#At this point Penny gives zero fucks; go girl
inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday | Tagged by @direwombat ❤️
This week's snippet is on the longer side and full of misadventures, but I promise the ending is so freaking worth it, I have never laughed so much while writing a scene and it was at 2 am... All I'm going to say is: John and a bat.❤️ENJOYYY.
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John stared at his phone as the car neared Portland, the unmistakable rumbling of his stomach quickly convincing him to grab lunch first before moving onto solving his flight and hotel issues. He knew it was the perfect excuse to text Sabrina, a foolproof way to continue their earlier conversation. Deep down he had hoped she'd recommend a place to eat, maybe offer to join him considering the fact he was all alone. Detectives have to eat, too, after all… Instead she had given him the most emotionless answer possible, like he was asking Google for a good lunch spot and not the woman that had captured his interest. The last part of one of her texts had taken an infuriating hold over his thoughts. "I won't be your girl." He hated the wording, even though she hadn't meant it that way. And since his 'thank you' she hadn't replied anything else, letting him to wonder if she had even gotten the hint. His fingers began typing out a new message, deciding to throw away all caution and subtlety to the wind. Fuck it. What if she refuses?
John: Feeling like grabbing lunch? I'm almost back in town.
There. Spelled it out for you, Detective. All you need to do is say 'yes'.
"Where are we headed, Mr. Duncan?", his driver pulled him back to reality and away from overthinking why she wasn't responding to his invite. He explained away the restaurant's general location to the man, leaving him to figure out how to get there. His phone finally chirped and he tried to not think about how fast he had unlocked the screen, expecting Sabrina would have texted him back, instead it was a message from Penny's work number.
Ms. Hastings: How did the meeting go, Mr. Duncan?
John looked down at the question that would be innocent enough coming from another person, but after the photo incident he just knew he had to keep her at even greater distance than before.
John: Good.
He kept his reply as short and reserved as possible, deciding against asking her to switch his flight back, telling himself that for once he would do it on his own and save on more interactions with her that day.
Minutes later, after finally caving in and asking his driver about his name (Ryan) and him agreeing to be on call for the day, he found himself in front of the small Italian restaurant. The bell above the door drew the attention of some of the customers seated towards the entrance while he made his way to an empty table near one of the windows overlooking the street. He couldn't deny the place had a homey charm with its red brick walls and old wooden furniture, and was different from the spots he usually ended up having lunches or dinners at. The moment he sat down, an older graying woman, wearing a red apron and a small metal tag spelling "Sofia" sent a smile his way as she grabbed a menu and headed in his direction. "Welcome. Always nice to see new faces stopping by.", she began in a friendly tone, a rarity for him in the last couple of days, "A menu, I will give you some time to choose what you'd like." "Thank you." She set a leather bound menu in front of him, making a move to retreat when an idea occured to him.
"Excuse me.", he mumbled quietly before he could change his mind while his fingers ran over the restaurant's name on the front cover. Gentle dark eyes settled back on him, "Yes, honey?" She had uttered the word out so naturally, like she was addressing her own grandson, not a stranger. "I was… I was told about this place by a detective and was wondering if she stopped by a lot." Instead of telling him his question was strange, Sofia just let out a small laugh before saying, "We get a lot of detectives as customers with the precinct being so close by. You'd have to be more precise." "It's hard to miss her.", he ignored the look she gave him at the simple observation, "Brunette, gray bangs-" "Beautiful?" He nodded, "Yes." "I know exactly who you mean. What did you want to ask?" "It might be a strange request… but I was going to order whatever she would usually get." It was a way for him to figure out what Sabrina was like and feel like a part of her was present at the lunch, that he wasn't sitting alone in the middle of a city that hated him. Pathetic? No. Simple curiosity. Sofia accepted the menu back when he handed it over, "Coming right up, honey. And what would you like to drink?" "Water. Thank you."
As he waited for whatever dish he was going to be surprised with to arrive, John occupied his time with trying to get in touch with the airline over the phone and spare a trip back to the wretched airport. Distorted generic hold music sounded in his ear, playing on repeat for the third time when Sofia reappeared and set a plate of bow-tie pasta, covered in sauce and mixed with other vegetables and meat. "Enjoy.", she whispered, noticing he was on the phone and left with that. He sighed, when the song looped again and reluctantly picked up his fork, deciding he wasn't going to let his lunch get cold and he knew he had made the right choice the moment his lips closed around the cutlery, the food melting on his tongue. You have good taste, Detective. He had finished half of his plate by the time a male voice interrupted the melody he feared would be stuck in his head for far too long. "Hello,", he cleared his throat, "I need to change the date of my return flight." "Alright, sir. What name is the reservation under?" "John. John Duncan." "Thank you. And you will be flying to?" "Atlanta." "From?" The question gave him a pause, "Portland."
"Date?" "Anything available after this coming Monday." "I will need your credit card details, sir. And then I will take care of each and everything." That did it, "What company do you work for?" "Uh-", the man on the other line started, taking way too long to respond and when he did it was the wrong airline. "You, scammer.", John gritted out, hanging up and cutting off the man insistence he had it all wrong. He bit back the string of curses that threatened to escape, knowing the other patrons wouldn't appreciate him losing his composure while they were having lunch. Hell. This must be hell. He was glad he had caught up with what was actually happening before getting his bank account drained as a grandiose finale to the week. After paying for his meal, and Sofia asking him to promise he'd be coming by for a meal again, he called Ryan to drive him to the airport.
"Friday.", the woman at the ticket counter announced matter-of-factly as she stared at the monitor in front of her. "As in two days?", John asked slowly, hoping somehow she had misunderstood his request and was offering him a seat on his originally planned flight. Reality was he was in complete denial about what it would actually mean - staying a whole week in Portland. "As in next Friday, sir.", the clicking of her mouse and whispering somewhere behind him on the line of customers was starting to get on his nerves, "The current booking you have is for this Friday." "Nothing else? Just Friday.", he repeated, then drummed his hand the counter, "Please check again." The woman sighed, "Sir, I said-" "Check again. Could be in first class, for all I care, the price isn't an issue." She shook her head, "Either way, all flights before Friday are sold out." Like hell they are. He tuned out her explanation about him choosing to fly in the month where multiple conferences, expos and galas are taking place. "Fuck.", he blinked as the word slipped out, a frown appearing on her face before she recovered. "If you're in a rush,", her voice lowered as she leaned forward, "you can check with other airlines. But chances are the answer would be the same. They might have openings in economy-" "No.", he basically hissed out, "I'm not flying economy ever again." Her lips pursed, "Would you like me to book the Friday flight for you then?" "Fine."
With his new ticket secured, John left the airport, dialing Penny before he could focus too much on the ever-growing list of reasons why avoiding phonecalls with her was a must. It took one dial ring and she picked up, her sultry voice filling his ears and making him pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration, "John, baby." "Ms. Hastings.", he gritted out in warning, and Ryan's gaze shifted to him in the rearview mirror. "Sorry. Sorry. How can I help you, Mr. Duncan?" "I need you to clear my schedule for next week and get me a ticket out of Portland before the end of it. Find anyone willing to sell their seat, I don't care what you have to do and how much they ask for. Anything that's earlier than Friday would do." "John,", her next words were but a hushed whisper, he could imagine her cupping a hand over mouth as she sat behind her desk, "Are you in such a rush to see me? Did you like the picture?" "Get me a ticket, Penny. Goddamn it. I'm in no mood for whatever game you're trying to play. I warned you about this.", his voice rose as his hand formed a fist against his knee. He was very close to punching Ryan's headrest and doubted the man would like that, especially after having done nothing to warrant his anger. "I-I will see what I can do.", her tone grew serious, "Did something happen with Mooney? Is this why you don't want to talk about my text? I was certain you would like the picture." "Focus on your job and get me the ticket, Ms. Hastings. And I... will pretend you sent me nothing.", he hung up with that before she had a chance to go on a dangerous tangent that would most likely result in another argument.
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John: Feeling like grabbing lunch? I'm almost back in town.
"So, I was right, after all.", Leslie mumbled behind her completely dressed to head out, almost making Sabrina jump as she finally opened John's texts she had successfully avoided throughout the day, thanks to the family members interviews and additional questioning they had to conduct for their latest case. At his height, he could easily glance over her shoulder while she read the replies, making her wish she had waited until she was home to check them. She quickly shoved her phone back in her bag and put her jacket on, feeling glad it was just the two of them in the room, that Oliver wasn't live texting details about her personal life once more, "Don't start." "You're not even going to respond?", he asked in amusement. "No." "It must sting. Poor fucker has been waiting the whole day."
She was the first in the hallway with Leslie hot on her heels as she set for the elevator, then at the last moment she took the stairs, prompting him to pick up his pace so he could keep up, "I was just joking. No need to try to ghost me, too." Sabrina forced a laugh, "I'm not ghosting him." "How long have we known each other, Rina?" She finally slowed down when they reached the lobby, and he fell into step beside her, "Way too long." "Exactly. Which means you can talk to me." "I know." Leslie held the door open for her as usual, allowing her to exit the building first, and when she turned to face him and wish him goodbye, he pulled her in for a quick hug instead. "Don't ignore him if you like him.", he said when she moved out of his embrace. "I thought you were suspicious of him. Now you're my wingman?" He gave her a shrug, "I saw how you smiled at his messages at lunch. All I want is for you to be happy. Who cares if it's because of some schmuck attorney." "Goodnight, Leslie.", she ignored his insinuations and took a step backward, then another as she sent him a smile before she turned and headed for her car. The whole time, she kept her hands in her pockets, telling herself it was because of the cold when in truth it mostly so she wouldn't reach for her cellphone. His laugh paired with a "Goodnight" echoed behind her, and she had no doubt if she was to turn she'd find him still standing where she had left him, that he was waiting to make sure she got into her car safely, just like he did every time they left work together.
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John unlocked his hotel room and hung up the garment bag, containing one of the replacement suits he had bought after his stop at the airport, the rest of the clothes were supposed to be delivered directly to the hotel in the morning. Another shopping bag held a second pair of shoes, underwear, sleep pants, his favorite fragrance, and other little things he'd need if he were to actually end up staying for an extra week in Portland. A part of him believed that Penny would find a way to get him on an earlier flight, always being someone to go above and beyond for his approval. He settled for ordering room service for dinner, already feeling too drained and on edge to attempt eating out. The TV across him was on, filling the silence in the room as he ate an average tasting steak with butter–grilled vegetables on the side, yet his eyes remained on his phone that he had sworn to stop checking regularly by then yet still hoped would light up eventually. Just making sure I don't miss any news about my travel arrangements. I don't care that she didn't text me back. His conversation with Clive had turned out to be uneventful, with him affirming the fact that set-backs were to be anticipated with a client like Mooney. As he was washing up in the bathroom after finishing his dinner, he heard his phone ringing and picked up the call in a rush, anticipation of good news and disappointment at the name displayed on his screen mixing simultaneously.
"Yes?" "John.", Penny began in a strange tone, then corrected herself,  "Mr. Duncan. You-you,", a hiccup turned into a muffled sob and swallowed her words. Jesus. "Ms. Hastings, are you drunk?", he snarled. "You think I'm-", she took a deep breath, "lesser than you- that you can just treat me like garbage because I-I like you. Well, you know what?" He sighed in exasperation, wondering what had possessed her to call him and if he should just hang up. "Fuck you, John Duncan. I'm better than this.", her voice rose and something clattered on the other side of the line, "And you-" "Ms. Hastings, last chance-", but she was on a roll, set on finishing her piece, her anger bubbling over before his. "You can fire me, it's not going to change anything or who you are as a person. You're heartless. And you're happy to be that way. You enjoy talking down to people and then you'd just smile at them like nothing had happened…" His hand rubbed at his forehead, regret at picking up her call swooping in. "Well, you can get yourself a ticket, Mr. Duncan.", Penny gritted out his name, "Have fun in Portland." Before he could reply anything the line went dead.
John blinked, staring at his homescreen and wondering if he had imagined the last couple of minutes. For her time as his assistant, Penelope Hastings had never drunk called him, no matter how many passes she would make at him at work, or how many times she'd be turned down. "She's unstable on top of being obsessed.", he noted with a frown, dreading the idea his first task upon returning in Atlanta would be to find a new PA when the last time had been nothing but torturous.
Minutes later, John found himself in the bathroom, sentenced to another freezing shower despite the hotel's claims everything had been fixed. He couldn't deny that he felt not only cold but also miserable and absolutely restless as he quickly soaped his body, rinsed, and stepped out with a towel around his waist. He made his way back to the bed without a glance at his reflection and put on a pair of sleep pants, sprawling on top of the sheets while he unlocked his phone, praying that Penny's drunken state hadn't given her the courage to cross the line again.
Sabrina: Sorry about today.
He didn't bother typing up a reply, instead directly dialing her as he rose to a sitting position and leaned against the headboard, his bad mood seeming like a distant past at her smile. "Hey, stranger." "Hi." "How's Portland been threatening you?" He shook his head as his gaze strayed to the window and the darkness outside before returning to hers, "I had a long, long day." "Long as in… you want to talk about it or is it a case of 'don't make me reminisce'?." A chuckle ripped out, despite the sore subject, "Where do I start… my client stabbed another inmate with a fork.", her eyebrows rose in surprise at the last part, "so now not only do I have to rearrange my whole schedule for him, but I will be stuck here for another week." "Good God. A fork, like for real, you're not pulling my leg?" "Yeah." Her eyes narrowed in consideration, "Did he use a spork? Because it's what they're allowed to have for meals, John…", a giggle left her, and she slapped a hand over her mouth, "Sorry, I shouldn't be laughing. But that visual…" He couldn't help his smile, "Fuck it, if I know. The deputies wouldn't tell me anything. But at least my misery is amusing someone." "I'm sorry." "The wonders of being the defense."
She nodded, eyes still shining with mischief, "On the bright side…at least he didn't stab you." "Were you worried about me?" The way she bit her lip made the cold shower forced upon him completely useless, "Maybe." His smile was a full-blown smirk by then, "Careful, this might be just what my bruised ego needed." "Worrying about civilians is part of the job, Mr. Duncan. Especially considering the luck you've been having quite consistently." Good try, Detective. Sure, a "civilian". "How was lunch?" "Lonely.", he ran a hand through his hair, "But I have to admit, you do have a taste." "Sorry for going dark on you. I was already at lunch and then got stuck in hour-long interviews… What did you get?" The question took him aback, seeing how he had no idea what the dish Sofia had served him was named, "This delicious bow-tie pasta with meat and-" "Veggies?" "Yes." "John?" "Mhm?", he swore he could fall asleep just listening to her voice, the last couple of minutes making him feel more at ease despite how unsure he was about where the call would go. "You ordered it?" "Yes. It was hard to pick from everything they had listed…"
There was a long pause, then she muttered, "It's not on the menu." His eyes widened, "I-", he coughed while she quietly chucked on the other side, "It's not? I'm pretty sure it was." I'm sure she bought it. He couldn't understand why, but anytime it got to having a conversatiion with Sabrina, he ended up turning into a teenager navigating his first crush rather than one of the most sought after attorneys in Georgia. "It used to be, back when the restaurant first opened doors, and now… it's like a "secret" menu item for old customers." John chose the strategy of keeping his silence, hoping she'd change the subject on her own, suspecting otherwise she would see through whatever excuse he'd make up. "Well?" "Yes?" Her eyes narrowed playfully, "How did you know about it?" "I'd rather not explain that one away, Sabrina." "Why not?" "Because I like my current odds more. Plus,", he announced matter-of-factly, "I can always invoke my right to remain silent, Detective." He felt like the last part was a complete mistake simply for the images it concocted in his mind, especially after her mention of interviews. He hadn't exactly missed the handcuffs hanging onto her belt when she finally stripped off the wretched coat as she took his incident report, either. He swore her voice dipped, "That so, Mr. Duncan? Look at me, forgetting who I'm dealing with."
"Any news from the elusive Detective Stockton? Because I'm yet to hear back from him." "Maxwell is one of the best, John. They're just drowning in cases, but I know for a fact he's taking your case seriously, not only to catch whoever that guy is, but to recover your things." "I appreciate that.", he shifted on the bed, "Speaking of which… you don't have to worry about me being cold anymore." "Oh?", she quirked an eyebrow, then made a circular motion with her hand as she scrunched up her face, "I was getting a different impression from your lack of shirt." "By choice, mind you." "Lucky me. So… what does this attorney wear to bed?" His lips twisted into a smirk at her question, "Are you asking what I think you're asking?" Sabrina shrugged, "Quid pro quo, John. You saw my unimpressive nightwear, it's only fair you show me yours." "Quite the opposite, your nightware left an impression." The shirt was making a return that night, though if he was there like she had joked during their previous call, it wouldn't have stayed on her body for long.
"Are you stalling?", she challenged. "No." He absolutely was, knowing his sleep pants were absolutely going to leave an impression as well. A part of him was wishing he had put on underwear, an extra layer that would attempt to conceal his hard-on. Like that would help. Her melodic laugh wasn't doing him any favors, too, "I'm waiting." He doubted that trying to buy more time would have any positive effect, especially with the twinkle in her eyes as she regarded him. What would she do? Hang up? After asking for a look? He sighed dramatically, "So impatient." Before he could talk himself out of it, he switched to the back camera of his phone, strategically cropping out as much as he could. Still not enough, judging by her silence. "I'm dealing with a… situation." Her expression was unreadable, "I can see that." "Roughly estimated, how much did my chances sunk with?", he asked, flipping back to the view of his face. "Who says they did?" She rested her head against her hand, drawing his gaze to the side of her neck that he couldn't help but imagine running his lips all over. "It's a good thing my shower is completely broken and only has one option for temperature: freezing." A small laugh left her, "Now I'm truly worried about you catching a cold. I'm shocked you haven't made them fix it, had the lawyer in you come out to play." "I'm being told they've fixed it." "Hell." "Yes. Portland hates me. Can you imagine me surviving a whole week here?" "You will be fine.", she waved him off. "I doubt you'd say the same if I list you all the things I've been through already."
"You know where to find me if you end up getting yourself in anything but legal trouble. That, I'm sure you can handle on your own." John smiled, "Noted. I will make sure to mention you as an emergency contact. So, about tomorrow…" She gave him a confused look, "Tomorrow?" Here goes nothing. "Go out with me.", the words left him in a rush and he rubbed a hand over his chest, wondering why his heart was suddenly racing. The last thing I need is a hospital visit. Sabrina was back to chewing on her lip, shifting against her pillows, her hesitation putting him on edge. He was used to women quickly making their intentions known upon meeting them, rarely having to work hard on convincing them to agree to a dinner, taking them to bed after always felt like the natural outcome, inevitably becoming a monotonous routine he'd turn to when he would find himself unable to push down his urges any longer. "I'm not sure what you're asking-" Come on, Detective, we both know that's not true. "I'm asking you out on a date, Sabrina. What else do you think my lunch message meant?", his fingers gripped his phone while his heart kept up the same dreadful pace. She tucked a stray piece of hair that had escaped her bun behind her ear, "And here I thought you just didn't know how to use Google and then felt obligated to invite me along." "Go out with me.", he repeated, "I'm asking you out as a woman I'm interested in, no obligation in sight, only the fact you're the first good thing to happen to me in this wretched city and no matter how much I try, I can't get you out of my head."
More than he intended had spilled out in the confession, but it wasn't like he could take it back, and a part of him… didn't want to. "I-", she shut her mouth, stopping whatever answer was about to escape. "Say 'yes'. One date.", his tone was bordering on pleading. Desperation. Never a good look. "I guess I just want to know one thing first…", there was a somber look in her eyes as she considered asking whatever was holding her back from agreeing to a simple meal. "What is it?" "The text. The one you sent on accident… what's the story there?" Are you jealous? Wondering about potential competition like I was the second you handed me your phone? "My assistant. She's,", he knew he had to choose his next words carefully as he held Sabrina's gaze, "been showing interest in me for a while. It's one-sided, I assure you. And when she saw the usual passive remarks didn't do the job, her strategy became bolder." Her nod urged him on, "She sent me a picture today. I had to remind her she's crossing the line. Are you worried about her?" "No.", she pursed her lips, "I guess all I wanted to know was what you see me as, if I would be one among many women in line." "I meant what I said- you're the only one I'm interested in, no matter how many unsolicited pictures Penelope decides to harass me with. Not to mention, you saw exhibit A of that attraction.", his last words cracked at her serious facade, making her let out a laugh, "Help a man out here, I think I've had enough embarrassing moments to last me a while."
"Okay.", she matched the grin that took over his face, "Yes, John. What else do I say after that, really?" His heart did another crazy flip the second she actually said 'yes', giving him a straight answer, "When?" Her fingers rubbed at her mouth absently, not at all helping with his situation below the belt, "I'm not sure where the cases I'm working on would take me, my time is mainly divided between work and well, my sister." The child she was raising on her own. He had read enough on her thanks to the file that one of the firm's investigators had provided for him, and yet he couldn't help but want more. "Wherever you can fit me in.", by then, he had given up on trying to sound even remotely like he wasn't desperate, "Lunch?" "Sounds good." "Tomorrow?" Sabrina smiled, "Depends on how my morning goes… I could perhaps text you?" "Okay, Detective." "I probably should leave you to it, turn in for the night." John didn't let his expression fall despite the disappointment he was experiencing even after his small win, "Goodnight." "Goodnight.", she paused, index finger running over her lips again when she said, "John?" "Hmm?" "I hope you know there are other ways to address matters than a cold shower, especially at this time of the year. Sleep well and try not to sleepwalk into trouble."
She hung up with that, not giving him any time to reply as he slumped against the pillow behind him. Reluctantly, he turned off the lights and crawled beneath the covers. As he lay in the darkness, the air around him felt electrified by her words, too heavy for him to breathe freely. The sheets stuck to his skin, eventually forcing him to crack open one of the room windows to let the cool night air in. He tossed and turned for a good hour, and no matter how much he willed himself to sleep, his body felt high-strung, craving her instead of rest. Her parting words inevitably pushed him to leave the bed and head back to the bathroom, discarding the constricting pants on the floor in front of it. It seems, this "matter" won't be going anywhere, Sabrina. No cold showers, you say? The idea that she was suggesting a "solution" and had a perfect understanding of what he would be doing the moment the call would end teased his senses when the door shut behind him and he grasped himself. His breathing grew labored, bouncing around him while he leaned his head back against the wall, imagining her being the one behind each stroke, because in a way she was. His legs buckled the second his release hit him, his free hand that was braced on the counter providing much needed support. Who would I be to go against your advice, Detective… He cleaned up, then swug the door open, ready to go back to bed, sleepiness creeping in now that he had finally caved in.
As he navigated the darkened room, he swore he registered a strange noise somewhere towards the far end of it, but he told himself his imagination was running wild. Then he heard it again. Flapping of…wings? A crash. Both made him dive for the bed as he blindly searched for his phone and the switch of the lamp on the nightstand beside it. The second light illuminated the space, his eyes anxiously scanned around him for the source of the previous sounds. I'm imagining things thanks to exhaustion. Yes. There's nothing. It was what wholeheartedly wanted to believe until he saw it. A bat. Big one at that. His nude form felt exposed and in imminent danger as the wretched creatures flew at him. In his panic, John slid off the bed, hands still clutching his phone like a lifeline as he crawled under like he was a goddamned commando it in attempts to avoid the attack.
What met him next was dust. A 5-star hotel? 5 stars. When did they clean this fucking room last? He tried to take a couple of calming breaths, feeling a sneeze building up as he unlocked his phone with shaky hands. He was dialing Sabrina before he could think better of the late hour, the idea of having to go back out undoing all the process he had made through controlled breathing. Something about the animal that had chosen to make his room its new home put him on edge more than usual, and he had faced criminals, ruthless attorneys, and awful prosecutors. The dial tones sounded in his ear, each new one convincing him he'd be put through voicemail soon enough and would be on his own. "John?", her sleepy voice called out in confusion at the exact moment a sneeze racked his body, "Did you actually catch a cold?" A sniffle was followed by a quiet, "Fuck." "John? Are you there?", she spoke out again, sounding more alert, "What is it?" "There's a bat.", he whispered like the creature would hear him and put an end to his game of hiding. "A rat?", she echoed incorrectly. "Sure, Detective,", he hated how his voice shook even as he spoke quietly, "but the type with fucking wings." "John? I can barely hear you." "A bat.", the word was loud enough this time, making her exclaim a small 'oh'.
"Where?" "I-I don't know. Fuck.", he screamed out the curse. "John?" "I'm underneath the bed, Sabrina. Hiding away like a goddamned child while it's flying around." His free hand slapped at the wooden underside of the bed, pain shooting across his wrist and doing nothing to dissipate his anger or bubbling panic it mixed with. "I-" "The floor is so filthy, just what you need when you're butt naked. Portland hates me. I can't go home and-" "John, listen to me,", her soothing tone interrupted his frenzied speech, "it got in somehow, and you can help it to get out, too." "No.", he gritted out. "Yes." "Did you not hear the 'I'm as naked as the day I was born' part?" A laugh ripped out of her despite the situation, "Good God, you sure know how to keep a woman entertained." "Sabrina.", her name was a warning. "Sorry. If it's any consolation, the poor thing is probably more scared of you than you're of it." A groan left him, "I'm not scared. But I'm sure glad to hear you're worried about my attacker." "John.", she sighed, "Did it actually attack you?" "Not yet." "You're going to be fine, I promise." "I-, he took another deep breath and inhaled god knows how much collected dust, "I have no idea how to make it leave."
"Are any of the lights on?" "Yeah. I heard a noise and couldn't see a damn thing without them." "You will have to dim them." She proceeded to list off instructions, slipping into resolution mode, her calm voice keeping his panic from rising. "Have you done this before, because it sure sounds like you have…" Sabrina chucked quietly, "You mean, have I talked a nude man into taking on a bat he's definitely not afraid of?" "Very funny." "Sorry. And to answer your question… I have. Dealing with critters is inevitable when you live alone." "I haven't.", and he wished it had stayed that way. "Soo..", she began slowly, "why are you without pants? Don't tell me they got stolen while you slept… was it the bat? Should I call Stockton? Though, I think crimes committed by animals are out of his jurisdiction, you can probably vouch for that." He held back a laugh at her playful remarks, reminding himself he was angry. "Seriously?" "Just trying to take your mind off things." "A challenging task with my doom looming on the horizon." "So why were you?" "Why do you think?", his voice dipped despite his predicament, desire slowly stirring up. "Did you at least manage to finish?" "Really?" "Hey, I'm just making sure I have the whole picture in case another report is needed."
To his dismay, her words were working, making him feel less alone. "Now, come on, Mr. Duncan, time to crawl out of there. Remember the steps?" He huffed, "Dim the lights. Make sure there's only one exit route. Is killing it an option?" "John." "Kidding." Not if decides to attack any sensitive spots. Especially before our date. "Open any curtains in its way and just keep an eye on it. Okay?" "You're going to stay on the line, right?" And what about that date? Still finding it appealing as an idea? "Of course. For moral support, to keep your fear at bay and all that." "I'm not afraid.", he insisted with a frown, "I was just making sure there would be someone present. You know, in case it kills me… at least there would be a witness to tell the story." "I will do you justice with the report, promise.", her laughter teased his ear as he shuffled out from underneath the bed and dimmed the light spilling out from the lamp he had previously turned on in his panic. "Will you avenge me?" "Does opening a bat sanctuary count?" "Absolutely not.", his eyes zeroed in on the bat. "I will think of something else then." "I'm out. I see it. Bad news is, I've left the bathroom door open." "Okay, so close it. Stick near the walls." "Copy that." John moved slowly, every U-shape round the bat made around the room, putting him on edge despite Sabrina's presence on the other line. He was becoming very aware of how exposed he was anytime it dipped lower towards the middle of the room while it sought a way out.
"Closed.", he whispered as he shut the door to the bathroom. "Excellent.", she crooned, and in another scenario he had no doubts about the effect the sound would have on his body. He gingerly went around the bat's flight path, aiming for the open window and pulling the curtain away the second he reached it. He plastered his body to the nearest wall as he watched the animal continue circling. "It's not leaving, Sabrina.", he complained in a hushed voice, knowing any loud noise could spook it further and make his situation worse. "Have patience." "Hard to, when every part of me is on display and within its range." His hand covered his lower regions on instinct as he watched it near the window, but he didn't dare speak his hopes out loud in fear of his usual luck kicking in. "I think it's working, Sabrina." She hummed in response. And then it finally happened - the bat zoomed out of the room, the sight making John rush forward and slam the window shut with a battle cry that most likely woke up his neighbors. "John?", Sabrina asked in amusement, "It's out, I pressume?" "Yes.", the breath he was holding left him as he fell back onto the bed, his body relaxing into the sheets when the adrenaline began to leave it. "Amazing! See, I knew you would manage it." John threw a hand over his eyes, the last couple of minutes replaying in his mind, "Thank you. For the help, I mean." "Of course. A civilian was in danger… it was my duty to assist." A smile finally broke free, "Just because of that?" "Well, you also promised me lunch, so… just making sure you don't die on me before that." "I'm sorry for waking you up." "It wasn't like I was asleep for that long either way.", with the issue resolved successfully, her voice was back to sounding nonchalant. The revelation gave him a pause, a smirk forming slowly as he pushed for more, "What were you doing up so late?" "A girl has to have some secrets, John."
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I also finally got around to making an AU themed edit for them, if you have missed it:
Tagging, @socially-awkward-skeleton @thesingularityseries @corvosattano @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @g0dspeeed @fourlittleseedlings @voidika @madparadoxum @poisonedtruth @nightbloodbix @stacispratt @jillvalentinesday @cassietrn @chazz-anova @simplegenius042 @purplehairsecretlair @adelaidedrubman @dumbassdep @theelderhazelnut @strangefable @trench-rot @aceghosts @wrathfulrook and anyone else with something to share this week ❤️
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rachetmath · 8 months
Pyrrha: Hi you must be Alyx.
Alyx: Yes.
Pyrrha: Well I just want to talk to you about something.
Alyx: I mean sure but what-
Pyrrha: Not what. It’s who. You know Jaune Arc?
Alyx: I mean y-
Pyrrha: You know the Rustud Knight? The one you betrayed? Who you poisoned?
Alyx: Well I can- *attempts to run*
Penny: *blocks her path*Nope. All attempts of escape are at zero right now.
Alyx: You can’t be serious.
Penny: As the current generation would say," Oh yes bitch. Try me."
Alyx: Okay I may have wronged him a little bit.
Lewis: A little? You completely poisoned him.
Alyx: Lewis you are not helping.
Lewis: At least like Jaune I was trying. But you never listen.
Alyx: Look I understand but what’s the big deal? He got back to Remnant.
Pyrrha: Why?! Why did you do it?
Alyx: I mean… well… I… um….
Pyrrha: Alyx, understand, you have two deadly women on both sides of you. If you don’t give us a good explanation well…. I guess we’ll finally see if you can fall from heaven.
Alyx: Well I saw this vision and I didn’t like it.
Penny: Understood, what was the vision?
Alyx: Um… I *whisper* don’t remember.
Penny: You what?!
Alyx: I don’t remember okay?!
Pyrrha: What vision? Who’s vision?
Alyx: I don’t know. The writers didn’t give me anything. I saved him though. That counts, right?
Pyrrha: No. He just survived.
Penny: Plus your ‘help’ could give him problems down the road.
Alyx: Like what?
Me: I mean the fan base speaks for itself. I mean the guy hasn’t been in Remnant for years it’s going to be kind of hard for him to readjust. Not only that he has to recover from years of isolation, PTSD, trauma, and because of you he might as well also be having trust issues. Not only that he had to leave another friend behind. You and the Ever After might as have shattered him
Alyx: Oh Oum.
Pyrrha: Yeah. Oum can’t save you. Penny.
Penny: Way ahead of you.
Alyx: Wait you wouldn’t hurt an innocent black child right?
Pyrrha and Penny: ………..
Me: Alyx you heard the saying, “Equal rights equal fights.”
Alyx: Let’s say I don’t.
Me: No matter your race. No matter your sexuality. No more matter your gender or age. You made a choice to do what you do. And as a result of said choice you must face said consequences. Weither they be good or bad. Basically you may be a kid but you were grown enough commit murder. And as such-
Pyrrha: You have this coming.
Alyx: *crying* I’m sorry. I just wanted to home. Jaune had no idea how. So I did what ever took. And then the Cat betrayed me and I died. Please? Don’t hurt me!
Summer: Come now ladies. I know you’re both upset but-
Pyrrha: Ms. Rose! Shut up!
Summer: I’m sorry? Who are you talking to?
Pyrrha: You are a nobody. You have been irrelevant for a while now. You left your daughters and died. Your daughter ain’t shit. Your team is still disbanded even after you died. You might as well be an afterthought at this point.
Summer: Said the girl who’s only job was to run away.
Pyrrha: I went out in a blaze of glory. I proved myself. What the fuck have you done?
Summer: Um.
Penny: Friend Pyrrha I know I have no rights to talk.
Pyrrha: Damn straight. You suffered more than myself. All you had to do was live. Instead, you traumatized my man. He just got over me too. Why would you do that?
Penny: Okay, I’m sorry. But, he’s going to be fine now. Let’s just let her go. And we pray he gets better.
Pyrrha: Fine. You're lucky Alyx.
Alyx: Thank you. But I am sorry.
Pyrrha: Shut up. Oum damn. If this story continues he better get stronger and kill Cinder. Because this is stupid. I mean how much trauma does one guy need? How he is not a villain? I mean, come on, he can’t be like Yuji, he doesn’t have skills like that.
Penny: Well friend W-
Pyrrha: If you say her name I will end you.
Summer: Okay woah, it’s been nine volumes why are you mad about this?
Pyrrha: One; he deserves better. Two; I prefer your daughter or anyone else than her. Three; she’s fucking useless. And four; it took him being an old man for her to start liking him. Fuck that bitch.
Summer: Well like said, if you stayed alive then-
Pyrrha: If you stayed alive maybe Qrow would have stopped drinking. If you stayed alive maybe your baby daddy wouldn’t be in a state of depression. Maybe if you stayed alive you could help your daughter learn how to control her eyes and be less useless in fighting the Queen of Grimm.
Summer: That was uncalled for.
Pyrrha: Move along side character.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
Summary; Upset after hearing about Eddie's latest date, you decide to go to a party and let loose just for one night.
Warnings; protective Eddie. Tipsy reader, drinking.
18+ blog. Minors dni.
Read part two here
I don't give anyone permission to copy, reuse or repost my work.
It shouldn't have bothered you so much. Eddie has been going on dates a lot more than usual thanks to coaching from Steve Harrington.
So it shouldn't have come as a surprise that he had another date with a new girl. This one was called Penny.
If you had to hear about his antics one more time you were sure that Eddie would see right through your fake smile.
It's not like you didn't want Eddie to be happy. Of course you did, it's just crushing on a guy who has zero interest in you and seeing him date beautiful women after beautiful women was a bummer.
After hearing about this date with Penny and no doubt another lady at some point you had made the decision to go to a party tonight.
Parties weren't your thing at all but you were eager to let loose just for one night and forget your unrequited crush for a little while.
By the time you even got to the party, you were a little buzzed. Steve had driven you along with Robin and you and her had already had two beers.
The party was already in full swing once you got there and it took everything for you not to leave at once.
Robin and Steve immediately calmed you down and you nursed a beer, chatting with cute guys and finding yourself growing a little bit more tipsy as the night went on.
It felt like everyone was at the party, all wanting to let loose, hooking up, dancing, laughing and determined to have a good time.
You danced with Robin qnd Steve and eventually, a guy called Eric. He was handsome with black hair and brown eyes.
They aren't Eddie's eyes a traitor voice says in your head and you shake it away.
You needed to forget about your feelings for Eddie and move on.
Eddie had stopped at yours with pizza in hand. When you didn't answer, it concerned him. What was going on? Were you sick?
Another date had gone by and there was still this empty feeling inside of him. They were fun at first, fooling around and shit but it was growing old fast.
Steve had took Eddie under his wing, a wingman of sorts and Eddie really didn't mind. He liked Steve, which years ago he would have thought to be impossible.
Turns out Dustin was right when he told him Steve was a pretty cool dude.
His thoughts come back around to you and he decides to make a quick drop-off at a party where some guys wanted weed.
It was quick and easy money and he would be out of there in no time to come and check on you.
Of course, when he gets there he doesn't expect you to be there. Parties weren't your thing at all.
Steve comes up to him and pats his shoulder.
"Oh hey man, yn is here by the way" he points over where you are.
He sees you surrounded by some preppy douchebags, eyes sparkling and a beer in your hand as you dance with one of the guys, he's stunned.
The dude is flirting heavily with you and your arms wrap around his neck pulling him closer, he kisses you and Eddie stills.
You giggle and the guy pulls you close to him, his hands run all your body and down to your backside giving it a squeeze.
He doesn't notice you move away, putting space between you and the guy, Eddie doesn't notice much of anything really, he sees red.
He just reacts and yanks him away from you.
"Dude what the fuck?" up close Eddie recognises Eric Harris, he was a complete douche in high school and not much has changed as far as he could tell.
"Watch your hand's asshole" he seethes trying to calm down but he's not very successful.
"Eddie! You grin and hug him before things get heated and his anger melts away at your big grin.
"Hey, princess. You okay?" you nod and his heart rate spikes as you rest your head on his chest and cuddle into him.
"I had three beers, Eddie! Three!" you tell him sounding proud and he holds you upright as you are slightly unsteady on your feet.
"Let's get you home sweetheart" he ignores Eric's groan of disappointment and you beam.
"Kay, my head feels a little fuzzy anyway" you wave to Eric who plants a kiss on your cheek.
"I'll be seeing you around babe" he winks at you and Eddie's mood darkens though he isn't sure why.
"He's cute isn't he?" you sigh as you head outside and the chilly air hits you. It instantly makes you shiver and Eddie places his jacket around you.
"Thank you" You snuggle into it feeling comforted by the familiar scent, it feels like home.
On the way to Eddie's, you chat his ear off about the party, and sing along to the radio and that makes Eddie smile.
You were adorable, tipsy yes but adorable.
He helps you inside and to the bed. You're quiet for a few moments as you settle on the bed.
He fetches you a big glass of water and makes sure you drink it all before sleeping.
You chat to him happily but somewhere along the way your mood changes. You sigh and stare at him with a little pout on your face.
"He's so cute" Eddie is sure you are talking about Eric and that same flash of irritation and tension spikes inside him.
"Eric's a douchebag. You can do so much better" you yawn sleepily.
"Not Eric! I meant Eddie" he freezes and he feels his heart hammer in his chest.
"What?" you cuddle up into his pillow.
"I wish he liked me" See this confused Eddie even more.
"What are you talking about? I adore you" you mumble something then let out a gentle snore as you fall asleep.
Ever so gently he places the blankets over you and watches you just for a second because you look so sweet, curled up on his pillow with a dreamy smile on your face.
His heart skips a beat and there's a feeling inside of him that he can't explain as he looks at you.
If he had to put a finger on it and say what the feeling was?
It felt like home.
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celestialholz · 2 years
Guys, we need to TALK because oh my god.
So, you may remember a little while ago that I pointed out how gay it is that Brassius gives you TM20, aka Trailblaze.
... And I was okay with leaving it there. Really, I was. I've already analysed him and Hassel to death in a colour theory fic, but like... ADHD brain go brrrr, so I decided to look up what TM20 used to be. Because Trailblaze is new, so it used to be something else, right?
... And that's when I noticed it, because TM20? TM20 is Brassius. It's his life story, and it's his love story.
At numerous points in the franchise, TM20 has been:
... Ringing any grass-type bells, guys?
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... and Safeguard.
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... All the same TM he gives you. Two, and zero. An experience shared with no one else.
And what's even more interesting is that Self-Destruct is TM20 in Galar... so Hassel saves him from his own self-destruction, and Brassius presents him with a Grass/Dragon Galarian Pokemon which specifically shows romantic intent upon gifting, yeah?
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... No, no. Go ahead with those details, king. I promise, I'm hella free.
(I like how they specifically don't show Penny here. The girl KNOWS and is already doodling fanfic in her notebook.)
And what does Brassius ask you to do, in the end? Be honest. Do what your heart desires. TRAILBLAZE.
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... Oh, and just in case you were wondering, TM20 has been one other thing that I haven't mentioned here. Fucking Dark Pulse in Let's Go, in case we needed the depression in there too.
... The man who has spent his life struggling, who has been brought back from the brink of despair by Hassel, gives you the tools in both battle and in class to blaze your own fucking trail, just like he has.
He endured the rage and the self-destruction and the darkness, because he was safeguarded.
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messedupessy · 9 months
Ok so I really just want to talk a bit about the Indigo disk dlc for a moment, as I finished the main story of it last night and I got allot of thoughts, so spoilers down below under the cut!
So firstly I enjoyed it allot, been sick off my ass with a massive cold and this dlc been the only thing keeping me sane, but the characters been so much fun, the new places to run around and hunt pokemon were so good, new mons been good, and the overall story was great! But, unless I have missed something as I haven't done the after stuff yet I only talked with Briar and gotten her book, but I feel there is just something missing with the last parts of the story even though I still loved it. The biggest thing I truly feel was such a missed opportunity was Briar, firstly she didn't appear in the whole dlc until you beaten Keiran, and I truly felt and believed she would end up been evil as she just kept on looking classically evil with her expressions and behavior and disregard for others safety and invading others personal shit, but instead it's just "hoho i'm so silly I let my obsession take a hold of me, and now I have learnt my lesson to handle it better!", like what was that? I truly felt through the whole part when i played through the lowest part of area zero that she was going to turn on my character and the other two at any time, but no nothing of the like happened and it was just, just weird and such a missed opportunity as now I feel her whole character just falls flat and is doing a Sonya from Sword & Shield where she gives you her book, she is supposed to be the descendant of Heath give us something more please.
Also Geeta why the fuck did she send just the MC and two kids with 1 teacher into the depths like I know we can defend ourselves but lady pls! Also I want to know more about her she still shady af herself!
I wanted to talk about Keiran too, but I don't know what to say except I liked what was going on with him for the most part, I was kinda expecting that it would turn out he was been possessed by that new purple pokemon I seen floating around or something, since that boy was behaving pretty fucking deranged through the whole dlc and it just really felt like something was possessing him, but who knows I might have missed something since I haven't done any of the after stuff just yet, but I was kinda sure that was going to be the case and that it was why he was called into the classroom with MC and the others that they had found something off about him or something. Like that the pokemon was amplifying his feelings to the extremes and making him do things he like did want to do but usually wouldn't, but who knows I have to do some of the other stuff and see if anything will come up. We also did not get any like answers properly to what the paradox pokemons are, I still believe very strongly that they are imagined up beings and not from the future or the past, they are not real creatures but made up by peoples imaginations or by Terapogos however you spelt it, I still think that since everything points to it but there is no proper answer that I have seen to it been so yet. I really want to know what is going on and the whole trip down deeper into area zero just have given me more questions. And the whole dlc also just made me miss Nemona, Penny and Arven so much, think I saw some spoiler about Arven been part of something thanks to a dumb thumbnail on a video I glanced over earlier, but other than that I don't know if they will appear or not and I just miss them, wish we had gotten some banter between Briar, Carmine and Keiran while we went down into area zero, but I also get why that didn't happen as there were way more places for those characters to fall down as fuck there so yeah, sad. Also speaking of Carmine, I love that girl she a fucking mess, but I truly do hope she will be nicer to Keiran now and that he will stand up to himself when she gets too much, it made me really glad when both of them burst into tears at the end there as that's good she was so worried about him and his obsession, but I just hope she chills out when it comes to him as she was part of the issue there which he yelled at her that she was which i so loved, but I just hope it will actually show when they interact in the future. And that's all for now, might reblog this later on and add some more stuff as I just need to get these thoughts out, got no one to talk about them with so you who reads this will have to do xD but I do feel the whole "what is up with tera energy and what is paradox pokemon" still have not been answered, and I desperately want them to be answered!
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jq37 · 3 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High: The Seven Ep 1
Meet the Maidens
It is back to school baby, both for D20 and, funnily enough, myself as well (something I hope will give me more time to get the recaps out in a timely manner fingers crossed). 
As I’m sure you all know if you’re reading this, this season of D20 takes place in the world of Fantasy High but with a focus on Aguefort’s OTHER most badass adventuring party who we’ve so far only seen on the sidelines, the Seven Maidens! You’ll recall, they’re made up of the seven girls who were captured by Penelope and co. to fulfill the prophecy that would let Kalvaxus rule the world freshman year. And, in fact, we start with a flashback to freshman year so let’s just jump right in.
We find our seven soon-to-be heroines chained in the Red Waste in front of what we know and they will shortly learn in Kalvaxus’ lair--a crucial part of the prophecy that was the subject of season 1. The structure of this episode is sort of like 2 rounds of introductions--first here with the maidens meeting each other for the first time and then again at home with their families a la the first episode of Freshman Year so I’ll be glossing over certain things that we’ll get to later in their second intros.
Anyway, the first two to wake up are Danielle (aka Yelle: half-elf, druid) and Zelda (satyr, barbarian as we know). Zelda is her usual, adorably nervous self in contrast to Yelle who is no less sweet but in a super chill, granola girl, fuck the system kind of way. We actually learn that Penelope had her on board with the plan for a hot second when she thought it was just “overthrow the government” but didn’t know about the “install a just as bad if not worse evil dragon overlord” part. 
Ostentatia (dwarf, cleric) wakes up next and is, as Izzy--her player--describes her “Jersey Trash.”, all blinged up with jewelry that she secretly made herself and didn’t buy. She wakes up pissed and ready to bodyslam Aelwyn which are both extremely valid emotions as much as I love Aelwyn. By the way, all of the girls recognize each other as girls who go to their school but none of them are really friends though they very quickly start throwing the label around because that’s what you do when you wake up chained with 6 other people in front of a dragon’s lair in a place called the Red Waste. 
Katja (half-orc, fighter) wakes up and immediately cares about nothing more than the status of her beloved horse, Cinnamon and declares that if Cinnamon dies, she’ll die. This is a fantasy world so Ostentatia and Danielle are a little concerned that might literally be true via a soul bond or something but it’s more that Katja just really, really loves that horse. Danielle tries to cast a spell to locate the horse but can’t get the somatic components quite right with her hands manacled. 
They all get into a discussion about the fact that everyone for a fact knows they’re all virgins now (you know, the real issue here) and what exactly counts as “virginity” for the purposes of this prophecy (like, does second or third base count or only traditional home runs using the baseball analogy) when Penny wakes up and is, just so excited to be here gang! Penny (halfling, rogue), who is one of the girls who has been kidnapped the longest, is adorably and honestly a bit concerningly exuberant to be surrounded by all these new friends, totally disregarding  the fact that they are clearly in some deep shit. Zelda mentions that Riz, her old babysitee, knows they’re kidnapped and is trying to help and she lights up. 
Next up is Sam (water genasi, sorc/bard) who immediately starts thrashing to get out of her chains and, when she can’t get free, is devastated by the fact that her ex betrayed her (!?) Finally Antiope (human fighter/ranger) wakes up all out of sorts having started her growth spurt while in the crystal and also having needed to pee right before she went in which becomes a problem all over herself (which Sam helpfully cantrips away).
With all of them awake, the stones they’re chained to light up and some of Kalvaxus’ minions (the ones who tied them up) show up to do minion speechifying. Yelle does a horrifying Animorph style morph into a waterbear (a tardigrade if you wanna get all Bio 101) to get out of her bonds but then Sam who has a serious one track mind re: getting out of here (Correct) and has exactly zero patience for these guys casts Tidal Wave and just knocks them off the cliff. Yelle frees Ostentatia who frees everyone else with Animate Object on their chains. Hands free, Yelle also casts Locate Animal and tells a very pleased Katja that Cinnamon is doing a full Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron down the highway searching for her. 
The girls decide to explore the cave which has recently had most of its treasure moved (it’s currently in the gym for the Prompocolypse fight which is currently happening). Penny and Sam (who are in insanely different emotional places) find all these broken mirrors which Sam takes as a cue that they need to GTFO (which is what she was already doing) and Penny thinks would make a great material for friendship bracelet making which she starts doing as Sam physically pulls her away. Sam hears someone doing post-cry sniffles and is like, “Not today Satan,” still trying to leave. However, Penny sees that there is one mirror left and, inside, sees a ethereal looking human with flowing, preternatural, black hair who senses their presence and asks if Penny is someone named Anima. She asks for their names though she declines to give hers (hmm, feels very fae) and the girls give the fake names of Kelly and Cecelia which the figure says she will guard and not misuse. The figure says she is looking for her sisters (who she says when Penny asks are at Aguefort which...hmmmmm) and, all of a sudden, Sam and Penny are having a bad feeling about those mirror shards. 
They ask her a question about the mirror and she gets really aggro when it’s referred to as “her” mirror as she would very much like to be out of it. The woman really wants to get out and says she can give them lots of power if they help. Sam pulls out her compact Mirror of the Past (magic item that does basically what you’d expect--shows you info from something’s past though in a cryptic way usually) to try and get some info on this thing and just barely avoids losing her mind in the process because this thing is ancient. Like eons old. She also learns the woman’s name (or maybe title): The Ending of Things (will be calling her Ending for now).
Right around now the other girls come in and can see at the angle they’re looking at her at the woman in the mirror is Not Really A Person and Antiope points at her and reflexively casts a ranger sense spell to try and clock its weaknesses and stuff but Ending grabs the spell energy like a lasso and tries to drag her into the mirror. She does however find out that she’s stacked with hella resistances (total immunity to necrotic damage and non-maj weapons, resistance to most elemental damage, and more).
Sam briefly considers using Lightning Lure to pull Antiope back before deciding on a much less ouchy Counterspell. Unfortunately, it’s not strong enough and now she’s being pulled in by her spell energy too. Yelle casts Erupting Earth which has some pros and cons.
Pros: Antiope and Sam are saved! Yay!
Cons: The mirror breaks and whatever was in it is fully freed. Not yay!
Shortly after (but not before Penny gives everyone their new friendship bracelets), someone calls into the cave looking for them--it’s Fig’s mom, Sandra-Lynn (with new art)! She’s happy and impressed that everyone is OK (also, Katja and Sam both have little lines that foreshadow their ~parental issues~ for the season--Katja being very moved by the simple act of Sandra-Lynn showing up for them and Sam saying that in her experience moms can be very evil).
As they all leave the cave, they all do checks and get some info:
Ostentatia: The mirror was kinda like a palimpsest (the crystals they were trapped in) and whatever this thing is is ancient and powerful. 
Yelle: Gets the above info and the fact that when the thing left it wasn’t quite a bad vibe, just the vibe that something big and important is at play.
Penny: On an Arcana check she knows that what Danielle did 100% saved Antiope and Sam’s lives from whatever and wherever was on the either side of the mirror but the contact marked them in some way. 
Katja: With History she sees some Primordial writing which is the writing of elementals (one of the things Ending has resistances to which might be relevant; also Sam reads Primordial but doesn’t get to read what it says)
Antiope: She knows that she and Sam are connected to Ending now somehow but it’s a two way connection which means they can also use it to their advantage. 
Ostentatia casts Mending on the mirror shards which I think was to reconstruct the mirror but what it actually does is someone link their friendship bracelets. Cute!
And, with that, we cut to the present a year and a half later (which is Jr or Sr year for everyone). 
We hop from kid to kid as they get ready to head in to school and get glimpses into their homes lives! Let’s do a quick rundown for each girl:
Antiope Jones
We see that Antiope is the youngest of five in what is essentially a military family full of basically every kind of fighter (she says she basically lives in a “Crossfit box”). There’s an 8 year gap between her and her sister Corsica who is the second youngest so her parents are kind of already living like empty nesters. When she comes downstairs she is promptly handed a protein smoothie and told two pieces of info: (1) from Corsica she learns that she overheard at school --where she teaches--that Aguefort needs to talk to her for some reason but she won’t say why which annoys the crap out of Antiope and (2) her parents lined up an internship for her at the Ministry of Adventure. She and her mom verbally spar a bit about them being all up in her life and how stressed she is and how she likes what she has going now with the Seven but her mom wins ofc because she’s a Mom and also a master tactician with a deft hand for loving mom guilt. On the way to school her bros (who include a gunslinger and an eldritch knight cause they run the whole gamut of fighter classes) Facetime her like, “Yikes Ant, heard about what happened with Mom, this is why you don’t fight her lmao.”
Sam Nightingale
This is a heavy one so strap in. 
We check in with Sam who isn’t at her own family’s home but at Penelope’s family home which is off the bat eyebrow raising. It’s an upper middle class house and, on the way down, she has to pass Penelope’s bedroom which is conspicuously empty. Downstairs she’s greeted by Penelope’s human mom Rebecca who she learns is moving out soon because her elf husband is both cheating on her while away in Falinel and starting the divorce process. Sam clearly sees Penelope’s mom as a surrogate mom (for reasons we’ll learn in a second) and goes full ride or die assuring her that her ass is better than the ass of the woman he’s cheating with and offering to help burn his stuff even though drowning is more her specialty (she’s so cool). She also is a little stricken at the thought of Rebecca leaving her in the house alone but Rebecca says she can come with if she wants, she just didn’t want to disrupt her school life.
She also tells Rebecca that her bio-mom called recently which immediately sets Sam off. Through the convo we learn a couple of things:
Sam used to be an actor it seems.
And it seems like she was kicked out of the house after she transitioned or something similar which is why she lives with the Everpetals. 
Now that it’s more “fashionable” to to be trans (her mom’s words, not mine) she wants Sam to talk to her so they can get her back in the game.
Sam is having none of that and tells Rebecca to just delete her mom’s number. Then they have a cathartic session of burning her cheating husband’s shit before Sam leaves in Sebastian--her sentient, seafoam blue, self-driving car with a very hot male voice which I am extremely jealous of. She picks up Zelda on the way to school and they commiserate a little and have a heart to heart about adults and change and how much Zelda wants to body slam Sam’s mom. 
Penny Luckstone 
Penny’s house is a whirlwind of activity and her harried parents get her and her 19 young siblings ready for school (no wonder she’s such a good babysitter). We see where Penny gets her type-A ness from as her mom and dad both have this cheerful but overworked energy of “EVERYTHING IS FINE” like that Good Place sign. Her mom spares a second to tell her that she recently got a letter for The Society of Shadows which is like a super secret rogue college (which her parents assume is legit even though they haven’t heard of it cause they’re Mumple people and also, if you've heard of a rogue school, how good could it really be?) Penny is excited except that it would mean she’d have to move and leave her party. Her mom is like “hey it’s a full ride and there are 20 of you guys so just take that into consideration but it’s ultimately your decision” before she dashes away to get to work because it is always Go Go Go with the Luckstones. She texts Sam for a ride and Sam swings by to grab her. This is not plot relevant but she has a booster seat in the back of Sebastian with her name carved into it and it’s important to me that you know that. 
Katja Cleaver
Next up is Katja who lives in a Richie Rich style mansion and comes from very old money as she is descended from one of the first adventurers in Solace. She is in the barn with Cinnamon and the bugbear farrier they have employed (her name is Gertrude and a farrier is someone who does horseshoes). She eats the same breakfast as Cinnamon (hot dry oats and berries baybee) wo she loves so so dearly. Cinnamon is a magical horse--basically like a Find Steed spell that’s on all the time. She’s modeled the horse in her fave book series--the Babysitter’s Horse of course. Lockwood, the staff’s hobgoblin butler, is also there and they get a fantasy Zoom call from Katja’s dad who is in the middle of the insane 20th level adventurer stuff which he says might make him miss her graduation. She is extremely disappointed but just barely hides it from her dad (who seems to really care despite his not being around). She can’t hide it from the staff or Cinnamon however and Cinnamon offers to give her a ride to school via the scenic route. 
Note: We also learn two sad facts about Katja from the conversation with her dad.
Her mother is Disney Princess dead* and
She wears one half of a friendship necklace and it seems like she’s waiting for someone to give the other half to. It’s implied earlier that the way Penelope got her was by promising to be her best friend. Sad!
*Edit: Well, she’s gone and we’ll leave it at that until next recap. 
Ostentatia Wallace
Ostentatia wakes up and goes downstairs to have a very high energy in both directions interaction with her very fantasy-Italian mom and grandma. Her grandma is concerned her beard isn’t coming in--not knowing she shaves it on purpose which her mom is like, “Listen it’s fine but don’t tell grandma it’ll kill her.” She clocks very quickly that her dad isn’t there and his mithril working tools are gone. Her mom tries to play it off but she knows she’s being lied to and her mom relents. Her dad is at a meeting with the other workers of the shut down mithril factory and negotiations have ceased. It looks like he’s gonna be long term out of work. That explains where her dad is but not why the tools are missing. She decides to go do some investigating on her own and ambushes her dad in his car where, with the inaugural nat 20 of the season, she realizes he pawned his tools to get her 5 revivify diamonds. She's upset by this and he’s upset that she’s, in his eyes, questioning his ability to take care of his family. She’s like, alright, you did a thing for me, I’ll do a thing for you and she casts Animate Object to make his stuff steal itself back in a sequence that involves an animated crowbar using another crowbar which is just wild.
Danielle Barkstock
I’m gonna be real, Danielle’s life is exactly how you assume it is based on Who She Is As A Person so this one will be real short. Eco-friendly off the grid geodesic yurt. One super chill peace and love elf sorc mom and one rough and tough human ranger mom. She also knows and helps the Cubbies with their anarchist machinations because yeah, duh. She gets some messages from school on her crystal--one being a message from the principal saying that she and the rest of her party have first period off to meet with him and the other being a newsletter from the school showing, among other things, a photo of the Druid class doing a project but she’s not in it for some reason. She texts one of the other druids to see if she can figure out why she wasn’t invited but fully gets left on read. Brutal. Of course, she hasn’t messaged that person in 6-8 months so maybe that’s why.
Anyway, with that, all seven of our maidens make it to school and are all exuberant to see each other in a very teen girl way before getting to the principal’s office and learning that their party will be broken up at the year! 
I wanted to do something a little different for these recaps than the Bad Kid ones so instead of Honor Roll/Detention we are doing Superlatives and the inaugural one goes to...
Sam: Most Like To Survive a Horror Movie
Man she woke up chained in a ritual magic circle and she was Ready To Go Immediately. You will not catch this girl doing horror movie victim BS like exploring the spooky house or giving the creepy obvious ghost the time of day. She is hyper-competent and her goal is making it out alive and dragging her friends with her. Love her.  
Random Thoughts
The season immediately starts with a bang or I should say a bing with Izzy trying to say “bling bang” and accidentally saying, “bling bing” and immediately getting roasted by everyone. I love the authentic girl group vibes (which include everyone clowning on her then immediately hyping up Zelda to the max after being way more awkward). 
Handshake meme with Danielle and Moonshine from Naddpod. Also, Cinnamon and Horse from Centaurworld. 
I love that Rekha and Erika just straight up were like, “Our characters are Asian”. Like obviously, make your characters Asian coded in your fantasy world--all my D&D characters are black like me--but it’s funny that they completely disregarded the, “There’s no Asia in this world so I guess they’re this world’s equivalent to--” Nah just, “I’m a half-elf and I’m Asian.” You love to see it. 
I absolutely LOVE the choices the cast made to flesh out their characters based on the little info Brennan had about them, none moreso than rich horse girl Katja. Rekha is a genius. 
“I only want one thing and he’s working” KATJAAAAAAA
Man if I was in that flashback I would have been wilding out so much with my flashback plot armor. 
I appreciate that the first thing that Aabria has Antiope do is extremely uncool. I love it when players aren’t concerned about just being cool and on point all the time. Sometimes (read: often) that’s the less interesting choice. 
But on the exact opposite side, she’s a ranger and an arcane archer which I think is extremely cool. Lmao also I didn’t mention in the recap but she HATES dragons now which, understandable. I’m guessing they're her favored enemy. 
I can’t wait to see another group of kids interact w/ madman Aguefort. 
Also, as a known Aelwyn-stan, I am very excited for the possibility of the Seven interacting with her cause as much as I love her they are under no obligation to acknowledge her redemption arc and I would love to see them throw hands. 
I love the Greek myth naming scheme of Antiope’s extremely cool family as with her on the spot nickname “L-Cab” short for long caboose since she’s the youngest by a mile. 
Also this is out of character not in character but Sephie is an extremely cool nickname for Persephone. 
I wonder why Brennan didn’t let Sam read the Primordial in the cave. He just glossed right past her saying that she speaks it and she didn’t push it. Would it have solved his entire plot in the span of a flashback or was he just keeping things moving?
Sidenote, if I was married to an elf man and worried about aging like Rebecca, I would simply become a druid (or a monk or up my wizard levels so I could learn True Polymorph or Wish or something). 
I wonder what the deal with Ending is. She seemed relatively sincere in the mirror but that doesn’t mean anything. She could be sincere and also Very Bad News. 
There is an offhand comment by Brennan about how the dwarf forge god gives spells but doesn’t talk to his followers which I think means that Ostentatia is gonna be getting a direct god call soon enough. 
Also she mentions that her dad is doing some criminal activity on the side which seems like a Problem for later. Honestly all of the kids have some pretty rich parent drama happening which should be interesting to see explored. 
No nat 1s this ep and 1 nat 20 as I mention from Ostentatia. 
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write-orflight · 4 years
Trouble: Prologue
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*Gif not mine*
Rating: M
Words: 1.2K short because shes a prologue
Warnings: None right now, but will be smut eventually
Summary: After Haley’s passing, Aaron Hotchner has lost the light in his eyes. He seems to find it it the most unlikely of places, an occult themed coffee shop ran by a witch.
A.N: I took some liberties describing the reader, so if that’s not your thing I’m sorry. The idea of Hotch dating a goth witch is just *chefs kiss* to me. This story will switch from 3rd to second person as most of my stories do.  All crystal and tarot information may not be completely accurate because I got them from my best friend who’s a witch, and even then I zoned out slightly. Message to be added to the taglist. Much love, Cia
Prologue: Got so much to lose  
The months following Haley’s death were rough. Anyone could tell you that. 
Hotch was reckless. And despite what he told everyone, still hurting. Not to mention, he was still trying to find the balance between work and home life. Jack was way more understanding of his dad’s need to work than any kid should have to be at his age. That didn’t stop Aaron from at least trying so he always had early mornings to late nights at the office so every weekend he was home for he could leave early Fridays and spend the weekend with Jack. 
That however was putting a strain on him, he was tired almost all the time and frankly the office coffee wasn’t doing it anymore. Which is why he found himself at Hallowed Grounds Coffee and Tea one morning. 
The first time he’d heard about it had been one morning when he walked in on his team members arguing about it. 
“I can’t believe you went to HG without me!” Garcia said to Reid, who was sipping smugly out of a coffee cup that had ‘Dr. Know-it-all’ written on the side with a smiley face. “What happened to loyalty?” 
“Sorry, Garcia. It was a last minute thing, I needed something to wake me up.” 
Garcia pouted as Hotch approached them. “Why’re you arguing so early in the morning?” He asked. 
“Spencer went to Hallowed Grounds without me, even though I was the one gracious enough to tell him about it.” 
“Hallowed Grounds?” 
“Yea, it’s a new coffee place not far from here.” Spencer adds. “Coffee’s amazing plus the girl who works there is nice.” 
“Oh, you have a crush on her! That’s why you went without me.” Penelope squawks. 
Spencer laughs. “No, the coffee’s just that good. Y/n’s nice and all but she’s a little...intense” he says, trying to find the right word. Hotch left the conversation then as it was not his forte. 
Upon entering, Aaron immediately took in the occult feeling of the shop. Black and brown color scheme,a giant black and white painting of the entire zodiac chart, 6 shelves lined the walls in a zigzag pattern, 5 shelves were full of books, the first one he zeroed in on said “Beginners guide to tarot” he could only assume the rest of the shelves were full of that. The last shelf held a black cat who was peacefully napping. There was soft jazz music that Hotch could hear someone softly humming to but couldn’t see them. Hotch already felt uneasy, but he was already feigning for coffee so he rang the bell on the counter that was sitting next to what he believed was sage burning in an ashtray. 
“One second!” A melodic voice called out. He heard some rummaging in the back before a woman stepped into view. 
The first thing he noticed was her hair. It was tied up in a bun, a rich green color, her roots black which he could only assume was her natural color. The second thing was everything else. She wore red eyeshadow and heavy eyeliner that complimented her green hair, dangle earrings which now that she was closer he could see they were goldfish in bags. Tattoos lined her arms, not seeming to have a theme but she had a lot of them. And an apron tied around her waist that read It’s Poisoned in cursive font. 
The last thing he noticed was her face. A ring piercing in her nose, a bright smile on her face, shining eyes. She’s breathtaking was the first thing Hotch thought. 
“Hey, Sorry. People don’t really come in this early so I like to take the time to finish baking goods for the morning rush.” She said, smiling. “Haven’t seen you in here before though, Welcome to Hallowed Grounds, what can I get you?” 
Hotch clears his throat, unexpectedly taken aback by the young woman. “Just a black coffee please.” 
“Alright, that’ll be 2.45.” Hotch pretends he doesn’t feel the shock in his hand as she took the card from him. “Now I actually don’t have anything brewed yet, like I said I don’t really expect people this early. But if you want to wait it shouldn’t be more than 3 minutes.” 
“Why are you open then?” Hotch asks, wincing at how rude he sounded unintentionally. 
“Whoa, Mister.” She brushes off his brashness with a laugh. “Apparently I’m open this early in case Grumpy Gus’ like you need their black coffee before work. Which by your suit and inability to smile, I’m assuming you work at the FBI building down the block?” 
Hotch nods, watching her deeply as she worked. He knew he was being creepy but he couldn’t help himself, there was something extremely captivating about her. He’s never thought of another woman that way after Haley. 
She sets the coffee to brew before turning back to him. “Yea, I assumed so.” She then picks up a cup and a sharpie. “Can I have your name? For the order?” 
“Hotchner. Aaron Hotchner.” He says. He didn’t know why he gave this completely stranger his full name but he trusted her for some strange reason. 
“Hotchner… That sounds familiar.” She says, now just drawing on the cup, thinking. She then points at him with the sharpie. “You’re Penny and Dr. Know-it-All’s boss, aren’t you?” He nods again, assuming you were talking about Penelope and Spencer. “I love those two, even though Spencer likes to argue with me about my beliefs too much.” 
“You believe in the Occult.” Aaron says, more of a statement than question. She nods. 
“I believe in spirituality. And that the soul is powerful enough to put power into anything it believes. The occult is just what I chose.” The coffee pot dings at the pot. She turns pouring it into the cup she’d been idly drawing on. She then capped it before handing it to Hotch. He examined the cup on it was a delicately drawn sunflower, a smiley face and Agent Grumpy Gus written in her delicate script. He couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. “Have a good day, Aaron, hopefully I’ll see you again.” She smiles. 
“Can I know your name?” Hotch says, before he can stop himself. “It seems only fair.” 
“Y/n…” She says, smiling. “Can I give you something?” She says. 
“Sure.” He responds, watching her reach under the counter through a small bin he couldn’t see the contents of. She rummages a while before finding what she wanted. She smiles, placing a small, clear crystal in his left palm. 
“I dedicate this crystal to the highest good. I ask that it be used in love and light.” She says, softly closing his palm around it. “Clear quartz. Deflects negativity and attracts positivity, hopefully it’ll promote some happiness in you.” She winks. 
“Is this a service you provide to all your customers?” 
“Only the ones who the spirits tell me need it.” She shrugs. “Now I have cookies to get in the oven, have a good day at work, Grumpy.” She says turning to go back into the back of the cafe. 
Aaron stares after her for a second. Not fully grasping what just happened. Only thing that was clear in his mind was that he needed to see the woman again. He took a cautious sip from his cup. 
Fuck, it actually is really good coffee. 
Message to be added to the taglist!
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mst3kproject · 4 years
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The Navy vs the Night Monsters
Of course, it’s not like bad things stop happening now that 2020 is finally over… we just get to start counting again from zero. Kind of like how I’ve started counting thirty-six Episodes that Never Were per year, beginning with this one. It was co-directed by Wyott Ordung from Robot Monster and features familiar faces like Russ Bender and Mamie Van Doren, the latter for once not playing a teenage delinquent.  It also has one really obscure MST3K connection: it was based on a story by Murray Leinster, which the sharp-eyed will remember as the name of the ship attacked by Evil Count Zarth Arn’s lava lamp weapon at the beginning of Starcrash!
A plane carrying specimens of Antarctic flora and fauna makes a rather rough and unexpected landing at a naval base on remote Gow Island in the south Pacific.  There appears to be nobody on board except the pilot and a few penguins – the former is in a catatonic state, and the latter are... well, penguins... so what happened to the rest of the passengers and crew is a complete mystery.  Did the pilot go mad and kill them?  Did the penguins?  Or did it have something to do with those mysterious ancient trees discovered growing around a geothermal spring in the heart of the frozen continent?
The first ten minutes of this movie are spent trying to be a comedy.  Before we get anywhere near the plot, we first have to listen to the guys on the plane try to be funny about their lunch and their tastes in women.  Then on the island, we watch a guy who can’t seem to figure out how to inflate a balloon, followed by a dude talking to his dog, and then a really icky bit where two women convince a man he had sex with both of them, which he buys because he was too drunk to remember.  Only then do we finally establish what’s actually going on.  The impression one gets from this beginning is that The Navy vs the Night Monsters is going to be peopled entirely by Jackass Comic Relief characters, and I actually turned the film off and sat on it for a couple of days to psych myself up to watch the rest.
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When I finally turned it back on, to my relief the movie turned out not to be quite that bad, but it’s still pretty damned bad.  The dull and unfunny opening is followed by an abrupt shift of tone, as a man maddened by terror jumps from the plane to his death!  The only thing set up by the opening that turns out to be relevant is Spaulding the meteorologist’s crush on Nora the nurse, when she’s in love with the base’s second in command, Lieutenant Brown.
I complain frequently about useless love triangles in movies.  This one is very useless, and all the more so because the script totally forgets to resolve it.  Spaulding hates Gow Island but stays because he’s in love with Nora – he wants her to go back to Miami with him and marry him.  When he puts this idea to her, however, it becomes obvious that Nora can’t stand him, and it’s clear enough why: Spaulding is an asshole and he treats Nora not as a partner but as a possession.  Never does he show any sort of tenderness towards her.  Every time they speak to each other, he seems to end up shouting, and his jealousy of Brown repeatedly leads to violence.
Brown, on the other hand, treats Nora with respect and actually shows vulnerability around her.  He’s been left in charge while the base’s commander is on the mainland attending an important meeting, and he’s really feeling the pressure as the base is surrounded by tree monsters in the dark.  He talks about his anxiety and Nora comforts him, and the audience rolls their eyes because it’s perfectly obvious which of these guys she’s going to pick.  And sure enough, at the end she’s in Brown’s arms… but nothing about the whole situation is exactly resolved.
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Brown and Spaulding did get in a fist fight, though it wasn’t explicitly over Nora, but nobody ever talks about the problem. Spaulding never realizes that he’s treated Nora badly, and it never seems to even occur to him that she might prefer Brown over him, or even that she has emotions or preferences at all.  He definitely never seems to understand that he’s lost.  Brown and Nora seem to feel a need to hide their love affair from the other base staff, but we’re never given a reason why (although I guess ‘Spaulding’s a dick’ is reason enough).  Nora never tells Spaulding that she prefers Brown… maybe she’s afraid he’ll assault her?  I hate everything about this situation, but nothing more than the fact that as the movie progresses we get hints that Nora may be warming up to Spaulding, as if she’s supposed to consider these two guys equal contenders for her affections!  Fuck everybody who wrote this, seriously.
It’s kind of sad to see Mamie Van Doren in a role like this after meeting her in things like Untamed Youth and Girls Town.  Those movies were gross and exploitative, but Mamie’s characters were central to their plots and she filled those shoes reasonably well.  She wasn’t Oscar material but for what the films were, she was enough to carry them.  The Navy vs the Night Monsters is a little closer to being a ‘real movie’, but in this respect it represents a step down for her, as she is relegated to being something for two men to fight over.  Furthermore, Silver from Girls Town and Penny from Untamed Youth were both characters who required some range – Nora the nurse mainly spends the whole movie being annoyed with the men in her life.  Van Doren could have done much more if anyone had bothered asking it of her.
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Let’s see… what else do I hate about this movie? I hate Private Chandler, the guy who stays a Jackass Comic Relief character once that opening is over. Shockingly, The Navy vs the Night Monsters actually kills him off, but he’s not nearly as annoying as Dropo or the guy from Outlaw, so his death merely feels mean rather than having any entertainment value.  The guy was just about to actually get laid by one of the women who’d made fun of him earlier – though she, like Spaulding, showed no sign of being sorry for past jerkitude.
I hate the monsters.  Normally I have a soft spot for plant monsters.  They’re a cliché in their own way, I guess, but they’re a fun idea.  The ones in The Navy vs the Night Monsters kill and digest people with acidic sap, and a character theorizes about how and why such a thing would evolve, which is cool. The execution, however, sucks. While the poster for the film shows us a humanoid Treebeard-looking thing, the actual monsters in the film are dumb-looking stumps that waddle along like a couple of guys trying to move a piece of furniture corner-by-corner because it’s too heavy to lift.  The result reminds me of The Creeping Terror, in that you have to want to get eaten by these things.  At one point a guy walks right up to one, inspects it, and escapes its clutches merely by backing away slowly!
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The trees reproduce using insect-like larvae that are, themselves, lethally venomous.  This is also a neat idea which is, once again, ruined by the execution. The tiny ones are being pulled along the floor by a sometimes-visible string, and then they grow into stumps that look like they should be stools around a boy scout campfire, which move even slower than the adult trees!  There’s a scene where the characters are holed up in the base under an onslaught of these, with planes arriving to napalm them just in time, and it is ludicrous in its attempt to feel threatening.
I do like that Gow Island is a bleak middle-of-nowhere rather than a tropical paradise.  The landscapes kind of remind me of the Falkland Islands, though the weather on Gow is evidently better.  You can see why some of the characters hate it here, surrounded by barren scrub inhabited mostly by ten thousand smelly, raucous seabirds. Unfortunately this backdrop makes the ‘comedy’ opening seem even more out of place, though it’s also kind of nice that they didn’t give us any stereotyped ‘natives’ as either comedy or monster fodder.
As for a theme… well, The Navy vs the Night Monsters is clearly about an invasive species.  The biologist, in suggesting how the tree monsters evolved, points out that they are suited to the hostile environment of Antarctica in ways that make them nearly unstoppable anywhere else.  We’re told that they devoured all the penguins the scientists were bringing back for study, and as well as eating the people, they wreak havoc among the Gow Island seabirds and reproduce out of control.  The parallels to things like cane toads in Australia, or housecats just about anywhere, are obvious.
This isn’t something the characters care about, though, even the ones who profess to be scientists.  At the end, enough of the trees are destroyed that the humans can safely evacuate, and what happens after that is clearly Gow Island’s problem, not humanity’s. I really would have liked to see the script go into this a little more, but then, The Navy vs the Night Monsters is not a movie that wants to go into anything, even stuff it sets up in some detail.
At the end, The Navy vs the Night Monsters feels pretty half-assed.  Somebody wanted to make a movie, and then put in the bare minimum effort possible to have all the parts present.  They clearly understood how movies work, but they didn’t have the money and didn’t want to go to the trouble.  The result is deeply mediocre.  There’s a few laughs out of the dumb stump creatures, but mostly it’s just bad.
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smiles-quotes · 4 years
She’s my girl JJ x Reader
Hey guys so here’s just a quick one shot I did cause this TV show is just fucking amazing. And can i just say WTF was that shit with Kiara and Pope they have zero chemistry. JJ should’ve ended up with Kiara tbh. Warnings of violence  
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You can read it here on ao3 or below :)
JJ hadn’t had the easiest time with his father, that was for sure. He was ultimately surprised nobody had really poked around and found out just how bad it was with his pops. He knew that he shouldn’t have to put up with this, but it was his father and some people must have it worse right? Summer seemed to be the perfect time to just forget all his problems and just live. He mostly stayed at John B’s place refusing to go to his fathers if he could avoid it. Food was ‘meh’, he hadn’t gotten any all day and the weed gave him cravings which is why they were all (John B, Kiara and Pope) headed to the Wreck hoping Kie’s dad could give them some leftovers. Pope was ranting about his scholarship when JJ saw you, fuckin’ Y/N. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and fuck she was fierce. JJ remembered seeing you beat up a few guys, most of them Kook’s and stupid idiots who didn’t know their boundaries and that he found hot as hell. You were also JJ’s neighbour, JJ had known you all his life. They would sneak out beers when their families were asleep and go down by the beach. Those were the good old days, it had been a while since JJ had talked to you since he wasn’t at his place recently. 
He snapped out of his thoughts when John B shoved him to the side laughing, “It’s been five minutes and you haven’t said a word!” John B laughed, “Where you at dude?” He threw an arm around JJ’s shoulders bringing him closer so he could ruffle his hair.
“Nah I’m good, just food man.” JJ shoved himself from John B’s grip, before looking over his shoulder to try and spot you once more.
“She’s right there.” Kie pointed to the girl walking across the street. You were laughing at something a friend of yours was saying, waving your hands in salute before reaching the sidewalk. God she was just so gorgeous. “Oh man you’ve got it bad.” Kie laughed, running her hands through her hair to bring it up in a messy ponytail.
“Wh-what no,” He spluttered, “I mean okay yeah, yeah I do but have you seen her.” JJ added waving to all of her. Pope and John B laughed in silent agreement and Kie just shook her head silently with a small smile on her face. 
“You’ve had a crush on her for ages man!” Pope added “Just like confess your feelings or some shit before this gets sad.”
“You do realize i’ll never be good enough for her right, like what do I have to offer?” JJ scratched the back of his neck, his friends quickly started to protest saying he was more than enough but JJ put his hands up saying “Guys, doesn’t matter it’s never going to happen either way. She’s a thousand times better than me an-”
“Who’s a thousand times better than you?” A voice cut him off. JJ turned around with a yelp only to find you looking at him expectantly. “Do I have to go kick some girls ass here? She thinks she’s better than you?” you added teasingly but JJ knew that if he said the word she’d do it. 
“Uh no, no I mean I just,” JJ tried obviously flustered which got a laugh out of you. God’s her laugh was beautiful JJ thought as you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear looking up at JJ. “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” His friends just snickered behind him which captured y/n’s attention a cloud of confusion crossing your face at their antics.
“Mhhm,” you smiled, “You home tonight?”
“Uhh- no, we’re going to do a fire down by the beach with a keg if you want to join though.” JJ announced excitedly making the others chuckle as his antics, JJ couldn’t stand still on his best days, always full of energy.
“Oh, that’d be great. I have to make dinner for my folks but if I can sneak out after then I’ll pop by. If I’m not imposing.” You explained slowly biting your nails. It was a nervous gesture he recognized. He had spent nights trying to get you to open up about it until you finally admitted the habit had started because your parents were always telling you you took too much space and annoyed everyone. 
JJ quickly stepped up grabbing your arm to stop you from biting your nails, “Hey no, you know you’ll never be a bother to me. Come on y/n.” He dropped a quick kiss to your fingers before letting you retrieve your hand. JJ had seen you bite at your fingers till they bled, he hated when you did that to yourself. He looked up from your hand only now noticing how close you both were and man your eyes. JJ felt he could just look at you all day and never get bored. 
“Anyways I, I think I have to go now before I piss off my folks. I’m late home so yeah, bye JJ.” You stepped back from JJ, looking at your watch before leaving without a further word. JJ watched you go in a dreamy daze before Kiara snapped her fingers in front of his face bringing him back to reality. 
“You are head over heels in love with her man,” Pope laughed, clapping him on the back. 
“You fuckin kissed her fingers, never knew you could be such a romantic.” John B snickered, him and Pope leaning on one another as they laughed. 
“Cut it off man, she’s like a pearl in the sea you know.” JJ smiled goofily motioning to the world around him as if he needed to be heard. 
“Oh no that’s just cheesy,” Kie smirked “She’s literally into you though, I never knew you could make a girl blush like that JJ.” She teased.
“Oh shut it guys.” JJ lightly shoved the guys before they set out for the Wreck once again. 
The party down at the beach was in full swing and the guys had teased him the rest of the afternoon for his hopeless crush on y/n. He’d been coerced into a conversation with Kie about how he should go for it and he just nodded the whole time so she would let it go. No matter what they said JJ knew that you couldn’t possibly be into him. There were so many better guys out there he didn’t think you could ever think of him that way.
“A penny for your thoughts?” You asked laughing. You’d shown up! JJ didn’t think you would actually show but yet there you were and looking gorgeous as ever. You were wearing the same clothing from before but still looked damn good. You had a ratty Led Zeppelin t-shirt with denim shorts and although that was a common look in the cut he didn’t think he’d seen anyone else wear it better. 
“I uh, do you want a beer?” JJ asked, finally looking up to your eyes to notice you staring at his chest? Arms? “You checking me out y/n?” He chuckled lowly.
“Oh don’t think I didn’t notice you doing the same JJ.” You laughed but he could see the dark blush staining your cheeks. “And I would appreciate a beer very much thank you.” You chimed, biting your bottom lip distracting JJ for half a second. JJ nodded and disappeared for a few seconds before reappearing with a red cup of beer. 
“There you are.” JJ smiled, handing you the cup and taking a sip from his own. “How are you, it’s been too long since we’ve hung out.”
“Well you’re the one who disappeared on me,” you said with a small smile, “but I guess I’m doing alright. Same old, you?” 
“Yeah I’ve been, I’m good. Just a rough patch with my dad I guess.” JJ answered walking out towards the water beside you. “Sorry for abandoning you though, I know you must be missing my presence something fierce.” JJ teased lightly, happy to see it bring a blush to your cheeks. God’s he loved being able to do that. 
“Ha-ha, you’re hilarious. I’m pretty sure it must be you missing me something fierce.” You rebutted shaking your head. It occured to JJ that they were flirting and he had to restrain himself from jumping up in happiness.
“Uhuh,” JJ smirked stepping closer to her, “I missed you always face planting in the sand cause you’re too clumsy to walk.”
You groaned at the memory, it had been quite funny. It was a few weeks ago when they had both sneaked out of their houses with beer and ended up wasted. You had had too many beers and kept tripping in the sand, JJ had needed to carry you back. “I’ll have you know that was one time and I was wasted.” 
“Excuses excuses,” JJ laughed, still unbearably close to one another, “I’m convinced you only wanted to be in my strong arms.” JJ remembered carrying you back to the hammock in your backyard where they’d crashed for the night. A small hammock he might add.
A wave rushed up to them, the cold water hitting their feet which sent you into his arms and JJ stumbling back, his arms coming up around you to stabilize them both. “Oh baby, if you want me to hold you all you have to do is ask.” 
You swatted at his arm with a look of indignation but made no move to step back. He let out a small laugh bringing you impossibly closer which gave him a small sound of satisfaction from you. “JJ I-” you started looking up at him. Their lips were almost touching, he stared at you, noticing you lick your lips in anticipation. Gods he wanted to kiss you so badly but he wanted to make it good, and he was always kind of an asshole he thought to himself. 
“You what?” JJ whispered, he could feel your breath on his lips and he barely held back from kissing you right then and there. He could see you pout slightly as he awaited for you to answer him.
“I want-” and JJ’s hand came up to cup your cheek, the other grabbing you by the waist a little more harshly drawing a small whine out of you.
“You want what?” JJ teased, his hand grabbing your ass hitching you closer and your lips lightly touched.
“You asshole, just ki-” and then he was kissing you and damn was he happy he teased you cause he could feel your breath hitch and you were grabbing him as if he was about to disappear. JJ had spent hours upon hours imagining this moment and now that he was kissing you and being able to feel how your soft lips sighed open in content. He knew this was a thousand times better than what he ever could’ve imagined. You tasted sweet and warm and a little like beer but it’s perfect. JJ smiles at the small moan you let slip when he licks into your mouth and suddenly the kiss is something else. Its harsh and teeth collide for a second making you both wince slightly before you’re back at it and your nails are digging into his scalp. It should hurt he thinks but instead it creates pulses of pleasure. Groaning JJ grabs at your ass and his other hand holding you by the waist squeezing you gently wanting to bring you closer.
You both separate, needing to breathe and with a smile JJ keeps kissing along your jaw and sucking slightly at your skin making you clutch his hair harder. You let out another moan making JJ growl, wanting to be closer you push your hips together making you lose balance and suddenly you’re falling backwards. You let out a little yelp of surprise and JJ starts laughing as he lands into the sand with you on top of him. 
“Gods, I’ve been wanting to kiss you for ages.” JJ laughs his hands running up your thighs.
“Then why didn’t you sooner?” You say leaning forwards to kiss him again and you bite his bottom lip making him open his mouth panting slightly. JJ grabs you by the back of the neck and it’s messy, you’re both fighting for dominance of the kiss and gods JJ has never been more turned on before.
“Well, what do we have here?” Rafe pipes up with his two other goons, Topper and Klece. JJ and you separate suddenly at the interruption, he gets up slowly pushing you behind him. The three boys seem drunk and itching for a fight. Fucking kook’s. JJ’s a little surprised they came to bother them since they gained a little distance from the party when they were walking.  
“Can’t you guys see we were busy now?” JJ sneers annoyed. You’re clutching his arm tightly, he’s not too sure if it’s to hold him back from them or because you’re scared. JJ knows that no matter how many guys you’ve beaten up, you’d never taken on several at the same time. 
“What are we bothering you and your slut here?” Rafe laughs and before he knows what he’s doing JJ marches up to him and slams him on the side of the face. 
“Don’t you fucking dare call her that!” JJ shouts trying to punch the other in the face again but Klece grabs him by the neck in chokehold while Topper punches him in the abdomen. 
“Let him go!” You shout running forwards only to get thrown back by Rafe. 
“Don’t fucking touch my girl you piece of shit!” JJ seethes trying to get away by jamming his elbows into Klece that still has a strong hold on him. JJ can feel himself gasping for breath as Klece breaks off his air supply. Rafe just laughs and grabs you by your hair making you stand up from where he pushed you down.
“What did you say?” Rafe demands with a grin on his face. “You tell me not to touch her?” JJ manages to get out of Klece’s hold, spitting out rage when Rafe grabs you harshly by the jaw making you whimper in fear. You know in the back of his head that Rafe is about to kiss you but before he can manage you knee him in the balls and JJ slams into him. JJ manages to get several hits in before Topper and Klece are back on him and throwing him off Rafe. 
“Just let him go, we weren’t even bothering you guys!” You run forwards trying to get to JJ, but then Rafe has you by the waist hauling you off and your screaming bloody murder to get other pogues here. He can see Rafe shouting something in your face and ripping your shirt open laughing. In his rage JJ’s aware of running coming towards him from where Klece is back to choking him. Suddenly the boys are ripped off of him by John B and Pope. Kiara’s spitting into Rafe’s face. Without a second to lose JJ tackles Rafe to the ground sending fist after fist into his face. It takes him a few seconds to realize that he’s also shouting something at Rafe. 
“You fucking piece of shit, never touch my girl again or I’ll fucking kill you I swear!” JJ fumes only being taken off Rafe by John B and Pope. The guy looks like he won’t be able to see for the next few days but you don’t care. JJ thinks John B, Pope and Kiara are talking to him, telling him to calm down. It only takes a whimper from you and he snaps out of his anger turning to you. Your shirt is ripped and there’s a bruise forming on your jaw which almost sets JJ off again but JJ can see your tears forming so he gathers you into his arms making soothing noises.
“I’m so sorry baby, I swear they won’t hurt you again. Okay?” JJ whispers, stepping back to look into your eyes. “Here put this on.” JJ says taking off his shirt and putting it over your head. It has a bit of blood on it but you appreciate it as it hides your chest from the others.
“What happened?” John B asks.
“I don’t know, those fucking kooks came to bother us when we were alone.”JJ spits out anger resurfing but then you step into his arms sniffling. “We’re gonna go, can we crash at your place John B.” John B just nods as an answer. JJ cradles you into his arms, nodding back to John B in thanks. 
“You hurt anywhere?” JJ whispers scanning your body for injuries he might’ve missed. 
“No I don’t think so,” you tremble, biting your nails unconsciously. JJ still seems mad about the whole situation but after clenching his jaw for several seconds he looks at you decided.
“All right, let’s go.” JJ says holding you close, walking to John B’s. When you get at John B’s house JJ pulls you close, both of you crashing into the pullout. You’re still shaken about the whole situation, shocked at how much of an asshole these kook’s can be. 
“I’ll get them back for what they did.” JJ mutters angrily thinking up plans of what he could do as revenge. You grab JJ’s face in your hands gently shocking him out of his stupor. 
“Let’s not think about them right now.” You say looking at JJ in the eyes, grateful for how much he defended you and still wants to defend you. JJ has several bruises on his side blooming like never before. His lip is split and he has bruises on the side of his face. “I didn’t see them hit you in the face.” You whisper in confusion. JJ’s eyes snap to you but he quickly looks away shrugging.
“That was my old man, nothing I can’t deal with.” JJ admits running his hand down your back. JJ has never fully admitted that his dad would hit him but from all the times you hung out together you had your doubts. 
“Oh sweety, it’s nothing you should have to deal with.” You reply earnestly. “You can stay with me if you want.”
“You wouldn’t mind?” JJ stammered self consciously.
“Of course I don’t mind, I feel safest when I’m with you,” You look up to him smiling shyly. JJ’s looking back at you with something like awe in his eyes. “You know my hammock misses you.” You add making JJ laugh at the memory. 
“Gods you have no idea how much I love you, do you?” JJ whispers smiling as he holds you closer to him dropping a kiss on your lips.
“I love you too you know.” You add your hand running through his hair to coe rest on his cheek wiping away the tear on his face. “I’m serious, I really do love you.” JJ lets out a choked sound at your admission and buries his head into your chest cuddling you close.
John B, Pope and Kiara find you asleep in one another’s arms the next morning and they smile to themselves taking a picture with John B’s old Polaroid camera. The camera’s flash wakes the both of you causing JJ to grab a pillow throwing it vaguely in their direction before cuddling into your side once again.
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ghostmartyr · 3 years
Are you still watching RWBY? What did you think of Volume 8 overall
I enjoyed Volume 8, but I think it stumbles at the end enough to look back at its time management and feel not totally great about it.
Cinder’s development is solid. I’m still not very attached to her, but she has attained my interest at long last. Good for you, Cinder. Solve your emotional problems with murder. Kill Watts. Give Neo a reason to go back to trying to kill you. Make yet another mortal enemy. I support these actions.
Emerald’s flip means she won’t have sad eyes over all the atrocities she’s playing witness to while the timer goes down on her defection anymore, and that’s cool.
Ironwood’s everything is... well. Yeah. Great. Nothing like watch someone destroy themself. Oh, and everything else around them in the process. Once he got started, it was pretty clear where he was going, and that’s just sad. He goes from hugging Qrow and finding relief in his allies to shooting all of them. Shooting Jacques along the way does not even that out.
The Ace-Ops felt too cluttered for the final parts. They’re the cautionary tales, obviously, but I don’t think we get enough time detailing them for them to be on the same stage as Winter coming into her own and RWBY falling into oblivion. Qrow and Robyn get the slow burn and then the panicked call to immediate action, but for the Ace-Ops, Marrow and Harriet are the only ones who the narrative actively does something with. Marrow’s problems are obvious from the start, and Harriet’s emotional heat hints, and then reveals, a depth of trauma that this system has been crap at handling. But Vine and Elm, the critical pieces in talking her down, and centerpieces of keeping Mantle from blowing up, aren’t prominent enough in the narrative for their place in its resolution to feel quite earned. I think if we’d gotten an extra episode it would have worked a little better. As it was, I was left wanting more focus on the central cast.
Which is kind of why I’m so thrilled that RWBY+J are maybe stuck spending some quality time together. The macro plot matters, obviously, but they’ve been moving so fast. Atlas feels like a speedrun of a kingdom falling, and a little more interplay between my faves would be very welcome.
Then there’s the obvious.
Oh, Penny.
I can’t feel good about Penny’s handling in the end.
The Winter Maiden, as soon as we’re introduced, is waiting to die and offer her power to the next one in line. Winter was intended for that, but Penny interrupts.
Two days later, Winter has the power, and Penny’s dead.
This is necessary so that Winter has time to center what she actually believes before she’s upgraded to demigodhood. Winter as the Winter Maiden leading into Volume 8 would have kept her on Ironwood’s script. The disruption of expectations that leaves her vulnerable forces her to respond to what is going on, not what her side believes should be going on.
It makes sense to delay Winter’s ascension, because it gives Winter perspective that she can’t access as long as she’s in her chain of established command.
Making Penny’s value tie entirely back to supporting someone else’s story. She’s allowed to be a real girl, she’s allowed to fight for what she believes in, she’s allowed to have friends, but becoming the Winter Maiden serves Winter’s storyline more than it serves Penny’s.
Which isn’t to say they do nothing with her. Obviously, the virus making the vault look good creates a variety of opportunities. Sure, they could have filled in another domino without Penny specifically, but she’s an instrumental part of getting them inside that vault in how the story goes.
Creating a new body for her is a complicated thing. Penny’s a real girl no matter what her form is, but if you say that while cutting out the nuts and bolts -- it’s a little mixed. In the most benign way I can put my preferences, I like Penny being a robot. I’m thrilled she knows how warm a hug can feel (Pietro, patch notes, get on it), but...
Before Watts causes problems on purpose, Penny shows a little hesitance about not being your standard model of girl, but unless I’ve been worse about my watching comprehension than I thought, she doesn’t have any burning need for flesh. Changing her body is the best solution they can up with in response to her agency being violated.
It’s not my favorite thing in the world. I don’t think it’s entirely good faith to pin all of the possible unfortunate implications on it, but they exist, and they are there. And on the flip side, being granted a body that is created through nothing but who you are is a sentiment that I’m sure resonates with a lot of people. I think there’s a lot to observe in what Penny’s going through, and it’s worth discussion more than angry words.
Except before there’s a chance to collect opinion polls on that, we once again have her asking for death before she hurts her friends.
I believe there’s a post on LotR somewhere that explains why people are okay with it being a mood shift from The Hobbit. People aren’t huge fans of media they consume invalidating media they previously invested in.
Penny dies, then she comes back. Then she dies.
Penny interrupts the inevitability of Winter becoming the Winter Maiden. Then Winter becomes the Winter Maiden.
It feels like a zero sum game, but a zero sum game where our emotions were torqued around for the sake of it, and the object of said torquing is being utilized as a plot object prior to being a character.
Penny obviously has a lot of personality, and a lot of established emotional ties. She’s not just a lamp standing in a corner.
But to use the apt metaphor, you can see the strings. Penny’s trajectory seems to be moving under its own velocity -- but then that ending hits. Despite going through all of the steps to make sure that Penny doesn’t have to sacrifice herself to keep the people she loves safe, despite actually being really creative and clever about doing everything possible to keep her alive --
The plot demands her death.
It isn’t good enough to fix the pressing issue that made sacrifice look good. Sacrifice is still the ultimate answer.
Thematically, that doesn’t jive with the story we’ve been getting.
Emotionally, what the fuck, could we not.
(What’s better than the cute robot girl begging for death? Doing it twice!)
People who are in a more optimistic state about fiction at the moment have noted that Pinocchio does do a lot of dying, and I do like the read of Penny as Jiminy Cricket. Considering the full context of the world, there’s more to justify a return than a lot of characters get. It wouldn’t be the most shocking thing ever.
It’s still kind of fucked up. Penny doesn’t kill herself, but she asks others to kill her, and that’s her being a good girl.
The National Suicide Hotline gets its number placed in the summary of the episode.
Obviously there’s more to it than that, but the implications are there, and a very painful thorn when looking over the rest of her. Creating an environment where it makes sense for this character to kill themself, it’s noble, even --
I don’t think that’s a route of story that the available material handles gracefully.
It’s the “twice” that really hammers the point down into the coffin. It creates a pattern of behavior in Penny. Once, and okay. Heroic sacrifice plays are always a major source of drama, exemplifying how Good the person making the sacrifice is, and how Tragic it is that we’re losing such a good person, all because they have principles and just love these other people so much.
Only if you have a character asking someone to kill them twice in relatively quick succession, the callback isn’t to feats of heroics. It’s suicidal tendencies.
If you’re not prepared to deal with implications of that magnitude, you’ve got to make the link a lot less suggestive. Otherwise you’re telling a new story whether you like it or not, and it’s not one you’re ready for, drastically upping the odds that it’s not going to be the most polished thing ever.
What the issue becomes then, in my personal opinion, is pacing (’hey self why is the answer always pacing’ ‘because shut up’). Penny’s joy of life is a blip in between her asking for death. The heroic nature of her desire for death mixed with the awful despair of her actual death makes this endpoint of her story saturated with a darkness that sours the entire experience.
Complicating it further is the issue of trust.
The writers killed her and brought her back just to kill her again. If they do bring her back again, the faith is kind of broken. Once you show that you’re willing to move a character around like a piece on a chessboard, your audience isn’t going to trust the story enough to invest. They’re going to be looking for the strings. For a complicated special effect that takes a lot of strings, that’s a pain, because the agreement with stories is supposed to be that yes, there are strings, that’s our medium.
If you don’t trust the writers, you are not going to believe in the story.
For my personal taste, if the writers are doing something more with Penny, their presentation has made it difficult for me to see value in the journey, even if the destination happens to be something I ultimately approve of.
Anyway Robyn needs to officially adopt Qrow. He has been a bad guy bandit, now he can be a good guy bandit.
He can be the Happy Huntresses’ cute animal mascot.
That is all that matters.
That is my one, solitary thought on the entire volume.
Thanks for the ask!
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warsmith-38 · 3 years
How I would do RWBY pt. 2
Season Two
Emerald and Mercury go to book store.
Try intimidating ex-White Fang owner.
He’s tense, but not impressed.
Adam walks in.
He shits himself.
Tries fighting.
Dies. Painfully might I add.
Emerald and Mercury banter. Adam just seems bored.
Cinder (teenaged, not adult) scolds them for 86ing the guy in such a public and possibly trackable way.
Adam assures them that they weren’t seen. He has practice in that sort of thing.
Torchwick is annoyed at working with these people but at least he’s getting paid a mint.
Cinder says that, with all of the stolen dust, phase two of plan can to be started soon.
Neo give her a look of ‘get over yourself, you chuunibyou.’
Meanwhile, back at the ranch.
More guests arrive.
Ironwood talks with Ozpin about world affairs.
Grimm populations and attacks are getting worse, but are still manageable.
Says that he has brought plenty of extra security in the form of Penny and a big amount of security robots and mechs.
More bonding scenes because reasons.
RWBY + JNPR have food fight because funny.
Velvet and Blake are closer than earlier and give little ‘anti-racism’ classes for Weiss.
Blake is friendlier with everyone now that she knows they wouldn’t kill her since she’s a faunus.
Ruby has taken on the role of mechanic for everyone’s weapons.
Jaune dominates wargaming night.
Ren and Fox try to help Ruby with her hand-to-hand skills (Yang is not a great teacher of such things)
Scene of properly meeting team SSSN.
Nice guys, but a little too uncoordinated in style.
Ruby ends up having a frustrated breakdown.
Gives WBY speech of how they have to get involved and screw the people telling them to sit down and let them handle the problem instead.
Blake is the first to go along with what she’s saying.
Yang and Weiss argue that this is not a good idea, saying that this sounds like Ruby just wants to go play vigilante again.
Blake says that Ruby has a point, nothing will get accomplished if they sit around doing nothing.
Weiss is the one that cracks next. Agrees that the authorities aren’t exactly inspiring confidence since the run in with Torchwick.
Yang finally gives in, if only to make sure Ruby doesn’t get herself murdered.
Ruby, in her excitement to actually be doing something, rushes out the door to get snacks and runs into someone.
That someone is Cinder.
Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, and disguised Neo (Team CEMN (Cinnamon (work with me here))) keep up the façade of Haven guests from canon.
Ruby almost immediately starts gushing over their cool weapons before being reined in by WBY.
Emerald pickpocket’s Weiss’ wallet and snags rich girl’s cash before putting it back.
Mercury and Yang have a very clear stare-down of ‘punching vs kicking, who will win?’
Neo and Blake…stare at each other (Adam is Blake’s Rival/Foil. Blake v. Neo is just pair the spares).
RWBY has made new friends. (The poor dears)
RWBY start their investigation.
Team SSSN turns up to help at the last minute.
Okay, sure, free help.
Blake and Sun try to find local White Fang schmucks.
Scarlet and Sage go off to do random shit.
Yang drags Neptune to Junior’s club to check the pulse of the criminal element of the city.
Ruby and Weiss dig up information at library place-thing.
They encounter Penny on the way.
Penny acts weird(er) and tries to bolt off.
Weiss agrees that Penny is suspicious as hell and, with all the happenings, that means that she could be a potential lead.
She lets Ruby go after her while she about her investigating alone.
Penny reveals to Ruby that she’s a mechanical maiden (Persona 3 is best Persona).
Ruby is VERY interested now.
Ruby already liked her as a person and now she knows that Penny is a person who is also a weapon.
Zero downsides.
Penny, happy to be accepted, let’s slip that she knows some crazy stuff is happening in the world.
Says that that’s why she was allowed to come to the tournament, as extra back up just in case.
Says that the communications tower is the most obvious target but might not be the actual target.
Can’t elaborate further because of Ciel and her bodyguards showing up.
Ciel gives Ruby the third degree on encouraging Penny’s truant behavior.
Ruby gives her the finger.
Ciel takes Penny away and Ruby gets back to work.
Weiss gets whatever information about the White Fang and Torchwick that isn’t classified, and a little that is, transferred to her.
Her older sister is a high ranker in the military and her father bankrolled a good chunk of said military.
Ain’t nepotism a bitch?
Yang and Neptune come up empty handed, but Yang got to pick another fight at the club before the cops showed up so she’s all good.
Neptune thinks that that’s all Yang went there to do in the first place.
Scarlet and Sage get captured by the White Fang. (They said they had fresh cookies, what were S + S going to do, say no?)
Blake leads Sun along a trail of breadcrumbs to a White Fang hideout.
Sees a recruitment rally going on.
Blake has a heart attack seeing who’s giving a speech.
It’s Adam.
Speech is an emotional call to arms against the cruelty of humanity.
Crowd is skeptical but still listening.
Reveals his brand.
Crowd is now enthusiastic to sign up for the White Fang.
Adam reveals newly stolen war-mech.
Says that they’ll test its power by executing Scarlet and Sage.
Blake spoils his moment by covertly revealing that Roman is the pilot of said mech (Neo is co-pilot).
Crowd turns against Adam for his hypocrisy.
Adam cheeses it.
Roman takes it on himself to attack Blake and Sun.
Scarlet and Sage are freed and take on the rowdy crowd.
While running, Blake and Sun encounter RWY and Neptune.
Sun and Neptune get good hits in but are btfo’d.
Scarlet and Sage find them and all is good for team SSSN.
RWBY has quasi-rematch against Roman + Neo.
Fight goes well.
Team CFVY shows up and stomps the mech.
Looks like Team Rocket’s blasting off again!
RWBY celebrates a fight well won.
CFVY are pissed that RWBY would do something so dangerous and make them promise not to do things like this again.
RWBY lies through their collective teeth about not doing it again.
Get put on probation anyway.
Pyrrha and Jaune are having a moment together before Jaune ruins it.
Jaune admits that he lied and cheated his way into school due to impatience and lack of immediate combat skills.
He confesses all of this out of guilt and plans to turn himself in.
Pyrrha is actually rather angry at him.
1. for cheating to get what everyone else fought tooth and nail to earn the right to and 2. Putting the rest of his team at risk due to his inability to keep up with them in a fight and for associating them with a cheater/liar.
Not to mention lying to her face.
Says good riddance.
Cardin overhears and blackmails him into doing what he says or else he’ll narc on him and say that NPR knew and thus were complicit in the crime.
Jaune goes along with it while creating plan to oust Cardin and get him kicked from school.
Has conversation with Ren and Nora, both of whom are pissed at him.
Of course Pyrrha told them.
Jaune tells them that he knows he’s a piece of shit but also has Cardin to deal with.
Ren and Nora begrudgingly agree to help him get rid of Cardin.
Tells them his plan.
Plan proceeds to fail and Jaune ends up fighting all of CRDL alone.
Grimm outside of their power-level shows up.
Jaune’s quick thinking and tactics get it killed.
Cardin is grateful and promises to keep quiet about blackmail. Even means it too.
CRDL is never a real issue again due to them actually realizing that it’s a very cuntish thing to bully the guy and/or the friends of the guy who actively saved their lives.
Jaune plans to give one last apology to his team before he turns himself in.
NPR say that they deliberated amongst themselves.
They have decided that Jaune doesn’t get to take the easy way out.
His penance is to train his ass off, night and day, to catch up to them on the physical level.
Jaune’s role is to be the strategist and that it’s his job to make plans that keep them all alive.
If he fucks up, they work his ass harder until he doesn’t fuck up.
They haven’t fully forgiven him, but they’re giving him a chance because they genuinely like him.
Jaune is touched by their compassion and promises make up for his mistakes.
Sparring day in class.
Jaune has match against disguised Neo.
Neo wins but Jaune starts to have suspicions.
Pyrrha and Mercury spar.
Pyrrha wins but Mercury now has valuable data on her overall fighting style and semblance usage.
Cinder and Ruby are last match of the class.
Cinder has fire powers as a semblance.
Has second semblance giving her bullet time.
Bullet time doesn’t work all that well against Ruby because of her super-speed.
Ruby gets some pretty good hits in. Kinda kicking Cinder’s ass.
Cinder then decides she’s done playing nice and goes on full offensive. Even starts to scare the crowd.
Times up!
Due to technicality, Ruby won the fight.
Aura cohesion (health bars) Cinder:48% Ruby:51%
Emerald and Mercury are blue in the face with fear of what Cinder might do, having officially lost a fight.
Cinder helps Ruby up, apologizes for going overboard, and offers to buy Ruby lunch the next day.
Ruby happily agrees to hang out with her newest friend.
Cinder later explodes at her hideout and incinerates a White Fang member that got a little too close.
Adam pretends to care. Doesn’t actually.
Ruby and Cinder become shockingly good friends (as far as Ruby is concerned).
Cinder explains the concept of a second semblance, confirming to Ruby that she’s a ten-percenter.
It’s somewhat rare, but it’s common enough that people know how it works and why it unlocks.
Great emotional duress.
She was raised in an orphanage that REALLY sucked.
She awakened both semblances pretty quickly and was snatched up by the authorities as soon as possible to be a huntress.
She’s mostly lying about the details but there is still the base truth.
Ruby tells her that she lost one of her parents too.
Summer just didn’t come home one day, being told she was killed in the line of duty by a lucky grimm.
She’s always thought that there’s more to this story, but doesn’t have the means to follow up just yet.
It’s part of why Ruby wants to be a huntress, to do her best to make sure that some other kid never experiences that kind of loss because of the grimm.
Cinder tells her that that’s not the worst motivation. (she means it more than she thinks)
Since Blake saw Adam at the rally she has become obsessed with analyzing all the data gotten during investigation.
RWY is worried.
Yang talks to her about it, giving the speech about her mother and the problems with obsession.
Blake talks about how dangerous she knows Adam to be. Is vastly terrified of him.
Yang reassures her that the team can handle that punkass.
4 on 1, let him try it. They’ll put the boots to him. Medium style.
Blake reluctantly snaps out of her funk.
Dance comes.
Everyone’s having a good time.
Pyrrha decides to properly forgive Jaune.
They kiss and, after a wacky JNPR argument because funny, so do Ren and Nora.
Insert the cool JNPR dance scene here.
Ruby is happy for her friends but notices some bullshit going on near the comm. tower.
Cinder is infiltrating it wearing something that actually makes it difficult to tell who it is.
Makes a big show of knocking the guards unconscious.
Places real obvious hacking device onto console.
Ruby comes in and shoots at her.
Cinder pops smoke and disappears.
Authorities arrive and (as far as they can tell) disable the hacking device.
Ruby is given a commendation for her actions and her team is taken off probation from earlier.
Upper echelon is pleased that enemy plot was foiled.
Exactly as the bad guys wanted.
Ozpin presses the doubt button.
Teams gets chaperone assignments.
JNPR requested a special Grimm bounty mission.
RWBY gets put on simple observation mission.
JNPR spends time tracking and eventually fighting nuckelavee grimm with Prof. Port.
Ren comes to terms with fighting the grimm that killed his parents.
Y’know, sub-plot stuff to relieve some main plot tension.
RWBY is sent with Dr. Oobleck into ruins to observe and document the growth rate of the non-hostile presence of the local *loud snoring*.
Actually sent near suspected White Fang supply depot with hope that they uncover it and fix problems.
Find it fairly easily after a little bonding moment or two with everyone.
Torchwick and Adam are in charge of train depot. (Torchwick gets the train, Adam gets the depot)
Ruby goes in on her own because she was told not to do things like that.
Ruby gets double-teamed by Roman and Adam. Neo watches like a little shithead.
Ruby fights like a demon but still gets bested.
Adam says that he is now bored and leaves Roman to finish up.
Oobleck and WBY show up.
Roman starts the train, tries to cheese it.
RWBY + Oobleck board the train.
Yang fights Neo.
Weiss fights masked White Fang member (later revealed to be Ilia).
Ruby and Blake fight Torchwick.
Oobleck fights the stormtroopers.
Neo, the crafty, dodgy, dexterity style, sly-bitch, kicks Yang, the brutish and blunt boxer, in the ass.
Raven pops up through a portal.
Neo am-scrays after almost getting her shit pushed in.
Raven says a scant few things to Yang and leaves her a trinket and a map, telling her to follow it when she can before leaving.
Weiss wins her fight.
Blake and Ruby kick Roman’s ass.
Discover train is full of dust explosives to blow up a chunk of Vale and let the grimm through in droves.
Was originally intended to be deployed before explosion but Roman decides ‘fuck it’ and tries to turn it into a kamikaze run at the last minute out of spite.
Oobleck disconnects the explosive cars.
Train still rams hole into central Vale.
Grimm incursion.
RWBY fights as best they can.
Almost get overrun when Teams CFVY, SSSN, and CEMN show up to help.
CEMN only involved because evil plan failed and they want to try and clean up any possible evidence.
Neo (in disguise) tries not to be obvious that she’s still tired from earlier.
Horde battle with large hydra (or something) grimm being final boss of season.
They kill it, of course.
After the battle RWBY thinks that the problem is more or less solved.
Adam is still loose but his plan is foiled and his co-conspirator, Roman, is in prison.
All they have to do is hunt him down.
If he’s going to try something, it’ll be at the tournament. RWBY will have an extra eye open during.
JNPR returns triumphant from their mission and wonders what the hell happened while they were gone.
Cinder is livid that plan-A failed and they lost their best chance to kill Ozpin.
Yeah, their plan is to fuck up Vale and get and chance to kill Ozpin.
Is reassured by the mysterious figure she’s talking to (Salem) that plans can change and still succeed.
Adam is looking through security footage taken from depot.
Sees Blake.
He smiles.
Season two done.
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rvseate · 4 years
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welcome  to  bee  tries  to  write  a  coherent  intro  challenge  !
(   𝘩𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑦  𝑙𝑢  𝑟𝑖𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑠𝑜𝑛  &  𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑐𝑎  𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛𝘩𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒   )   bopping  along  to  𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬  𝐟𝐥𝐲  by  𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫  𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭  is  𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐄  𝐁𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐍  ,  the  𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲  𝐨𝐧𝐞  year  old  𝐜𝐢𝐬  𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞  thrown  back  to  their  𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞  𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠  days  with  𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞  of  her  memories  .  voted  𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭  𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐲  𝐭𝐨  𝐛𝐞  𝐨𝐧  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐫  ,  𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐘  was  known  for  being  𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬  &  𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜  ,  go  figures  you'd  always  find  them  𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐧𝐞𝐰  𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲  𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬  ,  but  grew  up  to  be  𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜  &  𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭  .   ✎   𝑏𝑒𝑒  ,  𝟸𝟷  ,  𝑠𝘩𝑒/𝘩𝑒𝑟  ,  𝑒𝑠𝑡  .
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NAME  :   penelope  dahlia  buchanan
NICKNAMES  :  penny
D.O.B.  :  june  25,  1989
GENDER  /  PRONOUNS  :  cis  female  /  she  +  her
SEXUALITY  :  biromantic  bisexual
BORN  :  san  antonio,  texas
RAISED  :  san  antonio,  texas
CURRENT  RESIDENCE  :  rom  valley  university  dorms  (  past  )   /  san  francisco,  california  (  present  )
NATIONALITY  :  american
SOCIOECONOMIC  CLASS  :  upper  middle  class
OCCUPATION  :  full  stack  developer
PARENTS  :  glenn  &  tammy  buchanan
SIBLINGS  :  blair  buchanan,  lucille  buchanan,  stella  buchanan
CHILDREN  :  none  (  past  )   /   madison,  3  y/o  (  present  )
RELIGION  :  christian  (  past  )   /   agnostic  (  present  )
HEIGHT  :  5′5″
BUILD  :   a  little  curvy,  not  much  muscle  definition
HAIR  :  dirty  blonde,  wavy
EYE  COLOUR  :  a  murky  grayish  blue
SKIN  :  fair,  prone  to  acne,  easily  flushed
DOMINANT  HAND  :  right
SCENT  :  vanilla  &  lavender
ACCENT  :  texan
TATTOOS  /  PIERCINGS  :  no  tattoos,  ears  pierced  (  past  )   /   a  simple  hello  world  tattoo  on  her  wrist,  ears  pierced  (  present  )
STRENGTHS  :  conscientious,  kindhearted,  intelligent,  affable,  humble
WEAKNESSES  :  jealous,  self-conscious,  intransigent,  pessimistic,  dependent
ZODIAC  :  cancer  sun,  libra  moon
MBTI  :  infj
TEMPERAMENT  :  phlegmatic
MORAL  ALIGNMENT  :  lawful  neutral
HOGWARTS  HOUSE  :  hufflepuff
penny  buchanan  is,  and  always  has  been,  unremarkable,  at  least  in  her  own  eyes.  a  christian  sorority  girl  from  texas  ?  they’re  a  dime  a  dozen.  not  to  mention  penny  is  the  second  youngest  of  four  girls,  all  of  whom  look  remarkably  similar.  the  buchanan  girls  came  as  a  package  deal.  penny  spent  every  minute  with  her  sisters  growing  up  (  though  many  of  those  minutes  were  spent  at  war  ),  trying  to  ignore  their  parents’  relationship  crumbling  irreversibly  as  the  years  went  on.  it  was  an  open  secret  that  glenn  buchanan  was  not  entirely  faithful  to  his  wife.  but  they  brushed  it  under  the  rug;  after  all,  what  else  were  they  supposed  to  do,  divorce  ?  now  that  wouldn’t  be  very  christian,  would  it  ?
penny  first  discovered  a  love  for  computers  in  her  sophomore  year  of  high  school,  when  she  signed  up  for  a  computer  class  because  the  boy  she  was  crushing  on  was  taking  it.  well,  crushes  fade,  but  her  interest  in  the  ones  and  zeroes  that  composed  the  modern  computer  didn’t.  the  first  week  of  her  first  year  at  rvu,  penny  cried  herself  to  sleep  every  night.  she’d  never  been  apart  from  her  sisters  for  so  long.  not  to  mention  she  stuck  out  like  a  sore  thumb  in  her  software  engineering  classes,  which  were  overwhelmingly  male  (  and  in  need  of  deodorant  ).  
but  she  quickly  found  a  home  in  the  sorority  sigma  delta  nu,  all  too  happy  to  bake  cookies  for  their  bake  sales  and  play  sidekick  to  the  bolder,  more  outgoing  girls,  as  long  as  she  was  part  of  a  sisterhood  once  more.  she’s  always  defined  herself  by  her  relationship  to  other  people,  and  a  sorority  is  right  up  her  alley.  she’s  a  little  embarrassed  by  her  major,  since  it’s  probably  seen  as  pretty  nerdy  and  masculine,  and  definitely  downplays  it  lmao  even  though  she  loves  it  a  lot.  she  definitely  was  more  of  a  follower  than  a  leader,  so  if  another  of  her  sorority  sisters  had  drama  with  someone,  penny  definitely  stood  behind  them  and  stayed  quiet  instead  of  maybe  forming  her  own  opinion.
totally  into  the  bachelor  lmfao.  she's  seen  every  season  and  lives  for  the  drama  of  it  all.  just  loves  reality  shows  in  general.  also  loves  romcoms.  she’s  a  total  hopeless  romantic  who  gets  crushes  on  people  way  too  easily
WANTED  PLOT  !!!  something  i’d  love  is  if  penny  had  a  boyfriend  in  her  college  days.  super  cute,  been  dating  a  while,  people  probably  expect  them  to  get  married.  but  she’s  secretly  cheating  on  him.  the  drama  !!!  up  to  you  how  much  he  remembers  of  the  future.  extra  bonus  points  if  she’s  cheating  on  him  with  a  girl,  im  so  gay  and  so  is  penny
college  tl;dr  :  penny  is  your  average  christian  sorority  girl,  sweet  but  a  lil  insecure  and  dependent,  Confused™  about  her  sexuality,  loves  software  eng  &  actually  really  good  at  it  but  embarrassed  abt  it.  can  be  jealous  and  honestly  a  little  spiteful.  way  too  concerned  about  her  image
after  college  !!  i  imagine  the  boyfriend  finds  out  about  her  cheating  and  breaks  up  with  her  lol.  she  got  a  job  in  silicone  valley  and  makes  like,  a  lot  of  money  tbh.  she  gained  more  confidence  and  independence,  but  still  tends  to  make  herself  smaller  and  stick  to  the  shadows  while  her  coworkers  get  the  glory.  i  feel  like  she’s  had  a  few  short  relationships  but  nothing  super  serious.  definitely  had  an  okcupid  account  lmfao.  
she’s  always  wanted  to  be  a  mother  and  at  some  point  after  a  certain  amount  of  failed  relationships  she  was  like  …  ya  know  what  ?  i’m  gonna  do  this  on  my  own.  so  she  got  artificially  inseminated  and  now  has  the  cutest  daughter  named  madison.  it’s  been  tough  being  a  single  mother,  but  it’s  been  so  worth  it.
after  the  reunion,  she  remembers  some  of  her  future,  but  it’s  very  much  like  remembering  a  dream,  where  you’re  not  sure  if  it  even  happened.  the  only  parts  she  remembers  clearly  are  with  madison.
𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝  𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.
these  are  all  lame  bc  i’m  tired  i  am  sorry
ex-boyfriend.  like  i  said,  a  college  boyfriend  who  she  was  cheating   on.  pleaseee
college  fling.  the  person  she  cheated  with.  would  love  this  to  be  a  girl/enby  but  would  also  be  ok  with  a  guy.  taken  by  vivienne  hale
skinny  love.  maybe  they  were  just  friends  but  always  lowkey  had  a  crush  on  each  other,  but  it  never  worked  out  cause  they  were  never  single  at  the  same  time
sorority  sisters.  pleeeease  give  penny  her  sorority  sisters  !!  her  girls  !!
hbic.  penny’s  more  of  a  sidekick,  so  i’d  love  a  female  friend  who’s  more  confident  and  outgoing.  think  like,  jennifer  &  needy  from  jennifer’s  body
classmates.  any  other  engineers  out  there  ??  doesn’t  even  need  to  be  software  engineers  lol
childhood  /  high  school  friends.  someone  also  from  texas  who  penny  knew  growing  up
victims  ?  maybe  some  of  her  sorority  sisters  tended  to  be  snotty  and  mean,  and  penny  just  stood  by  instead  of  standing  up  for  their  victims
one-sided  crush.  either  way  bbyyyy
sperm  donor.  i  know  sperm  donors  are  anonymous  but  how  fucking  funny  would  it  be  if  penny  found  out  the  father  of  her  child  was  an  old  classmate
annoyance.  someone  who  irritates  penny
bad  influence  /  good  influence
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Title: Anatomy 101***
Chris Evans AU x Reader One Shot
 Warning: SMUTTY, SMUT, SMUT, NSFW, cursing, choking, slightly older man/college student
 Word Count: 5.6k
 Note: Sooo, at this point, I’m just going to stop apologizing and giving summaries. I think everyone just expects me to be one of those writers who just have fifty-‘leven open WIP
 **Loosely edited**
**Loosely Proofread**
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    You slammed your palm down on the alarm clock. Its annoying blaring was really grinding your nerves especially given the fact that you hadn't gotten much sleep because you decided to go to the frat party last night and didn't get in until nearly four in the morning. You looked at the clock and grimaced seeing it read eleven.
    Why the fuck did I take this class? Yes it was a core class, but you didn't have to take it this early, you could have taken it in the fall, but you had the bright idea of doing it in the spring. Groaning again you rose off the bed and sat at the edge. Hating yourself some more for your asinine decision you dragged your feet to gather your bath supplies so you could get a quick shower. You walked through the hall with your eyes closed; muscle memory was carrying you. Not caring what was going on around you, you walked into the shower room, stripped and stepped into the hot stream of water. This was precisely what you needed, not only were you a little hungover, but you were also half asleep. Usually, you wouldn’t want to get your hair wet this close to class because then you'd have to battle with it to get it straight and the process took entirely too long, but now you didn't care at all. The water beamed down on your scalp, and you sighed thoroughly enjoying it.
    By the time you made it back to your room, you had less than thirty minutes to get dressed and make it across campus to your Anatomy and Physiology class. Doing your best to hurry, you picked something cute but not too cute. It was after all an 11 am class, and the professor was a boring old man who lost your attention the minute he uttered his first word. That was bad; you needed this class not only for your degree but your career. How could you become a clinical physiologist if you didn't understand the essential functions of the human physiology? You couldn't, plain and simple. You needed to find a way to get your head in the game or else you'd be done for.
    Hearing the campus clock striking eleven, you rounded the corner and ran down the steps into the health sciences building where your class was held. You gripped your heels tightly in your hands. You regretted the choice as soon as you stepped out your dorm and saw you had eight minutes to get across campus. On an average day walking, it took at least twelve to get to class. You panted and bumped into a group of students standing around talking.
    "Hey, watch it!"
    "You watch it. This is an education facility talk outside idiot!"
    Not bothering to go back and forth you ran up the flight of stairs and down the hall to the class door and flung yourself inside.
    "And that is why and how the cardiovascular system is easily the most important system in the body."
 Everyone looked at you. Ignoring the eyes, you hurried up the steps and to one of the many seats. There were only fifteen people in this class because everyone else was smarter than your dumb ass. You made it to the fourth row back and took the closest seat. Your heart was pounding in your ears as you tried to catch your breath. You closed your eyes and held your head back, thinking it was way too early for this shit.
    "Is everything all right Ms--Y/N?"
    Your head snapped forward and landed on the man standing in front of the room, half perched on the desk.
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 "Holy shit you're gorgeous!"
    The snickers that rang out around you alerted you that your censor had failed you yet again. You pinched your lips together and closed your eyes; embarrassment filled you.
    "I mean--uh, yes everything is fine," you corrected and dug into your bag to retrieve your notebook and other supplies.
    "Thank you for the compliment, much appreciated," he said as he rose from the desk and walked around it, giving you the first view of his perfect ass. Your jaw dropped as you gawked. This was not your professor. This man was nowhere close to being your professor. Everything about him was the opposite. He was taller easily reaching 6'3, his eyes looked to be blue from here while your professor's could have been green, or brow, or green, hell you didn't know. This man before you was built like he spent two hours in the gym a day and didn't take any days off and his ass looked like you could bounce a quarter, a nickel, a dime, and a penny of it and it would bounce off and create ninety-five cents, he had a magical ass, a magically luscious ass. He turned around, and your eyes widened as they zeroed in at the crotch of his pants. You could see a subtle bulge, a bulge of a man who was packing a semi-automatic but that said semi-automatic was asleep.
    Shaking your head at the unexpected loud sound, you looked up to see him looking at you. You'd been caught. You averted your eyes and flipped to an open page in your notebook and began taking notes. Thinking to yourself that no man let alone an academic professor should be this fine, you took a few calming breaths and did your best to listen to the lecture. You found yourself getting lost in him because not only was he gorgeous he was smart, those two put together made him the sexiest man you’d seen on this campus. Before long, you found yourself having little daydreams as he spoke. You fantasized about his big hands squeezing your ass, his lips tasting yours, his thighs resting on either side of your cheeks as you took every inch he had to offer. In a matter of minutes, you were wet and getting quite hot and bothered.
   An hour and forty-five minutes into your two-hour class, he placed the chalk down and walked to the front of the desk where he leaned against it. His thighs pressed together, and you wondered what it would be like to sit across his lap. You looked around and noticed for the first time the entire class was females. You wondered if they’d known sexy, blue eyes and dreamy would be here. When you looked ahead there, he was standing in front of you down at the front of the class. It was so unexpected you jumped and sank back into your seat. It was then you saw a sly smirk spread across his face.
    “Ms. Y/N.”
    You raised an eyebrow to him, giving him more of your attention, even though he’d had it this entire time.
   “True or false, Dopamine is the human body’s pleasure chemical.”
    You thought about it vaguely remembering him talk about pleasure. Truth be told once he began talking about pleasure you zoned out and thought about just that—him giving you pleasure.
   “Eh-em, well dopamine is made in the brain, and the brain is responsible for most if not all the chemicals the body produces and distributes. So with that being said; true.”
    He smirked and licked his lips slowly. “What are the body’s connection and relationship with the pleasure center? How does let’s say the first signal or spark begin all the way to completion?”
    You knew this; you’d read in the text and studied it for an upcoming quiz. Right now, though, you were drawing a blank. As you looked at him you knew he knew you had nothing. How the hell could you think with him looking at you? It was as if his eyes were boring into you, stripping away everything you used as a shield, defense mechanisms, walls, clothes, shit you felt bare underneath his intense gaze.
    “Okay, seems you might need another way to grasp the material. Come on down,” he said. You didn’t move, you looked around the room, and no one looked as if they thought this was strange. When you looked back to him, he walked back to his desk.
    “I won’t repeat it.” The authority in his voice had you shooting up involuntarily. You looked around again and the girl nearest you rose her eyebrows as if to say you were in trouble. Were you in trouble, you thought? You closed your notebook and slipped your feet into your heels before you descended the stairs to make it to the desk he was now leaning against. You stopped a few feet from him and clasped your hands behind your back. His eyes dropped to your breasts, and his teeth scraped over the skin of his bottom lip. Surprise ran through you. There’s no way your professor just checked out your boobs, you thought to yourself. This was wishful thinking. You shook your head and shook the idea away.
    “Do you normally struggle in this class?”
    “Um, no.”
    “Professor Evans. That is my name, and that is what you’ll call me,” he filled in with authority. This time you felt the butterflies in your stomach. You swallowed a little more loudly than intended and took a breath.
    “No Professor Evans.”
     “So it’s just today with me you seem to be a less than sample student?”
    “You showed up ten minutes late when everyone else managed to make it on time. You were barefoot when you came in and since you’ve barely listened to a word I’ve said. So, I ask again; is it just with me you’re not the sample student?”
    Speechless you looked around the room again and crossed your leg over the other. For some reason, your nether regions were tingling. There was no way this was turning you on, you thought.
    “I guess it’s just with you—Professor Evans.”
    He nodded, stood up straight, and walked to you never taking his eyes off yours. You lost all breath in your lungs; you couldn’t even think, his eyes pinned you where you stood. You bit your bottom lip; his eyes fell to them before he disappeared behind you. Without your eyes, you still knew he was directly behind you.
    “And why is that Ms. Y/L/N?”
    “I don’t know.”
    “Class give me a brief physiology of lying, spot a liar. Go!”
    The girl you sat close to shot her hand up first then spoke.
    “When someone lies, Catecholamines are released in the body.  these are the hormones that spawn from stress, which is what the body is put under when it lies, professor Evans.”
    “Good. Anyone else?” More hands shot into the air, and he called on another student.
   “The body then has tells, fidgeting, sweating, and subtle voice fluctuations to begin professor Evans.”
    You rolled your eyes; these bitches were looking for an A++ today.
    “Good. Now Ms. Y/N, which one of those tells do you think I registered with you just now?”
    You bit your tongue; this was getting a little humiliating, and you didn’t like it.
    “You tell me, Professor Evans, you’re the one between us with an actual degree on the subject. Enlighten me, pretty please.”
    Once the words were out, he looked to you, his lips smiled, but his eyes darkened from a celestial blue to an almost the shade of blue denim jeans. The transition took your breath away, and you released a gasp, one that was inconspicuous to the rest of the class but somehow you knew he’d heard it. The edges of his lips turned up into an almost sinister smirk, one that made your stomach fall partially from dread and fear, but also from excitement and anticipation.
    “Be seated Ms. Y/N.”
    On wobbly legs, you hurried back to your seat and did your best to compose yourself. He continued to lecture, but his eyes never landed on your again. He went on as if you were invisible. You weren’t sure how you felt about that. On the one hand, you were relieved not to be under the intense scrutiny of his stare, but you wanted him to look at you, you wanted it more than almost anything. For the remainder of the class, you didn’t pay attention to one word he said. You just watched him move. The way his trim legs moved and how his ass looked as it was perched atop the desk made your hands itch to touch. The way his lips moved to form speech and the way his tongue tipped out every so often to wet his lips made your mouth water and long to taste his. You could barely contain the amount of arousal you felt. It definitely superseded anything you’d ever felt before. You wanted him, bad.
    “Okay, so that is all for today, hopefully, you have a new understanding of the curriculum. Go on get outta here,” Professor Evans said.
    Everyone got into motion gathering their belongings and exiting the room. You heard the girl that sat close to you speak under her breath.
    “Goddamn, he’s fine.”
    You smiled to yourself, and the two of you exchanged an all-knowing look that said the two of you understood the situation. When you grabbed your bag, you didn’t pay attention to how you took it up, and everything spilled out. You cursed to yourself, bent down, and retrieved the items. By the time you finished, it was just you in the class. You made your way to the door. When you turned the knob, it didn’t budge. It was locked. You tried it again and added some force, but still, it didn’t move.
    “What the hell?” Looking around the room you realized you were alone, not even the professor was in sight.
    “Hello?” No answer. You wiggled the doorknob again and kicked it when your frustration rose high.
    “What did that door ever do to you?”
    Spinning around you saw Professor Evans sitting in the front seat with his legs spread wide and arms crossed over his chest. Even like this, he still looked incredible.
    “It’s locked, how did it get locked? I didn’t know these doors even locked from the inside.”
    “Well, now, you do. I locked it.” He stood and walked closer to the desk. You felt an uneasy feeling in your chest, and a chill ran down your spine and crept around to settle in your belly. You felt as if you should feel fear and part of you did, but it didn’t grip your entire being.
    “Wh—why would you lock it? What is this?”
    “I thought you needed a little more—tutoring,” he said.”
    “Excuse me?
    “You know you’ve been watching me all morning, I doubt any of the material even made it in,” Professor Evans said.
    Trying your best to keep a straight face and show no emotion or shock you clenched your jaw and held your chin high; “Ha, I was not watching you.”
    “Do you prefer gawking? I saw you staring at my ass. I could almost hear all your dirty little thoughts.”
    You wanted to die; you were so mortified. Not that he’d caught you clearly sexually objectifying him, but he had the balls to tell you. At the thought of him having balls your eyes involuntarily dropped to his crotch. You heard a breathy chuckle and snapped them back to his face. He smiled and shook his head.
    “Have a seat.” You didn’t move. One, because you couldn’t believe what was happening and two, you were afraid of what was happening.
    “Now, Ms. Y/L/N.”
    Damn your need to please. You walked toward the front row of seats before you felt him grip your wrist. You looked to him with a questioning look.
    “Not there. The desk.” Obeying, you changed courses and walked to the elevated podium where the desk was. Stepping up the two steps, you placed your belongings on the chair that held his things. Once you sat, you crossed your legs and looked to him. He stood a few feet away, just watching you. He didn’t move though. A full two minutes passed in silence, then he walked to you.
    “Uncross your legs.” Feeling a little strange, you hesitated and searched his blue eyes. They were a bit darker than before but still gorgeous. You did as he asked and took a deep breath.
    “The reading and assignment last week according to your previous professor’s notes state it was on the physiology and biology of lust, attraction, and attachment. Is that correct?”
    You could feel the heat coming off his body though he wasn’t touching you. It made your body come alive. You nodded, unsure your voice worked. Without a word, he shot you a questioning glance, one that gave you the opportunity to rewind. You took a deep breath and swallowed the lump forming in your throat.
    “Yes, Professor Evans.
    “Let’s test your knowledge. What is the biology of attraction?”
    You scanned your memory hoping you’d find even the smallest detail from the reading you did over four days ago. He was fucking with you. Who remembered their reading from so long ago, especially when they had other classes they had to read for too. His eyes never left yours; it was as if he were trying to intimidate you or make you mess up. You began to wonder if he wanted you to mess up. He smiled as if reading your mind.
    “Ms. Y/L/N. Tick, tock goes the clock.”
    “Attraction is just a mix of chemicals in your body working together to fire off a response to the brain.”
    “What chemicals?”
    “Dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin,” you filled in.
    “What effect does each of those have?”
    “Norepinephrine is the chemical that makes one giddy, energetic, and euphoric; it can even lead to decreased appetite and insomnia. Serotonin, a hormone that’s known to be involved in appetite and mood, a lot of studies have shown that serotonin may have a part to play in the intense infatuation that characterizes the beginning stages of love and attraction. Dopamine is the feel-good hormone. It’s released when we do things that feel good and have similar effects as Norepinephrine,” you finished.
    You couldn’t tell what his expression was he was behind you. Suddenly you felt his heat near your ear.
    “So it’s just with things I say you struggle with,” he whispered. God, his voice sounded so sexy, and on cue, your body responded. You felt the ache of your breasts your telltale sign they needed to be touched, the heat swirling in your belly and the slowly increasing pulsation between your legs.
   “You forgot one other thing--,” Professor Evans took a deep inhale, one that broke you out in goosebumps.
    “Pheromones. They are a huge tell-tale sign of attraction—I can smell you.”
    You tried to stifle a moan, but you were unsuccessful. You knew he heard it. Soon he was standing before, you between your slightly spread thighs with his thighs grazing against your skin. He was hot—literally.
    “Tell me about lust.” His voice was low and filled with something you couldn’t put your finger on. Something that spoke to the heat in your belly and traveling down between your thighs. Clenching your jaw, you took a steadying breath.
    “Testosterone and Estrogen are the primary chemicals. Testosterone increases libido, and estrogen can also increase arousal.”
   “What kind of arousal?” his voice was now gruff.
   “Sexual,” you whispered.
 He closed his eyes and sunk his teeth into his bottom lip.
   “You smell—so damn good.”
    You studied his face, went over every inch of his beauty. He had not one wrinkle. His beard was no doubt one of your weaknesses. You were always a sucker for a full beard and a nice ass; he had both. Your eyes traveled over him, but below his waist was obscured. You recognized the desire pumping through you. You didn’t expect to see his eyes open when yours returned to his face. You licked your lips, and his eyes remained there. When his lips crashed to yours, you hesitated and allowed him to expertly kiss you. His beard was soft against your face as were his lips.
    You’d been kissed plenty of times before, but this kiss was different. This kiss wasn’t from a boy pretending to be a man as all the college guys you dated had been. This was a man in every form of the word, taking charge. You felt his hand at the small of your back before he pulled you to the edge of the desk, closer to his own body. You felt the protruding bulge in his pants as it connected with your pubis. Without thinking, you moaned and laced your hand in his hair and gripped the strands as he intensified the kiss.
    In an instant, your back was flat against the desk, and he was hovered over you kissing you better than anyone ever had before. His tongue teased yours. Feeling your anxiousness rise you sunk your teeth into his bottom lip, his moan vibrated across your lips before he roughly pushed your thighs back to meet the desk. As he pulled back from your mouth, his eyes skimmed your body before they stopped at the junction of your thighs. You laid sprawled atop the desk with your hot pink thong on full display. His groan echoed throughout the empty room; then he moved his hand to your pelvis where it rested possessively for a second before he balled the dainty fabric and ripped it right off of you.
    You flinched at the sudden action and the sting it produced on your skin. Professor Evans then slapped your sex, creating a wet sloshing sound. Your back arched and a moan escaped your lips.
    “Do you know why you’re wet?”
    You shook your head; you knew damn well why, but you sure as hell wasn’t going to say it. He smiled as he dropped down to eye level with your aching core.
   “Your body is aroused by my pheromones, so much so that the dopamine in your system is increasing at a fast rate, one that is intoxicating you and bringing your body into hyperdrive. Tell me Ms. Y/L/N, is this the perfect example for lust?”
     God, he was killing you. You didn’t care if this was lust or not all you knew was if he didn’t stop talking and show you what that mouth could do as he’d been teasing all class you’d combust. He dropped a kiss to your inner thigh, and you groaned. Your arms instinctively flew to his head hoping to pull his head to you, but he evaded you.
    “I see someone is feeling anxious. Answer the question.” You still didn’t want to. You lowered your hand to your sex and rotated your fingers around your wetness. His eyes automatically dropped to watch you. He slowly licked his lips as he watched you. Two could play this game; if he wanted to tease you, you’d do the same. You slowly dipped one finger into your heat and gasped aching backward at the sudden pleasure that filled you.
    “You’re so wet, show me.”  You pulled your finger out to show him how they glistened underneath the florescent lights of the classroom. He examined your finger before his mouth engulfed it. He sucked your finger clean, ensuring to nibble and flick his tongue around it. God, he was a tease. As if sensing what you were thinking, he smiled before his mouth dropped to your sex and began pleasing you better than anyone had before.
    Your hands flew to your breasts and squeezed, trying to maximize your pleasure. His tongue rhythmically flicked across your sensitive bud, and then he was sucking it into his mouth. The change of sensations sent your body into a state of heightened arousal, one you knew preceded an impending release. You couldn’t believe you were already there. It had barely been two minutes. He sped up the movements of his mouth, no doubt wanting to torpedo you into your orgasm. The heat in your belly furled out to every inch of you, and without warning, you whimpered, gripped his head ground yourself against his mouth. He didn’t let up; instead, he sucked your lips into his mouth before you felt his finger inside you. Arching up onto your elbows, you watched as he maneuvered two fingers in and out of your swollen heat. His lips were glistening with your wetness, wetness that looked to saturate his perfectly groomed beard.
    He smiled and pulled his fingers from you then sucked them clean.
    “Not quite yet. You’ve been biting those lips all morning,” he began as he stood before you. Your eyes dropped to his hands at his pants as he began undoing them. Once the buttons were undone, you saw peeks of grey cotton. He wasted no time pulling down his pants and underwear until his thick need flopped out and bobbed before you. Your jaw dropped at the sight of him. Yes, he carried himself with unmistakable big dick energy you somehow didn’t expect it actually to be big. It—was—big. You couldn’t tear your eyes from him. He stroked himself once, then twice until your teeth sunk into your bottom lip.
   “I want to see them wrapped around me,” he finished. You shouldn’t have moved as fast as you did. You wasted no time sliding off the desk to drop to your knees before him. Once you were eye level with his need, you licked your lips way too anxious to have him. You gripped his girth and marveled that your hand couldn’t even fit around him fully. As you stroked him, you heard his breathing pick up. Tipping your tongue out to trail along the underside of his length, you ended at his smooth tip. Professor Evans groaned and widened his stance. Continuing your tease, you licked across his skin for a few more minutes until you slowly lowered your lips onto his scorching desire. Once your lips tightened around him more than halfway down, he hissed out and ended with an aggressive groan.
    “Fuck, so good Y/N!”
    You noticed he used your first name and it turned you on even more. Moving your mouth up and down his length, you decided it was not the time to be cute. It was time to enjoy yourself fully. You had been thinking about this all morning. You knew this was a once in a lifetime thing and decided to fully let yourself go. Speeding up your mouth you increased you suction as you neared his tip. Every time you did, he cursed and bucked forward, feeding you even more of his lengthy thickness. After a few minutes, his hands connected to the back of your head, and he began thrusting into your mouth. His hips sped up, and before you knew it, you were taking damn near all of him. Every time he thrust forward, you felt the tip of him slink past your tonsils. You had to stifle your gag reflex and take everything he offered. You refused to back down. His moans and grunts filled the room, and you were happy the door was locked to prevent anyone from walking in. Although, if anyone looked in the peek-a-boo window they’d see you on your knees with your spit dribbling from your chin as your professor face fucked you. You didn’t care; the danger of discovery only made you want him more.
    Professor Evans pulled himself from your mouth with a loud groan and “pop,” “Face down on that desk, poke that perfect ass out for me.”
    You did as you were told, ignoring the coldness of the glossy maple colored wood against your exposed skin. The anticipation was killing you, and it showed with the slight shiver of your body. You felt his hand connect with your backside and you moaned.
    “I love the perfect jiggle of this ass,” he said before he slapped it again, and again. Each hit made you wetter and wetter. When you felt him rub himself against your opening, you flung your head back releasing your own grunt. You didn’t have to wait much longer before you felt him fully sink himself inside your needy channel.
   “Fuck, yes!”
    You felt his hand roughly grip your hips as he rocked his hips back and forth, building the friction and pace steadily stoking your desire. He felt so good, better than you’d ever remembered it feeling before. The heat from his skin scorched you from the inside out and heightened your pleasure. Professor Evans picked up his speed and plowed into you making sure that every time he connected with your body, he forcefully nudged forward stroking the swollen bundle of nerves.
    “Shit, yes, yes.”
    “You love this dick, don’t you Y/N? You love how it fills your needy little pussy!”
    Your panting grew louder, and you tried to hold on to anything you could find, the only thing close enough was the edge of the desk. When his thrusts slowed down the force of which he slammed into you didn’t. Each bruising thrust only made your eyes lull to the back of your head more. You felt his body hover over your back and then his fingers reach around between your legs to caress your clit. You hissed at the sudden increase of pleasure and knew your release was seconds away.
    “Oh my god, yes!”
    “What’s my name?”
    “Professor Evans! Yes, fuck this tight little pussy!”
    “God damn right it’s tight. It’s been waiting for a real man to claim it,” he growled out as he increased his speed but added a slight swivel of his hips upon impact. The change of angle sent you over the edge.
    “Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck! I’m coming!” With that, the dam broke, and you hit the desk over and over as you came long and hard all over him. Still, he didn’t stop or slow down, not his pounding increased to an incredible speed and force. You knew you were going to be sore tomorrow and possibly the day after that.
    “Does this pussy love me?” you nodded wildly, not caring how thirsty you looked. You were parched and didn’t care if he knew it.
    “This pussy loves you! Shit!”
    You felt another orgasm build within you, your legs gave out, but he was there to hold you against him and the desk. His thrusts became sloppy, but they remained precise. He knew what he was doing, know how to handle a woman’s body, knew just how to make it do whatever he wanted. You felt his breath at your ear.
    “Ready for this one? It’s going to be big. Say yes, Professor.” His hand around your throat barely squeezed, but it was enough to trigger your orgasm.
    “Yes, Professor!” His grip tightened slightly, and his thrusts sped up. After one, then two and a third gut plunging thrust your second orgasm took over. You clenched around him and screeched through the intense pleasure. His hands slacked, and your body slid off the desk. He turned you to face him, and it was then you saw the unbridled need that darkened his eyes.
    “Your knees,” he grunted out through clenched jaws. You obeyed and opened your mouth. This was not your first time. He quickly stroked himself, and while maintaining eye contact with you. It was so hot your hand crept between your legs to swirl around your still needy soaking clit. Your fingers moved as quickly as his hand did and when the first spurt of his come splashed the side of your mouth yet another orgasm coursed through you. You felt his come fill your mouth spurt after spurt. It barely registered over the brain-numbing pleasure you felt from your final release. He cursed and grunted to his heart’s delight before you wrapped your mouth around him again and milked him for every drop he had left.
    After a few moments, he hissed again and released a small, vulnerable whimper before he slowly pulled himself from your mouth. You looked up to him and licked your lips of any excess before you teasingly bit your bottom lip. He smiled and shook his head as he began pulling his pants and underwear back in place. You slowly stood on shaky legs before you leaned against the desk. His eyes dropped to your hand and took it, placing your coated fingers in his mouth to clean them off. Just like that, the heat had been reignited. Staring into his eyes, you could tell he felt it too. His jaw clenched and unclenched before he stepped back from you.
    “You’re free to go.” You heard the click of the locks signaling the end of your little tryst. You walked around the desk to your belongings and smoothed over your clothes before you walked to the door. You could feel his eyes boring holes into you as you walked. When your hand touched the doorknob, you heard him call your name. You glanced back at him to see him holding your torn and tattered thong in his hands.
    “See you next class.” He moved the underwear to his nose and smelled. You wanted him again. You glanced down to his waist and saw the evident bulge in his pants and smiled to yourself. You weren’t the only one with an insatiable need. Turning you walked out the door savoring the delicious ache between your thighs. Maybe you would enjoy this class after all.
@sarahboseman  @texasbama @heyauntieeee @airis-paris14 @thiccdaddy-mbaku @wakandas-vibranium @wakanda-inspired @theunsweetenedtruth @ashanti-notthesinger @reignsxjackson @halfrican-heat @ambthegamer @simplyyamberr  @muse-of-mbaku @sisterwifeudaku @mejustme06  @ilcb7 @leahnicole1219  @destinio1 @maliadestiny @drsunshine97 @blowmymbackout @purplehairgawdess@thehuntoyobun @wakandamama @wakandawinning @profilia @zxddy-panther @h-challa @babygirlofwakanda @misswakanda2018 @ororowrites @hutchj @myfavemarvelfanfics @lavitabella87 @afraiddreamingandloving @autumn242 @purple-apricots @skysynclair19 @hersheyskissesss-blog @blue-ishx @90sinspiredgirl  @tchallaswife @tchallamakesmeh0lla @turn-thy-paige @blackchickfics @blackpantherismyish @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @naturally-bri @flawlesslybeautiful14 @qweentbh @lunaerly @theoutereffect@twilight-sapphire-lover @pupyluv247 @stark-red19 @cockyboysandsugarism@maverickabull @madbadsiren @aykanna @myaw731 @ruruly20 @mixedmelanin @brittyevans @bezzywazhere @laketaj24  @taint3dvirgin @soulsparker @theresnomoregoodones @syreanne @loveandcigarillos  @heyauntieeee @heybriheyyy @wakanda-bcth @uhlxis  @maliadestiny @dadinhas-heat @yaachtynoboat711 @geeksareunique @bultalongthewayside @ajspencer1892 @captiansaveasmut @imaginewhoever @terrablaze514 @starsshines-blog @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @darkandlovely94   @sithlordslut @wavyyc @naturalistamisslyn @nigarachi15 @madamslayyy @blackandfair @kreolemami @mylastnameisthe-fish @kaykay0829 @chaneajoyyy @tequilajay27 @blacklotus-of-the-black-kingdom @slimmiyagi @im5ftbutmythroat66 @jaeee-http @madhatterhelsing @sunflowerpsalms @wakanda-shit-is-that @deliciousstreetkidcroissant @jecourt @vebner37 @disneysdarlingdiva @melaninmarvel @alanastormborn@dolphinpink310 @wonderbell @ohleucothea @queentearra @bitchbetterhavemydinner @fentybabyy @kaykay4454fan @priya212 @kitkit1690 @chrismarcs @beautycomesindifferentformsworld @blackpantherimagines @ovohanna24 @sweetpeachjones @kslo000   @nubian-queen18 @omgsuperstarg   @airis-paris14 @sisterwifeudaku   @mejustme06 @ilcb7 @leahnicole1219  @destinio1 @drsunshine97  @blue-ishx @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @prettyprincessushio @treeondrea  @ursapharoh05  @blackpinup22 @kaytauru @big3gocandykahn @kissingpineapples @wildaboutchrisevans   @fitfineandstayingalive @misspooh @michele-onel @gorjiss @blacklotus-of-the-black-kingdom @muva-milaje @limbo-limbo-limbo @awkwardlyabstract @blxck-brxndie  @meeky-imagines @inlovewith3 @metalarmlover @mellowjellow6 @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @sweettea-and-honeybutter @thatrandomhetaliachick @missdeerstalker15 @ursapharoh05 @treeondrea @ovohanna24 @marvelheaux @romanceoftheeveryday @mufasathatniggatho @cltex84 @sweetbearcolorgarden @msincognito67 @mosagram @lunaerly @mar-ta-3 @ljstraightnochaser @lewatigress @akimi-youngblood @bekahdean87 @jasmindaughteroftheworld@cocooned-butterfly @emoniclark22 @chereedrop619 @theblulife @niggarachi15 @drsunshine97 @msincognito67 @missdeerstalker15 @wakandamama @great-neckpectations @avenger-marvel-fan @arieljamiyla @vibranium-soul @monae-boss  @queenxchallaxkillamonger @amirra88 @jaeee-http @omg-itsnadi @fonville-designs @sydneebleu
455 notes · View notes
toonstarterz · 5 years
Hey, I’m not dead!
Yeah, sorry that took a while. Had a lot of real-life shit to work through, honestly. In any case, I finally sat my butt down to really crack down on yet another fun-tastical chapter. Tomoko’s actually doing what a lot of quasi-incel degenerates are afraid to do in high school and is taking an actual stab at self-improvement. Will karma rear its ugly head, or is the series now beyond that point?
Chapter 167: Because I’m Not Popular, I’ll Spend My Time Wisely unlike me
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This is a really pretty shot and...that’s about it. Real pretty. 
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Oh dear! The friendship disease has disrupted Tomoko’s gremlin-like body clock and has her waking up early like a healthy human being!
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Reminds of that one Gintama episode. You know, that one with Kagura and the sick kid and you don’t care, do you?
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I know Japan prides itself on its cheap, quality goods, but Tomoko is a real penny-pincher, eh? Well, she’s a Gen Zer, so I can’t complain.
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Not sure if this makes me sound like a perv or whatever, but hot damn, the detail on this model is stupidly good. I mean, just look at the patterning on that bra. You can really tell when Ikko’s really getting into the art.
They’re really milking the armpit fetish, aren’t they?
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Tomoko...sweetie...my girl...
You don’t even have a dick. I mean, sure, you could find it fascinating from a purely educational, not-applicable-to-you perspective. And yeah, I suppose it could be useful if you were to start a sexual relationship with a noncanonical male. But to be honest, I can’t help but take it as more signs of your gender dysphoria here. 
I mean, hey, whatever floats your boat.  
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Well, they say kids learn more about practical knowledge out in the real world than in school, don’t they? 
Then again, coughgoogleitcough.
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I always thought Tomoko was just having some kind of psychosomatic experience when she talks about being de-energized from a lack of sexual stimulation. 
Now I’m inches from calling that shit an actual, physiological withdrawal.
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Ah, the good ol’ days. Back when future prospects felt like a lifetime away and you could spend days on end dicking around, lamenting the need to get serious, and disregarding your resolve right after because you secretly didn’t really care.
...I gotta stop projecting.
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Despite Tomoko proving time and again that she can be a crass-hole with a negative outlook on life, it’s when she does childish things like laying your head on your arm when studying and cuddling her plushies that her innocent side pops up and you realize that Tomoko’s a legitimate cutie. 
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Fake-smoking? Tomoko, stop! If you keep this up, you’ll turn from a deconstruction of a cute, moe girl to becoming an actual cute, moe girl.
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I only just noticed that Tomoko’s wearing a “happy” shirt. Remember when she was sporting the “alone” shirt back in year one? Even her clothes get character development.
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Oh, shit. Your girl Yuu-chan talking this whole cram school thing seriously even though she’s at a disadvantage. You see, this is why Yuu is literally the best. Despite being at the “top” of the school clique food chain, she has not once ever felt like “bottomfeeders” like Tomoko and Komi were below her in any way. Sure, she knows they’re weirdos, but she makes those acknowledgments without judgement, and all while putting herself on the same leveling field. She doesn’t love them ironically–she loves them sincerely, and that’s why Yuu is awesome. 
Sorry if this turned into a ramble, but Yuu only gets like, one panel of dialogue nowadays and I wanted to make the most of it. 
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Tomoko be raising that “phone-call” flag like a motherfucking chad. 
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Oh, sorry. I saw Yuri with her hair down and lost track of time.
Damn, Yuri’s pretty.
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Black leggings at home? That’s exactly the kind of conservative attire Yuri would wear and only Yuri could look amazing in. Seriously, If Ikko hadn’t become a manga artist, she would have made a damn fine fashion designer.
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And Tomoko be crushing that “home-visit” flag like a motherfucking chode.
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I could make a pretty tasteless joke about how “haha, Yuri will never look at you like you’re trash like she does at Tomoko,” but, 
a. it’s just the angle of the smartphone like Yuri said, and
b. you’d probably prefer to get denied like that, wouldn’t you?
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I can’t help but wonder if Tomoko realizes just how homoerotic she sounds. Like, does she have any inclination that her borderline-sexual harassment jokes could easily be misconstrued as flirting? Sure, she might be using the old excuse that “we’re both girls, so it’s fine right?”, but given that Tomoko at least knows about LGBTQ+, you’d think it would have at least crossed her mind.
Or maybe, on a sadder note, Tomoko doesn’t see it as flirting because she really does have zero faith in her own attractiveness...  
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There is no heterosexual reason for this exchange whatsoever.
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Alright, so I’m a dude, so...hell do I know. But do girls typically not wear bras when just lounging around the house? I know Tomoko is the kind to just wear tank tops if she can help it, but I always thought that was a characterization unique to her, and that other girls wear bras for the comfort and support like any other undergarment. I mean, sure, Yuri’s kind of reserved, but I wouldn’t think wearing a bra at home would be considered an oddity, yeah? I ask this out of genuine curiosity, but I’ll stop before it gets too creepy.
Side note, you can officially tell when Yuri gets pissed by her nose crinkles.
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I could give a long, analytical spiel about why Yuri didn’t give Tomoko a straight answer and speculate on what she was doing, but I eventually realized the answer was actually really simple:
It didn’t fucking matter to the story.
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The last time Tomoko had one of these “I know!” moments, she ended up trimming her pubes on a class trip. But surely Tomoko’s character growth wouldn’t allow something like that to happen again, would it not?  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Can’t fight awkward with awkward, can you?
Tomoko, what are you playing at? You just said that video chatting was erotic and tried to get Yuri to lewd herself for you. And now you were planning to appear on-screen totally naked and you somehow don’t see any sexual implications for this at all? Finding it funny would be an elementary schooler’s mentality. If you seriously have no confidence in your sexuality, then sweetheart, you need some help. 
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You ever notice that Tomoko can lie through her teeth when trying to screw with people, but when lying to be nice, it sounds so phony? I think that says a lot about the kind of person she is.
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Ya’ll knew I was gonna add this panel, didn’t you?
I was never one to go crazy about blushing anime girls ‘cause to me, it always felt like it stemmed from some sadistic desire to see girls look uncomfortable. So while I can’t get behind it for reasons like that, I can admit that Yuri’s blush is fucking precious and I think that’s because I love seeing her so emotionally transparent for once. It feels rare, raw and well-earned after all this time, so yeah. A++ 
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Oh, Tomoko, if only you knew that skill often has nothing to do with it. Yuri’s not embarrassed because she sucks at humming, but because you saw a side of her that she only lets out in private. Trying to reassure her is a good move, but putting the girl on blast like that is not going to end well.  
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I felt like the vibration alone would’ve left a huge-ass crack on Yuri’s phone screen. This whole moment is like eleven tiers of funny because even though Tomoko is probably miles away, the impact of Yuri’s punch still jostles her. It also helps that we can visibly see Yuri’s fist come down mere millimeters from Tomoko’s mug. 
There is no escaping her wrath, Tomoko.
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I feel you, girl. For me, nothing beats a good ol’ burger and fries after a hard day of studying.
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Careful there, Tomoko. If there’s one thing that studying has taught me (other than I hate it), it’s that you could get serious burn out if you go all-out on the first day, especially if you’re typically not a regular studier. Always make sure to get dem breaks in. 
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That sounds like the kind of line you’d see in a mainstream shounen action manga like [ ]. I don’t even have a direct reference here, so feel free to fill in the blank.
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Hey, with Tomoko’s luck, I was expecting karma to hit her harder than Truck-kun in an isekai anime, so I consider this a small loss. 
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Man, remember when we were young and had ambitions as high as the sky, and we all wanted to change the world by being firefighters, astronauts, idols, and presidents?
Kind of sucks that “financial stability” has become our goal in life as we enter adulthood. Perhaps that’s just the mindset creative-types like Tomoko have towards the STEM industry when it’s hard to see what makes that world so personally fulfilling. 
Oops, my opinions are starting to seep in, so let's move on.
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Nooo, don’t do it, Nico Tanigawa Tomoko! Don’t sell out your passions for financial security even though it’s a totally viable career decision! How else are we going to validate the pursuit of our artistic dreams?  
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How in the hell is Tomoko balancing that drink? I’m willing to let it pass for rule of cute, but I don’t care how secure that cup is. One wrong move and those practice sheets are done for. 
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Jesus Christ, Nemo is on some otherworldly dimension of cute right here.
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I don’t even think Tomoko is trying to one-up her or anything. This is already the most effort she’s given to study in a single instance, so I think she genuinely just wants to share this personal accomplishment.
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You know, while it’s already been established that Tomoko and Nemo have different tastes in anime, that doesn’t necessarily mean they wouldn’t watch the same show, right? Just for different reasons. While Nemo would watch her cute slice-of-life series earnestly, Tomoko would probably watch them ironically MST3K-style. In any case, it’s a good way for them to find some common ground.
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Bruh, Nemo must be over the fucking moon for this opportunity. Think about it: when was the last time she’s had someone to watch anime with her? After concealing her power level for so long, this could be the first time Nemo has had a fellow anime fan to geek out over a series with. And not just discussing it afterward, but actually reacting to a live episode together.  
Nemo may give Tomoko all kinds of shit, but this is actually what she wanted all along, wasn’t it?
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Boy, Tomoko sure gets pretty demanding when she’s sleep-deprived, huh? I’d hate to see how loose her inhibitions get when she’s stark-raving drunk.  
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Is this referencing the Quintessential Quintuplets anime? I don’t know anything about it other than that’s a kickass title.
Hey now, Tomoko, beggars can’t be choosers. Let Nemo give you the play-by-play at her own pace. She’s even acknowledging that you hate the source magazine without a hint of judgment. She’s gonna go places.
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At first, I thought all this recent armpit content was just an incidental joke. Then I thought it was the mangaka slyly inserting their fetish into the series. Then I realized the series turned the joke on its head and made it a meta-reference about their very thing their readers were accusing them of. 
Well played.  
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You ain’t slick with that leg service, Nino Tanigawa. Just sayin’.
Seriously though, I love the dynamic going on in this conversation. Tomoko and Nemo are approaching the discussion from different outlooks, the former looking at it from a degenerate’s perspective and the latter looking at it more optimistically. But even so, they’re not trying to “get the upper hand” like they might've done before. They’re simply having a totally organic talk about what they do and don’t like about the series, while still recognizing each other’s personal preferences. For once, it’s completely devoid of passive aggressiveness and it really shows how earnest their friendship has become.
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At some point, I think Tomoko’s consumed so much near-pornographic content that pretty much all anime, manga, VNs, etc. looks like the same hentai to her.  
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Every fiber of my being says that this is a reference to Komi-san Can’t Communicate, but it could just as well be the mangaka shooting themselves in the foot for a good joke. In any case, I do like how they point out shy, socially awkward girls is a rising trend that borders on romanticizing communication problems. 
Does that make Watamote a hipster manga since it did the whole “social anxiety girl” shtick before it was cool? 
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I wanted to make a pretentious joke about how basic that anime sounds and how I’m so above a show that panders to the masses, but even I like junk food, so I’ll spare you the hypocritical humor.
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If Ucchi caught a glimpse of this, she’d probably explode right on the spot.
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I spent a good five minutes trying to decipher how Tomoko’s sleeping expression could be seen as “happy”, and I realized that it’s not that she looks happy. It’s that she doesn’t look unhappy. I’d imagine that those plagued by anxiety and stress have it evident on their face when they sleep, so the fact that Tomoko fell asleep in relative bliss must mean she’s had a pretty satisfying day. To top it all off, this is one of the few times someone–and Nemo of all people–has seen Tomoko in all her vulnerability. 
And you know what? Nothing bad happened. No punchline undermining the moment, no sarcastic quip, no embarrassment. Just genuine sweetness and it really speaks to the series’ faith in its heartwarming moments.
As a final note, I just wanted to thank everyone again for their patience. I’ve been trying to put a fresh spin on this, making it a little more comedic since its honestly getting harder to “analyze” without constantly repeating myself. It’s a lot of fun, and I hope you guys enjoy it for what it is.
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jq37 · 3 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High: The Seven Ep 7
Masquerade Melee 
It is episode 7 of The Seven and it’s time to throw down y’all! The girls have rolled up to this killer party that is about to become that in a more literal sense as most of the rich guests have had monstrous transformations into--sigh, I can’t believe Brennan is making me type this--blopplegangers (which is a parasitic organism that uses a person as a host and turns them into an ooze monster). They have also located TK but didn’t have a chance to do anything with her before combat started. 
Like I did last time I’m going to stick with bullets for this combat rather than a sports announcer play by play. Let’s go!
Sam uses her water powers to try and give one of the nobles an enema to get the monster out which doesn’t quite work but is the exact combo of clever and wild you simply love to see. She also sees a figure in a black coat and silver half mask with a great sword start to rush past her and to the dais where TK is which doesn’t feel Great.
Lysander (Penny’s age appropriate shoe shining makeout partner) punches one of the monsters and almost dies on the spot because he is a peasant with peasant stats and that’s what happens to a normal person when they punch an acid monster barehanded. 
Ostentatia realizes that fire does double damage to the oozes and that they have bad dex which comes in clutch the rest of the fight. 
TK is hit with a spell from the school of Enchantment which totally incapacitates her al fight. Ost makes the Perception check to see that it was cast by some mysterious Jester person. Spooky, hate that!
Yelle, continuing her tradition of absolutely fucking with Brennan’s shit, summons 8 anarchist pixies who can call cast spells and they throw Confusion on some of the oozes, Phantasmal Force on the person with the great sword, turn Tal into an ape so he can be useful, and cast Fly on a bunch of the girls. That’s so many free spells. Yelle is a total boss.
Also, one of the pixies is fantasy Bansky because sure.
She also uses her bear spirit to give everyone 15 temp HP which is a big up from the Pixies *check notes* one HP. It also goes to Sam, Kat, herself, TK, Tal, and Coel. 
Erika as one of the pixies is like, re: Tal, “When we eat the rich, this one will feed a whole family!” Love her. 
We learn this ep that the girls have leveled up to level 10 and it seems like Sam multiclassed into Warlock (with Talura as her patron) (Sam Actually took the Magic Adept feat to get herself some Warlock cantrips but it still seems like she's drawing the magic from Talura based on the description when she used Eldritch Blast) and Kat dipped into Barbarian which we see when she recognizes the great sword wielder as HER MOTHER and goes into a rage. 
Antiope becomes the most frustrated ranger on the planet as she keeps making beautiful shots at the Jester but keeps hitting illusory copies or getting blocked by the shield spell. 
Ost got swallowed by one of the monsters earlier but goes fuck it and casts a Wall of Fire that hits her and all of the monsters in the surrounding area. She takes a bit of damage but she does like 53 points of damage to all the oozes around her, fully killing 4, including the one she’s in. 
Izzy @ Brennan as she’s whomping him: What are you gonna do? Propose to me about it? (One of the players is like, “That’s not Izzy. Ost says that in game to the universe.” Brennan: The universe is into it.)
In probably the most notable part of the episode, Kat’s mom (her name is Jana btw) makes it to the dais where TK has at this point been hit with enough spells to drop to zero and whacks at her with her sword until she FULLY DIES. And you know what happens when the superintendent dies? A new one is chosen! If this works like Adaine’s oracle-ship then they have a small window of time to revive her before it’s locked in so fingers crossed for them as they continue combat next episode!
(Ost is gonna be so mad if she has to use her Earrings of Diamond Charm as Revivify diamonds.)
In this episode, Yelle rolls one Nat 1 (as does Penny but it’s cancelled out). Ant, Zelda, and Kat each roll 1 Nat 20 and Brennan’s NPC roll 2. 
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petitrenard · 4 years
I can’t finish
Jessica stood outside the door and felt her heart beating in her chest. She was surprised she could feel anything. Chicago had been hit with another sub zero snowstorm and the short walk from her office to this front door was enough to make her reconsider her decision to move back home. Although, if she were being completely honest with herself, this was exactly where she wanted to be at this moment.
As she began taking off the layers of outerwear, she got a bit light headed and leaned her head against the wall of the entryway. Or was it a vestibule? Despite 3 years of design she always got those two confused. Proper terminology aside, she leaned her head on the wall of the area directly outside of the apartment door of the man she wanted to sleep with that wasn’t her husband. Jessica chuckled to herself, I’m not sure there’s an architectural term for this particular space.
As she was playing over the events of earlier in the day, the apartment door opened. Even though she wasn’t expecting it to open, she knew that it was going to open and although abrupt, she wasn’t startled. From the doorway Liam handed her a drink and grabbed her tote. “Jessica! You don’t have to stand in the entryway all night.”
She made a mental note, Entryway. Entryway. Check. This is an entryway. Check. Jessica took a moment to drink in the situation. Her hesitation must’ve telegraphed and Liam extended his hand out to her and said, “You can slam that whiskey in my entryway, I can hand you your Louis with my manuscript inside, you can walk out of here and you can never look back. But I’d be a real dick if I sent you out to the El platform without at least making sure you warmed up first.”
The thought of freezing while waiting for the El was not even remotely ideal. She considered for a moment, took her gloves off and walked inside.
As the door shut behind her, Jessica looked around at Liam’s place. It was a converted warehouse space, which wasn’t what she expected, and that definitely telegraphed. As Liam walked past her he remarked, “If you think the foyer is nice, you should see the rest of the place.”
She followed him into his living room. It was gorgeous. An original Pollock hung over the roaring fireplace, polished concrete floors, floor to ceiling windows with a large french door that led out to a lush indoor/outdoor terrace complete with a hot tub. Her bones ached to climb into the steaming hot tub. She also wondered how anything could be lush in the middle of a Chicago winter - making a mental note for small talk.
Jessica took a deep breath...this place, combined with this guy was trouble. She was at his place for a legitimate reason - his manuscript was about to be in production and they had to go over the copy editors queries. She knew better than to go to an authors home though - especially since her husband was out of the country and she didn’t plan on telling him about the visit when they talked tomorrow afternoon. The 100%, completely legitimate work visit between a new client and his editor was not going to be discussed.
In the 10 years she had been married, Jessica had never given another man a second look. She was happy, she was stable and it was a healthy relationship, but fuck was she bored. So this afternoon when Liam asked her to swing by after work to go over the edits, she leapt at the opportunity.
Liam Clark was a designer, writer, and noted post-disaster expert that had just finished a successful nationwide lecture tour. The big publishing houses had courted him, but he and Jessica hit it off instantly. Her independent publishing house was small, but well respected in the literary world and their arts focused content was second to none. Not to mention her robust multi platform approach to promotion and distribution. Liam signed during their first meeting.
She was thankful that he wanted to get right to business. His manuscript was splayed out across his coffee table and he sat right down. Instantly she felt silly for assuming that their rapport at her office earlier was anything more than a new client taking the opportunity to develop a relationship with his editor.
The two of them began pouring over the notes, drinking, eating and laughing. A few hours had easily passed and Liam got up to stir the fire. Jessica hadn’t looked at her phone or outside until the Weather Alert tone sounded. Significant Weather Advisory, Winter Storm with up to 8” of snow expected along with dangerously low wind chill. Fuck. For the first time all night, Jessica stood up and went to the front window.
The street was absolutely empty and the wind and snow was blowing with an almost comical ferocity. She shook her head. There would be no El tonight. Jessica opened the Uber app to try to get a car - No Cars Available. She would have to go back to her office and spend the night there. Perfect. A night on my couch. Love it. This is why you can’t have nice things Jessica.
Liam walked up to the window with another drink in his hand and handed it to Jessica. “Liam, I have to get going. I’ve got to get back to my office before it gets any worse out there and I can’t walk.”
“Jessica, you can’t go out there.”
“It’s fine. It’s only 2 blocks to the office. I’ve got a couch & a whole set up. I’ll be fine.” Jessica  was doing a really bad job at selling this scenario. She didn’t want to go spend the night in her stupid office. She wanted to stay here, with the charming, handsome, successful man and sink into his hot tub.
“No way. You’re wearing high heeled boots, those are all fashion no function. Let’s say I let you venture out into the blustery, freezing Chicago night. You become disoriented and never make it to your office. They find your chic but frozen body with my manuscript in your tote. Next thing I know the cops are looking at me for answers...and the literary world never forgives me for letting the beautiful and talented Jessica Simpson, no relation, walk out of my warm apartment.”
“You make a compelling point. It’s not a problem if I stay here?”
“If it was, I wouldn’t have offered.”
She glanced out at the street, back into the apartment and then back at Liam. “All right, I’ll stay. Thank you.”
Liam smiled, “Perfect! I’ll get dinner started.”
Jessica hated how much she loved this attention and felt a little bit guilty. Is a 100% completely legitimate business sleepover a thing? Yes. As long as I don’t sleep with him, it is absolutely a thing. She glanced over at Liam turning on the burner of his industrial stove and wondered what a 90% legitimate business sleepover looked like.
“How can I help?” she asked.
“Why don’t you turn on the hot tub and find a movie on Netflix! I know it’s pretty basic, but the hot tub is perfect for a bone chilling night like this.”
Fuck. The percentages on legitimacy were rapidly diminishing the longer she stayed. She looked back at the street one last time, saw a couple stagger through the snow down the street, fall into a snowbank and drew the shades. In for a penny in for a pound. Jessica admonished herself. In for a pound? A pound? Oh you dirty birdie. You ma’am are a bad person. She nearly sprinted to the hot tub and started the bubbles.
Dinner was lovely and lively. As Jessica cleaned up, her insistence, Liam went to grab another bottle of whiskey from his bar. The apartment was warm and had a lovely warm glow. The steam from the hot tub made the room feel almost tropical. She was glad that she hadn’t left.
Liam came back with a fresh bottle of whiskey and asked the million dollar question. “Want to jump in the tub?”
“I don’t have a swimsuit.”
“It’s ok. I have an oversized t-shirt if you want.”
Jessica was instantly glad that she had worn a matching bra and panty set. “Ok, if it’s not too weird. I’ve kind of been dying to get in.” And then she did something completely bold. Still unsure if it was the whiskey, the terminal fidelity or good old fashioned lust, Jessica began undressing in Liam’s kitchen...he didn’t stop her.
She stood in her bra and panties in his kitchen. Her clothes in a heap at her feet. She let her hair down. Liam had poured her another drink and placed it on the counter in front of him. Jessica grabbed it and as she walked past him she gently brushed his hand with her body. “Thanks Liam. I’m going to get into the tub now.”
Before she got past him, Liam grabbed her wrist. Jessica froze. She didn’t want to meet his eyes. She already knew exactly what he wanted. It was exactly what she wanted. Instead she looked at her wrist and his hand. He pulled her hand towards his cock and instinctively her body pressed against him.
She lifted his shirt up and pressed her belly to his. Liam groaned and pulled her body closer to him. Jessica pushed his shirt up further as she began kissing his belly on her way down to her knees. This was the moment that she knew in the war between all or nothing, she had chosen all. She ached for him. As she looked into his eyes, she knew he ached for her.
He undid his pants, she pulled them down and welcomed his hard cock into her mouth. She groaned and took him in her mouth with an eagerness to please him that neither she nor Liam had ever experienced. She wanted to know every single inch of his body, by mastering what was before her.
As the tip of Liam’s cock slid down the back of Jessica’s throat, he whimpered. His pleasure only made her want to please him more. She looked up at him, grasped his cock with her hand and said, “I want to please you Liam. I want to give you everything you want. Please let me please you.”
He looked down at her open mouth and pushed his cock back onto her warm, waiting tongue. “I want you to suck my cock until my balls are empty.” And with a single thrust he was deep in her mouth. Jessica took it all and Liam grabbed her hair in his hand, “That’s a very good girl. You’re making me very happy Jessica.” Liam’s encouragement made her work harder to please him. She brought him close to climax multiple times and as she edged him down she said, “Will you please put your cock inside of me?”
Liam took a moment as his cock rested on her tongue. “Jessica. My cock is already inside of you. It’s inside your mouth. Where else could possibly you want my cock?”
Jessica let go of him and slowly stood up. As she did she slid her panties down to her knees. As she pulled them down there was a long string of precum from her pussy to her panties. She grabbed Liam’s cock and pushed it against her wet pussy. “I want it here.”
Liam took a deep breath, put his fingers between her legs, spread her pussy and pushed his cock inside of her. 
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