#Been thinking about mysterio lately
yeetyoteartz · 8 months
honestly like I would be scared of mooseterio like do y’all actually know how strong moose actually are like
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He ain’t gonna be much of a silly little guy if he gets mad yall like a moose could kill you
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mooseterio should be feared
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kyleoreillylover · 1 year
𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 ♡
Rhea Ripley x Dominik Mysterio x Fem!Reader
Summary: You lose your NXT Women’s title, and Rhea and Dom are here to pick up the pieces.
Warnings: Cursing, typical wrestling violence, anger, etc.
Word Count: 3,138
A/N: We all saw what happened on Raw, so I just wrote this as a lil comfort fic for myself. Hope you enjoy!
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You shut your eyes as you held your side, trying to block out the sound of Becky Lynch’s music playing in the air, trying to ignore her standing over you, a smirk on her face as she held your title. That was yours! You were so close to winning, so close to putting Becky away and making her eat her words that she’d been spewing for the past few weeks, make her regret her stupidity by making this match an Extreme Rules match.
Just a couple minutes ago, both of you were fighting, and you wee bruised and beaten, blood gushing from your face. Becky wasn’t doing much better, her arm bleeding and her elbow was fractured early through the match when you hit it with a crowbar. You were fighting in the crowd, beating the absolute hell put of each other with kendo sticks and anything you can get your hands on.
You tried to fling the kendo stick at her again, but she dodged it, and it clattered onto the floor. Your eyes widened at the angry look she was giving you; like this was the beginning of the end and you knew if you wanted any chance at winning you needed to stay away from her direct line of fire.
You bolted down the stairs, taunting her to follow you and she gave into the bait, hurrying right behind you as the crowd got louder with anticipation, wanting her to beat your ass.
You rolled into the ring, maneuvering over the chairs sprawled out but you didn’t get very far because she punched you from behind, taking you down with hit after hit after hit, her anger consuming her as she beat you into the canvas. You laid there limp, your mind hazy until she got you to your feet, trying to set you up for the manhandle slam.
You panicked, pushing her away and kicking at her elbow to make some room between the two of you. She fell to the floor, yelling out in pain. You spotted your title next to you, still in the ring from when you tried to hit her with it before. You saw Becky starting to get up, and you knew it was now or never.
You slammed the title against her face the minute she stood up, following that up with a ddt on the chairs. She was knocked out, and you smirked as you went on top of her for the cover, ready to finally prove to her that you were the better women.
“1... 2... 3-” The ref was about to slam the mat for the three count when you felt yourself getting dragged out the ring. Your groaned when your body hit the floor hard, but anger overtook the pain. You had her beat!! Who the fuck did that?!
You got your answer when you looked up and saw no one other than Tiffany Stratton standing over you, a smirk on her face as she stared you down. “That is supposed to be my title!” She screamed at you, her high pitched voice grating on your ears. “It was supposed to be Me vs you! But you chose Becky, and now you’re gonna pay bitch.”
You stood up, making your way to her with the nastiest glare she’d ever seen on your face. “Don’t blame me because your an untalented blonde bitch who can’t wrestle to save her life!” Tiffany took a step back but it was too late, you punched the taste out of her mouth. She fell to the floor, clutching her cheek as she tried to get away from you. Clearly she didn’t think this through.
“Now you’re gonna pay, bitch!” You yelled at her, enjoying the look of fear on her face as you stalked her. She bolted for the ring, and you chased after her.
You were right on her heels, running into the ring determined to beat her plastic face in when you ran right into a steel chair striking you square in the face, sending a jolt of pain surging through your skull.
Your vision blurred for a moment as you stumbled backward, clutching your throbbing cheek. Becky had a wicked smirk on her face as you collapsed to the floor, the taste of blood lingering in your mouth. You had no strength left to defend yourself as she hit you on the head, in the ribs, anywhere she could get the chair on you, over and over again. Eventually she lifted you up, hitting the manhandle slam on you onto of the steel chairs.
You groaned when your back made contact with the chairs, barely able to see through the haze of pain as Becky covered you for the three-count, the cheers and boos of the crowd sounding like a distant echo. The referee's hand slapped the mat, and your heart dropped when you heard the bell ring.
You lost. Everything you've worked so hard for, everything you've wanted for so long, slipped through your hands in three seconds.
Three. Fucking. Seconds. The number repeated in your head over and over again as you left the ring, storming backstage. It's where Dominik found you, pushing past wrestlers and crew members yelling at the ones who gave you pitying looks. "What are you looking at?" You screamed at a screen tech, who froze in fear as you pushed past him.
"Baby!" He yelled, trying to get your attention. You heard him but you didn't turn to him, you couldn't bear to look at him and the look of disappointment and anger he would be wearing on his face. Why wouldn't he be disappointed in you? You just lost in the fucking main event to one of your biggest enemies, and now your title is in her dirty little hands. He was probably disgusted with you right now. And Rhea. God, Rhea was probably repulsed by you right now. You ignored him calling you and quickly made your way to the Judgment Day locker room.
Your fists clenched, and you threw anything within reach—chairs, bags, water bottles—across the room, all while cursing loudly. The sound of your frustration reverberated off the walls, and the locker room atmosphere grew tense. "Fuck!" you shouted, sending a chair flying across the locker room. "This should have been mine! I had her!"
"Mi vida, it's okay! You did your best," Dom finally found you and walked in, trying to console you, his voice gentle, but you whirled around, your eyes blazing with anger. "Okay?! Did you see what just happened out there? I lost! I let everyone down!" Your voice trembled with frustration and regret.
"You didn't let anyone down, mi amor! Especially not me!-"
"Stop lying Dom!" You spat at him, throwing another bag at the wall. "I fucked up, now you and Rhea can go leave me now that I don't have a title. So stop acting like you care!"
Dominik walked closer to you, eyebrows furrowed at your words. "I'm not fucking lying! I don't know who the hell told you this shit, but Rhea and I would never leave you, title or no title." He grabbed your hand before you could throw another bag, ignoring your glare and wrapping his arms around you. "Let go, Dominik!"
"You need to calm down, mi corazon!"
"You should listen to him." The two of you stopped arguing and looked in the direction of the voice. JD Mcdonagh was standing in front of the door, giving the both of you a wry smile.
"Excuse me?!" You asked him with a scowl. Who gave him the audacity to interrupt a clearly private moment between you and Dom?? Dominik tightened his arm around you, giving you a warning glance that you ignored. JD was either oblivious to your attitude to chose to ignore it, acting like he heard nothing from you.
"What do you want JD? We're busy here." Dominik asked with an exasperated sigh.
"I saw what happened out there love."
"So did thousands of fans here and at home. What's. Your. Point." You questioned him, your piercing stare making JD falter for a second before he continued again, and Dominik prayed he didn't say anything stupid. JD already had Priest almost beat him up, he didn't wanna add you to the list.
“I just wanted to tell you have nothing to be ashamed of, honestly." He walked closer to you, a sympathetic look on his face. "And that it's okay, everyone loses sometimes. Some more than others, but not everyone is good enough to win all the time," he said, and Dom facepalmed internally. He might've been Finn's friend, but god was he dumb as shit. Dominik knew this wouldn't end well.
You went silent for a moment, narrowing your eyes at him and removing yourself from Dominik so he didn't get hurt before you hurled a table across the room and advanced on JD, shoving him against the wall.
J.D. tried to stutter out an apology, but your angry glare cut him off. "Mind your own business!" you spat, your voice dripping with venom. "Stop getting in my business! Stop acting like you're a part of Judgment Day! You never will be, you short piece of—"
“Baby, calm down!” Dom stopped you, trying to hold you back before you killed JD. "Calm down, amor.” Dom urged, his voice soft but firm.
You glared at JD for a moment longer before finally letting him go and taking a deep breath, your anger wavering and the sadness you had been trying to ignore consuming your mind. Dom noticed the change in your demeanor and gently put his hand on your face, his fingers grazing your cheek. You looked up at him, and for a moment, all the anger and frustration melted away as you met Dominik's caring gaze. He wiped away a tear that had escaped your eye and whispered, "It's gonna be okay, mi vida. We're here for you, no matter what."
But you turned away, unable to accept his comfort just yet. You didn't deserve it. "I don't want to hear it, Dom," you muttered, your voice choked with disappointment. "I lost. That's all there is to it."
Dominik sighed, his heart aching for you. He knew you were taking this loss hard, and there was nothing he could say to make it better. But he couldn't stand seeing you like this. "I'm proud of you, you know," he said softly, his hand gently turning your face back toward him.
You shook your head, tears threatening to spill over again. "Don't, Dom. Please."
He gave you a disappointed sigh, but he didn't push you any further. "Come on, I'll wait out here, you grab your stuff and we'll go," he said, wanting to do nothing more than wrap you in his arms and take all your sadness away from you. You nodded, and he made his way out of the room while you got your stuff. He quickly pulled out his phone, texting Rhea, who was back at the hotel.
Rhea<3 Were gonna be at the hotel soon, mami. How bad is it, baby? I saw it on the TV. She didn't look okay. It's bad. She's not doing too good. Physically or mentally?
Both, but mostly mentally. I've never seen here like this. She's about to come out the locker room, see you later mami. I'm gonna kill both of those stupid pricks for hurting her. Drive safe, baby <3
You slid out the room, your bag in hand and a look Dominik couldn't read on your face. "You ready?" He asked, grabbing your bag from you. You nodded, and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, guiding you out of the room.
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The drive was mostly silent, with you staring out the window, lost in your thoughts, and Dom stealing worried glances at you.
When you finally arrived at the hotel, you both entered the elevator in silence. You felt Dominiks stare burning a whole through your skin, but you couldn't bring yourself to meet his eyes. You felt like you had let everyone down, especially Rhea. She had been your biggest supporter, and now you had lost the title she had helped you fight for.
The elevator doors opened, and you both made your way to your room. You hesitated for a moment in front of the door, not sure how to face Rhea. But Dom encouraged you to go in first, his hand on the small of your back leading you into the room. As you entered the hotel room, you were met with the sight of Rhea sitting on the couch, her eyes filled with worry. "Baby, are you okay?" Rhea rushed up to you, concern etched on her face. She reached out to check on your injuries, but you pulled away, unable to meet her eyes.
"Leave me alone, Rhea," you muttered, heading toward the bedroom, trying to avoid her touch and gaze. You were sure she was disappointed in you, and it hurt too much to face it.
Rhea followed you, eyes never leaving you as you avoided her gaze, "I know you're probably hating me right now," you muttered, your voice trembling. "You and Dom must be so disappointed. Just break up with me already; I know you want to."
Rhea's face fell, and she motioned for you to sit next to her. You hesitated but eventually sat down when she gave you the look that meant she wasn't playing around. She pulled you into her lap, wrapping her arms around you tightly. She examined the bruises on your face, her fingers gently tracing the marks. "That's not true," she whispered, her voice filled with a softness that few people heard her speak with. "I could never hate you, and we could never leave you, not for something like this. I love you, and I always will."
"I lost, Rhea. I lost the title," you mumbled against her skin, feeling defeated.
Rhea tilted your chin up, forcing you to look into her eyes. "And you'll win it back. I'm not mad at you, love. You did your best. It took two of those bitches to put you down." She stroked your cheek, her anger rising looking at the bruises on your beautiful skin. " I'm angry at Becky and Tiffany, and I promise you, I'll deal with them. But I couldn't never be mad at you, baby."
"But I-"
"No buts." Rhea cut you off, giving you a serious look and tightened her grip around you. "It's not your fucking fault, you hear me?" You nodded, but she shook her head at your action. "I need to hear words, love."
"It's...not my fault." Rhea knew you were still hurting and trying your best, so she didn't push you for more. She gave you a kiss on the cheek and glanced over at Dominik. The two shared a look, communicating without a word. Dominik quickly got up to your side and helped you up. "C'mon hermosa, you'll feel better with a bath. You wanna walk or you want me to carry you?" You didn't say anything, just walked into his arms, making the both of them chuckle as Dominik carried you to the bathroom, his strong arms making you feel safe.
He filled the tub with warm water and returned to help you undress, gently tending to your wounds and bruises. The warm water eased the pain, and you let out a sigh of relief as you sat down. As you soaked in the warm water, Dominik joined you, sitting behind you and gently massaging your shoulders to help ease the tension in your body.
Dominik carried you to the bed afterward, making sure you were comfortable. Rhea joined you on the bed, her fingers expertly massaging your tense muscles. You closed your eyes, feeling the tension slowly melt away under her touch.
"Go to sleep love. We'll be here when you wake up." Rhea whispered to you, stroking your back. You hummed back as answer, and Dominik smiled at your tired state and kissed your forehead. You smiled at the gesture and relaxed into Rhea's arms as you slowly went to sleep.
Rhea gently brought you into the covers, trying to not wake you as she tucked you into the bed. She made sure you were completely asleep before turning to Dominik, her voice changing from sweet to threatening. "I am going to kill Priest."
"Don't mami me. Your injured. Finn's injured. He was supposed to be there for her. I told him to have her back, and he failed." Rhea hissed out, standing up and clenching her fists. She gave him one job, and he couldn't even do it. Didn't even show up. How pathetic.
Dom was quick to sit Rhea back down, trying to calm her anger down. "I know you're mad mami, I'm pissed off too. He left her hanging."
Dom held his hands out, and Rhea immediately slipped her hands in his slightly larger ones. He brought them to his lips and kissed them, relishing in the small smile Rhea gave him. "I know you want to deal with him, but please, for her sake... wait until Raw." 
Rhea sighed, looking away and biting her lip in thought. Dom grabbed her face, gently turning her back to him, meeting her eyes.
She gave him a resigned look and nodded at him. "Fine. You're right, Dom Dom. I don't want to overwhelm her." She turned to you, staring at you sleeping peacefully, looking like every bit of the angel that you are. "But Monday, I'm putting him in his place, and you can't stop me. Got that?" Dom nodded, knowing he couldn't fight her on this even if he tried. Once she wanted to do something, she'd do it no matter what.
"You can deal with him, but you need to get some sleep first, mami." She nodded at him, getting up and going to the bathroom to change into her pajamas. She came back to the sight of Dominik already in his pajamas, sleeping soundly and cuddling into you. She smiled at the both of you before slipping into the bed as well onto your other side. She laughed when you immediately pulled her into you, Dominik stretching out his long legs and throwing it around both of your waists. She cuddled up to you as well, stroking your cheek as she watched the rise and fall of your chest.
Her anger rose as she looked over your bruises and your face swelling at all the hits you took. She forced herself to calm down for you and Dom, grounding herself by caressing your skin. She'd let sleep overtake her later, but as she looked at you, she promised herself one thing.
Everyone who hurt you was gonna pay.
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cosmicflw3rr · 6 months
things we’ve never said.
dominik mysterio x fem!reader
summary: you and dom have been friends for as long as you can remember, but when he begins to distance himself from you, everything falls apart. will you crumble under the weight of it all and confess your true feelings to him?
A/N: I could not come up with a good title for thiss.. 😭 also this is my first time ever writing on here so lmk how you guys feel about itt.
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you and dom have been close friends since you were young. growing up with parents in the WWE, you and him would hang out whenever your parents brought you to work.
throughout the years the two of you remained close, the both of you following in your parents footsteps and becoming wwe wrestlers. you and him becoming inseparable, since you got drafted to raw.
even though he was in the judgment day, and you were making a name for yourself, you always found a way to support and be there for each other.
as time passed, it hit you that dom was gradually drifting from you. the post-show hangouts you both used to have were replaced by solo nights in your hotel room, binging your favorite show.
and you traded in your late-night waffle house trips for early morning trips to the hotel gym, trying to clear your mind.
while the friendship you shared with dom started to fade, his connection with rhea only grew stronger, leaving you to deal with your thoughts.
you could feel yourself fading into the background, witnessing all the moments that once belonged to you and dom now being shared with her instead.
avoiding both of them had become your new routine, yet there was only so much you could do when your job meant crossing paths every week, making escape almost impossible.
but you held your own. there were times you’d run into dominik but you’d just ignore him and pretend you didn’t hear him.
you were doing your best to try and move on from the situation, but your attempts at ignoring reality only caused you pain.
when your paths would cross it was like your entire body was consumed in pain as you watched them be happy together even if it was just for a second.
you could try and hold yourself together all you want, but it felt like your heart was ripping apart every time you saw them.
you had been sitting backstage waiting for your time to go out to the ring, you had a match against becky lynch. you were just waiting for rhea to get done with her call out promo.
the air in the ring was tense from their ongoing feud, full of sharp words and taunts. you felt a twinge of nerves, not just for the match but because dom was always rhea's shadow, and tonight was no exception.
glancing at the screen, you saw rhea laying down her final words, with dom looming behind her like a puppy.
your leg instinctively started bouncing up and down, dreading the inevitable awkwardness that came with being anywhere near dom. It was just one of those things that made you wish you were anywhere else.
rhea's theme hit, and she strutted out of the ring, her and dom making their way backstage slowly, nibbling on your lip to find some calm. someone sat down in the seat next to you, but you were too wrapped up in your own head to notice.
a moment passed, then a familiar voice cut through, "hey, you okay?" you glanced over to find liv, a good friend of yours, looking at you with concern. you pulled yourself together and offered a small, convincing-enough smile.
“oh- yeah, I'm good," you responded, as much as you liked to think you had a good poker face you didn’t. and liv saw right through you.
"if its about the match don’t worry, you’ll kill it." she said slowly, a touch of uncertainty in her tone. "but something tells me that's not it."
releasing a breath you hadn't noticed you were holding, you asked with a hint of humor, "Is it that obvious?" liv was clued in on everything; you two had become closer ever since you and dom stopped talking. she had become your ride-or-die.
she just shrugged and said, "no, I just know things." as you rolled your eyes with a smile. right then, a crew member gave the five-minute warning. you rose to get moving, but liv called out to you. "y/n/n."
turning to face her, "everything's gonna be okay." you gave her a soft smile and sent a playful kiss her way before heading to the curtains.
as you approached, rhea slipped through them holding her title over her shoulder without a glance your way. but when dom passed by, his gaze found yours.
In that quick moment, your heart skipped a beat, time seemed to stop, stretching the seconds out endlessly. a series of unspoken questions and unresolved issues hovered in the space between you two. that look between you two spoke more than words ever could.
it was the first direct eye contact you'd made with him in weeks. and just like that, it was over, the moment ending as quickly as it had arrived.
he passed by, his gaze leaving you and locking on rhea, and that strange, churning sensation in your belly returned. It was puzzling, a feeling you couldn't quite name.
suddenly, your theme rung out. you took a breath placing yourself in your confident persona, you’d walked out to the ramp beaming that confident grin with your arms wide, you soaked up the the cheers of the crowd washing over you like a wave.
you found yourself forgetting about everything, right now it wasn’t about you. it was about your fans. and one thing you weren’t going to do was let your personal life interfere with your job.
strutting down the ramp, you exchanged grins and nods with the fans, their excitement mirroring your own. slipping between the ropes, you blew the audience a kiss before sauntering to your designated corner.
crouching, anticipation tingling through you, you waited for the signal.
ding! ding! ding!
The bell's ringing sent your heart racing—it was go time. you and becky lunged at each other, each fighting for control, neither of you letting up.
becky dashed toward the ropes, bouncing off with momentum, but you were ready and landed a superkick right to her face. she stumbled backward, and you quickly went for the your finisher, a ripcord flatliner. as soon as becky’s body hit the mat you pushed her shoulders down and went for the cover.
1! 2! 3!
your music echoed throughout the arena, signaling the end of the match. shifting off becky, you settled onto your knees, a cocky grin spreading across your face as you swept your hair back, basking in the applause. a quick swipe of your tongue over your teeth, and you rose to your feet, ready to soak it all in.
the referee walked up next to you, lifting your right hand high, the crowd's cheers roaring louder. when your hand eventually lowered, you took a moment to look around at the cheering fans before making your exit backstage.
as the curtain fell behind you, liv was there, her voice lilting with enthusiasm. "you did amazing!" she chirped, the melody of her praise ringing in your ears.
you grin was wide, a mix of relief lighting up your face. "thanks," you replied with a shrug. "how about grabbing drinks later?" you asked.
liv's expression was priceless, her mouth agape before she shot you a look that screamed, 'Is that even a question?'
"hell yea we should. want me to invite sam and nat?" she bounced back, her enthusiasm infectious.
you gave a nod, the exhaustion of the night seeping into your voice. "I don’t mind.” you admitted, feeling exhausted. “I just really need a drink." you admitted.
liv wrapped you in a comforting hug, her hand soothing your back. "you've earned it," she whispered, pulling away only to hold your gaze. "i have to shoot a backstage promo now, so I'll catch you tonight, okay?"
with a nod, you exchanged goodbyes, each heading your separate ways. as you walked through the arena backstage to get to the locker room, the post-match adrenaline still coursing through your veins.
turning a corner you suddenly bumped into someone. you looked up to see dom, your heart picked up its pace. the two of you looking at each other, after a moment of no words and eye contact you had to get out of there.
you managed a strained smile, thoughts whirling as you sought an escape. "sorry," you mumbled, already sidestepping away.
but dom's hand clasped your forearm, halting you. you glanced from his eyes to where he touched you. his hold was gentle, yet insistent, something you hadn’t felt in a while. It almost felt foreign to you. "wait, we need to talk," he said firmly, his gaze digging deep for an answer you weren't prepared to give.
the air thickened with his words, an unspoken acknowledgment that whatever was going on between the two of you couldn’t be ignored forever
your expression hardened, as you withdrew your arm from his grasp. "not now dominik," you told him, abandoning the nickname you usually used when talking to him.
dom's face was a picture of tension, his jaw clenched tight. "then when?" he pressed, his words hitting you hard. "when's the right time gonna be? why have you been avoiding me?" you could hear the sincerity in his voice, the raw need for an answer lingering in the air.
the words hit you like a hurricane, leaving you momentarily frozen, brows knitted together. "don't pretend you care now," you spat out, the words sharper than intended, as you finally faced your tangled emotions head-on.
dom looked taken aback. "what are you talking about?" he retorted, his guard up.
"you've been distant for weeks, but obviously, you didn't notice because you're too wrapped up with rhea, right?"
"that's not true, I—"
your heart pounding as you locked eyes with dom. "no—I've been there for you through everything, and now you just push me away for them, for her," you said, the hurt in your voice unmistakable.
dom looked taken aback, his own anger subsiding as he realized the depth of your pain. "push you away? that's not what I'm trying to do," he protested, but you cut him off.
"but it’s exactly what you did! god I-" you looked away from him as your eyes filled with tears. you bit your lip hoping to stop. you didn’t feel like crying in front of him.
the tears overwhelmed you, there were far to much that you couldn’t hide it. as you blinked the tears escaped, you hastily wiped them. you looked at him. “you pushed me away and it hurt-“ you told him your voice breaking.
“y/n/n-” dom’s features softened, you looked around trying to avoid looking at his eyes.
"and I hate feeling this way, and I wish I didn’t care but I do. because I'm in love with you, dom. I have been for so long." your words hung heavy in the air, and your eyes welled up, the tears you'd fought to keep at bay now tracing hot paths down your cheeks. "this sort of thing was never meant to happen," you said your voice breaking, a sob catching in your throat.
dom's anger dissolved and his arms were around you in an instant. "hey, hey, don't cry, I hate it when you cry." your arms instinctively wrapped around him, as your tears fell silently.
the hug was a deep, tight one, like he was holding you as if you were the only thing keeping him standing. no words were spoken, but the tension in your body melted away as you leaned into him, his mere presence calming your racing heart.
the hug seemed to stretch on forever, dom's hand gently threading through your hair as you rested your head against his chest, tears falling silently.
eventually, he drew back, cupping your cheeks as he met your gaze with tenderness, brushing away your tears and moving your hair out of your face gently. he missed you. so god damn much.
"I—y/n/n..." dom's voice wavered as he looked into your eyes, his emotions laid bare for you to see.
after a moment of silence, he spoke softly. "i've been wanting to tell you... but was so afraid of losing you and messing things up. i just..."
"i..." he spoke up again but stopped himself mid-sentence. "i've been avoiding you... because of the way i feel. and i thought if i tried to hide it and put some distance between us, it would go away."
his eyes bore into yours, making sure you were taking in everything he was saying. "i was wrong." your heart seemed to stop, leaving you momentarily speechless as you struggled to find the right words.
"i'm in love with you," he said.
his words hung in the air, lingering in the space between the two of you. he continued, “i was an idiot, and i thought if i kept us away, i could just make these feelings go away. but when i finally had some time to actually think... i realized i've loved you all along, and I'm done pretending like we can just be friends."
"i've never looked at anyone else the way I look at you, y/n/n." he murmured, his touch gentle against your cheek. "being with you just feels so natural. i can't hide how i feel anymore. please," his voice quivered, the words barely making their way out, "let me make things right."
dom's hand gently cradled your jaw, tilting his head as he gazed into your eyes. "can I..." he started, his voice trailing off.
you nodded, your eyes flickering between his and his eyes and his lips. "yes."
his lips met yours in a tender kiss, the embrace deepening as you both became lost in the moment.
it was a moment you had yearned for, and as your hearts raced and time seemed to stand still, it felt like a dream come true.
dom pulled back after a moment, his lips trailing away from yours. you could tell he was still processing the moment, his breaths coming in quick and shallow spurts as he tried to regain his composure.
“i’ve been wanting to do that for so long,” his eyes studying you as he took in every detail.
you smiled softly, feeling a warmth spread through your chest at his words. "me too." you admitted,
dom's eyes lit up at your confession, a grin spreading across his face. Without another word, he leaned in to capture your lips in another kiss, this one more confident and eager than the last. you melted into his embrace, feeling happiness wash over you.
dom rested his forehead against yours. "i don't want to wait any longer," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "I want to be with you, in every way possible."
your smile widened, every moment, every obstacle, had led you to this point, and in that moment, it all felt worth it. "that's all I've ever wanted too," you replied, your voice filled with emotion.
dom smiled and engulfed you in a warm hug, lifting you off the ground and twirling you around. your joyful squeal filled the air as he gently set you down, peppering kisses on your lips that made you smile. "let's grab some food, I'm starving," he suggested.
"of course you are," you teased, playfully rolling your eyes at his mock-offended expression. he shook his head, then wrapped his arm around your shoulder as the two of you started walking.
the two of you reached catering, you noticed liv and natalya at a table and subtly intertwined your hands with dom's. "um, i'll catch up with you in a sec?" you said, releasing his hand to approach the table.
taking a seat, liv and natalya exchanged knowing glances as they looked at you with anticipation. "hey, girlie," natalya greeted with a playful smirk. "i'm ready for those drinks tonight!" she added, with a little shimmy that made liv burst into laughter.
as the excitement filled the air, you hesitated before breaking the news. "about that..." the two women turned their heads to look at you, their expressions shifting to curiosity. "sooo, how about we rain check on the drinks tonight?" you suggested, catching liv's curious gaze as you awaited their response.
"why?" she inquired, prompting you to glance back at dom, who was already heading towards the table. bracing yourself, you sat back as he casually draped his arm over your chair.
turning your attention from him to liv and natalya, who looked utterly shocked, you nervously chuckled. "yeah," you admitted.
"i told you!" liv exclaimed loudly, laughing and sharing a glance with natalya. confusion lingered as you and dom exchanged looks before refocusing on the two women in front of you. natalya shook her head, putting her head in her hands. "I told you," she muttered.
liv sprang up, doing a little dance with a bright smile on her face. "did you guys bet on us?" you asked, a hint of amusement in your voice.
liv stopped her dance, still beaming. "nope, just might've challenged natalya on when you two would make up," she revealed.
you rolled your eyes, laughing. "of course you did." you guys began talking about the upcoming pay-per-view event. focused in the conversation, you felt a sudden warmth as dom's hand found yours under the table.
glancing down at your intertwined hands resting on his lap, you couldn't help but smile at the sweet gesture. despite the subtle display of affection, you decided to refocus on listening to liv and natalya.
this is exactly where you wanted to be.
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aidemint · 1 year
To Break A Habit | Routine Doesn’t Get You Kisses Like These
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Summary: You kinda-actually find out he wasn’t joking about the spider stuff. Okay. But you’re totally cool about it. Totally.
Word Count: 5.1k
Pairing: Hobie Brown/GN!Reader
Notes: 5 minutes of screentime and i’ve already wrote more about this guy in a week than i usually write about anything in three months jesus christ
Masterpost | AO3 |  Part 1 | Part 3
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“40081’s got this hoodoo shit goin’ on.” Hobie sighs as he makes his way down the main hall of Spider-HQ, recounting his mission discoveries from days prior. “Some sort of bad luck spell that’s making the world lose its plot.”
Gwen paces beside him, listening intently. “Sinister Six behind it?” she asks with a frown. “Or do you think it’s something else?”
“Not certain,” Hobie responds with a shrug. “But I’m close to catching the anomaly. Things should reset once it’s out of the fabric.”
“Hope it gets resolved soon.” Gwen sucks in a breath from between her teeth. “Miguel’s not looking too happy these days.”
Oddly enough, the mission so far had been almost deceptively easy—three days into the operation Hobie had already located and shut down a multitude of energy pockets emanating from certain parts of the city. A variant of Mysterio or Osborn was bound to show up soon, as the sites were likely siphoning vitality from the dimension. Now he just needed to gather intel about the effects of the magic while playing the waiting game. Luckily for him, he has a direct source.
“Relax Gwendy, it’ll be fine. I even got in touch with one of the locals for—” Hobie starts assuredly, turning to address his drummer, but pauses and swivels around when she’s noticeably no longer keeping up with his stride.
“You what?” Gwen stands frozen in the middle of the walkway, eyes blown as large as dinner plates with her mouth slightly ajar. She readjusts herself with a shake of her head, though her hands and shoulders remain raised and stiff. “Hobie, please tell me you’re not getting to know a civilian. ”
“Then I won’t tell you that I’m ‘getting to know’ a civilian.” A roll of his shoulder and he’s back walking, half-lidded eyes peering at Gwen when she inevitably joins again, bobbing and weaving through a downcurrent flow of Peter Parkers. “And I won’t tell you that it’s strictly for information about the mission.” A coy smile tugs the edges of Hobie’s lips upward. “Probably.”
Gwen looks just about ready to explode at the last quip. “You just told me— Oh my God, you know that, out of everything, is against protocol. Very against protocol,” she hisses, her voice lowering as her lip curls and she leans further into the privacy of only each others’ company. “What will you do when Miguel finds out?”
“You gotta live freely past the propaganda, Gwendy,” Hobie replies nonchalantly, patting a palm on her shoulder as a point of reassurance. “Just think about it.”
The best Gwen can offer him is a wary glance and a moment of hesitation, but he takes it with a grin anyhow. He’s certain she’ll eventually come around—the extent of their friendship isn’t something so miniscule that a few words of indoctrination would ever be enough to turn her.
It’s a nice notion to have, but he unfortunately doesn’t get much time to dwell on it—suddenly, his watch buzzes with an alert.
Hobie checks the device. “Someone’s ringing me, gotta bounce.” A few taps of an orange screen and a twist of a dial, then a portal opens up just shy of his left arm. “Been fun, Gwendy. Don’t blame me if I come back late.”
No matter how hard she rolls her eyes, Gwen can’t help but give into the smile that creeps onto her lips. “Stay safe, loser,” she responds, bumping her fist against his.
“Safe is practically my middle name.” With that, Hobie ducks into the gateway, and disappears.
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How the fuck do you accuse someone of having spider powers without sounding like you’ve gone insane? Since morning you’ve been stuck in a cycle of decision-making for a seemingly hopeless situation. You thought the hard part was over after seeing the guy in the costume swing away on white silly string, but the mostly sleepless night and brainstorming the resolution to be had was another beast altogether. What doesn’t help much either is the fact your favorite pair of jeans are now stained to shit because an idiot thought it would be a good idea to trickshot a half-full Starbucks drink into a trashcan you were standing right next to.
Oh, New York, how it surprises you each day. You swear you’ve never had bad luck like this in your life—and now you’re twenty minutes late, punching in your timecard and hurrying to tie on an apron.
Even through your shift the anxiety doesn’t go away, despite how you try to ignore it. Nervous energy bleeds into your work, shaking hands spilling and dropping drinks; your preoccupied mind is nowhere near as focused as you need to be for the rush—you remake a drink three times in a row before being on the receiving end of a tired lecture from an angry customer.
“Something on your mind?” one of your coworkers ends up asking after most of the crowd has dissipated. “Or just tired?”
You’re on the verge of bursting into tears actually, but you manage to stifle it with a deep breath in. “A lot of both,” you mumble in response. You can’t tell her about Hobie, and it’d be too winding to describe the entirety of everything. She’s pretty good at giving looks of pity and she’s already shot you one following the complaining customer. Honestly another one is the last thing you want to deal with right now. “Maybe I should’ve just skipped work today.”
“Don’t worry, we all have bad days,” she offers with a consoling pat on the arm. “How about you just calm down for a bit and take your break? I’ll make you your favorite drink and get a bowl started for you.”
The gesture does ease your nerves, even if only by a little. You sigh, shoulders slumping, and give your coworker a grateful smile. Parting ways then, she returns to her station to honor her word and you make your way to the back to punch in the start of your break.
Exhaustion starts to seep in when you catch yourself staring blankly at the time card machine, watching the hands of the clock tick away second by second. There hasn’t been significant progress in terms of settling the whole “Hobie Brown is a superhero” dilemma, you realize, just a lot of pain and aching on your part. Maybe it’s time to put the matter to rest just for a brief half an hour—you’ll pick it up later. There isn’t even a guarantee Hobie will show up to the shop anyhow.
Yeah, you have time.
The chunk sound of the punch machine brings you back to your senses and you put away your slip before making your way back to the front of the house.
“Drink’s ready and bowl’s on the way. You can enjoy that while you wait,” your coworker chirps, sliding a cup to you when you emerge from the back. You’re just about to voice your thanks before she cuts in again, gesturing to a spot just beyond the counter. “Oh, and someone asked for you. He’s right over there.”
Your eye is already twitching before you even look. But you suppose you hate yourself and the world at this point, because you slowly turn to where her hand points regardless and find the one man you just made a pact with yourself to not think about.
Hobie greets you by name and gives you a friendly wave. Out of courtesy, you force yourself to return in, lips pressed together in a tight smile with the short extension of your hand.
“Heard it was your break,” he says, approaching the glass panel between the two of you. “Mind if I intrude?”
Yes! you scream internally. Yes I do mind very much!
“No, it’s alright,” you end up saying to him, staving off a growing impulse to whack yourself upside the head.
“Sick,” is all Hobie replies with before he retreats to a nearby table. “I’ll be waiting here—don’t rush yourself.”
It’s right about now that you’re wishing he wasn’t so nice and you didn’t like him so much so that this process of confrontation would go about smoother. Your gaze lingers on him and you bite in the inside of your cheek as you think about the validity of what you witnessed yesterday.
The option to not tell him and maintain your chances of still potentially becoming friends like normal exists. Dodging the awry reputation that comes with the manic conspiracy theorist persona is always good. You’ll get over it one day, right? Leave the suspicions behind and assume that the image was just a hallucination brought about by stress; convince yourself that Hobie Brown is just your average British punk-rocker.
But you can’t fight the feeling in your gut, how it burns, and suddenly you’re leaning over the counter, over the glass.
This is a bad idea. “Hobie,” you call in his direction.
He looks up. “Yeah?”
Shit, this is a bad idea. “I have something to tell you.”
“It’s… I think it’s a matter best told in just our own company.” You look around apprehensively, a slight crease in your brow. “Mind going somewhere more private?”
Trying your best to ignore the suggestive look your coworker shoots at you from your peripheral, you beckon Hobie to come into the back. Walking through the kitchen, you usher him into the storage pantry and shut the door behind you when you join him.
“I’m guessing we’re not just here to kotch?” Hobie teases with the sideways tilt of his head.
“Unfortunately.” Your gaze lowers to the ground at the admission, fingers finding one another and squeezing. “Been thinking about something for a while.”
Hobie lets the change in the air stew until it thickens before responding. “Ready when you are.” His voice is softer, malleable, lost of all its previous playfulness and replaced with a certain kind of sincerity.
The slightest incline of your chin brings your stare back to him. You wish it served the simple purpose of just admiring the slopes and angles of his face, but your lips part and your curled hand trembles, and it all reminds you of the gnawing insecurity.
“I need you to tell me the truth.” You say it slowly, sincerely, keeping your voice as steady as you can despite the way your heart rate thunders. “Please.”
In your supplication, you aren’t certain how to appraise the extent of your desperation, but Hobie’s gaze does not leave yours. He nods wordlessly, a glint of something in his eye and it looks a lot like deference.
You take it as permission to continue. “When you brought up Parker”—you swallow thickly—“you were talking about something real, weren’t you?”
A beat of silence. There isn’t any external reaction from Hobie, standing as still as he had the moment he stopped in front of you, face lax and hands tucked away in his pockets.
“Ain’t got a Scooby-Doo what you’re talking about,” he says plainly, unfaltering in every word. Even then he doesn’t move, fortress-like in his disposition.
Perhaps he truly doesn’t know what you mean, you think. The chance is present, albeit slim, though present nonetheless—and how tightly you clutch this sliver of hope. But for a moment, in your hesitancy and under Hobie’s untelling stare, doubt creeps in—your palms grow clammy against the material of your pants, sweat assisting the glide of your fingers against one another. Your eyes search those of the man in front of you, wishing his look could change so you could find the courage to ground yourself.
What if you’re wrong? What if it’s all a fallacy, some trick of the light? New York is no stranger to oddities but even this seems too extreme. Coincidental talk of Spider-People leading to an impossible accusation. Fucking Spider-People don’t—shouldn’t—exist. The idea grows more absurd the longer you question it. Peter Parker got the short end of the stick, if there was even a long end in the first place, so what the hell are you doing?
But what if you’re right?
A breath rattles through you. “Hobie.” With a new waver in your voice and a tremble to your hands, you stand unsure of how your conviction bleeds through what you say but you try anyhow. “I know you’re gonna think I’m crazy, but I saw a masked man walking on the side of a building yesterday.” The admission comes quickly, riddled with cracks, but you’re entirely too focused on the followup to care. “After the conversation we had about Spider-People, after the whole thing about superheroes, tell me that it wasn’t you up there. Because I saw your— your fucking pins and I’ve never— God, I don’t even know! I’ve never seen something like this.”
Your fists clench, fingers digging crescent-shaped craters into the flesh of your palms. The marks bite, angry red and stinging—perhaps aching even more the absence of Hobie’s response, the seconds you give him to reply.
“Who are you?” Dry—your throat is so dry. Your voice can’t be anything above a whisper with how hoarse the question comes, flaking away with every shallow breath you take.
Silence blankets the both of you then, soundless space a limbo between comfort and unease. Unsure of what to do with it, what to make of the situation you stand in now, you let it hang listlessly, drawing upon an empty room and an even emptier conversation.
It takes a handful of moments for Hobie to even look like he’s processed all that you’ve said. Under your scrutiny, the smallest movement of his eye is the only discernible change to the testament. Whatever goes on inside his head is a complete mystery to you for the few minutes that elapse before he speaks.
Finally, he shifts in his stance. “You want me to just come out with it, yeah?” he asks, not sounding terribly happy, but not as nonplussed as you expected. He sighs when you nod slowly. “Alright. I’ll start from the top, then.”
He tells you his name is still in fact Hobie Brown, and he was bitten by a radioactive spider three years ago. Formerly a runway model, though not a role model, he’s been protecting the streets of his hometown against the PM. When he’s not playing shows, antagonizing fascists, or staging unpermitted political “action-slash-performance art pieces,” he’s out partying with his friends.
“And don’t call me a hero,” he ends with a frown. “Hate the label. Calling yourself a hero makes you a self-mythologizing, narcissistic autocrat.”
When he stops, you have both hands to your temples, pressing down hard. You can deal with his anti-authority spiel just fine—some part of you even agrees with the sentiment—but there is so much to unpack prior to the statement.
“So you— you have actual spider powers? Oh my God?” you sputter, eyes blown wide in an expression of surprise you’re sure looks exaggeratedly dreadful. “What even— that’s— what even are spider powers?”
“Dunno really.” Hobie gives a shrug. “Enhanced hearing, speed, vision, and sticking to walls are the main perks. Also links up to my—”
“Can you shoot webs out of your butt?” you blurt in a sudden horrible realization.
There’s a few seconds of tense silence before Hobie bursts into laughter, arms crossed around his torso to hold himself, shoulders bunched to his ears. The ring of his joy through the air lifts a weight from it and suddenly the atmosphere doesn’t feel as crushing as before.
Witnessing his state, it doesn’t take long for unease to fade away and for you to start softly chuckling with him.
“You’re so jokes,” Hobie cackles, a hand over his eyes as he leans back. A long, shuddering breath tears through him in his attempt to calm down. “But to answer your question, no I can’t shoot webs out of my arse.”
“Thank God,” you breathe, clutching your heart. “Wouldn’t have looked at you the same if you said you could.”
“I don’t think I can look at you the same after you just asked that.”
“Hey, in my defense it was just to get to know you better.”
“I’m sure that’s all it was.” Hobie gives you a pointed look, but is quick to smile after. “Speaking of which, I came in to ask you something as well.”
“Oh?” You blink. The sudden shift in conversation is unprecedented, taking you slightly by surprise, but suspicion is quick to replace your wonderment when you notice a change in Hobie’s features. A squint narrows your eyes. “What are you plotting?”
“Nothing, it’s just I have an excuse now that you know me better.” He pauses briefly, staring at you for a moment. “I wanted to ask if I could know you a little better.”
Your lips purse in confusion at the phrase, forehead pinching. “But you already know me?” you ask, brow raised. “Don’t tell me you forgot everything already.”
“I didn’t,” Hobie reassures gently. “I was just thinking instead of talking over a counter we could do it over dinner? Maybe a movie, if you have the time?”
A beat passes and suddenly realization sets in, drawing all the air out of you. The smallest groan escapes you as you bury your face in your palms, the skin of your neck and cheeks burning hot. Every inch of you seems more sensitive in your mortification—were you always this close to Hobie, and was his cologne always that strong?
“I’m an idiot,” you whisper from between the gap in your hands. “God, I’m such an idiot.”
Hobie supplies a soft chuckle to ease your embarrassment. “You’re not. It came out pretty corny anyways.”
“I can’t believe I’m getting asked out by a guy with spider powers.”
“Is that a yes or a no?”
You groan again, a tight breath pressed against your fingers. “You are so lucky you’re cute, Hobie Brown.”
It is as endearing as it is exasperating that you can practically hear how big his smile is. “You free tomorrow?”
“Anytime past five,” you reply softly, slowly inching your hands away from your face to peer at him. “Where should I meet you?”
Hobie’s grin tilts sideways at the query, a new sparkle of mischief brightening his eye. “I’ll come pick you up.”
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Dates aren’t exactly a new concept to you—you’ve been on a handful, and they all go about the same. The first time, someone shows up with flowers or a small gift to start the evening right, then you’re whisked away for three hours to some place to hang around and have fun. It’s conventional, it’s safe—sometimes you enjoy the company more than the actual activity, leading to a second or third outing, but there’s nothing too special about the dance you do with routine.
Along this line of reasoning, Hobie crash-landing on your balcony with one of the most ridiculous offers of transportation isn’t exactly the way you imagined your date would start.
“You are not web-swinging me to Manhattan,” you tell him, still inside your apartment, arms crossed and shaking your head vigorously. “I don’t care what you have set up, I’m not gonna risk going splat on the damn concrete.”
“Come on, it’ll be fun,” Hobie pushes playfully. “Promise I won’t drop you.”
You frown, brows furrowing and lips pursing as you glare at him. He returns the look as calm as ever, a slight smile edging the corners of his mouth and stance open in invitation. The way he holds himself has uncertainty creeping to you, forcing out your fervent disagreement in favor of consideration in a rather slick way of persuasion.
Perhaps you should’ve known you wouldn’t win, with the sheer difference in your demeanors. Your staredown continues for a couple of minutes before you sigh, breaking eye contact with a reluctant drop of your chin and a gentle moan of diffidence.
“Can I at least close my eyes?” you mumble, walking out and shutting the balcony door behind you.
“You can do whatever you want,” Hobie replies, sliding on his mask and gloves. “Just hold on tight.”
Stifling a breath when his arm wraps around the small of your back and under your thighs, you cling to his shoulders as he lifts you up and climbs on the railing.
“You ready?” His chest rumbles under your touch when he speaks, and you can only give a small nod in your position, heart pounding against your ribs and face buried deep in the nape of his neck.
Hobie laughs—a deep, warm sound—and then launches off your balcony.
There are no words to truly describe the feeling that swallows you while in freefall. Wind blasts past your ears in violent howls, gravity pulls your figure down but your insides up, and the only thing you have to ground yourself is the feel of Hobie as you clutch him with every bit of strength you possess. Adrenaline thrums through every vein, lighting your nerves on fire and prickling your skin with gooseflesh; even your energy to scream depletes into fueling the rush that floods your senses.
Upon the first pull up, Hobie’s web catching a surface to swing from, your gut lurches and a serrated gasp shudders through you. Your arms pull you impossibly closer to him, fingers clawing to dig deeper into the back of his vest.
“Easy now,” he chuckles, sounding miles away with how loud your heart beats in your ears. “I promised I wasn’t gonna drop you, didn’t I?”
“D-Doesn’t make it better,” you gasp, shivering now that the breeze whips against your back.
“Try to relax—we’ll be there soon.” Though he says it like it’s the easiest thing in the world, it proves contrary to the way his grip tightens around you with the next swing.
Despite how comforting the gesture is, you find that you can’t relax much while still flying through New York a hundred feet in the air.
After what seems like days of travel, Hobie finally lands on solid ground, giving you a moment to catch your breath before setting you down gently. His arms are threaded underneath yours as you try to balance on shaky legs, knees bent and feeling all too much like jelly for your own comfort.
“I feel like a newborn deer,” you sigh, voice trembling from the withdrawal of adrenaline. Jitters quiver your fingers, lightly chatter your teeth, and shake the thin chamber of your chest. “My God, how do you even get used to this?”
“Gotta learn to trust yourself,” Hobie hums smoothly. “First time’s always a tad tricky.”
You only nod, gaze now pinned to the ground as he gradually guides you forward, step by step, until you’re stable enough to slowly walk on your own. From there, the slightest incline of your head brings your attention to a small spread of food and flowers laid out nicely on a patterned blanket. A warmth comes to settle in your core at the sight, softening your eyes and easing the tenseness in your limbs—contentment reaches you and the stress gained from the ride here begins to fade, if only by a little.
“Hobie, this is so sweet,” you coo, pleasure lightening the tone of your voice.
His rings just as sweetly through the evening air. “Good to hear—would’ve been gutted if you didn’t like it.”
You laugh at the response, casting an affectionate glance at him that just grows fonder upon meeting his charming reciprocation. The bend of his brow, the part and curve of his lips, the crinkle of his eye—all of it has you transfixed for a generous moment, barely able to notice the way your navel aches with longing in your stupor.
The feeling persists throughout the evening, present in every winding conversation and instance of quiet shared between the two of you. It’s rather freeing to be unconstrained by the formalities usually held by the label of a first date and to sense such endearment for the whole of it. There is no talking to only talk—every sentiment has meaning, every word punctuated by some semblance of tenderness; there is no awkward atmosphere brought about by nervous tension—you rest comfortably, leaning back on your hands, as does Hobie, elbows on crossed legs, positioned towards you.
Hours pass by easily in the space, kissing the sky with hues of orange and gold and violet as they bid a teary farewell, trails of light following in the wake of their departure. Yawning clouds push to the east, unlined shapes dissipating with the fleeting luster. Soon, the New York city skyline is only a bleak, black horizon that cradles a half-yolked sun just shy of its surface.
Golden rays grace your skin, full and temperate and real. You’re just about to gush to Hobie about how this is your favorite time of the day when you’re stopped by the shallow movement of his arm.
He shifts to pick the carnation laid closest to your hand, snaps off the longer part of its stem, then tucks it delicately behind your ear. Wordlessly, he adjusts the petals, and grins when they seem to his liking.
You’re practically bursting at the seams when he retracts his hand, fingers ghosting the curve of your cheek on their path back. Heat rushes to your neck, white-hot on a quick shot up to heat every inch of your face. The sensation catches your breath, widens your eye, tucks the tip of your bottom lip between your teeth, and all you can do is sit and watch Hobie as he admires you.
There’s a look in his eye that you hope is reflected in yours, how beautiful he is. The warm vermillion hue of the sun hits his complexion and it’s like there’s nothing else in the world to behold but him.
Suddenly you find yourself reaching for the flowers on the blanket, clasping multiple in one hand and halving the stems with the other.
Leaning forward, palms stained with sap, you place the carnations in each of Hobie’s wicks, uncaring of the smell of chlorophyll or the tremble of your fingers. You only return to your seat and wipe your hands when you finish, the expanse of his head dotted in small blooms, all that’s left of the original bouquet messily cut stems and loose leaves.
A breathy laugh escapes you at the sight, light and happy and bright. “You are so pretty, Hobie,” you whisper, your heart swelling with adoration. “And I wanna kiss you so bad right now.”
He smiles. “I’m not going to stop you,” he says, then wraps his arms around you when you crush your lips to his.
You feel you must be drunk on something, but are entirely too far gone to care the slightest bit. Hobie is every bit as soft and warm as you imagined, his hold homely, his scent familiar. Breathing him in, bergamot, plum, and sandalwood filling your lungs, a dreamy sigh stutters out of your nose before you start to move.
The kiss takes on a steady rhythm then, perhaps the easiest thing you’ve had to follow. Each press of your lips against his finds just the right amount of resistance, the feel of his piercing snug as it nudges you in every shift. Your hands find purchase in cupping his face, fingertips smoothing the silver studs that line his ears and thumbs stroking his cheeks.
Hobie’s touch rests just shy of your waist, the bend of his elbows against your ribs, palms flat against your scapula. His chest rises and falls with every breath, a slight hitch in the motion when you crawl to his lap, sitting in the space between his legs.
The two of you share your own pocket of heaven for a minute longer, then with one last kiss, you part. As your eyes flutter open, Hobie slides a hand off your back to thumb your lip, swiping a finger across your bottom one.
You make a questioning noise but remain unmoving as he works, sliding his digit across sensitive skin.
“My lipstick got on you,” he explains when he finishes, showing you black makeup smeared on his thumb. “I liked the look of it, but didn’t know if you did.”
A gentle laugh spouts from you at his kindness. “I’m all for you giving me a makeover next time,” you say with a grin.
Hobie gives a small chuckle back, delight sparkling in his eye. “Good.”
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The afterbuzz of the date still tingles the back of Hobie’s neck even hours later. It’s ten o’clock, the moon at highrise and not a single star in sight in the muddy violet pool that overhangs New York. He’s in the middle of a stakeout, monitoring an energy station reopened as bait for whatever, whoever, might come out in response. The task of fully focusing proves rather hard in the wake of remembering the warmth of you as you held him, the brush of your lips against his, and your small gasps of breath, but he tries anyhow.
Hobie’s just finished shaking off the image of your face in the light of dusk when his watch buzzes. He looks down with a frown, noting the peculiarity of receiving a call this late.
“Gwendy,” he greets, an orange hologram of Stacy appearing with the twist of a dial. “What are you ringing me for?”
“Hey Hobie,” she returns flatly, not providing much else before quickly casting her gaze askance.
From her projection, Hobie can gather that something seems off—Gwen’s stance is completely closed, arms crossed and feet together. What looks like nervousness twists her features, pinches her forehead, pulls her lips tight together. She’s never been good at hiding her emotions, but even this seems exaggerated.
Sobriety seeps into Hobie then, the high of hours ago eroding. “Something wrong?” he asks, voice dropping low.
Gwen pauses, hesitating. “Miguel wants you back at HQ,” is what comes from her after a few seconds. “Now.”
“What about the mission?”
“He just says to leave. There’s been some new intel. That’s all I know.” Gwen swallows thickly, her eyes flickering back to Hobie. “See you soon.”
“Alright, see ya.” The hologram blinks twice, then disappears. Hobie taps on his watch to open a portal back to Earth-928, dubiety sinking its teeth into his thoughts. Miguel was ever the autocrat, so he was never quite fond of the guy, but the way Gwen had come to him—with a fresh feeling that extended beyond terror etched in her expression—that doesn’t sit well. He doesn’t need a spider-sense to recognize that something is amiss.
Somehow, he can’t elude the feeling of dread that creeps to him when he’s swallowed by the vortex.
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sarahsmi13s · 11 months
A Sibling's Promise
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whumptober day 12: character death
pairing: peter parker x older sister!reader
characters: peter parker, sister!reader, happy hogan, mj, ned, the avengers, may, mysterio
warnings: 18+ MDNI, language, canon events in the mcu, blood, crying, parental death, sibling death, character death, very time jumpy, let me know if i missed any!
word count: ~3.3k
a/n: this is for whumptober! please please please proceed with caution and use discretion, protect your peace
also if you are on the whump taglist but are not familiar with a character, you can skip it will not hurt my feelings!
this is remastered from my wattpad, so i have permission. this is under the title "multiverse pt 1"
whumptober 2023 masterlist
summary: a sibling's promise is one that can stand the test of time. it's a promise that can be fulfilled at any moment, even in death
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It was dark and it was hot. You had a hand clamped over your mouth to muffle your heavy breathing. "Come on! Where are you?" Your eyes widened, he was close. "I'm gonna find you." 
He was right there.
Suddenly light flooded your vision. "No! I've been caught by the mighty Iron Man!" You dramatically flopped out of the closet door onto the floor. Peter laughed and placed his feet on either side of your torso. 
You laughed, sitting up to catch the 8 year-old in your arms. "No, now I've been caught," he pulled off his plastic Iron Man mask. "Yes you have, and now I'm gonna use your weakness against you!" "Iron Man has no- AHHH!" You started to tickle him. He became deadweight in your arms, screaming and laughing. You began to laugh too.
He started to fall to the floor. You immediately stopped tickling him and managed to catch his head before it hit the floor. 
You both slowly ceased your laughter, panting a little. "Thanks for playing Iron Man with me, Y/N." Peter hugged you. "Of course, Petey." "Thanks for protecting my head too." You smiled, "I'll always protect you, Peter." You hugged him a little tighter before getting up off the floor.
You brushed off your pants and sighed. "Pete, why don't you go clean up? I'll meet you in the kitchen iiinnn 10 minutes?" "Make it 8." You shrugged, "8 it is." 
Peter rushed to put his toys away and wash his hands. You went to get ready for work.
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8 minutes passed and you walked into the kitchen, Peter just finishing up washing his hands. 
He turned, frowning when he saw you in your uniform. "You have to work today?" You nodded, "Yeah, I'm sorry Peter. I got a call, they need me to fill in." "I thought we were gonna play video games and build Legos?" 
You ran your hand through his wavy hair, "How about when I get home, we have a sleepover?" "Can we play video games?" You nodded, "All the games you want." "Even the scary ones?" You winced, "I don-" He gave you the puppy eyes. "Pete- *sigh* I'll think about it." "I'll take it," he hugged you. You laughed and rubbed his back.
"I'm home!" 
"In the kitchen, May!" 
She rushed in, "Hey, you should probably get going, don't want you to be late." You nodded, squeezing Peter's shoulder before you let go. "Okay, I'll be back around 7." 
You walked by Aunt May and she handed you a jacket, "It's supposed to rain. Be careful, and the customer is not always right!" You laughed as you went out the door, shrugging the windbreaker onto your shoulders.
As you move to close the door you turn to Peter. He waved, smiling, "Hi, Y/N." You smile and wave to him, "Hi, Peter."
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You burst into Peter's room. 
"You're Spider-Man!?" 
Peter screamed and fell out of his chair, "Shhh! Keep your voice down!" He ran up to you, shushing you. 
"You're Spider-Man?!" You whisper yelled as you closed his door. "How did you find out?" "You're not the best at keeping secrets, Pete." He scoffed, offended, "What? I am great at keeping secrets." "Really? You sure? Cause I remember when I got my first boyfriend, and told you not to tell May." 
"And I didn't!" He defended. "You so did! The day after I told you May immediately gave me the safe-sex talk." Peter shrugged, "Everyone needs to hear that-" "I was 17!" "Well, in my defense, you shouldn't have told a 9 year-old to keep a secret." You rolled your eyes, "Whatever."
You sighed and put your hands on your hips, "How long?" 
"How long have you had powers?" 
"Since I was 14." "14!?" He flinched slightly at your volume. 
You sighed and ran a hand down your face, "Did you fight in the Avengers 'Civil War'?" He opened his mouth. "Don't lie to me." He sighed, "Yes, but I-" "Just be careful, please." 
He heard the desperation in your tone and he nodded, looking into your eyes, "Of course." "Because I couldn't live with myself if-" He grabbed your shoulders, "Hey-hey, I'm gonna be okay. I'll be careful, I promise." 
He ran his hand down the side of your head, attempting to comfort you, “I promise.” You nodded, grabbing his hand. "Just please, don't tell May. I don't want her to know just yet." You nodded again, "Of course. Secrets safe with me. What else are big sisters for?" He smiled and hugged you. "Thank you."
It was silent for a moment. "Now I wish I never turned down the internship after the Battle of New York."
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(Avengers: Infinity War)
Peter looked at Tony, panic in his eyes. "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good." 
"You're okay, you're okay." 
"I don't -- I don't know what's happening." Tony caught him as his legs dusted beneath him. "I don't wanna go Mr. Stark, please. I don't wanna go. I can't go. I can't leave her..." 
Tony laid him down, gripping his hand as he dusted away. "Tell her I'm sorry, please. I broke my promise..." "I'll tell her, kid." He looked at Tony, "I'm sorry..."
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(between Infinity War and Endgame)
You bounced your leg as you waited for Peter to walk through your door, or Stephen to open a portal in your kitchen. Ned had immediately called you when Peter got off the bus and Wong called you about Stephen. You knew May was gone. You watched her dust in front of you.
Now you waited. Hope still filling your chest as you waited for a sign they both were okay.
When someone knocked at your door, you bolted to it. 
Only for you to open it and find Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff at your door. "Hey, can I help you?" Steve's frown was prominent and Nat's eyes were red. "Y/N Parker?" You nodded, crossing your arms as your nerves set in. "We need you to come with us, it's important." You didn't question it and left with them.
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You ran into the Compound, Steve and Nat calling for you to wait. But you didn't hear them, your sole focus was running in there and finding Peter, alive.
"Peter?! Peter!" 
You ran into a room, seeing some Avengers you recognized and a few you didn't. "Uh, hi," you greeted. "Um, have you seen a 16/17 year-old boy? About this tall, brown hair, brown eyes, probably had a red and blue suit on." 
The group gave you a look of sympathy, but not an answer. "Please, I just need to know-" 
You turned to see Tony on a hospital bed. "Tony!" You jogged up to him. "Where's Peter?"
Tony couldn't look you in the eyes. "Tony... Where's Peter?" "I'm so sorry, Y/N..."
You felt like throwing up. "No. No. Tony, this isn't funny. Don't lie to me." "I'm not lying Y/N." You shook your head, not bothering to hold your tears back. "He told me to tell you that he's sorry, for breaking his promise..." Your knees gave out, sending you straight to the floor.
You broke down, clutching your chest as you gasped for air. Nat was by your side, catching you when you tackled her, gripping at her clothes. She rubbed your back in comfort, "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." "I promised..."
She pulled you back to look at you, "Promised?" "I promised Mom and Dad that I would keep him safe. That I would protect him. I promised him that I would protect him. That's what big sisters do. They protect their little siblings."
Nat bit her lip and pulled you in again as you cried, sobbing for your little brother and praying this was just a sick dream.
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(post Endgame)
Tony called you the moment he figured out time travel, saying that he's not sure if it will work but thought you deserved to know. You were equally grateful and terrified about it.
But now you were pacing your kitchen. Aunt May had called you from a random phone, so you knew it worked. May was on her way, you having moved since the Blip. Tony had a house built for you, feeling like he owed you in some way.
A knock broke your trance and you looked to the door. You hesitated, not being 100% sure it was Peter. Then you heard his voice, "Y/N, Ms. Potts said you would be here. It's-it's Peter."
You broke out into a tear-filled smile, rushing to the door.
You pulled the door open, revealing a very disheveled, but alive, Peter.
You smiled, embracing him. "Pete, oh God, you're back. You're back." He hugged you, crying into your shoulder, "Is-Is May-" You nodded, pulling back to hold his face, "She's on her way. She blipped too…"
Peter's face softened, "Oh, Y/N, I'm so sorry. You were alone, I'm-" You shook your head, "No, Pete, please don't apologize." You smiled, tears falling as you moved his dirty hair out of his face.
He rested his forehead on yours, "I broke my promise…" You shook your head, "It was a ridiculous promise…" He chuckled before falling to your shoulder in tears.
"Peter, what's wrong?"
"Tony's gone… He sacrificed himself to defeat Thanos." You gripped onto Peter, "Pete.. I'm so sorry."
You moved him to the couch, not caring if he was gonna get your couch dirty, he needed you.
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(Far From Home)
Peter limped across the bridge, looking for a way to get up to Mysterio. 
"Peter?" He turned, the eyes on his mask widening in panic. 
"No, no, no. Y/N you have to leave, it's not safe." He did his best to hide his limp from you as you looked him over. "Peter," you looked around, taking in the damage. "Are you okay?" He nodded playing it off, despite knowing you can see right through it. 
"Please get out of here, I can't let him hurt you. Please go find Happy," he turned you and tried to push you away. You fought back, "No, Pete. I'm not leaving you." "Please you have to. I can't let you get hurt," he grabbed the sides of your head. "Please. I can't get you killed." You shook your head, "I'm not leaving." 
"Will you please stop being so damn stubborn!?" Peter threw his hands up. "I'm your big sister! I'm supposed to protect you! It's my job!" 
"Y/N... please, let me protect you this time. Let me be a good brother." You looked down, biting your lip with your hands on your hips, "You're the best brother." He hugged you. "Go get 'em, Pete." You couldn't see his smile but you knew it was there.
Mysterio had watched the whole interaction, smiling as he found another weakness for Peter. He smirked as you walked away and prepared for Peter's attack.
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Once he had Peter preoccupied with fighting his drones, Mysterio managed to use his illusion tech to lure you back.
"Y/N! Y/N, help! Help me!" 
You wiped around to see Peter on the ground. You didn't hesitate to run back and help. 
"Peter!" You fell to your knees beside him, looking him over, "Where are you hurt?" "Everywhere, it hurts everywhere." 
Just then, you remembered what Peter told you over the phone, All of the attacks are fake. He uses some sort of illusion tech. And you remembered the look on his face, how he had to be sure it was you.
"Peter, did I date during the blip?" It furrows its brows, "Why would you ask me that right now?" "Please, just answer me." 
It sighed, "We've never talked about the blip." You gave him a tight smile, "You're right, I just had to be sure." You and Peter actually talked about the 5 years he had been gone quite often. Just to help him catch up on pop culture. 
This wasn't your Peter and you need to escape it.
Finally you decided to just run for it, "I think I hear medics, Peter. I'm gonna go get them. Just stay here, okay?" The illusion nodded, shifting while groaning in pain. You got up and sped walked towards the exit.
In your escape, you felt a shooting pain in your leg and you fell, "Shit!" "Too smart for your own good, Y/N," Beck sighed. You turned to see the drone. "You won't win," you spat through gritted teeth. "I already have," the drone shot you in the stomach before freeing some rubble above you, trapping you under broken concrete.
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MJ ran onto the bridge, looking everywhere for Peter. 
She saw him coming towards her, mask off and limping. 
He looked up and saw her, "MJ." She dropped her mace, "Hey." 
They ran at each other and embraced, "Are you okay?" "I'm okay, are you okay?" Peter asked, hugging her tighter. "Yeah." 
"Everybody else okay?" "Everyone's okay." 
"What happened?" "The-the drones, they were following us. Th-then they just stopped," MJ didn't let go of Peter. "Was that you?" "Yeah." They pulled away from the hug. "Did you get him?" Peter looked down with a small nod, "Yeah."
MJ pointed at the mace, "Well, I-uh-brought that. In case you needed some help." They both chuckled dryly, "Thanks." 
"Anyway-uh- there's this sweaty guy, in the tower with us. I think he works with you, or something." Peter furrowed his brows, confused for a second before he realized she was talking about Happy. 
"He-he -um- gave me this," she held out the broken Black Dahlia necklace. Peter gasped, "No, no! Oh, MJ, oh I'm so sorry. I had this plan, this stupid plan, and I wrote it all down, and I was gonna buy you this, give it to you in Paris-" MJ kissed him, cutting off his rant.
He looked at her stunned and she gave him a small smile. "Aaand you kissed me. What?" "I don't have a lot of luck when it comes to getting close to people...um... so I lied. I wasn't just watching you because I thought you were Spider-Man." Peter chuckled, "That's great."
She looked down at the necklace, "Black Dahlia like-" "Like the murder," they said at the same time. "Yeah," Peter laughed a little before looking at the broken necklace, "I'm sorry it's broken." MJ looked down at it, playing with it, "I actually think I like it better broken." Peter smiled, nodding. 
When are you gonna tell her Pete? - Y/N have got a plan. - Plans are for nerds, Peter. Just tell her.
He smiled as he remembered your words, "I really like you." MJ smiled, "I really like you too." Peter smiled before they kissed, pulling away just to come back and kiss again.
When they pulled away again MJ left to go back to the class. "Hey, MJ?" She turned, "Yeah?" "When you see Y/N, tell her I'm okay, please." She nodded, "Of course." Peter nodded and turned to get out of his suit and meet up with the class.
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MJ returned the mace to the tower before running to meet up with the class.
She slowed down when she saw the ambulances and the people getting looked over. 
"MJ, is Peter okay?" She looked at Ned and Happy, "Yeah. Yeah, he's okay. Have you seen Y/N?"
The girl turned at the call of her name, gasping when she saw you on the ground. "Y/N!" 
Ned and MJ ran to be at your side. "MJ, Ned, are you guys okay?" They both nodded, looking over your injuries. "Is Peter okay?" "Yeah, yeah he's fine. Are you okay?" You nodded, "Yeah, now that I know you guys are safe."
MJ and Ned looked at your wounds, tears filling their eyes. You had become a big sister to them. And they knew how strong your bond with Peter was. Him and Aunt May were all you had left.
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Meanwhile Peter was looking for Happy, "Happy!" 
He ran up to him, "Hey, have you seen Y/N?" Happy gave him a sad smile, Peter being too tired to really see it. "Peter-" 
"Oh my God," Peter saw you over Happy's shoulder. He ran to you, MJ and Ned moving out of the way.
He fell to his knees, taking stock of your injuries. "No... no... no... this wa-wasn't supposed to happen. I-I told you to get off the bridge. Why didn't you leave?" You chuckled, wincing in pain after, "Beck..." Peter noticed your shallow breathing and your heartbeat pounded in his ears. 
"Beck, he-uh-he tricked me... When I noticed it was fake I tried to leave... Then," your back arched as your face scrunched up in pain. Peter shook his head, "Stop talking, help's on the way. Just focus on me, okay?"
He turned, "I need a medic over here, please!" His voice crack made Happy, MJ and Ned flinch.
He turned back to you and your eyes were struggling to stay open. "No, no, Y/N, keep your eyes open. Please, don't- Oh God, this is all my fault." His tears slipped past his eyes, falling onto your clothes. 
You shook your head, "No, Pete, this is not your fault. Please don't blame yourself." "If I would have just kept you in the dark, you wouldn't be here and you," he drew in a shaky breath. "And you would be okay." "I would have found out, you know that," you chuckled, coughing and wincing in pain. 
He nodded, his red and slightly swollen eyes filling with more tears. "What else are big sisters for?" MJ choked out a sob, covering her mouth. 
"That's why you can't leave. I need you. You're my sister, I can't do this without you," his voice went from strong and normal, to weak and a whisper. He cried onto your shoulder, "Please don't go..." 
Happy was looking around, "We need a damn medic! What the hell is taking so long?!" He stomped off, looking for someone to help you.
Your shaking hand came up to run through the short hair at the back of his neck. He sobbed onto your shoulder. "Pete," you brought in a shaky breath. "Pete, please look at me." He looked at you. "I need you to promise me something." He nodded, not trusting his voice. 
"Take care of Aunt May for me." He smiled, nodding, "Of course." "And please, don't stop helping people. They need a hero," you smiled and wiped his tears. "They need you Peter." 
He nodded, closing his eyes and resting his forehead on yours, "Okay." You closed your eyes as well, "And smile, Pete. I'll always be there, okay?" He nodded, "Thank you."
Ned and MJ were crying, both wanting to comfort Peter but knew he needed this. Happy walked up beside them. "Where's the medic?" He shook his head, "There weren't enough ambulances..." "No, she-she can't..." Ned and MJ hugged, crying.
Peter pulled back, frowning at your lack of response. Your eyes were closed, lips parted slightly. "No," he shook his head. "No... no... no... please, oh God, please no."
He shook your shoulders, "No, Y/N, no please..." One of his hands cradled your face, "Please..."
He hung his head, letting out a low, broken, "hello..." Hoping you would say it back, but knowing full well you wouldn't.
Happy sighed, grabbing his shoulder. "Peter, you need to get back with the class..." 
"I can't leave her here." 
"Peter," MJ squatted beside him. "Harrington is looking for us, we need to go..." 
"I can't leave her in a foreign place by herself." 
"I'll take her back. Fury and I will make sure she makes it home, I promise." Peter nodded, squeezing your hand before letting MJ and Ned help him up. 
"Happy?" "Yeah, kid?" "May can't know it was Mysterio... She can't know Y/N was here." Happy nodded, "Of course."
Peter let out a small sob and looked at you one last time, "I'm so sorry."
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givethemsmut · 5 months
Dom Mysterio x Reader
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Thank you so much for the love I’ve gotten on this so far. I truly just write for myself so it’s nice to feel validated 🙌🏻
Friends to Lovers
I don’t own WWE characters, it’s all for fun
Not edited
Chapter Three | Where it all started…
3 Years Later…
Dom had made it to the big leagues, main events and Monday Night Raw. I couldn’t have been more proud of him until his story line turned my stomach into knots.
His new “Dirty Dom” heel turn had come with a new accessory named Rhea Riley. 
Not even storyline turns into the reality of dating but let’s be real: most of their time was going to be spent together with virtually no time at home. I was stupid enough to think she didn’t want him by the way she gleamed at him.
Every part of me was jealous when he called her Mami and the next day all his merch said it again for the encore. Their tension felt real but I wasn’t sure how much of it I had glorified.
I was visiting Dom for a few days, sharing hotel rooms and going to his live events even though it hurt. That was when I met Randy again, only this time he was divorced and single.
It was a welcomed distraction from every social post and monologue being about his new on screen fling. WWE had been laying it on thick and I had no idea why it was bleeding into their personal lives unlike any other time.
Dom even got scolded for posting a silly photo of us because it ruined the facade. 
I kept it from Dom the whole time I was there visiting because I hurt him enough for a life time. I deserved feeling jealous this time.
Dom rushed towards me, picking me up into his arms and spinning me around. “Did you see it? I fucking flew!” 
My arms wrapped around his neck without thinking, “You won. Congrats.”
Placing me down gently he knew something was wrong when he dragged me back to his dressing room before asking. Boxing me against the door his eyes got dark, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” I lied.
“We aren’t leaving until you spill.” He still didn’t give anymore room between us than what was already there.
“I’m late and I’m tired. I’ll just Uber back to the hotel and meet you at the airport?” It was the last stop before we flew home for Raw next Monday. I was honestly excited to get back home and back to my routine. Less of his fake relationship thrown in my face.
Taking shelter in a dressing room, the air was thick and I couldn’t get out my words without admitting I love my best friend. Fighting my zipper Dom leaned again the doorframe to the bedroom.
He licked his lips, “You horny or something? I know we have a pact to not cross those lines again, but hermosa if you need me.” 
“Why do you call her Mami?” I bluntly asked.
“I don’t write my scenes, babe. I have zero control over that. Is that what’s wrong?”
“You called me Mami the first time we had sex,” I whispered. “Every time you said it to her…” I didn’t know how to rationalize it or even speak on it yet.
Dom’s hands skated down my sides and landed on my hips. “What happens baby? What happens when I say Mami?”
Pushing his hands off me I flooded the room, pacing lightly trying to find the words. “A lot. I’m jealous, I’m turned on, I’m confused. I don’t know what to do, Dom.”
Ripping his sweaty shirt off he followed me, dragging my hips back to his. “Dom. We can’t. I can’t.”
Dropping his hands from my body so quickly felt like a diss. “Right. I’ve heard it all before. I was good enough to fuck you the first time tho, right?”
Dom was never cruel and I couldn’t believe it as it unfolded.
“You’re my best friend.” I twisted around to face him before sitting on the couch in his dressing room. 
His hands on the back of the couch he fell into me, his knee between my legs and his mouth so close I felt the hot breath against me. “I fucked you until there was blood on my sheets. I stood by while every asshole fucked you instead of me. Fuck, mi amore, I’m still fucking my hand every night because I need you.”
“I can’t fuck you, Dom.”
His hands shoved its way between my legs and found my wet panties quickly. “Give me one good reason I shouldn’t rip your wet panties off?” His hands found the strings of my thong before yanking them down my legs.
“Because you’re gonna hate me and I can’t want you until you know.”
Undoing his belt he twisted me over, on all fours and the wetness practically dropped down my inner thigh. I needed Dom so badly I didn’t care. My mouth muffled by my own forearm I couldn’t talk myself out of letting him anymore.
Shoving himself between my legs I nearly gasped, holding my breath and biting down on my own skin.
“Oh my god, Dom.” His chest caved over my back and begged me to scream. “Ohhh fuck.”
“That’s it, baby. So fucking tight. You needed this, didn’t you? so fucking wet for me.” 
I had lost my mind with him inside me, writhing in ecstasy like he knew my body better than I did when his brutal thrusts hit against my ass hard. “Dom. Dom, slower, slower.”
Taking the hint he slowed down, taking him time and punishing us both with long movements. Every time he filled me I felt myself come all over him.
“Tell me why I’m gonna hate you.”
Luckily I was saved by his team mates, the ones he fought with and was always with. “Dom we gotta do some after shots. You ready?” They all stopped dead in their tracks staring at Dom pounding me from the back. 
“Goddamnit. Get out.”
After being frozen long enough they vacated the locker room they clearly all shared.
Hiding my face on the couch I bite down on my own lips to keep from moaning too loudly. “I’m gonna come. Dominik.”
“Say my name baby. I wanna hear you moan it.” 
I could feel his hands tighten and knew he was close when I grabbed onto his hands. “I’m not on birth control. Dom, you can't.”
I had already had one abortion and couldn’t survive another. 
Making me come he pushed himself inside of me until I felt him jerk against my tightness. “Dom! I’m not on anything. I can’t get pregnant.”
Kissing my shoulder he whispered, “it’s not the worst thing in the world. Rather have a baby with my best friend than anyone else.”
Pushing him off me I panicked. “I can’t have another abortion. You don’t understand.”
Tucking himself back into his undone pants his features wrinkled. “You had an abortion? Who the fuck got you pregnant? When?”
“We were babies, Dom don’t be mad. I couldn’t tell you.” Pulling down my dress and trying so hard to not cry.
“Fucking Blaine? You almost had his kid?”
“Dom.” I said sternly, waiting for him to realize. “It wasn’t Blaine.”
Pushing his hands through his hair he stared at me pissed the fuck off. Everything about my face begged for his pity. “You fucking got pregnant? We had sex one time. How?”
The hot stream of tears ran down my face. “We didn’t use a condom, Dom. I came so many times. It was my first time too, I didn’t think I would get pregnant. Your mom promised to keep it a secret until I was ready to tell you.”
“My fucking mom kept your secret? We could have been together. You didn’t even bother telling me.”
He exploded with anger, trashing the locker room and shouting profanities. I had never seen Dom so angry before. 
Rhea, his on screen girlfriend, and his team mates came crashing through the door for a second time like they were listening outside the door but Dom didn’t care. He got so close to my face I actually winced. “You fucking got pregnant and decided not to tell me? But you’re worried if I’m fucking Rhea? You fucking got rid of our baby.”
“We were seventeen, Dom! Babies, we couldn’t have a baby. No one gets pregnant the first time they have sex.”
“But we did, didn’t we? Say it. I wanna hear you say it.” His hand clutched around my jaw, holding my gaze and forcing eye contact. “Say it.”
The tears turned into globs and scarred my face when my mouth fell open but no words came out. “Dom. Don’t.”
I flinched at the closeness when he pushed his face even further into mine. Nearly growling the words, “Fucking. Say. It.” 
“I couldn’t be a mom then. I couldn’t be a wife. We were supposed to be the people who got pregnant the first time. I’m sorry I had the abortion but it had to happen.”
His grip on my face let up and Rhea called his name. “Priest has a match, you coming?”
Shaking off our argument I finally exhaled when he followed her lead. “You’re fucking lucky. You made the wrong choice.”
Dropping down to the couch again I sobbed into my hands contemplating every big moment we had. Dom was every first, every big moment. He was my best friend and I kept the worst secret from him. I felt like a monster.
Priest and Finn appeared on the TV set to fight his dad, Rey, and Randy Orton. I watched trying to compose myself as I left the room. Everyone probably heard and I knew my cheeks would flare up red instantly. 
Making my way to the viewing area I stood in the back watching Dom frantically force his way into the match. His attempts were successful when everyone passed out except his father, Rey. Climbing into the ring, he stood in front of his dad holding a mic.
“What’s wrong? Afraid I’ve outlived the legend.” He toyed with his father like a predator. 
His dad waved his hands and Dom attacked him before dragging Finn over his body for a three count winning his stable the fight. “That’s what you get for being a deadbeat dad. Don’t fuck with my family.”
I knew where this came from when everyone backstage scrambled to plan around Dom going off script. None of this was planned and WWE just landed on a gem of a feud. Father and son against each other.
Dom breezed by me, bandana still over his face and sunglasses still on. Whatever we had been through before was about to get worse. There was no going back now. The damage was done.
Reaching out I tried to make him hear me when he put his arm around Rhea, walking away the way he knew would hurt the most. 
That night I went to the airport by myself, not seeing Dom at all. His things were still a mess around the hotel room. We had the same flight home and I dredged it entirely. Our seats were next to each other and I had no idea how we would make a flight over six hours home. 
I hadn’t seen Dom and decided he changed his flight when I boarded the flight by myself. Holding my duffle bag I slipped inside my seat, digging out my head phones and closing out the world. 
Clamping my eyes down I begged for sleep but I knew better. My racing heart wasn’t going to let up more than ever. The seat next to me wrinkled as I scrolled through playlists to find the right song when I glanced over to see Dom stretching out in our first class seats.
Picking any song I turned it up hoping he wouldn’t try to speak to me anyways. It was three hours into our flight when I finally got his attention. 
I had to scoot by him and that wasn’t going to be easy with his long legs spread out and his hat over his face. “Dom,” I nudged him a couple of times before he woke up.
“If you aren’t waking me up to get you pregnant so you can rectify this problem then I don’t want to hear it.” He crossed his arms tighter and didn’t bother to open his eyes. 
Dom wasn’t going to let up anytime soon and I had to deal with that. I just handed him a bomb before we went back home to California where we were both expected to stay with his parents. Now it felt like I had lost both Dom and the family I had.
“Then what happens, Dom? I got pregnant and what? We raise the baby as best friends? You quit the WWE? You pretend we don’t exist because as far as fans are concerned you’re with Rhea? We were young. Neither of us were ready for that kind of responsibility.” I whispered between us unlike him. 
Pushing his headphones down to his neck and sitting straighter up he finally looked at me. “Yes. Whatever we had to do. Our age, our status, my career - none of it mattered in comparison. If you were pregnant I deserved to know. After we fucked, you were a bitch. Fucking every goddamn guy who took you out, sneaking out, avoiding me, acting like nothing happened. I got you pregnant and you didn’t even bother to tell me. Now is there something you want to say?”
“You’re an asshole,” I spat out before pushing my way through his legs to go to the bathroom.
First class bathrooms were bigger, nicer but still an airplane bathroom. The knock was quiet but I ignored it. I needed time to regain composure before I had to face Dom again. Splashing water on my face carefully stepped out of the way when I realized it was Rhea and Dom flirting. 
It stung. Hell, it felt like a knife. 
Grabbing my hand he jerked me back, “just call it even.”
“You got it, Dominik.”
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igncrxntripley · 1 year
double trouble
requested by @lokis-queen01 - Would you be able to write a request for Damien Priest x female reader where she is Dominic’s twin sister but she is in a secret relationship with Damien and she joins judgement day with Dominic but also reveals that she is in a relationship with him
a/n: posting this crazy late but pls enjoy :)
mentions: overall SFW, some description of violence within matches, slight emotional manipulation, some family drama, use of google translate, fem!reader, poc!reader, latinx!reader, mysterio twin sister!reader, damianxreader
translations: mi corazón: my heart, sweetheart; princesa: princess; mi princesa, estoy tan orgulloso: my princess, i’m so proud of you; bienvenido a tu nueva familia: welcome to your new family. 
taglist: @thesithdiaries​ @cassiesgreta​ @roseheartsworld​ @theworldofotps​​ @babybatlover​ @ripleyswhore​ @auburnwrites​ @obl1vionblackhart​ @emogoblin-666​ @hereliespumpkin​ @blxxdshxteyes​ @neptune-lover​ @bunnysmyname​ @i-have-issues-lol​ @ares-athena​ @thatonepansexual2000​ @witcherfromwallachia​ @christinabae​
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there was no doubt in the world you loved your dad, but he had put both you and dominik on the back burner when it came to your careers. the three of you used to be unstoppable together - a father and his children winning championships and being some of the best in the industry! what could go wrong?
nothing went wrong, per say. but three people entered your lives and helped you see the light; rhea, damian, and finn. three people who had followed your family relentlessly for weeks, months, even, to convince the mysterio twins to join the judgement day. and the two of you fought tooth and nail against it because you were that committed to your dad. 
dominik was the first to finally be convinced. rhea had a way with words, and it was clear just how enamored he was with her. when you found out, though, you were livid. 
--- ---
“you what?” you said, looking at your twin in shock after he told you what he’d decided. “dominik, you can’t be serious. after everything they’ve done to us?” 
dominik shook his head. “y/n, think about it.” he said, a darkness in his eyes that you hadn’t ever seen before. “they can give us what dad hasn’t. you’ve seen how they work together, support one another to be the best they can possibly be. it’s what we need. we could be unstoppable!” he said, grabbing your upper arms as you looked away from him. “i love you, but i’m doing this with or without you. and i don’t want anything to happen to you.”
a scoff left your lips. “oh, you don’t want anything to happen to me?” you asked, your voice dripping with sarcasm. “as if they haven’t already made our lives a living hell. rhea has been manipulating you and spreading these lies through your head!” 
dom squeezed your arms, needing nothing more than for his twin sister to hear him out. “listen to me, please.” he said softly. “i know you’re upset. i get that. but just...just hear them out.” dominik was practically begging you. you knew he wanted the two of you to do this together, but you just couldn’t get behind it. not yet.
--- ---
just as rhea had worked her charm on dominik, ‘the punisher’ of the judgement day had started to make his own move on you. and just like his counterpart, he had a way with words and a certain smoothness to him that had you eating out of the palm of his hand. you weren’t giving into him that easily though. 
--- ---
sneaking around with damian wasn’t easy. if you weren’t careful, someone was going to see you. so the two of you often met up in his hotel room, you leaving your dad and brother at the guise of seeing one of your friends. you knew you couldn’t do this forever, though. so you had to make a decision about damian’s offer. 
this came to a head only a mere week before clash at the castle; you sat in damian’s lap during one of your top secret trips to his hotel room, your arms around his neck and playing with his hair as he gave your hips gentle squeezes. “i can’t do it, dame.” you whispered, the nickname rolling off of your tongue as you looked down at your lap. 
damian leaned in and pressed his forehead to yours. “why not, mi corazón?” he asked softly. “you’re better off with us. we can take care of you; i can take care of you.” he reminded you, the same speech damian had given you for weeks on end during your secret conversations. “we won’t have to hide anymore. and you know if you don’t say yes then...then we can’t do this anymore.”
his words made your chest hurt. while you wanted nothing more than to be with damian and let everyone know you were his, you couldn’t do it at the risk of hurting others. “my dad, though...”
“baby, i know you love your dad.” damian said with a gentle shake of your head, using his finger to lift your chin so he could look at you. “but you’re so much bigger and better than him. both you and dominik have so much potential, and rey hasn’t even scratched the surface.” he was so gentle with his words, so patient as he watched the gears turn in your head. it made your heart flutter, but at the same time your brain wanted you not to believe a word he was saying. “join us, y/n. not just for me, but for you.”
you had decided that night what you were going to do, but you were going to wait to make it clear what your choice was. it was going to be the first step in paving your own path, without the influence of your father. of course damian was thrilled, but you made him promise to keep quiet for just a little while longer. 
cardiff wasn’t ready for what you had planned. 
--- ---
clash at the castle, september 3rd, 2022.
you stood at ringside, next to your twin brother dominik as you both watched the match in front of you; your dad, rey myserio, teaming up with edge to finally put away the judgement day after months of them tormenting your family. not only had they attacked the three of you, this match was meant to put things to bed, give everyone the piece of mind they needed and hopefully get the judgement day off of your backs.
but no one knew what was coming.
you and dominik had talked about everything backstage, away from your dad and away from anyone who didn’t need to hear it. you had a plan, and you were going to make a statement without the help of rey mysterio. this was your moment, dominik’s moment. and no one was going to take it away from you. 
truth be told, most of the match was a blur; you and dominik kept up your gimmick as the proud kids in the background of rey and edge’s moment up until the very end. but eventually you found yourself stood in the ring, next to your brother, watching rey and one of his great friends celebrating their big moment. 
but then dominik made his move, and you knew your plan was officially in action. 
your twin gave edge a low blow, and didn’t even try to hide the smirk that rose on your face as the hall of famer fell to his knees. the shock on your father’s face only fueled your fire, and as edge sat on his knees you followed it up with a superkick to the chin that had his head spinning. 
rey turned both you and dominik to face him, your own chest heaving with rage and anxiety as dominik caught his breath. as twins, your energy had always radiated off of one another and you always did everything as a team; this was no different, your brother’s hand reaching for yours as his way of letting you know you were in this together. 
“por favor, por favor.” your dad pleaded, his hands in front of him as he looked at his eldest children. “listen to me, both of you. please, leave him alone.” one of rey’s hands reached out to hold dominik;s chest as the other held your cheek, and truth be told that alone almost sobered you up. the look in your dad’s eyes through the white contacts almost convinced you to stop this whole thing and walk away...but you didn’t. 
dominik delivered the harshest clothesline he could manage right to your dad’s chest, and you immediately climbed up to the top turnbuckle at the nearest ringpost. the boos in the audience only fueled the adrenaline rushing through your body as you landed the biggest splash of your career so far onto your dad, and you and dominik stood by to look at exactly what you’d done. 
you could only barely hear the judgement day’s laugh behind you as you left the ring with your big brother, hand in hand as you both came to terms with what you’d done. but you knew this was only the beginning, and come monday night, everyone in the wwe universe was going to find out what the mysterio twins had planned for their futures. 
--- ---
monday night raw, two days after clash at the castle. 
you stood backstage next to your twin brother, watching on the monitor as your dad and edge spoke about what you’d done only two days prior. you stood with damian, distanced from the rest of the judgement day so you could have your own moment with him before sealing the your fate. his arms wrapped around your waist, and yours rested on his shoulders as he gave you one final kiss. 
“you look good in all black, princesa.” he said softly, complimenting the black mini skirt and heeled booties you’d chosen. a gentle smirk teased his lips as the two of your gently swayed your bodies; damian knew this was hard for you, and he was doing whatever he needed to do to calm you before you and dominik confronted your father. “let us handle business, okay? and after tonight, everything will be okay.”
you gave damian one more gentle kiss, nodding your head as his words registered in your brain. “thank you. for everything.” you whispered, smiling up at him before you were interrupted. 
“break it up, lovebirds.” rhea teased softly, her own hand interlocked with that of your twin brother’s. “we’ll see you two shortly.” she and the rest of the judgement day made their way to gorilla, and you followed behind with dominik. 
“you’re ready?” he asked you softly, giving dom a small nod as you locked arms with your brother. 
your free hand adjusted the collar of his button-up shirt, giving him a smile that was practically identical to his own. “as ready as i’ll ever be.” you said quietly, standing by the monitor to watch the segment unfold. 
edge made his final call for you and your twin brother to come out to the ring, but edge and your father were met with the screams of rhea’s music much to their disappointment. you both watched, as rhea tormented your father and the hall of famer about how she’d turned dominik into ‘a real man’, and how you were so much more than ‘rey mysterio’s babygirl’. 
truth be told, the next few moments were a blur. you gave your brother one final look, gently squeezed his arm, and the two of you walked out to meet the judgement day to claim your new spots in the group. 
you couldn’t look at the ring, because you knew seeing your dad would only make this more difficult. but oddly enough, you relished in the booing that resounded through the crowd; it made you feel so...good. so powerful. and you could feel that same energy radiating off of your brother as you two walked in slow strides side by side. you both joined rhea’s side, rhea pulling your twin brother closer as your hands busied themselves with the bracelet around your wrist damian had given you backstage.
“dom, y/n...” rey practically begged. you finally looked up at the ring, seeing his pain through the mask on his face. “snap out of it, guys. both of you still have time, so make amends with edge. make things right.” his eyes went directly to you, and even though it hurt to look at your dad in the moment, you stayed strong. “y/n, babygirl, come on.” he begged. “this isn’t you. my little girl wouldn’t do this.”
you watched as your father got out of the ring, closing the distance between yourself and your brother as you met him on the ramp. rhea followed close behind, but your dad stood in front of his twins to make one final plea. “don’t do this.” he said softly, neither you nor your brother even bothering to look at the man in front of you. “i’m talking to both of you. don’t do this.”
the two of you refused to let him intimidate you into giving in. you were no longer going to allow your father to treat you like small children, but rather you were both going to prove to him that you were better than anything he could have ever amounted to. 
“you can’t even look at me in the eyes? see me face to face?” he asked, his voice filled with shock and anger at what he was witnessing. he was so shocked and angry, that all he could do was walk back up the ramp. you and dominik watched, your faces straight and unwavering while rhea had the audacity to laugh at him. the old y/n would have been fuming at someone laughing at her father...but you let that version of you die in cardiff only two days ago. 
the next few moments were a blur; damian and finn had unleashed their attack on edge in the ring, your dad came back out to make one final plea, and he then became the target of his own attack from rhea. but what awoke you from this odd daydream, was the feeling of cold steel being placed into your hand. 
you gave rhea a small nod, climbing up the stairs to the ring to stand side by side with damian. he gave you a smirk, standing to the side to allow you the room to do what you pleased, and with the encouragement of your new-found family you didn’t hesitate to hit edge with that chair as hard as you possibly could. it was hard to even explain the rush through your body as the metal connected with edge’s back, but it felt amazing. 
the boys took over from there until your dad got back in the ring, trying to be a hero as he stood over edge’s body to shield him from damian and finn. but by then you’d all moved out onto the ramp again, damian’s hands pulling your body closer to his as your dad watched. 
damian gently grabbed your cheek, the both of you smirking at rey as your boyfriend pulled you into a kiss. this kiss wasn’t just for show, either; t was the same as every other time damian had placed his lips against yours, all those times you two met in secret before or after shows to discuss your future with the judgement day, and now he was using it as a gesture to show where your loyalty now lied. 
while his calloused hands gently led you back up the ring, smoke practically pouring from your father’s ears, you smiled at the feeling of standing arm in arm with your new family. with four people who wanted nothing but the best from you, and who were going to do everything in their power to build you up rather than put you on the back burner like rey had done. 
this was your moment. dominik’s moment. not rey’s. and the whole world was about to find out who the real mysterio twins were. 
once you were backstage, damian lifted your body up into his arms in the biggest hug he could manage. you hid in his neck, breathing in the spice of his cologne and tangling a hand in his ponytail. “mi princesa, estoy tan orgulloso.” he whispered in your ear. “bienvenido a tu nueva familia.”
you pulled back as damian placed you back onto your feet, giving him one more kiss before smiling at the man who single-handedly turned your life around. “i think i like the other side a lot more already.” you told him softly. letting him lead you back to the dressing room with the rest of the group. 
who knew betrayal could be so romantic?
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bltngames · 4 months
A Better Late Than Never Look at "Knuckles"
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Note: I get pretty casual with spoilers as I go.
So after consuming 5 out of 6 episodes of the Knuckles show when it was new, and then waiting two weeks (I was busy with other things!) to watch the finale, I think I'm finally in a place where I can talk about how I felt about it.
From the earliest adopters, I'd heard that this show was trash. Some went so far as to call it one of the worst things in the Sonic franchise, period. 
It's not the worst thing in the Sonic franchise. I don't even necessarily think it's bad. But I would also struggle to call it good. It's... a little more nuanced than that.
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The story brings us back to Knuckles the Echidna in the weeks following the end of the second Sonic the Hedgehog movie. Having helped in the defeat of Doctor Robotnik, Knuckles finds himself restless. He's a big mish-mash of different barbarian, viking, and warrior stereotypes, and he can no longer quench his thirst for combat, something that's starting to drive his friends crazy.
Knuckles convenes with the spirits of his ancestors (Pachacamac, played by Christopher Lloyd) and learns he must take on an understudy and train them in the ways of the warrior, much like his father did with him. However, we also learn that Knuckles is now the last of his kind (something the movies never elaborated on, I don't think) and thus his understudy has to be someone from outside his species. 
Pachacamac tells Knuckles to seek out Wade Whipple, the dopey deputy of Green Hills, Montana, and educate him in the ways of the ancient Echidna warriors. Wade recently lost a bowling tournament to a particularly snarky 8 year old girl scout, and so Knuckles and Wade go on a road trip to the National Bowling Stadium in Reno, Nevada so that Wade can reclaim his title, conquer his battleground, and become a true warrior.
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Right away, there's a lot wrong with the Knuckles series, and most of it happens in the first three episodes.
Though we should be used to it by now, how fast and loose the movies play with Sonic game lore is pretty annoying. In the years since that second Sonic movie, we've seen the release of the Super Mario Bros. movie, and while that's not exactly a perfect movie in itself, it is maybe one of the most faithful and respectful game adaptations ever released. 
The Knuckles series building a twisted Frankenstein of Sonic game lore now feels increasingly frustrating by comparison, especially as it rewrites the movie's own history in order to borrow from the more story-heavy games. The first Sonic movie shows us a whole tribe of Echidna warriors trying to capture a young toddler Sonic for unknown reasons. Though it's been almost two years since the last time I saw it, when Knuckles is introduced in the second movie, I don't think it's ever mentioned he's the last of his kind. We just know he's looking for Sonic for the same nebulous reasons the rest of his tribe were hunting him down in the first movie. The "Last Echidna" stuff comes from the games, and now it eventually gets mentioned in this series.
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As a sidebar: I'm aware there's an off-hand piece of dialog in the Sonic 2 Movie Prequel comic that mentions Knuckles is the last Echidna, but that's a flimsy promo comic and none of it feels canon to me. That comic also has a cameo by the Chaotix and features way more Sonic environments than the movies ever will, making it feel disconnected to the actual movies.
Like it's fun, don't get me wrong, but it's also like when the Spider-man games based on the Sam Raimi movies would bring in characters from the comics, like Shocker or Mysterio. You KNEW if the movies ever dealt with those characters for real, they'd be completely different from what was in the games. The promo comic casually mentioning Knuckles is the last Echidna may as well have been nothing more than fluff for all anyone knew. 
In fact, it gets mentioned in the Knuckles series that The Owl Tribe -- the same creatures who we saw protecting Sonic in the first movie -- have apparently exterminated the entire Echidna race. It's only been, what, seven years? Eight years? So what's going on there? Who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys?  The Echidnas apparently wanted to kill Sonic, and the Owls were willing to commit genocide to protect him, and this all seems like some pretty heavy stuff for a series that still refuses to define what this "power" everybody has actually is.
It feels extra obnoxious considering the proximity to the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie, which is openly an adaptation of Sonic Adventure 2. There's more than a little Echidna lore that needs to be set up in order for parts of that game to make sense (if it ever did), and it's obvious they have little interest in carrying that forward in the movies, content instead to make up their own lore. And what we've seen of that so far doesn't necessarily seem to be better, it just seems to be different. Like they dug themselves into a hole and now have to dig back out in a different direction -- more damage control to cover for that first movie twisting up the source material.
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Ultimately it ties back around to the fact that I don't think this is what Sonic fans were hoping for. There were a lot of directions to take a Knuckles solo project, and they made it into a road trip buddy comedy between two of the weakest characters. Movie Knuckles is a one-note Klingon stereotype and it feels like Idris Elba is sleepwalking through a lot of this chest thumping "heart of the warrior" stuff.
And Adam Pally as Wade Whipple was okay in small doses, but he wasn't exactly breaking new ground as the bumbling small town deputy. Putting these two guys in a box together is kind of a bad idea.
And for the first three episodes, it is. Wade and Knuckles have absolutely zero chemistry together. Most shows would have a little hint that these two guys like each other, but it's more that Knuckles wants to train Wade for selfish reasons (satisfying his ancestors) and Wade is kind of a dumb puppy who does what everyone else tells him to, sight unseen. 
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We also get new B-tier villains for our B-tier show, who swagger in like they missed the audition for their gig on Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (no shade meant towards my sentai fans in the audience). They're GUN Agents, either current or former, and have apparently been selling weapons tech to a genuinely dangerous killer only known as "The Buyer."
Actually, another small sidebar: it was kind of strange to see Knuckles rated "PG" (for some mild swearing), but Paramount+ constantly inundate me with advertisements for Dora the Explorer, Minecraft, and The Loud House. This is actually my first, real, honest exposure to The Loud House, both in its cartoon and live action form. It feels like a show made for the whitest children on earth and if I have to see that little girl with the shrimp bowl fart again I'm going to throw my TV into the street.
Anyway, Knuckles: for the most part, the villains only really exist to remind us that this ties to the Sonic the Hedgehog movie universe while also providing goons for our heroes to fight. 
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If I'm being real, I was actually a little confused by the presence of the GUN Agents. The Knuckles show is kind of bad at establishing whether they still work for GUN or not. We do get a scene where they go rogue, but it's never clear if they're just overachievers who get results, or if they are actual card-carrying bad guys who are breaking off for a solo career. I just figured they were here as a flimsy setup for the third Sonic movie.
Mostly, though, it's a lot of fluff. Knuckles or Wade gets into trouble, and they accidentally stumble out of one bad situation into another, over and over, for a good 90 minutes. Very few jokes land, it doesn't feel very funny, it's a confusing mixture of new lore and stuff borrowed from the games, and it feels like the show is a mess that's constantly spinning its wheels. 
Wade, now branded as a fugitive for being seen fighting GUN Agents (again: current or former?), accidentally and conveniently finds himself at his mother's doorstep seeking asylum. On the jewish holiday of Shabbat. Now, I'm not jewish, but it seems like Shabbat can happen on literally any Friday, yet the Knuckles series treats it like an annual holiday like Christmas or Halloween. Regardless, it seems like Wade happens to catch his mother on a Shabbat where she's already preparing a big meal, since Wade's older sister, an FBI agent, also happens to be in town. Which is also weirdly convenient. Wade, feeling like he can't disappoint his mom, sits down and they have a meal together, only to be assaulted by bounty hunters looking to claim the price on Wade's head.
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This episode starts a kind of turning point for the Knuckles series. Over an hour into this three hour ordeal, and it finally provides some threads of character development for Wade Whipple. We learn his estranged father is a legendary bowling champion, who will also just so happen to be at the big bowling tournament Knuckles is ushering him towards. Knuckles has a cozy moment with Wade's mother, and we learn more about how much she hates Wade's father for breaking up their family.
The fourth episode finds Wade facing down yet another bounty hunter. Earlier I mentioned Wade lost a bowling tournament to an 8 year old girl -- specifically, he lost a placement match for a bowling team known as The Renegades. The captain of The Renegades is a man known as Jack Sinclair, and when he rejects Wade's entry into the team, he casually mentions a bounty hunter gig he runs on the side. Now, Jack's back to claim the $100k bounty, and Knuckles has decided that it's time for Wade to solve this problem on his own.
Ultimately, this means Wade is forced to convene with Knuckles' ancient ancestors for himself, leading to, of all things, a rock opera in a spectral bowling alley where we learn more of Knuckles' origin. If the Shabbat dinner episode finally budged the needle a little bit, this rock opera episode is the kick in the pants this series should have opened with.
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We get Wade in a Knuckles costume, a puppet of Knuckles' dying father that's definitely a reference to Archie's controversial Sonic writer Ken Penders, dancers in owl costumes, and a genuinely impressive prop of a "Fire Demon" (Iblis from Sonic 2006) operated by an entire squad of bodysuit actors. It's a lot of fun and I even found myself starting to laugh at the jokes! It only took, what, two hours?
As the rock opera explains, after Knuckles watched all of his friends and family get slaughtered by the owl tribe, Knuckles wandered the galaxy, hopeless. Knowing he was the only one who could protect the master emerald, he challenged this fire demon to claim the power of The Flames of Disaster. The demon nearly killed Knuckles, but by keeping the warrior's spirit in his heart, he summoned the strength to defeat Iblis once and for all and claim The Flames of Disaster as his own. Thus, Wade learns that a warrior's true strength comes from within, giving him the push needed to have a final showdown with Jack Sinclair. 
And then something else weird happens: the final two episodes of the show turn into something completely different. 
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In my opinion, the more the Knuckles show gets away from Knuckles himself, the better it gets. Even though I thought the rock opera origin story was great, the less we have to worry about their jumbled up lore, the better. And these last two episodes of Knuckles get about as far away from the Echidna as they can get, turning into a late 2000's sports comedy in the vein of something like "Balls of Fury", "Hot Rod" or "Blades of Glory." Except here, the stand-in sport of choice is bowling.  
It's actually pretty funny how much the previous four episodes just stop mattering entirely. Like, the bounty on Wade vanishes. Being a wanted criminal (former or current) has no bearing on his ability to attend the bowling tournament despite apparently being national news not even 48 hours earlier. It's never mentioned or brought up again. 
Knuckles almost exits the show entirely. He spends most of the final two episodes relaxing in a hotel room, leaving Wade to carry almost literally everything else by himself. We get introduced to Cary Elwes as Wade's father Pistol Pete, who summons the same level of ham and cheese we last got from him in Robin Hood: Men in Tights. 
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And... It works. It's not the greatest thing on earth, but compared to where this show started, once the bowling tournament kicks off, it's literally the best part of the whole series. The jokes get even funnier. We get all these different themed bowling teams, everybody in special costumes, with dumb names like "Ball Busters" and "Split for Brains." The editing gets really energetic and creative, too, with lots of flashy split screen cuts set to music. 
It feels like somebody had been sitting on a decade-old bowling comedy script and dusted it off for these last two episodes. It stops being the Knuckles show and starts being the Wade Whipple show, and is surprisingly better for it. 
But then, that's not entirely true. It's still the Knuckles show, and almost begrudgingly, they have to make up a reason for Knuckles to have a big fight at the end. It's almost funny how blatant it is -- there's so much focus on Wade's showdown with his Dad that when they cut back to Knuckles it feels kind of forced. Like they realized Wade is getting all of the pathos and character development but they still needed to show Knuckles doing something, anything, so here's a big robot that needs punching. 
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It's not terrible, and Wade eventually joins him, tying into his overall journey of believing in himself and becoming "a warrior", but it does feel kind of tacked on regardless. There's this general vibe of the show getting lost in the bowling tournament and then going "Oh, right. That guy."
Listen, I'm not here to evangelize this show. It's kind of an inconsistent mess. It's jammed full of obnoxious needle drop musical interludes, there's tons of REALLY blatant product placement, and just like with the previous two Sonic movies, whenever it makes direct references to game lore, it feels more pandering (and increasingly sloppy) than anything else. It takes its sweet time expanding on both its title character and his poorly chosen side kick. A lot of it made me cringe more than laugh. 
But it does eventually hit a stride and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the back half of it. You can really see the show start to find its footing once you hit that Shabbat episode, and by the end of the rock opera, Knuckles had finally won me over... by getting further and further away from Knuckles himself. 
And... that's not really a great endorsement, now is it. 
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riptideripley · 1 year
His Princesa
gif cred : @mxmoth
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a small series. part 2.
tags:fluff,Dominik Mysterio x Reader,Alcohol use
word count:976
After you decided to join the Judgement Day,tension grew between you and Dominik. The whole group could feel the tension,outside and inside the ring. He would constantly be staring at you,especially when you had your gear on,constant glares and staring contests. Rhea would occasionally tease both you and Dominik,causing you to blush or stutter when talking. Dominik enjoyed it tho,watching you get all nervous or shy when his name was mentioned. The only problem is,you have a boyfriend. Things were ok in the bedroom but you needed more,something that Dominik could give you,and lately he’s been out more with his friends drinking heavily. It worries you because you know how handsy he can get when drunk,lately tho he has been coming home with kisses of lipstick on his arm or neck. You’ve vented to Priest and Rhea multiple times about this and each time they tell you to leave the relationship,but you still have a little faith in him which makes them furious. “Cmon (your name),we all know you could do so much better” is what they both say every time,and you’re starting to believe them.
You had just won your match against Liv Morgan,you took the victory which made Rhea happy. “Hey,can I talk to you real quick? Away from everyone please” Dominik whispered softly in your ear once back stage,so when everyone was distracted you two ran off to a private area. “Yea Dom Dom what’s up?” “(your name) listen..I have feelings for you. And I know about your situation with your boyfriend but I promise you,if you just leave him and get with me I will never treat you that way.” He spoke while caressing and gently squeezing your hand anxiously. You could tell this was the genuine side of him,all you could do was stare at him stunned. “Dom..you know I have a boyfriend but-“ you were quickly cut off with a kiss from him. You stood there in shock “I-Im so so sorry..” he quickly spat out,running off to find everyone else. You stood there for a moment trying to process everything before running off to find the entire Judgement day in the locker room. “(your name)! God where have you been? We’ve been waiting to celebrate your victory” Finn spoke,smiling from ear to ear. “Sorry guys,but yea let’s celebrate!” you said in a cheerful tone,glancing over at Dominik who seemed very anxious but trying to play it off.
An hour n a half later,you were a bit tipsy while everyone else was completely drunk. Except Dom,he wasn’t drinking as much and constantly just on his phone or playing with his fingers. “Hey,what’s wrong with him?” a drunk but sorta sober Rhea whispered to you,you whispered the whole situation to her in her ear giggling at her shocked expression. “Go talk to him” was the last thing she told you before chugging down a shot of vodka. You sat next to him,running your nail down his arm. “H-hey look I’m really sorry about what happened” “Dom,it’s ok. Look,come to my hotel tonight and we can talk this out just us.” you told him with a smile,your boyfriend wasn’t in town because of “work” so he wouldn’t even know. Dom smiled at this and immediately hugged you,you giggled and hugged him slightly rubbing his back. “Awwww look at the lovebirds” a very drunk Priest spoke before falling over. Everyone laughed,”I think we need to stop with the drinks guys” you spoke as you got up taking all the bottles off the table. Rhea whined as she didn’t get to finish pouring her shot of tequila,but still shot it straight back down her throat. Finn was asleep on the floor while Priest was struggling to get up. Since you and Dom were the only sober/non drunk ones,you both helped everyone change and got them into your car. “Once I get everyone home,I’ll text you and you can come over” you told Dom as you got Rhea into the passenger seat. “Yea ok sure!” he said with excitement. You smiled and kissed his cheek,making him smile.
An hour later,after fighting with Rhea to get get into your hotel since she refused to go home,you got her comfortable on your couch and made her a soup. “Here,eat this and take this Tylenol” she whined but complied and began eating. You texted Dom,waiting for his response.
You - ‘Hey,sorry for the wait. Had to bring Rhea to my room to get her sobered up,but you can come by if you don’t mind her’
[DomDom🖤] - ‘Yea of course! I’ll be by in like 5 minutes’
You smiled at this and waited for him to arrive. 10 minutes go by and you hear a knock at the door,opening it to see Dominik. You smiled and hugged him,letting him in the room. “Jesus,she’s sleeping good” he spoke and laughed at Rhea on the couch sleeping. “Yea she’s been like that since she finished her food,anyways follow me!” You told him as you lead him to your room. You had a premium room due to you being a wrestler so you had an extra room for Rhea to crash in later. You sat down on your bed,Dom sitting next to you. “So-“ “Shh,just listen. I have feelings for you too and with me having a boyfriend it’s been difficult,but I’m more than willing to leave him now.” You spoke before kissing him. He wrapped his hands around your waist pulling you onto his lap. You smiled in the kiss,not realized Rhea was wide awake and recording.
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puppyg1rl666 · 1 year
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Childhood Friends Part 1
Summary: You and Dominik had been friends since diapers but when he joined the Judgment Day he left everyone behind, even you. Rey Mysterio called you to knock some sense into his son and it may have worked...
Warning: swear words, use of google translate for Spanish, and fighting.
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You grew up around the Mysterio kids. Aalyah was your best friend and Dominik was the cute older brother. You can remember the days when the three of you would play ring side while watching your dads fights. But now, wasn’t the time to reminisce over the days when you were younger. You were about to make your father proud by carrying out the Guerrero legacy by showing up for your first fight. Well, not really fight, Rey had called you to try and knock some sense into Dominik with the way he’s been acting lately. Since he joined the Judgement Day, he’s been acting like a real douchebag. And as much as you missed the old Dominik who used to kiss the scraps on your knees when you fell off your bike when you were little, he was a different person now. You hadn’t seen him in years and now Rey wanted the impossible. You had to focus and ignore the old feelings that were bound to come through when you saw Dominik again. 
You were waiting for your cue to walk out into the gurrilla and you knew it came when you heard your father’s song play over the speakers causing the crowd to scream as you walked out. You hadn’t been in the ring since you were 16. The rest of Judgement Day stared at you and then at Dominik and then at Rey who was helping you into the ring. 
“Chiquita, you’re my last hope.” you heard Rey whisper in your ear as you made eye contact with Dominik. His eyes softened when he saw you up close. You were in your old ring gear in case it did break out into a fight. Your hair was up in a high ponytail. You looked gorgeous, he forgot how he loved you. 
“I know Tío.” you said before bringing the microphone to your mouth. “Dom, it’s been too long.” you smiled at him, hoping to find the old Dom in there.
“Cariño, what are you doing here?” he asked, your heart fluttered.
“Tío called me. I’m worried about you Dominik.” you said.
“What did he tell you?” you hear the tall Australian say from behind Dom. 
“Respectfully shut up cause ain’t nobody said shit to you. Rey may not have been there for Dom growing up, but me, my mama, and his mama were and you have no idea how much it hurts Tía Angie.” you snapped at her. It was her fault that Dominik was acting this way and if you needed to you would fight every last person in the Judgement Day to get him back. The crowd gasped at the comment that you directed towards the Eradicator. 
“What did you say to me?”she said, walking closer to you trying to intimidate you.
“I said, shut. the. fuck. up.” you said closing the gap between the two of you. She scared the shit outta you but you couldn’t let her see that. You needed to get through to Dom. 
“I think the little Princessa is getting too confident in her abilities.” she smirked and you wanted to slap her.
“Do you know who my father is? Eddie fucking Guerrero.” you hissed at her. You moved over to look at Dominik. “And I’m sorry Dom, but he would be ashamed of you if he was here.” you said, hating the heartbreak in his eyes when he heard it from you. 
“How dare you tell him that?” Rhea said, drawing your attention back to her. 
“You have no idea how much my father put into Dominik’s training when he was younger. I’m allowed to say it.” you spat at her feet causing the crowd to gasp. 
She scoffed at it before raising her hand to slap you but her hand never made contact. She looked to see Dominik grabbing her hand to save you. “Sorry Mami, she was my Mamacita before you.” he smirked at you before grabbing your hand with his other hand and letting go of Rhea’s hand. 
“Dominik, what do you think you’re doing?” Rhea asked, almost dumbfounded.
“I gotta do Eddie right, Rhea.” he said, before a fist connected with his jaw. Damien had knocked him over, so you threw a punch at Rhea catching her off guard. Rey, who had been silent the entire time, went after Finn Balor to stop him from going after either you or Dominik. You helped Dominik to his feet and smiled, knowing you had gotten him back, before you felt a fist in your stomach. Rhea had hit you with the full force of her punch, knocking the wind out of you. 
“Fucking hell, you gotta one hell of a right hook on you Rhea.” you scoffed before sweeping your leg to trip her over. She landed on her back and you got on top of her and pinned her down. “It’s a shame you’re such a bitch, you’re hella cute.” you smirked before you felt Dominik pull you off of her. 
“Let’s go mi vida.” he said, making sure the rest of The Judgment Day stays away. “I’m done hurting my family,” he said.
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rroechan · 7 months
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The Thorny Spider
'Flying Devil'? 'Spider from Hell'? That's just your terrifying friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man on the prowl!
lots of yapping below
Super late for the spiderverse trend but i've been reading an unfortunate amount of peter parker fics and i couldn't help but pull this guy up from memory
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Spider-Thorn? Horned Spider? Spider-Fiend?
His name is Piers Lang, born and raised to kick your ass. With both parents dead at the ripe age of 8, kiddo found himself going from his home in M'sia to living with his aunt and uncle all the way in USA 🫡🦅🇺🇸
his abilities are about the same as OG spiderman, like spider-proportional strength, speed, stickiness etc etc. There's only one thing that's vastly different from the others is his enhanced senses
So like, enhanced hearing, scent, that sort of thing. If it was already bad for Peter in his day to dau life, imagine what this guy's goin' through
due to a mix of nature and nuture, his senses, particularly his sorta 'area awareness' is higher than the average spidey
He grew up with terrible vision and in a rough neighbourhood so his senses has always been fairly attuned to his surroundings. A bit like a 6th sense or a natural instinct one would naturally gain over time. The bite basically strengthened all these features except his eyesight (most spider species have poor eyesight. only some have it good. i thought that was funny)
that scene in spider-man: far from home where spidey relies entirely on his spider sense to fight mysterio's drones? Yeah THAT but 10 fold
even when totally blinded, he can use this specific ability to make like a fully 3d mental map of the area around him. Basically seeing everything around him 360 with his eyes closed. So he can fully fight no issue in the dark (basically Daredevil's radar sense)
sometimes he purposely fights with eyes closed cause it helps prevent him from being overwhelmed (even pre-bite he had issues with sensory overloads)
For the hearing and smelling, i tried to see if OG spiderman had any upper limit at all to the distance of his abilities but there's nothing solid :// My guy in particular, I like to think there's no true limit to his sense, like he could track a whole city of people if he wanted but he'd have to be meditating and in a super focused state to do so + overuse of his senses makes his head hurt a lot
Out of the suit, he has a habit of wearing earplugs or earphones constantly playing some genre of white noise. And some strong smelling balm on his upper lip (idk whats the actual english name of it)
Aside from that, he has a few spidery traits (got the idea from a fic, no I do not remember what its name is). The spider he was bitten by had all sorts of different spider dna weaved into it.
He sometimes chirps or purrs when in a good mood or just, when he's comfortable enough to not hide his spidery traits. Has stare offs with actual spiders for dominance. Absurdly flexibles and can get into wild contortionist-like poses and calls them comfortable. Likes smoothies. Gets sleepy when cold. Salvatory glands produce a very mild venom. Yada yada
About the suit
He didn't design it, his man-in-the-chair did. Though he did do all the wiring, engineering etc and was the one who suggested to base the suit design off an orb weaver spider
The red of his suit glows with exposure to UV. Adding on the fact that he mainly patrols at night makes it worse for baddies because imagine you're in the middle of crime-ing and from out the darkness, Satan himself comes to be your reckoning.
The suit being majority black adds the challenge of making sure his poses are readable so that's Fun.
of his 8 'eyes' only 2 of them actually function which are the main ones in the upper front. the others are for show.
The horns are where all the business is at. They all have a solid exterior so he fully can use em to shoulder check, headbutt, etc baddies but their main purpose is to act as antennas. Both for his comms so he can go super long distances without worry as well as help hone and focus his senses to his surrounding area
See, usually his senses is like a motion detector but across a super big area so without earplugs and the smelling balm, his senses are extremely scattered and kinda blurred.
He figured out fairly quick that with antennas connected to his main 'sensory points' on his body help focus his senses to his immediate area instead of being fragmented (does this make sense? im fully bullshitting at this point)
Not illustrated but under the suit he has this network of connected patches (like those they put on you during surgery) to track his stats and junk alongside the whole spidey sense honing thing
Moving on, the spider on the back of his head is actually a later addition cause ppl keep thinking he's supposed to be a demon (him not realising ppl aren't entomology nerds like him)
The spikes on his knuckles are purely for combat and is entirely inspired by his favourite sonic character: Knuckles.
The baggy pants, body suit and hood are all one piece. Only the mask and the utility belt are removable
The whole front of the mask is a solid piece under the fabric. So he can't fold the mask halfway up to his nose and kiss someone upside-down but he can remove one of the lower eye panel thing to eat or drink if he needs to.
the utility belt mostly has his burner phone, zipties, few first aid necessities and cereal bars
I wanted to add a brief telling of his backstory here as well as his ascociation to the spiderverse gang but this post is long enough orz
Ill definitely post abt this guy again though, that's for sure. I'm more a manga fan but I have some plans on mimicking american comics style for some 'fake' comic pages for this guy and his main villain
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Can I have Dominik Mysterio x Fem reader x Damian Priest with this? [  BARED  SOULS  ]: the sender and receiver spontaneously go skinny dipping together in the middle of the night while visiting an isolated lake. maybe it’s the other way around
Skinny dip || Damian Priest x Reader x Dominik Mysterio
Summary: You and your boyfriends rent a lakeside cabin and end up going skinny dipping.
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You sat alone on the dock, deep in thought as the moonlight shimmered across the calm waters of the secluded lake. The cabin you had rented for a relaxing weekend getaway with your boyfriends, Damian and Dominik, was tucked away in a quiet and serene location. The peacefulness of the surroundings had allowed your mind to wander, contemplating the beauty of the moment and the happiness you felt with both of them by your side.
As you lost yourself in your thoughts, the sound of footsteps behind you brought you back to reality. You turned to see Damian and Dominik approaching, both wearing mischievous grins that made your heart skip a beat. Dominik was always the one to come up with playful ideas, and Damian was more than willing to join in on the fun.
"What are you up to, Dom Dom?" you asked, trying to hide the smile that was tugging at your lips.
His grin widened, and he glanced at Damian before turning back to you. "I was thinking... how about a little late-night skinny dipping?"
Your eyes widened in surprise, but the idea was strangely intriguing. The lake was secluded, and there was no one else around to see. The thought of sharing an intimate moment like that with both Damian and Dominik sent a thrill through you.
"Are you serious?" you asked, feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves.
Dominik's grin turned into a smirk, and he extended his hand towards you. "Absolutely. Come on, it'll be fun."
You looked at Damian, seeking some reassurance. He smiled warmly and nodded, his eyes filled with affection. "It's just us out here, as long as you're comfortable with it, then I'm all in."
With their encouragement, you took a deep breath and decided to go along with the playful adventure. You reach your hands out toward Dominik and he pulls you up from your spot on the dock, you stood up and shed your clothes, the cool night air sending shivers down your spine. As you stepped into the water, the lake embraced you with its gentle touch.
The three of you waded into the lake, the moonlight illuminating your bodies as you giggled and splashed playfully. The water felt freeing against your skin, and the sensation of being so exposed yet surrounded by love and trust was a heady combination.
Dominik and Damian were always so attentive and caring towards you, and being in their arms made you feel safe and cherished. Their touch was gentle and tender, as they held you close, wrapping their arms around you protectively.
As the night wore on, you found yourself laughing and playfully splashing each other, the worries of the world forgotten for the moment. You were fully immersed in the joy and love shared between the three of you.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of blissful moments, you decided to make your way back to the shore. You wrapped yourself in a towel that Damian had brought out earlier as you stepped out of the water, with him and Dominik following suit.
As you sat together on the dock, you on Damian's lap, wrapped in each other's arms, the warmth of their love enveloped you. The lake may have been cold, but the love you shared with Damian and Dominik was enough to keep you warm.
"I love you both," you whispered, your heart overflowing with love and gratitude.
They exchanged affectionate glances before Damian spoke softly, "And we love you, too. Always and forever."
With those words, you knew that this weekend getaway had created memories that would last a lifetime. In the arms of Damian and Dominik, you felt like the luckiest person in the world, and you couldn't wait to continue this beautiful journey of love and adventure together.
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Weekly Wrapup 3/24/24 (late)
This Week's Rankings:
Lash Legend - 71.7% smash
Killer Kelly - 66.9%
Wade Barrett - 65.5%
Jordynne Grace - 65.3%
Rey Mysterio - 64.9%
Shayna Baszler - 62.7%
Angelico - 58.2%
Santos Escobar - 58.1%
Dominik Mysterio - 58.0%
Bollywood Boyz/Singh Brothers - 44.5%
Ryusuke Taguchi (Apollo 55) - 43.0%
Nick Wayne - 32.5%
Nia Jax - 28.7%
Nasty Boys - 7.1%
Average smash rating this week: 51.9%
More stats under the cut, along with my observations, commentary, and some of my favorite tags...
Most total votes this week (most enthusiasm)
Nick Wayne - 397 votes
Dominik Mysterio - 371
Shayna Baszler - 244
Nia Jax - 230
Santos Escobar - 227
And least total votes this week (least enthusiasm)
Ryusuke Taguchi - 149 votes
Bollywood Boyz/Singh Brothers - 164
Lash Legend - 173
Killer Kelly - 181
Jordynne Grace - 193
The closest poll was Bollywood Boyz/Singh Brothers, who lost 73-91.
Bottom Ten Overall
Vince McMahon - 3.9% smash
Ric Flair - 4.6% smash
Nasty Boys - 7.1% smash
Kane (Corporate variant) - 10.1% smash
Miracle Violence Connection - 11.8% smash
Gene Munny - 12.4% smash
Spike Trivet - 12.% smash
Kevin Sullivan - 13.1% smash
Triple H (Terra Ryzing variant) - 18.6% smash
Eric Bischoff (NWO) - 20.0% smash
Bottom Women Overall
Nia Jax - 28.7% smash
Eve Torres - 47.1% smash
Carmella - 47.8% smash
Nikkita Lyons - 48.2% smash
Julia Hart (Cheerleader Variant) - 49.8% smash
With an average smash rate of 51.0%, this is the lowest-scoring week yet. The overall average smash rate currently sits at 58.9%, and the previous low score was allllllll the way back in Week 1, at 52.6% average smash rate.
We also got two changes to the overall rankings: Nasty Boys made it to No. 3 on the Bottom Ten Overall list, and Nia Jax was voted the least smashable woman so far. There are still 31 men considered less smashable than her, but it's a major accomplishment to be the first woman to score significantly under 50%.
In happier news, someone finally requested one of my personal blorbos: Angelico. It has been agonizing waiting for him to be requested, so thank you to whoever sent him in. Now to see how long it takes for someone to request my other blorbo...
Rey Mysterio is more smashable than his son Dominik, 64.9% to 58.0%. Dom got 149 more votes, though.
Ryusuke Taguchi is more smashable as a member of Apollo 55 than he is on his own, but not smashable enough to get over the 50% mark (43.0% vs 28.4%).
Nick Wayne got the most votes this week, at 397. A lot of the tags said something along the lines of "he's too young right now, but let's check back in a few years." So, if this blog is still around in 5 years, I will make sure to run a new Nick Wayne poll.
And now for some of my favorite tags and comment
@dm-me-your-weltanschauung on Nasty Boys: #if you told me that this photo was from a campaign encouraging people to get tested for STIs I would believe you#or one of those “talk to your kids about sex before THEY do” things
@booboo-eyedbambi on Dominik Mysterio: #he gives me cute aggression in a way that makes me wanna squeeze him dry like an orange or burn the world down if he says he's chilly
@romanthereigns on Jordynne Grace: #I would let that woman throw me
@discow1tch on Nick Wayne: #he would 100% have been my type when I was a teenager but unfortunately I'm old now and would rather fuck his evil step dad
@supernaturalkickparty on Nick Wayne: #if anything take him to ihop gamestop and build a bear#think i saw a turtleneck shirt this past winter#he can make a christian cage bear
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dinogoose · 1 year
and all at once, you are the one
“What? What’s wrong?”
Chimney leans over the table, encroaching on Buck’s bubble, closely examining his hands.
“Oh my god,” He jerks an accusatory finger at Buck, “is that a wedding ring?” Chimney is slack-jawed, disbelief clear in his eyes. Buck has to bite his cheeks to contain his laughter.
“This?” He asks, holding up his left hand in front of his face, gazing at the gold band, “Oh yeah, I guess it is. Although technically, it’s an engagement ring, not a wedding one.”
(or, buck comes to work engaged.)
It’s the beginning of a 24-hour shift when Chimney and Buck are sitting at the table arguing over movies.
“Why is it called ‘Back to the Future’ if most of the movie takes place in the past, that feels like false advertising,” Buck asks, purposefully trying to get a rise out of Chimney. Said man scoffs, lifting a hand in the air to cut Buck off.
“Marty Mcfly is trying to get back to the future. He's stuck in the past and needs to get back to 85’. I mean seriously, how can you ask that? Have you ever seen the movie?”
“Well no, I don't watch old-person movies.” Buck states, a smile growing on his face when Chimney shoots him a glare.
“Ugh- No Buck, Back to the Future is not an ‘old-person movie’, you’re just an uncultured little shit-“ Chimney cuts himself off mid-sentence, “Holy fuck.”
Buck squints at him in confusion, having been ready to continue arguing that yes it was, Chimney was old, and no he didn’t care how great that movie is.
“What? What’s wrong?”
Chimney leans over the table, encroaching on Buck’s bubble, closely examining his hands.
“Oh my god,” He jerks an accusatory finger at Buck, “is that a wedding ring?” Chimney is slack-jawed, disbelief clear in his eyes. Buck has to bite his cheeks to contain his laughter.
“This?” He asks, holding up his left hand in front of his face, gazing at the gold band, “Oh yeah, I guess it is. Although technically, it’s an engagement ring, not a wedding one.”
Then he picks up his mug, taking a long drawn-out sip, hiding his smirk.
Chimney shoots up out of his seat shouting, “Henrietta Wilson! Come here, Buck got engaged!”
Hen, who was over on the couches with Lucy and Ravi, whips her head around shocked, “He what?”
She comes over to Buck, grabs his wrist, and inspects his ring.
“Is this real?” She asks, her eyes never leaving his hand. Buck barely chokes down his laughter.
“Well, I sure hope so.” Is his smart-ass reply. Hen is not impressed as she smacks him upside the head.
“Buck, who are you marrying? You aren't even dating anyone! You're ‘happily’ single!” She’s very suspicious, and still tightly holding onto Buck’s wrist (He’s pretty sure it’s going to bruise).
“I was happily single, and now I’m happily engaged. Wed-to-be. Officially off the market-“
Hen cuts him off, “Shut up or I’ll hit you again.”
Buck wisely stops talking.
“Listen, Buckley, I know you think you’re being cute or whatever, but I’ll tell Athena if you don’t tell us.” Hen promises and Chimney nods enthusiastically agreeing.
Buck weighs his options, on one hand, he promised his Fiance, he’d wait for him before telling anyone, but on the other hand, being murdered by Athena may make it difficult to get married.
Although before he even gets the chance to open his mouth, someone is walking up the stairs.
“Sorry, I'm late traffic was terrible-“ He hesitates, seeing the scene in front of him, “Oh... what’s going on?” Eddie questions, climbing up the last step. Hen launches into an explanation,
“Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley here got engaged! And won’t tell us to who! He’s being all coy, and evasive, I almost got him to confess.” She swivels her head towards him, “Did you know anything about this Eddie? It feels like something he’d...”
She abruptly trails off, and Eddie freezes knowing he's been caught. Hen marches her way over to where Eddie’s standing like a deer in headlights.
She yanks his left hand up, displaying a gold band matching Bucks.
“Edmundo, are you Buck’s mysterious lover?”
“...yes.” Unlike Buck, he has the decency to look sheepish, ducking his head and rubbing his neck with the hand that isn't captured in Hen's grip.
“You- you guys are- what? What?” Buck thinks they may have broken Chimney.
“This is dumb, even for you guys, you guys weren’t even dating, why would you jump to this?”
“Well, Buck, asked me to marry him,” Eddie responds, as if the answer is simple, a no-brainer.
Across the room they make eye contact, having a conversation that needs no words. Despite the jokes and their friend’s confusion, Buck and Eddie know what this is. They know what they have is real.
Eddie smiles.
“And you said yes?!” Chimney exclaims, breaking them from their moment.
“Hey!” Buck shouts indignantly.
From where she’s still sitting on the couch, Lucy cackles.
Eddie shuffles over to Buck, sitting next to him at the table, brushing their thighs together.
Buck grabs Eddie’s hand, rubbing his knuckles in a soothing gesture.
Last night over family dinner, Eddie had suggested buying cheap rings to announce their engagement while also using them to mess with everyone. Chris thought the idea was hilarious and immediately googled jewelers near them.
Buck does want to get Eddie something nicer though, possibly something tungsten with an intricate design, an attempt to get Eddie a single piece of jewelry that fully conveys the true love and devotion Buck feels for him.
Before Hen and Chim can continue to badger them with a million questions, the alarm sounds.
Everyone jumps up, rushing to put on their turnouts and get in the truck. Once inside, Bobby briefs them on the call.
Immediately after he finishes Chimney yells out, “Buck and Eddie got engaged!”
“Really? Couldn’t even last five minutes Jesus Chim this has got to be a new record.” Buck snarks, and Bobby turns around to face them.
“…Alright. Congratulations boys.” Bobby tells them, and although he looks a little confused, Buck can tell he’s being genuine.
It warms something in Buck’s heart to have the man he looks up to as a father figure approve of his choices, no matter how preposterous they are.
He smiles, “Thanks, Cap.”
From where he’s sitting next to him, Eddie grabs his hand, pressing a gentle kiss to his palm. Unfortunately, the peanut gallery was watching and decided to comment,
“Gross!” Chimney calls out fake gagging, along with Bobby’s “No PDA on the job, please.”
(thank you for reading! sorry about the poor quality this was rushed. hope you still enjoyed.)
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aurora-starwars · 2 years
Preventing The Worst
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Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!Stark!reader
Summary: reader prevents Peter from giving the E.D.I.T.H. glasses to Quentin Beck
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: None <3 Can be read as platonic or romantic
A/N: Self indulgent fix it fic? Another old one from the drafts
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“What do you think, kid?” Quentin Beck asked after Peter Parker’s insistence on him trying on Peter’s ‘EDITH’ glasses, and Quentin’s reluctance to put them on. Peter watches his new mentor as he looks around wearing the gift from his former mentor and father figure, Tony Stark. As Peter thought about his late father figure and his inheritance of the high tech Stark glasses, he thought about the question that has been on his mind since he got the glasses, why did he get them? It was only when he looked back at Quentin when Peter Parker Parker was suddenly hit with realization.
“"Next Tony Stark, I trust you."” Peter mutters faintly, seemingly sorting something out.
“"For the next Tony Stark, I trust you."” Peter repeats confidently.
“What?” Quentin questions.
”Mr. Stark left me a message with those glasses: "For the next Tony Stark, I trust you."”
“I'm still not following. How many lemonades have you had?” Quentin jokes, not seemingly understanding what the young Parker is saying.
“He knew every mistake I ever made, okay? So he must've known that I was not ready for something like this.”
“Why would he give it to you?”
”Because maybe he didn't trust me to have EDITH, he just trusted me to pick who should. It makes so much more sense. He always knew I would do what's right. And he's not gonna give them to Fury because Fury would give himself EDITH.”
”Aye, you're probably right about that.”
“Right, so the world needs the next Iron Man. And it's not gonna be me. I mean, I'm a 16-year-old kid from Queens. It needs to be an adult with some experience and that's good, like Tony Stark, like you.” Peter looks up at Quentin in hope.
Quentin, visibly perplexed, shakes his head and immediately removes the glasses from his face.
“No. Peter, come on. No.”
Peter grabs the glasses and activates E.D.I.T.H.
“EDITH?” Peter asks.
“Hello, Peter.” The E.D.I.T.H. AI responds.
**”**Hi. Yeah... Um, I'd like to transfer control over to Quentin Beck.”
“Peter, what are you doing?”
“Doing the right thing.” Peter says confidently.
“Any transfer will require confirmation.”
Mysterio holds back, evidently not eager to take control of the glasses.
“Stark gave you the glasses!”
“Stark gave me a choice. It's my choice to make, okay? And I'm gonna make it. You're a soldier, a leader. You stopped the Elementals. You saved my life. You saved the world, okay? He'd want you to have them.”
Beck remains silent, now somewhat resigned.
”Waiting for confirmation.”
“Confirm.” Peter confirms with a new found sense of confidence.
Peter takes the glasses off of his face and as he moves to pass them to Quentin, a hand intervenes, grabbing the glasses from Peter’s hand.
“Stark Override.” The voice is so familiar to Peter that it only takes a beat for him to register who it belongs too. The one and only, [Name]Stark; his best friend.
“Hey! What are you doing [Name]???” Peter asked accusingly. He had just figured out what Mr. Stark wanted him to do with the glasses and now she takes them?
“EDITH transfer control to [Name]Stark.” [Name]continues, seemingly ignoring Peter’s words.
“Transfer complete.”
Peter just looks at her with his eyebrows furrowed and an annoyed glint in his eyes. Quentin Beck, on the other hand, had balled his fists and was staring daggers at the young Stark girl.
“Why did you do that [Name]? And how did you know I was here?” Peter asked incredulously, standing up.
“Do you even know who he is?”
“Yes. Quentin Beck.” Peter looks her dead in the eye before whispering. “Mysterio.”
“No, not that. Did you know that he was a scientist working on the highly advanced "illusion tech” for Stark Industries?”
“Well no, but–”
“Did you know that he did not like that we ended up using the tech as device used by therapists?”
“No.” Peter started to rethink what he knew about the man. Was he really like this? Was he ever going to tell him? If he didn’t want Mr. Stark to use the tech for therapy, what did he want to use it for?
“But he is not a bad guy!” Peter defended. “He has been helping be defeating the elementals!”
[Name]looked at Quentin with a look Peter could only interpret as a death threat. Scratch that. Promise.
“Another thing,” [Name] started, before looking back at Peter Parker. “This man, he has no powers. And guess what? There are no elementals! None, that you have fought at least.”
“What!? But we fought them! I felt them, they ruined property, and put people in danger and you are going to say they weren’t real?!” Peter’s mind was spinning, confusion was flooding his mind like when the elementals flooded Venice. Or didn’t flood Venice. What was happening?
“Peter, those were real, they just weren’t “elementals” as this man has seemed to put it.” [Name]stated as she pointed her finger right in the face of “Mysterio”.
“Did you really think you would get away with it? You put all of those people in danger, for what? More of the tech, a chance to get Peter’s glasses? What did you really want to do with them?”
He doesn’t have powers? How was [Name] here? How did he fight things that weren’t there? Why has he been so kept out of the loop? Didn’t Quentin put an effort in to deny the glasses?
“It doesn’t matter now. You have stolen tech from Stark Industries and have used it to cause harm. You are under arrest.” As she said it, about a dozen agents stormed the bar and arrested Quentin Beck and several others in the bar.
“Peter Parker you have been manipulated and if you know what’s good for you, you will go back to where the rest of our class is and go confess to MJ or whatever, okay?”
Peter looks around aimlessly, trying to get a grasp of what just happened.
“What you’re just leaving me like that? What the hell just happened?”
“Peter, please tell me you don’t actually think that Tony Stark gave you to the glasses because he wanted you to find the next Tony Stark.” [Name] watched Peter with a soft and sad gaze, all Peter could think is how much he miss Mr. Stark.
“I- I just wanted to make him proud.”
“Peter Parker, you were like a son to him. You have no idea how proud he was of you. That is why he gave you the glasses. He trusts you.”
“He was proud of me?” Peter asks carefully.
“Of course he was proud of you. He knew how smart and worthy you are. Now, you are not getting these glasses back until you know that you are already worthy of them. Goodbye Peter.”
“Goodbye [Name].”
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A/N: Let me know if you liked it! Or if you wanna see more!
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random-dragon-exe · 1 year
OK hot take, (probably) but I think that Adrian Graye is actually a powerful witch just like the rest of the covenheads.
I say this because there's a lot of people who think that Adrian is a lot weaker than the rest of the Covenheads because of Gus beating him in Labyrinth Runners.
I will say that granted, his magic is illusions and yeah illusions have no physical aspect to them, but there's two things I'd like to add here:
Even though illusions aren't a physical magic, they're more about deceptive measures and at most psychological in nature.
Adrian finds a way around the lack of the physical aspect by hiding the scouts he has under his illusions to have them interact with people. (So when you think about it, he's quite clever for doing that since he could focus on keeping up the illusion and keeping himself safe)
Technically a third but when you think about it, if Gus can make it look like a witch's powers aren't working, as shown in Through the Looking Glass Ruins:
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Then, Adrian could do that too however, with way more ease than Gus as he said it took him a lot of concentration to maintain it.
Of course, since Gus has the ability to force people to see their worst memories, so can Adrian.
If we want to go further with it, Adrian can totally make an entire illusion labyrinth just like Gus too but it'd be more controlled since he's more experienced than Gus.
Yes there's the scene where he asks Gus "how" is he making the labyrinth, but this could just be him being surprised that an illusion that powerful is coming from a 12 year old as younger witches shouldn't be able to make complicated spells. (Gus is an extreme outlier in this)
(Not only that but Gus’s labyrinth was induced by his emotions getting out of hand and was therefore accidental)
Also real fast, I'm pretty sure being forced to see your worst/darkest memories would render anyone in the state that we see Adrian in last. So I don't think it's just "a him" thing.
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Moving on and going further with this, Adrian could go full on Mysterio on his enemies asses. Anyone seen Spider-Man: Far From Home?
From tricking the target to using the real (unillusioned) environment against them:
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To using psychological horror and using their emotions against them about a beloved person's death:
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To faking his own death:
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To making it look like someone close to the target is in danger:
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To altering the entire perception of the playing field at a massive scale:
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The person won't be able to figure out what's an illusion and what's reality until it's too late:
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This is also not to mention the other post I have about the extensions of illusion magic and its effects (which I think both Gus and Adrian can do to varying extents based on their experience with illusions).
What I'm getting at is that Adrian is definitely powerful in his own right at illusion magic (and can very well do these things).
It's just that we don't get to see the full potential because of how the writing favored Gus's powers over Adrian's in Labyrinth Runners due to the shortening.
I'm not trying to diminish Gus’s abilities as an illusionist, I'm just saying both of them are powerful in their own ways (Gus having raw power for his age, yet needs to refine and control his powers and Adrian having experience and control with his magic yet his ego gets the best of him and he underestimates his opponents)
Not to mention his vague feedback to the scouts often works against him unknowingly.
Like honestly, if the show wasn't shortened there'd be more time allowed for him to be a more terrifying threat in Labyrinth Runners or other episodes with him.
TLDR: Ya'll are sleeping on what could've been an even more epic version of Labyrinth Runners and Adrian's powers. Like yes, we can still make fun of him being beaten by Gus, but let's just acknowledge that it would've been really cool to see two skilled illusionists fighting 1v1.
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