#Ciri's harem
laurikarauchscat · 4 months
Happy Valentines Day!! 💝
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Ciri and her stepmother. One of my new fave ships !! It's delightfully taboo - I love them ❤️
Reference - https://www.pinterest.fr/pin/9570217951429757/
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ladyannemarie5 · 10 months
Okay. So, I was finally able to sit down and properly watch The Witcher Vol. 2.
Things we learned/confirmed about our bard in Vol. 2:
He thinks there's nothing under Radovid's mask.
Chose his family over his love.
He knows all the smuggling routes in Oxenfurt thanks to his work as the Sandpiper.
Even though Radovid broke his heart, he wanted to help him to run away
His singing is so beautiful that it makes the dryads cry
Milva, welcome to Jaskier's harem (The Hansa is becoming more and more real).
Geralt's best friend
Sings love songs in elder (for Geralt obviously)
Ciri considers him 100% her family
He doesn't know that Radovid was more than willing to leave his position as prince to go after him (my heart can't take this)
He doesn't know that he is no longer the crush of the prince of Redania but now he is the crush of the King of Redania
Frivolity as a coping mechanism (because of course he'd write at least 3 songs and an epic poem about Geralt's death).
He sits and stands next to a wounded Geralt (just as in the fanfics *cry*).
He holds Geralt's hand when he's hurt and Geralt leans on him (as in the fanfics).
Knows the ingredients of Witcher potions (Maybe Vesemir himself taught him *father-in-law-son-in-law moment* or maybe Geralt himself taught him *husbands moment*)
He's the emotional support bard for EVERYONE (Geralt, Yennefer, Ciri and even Dara) but who the hell is my baby's emotional support?
He writes his songs seeing Geralt being Witcher (as in the fanfics :3).
He doesn't know that Rience is dead
Geralt is his personal bodyguard who will brutally kill whoever touches his bard (once again, just as in the fanfics \^^/)
Jaskier knows that the brooch is important to Geralt and possibly knows about Renfri.
Geralt even trusts him with his sword
He finally has a fucking horse, and it better be named Pegasus.
And once again, Joey Batey is the love of my life.
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arc-misadventures · 9 months
The Unwilling One
Ren: Hey, Jaune, how goes the righteous questing of a Paladin?
Jaune: Oh, hey, Ren. It’s… It’s not, not going good.
Ren: Well, I guess it isn’t going good when you had to face a titan class Arachnid Grimm all on your own.
Jaune: Eh? Oh no that was easy. I just cut the back of its legs so it couldn’t run, then I smashed its head in with my sword. Bolstered by the sacred power of ‘Smite’ though. Several times.
Ren: Oh, then was it the time you held the breach in the wall at Mantle for three days straight, protecting the city from being flooded from a Grimm horde?
Jaune: Okay, I had help on that one! I didn’t do that all on my own. I wouldn’t have lasted nearly as long without all those mana potions. I did defend that ciry all on my own. Mostly yes, but not all of it!
Ren: Oh, okay…? Then was it because of that, Arc-Demon you slayed?
Jaune: Cinder Fall? Ha! She was egomaniac whose sole focus was on the accumulation of power. They always fail to comprehend the lie about power until it is too late to do so. Twas simple child’s play that one.
Ren: Then why is it not going good?
Jaune: …
Jaune: I have a harem…
Ren: Y-You have a Harem?
Jaune: A harem of shortstacks, well endowed shortstacks…
Ren: Shortstacks?
Jaune: It has a halfling, and a dwarf…
Ren: Good alignment creatures; that doesn’t sound so bad.
Jaune: And, a goblin, and a bloody succubus…
Ren: A-A succubus? Are you serious?!
Jaune: I thought I had two goblins following me around, but nope, turned out one of them was a freaking succubus…
Ren: A harem with a dwarf, a halfling, a goblin, and a succubus…? Why would a paladin make a harem with such kinds of members in it?!
Jaune: Do you think I planned this?! They’re the ones who have started all of this harem crap! It used to be the goblin, and the succubus who followed me around, always trying to get under my cod piece! Then the dwarf, and halfling showed up, then the goblin, and the dwarf kept fighting on, and on, and on, on who gets to sleep with me?! Don’t I have a say in all of this bullshit?! Ahh at least their fighting kept them off of me…
Ren: Not long I take it?
Jaune: Not long enough! That damn succubus struck a deal with the halfling to share me, share me?! Why don’t I get a say in all of this?! And, now that they’ve settled on who gets to have me, they’re fighting on who gets to go first?!
Ren: And, how is that going?
Jaune: Well, the halfling doesn’t care when she goes, she just doesn’t want to be first. She wants to ‘gather information’ before she proceeds any further.
Ren: That sounds reasonable, but given the context it does paint a rather… odd portrait.
Jaune: The succubus wants to go last so she can show me, ‘How a real woman does it.’ I would consider that empty boasting , but she’s a succubus so it ain’t a hollow threat.
Ren: Okay… W-What about the other two?
Jaune: Well, every other night for the past three weeks they’ve been ‘wrestling’ together to determine who’s the top bitch…
Ren: S-Seriously?
Jaune: Yes… I haven’t had a good nights sleep since they started, ‘wrestling.’
Ren: Nora’s the goblin in your team, right?
Jaune: I never said her name, how do you know I was talking about, Nora?
Ren: We may live different lives now, but we’re still friends. Close friends, but never as close as she wants to be with you. Besides, I’m a lanky elf. I may be a fighter, but I never had anywhere near the endurance that crazy goblin has, fortunately you do.
Jaune: Wait! A-Are you giving me your blessing?
Ren: Yes, yes I am.
Jaune: To sleep with, Nora…?
Ren: Indeed I am.
Jaune: …
Jaune: What the hell man?!
Ren: I tell you this to ease your conscience to let you understand that it is alright for you to engage in activities with, Nora, and if you so choose, those other girls as well.
Jaune: I know I was ranting about having an unwilling harem of horny shortstacks, but you’re making this feel really weird, and uncomfortable man.
Ren: I know, but I’m just telling you this to ease your conscience
Ren: …
Ren: And, to warn you.
Jaune: Warn me? Warn me about what?
Ren: Oh, nothing much, just that I taught, Nora some basic wrestling moves.
Jaune: You what?! What did you teach her?!
Ren: Simple stuff really. Moves to pin your opponent to the ground. Simple stuff like that.
Jaune: …
Jaune: You realize you’ve just fucked me over, haven’t you?
Ren: I did find it odd that she was asking for such advice in the first place. Oh well, it’s your problem now. So, good luck, Jaune!
Jaune: …
Jaune: I hate you…
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tigerlyla-of-metinna · 4 months
Things you specifically or always do when playing certain videogames
I'm doing another tag game about videogames and our not-so-quirky quirks. Give 5 examples this time of habits or behaviors you commit when specific games or genres are played.
Here are mine:
Yakuza Series (PS4): I always, always call the local izakaya and order a take out of tekkamaki (tuna rolls) or some kajiki sashimi. because this game has your character nosh on premium sushi. Worse when you read the description and it always gets me mouthwatering for it. Nevermind the ramen or the donburi in that game, I love sushi and I will never play the Yakuza games without a dozen or so tekkamakis!
Streetfighter/Tekken: Or any one on one fighting games. I never play competitively. So when I sit in the arcade and play against the machine, and someone comes in about to pop in a coin, I always tell then "please don't. I do not want a challenger." I suck at actual human challengers. Thank goodness I've not encountered a jerk who ruins the game for me and let me finish my game.
Rune Factory/Harvest Moon or any farm sim: I check the list of marriageable candidates in advance and always pick the oldest bachelor. If there is an option to create a harem, mores the fun!
Resident Evil 4: I play tetris with my inventory. I am sure I am not alone in this :D
The Witcher 3: Nilfgaard always win! Also, I do not search for Ciri in the Isle of Mist until I get to talk to Countess Mignole with Vesemir still alive, then talk to Vesemir about her T_T.
I taggeth @bittersweetbark, @valandhirwriter, @regis-favorite-raven, @andordean, @alphagravy, @rotatingremains, @gauntermetaverse, @geraltyen-of-corvobianco. Anyone can also join and make their list!
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andordean · 4 months
Another addition to Ciri's harem for Valentine's day: Ciri/Tankred piece by @swampcastle that I never posted here. Thanks again for always being a joy to commission!
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winters-mistress · 2 months
Of gentle wolves and healing princesses
It's a slow process, all things considered. It had been impressive enough that Ciri had even woken up from her injury at all, let alone begun to heal from it. Vesemir tells the twice grassed pup that even fully grown witchers have fallen from injuries like that one. But still, the girl awakens.
Because of the fall, her head had been banged up pretty tightly, Eskel and Vesemir taking turns changing the bandages and boil washing them in their best bet to ward off infection. But as the days go by, Geralt watches Cirilla remain awake for stretches longer and longer, even starting to respond to stimuli and respond to questions at the end of the first week of bed boundness.
Coën takes to slowly maneuvering her limbs as she's in bed. Bending her knees and extending her arms and rotating her torso. It's to keep her blood flowing, he tells the wolves, before admonishing them for their lack of knowledge on the clotting of human blood. Not enough movement could still the blood and kill her just as easily as the fall or infection could. Geralt is just greatful the Griffin has the instinct to take such good care of the white wolf's pup, for his instinct is to still protect the girl fiercely.
Lambert is the least helpful when it comes to Cirilla's recovery. He drank himself into a stupor the first night she had fallen, and had his face pummelled in by Geralt on the second. It had taken all four of the other witchers to separate them both, the two growling witchers thrashing as they fought with fists flying instead of the wooden swords of their youth.
By the start of week two, Ciri can swallow broth and thin soups, can move her body after vials of pure poppyseed milk to stop the pain, and Geralt is relieved when the bandages come off that reveal a clean wound, sewn up and sealing over with scabs and iodine. They keep a bandage on there just in case, but nowhere as dramatic as the others she had been wearing all that week.
After the wound is closed, Eskel and Coën and Geralt wash Cirilla's hair clean of the multitude of fluids that maar the girl's pretty blonde hair. Vesemir took the time to brew up a soup with small cooked root vegetables, while Lambert was scheduled to make more healing potions thag wouldn't melt the poor girls insides.
By week three, Cirilla can wash herself with a flannel and eat thick soups of barley and potato. She can sit up by herself now and hold a slow conversation. Her words are slow, slurred and take a while longer to understand their responses. Lambert drinks himself into a bucket again, and Vesemir tans his hide for it.
Geralt is impressed as the girl begins to get restless in her bedrest and sees the spark returning as she tries to get up and explore. He feels like Vesemir when he tells her that she needs to walk before she can run, but will stay by her side as she steadies herself and holds her hands as she climbs to her feet.
The witchers are honestly mighty impressed that it takes them only a day to start walking the length and around Ciri's room, and only another fir her yo walk from one wall to the next without Geralt's hands to support her, even if she falls into them when she's scaled this hurdle.
Day by day, they walk a little further in the keep and Geralt carries her less and lesson their way back. Her words get quicker in speed and understanding and the promises of a visit yo the horses or the hunting dogs or the livestock keep Cirilla motivated when she cannot put one foot in front if the other anymore.
But they get there, one step at a time, a harem of large, mutated witchers and a pretty princess who has just as much strength as them.
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chiefatticcreator · 1 year
i made a patreon | List of memes | Commissions page
List of characters:
Lilith verse:
Taimanin Asagi: Igawa Asagi, Igawa Sakura, Mizuki Yukikaze, Mizuki Shiranui, Oboro, Ingrid, Felicia, Rinko Akyiyama, Aina Winchester, Annerose Vajra, Emily Simmons Yatsu Murasaki, Su Jinglei, Kurenai Shinganji, Asuka Koukawa, Kirara Onisaki, Noah Brown, Tokiko Fuuma, Shizuru Kousaka, Maika Kamimura, Rin Uehara, Sora Kannazuki, Nagi momochi, Saika Fuuma, Shisui Amamiya, Eleonor, Masked Taimanin, Spinel
Cara the Blood Lord: Cara Cromwell, Uehara kitae, Kamimura Azuma, Marika Krishna
Witch of steel Annerose: Annerose Vajra, Lee Mayfeng, Mitiko Fleuretty and Aishwarya Lai
Kangoku Senkan/prison battleship: Rieri Bishop, Naomi Evans, Alicia Viewstream, Maya Cordelia, Beatrice Kushan, Kila Kushan, Kilia Jech (Kangoku Senkan)
Every single character (generally all as hyper-curvy women serving Jack Morrison's harem, but that will vary depending on asks, jack can be ignored for asks if you really want)
Lynn Morisson: Jack's sister, whom he fucked as soon as he could.
Laura and Mary: Jack and Lynn's twin daughters, born to be their father's fucktoys, and loving it.
Amanda: UN's liaison to Overwatch, initially sckeptical, but was subject to sexual torture from everyone present until she broke and is now a fellow fucktoy, helping jack.
Pria: Amanda's assisstant, former lesbian that was recruited for Jack to break.
Jessica: Sniper, extremely submissive and into pain. Serves as the base's fucktoy when not used by jack.
Jackie: female clone of jack made by talon to kill him, only to be tamed by his cock
teacher AU: Uses the same characters as Overwatch, but soem differences: Amanda is a fellow teacher, Mercy is a biology teacher and headmistress, Jack is the only male teacher (and only male in the school), which basically revolves around him and worshiping him, modifying girls' bodies to be bimboes.
vampire/count AU: Loosely inspired by Junkenstein's revenge, an AU where Jack is a vampire lord ruling over a small land. gothic-themed
hormonal!jack AU: Similar to the teacher AU, but Jack is a horny teen that fucks his classmates, his teachers, his friends and family...
Mass Effect: Every character in the first three games
Warcraft/World Of Warcraft: Every character that I remember
Final Fantasy VII: Tifa, Aerith, Jessie, Scarlet
Dragon Age: Every character of the first two games (haven't played Inquisition)
One Piece: Every single character
Naruto/Boruto: Tsunade, Sakura, Shizune, temari, Ino, Mei Terumi, Naruto/Naruko, Sasuke, Sasuki, Sarada... everyone you want me to write about.
Dragon ball: Android 21, Bulma
Bleach: Matsumoto rangiku, orihime, Yoruichi, isane, Rukia, Unohana, Harribel... any hottie you want. toshiro as the main "harem master"
Pokemon: Cynthia, Lusamine, dawn, Gardevoir, May, Lillie... any girl that can be fucked will be.
Miraculous Ladybug: Every character (with the girls as Adrien's harem)
Warhammer Fantasy: Every character appearing in the Total War: Warhammer games
Skyrim: mostly everyone, i guess.
The Witcher: Geralt, Ciri, Triss, yennefer, Chloe Metz... all sorceresses, all female characters
RWBY: Any girl that i remember/know of, with Jaune and/or Oscar as the lucky guy.
Random characters from various things: Bowsette, Wii Fit Trainer, Samus Aran, Rosalina, Peach, Daisy, Bayonetta, Zelda, Link (Nintendo), Aphrodite/Venus, Jessica Rabbit, Harley Quinn, Pacifica Northwest (Gravity Falls)
Kink list
Some basic rules:
1) I'm mainly into male x female. I can write fxf, futa x f, or male x futa but that will be rare, and I will almost never do male x male stuff.
2) Be nice.
3) People willing to rp as women too get priority. I don't like rp-ing women often, but I do mind if I'm playing women in all our rps. This one isn't an iron-clad rule (depending on my mood, how friendly we are, and so on, I won't mind playing the girl more)
4) I'm always open to asks, snippets, headcanon and the likes.
5) While most of my writings will be "one male and everyone else is a hot girl worshiping him", you can freely ask about other dudes, about au, and so on.
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inexplicifics · 2 years
I will say Renfri potentially being with ciri doesn't seem like just pairing everyone off(no hate to that anon I just was reflecting on her narrative). Like her first friends are two men who are a little older(if I'm reading it right) and an elder of their people. And yet they respect her and treat her as the child she is when she needs help. I just love that she gets so many healthy friendships to support her(and a new dad). Like her and mouse(who's main plot is not wanting to get paired off) seem like they'll get along really well I'm time. So like her getting a long romance plot seems more like a healthy expression of finding a person than like just wanting her to be with someone for the hell of it. No pressure either way I just love the relationships romantic and Platonic in your stories -🦔
Gilmeth is just about Shrike's age, I think; I meant them to be contemporaries. He's just been through a lot less shit than she has.
Shrike and Mouse will in fact get along really well. And someday she might have a romance, too, quite possibly with Ciri!
(Of course, Ciri might let her Aunt Yen help her set up a harem...we shall see.)
And yes, Shrike has gone from having no useful parental figures to having a Griffin Dad and an ex-mercenary Auntie and a Viper Uncle and a dwarven Grandpa and she is going to be parented, dammit.
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laurikarauchscat · 4 months
Valentines day
If everything goes well, I'll be able to release a Ciri/false!Ciri piece by tomorrow evening for Valentines day 🥰🥰🥰
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elenyafinwe · 14 days
the only spam is your shitty iorveth/roche and his harem
Ohh. A harem? Tell me more! I thought we talked about Ciri and not Iorveth. I'm intrigued. Poly rights for all!
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jupiterjunebug · 11 months
In hell cuz i feel the witcher fan in me emerging but its for the same characters as last time and aside from adult ciri and yen the charas i want to read fic of r all like
Game exclusive chara w no fic
Game exclusive chara w fic thats all in russian
Game exclusive chara who is only in harem fics
Game exclusive chara w no fic again
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piceuscelus · 3 years
I’m sorry your weekend was not great :/ I offer you empress ciri using eskel as a throne, sitting on his cock because she thinks better when she’s filled, and he’s gotta just stay hard no matter how much she wiggles. Empress ciri fucking a lovely princess to seal a treaty, in front of her witcher harem, hardly able to wait until after, when they praise her.
hhhh yes absolutely 
so i was discussing this thot with a friend and like,,, imagine the witchers aren’t allowed to come without permission, and it has to be in/on ciri because she says so 
all of them are very good and obedient and mostly don’t make bothers of themselves but sometimes one of them (lambert) is just so desperate and so she’ll let them up so she can sit on their cocks, and they’re allowed to get themselves off that way
of course, sometimes she’s still busy, so they have to be careful not to jostle her too much or be a pain, but somehow the fact that she’s mostly unaffected makes it better
other thots: blood-covered ciri being licked clean by her witchers. ciri, presiding over some political gathering, a witcher between her legs and under her dress sucking at her cunt like he’ll die without it. ciri with three witchers at her feet, all prettied up in nothing but body chains and collars, but absolutely willing to kill someone with their bare hands if their empress asks it of them.
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llendrinall · 2 years
Sometimes I like to play a game of How would trope X blend with Media Y? Just as fun exercise, no fic writing involved, and after watching The Witcher, oh, oh, it would make such a fun omergaverse setting.
But not with an alpha Geralt omega Jaskier, even though I’m sure there are multiple great fics like that already. No, I mean.
All witchers lose their secondary gender. They are mutants. They are sterile. It makes sense that the mutagens would affect the alpha omega business too. Plus, it would underline their otherness, the human rejections. Not only are they pale cat-eyed freaks, they are outside the A/B/O dynamic.
Sorceresses, on the other hand, have all the genders. They switch every decade or so between presenting as alpha, beta or omega. This also fits nicely with the suspicion they are not to be trusted.
Yennefer usually presents as an alpha because she will take any measure of control and power she can get.
Triss presents as an omega.
Ciri is a beta. Her grandmother, Queen Calanthe was an alpha and she insisted that Ciri would be one too. She was raised as an alpha, but Ciri is a beta.
Ciri loves the witchers because it’s the first time she doesn’t have to pretend to be something else.
Ciri’s father? Also a beta. Or presumed beta, who knows.
Not only is Jaskier an alpha, he is the Capital Alpha. And alpha so big that he falls backwards into being an omega. He will sing, he will flirt, he will travel all alone through dangerous territory and he will have a great time and be safe because… well he is a very intimidating alpha when he wants to be.
People either adore Jaskier or loathe him and it’s for the same reason. Here is an alpha who could be roaring kings away from their thrones, but rather than seizing a nice little kingdom for himself, with a big army and a harem, he is composing tunes.
Geralt loves Jaskier’s ability to irritate people. So does Yennefer even if she is also irritated by him, because, ugh, that man.
They say Jaskier will seduce and bed your omega. They don’t say that if you are too vigilant, if you come home early, he will seduce and bed you. That’s right, he will seduce noble alphas too, the little immoral shit.
I like so much the idea of Jaskier being a soft man by choice. Geralt loves it too.
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winters-mistress · 4 months
Of big, gentle hands
Ciri hadn't known much -if anything- about witchers before her father of surprise had appeared like a mirage in that wet, sodden forest. Hells, she hasn't even known that he was a witcher until one of their first, awkward conversations after leaving Goldencheeks, her husband and sons. And from what she had seen on the road, Witchers weren't popular beings.
She and Geralt hadn't been at any inns, with Ciri being too fearful of human contact ever since her encounter with her used-to-be friends. But she had heard talk and mutter from the public when Geralt had looked at the notice board for jobs, even though he only took whatever they really, really needed. Both of them far preferred to hunt and rest in forests, and continue on the move, but the words still stuck with her.
Mutant. Murderer. Unfeeling. Unatural. Monster. Freak.
Ciri had been shocked, for the idea of monster hunters to defend humans, only to be turned upon and hated had been startling. But, after she thought about it, it wasn't that far fetched, seeing what had happened to her. What was happening to her.
Geralt wasn't a talkative man, she knew, and while he didn't seem to be affected by these words, Ciri wasn't sure if he had been or not. So, she had crawled over to him, ignoring the purse full of coin by his knee, she had wrapped her arms around his shoulders and rested her cheek on his shoulder.
"You're not like them, Geralt. You're not what they say." she had insisted quietly. "You're good. Far better than what any of them could be."
He had grunted a reply, and didn't say anything else, but she knew that his grunt had been a pleased one.
The rightful Queen of Cintra was glad that she had swapped her fine, lush cloak for a couple armfulls of Goldencheeks' elder sons clothing. A couple pairs of leather trousers, a few tunics, a black fur cloak and a pair of brown boots. She doesn't remember the other clothes off the top of her head, but she's glad for them, being in this cold, creaky keep with a handful of witchers.
Her arms still burn from the hours with her training sword, and her hip and knee smart from falling off the various training machines, and her nose is cold, but her stomach is full and her anxieties are dulled. Who better to protect her rather than a harem of warriors?
The largest of the bunch, the only twice mutated one, she's learned, sits next to her as they listen to Lambert and Coën share stories of their yesteryears.
She giggles when Lambert looses his temper and spears Coën from their bench, falling upon the floor and beginning to wrestle and swing for each other, grunting as they roll back and forth.
"You'll break the damn furniture!" Vesemir snaps from the other side of Geralt, but there isn't an ounce of heat in his gruff voice. He's grinning, especially when his firey, asshole pup flips him the one fingered salute.
A wave of tiredness overcomes her. It's nice, being warm and full and safe and protected and loved, a feeling she hasn't felt since she wore pretty dresses and danced and swam and rode horses and was put to bed with a bedtime story. Now, she's raggedy and wild, a family of hardened men who were so soft and cuddly who sowed her how to disembowel her enemy and learn about monsters and how to swing a sword that one day, she may have the black knight's head upon a spike and her throne be warm for her.
But that's for the future, right now she's content being where she is, leaning her head upon her father of surprise and enjoying his warmth.
His arm surrounds her back, hand laying limply upon her shoulder. All witchers run hot, she's learned. It's an interesting thing to learn, unexpected, just as much as the cuddles were.
She leans deeper into him, eyes closing
"Tired?" His deep voice rumbles in her ear. His big, gentle hand runs from her shoulder to her back, soothing her like a mother soothes a baby. She leans deeper into him.
"M'hmm." she mumbled. If she had a blanket, she could probably fall asleep here.
"Come on, let's get you to bed."
She doesn't want to, she's loathe to move from this really rather comfortable position, even if she's sat upon a splintery wooden bench, and Geralt really should take a bath soon.
She goes to pick up her head from his shoulder, but he beats her to it. The hand finds her shoulder again, and the other finds her knees.
She's in the air, before she's not, settling into her father of surprise's arms, nuzzling into his chest.
Unnatural be damned, here and now, listening to her new uncles fight and bicker, cuddling into her new father, it's the most natural thing in the world.
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blackboneneedle · 4 years
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A few years ago, after many hours of playing The Witcher 3, I wanted to make a new costume design for Ciri. And then I completely sewed it myself. It was especially interesting for me to sew harem pants and kontusz (sleeveless jacket). Ciri - @lesikaholod  Photographer - Ksenia Rogutenok Kelpie - Moroshka Werewolf victim - me
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inexplicifics · 2 years
I know everyone ships Ciri and Shrike, but what about the two of them and Konrad? Idk I like him and Ciri together, but I also like Ciri and Shrike
Interesting! I see you and Yen agree about Ciri getting a harem XD
I don't know how that's going to go when they're all old enough to think about it!
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