#Baby puke
abombihoney · 11 months
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she's so fucking mean 2 me
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thaliasthunder · 1 year
yeah sex is cool but have you ever thought about how we're gonna see nico- nico di angelo. the man himself. the son of hades. the ghost king and the heir of the underworld, make big power moves on screen like raising an army of skeletons from the earth, close ups to him twisting his skull ring, angrily yelling at percy, showing up in a carriot w hades and persephone and more
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yoongisababygoat · 29 days
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Rewatched jjk0 😄🔫
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silverview · 7 months
cannot stop watching this...charlie still setting new records for tiniest thing in the world
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hippolotamus · 6 months
WIP Wednesday (+ bonus poll)
thanks for the tags @jamespearce9-1-1 @thewolvesof1998 @daffi-990 @spotsandsocks (please go check their works if you haven't... sooooo good!)
alright folks, the Lutalia smut fic is done! It just needs to finish up with my beta and it'll be ready. So, one last very nsfw snippet (and a please help me name this thing poll!) under the cut before it posts. Prev snippets here and here
Lucy stops what she’s doing altogether to tsk loudly in admonishment, though there’s no heat behind it. “So impatient.”   “Mmph. Yeah. Yes. Want you.” “You already have me, darlin’,” Lucy teases. Her hands curl around the backs of Natalia’s thighs as a reminder of who’s in charge. She uses the leverage to shift the angle, delving her tongue between Nat’s inner lips, fucking into her. It does nothing to ease the pleasant ache in her jaw and adds to the  sloppy mess of spit and wetness on her chin.  The feeling is simultaneously divine and unholy, but ultimately temporary. The mild possessiveness flares back to life, suddenly making Lucy wish there was a way to permanently mark Natalia. Something that would warn others not to dare approach what’s hers. Not that Lucy is interested in having Natalia as hers, per se. She just doesn’t enjoy the thought of anyone else ever having her.
no pressure tagging @disasterbuckdiaz @heartshapedvows @wikiangela @fortheloveofbuddie @monsterrae1 @ladydorian05 @malewifediaz @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @stereopticons @elvensorceress @giddyupbuck @spagheddiediaz @chaosandwolves @wildlife4life @loserdiaz @your-catfish-friend @statueinthestone @buddierights @911onabc @hoodie-buck @the-likesofus @fionaswhvre @barbiediaz @eowon @honestlydarkprincess @spaceprincessem @pirrusstuff @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @rmd-writes @apothecarose @welcometololaland loml @lizzie-bennetdarcy @vanillahigh00 @watchyourbuck @weewootruck @exhuastedpigeon @underwater-ninja-13 @messyhairdiaz @gayedmundodiaz @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @callmenewbie and anyone else who wants to share (also i redid the tags because they were wonky so if you got tagged twice i’m sorry!)
fic taglist @lemonzestywrites @maygrantgf @buckbuckgoose
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robotsandramblings · 2 months
i know we joke about Hunter adopting every child he comes across but i also 100% headcanon that he absolutely loves babies and instantly gets baby fever when he sees one
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like he will make any and every excuse to hold a baby. the second a parent is indicating they might be tired/need a break, he's there faster than the speed of light, ready to take baby off their hands.
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lunasolaris · 2 months
Got this cheap ass Slytherin Locket just so I could feel pain
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soullessjack · 9 months
when you don’t know who you are and you think you’re human and normal until you find out you’re not human, not normal, you’re something else entirely and whatever idea you had about yourself was fucking wrong and you can do weird unnatural things that scare you and aren’t fully controllable yet. and you just want to understand yourself and control yourself so you don’t hurt anyone and can still be the person you think you are instead whatever the truth holds for you.
and you try and use this weird new truth about yourself to try and do good and help the world you were born in and come to love so much and you’re like a hero you wanna be a hero. but the world doesn’t love you back or see you as a hero, it hates you. it doesn’t believe you’re a hero. it doesn’t know what you are , it doesn’t know why you’re here , it demands that you answer the same questions you’ve had your whole life
and instead of finding the answer you find something else . You find a way to do good and be loved and accepted and feel normal despite yourself and you think you’ve found a foothold you think you’ve found understanding at long last . You think you belong snd you think This Is Who You Are until it’s ripped the fuck away from you when finally you learn the truth you’ve been fearing yet searching so hard for. you finally have answers to the lifelong questions of who are you what are you really where do you come from and boom. You’re not a hero . You’re the very threat and danger that the world kept saying you were, kept hurting you because they thought you were.
Every single weird thing you can do has a purpose to destroy and kill and you are born to be a weapon and you can never love anything. Or be loved in return because what you are is a weapon a monster a freak a thing that should not be a thing that will never belong and is fundamentally unlovable . And you’re sorry that’s what you are. You’re so sorry that’s what you are and you hate that it’s the truth and you wish you could go back to not knowing anything at all and you wish you could stop being this fucking Thing but you can’t because it’s in your fucking blood and your DNA and your double helixes and your flesh and nerves and everything.
Your entire body and being and existence and core is made for something horrible and evil and you hate it but you can’t do anything about it except say you’re sorry and offer yourself to the gun or the altar because you still. At the point where you’ve relegated yourself to only being this thing, you still don’t want to, . The last good thing you can do at this point is let yourself die and spare the world from your own inescapable inherent biological ruinousness.
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dreamaze · 10 months
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BFFL 38/∞ ↪ helping(?) hands
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kaxenart · 1 month
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I assume the Rubicon Research Institute had merch while it was active.
Despite living extremely thoroughly outside of the time period it was a fashion convention, short-shorts for little boys.
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dlartistanon · 11 months
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Drinking game: take a shot every time Bagpipe expresses concern over Reed, even when she's not there
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llondonfog · 11 months
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shadowtoherlight · 6 months
Finished Loki s2 last night.
I am unwell.
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crimeronan · 5 months
Luz finds out Amity actually genuinely likes and is attracted to her (Hunter probably had to sit her down and spell it out) and she has a vicious back and forth with herself because “if Amity wants ME then it’s fine, cause then I’m just giving Her what She wants and that’s totally fine, other people can have desires. But… what if I somehow Made Her Want Me with my evil wiles. (Being a nice person)”
luz is the EPITOME of "i'm sorry i manipulated you on purpose and tricked you into thinking i'm a kind person who cares just by being kind and caring about you a lot. you should know that i am actually evil and capable of atrocities beyond your wildest imaginings"
"....like what"
"intrusive thoughtcrimes :("
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slaymiedrysdale · 6 months
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minniemontgomery · 9 months
Y’all. I am so full I can barely move. I had a huge steak and two slices of chocolate cake, and I’m paying for it. I’m so bloated that I had to unbutton my pants before I left the table. Currently laying on the couch rubbing my food baby belly. I definitely think my eyes were bigger than my (now protruding) stomach. Hoping this doesn’t end in a tummy ache🙃
Anyone else have any meals this good lately? As bloated as I feel, it was well worth it. Let me know if you want to talk about it😉
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