Polyamorous culture is having an interesting relationship to the concept of jealousy, and I felt like sharing mine: I mainly feel jealousy before I actually start dating someone, but not as much during.
Like, when I'm actually with someone, I don't feel much jealousy, and actually feel a lot of compersion at the thought of them also being in love with someone else as well as me.
But when its during that window of time in between realizing I have a crush on them and actually asking them out, I feel super jealous on the inside. Ironically it also happens to me after a breakup. I remember being super jealous hearing about my most recent ex talking to people, despite the fact that while we were actually together I gleefully set them up on a date.
I think its a case of jealousy hitting me when I feel insecure about the relationship. Once we're established and I know they like me, I don't get bothered by the idea of them liking other people. But when I don't know if they like me, and someone else comes along, I get anxious.
And of course being poly and feeling jealousy can lead to the interesting mix of emotions that happen when I'm jealous that my crush asked out someone else despite the fact that I already have a partner.
That is really interesting and makes a lot of sense! Thanks for sharing :D
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bimbofairyprincess · 9 months
😍 the way his eyes light up when he's looking at other women
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polyamzeal · 2 months
I love seeing my boyfriend and his boyfriend interacting. They way they look at each other, the ways they talk. There is so much love. Forever and always, so much love that can fit into this world. It's ok. Everything will be ok. Just look at the love. Look at the little space we have created here.
This is beautiful! I love compersion!
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elle-et-eux · 4 months
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clownssouracid · 3 months
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tried shading my oc Maybo because I usually don't shade my character drawings
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polyamorousmood · 1 year
Weird though it may sound, I think compersion and jealousy are not mutually exclusive. You can be happy your partner has found another person that enriches their life while also being put out they're giving you less attention because of it. That won't happen in every situation, but its okay if it does. Your compersion doesn't mean you don't still need to address your jealousy, but neither does your jealousy invalidate your compersion,.
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ellaenchanting · 11 months
Hypnovember 2023 Day 2: Brain Drain
I have committed Our Flag Means Death fanfiction! I am so sorry. Stede/Ed, Ed/Izzy, somehow happy poly and happy metamours making a lovely vee. Takes place in some AU season 2 where the last arc of the season never happened. Izzy is living his best happy masochist life.
Author knows fuck all about ships.
Izzy had gotten much more comfortable spending time with his shipmates since the Calypso's birthday incident.
There was nothing like a round of torture to bring a crew together, he thought.
Tonight the whole group had gathered in the galley under the ship, laughing and chatting long past when they usually went into their quarters for the evening. The sea had been calm that day and the mood was social. Everyone seemed quite relaxed.
Only two members were missing.
Oluwande looked up from his cuddle pile with Jim and Archie. He seemed to have read Izzy's mind. "Hey," he called out to the gathered group, "Has anyone seen the captains this evening?"
"No!" a few people responded.
"Thank God," snarked Black Pete. "Blackbeard...well Ed has been freaking me out. Yelled at me earlier about trimming the sails and you KNOW I keep them the trimmest, babe," he said to his partner Lucius.
"Yeah, he snarled at me when I told him 'hello' earlier," said Archie. "Like this!" She contorted her face into a frankly over-the-top grimace. "Made me nearly jump out of my skin. I may have heard him yell at some seagulls too? Or dolphins?"
Roach looked worried. "Neither captain has come down for dinner, yet," he said.
"Perhaps they are...occupied in the captain's quarters," speculated Izzy.
"Oh? Feeling left out, are you?" joked Frenchie, the little shit. Izzy tactfully ignored him.
Roach replied, still concerned. "Captain Stede will usually come down and request provisions in advance if they're having a long night alone," said Roach. "Thinks he's being sneaky, says they need extra energy 'for planning raids.'"
"My room is below theirs. Trust me, they've not been buggering today," piped up Wee John. "Unless they've learned to be much more quiet about it."
"Maybe they've gotten into a spat and someone's gotten pushed off the ship," spat Lucius. "That'll happen with him, you know."
"OK, that's enough," said Izzy, trying to regain control over the situation as everyone began to talk at once. "You're like gossipy fishwives, all of you. I'll go check on the captains. Make sure Bonnet's not running the ship into a cliff or something."
Izzy climbed up the stairs and started to look around the ship. Ed and Stede weren't in the captain's quarters (being quiet for once). There was no sign of them on the deck. He even craned his neck up to the bird's nest and checked. No captains there.
He finally spotted them at the back of the ship- on a little bit of the stern mostly hidden from view. They were both sitting facing out at the ocean. From a distance, Izzy could see Stede's arm was bent around Ed's shoulder, his hand occasionally reaching up to rock Ed's drooped head into slow, almost imperceptible little circles. Aside from the rocking, Ed's body was remarkably still. It was a huge change from the tense, coiled menace that Ed's frame had carried earlier in the day. Now, he looked almost like a puppet with his strings cut, only responding to Stede's guidance. His arms rested gently besides his legs, lax and pliant.
Izzy could hear Bonnett speaking in a low, soothing voice near Ed's ear but he was too far to make out any words.
Ed had mentioned mesmerism to Izzy before. It was one of the many upperclass daliances that Bonnet had introduced him to- one of those many trifling hobbies that Izzy would never begin to understand the appeal of. Izzy even knew that Bonnet had used his skills on Ed previously. His captain confided that Bonnett's fancy mesmerism routine had helped him find quiet during his not-infrequent emotional storms, that it evened out his seemingly uncontrollable highs and lows. In Izzy's mind, he had pictured the whole thing looking quite comical- Bonnett with wiggly fingers staring daggers into Ed's eyes (maybe with rays), Edward swooning and fainting away in response like a lady whose corset was too tight.
This was quieter than what he had pictured. Gentle. Intimate, even. As he looked over at the scene, he had the sudden feeling that perhaps he shouldn't intrude.
He began to walk away when Stede turned his head and look directly at him. Izzy froze for a moment, unsure what to do. Stede quietly waved him over to where the couple was sitting.
As Izzy approached, he began to get a closer look at Ed's face. His eyes were closed and his face relaxed. His chest slowly rose and fell with each breath. As he come closer, he noticed Ed's eyes were making little flickers underneath his eyelids like he was dreaming.
Izzy wondered what dreams were happening below those lids.
Ed's brows furrowed a bit as Izzy came closer, picking up the noise.
Stede stroked a reassuring hand through his hair. He spoke in his ear, this time loud enough so Izzy could hear: "Shhhhhhh sweetness. It's OK. Relax. You're not in charge right now, remember? Just rest."
Ed's expression immediately cleared. He let held breath with a sigh.
"Izzy's here," Stede continued. "He and I are going to have a chat for a bit. But you don't have to pay attention to that right now, ok? Just drift. Why don't you see how deep you can count yourself down for me while we talk? I'll be right here. I'll touch your leg when it's time for you to listen to me again, ok?"
Ed gave a slight, dreamy nod. His lips barely moved as he began to count silently.
Seemingly satisfied, Stede gestured for Izzy to sit and moved over closer to him.
Izzy sat down, still staring at Ed's lax face. Somehow that by itself was just fascinating. Ed seemed so vulnerable and bare right now. Izzy wasn't sure if he should feel honored or spooked.
"He had a bad day," Stede said gently, nodding over to their entranced boyfriend. "You know how he gets. He needed out of his head for a bit."
Izzy DID understand how Ed got- probably more than his dandyish captain ever would. Hopefully more that Stede ever would, he corrected himself. Ed had certainly told his other boyfriend at least a bit about the hurricane that had been his and Izzy's relationship in the past. When times were bad, they had only known how to take their energy out on each other. They bit and snarled and scratched at one another just to drown out all the noise inside. Izzy had always assumed Ed had NEEDED all of that- needed to hurt and make Izzy suffer the same way that Izzy needed to hurt and suffer for him. That's how they worked. That's who they were together.
Since arriving on the Revenge, though, Izzy had seen more and more of the hidden soft side of Blackbeard. The side that enjoyed fancy clothes and fine foods. The side that kissed Stede's cheek sweetly when he didn't think anyone else was looking. The side that, even now, sat loose and drifting and unguarded while his two boyfriends stayed by him and had a chat.
"Can he hear us?" Izzy asked Stede, curiously.
Stede smiled. "He can hear us, he's just..focused elsewhere right now. Mesmerism's not a magic spell, it's more like- a nice version of where Ed's brain goes when he's navigating. Or how he is when he's trying to sniff out a storm."
Izzy was familiar with his captain's tendency to tune everything out while trying to read the sea. He pictured the absolute, unshakeable concentration of his focused gaze. "Only with nice, clear skies?"
Stede nodded. "Only with nice clear skies." He looked fondly at Ed's dreaming face. "No rain. Nothing to worry about right now." He had dropped into a lighter, dreamy tone- and for a moment, Izzy wasn't sure if he was still speaking to Ed or Izzy or even somehow mesmerizing himself.
Izzy had seen many things in his travels. He once heard a street charlatan talk about mesmerism- saying mesmerism somehow balanced out a person's magnetic forces (y'know- whatever magnetic forces were). He wasn't one for all of Stede's little tricks but- he did understand about needing balance.
Izzy had initially misunderstood Ed's relationship to Stede. He worried that the gentleman pirate would make Ed weak. That he would seduce him away. That he would try to turn the great Blackbeard into one of Stede's fancy little gentleman friends. Izzy had been terrified there would be nothing left of the Ed that he loved after Stede was through.
But Ed was still Izzy's Ed, even now. He could still fight and outwit and outmaneuver anyone else on the sea. He would still protect his crew with all the fierceness of his notorious reputation. He and Izzy could still lose themselves in each other- in their old married couple bickering, in their fighting and fucking, in their indulgences of Ed's sadism and Izzy's corresponding masochism. It just- felt more controlled now. Izzy no longer wondered if Ed actually hated him or if he was just looking for someone convenient to break. He no longer worried that Blackbeard would maim him so badly that he couldn't look after the crew. Even when Ed hurt him now- and he WOULD still hurt him, Stede didn't magic that part away- Izzy was always rewarded with a kiss and some praise afterwards. "That's so good, Izzy. You did so well for me," he would say. Edward seemed so much stronger in these moments now- able to control his own fierceness and use it as a weapon- but also to hold Izzy as he fell apart for him.
Izzy looked over at Ed's quiet countenance- so different than before. It was otherworldy seeing him this serene and distant. He had a sudden desire to protect this version of Ed- Stede's gentle Ed. To keep him safe. A mad, possessive impulse made it to Izzy's mouth before he could stop it.
"Can I touch him?" he asked. "Like this?"
Stede looked surprised. "By touch, do you mean....?"
"His face, Bonnet" Izzy replied, snarkily. "Or his hand or something. His hair. Not going to wank him off on the deck, now am I?"
Stede bit back a laugh. He leaned over to gently touch Ed's leg.
Ed reacted with an almost imperceptible startle before gently settling- serene like the moon going back behind a cloud.
"Shhh- that's OK, love, you can stay relaxed. Good," Stede soothed. "Izzy was wondering if he could touch you while you're in trance. Would that be OK?"
Ed took a moment to respond, as though the words were reaching him from a great distance. Then he nodded his assent.
Stede smiled back at Izzy, reassuringly. Izzy took a breath- then reached over to slowly stroke Ed's hair.
His fearsome Blackbeard smiled in return to the gesture- giving a happy little murmur. He slightly leaned his head in. Just like an affectionate kitten, Izzy thought.
"Good," soothed Bonnet at Ed. "I bet that feels nice."
Izzy grinned too, feeling oddly proud to be trusted with this quiet moment. He and Ed had never been conventional. Maybe it was OK that Ed and Stede weren't either. Maybe it was ok that their relationships were so different- that they saw such different aspects of the same person.
Maybe it was all ok.
Maybe it all balanced.
They sat quietly for a long moment on the deck, letting the peace of the atmosphere soothe them.
Gradually Stede stirred. "Izzy- I forgot to ask: Did the men send you? Were they looking for us?"
"There's no emergency, they were just curious where you were," replied Izzy.
Stede nodded. "We should probably get back, then. Or at least get off deck. Love," he said, moving his voice back into that hypnotic tone. He touched Ed's leg to refocus him. "Are you ready to come up out of trance for me?"
Ed took a deep breath and nodded.
"Good, I'll count to 5 then. It's just to guide you- I know you know how to come up at your own pace. Bring back any of this peace and calm that you want with you, ok?"
Stede started counting- his voice slowly gaining energy as he reminded Ed to connect back with his body and helped him reorient to the ship. It all didn't seem particularly magical to Izzy- but then again he rarely tried to understand Bonnet's ways anyway. Ed finally blinked his eyes open when Stede reached 5.
He blinked a few more times, adjusting. Then, his gaze lost it's bleariness as he looked adoringly up at Stede.
"Hi, there," said Stede, smiling gently. "Back with us, love?"
"Mmmmph mostly," said Ed, scritching his beard and stretching to rouse himself. He looked over at Izzy as though reminding himself he was there and smiled. "Heya, Izz!" Ed leaned up to kiss him.
Izzy grinned into their kiss. "Heya, Captain. Didn't want to interrupt your little daydream session. Crew was just looking for you."
"Ah, we missed dinner!" exclaimed Stede. "I should have asked Roach for..."
"Provisions for planning raids, I heard," smirked Izzy. "Yes, we're all very snowed by your clever euphemisms."
"Fuck provisions, I could eat a horse," said Ed. He practically bounced up and put an arm around both of his boyfriends. "C'mon, let's get some grub!"
Helpless to his whims as always, both of his partners joyfully followed him to dinner.
Fanfic is new to me so would love some thoughts! Also this is unbeta'd so will love you forever if you would point out spelling/grammar mistakes or if there's unclear writing. I'm considering posting this to AO3 but- don't want to embarrass myself in front of the REAL fanfic writers, you know? Feedback welcomed!
Tagging @mentat101posts and @thekinkycocktailclub .If you want to be tagged in these, just lmk!
Tagging @darthkyra @linnybeenaughty @pearlqueensposts @thiskenisftm @deeperforme because they wanted OFMD hypnokink and I blame/thank you for the inspiration to actually get this down!
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serotoninswitch · 1 year
Little gay people in my phone, my wife just successfully proposed to my girlfriend and I am SO HAPPY for them! Needed to scream my excitement into the void
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misshell99 · 2 months
My crush gushing to me about her crush is just like woah gosh gosh gosh 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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mrbango · 10 months
Ok I replaced the old one with the re draw in post but I’ll post the comparison lol
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New (left)
Old (right)
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elle-et-eux · 18 days
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The positive emotion felt when witnessing someone else's happiness.
More specifically, this is the feeling garnered by seeing your partner happy completely independently of you and being okay with that.
Many people call compersion the opposite of jealousy. But I believe it's more than that. Compersion is about letting go of your ego. It's about understanding that your partner being happy without you is a good thing and that it doesn't lessen your connection or your love. 
In a healthy relationship, seeing your partner happy with other people shouldn't be a threat. 
(Discover more at DiscoveringPolyamory.com)
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angelasscribbles · 5 months
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polyamorousmood · 1 year
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prehistoricmancunt · 1 year
Polyam people without any compersion blow my mind. You live like this??? What’s the point? Like why are you polyam if you hate when someone you’re seeing tells you abt someone they have a crush on or if you see them flirting ??????
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alpaca-clouds · 8 months
Dragonheart [Astarion/Themberchaud Fluff]
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I decided to finally write the "Getting Together" story for those two. Because I think they are adorable. (Yes, this crack ship is living rent free in my head.) It is also the "Themberchaud adjusting to his life on the surface world" story. Two in one, so to speak.
The picture above has been drawn by @g-vlssz. I posted the full body version here.
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 + DnD Shipping: Astarion/Themberchaud (Background: Astarion/Tav/Kantei) Genre: Fluff
For the first time in his life, Themberchaud has the ability to explore the surface world. And for the first time in his life, he has actual friends.
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