#Cap: Move aside Superman I got this!
I know Billy has to say the word "Shazam" for him to turn into Captain Marvel but at the same time I don't believe Captain Marvel would allow Billy to get seriously hurt or died. There was this one scenario I'm thinking about where Billy's falling from the sky and Superman saves him. But if we're talking about separate Billy and Cap then I know for a fact Captain Marvel would forcefully change into himself in order to protect Billy. (kinda like a Hulk situation)
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thebibliomancer · 4 months
Essential Avengers: Avengers #311: The WEAKEST POINT
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December, 1989
Hydrobase DESTROYED!
Right from Atlantis Attacks to Acts of Vengeance?
Ugh. Marvel really was trying to shake all the quarters out of its audience in 1989. And then the trends of the 90s with special covers and new number one's galore? And then bankruptcy because the big comic companies had poisoned their own waters with that kind of behavior?
I'm getting ahead of myself.
I covered all of Atlantis Attacks because the Avengers and West Coast Avengers chapters wouldn't make any sense in isolation.
I am NOT covering all of Acts of Vengeance.
I counted 50 participating issues before I gave up! That is so much! And it's not really an overarching story so much as... like a vibe? A vague theme?
Villains attacking people they don't usually villain because some masterminds think that would give them a better chance of winning.
A flawed premise because in Marvel, the idea of a strict rogues gallery is a lot more loose. Since a huge chunk of the superhero populace operates out of New York, everybody just kinda shares.
I mean, sure, some of the match-ups that took place in Acts of Vengeance were unlikely. But they were match-ups that could have eventually happened just because Superman Doesn't Stay Out of Gotham in Marvel, if you catch my point.
As the bridge between all of Marvel, the Avengers are pretty likely to eventually fight anyone.
Anyway, I'll only be covering the Avengers and Avengers West Coast. If I try to cover everything I will die.
Also, I covered Atlantis Attacks first because Hydrobase/Avengers Island shows up in it and then (spoilers) it gets destroyed here in issue #311.
Remember how I kept saying enjoy the island while you could?
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Look at Avengers Island in that opening splash! The runway and roads form a sorta A shape. That's just cool!
That's the coolest the island has ever looked because other aerial shots have been pretty barren or have only showed the Avengers Mansion.
Sadly, Avengers Island never really got a chance to shine. Introduced by Stern before he got unceremoniously booted by editorial meddling and barely utilized by Walter Simonson since his run barely got off the ground. John Byrne seemed like he was going to do something with it when his run started because he had the island moved closer to New York and renamed from Hydrobase to Avengers Island.
But it got hoisted out of the sea (somehow without being majorly damaged) in the Lava Men trilogy and then wasn't really important in the Gilgamesh Is Dead trilogy and now here we are where (spoilers) its going to be destroyed.
I'm jumping the gun a little bit to eulogize but it's been a recent them of the Avengers books that interesting ideas just don't get a chance before they're taken out back and shot.
Captain Monica as the chairwoman of the Avengers. The Worst Roster. Avengers Island.
There's always someone smacking the book and yelling at it to stop trying new things.
Anyway. My unending sadness aside, this is a Quasar focus issue.
I'm not really sure when he became an Avenger because he just started showing up as one when Cap announced the Every Avenger Is An Avenger roster. So either sometime in another book or he was just nearby when Cap was gathering people and got included to pad out the numbers.
(Apparently, there was a back-up story in Avengers Annual #18 set between Avengers #303 and 304 showing that Quasar got invited to join after the Super-Nova incident. Captain America and Hawkeye fight over him. It sounds like a fun story. But I read Avengers Annual #18 for Atlantis Attacks and sometimes back-up stories are omitted on Unlimited and whoops this is one of those times.)
Quasar shows up at Avengers Island after participating in another Acts of Vengeance over in his own book.
Speaking of ideas that never really got a chance to shine: the Avengers Support Crew finally show up!
With the Avengers getting a whole island as their headquarters, some noise was made in Simonson's run that they'd be hiring more of a support crew than just Jarvis. Mostly characters from Captain America's orbit.
But with Simonson leaving the book, not a lot was done with that idea. Until now! The very issue that the new, bigger headquarters they were hired to help with is going to sink!
Hahahaha ;_;
Anyway. We have Robert Frank Jr - Nuklo from Giant-Size Avengers #1. Son of the Whizzer and Miss America (not the modern one). He was cured of being excessively radioactive and got hired to be a groundskeeper on Avengers Island.
We have Peggy Carter. I don't need to explain Peggy Carter. She fought in World War II and was Cap's sometimes girlfriend. Then he started dating her niece instead. Which is a very normal thing to do, probably. She was hired to be in charge of telecommunications.
There's Fabian Stankiewicz. Good ol' Mechano-Marauder! That dingus that kept building robot suits to attack the Avengers and he was treated as a bit of a joke villain? Even getting beaten once by David Letterman. Yes, David Letterman. Cap saw potential in him anyway and hired him to maintain and improve the Avengers' technology.
There's M'Daka, a Wakandan pilot that delivered Captain America a new shield once. And apparently this made such an impression on Cap that he poached the guy from T'Challa to work for the Avengers as a mechanic.
Michael O'Brien, the former head of security for Project PEGASUS and later the Vault and was hired as head of security for the Avengers. Given the stuff that happened at Project PEGASUS and the Vault, I don't know if he's great at his job. But also the Avengers aren't great at security sometimes so its a lateral move, at worst.
Jarvis, of course, is on the payroll as butler and delightful human being. I assume he gets paid extra for being so delightful.
Keith Kincaid, husband to Jane Foster, was hired as a doctor so the Avengers wouldn't have to rely on mysterious Doctor Donald Blake just showing up whenever there's a medical emergency. And presumably to make Thor feel bad whenever he has to look at the dude that married his girlfriend because his dad made them break up.
There's also Donna Maria Puentes, a South American revolutionary that impressed Captain America with how good she was at shooting Nazi androids. So he hired her as an administrator.
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Take this with a grain of salt because I'm also the person looking forward to the Avengers' 90s team jackets but I think the blue jumpsuits and red turtlenecks are a very spiffy look for the support crew.
I honestly like the idea that as a bigger, more officially recognized super-team, the Avengers would have a support staff. And since security is very hard for superheroes, it's mostly people that Captain America already knew.
This issue really goes into some depth about how Avengers Island normally operates. There's guys doing landscaping. There's guys in a security room spotting Quasar arriving and making sure the system confirms his arrival via retina pattern and fingerprints. Then they watch him as he makes his way through the Mansion towards the communication room.
When he gets there Peggy Carter tells him that she's getting reports from all over that superheroes are getting attacked by people they've never faced before.
She won't call it a plot without more evidence but she definitely is thinking the word plot very loudly.
Elsewhere, a mysterious (Loki) man in a suit sits on a throne flanked by two fancy braziers (it's Loki) spying on the Avengers' communication room with magical scrying (Acts of Vengeance plays this up as a mystery but it's Loki, you know it, I know it, and he knows it).
Definitely Loki meets with a mysterious green cloaked figure (Dr Doom, obviously) and ... Shredder from Ninja Turtles? Or maybe the Mandarin? And there's a lot of Everything Transpires How We Planned and yeah we're definitely all going to try to betray each other between them.
Definitely Doom says that he's set in motion his part of the plan.
Anyway, Peggy Carter just finishes telling Quasar that she hasn't been able to contact any of the other Avengers when Avengers Island starts to shake.
Peggy checks on the security monitor and OH NO
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Dozens of robots are smashing holes in the flotation cushions that keep the not-an-island Avengers Island floating!
Since it's just Quasar and the support crew (despite the lying cover featuring Thor, Namor, She-Hulk, Sersi, and Captain America! That's a lot of lying, even by cover standards!), it's an all hands situation.
The non-superpowered people all grab laser rifles from gun lockers, Fabian gets into his latest battlesuit, and Quasar flies out and starts blasting robots.
I'm of two minds here, re: the Acts of Vengeance conceit.
The Avengers have fought Doom before. He's not showing up personally, just sending some robots. But I think it counts. So Doom attacking the Avengers with robots isn't a match-up they haven't had before.
But most of the actual Avengers are off busy somewhere. I don't think Quasar has fought Doom. So Quasar and the Avengers Support Crew versus some Doom robots that aren't Doombots is a novel match-up.
The support crew and Quasar blast the bots to pieces but the disembodied limbs keep attacking.
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Rocket punch!
That ol' Doom sure knows how to build a robot.
Even as the support crew and Quasar blast bots, more continue to punch holes in Avengers Island.
Which is a thing you have to say when reading comics.
Starfox sneaks aboard Nebula's spaceship to find out what his supposed grandniece is up to. He pleasure zonks a guard unconscious and steals his environment suit so he can be INCOGNITO.
He finds his way to the bridge where Nebula and her Rigellian minion Gunthar are looking over the tablets they recovered from Omicron Seti, which hold in their ancient carvings A SECRET THAT DETERMINES THE FATE OF THE UNIVERSE. A secret that will make her scarier than Thanos.
But she'll need Paul Harker, that random old man scientist the book has kept cutting to. The one who blew up his own basement with his new invention? That guy.
The one subplot the Avengers book has been dutifully building up.
Back at Avengers Island, the support crew is getting overwhelmed. Even Stankiewicz in his battlesuit.
Wow. Cap picked well. These guys really want to live up to what he saw in them.
Quasar sees some of the robots messing with the big Quinjet fuel storage tanks but he's able to chase them away pretty easily. Too pretty easily...
But he literally doesn't have time to worry about that.
He sends Peggy Carter to go back to the communications room and try again to contact the Avengers. Despite Peggy telling him the emergency signal has been going since the attack started.
Peggy worries that the Avengers are already dead, since she wasn't able to raise them before the attack. But she's not going to think about it!
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The robots retreat but the island is already sinking.
Quasar doesn't know whether this is a trick or not but he decides to use the breathing room anyway.
He orders an evacuation and orders the support crew to try to prepare as many of the Quinjets for launch as they can reasonably save.
Then he dives into the water to check to see if Hydrobase Avengers Island can be saved.
And. No.
No, it can't.
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Every one of the flotation cylinders has been ruptured and has taken on water. There's just not enough time to patch all the holes before the island completely sinks.
Quasar does create a giant brace with his green lantern-ish powers to stabilize the island.
I wonder why he doesn't make a jack to lift it completely out of the water. He's thrown an entire Terminus into space once.
For that matter, weren't giant spikes put into Avengers Island to keep it in one place? Where are those and wouldn't they help keep the island afloat?
I guess that got lost in the shuffle.
O'Brien rushes into the mansion (where the flooding is ruining all of Tony Stark's art and rugs) to look for Peggy Carter. Who you may recall was sent back into the Mansion to try to contact the Avengers despite an automated distress call going out.
Way to manufacture drama, Quasar.
Peggy insists at staying at her post, continuing to try to contact help. Like she thinks she's on the Titanic or something. But O'Brien lies and says that the Avengers are here so c'mon lets hustle.
Then the secret bomb that the robots secretly left at the fuel tanks unsecretly explodes.
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Knocking Quasar for a loop and rendering his plan to stabilize the island moot.
There's just no chance of saving the island now.
But Quasar does pop out of the water to save O'Brien and Peggy and carry them to the Quinjet Jarvis is piloting.
Hi, Jarvis!
Jarvis: "I only wish we had never removed our headquarters from New York City. Then, perhaps... nothing like this... could ever have happened. The proud history of Avengers Mansion would not have ended like this..."
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Jarvis, I love ya, but shut up. You sound like you're speaking from the editorial, not from the heart.
Don't forget that y'all moved to the island in the first place because the Masters of Evil basically gutted Avengers Mansion. You might as well say 'I only wish we'd moved out to sea earlier so nothing like this could ever have happened' about that.
And like I said at the beginning of this post, Avengers Island was not a mistake. It was a new direction for the book that never got a chance to shine before someone lost their nerve and forced a change back to status quo.
Because, yes, before too long, Avengers Mansion will be rebuilt back in Manhattan.
And I like Avengers Mansion. Honestly, it's my favorite HQ for the team. But I wish this era wasn't characterized with timid backtracking.
Aside from that, this is a cool issue. Seeing the civilian support staff and Quasar have to defend the base while the Avengers are absent is pretty interesting.
I disagree with the sinking of Avengers Island but it does give Acts of Vengeance some impact. Although it can't compare to the last big HQ wrecking, Avengers Under Siege.
Anyway. Quasar says he gets the feeling this whole thing isn't over. And he's right. There's two more Acts of Vengeance in Avengers and three in Avengers West Coast.
Four in Avengers Spotlight but I don't read that. It says Avengers on it but it's like Two-in-One or Marvel Team-Up but with Hawkeye.
Follow @essential-avengers. Like and reblog. Shout to the wind. Howl like nobody's watching.
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
One last one for the moment; top five superheroes who definitely AREN'T Pulp Heroes, but could be with a little tweaking?
Oof, that's a hard one. It's a hard one because, again, there ultimately isn't that much separation between the two to the point there's enough of a hard line in there to work with, but I guess the cat's out of the bag now that I've staked claims on there being differences between them.
Okay so, not counting superheroes who are deliberately modeled after actual pulp heroes, so no Tom Strong or Night Raven here. I'm sticking mainly with comic book superheroes (barring one oddball exception) since the medium separation is important), who I think could become pulp heroes with some tweaking.
5: Captain America
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Sort of cheating because I already covered it here, but I definitely have to include Captain America in here, especially in the stories they actively go for a "pulp" vibe as well as the earliest ones.
Fun fact about Marvel: As Timely, they actually began life as pulp publishers. Not just pulp publishers, but specializing in some of the sleaziest, ghastliest magazines of the era, and you can bet this carried over to their superheroes. Where as DC's superheroes took inspiration from the big pulp heroes such as The Shadow and Doc Savage, Timely's superheroes seemed instead much more inspired by Weird Tales stories and Poverty Row horror films, and even in the 60s, Marvel never really abandoned their horror roots, the trick was just using them as a baseline to create superheroes. In DC, the world's first contact with superheroes begins with the world looking in wonder at a friendly strongman. In Marvel, it began with the world looking in panicked horror at a flaming monster rampaging through the streets desperately trying to not burn everything it touches. It should come to little surprise then that the majority of characters I'm including in this list are Marvel characters.
People think Captain America's first comics largely consisted of him fighting Nazis left and right, but they were actually much more often based around him encountering monsters and creatures of horror, like the above panel where it looks like Cap's staring down the beginning of Berserk's Eclipse (RIP Miura).
The early Captain America comics pretty much consisted of Kirby dipping his toe into the monster comics he'd make in the 50s which would later bleed into the 60s Marvel entourage. They even tried repackaging Captain America into a horror anthology in the 50s titled "Captain America's Weird Tales", just imagine how different the character would be today if that somehow stuck.
Imagine a world where Steve Rogers never became leader of The Avengers, never got to become the shining beacon of heroism of an entire universe, and instead, when he was unfrosted, he woke up to find a world running rampant with crawling nightmares and Nazi tyranny, and he has no idea what's become of his former sidekick. That definitely sounds like the start of a promising pulp adventure.
4: Namor
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Another Timely creation. In Namor's case, he didn't so much encounter horrors from beyond imagination, as much as HE was the terrifying thing beyond us ready to rampage upon mankind, whose first on-screen act consists of the calculated slaughter of a ship full of innocents. The first true villain protagonist of comic books. Not just an anti-hero, a villain intent on wiping out the human race.
And not just a cardboard supervillain, but the beautiful prince of a race of ugly fish monsters, a momma's boy who's doing what he thinks is right by warring with surface dwellers. While Namor's become largely defined by his gargantuan arrogance, here, he's almost childlike, despite being much more brutal and villainous here, spurred on by the whims of his mother, who even acknowledges that Namor had no real reason to kill the divers but did so anyway, and now encourages him to genocide. His mom even tells him "Go now, to the land of white people!", and the very last panel of the story even states he's on a "crusade against white men".
The massacre of explorers at the hands of something beyond their understanding. A monster born of an interracial coupling. A race of fish monsters with bulging eyes, antagonistic towards humanity but are shown to have positive traits just the same. A dash of racism. There is no mistaking The Sub-Mariner's pulp horror influence.
A non-white superhuman warrior born from a Lovecraftian horror story, who gradually moves away from his villainous crusade into becoming more of an anti-hero, never truly putting aside his hatred for humanity, remaining a temperamental, unpredictable outcast, with a strong, palpable undercurrent of anger in his stories. I could very easily buy Namor as having crawled out of a Weird Tales story and I can't think of other superheroes whose origins are as steeped deeply in pulp horror.
3: Doctor Fate
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Technically we already have a pulp hero version of Doctor Fate in Doc Fate, and I'll get to him separately, but even besides him, the earliest Doctor Fate stories in particular feel very much like he's a character steeped in the worlds of pulp and pulp horror who decided to put on a superhero costume and show up in comic.
He's got a similar set-up to The Shadow, from the pulp Shadow in the sense that he's a mysterious, eerie crimefighter who dwells as a presence more often than an active character and who kills criminals without remorse, always watching and waiting for the right time to strike as a a wrathful old-testament force of vengeance, and from the radio Shadow due to him using superpowers to fight crime while being accompanied by a smart, fierce love interest.
Originally, Fate was not a sorcerer, but instead a scientist who discovered a way to manipulate atomic structure, of his and other things, thus making it appear that he can do magic (although we never see his face, and he's implied to be thousands of years old, before they settled on the Nabu origin). And going back to Lovecraft, a lot of it appears in the earliest Fate stories. Fate was given powers not by a sorcerer, but an alien worshipped as a god. He barely encounters traditional monsters, but instead contends with hidden races, zombie slaves, abandoned alien monoliths, and half man and half fish creatures. Fate may have actually been the very first pastiche of Lovecraft in pop culture.
And of course we can't forget the gloriousness of Doc Fate pulling an Indiana Jones on us.
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2: Wolverine
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I don't even think you'd have to tweak Wolverine at all. You'd just have to get him out of the costume and Avengers/X-Men associations (although the X-Men have a substantial background in pulp sci-fi stories like Slan and Odd John, so they aren't really at odds here), maybe tone down his powers a bit and, that's it. Logan's already the kind of character who has such a varied sandbox history, whose powers can lead to so many different scenarios, that it's not a stretch at all to picture Wolverine in the usual pulp hero scenarios.
You can have half-naked Wolverine running around in the jungle with animals Tarzan-style, take him to Savage Land if you wanna throw dinosaurs in there. He's already Marvel's foremost "wandering samurai/cowboy" character which was one of the stock and trade types of the pulps. Western? Done. Samurai? Done. Wuxia? Just put him in China and add a couple extra fantasy elements. Wanna make a sword and sorcery story with him? He already comes with a bunch of knives and savagery and ability to survive grisly injuries. Horror? The MCU is crawling with them, or alternatively, tell a story from the perspective of someone who's being hunted down by Wolverine. Wanna tell a detective/noir/post-apocalypse story? Logan's right there.
Wanna have him crossover with pulp heroes? He's lived through the 1800s and 1900s and traveled all over the world, you could feasibly have him meet up with just about any of them. Logan may actually be the purest example of your question, because he's very much not a Pulp Hero, and yet, he definitely feels like a character who could have been one, at just about any point in the history of pulp magazines. He's perfect for it.
1: Wario
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WAAA-okay, look, bear with me for a second here, I'm not just picking Wario because I love oddball choices and he's one of my favorite characters, I got some logic to this.
Okay so, the first question here: is Mario a superhero? While I'm usually adverse to calling characters prominent outside of comic books superheroes (hence why I'm definitely not interested in debating whether Harry Potter or Goku or Link or Frodo are superheroes), I do think it's a pretty shut case that, yes, Mario is a superhero. Superheroes don't just come in the form of skintight crimefighters, right from the start comic books have had varied types of superheroes appearing in comics and comic strips. For example, the "funny animal" superheroes are a type older than superhero comics, and they were arguably not only the most successful type of superhero of the 40s-50s era, but arguably defined trends dominating nonfunny animal superheroes, traits that predated or influenced Captain Marvel as well as Otto Binder's reshaping of Superman that defined much of superhero convention as we know it. It's part of why the question of "Is Sonic a superhero" has a very clear Yes as an answer.
So upon establishing that, yes, funny cartoon characters can be and are superheroes too, is Mario one? Well, I'd say yes. He's got an iconic uniform, he's got superpowers, he goes on fantastical adventures, he is both a nebulously general do-gooder as well as having a clear mission as protector of the Mushroom Kingdom. His adventures span multiple storytelling formats, he's got catchphrases, he even dresses up in Superman's colors and has a Super prefix iconically associated with him. Not a superhero the way we usually think of, but a superhero nonetheless.
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And Wario? Well, putting aside Wario-Man who's more of a running gag than anything, Wario does just about everything Mario does. He's got all the traits that define Mario as a superhero short of a Super prefix and the selfless mission (which isn't exactly a rule). He goes around and gets into crazy adventures, he picks up items, beats bad guys, conquers the odds, and gets some kind of prize for it. He's got Mario's physical traits, and Mario's costume, and just about the same name short of a single letter. The caveat being, of course, that he's Wario, and so everything Mario is or does has to be exaggerated to gross extreme.
Mario is paunchy and strong, Wario's round and built like a powerlifter. Mario's got a friendly face and a fluffy mustache, Wario's got a massive horrible grin and jagged razors for a stache. Mario is a bit of an overeater, Wario can and will eat anything in front of him. Mario gets around with acrobatics and magic power-ups, Wario brute forces his way through everything and just rolls with whatever injuries he picks up along the way.
Mario gets fire powers by consuming magic flowers. Wario sets himself on fire and barrels around destroying everything in his path. Mario harnesses the elements or abilities of beings around him to clear obstacles and solve puzzles, Wario gets turned into a zombie, a vampire or a drunk to get the same things done. Mario befriends and rides dinosaurs who raised him from infancy, Wario piledrives dinosaurs and then uses their bodies to beat up more dinosaurs. Mario pals around with fellow heroes, princesses and friendly fantasy creatures, Wario pals around with aliens, witches, mad scientists, cab drivers, and lanky weirdos. Mario always ends his adventures joyfully leaping to the next one, Wario usually ends up either cackling in a pile of treasure or completely broke.
Mario races through plains to rescue princesses, Wario invades pyramids to hunt for treasure. Mario jumps through planets with baby stars guiding his path, Wario crashes into the Amazon jungle and fistfights the devil. You can see where I'm going with this.
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If you were to take one of Nintendo's heroes to make them into pulp heroes, Wario, specifically the Wario Land Wario, may be the only one who really could do it, because in essence, he's the videogame equivalent of Professor Challenger. He's Bluto moonlighting as Indiana Jones, the weird brute adventurer for weird brute adventures where everything's off limits and you can trust our intrepid hero, who really shouldn't be a hero on all accounts, to deliver us a good time, give or take a couple deaths, scams, shams and oh-damns to complete said mad treasure hunts.
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Au. Billy has been the Wizard since 40s but moon lights still as Captain Marvel.
Shazam, now Mamaragan, passed his powers to Billy back in the 40s and ascended to a different realm, but still comes back now and then because he is totally not missing/worried about him. So he sort of Billy’s vizier and billy is still 10 but he’s the wizard Shazam now.
So fast forward to Justice League era. Zatanna is helping the League but unfortunately between her, Constinene, and Doctor Fate they are still unable to fix the the problem hence the Justice League popping into existence in the middle of the Rock of Eternitys throne room startling Billy who is in Marvel mode.
Both parties blink owlishly are each other.
Zatanna: Marvel? What are you doing here?
Billy/Marvel: I live here. More of the question how did you get the League here? This is no place for mortals.
Flash to Batman *whisper*: is me or does Cap look like he’s ready to fry us all.
Dr Fate: we need to speak to the Wizard, Champion.
Marvel still bemused: ahh yeh yeh I’ll get the wizard for you.
He flys down corridor and quickly changes into billy. Luckily Mamaragan is still visiting
Billy: Shaz..Mamaragan, I need your help! The league is here!
Mamaragan: what do you want me to do? You are the wizard are you not.
Billy: yes but it’s the league. Just come with me please.
Mamaragan sighs and walks out to the throne room with Billy in tow.
At first the league thinks Mamaragan is wizard till he moves aside and little 10 year old Billy walks up the stairs and sits in his throne with Mamaragan standing at his side.
Billy smiles: hello there I’m The Wizard of the rock of eternity but you can call me billy! How can I help?
League *quietly*: what?
Batman is surprised but accepts this. Magic is uncontrollable and unpredictable so expects that this child is not to be taken at face value.
Batman: We have had strange readings and occourances with people in dazed states walking towards the ocean and drowning them selfs.
Billy: hmm that is indeed quiet disturbing. Mr Batman or would you prefers me to call you by one of your other three names?
GA: three?
Billy gazes toward Batman seeking permission to elaborate. Batman is suspicious but also curious. The people in this room already know his identity and the wizard seems to know too. He agrees with a nod.
Billy: well Mr Bat here has his Vigilante name, public name, and given name. Each is a unique facet of the one whole. So for instance you have Batman the dark vigilante leader of the Justice League, guardian of Gotham. You have Brucie Wayne the air head playboy billionaire, sunshine boy that means well but also is a little cringy. And finally just Bruce, the dad, the worrier and the most emotionally constipated mortal I have seen. Many facades for one mortal.
Superman sucks in a quick breath. No one speaks of Batman like that.
Billy already knew of the drowning problem he just hoped that they could have worked it out them selves.
Billy mumbling to himself: there goes my plans for the day.
Billy to the league: if that is all you are here for I will send you back. But in the future, Zatana, Jonathan, and Dr Fate, I do open my throne room for those seeking advice or opinions every two weeks. And I can be contacted via scroll. I do not like unwanted Mortals entering my home. You are just lucky that the spell I was going to cast requires the offence/defence system to be off. Other wise I would have to explain why I have a dead Justice League in my possession .
Ok bye! Have a safe trip!
He waves and sends them off. Billy slumps into the chair with a relived exasperated sigh.
Mamaragan raises an eye brow: I don’t think you’ll need me next time
Billy groans and covers his face: I don’t know, I was just you know worried.
Mamaragan places a hand in Billy’s shoulder: the dark one understands, so I’m sure that if all is revealed about you and marvel the rest of them will understand.
I must go for now. Take care Billy
Billy stood up and hugged Mamaragan
Billy: I’ll miss you, next time don’t wait so long to visit!
Mamaragan turns and leaves.
Billy *sighs*: Right! I’ve got a silent siren to relocate/ smite
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nitannichionne · 4 years
If He Was YOUR Fan Chapter 16: Monday (A Henry Cavill Fan Fic)
Chapter 16: Monday
You get up earlier than usual, having spent the night at Henry’s. You awaken to the smell of coffee, basically because you took the time to set the timer. He finds this a pleasant surprise, having never thought to do it, and takes a minute to serve you coffee, smiling about not having to wait to get to the filming site to have some. You fill water bottles and hit the door, Kal being the only one who had breakfast. You decide that you really should stay at your own place on Sundays from now on so as not to interfere with his work rhythm or your own. You are at the gym really early, so early, you steal a nap in the car. Even Kal naps in the car. But Henry? Superman, yes, though a bit of a sleepy one, but after a few swallows of coffee he’s ready to go.
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                                          “How are you holding up?” he asks, having finished a set. You take a ten minute walk on the treadmill, which you usually don’t do, but you have time. The coffee and adrenaline have brought the electricity to his eyes and the glisten to his skin, highlighting curves of toned muscle. You pause. He looks something like this after sex, but honestly, more intense.
“Hanging in there, honey,” you say. Your breath catches. Wait, you call Stella honey from time to time, especially when smarting off, but saying it to him now seems…you smile widely. “Elliptical, here I come.”
He gives you a wink, and you both move on with your workouts.
You are halfway through when Archer, Stuart and Stella arrive. Relieved that Hannah isn’t with them, you greet them brightly. “Hey, guys!”
Stella greets you with a warm hug. “You look like you survived!” She smiles and glances at Henry, who is working out. Her voice lowers to a whisper. “You stayed with him?”
It was a good thing you could read lips, because she barely got the words out. You give a small smile.
“Ohmigosh!” Stella covers her mouth, her eyes going as wide as saucers. She takes you by the arm and leads you further away. “So…what happened?”
“He was worried about me, and picked me up so I stayed with him,” you say simply. “Good thing, too, we barely made it before the storm broke and—”
“Oh. My. Gosh.”
“He’s the lookalike, isn’t he?” She shakes her head at me. “There never was one?”
You lock elbows with her. “I need you to just not say anything especially to Hannah.”
She gasps, eyes going wide again. “I can understand that.” She crosses her heart. “I won’t tell a soul.”
You feel yourself relax. “Thanks—”
“We workin’ out or what?” Archer asks with a frown.
Henry turns and looks at him.
“Just a second, I’ve got one for you!” you call nervously, and look in the mirror to see Henry’s jaw clench.
“What is going on?” Stella asks. “I’ve never seen Henry look like that. He’s usually upbeat.”
“I need to know something,” you tell her. “You guys didn’t know you left me behind. right?”
“No!” Stella’s eyes went wide again. My, but she was an owl today. “Hannah said that someone told her.”
“Someone?” you frown. “No specific name?”
Stella exhales heavily. “No.” She loses eye contact with you. “That doesn’t seem right, does it?” She looks up hopefully. “Maybe it was Colin or Cindy?”
You remember that Cindy was also checking people out. You didn’t work with her as much as Hannah so maybe Cindy mixed you up with someone else. You were willing to settle for that. You didn’t want to think someone wanted something bad to happen to you. “Makes sense.”
“Either way, it ended well, right?” Stella asks hopefully. She uses the mirror to glance at Henry. “Is that why he looks so…unhappy?”
“He’s concerned, is all,” you say. “He is the main in this production, so he takes safety and production seriously.”
“You sound like public relations,” she teased.
“Ha, ha, ha, the money would be good,” you shrug. “I might need a ride, though.”
“There’s room for sure—”
“It’s Archer’s car,” you point out. “How did the weekend go?”
“We went to their place in town, and Hannah and I took Stuart’s room,” she shrugged simply. “But honestly, we mostly all slept around the telly in the living room.”
“Sounds like you guys had fun,” you smile.
“But it was just you and Henry—”
“And Kal,” you add quickly.
“Not kissing and telling?”
You shake you head, and Stella squeals.
“Archer got room in the car for my friend?” Stella asks.
“Always,” he nods, but doesn’t look at you.
You feel a loss, but manage a smile. “Thanks.”
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“Sure.” He looks at Henry and you check the mirror. His cap is lower than usual as he works out, his eyes somewhat shaded from view, but his jaw is set and he looks serious as he curls.
You work out with Stella, and Archer works out with Stuart. You challenge them to do three circuits of eight machines, a minute on each. You catch Henry trying not to laugh as you all do it, some doing well, some not as much. You know the guys are using too much weight, and only suggest they lower it once, but they don’t listen. You and Stella don’t do more than fifty pounds on each of the machines, but the guys were trying to go twice to triple that.
“I can’t believe we did all that in thirty minutes!” Stella smiled, her face bright.
“Gotta have a short intense workouts in case you can’t do an hour,” you pant. “I actually prefer them. We are about to be on our feet all day, anyway.”
“Yeah, all day workout!”
“I got like twenty-thousand steps one day—” You are stopped when Archer steps in front of you and inhales deeply.
“You smell different,” he says in a low voice.
You shake your head. “How would you even know?” You step past him and head to the showers. You shower and dress quickly, a few minutes behind Stella. Henry pulls you aside as you get ready to leave.
“Everything okay?” Henry asks.
“Yeah,” you nod.
“What did he say to you?”
You scoff, “That I smell different.”
“You probably do,” Henry smirked. “You showered with me.”
You feel your cheeks heat.
“No worries, darling,” he grins. “you just used your own stuff, right?”
He kisses your cheek. “Have a good day. Talk to you soon.”
You stretch up and kiss him back shyly.
“Talk to you later,” he whispers.
“Later,” you say and turn to go, only to see Stella waiting for you by the door.
She smiles widely and waves good bye and you walk out. “He looks into you!” she says excitedly.
“Okay, okay!” Stella bumps you and makes you giggle. “Come on, this is thrilling!”
“He’s actually…not what you think, Stel.”
She gives a low whistle and shakes her head. “If you say so.”
You get in the car, and there is an awkward silence.
“Well, heigh-ho, heigh-ho!” Stella says with forced brightness. “or, how is you say?”
You laugh, “I owe, I owe.”
Stuart laughs at that, and Archer smiles and shakes his head. “Off to work, Arch!”
“Here we go.” Archer starts the engine and speeds off.
The morning goes well enough. You try to keep your head down and work, but you find yourself looking for Henry when you can. You chastise yourself for it, but after the weekend you had with him, it’s normal to want him so soon, right?
You are startled by a hand on your shoulder and look up to see Colin.
“Hey,” he greets.
“Hey,” you smile, grateful he can’t tell that you were thinking about Henry and not fully concentrating on your work.
“Glad you’re okay,” Colin nodded.
“Thanks,” you smile, but slightly frown. He didn’t call you back that day, did he? “Any idea about how the mixup happened?”
Colin shook his head. “Actually, no. I talked to Cindy and she isn’t sure either, and we are so, so sorry about that.” He paused. “But you caught up with Stella after all, right?”
“My ride came, yes,” you say evasively.
“Great,” Colin grinned. “No harm, no foul.”
“Talk to you later,” he says and leaves.
That didn’t give you much information at all. From the sound of things, he didn’t know what happened either. Resolved and a bit happy to think of it has a mix up, you continue on with your work, part of you reliving the events of the weekend.
Your phone chimes and you look at it.
DAL: Thinking of you.
YOU: Thinking of you.
Now you can’t do anything but smile.
Thanks for reading! I enjoy comments, and please let me know if you want to join the tag list:
@mistress-of-ward @nuggsmum @messyinsomniacbookgirl @jencanbeyouryengeralt​ @sweetdreamsofgelato​ @maryann84 @omgkatinka​ @the-soot-sprite @viking-raider @keanureevesisbae​ @henryobsessed​ @summersong69​ @kinbhot4henners​ @sunshine96love​ @michelehansel​ @radofrivia @thelastsock​ @michelehansel @tumblnewby @henryobsessed @defffcc @tenaciousneckpartypainter @rn7rocksn @mrskikkirazz @daydreamin83 @ruthoakenshield @musicartmayheminmyheart @michelehansel​ @lrrvduckies
Also, please feel free to check out my other Cavill Fan Fics. Wisdom and wellness to you.
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queercapwriting · 5 years
Cap it honestly took me forever to figure out your blog party timing because I'm a west coaster and was always on too late but I'm finally here at the right time! Hi I hope you're doing great and I was wondering if you could write like a fic where Kara tells her family (Alex, Winn, James, J'onn, Clark, whoever else) That her and lena are dating and maybe like one of them is shocked and everyone else is just like, finally!
It was supposed to be a regular Game Night, but Kara was shaking so hard that she could barely breathe. She and Lena had talked about it and talked about it, and it was time. To tell everyone.
Lena was nervous, terrified even. And Kara had spent the entire morning soothing her, pressing soft kisses to her face and telling her everything would be alright.
But as they rode the elevator up to Alex’s apartment, the anxiety transferred, full and complete, to Kara.
She could save the world over and over and over - this world, anyway, but not, apparently, her own - but this? This felt like too much.
Because everyone had been proud when Alex came out. Everyone had hugged her and congratulated her and loved her even harder than they had the day before. 
And she knew it had been hard for Alex - so, so damn terrifying and difficult - but Kara had literally lost entire planets. She’d had her family ripped from her, more than once - lost then found then lost again. She’d failed to save too many people, and she was waiting, always, for the family she’d built to realize what a failure she was, what a fake she was. How weak she really was, how pained underneath her facade.
And maybe this would be what pushed them over the edge, what pushed them to realize how twisted she really was.
She knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, how beautiful Lena’s soul was.
She had utter faith and trust in her.
And she knew her friends, her family, was beginning to see that, too, to love Lena, too.
Which was why Lena was coming to Game Night to begin with.
But she was still a Luthor, and what if Kara dating her was… too much? 
And Clark was going to be at this particular Game Night, fresh from Metropolis, and what if what if what if what if…
Alex threw open the door - they’d had a stern but somehow still hilarious discussion about how complicated things got when Kara tried to fly through Alex’s windows after she’d cleaned them, not knowing they were closed - to welcome Kara and Lena, and tossed her arms around both of them.
The dual hug gave Kara some courage. Just a little bit. She thought Alex knew. She was reasonably certain Alex knew.
The extra small squeeze Alex gave Kara’s arm seemed to prove it.
And it gave her the strength to cut right to the proverbial chase.
Because when everyone else held up their beer bottles and slices of pizza in greeting, Kara wasted no time. She took Lena’s hand into her own and laced their fingers together. She glanced at her to re-confirm consent.
Lena nodded, eyes nervous but sure.
Kara took a deep breath, and instead of saying hi to everyone, she made an announcement.
“Everyone, Lena and I are dating. Like, she’s my girlfriend. And I’m really happy, and I’m pretty sure Lena’s really happy too. You are, right?”
“Yes, darling, I’m so happy,” Lena smiled, blushing hard and thrilled.
“So, yeah. Lena’s my girlfriend.” Kara finally took a breath and looked around, like she was Supergirl surveying a scene, looking for any enemies she’d knocked out that might get back up and try to go for round two.
Instead, she saw Winn reaching into his wallet and passing J’onn a twenty. James dug into his backpack and tried to present Maggie with a flash grenade, which J’onn immediately confiscated. 
All of them had massive, knowing smiles on their faces.
“Kara,” Alex tugged her sister back into a hug. “Did you think we didn’t know? We’ve all had running bets on how long it would take you to tell us. We love you, Kara. And you, Lena.” She kissed Kara firmly on the cheek before drawing Lena into her arms, too.
“Yeah, Kid Danvers, the only one who’s surprised is like… wait. It’s no one. No one is surprised.”
Kara smiled, dazed and ecstatic, hand still firmly in Lena’s. Until her eyes landed on Clark.
He was sitting, unmoving, his lips slightly parted. 
“Clark?” she asked, and she heard Lena’s heart rate shoot through the roof.
“You and Lena,” Clark repeated, slow and deliberate. 
He stood, and Lena took a step back.
Kara stepped in front of her.
Alex stepped in front of them both.
“Clark,” Alex said with a warning in her voice, and no one in the room seemed to doubt that in that moment, Alex Danvers could surely kick the shit out of Superman.
But Clark held his hands up in preemptive surrender. 
“Everyone tried to tell me. James, Lucy, Lois. I didn’t believe any of them. I just thought… I thought you two were good friends.”
“Gal pals?” Winn asked, choking on his own laughter.
Clark had the good grace to blush. “I guess for all the x-ray vision, I can’t see what’s right in front of me, can I?”
Kara could still hear Lena’s heart racing - and she knew Clark could, too. 
He gently put his hands on Alex’s waist and encouraged her to step aside. She let him.
Kara let him, too, because she knew.
When he was standing in front of Lena, he opened his arms, wide. His smile was even wider.
“Welcome to the Super family, Ms. Luthor,” he said, all Kansas wheat and Kent kindness.
“I think we can move onto Lena now,” Lena smiled through tears as she hugged him back, tightly.
“Lena,” Clark whispered into her ear. “Welcome to our family.”
And Kara had never felt more... home.
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crystalwillow · 4 years
When You’re Ready - Part Two
Pairing: Rafael Aveiro x Casey Valentine (F!MC)
Tagging: @lunayxcnco @kiteplayschoices @brycelahelalover @eleanorbloom @lucas-koh @obsessedheehee @fuseboxmusebox @rookie-ramsey
You can read Part One, here
It had been 2 week since that night Raf and Casey fell asleep in his bed whilst looking at his old school books, and Casey was round again visiting. She was currently talking with Juliana about Rafael as they cooed over his baby photo’s together.
“You never told me you were always so cute.” Casey smiled at Raf as she glanced over at him, He blushed back with a small smile on his face. Unable to find words.
“He was always caring too. Our dog got sick once. He never left his side until he was better.”
“That sounds exactly like Rafael.”
They laughed as they turned back to the photo album, cooing at some more photos whilst Raf just sat and blushed. The day ran away with the three of the and soon Rafael was waving goodbye to Casey as her taxi pulled away from the curb outside the house. When she got home, The apartment was oddly quiet, as she turned the light to the kitchen on, she found a note on the side.
“Hey! We’ve all got extra-long shifts, so you’ll be alone until about 2am when we’re all finally home. We made sure to leave leftovers of yesterday’s dinner for you incase you get hungry. See you soon! Sienna, Elijah, Jackie and Aurora!”
Casey sighed as she placed the note back on the side and opened the fridge to find the leftovers there, waiting for her. She took them out and put them in the microwave to heat up, taking out her phone and sitting on the side as she waited. When she unlocked her phone she found unread messages from Baz, Ethan & Rafael. She worked through them in that order.
--- 8:56pm ---
Baz: Hey! Just wanted to check in and see if you need anything? It’s been a while!
--- 9:18pm ---
Casey: Hey Baz! It’s good to hear from you. The only thing I could do with is some company but, you’re probably still working so...
Baz: Actually. Ethan and I are just packing up and shutting everything down in the office right now.
Casey: What about June?
Baz: She stormed off after an argument with Ethan.
Casey: Oh...
Baz: Yeah... It was kinda over you..
Casey: What?!
She switched chats into her messages with Ethan and her eyes widened as she read the message.
--- 7:23pm ---
Ethan: Whatever June tells you. I didn’t mean it like that. I value you as a friend and fellow doctor. Nothing more.
--- 9:26pm ---
Casey: Ethan? What on earth are you on about?
Casey: I know you aren’t still working Ethan Ramsey. Baz literally just told me you’re packing up and shutting down.
Casey: Dr. Ramsey. Answer me, please.
Ethan: I hate texting.
Casey giggled as she switched over to The conversation with Rafael.
--- 9:01pm ---
Rafael: Message me when you get this. I’d like to know you get home safe!
--- 9:33pm ---
Casey: Hey handsome! I’m home, safe and sound. Still in one piece <3
Rafael: Thank God. I was starting to get worried.
Casey: You worry too much sometimes. You’d be the first person I tell if something was wrong.
Rafael: But what if it was something where you couldn’t tell me?
Casey: I’d find a way. You know that. I-
Rafael: You... ?
Rafael: Casey?
Rafael: Oh no... Somethings happening. See I told you!
Casey: Raf, calm down! I was just taking my dinner out of the microwave.
Rafael: Um... I knew that. Of course I knew that. You’re Casey Valentine. Food vacuum.
Casey: 😂. You’re funny Mr. Aveiro. Very funny, and cute.
Rafael: Damn right I’m cute! 😝😘
Casey: Swoon!
Rafael: Yes swoon over me!
Casey: I think the word used these days is simp.
Rafael: Simp? ... That sounds ridiculous. I like swoon way better.
Casey: Me too
Rafael: I forgot to ask you something earlier.
Casey: You can ask me now.
Rafael: Would you maybe... like to go on a date?
Casey: Raf? Are you kidding?! I’d love to go on a date!
Rafael: Really?! I’m not too... nerdy for you? I mean, you’re a certified badass at this point and I’m just well..
Casey: The guy I’ve very much in love with? They guy I think is so gorgeous and sexy and amazing it should be a crime. The guy who I call ‘My Superman’ ???
Rafael: You make me soft for you, Casey Valentine.
Casey: You sure about that? Rafael Aveiro.
Rafael: .... Get your mind out of the gutter.
Casey: 😂, You love me though!
Rafael: Yeah... I do 🙂 Very much so.
Casey: So... see you on this date?
Rafael: Yeah. I’ll call you tomorrow with instructions on where to meet me. Wear something casual but with a professional edge?
Casey: Okay! Goodnight Raf! 💕
Casey smiled at the message she got back. A picture of Raf snuggled in bed, pouting, followed by a message that read ‘wish you were here too.’
She placed her phone on the table just as there was a knock on the door. As she approached it she head two distinct voices on the other side.
“Come on Ethan! She sounded like she needed friends!”
“Dr. Mirani, this is stupid! She’s probably gone to bed by now. It’s late and she’s still recovering from a very traumatic experience.”
“I beg to differ, Ethan. If she was going to bed she would have said ‘goodnight’ because she isn’t as grumpy and rude as you.”
“Excuse me!”
Casey opened the door and smiled at them as they looked at each other.
“Well if it isn’t Dr. Sunshine and Dr. Rain Storm.”
“Hi Casey! We-”
“I thought you could use some company before bed.”
“What kind of friend would I bed if I didn’t invite you in for at least one night cap.”
“See Ethan! I told you she’d want to see us!”
Ethan reluctantly followed Baz inside as Casey moved aside for them.
“What can I get you Baz?”
“I’d kill for a beer if you have one please.”
“Ethan? Usual or is tonight the night where you’re changing things up and taking an adventure?”
“The usual, please.” He said and Casey disappeared into the kitchen. The three talked well into the night, they stayed so late that Casey insisted on them staying for the night as it would be too dangerous for them to drive.
--- 3 Days Later ---
Casey was on her way to the grocery store when her phone started buzzing in her pocket, she stopped off to the side and answered it without even looking at the caller ID.
“Hi! You sound beautiful today.”
“Are you saying I don’t always sound beautiful, doctor?”
Casey giggled in response and Rafael joined in.
“You’re too cute Casey.”
“Why thank you, oh handsome knight.”
“I could stay on the line and shamelessly flirt all day. But I’d much rather do it in person. This afternoon. Meet me at my place, 3:45pm. It’s time for our date!”
“Really. You’re still okay with it right?”
“Yeah. I just....”
Rafael listened as Casey screamed and ran around on the other end of the line.
He tried to stifle his laughter, but it was too hard to accomplish with the image he had in his head.
“Stop laughing at me Aveiro!” Casey shouted down the phone as her quickened pace came to a halt, followed by heavy breathing.
“I-I’m sorry Case. It’s just.... Oh man!” he said as his laughter calmed down. “Look. I’ll let you recover, and I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah. It’s a date!”
“Well of course it is, silly!”
They said goodbye and hung up, Casey getting her groceries and Rafael preparing for the date.
--- 3:39pm that day ---
Casey walked through Rafael’s neighborhood with a smile on her face as she approached his house. She had that giddy feeling which made her stop at the front door with her hand raised at the doorbell. After taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she closed her eyes and pressed the bell, waiting for an answer. She pulled and twisted a lock of her hair as she waited, jumping as the door opened to reveal a half dressed Rafael. She bit her lip as her eyes bulged a little before she started drinking in the sight in front of her.
“Like what you see?” he chuckled
“Very much.” she responded with a sultry smirk.
Grinning, Rafael opened the door wider inviting her inside. She followed him staring at his back as he retreated down the hallway, the only thing on her mind was what she wanted to do to him. And his back.
“Just make yourself comfortable on the couch, I’ll be ready in a moment. Sorry I’m running late.”
“It’s alright. It gives me a chance to be alone with my daydreams.”
“And what pray tell, are those daydreams?”
He grinned as Casey smirked at him, subtly licking her lips, eyeing his body one last time before he disappeared into his room. Casey was on the couch thinking about things she wanted to try with Raf when it came to the more intimate bedroom moments. She was so deep in her daydreams that she hadn’t noticed Rafael return from getting ready.
“Ah!” she screamed with a little jump as Raf cleared his throat, smiling at her. “How long have you been there?”
“Long enough to watch you bite your lip around 6 times and quietly moan about 4.”
“I what?!”
Rafael let out a hearty laugh as he looked at Casey’s horrified expression. “I’m just playing with you. You only bit your lip.” Casey scrunched up her nose and playfully whacked his chest as he continued to laugh. She watched him, taking in his outfit as he stood to his full height, stretching out. He was wearing a burgundy t-shirt, navy blue leather jacket, black distressed skinny jeans and crisp white sneakers. He’d accessorized with a gold watch and necklace with an airplane charm dangling from the chain. She preferred him in just his underwear or no clothes at all, but he was looking pretty damn fresh in this outfit and it was giving her butterflies all over again, just like that first day they met, and her eyes met his gorgeous chocolate brown ones. So warm and inviting they lit fireworks inside her as she smiled at him.
“Um... Earth to Casey? Hello...”
“Hm?” Casey hummed with slightly widened eyes as she snapped her attention to Raf
“Man, you’re really liking these daydreams huh?”
“Sorry. Just x-ray visioning your torso and seeing those chiseled abs through that t-shirt.”
Rafael blushed bashfully as Casey grinned at him, moving from her own position on the couch and stretching out too. Raf watched her the way she had just watched him, he also took in every part of her outfit. From her blue denim jeans to the powder blue jacket over the white blouse she had chosen to wear, all the way down to the accessories and crisp white sneakers which ironically matched his own.
“Hey. I guess we’re meant to be huh?” He smiled as he tapped their feet together. Casey looked down and felt a warmth spread through her chest at the small detail. It wasn’t intentional and that’s what made it feel all the more special to them both. Although neither would voice that out loud just yet.
“Could I use your bathroom before we go?” Casey asked
“Yeah, sure! Go right ahead. I’ll double check I’ve packed everything then meet you by the door.”
Casey smiled getting up on tip-toe and pecking his cheek before going to the bathroom. A short while later, Casey stood by a tree as Rafael laid a blanket over a patch of grass nearby. She had offered to help, but being the gentleman he is, Rafael insisted Casey let him do this alone. It was his date idea after all, he was supposed to be making her feel loved not like she was working. After he had anchored a corner down with the basket, he stood on another as he looked at Casey with a sugar sweet smile, sweeping his arm over their spot.
“Lunch madam?” he asked, making Casey giggle and blush a little. It had been a while since she had dated anyone after her awful breakup 5 years prior to this moment. Which is when she vowed to herself never to fall for anyone again. But yet here she was, on a date with a guy so sweet, who made her feel so happy, that she threw all caution to the wind because he was worth it. She smiled at Rafael as she took a seat on the blanket and he followed her swiftly. She smiled as he pulled a carton of orange juice and 2 plastic tumblers from the basket, pouring them both a glass. He closed the carton, standing it back in the basket before passing Casey a tumbler and giving her a peck on the cheek. She blushed and returned the gesture before hiding her blush behind the plastic cup in her hand.
“So.... What did you bring?”
“Well...” He chuckled. “Vovo baked quite a few things for us. I was planning on going to the store and buying our favourites but, you know vovo when it comes to food.” Casey nodded and giggled as she watched Raf dive into the basket, pulling out plates and containers of food. Her eyes bulged at the amount there was. “Raf! We aren’t going to eat all of that. Are we?” she questioned, slight terror on her face. He chuckled at her and shook his head.
“No of course not my sweet peach. But like I said, you know vovo.”
“I guess I do, yeah.” She smiled. “What are we starting with then?”
“Well, you pick. We have Pão de queijo, Kibe, Picanha-”
Casey looked at him through a narrowed eye as if it was crazy to bring that along. “I did suggest maybe we should have it at home, but she scolded me for that. Pretty much told me to stop being an idiot and to let you eat good. She basically all but called you a goddess.” He explained, Casey looked at him with her mouth open a little. He reached up and closed it with a sugary smile. “Close that beautiful. I don’t want to be tasting flies when I kiss you. Besides, you are a goddess.” Casey blinked rapidly as she took in his words. The butterflies in her stomach were going crazy. Why was he being so nice? Why was he treating her with so much respect? Giving her so much attention and not pulling his phone out every time it buzzed? Was this normal? She had spent so many date nights in her last relationship doing the majority of the grunt work whilst her boyfriend sat on his phone or games console, she just thought it was normal to wait on the man hand and foot. Give him everything he needs, wants and desires.
She sat there, staring at Rafael as he smiled at her, holding her jaw closed with such a feather light touch. She had thought of it before, but now she felt it. She loves this man. He’s everything. Sweet, charming, chivalrous.... she could let her mind wonder to how amazing he was that time they slept together one night during her first year at the hospital. But this wasn’t the moment for that, she teared up with a smile as her bottom lip quivered. His gaze turned from happiness to one of concern as a tear slipped down her cheek.
“Casey? Are you okay? D-did I do something wrong?”
She shook her head, grabbing a napkin, dabbing her tears away. She took a moment to calm herself before stepping over the spread of food and sitting in Raf’s lap giving him a hug.
“I only brought food.” He chuckled. “What’s brought this on?”
“I um. I know we’ve said it before, and you might hate me for telling you that I wasn’t entirely sure when I said it. But I’m sure now. I... I love you Rafael Aveiro.” She said, brushing his hair out of his face so she could look into his eyes better. A soft smile spread onto the mans features as he looked up at the woman in his lap, and just like magnets, their lips connected in a sweet, love filled kiss. When they pulled away, they looked into each other’s eyes. The moment pure and delicate as they rested their foreheads together.
“I love you too, Casey Valentine.” Rafael whispered, stealing another quick peck before Casey adjusted herself, resting her head on his shoulder.
“Could you feed me something?”
“I’d like some cheese bread please. Oh and follow that with a chocolate strawberry.”
“As the lady wishes.” he smiled, feeding her some bread and then the strawberry.
She giggled as the chocolate crumbled and fell into her lap, she picked it up and popped it into her mouth and Raf chuckled at her cuteness. She smiled at him as she swallowed the strawberry and he raised an eyebrow.
“What?” Casey asked, quizzical look upon her face.
“Are you not going to share?” Rafael retorted, mocking offense.
“Oh. I’m sorry. Did you ask? Because I didn’t hear you.” She grinned and he shook his head with a smile. The rest of the date went really well. They traded childhood stories and even some secrets they vowed to never tell anyone because they would carry them to their graves as the only people who ever knew. But somehow, they felt comfortable telling each other.
As the sun set over the horizon, Casey and Rafael laid on the blanket huddled under their jackets as they watched the stars appear in the night sky. Rafael had answered a call from his grandma to help ease her worry, about both himself and Casey. He secretly liked, no loved, that Juliana saw Casey as part of the family already, and was even more taken aback by the fact she already had a ring ready for him to propose with when he felt the time was right. Of course that wasn’t going to be any time soon but, he knew in his soul as well as felt it in his stomach that Casey and himself were going to be together for life. So there was no rush. Beside he’d planned to date her for a while first from the moment he saw her in the ER that first day of her job. One day when he was sure they would both be ready, he would get down on bended knee and ask her to be Mrs. Aveiro, but until then, he was happy with dating the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
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adreamfromnevermore · 5 years
Shadows on the Rooftops
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20196670/chapters/47862427
Chapter 2 - Whispers in the Dark
Gotham, couldn’t be that different from Central. And he was looking for exactly one hero. One that going off his name, dressed as a giant bat. It couldn’t be that hard for the fastest man alive right?
Barry was practically vibrating with excitement. Tugging at the sleeves of the leather jacket he’d decided would help him fit in, he tried to school his face into a scowl. Glaring into the mirror on the wall as Hal laughed behind him. Barry swung around with a huff, glare slipping before returning twofold.
“If you aren’t going to help, then why are you even hear.” Ok so maybe he was really just whining but hey, he’d been tasked with an important job! Intel gathering! He was never tasked with intel gathering. Diana always said he didn’t quite have the mannerism for it. Too chattery.  
“Nah man, I’ll help, I’ll help.” Hal tugged his own jacket off as he stepped forward to lean against the wall. “Just uh, when exactly are you planning to go down there? Cause it’s getting kind of late man.”
“Well, as the newspapers said, the Bats only seen at night!” Swinging back towards the mirror he shuffled through the pile of newspaper clippings he’d printed the night before. “See! If you’re hunting something nocturnal, like our Bat here, you have to go out at night.”
Swinging around once more before Hal could even respond Barry was off. And back again a second later, a baseball cap clutched in one hand. “Do you think the hat’s too much?”
Hal shrugged, smirk pulling into wide grin as he leaned back. “Man, I’ve never been to Gotham. I’ve got no idea what they wear up there.”
“Up there? You’re on like, the opposite coast bro, I don’t think up there cuts it.” As Barry turned towards him, newspaper clippings quickly tucked away into a drawstring back that he slung across his shoulder. Hal laughed again.
“Better start heading down there man. Don’t want to miss anything cause you’re up here right?” And he was off.
Gotham watch out, Flash was on his way!
“Well? Have you finished your homework?” Bruce’s voice echoed through the cave as he slipped up behind them. A chorus of affirmative following it before the lot of them turned towards him.
“So, who’s going out tonight boss man? Spoiler getting to see the light of day? Uh night? Moon light? Whatever.” Stephanie was on her feet, cloak and uniform already on.
“Spoiler will be out tonight. You’ll be running with Red Robin, I need the two of you to look into any rumours about Scarecrow. He may still be locked up in Akham but word on the street agrees that he has something planned.” Turning away from Stephanie as she punched a fist into the air he instead looked towards Damian and Dick. Both already in uniform and clearly waiting for the go ahead to head out.
“Dev says Jason isn’t patrolling for the next 3 days. Remember that, Barbara won’t be out tonight either, so if you have need for backup Kate and Bette will be on standby.” Turning away Bruce slipped through the doors to the locker room as the chatter started up once more.
“Steph, you’re kidding. You spilled coffee on Superman? Superman.”
“What else was I supposed to do? Walk up and ask if he wanted an interview?”
Barry had barely arrived before the sun was well and truly down. The moon rising to take its place in the sky, and Gotham’s criminal underbelly slipping out of the woodwork. Not that they didn’t have a presence in the day time, he just hadn’t been there to witness it. And well that was moving beyond the scope of why he was in Gotham just after the sun had gone down to begin with.  
His subtle questioning of people on the streets had slowly led him further and further into the city. And now, standing under the only working street light on the block Barry couldn’t help his own unease. The gang of what he was pretty sure were thugs that seemed to be wandering the other alley seemed just as nervous.
Eyes searching the sky every time someone so much as whispered, and hands clenched in their pockets. He was thinking guns. Maybe a knife or two, it was hard to tell in Gotham. Back in Central most thugs he dealt with stuck to knives or bats, guns were rare when they expected him to pop up.
Then again, maybe they didn’t expect a hero and were waiting for another gang to fight?
Oh well. That was unimportant, what was important was finding the Bat. Then again, maybe this was his ticket?
He’d been waiting nearly an hour before something changed. The truck that pulled up was empty, and well that was fairly disappointing up until the moment when they started filling it and then Barry was well and truly interested. The odd canisters looked like oxygen but, from the way they were handled he figured they were probably much more dangerous.
And well, he was here to find the Bat yes. But it wouldn’t be an issue if he stepped in? It would only take a moment for him to change and then he could-
The street light above him flickered once, twice, and went out.
The sudden terrified scream put a halt to any and all plans he may have been making. A thin twisted creature seeming to slip free of the shadows at the same time as an odd piercing howl filled the air and a creature dressed in a purple cloak seemed to appear out of thin air atop the truck.
Hooded and cloaked all he could see of it was a void where the face should’ve been. And then it was gone moving amongst the suddenly panicked thugs as the other creature rose, limbs bending and twisting in what might have been a poor imitation at humanity. Before it rose to full height, and he caught a glimpse of what may have once been a boy. Skin pale and pitch black eyes surrounded by blood and dirt that streaked across its face.  
Maybe he had missed something.
As its mouth opened, revealing what looked like sharp teeth, an odd inhuman chirp echoed through the air. And the howl returned, the purple cloaked figure pinning a man to the ground in seconds and rising slowly a moment later.
The void where its face should have been twisting and changing as a face seemed to form across it. Male and pale with terror. Barry felt his breath catch in his throat as he froze staring in his own sudden burst of terror at the face of the thug the creature had pinned to the ground, and then the mouth began to open. Almost grotesque in the way it seemed to shift and show the void beneath.
Twisted english echoing through the alley as it turned towards the thugs still standing. “Who?” And cut off with another vicious howl as part of the face almost seemed to tear and twist and then the cloaked figure was gone. And the one in red and black was all that was left.
Moving towards the thugs it seemed almost to twist in and out of reality, and then it was on them. And in seconds the thugs were down. All of them save one on the ground unconscious and injured as it turned towards the last.
“I uh, I don’t know what that meant man?” Stumbling back the thug almost seemed to weigh his own loyalty, or his life, before meeting the creatures eyes. “Crane, boss said he thought the job mighta been for Crane but I don’t know! It was done through a middle man!” And as he spoke the creature froze, head cocked to the side like a bird.
And then its head jerked forward in what Barry thought might have been an imitation of a nod, and it was gone. Seemingly slipping into the shadows it had come from as the man screamed and was pulled upwards by his feet. Wire coiled around his ankles as he hung, suspended in mid air.
Barry had barely calmed his racing heart when a hand grasped the back of his jacket and he was spun around and slammed to the ground. A purple cloak swaying above him as his eyes locked onto a twisting void where a face should of been. And he blinked, screwing his eyes shut as an odd chirping sound came from his left and the figure above him shifted. Shaking him lightly as he forced himself to look once more at the creature above him and bit back a yelp as his own face stared down at him.
“Leave.” The voice was twisted and broken, his face seeming to break even as the words were uttered and the void once more filled the space where the face should have been.
“Unwelcome. Unwanted.” And that was the other one. A pair of inky black eyes in the darkness as it crept forward, drawing back before it had reached the light. Voice odd and twisted, almost too young for the face that watched him.
Clark had been right. There was no way these things were human, and no matter what Diana said they were beyond terrifying.
He blinked and they were gone, leaving him flat on his back just in time to hear the sound of sirens drawing closer and stumble to his feet. Glancing over as he stepped back and into the shadows behind him, he was almost surprised to see the first man the purple one had taken down beginning to shift only to slump back to the ground as the first cop cars arrived.
Stumbling back and further into the alley Barry forced himself to breath and turned. Taking off a second later without a destination in mind.
Well, there was technically a destination. He was getting the fuck out of Gotham, and then maybe he’d take a breath and pause and think through whatever had just happened.
There had been two of them, and if he was honest with himself he didn’t think either of them matched what they knew of the Bat. Which meant there were three in Gotham. Three, how the hell had they missed three new vigilantes popping up?
Sliding too a stop Barry let himself fall heavily against the side of a building as he surveyed his surroundings. Metropolis, made sense. Maybe he could snag Supes and they could talk about whatever twilight zone Gotham was.
And he’d thought Supes ghost girl had been wild. The purple one had stolen his face, what was even the purpose of that? Aside from the scare factor?
Sliding to a stop two rooftops away Steph let herself lean into TIm’s side. “You are terrifying and I will never get used to whatever contortionist crap Nightwing’s been teaching you.” As the other stilled beside her and turned, face mostly obscured by the mask of grime he’d applied.
“Like you’re one to talk, your mask copies faces well enough that they can be recognized now. Its fucking terrifying Spoiler.” Grinning back she leaned away for a moment to watch the streak disappear. And then almost laughed as she remembered he couldn’t see her face. “I’m laughing at you behind the mask you know.”
“Bat, the Flash is gone. Spoiler and I warned him away.” And Tim was back on track and completely focused on their task.
“We’ve tracked Crane’s supplier down, but the goons moving it didn’t even know for certain whether they were working for Crane or not they only guessed.”
“Yes. We’ll head back to the cave, we’ve run out of leads for the night. And I want to un-encrypt the chip I picked up at the first location.”
Leaning against the wall Stephanie was silent as she listened to the chatter over the comms and watched the cops swarm over the newest location they’d tipped them off too. As the comms fell silent once more Tim joined her in watching.
“Ready?” His voice was barely a hiss as he stepped up onto the small ledge.
Laughing Steph stepped passed him, and let herself fall. Already activating the grapple to swing herself back up as she heard him leap off behind her.
Barry didn’t have to wander long before he caught sight of Superman. Hanging high above him, almost as if waiting for a crime to occur.
“Supes! Down here!” And maybe shouting hadn’t been necessary but Barry was pretty sure he was still shaking from earlier. As the other swung around and then easily dropped down to join him, raising an eyebrow as he got closer.
“I thought you would be in Gotham for the night?” Barry was shaking his head before Clark had even made it halfway through the sentence.
“No, uh uh. You thought your bloody ghost girl was bad? Try a face stealing void creature!” For a moment Clark stared down at him, seemingly lost for words before dropping the last few feet to the ground.
“Did you say face stealing void creature? Is that what the Bat is?” And once more Barry was shaking his head.
“Oh no, no, no, that isn’t even the half of it.there was this, this, well, it was, I don;t even know! It was kinda like a bird I guess? Kept chirping like one, and well I don’t think english was really either of their suits.” Ringing his hands he couldn’t help but glance upwards as if expecting one of the two to appear once more. “It almost looked like it had blood all over its face, and its eyes were pitch black! All the way, no white’s at all. Everything else it wore was black and red, and you know now that I’m thinking about it. I think it had some kind of cloak er, maybe wings or something?”
He wasn’t surprised when Clark watched him silently for a moment before nodding slowly. “There were two? We haven’t heard anything about a second hero. We’d barely heard about a first.” Shaking his head with a frustrated sight Clark turned away for a moment.
“We’ve been looking into this Bat for barely a week, and it’s already thrown how many curveballs at us? Barry, I’ll call another meeting for tomorrow.” Lifting off the ground once more Clark paused before letting out a soft curse as he swept one hand up and through his air. “Who ever can make it, and then we can discuss what our next step should be.”
Nodding Barry took a few steps back and shrugged. “Sure, sure Supes. See ya then I guess.” And Superman was gone leaving Barry alone in the alley.
“Welp.” Turning around Barry shook himself out, and took off sliding to a stop just inside the small forensic lab of his precinct. He had time to take care of a few things, might as well get it done if he wasn’t spending the night in Gotham.
And besides after that? He sure as hell wasn’t sleeping.
Diana had only just returned to her apartment, nearly one in the morning when the alert was sent out. A meeting scheduled for the next day, though not a pressing one.
And that was enough to tell her just what it was about. Her phone was by her ear before she’d finished reading the message on her comm. And unsurprisingly, her call was answered after precisely 3 rings.
“Is something-”
“What did your kids do to Flash and how traumatized is he going to be tomorrow?”
And well, that wasn’t quite how she’d meant to word it. But the startled laugh she recieved was worth it.
If only for the fact that she’d startled a laugh out of the original Bat himself.
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cakesnothere · 5 years
Cake’s Super Sons: The Polarsheild Project Rant
Starting off, context... Polarshield Project focuses on Jon and Damian (read: ‘Ian’) during the Polar ice caps melting, Global warming, in the “Near future.” <(Exact quote from book). Scientist figure they can stop this by using special dust to coat the Earth “like an umbrella” to cool it down. This ‘dust’ can be found on an asteroid floating near Mars. Superman has to go to said asteroid.. and well y’all don’t care about logistics, let’s get into it...
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(I edited the little info boxes in the back of the book so they could all fit. Read these to be a little caught up if you so desire.)
Anyways, as you can just see from a glance Damian, Jon, and Candace seem to be the main three in this story considering their bios are the longest. And you’d be right but this new girl ‘ Tilly” is part of the main squad and does practically nothing to keep her place. I guess this is more me nit-picking, but I can’t help but wonder if they just shoehorned some random female side character just to fill the quota for ‘important female characters’. Candace is fine, I don’t really have any issues with her since she’s practically has the personality of a cardboard box and is really only here to drive the plot forward. Again, maybe I’m nit-picking, but I couldn’t tell you much about her aside from she can predict the future (???) and is an “African Princess” (???). 
Tilly and Patience’s presence tick me off the most because they A- Didn’t need to be here or either B- Could’ve been replaced. Patience takes place of Alfred, whom of which is fucking dead. Or at least I heavily speculate with the sus sounding sentence from Patience herself that said “We all wish he (Alfred) was here.” Like y’all really fuckin killed off Alfred.... Y’all have no shame.
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Ok so, let’s do a compliment sandwich. Some parts of this story actually made me laugh or smile. Like what the absolute hell is a “door knocker”? Well I’ll tell you, an idiot, the same kinda idiot that felt a thirteen year old knows what the fuck a ‘door knocker’ is and would physically use it in their vocabulary. I can’t tell if it was intentional to make Jon have that ‘I’m a county boy’ kinda speech, of the writers really felt someone at that age would just... speak like this. That being said, 98% of the things that made me laugh ultimately made me question if it was all intentional or if they really threw shit at the wall and it stuck. 
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Now that that’s out of the way.... They completely ruined these characters. The first actual page of the book shows Jon leaning on Damian and Damian looking rather pissed as he tends to be. This gave me some glimmer of hope because that shows the the artist (or crew) went out of their way to demonstrate on a surface level what the two’s dynamic is. Its rather comical how backwards both Jon and Damian act that if you switched their dialogue and actions I’d almost let this entire book slid.
Jon is an aggressive war machine. He tosses people in board-fucking-daylight (no costume or nothing) over his head like they weigh nothing. During one part in particular he practically doesn’t trust the entire ‘team’ and thinks they’re all ‘un-loyal’. He almost beats the shit out of Damian more times then I can count, and back talks nearly everyone... including that girl Tilly, whom he kissed on the forehead after like five hours of meeting her.
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Damian is just as bad, if not worse. Again, I can’t tell if they were aiming for Damian being his typical bratty self. He’s less of a know-it-all and more I-have-more-money-than-you kinda guy. During the teams one big infiltration scene, Jon was the first to figure out the hidden switch location. He was the first to collect any real evidence on the tainted food supply. He found out Damian was lying to him practically immediately. Jon also out smarted Damian’s attacks. Both mentally and physically. Jon had Damian pinned to a wall in seconds flat when they fought which... ok??? Superman is over-powered. Fine. I can handle little baby Damian Wayne not being able to beat the Son of Superman in a wrestling match, but he should at least be able to outsmart the man of steel’s son?! If Damian is one thing, he’s smart... too smart. Damian hasn’t been very hush-hush on the fact that he’s Batman’s son. Like “Batkid”, really?! He’s not even dressed like Batman. If he at least had a cape maybe I’d be a little less offended. 
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Moving on... This comic is an absolute shit storm. It’s called Super Son’s but it mainly focuses on Candace’s past, and who she is supposed to be, and also Jon and how smart and strong he is. "Ian” is this weak annoying little shit that at times has something akin to the original Damian’s look and appeal, but it inevitably falls flat because his personality is so watered down and his appearance only really resembles Damian’s if you squint in the dark. 
This book gave me whiplash on all the clashing colors they tried to paint Damian’s skin. Some times he was almost as pale as Jon (only when Jon also wasn’t on the page) and other time’s he seemed just the right shade (the cover). I’m going to assume they made his hair brown so that you could easily differentiate Jon and Damian at just a glance... but this book is for tween’s, not fucking babies.
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And Damian not having green eyes? I’m really not sure on that one. Maybe Jon’s blue eyes would be too close to Damian’s emerald ones? Regardless, its stupid as hell.
I just can’t help feel that Damian really got the short end on this one. His character comes second to Jon’s which is painfully obvious by the change in character design only to Damian, and the lack of defining characteristics that made Damian... Damian. 
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Oh, and this? I have no idea why he want’s to be called ‘Ian’. It’s never touched upon ever again after this. He get’s called Ian the rest of the story and there is really no context to explain why he wants to? He practically idolizes his father in this book so I can’t see it being because he wants to separate himself for the man as much as possible. It’s just another thing that the writers added in that holds no weight in this story. It’s just kinda there to be there.
All in all this story was kinda hard to follow since there were so many opposing story lines and new characters, and just things that my brain couldn’t possibly follow all at once. As someone with a reading disability, reading the regular Super Sons comics were easier to follow and grasp then whatever this ‘childrens’ book was trying to do.
Not only did they kill off Alfred, but they killed my sons and I am upset :(
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
I see you're a fan of angst, here's something to entertain you then. How about a story where Josh snaps and goes apeshit :)
Oh Anon, you're in for a horrid treat >:3c
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     Everything had been a mess. A complete and utterly complicated political mess with almost no end in sight.
That's why they never realized something was inherently wrong with Josh's recent behaviour.
That nothing indicated that he was being anything but his quiet but optimistic self.
You could pitch the blame on the remaining 3/4s of Jericho's leadership. Say that the three of them had gone so far as to neglect their friend when times got particularly tough, but honestly Josh had never even voiced feeling particularly off, or anything of the sort.
He'd either not wanted to tell them, or hadn't realized the problem either. 
Or, worse yet, he hadn't been able to warn them in time.
Regardless of which one it was, none of it changed the fact Simon was currently hiding in a closet while cradling an unconscious and bleeding North…
     There had been threats for a good part of the month. Jericho's leaders had been hard at work trying to pass the bills, while Connor and the DPD kept the peace as best as they could.
In between heavily guarded press conferences, and trips in and out of DC? There had been multiple messages left for them.
Ones that were as simple as 'You're not alive', and others that went so far as 'You'll all end up destroyed and thrown in the trash like the junk you are'.
Markus put his foot down and upgraded security at the tower and at Carl's, when the threats began to address both innocent civilians and his family. His very human and fragile family.
There were other measures he'd taken into account as well, most of which were suggested by Connor and Hank.
As a general rule, the RK800 had suggested that the four leaders should not walk alone outside, and to perhaps conceal their identities whenever this was not a possibility.
Androids were being rampantly attacked out in the streets, with the aggressors aiming for more common models they could recognize.
Simon, for example, had a harder time accomplishing this, not because he was a figurehead in android politics (which he wasn't), but because the PL600 had been one of the most popular domestic assistant models Cyberlife had ever produced.
North could, in theory, disguise herself and walk seemingly unnoticed if she really wanted to, but sadly tended to get into fights with hecklers and catcallers. The two were essentially barred from leaving the Manfred household.
The same could not be said for Markus and Josh.
     Markus was recognizable in public but was also a lot more sneaky about it than Josh. He kept out of sight at all times, using his acrobatic skills to his advantage, and went to abandoned places where he climbed up to isolate heights that no human could follow him to. There he would sit and appreciate the sights, before letting his mind wander.
He liked to have time to think alone. 
It relaxed him.
Josh, on the other hand, would don a thick jacket and a baseball cap and somehow it was like Superman disguising himself as Clark Kent.
The PJ500 series was numerous but not outwardly recognizable by people who didn't go to Detroit University. Thanks to said university's bad rep, very few people in Detroit had actually gone there to study, so Josh's face didn't ring any bells. Mostly for the wrong reasons.
As unimpressed as he was with how little progress humanity had made besides uniting their frustrations against androids, it ended up being beneficial to his excursions to the library that "all black guys looked the same".
North had snorted once when he'd brought it up, and Simon had rolled his eyes and shook his head in disbelief.
  "Humans tend to express face blindness if they're particularly racist." The blond had commented as he'd turned the page of a rather thick hardcover he'd been engrossed with. A recommendation of Carl's.
  "And you still insist dialogue is the best option? Almost half of Congress is old white dudes who never had to lift a finger in their lives. They'd all be dying to take you out, and not the dinner kind either." The redhead pointed out.
  "They would be less likely to give us the time of day if we nuked the city." Josh had glared daggers before going on his way out to the library. His knowledge archives were vast, but there were things he wanted to brush up on.
  "Don't be so rough with him North…" Simon chastised the WR400 when their friend was no longer in earshot.
With Markus currently asleep, and Josh wandering the streets, it left the two of them with nothing to do.
  "I'm antsy!" North crossed her arms, giving Simon one of her 'really?' looks. The kind that made it seem obvious why she was on edge. Not that it was obvious at all. "The threats keep coming, and we never catch the assholes who leave the notes...Markus is working himself ragged juggling between wrangling those rabid old crows and amping up security, and the tower's abuzz with anxious scared androids!"
  "Josh is also tired. He's been very active in the debates and he's used every piece of history knowledge he was preprogrammed with. Not to mention he has been looking into various ways of reaching a compromise with the humans, that won't leave them feeling threatened…" Simon rubbed at his eyes, sighing tiredly as he recalled how stressed the PJ500 always ended up after a meeting. "Some of those people...They unerve him. To the point he's scared of what might happen if he steps on any toes…"
  "This is Josh we're talking about." North dismissed "If anyone out there wouldn't dream of treading on toes and maybe licking boots, it'd be him."
  "He'll be fine Simon." The WR400 reassured "He's too charming and polite to make any enemies...Hell he's the sort to help old ladies cross the street! The internet would send hitmen after anyone who tried slandering his name."
  "...That sounded adorable coming from you. I should let him know you think he's charming." The blond grinned, avoiding a pillow the shorter of the two threw his way.
  "Don't you dare! I have a reputation to uphold!"
  "If you say so, Ice Queen."
  "Damn straight! Now move over you jackass, the couch was made for two!"
     Usually it took an hour for Josh to return. He was very pragmatic in the sense that he took what he needed, no less and no more, and then he wouldn't stick around so as to not risk getting recognized.
That night it took three hours, which was unusual but not impossible.
Maybe for once he'd taken time for himself rather than gather more ammunition for another conference meeting. Wishful thinking.
While Simon and North kept themselves busy, enjoying the one night where Markus wasn't stressing over their next steps, and the beginning of Matthew's, Leo's and Carl's quality bonding time vacation of sorts, they'd almost completely forgotten about their taller friend.
That is, until Josh returned dazed and confused, and with a bloody gash on the back of his head.
At the sight of the thirium staining his jacket and hands, Simon had run to get the technician's kit he'd stored in his room, while North had gone to help Josh steady himself and walk to the couch.
  "What the hell happened to you?!" She demanded as she pulled the cap off his head and examined the gash.
It looked painful, like a blunt object had hit hard enough to break the chassis casing open.
The thirium flow was slow, which meant it hadn't hit anything major, but the confusion and slow response worried her.
  "...I...D-dont know…?" The PJ500 blinked blearily. He was disoriented and his eyes wouldn't focus on her.
  "What do you mean you don't know?" She inquired further as she brushed the gash lightly with a finger. The pained hiss and subsequent flinch away from her touch made her falter.
The sensors weren't damaged then, he could feel the wound.
  "...I…" Josh shook his head, one eye twitched oddly and he seemed to be struggling to form sentences. "I...Remember being at...I was reading books...Mandela? I…."
  "Simon could you hurry the fuck up? I think he's concussed!" The redhead called up the stairs. She heard a muffled reply before looking back at Josh.  "You were reading at the library, and got hit on the head?"
  "...I...Think so…" he was staring at her, a frown on his face. "I...I was alone. No one was t-there to...Reco-recognize me?"
  "Well someone did, and they hit you on the back of the head." North sighed. "Humans, I swear to God…"
Simon returned swiftly to the two of them and took care of the gash. After the wound was mended, the PL600 carefully tried to figure out if Josh's processor was experiencing any trouble outside of the obvious.
It was PJ500 who insisted he'd be fine in the morning after a quick scan with his maintenance software.
After bidding goodnight and going to their respective rooms, they'd set the incident aside as a one-off.
Next time Josh would be more careful.
     When morning rose however, the leaders of Jericho met downstairs for "breakfast" and what came on the news was...Alarming.
Markus had turned on the TV out of habit while Simon gave everyone a cup of warm thirium to start the day, only to pause as a news broadcast caught his eye.
The RK200 turned up the volume and gawked at the sight.
Several androids had been killed the previous night. Their bodies piled up, and a message scrawled in still fresh thirium.
  "That's...Very close to the library." Simon pointed out uneasily. "You don't think who ever attacked Josh did...Did that, do you?"
  "Someone attacked Josh?" Markus frowned.
  "Yeah, last night… they hit him on the head." North confirmed, turning to look at the PJ500. She noticed how quiet he was staring at the news, but wrote it off as him being apprehensive. He could have been one of the bodies, and that alone would make anyone somber.
  "Someone recognized you?"
  "I...Don't think I was recognized. I just happened to be in the area." Josh replied with a shrug. "Otherwise I'd be dead. Wouldn't I?"
  "That's...True." Simon sighed. "Are you feeling better?"
  "Oh...Much better yes." Josh smiled at them all as he spoke. There was an odd glint in his eye. "In fact, I'd say I feel like a brand new android!"
  "...Are you sure? Last night you were a little confused." North insisted.
  "Very sure North. Don't you worry about little old me…" Josh grinned "Now, if you'll excuse me I'll finish this in my room. I've got something I need to work on."
The three watched as their taller friend picked up his cup and walked off.
He seemed to be in high spirits, despite being attacked the murders from the previous night.
That should have been a red flag, but in the end they were more worried about the violent demise if those poor androids, than Josh's unusual upbeat behaviour.
The words 'malfunctioning machines' had been "elegantly" scrawled on the wall of the alleyway the bodies had been found in. Clearly written by someone who'd dipped their hand in blue blood and then taken their sweet time.
Hopefully the DPD would find fingerprints… it'd ease their minds a little.
     The following days had been relatively fast paced. Josh had been more careful with his visits to the library, and Markus was back to stressing over conference calls and meetings.
Simon had been keeping tabs on the Manfred family's phone calls to check up on them, and North had been teaching self-defense at the tower to ease some worries.
It would have all been normal, if not for the constant murders.
All exactly the same as the ones from the night Josh had been attacked.
Piled up bodies, and a handwritten message.
Always the same one.
Malfunctioning Machines.
Connor had notified them that no prints were ever found, so they were either dealing with a very meticulous human, or the unthinkable… An android serial killer.
But why would one of their own butcher other androids so brutally?
  "Maybe Cyberlife's behind this…" Markus suggested, as he rubbed his temples and tried to ignore the dull headache he'd been tormented by all day.
  "If it was Cyberlife, why didn't they come after us yet?" Simon shook his head "The attacks seem to be almost random. Like the killer picked a group of androids without really thinking about it."
  "With the lack of evidence, it doesn't feel like it's not a calculated move Simon. Connor can't find anything...Connor." North took a sip from her cup, frowning when she realized she'd already finished her drink.
  "I'll refill that for you, North." Josh took her cup, smiling sweetly at the redhead before heading off into the kitchen.
  "Between the conferences and the tower, I don't know what's worse. Perkins has been up my asshole trying to demoralize everything we've done." The RK200 finished his own cup.
  "Of course he'd use this to mess with morale. Fucking rat bastard that he is…" North smiled at Simon as he laid a comforting hand on her shoulder.
  "We all know Richard Perkins isn't taken seriously by anyone with half a brain. He was completely humiliated after what happened at the recall centers." The blond reassured "But he is very hyped up about the murders… Maybe he has something to do with them?"
  "I'd assumed so, but so did Hank and Connor. Nothing links back to the asshole, and some of those bodies were in terrible shape. Like they were torn limb from limb. Perkins isn't exactly the picture of peak human physic…" Markus shook his head "I dread to think it really might be one of our own doing this."
  "But why?" Simon frowned.
No one knew the answer for that, and Markus couldn't stick around to speculate.
He had to go see Connor over some security details for his next trip to Washington.
This left Simon, North and Josh alone in the Manfred household.
  "Sorry for the delay, I couldn't find the bottle." Josh reentered the room with North's cup, smiling at his two friends.
  "Oh...Didn't I put it in the fridge?" Simon blinked in confusion.
  "Nope, not in there. Not to worry I found it in the end." Josh grinned, handing the cup to North. "It's at the temperature you like, so you won't have to wait for it to cool."
  "Thanks Josh." She took the cup and brought it to her lips, absentmindedly gulping the warm liquid before the taste fully hit her.
She spluttered and coughed, tears in her eyes and she dropped the cup. "What the shit?!"
Josh continued to smile down at her, cocking his head to the side as he grinned.
  "Is something wrong?"
  "This tastes horrible! What the fuck Josh?!"
  "Oh...My mistake Northy. Must be the flavouring I added~" the PJ500's grin looked...Off. very off.
Simon gawked at him in disbelief.
  "You put something in her thirium? Josh that could make her sick!" The blond cried out. "What did you put in it?!"
  "Oh~ Nothing much. Just half a bottle of this." The taller android held up a bottle of drain cleaner from behind his back. "To Purge the malfunctions away~"
Had he the capacity for it, Simon's skin would have crawled.
Instead his eyes widened and he turned to look at North who'd continued to cough.
  "W-what t-t...J-jos-osh?" The WR400's eyes widened and teared up even more, before she began to spit up waves of thirium, her intake line and the filter connected to it having become compromised from the highly corrosive chemical.
  "North! Josh that..Why the fuck?!" Simon tried to help his distressed friend, before he froze. "...Did you say malfunctions?"
  "Why yes, as a matter of fact...I did." Josh's grin had taken on a sinister glee. The blond couldn't help feel threatened as he neared them. "You see… I know something you don't~"
Simon yelped as North continued to cough up thirium, taking the redhead into his arms and backing away from the PJ500.
  "W-what would that be?" He asked.
  "...Androids aren't alive Simon. We're all just malfunctioning...And that won't do. Not at all…" Josh threw away the bottle before pulling something out of his back pocket. A knife. "Malfunctioning machines are dangerous Si~ So I've taken the liberty to dispose of a few...But you know, you made me realize...I should have gotten rid of you three by now. After that's done, I'll do away with the RK800...And then I'll finish up the job, one android at a time…"
  "I'll set it all right, for mankind… Just as I've been told to do!"
     The PJ500 tried to slice at the PL600's throat, but Simon hadn't deviated yesterday. He had to protect himself and North, so he grabbed the nearest object and lobbed it at his assailant.
A vase shattered against Josh's face, making him stagger back long enough that Simon could run with North in his arms.
And that had been what lead to the moment, where the two ended up stuck inside a tiny closet, hiding away from the pacifist who'd abruptly snapped and become a homicidal maniac.
Simon held his breath, clinging on to his unconscious friend while he tried to contact Markus. 
Josh was prowling around the house, searching for them. It was only a matter of time before he found them both.
  "Come out, come out wherever you are~" the PJ500 called out in a singsong tone, as he looked in every room.
<Markus please pick up! Please, I'm begging you!>
  "Siiiiimon~ there's only so many rooms you can hiiide in~" Josh's voice was getting closer.
<Markus for the love of all that's holy in this world, please fucking pick up!>
  "Simon~ Is that you in the closet~?"
The closet door opened.
Simon screamed at the top of his lungs.
  "This afternoon the police, with the help of Android Revolution leader Markus, have finally caught the culprits behind the string of android murders that have been plaguing the streets of Detroit. According to our sources, a rogue FBI cell lead by Richard Perkins successfully incapacitated an android and then modified its programming so that it would carry on the gruesome murders. This is what the known anti-android FBI agent had to say on the matter:
-This is irrefutable proof that Deviancy doesn't make an android alive like us. If so much as a string of code is altered, they can become killers with little to no morality or mercy. Today, one measly pacifist, tomorrow every android in this goddamn city...You can't trust a malfunctioning machine! We did you all a favour!"
     Markus turned off the TV and sighed sadly before getting up and moving towards the door. He was met outside by Connor, who gave him a sympathetic look.
  "Any progress?" The RK200 asked.
  "None… He's in a catatonic state, which the technician's say is normal after…" The RK800 pinched the bridge of his nose before looking Markus in the eye "...Every single line of social protocols was...Replaced with Myrmidon and Trojan coding. The fact he showed guilt and cried when you found them is...Is hopeful...But Josh isn't ever going to be as he was, ever again. Perkins saw to that…"
  "I can't...I can't lose him Connor…" Markus pleaded.
  "I know, and I'm sorry I can't bring you better news. All I can say for sure is that the military programming will be deleted and he might go back to being non-aggressive, but I can't promise you he'll be anything but passive to the world around him. The emotional trauma is too much..." Connor put a hand on Markus's shoulder. "I'm sorry...I'm really sorry you had to go through something like this."
  "...Being sorry won't bring back Simon and North, and it won't fix Josh…"
They should have seen the signs.
They should have known something was wrong.
Now Markus was completely alone, two friends torn apart by their other friend who was now confined to a tiny cell in an android medical facility, a lost cause.
Everything was a screwed up mess, and it looked like it wouldn't ever be anything but that.
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wrestlingisfake · 6 years
All In preview
This is the big independent show everyone’s been talking about.  Several big promotions have allowed their talent to do this show, but none of them are directly running this show.  Cody Rhodes and the Young Bucks are promoting this out of their own pockets, which is pretty amazing when you think about it.
This all came about because some guy on Twitter asked Dave Meltzer asked if Ring of Honor could run a 10,000-seat venue and Dave was like “not anytime soon” and Cody was like “I’ll take that bet.”  Then everyone was like “what market is going to have enough hardcore fans to fill a building that big?” and Chicago was like “hold my beer” and the place sold out in 30 minutes.  So yeah, fuck Wrestlemania going to New York and Florida all the time, we’re gonna do our own Wrestlemania with indy guys and stupid storylines off of Youtube!
This will be airing live on pay-per-view, ROH’s Honor Club service, and Fite.tv, with a one-hour pre-show on WGN America.  September 1, 6pm Eastern/5pm local.
Nick Aldis vs. Cody Rhodes - This is for the NWA world heavyweight championship, which Aldis won last year--the same title Cody’s father held in 1979, 1981, and 1986. 
Aldis is probably best known as Magnus for his run in TNA, where he held what is now the Impact world title.  (He also held the Global Force Wrestling world title for most of that group’s existence.)  Cody is, of course, a former ROH world champion and WWE intercontinental champion; he’s a top act in ROH and part-time special attraction with New Japan Pro Wrestling.  He’s also one of the promoters of this show, which may or may not give away the finish.
The great irony here is that “independent wrestling” used to mean “wrestling unaffiliated with an NWA member,” but now the NWA has no members, which means it has the most prestigious championship that is truly independent of the major players today.  The current NWA business model, under Billy Corgan, is to fly the champion around to other people’s indy shows, resembling the old-school pattern of Harley Race or Ric Flair coming to an NWA territory once or twice a year.  Since this show isn’t being promoted by a group with its own world champion, it’s a perfect fit for that model.  So it’s a good thing Aldis got booked, because if he hadn’t the NWA would’ve looked pretty bush-league.
The main story here is that Cody and Corgan arranged this title match without consulting Aldis.  Aldis then tried to hold out for added incentive to defend the title, suggesting that if Cody regained the ROH world championship they could have a double title match.  Cody came up short, but still managed to goad Aldis into accepting the challenge.  Obviously the crowd for this show is going to be solidly behind Cody simply for making this show possible, and moreover they’re going to be into the angle that Cody has a chance to recreate one of his father’s career highlights.
I don’t foresee a lengthy NWA title reign for Cody, since his obligations to ROH and New Japan probably don’t line up with Corgan’s business plans.  However, if I was Corgan, I’d want to get the belt on Cody while he’s the talk of the wrestling world.  At the very least, I’d want to set up a Cody/Aldis program to run through October’s NWA anniversary show and maybe even the ROH/NJPW Madison Square Garden show in April.  So a title change makes sense, but it’d depend on a lot of things falling into place behind the scenes, so it’s not a lock either.  In the end, though, this is a bad weekend to bet against Cody.
Kenny Omega vs. Pentagon, Jr. - Omega holds the IWGP heavyweight championship--the top title of New Japan--but the title is not at stake here.  Penta works all over the place but is probably best known from AAA and Lucha Underground.  His biggest accolade is possibly the LU championship, but he also briefly held the Impact Wrestling world title earlier this year.
This is easily the biggest dream match that this show could book.  To the average US wrestling fan, Omega is the hottest guy in Japan and Penta is the hottest guy out of Mexico.  But since Penta’s never really been to NJPW or ROH, and since Omega’s never really been to AAA or Impact, there’s never been a way to book this match on a big show...until now.
I don’t really know anything about Pentagon except that he’s fucking scary, dude, and I’m pretty stoked to finally see what this cat’s deal is.  Omega has made a name for himself delivering some of the best matches of the decade, but Penta is a brawler so this won’t be a wrestling clinic.  It should be a unique spectacle, worthy of this one-of-a-kind event.
I feel like New Japan would not authorize this appearance if their champion was going to lose, so I would be very shocked if Penta wins.
Kazuchika Okada vs. Marty Scurll - Okada isn’t quite the ace of NJPW, but he’s getting there, especially after a record-setting 720-day run with as IWGP champion.  Scurll is a junior heavyweight in NJPW, but in ROH he’s approaching the main event level, and if he sticks around long enough he’ll probably become their world champion.  In Japan, heavyweights and junior heavyweights almost never compete against one another one-on-one, so this match is automatically a rarity.
Scurll is sort of just there in the grand scheme of things, but within the context of a 10,000 indy wrestling fans in Bullet Club shirts, he’s practically the second coming of Christ.  Between the quality of his opponent, the historic nature of the event, the favorability of the crowd, and the timing of his peak popularity, this could be the match of Scurll’s life.  But that said, he’s bound to lose, because I can’t imagine New Japan allowing an upset to disrupt their pecking order among the weight classes.  That’s fine with me, because while everyone else will be whooping for Scurll, I’ll be there to see Okada.
Rey Mysterio & Fenix & Bandido vs. Kota Ibushi & Nick Jackson & Matt Jackson - Fenix is the brand-new AAA heavyweight champion.   Mysterio is a former WWE champion and the current champion of Mexico’s #3 group, The Crash.  There isn’t much info (at least, not in English) on Bandido except that he’s worked in CMLL, AAA, and various smaller promotions.  Aside from being a finalist in NJPW’s G1 Climax tournament this year, Kota Ibushi is legendary for his high-risk style and his preference to be a freelancer rather than commit to a single company.  Nick and Matt, the Young Bucks, are currently the IWGP heavyweight tag team champions, and have become synonymous with the post-ironic style that has defined the modern age of indy wrestling.
There really isn’t a story or direction to this match beyond getting all these guys in the ring at the same time to work with each other.  The Bucks do their spots with everyone in the indies, this is their big special show, and so as a special treat they’re going to do their shit with Rey and Fenix.  Ibushi seems to be here because Kenny Omega is occupied elsewhere, and to get his last chance to work with Rey before Mysterio returns to WWE.  Bandido seems to be here primarily to do the job, which kinda suggests Ibushi and the Bucks are winning.
Hangman Page vs. Joey Janella - Page is one of the lesser white guys in Bullet Club, but he had a decent run in the G1 Climax recently, and it seems like he’s starting to move up in the world.   Janella is best known for a) Joey Janella’s Spring Break, GCW’s Wrestlemania weekend event and b) a 2016 match with Zandig where they did an insane rooftop bump into a pickup bed filled with glass and barbed wire.  This is being billed as a Chicago street fight, which could mean anything really but generally means no count-outs, no disqualifications, so you can fight all over the place, but you still have to score a fall in the ring.
The, uh, storyline in this match is that Page, yeesh, either murdered Joey Ryan or believes that he did.  Joey Ryan is arguably the most popular American indy wrestler who is not booked on this show, and he’s conspicuous by his absence since a good chunk of the build for this show is about his fate.  Anyway, Page is, uh, afraid to wear his cowboy boots because they keep...well...talking to him about how he’s going to kill “another Joey,” apparently meaning Janella.  So yeah, the big idea is that it’s significant that Ryan and Janella have the same first name.  It’s like that whole “Martha” thing in Batman v. Superman, only dumber.  This is what happens when the main television for your show is Being the Elite, which is slightly less absurd than Southpaw Regional Wrestling or Z! True Long Island Story.
In any case, Page is suitably deranged enough to brutalize Janella, which means Janella has sufficient motivation to go sickhouse on Page.  These two ought to give us a good brawl and some nasty hardcore spots.  Dave Meltzer seems to think this could steal the show, and I wouldn’t go that far, but it might have everyone talking afterwards, if only for sheer wtf-ness.  I’m not sure it matters who wins, but Page is the one who’s friends with the promoters so I’d bet on him.
Jay Lethal vs. the winner of Over Budget Battle Royal - Lethal (probably best known for his Randy Savage impression in TNA ten years ago, and a sexual harassment scandal this summer) is defending the Ring of Honor world title against whoever wins the battle royal in the pre-show.  Since the battle royal includes at least one woman, there’s at least a chance this could become an intergender match.  This is the biggest match on the show that does not involve any members of Bullet Club, although I suppose the battle royal winner could, like, join Bullet Club or something.
Being the Elite has been setting up the idea that Lethal’s “Black Machismo” persona is re-emerging, so the big angle for this match is the hype that Lethal might bring that stuff back.  I don’t know how that will play off of whoever wins the battle royal, but I guess they have some crazy idea.
For historical purposes, a title change at this show would be a feather in ROH’s cap.  But I don’t expect them to see it that way, or for the battle royal winner to be anywhere close to ROH’s ideal world champion.  I’m picking Lethal to retain.
Christopher Daniels vs. Stephen Amell - Daniels has been around so long that he appeared (as a jobber) on both sides of the Monday Night Wars, won the first King of the Indies, held the IWGP junior tag title with Daniel Bryan, and became a founding father in the early history of both ROH and TNA’s “X” division.  These days he’s primarily known as the leader of ROH’s SoCal Uncensored faction.  Amell plays the superhero Green Arrow on TV, and became friends with Cody Rhodes through Cody’s appearances on that show and a celebrity tie-in match at Summerslam 2015.
During the whole “Joey Ryan was murdered” storyline, Amell was arrested but then later it came out that Daniels framed him.  I feel like that should leave Daniels in deep legal shit but I guess we’re not worrying about that.
Amell is looking to prove he can hold his own in the ring despite his limited experience, and Daniels has the challenge of making him look even better than that.  I think they’ll probably do fine.  That said, I don’t watch Arrow or Being the Elite and I barely even pay close attention to ROH weekly television, so I sure don’t give a fuck about this match.  I guess Amell wins. 
Tessa Blanchard vs. Madison Rayne vs. Chelsea Green vs. Britt Baker - Blanchard is the reigning Impact women’s champion and WSU world champion; neither title is not at stake.  This is presumably a standard four-way where the first wrestler to score a fall wins the match.  This is the only women’s match on the card--okay technically Jordynne Grace is in the battle royal but that’s not really the same thing.
Rayne is probably best known for her tenure in TNA/Impact (she held the women’s title five times), although she recently competed in both the ROH Women of Honor tournament and WWE’s Mae Young Classic.  Green wrestled as Laurel Van Ness in Impact and is of late appearing in Lucha Underground.  Baker has yet to really move up into the bigger indies, so her biggest claim to fame may be as one of the jobbers Nia Jax squashed early in her run on WWE Raw.
There really isn’t anything at stake in this match.  In theory a victory over Blanchard would set up a title match, but this isn’t Japan and I don’t know if Impact or WSU will really care who wins here.  So it kinda just comes down to whoever Cody and the Young Bucks want to go over.  I tend to think that’ll be Blancard since she’s the next big thing in women’s wrestling.  Although if somebody’s looking to make a statement about the next next big thing, that could be a case for pushing Green or Baker.
Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe vs. Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky - This is currently scheduled for Zero Hour, the free pre-show.  The Briscoes are the current Ring of Honor tag team champions, but as far as I know the title is not on the line.  To build for this match, SoCal Uncensored made a video where they’re training like it’s Rocky III.  The Briscoes responded with a video in which they can’t really be bothered to watch a damn 12-minute YouTube video, but then they do and they like go all dark and shit like it awoke something inside of them.  I don’t understand why every angle for this show has to be like one of those Channel Awesome crossovers where they team up and fight supervillains or whatever.
Anyway, I always kinda dug the Briscoes, it’ll be neat to see ‘em live finally, and I think they’re gonna win.
Over Budget Battle Royal - This is set for the pre-show.  Assuming it’s a standard battle royal, the match begins once everyone has entered the ring, and can only end when all but one participant has been eliminated.  The last one left is the winner, and qualifies to challenge Jay Lethal for the ROH world title later in the show.
This has been announced as a 15-person battle royal, although I doubt the exact number is a hard requirement.  Named participants so far are:
Colt Cabana (ROH)
Moose (Impact Wrestling)
Brian Cage (Impact X division champion)
Jimmy Jacobs (Impact Wrestling)
Punishment Martinez (ROH television champion)
Rocky Romero (New Japan)
Billy Gunn (WWE legend)
Austin Gunn (Billy’s son)
Jordynne Grace (WSU Spirit champion)
Ethan Page (Chandler Park from Impact Wrestling)
Marko Stunt (a very small indy guy)
Brandon Cutler (PWG)
It’s worth pointing out that CZW champion MJF was booked for All In but as of this writing hasn’t been put in a match.  So I’m kind of expecting him to end up here, although I don’t see the point of withholding that information until the last minute.  Similarly, a huge part of the All In promotion has been Flip Gordon’s failed attempts to get on the show, and it seems ridiculous to resolve that by just not using him anywhere.  Also similarly, I can’t believe the “murder” of Joey Ryan is such a big deal with this show and that the actual real live Joey Ryan won’t be wrestling on it.  The promotion of All In has been really weird, basically.
Other surprise entrants that I could see happening include Pac (formerly Adrian Neville, who has very recently been released from WWE), and Austin Aries (the Impact world champion).  Considering Jordynne Grace is already there, it wouldn’t be a big deal to add additional women.  However if there’s any group that I believe Cody and the Bucks want to see more represented in this match, it would be one-note running joke performers like Papa Buck, Cheeseburger, or Chico El Luchador.
The finish here is going to depend on which winner can have the most entertaining title match with Jay Lethal.  If we’re talking “biggest match possible,” that’d probably be Brian Cage or (if he’s available) Austin Aries for the “ROH vs. Impact” vibe.  If we’re talking “local guy hometown pop,” then Cabana is the obvious choice.  But if the plan is to follow through on an angle that’s particularly important to the target audience, then it pretty much has to be someone who hasn’t been announced for the match yet, which means literally anything is possible.
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viking-raider · 4 years
The Bat’s Sister *Fic Request*
Summary: You’re Bruce Wayne’s little sister, and after meeting at a Charity Gala, you and Clark Kent kept running into each other. So much so, that the pair of you fall in love, much to Bruce’s annoyance and attempts to stop it. But, both Clark and Bruce would do anything to keep you safe.
Pairing: Clark Kent/Reader
Word Count: 14,274
Rating: Superman/Batman AU, Fluff, Violence, overprotective superheros
Inspiration: Request by @jessevans​ (x)
Author’s Note: This is my first Clark Kent/DC story! I had a lot of fun writing it too!
Tag List: @jennylovelyheart, @peakygroupie, @jessevans​ @MITZWINCHESTER @rosie-loves-things​, @ohjules​, @mary-ann84​, @omgkatinka​, @hm-fck​, @the-freak-cassie-131​, @heelsamizayn​, @agniavateira, @cap-barnes, @romyr4​, @michelehansel, @katiebriggs004-blog​
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Clark first met you at one of Bruce's Charity Galas. He was there to write an article on the event for the Daily Planet, when he noticed Bruce pull you aside into a corner as you entered the venue, handing you a glass of champagne. Clark let the rumble of the hundred plus people in the room around him fade away and honed in on the conversation between the two of you.
“You're late, y/n.” Bruce told you in a concerned voice, resting a hand on your shoulder. “I thought...”
“Bruce, just because someone is running late, doesn't always mean something happened to them.” You sighed, rolling your eyes at your older brother. “You know what the traffic from Metropolis is like at this hour trying to get into Gotham. Especially, when the great and mighty Bruce Wayne is throwing the gala of the century.”
“If you'd called me, I could have gotten you a helicopter in.”
“Dear God, Bruce.” You laughed, sipping your champagne.
“What's the point of being so rich, if you don't enjoy it?” Bruce teased you, grinning.
“Being rich is your thing, Ru.” You chuckled, shaking your head. “I am more than content on living in my flat in Central Metropolis, and doing my simple nine to five job.”
“A flat the our inheritance pays for, and a nine to five that's at Wayne Biotech.” Bruce rolled his eyes back.
“I pay my own bills,” You defended yourself. “Our inheritance only pays for the rent and whatnot. As for Biotech, I enjoy it, helping the world invent and discover new vaccines and medical treatments. You know as well as I do, I can't sit around a multi-million dollar mansion, while servants take care of literally every whim and fantasy I may or may not have. I'd lose my mind.” You sighed, setting your glass down on the table behind you. “It's not like I can run around the city in a rubber suit.”
Bruce narrowed his eyes at you, you'd been the first person he told about being Batman. “You're the only family I have left, y/n. I don't want to lose you, like we lost our parents.” He told you, taking your hand in his. “You know, that's the main reason I do, what I do at night.”
“I know it is, Bruce.” You told him, resting your hand on his cheek. “But, I can take care of myself as well, you know.”
“Mr. Wayne.” Clark beamed, stepping up to you and your brother. “Ma'am.” He smiled, sweetly at you.
“Mr. Kent.” Bruce replied, turning to the reporter. “How can I help you?”
You narrowed your eyes and tilted your head at your brother, seeing his shoulders tense as he looked up at Clark, giving you the odd feeling that the two knew each other.
“I'm well.” Clark replied, his smile smug, but familiar. “It's an amazing party you have going on here.” He said, gesturing around to the rest of the room, like he was reminding him that there was more than just the three of you in the room. “Can I get a statement about it?” He asked, pulling out a pen and small notepad.
Bruce opened his mouth to say something, but something else caught his attention and he patted Clark on the shoulder. “You know what, I forgot to check on something downstairs. But, I'm sure my sister, y/n, here would gladly give you a statement about it. It was her idea to throw this gala to raise money for a wonderful cause.” He grinned at you, chuckling seeing the utter look of horror in your face as he walked away.
“Oh, I hate him.” You sighed, picking your glass back up and downing it.
“Would you like that to be your official statement?” Clark asked, grinning amused.
“I wish.” You scoffed, shaking your head. “But, no. Of course not.”
“So, tell me, what it is that the gala is about?” He asked, poising himself to write down your answer.
“Um,” You glanced around the room, hugely uncomfortable about being in the spot light, you never liked being the center of attention.
Clark watched and listened to your heart beat become erratic with panic and tucked his pen back into his front pocket and his notebook in his back pocket. He turned around as a waiter walked behind him and picked up two glasses of wine, holding one out to you. “How about we go somewhere quieter, that way you're more comfortable answering any questions?” He suggested, your fingers brushing as you took the glass from him.
You took a deep breath and a gulp of the wine. “Sure.” You nodded, looking around and then motioned for him to follow you out of the main room of the event and down the hall to one of the empty offices. “Ask your questions, Mr. Kent.” You told him, sitting down across from him.
“Right.” He smiled at you, pulling out his pen and pad again, setting it on the desk next to him. “You're Bruce Wayne's sister?”
“Little sister, yes.” You nodded, turning your wine glass between your hands. “I was two, when our parents were killed.”
“How old was Bruce?” Clark asked, scribbling in his pad.
“Sixteen.” You replied, shifting in your seat, neither you or Bruce liked talking about the death of your parents.
“I'm guessing, he took care of you, after that?” He inquired, tilting his head at you and pushing his glasses back up his nose.
“Sorta.” You shrugged, taking another gulp of wine. “Between him, our butler, Alfred, and nannies. All rather lonely, really. But, you have to make the best out of what life gives you.”
“And being a Wayne, that's pretty much everything you want, since your family as huge chunk of the world's wealth.” Clark chuckled, smiling at you, but his smile faded see you didn't find it funny. “I'm sorry, that...what is this gala about?” he asked, shaking his head and changing the subject.
“The Gala is to raise awareness about the hunger crisis in third world countries.” You explained to him. “Wayne Industries started a food supply market in the 1910's, that helps feed low income families and homeless in Metropolis and Gotham.” You continued, crossing your ankles.
“What made you want to throw the Gala for it?” Clark asked, intrigued.
“I spent a year in Africa helping try and treat a disease outbreak, then helped develop a vaccine for it with my position in the Wayne Biotech labs. While I was there, I noticed how so many villages struggle to keep themselves fed, and figured that Wayne Industries had more than enough money to help, as would many of the other rich socialites over here. But, rich people don't generally like donating money, unless they get to dress up and mingle with other rich people.” You chuckled, finishing off the rest of your wine. “and yeah, you can put that down as my official statement.” You added, seeing Clark's eyebrow raise as he finished writing down what you said.
“That'll make for some scandal.” He giggled, setting his pen down. “A rich woman calling out other rich people.”
You rolled your eyes. “Just because you're rich, doesn't mean you get to think you're above everyone else in the world. Besides, I'm not into being rich. It doesn't really give me what I want out of life.”
“And what do you want out of life, Ms. Wayne?” He asked you, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back in his chair.
“Something quiet and simple.” You sighed, looking out the open windows to the bright and dark night of Gotham. “I've lived in the city for ninety percent of my life, and I've never felt more one with the world, than when I'm somewhere quiet, where I can look up and see the stars, and not the lights of a million buildings, airplanes and satellite dishes.”
“Why don't you move out somewhere in the country?” Clark asked, he could relate to how you felt, he'd been a small town boy, and coming to Metropolis the first time was overwhelming, especially with his Kryptonian powers.
You shrugged your shoulders. “Bruce got me a house out in the country for my birthday a couple years back, but I don't get to spend too much time there. I'm the head Biochemist at Biotech, so I work a lot and when I'm not working a lot, I'm traveling for other Wayne industry responsibilities.”
“You're quite the busy young lady.” He complimented, taking a sip of his forgotten wine.
“Indeed, I am.” You smiled at him. “Tell me, how do you and Bruce know each other?”
“What makes you think we know each other?” Clark asked, smoothly. “We've met at several events I was writing a article on for the Daily Planet.”
“I know my brother, Mr. Kent.” You told him, smirking and crossing your arms. “I know, when my brother is acquainted with a reporter, and when he knows someone.”
“Well, I guess when you run into someone as often as he and I do,” He told you, acting cool. “You just start becoming very familiar with each other.” He explained, dancing around the fact, he and your brother had met each other two years before, and ended up leveling most of Metropolis and Gotham, as Superman and Batman. “I end up attending nearly all of your brother's events for Wayne Industries.” He added, pressing his lips together.
“Hm.” You hummed, knowing he was hiding something. “Fair enough, I suppose.”
There was a knock on the office door and one of Bruce's assistants stuck her head into the room. “The silent auction is starting, Ms. Wayne.” She informed you, looking between you and Clark.
“Thank you, Felicia.” You told her, standing up and smoothing your dress down. “Mr. Kent, it was a pleasure to meet you, and thank you for the interview.” You said, extending your hand to him.
“The pleasure was all mine, Ms. Wayne.” He told you, standing up and shaking your hand, gently. He moved out of your way and held the door open for you, smiling sweetly as you nodded your head to him, and walked out.
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Clark ran down the street, in a complete rush to get his latest article into Perry White before his deadline. All he needed was to have Perry chewing him out again for being late, and holding up the printer. But, he couldn't help the detour to rescue people from a major apartment fire. He turned the corner and collided straight into someone, knocking them over and his glasses off.
“Oh, gosh!” He exclaimed, shifting the strap of his shoulder bag. “I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention.”
“That's quite alright, Mr. Kent.” You told him, picking up your bag and grabbing his black framed glasses off the sidewalk.
Clark blinked several times, looking down at you. “Ms. Wayne.” He grinned, helping you up. “Are you all right?” He asked, looking you over.
“Other than feeling like, I ran into a bull made out of a brick wall?” You chuckled, holding out his glasses to him. “The only injury is to my pride.” You assured him, readjusting your jacket and backpack.
“Well,” He sighed, biting his lip. “Is there anything I can do, to ease that for you?” He asked, tilting his head at you.
“Not unless you can get me across town in,” You glanced down at your watch, and groaned. “an hour.” You sighed, your shoulders dropping. “I'm running late for my flight to Jordan.”
“I could get you to Jordan in less than an hour.” Clark commented, licking his lips.
Laughter bubbled out of you at his comment, your hand resting on his upper arm. “If only.” You giggled, looking up at him.
He raised his eyebrows at you, pressing his lips together to keep himself from making another comment. “I should let you get to your flight, I'm sorry about being a brick bull.” He chuckled, running a hand through his hair.
“No harm, no foul.” You assured him, going on tiptoe and giving him a hug, surprising him into hugging you back.
“Tell your brother, I said hello.” He called after you, as you rushed into awaiting car.
“I will!” You called, slipping into the car and your driver closed the door.
Clark watched your car pull away and disappear in the traffic, running his hand through his hair again and then turning on his heels and continued to rush down the street and into the Daily Planet. He managed to get his article in on time, but he ended up spending the rest of the day thinking about your body hugged around his. By the time he clocked out and started his walk back home, Clark had already settled it in his mind that he was going to try and get his hands on your phone number and ask you out to dinner, for an interview, of course. Perry had asked him to do a follow up on the Wayne Charity Gala he'd attend the month and a half before, so it was the perfect reason to ask you out. He just needed to find out when you'd be back from your trip.
“Yes, Hello,” Clark said, when someone from Wayne Industry Headquarters finally answered the phone. “I'm Clark Kent, a reporter for the Daily Planet in Metropolis. I did an interview with Ms. Y/n Wayne, and I need to schedule a follow up interview with her.”
“Ms. Wayne is out of the country, at the moment, Mr. Kent.” the Secretary informed him.
“I am aware of that.” He said, running his hand through his hair as he paced his small flat. “Can you tell me when she'll be back, and how to contact her when she returns?”
“Um...” The Secretary groaned, typing quickly on her computer and shaking her head. “Ms. Wayne is due back into Gotham in two weeks. If you'd like, Mr. Kent, I can pass on a message to her assistant, Felicia, and have her call you when Ms. Wayne returns.”
“I would appreciate that, thank you.” Clark replied, it wasn't exactly the answer he wanted, but it was better than her telling him to fuck off and hanging up on him. Clark wasn't off the phone with the woman when his phone rang again, with a private number. “Clark Kent?” He answered, pathetically hoping it was you.
“Why are you asking about my sister, Superboy?” Bruce asked, leaning back in his chair as he sat in his office.
“Bruce.” Clark smiled, tightly, dropping onto his couch.
“Answer the question, Clark.”
“I was asked to do a follow up interview with her, after the one I did with her at the Gala. Where you ditched her, to go play Batman.” Clark told him, giving into the older man's protective banter. “How did you know I called about her?”
“Clark, y/n is the only blood family I have left in this universe.” Bruce told him, rotating in his chair to look out over Gotham. “I know, if someone three countries away, breaths in her direction. I especially know if someone is inquiring after her in my own company, or any company.”
“Don't you worry about smothering her?” Clark asked, pulling his glasses off and pinching the bridge of his nose.
“She knows, I do it, for her own good.” Bruce growled, squeezing his phone a bit tighter.
“I'm not going to do anything to your sister, Bruce.” Clark sighed, picking up on the edge in his voice. “I just need a follow interview with her.”
“Then, why didn't you call me?”
“People don't usually call the owner of a company to ask for an interview with one of their employees. They usually call the front desk and ask for one to be scheduled.” Clark countered, dropping his head back.
“Y/n isn't one of my employees, she's my sister, and I'm her guardian.”
“She's a grown woman, Wayne.” Clark shook his head. “She doesn't need you acting like her father, or her personal Batman. She needs you to be her brother, and let her live her own life.”
“Coming from the alien, that's an only child.” Bruce snapped, hanging up on him.
Clark dropped his phone on the couch beside him and sighed, heavily, scrubbing his hands over his face and through his hair. He got up, stripping his clothes off as he made his way into the bathroom and cranking the hot water tap all the way on and stepped into the spray, groaning as the hot water soaked into his skin and muscles. He leaned on his arms against the shower wall, letting the water rain over his head, and watched as it swirled down the drain.
“Just an only alien child,” he groaned, tilting his head back to let the water hit his face. “That might be in love.”You were on the jet on the way back from Jordan, when Felicia sat down across from you. You cocked an eyebrow at her, knowing by the look on her face, she had news to tell you.
“We had a request come into headquarters for you.” She told you, scrolling through her phone.
“Oh?” You sighed, you really weren't in the mood for people requesting you. You just wanted to get home and sleep for a week. “What do they want?”
“An interview.”
“No.” You shook your head. “I don't do interviews, everyone knows that.”
“Well, it was an ask for a follow up, to one you've already done.”
You narrowed your eyes at her, then it dawned on you. “Clark Kent.” You nodded, it made sense now.
“Do you want me to contact him, and tell him, you'll be denying his request?” She asked, glancing up at you from her phone.
“No.” You sighed, rubbing your eyes. “I'll do the follow up, just make it a point to tell him, I'm not answering an personal questions.” You told her, getting up and going to the back of the jet, to lay down.
Felicia called Clark as soon as the jet landed back in Metropolis. “Mr. Kent, I'm Felicia Davis.” She introduced herself.
“How can I help you, Ms. Davis?” Clark replied, pressing his phone to his ear with his shoulder as he sat at his desk in the Daily Planet.
“I'm Ms. Wayne's assistant.” She explained, sliding into the car beside you. “I'm calling in answer to your request for a follow up interview with her, about the Charity Gala.”
“Oh, yes, right!” Clark grinned, ear to ear. “Is there a good time for Ms. Wayne to meet me? I was thinking over dinner, if that's alright with her.”
“Ms. Wayne just arrived home from two weeks in Jordan, and is rather exhausted.” Felicia told him, opening a personal planner she carried around for you. “So, she'll need a couple of days to recover from her work trip.”
“Of course.”
“How does Saturday night sound to you, Mr. Kent?” She asked, tapping the date with her finger and looking at you, to confirm you're all right with it as well. “Excellent. Ms. Wayne will meet you at 7 pm, Saturday night. Do you need us to make the arrangements?”
“No, no.” Clark shook his head, like she could see him as he rummaged around his desk for a sticky note to write on. “I can make a reservation at a restaurant in down town Metropolis, and then send you the details.” he told her, finding what he was looking for.
“Very well, you can contact me with this phone number.” Felicia told him, penning it into the planner.
“Thank you, Ms. Davis.” Clark said, leaning back in his chair, with relief.
“You're welcome, and have a good day, Mr. Kent.” She replied, hanging up with him. “He'll be making a reservation for dinner this Saturday at 7pm. He'll call me with the name of the restaurant.”
“Strange for a man to pick the restaurant, we usually do.” You chuckled, glancing out the window.
By the time Saturday rolled around, Bruce had caught wind of you going to dinner with Clark, and in his typical fashion as your overprotective brother, he completely blew it out of proportions. You both spent that Friday in his office at Wayne Industries arguing about it, and most of the morning and afternoon Saturday doing the same.
“Oh, for the love of Superman, Ru!” You snapped as you stood in your closet, trying to pick out a pair of shoes to go with your outfit.
“Don't say that name!” Bruce barked over the speaker of your phone.
“What name?” You quipped, picking up a pair of black flats. “Ru or Superman?”
“Superman.” Bruce sighed, he'd stopped trying to prevent you from calling him, Ru, decades ago.
“Good Lord, Bruce.” You rolled your eyes, slipping your shoes on. “You still feel threatened by Superman? Ye ol' Batman's jealous.” You teased him, knowing it get under his skin.
“I'm not threatened or jealous of him, y/n.” He told you, rolling his eyes. “Not like that anymore, at least.”
“Then, enlighten your dear sister, and tell me how you are threatened and jealous of him?” You kept teasing him, checking yourself out in the mirror.
“It's complicated.”
“Well, uncomplicate it.” You pressed, going to your jewelry box for a pair of earrings.
“There's not enough time to do that, your date is in twenty minutes.”
“It's not a date, Ru!” You snapped, turning to look at your phone. “It's business. Business, you got me stuck in, when you left me at the Gala with Clark, so you could go play rescuer.”
“Don't remind me.” He groaned, still feeling the deep bruise on his side.
“All right, I'm going.” You told him, picking your phone up off the bed.
“Call me, if anything happens.” Bruce told you, quickly. “Or if you need an alibi to call it short.”
“I will, bro.” You told him, going out the front door. “And, Bruce, don't fucking stalk me. You, Alfred or anyone else, for that matter.” You warned him, hanging up before he could protest. “Off we go, Hector.” You said, as your driver opened the car door for you.
Clark stood out front the restaurant waiting for you to arrive, and smiled brightly, seeing your car pull up and your driver open the door for you. He offered you his arm as you got out of the car. “How was your trip to Jordan?” He asked, leading you inside.
“It was very good, thanks.” You told him, smiling softly. “How's work going for you?” You asked as the waiter showed the pair of you to your table.
“It's never a dull moment for a reporter, especially in this world.” He teased, pulling your chair out for you, then moving to his. “Your assistant, Felicia, made it clear I wasn't supposed to ask you any personal questions.” He said, setting his pen and notepad on the table by his menu.
“Well, if you do, they're to be off the record.” You explained, picking up your menu and browsing the selection of food and wine.
“Of course.” Clark nodded, following your lead. “What was your business in Jordan about?” He asked, looking at you over his menu.
“It was a Biotechnology convention.” You explained, turning the menu page. “Biochemists and the like gather every few years to discuss their research, breakthroughs and such with each other. Swap what info we can to help each other out, typical boring Scientist mambo jumbo.” You chuckled, looking over your menu at him.
“What made you become a Scientist?” He asked, picking what he wanted and setting his menu aside, but didn't bother with his notebook.
You shrugged, setting your menu down. “I enjoy helping people. I'm no Superhero, so I help in the ways and places I can.”
“You don't need to have super powers, to be a Superhero.” Clark said, looking at you, softly.
“That's possibly true.” You nodded, agreeing with him.
The waiter came over and took your dinner and drink orders, and you and Clark chatted away through two glasses of wine and most of your food, before you really realized that Clark hadn't written a single line in his notepad.
“Isn't this an interview, Mr. Kent?” You asked him, as dessert was set in front of you.
“You can call me, Clark.” He smiled at you, picking up his spoon to dig into his ice cream.
“Clark,” You grinned, taking a bite of your chocolate lava cake. “aren't you supposed to be interviewing me?” You repeated your question, smirking at him, impishly.
“I am supposed to be interviewing you, Ms. Wayne.” He nodded.
“Y/n.” You told him, staring at him across the table. “You can call me, y/n.”
Clark blushed and took another bite of his ice cream. “Admittedly, y/n, this is an interview with a motive.”
“Typical reporters.” You teased him, rolling your eyes playfully.
“My Boss, Mr White, asked me to do a follow up interview on your Charity Gala, but I really just wanted to ask you out to dinner..”
“So, you used the interview as an excuse.” You chuckled, nodding your head and amused that Bruce was mostly right.
“I am sorry.” He told you, abashed.
“That's quite all right, Clark.” You assured him, you really didn't mind at all. “But, won't you get in trouble with your boss for not doing the interview?”
“Yes, probably.” Clark nodded, worried at that prospect, he'd been on thin ice with Perry for several months.
“Well, how about we finish our desserts, and we take the actual interview on a walk around the park?” You suggested, setting your attention back on your cake, hoping to hide your blush.
“I rather like that idea.” Clark said, seeing your blush, easily, and blushing a bit, himself.
Clark paid the bill and you both left the restaurant, stopping long enough for you to tell Hector the change in plans. You took Clark's offered arm, resting your hand in the nook of his elbow as you strolled through the gates of the local park. The sound of late night birds, other pedestrians and the gurgling of the various fountain filled the cool night air, making it feel like You and Clark were blanketed in another world altogether. Clark took out his notebook and pen, and started funneling out all the questions he had to ask you for the interview and you answered them with a calm ease. It took no time for you and Clark to knock out the interview, and get to spend the rest of the time making several rounds around the park, oblivious of time and space. You were laughing at a joke Clark had made about himself being a small town, country boy, when you suddenly felt the cords of his muscles under your hand turn into steel, cutting off your laugh and glancing up at him.
“Clark?” You frowned at him, as he pulled you both to a stop and he looked around the dimly lit darkness around you, his head tilting slight side to side as he scanned around. “What is it?” You whispered, looking around with him.
“Stay calm.” He told you, softly, taking your hand from his forearm and carefully pulling you behind him, as three guys came out of the dark treeline, beside the sidewalk. “Evening, gentlemen.” He greeted them, every muscle in his body tensing, making Clark come off even bigger than he already was.
“Jesus Christ.” You panted, pressing one hand to your stomach and resting the other one on Clark's hip as you peeked around his arm.
“Hand over the jewelry and cash, and you and your sweetheart over there,” one of the men said, winking at you. “have to get hurt.” He said, the unmistakable click of a knife opening muted out everything else around you.
You looked up at Clark as he slowly shook his head.
“Not going to happen.” He told them, licking his lips. “I'll give you this one warning, to walk away.”
“I don't think, you understand your situation.” Another of the three said, taking a step forward.
“Clark.” You whispered, squeezing his hip.
“It's alright, y/n.” He told you, his eyes still glued to the men. “They're not going to hurt us.” He assured you, grabbing the arm of the guy as he shot forward, twisting his arm behind his back and shoving him to the side.
The one with the knife came at Clark next, raising the knife high. But, Clark easily grabbed him by the wrist, wrenching the weapon out of his hand and punched him across the face, forcing him back into his friends.
“I suggest you leave.” He threatened them, tossing the knife aside and giving them an expression that sucked all the courage out of them. “Now.” He snapped, rolling his jaw as they scrambled to their feet and haul themselves out of the park. “Are you all right?” Clark asked, his body relaxing as he turned around to you, cupping your face in his hands.
“I'm fine.” You told him, looking in his eyes, utterly shocked. “You could've gotten hurt!”
A smile broke out over Clark's face, and his hands dropped from your face. “I'm all right.” He assured you. “I'm use to people trying to fight me, I was bullied as a kid.” He explained, looking back to where the would-be robbers disappeared. “I should get you back to your car,” he added, looking up. “It is getting rather dark.” He offered you his arm again, and you slowly took it, still in shock.
“Of course.” You nodded, letting him lead you back the way you'd come.
“Good night, y/n.” Clark smiled as you stopped by your car.
“Good night, Clark.” You smiled back, still in a bit of a daze over what happened.
He blushed, slightly and started to walk away. “Do you think I could see you again?” He asked, turning back around, spurred by a bit of courage.
“Uh,” You blinked at him. “Sure.” You nodded, ducking into the back of the car and pulling out a card from your bag. “This is my private number.” You told him, holding it out to him. “Just so you don't have to go through headquarters or Felicia, to get a hold of me.”
Clark looked down at the card, then back up at you, spinning the little card around his fingers, nervously. “I'll give you a call, some time soon.” He promised, then wished you good night again, before turning himself towards home.
“Mr. Wayne called, while you were on your little walk.” Hector told you, as he pulled the car away from the curb.
“Of course, he did.” You rolled your eyes.
“He wants you to call him.”
“I'll call him in the morning.” You told Hector, rubbing your neck. “I just wanna go home and sleep, right now.”
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Clark was staring at the card with your number on it as he sat at his desk at work, trying to work up the courage to call you, when one of the secretaries for the newspaper came over and told him, he had someone waiting for him in one of the conference rooms. Sighing and slipping the card into his pocket, Clark got up and found the conference room his visitor was waiting for him in.
“What are you doing here, Bruce?” He snapped, closing the door behind him.
“You took my sister on a date last night, disguised as an interview.” Bruce told him, clearly fuming already. “And you almost get fucking mugged in the process.” He snapped, slamming his hand down on the conference table.
“First of all, it wasn't a disguise.” Clark barked back, his anger flaring. “I do admit that when Perry told me to get a follow up interview with her, I also used it as an opportunity to take her out to dinner, I wouldn't call it a date though. Secondly, She was in no danger of those three punks, with me there with her, and you know that.”
“That doesn't fucking change the fact, she could have gotten hurt, Clark!” Bruce yelled, not even bothering to keep his voice low.
“I wouldn't have allowed it, Bruce!” Clark yelled back, moving closer to the table that thankfully separated them. “I would have protected her. I did protect her. They never got within two feet of her.”
“Oh, but they got within three feet of her.” Bruce snapped, mocking him. “Mighty Superman only have a detection range of two feet.”
“I knew they were there, I didn't fucking know they were going to try and mug us.” Clark countered, glancing behind his shoulder, to the door. “There were dozens of people in that park with us,” he told him, calming down. “Not every person that comes within range of her, is going to try and harm her. I certainly never would, and would never, allow anyone else to either. Y/n is as safe with me, if not safer, than she is with you.”
“Oh, you thinks so?”
“I know so.” Clark answered, a sharp tone in his voice. “You're just a mortal human. You get stabbed with a knife and you're fucked.”
“You think since you can take the hit of a bomb, you're better than me at protecting my baby sister.”
“She's not a baby anymore, Bruce.” Clark snapped, that upset him more than anything else in this conversation. “She's an adult, and you need to start treating her like one. You're not pissed off about what happened last night, you're afraid that she might fall in love me.”
“I'm not afraid she might fall in love with you.” He growled, raking a hand over his face and turning away from him.
“Then, what are you afraid of?” He demanded, leaning against the table.
“I'm afraid of her getting hurt.” Bruce said, quietly. “Especially, because I know she's already in love with you.”
“She is?” Clark asked, shocked and staring wide eyed at Bruce's back.
“Yes.” He sighed. “But, I can't allow that.”
“Why?” Clark groaned, rolling his eyes. “Cause I'm an alien.”
“Because, you're Superman.” He answered, spinning back around to look Clark in the face. “How many enemies do you have, that are looking for you to have a weak point? She would be that weak point, Clark.”
“She's your weak point as Batman.” Clark argued, sitting down at the table. “She's your weak point as normal Bruce Wayne, richest man in the world.”
Bruce huffed, sitting down at the table across from him. “I know she is, that's why I go so far out of my way, to protect her.”
“And you don't think, I can do the same?”
“I know you can,” Bruce sighed, feeling older than he really was. “I'm just not use to having to share her, is all.”
Clark laughed and shook his head at that. “We can protect her together, Bruce.” He told him, leaning over the table to him. “It doesn't have to be one or the other of us. It doesn't have to be Clark Kent vs Bruce Wayne, or Batman vs Superman, all the time. We found our common ground on protecting Earth in the Justice League, and we can find the common ground of protecting y/n.”
“I don't want you to tell her, you're Superman.”
“Does she know you're Batman?”
“She does.” Bruce nodded, checking his watch.
“But, you want me to lie to her about who I am?” Clark narrowed his eyes at him.
“She found out about me being Batman on accident.” Bruce told him, meeting his eye. “She found Alfred tending to one of the injuries I sustained after our battle with Steppenwolf. Wasn't like I could exactly lie to her after that.” He ran a hand through his hair, remembering the look on your face when you walked in on them. “But, you're Superman, you won't have that issue.”
“You do recall my dying?” Clark asked, cocking an eyebrow at Bruce.
“The kryptonite was destroyed when you killed that monster, Clark. There's no more of it on Earth, and probably the universe. It's nothing you have to concern yourself with anymore. What you do need to concern yourself with now, if you choice to pursue my sister, is her safety and keeping her in the dark about who you are. We both know the more she knows about who we are, and what we do, is more a danger to her life.”
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You sat, cross legged, on Clark's couch with a bowl of cereal balanced in your lap as you watched the news, in one of Clark's plaid shirts. You spent more time in Clark's flat now-a-days then you did your own, and were content to do so. Clark appeared in the door way of his bedroom, watching you as you ate, momentarily oblivious to his presence. He grinned seeing you in his shirt, only three of the center buttons closed to keep the over-sized garment on your small frame, even then it slipped down one of your shoulders. He could still smell the lingering scent of sex from the night before and earlier in that morning.
“You sleep well?” He asked, stepping into the living room.
“I always manage to sleep like a baby, with you.” You told him, looking up at him as you took another bite of your coco puffs.
“That makes me feel good.” He chuckled, leaning down to kiss the top of your head, then padded into the kitchen to make himself some breakfast. “What's your day looking like?” He asked, glancing around the corner to look at the tv.
“I have to go into work at the lab in an hour or so, then two board meetings.” You answered, setting your bowl on the coffee table, and grabbing the remote to turn up the news. “I do have another conference in Jordan in two days, some issue going on with one of Wayne labs there. Bruce is sending me over to deal with it, since the rep that's there now, is doing fuck all.” You explained, frowning at the news.
“How long will you be gone?” Clark asked, his own eyes glued to the tv as he made his breakfast.
“Shouldn't be more than a week,” You replied, absentmindedly. “With any luck of them being competent.”
“Well, if they're not competent enough to listen to you, they're in real trouble.” Clark joked, reassuring himself that what was happening on the news, wasn't something he needed to rush out and present Superman too.
“I'll fire every last one of the idiots, if they fucking try me.” You said, rolling your eyes at the thought of them giving you issues, which you knew, with men of their caliber and brains, they most certainly would.
“Well, it gives us enough time.” Clark told you, coming to sit down beside you on the couch.
“Enough time for what?” You frowned, turning your head to look at him.
“I wanted to ask you something.” He told you, resting his plate on his thigh.
“Oh, god.” You moaned, seeing the seriousness in his eyes. “Perry didn't fire you, did he?”
Clark laughed, shaking his head. “No, I'm still a reporter at the Daily Planet.” He assured you, with a blush. “We've been dating for a year now...”
“I was going to ask, if you wanted to move in with me...” He said it slowly and quietly, not quite meeting your eyes. “You practically live here anyway.” He added, with a nervous laugh and looking around his flat, he could identify more of your things than his own, in the living room alone.
“That's a serious commitment, Clark. “ You said, just as slowly.
“I know it is.” He told you, pushing the food on his plate around with his fork. “I thought, maybe, we were at that point...”
“Bruce would have a heart attack.” You chuckled, at the thought.
Bruce didn't like the thought of you dating Clark, he didn't like you spent so much time with him, especially in between the sheets. But, he'd stopped nagging you about being with him, almost a year ago. He still gave you disgruntled remarks when you spoke about Clark in his presence, and he always seemed a tiny bit on edge, when the three of you were in the same room together. You didn't care what Bruce thought or felt on the subject, you were happy and content with Clark, the relationship the two of you had together. You'd also never been in such a serious relationship with someone, that you moved in with them, either.
“Does his opinion, matter so much, that it would make an impact on our relationship?” Clark asked, concerned it would, Bruce had promised to ease up on his attitude towards him and his love for you, but, Clark also knew, that what Bruce thought and said mattered to you.
“No.” You shook your head, resting your hand on his arm. “No, Clark, it wouldn't.” You tried to sound as convincing as possible, but could tell by his expression, it wasn't enough. “Just...give me until I come back from my trip, to decide?” You asked, biting your lip.
“Take all the time you need.” He smiled, leaning in to kiss you.
You smiled at him and kissed him back, before getting up to get dressed and rush off to work. You left on your business trip two days later, and both you and Clark called it, when the people in charge of the Wayne Biotech lab in Jordan would give you trouble and annoy the hell out of you. Your temples throbbed as you fell back on your hotel room bed, staring up at the ceiling, the arguments you had with the board still bouncing around your brain, making the migraine you had worse.
“Bunch of brain dead morons.” You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
A loud crash from outside your room door startled you up out of bed, you stumbled away as the door flew open, your back hitting the wall behind you as a disguised man stepped through the opening. The only thing you could see on him, was his eyes, and you didn't like what you saw in them. He advanced towards you, putting you into instant fight or flight mode, and decided to do both. Picking up the closest thing to you, the lamp on your bedside table, and launched it at him, before scurrying over your bed and making for the door. You'd almost made it down to the lift, when he caught up with you, grabbing you by the back of your hair and painfully yanking you backwards against him.
“Hello, Ms. Wayne.” A woman called stepping into the hall from another room.
“Who the fuck are you?” You panted, struggling against your captor. “What do you want?”
“I'm Pamela Evans.” She grinned at you, giving you a once over. “And I want to know about the advanced gene development project you and your brother are working on.”
“We're not working on gene development.” You growled, bearing your teeth at her.
“My sources say otherwise.” Pamela said, grabbing you by the jaw.
“Your sources are fucking brain dead.” You snapped, jerking your head out of her hand.
“I don't believe you.” She growled, giving you a super dirty look.
“That's your issue.” You growled back. “Wayne labs and Industries have never, and will never, do research on the type gene development, you're apparently going on about. Whoever is doing it, is a mad scientist asking for trouble.”
“You see,” Pamela brought her face inches from yours. “I've seen the files on your and Bruce's computers. So, you're going to tell me all about it.”
“You're delusional.” You shook your head the little you could with the man's hand still tight in your hair. “Fuck.” You gasped suddenly, feeling a cold tingle in your thigh and glanced down to see her pull a small pocket knife out. “You don't understand we're no....”
“No, sweetheart, it's you that doesn't understand.” Pamela mocked you, pulling something out of her shoulder purse. “We're going to get that research out of you, one way or another.” She pressed something to your neck and you felt a sharp pain. “I'll give you long enough to sleep off your nap, to tell me.” She said, as the black fog around the edges of your eyes grew and your body went limp.
You woke up God knows how long later, shackled to a concrete wall in a dimly lit room. There were no windows in the square concrete room, a single light set deep into the center of the ceiling and a metal table and a single chair below that. There was a thick metal door opposite of you with a slot window set in it. You were drawn to the sound of that opening, a pair of eyes looking in on you, then slamming shut again. It was several minutes before the actual door itself opened, and in walked Pamela and a man, the man from the hotel. Even with him out of his disguised, you could identify those eyes from a mile away.
“Good morning, Ms. Wayne.” Pamela smiled, giving you a smile that would have made Mary Poppins sick. “Or is it night, Eli?” She asked, turning to the man, who just shrugged his shoulders. “Doesn't matter, have you decided to give me the information I've asked for?” She asked, turning back to you.
“I told you, it doesn't exist.” You told her, groggy and fearful, your thigh throbbed and you could feel a small steady stream of blood ooze from it, leaving a puddle around your foot. “Messing with human genes is dangerous, and ridiculous.” You tried to reason with her.
“Then, what's this?” Pamela asked, pulling a sheet of paper from the table and bring it closer for you to see. “That's an email, from you to your brother on the subject. Telling him, that it was possible for such advancement.”
“It's opinion, not research.” You panted, trying to keep your anxiety at bay. “Someone at one of my brother's many business ventures wanted to know if he thought it was possible to do so, and my brother asked me.” You explained to her. “While, I think it might be possible for such development and advancement, neither of us are conducting research to find out. It's purely academic.”
“Why do you think it's possible?” Pamela questioned, turning her back to you and setting the paper back down on the table.
“I believe anything is possible, with the right circumstances and factors.” You told her, focusing on her back.
“Do you think you could achieve it, if you were to try it?”
“I don't know, and I wouldn't try.” You told her, honestly and shook your head at the thought.
“Even if, your life depended on it?” Pamela asked, smirking at you as she leaned back against the table, to look at you.
“My life, for the lives of all the failed test subjects it would more than likely take to prefect it?” You summed up her thoughts, you knew the math on how many people would be needed to be experimented on, and the decades it would take to achieve on top of that. “Yes, then I'd die, to prevent you and anyone else from trying it.” You nodded, confident in that choice.
“Well, let's see if we could,” She shrugged her shoulders, glancing at Eli. “persuade you.”
Eli dropped a rolled up bag onto the table with a emphasized thump, and rolled it open, revealing several instruments, you didn't need to be a Scientist to know were about to be used to torture and, likely, kill you. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to calm your heart and make peace with your choice. Eli removed something from one of the pockets, it looked like an ice pick or something, and moved over to you, running the sharp tip down your chest, between your breasts and down your stomach.
“Change your mind now, or I'll let Eli have his fun.” Pamela tried to give you a chance.
“No.” You said in a small, but steady voice.
Pamela waved her hand at Eli, and he easily sank the object into your stomach next to your belly button. You howled in pain, yanking on your bonds as Eli slowly removed it, grinning at you like a little boy on Christmas morning. Eli, luckily, didn't get far in the quest to torture you to death, as serious commotion sounded from the other side of the closed steel door, catching the attention of all three of you. Pamela looked to Eli, then hesitated for a moment, but she moved to the door, she'd just rested her hand on it, when it blew off the hinges, launching her halfway across the room. Eli dropped his weapon and moved away from you, as a figure stepped through the dusty doorway.
“Superman!” He snapped, jaw falling open.
Superman looked from Pamela under the heavy steel door, Eli backing up into a corner and You chained to the wall, head lulling and struggling to keep your heavy eyelids open to stay conscious. He wasted no time dispatching Eli, throwing him across the room as another figure stepped through the doorway and made for you, cupping your head in their hands.
You blinked several times, shaking your head and trying to clear way the heaviness in your mind. “Bruce?” You panted, recognizing your brother's voice through the fog.
“It's alright, sis.” Bruce reassured you, taking something out of the utility belt of his Batman suit and cutting you free. “We've got you now. You're safe.” He supported your weight against his body and turned to Clark, standing above Eli's lifeless body, in all his Superman glory.
Clark looked at the pair of you and the pure anger on his face melted, seeing you. “She's hurt.” He said, crossing the room to you, cupping your face in his hands. “She's bleeding internally, whatever they stabbed her with, nicked her intestines. If we don't stop the blood now, she'll bleed to death.”
“I have something on the plane.” Bruce said, lifting your shirt and grimacing at the wound to your stomach.
“It'll take too long.” Clark said, shoving everything off the metal table. “Lay her down, I'll cauterize the wound.”
“I'm not letting you heat vision my sister.” Bruce snapped, shaking his head and shifting your weight against him, to support you as you grew limper against him.
“Bruce, she's going to die, if I don't!” Clark barked, impatiently, resting his hand on your shoulder. “I know what I'm doing, I've done it before.” He tried to reassure him.
“Trust me.” He added, quietly.
Bruce sighed, and let Clark lift you up and lay you down carefully on the table. Clark peeled up your bloody shirt, biting his lip as he saw the wound to your stomach and noticed the one to your thigh. He glanced up through the opening and pressed his lips together, hearing more people coming.
“We've got more guests on the way.” He told Bruce, over his shoulder, trying to keep his focus on you.
“I'll deal with them.” Bruce said, moving around the table and out of the room.
“Y/n.” Clark whispered, resting his hand on your cheek. “Y/n, look at me.”
You blinked hard and groaned as Clark put pressure to your wound, you looked up at the blurry double face hovering above you. “Clark?” You whined, blinking repeatedly trying to clear the strange look your boyfriend had. “Clark?” You repeated his name, stronger this time, but no less confused by what you saw.
“Yeah, sweetheart.” He forced a smile, brushing your hair out of your sweaty and grimy face. “I'm going to stop the bleeding, but it's going to hurt, a lot.” He warned you, with a pained expression. “But, you have to hold still and trust me.”
“I've always trusted you, Clark.” You groaned, wincing.
“Good.” He panted, sounding relieved. “Take my hand.” He told you, slipping his hand into yours. “And squeeze as hard as you have too, baby.” He instructed you, his eyes turning red.
You screamed at the top of your lungs at the excruciating burn to your already agonizing wound, squeezing Clark's hand so tight, it felt like the bones of your hand were going to shatter. You'd passed out from the pain and came to sometime later, finding yourself in bed on one of the family jets and Clark sitting on the edge of the bed beside you, holding your hand in his.
“Clark?” You whined, squeezing your eyes shut at the bright lights.
“You're all right, y/n.” He told you, letting your hand go to turn off the lights, and pull down the window covering. “You're safe now, love.” He promised, sitting back down next to you, and brushing his fingers through your hair.
“How?” You moaned, opening your eyes to look at him.
Clark blushed, looking away from you and biting into his lip.
“You're-” You blinked up at him, your mind finally connecting. “Superman.”
He nodded his head, taking your hand and rubbing your knuckles with his thumb.
“That's why Bruce was so set against us.” You nodded, regretting it. “He didn't want me dating you because you're Superman, and you two are practically enemies.”
“We're not enemies anymore, y/n.” Bruce said, appearing in the room. “Clark and I are in Justice League together.”
“Jesus.” You sighed, looking up at the ceiling. “The two most important people in my life, have lied to me, to such a degree.”
“We were trying to protect you.” Bruce tried to reason with you.
“Protect me?” You snapped, turning your head towards him. “That bitch kidnapped and tried torturing me, because she thought we were trying to do research on advanced gene development, Bruce. I can imagine what she'd have done if she knew by brother, is Batman, and my boyfriend, is Superman.” You looked at both of them, angrily.
“Advanced Gene Development?” Clark frowned at you. “Why would she think that?”
“Someone contacted Bruce about the possibility of it, and he and I discussed it.” You explained, no less angry. “She got a hold of the emails we exchanged on the subject, thinking we were actually doing it.”
“But, we're not.” Bruce frowned at you, as well. “I wonder how she got those emails as well, they're supposed to be secure.”
“Well, she's got people in a high enough place in the company to get a hand on them.” You snapped at him, annoyed. “Were you ever going to tell me, you're Superman?” You asked, turning your attention to Clark.
“I wanted too.” He whispered, dropping his eyes to your hand.
You rolled your eyes over to Bruce, narrowing them as he refused to look at you. “The fuck of men.” You growled, looking away from both of them.
“He's an alien.” Bruce mumbled, fidgeting with his watch.
“He's got a dick. I know, I've seen it.” You snapped at him, eye twitching. “He's a man. A man from another planet, but a man, nonetheless.”
“I didn't want to know that.” Bruce groaned, squeezing his eyes shut.
“And, it's not your business what Clark decides to tell me.” You told him, sharply. “Especially, in reference to my and his relationship, Bruce.” You winced, pushing yourself up more against the pillows piled behind your back.
“You are my wa...”
“I haven't been your god damn ward for over ten years, Bruce!” You shouted at him. “That ended the hour I became eighteen, and you know it! Stop trying to be dad, you're not dad and you never fucking will be! He'd have let me be a long time ago, he'd let me be my own woman, instead of trying to control what I do with my life and who I see, whether they're from this planet or not.”
“I'm your brother, it's my job to protect you.” He shouted back, turning to you.
“Protect me!” You yelled, your voice cracking. “Not keep me prisoner and suffocate me!”
“Let's calm down.” Clark said in a calm voice, squeezing your leg.
“NO!” Both you and Bruce yelled at him at the same time, and making his sensitive ears twitch with the volume.
“You're staying home with me.” Bruce seethed at you, but his tone was quieter.
“Fuck you!” You barked, your voice still loud.
“You're not safe on your own, y/n.” He tried to reason with you, again. “Whoever these people are, who think we're doing advanced gene development, are going to try and get their hands on you again.”
“And you're safe, cause you're fucking Batman.” You mocked him, rudely.
“That,” Bruce snapped back at you, snarky. “and I'm not the head Scientist at the biggest Biotech laboratory, and company, in the world. You, out of anyone on this planet, can make that advanced development happen, and these people know this.”
“As I told that bitch,” You told him, crossing your arms. “I'd rather die. The decades it would take to perfect the genes for testing. Then, the number of lives, the trials would claim to attune the genes for the subject, is astronomical. If, I was the person that could manage to pull this off, perfect the genes, and find the correct subject for them; there's between a five to ten percent chance, it would even work.”
“What would such an advancement even be used for?” Clark asked, leveling an eyebrow at you.
“Anything.” You shrugged, looking at him, brows creased. “You could edit a person's genes for anything, from preventing certain illnesses. Body characteristics, like if you wanted them to be tall and muscular. You could delete genes, so they felt no pain or be more aware of it. You could engineer super soldiers, or make it possible for people to have a long life span. There's so many options, and they're only limited by imagination and technology.” You rubbed the crease between your brows, feeling a stress and tension migraine forming.
“You could create the Earth equivalent of me.” Clark summed it up, a sick feeling in his stomach.
“Yes.” You nodded, that thought hadn't occurred to you. “Pretty much.”
“So, do you understand, why you're not safe?” Bruce sighed, feeling the tension knot up his shoulders. “You need to be somewhere safe, until we get this sorted out.”
“They'll look for her anywhere Wayne Industries is affiliated.” Clark said, softly, rubbing at his neck and looking at Bruce.
“I can have Alfred find us a safe house for her.” Bruce agreed, nodding his head.
“I'll take her home with me.” Clark said, smiling gently at you.
“Your flat isn't safe.” Bruce stated, looking between the two of you.
“I know, it's not.” He answered, still watching you. “I mean, I'll take her to my mom's, in Smallville. No one's going to look for her in Kansas, it's such a small and middle of nowhere town. I'll take time off from the Daily Planet, and stay there with her to make sure she's looked after. My mother could use my help on the farm, anyway.”
“Is this your way of introducing me to your mother?” You grinned, teasingly.
Clark laughed, blushing and nodded his head. “I guess, it is a way to think of it.”
“I like his idea.” You told Bruce, looking at your brother. “He's got a point.”
Bruce sighed, his shoulders slumping, he was begrudged to agree with both of you on the subject. “I'll have the pilot redirect us towards Smallville.”
“You shouldn't.” Clark said, stopping Bruce as he headed out. “If anyone notices a Wayne plane landing at the airport in Great Bend, it'll be a dead giveaway, that's something's going on.”
“Then, how do you propose on getting y/n to your mother's farm?” Bruce asked, cocking an eyebrow at him.
A lopsided smirk pulled on one corner of Clark's mouth as he looked at you, eyes sparkling. A slow grin pulled across your lips as you caught on to what Clark was suggesting, and you were more than cool with Superman flying you to his parent's farm. Bruce groaned as he figured out the same thing, rolling his eyes and throwing up his arms, he couldn't fight you two being together and he couldn't fight doing what he had to do, so you were safe.
“Fine.” He sighed, deflated. “We'll land in G.I. Airport as scheduled, and you can take y/n to Smallville from there.”
Clark nodded, pressing your knuckles to his lips. “We'll stop by my place, so we can get a couple changes of clothes before we go.”
“You have clothes at his place?” Bruce asked, looking at you, surprised.
“I've been staying at Clark's a lot the last couple of months, so it's just easier to keep some clothing there.” You answered, blushing at Clark. “He also asked me to move in with him.” You added.
“You never did get the chance to answer me.” He reminded you, glancing up at you.
“I know.” You replied, nodding and biting your lip.
Bruce looked at the two of you, then quietly excused himself and gave the pair of you space and privacy.
“I think, I'd like to move in with you, Clark.” You told him, carefully leaning forward and brushing your fingers through his short curly hair. “I want to take us more seriously.” You admitted, smiling sweetly at him.
“I'd love nothing less, than the same.” He smiled back at you, leaning in and kissing you, tenderly, on the lips.
You rested back, wincing that the discomfort of your stomach. You peeled back your shirt and grimaced at it, even though Clark had cauterized the wound, it still hurt and was tender as hell. Clark gently traced the tips of his fingers around the wound, mindful of sensitive areas and looked up at you, sadness in his blue eyes. You reached out and cupped his cheek in your hand, caressing his skin with your thumb and gave him back a similar sad expression, but one tinged with love and trust.
“It's going to take a bit of time for you to heal.” He told you, his fingers moving down to your torn and stained jeans, where Pamela stabbed you in the thigh. “You'll have scars...”
“I'm use to having scars.” You told him, resting your hand on his shoulder. “Inside and outside.”
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The jet landed in Gotham International Airport, Clark easily carried you off the plane and to the car Bruce had waiting for the three of you. You rested your head on Clark's shoulder, you'd tried to sleep on the plane, but you couldn't get comfortable enough. Clark wrapped his arm around your shoulders and rested his cheek on top of your head. The chauffeur dropped the both of you off at Clark's flat, you said good-bye to Bruce, who promised to keep in touch and visit, if he could. You managed for first stairwell and a half up to Clark's flat before the pain in your leg became too much, and Clark carried you the last of the way up. He set you down on the couch and went into the bedroom, dumping his gym bag on his bed, then shoved yours and his clothes into it.
“Okay, I think that should tide us over.” He said, slinging the bag over his shoulders. “If not, I still have clothing at my mother's...”
“And I can always buy some.” You chuckled, smiling up at him. “So, how do we do this, Superman?” You asked, looking up at him.
“Let's go up to the roof.” He told you, going around the coffee table and picking you up into his arms. “It's a good launching pad, since this is the tallest building in a decent radius.” He explained, taking you up the stairs to the roof.
“I'm guessing that was a factor in your renting the place.” You teased him, hugging your arms around his neck.
Clark blushed at you, smiling guiltily. “It was.” He admitted, standing in the middle of the roof. “Hold on really tight and take a deep breath, hold it and I'll let you know, when to let it out, okay?” He explained to you, shifting your weight comfortably.
You nodded, hugging your arms tighter around his neck and took a few breaths, then held it. Giving you a nod of warning, Clark flexed and both of you rocketed into the clouds with an insane speed. What would have taken almost four hours, nonstop, on a normal flight, took less than twenty minutes for Clark to achieve. You panted as he carefully set you down on the dirt driveway of his childhood home. You heard the screen door open and saw a beautiful, older woman step out onto the porch, shading her eyes from the mid afternoon sun.
“Clark?” She called, taking a step down off the porch.
“Hey, Mom.” Clark grinned at her, his hand slipping into yours. “Mom, this is y/n.” He introduced you as she came closer to you both.
“She's the one you've been telling me about?” She asked, grinning at you, brightly. “It's so nice to finally meet you.” She said, giving you a hug.
“It's nice to finally meet you as well, Mrs. Kent.” You smiled, hugging her back.
“Oh, please, call me Martha.” She told you, holding you at arm's length, making your heart skip a beat, finding out the Clark's mother's name was the same as your own mother. “What are you two doing here?”
“Um,” Clark blushed, looking down at Hank as he sniffed around his feet. “There was a bit of trouble, and I need somewhere safe to keep y/n, until her brother and I figure it out.” He told his mother, patting the dog on the head.
“What kind of trouble?” Martha asked, looking between the two of you, and noticed the blood on your jeans and shirt. “Good lord.” She gasped, pressing a hand to her chest.
“Mom, it'll be all right.” Clark said, resting his hand on her shoulder and pulling her into a hug. “I'm staying here with you guys, I'll help you around the farm. I know there's a few projects dad started and that I promised to finish.” He pulled back, smiling at her encouragingly.
She stood there, quietly looking up at her son, worried and concerned, but you could see that hint of relief on her face, as well. “Why don't we get you two inside.” She said finally, turning and motioning to the house.
Relieved himself, Clark picked you back up and carried you up onto the porch, stopping as he caught the look on your face. “What is it?”
“I feel like you're carrying me over the threshold, on our wedding night.” You chuckled, resting your hand on his cheek as he blushed.
“I'd be a lucky man, to have you as my wife.” He smiled, teasing you and kissing you softly on the lips as he walked into the house.
Clark carried you upstairs to his bedroom, flicking the light on and setting you down on the double bed. He dropped the bag on the floor and pushed open the window, letting in the cool late summer breeze into the room. with the sound of the wind ruffling the corn stalks, tree branches and tall grass. It felt surreal to you, even the few times you stayed at the country cottage Bruce bought you, there was a busy road not far from it, so you never completely lost the busy city feel. But, here in Smallville, there was none of that, you were literally miles from the busiest road, just endless farm fields, nature and the occasional bark from Hank down in the yard.
“It's so quiet.” You commented, laying back in his bed and grinning at the hanging planets above it.
“Is that going to bother you, city girl?” Clark teased, sitting next to you on the bed, looking up at the planets with you, and tenderly rubbing your good thigh.
“I find it disconcerting, that I can hear my own thoughts without them being interrupted by a car horn, siren or someone yelling a rude comment at someone else.” You teased back, with a giggle. “But, I love how peaceful it is.” You added, in a softer tone, eyes flicker back to his.
“That's one of the things I love about being raised here.” He told you, shifting to lay down on his back, beside you. “It took me a long time to hone my powers, so I didn't hear every huge and microscopic thing. I would sit in the corn field, and just zone everything out, except the sound the stalks made when the wind rustled them, or fixate on a bird, singing in its nearby nest.”
“Are they hard to deal with in a city like Metropolis?” You asked, turning your head to look at him, slipping your hand into his.
“At first it was, cause there's so much sound and its so quick, if that makes sense.” He answered, still looking at the planets. “But, over time, I fine tuned it, and I'm able to control it now, no matter where I am.” He explained, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.
“That's good.” You smiled, shifting uncomfortably.
Clark turned his head towards you, sensing your pain. “Can I do anything?” He asked, brushing his fingertips over your cheek.
“Not unless one of your super powers, is relieving pain.” You quipped, weakly.
“Sadly, I don't have that super power.” He frowned, sympathetically. “How about a bath instead?” He offered. “Get you cleaned up and into clean clothes, the hot water might even help.”
You let your eyes drift shut at the thought of a nice hot bath, washing off all the grim, dry sweat and blood off your body. “Join me?” You asked, tilting your face towards him, hopeful.
A grin pulled across his lips, and he sat up on the edge of the bed. “Can you make it that far?” He asked, motion to the bathroom door on the other side of the room with a raise of an eyebrow.
“If I can't limp three hops to the bathroom.” You said, sitting up beside him. “You might as well put me down.” You chuckled, but the glint in Clark's eye told you, he didn't find it funny. “I can make it.” You told him, kissing his cheek and propelling yourself up and hopped into the bathroom. “Tah-dah!”
That did make Clark smile, getting up to join you. He helped you peel off your shirt, unbuttoned and unzipped your jeans, carefully tugging them down over your wound. He hadn't cauterized the wound there, Pamela had managed to miss any major or troublesome veins, so it had stopped bleeding sometime ago. It still cut through muscle and nerves, making it hard and largely uncomfortable to walk, or limp for that matter. Letting you lean back against the sink, Clark drew the bath and helped ease you into, before taking off his own clothing. You slid forward, letting him slip in behind you and then eased back, resting against his broad and strong chest, melting as his arms locked around you, his chin resting on top of your head. You both just rested in the hot bath, eyes closed and enjoying the safe and peaceful tranquility of the moment. You could hear Clark's mom bumping around downstairs, humming to herself.
“She's making dinner.” Clark suddenly said, as he read your mind.
“Hm.” You hummed, feeling your stomach growl as the mention of food. “It sounds, and smells, amazing.” You commented back, resting your hands on his as they rested on your waist.
“You want some help, cleaning up?” He asked, tilting his head to look at you.
“How can I say no, to a handsome man, offering to wash me?” You laughed, nodding your head.
“You can't.” Clark laughed, softly, into your ear, pressing his lips to your neck.
Clark let you sit up, between his legs, and picked up the soap and a wash cloth. It felt incredible to have his strong hands on your body, rubbing the soapy cloth into your skin and massaging the tight and stressed knots of muscle in your back. He was mindful of your wounds, rinsing away the soap, before letting your hair down, attentively pouring water over your head to wet your hair, then gently working the shampoo into your hair and scalp, making you moan at the amazing feel. Hair and body washed, Clark helped you out of the tub and dry off, you limped back into his bedroom, picking the bag up off the floor and digging through it for your clothes, while Clark took a shower. You limped downstairs, looking at all the family photos that lined the wall going down the steps, smiling at the younger Clark. You found Martha in the kitchen, stirring something that was in the pot on the stove.
“See you got cleaned up.” She said, smiling as she noticed you standing in the kitchen doorway. “Must feel nice after what you've been through.”
“Incredibly so.” You nodded, taking a seat at the kitchen island. “Dinner smells good.” You complimented her.
“Thank you.” She answered, giving you another smile. “So, tell me, how did you and Clark meet?” She asked, putting a lid on the pot and turning to you.
You blushed, brushing your wet hair behind your ear. “I met him, when he was doing an article on the Charity Gala my brother, Bruce and I, were hosting. He interviewed me at it, and we just kept running into each other, until we fell in love.” You told her, smiling.
“Your brother, Bruce?” Martha asked, brow slowly creasing. “Bruce Wayne? You're Bruce Wayne's sister?”
“I am.” You nodded, frowning back at her.
“He's the one that helped Clark and I get the house back.” She told you, her eyes a bit glassy at the memory.
“Get your house back, how did he do that?”
“Clark was...gone for a while, and while he was away I fell behind in the bank payments, and they foreclosed on the house.” She explained to you, turning back to the stove, needing a psychical distraction. “Your brother and Clark are friends, and he helped us get the house back from the bank.”
“The Smallville Union Bank?” You asked, lifting an eyebrow at her back.
“Yes, you know it?” Martha asked, looking at you over her shoulder.
“Yeah...” You nodded slowly, shocked. “My brother, he bought the bank, out right...” You told her, glancing around as it struck you why Bruce had bought the bank.
“He did it,” Clark's voice came suddenly. “as a gift to me.” he explained, sliding into the seat beside you.
“That's so incredibly sweet of him.” Martha beamed at the two of you, touched.
“It really is.” You agreed, dumbstruck, and looking at Clark, who offered you a small smile, his hand squeezing your knee.
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You'd stayed on the Kent farm for nearly two months before Bruce finally did come to visit. He hadn't even so much as call, or send any other type of communication to you, while you were there. He feared that if he did, the people that hurt you would pick up where you were and come after you. So, when he showed up on the porch early one morning, you knew it was because he'd found something out about the people wanting to know about the Advanced Gene Development.
“Bruce?” You said, stepping out on to the porch with him, you'd healed well enough by now that you only had a minor limp. “Did you find out anything?” You asked, feeling your anxiety rise.
Clark had been asleep upstairs, and sensed the rise in your anxiety, he'd become quite attuned to you in the past two months, even more so than he had the year you two spent together back in Metropolis. He figured it was because you two spent every waking moment together, from sun up to sun down, you'd just become synced to him. You also found you really liked the small life of Smallville, quiet and not many people, helping Martha in her garden, and Clark on various of the farm projects; he'd even taught you how to fix the tractor in the barn. So, when he sensed your anxiety, even while dead asleep, he was up and at the screen door in a microsecond.
“Clark.” Bruce greeted him, lifting an eyebrow at the fact Clark was only in his boxers.
“Bruce.” He greeted him back, unbothered.
“I came with news.” Bruce said, turning his eyes back to you.
“Well?” You pressed, sitting down on the porch swing.
“Seems three of the CEOs in the company were working for Pamela Evans, she'd corrupted them.” he started to explain, pacing the length of the porch, which gave you an even more unsettled feeling. “They, ironically, call themselves, the Council,”
“How ominous.” You rolled your eyes, rocking back and forth on the swing.
“It was a rogue group, trying to reproduce and enhance humans,” He looked at Clark, and sighed. “to try and fight any more aliens that might try and take over the planet.”
“Such as Superman.” You understood, glancing at Clark yourself.
“Luckily, they're a small group and easily taken care of.” Bruce went on, leaning back against the porch railing. “I've tracked down most of them, and dispatched them. But, there's one person left, the leader of the group.”
“Pamela wasn't?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.
“No.” Bruce shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Then, who is?” Clark asked, moving to sit on the swing with you.
“His name is Oliver Maddox.” He sighed, rubbing his scruffy face. “He has a very small and faint paper trail, a trail that leaves behind a lot of bodies.” He pressed his lips together, looking at you with a down turned face.
“So, where is Maddox?” Clark asked, on edge.
“I was hoping, you'd help me find him, Clark.” Bruce told him, lifting his head. “If we can eliminate him, then the group will fall apart, and y/n will be safe again.”
“Give me everything you have on him,” Clark told him, adamant. “And I'll take care of him.”
The tone of Clark's voice worried you, but you trusted him. Bruce gave Clark the file on Oliver Maddox, but declined to stay at the farm, even for breakfast, saying he had pressing matters to deal with inside Wayne Industries. You understood that with the corrupted CEOs he had to get rid of, there would be a lot of paperwork and damage control to take of. You sat on Clark's bed after breakfast, worried over the prospect of Clark going after Oliver Maddox, and potentially killing him.
“Y/n.” Clark whispered, leaning against the door jam, and frowned when you didn't answer him. He pushed off the door frame and moved to you, cupping your face in his hands. “Y/n.” He said your name, even softer this time.
You blinked up at him. “You're going to kill him, aren't you?” you asked, quietly.
Clark sank to his knees, moving his hands to hold both of your in his, pressing his lips to your fingers. “If I have to, then, I will.” He whispered, against your knuckles. “But, I will bring him to justice, and keep you safe, y/n.”
You leaned forward and kissed him, deeply, holding his head in your hands. Clark slipped his hands up your arms, gripping your shoulders for a moment, before his hands glided down your back and his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him, so your legs wrapped around him. He stood up, supporting you with one arm under your butt, turning long enough to close the bedroom door, and lay you back down on the bed. He pulled your sweats and panties off, shoving down his boxers enough to get himself free. You ran your fingers through his hair, fingertips caressing his neck and shoulders, nails racking, harshly, down his lean back and dug into his round ass, making him moan and growl into your neck as he sucked on it. His hands went behind your knees, pushing them farther up and rubbing himself against you, causing you to moan around your trapped lip as you bit into it, and you felt his cock grow and harden against your wet core.
“Clark.” You mewled, breathless, using the advantage of your hands grasping his plentiful ass to jerk his hips against you.
“Y/n.” He groaned back, his eyes squeezing shut at the feel of you.
Sex between the two of you had always been balanced and gentle, but this time it wasn't, it felt desperate and rough, like you needed to keep each other grounded by pure force. Clark rocked his hips into you, driving himself deeper into you each time, your hands moved up his back, hooked under his arms and around to his shoulders, nails breaking the skin at the top of his shoulders and making Clark hiss. The headboard knocked against the bedroom wall to the uneven and hard thrusts, catching Martha's attention as she walked into the house from picking vegetables from the garden, for that night's dinner. She looked up at the ceiling, hearing the faint noises the two of you were making, even above the banging headboard, blushed and shook her head.
“Let's go take a walk, Hank.” She called to the border collie, setting the vegetable basket on the counter. “Give the kids some space.” She chuckled, holding open the back door for the dog and following him out.
“I love you.” You moaned, pulling Clark into a kiss as you both came, needing the taste of him on your lips.
“I love you too, y/n.” Clark moaned into your mouth, brushing your hair out of your face.
It was the screen door slamming that woke you up an hour later, you found yourself alone and knew what was going on. You yanked on your sweats and ran down the stairs, your thigh throbbing from the excretion. Clark was standing a few feet away from the porch, long red cape blowing in the gentle breeze, he turned to you, the breath and words you were starting to form stuck in your throat, seeing him fully decked out in his Superman suit. It defined every muscle you worshiped and hugged the amazing curve of his ass. But, it made a huge swelling of pride burst from inside your chest, and a smile crossed your lips. You looked him in the eye, both of you smiling, both of you knowing what he was going to do, and why. Your feet didn't even touch the porch steps as your ran for him and found yourself wrapped up in his arms, his lips on yours.
“Go get them, Superman.” You whispered against his lips. “And don't be late for dinner, Clark.” You added, chuckling as you stepped back.
“I will, and I won't be.” He grinned, then shot up into the sky, a sonic boom punctuating his ascent, before he vanished into the clouds.
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oberynmartell · 7 years
costumes // written for jonxsansafanfiction’s All Hallow’s Week Celebration
The Stark family had always had a great interest in all things Halloween. From the time Sansa was a child she could remember her mother and father excitingly draping the house in fake cobwebs and plastic ghosts. Catelyn always took great pleasure in baking some great pumpkin treat- her favourite was pumpkin bread and cinnamon butter- and her father loved to eat them. They had even taken to planning some elaborate family costumes, from the members of the Scooby Gang to the Addam’s Family. It was a time of year they all loved.
And luckily for them, even as the Stark kids grew up their love for Halloween did not fade.
In the living room Arya Stark was circling Sansa and Jon, scrutinizing their potential costume before deciding if it was good enough to be worn in attendance to Loras Tyrell’s annual Hallow’s Eve party, a massive, raging blowout.
“I still think you should have been Han and Leia.” said Arya, frowning. “The theme for the party is famous movie couples isn’t it? Who else is more famous?”
“Because I’m sure everyone and their mother is going to show up dressed as Han and Leia. I want to try and make an impression.” Sansa said. “And after what happened last year I want it to be a good impression.”
They both remembered Loras’ anger after they had arrived at the Halloween party the previous year dressed as Clark Kent and Lois Lane, only to find out that they were supposed to be in keeping with the Victorian theme- as everyone else had been. It had been printed clearly on the invitation, as Loras’ party planner (and cousin) Luthor had angrily told them, commenting that they stuck out sorely; brightly dressed in the sea of pastel Victorian gowns and silk cravats
Arya laughed. “I forgot about that. What were you two again?”
“Superman and Lois Lane.” she responded.
At the kitchen table Gendry nodded, his voice muffled by the crunch of the cereal he was eating. “‘S’ not bad. Fits you two well.”
“That’s what I said.” said Sansa. “But according to Loras we were ‘so basic that we should have been marketed as a plain white undershirt.’”
“So...” Gendry began, getting up from the kitchen table and walking toward them. “This...is what you chose?”
“What?” said Sansa, looking down at herself. “We’re Marty and Doc from Back to the Future...Can’t you tell?”
“You look good.” said Gendry quickly. “But they’re not exactly a couple.”
“Well they’re a couple, like a couple of people. One, two, people.” said she. She frowned. “Maybe we should change. After last year I’m not taking the chance of misinterpreting the invite.”
Half an hour later Sansa had assembled two more costumes and had dressed them both, leaving them standing back where they had started, standing above a giant rubber spider and wavering under Arya’s scrutiny. “This is worse.” she said finally, after staring for a long moment. “Worse in every way.”
“Well I had to find a way to repurpose the wig.” Sansa snapped.
“Wayne’s World is a little old, innit?” Gendry asked. “You don’t want to spend the whole night having to explain your costume, do you?”
Sansa huffed.
The rest of the afternoon was spent rummaging through trunks and wardrobes, throwing together costumes. Jon was impressed with his girlfriend’s creativity. He would never had thought that wearing a nightgown and a pair of green trousers and a green shirt would make them Wendy and Peter Pan. And then, after that idea was vetoed, that the same nightgown dressed up with a pair of sandals and a baseball cap would make her Jenny and him Forrest Gump.
“I’m ready to quit.” said Sansa, lying on her back in their bed. The room looked as though it had been ransacked, clothes piled high on the chairs and the bed, spilling out of the closet in unorganized piles. “We should just stay home tonight.”
“Hush.” said Jon. He pushed aside a stack of old coats she had tried to repurpose into a wolf costume and lay beside her, feeling her exhale a long sigh and curl into his arms, her bare feet pressed against his shins, the smell of her sweet shampoo filling his nose.
“You’ve been talking about this party for a month.” he said calmly. Sansa called it his ‘dad voice.’ She said it was the voice her father always used when he was trying to calm Arya down before her fencing matches, or keep Sansa from worrying about her studies. “You always have fun and no matter what you wear you will look beautiful. Maybe we’re overthinking it.” He knew she certainly was, but he dare not say that to her now, lest all his dad-voice-induced-calmness be undone.
She paused for a moment. He could tell she was thinking, able to feel the rapid brush of her eyelashes against his bare forearm as she blinked. “You’re right. We probably are. Maybe we should just go basic.”
“How basic?”
“We could reuse our Superman and Lois Lane costumes from last year?”
Jon chuckled. “And risk the wrath of Loras and Renly again. Perhaps not.”
“The Jack and Wendy Torrence costumes?” she put forward. “I don’t think Arya and Gendry are going to use them.”
Jon considered it for a moment before something caught his eye. All of a sudden it became easy to put together a costume, getting up from the bed and digging through the wardrobe before smiling. “I’ve got one” he said triumphantly, pointing toward one of the piles he had set down at the foot of the bed. “Simple, pretty, creative.”
“Really?” she asked, propping herself up on her elbow to look at him. She quirked an eyebrow, looking intrigued.
“Really.” Jon winked.
It took them under an hour to ready themselves and drive over to the massive Tyrell manse. From the moment they pulled passed the front gate Jon could see the hints of the party that was taking place within. A hundred faux gravestones had been lifted in the yard, complete with skeletal hands and faces and feet that stuck through the dirt like bodies crawling out of coffins. Ghosts hung from the branches of the trees, moving eerily in the wind like true specters.
Music thundered through the air, loud and ruckus in the otherwise quite night. Lights of green and purple and red shone through the chalky windows and flashed over them, and as they walked forward a waiter dressed as a zombie handed them each tall flutes of a bubbling green liquid.
“Wow.” Sansa marveled.
“It looks even better than last year.” admired Jon. “And I didn’t think that was possible.”
“It’s certainly easier to dress for.” said Sansa. The previous year the mansion had been decorated impeccably, so thoroughly embellished for the Victorian theme that once they had been ushered inside Sansa had barely recognized it as the same house. “Although...” she trailed off.
“There you are!” said Loras, appearing out of the throng of guests already filling the dance floor. Sansa recognized him instantly as Indiana Jones, complete with whip, fedora, and a surprisingly realistic golden monkey. “I was about to organize a search party.” Luthor looked them over reproachfully, no longer hiding his dislike of the costumes once Loras’ asked them to “Give us a spin, I want to see the full picture!”
Sansa did a small, embarrassed spin at his beckoning, worried he would not like what they had chosen. She tipped her head back and downed the drink in her hand. It caused her cheeks to itch and her nose to burn but the sour alcohol quickly did the trick and she was somewhat less able to feel Luthor’s eyes on her back.
“Mia Wallace and Vincent Vega!” said Garlan Tyrell, having appeared from the bar dressed as Hamlet- with Leonetten as Ophelia on his arm. “I love it.”
“You guys look great.” Loras grinned. Jon secretly breathed a sigh of relief at having gained the host’s stamp of approval. “Then again you always do. I swear you’re the best looking couple in this room tonight. Well, besides Renly and I.”
Sansa giggled, slipping her hand into Jon’s. Beside the Tyrell brothers Luthor gave a smirk, commenting that he also liked the costume before pointedly adding that it was: “Very in keeping with the theme.”
Awkwardness rippled between the group before Jon cleared his throat. “Well we wouldn’t want a repeat of last year’s lost invitation situation.” he said, attempting a joke to lighten the tension, comedically loosening the buckle of his bolo tie.
“Ren is going to be so pleased to see you.” Loras said. He waved his glass of Róse at another entering couple in place of a wave and promised to catch up with them later in the night before bidding them farewell, commenting over his shoulder that “the job of a host is never done!”
They made a few rounds of the party, greeting friends and neighbors and gorging themselves quite a bit on the Halloween themed fare. Jon even ate so many Dr. Frank-N-Furter hot dogs that he thought he might be sick. After a while they settled down and Jon took her hand. “Mrs. Mia Wallace, would you care to dance?”
“Vincent Vega offering to dance?” she said, giving a gasp of mock shock as he led her into the crowd of twisting bodies and grasping fingers. “It must be a special occasion.”
“Of course it is.” he grinned. “It’s my girlfriends favorite holiday. Maybe, if we try hard enough, we could win the Jack Rabbit Slim’s Annual Twist Contest.”
She hummed happily, swaying in his arms. She was drunk on the music and the drink and the atmosphere, but the most intoxicating of it all was his touch. “We’ll have to try very, very hand to win that competition.”
Jon smiled and kissed her, his lips tasting of the sweet cinnamon syrup that had filled his mulled wind. “With you. I’m up for the challenge.”
read more jonsa fics?
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tessatechaitea · 7 years
Batman #18
This is more erotic than Batman's rooftop humpfest with Selina.
Looks like Bane's back on the dope! Plus we're finally getting a story about Mommy Issues! About fucking time, DC. I've had it up to my prostate with Daddy Issues.
King gives us a little back story on Bane and Bruce to set up the conflict. After they both lost their mothers tragically (which totally makes them the same person who experienced the same trauma and thus are the same except for the next difference that I'll be getting to outside of this parenthetical reference), Bruce was sent to live in a mansion with a butler where he could become a responsible, strong, obsessive man with a death wish while Bane was shoved in an oubliette that flooded daily where he could become a psychotic drug user with a Mexican wrestling fetish. See? They'd be samesies if it weren't for Bruce's privilege. I hope he acknowledges it in his encounter with Bane so everything will then be okay and they can become friends. Although I assume Bane will just say something like "So what? Now you deserve an ally cookie?!" or maybe just break Batman's face. Both young Bruce and Bane are really fucking into their mothers. It's creepy. Or is it normal? Is that how kids react when they lose their mother? I would have thought there would be more drinking and piñatas.
No, you're a drug addict in a luchador mask. Your past is no more compelling than any of the other people you're currently denigrating and writing off.
So Batman's entire plan to distract Bane for five days is to get his ass beaten by him? For five days straight? This is going to go well. You know what might have been a good idea? Instead of asking Superman to babysit the Robins while they're in cryogenic stasis, maybe get Superman to put Bane in stasis for five days. No? I suppose there's less chance of a lawsuit kidnapping and restraining your children than doing that to a convicted criminal threatening you with death. Bane says he's also not some rich boy playing dress-up. So I guess he does know Batman's secret identity and thus the location of the Bat-cave. I can't keep straight who knows and who doesn't know. Why should Batman even care at this point? Enough people know that the information is probably all over the Internet in hilarious meme form. Bane beats the shit out of Batman but Batman refuses to give Psycho Pirate back to Bane. So Bane tells Room Service to kill the hostages. Uh oh! Batman better have a back-up plan! Like how he could have had that Superman back-up plan I mentioned earlier. Oh come on! Who didn't think he had a back-up plan? Show of hands? See? No hands! I mean, I couldn't see them even if there were any but I'm certain their weren't any. Mostly because even if some of you thought he didn't have a back-up plan and this series was about to end, you'd probably be too embarrassed to admit it.
Get it?! Cats beat birds! Duh! It's evologic! That's a combination of evolution and logic, in case you're one of those dum-dums who occasionally and accidentally read one of my reviews.
Catwoman has strung up Room Service, Housekeeping, and Night Clerk back in Bane's safehouse and clawed "I am cat" into their chests. Then Batman heads into Arkham and Bane follows him. Good for Bane! He never even stops to say that stupid thing about it probably being a trap and then going in anyway. He just kicks the motherfucking door down and gets on with it. The Ranking! No change! I almost gave it a +1 because it ended so well with Catwoman's flexing line that I was all positive and upbeat about it. But then I remembered all the flashback sequences with Bruce and Bane saying, "Mommy this!" and "Mother that!" Fuck that shit. It was annoying. P.S. I just noticed I didn't complain about David Finch's inability to draw the mouth of a man this issue. So, um, good job, Dave? I guess?
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