#But we'll see if the fever allows it
sebscore · 2 years
I love your leclerc a sister stories. Do you think you could do something possibly were maybe the reader has diabeties or something similar and she is not very well at the race weekend so her brothers have to look after her, or something along these lines. Thank you
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pairings: charles leclerc x sister!reader 
warnings: fever. reader is sick and feels weak. I based this off my own old high school, so if it seems weird- ignore it pls. little leclerc misses her big brother. 
author's note: i know it's not exactly what you asked for, but charles comfort is the premise so I hope you like it anyway <3 thank you for loving the stories, darling! 
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Charles and Joris were sitting in front of the computer, going over the pictures the photographer had taken of his friend. ''I really like this one.'' The Ferrari driver pointed out a specific photo. 
''You want it like this or in black and white?'' Joris asked, his hand ready on the computer mouse to potentially change the filter. 
''In color is good.'' Charles confirmed. 
Their search was interrupted when the ringtone of Charles' phone started playing, making both of them flinch at the sudden sound. ''Oh, it's my mum- excuse me.'' He got up from his chair and walked into the next room for a bit more privacy. 
''Hello, ça va?'' Charles greeted his mother. 
''Hi, honey,'' his mother sighed, ''would you be able to pick your sister up from school right now? She's not well and I'm stuck at work.'' 
Charles frowned listening to her. ''Uh, yeah, I can pick her up. Is she okay, though?'' He asked her, concerned about his younger sibling. 
''They think she has a fever- it was during P.E. that they noticed something was wrong.'' His mother sounded worried on the other side of the phone, making him more worried as well. 
He walked back into the living room, grabbing his coat. ''I'm leaving now, okay? I'll call you when I've picked her up.'' Charles assured her. 
''Thank you, honey,'' Pascale seemed more relieved knowing her son was on his way, ''I'll come home as soon as I can, promise.'' 
''Great, bye bye!'' Charles hung up the phone and turned towards Joris. ''Sorry mate, I have to pick up my sister and take her home, but I'll text you and we'll continue later.'' He told his friend, walking to the hallway to put on his shoes. 
''It's okay, I hope she's alright.'' Joris brushed it off, he knows how much his sister means to him. 
Charles smiled. ''Again, sorry mate! See you!'' The driver waved one last time and he was out the door, getting to his car as quickly as possible. Charles lowkey regretted taking his custom Ferrari car as he knew it would catch people's attention and he didn't want his sister feeling uncomfortable with all the eyes on them, especially if she was sick. 
The drive from Joris' apartment to Y/N's school was barely 5 minutes, so Charles quickly pulled up to the building. It momentarily brought him back to his own times as a student, but quickly brushed them off. He was there for his sister, not for his own nostalgia. 
He walked up to the entrance door and rang the bell, not able to just walk into the building. He didn't have to wait long as the buzzer went off a few seconds after, allowing him to enter. 
The secretary seemed surprised to see the man instead of the girl's mother,  but she showed him where he could wait while she called the teacher that would bring his sister. Charles patiently waited, texting his mother that he had arrived at her school. 
''Mr. Leclerc?'' He looked up from his phone, seeing a teacher standing in the doorway. 
The man fully opened the door and the young girl walked into the waiting area, not looking well whatsoever. Charles immediately stood up from his chair and strutted over to her, cupping her cheeks. ''Ça va, chérie?'' 
Y/N shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes at the sight of her older brother. ''I don't feel good.'' Her words came out small, making Charles wrap his arms around her for comfort. 
''It's okay, it's okay.'' He mumbled into her hair, trying to console her. 
The teacher next to them scratched his voice.''Here's her bag,'' he handed it over to Charles, ''rest well and I hope you feel better soon, Y/N.'' He glanced at the girl in her brother's arms, who tried her best to force a smile and mumbled a small ''Thank you.'' 
''Come on.'' Charles grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the entrance door again, bidding goodbye to the teacher and secretary.
He helped his sister get in his car and even buckled up her seatbelt. Charles drove out of the school's parking lot and they were on their way home. ''What happened?'' He asked her. 
''I don't know, suddenly I felt very dizzy and sick during P.E. and my teacher said that my head felt very warm, and then they called mum, and then they said that it's better if I went home.'' She explained the events of the day, leaning her head against the seat. 
Charles nodded as he listened to her words. ''It's probably a fever,'' he put his hand on her forehead, ''yeah, rest for a few days and then you'll feel better.'' 
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''Yeah, she's lying down now… she looks very tired… yes, it's a fever, I checked her temperature… I'll make her something… okay, I'll do that… I'll tell her… bye, mum… bye bye!'' Charles hung up the phone and joined his sister on the couch. 
''Mum will be here soon, she just has a few more clients left.'' He told her, caressing her hair. Y/N timidly nodded, almost having no energy to form a coherent reply. ''Are you feeling a bit better?'' 
She shrugged her shoulders. ''I don't know, I feel the same.'' 
''You want some soup or something?'' He asked her, thinking of what he could cook for her. 
''Yeah, soup is good.'' Charles was about to stand up, but the arm of his sister stopped him from getting up from the couch. He gave her a confused look. ''What?'' 
''Don't leave yet, Charlie.'' She mumbled, her voice coming out very small. 
Her brother chuckled, finding it cute. ''I'm just going to the kitchen, I'll be right back.'' 
''But once mum gets here, you're leaving again and I won't see you for weeks.'' Y/N argued, not making eye-contact with him. 
Charles frowned this time, the feeling of guilt creeping up on him. ''What do you mean?'' 
''Sometimes I don't see you for a few weeks, because of racing and I understand that, it's your job,'' she explained, ''but even when you're back home, I almost never see you. You're either training, with your girlfriend, with your friends or you're doing some stupid social media things. They always get to see you when you're not racing, I get the 5 minute visit when you're passing through.'' 
He watches his sister with sad eyes, knowing that she was right and that he hadn't been spending as much time with her as he could. ''I'm sorry that I haven't been the best brother, I'll come over more, okay? I didn't realize that we haven't spent that much time together lately.'' 
''It's okay, I'm not angry at you,'' Y/N smiled at him, ''I just get sad when I see you're in Monaco on your Insta or something, and we haven't hung out.'' 
''We'll go do something after the next race, just you and me.'' Charles promised her, giving her a hug which she happily reciprocated. ''Okay, that's nice.'' 
''Can you make my soup now? I'm waiting.'' The moodswing amused him, her sentimentality turning into impatience. 
Charles stood up from the couch and saluted her like a soldier. ''Yes, chef!''
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russellsppttemplates · 11 months
I want it all with you (Mick Schumacher)
A series of the moments that lead Mick and Y/N to decide that it was time they added to their bunch
Note: english is not my first language. I'm a sucker for dad!driver, and I must admit dad!Mick always gets me 🥹
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: mentions dog sickness, starting a family, pregnancy
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
The first time you felt what your friends called baby fever was when you saw Mick holding the youngest Vettel in his arms. When Hanna and Sebastian felt comfortable enough to have visitors, they sent texts to their friends and family letting them know that, only asking that they would tell them in advance so they didn't have everyone at the same time in the house.
"I already have the casserole packed and ready to go, and the small bag with the gift we got is also in the car", you went over the list on your head, seeing Mick grab the coats and your bag, "alright then, let's go!".
The trip to the Vettel household was fine, not a lot of traffic, allowing you and Mick to talk about what you had been up to that week and general catching up, sharing some gossip from your workplaces.
"I'll help you, one second", Mick called for you, fixing your coat's sleeve so you could walk comfortably to the door. Your boyfriend knocked on it, seeing Sebastian open the door soon after, "Hi, guys! I'm glad you could make it!", he greeted cheerfully.
"I have this one here, I spoke to Hanna on the phone yesterday, she said that this recipe was good for everyone", you smiled, setting the bag on the kitchen counter, "if you want it for tonight's dinner, you can just heat it up. If not, it's good to freeze, too".
"We don't have any dinner plans and the moment Mathilda and Emilie heard 'pasta bake from Y/N' they haven't talked about much else", he smiled, guiding you to the living room.
"I have some visitors, but you have to keep it on the quiet side, okay? Baby just got back to sleep and we'd appreciate that the situation stays that way", Sebastian said as you and Mick walked in with me, the girls coming up to hug you as quietly as they could, "Hi, Y/N! Hey, Mick!", they said, smiling up at you.
"Hi, girls! How are the best big sisters ever?", you asked, kneeling down, "we're good, come look at her!", Mathilda held your hand, pulling you to sit next to Hanna, who was sitting on the sofa, and look at the small basket, taking a peek of the sleeping baby girl, "Oh, look at those cheeks, she's so gorgeous, congratulations!", you beamed, looking at Sebastian and Hanna, "I helped mama pick her outfit today!", Emilie said, "well, she looks so pretty in it, you did such a good job!".
While Sebastian, Hanna and Mick exchanged conversation after Hanna whispered, "this is the only grown up conversation I've had since she was born that wasn't with my husband", she admitted, seeing you happily play with her oldest girls, you sat on the floor, giving the girls some attention. Raising three kids this little was no joke, and while Sebastian and Hanna seemed to be doing just fine, you figured you could catch up later and instead use your time to play with cars in a toy matt and with some of their dolls, even having time for some crafty activities.
"Do you think Mick will like this, too, Y/N??", Mathilda asked, helping Emilie press one of the stickers on the paper, "I bet he will love it, I'm sure it deserves a place on our fridge!", you complimented, "let's to and show him then!", Emilie suggested.
Going down the stairs and back to the living room, you stopped in your tracks when Emily said, "Oh, he's holding her, we'll come back later", finding her way to the kitchen after Hanna said something about snack time.
On the sofa, Hanna sat beside Mick as he held the youngest Vettel in his arms, gently caressing her cheek with his pinkie as he gave her her bottle, the little girl suckling on it in a peaceful yet attentive expression, looking mesmerised at your boyfriend, "you're hungry aren't you? All of that growing and sleeping is tough work!", he cooed, tapping the bottle a few times so the remainder of the milk would go into her mouth before setting the empty bottle on the table.
"Can you burp her? I'm going to see if Sebastian isn't secretly sleeping in the kitchen", she smirked, seeing him nod as he changed her position. Occupying her spot on the sofa, you grabbed a muslin cloth and placed it on Mick's shoulder, "here, in case she spits some out", you whispered, seeing her curious eyes look at you.
"Hi, baby girl, don't you look so cute", you cooed, smoothing her hairs, "she's is, isn't she?", Mick said as he patted her back. "I didn't know you were so skilled with babies", you noted, seeing his gentleness with her, "I don't have many little cousins now that I'm a grown up, but I visit Sebastian a lot and I have known the girls since they were little, so there are some basic things I know", he blushed. His hand looked massive as he rubbed her back soothingly, and that was the first time where you thought that he was going to be the father of your children.
For Mick, however, he didn't need to see you with a baby, at least a human one, and rather with his own four paw, furry one.
When you arrived home, Angie wasn't at the door with her usual cheek licking greeting, "Angie, where are you?", you called, figuring she was probably asleep and hadn't heard you properly the first time.
Walking to the living room, you saw her laying on the floor, "Oh, are you not feeling better, Angie?", you wondered sitting down next to her as she moved her head to rest on your thighs, "and you haven't been eating much either, have you?", you petted her fur. For the past few days, Angie had been feeling rough, not eating much, preferring to stay quiet and inside and, overall, not her usual self. Her vet ended up coming to the house the previous afternoon and give her a check-up, taking some fluids so she could do some other tests back at the clinic, "it's probably a bug like we humans also have, and she'll be good as new in a few days, but we'll let you know the results in the morning", she smiled reassuringly. The results came back normal, calming both you and Mick, as well as the fact that, when you left the house, Angie looked like she was getting better. But now, she looked like she was feeling sorry for herself.
"Well, how about we have a big cuddle on the sofa while we wait for papa, hm? I can give you as many belly rubs as you want", you added, helping the dog up on the sofa and essentially into your lap despite her size, "are you comfy? Yes, you are".
When Mick got home, the sight of you two in the sofa melted him. The way you cared about Angie was mesmerising and he appreciated it more than any words could express.
Approaching you, he tapped your arm, fluttery eyes finding his as you blinked before fully seeing him, "Hi, handsome", you yawned, "this little lady was feeling a bit sorry for herself, so we are having a good cuddle. She ate a good bit of dry food from my hand, and she played with me, but we fell asleep a little while ago, it seems", you said, looking at your watch.
"And you stayed like this? Isn't she hurting you? She isn't the lightest dog", Mick furrowed his brows, "it's fine, she needs the cuddles to feel better, and I'm fine like this if she is, which looks like it", you smiled, petting her snout, "I'll get started on dinner then, you two stay there, okay? Call if you need anything", your boyfriend said before he kissed your forehead and walked to the kitchen.
After dinner, Angie was already walking along the house, seemingly feeling better. Still, you worried, doting on her any time she approached you and checking if she remained the same, "her eyes are clear now", you commented, "she's just tired, I think, aren't you, Angie?", Mick rubbed her tummy before she got up and sat next to you, "yes, it's not easy being sick, but you're coming out of it, aren't you?".
It was a silly thought maybe, Mick figured, but you had been the most attentive to Angie, always checking on her, playing with her and cleaning any mishaps, and he couldn't help himself when he thought about what you would be like with a human baby instead of your furry baby. If how you cared for the Australian Shepherd was any indicator, Mick couldn't wait for you to have your own.
You didn't know that when you agreed to look after your little cousin for the weekend that it would make you think all of these thoughts.
After dinner, while Mick offered to tidy the rest of the kitchen, you went upstairs to change into pyjamas with Mila, sensing that the sleepy girl would fall asleep as soon as her head hit something soft enough and wanting to be prepared ahead so she could sleep comfortably, "is it good, Mila? Do you want this cardigan for some warmth?", you inquired, showing her a cardigan made out of the same material as her pyjamas, figuring that it must complete the set, "it's fine, I don't need it. I only use that one when it is really really cold", she noted, sitting on the bed and then placing her feet on the floor so you could join Mick downstairs again.
"Mick, Mick, Mick!", Mila yelled as she ran to the living room, "Look!", she pointed to herself once she was in front of him, "my pyjamas have Minnie and Mickey on them!", she said, pointing to you once you reached them, sitting next to your boyfriend, "you can be Mickey, because your name is the same, and Y/N can be Minnie!", she said before she climbed up the sofa, sitting next to Mick.
"Oh, now I feel like I should have a matching pyjama, too!", your boyfriend smiled, "for our next sleepover, then. You promise, Mick?", Mila held out her pinky for them to lace them into a real promise, "I promise, Mila".
The little girl moved around, ending up sitting on both of yours and Mick's thighs, claiming she was taller that way and could see the TV better. "We're going to watch a movie?", she asked, recognising the frames on the TV, "yes. Do you like any of these?", Mick asked her as he flipped through them, "Oh, that one, it looked like my Alfred!", she pointed to the 101 Dalmatians frame. She claimed it was for Angie to get to know her friend Alfred until they could meet in real life, but soon after, the little girl fell asleep holding onto Mick like a little koala, arms around his arm with her head snuggled on your chest, "the day must've tired her out, hm?", Mick said in a low voice, not wanting to wake her up, "I'll going to take her upstairs to the room, I already put up the side barriers so she can move all she wants", he said, effortlessly getting up while holding her.
When he laced her down on the bed, your heart fluttered: your boyfriend carefully combed her curly hair, making sure it wasnt tangled and pushing it away from her face, "Sweet dreams, Mila. Tomorrow we are going to have another day full with surprises".
Gina's son had the Schumacher genes and it showed, quite literally. The distinct light coloured eyes, the chubby cheeks and the ever so expressive brows made her little boy a sight to behold, "do you want to go to auntie Y/N for a bit so mama can go and change?", Gina cooed as she transfered him to your lap, "I'll be back quickly", she winked.
You and Mick had taken some time from your holidays to spend with his sister and her family, never missing out on spending time with the youngest family member, and while Mick and Gina's husband prepared some snacks for you, you kept the little boy entertained, watching him walk everywhere around the living room as he pointed out toys. He didn't say many words yet, but you decided to go along with him, pretending almost like you were in a play.
"Are you sure about that? That was not what I heard from my neighbour", you expressed, pretending to be very intrigued by his babbles, "Oh, well, if you look at it like that, maybe there is some truth to it", you said, exaggerating your expression so you could get your nephew to giggle loudly, giggling with him as you carried on.
By the door, Mick was resting there on his side, admiring you and his nephew. You were incredible with kids, wether they were little or already toddlers, you always managed to make them feel safe and happy, and you looked happy, too, when you spent tike in their company. Was it too soon? Your relationship was good, your routines and lifestyles more settled and predictable, and while he loved having you all to himself, Mick couldn't help but think that he will gladly share you with someone who is half you and half him.
Sitting down next to you after cleaning up, his sister and brother in law already upstairs getting ready for bed after putting their little one to sleep, Mick placed his hand on your thigh, "I've been thinking about something, liebling", he began, "and I want your opinion on it, because it matters to me the most, yes?".
Nodding, you urged him to continue, placing your hand on top of his, "I've been thinking a lot about having our own little one", he gulped, not entirely catching you by surprise if you were honest, "we have stability, we have the means, and seeing you with our nephew today just solidified the idea I have that you are going to be an amazing mother to our child, or children if we want them and are lucky enough to be able to have them, I want it all with you", he finished, looking nervously up at you.
"I've been thinking about it, too", you calmed him, "every time I see you with little kids, my ovaries do all these jumps and it took me a bit to figure out that I wanted to be the one to carry your children", you blushed, "okay, that sounded dirtier than I meant it to, but it's true! I want to start a family with you, too", you smiled, kissing his lips.
"Well, I think starting here would be a bit off, but when we get home, maybe? I'd love to start practicing", you said, moving to straddle him, kissing your husband's lips again as he carried you up to the bedroom, Angie following behind, not knowing that her parents were planning to add to the family.
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breadcat-xx · 8 months
It's flu season, a.k.a the most feared period of the year for anyone raising small children. Regulus had suspected that once Harry started attending that damned muggle preschool, that also meant he would start coming home with all kinds of ailments. Turns out he wasn't wrong.
He walks into the living room, still holding the thermometer he'd used to take Harry's temperature a minute ago. 38.2°C it reads. His fever has been rather high since yesterday evening, and even though Regulus tries hard to not freak out, he has to admit he was feeling rather anxious.
James joins him after giving their son a pain potion. A warm hand lands on Regulus' shoulder, followed by a gentle squeeze. "He's settled down again." James says. "He'll be fine, love. Kids are quick to catch things, but they're pretty damn resilient too."
Regulus hums and looks up at his husband, directing him a half-hearted smile. "I told Sirius not to come over." He informs him. His brother had desperately wanted to see 'his sick boy' to comfort him, but Regulus had told him no. Maybe in a few days. "And then I told Remus to tell Sirius not to come over... He usually listens to him."
James grins. "It's rather difficult to not listen to Remus. He's got that natural kind of authority... You know what I mean?"
Regulus' smile becomes a little more genuine as he nods in agreement. He does know what James means. He also knows what he was trying to do.
"You're doing the thing." "Hmm?" "The thing where you bring up unrelated stuff to keep me from ruminating." He puts the thermometer on the table. They'll need it again later. James grins and takes a step closer, pressing a warm kiss to cheek.
"Is it working?" Regulus rolls his eyes. "A little..."
James chuckles against his skin. "Great..." Then, one of his hands finds Regulus', and before he can protest he's being pulled towards their sofa. "Let's watch a movie." James suggests. "We'll check up on him again halfway through."
Regulus allows him to drag him along and soon finds himself snuggled up against his husband's chest. Like Remus, James is difficult to disobey. Not because he too possesses that natural kind of authority... More because Regulus knows that whatever he says or does, he's always trying to do what's best for him.
And how could anyone possibly argue with that?
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Im just gonna allow myself to yap about supernatural and see where destiny takes me. SIDENOTE IF U WANNA TALK ABOUT THIS WITH ME LITERALLY PLEASE I WANT TO PLEASE INTERACT WITH ME.
Okay first of all im starting with the start (s1+2). BEST LIGHTING TO MOOD EVER EVER EVER. Like you want dark scary monsters??? ITS THERE. I remember there being a reason they changed the lighting (smugly: yes i listen to the podcast) but i CANT REMEMBER. The characterisation of the macho eldest son coded scared eldest daughter Dean is unreal and parallel in epicness to repressed queer allegory something is inherently wrong with him little brother. The brief moments of emotional vulnerability. Dont get me STARTED on Dean's monologue in the s2 finale i'll start crying. It's crazy how rude john is to Dean like excuse me he raised your kid and now ur bitching about him? Try saying thank you for once. I think the only reason john actually said im proud of you was because he realised when azazel said it dean was like "ur not my dad" and to john it was a little "oh shit" moment. Sam has every right to be angry but every time he gets angry at dean something in me shatters a little because deans trying so hard for himself and sam and sam doesnt know who or how to lash out (emotional dysregulation baybee) so aims for deans jugular like nooo honeyyyy noooooo. This era was the best sam in my opinion.
Rest of the show down here:
Onto S3-5. Cant remember jack about season 3. Season 4 CASTIEL MY BELOVED MY LIGHT MY LIFE MY REASON FOR LIVING. Absolutely loved everything about Weird Cas and i wanted more of him why did they have to domesticate him. His and Deans dynamic was impeccable and yk something??? I wanted to see Dean in hell torturing people i wanted to see it on his face how much he hated that he enjoyed it and i wanted to see Cas' face at watching the righteous man lose. Like the best we got was Yellow Fever GOD I LOVED THAT bit when he was hallucinating the book and it said "you gonna cry?" Like so many people think thats a funny episode but it makes me so sad because he is DYING and from such a young age hes been told to stow it away, lock it down to the point hes HALLUCINATING IT. Cas falling for dean. Im sorry i just. They are the best love story. LUCIFER. He was scarier back then, but i do love later seasons lucy too. Something about the peeling skin and the "we will always end up right here" just slapped. ENDVERSE EPSIODE god so good can we just take a moment to think about it. Okay cool thanks okay. Demon blood Sam arc was fun but had unfulfilled potential. Cant give you specifcs rn its late and my brain needs to get this all out so if you know you know. The whole meta stuff with Chuck was eh until he was confirmed as god and then i was like duuude the faint strings of marionettes are glistening in the sunrise like how do we know --- im getting ahead of myself.
S6-11. I know, its a big chunk. But basically the whole thing could be renamed "Crowley's unrequited love story". Cas and crowley were the best duo i almost forgot like they are genuinely so funny together and i bet it would be great to be tortured by them UMM THE BETRAYAL i honestly loved Cas' episode the only thing i didn't like was how the reveal itself was done like... Idk just a bit... Kryptonite???? Anywho i Loved the tension between Dean and Cas DEAN LOOKED BACK. Um leviathans were my favourite monster but they became so dumbbbb after washing up liquid killed them. BOBBYS EPISODE ALWAYS MAKES ME SOB MY EYES OUT "i raised two boys and they became heroes" allow me to DIE. Also damn impressed a shot to the head didnt take him down but it was lovely to see Deans first world, first solid rock properly crumble around him (forgetting john okay he wasnt a healthy rock) . PURGATORY DEAN JDJSJDJDJD kill me please his fight or flight mode was SO. So sad we didnt get more of purgatory like i would pay to see more i would kill probably but we'll overlook that. Benny my beloved. They definitely all got together Cas included like who wouldnt at that point. Smth i didnt like is how wheneer they went back to purgatory, unlike how dean described it "360 battle 24/7" or some shit like that it was EMPTY. Like please,, i know the plot needs convenience BUT PURGATORY ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE CONVENIENT. But dean recrafting his own memories to make himself believe that he failed to save Cas rather than what he perceived as Cas giving up on him- hang on i dropped my jaw somewhere, gimme a sec i need to go find it-- LIKE. HHHH. The whole mind control shit going on with Cas because his ties to Dean had been severed (saw a post about that and loved it but cant rmb it) and HIM BEING THE ONE TO BREAK IT. The crypt scene mmmm i love. Want more. Mark of Cain dean was literally my favourite. A violent, mentally unstable man who also has bad mental health and is often covered in blood? Yes pls. Cas being with him every step of the way. I havent mentioned Sam in a while. Hes just kind of been there. Hate that he slowly became 2D. Far away in the background hes got his worried expression and is rocking, saying "Dean? Dean? Cas? Jack? Dean?" Like writers why did u strip his personality except for worry. Do Not get me started on the whole Amelia thing ill stab someone. But yeah cas saying he'll watch dean murder the world is my universe :). If someone said that to me id say "omg really?" And develop a huge fat crush (somehow). CHARLIE DYING WAS AN ABOMINATION When they brought back Eileen why not charlie like. Dont bring characters back at this point because theres all sorts of issues grr. Amara was cool af but i didnt like the whole amara x dean stuff because it was just weird. Luciferrrrr hes so girlypop i love him DEAN DIDNT KNOW IT WASNT CAS but thats only because lucy purposefully wore less clothes around him to distract him.
S12-14. Im running out of steam. MARYYY. It hurt to see Sam get along with Mary becsuse he never knew her as anything else while all dean wanted was a mom and that wasnt who she really was anymore. He loved her so much but couldnt break through that barrier of "it wasnt the perfect marriage until after she died" vibes. God that scene in s5 where its suggested dean saw +/ smelled what happened to Mary and he was literally backing himself into a corner BROKE me. Havent mentioned the Wayward sisters but please know they are so important to me they are my everything. Jack is also. Loved Kelly, very sad she had to die. Wanted Jack to be a baby but thats not good for television is it. But i love Jack so much hes such a sweetie who can kill with a thought. Alternate universe michael and Michael!Dean was epic af but michael dying like that was so anticlimactic gonna be honest i think they were just reaching for ways to lose Jacks soul. Garth GARTH!!! Hes so cute. I loved all those "hand recorded" episodes btw like ghostfacers and that one teen wolf type stuff. Dean hiding in his room is so me. Free Will Theory is so fucked up at this point ur sat there saying gods been pulling the strings this whole time and i supposed to be okay with it?? I so get why deans angry but i definitely think thats something Chuck emphasised (crappy excuse for crappy writing) to an extreme level because WHAT. Like dude. I cant even describe how out of character he felt at some times.
S15. Currently rewatching and cant rmb much of it. 3 characters dead in the first 3 episodes. They either kill off all side characters or we dont hear from them at all to tie up or shove away loose ends. I cant even talk abiut the finale please i cant rn im way too tired. It straight up didnt need to exist, it could've only been 19 eps. Cas. Castiel. He did want you my darling.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 months
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 37: Autophobia
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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The vehicle pulls into the garage and after the driver swipes a keycard, they are taken down below to a sublevel. April watches nervously through the window as they go lower and lower and lower. The parking garage gets darker and darker and darker... unnatural light hits the walls at odd angles and gives the entire area a sense of growing dread, like being trapped in a fever dream. April starts to get sick from the constant driving down in a circle motion. Eventually the van parks. A few EPF guards open the doors, and everyone is directed inside. It's a dramatic change, from a dirty and dark stone and concrete world to one of blindingly bright fluorescent lights in an icy cold hallway made of white walls and floors.
"Have they assigned you to a sector yet?" Dr. Finn asks April, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"No," she responds as casually as she can.
"Well, you can stick with me until they do," Abigail says with a smile. "Come on, we've got work to do."
"On the guys? Uh, I mean, turtles?"
"Not yet. But hopefully soon!" Dr. Finn answers. "For the moment, we'll be conducting some research on Mikey's bloodwork. We also got a few samples from the others, thanks to him."
April shivers.
"How... how do you know his name is 'Mikey'?" April asks. "I mean... if he never spoke, how'd you come up with that name?"
"I think the story is that when they initially captured him, he had a cellphone and was calling someone. Probably even those mutants we have now. While he was on the phone, one of the doctors heard someone on the other end call him 'Mikey'. After detaining him, they found weapons on his person that also had the name 'Mikey' carved into them, so--"
Dr. Finn is interrupted by a hand that stops her. A woman in a tight dress and pulled back hair stands in their path, holding up a single hand as she stares them down.
"Ms. Campbell!" Dr. Finn gasps. "I didn't see you there. What do you want?"
"Who is this accompanying you?" Ms. Campbell asks, eyeing April carefully.
"One of the interns, she -- actually, I didn't quite get your name?"
"April... O'Neural?" she offers.
"April O'Neural," Dr. Finn repeats with a nod. "She wasn't assigned anywhere, so I was going to take her with me."
"That won't be necessary," Ms. Campbell says with a smile. "I'll take it from here. I'm sure I can find where she's been sanctioned."
"Oh. Very well then," Abigail shrugs, leaving April with Ms. Campbell.
April follows nervously after the strange woman until she directs her into a long corridor. Something doesn't feel right...
"Uh, where does this lead--"
April is shoved forwards. When she tries to run back the way they came, the woman grabs her by the wrist and forearm and pulls her along. April finds that the lady is practically carrying her, walking swiftly with a scowl on her face. There's something cold and unnatural about her eyes...
Ms. Campbell drags April to a door at the far end, opening it to reveal a man in a white coat sitting behind a desk.
"Ah, Ms. Campbell. Who is this?"
"She came in under the pretense of being a newly hired intern. I ran facial recognition and found no matching ID within our system. But she did come up as a companion to the turtle mutants we found, based on security footage from the past two years."
April stares at Ms. Campbell in shock. How did she--?!
"Ah, I see. Does she have a name?" the man asks.
"April O'Neil, according to her college ID, job applications, resumé, drivers license, Warren Stone fanclub membership, and birth certificate."
"Wait, h-how -- where did you--" April stammers, before being interrupted by the man behind the desk.
"Thank you, Ms. Campbell. We can assume she's here for our new subjects. I think it would be wise to place her in our detention ward for now. A missing person will attract unwanted attention, but she can't be allowed to reveal anything. Hmm... inform Dr. Timothy that we'll be conducting neural surgery with the purpose of memory erasure within the next two days."
"HOLD UP!" April shouts. "You can't just do that! I have rights, this is illegal! This is crazy, and --"
"Sweetheart, we're above the government," the man says with a sneer. "I can do anything I want. That will be all, Ms. Campbell."
"Yes sir, Dr. Chaplin."
April is dragged away kicking and screaming and shouting some very targeted four-letter words describing various places they can visit and exactly where they can shove their insane ideals.
"...And that's what happened," CJ says, gasping for air after the long explanation he just went through. "Everyone's at the new site on Staten Island!"
"Then that's where we'll be going, too," Splinter says with a determined nod. "My boys need me."
"And me," Cass says, whipping out her hockey stick and mask with a flourish. "There's no way that I'm being excluded from this fight!"
"What about you, Draxum?" Splinter asks, turning towards his former nemesis.
"Of course," the sheep Yokai says, a deep and guttural anger in his voice. "These humans are a scourge. They will plague the rest of humanity with their crimes unless we stop them."
"I'm not sure the Baron or Master Splinter should come," Casey interjects. "If these guys are hunting down mutants and Yokai, it would be better for you two to stay here."
"I will not abandon my sons--!" Splinter argues, before Draxum places a hand on his shoulder.
"...He's right," Draxum growls. "I hate to admit it, but if we go in, it is possible that we may make the situation worse."
"How can you say that?!" Splinter shouts. "I thought you cared--!!"
"I do. But I also care about the Yokai and Mutant populations. Their very existence is in threat, and I will do whatever I can to assist their safety. We can help from afar, though, running surveillance with Donatello's technology and providing the transportation when needed. And, I can assist in one other way..."
Draxum takes Casey Jr.'s hand and places a tiny vial of glowing blue liquid in his palm.
"Is... is this the cure?" Casey asks.
"It is the prototype, but it should work," Draxum says quietly so Splinter doesn't overhear his slight uncertainty. "I used his blood as a base for the formula to avoid, but the majority of this formula is actually an anti-serum variation of the chemicals O'Neil discovered."
"That illegal herbicide?" CJ asks, eyes wide. "Won't that kill him?"
"No; as I stated, I've altered it to ensure it will not destroy any of his originally mutated DNA. It will target everything else, especially the Krang."
"Will it hurt him?"
"If it's working properly, he should be in excruciating pain. But it won't damage him, if that's what you're worried about," Draxum says glibly. "But be careful with it, that's the only formula I have. I would hope you don't need to use it so soon, but if worst comes to worst -- administer the retro-mutagen to him. I suspect that the TCRI won't want him as badly if he's no longer their monster..."
"Okay... how do I administer it?" CJ asks.
"Inject it directly into his bloodstream. It should take immediate effect."
"Got it," CJ nods, taking the vial and placing it in his fanny pack. "Now... let's go save our family."
"Let me go!" April shouts as Ms. Campbell carries her down through the TCRI building.
Eventually, they arrives at a floor filled with dimly lit glass rooms and grey linoleum flooring. Fluorescent blue lights offer minimal luminance, casting long shadows down the corridors. Ms. Campbell walks down the hall, opens a door, and flings April inside. She lands with a thud against the wall, her back aching from the impact. Even still, she gets up immediately with a battlecry and runs to the door. It shuts with a loud clang, the glass walls glazing over until they become blurry and semi-opaque. April watches the silhouette of Ms. Campbell leave.
"Hey! Don't you walk away from me! Open this door!!" April shouts, banging her fists against the cell door.
"Who's that?" a voice from the next cell over asks hoarsely.
April flinches and turns to find the voice. Through the strange smoky glass, she can see a small figure sitting limply against the wall in the room beside her.
"Who are you?" April asks quietly, stepping away. "What are you doing here?"
"My name's John," the voice responds quietly. "John Bishop."
"You're the secret agent Casey told us about," April gasps.
"You know Casey?"
"Yeah, I do. He said we could trust you."
"'We'... so, you know Mikey and his family too, huh?" Bishop chuckles. "Are they okay? Did they....... they're here, aren't they?"
"They found him. And they caught his brothers too?"
"And you came here to rescue them?" Bishop asks, his voice conveying his surprise. "By yourself?"
"Well, no... to be honest, nothing's gone according to plan. We came to get Mikey after they tricked him and kidnapped him again. But... I think they used some funky machine or whatever on him. I heard one of the scientists say that they made him fight his brothers..."
"The A.L.P.H.A. device," Bishop sighs.
"What is the A.L.P.H.A. device thingy?" April asks.
"It's essentially a mind-control machine for anyone infected with Krang. They used it on Mikey the day he was taken back by his family," Bishop explains.
"Why would they make that?" April asks. "I mean, obviously mind control does not sound like a good thing, right??"
"They don't care about good or bad here, in case you missed it," Bishop groans.
He hisses, and April can just catch his blurry figure clutching his side.
"What... what happened to you? What did they do to you?" she asks nervously.
He chuckles, the laugh turning into a cough.
"Don't worry about me," he sighs. ".It's just a calling card from the EPF and TCRI. Besides... I might deserve it. I saw what they were doing to Mikey and I did nothing to stop it... I knew it was wrong. But I let them get away with it all... And now this is karma."
"Look, karma or not, you did the right thing in the end," April responds. "And that's gotta count for something. I know a few people who've made some pretty messed-up life choices, but when the time came, they chose right, and it changed everything for them."
"I bet they didn't end up in a cage..."
"Well, no. One guy got his soul sucked out and went from being a warlord living in luxury to a lunch lady undergoing physical therapy in a run-down apartment. Another finally got the thing she always wanted, but discovered her victory wasn't so great after all. But they both decided to do the right thing, and change their ways, and fight for what was right."
Bishop leans his head against the wall.
"Well... good for them."
"Now come on, we need to get out of here."
"I've been here for days, kid. There's no way out unless someone on the outside releases us."
"We have to try!" April yells back, kicking at the door.
"...Keep hoping, kid. Maybe you'll find a way before it's too late..."
Leo groans once he realizes he's conscious. His head pounds, there's a throbbing pain on the right side of his temple. He presses a hand to it as he tries to sit up.
His eyes open sluggishly, slowly. At first he's not sure that he's even opened them, the room is so dark. But once his vision adjusts, he sees that he's trapped in an iron cage. Raph is trapped in a separate cell across from him; the cage is much too small for the mutant snapping turtle. Donnie is in a cage to Leo's left, fidgeting with the wraps on his hands. His headgear and battle-shell have been removed.
"Guys...? Is everyone okay?"
Donnie huffs, an empty laugh. Leo sees his hands shaking. Ever since his experience on the Krang ship, Donnie has been extra uncomfortable without his protective shell. And in a place like this, with danger all around them, Donnie's anxieties are only doubled.
"We're fine," Raph answers half-heartedly. "Everyone is okay, no damage done... How are you doin'?"
"Ohhh... my head," Leo groans again, the room spinning softly. He leans against the bars to steady himself. "Mikey really got me with that kick--"
Raph clears his throat, a warning for Leo.
Why? What is he --
Leo suddenly hears sniffling. A quiet, stifled sob. It's coming from a cage further away in the far corner of the room.
"Oh. Is he... Mikey's in here too, huh?" he whispers.
Raph nods sadly.
We woke up some time before you did. Mikey's... he's having a rough time. He knows what he did. Apparently Dr. Chaplin told him everything.
Be gentle, Donnie adds.
Leo tries to get up, but finds that his ankles are bound with heavy shackles and chains. He can't really stand, and even if he were unbound, his headache and possible concussion would have still been a deterrent.
"Mikey? Buddy, you okay?"
Mikey doesn't respond. In the darkness, he can just barely see him curl into a ball, clutching himself tightly as he cries.
Leo crawls in his direction, hands and knees scraping the floor as he drags himself to the edge of the cage.
"Mikey, I know you can hear me. Are you alright? Are you hurt?"
Mikey stifles a sob.
"I... I hurt you..."
"You didn't mean to. That wasn't even you, Mikey!" Leo retorts. "It's okay, we'll find a way out of here."
"But... I-I deserve to be here..." Mikey whispers. "He was right... he was always right, I am a monster... I'm nothing but a monster... I hurt you, I only ever hurt, kill, destroy... I even destroyed myself... I destroyed my family..."
"I'M NOT MIKEY!" he shouts back, turning back to glare at Leo, his eyes sparking light in the darkness. "I'M JUST THE MONSTER HE LEFT BEHIND! I am not Mikey, I'll never be Mikey again after this! I can't be! I ruined it, I ruined him, I ruined everything! I'm not even your brother anymore!"
Leo reels, trying to find an argument he can use. He's too stunned to say anything... fortunately, his brothers tag team the conversation.
"Mikey, you're still our brother! Just because you... did that... doesn't mean we don't still want you!" Raph responds.
"But I don't want me!" he weeps. "Don't you get it?! Don't you understand?! I know you think I'm a monster! You'll never be safe with me around, a-and I'll never be who you want me to be! I can't! You don't know what I did, you don't know what I had to do --"
"Mikey, I saw the footage," Donnie interjects calmly. "We all did. We know everything."
"...Then you know I'm right," Mikey sighs, curling back up into himself, his back turned to them all. "I really am a monster. You... you all would have been better off without me."
"Never!" Leo shouts. "Mikey, you gotta stop thinking like that! You're still a member of this family! We'd do anything for you--"
"JUST STOP IT!" Mikey shrieks, his tail barbing in anger. "Just STOP! I don't WANT YOU TO! I hate this, I hate me, I want you to stop!! Stop lying to me!!"
"I know you all wish I was the Mikey I used to be! I know you're scared of me, scared of what I do and why and how!! You say that I'm not broken -- HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?! How can you say that I'm not broken and scarred and destroyed -- You're all acting like you want to pretend that I'm not different anymore, but I AM! I'm NOT Mikey anymore! I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm... I'm not.... I...."
Mikey sobs as he buries his face. Leo can see Raph start to cry as well, hiding his own face in his hands to keep them from seeing. Donnie sits frozen in place, staring wide-eyed at Mikey's outburst.
"I... I'm not your brother anymore. I... I killed him. He's gone. He died."
"...Mikey..." Leo tries, his voice hushed and cautious. "...M-Mikey, please... we didn't... I didn't mean to make you feel like... I-I'm sorry, Mikey, I'm so sorry..."
Mikey's tail wraps around himself.
"...You shouldn't be. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have yelled, I... I just wanted.... I thought that maybe I could be better, for you, I... but I should have known. All I'll ever do is hurt you… You'd be better off without me. I'm just the monster."
Leo feels tears running down his face, as Mikey starts to feel even farther and farther away. The yards between them become miles apart, countries, worlds... until Mikey is lost in his own Prison Dimension, and Leo can't reach him anymore.
"...It's all I'll ever be."
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
The Price of Love
☆ The Baby Fever AU ☆
Loki x Y/N
Summary: You convince Loki to take you with him on a charity event, together with some other Avengers. What starts as a nice and exciting little trip to Canada, ends in a nightmare...
Warnings: pregnancy things/symptomps, overprotective Loki, almost nudity? thirst, suggestive smut?, swear words, Loki being the best hubby and dad possible, angst - quite a lot of angst, guns, bad people, violence, fighting, injury, blood, Loki going FERAL and being a bit... brutal, death, fluff
Word Count: 7,9k
a/n: Here it is, guys! The (almost) 8k words Baby Fever rollercoaster ride. 🫡 Yep... I went absolute bananas with this one. 😂 I love every bit, though. 😁 The story behind this fic? Well... @iamlokisgloriouspurpose made a post about a story she was looking for (some of you might remember) a few weeks ago. It was something about Loki x pregnant!reader, where she accidentally gets hit or something and Loki is overprotective, etc. She couldn't find the fic and I was like: Hey, would you want me to write something along that? And @iamlokisgloriouspurpose was like: Heck yeah! Well, here we are. You know how much of a sucker I am for such things... I couldn't resist. 🤷🏼‍♀️👀 Anyways... I hope y'all like it! 😁
Baby Fever Crew: Tagging y'all again in the comments! 😊💚
Baby Fever Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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"No, love, absolutely not," Loki stated; shaking his head and crossing his arms over his chest. "I won't allow that. Not in your condition. You rather stay here with Ella."
You raised an eyebrow, and put your hands on your hips. "In my condition? Babe, I'm pregnant! That's not a condition. I thought you knew that?" Loki snorted. "Well, to me it is." You sighed. "Okay, look, I understand your worry - but geez... Ease up a bit. I didn't even pass the first trimester. And besides, this is just a charity event. Not in the slightest dangerous." Your husband's jaw clenched, as his brain searched for the right words.
"I know, Y/N. I am more than aware of that, but..." He paused; unlocking his arms to tenderly cup your tiny, almost still invisible baby bump. "We fought so long for this, darling. Against heartbreak, sadness - Norns, even depression, and now that we are finally blessed with this little wonder growing in there, I'm not letting it go again. It was so hard for us to get pregnant. I'm not going to risk it."
You swallowed; raised your hands to cup both his cheeks. "I know, babe, I know..." You whispered; on the verge of giving in - but then you remembered a very important thing. "But you'll be there, too. You can always have an eye on me and protect us. I promise, that I'll never leave your side. And that I'll be careful. Plus, you wouldn't need to worry about our princess as well, 'cause she's more than safe with her grandparents on Asgard. She's already so excited to go there."
You could practically see the gears turning in his head. "How does that sound? What do you say?" A low grumble of disliking rumbled through Loki's chest, but in the end, he gave in with a sigh. A decision he was going to regret later. "Alright, fine."
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Only a few days later, you and Loki were on your way to Canada - Calgary, to be precisely; together with Bruce, Peter and Tony. It wasn't a very big charity event, but an important one nevertheless.
Once the Quinjet landed, Tony immediately made sure to get everyone to the hotel you were staying in. After checking everyone in, the billionaire was quick to get to his room. "Alright, team... We'll meet at exactly eight p.m. tonight. No minute later. We have to be on time." He pointed at everyone - the longest at you and Loki. "Especially you two lovebirds. Understood?" Everybody nodded well-behaved. "Sure thing, Mr. Stark." Except Loki. The god just rolled his eyes. Tony ignored him and instead turned on his heels to leave the lobby. "Now if you'd excuse me... I've got a terrible headache, caused by all the sweet talk coming from Laufeyson's mouth. Ta-ta." From the corner of your eyes, you could see Bruce shaking his head. "He's such a diva sometimes." "Sometimes?" Asked Loki in return, causing you - and even Peter to giggle.
Loki stopped mid-sentence, to ask you this question in an almost offended voice, once he had turned to face you. You put the t-shirt in your hands down and looked at him confused; blinking. "Umm... Unpacking our stuff?" He immediately shook his head and walked over to you. "No, you're not." Loki said in a firm tone, taking the suitcase away. "You are going to lay down and rest. We can unpack later or even tomorrow. The flight was very stressful and exhausting - and the next few days are going to be packed and eventful as well. I don't want you to overdo it." "But, babe, I-" "No." He shushed you, placing both hands on your hips. "No excuses. You promised me, remember?" You sighed, knowing that he was right. You did promise him. "Alright, alright, fine. I'll go, lay down."
Loki took your hand and guided you to the hotel room you shared - and it was absolutely beautiful. Modern, luxurious, cosy - perfect for a few days. Tony had planned to take everyone to a few fan events and Comic Con's around Calgary after the charity event. Something you were definitely looking forward to.
"Tony definitely has a nice taste in hotels... Can't deny that. Don't you think, babe?" You looked over at Loki, who had just pulled the t-shirt he wore over his head. "It's more than likely the only thing Stark has a good taste in." You couldn't help yourself but to laugh. That laugh quickly died in your throat, though, when Loki slipped the jeans – which covered his lower body, over his hips and down his thighs; leaving him only in his black underwear - and socks. You bit your lip; tried not to stare or give into your raging pregnancy hormones. It was difficult. So, you decided to stop watching your husband strip and rather start unpacking your luggage. "I'm going to take a shower now, love. It was way too hot in the Quinjet. Stark always pretends he doesn't know that I am half a Frost Giant… And after that, I'm taking you out for dinner. You have to- What are you doing?"
Loki smiled and placed a tender kiss on your forehead. "Thank you." You wrapped both your arms around his torso, in order to hug him. But then another idea crossed your mind, and you let your hands wander down to the waistband of his briefs. "I could join you in the shower, you know..." A dark chuckle rumbled through his chest. You really thought you had him for a minute, "As tempting as this sounds, my queen..." but then he stepped out of your embrace. "But no. Not now. Not today. Please rest. It'll be good for you and the baby." Once again you sighed. It couldn't be helped. Loki stood his ground. "Okay, okay, I give up." Loki smiled and pressed a quick kiss on your lips, "Good girl." before he left for the bathroom.
Later that day, after having eaten dinner, you and Loki got ready for the charity event. While your husband got dressed, you decided to pay the shower a visit as well - for which you took your time. Getting ready for such a big event wasn't just done in a few minutes. Funnily, you had absolutely no idea what Loki was going to wear, so you chose to wear a black, elegant dress, which wasn't too sexy and overdressed, but also not completely innocent. It reached to your ankles and had a slit on the left side of your leg; stopping at your thighs. It was also tight around your waist, but not too tight - since you decided to not show the world (and teammates) yet that you were pregnant again. Okay, admittedly it could be easily mistaken by weight gaining, but you didn't want to risk the rumours to spread. After fixing your hair and applying some decent makeup, you were ready to go. You hoped Loki was ready as well, because a look on your phone told you, that it was almost time - and you didn't want to face Tony's diva wrath.
"Babe, are you rea-" Your words died in your throat, when you closed the bathroom door behind yourself; eyes landing on the god. He sat on the big, king-sized hotel bed; legs spread wide and phone in hands - which wasn't an unusual thing. It was the outfit he chose to wear, that took your breath away...
A black shirt, which hugged his arms and torso snugly; causing his biceps to bulge. The sleeves were rolled up, leaving his forearms deliciously bare. He had left the first few buttons of the shirt undone, exposing his chest in an almost sluttish way. With that not enough... Black, tight suit trousers covered his muscular thighs and legs; held together by an equally black leather belt. All this was paired with shiny, black dress shoes.
"Sweet Lord have mercy... Have you planned to get me pregnant all over again, looking like that, or... Perhaps to kill me?" Loki just chuckled, shaking his head, "Absolutely not, my queen." and stood up, "As much as I'd love to do that, though..."  straightening his shirt. "I can't, because I already did." He practically growled; winking at you. "I just wanted to give you something to look at. Besides, it's for charity - and you should look adequate on such a big event, right?" You were speechless. Entranced by his look and the words leaving his mouth.
And if this wouldn't have been erotic enough, he overcame it...
Those wild raven locks of his, were bound together, styled into a high manbun, with only a few loose curls being loose; neatly tucked behind his ears. On his fingers twinkled beside his wedding band a few other rings in black and emerald green; completing his outfit. Loki looked drop dead sexy. You could've jumped him. Right then and there - and he knew. Oh, he knew. The mischievous smile and cheeky look he was giving you said it all.
"You are a naughty, cheeky little shit sometimes, do you know that?" Your husband just chuckled once again and stepped over to you, in order to place his big hands on your waist. "I am aware of that, yes - and I know how much you love it." You smiled; trailing your fingertips over his exposed chest. "Hell yes, I do." He smirked mischievously and leaned down to kiss you passionately.
His oceanic blue eyes roamed over your body then; wetting his lips. "You look absolutely stunning as well, my love. Beautiful as ever. I especially appreciate..." His hand found the slit in your dress; cool palm gliding over the hot skin of your thigh. "...this little feature." You giggled like a schoolgirl - high on love and pregnancy hormones. "Thanks, Lokes - but I don't look quite as sexy as you do. You are going to break so many hearts tonight, babe." Loki shook his head. "That may be true, love, but I'd never break yours. Never." "I know."
About twenty minutes later, the whole team - including Pepper, who joined the party a bit later, 'cause she had a meeting this morning - arrived at the charity event, where already a lot of fans and paparazzi waited... At the red carpet. "Are you ready, my love?" Loki asked; taking your hand into his and helping you out of the limousine Tony had rented. "More than ready."
Together, with the other Avengers you set foot on the red carpet; cameras flashing around you like lightning. Loki kept on holding your hand tightly, not letting you go. He still wasn't convinced of your idea in joining all this - him. You noticed it; felt it. Recognized it in the way he acted around you. "Loki! Loki! Loki!" From everywhere around you, fans (mostly girls, of course) and paparazzi screamed his name; literally praising him like the god he was. But Loki only had eyes for you. He didn't give the people that much attention; his number one priority being you - his pregnant wife and mother of his little princess.
Nevertheless, he couldn't help himself but to throw one of his smouldering looks at the crowd, causing several women to faint - you were sure of it. After that, he redirected his attention back to you. "Everything alright, my love?" You nodded, squeezing his hand. "Of course. We're good." Loki gave you a smile, then turned to lean closer to your ear. "Stay close to me, please. I know this is just a charity event. And I am also very aware that you can defend yourself, but I told you once and I'm telling you again... I don't want to risk anything. I hope you understand." There was so much love, adoration and worry in his eyes; it almost caused your legs to give in.
Once more you nodded. "I promise. I promised you already." He smiled the softest of smiles and lifted your hand to his lips, earning a lot of coos and 'Aww's' from the hundreds of people at the display of affection. "Thank you. Somehow, I have a very bad feeling about all this. I don't know why, but... It's present." And Loki was proven right with his gut feeling. He watched you like a hawk during the whole evening, but he couldn't prevent it from happening...
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The god was talking together with Bruce to a few of the important people who organized this event, when you were approaching the group of men, after getting yourself something to drink with Pepper. "Apologies to interrupt, but… Babe, do you have a second?" Loki immediately turned to face you, "Sure, darling." and placed a hand on the small of your back. "Please excuse me for a moment, gentlemen, but my lady is in need of me." He gave the men one of his charming gentlemen-like smiles and guided you a bit off sides from all the people.
"What's the matter, my love? Are you alright?" "Actually, I feel a bit woozy and..." You grimaced and placed both your hands on your lower abdomen; Loki's hands following suit. "Uh... Nauseous." Your husband frowned. Sure, this wasn't uncommon and it happened when you were pregnant with Ella as well, but that didn't stop him from being worried and protective. "Do you wish to leave?" "No. It's not that bad. I think I'm just going to pay the bathroom a visit; freshen up a bit and take a breath." Loki nodded, "Alright. I'll accompany you." and was more than ready to walk ahead, when you stopped him. "I think I can do that alone. It's just a visit to the bathroom. I won't be gone for long." The god bit his lip; clearly not convinced by your suggestion. "I don't know, I-" "Hey..." You gently grabbed both his hands squeezing them. "I'll be just fine. I don't want to drag you all across the building just for this. Besides, it's the ladies bathroom and you're a man, so..." Loki sighed, but once again, gave in. "Fine. Be careful, yes? And if it gets worse, we'll leave immediately." "Yes, Sir," you promised and pressed a quick kiss on his lips, before you let go of his hands and left for the bathroom.
Both, Loki's and Bruce's eyes widened immediately. They exchanged one look - and started to run, into the direction from where the woman came from. It led both men into the big, fancy stairwell of the building. Scanning the area, they searched for the said men - and found them quickly. They had barged through the doors on the bottom floor and were now standing in the entrance area, looking up. The Hydra logo shone bright on their black battle suits. "Hydra," stated Bruce, recognising the danger as well. "Stark, get your billionaire ass over here. We have a problem." Loki spoke through his little communication device. Not a second later, Tony flew over their heads, dressed in his suit, of course. "Already on it, Reindeer Games." "We have to get all the people out of here." The god nodded; green seidr washing over his body and changing his suit into his armour. "You do that, Banner. I'll go find Y/N." "No. She'll be alright, Loki. She can look after herself. I firstly need your help. I can't get all those innocent people out of here alone. Tony can distract those guys, but not for long."
That was the last time he had seen you for quite a while. At first, Loki was all cool with it, giving you the time to freshen up and calm your pregnancy symptoms - but after fifteen minutes, he got suspicious and an uneasy feeling started to grow within his stomach. So, he started to look around for you; asking his colleagues on the way, if they had seen you. Unfortunately, they didn't...
"Banner... Have you seen Y/N?" The doctor shook his head. "No, sorry. I haven't seen her in a while to be hon-" Bruce's words got interrupted by a loud noise - causing everyone inside the big hall to freeze. "What was that?" Loki's question didn't need to be answered by Bruce. A woman in black high heels and a sparkling pink dress literally ran inside the hall, screaming. "Guns! Gun! There are men with guns!"
Loki didn't like this. Not at all, but he knew that Bruce was right. If he wouldn't help him, a lot of innocent people would get more than likely hurt or killed. "Fine. Let's go." Bruce nodded and started to run off; Loki following him. "There's an emergency stairway, right down that hall. We'll get them out there."
That's what the two Avengers did then. Evacuating all the people. Loki was unable to stay focused, though. His thoughts were constantly travelling to you. He had a bad feeling about this from the beginning - and he had been right. He just hoped that you were alright...
After emptying your stomach one last time, you walked on slightly wobbly feet out of the cabin and to the sink. Looking in the mirror, you noticed that you were quite a bit pale. Well, no wonder. After throwing up that much... Once more you sighed and turned on the tap to splash yourself with some cold water and to rinse out your mouth to get rid of the foul taste. Then you took some more deep breaths and when you felt slightly better, you decided to find your husband and leave. So, you stepped over to the door and opened it - only to walk into an absolute chaos. It was loud. Gunshots sounded from everywhere. Rubble was laying around; the insides of the building was quite a bit damaged. Then you saw Tony in his suit flying around and shooting at something. You blinked. Whatever it was what happened and what was going on... How could you not notice?! Still in some kind of shock, you walked to the still intact railing of the open hallway, in order to find out what the fuck was happening. A mistake. A wrong decision. A decision your still woozy and foggy brain didn't think through. With horror in your eyes, you witnessed the literal army of what seemed to be Hydra men fighting against Tony and Pepper. Help..., you thought. They needed help. You were about to switch into your fighting mode, when you suddenly heard Loki's voice from far away. "Y/N! Watch out!" The warning came too late. Before you could even make out the sniper from across you, the bullet had hit you already. The force of it threw you to the ground. The last thing you heard before everything got dark, was the heart wrenching scream, which left your husband's lips.
While Loki, Bruce, Tony and even Pepper fought the army of Hydra supporter, you were still in the ladies bathroom; not having a clue what was going on. Yes, you had heard a loud noise, but were too occupied with not missing the toilet bowl while throwing up. On the way to the bathroom, your condition had suddenly switched very fast from 'not that bad' to 'I'm going to throw up any minute now'.
Well, that's where you were now... Hanging over the toilet; literally puking your guts out - all the while trying to not ruin your dress and hair. "Oh gods..." You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You felt awful. Perhaps it was for the best to accept Loki's offer and return to the hotel. But... What to tell the others? The only people who knew of your second pregnancy were Loki, Ella and Natasha. Nobody else. After all, you told your best friend to not tell it a single soul - and you knew you could trust her, so... Bruce wouldn't know. Just like Tony and Pepper. And you had no intention in telling them. At least not now. You wanted to wait until you passed the 'critical' first trimester. Although, the little Frost Giant inside you was growing fast and soon you wouldn't be able to hide it for much longer anyway. Ugh, you thought. Decisions, decisions...
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Loki was powerless. He couldn't do anything about it; was too far away from the sniper to stop him. With wide, teary eyes, he saw your body hitting the ground. For a moment, time seemed to stand still for him. He didn't even notice how he screamed. But then the harsh realisation hit him, and he started to run, getting as fast as somehow possible to you.
His heart was beating fast against his ribcage when he saw your limp, seemingly lifeless body - and the tears started to fall rapidly. "No, no, no, no, no!" Loki didn't care that there was a battle going on. All he had on his mind now was you - and his unborn child. He ran over to you and fell to his knees beside you, gently turning your body around. There was blood and a big, gushing wound on your shoulder. Luckily your shoulder. Loki's shaking hand quickly went to check your pulse. It was there. You were alive. Utter relief flooded his body. "Oh thank the Norns, thank the Norns." He praised; voice breaking. But then he noticed how much blood you were losing and that your bullet wound needed medical attention - unless you were going to die. So, he switched on his communication device. "Banner, get over here. Quick. Third floor. Ladies bathroom." The answer came prompt. "On my way." "Bring every medical supply you can find on your way. And hurry up! It's urgent!"
While Bruce was on his way, Loki sat down beside you. He took one hand of yours into his and placed his other hand on the wound. He wouldn't be able to heal you, but he could slow the blood loss. He closed his eyes for a moment; green seidr starting to flow from his palm. "Hold on, my love. Norns, please hold on. I'm here." Loki squeezed your hand, before he gently let go again to cup your lower stomach. Seidr started to pour out of his other hand as well. He tried to feel the baby; knowing well that it was too early for him to feel him or her. And he was right. He couldn't feel them. He couldn't tell if they were alright or not. With a frustrated groan, he stopped his attempt - just as worried as before. Anyways, he had to try, didn't he?
Only a few minutes later, Bruce came running down the hall. The doctor's eyes widened, when he came to witness the scene in front of him. "What happened?!" It was, of course, as clear as a day what had happened, but the question bubbled out of him nevertheless. "Sniper," Loki answered dryly; then quickly removed his hand, so Bruce could take a look. He nodded; examining your shoulder. "There's an exit wound. That's good. Means the bullet went through. Nevertheless, we have to patch this up. Unless she's going to bleed out. We have to get her out of here." Loki clenched his jaw. "I am very aware of that, Dr. Banner," he hissed. "Just do something. I can't lose her." His teary, frightful and worried eyes met Bruce's brown ones. "Please," Loki added, desperately. The doctor nodded and reached for the medical supplies he found on his way... Plasters, bandages, disinfection, gloves and other things. "I'll try my best to stop the bleeding as good as possible, but- Loki, what are you doing?" Bruce witnessed how the god stood up; eyes focused on something across the grand stairwell. "You got her, Banner?" The doctor frowned, "I-I think so, y-yes, what-" and followed Loki's eyes - and realised. There was a Hydra agent - and Bruce had a guess. He could count one and one together. "Loki, no. Leave him be; I-" The god turned around; the fury and anger in his eyes causing Bruce to clap his mouth immediately shut. "You got her, Banner?" He repeated his question, more firmly this time. Bruce nodded; swallowing hard. "Good." His eyes wandered shortly to the man with bright pink hair again - the one who shot you. Loki recognised him, of course. And when he saw him standing there, he lost it. Completely. Rage was taking over his system like venom. "Guard her with your life," he said and started to walk away; adding in a threatening, dark and intimidating voice: "Or you'll be the next."
Led by his untamed wrath, Loki made his way quickly to that one Hydra soldier; killing every other on his way - without even blinking. He was like in a trance; blinded by his anger. That man had almost taken one of his most precious things in his life away from him - and he couldn't just let that pass. That man was going to pay - right now.
The man with pink hair was about to escape through one of the ventilation shafts, when green seidr hit him; causing him to get thrown to the ground. He tried to reach for his rifle, but the god was quick to kick it away and out of reach for him. Before the man could even stand up and defend himself, Loki had picked him up off the hard ground and literally slammed him against the nearest wall; big hand wrapped around his neck. The man's eyes met the god's furious ones - and he just laughed. "What are you waiting for, huh? Kill me." Loki practically growled, squeezing his neck tighter. "Do you even know with whom exactly you are dealing with and what monster you just unleashed by doing what you did?" Again, the man just laughed - not even trying to fight Loki. "For such a smartass god, you are incredibly stupid, Laufeyson." The god's jaw clenched. He was losing his nerves. "What I did was the only reason I came for. Killing Agent Y/L/N was my job; knowing very well that I'd die here tonight doing it - because of you. So, what are you waiting for. Do it." Those words caused Loki to laugh dangerously - almost hysterically. This man really thought he had killed you. "Possibly. But you are the fool - not me. Being so stupid and trying to take my wife away from me… You have no idea what you have gotten yourself into, little mortal," Loki whispered in a threatening voice and started to shapeshift into his Jotun form.
The man's eyes widened in shock. He didn't know. He didn't know. Loki was towering over him now; ruby eyes glowing dangerously red. "Not so brave and impudent now, are we?" The man just swallowed; still gazing at Loki shocked. "I told you. You have no idea what monster you unleashed..." He stated once more, tightened his grip a bit. "Tell me, mortal... You've got a family?" The man nodded, unable to form any words, due to Loki's strong grip. "A wife? Children?" Another nod. "So you are a father, just like me and nevertheless you agree to take the life of an innocent child's mother? That is pathetic. Weak. Cowardly. You disgust me." Loki spat. "And with that not enough... You almost took two lifes." The man's eyes widened to the size of plates; connecting the dots. "That's right. She's with child. I don't know yet if your headless, rash assassination hurt them, but… You better pray it didn't." And again, Loki tightened his grip, before conjuring a dagger - made out of ice, "But... Actually, if I think this through, you don't have to pray, because you won't get to know. It's time to pay." and rammed the dagger into his stomach, causing the man's jaw to drop and a breathless scream to leave his lips. Loki twisted the dagger and let go of him. The man fell to the ground, gasping and gurgling. The god rounded the man – like a predator its prey, before he squatted down beside him, shifting back into his Æsir form. "Next time you try to take my family away from me, do it right - or better... Don't even try it. Although, I highly doubt there will be a next time." With a clasp on the dying man's shoulder, Loki sauntered away. He had to do it. He just had to.
After Bruce had turned the Quinjet on autopilot; giving it the coordinations of the next hospital, which was fifteen minutes away, he returned to you and Loki. He checked on your wound - which was oozing a bit of blood again, but not as much. Loki's seidr and Bruce's pressure bandage had helped, but so slowly the fabric of the bandage turned from white to red as well... "I already informed the hospital. They'll be ready when we arrive," he informed the god, who stared at your unconscious body. "Good." His eyes were focused on your stomach. Loki was utterly afraid and worried, that the blood loss this bullet wound caused, could've harmed the baby. He just couldn't shake off that thought. It drove him crazy not to know - up to the point where he couldn't take it anymore. So, he had no other option but to tell Bruce...
As soon as he had quenched his thirst for revenge, his mind wandered - of course, back to you. So, without further ado, he made his way back to you.
Bruce was luckily still sitting by your side; two lifeless Hydra men laying a few meters away from them. "How is she?" Loki asked immediately. The doctor turned at the god's voice; facing him. "For the moment, stable. I stopped the bleeding, but the point still stands... She needs medical attention." Then Banner looked Loki up and down, swallowing. "Did you...?" He knew what Bruce meant, and nodded. "I had to." Loki stepped closer to you and knelt down, "Let's get her out of here and to the Quinjet." and gently took you in his arms; carrying you bridal style. "Back me up?" Bruce nodded, and turned quickly to Hulk; watching out for any enemies to come your way.
The three of you made it out of the building and to the Quinjet without any further incident. While Bruce started the engines, Loki laid you slowly down on the stretcher. "Stark. Banner and I are on the Quinjet now, bringing Y/N into a hospital and-" "Yes, yes, I know. Bruce told me. Make sure she's alright." "Are you able to make this without us?" "What kind of question is that, Reindeer Games? Pepper and I are almost done here. The civilians are safe and sound and the Hydra men reduced to a group of ten." Loki rolled his eyes at Tony's comment. "Fine."
"Banner, would you check her stomach and lower abdomen, please?" The doctor frowned. "Why? She's been shot in the shoulder, not in the stomach and-" "Just do it!" Loki cut him off; almost screaming at the man. "Alright, alright, I'll do it. Calm down, man." He went to grab a little device and held it over your stomach. Looking down at the miniature display, and not expecting to find something, Bruce's eyes suddenly widened. He lifted his head, gazing with surprise and a little shocked at the god. "Loki, that... There's... Y/N, she... She's-" "Pregnant, yes." Loki finished his sentence. "That's why I asked you to check. Is the baby alright?" Bruce blinked, and nodded. "Y-Yes, I... As far as I can tell, y-yes." "Oh thank the Norns," the god breathed out relieved. He took your hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze, all the while he leaned down to pepper your stomach with little kisses. "Our baby is okay, my love... They are alright - and you'll be too, I promise," Loki sobbed into the fabric of your dress; holding on to you.
As for Bruce, he clearly needed a moment to grasp this. "How far along is she? How... How long do you know?" Loki turned his head to Bruce and smiled through his tears. "About ten weeks. She told me a month ago, right after she found out. Well, Ella told me, but yes..." Bruce couldn't help but smile as well. He was, of course, happy for you and Loki. "Well, in that case... Congratulations." "Thank you. I'm honestly a bit surprised that Romanoff didn't tell you anything." The doctor's eyes widened. "Natasha knew?!" Loki nodded. "She was the only one who knew. She was with Y/N when she found out." Banner nodded, "Makes sense." before he went to land the Quinjet. "Let's get her help - as fast as possible."
"Mr. Laufeyson, Sir." A doctor ripped him out of his thoughts. Loki literally jumped to his feet, looking at the young man with anticipation and hope. "How is she?" "She's alright according to the circumstances." The god let out a deep, relieved breath he didn't know he was holding. "Oh Norns… Thank you." "She was lucky that the bullet went through and we didn't have to operate." "Is the baby alright?" Not that Loki didn't trust Bruce, but he'd rather have it checked twice - and besides, Loki had to tell the doctors that you were pregnant anyways. "Yes. The baby is safe and sound." He took a deep breath, nodding. "Can I go to her?" "Of course."
While the doctors looked after you and patched the wound up, Loki sat on a chair in front of the wooden door in the white, empty hallway, waiting. Bruce had returned to Tony and Pepper.
Fear and worry were still very present in the god's head, but also guilt. He felt utterly guilty. Guilty of taking you with him on this damn event. Guilty of not accompanying you to the toilets - as stupid as it might sound. Guilty of not having been able to protect you - and his baby. It weighed him down. And nevertheless... He couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't change the past. It happened; and the most important thing now was that you were going to be alright.
No ten minutes later, Loki was sitting by your bedside; your hand in his and patiently waiting for you to wake up. To his sheer relief, he didn't have to wait long. Your eyes fluttered open; blinking; needing to adjust to the bright light. "L-" Loki was it you wanted to say, but your throat felt dry, causing you to not even get his name out. Your husband reacted immediately, of course and reached for the glass of water on your bedside table; gently helping you to drink. "T-Thank you." "Of course, my love." Then you looked around. "Loki, where... Where am I?" "In the hospital." You blinked, before you started to smile. "I survived this?" Loki couldn't help but chuckle softly. "For sure! Do you think I'd let the most important being in my life die?" You smiled even wider, shaking your head. "See?" Loki smiled as well, squeezing your hand. "How are you feeling? Are you in pain?" You shook your head. "No, but... I feel utterly tired." Apparently were the pain killers working just fine yet. "Good, that's good. But you should rest then. Give yourself and our child time to overcome this accident." Your eyes widened on an instant at Loki's words; free hand flying to clutch your stomach (It was luckily not your hurt arm). "Oh my g-gosh, the baby! Are they alright?!" You panicked for a moment, but Loki was quick to reassure you. He placed his free hand on yours. "Don't worry, darling. They are completely fine." "T-Thank god."
Loki's expression changed suddenly; the guilty feeling returning. "My love, I am so sorry. This all is my fault. I promised to protect you... And I failed. I-I wasn't there when you needed me and-" You shook your head, interrupting him. "Let me stop you right there, babe." Intertwining your hand with his, you looked him deeply in his stunning blue eyes. "This is absolutely not your fault. I am the one to blame for this. Not you. I chose to accompany you. I chose to go alone to the bathroom. It was me, not you. You did your absolute best and protected me the best you could." Loki blinked. "But-" "Ah.Ah. No but's. Please... Don't blame yourself."
Your husband took a deep breath; running a hand through his luscious curls. "I... I could've lost you, Y/N. And our child. Ella could've lost her mother." "I know... But you didn't. Ella didn't. I'm here. I'm alive. The baby is alive. We are both okay - and we will make this. My shoulder's going to heal." Despite your words, there was still hesitation in his eyes. So, you tugged gently at his hand, "C'mere." encouraging him to lean down. He did what you asked him to, and leaned down. You didn't hesitate; pulled him instantly in a kiss. It was so loving and intense; almost taking Loki's breath away. "Stop. Blaming. Yourself," you mumbled in between kisses. Loki couldn't help but smirk; brushing your nose with his. "Only if you keep on kissing me." "Pfft," you laughed and shook your head, but kept on kissing him.
Once Loki assured himself, that you were, indeed alright - according to the circumstances, he decided to take a trip home and tell Ella and his parents what had happened. He had to. So, he stayed with you the whole day, night and even the next day, before he left on the following morning; travelling to Asgard.
"My, my, what do we have here? Is this a tea party? And I am not invited?" Loki asked; approaching them. Ella's head snapped, of course, immediately into his direction after hearing her father's voice. "Daddy!" She squeaked out excitedly and scrambled to stand up. Loki knew what was about to come, so he squatted down and opened his arms. Ella came running and threw herself into Loki's awaiting embrace. He swiped her off her feet and lifted the girl up; hugging her tightly. Ella giggled; both her little arms tangling around his neck. "Ah, my little princess... I missed you." "I missed you too, daddy." Loki kissed her cheek, before letting her down again.
"Welcome back, prince Loki." Heimdall greeted him with a bow of his head. Loki gave him a nod. "Heimdall." "Bear my best recovery wishes for her - and congratulations." The prince smiled. "Thank you. I shall do that."
On a horse, the god made his way to the palace. "Greetings, my prince." The guards welcomed him and let him inside, of course, where he asked for his daughter and parents. Loki got told, that Ella was with his mother in the royal gardens and the Allfather caught up in a court meeting with the royal advisors of the king from Svartalfheim. So, Loki went to the gardens. He could already see his princess and mother from afar. They were sitting on a soft blanket, which laid underneath a cherry tree, in order to shield them from the sun. Both of them had tea cups in their hands and he could swear that he also saw two big slices of cake. Loki couldn't help the smile, which spread over his lips at the scene in front of him - and when he heard Ella's sweet laughter, it only widened.
Frigga just watched with a smile on her face. She loved seeing her son being a father. "Mother," Loki greeted her; kissing her cheek as well. "Hello, son. You're back early." At her words, the god got taken back in time; remembering what had happened. "I know. I'll explain. But first..." He turned back to Ella, tickling her. Again, she bursted into fits of giggles. "I'd like to have a biiiig slice of cake. It looks so very delicious. Princess, would you go to the kitchen and ask Bjørn, if he would be so nice and give me a slice?" "O-Okay, daddy," Ella panted; still giggling and trying to recover from her dad's tickle attack. "You're a treasure, thank you." Ella smiled, then hopped away. The skirts of her pink summer dress billowing in the wind; raven curls, which just reached her shoulders, bobbing.
"I have the feeling you want to tell me something without my grandchild listening..." Frigga noted. She wasn't stupid. Loki nodded, "I do, mother." and swallowed. "I... Have good news and bad news." Loki pondered about with which news to start, but then decided on the good news. His parents didn't know yet that they were going to be grandparents - again. Perhaps this was the time to tell them. Well, at least Frigga. He'd come around the next few days to tell his father as well. Actually, Loki wanted to do this with you, but... The current circumstances didn't allow it. Hopefully you wouldn't be mad at him...
"The good news is; Y/N is... Well, she's pregnant again."
For the second time, Frigga's eyes widened - but this time out of shock. "Oh by the Norns! How is she?! Did it affect your child?" "She's alright - according to the circumstances. The bullet went through, so they didn't need to operate. She lost a lot of blood, but we made it in time to the hospital. Luckily, it didn't affect the child. They are safe and sound, steadily growing in their mother's womb." A relieved breath left the Allmother's lips. "Indeed... That's why I am back earlier. I'll take Ella with me now and tell her. Y/N's dying to see her baby again," he stated with a small chuckle. Frigga nodded. "Of course, my son." Just in that moment, they noticed Ella returning - carrying a plate with a big slice of cake on top. "Please greet her and wish her all the best. And tell us if she's getting better!" Loki took his mother's hand and squeezed it. "I will do that, for sure."
Frigga's eyes widened. "Pregnant?" The god nodded with a smile; almost unable to hold back the tears. "Yes, mother. We're having another baby." The queen gasped; hand flying to cover her mouth. She tried to hold back the tears again. "Oh Loki..." She more or less sobbed, before lunching forwards to hug him. "That's wonderful, son. I'm so delighted and happy for you and Y/N." Loki hugged her even tighter. "Me too. I'm honestly a little surprised that Ella didn't tell you. Well, we told her to not do it, but... You know how excited, small children are... We wouldn't have been mad at her if it had slipped past her lips, but well..." Frigga just giggled. "It would've been a great way to find out as well." "Oh definitely!" Loki chuckled; pausing. "I, uh, wish to tell father as well. I'm coming back in the next few days as soon as he has got more time." His mother smiled, "My lips shall be sealed then." but it dropped quite quickly again. "I'm a little afraid of the bad news now..."
"Well..." Loki started; thoughts returning to the accident once more. "We, um, we were on that charity event and... And there was an attack." He fumbled with his fingers. "I swore to protect Y/N and couldn't in that very moment. She's... She's been shot in the shoulder and is in the hospital now."
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After Loki had eaten the delicious cake and spent a bit of quality time with his mother and daughter; he decided to return to you, taking Ella with him. They both bid their goodbyes and off they went through the Bifrost; only to land in a hospital - much to Ella's confusion...
"Uhh, daddy? Why are we in a hospital?" The little girl looked around; seemed quite a bit frightened. "Where's... Where's mommy?" Loki's heart felt already heavy; having to tell his child what had happened. He took a deep breath and squatted down in front of Ella, to be on eye-level with her, and took her smaller hands in his. "You know we were away to attend an Avengers thingy?" She nodded; getting visibly more nervous and angsty. "Unfortunately, we've got attacked by some really bad guys and... Mommy got hurt - but she's okay, sweetheart! She has a wound that needs to heal, but she will be perfectly fine!" Loki immediately went to calm her down, since her eyes started to get watery; tears running down her cheeks promptly. "M-Mommy's hurt? What happened?" The god swallowed. "A man tried to shoot mommy and hit her shoulder," Loki explained; gently wiping the little girl's tears away with his thumbs.
"Can… Can I see mommy?" "Of course, princess. That's why we're here." He smiled softly; looking down at his daughter, who resembled him so much. "Come here." Loki then just scooped her up in his arms; hugging her and carrying her to the room you were in. He didn't care that Ella got heavier so slowly; being not a toddler anymore. She held onto her dad, burying her face in his neck and hair. It had been clearly a shook for the little girl to learn that her mother was hurt in a hospital...
Loki gently knocked on your door and waited patiently for an answer. "Come in!" You were awake. Loki freed one hand and opened the door; stepping inside. Your eyes immediately lit up, when you saw your husband and daughter. You were so happy to see Ella. You had missed her - a lot. When you saw that Loki was carrying her, you knew exactly what was going on...
"Princess, hey," you greeted Ella softly, after your husband had carried her over to your bed. She was still clinging to her dad, but when she felt your touch on her back and especially heard your voice, her head snapped to face you. Her cheeks were reddened - just like her eyes, in which were still tears glistening. It definitely teared at your heartstrings. "Oh no, sweetie... Come here." You opened your arm (the one which wasn't hurt) for her. Loki immediately let her down and she didn't hesitate even a second; ran into your arm as quickly as possible. Sure, Ella had to overcome the obstacle which was the hospital bed; but that didn't stop her.
"Mommy," she sobbed; clinging now to you. She may have been already a big girl, but in moments like this, she was still just a child - which was more than alright. "Don't cry, baby. I'm ok." You stroked her hair in a reassuring manner and pressed soft, little kisses to the crown of her head. Exchanging a look with your husband, you could tell that it hurt him as well; seeing his daughter sad and crying. It always did.
Once you managed to calm her down, you were in for a long round of cuddles. Ella laid in your arm, cuddled against your side. At some point she had just slept in. Perhaps from the exciting vacation she's been on. Perhaps from the shock. Anyways, you were just glad she had calmed down - and so was Loki, who sat beside your bed on a chair. His oceanic blue eyes watching over you and his princess. He still had to tell you that his mother knew now about the little wonder growing within you, but that was a story for another time.
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Can you tell us more about psionics in a Gallifreyan?
Gallifreyan Psionics: An Overview
Here's a brief overview of psionics in Gallifreyans - note that this is pretty raw information and might change and expand when this human writer finds some spare time to write the psionics section of the Anatomy Guide.
🧙‍♂️ Shobogans of Old: Ancient Gallifreyans, known as Shobogans, evolved powerful telepathic abilities from exposure to the Untempered Schism. In the modern day, it was 'reawoken' with genetic engineering in the Loomborn.
🧒 Developing Powers: Young Gallifreyans (around 16) have burgeoning telepathic powers and can experience strong emotional feedback from large groups, as well as psychic feedback, fever, and headaches.
👁️ Third Eye: The pineal gland, or Epiphysis Cerebri, is twice the size of a human’s and is the source of Gallifreyan psychic activity. It's bigger in feminine bodies than in male bodies.
🧠 Connecting: When two Gallifreyans meet, they perform a mind-touch to identify and acknowledge each other. Every Gallifreyan has a unique psycho-kinetic signature, allowing them to recognise each other even in new bodies.
🌉 Psychic Bridges & Entrelacement: see How do Gallifreyans form intimate telepathic relationships?
🔋 Power Levels: Most Gallifreyans are low-level telepaths, capable of basic mind reading and moving small game pieces etc., but some are more gifted.
As stated, these are the basics, when the psionic chapter get completed we'll have a bigger and better picture.
Factoid: How do Gallifreyans form intimate telepathic relationships?
What's the full extent of a Gallifreyan's psychic powers?: The uses and limitations of Gallifreyan psychic abilities.
Factoid: Does Gallifreyan gender affect telepathic abilities?
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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tellmegoodbye · 1 month
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Now that I finally posted my fic, until the end of time, I wanted to make a separate post for the playlist as well!
I shared a couple of these songs for music monday, but I'm going to do a more in depth analysis of the entire playlist, listing each song in order, talking about which lyrics inspired me, and sharing which moments in the fic they reminded me of.
Listen to the full playlist here.
Overcome - Nothing But Thieves
This was the first song I connected to 4x18 back when I first started writing this fic back in June of last year. The playlist opens with it because it introduces the overarching theme of choosing love in life's most difficult moments.
Bringer of the calm, your arms wrapped around when the fever took Thought I was gone for good, you brought me back
But I've been thinkin', babe, maybe you're right When you said the pain weathers in time We're just waitin' for a change to follow We don't always get all that we want Redefine the pain to somethin' more And we shall overcome as we've done before
Stay - The People's Thieves
I see these lyrics as a sort of a back and forth between TK and Carlos.
The first verse is TK feeling helpless when he watches Carlos spiral. He knows that he has to wait for Carlos to come around. They'll leave the darkness when he's ready.
The second verse is Carlos understanding his own weakness. He knows he can't fight this alone even if he's too blinded by obsession to admit it. He needs TK (and Owen) to help him escape it.
The chorus is TK and Carlos comforting each other. TK was scared for Carlos, but Carlos came back to him as he always will. Carlos was lost, but he found his way back home to TK.
I can find a place where no one feels the rain We'll huddle while the storm goes Leave here when you say so Hang on I pray the day will come when you can feel the sun And wipe off all the marks of days spent in the dark love Hang on
I'm only just strong enough I'm slowly sinking through the ground below So hold me Just long enough to show me How to find my way back home
Stay When you feel afraid Where you are is where I'll always go When you've lost your way Where you are is where I'll always go
Sleep Deprivation - Chance Peña
This is where Carlos' head is at. He's lost within his grief and relentlessly persuing justice at the same time. He wants to do right by his family, but he can't do that without losing himself in the process. He still needs to realize that he is allowed to slow down to process his grief and take it one day at a time.
Lost and ambitious I've been on a mission I won't stop till I'm done I toss and turn almost every night I pray to God I'm doing right By all my family's wishes Lord knows I miss them Their love outshines the sun
So when I break down I list off the reasons I'm here and I'm still breathing I'm hanging on Try to break ground, make way for tomorrow I'll find a way through the sorrow One day at a time
Discoloration - Dawn Golden
This reminds of the scene where TK is trying to rationalize with Carlos, but Carlos isn't hearing him. He's too sucked into his obsession to see that he isn't alone.
You took my hand and brought me down in the morning And I was sitting waiting for the telephone to swallow me whole
And I watched your mouth moving like a tired machine trying to plead with me. Trying to swallow me whole
And the whites of your eyes blackened with a hardened decay And you talked to me in a broken voice
Fade In / Fade Out - Nothing More
I wrote an analysis on this song here, but I think these lyrics are the perfect encapsulation of Carlos and Gabriel's relationship. A lot of these thoughts would be haunting Carlos in his persuit of Gabriel's killer.
Son, I have watched you fade in You will watch me fade out When the grip leaves my hand I know you won't let me down
Go and find your way Leave me in your wake Always push through the pain And don't run away from change
We all get lost sometimes trying to find what we're looking for
Are You Really Okay? - Sleep Token
(cw: references of self harm)
This is a song about self harm from the outside perspective of a loved one. This is where TK really starts to realize that something is wrong with Carlos, and he doesn't know what to do. Carlos is engaging in his own version of self harm when he refuses to let himself sleep, eat, or grieve.
I raised you in the dark Caught you reading by the sunrise You wandered from the path Through the silence of the hillside
You woke me up one night Dripping crimson on the carpet I saw it in your eyes Cutting deeper than the scars could run
And don't you know I can see it in you even now And don't you know I want to help you but I don't know how And are you really okay?
I cannot fix your wounds this time I don't believe you when you tell me you are fine Please don't hurt yourself again
Promises I Can't Keep - Mike Shinoda
This is probably my favorite song on the entire playlist. In the aftermath of everything that went down, Carlos is in shock. He's upset, but he doesn't really have the chance to process the gravity of the situation until he gets home to TK. It's a feeling of relief mixed with that sinking feeling of realization when he comes back down to earth and his head is finally clear enough for him to see how bad it got, and how bad it almost became. He now has to accept the fact that he may not be able to keep his promise to Gabriel. He may not ever find his killer.
What's the difference between a loss and a forfeit I tried to make it better, but I made it more sick I tried to make it right, now awake at night I know reality was getting in the way
I used to think that I knew who I was Never saw it coming unglued I used to think that I knew who I was Now it's time to see if it's true
I had so much certainty Til that moment I lost control And I've tried but it never was up to me I've got no worse enemy Than the fear of what's still unknown And the time's come to realize there will be Promises I can't keep
I Am Not Who I Was - Chance Peña
Carlos has come to terms with the decisions that he made, and now he has to figure out where that leaves him. Is he still going to be a person TK can love? Is he going to keep going down a path of isolation, or is he going to hold on to what's most important to him? In the fic, he pleads with TK to not give up on him, and of course, this is never a question for TK.
You keep me steady on the ground When my head's lost in the clouds That spotlight, though it shines bright Could never drown you out I know it's hard when I'm away I'll just hope you don't lose faith 'Cause I told the truth when I said to you That I'll be back someday
So if I fly too far Will I still have a place inside your heart? And when you've seen what I've become Will you love me for who I am, not who I was?
Life's Gonna Kill You (If You Let It) - Man-Made Sunshine
TK approaches Carlos with more understanding than most people would have, because he's lost a parent too. He knows just how dark Carlos' thoughts are. And he has the experience to know what to expect. Carlos' grief is different from TK's, but having someone who loves him and who has been there is important when he hits his lowest point and can't see how he can drag himself out of it. TK isn't going to let Carlos get to a point where he can't come back.
You know I see your troubles from a continent away And they take me from my own And I know you feel your mind gets ugly every day And I know you know what it's like to feel insatiably alone
I won't let you get ill, I won't let you give in 'Cause this life will only kill you if you let it Don't you let me get ill, 'cause you know that I will My pain loves the company My life only kills me when I let it Yеah, life's gonna kill you if you let it
Back To One - O.A.R
This song is all about starting over. It's about changing your perspective when life becomes too overwhelming that you start to lose sight of the good things. When Carlos comes home and sees TK, his whole world who was right there waiting for him all long, he's reminded of the love he still has, and the happiness that he still has the ability to feel. He is not entirely lost. Looking back on his father's death isn't going to help him move forward. And moving forward isn't forgetting either. This song is an anthem of what it means to live through the worst moments of your life, and that's what Carlos is learning how to do. Live.
I see you there, but you don't look right You got a ten-mile stare in your eyes tonight Time ain't fair, like it used to be
We're all dressed up, nowhere to go We lost our way, about halfway home And we hurt the ones who get too close
Don't look back, you'll never find your way There's a million different people Who break the same way When everything has come undone We got to bring it back to one
I know forever always asks so much Don't you let it scare you, don't you lose your touch When your still waters start to run, bring it back to one
Can I Sleep In Your Arms - Willie Nelson
This is the song TK and Carlos were dancing to in the fic! I chose it for a couple reasons. I have my own (vague) hcs of the kind of music TK and Carlos like, and I do think there is some portion of Carlos' music taste that is dedicated to older stuff. I see him listening to old country loves songs like this one as a kid and imagining the day he'd find a love like that of his own. He found it with TK. He fought to hang on to it because this thing that he has with TK is so beautiful and precious, that he'll be damned if he ever lets it go.
In regards to the actual lyrics, this song is simply about how when you fall down, when you struggle, the person who loves you is always going to be right there by your side to help you get back on your feet. It's a song about healing, comfort in weakness, and devotion.
Can I sleep in your arms tonight, lady? It's so cold lying here all alone And I have no hold to hold on you And I assure you, I'll do you no wrong
Meet The Moonlight - Jack Johnson
This is a callback to the theme of choosing love. Carlos lost sight of it momentarily, and couldn't see a world where he could exist outside of this mission that he was on. But he can. He can choose to live and to pormise himself to TK forever. His dreams that he couldn't allow himself to have most of his life are still real and attainable. He can take control of his destiny.
Well, you can meet the moonlight Any night you really wanna It's waiting in your own backyard You can make the flame Meet the kindling, make the fire Don't let anybody say it's too hard
It's funny how blind dreams can be It seems like they look off too far But it's good to be right here It's good not to miss too many chances to follow love
Emerald Eyes - Anson Seabra
I didn't include any moments from the actual wedding in this fic because it would have defeated the purpose of the whole thing, but I do love this song for the wedding in particular. Carlos is looking at TK, this man who he loves with everything he has, who he's been through hell and back with - and he knows that this is meant to be. He knows their love is strong enough to survive anything. The road to their wedding wasn't easy, but now he's here and now he gets to take it all in. He gets to have forever with him.
A subtle breeze, it's you and me Chest to chest, no in between And every moment's better than the last Anything and everything That I could ever want and need Is standing right beside me in the grass
The birds they sang a melody My heart was keeping time and we Were dancing on the edge of something new Slow at first but still it seems That we'll go down in history As lovers from the start, just me and you
'Cause I've spent a thousand nights Lost in your emerald eyes Lost in a place where I know You can see my soul Make me lose track of time You and your emerald eyes Finally found a place that I can call my home
Tennessee Whiskey - Chris Stapleton
I had to include at least one song that had a somewhat sexy vibe, and this was it. This is the way it feels for TK and Carlos when they go home and give themselves over to each other as hubsands with a foundation of years of pining, building trust, heartache, and every obstacle in between. No matter what happens or where they go, the love that they have is never going to die.
But you rescued me from reachin' for the bottom And brought me back from being too far gone
You're as smooth As Tennessee whiskey You're as sweet As strawberry wine You're as warm As a glass of brandy And honey, I stay stoned on your love All the time
Baby I'm Yours - Arctic Monkeys
This is the "end credits" song. We revisit the theme of choosing to live. After this entire journey it all comes back to the love Carlos feels when he's with TK. He makes a promise not only to TK, but to himself, that no matter what happens or where life takes them, he will always remember this feeling.
Also, I saw that the fic title was a lyric in this song (this was on accident, I didn't come up with that title with any song in mind) and I knew I had to include it!
Baby, I'm yours And I'll be yours until the stars fall from the sky, Yours, until the rivers all run dry In other words, until I die
Baby, I'm yours And I'll be yours until the sun no longer shines, Yours, until the poets run out of rhyme In other words, until the end of time
I'm gonna stay right here by your side, Do my best to keep you satisfied Nothin' in the world could drive me away 'Cause every day, you'll hear me say Baby, I'm yours And I'll be yours until two and two is three, Yours, until the mountains crumble to the sea In other words, until eternity
Bonus: I ended up removing the song only because I didn't like how it affected the overall flow of the playlist. But an alternative "end credits" song is Adore by Prince. The lyric "until the end of time" also makes an appearance in that, and it's a song about loving someone and knowing that love will never go away.
Tagging some people who've read the fic in case y'all are interested in song analysis. I also just wanted to thank you all for being so wonderful and supportive and leaving such lovely comments. Y'all are the best. ♡
@herefortarlos @strandnreyes @sapphic--kiwi @paperstorm @firstprince-history-huh @literateowl @ironheartwriter @theghostofashton @nisbanisba
Also tagging some people who expressed interest in this fic. If you want something to listen to while you read, here you go!
@heartstringsduet @lightningboltreader @reyesstrand @emsprovisions @lemonlyman-dotcom @carlos-in-glasses @butchreyes @whatsintheboxmh
This can also double as an inspiration saturday tag. I should really participate in that more often, but I think this counts so consider yourselves tagged!
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
has tongue tied!Mc ever been sick while staying with the boys?
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"I can't believe that.. you know." Hoseok sighs as Taehyung lays down on his back. "I mean, I honestly haven't thought about it at all to be fair- but still. I never knew how bad those side effects could get." He mumbles concerned.
"We'll just have to be there for her as a pack." He shrugs, holding you where you're sprawled out almost on top of him, limbs trying to hold onto him as his hand runs up and down your back. "She seems most calm when most of us are around." He explains.
"Well, good thing we've got some time off anyways." Jimin says, placing a puzzle piece down where it belongs. "Amd I think it's good the world gets to see this too. I think most forget what we have to regularly go through as hybrids." He explains, as Jungkook nods.
They're all sure this conversation will most likely get cut out the final episode. But they've long stopped caring- that fact having showed itself especially when Jungkook had put his foot down and told the company he'd not join the project if you weren't allowed to tag along.
And at first, it was all great- the first week of filming good enough for the camera directors it seemed like, and fans really enjoyed the more personal and domestic side of everyone- including you. But then you'd suddenly gotten sick when you went home for a few days with the guys- a private checkup confirming that you weren't necessarily sick, but simply going through your quarterly cycle as a hybrid-
Or your 'heat' as it's commonly referred to.
The only reason you're so quiet and dependant however is to be blamed on the company's decision to use a hormonal shot for you- medication used to eliminate and conquer any natural effects of your cycle, and 'calm you down', according to advertisers and pharmaceutical companies.
'Calming you down' just being a different term for making you emotionally and physically miserable.
You're tired, without any energy to do much, uninterested in anything really. Your mood is rather gloomy and unsure, nothing really able to cause you any positive excitement due to your hormones being all messed up. You cling to any member that accepts it, desperate for any form of security it seems like, constantly worried of things you can't voice out.
Because by now, you've gone completely entirely silent, rarely ever making a sound.
"Things like that shouldn't be legal." Jungkook mumbles almost angrily to himself as he searches for a correct puzzle piece. "Like, it shouldn't be legal for anyone to be able to decide things like this for someone who's able to make these decisions themselves." He quietly argues, and a cameraman coughs- as if to remind him he's still there.
Well, that'll certainly get cut for sure.
"Her fever isn't nearly as high as it was though." Yoongi offers, sitting down on the floor after checking your head silently for your temperature. "She'll hopefully nap it off soon." He softly says, watching you nuzzle into Taehyung's chest.
"Hopefully." Jungkook grumbles, still mad at the whole situation. You don't deserve this. He hates knowing you don't feel well- and that he can't do anything about it.
But that's how it'll be sometimes.
And as long as he's there together with everyone else to hold you during times like these, it might just be okay.
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miles-has-insomnia · 3 months
For the Queen Ramonda thing, maybe baby fever hcs? Need an heir and allat.
Ok so for Queen Ramonda I don't think that current her would be interested in having any more children because well obviously she's had her little rascals and they've given her plenty of grey hairs to last a lifetime but for the sake of this hc we'll age her down a lil so lets say this is pre Tchalla and Shuri's birth. (And T'Chaka is like nonexistent shhhhh)
Pairing: G!N reader x Queen Ramonda
You and Ramonda had been happily married for a little over a year. Ever since the wedding the Elders had been adamant that the two of you found a way to produce an heir.
Every time they had asked she would remind you that there was no pressure and if you didn't want to at the moment it was okay but deep down she knew she had wanted children for a while.
Her baby fever had started long ago and grew every time she saw how gently her s/o interacted with kids.
One time you two were strolling through the marketplace hand in hand, a few Dora following behind for protection, and somewhere along the way, you noticed a child standing in the middle of the market lost and obviously in distress.
Your parental instincts immediately kicked in and you picked up the crying child rubbing his back till he calmed down enough to tell you his name. You carried him through the market trying to find his parents, along the way cracking a few jokes and telling stories of you being lost to keep him calm and in good spirits.
By the time you had to hand him over to his parents, he didn't want to leave and started to whine a little. You had assured him that this was not the last time he would see you, and if his parents allowed visiting him was always an option, laughing a little as he enthusiastically waved goodbye to his newfound friend. 
Another time Ramonda was looking for her love after a long day of counsel meetings. Everyone she asked about your whereabouts would all say the same thing they had seen you leave for the garden after lunch but other than that you were gone for the remainder of the day. 
She briskly made her way to the garden worried that something had happened to you but when she arrived all she heard was laughter. 
There her s/o was playing tag with the little children a smile on all of your faces and without realizing it, she started to smile too. You didn't know she was there so when you were tagged you put on all the theatrics playing like you were dying, dropping to your knees basically the full 9 yards. The children had all found it funny jumping all over you giggling.
When you all calmed down from the laughing fit you finally noticed her standing there with a rather amused expression. 
"My love" you started standing up and dusting off your clothes. "So this is where you've been hiding hm" The Queen tried to sound annoyed but the smile on her face told you she wasn't. "Ah, I wouldn't use the word hiding," you said while waving goodbye to your little friends much to their dismay.
On the way back to the palace you told her about how you were trying to go for a stroll in the garden but the children had stopped you and wanted to play you hadn't had the heart to tell them no and it was so much fun that time flew by without you noticing.
She wasn't mad the whole time you were trying to explain yourself, she was just thinking what if that had been your children that you were playing outside with? 
That's how she knew she for sure contracted baby fever and it was bad, maybe one day she would find a way to bring up that conversation. 
(hint hint wink wink)
Anyways I hope you liked it I tried keep in mind im not really a writer so if it's cheeks its cheeks this writing shi lowkey hard so yea
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Taking care of you
Summary:where Jude is sick and the reader is looking after him
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"I told you not to play with water during Winter"
"Babe, right now is not the time to play the I told you so card"
"You should have listened though, now look at you, sick in bed, heating temperature, you are so hot it's like you just got out of a frying pan"
"I know right, I'm on fire" he says as he starts coughing again
"If by on fire, you mean your fever is getting worser, then yes my love you are so hot , you burn like a volcano" I say placing a cool rag on his forehead
" fine next time I'll listen to you"
"Yeah, whatever you say bro, I'm going to the kitchen to make you Some soup, try to get some rest, while I'm busy"
"Ok" he says
I walk out the room and go downstairs to the kitchen
I start making Jude's soup
When all of a sudden I hear him throw up in the bathroom
I quickly run upstairs to find him with his head hanging on the bathtub close to the toilet
"Baby, what happened"
"I tried I really did, but i think I'm dying"
"Jude stop being so dramatic, you're not dying, you're just sick"
"This fever will be the cause of my death"
"Ok, let's get you back in bed, before you start speaking shit again"
"Can I come sit with you in the Kitchen"
"You need to get some sleep first babe"
" I promise to listen too you just please"
We walk downstairs and I help him lye on the couch where he can see me in the Kitchen
I go back to the kitchen and continue what I was busy with before helping Jude
"You know, you are so beautiful"
" thank you" I say without looking at him
"Cause I'm actually thinking right like how was I able to bag, such a beautiful person"
"How high is that fever of yours"
"I don't think it's the fever" he says
"Then what is it then?"
" I'm just in love with you"
"Ok weirdo"
"Baby can I get a kiss"
"No, you'll make me sick"
I walk over to him and place the bowl of soup on the coffee table
"Here you go my love"
"Feed me please"
I sigh and sit next to him, grab the bowl and start feeding him
"You big baby"
" yeah whatever"
We sit in comfortable silence until he breaks it
"I've been thinking"
"That's never anything good, here"
He moves forward and takes the spoon into his mouth
"Where do you see yourself in the next few years?"
"I don't know, why"
"I see myself Married, with three children, and a wife that I love to bits"
"Huh, well goodluck to your wife, she's gonna need all the luck she can get" I say blowing on the spoon
"Your sarcasm is not funny"
"Oh yeah? I actually find it hilarious"
"Babe c'mon answer the question"
"Fine, I see myself married aswell, maybe being a mom and having a successful career as a lawyer"
"Who would you be married to" he asks
"I don't know, I saw this hunk at the supermarket yesterday, maybe him, that's if the universe will allow us to see eachother again"
" you're not funny" he says looking at me with a scowl
" I actually think I'm funny, I think I'm so funny, I make Trevor Noah look like he's an amateur"
"Fine I see myself married to You Bro"
"Yeah, and you"
"I see myself married to Toby's sister"
I look at him for a very long time until he says
"Yeah it's not so fun when the shoe is on the other foot is it?"
"You know I could easily choose to leave you be and you can take care of yourself, or maybe you can call Toby's sister to look after you and nurse you back to health"
"I was joking alright, I see myself married to you"
" Mhhhm"
"So in a few years, we'll have mini yous and mini mes running around the house"
" yes we will"
"I can't wait, to share family moments"
"Oh yeah? , like what" I ask feeding him another spoon
"Like, watching you and our children, supporting me from the side lines as they wear my teams shirt with the word Bellingham at the back"
"And winning the champions league, with you, by my side"
I laugh at him, and can actually Invision that happening
"Well I see myself winning my court cases and you sitting in the Audience"
"Or us discussing you with your cases and helping you find evidence to help, you win your case and all the late nights we'll have"
"Babe you hate staying up late"
"Yeah but for you, I'll do anything"
"That was so cheesy it kinda made me puke a little"
" whatever"
"But, I can't wait to spend all that time with you and our Future children"
"Me too Jude, we're gonna be so happy"
"Yes we will especially with you by my side"
"You'll be the perfect dad"
"And you'll be the perfect mom"
"Also our children need to play sports, football to be exact"
"You weren't into football growing up"
"Yeah but our children will be"
"I refuse to let you force my children to partake in a sport they don't wanna participate in"
"They are our children"
I sigh knowing that it's hopeless
"Look at us arguing like an old married couple" he says
"How did God send me such a crazy person to love"
"He sent you someone that matched your energy"
"More like drained my energy"
"You still love me though"
"I don't know, it's actually something I'm reconsidering"
"Why must you always be like this" he asks with sarcasm
"Because I am me"
He looks at me with a serious face
"I'm Joking ofcourse I love you,I always will"
"Ok now, give me a kiss" he says
"No, I'm not planning on getting sick anytime soon"
"I'll look after you"
"How will you look after me if you're sick as well"
He's quiet and doesn't say a word
"Exactly what I thought"
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critter-genfic-events · 3 months
Fjord: A Critter Gen-fic Rec List
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This week, we have seven fics focusing on our favorite sea-faring paladin, Fjord! From his early days as a gangly ship hand to the charismatic captain facing down a demi-god, this list has it all. Check them out beneath the cut, and remember to comment and kudos if you like them!
Shelter by Demenior (30269,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:Caduceus Clay & Fjord, Fjord & The Mighty Nein
Fjord is called to action by the Wildmother. Caduceus is supportive. The Nein have to admit they still aren't good with kids.
Reccer says: There's a lot of focus on Fjord's friendship with the rest of the Nein, great characterization, and some great kids
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cabin fever by justlikeswitchblades (3032,General) Warnings: suicial ideation and filing down teeth as self harm Pairings: Fjord & Vandran
Fjord doesn't like staying in Port Damali. Vandran notices his restlessness and talks to him about it.
Reccer says: I liked it
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Troubled Water by CitizenMocha (1327,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Fjord & Melora the Wildmother (Critical Role), Fjord/Jester Lavorre
With/in spite of most of the Mighty Nein gathered in their new home, Fjord takes a little time to himself to try and reconnect with the Wildmother.
Reccer says: Fjord deserves a little breakdown during the Mighty Nein Uk'otoa fight. As a treat. (it's also painful and very well described)
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Fjord's Very Best Day by enemytosleep (3902,Teen) Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Pairings:
A disastrous storm, a deep betrayal, and an unexpected stroke of luck: Fjord has had a very busy night, and now, a very wild day.
Reccer says: Fjord makes some interesting choices after washing up to shore, and this fic does a great job exploring them - along with having some wonderfully evocative language
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Numb My Lungs in the Salt Air, Let The Breakers Heal My Bones by thetickingclock (1481,Teen) Warnings: Major Character Death, Grief/Mourning Pairings: Fjord & Caduceus, Fjord/Jester
The complicated relationship between Fjord and the ocean.
Reccer says: I liked it
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Let the Current Take Me by Essek wants some peace and quiet and Fjord tries to pay forward a kindness (4424,Teen) Warnings: brief discussion of suicide Pairings: Fjord & Essek Thelyss
Essek wants some peace and quiet and Fjord tries to pay forward a kindness
Reccer says: Essek and Fjord have a great chemistry together - both are understated button pushers, and as the fic says, they can speak 'liar to liar'. This fic is a great demonstration of that
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oh, the things you can hide under a corset (yourself, for one) by mx_mythical (1292,General) Warnings: usage of she/her for Fjord before he figures out he's trans, fantasy racism Pairings:
A study of transmasc Fjord, growing up
Reccer says: Fjord is all about performing masculinity and learning how to be comfortable as yourself, so it makes so much sense to see a trans take on him
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we'll be focusing on Mentorship! We are also switching to our twice a month schedule, so you can expect to see the Mentorship rec list on July 15th, followed by the Scanlan focused rec list on August 1st!
Any fics coming to mind? Well, then use this form to submit!
Oh! Also! Critter Gen Week is happening! We've been using the themes for our reclist - so if you're inspired by what you're reading, consider writing (or making art) for that week!
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btr-rewatch · 3 months
Big Time Rush Season 1, Episode 16: “Big Time Fever”
Highlights: Orange!James, Bongo!Logan, and Jennifer!Carlos
Also, some ramblings about each of the boys' various emotional dysfunctions.
I feel like this is one of those episodes that typically makes the list of people's favorites. Let's see if it's still as funny as I remember it being.
We begin at the Palm Woods pool. The guys are eager to beat the heat but discover the pool empty, save for Bitters, who is floating around happily. Why? He's put up a sign which reads, "Adult Swim No kids allowed"
Well, guess what. Our clever Kendall takes advantage of the lack of punctuation and creates his own loophole. He swiftly changes it to, "Adult swim? No, kids allowed!"
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This is a scene I've always remembered, and it's one of my favorite Kendall moments in general. He's such a menace (affectionate). No rules can confine him.
As a quick little side note: can I just point out how dinky the pool actually is? For a place like the Palm Woods, home of the "future famous", it sure has a teeny tiny pool. It's like...the size of a regular backyard in ground pool, not something that would be at an upscale apartment complex. Just something that's always irrationally bugged me.
Camille comes over and says how great it is that Hollywood hasn't changed the guys, since the environment usually takes its toll on people after a few months. But Kendall, Carlos, and Logan are still the same lovable goofballs they've always been.
Oh, and then James shows up, and he's orange.
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He's come down with a raging case of Hollywood Fever. Camille shares that Guitar Dude and The Jennifers met the same fate, becoming permanently altered by the "illness." Kendall decides it's nonsense and attempts to shut this whole business down right away.
"James, you're orange, and you look like a freak," he says. I love Kendall so much.
Unfortunately, the heartfelt, sensitive words have no effect on James, who thinks he looks great.
There's also a B plot going on involving Katie taking advantage of the heat wave by selling snow cones, but idk how much of that I'll cover. I don't remember if it's all that interesting. Guess we'll see as I keep watching.
Later on, at the studio, Kelly and Gustavo are reacting as expected to Orange!James.
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Gustavo pulls them aside for a chat, telling them that the image he's going for with the band is NOT, "Three normal boys and a tangerine freak."
Tangerine Freak would be a good band name.
Gustavo orders Kendall, Carlos, and Logan to fix James before he replaces him.
After learning the tanning spray dissolves with water, the guys arm themselves with water guns and set out to hunt their orange friend down. Carlos goes to the pool, where he runs into The Jennifers, who are missing one member (she's gone to Iceland). Bereft without their friend, the remaining Jennifers note that Carlos is the right height to fill her role. So, yeah. Carlos is a Jennifer now.
Back in the lobby, Kendall and James engage in a Matrix-style battle in which James successfully dodges the water gun, and Kendall soaks everyone in the lobby.
Over at the park, Logan's own efforts to find and fix James are quickly thwarted when he has a brief conversation with Guitar Dude and is promptly sucked in by the alluring power of bongos.
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Also, it's hilarious to me how easily Logan does a 180 personality-wise. He shows up with his water gun all serious, prepared to help turn James back to his normal, non-orange self, but Guitar Dude is all, "Hey, man, what's the point? Let James be orange if that's what he wants. How about you chill out and find Logan."
And that's all Logan needs.
Anyway, we return to the pool, where Carlos is having second thoughts about becoming a Jennifer. He claims he's too nice, to which the girls work to convince him being nice gets him walked all over. They tell him the only people who make it in Hollywood are the ruthless ones. This convinces Carlos that he should stick with them and become a "tiger shark."
After another disastrous recording session, Gustavo sees how serious the problem has become. He, Kelly, and Kendall decide to divide and conquer, but not before Gustavo yells at Kendall for not taking charge and being able to fix things.
Which like. Ok. Kendall's the most level-headed one, the leader, etc. And this is me reading too much into a kids show again, but this poor guy! It's not enough that Kendall personally puts the pressure on himself to be the Fixer of Everyone's Problems Always—he regularly has that pressure put on him from the people around him too.
When is it Kendall's turn to be taken care of? When does HE get to rest and not have to manage the lives and decisions of his family and friends?? Huh??? WHEN?
One by one, each of their plans fail. Kendall's attempt to lure Logan back to Normal-ville using math has no impact whatsoever, the therapist hired for James ends up a similar shade of orange, and Carlos resists Kelly's shopping cart slingshot with the help of the Jennifers. But! It should be noted that of the three boys, Carlos is the ONLY one who wavers. He really wants to join in on the fun, and if not for the Jennifers, he likely would have.
So, we've got James, who is masking his own feelings of insecurity and inadequacy by covering himself with orange tanning spray. Logan, who desperately needed permission to shed his anxious, uptight, genius status but swung way too far into hippie mode. And Carlos, who (deep down) feels ignored and "less than," and quickly fell into the world the Jennifers offered him: one of status and importance and leadership. Then there's Kendall, who has NOT fallen victim to Hollywood Fever because he's carefully constructed a very secure wall around himself that won't allow him to be anything but the strong, responsible "man in charge" that he's had to be since he was a child and his dad walked out.
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Or, as Gustavo says, Kendall "has a normal brain, and his friends have the brain of a cricket."
Listen, Kendall is a lot of things, but normal isn't one of them.
Kendall firmly rejects Gustavo's offer to go solo and announces he's going to the ice rink to think things through. This is a lightbulb moment for Kelly, who realizes that Kendall's connection to his roots has been the factor that saved him. They decide to save Carlos, Logan, and James through the Power of a Snowball Fight.
Turns out, all three cricket-brains just needed to be pelted by some ice in order to shed their newfound personas.
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And with that, all is set right with the world again.
This is one of the best episodes of the first season, though it does lend itself to additional questions. Was this a one-and-done battle with Hollywood Fever, or did the group have to face it any time homesickness reared its head? What about Guitar Dude and The Jennifers? Did anyone try to cure them? Did any of the boys find themselves mourning that brief period in time when they weren't "themselves"? Carlos and Logan especially! Because those feelings must have still been there. Carlos still has those feelings of being pushed to the side and forgotten about. Not being considered important. And Logan still needs an outlet for all the stress he deals with on a regular basis—the pressure of being the Smart One.
And James. Well, I don't quite know about James. There is a LOT going on there. Super confident facade, the whole pretty-boy thing going for him. Determined and passionate and full of himself. But he's not. He's scared, deep down. He doesn't know who he is if he's not the most talented or the coolest or the most handsome. Part of him wants to hide away under several layers of Cuda Mangerine Action Tan Spray. There's also, like...other stuff I wonder about with James, like his tumultuous upbringing—super controlling, always put-together, superficial mother and a father who (I think) ended up with a much younger woman? I might be making that up. But I do know that his parents had such a bitter divorce that they didn't even speak. James is also an only child! That is...a lot to deal with growing up, and I'm sure there was damage done.
Not to mention any additional hardships James had to deal with growing up as someone whose personality and interests often skewed from what one might consider "traditionally male." I'm sure he was protected as much as possible by his buds, but there might have been times bullies still made their way through—finding an easy target in the boy who was so into fashion and modeling and had dreams of being a pop star.
Anyway! I hope Mama Knight (who was completely absent from this ep) heard of the day's events and sat with each of the boys to have a heart-to-heart. They certainly all needed it.
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A feast and a chase
Scarabian niiiiiiiiiights
Warning(s): blood, mild gore(?)
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You're invited! I'm hosting a wonderful party, would you like to attend? Oh who am I kidding- of course you would! Not trying to force you or anything, I just know this party will be amazing, and you'd be missing out if you didn't attend!! Location: Scarabia dorm, Eastern Oasis Time: 7pm - sunrise!! Looking forward to seeing you! - Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim is a... strange boy who attends Night Raven College. He's different in many ways to the other students. Obviously, there's the fact that he's absurdly rich, but... there's something else about him. Something you just can't place. Something about him just... isn't right.
You arrived at Scarabia, and were met with an entire crowd of NRC students, all from different dorms. And, in the centre of the crowd, you saw Kalim.
"Ah. Good evening, (Y/N)." Jamil said, seeing you standing there.
"Oh, hey Jamil." You smiled. "How's it going?"
"It's going, that's for sure." He grumbled in response. "Look at this turnout, so many people... we'll be having a much larger feast than usual." He chuckled under his breath.
Suddenly, a Scarabia student came running towards the two of you in a panic.
"Hm? What's wrong?" Jamil asked the panicked student, a tone in his voice you couldn't describe.
"W-WE NEED TO R-" The student quickly lost his panic. "We need... to... we need to start our trek to the oasis, otherwise the food will begin to go bad."
"You're right." Jamil responded. "Kalim! We need to get going!" He yelled to Kalim.
"Oh yeah! You're right!" Kalim exclaimed. "Everyone!! Let's start our march to the eastern oasis! Follow me!"
It was a very long walk, but you all eventually reached the oasis, just as the sun was beginning to set.
It was a lovely night... the food was amazing, the party was enjoyable... everything about this night just seemed perfect.
But the night was only just beginning.
"Did you all enjoy the feast?" Kalim asked, standing up. "Are any of you still hungry? I know I sure am! Ehehehehehahahaaaaa..." He was starting to drool. "Thank you, everyone for attending the party... and thank you, all of you... for allowing me to have this wonderful feast!"
Jamil dove into the oasis, and pulled you in after him. When the two of you resurfaced, you witnessed something absolutely horrifying. Blood stained the sands of the Scarabian desert, everyone was panicking, and Kalim... Kalim was something inhuman. He looked sort of like Jack... like a wolf.
"The water should cover our scent long enough for him to come to his senses." Jamil explained. "Currently, he's focused on anything that moves too much. He's been like this ever since what we assume was an assassination attempt ten years ago. He was gruesomely bitten by a wolf Beastman that seemed to be more beast than man." Jamil looked up towards the sky, the full moon shining down upon the desert. "When they interrogated the Beastman the next morning, he claimed to not remember anything. Kalim survived the attack, but he developed a terrible fever afterwards... and that fever persisted until the night a full moon rose. That night, ten servants of the Asim family were killed."
"So... Kalim is a werewolf...?" You asked, watching Kalim rip apart the bodies of the people he'd invited. It was like watching a train crash, you just couldn't look away.
"Yes, he is." Jamil sighed. "Let's just wait until he calms down. Once he's satisfied, he won't attack us."
But at that exact moment, Kalim ran over to the oasis, grabbed Jamil by the shoulders, and bit him deeply on the arm.
You got out of the water, and ran as fast as you could. You didn't want to die while in Twisted Wonderland... nobody in the real world will ever know what happened to you. Not even anybody in Twisted Wonderland will know what happened to you, since Kalim's family could easily cover up your death! And so you ran. You ran as fast as you could and didn't look back.
"Did you have to bite me so hard, Kalim?"
"I'm sorry! I just wanted it to be convincing!"
"Well mission accomplished, they're running for the hills."
"Do you think they know you're also a werewolf?"
"No. Unlike you, I'm good at hiding it."
"Aha... that's fair..."
"I wonder if it's possible to turn a magicless human."
"Well, now may be our only time to find out!"
The pair had no intentions of killing you. They simply wanted you to become one of them.
Though, the transformation- if it ocurrs- would be very painful, so even though you're not in any immediate danger... you should probably keep running...
404 notes · View notes
amethystina · 1 year
The Devil Judge Meta: Introducing Kang Yo Han and Kim Ga On
Hello. I'm sick with a fever and you all know what that means — another needlessly long and detailed meta about The Devil Judge. Because sometimes I like to be predictable.
Last time we looked at The Bus Scene and this time we'll be focusing on Kang Yo Han and Kim Ga On's character introductions and what we find out about these two characters during them. And, to some degree, how they mirror and differ from each other. Spoilers: it's glorious.
Disclaimer: This is by no means a complete meta. I know next to nothing about filmmaking and all that goes into it, so this focuses mostly on the characters and what an amateur like me can observe during the respective scenes. But I might miss or skip over certain details, especially things related to cinematography and such. I'm a librarian, not a director, and I just want to yell about characters I love and how absolutely SPECTACULAR this drama is at presentation and storytelling. So sue me.
Second Disclaimer: I was, once again, left unsupervised with Photoshop while having a fever. So I, once again, take no responsibility for the resulting screenshots.
Third Disclaimer: This meta will not be entirely chronological but instead focus on one aspect of their introduction at a time, so there will be some jumps back and forth. But, hopefully, it will still be easy to follow.
And so, without further ado, you will find more under the cut!
Now. The first thing the drama wants to establish is that Kang Yo Han and Kim Ga On are very different characters in terms of personality, experience, status etc. And how do they do this, you ask? By putting them in similar situations during their introductions but having several key differences that highlight their respective characterisation. This allows the viewer to more easily compare them and draw the desired conclusion — it might even happen subconsciously for some. Because, yes, their introductions are mirrored in so, so many ways and it's very effective once you put them side by side and actually study them more closely.
The devil's in the details, so to speak — pun ENTIRELY intended.
So! The first time we see them, they're on a mode of transportation, currently travelling through a tunnel. In Yo Han's case, it's a tunnel for cars:
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In Ga On's case, we don't get a clear shot of the tunnel itself until later, but one can quickly deduce that he's in one given the details during the first second he's on screen:
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Most people recognise this as a subway train and that the lighting must mean that they're either underground or inside a tunnel.
Now, here's where the fun begins since while they're both in dark tunnels, there are already some noticeable and important differences. Yo Han is in an expensive car — a vehicle he drives himself — and not only is he alone inside it, but practically alone on the road as well, with only the distant headlights of an oncoming car in sight. There are no cars (that we can see during this first shot) heading in the same direction as Yo Han.
Ga On, on the other hand? He is, as mentioned, on a subway car, driven by someone else, surrounded by other commuters. People who, in other words, might not be heading to the exact same destination as him, but at least in the same direction. They're all on the same train together.
So, even here, within literal seconds, while they're still both in this dark tunnel — unrevealed to the world, if you will — we are told several important things about these two characters:
Their current level of power over their own destiny (driving themselves vs. a mere passenger)
Their existence in society (solitary vs. one of the people)
Their social economic status (fancy car vs. subway train)
And, finally, the direction their moving (against the tide vs. the same as everyone else)
Beautiful, isn't it?
And this stark contrast continues once they emerge from their respective tunnels as well, with Yo Han driving out into the night:
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And Ga On arriving to a burst of morning sunlight:
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The consistent theme of Yo Han as darkness and Ga On as light will never not make me go feral, okay? I LIVE for that shit. And I'm still struggling against the impulse to write a meta about it because it would be insanely long and probably devolve into incoherent babbling at some point.
Once leaving the tunnel, they both find themselves on a bridge, crossing a wide expanse of… well, pitch-black darkness in Yo Han's case and water in Ga On's. Crossing a bridge is often meant to symbolise a transition or the start of something new. So, clearly, both Yo Han and Ga On are embarking on a new journey and we, the viewers, are invited to follow along during it. They begin these journeys roughly at the same time and, not so surprisingly, we soon find out that their paths are destined to cross. So while their journeys may have started separately, they'll eventually end up entwining and continuing forward together.
(… because we needed to make this drama sound even more like a star-crossed lovers romance, I guess?)
But where are they going then, you ask?
Well, that's another beauty of this introduction since you, as the viewer, aren't quite sure where Yo Han is heading, are you? Everything is just darkness. He could be going anywhere. We can assume he's heading to the fancy party we see in between the shots of Yo Han, sure, but we can't be certain. He's still very mysterious because, at this point, he's inside a car and we haven't seen how he's dressed or even his full face. His purpose is unknown — as is his final destination.
And that, as we all know, will actually remain more or less hidden from us until the very last episode. So I guess it's good that they establish his unpredictability from the very start? xD
Anyhow. They keep us in suspense for quite some time where Yo Han is concerned, having us watch him drive across Seoul. But one consistent thing is that he remains mostly alone on the road, even if we sometimes see other cars in the background. And, quite often, he's seen driving across or against the other cars, paving his own way, if you will.
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(This is, of course, also because it's easier for the viewer to follow a single car as opposed to one in crowded traffic. So there are definitely productional reasons as well, but I do love the extra spice it adds to the reading of Yo Han's character)
We have no idea where Yo Han is headed and he could make a turn at any time, changing the direction of the car if he so chooses.
This is quite different from Ga On since all the context clues surrounding him — his clothes, the practical backpack, the number of other commuters on the train, the dusky morning sunlight — quickly leads to the assumption that he's heading to work. We might not know where he works yet, but there are still a lot fewer questions and uncertainties about his destination. Ga On's journey is, at least at first glance, predictable and mundane, especially compared to Yo Han's.
Ga On is on a train he's not driving, moving on a track with only one way to go. It's so predictable it's almost boring, the outcome set before it even began. If Ga On wants to change his path, his only option is to get off the train — that's how little control and influence he has. He's not without control — there is a choice involved, in getting on the subway in the first place — but it's a far cry from Yo Han who's in complete control, driving himself to wherever he's heading.
(And yes, do take a moment to ponder the beautiful new layer this adds to Yo Han telling Ga On to drive them to the fundraising gala. Made even more intriguing by that stunt Yo Han pulled by suddenly yanking on the wheel, testing Ga On's control over the car. And the significance of Ga On getting inside the car with Yo Han when he's telling Professor Min that he's eloping with his sugar daddy switching sides. Go on. Ponder it. I'll wait.)
Now, moving on to their faces.
Here we have two very different approaches. With Yo Han, we see glimpses of his face throughout his car ride, like this right here:
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We can only barely make out his features with the majority of his face being in shadow. And this theme continues, showing us one piece here, another there, but never his fully lit face. Some parts are always hidden, outside of view, or in shadow. We get fractures of the man rather than the complete picture.
And then, of course, they hit us with this one:
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Which (if you can tear your gaze away from, well, The Gaze) you'll find is about four cityscapes, twisted, mirrored, or layered on top of/next to each other. Which is, of course, very cool and pretty, but also an indication of Yo Han's character and the topsy-turvy ride we're about to go on with this man. Especially when you add the fact that we haven't even seen his entire face ONCE so far.
Translation: This bitch be complicated, fam.
Basically, Yo Han has layers upon layers and even if we're shown several parts of the whole and can assume we know what we'll find at the end, it might be a mistake to think we know him.
(I also like this shot because I can't help but wonder if this is what the inside of Yo Han's mind looks like. I mean, how he might look at a situation from different angles, layered on top of each other, flipped and tipped to its side or even upside down. Idk. It's an interesting thought.)
This build-up of not showing Yo Han's face continues for a long time, not just during the car ride but also after he arrives at the venue, where he's seen walking the halls. Again, just like while he was driving, he's often walking alone, past other people — even on the other side of a pane of glass at one point — to once again highlight his solitary and contrary path in life.
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All of this makes it almost anti-climactic that the first time we see Yo Han's at least adequately lit face — when it's not being split up by shadows or camera angles — is this:
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It's not even a particularly clear shot and he's surrounded by other people to the point where he's still sort of obscured. It's almost a little disorienting after all that build-up, especially since we see him relaxed and smiling, comfortably walking through a crowd of shouting people. It's in no way as flashy as that build-up made us believe. Why all that secrecy if this is how he's finally introduced? Wasn't it supposed to be special?
(Or maybe he's still hiding? Maybe this isn't his real face, either? The plot thickens!)
Ga On, in contrast, has an incredibly short build-up. We see him open the train door, walk a couple of steps, grab a handrail, and BAM.
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No cheeky glimpses, fancy shots, or prolonged tension. Just: "Here he is — your boy."
(Thank you — we will treasure him)
Which, when put next to Yo Han's long and layered reveal, is pretty telling. Here's someone straightforward, to-the-point, and, most likely, honest. He doesn't need a long, complex introduction because what you see is what you get. There's something almost comforting in that clarity and it helps make Ga On feel more approachable and relatable, especially in comparison to Yo Han.
(May I also point out the hilarity of this being the first time we see Ga On's face and he's already looking at Yo Han? Better start early, I guess?)
And, obviously, instead of the darkness, artificial lights, and camera flashes of Yo Han's intro, Ga On gets this:
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He is soft and warm like mash potato.
That's not to say that Ga On is without depth or layers, however. If we continue on the concept that light is very important in this drama (which we know it is) there are a couple of seconds here during Ga On's intro that are VERY intriguing. Because he, much like Yo Han, does get a moment of foreshadowing as well — of conflicts and reveals to come.
I present: The Three Stages of Kim Ga On
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Shown in the order they appear in the drama, mere seconds apart. And, depending on how you choose to view the ending of the drama, could perhaps be said to show the progression of his character.
Anyway. Feel free to interpret this as a cheeky little wink, hinting at Ga On's hidden darkness. If you're into that kind of thing — which I clearly am. Because they didn't have to make the entire subway car go almost completely dark there for a second, but they did. And I, for one, am delighted.
(Yes, I'm having the time of my life, thank you for asking)
Now, perhaps you're tempted to argue that there wasn't much of that infamous mirroring here, with their situations being similar but with important differences in the key details. But that's only because I've been holding out on these two screenshots, showing both Yo Han and Ga On the seconds before their faces are revealed:
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Just look at that. Look at the similarities and marvellous, wonderful differences that help establish who these two characters are — and how they contrast each other.
Yo Han arrives in a fancy suit to a red carpet event, people cheering, cameras flashing, and priceless art just on the edge of the shot. It's colourful, it's expensive, and it's important. There are even ropes separating him from the onlookers, signifying that his arrival is expected — he's the main event. The whole shot reeks of money, power, and prestige.
Meanwhile, Ga On is wearing a thick coat and backpack on a drab, dimly lit subway train, with graffiti on the walls, sleepy commuters lounging in their seats, and no one paying attention to him. Ga On is right there, amongst the rest of the people, and it's in no way important. He is in no way significant. He's just a normal guy — one more commuter on the train, heading to work.
Just these two shots alone tell you so much about these characters and what to expect from them. It is, quite frankly, masterful character establishment, especially when you put them one after the other like this.
Because, dear LORD, from a framing perspective? Both having objects on each side, framing them in, and people occupying roughly the same space? (though they're lower on Ga On's and higher on Yo Han's which, of course *chef's kiss*) And how the lines of the red carpet line up with the lights from Ga On's subway, turning them almost into literal mirrors of each other? Except instead of showing a reflection, it shows the rich vs. the poor — the high society vs. the low.
K, take the wheel, I'm going to need a moment.
(*pterodactyl screech*)
Even if Ga On's coat looks nice and all, they still make sure to establish that, yes, he's from a poor background. Partly through his mode of transportation but also this shot (which is one of my favourites):
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Very often, the use of stairs, escalators, and elevators symbolise a character's status and their climb upwards or fall from grace. In Ga On's case, we see him riding the escalator on this journey he's embarked on, essentially showing us how he's moving up in the world — that he's heading somewhere new, to a place he's not originally from. To a level of influence and power he's not had before. This new job is Important. Which is only further strengthened later during the day, when he has to descend a cracked, dimly lit staircase in a bad neighbourhood on his way home, taking him back to the level where he originally came from.
Yo Han, meanwhile, stays the same almost the entire time, both while driving and walking through the venue. His journey is unchanged in terms of status, fame, and riches. The only exception is a brief moment of him walking up a staircase but it's short enough to have less of an impact than Ga On's ascent.
There's also the added layer of Ga On not walking up these steps and instead being taken there on an escalator — once again showing us that he's not really picking his destination on his own. He's just following along.
And, finally, of course: the lighting. The gorgeous lighting.
Ga On, as always, symbolises light though here I'd argue it has the additional meaning of rich vs. poor and, considering the advertisement slapped on the wall, influence vs. powerlessness. He's emerging from the dark into the light, the edge almost sharp enough to touch.
Just like stairs and elevators can symbolise status, to draw a line — literal or otherwise — and have a character interact with it says a lot about their personality, actions, and coming journey. An abundance of storytelling can be hidden in these lines, to show differences in status, influence, and opinions. It's also a very good way to build tension and create conflict.
And, in Ga On's case, he's crossing it. This is a step on his journey — one of the bridges he's crossing on the way to the new beginning he's facing. With this, Ga On is heading out into a world on a completely different level than he initially grew up in.
And he looks so hopeful, too! Gazing upward, into the light.
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(This screenshot wasn't entirely necessary to prove my point, I just think he's cute)
And this brings us to the last area I want to focus on, which is their position/standing with the people and within society. Since this, too, is made very clear to the viewer during their introductions. Partly through the social-economic differences we've already touched on, but also how they interact with other people.
We see both of these men pass by the signs of unrest in their country and, quite quickly, their respective standings are established. Yo Han, for example, is seen driving through the chaotic, burning streets of Seoul:
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But, clearly, he's not really touched by it. First of all, he's got the protection of the car to shield him from the literal blaze and, second, the car itself shows just how far removed he is from this. The contrast between the fancy car and the burning streets is wonderful (or, well, horrible, actually, but you know what I mean). Also, since he's inside the car, we don't get to see his reaction to any of this. Is he horrified? Outraged? Sad? Neutral? We have no idea.
There's even this shot to further hammer home just how distant Yo Han is from the struggle of the everyday people:
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Not only are they separated by a wall which, as you can see, creates another line. But, unlike Ga On, neither Yo Han nor the people are crossing it. They're staying on their separate sides for now, within sight of each other but not touching or challenging the status quo.
And, once again, Yo Han's car shows the opulent world he comes from, while the people protesting are walking. You can also see that Yo Han is heading in the completely opposite direction from everyone else. And, of course, you have the added bonus of the people walking into the light — symbolising hope and righteousness — and Yo Han is driving, well, we can't quite see where, but it looks like it's going to be dark.
Absolute goddamn poetry.
And what about Ga On, you ask? Unsurprisingly, his reaction — and relationship — to the protesting people is completely different.
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Not only is he walking — just like they were — but he's right there, next to them. He's one of them. He even acknowledges the protest by looking at the man's sign. And, unlike Yo Han, we get to see his reaction which, while subtle, shows quite a lot of discomfort. He keeps walking without pausing, sure, but it's clear that he's uncomfortable. He almost looks ashamed, even, since he tilts his head down as he walks past the protesting people.
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That hopeful, bright-eyed optimism is suddenly nowhere to be seen and, very quickly, establishes one of Ga On's main conflicts, i.e. his desire to help the people but lack of power to do so since he is one of the people. He's not rich and famous like Yo Han.
Which is only further proved when Ga On passes yet another line — this one even guarded by men with guns, showing just how few are allowed the privilege:
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This line is even clearer than the one when he emerged from the subway and the way he crosses it, without hesitation, says a lot about his bravery and boldness. But we can also see that it takes him past the protests, away from the people, and into the safe, guarded world of the rich and powerful. It doesn't mean he has to stay there, but its shows, once again, that he's going somewhere new, crossing boundaries and expectations.
And, just to emphasise this a little bit more, in case we didn't catch on yet, this happens:
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He immediately gets stopped and asked to prove why he should be allowed in this space. Implying that he doesn't belong. But we quickly find out that, despite his origins, this is actually where he's supposed to be — he's just new. He's reached the destination of his journey (for now).
It's also important to note that we don't get to follow Yo Han on his route to work even if they both crossed that bridge at the start. Because while they're both embarking on something new, Yo Han's journey was taking him to the venue where he's named the new chief judge of the Live Court Show, but going in to work at the Supreme Court? Clearly nothing new to Yo Han. He's already there when Ga On arrives, even, showing that Yo Han, unlike Ga On, is comfortably where he belongs. Yo Han has existed in this world for quite some time already.
Ga On's arrival at the Supreme Court also shows just how much of a nobody he is. His face isn't recognised, so he's clearly not famous. Meanwhile, Yo Han showed up at his destination to applause and a red carpet and, before long, got this framing:
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He is, quite literally, above the regular people, signifying not only how rich he is, but his status and importance. So while both Yo Han and all the organisers of the Live Court Show keep insisting that it's for the people, this shot here tells you everything you need to know. Because Yo Han is still untouchable to these people, in his fancy suit, broadcast on a huge TV screen. He's not one of them, even if he claims to represent them. His peers — i.e. the only people in the same room as him, who aren't seeing him through a TV broadcast — are other rich people or reporters. Telling, much?
I also love the added detail of how bright the screen is, like a beacon of hope in the dark, but it's artificial light, created by man, so how true is it? This is very different from Ga On who is often bathed in natural sunlight, making his light and the hope he offers seem much more sincere.
Anyhow! Let's also take a (quick) detour to discuss colours because they, too, play a role. While both of them start in more or less the same colour scheme (dark, muted blues, greens, greys, and black) they quickly head in different directions once they emerge from their respective tunnels.
Yo Han gets bright sparks of colours — some of them even fluorescent — though, most notably, glowing oranges and angry reds. There is a lot of colour in Yo Han's introduction, making it very rich, warm, and luxurious, especially once he arrives at the venue. But it's all so bright it almost feels fake. And, perhaps more importantly, you have all the fires and chaos. While both introductions show protests and unrest, Yo Han's portray a much more violent and angry side of it — a much more frightening one. And, perhaps, a bit of foreshadowing as to what kind of person Yo Han is.
Ga On, on the other hand, stays in that more neutral colour space aside from some bright glimpses of warm, natural sunlight. It's calm and unassuming, if also a bit grey and mundane, showing his low status. But it's also less artificial, which makes him feel more like an honest, ordinary person. The red pops up here, too, though, on the protest signs, connecting back to the chaos and anger we saw in Yo Han's colouring. So while we can see that they both exist in the same world that blends together at times, they are kept separate through their colouring during their introduction.
In conclusion: It's often said that how you introduce a character is vital since whatever a viewer sees first will, most likely, colour their understanding of the character for the duration of the story. It can of course evolve as more information is gathered but, in the long run, that first introduction is incredibly important.
And it's clear from what we've seen here that a lot of thought has been put into these introductions. Not only are they meant to tell us who these characters are with all the context clues and details, but also how they mirror each other. And, by extension, their relationship to each other. One on its own would still say much about that character, but it's only when you view them together that you can get the full depth and meaning behind them. Only when you contrast Yo Han's mysterious and flashy intro to Ga On's muted, more natural entrance can you fully grasp the scope of these characters — and how they're meant to be played against and complement each other.
Made even clearer by how both of their introductions involve an initial journey — a new beginning — but it's only once both of them have completed it (Ga On's taking place the morning after Yo Han's) that their introductions are finished and the rest of the story begins. There's a certain kind of beauty in how these scenes show two different journeys — when they took place, how they took place, who embarked on them — but they still reached the same destination in the end. Yo Han and Ga On's journeys both take them to the Supreme Court and, more specifically, the Live Court Show. That is where their paths are destined to cross.
And that, right there, is the core of their story and this entire goddamn drama. And also the one thing I want you all to take with you as you leave this meta.
The introduction of Kang Yo Han and Kim Ga On is ultimately done with one overarching goal in mind.
To bring them together and allow for their shared journey to begin.
*Mic drop*
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sirthisisa-wendys · 2 years
your writing is adorable! could bring more fluff from shinichiro? He would be a wonderful man... (in my head he has the personality of Jake Peralta 😹😹
Domestic Shinichiro Fluff Headcanons
wc: 386
tw: fluff
("We had an epic night of bonding I will never forget" is so Shin once they merge Waka and Keizo's gangs into the Black Dragons)
Shin makes coffee runs for the guys at the bike shop. He never gets the correct order, but no one tells him that because he's adorable.
Shinichiro ALSO does the grocery run for you and the little apartment you share, so it's a toss-up if he ever gets EVERYTHING on the list. Sometimes he'll forget the apples because he gets so distracted by the different varieties.
When the other guys said he was a loser in love and fights... you felt kind of bad for Shin. It wasn't his looks or lack of prowess in the fighting arena that made people discount him, though. It was just his overall goofiness. But that's what you love about him.
Shinichiro doesn't take life too seriously. Sure, he had a rough childhood and was sort of forced to raise his siblings in a way, but it also makes him an excellent uncle figure when the guys finally decide to settle down.
MEANWHILE, Shin *does* think about having kids when he sees his friends show up with babies. But he also has dreadful diaper fears, so... 🤷‍♀️
He's definitely going to get baby fever once Waka's girl gets pregnant. Waka getting someone pregnant is the LAST STRAW because it's Waka... duh!
So he's the type to allow you to do the whole ovulation thing, plan the calendar, even plan dates when you'll most likely conceive.
(It doesn't take you too long to get pregnant.)
He's super cute when he gets home from work - he's exhausted but so excited to check in with you about the day and the baby. He'll only leave you when you shoo him off, but that's after the belly rubbing, kissing, and talking to the baby about its day.
Shin is the type to pass out in the delivery room. He'd probably try to help you with your breathing exercises but then need to help himself.
He'll cry when the baby is born, for sure. You'll ask him if he wants to hold his child, and he'll nod without speaking, then take the child and hold them close.
As we know, he does baby talk well but is pretty enamored by how tiny the baby is. You'll have to explain that for some reason.
Shin is an overall loveable idiot, and we'll love him forever.
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