#Cadmus × MC
taintedsoul-if · 3 months
This whole drabble stressed my pea-sized brain out. At one point, I wanted to throw my device into the wall (though I would never harm my precious babies). Enjoy. Word count: 2150.
Cadmus × MC
You push open the door, and the sweet scent of incense envelops you. The pleasure house is dimly lit, with soft music and drunken laughter filling the air. A wave of nostalgia washes over you, reminiscent of The Ole Rose, your former haunt. You can't help but wonder if Ada is doing well. Though you hope your mother's schemes go unpunished, you know Ada will uncover the truth. Her tenacity is unwavering, and she'll stop at nothing to expose the secrets that led to your demise. You're torn between your love for your mother and your desire for justice. The madam, resplendent in red robes, approaches with a captivating sway of her hips. "Well, well, well, a new face! It's lovely to have you here, stranger."
The madam's warm smile and sultry tone break the spell of nostalgia, and you focus on the present. You take in the opulent decorations and the patrons' revelry, feeling a sense of disconnection from this life. "Just passing here to enjoy a drink or two. No company necessary." You emphasize the last part, hoping to avoid any unwanted attention. The madam's eyes sparkle with understanding, and she nods. "Very well, stranger. You're welcome to stay. Take a seat wherever you like. I'll send someone over with a drink of your choice." Her gaze lingers on yours for a moment before she turns to attend to another patron, leaving you to your thoughts. Your eyes scan the room, searching for a quiet corner to escape into, when they land on a familiar figure - Cadmus, sitting in the shadows.
The memories of Cadmus's avoidance at school flood your mind, making you hesitant to approach him now. You recall how he'd vanish into thin air, leaving you feeling frustrated and unwanted. With a deep breath, you decide to respect his boundaries and not force an interaction. Instead, you redirect your attention to finding a peaceful spot to collect your thoughts. Your eyes scan the room, searching for a secluded corner where you can retreat into your own world.
As you search for a quiet corner, your eyes land on a cozy nook partially hidden by a velvet curtain. The soft glow of a lantern illuminates the area, casting a warm and inviting light. You make your way towards it.
Just as you settle in, the Madame of the pleasure house approaches, accompanied by two individuals with striking features and slender physiques. "These two have just arrived," she says with a knowing smile. "Although you declined company, they can assist with pouring your drink and attending to any other needs you may have."
You smile politely, feeling a bit uneasy at the Madame's suggestion. "Thank you, but I'm quite alright on my own," you reply, trying to decline their services.
However, the two individuals approach you with charming smiles, their eyes sparkling with interest. The woman, with raven-black hair and porcelain skin, introduces herself as Luna, while the man, with chiseled features and piercing blue eyes, introduces himself as Kael.
Luna takes the liberty of pouring you a glass of wine, her fingers brushing against yours as she hands it to you. Kael, meanwhile, takes a seat next to you, his proximity making you feel slightly uncomfortable.
The Madame, seemingly satisfied with the arrangement, nods and excuses herself, leaving you with the unlikely trio.
As you raise the glass to your lips, a flicker of uncertainty crosses your face. The wine's flavors explode on your palate, a masterful balance of sweet and bitter notes. But before you can savor the taste, a chilly voice cuts through the air. "Indulging in drugged wine to get yourself in the mood, I see." Your head jerks up, and your eyes meet Cadmus's piercing vermilion gaze. He looms over you, his presence both captivating and intimidating.
You gaze up at Cadmus, his piercing vermilion eyes seeming to bore into your soul, their inscrutable expression unreadable. "Cadmus," you say, trying to sound nonchalant despite the sudden tension. Ignoring his words, you brush them off, still remembering the stinging feeling of his avoidance. "So now you want to talk to me?" You take another sip, the sweetness and bitterness dancing on your tongue.
"You're both dismissed," Cadmus said curtly. The servers scurried away like they'd been doused with cold water, abandoning their posts without a second glance. Your eyes blazed with anger, and your glass hit the table with a sharp crack. You rose from your seat, your finger pointing at Cadmus like a dagger. "Who do you think you are, dismissing my servers like they're your personal minions?" Your voice was low and even, "You've been avoiding me like the plague in public - at school of all places! Making me look like a damn stalker for trying to talk to you, but now you're ready to get cozy in private?"
"When you approach me, do you feel anything?" Cadmus asked, disregarding your words. His hand clasped around your index finger.
"What does your approaching me have to do with anything? I am talking about you avoiding me!" You tried jerking your finger out of his hold, which didn't budge.
"Mi sol, I am getting very impatient and I don't know how long I am able to hold out for."
Gnashing your teeth together, you smacked his hand. "Stop calling me that! My impatience is also wearing thin! Your feelings aren't the only..." You were unable to finish your sentence, as Cadmus's lips covered your own, silencing you completely.
Cadmus's lips were warm and demanding, his kiss deepening as he pulled you closer. Your mind raced, torn between the anger and frustration that had been building and the sudden rush of emotions his kiss evoked. You felt like you were drowning in the sensation, your resistance melting away with each passing moment.
As suddenly as it had begun, the kiss ended. Cadmus pulled back, his eyes burning with desire. "I've missed you," he whispered, his voice low and husky.
You stood there, breathless and bewildered, trying to process what had just happened. Your heart raced, your lips still tingling from the kiss. "You've got some nerve," you managed to stammer, trying to regain your composure.
Your body felt hot, as if it was suddenly doused in a tub of hot water. Your vision blurs, and you stumble, feeling your weight pressed against Cadmus.
"Even the weakest drug has such a lethal effect on you." Nestling your head against Cadmus's shoulder, your body trembled. Thinking about it now, he did say something about the wine being drugged, but because of the hurt, you chose to ignore his words.
"Riaz... Do what needs to be done. We're leaving."
Your body felt light. Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around Cadmus's neck and closed your eyes. When have you ever let your guard down around someone since transmigrating here? Never. This is the first. Cadmus felt like a home away from home. He made you feel like this is where you've always belonged. Right here in his arms. His hand cradled your head protectively.
When you opened your eyes, you were in a tub filled to the brim with water, small purple petals floated atop the water in tranquility. Craning your head, you tried to get a good look at your surroundings. White walls, marble tile countertops attached to a glass-embedded sink with lights. There was a stone-tiled shower with a rain showerhead.
Realizing your new location was a bathroom, you quickly sat up in the tub to check if you were fully clothed, which you were, and your memory was a bit blurry. The last thing you remembered was being 'forcefully' kissed by Cadmus. At the thought of him, the bathroom door opened, and he entered, his hair dripping with water on his robe, which was loosely tied in the middle. He silently stalked across the room towards where you were, reaching out a hand, and he touched your forehead. "Mhmm, better."
"Where are we?"
Cadmus gazed at you. "Home," he responded. The water sloshed over the edge of the tub, wetting the bottom of his bathrobe. "The drug's effect should wear off in the next hour."
"Clean yourself up and get some rest. I'll have Riaz drop you off at home in a few hours." Cadmus turned to leave, but you sprang up from your seated position to grab onto his hand. With your sudden movement, the robe slipped off his shoulder, exposing the smooth expanse of his pale, flawless skin.
"You'll go back to avoiding me after this, won't you? If I did something wrong for you to dislike me, you can say so."
Cadmus's eyes narrowed, his voice low. "What's going on in your head? Do you think I'd bring you here if I had even a hint of dislike for you?"
You stood firm, meeting his gaze. "You've been evasive with your answers," you pointed out, your tone direct.
Cadmus's expression turned edgy. "If you had answered my question earlier, maybe I wouldn't be wondering if you're hiding something," he shot back, his words laced with a hint of frustration.
His hand enveloped yours, his lips slightly parted as he gazed at you. You looked down at his hand, feeling his fingers trace gentle circles on your skin. A strange sense of déjà vu washed over you, as if he had done this many times before. But that was impossible - you'd only just met him. The familiarity must be a reminder of the person he had mentioned, the one he had lost. A pang of jealousy flared in your chest, but you didn't have time to dwell on it.
"You're the bane of all my suffering and pain, mi sol. Yet, I still crave you with every fiber of my being," Cadmus mutters, his eyes icy cold. "I vowed that our last lifetime together would be the final time I'd succumb to such all-consuming desire and need for you. But it seems that, despite everything, my body, mind, and entire existence remain inextricably bound to yours. You're nothing short of cruel, mi sol."
With those words, his hand released yours, and he stepped back, creating a distance between your bodies. "Rest well, mi sol."
"Cad—" But he didn't allow you to finish, swiftly turning and departing from the room, the door closing softly behind him, leaving you with a sense of longing and unanswered questions.
You stepped out of your room, feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the night. Cadmus's mansion was a maze of long, winding hallways, the shadows cast by the flickering lights making it seem like the walls were moving. But you weren't intimidated.
You wanted to clear the air between you and Cadmus. Your body craved his presence just as fiercely as his seemed to crave yours. If that weren't the case, you wouldn't be trying so hard to catch his eye. The weight of guilt was crushing you, making you wonder how you'd caused someone as strong as Cadmus so much pain.
Seeking him out might seem irrational, but you needed answers. At the end of the hall, a door stood slightly ajar, warm light spilling out like an invitation. You made your way towards it, your mind made up.
Inside the room, Cadmus sat amidst towering shelves, engrossed in a book. Though he didn't acknowledge your presence, his body tensed as you entered. You locked the door, your mind filled  with doubts.
But your feet seemed rooted to the spot as Cadmus's gaze finally met yours, "You should be resting," he said gruffly, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down your spine.
"I can't rest until we talk," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper, your thoughts a jumbled mix of emotions: frustration, longing, and a hint of fear.
Cadmus snapped his book shut and rose from his seat, his movements fluid and graceful, like a predator stalking its prey. "No explanations necessary. I've made peace with our fate. We're not meant to be together in this life."
Cadmus drew closer, his eyes burning with hunger, your heart raced and your thoughts grew jumbled. You felt like a rabbit caught in a predator's gaze, frozen in place yet longing to flee. But your words spilled out, a desperate attempt to bridge the gap between you: "What does fate have to do with it?"
"Everything," Cadmus replied, his voice low and intense. "Don't you feel anything when I'm near, mi sol?"
You backed against the door, your heart pounding like a horse's hooves. The attraction between you was undeniable, but something held you back from surrendering to it.
Cadmus's hands slammed against the door, his white hair cascading down his shoulders. His vermilion eyes locked onto yours, their gazes lingering in a tense, breathless moment.
*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* The End *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.
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rypnami · 7 months
i do a little happy dance when ppl take interest in my ocs/mcs like YES i will tell you every mundane detail of their life thank you for asking!!!!!
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deusvervewrites · 11 months
batfam x solar: I likd the idea of ithe HPSC someone stole some of supes dna and used it to make izuku. I also had the idea of izuku's origins here being like one of the big twists of batman beyond "SPOILERS" That the MC Terry McGinis is actually batman's son due to Amanda Waller implanting nanotech into his father without his knowledge to tturn his reproductive dna into Bruce's so the resulting child would be his, she did this to ensure there would always be a batman)
The original Solar is heavily inspired by Conner and CADMUS so this checks out
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shingodzilla98 · 8 months
Insidious Cadmus Gaunt
Has no business looking this HOT!
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Why did I have to make my Male MC like this?😂
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silasjart · 24 days
First page outside the mc's POV
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Cadmus Locke, a fun character to write as he is older, wise from his experiences, and aching from scars that refuse to heal fully.
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harunayuuka2060 · 3 years
Mammon: *woke up without MC by his side* *panics*
Mammon: *immediately runs outside the room until he smells the scent of food*
*hears some childish giggling*
*In the kitchen*
MC: What shape do you want this time?
Cadmus: *being carried in their arms* Tiger!
MC: Tiger... *smiles* Do you know what a tiger sounds like?
Cadmus: Grr-grr!
MC: *chuckles*
Mammon: MC...
Cadmus: *smiles brightly* Dad!
Cadmus: MC and I are making some pancakes!
Mammon: I-Is that so?
Cadmus: Dad...?
Mammon: *crying*
MC: *puts Cadmus down* Mind if you play in the living room? The toys are in the corner.
Cadmus: *nods then runs off*
MC: ...
MC: Mammon, why are you crying this early in the morning?
Mammon: I just feel relieved...
MC: *goes to hug him* *running their fingers through his hair* Everything is fine between us. You don't have to worry anymore.
Mammon: *nods* *sniffles*
MC: Stop crying now, baby boy.
Mammon: Don't call me that...
MC: *chuckles*
*while at the breakfast table, Mammon notices that there are plates and cutlery for children*
Mammon: MC? When did you buy some stuff for children?
MC: Not too long ago.
Cadmus: MC, I want some apple.
MC: *smiles* Here. Say Ahh~.
Cadmus: Ahh~ *munch* *munch*
Mammon: ...
Mammon: *smiles*
Lucifer: *suddenly appears* Looks like you've decided to still accept this idiot.
Mammon: *eyes widened* Lucifer!
MC: Lucifer, I didn't know you're the type to appear in a house uninvited.
Lucifer: Finish your meal. We're going to talk, either you like it or not. *then glares at Mammon*
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nahte123456 · 2 years
Miraculous Ladybug Fic prompt
A prompt for ML, based on a crossover with DC but can be tweaked for other fandoms or even no crossover at all.
The basic idea is a twist on the Bio!Parent trope, but instead of happening naturally it’s thanks to Cadmus(or Hyrda or whoever). A French branch wanted to try and make their own heroes, but rather then clones or brainwashing, they had a more “simple” idea.
Taking DNA from heroes and villains, they try to take the “good” parts of the DNA and use it as a “third” parent for a group of kids that could be raised more patriotic and loyal naturally.
Of course, Cadmus went through a change or got destroyed or whatever(depends on the timeline from my knowledge. DCAU is my preferred canon but again, your choice). So the kids got the DNA but not the checkups and training.
Around 15 years later, and the kids are starting to break down. Their DNA is simply to uneven without ay help for years. So of course they have to go to someone with reach that ca get the extra blood they need to get the DA to fix themselves.
Obviously who they would go to would depend on who the MC is(I choose Marinette), who’s the parent, the crossover, and how directly the kids would want to be with this third parent.
Also obviously not every kid should have that third parent, that’d just get annoying. And some couldn’t have it, like Kagami who is born in Japan(according to the wiki at least) or Alya who just moved to France.
For the third parents I’d choose if I had the focus and time to make this fic myself instead of just talking about the idea.
Marinette-Dick Grayson. Bruce is to overdone but she does fit the whole batfamily/Gotham stuff. Even if she is HILARIOUSLY above them in power. She moves faster then light and can destroy buildings with ease, they are normal humans. But fighting power isn’t everything.
Rose-Harley. Just, give Harley another smart but ditzy and bubbly blonde to steer her onto the right path.
Aurora-Freeze. Just fun way to take his character, would he be a great dad, just as loyal to his kid as to his wife? Or view her as an abomination and betrayal of his love?
Juleka-Circe. Could use a magic kid, and another villain that wouldn’t be as easy to deal with.
Nino-Vixen. Honestly I just want more Vixen. Both John and Deadshot work as well.
Mylene-Aquaman. I have literally no reason for this beyond both being blonde and just sounding cool.
Alix-Volcana. Just a cool half-villain that could easily be a good character in this situation.
Sabrina-Mala? I wanted more characters from Superman taht weren’t just superman, but few characters would crossover very well like this since most of them are aliens you can’t really get DNA from or machines or something. Max being Luthor’s son maybe but Luthor is almost more cliche then Superman, and he’s dead in the DCAU by this point anyways so no good drama. Eh you decide on this one.
Adrien-Green Arrow. I think GA is the perfect guy to both understand Adrien’s good nature and sheltered lifestyle, but also wouldn’t put up with some of his...worst attributes. No threatening to drown Paris or getting mad when Ladybug doesn’t show up for a date she said she wouldn’t show up to. He’d get a good lecture right off. But Adrien is near the end of this list because of the next one/s
Chloe/Zoe-Black Canary. I’d just make them twins for convenience, but I think Canary makes a perfect mom for them. She can care for Zoe’s better traits, while not putting up with Chloe’s...Chloe-ness and help her actually grow into a better person. Having a good mother that actually cares about them would be heaven sent for Chloe. Also ties into the last bit, having Adrien as a brother and a more hands on father in GA would 100% help.
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starfast · 2 years
Malachite: What do the characters have to lose?
Ok sorry for taking forever to get to this but anyways here's a couple of the main ones:
Keyla: The safety of her entire nation. Basically, as a Magic Keeper her role is to protect her nation so they're pretty much all relying on her. No big deal.
Milo: Milo's big thing is that he wants to kill Valder and nothing else matters. He's wasn't able to take much with him when he left his hometown, so all he really has left is just his need for revenge. Honestly, he really has nothing to lose. This would mean that the MCs lose their most reliable source of information on all things Arribean, but they don't actually see him as being very reliable so???
Garzlan: The happiness and wellbeing of his family. He's already lost his mother, so his father and his younger brothers all really rely on him a lot. He also has his mother's skyship, and he takes care of if like it's his child or something because it's kind of all that he really has left of his mother so he doesn't want anything to happen to it.
Ravina: Kinda similar to the above, but Ravina is constantly looking out for Garzlan because he kinda just blindly trusts people and that's not always a good thing. So Garzlan's happiness/wellbeing is kind of what's really at stake here.
Farli: Ok, so this one is hard to talk about without spoiling a big part of the story, but Farli has some secrets, and if they got out he could end up having some really bad people come after him. So it's kinda personal safety for him.
The next two are characters that I don't talk about often, but they're kind of interesting in this regard so I thought I'd include them anyways:
Dalvand: Dalvand is one of Valder's most trusted men. So for him he has a lot to lose; his status, Valder's trust. He could even lose his life if he does something that pisses Valder off enough. But kind of like a lot of my characters, his family is really important to him, including his brother, Cadmus, who has sort fallen on Valder's bad side. He wants his brother to be safe, but also wants to keep everything that he's worked towards and he'd pretty much have to sacrifice one in order to keep the other, so it's a bit of a tricky position to be in. Can you believe he was just supposed to be an unimportant side character? My god. TLDR; either his status or his brother.
Cadmus: So, Cadmus is Dalvand's brother, and he's pretty much like constantly at risk of being executed at any given moment just because of the fact that he was friends with Prince Silan, who's not really considered to be a great guy in Arribea. Anyways, in some ways he doesn't have much to lose since he's already had so much taken from him. But he's also secretly trying to help Milo and the other characters since he feels like they're the only ones who can stop Valder, and because he's still in Arribea he's also a pretty good source of information for them and he obviously doesn't want anyone to find out that he's like... secretly committing treason by helping Milo. So, really the only thing keeping him from just outright rebelling is a desire to help Milo and the other characters, and also just... you know wanting to not die. TLDR; he just wants his friend to succeed.
Come and ask me some Gemstone themed writing asks!
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eisukevint · 4 years
The Secret
Pairing: eisuke x mc
Summary: Harry Potter X KBTBB crossover
a/n: this is a repost bec tumblr’s a bish and they deleted my old one for some reason so here it is
The drumming of her heart escalated gradually out of control terrified out of her mind.
If you ever feel like you’re in danger, run
She could’ve fished her wand but she couldn’t hurt him. She daren’t, that’s what she thought as she stood transfixed chilled to the bone.
Even if it’s me
She didn’t understand what he meant at that time, but now she did.
and she ran.
He was never open with his emotions. From the day his muggle parents abandoned him after finding out about the ‘freak’ he was. Finding refuge in an elderly wizard’s humble home, kind enough to look after him, he was eager to learn all aspects of magic. His sole reason? Not to be looked down upon by anyone.
The feeling of revulsion he got from the people who birthed him confirmed that he would never be accepted as one’s own. To them he was abnormal. And he was aware of that. To rid of the desolation, drowning in books was his only option. Until he met her, or rather, them.
____ and Soryu too had their own demons but together, they were a team. One everyone looked up to. Some even called them ‘The Golden Trio’ and they couldn’t be more accurate. To say the three of them knew everything about each other was not wrong. Except Eisuke had a secret concealed to all. Not even his best friends.
Nearly Halloween the days got even colder and the already thick fog amongst the forbidden forest seemed even more dense than normal. The sun was almost setting. Soryu had gone home to spend days with his family while the other two stayed at school with no such plans. They didn’t even have a family of their own to begin with so they decided to indulge in each other’s company for which they were more than exhilarated. They’d known each other for almost five years now and they couldn’t help but feel attracted to the little spark between them.
Poor Buckbeak, Hagrid’s most adored Hippogriff became a part of their silly escapades. Little did Eisuke know that tonight, the moon was to gleam a little too much against the black of the night sky.
The duo grabbed his harness and led him into the dark forest oblivious to the knark nargles luring in the depth of the area. They kept on walking until they reached the area around the whomping willow leaving the hippogriff near the forbidden forest. The two bickered back and forth until the topic of the conversation shifted.
“Soryu was such a dork!” She let out a laugh thinking about to the time on the train when he got all shy the first time they met. Sulking how he got a booger flavoured one in bertie bott’s every flavoured beans. She was still in the midst of hysteric memories when all of a sudden Eisuke stopped. Not feeling his presence beside her, she looked behind to see Eisuke earnestly staring at her. A certain glow in his eyes like he was curious about something unusual.
“And what about me?” He asked taking measured steps towards her.
“What...?” She tipped her head to the right dumbfounded.
“What did you think about me the very first time we met?” He asked again once he was within her reach.
“Oh! Well you know you uh,”
Eisuke’s mesmerising gaze robbed her of all her words. Bitterly slowly he raised his hand and cupped her cheek rubbing his thumb across it as if testing something fragile.
“I’m tired of having to share you with Soryu when I want to keep you all to myself” He uttered under his breath but just as he was about to bob his head down, his sight caught the moon. In his state of excitement to be alone with her, he forgot to take his potion. The fully round moon at its very peak glowering brightly as if to mock him of the curse he was bound with.
She sensed the change. The changing colour of his eyes. His limbs taking a more inhuman form. The uncharacteristic change in his body that she roughly had to pull away from. She watched helplessly as he writhed in pain. She almost didn’t want to believe her eyes, that he had turned into a monstrous werewolf. She wanted to think this was a dream but she knew it wasn’t because anything and literally everything could happen in the wizarding world.
“Eisuke?” No reply as the werewolf rubbed his eye.
“Eisuke, are you-
That was, until he howled. She knew she had to do something.
Eisuke or to be more clear the werewolf inched towards her perilously. She knew she was in danger.
Just one flick of her wand and she’d be safe. She even knew the spell. But she didn’t. She couldn’t. Because after all, the man under the skin of the werewolf was the one she adored more than anyone. To the one she She didn’t have the heart to inflict the slightest of injury to Eisuke. To the one she loved wholeheartedly. She knew this wasn’t Eisuke but it was him. The werewolf closed onto her.
So she ran.
She ran as fast as her legs could take her. Luckily she was near the forest now. She could herself among the trees.
Standing behind a wide tree trunk she got some time to catch her breath but the werewolf had caught up to her. Hearing a gruff sound, she twisted her head around to catch a glimpse of the creature.
Avoiding it, she circled the tree but she accidentally came across the beast. A growl from behind caused her to whip backwards only to be met with the glinting eyes of the the werewolf. She wanted to scream, but it was of no use. No one could help her.
The monster lurched at her swiftly. She braced herself for the impact but it never came. Instead she watched as buckbeak came to her rescuse chasing the creature away. She needed to get out of the place now. She worried for Eisuke. She had so many questions racing through her mind that only one person could answer. But for the time being, she returned to the castle tired and worried for her friend out there suffering all alone.
She tossed and turned in bed as sleep completely left her. Last night’s events ruling her brain.
She climbed down the stairs to the common room, completely empty as it was only six in the morning. As soon as she heard an all too familiar groan, she rushed towards the source of the voice. There, Eisuke was sprawled across one of the couches in the room, his face covered in small cuts and minor bruises , probably from when the hippogriff drove him away.
“HOLY CRICKET. ARE YOU OKAY?” She half asked half shrieked, tears instantly pooling in her eyes. She touched his arms which had slightly bigger cuts.
“Do I look okay?” Eisuke said quite sarcastically to which he received a glare from ____
“I- I’m fine. Just a bit... sore.” He replied with his trademark smirk.
“Shut up! Do you know how scared I was? Why didn’t you tell me?! You twat!” The tears started flowing from here eyes and dropped on his hands and he silently wiped them away. She hugged him tight not caring about his injuries.
“Hey, just let me clean up and i’ll tell everything to you, sounds good?” He suggested,tempted to not let go of her but he didn’t want her seeing him in this miserable state.
Half an hour later, they met up at the entrance of the clock tower where, thank god, not a single person was in sight. The second she laid her eyes on him, she jumped into his arms hugging the living daylight out of him. Eisuke, not bothering to resist, wrapped his arms around her too.
“I was worried out of my mind! Do you have any idea what agony I felt when I saw you like that?! You-“
He held a finger to my mouth to shush her the tears once again threatening to fall.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry but i’ll explain everything. I guess there’s no use hiding it anymore.” He said in a collected voice to calm her down.
“You know how I live with Cadmus. Cadmus once took me to his friend’s house where I got lost in the Ottery forest. It was almost midnight and it was a full moon that night. I don’t remember what really happened. I just know that the werewolf got close to me. I was attacked.”
Mc listened with bated breath as Eisuke casted his eyes downwards.
“All of it was a blur. I fainted and they found me somewhere in the middle of thr forest. Do you know what happens when a werewolf bites you?” He asked her.
“You turn into a werewolf.”
“Yes, that was when it all started. On full moon nights, there was only minor pain. It was bearable. But three years ago, its effects replenished. It got worse. I don’t know if you remember it but do you recall me leaving you and soryu to go off somewhere and you’d ask me where I went?”
“No..” A quite sob left her body.
“Yeah, I don’t intend to worry you and the reason I didn’t tell you was because it’s really pathetic. I hate it. It’s like a curse! But I can’t do anything about it except take the wolfsbane potion. There was never really anyone I could talk to about it. Also i’m so sorry I hurt you last night. For scaring you. For worrying you. I completely forgot about it last night. I really-“
His words were cut off as Mc grabbed the back of his head and softly touched her lips with his. His eyes widened at her subtle boldness but kissed her back. He was at peace. That was exactly what he felt. Maybe she did return his feelings after all.
She pulled away after some time with a tinge of pink on her cheeks. Eisuke too was blushing and that, was a rare sight.
“I guess i’ve wanted to do that for some time now.” She muttered but he heard her clearly.
“Really? Because same.” He was about to go for another one but she stopped him with a hand to his mouth.
“Hold. Up. How DARE you say you’re pathetic? You’re the most smartest wizard of your age, you know that? Literally every other envies you. And you’ve been enduring this pain for that long? You don’t have to keep everything bottled up! Just talk to me. Talk to Soryu. He’s your best friend! You’re not alone you daft selfish little twat. You’ve got me! And Soryu too! We’ll always help you no matter what!”
“Okay okay, I’ll tell you everything. Happy now?” He spoke innocently but she crossed her arms with a huff.
He hooked a finger under her chin and gently lifted it.
“Please?” There was the face she failed to say no to.
“Fine” She unfolded her locked arms and turned to him only to see Eisuke gazing at her with the same intensity as last night.
“May I?”
With a short nod, he thrashed his soft lips, despite certain scars, on her silky ones. All feelings were being conveyed through that kiss until,
“Bloody hell..”
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juliandev0rak · 3 years
okay buckle up I have no self control when it comes to your ocs 🥰
Chandra for Beatrice, Portia for Freya, Lucio for Aster, The Baker for Cam, Mazelinka for Stella, Mercedes for Willa aaaaannndd Muriel for Cadmus
thank you for all of these questions dearest laura 💗🥺
apprentice asks character edition no. 1
answers under a cut bc i also have no self control when it comes to talking about my ocs lol
Chandra - if they could fly anywhere in the real world, where would they go?
Beatrice: she would probably visit an old library or a museum because she's a n e r d, perhaps the Trinity College library in Dublin bc look at it she'd probably pass out from excitement
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Portia - what’s your MC like at their very best?
Freya: at her best Freya is generous, kind, and considerate of others. It takes a lot of conscious effort for her to consider others opinions or feelings and even more effort to compromise or let others get their way- but it's something she's working on.
Lucio - what’s your MC like at their worst?
Aster: at her worst Aster is impulsive to a fault, giving in to her every whim at the risk of health and safety. She does not consider how her actions will affect others, or even herself, if its fun she'll do it, if she wants something, she'll take it- consequences be damned.
The Baker - what’s your MC’s favorite baked good?
Cam: they really like sweets so they wouldn't turn down any baked good, but they like cookies most of all and their favorite is ricciarelli, an Italian (Venterrean) cookie made of almond and sweetened with honey
Mazelinka - what were your MC’s parents like?
Stella: her parents have a vineyard in Venterre, they're very kind and understanding but pretty much live to embarrass her and love to joke around, they've always supported Stella and want the best for her, even if that meant letting her move away from home to study magic
Mercedes - does your MC prefer cats or dogs?
Willa: she prefers cats to dogs, but it's a hard choice- she loves all animals!
Muriel - does your MC crave or loathe solitude?
Cadmus: he loathes it, his job requires him to be alone for long stretches of time and he hates being left alone with only his thoughts for company so if he had a choice he would always choose to be around others, he's an extrovert and in his opinion- what's life without an audience?
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You're Welcome Lilliana and Eira Introduction
A/N: I'm changing the main character from Eira to Lilliana because Eira as the MC just wasn't working I couldn't figure out her or her motive for solving the crime whereas with Lana I know exactly why and she is such an easy character for me to write. I won't be scrapping Eira she'll just become more of a side-kick.
MC Lilliana: Journalism major, not sporty, bubbly, popular girl personality but prefers a small group of friends, piano fingers, plays piano, nails always painted with yellow french tips, leather journal, black pen only, minimalist, Eira’s second suspect. Think of lemonade, summer, favorite color is yellow, extremely loyal to the Morning Glories, dedicated to her work, is Cadmus’s S/O, runs her own podcast on the school website, her motivation: she wants to find the truth. Her pet peeve is someone being accused unjustly of something. Strongly believes in “innocent until proven guilty”, narrator, wants to solve the crime because she knew the victim as a kid, wrecked the friendship and feels bad so her solving the crime of his death gives her closure but she tells others she just wants to be featured in the school newspaper as the headliner. Has an emotional support cat, chocolate brown fur, blue eyes, unusually small, named Espresso picture below. Lana can’t live without her mug of Latte, she always goes to Starbucks at the same time everyday and one girl does a flower swirl in her coffee because it matches her personality picture below.
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Blonde hair, blue eyes (bright blue)
Side-Kick Eira: Fencing, debate, Yale-type student, skips meals because she’s in the middle of something, ignores her emotions until she breaks down, and even then she just puts her emotions in a scrapbook and goes on with her day, paranoid and sarcastic, honest and loyal to those who prove themselves worthy to her, guarded, two parents (who are dead), a brother who is 8 years older, Irish, going to school for chemistry and anthropology (minor first, major second), walks straight-backed, talks intensely, quiet but surprises people with her witty comebacks, joins Lilliana to solve the murder because she was friends with the victim too (basically replaced Lana after fallout)
Brown hair (mouse colored), blue eyes (duller colored)
I will update with their aesthetics tomorrow along with a chapter!
Taglist below the cut
@dustylovelyrun @mel-writes-with-her-dragons
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taintedsoul-if · 4 months
idk if you posted those prompts for people to ask or not lol buuuut if you did.....c-can i get "You are too beautiful for me. *starts crying for Cadmus (like said by mc to him) if thats ok owo
Cadmus × MC
One stupid argument, and the weight of regret settled upon you. The words you spoke, the emotions you unleashed, lingered like a haunting melody. You knew, that this outburst was a cry of old wounds, a fear of being left behind. In the past, love had been a scarce haven, and now, to be embraced without condition, without needing to hide or pretend, stirred a discomfort within.
Your thumb twirled in restless rhythm as you gazed back at the study, the crime scene of your recent emotional storm. Ten minutes had passed since you fled, yet the memory of Cadmus's patient eyes still haunted you. His calm demeanor had only amplified your own sense of turmoil, making you feel like a wild, untamed creature, ranting without reason.
The more you argued, the more you felt like a ship lost at sea, helpless and adrift. And now, as you stood there, unsure of what had sparked your ire, a single thought echoed through your mind.
Why do you love me so? How could someone as flawed as I be worthy of your unwavering devotion? Just then, strong arms enveloped you, and your body surrendered to their warmth, melting into the embrace like a flower yielding to the sun.
Your heart ached to hide in the sanctuary of his chest, to escape the turmoil that had taken hold. But the words you'd spoken couldn't be unsaid, and the weight of your own doubts and fears had already condemned this love to ruin. You were a tangled web of emotions, a mess of contradictions, and it seemed the only way to untangle the knot was to sever the threads that bound you together.
Yet, as you opened your mouth to repeat the words that would drive him away, "Say one more thing about breaking up, I dare you," Cadmus's whispered challenge caressed your ear, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine. The gentle menace in his voice was a spark that reignited the flame of your desire.
"Without you, my existence is a hollow shell, a mere whisper of a life unlived," Cadmus's said, his words a gentle caress to your soul. He turned you to face him, and took your hand, pressing it against his chest. "Can you feel our bond?" he murmured, his voice soft and husky. "A connection forged in the depths of our souls, a union that has spanned lifetimes, not just mere years?" The warmth of his touch seeped into yours.
As his words pierced the veil of your soul, you finally found the courage to meet his gaze. Cadmus's vermilion eyes, like two burning embers, blazed with a depth of longing, remorse, and love that left you breathless. The raw emotions that danced in their depths were a siren's call, drawing you in with an otherworldly allure.
Your hands trembled as you reached out to cradle his face, as if tracing the contours of a divine sculpture. "You are too beautiful for me," you whispered, the words tumbling out like a confession, a truth you'd long kept hidden. The beauty that shone from within him, a radiance that illuminated every dark corner of your heart, had captivated you, body and soul.
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rypnami · 5 days
Helloo! Listen this time I don't want to choose only one MC, I want to read about 🤡 and 👯 for every of your MCs, and if you want even Leander! Pretty please? 🥺
And get well soon! 💕
thanks bb! ❤️ feeling a bit better today ❤️
ooohh boy this’ll be a long one
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🤡 - what is your mc’s boggart or biggest fear?
jamie: his boggart takes the shape of a werewolf. his mother was a werewolf, and after he watched her die in a fight with another one, it’s been his biggest fear. poor guy.
jack: his father. real ones know cadmus peverell is the worst human being alive recently deceased. even though he’s no longer around to hurt anyone, the lingering trauma from ages worth of abuse is still something that has stuck with jack and probably will for the rest of his life.
lily: lily’s greatest fear is failure. she doesn’t want to let her friends or family down, and it’s something that keeps her up at night. i don’t know how exactly that would translate into a boggart’s form, but i’m sure it wouldn’t be pleasant.
auri: her boggart would probably have trouble choosing a form because despite what she tells people, there’s a lot she’s afraid of. the mountain that buried her, the person that turned her, etc. i think in the end it would take the shape of her older brother. she’s terrified of him seeing what she’s turned into and the things she’s done to cope.
phillip: being alone. the thought of having no one to share his life with, no friends, and disappearing without anyone noticing drives phillip to anxiety attacks sometimes. i think his boggart would manifest that as darkness. absolutely nothing around him, just dark and quiet.
leander: his boggart would in my headcanon be an acromantula. i feel like he’s terrified of spiders- what do they have so many legs for anyway?? so a massive spider that talks is his actual worst nightmare.
but his real greatest fear, which a boggart would probably have trouble becoming, would be losing his family. either to death, or he disappoints them and then want nothing to do with him anymore, etc. he loves his family and it would eat him up inside to be without them.
ruby: her greatest fear is easily death. the idea that she will die prematurely, before she can do something important and impactful on the world. even more so, the fact that she is completely insignificant in the cosmos and anything important she COULD do won’t matter anyway. the universe is infinite and uncaring.
no i am not projecting my current existential crisis on her leave me alone
👯‍♂️ - In their group of friends, what role do they play in their lives? If not applicable, in general what role do they play around others?
jamie: he’s the team player. the friend that makes sure you’re included, always makes sure everyone as a say, and will seek someone out if they feel left out. he makes sure absolutely no one gets left behind.
jack: he’s the goofy lovable sidekick. the one side character everyone adores. the autism man. he has it all. he’s the mascot/golden retriever best friend/emotional support guy!
lily: she’s the leader. always in charge, always knows what to do, and is outwardly completely confident. inside she’s drowning and she feels like she can’t keep up but it’s fine she’s fine don’t worry about it.
auri: aurelia doesn’t do friends. she sees the people around her simply as pawns to get what she wants. she’s the scary mean girl that bit a kid once and now no one wants to be near her. she’s fine with that but craves human connection.
phillip: for most of the time at hogwarts, he didn’t have many friends. to most people, he was that one prefect that was wayyyy too invested in the rules and wouldn’t let you get away with ANYTHING. in his last two years he relaxes a lot and is the guy to spend time with when you need peace and quiet. his idea of having fun is reading quietly, as long as his friends are there too ❤️
leander: dork friend. just a massive dork. will infodump randomly, starts many sentences with ‘did you know,’ sweetheart but covers it with bluster, etc. he’s the friend you’re lucky to have in your corner but also will affectionately annoy the hell out of you sometimes. his friends still love him though.
ruby: in her group of friends ruby is the nerd. she’s the only ravenclaw, which (unofficially) makes her the smartest. sometimes her friends pester her to do their homework (and sometimes she does it).
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ichor-hunter · 5 years
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Harmonia Blood Code Study- Eva Roux "A blood code received from Eva. It holds her will to pay back and dedicate her life to the one who saved her from being a slave. This code improves focus bonuses and features excellent Dark Gifts. It is weak to being staggered but supplies ample amounts of ichor."
Introduction to Blood Codes and Eva
Blood Codes are the abilities imbued within a Revenant's Blood. Each Blood Code is unique to each Revenant that resides within the Gaol of the Mist. Once a Revenant has awakened from their slumber after the BOR parasite has been placed in them, the blood takes on a Code which I believe derives from the characteristics of that Revenant.
Eva willingly became a Third Generation Revenant during her time with Jack. She is completely devoted to Jack and is willing to do anything to assist Jack or take on burdens that would cause him less pain. Even when her strength falters or she's at the edge of a frenzy, she'll prioritize Jack's wellbeing. Jack has the same feelings when it comes to protecting Eva as well. That's why these two balance each other so well as Watchers of the Successors.
Greek Mythology
Eva's Blood Code is based on the Greek Goddess Harmonia.
Harmonia was known as the Goddess of harmony and concord. The only notable story linked with this Goddess is the Necklace of Harmonia. It all started with Hephaestus, who discovered that his wife Aphrodite the Goddess of love had cheated on him with Ares the God of War. He cursed their future bloodline saying that any offspring from them would be cursed. Harmonia is Aphrodite's daughter and Harmonia was to be wed to Cadmus, the founder of the city of Thebes. When Hephaestus heard about the marriage, he created a necklace for Harmonia and offered it as a gift.
The Necklace of Harmonia is said to bring misfortune to anyone who their possessor is. In exchange, the necklace grants eternal youth and beauty to the one who wears it. The necklace itself was made from gold and jewels and it had two small snakes clasped on the gem
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Due to the exploits of Cadmus, when he was ready to sacrifice a cow to the Goddess Athena, a water dragon attacked but he managed to kill it. The dragon was under the jurisdiction of Ares, Harmonia's father and served him for eight years until he and the gods demanded he marries Harmonia. After their marriage, the necklace brought on many diseases upon the city of Thebes and to their family. Harmonia and Cadmus left the city and went to Illyria. In the end, Harmonia and Cadmus were both turned into serpents. Cadmus' fate was ill and reclined his fate to turn into a serpent himself just as the dragon he slain. Harmonia followed, wanting the same fate as Cadmus.
The necklace itself was continuously passed down to her daughter and future generations but all of them suffered devastating misfortunes.
Similarities to Eva and Harmonia
Harmonia brings harmony to all things, and Eva's high compatibility with the relics and the power of her voice alone bring harmony in the realm of the Vein. Her voice can calm the Lost and Successors from their frenzy (even if it's only temporary).
We have Rin who carries the Blood Code Hephaestus and Eva who has the Harmonia blood code, but they're drastically opposite to their Greek God counterparts. When Eva left home base, Rin was the one who was supposed to watch over her but was disappointed in herself for not being able to go after her. Rin was very distraught about it and was genuinely worried if Eva was okay or not. Unlike Hephaestus' spiteful nature, Rin is an absolute sweetheart and I can imagine her hugging Eva the minute she returned to Home Base safe and sound.
Based on the lore of Harmonia, we could say Cadmus is Jack as Eva is to Harmonia. Jack worked tirelessly for years after Operation Queenslayer to watch over the Relic's and Successors just as Cadmus served years under Ares service. Jack 'killed' the MC and the MC relates to the Water Dragon that Cadmus ended up killing. Both MC and the dragon were both under a rule of another, the MC taking in the Queen's blood which made them become a successor inheriting the relic and the water dragon is under Ares' jurisdiction when they ruled over certain land. Cadmus had to make up for the dragon's death while Jack had to begin his duties of being a watcher after he puts down the MC.
As mentioned, Ares ordered Cadmus to marry Eva and thus began their endeavors and their route of misfortunes when she received the necklace. While Jack gave Eva as much freedom as he could, she willingly chose to assist Jack and remain at his side, not because of obligation but she sincerely cares for him. While not much is noted of Harmonia's personality, even she remained devoted to her husband until the bitter end.
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With Eva having the capacity to store many relics within her, it is also her misfortune. She is aware that carrying many relics takes a toll on her as we see her collapse while stopping Jack. However, she knows she has the power to contain them and she will do it if it lessens Jack's burden. With the Necklace of Harmonia, the city of Thebes bred disease and it also affected the people and Harmonia's family.
It relates to the Revenants in the Vein that suffers from Bloodthirst and the lack of blood beads. It also pays homage to it in the Crown of Sand area, since wherever the player or your partner steps on the sand, it immediately drains Ichor. "Leak" is a debuff in the game and it describes as: "This debuff causes your blood to rot, slowly draining your ichor." if any Revenant's blood rots then they're unable to use any abilities or Gifts which could be considered a disease in itself.
“Look, there used to be ruins here, but now they’ve been turned into a desert. the successor who created the crypt used their very last ounce of strength as they struggled to resist their relic. The wind scattered salt from a dried up lake over the land nearby, making it barren. Now it’s the same kind of desolate place as the one where Eva was born. She and I promised each other that if either of us fell to the thirst, the other would have the last of their humanity. Eva is waiting for me... just over there...I’m talking too much. anyway, i’m going on ahead. this is between me and Eva.” -Jack Rutherford
Also, regarding the relics, the main disease that Jack and Eva have to worry about is frenzy. Once frenzy hits, it's over.
Cadmus was burdened with being the founder of the city and eventually caving into his fate to become a serpent, a similar beast to the dragon he slain. Harmonia followed him and joined in with his fate. We see Eva doing this for Jack as well. Eva wasn't a Revenant yet when she met Jack and in the end after everything that transpired between both of them, Eva decides to join Jack and become a Revenant and the Successor of the Relic.
As Jack mentioned in the Crown of Sands area, Eva grew up in a similar environment. This is related to the city of Thebes that Cadmus founded. The city of Thebes is a city in a desert environment that matches well with how Eva is linked to the sands. Harmonia married to Cadmus in the City of Thebes and resided there for a decent amount of time. Eva grew up in an area similar to Thebes (we're not sure where in the real world the Vein is referenced from).
As we can see in Eva's design. Her scars are probably her physical representation of Harmonia's misfortune along with the infamous Harmonia's Necklace. While there's no official image I can reference from (cause frankly the necklace could have a vastly different design and there are various interpretations of it), Eva does wear a necklace and Jack also wear a necklace matching with her, which displays how they both are willing to share the same fate. This is a nod to Harmonia's lore.
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Harmonia's Gifts
Gift Prowess-Temporarily increases gift speed for you and your partner.
This Gift as you guys can probably guess relates to Harmonia's relationship with Cadmus. Qhile many things happened during their time together, they remained together til the bitter end. They both supported eachother despite the fate and the curses that fell upon them. - Max Ichor Boost-Increases the maximum amount of ichor that can be held. Mind/Willpower Up-Increases mind and willpower.
These Gifts specifically pertain to Harmonia's necklace. While the necklace caused her misfortune, it gave her eternal youth which is the only benefit she had. Ichor is special blood that enables a Revenant to use Gifts and abilities so the more ichor a Revenant has the more versatile, and it's the same with Eva. In terms of the Mind/Willpower Up, it's within the same theory including the fact that Harmonia in Greek lore is very strong-willed to keep up with misfortune after misfortune. - Supernatural Blood-Enables you to sacrifice HP to use Gifts when you have run out of ichor.
Harmonia turned into a snake and sacrificed herself when her husband fell prey to the same fate. Harmonia did it voluntarily just like Eva voluntarily became a Revenant to support Jack. This Gift references from Harmonia's sacrifice. - Volatile Storm-Creates blades of sand that converge on the target and explode. Sand Edge-Creates a blade of high-pressurized sand from the ground that knocks away foes.
The gifts here with sand like properties relates to the city of Thebes where Harmonia's husband founded and ruled over. Harmonia was also by her husband's side and lived within the city as well. Thebes in real life is a sand-like area as well (however we don't know if Eva is really from there or not). While Harmonia was not a fighting God, she was a part of the city and these are more based on Harmonia wanting to protect her family and the people of Thebes from any threats.
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Concluding thoughts
Eva is a very lovely character overall. I feel like the lore of Harmonia matches well with her and it balances out with Jack being her Cadmus in the lore. Other than the Necklace of Harmonia and how Harmonia matches with her ideals, there's not too much to expand on. The one thing I am thankful though is that her supposed 'misfortunes' weren't as severe as her Greek God counterpart. She brings a great sense of balance to the crew at home base and I don't think the story would work out without her presence. Plus her dedication to Jack is something that should be admired.
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andthatswhyidrink · 6 years
If I were to give my MCs theme songs.
Artis: Natural-Imagine Dragons.
Madden: Pay No Rent-Turnpike Troubadours
Bax: The Winding Stair Mountain Blues-Turnpike Troubadours
Rhydian: Gold-Imagine Dragons
Corral: I Get To Love You-Ruelle
Blythe: Come with Me Now-KONGOS
Isla: Thick Skin-Leona Lewis
Cosette: Freak of Nature-Broods, ToveLo.
Cadmus: Black Skinhead-Kanye.
Aisling: Gladiator-Zayde Wølf
Bryony: La Grange-ZZ Top
Vega: Run Daddy Run-Pistol Annies
Pippitsa: Be Like You-Wethan,Broods
Ilo: Safe and Sound-Taylor Swift, The Civil Wars.
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harunayuuka2060 · 3 years
Leila: And where have you been again, huh?
Mammon: Outside.
Leila: *scoffs* Let me think... You're spying on your ex-spouse. When will you stop? It has been five years!
Mammon: Will you please shut up?!
Cadmus: Dad? Are you fighting again?
Mammon: *picks up his son* No. It's nothing.
Leila: *crosses her arms* If I had known you would be like this, I should've aborted that child. You're both useless. *walks out*
Mammon and Cadmus: ...
Cadmus: Dad... If you still love your ex-spouse, it's okay if you leave me and mom.
Mammon: What are you talking about? I can't do that!
Cadmus: But you're not happy here.
Mammon: ...
MC: *working as a part-time bartender*
Asmo: You always look good in your uniform, MC~ Are you sure no one has tried to flirt with you here?
MC: There's a few. But I'm not interested to entertain them.
MC: Anyway, don't you have anything to do?
Asmo: *sigh* *resting his head on the counter* *playing with his drink* Why are you like that?
Asmo: Lucifer won't allow me to go back in Devildom unless you've come along.
MC: Please tell him that I have no reason to.
Asmo: Yes, you have! You're our master!
MC: ...
MC: I'll try to find another way to severe the pacts. That's why you and the others should stop treating me as one.
Asmo: ...
Asmo: It's Mammon who cheated on you. But why are you driving us all away?
MC: I'm doing it out of respect.
Asmo: ...
Asmo: MC, can you be honest with me?
MC: I'll try.
Asmo: ...
Asmo: What was the effect when you severed your pact with Mammon?
MC: ...
MC: It has shortened my life. *smiles* Maybe I won't get to live until 50 and it's not like it matters.
Asmo: ...
Asmo: Wait...
Asmo: Then why are you still trying to severe all the pacts when you're already at a disadvantage?!!
MC: Asmo, you're making a scene.
Asmo: I'm making a scene because you're being a martyr! You should have punished that bastard! But instead, you had let him get away with his other woman!
MC: Mammon was a good husband to me.
MC: While I'm the one lacking.
MC: Right now, I wish that he's happy with his family because he deserves it.
Asmo: *burning in anger but decided to keep his mouth shut*
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