#But if you are ill or know an ill person be vigilant - this is a very dangerous disorder
fujikos-gun · 3 months
it's so fucked honestly
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lovecrazedpup · 1 year
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gremlingottoosilly · 8 months
First of all, I love your fics so much that I keep re-reading them! Second of all, I'm sorry for bad English, third of all! What about kidnapper!König and sick reader, like reader has a chronic illness that requires taking medication everyday ? Like would he just let reader die orrrr???! (Ignore if you want, I know this is dumb)
Hey, don't apologize!! English isn't my first or even second language too. Honestly, being chronically ill and relying on meds might just be the only thing that would save you from total isolation initially. When Konig just kidnapped you, he was vigilant enough to scoop all medication you had in your room - he would find your prescription and read it carefully, knowing how lack of meds can mess a person up. He is taking his anxiety meds - something he often forgets but swears it's not really important to him, as he is a strong, cool man without any problems. He had a few comrades taking prescription drugs from PTSD, and he is dealing with chronic pains from his many injuries - sometimes, when it becomes too bad, he is taking quite strong pain killers...so he won't really make you beg for your meds if you're good. If you're a nice, polite girl for him, you're having your pills in restricted time and he will be very observant to feed you and give you water - he doesn't want you sick, making you fall ill would require him finding a doctor who won't ask questions and, well, he is a mercenary, not a mafia member. In this AU, at least. (Mafia!Konig? Anyone???) If you're bad, however...if you can survive missing a day in taking your meds - you'll have to experience all the pain and withdrawals that come with it. Konig won't hesitate to cut your food privileges, and pills are being taken as well - he would wait to make sure you're not dying, of course, but you won't feel fine even after he allows you to take the minimal dosage. When you're crawling to him, all teary and ready to apologize, he would gladly accept it, and everything would return to normal. If you need to refill your prescription, however...well, Konig never planned on keeping you in the basement for forever - he wants you to be his pretty cute housewife, so he knows he had to let you go out eventually. He will watch over very carefully as you slowly run out of pills - and right before it would be over, he will suddenly make you get dressed and...let you out?? Really?? Well, don't be too happy - he is only doing a drive for a city hall because he wanted to make sure you're married first. Without a flashing wedding, unfortunately, but he'd then be able to get you under his insurance and his family doctor. Doctor visits in Austria(and Central Europe) are abysmal even if you are covered by a very good insurance, and you'd have to cling to Konig for translations - doctors are smiling and nice, but they won't acknowledge you beside the prescription you had, even if you had it in Austria too. Konig is handling all the communication and you know you're trapped - with a psycho holding your hand, holding your meds and literally taking away your last name to replace with his. But, well, at least you got your insurance, right?
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vixensmart · 3 months
La Squadra x Reader: Watching Your Drink
A/N: CW for drugging/slipping things into your drink.
Context: You and your S/O decide to go out for the night to a bar. For a moment, you excuse yourself and ask them to watch your drink while you're gone.
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Risotto Nero
Risotto places his hand over your drink and pulls it closer to him. He knows he looks scary enough to deter any potential creeps from even thinking about slipping anything into your drink, but he's still vigilant. He's got a deadly stare going on, ensuring he intimidates anybody with ill intent from an attempt.
If anybody has the balls to try and slip anything into your drink, they're dead. You'll know it was Risotto's doing, too. The person will have razor-blades growing out of their eyes, or a pair of scissors stuck in their throat, or something of the sort. He commits these acts quite coldly and calmly, which frightens the other patrons at the bar. However, no one really has sympathy for someone who was trying to spike a drink, so the creep is quickly forgotten about.
When you return to your seat, Risotto will pass your drink back to you. It was well protected. But the rim of your glass is warm.
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Prosciutto takes your drink and places a napkin on top of it, keeping a watchful eye over it. He neglects his own drink for a while, feeling as though he might forget about yours if he indulges too much. Anyone who seems suspicious, he keeps an eye on.
If he finds someone trying to get to your drink, he'll use Grateful Dead to age them to death. And not quickly. Prosciutto is not one to throw any punches at the creep. He much prefers to make them suffer for ever thinking they could drug his S/O and try to harm them.
Prosciutto removes the napkin only after you've sat down again. He reassures you nothing happened to your drink while he kicks some dust under the bar.
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Ghiaccio takes your drink into his hands after you excuse yourself. He thinks about freezing it, but remembers alcohol can't exactly freeze. Instead, he freezes the condensation on your glass and turns it into a protective barrier. Nobody is getting past that. Not on his watch, at least. Anyone whose eyes linger on your drink is getting the signature Ghiaccio death stare, which is usually enough to deter any creeps.
If someone is desperate enough to bring a heat gun or a hair dryer to try and spike your drink, Ghiaccio still has the situation under control. Unlike Prosciutto and Risotto, he won't kill them. Rather, this hot-head will scream at the top of his lungs and bring all the attention in the room towards the offender. Most likely, no hands will be thrown. The offender is usually so startled and embarassed, they get the hell out of dodge.
Once you return, Ghiaccio unfreezes the ice around your drink so you can continue enjoying it. You're astonished at the fact that your drink feels a lot colder than when the bartender served it to you.
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Like this asshole wouldn't just let your drink get spiked on purpose
Illuso is quite nonchalant about the whole thing. He doesn't cover your drink with anything, or make any moves to pull it closer to him. You worry he might not be paying attention, but he is. Illuso is confident he can keep your drink from being messed with without much stress. He's using the mirrors around the bar to watch any person who might be eyeing your drink a little too hard.
If someone should attempt to put anything in your drink, Illuso will catch them and pull them into the mirror world with him. He won't kill them, but he will rough them up a bit and frighten them. He's a big man, and he knows he can handle it if they should fight back. After a little beat down and a couple threats on their lives and families, he'll toss them out of the bar himself.
Illuso will proudly tell you about the poor excuse of a human he just tore a new one. All while he has a new drink for you, instead of the one you had been drinking. He won't admit he took his eyes off of it to beat the hell out of the person who tried to spike it, and forgot someone else could have tried to spike it while he was busy.
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Pesci goes all out when protecting your drink. He keeps it with him at all times, and never takes his eyes off of it. He places a coaster over the top, and covers it with his hand for good measure. Even given all the protection he's given your drink, he's still nervous about someone trying anything. He doesn't want you to get sick, or hurt. Anybody who looks suspicious gets watched like a hawk.
If someone does try to distract him to get something in your drink, he won't let go of the damn thing. You entrusted him with the safety of not only your beverage, but you as well. He's not going to start a fight, but he will tell the bartender (and maybe Prosciutto) what they're doing. He'll get them kicked out so you won't have to deal with them. Even after the creep is gone, he's still apprehensive that he might have taken his eyes off your drink for only a second. He asks the bartender to get you a new drink, just in case.
You'll return to the bar with a brand new drink waiting for you, and a nervous and flustered Pesci explaining the events that just transpired.
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Formaggio places a relaxed hand over your drink and won't stress over it being tampered with. He doesn't think anyone will mess with it if he's got it. Plus, his hand is over it, so he thinks he'll feel it if someone tries to put something in it.
If someone does try to mess with your drink, they'll be caught by Formaggio. At first, he'll tell them to fuck off and shove them away, still remaining quite pleasant. If they don't take the hint, he'll get a bit more aggressive. If they still insist, he'll shrink them down and, quite hilariously, drown them in your drink. He can't contain himself. He's laughing like a maniac, but everyone around him can't really tell what he's laughing at. The patrons and the bartender are a bit weirded out, but they resume their own business, thinking he's just drunk.
You'll come back to a new drink. When you ask Formaggio why you have a new one, he'll brush it off by saying it spilled when some guy tried to mess with it. He won't tell you
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Melone (the reason you need to cover your drink)
All jokes aside, Melone, as lascivious as he might be, will take your drink and place it next to his. He might take a curious sip of it to sample the taste, but that's the extent of his tampering with your drink. He keeps the glass close and watches it. Any suspicious faces at the bar are noted, but he doesn't watch them intently.
If someone tries to spike your drink under his watch, they can expect Baby Face to visit them later. Melone doesn't usually opt towards physical confrontation, but he won't sit idly by while someone tries to take advantage of you. He'll find a way to injure them after confronting them for their act. Once he's got a bit of their blood, they're history.
You come back to a very relaxed Melone, who passes your drink to you. He'll tell you that someone tried to spike your drink, but that they're nothing to worry about anymore. With a sly smirk, he'll admit to taking a sip of your drink, and offers you a taste of his to make it even.
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promptsforyourwhumpfic · 10 months
The Grand A-Z List of Whump 1/3
This list contains ~290 items listed A to H
As always, I heavily encourage people to research topics thoroughly when writing as it is important to avoid stereotypes/misinformation. This list's intention is not to glorify/romanticise sensitive topics in any way.
This part one-of-three comprehensive lists of injuries, Illnesses and tropes - including those from the Whumptober 2023 trope vote!
All submissions are listed in italics, and those who wanted to be tagged will be included at the end. If you have any more submissions: please send them via DM/my ask box.
[I-Q] [R-Z] [NSFW List]
List below the cut:
"I don't need your help."
"I'm doing this to make you better"
"I'm fine, take care of them!"
“I’m Fine”
"Kill me instead"
"Let me in."
"Look at me."
"Should I know you?"
"Take me instead."
(No) Anaesthetic
A Good Ol' Sickfic
Abdominal Pain
Aching Wounds
Adrenaline Crash
Adrift (in space/at sea)
Alien abduction
Ambulance Ride
Amnesia/memory loss
Angina (Heart condition that causes pain)
Animal Attack/Bite
Ankle Sprain
Anxiety/Anxiety attack(s)
Asking for help
Assumed Dead
Asthma/Asthma Attack
Autoimmune disease
Bad Caretakers
Bandaged Head
Barbed Wire
Bear trap
Beaten up by ex-friends
Beaten with blunt object (i.e, bat or pipe)
Bedside Vigil/Hospital Vigil
Betrayed by close friend/team/family
Bites (Animal, Bug, Human….)
Black Eye
Bleeding Out
Bleeding Through
Blindness (this could be temporary or permanent)
Blood Loss
Blood Poisoning
Bloodied Knuckles
Bloodstains/blood trail
Bloody handprints
Bloody nose
Blunt force trauma
Blurred vision
Body modification
Body Sharing
Body Switching
Bounty on their head
Brain Damage
Bridal Carry
Broken Bones (Ribs, Arm, Leg)
Broken Nose
Broken Promises
Building Collapse
Bullet Removal
Bumpy roads jarring injuries
Buried Alive
Burning Building
Busted kneecap
Capgras syndrome/delusion (belief that someone close to/important to the person has been replaced by an imposter)
Car chases (and maybe a car crash)
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Cardiac Arrest
Caretaker has to “play nice” with whumper.
Caretaker has to hurt whumpee while undercover.
Caretaker sacrificing something dear to them to get something the whumpee needs.
Caretaker turned Whumpee
Caretaker-whumper who's a parental whumper. But their "love" is not real love. Or even right treatment.
Caught in a fire
Caught in an explosion
Cave In
Celebrity whump (exploitation in the music/movie industries…)
Chaffing from ropes/handcuffs/shackles
Checking for injuries
CHF - congestive heart failure
Chicken Pox
Chronic pain
Cleaning wounds alone
Collapsed Lung
Collapsing (into someone’s arms is usually nice, bonus points for cradling their head as they lower the whumpee to the floor)
Collapsing after they win
Collapsing/Fainting/Passing Out
Comfort after a nightmare
Common cold
Completely betrayed by their own team
Constricted Airways
COPD - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease makes breathing increasingly more difficult.
Corporal Punishment
Corset too tight and won’t unbutton
Coughing Up Blood
Crikes (intubation through neck)
Crush injury
Cuddle pile
Cutting off hair (more of an emotional hurt)
Cyanide poisoning
Damaged Larynx/Vocal Cords
Deathbed Confessions (don’t have to actually die and stay dead, just the threat of dying)
Defenestration (throwing out a window)
Deja Vu
Delirium (bonus points for this being drug/ fever induced)
Deluded whumper/thinking they’re helping the whumpee
Dengue Fever
Diabetes (type 1 and 2)
Diseases ('mystery' diseases are the best kind)
Disowned by Family
Displaced hip
Distress call
Dragged Away
Dream sequence
Driving to the hospital with a whumpee slumped barely-conscious in the seat of the car
Ear Infection
Edema (swelling from build up of fluid)
Electrical Burns
Electrical shock
Emergency field surgery
Emergency Surgery
Emotional angst
Emotional manipulation
Enemy to Caretaker
Energy Drain
Environmental whump
Exes reunited with one wanting a relationship and the other just wanting friendship.
Extreme Weather
Eye injury
Facing Phobias
Failed Escape
Failure to thrive
Fainting (but also fainting aftermath) / Fainting due to lack of sleep, food, or overworking fainting from exhaustion
Falling for Caretaker/Whumpee/Whumper
Falling Through Ice
Fibromyalgia (Chronic Pain)
Field medicine
Fighting (while injured)
Financial difficulty faced + how whumper might take advantage of that + how caretaker handles everything (well/badly)
Finding your loved one dead without explanation but thinking they’re still alive.
Fireman's carry
Flare ups
Flinching away
Food Poisoning
Forced to... (Break out, Choose, Hurt, Kneel, Scream, Watch)
Forehead kisses
Forgotten by team
Foul-tasting medicine
Found family
Found unconscious
Fracture (Arm, Hyoid bone etc)
Freezing / cold whump
Friendly Fire
Gangrene infection
Gas (noxious, poisonous etc)
Glass (shards, debris etc)
Gunshot Wound
Hair Pulling/Cutting/Matting/Stroking
Hard ground
Hay Fever
Head injuries/concussion
Head trauma
Heart Palpitations
Heat Exhaustion
Heavy metal poisoning
Held at gunpoint/knifepoint/weapon point
Hematohidrosis (Sweating blood)
Hemophilia/Hematophilia (Blood unable to clot)
Hidden Illness/Injury/Scar/Medical Issues
High Blood Pressure
High Fever (like dangerously high)
High Pain Tolerence
Hit by a car
Home Sickness
Hospital Codes
Hostage Situation
House burnt down
Huddling for Warmth
Human Shield
Human Weapon
Hunted for Sport
Hurt no comfort
Hypotension/ Hypertension
TAG LIST: Thank you very much to the following people for submitting ideas! (I apologise if some tags did not work, I'm not sure why tumblrs not letting me tag you!)
@I-eat-worlds | @greygullhaven | @letsgowhump | @cyberwhumper @firapolemos05 | @originaldeerhottub | @whumpilicious | @drawing-dinos82 | @carenrose | @stellarinuscronicles | @gottheseasonalblues | @marvelflame2010 | @sowhumpful | @avamcu | @courtneygacha | @lordofthewhumps | @autismmydearwatson | @kuddelmuddell | @the-most-handsome-ginger | @whirls-and-swirls | @painsandconfusion
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midnight-bay-if · 1 month
Oh no! MC is stuck at home feeling terribly ill with some sort of sickness! How do the RO's go about taking care of MC?
(Sorry this took a while! it's been a hectic few days.)
S: With the best doctors money can buy and a lot of care and attention. S doesn't take chances when it comes to the people they love, and it's one of the rare occasions when they are willing to leverage their influence. If the illness isn't too serious, they will personally take care of you after the doctor has left. Anything you desire, it's yours. They'll leave a decanter full of ice and water by your bedside and supplies for any common ailment close by in the medicine cabinet. They are very prepared to set work aside for as long as you need them.
Rain: By floundering. Rain is still very new to being around humans and their illnesses, so expect a lot of running around like a headless chicken with a lot of unintentionally obtrusive questions. "Does it hurt anywhere?", "Are you supposed to be this warm?", "Your eyes are looking a little droopy. Is that normal?"
Their heart is in the right place, but their bedside manner could use some work.
Taj: Taj pretends to act pretty blasé about the whole thing. "You humans are so fragile," they'll mutter, all whilst unpacking every over the counter medication they could find from the pharmacy. If it's a magical ailment that threatens you, they won't be able to hide their fear quite so well. They know, if a human is unprepared, things like that can kill quickly. In which case, they don't mind leveraging with S to get their resources for you.
N: N bemoans their lack of power in situations such as this. Their limited strength is of no use to you when your curled up in bed, shivering. Demons don't really get sick either so this is especially discouraging. Although they do believe their connection should afford you some protection.
It isn't a typical part of their character, but they stay by your side and closely monitor your condition. Standing vigil like some creepy spectre watching from beyond the grave would typically be reserved for Umbra, but in this instance, Umbra would need to step over their corpse to get to you first.
Umbra: This shouldn't happen to you. Umbra would give anything to be able to just take it away. But they can't. So, instead, they try to cultivate an atmosphere designed for healing. I wouldn't try to get up on your own from the bed, because Umbra will guide you right back down into the bed. Need anything? Great. Give them orders. Give them all the orders. Umbra would rather be doing something than nothing.
God forbid anyone but a doctor try and enter the room, either. They aren't risking someone bringing some new germ into your space. Only once the worst of it has broken, and you've offered a stern word, will Umbra chill out.
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Gaps 3
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Yandere Platonic Batfam x Mentally Ill/Forgetful Reader
Warning: This is a yandere work, and as such, contains themes of obsession and unhealthy relationships. This particular snippet from Gaps will be an escalation, since this is a series, so trigger warning for kidnapping, non-consensual drugging, obsessive behaviors and manipulation.
There was a half full bottle of psychiatric meds in the glove box of your car. You have absolutely no clue when this got there, buried as it was under your insurance information, registration, and car owners manual, but it was there.
You turn the bottle over in your hands, reading the small label. Prazosin. You were glad to have some extra, in case Bruce hadn’t been able to get your refill this month. He had been good about it, the past couple of months while you waited for your appointment at the DMV, but it was always good to have spares, just in case. And something in your stomach urged you not to rely on the billionaire too much.
You pocket the bottle of pills. Sure, your script had been changed from prazosin to nitrazepam, by Dr. Leslie Thompkins since she was the only person that would treat you without an ID, but you didn’t like how the nitrazepam left you sluggish the next morning. You also didn’t like the thought of just how vulnerable you would be, in such a deep sleep.
Your cell phone rings. You pick up on the first ring, humming.
“(Y/N).” It was Damian. A bit of a surprise, since he didn’t really seek you out, but not an entirely unwelcome one. “You used to have a cat, correct?”
You snort. Of course one of the few times Damian calls you, it was about an animal. You didn’t expect anything less.
“Yeah. I had a Maine Coon kitten for a while before I moved. She was the sweetest little thing too, would always climb onto my shoulders whenever I got home from work.”
“What happened to her?”
“When I moved, I had to give her to my roommate. I visit her whenever I go to Bludhaven.” You explain, beginning your nightly routine. You brush the knots out of your hair, root around for your pajamas, drop two tablets in your hand.
“I see. I’m sorry you had to leave her behind.”
You smile, glancing at the time. The two tablets go down easy, and you double and triple check your locks. In Gotham, it didn’t hurt to be vigilant.
“It’s not a problem. I do have work tomorrow, so I’m gonna turn in, okay?”
“Of course. Get some rest, (Y/N).” He says it like it’s practically a demand, and you laugh when the line goes dead.
You drift off to sleep, eventually, your limbs heavy and numb.
Your woken up by the sound of your bedroom door creaking open. Your heart stops, before thundering in your chest, slamming fast against your ribs.
Your mind races, and you force yourself to breath slow and deep, feigning sleep. The average thief wouldn’t bother to kill a sleeping person, but who knew what would happen if they thought there were witnesses. Carefully, you shift, making sure the movement looked to be the shifting of a sleeping body.
There’s a sound of crackling above you, and you don’t know what that means before the intruder speaks.
“You sure you got the dosage right? They’re moving around a lot for someone who’s sedated.” A modulated voice, indistinguishable thanks to the static. Your stomach drops, and it takes everything you have not to stiffen in terror. No average thief would have a fucking voice modulator. And what did they mean, the dosage? What the fuck did they mean?
Your fingers close around the handle of the small folding knife you kept under your pillow.
“It’s not full sedation. They’ll sleep deeply enough that we can move freely, but too high of a dosage would cause issues.” A low, gravelly voice and you feel your breath hitch. Both voices go quiet.
You hear a soft rattle as a pill bottle is picked up. Your heart hammers in your throat. You can’t remember which bottle of meds was by your bedside.
“Didn’t you get them put on nitrazepam?”
“Old man, this isn’t nitrazepam. It’s an old script of prazosin.”
Silence. Deafening silence. Your eyes snap open.
You don’t even give yourself time to process the fact that there were two of Gotham’s vigilantes in your room. You don’t give yourself time to panic, or feel betrayed, because if you do, you won’t stop. You’ll be frozen and defenseless and unable to do anything.
You lunge up, throwing the blankets off yourself, and you try to twist away when the goddamn Red Hood lunges to catch you, only for his arm to wrap around your waist, yanking you back. The small fold out knife clatters to the ground, and a hand wraps around your wrist.
“Why don’t we all just cool off, yeah? No more stabbing attempts.” He sounds almost amused, but there’s an edge of danger in his voice that makes you shudder. He releases you, and you stagger away from him.
Batman hovers in the corner of the room, and even though he is the furthest from you, he feels so much closer.
“You got my script changed. Why?” Your voice is trembling, and you grimace. You don’t like the way you sound far too vulnerable.
“The old man is paranoid as hell, that’s why.” Hood grumbles, crossing his arms. He leans back, giving you space, and even though you know you aren’t any safer, you appreciate it.
“Hood. Now is not the time.” Batman growls, and Hood snorts.
“When would be the time old man? We would have avoided all of this if we had just gone with my plan.” Hood points out. You have no idea what he means.
“They weren’t ready.” Batman snaps, and you don’t know what that means. “This isn’t the place for this discussion, Hood.”
He turns to you, and for a moment, hesitates. The moment passes, and he lifts his hands, tugging back his cowl.
You stare. Staring back at you with intense blue eyes is Bruce Wayne.
So many things click in your mind. The inexplicable cancelling of your appointments. The paranoia. The way you had been struggling to work past the constant fear you were being watched. The way your things went missing when you needed them.
“(Y/N), I know you’re confused right now. Just let me explain.” Bruce says gently, and you shake your head, backing up.
“I don’t want to hear anything you have to say right now. You.. how long have you been breaking into my apartment? How long have you been using my meds to do it? And why?!”
“(Y/N), you barely manage to function on a day to day basis. I was just insuring your safety.”
“My safety?! Arguably I would be even more vulnerable SEDATED in an apartment in Gotham? Why do you think I check my locks so often? Why I have lists, of every possible thing I could need? I KNOW how to take care of myself, but clearly I made some sort of mistake when met all of you!” You shriek, and there are hot, ugly tears streaming down your face.
You didn’t need this, you didn’t need him, and you certainly did not need him pulling the strings on your life.
“Alright, you clearly can’t handle this old man.” Hood turns to you, arms crossed. “Listen, I get it. Batman’s a controlling, manipulative bastard. But we aren’t having this discussion here.”
You yell when his hand closes around your arm, and raise your hand to slap him away. He tugs you forward, twisting your arm behind your back and holding it there, and you yell.
A sharp pain in your neck, and your vision blurs.
You feel your knees buckle, feel yourself start to sag.
Gloved hands hold you up, and your head spins. Armored arms scoop you up, and you push at the thick Kevlar.
The last thing you see before unconsciousness takes you is white lenses staring down.
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bugs1nmybrain · 8 months
First of all, love your writing! I especially love reading your headcanons 😁
Would it be alright to ask for headcanons on how Stein would be with a S/O that’s chronically ill/has a weak immune system? Like winters for them are hell because they know they’re gonna catch a cold come September and coughing fits, doctors visits and medication refills are just apart of their daily routine(may or may not be speaking from experience TTwTT)
🤍⚡️Franken Stein (Soul Eater) x Immuno-compromised Reader 🔩 🩺
I haven't written for Stein in forever!!! I hope I write this with sensitivity! I'll research a bit on it to make sure I write this as accurate as I can.
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Warnings: Gender neutral reader, sfw, chronically ill reader, not proofread yet
Mister Doctor man is on the case!
If you don't tell him upfront that you have a weak immune system, he'll notice quick that you seem to be constantly under the weather
Will pry about it, and ask you if this is regular for you
When you tell him that you're chronically ill, it isn't a surprise. He'll help
Stein is proficient in most areas of medical care, so he'll make sure your medications are constantly available to you and even offer to be your personal domestic doctor. You'll tell him it's a conflict of interest as a joke, but he insists
He knows how to make sure you're as comfortable as you can be, making sure you're properly nourished and getting meals that incorporate a proper amount of vitamins
It isn't exactly a cure, but it helps
If you're feel especially sick, he encourages rest. If you need doctors' notes for work or college or the like, he's on it.
He doesn't treat you like you're made of glass or anything because he knows better, but he's definitely vigilant of your symptoms and reminds you to make sure you're taking your medicine and taking it easy if you're having a hard time
Coughing fits don't gross him out and he'll be there to help you feel better however he can
Will hound on treatment regimens
He'll try soooo hard not to ask if he can dissect you
Ofc will remind you to wash your hands regularly, but he knows you're already aware of that. His reminders are more his way of telling you he cares about your wellbeing and that he loves you (don't let him convince you that he doesn't)
If you need someone by your side when you're bedridden, he's there. Even if he has to take off time from work, he will, and don't feel guilty for it. He'll sit beside you and have the silliest conversations with you, whether they are theoretical or just casual talk. If you win him over he'll snuggle, but this man is TALL so get yourself a big bed, okay?
He will try to keep his smoke out of your face so that it doesn't stuff you up
He's here to help you to the best of his abilities. He can only imagine how hard it is, but he's a smart guy. He'll take care to make sure you're as healthy as possible.
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sonder-paradise · 2 years
hi i have a request, could you please do a continuation of the “looking after you” prompt please? 👀 and could i please have scaramouche and xiao if possible thank you! 💕
𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈𝐈 — 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭
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◊ ft. scaramouche, xiao, tighnari, cyno, gn!reader
◊ genre. fluff, sickness comfort
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— 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞 doesn’t get sick himself. but he’ll gladly listen to what you need and awkwardly tries his best to make you feel better. even when he says something along the lines of not caring about you in the slightest. he tries to make things bearable but he’s not quite sure how things work either.
“i’m not exactly a cook, y/n,” he sighs, staring at the begging look on your face. you pout further before curling over to cough into the plush of your pillow. scaramouche frowns, scrunching up his face and looking to the side before sighing in defeat. “alright, fine but only because i’m worried you’ll die from your cold before my cooking.”
even when he brings you the piping hot bowl and squints at the steaming mixture inside he’s unsure of himself. you sit up right, smiling at his attempt of a meal. “well? aren’t you going to feed me?” you grin. he flinches, staring at you and then the spoon tucked into the side of the bowl. “god, i hate you,” he mumbles, reluctantly picking up the utensil.
— 𝐗𝐢𝐚𝐨 is just confused. sure, sickness is not entirely unavoidable for him but it’s certainly not an active worry either. so when he hears you coughing and insisting that things are alright, he practically pins you down onto the bed, demanding an explanation for your recent sluggishness.
“xiao, i’m perfect fine,” you laugh off, looking up at him on top of you. his arms pin you against the mattress and his eyebrows crease like a focused cat. “you don’t sound fine,” he presses. you scoff, attempting to sit up only to find that he truly is unwilling to let this slide.
“i just caught a small cold, that’s all,” you reason before turning to the side to cough avidly into your hand. xiao narrows his eyes before sitting back up straight and observing you carefully. “i will take care of you until you get better then,” he says, completely prepared to ignore your attempts at freeing yourself from under his thumb.
— 𝐓𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢 is already preparing a remedy for that sore throat of yours. he’s meticulous and careful about the measurement of ingredients and how much to add and subtract. he watches over you like a hawk and archons forbid that he even let you leave your room until you’re completely and utterly better.
“and where do you think you’re going?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at your figure by the doorway. his tail flicks as if reprimanding you in its own way and tighnari sighs. you smile sheepishly, releasing the handle and backing up only to begin coughing aggressively into your elbow.
“i was feeling a little better so i just thought i would take in some fresh air.” tighnari observes you, stepping forward to rest the back of his hand against your forehead. the frown he wears shifts and for just a moment his expression softens. “alright, you can go out for a little. but i need to come with you.” upon seeing your knowing smile, he huffs, “well, it’s good you get some air anyways… oh, don’t look at me like that!”
— 𝐂𝐲𝐧𝐨 consults tighnari honestly. perhaps he overreacted just a little bit when he found out you were feeling ill, but he has good intentions. but he’s the type of person to keep up constant vigilance for your health and the second he senses something’s off, you better believe that he’s at your side in a second.
“what’s wrong? are you feeling worse?” cyno says, eyes searching yours to search for the root of your ailments. “i’m fine,” you say in a mischievously raspy voice, “it would be better if you lay next to me instead of just standing there.” he stiffens, attempting to come up with a reason for his choice of stance at the moment.
“just lay with me for a little bit, cyno,” you murmur, gently tugging on his hand. you can see the shift in his mood and he awkwardly shuffles into bed besides you. his hair messily glides through your fingers and in spite of your sore throat, you lean in close. “if i get sick because of you…” “you won’t get sick.” “how do you know?” “you won’t.”
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Taglist: @xo-cuteplosion-xo @planetxiao @nonsense-corner @ireallylikehamsters @eccedentesiast-sapphic @rebeccka @the-lost-anime-dad @lettucecabbage-kun @irethepotato @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @ajaxstar @plinkuro @shizunxie @kiraisastay @lilia-sspouse @straymoon96 @coquettemaiden @leweird @ash-astrophel @uchihaeirin @lemontum @willburzone @rocambolescomargot @aestellia @fpyura
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Prompt: The story about a prince and a traveller <3
Pairing: Malleus x Gn!Reader (Yuu)
Genre: Slight angst (?), Fluff I dunno
TW: Uh, although this is GN! Reader, the reader or Prefect or Yuu is referred to as "Mama" at one point in this. It is meant to be a gender neutral form of address (but if there is another form of address that is more fitting in the scenario please let me know), minor character death, heavily based on Orpheus and Eurydice's story.
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AN: Not really happy with the ending of this, but its been in my drafts for far too long. It would have been more angsty, but my sister (who I usually make read my fics to check if it sounds coherent and/or is good) as well as my friends who I showed the initial draft to said that it would be too cruel and that I should make it a happy ending so here we are! Hope you enjoy!
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One upon a time, there used to live a prince.
The prince was the heir of a prosperous kingdom. His wise eyes looked over his subjects with the love of a friend and the vigilance of a father. All he ever wanted was for his kingdom to flourish and grow, for his people to live happy lives. And he worked hard to ensure their protection, so that they may spread their wings under his watchful gaze and soar to new heights, bringing honor and prestige to their kingdom. In turn, the people of the kingdom loved and respected him, singing his praises to the birds in the sky and the flowers blooming in the soil. There was no one in the kingdom who would speak ill of their prince, for he was beloved by all.
But, the prince was lonely. He had loving friends to lean on, and trusted elders to learn from, but his heart yearned for that one person who would transform his happy yet monotonous days into pure bliss. His one true love.
And how fortunate was he to find it, in the most unexpected of places, at the most unassuming of times.
He found his solace, his refuge in a traveler from far, far away. It was love at first sight, though the prince would come to realize it much, much later.
The traveler was an intriguing, mysterious figure; quickly endearing themself to each person they came to know. Many vied for their hand, for their affections, yet their eyes seemed to sparkle for only one; the prince.
After many trials and tribulations the two were finally able to be at each other's side. The prince took the mysterious traveler as his spouse, his to love and nurture and adore forevermore. Yet such bliss, was fated to be short-lived.
Death came calling soon, far too soon for the traveler. No matter how much effort the prince expended to save his beloved, their life slipped through his fingers like grains of sand.
The prince was stricken with grief. He mourned for the untimely loss of his pride and joy, and his people mourned alongside him. His heartfelt cries and pleas reached the heavens, moving the hearts of the Great Seven themselves.
One day, the prince was visited by the Thorn Fairy in his dreams. "Child, I have heard your prayers. Your devotion to your beloved is commendable, but the other side can often be cruel. It is best if you let those who have left rest where they rightfully belong, for the price to bring them back is often steep. Are you willing to do anything to have your beloved by your side once again?"
"Anything," the prince replied, with a conviction that moved the fae's heart. The fae sighed, and said, "Very well. If your love is true, and your decision final, then I shall not stand in your way. But be warned; one misstep, and your love will be lost forever. Do not look behind, for nothing exists there except regret."
The prince woke up in a dark cave, the Thorn Fairy's last words ringing in his ears. A warning, and a hint.
The prince followed his instincts; standing up and walking towards the small pinprick of light he could see in the distance. The floor of the cave was damp and cold. It seemed as if the shadows were clinging on to his legs, beckoning him to stay, to rest a while, but the prince continued moving ahead.
After what seemed like hours, (for the prince could not say if time was passing or if it was frozen. All he could do was walk and walk and walk-) the prince heard footfalls of another person, walking behind him. A voice called out to him, the tone so timid and fearful than he had ever heard it be, yet unmistakable. It was the voice of his beloved traveler, his most adored spouse.
The prince nearly turned to look at them, wishing to see what state they were in. He barely caught himself from doing it at the very last minute, remembering the fae's warnings.
Do not look behind, for nothing exists there except regret.
The prince kept walking ahead resolutely, one foot placed in front of the other with a haste. His heart beat wildly inside his chest, as if it was trying to escape its bony prison. The footsteps of his beloved echoed louder as they followed him.They called out to him again, hoping, perhaps, to get a reply; to get a confirmation that their love had truly come for them. But the prince did not answer, in fear of being tempted to look behind. Silently, he walked on ahead, his gaze trained on the light that seemed to get bigger and brighter as he walked towards it. Only a little more, and then...!
His beloved's voice grew frantic the longer he did not reply to their calls. The prince, in his hurry to reach the light and reclaim his beloved, had started walking faster, much faster than they could keep up. So they ran behind him, calling out to him. And fell, just as the prince took one step out of the cave.
The pained hiss that left his beloved's lips was the last straw for the prince. He turned, his eyes widening as the figure of his beloved knelt inside the cave, so close yet so far away from the sunlight, from him.
"No, no, no, no!" The prince exclaimed, falling to his knees and letting out an anguished wail as he wrapped his arms around his beloved. His beloved, who was gradually crumbling away into dust. Even so, they had a calm smile on their face, their hands coming up to cup his cheeks.
"I love you," was all they said, before they returned back to eternal rest.
Malina pouted, her hands resting on her father's shoulders as she looked up at him with wide teary eyes. Maleah, her twin, sat beside her on their father's lap, frowning as she asked, "Why did the traveler not return to the prince? He was out of the cave, was he not?"
Malleus gave his two children a gentle smile. "He may have been out of the cave, but the traveler was not. He turned back before they could take a step into the sunlight," he explained to her patiently, eyes shining with amusement as he watched her frown get deeper.
Malina sniffled, her big teary eyes sending a stab of concern through him, and Malleus held her closer. "But that's not fair..." she whined, hiding her face in the crook of his neck.
"What's going on?"
The two little girls scampered off his lap, making their way to their other parent who picked them up with a confused yet fond smile on their face. "Father was telling us the story of the prince and the traveler," Malina said as she wrapped her short arms around their neck.
They narrowed their eyes at Malleus as they held the little princesses in their arms.
Malleus chuckled, the sound soft and slightly hesitant as he made his way to where the three of them were standing. "Apologies, my beloved," he said in a soothing tone, his hand rising to tuck a wayward strand of hair back in its place, hoping that the loving gesture would take away some of their anger.
"We will be having a talk about this later," they huffed, and Malleus nodded, placing a gentle kiss on their forehead.
He watched as they brought the young girls back to their bed, settling the little ones and promising to tell them a better bedtime story than the one their father had told. Malleus smiled as he sat behind them, his arms wrapping around their waist loosely while he placed his chin on their shoulder. A soft rumble left his chest when they raised their hand to run their fingers through his hair as they regaled the two sleepy girls with tales of knights and princesses.
Soon Malina and Maleah drifted off into sleep, holding each other close. Yuu sighed, a fond smile playing on their lips as they looked at their children.
Malleus pressed his lips against the nape of their neck and smiled. "Yes, my dear child of man?"
"You are a menace," they chuckled, and Malleus smiled.
They hummed, the sound light and sweet as it carried into the otherwise silent room.
"One day, they will learn that it was all a true story," they said.
"I believe they would like our version much better, when the time comes," he mumbled against their shoulder, the great dragon fae being lulled to sleep by his beloved's soft voice.
"Definitely, Hornton. Definitely."
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gojicorps · 14 days
I've been trying to make this post for a while... This is my OC "master post"
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This is Ltw, if you dig stories of super heroes with a bunch of teenager drama and high school tropes, this isn't the story for you! Sorry, but this gender is already really saturated so I tried to mix and match different tropes across the medias to create a weird love letter to Comics, Tokusatsu and anything that I really enjoy. It's a coming of age story about Hart Lee Valentine, who chose to left his father house to live with his uncle in a city called Saint Expedite, famous for crimes, urban legends and some of the worst pizza you can ever imagine, an absolute paradise for someone who really wants to have a fresh restart in life.
The cast consists mainly of this 5 characters.
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Hart Lee Valentine: He's the son of the smartest man alive... But this is just a media claim, his father helped cure one of the weirdest illness know to mankind. But that doesn't matter at all, Valentine is already living under the shadow of his only parent alive (wink, wink) he starts as a calm and collected person but gradually starts loosing his manners, becoming an unhinged not so crazy science. He has an odd sense of justice but he's MOSTLY a pacifist who will try to talk before throwing hands around.
His favorite animals are moths and ducks, dor different reasons, in his opinion moths are our saviours from the monstrosities called butterflies. And ducks because he loves how versatile they are, he identifies with that Jack of all trades style.
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Sadako Atsuko: She's the local emo weirdo girl of the class, nobody knows much about her and her brother Helis, they live together in a mansion in the middle of the city, she's always tired, not in the best mood and usually sassy. People don't know but she's actually heiress of The Atsuko family, one of Japan's most advance tech companies, she's also a city vigilant who uses fear to stop crime... Yeah she's basically my universe version of the Batman, her character is driven by masks and alter egos, she feels incapable of leading a normal life since she's shattered between personas, not knowing who's the real her, not knowing how to express her true self. Those burdens started to get louder to the point she started playing instruments, as a therapy, but this basically turned into another problem, her days are getting too short to accomplish all her desires.
Her favorite animal is the bat, the long eared ones! So yeah she's basically using a fursuit to fight crime.
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Helis: Sadako's adoptive brother, he's basically the group heart, trying to make their maniacal schemes be a little more unhinged, he's the protector and the tallest one of them. Those responsabilities are instantly forgotten when he's near Valentine, something about him makes Helis adopt a more act first think later persona, but they usually have fun with that. He's the one that gives unsolicited advices with the bestest intentions he wants to know more about his origin and maybe who's his real family but that's more a monkey palm situation that doesn't goes well when he meets his father and sister. He usually helps Sadako in her schemes, usually to treat her wounds while calls her irresponsible, dummy or anything in between those lines (she doesn't even get a cute animal band-aid...) oh he has an abnormal strength and light based power's, but that doesn't matter much to him.
His favorite animals are giraffes, he likes that they have the strongest kick, and besides their pattern is beautiful.
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Ettore Zanchini: the definition of overcompensate! He simply is a tryhard in absolutely everything, he has a rivalry with Helis, Sadako and sometimes even Valentine, everything he does is trying to be the best. He likes classy outfits and good manners, he's a true gentleman with a short temper and overachiever, even though he doesn't need to prove himself that much. He's the best athlete of the school and won several fencing medals, he usually fights using two rapiers for the simple reason that this is a really dumb idea, so it's a good exercise.
He really likes Wolves and Stags, specially because they're the princes of the forest, he definitely cried with Bambi but keeps it hidden.
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Stefanny: Starting as a villainess, Stef is the last one to join the crew, she's really unused to a bunch of stuff the others enjoy but tries her best to get ahold of everything, she's not the warmest person and can be really misunderstood, she's gruff and goes direct to the point in most of her interactions, some have the audacity to call her impolite, BUT SHE'S NOT! She's just not used to have conversations longer than 45 seconds or with people that aren't psycho's, she and Sadako get along pretty well, perhaps because of all their battles and training, oh and even though she's all cool and collected... She has fire powers, yeah they are neat I guess.
Her favorite animal are salamanders, she loves those little moist dragons!
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blakeswritingimagines · 2 months
Yandere Hanzo Hasashi With A Mentally Ill Darling
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As a yandere, he is obsessive, over-protective, and extremely jealous. He would stalk the person he loves and make sure you are always safe. He would constantly think of you, and he would be extremely paranoid, always worrying about you. He would be overly affectionate and clingy, and he would have extreme mood swings between jealousy and possessiveness.
He would be very territorial and possessive, trying to isolate you from others, always wanting you all to himself. He would be very controlling, trying to control all aspects of your life, such as who you talk to, what you wear, and where you go. He would also be very violent and aggressive, getting extremely jealous at the slightest sign of another person being interested in you. Basically, any signs of you interacting with other people would set him off.
He would be very protective and even more possessive. He would try to isolate you from others, even more than usual, as he would consider them a threat. He would become hyper-vigilant about your safety and mental state, constantly monitoring you and making sure you were never alone. He'd be extremely obsessed and overly attached, not wanting to let anyone else near you. He would be extremely controlling, trying to control all aspects of your life and make all decisions for you, including any treatment.
He would be extremely violent and aggressive towards anyone who dares to come close to you, such as doctors, psychiatrists, or even family members. He would get insanely jealous and possessive, unable to handle the thought of anyone trying to help you or even just talk to you. He would be obsessive over you, constantly thinking about you and worrying about your safety and well-being. He'd be extremely overprotective and would never let you out of his sight, always watching you to make sure no one else could "manipulate" you.
He would be very concerned and hyper-aware of any changes in your behavior, and if you displayed any signs of mental distress or instability, he would become very tense and on edge, always watching and observing you. He would try to take as much responsibility for you and your care as possible, often taking over everything you do and constantly hovering around you. If you tried to seek help or do something independently, he'd get very worked up and possessive, insisting that he's the only one who can help you.
He would be constantly checking on you and monitoring your mental state, trying to find out what's causing the illness and what triggers your symptoms. He would be very demanding and insistent on taking care of you, refusing to let you do anything by yourself. He would insist on overseeing your treatment and any medications you might take.
He would be very protective and overbearing, always worrying about your well-being and safety. He'd make sure you're always taking your medications and following any treatment plan. He'd be very controlling and overbearing, not wanting to let you out of his sight.
He will be extremely clingy and protective, constantly monitoring you and making sure you are safe. He will be very controlling and dominant, trying to take over all aspects of your life and make all decisions for you. He will be getting irrationally angry at any perceived threat to your safety or mental stability. He will be hyper-vigilant and on edge, always watching and observing you, trying to anticipate and prevent any potential mental breakdowns.
He'd be very obsessive about your progress and improvement, constantly asking about your mental state and checking if you're getting worse in any way. He'd be extremely protective of you and wouldn't trust anyone else with you, insisting that only he could take care of you. He'd want to be involved in your treatment in every way possible, wanting to know every detail and decision made.
He would likely try to control your access to information about your illness, such as medical records or any other documentation. He'd want to control and monitor everyone you interact with, from doctors to friends. He'd be very protective of your privacy, and wouldn't want anyone to know about your mental health issues. He would become very possessive and controlling, not wanting to let you receive any outside help or influence.
He would likely try to keep you away from stressful or triggering situations and would try to control your environment as much as possible. This could mean preventing you from watching certain things, going to certain places, or interacting with certain people. He'd be very over-protective and possessive, not wanting to let you out of his sight or out of his control.
He would likely try to control how you see yourself and your self-worth. He would put himself on a pedestal, insisting that he is the only one who knows what's best for you, both mentally and physically. He'd be very demanding and controlling, insisting that you depend on him for everything, including your mental health and treatment. He would likely try to influence your self-image and make you rely on his opinion of you, making you dependent on him for your self-worth.
He would likely try to control your emotions. He'd try to influence how you feel, and how you react to things, trying to mold you into what he wants. He would be very demanding and controlling, insisting that you only express emotions that he approves of. He'd try to make you believe that your emotions are invalid or that you are only allowed to feel what he wants you to feel. He would try to manipulate your emotions and make you dependent on him for how you should feel.
It is likely that, despite his possessive and controlling behavior, he would still try to act sweet and kind. However, this kindness would likely be superficial, as it is merely a facade to keep you under his control and influence. He could use kindness as a manipulative tactic to make you feel grateful or dependent on him. He might be affectionate and romantic, but only as a means to keep you close and ensure your loyalty.
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lefarte · 1 month
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How would they take care of a sick friend?
Characters: Levi, Olivia, Daan, Pav
Some of these could be read as platonic
A/N: This is… entirely self indulgent because I myself am sick….😭 but also hey hii hello. This was very comforting for me. No one requested it, but I actually wrote this a long time ago in my notepad app before I even made this blog. I learned a lot about writing in this time so I’m sorry if the quality is a bit worse.
TWS: sickness (obviously)
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Levi has been through this before. He’s been sick more times in his life than he’s been healthy at this point. He knows what to do. He talks you through it slowly and precisely, he holds you hair back when you throw up, he changes your blankets when they get covered in sweat… he would never make you feel gross or ashamed, no matter how bad it gets.
That said, his personality isn’t going to completely flip on itself just because you’re sick. He wants to help you, but he is naturally timid. It might be awkward for a while. He struggles to carry a conversation at the best of times. Much less when you are in so much pain…
And depending on how feverish you are, it might be scary to fall in and out of sleep and see him staring at you from across the room with his big ass eyes. (It’s not his fault, he’s just worried.)
I also imagine he’s the type of guy who gets sick when he sees other people sick. So he’ll be holding back his own nausea for until you’re asleep, or until you’re back on your feet. Until then he would be on high alert, even more vigilant than usual. If an enemy made it inside while you were vulnerable, he would never forgive himself. So he’d pull out all the stops, barricading the doors, covering the windows… (even if it’s not necessary and you’re in a safe place, like the train.)
Hope you don’t plan on going anywhere once you get up because he’s going to get sick too now 💔
She’s going to be all over you. Of course she doesn’t want to be overbearing, but she really doesn’t want to see her friend in pain! And she can’t wait to impress you with her knowledge of botany. She has something for every symptom, an oil or lotion or extract. If she doesn’t have it, she will track it down!
She really loves the feeling of you depending on her. This is a rare opportunity for her to prove her skills to you, and to herself. And there is no one better to understand your pain than her! She knows the feeling of being trapped in bed rest, antsy and lonely, better than anyone else.
Olivia is determined not to let you feel that way. She cares about you. She wants you to get better! If you refuse her advice or try to pretend like you’re not sick, she will be dejected.
She will try to take you outside to look at the flowers and get some sunshine, and she explains every flower in detail. (She would be happy to do that anyway.) She even brings you little bugs, and if she’s lucky, a frog or a lizard!
Will share her comfort items with you. She has weighted blankets, lots of medicine, and heat pads!
She reads books to you, and her voice is so beautiful you’ll fall asleep.
He lowkey feels guilty for failing to take care of you
After everything he lost, you’re his treasure! He would give you the best bedside care you’ve ever imagined, you’d never want for anything. All the stops, backrubs, cuddles, cleaning your forehead with rags. He would even pull out some tricks from his old butler days and make you some yummy soup.
If you look at him with big sad eyes or god forbid he sees a single tear, he’s whipping out the Sylvian magic. You’d have to beg him not to.
He absolutely would give you kisses, doesn’t care a bit if he gets sick. “Nothing that an ibuprofen and some cigarettes can’t fix, my darling.”
He would straight up give you opium if you asked, there is literally no better partner if you’re easily sick or chronically ill. Your face would be covered in lipstick kisses by the time it’s over.
Immediately after he’s done, he would go back to being a sarcastic and calm guy. Perhaps a little shy?
“Have a beer, sweetheart.”
This is not… the best person to be stuck with in this scenario. Because of his experience in the war, his pain scale is a little screwy, so it would take a lot for him to be concerned.
He still sticks around you though. He’s loyal to a fault with his partner, I truly believe this, he’s protective and affectionate. He would not abandon you at your weakest, no no no no. That’d be cruel.
He holds your hair up when you throw up. He will draw you a bath or or give you cuddles! He’s definitely a bit more accomadating when you’re sick.
Pav doesn’t mind kissing you when you’re sick. He tells you he’s never been sick before, in his life. You’ve certainly never seen like it in front of you, but if he’s lying, it’s totally debateable. It could be that he does get sick, he’s good at hiding it. But knowing that, he’d still give you hundreds of kisses all over.
You have the honor of sharing snacks with him (greedy hoarding bastard). If you’re good.
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gretavangroupie · 1 year
Vigilance (Chapter 21 Part 2)
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Word count: 20.3k
Pairings: Jake x Reader, Jake x OC
Warnings: Alcohol, Cursing, Dramatic Themes. Angst Including: Talks of Infidelity, Toxic Themes, Arguing, Yelling, Extreme Portrayal of Sadness, Crying, Abandonment, Heartbreak, Talks of Illness, Extreme Illness, Fainting, Hospitalization, Hospital Procedures and Protocols, Mentions of IV, Needles, Talks of Death and Dying. Fluff.
This story is a collaboration with my best pal @gretavanmoon.
A knock at the door caused your eyes to flutter open from the in and out sleep you’d been in all day. The medicine they were giving you, keeping you constantly fighting off sleep. You were breathing better, but still in an incredible amount of pain, and feeling worthless to boot. You turned your head to look at your mom, who was already standing to open the door. 
As it swung open you saw Y/N, standing in the door, like your own personal angel. Your eyes widened as they focused in on her; wavy hair and red eyes, her favorite sweatshirt that always smells like her. She was upset, that much was obvious. Well, to you at least. 
“Oh sweetie! I am so glad they finally called you!” your mom said, pulling her in for a hug. You watched her wrap her arms around your mom, wishing, praying it could be you instead. 
“Jakey, it’s Y/N. Can you sit up?” your mom asks. 
You press the button on the remote and the bed sits you up, and you're positive that in your entire life you’d never felt more pathetic, as she watched you come to eye level with her. As your eyes met hers, you could see them tearing up. You hated for her to see you like this, but seeing her is the only thing you’ve wanted since you got here, and you weren’t giving it up for anything.
You looked over to your mom, who was gathering her things with a knowing grin, “I know, I know, I’ll give you two some time. I’ll be downstairs if you need me honey.” she said, walking out and closing the door behind her. 
You watched as Y/N pulled a few items out of her bag, and placed them on the counter. It looked like a change of clothes, but it was so far away you couldn’t really tell. You hoped that meant you were getting out of here soon.
She walked over to the side of the bed, sitting on the edge near your feet. “Hi…” her voice rang out like music.
“Hey…” you breathed. “I’ve been asking for you…”
“I know, they wouldn’t let me come up until they got my negative test…” she replies quietly. “You scared me Jake.”
“I know, I know. I was so stupid, I just thought it was a little cold, and that it would just go away, but it didn’t. I was fine, and then… I don’t know, it happened so quick, and then I was here and you were gone…” you stammer.
“I was scared and Sam and Danny were scared, Josh was scared. We had no idea what was going on. The doctors didn’t know what was wrong. I thought you were dying or something and I couldn’t even come see you…” she said, as a single tear slipped from her eye. 
“I was scared too. Scared this was it…I think I almost lost a lung last night.” you admit.
“Jake…” she says, another tear falling. 
“Don’t cry, please…” you beg, “I’m okay now, I think…I’m feeling a little better.” 
She puts her hands over her eyes trying to conceal her tears and sniffles.
“Come here. Come closer to me.” you ask, watching her slowly shift her body closer. 
You lay your hand on her thigh, as her eyes meet yours. “I’m sorry you thought you were going to lose me. I promise I’m not going anywhere, okay?”
She nods, and continues to blink away her tears. 
“I missed you. All I could think about was you.” you admit.
“Jake, you don’t mean that… You shouldn’t– you should be mad at me, hate me, just two days ago you told m–”
“I know, I remember what I said. I do, and I am mad. But I’ve been laying here, just staring at the ceiling, thinking… of all the things I’d rather be doing than laying here. Wishing you were here…” you say.
“You have…” she questions.
“Yeah. Remember, the other night, you told me all the things you miss about me? Well, I have a list too. I’ve always had a list. I should have told you that night. I really should have, but you’re here now. So now I’m going to tell you, because if I don’t, I think I might burst.” you answer, a smirk crossing your face. 
Her eyes search yours, “Jake, no… you need to rest, you shouldn’t even be talking. It can wait…wait until you’re thinking clearly.”
“No. It can’t. Just let me tell you, please.” you ask.
She nods her head as you move your hand higher on her leg, letting your weak hand squeeze into her thigh.
“I miss the way your mouth subconsciously sings along to the songs I’m practicing when it’s late and I’ve been in my study playing all night…songs you’ve learned just from hearing me play them over and over without even a single complaint…I miss laying in bed and arguing over what show to watch, and me finally caving and letting you pick, only for you to fall asleep on my chest five minutes later…the fuckin’ best…” you see a small smile form on her lips, as you continue.
“I miss hearing you hum along to literally any Beatles song in existence while you cook or while you’re cleaning. It’s always the Beatles. You love The Beatles white album the best…I miss your pancakes… god I would kill for those right now…and yeah, I know it hasn’t even been that long, but it feels like years. I hate it…I miss walking around town with you when the weather is pretty, watching you furiously dig around in your purse looking for cash to give to the buskers. I can’t think of one time that you haven’t given money to someone playing music. Always smiling at me and reminding me ‘that was you once’. You’re right, it was, and even then I loved you.” you go on, feeling her hand rest on top of yours. 
“I miss how you get road rage so easily, but immediately apologize after you say it. I miss taking you and seeing how you are always so nice to servers at restaurants even if they mess something up, because they ‘might just be having a bad day’…I love how much you love your parents, shit and mine too. I love how much you love the ocean, and that we both find the same tranquility on the water. But I really miss the look on your face when you’re watching us play, and knowing that I wouldn’t even look at you when I played your song the other night....I can’t take that back. But just know, next time it's for you.” 
You watch a tear fall down her cheek, as you reach up to swipe it away, pushing her hair over her ear. 
“I swear to god I don’t deserve you, Jake.” She mumbled out. 
“Shhh, stop with that shit.” You said, your already shaky breath catching in your throat as you notice the glint of the silver necklace around her neck.
You let your hand glide over it, seeing the side of it being held together by a small piece of black tape.
Oh no.
“You found it…” you breathe.
She nods defeatedly. “I know you told me not to wear it anymore, and I know I shouldn’t but… I can’t. I feel naked without it. I have been trying to not wear it around you but I saw it in my bag today and…I don’t know I just needed to.” she admits, too nervous to look at you.
“I shouldn’t have done that.” you confess.
“The chain was broken when I found it on the floor, but when you left for Michigan I tried to fix it. It was so small and I could hardly see what I was doing. I think I cried out of frustration more than anything. I just wanted to fix it. Fix one thing. I eventually found some electrical tape in your desk drawer and decided it would have to make due.” she says.
Oh my god, what did you do?
A new pain had crept into your chest but not from your sickness. She was hurting, you knew that. But you had been cruel. Mean just to be mean. You ripped it off of her neck…
“I’m so sorry.” was all you could manage. 
“I deserve everything you’ve said and done.” she whispered standing up and walking away from you to look out the window. 
“You think you can bust me out of here?” you ask, trying to lighten the dreadful mood.
She smiled a little, and shook her head. “No, I think you need to stay. Get better. I brought you some clean clothes though..” she said pointing to the counter. 
“Thank you, though I am enjoying this hospital gown. Very breathable. Might start wearing them for shows.” you smile.
Finally a genuine smile crossed her lips, the most beautiful thing you’d seen in days.
“Come here.” you asked, reaching your hand toward her.
She sat in the chair next to your bed, and placed her elbows on the edge of the bed.
“Why did you want me to come so bad Jake? Why were you asking for me? We aren’t…I thought…” she asks.
You paused, turning on your side to look at her for just a second before you answered. 
“Because…even after everything…You make me feel safe. You feel like home. You are home.” 
A knock at the door startles you both, ripping you away from the moment.
Carson comes in with her laptop cart, ready to do her check of your vitals.
“Oh my gosh! You must be the girlfriend! He has been talking about you all night!” she says.
Damn Carson, give me up why don’t you…
“Oh. No… we aren’t together…” she says, letting her face fall.
You immediately grab her hand and lace your fingers with hers giving her hand a tight squeeze.
“Well, he gave us quite the scare last night!” she says, as Y/N stares off into space.
“Wait, Y/N? You… you were in Sam’s class right?” she asks, catching Y/N’s attention.
“Yeah! Yes, sorry!” she says, refocusing on her. 
“I know we didn’t talk much but I remember you. You and Sam were best friends! I remember you two watching me kick Jake’s ass on the practice fields.” she laughs, tapping on the monitors to check your levels.
“Oh yeah, I guess I do remember that. It’s nice to see you again.” she smiles, pulling her hand from yours. 
“You’re looking good Jake. You’re looking really good. Drastic improvement since my last round. She must be your lucky charm.” she smiles, “You might even get out of here tomorrow if you keep it up.”
“She is.” you smile, looking over at Y/N, who has blushed a deep red. 
“I’ll be back tonight. Keep resting!” she says, letting the door close behind her.
You recline the bed back a bit, letting out a deep breath as the pressure dissipates from your chest. 
“Maybe you should stay laying down. I want you to rest so you can get out of here like she said.” she says, putting her elbows back on the bed. 
“I will… but, I don’t want you to leave yet.” you admit.
“I know, but Josh is here. Do you want to see him?” she asks.
God, Josh…
“Yeah, I need to. But just stay for a few more minutes…please?” you ask.
She nods her head and settles back into the stiff hospital chair, as you turn to your side to face her. 
“I do think you’re my lucky charm you know…” you say.
“I guess I just don’t feel very lucky.” she says. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask. 
She took a breath and rested her chin in her hands. “I don’t know, it feels like I’m more like your bad luck charm. So much has happened since I’ve been around, I’ve caused you a lot of unnecessary pain, Jake. And I take responsibility for that.” 
You thought about that for a minute. It wasn’t completely untrue, she had issued you some heartbreak. But knowing what you know now, about everything that happened in Vegas…your intentions with Elle, you felt pretty shitty. And she didn’t even know the extent of it. It was eating you alive not telling her the truth, especially after everything that just happened. But you couldn’t find the right time, she deserved to learn about that when everyone’s worlds weren’t so hectic from you being in this godforsaken hospital. 
“You deserve the world, Jake. And all I’ve done is rip it out from underneath you time and time again. And I’m feeling really horrible about it. Like a really bad human. I’m…working on it. I’m working on myself. I’ve realized some things lately, and I have you to thank for that. I need to grow up a bit, take responsibility for my actions and make better choices.” 
She reached and grabbed for your hand, squeezing it tightly as you took in her words. “Listen, I want you and me to work. I want us to really work out. Okay? Do you get what I’m saying? I know we’re not together at this point, but. I want to make myself the person you need again. Someone you deserve to be with. And to make that happen, I know I’ve got some shit to work on. I’ve got some baggage to unload. I’ve got to get my shit together, Jake. For you. And for me. I know it’s going to take a while, and I know you’ve been saying all these sweet things, but I’m aware of my faults that you don’t need to patch up. I’ve got to. They’re my burden. And it’s time for me to learn how to take care of you now.” 
Wow, what in the world… who is this woman?
You nodded slowly, unable to form a response. Honestly, how do you respond to that? 
“So, I’ve decided since you’re on the mend now and in better than wonderful hands, I’m gonna head back to Nashville since the next few shows are canceled…I hope that last part isn’t news to you…” she said, standing up from the chair. 
“Nah, I figured as much. Fucking pisses me off, I hate cancelling shows more than anything. But, why are you leaving? Why are you going back? We’re all here..” you said. 
“You don’t need me, Jake. Everyone’s going to go home when you’re better, I don’t need to do my job while you’re home with your family.” She went on. 
“Hey listen, Y/N. I know I’ve been so shitty toward you lately. And…I honestly hate myself for it. But I don’t want you to think you’re just an employee to us…did you not, read my text? You are my family, always will be.” You said, sitting up a bit in the bed. 
“Go stay at my parents house. Stay in Michigan, please? Don’t leave…” you reached your hand out for her to grab. She glanced at it, taking it slowly in hers. “You’re not my bad luck charm. You’ve brought me some of the greatest gifts I’ve ever known. I don’t want to be without you when I finally break out of here…okay? Please?” She nodded again, wiping a tear from her cheek. You didn’t want to bring up the fact that Andy was still on the loose, too, and she needed to be with people who could protect her, if need be. 
“Okay. Okay, I’ll go stay with them, if that’s what you want.” she whispered. 
“I do…” you said, giving her a look that said a million words. 
Just then there were three knocks on the door, and Josh was peeking his head inside. “Hey guys…”
You felt her squeeze your hand and look to you with excitement. She was overjoyed you finally got to see your brother now. 
“I’ll see you later…” she said, pulling away. You squeezed her hand harder. 
“Hey, Y/N…” you muttered. She turned back, eyes questioning. “Take care of our family while I’m in here.” 
She smiled wide with her eyes. “I promise.”
You watched as she passed Josh on her walk out, taking him in her arms into a big bear hug. “So good to see you up and at ‘em, Joshy! You okay?”
He nodded. “Better than yesterday, will be better tomorrow.” He said, rubbing her arms as she made her way to the door. 
“Heyyyyy asshole. How did I end up in here and you didn’t? Not fuckin’ fair…” you said, voice still gravely. 
He walked over and took the seat Y/N had just been in, kicking himself back with his hands behind his head. “Guess it’s because I’m the more powerful twin, obviously.”
The two of you laughed and caught up with each other, you only being attacked with a few coughs along the way. 
“I’m sorry we had to cancel some shows, it’s my most unfavorite thing on earth.” you admitted. 
“I know, mine too. But it’s okay, I know you wouldn’t have made it through. We aren’t mad at you.” He went on before leaning forward on his elbows. “Jake, ahh. You know your road to recovery isn’t gonna be a short one, right? You had a very serious illness, and it’s not just gonna go away overnight.”
“Yeah, I’m aware. What are you getting at?” You answered. 
“Well, we were all talking, me Sam and Dan, and Richard and your doctors and everyone…we think maybe we should take some time. Step back and let you heal like you need to.” He said, voice stern. 
“NO, Josh. I’m fine. We have like, fifty shows this tour, we can’t start canceling them already. I will be fine, I’m already feeling so much better.” You argued. 
“I talked to Jay from Rival Sons, we tried to come up with a solution to even maybe play together, take some of the main effort off of you, but then we all agreed that wouldn’t work either.” He said, grazing his mouth with his hand. 
“No, not ‘that wouldn’t work’. I would never agree to that!  It’s all or nothing for our shows from now on, remember? And I can give it my all, I promise Josh. I can do it. I can’t let everybody down. You guys, the crew, the fans…god. They’ve all already got tickets and planes and hotels–”
“Jake, listen. It’s already done. Sam, Daniel and I had to make an executive decision. I’m sorry. We’re picking back up in Brazil.” 
“Brazil?! That’s in like, over a month! I don’t need that long, Josh! Tell them nevermind. I can be there.”
“Jake, stop. Listen, you’re going to be healing for weeks, you’re going to have debris in your lungs for a long time. You’re still gonna have all these side effects…tiredness, a cough, dizziness, all that. And they said it could come back if you don’t allow yourself time to heal completely. You have to allow yourself that, or else…you could end up worse and we have to cancel the rest of the tour. Okay?” He said. “And I don’t need you worse, I need you better. 100%.”
“I will be, I swear. I’m already getting there. Don’t worry about me…” you spat, feeling aggravated. 
“Don’t worry about you?! Really Jake? All I’ve done for the past three days is worry myself sick about you. Hell, I could hardly breathe myself and I wasn’t even half as bad off as you were! Laying in that damn hotel bed not able to leave or call you, no one had answers and no one knew what was wrong with you. Do you know how that felt for me? Telling me not to worry about you, fuck off. You know I feel all your shit, too.” Josh said, bringing his hands in for animation. 
“You didn’t need to worry about me, Josh, damn. I’m in a hospital in good hands…they–”
“Yeah no shit! And the doctors didn’t know what was wrong with you for a good bit of time! Sam kept us up on your state, and he didn’t tell me, but I think something really bad happened to you. I can just tell he’s not telling us the whole story. Am I right?” He went on. 
You swallowed. Your memory was fuzzy, but yeah…you think something did happen. And Sam was here for it. You stayed quiet, truly unsure how to answer, because you didn’t remember much. So you just nodded. 
“I thought so. I was worried sick, Jake. I was so scared you weren’t gonna…no one was telling me anything cause they didn’t want to upset me, make me feel worse…I thought you might not make it back to me.” He said, completely vulnerable. 
“Brother, you know I wasn’t going anywhere, hell. They were taking good care of me here. You know I’m not going anywhere without you, we’re going out the same way we came in, remember? You shoving me out of the way to get there first…but I’ll be following you close behind.” You said, trying to offer him some solace. 
“I know, I know. But you know how your brain works when you’re helpless and sick, it wanders off to scary places. I was trying to communicate mentally with you, begging you to please stay… I just, started thinking how fuckin’ scary that would be, if you weren’t here with me anymore. In my fever dream state it felt real, and it was shit. Okay?” He rambled. 
You laughed a little. 
“What, asshole?” He barked. 
“You really love me, don’t ya Josh?” You teased. 
“Of course I love you, you idiot.” He smiled. “Just don’t ever fuckin’ scare me like that again, understood? I’m not dealing with Sam’s shit by myself for the rest of my life.” 
You laughed again. “Alright, damn. I promise.”
“Where is Y/N? I figured she’d be back by now…” he asked, looking at the clock on the wall. 
You shook your head. “I don’t think she’s coming back tonight, Josh.”
“What? Why?”
You took as deep a breath as you could. Might as well break the news now. “Things with us are…delicate right now. I fucked up. Well, we both fucked up, actually.”
“You’re kidding me. I knew something felt weird. What happened?” He asked. 
You nodded your head to the bedside table. “Gimmie my phone.” He did, and you unlocked it, scrolling to the text thread with Elle, “Just read this.”
You watched as he silently scrolled, his eyes growing ten times in size every few seconds as he read. “What the…what the fuck?” 
Finally he handed you your phone back. “What the hell, Jake? You were going to sleep with Elle?! When did this happen? Why didn’t I know about this?”
You decided to lay the entire story out for him, beginning to end, detail by detail. He was going to find out the hard way, anyway. What you were left with at the end was his face in utter disbelief. 
“God damnit, Jacob. What kind of fuckery…” 
“I know. It’s a shitshow. But, things are alright, I guess. I just had to get pneumonia before I could really kick Sam’s ass. But Elle doesn’t know they slept together, so please, let Sam deal with that on his own. We’ve all done a lot of soul searching these past few weeks, I can tell you that.” You told him. 
“All this time, you’ve known? And you’ve been okay being around Sam?” He asked. 
“Yep. Y/N and I have been lying to all of you. I had to hang it up, put it away for the sake of the band. It’s been fucking terrible.” You relented, feeling a cough coming on. 
“I’m fucking furious, Jake. At him, at Y/N…all of you. You and Elle? Really?” He seethed. 
You nodded. “I almost did it, Josh. I really did. It almost fucking happened. And Y/N was okay with it. Wild, I know. But then your drunk ass called me to come rescue you.”
“Saved by the bell?” He said. 
“Hah, I guess. Fuckin’ always cockblocking me since we were teenagers...” You clicked your tongue. “I never did that shit to you.”
“You never had to, jackass!” 
You continued your normal conversation, going on about life and what the fuck you were going to do with it. You told Josh that you told him all of that in confidence, and as mad as he was, he agreed to go along with the act until things went back to normal. 
He left, leaving you in your bed to rest a while while he went back down to the lobby. You laid there for a long time, running over everything that had occurred in the past couple of hours. Y/N, telling you she wanted to work on things. Wanted you to work out for real. It gave you a little bit of hope that she didn’t hate you like you thought she would. But still you knew deep down that you both needed time apart. It had to happen, whether you wanted it to or not. 
The canceled tour was ripping you apart. You felt the need to apologize to everyone, tell the fans you were so sorry. You decided that when you got home, you would. And you knew exactly how you’d do it. 
You grabbed the remote from behind your head and turned on the tiny TV across the room, flipping through the channels to find something, anything to take your mind off of being in here. Carson came in a while later, startling you from a sleep you didn’t realize you were in. 
“Hey, hey! Sorry I woke you. Just gonna check some things out. Can you sit up for me?” She said. 
You pushed through every ache and pain your body presented you with while you brought yourself to sit, the weight of your lungs still heavy. 
She pressed her stethoscope to your chest and back and had you breathe deeply a few times. 
“Definitely getting better, you don’t sound nearly as raspy as you did. I’m going to give you your next dose of antibiotics through your IV now. And when you’re all through these next few doses and your levels stay up, we can remove the IV. Sound good?” She said while she recorded your blood pressure. “Then you’ll move to a round of them in pill form.”
“Sounds great. Just lovely.” You said, defeatedly.
“I’m surprised you even found somewhere to put my IV in that hand, busted up as it is.” You said, lifting your right hand and inspecting it. 
“Yeah, you were so dehydrated I couldn’t find a vein in your arms at all. Hand to resort to your hand. I noticed it’s been through some things…” she said, noting all your scars. 
“Yeah, my other arm has scars from both times I broke it, but these…all these little ones…” 
She looked closer, seeing all the little places that shards of glass had ended up that night so long ago at the bar. 
“Geez, there are tons. What did you do?” She asked. 
“Shattered glass beer bottle. Had a rough time fending off some jackass one night.” You said. “Still hurts sometimes.”
“I’d say it does. I hope you won…” she said, flicking her eyes to you. 
“I like to think I did.” You smiled, huffing loudly and readjusting yourself. 
“You hate it in here, don’t you?” She asked. 
“Eh, I’d rather be on my way to our next show right now, that’s for sure. But thank you for taking care of me. You’ve really been a light during my whole stay here.” You relented, feeling thankful that she ended up as your nurse. 
“No problem, Jake. You’ve been an excellent patient. And it was good catching up with an old friend again. I don’t get to do that much.” She said, smiling as she pulled a strand of hair behind her ear. 
“Did I really give you a scare last night?” You asked. 
She nodded. “Yeah, you did. Your vitals started crashing kinda fast. You weren’t knocking on heaven’s door or anything, but. It could have gone south fast if you weren’t here already.” She clicked a few times on her computer. “We had to call in the respiratory team. You tested my training after we left this room, and your brother's sanity, that’s for sure.”
Damn, Sam must have been just as scared as you were…
You smiled at her sudden nervousness. She leaned over you to fluff your pillow behind you. As she pulled away, your hands brushed together on the bed sheets. She decided not to move it. 
Your eyes quickly flitted up to meet hers. “Did you save me, Miss Carson Neely?” 
She giggled, shyly looking away. “No, Mr. Jacob Kiszka, me and my team saved you.” 
You felt a strange wave of something sweet fly through your body, a new, light, buzzing sensation that your brain hadn’t felt in a long time. 
She gathered her things onto the cart and began to walk away. “Just think, only a couple more days in here, and you won’t have to see my face everyday anymore.” She opened the door and began to back out. “And how did you know my Instagram name?” She left, winking secretly as the door clanked shut. 
You were left stunned. You quickly grabbed your phone, opening the app and typing in the search box. 
As you step out into the lobby you see the family sitting in the same place you left them, although this time they look a lot happier, with smiles on all of their faces. As you approach they wave you over as excitedly as possible.
“Were you up there when they told him?” Karen asks.
“Told him what?” you ask.
“His doctor just came down here and told us that if he continues to improve overnight they will release him tomorrow or the next day!” Karen says. 
“Oh gosh. I hope so. I know he is tired of being here.” you reply. 
“So I was talking to Kelly, I think we are gonna checkout of the hotel and head home in the morning. I want to wash his sheets and clean up the house some. Oh, and go to the grocery store…” she pauses. “Do you want to ride with us, or?” she asks.
“Oh, um, yeah I can ride with you guys in the morning. I just need to pack up our stuff tonight I guess.” you reply.
“We’re going to head back to the hotel now, do you want to come or stay here?” she asks, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“I drove here, so I will follow you guys.” you answer.
“Me and Sammy and Danny are gonna stay here and wait for Josh, then we will probably head back too.” Elle says, trying to reassure you.
“Okay. Just…text me if anything happens, I guess.” you smile.
She winks at you and you wave bye to Sam and Danny as you follow Karen and Kelly out the doors. 
Tapping your keycard to the door you step into the hotel room, grateful that you already cleaned up a little bit earlier in the day. You tossed your things onto the dresser and flopped down onto your bed. You grabbed your phone and rolled to your side trying to catch up on all of the calls and texts you’d received in the last few days. 
You click on your thread with Karen, confirming plans to leave in the morning, and realize that you need to finish packing everything up. With a groan you roll off the bed and drag yourself over to your suitcase, setting out fresh clothes for tomorrow and collecting the rest of your things. 
As you zip your suitcase, you make your way over to his, opening it and beginning to refold everything and trying to organize it better than it currently was. Bringing a couple of his shirts to your face you breathe him in, a smell you miss desperately. A tear pricks at your eye as you remember everything he said today. He misses you too. 
Collecting his toiletries you walk them back to his suitcase and place the bag inside. The tiny white bag catches your eye again, and you try to ignore it. Pretend you never saw it. But, you did. You grabbed it, and pulled it out, walking over to the desk and situating yourself in the chair. You slide the ring out of the bag and in an act of pure insanity, slid it onto your finger. 
You held your hand out, admiring how perfect it looked on your finger as a hot tear rolled down your cheek. You stare at it, and again wonder if he really was going to propose. When he would have done it. How he would have done it…where did this ring even come from? 
You pull yourself up from the desk and continue packing his suitcase, the extra weight on your finger feeling like a thousand pounds. When everything was packed away you walked back over to the desk, giving your hand one last look before sliding the ring off and putting it back in the bag. You tuck it away at the bottom of the suitcase, hoping he would think you never even saw it. But you did. And now you’d never forget. 
As you slid into bed later that night, you grabbed the TV remote flipping through channels, hoping for something that would take your mind off of him. But instead you found yourself settling on The Food Network, because you know that’s what he would have picked. Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives lights up the screen and you suddenly feel as if you’re back home with Jake.
You grabbed your phone from the nightstand and opened your texts looking for your last message with him. You open the camera and snap a picture of the darkened room, with just the TV as the focus, hoping he will see what you’re watching. You attach the photo to the text and press send.
10:44pm: *Attachment*
10:44pm: It’s not the same without you… 
You set your phone down on the nightstand, knowing he is probably asleep, or just wont respond. You wouldn’t blame him. You watch for a few minutes as you learn about a Mexican restaurant in El Paso, silently wondering if you’d ever go to El Paso…
Your phone buzzes on the nightstand and you grab it as quickly as you can, hoping it was him. 
10:56pm: *Attachment*
10:56pm: I know…
Tears fill your eyes not only because he did reply, but his response, which included a photo of his view from his hospital bed, where he was watching the exact same thing.
You swiped your hand over your eyes as you replied.
10:59pm: Do you think we’ll ever go to El Paso?
11:00pm: I think we have to now...
You snapped another photo, of his suitcase zipped and ready next to his guitar case as they laid on his bed. 
11:04pm: *Attachment*
11:04pm: Ready for you to come home.
11:06pm: Me too baby
Baby? You feel your insides practically melt away reading the simple text again and again. 
11:10pm: See you soon…
11:11pm: Not soon enough.
You fall asleep that night with a warm feeling in your chest. Maybe there was hope. You knew you both needed time, and you’d gladly give him that. It was the least you could do. But you knew you would also give him every drop of love you had, and maybe, just maybe that would be enough to help the two of you weather this storm. 
It was late when your eyes shot open, still blurry from the sleep filling them and the dim light of the room. You rolled over on the hard plastic-like pillow, the sheets scratching you as you twisted. You glanced at the clock, 2:20am. Blah. Only a few more hours until they come in to check your vitals and give you more antibiotics. You flipped to your side, hugging the extra pillow they’d given you, when something sitting in the chair caught your eye. 
What the hell is that? 
You flipped the overhead light on, illuminating the room with a buzzing fluorescent glow. 
It’s…a guitar?
You sat up, reaching hard to grab the neck of it, noticing a small note tucked between the strings. You unfolded it, turning it toward the light. 
Congratulations on beating bacterial pneumonia!
Thought you’d like to borrow this to get through your last day…
Don’t beat her up too much ;)
Holy shit, this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you. You tucked the note onto the table beside you, and laid back down on the bed. You grasped the old acoustic, feeling its weight in your hands sit just right. You positioned your hands just so, and strummed a light chord. My god, the joy you felt. This was probably the longest you’d gone without holding a guitar in your hands since before you were a teenager. You tilted your head back and let out a tiny howl at the sound of it, before tuning it up just a tad. 
You had no idea how much you missed it, the feeling of your absolute favorite object in the world in your hands. Your means of communication. Your way to make an honest living. Your tool for storytelling. One of the only things that was constant for the entirety of your life so far. She’d never let you down. 
And Carson had given it to you. Well, let you borrow it, at least. You continued playing quietly until the sun was peeking through the curtains, giving the room a dull blue tint. Your fingers were starting to ache from being out of practice for the past few days, but you welcomed the feeling. The true attachment you had with this instrument was unending. 
You grabbed your phone, opening Instagram to your direct messages. You found Carson, sending her a quick message. 
You: Thank you for the loan, I haven’t been this happy in days
To your surprise, she answered. 
Carson: Not a problem at all. How does she play?
You: Perfectly. Could use a new set of strings, though ;)
Carson: Ah, I bet it does. I haven’t picked it up in quite some time. Promise, I’ll get some new ones asap
You: See you soon?
Carson: I’ll be there to sign your discharge papers :)
You locked your phone, letting your mind drift as your fingers grazed the strings again. You closed your eyes, watching as the music floated from your fingertips directly along with the colorful waves behind your eyelids. 
Oh, shit…
You grabbed your phone again, sending Josh a quick text. 
5:48am: Hey, when you come pick me up later, can you have Sam get you a new thing of acoustic strings and bring them with you? Thanks please don’t forget.
Right as the sun began to hit your face, the warmth making your skin tingle, you began to think about Y/N asleep by herself, probably still worried about you. You thought about everything she’d said, how horribly you’d treated her lately…your heart started to ache. The guilt of not telling her about Elle began pulling at your insides. You were tearing yourself up, you’d waited all your life for her, and right when you both were in a perfect spot, twisted fate came in and ripped it away. 
But she had been there all day. All week. By your side. Your fingers began to play a tune you’d never heard before, never played before…light and solemn, but happy at the same time. You memorized it, writing the notes down mentally. This sounds good… You promised yourself that you’d make it work this time. You had to, you didn’t have any other choice. You hoped to god that she intended to stay this time. 
You drifted off to sleep still playing that tune, letting the guitar slip from your hands as you slept, dreaming of finally seeing your girl tomorrow.
The ride from Saginaw to Frankemuth was short, only half an hour at most, and you spent most of the drive laughing with Kelly and Karen about the funny things your parents got into with them before you were born. 
You knew all you could do was laugh, otherwise you’d all cry about how scary things were with Jake. You hadn’t received any updates about Jake since yesterday afternoon before you left the hospital. You hoped that no news was good news, but still, another word of reassurance wouldn’t hurt. 
As you pulled into their driveway, Kelly unloaded your bags and brought them up to Jake’s room. You and Karen made a plan for the day of the things you knew you both wanted to get done before you picked up Jake tomorrow, god willing. 
You spent most of the day assisting Karen in cleaning up, doing some of Jake’s laundry, and putting fresh sheets on his bed. You two also made a trip to the grocery store, picking up a few of his favorite things. 
It was weird being in his house without him, let alone his bedroom surrounded by his things. But you embraced it. You loved him, and all you wanted was for him to come home to you. Even if it was in a different way than before.
Around 5:00 Karen got a call that he would be discharged tomorrow, and to pick him up around noon. The house was filled with happiness and joy, but also, a bit of nervousness as none of you knew what to expect with his recovery. 
You helped Karen make a huge batch of chicken noodle soup, and later that night the three of you sat around the table testing the recipe. 
“Perfect as always, my love.” Kelly said, grabbing Karen's hand. 
You felt a shock shoot through your body. Your mind flashing to a memory of Jake saying those exact words, and sounding the exact same. You wondered if you’d ever hear those words again. 
After dinner you excused yourself to bed, ready to take a shower and get a good night's sleep before your long and emotional day tomorrow. You took extra time in the shower, letting the hot water soothe your tired muscles, and relax you enough that you would fall right asleep. 
You pulled on your favorite t-shirt and a pair of his old sweatpants and slid into his bed, wishing so badly he was there next to you. You thought of him, alone at the hospital and sighed. You hadn’t heard a word from him all day, so with the rest of the courage you had, you grabbed your phone and sent him a text. 
You opened your thread with him, and hit the camera button, snapping a picture of you curled up on his pillow, and hit send. 
9:47pm: *Attachment*
9:49pm: My shirt, in my bed? That’s just mean…
9:50pm: Clean sheets too. All to myself…
9:51pm: *Attachment*
9:51pm: This is what they are calling a pillow.
You smile as you open the photo to see Jake, laying on a flattened out piece of cotton wrapped in plastic. 
9:52pm: Lol, don’t worry, tomorrow you can have all of these to yourself…
9:52pm: *Attachment*
You laugh, sending him a photo of both of the pillows on his bed, looking fluffy and full.
9:54pm: Then what will you sleep on?
9:55pm: I don’t know, one of the pillows on the basement pull out couch.
9:56pm: No, I can probably share. Just this once…
9:57pm: What are you doing?
9:58pm: Rifling around your room looking for treasures…
9:59pm: Hmm, want to go on a scavenger hunt?
10:00pm: Okay…
10:01pm: Alright, get out of my bed and walk over to the desk
10:02pm: Okay I’m here…
10:03pm: Okay, open the second drawer from the bottom.
10:04pm: Done
10:03: Okay in the very bottom of the drawer there should be a little brown cardboard box
10:05pm: Yes, I see it.
10:06pm: Look inside.
Pulling the box from the drawer you open it and see it filled with CD’s. You pull one of the jewel cases out and smile. Their very first CD. You grab the next one, different from the first. Flipping through four of five untitled CD’s before getting to one you recognized, Oh, Live from Detroit, I remember that…I think I was there…
10:10pm: Wow, is this every single one?
10:11pm: Yeah, should be. I’m pretty sure some of those are like, the only copies in existence anymore.
10:12pm: Is there a CD player in here? I have to listen to these.
10:13pm: Nope. Ready to see my most favorite treasure?
10:15pm: Yes
10:16pm: Okay, walk over to my dresser
10:17pm: Here
10:18pm: Ok you see all the photos stacked in the corner?
10:19pm: Yes
10:18pm: Okay, ignore those. Instead, look up.
You look up and are met with your reflection in the mirror. You. You are his treasure. You aren’t even sure what to say. You just stare at the screen of your phone as you feel your heart flutter.
10:20pm: It’s true. You are my most favorite treasure. 
You swallow back the lump in your throat and walk back over to the bed, sliding in once again and snuggling up to his pillow. 
10:22pm: You know you’re mine too, Jake…
He doesn't respond and you figure he probably fell asleep, and you weren’t too far behind him. You place your phone on the nightstand and turn off the lamp, ready to let sleep take you away when you hear it buzz again. 
11:01pm: Remember when we used to sneak out of my window and sit on the roof and smoke so my parents wouldn’t know?
11:03pm: Lol yes and I was always afraid we were going to get too high and fall off.
11:05pm: You know I’d never let anything happen to you.
11:07pm: I know…
11:09pm: Wish we could go back.
11:07pm: There’s a lot of things I wish I could go back and redo.
11:11pm: All part of the journey babe, good or bad.
11:13pm: More bad than good…
11:14pm: And I’m still here…
11:16pm: But it’s not the same.
11:18pm: Not yet.
11:20pm: But maybe?
11:21pm: Definitely maybe
11:23pm: Then maybe I can make you pancakes and sing Sam Cooke with you?
11:25pm: God I fuckin’ hope so baby.
11:27pm: Me too. 
11:30pm: Enjoy that bed to yourself while you can…
11:31pm: Like it better when you’re here.
11:32pm: Me too. Goodnight babe
11:33pm: Night Jake ❤️
You placed your phone on the nightstand, hugging his pillow tightly to your chest, letting out a breath it felt like you'd been holding in for weeks. And as you fell asleep, you let yourself believe that things might actually be okay. 
You tapped your fingers nervously on the arm of the couch, you were ready to go, and you had been for nearly two hours. The clock ticking by slower than it ever has. The hospital called again this morning to confirm Jake’s discharge, and Josh was planning to meet you there and ride back with the three of you. 
“You ready to go get your man?” Karen asked jokingly.
You laughed nervously, “Yeah, I think he did his time.” you replied as you followed her out the door. 
The ride to the hospital was nervous but hopeful, you and Karen chatting about the weather and anything else you could think of, but the closer you got the more the nerves set in. Things between you and Jake had taken a drastic turn in the past two days, talking more than you had in the past few weeks. 
As you stepped into the hospital and made your way to the elevator, Josh greeted you with hugs and ‘hellos’.
“Have you been waiting long?” you asked.
“No, not really, had to come up here earlier actually, Jake needed guitar strings? I don’t know. I didn’t ask, came and brought them up and they were getting ready to start his discharge. Checked out of my hotel room and just got here a few minutes ago.” he said.
Guitar strings?
The three of you rode the elevator up to the fourth floor and you took a deep breath as Josh knocked on his door. 
Seconds later the door was opening, and for the first time in days you saw Jake behind it. 
“Wow, honey you are looking better!” Karen said, pulling him in for a hug. As he hugged her back his eyes met yours, looking much more lively than just a day ago. 
“You ready to get the fuck out of here?” Josh joked.
“Hell yes, what took you guys so long?” he laughed.
With Karen and Josh looking to you now, you stepped forward towards him as he reached his arms out to you. He wrapped his arms tightly around you like it was the only thing tethering him to earth. His face buried into your neck breathing you in as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. 
“God, I am so glad to see you.” he said. Part of you wondering if he meant it or if this was part of his act. 
He pulled away quickly as a cough shook through his chest, not nearly as bad as it was, but still not great. 
“Alright alright, let's get you home and back into bed. You’re not healed yet, son.” Karen said playfully.
He nodded and grabbed his few items, before stepping through the door and grabbing your hand in his. 
“Hey, thanks for the serenade all night, that’s a story I’ll be able to tell my grandkids one day.” The guy at the nurses station said, saluting Jake as you left. 
“Tell them you listened to me write a new song in a hospital bed!” he responded. 
“Did you really write something new?” Josh asked, leaning in close. 
“Sure did. It’s pretty sweet…think you’ll like it, too.” he said, looking over to you, his sweet grin filling your stomach with butterflies as he squeezed your hand. 
You were completely unaware that the emotions he came to terms with while laying in that bed inspired something beautiful and brand new. 
The two of you walked hand in hand to the elevator, taking the short ride down to the lobby with Karen and Josh. 
As you loaded into the car Josh joined Karen up front and Jake sat in the back with you. Each of you sat on your respective sides of the car, casting glances at each other every few seconds. You could hardly tear your eyes away from him, dressed in your most favorite item in the world. You wondered if he really meant it all those days ago when he said it wasn't his favorite. That he was going to donate it. You hoped he wouldn’t, and thankfully he didn’t.
He talked to Karen and Josh most of the drive home, but still he would look at you, the color back in his face and a small smile on his lips. 
He stretched his arm over the headrests, letting his hand fall at the nape of your neck. His fingers gently dusting the skin there as he continued to talk. Your mind began swirling with the memory of the last time you felt his touch this way. So soft and gentle. You looked over at him meeting his eyes as his thumb pressed into your skin letting you know he was thinking the same things you were.
Minutes later you were pulling into the driveway and making your way up to the front door. Sam and Elle had arrived while you were gone and were happy to see Jake in better condition. You ushered Jake upstairs, knowing he still needed tons of rest and that it was almost time for his next dose of antibiotics. He agreed, slowly making his way upstairs to his bedroom as you followed behind him. 
She shuts the door behind her and leans against it as you walk over to your suitcase, laying open on the floor. You pick up a t-shirt noticing its soft texture and folded state. You pull it to your nose breathing in the scent and feeling your body physically relax. 
“Did you wash my clothes?” You ask, looking over to her still leaning against the door. 
Her eyes flick up to yours nervously, “Oh, um yes.”
You bring the shirt to your nose again breathing it in. Smells just like her.
“How does it– it smells just like you?” you question.
“Your mom and I went to the store yesterday. I picked up the laundry soap we use at home, thought it might…I don’t know, make you feel better or something.” she answers.
You stand up from your suitcase, throwing the shirt over your shoulder and walking over to her. You grab her hands and pull her into your arms, wrapping them tightly around her. Her arms snake around your back, her hands gripping into you as the two of you stand there breathing each other in. 
“Thank you.” you whisper. 
“You’re welcome…” she replies. 
You release her, stepping back and just looking at her. Really looking at her. You can tell she is nervous. After the way you’d treated her the last few weeks, you’d be nervous around you too. 
You pull off the flannel and toss it into the suitcase, pulling the black t-shirt over your head and pulling on the one you’d grabbed from your suitcase. You kicked off your jeans and threw your phone onto the bed, as she turned away.
You sat down on the edge of the bed, as you turned your attention back to her. “Hey, c’mere…”
She walked over to you, as her phone buzzed in her back pocket. She pulled it out, and looked at the screen before her eyes flashed to you.
“Time for your meds…” she said.
“Oh, are you my nurse?” you asked playfully.
“For now, though I am probably not as qualified as Carson.” she laughed.
Shit. Did she know?
“Your mom and I made chicken noodle soup for you yesterday. Do you want some? Then you can take your medicine?” she asks.
“You made it?” you ask.
“Well, yeah. Me and your mom. It’s your moms recipe, I just helped.” she admits. 
A smile crosses your face, “Yes. Please.”
“Okay, stay here. I will be back in a few.” she says, disappearing through the door.
Just ask her when she comes back. It’s just Y/N. Why are you so nervous?
A few minutes later as you’re laid back on your pillows your bedroom door opens and you see Y/N and Elle carrying in all kinds of things. 
“Brought you lunch! And snacks! Heard they were starving you in there!” Elle says. 
“I think prison food would have tasted better.” you laugh.
“Well this should be good, especially if Y/N made it.” she smiles.
“I just helped! I swear I didn’t do anything special!” she interjects.
“Sure you did. You made it for Jake right?” she asks.
A puzzled look crosses Y/N’s face, “Yeah?”
“So it was made with love. That makes everything special.” she says, scampering back through the bedroom door, shutting it behind her. 
Y/N places the bowl of soup, crackers, and water for you at your desk, motioning for you to come over. You stand up from the bed and walk over, mouth already watering just from the smell alone. You sit down and turn to her, as she places the two white pills in your hand. 
“I will be downstairs if you…need anything. You can just text me or whoever…” she says, backing up towards the door.
“You’re leaving?” you ask.
“Well, I figur–”
“You figured wrong. Stay…Hang out with me for a little bit?” you ask.
“Are you…sure?” she asks.
“Find a movie for us to watch?” you offer.
A smile slides across her face and she tries to stifle it back. She kicks off her shoes and grabs some clothes from her suitcase, running off to the bathroom to change. Minutes later she is walking back into your room in a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. You swallow nervously as you take her in. Your favorite girl.
She grabs the TV remote, climbing into your bed and nestling herself into the blankets. You have a hard time keeping the smile from your own face, knowing it would be mere minutes until you were there next to her.
You were nervous to crawl into bed with her, but you knew once you were there everything would fall into place. It always did. You slid into the bed, pulling the familiar blankets up over your body, as she hit play on the movie. 
You rolled to your side looking up at her, deeply invested in the movie starting on the tiny screen across the room. You had no idea what movie she picked and honestly you didn’t care. The medicine you had to take made it hard for you to keep your eyes open for longer than five minutes at a time. It had been too long since you were able to just relax with her. Not a care in the world, just you and her and that's it. 
“You want this, or do I get to use it?” she smiles, offering you the pillow behind her.
You smiled back, “You can use it, but I have the freedom to change my mind at any moment.” you say playfully. She lays down into it, closing her eyes as she breathes you in. Her eyes reopen and look at you as her hand suddenly comes up towards your face. 
Her fingers gently glide over your top lip, “I kind of like the mustache Jake. It’s…I don’t know…It’s hot.”
“I couldn’t shave in the hospital, been a few days. You like it?” you ask.
Her fingers run over it again, lingering for an extra second, “Yeah. I do. Maybe you should try it out.” she smiles.
“I don’t know, maybe.” you reply, rolling to your back.
A cough rips through your chest as you turn away from her, but you feel her hand press to your chest, warm and soft even through your thin t-shirt.
You roll back with a sigh, wondering how long this cough will stick around. 
“You know, I kind of feel like this is partly my fault.” she said resting her face on her arm. 
“What? No? Why?” you question.
“The other day, in the hotel room, you were kind of out of it, coughing here and there, kept getting headaches…I asked you if you were sick and you said no, but I knew you were. I should have made you go to the doctor sooner.” she says quietly.
You roll towards her, letting your feet graze against hers, “I shouldn’t have pretended that I was okay. Just, with everything that was going on, I couldn’t deal with that too. It caught up with me though. I was stupid for thinking it wouldn’t.”
“Thank you, for taking me to the hospital though… I…am glad you were there, in the room with me. I’m glad I didn’t move you to your own room.” you admit.
Her foot slides against your leg, sending a shiver through your body, “I did. I changed all the rest of our hotel bookings for the rest of the tour. I got my own room so you didn’t have to be near me.”
“Why?” you ask, unsure you even wanted to hear the answer.
“Because you’ve spent the past two weeks showing me that’s exactly what you wanted.” she says, driving a dagger straight through your heart.
You grab her arm pulling her to lay on your chest as you wrap your arms around her. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I know I was mean. I didn’t want to be, I was just…hurting. I shouldn’t have said those things. They aren’t even true.”
“No, I deserved it. I still do.” she says, cheek to your chest.
“Will you just, lay here with me?” you ask, into her hair.
“Am I allowed to touch you?” she whispers.
“Of course you can touch me, baby.” you answer, completely shocked that she thinks she needs to ask. 
Her hand snakes up under your shirt, resting on your chest. You can tell by her urgency that she had probably been thinking about it for a long time. You knew laying with you like this was one of her favorite things in the world. Her fingers rubbed small paths over your skin, almost like she was re-familiarizing herself with your body. You missed the way her skin felt on yours, and if it was up to you, you wouldn’t move from this spot for the next three days.
It was quiet between the two of you for a while, just the gentle rise and fall of your hand on her shoulder as she breathed. The movie continued to play across the room, but neither of you were watching it. You knew that both of you had fallen into a deep spiral of what exactly had happened between the two of you that you’d ended up here, together, but not at all.
The two of you later found yourselves seated around the kitchen table as your mom finished cleaning up dinner, finding that the extra long nap earlier had you waking up feeling even better than you had this morning. Part of you wondered if it was because Y/N was wrapped around you, or maybe just the new medicine you’d been given. Either way, you were starting to get into better spirits, even given your current situation.
“Our flight is leaving tomorrow, Daniel’s too.” Sam said, leaning back in the old wooden kitchen chair.
“Sammy do not lean in my chairs, the rules have not changed!” your mom yelled from across the kitchen. 
You lifted your middle finger, flipping him off with a shit eating smile as he rolled his eyes and sat back down. He scoffed and flipped you off with both hands cutting his eyes at you.
“Samuel Francis!” your mom yelled, peeking her head around the corner seeing Sam with two middle fingers in the air.
“No! That was to Jake, not to you!” he said, trying to explain. You let a small laugh leave your chest as you watched him get scolded.
“Don’t let me see that again…” she said pointing at him and returning to the kitchen.
“Fuck you Jake…” he muttered under his breath.
“No, fuck you, Sam.” you replied with a grin.
“Annnnyways….I’m probably gonna stay here with Jake, someone has to drive his ass home, and I’m not making Y/N do it.” Josh says.
“What! I can do it!” she interjects.
“I know you can, but I need you to watch him while I’m driving. I can't be chauffeur and nurse.” he laughs.
“When do you think you’ll be ready to head back?” he asks.
“Probably, like…another day or so? I am feeling way better. I could probably drive, honestly.” you say but are met with a resounding ‘No’ from everyone seated around the table.
“Jake, you can barely keep your eyes open.” she smiles.
“Okay, so tentatively the day after tomorrow…”Josh says.
“Yeah, I think so. Y/N?” you ask.
“Yeah, whatever you guys want.” she answers, as you slide your hand to rest on her leg. You feel her hand grab yours and give it a tight squeeze before she stands up and walks into the kitchen.
Sam and Elle follow after her, leaving you and Josh to sit at the table. 
“I think I would kill a man for a beer.” you say.
He laughs, and pats you on the shoulder, “Damn, you are feeling better, huh?”
You nod and send him a smile.
“I’m glad. Was scared there for a minute.” he admits.
“You can’t get rid of me, fucker…” you laugh.
Y/N walks back in with a glass of water and another handful of pills, handing you both, as she watches you take them. 
“Gonna go take a shower, don’t stay down here too long or I’m starting the next episode without you.” she says, with a smirk.
“I’ll be up in a bit.” you say, squeezing her hand as she walked away and disappeared up the stairs.
“So, are you two like…good now?” he asks.
“I mean, no. I haven’t even told her about Elle yet. Gonna wait until we get home. I just… I spent the last two weeks being a complete dick to her. Hated her, or– what she did to me. Said some really fucked up shit to her, then I found out what happened with me and Elle, and knew I fucked up. Knew I overreacted. That morning I was going to try to start being nice to her again, but then, next thing I knew I was in the fucking hospital. I spent the entire time I was in the hospital thinking about her. I fucking love her man, that shit doesn’t just go away. As much as I wanted to hate her and never talk to her again, when that alert thing started going off and I couldn’t breathe…when I thought I was about to fuckin’ die… It was her. I know it’s always going to be her.” you pause as he nods his head. 
“So I wake up and she's in my hospital room and she’s just… god, I don’t even know. Just so attentive and wants to listen to me, and be there with me. How could I not want to forgive her? I put her through hell, and I know, she’s no angel, but even after all the shit I said to her, she still came. I know I hurt her, but I know she still loves me too.” you finish.
“She does Jake. But what her and Sam did is a far worse offense than what you and Elle did.” he says.
“I know. I know that, but…I feel just as guilty. I was planning to do the same thing. I just…how can I stay mad at her when she all but gave me free reign. The only difference is that I didn’t give her permission.” you say. 
“Would you have given it?” he asks.
“No? I don’t know? Maybe? That whole night is a fucking blur, I barely, barely remember it. It was like a movie, man. Wild shit and bad decisions happening everywhere. Way too much alcohol. We were having fun, we all felt really free, I guess. One of those once in a lifetime nights, ya know? Do you know that I came and slept in your room that night?” you ask.
“What? No.” he replies.
“Yeah, after I told her we were done, I left the room. I didn’t know where to go, so I slept on the couch in your room. Left before you got up. Tried to talk to her again, went pretty fucking poorly, so I went to the bar and drank myself stupid.” you confess.
“I just feel like…I got really lucky that she was in the room with me the other night. I don’t know what would have happened if she wasn’t. I got a second chance, you know? So why shouldn’t I give her one, too?” you finish.
“That’s your call brother. I know she loves you. I know you love her. But sometimes things aren’t that cut and dry. I know you’ll make the right call though. You always do. I’m glad you are feeling better and I’m glad you told me about everything. You know I will help you any way I can.” he says, standing up from the table. 
“I realized while I was in the hospital that I don’t tell you guys that I love you, nearly enough. You know I’m not an emotional kind of guy, but… I do, love you.”
A smile crosses his face at your confession, “I love you too Jakey. And for the record you might be the most emotional guy I know.”
You smile and pat his back as you walk away up the stairs, trying to keep your heart rate down and avoid a coughing fit. You twist the door knob, and as you step inside you see Y/N squatting down in front of her suitcase looking for her pajamas, her towel twisted on top of her head. 
You’d missed seeing her like this. Sure you’ve been with her nearly every night in the hotel room, but something about being here was different. You pulled your shirt over your head and tied your hair up at the base of your neck, letting your sweats fall to the floor before sliding into your bed with a groan. Your body was sore from all the coughing you’d done the past few days, and your muscles were extremely tight as a result. 
Y/N flipped the towel off of her head, dragging her brush through it, and tossing it back into her suitcase. She had on her normal pajamas of an oversized t-shirt and panties, though she’d been opting for shorts as well more recently. You were interested to see what she would choose tonight. 
She looked over her shoulder as you watched her make the decision, and as she shut her suitcase you couldn’t help the smile on your face. She turned off the overhead light, leaving the room lit by the TV, as she crawled over you into the bed. 
“You gonna turn it on?” she asks, positioning herself under the blankets.
“What?” you ask.
“Our show?” she answers, so normally. 
“Do you want me to?” you ask.
“Well yeah. Don’t you want to know what's going to happen to the cigarette smoking man?” she asks.
You turn to her and pull her into your side, letting her cuddle up to you in her favorite spot as you hit play on the remote.
About halfway through the episode you feel your eyes starting to get heavy, thanks to that damn medicine. You have been lazily running your fingers through her still damp hair, and halfway paying attention to the show on the screen as you just enjoy the feeling of her draped over your body.
Your phone buzzes on the nightstand causing both of you to turn your heads. You reach over and grab it, pulling it out in front of you to see who it is. You and Y/N both squint at the brightness of your screen as you quickly turn it down. 
You click on the notification letting it open your Instagram DM’s and seeing Carson's name appear at the top.
Carson:You changed my strings? You didn’t have to do that! You’re a sweetheart. 💕
Your heart starts to race as you quickly lock your screen and place the phone back on your nightstand, hoping she didn’t see. 
“So that’s why you needed strings…” she says, laying her head back down on your chest.
“Just trying to be nice. She practically saved my life you know…” you say, hoping to play it off.
A few minutes pass and it's silent between the two of you. You swallow nervously as you grab the remote and pause the show, before turning off the TV. She turns to look at you, resting her chin on your chest.
You turn onto your side, letting her fall beneath you, as you cup her face in your hand.
“For three days that woman had to listen to me ask for you. Beg, really. Were we good friends in highschool, yeah, sure. But I haven’t talked to her since graduation. She did something nice for me, so I did something nice for her. If anyone knows how I feel about you, it’s her.” you say.
“How do you feel?” she asks.
“I’ll tell you the same thing I told Josh. When I was scared to death, thought I was about to die, your face was all I could see.” you reply.
“Really?” she breathes.
You lay your face onto hers, letting her lips lay against your cheek, as you force yourself not to show her exactly how you feel. “Yeah, baby.” you whisper.
“You wanna go to sleep?” you ask.
“Will you hold me?” she asks, the tone in her voice nervous that you might say no.
You roll her to her side and pull her into your chest, letting your head settle into your pillow as you twist your fingers with hers. It feels so, so good to be with her like this. Your missing piece. 
You breathe in deeply and let it go, finally feeling the weight lift from your chest as you let your eyes close. Suddenly you feel her turning in your arms, her face centimeters from hers.
“Hey Jake?” she whispers. 
You open your eyes and see her looking back at you, “Yeah?”
“It’d be you, too.” she says.
You send her a puzzled look. 
“If I was dying. It would be you, for me. It always has been.” she breathes.
You grab her face with your right hand, cupping her cheek as you press your lips to hers in the kiss that has been dancing between the two of you all day. Her lips are soft and full, and warm, and everything you thought about for the past two weeks without her. Her hand snakes up your bare chest, resting on your neck as she kisses you back; her lips like velvet as they move against your own. 
After a minute you force yourself to pull away from her, just looking into her eyes for a few seconds, before you pull her body back into yours and lay down on your pillow. Though this time you are holding her closer, and holding her tighter, knowing you can’t let her go again. Not ever.
“Goodnight, love.” you whisper softly into her ear.
She rolls her neck to the side, letting you place one soft barely there kiss to her skin as she whispers back to you in her perfectly sleepy voice, “Goodnight, babe.”
Evening was drawing near again; you’d spent almost the entire day at your parents’, soaking in the hours you had with them and explaining everything that had been happening the past few days. They were devastated to hear about Jake’s health and the cancellation of the next shows, but they agreed it was in his best interest. 
After dinner and more sweet goodbyes, you told them you were off to play nurse again, and you’d call them when you got back to Nashville. 
You crept back into Jake’s house, the smell of leftover dinner aroma filling your nose. It seemed though mostly everyone had gone to bed, until you heard laughing outside on the back porch. 
You waltzed to the sliding door, peeking through the blinds and found Jake and Josh sitting and talking, bundled up with jackets and scarves. 
You slowly opened the sliding door, and poked your head out. “What are you two doing? It’s freezing out here!”
“No it’s not, Y/N, you’ve just gotten accustomed to the warmth of Tennessee.” Josh laughed. Normally you would find them out here having a beer or sharing a joint, but both of those things weren’t allowed in the house for quite a bit yet. 
“Yeah. Both our doctors told us fresh air would do us some good, so here we are…” Jake said. “I’ll be in in a minute, though.”
“Take your time, get all the fresh air you can! I need you both well.” You closed the door quickly behind you, stopping the brisk air from entering the house. You wondered if Jake had told Josh about anything, and you wondered how he was going to react when he finally did. You weren’t looking forward to that. 
You’d been cuddled up in Jake’s bed reading a book when you heard his door squeak open. You turned sleepily to find him pulling off his scarf, hat, coat, and all the layers he had bundled up in. 
“Hey, whatcha been doing today?” You asked. 
When he was down to his boxers, he climbed in bed beside you, pushing his chilled body against yours. “Missing the hell out of you, that’s what I’ve been doing.”
“God, Jake! You’re so cold, quit!” You laughed and pulled away as he placed his cold hands on your stomach. 
“But I need you to warm me up!” He complained as he grabbed you again, pulling you closer. His freezing cold face was buried in your neck, his hot breath a contrast to the frozen nose pressed into your ear. You felt your whole body tingle, feeling him this close again. Mmm, slow down Jake. But also please don’t…
You let your body roll over against his, sucking up the fact that he was almost frozen solid and giving you chill bumps. “Ahh, that’s better…” he said as he shivered into you, letting out a low growl as he thawed out. Your lips traveled on their own, slipping down the curve of his cold neck, laying tiny kisses as you trailed down to his shoulder, your body begging you to keep taking it further. 
But you couldn’t. You had to go slow, keep your feelings at bay. You weren’t together…but then you saw his deep brown eyes flick up to yours, his eyelids heavy already. His hand grabbed the back of your neck softly, pulling you to meet face to face. Your lips fought to reach out to his, connecting again like they had last night. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this…” he whispered. 
“No, we shouldn’t.” You answered, as he pulled your neck again, letting you stop just millimeters from his lips. You let your tongue sneak out, brushing it into his mouth before pressing your lips to his in a flurry of hitched breaths and grabbing hands. His kiss was hurried and hot, pulling you over on top of him. His hands buried in your hair, and yours cupping his head. It was fast and frantic, like you’d been starved for one another for years upon years. Finally, so perfect. Your Jake…
…but wait. Suddenly you pulled away, disconnecting the two of you as you wiped your lips off with your hand. You shook your head quickly from side to side. “This isn’t right Jake. We can’t…” you laid back down beside him. 
“Fuck you’re right. You’re right you’re right. We can’t. I’m sorry, I just–”
You leaned in and kissed him again, the pull to him overtaking your entire mind, body and soul. He kissed you back, this time slow and sweet, the kind that set your insides on fire. You couldn’t help the whimper that escaped your lips at the overwhelming feeling of passionate want for him swimming through your body. 
“Mmm, gotta stop making those noises baby, driving me crazy already…” he whispered between deep, engulfing kisses. “We can’t be doing these things…breaking our own rules…”
You rolled him so you were on your back, him hovering over you. His hand instinctively reached down and pulled your leg over his, hitching it and burying his hand in your hip. 
“Truly not the best idea…we should really stop while we’re ahead…” you breathed into him, tongues searching into each other’s mouths again. “But we never came up with any rules though, did we?” You stated more than asked. 
“Mm, nope. We should have laid some down.” He said, gritting his teeth together, flexing his jaw and moving his eyes from your lips down to your breasts. “What’s rule number one, baby? Tell me what we can’t do…” he said, kissing you hard again. 
Your mind was swirling, fighting between wanting to say fuck it and sleep with him, and deciding that you needed to stop. Truly stop. And show yourselves that you could do it. It was time to grow up…but god…his hands on you…
“Rule number one is no kissing.” You said as he brushed his hand down your neck, pulling your tit into his hand and squeezing it, the touch alone making you want to moan obscenities. He pulled his mouth away from yours. 
“Okay, no kissing. Got it.” He breathed, chest heaving. 
“Rule number two, no touching, like that…” he firmly gripped your tit again, pulling and twisting your nipple just the way you fuckin liked. 
“Okay, no touching like that. And three?” He asked, body buzzing. 
“Rule three is… I still get to tell you I love you every single day, how much I care for you, and how sorry I am that I hurt you so badly. How much I want to make this work. And how much I want you to be the person I wake up next to every single morning for the rest of my life.” You spit the words out before you could think about them, and they took him by a little bit of surprise. 
He sat back, admiring you. A small smile crept to his lips as he brought his lips to your forehead, kissing it hard. He nodded. “Okay. Okay baby.”
You let yourselves calm down, settling into a state of relaxation again after getting so worked up. 
“So, you never said no sex, though. So we can still do that, right? Just no kissing or touching?” He said after a few minutes. You rolled up and smacked him across the chest. 
“Jacob!” You laughed. 
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding! Lay back down. Go to sleep.”
“Gonna be hard to go to sleep after feeling you like that again…” you said, laughing. 
“No shit, I already wanna break those rules so fuckin’ bad.” He laughed too, both of you realizing how much you turned each other on. 
“Jake, I wanna tell you something.” You sat up on your elbows. “We both know we’ve got to give each other time, right? We owe it to each other.” He nodded.
“I talked to Logan, and he and a couple friends have a big house, and they’re looking for one more roommate. I told him that I’d take the room. I think it would be best for us, right now. So we can truly have our space away from each other.” You went on. You watched his face fall. “Things feel okay right now, but let’s be honest Jake, I hurt the hell out of you. And I still harbor that guilt. I’ve got to have my time, and I have to give you yours.”
He sighed deeply. You could tell by the look on his face that he didn’t like the idea, but he understood where you were coming from. You thought back to how horribly he talked to you just a week ago, how awful things were…you didn’t want to end up there again. 
“Can we talk more about it tomorrow?” He asked. You could tell his meds were kicking into overdrive. 
“Yeah, babe. Tomorrow.”
You both ended up cuddling again, each of you falling asleep with the love of your life. And you promised yourself right there that you’d spend everyday proving it to him. 
The next morning you woke up early to head back home, Jake finally having more strength than he had all week. It was good seeing color in his face again and you knew he was anxious to get back to Tennessee. 
You made your home in the backseat while Josh hopped into the drivers seat, and Jake manned the copilot seat. You’d made yourself a little bed in the back, ready to curl up with your book. 
You’d been on the road maybe an hour or so when you got a text from Jake. 
9:12am: Please don’t move out
9:13am: Jake, you know we need our space right now
9:15am: Yes, we do. So I’ll just go to the guest room. You can have our bedroom again. Just… please stay. Don’t go away.
You looked out the window at the passing trees, knowing in your heart that you truly didn’t want to move out. But could you make it work? Moving away from him seemed like a good idea, but also, what if it wasn’t? What if it drove you even further apart? What if so much time passed, that you never ended up coming back? 
9:20am: Okay. One condition. 
9:21am: Tell me
9:22am: The guest room is mine.  
A while later, you’d made it to somewhere deep in Kentucky when you felt your stomach rumble. 
“Do you guys wanna stop for food soon? I’m starving.” You said, closing your book. 
“Hell yes I’m starving too.” Josh said, bringing up his GPS. “Jake, you’ve had nothing but jell-o and hard boiled eggs for 4 days, you pick where we go.” 
“Do you guys really wanna know what I want?” Jake went on. “You can’t say no…”
Josh nodded. “Yeah okay I guess…”
“I want fuckin’ Dairy Queen. Chicken strips, and honey mustard, and french fries, and a giant turtle blizzard.” He said, making weird mouth sounds as he talked. “My mouth is literally watering right now. All I could think about in that damn hospital bed was fucking up a blizzard bigger than my face.”
You and Josh erupted with laughter. “Of all the places in the world, and you want Dairy Queen?” He laughed at his twin. 
“What do you have against the Queen of Dairy, Josh?” Jake said blankly, his British accent coming back full force. “Shit’s delicious and that’s where I want to go, got it, damn it?”
You were laughing hard now. “I love Dairy Queen. Sounds good to me babe.” 
Josh raised his eyebrows. “Oooookay then, find the closest one.”
Jake was still eating his ice cream on the walk back to the car, a giant smile planted across his face as his red spoon hung from his lips. 
“I’m gonna sit in the back with you. I’m getting tired.” He said, going around to the back door of the car. 
“Meds kicking in already?” You asked. 
“Yep. Big time. Plus I know if I lay down in your lap you’ll play with my hair.” He said, raising his eyebrows in question. 
“I don’t remember making that deal, now.” You answered, knowing that yes, you would play with his hair if he laid in your lap. 
Josh started the car up again and rerouted the GPS. “Josh, I didn’t even see if you needed a break, want me to drive any?” You asked. 
“No no, you coddle him. I’m good to go. Had me my strawberry sundae so I’m ready for the next 200 miles, baby.” He said, placing his sunglasses over his eyes and pulling out of the lot. 
Jake finished his oversized blizzard and put the cup in the door, curling his legs up underneath him as he laid his head onto your lap. He then fished around behind him for your hand that was once again holding your book, grabbed it, and threw it on his own head. “Pleeease?” He whined. 
You giggled, knowing he wanted you to play with his hair. So you obliged, holding your book in your left hand and pulling through his long silky strands with your right. 
You didn’t even notice him on his phone at first, but your eyes inadvertently popped down to his screen below your book. You saw the name Carson, and immediately your stomach fell. They’re still talking? What could they be messaging about? But you couldn’t say a word. It wasn’t your place. 
“Ya know Jake, with your peach fuzz mustache growing in and your hair getting longer by the day, you might actually turn into a pirate by the time we get back home.” You laughed. 
“Mmm, you’d like that wouldn’t you?” He said flirtatiously look up at you. 
“Uggghhhhhh…gross.” Josh said from the front. “Don’t make me turn the music up louder cause I will.”
“I’m thinking about cutting it. I miss how bouncy it was. Now it just sticks to my face when I sweat. I hate pulling it off my neck during shows.” Jake went on, his voice getting sleepier. 
“But that’s what they love, Jake. Haven’t you seen all those crazy people on your TikTac or whatever that things called? Wanting to collect your sweat in fucking vials and shit?” Josh yelled. 
“Oh my God, Josh!” You laughed hard. 
“What? I can’t help it that I’m a super fuckin’ sexbeast on stage! It’s not my fault…” Jake laughed, obviously feeling himself from the medication and overload of sugar.
“My god, you two are insane. And don’t call yourself a ‘sexbeast’ ever again.” You mumbled, going back to your book. You rode on for a little bit, feeling a bit drowsy yourself. Your eyes kept flitting open and closed while the words began to jumble. 
Suddenly you saw a finger flick down onto your page. “Ya like it so far?” Jake asked through a yawn. 
You smiled. “Yeah, I’m really into it. I hope you don’t mind I borrowed it…” you said, realizing you never asked. 
“What’s mine is yours, babe. And that is one of my favorites.” He said, tucking his hand between your thighs, and curling up on your lap again, letting himself drift off into a much needed slumber. You traced the plains and curves of his face with your fingers, letting them drag over his eyebrows and down the slope of his nose. Even in his sleep he would whine at the pleasant feeling, leaning into your touch. You loved him. More now than ever before. The thought of losing him, showing you everything you already knew, in a whole new light.
An hour or so passed and you somehow manage to stay awake, the upbeat lull of Josh’s quirky playlists keeping your mind piqued. 
“Almost home, you wanna drop Jake off at the house then take me to the office to get my car?” Josh asked, turning the music down. 
“Yeah, that sounds good to me.” You said, placing a dog ear on your page and setting the book on the floorboard. 
A bit later you pulled onto your street, the sun beginning to dip low in the sky. You jostled Jake awake as best you could. “Hey Jake, we’re home. You wanna go ahead inside? I’m gonna take Josh back to his car.”
He stretched, rubbed his eyes, and nodded. “Yeah, I’ll get the bags and stuff out.” You all slinked out of the car, stretching your legs after the long ride. 
“Ahh, feels good to be back in the non frigid temperature, eh guys?” Josh said, helping to pull your suitcases from the back of the car. “I’ll get it brother. You don’t need to get winded.” He handed him a small bag, and wheeled his larger one up to the door. 
“I’ll be back in just a bit.” You told Jake as you placed your suitcase inside the front door. 
You switched Josh out to take the driver’s seat, adjusting the chair and mirrors a bit to fit your liking. This was going to be your first time alone with Josh, and you wondered if Jake had mentioned anything. 
You’d been on the road just a few minutes before he spoke up. 
“You know, you guys don’t have to keep the charade up when you’re around me, right?” He asked, breaking the ice. 
Fuck. Of course Jake told him. 
“Ah, Jake had a little conversation with you, didn’t he?” You said, flipping the blinker to turn into traffic. 
“He did. I’m still not very happy with you, Y/N. I hope you know. Sam either.” He said blankly. Ouch. Would you ever stop hurting Josh, too? 
“I know you’re not, Josh. I wouldn’t be happy with us either. Hell, I’m still so mad at myself I can hardly see straight.” You were both quiet for a bit before you decided to keep going. 
“I know there’s nothing I can say to fix it, except that I hope you know that Jake and I have talked through everything, for the most part. He knows and I know that I made a huge mistake. I can’t go back and change anything, so I’m just going to take my mistake and grow from it. I’m really ready to grow up now, Josh. I have to. I have to be the person he needs, and the person that I need. I’m going to start working on myself, fixing my faults and moving toward better days.” You were quiet again. 
“I hope you know how much I love him.” You mumbled, wishing that Josh would say something. Anything. 
“I do. And I know how much he loves you. Even though I can’t believe the shit that went down, with Sam and everything, I know that you guys will figure it out. You have to.” 
You nodded. “Thanks, Josh. Remember you can stay mad at me for as long as you need. But I’m still going to keep being here for him. And for you guys.” 
“I know you are. You’re family, remember?” He muttered. 
You glanced at Josh, a tiny smile on his lips. 
“Yeah, family.” You smiled, holding your hand out to hold his. He grasped it back, squeezing it tightly, and placed a tiny kiss to your knuckles. 
“I have a question, though. Well, a condition, maybe. An option?” Josh said. 
“Ha ha, yes?” 
“Start coming to yoga with me. Take some classes. You said you wanted to work on yourself, what better place to start than right here?” He said, reaching his hand over and touching the spot right below your breastbone. 
“No, Josh, I can’t! I’ve never done yoga…” you went on, surprised at his proposition as you put the car in park in the lot. 
“So? That doesn’t matter. Yoga is an actual journey, and I’m telling you right now, it’ll help you get in touch with yourself quicker than any self-help podcast or whatever. Come with me. I’ll even go back to beginner classes with you.” He said. 
You considered it, biting your cheek into your mouth. “You really think it would help me?”
“I know it will help you. I promise. And, it feels good. Every single time you leave, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner. And you’ll get to hang out with me, and what’s better than that?” He joked. 
You giggled, punching him on the shoulder. “Okay, I guess I could try it out. Yeah, let’s do it.” 
“Perfect! It’s settled then!” He leaned over to kiss your cheek. “I’m still very disappointed in you, but I’m also excited. When we go back on the road, I have some great classes on YouTube I use.”
He climbed out of the car, letting the cool rush of air cut through the blowing heat from the vents. “See you later!”
Hmm, you, a yogi?
Walking back into your home after the past few weeks felt eerie. The walls felt warm and welcoming, but the darkness is what got you. After lying in a hospital for days, all you really wanted was to be back in your home, with Y/N, a fire going, music playing, and life happening all around you. 
You walked yours and Y/N’s suitcases to your bedroom, switching on all the lights as you did so. You lifted the suitcases, placing them on the bed so you could unpack a little later. A cough rattled through your chest, sending tiny shooting pains into your lungs, but not nearly as bad as it hurt a few days ago. 
You could still feel the lethargy, the exhaustion, and the body aches hanging in your body, and you knew they were right. You needed rest. No way you could go back out on the road right now. 
You walked around the house, ready to pick up the little messes you’d left behind before you left. But there were none. In fact, the place was so clean you could eat off the floor. The floor…had the wood been shined? You walked to the bathroom. Spotless. Shower scrubbed, laundry done, bedsheets changed with folded extras in the closets…what the hell? It almost felt sterile…
You decided you’d talk to Y/N about that when she got home. In the meantime, your fingers were itching to play something, so you decided to go into the study and turn on the fireplace, drifting away playing that new tune you had written in the hospital until Y/N got back. 
You walked into the study, finding that your acoustic wasn’t in its normal place. Oh, you’d taken it upstairs to hide away forever in the closet. Back when things were bad. Back when the guitar held horrible memories. 
You ran up the stairs and pulled it from the closet, also in a different place than you’d left it. 
You made your way back downstairs, completely winded, and sat down in your leather chair to check the tuning. It felt so perfect in your hands, your old faithful. Always there when you needed it. You glanced to the desk, as something out of place caught your eye. Small and red…
Wait. Your notebook. The one you’d given to Y/N for Christmas. Sitting right here on your desk. And…a flower laid perfectly on top? Dried and wilted and brown, with only one petal. 
You aren't sure how long you'd been sitting there staring at the notebook, it had to be at least an hour. Flipping through the pages reminiscing on all the memories it held. Finding it on the desk felt like someone had ripped your heart out of your chest. Why would she leave this? Did she not want it anymore?
You sat back in your chair twirling the flower stem in your hand. One last petal. One last she loves me. Or maybe she loves me not and that's why she left it? 
You hear the front door open slowly, and seconds later she’s stepping into the house. You continue to sit there, twirling the brown stem in your fingers, just waiting for her to find you.
“Jake, what are you doing babe, you need to get in bed.” she says, tossing her things on the table by the door.
She steps into the study, and as she gets closer she spots the notebook on your lap at the flower in your hand. Her face goes white as she makes the realization.
 “You don’t want it anymore?” you ask.
“No…Jake…” she says, fighting off tears.
“You left it…were you not… were you not going to come back?” you ask, your voice shaking.
“When I left here, we weren’t even speaking Jake, I– I didn’t think you wanted me back here. I thought we were done, over, all of it. I couldn’t take it. I could hardly look at it. Just reminded me how badly I betrayed you. What I did to us.” she admits.
“The flower. You left one petal…” you question.
“I just…wanted to tell you I loved you one last time.” she replies quietly.
You run your hand over your face. It’s time. You have to tell her.
You stand up from the chair, and reach your hand out to her, letting her clasp her hand with yours as you lead the two of you to your bedroom.
You lead her to the end of the bed, and she sits as you kick off your shoes and flannel. You join her on the edge of the bed, taking a deep breath. “I need to talk to you. I need to tell you something. I’ve needed to tell you for a few days, but… I just couldn’t find the right time.” you say.
Her face drops, and you wonder what she's thinking. 
“You know that whole night… it’s kind of a blur to me. I really don’t remember much of it. I think I was just so mad initially about you and Sam, that I kind of blocked out everything else. My brain was only focusing on that hurt.” you start.
She nods her head as you continue, grabbing her hands in yours, “I don’t remember much of what happened in that hotel room with them. Part of me tried to just forget the whole thing ever happened, but a few days ago, Elle texted me.” 
Her eyes widened at her name, “Yeah?”
“Yeah. She, apologized for kind of pushing the limits, so to speak. At first I had no idea what she was talking about, so I told her that. And well, she told me what happened.” you say, pulling your phone from your pocket. You scroll to your messages with Elle and hand the phone to her, to let her read for herself.
You watch as she reads the messages, her brow furrowing and relaxing a few times over before she reaches the end. She looks over at you, a confused look on her face. 
“You don’t remember any of that?” she asks.
“No, well, I didn’t but, now I kind of do. Bits and pieces.” you confess. “I’m so sorry. I…I wouldn’t have been such a dick if I had known that… I don’t know… that I was probably going to do it too. How could I be mad at you if I was going to do the same thing? I– I don’t know what to say other than I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“Jake… It’s not the same. I went behind your back. There was no conversation between us where you said it was okay for me to do that... I cheated on you. It’s different because I knew you two were probably going to hook up and I was okay with it. Do you not remember our conversation about it, either?” she asks.
“Not much…” you breathe.
“Jake, I told you right as you got that phone call from Josh. I told you it was okay. I told you I knew things with you and her were looking like they were heading that way. I gave you a free pass, I told you I trusted you both. I’m not mad baby, I gave you permission.” she says, rubbing her hand up your arm. “I thought you knew that…”
“Did I…tell you, you could…?” you ask, hoping she knows what you’re asking.
“No. We never finished the conversation. Your phone rang, and then you left. Part of me thought maybe, you kind of had? We never spoke the words, but we both sort of acted like we were going to…ya know. Switch, I guess. But I don’t know, the second it happened I knew what I was doing was so wrong. The biggest mistake I’ve ever made. I shouldn’t have stayed. I should have left with you. I know that now. But I had to learn the hard way.”
“Y/N…” you say, running your hand over her shoulder. 
“Why aren’t you mad baby? The guilt has been eating me alive for days…I feel like you should be mad at me.” you say.
“Because Jake, I knew that you two were probably going to. I came to terms with it the second the two of you started making out. It hurt a little, but I knew it was just a one time thing. I knew you loved me, and you were coming home to me. You promised me that. What did I have to worry about?” she pauses. “But… the weed, the alcohol… it got to me. I took things past where they should have gone. And I ruined it. I ruined everything we built.”
“You had every right to do what you did that night Jake. I don’t expect you to ever forgive me, but…I hope that maybe one day…” she trails off. 
You twist your fingers with hers as you bite your lips together. “One day.”
“That’s why I feel like we need space from each other. So that you can process and have time to figure out what you want. So maybe you can forgive me. It’s easy for us to fall back into our same pattern if I am here everyday, and around to tempt you. If I’m gone, maybe you’ll realize that this isn’t what you actually want, or maybe we will both realize it is. I don’t know, do you know what I’m trying to say?” she says. “None of this makes sense, it’s like there’s not a correct road to take.”
“Y/N…I completely understand. But, can I ask you a question?” you ask.
“Yeah…” she breathes.
“Do you love me?” you ask.
“Yes, I do.” she replies.
You nod, “Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?” you ask nervously.
“Every single second.” she replies.
“So why would you walk away from that?” you ask.
“I…I just want to give you space to figure out if that's what you want, Jake…”
“Baby, I have known that since the night you picked those glass shards out of my hands. There’s nothing left to figure out.” you reply.
“So please. Don’t go because you think it’s what I want, or what I need. What I need is you. Always you. I know I need time to forgive you, but that’s something I am willing to work on together. I want you to have your space though, so I am fine with you staying in the guest room, as long as you want. We can follow all your rules, and shit, I don’t even care if you add ten more. I’ll follow them. All of them. I just… I know what I want, and it’s you and it will always be you.” you finish.
She wraps her arms around your neck and pulls you into her. You wrap your arms around her and pull her down to lay back onto the bed. You hold each other there for a few minutes, just feeling each other closely as your bodies melt into one. 
It’s quiet, just the sounds of your breathing filling the air in the dim room. Your room. The room you hoped to share with her again one day. You would. You just knew. 
Her phone alarm began to echo through the house, bouncing off of the walls and into your ears as she pulled away from you. You held her hand as she pulled away walking towards the door to grab her phone. The alarm stopped and you heard her make her way into the kitchen before returning back to the bedroom with a glass of water. 
She came back to the bed, standing between your parted legs, “How about you take a shower, and get in bed, while I find something for you to eat before you take these pills.”
“Is it time already?” you ask.
She grabs your hand and pulls you up from the bed, shooing you off to the shower, as she disappears through the door. 
You had to admit the shower felt good. As much as you hated postponing the first leg of tour, there was nothing quite like being home. You ran your towel through your hair and pulled on a pair of boxers before making your way back to the bed, and pulling back the duvet. Sliding into your own bed felt like heaven. You opened your side table to grab the TV remote and stopped when you saw her photo.
You had forgotten you took it out of your wallet. You pulled it out, tattered around the edges and looked at it. You looked into the drawer again, finding the pick, right where you left it. Thank god. How could you have ever been that mad?
You quickly got up, finding your jeans on the floor, and fishing out your wallet. You hastily put the items back where they belonged, and jumped back into bed before she came back. 
You grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, seeing it still paused on the documentary you started a few weeks ago, but at the end, not the beginning where you left it. Did she finish it?
Seconds later Y/N walked back into the room, carrying a plate.
“Best we had. We need to go to the store.” she laughed. 
“We can go. Do you want to go tomorrow?” you offered.
“I will go. You need to stay in bed and rest.” she says.
“But I want to go do something…I’ve been in bed for days…” you whine.
“Okay, maybe.” she concedes.
“Make sure you take those after you eat, okay? Almost done with them. Two more days I think.” she says, pointing to the pills on the nightstand. 
“I will.”
“Okay…I’ll see��” she says, slowly walking to the door. 
“Wait! Are we…not gonna see what Scully’s solution is?” you ask, hoping she would come back.
“Jake…” she groans, leaning into the door frame.
You nod towards the TV, bringing up the episode you stopped on. 
“Let me change, and then we can watch one episode. But I’m staying on the other side of the bed, then I am going to the guest room when it’s over.” she says.
“Yes Ma’am.” 
A few minutes later she is walking back into your room in a blue silky pajama set, your mouth positively watering as she releases her hair from her bun as she walks to the other side of the bed. 
She pulls back the duvet and slides into the bed, sighing as her head hits the pillow, “God, I forgot how comfy this bed is…”
“Mmhm….” you smirk, biting your lips together as you look at her. 
She turns to look at you, you still examining every inch of her body that she was willing to show you.
“What?” she scoffs.
You smile and shake your head, “Nothing. You’re just…gorgeous.”
“Jake…” she warns.
“I’m not breaking any rules.” you quip.
“Just hit play.” she says, turning back to the TV.
You finished your food and took the pills like she said, and within minutes you start to feel drowsy. You turn off the lamp that was lighting the room, and roll toward the center of the bed to keep watching. 
When the episode ends and she doesn't make a sound, you turn to look at her, only to realize she's been asleep the whole time. You just look at her for a minute, taking in the subtle part of her lips and the way her chest is rising in falling in her deeply content sleep. How could you possibly dream of waking her up?
You pull the duvet up over her shoulders and brush the hair from her face before quietly rolling out of the bed and bringing your dishes to the kitchen. As you place the items in the sink you spot her phone on the counter, and decide to bring it to the bedroom for her. You grab the phone charger she keeps in her purse and quietly plug in her phone and place it on the nightstand next to her head. 
You return back to the bed, and let out a sigh, ready to finally sleep in your own bed. As your eyes close you feel her body move closer to yours, cuddling into your side before going still once again. You wrap your arm around her, and gently kiss her forehead, closing your eyes and finally feeling like things might turn out okay after all. Just you and her, right where you should be.
Your eyes open slowly, adjusting to the light of the room as you blink away the sleep. You let out a huge yawn, noting that your deep breath isn’t nearly as painful as it has been. You reach your arm to the other side of the bed to feel for her, but all you’re met with is cold sheets.
You sit up on your elbows looking around to see her phone gone and her side of the bed made. What the hell?
You roll over to your side to grab your phone but see a folded note sitting on top of it. You grab it and rub your eyes before opening it and reading it.
Went to meet Logan for breakfast. 
Will be back soon and we can go to the store. 
Next dose of medicine is at 9:45, don’t forget.
You fold the note and set it on your night stand, laying back into your pillow. Logan?
You roll out of bed and into the kitchen, seeing the coffee pot still on and half full, your favorite mug waiting by the machine. You smile to yourself, knowing she took extra time to do that for you. You pour some coffee into the mug and make your way back to the bedroom, rummaging around for a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, finding everything you’re looking for simply because she did all your laundry. While you were a total asshole to her. While you left her here alone. While she thought you hated her.
God, I fucked up.
You pull the clothes on and make your way to the front porch, settling yourself in the wooden rocking chair as you enjoy the sun on your skin. You scroll aimlessly on your phone for a while, wondering what time she left this morning, and how long you slept after. 
After draining your mug you returned back inside, deciding that if you were going to be banished to your house for a few weeks you would at least be productive. You made your way over to your record cabinet and pulled the entire stack. You made piles by letter and began organizing each one into the appropriate pile, by artist name. 
You must have lost track of time, because the next thing you knew your phone was ringing alerting you that it was time to take your pills. You pulled yourself up from the floor and made your way into the kitchen, grabbing the medicine and a glass of water and following the rules laid out for you. 
You returned back to your study and finished putting the last of the albums into the cabinet, very satisfied that you’d completed a project you’d been wanting to do for a long time. 
You drug yourself into the bedroom to start unpacking your suitcase, taking out the clean items and putting them away until it was time to pack again. As you reached the bottom the tiny white bag laid there just staring at you. Shit. You had almost forgotten about it. Where should you put it?
You grabbed the bag, sitting on the bed and dumping it out into your hand. You held the tiny piece of circular gold metal between your fingers letting the small diamond glint in the light. You imagined what it would look like on her finger, tying her to you forever. You wanted it. You wanted it more than anything. You wondered if you would ever get back to that point with her. You hoped and prayed you would, but for now you needed to hide this away. Somewhere she would never ever find it. 
You stood up and walked into the hallway, spotting your guitar case leaning against the wall. Perfect. You bent down and unlatched the locks, opening it up to see your guitar sitting perfectly nestled in the red velvet confines. You opened the tiny pick slot, and slid the white bag inside, shutting the small slot, and reclosing the case. Safe and sound. You knew the crew guarded this case with their lives. No one was getting their hands on it other than you. You walked the case upstairs to the music room, putting it there with the others, just waiting for their time to play.
You made your way back downstairs, positioning yourself on the couch for a while flipping through TV channels as your stomach rumbled. Shit, you hadn’t eaten yet today.
You drug yourself to the kitchen and began pilfering through the pantry, looking for anything you could eat before you went to the store today to restock. Finding a lone granola bar you scarfed it down, hoping she would be home soon so you could go. 
You took a quick shower and shaved for the first time in days, hoping Y/N wouldn’t be too sad to see it go. As you dressed yourself in fresh clothes, you heard your phone chime on the dresser. 
11:14am: *Attachment* (4)
11:14am: I know it’s probably nothing, but didn’t want you to randomly see these scrolling through socials. They’re eating her alive in the comments…
You opened the attachments seeing screenshots from social media of photos of Y/N and Logan, from what had to be this morning. Comments about her being with someone else, or speculating on her cheating on you. People wondering who that guy is since she wasn’t with you… Photos showing them walking together with his arm over her shoulder, at what seemed to be a farmers market. Photos of them eating this morning. To be fair, it didn’t look good, but after everything last night, surely it wasn’t what it seemed. You had a nauseous feeling in your stomach, but you pushed it away, knowing that she loves you, and only you. She told you. Right?
11:18am: Thanks dude. 
You tossed your phone on the bed, pacing the room for a second as you tried to let the negative thoughts leave your head. In a split second decision you decided to call Josh, grabbing your phone again and hitting call. 
The line rang out until you were met with his voicemail, groaning and throwing it onto the bed once again. You carried yourself to your study, turning on the TV again and starting a documentary knowing she would be home any second. 
Your phone buzzed on the couch next to you, picking it up, you saw her name. 
11:27am: Hey, Wanda from next door just called me. She was confused why we were home early since she was going to keep our mail for us until the end of April. Anyways we were talking and I told her you got sick and we came home so she wouldn’t need to get the mail anymore – all that to say she is making you ‘get well soon’ muffins. So check the porch in a little bit. Be home soon!
11:29am: Thanks baby
When another hour passed and your stomach continued to growl, you snatched your keys off the counter and drove to Publix, buying any and every item that looked even remotely appetizing. As you walked the aisles you dreamed about the sandwich you were going to make when you got home, piling it so high that it might be physically impossible to eat it. 
Your phone buzzed in your pocket as you perused the wine selection, needing to refill your stash with her favorites. You placed them into the cart as you pulled your phone out, seeing her name on the screen once again. You swiped your thumb across the notification, expecting to see that she was on her way home, but instead you were met with the opposite.
1:10pm: Running longer than I thought. I’ll be back soon! ❤️
You shoved your phone back into your pocket and headed towards the checkout. You swiped your card and made your way back to your car, filling the trunk to the brim. As you pulled up to the house to see that she still wasn’t there, you felt your face grow warm. You spotted the muffins on the porch, smiling and telling yourself to walk over and say ‘thank you’ as soon as you could. You carried all the groceries and the muffins inside and put them away, finally able to make yourself that sandwich and of course have a muffin.
The day continued to tick by and Y/N still hadn’t come home. Part of you started to worry if she was okay. Around 2:45 you took your next dose of pills, retiring to your bedroom for a much needed nap. Even the simplest of tasks were exhausting you. You knew the guys made the right call postponing the shows. There’s no way you could have played a show in a few days. 
You scrolled on your phone for a while, eventually falling asleep as the TV played in the background. 
The chime of the security system woke you up, and you sat up instantly knowing she was probably home. You looked at your phone. 4:03pm. Damn.
You stood up from the bed and walked over to the bedroom door, leaning into the frame as you watched her kick off her shoes and coat, arms full of various paper and plastic bags and a bouquet of flowers. 
You crossed your arms and looked at her as she finally saw you standing there, dropping most of the bags and the flowers as she stared back at you.
“How was your breakfast date…” 
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsession, stalking, murder, violence, threats, obsessive behavior, religion, possessive behavior
Rook Hunt/Silver-Voicelines about you, the Overseer
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What is your impression of the Overseer?
“Perfection absolue! There is no being within our nor any other world capable of coming close to their everlasting beauty! There is no one that culd deny their everblooming kindness, their neverending gracefullness! I do believe though that they are despite all of that a kind and gentle soul, their gaze never clouded by pride. Comme c'est humble! If there was ever a moment anyone ever dared to question them I shall hunt them down as the Overseers relyable hunter!”
The view of your homeland, what is your opinion on that?
“Absolument horrible! How disgracefull! To only see them as a symbol for equality, something they always preach but never really inact, is an insult! The Overseer is someone who is not only absolutely perfect on the outside but also harbours knowledge of different worlds! How could they be something as simple as a symbol? A mere symbol!”
What would you do if you were ever to meet them?
“Prove my neverending loyalty and gratitude, their gaze simply gracing me for a split second is already kindness enough for me! The dear Overseer is someone whom we should all respect on the highest level so no hardships shall stand in our way as beings of this world to prove that we are most enamoured with them. Although, I probably would not be able to go hunting again. After all, someone needs to look after them. I would like to take over that part. Alone.”
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What is your impression of the Overseer?
“Fa-Lilia has told me that they are a most kind individual, their grace alone allowing us to live in such a calm and beautiful world by guiding the great seven. Thus I am most thankful for them nurturing this world until now. Whenever I hear about the stories how they guided those that shaped our world into what it is today I feel blessed. What an honor to be born in the world of such an kind God. Unbelieveable that there were once people who wanted to get rid of them and claim their throne for themselves.”
The view of your homeland, what is your opinion on that?
“I am most proud with the way my home treats the Overseer. The Isle of Woes is known to also see them as a God but I am not sure how exactly. However, I would say that they are the only ones who get at least somewhat close to our standarts. Other pllaces are known for thinking that our way of thinking is too radical, too extreme. I have to digress though. The Overseer is someone who deserves the absolute most of our respect and devotion. I hope you will understand my view one day. After all, if you were to go up against them I would not hesitate to strike you down.
What would you do if you were ever to meet them?
I highly doubt that I would even be awake when we first meet. They would probably walk through a hallway whilst I fell asleep. Once I would be able to greet them however, I would ensure their absolute safety. Lilia has told me that there might be still some that bear ill will towards them. As such, I see it as my responsebility to keep them safe. Do tell me, what is your opinion on them? Huh? You want to know why I ask? My father told me to be always vigilant, even if the person in front of me seems safe. Who knows, maybe you are one of the weeds I need to get rid of.
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iheartchv · 7 months
could i ask for a matchup? also i hope your having a nice day/night/afternoon!! also, please excuse any bad grammar, english is not my first language.
im Cuban Puerto Rican, i speak both my mother tongue and English. kinda trying to get myself to learn German though. im a bit of an ambivert, i mostly enjoy spending time with those i know well.
im 5’2, i have a huge scar in my left leg due to an accident i had when i was younger. i have brown, nearly black eyes and i use glasses. i have a mole near my collarbone and another one just above. my hair is brown and medium sized with some side-tails.
currently studying with a forensic sciences major, a bit of a nerd.. i enjoy drawing, reading Sci-Fi and spending time with my pet snakes. (their ball pythons, they are super adorable…) i absolutely love heavy metal bands like Rammstein, korn, Slipknot, i listen to Type O Negative, Slaughter to Prevail from time to time aswell alongside jazz. i dress in a bit of a grunge way, it varies since i enjoy fashion a lot.
i enjoy watching true crimes series (Forensic Files being an all time favorite), watching Caso Cerrado, and documentaries regarding military history. i love the rainy weather and from time to time going to the beach. truly calming, really.
anyways, i really hope you are having a pleasant time, again. also i absolutely love your writing style!!
🤔I'll match you with...
Simon "Ghost" Riley 💀
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I think Ghost would be your match
For this scenario, lets just say that Ghost was to keep an eye on you for a mission
You had shown potential that anyone working for the law would want you to work with them
You have an internship working for the police in your area, getting some practice for the field
You weren't bad, quite good actually
And because you were so good, you would also become a threat to any criminal facing charges for murder, etc.
One of such being Makarov and the Konni group
TF 141 got word that Makarov killed their spy that was sending feedback and intel
You were unfortunately the one looking over the said body of 141's spy; the FBI and CIA wanted to know exactly who done it
As Ghost continued to have constant vigil over you in the shadows, he didn't like the idea of seeing you make your way home alone
He finally decided to start blending in with people, and sometimes walking your way
It's just for the mission, he'd tell himself
At first, seeing his appearance was a little scary, intimidating
But you didn't sense no ill will coming from him, at least not toward you
You initiated conversations with him, and little by little he was talking more than just a word or a sentence
Over time he got to know you pretty well, as much as you allowed
He noticed how open you were to him, letting him know that you trusted him
You were just full of surprises;
One thing after another he learned so much about you besides what was in your personal records
He started to see you as you, not just another nameless target to protect
Even after the mission is complete, he comes back to see you...
Maybe stay for a while...
I can totally see you and Ghost going to the beach during times when there's no one around
Just you two
And rainy days?
He'd be all for it
A hot cup of tea and being with you is one of those perfect moments he feels at peace
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