#Building Confidence
itsmiaokittie · 4 days
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sunkissed ☀️💋
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jodieinwunderland · 2 years
I lost 5lbs this week!! 🥰
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ignorethemeyousee · 22 days
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I've been wearing stuff like this around the house when nobody is home or if it's just Billy and I. I've been trying to build up the confidence to wear a two piece bathing suit that shows my stomach. I think it's slowing working? I can't believe I'm posting this, but you guys are a safe space for me 💕
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snarky-synesthete · 1 year
You’re a lot cooler than you think you are. Our Lady of the Hills Dolly Parton once said, “Find out who you are, and do it on purpose.”
Feeling like a dweeb is the “finding out” part.
Follow those things that make you feel cool - the most confidently “you” - and jump down any interesting rabbit holes you find along the way.
Building a life you love with a brain that feels like a liar? It’s tough. But so are you.
I’m proud of you.
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wildlyplanted · 7 months
How Did You Get Your Confidence?
Confidence, self-worth and self-love are qualities that a person first learns from their family. None of these were instilled in me during childhood. Like other important ones, I had to cultivate these attributes over time, through my life experiences, and I'm still learning every day. I feel grateful that I wasn’t swallowed up by the world and I didn’t end up falling victim to some of the things that can happen to a young person (and even an adult) when they feel lost and overwhelmed and they lack that knowing that they deserve to be treated well, whether it’s in a relationship, by other family members, by friends and even at their job. Then once you know, you have to put confidence in action. Many people know they deserve better, but the lack of confidence keeps them on a path of accepting less than. 
Over time, I began to peel away the layers of fear and insecurity and I started moving through the world with a better understanding of who I was, what I wanted, what I refused accept. Year after year, I grew into expecting the highest for my life. Anytime I fell out of alignment with that, I observed how my thinking played a role and many times, it was because I let my confidence collapse and my self-worth tumbled with it. Those voices from childhood can creep up and attempt to sabotage how far we’ve come and all the time and effort we put into building a better version of ourselves. Don’t let those voices trip you up. They aren’t real. What is real, is regaining your momentum through ways like therapy, meditation, exercise, time in nature, journaling, time with people who help you feel hopeful and energized. Rebuilding yourself and your confidence, finding even greater clarity than before, and moving toward the highest vision you hold for your life. Every time I’ve had a setback, I came back with an even higher awareness and set my sights higher for what I knew I deserved, and my confidence improved.
Have you ever struggled with confidence at any point in your life? If so, did it stem from childhood, or was it something that developed later in life?
Where you can find me/how to contact me:
IG: wildlyplanted
YouTube: Wildly Planted (this is a work in progress, but I’m finding direction)
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lnk-and-lnspiration · 7 months
How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome and Believe in Your Writing Skills
Impostor syndrome is a common experience among writers and creatives, characterized by feelings of self-doubt, inadequacy, and the persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud. It can undermine your confidence and prevent you from fully embracing your writing skills and accomplishments. However, overcoming impostor syndrome is possible with self-awareness, self-compassion, and proactive steps. In…
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companionplanting · 1 year
it is okay to ask for someone to be a little more quiet, or be gentler with their words, or not bring up "normal" topics. it's completely okay to have "odd" or "weird" boundaries like not going to certain places or not allowing certain songs to play.
it's okay to ask to feel safer and happier with the people you trust.
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mediocrephd · 1 year
I attended my first in-person conference on Tuesday, the British Ecological Society Aquatic Group annual meeting at Lancaster University! It was quite a small conference, but really enjoyable! So many incredibly interesting talks, ranging from global warming and ocean acidification to using meeting sponges to assess community diversity through eDNA!
Despite the grey, drizzly weather, it was a great experience, and I definitely have a few more papers to read and connections to make!
Lancaster uni also had a lovely campus with pretty architecture and lots of little green spaces! There was a gorgeous coffee shop on campus (who do amazing vegan hot chocolate!) called Coastal and co. If you're ever on campus, I highly recommend them! :)
Please enjoy this little photo I took outside of where the conference was! You can just about see the coffee shop I mentioned in the back!
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antvnger · 1 year
((How long did it take you to feel confident with your blog? I haven't been around as long as you have. I've only been here for a couple months, so I'm still sorta new. I'm having issues with my confident level and I second guess myself a lot. Do you have any tips for this?))
((Hey Anon, thanks for reaching out.
So I’ll be honest, it took some time for me to feel confident in the blog and what it could offer. There was a lot I was trying to figure out all at the same time, and it didn’t help that my first blog attempt was shadow banned in the first two weeks of having it.
Over time though, I gained more confidence because I threw myself out there and tried to stir up interactions. It’s kind of scary, but it’s important for an RP blog.
Here’s some advice for you:
Give yourself permission to change things as you go as needed. It really takes a load off to know you don’t have to have everything figured out and set in stone right away. You can adapt as you go, and you’ll find you’ll need to.
Take the leap and throw casual asks to different blogs to generate some interaction. You don’t have to start a thread with them immediately. Just send an easy ask they can answer to get yourself in the mix. It may seem scary, but it’s a really good way to get your blog out there. (You can send some here too if you’d like.)
If you don’t have very many asks right now, send yourself some anon asks and answer those. That gets your content out there and it keeps your blog from looking blank.
And it will help you build a community which is always a good confidence boost.
Honestly Anon, the more you put out there, the more chances you have to figure out your character and how you want things to go, your strengths and weaknesses, and you’ll find confidence in knowing those things.
I hope this helps you. Good luck! See you around.))
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elaurianwellness · 1 year
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quietflorilegium · 1 year
"It seemed incredible to me now that I had never understood. I wondered how many people there were in the world who suffered, and continued to suffer, because they could not break out from their own web of shyness and reserve, and in their blindness and folly built up a great distorted wall in front of them that hid the truth. This was what I had done. I had built up false pictures in my mind and sat before them. I had never had the courage to demand the truth."
Daphne du Maurier, "Rebecca"
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aristocraticvision · 1 year
Chapter 353: Reunited
Almost as soon as Helena arrived in Weston, Michael rushed to the townhouse where she was staying. While she was, as always, happy to see him, she was becoming increasingly nervous of their being discovered.
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“Michael, we have to be very careful,” she said as he closed the door behind him. “You can’t just come over whenever you feel like it. What if you’re followed?”
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“Don’t worry, my dear,” Michael said, removing his sunglasses. “I switched cars on the way over, so it would be difficult for anyone following me from the palace to trace me here. Besides, you forget how unpopular I am with the press, Helena. Honestly, I’d be surprised if they even notice when I leave the palace!”
“Oh come now,” Helena replied, leading him into the parlor. “Since your father is now asking you to make even more appearances on his behalf, the press is going to start taking more notice.”
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Michael shook his head.
“Perhaps,” he said. “But only until I make another mistake. And let’s face it, I’m not particularly good at representing father’s interests in public. This speech at the museum could be the end of me!”
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“Or it could be your finest hour!” Helena exclaimed, sitting. “I swear, Michael, you need to work on your self-confidence. I believe in you! Why can’t you believe in yourself?”
Michael sat down next to her.
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“I know , Helena,” he said. “You don’t know how much I appreciate the faith you have in me. But every time I start believing I can do this – every time I think the people of Weston might actually accept me – I do something stupid and the press has a field day!”
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“But that’s the press, Michael – not the people,” Helena replied. “Think of how many times the press has villainized your father. But he’s still the most popular ruler in generations.”
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“That’s the problem, though,” he said, rising. “No matter what I do, they’re still going to compare me to my father. Especially now. If I speak at the gala, everyone will expect me to be as charming and witty as my father. I just don’t know if I can do that!”
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“You can, Michael,” Helena replied, reaching out. “I’ll help you, I promise.”
“Then come with me, Helena,” Michael said. “With you by my side at the gala, I just may succeed.”
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“Oh, Michael,” Helena said. “I – I ….”
“Just think about it, please,” Michael pleaded.
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“Very well,” Helena said. “I’ll think about it. I promise.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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stoneybalogna5 · 2 years
Dirty bathroom selfie 😂😈
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Dealing with social anxiety can be challenging, but seeking anxiety counseling services can provide effective strategies for overcoming this barrier to social interaction. Social anxiety disorder affects how individuals perceive and navigate social situations, often leading to intense fear of judgment or embarrassment.
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