#Avengers FanFicion
unorthodoxx-page · 1 year
Unorthodoxx: I'm not gonna to The Snap in my RotTMNT x MCU crossover, it would be too sad. Unorthodoxx: *does The Snap in their RotTMNT x MCU crossover*
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In all seriousness, I’m surprised I wrote it too. I REALLY wasn’t planning to.
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miela · 9 months
Me: *writing the saddest scene in a story*
The music I'm listening to:
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ninesdb · 11 months
For the fic ask: #1 & #16 pls!
1. What inspired you to start writing fanfiction?
The first fanfiction I wrote was when I was 15 and didn't even know what fanficion was. It was after I saw Avengers Age of Ultron with friends, and we all thought the movie was bad. So we wrote an AU with some OCs and stuff. We did this by sending eachother emails with what we added and then one of us would paste it all together in a word document. We didn't really know about book formatting, so imagine a 25+ page word document with just huge blocks of text.
That's what started it. After that, it just became addons to canon, some canon diversion, etc. Either to add wholesome scenes or straight up throw someone off of a cliff or something. But most of the stuff I tend to come up with is canon adjacent/would fit in the universe as long as no new information is revealed.
Which gets us to question 2 (or 16 depending on how you look at it)
16. How important is it to you to stay true to the original creator's vision while writing fanfiction?
I think for me, the most important thing is to get personality right. If that doesn't fit, I often don't like it and the whole fic will be throwing me off. Right now I'm working on something with interactions between Bucky and Joaquín and I AM STRUGGLING.
Besides that, I can't really change anything with Canon (romantic/sexual) relationships. For some reason, if it's canon, I can't really change it imo. Idk why I just can't (unless the relationship truly disgusts me, but that only happens 1/1000000).
And last, at least some part of the background story has to match. But this can be played with imo, especially because the MCU has a lot of errors already from which you can pick and choose, and there's also the comics where you can pull info from.
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doyouhavefood · 1 year
I think you'd like this story: "Avengers One-Shots" by Xena378 on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/274986443?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=Luna02506&wp_originator=Je3Ki30Akpcqdy9nj2biLiwx5hM422emV%2FWhBsHjZKgnVRZtMZs5zghBsx6aV6xkUq5PenwKjKPpFj%2B%2BlJSVpBYSXWwZysE25VY90wgy51UMOtPs5oqzgWWO4v4VHjUo
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penguiduck · 5 years
"As you all know, we're here to discuss our next plan of action," Fury said. "Loki has reappeared on earth, killing four and wounding eleven civilians on Coney Island. We were fortunate to have half of you conveniently present to counter him and his serpent abomination -- otherwise, more innocents would have died."
"My father, Odin, cannot restrain him," Thor said. "Loki will not listen to reason."
"Well, that's not news," Clint said. "We've known that all along."
Tony looked irritated that he had to be here; he shifted in his seat and said, "What has Odin tried to do in terms of controlling Loki?"
"When I brought him back to Asgard, my father had magicians cast an array of spells on him, hoping to keep him from returning to earth. ...but Loki is far too clever a sorcerer. Even the King of Asgard, the God of War, cannot bridle his magic."
"God of War?" Tony repeated. "More like God of Failed Parenting if he raised a lunatic like that."
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Tomorrow ~ Part 3
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Word Count: 3,200ish
Summary: Steve and the others are running out of time to save you. Will they get to you in time?
Warnings: extreme angst, blood, torture, character death
Notes: jk… it’s going to be 4 parts instead of 3…
< previous part
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“Just get out! OUT!”
Sam ran out of the conference room, joining Bucky and Natasha who were watching from outside.
“Stark isn’t messing around,” Sam commented.
“Yeah,” Bucky agreed, keeping his eyes on Steve and Tony in the conference room.
“At least they’re working together.”
“At least we got Steve home,” Natasha mumbled.
“Not for long,” Bucky said. “If this fails, if Y/N… let’s just say, if this doesn’t end happily, we’ll lose Steve. For good.”
“I don’t believe that,” Sam said, shaking his head. “He wouldn’t—“
“He’ll run the moment she doesn’t make it,” Natasha said, agreeing with Bucky. “None of us realized how much he cared until she was gone.”
“She’s not gone! She’s alive and we’re going to save her!”
“Yeah? How?” Bucky questioned. “Those two idiots won’t let us in on the planning. The three of us have been kicked out and the others are too scared to try.”
“We just have to wait a little longer,” Natasha responded. “They’ll come up with something.”
“How much longer are you two willing to wait before coming up with a plan on your own?” Sam asked.
“I already have 4 plans in mind.”
“And I have 3,” Bucky added. “We’re just waiting to see what they come up with.”
The three fell silent as they continued to watch the two men work together.
“They’ll come up with something,” Sam whispered, trying to calm himself. “They have to.”
After the last broadcast, you were changed into a new sports bra and shorts and placed back in the cell you were originally in. You were ordered to get some rest before the next broadcast. You curled in on yourself as you bit your lip to try to stop the tears. But it was no use.
“Tomorrow… tomorrow…” you whispered to yourself. Tears ran down your face. “They will come… Steve will come… tomorrow… he has to come… tomorrow…”
You keep whispering ‘tomorrow’ to yourself until you eventually fell asleep.
“We’re running out of time,” Clint muttered, taking a sip of his coffee. “We can’t wait any longer for them to come up with a plan.”
Wanda, Vision, Natasha, Bucky, Sam, Bruce, and Clint were in the kitchen, none of them able to watch Steve and Tony work in the conference room anymore.
“Clint’s right,” Wanda said. “We need to do something.”
Natasha sighed as she reached over for the nearest tablet. “I think I have something,” she said. “Barnes, feel free to add any—“
“We’ve got it!” Tony shouted, running into the room. “We’ve got it!”
“Great!” Clint exclaimed. “What is it?”
“No time! Everyone needs to get their asses onto the quinjet! You have no time to prepare.”
“Where’s Steve?” Bucky asked, noticing that his friend hadn’t burst into the room.
“He’s already left, so we need to get moving!”
You jumped as the door to your cell slammed open. You were still laying on the floor, too weak to get yourself up.
“Up, bitch!” The HYDRA agent yelled. You didn’t move. “I said up!” The agent kicked you in the gut causing you to whimper. “Up! Bitch! Up!” With each word came another kick to your abdomen. “Fine, I guess we’ll have to do things the hard way.” 
The agent reached down and gripped your neck. His grip continually tightened as he lifted you up. You wished you could have fought it, but you were honestly surprised that you were still alive after everything.
“Too bad I wasn’t allowed to use you the way you should have been,” a wicked smile grew across his face. “I might still have some time…” 
His free hand ran down your bare side, between the bra and shorts. If you had any food in you, you probably would have thrown up.
“What’s taking so long?” Rumlow asked, coming into the room.
“Sorry, sir,” the agent apologized like he hadn’t been planning to rape you just barely. “Our princess here seems to be too weak to move.”
“Really?” Rumlow came closer. He brushed a few fingers down your face. “How sad. I was led to believe that you were stronger than this. Shame.” Rumlow shrugged as he turned back around. “Guess this next broadcast will go faster than planned.” He chuckled darkly. “Not that, that’s much of a bad thing. Bring her to the broadcast room. I’ll make sure that everything else is ready for showtime.”
You were dragged by your neck to the broadcast room. Your mind was screaming at you to fight back, but your body couldn’t do it. When you arrived in the room, you immediately noticed the cuffs and straps that had been added to the back wall. You were taken over there and roughly locked onto the wall in a star position. There were three straps or metal cuffs on each of your arms, three on each of your legs, one around your waist, and another around your neck to keep your head up. 
To the side of you was an added table, littered with serrated knives of various sizes, three small handguns, a bow, and a quiver of arrows. Rumlow was aiming to kill you, and he was going to make a spectacle of it on live television. He wanted your death to be seen by everyone and remembered forever. He wanted to prove that HYDRA wasn’t to be messed with and that the Avengers couldn’t even save their own, so how could they continue to save the world?
Rumlow waltzed in with a sinister grin already adorning his face. You shivered from the chill that ran down you. You knew that most likely, this could be your end. You knew that you couldn’t let your team see you anything but resolute and okay with it. They needed to know that you didn’t blame them and they did everything they could. Especially Steve and Tony. Tony was able to turn everything around and blame himself for it. Your death would weigh on him forever. Then there was Steve. The man you love and had yet to even enjoy.
“Is our star ready for the show?” Rumlow teased, coming up to you.
“No matter what happens here, Rumlow,” your voice was hoarse but fierce, “they will find you and end you. You will not get away with this.”
“We’ll see about that.”
Steve took his own quinjet out to where he and Tony believed Rumlow was keeping you. He couldn’t afford to wait on the team, not with your life on the line. It had the jet on autopilot, the fastest speed possible. He was pacing in the back, unable to keep himself still. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to be still until you were in his arms, your heartbeat sounding in his ears and the warmth of your living body against his. That’s when Steve would be able to stop moving. If that didn’t happen, he would never stop. Not until all of HYDRA was completely gone.
Steve’s feet faltered when one of the screens flickered on. He inhaled sharply at the sight of you pinned against the wall. Slowly, his legs took him to stand in front of the screen. He stared at your face, your strength to not let Rumlow win clear to Steve. The camera panned out to reveal Rumlow standing next to a table full of weapons. Steve’s stomach dropped. 
“Hello, world,” Rumlow greeted. “Hello, Avengers. Your time has run out to save your precious teammate here.” He pointed at you. “You have failed to find me, Rogers, and so you have failed her.”
“No!” You shouted. “Don’t listen to him, Steve! You didn’t fail me! None of you failed me! I—“ 
Your breath caught as one of the serrated knives from the table landed on the right side of your abdomen. Rumlow laughed from where he had thrown it as blood began rushing from your wound. Steve growled as he stepped closer to the screen.
“Sorry,” Rumlow chuckled. “Can’t have her being too courageous.”
Steve watched as you bit down on the inside of your cheek and put on a straight face. You weren’t going to let Rumlow win, even if he killed you. Steve wanted to be proud of that, but all he really wanted was for you to be safe and Rumlow to be dead.
“Captain,” FRIDAY interrupted the stillness of the jet. “We are landing now. There are signals that match will the current broadcast.”
“Thank you, FRIDAY,” Steve muttered. He turned around and secured the Wakanda shields to his arms. 
“The rest of the team is ten minutes behind you.”
“Great.” He walked over to the back of the jet and opened up the ramp. “Tell them I’m already in.”
“I guess we’ll just start the fun now,” Rumlow laughed. 
Rumlow picked up two more knives and positioned himself in front of you. You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself and prepare for the pain ahead. You made eye contact with Rumlow as he threw the second knife. Pain radiated from your left thigh as blood began to pour out. You bit down on your cheek harder to keep from crying out. 
The third knife hit your right upper arm. You failed to hide the wince which made Rumlow laugh again. He turned back to the table and picked up one of the small handguns. He smirked as he checked it for bullets before going back to his spot a few feet away from you. He lifted his arm to aim just before a warning siren started and red lights began flashing.
“Security breach!” A computerized voice sounded over the base. “Ready for intrusion! Security breach!”
Rumlow cackled, still aiming the gun at you. “Now things are getting interesting!” He pulled the trigger. You couldn’t stop the cry that escaped you as the bullet shattered your right knee.
“Sir,” one of Rumlow’s men burst into the room. “Rogers has breached the base and the rest of the Avengers aren’t far behind. What do you want us to do?”
“Slow the rest of the team down the best you can. Let Rogers get here easily and make sure that all of our available screens are showing the broadcast. Can’t let them miss a single moment of this.”
Your breaths were uneven as you fought through the pain to glare at Rumlow. “You’ll die for this,” you said. Your voice was rough and not as strong as you wanted it to be. “They won’t let you get away with this.”
“And you won’t survive this, so I guess we can call it even.” 
Another shot rang out, the bullet hitting just under where your sports bra sat on the left side. You cried out, letting the tears fall.
“RUMLOW!” Steve roared, appearing in the doorway
“Rogers,” Rumlow turned to face the man. “How kind of you to join us.” 
Steve growled, glaring at Rumlow for a moment before his eyes found you. You couldn’t help but cringe as his icy blues studied your beaten and broken frame, only being held up by the straps and cuffs. Steve studied your face for a few moments, noticing that your eyes were drooping and that you were quickly losing color. His eyes snapped back to Rumlow as he noticed the vile man raising his arm to once again aim at you.
“I don’t think so!” Steve boomed, jumping into action. 
Steve launched himself at Rumlow, slamming the man onto the ground with himself on top of him. Unfortunately, Rumlow still shot as he fell to the ground, billeting grazing your right hip. The men began to fight, throwing punches and shouting at each other. You watched, trying to focus on something to keep your eyes open and stay conscious. But it wasn’t working and you soon fell unconscious.
Steve, keeping the upper hand, began using his shields to punch Rumlow over and over. Rumlow laughed as he spit up blood and let Steve beat up on him. Quickly, after one last fatal blow, Rumlow went slack. Steve was panting as he got off Rumlow and yanked his bloody shields off. He stared at the dead man for a second before spinning to face you.
“No,” he gasped, realizing that you were unconscious. He rushed over to you and cupped your face. “Wake up, sweetheart. I need you to wake.” 
You made no move to do so. One of his hands moved to check for a pulse that was growing weaker with each passing moment. As he did that, Bucky and Tony hurried into the room.
“Oh my—“
“Help me get her out of these things!” Steve ordered, cutting off Bucky. “We need to do it carefully!”
Bucky and Tony rushed over to help. Steve held your head with one hand and wrapped his other arm carefully around your waist, trying not to be sick about the amount of your blood that was beginning to coat him. Tony freed one side of you, bracing that side before Bucky did the other side. The men helped get you onto the ground before Tony rushed out to call for a stretcher, not feeling good about anyone just carrying you out with all the wounds.
“Sweetheart, come on,” Steve whispered, cupping your face as tears began streaming down his. “Don’t do this to me, please. Wake up… wake up…”
Bucky didn’t know what to do. He looked at the table of weapons and noted that all of the knives were serrated, which made him only assume that the knives in you were also and would do more damage to you by pulling them out. His eyes found his long-time friend as Steve begged you to wake up. Bucky’s heart was breaking with each of Steve’s pleas and cracks in his voice.
“I can’t lose you…” Steve cried. “Not like this… not when we’ve only just started…”
“We’re here!” Tony shouted, running into the room with the other team members and a stretcher. The team members who had yet to see your condition briefly froze at the sight. “We need to carefully lift her onto the stretcher,” Tony ordered. He looked up to see his teammates staring at you with such heartbreak and despair. “Snap out of it! Every second Y/N’s laying here is a second wasted! We need to get her back to the Tower, NOW!”
That snapped the team out of it and they rushed around to help move you onto the stretcher. Bucky pulled Steve up and away from you, allowing the other team members to get you situated and rush you out to the quinjet. As soon as you were gone with the team, Steve looked down at himself. Your blood was soaking into his suit and skin, along with staining the cement floor. Steve let out a strangled cry as he sank to his knees and began sobbing. Bucky stood behind his friend watching, with no idea how to help.
Tony would remember that sound for the rest of his life, hearing it every time he closed his eyes and flinching when anything made a sound remotely close to it. The sound of your ribs breaking underneath his hands as he tried to keep you alive.
Bruce and Natasha had quickly got you hooked up to machines and IVs as soon as you were in the quinjet. They were trying the best they could to stop the bleeding and take care of the wounds, knowing everything they did was only a temporary solution. They were doing it successfully, having only fifteen minutes left of the flight when Bruce yelled that you were crashing. 
Tony immediately jumped onto the stretcher, straddled you as best as he could to avoid the injuries, and began compressions. His body was moving faster than his mind and he was thankful for that. He was also thankful that Steve was being flown back on the other quinjet with Bucky. Tony didn’t know if he could stand seeing the man more broken than he already was.
“Let me switch you, Stark,” Clint said, standing beside the stretcher.
“No,” Tony responded, focused on each compression. “I’ve got this.” Clint didn’t argue, simply staying put in case he needed to jump in. 
The medical team was on the quinjet before the Avengers could even process having landed. Sam and Clint had to force Tony off of you so that the medical team could do their job. One of the doctors took Tony’s place as they rushed you out of the quinjet and into the Tower. Not a single team member found the strength to follow after you, their bodies frozen at the sight of your blood puddled on the quinjet floor and trailing out of it.
Tony was the first to make a move, losing his balance and falling back against the quinjet wall. His whole body was shaking as he stared blankly at his blood-soaked hands. Wanda turning to cry into Vision was the next move made. Slowly, each team member found themselves in a seat or on the ground, dazed and heartbroken.
It was almost an hour later when Steve and Bucky’s quinjet landed. Bucky followed Steve’s lead out of the jet, carefully watching his friend’s every move. Steve paused at the sight of your blood trailing from the other quinjet into the Tower. He looked into the quinjet to see the team still in it, almost frozen. Steve stayed put as Bucky slowly walked up the ramp towards his teammates.
“What happened?” Bucky asked, terrified for the answer. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of Tony’s hands also coated in your blood.
“She coded,” Bruce answered slowly, unable to take his eyes off the puddle of your blood on the floor. “We were 15 minutes away.”
Bucky swallowed nervously. “Is she—“
“We don’t know,” Natasha replied. “They took her away almost an hour ago and none of us have been able to move.”
With that knowledge, Steve made his way toward the Tower. Everyone watched the usually strong soldier, walk away hunched over in defeat and despair.
“We all need to get washed up,” Sam said, finally standing from his seat. “We need to be there for both of them right now and none of us can do that in our gear and with Y/N’s blood on us.”
A few of the team members nodded. Natasha came over to a still trembling Tony and helped him to his feet.
“I’ll call Pepper and help Tony clean up,” Natasha said before slowly guiding Tony out of the quinjet.
“I’ll get cleaned up and send a crew to clean the quinjets,” Sam said, leaving as well.
“Right,” Bucky muttered. “The rest of us should clean ourselves up and meet in the waiting room. We can reconvene there.”
The rest of the team nodded before slowly filing out. Bucky sighed, taking in the sight of all your blood.
“You have to make it, Y/N,” he whispered to himself. “It’s going to destroy everyone if you don’t.” 
next part >
I no longer do taglists so do not ask to be tagged.
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strangermarvelss · 2 years
happier- s.r & b.b (pt 3)
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Pairing: stucky x female!reader
Summary: the aftermath of a breakup (inspired by “happier” by olivia rodrigo)
Warnings: angst, poly relationship, NSFW, semi-smut, mentions of sex, oral sex (f receiving), breath play, cheating? (maybe), steve being a big softie, MINORS DNI
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: here is part three to this fic, I’m really excited about where the story is going Hope you enjoy! -sava 
You stumble back onto the quinjet, clinging to the wall as you walk towards the shotgun seat. You hold onto your poor attempt at a quick fix to the cut on your arm, knowing to make a tourniquet in the field to decrease the amount of blood loss. Unfortunately for you, it did nothing for the pain you were in. You made a note-to-self to bandage and clean your wound properly whenever you settle down for the night.
The mission was successful, which you were thankful for. Taking down a small H.Y.D.R.A base was enough for two people, so now you know why it was only you and Steve who went. Not exactly the combination you would have picked, however. You were also starting to understand why this was an overnight mission. You could tell by the way Steve looked in the field that he was exhausted, and with your injury, neither of you wanted to fly all the way back to New York from your current location in Russia.
You heard footsteps walking up behind you and see Steve plop down in the pilot seat, letting out a big sigh. He starts the engine and takes off without a word to you. You agreed earlier to stop in London for the night and find a hotel to sleep in, separate rooms of course. You don’t know what you would do if you had to share a room with your ex. 
You check your phone and see a few messages from Wanda and Peter, both checking on you to make sure you’re okay. You loved how sweet Peter was, you knew Tony did a good thing for recruiting that kid. You expected that kind of loving attention from Wanda as she was known for being kind. Others around the world might think differently with some of the things she has done in her past, but they just see the Wanda they want to see, and expect to see. They don’t see her for her true self, which you wish would happen soon. You shoot them both a text back to let them know you’re alive, and that you’ll be back in New York tomorrow after getting some rest.
“We’ll take a look at that wound when we get to the hotel,” Steve tells you, breaking through the thick amount of silence that was filling the small quinjet. You scoff and roll your eyes, happy that he can’t see your attitude shift.
“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Had to do that a lot lately,” you say, mumbling the last part under your breath. You hear Steve sigh and see him shake his head out of the corner of your eye. You’re not sure why he’s upset with your actions as he’s the one responsible for your bitterness. He has no room to be acting the way he is. 
A few hours later, the two of you landed in an empty hanger in London, getting out to start looking for a hotel. Steve made the smart decision to have you both change into regular clothes before leaving the jet, so no one would notice and bring attention to the hotel. You probably would get enough of that from the hotel staff. 
You grab the first aid kit on your way out, wanting to do it yourself as soon as you get in the hotel room. The two of you take off on foot to a hotel you found online. Not too fancy, but also not a complete dump, and has nice reviews. It didn’t need to have all kinds of amenities, just two separate rooms with a bed to sleep on.
You and Steve walk through the front doors of hotel and walk right up to the desk. The walls were a nice shade of light brown, almost a coffee color, with marble tile enveloping the floor, topped off with a nice chandelier in the center of the lobby. You were starting to think that the website was selling this place short, or you went to the wrong hotel. Either way, you didn’t care at this point, you just wanted to sleep. Plus it was Tony’s who was paying for the room, so the price wasn’t going to haunt your dreams.
“We need to two single bed rooms, please,” Steve informs the front desk lady. She gives him a smile that’s a little too wide, and starts typing on her computer. He slightly turns to look at you from what you can see in the corner of your eye, but you keep your head straight, waiting impatiently to just get up to your rooms. You see the lady’s face shift, which sends an unwanted feeling to the pit of your stomach.
“Unfortunately sir, I only have one room available for tonight, we are fully booked otherwise,” she begins to say, resting her hand on his as a way to comfort him, which makes you roll your eyes and want to puke.
“But it is a king bed, if that helps with your situation at all,” she says with a smile. You flash her a fake smile and turn to Steve.
“Maybe we should find another-,”
“We’ll take it,” Steve tells the lady, moving his hand away from hers. You glare at Steve when he directs his attention towards you. All he does is flash you a smile, and proceeds to pay the lady for the room. Letting out a huff, you gather your belongings and wait by the elevator until he is finished.
The elevator ride is even worse than the ride in the jet. The silence is deafening and the tension between the two of you is thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. He didn’t even take a minute to consider another option. Maybe it was the exhaustion? Or maybe he was just being a dick. Either way you were mad regardless.
The two of you walked in to your room and set the bags down. The front desk lady was not joking about the king size bed, it was massive. There was also a small couch to the side and a coffee table, accompanied by a desk and mini fridge underneath the massive flat screen settled from across where the bed was. You walked over to the couch, claiming it as your spot for the night. You didn’t care about the fact that you were injured and the couch didn’t look nearly as comfortable as the bed, you were not sleeping with him. It was taking all of your strength that you had left to even be in the same room as him for eight or so hours.
“What are you doing?” He asks innocently. You take off your oversized jacket and place it on the couch as you begin to open up the first aid kit. 
“I’m going to patch myself up, take a shower, and go to sleep right here on this couch,” you say matter-of-factly. You look up just in time to see him roll his eyes.
“Oh come on, Y/N. I-“
“No!” You shout, getting up from your spot and pointing your finger out at him. “I am not sleeping in the same bed as you.”
“We’re adults, can we at least try to act like it? You need the comfort for your arm, don’t be stupid,” Steve says annoyance dripping in his voice.
“It is not stupid of me to sleep in the same bed as the man who broke my fucking heart!” You scream, chest heaving and eyes beginning to go glossy. You see Steve’s entire demeanor change as his features go soft. You weren’t going to lie, part of you did feel bad for yelling at him, but another part of you was saying to stick to your guns. He deserves it after what he and Bucky put you through.
With a small sigh, Steve turns on his heel and makes his way to the ensuite. You hear the door close softly and the faint sound of the lock turning, letting you relax for a moment. The water of the shower can be heard from where you stand, telling you that you have a few moments of peace before he comes back out, and you’ll be damned if you won’t use that time wisely. 
You hear the door open as Steve walks back into the main room, towel drying his hair and a pair of gray sweatpants hugging his hips. You could tell by the way his demeanor was that he felt awkward about not having a shirt to sleep in, as he probably packed thinking we were going to have separate rooms. It isn’t anything you haven’t seen before.
You huff as you continue to try and stitch yourself up, failing to do so after changing into your sleepwear and having the tourniquet loosen from raising your arms. You angrily throw the stuff to the opposite side of the couch and bury your head in your hands, letting out a big sigh.
“Here, let me,” you hear Steve say, feeling the couch dip and the warmth of his freshly showered self radiating towards you. You give him your arm, resting it on your knee as you let him stitch you up. You almost forgot how good he was at doing so, with his nimble fingers and gentle touch. You started to relax a bit, feeling that comfort that you were so used to just a few months ago.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You asked him, breaking the silence. He looks up to you for a moment with a puzzled look on his face, before returning back to your stitches. 
“When you and Bucky…when you broke things off?” You elaborated. Realization hit his face and you say his eyes soften once more.
“I didn’t want to hurt you more than you were already going to be,” he responds, sewing in another stitch. You scoff.
“Yeah, well you failed. It just made it seem like you didn’t care at all.”
“If I could take it all back, I would,” he tells you, focused on your arm. You pause for a moment, looking at him and hoping he would look back to you. Yet he kept his focus on your wound as he weaving back and forth.
“Why did you call things off then? If you want to take it back so badly,” you ask.
“I-” he begins to say. He takes a long pause as you see the gears in his head working overtime. 
“…I can’t tell you.”
“Screw this,” you say, shaking your head. You begin to move away from him, not wanting to deal with the bullshit anymore. If he can’t tell you why and just finally give you the answers you’ve been looking for for the better part of a few months, then you’re not going to put up with this shit for the night. 
You feel his grasp on you tighten, but not in a painful manner, as he’s trying to keeping you still. You look up and see he slowly meets your gaze with a semi-stern look on his face. You used to call it his “captain boyfriend” face, because he would like at you or Bucky like that whenever he was trying to be serious on a mission, but also not  wanting to be mean to either of you. At least, he used to look at you that way. 
“You’re going to rip your stitches. Let me finish and wrap you up, then you can get as angry as you want at me,” he tells you, his voice monotone and face emotionless. You didn’t understand why he was just letting you act the way you are, without defending himself or reacting at all. Did he really not care about you anymore.
As he threaded the last stitch into your wound and grabbed the gauze, you felt yourself begin to tear up. The room around you began to look fuzzy and your whole body was overwhelmed with sadness. You tried not to let the dam break, wanting to be strong, for not only yourself, but especially in front of Steve, but the way he’s just stitching you up as if the past few months didn’t happen? Like he and his boyfriend didn’t break your heart? You were right back to where you were when they did.
Steve looks up at you and starts to pull you into a hug. You begin to push him away, fighting with every bone in your body to resist falling back, erasing all the progress that you’ve made to move on from them. 
“Please Y/N, stop resisting. Please. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” He tells you, still trying to calm you down and wrapping his arms around you. Defeated, you cave and let him hug you, as you rest your head on his shoulder and let out quiet sobs. 
“If you’re-really sorry…you would tell me why you did it,” you sob, barely making it out. He pulls away slightly and looks at you with a frown plastered on his fave, his beautiful blue eyes on the verge of tears as well. You turn away from him and let out another sob.
“Y/N I-Could you look at me please?” He pleas, hurt in his voice. You turn to look him as his hand caresses your cheek, moving a bit of your hair out of the way while doing so.
“Do you trust me? Even after everything that’s happened and I’ve put you through, do you trust me?” 
“Yes, I do,” you tell him, truthfully. Even after everything that’s happened, it didn’t get in the way of the mission being a success. He’s a good leader, and he will always protect whoever he is with, no matter the circumstance. He stitched up your arm instead of letting you struggle. Hell, he is hugging you and comforting you when he saw you in pain. You knew you should be keeping your wall up high and not letting him back in, but you really do trust him.
“Then please believe me when I say that I can’t tell you why we did it. It’s better that way. Please trust and believe me with that,” he explains to you. 
You let out a sniffled and rub your nose with your hand, nodding a bit. You feel him wrap you up again in his big strong arms. You finally give yourself the will to wrap your arms and complete the hug. 
“Because I still love you, and I want you to believe that too,” he whispers in your ear.
You pull away and look at him with a questionable look. You can see in the features of his face, specifically his eyes, that he wasn’t lying. You knew all of Steve’s tells, and none of them were here.
He was telling the truth.
He still loves you.
You rest your hands on either side of his head, rubbing your thumbs on his cheeks, then pull him in for a kiss. His soft, pink lips rub together against yours, working in sync to a silent beat, forming together as a single entity. You move your hand up to his hair and feel his soft blonde locks rub against your fingers. You tug at his roots and Steve lets out a soft moan, making your panties begin to dampen. You missed this. You missed the feeling of his hands all over your body.
Steve moves you onto his lap and wraps his arms around your legs, lifting you up and laying you on the bed softly in one fell swoop. He nudges your legs apart with his knee and replaces the open space with his knee. His lips continue to move against yours. You feel his hands move to your covered breasts and give them a squeeze, allowing a small moan to escape from your mouth. The two of you break away for a second and you start to take your top off.
“Let me help you with that,” he lets out, breathlessly. He takes the hem of your shirt and lifts it up slowly, being careful of the wound he helped patch up just moments ago. You smile as he sees your bare breasts, the excitement rushing to his face, and somewhere else as you see an outline begin to form in his gray sweatpants. You bite your lip and look up at him with doe eyes. You reach your hands to the hem of his pants, but he stops you.
“Tonight, I’m taking care of you babygirl,” he tells you, slowly removing your shorts. You lay back and bit your bottom lip as you watch him remove your clothes. You wrap a fist in the sheets of the king bed, loving the way his slight touch grazes your thighs. 
He hooks his thumbs in your panties and removes those as well, sitting back for a moment to take in your naked body. Usually, you would feel self conscious laying in front of a man naked after a breakup. But Steve is different, for many reasons. One being he’s your ex, and he’s been seeing you naked for years now, so it was nothing new. It felt as if you were picking up right where you left off. 
You bend your knees and spread them apart for him. He gives you a small smirk and leans down, pulling your knees over his shoulder. Your hand immediately goes to his hair, weaving your fingers into his soft blonde locks. A cool sensation overwhelms your wet pussy as you look down and see Steve softly blowing on your lips, making you shiver and goosebumps spreading across your arms. He looks up at you and smirks. 
You knew you were about to take a wild ride, and there was no going back.
You both fall back breathless, your legs intertwined with each others. You rub his chest softly as your eyes lock with his. Everything around you felt so different, so heavenly as you laid with Steve. In this moment, you feel as if nothing has changed from the past few months, as if the breakup never occurred. The aftercare cuddles that always came after such an intense and intimate moment always warmed your heart and was one of the many reasons why you loved being with him and Bucky. 
You’re pulled from your thoughts by the soft touch of Steve running hand through your hair, brushing it behind your ear to get a better look at you. He lets out a soft sigh and smiles at you. You can tell he’s deep in the feeling of bliss as well.
“Yes love?”
“What are we going to do when we have to come back from the mission?” You ask him. You watched as his smile faded a bit, realizing the same thing that you were. Once the mission is over, things won’t be like they are in this exact moment. The both of you have to go back to reality, and that reality is, Steve technically just cheated.
“I don’t know…but I know we’ll figure something out, okay?” He tries to reassure you. All you can do is nod and scoot closer to him, resting your head on his chest. Truth was, you both have no idea how things will be once you arrive back at the compound. How awkward it might be or if anyone would know what went on. You just wanted to enjoy this current moment, as if nothing changed. Your future self can deal with the consequences of tonight’s activities.
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missmonsters2 · 3 years
I might have an idea if you're interested? what if Reader learns that wanda and natasha have never been trick or treating as kids? The reader enlists tony's help and they come up with a way for them to get that experience. Like they decorate the entire compound, and they get all of the avengers and some of the shield agents to participate including fury. They're all wearing costumes and go trick or treating by going room to room in the compound and they all just have a great time.
I accidentally sent this request to the wrong page I'm so sorry!! 😖
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Pairing: WandaNat x Reader
Warnings: Wholesome as fuck with some good laughs.
Count: < 1k
"Higher. Higher. Damn it, Tony, what's the point of your suit? HIGHER!"
Tony looked down as he glared at you. He was putting party streamers across the walls while you guided him. Bucky and Steve had been stuck with cobweb and candle duty.
"Why couldn't I just hire people to do this? I'm literally rich," Tony groaned but flew higher.
"Because the magic is in doing shit yourself. It has to be perfect," you insisted as you set out pumpkins and LED lights.
"Right..." Tony drawled. "For your girlfriends."
"Not my girlfriends," you muttered as you looked up and glared at him. "But also it's for your kid, too. Morgan's gonna love it."
"Morgan definitely doesn't give a fuck."
"We'll see about that, tin man."
"There's something wrong about this, I just don't know what yet," Natasha said as she stood in front of Wanda's giant mirror.
The reflection showed her, Wanda, and you in costumes. You had insisted on dressing up as Peter Pan characters as that was the last movie all three of you watched together.
You as Peter Pan, Wanda as Wendy, and Natasha as Tinkerbell.
"There's nothing wrong," you waved Natasha off as you ushered them out of the room. You had told them tonight would be clubbing night.
"What are we—" Wanda scrunched her brows together as you led them through the kitchen and grabbed some tote bags to shove into their hands.
"The phrase is trick-or-treat, god knows why," you said as you then ushered them down the hallway and turned to the first door—Steve's door.
They looked at you confusedly.
"Go on, knock!" You excitedly smiled at them.
Natasha and Wanda looked at each other before Natasha took the initiative and tapped her knuckles against Steve's door.
It swung open immediately.
Steve was dressed up as an old man, like what he'd look like if he had aged properly instead of being frozen in ice for years.
"Oh, wow, got some nice trick-or-treaters already," Steve croaked and trembled his voice. "What do we have here? Oh, Peter Pan, Wendy, and Tinkerbell. I know that one!"
Natasha squinted her eyes as she curled her lip at Steve's getup while Wanda stared on confusedly.
"Well, what's the magic phrase and I'll give you nice kids some candy," Steve waved his bowl of treats around.
"Please just kick the bucket," Natasha continued to squint and curl her lip at Steve.
Steve's lip twitched as he pressed his head foreward, emphasizing his ear like he hadn't heard.
You nudged Natasha and Wanda, biting your lips and trying to not laugh.
Wanda looked at you, tilting her head before she looked at Steve. She was probably doing that thing she wasn't supposed to be doing, but you'd let her get away with it just this once.
"Trick-or-treat," Wanda said hesitantly as she held up her tote bag towards Steve. He beamed happily at her, tossing in a couple of chocolates and candy into her bag before he looked at Natasha.
It was like an internal battle raged inside Natasha before she reluctantly held her bag out too and said, "Trick-or-treat."
Steve smirked and tossed the same amount of chocolate and candy in her bag before winking at them and shutting his door.
They turned to you, and you couldn't help the excited laugh.
"I know you both never had the chance to do something like this when you were kids, but I think it's a very important part of growth development. Better late than never," you shrugged. "I hope this is okay for tonight's plans."
Wanda was the first to jump into your arms and wrap her arms around you. "Thank you so much," she whispered in your ear. You could sense some sadness in her that Pietro wouldn't get to experience this.
Natasha sighed before she smiled and joined in on the hug, kissing the side of your head. "Thank you," she whispered as well. She seemed lost in thought as she let you go.
"C'mon!" You grinned, grabbing their hands and leading them down to the next door. "I got everyone in on it! Even Fury!"
"That's going to be so good. Let's go to his door first," Natasha smirked.
Suddenly, Vision's head popped through the wall, making you and Natasha jump slightly. "But I'm next door. There is no logical reason to not go in order."
Wanda sighed. "Vision...we talked about this...no phasing through walls."
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I present:
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Get Him (2021)
On their own, they're unstoppable. Together, well... they try.
When cocky ex-military detective Karver Crowe (Reynolds) is kidnapped by ruthless criminals, little do they know they must face the wrath of Karver's CIA husband — the stoic and fearless special agent John Crowe (Reeves) — who will stop at nothing to get him back.
(Featuring Justice Smith as their adopted son.)
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wheredafandomat · 3 years
Lionheart 💎 P5 💎 Monopoly
Previous Chapter
Phone call = Blue
“So you’re seriously not coming”
“Sorry I won’t be able to make it”
“What are you doing?”
“Just finishing up some things at work. I’m sorry y/n”
“Mmm Ok Eli. Love you”
“Yes y/n you too”
Walking out into the hallway, Loki heard some of y/n’s conversation.
“So Elijah won’t be gracing us with his presence tonight?”
“That was a private conversation Loki” y/n jumped, startled by the intrusion
“Sorry I couldn’t help but overhear it”
“Well, you heard correctly, Elijah will not be coming”
“Tied up at work”
“On a Saturday?”
“Yes Loki a Saturday”
“I didn’t know S.H.I.E.L.D done business on a Saturday”
“Well clearly they do” y/n replied getting annoyed by Loki’s interrogation
Walking closer to y/n, Loki grabbed her arms looking down at her
“Let’s forget about Elijah for tonight. Tonight is all about winning” he said trying to cheer y/n up
“You’re right” she replied smiling, looking back up at him
For a few moments they stayed like this, gazing into each others eyes
“We better go in then” y/n said not breaking eye contact
“Mmm” Loki hummed still looking at her
“Last one in is the last to roll” Sam shouted running into the room
The pair awkwardly laughed breaking eye contact looking at the floor
“After you” Loki said motioning for y/n to go inside
Walking into the games room, y/n was happy to see her favourite couple had decided to join them.
“Wanda, Vision” she said nodding in their direction acknowledging their presence
“We’ve been gone for ages and that’s the hello we get, come here y/n” Wanda said standing up to hug her.
After y/n properly greeted the pair, herself and Tony went through all of the rules as some people had forgotten them and other people were from Asgard.
“So if I roll doubles three consecutive times I’ll end up in the prisons” Thor asked worriedly
“Well, I’ll try not to roll doubles then”
“Let’s make this more interesting” Tony said eyeing the group
“What do you have in mind” y/n questioned
“Whenever you land on someone else’s property, you have to take a shot”
“We’ll be drunk after going around the board twice. Yes let’s do it” y/n said
Noticing that there were not enough pieces for everyone to play, Loki said he’d sit the game out.
“Don’t be ridiculous, play with me we can be partners. Wanda and Vis are working together”
“Are you sure y/n”
“One hundred percent now grab the little top hat that’s my favourite piece”
The game started and they went around the board once familiarising themselves with the properties. After the second round, y/n managed to land on Mayfair. After going round again and letting Loki roll, they landed on Park Lane.
“Well of course I’m going to buy it” y/n said counting out her money
“Mayfair and Park Lane, we might as well end the game now, y/n is winning” Tony said putting y/n’s money into the bank and handing her the card for Park Lane
“I’m not winning. Loki and I are winning” y/n said grinning at Loki whilst taking the card from Tony
“Soon we’ll build some houses and work our way up to a hotel” she whispered in Loki’s ear.
Feeling her warm breath against his ear, Loki went rigid in his place. The way her lips were lightly tickling his skin was delightful.
As the game went on, the team grew drunker and drunker. Half of them were singing along to a song playing in the background whilst the other half were still concentrating on the game. Y/N was singing and Loki was concentrating on her.
“We might as well stop, I’ve got a hotel on both my properties and you’re all pretty much bankrupt”
“Well in real life I’m a billionaire” Tony said feeling salty
“Don’t be a sore loser Stark” y/n wined
After a while of ignoring the game and taking shots, the team was definitely drunk now. Standing up to dance around the room, y/n grabbed Loki’s hands.
“Come on let’s dance” she giggled looking at him
“Yes, you and me”
Standing up, Loki walked with y/n to the part of the room everybody was dancing in. Placing his hands on her back, he looked down into her eyes.
“I’d never leave your side if I want in Elijah’s position. I’d do anything you ask. He isn’t worthy of you y/n”
“And you are?” She asked grinning looking back up at Loki
Whether it was the alcohol, or the fact that he was holding y/n this way, Loki felt the confidence to speak his mind.
“You don’t think I am? You don’t think I’m worthy of being yours?”
“Loki where’s this coming from?”
“I- I”
“Y/N” a voice said
Y/N ignored whatever Loki was going to say and ran up to Elijah giving him a hug and a kiss.
“What happened Eli you’re bleeding” she said inspecting his forehead whilst placing her hand over the cut healing it
“Ahh it’s nothing just a small cut”
“Well you’re lucky your girlfriend is— are those for me” she said enthusiastically noticing the flowers and Prosecco Elijah was holding
“Yes unless you can see another beautiful girl lurking around here” he said laughing handing her the things
“Thank youuuu”
“Now, let’s put these in your room” he said picking her up and carrying her bridal style
“Put me down. Put me downnn” she laughed
Watching the exchange, Loki felt his heart ache. He didn’t like Elijah and he certainly didn’t like to think about whatever they were about to do in her room. Loki knew his confession was truthful. He would do anything for y/n even if she didn’t reciprocate his love.
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A/N: Did we like? How are we feeling about y/n and Elijahs relationship? Lmk 💚💚
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Same Story, Different Versions (Version 2)
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): Avengers - Peter Parker/Spider-Man, @moonlight-lyrics/Wonder-Pool, & @saviorsong/Nightsong
Rating: PG-11 (for le smoochy-smoochy)
Original Idea: This post (or at least my reblog since the source link was giving me trouble on my laptop -_-)
Notes: (Masterlist)(About Me) Version 1 - I know I already mentioned that I love writing my friends into my stories, but DANG this whole situation would be AWESOME! One of these Versions may be continued on if I have too much fun… we’ll see.
Nightsong and Wonder-Pool glanced at each other with grins before jumping over the small railing and landing in front of Spider-Man on the floor below. “Evening, Peter,” Wonder-Pool greeted impishly. The teenage boy gulped, looking between the two of them worriedly.
“E-evening Lyric,” he stammered. “Mel.” He nodded at Nightsong.
“So, a little birdie told us that you have a crush on Brown Recluse,” Nightsong commented.
“What little birdie? Falcon? Or Hawkeye? Either way, he’s lying.”
The girls laughed. “No, no,” Lyric dismissed. “Wanda. She heard it from your thoughts.”
“We just want you to know that if you hurt her in any way, we will destroy you,” Mel added. Peter looked between the two of them in fear.
They were both shorter than him, but they radiated a sense of dangerous power that made him nervous. Especially together. He could take on the Falcon and Winter Soldier at the same time without getting scared, but these two girls were far more terrifying than both Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Especially together.
“So, sweetpea,” Mel began. “You didn’t answer our question. We heard you have a crush on Brown Recluse. True or false? Yes or no?” Lyric and Mel folded their arms, giving him a searching, amused expression. Honestly, they were kind of enjoying watching him flounder.
It was good to make him suffer a bit for his crush on their friend—who they considered to be their middle sister.
“Uh… I, uh…” Peter muttered. “Brown Recluse… uh… wow. I, uh… I guess… yeah I do.”
Lyric and Mel shared a high-five, each shot him with their laser-tag gun, and leapt back up into the shadows.
“Hey!” Peter protested. He shot a web into the darkness, hearing it attach to the ceiling before pulling himself up after the girls to pursue them. The giggles seemed to echo through the night, but even his enhanced senses couldn’t place where they were coming from. He scrunched his nose in displeasure. Nightsong’s powers were so cheating in a game of laser-tag. Though, when Tony said all powers were permitted… he shouldn’t have expected anything less.
Brown Recluse—Mattie—was probably crawling around on the ceiling where it was darkest.
Something Peter probably should have been doing himself, but was used to living as a normal kid when out of his suit and felt strange using his powers without it on—like someone was going to discover him at any moment.
Mel and Lyric hid from Peter’s pursuit and couldn’t help but grin mischievously at each other. They knew it—they knew Peter liked Mattie. Honestly, how could he not? They were the same age and had similar powers. Plus Mattie was smart—and they’d figured out quickly that Peter had a weakness for smart, powerful girls.
“So, now that we have his confession, what do we do about it?” Lyric asked Mel, who pondered the question carefully.
“Set them up on a not-so-blind date? See if Mattie likes him back and then force them to play Seven Minutes in Heaven or Spin the Bottle or something? All those options sound great to me,” the older, green-haired hero answered.
Lyric snorted. “That… sounds fantastic. Let’s do it.”
“Which one?”
“I like the Seven Minutes in Heaven one.”
Mel grinned wickedly. “Then let’s go see if Little Miss Mattie has a crush on the other spiderling.”
The two, with a synchronicity that came from years of practice together, slid into the darkness.
It didn’t take them long to find Mattie—she had a very specific M.O. when it came to laser tag games in the compound. That M.O. being taking shelter in a populated place and sniping as best she could. When it came down to her against Hawkeye, the Winter Soldier, or Black Widow, she always lost, but otherwise wasn’t actually a bad sniper.
“Evening dreamer,” Lyric greeted quietly as they joined her where she’d taken cover. The matching light blue of their laser tag vests tipping Mattie off that they weren’t enemies she needed to shoot.
“Evening,” Mattie replied quietly, not tearing her eyes off the main training area where the thickest part of the laser tag game was happening.
“We just have a quick question,” Mel commented.
“Can’t it wait till after the game?” Mattie muttered.
“No,” Mel retorted.
“Do you have a crush on Peter?” Lyric asked without preamble.
Mattie stopped mid-shot and turned to look at her two best friends. “What?!” she demanded.
“Do you—have a crush—on Peter?” Lyric repeated slowly, enunciating just to be obnoxious.
“What do you want me to tell you?” Mattie snapped.
“The truth would be helpful,” Mel supplied casually.
“Of course… not. Maybe? I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it—him—like that,” Mattie replied, thoughts disjointed.
Lyric and Mel raised their eyebrows quizzically. “Oh yeah?” Lyric challenged. “Say that to the lingering looks when he leaves the room—”
“Or the wistful sighs while staring during breakfast,” Mel added.
“I hate you both,” Mattie grumbled as a red vest across the training area lit up white with her shot. Sam’s swear echoed through the darkness.
“Language!” Steve called.
“Are you kidding?” Tony demanded.
“Mattie,” Mel hissed, drawing the Brown Recluse’s attention back to her friends. “Answer us honestly. Do you like Peter? Yes or no? Simple question and we promise we won’t laugh.” She elbowed Lyric in the ribs. The younger girl nodded in reluctant agreement, kinda wondering if she would, in fact, laugh at the truth.
“Okay. Yeah, I do. Happy?” Mattie snapped.
Her two best friends grinned. “Very!” they chorused before disappearing back into the shadows.
The game only lasted another five minutes before the lights all turned back on, making everyone blink and moan with complaint that their retinas were burning. Everyone at the facility gathered in the game room to see their scores tallied on one of the display boards.
On the blue team—the girls’ team consisting of Wanda, Natasha, Mattie, Mel, and Lyric—Natasha had completely annihilated the scoreboard. Mattie was a distant second, with Mel in third, Lyric fourth, and Wanda last. On the red team—the boys’ team consisting of Sam, Steve, Tony, Bucky, and Peter (Vision and Rhodey opting to watch and Hawkeye was out of town)—Bucky had scored the most points. Steve was behind him, then Sam, then Peter, then Tony. “Apparently your aim sucks without the targeting system in your suit,” Mel teased the billionaire.
But overall, the boys’ won by six points.
Tony clapped his hands together and rubbed them. “Right, what next?”
Lyric was standing directly behind Peter and Mattie—who were several inches apart from each other as they removed their laser tag vests—so she went on her tiptoes to be seen better and pointed at their heads. “I volunteer the spiderlings for Seven Minutes in Heaven while we decide!” she exclaimed. Peter and Mattie whirled around, realizing she was talking about them.
“What?! No!” they both protested in unison.
“Yesssss!” Mel countered, putting her hands firmly on their shoulders and pushing them towards one of the closets that they kept board games in.
“No, Melody, no,” Mattie tried, pushing against her friend. “Mel—Mel—Mel!”
“Yeah! Go on kids!” Tony encouraged teasingly.
“No, really,” Peter tried, also pushing against Mel’s grip. Both of the “spiderlings” were holding back on their strength because if they used all of it, they’d probably dislocate Melody’s shoulders; but they were trying their best to resist. “Really, we’re fine. We don’t need to—”
With a final shove, they stumbled into the dark closet. It was locked from the outside with a click!
“Enjoy!” Mel and Lyric called with laughter.
“Seven minutes, kids!” Tony added.
Peter and Mattie tried to look at each other, but couldn’t really see, even with their enhanced senses. They could only just kind of feel a vibe of where the other was standing.
“I, uh… we, we, we… we don’t have to do this,” Peter stammered, scratching the back of his head.
Mattie’s hands reached out in the direction of his voice. She found his solar plexus. From there, her hands slipped over his soft shirt until she found his shoulders. “Meh. We’re here. Might as well,” she replied.
“Are you sure?”
“Only if you are.”
Mattie felt Peter’s hands find her upper arms. “Oh I definitely am. I just didn’t want to offend you.”
Mattie snorted. “Not at all.”
Peter felt her tilt up onto her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his in the darkness. He kissed her back.
They weren’t entirely sure how long they stood in the darkness, Peter’s back pressed against one wall, kissing. Which evolved into making out—and at some point, Peter’s shirt disappeared and Mattie’s ended up around her neck.
“So, um—” Kiss. “—I was thinking,” Peter began. Smooch. “—that maybe I could—” Vague sucking noise. “—take you out for breakfast—” Kiss.
“Sure,” Mattie replied.
Peter smiled in the darkness before finding her mouth with his again.
The moments seemed to stretch into forever…
Until the doors were pulled open.
Mel and Lyric were standing there with cameras. Two bright flashes went off and then laughter echoed around the game room.
“Wow kids,” Tony exclaimed. “We could tell it got a little heated but we didn’t realize that clothes had been removed.” Mattie and Peter both turned bright pink before Mattie managed to pull her shirt back on. Peter had to hunt around the floor of the game closet for a moment to find his but eventually they were both fully clothed.
“Though we also heard you have a date,” Lyric teased.
“Have fun!” Mel singsonged.
Mattie glanced at Peter. “I plan to.”
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ashyblondwaves · 3 years
Adequate Part 2
Part 1 can be found here.
Also posted to AO3 if that's more your thing.
The tension hung thick in the air in the hours since Wanda revealed her pregnancy to Vision. He hadn't reacted at all how she'd expected him to, Vision knew that and he couldn't blame her for the silent treatment he was now receiving as a result of his panic.
He spent the time researching, knowing what he wanted to request of Wanda but not wanting to do so until he knew all the numbers and risks that request would present to his wife and their unborn twins.
Finally, he decided to break the silence.
"Perhaps you should have an Amniocentesis," he suggested, not giving Wanda a chance to object until he'd told her the numbers. "It's often said that the risk of miscarriage following an Amniocentesis is between 1-300 and 1-500, but according to a study by John Wiley, the procedure-related risks of miscarriage following Amniocentesis are lower than currently quoted to women."
Wanda stared at Vision, her face unreadable.
"Is that what would make you feel better?" she asked coldly.
"Wanda," Vision started, leaning forward in the chair he'd be sitting in. "I just want to make sure that our babies are alright. That my lack of a human genetic profile isn't going to present any problems to this pregnancy." He paused. "If anything were to happen or something was wrong, I couldn't live with myself. I need to know that they're going to be ok. That you're going to be ok."
Wanda's face softened, eyebrows knitting together in what Vision could only describe as a sympathetic look.
"Okay," she finally said, scooting to the end of the couch, as close to Vision as she could get. She took his hand. "I'll call the doctor tomorrow and request we have one done."
Vision pulled Wanda's hand up to his mouth, pressing a light kiss to her knuckles.
"Thank you."
20 Weeks Pregnant
The Amniocentesis at 17 weeks had been a success, with nothing more than some slight discomfort for Wanda and orders for bed rest for the rest of that day.
Due to the unknown nature of Wanda's pregnancy, the doctors did consider her High Risk and agreed to the procedure quite easily, noting and reiterating the fact that they'd never seen a pregnancy between human and Synthezoid and were unsure of the risks, if any. Because of this, they tested for every condition they could and the results would take 3 weeks to process.
Finally, on the day her pregnancy hit the halfway point, the doctor called. Wanda put the phone on speaker and greeted the doctor, Vision silently standing next to her with an iron grip on her hand.
"Miss Maximoff, Mr. Vision," the doctor began. "I just wanted to give you a call to let you know the the results are in from your Amniocentesis."
"And?" Wanda and Vision said in unison.
"Your twins are absolutely fine," the doctor confirmed. "Every test came back normal. They've been measuring on target at appointments and all ultrasounds have looked good. From all accounts we can say you have a healthy set of twins. And we know the sex if you'd like to know."
Wanda and Vision looked at each other, a silent conversation taking place between them. With a nod, Wanda spoke.
"We'd like to know."
"Very well," the doctor said, a smile in his voice. "You're having two little boys. Two little boys that look incredibly healthy. I see no reason why you shouldn't just relax and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. We will still do regular ultrasounds just to be sure, of course, but let this be a relief to you both."
"Thank you, doctor," Vision said quickly, noticing that Wanda's tears had already begun to fall. "We will!"
Vision ended the call and turned to Wanda.
"Two little boys," he said pulling her into a hug. "Two incredibly healthy boys, at that."
Wanda's tear streaked face looking up at Vision, a smile breaking out across her face.
"We have to name them."
"Right now?"
"Right now," Wanda confirmed. "You name one, I name one."
"Alright," Vision agreed, ruminating on choices as they sped through his mind. "William," he finally said.
"William," Wanda said, testing the word on her lips. She nodded. "And Thomas."
"William and Thomas."
"Thomas and William."
Vision laughed, the first real laugh he'd managed in weeks as he hugged Wanda tighter.
"Thank you for doing this to ease my mind," he said, kissing the top of her head. "I'm so relieved that our boys are ok."
"Me too," Wanda said. "I love you."
"I love you too, Wanda."
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maysiebloom · 3 years
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if anyone feels like sending me links to really angsty ironstrange fics i would be forever grateful <\3
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penguiduck · 5 years
"In conclusion, this monster is angry, angry, and always angry. We can't learn anything new from this."
You looked at the scientist who was talking, eyeing him carefully. He seemed to think that this whole interrogation process was ridiculous and that nothing could be obtained from studying these MRI scans.
You absolutely disagreed, but you needed at least some level of cooperation from the scientists because you could not interpret these MRI scans on your own. "Wait," you said, "I think we're missing something here. Bruce told me that the amygdala reflects anger, which what's leading us to the conclusion that Fenrir is just angry at us. No matter what Natasha said, he's just angry. We're neglecting to understand that the amygdala may reflect a whole range of negative emotions."
"So what?" the scientist asked. "Whether he's angry or disgusted or fearful, it doesn't matter -- we're not learning anything from him."
"What about sadness?" you defended.
"How does that prove anything? So he's upset that he's stuck here with us, that he's been torn away from his master."
"You're missing the point -- we're assuming the obvious when it comes to his negative emotions. He may very well be sad because of the reasons you're proposing, but he may also be upset because of his relationship with Loki." You pointed at the screen. "Go back to when Natasha mentioned Loki. You see? When his master was mentioned, the amygdala lit up, but also this portion of the brain."
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the-ash0 · 3 years
Dog is a very good dog.
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orderoftheavengers · 3 years
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Sword of Gryffindor 
MARIA RAMBEAU Summary: Ilvermony Quodpod champion, founder of the Sword of Gryffindor organization, and most badass magical mom since Molly Weasley.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Ilvermony House: Thunderbird
Species: Human
Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand: Oak, 8 inches, Wampus whisker
Broom: Photon 85
Patronus: Puma
Specialties: Flying, and Defense Against the Dark Arts
Never mind the balls it takes to join the military. Maria Rambeau is absolutely unbreakable, even emotionally. 
Particularly notable is her courage in the face of loss and abandonment. She didn't flinch at single motherhood. Instead, she moved right on with Carol Danvers. After losing Carol the first time, Maria stayed strong, even though she was now raising Monica alone once again. She lost Carol again, and moved on by forming the Sword of Gryffindor, a special department in the Ministry of Magic, for dealing with threats from non-human beings. She fought terminal illness. And when her only daughter turned to ash, while Maria was still dying, she simply prepared for her daughters eventual return, even in the even she herself wouldn't live to see it. Not even Maria's hope was ever breakable. She knew Carol was "out there, too stubborn to die," and she was certain Monica would return, even after seeing her dissolve into ash before her eyes.
Maria Rambeau was educated mainly at the American wizarding school of Ilvermony, where she and her bestie Carol Danvers both excelled and flying, and kicked ass on the Thunderbird Quodpod team. In the summer just before her fifth year, Maria made the mistake many teenagers do, and found herself pregnant with Monica. Her muggle boyfriend was no help, but Carol quickly stepped in as the other parent. Even so, Maria's puma patronus made sure to remind the dad to pay his child support, and send his daughter a birthday card.
In their seventh years, Maria and Carol were in a special flying class for students planning to join the Auror Air Force. But their instructor, Professor Marvellius, died on a secret mission, and Carol Danvers vanished. Maria graduated, and began her career as an Air Auror (an Auror who mostly patrols and fights from her broom).
Carol's Return
Though Monica was only two when she lost "Aunt Carol," the young witch had a remarkable memory from a young age--at least compared to a Muggle child. For a witch, she was about average. In any case, despite still being very young when Carol finally returned, Monica recognized her immediately and was ecstatic. Maria, on the other hand, had more mixed feelings. Carol was now a Kree Vampire, and like many, had lost most of her memories from her previous life as a Human. Maria helped Carol regain her past, in an adventure that took the whole family across the pond to Hogwarts. Though not really students, they were Sorted into Gryffindor anyway. Being a vampire meant Carol couldn't stay with the living for too long (as the blood cravings made her dangerous), and a bittersweet goodbye was made.
So why "Sword of Gryffindor," rather than "Claw of Thunderbird?" Partially because the Hogwarts Houses are more famous throughout the wizarding world, especially in the Ministry of Magic, which is headquartered in the U.K. Also, because during the adventure, Maria pulled the actual sword of Godric Gryffindor from the Sorting Hat, and killed some Kree Vampires with it. And because, as Maria and Monica already knew, the Rambeau family is actually descended from Godric Gryffindor. (Fact: most humans do not, in fact, resemble their ancestors from millennia ago.)
Maria's chivalry isn't the flashy sort. Pumas, AKA Mountain Lions, are an underrated breed of large cat. Maria's forest-y army-fabric fashion, smooth short hair, and overall build also makes one think of a puma. They operate mostly off in the mountains, non unlike Maria off in her rural home away from most of the Avenger's action. Her daughter Monica's Patronus would come in the more intense form of a killer whale.
AN: Only when Sorting Maria Rambeau did I finally realize how incredible this woman is, in every way imaginable. She is made of IRON. The symbol for Sword of Gryffindor is pieced together from clipart.
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