#Best case scenario you just wasted time and resources
magicbystarlight · 14 days
Star Crossed — Prologue
Hux x Reader, Ren x Reader
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Summary: Years after leaving behind your life as a Jedi, an unexpected encounter forces you to confront the past you wanted to forget. Divider.
Warnings: 18+, canon-typical violence, sexually explicit scenes later, additional warnings as needed. Minors DNI.
Word Count: 1.1k
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Lieutenant Atrox stalks through the halls, his face pulled taut with displeasure. It’s an expression you've grown familiar with in these last three months. You’re on his heels, nonetheless, with a datapad clutched tightly to your chest.
The Lieutenant and yourself had only arrived on board the Finalizer the night before from the Exheres System. He had spent the the time drunk while you spent it combing through three years worth of trade routes, ship manifests, store inventories, and planetary exports. It had been to quell the nagging feeling you’d gotten during a review of the last audit of an inconsequential clothing shop on an inconsequential planet, but it had paid off.
"Please, sir, if you would just listen I can—"
"I don’t have time for your theories. Ren will be here at any moment."
An unnecessary reminder. The headache that plagues you is evidence enough that the Sith had already boarded and subjected some poor soul to the Force. A day early of his expected arrival. Normally, you'd have found sanctuary far from any Force User. Twice before you'd been on the same vessel as Kylo Ren and twice before you'd shoved yourself into a dark corner far, far away. But this is important.
You hope.
"But I found it, sir. There's a bimonthly shipment of polyfibe that—“
“Polyfibe is the most common fabric in the galaxy.”
The hallway ends at two large doors. They open with a whoosh, revealing a room with a long table. It’s thankfully still empty. “It is, but it can’t be made on Sentrena which is where the shipments originate. Or any of the planets in that star system. They don’t have the proper resources or machinery.”
His steps came to a halt with a defeated sigh as the doors shut. “Could it be imported and shipped from there?”
“If they wanted the price quintupled.”
“Some people are stupid with their money.”
“Yes, but,” the datapad lit up as your fingers work deftly to bring up the list, “there’s no inventory of polyfibe or anything made of polyfibe in the shop.”
He takes the offered tablet, eyes roving over the list. His brows scrunch and he shoves it back into your hands. "When is the next shipment?”
“Send a squad to intercept.”
“Thank you, Lieutenant.”
His fingers grip your upper arm, pulling you back harshly as you try to turn. “You better be right about this or you’ll find yourself shoveling shit somewhere for wasting my time.”
A nod in understanding is all you muster before he releases his grip. Scurrying away, the door barely opens in time for you to squeeze through. Or at least, you thought you had before you collided with a solid surface.
With a glance up, you meet the icy gaze of General Armitage Hux. A scowl adorns his face as it has in every hologram you've ever seen of him. “Watch where you’re going.”
“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.”
You can hear the sneer in his voice as you continue past him. "I'll never understand why we use civilians for secretaries."
The hologram of Sergeant Eviena is shaky, but her voice comes through clear. "Yes. It appears they were making suits of it."
You nod, pacing the small, sterile office. “For camouflage. Stealth suits.” Chromafiber is expensive and difficult to work with in unskilled hands. "The best money could buy. Who are they for?"
"They wouldn’t say, but" she reaches into her pocket and produces what appears to be a clothing patch with a familiar, flame-like insignia, "we found a batch of these hidden away."
It’s the worst case scenario. You expected smuggling of some sort, perhaps avoiding taxes or bringing in some other outlawed substance. But they’ve been providing a lethal advantage to the Resistance, possibly for years. “Detain them. Send me every file you find. On the ship, in the shop, on any droid. Everything."
Despite you having no authority to give such commands, Evenia nods. “Yes ma’am.”
The hologram dissolves and you’re left alone once more. You don’t linger to soak in the victory, retracing your steps across the ship to where the meeting had been taking place. It’s been nearly two hours since you left and you've heard nothing on comms about them being finished. By the closed doors and the sweating lower officers waiting just beside them, it’s safe to assume the meeting continued. The pain in your head is dull. A good sign. Perhaps Atrox will be in a decent mood for once.
You wait, leaning against a wall further down a hallway that leads the opposite way of the docks. Two dozen reports have already chimed on your datapad. They’re easy enough to run through the programs you’d created to find key phrases, locations, names, patterns, etc. There’s nothing the programs recognize in them, but names pop out to you as you skim. They’re all common names. Too common.
Fake names designed to be overlooked. You’ll have to consider adding a program to make sure something like this isn’t missed again. You pull information aside as you continue to scroll, letting it drop in a new document for later review. No matter how well they hid their connections, there was always a trace left behind.
A commotion has you looking up. The doors open and the sounds of someone in hysterics floods the corridor. A man backs out of the room, pleading. Only one person inflicts that sort of fear. You don’t have time to flee.
Pain erupts in your skull. Blinding, burning white pushes from every corner. Something cracks. You try to resist, to push back against the Force, but it’s too much, too close, too late. A locked door that had held for more than a decade splinters and explodes beneath the pressure. The pain disapperates, but it’s no relief. Every part of the world around you turns bright and vibrant, connected and overwhelming. A sense suppressed for so long snapped back like a rubberband.
There’s a hand on your face. Green eyes boring into yours. "I love you." Brown Eyes. "Stay with me." Yellow eyes. Blinding red.
Gasping, ragged breaths drag air back into your deprived lungs. Cold seeps through the gloves. Your hands are on the floor. Shattered datapad between them. Black boots behind it.
He sinks to his knees. “You’re alive.” The robotic overlay can’t hide his surprise. Fingers on your chin make you stare into the abyss of a mask. Kylo Ren. But beneath the mask you feel him. A twisted, darker version, but still him. Alive.
Ben Solo is alive.
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sinisterexaggerator · 5 months
Hello there!
I am here to ease ya'll into my favorite ship:
Banaka (Cad Bane x Hondo Ohnaka)
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Best in the Bunch.
I have so much planned for these two in a fanfic I am only just beginning to write (that spans Cad Bane's entire life), but conversations with @allsystemsblue led me to write this fluff scenario and I could not stop myself.
Pretend that what you are reading is based on an already well-established relationship. Bane shows affection by acts of service and gift giving, as his feelings are something he has trouble with expressing. The rest is self-indulgent garbage.
I should mention this is not how the rest of said fic will go. This is a one-off just for fun. You can expect angst, drama, hurt, comfort, toxic relationships, violence and smut in the future.
Credit goes to Teeth for the idea that Hondo, while not believing in the God Quay, still finds comfort in performing magicks for his own peace of mind.
Word count: 1.4k+
Warnings: None. Fluff, a kiss, and a lot of negativity on Bane's part.
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He didn’t know a thing about them, flowers, only that they might come in useful for a certain predicament he had found himself in, as it seemed most sentient beings thought the seed-bearing parts of plants—consisting of its reproductive organs, mind you—were somehow beautiful.
He supposed he could see it, what with their bright-colored corollas, petals coming in all shapes and sizes, typically paired with a calyx as green as his own blood. That was only on some planets. On others, they were red, or blue. Purple. Indigo.
On Florrum, they came in various shades of orange, or yellow, a rarity after an even rarer desert downpour.
Fragile is what they were, and a waste of money. The resources used to farm them could be utilized in more efficient ways. Perhaps he would like the wild ones better, though to pull weeds as a manner of apology didn’t seem good enough. Didn’t seem thoughtful enough. He was sure the Weequay would run him out.
Then again, apologizing wasn’t something he often did, as Bane rarely meant not to do something he had set his mind to. Only this time, he had hurt Ohnaka’s feelings.
Feelings. Hondo had too many, and maybe Bane had too few. Callous one might call him, insensitive another. Cynical was more like it; tired; disillusioned. Yet rare was the man who could crack him open to show him what lay beneath; like a geode, Ohnaka exposed his insides, revealing to Bane all the pretty bits he never would have known existed.
And Bane did care, if only when it suited him. If only on his terms. But this time, he cared because Hondo did. It was partially anathema, this caring, yet he did it anyway, unable to coax his mind to let their little squabble go.
To the pirate, it had been more than that, Bane insulting his very heritage. He didn’t understand the tiny dolls he kept, the archaic sources of illumination that were made of wax and smelled like things Bane could not identify, nor the bits and scraps of flimsi that had been burned to cinders.
These things decorated a small table, resting atop an ornate cloth; Bane had touched it much to the pirate’s chagrin, then disrespected his arcane practice, ridiculing his efforts to appease some nonexistent deity in order to bring about Bane’s good luck.
His job was dangerous, but the hunter was unaware he was being prayed for behind closed doors. Somehow, that had irritated him, more so as he didn’t understand it, thinking Hondo must be attempting to commit himself to witchcraft like those little ladies that lived on Dathomir.
“What’s with dhis nonsense. Ain’t no use in doin’ dhat,” he remembered saying; a poor choice of words to one who meant no ill will.
He understood that now, if nothing else. So what if Hondo lit a candle for him. Who was he to say he hadn’t lived to hunt another day because of it? It was possible the only thing keeping Bane alive besides his street smarts and good aim was the Weequay’s magicks; Bane shuddered to think that was the case.
Even so, here he was, holding a bouquet tightly in one hand and his hat’s brim in the other, deigning to do what he felt might be ignored. This was nothing more than a gesture to barter passage into the pirate king’s good graces—an act of service on his part, the buying of them—for in the here and now, there was nothing more he wished to accomplish in this life. Had you told him he would be doing this a year ago, he would have laughed himself hoarse, or worse yet, right into an early grave.
Yes, flowers. Expensive, frail, and pointless. He had chosen the prettiest of those assembled according to his tastes, selecting a color he assumed was the dummy’s favorite: red.
Ladalums were scarce and imported from Alderaan, a fact he’d learned upon their purchase. They would only bloom if pollinated on their homeworld; these were fresh off the cargo freight, able to last months if given the right treatment.
That was one good thing about them—once out of his hands, the rest was up to the pirate to take care of. He was good at that, Bane mused—caring for things.
Eyes and heads—not dissimilar from all the others that populated this chamber of sorts—turned to look at this bounty hunter who relunctantly proceeded with his walk of shame. Bane would bite back all his nasty words, even as members of Hondo's gang jeered and snickered at his expense.
What he wouldn’t give to kill them on the spot. Somehow, he imagined, that would not do him any favors.
Seated on a low dais, in a throne fit for a king no less, his disgruntled paramour still fumed, swoop-goggles purposefully removed to rest upon the front of his worn helmet. Those expressive gray eyes were the Duros’ weakness, finding that he could not meet his narrowed gaze. Already oblique, Hondo’s stormy depths had gathered further into slits, leaving Bane to swallow down his spit.
Still, he approached, feeling naked and vulnerable as he stood there like a scolded child without his hat to shield him. He did his best, fathomless red ellipses meeting Hondo’s glare head-on, Bane saying the only thing he could think to say.
“Brought some flowers.”
Nothin'. There was no reaction, not even a change in his demeanor or a brightening of mood. Bane overtly frowned, taking a step back for his boots to echo lightly against the duracrete floor of Hondo’s beloved fortress home.
Supposin’ this didn’t work, Bane planned for his retreat, hoping to retain some dignity among those present. He lowered his head, his hat rightfully returned to where it belonged by a flat palm, Bane ready to drop the bouquet like so much trash at his feet; it was difficult to care when you didn’t know how to fix the wrong you’d done. Trying wasn’t as good as doing. Doing was the hard part.
“Are dose for me?”
Four little words that set Bane’s heart to thumping, the hunter wisely keeping his eyes averted as he saw the pirate stand out of his periphery. He would only nod, an infinitesimal movement of his head, up and down, affirming what Hondo already knew—those flowers were for him.
His spark descended, that charming scoundrel who kept him going on a dark night of the soul; he strode down the short flight of stairs that would bring him nearly to his level, Bane taller than Ohnaka, though the man was bigger in some ways; his heart for one, Bane thought.
“Dey are beautiful, my Moon,” his bit of sunshine said, Bane’s sorrowful eyes rising out from the shade of his bolero.
“Picked de best in de bunch,” he humbly offered, words bordering a whisper, eerily heard as the hall was quiet, grim faces and furrowed brows sparing him none of his embarrassment. "Same could be said, fer ye,” he added.
It was then the Weequay smiled, a dazzling thing, brighter than dual suns. Bane relaxed openly as he expelled a breath from between his teeth; it was a slow, heavy sigh of relief.
“Flatterer,” Hondo teased, his smile spreading wider, gold amidst pearl and oh-so satisfying to witness should Bane be the sole cause of it. “Dey need water, hm?”
The shuffling of a crimson coat and an idle toss of a braid signaled to Bane that Hondo would exit, the hunter grateful his gift had been accepted. However, the Weequay would pause, turning about face, reflecting on the shrinking Duros as he had been tempted to follow in his footsteps.
“Just… one more ting,” he announced, his expression hardening back to a look previously sported as his voice lowered an octave, Bane’s heart sinking toward his belly as he did not wish to incur any more reprimands.
Hondo took him by his coat’s lapel, jerking him forward. Bane held onto his hat as dusky lips brushed across his, pinpricks of electricity teeming along his scales like minuscule lightning bolts. The Duros would slump his shoulders to sink to Ohnaka’s height, a warm, black tongue invading his mouth to skirt one that was cool and pink.
This must be what it felt like to be forgiven, he assumed, some invisible weight lifting from off his conscience.
“Take it ye like flowers,” Bane remarked once free of his kiss, wanting to fill the now awkward silence with something to lighten whatever tension might be left between them.
For Hondo, there was none. He could just as easily forget as he could forgive. A rough thumb smoothed down the bit of Bane’s flesh left assailable, brazenly descending to aid in the tweaking of one sharp fang.
“Yes,” Hondo harmoniously agreed, “you might say dat.”
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flownintothesun · 11 months
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𝐇𝐄𝐘, 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐒 𝐔𝐏 — I don't know if this is my autistic self having a hard time or what but while I deeply appreciate everyone's interest in my muses it is SUPER frustrating to constantly have the mental load pushed back on me when it comes to who to write. I am a multimuse and I have five VERY DIFFERENT characters. When I ask who you want to write with, it is because I know that some of my muses aren't everyone's cup of tea for various reasons. I do my best to let you make an informed decision. I provide character pages, verses pages — and often when I reach out it's after reading YOUR character / verses pages and giving you a list of my muses that I think would work (and the reason). It is super super frustrating for it to come back on me to have to choose (especially with single-muse blogs) because it gets super tiring picking the 'wrong muse' when I gave all of the necessary information to help us have a successful thread and you (broad you) didn't want to take the time to read about my muses and pick (that doesn't bode for a successful thread, either). Things don't get responded to, I've wasted my time. It's just like making a meme call or starter call and saying 'specify muse' where everyone ignores that.
Roleplay is a collaborative hobby — it isn't up to me to make all of the decisions, decide which of my muses you want to write with (I'm not a mind reader), and in some cases be the only one making decisions in-character to move the thread forward. This isn't a vague at anyone in particular just something that has happened so many times it needs addressed. If you want to write with me, please do the work of deciding which of my muses you're interested in, especially if I've given you options, reasons I think (x) might work as well as resources to help you make an informed decision. Likewise, I am happy to give you a list of muses / scenarios that I think might work if you're struggling, but fuck, I'm tired of noncommital responses, people not reading my rules (in my carrd and on posts), and having to make every single decision. I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just *gestures* tired. It's okay to be interested in multiple muses or start multiple threads btw, but you should still know which (whether one or all) that you're interested in. if you follow me, please be interested in my characters enough to read about them, that's kind of the bare minimum.
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creepling · 1 year
Do you have any writing tips for newer writers? I love how well-written and immersive all of your work is and I would love to know some of your tips/tricks!
oh idk but i'll try the best i can!! it works differently for each writer but this is some things i think benefit me when i write:
thesaurus' and dictionaries are your best friend!! it's like having a calculator for maths, it helps you so much with finding the right word. or if you're repeating a word too much, you can find another that is similar. there are plenty of resources online and they're pretty up to date nowadays.
read read read. i've noticed reading impacts my writing a lot. this doesn't necessarily mean you have to read 24/7 or read specific things. if you read fanfic, you're already on the path for training your brain to like certain styles and pick up on things like pacing, style, etc that work good in fanfiction.
refer to headcanons. i like to view headcanons as a synopsis for what i like to explore in writing. having headcanons written down or in your head can act as inspiration and an idea. if you can flesh it out, go for it!
also, write all your ideas down. the amount of amazing ideas ive had that have never came to writing bc i forgot to write it as a reminder. notes app is helpful for those awkward moments u get an idea, but don't be hesitant, write that shit down!! it could be a masterpiece.
as for writing itself and making it engaging, honestly idk the overall answer. practice some drabbles and blurbs and find out what you specifically like to write. is it the descriptions of characters or scenario? is it action? train of thought? most writers have that one thing they love to write and others are a pain in the arse.
of course all those aspects are important, but if they become a bit of a slob to write don't waste your time on it. keep it short and sweet, get to the point, then spend your time writing the ascepts that make your work shine.
when you start writing, you might think it's shit. you will be your most harshest critic. it's okay to abandon works and move on, but never delete them!! keep all your progress in case you want to go back to it.
depending on what i'm writing for, my use of language tends to adapt with the source material. i don't do it on purpose, it just feels natural. and it benefits your work in being viewed as "authentic".
for example, since i've been writing for johnny, i've noticed my writing using language similar to how southerners speak, or similar to language conveyed in american literature. so if you wanna make your writing immsersive, that's a good technique to have. but don't get hung up on it too much, writing in your voice is just as important!! make yourself heard<33
immsersiveness can get tricky when talking in second person ("you") since it is a generalisation of the audience. try to stear the depths into the canon and have the reader be the witness of it, like they're stepping into the story.
one last point, proofread!! i use grammarly for rough drafts then i keep rereading and rephrasing until my head explodes. it's the worst part about writing, but it has to be done. you'll be itching to post it for people read it, but make sure everything is correct and you're conveying what you're wanting to say so that comes across to the reader. thankfully the fanfic community have betas, so if you're comfortable having a moot read it for pointers, that's a handy thing to have<33
happy writing, anon<33
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erikahammerschmidt · 1 year
I have some Thoughts and Opinions about the idea of the Sunk-Cost Fallacy.
Here's an example of the sort of situation where that fallacy comes up for me:
A: "I went through so much work to get a bunch of new materials for a project. And then I realized there's another method to do the same project, and it's better in every way and uses simpler materials I already had! ...I'm still going to use the stuff I just got, though."
B: "Why? It's an inefficient way to do the task and it will have a worse-quality result!"
A: "Yes, but I know from experience that I'm gonna feel even worse if I waste all the work I did getting this stuff."
B: "But the only reason you even feel so bad about waste is because your goal is to do things efficiently!"
A: "Well, on a deeper level, my goal is to be happy. And, in this case, I'll be more unhappy if I don't at least try a version of the project that uses my new materials."
B: "That's a classic sunk-cost fallacy. Just be logical, and choose to be happy about the more efficient method instead."
In that example, I identify much more with viewpoint A.
And I'm not even really like that anymore! Over many years of this kind of situation over and over again with my creative projects, I've actually grown much better at letting go of sunk costs.
These days, if I realize there's a better way, I'll feel mostly just happiness that I've discovered it, and I'll gladly give away all the supplies I just put days of work into finding and preparing, without even a twinge of regret!
But there was a time when I was different, okay? And back in that time, I knew I absolutely was gonna feel agonies of regret if I let go of my sunk costs.
I did not have the ability to just switch off those agonies! Overcoming them was not some sudden choice, it was a very very very long and gradual process of growth. And it NEEDED all those years of experience before it could happen.
So, back in those before-times, when it hadn't happened yet, and when Viewpoint B was haranguing me like in that dialogue-- I knew that person had a completely unrealistic idea of how my mind was capable of working.
The typical accusation of Sunk-Cost Fallacy assumes that:
1. There is an Objectively Best Outcome that is possible for the scenario. (The most efficient use of resources, saving the most money, making the objectively best product, etc.)
2. Your goal is, obviously, always, to achieve that Objectively Best Outcome.
3. You have complete control over your emotions, and if your emotions want something that is not the Objectively Best Outcome, you must force them to change, or else you are Behaving Illogically.
4. And even if you can't change them, you should still aim for the Objectively Best Outcome, because that is more important than how you will feel about the outcome you get.
But, see... logic is for deducing conclusions from premises. Some people who claim to be logical keep forgetting that emotion is how we choose the premises-- especially when the premise is "want to achieve this goal."
Basically, some people confuse "wanting to achieve a goal that I wouldn't want" with "logical fallacy."
Here's another example that feels, to me, like pretty much the same argument:
A: "My partner and I really want to have sex that could get me pregnant if I'm not careful. ...I'm going to use birth control."
B: "Why? It's designed to prevent you from having a baby!"
A: "Yes, and I know from experience that I hate pain and discomfort and being responsible for child care."
B: "But the only reason you like sex, and hate pain and inconvenience, is because evolutionarily those feelings increase your chance for survival and reproduction!"
A: "Well, on a deeper level, my goal is to be happy. And, in this case, I'll be unhappy if I don't get laid, and I'll be even more unhappy if I get knocked up."
B: "That's a classic anti-baby fallacy. Just be logical, and choose to be happy about fulfilling your sex drive's natural purpose instead."
I'm not sure why B's viewpoint in this example seems more clearly unreasonable, to most people I know, than it does in the previous dialogue.
Well, I do sorta understand. It's because:
1. One's preferences about "the ideal process and ideal goal for a craft project" are not considered as much of A Very Personal Matter Of Opinion as one's preferences about "whether to get pregnant right now."
2. One's feeling of "not wanting to waste things I just expended effort on" is considered more of a consciously controllable choice than one's feeling of "wanting to have sex" or "wanting not to get pregnant."
But I don't quite get WHY these things are considered that way.
In my mind they really aren't.
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cdroofingma222 · 1 month
 Chancellor Institute
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Is it more appropriate to hold this conversation in a group chat? For once, could you please tell me the truth? My anxiety levels would skyrocket in that kind of scenario. In response to your request for clarification, I will compile all of your options and send them to you via email. Where do you think we stand, in your view? I would much value your feedback.
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beepkartofficial · 3 months
Why Hero Second-Hand Bikes is the Best Option
Welcome to Beepkart! Today, we dive deep into the world of second-hand bikes and explore why they often emerge as unsung heroes on the road. Whether you're a seasoned rider or a newbie, understanding the value and benefits of pre-owned bikes can transform your riding experience. Here’s why second-hand bikes are the true champions of the road.
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back-and-totheleft · 1 year
"The worst-case nuclear scenario already happened"
"They always say, if there is an accident with nuclear, it’s gonna be the end of the world. That’s bulls***,” says Oliver Stone. The great, daunting topic of nuclear energy sits at the centre of Stone’s latest film, the documentary Nuclear Now. The multi-Oscar-winning director built his reputation on snap and excess: the violent crime odyssey Scarface (as screenwriter); the visceral Vietnam war drama Platoon; the insatiable Eighties satire Wall Street; the three-hour-long conspiracy-theory-laden thriller JFK. His latest project, though, is one of frill-less conviction.
I’m meeting with Stone, and Nuclear Now’s producer Fernando Sulichin, in the bar of a central London hotel. They are in the country for a pair of private screenings, and they begin by reflecting on the previous night’s event. Unusually, none of the talk really concerns how the film was enjoyed as a work of cinema, but rather, how receptive the audience were to the film’s argument. This makes sense: Nuclear Now is filmmaking as manifesto. The documentary has an ardent message, and it doesn’t waste much time entertaining alternative points of view. Nuclear energy, both men aver, is the only practical road to a green future, and the survival of our species.
“I was a young man in the Seventies and Eighties,” Stone explains. “I believed what Jane Fonda was saying, and Ralph Nader, and Bruce Springsteen. They were heroes – so I went along with it. But as the situation deepened and the years went by… It’s been over 20 years since the year 2000, and still, 84 per cent of the world’s energy comes from fossil fuels.” Stone is no longer a young man, of course – he’s 76, to be exact – and has an air of world-weariness about him. When he speaks, though, it is with a bearish intensity. “Obviously I’m not gonna be here in 2050,” he says. “But my children, and hopefully grandchildren, will be.”
Nuclear advocates emphasise the technology’s relative cheapness, scalability and reliability – unlike wind or solar, its output is not beholden to weather patterns or day-and-night cycles. “We’re not saying [these clean energies] are bad,” Sulichin assures me. “But in order to power the electric grid of England, with the wind you have here, you need to surround practically the whole island of Great Britain with turbines.”
This isn’t strictly true. As an island in the North Atlantic, Britain has the best natural resources for wind, wave and tidal power generation in Europe. It already supplies around a quarter of its energy needs from wind, and is committed to raising capacity to 50 gigawatts by 2030 (peak demand at present is just over 60GW). But the UK is by no means typical.
Smiling politely next to Stone, Sulichin cuts a markedly less intimidating figure than the Vietnam war veteran. But he is no less invested in the nuclear argument. “Hopefully we’re making a small dent in people’s opinions,” he says. “Climate change [is everywhere]. It’s very hot now, there’s floods in Italy, hurricanes… it’s here and it’s there. And people keep dancing on the Titanic.”
This isn’t Sulichin’s first collaboration with Stone – the Argentine has previously joined him for projects about Edward Snowden, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and – most infamously – Vladimir Putin (more on that in a bit). “I’m kind of the person who has to support Oliver’s vision and make it happen,” he says.
Stone was turned on to the nuclear issue after reading A Bright Future by Joshua Goldstein and Steffan Qvist, the non-fiction book that would eventually be adapted into Nuclear Now. His first thought was, could they make it as a drama? He went as far as commissioning a treatment. “It was my idea to make it about a female scientist, because they’re popular these days – a female scientist with a male flunky, or something.” Stone grins a little maniacally. “And in order to save nuclear energy, she has to basically perform the same tricks as Tom Cruise.”
Unsurprisingly, that idea didn’t come to fruition. While nuclear armageddon has proved a febrile plot device in disaster films such as Dr Strangelove or The China Syndrome (both glancingly referenced in Nuclear Now), the sterile, prosaic reality of it is not really the stuff of popcorn entertainment.
So in the end, the filmmakers opted for what Stone calls an “unconventional” documentary – “because we use a lot of sloppy, ugly footage from the archives. We had to. There’s nothing, no other footage. So we tried to incorporate interviews, and bits of wonderful old footage, but some of it was pretty hard to see.” Nuclear Now also incorporates modest graphical flourishes, a few appearances from Stone himself, and case studies – including a first-hand look at Russia’s nuclear infrastructure.
A while into our interview, Stone grows irritated by a conversation coming from a table some five metres away (“I hate the sound of that guy’s voice!”). So we abscond to a more private room. Here, the sofas are some distance apart; he winces and cranes his neck in an effort to hear my questions. I am, as Jerry Seinfeld would say, something of a “low talker”. I momentarily consider asking Stone about Seinfeld – which memorably lampooned JFK – but no, the vibe in the room is all business, and some part of me fears he would scowl my head off.
I more or less yell my next question at him: what about the dangers of nuclear meltdown? The worst-case scenarios? Is that just a risk we need to make peace with? “The worst-case scenario already happened,” he replies. “We’ve had a nuclear explosion at Chernobyl, and it leaked all over northern Europe. But how many people actually died from it?” The number he gives is around 4,000. (Some estimates are substantially higher; calculating the long-term damage across a continent, and incorporating myriad other factors, is inherently nebulous work.) Compared with the casualties of the coal industry, he argues, it’s minuscule.
Sulichin, meanwhile, is keen to distance the image of nuclear energy from the idea of mushroom clouds and bombs. “People confuse nuclear energy with nuclear weapons – they have nothing to do with each other. They come from the same origins, but it’s not the same. One thing is to power, the other to create mass destruction.”
Stone speaks highly of Russia’s nuclear investment, its commitment to building new reactors and exporting them to “third-world countries”. For Stone, the West’s “political problems” with Russia (and China, which is also showing signs of nuclear intent) are obstacles to progress. “All the world’s political disputes are complicated,” he says. “We were really looking at the big picture here. We’re trying to say, look, we’re in this together.” Last November, the UK pledged £700m of backing to the major new Sizewell C nuclear plant on the North Sea coast, pushing China, which had previously been a sizeable stakeholder, out of the deal.
Following the release of The Putin Interviews in 2017, Stone was branded a Putin apologist; he has praised the dictatorial Russian leader on multiple occasions, though he has criticised some of his actions since the war with Ukraine. “At that time, Putin was the so-called enemy,” Stone says. “And our theory was, ‘Let’s know the enemy.’” He describes the four-part series, pruned from 30 hours of interviews with the Russian president, as an “invaluable” resource for studying the man.
“We were the first English-speaking series to actually let [Putin] speak in his own voice,” Stone says, with a hint of accomplishment. “If you look at the American things they do on him, it’s always dubbed like bad Italian cinema from the 1950s. They get an actor who does his voice as a gruff, growly Russian bear, which he’s not – he’s the opposite. A very refined individual who speaks quietly, reasonably.”
Finding the initial financing and, later, distribution for Nuclear Now was arduous. The damage The Putin Interviews did to Stone’s reputation in the West was considerable; it’s fair to assume this was part of the reason Stone and Sulichin had trouble getting Nuclear Now off the ground. But it was by no means the only reason. They argue that the dominance of Netflix-style “true crime” series is stifling the ecosystem, keeping out more heavyweight non-fiction fare.
“Killers are what’s popular,” Stone says. “The Tiger series [Tiger King]. But they don’t take the kind of subject matter that is geopolitically important. I think there’s a bias, and I think they’re worried about the entertainment value on nuclear issues. You know – ‘Where is the star?’”
For nuclear advocates, though, there are shoots of optimism. Sulichin points to a new wave of eco-conscious celebrities who seem less hostile to nuclear causes, such as Leonardo DiCaprio. “I guess public opinion is starting to tip,” he says. “When we were doing the film, it was very difficult to finance, because of the bad reputation of nuclear, and the missing information. People didn’t want to even listen to what we had to say. But now, because of scientific evidence, things are starting to tip.”
Nuclear Now is convincing, but sceptics from both sides of the eco-political spectrum have disputed some of its assertions. For swathes of the population, when it comes to nuclear energy, the jury is still out. But the time for deliberation is slipping through all of our fingers.
-Louis Chilton, "Oliver Stone: ‘The worst-case nuclear scenario already happened at Chernobyl – how many people actually died?’, The Independent, June 18 2023
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sarvadainfotech · 2 years
Web Application and Website Testing Services - SARVADA INFOTECH
When releasing a web application or website to the public, it is essential to perform a thorough problem-finding inspection of the website or application in question. Online testing is designed to evaluate every component of the functionality of a web application. This includes searching for faults in areas such as usability, compatibility, security, and overall performance.
Web application testing services are an essential component of the assembly of any website or web application. This is because you do not want to waste the many resources, including time and money, that you have spent developing a web application only to have it experience problems as soon as it is made available to the public. We have witnessed something similar in the past, and it is not a pretty sight.
Remove Errors
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Due to the fact that web developers already have a great deal on their plates, it can be tough for them to analyze each and every feature. As a consequence of this, they could miss important flaws in the website's layout that don't become apparent until after the customer has started utilizing the website. Because of the potential for your website to become inaccessible as a result of these difficulties and, in the worst case scenario, even to crash, it is essential that these issues be resolved.
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It is important to hire the best web application testing service for your website.
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wallabywannabe · 2 years
Sometimes at work I just want to pull a Clippy and be like, "it looks like you're trying to test this patient for vitamin D deficiency! I say that because the diagnosis code you used is 'Screening for Vitamin D deficiency'! But the test you asked for is Vitamin D dihydroxy (not to be used for vitamin D deficiency screening). Did you mean to ask for the much more common and less expensive test, Vitamin D 25 hydroxy, instead?"
But no, we're not supposed to fill out a follow up request if a doctor explicitly asked for the test, which they did.
Hey, this is a great example how American healthcare is wildy inefficient and riddled with errors!
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overthinkingfandom · 3 years
Cards on the Table - Breaking down the tactics in L'manburg Independence
/rp /dsmp
Much has been said in the fandom about L'manburg's independence. It is, after all, arguably the most important moment in DSMP's history, as the rest of the story wouldn't have existed without it. 
In light of the recent anniversary of it, yes I know I’m late, I wanted to throw my hat in the ring and add something to the discussion surrounding it. However, as the morality of the situation has been discussed to death I'll be taking a slightly different approach to it. 
Due to the nature of the DSMP's medium, the story has many unique quirks. One of those quirks is how realistic the tactics used in the story's portrayal of politics are. The independence conflict is a great example of it. While on the surface things seem to be rather simplistic in nature, there's a lot more going on that’s less obvious.
Both Wilbur and Dream are brilliant politicians who get to show both their strengths and weaknesses in dealing with an equally skilled opponent in this encounter. There’s actually quite a bit to go into, despite their interactions being so short.
When most people think about the L'manburg's independence, they think about the moment the declaration has been written up and the subsequent declaration of war. While this moment is certainly iconic, it's not really all that impactful in the grand scheme of things. Both declarations are the culmination of decisions that have been made beforehand. It's the moment when those decisions were made that really influenced things.
Conveniently, Wilbur and Dream only hold a single conversation about L'manburg before the declarations are drawn up, so we don’t need to look far in order to figure out where those decisions were formed. 
Wilbur has been working on L’manburg, collecting materials and building the wall surrounding it, for almost an hour when he spots Dream lurking. “Get [Dream] into the VC, I need to talk with him. He’s the leader of the other nation, I think we need to have a congress.” (52:44)
Dream: “Hello?”
Wilbur: “Hello Dream. Welcome to our great nation of L’manburg.”
Dream: “L’manburg?”
Wilbur: “Yes. We are seceding from Dream SMP. This is our own server now. This area, just this part [between the walls of L’manburg], is our server.”
Wilbur doesn’t waste any time before getting right down to business and talking about the matter at hand. However, the way he speaks about it here and in the rest of the conversation is fairly interesting. Wilbur is talking about L’manburg as if it’s something which already exists. They are seceding. This is their land. This conversation is merely a courtesy to give Dream a formal notice of their separation.
Yet, a bit later Wilbur shows he knows they need Dream’s acknowledgement in order for L’manburg to be its own entity. Independence is not a concrete thing that can just be taken or created on one person’s whim, after all. It only exists when the people with power agree it exists. 
Wilbur: “Dream, basically all we want from you is just acknowledgement that we are an independent nation now. That’s all we need.” (56:20)
So if Wilbur knows they aren’t independent yet, why is he talking like that? 
It’s because he’s using a salesman technique called an Assumptive Close. Instead of posing it as a question and putting the choice of agreeing or disagreeing in Dream’s hands, Wilbur acts as if it’s already true and leaves the burden of challenging his claims on Dream’s shoulders. He even moves on to ask secondary questions on how Dream feels about having embassies in his land (and notably he frames it as a question, unlike how he frames the topic of L’manburg’s independence) as if L’manburg is already a political entity. 
Wilbur: “Dream, I’ve got a proposition for you. How do you feel about having Tommy’s land being an embassy? Like it’s an enclave in your own land.” (59:01)
Wilbur’s use of this technique has an interesting side effect in that it signals to Dream Wilbur is taking a non-compromising position in this negotiation. In essence saying “L’manburg is independent, take it or leave it.” 
A non-compromising position is the game theory term for when someone goes, "I'm going to do that, this is going to happen and nothing can dissuade me from this course of action." It's a strong tactic which forces everyone to react to that person's position, reducing the others' options into a binary of either accepting that position or rejecting it. 
This is a very common tactic and various manifestations of it can be seen all over history and media. From Martin Luther who refused to recant or compromise with his famous words of “Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise” to groups who cultivate a "with us or against us" mentality to heroic characters who say they would die before giving in to whatever Evil the story focuses on.
This is the situation Dream is facing here. He can either accept Wilbur's assertion that L'manburg is an independent entity by either encouraging them or even doing nothing, or he can reject Wilbur's assertion by acting against it.
As we all know, he ended up choosing the second option but what were his considerations for doing so?
For that we would need to know what his goal was here, something we don't really get a sense of from his conversation with Wilbur. However, he ends up stating what it was in a later conversation with Skeppy. 
(Emphasis added by me and wasn’t part of the original dialogue.)
“Everyone can build wherever they want. [L’manburg] just decided to say that they get to determine where they can build and we can’t and we said well no, you can’t do that. And that’s what the whole war was over.” (31:44)
“[L’manburg] can’t tell us that we can’t go in their land. That’s all we wanted to say. That they’re not independent, they are a part of the Dream Team SMP. They’re just a delusional, small part." (34:26)
Dream lies a lot, so just because he says something doesn't mean it's necessarily true. However, this seems to be genuine. Dream has no problem telling Skeppy “we burned down their houses and blew up the whole land.” (32:36) later on in the conversation, so we can rule out that he's trying to paint himself in a better light, and there aren't really any other reasons for him to lie to Skeppy here about this. 
When looking at Dream's options with his goal we can see the choice is pretty much a no-brainer. 
Accepting is a total lose scenario for him. Not only will it fail to fulfill his goals, it would actively encourage the sort of behavior he doesn't want to happen, as Wilbur would set a precedent that so long as someone insisted hard enough and implied Dream is a bad person he would fold in negotiations and give them what they want.
Rejecting gets him far closer to his goal of railing against L’manburg’s exclusion. Going to war means he has to invest much more effort and resources into his reaction than if he just accepted as well as deal with the risks any war has, however the sheer difference in ability between Dream's side and Wilbur's side make the risk minimal. 
Going to a war he’s pretty sure he can win VS encouraging the sort of thing he disapproves of, isn’t really a hard choice.
This is actually the result of a mistake on Wilbur's part. CC!Wilbur called his character naive (37:49) and he's not wrong. Wilbur has a tendency to act as he wishes and not take into account that people might disagree or retaliate. We see it with him saying they could just ignore the Americans (1:51:17) or during the elections when he told Quackity his scheme and got blindsided by Quackity deciding to run against him. 
Historically, non-compromising positions worked best when the person who used it made sure rejection would be more costly than acceptance in one way or the other. In essence, narrowing down the options for others even more and leaving them only with acceptance. 
Wilbur may have managed to wipe off the table all other options and put pressure on Dream to accept with his use of Assumptive Close, but he didn't do anything to prevent Dream from rejecting. In fact, it seems like Wilbur didn't even consider it as a valid possibility as he outright dismissed it when Dream brought it up as an option.
Dream: “What happens if the rest of the server decides to take over your land?”
Wilbur: “They can’t. It’s literally not how servers- Dream you’re supposed to be smart man, that’s not how servers work. You can’t just take over another person’s server.” (54:33)
But, you may be asking, if it was better for Dream to go to war against L'manburg rather than grant them independence, why did he end up giving into their desire for independence in the war? Wouldn't it have been better if he just saved everyone the trouble and gave it to them when they asked for it the first time? Or maybe Dream’s obsession with Tommy and his discs is just that strong?
We can find the answer to all those questions at Punz’ video where he shows the behind the scenes of the independence war, including some of the planning which went into it from the Dream Team’s side of the war. Specifically, this quote:
Dream: “[The L’manburgians] are never gonna give up. So then in the end the resolution will probably just be, we won but they can think whatever they want, we’re just going to ignore them because they’re essentially like- You want to think you’re independent? You’re not, you’re still part of the SMP, but if you want to think you’re independent, you can.” (9:04)
“They’re never gonna give up.”
Whether it’s true or not doesn’t matter, as this is what Dream thinks and so this is what dictates his actions. Perhaps he’s overestimating his opponents here, or maybe he’s talking about how even if L’manburg is defeated this time they would try again for independence in the future. In either case, it’s clear Dream thinks the best case scenario for him - completely preventing people from fighting for L'manburg's independence - is impossible. 
So, he tries for the second best case. If he can’t prevent L’manburg, he’s going to allow it but only under Dream’s terms. That’s what his “they can think whatever they want” line is all about. He intends on giving them token independence here, something which would satisfy them but wouldn't pose a real threat. Which is exactly what he ends up offering them during the bow duel.
Dream: “Let me just clarify: if you win, we grant L’Manburg independence.”
Tommy: “Alright.”
Dream: “But we recognize it still as a part of the Dream Team SMP.”
Wilbur: “That’s fine, that’s a fine condition.” (40:54)
The token independence thing didn’t work out so well for him. L'manburg quickly grew to be seen as an entity separate from Greater Dream SMP by everyone, and so Dream was forced to concede and treat it as one as well. 
However, despite this part of his plan failing, overall the independence war was a glowing success for Dream. 
By giving L'manburg independence after winning the war, Dream sent a very clear message. L'manburg only gets to be independent so long as they stay on Dream's good side. If they don't adhere to the terms Dream sets out for them? He can and will kick their asses, as the war so aptly demonstrated.
This message is received loud and clear. During his entire presidency Wilbur went out of his way to treat Dream with respect and try not to piss him off. Something he clearly demonstrates a number of times, like when he asked if he should call Dream “king Dream” (59:08) or during the railway skirmish (24:16).
In fact, it can be argued that this message lasted all the way up to Tubbo's presidency. Unlike Quackity, who was perfectly fine with starting a fight with Dream, Tubbo knew first hand what a war against Dream looks like. He knew that they could not win a war against him, especially in their weakened state at the time, and that influenced his decision. 
As Dream once said: "L'manburg can be independent but it can't be free."
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chibiwritesstuff · 3 years
Heheh, may I please request dorm leaders with an s/o who temporarily loses all memories? And this reveals that, while their bravery is innate, the reasonability which had tempered said bravery was shaped by the life experience that they've now completely forgotten.
The result? Until they get their memories back, they're gonna be too open and honest, charge headfirst into situations over their head, and just generally not know when not to be fearless!
Man, I'm really tired from work. I don't know how long the requests have been in my inbox and I apologize for such a long wait but I'm trying to be able to have a roof on my head. Anyways...
Now, let's enter this twisted wonderland~
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Will be one who has a hard time coping with this.
At first, he secretly loves being able to protect you whenever you get scared.
After all, he finally gets to show you how strong and capable he is.
Until it starts interrupting with the schedule Heartslabyul has.
Don’t get him wrong, he still loves you but he is also groomed to uphold all the expectations of a dorm leader and the ideology of the queen of hearts from birth.
He’ll begin reminding you of all of your life experiences based on what you have told him.
Will offer to train you to be braver and at least be able to keep a brave face.
Once your memories are back, he’ll sigh in relief and will demand to cuddle with you for all the “trouble” you brought him.
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He doesn’t care that you’re scared, he’ll protect you like he always does.
Only this time he actually gets to do it before you already solved the threat by yourself.
He respects you for your bravery back then and now he’ll show you that you can depend on him too.
Will ironically force himself to study just so you won't be scared going to the library filled with other students.
He orders all the Savanaclaw students to keep an eye on you as you are part of their pack no matter what.
Once your memories are back, he’ll demand your lap and nap his days away there.
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Panics with you at the beginning.
You’ve become his rock and sort of depended on the brave face you put on when he feels his own cracking.
He becomes fussier too making Jade and Floyd watch over you just in case something happens.
Makes and experiments on spells that could potentially return your memories without any repercussions.
Is also much easier to fluster now that your innocent grateful face beams at him whenever he helps you out.
In a way, you helped him get confident as he defends and guides you to your daily life.
Once your memories are back, he’ll cry in joy in his office as he keeps you in his embrace as he missed you so much.
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Will cry in public no shame.
If you think Azul sending Jade and Floyd was extra, then allow me to prove you wrong by literally asking every single student in NRC to look after you whenever he can't do it and is already hiring caretakers as extra help.
Jamil will immediately stop this and make a much reasonable plan that will still ease Kalim’s nerves.
Won’t hesitate to bug every single teacher out there to help you regain your memories as he believes those are precious to you.
You might as well be on vacation because if he doesn’t already spoil you pre-amnesia, you’re overwhelmed with all the gifts and luxury being offered to you on a silver plate.
Once your memories are back, feel free to give him a 5-hour PowerPoint presentation on why he should spend so much money and waste resources like nothing.
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Calm on the outside exasperated on the inside.
Already working on the potion to cure you as he makes sure there are no side effects along the way.
He doesn’t even need to ask for help since Rook already looks out for you on his behalf.
He’ll take advantage of this scenario to groom you in your best features as you tend to just shrug those off or plain out reject the notion back then.
He is also secretly hoping you’ll react the same to see if you still have that bravery in you.
Once your memories are back, feel free to be smug at him for still failing to doll you up as he wanted.
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The surprisingly most chill out of all the dorm leaders about this predicament.
You two are now stuck in his dorm room just playing games as the outside world is scary.
At least you have more bonding time with him and Ortho compared to back then.
Ortho will still remind both of you that it's best to have your memories back.
In the end, you three just continue bonding and attending classes online.
He doesn’t need to keep an eye for you outside as you seemed to have decided to camp in his dorm room.
You two honestly forgot that you have memory loss that when you recovered your memories, the only difference is that you attend class in person while he’s still proxied by his tablet.
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Instinctively went to Lilia for help.
Lilia has to explain to him that he needs to calm down and take care of you at your most vulnerable.
Was so happy that you see him as a nice protector rather than getting scared of him.
If you did initially, he would distance himself and let out a few tears when he's alone in his room.
The entire Diasomnia is more than happy to figure out a cure for your memory as they know forcing it with magic can be more detrimental than beneficial.
Is more than happy to retell you the stories he has shared with you and is delighted to see the same reactions you have as you had back then.
Will help you calm down whenever you feel afraid by letting you play with his horns and/or tail.
When your memory returns, he’ll instinctively run to Lilia… again.
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skuthus · 3 years
No Reasonable Consumer
In August 2020, a case was brought against Apple by David Andino. Andino claimed that Apple misled consumers by telling them that the content available on their iTunes stores was owned by them once purchased, but that the reality was that Apple and the publishers of the content still owned the content, as they were capable of removing their content and consumers access to that content at any time.
Apples response? 'No reasonable consumer would believe that purchased content on the iTunes store would remain on the iTunes platform indefinitely'.
There are a litany of problems with Apples response, not least of which is the condescending tone with which they mock the plantiff in this case. The claim that no reasonable consumer would believe that they owned this content is, in and of itself, gaslighting of the highest order. Andino is 100% correct that the assumption from many consumers is that they have permanently gained ownership over the digital content they purchased. After all, this is how most purchased content has always worked.
Imagine if you bought a VHS tape, brought it home, and put it on your shelf. Would it be reasonable to find that the tape had been erased when you attempted to watch it years later? No, right? Obviously not. What about a record? Do those expire? No? So WHY in the world would a consumer assume that the digital purchase they made from the iTunes store would be capable of disappearing? Simply because it's digital? Or is it because it's sourced from Apple? Is Apples argument simply: 'nothing we make lasts very long, so assuming it will is the fault of the purchaser' - I am very sure they would never admit that their products have a pre-determined shelf life, despite the multitude of results that say otherwise.
No, I see something much more sinister going on - Apple is making this argument because, despite its spuriousness, they have the legal capital to fight the lawsuit - if they lose, they pay this one-off fine for Andino and they keep doing what they are doing (after all, the vast majority of Apple users will keep on buying their products even if the products physically harm them or waste their money). At best, they may win, and if they do, the argument that 'no reasonable consumer will believe x' will be their go-to court-based gaslight for anyone who dares attempt to eek out the full value of their purchase from the company.
There is a different way. Don't be a reasonable consumer. Be fucking unreasonable. This isn't just an Apple issue - How many times have we as consumers been made to take a beating from a company simply because we didnt have the resources to make them honor their agreement? Companies are famous for using their profits and resources as a beating stick for unruly consumers. They are legallly protected (in many scenarios) from being held liable for making mistakes that you and I would easily go to jail for making. Yet they are able to call themselves individuals when it comes to paying their fair share or operating in this country as a special interest.
Fuck that. If the burden of their argument rests on us being reasonable, stop being reasonable. Demand unreasonable things from companies. They have proven that they are absolutely willing to do the same to you - in fact, they operate under the assumption that they arent held to reasonable standards, either by consumers or by the law.
So let's stop being reasonable*. Demand refunds. Skirt policies. Share logins. Demand unreasonable solutions when they make mistakes. Don't give them cover for any small violation: Demand disproportionate solutions for every slight. Return products after using them for 29 days. Price match. Buy used. Use VPN's. Leave bad reviews. Take samples. Share plates. Use and abuse every single tool available to you to spend the least amount of money possible for every single company** you interact with, becuase you can be damn sure they are doing the exact same thing to you. They are simply betting you're too 'reasonable' to do it back.
*please always be kind to service workers. They aren't the problem.
** Local businesses are a differnet situation entirely.
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howelljenkins · 2 years
heya kal u replied to an anon about how they wished they interned and whatever when they were 18 and i was wondering if u or ur followers knew how exactly to look for opportunities like that? like i don't feel like im doing it right yknow by just googling "internships in [blahblah]" which sounds dumb. but. also, if i come across an opportunity, how do u personally vet the company or org that's offering it? like making sure they are legit and ethical and not like. bad morally or insane
hii i may not be the best person to answer this bc i kind of just say yes to whatever opportunities i find and see where it leads me lol but I can try to give some advice. keep in mind i'm writing from the perspective of someone who's on the tech/business side of things
in terms of vetting the company I say don't worry about that until they give you a job offer. you can do a quick google to make sure theyre not insane before applying but it's not worth the waste of time to really search the background of every single place u apply to. when you do get an offer you can go on forums like reddit, search up the company values, see the benefits they give their employees, etc. in addition to paying attention to how they treated you throughout the interview process (how polite were they, was there good communication, who did you meet, etc.)
for actually finding things to apply to google goes a long way but also utilize whatever career resources your school provides (internal job listing platforms, handshake, etc.) and network. tbh networking is your best bet to get an internship lol. whenever u meet someone who works in a similar industry u wanna intern in mention ur looking for a job and keep in touch with them and even if you don't meet anyone in person, go on linkedin and reach out to company recruiters and message them like "heyy girl i'd love to chat abt this oppurtunity if u have time here's my resume" or something like that. also use linkedin to search for alumni from ur school who work in companies u wanna work in and reach out to them too, more often than not they're willing to give you a boost in the right direction.
also i recommend looking into programs that target certain demographics (underrepresented students, first year students, low income students, etc etc whatever applies to you) you'll have a better chance at getting those
also u can just ask like wherever u go especially if you notice theyre low on staff or whatever like u could just ask ur dentist while ur at ur cleaning appt hey girl if u need a secretary or anything lmk im free and ready to be hired!
anyways. if ur only 18 don't worry too much you'll be fine worst case scenario you work food service or retail or something and still make some money and have new skills and experience to put on ur resume.
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fishoutofcamelot · 4 years
As requested by @vallirenwrites​, my theories as mentioned in my notes to the reblog of this post. 
The question: How did Uther commit genocide against a bunch of sorcerers and also literal dragons without dying 50 times over? 
It’s a valid question. If just one sorcerer could easily kill Uther, then how did he survive the height of the Purge when a whole community of sorcerers would conceivably be gunning for him at the same time? If one dragon can burn Camelot to the ground, then how could Uther have possibly fared against 100 of them?
Well, here’s one possibility: divide and conquer.
Many other people have mentioned, say, Balinor and Gaius in the notes of that post. It’s confirmed canonically that Balinor was tricked into helping Uther chain up Kilgharrah, and it wouldn’t be surprising if Gaius used his magic against his own people too. 
And that’s definitely on the right track. Uther could probably only subdue magic by relying on other magic users and then betraying them. We know for a fact that he did just that with both Nimueh and Balinor, albeit for different reasons. 
Many people, myself included, have theorized that the real reason Uther started the Purge was because magic is a threat to hierarchy. That is to say, letting poor people learn or at least have access to such a useful skill would equalize the power dynamics between nobility and peasantry. If a poor person has access to magic, they can resist authority. They can turn to magic for food and medicine and protection instead of relying on knights and kings. If they don’t like a king, it’s that much easier to depose the bastard. And if a peasant has magic while a noble doesn’t, then suddenly the peasant arguably has more power in that scenario. 
Long story short, magic is a logistical nightmare for authoritarianism.
Resource and education management within the lower class was, if not the main reason behind the Purge, then a very beneficial side effect.
As Gaius says in episode 1 when Merlin asks him about the Purge, magic users started getting bolder. Started, according to him, doing bad stuff with it. But remember that Gaius is a noble too, probably, or at the very least he’s very chummy with a lot of them. And we know he’s at least marginally sympathetic/supportive of Uther’s cause. With the stuff about nobles in mind, we must now analyze what he meant when he said that sorcerers were using their magic for evil and that the Purge was a necessary evil to curb their chaos. Maybe they were using their magic for evil - from the perspective of a frightened noble. 
So here’s how I think it happened:
Peasants started noticing that with magic on their side, they could rise up against oppressive nobles. They could start claiming some power and land for themselves. Maybe Camelot saw itself on the verge of a political revolution. 
Naturally, Uther and the other nobles started to sweat. What do we do about this? Well, if they’re using magic to educate and protect themselves, just take away the magic! 
I don’t think it started with a snap-and-turn illegalization of magic. A dramatic law hammering the country in an instant like that would have seen a lot more criticism and resistance. But if it happened gradually, over time, then what begins as a few restrictive policies on magic use might eventually slippery-slope into wholesale genocide. 
Some nobles have magic. But even they have a vested interest in this new campaign to restrict magic from the poor. Letting poor people use magic puts them on equal footing after all, and those magic-using nobles are still nobles after all. Best to keep magic with those who deserve it - that is to say, rich people.
Uther has their support now. He uses the help of nobles and their magic to enforce and subjugate poorer magic users. Maybe they use the Gean Canagh to steal magic from a few of their more outspoken rebels. Maybe they use magic restraints of some kind, but whether those canonically exist remains unknown.
First, a sales tax is imposed on all magic items and spellbooks, which gets more expensive with every passing month. Eventually, only the wealthy can afford them. 
Then, magic-users need to put their name into a registry. Refusal to enter the registry will be met with punishment. 
Next, anyone whose name is in the registry needs to pay a spell-casting tax. If you take your name off the registry, you no longer pay the tax - but casting spells while unregistered will result in banishment. 
After that, only certain spells can be cast without a certain permit or license, which you need to be of noble descent.
Then, crimes involving magic face harshened punishments. Torture, banishment, having your magic taken by the Gean Canagh - and in the most extreme cases, execution.
Bit by bit, magic becomes more risky to use and less accessible to the lower class, enabling the nobility to consolidate their power over the kingdom. But it doesn’t end there.
He tells the dragonlords to keep their dragons under control. Convinces them to keep them in stables instead of letting them roam free, for the sake of protecting scared villagers. Feed them less. Dragons die due from starvation, restrictive enclosures, and depression.
Then it turns more sinister. Just kill a few of your dragons, only a few, Uther says - dragons require a lot of food and land to survive, and all these dragons flying around are gonna cause a food shortage. Just kill the old and sick ones, the runts, the wasted space. Don’t hatch quite so many eggs. Don’t hatch any eggs.
All the while, Uther started a propaganda campaign. To alert the non-magical masses to be wary of their magic-using friends. They may seem innocent now, but peasants don’t have the proper education or know-how to use magic without hurting others. If you use magic too much, the power will corrupt you. And those sorcerers whose magic we stripped away? They were conspiring against the crown. They were trying to destroy the kingdom.
Now non-magical peasants don’t trust their magical companions as much as they used to. People don’t trust magic like they used to. That rebel movement everyone was so fond of a month ago? Now that’s an extremist militia of power-hungry sorcerers. 
But even that isn’t enough. Nobles and peasants is a good division, but how do you keep the peasants from uniting against the upper class? Simple. You turn the peasants against each other too. And you do this by turning types of magic-users against each other. You turn religious magic-users like druids and priestesses against the more secular ones. You turn naturally gifted ones like dragonlords and seers against those who had to study for their magic.
(This part, turning the naturals against the studyers, is probably what caused such a discrepancy between narratives. Gaius tells Merlin that magic is something to be learned, while Balinor is insistent that you either have it or you don’t. Boom, now we’ve got gatekeeping in the magic community.)
All this unrest and suspicion within the kingdom begins to reach a boiling point. The nobles point to this as further evidence that peasants can’t be trusted with magic, if they’re going to be so volatile about it.
Then Ygraine dies. Whether or not it’s intentional, her death is used to perpetuate the anti-magic movement, and Nimueh is hung up as a scapegoat. 
By now, many dragons are dead, and those that aren’t already dead are weak and dying. Resources to help magic-users learn and study have been restricted, so a lot of them don’t know or can’t cast the higher level stuff. Most of the powerful and rebellious magic-users have either been executed or had their magic taken away. And the magic community is so distrustful and restless that no one trusts each other enough to unite under the cause of rebellion.
After years of gradually squeezing the magic community, they are now too weak and spread too thin to lead an effective uprising. They’ve been cut off from their magical resources and spellbooks. They’ve been divided and turned against each other. Not only that, but all magic-users are in a registry, meaning Uther knows exactly who to target first. 
The magic-using nobles think they’ll be spared at first, that Uther would never betray them. But the king proves himself far more ruthless than predicted, and within a week the air is clouded with smoke from noble pyres.
That’s how I think it happened, anyway. Could be totally off tho!
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eldritchgray · 3 years
A Few Inches From Burning
I wrote a fic based off of @saturdaysky ‘s dark shadowgast au. If you prefer to read it on AO3 you can find it here 
There are situations that call for maintaining a calm and rational mind. In fact, Essek liked to believe that most situations could be best handled in that way; it’s how he’d gotten as far as he had.
This situation was most certainly one of those. But no matter how many times he told himself that, Essek continued to fail miserably at calming himself down. He was frankly surprised that his heart still had the strength to beat as hard as it was. Working with the Assembly had its risks, and he had known that going in, of course. But while sitting alone, stewing in his thoughts, he had to admit to himself that he never actually expected things to go this direction.
This direction being chained to a chair in a nondescript stone room somewhere in the Empire.
It was difficult to tell how much time had passed in this windowless room, but it was long enough that Essek’s original panic at being chained with anti magic manacles with no idea where he was, had festered into a steady stream of anxious thoughts and dread. Hence his poor overexerted heart. Assuming that Essek had any chance at all of getting out of this predicament alive, he would need all his wits and his wits were simply not cooperating.
Thinking back, he couldn’t quite pinpoint the moment things had gone so wrong for him. Sure the Dynasty declaring war over the Beacon Essek had secretly given to the Assembly was… problematic, but everything had been going relatively smoothly up until very recently. He wasn’t even sure of the developments that led to his current predicament. He wasn’t currently aware of any missteps on his part.
Of course there was always the chance that his business partners had changed their minds about working with him due to complications of the war. That was certainly an unsettling thought.
It happened to be the first of many unsettling thoughts for Essek. Time dragged on and no one came into the room, so for better or worse, his only company was himself. He was almost certain it had been hours at this point, and he didn’t know if the wait was to make him as uncomfortable as possible or if something big enough happened in the Empire that the Assembly was delayed. Regardless of the answer, and the rest of his spiraling thoughts, Essek felt fatigue starting to set in and despite his better judgement he started to drift off.
A rattling sound woke him. Essek was immediately aware of the door being unlocked and then opened with a soft creak. A man stepped inside and Essek’s heart pounded faster in his chest as his stomach dropped.
“Good morning Herr Thelyss.” The man said softly with a charming smile. A simple hand gesture later and the room was lit just bright enough to be painful to Essek’s drow eyes. It glared off of the man’s sharp blue eyes, long red hair, and pale skin.
“Ah, so it is morning then.” Essek replied. Squinting against the glare, he noticed the man was pulling his gloves off and rolling up his sleeves revealing criss-crossed scars. He had worked with the Assembly long enough to recognize this was probably one of Ikithon’s scourgers. That certainly didn’t bode well for his chances.
“It is. Apologies for the wait Herr Thelyss. I meant to talk to you sooner, but something came up.” The man kept up his charming demeanor; if the situation were different Essek would have found it disarming, but given current circumstances, it only unsettled him further. In a few steps the man had crossed the room. “My name is Bren Ermendrud. I am here on behalf of the Assembly.” The man’s blue eyes focused on him and hardened slightly. Eremndrud’s next words were just louder than a whisper and the easy charming smile edged into something more sinister. “We have some questions for you.”
“Ah, I see.” Essek surprised himself with how calm the words sounded. They certainly did not reflect the panic he was feeling. “What exactly are these questions pertaining to?”
“I’m afraid that given some recent… developments in the war, the Assembly has chosen to tie up some loose ends.” Essek’s blood turned to ice in his veins at those words. This was very close to a worst case scenario. “But the Assembly can be reasonable.” Ermendrud took slow deliberate steps behind the chair he was chained to as he said these words. “You have quite a bit of information at your disposal after all.” There was suddenly a hand on Essek’s shoulder; its fingers briefly pressed into his tunic and then let up. His breath hitched. “It would be such a waste to let that knowledge go. And if there’s one thing the Assembly despises,” Ermendrud leaned down, speaking his next words directly into Essek’s ear, “it is wasting resources.” Ermendrud’s breath was hot, almost unnaturally so, and there was no mistaking the underlying threat in his tone that replaced the earlier charm.
Ermendrud shifted his other hand in front of Essek’s face, which had him confused until it was suddenly ablaze. Essek could feel the searing heat, and while Ermendrud’s hand didn’t appear to be burning, he was under no illusion that the fire wouldn’t hurt him . Keeping his eyes open against the bright flame in front of him was now painful , but Essek didn’t think he could afford to look away.
“I am sure if you are generous with your knowledge, Shadowhand, the Assembly will be reasonable. I think you and I can come to an agreement.” Essek was finding it difficult to structure his rattling thoughts into something coherent. He apparently hesitated too long because the flaming hand crept closer towards his face. Essek forced himself to speak.
“I-I would- ah. I would be willing to cooperate further with the Assembly.” His words sounded desperate to his ears. He was certain the scourger took notice of it as well, but it had the desired effect of getting the open flame to stop moving closer to him.
“Hmm, that’s a start.” The hand was unfortunately still there so Essek thought back to the most recent meeting with the Bright Queen. He was already a traitor to the Dynasty, it wasn’t as if he could sully his conscience anymore, and if it meant he could get out of this place alive well…
He had always put himself first in these matters.
“I am, ah, certain the Assembly wishes to end this war just as the Dynasty does?” Ermendrud hummed a non-committal response. “I have recent news of a weapon some of the Dynasty’s engineers are building, as well as knowledge of its function.” The flames went out and Essek released a breath he’d been holding. Ermendrud walked back around to face him. The hand that rested on his shoulder moved to pat Essek on the cheek.
“I knew you could be a good boy and see things our way.” Ermendrud’s smile shifted into something cold and sharp. “Let’s begin with everything you know of this new weapon.”
Essek nodded slightly and tried to breathe normally again. He had a feeling this interrogation would last for the foreseeable future.
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