#Batman tv series
atomic-chronoscaph · 2 days
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Julie Newmar as Catwoman - Batman (1966)
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BATMAN (1966-67)
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daily-riddler · 1 month
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started watching the TV series today he's such a silly guy I love him ‼️
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The Batmobile and Black Beauty
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adeptune01 · 2 months
I love how one of the first things they do in the new Caped Crusader Batman show is send him to therapy- they really said this man is REPRESSED and when he tried to argue they were like no I know what you are and you need HELP
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bitter69uk · 2 months
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To commemorate international cat day (8 August), let’s celebrate the memory of Orangey (1950 - 1967). The late, great trained showbiz cat / animal actor boasted a prestigious and prolific résumé on film and TV that any thespian would envy. (And according to IMdB, Orangey was “the only feline double-winner of the Patsy Award, the animal kingdom's equivalent of the Oscar”). Orangey’s best-known work includes The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957), The Diary of Ann Frank (1959) and the scene-stealing role of “Cat” ("the poor slob without a name”) opposite Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961)! Best of all, Orangey’s final television credit (aged 17) is appearing as the feline companion of Eartha Kitt’s Catwoman in two consecutive episodes of TV’s Batman in 1967 (pictured). Appropriately for a celebrity of his stature, he is interred at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Hollywood.
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tgsclassics · 6 months
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Ballerina and actress Yvonne Craig.
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citizenscreen · 9 months
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“Batman” the TV series, starring Adam West, Bert Ward, premiered on January 12, 1966. #OnThisDay
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where-dreamers-go · 7 months
“A Walk Amongst Emotions” Dick Grayson x Reader
(A/N: Part Five, here we are! It’s been a while because of those holidays. Anyway, 1966 Dick Grayson soulmate au series! I have a soft spot for this series. And it’s almost summer break for the pair!!!
Warnings: Reader has social anxiety, use of (Y/N), some angst, and fluff. The amount of effort I put in for these titles…?
Word Count: 4,862 words)
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A lovely weekend afternoon and all was friendly inside the Wayne Manor. Tea had long since been poured and sipped from small cups. Conversations continued to flow. Everyone was civil, even over tea.
Not one mention of sharing secrets or punishments. No hints either.
Two households spending an afternoon together. Only the afternoon.
However, Dick and yourself were determined to have more than an hour.
It’s almost weird being here with my guardian again. You thought as you sat on the edge of a couch cushion. It feels like forever.
A smile lit up Dick’s face as he sat opposite from you, sitting on the ottoman.
Despite what had happened over the past couple of weeks, you were okay.
It was a comfort to be back inside the manor. Even with all its vastness and unknown areas, you found it homey.
Today’s not the day he’ll get to show me the music room. He hasn’t said much about it. Maybe another day.
One more week of school was left before summer break. Such a tease.
Between you and Dick sat the coffee table with a pile of puzzle pieces on top. Ones you had seen countless times before.
What better way to have more time together than working on a jigsaw puzzle? It was something you two had been eager to do when brainstorming on an activity over the phone. So you had brought over one of your own. Quite happily too.
Tea and snacks were gone.
Teamwork was in action. Only the pair of you.
Picking out any edge pieces, you set them aside to be put together first. It was a good starting point. If you wanted to get fancy then you’d separate by shape and color next.
You peered up and saw Dick’s curious expression.
“I have a system,” you stately firmly.
“I can see that.” Dick watched as your fingers worked across the table in quick succession. “Let me know when you want me to help.”
“Just jump in there,” you encouraged. “There’s a thousand pieces. It shouldn’t take us too long.”
“There’s a thousand,” he urged.
“It’s less than five thousand.”
“That’s true.” He inched closer.
You smiled at him. “Have you done a five thousand piece puzzle before?”
Blue eyes glanced up. “Have you ever put together a puzzle upside down?”
“No. The blood would rush to my head.”
“What? No.” Dick chuckled. “The puzzle.”
You felt as head rose up your neck.
Of course that’s what he meant.
“Uh, that’s a ‘no’.”
Leaning in, Dick whispered, “I have and it wasn’t my idea.”
“I think I can guess who’s.”
He raised both eyebrows for a second of acknowledgement. A faint grin soon following suit.
Why on Earth would Mister Wayne think of completing a puzzle with its picture down in the first place? You thought to yourself.
As if reading your expression clearly, most likely, Dick shrugged.
“Was it fun?” You handed him a corner piece.
“Uh.” He glanced over to Mister Wayne beside you. “You might call it, uh, mental exercise.”
“Okay.” You bit back a grin.
The two of you shuffled through more small pieces. Rearranging them; almost how Mister Wayne and Dick traded seats so the puzzle could be tackled form either side of the table.
Around you, the adults were in midst of small talk. Again.
Honestly, you tuned them out. Mostly. They were right next to you after all. It was more as if their words were fading in and out of your ears like the tide. A skill, you could perhaps call it, after years of trying to focus on tasks while others made noise or moved about. It was still difficult to do.
Moving the jigsaw pieces to designated areas of a table came as familiar motions, almost automatic. Hand-eye coordination keeping up as you spotted edge pieces. Easy and quick movements. Too quick in fact.
Your fingers plucked your soulmate’s fingers on accident.
“Oops! Sorry.”
Making light of the situation, you grabbed his hand and shook it. “Hey, how are you?”
Dick chuckled, “I’m fine.”
Along the couch and all so familiar, the shaking of soft laughter filled the space. Unrestrained and genuine reactions.
The smile you shared with Dick was all the more joyful. Admittedly one of your favorite sights on any day. Because he was your friend, of course.
You released his hand and rapidly shifted through more pieces.
When you took a peek, you saw a silly grin remaining on Dick’s face as he searched for pieces to sort or piece together.
A flutter of what you deemed as ‘proud satisfaction’ appeared in your chest at the sight.
You could get used to that; making Dick smile.
I might not be a hero, but making someone happy still means a lot. It’s a special kind of reward.
Together, the pair of you made progress by connecting all of the edge pieces. Just as planned. A great team so far.
One of the best teammates I’ve ever had. In general. Lucy is still number one for saving me during that presentation. Eh, you practically shuttered at the merely remembering. Never again. This is a hundred times easier.
The day, so far, had gone smoothly. Sure, the first couple of minutes had you uneasy with anxious fears of possible scenarios involving your guardian’s recent choices. Those fears were real and highly unlikely to become reality inside the Wayne Manor.
Greetings had been cheerful and polite.
You, however, did hold back from hugging your soulmate in front of your guardian. Unfortunately with them there, you weren’t comfortable enough to show much affection to Dick. It was as if an itch covered your skin underneath a microscope. Quite uncomfortable.
But they can’t comment much about us working on a puzzle, you thought in confidence.
With a small click, you separated two pieces that did not fit together.
That’s weird how it does that in the box. You squinted at another set of pieces.
“(Y/N), sit up straight.” Your guardian tapped your shoulder.
Your body did as instructed automatically.
Flashing of something negative passed through your soulmate bond.
A sharpness in Dick’s eyes hardened his features as he looked passed you to your guardian. Targeted and unhidden. A disliking of the order given to you. His reaction was not backed by seeking fairness, but rather something more.
You were unsure of Dick’s thoughts, but you definitely knew your own.
Uh. How am I supposed to reach, then? I’m not gonna sit on the floor.
Keeping your wits about you, you chose not to reply. Play it safe and smart.
On the coffee table, the puzzle was ignored as Dick slowly unclenched his fists.
Is he okay?
Reaching across the surface, you lightly touched his hand.
Upon gaining Dick’s attention, you mouthed, ‘Are you okay?’
He nodded briefly and gave your fingers a squeeze.
Hmmm. That was quite the look though. He might still be irritated with my guardian, I guess.
Both you and Dick slowly pulled your hands a part.
“It took our combined efforts, but his sister agreed to host at her apartment.” Your guardian announced in triumph. “She finished decorating just last week. She should be proud to share her new space.”
Share? More like show off.
“That’s lovely,” Mrs. Cooper commented politely.
You could had snorted with a laugh.
“The plan is for it to be late in the summer. That way some of us don’t have to worry about our vacation plans.”
At your guardian’s words, you felt a wave of panicked guilt. You had forgotten something.
“(Y/N) and I leave Gotham City during their summer break.”
“What? When do you leave?” Dick asked quickly.
“I forgot,” you muttered and completely slouched forward over your knees.
Of all things to forget. You thought and scrambled to remember details off of your calendar at home.
“Three days after the end of school. So, I have two free days. I think it’s Saturday when we leave.” You looked up in thought and turned to check with your guardian.
“It’s Saturday.” They confirmed. “We’ll have to beat the traffic. You’ll have to get up early like a school day.”
Turning back to face Dick, you mouthed a very unenthusiastic, ‘Yay’.
Gaze softer, unsure, Dick glanced at Mister Wayne before returning to you.
“Will I be able to see you before you leave?” Your soulmate asked tentatively.
An almost clenching in your chest left you hiding your equally uneasy thought of disappointment and separation.
“Oh, I’m sure you two can see each other,” your guardian said before they directed their attention back to Mrs. Cooper. “It’s such a lovely little house my cousin has. There’s a porch and screen doors.”
Beside you, Mister Wayne leaned towards the coffee table.
“I’ll arrange a day for you two.” Mister Wayne said in a hushed tone.
Dick and yourself exchanged hopeful smiles.
I guess we don’t have to worry about anything. You thought. But it shouldn’t be too bad. It’s not forever. But I somehow forgot about the beach house? We went last year too. Way to be last minute!
You felt ridiculous.
Everything would be all right, you were certain. Meanwhile, you felt a distress in yourself and within your soulmate.
You just dearly hoped Dick had not started planning out the summer with your company in mind. You would surely feel guilty then.
Luckily, and hopefully, him reading your essay would entertain him. Dick held a curious excitement about it. As in, he had rushed to store the papers in his room upon you handing it to him when you arrived.
At least you knew Dick wouldn’t misplace it.
And to think I was going to give him my essay after the school year was over. You sighed quietly. Everything’s fine.
Time trudged by. Sneaking every tick and tock as jigsaw pieces were assembled. The coffee table decorated in color and multiple piles of lonely pieces.
Dick and yourself were making progress with the puzzle. Happily shifting the pieces around. Content to work together.
“All right,” you guardian directed their attention to you. “Find a stopping point. We still have to pick up a few things.”
“Oh. Okay.” Your shoulders dropped.
“We have a couple of hours before my parents are expecting us.”
“Oh.” You dropped a puzzle piece.
I forgot! Gosh, where’s my mind lately?
Looking over the unfinished puzzle, you were stumped.
“Um…” You scratched your arm absentmindedly. “Can we move it?”
“If we’re careful.”
“Move it where?” Mrs. Cooper inquired.
“My room.” Dick answered with a tilt of his head.
“It’ll fall a part,” your guardian interjected.
“Not if we slide the finished pieces onto a board.” Mister Wayne countered.
“Then we can move it any where,” Dick announced excitedly. “Great idea, Bruce.”
You smiled and it only widened when Dick glanced your way before immediately ducking his head.
“We can take care of that later. Another time, the two of you can resume where you left off.” Mister Wayne added.
“Fantastic.” Your guardian clapped their hands once before standing from the couch. “Thank you so much for the tea.”
“It was our pleasure.” Mister Wayne said as he joined Mrs. Cooper and your guardian standing. He sidestepped to be beside the furniture.
If it wasn’t for your reflexes and leaning back, your guardian would had completely pushed passed your seated form.
Whoa. It’s like trying not to get hit by a train’s caboose. You thought.
“Let’s go, (Y/N).” Said your guardian who was half way to the door with the other adults.
“Like the wind.” You exaggerated lightly and stood to your feet. Stretching your back a little.
In no exaggeration at all, Dick waited to walk you out. All gentlemanly and hiding a secret smile.
“What?” You smoothed down any wrinkles on your clothes.
“What about me?”
“The expression you made,” he whispered, “when you guardian walked by.”
Dick smiled openly as his fingers brushed your own.
“Will you work on the puzzle during the summer?” You asked and linked your pinky finger with his discreetly.
“Not without you.”
“You could. I wouldn’t mind.”
“I’ll wait.”
“Me too.”
✧ ✧ ✧
A week of school had come and gone. The end of the school year had finally passed.
Good news for many.
With warm weather more prominent, people of Gotham City enjoyed it wholeheartedly.
For Dick Grayson, it was the day. A day to spend with his soulmate, his good friend and crush.
Yet the youth had to wait.
The batmobile zoomed down a familiar road.
Bonding would have to wait.
The dynamic duo were solving a case as swiftly as possible. Thankfully there was still time. The criminal’s hideout would be their last stop.
Lest they’d be scolded by Aunt Harriet upon their return to the manor.
We’re gonna catch ‘em, Robin thought in determination. We’ll be sure to make it quick too. He hit his palm. They won’t know what hit them.
✧ ✧ ✧
Sitting at the edge of your bed, quiet kept you company. Also Sir Hopps, your loyal blue bunny companion.
Comforting sunshine warmed your toes as the curtains remained pushed aside.
Since midmorning, you had been aware of the muffled juggling of emotions from your soulmate. You deemed it safe to assume that Dick was busy wearing green and red.
Is it okay that he keeps getting annoyed? You couldn’t help but to smirk at the thought of his little pout. It’s better than being scared or mad. He must be fine though.
Maybe your closeness with him gave you the thought, the possible explanation. The sneak peek into his specific feelings.
Dick is probably getting impatient. I hope he knows I don’t mind waiting a little longer. We’re just going to the park…not an event or anything. You thought with a quick glance to the clock. Or maybe he can’t wait?
A quiet sigh left you.
Both yourself and Sir Hopps observed the empty luggage bag sitting near the closet. A handwritten list sat atop of it; a reminder of the summer trip ahead of you. One full of sand, water, and almost a full house of people. No visits to the homey Wayne Manor. If luck was on your side, you might have a phone call to your soulmate.
Even without school, he could still be busy. But at least none of us have homework! You thought and stuck your tongue out at the paper remanences of your last semester. It’s summertime!
✧ ✧ ✧
“Don’t they know they have the whole summer to talk over lunch?” Aunt Harriet voiced from behind the steering wheel of her car.
“I suppose.” Dick tapped his fingers along the passenger side’s door. The youthful ward had only. Been out of his costume for a little over fifteen minutes.
“It’s such a pretty day too.”
“Thank you, Aunt Harriet, for offering to drive us to the park.”
“You’re welcome, Dick.” She smiled and soon added, “To be honest, I really wanted to see (Y/N) before they leave for the entire summer. Oh, I know you must be so disappointed.”
Shoulders slumping, Dick sighed.
“The summer vacations always pass quickly. You’ll see them again in no time.”
“I know.”
Out of the window, Dick recognized a familiar figure.
“I see them.” He announced happily.
“Goodness,” Aunt Harriet had already turned on the turn signal. “Don’t jump out of the car, Dick.”
“I won’t.”
Sparks and bubbles of joy filled his chest. The best feeling he had all day. Personally. Well worth the wait and punches he exchanged earlier.
How will I feel when I see them after summer vacation? Dick thought as the car pulled into the residential area. Happy for sure…or maybe surprised because it’ll feel like forever. Golly, knowing your soulmate is really something else.
A click of a door opening gave Dick another jolt of positive emotions.
“Hi, Mrs. Cooper,” you slid into the backseat and closed the door.
“Hi, dear. I hope you weren’t waiting too long.”
“No. It’s all right.” You buckled yourself in before tapping the back fo the passenger’s seat. “Hi, Dick.”
“Hi.” The youthful ward sent his soulmate a wide smile. “How are you?”
“Pretty good. What about you? Are you letting Mrs. Cooper pick the radio station today?”
“He is.”
Aunt Harriet focused on her driving. Safe as always.
Gotham City held many sights and places. Tall and even the easily ignored. Traffic moved steadily.
The car was parked near somewhere close by the park.
Upon exiting the vehicle, Aunt Harriet grabbed a book she brought along to read and Dick grabbed your hand.
Holding your hand had become a habit he did not expect. He liked it of course, very much so. It was a simple gesture on the surface with much unspoken feelings beneath.
This is real different than the first time we held hands, Dick thought. That was the first time we actually met! At least we haven’t been in that situation again—with Penguin. Things would be a little different now.
A gentle squeeze on his hand and he turned his attention to his soulmate. Curious eyes watching him, never judgmental or uncaring.
“How has your day been so far?” You asked.
Oh, Dick had to think of a clever answer. Nothing too close to his masked persona. Nothing too heavily a lie. He didn’t like giving you an excuse.
“Fine. Bruce and I did get caught up in conversations with others, which is why I’m sorry for being late to pick you up.”
“It’s not a problem. We’re still here, aren’t we?”
“We are.”
“Then we’re fine. Your aunt gets to read her book and we get to wander around the park with no worries.”
No worries, Dick thought, yes. It keeps getting better. He sent you an easy smile. Who knew I’d be holding hands with my soulmate?
The pair of you walked on, in no rush or going in any specific direction. Cloud cover protected eyes from the brightest of the sun’s rays. A slight breeze kept you both comfortable. The perfect day off.
Less than a day to spend time together.
That was not something Dick wanted to be reminded of.
All the schoolwork, studying, your ridiculous punishment and you two can’t be together during the summer. It could be considered unfair. Dick surely was ill-prepared for the news.
I’ll miss quiet moments with them too, whether we’re working on something or not. He thought as he looked at the grass ahead of their path.
“Your knuckles are a little red.” You muttered, eyes downcast. “Did you accidentally hit a wall or something?”
No, he thought, I missed the crook and the wall, but I didn’t miss the metal tray.
“Yeah,” he answered, “but not a wall.”
“Oh, good. Because that hurts…especially if your hand was moving fast.”
He tried reading your face and asked, “Have you hit a wall?”
Holding his hand between both of yours, your shoulders raised defensively. “It was an accident. I was just walking out of the bathroom, turned too quickly, and BAM.”
“No,” you answered almost playfully.
“Are you okay?”
“Sure. I’ve had worse.”
Dick stopped walking, alarm rising in his chest.
Worse? What happened? Was that before we met?
You held his hand under your chest, looking at him in slight panic.
“No, no, no,” you said quickly, “I meant hitting my funny bone or my toe against a table. It’s okay. I mean…sure I’ve gotten hurt before, but who hasn’t? Something minor.”
Exhaling slowly eased his new worries.
“I’m sorry.”
“No,” he shook his head. “I overreacted a little.”
“Teeny tiny bit.”
Of course you knew, you felt Dick’s emotions before he could keep them in check.
They’re fine at home. They’re fine now.
“Come on,” you tugged on his hand. “I promise I’m not that clumsy. I’ve never dropped my textbooks while tripping.”
“That’s good.” Dick couldn’t help but to smile.
The two of you begun walking again. A breeze to your side. Feet walking in step of the other’s. Keeping a distance from other park visitors.
“Charlotte tripped the other day leaving math.” You mentioned casually.
“Is she alright?”
“Yeah…I caught her with my backpack…or rather she caught herself on my backpack on me at the doorway.”
“…Okay.” Dick cracked a smile at your thoughtful gaze.
“School’s weird.”
“Don’t let Bruce hear you say that.”
Twisting around, you started walking backwards. “But it’s true. Not just the social stuff. We learn things in a classroom and then go home to do more on our own. Then the next thing we know, it’s the end of the school year and all I have are tons of notes and bags under my eyes.”
“But we learned a lot.”
“Sure, but do I physically have anything from the results? Like a plant or,” you gestured widely, “a new skill or a project that will help others and the environment for years to come?”
“You could still do those things if you want.”
“If I have the time…or actually remember.” You mumbled, “I didn’t remember about the beach house.”
A weighty, almost cool, feeling came through the soulmate bond. One Dick recognized from moments where he thought he didn’t try hard enough as Robin when it counted. It always mattered to him.
Dick watched as you dragged your shoes through the grass. Crestfallen and too critical of yourself.
The urge to make you fell better took hold of him. To be there for you. No obstacle in his way, only to find the right words. Hopefully.
“There’s a bright side,” stated Dick.
“No school?”
“Right. And no Gotham City events with lots of people.”
He smiled victoriously when you perked up at his words. His pacing kept him closer to you, still backwards in your movements.
“No dinner parties where you don’t know half of the guests. No essays or homework.”
Surging warmth of his own emotions cycled between you both.
“You don’t even have to carry a pile of books if you don’t want to.”
“Okay, okay, okay.” You swung his hand with yours around in the air. “I just wished I would’ve remembered to tell you.”
“But then you would’ve had to tell me instead of your guardian announcing it like the best holiday of the year.”
“Oh, yeah.”
He had found the right words.
You stopped walking and Dick joined you easily. The breeze moving the nearby trees carried murmurs of others. None of which he paid much mind to because he focused on you. Giving you his honesty.
“Even though I wish we could spend more time together; I know you’ll have fun at the beach. It might not be Gotham City’s or have good waves, but you’ll have the opportunity to relax.”
A curve of your lips held promises to your future vacation.
“Not gonna lie,” you reached up with a hand for a moment and tucked a loose strand of Dick’s hair back in place.
He swallowed.
“I’m really looking forward to sleeping through most of the morning.”
That breeze feels really good right now, he thought as heat creeped up his neck.
“So, uh, what do you like to do at the beach?” He asked and wondered if they should walk around more. Then perhaps you wouldn’t notice him overheating.
“Besides playing in the water.” Your gaze wandered as you thought. “Eating ice cream and bird watching.”
“Which ones do they have there? Birds, I mean.”
“Usually mourning doves, cattle egrets, and seagulls.”
“Cattle egrets?”
“They’re mostly white, maybe with a little yellow and they eat insects and some times stand on the backs of cows.”
“Bruce takes me bird watching some times.” He said, keeping his free hand by his side still unsure of what to do with it.
“My guardian doesn’t really care for it, but everyone usually watches movies on the television.” You shrugged and circled your thumb around his knuckles. “I hope they’re better than last year.”
Partially distracted by your touches, Dick almost stumbled on his words upon asking, “Who stays at the beach house with you?”
“Charlotte and her mom will definitely be there. I’m not sure if Charlotte’s older cousin is going again. She’s kind of loud.”
“It’ll be fun with your friend there.”
“Yeah. Charlotte’s fun to be around. Some times I wonder why teachers haven’t separated us.”
He raised his eyebrows.
“We’re not being disruptive. We just…fully support each other when there’s a debate in English class.
Nodding, Dick tried his best to keep in his wide grin. Imagining you being bold in your words in class, for your friend, could not have made him more proud. You were strongly loyal.
“I’m pretty sure you’d do the same.” You smirked knowingly.
Hit with the intensity of your gaze, Dick looked away. He knew you were right, but the point was you knew.
Do they know me that well already?
A sudden drop of emotions, however muffled, pulled in his stomach.
Blue eyes peered up.
Something held your gaze.
“Darn it,” you whispered.
Glancing over his shoulder, Dick saw his aunt waving them over. A book in one hand. Above her, far into the sky, large clouds more grey than when you all arrived. All signs to leave the park.
Heaviness in his heart kept him in place, familiar and unwanted.
Don’t feel upset or sad, Dick thought as his gaze returned to you. They’re going on vacation. Heck, they deserve it!
Truly, Dick Grayson was happy for you. The emotions spun in him somewhere amongst the sea of disheartenment.
But that was life, wasn’t it?
“Ready, Mister Grayson?”
Releasing his hand, you linked your arm with his and offered a smile. The forced delicate curve of your lips distracted Dick from the inevitable. For a second.
A gentle nudge to his side and Dick walked with you towards the end of your outing.
I thought we’d have more time.
Building higher together, the afternoon clouds formed even grayer. Turning into storm clouds as they rolled into the city.
Do they have to go home right now?
Around him, across the green lawn, people wandered or scurried with gazes trained skyward. Ordinary people and citizens of Gotham City going about their lives.
How many citizens have gotten close to their soulmate, but never met? How many people know their soulmate, but just don’t know!
Fingers squeezed his arm before holding firmly.
We could’ve had the whole summer.
The pair of you reached his Aunt Harriet and followed her lead. Back in the car, Dick gave no mind to the passenger’s seat. Soulmates sitting as close as seatbelts allowed in the back of the car.
Your fingers traced soft patterns on his forearm while Dick clenched his hands at his sides.
“I’ll be back,” you whispered into his shoulder. “I promise.”
Clicks of the vehicle’s turn signal no longer added a grin to the ward’s face.
I don’t like these feelings. He thought as you moved away from his side.
Car in park, Aunt Harriet looked into the backseat. “Alright, dear. Have a wonderful vacation.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Cooper,” you said as you unbuckled your seatbelt. “You too.”
Smiling fondly she said, “You can call me Aunt Harriet.”
Your eyes widened and a warmth coated your heart.
Dick smiled as you did. Earnest and bittersweet.
Leaning over the center console, you kissed her cheek. “Bye, Aunt Harriet.”
The older woman chuckled. “Good bye.”
As you slid out of the car, Dick Grayson followed. Not wanting to waste a second.
His close proximity didn’t surprise you, not after the ride back to where you lived. It did allow the pair of you to hug immediately. A tight embrace desperately trying to ignore the concept of time and knowledge of distance.
It’s just a few weeks.
Dick reluctantly lowered his arms as you pulled away.
“Have fun, okay?” You kissed his cheek.
Comforting warmth blossomed from your lips into his skin. He closed his eyes from the soft familiarity.
“I will.” Dick looked to you adoringly and said, “I hope you have fun every day.” He pressed his lips to your cheek briefly. Upon seeing the surprised look in your eyes, he smiled. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too.” Voice quiet and eyes full of wonder, you remained still. Hands somewhere between intertwined and fiddling.
The young ward did not know what to make of his nor your actions. He did know you both could not remain outside forever.
“Go get packing. I still need to read your essay.” Dick nudged you ever so slightly.
One last smile and on you went. Heading back indoors to prepare for the beach.
No farewells exchanged.
No eager waving.
There was, however, a strong belief that you would have fun and gain needed rest.
Meanwhile for young Dick Grayson there would likely be a busy summer ahead wearing a mask and cape. Until he saw his soulmate again, he would help keep the city safe. And maybe have a little fun while doing it.
Part 6 -> "Summer Dreams And Warm Emotions"
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Best wishes and happy reading.)
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Dick Grayson Taglist: @projectdreamwalker
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atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year
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Eartha Kitt as Catwoman - Batman (1967)
9K notes · View notes
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BATMAN (1966-67)
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toulousewayne · 1 year
Batfamily Shenanigans:Head-canons Pt: 3
Even though has vigilantes they Batfam drive several different vehicles, most of them don’t have a license or got it late. Steph,Cass,Duke, and Damian don’t have licenses. Dick,Tim, and Barbara have licensed, Jason has a fake license due to the fact he and Bruce were supposed to declare him not dead but both have forgotten and he just gets Barbara to update it if it expires.
Speaking of cars I feel like those that can drive have favorite or one specific vehicle that use.
Bruce drives an all grey Lamborghini or a red Porsche.
Dick has a older Porsche in green.
Barbara had a yellow buggy when she was younger but now she has a black SUV.
Tim usually takes one of Bruce’s Mercedes.
Jason has two motorcycles and a older impala he fixed up in his spare time.
Damian likes to paint his sisters nails, he finds it calming. Stephanie is his favorite, Cass only likes her nails painted sometimes not all the time and Babs picks at her nails when she’s stressed. Stephanie let’s him pick the color and the just sit in his room while he paints.
Bruce has a large collection of alcohol but he himself doesn’t drink.
Alfred has a notebook with a contact for each family member in case they won’t listen to him or needs help. Bruce has Clark, Dick has Wally, Jason has Roy, Tim has Conner, Damian has Jon, and Barbara has Dinah. If plan A fails he’ll call plan B for any of them. Diana.
Tim has Hypoglycemia.
Dick has the most tattoos. It’s only five and their all small.
Bruce can’t stand the smell of gasoline it reminds him of when he lost Jason.
Alfred will order pizza once a month. One to give him a break and two because no eats the same pizza so he has order everyone their own whole pizza. It goes as followed.
Bruce doesn’t really like pizza that much but he eat what kind Alfred orders him, Dick is a Hawaii pizza Guy pineapple and all, Jason likes Buffalo chicken pizza, Tim likes pepperoni, Damian of course gets vegetarian, Duke what pepperoni and nothing else, Stephanie like plain cheese, Cass likes Pepperoni and and black olives, Barbara likes Supreme,and Alfred doesn’t like pizza he likes the cheesy garlic bread or flatbread pizza.
Personally I think of Jason has either half Latino and Italian or Puerto Rican, Tim has Korean American.
In that same vein, I see the Batfamily in this height range: Jason is 6’2-6’3, Bruce is 6’2,Alfred is 6’1, Duke is 6’0, Dick is 5’11, Barbara is 5’10, Stephanie and Cassandra are 5’9,Tim is 5’8, Damian is 5’5.
Also, we all know Tim is Bi,Selina is Bi and Kate is a lesbian. I see the other Bats as different sexual orientation as well. Dick is Pan, Jason is Asexual, Stephanie is Pan, Cass and Damian are both Aromatic, Duke is straight, and Barbara is Bicurious but is comfortable to enough to appreciate beautiful women. Bruce is Bi and just doesn’t know it yet.
Cass is very good a tending to different hairstyles and textures. She braids Babs,Steph and Dick’s hair. She’s also helps Damian and Bruce with their hair due to over styling it putting to much product in their hair. She also cuts Dick’s hair when it gets to long and greasy.
Duke is very good baking and his sweets are high on everyone’s lists like Alfred.
Stephanie definitely is the Big Sister Damian always needed. She pranks him, teases him about his crushes, but she also leaves her apartment window unlocked for Damian to enter at anytime of the night when he feels overwhelmed and doesn’t want to go to Bludhaven. She takes him to his favorite art supply store in Gotham Heights, and even gifts him stuff for his next project.
Tim is definitely the lost child of Dick and Barbara. Even though the two aren’t together and have different relationships(another head cannon), Tim is pretty much their child of divorce. They both have check his location to make sure he’s not trying to burn down LexCorp, or if he hasn’t left is room for three days straight Tim might find it strange that all tech disabled except for his phone but it’s reprogrammed to only call Barbara and only then will she fix it devices. Dick will just randomly enter Tim’s office at Wayne Enterprises and will mess with his stuff while Tim’s on a zoom meeting. And once he’s done he will ask Tim what’s their plans for lunch.
Selina and Talia both will make random trips to Wayne Manor to check on their children. Selina has threatened Bruce’s life numerous times for shouting at Dick or Duke. Bruce has woken up in the middle of the night to a dagger drawn to his throat he knows it’s Talia and all she says is, “Don’t make me have to have this talk again beloved, I’d hate for poor Alfred to have to clean up your room.”
Tim and Damian both hate mint chocolate chip ice cream. Cass finds it enjoyable and will help eat their portions if she needs to.
Duke taught Damian how to play Spades, and in return Damian taught him to paint so he could paint his girlfriend a gift for their anniversary.
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nkp1981 · 1 year
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Frank Gorshin as The Riddler, Cesar Romero as The Joker, Lee Meriwether as Catwoman and Burgess Meredith as The Penguin.
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Millionaire Bruce Wayne and his young Ward Dick Grayson playing with their slot car track.
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bitter69uk · 3 months
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Today is a historic and significant day, with the beleaguered United Kingdom finally emerging from 14 catastrophic years under the Conservative party jackboot. But perhaps even more importantly, 5 July represents another solemn occasion: International Bikini Day! Which feels like a good excuse to post this pinup of Yvonne Craig (aka TV’s Batgirl).
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