#Bucky Barnes x Ana
adventures-with-ana · 2 months
- Anticipation -
Bucky Barnes x OFC // 488 (Written in 1st person, no character name or description given.) 18+ only, minors dni; A nervous tick just might lead surprising places.
Author's Note: Inspired by this post: x
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It shouldn’t be taking this long. Steve and Natasha were supposed to be in and out, a quick mission.
“Nothing could go wrong,” Steve had told me.
What a lying asshole, I thought.
In my nervous waiting I went from repeatedly clicking my pen, to tapping it on the table, to outright banging it on the table while I waited for something; anything. A white flag, a flurry of noise over the dead silent comms, anything at all to tell me that Steve and Nat were okay or needed help.
“Would you stop that?” Bucky snaps, grabbing the pen out of my hand. “How would you feel if I banged you on a table?” he questions.
My eyebrows rise. He didn’t mean that in the way I understood it, and his face proved that as his expression changes from annoyance to ghost white horror. He turns away from me, his cheeks flushing with what I assume to be embarrassment.
“So should I answer that, or…?” I ask with a slight snicker.
“You know what I meant,” Bucky mutters, still not looking at me.
“I mean, it would be one way to pass the time,” I tease.
Bucky’s head snaps towards me so fast I don’t know how he didn’t break his own neck. “Excuse me?”
“I have eyes, Barnes,” I tell him, looking him over to prove my point.
Ever since the day SHIELD recruited me I’d spent my time eyeing up the former Winter Soldier. His power, his strength, his dashing good looks, his gorgeous blue eyes, the way his ass looked perfectly firm in his tactical pants. It was no small wonder how I was ever able to focus on anything when he was around, and every training session I ever had with the man was revisited every night when I was alone in my room.
Bucky blinks at me and once again I found myself wishing I could read minds. I would love to know everything he was thinking. “So does that mean you have a preference of tables?” he asks, his features rearranging themselves into a wicked little smirk that made me feel like I was going to melt into a puddle.
“Yeah,” I reply. “The closest available one.”
Bucky’s eyes darken deliciously as he stands up and steps over to me. “Then get up,” he commands, his tone making my knees weak and my heart pound.
“Make me,” I challenge him.
He wraps his fingers around my biceps and pulls me to my feet. “You always were a brat.”
A smirks toys at the corners of my lips. “You always seemed like a man who could handle it.”
“Maybe I’ll just spank it out of you,” He replies.
He releases my arms, but the second his hands cup my cheeks and his lips are centimeters from mine… the comms crackle to life and Steve’s voice ruins my entire day.
“Asset acquired, heading out.”
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misschris1412 · 1 year
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Girls Powers Avengers
Ana de armas : Margaret Alvarez
Yasmine al bustami : Angela Sky
Os la spécialiste https://www.wattpad.com/475862463-imagine-marvel-one-shot-drabble-mini-story-la
eiza gonzalez : Carmen Bello
Alexis Bledel : Aurore Coulson
Le colocataire https://www.wattpad.com/story/292337203-le-colocataire
Chloé Grace Moretz : Tara Garrett
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wonderlandmind4 · 8 months
To any of the Delicate Stages readers still out there patiently waiting for an update…just know, that I have FINALLY fully outline the second to last chapter and hoping to begin writing it when I’m on vacation 😁
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wntrsnat · 9 months
Was Natasha a kid when she met Bucky?
It’s a widespread misconception outside of winterwidow fandom that Bucky and Natasha have known each other since she was a kid. I’ve seen a handful of people object to their relationship for this reason or (sometimes in a humorous manner) comment on how weird it is. And I'd have to agree with them. Bucky dating Natasha despite having trained her since she was a child would have been utterly inappropriate, if not immoral and disgusting. However, the assumption is not only incorrect but also fundamentally impossible.
Let’s go back to the beginning to clarify why that assumption is fundamentally impossible. Different universes equal different realities, and different realities equal different characters. Sometimes characters' counterparts across multiple realities only differ in details, not the basics. MCU characters have a similar correlation with their What If counterparts but not comics’ ones, which is a grave mistake cinematic fans make. I believe that’s why we have this absurd assumption as well, from someone thinking that 616 Black Widow and Winter Soldier are the same age as their more famous counterparts.
MCU’s Natasha Romanoff was born in 1984, and Bucky – 1917. Thus, an adult-kid dynamic is plausible. If we consider cryostasis, Bucky was still pushing 30 when Natasha was born. The situation, however, is significantly different for their 616 counterparts. Let’s start with Earth 616’s Bucky Barnes, who was born in 1925, making him nearly a decade younger than the cinematic one. But that isn’t what disproves the aforementioned belief. What disproves it is that Earth 616’s Natasha Romanoff was born around 1928, making her 56 years older than her cinematic counterpart and just 3 years younger than 616 Bucky. You will find this information on the following page from Black Widow: Deadly Origin, a 2009–2010 graphic novel (which I will be using as a basis today):
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This alone debunks the adult/child misconception, but I want to go one step further and discuss the timeline of Natasha's time in the Red Room and the early years of the Winter Soldier.
At the young age of 20, Bucky Barnes "died" alongside Captain America in late 1945, in last days of the war. The Russian submarine discovered Bucky's preserved body after the war while hoping to retrieve Captain America’s remains. And with that, the Winter Soldier story began, along with his role as a super soldier trainer at the Red Room for Department X.
Now, one might say, "Ana, if he was 20, Natasha was 17, which is still kind of wrong, no?". My answer is yes; it would’ve been rather inappropriate. "Would’ve been" because there’s a catch: Natasha wasn’t part of the Red Room when he joined.
I know what you’re thinking: What the fuck, wasn’t she...? Didn’t she…? So let me explain that one from the beginning.
Natasha Romanoff, then 10 years old, was brought to the Red Room in 1938 by her father figure, Ivan Petrovich (a terrible piece of shit about whom I'll write a blog), Taras Romanov, and Joseph Stalin himself. After her trainer, Wolverine, killed Taras in 1940, she let Wolverine go, fled into the woods, and was found three months later by Ivan, possibly going back under his care, which can be seen below:
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She returned to the Red Room only at the age of 28, ironically enough, becauseof Ivan, which is depicted on the following page:
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There, we find a collapsed building with a bleeding Ivan and a sobbing Natasha, who have been approached by …. *DRUM ROLL* ….  the Winter Soldier, who has been sent by his superiors. They were both offered the super soldier serum that would save Ivan in exchange for their newfound loyalty, which Natasha accepted despite Ivan's protests.
Here we are, then: Natasha, 28, meets the Winter Soldier, roughly 31, who’ll soon be her lover and her trainer. Two adult people who met when they were both adults. And with that, we conclude our blog, disproving the infamous “she was a kid when they met!” argument.
Thanks for reading my blog. If you have questions or have found a mistake, let me know. I'll be happy to answer and discuss <3
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gaysindistress · 11 months
When Night Comes - thirteen
Summary: Who would win in a staring contest? New York’s resident mob boss and master of the side eye Bucky Barnes or the daycare teacher who really wants to go home and smoke?
pairing: Mob!Vampire!Bucky Barnes x reader
warnings: the feels, cursing, Alix being terrible 
word count: 2.9k
twelve | masterlist
tag list:   @elizacusi-blog @mal-adaptive-dreams @thebuckybarnesvault @unaxv @hidden-treasures21 @buckybarnessimpp @vonalyn @cakesandtom
disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on Google/Pinterest
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For a house full of blood-sustaining beings, there is food being made at any given moment. Strange, yes, but with both Wyatt and Y/N, it only made sense to have food available. 
When they’d arrived at the estate, a host of people were there to maintain it while Bucky was away. In efforts to keep a low profile, he’d dismissed almost everyone but a handful. The only two that Y/N comes into contact with are the cook, Ana Cristina, and the housekeeper, Luca. There are two other young men who she sees outside but they never venture close enough to the estate’s guests to talk. 
Ana Cristina is puttering around the kitchen, wicker basket in hand, and muttering to herself as she checks over the kitchen’s inventory. Y/N catches glimpses of her rich green skirt that is hidden beneath an embroidered black apron as she moves around. Stray steel gray hairs float from under her matching headscarf but the elderly woman doesn’t seem to notice. She mumbled something in Romanian under her breath as she set the basket down to pull on a black sweater. In doing so, Ana Cristina catches Y/N watching her from the kitchen doorway. 
“Dragă,” she chuckles as she gestures for Y/N to come in, “Are you hungry?”
Y/N shakes her head and timidly walks into the other woman’s domain. The many instruments of Ana Cristina’s craft line the walls and ceiling even of the stone room. She comes to stand next to the long wooden table that acts as an island and marvels at the array of food before her. Bread of all kinds is alongside freshly picked fruits and vegetables while packaged meats sit, awaiting to be prepared for later. 
Busy consumed with the painting before her, Y/N doesn’t notice that Bucky has taken her place in the doorframe. He opts to hang back, leaning on the wood with his arms crossed so the two women can talk without him. 
“Ana Cristina,” Y/N begins as she plucks a plum from a basket of fruit, “can I ask you something?” 
The cook nods. 
“What does dragă mean? Bucky calls me that sometimes and I haven’t been able to figure it out. I’m assuming it’s not anything bad if you call me it too,” she starts to ramble but Ana Cristina interrupts. 
“My dear or darling, either one really.”
Ana Cristina raises an eyebrow at her short answer, “Were you expecting something else? My love perhaps?” 
Y/N looks at her startled, “What? No. I… no that’s it.”
“I may be old but I’m not blind. I see how you look at each other, longing eyes and yearning. It was cute at first but now,” she drifts off before setting her sharp gaze on Y/N, “there’s something more. He is as skittish as a fox and in the many years I’ve worked for him, he has never brought anyone outside of his family here, to his home. You being here means more than you could ever know. I tell you this not because I’m trying to scare you but to ask you to be gentle with him. He is strong but when that man loves, it’s deeply and in the most profound ways. I trust that you’ll do right by him.” 
She finishes with a small smile and a soft pat on Y/N’s hand which is still holding the plum. Her gaze moves to something behind Y/N and she’s gone, skirts swishing out the back door before Y/N can ask who she’s looking at. 
Dread and embarrassment fill her body when she turns and spots Bucky behind her. She quickly turns back around so he can’t see how utterly horrified she is that he heard what Ana Cristina said and suggested. 
“I see you got the parent talk from her,” he teases as he walks to the other side of the table, “Although it’s more of a grandma talk coming from her.” 
Dressed in a blue sweater and jeans, Bucky is still a vision of desire to Y/N. If the previous conversation hadn’t been enough to embarrass her, she can see that he senses her body’s reaction to him by the way he takes deep, regulating breaths. 
“You could say that,” she says, voice cracking ever so slightly. 
His ring catches the light from the window above the sink as he drifts his hand over the same fruit bowl she’d picked her plum from earlier. Once again, she’s mesmerized by the sharp angles and smooth planes that encompass the thick central onyx stone. Simple in its design, the intimidation and captive effect it has come from the confidence that Bucky wears it with. 
Noticing she’s fixated on it, he offers up a tidbit of information to lure her into a more in-depth conversation, “I was told it’s supposed to help with self-control and protect me against negative energy.” 
She makes a confused face, but it falls when she processes that he’s talking about his ring. 
“It’s not like a sunlight ring?” 
“A what?” 
“A sunlight ring. Like a ring that protects you from the sunlight.” 
It’s his turn to make a confused face, “Are you suggesting that I will spontaneously combust if I go outside?” 
“ It’s a part of every vampire story. You can’t blame me for getting that part wrong.” 
“ Well, I’m not a vampire so,” he shrugs off the idea and takes a bite out of a plum much to her surprise. 
“It’s the same thing; vampire and Strigoi.” 
“ no, it’s really not. Vampires don’t exist.” 
“I thought up until three months ago that Strigoi didn’t exist either.”
“ Maybe if you had taken me up on that date, you’d have known sooner,” he suggests, looking her dead in the eye to gauge her reaction. Instead of taking the bait, she rolls her eyes and returns to looking at the kitchen in all its glory.
“ Would you like me to make you something?” 
“Do  you even know how to cook?”
“I’m starting to worry about where you got your information about me because whoever it was, did a terrible job.” 
“Considering no one has really told me anything, I blame you.”
His tongue pokes at his bottom lip, “You haven’t asked and I'm not in the habit of offering up information.”
She looks him up and down, “That much is apparent.” 
A beat passes as they stare each other down. Y/N wrinkles her nose at his defiant attitude and busies herself with anything but him. 
“I was human at one point and I had to feed myself, so yes I know how to cook.” 
“Now he talks,” Y/N teases from over her shoulder as she reads over the various spices on the wall opposite of them, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Bucky gets to work at impressing her with his cooking abilities. He gathers a variety of ingredients he will no doubt be lectured about taking without asking Ana Cristina. As he begins his prep, Y/N finds a well-loved wooden stool and moves it to the table so she can sit and watch him. Content with being given an unadulterated view of him, she watches in amazement as Bucky finds peace in his work. The movements of prep and analyzing the ingredients before him seem to bring him a calm he doesn’t enjoy often. A part of her yearns to know who taught him to cook, to know who instilled this apparent love of food into a foodless creature. The lack of conversation leads her down a different mental path and a voice nags at her to interrogate him about other things. 
“How much do you know about me?” 
“As much as you would think,” He throws back, unphased by her sudden voice. 
Seeing a challenge, she decides to test him even more, “what’s my favorite color?” 
“Wrong, it's yellow.”
He gives her a confused look. 
“It compliments my skin better. What am I allergic to?”
“You say Avocado but you just don’t like the texture,” he rattles off as he begins to chop some radishes and carrots. 
“What am I really allergic to?”
“Mangos and kiwis.”
“Did you read my medical records, Jesus?” She says with complete shock at his rapid-fire answers. She drops her elbows to rest on the table so she can lean toward him ever so slightly. 
“I did.”
“Are you being for real?”
He shrugs, “Death by fruit platter doesn’t sound pleasant.” 
“How sweet,” her mind drifts to questions about him, “What’s your name?”
He raises an eyebrow, “Bucky.”
“Full name. It’s only fair.”
“James Buchanan Barnes.”
“How old are you?”
“So full of questions today,” he chuckles, “227.”
“You’re 227 years old but you have a very obviously modern name?” 
“Are you asking for my birth name, you creep?”
“Says the man who literally read my medical records,” she retorts, “When someone says full name, they typically mean the name you were given at birth.” 
“Ion Sava Bogdi Bucur.”
“That’s a mouthful.”
“You asked,” he says, playfully waving his knife in her direction, “haven’t you learned to not ask questions you don’t want the answer to?”
“Touché,” she lets her gaze drift down his body as he goes back to his chopping. Her eyes wander to where his tattoos are hidden just beneath his tight black shirt. Curiosity grows like an infection and before she can cure it, the words tumble out,  “I like your tattoos.”
He pauses his knife and glances up from under his lashes at her with a small smirk, “Thank you.” 
More words jump up her throat at the small acknowledgment, “What do they mean?” 
“A lot of things.”
He pulls at the collar of his shirt to reveal a series of runes that line both of his collarbones, “Eternal life is the grapevines, the eyes are protection, and the diamonds are fertility.” 
“I just said that, didn't I?” 
She scoffs at his sass, “You are on one today, my god. I was clarifying to make sure l heard right.”
“Maybe,” he starts as he sets his knife down and levels his paralyzing gaze on her, “it’s because you look like THAT and it’s taking every ounce of strength I have right now to stay where I’m at.” 
Y/N freezes at his words, eyes going wide and breathing hitching in her chest. Panic isn’t the word for the feeling that is rising quickly within her but she knows that defining it for what it is would prove to be dangerous for her. When hunger grows in him, a NEED develops in her. 
“I'm just wearing overalls, I don’t see how tempting they can be.”
His gaze is unwavering as it takes down her form, “it’s not about the overalls.”
“Then what is it?”
“Leave it,” he drops his eyes back at the cutting board and goes back to his task, albeit neither his heart nor head are in it. 
Feeling brave now that she’s being pinned down, Y/N stands and keeps her own watchful eye on Bucky as she slowly makes her way to his side. Even though he’s not physically looking at her, she can feel him watching her every move. When she takes a step closer, he slows his knife movements and grips It tighter. When she rounds the end, he puts the knife down entirely to rest his hands on the edge. When she’s within arm’s length, he takes a deep breath but quickly regrets it as her smell overpowers him. 
“I want to understand,” she tries to persuade him into talking more, “how are baggy overalls and a tank top that tempting for you?” 
He gives her a pained look, silently pleading with her to leave it alone. Y/N doesn’t take heed and sets her hand on top of his. 
“Help me understand you.”
The pained look fades into one of disastrous relief when she touches him. He lets her trail her hand up his arm, savoring the domestic touch but stops her when she reaches his bicep. 
“I can’t… it’s hard to explain until you’ve felt it.” 
“Try at least.”
“There’s a pull to you that I can’t fight. It feels like there’s a string tied to the both of us and it won’t stop pulling on me. I thought getting closer to you would make it stop but it’s made it worse. The…the only time,” he trails off as he struggles to find the words, “the only time it stopped was when you let me drink from you but now it’s even stronger.”
She nods along as he speaks, drawing light patterns into his skin through his shirt with her fingertips to relax him. 
“It’s happened before… with Celeste.”
Her patterns stop, “did it go away?”
He hesitates, eyes darting across her face to find any reason to confuse this truth with her but he finds nothing. Curiosity and understanding are all that he finds in her breathtaking features and it kills him to even have thought of lying to her. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts and turns so he can look at her. Resting his hip against the table’s edge, he forces himself to stay open to her even if it feels like a deep violation of everything he knows. Vulnerability is required of him and Y/N deserves to see him try after everything she’s been through.
“After she turned. It didn’t go away, it…it felt like it was satisfied.” 
“The pull? Would bond be a better word?” 
When he’d turned to face her, her hand had fallen away to give him space. Something in her cries out at the loss of contact and she takes a step forward to resume her pattern-making in his skin. Pushing her limits, she continued up his bicep and over his collarbone to trace over the tattoos he’d shown her moments ago. The Y/N mere weeks ago would’ve made fun of an eternal being with a fertility tattoo but the Y/N of today decides against it. 
She drops her hand to his chest and rests it there, “the man on your chest, who is he?” 
“Sava the Goth, he was the saint I was named after.”
She asks Bucky to tell her the story of the martyr and listens wholeheartedly as he recounts the tale his father always told him. The irony of both his pagan origins and orthodox endings strikes her as he speaks. Sava denounced the pagan and idolatrous ways of his captors only to be martyred for his beliefs hence why he became a saint. Y/N assumes that Bucky would be joyful in his retailing of the account however a sadness came in as it had when he spoke of the runes. It seems as though there is a deeper level to his connection with the runes but he doesn’t offer up more information as is his MO. 
“Would I be wrong if I thought your dad is the one who named you?” 
“What gave it away?”
“The very obvious religious trauma. No one gets religious tattoos unless they’re a devout follower or suffered at the hands of the church. That and Ana Cristina may have let it slip one time that your mom was a witch.” 
He chuckles lightly while he grabs her wrist that’s still resting on his chest and gives it an experimental tug, “Did she say anything else?”
Allowing him to draw her, Y/N wrinkles her nose and smiles, “That’s for me to know and you to find out.” 
“No, no you need to tell me everything she told you,” Bucky says as he slyly maneuvers them so she’s pinned against the table. 
“It’ll cost you.”
“Name your price.”
“I want to see Celeste.”
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“Isabel for the love of god, shut the actual fuck up,” Juliette snaps at the woman who’s been talking nonstop for the last two hours of their flight. 
She gasps in horror and looks to Alix for her to defend her however she’s met with a low chuckle. 
“Finally someone said it,” John laughs. 
Isabel shrinks into her seat and her face grows red with humiliation. Brock snickers at the ordeal while John and he go over ways to attack. Her sniffles start out unnoticeable until Alix makes a show of checking to see if she’s crying. 
“Awe,” she starts, wiping away the fat tears that roll down Isabel’s cheeks, “did Juliette hurt your feelings?”
She nods. 
“Juliette, apologize now,” Alix demands without looking up. 
The offending woman mutters a quiet and insincere apology. Satisfied that neither of the lower Lycan will be a bother, Alix gives her attention back to the men and their planning. 
“Kill everyone on sight. I don’t care if they’re Strigoi or not, I don’t want any survivors except for Y/N.”
John makes an alarmed face, “Isn’t Peggy’s kid there?” 
“No survivors,” Alix repeats. 
The tension in the small plane grows thick with the weight of her words. John looks to Brock who is mirroring his expression but neither even dares to argue with their pack leader. 
“Understood,” John forces himself to say. 
Even when their conversation moves forward, the words still hang above them all and they begin to internally question what they got themselves into. 
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buckyscrystalqueen · 1 month
Winter Wolf: Part 15
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, angst
Word Count: 4,421
A/N: Finally got the muse to finish this story! YAY!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 / Part 14
“I want it to look like a plantation house.” You said as you stood in front of what was left of your house between a general contractor, and Bucky as you bounced Ana on your hip, while you looked at another contractor that dealt with historic homes, specifically, and Tony, who was paying for the reconstruction. It had taken him a month of cutting red tape, but on the afternoon of your one year anniversary, he handed you the updated deed and a photo of the new metal arch across your driveway with the real name of your plantation and the real year it was established displayed proudly beneath it.
“I want the same wide wrap around porch, and the balcony on the second floor with all glass French doors. I want the white columns, and my stone fireplace in the parlor, and wood floors throughout. Oh, and I want to see my willow through my bedroom windows. Everything else, you can ask Bucky for. But the kitchen has to be in the back, left corner, and it has to have six bedrooms. Four up, and two down- one on either side of the first floor. Classic.” You finished as you switched Ana on your hip and turned to let her play in the willow tree. “Oh, and bathrooms. Lots of bathrooms. And air conditioning. And a swing in that oak tree over there.”
“Did you want to knock down that old workers house still, doll?” Bucky asked as you put your daughter down, and held on to her hands so she could stretch her legs.
“Yep! Get rid of it.” You called out with a nod. “That’s what we’ll do, Anastasia. When Daddy’s done, we’ll walk back and go look at the little river where you can sit and play in the water. You’d like that, huh? Better than being raised in a tower.” You sighed and sat down in the short grass with a small smile. “We��ve really come full circle here, baby girl.” You said as you shifted her grip on your fingers. “I really hope your mom would like us moving you here. I think she would. You’re gunna have a huge yard to play in, and your own room. And we can start a garden again, and we can plant some more apple and peach trees in the back. And I think I remember how to fish, but maybe Daddy does so he can teach us both. And maybe we can get you a little pool to play in on hot days…” You paused for a moment as you looked over at the distant sound of tires turning into your driveway. “James…”
“That’s a government car.” You called out as you picked up your daughter, and walked out from under the willow tree to look over at the drive. You stopped half way to the small group as not one, but three black SUV’s with tinted windows and a massive armored car pulled up to stop in the parking lot area. “Shit… take her.”
“Babe…” Bucky said as you took the last few steps over to him and practically shoved your daughter into his arms.
“Take her.” You said as you stepped back away from him as men started to pour out of the vehicles and head toward you quickly.
“Doctor (Y/N) (Y/M/N) Barnes, AKA (Y/N) Scott, née (Y/L/N)…”
“Ross!” Tony yelled as you mentally battled the decision to run for your life or accept your fate.
“You are under arrest for the murders of Howard and Maria Stark, John F. Kennedy, Jasper Sitwell…”
“No, no!” Bucky shouted as you were nearly tackled to the ground by four guys nearly twice your size that were trying to get you into cuffs and shackles as quickly as possible even though you were not resisting what so ever in front of your child.
“Ross, you are making a huge mistake.” Tony said as Ana started to scream for you as some of the men kept your husband and daughter back at gun point.
“Babe, don’t you fucking listen to her!” Bucky roared over everyone as he watched your whole being shift into something he barely recognized when he saw you register the face of the man that had a gun pointing at your innocent one year old. “Don’t give in to her! Stay with Anastasia and me! Stay with us!” You met his eyes for a moment with a look he had only seen in old HYDRA photographs as you were lifted off the ground and unceremoniously thrown into a cube shaped jail cell.
“You’re all gunna fucking pay for that.” You said evenly with an evil smirk as you let them chain you to the chair before they all stepped out of the truck and shut you in with a single pair of heavily armed guards. A dark laugh you normally hated to hear, but that you absolutely welcomed in that moment started to echo in your head as you looked directly at the man who had no idea what was coming to him. “You have no fucking idea how much you’re gunna pay for pointing a gun at my daughter.”
You were locked in a room, a half mile below ground at least, in a bulletproof glass and metal box similar to the one you were held in the last time the American government had captured you, and left completely alone in a small room with multiple armed guards keeping watch outside the only door. For an entire month, you were given barely a meal twice a day, and allowed to use the “restroom”, which was really just a bed pan shoved under your ass after two guards held your hips up and yanked your pants down for you, twice daily as well, but you were given no other privileges other than those. You didn’t get to shower or get clean clothes; it was “too risky” to uncuff more than the lower part of your right arm for you to eat and wipe yourself. 
But you couldn’t complain. You didn’t say a word or move a muscle unless you were told to, because every time you did, they shocked you. Everyday for that entire month, you lost just a little more hope that this would one day come to an end, and the Wolf developed her plan of escape just a little bit louder in your head for when the part of you that made you ‘you’ finally gave up. But on the very last day of the month, the entire wall in front of you lifted up and a large group of armed men filed in ten bodies wide, and at least six bodies deep.
“Let’s move her!” The man in charge called out, which made the guards split down the center so a fork lift could be brought in to pick up the cage. You wanted to ask where you were going so badly, but you didn’t dare say a word as you were carted out of the room, on to a massive platform, and brought out of the pit of your own personal hell.
‘You can break out now!’ The Wolf said as you were transported to an armored truck. ‘It’d be easy. You know I can do it. We can go far, far away from here where no one will ever find us again…’
‘I’m not leaving my family.’ You told her as you slowly and carefully closed your eyes and leaned your head back on your chair, despite every other ounce of your being being poised and ready to attack at a moments notice like it had been for weeks. ‘I won’t leave my daughter or my husband.’
‘Weak.’ You mentally agreed with her as the truck stopped, and the back doors were opened so that the cage could be removed. You opened your eyes again and looked up at an impressive federal courthouse in Washington DC. Your guard led you inside and through the halls, and some how, it took you until were just outside the court room to realize what was happening. (Which was probably from lack of sleep, but you weren’t quite sure of that or anything anymore.)
“Oh, my God!” Bucky and Wanda screamed simultaneously as the pair of them, the rest of the Avengers, and a man you assumed had to be your lawyer jumped to their feet the second you were carted into the room.
“What are you doing to her?!” Tony screeched as he looked over at General Ross, who was sitting front and center behind the prosecution with a smug yet straight look on his face.
“Have you even let her change her clothes or shower at all?!” Bucky chimed in as tears welled in his eyes as he searched the dead look in yours.
“Is this the reason you’ve refused to let me see my client?!” A man said as he turned toward the other side and pointed back at you.
“This is inhumane!”
“She’s a mutant.” The prosecutor said with a shake of his head. “And she’s dangerous…”
“Get my wife out of that box…!”
“Alright, order! Order!!” The judge said as she slammed her gavel down and looked over at you. “OK, everybody hold on!” She yelled over your lawyer, and your large family as they all screamed at the government officials responsible for your mistreatment. “Has this been her living conditions since she was arrested?” She asked as she looked over at you, and the Wolf responded before you could stop her.
“I haven’t even used a toothbrush…” You shrieked and seized when the box shocked you once again, and Wanda and Steve instantly leapt over the partition.
“Get her out of that box!” The judge and your lawyer roared as Wanda ripped the front and the side of the box away so Steve could get your restraints off. Everyone in a thirty foot radius recoiled from the smell as Bucky pushed past Steve to pick you up out of the chair as gently as he could.
“She needs a medic!” Steve yelled as your lawyer told the other that he would be filing law suits against every single person responsible for your mistreatment as the judge scrambled to get the jury out of the room.
“I got the jet on the roof ready…” Tony said as he came over with a shake of his head. “Jesus, I didn’t know it was possible for her to be so thin.”
“Court officers…”
“If you so much as think of taking her out of my fucking arms right now, you will see what the Avengers are capable of for one of our own.” Bucky said evenly as he looked up at the woman on the stand.
“Can you please bring in a monitoring bracelet for Dr. Barnes so she can be confined to Sibley Memorial…”
“Can you make that the Four Seasons here in DC?” Tony asked as he tapped the ear piece in his ear to hang up his phone call while Steve ripped your dirty jeans away from your ankle so the monitor could be attached. “My personal physician is already on the way.”
“Fine.” The judge said with a nod as she sat up in her spot. “Dr. Barnes, you are not, under any circumstances, allowed to leave your hotel room once it has been established unless it is to come to court, do you understand what I am saying?”
“Yes ma’am.” You nearly whispered as you looked up at her.
“OK then. We will reconvene in one week for trial.” The prosecutor and General Ross both shouted ‘what’ as Bucky hiked you up in his arms to carry you out, which made the judge whip toward them. “As for you? You should be ashamed of yourselves. Mutant or not, you just violated every single one of her civil liberties…”
“Bucky?” You breathed as you reached up with your metal hand and brushed your fingertips across the scruff on his cheek. “Anastasia?”
“She’s at the hotel with Pepper. We’re gunna go see her right now.”
“OK.” You said as you laid your head down on his shoulder where the Wolf finally let you fell asleep in the safety of his arms.
“Mama!” Ana screeched when you got out of the shower in your much nicer jail cell after your extensive check up with a doctor that worked for Stark Industries. You stumbled the slightest bit and looked over at your daughter, who toddled toward you all by herself on her impossibly more chunky legs. You stopped in the doorway and Bucky nearly ran over you from behind when you teared up and sat down on the carpet since you had missed her first steps.
“Oh, my baby girl!” You cried as tears filled your eyes when your little angel threw herself into your chest and hugged your throat tightly.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize you two were showering.” Pepper said softly, but Bucky shook his head as he held his towel tightly around his waist and stepped past you.
“No, it’s OK.” He said with a glance back at the two halves of his heart. “We all just a little out of sorts right now.”
“I know what you mean.” Pepper said with a nod. “I’m gunna tell Tony to have Michael come and speak with her the day after tomorrow about the case. She needs you and Ana and she needs to eat something first.”
“And we all need some real rest.” He said as he turned a bit to watch you lay down right on the floor to play with the toys Bucky had brought with him to entertain Ana while he was in court. He could see the sheer exhaustion in your eyes as you watched Ana lay down just like you to put her hand on your cheek, and he startled the slightest when Pepper touched his shoulder.
“She’s gunna make it through this.” She said softly with a nod. “You both are. We’re all in this together, OK? And we will make it through this trial…”
“She won’t make it if she gets convicted…”
“She won’t.” Pepper reassured. “Especially after today. The jury saw her get shocked in that box, we can use that to our advantage…”
“Bucky?” You called out softly, which made him whip around toward you. You sighed heavily and looked up at him with a small shake of your head. “If I get convicted, I’m letting the Wolf out, and going to Wakanda. I won’t spend another minute of my life in a box like that again. Just get Anastasia there before I’m sentenced…”
“OK, we’ll worry about that later, doll.” He said as he walked away from Pepper and carefully laid down on Ana’s other side facing you. “Let’s just talk to the lawyer first. He has a pretty good plan for us. We’re all pretty confident anyways, OK?” You nodded your head against your arm and reached out to hold his hand as Pepper left your room for the night.
“I love you, Bucky. You and Ana are the only reasons I didn’t break out already.”
“Well you’re here now.” He said with a small smile. “I love you, (Y/N), and I will never stop doing so. No matter what happens.”
“Well you look much, much better than the last time I saw you, Dr. Barnes.” The judge, Stacy Benson said as she took a seat in her chair. “How are you feeling?” You glanced over at your lawyer, Michael Young, almost seeking permission to speak, before looking up at the judge with a small nod.
“Cleaner. But I’m a mother so I think I’ll forever be tired.”
“As the mother of three kids myself, I can tell you that never goes away.” She said with a small laugh as she organized the paperwork for your case. “Now, I assume you’ve had a chance to meet with your lawyer this past week?”
“Yes ma’am, I have. Thank you.”
“And you come to court today understanding all of the charges against you and are prepared for the trial against you to begin?”
“Yes ma’am, I am.” She looked up for the papers for a moment and nodded her head before glancing over at the bailiff.
“Let’s bring in the finalized jury.” You nodded your head, took a deep breath, and glanced back at Pepper, who was one of the only Avengers that wasn’t testifying which meant she was the only one allowed to hear the trial from beginning to end. She gave you a reassuring nod and reminded you to breathe and to sit up a bit more as the jury all took their seats. You turned back around and folded your hands in your lap the way your lawyer had told you so that your metal hand was ‘out of sight and out of mind’ until the ‘perfect moment’. You sat almost perfectly still and started singing the ‘Good Night Moon’ song on repeat in your head the way Bucky had suggested to try to drown out the Wolf as both lawyers started the trial with their opening arguments. 
The prosecution’s was almost stereotypical. Mr. Everett Ross kept his voice raised and his tone angry as he used big hand gestures to make his argument feel much larger than it was. But unfortunately, he was so convincing, hell, you yourself even believed for a moment that you- the normal, pre-brainwashing you was the one who committed the sixteen murders they had proof for out of the ninety-seven actual murders the Winter Wolf had done. When he was finished, even the Wolf sat back in your mind with an agitated huff.
‘Well we’re fucked.’
But then Mike stood up for his turn.
“Ladies and gentleman of the jury, this case is going to be one for the books. I have been practicing law for almost thirty years and I have never in my life seen one like this. Especially because what I am about to say is going to contradict itself completely. My client did commit these murders. She doesn’t deny it, there is plenty of evidence to support it, some of which, I’ll even be bringing up myself. But at the exact same time, my client is completely innocent. And I can prove it.
Over the next few days, you are going to hear plenty of eye witness testimony from witnesses that saw first hand what the Winter Wolf is capable of. You will see videos, and photographs the prosecution as procured to support the fact that the Wolf, which is what I will call the murderer from here on out, is the one that committed these crimes. But then it will be my turn to show you why Dr. Barnes, the woman sitting directly to my left here, is not the same person.
Please know in advance that the images, and testimony will be brutally graphic as we reveal the torture and agony Dr. Barnes went through at the hands of HYDRA from 1939 to 2014 when she was able to escape their control. And yes, my dates are correct because Dr. Barnes is a mutant, and one of her mutations is that she is not capable of dying. Which is also something else I will be able to prove as well. So while you sit here, and listen to the facts, I beg of you to keep an open mind through it all. Look at all of the facts and really see that the Winter Wolf and Dr. (Y/N) Barnes are two different entities in the same body. And prepare yourself now; like I said, this is not going to be pretty.” You looked up at him in awe as he nodded at the jury and came back around the table to sit down as Everett stood up and called his first witness. “Just remember what I said.” Mike said softly as he reached over and pat your back as an elderly man came in and sat down at the witness stand to be sworn in.
“Mr. Jones, how are you today?” Everett started with a smile.
“I’m fine, thank you.”
“Now Mr. Jones, can you tell me where you were on November 22nd, 1963?” Your mind instantly flashed to that day, and you knew exactly where this man was on that date.
“I was in Dallas, Texas at Dealey Plaza with my late wife to see President John F. Kennedy.”
“And where were you exactly, Mr. Jones?”
“We were sitting on the grassy knoll. I remember it like it was yesterday.”
“Now, refresh my memory.” Everett said almost sarcastically. “You were there, what happened, and what did you see?” You couldn’t stop your mind from following the man’s description as he led up to the moment the shots were fired, but from your point of view. You remembered getting off the way to advanced for its time jet, and heading through the packed streets to get to your mark. You remembered slipping into the shadows of a giant tree behind a picket fence and you could even feel the weight of your gun in your hand as you held it up and pulled the trigger. The faint hum of your daughter’s bed time song caught your attention though as it wasn’t part of the memory, and you shook your head and glanced behind you at Pepper, who simply smiled and nodded as she hummed a few more notes and stopped.
“So you saw the shooter?” Everett asked with a slight tilt of his head. “What can you tell me about her... or him.” He clarified, quickly before Mike could object.
“It was a woman.” Mr. Jones said with a small nod. “Caucasian, roughly five foot five like my wife, dark hair, wearing all black.”
“Anything else?” He asked as he oh so subtly adjusted his watch on his wrist, but Mike immediately jumped on it at the same moment you realized exactly why Tony and Bucky had insisted you wear the shirt you had on under your suit jacket.
“Objection! Leading!”
“Councilor, I will only warn you once.” Judge Benson said as she looked down at him as he raised his hands in innocence.
“Wasn’t leading...”
“She had a metal arm!” Mr. Jones said over him as if he had just remembered the award winning answer on a television game show.
“Your Honor, can you ask council to instruct his client to remove her jacket and roll up her sleeves.”
“Against my better judgement...” She started, but you had already stood up to take off your jacket anyways. The black metal stood out spectacularly against the light pink, sleeveless, backless, collared halter top button down you had on, and nearly the entire room gasped at the sight. You purposely turned around to hang your jacket on the back of your chair so that every single member of the jury could see your scars, and you went out of your way to use both hands to collect your loose hair to pull it over your right soldier so that the jury had no choice but to see what HYDRA did to you.
“A metal arm like that?” Everett asked as he turned back to the witness with a victorious smile, not realizing that every single thing he was doing was just setting himself up for failure.
“Yes, just like that.”
“No further questions.” He said with a nod as he walked back over to his table.
“Mr. Jones, you said you remember that day as if it was yesterday, correct?” Mike asked with a smile as he stood up from his spot.
“Yes, sir. I do.”
“Wonderful. So you can remember if the shooters metal arm was black or silver, correct?” You could see the subtle hesitation in Mr. Jones’ eyes as he glanced at you for a moment before looking back up at your attorney. 
“It was black. Matched her outfit.”
“And, how was the killer wearing her hair?” He continued as he leaned back against the table. “Down like it is now? Up in a pony tail? Do you recall?”
“It was...” He started as he glanced over at his lawyer, who no longer had a smile on his face. “It was pulled back. I’m not sure what the style was called back then.”
“And her outfit. I know you said it was all black, but could you describe it further?” You could see the slight panic in the witnesses eyes, before he jumped to the defensive.
“Are you calling me a liar, sir?!”
“Not at all, sir.” Mike said with a shake of his head as he turned around to grab something from the file he had sitting on the table. “Merely asking for more details. Defense exhibit one, your honor.” He said as he pulled out a stack of paper to give to the judge, to the jury, and to the witness since the prosecution had already been given the photographs. “Now Mr. Jones, would it surprise you in any way to know that up until 2018, Dr. Barnes had a silver metal arm with a giant red star on the shoulder as seen in photographs recovered from leaked HYDRA files from 1932, and 1967, photos from government files from 1974, ‘81, ‘91, ‘96... all the way to personal photos of her in Stark tower up until 2018 when it was exchanged for the current arm she has now?” He paused for a moment so that Mr. Jones had a chance to look through at least some of the photos, before continuing. “And would it also surprise you to know that the uniform she has on in those HYDRA and government photos was the official quote ‘uniform’ for the Winter Wolf, and that it never deviated?”
“Objection!” Everett snapped as he finally got to his feet. “How is he supposed to know that?”
“Just simple questions, that’s all.” Mike said as he took the photos back from the witness and walked back to the table. “No further questions.” As he sat back down at the table beside you, he put the photos back in their file before glancing over at you with a smile. “Don’t worry. I’m just getting started.” A smile pulled at the corners of your lips as Everett got up and called his second of fifteen witnesses, realizing at that moment that your lawyer was going to win this case.
Part 16
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dilemmaontwolegs · 2 years
Instinct || Bucky Barnes
FATWS!Bucky x blind!fem!reader
Summary: After trying to stop a mugging before Bucky intervenes as reward is offered and so he tracks you down. Warnings: 18+ only, canon-typical violence, mentions of animal abuse, discussion about disabilities, fluff WC: 2.3k
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The subway seemed busier than usual for such a late hour, but then again this was the city that never sleeps. Thankfully, despite the amount of people on the platform there were still seats available on the train. You took a seat and folded up your cane, tucking it next to you before a New Yorker tripped over it since they never seemed to pay attention where they were walking.
A few shouts sounded down the end of your carriage and you tilted your head towards the sound, listening to the escalating argument, an attempted mugging. Footsteps ran towards you along with an echo of a cry to ‘stop that man’, and the panic of the voice had you rising to your feet. This city had taught you a great deal of lessons between its various alien attacks, terrorist attacks and a Snap, you had learned to protect yourself. You couldn’t wait on a hero to save the day.
You snapped your cane out, the elastic whipping it into shape as you spun and brought it down on the mugger's head. You had broken too many canes to count that you had commissioned a custom light weight alloy one to last a lifetime. Now it came in handy as the man cried out in pain and you ran the cane down his arm, hooping the ball into the strap off the bag he had stolen and snatching it from his grasp.
The click of a gun being cocked froze you. The sound was quieter than the raucous of the train and left you unable to pinpoint the exact direction the sound came from before you felt someone tear you away. You stumbled and fell but the person kept their hold on your tight as gunshots fired, the burst of sound leaving your ears ringing at how close they were and the pings of the bullets ricocheting off metal.
The arms disappeared for a second before you heard the crunch of metal being crushed, a man groaning and then the heavy thump of a body hitting the ground. A round of applause sounded out as the person who had pulled you away from the gun placed his hands on your arms, patting them down as they looked for any injuries. 
“Are you alright?” His voice was warm and laced with concern, the baritone range vibrating your recovering eardrums as he leant in close to talk over the noise of the crowd. He froze under your touch as you gently traced his features, a straight nose, dimpled chin and frown lines etched in deep. “What are you doing?” 
“Trying to picture your face.” 
His head swivelled away and a quiet oh of understanding fell from his lips as he picked up the cane you had dropped in the mele. The owner of the bag was making her way closer and you recognised her voice from the fight so you tapped the man on the shoulder and pointed in her direction.
“Can you make sure the bag gets back to her? This is my stop.” 
You pulled the cane away from the bag and slipped away before he could answer, the doors closing moments after you stepped onto the platform. 
“Hey, wait!”
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“Girl, your face is all over the news.” 
You hadn’t even taken your jacket off when your coworker, and friend, Ana cried excitedly and took your bag, unpacking your lunch before hanging it up next to hers. 
“They want to interview you, there’s even talks of a reward,” she continued as she sat back down at her desk. “That Sergeant Barnes is a dream.”
“The Avenger?” You asked as your interest was finally piqued. “What’s he got to do with it?”
“Duh, he was there. Girl, the man had his arms around you, how could you not know?” You quirked an eyebrow at her question and she scoffed. “Don’t give me that look, I meant he has a metal fucking arm.”
“He was wearing a jacket, I couldn’t tell. How did you know he had his arms around me?”
“Oh, they released the security footage from the train. Damn lucky he was there too, what the hell were you thinking?” You were well versed with the lecture that was coming your way, along with the light slap to your arm followed by, “Are you even listening to me? Seriously, you could have been killed if Bucky hadn’t stopped the bullets with his metal hand. He saved your life.”
“How about, if I ever see him I’ll say thank you.” You murmured as you rolled your eyes and began making your way to the door where the crescendo of barking was coming from.
“Ha ha.” Ana drawled sarcastically before the bell rang above the front door and a real laugh bubbled up. “Speak of the devil.”
“You have got to be kidding me.” You sighed, turning back to the reception as the scent of his cologne blew through, the same one you had inhaled the night before on the train.
“‘Fraid not.” He chuckled. “You took off so fast I didn’t get a chance to talk to you.”
“So you stalked me instead?” You challenged as a strangled groan came from Ana beside you.
“Forgive her, she’s always cranky if she doesn’t get her morning coffee and cuddles.” Ana poorly explained. “Do you want a coffee too? Pot’s almost done.”
“Uh, sure.” He said as you heard his leather jacket creak and he scratched the back of his neck nervously.  
“If you want to talk you’ll have to come out the back.” 
You left the choice up to him as you opened the door and stepped into the chaos that gave you purpose. There were currently 12 dogs in your care, dogs that no shelter would take and were set to be put down because they were put in the ‘too hard basket’ ie: they couldn’t justify the cost. Most were missing a limb, one had been rescued from a fire and two had been forced into fighting rings but all of them were sweet and protective.
“Just because we have a visitor doesn’t mean our manners go out the door.” You tutted as they all swarmed around your legs. “Line up.”
The mass of bodies disappeared and they settled into the line, falling silent while you felt the bags hanging on the wall for the one you were after. You took a seat on the doorstep, feeling Bucky sit beside you and you reached into the bag to grab the first collar, feeling the braille for the name.
“C’mere Charlie.” 
The big, stocky bulldog boldered over and fell onto your lap, his belly facing up for a scratch that you happily gave him. You could feel his tongue hanging out of his mouth and warming your leg, a smile growing on your face at how happy and content he was compared to when he arrived. You gently felt around the stump where his back leg used to be, checking his reaction for signs of pain but he was relaxed and soaking up the attention he was receiving. 
“What happened to him?” Bucky asked as he reached out and scratched the dog behind the ear.
“He was subjected to violence by vile human beings - he was thrown into the harbour after he lost a dog fight. Managed to swim his way back to shore thankfully.” You uttered quietly as if Charlie could understand you. “The vet was going to put him down because he was a damaged stray but the receptionist called us and Ana got there in time. They amputated his leg and told us that it was a waste of time, that he wouldn’t make it, but we brought him back here anyway. Isn’t that right, Charlie? We proved them all wrong.”
“Is that why you tried to stop that mugging last night? To prove you can?” He asked and you pursed your lips together as you turned to face him. “Sorry, I'm just trying to understand why you would put yourself in that position given you’re…”
“Blind? Disabled?” You offered as he tapered off to an awkward silence. “When you aren’t wearing your prosthesis does it stop you from trying to pick anything up?”
“No, but I have another arm.” He answered hesitantly.
“And I have other senses.” You explained as you grabbed a ball from the bag and threw it along the large enclosed space, the dogs running after it. “Most of them are missing a leg but they still run. Tango, c’mere girl.”
The smallest of the pack, a fox terrier, sprinted back and her small paws caught your top as she excitedly jumped on your lap having brought the ball back. 
“I know what point you’re making but she won.” He said, scratching her back and letting her jump onto his lap with her four little legs. 
“She always wins.” You smirked. “Do you think she would be brave enough to chase the ball if she could see who she was up against?”
A comfortable silence grew as Bucky sat petting Tango, the girl who lost her eyesight when she was beaten by a group of teenagers as a pup, and you finished roll call with the collars, getting them ready for their morning walk. 
“Did you want to join us? If you don’t have any villains pencilled in your diary.” You asked after the bag was emptied and the dogs all sat quietly in their line, the swish of their tails giving away their excitement. “They get a bit angsty if they stay inside too long.”
“My diary is clear of villains today and rescuing princesses too before you ask.”
“Damn, that was my next question.” You laughed, standing up and grabbing the special leashes that had been made for walking so many dogs at once. “Here, you take Victor, Oscar, India, Romeo, Sierra and Charlie. They could do with being around dominant men a bit more, they need to see they can be trusted.”
“Dominant men.” Bucky chuckled. “I’ll take it as a compliment.”
Before you could retort a witty response Ana called out from the reception, a reminder that your coffee was waiting. You finished clipping each dog into the leash and felt up the rope to check for any frays or tears until you reached Bucky’s hand of cool metal.
“May I?”
“Sure.” He said with the creak of his jacket suggesting a casual shrug along with it. “At least you asked this time.”
The light tone brought a smile to your face and you gently traced the thin plates, feeling them move as languidly as real muscle. “I can’t hear them move.”
“It’s vibranium.” He said as if it explained everything. “Wakandan tech.”
“They must like you a lot to let you use it.” You commented as you followed the curve of the plates up his sleeve. “I didn’t think they took too kindly to outsiders.”
“I’m not in their favour at the moment, that's for sure.” He mumbled before clearing his throat. “Where do you normally walk these guys?”
“Down the road to the dog park. It helps get them used to being around unfamiliar dogs and new scents.” You explained, opening the door and leading the way to grab one of the takeaway coffee cups. “It’s one thing for them to be sociable amongst themselves because they live together and have shared trauma but it’s a whole new dynamic out in the real world.”
“I can understand that.” Bucky whispered to his coffee lip. 
“I thought you might.” You said with a little nudge of your elbow. “It’s our survival instinct, but it’s often mistaken for being jaded.”
“Maybe it’s both.”
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“You should think about that reward.” Bucky said as he walked beside you, fighting to keep his dogs from crossing over to yours as you headed back to the shelter. 
“I think the city is better off keeping its reward and actually putting money into making public transport safer.”
“I completely agree, but the reward was offered by the woman who was attacked.” He corrected you before he pulled you to a stop. “Saving all these animals can’t come cheap, even just doing an interview will help your cause. You’re doing a good thing here and I know there would be plenty of support if more people knew about it.” 
“I don’t need charity, Bucky.” You said after whistling for the dogs to stop pulling at the leash. “I’m doing just fine on my own.”
A low growl, that did not come from a dog, had your eyebrow lifting before his phone rang and he sighed. “I have to go. Will you be alright getting back from here? Was that a stupid question?”
“Kind of, but I’ll let you off the hook this time.” You nodded.
“Would it be okay if I maybe stopped by again tomorrow?” 
You were acutely aware that his hand was still on your arm and the heat seemed to radiate far beyond just where he touched. 
“I’d like that.” You smiled, reluctantly taking the leash from his other hand. 
“I’ll bring the coffee though, don’t tell Ana but this tasted like dirt.” 
“Your secret is safe with me.” You promised with a laugh as his phone rang again. “Now go.”
“It’s a date.” He said before inhaling sharply and clearing his throat. “I mean, if, um, if you want it to be.”
“Not really.” You admitted, placing your hand on his arm and trailing it down to find his hand. “I’d rather go on a proper date.”
“Yeah?” He said brightly, his fingers squeezing yours gently. “Do you like jazz? There’s a bar that plays like music on Saturday nights.”
“Sounds perfect.” You followed the sound of his breath and placed a soft kiss on the short beard you had felt the night before. “See you tomorrow.” 
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year
Week 6 Reblog Masterlist
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Welcome to Week 6 2023 or Week 162, as always, fics would be listed in the order I read them.
I hope you enjoy it!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
♥ You can check my reading guidelines here.
♥ You can check my masterlist here.
♥ You can check my main reblog masterlist 2023 here.
♥ You can check my February reblog masterlist 2023 here.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
𝙺𝚎𝚢𝚜: 💛 ᵒʳᶤᵍᶤᶰᵃˡ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ 💜 ʰᵒʳʳᵒʳ 🖤 ᵈᵃʳᵏ ❤️ ˢᵐᵘᵗ 💚 ᶠˡᵘᶠᶠ 💙 ᵃᶰᵍˢᵗ
🧡 ᶜᵒᵐᵉᵈʸ
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This is the list of the fics I read and recommend in Week 6 2023:
 Weather girl (Ororo Munroe X Reader) by @under-the-water-imagines​ 💚
Michael Morbius SFW alphabet (Michael Morbius X Reader) by @endofthelinegang​ 💚
Public relations (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @ana-benn​❤️
X-men with a human headcanons (X-men X Reader) by @blackberry-gingham​ 💚
Strangers with memories chapter III: The first date (original story) by @talia-rumlow​ 💛
Imagine going ice skating with Scott (Scott Lang X Reader) by @moonlit-imagines​ 🧡
Roses were red (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @justconfettiandsomeddew​ 💚
Michael Morbius imagine (Michael Morbius X Reader) by @leahsflwer​ 💚💙
Best friends forever (Steve Rogers X Reader, Bucky Barnes X Reader) by @talia-rumlow​❤️ 💚💙
Observation (Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x OFC) by @cockslutpadalecki​ ❤️
Criminal (Matt Murdock X Villain!Reader) by @fluffyprettykitty​❤️
Heaven for you part I (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @imaginedreamwrite​ 💚💙
Bound & Brockened chapter V: Rules! (Dark!Brock Rumlow X Reader) by @talia-rumlow​ 🖤❤️💚💙
(Love) sick (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @anika-ann​ 💚💙
When Ororo says something in Arabic (Ororo Munroe X Reader) by @majesties-palace​ 💚
Heaven for you part II (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @imaginedreamwrite​ 💚💙
My brother’s best friend chapter XI- His best friend’s little sister! (Brock Rumlow X Reader) by @talia-rumlow​ ❤️💚💙
Stick together part I (Lorna Dane & Reader) by @cactiem​ 💚💙
The cupcake recipe (Izzie Stevens X Reader) by @m1kasawps​ 💚
Heaven for you part III (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @imaginedreamwrite​ 💚💙
My saviour chapter 40: Well played, Y/N! You’re still dead though! (Brock Rumlow X Reader) by @talia-rumlow​ 🖤❤️💚💙
Lightly kissing their cars (9-1-1 boys X Reader) by @writefasttalkevenfaster​💚
Stick together part II (Lorna Dane & Reader) by @cactiem​ 💚💙
Heaven for you part IV (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @imaginedreamwrite​ 💚💙
In forgotten whispers (Mechanich!Steve Rogers X Reader) by @scrumptious-delusion​ 💚
Comic-verse Morbius (Michael Morbius X Reader) by @aghostfromtheages​ 💚
Unloving you part I (FWB!Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader x Steve Rogers (love triangle) by @hellsbarnes​ 💚💙
Heaven for you part VI (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @imaginedreamwrite​ 💚💙
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Ana Meets Black Widow & Bucky Barnes [Platonic Yanderes x OC]
Summary: Ana is working in a cafe in Brazil when an unusual couple comes into the cafe and takes a hazardous interest in her. Can Ana escape the Black Widow and Winter Soldier or is she doomed to fall in their clutches?
Other Languages will be identified like this: Example.
[Brazil - Around The Cafe - Rainy Weather - 5:30 P.M.]
[A Blanket of Grey Clouds consumed the sun and the tears of the heavens fell from the giant sheet - it's been raining for the past few hours and there was nothing I could do about it as I looked out of the Cafe Window where I worked. It was a rather slow day, no one wanted to come into a cafe when it's raining cats and dogs outside - hell, I don't think that they would be able to get through the streets with the traffic that's going on right now. Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ana - I'm a 18 year old psychology student that attends college here in Brazil; I happened to be born here and I was at work but I wish I was at home, rain always makes me sleepy. My dark brown eyes looked out of the window as my hand rested on my cheek while my elbow rested on the glass counter with a bored expression on my face, there hasn't been a new customer in here for hours and it was almost time for my shift to end; I can only pray that it remains this slow until it was time for me to leave and…]
Ana (Thinking as I run my hand through my long red hair): 'I have spoken too soon.'
(I straighten myself up as I reach over to the writing pad on the counter, pulling the pen from behind my ear as I look at the new additions to the cafe..and my eyebrow raises as I lay my eyes on a rather interesting pair. A Man and a Woman. The man had long brown hair with piercing blue eyes and pale skin, he was wearing a black suit with a red tie and his hands in his pockets; if I were a man, I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley, or even get into a fight with this man and I'm a black belt in Karate. The woman was smaller than him - which was natural, it would have been strange if she was taller than him - with short red hair and pale skin with piercing green eyes the same shade as an emerald gem; just like the man, she was wearing a black suit with a red tie, black heels, and black gloves. The two of them looked around the cafe before their eyes landed on me - they started at me for a while before the two of them went to the back of the cafe and sat in one of the booths. They began talking to each other in another language but I couldn't hear what they were staying to see what language it was but I knew it wasn't english. The woman kept looking at me before turning to look at the man and continued speaking…that's when the man slowly rose from his seat and walked over to the counter, I looked up to him and gave him a smile as I readied myself to write his order on the writing pad.]
Ana: Welcome, Sir. What can I get you?
Man (Looks into my eyes and doesn't say anything for a while before he speaks with a smirk on his face): I would like two dark coffees with no sugar and 2 creams in each. (Reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet and hands me the money for the drinks but before I hand him his change, he tells me to keep the change before walking away back to his table.)
[I head to the coffee machine and prepare the coffee but I can't get the look that he gave me out of my head - why was he smirking at me like that and why was that woman staring at me while talking to him? Maybe I'm just overthinking this. I placed the 2 hot coffees on a serving platter and walked from behind the counter when my ears picked up on their conversation again and I could hear that they were speaking in Russian. I knew Russian as my brother and I were learning new languages - my brother learning Japanese while I was learning Russian. I stopped walking halfway and listened to their conversation and what I heard made my blood run cold.]
Red-Haired Woman: We have to be careful as to how we go about collecting the girl. She has a life here, a brother, and family, if we aren't careful and just take her then they would be all over us before we could get her out of it.
Long-Haired Man: I understand your concern, Natasha, but we need to do this. For the longest tie, I know that you have longed for a child and when I looked into her eyes, I saw myself and yourself in her. She has your hair, she might not have my eyes or your eyes but we can rewrite her DNA to make her our daughter. We wait for the cafe to close and then we take her, the cops will think she was kidnapped and we will be long out of Brazil before anyone knows that we are gone. Ana will be ours.
[My blood froze at what I heard - these people were planning to kidnap me and make me their daughter. I had to get out of there but I couldn't let the know that I was leaving without going through the front door. I made a plan, I would go through the back door and get in my car before going to the police station and filing a report; I need to make sure I am protected and I need to get to my apartment so I could defend myself. I walked over to the and smiled at them, hoping not to give away the fact I knew what they were planning.]
Ana (Places the coffees before them before tucking the serving tray under my arm): Here are your coffees, Sir and Madam. Please, enjoy.
[Turn on my heel and walk away, feeling the glares on my back as I return to my place at the back of the counter, places the serving tray back on the counter, and go to the back to look for my boss. I find her talking to another one of the employees - my boss was kind, she was understanding and wanted us to be safe when something bothered us, I never bothered her until today but my safety was on the line. I walked over to her.]
Ana: Boss, I need to take to you.
Boss (Turns to look at me with concern on her face): Ana, what's the matter? You look pale as a ghost.
Ana: I need to leave early, I don't feel safe and I think the two people in the cafe are planning to kidnap me.
Boss: What makes you say that?
Ana: I heard them speaking in Russian, saying that they were going to kidnap me when the cafe closed - that means they knew my schedule. I need to get out of here and get the police.
[My Boss looked at me and nodded her head, before peeking out to to see the man and woman talking about me again in Russian and told me to get to the back door, which I did. I crept to the door and closed it slowly so as to not make a sound. I looked at the rain falling from above and ran to my car, unlocking the door, and getting inside, I placed the key in the ignition and looked up, only to see the man standing before my car with a black mask covering his nose and mouth. Wait... I know this man. I heard stories about him.
Ana (Thinking): 'The Winter Soldier....and that would make the woman in the cafe the Black Widow... Wait, if he's here... Where is?'
*Knocking on the car window*
[I look to see the Black Widow standing beside the car with a smile on her face.]
Black Widow: You were smart, Little Ana, but you should have played your part a little bit better. We knew you spoke Russian and walked to escape once you heard our plans. We expected you to get into your car. Now, get out of the car and make this easier on yourself.
Ana (Narrows my eyes): Go to hell. (Turning the key, causing the car to roar to life but for some reason, the car wouldn't turn into reverse gear)
Black Widow (Punches the car window and grabs Ana by the collar of her shirt and yanks her out of the car, throwing her into the wall and trash cans, making Ana slump to the ground): I told you - you aren't as smart as you think you are, Little Ana. (Pulls a syringe out of her jacket pocket and walks over to the dazed Ana) Now, just relax. This will only hurt for a moment.
[Before I could fight back, the syringe was in my arm, the liquid was in my system and the effect was instant. My vision was blurry and I began to black out before I fell to the ground and I knew no more.]
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 years
Cold Hearted
Steve Rogers x Reader, Steve Rogers x Sharon Carter, Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff, Bucky x reader x Nat(past) Reader x ???
Chapter 3
Warnings:swearing, angst, smut, forced drugging, rape noncon/dubcon
The Snap, 7 years ago
BB was sitting on the couch watching the news in the tiny London apartment she was squatting. Tony Stark and Doctor Strange fighting monsters or aliens in New York City earlier and reports that all of the Avengers were in Wakanda fighting more of them but there wasn't any video of that. As she watched, one of the anchors turned to dust and his co anchor screamed.
BB looked out on the street and there were cars crashed, people yelling and others disappearing. Her heart was racing, what was going on? She tried to call Yelena but there was no answer. Yelena was supposed to contact her in a few days but what if she was one of the lost, or Ana had killed her.
BB cried softly as she curled up on the couch and watched the news reports. Millions, maybe billions of people and animals just turned to dust. Planes crashed without pilots, children were left without parents. The world was in chaos.
BB spent months in that apartment, waiting to hear from Yelena and trying to figure out her next move when she realized Yelena was probably dead. One afternoon as she was gathering everything she had acquired, mostly from looting and picking pockets, there was a news report with a statement from two Avengers, Captain America and Black Widow. It was Natalia, her Natalia alive and well. BB knew the Avengers were based out of New York so started trying to figure out how to cross the ocean. She went to the docks and airport regularly to see if travel was picking up and saw a ship leaving just a couple of weeks ago. She pooled together all her valuable possessions and headed to the docks to see if she could find a ship to take her to the US.
6 months later BB finally stepped off a boat onto American soil. She looked around the terminal to see where to go next. There's a couple of volunteers from one of the organizations that have been trying to help refugees.
One of them approached her "Do you need some help Miss? Have family in the city?"
BB smiled and shook her head "Not in the city, upstate. My cousin works as a nurse at the Avengers compound. She's the only family I've been able to find."
The volunteer nodded "I know where that is. There is a bus that stops near there but the next scheduled departure is in the morning. Do you have a place to stay nearby? Or money for a place? We have a shelter not far from here, give me a minute and I'll see if they have any beds left."
They walked away for a moment to make a call and came back smiling. "You're in luck. They do have room and dinner will be up in about 30 minutes so your timing is perfect."
They wrote the address and directions, signing the paper so the shelter would know he sent her.
"Good luck miss. I hope you have a happy reunion with your cousin. Take care and god bless."
BB nodded and thanked them before heading to the shelter. When she arrived she found that it was nicer than she expected. She had her own little cubicle with a bed and night stand. Dinner was alright, not the best but it was filling and she had survived on much worse.
After a restless night she boarded the bus to make the trip north. According to the map she was given, the compound was just a bit outside of the city so she wouldn't have far to go.
"No, Nat. I'm tired of arguing about it. We need to set an example and-"
He was interrupted by the security system alarm "What's going on Friday?"
"There appears to be someone at the gate Captain Rogers"
"Great, groupies or haters?"
"She doesn't seem to be either. Said she is Agent Romanoffs sister."
Nat looked up "Yelena? Friday, put her on screen"
When she could see who it was Nat gasped "BB! Oh my gosh. Let her in, I'll go meet her" Nat was tearing up as she bolted for the stairs to get to the lobby.
BB approached the building cautiously, not sure what to expect. She hoped Nat remembered her, it seems like it had been ages since they saw each other.
The door opened and Nat came flying out. "BB!! You're alive"
And smothered her in a hug, both women crying, happy to find someone they knew was still here, that they didn't lose everything.
BB tensed when she heard someone clearing their throat.
Nat laughed "Its ok BB. That's just Steve. You're safe here. We'll find a room for you."
Bb pulled back and looked at Steve. There was something intimidating about the man. The height didn't bother her as he was only a few inches taller than her almost 6 feet. He was so muscular that he was almost as wide as he was tall but had a kind smile.
She nodded at him "Hi Steve. I'm BB."
Steve looked at Nat questioningly "She was in the red room with me, Bucky and I trained her"
BB looked around "Bucky? Is he here?"
Nat shook her head sadly "He was fighting with us in Wakanda but didn't make it."
BB teared up "I think Yelena was dusted too. She was supposed to call me and never did. Never answered her phone. I waited but when I saw you and him, I mean Steve, on tv I decided to come here. Took awhile to save the money but I made it.
Nat squeezed her again "at least we have each other. You can make yourself at home"
Steve just stood to the side and watched the women together. BB seemed too young to be a widow but he knew some had some form of super soldier serum. She had such a childlike, innocent beauty he could see how she'd be good at getting close to men who only think with their little head. They probably never saw her coming.
He admired her long and lithe form, so graceful.
Steve felt drawn to BB and tried to spend as much time as he could with her, without seeming like a lovesick puppy. She made him feel alive and hopeful for the first time since the snap. They became good friends and 2 years after she showed up on his doorstep he asked her on a date.
Their relationship bloomed and he stopped yearning for the era he came from because he had a woman who completed him right now. All he needed was to find a way to reverse the snap.
A year later he proposed and BB was thrilled. All she could remember was the red room and she never dreamed she could find happiness like she had now.
Not long after Steve proposed another straggler showed up on his doorstep but this one would change everything. Scott Lang helped them figure out how to bring everyone back.
When returning the stones Steve saw Peggy and stopped in his tracks. He wished he could talk to her, tell her he was ok and give her a hug but he didn't want to risk messing up the timeline and couldn't wait to get back to BB.
BB, Nat and Bucky had a joyful reunion. Bucky and Nat wanted BB to join their relationship like it had been in the red room but Steve was so happy with her that they let her go. Their wedding was the first event the team celebrated when the compound was rebuilt.
A few months after Tony reversed the snap Bucky and Sam went to Europe to deal with the Flagsmashers. They ran into Sharon Carter and with Steve's help convinced the president to pardon her.
The first time BB met Sharon she was reserved. Sharon was friendly but there was something dark that couldn't be trusted. Her smiles and laughs felt forced and insincere. Steve had told her he had a brief relationship with Sharon years ago but promised he wasn't even tempted, BB was everything he needed.
BB trusted Steve, wanted to trust him so badly and against her instincts. She told Steve about her concerns and he reassured her that Sharon had been through some dark times during the blip but was a good person and understood that Steve was committed to BB now. BB caught Sharon staring at her or Steve all the time with a wicked look in her eyes but BB trusted Steve.
One night when BB was gone on a mission with Sam and Nat, Sharon approached Steve in the gym "I saw your girl is gone, want to have dinner with me? I could use the company."
Steve shrugged "Sure, what did you have in mind? There's a diner nearby that isn't much to look at but has great food."
Sharon shook her head "I'm really not up for going anywhere. Why don't I order something and we can watch a movie in my room?"
Steve hesitated "I'm not sure that's appropriate Sharon. I'm engaged you know."
Sharon laughed "Of course I know, she brags about a widow catching Captain America all the time. I just figured that hanging in the common room would invite gossip. Don't worry you can trust me."
"Yeah, I see your point and I know I can trust you. Let me get cleaned up and I'll come by."
Sharon smiled sweetly until Steve turned away and her malevolence shone through.
It was easy enough for her to drug Steve. He was too trusting. Halfway through dinner he sat back.
Sharon touched his arm "You ok, hon? You look a little flustered"
"Yeah, I feel a bit off. Like I was hitting Thor's liquor but I haven't had anything. Is it getting hot in here? Sorry, I need to take my shirt off" he started to remove his shirt then caught himself and blushed "I'm sorry Sharon that was very inappropriate. I better get back to my room."
Sharon smiled sweetly "But Steve, I don't know if you should be left alone right now. Why don't you take your shirt off and lay back on the couch. I'll get you some cold water.
When she gave him the water Steve felt like his skin was burning where their fingers touched. His chest was sweaty and heaving, he could feel himself getting aroused. His erection straining against his pants.
He tried to stand up but got dizzy and felt a rush all through his body.
"I better go, something is really wrong"
Sharon laughed "Don't be ridiculous Stevie. You can barely walk but I'll bet I know something you can do"
She rubbed his crotch, moaning at how hard he was.
Steve moaned "Fuck Sharon I need more"
His hips chased her hand needing that friction.
When she started to open his fly he groaned "No Sharon I can't do this. I love BB, I can't hurt her. Please leave and sleep in my room."
Sharon ignored his pleas, too close to what she wanted to stop now, and pulled his pants and underwear down his legs. She smiled at his cock, red, angry and leaking at the tip. She ran her finger over the tip and he almost came from just that contact. Then she leaned over and took him in her mouth, he groaned, bucked his hips up and came down her throat with a shout.
Steve felt so good, he had never cum like that before but his cock was still painfully hard and he knew what he needed to do, all thoughts of BB lost to the pleasure Sharon was giving him. She took her clothes off and climbed on top of him, sinking slowly down on his cock until he was fully seated in her heat and groaned. "Fuck Sharon, you feel so good. More I need more, ride me hard and fast. Please" he begged her
Sharon did as he bid her chasing her own orgasm because the drug she gave him guaranteed his.
"Oh god, BB, baby. You feel so good" he cried deliriously. Sharon scowled, she was angry that he was with someone else but that would make this all the sweeter.
It took 5 rounds for Steve to finally start to come down and feel like himself again. When he realized what he had done his heart stopped.
"Sharon what did you do to me?"
She scoffed "All I did was help you take what you always wanted"
"No! I love BB, I'm going to marry her. If she even wants me now."
"Stevie?" Sharon asked softly "I have to tell you something. I hope you're not mad but I was with Peggy when she passed. Her last wish was for you and I to marry and fix and lead SHIELD together"
He looked at her with his forehead furrowed "Peggy never told me that."
"Of course not, I was undercover as someone else so couldn't tell you who I was. Everything with Bucky happened right after she died and I never had the chance to tell you. She loved you so much and wanted us to be happy together since you two missed your chance" Sharon explained.
Steve shook his head "I do care about you Sharon and maybe, if I hadn't met BB it would be different but I love her. We're getting married in a couple of months."
"Are you sure about her Stevie? She's a former Black Widow which means no kids. And I can't even imagine what she's done. Captain America is an important role model, people wouldn't understand you marrying a former assassin. I'm just glad Peggy isn't here to see this.
"No Sharon, I'm marrying BB. You can't tell her what happened, it would kill her. I don't know what came over me but we have to just forget this ever happened."
Sharon tut tutted him "Now Stevie. I can't forget and I don't think you can either. What you are going to do is keep your mouth shut for now or I will show her the video."
Steve paled "Video? What are you doing Sharon? Why did you record this"
Sharon bristled "What I'm doing is saving you from yourself. That woman is completely wrong for you. The public will never accept you with someone like her. You will keep this to yourself until it's the right time. Otherwise I'll show her and put the video on the web. Then the whole world will know who you really are"
Steve looked at her in defeat "Why are you doing this Sharon?"
Sharon smirked "That's not for you to know yet but you better keep up the act for now. When I tell you to, you will end things with her and we will marry.
It's getting late, you should go wash the smell of me off of you before your dear fiance comes home" she dismissed him.
Steve rushed back to his room, scared and unsure of what to do. He didn't want to hurt BB but maybe Sharon was right. She would be a better match for Captain America. And he could have the kids he's always wanted.
It's what Peggy wanted after all.
Chapter 4
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ana-swritings · 1 year
Merry December 2022 - Day 15
Day 15 of Merry December
Prompt: Unwrap
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC (Athena)
Words: 810
T.W.: N/A
Summary: Christmas comes early.
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It had been Athena’s idea. Since they never knew when they would have to leave for a mission, and Christmas was to be spent with family, Athena thought it would be nice to give the team their Christmas presents before Christmas, taking advantage of some little down time that they might have.
When she first approached him with the idea, Bucky was hesitant, simply because he didn’t know how the team would react. But now, sitting in the common room of the Avengers compound and watching his teammates unwrap the presents that Athena had picked, he was confident that he had made the right decision when he decided to do it after a rough mission.
First was Steve. Watching him unwrap his presents was like watching an old lady. He pulled through the paper as carefully as he could and as if his own life depended on what was inside. The first present was a new bike helmet with the American flag. Steve smiled and let out a chuckle, knowing that Athena and Bucky were messing with him. His second gift was a framed picture of the entire team, the frame decorated with the American flag and his shield and painted in his suit colors. He smiled once again and hugged Athena and Bucky, thanking them, before sitting down, still looking at the picture.
Next was Sam. He quickly but carefully unwrapped his gifts. The first was a Marvin Gay collectors set. He thanked them, completely in awe, and saying that he couldn’t wait to play it. He then moved on to his next gift, which was also a framed picture of the team, only his frame was decorated with replicas of Red Wing and painted in his colors.
Tony was next. His unwrapping skills were a mixture of Steve’s and Sam’s put together. His first gift was a framed painting of his mother. He was shocked and it was clear to everyone that he had a tear in his eyes. Moving on quickly to his next gift, it was no surprise to see the same picture that Steve and Sam had received, but his frame had two different Iron Man suits decorating it: his and Pepper’s. Tony thanked them both and sat down admiring the details of the painting.
Wanda offered to go next. She unwrapped her gifts with careful skill, you know, wanting to reuse the paper the following year. First was a brand-new set of a collectors edition of “The Dick Van Dyke Show”. She smiled, thanking them, and saying that she couldn’t wait to have a marathon with some popcorn. Grabbing her second gift, she saw that her frame was decorated with her colors and Vision’s as well as some of her favorite foods.
Vision went next. Unwrapping his gifts, he saw that the first one was a recipe book of Sokovian traditional dishes. Smiling, he promised he would attempt them all. Looking at his frame, he smiled as he saw that it was decorated with his and Wanda’s colors as well as images of his favorite paintings.
Next was Natasha. She quickly but carefully unwrapped her gifts. The first was a new set of fighting knives. She thanked them with a small smile, saying that she couldn’t wait to try them out. She then moved on to her next gift, which was also a framed picture of the team, only her frame was decorated with replicas of little spiders and painted in her colors.
Clint was next. His first gift was a brand new quiver strap that had his kids initials sewn in it. He smiled fondly, remembering his kids. Moving on quickly to his next gift, it was no surprise to see the same picture, but his frame had arrows and bullseyes all around them. Clint thanked them both and sat down admiring the details of the strap.
Last, but definitely not the least, was Bruce. He unwrapped his gifts, a shy smile on his lips. He smiled when he saw his first gift, two tickets to a Neil DeGrasse conference. Still smiling, he thanked them, saying that he couldn’t wait to go to the conference, before moving on to check his frame, which was decorated with the Hulk’s colors but had all sorts of scientific paraphernalia and a few equations on it.
The team spent the next few minutes looking over each other’s frames and commenting on them. What none of them knew was that they had all been handmade by Athena, as well as Tony’s painting. Bucky had wanted to tell them, but Athena refused.
Bucky looked over the room, the team was now in much better spirits than they were when they had first arrived, there was wrapping paper scattered all around and laughter was filling the small common room. Yes, he was now sure that this was a good idea.
Hope you enjoyed it. :)
If you'd like to give me a tip, you can buy me a coffee here. :)
For all my works, please check out my vault here. :)
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polizwrites · 1 year
Solving for X
This is a fill for today’s  WinterIron Pride Prompt Party prompt: Questioning
Day 7: Questioning Title: Solving for X Rating: General Pairing(s): None (Tony POV) Warnings/Triggers/Tags: Internal Monologue, young!Tony,  math geekery Summary:  Ever since he was a child, Tony had wanted to know the reasons behind the way things were the way they were.
Ever since he was a child, Tony had wanted to know the reasons behind the way things were the way they were.  Ana still teased him about it, saying that ‘Why?” was his favorite word as a child.  In many ways, it still was.
While his restless, curious nature generally dealt with the physical world - and yes, as far as he was concerned, math was a part of said physical world - lately Tony had found himself asking questions about his inner self.  
When had his interest in Captain America’s sidekick Bucky Barnes gone from hero worship to something different?  Why did he find Aunt Peggy’s stories about the Howling Commandos - specifically Sergeant Barnes -  so compelling?  Did that make him gay, and if so, How could that be if he still liked girls, too?
Tony knew that these were all dangerous questions, once that he didn’t dare ask anyone – not even Jarvis.  So he set them aside, treating them as they were his own Riemann hypothesis or  Hodge conjecture.   Maybe someday he’d have the background and understanding to answer them.  
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gaysindistress · 9 months
When Night Comes - Eighteen
Summary: Who would win in a staring contest? New York’s resident mob boss and master of the side eye Bucky Barnes or the daycare teacher who really wants to go home and smoke?
pairing: Mob!Vampire!Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: cursing, major character death(s) again, Alix is in this one so that's a whole warning in itself, angst, like a lot, enough that I want to give Bucky a big hug now.
Word count: 2.9k
Seventeen | masterlist
a/n: AND WE'RE DONE! When Night Comes is finished! I'm so thankful for all of the love and support as usual! I don't have anything lined up next so if anyone has any requests, send them my way! xoxo to all of my lovelies!
tag list: @cakesandtom @elizacusi-blog @unaxv @hidden-treasures21 @buckybarnessimpp @vonalyn @thebuckybarnesvault
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on Google/Pinterest
Fear strikes into Y/N’s heart when she sees the people standing in the doorway.
Peggy, Alix, Thor, and Loki file into the room one after another while Luca and Ana Cristina grab ahold of her arms. Their grip prevents her from getting out and running however the thought barely crosses her mind. Y/N knew that even if she did manage to get out of their grasp, any one of the four traitors before her would catch her. Running for her life naked through the house while dripping water would not make for a successful escape so she stays put. Her anger replaces her fear and the boiling water feels like it has replaced the blood in her body. Whatever hate she felt for Alix increases tenfold with the help of the generational rage that has been stored in her body. She doesn’t even notice that she’s being held down anymore because she’s too focused on Alix, the creator of her nightmares and reason for her life of running. Y/N hadn’t seen this demon of a woman in five years but nothing has changed. She is still tall and lean, her long braids piled on top of her head give her a towering appearance. Her face is still somber and rigid from the years of bad deeds she’s done. She’s duller than before, thanks to the stress of trying to find Y/N but her eyes are what catches Y/N off guard. 
They’re gold. 
A yellow gold unlike before. 
The same yellow gold that a Lycan’s eyes become when they turn. 
Against her dull and lifeless face, the contrast is horrifying and gives her an inhumane like mien. That alone is enough to make Y/N break eye contact but she refuses. Even the simple act of breaking eye contact will feel like an act of submission to Alix and that is something that Y/N can not give to her. 
“There’s my baby girl,” Alix mocks her as she circles the tub like a predator stalking its prey. 
“What are you doing here?” she asks Alix. 
“Use your brain. What do YOU think I’m doing here?”
Y/N doesn’t answer right away. 
“Cat got your tongue? I’ll just tell you,” Alix says as she keeps circling Y/N, “Your little witch friends agreed to help me kill Bucky in exchange for you.”
“What do you mean in exchange for me?”
“They get to keep you since apparently you’re some important doppelgänger. I quit listening after a while.” “I thought you wanted me for yourself.”
Alix shrugs, “I did but then I found you that caught feelings for that Strigoi bastard so now I could care less what happens to you.”
Y/N chooses not to answer and when Alix is behind her again, she turns her angry eyes to Peggy who is not shy in her joy. A smirk is painted across her face and it sends a dagger right into Y/N’s heart. 
Y/N leans forward enough to make sure that Peggy knows that she is the object of her words and spits out, “How could you? After everything that Bucky has done for you, for Steve, for your son. How could you betray him like this?” Peggy’s smirk falters at the mention of her son, “That man has done nothing but cause my family pain. He’s made Steve his servant, murdered my best friend, and put my son in harm’s way too many times to count.”
“You are to blame for my murder.”
A gust of wind causes the candle’s flames to flicker and a pressure fills the room, making it feel tight and cramped.
“You were the one who was supposed to protect me and you didn’t,” Y/N says but there’s a hollow look in her eye, “You were supposed to go with me that day but you were too busy sleeping with Dorian Wright to come and that’s why I’m dead.  If you had just left Steve like you told Dorian you would then I would still be alive.”
Ana Cristina and Luca glance at each other but neither make a move. The gust of wind had been anything but normal and the two witches fear for the outcome. 
“They were after you that day, not me but you know that.”
Peggy’s eyes open wide in fear and she stumbles backward but Y/N doesn’t stop, “You used the fact that the Wright gang had tried to kill me in the past as an explanation for my death as a way to cover up your affair. You used the curse that my husband sold his soul for to cover up your affair and now you’re trying to fix your mistake via the worst plan I have ever seen. How exactly does siding with the great granddaughter of your paramour and my murderer achieve what you want?.”
Peggy goes to defend herself but Y/N will not have it and interrupts her, “How does this plan make any sense, Margaret? It most certainly won’t free you from your guilt nor will it end well for you. If it’s freedom that you’re after, THIS will end with you running for the rest of your miserable life and facing that eternity completely alone. Steve will not forgive you, your son will not remember you, Bucky will not rest until you have paid for your betrayal, and I will let you forget what you did.”
Y/N slumps forward, breathing raggedly like she had run for miles and silent tears stream down Peggy’s face. Alix, Thor, and Loki to each other for answers but none can produce one. 
“What the fuck was that?” Alix demands Ana Cristina and Luca. 
The two bring Y/N to rest against the back of the tub and exchange silent words through glances. Ana Cristina provides an answer, “It appears that Celeste used Y/N as a mouthpiece.”
“Ghosts can do that?”
“Celeste is not a ghost, she is a spirit and yes when a witch with enough power dies, they can sometimes use that power to communicate with the living or,” she looks to Peggy, “to those who are neither living nor dead.”
“Is she going to do it again?”
Ana Cristina dips her head to look at Y/N’s face, “no. Y/N is not strong enough for that. Celeste won’t risk killing her doppelgänger and angering her coven even more to get revenge on Peggy.”
“Can we hurry along with the spell? I don’t want to give her a chance to try,” Peggy mumbles as she wipes away at the tears and straightens her back. 
Ana Cristina and Luca nod before gesturing to the other two men to come forward. Thor and Loki take their place next to the tub but Y/N grips onto the cook’s arm. 
“Please don’t do this. Please…” Y/N begs her, “Please, don’t let them hurt me.”
Ana Cristina puts her hand on top of Y/N’s, “It won’t kill you, I promise.”
With that she tears Y/N’s hand away and allows Loki to take her place. All trust that Y/N had placed in her or Luca shatters and spills out of her eyes as tears race down her face. She begins to sob and thrash against the men’s grip, pleading with them to let her go and to not hurt her. Ana Cristina tells Alix to join her at the table and starts to go over her portion of the spell. 
Peggy stays pressed against the wall, still reeling over what Celestse had said to her. Any and all emotions are racing through her as she tries to process it all but one thought sticks out; if Celeste could use Y/N to say all of that, what else could she do?
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The answer of what else can Celeste do comes in the form of a vision to Bucky. On their way back from dropping Natasha and Wyatt off in town, Bucky lets out a howl of agony and Steve slams on the breaks of the car. 
“What was that for?” he asks as he starts to drive again, “Are you okay?”
Bucky takes deep breaths to manage the head splitting pain, “There’s something wrong.”
“I gathered that.”
“No there’s something wrong with Y/N. I think….I think Alix is at the estate.”
Just as Steve goes to speak, he sees Yelena usher a wounded Juliette into her car. 
“You’re right. Something is very wrong.”
Bucky nods as he grimaces and looks up to see the same thing. Steve is already calling Yelena and has confirmation of the worst. 
“Yelena said that Alix is at the estate but Y/N is safe because Ana Cristina and Luca are there,” he tells Bucky. 
“That means absolutely nothing to me because we’re not there. What I want to know is why the fuck Yelena knows that.”
“She said it was a long story but that we need to get back as soon as we can.”
“Bull fucking shit it’s a long story,” Bucky sneers and rips Steve’s phone from his hands, redialing Yelena’s number, “What the fuck is going on and why do you have Juliette with you?”
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“Let go of me,” Y/N howls at Loki and Thor as she uses any strength she has left to rip herself away from them, “Let fucking go of me!” “Take her out and sit her in front of me,” Ana Cristina tells the two men who do as she says. 
The entire time they are lifting her, Y/N is kicking and fighting them until she manages to kick Thor in the chest. Having the wind knocked out of him, he drops her and Loki does the same in efforts to check on his brother. She makes a run for it and makes it to the stairs but Alix is quicker and looms above her, blocking any chance to get past her. 
“Silly girl,” she mocks her once again as she grips her tight enough by the arm to leave bruises. Y/N tries her hand at fighting again and when Alix turns to chide her, she spits in her face. Alix freezes and slowly takes a deep breath. The hand leaves her arm and threads into her hair as Alix yanks her down the hall by it.
“I forgot how fucking stupid you are when you’re mad,” she mumbles as she drags Y/N back to the group. 
“Be a good girl for once and stop fighting,” she snaps before throwing Y/N to the ground at Ana Cristina’s feet. Thor and Loki stare at her in disgust while Peggy refuses to acknowledge her. Luca doesn’t meet her stare and keeps his head bowed as Ana Cristina bends down to Y/N’s level. 
In her hand she has a bowl with a red paste in it and she dips her fingers in it to draw on Y/N’s skin. She’s singing under her breath as she starts the process of tying their lives to each other but doesn’t speak to the doppelgänger otherwise, treating her as though she is just the doppelgänger and not someone who’s come to care for. 
“Please,” Y/N whispers to her as she shivers and tries to hide herself from everyone around her, “Please don’t do this.”
Ana Cristina makes eye contact for a moment but breaks it and continues to sing while adorning her with paste markings. Luca hands her various other things needed for the spell; herbs, jewelry, and other pastes. They are finally complete in their decorating when a metal headdress that is dripping with chains, jewels, and coins is placed on Y/N’s head. Her naked body is covered in runes similar to those that Bucky wears and she smells of the earth thanks to the burned bundles of herbs. 
Luca helps her to her feet albeit both reluctantly and he squeezes her hands. She glares at him and pulls her hands away, hoping that the cold shoulder will hurt him as his betrayal has hurt her. Ana Cristina steps in front of her, takes Y/N’s hand, and begins to sing even louder with Luca joining in. A similar gust of wind to before causes the candle flames to flicker and the brothers join in on the singing. The candles got completely out and Y/N let out a loud gasp. 
The candles burst back to life and the runes on her body are glowing a bright red as another voice uses her body to sing along. Alix shifts uncomfortably next to Peggy as the voice grows louder and louder until it stops. 
The witches collapse onto the ground, leaving Y/N to stand on her own as the glowing runes start to dim. She opens her eyes which are a flaming red and fixes them on the two women before her. The voice from before speaks to them.
 “Alix Wright,” it says as Y/N walks towards them, stepping over the bodies around, “Your family is disappointed in you. All that you have done in the Wright name has been for your own gain. You have forsaken your sacred oath to serve and protect Lycan. You’ve chosen a human over your siblings and now those who you brought with you are dead. Their blood is on your hands, how do you plead?”
Alix looks wildly between Peggy and Y/N, fear fresh in her yellow eyes. 
“You’ve sanctioned the murder of your siblings and now you must be held accountable, how do you plead?” the voice asks again.
“How am I supposed to have been killed?” Alix asks, anger replacing her fear as she tries to square up to her.
Y/N rolls her flaming eyes and utters Alix’s death sentence, “You are guilty. Lumină pe foc.”
Fire spills from Y/N’s body and races across the ground towards Alix, licking up and consuming her whole. Peggys lets out a scream and jumps away from a burning Alix. She tries to run towards the stairs but Bucky, Steve, Yelena, and Juliette block her way. Bucky grabs her by the throat and throws her against the wall next to them. 
“What the fuck did you do?” he growls at her as the others flock to those who are still laying on the floor. 
“She attempted to usurp your position and cover up her betrayal by taking the side of your enemy,” Y/N answers for her. 
Bucky turns to look at her and meets her stare with shock. He recognizes the voice of Celeste but the woman standing there does not look like her nor Y/N. Covered in ritualistic runes and jewelry, she reminds him more of the witches that his father warned him of and the waves of childhood fright he instilled into him come crashing back. 
“She is guilty of treachery, murder, and infidelity. How do you plead, Margaret Carter Rogers?”
With Ana Cristina in his arms, Steve yells, “Not guilty! She’s not guilty.”
Peggy takes her chance and breaks Bucky’s arm before sprinting to her husband’s side. Bucky lets out a howl of rage and pain as he resets his arm. 
Steve looks to his wife and pleads with her to say she’s not guilty but she just offers him a sad look and kisses his forehead. 
“I plead guilty.”
Y/N smiles, “So be it. Binecuvântează-ți trupul, Strogori.” 
As soon as the words leave her mouth, Y/N goes rigid and collapses on the ground while Peggy begins to choke. Bucky rushes to Y/N, cradling her burning up body in his arms and whispering words of reassurance to her. Steve, on the other hand, goes to do the same to his wife but hisses in pain when he touches her. Peggy wails and sobs in pain as her skin begins to sizzle and crosses appear in the places where her skin is unmarred. He looks to Y/N in horror and back to his wife. 
“What did she do? Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop!” he shouts and his despair awakes Ana Cristina. 
She groans and shifts in Steve’s lap which draws his attention back to her. He begs her to help Peggy but she explains that she can’t. There is no way to stop the blessing process once it’s started. His horror grows even more as Peggy’s cries grow quiet until there is nothing. 
Thor and Loki slowly sit up as Ana Cristina drags Luca closer to her. Bucky is holding Y/N against himself while Yelena and Juliette stay huddled by the doorway. Peggy’s and Alix’s bodies lay motionless as Steve stares distantly at them. 
All is still and peaceful in the room. The only sounds that can be heard are the shallow breaths of those awaking and Bucky’s whispers.
“I love you, Y/N. I have always loved you and I always will. Te iubesc, T/N. Te-am iubit mereu și o voi face mereu. Mereu și întotdeauna.” 
Mereu și întotdeauna.
Always and forever.
Always and forever means endless nights and long days for people like Y/N and Bucky. It’s a promise of love everywhere and in everything. As her breathing remains shallow and his whispers become a song, their new love does not fade but grows for it’s the only thing it can do. It’s fitting isn’t it?
His lost love coming back to him years later only for her to then suffer at his hands the same way she had before. The cycle will continue.
Always and forever 
as it means in 
this life 
the next.
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ao3feed-peggysous · 1 year
Not Quite a Stark
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/kEM8wxy
by ChasingTee
Born a Carter, she’s a born agent. Raised by Peggy and by Howard, she’s incredibly intelligent. Kidnapped by HYDRA, she’s traumatized.
All the training and schooling in the world could never have prepared her for what was to come.
Words: 4166, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Peggy Carter, Charles Xavier, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark, Howard Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Phil Coulson, Thor (Marvel), Nick Fury, Carol Danvers, Hank Pym
Relationships: Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter/Daniel Sousa, Ana Jarvis/Edwin Jarvis, Howard Stark/Maria Stark
Additional Tags: Original Character(s)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/kEM8wxy
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prettybillycore · 2 years
About Me & My Blog
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Asks / Requests: Open! | Masterlist: Here | Requesting Rules: Here
DMs: Open to Mutuals (16+)
Blog Content: I mainly am focused on [ Peaky Blinders + Stranger Things ] right now. I also post supernatural, detroit: become human, helluva boss, hazbin hotel, star wars, hannibal, marvel, and haikyuu
Name: wander or solar, or u can call me billy too. I don’t really care.
Basic Info: omniro, grayace ; 23; grad student just trying to cope; currently have a wonderful fiance
Pronouns: He/They/Ender/Arson/She
Main Fanfic Content: Harringrove, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, Destiel, Billy Hargrove x Reader, Steve Harrington x Reader, Stranger Things Headcanons, Ronance, Steddie, Polycules, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Bucky Barnes, Mungrove, Loki, Peaky Blinders, Thomas Shelby x Reader, Thomas Shelby x Original Character
DNI: Billy Hargrove Antis, Under 16s for general blog content / under 18s on M-rated fanfic posts, Jarpad Stans, if you are pro-ana / post thinspo || more in-depth post: here
All Fics are also on AO3
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
[ BoBoiBoy x Tổng Anh Mỹ ] Group chat siêu anh
by Mina548 Boboiboy cảm thấy mọi chuyện diễn ra rất bình thường. Theo dõi Adudu - gặp được Ochobot - nhận được đồng hồ - gặp được Yaya, Ying, Gopal, Fang. Nhưng có gì đó không đúng lắm!! Cái Group chat này là cái gì! Cái gì mà siêu anh? Rõ ràng là siêu phản a! Rồi xuyên qua thời không, thấy được biến thái mặc đồ nịt nhảy lung tung trên nóc nhà! Nơi nơi đều là ngoại tinh xâm lược mà đến? Boboiboy cảm thấy sắp ngất qua đi. Từ từ, có cái gì đó không đúng? Như thế nào lại đi tới Dark Multiverse! Vampire siêu anh? Cậu cảm thấy còn chịu được. Zombie siêu anh? Cậu cảm thấy không ổn. Batman Who Laughs? Cậu cả người đều tê rần. Như thế nào để cứu vớt cái mạng nhỏ này đây? Online chờ gấp. Truyện sẽ được đăng tải song song với Wattpad. Words: 1263, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Tiếng Việt Fandoms: BoBoiBoy (Cartoon), DCeased (DC Comics), Marvel (Comics), LEGO Ninjago (Cartoon 2011-2022), LEGO Ninjago: Dragons Rising (Cartoon 2023), Avatar: The Last Airbender, Ben 10 Series Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Gen, Other Characters: BoBoiBoy (BoBoiBoy), Ying (BoBoiBoy), Gopal Kumar, Yaya Yah | Hanna, Tok Aba, Fang (BoBoiBoy), Amato (BoBoiBoy), MechaBot (BoBoiBoy), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, James "Bucky" Barnes, Charles Xavier, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Kai (Ninjago), Cole (Ninjago), Zane (Ninjago), Jay Walker (Ninjago), Nya (Ninjago), Lloyd Garmadon, Arin (Ninjago), Sora | Ana (Ninjago), Aang (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Korra (Avatar), Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Ben Tennyson, Omnitrix Aliens (Ben 10 Series), The Omnitrix (Ben 10 Series) Additional Tags: Blood and Violence, Drugs, Superheroes, Villains, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, I'm Bad At Tagging, Other Additional Tags to Be Added via https://ift.tt/uiDIKx5
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