#Blind au
orseymon · 11 months
Hi! ❣️ How did you meet Megatronus?
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Part 1/4
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fanofstuff01 · 2 months
Blind Au
Alastor will stay quiet and pretend to be Lucifer to kiss Adam.
But as soon as he touches him, Adam knows the difference. Lucifer doesn't touch him like that.
Lucifer and Adams first kiss
Adam: Luci?
Lucifer gently brushes his cheek with his hand and holds Adams jaw
Lucifer: I'm right here. *Kiss*
Alastor needs a smack down.
But yes Adam would get once Alastor touched him. His Lucifer wouldn’t grip him that much and would be gentle.
And Alastor would try playing an edited record of Lucifer’s voice but Adam would think it was off the moment he played it.
Adam would still close his eyes even though he knows he doesn’t need to. And would try to touch every inch of Lucifer he could.
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decentsoupperson · 3 months
Blind Au
Adam wakes up in Hell as a sinner but he's blind, which brings his fear and anxiety into play right away. He's freaking out and Lucifer thinks he's being dramatic at first for being a sinner.
Until he waves a hand in front of his face and realizes that Adam can't see.
Lucifer: Ugh, great. You're fucking faking it!
Adam: I'm not!
Lucifer picks Adam up and pushes him in the direction of the hotel.
Lucifer: Go!
Adam: Where? I can't see shit!
Lucifer: I can't believe this.
Lucifer then waves a hand infront of Adam's face, even giving him the middle finger and faking punch him.
Adam: you still there?
Lucifer: Oh shit he can't see.
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Blind adam au
Adam: so you are my new nurse alright
Lucifer: yeah
Adam: Well, you um go settle in. I guess I am gonna go take a shower real quick
Lucifer: Did you need help?
Adam: Excuse me?
Lucifer: Emily said you were completely blind, I'm not sure what you need help with and what you don't. Is this one of those things?
Adam, blushing: No, everything in this house has braille or is voice activated. I can handle showering on my own.
Lucifer: Alright, I'll go unpack then
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yonemurishiroku · 5 months
AU wherein Nico escapes Nyx with his eyes lost in her eternal darkness hahaha
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wolfstarficrec · 2 months
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Wolfstar Fic Rec - 2nd August 2024
mod speaks: this is a cute little fic that I LOVED and read ages ago (literally years) and still think about to this day!!
➭ 35k • completed 12/12 • features background jily • blind! artist sirius au
➭ SUMMARY: Sirius shifted his whole body to face Remus and bought his hands to cup his friends face.
"You're perfect to me, with or without the scar, Remus Lupin." He smiled.
"You can't see me, Sirius!"
"And you'd be the most beautiful human I'd ever laid eyes on if I could. Considering that will never happen, you'll just have to be the most beautiful human I've ever touched or heard, won't you? It was destiny that I met you, I think, Rem. I don't know why."
Remus knew he'd ask out the beautiful blind artist at some point, but things just seemed to keep getting in the way (mainly anxiety, sometimes friends, definitely family.)
What had Sirius called it again? Cosmic Karma?
as always, share around to spread this account and give your mutuals some amazing recs! wanna feature your fic? use the official tag :D see you tomorrow!
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loreleilarai · 1 year
The new dlc gave me... Ideas.
So, I was thinking about a reader blind from birth. I don't know much about people with those disabilities but I could investigate, and as far as I know they depend on others (either people or pets) not to get run over in the street and that sort of thing.
Y/N is studying to be a lawyer, them has been studying for two years and his parents gave him a bot to take care of them on his 20th birthday. Sun and Moon, two personalities in one body.
Sun is in charge of cooking, ironing and laundry or going outside, equipped with a cheerful and sociable attitude. Moon is something like the bodyguard, in case things get ugly he will go out either day or night, if Y/N goes out at night Moon will be the one outside not because of the light, but because in his programming is that it is dangerous at night. They both take care of Y/N's cleanliness and care, helping him read the law books while Y/N transcribes everything into Braille. This gives Y/N a little more freedom, without depending on other ... people.
Y/N has a pet dog, but every day them are visited by his parents, aunts or etc. They would like him not to be a burden to others and he strives to live for himself, in the end the visits are reduced and both Sun and Moon get attached to this human.
Here everything takes a direction more like Detroit Become Human, the robots want rights and the divergents are killed and thrown in a dumpster like scrap metal. Y/N is always curious about that, but Sun and Moon would rather not know about that news.
Things are slowly escalating with the robotic revolution, Moon and Sun don't want to mess with that stuff. They are fine here, reading for Y/N, taking walks in the park, giving the dog baths, charging through solar power while Y/N sits sunbathing beside them, having a quiet and peaceful domestic life. Of course there are feelings involved, Y/N is very grateful to Sun and Moon, and they love this life with their human. They are all in love and don't know how to approach it.
Of course things are not as everyone wishes, the peace and quiet is gone when one day, Sun go shopping for groceries and don't come back.
Y/N and his dog go out in search of Sun and Moon, even calling their parents for help, and the next day they find them at the entrance of a dumpster.
Sun, or maybe Moon have been smashed and burned. Y/N can't see but she can feel the heat, the ash, the dented metal and runs her hands over the mangled body. They are crying along with his dog, and his parents tell him they will get another bot for them, but Y/N doesn't want a new robot.
Y/N insists on fixing them, and his parents agree, telling him they'll try to help but in the end they don't assure him that a mechanic can help them. They take Sun and Moon home, in the backyard, in the sun. And somehow their solar panels in Sun's rays work properly.
They turn on, but they don't feel fully themselves, they're trapped in this Eclipse form. To clarify, Eclipse is not a third personality here! Sun and Moon exert their presence at the same time and every action is calculated in a millisecond by both of them in a quick discussion.
Now the tension of the revolution has increased, no one is safe anymore.
Y/N is looking for a mechanic, but everyone refuses to repair any kind of walking robot. It's a kind of new law, they can't fix any robot until the divergent problem is solved.
So, they have to live like this, Y/N helps Eclipse and Eclipse helps Y/N. They are both a little broken but they work together.
At some point there they confide and become a couple, Y/N don't want to go through the heartache of losing them without them knowing their feelings and blah blah. They kiss and commit to finding a way to move forward, together.
Y/N gets her law degree, and with that.... They decides it's time to leave the country. They talks to his parents and although they are worried, they agree.
Both Sun and Moon can't cross the border, so they are taking a road trip where they drive and Y/N talk.
Their ending comes when they cross another country where robots do have rights a couple of years ago and can get a mechanic to fix Eclipse. They rented a house, Y/N saved money through lawyer work, and a few years later they bought a house. Eclipse is a bit of a housewife, helping out with the kids from time to time when neighbors need to leave their kids in the care of others. After many years of relationship, them get married and get their happy ending.
I'm thinking of switching Y/N's parents and relatives with Vanessa, Gregory and Freddy. Who help Y/N cross the country through Monty, Roxanne (and Cassie) and Chica, who are not part of the revolution but help the bots in their own way.
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dramagotchii · 1 year
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"Creases speak, Unfolding reveals. Connection softened what was once unyielding And love weft a new fiber."
This Modern AU with Blind!Cyno and Tighnari was for TighCynoWeek Day 3 "Healing"
on twitter: (x)
Bonus scene:
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National Carnation Day & National Puzzle Day & Seeing Eye Dog Day
Person A is the blind child of a florist and who learned the meaning of flowers by their scent, and their parent’s apprentice, Person B, often leaves secret message ‘puzzles’ for Person A in the form of flower bouquets.
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lovewolf27 · 1 year
Harry Potter is BLIND AU
1. Not only the killing curse failed to kill Harry and gave him a scar, It also weakened his eyes that made him partially blind, and it cannot be temporarily removed even when drinking Polyjuice Potion to mimic people who can clearly see.
2. Harry’s eye are still green as Lily’s but they are milky white of shade
3. Harry’s scar has lichtenberg figures that stretched down on his white-ish green eyes
4. Harry can see colors and shapes but it is vague and blurry, his vision isn’t completely darkness
5. Dumbledore asks a muggle-born friend to translate all of Harry’s list of Hogwarts textbooks to braille copies from each upcoming school term in advance so he can read them when he starts attending school. He cast the Feather-light charm on them since braille books are heavy and bigger than normal books, Dumbledore already started the translations process after he delivered Harry in the Dursley’s house.
6. Mcgonagall learned how to use a braille machine to send Harry Potter his hogwarts acceptance letter that he can read after Dumbledore told her that Harry is blind and there is a machine that allows blind people to read letters through touch
7. Hagrid gave him a magic cane in his eleventh birthday (Invented by Dumbledore) that helps him detect and perceive vibrations in the world around him than his regular cane, Thus stopping him from ever tripping again on small things as long it touches any solid surfaces (like Toph from the Avatar)
8. Harry carries a brown shoulder bag with Extension charm to carry all of his large braille school textbooks in classes 
9. Harry didn’t have to attend Astronomy class at all because Dumbledore gave a logical explanation to Prof. Aurora Sinistra that he can’t study or learn anything from the subject when he couldn’t observe the night sky since he's blind. Same goes to Flying lessons in his first year. Harry has extra free time. 
10. Hermione taught the Weasley Family on how to use the braille machine to type letters to Harry (Molly was furious when Arthur tried to bewitched it to make it write letter automatically without typing) 
11. Harry doesn’t want to wear sunglasses to hide his scarred eyes because he doesn’t want people around thinking he wants to look cool, Instead he wears a white blindfold, Modest boy he is as always
12. Harry has an enhanced sense of hearing that is far greater than average where he can hear any type of sounds at different frequencies from any distances to the point that he can hear people’s gossips below the castle even when he is inside the common room. People sometimes ask him for top secret information he has heard from the teachers “Professor Mcgonagall said…that she will focused our lesson about  practising the Vanishing spell for tomorrow”
13. Harry knows when people are lying by hearing their heart rate spiked. Many find it uncomfortable because they can’t hide anything from him
14. Harry can identify and remember which person he ever encountered not with their voices but their own heartbeat. Everyone's heartbeats are uniquely different and Harry can hear the difference in all of them. Not even polyjuice potion or metamorphmagus can hide their identities from him
15. Harry has a tendency to asked when meeting friendly people what they physically looked like, Ron just say “red hair and freckles” but Fred and George would rather say they are both “handsome and gorgeous” and Lee Jordan is “sexy”
16. With his Parseltongue, Harry befriended a small yet highly intelligent snake that hangs around his neck that relays him everything with good detail if he missed or doesn’t “see” it on his cane, For example. The snake tells him where to grab the correct ingredients in his table during potion class in case he accidentally grab the wrong one, “Grab the lacewing flies in your left…Not that one” or it will described his professor’s wand waving demonstration in class “Flitwick waved his wand in a circle then straight line motion” or tells him the signage of the buildings “Harry the sign said gringotts ” or tells him any incoming flying entities “There’s a bludger heading your way from behind in 3…2…1..Dodge”
17. Hermione is more than happy to read aloud the lesson on their library books for Harry when they are studying new spells and knowledge together, His snake gets tired of reading the contents sometimes
18. Harry has Audiographic memory that gives him the mental talent to perfectly memorise the things he has heard before in great accuracy which he easily received an Outstanding grade in History of Magic by remembering Prof.Binn’s boring words even when he's not interested in that subject at all. Harry doesn’t need a notebook to write anything to remember them like the others
19. Instead of Quidditch, Harry is more interested in participating in a duelling club then many years would lead him to join the Annual Duelling Championship like Professor Flitwick, Daily Prophet went nuts about it ‘CHOSEN ONE BECOME A DUELLING CHAMPION OF BRITAIN!’ ‘BLIND WIZARD DEFEAT FORMER CHAMPIONS IN AMERICA!”
20. Harry had always been underestimated by many people just because he is blind, But he is good at duelling by detecting the faintest sound and vibrations to locate enemies to his own advantage in any given surroundings
21. Hermione and Ron greatly helps Harry buying his clothes when shopping, Fred and George tried to tricked Harry to wear a black t-shirt with a skull on front, but Molly stopped them
22. Harry is still sassy “I’m so glad enough to be blind, So I don’t have to see your stupid face, Malfoy”
23. Harry is still savage ��Sometimes, I heard people said your ugly, Professor Snape…In the corridor, SIR”
24. Many of Harry’s classmates are jealous of him because they have to frustratingly write all of the important lessons by hand while he doesn’t, permitted by every teacher. Few sort of wished they were blind too. 
25. Dumbledore hired Remus to have him write Harry’s answer during his NEWT, OWL and Homework papers at weekends. His pet snake tells him the question and Harry would thin then slowly and clearly say his answers while  Remus truthfully writes, erase and changed it for him in his parchment, They always do it somewhere private (Hogsmeade) because Harry finds it embarrassing to have someone write his answer beside him while class, Hermione took over after Remus is unavailable because duties for the order, ‘Truthfully written by Remus Lupin/Hermione Granger for Harry James Potter’
26. Harry created a new Jinx that makes a stunning flashbang against his opponents, Not even shield charm can stop the blinding bang of light 
27. Harry’s cane automatically returns him by saying “Accio cane!” Even without using a wand if he ever lost it or someone stole it. 
28. When others inside the trophy room in the Goblet of Fire accused him for putting his name on the goblet, McGonagall fiercely defended him by saying, “Potter cannot have written his name on the goblet because he is blind!—Ahem—No offence to you, Potter”
29. Veela’s attraction can’t affect Harry since he can’t see them 
30. Molly occasionally stops Harry when he is cutting ingredients expertly to cooked food by because she thought he will cut himself by accident, He finds this annoying but understands her motherly worries all the same, Harry tells her that he can handle sharp knives safely, Molly accepted this but Harry can still hear/sense her from behind the corner, watching him anxiously if there’s any blood leaking from his fingers, Turns out he is a decent cooked in the kitchen
31. Harry invented pellets of highly condensed peruvian instant darkness powder with the help of Fred and George who supplied him with free peruvian darkness powder, One pellet is enough to obscure the size of a Great Hall. Harry uses it effectively in battle against enemies in a large closed area where they won’t be able to see anything while it doesn’t make any difference to Harry for his advantages
32. Harry can sense and hear traces of ancient magic 
33. Sirius gave him a shiny gold pocket watch that tells the time when he asked for it. 
34. Harry can transfigure his cane into a sword in case of close combat. It was forged with goblin-silver, therefore indestructible and can absorb any properties to make it stronger like the sword of Gryffindor, Harry had to pay the goblins a lot of galleons to make it
35. Harry and Hermione would start a program in the Ministry of magic for young witches and wizard who are blind by giving them their own magic cane and Harry taught them to use their sense of hearing, touch and smell to get around in life and asked them to taught other someday after them while Hermione would introduce the use of the braille writing system to magic community. Hogwarts traditionally gives them the entire translated hogwarts textbooks in braille version on each school term and hired trusted writers for them during NEWT, OWL and Homework tests on papers since they can’t write.
36. Hogwarts eventually created a new section in the library that translate all the library books available into Braille version for blind students
37. No one can ever sneak up to Harry Potter
38. Harry’s once said “It’s hard to be afraid when you can’t the scary monster in front of you”
39. Harry decided to improve the old pirate radio programme ‘PotterWatch’ after the war to become the official new way to receive daily information than just reading old fashioned newspapers and magazines like the Daily Prophet and Quibbler so he and other blind folks can hear any news about the wizarding community in Britain easily. Hermione requested a few brilliant muggle-borns to help by combining muggle’s radio station equipment with magic to expand the new station and distribute small radios in every household. Harry hired Lee Jordan to become the main broadcaster and he is having the time of life “Good evening! beautiful ladies and gentlemans! We have a special music here at the station to play for today for all of you to hear which was sing by none other than the talented…Celestina Warbeck!!!” and “Today, We have here is a famed magizoologist named Luna Scamander for discovering a new magical beast found in Africa, Let’s hear what she has to say for the amazing discovery!”
40. Eventually the wizarding world became familiar with Britain's popular radio program and kindly requested them to expand it in other nations which Harry approved of. Then so on the ‘PotterWatch’ became the official radio program in the entire wizarding world. Every radio around the magic communities has the logo PW to honour Harry’s heroic deeds and inventions as his eternal legacy. Rita Skeeter immediately lost her reputation because nobody reads her scathing articles anymore (Serves her right!)
41. The PotterWatch station of Britain is heavily controlled and protected by the Potter-Weasley family clan rather than the Ministry to prevent it from ever being corrupted like the time when Fudge and Voldemort used the Daily Prophet to target Harry. Rose Granger Weasley became director of the PotterWatch then she will pass the position to another Potter-Weasley family member if she retires someday. 
42. Harry Potter and Hermione Weasley made a permanent agreement with the Ministry of Magic that by law to ensured the PotterWatch will forever stayed independent and controlled by the Potter-Weasely family clan to stop the Ministry from using it to spread misinformation and lies without a strict review and consent by the current director if the Ministry wanted to wanted to publish any information in the magic community 
43. The Weasley’s Wizards Wheeze joke shop uses the family’s PotterWatch to advertise their new products and inventions, then in return they financed the radio station whenever needed since the Ministry does not associate with the PotterWatch by law.
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orseymon · 1 year
Do you enjoy smelling flowers? Can you tell flowers apart? :o
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If you need a picture without text, just let me know
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fanofstuff01 · 3 months
Blind Au
Lucifer would feel very conflicted because he feels bad for Adam and knows he can't just leave him to do his own thing even in the hotel.
But also, having Adam like this, dependant on him again like back in Eden he knows he shouldn't enjoy it but he kinda does.
He's always wanted Adam to need him. And now he needs him more than ever.
Lucifer also got Adam sunglasses to cover his eyes, they are still golden but pale, the pupils gray.
There is only one person in the hotel he really needs to protect Adam from, someone who is still pissed about getting his ass beat by the ex-angel. (It's Alastor of course it is)
Adam can see shadows if something or someone is close enough, but not enough to be able to tell what is what or who is who just by looking.
And Charlie got braille placed all around the hotel..... But Adam hasn't learned how to read it yet.
Adam: I appreciate the...... Sentiment there girlie, but I can't read that.
Charlie: Oh.....
And Adam gets very mad and frustrated because he just wants to do things for himself and braille doesn't even feel like words but random bumps and he fucking hates it!
So when Lucifer has to go to something he can't get out of, he gets Charlie to keep an eye on Adam.
But she can't be there for everything......
Fuck you sideways Al.
Adam needing Lucifer and him wanting to give his care is kinda cute ngl.
He would try to teach him braille but Adam would just want to be normal so he’d refuse. But eventually would accept his state and give it a shot.
Maybe there’s this one meeting regarding both Charlie and Lucifer, so they get Vaggie to help Adam since Angel was also busy.
Oh bad idea.
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rosealiceroyal · 1 year
Jason is new in town. He's rich, handsome and most importantly, unmarried. He naturally catches the eye of more than one young lady, but it's a blind young man that turns out to be his most interesting new acquaintance. Jane Austen-inspired AU.
Language: English Words: 8,680 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 26 Kudos: 1263 Bookmarks: 191 Hits: 14916
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Blind AU.
Lucifer finally finds a way to cure Adam.
But Alastor destroys the recipe.
Lucifer: Adam I have good news!
Adam: What is it?
Lucifer: I found a recipe for a potion that can cure your blindness.
Adam: Holy shit really?!
Lucifer: Yes! It's- Hmm......
Adam: What?
Lucifer: I could have sworn I brought it with me. Maybe it's in my office, hang tight.
On his way to his office, Lucifer comes across Alastor who is holding the paper with the cure.
Alastor: Looking for this? *Throws it in the fire*
Luicfer: NO!!
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
This is oddly specific but like. Blind Nico with hair that reaches past his shoulders. And this time he feels something grazing his neck, Alabaster tells him it’s just the wind.
But actually it was just Alabaster caressing Nico’s hair, trying to take in his frosty scent.
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kyoobie · 2 years
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Click on the tweet to view the whole thread!
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