#Cas fan fiction
suncaptor · 1 year
Sam as a destiel shipper is so funny because canonically when Sam learns about destiel his reaction is "what about sastiel?"
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Bruised and Battered
Kol Mikaelson Helping You Through An Injury Headcanons :
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(Prepare for immense fluff)
Sweet baby Kol...
First of all, this boi would feel sooooooo awful about you getting hurt.
(How could this happen??? He left you alone for five seconds???)
He doesn't blame you at all whatsoever. Even if you were being dumb.
If it was someone else's fault...
Well, let's just say that if you broke an arm, this person would find both arms freaking shattered beyond recognition.
Is that useless hunk of flesh even an arm anymore? Nobody knows.
He does get a little frustrated with you tho. Just a bit
Why won't you take his blood? It would make this so much easier!
(news flash: that's nasty and you don't want to take no chances!)
It physically pains him when the doctors won't let him go back with you for x-rays. He can hear your whimpers of pain through the walls and it makes him want to cry. He just curls up in a ball and waits it out.
If you have to get surgery??
Heaven help the poor hospital staff...
It KILLS him that he can't be by your side the whole time.
Kol would be pacing back and forth in the waiting room, tugging at his hair and telling himself all the reasons you're gonna be fine. Over and over and over again.
He is there the second you wake up.
Technically he's not supposed to be, but if compulsion can't keep the nurses and doctors quiet then the cold chilling glare he dishes out certainly will.
Once you're home, you will not be doing anything for yourself.
Anything you want to watch. All day. Even if he hates it.
Unlimited popcorn supply!
He will get you whatever you want to eat or better yet he'll compel someone else to do it so he doesn't have to leave your side.
So. Many. Hugs.
Cuddles all the time
All the cuddles.
Seeing you in pain tortures him.
If he accidentally bumps you he will apologize ENDLESSLY.
He's always asking what he can do to make it better
He can't really do anything and that's the worst part
You just ask him to stay
He's only too glad to do just that.
Though he certainly remembers to give you your medication. Even if it's 1 AM. He never forgets.
He stays with you all through the night. Every night.
If you wake up in tears from sleeping wrong, he's right there to hold you close.
If it were up to him, he would never let you go.
Scars from surgery?
Kol would make it his mission to keep you from hating them.
He would tell you how cool they look all the time
Also, the gentlest kisses.
He would kiss every inch of those scars.
Endless "I love you"s
Don't think for a second that you're a burden because he will go into a 20 minute speech about how he has literally nothing better to do with his immortal existence.
When it's time for physical therapy, he always makes sure you can get to your appointments.
Kol would 100% compel the therapists to let him come back with you and cheer you on (even though seeing you struggle makes him want to scoop you up and hold you until the tears go away)
He always makes sure you do your exercises too. There is no amount of bribing that can sway this man. You are doing those exercises.
End. Of. Story.
So encouraging tho. The complements are ever flowing from his lips.
And again, all the cuddles after you finish.
Constantly making jokes.
"If I rip off one of your arms, that will make it better right? I mean, it will certainly distract you from the pain!"
Kol would also help you come up with an excellent story for how it happened.
Whether it be jousting on unicorns, fencing with glass blades, or assassinating the president, there is no limit to his creativity.
Kol would do literally anything to see you smile.
Special thanks to: @space-princess-charming
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xpurdyglambertx · 5 months
It's live yall! Go check it out!
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imaginaryprotagonist · 2 months
Rewatching Supernatural with my husband, who has never seen it before, and we've FINALLY made it to season 4. The latest sign that I read far too much fan fiction is the giggle I let out every time Cas tells Dean he needs to obey.
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casp1an-sea · 1 month
Remaking this with a results button
@xen-blank, @thehollowwriter, @l7k-a, @ferris-the-wheel, @keii-starz
@krenenbaker @elenauaurs @the-banana-0verlord @edith-is-a-cat @dove-da-birb
@theosb0rnway @fizzydreamz @ravenwing0110
@diabollicallyangelic @xentari94 @tomatette
@dragonflies-draw-flame @sunshinechildskywalker
@im-sorry--what, @bifluidmax08 @cookiecrumbles52palace @silly-little-goober-core @vivifucksthevillain @cimonim-crunch
@ferris-the-wheel @fryofthefrench @messylxve
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megraen · 2 months
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So, doing a little writing for chapter twelve, and I snickered at this part.
When Daryl finally did awake, he knew he was somewhere different that wasn’t the cot in his tent. The bed beneath him was soft, and the sheet smelt far too clean to his senses. And then there were the pinpricks of pain in his lower abdomen and temple. Jolting, he immediately felt hands holding him still. “Cease moving.” The feminine voice was familiar, and in his slowly awakening state, he couldn’t quite place it. Opening his eyes, Daryl went ridged. Right in front of him were women’s breasts, hidden beneath a brown singlet top and a soft-padded bra that did nothing to hinder nipples from poking through. He swallowed thickly. Forcing his eyes away, he glanced up, seeing Cassidy’s serious expression, and he remembered everything. The horse throwing him off and bolting away, landing on one of his arrows, having to kill two walkers and finding Sophia’s doll. He had managed to walk all the way back to camp, and then there was the echoing of a gunshot and the pain in his head as he’d been knocked off his feet. Someone had actually shot at him. “Who fuckin’ shot me…?” He rasped weakly, peering down the bed and seeing Hershel stitching up his side, making him understand why he felt two pangs of pain from needles. He froze again when he realised he was shirtless, which should have been obvious for the farmer to be stitching him up. Daryl glanced at Cassidy, barely registering her words when she said Andrea’s name. His jaw was tight as he held his tongue, his mouth in a thin line. He wanted nothing more than to roll over and reach for the blankets, covering himself. This was far outside his comfort zone. There was a knock at the door behind him, and when he went to turn his head towards the sound, Cassidy hissed at him to stay still and jerked his head back in her direction by his jaw, her fingertips soft against his skin.
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annmariethrush · 2 months
Rooting for characters to be good for good’s sake is boring. I’m real so I have to be good for good’s sake which is okay, but fuck if I need my characters in made up realities that don’t exist to be good even when the world is bad to them or they have the opportunity to be more interesting as monsters or tyrants or just straight up assholes. Ship people who are toxic. Fuck monsters. Kill people. Have fun. It’s fiction, that’s the point. Do what you have to do to be a good person in the real world who doesn’t do shitty things to other people or support people who do shitty things.
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monstermoviedean · 10 months
dean's performance works on almost everyone in his life though. of course someone can read the spn books and see what he's actually thinking, because it includes his internal dialogue. but consistently everyone else either doesn't see dean's mask, or doesn't care to look behind it. and i think part of why he gets upset and stressed about being seen like that, apart from the obvious invasiveness, is wondering why a bunch of teenage girls who have never met him understand him better than 99% of the people in his life.
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other-fan-fiction · 10 months
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I'm not sorry... again!!! Sweet dreams. Donnie
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opens-up-4-nobody · 10 months
Ugh. Supernatural fans will write fanfics about Dean Winchester that are so heart shattering it tricks me into thinking I should rewatch Supernatural.
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cas should've gotten to see the supernatural musical in 10x05. he should've!! he would've had fun, sorry. it would've confused him disturbed him and then he would've loved it bc if anyone on this show can match dean's (guilty) appreciation for camp, it's castiel himself. campstiel.
let him ask too many questions about subtext thanks, this is doing absolute numbers for him along with all the reality tv and soaps he's been watching
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fitzs-trained-monkey · 3 months
The Blood of the Covenant
(Below) A note presumably written by one Sebastian Sallow, dated 1922.
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To whomever may find themselves reading this, I regret to inform you that the pages in your hands may very well be the only documentation in the world detailing the truth concerning The House of Gaunt. This tale you're about to read won't be written in the history books. Alas, as I write this the Ministry and all the rats that didn't go down with the ship are hard at work scrubbing away any and all proof of just how deeply their corruption truly ran. But even if it costs me my freedom, I will not allow my friend's suffering to be forgotten. This time, I'll speak the truth - no matter the cost. And if you, dear reader, are the only soul who ever reads this, so be it. Maybe I'll finally have done something right. - Sebastian Sallow
Continue to Chapter One: First Steps (Toward White-Faced Cliffs)
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xpurdyglambertx · 3 months
New chapter is live!
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I really need a fic where Sam and jack have this moment where Sam realizes that Jack thinks Dean and Cas are married and Jack realizes Sam thinks that Cas and Dean are only friends and they have a whole melt down together over it and Sam ends up having an OMG THEYRE IN LOVE moment and then Dean and Cas come in and Sam is all supportive and telling them they could have told him they were together instead of letting him be an idiot about it and Cas and Dean are so shocked and are just like dudes, just friends and then Jack has a break down cause his dads aren’t married. Please!
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vodkori · 1 year
Finally//Beautiful Stranger
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Beautiful  Stranger
Song Fic
Song by Halsey
2.1k words
Dean  x Reader
Your eyes, so crisp, so green
Sour apple baby, but you taste so sweet
When you first met Dean, the first thing you noticed about him was his striking green eyes. Somehow even in the dimly lit bar, you both were in his eyes shown across the room. You were sitting at the bar facing the door when he walked in. He was with his brother, Sam, and his friend Cas–  they were all talking about something and sat in a corner booth in the back of the room, adjacent to where you sat. When their conversation finished, Dean came behind you, hovering to order his drinks. You had been interested since he walked into the bar but what caught your attention was that he only ordered 2 drinks when he had 3 people in his party. It would make sense if he had ordered 2 drinks and water or a soda had 1 of the people with him not been a drinker but absolutely nothing made your brow raise.
You got hips like Jagger and two left feet
And I wonder if you’d like to meet
It took about 10 minutes, and 1 drink with who I could only assume were his friends, but a tall man with Dean, who looked vaguely similar to him, started a conversation with you.  The man chose to sit beside you, ordering a whiskey. The bartender handed him the class and you watched him take a quick swig before exhaling deeply, briefly closing his eyes. “What was that about?” you asked, turning your head in his direction. “I’m sorry, you just took my breath away,” he responds, smirking at you.
You turn an eyebrow up, “I’m sorry what?”
The two of you make eye contact for a second before you both burst out laughing.
“Hey! Was it that bad?” He asks,  catching his breath.
“Oh, yea! And I’ve heard some pretty terrible ones,” You answer. 
“I’m just gonna try again, Ya know, like a normal person this time. Hi, I’m Dean,” He chuckles.
“Y/N, nice to meet you,” You answer.
“Are you here alone, or will someone be meeting you here?” He asks.
“Now why are you asking that?” You ask.
“Just wanna know if I gotta worry about a boyfriend comin’ to try and beat me up for flirting with his girl.” He answers.
“Well, that’s not something you have to worry about.” You state, before asking. “And what brings you here?”
“Just passin’ through with my brother and friend,” He replies.
“Sounds fun.” You take a sip from your drink
“Yea, thrilling,” He grumbles.
“Are you heading home after this?” You question.
“No, I’m not,” He quickly replies.
“Alright then, glad that’s true for the both of us,” You state.
“So am I,” He states. “What do you say about a dance?’
“Truthfully, I’d love to but, as many talents, as I have, dancing is not one of them,” You respond.
“That’s fine, I’ll take the lead,” He smirks.
“Sounds like a good deal,” You laugh.
The both of you go out to the dance floor. Both of you dance for a while, which leads to making out, and soon enough you’re closing out your tab and going back to his motel.
Your voice is velvet through a telephone
You can come to mine, but both my roommate are home
That night led to much more than either of you expected. It wasn’t quite a relationship, and you didn’t know what the man did. When he came through originally he said he was coming through on a road trip, but he seems to travel a lot for work as well. You don’t quite understand but it’s not your place as of now. Whenever he’s in the area he always calls you. At first, it was just sex but it slowly formed to be more, he took you out, and they could almost be classified as dates, the two of you would just spend time together doing more than just hooking up. You both kept learning more about each other, favorite foods, songs, bands, and shows, yes even admitted that Dr.Sexy MD was his favorite. You shared dreams, secrets, hopes, and losses. Every time he came into town you got closer. You always go to his motel room cause you have roommates. You didn’t need to live with roommates, it just made you feel safer than living alone. You had a good job working as a remote administrative assistant. As close as the both of you got you never made it official. You were slightly put off by the secrecy surrounding his job and he had his own reasons. The distance never kept both of you apart. Even though you weren’t officially dating, you’d always call. Giggling like teenagers into the night. Calling just to hear the other, you’d complain about your day but he never did. Trying to feel close to each other despite the undefined distance.
I grab your hand and then we run to the car
Singing in the street and playing air guitar
He had finally asked you to be his girlfriend and you could tell he was finally starting to let you into his world. You had officially met the 2 men who were with him the night you met, his brother, Sam, and friend, Cas. Your dates were often composed of late nights and drives in the dark. Laying on the hood of ‘baby,’ as he so fondly called his car, and looking at the stars, listening to old rock bands, him performing as if he was live in concert. Moments just for the two of you, times where nothing else mattered just lost in each other. Time spent trying to savor every moment. When you became official, coming to you wasn’t a pitstop anymore it was just where he always came back to. But it always came to an end. He’d always leave and go back to wherever he was off to most of the time.
Stuck between my teeth just like a candy bar
And I wonder if it’s too far to say
I’ve never recognized a purer face
You stopped me in my tracks and put me right in my place
He knocked on the door one day in December. It was about 9 o’clock it was already dark, AND CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHY THIS BITCH WAS COVERED IN BLOOD. Anyway, you slammed the door on him because who is gonna let a man covered in blood into your house? You grab your phone and call Dean he picks up immediately,
“Yes,” He says exasperated.
“There’s a man outside my house, he’s covered in blood, and he looks like you! Do you have an evil second brother or something,” You exclaim.
“Well, I mean, kinda, but the man outside your house is me.” He answers.
“Ok well, I’m not letting you in until you tell me why you’re covered in blood,”  You state.
“I can explain, but please let me in before someone calls the cops,”
“I don’t know, sounds like a you problem, if I were you I’d start explaining quickly,”
“C’mon, let me in,”
“Times ticking”
“Fine, I hunt monsters,”
“Shut the Fuck Up,”
“I’m telling the truth,”
“No. No, you aren’t,”
“Look I promise. I can prove it just let me in,”
“Not until you can prove it,”
“Fine. Cas, buddy, could you come down here and talk to Y/N,”
A flash of light came through in the living room and his fucking friend was there.
“Nope, I’m done with both of your bullshits, you need to get out and leave. I don’t know how you pulled this stunt but fucking leave,”
“I Just proved it please let me in,”
“Fine, but you have to explain better,”
You hang up and Cas leaves. You let Dean in and he gives you what he calls the monster to talk. You allow him to stay the night but he’s gotta stay in the living room while you stay in your room with the door locked, afraid he might be a monster himself even though he did the test, he could be lying. You woke up to him making breakfast for you. He’s taken another shower and is singing along to black sabbath.
“You! Why are you out of the living room? That’s where we said you could stay,”
“Ok, but clearly I’m not a monster or anything. I’ve never hurt you and I never will. I will do everything in my power to keep anything that could hurt you, especially this, away from you,”
“How am I supposed to trust that when I can’t even believe the thing hiding under my bed as a child wasn’t,”
“There aren’t any of those under-the-bed monsters, and if there were you’d probably be dead. Monsters aren’t known just to play games with people,”
“That’s not my point Dean!”
“Ok, ok, 2 days ago you wouldn’t even consider the fact that I could hurt you right?”
“... yea,”
“The existence of monsters and what my day job is shouldn’t change that, I’ve never proved that I could hurt you what you found out wasn’t a lie to hurt you or manipulate you it was only to keep you safe. Please believe me, I love you and couldn’t stand to put you in danger knowingly,”
“Then why’d you show up last night? Letting me know and ‘putting me in danger,’”
“A shapeshifter impersonated me and with that, he had my memories. He knew who you were and where. After I ganked him I had to make sure you were ok,”
“Fine but it’s gonna take time for me to trust you completely again,”
“I can accept that, but please don’t kick me out your life,” He says stepping closer to you.
“I can agree to that,” You reply nodding, “As long as you promise to tell me the truth from now on,”
“ I can agree to that unless it puts you in immediate danger,”
“I can call that reasonable,” you state.
Used to think that loving meant a painful case
But you’re right here now and I think you’ll stay
Oh, we’re dancin’ in my living room, and up come my fists
It was hard trusting him again. He never gave up on earning it again though. Every time you flinched from hearing a noise because you became paranoid he was there. And every time he’d do all the checks and tests to satisfy your now active imagination. He stopped hunting for a while to be there while you accepted your new reality. At that time because of the break, you allowed Sam to stay with you and Castiel to pop in whenever he wanted. You became close with both of them as well and began to take care of all of them making them home-cooked meals and nice beds to sleep in. You created a beehive in your garden for Cas to watch the bees whenever he came. You all enjoyed the downtime and you came to trust Dean again even more than you had before the whole monster business.
Beautiful stranger, here you are in my arms and I know
That beautiful strangers only come along to do me wrong
And I hope, beautiful stranger, here you are in my arms
And I think it's finally, finally, finally, finally, finally safe
For me to fall
Soon after he returned to hunting he asked you to move in with him. In a fucking bunker, like some sort of doomsday prepper. He also explained the Men of Letters. And you agreed, after convincing, to move into his cement box with him as long as you could decorate. After you moved in you ended up getting a dog and a cat. The dog you named Fitz after Garth and the cat Jojo after Jody. You also took Cas’ Bees with you of course. Everyone loved having pets around and the fact they didn’t have to worry because you were there to take care of them when they were off on hunts. You were able to provide them with the comfort of a home and they gave you a family and a sense of community. You always felt safe with them. You had found your place in the world, with the love of your life, 2 amazing friends, everyone they picked up along the way, your fluffy companions, and a permanent home. The two of you went on to live pretty happily, of course, Dean died about 100 times along the way and the world almost ended a few times. But after all, was said and done the bunch of you ended up getting your apple pie life.
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To the Ends of the Earth Part 21
Pairings: Gabriel x Reader
Rating: Mature
Summary:  AU Supernatural. Gabriel is tired of Micahel and Raphael’s constant interfering and dictating what’s best for him. Little do they know that he’s been sneaking to earth to fall in love with you. When he convinces you to run away with him, all hell is about to break loose.
Link to Part 20
1 week later…
You lay with Gabriel on the couch snuggled against his side as some tv show played unnoticed in the background. Halfway through, whatever show it was, you closed your eyes and snuggled further against Gabriel. He placed one of his hands over yours that you had laid on his chest. Neither of you had said much in a while but the quiet cuddling was enough.
The last week had thankfully calmed down. Dean had slowly accepted that you were pregnant. You were positive that Dean had tracked Chuck down and threatened him real good about keeping you alive. When he came home Dean seemed to be in a lot better of a mood. You could only assume that threatening Chuck would bring that level of happiness.
Was Dean happy about you being pregnant…no. Something told you that your eldest brother wouldn’t be happy until the baby was born and you were alive.
Gabriel also wasn’t saying much about the baby-to-be. While you didn’t expect him to be excited, you wished he would “open up.” The best that you could assume was your lover would be like Dean. While he wasn’t as on edge as Dean was, you could still sense Gabriel’s nervousness. His eyes were always on you now. He seemed to be watching every move that you made while being totally prepared to smite whatever could harm you in the slightest.
“Maye that is his love language when it comes to the baby?”
That was the best thought that you could formulate. Gabriel had told you a few days prior that he could sense the baby’s heartbeat. The look in his eyes when he said those words and how he stroked his fingers over your still flat stomach gave you some hope as to his feelings.
Minus, the baby on the way, everything else with Gabriel was just like usual. You were thankful for that at least. If Gabriel turned off the love supply, you would have totally fallen apart. From the brief bit of the baby book that you had read (until you got to the part about birthing pictures and nearly vomited) apparently, a woman’s sex drive was supposed to increase.
“…Yep, that’s happening.”
“How are you feeling?”
Gabriel asked softly, pulling you from your thoughts. He originally didn’t want to wake you but the quiet of the room was beginning to drive him nuts. Gabriel wouldn’t say it but his anxiety went into near overdrive whenever you were quiet for long periods. Yes, he was able to check you over at any time but hearing your voice seemed to make all of his worries go away. You yawned snuggling further into his side instantly making the worry within Gabriel vanish.
“Fine. My stomach hurts a bit but I suppose that I should get used to that.”
Gabriel put a finger to your head and the sick feeling instantly vanished. He gave you a sheepish little smirk before moving to kiss your forehead.
“I guess that will be a benefit of having a baby with me. I can make all of the nasty…side effects go away.”
“That will be definitely useful.”
You replied before yawning again. Gabriel moved to stroke a hand down your back toward the waistband of your jeans.
“Before you get too comfortable…”
He started but stopped suddenly and sat up. You gave him a curious frown as Amelia came running in with a small box in her hand. It took all you had to stop yourself from smirking at the annoyed expression on Gabriel’s face. If Dean were in the room, you were 100% positive that mentions of being “cock blocked” would have come up.
“Hi, shorty. What do you have there?”
You asked, sitting up. Amelia was nearly bouncing up and down. Gabriel raised an eyebrow before smirking. The little girl reminded him so much of you it felt as if he was looking into a mirror.
“Uncle Dean got me a guinea pig! I named her Snickerdoodle!”
You instantly looked up to Dean as he stepped into the room with a shit-eating grin on his face. He gave you a small shrug before you turned back to your niece who had fished the petrified-looking animal out of the box.
“Oh, that’s nice. She’s lovely, sweetie. Does your daddy know about Snickerdoodle?”
Amelia shook her head and shoved some of her dark hair out of her face.
“I see. Maybe you should…oh look there’s Sam now.”
Sam automatically sighed. He hated that tone. He knew “that” tone. Something was up and something told him that it involved him somehow.
“I love conversations that start like this.”
Amelia ran over to Sam nearly hopping up and down with delight.
“Uncle Dean got me a guinea pig!”
Sam automatically scowled at Dean. This was the last thing that he wanted to get involved with too. Between a pregnant sister who would be giving birth to an archangel’s baby, his own child, dealing with Michael, and all of the other kinks involved with being a Winchester…Sam just didn’t have a “guinea pig” in him.
“Uh huh…he did, did he? Amelia…guinea pigs are…”
Sam tried to think of the right word. He looked up at Gabriel.
Gabriel suggested, earning a scowl from both Sam and yourself. He only gave you a little shrug as Sam knelt down to Amelia.
“Sweetie, guinea pigs are a lot of work. Uncle Dean, Aunt Y/n, and I are really busy…I’m not sure if this is a good idea. Uncle Dean and I are gone a lot and Aunty Y/n is about to have a baby soon…”
Amelia gave Sam a pouty frown.
“I can do it. I am 5 whole years old.”
Dean made his way over to Gabriel with a smirk.
“This is your first real lesson on being a parent…how to cave.”
Gabriel’s amber eyes rolled over to Dean.
“If you give my child one of those rats, I may smite you.”
Dean quickly moved away from Gabriel shaking his head.
“Tough crowd.”
You rolled your eyes at Dean and Gabriel before turning back to Amelia who was clearly happy with her new furry friend. Her little face showed nothing but pure joy. You couldn’t help but smile at her. Ever since Amelia had moved into the bunker, you took extra care to find little things to bring her joy with. Something told you that Dean used the same excuse to bring Snickerdoodle home.
“Would you two get a room?”
You muttered before kneeling down next to Amelia.
“You really like her don’t you?”
Amelia nodded.
“Yes, aunty. She has a wiggly nose.”
Amelia then attempted to make her nose wiggle like the guinea pig that was nestled in her arms. Again, you couldn’t help but smile. You noticed a small smile grace Gabriel’s face too. You knew that he would never admit it but Amelia had grown on him. Whether it be the fact that she reminded the archangel so much of you as a child or Amelia just had her “own little way” you knew that Gabriel liked her presence.
You turned your attention to Sam, who still looked less than amused with Snickerdoodle’s arrival. Taking a breath, you leaned closer to Amelia.
“Maybe we can talk your daddy into letting Snickerdoodle stay. I can help you look after her.”
Amelia immediately squealed before nearly throwing the poor guinea pig up in the air with joy. You quickly reached out and wrapped your hands around Snickerdoodle and gave Sam a small smile. He groaned and shook his head.
“Fine. She can stay but I better not smell anything.”
Amelia nodded and wrapped her arms around Sam’s legs squealing about how he was the best daddy ever.
“What about me? I’m the one that bought the thing.”
Dean grumbled. Amelia quickly went over to Dean and gave him the same attention.
“I am winning that world’s okayest uncle cup.”
Dean said with a smirk as Cas stepped in. The frown on his face told you that something wasn’t well in the world. Standing up you inched closer to him as he muttered something to Gabriel.
Gabriel turned to you. The cutesy moment with the guinea pig was now shot to hell. He hated even mentioning Cas’ news to you.
“What is it?”
You asked softly. Gabriel sighed.
“My father is here with yet another surprise.”
Both Sam and Dean groaned, mirroring Gabriel’s reaction. You too felt a feeling of dread wash over you. While Chuck’s last visit brought you news of the baby…it also brought a feeling of darkness over the bunker that hadn’t 100% washed away.
“Oh boy this day just keeps getting better.”
You commented before turning to Jack.
“Jack, can you stay in here with Amelia?”
Jack eagerly nodded before sitting down beside Amelia, who clearly didn’t care about the business of adults at the moment.
You turned to follow your brothers and Gabriel into the library where Chuck stood with a smile on his face.
“I thought I would come back…”
Gabriel wrapped a hand around yours, keeping his eyes locked on Chuck.
“Please tell us that you aren’t here to bring more good news. We are worried enough about what you brought last time.”
Dean said. He knew that he would never stand a chance against Chuck but he could put his thoughts on matters out there. What Chuck did with said thoughts and opinions was up to him.
Chuck, meanwhile, felt his smile fade. Everyone was looking at him as if he would be declaring that the world would be ending. Gabriel was watching him with a cold frown.
“Gabriel, you can stop frowning. I haven’t brought anything bad…not really…”
“Forgive me for not trusting you.”
Gabriel said in a low cold tone.
You whispered, squeezing his hand. The last thing that you wanted to witness was Gabriel and Chuck having some kind of epic showdown.
“It's okay, Y/n. Nothing bad is going to happen. I’m actually here with a special surprise for you…well…I suppose for Sam and Dean too.”
Sam winced while Dean mumbled something about “that last time Chuck gave them a surprise it was resulting in you becoming some kind of fucked up science experiment.”
You bit your lip, not even daring to look at Chuck.
“You know, Chuck, you have really given us enough surprises. I mean…we have met our quota…maybe you should go…bless…someone else?”
Chuck smiled, shrugging.
“I was thinking about the predicament that you are in. Yeah, you have your brothers. While that’s special, you deserve to have your father in your life.”
You felt your mouth drop as John stepped out from behind Chuck.
“Oh shit.”
Dean muttered while John gave the three of you an exhausted smile. He didn’t seem to notice or care to notice how freaked out the three of you look.
“My kids.”
John was in front of you before you knew it. He looked down at you with a smile before pulling you into a hug. Standing motionless, you couldn’t remember the last time that John had actually hugged you. John was never the “touchy-feely” kind of father so this was totally out of your element.
“Y/n, sweetheart, look how much you have grown up.”
John turned to Sam and Dean following the same lead. Both of your brothers looked beyond uncomfortable too as John made what would typically sound like a heart felt sentiment.
“Dad, you’re alive…and here.”
Dean choked out as John hugged him. John nodded before turning to say something kind to Chuck but the man was nowhere to be found.
“Yeah, I am. I think I got another chance and I am so glad to see the three of you. The three of you stuck together…just like you should have.”
Sam cleared his throat.
“It wouldn’t be any other way.”
John turned back to you. The last time that he had seen you, you were just a young teenager. Now here you stood, a grown woman. John’s eyes landed on Gabriel.
“Who are you?”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow. He knew this was about to be a shit show.
Of course, it's a shit show. Anytime my father shows up it's a blasted shit show! Now, look what he’s gone and done.
Gabriel said his name very matter-of-factly. He didn’t really feel like getting in an all-out brawl with John Winchester of you but something told you that it would happen very soon.
John, meanwhile, narrowed his eyes on Gabriel. While he expected that you, at some point, would choose a lover…he wasn’t expecting it to be now. Granted, part of him expected to come back and you still be a young girl.
“The two of you are together?”
You nodded, stepping closer to Gabriel.
“Yes, dad, we are. I’m assuming the guy that brought you here didn’t explain anything to you?”
John frowned, his eyebrows knitting together.
“What is there to talk about? I’m alive again.”
You groaned, mentally cursing Chuck under your breath. Of course, Chuck didn’t tell John Winchester the “truth” of everything going on in his children’s lives.
“Oh, there is a lot to talk about. Come on, we all need to go have a little chat.”
You replied. Meeting Sam and Dean’s eyes, you knew that this wasn’t about to be pretty.
“Dad, do you have a gun on you?”
You asked casually. John nodded. He thought this was a weird question but decided to go with it.
“Yeah, why?”
You shook your head.
“Put it on safety.”
John looked a little confused before following you into a dining room. You motioned to a seat.
“Sit down. We have a lot to talk about.”
John quietly did as he was told. His attention went back to Gabriel who was still frowning at him. Something about the way the man was looking at him made John on edge and he didn’t like it. There wasn’t something quite right with the man at your side. All of John’s hunter instincts were going on edge as he realized Gabriel wasn’t blinking.
“Yeah, I think we do, kiddo.”
John replied as Sam and Dean sat down. You didn’t even know where to start. Never in a million years did you think that you would have to explain yourself to your father ever again. When John was killed, you decide that would be the end of that…boy was you wrong!
“Dad, in the time that you have been gone…we have been through a lot. I mean like a hell of a lot. Sam, Dean, and I have gone through things that you probably wouldn’t believe…”
“Oh, I can believe a lot.”
John commented. You blinked a few times as John continued talking.
“Just tell me what it is. The three of you know that I don’t like…”
You held a hand up.
“Okay, we are in the middle of a second apocalypse. The archangel Michael is wreaking havoc in our lives. The three of us have dealt with the forces of heaven and hell, more monsters than you would care to believe, the British men of letters…I’m sure I am leaving a lot out.”
John blinked, looking totally stunned. He didn’t exactly expect to hear all of that.
“Are you joking?”
You weren't quite sure but for some reason, you started laughing. The last thing that you really wanted was to argue with your father about what you had really done over the past few years. John didn’t know the hell that the three of you had gone through over the years. You did. Sam and Dean did. John did not.
“No dad, I’m not joking. Oh, there’s more. Dean and I are dating angels and I’m pregnant.”
Gabriel stared at you with his mouth open. He honestly expected you to tell John a little more gently but no. You just threw that on him like a wet blanket.
Gabriel said with a smirk on his face as John turned to him. It made sense! It all made sense now. John now could see why Gabriel wasn’t blinking in addition to the cold distant expression on his face.
“You’re an angel and she’s pregnant?”
Gabriel nodded.
“That is what she said.”
John shook his head.
“I don’t believe it.”
Gabriel waited a moment before snapping his fingers and disappearing. The room was silent before Gabriel turned up beside you.
“Do you know anyone else that can do that because I sure as hell don’t?”
John jumped up, knocking the chair that he was sitting in over.
“Holy shit! You are an angel!”
Gabriel nodded.
“Yep, not just an angel. I’m an archangel. I warn you, human, don’t make move near her or I will smite you back to where you came from.”
John snarled.
“Get away from my daughter.”
Gabriel shook his head before freezing John where he stood.
“I can’t do that.”
John growled before turning his attention to Sam and Dean.
“You two just let this happen? I told the two of you to watch your sister! Letting her get knocked up by a rouge archangel isn’t part of keeping an eye on her.”
You, meanwhile, suddenly remembered your voice.
“Hold on a minute, dad. You don’t get to come here and start things like this. Sam and Dean did everything that they were supposed to and more. You are my father. You should have been there for us and you weren’t! Don’t you dare give me shit about being on hunts either. It shouldn’t have been Dean’s job to look after Sam and me the way he did. He was our mother and father more than you ever were. He didn’t get to be a kid. I’m my own damn person and make my own decisions. Sam, Dean, and I look out for each other but they don’t tell me what to do and you aren’t either. Chuck may have brought you back but you aren’t going to come in here and order us around. For once, we have our lives figured out and we are just fine with it.”
You turned and walked from the room without another word. Gabriel, turned back to John for a moment.
“It’s so lovely to see that you are still the same human that you were years ago. Excuse me, my wife needs me.”
Gabriel put extra emphasis on the word “wife.” He knew it would antagonize John all the more and he didn’t care….
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