#Chemical burns
strawbby-shortcake · 7 months
★ Lye Kisses (A Tyler Durden Oneshot) ★ [gn! reader]
Tyler had somehow convinced you to join him in his raggedy, mold-filled basement. He mentioned that he needed someone to help him test a new experiment- which you really did try to back out, but he forced you anyway. He's not the type to let you off the hook easily, or at all.
You scrunched your nose as the fumes of various and unidentifiable chemicals hit you straight in the face. Did he really just make soap, or was he trying to blow up the building? Who knows.
"Stand here, right in front of the table," Tyler said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You awkwardly complied and he put his large, transparent safety glasses on, glancing at you to make sure you stayed put.
He wiped his palms on his pants and leaned over the table, taking your hand in his.
"Tyler, what are you doing?" you asked, attempting to pry your hand away.
"Stop moving, this will only take a minute."
He glared at you with such intensity that you immediately stopped resisting. You knew that he could snap all the tiny bones in your hand if he so wished to, so you decided to not go against his "experiment," where you were the guinea pig. Not surprising, honestly.
He licked his lips and pressed a chaste kiss to the back of your hand.
You furrowed your brows and inspected his movements, "What is this?"
Tyler simply flashed a grin and held up a white jar before quickly saying:
"This is a chemical burn."
He poured the contents of the jar onto the shining wet kiss on your hand. Your brain didn't have enough time to register what was happening. It burned and seared a thousand times worse than getting splashed by boiling water or accidentally touching a hot pan.
You convulsed in pain as you writhed and thrashed your arm around. You felt the pain through your veins as if it was traveling and spreading throughout your body. Skin was bubbling and making fizzing sounds as you watched it nearly melt away.
Tyler was calm and collected, as usual. It didn't seem to phase him.
"It'll leave a scar," he explained.
You grinded your teeth together like a metal fork on glassware.
"No shit, jackass," you exhaled sharply. You didn't even know if you could inhale any oxygen into your lungs, and if you couldn't do that, you'll suffocate. Breathe.
You breathed in and imagined that you were on a grassy plain, the world was blissful, and you had no chemical burn. You breathed in and then again and again and again until you hyperventilated. Now you were lightheaded, from breathing too fast and the unending searing.
Tyler shook your arm, "Stay with the pain, don't shut this out."
You grimaced and bit the skin on your lip until it busted open and bled. Any other injury would be better than what Tyler just imposed on you. You knocked over a few items off the table in an attempt to loosen his grip.
"NO! NO! GOD!!" you screamed.
"Look at your hand! Without pain, without sacrifice we would have nothing!" he said sternly.
Your flesh was burning off, and you tried to picture the grassy plains once more. You needed to get away; you couldn't focus on what was in front of you.
Tyler started to slam the table with one hand and yell at you.
Tears were blurring your line of sight, snot and sweat mixed together on your face, and it was far from a pretty sight.
"I get the point, okay? Please!" you pleaded.
He shook his head in disappointment.
"It's the greatest moment in your life, man, and you are off somewhere missing it!" he said as he threw something across the room.
You wailed and squirmed in discomfort. This had to stop. HE had to stop.
"SHUT UP! Listen to me," Tyler shouted, ripping his glasses off his face and slamming them to the ground.
You were shaking in pain. Every part of your body felt like it was on fire, yet numb. You wanted to throw up. You wanted this to be over.
Tyler spoke gently, "This is not the worst thing that could happen."
You looked at him with tear-filled eyes. You were a pathetic excuse of a person.
"It isn't?" you asked in a whiny, desperate tone.
He leaned in closer to you and kissed your temple.
"Fuck damnation, man! Fuck redemption! We are God's unwanted children ... so be it!"
"OKAY I GOT IT STOP STOP!" you begged, knocking over buckets and soap bars.
Tyler held your hand firmly, "Listen! You can run water over your hand and make it worse ... or, LOOK AT ME! Or you can use vinegar to neutralize the burn."
He was serious, you knew he was. Tyler wouldn't lie about that. And you trusted him despite him shaking unwanted chemicals on your hand.
To him, you were nothing but a test subject. To him, you were everything. To him, you were someone that needed to hit rock bottom.
"First, you have to give up," he whispered. "First you have to know, not fear, know, that someday you're gonna die. Until then? You are useless."
You spit on his face as you screamed, "You don't know how this feels!"
Tyler smirked and held up his right hand where there was a clearly visible scar in the shape of his lips. He rested his cheek on his hand and looked into your eyes- seemingly adoring how helpless you appeared.
"It's only after we lost everything that we are free to do anything."
"Okay ...," you nodded.
You concentrated on your hand, the burning and bubbling flesh, the way it smelled, the scar that would follow, the sweat dripping down the sides of your face, and most importantly, what Tyler had explained to you.
He released his tight grip on your wrist and slowly slid his hand out from underneath your own.
Standing upright, he grabbed a large jug of what you assumed to be vinegar and poured it on your hand. Instant relief. Sweet bliss. You groaned as you collapsed and held your hand close to your chest.
"Congratulations. You're one step closer to hitting the bottom," Tyler said.
You breathed heavily on the cold floor of the basement. Tyler was now kneeling by your side and turning your cheek to face him.
"And that, my dear, was a lye kiss."
He kissed the top of your head and left you lying on the ground. This was your life, and you felt like it was ending one minute at a time.
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queewp · 5 months
redesigned Anu (blue one) cuz he looked HORRID, RAHH!!
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irken ocs... explodes them, i hate them!! GRGRG
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dybzk · 4 months
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TWWW!!!!: I thought My burns on my arms hurt when I did them on purpose till I accidentally got a chemical burn across my face. That shit is scarred for life and hurts like a mofo. Worst part is I didn't even do it on purposee!
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bellajoestar · 3 months
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date idea 🎀
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painsandconfusion · 11 months
Back To Your Roots
With You - Part Fourteen
(tw: chemical burns, noncon haircut, yandere, domestic abuse, kidnapping) [Previous | Masterpost | Next]
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Robin’s hair was red.
At least, it was right now. Ida assumed, anyway. She changed it a lot. Never quiet. Never simple. Never the same for more than a week at least in style, or a month in color. And she’d only had Red for two weeks now.
It was only a couple weeks ago that Robin finally convinced Ida to dye their hair. 
“A little something special - to showcase who you are and how you want the world to see you. Not just how you were born,” she’d explained to them.
Ida had been wanting to for a long time. They’d stared at the midnight blue dyes on endless hours of scrolling in bed, and brushed off when Robin asked if they wanted to dye it. 
“Nah,” they’d hummed, tucking their phone onto the nightstand. “It would stain my hair.”
“So?” Robin just curled up closer. “Then you can bleach it or dye it again. It’s your hair. You can do whatever you want with it.”
“..it’s too much upkeep. I’ll stick with what I have.” They’d pressed a kiss to Robin’s hand, and that was the end of that conversation.
On the other hand, Oren always loved their hair. Loved it long and straight and white as fallen snow. “That’s what makes you special,” he’d said. “It’s something unique about you - so few people look like you, why would you ever want to change that?” He’d kissed their lips, and that was the end of that conversation. 
His words must have still haunted them, even years after they’d left his house, running off into the night and leaving him with a knife in his gut within crawling distance of his cellphone.
It had taken almost five whole years until Robin eased Ida into the idea of making their hair their own again. Not a trophy or a reminder of how they were so different from everyone else. Just…theirs. Nothing special. Theirs. 
The hairdresser was so gentle and sweet. She’d massaged shampoo into their hair and chattered endlessly with Robin as she worked. She’d tried to pull Ida into conversation, but Ida shrugged off most of it, more than content to listen to Robin chatter about their cat and her books and the newest cardigan she’d found at the thrift store. Neon green, this time. A ‘perfect match’ for her navy skirt and royal purple scarf.
Ida so often wished they could be like her. Wished they would dare to wear bright, crazy colors and outfits made up of seven different styles. Bold enough to change their color weekly and chatter with hairdressers. 
But..Ida was changing. They’d put a little color into their life now. 
They’d let someone else touch their hair now. 
They were outside and talking to other humans, and even getting a small strip over their left ear shaved away so they could pull the midnight blue and silver streaked mass off to one side. 
It was so recent that it barely felt like a memory. It felt as it were still happening. That Oren’s fingers in their hair were the hairdresser’s. That his humming chatter was local gossip. That the aches that puckered across their flesh was just their imagination. 
Oren’s voice made quick work of that breach to reality. 
“You know, I’m not sure why you did this. I just really don’t understand,” he muttered, fingers tracing over their part where silvery white had started to grow underneath the midnight blue, pushing it up and out of the way. 
“It’s not you at all. Were you trying to look like someone else??” 
Ida stared at the kitchen wall, numb and hollow and silent. 
His hands slid down their jaw and gripped it gently, tilting their head back until their eyes met his. “..that wasn’t a rhetorical question, dove.”
Ida’s stomach twisted as their eyes searched his. Trying to gauge how much danger was behind those words. 
“..I wasn’t trying to look like anyone else.”
Oren frowned, thumbs brushing down their cheeks. Resting at the top, then sliding down again. Again and again and again. Petting them like a cat.
“Then why did you do it?”
Ida’s face pinched slightly. Of course he wasn’t going to go long without mentioning their hair. Why did they think they’d be able to get away with that? As if he just wouldn’t notice that their hair was blue now. 
“..I…I don’t know.”
Oren sighed, leaning down over the back of the chair to press a lingering kiss to their forehead. “Precious thing,” he murmured. Nuzzling a little. “You don’t know anything when I’m not around, do you?”
Ida’s stomach was starting to churn now. Eyes squeezing gratefully shut. They’d take his lips over his eyes. Gladly.
Fingers curled in, almost bruising at the underside of their jaw as Oren’s breath warmed against their forehead. Ida strained, back aching at the angle as they squirmed away from bruising fingertips.
They hadn’t answered. Right-
Evidently that was good enough. His fingers unwrapped slightly, smoothing up and through their hair again. “We’re going to fix this.” With one more kiss to their forehead, he pulled back, taking their hand to guide them to standing.
Ida chewed on their lip, but followed as he wanted. Anywhere he wanted. 
Evidently that was out of the room. The floorboards seemed to creak a little louder than usually as they crossed the foyer and moved up the steps. Into the bathroom.
..that wasn’t figurative, was it. He was going to get rid of the blue. Get rid of what tiny piece of Robin they had here. 
Ida’s eyes burned as he dragged a chair to the sink, turning it around. He guided them to it. 
Ida didn’t fight it. 
How could they? 
There wasn’t any stopping this, so why bother. 
They just sat, hands curled around each other in their lap. Stomach in knots.
Oren turned on the tap, fingers pressed to their forehead to tilt their head back over the sink. Ida was good. They followed the push and slumped down in the seat so their head rested on the edge of the porcelain, hair ready to shift into the stream. 
Oren pressed a quick kiss to their lips as he tugged their hair out into the bowl and started thoroughly wetting it. “This will be good. You’ll start feeling so much more like yourself again. Maybe you’ll start singing, hm?” He took a moment to dip and nuzzle their nose with his. 
So, he wanted them singing more.
Ida took a note of that, letting their eyes close against the water and the proximity and the light in their eyes. “..maybe,” they breathed. Staying quiet. 
They tried to think back to that little barber shop. 
Tried to feel Robin’s hand holding theirs. 
They let the world slip away, and let themself believe, if only for this moment, that the hands in their hair were that hairdressers - Ida couldn’t stop kicking themself for forgetting her name-
They imagined the radio playing crackling, distant music - a song they’d heard a million times but never remembered the words to. Country. Warm and upbeat and nostalgic. 
Robin’s voice. Janet Finch plots debated, and local gossip. Not Oren’s soft humming. Not his hands. Not the smell of bleach too strong for this to be the hairdresser’s. 
Tin foil. That was familiar. 
Oren tore it with his teeth, wrapping lumps of hair up in the stuff before tilting them up in the chair. A washcloth dabbed at the drips that moved down their neck.
This was it. There wasn’t any stopping it now. Even if they ran and screamed and rinsed it away, the bleach had plenty of time already to damage the midnight blue that Robin had to painstakingly supported / pestered them into getting. 
Ida could see her face in the darkness when their eyes were closed. Her little hands poking and prodding and fretting with how the fresh lockes laid. 
Simple and kinda, yet bubbling with excitement and compliment.
But that was then. And this was now.
Ida’s face pinched, eyes finally opening again to look up at Oren. As the world pressed back to the scent of pine and bleach and citrus, Ida’s scalp started to tinge. Started to scratch and burn as if hair was being ripped out at the root. 
Their hands lifted, distress on their face as they reached for the foil - only to be caught in Oren’s.
“Don’t touch it, it needs to sit.”
Ida felt a whine press from their throat, hands pulling against Oren’s. “..O-..Oren, it…it burns-”
He shushed them, leaning in to press a kiss to their nose. “It won’t take long. I don’t want you half green now just because it’s uncomfortable.”
Tears brimmed at Ida’s eyes as they started pulling against him in ernest. “N-no it- it’s -ssomethign’s wrong this isn’t right-”
Oren’s jaw set. Fingers tightened around their wrists until bones shifted under his grip. A pressure that promised blooming bruises by tomorrow. “Don’t. Don’t lie to me. It’s already going to be ruined with how much I’ve done with it now. It’s not like you can save it.”
The tears slid hot down their face as they shriveled under his grip. “Ore, please-I-Im nnot lying - it- it hurts Oren please-”
Oren’s lips just pinched into a thin line. “It’s only going to take a few more minutes. Just relax.”
Ida’s head shook, pulling against him again. “O-ren please-”
Oren groaned, letting go of one of their hands to reach up to the foil. “Just chill, it’s n-” He stopped, frowning. Touching the foil. Again. “..why’s it so hot-?”
Ida just dissolved into sobs, free hand now clutching at his shirt. Some unknown ghost was ripping their hair off by scalpy bits, shoving flame at the tears to cauterize it. It flickered and tingled and screamed at them in a cacophony of sensation and warnings. “Ore- pl-lease-”
Oren finally let go of their other hand, shoving the foil off. 
It splat into the sink easily. What should have freed them left nothing dangling down to touch their neck - even at this angle. 
“..fuck,” he muttered, faucet turning on again. “Head back again, love - I’m gonna rinse this out.”
That command, they had no problem following. They shoved themself toward the water, begging it to put out the fire - even if Oren’s fingers on their scalp burned, the water soothed it and helped shove away the worst of the pain. 
“..didn’t even take out half the fuckin’ color,” he grumbled, scrubbing at their scalp until Ida was crying fresh again. 
They caught a glimpse of the foil as it dropped into the trash can, long strands of blue and white flickering through the air before falling out of view. 
..how much was gone???
Their hands pressed over their face, shielding their eyes and stifling their sobs into muffled shadows of what they could be. 
They held still. 
They were good.
They didn’t move besides shifting as per his instruction as he shoved out the last of the chemical, dried their hair, and fretted with it, trying to coax what was left to frame their face. 
Ida couldn’t look at him - they certainly couldn’t look in the mirror. 
There was a long silence as he stared at them. 
“..I’m just gonna shave it. You didn’t need it, anyway. It’ll grow back fresh and white and perfect.”
..what were they supposed to say to that. 
They were supposed to say nothing. 
They just trembled a nod, face still tucked safely into their hands. A kiss pressed to their knuckles, and he started moving. 
They held still. Listening to him opening the drawer. To the chord unwinding. To the plug clicking into place. To the soft electric hum. 
They whimpered, but didn’t move as the teeth of the razor scraped across furious scalp, rippling burning pain down their spine. They pulled their legs up, arms wrapping around them. 
They held still. 
They were quiet.
They were good.
They didn’t move or breathe more than necessary as piece after piece fell down around them and to the ground. 
They’d probably be the one to clean them up later. 
It barely took a minute. Then it was gone. 
Everything was gone.
“Go on, dove. You can look now.” A hand slid over their hair, roaming over the half inch strands and ghosting over burns they didn’t have to see to know they were there. 
Ida looked. They looked if only to appease him.
A stranger stared back at them through the glass. Eyes red and white from crying. Hair hacked down to a patchy remnant of what remained. The white strands were so thin, they barely seemed there at all. 
Oren’s shirt. 
Oren’s home. 
Oren’s dove.
They turned, pressing their face into him. Escaping their own reflection. 
Oren cooed soft laments as he scooped them up, keeping their face tucked into him as he carried them out of the bathroom. “It’s all done now. It’s all done and you did so good for me, dove.”
They clung to him even after he set them down on the bed, muffled sobs curling into his shirt even further than their fingers - their entire self buried in him. Wishing he could make the rest of the world go away. At least for a moment. 
Oren was good. He obeyed them as they did him. He moved easily and smoothly, pulling them both onto the bed and moving blankets up and over Ida so they wouldn’t have to let go of him or even look up. He cradled them close, rocking back and forth a little as he pressed kisses to the edges of the burns. “It’s all done. All done now.”
This time, Ida couldn’t bring themself to pretend it was Robin’s arms holding them.
He’d never be her.
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(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @kesskirata @wormwriting @batfacedliar-yetagain @paranoiaxagent @siren-of-agony @lwkshrav @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpworld @bandages-andobsessions  @pinkieglitterheart  @whumpasaurus101  @shameless-dumbass @darlingwhump @whumpy-catfish)
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If anyone knows where heathen-whump wibbly-wobbly-whump hold-back-on-the-comfort and mable-donut went please tell :(
This is the color Ida has(d), by the way-
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It's shorter and thinner, but that exact same color and fade.
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darrowfire15 · 6 months
TF2 OC: The Chemist
EDIT: Updated the picture which has both Tobias and HCl
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Meet Tobias Brandt, AKA "The Chemist". He's my TF2 OC I made back in 2020, but I had redrawn him in 2022 and again in 2024 (above).
Some information about him
He's deaf and knows both ASL and DGS (German Sign Language).
He plays the bass guitar by feeling the vibrations.
His bass also doubles as a battle axe for fights.
His closest friend is the Engineer and he communicates to him via a pager that Dell modified for him.
On the opposite end, he's very weary of the Spy because of how little he knows of him.
He rarely ever takes his mask off in front of others. His mouth design above is not canon.
He makes chemical concoctions that can do all sorts of things, such as irritating the skin or outright killing the enemy.
Adding onto that, his workplace has to be constantly ventilated because of the types of chemicals he's experimenting with.
The Medic constantly wants to 'collaborate' with him, but Tobias can't read lips very well and Ludwig's writing is difficult to decipher.
He can still see out of his glossy eye, it's just very blurry. He doesn't remember how it became that way.
And we can't forget his cat, HCl (hydrochloric acid). Originally, she was a stray on the streets before Tobias adopted her. Now, she wanders around the base between battles or sleeps in Tobias' room.
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zoethehead · 18 days
I didn't draw it(because It's a recently added concept to his design), but Abaddon has a huge burn scar spanning from his upper arm to the lower part of his neck, which is due to a ton of holy water hitting him around there thanks to a cruel scientist having holy water on hand to injure him with, and since he's a demon; holy water damages a demon's skin exactly like how a splash of corrosive acid can melt the skin of humans and animals.
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Picrews by tinlou_dt and @margothetwi
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wilbursims · 6 months
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I decided to redesign a character of mine that I've missed dearly. His name is Willard! He may or may not have started the zombie apocalypse.
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Whump Prompt #1096
Chemical burns. They can range from a mile irritation to full on welts. Apparently, they can also be classed the same as normal burns due to the effect on the skin (first, second and third degree.) They can also leave terrible scars and lets not forget the agony - especially if your whumpee cannot rinse the substance off immediately. 
More information (NHS) [X]
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ecurps · 10 months
Hey, folks. Anyone adjusting to washing bleachable laundry [whites]: Be careful of chemical burns.
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I didn't realize the long-sleeve shirt I put on and ran errands in hadn't been thoroughly rinsed. I made an error at some point; too much bleach, not long enough wash/dry cycle, etc. Not much I can do but wait till monday. =/ Thankfully the burns on my thighs are already mostly healed. It's like having chicken pox again... Fighting the urge to scratch. ^^;
So... Lesson? Use less bleach than you think you need. By like 30-50%. Make sure your clothes are fully rinsed & dry before wearing them.
....eh. And an extra tip: don't do your laundry on a holiday weekend.
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vampiregirl2345 · 7 months
So far, it had been two days since my little guy got out of the hospital. His burns are healing well and hes not in any extreme pain. Im so glad hes okay. Fellow parents, please be careful with harmful chemicals or medication. Just because you think your toddler cant or wont get into it, doesnt mean youre right. Better to simply put that stuff out of reach than trust that things will be fine.
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ajax1230 · 6 months
I’m sure yall don’t have to be told this but
I’m sitting here with a burning red hived up chemical burn BEARD so bad I canceled my orthodontist appointment
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kakashis-kunoichi · 11 months
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katernip · 1 year
face masks give me chemical burns
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lobster-x · 2 years
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Tyler, work in progress, 02/19/23
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Goretober day 2: Burning
I wanted to try something a little new, so here is a never before seen Warrior cat’s OC! They are a Somali cat that gets in a bit of an accident with some chemicals hehehe. They are also constantly tormented by dark forest cats, but they have enough of their own problems lmao
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