renard-dartigue · 1 year
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Sonic: Do my eyes deceive me? Or is Shadow the ultimate lifeform taking his cute little friend for a walk?
Shadow: What happens between me and my associate is no business of yours, hedgehog.
A redrawing of this iconic image with some additional context for fun cause why not lol.
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natsaffection · 2 months
heyy this is my first time making a request and idk if it's okay but what if reader is like an anti-hero or villian and when reader gets hurt she shoves up to Natasha's apartment thinking she would maybe help her? idk if it works but I've been thinking about something like this and it would be great if you actually write itt😭😭😭
Lines crossed. | N.R
Avenger!Natasha x AntiHero!Reader
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Warnings: Blood, Gore and injurys
Word Count: 2,6k
A/N: These are the stories I like the most. 🙏🏻 And I feel honored, that I can write your first ever request! 🏆
The city of New York was no stranger to chaos, but in recent months, a new shadow had begun to loom over its streets. This shadow was not the kind of evil the Avengers were used to dealing with..This was different. And this, was you, a name whispered in fear among the criminal underworld, a vigilante with a taste for vengeance and a history stained with blood.
You had risen to the top of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most wanted list, a place usually reserved for supervillains and global threats. Your methods were brutal and unyielding, your sense of justice unwavering. To some, you were a hero. To others, a menace. But to the Avengers, you were a problem that needed solving.
“Another one,” Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, murmured as she stood over the lifeless body of a notorious gang leader, his blood pooling around him in a grotesque halo. “It’s her again.”
Clint joined her, shaking his head. “She’s getting bolder. This is the third one this week.” Natasha's eyes scanned the scene, taking in the familiar hallmarks of your handiwork. The precision, the brutality, the unmistakable sense of finality. "She’s not hiding anymore. She wants us to know it’s her."
Nick Fury appeared behind them, his expression unreadable as ever. "We need to bring her in. She's crossed too many lines, and now the media's starting to pick up on it. The last thing we need is a vigilante making us look incompetent."
Natasha nodded, her mind already running through the many encounters she’d had with you. Each one had been a battle of wills, fists, and wits. You were good, damn good. But Natasha was determined to be better.
You wiped the blood from your hands, your breathing steadying as you looked at the man you'd just eliminated. He had been a monster, a predator preying on the weak and innocent. You felt no remorse. In your eyes, justice had been served.
You knew the Avengers were close. You could feel their presence like a storm on the horizon. Especially Natasha. Your fights had become a dance of sorts, each trying to outmaneuver the other, each knowing that one day it would come down to a final, decisive confrontation.
Your phone buzzed, pulling you from your thoughts. You glanced at the message: another target, another mission. Your work was never done.
Back at the Avengers' headquarters, the team gathered around a holographic display of the city, pinpointing the locations of your recent activities. "We need to be strategic," Steve said, his voice calm but firm. "She’s not just any criminal. She’s trained, skilled, and she's got a mission."
Natasha’s eyes never left the display. She knew you better than most. She understood your motivations, your drive. And she knew that stopping you would require more than just brute force.
"It’s personal for her," Natasha said quietly. "And if we’re going to bring her in, we need to understand why she’s doing this." The team nodded, each member resolving to bring an end to your bloody crusade. But for Natasha, it was more than just another mission. It was a challenge, a test of her skills and resolve.
You moved through the city like a ghost, your mind focused on the task at hand. You knew the Avengers were watching, waiting. You relished the challenge. Each encounter with Natasha had pushed you to be better, sharper.
But you also knew that the game couldn’t go on forever. One day, it would come to an end. One way or another.As you prepared for your next mission, you couldn't help but wonder: when that day came, who would be the one standing? You or Natasha?
The city was alive with the sounds of sirens and distant traffic, but your focus was razor-sharp. You moved through the shadows, your target's location clear in your mind. You knew the Avengers were closing in, but you thrived on the edge, where danger and adrenaline fused into one intoxicating rush.
It didn’t take long for you to reach your target, a corrupt businessman with ties to multiple criminal organizations. You slipped past his security with ease, your movements precise and silent. As you stood over him, your eyes cold and unyielding, you knew this would send another message to the underworld and the Avengers alike.
Just as you were about to strike, the window shattered, and Natash swung in, landing gracefully on her feet, guns drawn. "Y/n, this ends now," Natasha said, her voice a mix of resolve and urgency. You smirked, stepping back to assess the new threat. "You always know how to make an entrance, Romanoff."
The two of you circled each other, the tension thick in the air. You made the first move, lunging forward with a series of rapid strikes. Natasha countered, your fists and feet a blur of motion. Each move was calculated, each strike intended to find a weakness.
The fight spilled into the hall, your movements fluid and fierce. You were relentless, your skills honed by years of training and combat. But Natasha was no less formidable, her experience and agility a match for your raw power.
In a desperate bid to escape, you knocked over a set of shelves, creating a momentary barrier. You dashed down the corridor, but your path was blocked by Steve. "Going somewhere?" Steve asked, raising his shield.
You didn’t hesitate. You launched yourself at him, your attacks relentless. Steve defended himself with his shield, but your sheer ferocity pushed him back. You knew you had to move fast. Every second counted.
A blast of energy struck the ground near you, and you turned to see Tony Stark hovering in his Iron Man suit. "You’re surrounded. Give it up."
With a quick glance, you calculated your options. You grabbed a nearby fire extinguisher, using it to create a cloud of smoke. In the confusion, you darted through a side door, your escape route planned to the last detail.
In the aftermath, the Avengers regrouped, frustration evident in their expressions. "She’s good," Clint said, rubbing his bruised arm. "We almost had her."
"Almost isn’t good enough," Tony replied, scanning the area for any sign of you. "She’s always one step ahead." Natasha looked at the ground, her mind replaying the fight. She admired your tenacity and skill, but she also knew that each encounter brought them closer to a dangerous tipping point.
"We need to change our approach," Natasha said. "She’s playing a game of survival. We need to make her see that we’re not the enemy." Steve nodded. "Agreed. We need to understand her motivations. If we can reach her, maybe we can end this without more bloodshed."
Weeks turned into months, and the chase between you and Natasha became legendary among the Avengers. Your reputation as a formidable adversary was solidified, but so was Natasha's determination to bring you in. Every encounter became a game of wits and skill, a deadly dance with an undercurrent of something more.
One night, Natasha found herself on a stakeout at a high-end nightclub. Her sources had tipped her off about a major criminal deal going down. She knew you would be there, drawn to the opportunity like a moth to a flame. Natasha blended into the crowd, her eyes scanning for any sign of her elusive target.
Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her. "Looking for someone?" your familiar, flirty voice whispered in her ear. Natasha spun around to find you, dressed to kill and wearing a mischievous grin.
"Yes, you." Natasha said, her voice steady despite the surprise. "You're getting bold." You chuckled, your eyes sparkling with mischief. "And you're getting predictable, Romanoff. I knew you'd be here."
Natasha moved closer, lowering her voice. "This ends tonight. You're coming with me." You raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at your lips. "Are you asking me out on a date, or is this another one of your attempts to arrest me?"
Natasha couldn't help but smirk. "Depends on how you look at it." Before Natasha could react, you leaned in, your lips brushing Natasha's ear as you whispered, "Catch me if you can." Then, with a swift movement, you disappeared into the crowd.
Natasha's heart raced as she pursued you through the crowded club. The thrill of the chase was intoxicating, and she couldn't deny the electric connection between you. You were always one step ahead, leaving clues and taunts that kept Natasha on her toes.
The chase led them to the club's rooftop, the city lights sprawling beneath them. You stood at the edge, the wind whipping through your hair. Natasha approached slowly, her eyes locked on you.
"You can't keep running forever.“ Natasha said, her voice a mix of determination and something softer. You turned to face her, your expression unreadable. "I'm not running, Natasha. I'm fighting. Just like you."
Natasha took a step closer, her heart pounding. "We don't have to be enemies, Y/n.. Let us help you." Your gaze softened, and for a moment, Natasha saw the vulnerability beneath the tough exterior. "You don't understand. I've crossed too many lines. There's no going back for me."
Natasha reached out, her hand brushing your arm. "It's never too late to make a different choice. You can Trust me.“ You looked at Natasha, your eyes searching for something. Then, with a sigh, you pulled away. "Maybe in another life, Romanoff."
Before Natasha could react, you leaped off the rooftop, landing gracefully on a fire escape below. Natasha rushed to the edge, but you were already disappearing into the night.
One fateful evening, you found yourself cornered by a gang of criminals. You fought valiantly, but the numbers were overwhelming. By the time the dust settled, you were grievously wounded. Blood soaked your clothes, and every step sent waves of agony through your body.
Desperation set in as you stumbled through the dark alleys. You knew going to a hospital was out of the question. The police would arrest you on sight, and SHIELD agents were everywhere. You tried to treat your wounds in an abandoned building, using whatever you could find. With shaking hands, you attempted to stitch a deep gash on your side, but the pain was too intense and your vision blurred.
Realizing the severity of your injuries and your inability to treat them alone, you remembered, „You can Trust me.“ You had placed a small tracking device on Natasha’s shoe during one of your fights, anticipating you might need to find her someday.
The rain pelted the city in relentless sheets, washing away the grime of the day. You stood in front of Natasha's apartment door, your breath coming in shallow gasps. You leaned heavily against the frame, your vision swimming. Despite the pain, you forced a playful smile onto your lips. You had to get inside. You had to see Natasha.
With a trembling hand, you knocked on the door. It felt like an eternity before it finally swung open. Natasha stood there, her expression a mix of surprise and annoyance.
"How did you find me?" Natasha asked, her voice cold. You tried to straighten up, wincing as you did. "Miss me already, Romanoff?" you said, your voice weak but carrying a hint of flirtation. "Couldn't stay away.."
Natasha's eyes narrowed. "You've got a lot of nerve showing up here. Why are you here?" Ignoring the question, you leaned against the doorframe, your legs barely holding you up. "Thought I'd drop by... see your lovely face," you managed, your vision beginning to darken around the edges.
Natasha's patience snapped. She grabbed her phone, her fingers quickly dialing S.H.I.E.L.D.'s number. "Enough with the games. I'm done with this."
Your heart sank, your body swaying. You tried to take a step forward but stumbled, your strength failing. You collapsed into Natasha, who caught you out of reflex. As your full weight pressed against her, Natasha's eyes widened in horror. Blood soaked through your clothes, warm and sticky, covering Natasha's hands.
"Oh my God.." Natasha whispered, her phone slipping from her fingers as she cradled your limp body. "Y/n, what happened??" Your head lolled to the side, your eyes struggling to stay open. "Guess I... pushed it too far this time..“ you murmured, your voice barely audible.
Natasha quickly assessed the situation, her mind racing. "We need to get you inside.“ she said, her tone urgent. She half-carried, half-dragged you into the apartment, laying you on the couch. Blood pooled on the floor, and Natasha's hands shook as she grabbed her first aid kit.
"Stay with me, Y/n," Natasha urged, tearing open your shirt to reveal a deep, gaping wound along your side. The sight of old scars crisscrossing your chest made Natasha's heart clench. "God, what did you do?!“
She worked quickly, her training kicking in. She poured antiseptic over the wound, her hands moving with practiced precision. Your body trembled with pain, your fingers digging into the couch. "God, that burns," you whimpered, tears streaming down your face. "F-Fuck, Natasha, it h-hurts..“
"I know it does," Natasha said, her voice softening. "But I need you to stay with me. I don't have any narcotics, so this is going to be rough."
Your eyes were glazed with pain, your breathing shallow. "Just do it…" you managed to say. Natasha threaded a needle, her fingers slick with blood. She began to stitch the largest wound, her focus intense. Your body shook with each stitch, your teeth clenched to hold back screams. The raw pain was almost unbearable, and low moans of agony escaped your lips despite your best efforts.
"You're doing great," Natasha said, her own voice trembling. "Just a few more." Your fingers clawed at the couch, your knuckles white. "Natasha... please, hurry," you gasped, your voice barely a whisper.
Natasha's heart ached at the sight of your suffering. "I'm almost done," she said, her tone soothing. "Just hold on a little longer."
Your eyes fluttered, your strength fading fast. "Sorry... for your couch...and for everything," you whispered, tears mixing with the blood on your face. "I never wanted it to be like this.."
Natasha's eyes were full with understanding. "We'll talk about it tomorrow. Right now, I need you to hold on." She finished the stitches, then bandaged the wounds as best she could. Your body relaxed slightly, your breathing still labored but more steady.
"It's done," Natasha said, sitting back and wiping her forehead. "You're going to be okay." Your eyes closed, exhaustion overtaking you. Natasha grabbed a blanket and covered you, then sat beside you, holding your hand gently. "I'm here," Natasha whispered. "You're safe now. Rest and we’re sorting everything tomorrow out, okay?"
You whimpered softly, your body shaking from the pain and the cold. Natasha gently brushed a strand of hair from your face, her expression tender. "I never thought I'd see you like this," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
Your eyes fluttered open, focusing on Natasha with difficulty. "Guess... I can't always be the strong one.“ you murmured, a weak smile playing on your lips.
Natasha's heart tightened. "You don't have to be strong all the time," she said softly. "It's okay to let someone help you." You nodded weakly, your eyes drifting closed again. "Thank you, Natasha.“ you whispered.
Natasha squeezed your hand gently, "You're going to be alright," she said, her voice filled with determination. "I won't let anything happen to you."
As she sat there, watching over you, Natasha knew that this was a turning point. You had come to her for help, and that meant there was still hope. She would find a way to bring you back from the edge, no matter what it took.
Part 2
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reallyromealone · 4 months
Can you do (whatever characters you like) x male omega reader?
I don’t care what character(s) get put x reader.
Plot: Toman was in a meeting talking about god knows what when reader begins to enter pre-heat. Chaos insues
Title: atypical courting
Fandom: Tokyo revengers
Characters: Toman + others
Fic type: smut
Pairings: all x reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, nsfw, smut, Omega male reader, group sex, double penetration
Notes: I just added everyone in here, it's all post story version's but crime ✨
He's known them most of his life, Mikey coming to his dad's bakery almost daily and witnessing (name) beat the crap out of a thief trying to rob them, immediately asking him to join Toman even if he was an Omega.
That was ten years ago, and here he was.
On top of the world.
Being a Toman executive wasn't easy, especially as (name) secondary gender but he made it work as he kept a constant supply of suppressants to keep his heat at bay, refusing to be seen in a moment of weakness by the other Toman executives.
(Name) And the others always had... Tension between them, not hostile not but more so sexual, they had for a very long time and neither parties actually handed it from the occasional light pass to a grope, a game of cat and mouse.
Mikey, hanma and Kisaki were one of the worst ones with their infatuation, obsessed with him without ever doing anything.
(Name) Was annoyed as he sat in the meeting, he called in sick for a reason and nooo! He had to be here to hear about god damn taxable buildings they needed to check up on! (Name) Was prepping for his upcoming heat, his preheat would hit any day now and he just didn't want to be here when it happened.
He couldn't afford to be vulnerable with people present.
"(Name), you good? Yer' sweatin' fucking buckets" Baji barked out as everyone turned to look at (name) who was barely present as a sweet smell filtered through the room, the smell of preheat.
"Why did you come if you were in preheat?!" Kisaki yelled and (name) hissed back at him "I TRIED AND YOU WERE LIKE NO EXCUSES! THIS IS IMPORTANT!" he did not care that he was yelling at a Toman vp, his stomach cramping and headache forming as he shakily stood "I'll bring you home" chifuyu and mitsuya said in a synchronized tone before glaring at one another "I'm fine, I'll just go home" (name) grunted as he stood, shaking slightly as he walked out of the room but he didn't get too far as the Toman executives be worked with daily flanked his side's, the Haitani brothers just behind him as hanma wrapped his arm around his waist.
"Back off!" (Name) Hissed at them "I'm a grown man, I can handle myself" he glared and removed Hanmas hand and the specticalled man smiled at the other as if he were an angry kitten "you have an alpha to care for you?" Draken said seriously and (name) looked cross "that's none of any of your business" (name) moved faster down the hall and towards the elevator, pushing them back with little effect as they towered over and got in, (name)s headache and cramp being particularly hard and a pained whine escaped his lips "you haven't had a heat in a while, what has it been a year? Since you had one?" Kisaki said to the other while pulling him closer from behind "we all know you don't have friends outside of Toman"
"And we know you want us as much as we want you" Muto finally pipped up as Mikey pulled him closer, hips touching each other and the smell of pharamones made (name) hazy "let us treat you good... Be our pack Omega" Mikey commanded softly, watching (name) sway slightly before the short blond lifted him effortlessly "just... Just don't claim me..." He whispered, thankful he was wearing his collar today as they all grinned.
(Name) Didn't know whose cock was where as he was double penetrated, when one cock thrusted in the other thrusted out as someone's cock was in his mouth, jerking off others as he was surrounded by alphas and cocks as he was touched and most of all filled to he brim.
"Alphaaa~" if (name) were even slightly coherent he would be horrified at the fact he was pulling his boss closer with his ankles around the blonds neck as he jerked off smileys cock that was right by his lips, moving to take it in his mouth with a soft hum.
"God, we should have made you ours forever ago.." pah said drained, having had the soul sucked from him via (name)s tight ass "you think he would be a house Omega? Bare foot?" Angry asked curiously as he too recovered and Draken snorted "he would rip out our eyes for even suggesting that"
It was true, despite being cock drunk and needy now, they knew he was too work driven to even think of that, he wasn't a house Omega who would sit all docile for them.
They literally saw him beat the shit out of a lower employee for losing a cargo box of drugs.
So that said enough.
"I'm just happy we don't have to dance around each other... I wanted so many times to take him in my office" Koko said and Sanzu grunted in agreement "I once saw him climb the lounge kitchen counter and his ass was at face level, took everything not to shove my face in his plush ass" Sanzu was almost hard thinking about it but (name) fucked him out of commission for at least a day.
It had only been five hours and the Omega is just getting exhausted as he let the there's do as they pleased to him, eyes barely staying open as he took what was given.
(Name) Woke up sore, real sore as he sat up to see bodies all over the room, chatting or sleeping as the Omega processed what happened "you need another knot baby?" Baji asked as he chugged a water bottle as Angry looked at (name) curiously as poor (name) processed what took place, cum leaking from his ass as he shakily got out of Draken and Kakuchos hold "what... Fuck... Ow" (name)s hips and ass hurt as he nearly fell over, caught by smiley who snickered at the other man's pain "what did you all go to town on me?!"
"Yuuup" the pink haired twin said kissing his cheek with a cackle "I need a shower..." (Name) Grumbled as he stumbled to the washroom with a hard limp, kicking out any horny alphas that tried to join him.
(Name) Soaked in the bath as he thought about what transpired... He just fucked all his co-workers.
And his bosses!
Oh god he got railed by Mikey and Draken at once.
Memories flooded back as he remembered everything they said to him, everything he did!
He practically attacked Kisaki for his dick!
He didn't hear the washroom door open as mitsuya walked in dressed in nice clothes, a to go bag in one hand and clothes in the other "you haven't eaten since last night" mitsuya chuckled as he crouched before (name) "we got you some breakfast" he said as (name) looked confused "why?"
"You're the pack Omega, gotta keep you taken care of"
"I'm no--""-- we aren't asking you to quit, we just want you and we know you wanted in our pack... To stubborn to admit it"
(Name) Flushed as he didn't deny it and looked at the food they got him, his favorites all present as the Alpha tried to feed him "you have wet hands, you might drop a chopstick"
After the bath, Mikey tried to demand (name) live with one of them preferably him but (name) shut that shit down "I am not going to be your back and call fuck toy " he grumbled and Mikey glared but the pout proved his harmlessness at that moment.
"Next time, in not letting you all rail me back to back"
"No promises"
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awandapologist · 4 months
Kiss It Better
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warnings: mentions of a black eye, minor injuries, a tiny bit suggestive, but mainly just some fluff :)
nika x uconn!reader
You had been working on assignments all day; your fingers were cramping up from typing notes and you were exhausted. Midterms were coming up for spring semester and with it, the NCAA women's basketball tournament. But even with all the chaos on campus and in your personal life keeping you busy, your mind still wandered to a certain 5'10 brunette.
You had met Nika Mühl at a party your friend dragged you to at the end of the previous semester. You bumped into the taller girl while trying to get a drink, desperately needing something to relieve your bubbling anxiety from the social event. When her big brown eyes met yours, you swear your stomach flipped. You immediately noticed the small smile playing on her full, pink lips and had to forcefully pull your eyes away from them.
After a night of talking and getting to know Nika, you were practically smitten. The way she maintained undivided eye contact with you throughout your conversation, and how passionately she talked about her love for her sport completely charmed you. You knew she was a special person, and one you definitely wanted to see again, which is why you had to hold back a huge grin when she asked you for your phone number at the end of the night.
Since that night a few months ago, you and Nika had become close friends. Close, yes.... but not exactly in the way you wanted. Your romantic feelings for Nika had only grown with time, falling more and more for the Croatian everyday. You wondered what her lips would feel like on yours and what it would be like to hold her hand as you walked around campus. You swore that sometimes you thought she felt the same, but you were too nervous to make the first move, worried about tarnishing the friendship you shared.
Before you could torture yourself any further, a loud and very persistent knock on your door pulled you out of your stressful thoughts.
"What the hell-" you muttered. "One second!" you yelled, quickly leaving your bedroom as you wondered who could be banging on your door at this time of night. In hindsight, you should have known who it was by the insistent knocks that wouldn't let up.
As if by magic, the same girl plaguing your thoughts was standing on the other side of the door- except she was sporting a big black eye.
"Nika, what the hell??" you exclaimed, as you pulled the taller girl in by her arm. You quickly took her face in your hands, examining the injured area surrounding her eye. She looked down at her feet, avoiding your intent gaze.
"Are you okay? How did this happen?" you asked, concerned for your friend. You knew Nika was tough and could sustain a lot on the court, but this looked like it hurt. Badly.
When her eyes met yours, you saw so much emotion swimming in them.
"It was an accident at practice. Coach said I can still play in the upcoming game, but I'm just so pissed at myself for letting it happen."
Her large hands left her side to place on your waist. You tried to push down the damn immediate butterflies you felt at the simple action.
"I didn't even go to the trainer- I came straight here. I'm gonna get so much shit from coach tomorrow, but I don't care." Your breath hitched in your throat at the confession, but annoyance also rose at the girl's carelessness.
"Just wanted to see you," she said quietly, her lips forming the cutest unconscious pout.
"Nika!" you swatted her arm, immediately taking her by the hand to lead her to the bathroom. You rummaged through your medicine cabinet, immediately cleaning the wound on Nika's face before grabbing some ice.
The Croatian towered over you, wincing a little as you applied pressure on the freshly formed black and blue. "So..." you began. "Are you going to tell me more about how this actually happened?" you gently inquired.
Nika's brown eyes met yours again. "I was.... distracted, I guess. Paige ended up completely elbowing me in the face," she laughed meekly.
"Distracted? During basketball?" you asked, brow quirking up. "That doesn't sound like you at all," you said. You knew how passionate Nika got during practices- always giving her best effort no matter the time or place.
"Got a lot on my mind lately I guess" she said under her breath. Her eyes darted down to your lips discreetly and back up to your eyes.
The close proximity and the way Nika was staring you down began to make you nervous, and Nika could tell. You cleared your throat before you began speaking again,
"Oh? Like what kinda stuff?" you asked, now avoiding the other girl's line of sight. You pretended to seem disinterested and unsurprised, but Nika wasn't buying what you were selling. She knew you better than you knew yourself.
With a small smile, she removed your hand that was holding the bag of ice from her face, placing it on the bathroom counter. Her now free hand grabbed your waist, pulling you closer into her, while the other brushed a fallen piece of hair to rest behind your ear.
"Well, you see..." she started. "There's this one girl that has just not left my mind. No matter how hard I try, I just keep thinking about her." Her hand began to rub small circles on your hip, soothing both herself and you. "So much so that I got a black eye for it," she said. That same small smile you loved so much adorning her plush lips.
You felt like your heart could burst at her words and the way she was holding you. The realization that your friend felt the same was still sinking in, but Nika was done waiting.
"So... think you can kiss it better for me?" she said with a smirk, cupping your jaw before finally bringing her lips to yours.
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mossfrg · 1 year
Jersey Gotham
Okay as someone born and raised in Jersey, I feel like we as a fandom are missing out on truly Jersey-ified Gotham. Like, c’mon, Jersey Girl Brucie Wayne??? So here I am to present a list of things I need more of because god damn it make Batfam— mostly Bruce, Jason, Tim, Steph, and Duke— Jersey (all based on my own personal experiences/real things that have happened to me):
Bruce cannot pump his own gas. He just. Doesn’t know how to. It’s not like a rich person thing, he just never learned cause he’s from fucking Jersey and never leaves Gotham. Jason didn’t know how and Talía lost her shit “How??? You are child superhero??? Who died and spontaneously came back??? But you can’t pump gas??” Tim kinda knows cause of Titans but again, he never really had to. (There’s a Twitter threaded dedicated to the Wayne family titled “is this rich or Jersey”). Steph and Duke can but they both pretend not too.
There have been fist fights over whether it’s pork roll or taylor ham. Jason and Bruce are very adamantly pork roll like the good Southern Jersey boys they are— it’s the one thing they can agree in most days— but Tim is taylor ham. Steph and Duke, despite being South Jersey, like to cause chaos and flip sides constantly. Dick, Damian, and Cass couldn’t care less.
The Absolute Hatred of New York/NYC. Doesn’t matter which kid it is, Bruce (and Alfred) got them all on board with this. Don’t even get them started on the Statue of Liberty; it’s a Wayne family tradition to try and buy it from NY because technically it’s more in NJ than NY and it’s closer too. They’ve yet to be successful but Bruce has hope for when it’s Damian’s turn.
And bc of this hatred of NYC comes the support of Philly!! None of them are super big sport fans, but they do cheer for Eagles, 76ers, and Union. Bruce, thanks to Alfred, is a big fan of soccer (“it’s football, master Bruce, I didn’t raise you in a barn”), and is a member of the Sons of Ben. He can be found in the River End of the stadium with Jason cheering for Union at pretty much every home game. There are multiple videos of Brucie Wayne and Jason Wayne screaming at refs, launching fireworks off the roof, and cursing out opposing teams’ players. Duke and Tim can be found 76ers games, while Steph frequents Eagles games.
Accents. Pls for the love of god give those boys (and Steph) accents. They are from New Fucking Jersey. They say “cawfee” and “tawlk.” They pronounce 0% of their t’s in the middle of words— kitten is ki’en, Trenton is tren’in. Jason and Steph drop letters when they gets pissed, Bruce slurs words, Duke and Tim drop passive-aggressive “y’all’s” to piss people off.
Driving. Now it’s not that they’re shit drivers, it’s that everyone else is a shit driver, and it’s not helped that majority of them learned to drive in the Batmobile. Steph has a loudspeaker on her car and frequently yells “fucking Pennsylvania turn your goddamn blinker on!” while driving. Bruce has a room in the manor dedicated to his speeding tickets. Tim as gotten into multiple fists fights at lights because people were driving slow in the fast lane. Jason is infamous for doing the Jersey Slide.
Jason, Tim, and Steph have gotten mugged before. They talked their way out of it and gave tips to the mugger. Bruce has kicked a rabid raccoon while walking home before because what else was he supposed to do? Duke has ordered a “pork roll egg and cheese on an everything” before in Not-Jersey and cried because they don’t have it. Several foreign benefactors of WE have asked for translators at meetings with Brucie cause Brucie’s accent is so thick and exaggerated. IN CONCLUSION: making Batfam (and gotham) Jersey is funny as hell and presents so many good opportunities. Make Batfam Jersey! (again these are all just my personal experiences, big state yada yada, different experiences, blah blah idgaf I jsut need batfam fist fighting over pork roll)
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scribblesofagoonerr · 1 month
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— where's my yeehaw hat? | Glastonbury Series
fourth and final part of this mini series that i forgot to post, but here it is... and hopefully this doesn't majorly flop.
pairings: leah williamson x reader!monkey
summary: the third day of the festival and monkey gets high.
chaos fc masterlist
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“Rise and shine, Monkey!” You can hear the familiar voice of the blonde trying to wake you up by shaking you gently, “Wake up, sleepy head.”
Letting out a grumble in response, you refuse to even open your eyes, “No, I’m sleeping– Why’re you so loud?” You’re in no mood to want to wake up, but that might have something to do with the fact that you didn’t sleep too well the night before.
That was really your own fault though.
You had so many questions to ask and you just had to ask them then and there.
“Oh, really?” You hear the blonde laugh in amusement, “But I have so many important questions to ask you though, really important questions!”
“Wha… G’way Le, I’m tired!” You grumble, swatting her hand away from trying to continue to nudge you like she does.
“Yeah, but these questions are super important!” Leah tells you with a certain eagerness in her voice, “Didn’t you want to know whether lightning mcqueen needed car insurance or life insurance?” She wonders, teasing you.
Oh, she’s really playing you at your own game here? Damn it.
“Le, man. Leave me alone,” You grumble back with some hope of going back to sleep, “I’m trying to sleep here!” Keeping your eyes shut, you try your hardest to snooze again.
The blonde snickers to herself, “So was I when I was woken up this morning. It’s not so nice now, is it?” She jokes.
“G’way, it’s too early– I want more sleep!” Your patience is short and you can feel yourself ready to snap at any given minute.
You’re certainly not a morning person at all and you definitely do hate being woken up.
You’re a nightmare most mornings.
“You can’t sleep, there’s the whole day ahead of us. We have to get up and pack the tent away otherwise it’ll be too late to do it tonight,” Leah makes the point of telling you which leaves you confused about where you will be sleeping tonight, “Come on, sleepy head. Time to get up!”
“I’m still tired,” You murmur, prying one of your eyes open as you look at her, “Why’re we packing the tent away? Where will we stay tonight?” You ask, confused.
“At a hotel,” The blonde answers as she feigns her sympathy for your exhausted state, “Oh, really? I wonder why that is then, huh?” She wonders.
“I’m tired,” You repeat in a low voice.
Leah exhales a sigh and shakes her head, “Please don’t tell me you stayed awake all night.”
“I didn’t stay awake all night,” You mumble as you slowly sit up and let out a yawn.
“Really?” Leah questions, not believing your word.
Shrugging your shoulders, you crack your neck and yawn once again, “I fell asleep at some point, but I don’t remember when. Probably like, er 5 I guess.”
“I wish you wouldn’t do that,” Leah scolds as she winces faintly when she hears the noise of your neck cracking, “Fantastic, I guess I’m dealing with a grumpy Monkey today then– Come on, get up. We’re going to make the most of the day!”
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“Hi girls!” Grace is the first one to spot you where it had been arranged to meet up with them.
“Morning,” Leah waves to her friend, checking behind her to make sure you are keeping up and aren’t dawdling about.
Like you really had much choice about that.
Even though you did try and fall asleep on the floor after you took the tent down, the blonde still didn’t let you unfortunately but you can’t understand why.
All you want to do now is sleep and you can’t help always being so tired though.
“Hello!” Holly smiles and greets her friends.
“Who’s ready for the last day of the festival?” Josie questions in a cheerful voice.
“Let’s do it!” Grace shouts aloud.
“Urgh. Why’re you all so loud?” You grumble in complaint and scowl at them, “Shut up!”
“Don’t be rude, Monkey!” Leah chides, giving you that all too familiar look you have seen so many times.
“But they are being loud and I’m tired,” You whine in protest, wanting nothing more than to collapse and sleep on the floor right here where you are.
It looks like a somewhat comfy spot.
“Oh I can see that somebody isn’t in a good mood today,” Holly jokes, trying to reach out and ruffle your hair.
Growling at the older blonde, you dodge her wandering hand from your hair and shuffle closer to Leah, “No shit Sherlock.”
“Monkey, stop it,” Leah warns you, continuing to give you a firm look, “Someone didn’t sleep and decided to stay up and ask me daft questions instead.” She explains to the rest of the girls.
“I’m so tired, I want more sleep!” You whine in response, you’re not a huge fan of this walking malarkey that you’re being forced to do.
The floor seems comfy right here to take a nap.
“So, I guess you had fun trying to wake her up this morning then?” Grace jokes.
“Well it wasn’t the easiest– Monkey, get up off the floor!” Leah begins to explain as she spots you lying down on the floor in the midst of walking through to the first stage where you are to watch an acoustic performance.
“I’m tired,” You murmur in disagreement.
The blonde clicks her tongue in disapproval, “Get up, you’re literally in the middle of a field.”
“I’m gonna take a nap right here,” You mumble before you begin to close your eyes.
“Monkey, no,” Leah inwardly groans as she pinches the bridge of her nose, “Get up!”
“I take a nap right here,” Repeating the words, you keep your eyes shut in the hopes that you might drift off to sleep again.
You can hear the rest of the girls laugh in amusement.
“Oh my God, I literally feel like I’m having deja vu here,” Leah speaks aloud, no doubt having that usual frown on her face, “Get up now!”
“Seems like you might have your hands full today here, Le, eh?” Holly comments, looking between you where you're lying on the floor curled up and the blonde who looks on the verge of a breakdown.
“Monkey, get up from the floor! This is ridiculous right now– You can’t sleep here!” Leah shouts in frustration, very much aware of attracting attention from people looking over at you as she kneels beside you and shakes you, “Get up, now!”
“Nooo- Leave me be, Malfoy,” Swatting her hand away from shaking you, you still keep your eyes shut with a hope that you can still sleep, “I’m tired!” You add.
“Malfoy?” Josie questions, stifling her laughter.
Grace laughs in amusement, “Is that because of the hair cut?” She asks.
“It’s the nickname that Monkey gave her,” Holly chimes in as she grins at her cousin.
“Just wonderful,” Leah huffs and shakes her head, “Monkey, get up! You can’t just lie down here on the floor because you’re tired, it serves you right that you should have gone to sleep at a decent enough time!”
“Mean Malfoy,” You murmur while keeping your eyes shut still much to the blonde’s annoyance, “I’m tired! Why couldn’t we just leave the tent up and I could sleep in there instead? Or even in the car?” You ask.
“And miss out on all the fun today?” Holly teases you.
“I’m not telling you again,” Leah is starting to lose her patience with you and your need to lie on the floor and sleep, “Get up off the floor!”
“Nuh uh, I want to sleep!” There’s so much noise around, you wish the blonde would kindly leave you alone to nap in peace because right now, you’re unbelievably tired.
“I’m not letting you– You know what, fine!” Leah throws her arm up in the air, having very much given up on the gentle approach of trying to get you up off the floor before she reaches down and lifts you off the floor to stand up, “You’re not sleeping here, I’m done arguing with you about it.”
“Why? I just want to sleep!” Whining in protest, you can’t help but throw your head back, “You’re being mean and not letting me sleep!””
Leah exhales a sigh and shakes her head, “You can sleep on the floor, but not here. First you’re going to walk over to the stage where we’re going to watch the next performance and you can lay down there,” She tells you, “I’m not leaving you here, end of story.”
So with these words in mind, you do begrudgingly walk across the rest of the field over to the stage without any further protest.
“We're here, finally! I’m taking a nap, right here!” You cheer aloud, quite happy enough to make yourself a bed comfortable with jackets and bags to plonk yourself down on the floor.
“You’re not really going to sleep there… Wait, is she asleep already?” Holly is taken by complete surprise that you have indeed managed to curl and fall asleep on the floor in the middle of the girls.
“No way,” Grace looks shocked.
Josie laughs in amusement, “Seriously?”
“Monkey can sleep anywhere as long as she’s comfy,” Leah murmurs, shaking her head fondly as she slips her own jacket off and crouching down to lay it on top of you to stop you getting too cold.
“Even in the middle of a field?” Holly questions, bewildered at your actions.
Leah hums in confirmation as she stands up, “Yeah even here apparently.” 
“I seriously cannot believe she’s managed to fall asleep in the middle of a field with this many people around,” Holly murmurs in amusement.
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“I can’t believe she’s still out for the count,” Grace is left dumbfounded by the fact your still sound asleep in the middle of a packed out festival, “How on earth can she be comfortable like that?” She questions.
Leah shrugs her shoulders and takes a sip of her diet coke in her hands, “I guess she must be so tired that she will crash wherever she can.”
“Is she not sleeping well again?” Holly asks as she frowns.
“I don’t think so, but even if she’s having trouble, she won’t talk about it,” Leah admits, her concern is evident for you that you are once again not sleeping well, but despite how much she tries to get you to open up and talk to her about it like you usually would, you’re more quiet and reserved.
The blonde is glad in some ways that the festival has brought out your joy once again, even if it’s just to overshadow your low mood.
“That sounds like Monkey,” Holly murmurs, feeling sympathy for you. 
Of course she isn’t as well known about your past, but being introduced to the family, she’s gotten to know you better and can’t help but feel concerned regardless.
You start to stir and wake up now feeling hungrier, “I’m hungry. Can we get pizza?”
The nap on the floor definitely did help you out with that situation.
“That’s all you can think about now?” Leah lets out a laugh and shakes her head, “Good nap?” She teases you, lightly.
“Told you I was tired and I wanted to nap,” You stifle a yawn as you try and wake yourself up more, “I slept and now I’m hungry again, so… Can we?”
“And yet you really did fall asleep in the middle of a festival,” Holly chimes in, amusedly.
Shrugging your shoulders, you look at them, “Why’d you all seem so surprised? I’m comfy, I don’t care where I sleep!” You tell them.
“See? I told you girls,” Leah waves her hand as a gesture to prove her point.
“Yeah… I think we realise that now,” Grace murmurs, speaking on behalf of them all.
“I suppose that we can look for some food if you want too,” Leah agrees with your need to eat again, “We’ll go and have a look round now while we have time.”
Groaning in disagreement, you’re not keen to wait around for them, “Ah man come on, I don’t need any babysitters– Can’t I go look around on my own? Nothing will happen. I’ll be totally fine!” You insist.
What’s the worst that can happen?
Leah frowns and bites her bottom lip anxiously, “I’m not sure I like the idea of you wandering around here by yourself,” She admits before she pauses, “There’s a large crowd but we’ll go together instead.”
“Urgh, seriously?!” You huff in frustration and throw your head back in annoyance, “You guys take forever to walk though!”
“Is she telling us that we’re old?” Josie asks, offended.
Grace hums in agreement, “I think so.”
“Hurry up, I’m hungry!” You whine in defiance, not patient enough to wait for them as you go to walk ahead.
“We’re coming now. Will you just be patient?” Leah mutters and shakes her head, trying to keep up with your pace so you don’t get lost.
“I don’t think patience is in Monkey’s vocabulary,” Holly jokes with her cousin.
The blonde exhales a sigh and pinches the bridge of her nose, “You’re telling me… Monkey, wait a minute– Don’t run off… Okay, she’s bolted again. Fantastic,” She mutters aloud.
Holly pats her cousin on the shoulder, “Relax, Le, she’ll come back around soon. Don’t worry, your frown will stick like that if you continue,” She jokes, noting the way Leah had her usual expression on her face, “She’ll come back soon.” She repeats.
“Yeah… Yeah, you’re right,” Leah nods in agreement, “She’s got no monkey, she’s bound to come back soon enough when she’s hungry.” She adds, trying to remain positive.
Of course that's where Leah was severely mistaken due to the lump sum of cash you had withdrawn from the machine.
“Pizza… Pizza, where are you? This was so much easier to find the other night!” You mumble to yourself, looking around for the place that you visited the other night on the way back to the tent.
Elsewhere in the middle of the festival, you wander through the crowd and bump into a tall man who’s dressed in colourful, tie-dyed clad clothes smoking weed.
“Whoa! You’re like, super tall and super colourful– How tall are you? Or maybe I’m just super short,” You yap on to this man like you’ve known him for a while.
The man can’t help but laugh at you, “I think you’re just short, kid.”
Shrugging your shoulders, you continue to whitter on to the man, “Huh, I guess so– I’m stupidly short for my height,” You pause, “Hi, I’m Monkey. Wanna be friends?”
“Monkey? That's some sort of nickname, huh?” The man looks at you amusedly as he continues to pop gummy bears in his mouth, “Hasn’t nobody ever told you that you shouldn’t talk to strangers?”
“Well, if we make friends, then we wouldn’t be strangers, no?” You ask, innocently as you grin at the man, “You’ve got gummy bears! They’re my favourite thing to eat, but I have to watch how much sugar I eat sometimes which sucks.”
The man chuckles at your continuous yapping on, “Oh yeah, well I’m all for sharing. Do you want some?” He offers, holding out the bag for you to try one.
With your eyes lighting up, you're eager to try one as you take a couple out of the open bag, “Thanks, I love gummy bears!” You tell him, excitedly and without any hesitation you pop them in your mouth as you think they are just regular sweets.
“Glad you like them,” The man grins, “Just take it easy, kid.” He adds, ruffling your hair.
You start to giggle uncontrollably as the effects of the edibles quickly take hold, before you plonk yourself on the ground beside the man without much care in the world.
“This is… So cool. I feel… I feel like I’m floating,” You continue to giggle.
The man grins and slumps down on the floor beside you, “Just enjoy the vibes, Monkey. Festivals like this are all about feeling free.” He tells you.
“Yeah… Free,” You murmur, staring blankly in front of you as you smile dopely, “I like that.”
You sit with the man and get lost listening to the acoustic music in front of the nearby stage that you had ended wandering towards without realisation while the full blown effects take over as the colours around you seem more vivid and the sounds become more intense.
“Are you with anyone here, kid?” The man wonders, curiously as he looks around, “I think people might be worried about where you are.” He notes.
You continue to sit there dazed, “Yeah… I’m with people, Malfoy’s no doubt looking for me,” You admit, feeling truly high as the sky, “But I’m having too much fun right now.”
“Well, just make sure you stay safe, alright?” The man asks you.
Grinning in agreement, you nod slowly before you tilt your head right and left in an even slower motion enjoying the feeling it had, “Yeah… I’m good.”
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“Where could she have gone?” Leah is worried since you still haven’t returned back any time soon, “I knew she would end up getting lost in the crowd somewhere!”
“She might have got distracted,” Josie chimes in, noting the blonde’s concern.
“Or she might have just headed over to watch the performance,” Holly adds as she senses the worry in her cousins’ voice, “Don’t worry. We’ll find her!” She reassures her.
Continuing to look around with her worry becoming even more evident, Leah is literally kicking herself at the fact that she lost you.
“Wait, look over there!” Josie pauses and points with her index finger in the direction to where you’re sitting on the shoulders of the man’s that you made friends with earlier, laughing and throwing your arms up in the air without a single care in the world, “Is that… Is that Monkey?”
“Who the hells’ shoulders is she on?” Holly asks, confused as she looks over to you looking like you’re having a blast.
Leah’s eyes widen in shock horror, “Oh my God,” she speaks aloud before she’s rushing towards where you are, “Monkey! Get down from there right now!”
“Leeeeeaaaaaah!” You squeal in delight at seeing the blonde, who didn’t look all that impressed since she had her usual grumpy face that she always has when you're in trouble, “Hey! Check it out, I made a new friend!”
“Get down!” The defender repeats, firmly.
“But this is the best view ever!” You whine in protest, swinging your arms around in the air.
Leah continues to look at you furiously, “Get down, now!”
“Buzz kill,” You murmur and with the help from your newfound tall friend, he helps you off his shoulders as Leah grabs you by your arm, “Tall man, this is Malfoy! Malfoy, this is tall man… He’s super fun! You, however, are not.” You introduce the two of them.
“Er, hi… Bye,” Leah looks at the questionable man before she pulls you away, “What the hell, Monkey?” She looks at you, holding you steady as you sway side to side.
“I’m having fun!” You exclaim as you giggle uncontrollably.
“What is going on with you? You’re acting different,” Leah questions, wearily as she tries to figure out what is going on with you.
Giggling continuously, you’re hardly bothered by the blonde standing in front of you, “I’m… I’m fine, I told you I’m having fun!” You repeat.
“Leah, something isn’t right. Look at her eyes,” Holly notes, looking concerned.
Grace looks at you in concern, “Yeah, she looks really out of it.” She admits.
“Did someone give her something?” Josie questions, confused.
Leah’s eyes widen as she tries to keep a steady hold of you, “Monkey, did you eat something from that guy?” She asks, her voice changing to sound more concerned than angry.
“Tall man had sweets that he shared,” You tell her through a fit of giggles, “They were so good! Like those little gummy bears that I always eat!” You add.
“Gummy bears?” The blonde repeats with furrowed eyebrows before it dawns on her what you mean and her concern turns to anger, “Oh, God. No, those weren’t normal ones, Monkey!”
“I don’t know whatever they were, but they sure did taste delicious!” You dopily smile at the blonde, who looks at you furious, “Can I get some more of them?” You wonder, eagerly.
“Okay, alright, let’s not make a scene here,” Holly states, trying to calm Leah down, “I know you’re probably angry, Le, but we just need to get her somewhere safe and figure out what to do.” She makes the point, looking at you wearily.
“There’s a first aid tent nearby that we can her too,” Grace suggests, gesturing to the left of her.
“Nuh uh, I don’t need to go there– We’ve still gotta watch Shania Twain!” You gasp in horror as you look at them with wide eyes, “I didn’t miss it, did I?” You ask.
“Wha… No, you didn’t miss it,” Leah tells you before she snaps her head round in realisation, “We’re not going anywhere right now other than the first aid tent for you to be checked out!” She declares, sternly.
“Awh, shucks!” You huff in protest before you dragged in the direction of the tent where Leah all demands you’re checked over to make sure you’re fine, which no surprise, the medic in the tent reassures her that you will be and you just need to sip some water, “See? Can we go and watch Shania now? Pleaseeeee!”
“Fine,” Leah is reluctant to agree but there’s not much more that can be said, “But you’re sticking with me and I don’t want you running off again!”
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“Let’s go girls!” You scream loudly with the high effects of the edible gummy bears in your system making you seem far more alert than previously as you stand with the older girls ready to watch Shania Twain perform on the Pyramid Stage.
“Glad to see you still have energy to keep going kid,” Grace jokes, trying to ruffle your hair but it’s difficult with the way you're swaying left and right.
“If that’s what we’re calling it now,” Leah mutters in disagreement, shaking her head as she’s not too fond of you being high right now but there’s not much she can do about it.
“Aye, yo! Where’s my yeehaw hat?” The realisation soon dawns on you that you currently don’t have your cowboy hat on you that you most definitely remembered to wear down so you’re confused as to where it could now be, “I need it for this!”
Holly looks at you puzzled, “Your… Your what hat?”
“My yeehaw hat! You know, the one I brought the other night!” You insist, trying to figure out where it is.
“Oh, she means her cowboy hat,” Leah realises as she plonks it on top of your head.
“My yeehaw hat!” You cry in joy and clutch a hold of it excitedly, “You found it!”
Josie looks at you in concern, “Should we be worried about her, or is this just her usual free spirit?” She questions Leah.
“Well, usually she’s menace and she’s pretty high right now both of them combined is somewhat concerning,” Leah can’t help but laugh at your current state, “I guess she’s going to be like this until it wears off.” She adds.
You giggle and adjust your glow in the dark glasses, “I’m like a disco ball! So many lights, so many colours! Can you see the sparkles?” Continuing to dance around in your cowboy hat and glow in the dark glasses, you’re having the best time right now.
“Uh… Not really,” Holly tries to keep up with your antics, “It’s great that you’re having fun though!”
“Yeehaw!” You exclaim aloud as you swing your arm around, “Man, I feel like a woman!” You scream the lyrics to the familiar song you have heard one too many times.
“She’s definitely in her own world,” Grace states as she chuckles.
“Hey Lord Farquaad, can I sit on your shoulders? I wanna get the best view!” You question hopefully as you grin playfully at the blonde, who looks ready to protest, “Pretty please?”
“Wha… Alright fine,” Leah begrudgingly agrees even after you had somewhat offended her before she hoist’s you up onto her shoulders, “Up you go, but hold on tight so you don’t fall!” She warns.
“You’re all set now, kid. You look the part!” Grace states, nudging you playfully.
“Don’t diss my fit cos’ you're all jealous, gurl, innit!” You joke, putting on an accent and grinning at the older girl with a newfound confidence in you now you’re somewhat high still.
“Oh well that is different,” Holly remarks, amused with your antics now, “You’re strange at times, kid,” 
You faux a gasp and look down at her while clutching your hand on your heart dramatically, “I’m not strange, I’m unique. Right, Lord Farquaad?” Looking towards the blonde for confirmation.
“Will you stop calling me that,” The blonde grumbles in disagreement of the nickname that your best friend had so kindly given her and with your love of Shrek, of course you’re going to continue with it.
“Why not? It suits you sooo well!” You peer down and grin at the blonde dopily before you continue to swing your arms up in the air, “You’re a grumpy Lord Farquaad at the minute though! Cheer up!” Playfully continuing to pat her cheeks and smile at her, you enjoy your time on the blonde’s shoulders.
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“Whoa, slow down, you,” Leah is quick to take a grip of your arm, already ahead of you running off, “First things first, let’s go and get you some water to help you, er, calm down.”
“But Le, we’re gonna miss it,” Huffing in disagreement, you begrudgingly are led over to a food truck to purchase a bottle of water.
“There’s no rush to go there, we’ve got plenty of time,” Leah remarks as she pushes the bottle of water into your hands, “Now drink up.”
Cracking open the bottle of water and taking a large gulp of it, “Okay, okay. I’ve drank now! See? Can we go and watch Avril Lavigne now, please?” You all but plead with her.
“Make sure you drink all of it,” Leah gestures to the bottle in her hand, “Then we will go and watch her. I just need you to calm down a bit first.” She tells you.
“How long will this… Energy last?” Holly looks at you wearily.
“I don’t know, but I’m hoping with a bit of water it might sober her up,” Leah winces, shaking her head as she encourages you to keep drinking, “Drink all of it, Monkey.” She reminds you.
You eagerly down the rest of the water in the bottle and toss it in a bin, “Alright! I’ve drunk it all now– Now can we go, pleeeeeeease?” You beg, bouncing on your toes.
“Fine,” Leah replies in agreement, once again making sure to take a grip out of your arm in case you do indeed try and run again, “No you don’t, I’m not letting you wander off again and make friends with a random stranger.” She states, sternly.
“But we’re gonna miss it!” You let out an exaggerated huff to show your impatience about having to wait.
“We’re not going to miss anything at all. Stop being impatient,” Leah remarks, trying to stay calm the best she can.
“Yeah we will,” You murmur, trying to tug your arm away from her and be able to dash off ahead of them, “Come on, hurry up. God, you’re all so slow!”
“We’re going as fast as we can,” Josie says, amusedly.
“Not quick enough,” You turn back round in a flash to look at the older girl and stick your tongue out at her, “Huuuuuuuuuurry up!”
“I think I preferred it when she was walking around like a zombie,” Holly chimes in.
“You and me both,” Leah murmurs in agreement with her cousin, “Monkey, calm down. There’s no rush to get there.” She adds as you try and pull her arm since she’s still got a tight hold on you to avoid running off.
“Time’s running out!” You whine impatiently, eager to run in the direction of the stage where you can’t watch Avril Lavigne perform live, “We need to hurry up. We’re going to miss the beginning of it cos’ you’re all so slow!” You grumble in annoyance.
“We’re almost there now,” Leah remarks, rolling her eyes as she walks over to the stage where your energy doesn’t let up, “See? We’re here, no need to have a meltdown over it.”
“I’m just excited to watch her!” You exclaim, trying to push your way forward to get a good view of the performance.
It’s not long before the music starts up and you continue to remain bouncing around energetically and singing your heart out to all of the songs in the set, “Why do you have to go and make things so complicated!” You scream out the lyrics to the song that you’ve grown up listening to, being able to watch her perform live is such a cool experience for you.
“Seems like she’s loving this even if she’s still a bit high,” Grace speaks to Leah, amusedly as she watches you enjoy yourself despite the high you’re still on.
Leah hums in agreement with her friend, “Yeah she’s having the time of her life so it seems, I’m glad about it.” Her words were nothing but the truth, knowing how tough you have been finding things recently so it’s nice to see you let your hair down even if you did end up high to no fault of anyone apart from your own.
You continue to dance around in joy, “I see the way you’re acting like you’re somebody else, gets me frustrated!” There’s not a single care in the world right now as you listen to the music, living the dream like you are.
“Woo, go monkey!” Holly encourages, grinning and clapping her hands.
Leah watches you dance around freely and can’t help but smile as she leans over to Holly, “At least this way she’s somewhat safe and having fun. I just need to keep a better eye on her and make sure she’s not wandering off with another random stranger again.” She tells her.
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By the time that Burna Boy was set to perform, you were starting to feel the comedown from the edible gummy bears and your energetic behaviour is soon phasing out for you to become tired and grumpy once again, with having little energy to even want to walk about.
“You doing okay Monkey?” The concern in Leah’s voice is evident as she can see your dipping slowly as you're reluctant to even stand up without slouching against her.
“I’m… I’m tired,” You murmur, trying to fight and stay awake.
“Do you want to go back to the hotel instead?” Leah questions, wearily as she is more so concerned about your comedown hitting an ultimate low.
Shaking your head in disagreement, you continue to lean up against her so that you won’t fall down, “No, I still wanna watch this performance.”
“What’s going on?” Holly wonders, concerned.
“Monkey’s tired,” Leah explains briefly as she tries to keep a steady hand on you to stop you from collapsing from exhaustion.
“You do look pretty out of it,” Grace notes the tiredness on your face.
“I think she’s starting to come down from the edibles,” Leah explains, exhaling a sigh, “We’ll watch Burna Boy and then we need to think about going to the hotel. I think it’s all catching up to you now, isn’t it, eh?” She asks you, gently as she keeps a protective arm wrapped around you.
“M’ okay, I just want to sleep, Le,” You answer, trying to continue to fight the tiredness while standing up.
Leah frowns and nods in agreement, “You can soon enough, but in a proper bed. You can’t fall asleep here.”
“Why not? Floors comfy like before, innit,” You murmur without much care in the world considering you had managed to fall asleep so easily earlier on.
“You know she will again if she’s tired enough,” Holly chips in, amusedly.
Leah exhales a sigh, “I know, I just think it would be better to wait until we head back to the hotel before you fall asleep,” She admits, not to keen on the idea of you falling asleep on the floor again.
“I don’t care. I’m tired– I wanna sleep!” You slouch against the blonde weakly as your eyelids grow heavier as you listen to the music in the background. 
“Alright, alright, there’s no need to get grumpy again,” The blonde mumbles, finding small humour in the situation, “Just hang in a little longer and we’ll go back.” She promises.
As much as you try to remain awake, it is starting to become incredibly difficult as you just want to lie down and sleep, so you do so much as when you find a spot on the floor, curling up in a ball and closing your eyes, being able to drift off to sleep.
“Le, I don’t think she couldn’t wait to sleep,” Holly jokes, gesturing to your sleeping body on the floor, “The kids completely out of it.” She adds.
“Wonderful,” Leah exhales a sigh as she looks down and finds you well and truly fast asleep curled up on the floor, “I guess she really couldn’t wait after all.”
“You’re going to have to carry her back to the car,” Josie points out.
“Oh Monkey,” Leah sighs and takes pity on your sleeping form before she kneels down and lifts your unconscious body into her arms, “Looks like we’re cutting the night short. I need to get her back to the hotel to sleep.”
“We’ll lead the way,” Holly states, carefully guiding her cousin through the crowd.
“Thanks Hol,” Leah speaks gratefully as she follows her cousin through the crowd of people with you protectively in her arms,
You continue to stay asleep with your head resting against her shoulder, you’re completely none the wiser about the journey back to the car park. Nor do you even realise being sat down in the backseat of the car and buckled in with the state of sleep that has taken over you.
Luckily enough Leah has managed to book the same hotel as the rest of the girls so they all climbed into the blonde's car, Holly deciding to sit in the back with you so she could make sure you are okay in the state that you’re in.
“We’ll be at the hotel soon enough kid,” The blonde murmurs to you even though you're completely out of it to even hear you, “We’ve got you, don’t worry. Just sleep.” She adds.
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The next time you wake up, you don’t have any single recognition of where you were or how you got here, last you remember you were at the festival dancing to the music.
Now you’re here in a hotel room…
“Where… Where am I?” You ask, confused as you sit up in bed and look around the room trying to figure out when and how you got here.
Leah shoots up from the other bed and rushes to your side, “Ah, you’re awake! We’re at the hotel.”
“Hotel?” You question just as confused while you rub your eyes, “What happened to the festival?” You're trying to figure out what happened for you to end up here.
“You fell asleep,” Leah stifles her laughter and shakes her head, “You don’t remember? Apparently you couldn’t wait to sleep and crashed out on the floor… Again.” She teases you lightly.
“Oh,” You frown and try to remember what happened before that, “I don’t remember falling asleep though.”
“You were out for the count completely,” Leah remarks in amusement, “I had to carry you back to the car and even then you remained asleep until now.” She explains to you.
“Oh,” You repeat quietly as the events of the day start to dawn on you, “Wait! It’s late now– I can call Kyra! She’ll be awake now!” You exclaim in realisation at the time difference meaning your best friend would be awake now finally.
Leah shakes her head in disagreement, “No, no, sleep. It’s already been a long day– You’ve fallen asleep twice at the festival. I’m sure that you can speak to her tomorrow instead.”
“Seriously? Come on, Le!” You plead with the blonde.
“Fine,” Leah gives in your pleading as she rolls her eyes, “Don’t be on the phone for too long though! You need sleep and don’t think you’re getting away with being high either.” She adds.
“What does that mean?” You question, confused.
“It means that you’re most definitely grounded for this stunt that you pulled,” Leah states, firmly.
You huff in response and slump your shoulders, “Wha… I really did think they were just normal sweets though!”
“And you still shouldn’t be accepting sweets from random strangers,” Leah tells you while pursing her lips, “Now go on and phone Kyra like you’re so eager to do, tell the pest I said hi while you’re at it.” With that being said, you eagerly pull your phone out of your pocket and begin to FaceTime your best friend on the other side of the world and ramble on the phone to your best friend, happy enough to hear her voice finally.
It won’t be too long now until you see her at least, just another month or so, maybe?
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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Just like how botw had small details telling us the probable ‘canonical’ route Link took (aka Zora, Rito, Goron, and then Gerudo), totk has something similar. I’m sure all players noticed that the newspapers will feature one region that is meant to direct Link to go aid the people there. First is Rito, next is Goron, third is Zora, and last is Gerudo. BUT! They also added something else.
Zelda’s role in the story. Namely, her interactions with Tulin, Yunobo, King Dorephan, and Riju. Annnnnnddd Link’s reactions to her!
Tulin’s interaction with her is one meant to confuse players: Zelda was in the past, but Tulin saw her? So she’s here in the present and we’re chasing after her. Sounds a lot like Skyward Sword, okay (which was released on the switch last year, so anyone who didn’t play it back in 2012 had another chance to). It confuses Link, but spurs him to become a journalist ? Cool, I’m here for it. I did journalism for 4 years, I’m sure Link can do it too!
Then, for Yunobo, he actively speaks to Zelda, we see her figure, and Link will actively gasp whenever we see her. He has a genuine reaction to her presence, because he’s surprised, but then we see pink gloom glow in the mask that Zelda have Yunobo and it makes him freak out land turn against Link. That’s when we start to put together that maybe Zelda is being controlled? Or she’s NOT Zelda, just as Yunobo begins to theorize but can’t quite wrap his head around it.
Next, we have King Dorephan who is actually attacked by Zelda and is injured to the point that he decides to hide from his people as to not create more chaos in this time. He chooses to give Zelda the benefit of the doubt here— he could have easily had his people turn against Hyrule and all Hylians because of Zelda’s actions. But he doesn’t! Because it simply doesn’t make sense. And by the end of the quest, Sidon comes to the conclusion that the Zelda in the past and the Zelda in the present are NOT the same.
And we see that thought truly stick with Link in a cutscene in Gerudo. After defending Kara Kara Bazaar, Zelda appears and Riju calls out for her. There is no gasp from Link like with Yunobo’s story, instead he watches Zelda with a slightly narrowed gaze and does not stop watching where she was last seen until Riju directly addresses him. They actively show the players that Link is suspicious, but he is still so very dedicated.
And it happens again, in the center of the light triangle. Zelda appears and Link begins to walk toward her, but there is no intake of breath, no shock at seeing her… instead he slowly walks until Riju calls out for him.
After Link finishes each phenomenon, going to Lookout Landing gives the players a clue in how Link is reacting. Specifically, if you speak to Buliara before going to see Purah, she says something along the lines of “Purah is up on the top deck, but don’t miss a wrung in your haste to get up there.”
Link is expected to rush. Because everyone is muttering about a figure that MIGHT be Zelda. At the castle. Right. Then. And. There.
Link GASPS when he first looks into the scope— Purah doesn’t even say it’s Zelda, not before Link sees for himself. It’s seeing her, clear as day, and even if Link KNOWS it’s not her… there’s still that seed of doubt that lives in his mind. And then at the castle, Link does twist and turn whenever he hears Zelda. He rushes after her every. Single. Time. She disappears. Despite that he knows it isn’t her, he can’t give up. He can’t. It’s quite literally not in his DNA. He sees it through; he needs to make sure it isn’t her. And it’s all a trap, one he walks right into, because he just HAS to see that it isn’t her.
And if you want to say “but Ash… this is just a recap of the storyline in the present.. not small details” let us just remember that Link’s driving motivation in this game is to find Zelda and bring her home. So many people just ignore these little moments or miss them completely.
And I’ll be damned if I don’t talk about link’s gasps or his twists and turns or his micro expressions that tell us so much about how he is feeling.
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unlikelypandahologram · 4 months
Reasons to ship every single version of MegOP
since Very Dumb Discourse™ exists about whether or not certain versions of this ship are valid, this is going to be THE most positive post about all versions of MegOP. refer back to this post for reasons to ship your favorite version of MegOP if anyone gets weird about it with you. now let us begin!!
G1: goofy '80s faction dads fighting each other in a denny's parking lot every week LET'S GOOO, that shit is fun as fuck. orion pax also totally had a celeb crush on megatron before megatron ruined that and shot him and his pals 😔 and there's a lot of angst you can add with megatron becoming galvatron and optimus coming back to life to see how much he's changed!
BW: it's the sheer fucking comedy gold factor of a newly minted college graduate and a terrorist dinosaur IMMEDIATELY singling each other out on a prehistoric rock and deciding to call their daily gang slap-fights the BEAST WARS, what iconic drama queens LMAOOOO. also, megatron made his final body in BM look like optimal optimus SPECIFICALLY to fuck with him, and that's just...incredible
UT: the fact that megatron CANONICALLY acted like a grieving widower over optimus after he died in armada is. amazing. never forget their absolutely insane obsession with each other that they can never EVER give up on played a direct part in unicron nearly ending the world <3
Bayverse: this is the one continuity of all fucking things that gave us the lore about megatron being prime's lord high protector. absolute galaxy brain writing from the tie-in comics. also these two would ABSOLUTELY have the messiest, nastiest, most brutal hate sex imaginable, and that's beautiful. <3
Animated: optimus being a rookie washout underdog and megatron being a super scary much older warlord is a really interesting and underrated fresh take on their dynamic! lots of fun to be had with exploring what their relationship would be like after megatron finally acknowledged him as his archnemesis, lol. also...age AND size difference ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Prime: do i even need to say anything, i'm pretty sure that one flashback still of orion and megatronus being friends is responsible for birthing a million shippers for this pairing alone LMAOOOO. the bitter ex-boyfriends energy was TRULY off the charts in this show, it's a damn shame megatron never appeared in RID15
Cyberverse: same bitter ex-boyfriends energy but this time with dates at maccadams. megatron also dies encouraging optimus to beat the unhinged alternate dimension megs AAHH THE ANGST
IDW1: they're both depressed gay war criminals in this one who CONSTANTLY live in each other's heads rent-free and that's amazing, lmfao. also, megatron becoming an autobot means this is one of the VERY FEW continuities where it's not nigh impossible to figure out a way to give these two a happy ending together in fanon
IDW2: space date space date SPACE DATE. they were falling together and everything. megatron also LITERALLY tells optimus to open himself to him...to give him the matrix...yeah megs my dude i'm sure that's the ONLY thing you wanted from optimus "opening" himself. toootally positive, lol
G1 Marvel: megatron was SUPER fucking pissed and weird as shit about the time optimus died over a video game. it counts
Dreamwave: their first fight had megatron urging optimus to join him AND they disappeared together in a space bridge explosion once which is like, a fanfic-esque setup for them to be alone. also i'm pretty sure this is the continuity where optimus accidentally gave megatron a lobotomy, so...uh...potential for angst is to be had
SG: mirror universe!! evil crazy villain optimus with noble goody-goody hero megatron has so much potential for absolute chaos. bonus if you also bring in the normal versions somehow through multiverse shenanigans <3
KP: the only way this version of prime can redeem himself from the creepy underage human girl bullshit is if he gets a good hard dicking from megatron. next
Prime Wars: huge "ex-husbands go on a road trip with their disgruntled daughter" energy here. megatron also LITERALLY says "oh optimus, if only you could see me now" <3
Earthspark: again...need i say why? they're pals and working together from the get-go, what's not to ship??
Skybound: optimus literally wears megatron's arm. truly beautiful <3
TF One: it's not out yet but give it time. the entire movie is going to be about orion and d-16 being madly in love and tragically breaking up, baby!!
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groundzerosgirlfriend · 5 months
Traits they would want in a partner:
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Senku Ishigami
(This unedited so dont @ me)
Firstly. IF you ever manage to get into a relationship with the man known as Senku Ishigami you probably deserve some kind of award for having to deal with this man’s crazed scientist bullshit every day. He literally doesn’t change one bit, he's still the same Senku that’s blunt, mean, hates physical affection and mushy words. The reward for the least romantic boyfriend goes to *drumroll effect* SENKU!
Senku probably prefers someone that’s he known for a really long time I’m talking since he was at least in junior high but the further back the better and if you were in the science club with him back in high school fantastic. Meeting new people is one thing but actually having romantic feelings for them is a whole other ball game. It’s easier and less work when liking someone who already knows him inside out and vice versa instead of having to do the whole cliché ‘get to know each other’ façade over and over again.
Also, I feel like Senku has only had like maybe 2 crushes in his entire lifetime: one was some famous scientist he saw on tv talking at a press conference at the head of the table in a room full of men and the other one was in his first year of junior high when he was bested at a mathlete competition (in his defense he pulled the most brutal all-nighter the night before while working on some insane project and messed up the placement of a decimal point) by a girl who wore the chunkiest pair of glasses known to man. He quickly got over both as he had learned that realistic the possibility of this famous scientist (who was also married) falling in love with a prepubescent boy was damn near impossible (and illegal) and the girl he liked in school ended up coming out as a lesbian when she and another girl were caught kissing each other's cheek during break time.
Senku probably likes individuals that are independent and self-sufficient like Kohaku (girl boss!!) People that are clingy and to needy are not his forte’ and makes his face sneer or deadpan brutally. He doesn’t like physical affection or words of affirmation on most days he’s more of a quality time (slaving over more experiments with you doing physical labor) and gift giving (making you little trinkets from his science experiments). I mean it’s pretty obvious remember that one episode where Senku’s own dad was about to give a long emotional speech on the record but stopped because he knew Senku would ew at it. So if you’re somebody that thrives off of praise and attention then *opens the door* please see yourself out respectfully because this man is not going to give it to you. You'll be like a little dried up cactus begging for attention.
Senku likes cleanliness and organization. Senku himself is very clean and hygienic. People that are not are usually big turn off and and an even bigger *thumbs down* for him. He’s also organized despite how his experiments and projects seem to be all over the place they’re not. He knows exactly where everything is, the exact millimeter of, every beaker, of every pipette, of every pencil. It's called organized chaos. If one thing is moved without his consent or worse, his knowledge the entire room is thrown off and he has a hard time finding anything for the next 12 hours.
Personal opinion here but I feel like Senku has as dislike for bugs. Like sure. Bugs are cool to explore and on a scientific level sure but anything other than that he’s not really cheering for joy about it. I also feel like he despises getting sick, like literally any type of sickness whether it’s the common influenzas virus or even a slight stomach bug. He’s miserable and irritated and it takes a really long time to get better because although the scientist in him tells him he needs to rest the stubborn workaholic in him tells him he’ll be fine to do a few minutes of work (which ends up turning into hours-please make this man rest🙏🙏). So if you’re the type where you’re unhygienic to the point of constantly being sick or attracting like actual bugs then either you’re going to have pick up the slack on your hygiene or leave realll quick.
Senku also likes people that smart either intellectually or when they’re witty and have a sharp mouth. If they can understand and even better add in their own input when he’s going on and on about different types of minerals sharing his excitement when they make a scientific breakthrough in the stone world he thinks if he didn't believe marriage was a social construction he'd get down on one knee with some sparkly rock he *borrowed* from Chrome's rock collection. Now even if his partner isn’t all into the science *blah blah* cells *blah blah* quantum mechanics and Schrodinger's equation a partner who is sharp on his mouth will suffice jussst as well. It's makes him snicker the tiniest bit turning his head away so no one can see the grin covered on his mouth covered by his hands. People who are blunt and not softspoken are a *big thumbs* in Senku’s book why would someone who has something to say not say it? A waste of time in his head.
Senku likes a willingness to learn even if it's just about they like every now and again. He knows that science is a high broad topic that covers from up into the vacuum known as space or as to the deep as the aquatic volcanoes known in the deep blue ocean. And he knows about it all in that gorgeous brain of his. In Senku's mind everything thing revolves around science, walking-the physiology of cells to tissues, tissues to muscles and neurological brain activity to make voluntary commands, art- the primary colors created by the art starting from things like mud, bugs and fruits, oh chemicals- easy it all starts with the period table of elements starting from hydrogen all the way down to Ogganseon. Anything you like any hobby you enjoy has to involve some kind of science and if you ask some him some questions about how it works or at least how it originates he knows that somewhere in you have the curiosity of a scientist.
Likes athleticism....maybe? Honestly, I'm kind of unsure about this one because on one hand I can see him liking people that are athletic and physically fit not because he thinks that being skinny is better or anything like that but because he can definitely use you like a horse (do yall know like those short mini scenes between the episodes where Senku like dresses up as different jobs imagine him as a farmer with a straw hat on his head in overalls a piece of straw in his mouth and a riding crop in one hand whew😩😩😩) for a lot of physical labor don't worry he'll return your hard work with a treat of your choice but be prepared he will complain about your laziness and wanting to help 'humanity' but on the other hand I could see him liking people that get winded and red faced after walking up stairs or carrying a bucket of water just like he does (extra points if it's a guy like him) because if you're both low stamina and low endurance you can't tease him about his athletic abilities. So a tie maybe.
Lastly, LOVES a strong will and determination he knows that starting the stone world back to modern humanity from scratch is no easy feat hell even he has made a few mistakes while trying to figure himself out. But what he does know is that science is filled with trail and error (mostly error) and it takes a loooot of time before you actually get what you're looking for so if you're the type to give up easily after failing once or twice and turn your back to his goal of turning the world back into the modern society he once had then....I'm sorry to say it probably won't work out for you there's only so many motivational speeches this man can give before he gets annoyed and just lets you give up without any reassurance (don't worry he doesn't take it personal), besides he still has people like Chrome, Sukia, and Kohaku to help.
@instanthideoutsalad I know you said you wanted Soft Boyfriend Head cannons of Senku but I'm so uninspired with those at the moment so please accept my humble offering of this drabble I made🙏🙏🙏🙏. I swear I'll do it soon it soon. 😪😪
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danieyells · 4 months
I don't know if you've done it yet but I would like to request Ren lines? I'm having tokyo debunker Ren brainrot bro 😭.
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You're all very welcome! I love you guys too, so far! Sorry you've been deprived of lazy boi lolol HOPEFULLY THESE SATISFY YOU A LITTLE BIT.
He's a little tsundere I think. He's one of those characters who just wants to be normal but he can't just pretend to be normal because he lives surrounded by chaos so he just complains a lot lolol. . .but i think he's a good guy. Aside from that he does not help his mother captain at all.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Great, shift change. I'm gonna head out then... What? Do I really need to be here for that?"
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"I think you've got a notification... Aren't you going to look at it?"
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"Who did I disappoint in a past life to end up in Jabberwock... There's no general students or even a single other sane person, and these jumpsuits are a crime..."
"Why do I have to look after all these weird-ass animals? This is forced labor...  Ugh, they're so gross..."
"If you're just gonna stand there, could you go feed the animals in the aquatic zone?  I'm too busy."
"Ugh, why is that clown calling me... ... Whatever, I'll just let it ring out."
you know damn well that if you don't answer the phone you're gonna have to deal with Haru in person. Better to just answer it.
"Oh, hey... Could you open the link I sent you? No, you don't have to sign up or anything. Thanks."
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Ugh... Tell me how I'm supposed to sit through classes when I've been up since 4 AM? (yawn) I'm exhausted..."
well if you didn't stay up until 4am--oh who am i kidding i stayed up til like 3 watching a stream and reading datamine stuff and then I got up at like 6:30 to get ready for work I'm no better kekw.
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Ugh... I can't believe I'm hiding right now... Why the hell does that clown have to chase me around at lunch time too?"
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Preach about doing it for the sake of your friends or the animals or whatever all you want— I really don't give a shit. People who say that stuff are just deluding themselves."
i've known people with this kind of cynicism before. once he finds people care about him and a little more stability he'll come around a little more.
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Huh? I can't see that clown anywhere... Hell yes. Gonna get through my watch list. I hope he never comes back."
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I'm grinding this game on my phone, so could you not talk to me for a while? Crap, I think my RSI is flaring up..."
in Japanese he specifies tendonitis haha
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Don't people get embarrassed calling out those words when they use their stigmas? It makes them look like LARPers..."
in japanese he says they sound like they have chuunibyou which is much funnier imo lmao. also i guess that means he can say his in his head? since he'd feel embarrassed doing it aloud, maybe he's practiced already lol
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"You think I sigh a lot? Got a problem with that? You realize trying to take away people's freedom of speech is power harrassment, right?"
you're starting to sound like ritsu. gonna hurt yourself reaching like that.
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm so done... I'm out of HP... Shouldn't I be exempt from missions and classes since I'm looking after all those animals?"
well based on one of Haku's chats, you can just do missions if you don't go to class, and based on Kaito you can just go to class instead of doing missions. . .but I'm sure Haru forces him on missions anyway lol. . . .
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Pfft... The video of that clown getting attacked by that hawk thing is getting so many interacts. This editing thing's actually pretty fun."
does editing count as a creative effort? i wouldn't be surprised if he switched to Hotarubi next year if so, assuming he doesn't get used to Jabberwock and the animals. Also why didn't he get stopped by Sophy for uploading a video with an anomaly? Unless he uploaded it to an Institute social media site like WickHive or something. . . .
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Gotta change the locks so that clown can't get in again. I've bought enough padlocks to start my own business by now..."
life haru finds a way. sometimes that way is "towa, break down the door" if he runs out of lockpicking equipment.
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"My head's killing me... This is the worst... Rise and shine! my ass... It's basically still the middle of the night. Guess I should padlock my windows..."
5-6am I can understand being 'basically the middle of the night' but after that you're pushing it lmao
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"The cafeteria's way over capacity... The assholes who save seats before its even noon are ruining it for everyone else..."
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Why's my pay so low... huh? What's this deduction for? "Consultation Fee: Ritsu Shinjo..." He's seriously charging me for complaining...?"
Ritsu charges for looking at him too long. i'd try venting on wickhive over complaining to Ritsu.
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"That rabbit sure has it good. All it has to do is breathe and everyone fawns over it. Doesn't even have to feed itself. Just wait till it grows up and learns what the world's really like."
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Sup... Huh? I'm alone today. I just got up on my own since if I don't that clown'll wake me up anyway."
yeah? it's because of haru? not because of your affinity with the pc being more than half so you wanna be up earlier to spend more time with them? sure.
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Oof, nearly missed the noon raid...  Not like I'll have any time to myself once I get back to the dorm, so I guess I should do it now..."
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"No, I'm not going to sleep yet. I'm gonna watch a horror B-movie. You don't have to think, so they're the perfect thing to watch before bed."
i used to watch/listen to mts3k to go to sleep so. i feel this.
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Well done me for surviving another day... Oh, same to you too, {PC}. I don't how you can do this stuff voluntarily."
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Huh? I'm going to the campus store to buy some stuff, where are you going? Well, I'm going that way, so...bye."
not sure if shy or asocial lmao. could be both!
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"You're being forced to help out again? Wow, a doormat out in the wild. So? Where do you want me to carry all this food?"
he's helping you even though he doesn't wanna work. HE'S GOT IT BAD.
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"This? It's a video I uploaded. People seem really into it. It's of that clown getting chased by a dog and flailing around like one of those inflatable air dancers."
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"What am I doing today? Working at the diner. Oh, if you want to keep me company, feel free to come by. As long as you serve yourself."
it's not a date or anything since he's at work but like. . .he is inviting you to hang out. . . .
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Huh? You were waiting for me to get off work? Oh... Thanks. Wait, that clown put you up to this?! I'm gonna kill him..."
NO NO WE CAME HERE WILLINGLY probably. although it does seem like Haru to be like "oh hey Ren really really likes you, you should go pick him up from work! he'd love that!!" like a real nosy mom who's trying to get his son together with his crush.
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"When did it get this late? That was horrifyingly fast... I'll walk part of the way back with you. I was gonna go buy something to drink anyway..."
excuses, excuses. . . .
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"Every day here is a fresh hell, sure, but... You're suffering through it with me, so I guess I'll stick it out a little longer..."
'this sucks but you make it suck a little(a lot) less so i can keep going'. yep, that's our tsundere alright!
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"That clown's even more slap-happy than usual lately—it's horrible. Has he got spring fever or something?"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Otonashi keeps trying to make me drink some kind of rice porridge with weird flowers in it... It's actual porridge harassment."
considering the flower Towa associates with Ren is poisonous, i think it's safe to assume he is literally trying to poison him to death lmao. also wtf is porridge harassment--i even tried looking it up in japanese and the first thing that came up was someone screenshotting it and saying "what is porridge harassment" lolol
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"All this farm labor's bad enough without all the caterpillars and weird plants that are out there now...This is harassment."
what's harassing you, nature? as someone who just had to kill a huge mosquito that came into my room, nature is harassing me too.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I hate cherry blossoms. They're like the flower version of being a legacy kid— all they have to do is bloom once a year and everyone claps."
in japanese what he says is something like 'i hate them just like people born with silver spoons in their mouths'. basically he hates people born into privilege lol i bet he'd have the potential to get along well with haku until he learns he'll be inheriting a shrine. . .then again he's getting along with Ritsu in their own little way
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"This is the worst... It's not even noon yet, how is it so hot? Summer is for extroverts and party animals, I wish it could just be over already..."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"A group trip to the beach? I'd rather die. No decent person would ever go there of their own free will."
butbutbut. think of the summer skins!!!
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Summer was our busy period back home, so I always had to kill myself helping out. Now I'm here though... nothing's changed."
. . .did Ren's family run some sort of seaside shop??? And he happened to end up afraid of the ocean and hating aquatic creatures and such?
(between 8pm and 5am)
"How can the A/C be banned in the dorm...? Who gives a shit what temperature some anomalous animal that sneaks in prefers, humans should come first..."
okay i agree with him here though what the fuck kind of rule is that. can we talk to hyde about that, that's insane haru.
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Now it's getting colder, I nearly found myself feeling grateful for this tragic jumpsuit... Am I being brainwashed...?"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Fall, the season of the harvest—I'll stick with cup noodles, thanks. "Fall, the season to enjoy the outdoors"—screw that. I'm gonna make it the season of naps."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Look—I got bitten by some weird bug anomaly. To hell with the stupid bug spray ban, I'm buying some."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I feel like the mountains are rowdier when there's a full moon. Pretty sure my enemy encounter rate goes up when I'm on patrol too... Maybe I'm just imagining it."
is 'enemy encounter rate' here referring to people or anomalies. . .because if it's people then that's just because of tsukimi. . .although I wouldn't be surprised if there were a lot of anomalies or anomalies were more active on full moons.
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"There's less patrols in winter but anything involving water like washing up gets even worse... Ugh, I wish I could hibernate too..."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Since the climate in Jabberwock's so messed up, sometimes it's actually warm in winter. The blizzards are way stronger though..."
have you tried pissing towa off less?
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Oh god, I just saw what's in the diner's new Mystery Hot Pot... It's gotta be a matter of time before this place goes bust..."
i mean if they had ordinary health inspectors maybe lolol
(between 8pm and 5am)
"That clown broke my window so my room's like a freezer... Oh, don't worry. I just took his room instead."
lmao imagine Ren invites you to hang out and takes you to Haru's room instead of his like nah he broke my window so i'm using his room and he can freeze.
His birthday: (July 25th)
"You got this for me? That clown's been spreading my personal info around... No, it's fine, I'll still take it. Thanks."
i guess he doesn't really tell people his birthday, huh.
Your birthday:
"Happy birthday, {PC}. ...Isn't it kind of rude to look so surprised I'd celebrate your birthday? That came from the heart, you know."
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year. My resolution? Escaping the hell hole that is Jabberwock, for starters."
well you got here in like September or something so. you've got a while befor eyou can switch houses lmao but you can do it this year!
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"You got me chocolates? You're the type who does all this kind of stuff, huh? No, it's fine, you went to the trouble and everything so I'll take them."
i love when characters kinda mock you for doing getting them something but then they're like "nonono i want it gimme--" lolol from Ren especially it's very tsundere. poor guy wouldn't be straightforward about his feelings unless a damn life was on the line.
White Day: (March 13th)
"{PC}... Here, if you want them. I just bought the first thing I saw, so don't read into it..."
i bet it's actually really nice lolol
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Guess what? I got special permission to switch houses. That nightmare is now behind me! I wish..."
Halloween: (October 31st)
"I hope everyone who gets excited about Halloween lives in misery for the rest of their lives. Why the hell do I have to help out with this stupid themed tour?"
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Can I ask you a question, {PC}? You don't still believe in Santa Claus, do you? Never mind, it doesn't matter. Have a good Christmas."
i mean. . .after coming here santa is a plausible entity to believe in. . .if there's gonna be a santa i don't wanna be caught not believing and missing out on gifts. . . .
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Where'd she go...? Whatever. Guess I'll catch up on some of my games."
(13 affinity and above)
"Pfft... This edit's awesome. I'm a genius. I'll show {PC} when she gets back."
true bonding is sharing the funny memes you worked hard on. . . .
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"It's not like I was waiting for you or anything. It's just this hell hole is even more unbearable when you're not around..."
YEP THAT'S OUR UNFORTUNATE CUSTOMER SERVICE EMPLOYEE TSUNDERE ALRIGHT. His lines don't really get super affectionate but. They still have a charm to them when you realize how much he hides his feelings in the usual tsundere way. He likes you a lot but like. . .it's a bother and it's embarrassing. . .and what're the chances you're into him? He'll just invite you over to watch movies and play games with him and stuff. . .and tell himself it's fine to just be friends until it eats away at him. . .or until Haru spills the beans for him--
this took way too long because i got distracted like three times in the middle and my laptop started freaking out and i had to figure out why and close and reopen everything about 8 times hahaha. . . . OKAY TIME FOR ME TO GO TO BED! I hope this satisfies you a little bit!!
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ginnysgraffiti · 2 months
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mention of cannibalism, hunger, dark and sick thoughts, hallucinations, jealous lee.
&. LEE x yn.
let's say it, lee would definitely have the hardest time dealing with his jealousy.
not jealousy in general, but a sick and twisted feeling that is often joined by his hunger.
it's something capable of making him salivate, a feeling that even he doesn't fully grasp and that allows his gastric juices to make his stomach burn.
you had been dating lee for a few months now, and you thought you knew everything about his needs, habits and nature even if you never actually saw him feeding.
lee loved you more than anything in the world, reason why he always managed to keep his emotions under control when simple friends used to hang out with you. he knew you were pretty close with your friends, and he would have never dared to touch any of them.
however, the situation degenerates slightly at times.
you two usually go to the amusement park every now and then, eat pink cotton candy and enjoy the rides.
lee is someone who particularly appreciates the stalls where you can win prizes, that's something you soon learned.
that's why, while he was busy buying big portions of cotton candy for two, you decided to give it a try and approach a stand.
it was the classic game where most of the children lost, often because the stall workers cheated so as not to let them win.
a few meters away from the stall counter there was a table, a few tin cans in a perfect pyramid on the wooden surface.
"hey there. you wanna try?" the black-haired pale guy that worked for that stand walked towards you, taking out a little softball ball from a bucket and letting it roll on the counter.
"i think i'm supposed to pay first." you said.
"pretty girls don't need to pay." he smirked back, and you felt sick in your stomach.
lee could arrive anytime and you were preparing for the worst, even if he wouldn't just jump on that guy anyway. right?
"so? you could try to win a peluche."
you stared at the white ball, slightly dirty by the mud.
"are you alone? what's your name?"
"i'm y/n...my boyfriend should actually be around. he was buying cotton candy."
"oh, wait! was it that tall weirdo with red curls?"
you nodded, annoyed, and he smirked again, this time leaning closer.
"c'on, you deserve better. he's quite creepy, ya know?"
"he's not creepy..."
"whatever. are you sure you're safe around him? i close at eleven, by the way. my name's mike."
yeah, well, you didn't ask.
you just prayed for lee to come back as soon as possible.
for how long can a person be gone for if it's just some damn cotton candy? maybe he was just smoking. but what if he needed to 'feed' already?
you sighed nervously and grabbed the ball, aiming the highest can.
it went in on the first try, and your blood ran cold when the mike chuckled, handing you another ball.
that's when you realise how close he was to you, on the other side of the counter, caressing your right arm with a slow gesture.
"what...are you doing?"
"just helping you concentrate. come on, another throw."
you almost threw up instead.
your hand reached for the ball, but someone pressed you against the counter from behind, hugged your waist and took the ball from your hand.
"anything going on here?"
your limbs froze.
it was lee, he was finally back with two big sticks of cotton candy, but his body was as cold as dead and as still as rock.
you had always pictured him as your caring boyfriend with a strange nature, but now...he was creepy.
teenagers were shouting on the rollercoasters, kids were running to get candies or donuts and their moms were going after them.
the amusement park couldn't have been louder, the chaos couldn't have been more disturbing, but you couldn't take in or see anything else except lee's presence and the deafening noise of a kitchen oven ringing.
your whole body went limp, your skin stood up with goosebumps and your knees felt like abandoning you.
why hadn't you been scared of him before?
why haven't you run away yet?
what is it exactly you thought you could know about him? about what he had done? about what he does?
was the amount of dark things all summed up that got you almost calm, relaxed but without actually realising what you were signing up for?
you never witnessed lee feeding, and he always told you it had to stay that way.
you never felt the need to even imagine the things he would be capable of, but now that his bony cold fingers were hugging your waist you couldn't see anything else except the danger mike was already in.
not that you cared, but your mind was now somewhere else and you could feel a slight gag rising in your sore and dry throat as the last bit of lucidity was fighting to keep your body real and attached to the ground.
you could picture lee drinking mike down, almost drowning in mike's blood, chewing, swallowing, digesting.
you didn't even drink that night, but you knew you were having hallucinations. or at least you hoped, even tho they were reflections of things that lee does for real.
you couldn't tell why, but now he looked like a butcher to you.
a person who slaughters animals, dresses their flesh, sells their meat, giving each one a small paper label. stapling the tongue, the liver, the pancreas, the...
"so? what were you two talking about?" lee insisted, and now he was looking at mike more than ever. his eyes looked dark, almost completely black without the eye balls, glassy, distant, sickening relaxed.
if looks could kill, the stand worker would have already reduced himself as a pool of dark blood with a knife crossing his chest.
"nothing...sorry bud." mike whispered.
"oh yeah? nothing...? why were you touching her?"
what did you expect when you met lee?
that he would be like a normal person, looking like a normal person to you and others?
"let's go, come on." he grabbed you by your waist and your dizziness and nausea vanished as he kissed your lips.
he was smiling, taking your hand in his, handing you the cotton candy stick.
"have you fed?"
"i asked you if you already ate." you whispered, insisting on the last word to awake one of his senses.
your boyfriend smiled again.
"no. i bought two hot dogs, i wanted to eat with you."
he found a nearby bench and sat comfortably, looking at the children running and playing around.
maybe it was all a dream, maybe you were imagining and making things bigger than they were.
but still, your mind wondered if the person who almost acted on their hunger at the stand was even lee.
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loviatarsluv · 2 months
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chapter one: lavender silk
pairing: Gale x f!tav (my own oc, Elara)
(takes place mostly after the events of the game with some flashbacks sprinkled throughout)
rating: mature
CW: (f) masturbation and (separately) (m) masturbation, fantasizing about one another and pining and yearning and aching for each other while being in the same house (I mean seriously guys)
in summary: After the fall of the brain, and her home having been destroyed in the chaos, Gale offers Elara sanctuary with him back in Waterdeep. She struggles to deal with the feelings she has been harboring for him and the guilt that she’d been the one to prevent either of them from taking the relationship any further a few months prior. Yearning and pining ensues
a/n: rewrite of this gale fic because I lost inspiration and motivation for it a while back but I miss writing about my sweet wizard man and also I want to write romantic gale smut !!!! I crave it I need it !!!!
word count: 6.8k
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She has always loved the color brown. 
It was easily one of the most overlooked colors, one so common you almost forget it entirely— one we so easily take for granted. 
Yet, some of the most lovely things in life come in the warmest shades of brown. 
A cup of hot tea on a chilly day while the rain pours and patters against the windows. The leather bindings of her favorite book that brought her boundless comfort more times than she could count on either hand, worn from the years of reading it and tucking it into her bag so that it was always at her side. The rough bark of the great oak tree near the tower in Waterdeep. 
She spends many mornings sitting on the roots of that tree, the large and weathered trunk shielding her from the harsh rays of the rising morning sun, either reading a book she nabbed from the library in his office or scribbling nonsense in her notebook. 
Occasionally her newly befriended tressym companion, Tara,  joins her, sitting beside her and allowing the sun to warm just the back half of her, basking her fur and wings in a beautiful golden glow. There are brown spots on her fur. She’s lovely. 
The loveliest of things, though, were the things she tried with everything within her not to think about— like Gale Dekarios’ long chestnut brown hair, or the silver streaks that adorned the dark waves near the top of his head like it were a crown atop a prince’s, and the way he would tie it back into a messy half updo that perfectly accentuated his face and neck. The small pieces of hair that would fall into his eyes that she so desperately wanted to brush away. His perfectly groomed facial hair that had matching gray streaks and how he’d run his hands through the bristles on his cheeks or rake his fingers through his hair when he was deep in thought. 
And his eyes— gods, his damned eyes. So warm and kind and full of a genuine sweetness that she’d never seen in another person’s eyes before. Eyes that seemed to read her so well as if she were a book he had read a dozen or more times, especially when she least wanted her pages to be turned. Eyes that when in the right lighting, appeared golden, like the richest honey in all of Faerun. Eyes that really seemed to see her. Many had looked at her before— few had ever really seen her. 
No, she certainly didn’t think about it. Not often, really. 
Only when his hands would brush against hers as he took the scroll from her hands that he kindly asked her to fetch for him. Or when he would utter a groggy but kindhearted good morning to her as he ambled into the kitchen first thing in the morning, the first light of dawn breaking through the parted dark velvet curtains that drape over the large windows, the golden streams beaming on him in just the right way to make him appear otherworldly. Or when she would fall asleep on the chaise in the study and wake to find a blanket draped over her body. 
Not often. Not really.
One would assume it would become easier after a while; to be in his presence and not ache at every smile, or every laugh, or every kind gesture he ever made. But it wasn’t a simple ache that could be balmed by rest and a special tea or a healing potion— it was consuming. It flooded her veins and extended to every extremity of her aching body.
Only made worse by the fact that the blame for her own misery fell solely upon her own shoulders. 
The thought of that night made her shudder— what a fool she’d been and continues to be. 
The others always teased her, telling her that the obvious pining was painful to witness to which she would shake her head and refuse to admit that every part of her physically hurt to see him struggle, or how badly she wanted to hold him until the stars burned out of the sky and shield him from all that threatened him. 
Selfishly, the original reason she’d given herself to justify ignoring her feelings was the orb— it was safer for everyone that way, at the time. 
Then when Elminster stabilized it she scrambled to find a new excuse, settling for the fact that he had been considering detonating the orb, as Mystra intended. 
It was to save herself from the heartache of loving someone who in a matter of days would be reduced to mere stardust and wasted potential due to a spiteful god whom she had once worshiped herself. 
Then when she had finally successfully talked him off of the proverbial edge, she was at a loss. What was truly stopping her from loving him as she knew she would whether she expressed it to him or not? 
She turned him down the night prior, but so much transpired in such a short time that the opportunity to rectify it never came to pass. 
And now, here she remained, reaping the bitter consequences of her own lack of communication. 
She watched Gale read a letter that Shadowheart sent for them as he sat at his large mahogany desk, his glasses balancing just at the end of his nose and his brows furrowed as he read. His expression didn’t change or seem anything other than relaxed as he read, so she took that as a good sign. She relaxed slightly into the plush cushions of the chaise, a weight she didn’t realize she’d been bearing lifting off of her shoulders. 
She lounged on her favorite spot in his office where she would spend hours reading and researching with him, or where she would sit as she intently listened to him bestow her with random tidbits of knowledge that he found riveting, his cadence as he spoke about it making her feel just as excited by it as he was. 
“I wonder how many more times any one of them will promise to visit before they actually do,” she jokes, breaking the comfortable silence. 
Gale huffs air from his nose, never looking up at her from the assortment of scrolls, parchment, and tomes scattered across the surface of his desk. “Knowing them, they have all got their hands quite full in their own lives. Especially Shadowheart. I imagine keeping Astarion in check is keeping her on her toes.” 
She chuckles lightly and sighs, leaning her cheek against the back of the chaise. “I imagine you’re probably right.” 
Another comfortable silence fills the room, as it often did while Gale busied himself with whatever studies he found pressing enough to indulge in, these days mostly consisting of vampirism and potential cures or anything to aid with the symptoms, at her request as Astarion outright refused to ask Gale himself. 
She typically assisted with this, finding her own books and tomes to sift through for any pertinent information that could assist in any way, but today her mind was anywhere but in the present. Each page she had tried to read looked as though they’d been written in unintelligible scrawl.
She quietly hops off of the lounger and pads over to the large open window on the other side of the room, perching herself on the windowsill and gazing at the vast expanse of the ocean below, the sun shimmering on it in hues of orange and pink as it began to set over the horizon. 
The breeze is pleasant and the faint salty scent of the ocean drifts toward her with the wind and fills her senses. Her eyes shut as she indulges in it for a few moments, feeling a kind of serenity that she hadn’t felt in a while. 
When she finally opens her eyes, she finds Gale has turned in his seat and is watching her with a peaceful grin on his face. She holds his gaze for a moment before she has to tear herself away as she squirms under his intense gaze. 
“Would you care to accompany me for a stroll? It’s a beautiful evening,” he asks, leaning against the back of the chair, his chin tilted up as he watched her.
Gods, give me strength, she thinks to herself. How could she ever think living in the same tower as this man was a wise decision? 
“It is,” she nearly chokes out, then clears the lump from her throat. “Almost reminds me of—”
“That evening in the Shadow Cursed Lands. When I showed you Waterdeep. This very room, to be exact.” He reminisces, his tone neither bitter, nor pleasant. She hadn’t expected him to bring it up, and the shock of it nearly caused her to topple over the sill and fall out of the open window. 
Gale jolts in his seat, preparing to rescue her from her own potential idiotic demise, before she quickly hops down and plants her feet firmly on the ground and shoots him a reassuring glance. 
“I’m alright,” she holds her hands in front of her, her breathing uneven as she recovers. 
“I don’t think my heart can handle being around you, at times,” he jokes. His eyes widen and his face pales, and he clears his throat nervously before he continues. “I didn’t mean it that way, it’s just— that’s the second— no, third— time you’ve nearly fallen out of that window. I am beginning to consider casting an arcane lock on the damned thing.” 
I don’t think my heart can handle being around you.
Her stomach flips and somersaults as she replays it in her head a million times over within a second, despite him quickly correcting himself. Little did he know, she felt very much the same way around him, but likely for an entirely different reason. 
“Apologies,” she whispers, her eyes dropping to the floor sheepishly. “I’ve never been exactly graceful.” 
He sighs, silently chuckling and shaking his head. “So I’ve gathered. Though, you could always hold your own in battle, to your own credit.” 
He stands and joins her in front of the window, closing his eyes and letting his head fall back slightly as he mimics what she’d done just moments prior, minus the potential self-defenestration.
A stronger breeze passes, blowing back his chestnut waves and his lavish looking robes with it. His slightly aged and weathered skin bathed in the peachy hues from the sunset made him appear as if he’d been painted rather than real and standing just beside her. She shudders. 
“What do you say?” He asks, turning to her once again, his hands clasped behind his back. 
She swallows hard. The thought of a stroll in the warm twilight with him while she was in this state could potentially prove to be disastrous. She fiddles with the bottom hem of her blouse as it flowed loosely down her frame, her gaze fixed on a random point far off into the horizon. 
“I—I’m actually not feeling very well… I believe I may need to lie down for a bit. But perhaps… another time?” She stammers, her voice meek and unconvincing. At least to herself. 
Stupid, stupid. 
Gale nods, but is unable to entirely mask his disappointment, a slight frown gracing his features that would almost be impossible to notice if it weren’t for his always expressive eyes. Her heart nearly shatters at the way his dark irises resembled a puppy who’d just been denied a treat. Was it too late to take it back? 
“Are you well? Is there anything I can do for you?” He takes a step closer, concern replacing the disappointment in his eyes as his brows softened and his hand raised as if he was going to reach for her, before quickly lowering it and dropping it to his side. 
Her body stiffens and her back straightens, her heart pounding. How did she get to this point— where something as simple as him extending base level kindness to her was enough to affect her this greatly? It was torture— and the more time she spent with him, the more she ached to bridge the seemingly vast gap between them. To be close to him in every way, to tangle herself in him and pray the knots never loosen. 
But she had already accepted that she’d ruined her chances many months ago, and that it would be best to try to move forward until the feeling eventually fades as if it had never been present to begin with. That, for now, all she could do was endure. 
“I’m fine, really. I think I just… perhaps I just need a nice relaxing bath, some time to myself.” She offers, throwing it out meaninglessly then realizing that a hot bath sounded absolutely divine. 
An unreadable expression flashes across his face for a flicker of an instant before he recomposes, then smooths the front of his coat down with his hands and clears his throat. He offers her his usual warm grin, and nods. 
“By all means. Perhaps I’ll start dinner while you do. It should be done by the time you’ve finished.” 
She can’t hold back the thankful smile that teases the corners of her mouth.
She nods. “That sounds good. Thank you.” 
Without exchanging another word, they disperse, him retreating downstairs and her essentially running to her room to grab her towels and toiletries. 
She grabs two towels, one for her body and one for her hair, then the soap that she’d gotten the last time she went to the market to pick up a few of her personal essentials. The shopkeeper let her know that it was a special soap, made particularly with ingredients that had calming effects on the user. 
How appropriate. 
She pads out of her room, closing the door behind her and making her way to the large washroom at the far end of the hallway. 
Gale had a way of leaving his mark on every space he inhabited, and this one was no exception. 
The room was cozy, draped in various deep violet curtains and several houseplants that looked as if they’d been cared for by the most skilled of botanists, not a single dead leaf or weak stem. 
There were robes neatly hung on the wall closest to the large clawfoot tub on one end of the room— his robes. She mindlessly runs her hand across the soft fabric of one of them, noticing a small tear in the collar and a few scuffs and singed marks throughout it. She imagines what mischief he’d gotten himself into while wearing it, and whether she had been present for it. A smile creeps across her face at the thought. 
She tears herself away from her thoughts and his clothes (that still smelled strongly of him), and approaches the tub, turning the ornate handle for the hot water and watching it run, slowly filling the marble basin. She perches herself on the edge of the tub, staring blankly into the rippling water. 
She thinks of how many times Gale had probably done the exact same thing as she was doing right now— how he would sink himself into the water and finally rest his weary and aching bones, and wash away the stresses of the day even if it were only for the small duration of him being enveloped in the comforts of a warm bath. She wonders if he ever— 
No. Another thing she absolutely could not think about. A thought to avoid at all costs if she intended on ever being able to look him in the eye again. It was hard enough already as it was.
The tub finally fills just as she shakes her head to clear herself of the beginnings of what were certainly very perverse and not very platonic thoughts, thankfully allowing her to now focus on something else. She quickly disrobes, folding her clothes neatly and setting them aside on the chair in the corner of the room— a habit she’d picked up from watching him do it and knowing that neatness was his preference in most things. 
The room, apart from the heat radiating off of the water in the tub, is chilly against her flushed skin, instantly raising gooseflesh all over her as she peels away the thin layers of clothing she’d been wearing. The tile feels icy against the bare soles of her feet as she returns to the tub, reaching over and grabbing the soap off of the shelf she’d placed it on earlier as she begins to submerge herself. 
The second her body dipped below the surface and the warm water completely enveloped her, she felt all tension in her body release like it had never been there to begin with. She hadn’t even used the soap yet and she felt the calming effects of it from the smell alone as she dunked it underwater. Lavender and a hint of citrus. 
Sometimes she caught a whiff of lavender when the window in the kitchen was open and the breeze would jostle the lavender plant that sat on the sill. She remembered Gale telling her that he loved the smell of fresh lavender. Not that that was the reason she bought the soap. Not at all. Not really.
Her body sinks lower and lower into the bath until only her nose and everything above it remains above the waterline, her slow breaths causing ripples in the water. 
Her mind wanders back to him— picturing him with his hair down, loose and wet tresses falling over his face, tan skin glistening. The long column of his neck stretched, Adam’s apple bobbing with his head thrown back as he—
No, no. 
Gods. What is wrong with me?
She clenches her legs together, in hopes to subvert the throbbing between her legs. She leans her head back against the edge of the tub, inhaling a shuddering breath. 
Maybe this was what she needed— just a minute of bliss. Her own personal bliss. 
Against her better judgment, her hand slowly travels down her body, but in her mind it was his; the way his roughened hands would feel as they trailed the length of her torso. The way his fingers would feel as they chased her pleasure, coaxing it out of her the way one would coax an animal out of the shadows. 
Was he as giving of a lover as she pictured? Was he selfish? Did it even matter? 
Her breath catches in her throat as her fingers expertly circle the swollen bud where most of her pleasure resides, now realizing how badly she’d needed this. Release. Guilt aside. 
Unaware and completely lost in her fantasies, soft moans and cries fell from her lips, some sounding suspiciously close to his name. She couldn’t care less in this moment, she was already so close—
“Oh, hells!” 
The door had burst open, Gale standing slack jawed in the doorway for a second that felt like several before quickly shielding his eyes.
She gasps loudly, reflexively standing from the tub, before realizing that was worse than just staying where she was, one hand moving to cover her mouth in shock and the other arm shielding her chest to maintain whatever shred of modesty or dignity she had left.
“I— I thought—  your bedroom door was closed, so I assumed you were— forgive me! I just—  um—” He clamors over himself trying to make any sort of sense at all, never moving his hand an inch out of the way of his eyes, closing them tightly for good measure. “D-Dinner is finished and on the table waiting for you when you’re ready. Take your time.” 
He darts out of the room, slamming the door behind him and the sound of hurried footsteps down the hall preceding. 
What in the hells just happened?!
Her heart pounds anxiously in her chest as if it were a wardrum and she’s almost certain that she might actually die of embarrassment. That is if she doesn’t resort to drowning herself in the leftover bathwater to avoid going downstairs and facing him, first. 
That seemed like the safest option. Sinking back down into the water and staying there until she rotted away. 
She remained in the water for what felt like both an eternity and not nearly long enough until the water had officially turned cold, sincerely debating dunking her head under and not letting herself up for air to spare herself the misery of facing Gale after—
Oh, gods, how much did he hear? How much did he see? 
She groans loudly, covering her flushed and surely beet red face with both hands. Her shriveled fingers and hands serve as a sign to dry off, much to her dismay. 
Fine. The world’s most awkward dinner ever, it is. 
She quickly stands again and wraps one of the towels around her body, then the other around her shoulders for extra coverage before peeking her head out of the door, checking if the coast was clear before dashing down the hallway and into the safety of her bedroom. 
Once inside, she shuts the door with a loud click, then leans against the wood and sighs. 
Within one singular day, within at least an hour of each other, she’d rejected his very kind offer of a nice walk under the sunset, and he’d walked in on her in what could only be the worst situation for him to walk in on, and he’d likely seen her entire naked body.  
They had experienced their fair share of awkward exchanges in all of their time knowing each other, but nothing quite as catastrophic as this. What could she even say? Should she pretend it never happened? Should she apologize?
Her back slides down the wooden door until she lands on the floor with a loud thud, her head dejectedly falling against her knees as she pulls them to her chest. 
Accidents happen, and he just so happened to accidentally manage to walk into the washroom at the exact moment her fingers were inside herself and she’d let his name slip from her lips which he may or may not have heard. Things happen. It’s fine. 
She recalls him saying that her bedroom door was shut and that was why he assumed it was safe for him to come in. She’s not sure why him noticing something like that made her stomach twist and do flips as if she were tumbling very suddenly down a hill, but it did all the same. She wonders what other things he notices about her, if anything else at all. The thought makes her throat run dry.
With a huff, she stands. She paces around the room for another few or ten minutes before her stomach begins to rumble. Shit. 
She pulls on an oversized blouse that fell well past the top of her thighs as well as a comfortable pair of pants, feeling the need to cover as much of herself as possible to maybe cancel out the fact that he’d seen everything only moments ago. It didn’t work, of course, but it was worth a try. 
Realizing that he was probably sitting at the table and waiting for her to join him before he began eating, as he always did, she finally forces herself to face the inevitable. 
Perhaps he hadn’t seen anything. 
She peeks around the corner and sees him exactly where she expected him to be— the same seat he always sat in for any meals, opposite the chair she always occupied, staring blankly down at his plate, massaging his temples with his fingertips. He looks equally as perturbed by their encounter as she does, and she can’t tell if that is a comfort to her or if it made her want to run while she had the chance. 
She catches a flash of auburn and gray fur as Tara flies in from an open window and perches herself on the table beside Gale. He doesn’t acknowledge her physically, but utters a quiet ‘hello, Tara’ that sounds more like a groan. 
“Mr. Dekarios, you look as though you’ve seen a ghost!” She chirps, pawing at his bicep with concern. “Where is my favorite reading companion? Have you finally scared her off?”
Gale swats her paw off of his arm and shoots her a look of annoyance. “Not now, Tara.”
“Did something happen between you two? About time, I say. I do rather like having her around, you know.” The feathered feline continues, pacing in front of Gale and nearly stepping right in the middle of his plate before he scoots it away.
“I fear she may run for the hills like a bat out of a crypt after today,” He groans. “I’ve made a complete ass of myself. It seems to be my specialty these days.” 
“Mr. Dekarios, I may just be a simple tressym but I have it on good authority she won’t go anywhere.” Tara says, her tone meaningful and full of insinuation as she pokes and prods Gale’s arm once again. 
He looks at his companion with soft eyes full of despair, his entire body seeming to sag in his seat in contrast to his usually perfect and poised posture. “I hope you’re right.”
Silence fills the room as Tara comfortingly bumps her head against Gale’s shoulder, eliciting a sweet smile from him that makes her insides feel fuzzy. She waits a few moments more before exiting the stairway so as to not appear suspicious or that she’d been eavesdropping. Her steps are extra quiet as she carefully tiptoes into the dining room. Tara notices her first and greets her warmly. 
“Elara! There you are! How are you, my friend?” Tara calls to her, strutting across the large wooden surface of the dinner table to her side, sitting right next to her plate. 
She glances at Gale for a brief moment, his eyes boring into her as if he were anticipating something terrible to come from her mouth. She offers him a shy smile, then turns her attention back to Tara. 
“I’m well, thank you. I missed you this morning, Tara. Find any juicy pigeons to snack on?” She jokes, patting her head gently. Tara purrs and bumps her head against Elara’s palm, almost appearing to smile at the affectionate gesture. Gale’s eyes darted back and forth between his two companions rapidly, an unreadable expression on his face. 
She tilts her head at him in a silent inquiry, to which he simply waves his hand and invites her to sit.
“Oh, yes, of course. You’ll have to come with me some day.” She offers, and Elara chuckles. As silly as it was, she knew how sweet it was for Tara to invite her to join her for a hunt, regardless of whether or not she ever actually would. 
“I’d love to.”
The chair legs squeal as she pulls it out from under the table and sits, eyeing her plate and finding that somehow her food was still steaming hot as if it were fresh, while Gale’s appeared to have gone cold and stale. 
“I warmed it for you.” He says, answering her question before she even had the chance to ask. She smiles a grateful smile before taking a bite, not realizing just how hungry she’d been until the very second the food landed on her taste buds.
They eat mostly in silence, aside from the sound of Gale’s fork scraping against the plate as he pushes his food around. She wants to ask why he didn’t bother to heat his own plate as well, but doesn’t want to pry. Perhaps he just wasn’t that hungry. 
The echoes of something she overheard Gale say in response to Tara’s teasing linger in her mind, reverberating off of the walls of her skull as if he’d shouted them into the mouth of a cave. 
I hope you’re right. 
He hoped she’d stay. He wants her to stay. 
The sound of Tara taking flight startles her from her thoughts, catching a glimpse of the tail end of her as she flies toward the staircase, likely heading to her favorite spot in Gale’s office on a blanket right in front of the fireplace. The departure of what acted as the buffer for the awkward tension between the two of them made it impossible to ignore the proverbial owlbear in the room. 
“I should have—”
“I’m sorry you saw—”
They stare at each other for a moment, then both chuckle.
“You first.” She says quietly, her smile dying as she braces herself. 
Gale’s voice cracks nervously, and he clears his throat before trying again. “I apologize again— for earlier. I should have knocked.” 
She waves him off, dropping her gaze back down to her plate as she pokes and prods at the vegetables that remained. “Things happen.” 
He clears his throat, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. “I just fear that I’ve made you uncomfortable more than once today.” 
Now her gaze is locked right on him, confusion coating her features. When he notices, he sighs. 
“When I asked you if you wanted to go for a stroll. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” 
Gods, why is he so damn considerate? 
“No, no,” she says, her voice softening and her eyes matching it. “You didn’t make me uncomfortable at all.”
It’s his turn to be confused now, his eyebrows knitted together and mouth pressed into a line. “Why did you say no, then?” 
What answer could she give him that wasn’t entirely incriminating? ‘I said no because I’m hopelessly, idiotically in love with you and you make me nervous’? Not a chance. 
“I… I’m just feeling a bit off today. It’s nothing, I just— I would rather not burden you with my issues.” 
He eyes her and suddenly it’s like she’s completely naked under his gaze once again, only she nearly feels even more exposed now than she did when she was actually naked. He can tell there’s more to it, but he doesn’t push. He never pushes.
“Well, do know that I’m always here if you need to talk. If there’s something burdening you, I don’t mind helping you carry the load.” 
Only there isn’t anything he can do to help— hells, even this conversation is doing the very opposite of helping. 
“Thank you, Gale. Really.” She smiles sheepishly. “I’m sorry you— you know.”
He waves his hand in front of him as he goes to take a long gulp of his wine. He barely finishes swallowing before he speaks again. “You’ve no need to apologize.”
Silence fills the room again. Lighter, this time, at least, but not lacking most of the tension it held before. There were things unsaid on both ends, both too scared to break the peace. So silent it remained. 
She clears her throat after a while and after she’d finished her dinner. “Thank you, for dinner. Delicious, as always.” 
“My pleasure,” He breathes, pushing his chair back and standing with his plate in hand. “I apologize, but I may turn in early tonight. Don’t worry about your dishes, I will take care of them in the morning.”
She watches him as he scrapes his plate into the waste bin and then places it in the sink basin, rubbing his hands together before turning to head for the stairs. He breezes past her and she catches a whiff of that familiar scent she’d caught from the robes hanging in the bathroom— sandalwood, bergamot, and a hint of old parchment. Something she would try not to think about if she weren’t reminded of it everyday that she spent surrounded by him, still feeling as though he were in the room with her even when he was away.
Just before his foot lands on the first stair, she turns and calls to him. He pauses, turning his entire body at the sound of her voice.
“Goodnight, Gale.” 
He beams at her, his smile reaching his deep brown eyes that she could see the twinkle in even from across the room. She swears she would be able to see it from miles away.
“Goodnight, Elara.” 
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Lavender. Gale loved the smell of lavender. 
It lingered throughout the halls and wafted out from the washroom for hours after her bath, and he found himself stopping just outside the doorway without realizing it, as if some invisible force was drawing him to it. As if that smell were a siren’s call, and he was a fisherman lost at sea being lured right into her claws. He smelled it on her when she came downstairs, her long azure tinted waves still damp and falling in her face, her skin still flushed from the warmth of the water. 
Selfishly, he could not get the image of her out of his head— the elegant curves of her body and the way it glistened as the hazy light of dusk paired with candlelight cast an ethereal glow that almost made her seem like nothing more than a conjured illusion. Though, he was sure no wizard would ever be able to conjure something as meticulously crafted as her, something that exquisite couldn’t have even been sculpted by the gods. 
The muffled sound of her voice from the other side of the door replayed in his mind as well; he hadn’t heard much, but what he did hear almost sounded like—
It felt wrong and he felt the crushing weight of guilt on his shoulders for violating her privacy tenfold, and yet, his brain could not seem to let him forget for even a fraction of a second. He was incredibly thankful he was able to make it downstairs and hide his arousal under the table before she saw him again and was truly put off by him once and for all. He cursed himself internally for being unable to contain himself— one can’t always be a gentleman, it seems.  
It was purely a miracle that he managed to contain himself as he walked past her to finally retire to his bedroom after what felt like the most mentally exhausting day. It was a miracle every day that he managed to contain himself around her, really. 
Especially on days that she wore dresses— he adored dresses on her. He pictured taking her for a proper evening out in Waterdeep. Greeting her at the door with flowers, walking hand in hand and buying her dinner, showing her all of his favorite places in the city he loved most in the world, then kissing her goodnight on the stoop and smiling like a giddy schoolboy the entire rest of the night after they departed. 
He’d been enraptured by her from the first moment he laid eyes on her, that fateful day on that beach amongst the wreckage and chaos. Her face being the first he saw as he emerged from that portal felt all too fitting, as hers was the only face he had been able to think of or dream of for months now.  
Even after she turned him down in the Shadow Cursed Lands, his affinity for her did not subside. If anything, it burned brighter and brighter in the weeks that followed as she showed more care for him than another person aside from his mother and his tressym had done for him in what felt like a lifetime. As she did everything in her power to save her friends one by one, as well as the rest of the world. 
After it was all said and done and he’d seen that look in her eyes after the brain and the crown fell into the Chionthar, and all of her newly acquired friends had departed while she remained— he knew he could not allow her to think she had nowhere or no one in the world to turn to. 
While you’d think having the object of your desires right within your own home at all times would make things easier— it did not. It only further complicated an already somewhat complicated situation. 
He valued his friendship with her greatly, and feared that he would jeopardize it if he attempted anything romantic— but something was telling him he needed to try. To be patient and if nothing ever came of it, he would give her a safe place to lay her head at night. 
She was worth trying for. She was worth everything. 
Now, he’s tormented by her being so close and yet not close enough to touch. To occupy the same home as her, but never the same space was downright agonizing. 
She had become the bane of his very existence, only because every day she made it even harder to resist her. 
For example, the way she interacted with Tara— whom, mind you, generally disliked most other humans or humanoid creatures aside from himself and his mother— the way Tara greeted her with such ardor, not too different from the way she would greet him. The way she not only allowed her to pet her head, but even purred as she did so. Tara is many things, but easily swayed by people is not one of them. And yet, she welcomes her into their home as if she’d always been there. As if she’d been simply waiting for her to come home all this time. 
It had begun to feel that way for Gale as well— his heart ached at the thought of her finding her own place and leaving. While he respected her decisions no matter what they may be, he could not deny that he’d miss her presence in this house much more. 
He felt himself going mad. Absolutely and truly around the bend crazy over her. 
He certainly wasn’t proud of what he’d done the second he made it into his bedchamber for the night. 
To make matters worse, it wasn’t even the first time he’d done such a thing. 
The pained straining of his erection against his clothing was making his entire body ache along with it, as if it were punishing him for neglecting it for as long as he had. The second he released it from the confines of his pants and underclothes, a bead of precum leaked and he groaned. 
Gods, this is madness. 
Perhaps maybe if he did this, he could get it out of his system and forget about it all in the morning. Yes, he thought, that makes perfectly logical and reasonable sense. 
He clumsily strips his day clothes off apart from his underwear, uncharacteristically discarding it into a heap beside his bed before jumping into the expanse of the large mattress in the center of the room and making himself comfortable. 
He looks down at his own pathetically swollen and throbbing cock, and he almost wishes he could call her into his room and show her the effect she has on him. 
He pictures her long dazzling blue tresses fanned out across the pillows at the head of the bed, the way her tanned complexion would be complimented so beautifully by the violet silk sheets beneath her, her legs spread wide for him, like an offering. The way he’d devour her and drink her in as if she were the richest wine or the sweetest peach in all of Faerun. The way his name would sound cried from her lips in pure ecstasy. 
The thought alone was enough to bring him closer to the edge— hells, he was sure he’d been on the brink of orgasm for longer than he would like to admit. He was almost certain the second he began to pump himself into his fist that he’d be done for. 
He started slowly, hoping to savor it for at least a few minutes and give himself more time to indulge in his fantasies. His chest heaved and his cheeks flushed with desire. He had to bite down onto his fingers to try to keep himself quiet on the off chance that she would overhear him. 
Despite his efforts, he grunted softly as his pace quickened, now pumping himself with a steady rhythm that felt right— that if he closed his eyes, he could picture her on top of him, riding him like her life depended on it. 
That didn’t last long, as within a minute he was spilling onto his own chest and coming completely undone, chanting her name in breathy whispers over and over as if it were a prayer. 
He grips himself as he rides out the aftershocks until the sensation was entirely too much and he had to let go, his entire body going limp and exhaustion finally presenting itself to him and each one of the muscles he’d just expended in that process. He looks down wearily at the mess he’d made of himself, and throws his head back into the pillows. 
He wonders if her pillows smell of lavender. He imagines that they do. 
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needforspeed161 · 11 days
Some IceMav head cannons I thought up as I drank my coffee this morning 💙
I absolutely LOVE icemav fics where there’s some soft domestic fluff in the mornings, like whether they’re 25 or 50, they’ll wake eachother up with soft kisses and snuggles.
Mav bringing Ice his coffee just the way he likes it, as they enjoy the morning before they have to get ready for work or (if they’re retired) maybe read the paper together and decide what to do that day. Ice wants to invite the daggers over for a home cooked brunch because even though he’s the COMPACFLT and acts all tough, he wants the younger pilots (their adopted kids) to have a nice home cooked meal every so often. Ice LOVES to cook for them. Plus he knows from years of experience that mess hall food isn’t always the best.
They love having them all over for game nights too, be it monopoly, life, scrabble, whatever game Maverick decides to pull out from his extensive collection (carrier life isn’t that exciting at times so I imagine he collected alot of board games over the years)
His favorite being an old beat up box of operation he and Goose used to play on the ship for HOURS, the gentle sway of the carrier made it all the more challenging and fun.
Ice even remembers getting wrapped up into a couple games with slider as well, he’s sure he lost hundreds of dollars to Maverick and goose with that damn game over the years 😂
They also like to invite the flyboys over for poker nights, barbecues, movies. Whatever they feel like doing that night.
Hollywood and Wolfman and Slider more than happy to come spend the evening with two of their oldest friends. A couple times they were even able to get Merlin, and Sundown over as well.
They held Cougars first grandkids birthday in their backyard. Complete with bouncy house and everything. Even though ice insisted “Maverick darling he’s turning one….i don’t think he’ll need a bounce house…” which was met with “cmon Tom please!”
Maverick ended up playing in it more than the kids did. And when the Daggers began to flow in you know that thing was filled with pilots. Chaos ensued and let’s just say Ice was worried he wouldn’t get the deposit back. But as soon as he seen the happiness on mavericks and the daggers faces his worried just seemed to melt away.
Wolf even managed to drag Hollywood in at one point.
Maverick loves pictures, he has ever since he was a boy and all he had to remember his parents were some photos. Pictures slowly began to fill their walls and countertops over the years. Old ones of his parents, Him and Goose or Goose and Carole holding Bradley when he was a baby.
Younger pictures of him and Ice, graduating Top Gun and several of their carrier missions that followed.
pictures from every single one of the daggers Top Gun graduations. Bob and Natasha’s wedding, Bradley and Jake’s engagement (soon to be wedding)
He and Ices official wedding photos (after almost 30 years once gay marriage was legalized)
Christmas photos of all of them surrounding the tree, they loved having a big family….it made their hearts soar.
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littlelovelyra · 4 months
Now is not the time, nor the place.
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Gale x FemTav/Reader(f)
Word count: ~1,914
Warnings: fluff(?) , Fingering, hand jobs, mouth stuff, kinda? C*m shot?
Disclaimer: I literally always put a disclaimer that I am by no means a writer, I just day dream a lot to escape my hectic work days and my somewhat chaotic life so I write down my day dreams and revisit them sometimes. Decided to publish them here so its easy for me to find. If it at least entertain one person thats a win for me :'D
Having arrived at Last Light Inn several hours ago, your party convened and, following a discussion with Jaheira, reached a consensus to divide the patrol duties to ease the burden. Prior to this decision, after battling Kar'Niss,Gale openly confessed his physical attraction toward you only to immediately extinguish any flame that thought may have produced. Now, as chance would have it, both of you find yourselves on duty, strolling along the docks of Last Light Inn, having determined your partners through a draw of names. Suspicious. 
“Now’s not the time nor place.” What. The. Fuck. Gale. Why even bother saying it at all? You curse the foolish wizard in your mind, focusing on the two small pouches placed in the middle of the table where you and your companions are seated, trying not to shoot daggers in his direction. You can feel his side glances as he looks at you.
“Well, as much as I love us sitting around and staring at one another—because who wouldn’t want to stare at me—who’s going to be the first to draw a name?” Astarion looks around the table, taking us all in. We’re all looking pretty tired, and no one wants to take the leap, fearing they might draw “first watch” from the second pouch after selecting their partner from the first.
“Oh gods above, fine, I’ll do it.” Astarion reaches his hand into the first pouch, retrieves a name, and then dips his hand into the second, pulling out a small piece of parchment. He clears his throat. “Well, Shadowheart, I guess you and I are taking tomorrow’s watch,” he says as a slow smirk spreads across his face. Lucky bastard, you think to yourself. As everyone else gathers the courage to draw, the order goes as follows:
Astarion / Shadowheart: Second Night
Karlach / Wyll: Third Night
Lae’Zel / Halsin: Fourth Night
You curse under your breath at the absolute joke that is your luck right now. Though, you feel luck might not have anything to do with it. You suspect Gale has somehow played his magic hand in this. You can practically feel his smugness vibrating across the table from you. As much as you care for him, these past few weeks have been confusing. From his reaction to the moment you shared in the Weave, to his dismissal at the tiefling party when you sought him out. He told you to go “enjoy the festivities,” which led you to a pretty little clearing with a vampire spawn—an experience you note never to repeat. Then, just before entering the Shadow-Cursed Lands, he received his charge from Mystra and accepted it without considering anyone else. To top it all off, he basically admitted his attraction to you and immediately shot it down. All this hot and cold behaviour has been giving you more headaches than the damn tadpole in your head. 
Releasing a soft sigh, you push yourself back from the table and stand up, eventually meeting his gaze. “Come on, Gale, we’re up first. Jaheira has assigned us to the dockside for our patrol.” You keep your tone cool and matter-of-fact. You will not make a fool of yourself chasing someone who clearly does not want to be chased. With all the chaos of dealing with the cultists, you have no time or energy for these petty games of the heart. He either wants you or he doesn’t, and it seems it’s the latter.
Gale follows you as you walk towards your quarters. As you reach your door, you look back at him. “Wait here, I need to change. These clothes are disgusting after killing that drider. I won’t be long. Maybe you should change too—it’s going to be a long night. Meet me back here in ten minutes.” Pressing your lips together awkwardly, you watch him hold your stare for a moment before giving a slight nod. He turns on his heel and heads toward the shared quarters. You’re grateful that your companions graciously agreed to give you the only private room in the Last Light Inn; gods know you need a bit of privacy to collect your thoughts.
In your room, you quickly change out of your clothes, wipe yourself down with a washcloth, redress, and braid your hair back. Looking in the mirror, you can see how tired you are from the journey. Closing your eyes, you mutter a short prayer to Selûne for the strength to get through the evening. A soft knock at the door catches your attention, and you cross the room to open it. Gale stands there with a fresh set of clothes, his hair now tamed, and even a bit of his beard trimmed. His eyes are as bright as ever, always seeming deep in thought, making you wonder what’s going on in his mind. “Stop it”, you think to yourself, “Now is not the time.”
You usher him out of the doorway and lead the way outside, down to the docks. You notice how close he is walking next to you, the silence is loud but every now and then his hand accidentally brushes up against yours and sends a soft shiver running up your arm. Again you wonder if he is using any magic to conjure up that effect on you. 
Walking to the edge of the dock, you scan the perimeter. Everything is quiet; it all seems as it should. You lean over the railing and glance at your reflection in the water, exhaling loudly. You stay there for a moment with your eyes shut, taking in the sounds of the flames softly flickering on the nearby torches and the occasional gentle splash of the water. It’s the most peaceful you’ve felt in a long time.
“Lost in thought?” Gale says as he places himself next to you, leaning down with his arms supporting him on the railing. You turn your head to face him and notice that his face is mere inches from yours. You linger there for a moment, your eyes scanning his face and finally your gaze falls to his lips, you wonder how they would feel pressed against yours. He catches your stare and the left side of his mouth pulls up into a soft smirk.
“Actually, I’m not thinking at all.” You say pushing yourself up you ready yourself to leave this side of the dock and continue your sweep of the area. As you turn to leave, Gale grabs your hand. You turn to him puzzled.
“Let’s stay a moment longer, shall we? It’s quiet, and nothing will happen if we take a few selfish moments for ourselves.” His thumb traces lazy circles on the back of your hand, releasing a flurry of butterflies in your stomach. You watch his gentle movements, marvelling at how hands so powerful can also be so tender. Your thoughts drift to how those very same hands might feel exploring your body, familiarising themselves with your secret places while bringing you to complete ecstasy. Your cheeks begin to flush at the mental image you have painted for yourself and it hasn’t gone unnoticed by him as he offers a soft clearing of his throat to pull your attention back to reality. 
“I meant every word I said, by the way.” He looks at you, expecting a response, but you're unsure what to say. Words elude you, so you remain silent, hoping he'll continue—and he does, simply because he’s Gale.
“I have never wanted you more than I do now. Seeing your cheeks flush just then only made my desire that much more uncontrollable. I keep waiting for the right moment to kiss you, to show you how much I want you. It has to be perfect—you deserve that. But perhaps, just for tonight, we can allow ourselves a bit of imperfection. Or an appetiser before the main course, if you will.”
He raises his hand and gently lifts your face towards his. Slowly, he lowers his lips to yours, tenderly moulding them to fit around yours. A soft whimper escapes your mouth, and you feel your knees shake as if they're about to give way to this moment. Sensing your thoughts, Gale places his other hand on your hip, steadying you and pulling you closer to him. Everything around you seems to disappear, and all that exists in this moment are the two of you, completely lost in each other's embrace.
As he starts to pull away, he leads you to the covered area of the dock—more private, secluded—and you see the intent in his stare. Slow he brings the two of you down onto the deck, gently he lowers you to your back while he positions himself above you. His lips come crashing down to yours once again but this time with urgency. He uses his free hand to roam its way under your clothes exploring your soft curves and taking his time familiarising himself with the shape of you. He delicately rubs the pad of his thumb over your peaked sensitive nipple which causes you to gasp at the sensation, heat pooling in your core. You shift your hips up towards him instinctively and he groans into your mouth while your tongues dance together. His hand slithering down, snaking its way to your heated centre. Slipping under your panties his fingers slide between your folds, you inhale sharply at the sensation. Gods above nothing in your fantasies even compare to what this feels like in real time. Gale lets out a low groan. “Mhm. You are so ready for me my love. I want that to be perfect so this will just have to do for now.” as he finishes his sentence he slides two of his fingers inside you and curls them upward. Slowly pumping them in and out while his kisses become frenzied.
Your hands go exploring on their own and you find him, hard and ready. You can feel it pulsing through his trousers. The growl that escapes his lips is inviting enough for you, reaching in as you pull his length out and begin stroking him tenderly at first and then more desperately as you feel him rocking his hips in time with your hand. His hand is still working inside you and the two of you become desperate as the pace picks up. You lift your shirt up exposing your breasts with your spare hand and he brings his head down as he sucks in the swollen peak of your breast. You can feel it, the two of you are so close. 
“Gale.. Gale.. I’m going to…” You're breathless now. You can’t get it out, your head is dizzying. 
He brings his mouth to your ear, his breath hot as he whispers;  “Let go. Cum for me”. 
That’s all it takes. Your whole body shatters around him as his name escapes your lips in pure unfiltered ecstasy. He comes undone seconds later, you feel a warm splash on your bare stomach and he brings his head down to rest his forehead on yours. Softly he kisses you again before you both straighten out your clothing and smooth your hair. Silently you sit there leaning into him on the deck looking out over the water. 
“I have a confession to make.” He says scattering kisses down your cheek.
“Mhmmm… Let me guess? You rigged the pouches somehow to be partnered with me tonight?” You say looking at him.
He flashes you a wicked smile and kisses you deeply as you both stand up to continue a sweep of the perimeter. You are on duty after all and now is not the time.. nor the place.
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drunkenskunk · 10 months
Morning all.
So, I've been thinking about the original Dawn of War.
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Specifically: I've been thinking about how it was my introduction to the setting of Warhammer 40k. It feels like it was a damn near perfect introduction, and it accomplished this... with the use of the loading screen maps.
Let me explain.
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When I first played the game back in 2004, I knew nothing about 40k. I didn't know about Grim Darkness, or that the Imperium is a fascist theocratic nightmare, none of that. All I had for context was the maps on the loading screens and the pre-mission briefings.
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The game starts off very simple, and very easy to understand. Here's the mission location, here's the space marines, here's the orks, etc. It's simple, it's straightforward, and it draws you in with a very understandable conflict that you can immediately get behind.
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Now, I will say: that opening is both a strength and a weakness. Because, the one problem I do have with the original Dawn of War is that they really kinda gloss over just how fucking terrible the Imperium is, as a means of easing new players into the setting. Like, on the one hand? I kinda get it, you don't want to scare people off immediately by forcing people to play as someone they find reprehensible. But I also absolutely understand how someone might think the Imperium are the "good" guys if all they ever played was Dawn of War. And that's a problem.
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Feels very black and white, and unambiguous, y'know? I mean, hell, a lot of the early missions are explicitly about the space marines running interference, so the orks can't slaughter civilians who are trying to escape the planet. But I'm getting slightly off topic.
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See, what you may be noticing from these pre-mission briefing maps: as the game goes on, things get progressively worse. You're succeeding in your mission objectives, sure... but the overall picture of what's going on in the planet is becoming more and more bleak. It's almost like what you do in missions doesn't really matter.
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Quick side note: when I first played this game, and I saw all the numbers of orks steadily increasing? My thought at the time was "Oh, this planet must have a lot more orks than we previously thought," because, at the time, I knew nothing about 40k. I didn't know about the orkoid reproductive cycle, and how they're a bunch of fungus boys who shed hundreds and hundreds of spores in the air to produce new organisms in the orkoid ecosystem: orks, grots, squigs, etc. And I also didn't know at the time that, when they die violently, they release something like 10 times as many spores as they do in the rest of their life.
I remember coming back to the game, once I had that context, and it retroactively made these briefing maps even more horrifying, because it dawned on me: "Oh. OH. Oh no! All these orks are our fault! It's not just that things are getting worse! Everything we've been doing has been making it worse!"
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Either way, around mission 6 or 7 or so: that's when things start getting a bit more complicated. The orks are the most visible threat, sure. But then the eldar show up out of nowhere, with some mysterious agenda. The evidence that the forces of chaos are here become more obvious and harder to ignore.
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You start to see the trails of refugees trying to flee the planet that appear, and then just as swiftly vanish. And, yeah, you could try and tell yourself that they escaped the planet safely, but... I think we all know the truth.
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Every victory, things get worse. Things are rapidly deteriorating, and you even have to deal with traitor guardsmen, corrupted by the forces of chaos. Things are getting very grim indeed.
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Then we get to Mission 10. Second to last mission. The map zooms in. We don't even need to see the rest of the planet. All we care about it is stopping whatever chaos has planned. Because if they succeed, the orks overrunning everything is the LEAST of our concern.
And then...
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We don't even get a map for Mission 11, the final mission in the game. This is how truly fucked everything has become. The planet is lost, the people who used to live here are either long since evacuated or very, very dead. The planet is about to be consumed by a warp storm...
And then, at the very last moment, you get the "mission complete!" notification.
You "win."
But... what do you win?
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The victory is an incredibly hollow, pyrrhic one. Sindri and the rest of the chaos forces lay dead at your feet, sure, but your actions played right into their hands. The demon escaped from its prison in the Maledictum, because Macha refused to tell you directly what would happen, and as a result you smashed it open like an idiot, inadvertently completing the ritual. The civilians on the planet are dead. The imperial guard are dead. Most of the eldar are dead. Most of your men are dead. Isador, your best friend in the chapter, is dead by your own hand after he fell to chaos. The very planet itself is dead, consumed by a warp storm, and you barely escape with what few survivors remain, knowing that you ultimately failed.
There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.
Welcome to Warhammer 40k.
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kpopfanfictrash · 2 years
Love to Hate (Ch. 12)
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Genre: Fuck Buddies / Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Jungkook / Reader
Synopsis: Born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you've done your best to rid yourself of the taste since you were old enough to walk. Occasionally though, your mother manages to rope you into an obligatory function – or a blind date with playboy billionaire, Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook stands for everything you loathe about the world you left behind, but you can’t deny the spark of attraction between you. Intrigued by the promise of mutual satisfaction, you agree to one night in bed… and quickly realize you’re in far, far deeper than you ever intended.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: multiple orgasms (male + female), fingering, breast play, dirty talk, somewhat rough sex, oversensitivity, oral (female), cum play, sex without a condom (with other forms of birth control), spanking 
Word Count: 20,122
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Seven hours. Seven hours, or four hundred and twenty minutes until you can breathe freely.
Lips pursed, you survey yourself in the warped bathroom mirror. Tonight’s launch party will last several hours, ending whenever Seokjin rounds up the final group for karaoke. You have the aquarium booked until dawn, just in case.
Twisting around, you examine yourself from behind. Although its neckline is high, the dress exposes your back, its fabric dipping low to end just above your ass. Already, you worry it’ll be too much but before you can talk yourself out of it, your phone buzzes on the counter.
Whipping around, you’re disappointed to find it’s only an email. Exhaling, you drop your phone to your clutch and exit the bathroom – only to immediately trip over Dante, splayed out on the ground. He’s utterly exhausted after your walk, which is a good thing. Hopefully, he’ll wreak less chaos at Jimin’s.
Gathering Dante’s things, you pull his leash from its hook. Olya and Hoseok arrived over an hour ago and have been playing video games at Jimin’s while you got ready. Although you’re the last one again, this time isn’t your fault. Things kept going wrong at the venue, resulting in you being the last one to leave. This cut your hair and make-up time nearly in half.
“Here we go, Dante,” you sing-song, grabbing his collar to clip. “Let’s visit Jimin! Isn’t that exciting? You like Jimin.”
Dante gives you some side-eye which says that yes, he likes Jimin, but he also sees right through you. Clipping on his leash, you stand and tug Dante towards the door.
The moment you enter the hall, you hear your friends shouting. Not in an angry way, but in the way which ensues whenever they game together. (“I said, LEFT, Jimin! As in – not right!” “The only thing not right is your memory, Hoseok, since you definitely said go right!”)
No one answers your first knock, so you try again – louder. Olya yells something at the game and you snort, since her threats are more vicious than either of the men.
Finally, on the third knock, someone hears.
“COMING,” Hoseok calls, followed by the loud thunk of his controller hitting the table. “I hope that’s you, Y/N, since we’re leaving whether you’re dressed or – ah,” he says, pulling open the door. “Good. It is you.”
Dante bolts forward the second he fits through the door, bounding across the room towards the sleeping Peaches. When she doesn’t wake, Dante takes this in stride and flops down beside her.
“What if it hadn’t been me?” you ask Hoseok, brushing past. “Your threat would’ve been wasted.”
“Never wasted,” he says. “Merely misplaced.”
Glancing upward, Olya’s eyes widen when she sees your outfit. “Damn, Y/N!” she gasps. “That dress is amazing! You look perfect and – shit, you’re ready. Okay,” she says, jumping up from the couch. “Where’s your bathroom, Jimin? I need to go before we leave.”
“First door on the left,” he says without looking up.
Olya disappears down the hall, leaving you with the rest. Not returning to the game, Hoseok stoops by the couch to gather Olya’s things. Watching him do this, you smile. It’s nice for Hoseok to be with someone – he’s usually so focused on work, he barely thinks about himself. Like calls to like, you suppose.
Turning around, Hoseok sees you watching and pauses. “What?” he asks.
“Nothing,” you sigh. “It’s just nice seeing you like this.”
“Like what?”
“Like if Olya jumped off a bridge, you’d be right behind her,” Jimin says, pressing pause on his game. Glancing upward, he blinks. “Whoa, Y/N.”
“I know!” Olya squeals, exiting the bathroom. “That’s what I’m saying! Y/N is ready to break hearts tonight.”
“No – No!” Alarmed, you shoot Hoseok a look. “That’s not the vibe I’m giving off, is it?”
Hoseok shrugs, not seeming to care either way. Offering Olya an arm, he helps her put on her shoes. “I don’t know. You look nice, Y/N.”
“Nice.” Olya wobbles. “You look more than nice, Y/N, you look hot.”
Feeling your face start to burn, you turn around. “Okay, enough,” you groan. “Let’s head out. Jimin – are you good with Dante?”
Dante, who is currently snoozing beside Peaches, doesn’t stir at his name. Jimin looks down, and then nods. “I think we’re fine,” he says. “Have fun! See you all tomorrow?”
Hoseok and Olya nod, and you give a noncommittal shrug. You still haven’t decided if you’ll want social interaction after tonight – especially not in the form of two happy couples. Jimin seems to understand, and on your way out the door, you give Dante a wave. He completely ignores this, too busy pretending to sleep beside his (one-sided) best friend.
Your descent to the lobby is treacherous, made even worse by your high heels and dress. The shoes are fine on flat surfaces, but your building’s staircase is exactly the opposite. At least these are the only stairs to climb tonight.
When you reach the front doors, you sigh in relief. Seokjin is already waiting, idling at the curb in a different car than last time. The night at Yoongi's restaurant seems ages ago, even though it was less than two weeks.
A knot in your stomach tightens. You haven’t seen Jungkook since he came to Clean Ocean and asked to become a donor. He’s attending the launch party, though – both he and Namjoon confirmed this via email. The contract between you has also been signed, neatly expedited with no objections from legal.
Except – that first part isn’t quite true.
Although you haven’t seen Jungkook since Wednesday, you’ve talked to him. At first, it was just a question he texted, clarifying a point in the contract. Then Jungkook asked if you needed help with the launch party, to which your answer was a resounding no but then he mentioned a contractor and now – absently, you scroll through your texts.
Most are professional but every now and then, something slips past which makes you wonder.
“Y/N!” Seokjin rolls down the window. “What are you doing? Get in here before you’re late to your own party.”
Returning your phone to your clutch, you hurry in. Clambering after Hoseok, you buckle your seatbelt and smooth out your dress. Olya claims the passenger seat, being prone to motion sickness. Seokjin is in the driver’s seat, his moon roof open to let in the breeze.
As he pulls from the curb, Seokjin glances in the mirror. “Damn, Y/N.” He whistles. “Is that dress work appropriate?”
Worried, you glance down. “I don’t know – is it?”
“Ignore him, Y/N.” Yanking down the mirror, Olya starts to re-apply lipstick. “The amount of leg I’m showing is way worse than your back. Don’t let them bully you.”
“Yeah,” you say, lifting your chin. “Don’t bully me, Seokjin.”
Seokjin bats his eyelashes. “Who, me?” Before you can respond, his gaze moves to Hoseok. “Olya has a point, though. Hoseok – why aren’t you showing as much leg as your girlfriend?”
“Hers are far superior to mine.”
Still touching up her makeup, Olya reaches over the console and squeezes Hoseok’s thigh. Hiding a grin, you lean back in your seat as Seokjin turns up his music. A Top 40 pop song blares but after a while, you somehow find your phone returned to your lap.
Open to your texts.
Your finger hovering above a certain thread.
You know Jungkook hasn’t texted. You know this and yet, a tiny voice in your mind wonders what-if. What-if Jungkook has decided not to come, what if he reneges his RSVP, what-if –
You press on the thread.
Stomach dropping, you see you were right – Jungkook hasn’t texted. His last messages are displayed onscreen and, absent-minded, you scroll.
Jungkook: you know what concept has always eluded me? [Friday, 1:07 AM]
Y/N: sleep? [Friday, 7:02 AM]
Jungkook: always. But no – I was referring to the dress code. What, exactly, does ‘dressy casual’ mean? Isn’t that an oxymoron? [Friday, 7:31 AM]
Y/N: Google is free, Jeon [Friday, 8:10 AM]
Y/N: okay, so Olya says ‘dressy casual’ means a combination of relaxed and formal. Basically, no jeans but you can be more casual than black tie [Friday, 8:14 AM]
Jungkook: got it [Friday, 8:20 AM]
Jungkook: I lied. That doesn’t help at all [Friday, 9:05 AM]
Y/N: lol what do you mean? What are you stuck on? [Friday, 9:42 AM]
Jungkook: Is a suit too dressy? [Friday, 9:50 AM]
Y/N: depends on the suit. Send me a pic [Friday, 9:53 AM]
Jungkook: *jpeg* [Friday, 9:55 AM]
Paused on the photo, your breath catches again. Looking at it now is as devastating as the first time. Jungkook must have worked from home on Friday since you recognize the tile of his bathroom behind him.
The photo is only from the neck down, but the way Jungkook fills out his suit is exquisite. The color is black, but lace panels dress up the white shirt beneath it, and several buttons are undone. The overall effect is devastating.
In your ear, Hoseok whistles. “Who’s sending you pics, Y/N?”
Startled, you fumble and nearly drop your phone.
“No one,” you blurt, your face burning.
Seokjin’s ears perk up in the front. “Y/N is looking at nudes in a car full of people?” He sounds overly gleeful about the possibility. “I guess that’s one way to relax.”
“I’m not looking at nudes. Jungkook asked for my thoughts on his suit – that’s all.”
“Jungkook?” Olya turns, surprised. “Are you talking about our new donor, Jungkook?”
Frozen in the backseat, you realize your mistake. Although you’re friends with Olya, you were trying your best to keep the Jungkook mess separate from work. It’s bad enough you have to work with him going forward without all of your employees knowing you messed up.
“I – we, uh, know each other,” you say.
“Ah.” Olya adopts a sly grin. “Nice. He’s hot.”
Hoseok’s smile abruptly disappears. “Why don’t we change the topic? Y/N has enough to worry about without thinking of Jungkook.”
Thankful, you nod and Olya leans over the console to pat Hoseok’s knee.
“It’s cute when you’re jealous,” she says before she pulls back.
Hoseok stares, and then sputters, “I’m not… jealous! Objectively, Jungkook is hot.”
“Can we please stop talking about him?” you beg, a bit pained.
Olya winces, mouthing sorry before facing forward. Returning your phone to your clutch, you stare out the window as Seokjin turns up the volume. His playlist has lapsed into what sounds like pop-ified sea shanties, something you deem oddly fitting with the night ahead. You’ve nearly pushed the topic of Jungkook from mind when –
“So.” Seokjin sounds like he’s holding back laughter. “Jungkook sent you a suit pic?”
You slump low in your seat. “It’s nothing.”
“It’s something,” Hoseok says. “I saw a bunch of your texts while you scrolled. You were talking all day to him on Friday.”
“Hey!” you huff. “Privacy, Hobi.”
“The man asked you what he should wear, though,” Seokjin says.
“And? He didn’t understand the dress code.”
“Didn’t understand the – okay.” Seokjin snorts. “Y/N, that man has been attending formal gatherings since he was old enough to sit up. Jungkook knows what to wear when the invite says dressy casual.”
These words give you pause, since Seokjin is right. You aren’t sure why you didn’t think of this before. Maybe part of you felt it was simply more believable than thinking Jungkook texted you to talk.
“Maybe it’s been a while,” Olya says, defending you. “I’m sure whatever Y/N thinks is correct. She knows him best, after all.”
You smile at Olya, grateful for the interjection. Mercifully, Seokjin allows the matter to drop, turning his head to stare at the road. You, on the other hand, turn the matter over in your mind. No matter what people do, you always tend to assume the worst.
It’s far easier to assume this and be surprised than assume something positive and be let down. Objectively, the fact that Jungkook texted you is a good sign. Much easier to believe it’s coincidental than he actually likes you.
Even if he does though, you can’t allow yourself to be drawn in. Not when so much is riding on tonight’s party. You need to be one hundred percent focused, and Jungkook is nothing but a distraction.
A ridiculously gorgeous distraction who might return your feelings.
Pushing this hopelessly from mind, the rest of the ride passes and soon enough, you pass beneath the aquarium’s arch. Seokjin drops you off at the front since no one is wearing the right shoes for cobblestones. Already, you run through an endless to-do list in your mind – but the moment you enter, all of it fades.
When you left earlier, the venue was a work in progress. The hanging trellis was only half-lifted, none of the lights were lit and packaging material cluttered the floor. Now, you step into paradise.
The tanks on the walls cast blueish green light, its effect softened by golden orbs hanging from the ceiling. Between the lights, greenery drapes to give the impression of algae, as though the dance floor itself has sunk underwater. To your right, double doors lead to a patio with a view of the ocean.
Staring in awe, you turn in a full circle.
Hoseok comes to a stop. “Whoa,” he breathes. “You really outdid yourself tonight, Olya.”
Beaming, she waves. “It was nothing.”
“It was something,” you argue. “This place is absolutely gorgeous, Olya. Our donors will love it.”
“Hopefully, they love it so much they cough up more money.” She laughs. “Okay, enough with the compliments. I need to check about a thousand things before guests start arriving – Hoseok, are you coming with?”
He nods and follows suit, glancing at you to ensure you’re alright. You wave him off with a nod, returning to your mental task list. Guests will start arriving in an hour, which is no time at all.
After speaking to catering – not Min Yoongi, unfortunately – checking the sound system, and running through a list of approved songs with the DJ, you stop by the bar to catch your breath. Pulling your phone from your clutch, you’re about to check texts when someone calls your name.
Glancing upward, you spot Olya rushing across the floor. She moves like a woman on a mission and slowly, you return your phone without looking.
 “Y/N,” Olya says, skidding to a stop. “Thank god I caught you.”
You stare at her, bewildered. “I’m here all night, Olya – is something wrong?”
“I -well.” She straightens. “Nothing is wrong, exactly. It’s just I was checking the guest list – searching for last-minute cancellations, that sort of thing.”
Her lips tighten. “I wasn’t thinking earlier. I was so caught up in arriving, I didn’t think but now, when I saw the list again, it hit me.”
“What hit you?” you ask, dread unspooling like thread in your stomach.
“I gave Jungkook a plus one.”
“And.” Olya sighs. “Jungkook said yes. He said yes for him plus a date. Which means he’s planning to bring someone this evening.”
Staring at Olya, every sound seems to fade. Reality steps forward to burst your bubble. Jungkook is bringing someone. Jungkook is bringing a date. After donating to Clean Ocean like a goddamn knight in shining armor, he’s decided to bring someone to the fundraiser he saved.
Self-blame instantly kicks into high gear. If you’d only been honest with him earlier, responded in a more expressive tone, maybe he would have – but no. Taking a deep breath, you force yourself to calm.  
The two of you go around and around, and no one ever wins. You didn’t tell Jungkook how you felt, he didn’t ask, and you both end up hurting each other. If Jungkook is here with a date, you’ll deal with it, just like you have with everything else. He’s not the most important part of tonight.
Either way, you need to make it through the party in one piece. You can figure out what to do about Jungkook tomorrow.
“I’m so sorry,” Olya says, wringing her hands. “I debated whether or not to tell you, but figured you finding out now was better than Jungkook showing up and –”
“No – no,” you interrupt. “You’re right. It’s better I know now. We gave him a plus one, right?” you add, injecting your words with false cheeriness. “He’s fully entitled to use it.”
Olya hesitates. “I mean, debatable. He didn’t have to bring someone. Whether you’re together or not, he’s been texting you all week. It’s rude to bring someone else!”
“Maybe,” you sigh. Your next words are more difficult. “But despite how I feel about him, we’re not dating. We haven’t been… anything for a long time. It was nice of Jungkook to donate, but it wasn’t romantic. I – I actually need to go check something,” you say, choking a little.
With a sympathetic glance, Olya nods and steps aside. Clearly, she understands your retreat for what it is – a hasty excuse for running away.
Entering the nearest bathroom, you pause at the mirror as you’re struck by an immediate sense of déjà vu. The last time this happened was at your parents’ party. That night, you vowed to forget about Jungkook and now, here you are. Stuck in the same situation.
Stiffening, you meet your own gaze. No – that’s not true. Back then, you were crushed by a situation of your own making. Tonight, you have the chance to make things right. Strengthened by the thought, you stay long enough to gather yourself and then leave – only to walk straight into Seokjin.
He seems to have come straight from Olya, and it takes nearly ten minutes to convince Seokjin you’re fine. (“You can kill him after the party, Seokjin, I swear.” “Why not now?” “Death will be equally satisfying at a location where I have plausible deniability.” “Don’t care.” “Think about Yoongi! Would he really go out with the guy suspected of murdering his best friend?”)
“First of all,” Seokjin declares. “I’m too good to be suspected of anything. But fine! If you really want, I’ll pull back. Just say the word, though.”
“I appreciate that, Seokjin,” you say. “But right now, I have to go host this event.”
“Ah – right.” He nods, slightly chastised. “Fair enough.”
Stepping aside, Seokjin sheepishly allows you to return to the list. Your remaining minutes are spent triple-checking the guests, stopping again to chat with security and adjusting the timing of the hors d’oeuvres. By the time you find Olya, your first guest is arriving, and you’ve barely had time to think about Jungkook.
Or – this is so until you’re confronted by a black, shiny town car pulling to the curb. Stomach sinking, you prepare for his appearance, only for Javier and his husband to step from the car.
Breaking into a smile, you wave, and they walk towards you.
“Well, I never.” Javier smiles, taking hold of your hand. “This place looks stunning, Y/N.”
Glancing around, you can’t help but agree. “Thank you,” you say, ushering them in. “And hello to you, too, Alex. I’m afraid I can’t take any credit for tonight, though,” you add as you enter the main room. “The theme is all Olya.”
“When I see her, I’ll sing her praises,” laughs Javier. “But don’t forget tonight is an accomplishment for you, too! Do you remember our first fundraiser?” he adds, turning to Alex.
Alex nods. “That little bar off the highway. How could I forget?”
Both laugh in remembrance.
“In the back of that gas station!” Javier tsks. “Shut down, I hear. But look at you now! Renting an entire aquarium – Clean Ocean has certainly come a long way.”
“It’s a shock to me, too,” you say, turning to face them.
Wryly, Javier shakes his head. “Your success will never surprise me, Y/N. If anyone has the ability to change the world, it would be you.”
Face heating, you find yourself unable to think of a response. One isn’t necessary though as, realizing other guests have arrived, Alex and Javier say goodbye and head for the bar. Nerves flood your stomach, anticipating Jungkook again but instead, Indra Gupta and his wife appear through the door.
“Y/N!” he calls, heading for you. “What a splendid night! Jaya and I are thrilled to be here – we can’t thank you enough for inviting us.”
“Of course,” you say, shaking their hands. “Thank you both for coming.”
When they pull back, there’s a pause until Jaya coughs. Hastily, Indra reaches inside his coat pocket to withdraw an envelope.
“I almost forgot,” he says, handing this over. “I felt bad attending a second Clean Ocean event without any sort of donation, so please find enclosed our contract. My office will contact you Monday to arrange the details – for next year,” he adds, noticing your expression. “I know you needed funds now, but we’re unfortunately all fiscally tied up.”
“No – no, that’s fine,” you say, taking the envelope. “I’m excited to have you as a future donor. And please, don’t worry about the funding right now – we found the money.”
“Oh, how wonderful,” Jaya exclaims.
Indra perks up. “Anyone I know?”
“Indra,” she laughs, swatting his arm. “We’re monopolizing the poor woman. Thank you again for inviting us,” she adds. “Now, let’s get you a drink. Lovely to see you again, Y/N!”
“Thank you,” you call as they leave. “Truly.”
They also disappear towards the bar, leaving you somewhat dazed. Eventually, you come to and stride across the floor in search of Olya. Guests are still arriving, and it wouldn’t do to lose Indra’s proposal before you can sign.
Finding her by the kitchen, you hand Olya the contract, and she promises to take good care of it. By the time you return, enough people have arrived to form a line at the bar. Setting to work, you put on your best host smile to greet your guests.
Nearly an hour passes before you have time for a break. Sagging against the nearest bar, you pull out your phone to double-check the guest list. Based on your internal count, nearly everyone has arrived.
Everyone – but one.
Pushing thoughts of Jungkook away, you accept the glass of champagne handed to you by the bartender. Taking a slow sip, you turn around to scan the party.
Most of your attendees have escaped to the patio, making this your next stop. Heading in this direction, you pause beneath the arch to take in the view. Far below you, waves crash against the sand in a muffled roar. Ahead of you, moonlight cuts through glittering ocean waves.
You aren’t the only one amazed by the view; most people stand about you in groups, chatting happily while the moon rises. At least no one will call your event boring, you think as you move – only to stop dead in your tracks, spotting a familiar profile.
Abruptly, you whirl and plunge into the crowd.
Heading in the opposite direction, you drain your champagne and set the empty glass down. Reaching the railing, your hands clutch at the metal, willing your heartbeat to slow.
Several moments pass before your breathing steadies. Exhaling lowly, you stare into the waves. Sure, you can hobnob with the rich and famous but throw one ex-whatever-Jungkook-is into the mix and you immediately flee. No matter how prepared you thought you were, a part of you can’t stand seeing him with someone else.
When someone enters your peripheral, you go still. After a long moment, you turn and are flooded with relief when you find Seokjin before you.
Taking a long sip of his whiskey, he stares at the waves. “Jungkook is here.”
“Inside, I think.”
“Right.” Bolstering your nerves, you nod. “Is he here with his date?”
Seokjin glances your way, his hair whipped by the wind. “I didn’t see, but I heard someone mention he came with a woman.”
“I see.”
You stay there for a moment, debating what to do before realizing it’s now or never. If you wait any longer, you’ll convince yourself to go home. Besides, waiting for Jungkook to find you is passive. By seeking him out, you place yourself in the driver’s seat.
Seokjin watches you carefully. “Are you alright?”
“I will be,” you say. “After I go greet Jungkook and his guest.”
“You seem… oddly calm,” he observes.
“I am calm.”
“Not a good calm.” Seokjin pauses. “Serial killer calm.”
Subtle, you lift a brow. “Don’t tell me you’re suddenly concerned about Jungkook’s well-being?”
“I’m not,” he assures you. “But I like you, Y/N. It’d be a shame if you went to prison.”
“Because you wouldn’t survive.”
“Okay,” you say, turning around. “That’s enough of a pep talk. I’ll see you later.”
“Bye!” Seokjin calls, waving you off. “Good luck!”
Striding away, you leave Seokjin behind to enter the crowd. Externally, you hope you portray a façade of total calm because on the inside, you’re sweating. Each mental scenario is worse than the last, replacing each other in your mind like bad movie reels.
What-if Jungkook decided to bring Giselle, the woman from the fundraiser. What-if he brought someone from work – someone who’s strong, successful, and not afraid of commitment, unlike you.
Stomach dropping, you force yourself to continue. Each step you take is instantly forgotten, fading to past as you face your future. Inside, you scan the length of the aquarium. Every person you pass you half-expect to see Jungkook and when they’re not, you find yourself disappointed.
Wandering further in, you say hello to several guests and greet their plus ones. By the time you’ve made a full lap, you’re starting to wonder if Seokjin’s intel was right – which is the moment you see him.
Feet stuttering to a halt, you stare when Jungkook fully appears. A couple drifts past you, previously concealing him from your view. Greenish-blue light washes over his features, blurring his face when he looks away.
You wish you’d had foresight to refill your glass since Jungkook isn’t alone. Turned away, he responds to someone by his side – a petite, demure someone, by the looks of it since they barely reach Jungkook’s shoulder. Forcing yourself to keep walking, you take several steps forward.
At this point, there’s no other option. Either you run and they see you, which would be humiliating, or you continue, and they greet you, which will be devastating.
Stuck in a difficult situation, all you can do is walk. You’re close enough to hear then, when Jungkook throws his head back to laugh. The sound stops you again, staring at him in confusion. Out of anything that could have happened, him laughing is the worst. Laughter means his date knows Jungkook well enough to make him laugh.
Which means she’s important.
Stomach roiling, you consider whether to flee when Jungkook suddenly turns and locks eyes.
Surprise crosses his features, followed by something you don’t understand. You stare back at him, frozen until you realize you need to do something.
“Mr. Jeon,” you intone, closing the distance between you. “Thank you so much for coming. I want to personally thank you for–”
“Y/N,” Jungkook blurts, finding his voice.
You falter, thrown by his excitement.
“I’m so glad you found us,” he hastens, “because there’s someone here I want you to meet.”
“Oh?” you say, careful.
Although it’s been weeks since you and Jungkook were anything, this feels like a strange level of enthusiasm for having his current date meet his ex, well – whatever you are.
Stepping back, Jungkook reveals the woman standing by his side. “Y/N, this is my aunt – Jeanette Mason. Aunt Jeanette, this is Y/N, the owner of Clean Ocean.”
His aunt. This is Jeanette Mason, Jungkook’s aunt.
Time seems to slow. The woman standing before you is older than Jungkook by at least thirty years. Not that this means anything, but she’s holding his elbow in a maternal gesture and again, Jungkook introduced her as his aunt.
“Mrs. Mason,” you repeat, your words faint.
Jeanette gives her nephew a sly look. “I know who she is, Kookie,” she scolds, patting his hand. “Am I, or am I not, the one who set you up?”
Cheeks turning slightly red, Jungkook lowers his head. “You can’t just say things like that,” he mutters in her ear.
“And why not?” she demands, not bothering to lower her voice. “It’s lovely to meet you at last, Y/N. I hear such wonderful things about you from your mother.”
Your eyebrows shoot up. “From my… mother?”
Seeing your expression, she can’t help but laugh. “Yes, well.” Jeanette shrugs. “What I deem to be wonderful, and what your mother deems to be wonderful are two rather different things, I suppose. Your mother is quite the opinionated woman, is she not?”
“She… yes, she is,” you manage to say.
“I’ve known your mother for a long time. She’s mentioned her daughter before – usually in exasperated tones, mind you, over your wonderful charity. And the very first person I thought of was my nephew.” Beaming, Jeanette turns to face Jungkook. “He always used to go on about the ocean and the environment when he was younger.”
“Oh?” you muse, glancing at Jungkook. “Is that so?”
Jungkook seems as though he wishes the earth would swallow him whole. He must not have anticipated how his aunt could embarrass him, which makes you smile.
Forlorn, his aunt sighs. “It’s a shame you two didn’t hit it off. I know so many people think Jungkook is like his father, but he has nothing in common with that cold man. He’s so much more like his mother. An absolute angel, that woman.”
“I’ve heard that,” you say softly. “And I agree, he is wonderful.”
Sharply, Jungkook looks at you and some of his color fades. Unable to hold his gaze, you force yourself to look elsewhere.
“Well.” Jeanette drains her glass. “It was very nice meeting you, Y/N. Jungkook has been talking my ear off about how wonderful you are.”
Loudly, he clears his throat. “You mean how wonderful Clean Ocean is – right, Aunt Jeanette?”
Jeanette shrugs, looking as though she couldn’t care either way. Stifling a laugh, you rather enjoy the rare sight of Jungkook flustered.
More than that though, you’re forced to rethink the situation. Jungkook didn’t bring a date tonight. Or – he brought a date but not a romantic one. Instead, he brought the single family member he still has a good relationship with and wanted you to meet her.
All night, you’ve imagined the two of you stuck in a loop, playing the same game over and over but now, you see you were wrong. This is different. Jungkook has been trying to tell you something all week and the moment you realize this, you make your decision.
“Actually,” you say abruptly. “Do you mind if I steal your nephew, Jeanette? There are a few donors I’d like him to meet.”
“Of course!” She waves you both away. “I was planning to head out soon, anyways. Always leave them wanting more, and all that. I’ll see you next weekend, Kookie.”
“Are you sure?” Leaning down, Jungkook kisses her cheek. “I can have my driver take you home.”
“Nonsense,” she says. “I have my own driver, darling. He’d be bored stiff without me. Have fun!” she calls, turning around to melt into the crowd.
Jungkook watches her leave, a faint look of amusement on his face.
“Sorry,” he says, turning towards you. “I didn’t ask her to –”
“Can we talk?” you blurt out.
Jungkook stops and blinks. “I – okay, sure. About what?”
“In private,” you say, shaking your head as you turn.
In the corner of your eye, you see Jungkook follow. Your heart is thudding so loudly, you’re certain he must hear it. You’re sure everyone must hear it, even over the music but somehow, no one notices. Every now and again, you look back to ensure Jungkook is following.
He is.
Your original intent was to bring Jungkook to the entrance, but when you find the space occupied, you continue. Entering the next hall, you search for some privacy. Both footsteps echo on marble, the noise thinning around you as you leave the party.
Around the next bend, the hall empties into an aquarium with a domed ceiling.
“Uh, Y/N?”
Turning, you find Jungkook beside a sign that reads closed. One hand in his pocket, he looks at you and smiles, and you nearly melt.
“Yes?” you whisper, not daring to move.
He glances at the sign. “I don’t think we’re supposed to be here.”
“We rented this entire place,” you say, turning around. “That includes this room. Olya put up those signs to discourage guests from roaming.”
“Oh. Okay, then.”
Leaving Jungkook at the entrance, you wander in. The dome above you is fully glass, surrounding you on all sides with water from the aquarium. Colorful fish dart past, twisting and turning before they disappear into coral. Feeling slightly silly for having brought Jungkook here, you force yourself to stop.
His footsteps continue until Jungkook stops alongside you. The shape of him is clear in your peripheral and it takes everything in you not to turn your head.
“They don’t bite,” you say, staring at the tank.
“I know.” Jungkook’s voice is rough. “They’re not the reason I’m nervous right now.”
Uncertain, you turn and meet his gaze. The moment you do, all the words you had planned somehow disappear.
Jungkook exhales. “I’m scared,” he admits, quiet. “Scared you brought me here to reject me. Scared you saw right through me out there and are trying to let me down easy where no one can see us.”
Hearing this, it’s all you can do to remain upright. Jungkook being afraid you might reject him means there’s something to reject.
“I’m scared I’m being an idiot,” he continues, stepping closer. “Scared I’m reading into signs that aren’t there, imagining you feel the same way about me when you obviously don’t.”
Jungkook stops mere inches away and you realize he’s waiting for a response. All you can think though, is what if you’re wrong.
“And…?” you ask him. “What is it you feel for me?”
“Isn’t that obvious?” Jungkook looks at you, tortured. “It feels… like I can breathe. Like I’ve been trapped my whole life but with you, I can finally breathe. I’m not creative, but you make me want to be. To write songs – poetry, just to hear you laugh. You make me ramble,” he adds, his voice catching. “I’m scared of confessing this but the thought of losing you again scares me even more. I want everyone to know how I feel – especially you, Y/N.”
You stare back at him, speeches and wonder if there comes a point when joy is too much. When happiness is akin to pain since you know at one point, this feeling must end.
Stepping closer, Jungkook’s hands skim your elbows. “Please,” he adds, searching. “Please, Y/N. Say something and put me out of my misery.”
It’s the way he says please that breaks the dam inside you.
“You’re not imagining things,” you whisper, the words rushing out. “Everything you said… I feel it, too, Jungkook. I’ve been falling for you ever since the night we watched Ted Lasso.”
Incredulousness enters his gaze. “That long, huh?”
Scoffing, you move to swat his arm, but Jungkook catches your hand and tugs you closer. Smiling down at you, he wraps both arms around your waist.
“I’m kidding,” he says. “I’ve been falling for you since Chez Moi, Chez Toi. Although I didn’t realize it until later.”
“Our first date?” you ask him, amazed.
Jungkook nods. “I don’t have much experience with all this. It took me a while to understand what I was feeling.”
“Which was when?”
“When you stayed at my place.” His face softens. “I saw you in my t-shirt and just… knew something about this was different. I barely thought twice before sending my date home. Even then, I didn’t want to admit it. I don’t think I really understood until I woke up in your bed.”
“You were better than me,” you admit. “I didn’t realize until Aleve.”
Visible frustration crosses his features. “That night.” Jungkook shakes his head. “I was such an ass– I’m so sorry about it, Y/N. It’s just… when I saw you with him… it brought back all these memories, and I didn’t handle it very well.”
You stare at him a long moment, then exhale. “It’s okay. I understand. I – well, I spoke with Yoongi.”
Rather than seem surprised by this reveal, Jungkook merely nods. “I know,” he says softly.
“You… know?”
“Yeah, kind of.”
“Since when?” you demand.
His upper lip quirks. “Since Thursday. After seeing you, I couldn’t get you out of my mind. I wasn’t sure if you felt the same, so I went to complain about it to Yoongi – and barely got your name out before he exploded.” Jungkook lets out a laugh. “He called me an idiot and said I should confess before I lost you completely. The truth came out after that,” he adds, a bit dry.
“I’m… so sorry,” you blurt, shaking your head. “I didn’t tell him to say that. I didn’t mean to go behind your back the way I did, it’s just –”
“You weren’t getting any answers from me,” Jungkook finishes.
Helpless, you nod.
“I get it, Y/N,” he says, his grip tightening. “I’m not mad, I promise. If anything, I’m glad you went to Yoongi because it gave me hope. It made me think…” Jungkook hesitates. “That maybe you cared for me, too.”
“God,” you mutter. “We’ve been such idiots.”
He sadly smiles. “Me, more than you.”
“We can call it a tie.”
Laughing, Jungkook moves closer, and everything else seems to fade. His presence overwhelms you in a way that makes your mind go quiet. Unthinking, your gaze drops to his mouth. Suddenly, you’re very aware of each part of your body pressed to his.
“We…” Jungkook licks his lips. “We should probably head back.”
Despite this, his voice roughens, and you suppress a shiver. Tentatively, you lift one hand to splay across his chest. Jungkook’s gaze dips to your palm on his fabric.
“Probably,” you agree.
“Except…” Subtle, Jungkook lowers his head. “We’ve waited a long time to get our shit together.”
“That’s also true.”
“Mm.” He stops. “There’s just one problem.”
“Problem?” you say, dazed by his proximity.
“Yeah.” Tilting his head, his lips nearly brush yours. “If I start kissing you, I won’t be able to stop.”
“And that’s a bad thing, because…?”
“We’re currently in public.”
“In public.”
“At an event that you’re hosting.”
“Hosting,” you repeat, reduced to a parrot.
Jungkook chuckles. “People will notice,” he murmurs, although his hand continues to caress your waist, “if you go missing. And I don’t want to be rushed. I plan to take my time with you tonight.”
His last word is a growl, said lowly in your ear and immediately, your breath catches. Hand fisting in his jacket, you attempt to move even closer, but Jungkook stays maddeningly separate.
Huffing, you look up. “I didn’t think you were the type to back down from a challenge, Jeon.”
“Are you giving me one, princess?”
Boldly, you close the distance between you. Jungkook’s reaction is instantaneous, his entire body stiffening but before you can move, his hand finds your chin.
“Careful,” he warns, tilting your face to his.
“Come on, Jeon.” Sweetly, you smile. “Be stronger.”
“Impossible,” he mutters. “Not with you around.”
Before you can react to this, his lips are on yours. Jungkook’s hand roughly slides from your jaw to your neck, pulling you closer as you melt against him. Heart hammering, your fingers curl tightly into the lapels of his jacket. Each place you touch him feels aflame and at the same time, you’re drowning, sinking into his presence.
When you finally pull back, Jungkook bites down on your lip. Gasping, you arch and he claims your mouth again. He swallows your whimper, walking the two of you backwards until your spine touches glass.
Keeping you upright, his muscular thigh wedges between yours. Trying to get closer, you knock your head against the glass – and Jungkook goes utterly still.
 “Y/N,” he groans, ripping himself away. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
Still struggling to catch your breath, you stare back at him. Jungkook hasn’t stepped back, a fact which hasn’t escaped your notice. When you arch against him, Jungkook pushes his hips against yours.
“Careful,” he murmurs, pressing you to the tank. “Unless you want to be fucked right here and right now. I wouldn’t overestimate my self-control.”
Lips parted, you stare and Jungkook can’t help but grin. It’s hard not to melt because his smile is your favorite – and only now are you realizing that’s because it’s solely for you.
“What is it?” he asks.
“Nothing.” Slowly, you shake your head. “I’m just… happy.”
If you thought you loved Jungkook’s smile before, you were wrong. Eyes crinkled, his smile widens, and now, you fear for your life. For the life of everyone at this party because dear lord, Jungkook is perfect.
“I can’t imagine why,” he says. “I’m the lucky one.”
“Agree to disagree.”
His grip on you tightens and you expect him to kiss you again, but he doesn’t. Instead, Jungkook merely stands there, and you wonder if this is what people mean when they speak about happiness. When they mention perfect moments, understanding another without words – this must be what they speak of.
Eventually, you glance past him. “We should probably return.”
“Probably,” he agrees, although he still doesn’t move. “It’s not fair, though. Those people have had your attention all night.”
“And you’ll have the rest of it,” you tease him. “Right after I figure out a way to leave without telling the whole party, ‘Hey, my boyfriend is about to fuck me silly.’”
Jungkook releases you and you start to walk past, only to realize he still hasn’t moved. Puzzled, you turn.
“Jungkook?” you ask. “Did you… not want to do that tonight?”
“That’s not it.” Dazed, he turns his head. “It’s just … you called me your boyfriend.”
Your entire world stops.
Frantic, you backpedal and search for a way out. Obviously, that was too much, too soon – you aren’t sure why you said it, other than the fact that it’s true. You want Jungkook as more than just a fuck buddy, more than just a friend.
For the first time in a very long time, you want to say boyfriend, but Jungkook is new to all this, and you don’t want to scare him away.
“I didn’t mean that,” you hasten, stepping forward. “I was just talking out loud, and I didn’t –”
“No,” Jungkook interrupts. “Don’t take it back. I want that. I really want that. It’s just… it was nice to hear you say it.” An embarrassed smile spreads over his face. “Say it again?”
All the tension drains from your limbs. “Say what?” you tease. “Say you’re my boyfriend?”
Jungkook’s gaze darkens. “I thought you didn’t want me to fuck you right here and right now?”
Heat pools in your center and it’s all you can do not to crush his mouth to yours. An inkling of self-preservation prevents you from doing so, because Jungkook is right. People would notice if you suddenly disappeared.
Still, it doesn’t keep you from lifting to your toes. Lips hovering at his ear, you feel Jungkook’s entire body go taut when you whisper, “Your aunt will want to say goodbye.”
Roughly, he exhales, and you laugh when you pull back.
“Please,” Jungkook groans. His expression is half-amusement, half-pain. “Let’s not talk about my aunt right now.”
“Come on,” you say. “Let’s go and say goodbye.”
“Just – give me a moment.”
Patient, you wait while Jungkook screws his eyes shut. Several seconds pass until finally, he opens them and some of the heat has dissipated.
“Okay, I’m ready,” he declares.
Before you can respond, Jungkook takes your hand in his and pulls you away. You try and savor each, since you’ll soon need to part, but time seems to blur, buoyed by your happiness. All too soon, you’ve reached the entrance and Jungkook is turning to face you.
Continuing to hold your hand, he glances over your shoulder. In the aquarium, someone laughs, and you’re reminded again why you can’t leave just yet.
Jungkook exhales, somewhat mournful. “We timed this terribly.”
“Okay,” you announce. “Here’s the deal.”
Returning to you, his lips twitch. “Deal?”
“Yep.” You force yourself to sound stern. “I’ll go in now. Give me a five-minute head start, and then follow. I’ll talk to a few donors, chat with a few sponsors and then –”
“We meet back here for aquarium sex?”
“Stop that,” you laugh, swatting his arm. “No. And then, we meet out front at eleven. Okay?”
Jungkook adopts a look of mock-anguish. “Why so late?”
You can’t help but smile. “Wish it were sooner?”
“Don’t tease me,” he says, voice dropping. “I thought I was clear about my plans for you for tonight.”
Jungkook takes a step closer. “Nice try,” he murmurs, lowering his head. “You’ll find out later tonight. Now, go – the sooner you leave, the sooner you come back.”
Reluctant, you turn. “I’ll be back soon,” you promise. “Five-minute head start. Don’t forget.”
Before you can leave, Jungkook’s hand catches your wrist, and he pulls you backwards. Kissing you deeply, he molds your body to his and by the time he lifts his head, you’re rendered speechless.
His gaze bores into yours. “Eleven. No later.”
Unable to think of a response, you nod. It takes every ounce of your self-possession to turn and walk away. When you finally enter the main room, you take a deep breath to focus.
Several new guests have arrived, and you’re only on your second when you realize your mistake. Now that you have Jungkook waiting, you’re finding it difficult to string sentences together. Nearly mixing up the names of two donors, you’re saved from embarrassment by Hoseok’s sudden appearance.
Grasping your wrist, he pulls you closer. “We need to talk,” Hoseok hisses, smiling balefully at the others. “Apologies, everyone, but I need to steal Y/N for a minute.”
Ignoring the ensuing chorus of no problem! and of course, Hoseok leads you away until you’re both concealed behind a potted plant. Turning, he drags a hand down his face, and you look on in alarm. Originally, you thought this might be about Jungkook, but no longer.
“Hoseok, what is it?” you demand.
Resigned, he meets your gaze. “Your parents are here.”
Hoseok might as well have said elephants have arrived. Neither sentence would make sense in the context of Clean Ocean.
“My… what?”
“Your parents,” Hoseok repeats. “They’re here. Olya wasn’t near the front, and the bouncer wasn’t sure what to do, so he let them in.”
“But…” You stare at him, flummoxed. “That makes no sense. Why are they here?”
“I don’t know. To offer congratulations?”
The laugh you give sounds like a wheeze. “These are my parents, we’re talking about.”
“Right, well.” He looks at you, helpless. “Only way to find out is to ask them, I guess.”
Staring at Hoseok, you wait for the rising wave of panic which always accompanies the presence of your family and feel – nothing.
For the first time, you’re confident that whatever mischief your parents have in mind won’t affect you. Clean Ocean is doing well. You and Jason are solid. You have great friends, a good life and – a boyfriend, waiting for you outside at eleven.
Insides warming, you can’t help but smile – something that swiftly disappears when you look at Hoseok. Based on his expression, he seems to be worried you’re having a nervous breakdown.
“Alright,” you say, straightening. “Where are they?”
“Patio. Last I saw, anyways. Want me to come with?”
“No thanks,” you exhale. “They’re my parents. I can handle them.”
Hoseok examines you carefully, then nods and steps aside. He’s long learned not to mess with your familial ties after attending several parties where your parents ignored him. Striding through the main room, you force your expression to neutrality and run through potential options.
Maybe your parents are here because of an important donor. Maybe they came to look good in the papers. Or maybe (most likely) it’s unknown option three which will leave you reeling and nauseous in a way only they can. Stepping onto the patio, you scan for the signs of impending doom.
A breeze rolls in from the ocean, prickling the hair on the back of your neck. Not seeing them, you walk forward – and Jason steps in your path.
“Y/N,” he blurts out. “I’ve been looking for you.”
Instantly, your eyes narrow and you grab his arm. “Why didn’t you warn me they were coming?” you hiss, leaning in.
“I didn’t know!” Jason protests. “Mom texted they were here when I stepped from my car. I’ve been searching all over for you but couldn’t find you. Hoseok didn’t know where you were, either,” he adds, giving you a questioning glance.
Careful to keep your expression blank, you fall into step alongside him. “Busy night. I’ve been running around.”
“Right. Sure.”
The look Jason gives you makes you sweat a little but before he can say anything, the sound of your mother cuts above the crowd.
“Y/N! Darling,” she cries, appearing from nowhere.
Grimacing, you lean in for the double-kiss, disentangling yourself before she can follow up with a hug. This is when your mother loves to whisper her disapproving comments in your ear. Smile in place, you step from her grasp and turn towards your father.
“Mom and dad,” you say brightly. “I didn’t realize you were coming. Did something change in your plans?”
Stepping backwards, your mother sips her champagne. “Nothing changed, Y/N. I’m positive I told Miranda to reply to your RSVP. And even if she forgot – which would be typical – is it so surprising we’d like to support our only daughter?”
Rather than offer an uncharitable response, you nod.
“It was nice of you to come,” Jason agrees. “Are you enjoying the evening?”
Your mother glances at the patio. “That DJ is too loud. He’s going to burst someone’s eardrum, and I’m sure their insurance won’t cover third parties. Did you take out an umbrella policy?” she asks, not waiting for an answer before she continues. “Other than that, the night has been tolerable. There’s an almost respectable crowd here. I know most of the guest list.”
Knowing your mother, she meant this as a compliment. Still, you find yourself wishing you’d at least had the foresight to grab another drink.
“And what about you, dad?” Jason asks, sounding strained. “Are you enjoying the evening?”
Your father blinks, as though startled by being addressed directly.
“Yes – oh, yes,” he says with a nod. “Very nice.”
A pause follows, so Jason continues.
“It is,” he says proudly. “Y/N worked so hard to pull this together. I mean, when she said Infinity Motors pulled out, even I was panicking. The fact that this launch party is happening is nothing short of a miracle.”
Hearing this, your mother looks at you sharply. “What did your brother say? Liam is no longer a donor of Clean Ocean?”
Wincing, Jason realizes his mistake but it’s too late. Seeing no easy way out, you adopt your most neutral expression.
“Yes,” you exhale, turning to face your mother. “Infinity Motors is no longer a donor for Clean Ocean.”
Finally, this gets through to your father. “What happened?” he demands. “Was it a matter of money? Was the offer too small? I’m playing golf with Liam on Sunday – I could talk to him then. We could work something out; this doesn’t have to be the end.”
“There’s no need for that, dad,” you hasten.
“Don’t be so proud,” your mother cuts in. “Listen to your father. He’s been doing this for much longer than you have, Y/N. Do the other donors know?” she asks, changing topics. “It really isn’t right to throw a launch party when the program is cancelled.”
“It’s not cancelled,” you say through clenched teeth.
“There’s no need for that tone, Y/N. I’m just thinking of you, here. I assume this means you’ve broken up with Liam?”
“We were never dating, mom.”
“Oh, right. Is that really what you want to go with?”
“Yes, it is,” you say. “And why does it matter, anyways? One minute, you’re pushing me to date Jungkook and now, you’re all about Liam.”
“I’m willing to admit when I’m wrong,” your mother says with a sniff. “You and Liam Jessen make more sense as a couple. And you were right about that Jeon boy,” she adds, a bit darker.
Hearing this, you pause, unsure how to respond. Your mother has never shied away from supporting the Jeons before. Sensing your hesitation, Jason jumps in.
“What do you mean?” he says, curious.
“W-ell.” Like the cat with the canary, your mother swirls her champagne. “I was speaking to Louise Trapp the other day and she said that apparently, Jungkook is running his father’s company into the ground.”
“Oh?” you ask, the word faint.
When Jason looks at you with confusion, you pretend not to notice.
“It’s true.” Your mother shakes her head. “He’s investing all their profits into renewable energy. Forgoing any sort of shareholder dividend! He fired all the old executives, the ones who’d devoted their lives to the company. Terrible – just terrible,” she sighs. “That company will go under soon, mark my words.”
For a moment, you stand speechless. Hearing your mother list all Jungkook’s accomplishments as faults is a level of surrealness Dalí wouldn’t expect.
“Hm.” Jason seems thoughtful. “Those don’t sound like bad ideas.”
Ignoring this, your mother shakes her head. “Such a pity, too. That boy had such potential. All the opportunity in the world, and this is what he chose.”
Hearing her clear disdain helps you regain your voice. “And what, exactly, did he choose?” you ask, your words full of soft venom.
Both mother and father blink at your tone.
“Well, he…”
Your mother falters.
“Now, Y/N,” your father says, cutting in. “You know your mother meant nothing by the comment.”
“Oh, I’m sure,” you say sweetly. “So, what did you mean?”
Your mother’s gaze narrows, never one to back down from a fight. “I only meant,” she says stiffly, “that he’s turned a lot of former friends into enemies. And that it’s a pity to see his father’s tremendous work be undone.”
“Jungkook’s father,” you snap, barely aware of what you’re saying, “isn’t worthy of being mentioned in the same sentence as Jungkook.”
Your mother stares at you, aghast and in the corner of your eye, you see Jungkook appear.
He stands at the edge of the patio, searching for something – or someone, you realize, when your gazes meet. Briefly, he smiles before stepping from the dais to melt into the crowd. Suddenly, it seems foolish to have separated from him at all.
“Speaking of Jungkook,” you say, turning back. “I’ve been meaning to thank you, mom.”
Both your parents seem perplexed.
“Thank me for what?” your mother asks tightly.
Rather than answer, you turn around and wave. Your timing proves to be correct, as Jungkook appears as though called from the crowd. When he sees you waving, he stops and glances behind him. Realizing no one is there, Jungkook pivots, and you wave again. Puzzled, he tilts his head, and you nod.
Once you’re certain he’s coming, you return to your family.
“For encouraging me to go out on dates,” you say, answering your mother’s question. “You were right. I was going out with all the wrong men. I needed someone who can hold their own, and now I’ve found that – thanks to you.”
Your mother continues to look bewildered, but Jason breaks into laughter when Jungkook approaches. Your brother quickly disguises this as a cough, taking a large gulp of his whiskey. 
Jungkook appears by your side, holding a glass of red wine and looking fully at ease. Stepping closer, you slip your arm into the crook of his elbow and Jungkook glances at you, surprised. This only lasts a moment before he gives in.
“Darling,” Jungkook says, placing his other hand on your lower back. “Are you alright? Do you need a drink?”
“No, no – darling,” you add, just to watch his lips twitch. “I only wanted you to meet my parents. As my boyfriend.”
Something heated flares in his gaze, followed by understanding. Turning towards your family, Jungkook’s expression shifts to one you’ve only seen a few times before. A thrill runs down your spine at the detached look of Jeon Energy’s CEO.
“No fucking way,” Jason breathes.
Your mother instantly straightens. “Jason,” she hisses. “Language!”
“Sorry, mom.” He shakes his head. “So, does this mean you two are actually…”
“Dating?” you supply, your smile widening. “Yes. That’s what I wanted to thank you for, mom. For bringing us together.”
Placing his hand over yours on his elbow, Jungkook inclines his head. Expression unchanging, he keeps you firm by his side.
“I should be thanking you as well, Mrs. Y/L/N,” he adds, solemn. “If it weren’t for you, I never would have found someone as wonderful as your daughter.”
Your mother’s mouth opens, then shuts, clearly torn. On one hand, it’s rude to directly contradict an acquaintance. On the other hand, she doesn’t agree with Jungkook. You don’t think you’ve heard your mother ever use wonderful and daughter in the same sentence.
Luckily, your father steps in. “Well, isn’t this fantastic,” he booms. “How long has it been since I’ve seen your father, Jungkook? I’ll have to set up golf with him soon.”
The change is barely perceptible, but Jungkook’s smile dims. Squeezing his arm with your hand, you force him to look down and he softens.
“We were just talking about you,” you say, looking upward. “My mother was giving her thoughts about your performance as CEO, and I thought it’d be good for you to hear them in person.”
Jason nearly spits his whiskey back into his glass. Your mother is similarly stricken, although she composes herself quickly. Jungkook, on the other hand, seems mildly amused.
“Was she now?” he asks, turning to face her. “I must say, the reviews so far have been dismal. Most people seem to think I’m running the company into the ground.”
Your mother looks a bit sallow. Faced with two bad options – lying or saying something rude to Jungkook’s face – she chooses her next words carefully.
“Yes, well.” She nods. “It takes great… fortitude to make such large-scale changes.”
Jungkook lifts a brow. “Ah, yes. True. But enough about me,” he adds, glancing your way. “Shouldn’t you make the rounds? I’d hate to keep you from your guests.” His expression hardens slightly when he returns to your parents. “It was lovely to see you,” Jungkook adds in a tone which clearly says it was not. “We should do this again.”
Hearing his insult disguised by kind words, your mother stiffens. Your father doesn’t seem to notice and, with a nod, he scans the place for a bar.
Bending, Jungkook brushes his lips against your cheek. “Do you want me to stay?’ he murmurs. “I don’t like leaving you alone with them.”
If you felt any uncertainty before, it immediately vanishes.
“I’ll be fine,” you whisper back. “I’ll see you at eleven.”
Nodding, Jungkook pulls away to face your parents again. “Have a goodnight,” he says before leaving.
You watch him enter the crowd, your side feeling suddenly empty. Before you can offer up any type of explanation, Jason starts to chuckle.
“Wow,” he says. “Jeon Jungkook, Y/N.”
“What about it?” you ask, turning back.
“Nothing.” His grin widens. “I thought that you hated him.”
“Yeah, well.” Somewhat sheepish, you shrug. “Turns out, I don’t.”
Jason continues to smile, and you can’t help but return it – until your mother regains her voice.
“Y/N,” she huffs. “You could have warned us before calling him over like that.”
“I thought you’d be pleased,” you say blithely. “You were the one who introduced us.”
“You – we.” Coming to a stop, she takes a deep breath. “While admittedly, that Jeon boy comes from a good family, he’s hardly the type of man we’d encourage you to date.”
“Oh?” you ask, a dangerous note to your words.
Not for the first time, you understand your mother will find fault in whatever you do. Here’s a man she set you up with and now, because you chose him, she’s taking back her approval.
Oddly enough, the fact barely stings. Not long ago, it might have. Glancing around, you spot Jungkook by the bar and realize he’s watching. He pretends not to, but every now and again, he glances your way, and his expression tightens.
You smile reassuringly. Returning to your parents, you look them each in the eye.
“Then it’s a good thing I’m the one dating him and you’re not,” you say simply. “Thank you for coming. I hope you enjoy the event.”
With that, you turn around and leave. Behind you, Jason jumps in to save the conversation, and you feel a surge of gratitude. While you may not always agree, you can’t deny your brother has your back.
Now, keeping your distance from Jungkook until the end of the night seems pointless. Cutting through the crowd, you make your way to his side. Jungkook watches you navigate and, once you arrive, hands you a glass of champagne. Taking it, your heart flutters, since Jungkook has selected a brand you ordered before.
“Hey,” he says softly.
Smiling back at him, you take a sip from the glass.
“No. Way.”
A third voice makes you start. Turning, you find Seokjin staring between you, open-mouthed. Before you can explain, Jungkook turns casually to face him.
“So,” he remarks. “I hear you like Yoongi.”
Gaze jerking to him, Seokjin shuts his mouth. Stifling a laugh, you lean into Jungkook, and he places a hand on your lower back.
Seeing this, Seokjin groans. “Are you two together now? Because if so, I’ll need at least a five-minute warning before you enter a room. New couples are the worst.”
“Yes, we’re together,” you say, smiling up at Jungkook.
He smiles down at you, and in the background, you hear Seokjin offer congratulations before disappearing. Jungkook’s fingers trail lower, realizing how much of your skin is exposed.
“This dress,” Jungkook murmurs, lowering his lips to your ear, “is indecent.”
“Are you trying to tell me what to wear, Mr. Jeon?” you ask in mock-outrage.
Withdrawing his hand, Jungkook turns you to face him. “I wouldn’t dare. Allow me to rephrase – seeing you in that dress is making me want to do indecent things.”
Heart hammering against your ribcage, you stare upward. Before you can respond though, your phone vibrates in your clutch. You determine to ignore it, but then a second vibration occurs – followed fast by another.
Jungkook’s lips tighten. “You should probably get that.”
As much as you hate to admit it, Jungkook is right. Pulling away, you reluctantly unzip your clutch. Spotting Hoseok’s name on the screen, you scowl and swipe.
Hoseok: you saw Jungkook?? Was that before or after we talked? [9:01 PM]
Hoseok: hang on – Seokjin says you’re with him now? [9:29 PM]
Hoseok: and you didn’t tell me?! [9:30 PM]
Hoseok: Y/N! [9:30 PM]
Reading over your shoulder, Jungkook chuckles. Handing him your glass of champagne, you respond.
Y/N: yes, I saw him and yes, we’re together. Additional questions will be answered at a later time [9:32 PM]
Belatedly, you realize this is your group chat when you see Seokjin’s ellipses.
Seokjin: they’re being nauseating out on the patio [9:33 PM]
Seokjin: steer clear [9:33 PM]
Y/N: we are not being nauseating [9:34 PM]
“We kind of are,” Jungkook murmurs. Wrapping his arm around your waist, he lowers his chin to your shoulder. “Which reminds me – you should probably be in there, talking to people.”
You huff, knowing he’s right and your phone dings again.
Hoseok: Y/N, go home [9:36 PM]
Surprised, you stare at the screen. Hoseok continues typing, and another message follows.
Hoseok: Olya agrees – go home. You’ve been here for hours and said hello to everyone important. We can handle the rest. [9:37 PM]
Before you can counter, Jungkook’s hand closes around your phone and tugs it from your grasp.
“Thank god,” he sighs, kissing the nape of your neck. “Because it’s taking my last shred of willpower to keep from ripping this dress right off you.”
His free hand splays across your middle, tugging you backwards as you sharply inhale.
“Are you ready to leave?” he asks, low in your ear.
“Yes,” you blurt, making your decision. “Let’s go. Right now.”
Jungkook chuckles, following close behind when you take his hand. Not caring who sees, you drag him through the crowd and towards the main entrance.
Once you’re outside, you reach for your phone and Jungkook sets this in your palm. Coming to a stop alongside you, he slips both hands in his pockets.
“Where do you want to go?” He tilts his head. “Your place or mine?”
A million (not PG) possibilities run through your mind, rendering you speechless. Judging by his expression, Jungkook seems to be thinking the same.
“Your place,” you say, only to pause. “But… Dante is at my neighbor’s.”
“We can go to your place,” Jungkook offers. “Or we can pick up Dante and head to mine. I don’t care either way.”
You stare at him, speechless, too stunned by the absolute perfection standing before you.
Mistaking your silence for disapproval, Jungkook starts to backtrack. “Or not,” he says. “You could ask your neighbor to watch Dante? Or we just head to your place. I really don’t care, Y/N, I just want –”
“No – no,” you blurt. “It’s not that. None of what you just said is bad. It’s just – you’re wonderful,” you say, somewhat breathless. “Let’s get Dante and go to your place. If you don’t mind.”
Jungkook breaks into a smile. “I really don’t,” he says, turning around as headlights swing into the drive. “I hope you don’t care I had my driver waiting.”
“I don’t,” you respond, your giddiness only growing when Jungkook takes your hand.
Opening the door, he waits for you to sit before crossing to the other side. You’re nearly buckled in when he joins, leaning over the console to give his driver directions. When the car starts to move, Jungkook settles backwards – casually pushing the button to raise the partition.
Ensconced in darkness, every inch of your body goes taut.
Shifting on leather, you stare straight ahead and do your best to ignore the mounting tension between you. You have an entire car ride before you reach his place. This is easier said than done though, because the longer you sit, the more you remember the first night you met.
Jungkook’s voice is low, seductive, and unthinking, you turn. You immediately regret this because now, you’re aware of how close Jungkook is. His right hand splays across the seat between you, taking up space in a way that’s distracting.
“So,” you exhale.
Your voice is breathy, even to your ears and his upper lip curls. Leaning forward, Jungkook gently drags his thumb along the curve of your jaw. Unbidden, you shiver.
“Did I tell you how gorgeous you look?” he murmur, not looking away.
“If I didn’t know better,” you say, “I’d think you were trying to get me naked.”
Jungkook lifts a brow. “Oh, I am. Not here, though. I won’t make that mistake again.”
“Mm.” His voice drops. “You don’t deserve to be undressed in the backseat of a car. You deserve to be spread out like a feast – worshiped and eaten until I’m fully sated.”
You feel your heart quicken. “And… if I want the first option?”
“Well, then.” His hand slowly slides to the back of your neck. “We’ll just have to compromise.”
Bending, his teeth scrape your jaw as you tip your head back. Other hand finding your waist, Jungkook pulls you closer as you squeeze your eyes shut. Tilting your head, Jungkook lightly tugs the lobe of your ear between his teeth.
A whimper escapes you, thighs clenched tightly together.
“Slow,” Jungkook whispers. “We have all night.”
“But I want you now.”
His grip on you tightens. “Careful,” he warns. “Each time you’re a brat, your orgasm gets delayed.”
Chest rising and falling, you open your eyes. Jungkook stares back at you, his gaze lidded as a sudden wave of boldness overtakes you.
“So, what can I do, your highness?” you ask.
Absent, his thumb strokes the side of your throat. You aren’t sure Jungkook is even aware that he’s doing it, so focused is he on the shape of your mouth.
“I don’t think we have enough time for roleplay tonight, princess,” he muses. “What you can do is let me worship your body the way that I want.”
“The way that you want?”
His gaze flicks to yours. “What I want is for you to be so wholly undone, you forget your own name.”
Sensing approval, Jungkook shifts even closer. His other hand spans your ribcage and when he brushes the underside of your breasts, you suck in a breath.
“Jungkook,” you groan.
Lightly, Jungkook swipes his thumb over your nipple. Due to the low back, you aren’t able to wear a bra with this dress. It means you feel every touch, each caress as Jungkook plays with your body.
Shifting even closer, he cups your breast with one hand. “Fuck,” Jungkook mutters. “I’ve missed being able to touch you like this.”
His thumb circles your nipple, other hand joining to find your other breast. You long to touch him back but are afraid if you start, you won’t be able to stop.
Pressing your legs tightly together, you rock against your seat in desperate search of friction. Hand rising to the back of your head, Jungkook crushes your mouth to his. Unable to take it, your arms twine around his neck to pull him even closer. His hand falls to the seat, covering your body with his as he–
The car beneath you slows.
Freezing above you, it takes several moments for Jungkook to speak. In the corner of your eye, you realize you’ve reached your apartment and slowly sit back.
“Fuck,” you exhale.
Shutting his eyes, Jungkook still doesn’t move. “Yeah,” he mutters. “Fuck.”
Eventually, he shifts to unbuckle his seatbelt. Hiding a smile at his clear distraction, you push open your door and step onto the curb. You’re halfway to the door when his arms wrap around you from behind.
“Come on,” he sighs, pulling you backwards. “Let’s go and find Dante before I let you convince me to fuck you in my car.”
“Jungkook!” you gasp, glancing around to ensure no one heard.
The street is thankfully empty and, stifling laughter, you pull him inside. The five stories to your apartment are less painful than usual, possibly because Jungkook refuses to let go of your waist. It makes for rather awkward travel, but you can’t bring yourself to complain as you reach your front door.
“Jungkook,” you laugh, fumbling in your clutch for the key. “I need Dante’s things.”
“Which means I need my hands,” you point out.
Pouting, Jungkook drops his arms and reluctantly steps away. Unable to deal with his face, you turn around on tiptoe and kiss him. Accepting your touch as currency, Jungkook holds open the door while you step inside.
Dropping your clutch on the counter, you head straight for your bedroom. The faster you pack, the faster you reach Jungkook’s apartment, and the rest of your night can begin.
“Do you need any help?” Jungkook yells.
“No!” you call back, grabbing a duffel bag.
Tossing clothes in, you barely pay attention to what you grab. Scanning your bathroom, you throw in some face products and zip up the case. When you return to the kitchen, you come to a stop.
Jungkook has assembled a random assortment on your counter. Dog food, treats, bathroom bags, a few leashes – basically, everything you might need for Dante. Lifting a brow, you walk closer.
“Is this for Dante?” you ask, picking up a chew toy.
Jungkook nods, a bit sheepish. “I wanted to help, so I pulled some stuff together.”
Setting your bag on the floor, you reach up and pull his face down to yours. Your kiss is soft, sweet and Jungkook looks puzzled when you pull away.
“Thank you,” you murmur. “That was really cute.” You glance sideways. “He only needs like, a quarter of this but it was cute.”
Laughing, you help Jungkook pack what Dante actually needs in a second bag and finally, you’re ready to go. Switching off your lights, you head towards the door – only to walk straight into Jungkook’s chest.
Surprised, you look up. “What?”
He glances at your duffel bag. “What’s in there?”
Pulling the strap tighter across your chest, you shrug. “Things,” you say. “Clothes for tomorrow, face stuff, pajamas –”
“Pajamas?” Jungkook nearly smiles.
Determined, you lift your chin. “Yes, pajamas.”
Taking a step closer, Jungkook lets his arms fall. You take an unconscious step backwards, your hips hitting the counter as, slowly, he places one hand on either side of you.
He tilts his head. “Do you really think you’ll be needing clothing tonight?”
Before you can utter so much as a syllable, Jungkook turns around to pull open your door.
“Let’s go,” he announces.
Adopting a scowl, you stalk past. Laughing quietly to himself, Jungkook shuts the door as you cross the hall. You knock on Jimin’s door, and several barks follow (most of them Dante’s).
Stopping beside you, Jungkook holds out a hand. It takes you a moment to realize he’s asking for the duffel bag. Ignoring him, you knock a second time and Jungkook uses your momentary distraction to relieve you of the bag.
You’re just turning sideways to scold him when the door opens. Seeing the two of you, Jimin’s jaw drops as he freezes.
“Jimin, hi!” you blurt as a furry bolt of lightning enters the hall.
Dante runs straight for Jungkook, and you watch – utterly betrayed – while Dante rolls onto his back. Staring up at Jungkook with heart-eyes, Dante wags his tail. Obeying the obvious demand, Jungkook bends to give Dante belly rubs.
Regaining himself, Jimin leans against his door. “Wow, Y/N,” he says with a laugh. “Seems like you’ve been replaced.”
Glancing upward, Jungkook squints. “Hey, Jimin. Nice to meet you again.”
“Nice to see you.” Grin widening, Jimin glances your way. Over Jungkook’s head, he mouths, so, is this a thing? before he turns back. “Will we be seeing the two of you tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow?” Jungkook continues to rub Dante’s belly. “What’s tomorrow?”
“I’m having people over to play video games,” Jimin says. “My girlfriend will be there, along with Hoseok and Olya. You’re more than welcome to come.”
“Thanks for the offer.” Jungkook looks up. “If Y/N wants to, I’m in.”
“We’ll see,” you say. “It all depends on what we’re doing.”
Brow lifted, Jungkook slowly stands from the floor. Heat floods his gaze, understanding exactly what you mean. If you’re able to withdraw yourself from Jungkook’s bed before next week, you’d be surprised.
Glancing between you, Jimin pauses, then nods. “Cool.” Subtle, he raps on his door frame. “I’m heading back inside before you do each other in the hall, but text me if you’re coming, Y/N. Night!”
Stepping inside, Jimin shuts his door. Jungkook stares after him, startled before chuckling. Bending, he scoops both bags from the ground.
“That guy just says whatever’s on his mind, huh?” he muses, clipping on Dante’s leash. Dante actually lets Jungkook do this, which is in itself a rarity.
Trying not to let on how amazing this is, you shrug. “Jimin is blunt, but he’s also super nice. If you did want to go tomorrow, we can.”
“We’ll see.” Jungkook straightens. “Like you said, we may be… otherwise occupied.”
He gives an exaggerated wink and it’s a physical battle not to kiss him right now. Turning away, you head down the hall. You absolutely refuse to jump Jungkook in the hallway.
Outside, you take Dante to the bathroom while Jungkook sets your stuff in the trunk. You’re unsure if Dante will enter a car other than yours but needn’t have worried. As soon as Jungkook opens the door, he bounds right in and curls up on the backseat.
The entire drive to Jungkook’s place, Dante insists on sticking his head out the window. At first you try to pull him back in, but Jungkook doesn’t mind, even going as far as to join Dante at the end. You cringe beside them, unable to keep from laughing when they both bark at passersby.
Once parked, you take the special elevator from Jungkook’s garage to his place. His doors slide open, and Dante bounds forward, forcing you to drop the leash.
Allowing him to explore, you enter the hall at a slower pace. Jungkook is close behind, setting down the bags to remove his loafers. Stopping beside you, he places a hand on your back.
“Hey,” he says.
Exhaling lowly, you turn to face him.
“Hey,” you murmur.
Jungkook searches your face. “Are you okay with all of this?”
“Yeah. It’s just… this feels big. You know?”
“I know.” He pauses. “I haven’t been serious about much in my life, Y/N, but I’m serious about this. About you.”
“Good,” you say, and step closer. “I’m serious about you, too, Jungkook.”
He smiles down at you. “Good.”
Bending, Jungkook brushes his lips to yours – once, twice before he pulls back. He leaves a small space, enough room to say no. Instead, you grip his jacket and pull him closer. Jungkook breaks down, a low groan in his throat as his mouth opens yours.
Cupping the back of your neck, Jungkook pulls you to him. He molds your body with his and you inhale, feeling his arousal thicken between you. His hardness presses against your stomach and you bite down – hard – on his lower lip.
Abruptly, he pulls back. “Wait,” Jungkook pants.
Somewhat dazed, you stare up at him. Tearing his gaze from yours, Jungkook glances away and you spot the source of his concern splayed out on his sofa. Dante – now fast asleep, all paws in the air.
“He…” Jungkook gapes. “He was just running around.”
Reaching up, you return Jungkook’s stunned gaze to yours. “He’ll be like that until morning,” you say. “Dante only does things full-out.”
“Hm,” he muses. “Likewise.”
Slowly, Jungkook’s gaze drops to scan your curves. His hands follow, cupping and seeking each inch of bare skin. When he stops above your ass, Jungkook cups you roughly and pulls you against him. Lowering, he opens your mouth with his in a dizzying kiss.
Without looking up, Jungkook walks the two of you backwards and down his hall. At his room, Jungkook ignores the handle to press you to the wood.
“I’ve thought about this so many times,” he confesses, breaking away to kiss down your jaw. “Every night since you left.”
‘Since I left? Jungkook, you were the one who –”
“You said I shouldn’t have come.”
“Because you shouldn’t have,” you say, distracted by his tongue on your skin. “That didn’t mean I didn’t want you there.”
“Complicated woman,” Jungkook growls, lifting his head. “Let’s just say what we mean from now on, yeah?”
You can’t help but smile. “A lofty goal.”
His gaze sparks. “I like to be aspirational. For instance”– achingly slow, his hand travels down your thigh – “I want you to come three times tonight.”
Hitching your knee, Jungkook presses his hips to yours. You inhale when you feel his cock harden against your core. Without looking away, he thrusts upward, and you can’t help but whimper.
“Three,” Jungkook repeats.
Hand sliding higher, he regrips your ass. Holding tight, Jungkook thrusts again and you groan at the feel of him through his pants. You want less fabric, more clothing gone and Jungkook seems to echo your urgent desire.
Reaching behind you, he fumbles for the door. It opens abruptly and you nearly fall, but Jungkook catches you in time. Kicking the door shut behind you, he doesn’t bother with the light – not with the skyline so bright before you.
Turning you around, Jungkook drags both palms up your sides. You can’t help but shiver, moaning when his lips brush below your ear.
You’re surprised when he doesn’t remove your dress. Instead, Jungkook steps closer and entwines your hand with his. Pulling you backwards to his chest, he slowly lifts your arm to drape around his neck.
Slipping a hand beneath your dress from the side, he cups your breast. Inhaling, you arch when Jungkook flicks over a nipple. This is followed by a soft caress, turning your nipple rock hard while you squirm against him.
Pushing back with your ass, you grind his crotch until Jungkook grabs your hip.
“Be a good girl,” he murmurs, flicking your nipple again.
Exhaling roughly, you slip a hand in between you to palm over his pants. Rather than punish you for it, Jungkook pushes his cock forward, into your hand.
“That’s it, princess,” he breathes in your ear. “So fucking dirty, aren’t you? Couldn’t keep yourself from touching my cock. See how hard you make me?”
“So hard,” you whimper. “Want you inside me.”
“Not yet. Need you out of this dress.”
Barely do the words register before Jungkook tugs down your zipper. You’re forced to let go when Jungkook steps backwards. Undoing the clasp at your nape, he releases your dress to fall to the floor.
Staring at him in the window, you watch Jungkook step forward.
“Look at you,” he murmurs, gripping your waist. Pressing you to his front, he casually trails a hand up your naked body. “So fucking beautiful.” With his other hand, Jungkook plays with the line of your panties. “What do you want, Y/N?”
“More,” you pant, watching your reflection’s chest rise and fall.
“Hm.” Cupping your sex, Jungkook pulls you back. “I need you to be more specific,” he whispers in your ear. “My mouth? Hand? Want to come on my cock?”
“All of it,” you blurt, greedy.
Jungkook chuckles. “Need you out of those heels first, princess. No matter how fucking hot you look in them.”
You nod and, in the window, watch Jungkook bend to help you from the shoes. Tossing the heels aside, he sits back on his knees. You stare at his reflection; certain you’ve never seen someone so beautiful.
“Bed,” Jungkook rasps with a jerk of his chin. “I need you to walk to my bed, princess. Then turn around and place both hands on the mattress.”
Whatever snappy retort you had dies on your tongue. Instead, you merely nod and obey. Watching him in the window, you see Jungkook stand, palming himself as you walk. Reaching his bed, you lower your palms to spread on the sheets.
Silent, Jungkook watches, only heightening your anticipation.
His footsteps are soft, heavy while approaching the bed. Your breath quickens at the soft click and thud of his belt hitting the floor. Glancing over your shoulder, you almost wish you hadn’t. The ravenous look on his face, staring at your cunt nearly ruins you.
Gaze flicking upward, Jungkook catches you watching.
“Face forward,” he says, stepping closer to run his hand up your thigh. “Or I’ll go even slower.”
Swallowing hard, you face forward. True to his word, Jungkook is slow in his exploration. His fingers casually glide along the edge of your panties, teasing and dipping but never removing. Every now and then, he slips a single digit inside, barely grazing the mound of your swollen flesh. Biting down on your lip, you push your ass backwards.
Darkly, he chuckles. “Do you want these panties gone, princess?”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, please,” you grind out, glaring over your shoulder.
Smiling wickedly, Jungkook slips his hands under your panties and pulls towards the ground. He helps you step out, leaving you suddenly bare. Placing one hand on your lower back, Jungkook pushes you forward until you feel his weight over yours.
“All this,” he murmurs, sliding his hand up your leg. The tips of his fingers brush where you ache, and you suck in a breath. “For me.”
“For you,” you groan, head hung in anticipation.
The warmth of him is tangible, his waist aligned with yours but just out of reach. Jungkook’s hand wanders up the back of your thigh.
“Can I touch you here?” he murmurs, dragging his fingers in a v over your aching center.
“God, yes.”
Repeating the motion, Jungkook lightly strokes each side of your sex. On his way back down, his thumb swipes your center, and he lets out a groan.
“So fucking wet,” Jungkook says, sounding pained. “You’re so fucking wet, and I’ve barely touched you.”
“I can’t help it,” you whimper.
“There’s nothing to apologize for,” he says, his tone soft as he slips a finger inside. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous. Men should line up and kneel before a pussy like this.”
A spark ignites. Lifting your head, you meet his gaze in the window.
“Then, why don’t you?” you ask sweetly.
Jungkook’s pupils dilate. While you watch, he lifts his hand to slap the round curve of your ass. “Because,” he says lowly, “other men don’t know what to do with a cunt as gorgeous as yours. I do, though – don’t I, Y/N?”
“Yes,” you exhale, arching again. “You do.”
Even this – the slow anticipation – is driving you wild. You know Jungkook will make you orgasm and know he’ll do it in a way which makes you feel good; a level of trust you’ve extended to few others.
“That said.” Jungkook chuckles and drops to his knees.
Staring, your lips part when he spreads your folds. You’re sure you must be a sight, bent over and glistening while he stares at your opening. Suddenly, Jungkook spits and you sharply inhale. His spit trickles down your pussy, mixing with your slick and making you clench.
“Fuck, Jungkook,” you groan when he circles your clit with his thumb. Before you can say any more, Jungkook spreads your folds and the next thing you feel is his tongue. “Oh my god,” you gasp, broken.
Bent over, the best you can do is stay upright while Jungkook eats you out. Nose brushing your clit, he follows this with his mouth, then tongue. At some point, his fingers join in, gently tracing your opening before slipping in one, and then two to slowly stretch you.
You whimper, hands fisting in the sheets while your legs start to tremble. Jungkook sucks on your clit, long and slow before flicking his tongue in staccato. Thighs spreading further, you sink down to allow better access.
Switching positions, Jungkook licks your clit while his fingers fuck you. “Goddamn, Y/N,” he breathes. “You’re so wet.” Pulling away, he stands from the floor to bend forward. One hand on the bed, Jungkook parts your legs with his other palm. “Clenching around me so nicely.”
Slipping two fingers back in, he spreads you wider before pulling out. Lips brushing your neck, Jungkook plays with your pussy as though he owns it.
“That’s it,” he murmurs. “You’re doing so good with just two of my fingers. Need to stretch you out before you can take my cock.”
“I can take it,” you pant.
“Not yet,” Jungkook says, curling his fingers. “Want you dripping and ready before I fill you with my cum.”
You clench at the thought, and Jungkook lets out a hiss. Lifting his hand from the bed, he cups your front to stroke your clit. The pleasure builds quickly, his fingers continuing to move while his other hand teases. Bent over and helpless, all you can do is take it.
“Jungkook,” you gasp, your thighs shaking. “I’m close.”
“Oh?” he murmurs, adding a third finger. You groan, feeling stuffed – and still not remotely close to how thick his cock is. “Take another – you’re doing so well for me, princess.”
Shifting, his fingers hit a spot deep inside you which makes you cry out. Pushed over the edge, your orgasm is fast – squeezing his fingers, you gasp as you ride out the wave. Jungkook helps you through it, coaxing you gently down from the high.
When the last of your tremors has subsided, he withdraws his hand. Pressing a kiss to your neck, Jungkook waits until you turn around.
“How was that?” he asks.
“How… was that?” you ask, amazed as you catch your breath.
Earth-shattering, and yet you barely feel sated. Most of Jungkook is clothed and, feeling the injustice, you take a step forward and press your naked body to his.
“I want more,” you tell him.
“That so?” Jungkook murmurs, cupping your ass with one hand.
“Yeah,” you say, your breath quickening when his fingers swipe through your slick. “Want you naked, Jungkook. Please.”
Wordless, he steps backwards to lower his hands to his pants. Jungkook undoes a button and, finding his efforts too slow, you move forward. Replacing his hands on the zipper, you tug them down as he laughs. Assisting your efforts, Jungkook steps free from his pants to reveal black boxer-briefs.
“Now, your shirt,” you demand.
Lifting a brow, Jungkook undoes the first button. “So greedy,” he says, unable to stop from smiling. “Someone might think you only want them for their body.”
There’s no bite to the words, but you soften regardless. Yoongi’s frankness about Jungkook using sex to keep people away surfaces in your mind. When Jungkook’s shirt hits the floor to reveal tan skin and ink, you barely even notice, stepping closer.
“Hey,” you say softly.
He pauses.
“Jungkook.” You hesitate. “As much as I love… this, between us… that’s not why I’m here. I’m here because I want more than that. I want you. In every way. I need you to know that.”
Uncertainty steals across his features, soon replaced by understanding. Bending his head, Jungkook kisses you – a gesture so light, you barely feel it.
“Thank you,” he murmurs. “I do know.”
“Good.” He pulls back. “And as wonderful as that is to hear, I have every intention of making you come in my bed until you forget your damn name.”
Your breath catches, followed by a moan when his teeth scrape your jaw.
“Sit on the bed,” Jungkook says quietly in your ear.
Unthinking, you obey. When your knees hit the mattress, you sit and scoot backwards until your feet leave the floor.
Jungkook tilts his head. “Spread your legs. I want to see you.”
Slowly, you spread them and lean back on your elbows. Jungkook inhales, his eyes darkening as he takes a step forward.
“Wider,” he murmurs, lowering one knee to the mattress. “Good. That’s better, princess.”
Sliding one hand up your thigh, Jungkook brushes a kiss to your skin. Grasping your waist, he uses this as an anchor while leaning forward.
“How do you want me?” he asks and looks up.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, how do you want me?” His lips curve. “From behind? Standing? Bent over? Spooning? You aren’t on your period, right?” Jungkook asks, as though the thought just occurred to him.
“N-no,” you assure. “Not yet.”
“So?” he asks, returning to the question at hand. “What position do you want to start in?”
“Uh, all of them?”
His lip twitches. Sitting back, Jungkook crosses both arms across his chest. This causes his biceps to flex which, honestly, is unfair. It seems Jungkook knows what he’s doing, as well – he lifts a brow with maddening arrogance.
“All in good time, princess,” he says. “But how do you want me to fuck you right now?”
“I want to see you,” you confess. “Please.”
Understanding, Jungkook nods and lowers himself to his elbows. Little by little, he releases his weight to press you to the bed. His kisses start slow, but soon, Jungkook’s hands are skimming your curves, losing himself in the feel of your body.
Grinding your hips, you feel the length of him harden. Sliding one hand down his side, you trace the band of his boxers to tug them lower.
Jungkook starts to laugh when you mostly succeed in freeing his ass. Scooting backwards, he removes his boxers and tosses them on the floor. When Jungkook returns to your legs, you exhale with satisfaction – which soon turns to a groan when he captures your nipple with teeth.
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you arch against him. Jungkook’s cock slides against your sex, getting him wet in a way that drives you mad.
“Y/N,” Jungkook rasps. “Look at you. So fucking needy beneath me.”
“Need it,” you moan. “Need you.”
“You have me,” he says, intensity flooding his gaze.
“Do I?”
“All of me,” Jungkook promises. Reaching lower, he positions himself at your entrance. “I’m yours, Y/N.”
Almost reverently, Jungkook drags his cock through your arousal. Teasingly, he circles your clit before moving lower. He does this again – and again, and again – until you think you might burst.
“Jungkook,” you pant.
Gaze lifting, Jungkook presses his cock to your center – and freezes. You go still as well, certain something is wrong.
“Jungkook?” you ask, tentative. “Is everything alright?”
“Fuck.” Jerking back, his hand drops. “Shit – I forgot. Condom.”
Leaning across the bed, Jungkook starts to open a drawer when you grab his hand. Halting his movement, Jungkook glances your way.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, returning immediately. “Do you want me to stop?”
“I – no,” you breath, face suddenly hot. “It’s just… I’m on the pill. And I’m clean. I was tested last week, and I haven’t been with anyone else since the second time we, uh…”
Jungkook looks at you intently. “What exactly are you saying, Y/N?”
“I’m saying you don’t need to use a condom – if you’re also clean.”
“I am.” He pauses. “I went to the doctor this week. But Y/N…” Jungkook trails off. “I’ve actually never…”
He falters, unsure and you realize what he’s trying to say. Jungkook has never had sex without a condom. You suppose you shouldn’t be surprised, given his lack of relationships but still – you didn’t think there’d be anything you’d done before him.
Gently, you touch the side of his face. “We don’t have to,” you tell him. “I know this is a big step. I just thought I’d ask.”
When you move to withdraw, Jungkook catches your hand in his. “It is a big step. But I want to take it with you. If you’re sure,” he adds, quiet.
“I’m sure.”
Jungkook stares at you a long moment, then releases your hand. Lowering himself, he opens your mouth with his. Fingers twisting into his hair, you raise your hips, and he lets out a groan. When you shift, feeling his cock press to your hip, the need is nearly unbearable.
Reaching down, Jungkook repositions himself at your entrance. There’s a moment of hesitation before he pushes in, stopping after only an inch. Both of you inhale, relishing the feel. The tip of his cock is swollen and thick, and when Jungkook pushes in a bit further you stifle a moan.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he gasps, sounding raw. “You feel so fucking good.”
Lifting your hips, you make him slide an inch deeper.
Jungkook grunts. “Don’t do that,” he warns. “Unless you want me to come in the next twenty seconds.”
Smiling, you fall back and allow him to go at his pace – not that you mind. Jungkook stares intently at the point where he enters your body, unable to believe this is happening. Each inch he gains makes you feel a bit fuller and when he’s nearly halfway, you reach down to slowly rub your clit. Jungkook’s eyes glaze at the sight, muttering something beneath his breath about how hot you are.
With a final thrust, he sheathes himself fully and you gasp. Filled to the brim, you have the unbearable urge to move but Jungkook’s expression is nearly past his limit. Exhaling lowly, his gaze lifts to yours.
“God,” he mutters. “This is… the way you feel… is so unbelievable.”
Breath catching, you nod. Without a condom, you can feel every inch of Jungkook inside you. It makes him feel closer, as though you’ve let him in in more ways than one. Lifting your hips, you try to take him deeper.
Jungkook grits his teeth. “Not yet,” he warns. “Give me… a minute.”
Eventually, the tension leaves his jaw and Jungkook slowly pulls out. The loss of him makes you whimper, and with equal deliberation, Jungkook pushes back in. When he sees you bite down on your lower lip, he smirks.
Before you can huff, Jungkook repeats the motion – this time, harder. Both of you groan when your hips meet, feeling the way you easily stretch around him.
“Goddamn,” he murmurs, one hand on the bed. “You’re so perfect for me, baby. Feel so fucking good wrapped around my cock.”
Tightening your legs around his waist, you take him in deeper. Lifting himself onto his elbows, Jungkook thrusts a bit harder to hit a new angle.
“Ah,” you moan, arching your back. “There, Jungkook – right there.”
“There?” he murmurs. “That’s what you want, princess?”
Frantic, you nod and try to coax him faster. Jungkook merely chuckles, dragging the motion out so you feel his entire length inside you.
“Patience,” he coaxes. “You’re so good for me, Y/N. So fucking tight and perfect – made for me. This pussy was made for my cock.”
“Yeah, it was,” you breathe, your chest brushing his. “You’re so fucking hard. Fuck me so good.”
“Yeah, I do,” Jungkook growls, claiming your mouth with his own.
He doesn’t change speed, but each thrust is sharp, hard, driving you up on the bed. The motion causes your breasts to bounce, caught in between you. Breaking away, Jungkook lowers himself to suck a nipple between his teeth.
“Oh my god,” you whimper.
Pulling abruptly back out, Jungkook adopts a kneeling position. Yanking your thighs closer, he notches himself at your entrance and pushes – a groan escapes, the position allowing him to get even deeper.
“That’s it,” he breathes, bending forward. “Want to feel you come on my cock.”
Pressure building, your hands slide up your body to cup your breasts. Inhaling softly, Jungkook fixates on the sight as he thrusts even harder.
“Is this what you want, princess?” Jungkook grunts, the hard, heavy hit of his cock makes your eyes glaze. “Thought so.” His smile is smug. “All you want is a thick cock inside you.
“Yes,” you groan. “Don’t stop, Jungkook.”
“I’m not gonna stop, baby,” he says, leaning forward to hit a deeper angle. “Need my cock to make you come so good, right? How’s that?”
“Th-that’s it,” you gasp, choking on words. “Jungkook!”
Each thrust deepens the pleasure, your thighs starting to shake while you fight to hold on. Your perception narrows to his cock between your legs, his chest brushing yours until you come. Pleasure breaks over you, so strong it nearly pulls you under. Gasping his name, you hear Jungkook swear when you tighten around him. He continues to thrust, supporting your orgasm until you whimper.
Slowly, your eyes open to find him above you. Brushing a kiss to your cheek, Jungkook gently pulls out and sits back. Struggling to prop yourself up on both elbows, your gaze lowers. His cock stands in what must be a painful erection, but Jungkook pays this no notice.
Instead, his attention is fixated on you. “Are you alright?”
You nearly laugh. “Are you?”
A wry smile crosses his face. “Answer the question.”
“I’m… amazing,” you exhale, collapsing slightly. “Blissed out by the multiple orgasms.”
Jungkook’s brow sketches upward. “Just two, and you’re done?”
His tone is dark with promise and instantly, your body stirs. Not that it ever fully relaxed – the second orgasm did more than the first, but still, you crave more.
“Are you done, Jungkook?” you ask sweetly.
Boldly, his gaze lowers to your spread legs before him. Blistering heat enters his gaze, taking in your drenched cunt.
“No,” he admits, slowly fisting his cock. You watch while he drags his hand up and down. “I’m not done, but I can come on your chest. Or in my hand. Whatever you prefer.”
“Or,” you exhale, flipping onto your stomach, “you could fuck me like I know you want to.”
From behind, Jungkook inhales. Glancing at him over your shoulder, you nearly come on the spot. Jungkook stares at you, ravenous, as though you’ve gifted him heaven. There’s no need to ask twice.
“On your hands and knees, baby,” he demands, moving closer. “I need you hard and fast. Feeling you come around my cock was so fucking hot – I won’t last long.”
Nodding, you hastily position yourself, ass-up on the bed. Coming to a stop, Jungkook drags his fingers through the slick at your entrance. Grasping your hips, he pulls them higher and leans forward.
‘Such a good girl,” he murmurs, slipping two fingers inside you. “Can you come for me again?”
“Yes,” you pant, pushing back on his hand.
Withdrawing his fingers, Jungkook replaces them with his cock to fill you with one thrust. He pauses, adjusting to the feeling of you from behind. In the window’s reflection, you can see how good it looks to be fucked by his cock.
Jungkook’s eyes meet yours. Smirking a little, he lifts his hand to bring it back down. You groan at the sound, arching your back to invite him further. Jungkook obliges, spanking you harder when he thrusts his hips deeper.
“You want it rough?” he murmurs, sliding one hand up your spine. “Can you take it, princess?”
“Please, Jungkook,” you beg him. “I need you to make me come again.”
“So greedy.” Dragging his fingers through your arousal, Jungkook rocks his hips forward. “I love a woman who knows what she wants.”
“Harder, Jungkook,” you pant.
His grip tightens. “As you command.”
Pulling back out, he pauses – and releases whatever hold he had on himself. Jungkook doesn’t ease you into it; as promised, he fucks you hard and fast. Fingers digging into the sides of your ass, Jungkook pounds into you. Each thrust has his balls slapping your clit, pleasure sparking inside you.
“Oh – fuck,” you gasp, head thrown back. “Jungkook!”
Shifting his hips, he hits a spot deep inside which makes your whole body tremble. A deep, throbbing need spirals through you, leaving you weightless.
Sensing the shift, he manages to go even faster. “Right there?” Jungkook grunts, and you nearly sob. “That’s it, baby. Just relax. I’ll take care of it. I’ve got you.”
Turning your head, you lower your chest to the sheets and spread your thighs wider. Yanking your hips upwards, Jungkook takes control and drives into your body.
“Oh – oh,” you gasp, worrying you might split in half.
“Come for me, baby,” Jungkook urges. “Want to feel you around me. Want to paint this cunt white.”
Edged beyond belief, your hand slips higher to trace over your clit. Noticing this, Jungkook groans.
“That’s it, princess,” he pants. “Touch yourself. Feel how fucking hard you make me. How badly I need to come. Can’t wait to fill you up. Let everyone know whose pussy this is. Do you want that?” he grunts. “Want me to mark you like that?”
“Yes,” you hiccup. “Want your cum so bad inside me. Want to feel you for days.”
The thought of it overwhelms you so much, you can’t hold it in – your orgasm claims you. Jungkook’s hips stutter when your body releases, squeezing him tightly. Gasping, he follows, the heat of his cum pulsing into your body. Jungkook continues to thrust until there’s nothing left, staying inside you while your breathing steadies.
Slowly, he bends and lifts you from the bed. Limp in his arms, you can’t help but smile when he kisses your neck. Eventually, Jungkook pulls himself out – you move to cup yourself, but he’s already there, his hand slipped between you.
Lazily, Jungkook drags his fingers through the mess, mingling your slick with his in slow strokes. When he exhales in satisfaction, you can’t keep your nipples from hardening.
Noticing this, Jungkook chuckles. “You like that?” he murmurs, continuing to play with your pussy. “Like the feel of my cum inside you?”
Wordless, you move your hips against his hand. Other hand traveling up your torso, Jungkook tugs a nipple, and you suck in a breath.
“If you keep doing that,” you whisper, “you’ll make me come again.”
Jungkook pauses. “Want me to?” he asks lowly. “I’d love to eat you out like this.”
On instinct, your lips part and you meet his gaze in the window. Jungkook grins and, before you can respond, he’s guiding you onto your back.
“Is that a yes?” he teases.
“Yeah,” you breathe, staring up at him.
“Shit, Y/N,” Jungkook mutters, staring at your messy sex. “You’re unbelievable.”
Although cock has gone mostly soft, it twitches at the sight. When you spread your thighs wider, Jungkook groans and lowers himself to the sheets.
He starts off slow, trailing his fingers up and down your oversensitive sex. When his touch starts to feel good, Jungkook grips your thigh to open wider.
“Don’t move,” he murmurs, and bends forward.
The first sweep of his tongue makes you sigh. Jungkook eases you into it, avoiding sensitive places, working your body until you writhe beneath him. When he finally takes your clit into his mouth and sucks, you arch clean off the bed. Lowering your hands to his hair, you guide Jungkook with strands wrapped around your fingers.
Growling, Jungkook moves one hand to your thigh to keep you pinned in place. His dark hair is a halo across your skin while he eats his cum from your pussy. Pushing your hips higher, you move in a circle to get him where you want.
Panting, Jungkook looks up. “You taste so good,” he murmurs. “Next time, I’m keeping my cum inside you. Want to pull up your panties and let everyone know that you’re mine.”
You stare at him, shocked and aroused by the concept. It’s something that’s never really intrigued you but now, with him, the thought is appealing.
“And I’m yours,” Jungkook adds, softer.
Before you can melt too much at this statement, he lowers his head and sucks your clit. Groaning aloud, you grab his hair and barely hold on. Finger tracing your entrance, Jungkook strokes and teases while you grind on his face. When he pushes his finger inside, the glide is made even easier by his cum inside you.
“Oh – fuck,” you gasp. “That feels so fucking good, Jungkook.”
“Does it?” Lifting his head, he curls his finger. “You like being this filthy, baby? Like having me eat my own cum from this perfect pussy?”
“Good,” he pants. “Because same.”
When you glance down, you nearly come on the spot. Jungkook’s hips are lifted, allowing him access to palm his cock while he eats you out. Stunned, you watch his ass tense while he grinds into his hand. A brief flash of his fingers through legs shows him cupping his balls, giving them a soft tug, and you nearly combust.
“Jungkook,” you groan. “Are you hard yet?”
“Nearly there, princess.”
“Want you inside me,” you say. “Now.”
Immediately, Jungkook pulls back to sit on his heels. Staring intently at your body, he strokes his half-hardened cock.
“Alright,” he said, his voice rough. “Touch yourself. Play with my cum inside you – that’ll get me so fucking hard.”
Spreading your thighs, you trail your fingers up and down your sex. Spreading yourself further, you give Jungkook the view he craves. When you sink a finger inside, he groans in approval and thumbs over his cock.
“Want you,” you say, watching him harden. “Want to feel you so deep in this pussy. Want you to fill me up with your cum and keep it there. Flip me over and fuck me so hard, I can’t walk tomorrow.”
Jungkook grunts, giving himself a final stroke before gripping your thigh to push towards your chest. Thrusting forward, he fills you in one stroke and you both groan in tandem.
“Fuck.” Jungkook stares, watching the last of his cum drip from your pussy. “You’re so goddamn tight, Y/N. Even tighter than before.”
“Feel… feel so full,” you say, breathless.
Jungkook’s gaze sparks as he slowly pulls out. “That’s it,” he breathes, pushing back in. “Gonna fuck all my cum right out of you. Fill you up a second time – you want that?”
“Yes,” you manage. “Please.”
“Then that’s what you’ll get,” he says, fucking you in rough thrusts which drive you up on the bed. “Gotta treat this pussy right.”
“You do,” you groan, face buried in his neck.
Jungkook’s hips are relentless, thrusting into you hard and making you tremble. Clinging to his back, you feel his steady thrusts bring you fast to the edge. You’re so close to breaking when Jungkook abruptly pulls out.
“Jungkook?” you say, dazed. “What are you –”
“Like this,” he says, shifting you to lay on your side. Grasping your knee, Jungkook lifts your thigh, pressing his hips to yours from behind.
Repositioning himself, Jungkook pushes back in. You gasp at the loss of control, everything feeling so wet and tight in the position. Releasing your knee, Jungkook gently pushes you forward to fuck you from behind.
“Jungkook,” you groan, pushing backwards.
“Yeah, princess?”
Your heart skips a beat. “I need… more.”
Sliding his arm beneath your knee again, Jungkook lifts your leg to open your body. The position allows him to get even deeper and, a groan slipping past, your eyes flutter shut.
“Keep your knee up,” Jungkook demands, and releases.
Hand sliding higher, he cups your breast to stroke over a nipple. Teasing, he trails lower to stop above your sex. When you whimper, he gives in and strokes in slow circles. Watching him touch you in the window reflection is an added rush.
“That’s it,” Jungkook murmurs, thrusting harder. “So fucking gorgeous. Ready to come so easily on my cock.”
“For you,” you moan. “Always for you, Jungkook.”
He growls, teeth scraping your neck as he draws his hand away and regrasps your leg. Pulling this higher, he tugs you against him to fuck even harder. Your entire body shudders, on the verge of release.
“Touch yourself,” Jungkook gasps. “I’m about to come.”
You obey, fingers slipping over your clit, lost in the feeling of him deep inside you. Already close to the edge, it doesn’t take long before you tighten around him. Pleasure breaks through you in a hard, quick orgasm which leaves you shattered. Jungkook comes soon after, moving inside you until the last of his cum trickles out.
He stays as long as he can but eventually, Jungkook pulls out. Grabbing a tissue, he returns to clean you and, once done, drops back on the mattress.
“That was…” Jungkook stares at the ceiling. “Amazing.”
Turning over, you loosely drape your arm over his chest. For once in your life, you don’t feel the urge to dissect what just happened. Gently, Jungkook lowers his head to brush a kiss to your temple.
“Yeah,” you exhale.
“I should probably clean up,” he says after a pause. “Want to use my bathroom? I can use the one in the living room.”
Reluctantly, you pull back to place your feet on the floor. Staring out at the skyline, a thought suddenly occurs to you.
“Am I sleeping in here?” you ask, glancing over your shoulder.
Jungkook hovers, one foot on the ground. “Uh… I assumed so, yeah? Unless you want to stay upstairs?”
“No, no,” you hasten. “I want to stay here.”
“Oh, okay.” His shoulders relax. “Good.”
Jungkook’s grin makes you smile and, after retrieving your bag, you rush to get ready. Rather aggressively, you scrub your face – each second apart feels like wasted time. Once finished, you stare at your pajamas and then shake your head.
Heading to the door, you push it open a crack. Jungkook stands beside his dresser, plugging in his phone to charge. Despite what he said, he’s dressed in a new pair of boxers and not in the nude.
Pointedly, you clear your throat, and he turns.
Seeing you half in, half out of his bathroom, Jungkook lifts a brow. “Yes?”
Innocently, you blink. “Can I borrow a t-shirt?”
Shifting his weight, Jungkook crosses both arms. Again, this makes his biceps pop, and you narrow your gaze. His hotness infuriates you, amongst other feelings.
“Are you going to return any of my other clothing?” Jungkook asks drily. “Because I seem to be missing several other items.”
Eyes wide, you ask, “Are you sure it was me? Maybe your dry cleaner misplaced things.”
“Or I’ve loaned you several things you’ve yet to give back.”
“What can I say?” Grin wide, you shrug. “You smell good. That t-shirt I borrowed is my new favorite nightdress.”
Hearing this, his eyes go hazy with want. Silent, Jungkook turns around to walk towards his dresser. Withdrawing a large, cotton t-shirt, he turns around.
“You can have this,” Jungkook says, “on the condition my other items be returned.”
“Well, sure,” you say, accepting his t-shirt through the door. “Your other clothes don’t smell like you anymore. We’ll need a rotation.”
Faux annoyance vanishing, Jungkook leans down to press a kiss to your lips. “I don’t care,” he murmurs, pulling back. “Keep it. Keep all my shirts. I’ll walk around naked.”
“That would cause some serious traffic problems,” you say, slightly dazed.
Jungkook just grins, gesturing with one finger for you to turn around. Retreating to his bathroom, you slip his t-shirt overhead as you shut the door. Adding a fresh pair of underwear, you zip your bag shut and exit.
Jungkook is already in bed, his covers pulled back and waiting.
“Does Dante always sleep like that?” he asks when you climb inside.
“Like what?”
“You know.” Pulling a face, he mimics your sleeping dog. “On his back, with his tongue out.”
You can’t help but laugh. “That’s his natural state, I’ll have you know. How rude of you to judge him.”
“No judgment! I was scared I broke him.”
Grinning, you slide beneath his sheets. Draping your arm over Jungkook’s waist, you turn your head to rest on his chest. Gently, your fingers trail through the smattering of hair which leads to his boxers.
Frowning, you think about the last time you slept in the same bed. While that night at your apartment was wonderful, the morning after was less so and unthinkingly, your arm tightens. Staring at the ink on his chest, you trace Jungkook’s tattoos with your gaze and remind yourself how different things are.
“That night meant something to me,” he says quietly.
Startled, you look up. “What night?”
Jungkook exhales. “When I stayed at your place. When we slept together, and I… well, it had been a long time since I stayed at someone else’s place. Actually, ever.”
“Yeah.” He pauses. “I panicked. I woke up and saw you and… I knew this was special.” Jungkook’s gaze intensifies, needing you to understand. “I’d been feeling things for a while, but that was the day I woke up and… I just knew. But you didn’t want more than sex, and there I was, breaking the rules. I was terrified you’d wake up, look at me, and know. So, I left.”
“Jungkook…” you murmur, putting the pieces together.
He exhales. “It was stupid, but there it is. I’m sorry.”
“So, that day… you left because you felt too much?”
“Yeah. I tried to be casual about it in my text, but I think I may have overcompensated.”
Your lips twitch. “I’ll say.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you.” His gaze softens. “I’m sorry if I did.”
“That makes two of us. But Jungkook… you already apologized for what happened before – so did I. This is a fresh start.”
“A fresh start, mm?” He fights back a yawn. “Sounds nice.”
“Mm.” You return your head to his chest. “Consider this a blank slate.”
Rather than relax, Jungkook tightens beneath you. Uncertain, you lift your head and find him staring at the ceiling. His brow furrows, deep in thought and you wait for him to speak whatever’s on his mind.
“I just… I should tell you more.” He swallows, and you watch his throat work. “About my childhood. About my family, and why I… why I am the way I am.”
“You don’t have to tell me right now,” you say, sensing how difficult this is. “I want to know more – I do. I want to know everything about you, Jungkook. It doesn’t have to be tonight, though. I’m not going anywhere.”
Grateful, Jungkook turns his head to look at you. Grasping your hand in his, he lifts them both to press a kiss to your fingers.
“Tomorrow,” he murmurs, lowering them to his chest. “I just… I want tonight to be about the two of us. No one else.”
You nod because you understand. It’s difficult to let people in; even the ones you want to know more about. Guilt steals through you though, knowing what you already do.
“You should know, though…” You hesitate. “Yoongi mentioned your childhood to me. He didn’t give specifics, but he gave a general idea.”
Jungkook merely chuckles. “I know,” he says softly. “And like I said, I’m not angry. Yoongi was right. I tend to let people think the worst of me – and rather than prove them right, I push them away. It’s something I’m working on in therapy.”
“Therapy, huh?” you murmur. “That’s great, Jungkook.”
“Been seeing them on and off. It’s a lot of change, taking over Jeon Energy. I thought it’d be good to talk through it all.”
“That’s really good,” you agree. “I’ve been thinking of doing the same.”
Jungkook simply nods and accepts this. After all, trauma never really disappears. It just becomes easier to deal with, something to live with and to know how to respond to.
“Anyways.” Jungkook swallows. “I wanted to tell you I’m trying. I want this. I want you. And I want to be better for me, too.”
Heart swelling against your ribcage, you press even closer.
“I want you, too, Jungkook,” you whisper. “It’s hard for me to trust, but I trust you. Completely.”
Cupping your chin in one hand, Jungkook lifts you to him for a kiss. When he pulls away, he rests his forehead against yours.
“You know the room you stayed in?” he murmurs.
Brow furrowing, you nod. “Yeah?”
Releasing your chin, Jungkook’s gaze shifts towards the door.
“I made that room for my mom,” he admits. “It was the type of space she liked, a style she would have picked. When she died…” He hesitates. “I was scared I’d lose that warmth in my life. That I’d turn into my father, obsessed with the family business. I think I did for a while,” he confesses, glancing down. “But now…”
Trailing off, Jungkook doesn’t finish his sentence, and you don’t make him. Taking his hand, you lower your head to his chest again. Jungkook’s arm tightens, pulling you closer, and your thigh ends up draped over his.
“You could never be like your dad,” you murmur against his skin. “Granted, I don’t know him well, but I know you, Jungkook. You helped me without asking for anything in return. You changed Jeon Energy from the inside and maybe that took a while, but it’s the kind of change that lasts. You’re the best person I know,” you add, your voice dropping. “If I need to spend the rest of my life reminding you, I’ll do it.”
Gently, Jungkook tilts your chin upward with his thumb. Your gazes meet, and you’re struck by the sudden realization that this man is yours.
Just as you’re his.
“Likewise, princess,” he murmurs and kisses you.
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Author's Note: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed :) This is the last chapter in this series. I will be writing an epilogue, but it will take place after this story. I do not have a tag list, so please do not ask to be added or ask about updates. My writing progress can be found in my updates schedule, linked in both my header and FAQ!
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© kpopfanfictrash, 2022. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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