#Blake leads Yang through their first
goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 months
First Time in Vacuo
In Vacuo, Blake and Yang are sharing their own room while Ruby and Weiss have theirs.
Blake: (naked from the waist up and straddling Yang's hips) Yang? Are you alright?
Yang: (a blushing and stammering mess as she leans back on her hands and her eyes flicker between Blake's eyes and her breasts) Y-Yeah! I- Absolutely! I just... I just want to... Erm.... U-Uh....
Blake: (raises an eyebrow and covers her chest with an arm) Yang... Have you never done this before?
Yang: (swallows thickly) W-Well.... No. I never had... I've never been in a relationship before. You're my first...everything...
Blake: (blushes and melts at the words) Yang, you're amazing. Anything we do is going to be amazing. Don't worry about that.
Yang: (stares off to the side) You don't know that.
Blake: I do, though. Because I know you'll do everything in your power to make me feel safe, loved, and very well taken care of.
Yang: I mean... Yeah... I feel like it'd be a dick move if I did anything but all that.
Blake: (squealing with excitement mentally)
Yang: I just... don't know... what to do.
Blake: That's the best part. We get to learn what we like together. (gently grabs Yang's hand and gives it a tender kiss) Do you trust me?
Yang: With my life.
Blake: (trying to keep herself from squealing and gently cups Yang's palm against her bare breast) Then let me lead this time. I'll show you.
Yang: (eyes zero in on her hand as she swallows nervously) A-Alright....
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astralwukong · 1 year
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What really makes me wheep is the fact that Ruby didn't just lash out at everybody including her sister, but that when she did she targeted Blake in the specific. "Gotta stay positive! Smiles all around!" and "Maybe even get our feelings sorted out! Good for you by the way! We're so. happy. for you!" and here she just,,,,completely ignores Yang and stares at Blake. And its not all of it because then Ruby snaps again at her and tells her to "shut up". It just....breaks my heart, but i think i know why it happened. Blake has been paralleled to Ruby since the beginning of this volume, all positive and "smiles", Blake has had the confidence that Ruby has started lacking in these past volumes and has taken on a more leadership-like role. From Ruby's perspective Blake acts all positive but doesn't bear the burden she has....Blake gets to explore her new relationship with Ruby's sister of all people and doesn't seem to live through what Ruby is experiencing. Ruby knows Blake went through a lot, she saw that, but at this time the focus is their situation and what lead to it, so the only thing Ruby can see is how happy and positive Blake continues to be despite the entire world failing to make sense. As Ruby gets triggered this pent up anger emerges and she no longer controls her feelings....they will sort it out, but Ruby has to find her purpose again first!
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craziechwiv · 4 months
Who's scarier, Ren or Nora?
Yang: It's gotta be Nora Rubes.
Ruby: Nuh, uh! It's Ren, silent but deadly trope?
Yang: That's a biased opinion and you know it!
Ruby: Just because we have one of those on our team doesn't mean it's biased! It's common knowledge!
Yang: Oh my- wait is that Jaune? Let's go ask him.
Ruby: Yea, then you'll see how wrong you are!
Yang: Keep dreaming lil sis.
Jaune is walking until he is suddenly pushed against a wall and pinned, he was gonna shake his aggressors off him till he realizes who they were.
Jaune: Uhm...whatever I did was probably a dare!
Ruby: Not what we're here for Jaune, we need to settle something and you're our prime source for the answer!
Jaune, looking at Yang: That would be...?
Yang: Who's more scarier, Ren or Nora?
Jaune: Oh, well let me go first.
Yang and Ruby let go of Jaune as he stretches out his limbs before leaning back on the wall.
Jaune: Okay, to answer this I need something more than who's scarier. Give me a scenario.
Yang: When we're on missions! Have you seen Nora mess up those Grimms last time? I'm pretty sure some we're running away from her actually.
Ruby: So? Ren is also quite lethal too! One minute he's firing precise shots at them and the next he's cutting them up like sushi!
Jaune: Well, I have to side with Yang here. Nora is more gruesome than Ren there.
Yang: HA!
Ruby: Aw...
Jaune: However...Ren is still more scary in general.
Yang: What?! How?
Ruby: :O
Jaune: Only for one incident...
Yang: And what might that be?
Ruby: Yeah tell us!
Jaune: Well...
Nora is skipping along the hallways of beacon before being stopped by someone
Random student: Hey you're Nora, right? Fancy work you did with that weapon of yours!
Nora: Oh, thanks! You're too kind.
R.S.: Say, how's about we hang out from time to time? I'd like to spar with you.
Nora: Oh no thanks, I already have a sparring partner and I'm on the track to meet him actually-
The random student then grabs Nora's hand by surprise.
R.S.: Well, how about we go to my dorm then~?
Nora: Wait- what?! I don't really, uh...
R.S.: Aw cmon, we'll have lots of- *thunk, thunk*
The random student feels something metallic behind his head and freezes in place, not wanting to turn around and see what it may be.
Ren: She said, she doesn't want to.
Nora: Renny?
R.S.: Easy bro...it was just a suggestion.
Ren: Then me disposing of your life is an answer.
R.S.: You- You won't get away with this!
Ren: I can if you can't recognize me.
R.S.: Why you...
The random student tries to take a swing at Ren, only swinging at air before he feels a sharp object on the back of his neck, barely pricking its way through his skin layer.
Ren: When I count to ten, you'll run. 1...
The random student was already running down the hallways, not looking back at all. Ren then turns towards Nora.
Ren: Uhm...sorry about that?
Nora, who's flustered and looking at Ren in a whole new light: D-Don't worry about it Renny...how about we skip training actually?
Ren: Are you sure?
Nora: I'd let pancakes burn in a fire right now just to be in a bed with you right now!
Ren: O-Oh....okay, lead the- WOAH!
Ren is picked up by the muscle shortie and carried all the way to their dorm room, leaving a bewildered Jaune Arc who was watching the whole scenario from the corner.
Jaune...what the fu-
Jaune: So yeah. Ren is way scarier...when it comes to Nora. Which is a lot.
Yang: That was...not what I was expecting...
Ruby: That is...super hot~.
Yang: RUBY! That is the last time you read one of Blake's book.
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kazzettes · 11 months
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Ladybug Week 2023 Day 1, Oct. 23rd: College AU
With a Freezerburn guest appearance.
This one's for all my fellow Ladybug fans. (All, like, 2 of them).
When I sat down to draw this my brain went on a tangent and created its own full-on fanfiction, lol.
Basically, Ruby is this super talented freshman in the engineering department who's been gaining the attention of all the professors since she enrolled. She singlehandedly became the lead of the Science and Technology committee, which both she and her buddy Penny attend.
Yang is on a sport scholarship and is part of the Volleyball team together with Blake. She and her buddy Pyrrha are the aces of the team. She's very talented at the sport despite not seeming to have any aspirations to pursue it as a career…? Like Ruby she's also enrolled in engineering.
Blake is the Visa student- her parents saved money their entire lives to send her to a good university in a first world country. She joined the volleyball team with the goal to save money with a scholarship, but ended up enjoying being part of the team. She's chronically broke and isn't legally allowed to work due to her Visa status, but her buddy Sun hooks her up with some shady jobs that she takes from time to time to earn some cash. She met Ruby through Yang, who started inviting her out for lunch to discuss their shared favorite books series. Blake only agreed at first for the free food but eventually ended up enjoying and seeking out Ruby's company.
Weiss is this turbo-preppy model student and the president of the Student Organization's Committees. She had some friction with Ruby at first due to their clashing personalities but they eventually grew to respect each other. She met Yang through Ruby and was immediately smitten. She's suspicious of Blake and thinks she and her buddy Sun are bad influences on Ruby.
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sir-adamus · 4 months
the "Adam was retconned into an abusive ex" complaint has always been horseshit - like, it's not true because he had very little characterisation before that reveal in volume 3 (in fact he only appeared twice before volume 3 and what little information we did get about him in volume 2 doesn't contradict the characterisation he got going forward - so definitively not a retcon, which is when an earlier narrative is revised by later narrative developments)
like, in the Black trailer, what we got was an extremist who didn't care about the collateral damage he was causing, and, being the adult in the situation, purposely endangering a teenager so he could charge up his super attack; and it's his extremism that pushes Blake to leave
the hints to him we get across volume 2; that Blake is still thinking about him and clearly has complex feelings towards him, her flinching during her confrontation with Yang hinting at far more negative experiences in confrontations in the past with a partner, and outright stating in V2C10 that she realised her "oldest partner had become a monster" when she ran in the Black trailer
and then his appearance in the volume 2 finale showing he has a position of authority over the White Fang and actively promises a continued partnership with Cinder, revealing it was him loaning troops to Roman through the first two volumes, which Blake notes in volume 1 was something they would never do under normal circumstances - so that all leads in to what we get in volume 3 that Adam had sold out the White Fang's goals between Blake leaving and him showing up again
we get almost nothing on Adam's side of things until volume 3, which is why it's so easy for people to cry retcon because Monty's death between seasons makes easy ammunition to denounce anything they don't like as not being "Monty's vision", but what we do get in those first two volumes is hints that he and Blake were close once, that she was scared of him, actively told he had become a monster and implicit confirmation that he had sold out and was no longer working towards the benefit of the Faunus (and given the 'monster' comment, had lost sight of that goal beforehand anyway)
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deadbeatbirdmom · 5 months
I think I've recovered enough from watching the episode to actually say something about it, or at least more than I managed right afterwards.
I loved it.
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It's great to see chibi-ish!Ruby used for comedic effect again, for the first time since Volume 1 I think. First acting playfully mad with Yang, and then in her excitement at the boba.
On that note, it's great to see and hear Ruby excited again. It's impressive how high her voice can go without breaking, especially considering Ruby's VA's normal voice seems to be lower pitched than Yang's voice.
I'm not surprised Ruby's uncomfortable with the cult that has sprung up around her message to Remnant. She always wanted to be a normal girl, if one who became a huntress, which is a fairly normal thing in Remnant. Especially for someone born to a family of them.
It's good to see that refugees from Patch can set up their business in Vacuo, and even better that it lets Yang and Ruby carry on the tradition they had before Beacon. That it was something they did with Tai also ended up revealing why he isn't there with them: he's on assignment, according to Qrow. What is more important than being in Vacuo, where the majority of Remnant's population is gathered? And more important than being with his daughters, who he might have heard were presumed dead and miraculously reappeared.
I've seen the suggestion that Tai's guarding the Crown aka Relic of Choice, but I've also seen the great point that if that's the case and Salem finds him, there's not much he can do to stop her, no matter what his Semblance is. Although I guess Raven might feel that he's in danger and open a portal for him to escape through. It's not confirmed that's how her Semblance works, but it explains how she knew when Yang needed saving in Volume 2.
Anyway, back to Yang and Ruby! I love that Yang brought up what happened in the Ever After. That she's understands, or at least understands enough after what Yang herself has been through, and the important thing she gets across to Ruby is that she's not alone. That she's not going to carry the weight of leading them alone. Not anymore.
It's also important that they've figured out a code word to signal that Ruby needs help, because she doesn't always know how to reach out. I figure that they will tell Blake and Weiss about that, or it could confuse them:
Ruby: "Boba!"
Weiss: ...
Blake: :3 ???
Yang: Hugs Ruby. "I'm here for you."
Weiss: "Is. Is this another weird Xiao Long-Rose thing?"
What I particularly appreciate about it is that Yang acknowledged her mistake but didn't actually apologise for it, and Ruby didn't mind that. Because the important thing isn't saying sorry, it's changing things so that Ruby never feels that alone again. Actions speak louder than words.
It's also equally important that Ruby recognised she still has issues saying when she needs help. They're a team and they need to work together.
It just reinforces RWBY's message of hope, and to keep moving forward, and that no one is perfect but that they learn from their mistakes.
Asjhgsdkjghfdkshjkakjhdhlsj FEELS AUGH
Also that last line kinda hints that Ruby likes to go shopping with Yang, but they haven't got around to it. Shopping for new outfits, perhaps?
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lovingdabeessss · 8 months
Mini ramble cause I’m tired I’ll expand later probably
Blake and Weiss have trouble with their emotions because of their different kinds of abuse they’ve experienced but they still clearly have them, you know? They talk about them and they talk about it a lot their was a whole arc that was just them talking about their emotions very loudly at each other so having the emotions or expressing it doesn’t really bother them that much
or at least not in every environment, Yang and Ruby are the safest space they got they’ll fight each other to the death around them if they’d let them if you want to have unsavory emotions and unsavory words they’re the two people they’re both comfortable doing it around
It seems like they’re biggest issue with having negative emotions is how other people perceive them and how others react and putting up a front around others unless really comfortable
(What an incredible life changing experience it must’ve been to have that kinda safe space with people who care about you for no reason other then because they do and not for any ulterior motive after so long of not feeling like that to love someone so much you could safely hate them and they’d still ask you include you in ever conversation, it’s like that one measurement of love and comfort where if your kid complains and whines about things you make them do to you then they love you and think your safe to be around and if they’re silent and obedient and distant they think your not)
However with Yang and Ruby it’s not a front they’re not pretending to not feel the emotions they’re actually just not feeling them
They’re refusing to outright
Ruby doesn’t vent till she’s in a universe where GRIM DONT EXIST and then the emotions overwhelm her so much she DIES
Yang does let herself have negative emotions but ONLY anger which is controlled and specifically when she can take that kinda heat she expresses anger not only with the acknowledgment of the risk to herself but also often when other people are also already upset
Yangs semblance is clearly designed to make it easier for her to take hits for others this expression of anger goes along with the fact that it lights her on fire and makes her big and bright she’s making herself a bigger target
Cough cough not subtle metaphor cough cough YOU KNOW LIKE WHAT YOU DO AGAINST BEARS?!?! GOLDILOCKS!?!?!? Cough cough not subtle metaphor cough cough
(And Yang and Ruby will sometimes have breakdowns because of this where everything totally boils over and they have no way of dealing with it and they end up sobbing but even then they usually manage to do it in a closed off room)
Their lives have been centered completely around becoming huntresses and surviving through and killing grim it’s been their whole lives if the grim are attracted to negative emotions it doesn’t matter if you don’t show it on your face it’s GETTING you
To be a hunter you have to choose either:
1- go fucking crazy (all of the teachers at beacon for whatever reason)
2- be good enough at your job to be mentally ill (qrow)
3- DIE
So they just couldn’t feel shit cause they didn’t hav the skill level as children to allow that and survive
And obviously they do feel these things but it’s SOO repressed (Ruby I believe less so but it’s still beneath the surface so she’s good)
Blake and Weiss had a ton of shit to worry about but Blake was always more focused on other people as enemies and only had to personally worry about that after she joined the white fang and learned how to fight and I GENUINELY believe that the forest with Ruby was the first time Weiss’s isolated SKY CITY looking ass ever saw a real grim in person and not her sisters fake ones
And I think this is just really interesting because of how long it might’ve taken Yang and Ruby to realize the difference between their partners and them and why I think it might’ve led to interesting interactions but they’d probably never outright talk about it with them because it might lead to emotions
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spahhzy · 5 months
Neo smirked at her handiwork, and now once Ruby gets here, she can despair at her Lil blonde friends death... before she ends Ruby for good. Speaking of death, it was time to kill him.
She walked over, hush in hand, and as the blonde knight just sat on his knees looking at the floor, there was no light in his blue eyes.
She smiled cruelly and raised to stab him behind the back - only to be hit by a small bolt of lightning, which sent her flying back.
Jaune wasn't even phased as suddenly C.C. appeared before him in his vision.
C.C: Oh Jaune, you've been through so much.
Jaune: ...
C.C: It's hard trying to do the right thing...having to live with the guilt and pain.
Jaune visibly recoiled as Penny's face flashed before his eyes...he could make the difficult decision...to do that, but..
C.C: How many more dead friends do you want on your hands? First, it was Penny... but then it could be anyone from Team RWBY or any of your other friends you've told me about.
Jaune's blank eyes widened. He didn't want that...he couldn't ever live with the fact that he could possibly get Nora, Oscar, or Ren, Blake, Yang, Weiss, or Ruby killed by his foolishness.
???: It's no use, Jaune... you've had a good run.
Jaune felt the air leave his lungs.
He moved his head to the side, and he wasn't sure if it was Neo or his mind playing tricks on him but their staring at him with an ARROW still lodged in her chest...was his partner Pyrrha.
Pyrrha: It's time to finally admit that this was too big of a task for someone like yourself...it's time to stop and let someone else take over, like Ozpin...I'm sure he'll lead Nora and Ren to safety.
Jaune swallowed the lump in his threat as he felt Pyrrha lay a head on his shoulder.
Pyrrha: You did good, Jaune, but good only gets you so far.
Jaune felt tears sting his eyes.
She's right.
He was in over his head. His weakness cost him Pyrrha, and now Penny...who else was next? He...he didn't want that anymore.
He didn't want to be this anymore.
Being Jaune only leads to disappointment, suffering, and pain.
He...he didn't want to be Jaune anymore.
C.C: Your poor rusted broken hollow heart can only take so much...
C.C. climbed up Jaune's chest, laying a paw on where his heart would be.
C.C: Every difficult decision you've ever made...led to here Jaune, it led you to me, my hero.
C.C: I can fill that broken heart...I can mend the cracks in your soul.
Neo recovered from the blind side and looked at Jaune in anger. She ran with hush at the ready, poised for the kill.
C.C: Let me be...
Pyrrha: Let them be...
Jaune raised both his arms, encircling around the cat.
Neo was upon him. Hush held high. Ready for the kill.
C.C/Pyrrha: Your everything!
Jaune embraced the cat as he felt as shift happen.
Ruby: Jaune!
Team RWBY had just managed to arrive just in time as Weiss eyes widened in horror. The image of Jaune's body being taken over by the cat was on that was sure to haunt her in her nightmares.
As for Neo, the letter stepped back, looking on in gross horror at the action happening before her.
And as quick as it started...it was over.
For a brief moment, you could hear a pin drop before suddenly Jaune rose from his knees and stretched the movement almost akin to that of cat.
CCJaune: Ah, Team RWBY, you finally made it.
CCJaune began to giggle as he felt himself all over.
CCJaune: This is amazing, I always knew he was strong, but I could never imagine this ~
He felt a click of shoes behind him as he side stepped out of the way and caught Neo by the arm.
CCJaune: I must give my thanks to you...with out all this *points to the whole tea party* I wouldn't have acquired this~ *pats himself down*
CCJaune: So as a token of my thanks~
Team RWBY watched in shock as Crocea Mors sliced straight through Neo's aura before lodging into her chest , The criminal looked on as if not able to comprehend what happened, as a boot found her chest and CCJaune kicked her off his blade and then kicked her body to Team RWBY.
CCJaune: You're welcome, Ruby~
Ruby looked at the dying body of Neo, and than back to Jaune.
CCJaune: Hehehe~ oh yes, my Rusted Knight, I knew you'd do very well.
And then he turned his back to Team RWBY.
Weiss: Stop!
CCJaune: Hmm?
Yang: Release Jaune right now!
CCJaune: Release him? Back unto you all? No, thank you.
CCJaune: Besides... he gave himself to me, the only one who truly cares about him, willingly.
Ruby: No-no, he-he wouldn't do that...
CCJaune: Oh, I beg to differ. Everything he had been through was just too much for his poor heart to bear, but poor you right, Ruby?
Ruby couldn't say anything as she rememebr her last conversation with Jaune and how disastrous that was.
CCJaune: Well, as much as I loved to talk about who's right and who's wrong... I have a date with destiny...so...bye!
And in a flash of lights, CCJaune disappeared from their view, a trail that led to the tree was all that they could see as Ruby could only sink to her knees and scream.
Ruby: Jaune!
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sarahshoots1st · 1 month
Yang's Impulsive Streak
There are many wonderful things you can say about Yang’s character arc in RWBY, but one small detail I don’t see get talked about enough is how she overcomes her hot-headed nature when it comes to fighting.
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In the beginning of the show, Yang is your stereotypical daredevil fighter – she’s reckless and impulsive, prone to acting first and thinking second. She’s used to being able to take any sort of punishment her foes could dish out, thanks to the combination of her Aura and her Semblance.
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After her sound defeat at the hands of Adam, she is forced to readdress this outlook. The Fall of Beacon served as a wake-up call for much of the cast, a shattering of their youthful innocence that they were safe from any kind of lasting consequences. For Yang personally, the realization that neither she nor her loved ones were invincible contributes to her depressive spiral. For someone used to only smashing victories, a crushing defeat can be difficult to come back from.
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All this leads to her pep talk from Taiyang. The coaching advice he gives his daughter is hardly original – most people have probably already seen a dozen variations on the “veteran mentor tries to teach feisty young protegee the importance of patience and tactical assessment in battle” beat. Most people watching the scene for the first time could probably have predicted how the conversation/sparring match would go just based on past media experience – protagonist is at first resistant, mentor has to kick their ass a little bit to get the point across, until finally protagonist learns the lesson and as a reward gets to do some ass-kicking in return. Lesson finally learned, the protagonist prepares to move on with their quest, end scene.
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What sets RWBY apart form any other media where I have seen this trope is how the show continuously commits to demonstrating the growth Yang has undergone. In virtually every major fight after that sparring match with Taiyang, Yang foregoes the reckless decisions her younger, more impatient self would have made.
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Yang still charges headfirst into battle – she is a brawler, and therefore needs to be up close for her fighting style to be effective. But she is much more careful about how she fights, particularly in regards to her use of Burn. The show goes out of its way to highlight moments where she could have activated her Semblance, but intentionally chooses not to – like letting Mercury rip her prosthetic arm off so she can get to the Relic Chamber. The old Yang would never have turned away from a provocation like that, and for a moment we see her eyes go red - but she’s learned to not let her temper cloud her judgment. In this instance, stopping Raven and Cinder from getting the Relic is much more important than knocking around one of Cinder's lackeys.
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Similarly, we get to see her be tactical in not just when she deploys her Semblance, but how. In the Team RWBY vs. AceOps fight, there’s a moment when she’s about to strike Elm – who has used her own Semblance to root herself to the floor. Rather than follow through on the blow, Yang redirects her empowered punch to the ground, shattering the anchorage that was holding Elm in place.
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Finally, in the rematch against Adam, there are multiple instances where Yang could have used her Semblance early in the fight. But with the details of Adam’s Semblance revealed to her by Blake, she realizes that her attacks would only fuel Adam's return assault. Instead she patiently goads Adam into using his Semblance first, holding onto her own reserve for the pivotal moment. When the time comes, she uses her stored energy not to dish out damage, but rob her opponent of one their greatest advantages.
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This moment is immensely significant for Yang on multiple levels. The fight highlights how Yang is a foil for Adam, and how that causes Blake to overcome her initial fears about the blonde’s aggressive personality. But aside form cementing Bumbleby’s growing relationship, it is also a personally significant moment for Yang. She has overcome both the internal and external demons of her past, and in a poignant metaphor for how people can recover from trauma stronger than before, is able to find a path to victory that her younger, un-scarred, and more foolhardy self never could have realized.
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It's moments like these that make me love RWBY as a show - where the creators shamelessly commit to following through on the character arcs they set in motion - and which continue to make me doubt the media literacy of anyone who hates on the show.
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itsouttherenow · 8 months
Team Mom: Kali
It was another day at Beacon within the dorm room of team RWBY. Their first year of Beacon went off without a hitch, mostly. Fighting mechs, criminals and terrorists is not something that you can really just brush or mention casually. So what is a girl to do on a Friday afternoon. What possible exciting activity could these adventurous girls do?
“GUYS! Mom is coming!” Entering the scene is our resident cat, Blake Belladonna. 
Sitting up from their respected beds, the rest of the girls quickly started firing off questions.
“When is she coming?”
“Are dad and Ghira coming too?”
The last question had eyes drawn at Weiss. 
“Hehe, just, you know, asking.” She replied sheepishly.
“Aside from Weiss touch starved condition (HEY!), she said that she be coming soon to visit us here at Beacon. Tai and my dad are staying in a hotel in Vale for the time being.”
“Cool, what time is she supposed to be coming then?”
“She said around 6.”
“It’s 6 already! Why didn’t you call us instead?”
“Forget about that, we need to hurry. QUCKLY! THROUGH THE WINDOW!”
“No Yang wait I c-“, before Ruby could say otherwise, Yang had leapt through the window of their dorms
“We can worry about her later when we’re outside. The bullhead could be arriving any minute now.”
Using her semblance, Ruby quickly took the girls to the bullhead landing pads, picking up, more accurately digging up, Yang from her earthly confinement. They eventually made it to landing pads 5 minutes late.
“Do you see her?”
“No I can’t, I’m too short.”
“Blake, what about you,?”
“No. Yang?”
“Negative captain.”
“Where could she b-“
“YOO HOO! Girls, I’m over here!”
With Weiss question answered by their target, the four girls quickly rushed to a woman with similar cat ears to their feline friend. The woman was quickly enveloped in a group hug from the girls.
“Oh oh my, eager aren’t we today?”
“Why wouldn’t we? It’s been a sooo long since we’ve last meet you in person.” Replied Yang.
During a break in they second year, the WBY of RWBY meet Kali and Ghira Belladonna, the mother and father of Blake. There, the three girls quickly took a liking to Kali, considering she was the first real motherly figure that they have had in a while. While the three may be her daughters by blood, she treats them as if they were her own.
“(giggles) That is true. And we have a whole week to spend together!”
“(gasping) A WHOLE WEEK!?” Exclaimed Ruby.
“A whole week? What’s the occasion?” Inquired Blake.
“Why the parent conference. They’re going to  discuss on how our little ones are doing and behaving.”
“Well, it is with great pleasure to say that we have all been model students.” Booster Weiss.
“We’ll see. Now, how about you girls give a quick tour of the area. I don’t want to be getting lost.”
“Alright Team RWBY, let’s lead the way!” Yelled Ruby as she jumped into Kali’s arms.
“Ruby” chasted Weiss, “get off her. You are not a child!”
“I don’t mind dear. I’m quite comfortable.” Said Kali she nuzzled Ruby who laughed.
“(Laughs) Hey, that tickles.”
“Are you sure? I can take Ruby.” Offered Yang.
“Yes, I’m quite sure. In fact, I quite like it when you girls jump into my arms. Reminds of when Blake was a little kitten.” Answered Kali.
“If it’s alright with you, then I guess she can stay.” Said Weiss.
“Good. Now let’s go and give mom the best tour of Beacon!” Exclaimed Ruby.
“I’m looking forward to this ‘awesome’ tour girls.”
(Like break.)
An hour into their tour, Ruby had fallen asleep in Kali arms so it was up to the rest of the girls to decide on where to take her next. Walking underneath an arc way of vines and growth, they enter the gardens.
“And here” Weiss gestured around, “is the Beacon Garden. Used by most to study but many can often be found eating and aswell as hanging out.”
“My, how gorgeous.” Awed Kali as tucked Ruby closer to her body.
“Gorgeous indeed. This garden is actually the newest addition to Beacon, having been made thirty-seven years ago. Furthermore, th- (BOOM)- What In Monty’s name was that?” 
The answer to Weiss’s question came in the familiar form of Beacons resident dork Knight, one Jaune Arc, who was coursing throw the air, straight into a tree. After face-planting into said tree, his limp form sliding down onto a branch. 
“Ow. Note to self, make sure that Nora does NOT help in the kitchen *ever* again. *EVER*.” muttered Jaune to himself.
“wa-wa-what’s going on?” Ask an awoken Ruby.
“Just Jaune flying into a tree. Nothing new.” Answered Yang.
“Jaune? Blake, isn’t he the boy you mentioned to me? The blonde?” Asked Kali to her daughter.
Smelling blood, Yang seized the opportunity to tease her partner. 
“Oh, keeping secrets are we now? And here I thought we were family. I’m hurt.” 
Blushing, Blake whined, “Mom. I thought I told you to keep it between us.”
“Oh my Gods so it IS true. You’ve Fall for that dolt.” Exclaimed Weiss
“Well I think it’s sweet.” Chimed Kali.
A second later, said boy fell off the branch.
“Oh, this is a perfect time to talk to him dear. HELLO dear.” Yelled Kali out to Jaune.
‘What? Who is that. I didn’t know Blake had a si-‘
Jaunes thought we’re immediately cut short when the branch he was on earlier fell on top of him.
“Oh no. That branch just killed Jaune!” Yelled Ruby.
“You bastard.” Followed by Yang.
“No you dolts. He’s just knocked out.” Explained Weiss.
“My oh my. What a shame. He needs to be tended to. And who better to wake up than you pretty face dear.” Said Kali.
“No mom, you don’t mean-“ Questioned Blake.
“Yup. Let’s take him to your room. He’s needs to be well rested on a nice comfy bed. Next to a beautiful lady.” Kali said as she picked up Jaune.
“Mom no.”
“Mom yes” 
Blake was then handed an unconscious Jaune.
“Come along girls. The day just getting started.”
Three of the four girls ran to catch up with Kali as Blake just stood in place dumbfounded.
Looking down a Jaune, she blushes abit.
“Well, I guess it would hurt to give it a try.” And then placed a kiss on Jaunes forehead and quickly caught up the others 
‘That’s my girl. Grand kittens here comes Grandma.’ 
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 9 months
Labor & Oxytocin
Kali: (bursts through the front doors of the hospital) And this is precisely why I told Blake that she needed to give birth back home, not in some overpriced hospital a continent away.
Ghira: Kali, dearest, please, control yourself.
Willow: Kali, it was the safest option. You said yourself that you had plenty of complications giving birth to Blake.
Kali: And now I'm realizing that over 36 hours of labor is worse than having a few complications. (to the nurse) Blake Belladonna. Where is she.
Willow: Thirty-six hours?!?!
Jaune: Uh, Mrs. Belladonna! What a surprise! Really, truly, a pure shock. Um, unfortunately, even though you are her mother, I'm not allowed to disclose-
Willow: (cuts him off) No! You are bringing us all to Blake's room this instant. (glyph beowulf suddenly appears next to her) Unless you want a pack of beowolves to scour the hospital and we can find her ourselves.
Jaune: (sweats) Yes, Ma'am! Right away, Ma'am! This way, Ma'am! (quickly leads the three to Blake's room)
Blake: (panting and in discomfort as Yang escorts her around the room) This is absolute hell...
Yang: (rubbing soothing circles on Blake's lower back) I know, babe. I know. (kisses Blake's head)
Doctor: Good news. You're only six centimeters away.
Blake: (groans)
-Door bursts open to a very protective mother panther-
Kali: Where's the doctor fucking up my baby girl's labor?!
Blake/Yang: Mom?!/Kali?!
Doctor: Excuse me, Ma'am, but you can't be in here-
Kali: Don't care. What have you done to help my baby girl get the baby out?
Doctor: We have tried everything from walking laps, squats, and bouncing on the labor ball.
Willow: What about oxytocin? Have you tried that?
Nurse: It's written in Ms. Belladonna's file that she's allergic to synthetic oxytocin.
Kali: .....(to Willow) Oxytocin?
Willow: Pleasure hormone.
Kali: They synthesize that? Why? Her wife is right there. (points at Yang before turning to the doctor) Are you seriously saying that you never considered natural stimulation to help my daughter???
Doctor: Erm.... Excuse me?
Nurse: I... think she's referring to pleasuring the patient....
Blake: The patient is right here and can hear you! (groans)
Kali: There's no mistake that the gods put the g-spot in the birth canal. What gets the baby in will get the baby out.
Ghira: (mortified) Good lord....
Doctor: That's highly unorthodox-
Yang: Wait, I can just play with Blake's clit until she dilates?!
Kali: With climax. Ladies always come first.
Yang: Damn right they do.
Willow: It allows the most oxytocin to get into the bloodstream.
Ghira: kill me now....
Blake: That's it! Everyone, out! That goes for you (points to doctor) you (points to nurse) and definitely you (points to Ghira). (turns to Kali and Willow) Respectfully, because I don't want you to... you know...
Kali: Already gone, dear. (kisses Blake and Yang's foreheads before leaving the room, hauling a flabbergasted Ghira with her)
Willow: Best of luck, dears. (strokes their cheeks affectionately) I'll call Weiss and tell her to get here as fast as she can. That baby is going to be here before you know it. (grabs the doctor by the coat collar and drags him out of the room)
Nurse: (follows dutifully, leaving Blake and Yang alone)
Blake: Yang...
Yang: Yes, babe?
Blake: You know the drill. And if this doesn't work, I'm going to kill you.
Yang: (gently lifts Blake up and brings her to the hospital bed) I happen to have a 100% mission success rate. I don't intend on marring that now!
Two hours later, the Xiao-Long/Belladonna family welcomed a beautiful baby into the world. Ghira was still suffering. Kali could not have been prouder. Willow and Weiss squealed with delight. Ruby rand spaztically around the room. Qrow and Raven agreed that the baby was so ugly it was adorable. It was a great day.
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What was it exactly that ruined RWBY after volume 3? Was it the death of the author or the creators simply lost touch with their work?
I think I talked about the changes and issues within the narrative before, so I'll just stick to the overall problems with the shift from V3 to V4.
Honestly? The author's passing might have an impact, but it shouldn't have this level of impact.
It's easy to attribute all the success to Monty and just pretend the show was doomed without him. Then why did V3 still come out extremely good? Clearly, there was still talent here - Dillon Goo carried V3 fights on his back, and the story continued - nothing instantly fell apart.
And yet the show did fall apart.
So, what happened?
Were they blindsided by Monty's passing? Were they too inexperienced? Did the hard shift in direction destroy the show's setting? How about the employee burnout?
In reality, I think it's a combination of all of those and more.
They were caught off-guard.
No matter how big Monty's actual role was, people at RT are still human beings.
Death of a friend can turn one's life upside down and fast - understandably, the company would struggle to continue after losing someone so integral to their identity back then.
The way Volume 4 is structured instantly shows that the rest of the staff got blindsided by having to continue the show - V4 is designed to spin its wheels, buying them time while they try to figure out what to do. It's averse to any characterization for the lead four or any change in status quo, and even the lore bits we DO get during V4 are very vague (because the showrunners have no idea what to do).
You can literally imagine them all running around behind the scenes frantically trying to see how they can pick up from where v3 left off and delaying, delaying, delaying.
The issue, however, is that at some point, that kind of stalling becomes their whole MO rather than a temporary thing.
The show effectively stalls any sort of payoff for anything from the first three volumes, shying away from addressing anything within its original identity.
After a while, it's not like they didn't have time to figure things out or turn things around yet - it's that they decided this stalling issue works fine as-is - even as far as V9.
The relationships never quite progress - Blake and Yang have been in limbo since V3, for example.
The characters never progress or regress - how many times did the show "hint" at Ruby's distress for years, promise Blake's growth, or have Yang on the verge of some big moment of self-reflection?
It's not even JUST that it shifted away from its original identity as a contemporary tech-fantasy show - while it absolutely DID do that, the issue is that the showrunners have no idea what shape the show's identity OR aesthetic should take OR how to do it.
The show just stalls because it works even if viewers start to dwindle, and they don't have to do anything that would "alienate" people (Like, let's say, addressing the elephant in the room that is Yang and Blake).
A staggering amount of effort is made to NOT progress things and to have characters go through all these locations without really changing at all.
Things happen but not really.
What did Ruby's journey from Patch to Mistral accomplish for her as a character? What did Blake's journey to Menagerie accomplish? How about Yang's journey to find her offscreen bandit mother? How about Weiss getting taken back by her father?
What did the conflict in Atlas accomplish? Were characters affected or changed in any way? Did Weiss finally have her story arc? Did Ruby face herself?
You could literally change up the end of V3 with them dropping into the future of Vacuo and you wouldn't miss a single story beat.
We don't know MORE about the world OR the characters, really - the dumb Brother Gods plotline revelations can be summed up in half an episode.
Mistral's fate, Vale's fate, Atlas falling? That can be done offscreen - it's not like the show hasn't already offscreened far more important things
Of course, the show DIDN'T just skip that padding so it still has to get the major story beats in as everyone moves through locations.
But those story beats happen in the weirdest way possible.
There is ego involved, yes.
Miles didn't have to add up the brother gods subplot he had dreamt up one day.
Miles didn't have to keep pushing Jaune into the front of the show at the cost of the actual leads.
It's no secret that the show would always work this way where one of the people involved would posit an idea of how they think something could be cool if it happened - Monty was pretty notable for wanting to have Raven fight Team JNPR in the Fall of Beacon for example, and he refused to elaborate.
Is it so surprising someone like Miles or Kerry would want to "add their own touch"? So what if those ideas clashed with literally everything in the setting before - be it narratively or aesthetically?
But there was something else that changed.
Before V4 the people involved would come up with something and then work it into the plot. While imperfect, there was a possibility of a somewhat healthy dynamic where, with, likely, actual pushback between those involved - Monty never did get his "Raven fights everyone" scene after all, no matter how cool it could have been.
After V3 that dynamic was gone, obviously.
The creative element of the show fell apart, but Miles and co seemed to keep going like nothing happened - and at some point rather than a bunch of people discussing possible paths for the show, it turned into a situation where Miles or someone else would propose an idea and then it would happen.
As the show grew in scope so did the necessity for actually making those desired elements fit into the story. It was no longer about "hey we can't really justify Raven randomly showing up and fighting team JNPR" - there were Kingdoms and multiple locations and dozens of characters involved now.
They just lost their friend who proposed the show in the first place, they struggled to make the show continue and they were clearly inexperienced running something as big as this.
Yet instead of growing, learning, or hiring people, they seem to have been content with just dumping what Miles wanted into the show without worrying about narrative structure, set-ups, payoffs, characterization, and so on.
The weird medieval aesthetic of various locations no longer fits the contemporary modern setting of the first three Volumes? So what.
The magicky ridiculous cheese of brother gods was the polar opposite of a more grounded setting before it? So what.
The decision to not show actual character progression and growth that could be Yang's recovery arc because "it was boring"? This would make any writer or college professor scream because that's now how you characterization, that's not how you do pay off or ANYTHING, but yet again -so what?
They were unwilling to learn and to accept critique.
Listening to staff commentary for the show (even before Monty's passing) there's one thought that would persist - "Wow, they sure sound content and prideful with not knowing their things and just going with the flow."
RT drank their own Kool-Aid - "Oh we are just a small indie group of friends - look how scuffed our production and decision-making is."
It was impossible not to notice back then - people would point that out all the time.
Yet instead of improving and changing and learning and, honestly, growing up, Miles or someone else would just throw some backhanded remark and continue.
A group of amateur film-makers can grow and develop, but RT were so proud of their status as being this industry underdog where it's just a group of friends(despite that not being the case for YEARS at that point), that they were unwilling to make necessary changes in their work culture, approach or, well, anything.
I keep coming back to Miles watching Land of Lustrous and going "Oh, I don't get it." and that's it - there's no self-betterment or willingness to "get it" showcased and that's emblematic of RT culture as a whole.
Whether there was talent in the company (there was), it wouldn't matter if people at the top would stomp their feet and refuse to learn or improve. Even V9 staff had quite a few talented animators involved - did not help.
They were too caught up in the "youtube machinima bro culture" RT's size had long since grown out of.
They were "a bunch of friends, just a bunch of indie amateur people creating content", and they were proud of it and of how scuffed everything was.
So what if at that scale of the company, the culture would end up creating genuine issues with power dynamics, harassment, over-work, inefficient production, employee burnout, resource wasting, and so on?
The working conditions drove away most of the talent they had left over the course of next few years.
(Un)Surprisingly being stuck in a frathouse mentality lasting decades is a really good motivator for actual talented people within the company to quit and work elsewhere. Who would have thought?
One logical path forward would be to hire actual industry professionals, right? They could have created a writer's room, hired management experts, a proper HR department, hired sensitivity readers, outsourced researching various topics, etc, right? Miles and Co could keep pretending to be auteurs while competent people would get paid to do what needs to be done and course-correct them.
Easy, right?
They were unwilling to hire professionals.
Reminder that it took RT till around Atlas arc to have anything resembling a writers' room, they still refused to hire actual sensitivity readers to ensure they don't end up writing something blatantly ableist or just outright all-around problematic.
In the cases where professionals were involved, the people in charge just ignored all suggestions (otherwise Volume 8 and 9 would have been stopped at brainstorming phase and changed - I refuse to believe no one took a look at it and said "this will crash harder than Genlock Season Two")
I have no doubts people at the core of RT wanted to honor their friend's legacy and make right by them, but...
If "everything was fine" and who they were was fine and no critique mattered then why change anything or listen to outside voices?
And thus they continued.
It's a mix of variety of issues, really. It's actually kind of fascinating RT managed to have so many things go wrong.
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frickingnerd · 5 months
poly relationship with ruby, blake, weiss, penny & nora
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pairing: ruby rose x weiss schnee x blake belladonna x gn!reader x nora valkyrie x penny polendina
tags: set during volume 8 (+spoilers), polyamorous relationship, wholesome fluff, angst with a happy ending
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the six of you were an odd team that likely never had ended up together, if it wasn't for the circumstances you were placed under
after you got separated from yang, jaune and ren, the six of you were now faced with this new team dynamic. one that lead to all of you rethinking what people you wanted to have in your life and what role you wanted them to play
and it just so happened that all of you wanted to have each other as lovers!
it wasn't all that easy to actually pull through and admit to your feelings! blake and nora were the ones most hesitant to date at a time like this, while conflict was near and you were apart from your usual teammates
but even they had to eventually admit that despite all of that, denying their feelings wouldn't do any good!
the ones that were most eager to date were ruby and penny! there was so much going on around them, but having a safe space and lovers to confide in was the thing they needed the most!
their time at a normal life was cut short when beacon fell and now they finally had the opportunity to catch up on being a normal person and have their first romantic partners!
out of the six of you, weiss takes on the role of the leader, even if it's just for a while. she loves ruby and wants her to get the chance to forget about her worries as a leader, even for just a little bit!
there aren't many opportunities for actual dates, given your circumstances, but whenever the six of you get a chance, you dine together and cuddle up together afterwards, enjoying a quiet moment together…
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pilot-boi · 11 months
Twins AU
So with this being bonded by Aura thing that twins share, imagine during V9 Yang is hit with a tidal wave of pain and everyone panics because they have no idea what’s happening
It all makes sense when they find Jaune
It was twenty years worth of experience being shared with Yang in a fraction of a second, all of it avalanching down onto her because Jaune went back in time and it’s all catching up to her now
Imagine how horrified she is to see her brother, *her twin,* suddenly so many years older than her
When Yang first lands in the Ever After, she is in agony
White hot and blinding, it’s like a tidal wave of emotions and pain sweep over her, bowling her over. It feels like her arm is being cut off all over again, like her mind is breaking, like she’s blinking and a life age of anguish and sorrow is passing by.
And then it’s over
Yang lays under the canopy of an unfamiliar forest. Her vision is blurry and her limbs are tingling. She wonders distantly if this is how Blake feels when she uses her Semblance, all sort of detached from her body
She can’t place it, but it feels like something inside of her is wrong
Not like something bad happened (although it did) but like something vital inside of her is missing. Something is just… not right, like the whole world is off kilter somehow
Is this what being dead feels like?
Blinding pain and then just feeling not quite all there for the rest of eternity?
She’s shaken out of her musings very abruptly when a raccoon riding a wagon of garbage all but gleefully grabs her prosthetic and runs away
Things happen very quickly after that
She doesn’t catch the raccoon, but she IS accosted by a giant monster that isn’t a Grimm. She doesn’t beat the monster, but she DOES get found by the rest of her team. They don’t know how to get home, but they DO realize they’re in a fairy tale
The Girl Who Fell Through The World, with all of its quirky and charismatic characters
Yang gets her arm back from the Jinxy Peddler. She helps her team battle the Red Prince-formerly-King. The Curious Cat rescues them and pesters them with questions
The Herbalist is a new face, one not mentioned in the story. Yang finally verbalizes what it turns out she knew all along. She doesn’t have to be symmetrical, or whole, or easy to understand. She is a Huntress
She doesn’t have to be whole. When her smoke-self asks if she wants that, Yang can’t help but think of her twin up in Vacuo. Gods, what he must be going through
Feeling her get hurt destroyed him enough, but he must think she’s dead
Maybe that’s why she feels so off, so not-right. Because the other half of her soul is in another dimension
While they travel to the market, Yang mentions the pain she felt when she landed
Blake postulates that it was caused by her lack of Aura, but Weiss’s Aura broke as well, and she didn’t feel anything. Ruby, as taciturn as she’s been, suggests that maybe her prosthetic didn’t like the journey through dimensions, but Yang didn’t have any pain when first entering the Crossroads
Yang wonders aloud whether Jaune was hurt during the time she was falling, and their bond amplified it somehow. The Curious Cat blinks up at her when she mentions him, and smiles knowingly
She doesn’t know what to make of that
Until very suddenly she does
The market is attacked. Neo sends copies of the Jabberwalker to wreck mayhem. And finally, the last missing character from the story appears: The Rusted Knight
He drives the Jabberwalker away and seems to freeze at the sight of them. Yang isn’t surprised, according to the story he’s supposed to be the only competent fighter in the whole place. When copies of the monster appear, he doesn’t try to fight, prioritizing getting them to safety while the Cat covers their escape
The Knight leads them to the top floor of the market while it burns behind them. They follow his gestures into a room inside a giant flower, where his steed is waiting
Blake is pretty much vibrating with excitement next to her. It’s no secret the Knight is her favourite character
“You did good, Juniper,” the Knight says, his voice echoey from behind his helmet. The jackalope’s name tugs at Yang, reminding her of their sister team, of her absent brother. Gods she wishes he was here
Then the Knight takes off his helmet
Long blonde hair, streaked with white and tied back by an achingly familiar piece of red cloth, falls onto his back.
He turns. “Team RWBY,” he says, sounding relieved, sounding exhausted, and Yang can feel her teammates freeze beside her, she can hear them all gasp in horror.
For her part she can’t move, can’t breath, can’t take her eyes off his face.
The same face that stares back every time she looks in the mirror. His sad blue eyes creased with smile lines, with age, with decades of pain. Twenty years older than he should be, twenty years older than her
Dear gods… what happened to her brother?
“You finally made it.”
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howlingday · 4 months
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Day 4 of "9 Days of Lancaster"
V9C7 Aftermath ◇ Denial
Ruby rubbed her eyes as she kept running. It wasn't until she tripped on a stump that she did stop running, though her crying seemed to double down. Gripping the alien ground in her fingers, she raised her hands to her head, ready to strike herself for her childish actions. After all this time, all she's been through, and nothing's changed! Nothing! Nothing! NOTHI-
Ruby turned to see Jaune jumping down from Juniper. He walked closer, not the least bit angry, and then kneeled down. Ruby had a breakdown in front of this guy, wherein the two started screaming at each other. Well, she was yelling at her friends, her sister, and him while Jaune roared his frustration out on her.
"You doin' okay, Crater Face?"
"I'm fine." Ruby growled.
Jaune was about to snap at her again, but then thought better of it after remembering how they got to this point. "Are you sure?"
Ruby was quiet. Jaune sat down from his kneeling position and let out a sigh. A part of him wanted to put an arm around her shoulder, but he thought better of it. He'd been doing that a lot lately, and it was because of Ruby. Even now, she was helping him be better. Now, it was his turn.
"You know," Jaune started.
"Don't." Ruby finished. "Just don't. I messed up. I've been messing up. And no amount of 'good job's is going to make it any better. I ruined your life."
"Yeah. You did." Jaune nodded, making Ruby flinch. "I mean, that's what I thought at first. And a part of me wants to yell at you some more."
"Then why don't you?" Ruby asked.
"Because five people yelling at one girl just isn't right."
"Five people?"
"Yeah. Me, Weiss, Blake, Yang, and you."
"Wait, what?" Ruby shook her head. "You were the only one yelling at me."
"Was I?"
"Yes!" Ruby stood up, turning away. "I mean, you definitely were, but..." Ruby shook her head. "Blake wasn't yelling, and Weiss wasn't either. Yang got mad, but she didn't yell."
"What about you?" Ruby turned to him. "Were you yelling at yourself?"
Ruby went quiet again. All this time, she'd felt like everything was just one big adventure after the other, but she'd never taken the time to really think about herself. Now, here she was, living a literal fairy tale, just like the ones her mom and her dad and her sister would read to her, and she felt... nothing.
"I... I need a minute." Ruby said. "Alone." Without another word, Jaune stood up and turned to leave. "Oh, and Jaune?" The stopped. "Thank you. For not giving up on me."
"You never gave up on me, Ruby." He said. "Even when I was giving up on myself."
With that, Jaune left on Juniper, and Ruby stood there, admiring him for a moment. Jaune had always been there for her, just as she'd been there for him. Where Jaune failed at being a leading huntsman, Ruby helped him find his stride. And now, when she was failing at being herself, Jaune was there to help her off the ground. He always was so kind. And sweet. And handso-
Ruby shook her head. NO! Focus! This wasn't the time to fall on old habits! Ruby had to figure herself out, not start crushing on her best non-bestie best and first friend of friends! Ugh... Was she always that sappy and childish?
Suddenly, the dim glow of a house caught her attention. A mansion. Painted pink and white and brown. Ruby gritted her teeth and took hold of her weapon. She can worry about schoolgirl crushing later. Now was the time for Ruby to grow up.
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littlelewdmable · 1 year
Jaune's Many Threesomes 4: Ruby and Kali
Note: Sorry this is a few days late. I didn't like my first draft and decided to rewrite this from scratch.
Go Here For More
After another long semester at Beacon, a nice trip to the beach was just what RWBY and JNPR needed. And as it turned out, Blake's parents happened to lived in a, slightly overcrowded, tropical paradise. So off to Menagerie they went.
Though, not before Sun gave Jaune and Yang a little warning that Kali's mom was apparently very friendly, or at least she had been when Blake and Sun visited them last. Though Jaune didn't really get why he had to be warned about that. After all, who doesn't like friendly people?
What Sun should have warned him about was Kali's ass, or really just how curvy Kali was in general. Now Kali didn't show her ass off as much a Blake did, considering Blake wore very form fitting pants most of the time, but when you did get a clear view of it, it was something to behold.
Not that Jaune was perving on Blake's mom or anything like that!
But he was a healthy you man and there were just some things that were hard not to notice. Particularly when the person that had that thing decided to wear a very skimpy bikini like Kali had that day at the beach, and Jaune was trying very hard not to think about it as he laid in bed with his girlfriend, Ruby Rose.
Jaune just stared at the ceiling of their shared room and tried not to think about it.
"Did you have fun at the beach today?" Ruby said, her head laying on Jaune's chest as she cuddled up to him.
"Yeah, it was pretty fun." Jaune said, getting to see Ruby in a bikini was always fun. Yang constantly teasing the both of them, slightly less fun. "At least neither of us ended up with a sunburn this time." That mission in Vacuo was terrible. Ruby hummed in agreement.
"There were a lot of nice views out there." Ruby said, running her hand down Jaune's stomach. And there certainly were, Menagerie is a beautiful place to be. "Like Kali in that tiny little swimsuit she was wearing. You could basically see her whole butt!" And he did not expect her to say that, or her to start rubbing his cock through his boxers after she did.
Now, Ruby had grown a lot more comfortable with 'filthy' stuff since they'd started dating. Heck, she could barely handle holding hands for those first few weeks. But now that they'd been dating for over a year at this point, that had changed. But he never expected her to say that. "Yeah, I guess you could." Jaune said, more than a little nervous.
"There's no guessing about it. You could see those fat cheeks from a mile away." Ruby said, now pulling Jaune's stiffening cock out of his boxers and continuing to rub away. "Could you imagine sticking your thick cock between them?" Oh he most certainly could. "Or how much they would bounce every time you thrusted into her?" And apparently Ruby could too. As she slipped the hand that wasn't jacking Jaune off down her pajama pants.
There were many things he never thought he would do, getting jerked off while his girlfriend fantasized about him fucking her friend's mom was one of them. But he couldn't exactly say he was against a little bit of fantasizing. It's not like he would ever get the chance to do that for real, right?
"Well, if you're that curious." Kali practically purred, leaning on the doorframe that lead into Ruby and Jaune's room with a smirk like the cat that just caught the canary. She was wearing a pajama shirt similar to Blake's, with one side below her shoulder. "I could always show you."
Jaune and Ruby stared at Kali in stunned silence. Not even bothering to cover themselves or for Ruby to remover her hands from either of their genitals. Kali simply rolled her eyes and shut the door behind her. "Just in case either of you were confused. I just offered to have sex with you."
"But you're married!" Ruby said, finally removing her hand from her pants.
"Happily, and Ghira and I have an agreement." Kali said, "He get's the Schnees and I get the blonds. Where do you think Weiss was while we were at the beach?" Weiss had disappeared for a few hours for whatever reason, or well, Jaune guessed they knew the reason now.
"Weiss has been walking kind of funny since we got here." Ruby said, mostly to herself. "And has seemed a lot less Weissy."
"It turns out, the best way to get the stick out of the Schnees asses is to shove a foot long 'stick' into whatever hole you please." Kali said, as she began loosening her top. It falling to the ground, revealing Kali's wide hips and her black thong. As well as her rather impressive bare breasts. "And speaking of a big 'stick' I see one I'd love to play with, and I wouldn't mind a little help."
In that moment Jaune finally understood what Sun was trying to warn him about, and he had to admit that he wasn't completely against the idea. But he wouldn't be willing to do anything Ruby wasn't, and Ruby would never do anything like that. "Okay, but only for tonight!" Ruby said, and completely threw Jaune for a loop.
"I can do a one night trial, but don't be surprised if you want to make it a regular thing." Kali said.
"Hold on, what!?" Jaune said.
"I'm going to be honest with you Jaune." Ruby said, once again starting to jerk him off. "The thought of you ramming Blake's mom turns me on like... well like you usually do. Please? Can you fuck Kali? Just this once?"
Was Jaune in a porno? Well, he might as well had been. "Okay, but if anyone gets uncomfortable, we'll all stop. Got it?"
"Works for me." Kali said, bending over and slipping off her thong. Walking up to Jaune and Ruby's bed while Ruby took her pajamas off. "You go ahead and take the first ride, Ruby. The girlfriend always goes first." How many people was Kali sleeping with? Sun and him at the very least.
Sun, who was dating Blake.
Kali fucking her daughter's boyfriend with her daughter aside, a now naked Ruby climbed onto Jaune's lap and Kali walked up to his side of the bed.
Ruby grinding against Jaune's cock for a moment before lining his head up with her soaking wet entrance. Then plopping back down onto his groin, taking his entire cock with one motion. A feat that had taken them many attempts to manage.
Ruby watched as it soon became apparent Kali didn't just plan on watching the two huntsmen in training fuck. As she threw a leg over Jaune and sat right down on his face. Facing Ruby and moaning after Jaune, recovering from a few seconds of shock, started to eat her out.
Ruby started grinding her hips as she watched Kali oooh and ahhh. Ruby watched as Kali's large breasts, a little bit bigger than Blake's and Ruby had spend more nights than she wanted to admit pleasuring herself to the thought of Blake naked, bounced.
Jaune grunted from under Kali's ass as Ruby started to properly ride him. Coming up and down at a steady pace as Kali started to lean forward. The thought of milking Jaune for all the cum he had with the feline MILF sending sparks of pleasure all over her body.
It was almost enough for her to activate her semblance and to really ride Jaune. Before she was taken surprise by a kiss from Kali as she reached around and squeezed Ruby's ass. Ruby moaned into her mouth as she tried to keep some kind of rhythm.
Jaune felt Ruby's pussy squeeze tightly around him as he grew ever closer to the edge. Doing his best to get Kali off before he did so. But she was far from cumming, she didn't want to before getting her own chance with his fat cock.
And she would get her chance soon, as Ruby sped towards the edge of maybe the best orgasm she'd ever had. Before Kali suddenly pulled out of their kiss and shoved Ruby's face into her chest. Ruby only being confused for a moment before she felt herself go over the edge, starting to ride Jaune as hard as she could while being smothered by Kali's boobs.
Jaune felt Ruby's pussy desperately squeezing, trying to milk him for all he had. He tried to hold back for as long as he could, but the moaning of both of the girls sent him over the edge as he shot thick load after thick load into his girlfriend's unprotected pussy.
The younger pair were left panting as Kali moved her ass off of Jaune's face. Ruby managing to remove herself from Jaune's cock, which was not flaccid and covered in a mixture of both of their fluids. Ruby laying down limply next to Jaune. Normally, they would have gone a few more rounds before they ended up like this, but Kali had managed to knock both of them out before she'd even cum herself.
"Looks like you fucked her silly, Jaune." Kali said, before giving Ruby a kiss on the cheek. "I hope you still have enough energy to fuck me silly too." Well, that was one really convenient part about having a lot of aura. Quick recovery times. Ruby didn't have that advantage though.
But she wouldn't need to do much, as she gasped as Kali spread her legs and began to clean out the fresh creampie Jaune had just given her. Jaune quickly getting hard again from the sight, as Kali winked at him and shook her ass, which was sticking up in the air, ready to be fucked.
And Jaune was more than happy to oblige, moving behind Kali and getting a full view of the magnificent ass that was smothering him moments ago. He grabbed a cheek in each hand, it was as fat and soft as he imagined it to be. And her pussy was begging him to blow her mind as he lined his cock up.
With a loud slap he rammed himself in as Kali moaned into Ruby's pussy. Her ass rippled as he began to thrust deep inside her. Her pussy wasn't as tight as Kali, but he wouldn't say it was any less pleasurable to fuck. As Kali's walls would squeeze tightly around him. Practically begging his cock not to leave before it would get it's wish and he would bury himself in her once again.
Ruby for her part, was barely managing to remain conscious as Kali expertly licked every little bit of Ruby's pussy. Only stopping to give Ruby's clit some attention. She was moaning, basically screaming, as Jaune continued to fuck Kali.
Just as Kali had wanted.
Jaune found himself lost in the hypnotic shaking of Kali's ass as Kali savored every second with Jaune's fat cock. It was almost as good as Ghira's.
Not to mention the pussy of the young Rose that she was eating. She tasted just like her mother, and even a little bit like Yang.
But nothing can last forever and Jaune and Ruby were quickly moving towards their second orgasms. Jaune's pace increasing as the sound of Jaune slamming into Kali's fat ass almost matched Kali and Ruby's moans in volume. Ruby wrapped her legs around Kali's head as her fingers dug into her pillow.
Ruby came first, squirting onto Kali's face as she screamed into the heavens with her back arching in ecstasy.
Kali came next, her pussy tightening like a vice grip. Begging Jaune to fill every bit of her needy faunus pussy with his cum, and he was close to doing it.
But, with the little bit of logical thought he had left at this point, really didn't want to get his friend's mom pregnant. So, despite the fact that it went against all his training, he pulled out. Sliding his cock between Kali's fat ass cheeks before thick ropes of cum shot across Kali's back. Maybe even more cum than he had just pumped into Ruby.
Kali's back was covered in cum, as Jaune's orgasm ended he looked down at her. Kali looked up at him with a satisfied grin and half lidded eyes.
Ruby had passed out and Jaune was not far behind her. Kali giggled as she looked up at him. "So, I'm guessing we're going to make this a regular thing?" She said, and she had his vote.
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