skoulsons · 1 year
im laying in bed watching the winter embrace gifs over and over again and talking aloud to myself so you bet I’m gonna talk about it again and say the same crap I have been saying for weeks
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Okay so both her arms are within the area of his arms. Very close together and both pounding against those parts of his chest. His hands are both on the sides of her face; both visible
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And he holds her face and she sees it’s him and all that good stuff happens
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But to focus on this and the first screenshot. Again, I talked about all of this the other day, if you missed it. But some people got me thinking. If the first screenshot and this one are the same hug and that arm over her left shoulder in this ^ shot is actually his hand, then her hands are definitely grabbing his coat. And so thinking if that’s the case,
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Then this will be after that embrace when they pull away. And the thought of this being their second one is just getting more sure because it’s just his right hand on her face now. If we think that first hug and that his right hand is cradling her face, then it would make sense for it to stay there. And his left being behind her neck in the first hug, after pulling away I imagine he keeps it on her side, maybe her hand is in his, or it’s just resting against his own side. But relaxes and falls back onto her heels (think that she’s sitting on her knees), and this very much looks like in game when there’s that silent moment after they pull away and she nods after he talks to her. Game knowers, you know what I mean. But in those few seconds in the game and in that silence, they get up and leave right after. But here?
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She embraces him again instead, and he takes it all in with the eye close. Not on high alert, just comforting her
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zoros-debt · 8 months
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I just want to see these two share the same frame together more often.
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I feel like shit
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divin8ion · 8 months
being obsessed with mocking up flower music videos is so fucking stupid because its really like. so for this verse there are two girls facing each other on a beach. and then during the chorus theres going to be a big magic fight happening and sometimes it seems real but sometimes it seems more like props in a play. okay now for the second verse were back at the beach. but theres only one girl this time. and she looks more suicidal than ever
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starabxlla · 9 months
I’ve got to stop saying ‘just girly things 😇’ after stalking and taking pictures of the teacher I T/A for
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doingitforbokuto · 6 months
my red flag is that every time I see a post giving advice on how to better your mental health I just think "don't tell me what to do" and scroll past it
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Horny gay culture is so annoying to me especially when im the one making the posts
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gibsonwitch · 4 months
beloved mutuals what are some replacement stims for chewing my cheeks and tongue to bloody shreds
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tooru-avispa007 · 4 months
Do you remember that scene where Norisuke ask Josuke about if he likes teddy bears or robots
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Well yes, AGAIN, comparing tooru into a teddy bear, the robot must be WoU... i mean, he looks very robotical
What if norisuke was predicting the main antagonist ??? /jk
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Liking a good musical is all well and good, but liking a BAD musical? Ohoho. I'm in hell.
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1nm806 · 6 months
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tiwtdafs · 7 months
taylor needs to stop breaking/meeting all these beatles records its enabling my more popular than jesus joke
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bloopthebee · 1 year
shout out to spotify premium, thanks for enabling my maladaptive daydreaming <3
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cantsaythetword · 8 months
My gf is sitting 2 people away from me at a 20 person dinner party
I've never felt more like a lost introvert at a party than right now 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
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fangirltothefullest · 2 years
If you're dealing with burnout and the stress of day to day life, please focus on your mental health before anything else. Your art can wait, but not finding healthy coping mechanism can impact your health by a lot. I like your art but I wouldn't feel good about it if it costs you your already depleted mental health.
Thanks, it's not me forcing the art, I just... miss it. I miss that my favourite hobby that brings me so much joy has become a struggle. I hate that I'm in a situation where the thing I used to say was as much a part of me as my arm isn't working. I used to say I was like Phineas and inventing- It came to mw like breathing; it made me the happiest.
Not being able to draw when it's that ingrained into my person is really devastating.
They don't tell you that when you draw every single day with the passion that i had, that when you find yourself unable to do so it feels like a piece of you is broken.
I'm terrified it won't come back.
I'm tired of veins burnt out and stressed and exhausted all the time both mentally and physically.
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symmetrysys · 1 year
why do we play eu4 so much -Mae
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