#Can the second leg of the tour begin already?
girlandherfandom · 1 year
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Plagued by the visions
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ratridingaskateboard · 7 months
Always See Your Face
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New girl! Reader x Eddie
Summary: There is a new girl at Hawkins and Dustin will do anything to make sure Eddie doesn't find out.
Warnings: slight sexual innuendos, cursing, mentions of drugs. Y/N is described!
A/N: Hi! This is the first time I have written a fic in a while but I hope you enjoy it! Depending on the feedback I get from this I might write more :) FYI perspectives in this story will change and will be indicated by: --
Dustin had always been one to have his friends' best interests in mind. He might have overstepped boundaries at times but he knew what was best for him and his friends. Even though Eddie was several years older than him, he still knew that the last thing Eddie needed in his life was a girlfriend. What if he started hanging out with her and Hellfire stopped existing? What would happen with his band? Everything would go to shit because some girl would grab his attention for 2 seconds.
Dustin found himself every morning before school sitting in the back of Eddie's van with the back doors open. Eddie let them sit in the back and read comics while he would perform his drug deals for the kids who had extracurricular activities after school. Dustin looked up from his X-Men to observe a car he had never seen before. Strange, but not uncommon to see until he saw a figure he had never seen before.
She dawned a black denim jacket adorned with several Metal and Punk bands that Dustin would not be able to recognize but had seen in Eddie's vast cassette collection. Her legs were barely covered by a short red plaid schoolgirl skirt and her chest was wrapped in a Sex Pistols T-shirt. She was bending down to seemingly grab her backpack from her backseat and several football douchebags whistled at the response of seeing her backside. This did not catch her attention though as she quickly grabbed her backpack and placed it on the roof of her car. She glanced at Dustin and he felt himself gulp. Fuck- He was staring at Eddie's dream girl. He frequently heard Eddie go on tangents that no girl in Hawkins had the same interests as him. Now he proved himself wrong- Dustin could prove it with his own eyes. Not only did she have his style but she had a pretty face similar to that of one of the girls from one of Eddie's porn mags that Dustin had unfortunately found in his van. They both shared the same long brown hair and doe-shaped eyes.
What was Dustin going to do? Not only was this girl weirded out by the amount of time Dustin had been ogling her but she could ruin everything. She did not even understand the power she possessed by simply existing in the wrong place and at the wrong time. He had to do everything in his power to make sure neither of them saw each other.
Dustin's feet started to jog in her direction as she had already begun her strut to the front entrance of the school. Before Dustin could get the chance to tap her shoulder, she swiftly turned to face him, discomfort shown in her face.
"Hey man, I would really enjoy it if you could leave me alone." She barked.
"No no no! I don't mean anything bad by following you. I'm sorry for staring at you earlier but um... Oh! The principal had actually sent me to give you a tour of the school and to show you where your classes are!" Dustin had secured a good enough lie to not seem like the creep he was presenting himself to be.
Her eyes widened and her gaze softened.
"Oh, okay." She smiled and Dustin could feel himself getting more anxious knowing that she was that pretty when she smiled.
The bell began to rang, signaling to every student that it was time for Hell to begin. Dustin heard a familiar voice call out to Mike and he swiftly grabbed her hand and pulled her into the school, making sure to avoid any possibly common route Eddie normally took.
"Can I see your schedule?" Dustin asked, giving out his hand eagerly.
It seemed like she could hear the annoyance in Dustin's words and swiftly pulled out the crumpled sheet of paper from her pocket and handed it to him. Dustin quickly looked over the paper and let out a sigh of relief. Even though she was a senior, she did not seem to have a single class with Eddie most likely because her classes were for the more advanced students.
"Okay, Y/N. This way!"
Dustin guided her to her first classroom, Mr. Stadford's Physics class, and said that he would meet up with her after her second. After the first period was over, Dustin ran to meet up with Y/N and to make sure he was able to beat her before she left the classroom. Yes, Eddie and her shared similar hallways for classes but Eddie had a tendency to be late to each and every class he went to. Alongside this, Dustin made sure that she was always early to her classes. This cycle repeated until lunch.
Y/N had found herself bound to the little curly-headed boy. She shouldn't say boy he was only a couple years younger than her. Moving was hard but going to a new school was even harder. Her parents' divorce could not have been more sudden and even though he had been a tad bit too eager, she really appreciated Dustin's kindness.
She frowned after exiting her third-period class to find no Dustin. Guess she would have to find the cafeteria by herself or simply follow the crowd that had corralled its way down the hall.
Once she entered the cafeteria, she felt the eyes on her, all over her. Thankfully, there were plenty of tables that had not recognized that fresh blood had entered their school. She saw a familiar head of curls bobble in laughter and she started her stride in his direction.
Once she had gotten to the table, it seemed to be filled with only boys all wearing the same T-shirt Dustin was wearing. She assumed it must be some sort of club he had not introduced her to yet. The majority of the boys had noticed her walk up to the table and she could tell they were not often approached by women. The only ones who hadn't noticed were Dustin and an older boy with long shaggy brown hair.
"Hey," She put her hand on Dustin's shoulder and her moved her head down to his level. "I know you showed me around and I might be asking for too much but is it alright if I sit with you?"
A look of dread filled Dustin's face as he looked up at her from his lunch. She had automatically assumed that he had felt bad for not escorting her to the lunch room.
"It's okay! I found the lunch room just fine." She rubbed his shoulder to put him at ease and sat down next to him.
There was nothing but silence.
She had felt as if she had sat at the wrong table and shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Dustin was still agape and didn't seem to have changed his expression even after her reassurance. She turned to view the other boys at the table. They stared at her with a sense of confusion and wonder but all too awkward to speak first.
Finally, she turned to the boy sitting at the end of the table. His gaze softened when she gazed at him. His eyes were wide also in shock from a stranger sitting at their table but there was something different in his expression that she couldn't quiet read. Embarrassment? No. Confusion? No. Longing? Maybe but not quite.
This silence was cut short by a food tray plopping on the other side of Dustin.
"Jesus, that line was long!" A boy with a bowl cut sighed.
"Where are you guys so quiet?" He looked around in disbelief but immediately found the source when he spotted the brunette sitting on the other side of Dustin.
"Hey." She waved.
A/N: Depending on how things go with this I will definitely continue this as a series. Lemme know your thoughts!
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freedomfireflies · 10 months
iFall for Harry | Pt. 10*
Summary: The tenth and final part to iFall for Harry
You and Harry are more than strangers on the phone. And this connection is stronger than ever.
(aka: the one where they fuck and I cry)
Word Count: 5.9k
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Harry kicks open your apartment door, and it bangs against the wall as you both smirk into the heated kiss.
His hands never leave your hips. They haven’t left them all afternoon, from the moment the two of you walked out of the theater, all through the entire ride back to your apartment, and up the long flight of stairs to your door.
They guide you to the couch. The first thing he seems to see, and he breaks away from your mouth just long enough to mumble, “Careful.”
Then, he shoves.
Your legs hit the side of the sofa before you go tumbling down onto the soft cushions with a chuckle.
Your fingers instantly outstretch for his shirt to drag him down with you, and he climbs over the armrest in obedience.
You'd decided that this was no time for pleasantries and tours. You’ve wasted enough time already, but…what’s a couple more hours?
Everything is messy and rushed. There’s no place for overthinking or questions. That’ll come later.
Right now, it’s your bodies that need to speak to each other. Not your words.
He moves to your neck, pressing his lips into the skin before nipping at it gingerly. He’s gauging your reaction, and your stomach flips at this consideration.
Your hands disappear into his hair, tugging on the curls you’ve seen plastered on posters and bedroom walls for years. 
You smile when you realize how soft they are.
A needy whimper follows when he sucks on the point below your ear, your hips bucking up into his as he settles between your thighs.
And just like that…it hits you.
“It was here,” you whisper suddenly, and he leans back to look at you.
You sit up and ghost your lips across his cheek before licking at his bottom lip. “It was here. Right here on this couch. When I touched myself to the sound of your voice.”
Something flashes behind his eyes. Something primal and he squeezes your thigh in his hand before hoisting your leg around his hip.
“Yeah?” A kiss. Hard and full of devious intent. “Right here?”
“Right here,” you whisper. “Still think about it. How good it felt…listening to you. How you sound when you come. How you sound when you make me come.”
He groans as his face buries in your collarbone, his palms now slipping beneath your shirt to travel the expanse of your stomach. Smiling when it quivers. Reveling in the warmth of you.
He kisses along the only exposed part of your chest he can reach, and your head rolls back until you see nothing but stars on your ceiling.
“I think about it, too,” he admits, softly rocking his body against yours until you gasp. “But nothing I pictured came close to this. Nothing…was as good as this.”
You grin as you watch him travel down your body, lifting your shirt just enough that he can press a kiss to the space below your bra.
Then, he looks up. His lips are bright pink, and his cheeks are flushed. His hair is slightly askew but his smile…God, that smile.
“Harry?” you murmur, tracing your thumb along the curve of his chin. “I don’t wanna do it here.”
His eyebrow raises and he begins to sit up, instantly pulling his hands from you. “What’s wrong—”
“Nothing,” you say, taking hold of his jaw to yank him back down and squeeze. “Nothing, I promise. I just wanna go to my room. Wanna be able to see you and feel you. Lay you down, take care of you.”
His expression shifts. There’s so much adoration and arousal written between the lines on his face and without a second thought, he stands.
You’re scooped into his arms as you laugh. He makes sure you’re steady, legs wrapped around his waist, and arms around his neck.
And he kisses you between your instructions on where to turn. Nipping at your lip just to make you whimper.
You’re dropped onto the plush mattress, and he follows suit. Chasing after your kiss and your body as though you’re going to leave him again.
But you aren’t. You can’t. Not even if you wanted to.
“So pretty, ladybug,” he whispers, hand fiddling with the button on your jeans as you whine into his mouth. “So goddamn beautiful. Always knew you would be. Could always tell.”
You’re breathless, barely able to pant out, “Yeah?”
“Mmm. Yeah,” he echoes, tugging on the zipper until he can trace his touch along the band of your panties. “Just from the way you spoke. Just from your heart. Who you were. I knew you had to be beautiful.
Too many things happen to your heart at once. 
“And you are,” he breathes, finally pushing inside as his fingers drag down your clit.
Instantly, you’re arching off the bed, chest knocking into his as you writhe and beg for more. 
He smirks. “Waited a lifetime to feel this,” he says before stroking through your folds.
Then, he pulls away.
You feel as though your stomach caves in, but he remedies this by grabbing hold of the material on your legs to rip it down. 
Your eyes widen, and for only a moment, you’re struck with nerves. This is Harry Styles. And he’s looking at you, looking at your body in a way nobody else ever has.
And you think about your past, and you think about your present. Think about everything that was holding you back before, and—
He hovers above you once again and smashes his lips to yours. Eager to rid you of these thoughts he can already see swimming inside your mind.
It works. Almost too perfectly as he slips his hand around the fabric of your panties before snapping it around his fist.
They flutter to the ground, and he moves next for your shirt.
You work in tandem to rid each other of the remaining clothes. Now, all that’s left is one, singular pair of briefs that keep him from you.
You swallow thickly as he pushes you back into the pillows near your headboard, wanting you to get comfy.
But he’s slow. So goddamn slow and it makes you whine as he purposefully leaves most of your body untouched in favor of kissing you.
At first, you’re tempted to think it’s out of repulsion but the gleam in his eye tells you it’s intentional. He wants to make you wait.
“Harry,” you gasp, the feeling of his mouth on your sternum almost enough to kill you. “Please…please—”
“What?” He shoots you a grin as he cages you between his arms. “Something wrong?”
You whine and squirm beneath his large, strong, and incredibly toned frame. “You’re killing me.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” he hums, dipping down to nuzzle his nose against yours. “This is only the start.”
You can’t help the pout on your lips as you reach up to card your fingers through his hair, tugging him down to your mouth. “You’re mean.”
“No,” he argues with a grin. “I think this is only fair. I think it’s only right that I make you beg for me the way I had to beg for you.”
And even though the memory makes you sad, and even though the prospect of his teasing is painful…you can’t help but whimper.
“Would you like that, ladybug?” he asks, taking hold of your jaw to guide you to the side. Giving him access to your neck as he licks a stripe from the base of your throat to your ear. “Hm?”
You can say nothing. Can offer no reply or quippy remark as you melt into his touch.
"Would you?" he hums again. "Would you like me to torture you the way you tortured me?"
He won't touch you until he has your answer, although it’s nearly impossible for you to find one with him so goddamn close.
"Yes," you sigh, eyes squeezing as you attempt to steady your heart rate. Having a stroke right now would be incredibly unsexy. "Please.”
His smile widens, making your chest burst with pride. And just when you think he’s gonna kiss you…he pulls back.
He moves onto his knees now, settling into a straddle over your hips, releasing your jaw so he can trail his palms down your naked torso. 
Every tiny little action, and tiny little brush has you reeling, arching off the bed in an effort to push yourself into his touch.
And he watches with a focused gleam as his fingers dance along your collarbone.
Then down your chest.
And to your belly button.
You huff when he leaves two very prominent places untouched, but he merely smirks, and continues on with his game.
His hands smooth along your sides, up and down, squeezing gently. Appreciating every inch of your body as best he can. Almost as if memorizing it. Putting an image to the voice he’s known for months.
Finally, he travels back up, and palms your breasts with a fervent reverence. 
A soft moan slips from between your parted lips, head rolling back into the pillows as he cups you. Rubs you. Massages you. Things that likely shouldn’t be this hot but are helping worsen the mess between your thighs. 
He has endless amounts of power right now. And you both know it.
He begins to move down your body, now straddling your legs, exposing more of your body to him. 
And he takes this opportunity to gently scratch his fingers down your stomach, smiling when it quivers, before moving for your cunt.
But again, he touches you everywhere but where you need him most. Grazing his digit along your hip bone and thighs.
Then…he crouches down. He makes eye contact with your cunt, pupils dilating like he's a kid in a candy store, and your heart does cartwheels inside your chest as he dips down to press a kiss to your left hip…then to your right.
He rests his mouth against the inside of your thigh. The pink fibers of his lips painting pictures along the sensitive skin before nipping at it gently. Purposefully. Until you’re whining desperately in the back of your throat. 
And you have to swallow another noise because looking at him as he does this is like torture. Making everything ten times more prominent as he moves to your other thigh, kissing it just as gingerly, and creating a trail all the way up…
He takes one, singular moment to shoot you a coy smile, almost as if anticipating your wonder before dipping back down.
And everything changes.
Fireworks scatter behind your eyelids the second he makes contact with your pussy. You aren’t sure what you expected (especially from a man who has a song about eating pussy) but it’s better than anything you could have hoped for.
Because he wants to do this. You can tell. He buries his face, his mouth, his nose into your cunt as though he can’t breathe any other way.
Purposeful licks are repeated to your clit, to your folds, over your incredibly empty hole. At first, there’s no rhyme or reason to his technique. He’s simply…tasting you. Getting familiar with your body, finding what makes it tick.
But once he figures it out, it’s game over.
You arch from the bed, knees bending beside his head as you reach down and grasp onto his hair.
He groans, loudly, and with so much appreciation. Either from the taste or from the pain, you don’t really know.
But it hardly matters because he’s pulling your clit between his teeth and tugging. Keeping it trapped in his mouth for a good few seconds before releasing it.
“Harry,” you gasp, throat going dry, and he grins.
“Shh, let me take care of this, hm?” He presses his palms to the insides of your legs to force your thighs to the bed, keeping you spread. “Taste so fucking good, lovie.”
And he’s lapping at you like you’re an ice cream cone on a hot day. Over and over and over, swallowing everything you have to offer him before nudging the tip of his tongue inside your hole.
“Fuck—” You squirm again, practically lifting off the mattress, but his large hands splay across your stomach and push you back down. “Harry, please—”
“So fucking good,” he says again, almost as if to himself. He sucks on you until you see stars, pressing his tongue flat to your folds. “God…can’t believe you get this all to yourself. Anytime you want it.”
“It’s yours,” you sigh. “S’all yours, Harry.”
He looks up, half of his face shimmering with your arousal as he grins. “Yeah?”
You squeeze his scalp harder, nodding fervently. “Yes. Yeah. Whatever you want. Yours. Take it. Take me. Please—”
He seems to bask in this idea, scooting back some to make room for his hand. His thumb is next to explore you, slipping along your silky cunt. Pressing, and rubbing, and circling.
Then, he slips his middle finger inside.
It becomes a combination of licking at your clit and fucking into you with his digit. Repeatedly. Unforgivingly. Until you can’t breathe. Until you can hardly fucking stand it.
And right before you’re given your second orgasm by this man…he stops.
Because of course he fucking stops, and you curse him to hell the moment you realize he’s pulling away from you.
He was right. This is torture.
He sits up, bending over the side of the bed so he can retrieve something from the floor. And when you see it, your stomach flips.
His belt.
He says nothing as he runs it through his hands, eyes flicking along your headboard as if in search of something.
Then, he smiles. And looks at you.
“May I?” he asks gently, refusing to move any closer until he has your consent.
But you’re already thrusting your wrists up, lip between your teeth as he smiles.
“Are you su—”
“Yes. Go. Please,” you nearly whine, nodding quickly as if to assure him.
Thankfully, it works, and he concedes to your request for speed by kneeling over your body and wrapping the leather around your arms.
It’s tight. Tight enough that your pussy throbs and your eyes glaze over. You enjoy putting your control in his hands. Maybe more than you should.
Once secure, he looks over his work, and smiles. “Good.”
You scoot up some, hoping to inspire another kiss, but instead…he leans back.
And crawls off the bed altogether.
“Well…this was fun,” he says, running a hand through his hair as he makes his way for the door. “I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere, yeah?”
You can’t even process the lame attempt at a joke as he slips into the hallway and disappears from sight.
In fact, you can do nothing but blink mutely and in complete shock as you’re left to stare at the empty door frame.
“Harry…” you begin hesitantly. “Where…where are you going?”
Silence. No response. No sound. No clue as to where he might be.
The blood drains from your face. “Harry, this isn’t funny.”
You tug on the belt in hopes of setting yourself free, but can’t budge. He made sure of it.
And you’re tempted to wonder if this is payback for what you did to him. If he genuinely only lured you back so he could have a bit of revenge, and the idea is gut-wrenching—
Until he returns. 
You see his face, peeking in from the hall, smug and incredibly amused.
“You…fucking…ass,” you hiss, shooting him a vicious glare. “That was not funny.”
“Wasn’t supposed to be funny,” he counters, arms crossing as he leans his shoulder against the frame and watches you.
He’s got something in his mouth. You aren’t sure what, but you can see him roll it around in his cheek and can hear the distortion in his voice.
Your eyes narrow. “What are you doing?”
“Checking on you.” It’s simple enough, but that smirk tells a different story. “How you doing, sweetheart? Feelin’ tortured yet?”
“Incredibly so,” you bite back, huffing as he finally begins to walk back into the room. “And I hate you.”
“Ouch.” He presses his palm to his chest, right over his heart as he offers a wounded frown. “That really hurts, Cheesy.”
“Oh, I’m sure. Now untie me or get on with it.”
His brow cocks up, and he places a knee on the bed beside your legs to steady himself. “Awful bossy for someone under my control.”
“Are you done with the quippy remarks or can I finish please?” you retort, noticing the way he rakes his eyes over your naked body. Admiring every inch, from your face down to your cunt. “And what the fuck is in your mouth?”
His answer comes in the form of his action. He straddles your hips once more, getting settled atop your body and leaning down until his face is near your chest. 
He doesn’t even look at you as he lowers his lips and lets out a slow breath, right over your left nipple.
The air is cold—frigid—and you gasp as the nipple instantly hardens, pebbling from his freezing breath.
He’s pleased with your reaction, and pushes the object in his mouth toward his teeth, allowing you to finally see what you had begun to suspect.
A fucking ice cube.
Your expression falls into one of need as you plead with him, anxious for more as he pulls it back in and moves to your other breast.
Again, he allows the cooler air to travel over your skin until you keen, chest heaving anxiously from the idea more than the sensation.
Your arms pull on the restraints. Needing to touch him in any way you can. Or maybe touch yourself. You aren’t sure, but you love it. Need it. Need more of it.
Next, he moves to your neck, trailing the frozen liquid along the base of your throat. Ignoring your gasps and groans of ecstasy while dragging it up your jaw. 
Finally…he reaches your lips. And without a moment’s hesitation, your mouths crash together, and the cube is deposited into your mouth.
Words don’t exist for you now. Nothing exists but him. And this shared connection that you’ve been fighting since that first cheese pun.
The water melts in your mouth, making the kiss that much sloppier. But neither of you seem to care as he suddenly grinds his hips down into yours, covered cock like heroin to your pussy as he teases you with a taste.
“Shit.” Your skin burns from the leather keeping it bound, but it makes you whimper with pure bliss. “Harry, please—”
He’s silent as he maneuvers back down your body, lips puckering as he hovers near your cunt.
And spits.
He let’s cold saliva dribble from his mouth to your clit, smirking proudly when you make a noise that resembles a helpless cry.
It’s one of the most erotic things you’ve ever seen, followed instantly by his beautiful fingers that begin to work the wetness in beside your own.
The sounds are stunning. Perfect, and lewd, and delicious. Almost as delicious as he is, and you quiver at the sight of him so concentrated on your pussy.
“Harry,” you exhale, desperate for his attention. “Please…please, I can’t…I need—”
“Need what?” There’s an almost cruel undertone to the question. Sadistic, in every sense of the word. “Need…my cock?”
Just the word has a shiver rolling down your spine. “Yes.”
You sound shy. Timid, almost, and you hate it. Because there is nothing in the world you want more than this glorious man’s cock and that is nothing to be ashamed of.
He hums, watching as you wiggle your hips against his hand, hoping to encourage more stimulation. “I bet you do. But I don’t know if you deserve it.”
Again, your lips push into a remorseful pout. “I do, I promise.”
“Do you?” He tsks, sliding in a thick digit and watching as your hole stretches for him. He smiles. “I don’t know. Think you’re lucky to get my fingers.”
“Please,” you try again. “I’m tortured, I promise. Just need you—”
“You think this is torture, my love?” His tongue runs over his bottom lip as he finds your eyes. “No, we’re just getting started.”
It’s thrilling and devastating all at once, and you practically wilt into the mattress as you whine.
“If you really want me to stop, I will,” he finally concedes, and you perk up at the thought before he adds, “But if we stop…then it all stops. I'll keep you tied up right here while I go for a walk. Or maybe I’ll watch some TV. Learn to bake scones."
You mewl again as he grins.
“And you?” He dips down, allowing his lips to ghost over yours. “You’ll be right here. Right where I left you. Stuck. Unable to come until I feel nice enough to let you.”
“Harry,” you gasp, trying to lift to kiss him, but he backs away just as quickly as he appeared.
“I wanna play with you a bit more,” he says next, ignoring your pleas. “And then maybe I’ll be nice.”
A second finger is added. Stroking your inner walls until you lift from the bed. Grinding against his hand like you won’t be able to breathe if he doesn’t give it to you.
He works you back up the peak. A steady incline meant to ruin you further. He doesn’t fuck into you as quickly as before. Now he takes his time. As if memorizing the feel of your pussy in his hand. Of the way you clench and quiver.
Which you don’t mind. You’d stay here with him forever as long as he kept touching you. As long as he kept looking at you the way he is now.
He ignores every noise you make to concentrate on the way your body looks. On the way you’re forced open for his fingers. On the way your tight, little hole looks when it’s void of digits, fluttering around nothing until he finally gives you what you need.
Sinking into you seems to be his favorite part from the way his brows furrow and his teeth grit. The hardening in his briefs making the case that he’s losing this battle just as quickly as you are.
But he doesn’t focus on his pleasure. He focuses on you. At least right now. Lets his thumb press into your clit before dragging it around in fast circles. Just to watch you squeeze your eyes shut and pull on the restraint.
He kisses along your neck, down your stomach, and anywhere he can reach. His other free hand switches between fondling and palming at your chest to squeezing your love handles, your legs, and eventually, your neck.
He tilts your face up, his pressure light but firm, and soon, you’re gasping again, that light at the end of the tunnel much brighter than it was before.
And that blinding pleasure finds you once more as you’re brought to the brink for a second time. He’ll give it to you this time, you know he will. He’ll be so good to you. Let you come on his fingers, then suck you clean—
It stops. All of it. Again. Just as you’re about to come, and he’s pulling his hand away before you can even wrap your head around it.
“Harry,” you gasp, dumbstruck by the notion of him doing this to you again. “Please—”
“See, this what it felt like,” he whispers, bracing himself with an arm beside your head while his other fingers begin pulling down his briefs. “This is exactly how it fucking felt to get so close to you…only to have you walk away.”
Tears slip up the back of your throat as you peer up at him, muscles aching from the strain of your wrestling against the belt. “I’m sorry—”
“I know,” he hums, dipping down to press his lips to your cheek. “And I know why you did it. Not mad at you, sweetheart. Just want you to share this pain with me.”
He pulls his cock out. And it’s glorious. So fucking glorious. Hard and long and like a fucking ice cream cone.
And it looks exceptional in his hand. With the golden rings on his fingers still dripping in you. You practically stick your tongue out in wait as he begins to stroke himself, eager for his offering.
But he doesn’t offer it to you. Instead, his lashes flutter as he begins to work your arousal over his swollen tip. Gasping at the feel while you’re left to stare.
He’s not going to give you his cock.
He’s gonna fuck his fist right over your aching body as you’re left to do nothing but watch him.
This…is the real torture.
“Harry,” you try again, arching up in an attempt to reach him. “Fuck, wait. Wait, let me.”
He doesn’t even look at you. Squeezes his eyes shut as his chin drops to his chest, little curls dancing down onto his forehead.
The arm beside you is flexing as he keeps himself up, and his cock is only inches—inches—from your cunt yet so far away.
You want to be a part of his pleasure more than anything in the world. Want to be the reason he feels good and it kills you not to be able to help. Kills you that you can’t touch him the way you’ve been desperate to since that phone call.
And then…he fucking whimpers.
A sound so soft, so desperate, it makes your lungs ache.
“Baby,” he breathes, working his hand a little faster as he grips the base. “Fuck…feels so good.”
Again, you yank on the headboard, and feel the tears gather in your eyes when you’re kept from him. 
You try to touch him in any other way. You bring your knees to his hips and squeeze. Let your legs brush against his. Bury your face in his arm. 
“Harry, please,” you whisper, and you sound so dejected, it makes his breath hitch.
His forehead drops to your chest, seemingly overcome by the sensation as the muscles in his back constrict from the pleasure.
“So fucking good,” he murmurs, lips brushing against your skin. “Fuck…I needed this. Needed you.”
You choke on a whine, livid with him for making you sit and watch. For making you need him just as much.
“Touch me, baby,” he gasps before it melts into another needy whine. “Shit…touch me, please.”
“I’m trying,” you pant, once again bucking up in an effort to reach him. But you can’t quite make it. “Fuck, Harry. Please…please let me touch you. Let me go. Let me help—”
He doesn't answer, instead releasing a deep breath against your skin, his sweaty forehead pressed firmly to your collarbone.
"Please," he finally says, but it’s lost beneath a strained inhale as he increases the speed of his strokes, nearing his release.
And you groan, tears beginning to slip down your face. He’s going to kill you. This is going to kill you.
“Need you, lovie,” he moans, face burying into your neck. “Fucking need you, ladybug, please—”
“Harry,” you cry, and it’s the most pitiful sound you’ve ever made.
You’ve never wanted anything more in your life. Never wanted to be with anybody as badly as you need to be with him. Never needed release as badly as you need his. Because you realize you’d do anything for him. Give up your own orgasms to make him happy. You’d give up everything to make him happy.
And that’s when it hits you.
“Okay,” you nearly shout, hiccuping through your anguish. “Okay, I get it. It hurts, Harry, I know. I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry. You’re right, it fucking hurts, and I hate it. I hate this—please. Let me touch you, I have to touch you.”
His head lifts at your confession, and when those lust clouded eyes find yours…he finally smiles.
He wanted you to know exactly how it fucking felt to be kept from what you want. The pain and the torture of needing someone who won’t have you. He wanted you to beg for him the way he had to beg for you.
Even if he understands why…he wanted you to know.
And you do. You really fucking do.
His strokes begin to slow, and although you can tell he’s still overcome with his own ecstasy, he nods at you to continue.
“I understand,” you repeat, sniffling as the raw honesty finally reaches him. “I do. And I’m so sorry. Never hurt you again. Just please…please untie me. Let me help. Need to touch you, need…want to touch you.”
At first, nothing changes. His hand continues its lazy pace along his cock before finally, something snaps behind his eyes.
In an instant, he’s reaching up, and flicking the tie undone, allowing your arms to fall beside your head.
You nearly cry with relief before grabbing onto his face to kiss him. Hands clutching his cheeks so tight, you won’t be surprised if you hurt him.
But he doesn’t mind. Of course he doesn’t mind, instead groaning against your tongue as he drags his tip along your pussy to collect you.
And you’re reminded of what you both want, simultaneously rushing to guide him inside of you.
He leaves your lips only to line himself up, pushing your thigh to the bed to allow him a perfect visual.
The appreciative groans that fall from his tongue nearly ruin you, and you can see how enamored he is with your body as he teases you a time or two more, sliding up and down your pussy before finally pushing in.
And this…
Everything has led you to this moment. From the very first text to the meeting in the diner to kissing him in the theater.
This is where you were always meant to find yourselves.
The two of you only have enough patience for about thirty seconds of adjustment before you become rabid. It's urgent, hard, and fast. Just like everything else about this encounter, and you revel in every moment.
His hands grip onto your hips to angle you before they’re placed near your head. His fingers curl into the blanket, fisting it tight in his palms as he thrusts forward, head dropping into your shoulder. 
Your own nails are clawing down his back, pulling him as far into you as you can get him, and moaning whenever he hits the perfect spot.
Your legs have wrapped around his waist, practically attaching him to you as you feel his body roll.
Your skin is sweaty, and sticky, and your breathing is ragged. The noises you’re making are wildly incoherent, but the movements feel strangely coordinated. As if it was always meant to be you.
"Fuck, this is so much better," he grunts into your ear, and perhaps if you weren’t so lost on him, you’d laugh. "Nothing else feels like you do, baby. Nothing."
And you want to respond, but his deep thrusts seem to knock the words right out of you.
"Never again," he whispers. "Never gonna wait this long again. Almost killed me."
“You?” you snort, and he smiles into your neck.
He moves one hand back to your hip before he’s wrapping his entire arm around your lower back. Lifting it from the bed to create a newer angle before continuing his fervent rhythm.
You can feel how deep his fingers have disappeared into your skin, but you don't care. You don’t think you’ll care about anything else ever again. All you want is to hear him make those wonderful noises again as his face screws up with pleasure.
And it’s strange because you spent so much of the afternoon begging for your own release…only to desperately need his instead.
The sound of your bodies connecting echoes around the room. Skin slapping, thrusts wet, moans lewd and loud.
He kisses your shoulder as a reminder that he’s still there but you can tell he’s distracted. So, you take the opportunity to do it yourself.
You move your lips along his neck, then down to where it meets his chest before licking at the salty skin. 
You take every chance that you’re offered to touch him, hands scraping down the muscles beside his spine, tangling in his hair, squeezing his arms. You can't seem to get enough, and with every graze of your fingertips, he sighs, thrusting harder just so you’ll scratch him again.
Eventually, the pleasure is too much, and he drops your hip as his body grinds into yours.
The pressure of his weight against you feels so perfect. Like a magic trick, luring you into another plane of existence as you’re lost in the bliss.
He’s nearing his release, stuttering some as he meets your eye. You’d already talked about birth control and condoms back in the taxi, but he looks for confirmation now.
You nod.
With that, he fills you. And it’s warm and long and it makes your mind go fuzzy even before he reaches down to pinch your clit.
He needs you to come with him. Needs to feel you, too, and after already being edged twice, it doesn’t take long.
The mind-numbing wave of euphoria crashes over the shore of your subconscious and you’re almost sure you black out. Clenching around him as he whispers your name and kisses you to the other side.
Three orgasms are rolled into one, dragging you beneath the wave of coherency until all you feel is him and his touch.
And just when you think it’s over, he pulls out, and settles back down beside your knees.
His mouth is on you again. Licking, and sucking, and swallowing both of you with his tongue. Everything that drips from your pussy is taken between his lips as he groans, and pushes you into a second orgasm.
The overstimulation to your already abused cunt just about kills you, but there will never be anything hotter than watching his come and your own drip down his chin.
And after you’ve been ruined a second time, he seems satisfied, returning to your embrace so he can grab onto your jaw and demand your tongue.
He offers you a taste. Lets it dribble into your mouth as you whimper and eagerly accept the salty taste of you both.
And he kisses you. Shares so many things with you through his lips alone, more than words will ever be able to describe. And you lose yourself in him. 
Not for the last time.
The next thing you become aware of is his body collapsing onto yours. His chest melded to your own, his face nuzzled into your throat.
And maybe it’s a little hard to breathe, but you don’t even mind. Because this is the best you’ve felt in years.
He stays for the rest of the night. Takes you to the shower with him and cleans you both up. Smiles when he sees the hickeys and marks he’s left. 
You talk for hours. Sitting on your bed in your fluffy robes as you get to know each other. Really know each other.
He tells you stories until the sun comes up. And you listen and laugh and fall hopelessly in love with the stranger in your phone.
Who isn’t a stranger anymore.
And as the sunlight dances through your curtains come morning, you realize one very important thing:
This is only the beginning.
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A huge, wonderful, and warm thank you to @nof0odallowed for the original ask! 💞
Thank you all so much for your kindness with this story and for allowing me to spam your timelines with Harry and Cheese Girl 😭💞 I cannot tell you enough how appreciative I am for how you’ve helped me tell this story!! You have my entire heart!! ♥️
Previous Part:
~ iFall for Harry pt. 9
~ Full iFall for Harry Masterlist
~ Other Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
Taglist: @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @keepdrivingkisses @swiftmendeshoran @tiredinwinter @straightontilmornin @justlemmeadoreyou @harrysdaydreams @tiaamberxx @peterparker1sgf @myfavfanficsever @littlenatilda @vamprry @fdl305 @tchalametishot @ssaama @indierockgirrl @likeapplejuicenpeach @lydiarry @yoruse @lomlolivia @kkr102 @gills-lounge @sicklscream @white-wolf-buckaroo @brooklynbelle @stylesmoonlight12
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chenfleur · 1 year
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summary. jeonghan's supposed to be on stage in twenty minutes, and he's nowhere to be found.
pairing. idol!jeonghan x makeup artist!y/n ft vernon
genre. fluff, secret relationship
word count. 1.7k
released. 03.26.2023
author's note. feedback is appreciated! this is so funny to me because im pretty sure i can count the number of interactions vernon and jeonghan have had on one hand
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“Where’s Jeonghan?”
There’s an urgent lilt in the stage director’s voice as it booms around the crowded, high-tension salon space. 
You’d typically roll your eyes. God forbid Yoon Jeonghan stays still for just a second. 
As the notice of his going missing sinks in, the atmosphere becomes frantic. The sound of rustling grows loud and overbearing—people begin to fly around the messy space, trying to organize and give last-minute touches to the rest of the group; a few managers had already walked out the door without a second thought, going to go search.
“That idiot,” you murmur, eyebrows pinched together. 
Jeonghan has always had the tendency to wander. It’s just a product of restlessness, and it's always been a fairly harmless habit, but this space isn’t one that’s familiar like a music show; it's the first stop on the world tour—where the venue is completely foreign to both the members and the staff—and if he doesn’t show up in the next ten or so minutes, it would not end prettily.
Vernon, whose base makeup you were touching up, eyes you curiously. Your movements had faltered considerably upon the director’s shout, going from precise, aggressive beats against his face to uncharacteristically soft, unsynchronized taps.
He watches your unsettled expression with slightly squinted eyes—but he doesn’t say anything, simply averting his gaze to his reflection.
The soft, worried mutters of the other members paired with the worked-up exclamations from the different staff fill your ears until it grows unbearable. You can't take it anymore.
You find yourself only giving Vernon a few more quick taps before muttering a faint “you’re all set”, tossing the beauty sponge haphazardly onto the cluttered countertop. You hear a thoughtful “thank you” come from him before you bolt across the room and out the door.
The lingering uncertainty of Jeonghan's whereabouts must be messing with your senses, because the grey halls feel even more obscure than before—they're seemingly never-ending as you twist and turn around the venue, the only times you stop being to peek down corridors for the silhouette of a person.
Your legs begin to ache from how fast you’re walking, but that pain fades as you finally catch sight of a figure in one of the waiting areas, leaning against the wall next to a vending machine.
“Jeonghan-ssi!” you call out immediately, striding towards him.
The man’s head looks up from his phone screen, warily looking around. Realizing it was you that was coming towards him, he pockets his phone before peeling himself off the wall and going to meet you halfway.
You stop a few steps away from him, eyes scanning over his build as if to check for any accidents. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but everyone is looking for you, you have to be on stage really soon-”
“Y/N,” Jeonghan murmurs, cutting you off. “Y/N, it’s just us. Stop talking like that, you sound so cold.”
Your eyebrows furrow, but when you realize what he was referring to, you grow quiet.
When the two of you got together, you made it clear that you wanted to remain professional. Jeonghan is your coworker, and so, you treat him as such–you keep speaking to him with formalities and interact with him only when necessary, trying your hardest to not drop any sort of indication that you have a more intimate relationship with him.
Even if other people knew about your relationship, you still think you’d like to keep your work and personal life wholly separate. You think it's just more simple that way, and you don’t want to become someone who seems unreliable.
It strikes you that you had been speaking to him formally, and even after realizing it, you don’t know why you still find yourself unable to slip into a more casual persona.
Maybe it’s because he was in his stage outfit, all made up and styled to perfection—or maybe it’s because the setting of a waiting room is one you associate so heavily with work—either way, you find yourself keeping a small distance from him, hands at your sides with the same indifferent, borderline stern expression on your face.
“Come back to the salon, please,” you say sharply before turning away.
Jeonghan winces. He encircles his fingers around your wrist to stop you from walking away any further, the gentleness of his touch contrasting the edge of your tone.
“You're so mean…”
His grip on your wrist makes you turn back around, looking at him with curiosity. Your eyes widen at the sight of an unfamiliar expression painted on Jeonghan’s face—one that’s slightly forlorn.
“Call me Han, or something. Please. I need you to ground me,” he whispers.
He’s laughing—his voice still has the teasing charm that’s always present whenever he speaks—but you can’t help but notice the small amounts of desperation that seep through.
Taking a few steps forward, you’re now much closer to him than before. You remove his fingers from around your wrist, and after a little hesitation, you slowly interlock your fingers together.
Immediately, Jeonghan squeezes your hand tightly, the tension leaving his body as soon as he feels the smoothness of your touch. He brings your interlocked hands up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles.
You freeze. The idea of PDA in a work setting makes you uneasy—but, you put that aside to focus solely on Jeonghan, because something was clearly bothering him.
“What’s wrong, Han?” you ask, much softer than before.
Jeonghan’s head hangs down as he chuckles meekly. “Nothing. It’s stupid.”
“No, it’s not. Stop downplaying yourself. What’s wrong?”
“I just- I’m nervous, baby.”
The pet name slips out naturally, but you barely register it. “It’s been a really long time since we’ve been on tour, and we’ve never been to this city before… I don’t know if anyone will like my performance? Like-”
“Shhh, Han,” you shush, tentatively stroking your thumb on the top of his hand. 
“It’s fine to be nervous. I’d be surprised if any of you weren’t nervous,” you say jokingly, rolling your eyes. You don’t notice, but Jeonghan's gazing at you with fondness, his lips threatening to quirk up.
“But what’s not fine is for you to think that no one will like your performance. You’re such an incredible performer, Jeonghan," you say, eyes shining. "Maybe even my favourite performer, but you can’t tell Mingyu I said that.”
Jeonghan scoffs dramatically, ripping his hand out of yours and crossing his arms in front of his chest. "Maybe? You’re breaking my heart, Y/N,” he chides.
A melodic laugh bubbles from you, and Jeonghan tries his absolute hardest to not break into a massive smile.
Jeonghan doesn't mind the distant, formal dynamic the two of you have during work. He, too, has an image to maintain and wants to be professional—though he won’t deny that he wishes he could see you like this more often: eyes crinkling in delight as you laugh at his antics. It suits you better than the serious expression you wear when you do his makeup, he thinks.
Jeonghan doesn’t try to stop you when you reach for his hand, taking it in yours again.
“But seriously, you’re great. Listen, they’re all there for you,” you say, looking up at nothing in particular as you listen to the muffled roars of fans singing along to the music videos that play before the concert starts.
Your sincerity is too much for his poor heart, and Jeonghan finds himself grinning widely.
“I suppose they are,” he mutters, making you laugh.
A silence falls over the two of you, before it’s broken by Jeonghan.
“Thank you,” he whispers genuinely. "For always supporting me."
You don’t say anything in return, only giving his hand one final squeeze before detaching yourself from him and beginning to walk away.
Though, you only make it a few steps before you’re frozen in your place. You're looking at something that makes your eyes widen and the wires in your brain snap.
Leaning against the threshold between the waiting area and the hall, arms crossed and a the ghost of a smile on his face, is Vernon. 
Jeonghan comes up behind you and, though he isn’t nearly as stunned as you, blinks in confusion at the sight of his member standing there. 
“Oh, hey man. What are you doing here?” he asks nonchalantly.
The younger shrugs. “You’ve caused quite the riot, hyung. Everyone’s looking for you."
Vernon pushes himself off the doorframe before directing his gaze to you. “So this is why you were so worried about him,” he wonders aloud, an amused glint in his eyes.
Words refuse to come from your lips as your jaw hangs open. All you feel is Jeonghan putting his annoying yet warm hand on your waist, giving it a small, excited squeeze.
“Worried about me, hm?” your boyfriend teases. You don’t even have it in you to shoot back, only turning your head away from him to hide your quickly burning face.
“How long?” Vernon suddenly muses.
“About half a year. You think she hates me yet?” Jeonghan jokes, though his eyes are half-lidded as he affectionately looks down at you.
"Seems like it," Vernon responds, chuckling. "Hey- is this why you sometimes don’t come back to the dorms?”
The younger's eyebrows shoot up as the realization dawns on him, breaking the signature, neutral expression he always wears. He's impressed. "God, we've just been thinking you, like, get drunk and blackout on the road or something."
Jeonghan throws his head back, the sound of his loud laughs ringing through the air. “Yeah. But don’t tell anyone- no one else knows.” 
Vernon whistles lowly, before bringing his hand up to mime sealing his lips and throwing away the key.
Your shock has somewhat subsided, and when you suddenly remember why you were in this situation in the first place, you gasp. “Oh my god, you guys have to go. Now.”
Even as you practically throw him off of you, the smile seemingly can’t be wiped off your boyfriend’s face.
Jeonghan can’t stop thinking about your shining eyes and the shade of red that tinted your cheeks, even as he walks away.
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delimeats-000 · 7 months
YEEEESSS. mhmmmm. enjoy freaks🫶🏼🙊.
My Canvas
summary: versus tour is over, chris is OBSESSING over you and cant keep away from your neck.🙊
warning: smutty smutty smut smut, idk
pairing: chris sturniolo x girlfriend!reader
i set up a welcome home surprise for the guys. being in the house alone was starting to get to me but i had classes to take care of, so i sadly couldn’t join them.
i start pin up the second side of the banner and i hear the front door open.
they come upstairs to the living room where i have all the decorations to celebrate their return.
“Awww!!” nick says, covering his mouth in shock.
i see chris for the first time in what feels like forever, he drops his bag and opens his arms. i run straight to him almost knocking him over as he lifts me up burying his face in my neck.
“I missed you, baby.” he whispers.
his breath warm on my neck sends a shiver down my spine. i feel him breathe in deep through his nose.
“I missed you too, handsome.”
“You smell good.” he says before i let go trying to get down.
“Noo, dont go yet.”
“Chris I just wanna say hi to Nick and Matt.” i turn to look at them, earning a groan from chris.
the two boys are already cutting into the welcome back cake, i hug them both before going to chris’ room to help him unpack.
“Hey baby.”
i walk up to him after i close the door. i hug him from behind.
“Hey beautiful.” he turns around in my arms. “I missed you so much.”
his head lay against my shoulder while he kisses my neck.
his kisses get more rough as he moves up and down trying to find my sweet spot. i let out a moan as he glides his hands to my waist and hold me tightly. his grip tightens the more he sucks on my soft skin.
“Chris. Fuck- Chris dont leave marks.”
“But baby, its so empty here.” i feel a smile grow on his lips as he continues to kiss and bite at my neck. “You taste so sweet princess, cant help myself.”
“Fuck Chris.” i grab him by his hair and pull him off, he groans clearly upset.
i smash my lips on his and push him down onto the bed behind him. i get on top straddling his waist and kiss him once again.
he tugs at my shirt wanting it off and as soon as it’s over my head he flips me over, he begins kissing down my neck once again. he definitely leaves marks as he goes down my tits to my stomach then back to my lips.
i can feel the bulge in his pants and i wrap my legs around his hips and begin to grind on him from underneath. he lets out moans into my mouth. he gets off of me and starts to pull off his clothes.
“Take off your pants now.”
“So impatient.” i smirk.
his eyes darken as if im only prey to him, “Pants, now.”
i take them off not having the patience to tease anymore.
he gets on top of me again and i watch as he lines up his dick and slowly runs it down my pussy before smacking the tip on my clit.
i let out a moan and he looks at me, his smile is gentle but so dark and it scares me a bit.
he pushes his cock into me with no warning and i cant help but let out a quick scream.
“Good girl, scream for me.”
“Fuck Chris, you feel so good.”
his hand reaches to my throat.
“You’re so beautiful, baby.” his grip gets tighter and his thrusts grow harder. “Ive missed you so much, you’re tight pussy, and your pretty little neck.”
he keeps fucking into me, harder snd faster than before.
“My pretty little canvas. So blank, gotta add some color.” his lips return to my neck and he immediately latches on sucking and biting all over.
“Chris don’t stop, please-” my voice shakes.
“Cum for me baby.” he whispers into my neck.
he keeps thrusting in the same pace hitting all the right spots, i feel his long dick all the way inside me. he’s so deep inside me i wouldn’t be surprised if he really did rearrange my insides.
“FUCK- CHRIS!” my legs shake and he grabs the back of my thighs fucking into me even deeper.
i can feel his dick twitch inside me and he keeps pounding, my cum drips down my pussy to my ass and i let out a final moan before he cums deep inside me. he pulls out and falls onto me resting his head on my chest, he looks up at me.
“Damn. That canvas is colored alright.”
hope you like it, love you🫶🏼
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eroticsturn · 4 months
permission - c.s
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Summary: Chris touches himself without your permission. 
Warnings: sub!chris x dom!fem reader, smut, use of mommy, overstimulation, praise kink/ degradation kink, and idk what else
𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥!
the triplets have been on tour for the past two months. which made things harder for chris as you weren’t able to go with them due to school assignments. today you were going to surprise chris since they just came back from tour. 
you changed into some short shorts and tank top because you knew that would drive chris insane. it’s already late so you don’t necessarily need to dress up all nice and fancy for him. you call an uber and make your way to the triplets house. 
you’re immediately greeted by matt at the door
"hey y/n, he's in his room. he's been all moody since we left for tour. hopefully you can help fix that" matt muttered out softly which could barely be heard.
"thanks for letting me know" you smiled and made your way down the stairs to his room.
when you heard muffled sounds coming from his room. you just assumed he was playing on his pc until you got closer to his door and saw that it was cracked open a bit.
he whined as his hand softly swiped over his leaking red tip. you watched as his face scrunched every time his hand went over his sensitive area. he let out a few whimpers and whines.
you started to feel the space between your legs soak with anticipation as your core practically throbbed for some sort of relief. you open the door and once he heard the door creak, he immediately attempted to cover himself with his blanket and snapped his head up towards the door.
"what are you up to, baby?" you say innocently.
you slowly made your way over to him. he still hadn't said a word.
"what is it sweetheart? what were you doing just now?" you taunted as he tried to avoid eye contact with you. chris remained silent.
his chest moving slowly while he tried controlling his breathing. his glossy blue eyes stared everywhere but your direction. you can see how he’s in the verge of tears, still avoiding to look up at you.
your hand gripped his chin harshly. turning his precious face towards your direction, making him have no choice but to finally stare up at you. his pretty blue eyes got even watery, tears sliding down his cheeks while you grinned sinisterly.
“answer my question, baby. what were you just doing?” you say quietly, hearing his muffled whimpers.
“m-mommy, i’m sorry..” chris finally says, his voice shaky as he held his tears in.
“sorry for what, baby?” you say, staring into his glossy eyes, using your thumb to wipe the tears slipping down.
chris remained silent once again, his chest moving rapidly now as he struggles to breathe properly. you leaned into his ear, your warm breath making his body shiver.
“didn’t we agreed that we wouldn’t touch ourselves without permission, christopher?” you whispered into his ear, causing him to whimper once again.
after a few seconds of silence, chris begins to open is mouth, letting a quiet whimper before speaking.
“i-i’m sorry mommy.. i needed to be touched..” he says quietly, tears sliding down his cheeks once again.
“you don’t touch yourself, baby. you need to ask for permission before you do that. now you have your dick hidden under this blanket.” you say harsh tone.
your hand grips onto the blanket tightly, ripping it off him. he whines quietly, feeling the blanket rub against his angry tip.
“mmm.. mommy please touch me..” he cries out.
feeling the cold breeze from his room hitting his nude area, causing him to grow goosebumps around his body.
“and why should i do that? you disobeyed me, christopher.” a smirk formed onto your lips once finishing your sentence.
your right hand sliding up his thigh as your thumb rubbed onto his inner thigh. his mouth opened up slightly, arching his back in hopes your arm touches his sensitive area on accident. you noticed his movements, leaning your thumb towards his tip. you begin to rub the pre cum around it causing him to grip the sheets tightly.
“f-fuck..” he groans quietly
his back curves upwards more, tempting to feel more then just your thumb.
“mommy please. it hurts..” he cried out
the more you rubbed the tip, the more angrier it got. his body began to shake and his hand began to move down to his thigh.
“t-touch me or.. or-“ he stumbled to say but you immediately cut him off.
“or what? you’re gonna touch yourself again without permission? making this even harder for you?” you spit out harshly.
your hand wraps around his hard bulge, jacking him off in a intense pace. his body joint up and his mouth opens up wide.
“m-mommy! wait a s-second-“ he moans out loudly before you cut him off again.
“isn’t this what you wanted, baby? you wanted me to touch you so thats what i’m doing.” you say sweetly
his right hand grips the sheets tightly as his left hand squeezes your free hand.
the room filled with his echoing moans and soft whimpers. his mouth was open wide, saliva sliding down on the right side of his lips. your movements continue to increase. your right hand sliding up and down his dick in a intense pace while your left hand stayed unmoved on his right thigh.
his hand clinched onto your wrist tighter than before.
“i- i can’t.. i’m so close..” he struggles to say.
his chest moving up and down in quick speed and tears sliding down his rosy cheeks.
a smirk formed onto your lips as you heard him say those words. without any hesitation, you slipped your hand away. he whimpers loudly, his dick throbbing and the tip getting than before.
chris looks up at you in desperation
“mommy please.. don’t do this. i need to cum, please! it hurts.” he cries out, fully sobbing from the way you made his body more overwhelmed and shaky.
you stood up fully, smirking down at him while he continued to sob
“i would say that’s punishment for you touching yourself but.. mommy needs you just as much you need her right now.” you say sweetly. hands making their way to your shorts.
chris continues to cry but making sure he was silent. he stared at your hand movements, watching how those pretty soft hands of yours grab the rim of your shorts as you pull them down exposing your baby blue panties.
his mouth opened wide, groaning loudly at the sight of you stripping yourself in front of him. just the thought of you jumping on him, shoving his dick inside your wet clit made him want to cum at the spot.
staring down at him with a huge smirk, your hands grabbed onto the ending of your tank top. you slowly pulled it up, exposing your matching baby blue bra that fit so nicely against your tits.
“fuck.. mommy quit teasing..” chris says in desperation
his sensitive spot harden all over again just by the sight of you and the images planted on his head.
“be patient, baby.” you say innocently
your hands made their behind you, unclipping your bra as you let it fall on its own. chris groaned loudly at the sight of your boobs being fully exposed now. his thoughts got wilder and wilder. now picturing you bouncing on him, your pretty breasts jumping along with you.
“f-fuck..” he groans out even louder. his head leaning back onto his bed frame. letting his whole mind go wide.
you smiled at him so sweet and innocent, pushing down your panties which were soaked from the very moment you walked into his room. you teasingly made your way towards him, and he began to whimper again.
you sat on his lap straddling him and slowly grind yourself on him, just to tease him a little more. the throbbing feeling became worse, you grew needier and needed him inside of you immediately. you lifted yourself up, and grabbed his dick. you slowly pushed yourself down on him and you both let out a groan.
ima start writing pt.2 soon. i just needed to publish something rn 😭
- 𝘈
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dangerkittenclaws · 5 months
Are your requests still open? I’d love a fic where the (AFAB) reader is in a situation where she’s forced to share a bed with Vessel (maybe she’s a musician who’s touring with ST and the hotel is short on rooms? lol I know it’s super cliche) and in the middle of the night he wakes her up by initiating sex? 🥰
This was so fun to write, thank you!! And thank you for being my first request/ask, I'll never forget it! Sorry it took me a hot second to finish. To be honest, I feel I got a tad carried away but I hope I did our lean bean of a man justice! <3
vessel x f!band!reader
warnings: smut MDNI +18
You were waiting in the lobby of the hotel your tour agent had booked, spinning your luggage case lazily by its extended handle. The staff had been frantic as your large group entered the building.
 IV was at the counter talking to the man who was clicking desperately at his computer. Something clearly was wrong with the reservation, but you were so tired that you really didn't care, you just wanted to slide into a cozy bed and sleep like the dead. It had been a long day, not including the show tonight and piling into a van afterwards. 
Two of your best friends and bandmates, Alexis and Maggie were sitting on one of the lobby couches quietly showing memes to II. Vessel, III, and Liv, your bassist, were sitting on the bench right next to them. You all had gotten to know each other fairly well considering you inhabited a bus for numerous hours, watched each other practice, and went out to eat together. 
You had noticed Vessel staring at times the past few weeks. You didn’t particularly mind the man was checking you out, it felt good to be wanted in a genuine way. You were not opposed to something new. You had become aware of him giving you glances that were a few seconds too long, a hand grazing just a little slower, him waiting for you so he could walk with you to wherever you were going. 
And the teasing and bickering, god, it never ended. You didn't expect any different, being in close quarters with four boys and your three raunchy best friends, it was a constant war. You didn't quite know how to navigate these waters with Vessel though, it had been quite a while since your last boyfriend.
Your attention was brought back by IV walking back over to where you stood, a grimace on his face.
“Something happened to their booking system, they’re overbooked and we're going to have to share rooms until tomorrow.” 
Some sort of seniority took over his voice, “Maggie, Alexis, Liv you can share the two-queen room, II, III, and I will share the other. That leaves you and Ves with the last king room”, he said pointing between you and Vessel. 
Your eyes could’ve popped out of your head at that moment, but you schooled your expression hopefully before anyone noticed. You looked over to your bandmates and saw how Liv wanted to protest, but closed her mouth before she could say anything, knowing it was futile and everyone was too exhausted to care. It was nearing 3am and you were only spending two nights here before traveling again. 
Vessel's eyes instantly shot towards yours, a small smirk forming on his lips, his arms crossed over his chest. Those lips. 
“I guess it's you and me, then, love.” He gets up, standing to his full height before grabbing his duffel bag from beside him. The rest of the group rises and gathers their things, IV giving out key cards in silence. 
You look at your girls, bidding them goodnight with a small wave and suddenly your hands are empty. Vessel had taken it upon himself to steal your suitcase and start walking towards the elevators. 
Startled, Maggie giggles behind you at your expression. Breath leaves your mouth in a sort of sigh and laugh, and your tired legs begin to move in his direction. He is already in the elevator, keeping the door open for you. 
“Damn your long legs.” 
He turns to you once the doors shut, “I hope you have a little bit of energy left in you,” 
You look at him confused, “What do you mean?” You know what kind of tone he has, a playful, flirtatious one that makes you blush. 
“I guess you'll just have to find out, won't you?” the doors open to the new floor and he darts out, immediately walking in long strides and searching for the correct door. You try to keep up, watching him try the key card on the fifth door down the hall and entering. You walk into the blackness of the room knowing he's just in front of you. He nearly giggles as he turns on the bedside lamp and watches your face scrunch up at the sudden light. 
“You could at least warn a girl,” you yawn. Just as described, there is one large plushy looking king bed in the center of the room, a tv mounted to the wall, a little breakfast counter, and a door ajar on the other side, the bathroom. 
Vessel drops both of your bags at the end of the bed, “Okay, me first, I need a shower.” he announces. You scoff and nod anyway, both of you taking out your pajamas and toiletries you'll need to set them aside. 
Vessel puts his hand on your hip from behind you, the boldest move he’s made yet, “I’ll be quick” is all he whispers near your ear. The warmth of his hand lingers on you even though you hear the door shut. You finally breathe again, you had stood frozen for too long. Is this really happening? 
You finally search out the TV remote, finding some mind-numbing home renovation show. You watch a few minutes, zoning out entirely, before the knob of the door twists and you turn your head. Your eyebrows raise at the sight before you. 
He is a little damp, clothes in hand, the last few water droplets running down his lean torso, hair scruffy from the towel dry he did before wrapping it lowly around his waist. You almost drool before looking back up to his eyes. 
“My eyes are up here, darlin,” he smirks. You feel your entire being light up red hot before you want to implode for getting caught staring at the very… enticing area that he is putting on display. It's not like he wears those pants for no reason at shows, it leaves little to your imagination and he knows it. 
You jump up with your head down, grabbing your things and dipping into the bathroom without another word. You shower hot, needing an excuse to be as pink as you were with that fine man that you had been roomed with. Your pajamas were just an oversized Sleep Token shirt and a short pair of plaid shorts. 
After scrubbing the day off of you, you change into your pajamas before your hand hesitates at the knob. You breathe out. We are just sleeping. We aren’t even anything yet. Why am I being so dramatic about this? 
You summon all of your courage to open the door and look out to see Vessel in bed, scrolling his phone, the room only illuminated by the TV. You put your leftover toiletries and laundry on top of your bag before plugging in your phone and pulling back the covers on the other side.
Vessel looks over to you, “Come here, love”, opening his arms to you. You snuggle into his side and onto his chest, as his hand rubs up and down your back. You involuntarily let out a little sigh of relief, finally you can rest. You fall asleep like that, him holding you close and warm. 
You wake up a few hours later, having turned to your side in your sleep, one of his still around your middle and the other under your neck. 
You move slightly and become aware of something pressed against your ass. You immediately hold your breath.
You slowly breathe out, and try to inch yourself away. His arm tightens around you. Oh shit, he’s awake. 
Like he reads your nervousness, he starts to kiss along the back of your neck to the side, underneath your ear. You shiver at his warm breath. 
“Hmm, I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it with your ass backed up to me darling.” You smile and blush at his words, knowing the effect you have on him. He grinds a bit into you as his hand slowly moves towards the waistband of your shorts. 
You realize your shirt had bunched up just below your tits just as his other hand reaches up and runs through your hair, long fingers pulling just enough for your head to move back. You turn to your back when he easily grazes over your clit and you clench your thighs together. Vessel gives you a little growl in your ear and your thighs cave open as quick as your resolve. 
“I've wanted you for so long, sweet thing, and I've got you all to myself now.” His fingers move in slow, small circles over your clit and your hands go to his bicep, grabbing at him for more. You let out a small moan as you lose yourself in the feeling of warmth of both of his hands touching your body and the building starry sensation in your belly. 
You reach down towards his stomach, caressing down, trying to burn the feeling of his skin into your mind before coming into contact with the curls of his hair. You hesitate slightly and he quickly attacks your lips, like he's reading your mind again. 
You continue on to wrap your hands around his long, hard dick and begin tugging on it. He smiles against your neck and brings his other hand up under your shirt to massage your tit before pulling your nipple taut and thumbing over the hard bud forming. He does the same with the other while his fingers work their way into your wet cunt, one slender finger at a time. 
You are getting impatient now, kissing his lips and neck, sucking his soft skin into your mouth to leave your mark. He lets out a whimper before seemingly regaining control of himself. Noted for future reference. 
He slides down your body in a quick moment before licking up your slick cunt, making you nearly cry out. He tongues your entrance before making his way up to your clit and practically latches on. You claw at the bed sheets beneath you eventually finding his grown out hair to pull. You don't know if you want him to stop or if you want more, this is so much better than your own fingers. You buck up into his mouth and he locks his arm around your thighs to keep you from squirming away. That feeling in your stomach is burning. 
He makes a few deliberate swipes of his tongue in succession over your clit and he watches that you come undone beneath him. Your eyes roll back, your hips tighten, and you gasp out his name. He keeps his tongue flat against you, tasting your cum before coming up to kiss you. 
The moment you taste yourself on him is the moment you feel him press against your swollen pussy. You moan into the kiss, wanting more of him. He grabs himself to properly press his dick into you. He does it slowly, making sure you savor every inch. 
“Please, please, Vessel, please”, you beg him. 
“Please what, kitten?”, that slow devilish smirk comes back with a vengeance on his wet lips. 
“Please fuck me, I need you to fuck me.” You mumble out, embarrassed but full of anticipation. 
He thrusts into you fully, making both of you moan out curses. Ves sets a pretty quick pace but makes sure to hit the one spot inside you that makes your pussy tighten around him on every pass. He bottoms out, touching the beginning of your cervix and you see his eyes roll back. 
“God, you are better than I ever imagined.'' He reaches his hand down between the both of you to play with your clit again. This time though, your orgasm is quick to approach with him inside of you. His fingers move swiftly as you grind yourself down onto his cock to meet his every thrust. 
You are scratching down his back trying to find purchase with how full he makes you feel. Soon enough, the pool of white hot in your belly is overflowing again and he changes the angle just slightly, fucking you through your orgasm. You moan out knowing your pussy is clenching around his dick in a vice grip. Just as you cum around him, he settles deep within you and his fingers dig into your hips. His thick ropes of cum spill into you and he pulls out to leave your cunt messy. 
You open your eyes half-lidded after a moment, trying to catch your breath, “Jesus, did you… did you plan that all along?!” 
He smiles wide at you, “Which part, the room sharing or the me-getting-you-to-myself?” 
“The rooms being short just happened to play into my favor, but I was plotting to get you alone this weekend, my sweet kitten.” He pecks your lips before moving to the bathroom to get a warm towel for you both. 
You sigh out as you watch him, “I didn’t know what I was missing out on, really.” 
You hear his sweet laugh as he comes back in, gently running the towel over your pussy, cleaning you up. You squirm a bit but are easily distracted by the kisses he leaves on your inner thigh. You let out a small yelp when you feel teeth graze and a quick nip before he pulls away. 
He slides in next to you again, pulling you close, “If I have it my way, you’ll be mine forever.” 
“I’d really like that,” you murmured against his chest. You feel him press his lips to the top of your head before you fall back into a satisfied dreamless sleep.
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xhdream · 3 months
1:06 am
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pairing: jiung x fem!reader
genre: smut wc: 1130
cw: bf!jiung goes from vanilla to rough, sub!reader, oral (m), spanking, praise, hair pulling, name calling, light face slapping
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Jiung savours every second of your orgasm.
His hypnotising voice coos praises at your ear, as you pulse around him rapidly from experiencing the first climax from his cock in three weeks. He’s never heard your voice brake like that before, and he holds his breath for a moment in order to not miss a single note from it. While he was on tour you made sure to keep each other entertained by exchanging a few audio messages when you both felt too touch starved, but your moans in those footages weren’t slightly close to this.
“There you go, princess…” his lips place another praise in the form of a gentle kiss on your jawline. “You did so well for me, angel. You always do.” He moves his lips lower where your skin is warm and sticky when your arched back finally lays down.
You keep humming although your rush begins to wind down, as Jiung continues to peck at your neck through wet nibbles and compliments that slip from his tongue like honey.
“Think you can give me one more, baby?” He asks, feeling his chest flutter at your cute sounds. He has a slight idea of what the answer might be from the way the rolling of your hips resumes. “I missed you so much.”
You keep him close with legs around his hips, and nails scratching his back, as you practically melt into the bed from the pleasant feeling of his weight and cologne creeping in the air - two things that always bring you comfort and security, you missed it so much.
Now is the time to ask him; to request what you’ve been craving to try with him for the past weeks you’ve been away from each other. You’ve thought about doing it through a call or a message almost every time you got off to another one of those videos, but you couldn’t get yourself to do it.
You tell him you missed him too, bringing your hands up to his shoulders.
“Can we try something different?” You speak out and his eyes blink at you curiously. “Can you be more rough with me?”
“Rough?” Jiung remains silent for a few seconds before leaning forward in your neck again. “Elaborate, baby.”
“You know…” Your voice comes out airy, as his tongue traces the shape of your ear. “You can treat me like a whore instead of a princess this time. See if you like it.”
Jiung wonders where did this come from, but he decides to leave the questions for later.
He’s not one to deny you what you want, and his mind quickly thinks of a way he can fulfill your desire along with his own.
“On your knees then.”
Excited, you quickly kneel in front of him, skimming his hand going around his shaft.
“Use me as you want, baby,” you gush impatiently, “please.”
“So needy…” He tilts his head, amused by the way you anticipate his next move. “What am I gonna do with you?” He tugs your roots, forcing you into his crotch with your ass up in the air. “Go on, take it.”
Jiung pushes you roughly, shoving his size down your throat. Instead of letting you do it on your own, his fingers all tangled in your hair keep your head steady, and he begins to fuck your mouth in a way you’re almost sure he hasn’t fucked your pussy in a while.
“Ah, shit…” His voice cracks, as his tip reaches a spot in your throat it has never before. “Fuck, feels so good… s-so fuckin’ good, stay just like that.”
You hold on Jiung’s thighs for support letting him mercilessly take over your mouth, as he babbles overwhelmed. The bucking of his hips is rogue; the strength makes you numb, but that doesn’t stop your cunt from clenching.
“How’s that feel, huh?” He speaks over the choking lewd noises erupting from your mouth. “Is this what you wanted?”
He pulls you away, leaving your mouth hanging open and empty, only strings of drool that were connected to his erection now swing from your lips. He checks out your face closely after you rise up to nod.
“Feels good,” you mumble already lightheaded. You smile at him with your dazed eyes and glistening lips. “I like it so much.”
Jiung gives your cheek a light slap, and kisses your wet lips deeply. So many thoughts are clouding his mind and they’re all about how crazy he is about you.
“I like that too,” you whine before your tongues swirl around each other.
He pulls back and flips you over, making you lay on your stomach.
Your ass receives a nice amount of slaps that fill the silence of the room, and an unexpected string of spit that gets spread between your cheeks and mixed with your arousal. Right after that moment, Jiung inserts himself into you with a single strong push through your folds, making you yelp into the cushion and kick your feet behind him.
“Here you go, doll… giving it to you like the filthy slut you are.”
It didn’t take him long to get used to watching you in this new light, not at all. Knowing that you trust him enough to give yourself to him like this; reminding him once again that he's the only guy who can have you, see you, feel you in this state helps him unlock something new in himself too.
“So fuckin’ wet,” Jiung cusses through a sharp chuckle. “You’re loving this, aren’t you, pretty slut?”
“Yes, y-yes, don’t stop…”
Gradually Jiung begins to get more and more entranced by your desperate muffled whines, and he leans forward to press your face even further into the pillow.
“You sound even more beautiful like this…” He grunts over your shoulder, pounding as fast as his hips allow him to while the corners of your eyes drop their first few tears.
Soon enough his hand leaves the back of your head, and you gasp for air after peeling off the stained pillowcase.
With a new type of hunger, your flesh gets groped again to the point it now starts to sting, before Jiung lifts your hips up.
This new angle in addition to the same rapid speed has you roll your eyes back into your head.
“Fuck, Ji—“ you mewl, feeling the pressure in your core close to bursting. “Please, wanna c-cum, p-please, please…”
“Ah, baby...” your boyfriend forces you to bend, so his hand can get a hold of your neck while he speaks a few words at your ear. “You didn’t think this through if you think you can cum whenever you want while acting like a whore.”
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
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thelastofhyde · 6 months
i. sea-day 1.
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pairing. tourguide!joel miller x fem!reader. series synopsis. on the brink of undergoing a life-altering change, you runaway from your problems in the only way any sane person can: embarking on a mediterranean cruise. there you meet joel miller, a grumpy, private tour-guide, who just so happens to be tasked with touring you through each stop on your cruise. from greek goddesses to roman ruins, you have ten days to avoid your fate. maybe a frowning, southern, sex-on-legs of a man is just what the doctor ordered. chapter summary. as the ship sets sail, you search for help. at the bar, you encounter a familiar stranger. series warnings. no use of y/n, set in 2015, no apocalypse au, cruise!au, rom-com, enemies-ish to lovers, sunshine!reader, tour-guide!joel, unspecified age gap, depictions/discussions of grief, angst, fluff, a whole load of smut, a lot of cheesy stereotypical romance tropes bc i just wanna see joel not suffer ( too much )&lt;3 chapter warnings. alcohol, mentions of class/wealth themes, implications that the reader has underlining mental health issues, convenient plot-devices that would only ever happen in a rom-com bc this is fun silly fiction baby!, joel suffers from acute insuferable-bastarditis :( word count. 3.7k hyde’s input. let's all hold hands and agree to ignore the fact both parts so far have opened on the reader panicking in a bathroom, okay? maybe she's a stressed girlie with a flare of ibs, you don't know her life. feeling a little insecure abt this chapter and lowkey don't wanna post it, but i promise the actual fun begins in chapter two, where we finally get to see tourguide!joel in action. previous chapter - next chapter - series masterlist
“What time did you say you boarded?”
Your mother’s voice travels from where your phone lays, abandoned upon the bed, all the way into the decadent bathroom.
Eyes moving a mile-a-minute, as if you're rushing to take in every jaw-dropping detail.
There’s the sink area, a double-vanity that’s centred with an array of lotions and soaps, and overlooked by an overwhelmingly large mirror that makes up half the wall, lined with a golden hue of light. A shower, with glass curtains and enough room to fit your whole wardrobe in it. Then, there’s the bathtub you’re already envisioning yourself sinking into. Marble lines the floor, and the outer wall is made up of three window panes, gifting you a view of pure blue, the sea and the sky melting into one another across the horizon. It’s making you nauseous, this looming feeling of imposter syndrome the interior brings you.
You don’t belong in this, a fancy room designed for fancy people.
An iteration of your name, back on the bed, drags you away from your own troubled reflection.
“Seven,” you call out, inching your way back into the main area of the suite.
“In the morning?!” She’s just as shocked as the first time you answered her question, fifteen minutes ago, and the second time, seven minutes ago.
Humming in approval, you give a sweeping gaze over the plush carpeted floor, the wall-mounted television displaying the cruiseship’s logo, the king sized bed that’s calling out for you, seducing you with the promise of a mattress that won’t be stabbing at your back the whole night. As if on queue, there’s a sharp pain in your lower back, a lasting reminder of the hostel you’d found little rest in last night.
“Well, there goes my jealousy!” Lacklustre replies aside, your mother continues her ramblings, used to filling the void of conversation with the sound of her own voice. “Can you imagine? Me, awake at that time? You’ll be glad you’re travelling on your own, honey.” Usually, you admire the positive spin your mother tries to bring to life. Your being alone upon this trip, however, is not a topic you want her to address, much less find the good in. “I mean, I don’t think even your sister-”
“I think they’ve made a mistake,” you cut her off, eyes zeroing in on a pair of glass doors. Snatching the phone off the bed, you turn off the speaker and press it to your ear just in time to hear your mother’s confusion, questioning what you mean. Focus on those doors, you slowly make your way over to them. “The room,” you clarify, fingers curling around a handle to unlock it, prying the doors apart. A wave of salty fresh air, hits your face as you step out onto wooden decking. You find yourself upon a balcony, facing off into the deep blue distance. To your left, there’s two sun loungers and a glass coffee table, mounted by two champagne flutes and a simple welcome note sprawled out in black ink. “I think they’ve given me the wrong room.”
It’s the next best thing to a reasonable explanation you can find, no chance on earth you were ever listed to stay in such a suite. No, a room like this is meant for a wealthy businessman and his uptight wife to overindulge themselves on gold-trimmed furniture and a fur-lined bed for a week, in which they do everything but address the lipstick stains that keep lining his collars or the chauffeur who keeps himself parked between her legs.
You can already picture such a pair now, storming over to some poor, unsuspecting deckhand, red on both their faces as they begin to berate him over the fact they're in a cabin the size of a cupboard, with a communal restroom and a bunk barely fit for one person.
“Why? Is something wrong with it?”
“No,” it’s an answer you reluctantly give, more than aware of how ridiculous it sounds. “It’s… nice. Perfect. Too perfect, like I should feel lucky to stand in it, nevermind live in it for the next few days.”
It’s with caution that you glance over each shoulder, taking note of the seemingly never ending row of balconies that line the ship, a sizable gap between each one. Guts twisting a little at the thought, you peer ever so slightly over the right edge and are greeted with views of more balconies. Beyond that, there’s only blue. Waves crash into the ship’s side and bounce off in white foam. You renew the distance between you and the ledge, unable to stop yourself from glancing both ways, confirming there’s no neighbouring balcony that finds itself occupied.
Then bend down, clasping a hold of one of the champagne flutes.
You take your first sip like it’s a crime, wearily, eyes darting back and forth, waiting to be caught in the act and dragged out of this room, down to whatever poverty loft you really belonged in.
Or, maybe they’d just toss you overboard, rid themselves of any possible hassle. People go missing all the time at sea, right? People go missing all the time on cruises. You’d just be another blip in the system, an error that can be overwritten with a simple-
“I can hear you thinking through the phone, sweetie.”
You take another sip, and let a weight fall off your chest, dragging in a breath large enough to make up for the moment or two you’d stopped breathing. “I’m just… tired. Don’t worry, I’m perfectly fine. No big freak out on it’s way, again.”
“Honey, you know how me and your father feel about you calling it a freak-” she must be able to hear your eye roll through the phone, cutting herself off before she can keep going. “Just, try and enjoy this trip, okay? Maybe you’re in that room because where you’re supposed to be. Maybe you’ve been awarded some free upgrade, like that time your dad got bumped up to business class!”
Bless her for trying, though she may fail. It’s enough to bring a smile to your face.
You swallow back what remains of the bubbled liquid.
Through the phone, you hear a door burst open and the entrance of a loud, excited little voice. Something akin to granny rings down the line, and it’s enough to have you frozen where you stand, bones rigid and unable to move. Something seems to smack into the microphone, a rustling of fabric as you envision your mother making room for little limbs on her lap.
“Hey, my little munchkin! How was soccer?” You can’t make out what the voice tells your mother, heart too busy beating louder than any drum, inching its way further up your wind pipe and threatening to choke you on it. “Guess who I’ve got on the phone?” The tiny voice squeals out your name, bile joins your heart inside your throat. Maybe this is how you find out you get seasick. “Do you wanna say hi-”
“Mum, I, uh… I’ve gotta go,” you’re eyeing the remaining glass on the table, the rising bubbles enticing you to hurry up, drink it before it goes flat. “I should go find the help desk, get this room thing sorted out.”
“Just a second, let E-”
“I’ll call you later,” you hang up.
You’re left with just the raging waters below, a caw from seagulls up above. Eyes slipping shut, you pull in a deep breath and push out a silent plea for that sting in your eyes to be from the salt in the air, not a set of unfallen tears. A few more breaths and it feels safe enough to open your eyes again, glancing down as your phone vibrates in your hand.
Two texts, each from your mother.
09:38 - She says hi, and that you better bring her back a cool souvenir. 09:39 - Doctor Anderson says she’s showing improvement and they’re finally starting to get somewhere. Just thought you’d want to know x
Giving in to temptation, you snatch up the champagne glass, bring it up to your lips and- pause, interrupted as you make eye contact with a man one balcony over. He’s older, a well-rounded gut fit into a light blue shirt and tailored trousers. With a rolex on one wrist and set of bright white teeth smiling right at you, there’s no mistaking he belongs in one of these suites.
You wonder what he thinks of you and your frayed sweater, no jewellery on your wrists.
He nods, politely, and raises his own glass towards you. A silent cheer, a recognition that you’re both here, living life in luxury. You meet it, raise your own glass, and try to smile as brightly as him.
Then knock back your second drink and saunter back inside.
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“Miss, there’s been no mistake.”
In spite of it being an excuse to hang up, you stay true to your word.
Come early noon, you’re standing within the help centre. Against all odds, accidental nap and wild goose chase upon the ship deck be damned, you’ve found what you were looking for.
Or, well, an older woman with sweet smile on her face and a squinted nametag pinned to her chest found it, pointed you in the direction of the ship’s atrium. What you’re looking for is the Purser’s Office, dear.
“See? The booking under your name lists you as part of our excelsior guests.” The desk clerk turns her screen towards you, acrylic nail pointing at your booking information. Sure enough, in bold letters, your full name accompanied by a golden badge at the end. Excelsior Status, checkmarked and approved by the cruise. “This grants you access to one of our excelsior suites and all private excelsior lounges.”
In all honesty, you’re tuning her out a little.
You don’t mean to, sincerely, but you’re just so caught up in reading both your name and excelsior suite, over and over and over again, that you forget to really listen, mind running just a few seconds behind the speed of her mouth.
When you finally process what she’s saying, all you can manage is dumbstruck look on your face and a muttered, “oh.”
Paper rustles as your hands wring, the pristine pamphlet you’d been flicking through to fill the time as she’d searched up your details now rumpled, thin white cracks of paper peaking out beneath printed ink.
“I also see that you’ve added the excelsior tour package onto your booking, though I’m willing to change that for you, if you’d prefer signing onto one of our team tours instead.” Confused by her offer, you glance down and read over the pamphlet’s title- All-Aboard Tour Trips, Fun for all the Family! “Would you like to hear what your current tour package grants you?”
“If,” as if you’ve not embarrassed yourself enough with your cluelessness towards your own booking, your voice cracks under the pressure of being used, more squeak than actual intelligible words. You swallow back the lump of shame in your throat and push through. “If you don’t mind, please. This, uh- The ticket, it was a gift, so I’m just a little out of the loop of what’s been booked for me.”
“Not at all! So, the excelsior tour package gives you access to your own private tour-guide, for all seven stops we’ll be making on this cruise!” Already, you feel a little queasy at the thought. A private tour, no one but you and some stranger. It’s not exactly your dream scenario. “Your guide’s purpose won’t just be to walk you through all the memorable sites, but to curate your visits to your liking, helping you explore foreign land with a familiar taste. Where the tours in team are restricted to allocated timeslots and a set route of sites to visit, having a private tour-guide grants you the privilege of exploring where you want, for however long you want. The private tour also provides more time for you at each stop, as your timeslot to board will be the latest available, making your whole trip less of rush and more of a thrill.”
The clerk, without a doubt in your mind, is quoting a script she’s already said hundreds of time- word for word, beat for beat. Yet her voice is animated, her smile is kind, and you admire her a little for getting through it without a single laugh at the corniness of it all.
You, however, fail the challenge, glancing off to your side and biting back a giggle that you hope she takes no note of. The last thing you want is for her to mistake the laughter as directed towards her.
Weighing your options, you nervously ask, “but, you could change me over to a team tour?”
She says of course, with a smile that doesn’t waver, and the tension in your shoulders lessens, the ice cold feeling of inconveniencing her melting away at her warmth.
Her nails clack as she types away on her keyboard. A double click and then, a hiss. She’s no longer smiling, a grimace taking it place. “I’m sorry, but all of our tours are fully booked.”
“Oh. That’s- It’s okay.”
“But, I could add you to the waiting list! If there’s any cancelations for any of the stops, you’ll be the first to know. This won’t affect your excelsior tour package, so either way you’ll have some kind of guide.”
With nothing to lose, you figure why not and let her throw your name in the metaphorical hat.
Mid-typing away, eyes glued to her screen, you watch as her brows shoot up. “Oh, while I’ve got you here, there’s one more thing. With our excelsior guides, it’s customary that they meet with you on the first night, to touch base on simple things, like your interests or any goals for this trip, and to plan out tomorrow’s official first stop, which is in Santorini. Your guide has left you this, detailing where you’ve to meet him.”
With renewed hesitation, you grab at the folded note she slips over the desk. It’s small, with half an inked fingerprint burnt into the top left corner.
As you thank her for her help and bid her goodbye, she interrupts you before you can turn to leave.
“I know private tours can seem daunting but, you’re in good hands. Joel will take care of you, he’s our top-rated guide.”
The note remains folded as long as you can control your curiosity, which appears to be only until you’re back on the deck, sun shinning directly in your eyes and forcing you to squint as you read over faded blank ink.
10 pm, the Tipsy Byson bar.
Below that, in a bolder blue ink, wear something green for me to find you, JM.
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You’re awfully overdressed, and painfully aware of it.
The Tipsy Byson is nestled between the arcade and the casino, a balance of childlike shrieks harmonizing over outraged yelling of men cheated out of their hands. Brown wood lines just about every inch of the place, from the walls, to the tables, to the bar. There’s an outrageously large Stars and Stripes flag hanging on the wall, and memorabilia of all things Texas Roadhouse. The place is themed, down to the cowboy hat that sits atop the bartender’s head, and clearly everyone is aware of this, decked out in scruffed up boots and worn out denim vests.
Everyone but you, dark green silk clinging to you in the shape of a laced-back midi dress, dainty black heels tucked into the footrest of the barstool you occupy.
It’s the only green thing you brought and- wear something green for me to find you- you’d had no choice.
It was a quarter to ten when you got there, earlier than you were requested, but a gentle buzz of something shooting through your nervous system left you impatient, unable to wander the ship’s halls any longer.
It was fine, you figured, gave you a chance to get a drink, cool your nerves a little. Sticking with the theme of green, you’d yelled over the line music for a midori sour, please, and even cracked a little smile at the cute bartender.
By twenty past ten, you’re still alone, no tour-guide in sight, and your glass is empty, a sole ice-cube all that remains. You order another glass, given him another smile, and return your eyes to the entryway as you sip back the taste of the dewy melon goodness.
The doors opened, your hopes rise and- a couple walks through the door, adorably dressed in matching jackets.
Another sip.
The doors open again, this time you watch as a few women walk in, party hats and bachelorette signs dripping off them.
Half your drink, gone again.
Two, three, four more times the door opens and you watch as strangers filter in and out, pretending you don’t notice the way some of their eyes linger on you, sticking out like a sore thumb.
It’s as you throw back the last sip of your cocktail, eyes catching the time- 22:36-, that you watch a grin overtake the bartender’s face.
The door shuts with a slam, buried beneath the layers of stomping feet across the dance floor and the twang of a country song, yet you hear it all the same, twisting in the stool.
A man stands by the entry, salt-and-peppered hair a little tousled and a scowl etched into his forehead. He moves like water, slipping through the cracks in the crowded bar with minimal effort. All the while, eyes seem to follow him, the occasional head turning in his direction. He spares no glances, to anyone.
Instead, he’s staring right at you.
And heading your way, frown and all.
There’s something in his face that feels familiar, and you swear that this is not the first time you’d stared into those eyes. Broad, scruffy facial hair, his irritation as some drunk girl slams into him so palpable, you almost taste it on your tongue.
You mumble something to the bartender, a request for another drink, a parched feeling stirring in your loins.
He’s inching closer, and closer, and closer- and, only as he’s a mere three bar stools away from you, do you realise who he is.
You’re in the way.
Signore Miller.
The rude man from the airport!
God, you can’t wait to see what this is about. He must recognise you, must feel the shame licking at his wounded ego, driving him to come over, apologise, beg for forgiveness to a stranger he unnecessarily berated.
“Look what the cat dragged in!” It’s not Signore Miller that speaks, nor is it you. It’s the bartender, arms crossing over his chest, smirk widening on his face. “Thought you said last season was your last!”
“You know me,” his eyes are still glued to you, an intense stare, even as he replies. There’s so little space between you now, you manage to notice the wrinkles in his flannel shirt. You choose to ignore the fact it’s green. “Ain’t no good at stayin’ away from the things I hate.”
“Wasn’t what you were saying at the staff party last year, Mr. Blubber-face. Took two whiskeys to get you crying ‘bout how you were gonna miss the cruising life.”
Another midori sour lands your way, yet you don’t even manage a single sip of it before he’s opening his mouth.
“Well look at you, all dressed up with nowhere to go,” his eyes still pierce into your own and, this time, it is you he’s talking to.
You’d have half the mind to throw your drink on him, if it weren’t for the fact you’re too busy taking a stabilizing gulp out of it, a sweetness to counter-attack his sour persona.
“Excuse me?!” You final sputter out, face burning too hot and pride too scorned to begin to feel even more out of place.
He seems unfazed by your outrage, turning away from you to acknowledge his friend behind the bar at last. “Do me a favour, Luke, don’t give her too much to drink.” Condescending tone perfectly intact, Signore Miller doubles down on your initial impression of him: an absolute asshole. “Last thing I need is to spend all day draggin’ around some prissy hungover diva.”
The man- Luke- scoffs back a laugh, shaking his head in bewilderment. “Quit teasin’ the poor girl, ‘fore she runs for the hills and ruins your five-star rating.”
An uncomfortable feeling creeps down your spine. It’s cold and alarming, and has your straightening your back, sitting a little tenser in your seat, realization rising in you like the dawn.
It can’t be.
He can’t be-
He’s stepping all in your space, face leaning down till his mouth is at the level of your ear. He doesn’t touch you, doesn’t even come close to it, yet there’s goosebumps littering your arms and hairs standing at the back of your neck.
Like touching a live wire, his proximity feels electric.
“Best be on that deck by 7 am, darlin’, or I’ll be dockin’ without ya.”
“Wait, you’re-”
“Joel, tourguide. At your service.” He’s pulled back, just to thrust his hand in your face. By the time you reach to shake it, he’s retracting it, that grating quirk in his lips moving higher up his cheek. “Oh, and do yourself a favour. Wear somethin’ a little more… practical. Santorini ain’t the place for dainty heels like those.”
You knock back the rest of your drink moments after he leaves, only to find Luke’s already placed a fourth glass at your side.
“Our little secret,” he faux-whispers, pressing a finger to his pursed lips. “Besides, you look like you could use it.”
Signore Miller.
Joel, tourguide.
Joel Miller.
He’s already making your trip unbearable, and it’s hardly begun.
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+ extra hyde. sorry if that was a little boring it was a necessary part to get the ball moving, i promise chapter two gets right into it. again, updates to this fic happen every other friday! i'm bad at describing spaces, so if anyone is curious to know what reader's suite looks like, here are some reference pics:
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taglist. @auteurdelabre
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toomuchracket · 8 months
in front of a mirror (literal d word (dad) matty x reader fluff)
a little random fluffy moment for promptober day 18! just you and matty and your baby daughter getting ready in the hotel room. enjoy <3
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the fluffy pompom on your daughter's hat tickles your already-cold nose, as you walk quickly down the hotel corridor with her in your arms. you sneeze, and lyla jerks in what you think is fright at the sudden noise; you open your mouth to reassure and apologise, but she giggles before you can, that joyous little baby laugh that you think might be your favourite sound in the world.
"oh, you think it's funny when mummy sneezes?" you tease, tickling her little tummy to keep her laughing. "yeah, it is a funny noise, i suppose. but do you know what you're meant to do when someone sneezes in front of you? you say 'bless you'. can you try that for me, munchkin? bless you."
lyla's little face screws up in concentration, an expression she's doubtless inherited from you. "eh ooh."
"oh, my clever girl! well done," you coo, kissing her little rosy cheek as you unlock the door to your suite. "you're so smart, munchkin! you definitely get that from me and not daddy. but don't tell daddy that, alright?"
"tell me what?" matty's voice echoes from somewhere in the suite. lyla makes grabby hands at the sound - again, your genetics.
"that we got babycinos with auntie carly," you reply, pulling off lyla's jacket and hat, then smoothing down her hair as you wander through the living area towards your fiancé's voice. you find him in the dressing room outside the bedroom, sat at the mirror with one of the band's stylists fixing his hair. "hiya! hi, baby. you look good. almost done?"
the stylist answers in the affirmative. matty's face lights up at the sight of you and lyla; it always does, but you don't think you'll ever get over how adorably happy he gets. "hi, my beautiful girls," he says softly. "have you had a nice morning? c'mere, munchkin, tell me all about it."
you pass lyla to matty - giving him a quick kiss as you do - before shrugging your coat off and sitting down beside them. lyla snuggles into her dad's chest, big eyes blinking tiredly as he softly strokes her head. they're so cute in their respective sweatshirts that you could cry just from how much you love them.
matty caresses your daughter's tiny cheek. "is somebody sleepy?"
despite her eyes growing heavier by the second, lyla musters up all the energy she has left to shake her head in vehement denial. all three of the grown-ups in the room laugh at her little curls bouncing, and she grins cheekily.
"i think you might be, baba," matty smiles. "maybe time for a little disco nap before you come out with me and mummy later, yeah?"
you snort. "a disco nap?"
"what? that's exactly what it is."
"fair, fair," you say, resting your head on the tabletop. "could do with one myself, actually. or at least a minute where i sit and do nothing. but it's alright," you stretch. "i should probably start getting ready anyway, once she's asleep."
you try to stand, but matty traps your leg between both of his and smirks. "nope! you're staying put, my love."
"what is this?" you ask, eyes narrowing as you clock the stylist smiling suspiciously too. "why are you both looking at me like that?"
"well, sweetheart, i know how busy you've been lately, taking care of everyone and everything, and i just want to make sure you're taken care of too," matty begins. "so i decided that i'll take lyla for a few hours today and get her and i ready, so you can have a bit of time to yourself to relax…"
"and i'll do your hair for you," the stylist finishes, grinning. "and just pamper you a bit."
the combination of tiredness and the sweetness of the gesture flicks some sort of weird hormonal switch in you; you genuinely start to tear up at the thought of getting a moment to yourself amidst the chaos of tour prep and dealing with both lyla and matty (who's arguably more of a handful than your literal baby daughter). "that sounds lovely. thank you."
matty shifts lyla into one arm and leans forward to wipe your eyes with the other. he pecks your lips, then your nose, making you giggle. "s'the least i could do, darling. oh, by the way, we're also going out for dinner tonight straight after the gig. just the two of us. date night for mum and dad!"
"how have you managed that? who's looking after lyla?" you laugh, almost deliriously.
"the macdonalds. mentioned to ross i was thinking about taking you on a date, and his wife all but booked a restaurant and swiped lyla out of my arms there and then."
"bless her. i'm excited," you smile, kissing matty's cheek. "thank you, baby. i love you."
"i love you too, my sweet girl. have fun getting your hair done," matty shuffles to stand, and you take a second to stroke lyla's head before they go. "we'll be next door if you need us."
"alright, babe."
with a final wink, the loves of your life disappear through the door. you turn back to face the mirror, smiling at the stylist. fuck, why do you feel nervous? "ok. please try and sort me out. i know it'll be a struggle."
they laugh, pulling the hairband from your head. "nah, piece of cake after dealing with your man's hair. and your daughter's inherited it! god help you, babe."
you giggle. "yeah, but they really are cute, with the curls."
and cute in general, actually - while you sit back contentedly and have your hair combed, you smile so hard it hurts your cheeks at the way matty coos and sings to lyla in the next room to get her to sleep. although you can't see them, you can picture the image clear as day; she'll be in her dad's arms the whole time, because trying to get matty to not constantly cuddle your baby is like drawing blood from a stone, and matty will pace around the suite until she fully nods off. only then will he sit down, quietly humming lullabies or just whatever songs are stuck in his head, looking at lyla with the expression of sheer lovestruck adoration he reserves for only her and you.
you actually get to see said expression in action around half an hour later, while your hair is being manipulated and pinned up into a messy updo; holding a peacefully-snoozing lyla just as you knew he'd be, matty moves to lean against the doorframe and catch your eyes in the mirror. "darling - oh wow, i love your hair like that! - i know i said i was going to give you peace, but can i really quickly ask for your input on my fit for today?"
god, his arms flex so gorgeously when he's holding the baby like that. your head fills with daydreams about them flexing like that as he holds you, your hips, your waist, keeping you steady and close to him as he… 
jesus, you need to sleep with your fiancé. it's clearly been too long.
so distracted are you by thirsting over matty that you almost miss what he says. "hmm? oh, yeah. black suit trousers? what's your options for the top half?"
"the saint laurent polka dots, or the black silk one. with the short sleeves."
"i love both, baby, but aren't they a little fancy for a half-hour radio show set?"
matty blushes, looking up through his eyelashes at you in the mirror; he's so beautiful it almost devastates you. "yeah, but… wanna look good for you when we go out after. you'll look stunning, as always - i need to at least try to keep up with you, yeah?"
the stylist utters a quiet "aww!", which kinda perfectly sums up your feelings about your fiancé's words. he's so endearing, matty, looking at you all shy and sweet - you're not quite sure how your heart hasn't caved in from the amount of love for him packed inside it.
and yet… your mind is seemingly still in the gutter. "i think the silk one, honestly" because it shows off those fucking arms of yours better than the other one, baby.
"whatever my girl wants," matty winks, before disappearing into the other room again. he reappears once the stylist leaves twenty minutes later, fully dressed and gorgeous in his finery, with a slightly groggy (but well-rested) lyla and what looks like her entire wardrobe in his arms.
you spin away from the counter and your open makeup bag to look at him. "dilf!"
matty cackles, quickly stopping to soothe lyla when she begins grumbling at his volume. "sorry, munchkin, i just get really excited when mummy lets on how much she fancies me."
"it's not as if you don't know already," you giggle, batting your mascara'd lashes, before shifting your voice into something breathier. "daddy."
"not in front of our daughter!"
"later, though? after our dinner date?"
matty sighs, his cheeks pink. "by all means, princess," he emphasises the nickname, and you beam. "now, lyla-lie, let's get you dressed while mummy puts her face on."
"did you just simon and garfunkel our baby's name?"
"you know it, babe."
your turn to sigh. "alright. carry on."
"i shall," matty sits lyla on the table, just a bit along to the right from you, caging her with his own body while he quickly spreads out her outfit choices. "right, munchkin. well, i'm wearing full black, and mummy's wearing…"
"also full black."
"... so i think we should see about putting you in full black too, baba," matty smiles down at lyla, who's more focused on swinging her little legs than anything else right now. "let's see - oh, these little trousers are cool! d'you like these? yeah? ok. this top?"
you pause your motions of putting highlight on to glance at your daughter; she scowls at the offending top in a way so reminiscent of matty you have to bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself guffawing.
matty nods. "i agree, it's not quite right. moving on!"
all in all, picking out lyla's outfit for the afternoon takes longer than it did for yours and matty's to be chosen; lyla might look more like you, but she's matty's daughter through and through, a stubborn little fashionista in the making. it takes so long for matty to get her dressed - although you don't totally begrudge him for that, because listening to him try to make up a song on the fly about different items of clothing is hilarious - that you're fully ready (sans lipstick, and even then you're standing tube in hand, ready to go) once she is.
you freeze just before you apply the lippy, though - your fiancé's voice rings out a warning just as you take the lid off. "don't you dare do that yet, sweetheart."
matty smiles. "wanna kiss you first, babe."
and who are you to deny such an appealing notion? you nod, and matty kisses you languidly. his free hand comes up to tenderly cup your jaw, and you smile against his lips; it's not as passionate as some of your other kisses, but as always it's imbued with pure love. you're totally content.
that is, until a tiny hand makes contact with matty's cheek, and he breaks away from you with an "oof". lyla giggles, and you can't help but join in - matty narrows his eyes at his daughter, but he can't resist smiling at her adorable little… well, everything. "excuse me, miss, but mummy and i were having a moment, before you interrupted it quite abruptly. which is actually quite on brand for you, to be honest, kid, given how you were... anyway, what is it you wanted?"
he boops lyla's nose, and she giggles again. as the noise fades into little hums, she turns towards you, reaching an arm out and looking at you pleadingly.
(matty's genetics. definitely.)
"oh, my girl, you want us to do a group hug? alright," you coo, moving closer to the two of them so you can take some of lyla's weight from matty. his free arm snakes a familiar path around your waist to tug you round, and the three of you have a little cuddle for a minute or so. you're reluctant to pull away from your family and the cosy little outpouring of love, and matty seems to be too, but lyla quickly gets distracted by something else and begins to wriggle.
as it turns out, the focus of her attention is her own reflection - you laugh when you realise, while matty cringes into his baby's shoulder. "yep, that's my fault."
"well, someone had to say it," you drily respond, looking in the mirror at your daughter's wondrous expression. "lyla, are you fascinated by how pretty you look in your cool outfit? it really is cool, by the way," you turn to matty. "good job, baby."
"oh yeah, you hear that, munchkin? we got the mummy seal of approval," matty cheers, dancing around a little and making lyla - and you - smile. he looks lovingly over her head at you. "and that's really good, because mummy's the coolest person in the world. and the most beautiful, although i think you're giving her a run for her money. but you do have her eyes, i s'pose - those would make anybody infinitely more gorgeous, if they had them."
you can feel your cheeks burning. you've lost count of the number of times matty's complimented you like that, and yet you still get totally lovestruck every time. "oh, shush," you grin bashfully. "i can't take credit for those beautiful curls, can i?"
"ok, true," matty nods. he sets lyla down on the tabletop - snorting as she immediately crawls right up to the mirror - and tugs you into his side. you immediately snuggle into his chest. "we really do make cute babies together, don't we?"
"we do," you say, smiling at your daughter before turning and wrapping your arms around matty's neck. "d'you want to make another one tonight?"
matty's breath hitches, and he tugs you down for a quick, head-spinning kiss before murmuring against your lips. "fuck yeah i do."
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sentientgolfball · 4 months
hiiii can you please write a second chapter to your aether and sunny fic that describes the others watching the video?
Took me a little longer than I expected to get this one done cause I got sick all week but ohhh here you. Continuation of this fic
Read here or on Ao3
Pairing: Phantraindrop
Word Count: 3909
Tags: humiliation if you squint, semi-public in the beginning, light filming/photography
Summary: The pack gets the video Sunshine and Aether made for them. It goes as well as anyone can expect.
The ritual was over. The last one of the year. The ghouls had used what last of their energy they had to run straight to the tour bus. Now they all sit curled up in the little lounge area, slowly being rocked to sleep as it drives them to the hotel they’ll be at for the night before leaving in the morning. 
There’s a little ding and Phantom’s ear twitches. He picks up his phone and squints at the brightness. His tail thumbs against the couch when he reads the message. 
“Guys look! Sunny and Aeth sent us a video!”
Swiss leans over and reads the message “Miss you guys. See you soon with a winky face.” 
The others shift closer to Phantom wanting to see what those two could’ve possibly sent. 
“Come on, play it!” Aurora calls. 
Phantom leans his head against Rain’s shoulder as he presses play. 
The pack is immediately greeted by the sight of Sunshine pushing Aether to sit on the edge of her bed, climbing into his lap. She kisses him hard and slips her hands up and under his shirt. She rolls her hips when she latches her mouth to the side of his neck. 
Everyone is suddenly a lot more energized than they were five minutes ago. 
Phantom has to clamp his hands on his mouth to stifle a whine when Aether pulls off his shirt before taking off Sunny’s and sucking a nipple into his mouth. The pack hisses at him for dropping the phone. Swiss quickly picks it up, holding his arms out so everyone can see. 
“Go back dumbass” Dew growls from where he was sitting on the floor leaning against Rain’s legs. 
“Fuck you think I was doing” Swiss doesn’t even look at him, too focused on the task at hand. 
Phantom tries to apologize but it comes out muffled around his hands. 
Rain leans over and places a kiss on his cheek, hand moving to rest on his thigh. 
“You know how impatient Dew is. He’ll probably already have his hand around his dick at this point” Sunny’s voice cracks through the speaker. 
Everyone’s heads immediately snap up and turn to look at Dew who is in fact palming himself through the sweats he threw on after the ritual. 
Aurora and Cumulus burst out laughing. Dew hisses at them but doesn’t make a move to stop what he’s started. 
“You’re too fucking easy firecracker” Swiss pushes him lightly with his foot. 
“Please, we both know it’ll be Swiss first” Aether’s voice comes from the phone. 
“What were you saying there buddy?” Cirrus flicks the side of his head. 
“If we’re talking about firsts then I know exactly who it’ll be”
“Who do you have in mind?”
“Come on smart guy, it's so obvious.”
“Phantom” they say in unison. 
The ghoul in question makes another attempt to smother the whine that leaves his throat. It doesn’t help that Rain has his hand down Phantom’s pants. All eyes turn to him and he blushes hard, lichtenberg scars flashing for a moment. Rain chuckles feeling his dick twitch in his hand. 
“Save it for the hotel Rain” Mountain chuffs out. 
Rain rolls his eyes “Not like we all haven’t seen it before.” 
His eyes rake over Mountain, head cocked in a challenge. Though when his eyes catch on the outline of Mountain’s dick through his pants, he quickly realizes why he wants him to stop. 
The pack turns their attention back to the phone, silence only broken with little inhales of breath or muffled groans. Despite Mountain’s warning nobody makes a move to stop groping each other. It only gets worse as the video goes on. 
Sunshine showing her hole to the camera as she sucks Aether off. 
The audible creak of the bed when Aether pulls against the red rope around his wrists. 
Sunny continuing to throw her head over her shoulder to look at the camera, calling out her packmates while she fucks into Aether. 
It all comes crashing down when Aether’s voice rings out in the silence of the bus. He moans out each of their names with every thrust from Sunshine. Begging for them. 
Dew has to squeeze the base of his cock to stop himself from cumming right then and there. 
Phantom isn’t so lucky, spilling in his pants. On Rain’s hand. 
Swiss has to hold the phone in one hand while the other rubs at the bulge in his sweats. 
Cirrus has one hand under Aurora’s shirt and the other in her shorts. 
Cumulus’ attention is caught between those two and the video, hand starting to wander down to the waistband of her pants. 
Mountain stands and storms off to the bunks, growl low in his throat. Swiss’ eyes follow. 
“Come on Mounty don’t you wanna see the rest?” 
Mountain pauses in the doorway of the bunks. He slowly turns his head, throwing a look at Swiss. There’s an intensity in his green eyes that’s hardly ever seen. He disappears.
“You’re so fucked when we get to the hotel” Cumulus nuddges Swiss her with shoulder. 
The video ends with Sunny and Aether sharing a sweet little kiss before turning to grin at the camera. She blows a kiss before the screen goes black. 
They all sit in a lust stunned silence, no idea where to begin. Do they say something back to them? How much longer until they’re off the bus? Who’s going to kill Aether first Mountain or Dew? Will Swiss survive the night? All questions that ring through their heads. Before anyone can make a move though, the door to the bus opens and Copia steps in. 
“My ghouls! We’ve arrived at the…” he falls silent, taking in the appearance of his pack. 
He sighs “Please do not damage anything we cannot keep getting banned from the hotels.” 
He gets a few calls of absolutely, in your dreams, and never gonna happen. He just shakes his head and steps off the bus. Everyone else takes a bit longer, needing to gather their things and tidy their appearances enough to make it look like they weren’t just about to have an orgy on the back of a tour bus. 
Phantom races to change into a fresh pair of pants when he feels a warm hand grab his wrist. He turns and sees Dew smiling wolfishly at him. 
“Uhh hi Dew. Can you let me go please? I don’t wanna be late to get our room keys.” 
Dew leans in, nipping at his ear before replying “Don’t change. You’re staying with me tonight. I want you messy.” 
Phantom’s knees nearly buckle at the tone of his voice. He can already feel his dick getting chubby again. He nods at Dew, slowly at first but once the words really register in his other head he nods rapidly and grabs his bag. 
“Guess I’m ready to go then. With you. To your room.” 
It’s not like it’s the first time Phantom and Dew have fucked. It’s practically a ritual in of itself at this point for them to get together when the band stops at a hotel for the night. It took Dew awhile to get over his aversion to the little new summon, but once he realized how much of a prick he was being. How much adoration he actually had for Phantom. He wanted to make up for lost time. 
Even so, Phantom could never get over the initial nerves of getting in bed with Dew. He wanted to impress him. He looked up to him in a way. He’d probably ask to be sent back to the Pits if he embarrassed himself in front of Dew like that. Though, every encounter with Dew combined with some lessons from Swiss and Aurora meant those nerves were waning more and more. 
It doesn’t take Dew long to grab his things he’d need for the night and stuff them into a little black backpack. Once they’re both ready Phantom laces his hands with Dew, smiling at the fire ghoul as they step off the bus and head towards the hotel. 
What Phantom doesn’t see is the quick look Dew throws at Rain. Eyes catch. The quirk of an eyebrow from the water ghoul. A slight nod from the fire ghoul. Rain’s eyes go just a little darker and he smiles. 
Once everyone is gathered in the lobby Copia returns with the keycards. He tries to give them to Mountain to dish out, but the moment he sees the look in his eyes he immediately turns to Cirrus. She keeps one for herself, not even giving the other ghoulettes the chance to discuss placement. She smirks at Aurora causing her to blush violently. Cumulus hits her on the arm mumbling a ‘play nice’. Mountain takes his key and grabs Swiss’ wrist, dragging him to the elevator with little resistance. Dew grabs one for him and Phantom, rushing to catch the elevator before it goes up. 
Mountain doesn’t even acknowledge them. Swiss bounces from one foot to the other as it rises. Phantom doesn’t think he’s ever seen the earth ghoul this keyed up before. Part of him wants to know what he does when he’s like this. The other is too focused on the heat of Dew’s body to care. The moment the door opens Mountain is pushing past the two smaller ghouls, Swiss in tow. Dew stays hot on their heels forcing Phantom to speed up to stay together. 
They get to the end of the hallway and stop. Their rooms are right across from each other. Phantom stares at the way Mountain opens the door and shoves Swiss inside. It’s barely closed when he hears something heavy be pushed against it. 
“I think that’s a new record for him” Dew says casually as he unlocks their door and walks in. 
Phantom crosses the threshold and barely has time to take off his shoes before Dew is in front of him, glamour melted away. His tail swishes behind him as he closes the remaining distance. He runs the tips of his fangs over Phantom’s neck while reaching down to palm him through his pants. Phantom gasps and shudders at the feeling of his cum being pressed against his cock. 
“Weren’t you just making fun of Mounty?” Phantom huffs rocking forward into his touch. 
“Yeah but that’s Mountain. Nobody expects it out of him. Now go get on the bed.” 
Phantom doesn’t need to be told twice. He bolts to the bed, throwing his shirt off in the process. Dew practically jumps him the moment his back hits the pillows. He slots himself in between his legs, wasting no time chasing what he wants. His lips make contact with Phantom’s and it’s instantly filthy. He nips his bottom lip and licks into Phantom’s mouth when he gasps. Dew’s hands hold his face as he makes his best effort to shove his tongue down his throat. 
Phantom digs his claws into Dew’s hips, holding him still so he can rock up against him. Dew laughs at the desperate little whines that punctuate each roll. He slips down slowly peppering kiss across his jaw and down his neck, digging his fangs in just to feel Phantom squirm. He sucks deep bruises across his collarbones, pinching a nipple as he goes lower. He drags the tips of his fangs down the rest of his torso until he’s hovering just over the dark hair peeking out from the waistband of Phantom’s pants. Dew lingers just enough that Phantom tries to rut against the side of his face. 
“Dew please I had enough teasing on the bus from Rain. Please. Please.” 
Before Dew can even open his mouth there’s a knock at the door. They both freeze and the little fire ghoul has to hold back a grin at the horrified look on Phantom’s face. Oh how he wishes he could take a picture. He jumps off the bed and saunters over to the door, not giving two shits about the obvious outline of his cock in his sweats. 
“Right on time” he whispers when he opens the door. 
“Surprised you restrained yourself” Rain laughs and steps into the room. 
Dew just flips him off when his back is to him. Rain returns the gesture without looking back at him. 
Once Rain steps into view Phantom audibly sighs “Lords below it’s just you Rainy I thought…” 
His mouth goes dry when Dew comes to stand beside Rain. He can see the glint in their eyes and all the nerves come right back. 
Rain tilts his head “You thought what bug?” 
“Little freak was hoping we got caught.” 
“I—no! I was worried! Papa said we can’t get banned from more hotels! And this one is really nice!” 
“Bug my face was inches from your dick. You can lie to wet boy all you want but you can’t fool me” Dew laughs at the blush burning Phantom’s face. 
Rain walks over and sits at the edge of the bed “I hope you didn’t think I was done with you after one shitty handjob on the back of the bus.” 
Phantom shakes his head rapidly, not trusting words at the moment. Rain tended to have that effect on people when he turned his dark eyes towards you. 
“So then tell me why you snuck off with Dew?” 
“He…wanted me too?” 
“And you just do what he says all the time?” 
Phantom hesitates. He looks between Rain and Dew and instantly knows no matter what he says he’ll only dig himself a deeper grave. 
Rain flashes a fang filled grin and leans closer “Smart choice.” 
“Well thankfully some of us have manners here” Rain pulls away “I can share.” 
Phantom didn’t even realize Dew was next to him in the bed until he feels warm hands press into the marks he left moments before. He jumps at the contact but that only lands him in Rain’s embrace. He snakes his hands around Phantom’s waist, holding him tighter than really necessary. 
“Dew plays too rough too fast doesn’t he bug” he bends his head, kissing over his shoulder, up his neck to suck at the spot where his jaw meets his ear. 
Phantom whines and twists his head, exposing more of himself to Rain’s addictive bite. 
“Please” Dew scoffs sliding in between both sets of legs “how often are you at my door all please Dewy I need it.” 
Rain smacks Dew hard enough with his tail that the impact is audible. 
“Asshole” he hisses. 
Rain ignores him, choosing to dip his hands into Phantom’s pants instead. Dew immediately takes notice and scoots closer. He grabs his waistband and tugs them off of him. They both smile seeing the cum stain on his boxers. Phantom grimaces, shame sparking through his body. 
“Please just fuck me already” Phantom begs. 
“What was that? Didn’t quite hear you?” Dew toys with the waistband of his boxers. 
He throws his head back against Rain’s shoulder “Please just fuck me already. You, Rain, both of you I don’t care. I can’t fucking wait anymore.” 
“You heard the poor little thing” Rain snickers. 
Dew doesn’t hesitate in ripping his boxers off him. His cock springs free, hitting his belly and leaving a smear of pre in the little patch of hair. He’s been painfully hard since Dew got his mouth on him. Dew licks his lips before swallowing him down without warning. Phantom screams and tries to bury his hands in his hair, but Rain holds his wrists in place. 
Dew only takes a second to adjust before he’s wrapping his tongue around Phantom’s shaft, bobbing his head. Phantom can’t stop himself from thrusting up into the back of his throat. 
“I think he needs a little more” Rain remarks. 
Dew hums and that’s all the water ghoul needs before he’s grabbing the back of his head and shoving him the rest of the way down until his nose is nestled in the hair at the base. Phantom arches in Rain’s hold when he feels Dew swallow around him. Rain whispers little praises into his ear while Dew works on him. In a moment of clarity, Rain carefully reaches for the closest phone on the bedside table to capture the scene. Once he has his photo, he throws the phone who knows where. 
“Fuck Dew I’m—you’re so hot I’m gonna-“ 
The moment the words leave Phantom’s mouth, Rain threads his hands back into Dew’s hair and yanks him off his cock. Phantom’s head snaps up from where it was resting on Rain’s shoulder. He almost looks like he’s going to cry.
“No. No no no come on please let me cum. I’ve done everything you two have wanted.” 
“Calm down bug” Rain kisses his neck “we’ll let you.”
“We’re not done with you yet” Dew’s raspy voice finishes. 
Dew dangles off the side of the bed for a moment, reaching for his backpack. He digs around until he finds the half empty bottle of lube. He pours a generous amount onto three fingers before tossing it to Rain. Phantom looks down at him through half lidded eyes as he brings one finger to his ass. He slides the first finger in easy enough, adding a second soon after. Dew scissors his fingers and pets upward and Phantom tries to grind down on them. Rain tsks and hooks his hands under his knees and pulls them up to his chest. Dew works on sliding his third finger inside of his hole. 
Once they have a panting, whining mess of a quintessence ghoul, Dew pulls back and shimmies out of his pants. Before Phantom even has time to question why Dew was crawling to the other side of the bed, Rain is flipping him around to face him in his lap. Dew helps to get Rain’s pants off over the lapful of Phantom. Once his cock is freed he gives Phantom’s hips a squeeze. 
“Go on bug.” 
He eagerly complies, lifting enough to bring the head of Rain’s dick to his hole. He starts to sink down, both of them groaning when the head pops in. Once he’s sunk all the way down he wastes no time in grinding down against him, desperate to finally find some relief. He gets about three good rolls in before he feels warm hands grab his hips, stopping him. 
“Don’t you remember what Rain said? We’re sharing tonight.” 
Phantom watches slack jawed as Dew climbs overtop him, slotting himself in the remaining space between Phantom and Rain. Phantom doesn’t even have time to process what’s happening before he feels Dew’s tight ass sliding down on his dick. When his brain catches up with reality he slams his eyes shut, willing himself not to cum right then and there. He wouldn’t hear the end of it if he did. 
Once Dew is fully seated on him, Rain slowly rocks up into Phantom. He throws his head back with a moan, but the other two aren’t paying attention to him anymore. Dew has his hands planted on Rain’s chest while the water ghoul grabs a fist full of hair, pulling closer. They lick into each other's mouths, fangs occasionally clacking together. 
Phantom tries to do anything more than just sit there, but he’s paralyzed. He can’t think beyond the feeling of the slow little rolls of Rain’s hips, driving his cock deeper with each one. Can’t think beyond the feeling of Dew clenching and grinding down on him everytime Rain nips at his lip or tugs a nipple piercing. All he can do is sit there and take it. 
“Shit Rain. Dew. I don’t fuck it’s too much.” 
They laugh into each other’s mouths. 
“You can cum bug, but we’re not stopping till we’re done” Rain looks at him over Dew’s head. 
He wants to stop it, wants to last just a bit longer for them, but he can’t.  Not with the way they’re pressed all around him, not after watching them kissing like they were trying to devour each other. He cums with a moan inside of Dew, hips involuntarily twitching up into him. Dew clenches hard around him and he sees stars for a moment. 
True to their word, they don’t stop. Their make out only intensifies. Rain’s slow thrusts into Phantom turn harder, more precise. He whines with the overstimulation. His quintessence sparks up, rippling across his body and through Dew and Rain against his will. They both shudder with it, Phantom can feel both of them react. Rain throbbing inside of him, Dew grinding down on his dick. Even through the lustful haze and overstimulation, it gives Phantom an idea. 
He purposefully sends a stronger ripple of quintessence out, making the other two ghouls groan. 
“Phantom” Rain warns. 
He does it again and Dew whines all high pitched and feminine. Dew’s hands leave their spot on Rain’s chest to wrap around his cock, jerking himself in hurried strokes. 
He does it again. 
Dew keens and spills onto Rain’s chest. He shudders and leans back against Phantom, half heartedly glaring up at him. 
“Cheater” he pants. 
When Dew catches his breath he crawls off of Phantom and lays next to Rain. Without the added weight of a second body, the water ghoul grips Phantom’s hips and begins to pound into him. The force takes him by surprise, making him lose balance. He falls forward, catching himself on his forearms. That doesn’t slow Rain down. Rain only cares about chasing his own release at this point, hammering deep into Phantom. The breath gets knocked from his lungs with each thrust, pulling shaky little whines from him. It doesn’t take Rain much longer before his hips stutter in their rhythm and he’s groaning low in his throat, spilling deep inside of Phantom. 
They both pause, panting heavily. Dew stops recording and sends the little clip to Aether with a middle finger. Once he feels like moving, Phantom slides off of Rain and lays in the middle of the two other ghouls. They both give him sweet little kisses. 
“You wanna shower bug? Rain asks. 
He shakes his head “I’m not moving ever again.” 
He looks up only to see the fire ghoul already asleep. He smiles softly, kissing Phantom and then Dew on the forehead. 
“I won’t be long.” 
Rain gets up and grabs some things from Dew’s backpack before heading into the bathroom. Before he hops into the shower he pulls out his phone and sends the picture he took to Aether and Sunshine. 
I hope you two are proud of yourselves 
Damn Rainy what took you so long everyone else already sent us gold
He smiles at the screen. 
I can’t wait to see you tomorrow <3 
True to his word, Rain miraculously doesn’t take long in the shower. When he returns he’s greeted to the sight of two sleeping ghouls cuddled up and purring in unison. He pauses to take another picture before turning off the light and slipping under the covers to join them. Its nice sleeping with the bodies pressed up against him. He thinks about how soon they’ll all be reunited with Sunny and Aether as he drifts off. It’s peaceful. 
Until that peace is broken with the sound of Mountain growling and Swiss screaming. 
Rain curses and shoves a pillow over his head. They were definitely getting banned from this hotel. 
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ninapi · 11 months
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┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺╚══ Roommates…? ╝
Premise: Zenitsu trips you and Genya into being roommates in your first year of college, disregarding Genya’s everlasting crush on you.
Word count: 7638
Note: This is set up in the Kimetsu academy world, just so you know~✨
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
High school was finally over, a new page in your book was about to begin.
You and your school friends all applied to the same local collage and all got in without any problem, majority of you at least, Zenitsu got in only because there was a misconstructed question in the entrance test and the school gave everyone a couple extra points for the inconvenience. But the important thing was that all of you got in.
When you all signed up for the school dorms you chose to go for the mixed building, it was more like a shared house rather than a regular dorm, a cozier experience, getting to share your time off with your friends.
Aoi, who was a year older than you all, was the one in charge of the house, she was part of the student council as well, a very busy responsible young woman. One who very much doted on Kanao and managed to live an entire year without a roommate just waiting for the moment she would be able to share her room with her.
This unfortunately meant you were the only girl without someone to share your room with.
The house had one room for three people and one for two left and space for one person in Aoi’s room. Originally, you would be teaming with Kanao, but she got abducted by her friend real quick. Aoi was supposed to share her room with her boyfriend, Inosuke, but that wouldn’t be seen as proper by the student council.
After a long heartfelt conversation with your best friend Tanjiro, he agreed to share with you, leaving Zenitsu, Genya and Inosuke in the bigger room.
That however, changed without your knowledge…
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was finally the day to move in, you were excited to say the least, wanted to tour the campus, the house, everything was so exhilarating and new. Sharing your room with your best friend would be so much fun you just couldn’t wait.
When you finally got to the house, all your friends were already there, their bags and boxes in the shared living space, and they were arguing with one another.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” Tanjiro looked annoyed, he’s as popular as one can be; this was normal for the likes of him, though it was more of an intense hogging than usual. Inosuke was pulling one of his sleeves, Zenitsu hugging his leg while wailing loudly. His girlfriend was just watching everything quietly from the couch and Genya looked like he just lost three lives.
“(Y/N)…Zenitsu did something bad without my consent…he…he changed the order in the request form for the rooms. I’ve been assigned to the 3A, not the 2C….”
All your plans of a happy college life crashed in a second, your bag falling from your shoulder onto the floor with a loud thump. “He did WHAT?”
“(Y/N) please don’t yell at me, I didn’t think this through…I just wanted Tanjiro in my room so I’d get to see Nezuko-chan more often…I didn’t do this on purpose I swear…” his loud wails were giving you a headache.
Making your way over to the list glued on the wall, you searched for your room.
“2C…2C….there it is. (Y/L)(Y/N) and Shinazugawa Genya. WHAT??? Baby Shinazugawa??? ZENITSU GET YOUR ASS HERE RIGHT NOW!” Genya let out a loud sigh, he knew you’d be upset, who wouldn’t?
He wasn’t one to talk to people, he’s been your classmate since first year in high school and you both have been in the same group of friends since then, but all you had in common was your relationship with Tanjiro. You’ve never really talked, didn’t know anything about the other, all you knew was he was the little brother of your favorite teacher, the oh so very hot Shinazugawa-sensei, besides that all you knew was that he didn’t feel comfortable with women.
Unbeknownst to you, he’s always had a crush on you. Ever since that day in your first year when he lost his English book and you let him share your desk for the entire class and even shared your snacks with him. Ever since that day he’d only have eyes for you, and that’s the main reason why he avoids you all together, steam comes out of his ears every time you’re both in the same room, it’s utterly embarrassing.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you hated Genya!” Zenitsu’s snot was dripping down your hand which made you release the angry grip you had on his shirt right away.
“I don’t hate Genya. I hate YOU. Are you stupid? He isn’t comfortable around girls. How is he going to live in the same room as me? Do you ever stop for a moment and think? All that’s in your head is Nezuko, Nezuko, Nezuko. You gotta think about others too!” you were fuming at this point, he’s so insensible.
Genya was now speechless, he thought you’d be mad for having to share your room with someone like him, never expected you to be angry on his behalf. His heart was racing faster, unwilling to listen to reason.
“But (Y/N) if there’s a girl that can sleep with Genya, that’s gotta be you, am I right guys?” Genya who was drinking a sip of water to calm his racing heart, chocked on the choice of words of his friend, making him almost cough one of his lungs out.
Tanjiro, being the gentle sweet friend he is, wanted everyone to be happy with this arrangement, so he intervened, “Zenitsu is right. Genya doesn’t seem too affected by you, he’s normally yelling at other women whenever they get in his space, but he’s fine with you and Nezuko, I’m sure you two will get along. I know that what Zenitsu did is not right, but I already talked with Aoi-san, there’s no way of changing it, at least not until next semester, do you guys think you’ll be ok with that?”
Genya was snarling, very much upset at the fact that not only Tanjiro, but Zenitsu, noticed how he acted differently around you. “It’s not like we have a damn choice, you better not get in my way (L/N).” he was always like this, you knew this was a typical answer coming from him, but it hurt you just a bit thinking he would hate his life for an entire semester all due to you.
“I’m fine, at least is not Zenitsu, I would move out of the dorm if it was him…” you were grumbling on your way up the stairs to find your room.
Genya’s heart was singing, so you would leave the dorm if you had to share with someone you didn’t like, and you weren’t going to…does that mean you like him?
His tough facade was not something he felt comfortable dropping just yet, he needed to establish boundaries first, so he grumbled his way up behind you, following you quickly into your new residence.
The house had a nice layout, room 3A was the only room in the first floor, it had three loft beds, each with their own desk underneath, a bathroom and a little common space in the middle of the room to hang out. This floor also held the shared living room, kitchen and laundry room.
The second floor had two rooms of two each, 2A and 2B, Aoi and Kanao were in 2A, while 2B was home to two third year guys you didn’t know very well, one was from your school, Inadama-senpai while his roommate was unknown to all of you. This floor also held a share bathroom with multiple shower booths, a study room with computers and a big work table and also a game room with a big couch, a very large TV and all sort of videogame consoles.
And finally the third floor and the smallest one in size, was shaped like a little triangle and only housed your room, 2C.
The room itself was larger than you expected, unlike Tanjiro’s room, you both had your own comfy twin sized bed with a nice shelf and closet each. The desks were both next to each other facing a large window and your bathroom wasn’t the biggest one out there but at least you didn’t have to share with the rest like the guys in the second floor.
Genya kept on scowling at you from his bed while you kept on exploring your new home, decorating the space would be so much fun, this shouldn’t have to be a bad thing.
“Can you fucking stop for a second?” you were used to his dirty mouth, it’s one of the things he had in common with his brother, one you didn’t completely hate.
“Yes, baby Shinazugawa~?” your happy singsongy tone of voice was causing him indigestion, he hated when you called him that, it reminded him of who you truly liked.
“Stop calling me that, just call me Genya like everyone else does.” you nodded, sitting across from him on your own bed.
“So what’s up?” he still couldn’t believe his dream girl would be sleeping in the same room as him for at least one semester what if he calls out to you in his sleep? What if you see him staring creepily at you or even worse what if you notice he likes you?
“I’ve never shared a room with a girl before, thought we should set some rules.” to this you agreed, bringing a little whiteboard out of your backpack.
“Alright, #1 don’t leave the toilet lid up after using it.” you were writing on your board, a vein popping out of Genya’s forehead. He got up and plopped beside you, taking the board from your hands roughly to write on it as well, “#2 pick up your loose hair from the shower after you wash it.”
You grabbed it once more, a little irritation visible in your face, “#3 No nakedness.”
It was his turn, instead of writing a fourth one he just underlined the third rule, twice, making you giggle, it was an important rule after all.
“How about we take turns to clean the room? I have Wednesday’s off I can clean that day.” Genya nodded, thinking back on his own schedule, “I’ll take the weekend turn then.”
This wasn’t so bad, he was now less agitated and after seeing your short list of rules, you felt like sharing your space with Genya wouldn’t be much different than doing so with Tanjiro.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were both getting settled in your side of the room when the door burst opened, a wild Inosuke charging right in. “Tanjiro says you both have to be ready for the party in thirty minutes, better hurry he wants us to dress nicely.”
You really didn’t want to go to this stupid party, you were tired and your little encounter with Zenitsu soured your mood just a bit, but saying no to Tanjiro wasn’t an option, neither it was for Genya, so you both got ready to leave in time.
While Genya opted for just a plain tee and some leather pants, you went all out wearing the tiniest dress he’s ever seen in his life. Your friend Mitsuri gave it to you as a birthday present and made you promise you would wear it for said party. You were regretting listening to her now though, this wasn’t something you would normally wear.
Genya was sweating, his face redder than the sunset out your window, “It looks weird doesn’t it? Maybe I should change, things like this would never suit someone like me….” the sad look on your reflection made Genya snap out of his wild teenage fantasy, stopping you from going back into the bathroom by holding your wrist.
“I-it doesn’t look w-weird. Not at all. L-let’s go, it’s late.” his cute stuttering made you smile, he was kind, you always knew this, he was just always with his guard up and never let you fully approach him before, hopefully this would be your chance.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The party was a little too much for you.
Majority of your friends already drunk before 9PM.
There were many known faces, even some you thought you’d never see again, Shinazugawa-sensei being one of them. So this is why Mitsuri gave you this dress. She knew he was coming.
“Sensei! I didn’t know you were coming tonight! It’s so good to see you again.” Sanemi’s face was one of shock, he never thought his cute favorite student could ever look the way you did now with that dress. He wished he was a bit more sober now, this was dangerous, then again, he wasn’t your teacher anymore…
“(Y/N)! My god, would you look at yourself.” he grabbed you by your waist pulling you closer to him so you could actually hear each other over the loud music.
“You think is weird too? Your brother said it wasn’t…” you were still uncomfortable wearing such a short dress, but the look he was giving you made goosebumps go crazy over your soft skin.
“Well he wasn’t wrong.” he’s not stupid, he’s known about you crushing on him since your first year, the way you would always look at him dreamily, how your eyes would always drift to his exposed chest, it was pretty obvious.
You were looking up at him through your long lashes, Genya could see how you were giggling at who knows what his brother was telling you. His hand never left your waist and the hungry look in his eyes was ringing alerts in Genya’s brain.
Without thinking about it twice, he walked over to you, grabbed you by your wrist and pull you over to his chest. An angry scowl covering his features while he stared down at his older brother.
“Genya, what the fuck do you think you’re doing? Let her hand go, right the fuck now.” Sanemi was growling loudly, the alcohol in his bloodstream causing his needy self to turn against his brother in rage.
“I’m taking my roommate home with me now. Find someone else to fuck around, brother. Leave her alone.” you were staring up at him in awe, nobody had ever done something like this for you before, but in all truth you didn’t want to be rescued.
Yes, you were nervous. You saw the way he was looking at you too. You could feel his breathing change, but you wanted this too, that was the purpose of this damn dress after all.
“Genya, it’s fine. I was the one who approached Sensei. We were just having a little chat.” you pulled away from him gently, giving a step back in Sanemi’s direction, causing him to smirk in victory.
“You heard it from her, now leave us will you? Have a pretty good idea of what we could get up to for the rest of the night.” he walked over to you, placing both of his hands over your hips, pulling you flushed against him.
Genya was losing his cool. He couldn’t let this happen, he knows his brother, is not like he would have an actual relationship with you, he would wake up the next day, see one of his students in his bed, freak out and never see you again.
Normally he wouldn’t care, but he knows how you feel about him, he didn’t want you to feel used, to be sad. And he most definitely didn’t want you in his brother’s bed.
“I said we are going home.” Genya grabbed your wrist once more, tugging you harshly as he walked out of the party and towards the street.
You kept wiggling trying to get him to let go of you but he kept walking ignoring you completely. He wouldn’t allow this to happen, not on his watch, not on the first night he gets to share with you.
“Genya, please. You’re hurting me!” your words made him stop abruptly, making you crash against his solid back and fall on your bum. “Ouch…”
“It’s your damn fault! For acting like a slut with someone like my brother! You can’t do something like that (Y/N) you hear me?! He would use you like a damn old rag!” he was yelling at you, a hurt look on his face.
Your eyes though, watered at his harsh words, “I’m not a slut…you idiot!” the tears started to go down your face, still unable to get up from the floor after your fall, your ankle was throbbing in pain.
Genya realized what he just did, hating himself for letting his anger do the talking. He never meant to make you cry. “(Y/N) I….I know you’re not…I was just angry…he…I know you like him but he would just use you and throw you away the next morning, you don’t deserve that…” he was mumbling in between grunts, clenching his fists as to hold himself together, his eyes glued to the pavement.
He was in more pain than you at this point. You could see how hard it was for him to apologize but you appreciated his effort.
You knew Sensei was very much drunk, he’s a great guy would never do something like that in his right mind, you didn’t want him to block you completely out of his life for a crazy passionate night he won’t even remember. Genya put some sense into you with his little display, you had to be grateful.
Smiling in between sniffs, you made grabby hands at Genya, making his eyes grow wide. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Well you kept insisting on taking me home, but thanks to your anger problems I sprained my ankle. So, take.me.home.” you punctuated every word, never stopping your hand gestures.
Fuck, why did you have to be this cute? It was killing him.
Without arguing, he turned around while crouching down for you to climb onto his back. You happily complied, wrapping your arms around his neck while he held both of your thighs as gently as he could. He could feel your assets pressed to his back, the soft skin of the fat of your thighs between his fingers, his heart was racing so fast that his vision was clouding, he’s never had this type of contact with a woman before, he didn’t know they were this soft.
He walked over to your shared house in silence, while you took in the entire situation once more.
“Genya…?” your voice was soft, welcoming, your breath tickling his left ear. “Y-yeah…?”
“Thank you. I know I would of eventually regret it if I’d had gone home with your brother instead. Probably wouldn’t be able to face him ever again…” he just nodded, your arms draping lazily around his neck. He was so strong, it wasn’t even necessary for you to hold onto him, so you found entertainment in playing with his hair as he walked. It was softer than you imagined, made you want to keep touching it.
Genya on the other hand forgot how to breathe. Why were you touching him like that? Were you teasing him? Just what on earth was going on…?
You hummed happily, resting your face on his head, nuzzling your cheek on his hair sleepily, “Genya….?”
“Hmm?” he readjusted his hands around your thighs, you were getting heavier, sleep claiming your undisturbed self. “I’m glad you’re my roommate...”
This brought a little smile to his face for the first time in a long time, “Yeah, same...”
He could hear soft little snores pressed against his neck, but he could also feel you smile at his reply just before falling asleep.
He took you back to your shared room and set you down in your bed. He took your shoes off, took your earrings off and laid them on your desk, wrapped you tightly with your warm blanket and smiled down at you before turning the lights off and going to his own bed.
Yeah…he was glad he was your roommate too.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You and Genya have been roommates for a couple of months now. You found a routine that worked for both of you just fine in no time, making life together much easier.
He helps you zip up your dresses, you help him style his hair, you share the sink as you both brush your teeth every morning and before going to bed. That’s kind of where you were right now.
It was comfortable, for both of you.
Your last lecture for the day ended up extending for a while, making you arrive later than usual to the shared house.
The place was always loud, the guys were usually hanging out in the game room, while Aoi and Kanao would stay in the living room and kitchen area doing their crafty things. As for you and Genya, both would normally stick to your own room, Genya wasn’t very social and you were terribly busy with assignments and upcoming tests.
When you got into your room that night, you never expected seeing what was in front of you. Well, you just never ever in your life expected to see what was in front of you.
Genya was sprawled on the floor, shirtless. A shiny layer of sweat glistening over his succulent muscles. The sight alone made you swallow hard.
“Shinazugawa Genya, you are very much breaking rule #3 right now.” you tried to sound stern, masking your amusement with a fake scowl.
“(Y/N) help me…I’m melting…why is it so hot today…?” his breathing was ragged, seemed like a hassle for him to even speak.
“What are you talking about, it’s actually pretty cold today. C’mon up! You’re gonna get sick laying on the floor half naked.” you saw him trying to move on his own but not being very successful at it, so you gave him a hand.
“Oh my god, Genya. You’re burning up, hold up, stay still.” you pressed your forehead on his, getting a feel of his real body temperature.
You were solely focused in your task at hand but all Genya could see were your plush lips, he’s never seen them so up close, they were as beautiful as the rest of you. “You definitely have a fever. Can you sit up for me?”
While he did his best to sit on the floor resting his back against his bed, you went to get a clean towel, rushing back to his side in less than a minute.
Without asking for his permission, you patted dry his skin gently with your mini towel, then reached out for one of his shirts when done. “Help me get you in this shirt.” he could barely lift his arms a little for you, dressing up such a heavy mass of a man was a task, but you were done fairly quickly.
“Let’s get you in your bed. Can you get up on your own or should I go call for some help?” he shook his head doing his best to crawl up into his bed with your help removing the covers for him. Once he was secured under his blanket you checked his temperature once more. It didn’t seem to be getting any better.
“I’ll go find some meds for you alright? Would you like some instant soup for dinner?” he managed to blink a couple of times as if acknowledging your question, you took that as a yes and started heading downstairs when his hand reached over for yours, “Don’t leave me…”
“I’ll be right back, ok? You need food and medicine to get better.”
Sick Genya was doing things to your heart, your hand reached over to his face, gently moving his hair away from his eyes. “Promise.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The soup ended up better than you had hoped for since you added some vegetables and other toppings you could find down stairs to it, you were also able to get some meds from Aoi, having a pre-med school student in the house was a life saver.
“Take two of the blue ones and one of the red ones as soon as you finish eating your soup, ok? I’ll go take a quick shower, be right back.” grabbing a pair of comfy pjs you went into your bathroom while Genya slowly took in his food.
Feeling refreshed, you got out ready to take the dishes down and hopefully have a restful sleep.
“Nurse…can you please call my mom? I don’t feel very well…” his rough voice caught you off guard. Did he say nurse-?
You rushed over to his side immediately, worried for his delirious state. “Genya, did you take your medicine?” he gave you a tiny nod, pointing at his tray.
“Oh god. You took two red ones and a blue one! It was the other way around you silly goose!” the look of despair in your face made Genya chuckle. You’ve never heard him chuckle before.
“You’re so cute, nurse. You kinda look like the woman I love. Funny.” he was babbling nonsensical things now, you had to help him.
“Genya. I’ll be right back. Stay in your bed ok? Be a good boy.” he smiled giddily at you, making you run down a flight of stairs.
“Aoi-san! AOI-SAN!!!” you were banging on her door, nearly in tears.
“Jeez (Y/N) what is it-?” she was watching a movie in her room with her boyfriend, Kanao and Tanjiro, a cuddling party you didn’t want to disturb.
“The pills you gave me…Genya…he took two red ones…it’s all my fault I should have stayed by his side while he ate…he’s calling out for his mother now, how do I tell him his mother is dead?? Oh god. What if he dies…I can’t let him die Aoi-san…please help him….he’s delusional already.”
“(Y/N)…” she held both of your hands making you take in a very deep breath. “He will be fine, even if he took two of the red ones. He’s not delusional, just high. He’ll fall asleep any time soon and will feel better in the morning.”
“So he won’t die…” you hiccuped, blinking tears off your eyes.
“He won’t die, no. Just take his temperature a couple more times. If it’s high just put a cooling towel on his forehead and let him rest.” you nodded, listening carefully to her instructions, before heading back upstairs, disappearing into a cloud of dust.
“Since when are (Y/N) and Genya this close?” Tanjiro was supposed to be your best friend, what were you not telling him? Kanao just shrugged, hitting the play button once more.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When you got back in the room he hadn’t move one inch. He gave you a big goofy smile as soon as he saw you getting closer.
“(Y/N) you won’t believe this, my nurse. She looks just like you. Isn’t that funny?” didn’t he say the nurse looked like the woman he loved- poor creature, he’s really sick.
“Oh really? Well she was quite the looker then.” you played along not wanting to upset the poor man and he nodded agreeing with your statement.
“Aoi-san said you must rest. I’m going to leave here a cooling towel, your fever is still pretty high.” placing the towel gently over his forehead, he sighed in delight, it felt great against his burning skin.
“I always knew you were an angel.” he grabbed a hold of your hand, nuzzling his cheek on your palm. He was really going hard at being adorable.
“A-angel…? Well this angel says you gotta rest. So how about you close your eyes and take a little nap?” you flicked the tip of his nose gently, making him grin even more.
“Will you nap with me? I don’t think I can sleep if you don’t.” there was a little pout forming on his lips, he was acting just like a baby.
“You would like that, won’t you, baby.” playing his game was fun, you were sure he wouldn’t remember any of this in the morning so who cares, you’d indulge him just this once.
“Very much, yeah.” he was scooting his butt to the side making space for you on his bed. You just couldn’t fight against those sick puppy eyes.
Nestling on his side, he was quick to wrap himself around you, humming in contentment. This was the good life.
You ran your fingers through his hair hoping that would get him to doze off, he was oddly very awake for someone so high in meds.
“Ok I’m here, now is time for you to nap.” he looked up at you with a slightly annoyed look on his face, “I can’t sleep yet.”
“Oh? And why’s that?”
“Duh-uh…I didn’t get any goodnight kisses. I can’t sleep without them.” Oh good lord, you couldn’t help but wonder who’s this person that gives him the goodnight kisses, a pang of jealousy hitting your insides unexpectedly.
You held his face up softly, pressing a tender kiss to his forehead. “There, now you don’t have any excuse. Time to sleep.” to this he scoffed, glaring at you.
“That kiss was full of bullshit. Doesn’t count.” a fit of giggles left your lips at his reply; this man was too much.
“How was that full of bullshit? Has nobody ever kissed your forehead before?” he shook his head, still glaring at you.
“Ok, ok come here.” holding his face once more, you gave his cheek a loud smooch. “There.”
“Pfft…my mother gives me better kisses than that.” this guy was hard to please, how unexpected.
“Does this mean you don’t like my kisses? I’m sorry I’m not as good of a kisser as your mom.” he buried his face on your side, mumbling against the fabric of your top, “I do like your kisses. Those are the only ones I want. But you just keep bullshitting me…you’re the one that doesn’t like me…is it because I’m not as handsome as my brother? Is it because of my scars? He has more than I do...maybe I should get more...” his voice was now cracking, he looked like a typical drunk old man. First all cozy and cute now all depressed and about to cry.
You brought him back up, brushing your thumb gently across his big scar, “You look just like your brother, what are you saying. You’re both beautiful.” your smile was so soft, it made him want to cry and he didn’t know why.
You cupped both of his cheeks, pressing your lips ever so lightly against his, his whole body going still. “How about that one? Still bullshitting you?”
Your wide grin made him blush even in his current state.
You kissed him. YOU kissed him.
“Do you think you can take your nap now? I don’t fancy kissing guys that won’t listen…” he went back to bury his face on your side, playing dead. This made you laugh, a true earned laugh full of glee.
“You cute little rascal. Come here.” you got him in a more comfortable position, making him rest his head on your chest, and bringing his blanket over the two of you.
“Can I maybe get one more kiss? I’m not that sleepy yet.” even as high in meds as one can be, he had to get the best out of this situation, it might not repeat itself.
“You really like kisses, don’t you?”
He nodded, brushing his nose against your jawline. “Just yours.”
You knew he was sick, he probably didn’t mean anything he was saying, but it made your heart race. Reaching for his lips with your own, you kissed him once more. This time was more of a real kiss than the last one, yet still very tame and gentle.
He sighed against your lips, nestling his face in the crook of your neck, finally ready for sleep.
What a night.
You fell asleep in his tight warm embrace, heart still racing for someone it didn’t know it could go this fast for.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Genya woke up earlier than normal, his head was pounding, his back soaked with sweat.
He felt heavy, he couldn’t move, almost felt like he had someone on his chest-
He looked down in panic, seeing your face very much pressed against it, your limbs tangled together into a knot.
Panic was now filling his entire self, memories of last night flooding in.
“Oh no, no, no, no. What did I do-“ his outburst made you stir, pulling him back down with you. “C’mere baby, let me check your fever.” he answered to your groggy request by pressing his forehead against yours, making you smile with your eyes closed. “It’s much better…can we sleep a bit more?” you were snuggling into him, very much aware of what you were doing.
Internally, Genya was a mess. He didn’t know what to say, how to react.
He suddenly remembered your lips against his and his entire world collapsed.
You kept on pulling him closer until he went back into the knot of limbs you seemed to enjoy so much.
“Hmmmm…you’re so comfy….I could sleep on you all day...” you mumbled against his neck, placing a soft kiss against it. His eyes were about to fall off their sockets, he just couldn’t believe what was happening.
Weren’t you just roommates?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Waking up for a second time that day, Inosuke charged into your room unannounced. He was followed by Tanjiro and Zenitsu who were worried about you two missing breakfast.
When they got into the room the sight that welcomed them was right of the bat outrageous.
Your hand was way up in Genya’s shirt, resting against his naked abs, his comfily resting on the curve of your bum, more than half of his ridiculously large hand groping the soft flesh greedily in his sleep. Your face was still hidden on the crook of his neck, his lips permanently stuck to the side of your head. They could barely distinguish what was from who, it was a real mess of blankets, sheets and feet.
The loud gasp that left their lips made Genya stir angrily in his sleep. ¨Shhhh….shhhh….it´s ok.¨ you rubbed soothing circles on his belly trying to get him back to sleep.
Propping yourself up on one of your arms, you glared at your friends with a very much annoyed looking expression. ¨Ever heard of knocking?¨ Inosuke felt bad for barging into your privacy, he honestly never expected to walk in on you like that, he thought you’d be both dead based on what he heard last night in his girlfriend’s room.
¨Ever heard of locking your door before doing frisky things?" the glare battle was intense between the two of you, making Tanjiro having to intervene as usual. ¨Sorry, we should have knocked, our bad, we'll keep that in mind…(Y/N) could you…explain what's going on?” he was still feeling hurt from being left behind, not you, nor Genya had said anything about whatever it was going on between you two, he thought you were best friends…
¨Can we talk later? He needs rest…¨ you were talking to Tanjiro, yet your eyes never left Genya´s sleeping form. He nodded closing the door behind him, not before telling you he saved you two some pastries from today´s breakfast and hid them in the microwave.
Once they left, Genya opened his eyes, tiredly looking up at you. ¨Feeling any better?¨ you went back into his arms, checking his temperature with the back of your hand. He nodded just a bit, hiding his face on your shoulder. He still didn't know how to address what you were doing, it felt so natural, like this was your normal every day thing, which it wasn't of course.
¨Your shirt is drenched in sweat though, go take a shower, I'll get our breakfast.¨ he tightened his grip around you, still afraid of losing whatever it is he managed to get through his feverish love outburst from last night.
¨I feel like ditching school today…so no worries, I'll stay with you all day. You do need a shower though.¨ you wrinkled your nose, teasing him just a bit to see his composure go back to normal at the snarl he gave you in response.
¨Wait, didn’t you have a test today?¨ you glanced at your wall clock, it was way past ten already, that was in your first class for the morning. Shrugging, you got up from his bed stretching, ¨I'll text my teacher, tell her I'm too sick and couldn't get out of bed in time. I'm sure we can figure something out later. Give me five minutes, I need to freshen up before you hog the bathroom.¨ chuckling, you waddled over to your bathroom with a pair of freshly laundered leggings and a crop tee. Lounging around didn’t sound as bad, you've been overly stressed during the past few weeks anyways, you also needed this.
When you got out of the bathroom, Genya was already sitting by the edge of his bed, going through an existential crisis.
He didn't know how to deal with this, he was way more comfortable with you now, he didn't blush as much, didn't stutter every single word of his out, but you weren't that comfortable to just kiss and sleep around like if it was nothing.
How was he supposed to interpret this? Did you like him back? Was that why you didn't really care and kissed him more than once? Or were you secretly freaking out trying to figure out how to get out of the awkward situation he got you in.
You walked straight into his closet roaming through it and looking for a pair of warm sweats and its matching sweatshirt. You handed it over to him and pointed to the bathroom. ¨Go.¨ both of your hands were on your hips, a deep glare forcing him on his feet. He liked this side of you, it was hot.
¨I'll go get our breakfast. Give me your shirt and stuff once you take them off, I'm going to drop by the laundry room.¨ you were ushering him out of the way, gathering his drenched sheets and blanket while you waited for him to get naked.
Not later than a couple of minutes after your instructions, Genya's hand could be seen coming out of the bathroom, his drenched shirt dangling from the door knob, closing the door shut right after, his face burning in shame. He was not ready for this.
After a long shower, Genya got out into the room to be greeted by a large tray filled with pastries, fruit, something steaming in a pot and some eggs. The tray was laying on your bed and you were waiting for him, tucked all the way in against the wall. You were really just going to play along with this without saying anything, weren’t you-
He just sat down beside you, taking a tiny croissant into his mouth.
This time you made sure he took his pills in the right order, getting comfortable in your bed after a hearty breakfast. You decided to watch movies in your tablet, he slept majority of the day, but you still had fun together, chatting around and cackling at how bad the movies were. The subject never being addressed by any of you, yet your gentle caresses and loving stares remained throughout the day.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Genya was feeling much better the next day, both of you went back to classes as normal without discussing anything at all with your friends, regardless of the inquisitive stares they all gave you two as you both came out from your room.
After a long day of tedious lectures, you were on your way back to your dorm when you heard someone call out for you.
¨Sensei-?¨ Sanemi was waiting for you by the entrance to your building, he looked a little flustered, a little insecure, things that weren't typical of him.
¨I- are you busy? I wanted to talk to you for a second if you don't mind.¨ you nodded, walking over to him, a little taken aback by the whole situation.
¨I'm sorry about the way I behaved that day in the welcome party. I was not myself, it's been bugging me for months, I was hoping you weren't mad at me…¨ his tone of voice was lower than usual, his snarky bite nowhere to be seen.
¨Don't worry, sensei. We were all a little off that day.¨ your bright smile reassured the crestfallen man. He didn't want to accept it but the truth was that he started seeing you in a different light that day. He's been thinking of how pretty you've gotten lately, how much he enjoyed talking to you in your breaks back when you were still in his school, how much he missed seeing your lovely smile in between the herds of zombie-like students he had.
¨Would you, I mean only if you want to of course…maybe go for a coffee with me? There’s a place nearby very popular among my students, I think you’d like it…¨ he was fumbling with his words, a light shade of pink covering the tips of his ears.
Was he asking you out? Like on a date?
If so, why did you not feel as happy as you should? The man you’ve been dreaming about for years was in front of you, blushing and asking you out on a date. Nothing should be able to beat this, but you were just not feeling it.
Genya was walking up to the house when he saw you…and his brother. Panic ran through his veins at the soft look he was giving you.
How was this possible?
Why was he here?
He's never been this close to actually having you, he wouldn’t let his own brother ruin his happiness.
¨Brother, what brings you here?¨ a possessive hand landed on your shoulder. Oddly enough, hearing his voice made you release a breath you didn't know you were holding, making you understand why was it you weren’t thrilled by the thought of going on a date with someone else, even if that someone was your very own high school crush.
¨The fuck Genya?? Can’t you see we are having an important conversation here? Piss off.¨ Sanemi's normal stand was back, angrily scowling at his little brother.
¨All I see is you bugging her. (Y/N) let's go inside, I got us some cocoa powder for tonight.¨ he knew you loved hot chocolate, just the thought of cuddling Genya while watching another awful movie together and drinking the warm goodness brought a smile to your face, very much confusing Sanemi.
¨Wait, wasn't she just your roommate? Why are you giving her those bedroom eyes? Don’t test the fuck out of me Genya.¨ he towered over his big brother in a power display, the grip on your shoulder only intensifying.
¨She isn’t just my roommate. She’s the girl I like since my high school days, my best friend, the coolest girl around, the only girl I’ve ever cared for. And you, brother, are not going to mess this up. You can get any woman you possibly want, why are you after the one I love?¨ your eyes were as wide as they could go, entranced by his angry shouts full of his love for you.
¨And why should I care? You’re not the only that likes her. Why would she choose you instead of me, dumbass? She’s always been after me, everyone knows that.¨ this got your attention, so he knew…he always knew…
Grabbing a hold of Genya’s hand, you smiled up at him, pulling him along to the entrance of your building. ¨Sorry Sensei. It is true, I did like you for a very long time and in any other moment in the past I would have happily follow you anywhere, but you see, we kindda have plans already for tonight, can’t go out with you. Also, don't ever call him a dumbass again, if you ever want to talk to me again, that is.¨ you waved sweetly at him, the smile you gave him never reached your eyes, as cold as steel, before heading over to your room with a very quiet Genya hand in hand.
When you arrived at your shared room, he just stayed by the entrance, replaying your words in his head.
¨So where is it? Get changed first so we can get in bed. I saw there were some cookies downstairs, I'll bring them along our drinks.¨ you were taking off your jacket, browsing your closet for something to change into.
He really didn't like this bad habit of yours, he needed to talk things through, he needed to fully understand what was going on. ¨(Y/N) are you sure this is fine? Wouldn’t you prefer to go on a date with my brother instead?¨ after everything he said, now he’s not even sure of himself anymore.
¨Pretty sure, yeah. Like I said, I'm not interested anymore.¨
¨And why is that…?¨ his voice was nothing but a whisper, walking over to you, his hand unconsciously reaching for the warmth of your back.
¨Hmmm…probably because I have a very handsome roommate, that’s incredibly sweet when he’s sick. Which also has the hottest abs I’ve seen in my entire life, that happens to know everything I like and I enjoy spending my time with? Yeah, that must be why.¨ the sultry undertone you were using, plus the flirty bashful look you were giving him, was driving him insane.
¨Oh yeah? Sounds like a better match for you, I agree.¨ you chuckled, lacing your arms around his neck. He lifted you up by your bum, making you wrap your legs around his waist as he kissed you deeply. There was no time for shyness, no time for blushing or stuttering, that man was long gone, even if he still had a hard time around other women, he felt home in your arms.
¨Genya…?¨ he hummed against your lips, not wiling to let go of you ever again, ¨yeah?¨
¨Should we buy Zenitsu dinner?¨ he broke the kiss staring down at you, eyes full of confusion.
¨Why the hell would we buy anything for that shithead?¨ the jealous snarl he was giving you made you giggle.
¨If you think about it, we are here now all because of him.¨ you nipped on his lower lip, making him relax in your touch.
¨Right, kay can do….¨ his mind was someplace else altogether. He gently set you down on your bed without letting go of you, getting in between your legs while laying on top of you. His hands were going up and down your sides with an added sense of urgency.
¨Genya…?¨ he looked up at you through hooded eyes, about to kill a man or two if you were to mention Zenitsu again.¨Yeah…?¨
¨I don't think we are just roommates anymore….¨ the flushed look on your beautiful face made him smile down at you tenderly.
¨Nah, we are so much more than that…¨ he kissed down your neck hungrily, his hands swiftly lifting up your skirt, your hands greedily reaching under his shirt to cling onto his strong bare back muscles, when the door burst open to a wild Inosuke charging right into your room while carrying a basket full of freshly baked cookies, gasping in horror.
“Didn’t I fucking tell you to lock your damn door when you two are up to this shit?!”
Note: I was going to make this a mini series but I just couldn’t stop and ended up being a very long one shot…😣
Masterlist Bonus Chapter
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jinlias · 2 years
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kinktober day 17 - phone sex w jennie
jennie loved to be watched. she dragged you to all the practices and shows she could just so she could feel your eyes on her, it forced her to be her best on stage, and it also made warmth grow between her thighs. a win-win if you asked her.
it was very common for your nights to even begin with a lap dance, a strip tease, or just you watching her touch herself before you have the privilege of touching her. but lately, with her away at tour, there’s not much, whenever you do get a hold of each other, you have so much to catch on that you never had time to talk about missing each other in more ways than one.
but now, today, the girls began a three day vacation, and jennie had not detached herself from you even a second (if detaching means letting go of the phone she’s using to talk to you or hanging up the call)
it’s been long enough for you to tell her about a plant you bought for your place, and you both just finally get to enjoy each other’s presence, your silence. “i miss you” you murmur for the millionth time today, tonight, in the last hour even.
you’re both staring at each other, she’s on your computer while you’re on her phone, devices propped up against a pillow. it could never feel nearly as intimate as the real thing, but it reminds you of it. the last night she spent at home, heat emanating from her body to yours as she ran her fingertips along your side…
“i miss you here, next to me” jennie replies, staring at her fingers that draw on her sheet “laying with me, looking at me…” her eyes move back up to meet with yours “touching me”
“jennie…” your body gets hot just at the thought of touching her again.
“what is it baby?”
“i wanna touch you” you whimper, pouting at the camera.
“i know angel” jennie mimicked your pout “soon. you know what you can do though?”
“you can watch me” she shrugs, chuckling at the way your face lights up at the idea. “what do you think? yes?”
“yes” the answer is nothing more than a breath, yet enough for her to re-position her phone better, sideways so it catches all of the bed and her body as she gently slid her underwear from her legs.
your girlfriend throws her head back with a sigh just at the feeling of grazing her fingertips against her clit. her legs are spread and with the lighting you can almost catch the trail of slick already smeared around her folds. your eyes flutter shut for a mere second, her whimpers bringing up flashbacks from when you had her in a way closer radius.
“nuh- uh, look at me baby girl. look at my hands touching where you usually do. don’t close your eyes”
you whimper a small yes and inevitably rut your hips in the slightest. your mouth waters, because her nipples are poking through her shirt, her back’s arched up and two of her fingers are knuckles deep inside her as she groans your name time and time again. “take your shirt off” you mumble, a shy ‘please’ following it after the look she just gave you.
it’s gone in less than a second, thrown somewhere to the back of her bed. her figure in what now feels like such a small screen reminds you that she’s so far away, that this is the furthest you’ll get until she returns, but in a way it makes you so much more grateful of the times you did have her. there’s an urge to take the next flight to dallas to visit her, feel her, taste her again, but you know the longer you’re unable to touch her, the better it’ll feel when you actually do.
jennie loved to be watched, and you loved watching her.
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whenlostinthedarkness · 5 months
Afterglow: Chapter 3 - Pink Light
Lead Singer!Reader x Lead Guitarist!Ellie Williams
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Summary: After a night of infidelity, you have to face Ellie..except she wants nothing to do with you.
Warnings: Lots of angst, arguing, and mentions of infidelity.
WC: 3.6k
A/N: This is much later than I would've liked...sorry about that. Hope you enjoy this chapter as it dives into the complexities of things.
Series Masterlist
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Shades of pink cover your eyes like a haze covers a road. The visibility in front of you is non-existent as you squint in an attempt to gain some sort of sight of what is causing this large warm hue in front of you, yet nothing comes into view.
Unexpectedly, the pink begins to change. It’s darkening right before your eyes. You can feel your heart’s beat pick up as you watch the colors drastically change without a clear cause, at least not one that you could see.
Now, the fog in front of you is a deep rouge red with highlights of black swirling around like smoke. Naturally, you feel as though something terrible is happening.
And maybe it is.
Maybe it isn’t.
That was the biggest and scariest part of it all - it was unpredictable and out of your control.
All of a sudden there’s movement that feels like an earthquake, yet you remain still. Then began the banging, ringing like cymbals clashing together directly next to your ears. You feel the need to cover them as you groan while twisting your body out of discomfort.
Then something begins to change.
Everything starts to blur together as your dream starts to be taken over by reality. You stretch out your legs as far as they can go as the disorientation begins to leave your body, yet the dark and anxious emotions still linger. 
You now become physically aware that you are waking up from a dream that is quickly fading out of your memory the more you gain consciousness. And that noise you were hearing in your dream isn’t entirely a dream after all, it’s someone banging on a door.
Quickly, you begin to realize your surroundings are one that you had briefly forgotten about, yet now are crystal clear as images of you and Ellie last night begin to flip through your brain.
The touches, the kisses, the raw intimacy - all of it.
As your eyes finally feel comfortable to fully open, you catch sight of the side table set next to your head. The dark wood contains items that aren’t yours- a watch, some rings, and a cellphone that’s lazily left uncharged, even though the cable is mere inches away from the device. 
Everything begins to come back to reality as you twist your neck to peer over your shoulder to get a view of what, or rather who, you knew would be behind you.
Ellie is peacefully sleeping on her side as the white comforter hangs around her hips, leaving her chest bare for you to take in just as you had last night. However, the realization that someone is banging on your door becomes that much more clear as you hear it for the first time since awakening from your oddly symbolic dream.
You mumble a swear word as you stand up much too fast for your body to fully process or even fathom what you are supposed to do next. 
Who is at the door? It could just be housekeeping…but why would housekeeping be pounding on your door so aggressively.
“Wake the fuck up already!” Dina says as her fist pounds on the door for the umpteenth time as she tries to wake up both of you.
The second Dina got back to the hotel last night and realized that you & Ellie were sharing a room..she was hesitant and nervous on both of your behalfs. Knocking on your door was a double win in her book - 1). She could wake you both up for the breakfast meeting that the tour manager wanted to hold with all of you, and 2). She could ensure that the both of you were..well, to be honest, she wasn’t entirely sure why she wanted to check up on both of you in the morning. Maybe it was for her own anxiety since she knew both of your past histories so well. Maybe it was to make sure that you and Ellie were indeed sharing a suite all fine and dandy as friends and band mates would.
With neither you or Ellie answering the door, Dina could feel the anxiety start to consume her thoughts, thus making her not give up on her quest to get one of you to answer the door.
“I’m not going to stop until you wake up”, Dina yelled through the door as her fist never let up on the door. 
You knew she was true to her word and wouldn’t forfeit her fight until she got her way or found someone to make her get her way. This made your feet rush along the carpet as you picked up your scattered clothes from the floor, which seemed to get Ellie’s attention as you heard the crunch of the comforter moving.
“Ellie”, you whispered as you tried your best to not let Dina know that you were awake and hiding from her while you tried to map out a plan of how to conceal last night's affairs.
“Ellie!” you half whispered, half yelled, as your hand came to slap down on Ellie’s sock clad foot that hung out of the comforter.
Ellie groaned and snuck her foot under the blanket as she returned to silence.
She always did sleep through everything, but now wasn’t the time. 
The longer Dina went on, the closer she would get to running off to Annalise to get the key & barge in on both of you. Sparing Dina the evidence from last night was the least you could do to an unsuspecting victim like her who would then have to deal with..whatever the fuck the outcome of this would be.
“Get up,” you said as your hands tore off the comforter from Ellie’s naked body, something you somehow forgot was stowed away behind a mere few inches of fabric.
“The fuck”, Ellie’s rough voice spoke as her hand reached out to grab at a blanket that was no longer there for her to wrap herself back up in.
“Dina is here.”
This seemed to break Ellie out of her sleepy state as she shot up to a sitting position. Her eyes first went to your naked body as you continued walking around and attempting to tidy up the thrown clothes, then to her own as she looked down at her vulnerable state. 
Without a word, Ellie shot up from the bed and got herself dressed in sweats & the white tank top that you’d taken off of her last night.
She tried her best to smooth down her hair and do anything to conceal what happened the night prior, except you were still naked, which would surely give a lot of things away.
Ellie nods as she mouths the word ‘Bathroom’ in hopes to get you on board with her plan. Thankfully, you were quick to catch on as you moved to enclose yourself in the bathroom and turn the shower on to use as an excuse for not answering the door.
“This is your final warning before I break down the door”, Dina lies as her final attempt before she would have to go find Annalise. Thankfully she only had to give one last knock before Ellie would open  the door.
“What the hell Ellie!”
“I should be saying the same thing to you!” Ellie grumbles as Dina walks into the suite, “What do you want?”
“Annalise wants to have a group breakfast with us so we can go over today's schedule for the album signing.” Dina says all of this as she looks around the room, examining anything that might seem odd or out of place. She is relieved to not yet see anything that would have her questioning something.
“Really? You’re knocking like that over some fucking breakfast?”
Dina rolls her eyes at her bandmate as she continues to walk until she gets to the couch-the same couch where last night's events began.
 “And I wanted to make sure you guys are okay.”
Ellie feels the nerves and the guilt and the anxiety rush over her as she tries her best to put on a facial expression that’s full of cool and calm. “Why wouldn’t we be.”
Dina chuckles as she watches Ellie lean her hip against the couch, “I mean, sharing a hotel room with your ex girlfriend seems like a good cause for concern.”
“Everythings fine,” Ellie shrugs as she folds her arms across her chest, even though everything is not fine. Everything about last night was the furthest thing from morally okay.
Dina’s hearing these words come off of Ellie’s tongue, yet the avoidance is clear in Ellie’s body language and short answers. She wants to give her friend the benefit of the doubt that she is indeed being factual; she really wants to, so she does her best to convince herself.
Meanwhile, you’re in the bathroom, sitting on the edge of the bathtub as you gently rock yourself back and forth. 
Why did you let this happen? How could you so easily succumb to something so horrendous as having sex with someone who not only was your ex, but was also in a relationship with someone that you knew, someone you enjoyed, someone you knew was good to Ellie. Yet, you were selfish. You wanted her last night and it didn’t make it easy that she wanted you just as much and was agreeing, basically begging, for everything that happened last night to happen.
But you knew you couldn’t hide out in this bathroom for the rest of eternity, so you turned off the shower and started to put on the clothes you had quickly picked up while on your rushed cleaning spree.
As the background noise of the shower went away and turned into a hair dryer that she knew you were only using as a way to sell your story, Ellie felt herself tense up. 
This morning, neither of you could discuss or really think about what you both had done the night before…but now that things were slower, the topic was bound to come up. Unless, someone chose to ignore it.
Once you did the finishing touches on your look of the day, you let out a deep sigh as you opened the bathroom door.
It was so silent that you almost thought that Dina & Ellie had left, but then you saw the pair standing next to one another in the living room - Dina with eyes on you & Ellie with her head tilted down so she wouldn't have to look at you.
“Morning babe,” Dina nodded as she greeted you.
“Morning”, You spoke with soft words and a tentative smile.
Silence began to cover the space as you made your way around the room, attempting to collect all of your essentials for the day.
“Sooo,” Dina dragged, “I was just telling Ellie that Annalise wants all of us to have breakfast together so we can go over the schedule for today.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose as you tried to recall the day's agenda that was told you a couple days ago, “What’s happening today again?”
“The vinyl signing at that record store.”
You nodded as you let your eyes linger over Ellie who was still not allowing herself to look up at you. Dina could sense something was going on based on the way Ellie had taken to giving the silent treatment to everyone in the room.
“Am I missing something?”
Ellie shot her head up immediately, forcing her eyes to look into yours.
“Nothings wrong.”
Dina looked with pinched eyes between the two of you, finding amusement and suspicion in the way Ellie was quick to respond and gain the need to converse again. But she still wasn’t fully convinced.
Her eyes moved to yours as Dina silently asked you the question she had just spoken out loud - you nodded in response, yet your face said that you were anything but normal feeling, but Dina decided not to press too hard.
“Alright..shall we go then?”
You and Ellie agreed with nods as you made your way to the front door. Ellie grabbed a blue flannel shirt to jazz up her casual attire so that she was slightly more presentable to the world as she followed behind Dina.
Meanwhile, Dina tried to not let her eyes linger for too long on the bed closest to the main door of the hotel room that was left as if it hadn’t been slept in the night before. It looked so untouched that one would think it hadn’t been touched since the hotel staff prepped it yesterday.
Again, Dina told herself that it wasn’t her business. Maybe she was thinking too hard into all of this. Maybe there was a simple explanation for the untouched bed, the weird energy between you and Ellie, and the fact that she had to knock on the door for a solid 5 minutes before either one of you responded.
Maybe it was all explainable in a way that didn’t involve you and Ellie doing something that would truly fuck up both of your lives. Dina wanted to stay positive, one way of doing that was leaving well enough alone.
The walk to Annalise’s suite, just down the hall, felt agonizingly slow and painful. Thankfully, Dina was acting as a physical divider between you and Ellie so neither of you had to deal with the obvious friction going on between the both of you.
“There they are!” Annalise was cheerful; too fucking cheerful for 9 in the morning. Especially when it was after a night like you had.
You put both of your hands up in a lazy, non enthusiastic jazz hands motion. “Here we are.”
Jesse was already seated at the table as he looked at Dina first, then to you, then to Ellie. 
His expression was clearly evident, which made you wonder what he & Dina had been talking about once they figured that you & Ellie were sharing a hotel room.
Naturally, you took the closest free chair you could find that was set at the large table in the communal space of the 4 star suite. Various fruits and pastries and other breakfast food and drink items lingered in the middle of the table; you opted just for a cup of coffee. 
Annalise tinged a piece of silverware against her glass of orange juice which made each of you remove your attention from eating or drinking or serving food onto your plates, and up to her.
Your tour manager went on to explain the contents of the day: getting our belongings out of the hotel once this meeting was over, heading to the regular blacked out SUV which will take us and the rest of the band to the record store where you all will spend the next 2 hours signing a signature on a record that was your prized piece of work.
Lastly, you would have to pretend like absolutely nothing was wrong for the entire day..maybe even the entirety of the week, month, and so on.
Annalise glanced at her watch once she’d gotten through the primary part of the breakfast. 
“Alright, is everyone clear on the game plan for today?”
You, Dina, & Jesse all nodded as Annalise scanned each of your reactions - her eyes paused on Ellie who was busy disassociating on an unknown object set on the table.
Her head perked up as her eyes blinked quickly. Ellie straightened her posture as she nodded at a question that she couldn’t even remember being asked, but thought it best to just nod and agree.
Annalise's eyes lingered on Ellie, then dragged along to you as she tried to read both of your expression and body languages, and any other clues into what was to blame for the obvious difference in energy between the group.
“Feel free to take your time and finish your food since the signing isn’t until this afternoon.” Annalise spoke all of this with a smile that was nervous. She watched Ellie push the food along her plate with a fork, then to you holding the branded coffee mug in your palm as you kept your eyes down - something felt really wrong.
Just as she was ready to pull either you or Ellie aside for a one on one, Annalise’s phone grabbed her attention away as she walked into another part of the suite and answered with a friendly ‘hello’.
“I’m gonna head back and pack,” Ellie said as she stood up from the table and sat her white napkin down on top of her plate of primarily uneaten food.
You cautiously turned your head to look in Ellie’s direction, but immediately it felt like a mistake as your eyes met with a burning feeling that you could almost physically feel.
Ellie quickly walked off without another word and you felt the need to chase after her.
“I'm gonna pack up too. I’ll catch you guys later, yeah?”
Both Dina & Jesse nodded as they watched you up until the moment you walked out of the door and into the hallway.
“What the fuck was that?” Jesse asked with wide eyes. Sadly, Dina couldn’t give him an answer because she herself didn’t quite know what to think of you and Ellie this morning. The only thing she did have was her suspicions that were becoming harder and harder to brush off.
Ellie’s hunched demeanor sulked against the red hued wallpaper, making the hallway seem like something out of a cinematographic masterpiece.
But your eyes couldn’t admire for too long because now you were both alone and, by the way Ellie was acting during the first hour of your day, you weren’t sure she would be wanting to be alone with you anytime soon.
“Ellie,” You called after her as your legs began to fast walk the distance between the both of you.
She didn’t even have to look behind her. Silently, Ellie picked up her walking pace as she ignored your voice as it yelled for her down the hallway like a tornado siren buzzing right in her ear.
“Ellie c’mon we have to talk about this!” Somehow you had caught up with her pace which allowed the tip of your fingers to make brief contact with the back of Ellie’s shoulder; it felt like a hot iron branding her skin. 
Suddenly, your front was running right into Ellie’s back as she abruptly stopped in her tracks with anger running through her.
With a red tinted face, she turned around with tensed facial features. “What do you want”
Her voice was so cold and so empty that you found it hard to find your words now. Your eyes avoided any contact with her, meanwhile she stared at you so intently that you could feel her eyes creating burning circles on your face.
Ellie was mad. So fucking mad, but she wasn’t sure with who - Herself or you?
“You want to talk, so let’s fucking talk then since this is so important to you.”
Suddenly, a nearby door opened as a stranger exited their hotel room with squinted eyes towards the both of you. Out of habitual manners, you and Ellie both moved aside from your previous stance to let the stranger walk by.
“Can we talk somewhere less public please”, you said with a voice much lower than when you were yelling for Ellie moments ago.
This made Ellie furious. You seemed so desperate to talk just a moment ago as your voice wandered through the halls, yet now you were shy? Now you wanted privacy? 
Ellie shook her head as she rolled her eyes. “Make up your mind.”
“What the fuck is your problem.”
“My problem?”, Ellie said with darkened amusement, “you want to know what my fucking problem is?” 
She repeated her words as her feet aimlessly fidgeted like a child who couldn’t stand still to save its life. Her lips were tucked in towards each other as she mumbled various noises and words under her breath that you couldn’t fully make out - what you did know was that she was angry, but now, so were you.
“Fine, let’s just never talk about it ever again then.” 
You moved around Ellie as you took the lead in continuing to walk back down the hallway.
This time it was Ellie’s turn to yell. 
“You wanna fucking talk?”
You paused, hearing her footsteps come closer and closer as tears began to teeter dangerously along the waterline of your eyes. 
Once Ellie got close enough to you, she could see the reddened cheeks and water droplets that left marks on your face. This made her pause and breathe - in..and then out, until she was composed enough to not be solely fueled by anger and frustration.
You found yourself mimicking Ellie’s chest rising and falling; you too breathed in…and then out, until the both of you were both looking straight into the others eyes.
“Then let’s talk,” Ellie spoke with a gentle tone as she fought the urge to reach out and wrap her arms around you in comfort. 
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gretavangroupie · 1 year
Vigilance (Chapter 10)
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Word count: 22.6k
Pairings: Sam x Reader, Jake x OC
Warnings: 18+ as always, drinking, smoking, language, fluff, angst, smut.
This story is a collaboration with my best pal @gretavanmoon. Please go show her some love!
This is how it always was the day before tour. Josh barking orders at everyone, Sam waiting until the last second to do everything that should have been done weeks ago, Daniel trying to satisfy Josh’s requests, and you, sitting back watching all of it unfold from the comfort of the broken-in leather couch. The office was buzzing with crew and staff working to make sure everything was packed away correctly and not a thing was left behind. Old friends reuniting, anxious for another leg of tour to begin.
Tensions were high, as they so usually were before you left for a show. Packing up an entire band was no small task, and you weren’t sure why they always waited until the day before to do it.  You were especially wound up today, still reeling from the events over the last few days. You still hadn’t made amends with Sam, but you knew you would today. You had to. You couldn’t start tour off on a bad note, right?
You watched until you noticed his tasks being steadily checked off the list one by one, and when he found himself ready to take a break, you knew you had your chance. You grabbed two beers from the cooler and walked back over to meet him on the couch. You extended the bottle out to him, and his eyes met yours as he took it. It’s a start. 
You sat down next to him, twisting the lid off of the bottle as you relaxed into the seat. “Can I talk to you for a few minutes Sammy boy?” you asked, hoping that using his nickname would help soften the mood he was in.
“Looks like you already are…” he replied with a gentle smirk.
You took a pull from the lip of the bottle, letting the cold liquid calm your nerves. 
“Sam… I’m…really sorry about everything I said the other day. I was completely out of line to say those things to you. I’m not trying to make excuses here, I know I fucked up, but after everything with Sophia, I just… unleashed on you. I didn’t mean it. I really am sorry. I get it if you need more time, I just… I’ve been thinking about you the past couple of days and I just want you to know I love you. I don’t think you’re a fuck up. I’m really proud of you. For everything. Really.” you rambled nervously.
He took a sip of his beer, trying to conceal the smile on his lips as he replied, “I missed you too. You had a couple low blows in there, but it's all in the name of brotherhood right? Also, I love you too.” he laughs, placing a forceful hand on your shoulder. “Phew, glad we got our yearly I love you out of the way, huh? Early this year…” he jokes. 
There he is. There's your Sammy.
You held your beer up, clicking the glass bottle with his, “Until next year…” you toast. He laughs and looks over to Daniel, wrapping up some cording with velcro. 
“You’re right, you know,” he adds. 
“About?” you ask.
“Her. You know, if she was… with me and everything. It would have been the biggest fuck up ever. Monumental.” he said, turning to look at you.  “The first time we ever slept together we talked right before…made sure this wasn’t going to turn into something else, because neither of us wanted that. I think really, we just wanted to feel close to each other again. Both of us made it very clear that there weren’t any feelings involved. It was just purely sex with someone we loved and trusted. No feelings involved. That’s all it ever was, Jake. I haven't had feelings like that for her in years. Is she gorgeous? Of course. Have I always wanted to sleep with her? Well, yeah. But I’d never steal your girl Jake... I’ve always known who her heart belongs to.” he says.
You swallow harshly, really taking in everything he’s saying. “It’s just… hard to watch, you know?” you ask.
“I know. But it’s not something I thought we should keep from you. I feel like that would have only made it worse when you did find out.” he replies. “Also… I’m really sorry about Sophia… I can’t believe she was doing that. I can’t believe we saw her. You should have seen Y/N when she spotted her in the restaurant. She was hysteric for a second.”
“I would’ve been, too. Things had been a little rocky between us the past few weeks. She was acting different…And you know what? I’m happy to be free of her, feel like I can breathe again.” you say, swigging your beer. 
“I guess I’m just sorry everything played out the way it did. We just felt like you needed to know, and we wanted to tell you in person. I didn’t expect it to be such a disaster.” he says.
“It’s partially my fault, as soon as she started in on you I should have told her to leave. I am so embarrassed at the things she said to you. To Y/N. I wasn’t sure she was ever going to talk to me again. I wouldn’t blame her.” you sigh. 
“You know she… she listened. Finally.” he said.
“What do you mean? Listened to what?” you asked.
“Our music… did she not tell you?” he asked.
“No, tell me what?” you asked, genuinely confused. 
“Up until about a week ago, she had never listened to any of our recorded music. The last thing she ever heard from us was the Black Smoke EP.” he said.
Shock coursed through your body. “What? Why?”
Had she really never heard? Every song you wrote for her, fell upon ears that wouldn’t understand. The lyrics you wrote to her, begging her to come back to you… she never heard them?
“Well, to put it simply, she couldn’t handle it. Emotionally, mentally… Think about it Jake. Would you want to listen to your ex play love songs about you?” he asked.
“No, but… not one song? Not a single song, in the past what, three, four years?” you asked, trying to wrap your head around it.
“She said she heard Safari Song in the grocery store once, but she turned around and walked out because it struck a nerve she wasn’t ready to tend to yet.” he said.
“So… she listened though… last week? Why now?” you asked.
“She said her boss assigned it to her, since we are under UMG. She listened to everything…she came over to my house after.” he stopped.
“Was she….” you started.
“Was she okay? No…She was a wreck Jake. I think you know that. Practically inconsolable for a while. She had a feeling about one in particular… but she couldn’t even ask.” he said, eyes cast down to the floor as he replayed the memory.
“So…she listened…to it...” you asked.
His eyes flicked up to yours, “Yeah. She did. About killed her I think. She wanted to know… if it was about her.” he paused, pushing his hands through his hair. “How sad is that, Jake? For her to even think for a second that it wasn’t. I told her of course it was about her. I told her they all were. I think she wanted to crawl into a hole and die right there.”
“How could she think they were about anyone else?” you whispered.
“She was pretty bad off there for a while, but I got her through it. Me and a bottle of wine, well almost two. She’s proud of us though, man. She loved it, I could tell she loved it. It spoke to her, just like we always wanted. We actually did it.” he said with a smile.  “I wanted to cry, I was just so relieved she liked it...It felt– felt like it was all worth it. All those years… I missed her a lot. I know it was different for you, but you know, she was my best friend. I needed her too.” he says. 
You were so busy feeling sorry for yourself back then that you never really stopped to consider that Sam lost his best friend. You were so cruel to him, to everyone really. Just a miserable person for a while. If you had known then what you know now….
“Anyways, you should talk to her about it someday. If you can. I know it's still touchy for you.” he adds.
“I will one day Sam. I’ll make it count. Thank you…for… talking to her about it. I know it probably wasn’t easy for you either.” you smiled.
“Anything for you brother,” he replied.
You both finished off your beers as you scrolled through your phones, waiting for Josh to finish up on his tirade about organization. 
“Hey, she will be here in about 10 minutes, so make sure you have your shit done!” Josh called out through the office, everyone agreeing and finishing up their tasks.
“Who?” Danny asked.
“The tour coordinator… someone new this time, I think you’ll like her.” he replied with a smirk.
Fuck. She’s coming? Today? You were not prepared to see her until you absolutely had to, tomorrow.
“You good? You look like you just saw a ghost.” Sam joked.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good. Hey I saw this the other day at a vintage shop, thought of you. Thought you might like it.” you say, opening your camera roll. You scroll through your pictures from that day, trying to find the one you took to show him. An old 60’s Sunburst Fender Acoustic. It had his name written all over it. 
“Hey woah, what was that?” he says, swiping out of your photo.
“What?” you say, pulling your phone away from him.
“I swear I just…” he said, reaching over your arms, tapping on the photo of Y/N you received the other night.
“Oh my god. It is her.” he says, shocked. “How do you have that?” 
You close out of it before anyone else sees, “Will you shut the hell up before one of them comes over here asking questions.”
“Sorry. But seriously… Why do you have that? Did you hack into my phone?” he asks.
“Hack into your phone? What? No? She… sent it to me. The other night. Completely unprompted.” you answer quietly, a smirk on your face. 
“She sent it to you?” he asks, shock written across his face.
“Yes, Sam… for the second time. She sent it to me.” you reply.
“Well that’s interesting because she sent it to me, too.” he said matter-of-factly.
“The same one?” you asked.
“Exact same. We were…talking… it was the natural progression of the conversation but it came late…I thought she fell asleep.” he said. “Wait…what time did she send that to you?”
“Uh….” you said opening your text threads, and checking the time stamp. “10:46pm” you answered. 
He dug into his pocket, pulling out his phone and opening his texts, his eyes widening as he reached the photo. “Oh my god. I think…I think she sent it to you instead of me, by accident. Mine didn’t come until 11:26.” he said. “She must have panicked when she realized and sent it to me when she figured it out. Wait, what time did you text her back?” 
Panic sweeps through your body as you realize what he is saying. Were they…sexting? Was that really meant for him? A chill sweeps through your body as you put the pieces together. It would explain the situation. It was completely unprompted, and her not answering your reply suddenly started to make sense. 
“Well, Sam… Here I was thinking she…No, nevermind. I suppose that explains why she didn’t reply.” you sigh.
“Oh god, she didn’t reply?” he asked.
“No, but she read it. Stayed up late just in case too…Stupid.” you said, shaking your head.
“Has she spoken to you since?” he asked.
“We don’t exactly talk Sam…” you replied.
“Oh it was totally an accident. I bet she is—wow. I will have to ask her about it.” he says.
“No the fuck you will not. Let it go Sam, I am so serious.” you threatened.
“Okay, sheesh…” he says, pulling away from your grip on his arm. “It is a hot pic though isn’t it?” he jokes.
“Shut the fuck up Sam, I will end your life right here.” you say through gritted teeth.
He laughs as you hear the beep of the security system, as someone opens the front door. You both turned to look at the door, and saw her walking in, looking stunning as ever.
“Oh my god, it’s like she heard us talking about her…What is she doing here?” he asks.
Does he not know?
Her eyes meet yours only for a second before quickly looking away. Okay so she is feeling some type of nervousness about being here.
Josh rushes over to greet her, thanking her for coming in at the last minute.
“Hey!” he yells, getting everyone's attention. “I know some of us know each other, but for those of you who don’t this is Y/N. She works with Collective and is going to be our coordinator and liaison for this tour. She’s gonna be on the road with us for a bit. She’s an absolute star and I know you all will love her so make sure you welcome her with open arms and show her how we do things around here!” he says, smiling.
You watch as Sam and Danny shoot looks towards each other, then to Josh as they comprehend what he’s said.
“That being said, I will turn it over to you, I’m sure you have things to tell us to get this party started.” he smiles at her. 
You couldn’t help the chuckle that came from your chest as you watched Josh so happily introduce her. She was beaming. You had to admit, even though part of you wanted to kill Josh for this arrangement, you couldn’t wait to watch her do her thing, but more importantly you couldn’t wait for her to watch you do yours.
She began to pass out paperwork to everyone, her eyes flicking to yours for a millisecond as she handed you your paper, before turning her attention back to the rest of the room.
You could see something behind her eyes. You couldn’t place it, but you knew it. You’d seen it before. 
“Hi everyone! I am really looking forward to working with all of you over the next few months, but before we go over everything I just want you all to know that if you ever have any questions or concerns, or even a request you can ask me, call me, text me… whatever is easiest for you. I will help you the best way that I can.” she says, directing her attention to the group of roadies huddled by the door. 
“The paper I just gave to all of you outlines the accommodations for the Nashville show starting tomorrow. Your transportation, lodging and meal information should all be on there, specific to each one of you. Again, if you have any questions you can come to me.” she says with a smile.
The chattering in the background irks you. Are they even listening to her?
She continues to talk about the schedule for tomorrow, everything laid out right there on paper. As she makes her way through each bullet point you hear the crew still talking behind you.
“Hey boys, let’s listen up.” you say shooting them a stern look.
They quiet down immediately, returning their focus back to her. Her eyes flash over to yours, in a silent thank you. You nod your head ever so slightly.
You listen intently as she talks about the venue set up, soundcheck, and the time tables that will need to be followed, your eyes never leaving her for a second. To be honest you heard every word she said but your mind was elsewhere. Back in Michigan, swimming and laughing. 
Everyone thanking her snapped you from your daydream. Suddenly people were approaching her, meeting her and introducing themselves. She handled the crew and staff like she had done it a thousand times before. Maybe she had? 
“You gonna talk to her, or are you just gonna stare at her?” Sam asks.
You blow a breath out, leaning back into the couch, “I don’t know… I don’t know what I’d say. Just gonna give her some time. If she wants to talk to me, she will.” you reply.
“I cannot believe she is our coordinator.” He says, shaking his head.
“You’ve met Josh right? Meddling son of a bitch.” you laugh.
“Yeah, you’re right.” he laughs. “You pack yet?”
“Fuck no. Gonna do it when we’re done here.” you answer, standing up from the couch.
“Oh my god. We get to play for her.” he says, eyes wide with realization.
“Samuel, I am begging you to not say every thought that goes through your head.” you say with a sigh.
He smirks, walking off to meet her side.
Fuck. Not only will this be your first tour in a few years, but now she will be there watching?
You hadn’t fully considered that yet. You weren’t sure you were ready to think about it. You pushed the thought from your mind as you made your way over to Josh.
“I still can’t believe you did this…” you say with a fake smile.
“Everything is going to be fine. Great even. Watch and see.” he smirks.
“We done here?” you ask.
“I think so, what time do we have to be here in the morning?” he asks.
You pull the folded paper from your back pocket, reading out the travel details, “Says the van will pick us up here at 7:00 am. So… should we just meet at my place and ride over here together? Or Sam’s?” you ask.
“Let’s do yours.” he answers.
“You gonna be on time?” you laugh.
“Of course not.” he laughs, walking away, holding his thumb and pinky up to his ear, indicating he would call you later. 
You shook your head, walking over to Danny, telling him the plans, before you started to make your way out. You clapped him on the back as you stepped away, “Tell Sam, alright?” 
He nods his head as you turn to make your way to the door. 
You scan the room one last time, eyes catching hers for a brief moment before you slipped out into the humid evening.
Your suitcase sat packed by the front door ready to go, after sitting for months in the closet practically untouched. Usually you looked forward to tour, the swirling of anxious energy in your stomach just before you left. The bright vibrant energy filling your body just before you took the stage. Playing live in front of a crowd was what kept you going. Recharging your battery each night as you watched them react to the music that flowed from your fingertips. You craved it. You needed it.  But tonight you didn’t have that feeling. You were nervous. Jittery. Anxious. 
You sipped the remnants from the glass in your hand trying to calm those nerves. A lowball glass filled with scotch was sure to do the trick, as you sat back and watched the rain hit the windows in your study. The wet drops rolling down to collect on the sill in large puddles. You placed the now empty glass on the table, grabbing your guitar from the stand as you strummed the old worn in strings. You let your mind drift off as you played, trying to process everything that happened today.
An accident. A mistake. How foolish of you to believe that that photo was meant for you. Of course it was for Sam. She’d never sent you anything like that before... Why would she start now? 
And how stupid of you to reply. You should have known it wasn’t meant for you when she didn’t reply. You stayed up all night waiting for it…There was a reason it never came. As if things weren't awkward enough after the fight with Sam… this just made it worse.
Now you had to spend the next several weeks with her, pretending that it never happened and acting like you don’t remember every detail of the picture... The image of her body burned into your brain.
Was she as embarrassed as you were? You would be working with her in extremely close quarters for weeks…You really didn’t want things to be awkward… Should you talk to her about it? 
No. Just let it go... It will pass, right?
Finally feeling the alcohol settling into your bloodstream, you began to relax. You placed the guitar back on the stand, and made your way to your bedroom. It was late, and you knew you had to be up in a few hours to get ready to go. You pulled your shirt over your head, and kicked your pants to the floor, before crawling into the comfort of your own bed for the last time for the next few weeks. You never did sleep so well in a bed that wasn’t your own.
You set your alarm, and placed your phone on the nightstand, flicking the switch on your lamp, leaving the room completely dark. You let a sigh leave your chest as you relaxed into your pillows, drifting off to sleep quickly with the help of the scotch and the patter of rain on the windows.
You were already awake when your alarm went off promptly at 6:00 am, your nerves keeping you only half-asleep all night. The first day of tour. You were excited, but the anxiousness was creeping into your bones and making itself at home. You’d gone over the itinerary a hundred times before bed, and a hundred more times while you tried to fall asleep. Meeting times, rider copies, map locations, hotel confirmations…your brain felt fried already, and you hadn’t even left yet. You were thankful Allison had given you everything you needed to have accomplished on a nice organized checklist, making your life a bit easier. 
You drug yourself from your bed and into your bathroom to take a quick shower. You’d already picked out your outfit for the day, some dark wash jeans and a simple top. Cute but professional. You’d be meeting everyone at the office to load the van in exactly one hour.  
While you rushed around your home chugging coffee and gathering essentials, you thought about Jake, and how his eyes had met yours for the briefest of moments yesterday. You were still so embarrassed and ashamed, but you had to keep on a happy face for the sake of your job. This was no time to let your emotions show through. You had a lot to accomplish, and proving yourself was at the top of your list. 
You arrived at the office with fifteen minutes to spare, giving you ample time to run over everything again. You grabbed all your things from your trunk, and packed them into the crew van before you checked in with the driver. You brought out your iPad checklist and made yourself a few notes and reminders. Cars began to fill up the lot and roadies and crew members began to unload their things. No one had presented you with questions yet, thank goodness. Deep breaths, all is well so far. You checked the time, 6:55. Perfect. 
After a quick headcount of everyone riding in the van, you finally began to feel a bit more at ease. Thankfully, Allison had given you the tip to always lock in early hotel check-ins. ‘They’re always late for everything...leave yourselves time to spare.’  Fortunately, you’d known that fact since you were kids. 
You finally saw Jake’s car pulling into the lot a whopping fifteen minutes late. All four of them piling out of the vehicle to unload their bags. 7:15... Not too shabby. They walked over to the vans with sleep still in their eyes, except Josh, of course. He was always a morning person. He took you in an immediate embrace, placing his positive and comforting energy directly onto your skin. How did he always know exactly when to do that? 
“First day, big day! You ready?” He asked in your ear, not letting you go until you answered. He smelled like patchouli with a hint of hibiscus and vanilla. You took a second to breathe, letting his familiar scent calm your nerves.
“I think so, Joshy. I hope.” He released you after a big squeeze, his long curls flowing in the early morning breeze. He gave you a reassuring smile. “Killing it already, hot stuff.” 
You did notice Jake seemed a bit more chipper than he usually was at this hour. He didn’t have his normal dark circles and sullen face…instead he looked bright-eyed and anxious. The rest of the guys made their way over to you. Sam brought his hand to his brow, playfully saluting. 
“Samuel Francis Kiszka, bass and keys, reporting for duty. My name should be first on the list in the VIP section. I’m actually in the band.” He glanced and pointed to your iPad, typing his fingers erratically causing your screen to go wild. 
“Stop it Sam, geez!” You laughed. “Get in the van.”
He clicked his tongue and gave you a wink. 
“Morning sunshine, ready to kick ass today?” Danny said through a warm smile, showing all his teeth. 
“Let’s hope so,” you returned his sweet smile. 
“You got it, no question.” He reassured you. 
Lastly came Jake. He brought his eyes to meet yours, and you felt every nerve ending explode with embarrassment all over again. He gave you a curt half-smile and nodded his head, climbing into the van without a word. His cheeks had pinkened a little, and you were sure yours had done the same. Awkward. So awkward. 
After everyone was loaded up and accounted for, you made sure no one had any questions, and you climbed into the front seat of the crew van. You felt an overwhelming sense of nervousness and relief at the same time. You’d attack this day step by step. These guys were all professionals and had done this song and dance a million times. It was their world, and you were just orchestrating it. 
Checking into the hotel proved to be a simpler task than you anticipated, getting everyone their key cards and on their way to their rooms going very smoothly. You knew that you had to get them to the venue for sound check as quickly as possible so once you figured they had enough time to settle, you sent a group text asking them to meet you in the lobby. It was a very short ride to the venue, and you were excited to be behind the scenes and have access to everything that happened backstage. 
You watched as everything was unloaded from the trucks and brought inside the amphitheater. It was amazing to watch the crew work like a well-oiled machine quickly putting up the stage and equipment in record speed. Though this was the first show back in a while, they all worked well as a team setting up the new stage equipment just like the guys envisioned. 
You were rushing around like a crazy person, answering phone calls, replying to tons of texts, checking to make sure the riders were fulfilled, and trying to keep Allison updated with everything. So far, so good. Eight hours until openers. 
“Guys, the stage is set. You wanna come see?” You asked the four of them as they gathered around a makeshift coffee table full of lunch items. Their eyes lit up, ready to see the stage they’d dreamt of for months finally brought to life. 
You led them around the small corridors of the beautiful outdoor venue, and into the pit area. They erupted in astounded cheers seeing it all put together. You grabbed your walkie-talkie and radioed to the light booth. “Randy, can we hit the lights?” You asked. A few seconds later, a voice came over the radio. “Sure thing.”  The main spot lights came on and illuminated the stage in a beautiful and clean white light, showing off the lighted platforms and spires that lined the backdrop. They fell into ‘ooo’s’ and ‘ahh’s’ in unison as they took it all in. 
“Holy shit, it’s perfect!” Josh proclaimed. 
“Yeah guys, yes!” Sam yelled to the crew. They all clapped and cheered, and ran onto the stage to begin checking their sound. Relief. You knew it would be even more perfect once it got dark outside. 
You took a second to run backstage and collect yourself, use the restroom, and grab something to eat as you knew the rest of the day was going to be even more chaotic. You checked in with craft services to see that everything was refilled for the crew, now that they were done with their part. You relaxed on a couch for a free second, ignoring your buzzing phone and nagging notifications. You could hear the low droning sound of their instruments coming together, as they jumped into a song you didn’t quite recognize off the bat. It still sounded beautiful and haunting even from this far away. You closed your eyes and took in the moment, feeling pride overtake your mind as you listened to your best friends fulfill their dream. After a few grounding moments, you decided to check your phone and emails again.
An hour or so passed, and you noticed the music had stopped. You stood up to stretch and checked the time, not realizing how long you’d been lost in your phone. You began to meander around the backstage area again, when you were caught by a pair of familiar hands pulling you behind a trailer, out of sight. 
“Samuel, what are you doing!” You whispered loudly. 
“Nothing, just wanted to say hello properly. I haven’t gotten to tell you how good you look taking care of all of us like this.” He pinned your back to the trailer, and glanced around, checking that the coast was clear. Then he brought his lips to your neck, lightly kissing and nudging you. 
“I love watching you in your element...it’s very attractive.” he whispered in your ear between pecks. 
“Sam…be careful...there’s people everyw-” he cut you off, placing his lips on yours.
“Shhh...there’s no one around. Trust me. Do you trust me?” He glanced around again. 
You nodded, reluctantly. You felt very out of place, letting him do this in such a manner in broad daylight, but god, his lips on your neck and his hands pinning you down was driving you wild. He had a knack for melting you into a puddle, that was for sure. 
He immediately licked into your mouth, hot and sweet with just the tiniest taste of tequila on his lips. He brought his leg up to spread your knees apart, positioning himself so your core rested on his upper thigh. He pressed his body into you, sending a shockwave of pleasure through you, even from the slightest contact. You kissed him back hard, just now realizing how starved you’ve been for him without even noticing it. Your mind had been elsewhere lately. 
“That photo you sent the other night...I can’t get it off my mind. You looked so sexy...God I wanted you so bad...” he trailed off, pressing harder against you. “You want me to send you something?” 
You nodded again. “Mhmm...yes please.” you said into his mouth, biting his lip. 
“I’ll see what I can come up with...” he said, pulling away. He began to back off, adjusting himself in his pants. He glanced around again, making sure the coast was still clear. “Silence my notifications, and change my name in your phone.” He said with a wink, and he was gone. 
What? Change his name? Why? Did he know about the photo accident? 
You headed back around to the main gathering area backstage after collecting yourself for a few minutes. Hot and bothered was an understatement. 
“Y/N! Hey, I’d like you to meet someone.” Josh said as you entered the trailer. “This is Summer. She’s going to be our photographer!” 
“Oh my god, hey! It’s so nice to meet you finally! I’m sorry we didn’t get to meet before, things have been chaotic.” You reached out to shake her hand. Summer was gorgeous. Tan, slender, and blonde with cute features and the prettiest blue eyes that hid behind thin wire glasses. She had a bright and friendly smile as she returned your handshake. 
“Hey! So nice to meet you! I’m so excited to be here.” she said. 
“I’ll leave you two to chat.” Josh said, taking off in the other direction.
“Let me show you around?” You asked, walking towards the stage. 
“Yes, let’s go!” She grabbed her camera bag and you were off. You showed her around the venue and made sure she had her all access media and crew pass. 
“The guys will want you to be around basically all the time, backstage and all. They’re really easy to get along with, which I’m sure you noticed meeting Josh.” You said. 
“Yes, actually! He introduced me to the band. Everyone seems really nice! This is my third time going on a tour with a band, so I’m really starting to get my footing I think. I’m really excited to work with you guys!” She admitted. 
“Well, they picked you for a reason. I saw some of your work, it’s fantastic. You’ll do just fine.” You reassured her with a smile, which she returned. You walked her around the grounds a bit more, showing her the areas you’d be occupying most and introducing her to people here and there. By the time you made it back, she had told you her life story in its entirety and you were already beginning to tune out the sound of her voice. She was sweet, but…
“So, this might sound forward but, are all of them…single?” She asked without an ounce of shyness in her voice. It took you by surprise. 
“Umm, well… Sort of. Danny has a girlfriend but, the rest, yeah. Basically. I try not to keep up with their personal lives too much.” 
“Cool okay. I just didn’t want to, you know… Be weird about anything. Spending all this time together and all.” She replied, talking with her hands.
You cleared your throat. “Yeah, no I get that. For sure.”
“But, the quieter one with sunglasses, he plays guitar I think?” She rambled. 
“Jake.” You said stoically. 
“Yeah, Jake. He is fine. Made my heart skip a beat when he shook my hand. You know what I mean? I’ve always liked the brooding ones. The type you’d climb like a tre-”
“Summer. I get it... But remember you’re here to take photos and that’s it. Okay?” You felt yourself get an attitude at her lack of professionalism this early in the game. It had only been half an hour and you were already starting to be irked by her presence.
“Jake is very professional and likes to keep himself focused. He doesn’t allow himself much time for things like that.” you add, hoping she would take the hint.
Saved by the bell, your walkie talkie beeped with a request for you to go to the stage. “I’ve gotta go, good luck tonight!” You waved to Summer and left before she could get another nerve-grinding word out. 
You approached the stage and were motioned back to the sound booth technician. 
“Hey! We need our copies of the setlists! Almost forgot.” The woman laughed. 
“Yes! I have them on my hard drive. I will bring them right to you.” You replied, rushing off to backstage, mad at yourself for forgetting to do that before you left the office. Luckily you had a portable printer installed in the crew trailer. 
You printed off ten copies of the list, and read through it on your way back to the sound booth. 
Wow, it was so strange seeing the names of all these songs that you’d just now become familiar with, the songs that were basically their children. You knew they were playing a few of these live for the first time tonight, and a whole new wave of nerves hit you like a freight train. You were so excited for them. So excited for their fans. 
A few more hours passed, and you’d decided to join the guys for a little chat before things got hectic. They were all hanging around outside, warming up on acoustics and pre-gaming with seltzers and shots. They were all beaming with nerves, Josh and Sam hopping around expelling their pent-up agitation while Danny drummed on anything he could find. Jake sat comfortably in a lounge chair, feet up, strumming a quiet tune and watching his brothers in their natural states. He was so…attractive. 
“Josh, why are you dressed already? You’re going to spill something on your suit!” You said, surprised. His outfit for tonight was a white jumpsuit with blue and green applique feathers, and it fit him like a glove. Tiny rhinestones caught the light as he jumped around, causing him to sparkle in the afternoon sun.
“Oh, love. I always do this. Sorry, but I get ready way too early. It’s just a…thing I do.” He threw his hands up, unable to elaborate any more. “But I make it a point to only drink clear liquids! I promise.” 
You nodded nervously, wanting to cover him up with a jacket, a bib…something. 
You peeked around to the front of the venue, seeing that hoards of people had started to gather at the gates. You checked your phone. 
Allison 5:55pm: Almost time to get them dressed! Hope all is going well! 
You 5:59pm: All is great! Thanks!
You took another few minutes, shooting texts to the other coordinators and radioing to check in with security. You couldn’t believe you’d gotten this far in the day without any major hiccups, and you were thankful. Maybe you could do this… You were doing this. 
You glanced toward Jake, who was sitting naturally still strumming along and sipping something from a paper cup. You covertly watched as Summer made her way over to sit beside him, giving him all of her attention as she snapped a few photos, while likely telling him a story about something he cared nothing about. Just from the short time you spent with her, you knew she was going to be a great photographer, but inevitably get on everyone’s nerves. 
Get away from him, he doesn’t want to talk to you. He’s trying to get in his zone. 
But to your surprise, you watched as he tilted his head back and laughed a hearty laugh, scrunching his nose up and giggling at whatever she was saying. She laughed too, leaning into him and quickly putting her hand to his thigh. 
Oh really? 
You scoffed under your breath and crossed your arms. She then pointed to his guitar, and began to ask him questions. It looked like he was explaining the guitar parts to her, while she watched him intently, all the while moving closer and closer to him, touching him any chance she got. 
Doesn’t she have photos to take or something?
Suddenly, Sam was in front of your face, “Hey. You gonna nip that in the bud, or should I?” he asked motioning back to Summer and Jake with a head tilt. It shook you from the raging fire of jealousy growing in your chest. 
You stood up quickly, clapping your hands together, “Alright guys, time to get dressed!” You announced, and they all began to excitedly make their way toward the trailer. You saw Summer look back toward you as Jake exited her bubble. 
“You can sit this part out, Summer.” You said. 
“And you get to watch them get changed? Lucky girl…” she said with a smirk. 
You decided to not respond to that, and climbed the steps to the front door, closing it hard behind you. 
After a few minutes, they were all dressed and ready to go...7:45 on the dot. Their openers had already begun their sets, filling the arena with sound. You stood in the trailer, and watched their stylist stand back and admire the art of the designer. Their outfits truly were a sight, all custom made to fit their visions.
The crew exited the trailer, leaving just you and the guys. Sam immediately felt comfortable enough to bring you in for a giant hug. “Errghhhh you did so great today! How are you feeling? Ready for the grand finale?” 
You hugged him back, finally feeling alone enough with them to be your true self, “Yes, my job’s almost over. It’s your turn now.” You responded with a giggle. 
Just then, Danny and Josh came and joined the hug, sticking you in the middle as they piled around one another. You glanced over and saw Jake standing off to the side, obviously feeling awkward about joining. You bravely raised your finger to him, motioning for him to join in. He wrapped his arms around his brothers as they all rested their heads on one another, taking a second to relish in the moment. 
“My brothers, are we ready to rock and roll?” Josh asked. 
“Never been more ready…” Danny agreed. They all spoke in little sentences of excitement and reassurance, patting each other on the backs and shaking off nerves. Never once letting their heads separate from touching in their circle, with you still directly in the middle. You stood awkwardly, but happy to be included in their embrace. 
“Six brand new songs tonight, fellas. Do we have it?” Josh asked. 
“Yeah we have it, do you have it?” Jake responded. You giggled. 
“Yeah I fuckin’ have it as long as you keep me where I need to be.” Josh relayed. 
“As long as these two assholes keep me where I need to be…” Jake went on. 
“Don’t we always? Daniel and I are perfect...” Sam spat. 
“Sounds like a plan, then. Let’s go do it.” Josh said. 
Suddenly they hugged one another tighter, smashing their heads into yours and bringing your face impossibly close to Jake’s. You felt heat immediately rush to your face as his eyes flitted to yours, and locked there. He offered you the tiniest of smiles before he spoke. 
“Love you guys?” He asked. 
“Love you guys.” They all responded in unison. Then they all separated, leaving you standing in the middle of the room, drowning in emotional surprise. 
“What was that? What was I just part of? Do you do that before every show?” You asked. 
“Only since 2012, love.” Sam said, shooting you another wink as he descended the stairs, his baby blue suit hugging every curve. You felt a swell of admiration creep into your chest. You had gotten to be a part of their pre-show ritual.  
You waited by the door for the guys to file out one by one, Jake stopping beside you at the very end. You noticed the collar of his beautifully embroidered navy blue suit was flipped up, and you instinctively reached to fix it. Your fingers accidentally brushing his neck in the process, sending an immediate and visible chill through him. You swallowed hard as you pulled your hand away from his collar. 
“How do I look?” He asked in a low and gravelly voice, shyly bringing his eyes from the floor to you.  
Before you could stop yourself, you whispered, “Still just as gorgeous as ever.”
His face softened and a smirk played at his lips, just as he turned to catch up with the rest of the guys. 
The time had almost come for the guys to take the stage, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t just as nervous as they most likely were. Brand new tour, brand new songs, brand new era…
You knew they would absolutely kill it no matter what, but you were sure the anxiety was still high. The sound of the crowd was almost deafening even this far away, and at an outdoor venue at that. You never imagined there would be this many people. 
Right before they were to head toward backstage, small plastic shot glasses were passed around to the surrounding crew, while Josh had everyone gather for a toast. You took the cup of what smelled like vodka, and raised it into the air. A familiar presence was suddenly by your side, meeting your extended arm with his own. Jake. 
“Thank you all for being here, and making this happen tonight! To Strange Horizons!” Josh yelled above the lull of the screaming crowd. He held his tiny glass up, and everyone joined in with clanking theirs together before shooting the clear liquor. You turned a little toward Jake, as he held his cup up to yours. 
“Cheers, love.” He said, barely tipping his cup to tap yours, raising his eyebrows with the smallest grin.
“Cheers…” was all you could manage through the thick sound of your heart beating in your ears. Love?
He tilted it back and swallowed its contents, and he was gone without another word. You stood there for a second collecting yourself. 
“That shot’s not gonna take itself, babe!” Sam yelled, guiding your hand to bring it to your lips. You let the chilled liquid coat your insides, hoping that it would calm the storm that was brewing inside you. You heard Josh’s voice on the special intro monologue begin, and the crowd erupted in an explosion of screams. 
“There you go...There she is!” Sam shouted as you finished downing the shot. 
He brought his lips close to your ear, “Checked your phone lately?” He pulled away with a wink and a wide smile, and spoke loudly again. “You ready?!” And then he, too, was gone. 
You felt your radio vibrate with sound, and you brought it close to your ear. “Two minutes, two minutes to stage.” your heart rate immediately picking up.
You looked around to make sure everyone was accounted for, and then rushed everyone toward the stage, security and other coordinators in tow. You could feel the energy radiating off of them. They were electric. 
In seconds you found yourself side stage with the guys as they awaited their cue to walk. They took a second to peek at the ginormous crowd, a sea of raised hands and cell phones ready and waiting to capture the first seconds of their beloved band taking the stage again.  
No one really spoke, not like you could hear anything over the audience anyway. Everyone exchanged looks and shoulder grabs, basking in their excitement together. You looked to Jake, who was pulling his guitar strap over his head, and offered him a genuine smile, silently wishing him ‘good luck’ as you could. He nodded and smiled back, still able to read your expressions even after all these years. 
Suddenly the lights went out, and there was a beat of silence, their cue to storm the stage. You watched as they left your side and found their rightful spots with their instruments. Plugging in, and taking a deep breath. 
As the lights faded up, Sam’s keys began the first song. Filling the arena with beautiful and ethereal sounds in a way that only he could. The crowd exploded into screams and cheers as they recognized the song. You watched on as thousands of people sang the lyrics back to the band, not missing a beat. 
You found yourself having a hard time deciding whether to watch the show or watch the crowd. They held hands, they cried, they swayed as they sang...now you understood why this was so addicting for them. The fans gave so much energy, song after song, an unrelenting celebration with each tempo switch. 
Your eyes carried themselves to Jake as you finally allowed yourself to watch him in his element. You’d been actively ignoring him the whole show so far, not letting yourself see him finally play, for real. You thought back, you hadn’t seen him play since that fateful night at the bar. Years ago. Even then he was a force to be reckoned with, but now, god, he held absolutely nothing back. 
You watched as he pranced around, completely taken with the music he was creating, and even more taken with the effect it had on the audience…absolute madness. You could tell he fed off of it. Lived for it. The way his body moved was so sensual, tilting his head back and rolling his entire body with the sound. His facial expressions matched, too. You felt like falling into a hole when you realized you’d seen him make those faces before, years ago, locked up in his room for two days with nothing better to do than each other. 
You had to force yourself to rip your eyes off of him. You noticed you’d been looking at only him for the past ten minutes or so. He was just so…mesmerizing to watch. The passion he felt while playing and interacting with the crowd and the rest of the band was a show in itself. And he sounded perfect. 
Then you caught a glimpse of his torso…Holy shit…The lights from the stage were bouncing off the sweat dripping down his chest and stomach. The proof of his exertion in the heat of the summer night. He was breathing heavily, chest heaving up and down as the sweat dripped in a steady stream from his throat down to the button of his pants. Watching as he would occasionally wipe it between chords. That was a visual you did not need right now. 
You turned around to collect yourself, and grab a drink of water. You checked your phone quickly; you’d completely forgotten Sam had asked you if you had earlier. You’d done what he said to do – silenced his notifications, and changed his contact name. You couldn’t think of a name off the top of your head, so instead you chose to just use ‘Keys’. You had a photo notification from him from a little over an hour ago. You stepped behind some equipment, and opened the attachment.
There it sat. A photo of him in a partially fogged-up mirror, in just a towel hanging low around his hips. He had wiped the fog from the mirror just enough that you could see him. His face, dark with lust. He was holding the towel together right at the top of his bulge, only the light smattering of dark hair visible, leaving almost everything to the imagination. 
He was still dripping from his shower, the water glistening on his tanned skin. His wet hair falling at his shoulders with tiny droplets dripping from the ends, down onto his chest. He looked positively edible. His eyes lured you in, dark and focused, his jaw clenched tight. He wanted you. That much was clear. 
You locked your phone screen and returned your focus to the show, trying to forget the fact that both of them had managed to get you hot within the past two minutes. 
What the hell are they doing to you? 
You watched them intently, the music beginning to slow and the lights growing dim. The spotlight shone on Sam, playing a familiar tune on his piano. Is this greensleeves? Your brow furrowed as you watched him effortlessly play the melody you knew so well. As that came to a close, you watched him fully light and take the first hit from a cigarette, right there on stage. Blowing the smoke from his mouth and watching it dissipate into the light. Oh, he’s surely showing off tonight. 
The music swelled again, and the guitar came in. A haunting sound from Jake that nearly made you stop breathing. This must be one of their new songs. The intro lasted a good bit before they jumped into the full song. You checked your notes. You’d forgotten you kept one of the copies of the setlist. Age of Machine…you remembered listening to this the other night. You watched the crowd go crazy over it, especially as Jake began to go into a solo. Completely captured by his playing again, you felt your head swirling as you watched. It was like he slipped into another dimension and dragged you there with him. But in the moment there was no place you’d rather be. 
The song began to trail into something else, another familiar sound. Was this...? You reached deep into the depths of your memory, trying to remember the garage days. You knew this… this was the song they played at the Groovebox thing… What was the name of it…?
Then it hit you. You made quick eye contact with Sam, “Is this Thunderstomp?!” You mouthed to him. 
He smiled a giant smile, and slowly nodded ‘yes’ as he did so. Wow. You hadn’t heard this in so many years, and they decided to add a snippet in for fun. You suddenly felt all the emotions from the night so far building up. The memories coming back full force of watching them practice for hours in the garage...the day Jake asked Sam to come and play the bass for him. Jake had gotten his first real electric guitar, and fell in love with it. He never set it down. Sam always picking on him for how attached he was. 
You remembered as a kid, your mom and dad would take you over to the Kiszka house while the parents played cards into the early morning hours. Sam would practice the piano for hours on end while you sat and listened, doing homework and watching movies on mute. 
You remembered Sam getting his very own bass guitar for Christmas one year, being surprised and excited, but intimidated nonetheless. 
“Dad this is awesome, but I don’t know how to play it.” He’d said.
“Don’t worry. You’ll pick it up one day.” Kelly winked. 
You remembered the day Jake busted into the living room, carrying Sam’s untouched bass. 
“Hey, come on. We need you to play this.” He said, placing the bass on Sam’s lap. 
“Dude I don’t know how. I wouldn’t even know where to start. Go away.” Sam replied. 
Jake kneeled down next to him, his face softening to match his voice, “Please, Sambo? Try for me. I’ll show you a few chords. I’ll…I’ll teach you.” Jake begged. 
Sam met your eyes, looking for your opinion. All you did was shrug, “Let him teach you. What’s the worst that could happen?” 
“You kick ass on the keys, how do you know you won’t kick ass on this too?” Jake pleaded, sending him a warm smile. 
You remembered the visual of Sam reluctantly getting up from the couch and dragging himself to the garage, Jake so excited just to have him there. That he was willing to try, just for him.
Two weeks later, he was a natural. He played it like he’d known how for years. His fingers glided across the strings effortlessly and from then on, you couldn’t drag him away from the garage. 
The memory flashed away as you now watched them on the stage together, sounding as professional as ever, with thousands of fans screaming for them. They had fun together, dancing around and communicating with their eyes. This was their true passion. 
Pride welled up in your chest as you began to cry tears of happiness for them, being so thankful you were there for the beginning of it all, and so sorry you had missed out on the middle. 
The show ended on a high note, the encore rounding off the first night perfectly. When the guys flooded off stage, they were full of excitement and exhaustion, searching for drinks and towels, rushing backstage as quickly as possible. Ok, back to work. 
You followed them out, watching as they celebrated together, suppressing your tears and emotions as best you could. You were so proud. 
Everyone was loaded up in the vans, ready to go back to the hotel and clean up from the night. You checked your phone and email one last time, ticking off check marks on your list of post-show tasks. A perfect night, no mishaps whatsoever. You felt so lucky, and truly felt like you had a handle on this job so far. You shot Allison a text letting her know how everything went, and that you were headed back to the hotel for the night.
You sneakily turned your body so your phone was concealed, and opened the photo from Sam again. You felt a wave of nervous excitement flood your system, and you saved the photo to your private album, deleting the one from the text thread. You decided to shoot him a quick text. 
You 11:47 pm: Thank you for that. More where it came from? 
Keys 11:48 pm: You’re very welcome. Absolutely, lots more ;) Come shower with me?
You pondered for a second, not seeing any harm in it. 
You 11:49 pm: I’ll be there.
The vans pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, and everyone began to unload. Everybody was tired, but still a bit keyed up from the excitement of the night. You checked in with the crew, letting everyone know of the meeting time tomorrow morning. With that, you turned your iPad off, and silenced your phone. 
You entered the hotel lobby, rustling around in your backpack for your key card and making your way to the elevator. 
“Hey!” A familiar voice caught you off guard from down the hall. It was Jake walking toward you. Your heart nearly stopped beating. “You ok? I saw you wiping your eyes getting into the van.” 
Oh shit, he’d seen the after effects of your emotional breakdown. 
“Hey! Yeah, I’m fine. Just got a little…in my feelings watching you guys.” you trailed off, already having said too much. 
“Oh, is that…bad?” He asked, completely misunderstanding your reason for tears. 
You gave him a halfhearted smile as you took a deep breath. “Exactly the opposite, actually.” You offered, not wanting to go into any detail at the moment. 
“Okay, well…I was gonna get changed and go down to the hotel bar. Do you… wanna join?” He asked motioning behind him. His eyes were full of hope. 
Yes. Yes I’ll do whatever you ask of me. I’d follow you to the ends of the earth. Take me wherever you want and do whatever you want with me. 
“Ah, that’s okay. You go ahead. Rain check, though?” You answered, going against every ounce of judgment in your brain. 
His face fell, defeated. “Yeah, rain check.” He grinned a little, and turned back the way he was heading. You felt like kicking yourself. 
“Oh, Jake?” He turned back around, now walking backwards away from you, hands in his pockets. “You guys sounded really great tonight. It was perfect.” You offered, wanting to give him more, go into every little detail about his playing, ask him a million questions, drone on for hours about how much you loved everything about the show…About him.
“Thanks for keeping us in line, darlin’.” And with that, he turned the corner, and was gone. That was the second time he’d used a pet name tonight. First love, now darlin? He made you weak in the knees.
You boarded the elevator with a heavy fog clouding your mind. You replayed the encounter over and over. You felt terrible for turning his invitation down, but you already made plans to go to Sam’s room. You pressed the button for your floor, and suddenly felt overwhelmingly confused. 
Should you knock on Jake’s door by accident? 
You should have known she wouldn’t agree to it. Of course she didn’t want to get a drink with you. You purposefully walked to the opposite end of the building to board a different elevator than she had, suddenly feeling stupid for asking her in the first place. 
‘Let her come to you’, Josh’s words ringing through your head over and over as the elevator doors opened. You stepped inside, pulling your phone from your pocket just as Sam stepped in beside you. 
“You good? You look like someone punched you in the gut.” he jokes.
You smirk, “Mmm, kind of feels that way.” you whisper to yourself.
“Huh?” he questions, not hearing your words.
“Nothing, I’m fine. Just tired. Been a minute since I played like that is all. Hand hurts.” you answer.
“Okay...Well, what floor are you?” he asks.
“Eleven.” you answer stoically.
“Oh, me too!” he says, far too joyfully for your taste.
The elevator dings as you arrive at the eleventh floor, both of you stepping out into the carpeted hallway. You pull your keycard from your wallet as you round the corner.
Sam is not too far behind you, but stopping as he reaches the room next to yours, tapping his key to the lock.
“Night!” he says, nodding his head towards you.
“Later.” you reply, opening your door, and stepping inside.
Kicking off your boots you hobble further into the room, turning on a lamp and depositing your things on the dresser in one fell swoop. 
You make your way into the bathroom, turning the shower on, letting the water get hot as you remove your clothes. The shower is quick, rinsing away the remnants of sweat and letting the scalding water relax your tired muscles. You massage the sting in your hand as you close it into a fist. Will this goddamn thing ever heal? 
As the bathroom fills with steam you let your mind wander. It was so good to be back on the stage finally playing the songs as they were intended to be heard. The crowd seemed to love it, but you couldn’t stop thinking about Y/N. Did she actually like it? Her smile as you walked off the stage should have been enough of an indication, but the smile was laced with something else. Her eyes were sad. You could tell she had been crying.  You were feeling really confident mid set, nailing every note with ease, just like you practiced time and time again. 
But the sadness of her demeanor as the show ended had you wondering if maybe you hadn’t done as well as you thought. Maybe she was expecting more? If you were good she would have told you, right? You’d do better tomorrow. You’d show her. All you really want is for her to be proud of you.
You turned the knob on the shower, letting the water trickle from the shower head until it came to a stop. You grabbed the towel from the rack and wrapped yourself in the scratchy white fabric. Walking back into the room, you unzipped your suitcase pulling out your sweats and a t-shirt before closing it back up. 
You ran your fingers through your wet hair as you spotted the mini bar near the window. Squatting down in front of the offerings you found 4 mini bottles of Jack Daniel’s. Perfect.
Pulling them from the slot, you stood up and grabbed one of the glasses covered with a paper shield, and twisted the lid on the first bottle of Jack. Hesitating, your eyes flashed to the ice bucket. Yeah, I think so. 
Ice bucket in hand you made your way to the door, grabbing your room key and twisting the lock. As you open the door to step out, you glance down the hallway in search of the vending machines, but what you see is not the sight you were looking for. 
You see Y/N standing in front of Sam’s door, about to walk in. Your eyes meet quickly, as your grip on the ice bucket tightens. This is why she turned you down. For Sam.
Her eyes break from yours, glancing at the ice bucket in your hand and tossing you a sorrowful smile, just as she holds the card to the lock. Her eyes flash back up to yours, and you can still see that same look in them that she had earlier. She is sad. She looks away and steps inside, and as the door shuts behind you, you let out the breath that was caught in your chest at first sight of her. 
When will it be my door she walks through? Will it ever be?
You landed on your floor, and walked to your room to change out of your more professional outfit and into something a little more comfortable. It was a hot day, and changing out of the clothes you’d spent the day sweating in felt nice. You actually were very excited to shower the day off with Sam, and actually enjoy the shower itself. 
You grabbed a pair of jeans and tshirt for the morning walk of shame, and changed into a loose tank top and shorts for tonight. You headed back to the elevator, and up to Sam’s room. On the ride up, you texted him to let him know you were coming. 
You 12:09pm: Almost there! 
Keys 12:10pm: Shower’s hot. 
You 12:10pm: Good. So am I… 
Keys 12:11pm: Hurry up
The elevator doors opened, and you took off down the hallway toward his room, only to be met with Jake, again, walking back down the hall with an ice bucket in hand. You felt like your skull was full of lightning bolts, thoughts bouncing around in your head of what lie you could tell him to get out of this one. 
When his eyes met yours, his posture dropped. You didn’t need to lie. He knew exactly where you were going. Exactly why you turned down drinks. Neither of you said a word, just held eye contact as you walked slowly toward each other and approached your respective doors. You raised the key card to the handle, and it unlocked. You twisted the knob, and gave Jake one last longing look before slipping into Sam’s room. 
You dropped your things on the couch, and took a deep and cleansing breath. Jake just had to be in the hallway at that exact moment, didn’t he? Why did you keep lining up like this? You decided to shake the thought free, and suppress the vision of the look on his face when he realized where you were going. 
You heard the shower running in the bathroom, so you decided to give Sam a little show. You stripped down to nothing, and quietly opened the bathroom door. The shower glass was fogged up, but you could see the silhouette of his body inside. You pulled the handle on the thin glass of the door, and stepped inside. He wiped his face clean of the residual soap he was washing with, and opened his eyes to meet yours. 
“Hey.” You said with a smile. 
“Hey yourself.” He immediately pulled you into him, skin to skin, standing under the hot streams of the shower. “You killed it today, you know. You’re really a natural.” He began to lay his mouth on your neck. 
“Mmm, I dunno Sam. Everyone pretty much already knows exactly what to do and how to do it. I don’t do much.” You replied, tilting your head back to give him more access. 
“I guess…but you keep us on time and in touch. There’s got to be so much you do behind the scenes that no one ever notices.” He went on, turning you around and pulling his fingers through your hair to wet it. 
“I suppose so, but enough about me. Let’s talk about how you guys made me cry in front of all my new coworkers tonight.” You joked, but not really. 
“Ahh, I thought I saw you get a little emotional over there. Was it the Thunderstomp throwback?” he laughed, continuing to massage your scalp. 
“That’s definitely made it worse… I was already just...in awe of you guys. How you sounded. How you performed...it’s unreal Sam. I’m being serious.” 
“Well thanks, babe. I’m sorry you cried. I think happy tears are good for you, though.” He replied. You didn’t have the guts to tell them that they weren’t all happy tears. 
You finished up washing yourselves, and were left still standing in the shower, taking each other in. You brought your hands up to hold Sam’s face, and placed a genuine kiss to his lips. He smiled, and wrapped his arms around you again. He kissed you back, a bit harder this time. You began fighting each other for dominance through the kiss as it became more heated, and your hands began to search each other’s bodies. 
You felt yourself getting insanely turned on as Sam quickly backed you against the wall of the shower, and lifted one of your legs to rest over his hip. He tightened his jaw as he felt himself pressed against you, growing harder with each passing second. “God I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of how you feel...” he said through his clenched teeth. He began to grind against your now spread lips, and the friction was enough to drive you insane. He held you in place while he teased you with his tip, moving it from your clit to your entrance and back again, never fully pressing in. 
“Please Sam, I need you.” You pleaded, begging him to fill you. 
“Tell me what you need, baby. Talk to me.” He growled. 
“Fuck, I need you inside me. Can you?” You looked up at him, giving him the eyes you knew he couldn’t refuse. 
“Tell me why I should fuck you, hm? Give me a good reason...” he continued grinding hard against your clit, causing you to begin to see stars. 
“Because you did so good tonight...played so perfect…” you whimpered. 
He reached and grabbed your tit with his free hand, giving it a rewarding squeeze. 
“Yeah? You enjoyed yourself tonight? Liked watching me up there?” He twisted your nipple, eliciting a cry from your throat. 
“Yeah Sammy, I did like watching you...playing for all those people. So hot. All those screaming fans wishing they could have you…let you take them back to your room and have your way with them…” you spoke between breaths. 
Suddenly he separated from you and released your leg, spinning you around to lean your arms down on the seat in the shower. You bent in half, and looked back toward him. He laid a loud smack across your right ass cheek, spurring you on. 
“Keep going...” he ordered. 
“But you weren’t going to bring them back to your room, because you knew I would come. And I would fuck you just how you like…right Sammy?” You said, backing yourself against him, teasing him a little now. 
He let out a low growl, bringing his hands to your hips and pulling himself toward you. “Mmmmhm… but you did something you shouldn’t have, didn’t you angel?”
“And what is that?” you ask.
“I happened to see a sexy little picture on Jake’s phone… one that I’ve seen before…” he says, continuing to tease you.
“Mmmm… I may have sent it… Are you jealous Sammy?” you ask, pressing yourself back to him.
“No. Should I remind you who has you bent over in the shower with their cock inside you?” he says, pressing just the tip to your opening.
You decided to keep going. “I opened the photo you sent me during the show tonight…you looked so hot Sam...made me wet just looking at it…couldn’t take my eyes off of you all night.” he was teasing your entrance again. 
“Fuckkkkk me…” he huffed, letting himself enter you just a little bit. 
“Yeah Sam, please. Listen to yourself, falling apart for me, do it.” You stepped your legs apart a little and swayed your hips for him, giving him no choice but to give you what you wanted. Suddenly, you heard the shower turn off. 
You turned to face him, a devilish look painting his features.
“Go get on the bed. Don’t dry off.” He spoke sternly smacking your ass, and you had no choice but to do just that.
You watch as the ice starts to melt in the glass as you pour over the tiny bottle of warm Jack Daniels. Only giving it just enough time to chill before tossing it back and twisting the lid on the next. 
You listen as the TV drones on in the background, playing some crime investigation show that you haven’t been paying attention to. How could you after that? 
You wish you could silence the thoughts plaguing your mind. Wish you could drown them in the mini bottles of liquor now swirling through your bloodstream. But you can’t.
When the bottles are empty and your mind is fuzzy you retire to the bed, turning off the lamp and lowering the volume on the TV. As you scroll through your phone your eyelids become heavy and start to become harder and harder to hold open. 
Your eyes shot open. What was that? 
You sat up in your bed, looking around to find the source of the noise. Fucking hotels. The clock read 1:07 am.  You had only been asleep for about 15 minutes. Pushing your hair out of your face you shake your head and lay back down. You grab the remote, turning the TV off, and trying to close your eyes to find the sleep you were disturbed from. 
Thump. Thump.
“What the fuck…” you growl, but thats when you hear it. The muffled groan. 
Your eyes widen as you realize where the noise is coming from. Fuck me.
Then you hear it again, the stifled whine traveling through the wall from Sam’s room. Wait, are they fighting? A pitchy moan floats through the wall. Oh, they are not fighting…God, I should not be listening to this.
Grabbing the remote you turn the TV back on, hoping the noise will drown out the sex seeping in from next door. Fucking Sam, what an asshole. They could have at least gone to her room.
As you lay there staring at the TV screen you watch as the detectives cover a body with a tarp as you hear the repeated moans echoing through the walls. Shit, kill me too while you’re at it.
Turning the volume up further on the TV you placed a pillow over your head, and tried to go back to sleep. Letting the soft feather pillow rest over your face, you feel yourself starting to slip back into that sleepy state. As your eyes begin to shut you hear the headboard as it slams against the wall yet again. Jesus Christ, when did he get so much stamina?
You grab the pillow and throw it to the other side of the bed in frustration and that's when the final straw is snapped. The fucked out moan you can hear clear as day through the paper thin walls, ‘Sam…’ 
You grab your phone off of the nightstand, finding his contact and hitting call. It’s no surprise when it rings through to voicemail. Asshole. You sigh as you set the phone down, seeing the black room phone sitting on the stand next to the lamp. Ha...he can’t ignore that.
Flicking on the lamp you pick up the phone, and call in to the front desk. It rings in for a moment before the woman on the other end asks what she can do to help you. “Hey, this is Jake Kiszka in room 1109, could you please connect me to Sam Kiszka in room 1107?” you ask as politely as possible.
“Sure thing, have a great night.” she replies, transferring the call and letting it ring through. You pull the receiver away from your ear as you listen to hear his phone ringing next door. Got ya bitch.
“Hello?” he answers, voice thick with confusion.
“Good evening Samuel. Do you think you could keep it the fuck down over there?” you ask.
He clears his throat, “You can… hear… over there?” he asks nervously.
“Yeah, I can and if I have to hear one more thing, the next scream to leave your mouth will be the last when I come over there and make you the next victim on this late-night murder investigation show I'm watching.” you say, hanging up the phone. That should do it. 
Turning the lamp back off you adjust your pillows and roll to your side. The noise stopped after that and you found yourself falling back asleep, but it was not lost on you that the noises you were hearing were also coming from her. Does he make her happy? Does she even remember what it felt like to be with you? You wanted to be the reason she made those noises, not him. Would you ever get to do that again? You forced the thoughts out of your head and let the darkness carry your mind away to a place far, far from here.
Your alarm goes off right at 7:00, forcing your eyes open in panic. The room is bright, as the sun shines through from the window. The curtains left open in the haste of the evening. 
Turning your head you see Sam, still passed out next to you, clearly unaffected by the sound of the alarm. You smirk as you roll to your side, grabbing your phone and scrolling through your emails, trying to wake up your brain for another insane day of work. 
After a few minutes, you take one last look at Sam, sneak out of the bed and gather your clothes from the floor, sliding them back on as you search for your room key. You shut the door quietly behind you, as you make your way to the elevator pressing the call button to take you to your floor.
It dings as the doors open to reveal none other than Josh standing inside, steaming hot cup of coffee in his hand. 
“Good morning!” he says cheerily, voice still thick with sleep. 
“Hi Josh, looks like I don't need to knock on your door do I?” you laugh, pressing the 4th floor button until it’s illuminated. 
“Knock on my door?” he asks, sipping from the steaming cup.
“Oh, yeah I told Sam and Danny I would come knock on their doors when they needed to get up today. Like a wake up call kinda, but I don't need to wake them up for another hour or so. You guys have an interview at the venue this morning.” you answer. 
“Oh. We do?” he asks, brow furrowed.
You pulled out your phone and looked at the schedule for today. “Uh, yeah, right here. 11:00, it’s for Premier Guitar. Looks like it’s a Sam and Jake interview.”
“Oh, the guy for Rig Rundown?” he asks.
“Yeah, that's what it says in the notes.” you reply.
“Hmm… no one ever wants to hear about what the singer does…” he says dramatically ending with a wink and a smile.
“You and Danny have one later in the day, drama queen.”
The elevator descends slowly and you watch as the numbers start to count down.
“So if you don't have to wake them up for another hour, where were you coming from?” he asks, with a knowing smirk.
You cut your eyes at him, not wanting to answer his question. “Would you look at that, here's my floor...” you say stepping out into the hallway through the open doors. 
“Hey, wait.” he calls, holding the door open with his arm. You turn to look at him, sending him a questioning look.
“Can we… talk later?” he asks.
You swallow nervously as your mind tries to come up with an answer, “About what?”
He tilts his head in response and you know exactly what he wants to talk about. You let a sigh leave your chest as you concede, “Okay... Later.”
He smiles and removes his arm, taking a sip of his coffee and raising his eyebrow as the doors shut in front of him.
After a long shower and some primping you are feeling good and ready to tackle another day. You check your phone to see that it’s time to go wake up the rest of the guys to make sure they have enough time to get ready and be at the venue on time. 
Pressing the button for the elevator you make your way to Danny’s room first, knocking on the door twice and waiting for some type of confirmation that he was awake. After a minute or two you heard the lock twist and the door open, to see a mess of curls and tired eyes. 
“Good morning…” he groans. “How long do I have? Is there coffee?” he asks.
“You have about an hour until we need to meet downstairs. Yes there is coffee.” you answer.
He drags his hand over his face and groans as he nods his head. “Thank you. Really. I will see you shortly.” he smiles, and you turn on your heels heading back to the elevator. 
Stepping off on floor eleven, you try to decide if you should wake Sam first or Jake first, knowing that both had a very late night, and are not particularly morning people. Picking the lesser of the two evils you head to Sam’s door, tapping the key to the lock and letting it open.
He is almost exactly how you left him, except the blankets have been shoved down to the foot of the bed, the heat of the sun shining in, warming the room. You sit on the edge of the bed, and grab his leg, shaking it gently to try and wake him. “Sammy…” you whisper.
A groan leaves his chest, “Not yet…” he whines, throwing a pillow over his eyes.
“I let you sleep as long as I could…you have to get up or you’re going to be late.” you say softly.
“Ugh… you sound like my mother…” he says.
You stand up and walk to his side of the bed, hovering over top of him as your hands cage in his head. You lean down and press a kiss to the side of his neck, hoping that it would at least get him to open his eyes, and like magic it works.
His dark brown eyes flutter open quickly raking over you as his lips turn into a smile.
“Damn, you look gorgeous, did you do something different to your hair?” he asks, reaching up to run his fingers through the silky smooth locks.
You laugh as you stand up, “I had some time this morning so I gave myself a blowout, why do you like it?” you ask.
“Yeah… you look…hot.” he smiles, sitting up in the bed and grabbing your hand pulling you towards him. “How much time do we have again?” he asks suggestively.
“Not enough…now get up and get in the shower. I’ll see you downstairs in an hour. Please be on time…” you say making your way back to the door. 
“Where are you going?” he asks.
“Next door. I have to wake up your brother.” you answer.
Guilt shoots through him as he remembers the events of the evening, “Probably not so sexy of a wake up call for him though, huh?” 
You laugh, “No, probably not Sam. Just you.” you say in a mocking tone, letting the door shut behind you.
You nervously walk the few steps to his door, as the memory of his face last night flashes through your brain. If you had just been 2 minutes earlier he wouldn’t have seen you walking into Sam’s room. You swallow shakily as you lift your hand to knock on the heavy wooden door. 
You stand there anxiously, waiting to see if you can hear any sign of life on the other side. When you hear nothing, you decide to knock again, this time being met with the door being thrown open and an irritated Jake on the other side. 
His face softens as he realizes it’s you and he swallows back the harsh words that were about to leave his lips. 
Your eyes travel up the length of his body as he stands there leaning against the door frame in just his sweats. You cast your eyes to the floor as you try to speak the twenty different thoughts swirling through your brain, “Umm… hey… I just…I woke up the rest of the guys… you have an interview later…just didn’t want you to oversleep. I didn’t mean to bother you…I didn’t even ask you if you wanted a wake up call, did I? You probably didn’t…I’m sorry… I was just next door and I thoug–” you stammered before he stopped you.
“Hey. Relax. It’s fine. Thanks for waking me up. Just use a key next time so I don’t have to get out of bed. I’m hungover as fuck, is there coffee downstairs anywhere?” he grumbles, rubbing his face.
You blink blankly at him as your brain searches for any words, “Uhh, yeah. Yes. There is. I can have room service send some up if you want.” you say pulling your phone from your back pocket.
“No, no it’s okay, I can get it. Thank you though. Thanks for waking me. What time do I need to be down there?” he asks.
You check the time on your phone, “Like… 45 minutes.” you answer, biting your lip.
His eyes meet yours, and he smiles softly as he nods his head, “Thank you.” You nod in return, turning to walk back to the elevator, and stepping inside as the doors opened. But as the doors began to close you noticed him still standing in his doorway, watching you leave. Your eyes meeting his and never breaking away until the doors slid shut. 
Your foot bounces nervously on the lobby floor as you wait for the guys to begin trickling down stairs. You check the time on your phone as texts and emails continue to pour in. Danny is the first to meet you, taking a seat next to you on the small couch. 
“I’m not surprised you’re the first one down.” you laugh.
“Yeah, I am usually the one doing the wake up calls, it was nice to be the recipient this time.” he smiles.
A few minutes later you see Sam strolling out of the elevator, fresh from the shower, hair still wet and slicked back, just barely touching the collar of his white shirt. 
“My two favorite people!” he says, positioning himself on the chair across from you.
“Ready for your big interview?” you ask.
“Oh, yeah, we have done this with him before, but this time my bass actually has strings.” he laughs. “But, I had an idea and I will need your help…” he says, wiggling his eyebrows.
He spends the next ten minutes telling you and Danny about his hairbrained idea involving a tiny table and chairs and a bottle of vodka, both of you erupting in laughter. You shoot a quick text to one of the crew members, trying to coordinate those details for him knowing it will add some comedy to an otherwise monotonous interview. 
Summer is the next one down, sitting next to Danny and immediately starting up an overly animated conversation.
The elevator dings and you all turn your heads to see Josh and Jake walking out of the elevator together, your breath catching in your throat as your eyes meet Jakes.
He looks so…good. Dressed in a black button up, sans buttons, a navy blue blazer, and a pair of loose fitting jeans, he looked perfectly disheveled. Mature. Expensive. Much different from the guy you knew a few years ago in ripped jeans and cut off t-shirts. But as he approached you, you could smell him. His cologne leaving a trail behind him as he walked, spicy and warm and positively intoxicating. You swallowed harshly trying to keep your composure as you let the scent fill your nose. 
“We ready to go?” Josh asked, looking around at the group.
You stood up from the couch, clutching your iPad, “Yeah, the van was here like twenty minutes ago.” you laugh.
“Some of us needed a little extra sleep this morning. Didn’t sleep well last night. Thin walls, you know?” Jake says, tossing a bitter look to Sam.
Sam’s face turns pale as he stands up and walks towards the door heading for the van. Guilt washes through you as you follow the rest of them out the doors and into the bright sun.
You all pile into the van, and thankfully the drive is short, as Summer has not stopped talking since the doors shut. All of the guys were being far too polite and were too hungover to tell her to stop. You spend most of the ride responding to emails and running over the itinerary for the day and before you know it you are pulling into the back of the venue. As you all step out, the guys linger waiting to be told where they need to be. 
“Okay, Jake and Sam, John with Premier Guitar will be here in about 45 minutes to start the interview. Sam I already talked to Mike and he is getting your little table ready. Josh and Daniel, the interviewer from 105.9 will be here at 12:30. After that you’re free to do whatever you need to do. Summer, if you want to just kind of float around and get some photos of the guys, you are good to do your own thing. Any questions?” you ask.
They all nod their heads and break off towards the green room as you and Summer walk towards the stage to check on the progress. 
“Was your room okay last night?” you ask, trying to make small talk.
She holds her camera up to her eye, checking her settings as she turns to you, “Yeah, it was really nice. How about yours?”
“Oh, yeah, the rooms are great. Hoping to get better sleep tonight though. Looking forward to another jam-packed day, first.” you laugh.
Looking over her shoulder she checks her surroundings, “Okay was it just me or was Jake looking extra good this morning? Did you smell him? Ugh, I hope he never buttons his shirts ever again.” she giggles.
You laugh, “He looked pretty hungover to me…”
“But you have to admit he's hot though…” she says, holding the camera up to her eye, snapping the capture button.
“Our boss? Jake?” you say, condescendingly.
“Ugh… objectively then. Just as a man.” she says.
“Yes, objectively as a man he is attractive, but he’s still our boss and has the ability to fire us for any reason he sees fit. I think it would be smart to keep that in mind, you know?” you quip.
“Yeah, yeah… I hear you.” she smiles, before scurrying off to the soundbooth.
You shake your head as you climb the stairs to the stage, looking to make sure the table and chairs are set in the back for Sam. When you see the tiny table and the drinks you laugh, ready to see how his little vision will play out later. 
Walking back down the steps you thank the crew for assisting with the last minute addition before making your way to the green room. You check the time on your phone, seeing that the interviewer will be here any minute. Jake and Sam were lounging on the couch, nursing their hangovers with none other than more alcohol.
You shake your head as you address them, “Are you two ready?”
Sam stands up and slides his black loafers back on, as he tries to crack his knuckles, “Yeah I’m ready if he is.” he says motioning to Jake, who is sipping from his paper cup, sunglasses sitting low on his nose.
“Alright alright…Yes, I’m ready.” he says, pushing his sunglasses up and tossing back the rest of his drink. He stands to meet Sam and fixes his blazer and shirt, making himself look less hungover and more presentable. 
A knock at the door has your head snapping to meet it, as you reach for the handle. You’re met with the sight of an older man, who you’re assuming was here to interview them, with a bag full of mics and a camera team.
“Hey, I’m John with Premier Guitar. You guys ready!?” he asks excitedly.
Suddenly Jake steps forward, his entire demeanor changing as he becomes a more polished and clean version of himself, shaking hands with the man like they were old friends. Jake led him and his crew out to the stage, as you and Sam followed closely behind. 
“Geeze, that was weird, he just…turned on.” you say to Sam.
He rolled his eyes, “Yeah, he does that… Mr. Popularity… I tell ya…” he says. “Alright, see you in a bit.” he says, squeezing your hand before climbing up the stairs to the stage.
You watch from the side stage, as Jake talks intently about his passion, explaining the ins and outs of his set up, the ideas he came up with for the sound and the way he intends things to be heard. It’s incredibly addicting watching him speak so passionately about what he loves. You have a hard time tearing your eyes away from him as you watch him demonstrate the different pedals and effects, pouring his soul into every note. 
You weren’t sure how much time had passed as you watched, but when a gentle hand made its way to your shoulder you were snapped from your moment of weakness.
“Oh, hi.” you say, turning to see Josh.
“Having fun?” he asks with a knowing tone.
“Just… making sure everything is running smoothly.” you answer.
“Right, right. That's all, hmm?” he asks with a wink.
You shake your head, “What’s up?” 
“Come walk with me, wanna talk to you.” he says, gesturing to follow him.
“Right now? They are right in the middl–” you start.
“Exactly, let’s go.” he says, raising his eyebrows.
With a huff, you follow after him, meeting his stride as you head back towards the dressing rooms. 
He steps inside, shutting the door behind you and taking a seat on the couch. You place your iPad on the table and sit down across from him. 
“Okay, what’s up, are you firing me?” you laugh.
He laughs his genuine laugh, “No, of course not. You’re doing spectacular. No, I want to talk about… something else.”
You feel your palms start to sweat, and suddenly you know what he wants to talk about.
“Okay…” you reply nervously.
“How long are you two going to do this?” he asks.
“Do what?” you ask.
He tilts his head, “Come on Y/N, you know what. The back and forth, the subtle glances, the longing for each other from across the room…”
You let out a sigh,“I don’t think it’s like that between us anymore…I don’t think he feels… the same way anymore.” you offer.
A scoff leaves his chest, “Open your eyes Y/N. That man is deeply, deeply in love with you. Has been since he was sixteen years old. I think it’s safe to say he feels the same way as he always has.”
“He just broke up with Sophia, and… I don’t know, I thought maybe we would talk after all of that happened, but… we haven’t and… I’m just… waiting. I don’t know what for…I guess I just don’t want to mess things up. Tour just started. I don’t know Josh, everything is a mess. And really, truly he hasn’t really given me any indication that he wants to talk. Although… I guess he did ask to get drinks last night…”
“And… did you?” he asks, shocked.
“No.” you say looking at the floor.
“What? Why not?” he asks.
“Well… I had already made plans with Sam.” you reply.
He drags his hand across his face, “Shit Y/N…”
“Do you love him?” he asks.
“Who Sam!?” you ask, looking at him like he's crazy.
“No, Jake.” he replies.
You pause for a moment, your eyes searching his as you answer, “Of course I do, Josh. I never stopped.”
“So what are you waiting for? Go to him!” he urges.
“I can’t! It’s not that simple!” you say, raising your voice.
“It is! Cut things off with Sam and go talk to Jake! He needs you, and you’re torturing him. He is waiting for you!” he begs.
“He’s waiting for me? I’ve been waiting for him.” you breathe, almost a whisper.
“Yeah. He is. And in the meantime it’s killing him to watch you with Sam.” he says.
“He saw me…last night. I turned him down in the lobby. I really wanted to go with him, but I couldn’t just ditch Sam. He’s been there for me a lot lately, he means a lot to me, you know? Anyways, I felt terrible. Awful actually. But I went to Sam’s room, and as I was unlocking the door, Jake coming out of his room at the exact moment. He knew I turned him down for Sam. I wanted to disintegrate.” you say.
“I know. He texted me about it…Drank half of the mini bar because of it. Like I said, you’re torturing him.” he quipped. “You two need to talk. Seriously.”
“I know. I’m just scared Josh.” you admit.
“Don’t be scared, all he wants to do is love you.” he says.
“I’m not the same person I used to be. What if he doesn’t like who I am now?” you ask.
“He has loved every version of you he’s ever met, Y/N.” he offers.
You nod your head as you try to blink away the tears forming in your eyes. 
“You are the only thing he has ever wanted, apart from this.” he says motioning around him. “Now he has it, but what is all of this without you? This will never be enough for him. He needs you.”
A single tear streaks down your face, as your walkie talkie beeps on your shoulder. ‘Y/N can you meet us at the soundbooth?’
“I have to go.” you say standing up and wiping away the tear.
“Okay, please, just think about what I said. Just talk to him.” he begs.
You swallow back the lump in your throat, “I will. Promise.” and with that you’re out the door. 
As you hear it slam behind you, a shaky breath releases from your chest, just as Sam and Jake come barreling down the hallway. You do your best to put on a happy face as you see them, but you can see Jake’s smile drop as he meets your gaze. 
Sam tries to stop you but you push past, “I have to go to the soundbooth but I’ll be right back okay?” Sam tosses you a concerned look but you ignore it, knowing if you turned around you would break down completely. 
With only five minutes until the show began, you started to run through your final checklist, making sure everyone was dressed and ready, and had everything they needed. Again tonight you got to stand by and watch their pre show ritual, your heart instantly flooded with pride, just the same as last night. 
You stand by the door as they file out one by one, checking to make sure their outfits are perfect. Josh first, then Danny, followed by Sam.
“Spin, let me see you.” you say, causing Sam to twirl in a circle with his topo chico in hand. 
“Oh, let me fix your pants.” you say squatting down to smooth out the baby blue fabric on his leg. 
“There. Off you go.” you say, swatting his butt with the iPad in your hand. 
Finally, Jake walks out of the door, and as you check his outfit you see his collar flipped up again. “Hey, wait...” you say, the crowd roaring in the distance.
He turns to face you, swallowing as his eyes meet yours. “Your collar…again.” you smile, focusing on the fabric, folding it into place, letting your hand slide down his lapel ever so slightly. He turns and repositions his jacket, throwing his hair over his shoulders before turning back to you “Am I good?” he asks innocently, eyes searching yours.
Your eyes flick back up to meet his, “You’re perfect.” you breathe.
You watch as the sides of his lips turn upwards, as he tries to stifle back a smile.
He turns to catch up with the guys, looking over his shoulder at you once more before climbing the stairs to the stage.
You toss your head back onto the wall and sigh, continuing to think about what Josh said earlier. He was right, you really didn’t know what you were waiting for. 
You would talk to him. Tonight. 
Somehow the show tonight was even better than the night before. While you’re sure it had something to do with the show being recorded tonight, part of you wants to believe they will just get better and better with every show under their belt. Josh’s vocals were incredible, nailing each note with perfect precision, and making it look easy.
Your eyes were once again drawn to Jake as he played through the set putting every ounce of effort he had into the performance. He lived for this, and it was very apparent in the passion he poured into each show. Every so often you would peel your eyes away from his hands working the strings, and focus on Sam, vying for the attention of the girls on the barricade screaming his name. You shook your head and smiled at the looks he would give them. He is such a flirt. 
When the guys rushed off stage before the encore, it was a flurry of hands, towels and water flying past your face as they all ran to the bathrooms. Quickly they returned one by one, preparing for the last 20 minutes of the show. 
Pulling his jacket back over his arms, you watched the sweat continue to pour down Jake's stomach meeting the top of his pants. As you watched it drip you caught yourself, forcing your eyes back up to his face, only to be caught in the act. 
A sly smile crossed his lips as he repositioned his guitar over his body, raising his eyebrows at you quickly before striding back onto the stage.
Shit. What was that?
The rest of the show was magnetic and you positively could not pull your eyes away from Josh as he gave the crowd everything he had. As the last notes rang through the venue you stood to the side, watching the guys rush past you one by one with haste as they made their way back to the green room. 
You left the crew to do their thing and begin breaking down the set, as you start to run through the inventory checklist backstage, checking off each item as it was placed into its case. As you make your way towards the dressing rooms, you instruct the crew to hang their white coveralls in the travel case to be dry cleaned. Stepping into the main green room you see everyone standing around enjoying a much deserved drink, talking and laughing over the success of the show. 
“Hey guys, you sounded amazing tonight! The van should be here in about 15 minutes to take you back to the hotel, so if you will just hang your suits in the case outside the door, I will send them off to be dry cleaned.”
They all nod in agreement, turning back to their conversations. Sam walks over to you, throwing his arm over your shoulder planting a kiss on your cheek. “You did it! Your first shows are done and dusted.” he smiles.
You wrap your arm around his waist, and laugh, “Well, I still have to make sure the rest of the crew gets the stage and everything packed up before I am done, but you guys are free to go when the van gets here. No need to wait on me.” you smile.
“Nonsense. We’re staying, right guys?” he asks, pulling you closer into his side.
“Yeah, we don’t have anywhere to be, as long as there is alcohol we are set.” Josh answers with a laugh. 
“Okay, it shouldn't be too long I don’t think…” you say, releasing yourself from Sam's grip. “I’ll go check and see what the progress looks like and report back.”
You excuse yourself from the room, mind a blur as the image of Jake’s still sweaty body sat lounging on the leather couch. Shit, will I ever get used to that?
Returning to the stage you see that the crew is practically finished, just loading the pieces into the semi. You talk with the crew, releasing them for the night once they are finished, and telling them you would send them the schedule for tomorrow as soon as you could.
About twenty minutes later you are walking back into the green room to see that everyone had changed into their normal clothes, hanging their suits just like you asked. As you took a survey of the room you saw Sam and Danny chatting in the corner, Josh looking at his phone and Jake talking intently to Summer, who was practically perched in his lap as she spoke to him.
Your brow furrowed as you watched them, deeply engrossed in what each other was saying. You couldn’t fully hear their conversation, but you could see the pink in Jake’s cheeks as he laughed and smiled at her words. You could see the twinkle in her eyes as she continued to flirt with him, starting a fire in your chest. Maybe he does like her…
You turn your attention to Josh, “You ready to get out of here?” you ask.
He turns his head to look at Jake and Summer before answering you. “Yeah, probably should. Give any thought to what I said earlier?”
“Yeah, I did… I thought maybe I would talk to him tonight but now I don't know… He seems a little… preoccupied.” you respond.
“Ahh…He’s just being nice, don’t worry about her. He only has eyes for you.” he smiles as he stands up. “Alright boys, let's go!” he says, getting the attention of the other guys.
You make your way over to Sam, letting him pull you into his lap wrapping his arms around your waist as you laugh. You see Jake's eyes flash over to yours, connecting briefly as Sam whispers into your ear, pressing a kiss to the side of your head as he continues his conversation with Danny. Jake’s face drops, the sudden rosy quality of his face draining away to a pale shade that made you feel sick. 
You didn’t want Summer to see the interaction between you and Sam so you quickly stood up, and made your way over to the door, opening it for everyone as they started to gather their things. Summer was the first out, camera bag in hand and completely oblivious to your moment with Sam. Jake followed after her, stopping to let Danny and Josh walk out before him.
As they filed out you shut the door behind yourself, wondering if Josh was actually right about Jake. Was he really still in love with you? He looked awfully cozy with Summer… 
No. No more excuses. You were going to talk to him. You didn’t know how, but you knew you had to.
Walking to catch up with Josh you leaned closer to whisper into his ear, “Did you see that shit Sam pulled? Why does he do that right in front of me? Does he think this is some kind of game?” you asked.
“Ahh… he probably saw how comfortable you looked with Summer and thought you wouldn’t mind.” he answers, raising his eyebrow.
“She came to talk to me… what was I supposed to do?” you ask.
“She did not come to talk to you Jacob. She was flirting with you. Even Y/N noticed.” he says.
“She did?” you asked, rubbing your jaw nervously.
“Yeah…Hey listen I talked to her today…” he starts just as you arrive at the van. 
“And… what? What did she say?” you beg, turning him to face you.
The van driver begins to talk to him and he gets distracted from your conversation, “Josh. What did she say?” you demand.
He looks around, not making eye contact with you, “Now isn’t a good time. I will tell you later. Promise.” he says, stepping into the van.
You climb in after him, pulling your phone from your pocket to distract yourself from the sight of her and Sam sitting in front of you. Summer climbs in taking the seat next to you and smiling at you as she settles her camera bag onto her lap. As the van begins to drive away she pulls her camera from its case and starts to flip through the photos from the night. You peer over her shoulder as you see shot after shot of yourself playing.
Damn, those are kinda good…
Every few photos she would pat your thigh to get your attention, sending a shiver up your spine as she would show you a particularly good shot. Much of the van ride was silent, apart from the few ‘ooo’s’ that would leave her mouth as she looked through her shots. 
As the van pulled up outside the hotel you all filed out, you and Josh being the last ones out. Summer walked ahead as you stayed back to try and get Josh to finish what he was trying to tell you earlier.
“Okay, tell me. What did you two talk about.” you ask.
He sighs as he answers, “Well… you.” 
You look ahead to find her, and see her walking into the elevator. “Yeah, and…” you urge.
The doors shut, leaving the two of you waiting for the next elevator. 
“I think it would be better if you heard it from her. She wants to talk, Jake. She told me.” he says.
The doors open to the elevator, and the both of you walk in, pressing the buttons for your respective floors, as the doors shut once again. 
“Okay but when?” you ask desperately. 
“I don't know Jake, but I think it will be soon.” he says, as the doors open on his floor. “Just be patient. Call me if you need me.” he says, stepping out and walking away.
God damnit. You were done being patient. Should you go to her? Should you wait for her to come to you?
Tapping your key card to your door you step inside and throw yourself onto the bed with a sigh. Fucking hell what an exhausting day.
As you lay there running your hands over your face you feel your phone buzz in your pocket. Removing a hand from your face you reach into the pocket and retrieve your phone.
Summer 11:48pm : Some of us are going to the bar downstairs, wanna come?
You practically drained the mini bar last night, why not? Maybe Y/N will be there.
You 11:50pm: Sure, be there shortly.
Summer 11:51pm: :)
After a few minutes freshening up in the bathroom you make your way back down to the lobby and over into the bar. You see Danny and Summer sitting at the bar chatting and walk over to join them.
“Hey man, didn’t think you were gonna make it.” Danny says facetiously.
“Ahh Daniel… You know I can’t turn down a good stiff drink after a long show.” you laugh.
You take a seat next to Summer, and order a Glenlivet on the rocks, sipping the spicy liquid from the rim of the glass.
After a little rundown of the show the conversation quickly turns into Danny telling Summer every embarrassing story about you that he can come up with. Summer is full of laughter, patting your knee and smiling as she listens intently to Danny’s stories. 
You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or exhaustion but, the more you got to talk to her and get to know her, you were starting to enjoy her company. She is kind of pretty…she has a great smile. 
You found yourself listening closer as she spoke, and genuinely laughing at her jokes. After two more scotch’s Daniel retired to bed, leaving you and Summer at the bar, still sipping away as the conversation flowed. 
As she grabbed her glass from the bar top, the condensation pooling under her fingers causing her glass to slip, spilling the mojito all over herself.
“Shit!” she exclaimed, grabbing the tiny cocktail napkins from the counter and pressing them to her now soaked shirt.
“Here let me grab you some more napkins.” you say reaching over the bartop.
“Actually, want me to run up and grab you a dry shirt? I have a few spares.” you offer.
Her eyes flash over to yours, “Are you sure you don't mind?”
“No, not at all.” you say, standing a little too quickly, causing your head to spin. 
“Actually, do you mind if I come with you? I’d love to be able to wash this off a little bit.” she asks.
“Uh, sure, no problem.” you say, leading the way.
She follows you into the elevator, her wet shirt clinging to her body, and you find that you’re having a hard time peeling your eyes away from her chest.
You swallow heavily as the doors open, and you let her walk out in front of you, telling her the room number as you make your way to the door. You tap your card to the lock, letting it open and guiding her inside. 
“Bathroom is right there, use anything you need.” you offer, walking over to your suitcase looking for a shirt. 
Finding the one you were looking for you turn around to see her stepping back out of the bathroom, but the wet shirt is gone, and she’s approaching you in just her bra. 
You quickly turn around, trying to give her privacy, only to be met with a giggle from across the room. 
“You don’t have to turn around Jake…I’m not shy…” she says.
“Just trying to give you some privacy.” you stammer.
“It’s just a bra, it’s not like I’m naked…” she laughs. “It’s okay, really. You can turn around. I know you want to…”
You press your lips together, biting them between your teeth as you turn to face her. She’s right. You do want to turn around. You hand her the t-shirt and like magnets, your eyes are drawn to her chest and the curve of her breasts spilling over her black bra. 
She watches you as you take her in, finding your mind wandering to a place you least expected it to. She slides the shirt over her head, never breaking eye contact with you as you step closer to her. 
“Well, how does it look?” she asks, stepping closer to you. 
You feel your phone vibrate in your pocket as you slide your hands around her waist. 
Her hands come to rest at the opening of your shirt, sliding up your chest and behind your neck.
“A perfect fit, I’d say. But I almost liked it better, off. ” you say, voice thick with lust.
She reaches down, grabbing the hem of the shirt, tossing it onto the bed behind you leaving her in just her bra in front of you.
Your thumbs circle the smooth skin of her stomach as she repositions herself in front of you, pulling your face closer to hers. 
“Better?” she whispered against your lips.
“Yeah, I think so.” you answer confidently, pressing your lips to hers, tasting the mint from her mojitos on her lips. You pull away quickly, testing the waters before kissing her again, this time a little harder. 
The kiss becomes more furious, your tongue tangling with hers as her hands wind into your hair. She steps backwards pulling you towards the bed, as you trail sloppy kisses down her neck and chest, pushing her towards the bed. 
“Did you like the pictures I took of you tonight, Jake?” she asked, voice thick with lust.
“Mmmmhm…” you groaned, as she fell beneath you.
She falls backwards as you kneel over her, trailing kisses over the curve of her breasts.
“You looked so good. So sexy. I couldn’t stop…” she breathes. 
She grabs your hand to place it over the cup of her bra, guiding you to grab at her curvy flesh. You return your mouth to hers, deepening the kiss, as your fingers slide the strap of her bra down her shoulder. 
“Do you want to fuck me Jake?” she asks in a breathy tone. 
Just as you go to answer her you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket again and you pull away from her and kneel on the bed, quickly looking to see who it was. 
You look back to Summer, waiting for you to return your lips to hers, and answer her question. Right then you felt a pang in your chest. What are you doing? You are making a huge mistake. You stand up from the bed, adjusting your pants as you open the message. 
LD 12:03am : Hey, are you still up? Can we talk?
Your heart sinks into your stomach as you read it. No…Fuck. What shit timing. 
Your eyes flick back to Summer. She has to leave, right now.
Leaning away from her, you push yourself up off of the bed, fixing your shirt and wiping your lips. 
“I’m sorry, we can’t do this.” you say stepping back and pacing across the room. 
“What do you mean?” she asks.
“We work together, we can’t hook up. We shouldn’t have done this.” you answer. 
“What’s the big deal Jake? It doesn’t have to turn into anything. No one has to know. Can be our little secret.” she smirks.
“No. It can’t. You’re here to do your job, and I am here to do mine. If you’re not capable of that, I will find someone else to do it.” you say sternly.
She sits up, pulling the t-shirt over her head, covering herself back up as she stands up from the bed. “Damn I guess Y/N was right…did you turn her down too?” she asks sarcastically. 
“What?” you ask.
“Y/N told me not to bother with you, that you only cared about work. I thought she was just trying to scare me off… Guess she was right afterall. What a shame…” she says, grabbing her purse from the chair. 
She does care…
“Summer, you are a beautiful girl but this just can’t happen between us. I really am sorry, okay? I don’t want to hurt your feelings, I just think we need to keep things professional for the sake of the tour.” you say, trying your best to calm the fire. 
“Sure Jake…whatever you say… I’ll see you in the morning.” she says, shutting the door behind her. 
Oh my god, what a nightmare. 
How could you be so stupid? Worst of all you weren’t even enjoying it. 
You open the message reading it again. ‘Can we talk?’ Your mind was reeling. You were in no shape to try and talk to her, even though that’s all you wanted to do. The scotch was still working its way through your system, and you knew she deserved more than your half drunk confession. 
You needed to text her back. At least tell her you wanted to, just not tonight. You walked over to the mini bar, pulling out the only remaining bottles. Tequila. 
You walked over to the door, flipping the lock and kicking off your shoes. You stripped down to your boxers and made your way into the bed, mini bottles in tow. You twisted the lid on the first tossing it down as you reopened the text. What should you say?
Typing in the message you hover over the send button, but quickly delete the thought. No. That’s not right. 
You shoot down the next bottle and place it on the nightstand, turning off the lamp. You settle down into the pillows and push your hair from your face. Okay. Let’s try again. 
The screen was starting to become blurry as the tequila entered your bloodstream. You were having a hard time focusing and you could feel the sleep creeping into your body. Your eyes began to close as your thumb hovered over the button. 
Just send the message Jake. 
Just hit send. 
The next morning, everyone began piling into the vans to head back home bright and early. Light chatter filled the cabin, everyone still feeling the effects of the long few days. Exhausted, you begin looking around to do another head count. It was starting to feel like you were a preschool teacher counting your students every 5 minutes. 
Most of the crew was accounted for…but of course, only ¾ of the actual band members. “Where is Jake?” You asked, walking over to them standing by the door of the van. 
“He’ll be here, you know how he is.” Josh said, not looking up from his phone. You glanced at the time, with a sigh.
“We don’t have time for that, we’re leaving in 15 minutes. I have to get the crew home, they have other places to be.” You spat, aggravated. You stood for another minute or two, and decided to take matters into your own hands. 
“Fine. I will go get him myself.” you said, making your way back inside. Luckily, you hadn’t turned in the keycards to the front desk. 
You make the trek up to his room, suddenly feeling anxious again as you approach the door. ‘Just use a key next time so I don’t have to get out of bed’ running through your mind. 
Well, I need him to get out of bed. You pressed the key to the lock, hearing it release. You closed your eyes, and took a breath. You put just your face inside the door, trying not to look around. 
“Jake? Hey… We gotta go, it’s time.” You said softly. 
You peeked inside a little more, seeing his hair splayed out on the bed. Still asleep, of course. 
You decided to walk in a little further, closing the door softly behind you. He had his back to the door, laying on his side. His body was wrapped around two or three pillows and he was in nothing but his black boxers. Your chest tightened at the sight. It felt strange seeing him this way, asleep and completely vulnerable. 
“Jake…” You tried again. Dead asleep. 
You walked around the other side of the bed, still feeling like you were intruding, but also taking in the sight of him. You had always loved watching him sleep, his features even more relaxed than they usually were. His eyelids jumping back and forth while he dreamed, his lips parted slightly as he breathed. You wondered what he was dreaming about, secretly wishing it was you. 
You would admit that you were upset that he didn’t text you back last night, but it was late, and he had to have been completely drained. But still you held out hope.
You came around to face his front, seeing that he still had his phone in his hand. He fell asleep reading my text? Maybe he had seen it? As you grabbed it from his hand you placed it on the nightstand, but it was then that you really took in the state of his room. Clothes everywhere, and tons of empty bottles lying scattered across the bedside table and floor. As realization hit you, your mood shifted leaving you angry and confused. What is wrong with him?
“JACOB!” You yelled, finally feeling bold enough to shake him physically on the arm. “Wake up! We’ve got to go!” 
His eyes finally began to open as he woke up. When he saw that it was you waking him up, the smallest smile formed on his face, melting you into a puddle. 
He finally opened his eyes all the way, and stretched his muscles, straightening his legs down the length of the bed revealing more of him than you ever thought you’d see this morning. 
“Mmm” he groaned, his face stretching into a smile. “Hey.”
“Hey, I’m sorry to wake you, but we’re running really late. I need you to get downstairs and loaded up.” you say.
His eyes widen, and he searches for his phone. “Shit, I’m sorry. I must’ve slept through my alarm.” He said, rolling off the other side of the bed and walking into the bathroom.
“You probably didn’t even set one, seeing as how you killed the mini bar again last night, hmm?” You said with bitterness in your voice. 
He breathed a sigh of agitation, with himself or with you, you weren’t sure. 
You gave him a second of privacy in the bathroom, and he stumbled back out into the room, holding his head. 
“Hungover?” You asked, already knowing the answer. You could spot hungover Jake a mile away. Definitely. 
“A little I suppose.” He spoke quietly, suddenly looking defeated. 
“Jake, I know everything’s...not really…okay right now. You just went through a bad breakup and...nothing’s ideal but, you seem off, and it’s only the start of the tour. I don’t want to interject, but I...I really don’t like seeing you like this. We all need you to take care of yourself, you know? This thing doesn’t work without you.” You said, speaking in white lies, but needing something to get him to talk a little. After all, you didn’t get to last night. 
He scoffed, picking up various items and throwing them in his suitcase while you stood watching. “Look, I had every intention of talking to you last night. But by the time you texted, I had already drank way too much…I was halfway asleep, and I…I don’t know. It felt...” he trailed off.
You raised your eyebrows, waiting for the rest. 
He conceded, “I don’t really know it just felt like the wrong time. I was…” he stalled. 
“Just one word, Jake. That’s all I need.” You spoke quietly. 
He hesitated hard, until he finally spoke, “Scared, I guess? Nervous?” 
You were lost for words. Why was he scared to talk to me? Had we really fallen that far away from each other? 
Your eyes met his for a second and your heartbeat began to race. “I don’t know. We can…talk about it later? Can you…can you just help me throw some of this shit in my bag so we can get out of here?” He asked, still rushing around in slow motion. 
You snapped away from your thoughts. “Yeah, sure.” 
You began picking up various clothing items from the floor, and as you made your way around the bed, you spotted something that looked out of place. Is that? You picked up a woman’s shirt from the floor, holding it up to inspect it. Your gut sank. This is what Summer was wearing last night. 
“This yours?” You asked, dangling the shirt from your finger. 
He turned around to see you holding it up, and he immediately let his head fall back as he sighed. “Fuck.”
“Fuck is right.” You tossed the shirt onto the bed, and felt your head become fuzzy with rage. Was anything he just said true? “I guess I see why you were scared to come and talk to me last night.”
He slowly walks over to you, “No…Y/N, I swear it’s not what it-”
“It’s not what it looks like?” you say cutting him off.  “Seeing your photographer’s shirt on your floor? I think it’s exactly what it looks like, Jake.” You were spitting fire towards him. You decided you needed to get out of that room as quickly as you could. 
“I’m sorry I interrupted your night.” You said with your back turned to him. “We’re leaving here in five minutes, with or without you.” and with that, you slammed the door shut behind you. 
Your heart was pounding out of your chest. Oh fuck, what did I do? Do I go after her? Do I let her go? What the fuck was I thinking?
You quickly shove everything into your suitcase, cursing yourself with every movement. God damnit I have fucked up. 
Looking around the room to make sure you had everything you really took in the mess. The entire trash can was filled with mini bottles and they were scattered across every open surface. Shit. Maybe she was right. I do need to get my life together. 
You won her heart once, you knew you could do it again, and that's exactly what you were going to do. You had to.
Quickly pulling on whatever clean clothes you could find you zipped your suitcase and were rushing out the door, and downstairs to the van. 
As you made your way to the door, Josh threw it open and jumped out, helping you load your suitcase into the back. 
“The fuck man?” he asks.
“Didn’t set an alarm. My mistake.” you answer.
“Well, all the good seats are taken, so you’re in the back with me now.” he says, closing the back door. 
You slide into the van, eyes searching for Y/N, and finding her next to Sam in the middle row. She doesn’t look at you, or even acknowledge your presence, but you deserve it. You can’t even imagine what she’s thinking. As you settle into your seat you close your eyes trying to process the events of the morning. How it felt waking up to see her face. How normal it felt to have her there. How everything quickly shattered as she realized how messed up you were. How it got even worse when she found Summer’s shirt.
You wished you could go back. You wished you never went to the bar last night. If you had just waited, this morning could have been completely different…
“Hey Jake?” you hear the sound of Summer’s voice echo through the van. You were so lost in your head you didn’t even notice she was up front. Your heart sinks as you wait to hear what she has to say. 
You flick your eyes up to meet hers, raising your eyebrow. 
“Thanks for letting me borrow this last night.” she says, pulling the folded shirt from her bag. You practically stop breathing as you watch her hand it to Y/N. “Can you pass this back there?” she asks her. 
She hesitates as she grabs the shirt, turning back to you in what felt like slow motion.
Your eyes met hers, pleading with her as she spoke, “From Summer.”
Your arms don't even move to grab it as you stare at her. The thoughts in your brain are moving a mile a minute and you can't seem to catch even one. 
Josh grabs the shirt for you, throwing it into your lap. “Thanks.” he says, as Y/N turns back around, leaning her head on the van window. 
Could things get any fucking worse? Why the fuck did she have to do that? Why couldn’t she just give it to me later?
God. Y/N…Her face…she probably thinks we–
Fuck, I have to text her.
You quickly pull your phone from your pocket, bringing up her name, and opening the thread. Shock pulsing through your body as you look at the message you typed out last night, as it waited to be sent.
I never hit send. Oh she fucking hates me… I will never be able to explain this to her now.
You look up into the rearview mirror hoping to catch her eyes, but all you see is her staring blankly out of the window. You can tell she is in her head.
You 8:27am: It looks bad. I know it looks so bad. I can explain everything. All of it. Can we please talk when we get back?
You look back up watching her in the mirror as she glances down at her phone reading the message. You see the little crease in her eyebrows as she reads. The pain setting into her features. She sets her phone down and turns back to the window. 
You: 8:28am: Please don’t shut me out again. 
Your phone buzzes in your lap and you eagerly grab it hoping to see her name, but it's not her. It’s Josh.
Josh 8:29am: What the fuck did you do Jake?
You turned to look at him shaking your head as you replied. 
You 8:30am: Made the biggest mistake of my life.
Josh 8:30am: Did you fuck her?
You 8:31am: Fuck no. Of course not. It just looks like it. Y/N wont answer me. I don’t know what to do.
Josh 8:32am: For once I don’t know what to tell you.
You 8:32am: Do you think I blew it?
You watch him type, before quickly deleting it. He locks his phone and places it on his knee, sending you a sympathetic look. You knew what he was going to say. You could practically hear it in your own head. 
You reopen your thread with her, looking at your messages, marked as read. At least she is reading them. Taking a moment you collect your thoughts the best you can, giving it one last shot. 
You 8:40am: I get it. I wouldn’t answer me either. But I want you to know that I fell asleep last night alone, thinking about you. Trying to text you back. I typed it over and over, but I couldn't get it right.  I swear I’ve fallen asleep thinking about you every single night for the past 4 years, Y/N. Please, just give me a chance to explain.
You hit send delivering the message, and watching her in the rearview to see if she would read it. Lifting her head from the window you watch as her eyes look down, reading the message. You see her expression drop yet again, and her hand come up to her face trying to discreetly wipe away the tear slipping from her lash line. But you saw it. Even worse, you caused it.
You’re sure you felt your heart crack wide open at the sight. It was a pain you’d felt before. Similar to the day she left. A pain you swore you’d never let yourself feel again. But here you were, watching her in the rearview, begging for a chance to be hurt again. You’d rather be hurt by her, than not at all.
You could feel your own eyes welling with tears, and just as you were about to look away, her eyes met yours, bloodshot and full of tears. It was as if your world had momentarily stopped turning. You both sat there, eyes locked on each other, with not a word uttered between the two of you. Pure silence. The deafening kind. 
You didn’t have to say anything. You both knew how this ended.
Chapter 11
@gretavansara@jordie-gvf-admin@starshine-wagner@gretavanfvckface@gretavanmoon@eyelinerjake @misshunnybeebee@fretaganvleet@gvfpal@joshkiszkas@ascendingtostardust@raviolilegs@sammysprincess@gvfpal@objectsinspvce@lallisonl@gvfpal@raviolilegs@jaketlover@ascendingtostardust @indigostreakmorgan@jakemarrymeibeg@fakeplastiqtree@radmads-gvf @fwzco @katelynn-gvf @writingcold @jakesgrapejuice @jakekiszkasbabymama @emsfallingsky @gretavanbear @ejoygvf @beebloopbleep @mackalah @weneedsomehealing123
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dave-me0wstaine · 9 months
Can you do like rough dave in the late 80s so like 1989 🤭🤭🤭 and basically he like saw some dude flirting w you and he's like hell nah so he fucks you in the bathroom to make you know you belong to him 🤭🤭🤭🤭
i've said it once and i'll say it again, i truly believe that dave would be a jealous bf!!! he's so overprotective and has a short temper, like how could he not get jealous easily?? also if it's 80s era dave, he's got a hairpin trigger. just pissed off over the slightest move someone makes towards you.
i'd like to think in this scenario a roadie or tour staff decided to flirt with you. they're a new guy, so they're completely unaware that you're dave's girlfriend. he's constantly flirting with you, reaching out to touch you, and you, trying to be nice, try your best to brush him off, to neutralize his advances (essentially trying to friendzone him).
you're also trying to end the conversation as quickly as you can before your ill-tempered boyfriend sees. the last time dave saw a guy flirting with you, it ended in a fist-fight. almost as if on cue, dave seemingly materializes from thin air, with a scowl on his face. you feel his arms wrap around your torso, and his chin grazes the top of your head.
"hi." dave utters a greeting, but it's saturated in distain. "i need to borrow my girlfriend for a second." dave says, putting an emphasis on the word "girlfriend". the roadie's eyes light up in both revelation and fear, and before dave can tear into him, he skitters off.
immediately, dave is yanking you by the arms, pulling you into an empty bathroom and locking the door behind him.
"dave-" you start, but he cuts you off, pressing his lips to yours in a kiss.
"just be good and let me mark you up," he mutters, almost in a whisper. dave starts leaving hickeys up and down your neck. "you're mine. mine."
"i know." you whine, curling your fists into his shirt. just from the kisses alone, you can feel yourself becoming wetter which each passing second.
"but he doesn't." dave utters in a stern tone. he continues to make hickeys over your skin while his hands roam up your shirt.
"turn around." he asks, but before you can move on your own, dave's turning you around himself. in this position, you can see yourself in the mirror; he's barely touched you, and already you look fucked out.
you feel dave hike your skirt up and pull your panties to the side. he groans out as his fingers ghost over your slit, feeling how wet you are for him. wordlessly, he slips inside you, and starts a brutal pace. your head hangs low between your shoulders as he fucks you into oblivion. all of a sudden, you feel dave's fingers grip your hair and yank your head up.
"keep your fuckin' head up, you slut," he growls out, "i wanna see your face while i fuck you."
your eyes start to focus in on the image before you. your flushed face, the drool beginning to leak from your mouth, the messiness of your hair. then, your eyes drift to dave, who's face is darkened with lust. he just looks so good like this. sweat running down his face, his features scrunched up in pleasure.
unknowingly, you begin clenching around him, and dave's hiss pulls you out of your thoughts. with the hand that he was holding your waist with, dave begins rubbing at your clit to make you cum. instantly, you begin wriggling in his grasp.
"cum for me, baby. fuck, i know you can." he pleads, rubbing your clit faster as he pounds into you harder. almost instantly you feel yourself unravel. your legs buckle, and if it weren't for dave's arm supporting you, you'd probably be on the floor.
"dave, please," you whine; you could feel yourself starting to become overstimulated.
"oh fuck, oh fuck, fuck fuck!" dave moans as he feels himself begin to spill inside of you. his orgasm hits him hard, and it takes a while for the both of you to calm down. when you do, you're absolutely horrified at the sight of your neck and chest. you're covered in multiple large hickeys, all of which are darkening by the second.
"dave! what the hell!" you whisper-yell at him, all of a sudden aware that while you're alone in the room, there's still plenty of people to hear you outside. and that they probably have heard you. the thought alone makes your face run hot.
dave, however, seems not at all worried about your appearance. "what?" he asks in a lazy drawl, with an equally lazy smirk growing over his face.
"now everyone knows that you're mine."
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