the magazine he grabbed before. Merle insisted in stashing some dirty magazines in his supply drops from time to time. "In case he got lonely."
Not that he really used them, he didn't care for it at all. But now with you hanging around all day and showing him care he felt it affecting him. Luckily he still knew how to behave and not hop into bed to have his way with you.
So he had to make do with the models on the pages to satisfy his urges. If he covered their faces he could imagine it was your nude body he was staring at while he worked himself to his release as quietly as possible. His hand would never feel as good as yours. Or maybe your lips, even if he was kind enough to you. The idea alone was enough to help him over the edge, finishing all over his hand.
He felt disgusting after he cleaned himself up. When he got back he could barely fall asleep, hyper aware of you just a few feet away, sleeping in his cot, on his mattress. Under his blanket.
Morning couldn't arrive fast enough, even his dreams were plagued with images of you and he woke up feeling like hell had finally gotten its nasty claws on him. He needed to busy himself with something, whatever he could find to distract his mind. So he chose to start preparing for today's hunting trip. He'd have you come along to help foraging so you needed a bag for yourself too. And tools for hunting, gathering plants and also for protection. He wouldn't admit it, but he was having fun with it.
Daryl was already up when you awoke, he was quietly emptying a small bag.
You stretched and yawned, sitting up slowly. "Morning.." your voice was scrapy and your back sore. "Man, how do you have a spine left with this bed?"
He turned to face you, a soft huff of a laugh leaving him. "City girl whinin'."
You almost took offense, but shrugged it off, not having the energy to argue right now. You'd have to get used to living with a shitty bed if you were going to stay.
"So, what's the plan? Do you have food?" You were slouched over on the cot, already cranky with how your stomach was actively grumbling for food, and the lack of fancy breakfast and coffee.
"Get up 'n I'll get ya food. Goin' out after."
You worked yourself off the cot and towards Daryl who had moved around and handed you a piece of jerky.
"This is breakfast?" You eyed the slab with caution, turning it on your hands with uncertanty. "I seriously hope this is just wild boar or something." You wiggled the piece of dried meat at him, and before you had a chance to pull your hand back Daryl had snatched the food from your hand. "F'ya don' wan'it I'll eat it."
"What? No! Give it please.." You drew out the wine, pouting at him and got the jerky back, gnawing on it to still your hunger.
When you were finally ready to head out, which took way too long according to Daryl, you two were out the door.
"So, where are we going? You're barely sharing anything here." You were following his steps, a shaking hand still holding onto the bag he gave you.
"Yer gon' need this." Daryl had given you a small crossbody bag earlier and showed you its contents one by one.
A small knife, for foraging. Plants only.
A large hunting knife, for meat.
And a handgun. "Daryl, why am I taking this?"
You didn't even want to touch it, but Daryl made sure to show you how to hold it properly, even if it bothered him to hell and back to have to get so up close and personal with you and keep his body under control.
"Yer goin' out in the woods. Ya need protection." He had placed everything in the bag and handed it to you. "An' I ain't handin' y'a shotgun." He slung his own weapon over his shoulder, a throwing axe strapped to his waist along with his knives and a crossbow in his hand.
"I got you. You got a whole arsenal. Why do I need the gun.." It was clear you weren't comfortable with it. Still you were outside with him, heading into the woods to do god knows what.
Watching your step quickly became watching his broad shoulders move in his tight long sleeve shirt. You didn’t even hear him talk to you until he stopped because of you not responding and walked straight into his back.
“M try’na be nice ‘ere, takin’ y’out the door an’ y’aint even listnin’.” His one good eye stared into your soul, intimidating being an understatement and having you immediately straighten up and nod vigorously. “Yes! No, I'm sorry..” You stared at your shoes and got a pat on the shoulder, leading you to move on.
You were the one gathering the edible plants while Daryl was off but still in view, hunting an animal you didn’t see. Busying yourself plucking the plant as instructed you were caught off guard by a gunshot, a pained grunt and screams of agony that made you shoot up and go check the situation. You saw Daryl first, hunched over and bleeding with a dead guy who had an axe buried in his chest.
A second guy was staring In panic before turning on his heels and running off.
“Shoot ‘em. For fuck’s sake!” You set off in a sprint, hands shaking as you dug for the gun, talking yourself into doing it for real, doing it to save Daryl. You followed his path, having stopped running and looked through the sight as Daryl showed you and pulled the trigger.
You missed.
The shot was close enough to make him jump as lose his footing. You had to do it now, there was no other choice.
You took the shot with shaking hands, but it hit. You did what Daryl asked of you.
Daryl. “Fuck.”
Leaving the body you set out to sprint back to where he got attacked and saw him lay on his back, the shirt he wore torn up to bind his bleeding wound. He saw you come into view and gave you new instructions.
“Merle, get ‘im fer me.” He was in a lot of pain, so you insisted in helping him dit up against a tree. “How? My car is gone, remember?” You had a whole fit this morning before you set out, not seeing your car where you parked it the day before.
“Walkie, cabinet next to the door..” His hand weakly smacked your shoulder to set you in motion, watching you run off in the direction of the cabin.
You found the thing fairy quick, pressing the button and calling out. “Merle? Are you there?”
Answer. Again. “Merle! Daryl needs help for fuck’s sake, answer this thing.”
“Merle!” Your voice was shaking when he answered.
“The hell’s a lady’s voice callin’ on mah brother’s channel. Ain’cha supposed ta be dead?”
Wait, dead? “What the fuck dude? You sent me there on purpose?” You were fuming now, blood boiling but there was no time to fight. “Get your ass over here, Daryl got shot and he needs help”
You wanted to toss the walkie in frustration, but kept it on you as you went through your bag for the simple first aid kit you took and ran back to where you left Daryl.
He came into view in the distance was still sitting against the tree, head slumped to the side. You almost tripped over your own feet as your stomach turned itself inside out and you fell to your knees, puking up that little thing you ate for breakfast. Tears ran down your face and you couldn’t stop the sobbing but you had to get up and move on. Daryl needed you.
Wiping your mouth with your sleeve you got back up and got to his side, unpacking the kit but finding nothing that you knew how to use to patch a bullet wound. You had used up some stuff already to patch his previous wounds that by now weren't even bothering him anymore.
All you could do now was press the leftover gauze to the wound and wait for Merle to arrive.
It didn't take long for the pickup truck to arrive and Merle hopping out to check his brother's wounds. "Gotta load 'im in the back, help me wouldya."
You managed to get Daryl laid in the truck bed, but watched as Merle made his way into the woods. "Where's them boys ya shot? Gotta clean 'em up 'fore we head back."
With a sigh you pointed him in the direction of the one furthest away while you took the one close by. It was a hassle and a half to get the dead weight lifted and thrown into the vehicle on your own, but you managed by the time Merle got back with the other body slung over his shoulder. You followed his movements as he tossed the body in the back with no care at all and closed the latch. "Ya watch him, I'll head to his cabin."
You got comfortable and steadied yourself for the ride, keeping a close eye on Daryl who was still breathing as of now. The ride was a short one and Daryl was on his cot with minimal issues.
You worked on getting Daryl's wound accessible while Merle quickly threw a tarp over the corpses in his truck. When he came back he saw your shaking hands and came to help immediately. "Move over, ya see an exit wound?" You shook your head, realizing you had to go fish it out of him with whatever backwoods methods you had to use.
Daryl stirred with each prod of Merle's tools, your weight barely enough to hold the man down.
"Ya gotta git'yer back into it, girlie! Can't get tha' damn bullet outta him." Merle complained about Daryl's stirring constantly until he had enough and shoved the medical tools into your hands.
"I'll hold. You pry the thing outta his side." He made you swap places and held his brother down with all his might as your shaking hands rested on Daryl's skin, needing a second to steady yourself before you could try yo get the bullet out.
"Ya got this. Slow 'n steady, jus' like tha'." Merle's voice had gone soft and almost comforting in a way, it helped your nerves and after some gut wrenching moments you got the bullet out and leaving a gross, bleeding hole. "Tha's it, now press this on."
He handed you a cloth to press on the wound. "Ya know how ta sew?"
You looked at him with true horror in your eyes while he dug for thread and a needle, but nodded.
“Good! Sew ‘im up ‘fore he bleeds out.” One of his hands moved to hold the cloth in place until you got your nerves in check while to other one handed you the items to close Daryl’s wounds.
With an intake of breath you squeezed Daryl’s flesh together, and pushed the needle through as you breathed out.
In. Squeeze. Out. Thread.
A few more times to close the wound entirely, snipping the thread as Merle worked to patch up the stitches with a gauze and medical tape.
Merle didn’t stick around much long after. He helped you clean up and left some supplies behind for you, giving you something that sounded like an apology before heading out the door.
You were alone now.
Daryl had passed out while you sewed the wound shut and was snoozing away comfortably now. Or at least he looked comfortable.
You went to pull a blanket over his body when you remembered his wounds from yesterday, deciding now that he was out of it anyways you’d tend to those as well. You thanked him quietly for wearing a sleeveless shirt, being able to reach the wound on his upper arm easily.
You unwrapped the bandage and found the wound healed enough to leave it uncovered.
It had been less than twenty-four hours and his wound looked like it had done a week's worth of healing.
You left it as is, and went to unwrap the wound on his torso for an inspection too. That one had the same, one day old and no longer in need of covering up.
'The hell?' You were unsure how to react to what you were seeing. This shouldn't be possible, right? No one has such good health that those'd heal so quick, especially not someone living in the woods. No way that's a side effect of cannibalism.
"Tha's twice ya saved me, now." Daryl's tired voice made you jump up and away from the cot, but his wince as he let out a laugh had you back at his side in a second.
"You should sleep some more, moving's bad for the wound." Your hand rested on his chest, a kind gesture to accompany your suggestion. A deep sigh left Daryl's lips as he got comfortable, laying on his back a bit off to the side of the cot. But not without grabbing a fistful of your sweater and pulling you down against his uninjured side, moving you without any trouble. "Yer joinin' me. 'Msure yer head's goin' crazy after whatya had ta do."
You couldn't protest at all, even injured he held you down with ease, so you chose to settle down beside him.
His chest was so soft, comfortable as a pillow and his whole body ran hot, like your personal heater. It was surprisingly nice to cuddle up with him.
What caught you off guard, though, was the feeling of Daryl's lips softly pressing against your forehead. You didn't dare to move, shock taking over and keeping you frozen in place. You tried to focus on your breathing but all you could focus on was the touch of his lips, the shape of his scars prominent against your skin.
It didn't feel like any other kisses you had ever gotten. Not because of Daryl's scarred face, but because of the feeling it brought you. It radiated a comfortable fuzzy feeling that had you doze off in a matter of minutes.
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Bad Blood
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summary: it was meant to be a nice, simple plan. get the sorceress to fall in love with him to assure his own safety, nothing more. what he didn't plan was to fall for her as well, and all the complications that came along with it.
my own twist on the astarion confession scene with the reader!tav from my previous fic, Undisclosed Desires
rating: M
word count: 3.6k
pairing: astarion x you (fem!reader, sorceress!tav)
cw: angst, hurt/comfort, self-destructive tendencies from tav, dissociation, mention of past trauma (rape/abusive relationship), toxic coping mechanism, near death experience, talks of manipulation tricks (Astarion's confession speech). full list on ao3
a/n: a follow up to Undisclosed Desires (master list can be found here), now featuring astarion POV! reading the previous fic isnt mandatory but i do highly suggest it to get a feel of their relationship + reader!tav's character and the build up that brought them there (mind you UD is explicit).
read on ao3
or keep reading down below ~
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How do I try? I don't know why I wanna fall in love
I wanna die, every time I see you parking up
Forget about the fights, remember the nights we had, it's not enough
I wanna lie, pretend I'm alright, but-
I’m… not expecting you to say it back, but I meant what I said yesterday. I don’t know where this’ll go, but I know I want to be with you.
The words resonated in Astarion’s head.
He pretended to be sleeping back then, but he heard everything she said. He appreciated that she didn’t expect an answer from him, since he wouldn’t have been able to give one. Of course, this was the expected outcome; he did everything to make her fall for him. It was easy after all, a routine of sorts. She was cold at first and he doubted he could get to her, but in the end, everything had gone exactly according to plan. Except for one simple detail.
I think I’m in love with you. 
Astarion has had those words in mind ever since her declaration, a few nights ago. Since then, she was more lenient with him in general, but what he was most grateful for was how she was more keen on letting him feed on her. They didn’t talk about what happened, but their relationship was stable. He had what he wanted; security from the leader of the group, assurance that she wasn’t going to turn on him, and a meal every night. She was also less aggressive towards him but she still had that fire in her that made her a menace on the battlefield, without taking away that softness towards people in need. That balance in her character, this goodness within that drifted him towards her, that made him love her in return.
…Love? No, that couldn’t be right. He found himself enjoying the banter between the two of them, it’s true. She was just as witty as he was, and their back and forth was the most fun he had during the day. She challenged him, kept him on his toes, ready for anything, and the few times they had sex were great, he couldn’t deny that either. It started out as a ruse to have her trust and protect him, but then it became more intimate, she opened herself up to him during those precious moments. He was able to know her unlike anyone else among their group.
She was more than he expected her to be, and at first, he hated it. Couldn’t believe how his own plan turned against him. But then he saw how she cared, when no one else did, and she let herself be vulnerable for him when she came forward with her own feelings. When he held her close that morning, he didn’t want to let go. She sounded so sincere, felt so warm and soft against him, a safe haven. Until he could come forward with his own feelings, if he ever did, he would accept any form of affection from her, when she’s the least likely to notice. After all, he couldn’t let himself show any type of vulnerability, lest fall for her. It would go against his plan.
Every chance she had to take a stand for him, she did. She was merciless and cruel to those who posed a threat to their group, protecting him as much as she protected herself. She was probably the most courageous member of their party, but as of late, this courage turned into recklessness; casting strong spells that could have wiped an entire village when a simple, smaller one, would’ve done the trick. Every fight made her take more unnecessary risks to secure their victory, and given the shadowlands were dangerous territory, she believed it justified her recent impulsiveness. She used to be more strategic, she was resourceful and able to lead battles using everyone’s abilities; that’s why they had put her in charge of their group, but their latest fights had been too close for comfort, and tension had risen around camp. It has worked so far, she had claimed, not seeing the issue with her behaviour, and dismissing everyone who came forward to express their concern.
But what would they do when it would fail?
His fellow companions blamed it on the shadow-cursed lands that must’ve been affecting her, surely, as she was growing back to her cold, distant self, but Astarion noticed the change in her behaviour specifically following their visit at Last Light Inn. She was fine when they first entered the vicinity, but by the time they were leaving, the sorceress seemed anxious and eager to go back into the woods, away from the security the inn provided, oddly enough. When she was asked about it, she blamed it on a bad gut feeling. Shadowheart agreed and blamed it on the presence of the Selunite, who they didn’t even get the chance to discuss with. The rest of their party didn’t push for more information following that interaction, and she stayed mostly silent for the rest of the day and even ignored Astarion’s remarks, which was unlike her.
Still, she let him feed the following nights, but she seemed away during their sessions. She wasn’t exactly the talkative type and he didn’t want to pry, but she caught his attention when she walked out of her tent, panting, a few times throughout these last  nights. When he had taken a peek, he found her clutching at her chest, struggling to breathe as she was pacing nearby. Something was troubling her and it felt too critical to let it go unnoticed. After tonight, Astarion decided to confront her about it.
She was dabbing her neck, cleaning the traces of his recent feeding, her eyes lost in the distance, when he spoke up. “I’ve noticed you seem… away, during our little sessions, as of late.”
“Hm?” She’s snapped back to reality, proving his point, but still avoiding any eye contact. “Oh, it’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”
“But I do worry. Especially with those nightmares you’ve been having lately.”
Her gaze locked with his, a dread settling within her. Her eyes darted across her tent, questioning if it was even worth it to lay her heart out. She sighed deeply, taking in a moment to find the words and it took her a few tries to finally speak up. 
“When we passed by the Last Light Inn, I… recognised someone. He…” Her breath cut short. “We used to date. Ish. It wasn’t a great experience, to put it lightly. I was young and naive, and he took advantage of it. He–” Her breathing quickened as she was explaining further, the memories vividly coming back to her. The words got stuck in her throat, unable to carry on. “I hated myself for so long. I felt guilty of what had happened to me. It took me years to get over it– I thought I was over it, but the second I saw him again, it all came back at once.”
She paused once more, trying to regulate her breathing. “I spent all those years thinking about how I could make him regret what he did to me, if we ever crossed paths again. And when it finally happened, I froze. I. fucking. froze.” 
Tears were threatening to fall and she pulled her knees close to her chest, turning her head aside; she couldn’t bear to let him see her in that state. “I’m sorry– you need to leave.”
He wanted to hold her, tell her that he would be by her side no matter what, that he would help her get her revenge if that’s what she desired, just like she promised to help him out against Cazador, but he simply couldn’t. The words remained caged in his chest as he got up and opened the flap of her tent before bidding his goodbyes.
The next morning, she avoided him like he used to avoid the sun; anytime he was nearby, she would turn to face someone else among their group, as if she couldn’t stand to look at him. Her speech was concise, mathematical, she had lost any sign of the emotions she had experienced the night prior. When she selected the members of the party for the day, he was surprised to be a part of it. He wasn't scared to be left in camp, after all, she made it clear in the past that his ability to lock pick any and every thing made him a valuable asset, but he had his doubts after how she had been acting this morning.
The sorceress proposed to visit Moonrise Tower to get to the heart of their problem, but the shadow curse had made it tedious to navigate further and Karlach urged the group to revisit the Last Light Inn to get the help of the Selunite cleric. With the majority of the party agreeing, their leader had no choice but to step over her current feelings for the sake of their mission, but she made it clear that they wouldn’t stay a second longer than needed in there. 
To her dismay, that moment would take up most of their day.
After receiving the blessing of the cleric, a winged man, that Isobel referred to as Marcus, arrived from the skies claiming that she needed to leave with him, and when it was made clear that it wasn't an option, a fight ensued with his own army of undead. They should've been able to handle them, it was their first fight of the day and they were prepared for anything. Or so they thought. 
The hits from their enemies were stronger than anticipated and Shadowheart barely managed to keep everyone alive with Marcus who drained them dry at every chance he had; against their best attempt, Isobel was knocked out and captured by the winged man.
Without the moon cleric to protect the inn, all its inhabitants were claimed by the shadow curse; one by one, the group of adventurers watched them die and turn against them, prolonging their already lengthy battle. They defeated all the harpers within the inn before making their way outside, where another group of possessed fighters were waiting for them. The fight had been going on for what felt like forever; waves of new enemies kept coming in and the party was running short on spells and patience. More worrisome: Shadowheart had used her last healing spell. 
With everyone’s health running dangerously low, the sorceress knew she had to act fast to assure their victory. She was scanning the battlefield to evaluate her options when she froze, her gaze stuck on one of the Harpers that was approaching them. Astarion recognized her behaviour from the night before and he knew he had to step in. He screamed her name, trying to make her snap out of it, but she remained motionless, unable to react to her environment, as a range of emotions visibly flooded her all at once. Without Karlach by her side to slash the undead that was coming for her, she would’ve been downed right there and then. The fiery tiefling screamed her name again and grabbed her by her shoulder, grounding her back to reality.
“Soldier, hey! You with me?”
Their leader blinked quickly, taking back her surroundings, “Yeah… yeah, I’m fine, sorry.”
“What’s happened to you? You were this close to being a goner.”
She didn’t answer back, but when her eyes fell back on the Harper she recognized seconds ago, an uncontrollable anger started boiling within her, and although Astarion noticed the fists clenching tighter and tighter at her sides, he wasn’t expecting what came next.
She freed herself from Karlach’s grasp on her shoulder as she bolted straight to the Harper she had in her sights. No one was able to stop her before she casted flaming hands on the undead, with a guttural scream that was cut short by the explosion that followed.
Blinded by rage, the sorceress missed to notice the multiple barrels of smoke powder that surrounded their last enemies as she cast her spell, blowing them up and herself in the process.
The rest of the party remained far enough to be spared by the explosion, Karlach receiving barely any damage. As the smoke settled down, the figure of their friend appeared, spread on the ground among the corpses of their fallen enemies. 
No… it can't be…
Despite his distance from her, Astarion was the first one to reach her. He quickly rushed past the cleric and barbarian to land next to the fainted sorceress, bringing her head close to him. He tried to look for her eyes, but they were shut tight with no sign of life.
“Wake up… Wake up! Come on now. Please…” His hold of her became desperate, looking for any sign of consciousness; her body’s warmth was turning to a familiar coldness, and the soft melody of her heartbeat was getting quieter. Dread started to settle in and he shot a deadly stare at Shadowheart who was still standing next to Karlach, checking on her smaller wounds. “What are you waiting for? An invitation?! Heal her!”
“I'm all out of spells!” She tried to explain. “We need to bring her back to our camp.”
“Would it kill you to try?”
Karlach nodded, agreeing that their friend was in bigger need of care than her, and Shadowheart approached the fainted party member begrudgingly, knowing fully well she would be of no help, and knelt next to her as she tried to cast a healing spell, but nothing happened. She tried again, and again, but her magic had run out. “I'm sorry, I– I can't.”
“What do you mean, you can't?!” Astarion spat out. “That's your sole purpose! What good of a cleric are you if you can't even heal her!”
“Hey!” Karlach stepped in before Shadowheart could retort. “Yelling won't get us anywhere, alright? We're all exhausted, and Soldier here needs serious help – let's just all go back to camp? Halsin might be able to take a look at her.”
His eyes narrowed, looking back at his lover, and he nodded to his friend. Without wasting any more time, Karlach picked her lifeless body from the ground, leading the march to their campsite without muttering another word. 
Back at camp, the party rushed to bring the burned sorceress to Halsin’s tent. At the brief sight of her lifeless body, everyone else rushed to see the state she was in.
“By Sylvanus, what happened back there?”
“Does it matter? She clearly needs help!” Astarion shouted.
“She was in the middle of an explosion, it was pretty bad.” Karlach stepped in, providing an answer for the archdruid. ”Can you fix her up?”
“I’ll do what I can, my friend, but I’ll need some time– “ He turned to Astarion who was hovering. “And space. Do not worry, I will come to you once I am done.”
With those last words, Karlach laid their fallen friend down in Halsin’s tent and guided Astarion out with a pat on the shoulder and a soft “Come on, Fangs''. He followed her, giving one last look at the woman he grew to love, a mix of anger and worry painted over his face. Astarion remained at his tent, trying to take his mind off of her by sewing up his torn clothes, but his mind kept going back to the moments before the explosion. He had pieced together what had happened, but he couldn't understand why she had put herself at risk like so. She was the smartest among them – he even enjoyed taunting Gale about it – and she was logical in combat. Why would she go as far as to risk her life over this? He kept pacing around in circles for the rest of the evening, expecting the worst as time went by. 
As night time approached, the flap’s of Halsin's tent opened to reveal an exhausted healer. Astarion hurried to him, his worry circulating to the druid with unspoken words.
“I stabilised her.” He tried to reassure the pale elf. “She will be alright, but she needs to rest. Her wounds were… a lot. If she didn't have the resolve of a sorceress, she might’ve not made it.” 
His eyes darted to the opening of the tent, mindlessly walking in, not ready for what was before him: the sorceress half naked, her clothes having been replaced almost completely by bandages. The few bits of her skin left bare showed old scars and new bruises covering them. She lifted her eyes to meet his, only to turn away at the vision of his visible worry.
“It's bad, isn't it?” she sighed heavily. “He said I shouldn't use my powers for a few days. Said it could ‘compromise the healing process’.” She mocked the archdruid’s voice. When Astarion didn’t say anything in return, her eyes darted back to him to notice his expression hadn’t changed in the slightest. “You shouldn’t have to see me like this.”
“And you shouldn’t have blown yourself up, dear.” 
“It’s not like I did it intentionally.”
“Not unless your intention was to end your life,” he snapped.
“Gods, what’s wrong with you?”
“Me?! What's wrong with me is that I happen to care for a brat who's prone to self destructive behaviour!”
“Excuse me?!” She raised herself up on her elbows.
“That stunt you pulled back there? You almost died!”
“We all could've died! I made the right choice to save our skins and nobody is grateful for it.” She groaned in pain, her body reminding her of her recent wounds.
“What choice?! Blowing yourself up? You blindly rushed in and put your life at risk. Gods, do you even realise the danger you put yourself in?”
“It was a calculated risk,” she hissed, her voice lowering. “And… I needed to do it.”
“What, kill yourself?”
“Ugh, I don’t even know why I’m trying to justify myself to you – It worked out, didn’t it? Why are you making such a big deal out of it now?” 
“Because I care about you!”
"Oh right, it would be such a shame if something happened to your precious meal." 
"You are more than that to me!”
She froze, the anger vanishing from her face, “...What do you mean?”
“When you… when I held you in my arms, back there I – I thought you were gone.” His voice cracked. “I didn’t think I would care, Hells, I didn’t plan to, I–”
She quickly blinked in confusion, “Plan?” and he realised just then what he had let out; he needed to come clean. 
“I know how it’s going to sound but, please, just hear me out. I… I had a plan. A nice, simple plan - seduce you, sleep with you, manipulate your feelings so you’d never turn on me. It was easy - instinctive. Habits from two hundred years of charming people kicked in. All you had to do was fall for it. And all I had to do was not fall for you… Which is where my nice, simple plan fell apart.”
She stayed silent, taking in everything he confessed, her gaze going back and forth as she was considering his words, and Astarion was starting to fear this was a mistake; this was meant to show her he cared just as much as she did. He couldn’t afford to lose her, not now that he laid out his feelings, not after almost losing her. He reached out for her hand, trying to bring her back to him.
“You–... you’re incredible. You deserve something real. I want us to be something real.”
She scoffed, finally finding her voice again. “So all this time…” Her chest rose as her breathing accelerated and she pulled her hand away from him in disbelief. “Everything you said, what we did–… Gods, were you even attracted to me?”
“Of course I was! Look at you, for goodness sake – you’re a vision. And you’re so much more than that.”
“Right. Then all of this,” she points at the two of them, “The flirting, the teasing, the soft words, you caring about me… It was an act, all along?”
“No! I mean– only at first, but then what we had – after that first night – it was real, I swear.”
She looks away as her eyes tear up, removing her hand from his grasp. “Why are you telling me this, Astarion?”
“I… I’m not sure… But you deserved to know.”
“I cannot believe I let myself fall for you. I’m such a fool.”
“Please–” He reached out for her hand again and she backed off abruptly.
“Don't touch me.”
The familiar words made his undead heart clench in pain and he backed off slowly. Despite her visible tears, Astarion knew she was boiling with rage.
“I really do care about you. I hope you’ll be able to forgive me.”
The tears streamed down her face as she blinked, her gaze stuck on the ground before them.
“You better have had your fill yesterday, because that was the last time I let you feed on me.” Her eyes met his, in a fury that he had never seen before, and she spoke with a shaky but dark voice. “I don't want you anywhere near me anymore.”
He nodded, “I understand–”
“I don't think you do,” she cut him off, her raging eyes piercing through him.
He looked at her incredulous, until she confirmed his worst fear.
“I want you gone from this camp by tomorrow morning.”
But every time I see those eyes
I wonder if you know you're keeping me up late at night
I don't know where to go
I pretend, I don't care, I tell myself you're right here
It's nothing but a nightmare, nightmare
Thank you for reading! Comments, reblogs, and likes are very much appreciated <3
tag list (comment or message me if you want to be added!): @grimistheangerinmystares @silverfangmarks @roguishcat @nyx-knox @anacdoce
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vasyandii · 18 hours
Hello! I just wanted to say that I absolutely adore your IHNMAIMS oc. I'm a OC x canon enthusiast and seeing a character so well written and adapted to the story as Vernon is makes me so excited!! Plus your art is literally amazing. I've been curious since you mentioned how Vernon cuts potions of her meal to give them to AM and how the food improved since AM got his body, what food/meals do Vernon and AM like/dislike/have as favourite? -for AM, at least from what he has tasted- Whether if it's because of the taste, flavour, etc.
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Howdy Anon! Thank you so much for the kind words, I've been giddy since I got it a few days ago! I'm glad my OC x Canon content gets your stamp of Approval >:D!! 💞💞
VernonAM 🏺🖥️ Food Preferences
I think Vernon is careful in choosing the food she shares with AM because he will eat literally ANYTHING. She would try to eat things to torture herself with, extremely spicy foods, live insects, raw organs, etc. but then remember that she has to "Feed AM". So she opts out for something normal so his taste buds don't get fucked.
Or as normal as it can get, the food kind of has the uncanny valley effect as well. It looks normal and tastes normal, but she feels there's something a bit off about it (kind of like airplane food). So she often leaves criticism to the Chef™ (AM) or asks to cook instead.
Vernon isn't particularly picky when it comes to food, she'll eat it and clean her plate. She likes her food balanced, vegetables/meat with sauce and all that. If it tastes good, she'll eat it, y'know?
AM is more... difficult. Sure, he'll eat anything, but if it tastes really bad, it'll traumatize him and he'll refuse to eat it for a while.
His food has to not be touching, if it's mixed in all together beforehand he'll eat it. If there's sauce it shouldn't be close enough to where it can contaminate the food AM's eating because he WILL taste it, no matter how small the amount is. His utensils need to be a specific size, and the food HAS to be hot/warm. He needs to be able to see or know every ingredient in it.
It's observed that AM likes fried foods/anything crunchy because of how consistent they are in taste, texture, and flavour. So what ends up happening is Vernon will just include those foods into her meal, just to not eat it and have it on a little plate for him.
Vernon asks him why he can't just make food for himself, his response is "I don't need to eat, I eat when when you eat."
But honestly it's a pretty dumb question now that she's looking back on it. AM has all the knowledge in the world about food, everything ever made, everything he's never tasted. So he's basically asking Her, indirectly, "I don't know where to start or what's good. But you do. I trust you. Feed me."
Now here's some of the meals They've had together (+ AM's comments):
Chicken soup ("Too wet", just ate the broth)
Caesar Salad ("Damp, Crunchy water")
Vanilla ice cream (experienced a brain freeze for the first time, thought his body was malfunctioning)
Spaghetti Bolognese ("No I will not be mixing it, you mix it for me")
Western beef stew (He picked out the potatoes and only ate those. Thought the meat was irritating to eat.)
Baby carrots. ("You know they bleach these, right?")
Asparagus (he likes them. Needs to be warm)
Broccoli (same thing)
Cheese Pizza (Ate it, ate too much. Tummy hurted.)
Tempura (Ate too much, tummy hurted)
Fish and chips (Ate too much, tummy hurted)
Coffee, black (spat it out)
Macaroni and cheese (Ate too much, tummy hurted)
Grilled chicken hearts skewers (He liked it, but kept poking the roof of his mouth with the skewer.)
Half a Hamburger (picked out the vegetables because he didn't like them, still tasted it and gave the rest to Vernon)
Half a cheeseburger (ate it with no fuss.)
Aaand that'll be all for now :) if you made it this far, thank you for reading! If you need any clarifications, feel free to tell me!
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callyourose · 2 days
match point, chapter seven.
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↳ masterlist
— In which the fabric of Lennon Caddel and Tashi Duncan’s friendship starts to change when they meet Art Donaldson and Patrick Zweig.
content warning : smut? not explicit at all though <3
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TASHI DUNCAN WASN'T FORCING LENNON CADDEL TO PLAY TENNIS. At least not anymore. With Patrick and Art in their lives, getting Lennon to play had gotten a lot easier. Her two best friends and her boyfriend were so passionate about it that she found herself wanting to be passionate about it too. Lennon was so fascinated with Patrick that she would've done anything to relate to him, even if was pretend to enjoy playing tennis. But after a while she wasn't even pretending. She had stopped lying to her physical therapist and was finally on new medication, trying to gain control over the pain tennis was causing her. And it was working. She went to practice and matches with a smile on her face. Patrick and Art had pulled a few playful duos games out of her, which she looked forward to when he visited. She looked forward to playing tennis. She almost couldn't believe it. If the rest of the season were to go well, she planned on going pro in May. When she told Tashi that she had changed her mind, that she desperately wanted to go pro, she thought she was going to cry. The two of them, a professional duos team next summer. It was everything they had dreamed of. When they were ten years old, laying on their backs on Lennon's at home tennis court, pointing up at constellations, this is what they talked about. They had decided on their duos name when they were eight years old and it was finally going to happen for them. Sugar and Spice is what they had chosen all those years ago. It was cringy to them now, but they kept it. For old times sake. Five more months and the dreams they had shared at countless sleepovers would be a reality. Tashi would need to thank Patrick.
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First semester went just as fast as it had came. Patrick had kept his promise to Lennon and was at almost every single match she played that fall. The season didn't actually start until January but he was in the stands at practice matches and rallies, cheering when she won. Which was every time. Patrick, Lennon, Tashi, and Art had become the most recognizable group. When the three Stanford attendees walked across campus together, people couldn't help but stare. All of them were so smart and talented and just so fucking attractive, they (Tashi) understood the eyes that followed them. They were the poster children for college student perfection. Tashi, a business major, had grabbed the attention of professors with the amazing questions she asked during lecture. Art and Lennon were both communications majors and shared a lot of the same classes, causing people to turn heads when they walked in together. They were always carrying both their tennis bag and a regular backpack, a smoothie from Stanford's café sweating in their hands. All of them, Patrick included, had laughed loudly in the student center and picnicked on the campus green. The Dream Team. That's what people had started to call them. And it was true. All of them felt like they were living a dream when they were together.
It was harder for Lennon and Patrick, though, no matter how much of dream they felt they were living. Patrick had asked Lennon to be his late one October night after one of her matches. Tashi had an exam early in the morning and had gone to bed, and so Lennon and Patrick had slipped out of her dorm building to sit on the wide open courtyard. Their posture mimicked what it was the first night that they had been together all those months ago. Lennon's arms were wrapped around her legs which were pulled up to her chest, head on her knee, staring at the side of his face. Patrick's legs were splayed out, arms behind him as he gazed up at the sky. Lennon was nervous just looking at him. He wasn't talking as much as he normally did and he was chewing on his bottom lip deep in thought. She found herself wanting to reach out and pull it from his mouth, offering her own lips for him to chew on instead.
"What's wrong?" She had muttered, one of her hands toying with and ripping up the grass beside her. 
He sighed and shook his head as she pulled him from his thoughts. "It's nothing," He mumbled and turned his head to look at her. She looks so pretty, he thought. The only light around was a lamp post a few feet away and the glow of the moon. She was a little sunburnt from her practices and her cheeks looked permanently rosy while the rest of her body was covered in a light tan. She was wearing his t-shirt, "Mark Rebellato Tennis Academy" plastered across the front. She was smiling at him softly and he could just melt into the grass.
"It's not nothing... You're gonna bite your lip until it bleeds." She had given in, bringing her thumb to pull at his bottom lip. "Pat, you gotta stop doing that." He relented and had let her pull his lip from in between his teeth. He had never been one to get flustered around anyone, much less a girl he thought was attractive. But Lennon's softness almost canceled out his hard, cocky demeanor. 
"I know." He locked eyes with her, his green ones looking deep into her brown. "I really like you, Lennon."
Her breath hitched and she had been fighting the urge to look away from his intense stare. She stuttered out a reply which made Patrick grin. He liked making her flustered. "I... uh... I like you too. A lot."
"A lot?" He had teased, which earned him an eye roll, a shove, and an order to 'Shut up!'  He laughed at her, trying to lighten the mood. "'M sorry, I didn't mean to ruin the moment. But I can't just go on like this. Having you bat your eyelashes at me and me have to act like I don't want you."
Her smile faded, something akin to relief taking over her face. He wanted her just like she wanted him. Not sexually, not yet at least, but the want to be close to him. To be his. "Y-you want me?"
He tskd and looked away, bewildered. "'Course I do. What you think I was coming to all your matches and spending all my hard earned money on gas because I just wanted to be your friend?" 
She smiled, now biting her lip to keep her from giggling. She shrugged. "Well I don't know... you do it for Art."
Patrick laughed and tipped his head back before turning back to her. "No, no I don't. I only go to Art's matches if he has one while I'm here to see you." He watched her intensely as she connected the dots he had presented her with. 
"Oh." That's all she said.
"Yeah, oh." He bumped her leg with his, tilting his head at her. He reaches up to brush a hair out of her face just like he did two months ago outside of her hotel room. "I'm going to kiss you. Is that ok?" 
Lennon looked at him, blinking slowly. She parted her lips and sucked in a shaky deep breath before dropping her legs to the ground, allowing his an easy path to her. "Please."
And then his lips were slotted against hers, both of his hands cupping her face. She leaned into his touch like she was dying of thirst and the only thing that could save her was the wetness of Patrick's mouth. Patrick kisses her like a starved man, he has to remind himself to chill out. He didn't want to scare her. He didn't want to fuck this up. He pulled back, albeit hesitantly, and rested his forehead against hers. Lennon had whined and chased his lips, desperately searching for more. He laughed breathlessly at her urgency. 
"Slow down, baby," He breathed as he brushed his thumbs across her cheeks. The pet name only made it harder for her, the need in her growing. But she didn't chase him again. He could tell her to follow him to the ends of the earth and she would've done it. No questions asked.
"I-I'm sorry." She frantically apologized. He looked so pretty like this. Lips swollen, eyes closed as he tried to come down from the high of kissing her. He was thinking the same thing about her. 
"Fuck", he swore under his breath, squeezing his eyes shut, "Don't apologize. Please don't apologize." He pulled back slightly with his hands still cupping her cheeks, keeping her at arms length.
Patrick just stared at her, taking in her beauty. His heart had been pounding in his chest when he asked her what he had been wanting to ask her for months. "Lennon," He started. He looked at her with the softest gaze he could muster. "Will you please be my girlfriend? I genuinely think I need it like I need water." He couldn't do it without making a joke. He likes hearing her laugh.
And she does. Lennon doesn't think she's ever said "Yes!" more enthusiastically in her life. 
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The month before the tennis season started, Lennon and Tashi had an unspoken agreement that they deserved a break. It was winter break and they had been working so fucking hard during the semester. Both of the girls were on track to come out on top by the end of the season and they had both ended the semester on the presidential honor's list. Just the thought of going home and having to deal with their parents was enough to have them groaning. They brought this up to Art a week before break over their hundredth shared bowl of fries in the Stanford café. He had the perfect solution.
"Why don't we," He swallowed the fry in his mouth, dusting the salt off his fingers, "Why don't you just ask Patrick if you can stay at his parents' summer house? That's what I'm doing."
Lennon and Tashi shared a look, to which Tashi rolled her eyes with a smile. They knew that Patrick was wealthier than all of them, but it always made them giggle when it was brought up. The boy who stole all of his friends' clothes had more money than all of them combined. 
"Do you think he would let us?" Lennon asked while she twirled the straw of her drink in her fingers.
Art chuckled, brushing off her question. "Are you kidding? He's obsessed with you and he starts to go stir crazy if he doesn't see all of us together for a while."
Lennon blushed at the thought of Patrick being obsessed with her. She knew he was her boyfriend (which still made her giddy to think about) but still. Tashi smiled at Lennon’s blush and at Art's offer. 
"Lennon's parents don't care where she is as long as they know she's alive. And my parents let me go anywhere Lennon goes. So... we'll be there.
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The four of them had Patrick's summer house all to themselves for an entire month. You would think that would be a disaster, but it was actually the most fun any of them had ever had. The pool was heated, a jacuzzi tucked away in the corner. The fucking floors and tennis court were heated. Every single day for a month they would wake up at noon, play a 2v2 match, drive Lennon's car to dinner (which Patrick paid for every time), and come back and watch horror movies until they were too tired to keep their eyes open. They each had their own room in the house but every night they would curl into each other on the huge couch, opting for the company of their best friends over the comfort of an actual bed. 
Many a pillow fight, wrestling match, and game of chicken was played in that house. It brought them closer together, individually and as a group. Even Tashi found herself laughing so hard she was crying at Patrick and Art's tennis academy stories. 
Lennon wanted to cry every time she caught a glimpse of Tashi laughing with Art or shoving Patrick when he beat her in a tennis match. She wasn't sad, quite the opposite actually. She was so overjoyed that it made her misty eyed. Maybe she had been wrong. Maybe Tashi wasn't the only one who could love her despite her insecurities and flaws. Maybe Tashi wasn't the only one could see her for all the she was and keep her around regardless. Maybe Art and Patrick could give that to her too.
On one of the rare afternoons Lennon and Patrick were alone in the living room, Tashi showering and Art napping in his bed, she confessed this to him. His hand was buried between her thighs, his mouth pressing soft kisses and bites to her neck, her head leaned back. She was sitting in his lap with her chest pressed to his, his hand moving between them. She was whining and whimpering and grinding her hips slowly into his touch. Her eyes were squeezed shut when she said it. She whispered it like she was sharing her most close kept secret.
"I think... fuck, I love you." 
Patrick's touch faltered and Lennon could feel his breath stutter with his mouth pressed to the column of her throat. The once regulated and calculated thrusts of his fingers became stuttered pushes and pulls, like she threw him off of his game. "Y-you think?" His voice sounded strained and he picked up the pace of his fingers, her confession making him want to please her even more. Which he didn't think was possible. 
"Uh huh," She nodded frantically, pulling Patrick's head up so that she could look him in the eye. Both of their cheeks were flushed and their lips were a tad bit swollen. Lennon's from biting them and Patrick's from the hungry way he had kissed her. His eyes were half-lidded while hers were wide with admiration. She cupped his face in her hands, which he understood. He pressed his lips to hers. This kiss was different than the ones the had been sharing over the course of the past few months. Instead of frantic and hungry kisses, teeth clashing and tongues rolling together, this one was softer. Like instead of saying her loved her too, he wanted to show her.
"A-ask me again... shit, Patrick... ask me la-ter."
His head falls to her shoulder, biting it softly. She let out a broken moan as she let go around his fingers, which Patrick covered with his own groan. The softness was rare from him and something about it made her even more sure that she loved him. She knew he wasn't going to say it back, that wasn't his style. Not yet at least. They had met each other less than six months ago. They had only been dating for two. She knew it was naive of her to say but she didn't care because she did love him. She loved him and the way he always knew what to say to make her laugh. She loved the way he let her play whatever music she wanted in his car even if it was what he called "whiny girl music." She loved his friendship with Art and the way they had pulled her and Tashi into their duo with open arms. She could tell him that she loved him over and over just for that. 
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