#Clones x Reader
221bshrlocked · 6 months
fatal dis|at|traction
Pairing: Hunter x AFAB!Reader
Words: 9774
Warnings: Unrequited feelings (in more ways than one). Touch-starved characters. Lots of sweet/dirty talk. Hunter likes to tease a lot. Oral Sex (female receiving). Fingering. Squirting. Just a bit of a knife kink (it's not everyone's cup of tea so it's a very short scene). Pentrative, Unprotected Sex (wrap it up folks). Creampie. Cuddling.
Summary: You have feelings for Tech who is now taken. Hunter notices your little predicament and decides to offer you a solution, one that you take enthusiastically. Little do you know that this could be the start of something new.
A/N: It's been a minute but I'm very thankful for the Life Day Gift Exchange by @cloneficgiftexchange because I finally managed to write something. This is for @intricatechaosofyou who gave a prompt after my own heart. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it. Coincidentally, this also fits into one of the @clonexreaderbingo prompts I got which I am embarrsingly behind on.
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With every little chuckle you heard from Phee, your heart beat in jealousy at not being Tech’s center of attention. You thought it wouldn’t be an issue in the beginning, assuming that Tech would remain uninterested in Phee’s flirtatious advances. But the more she hung out with the team, the more he warmed up to her subtle compliments and faint touches. Before you knew what was happening, he was hanging out with her whenever you and the batch had time off from the crazy missions Sid continued to send you on. 
Then she took you to Pabu and things really spiraled. Their time together increased each day and you barely got to see him. You couldn’t blame him really, or Phee. You just wished you had more time or perhaps been a bit more brave about your feelings towards him.
Another random laugh fills the afternoon air, this time from Tech, and you can’t help but stop what you’re doing and look at the two of them enjoying the preparation for Life Day. You look with longing at the man who managed to captivate your heart with a simple, random fact, and you sigh heavily at knowing that you’ll never really have a chance with him. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Hunter breaks your sad train of thought, and you turn around to look at him, silently praying that he didn’t just notice you staring at his brother. You pack the decoration boxes and look down to the ground, pretending you don’t understand what he’s talking about. 
“What?” You ask once, and when Hunter doesn’t respond right away, you glance at him quickly to try and gauge his reaction, hoping that you can fool him by acting as clueless as possible about his question. He stares at you silently, uncrossing his arms and heading towards you to help you out with the rest of the boxes.
“I- I’m not sure what you’re referring to, Sarge.” You say in passing as you make your way to the storehouse, already thinking of some lie to respond with in case he dragged this out. When you set down all the empty containers, you shut the door behind the two of you and head towards the center of the town. 
“Don’t do that…not with me.” Hunter breaks the silence after a while, stopping you in your tracks and waiting until you acknowledge him. You ring your fingers nervously, gulping down the nervousness that built up in your throat before facing him. There’s another fake reply at the tip of your tongue but before you can say anything, Hunter beats you to it, stopping you from embarrassing yourself any further. 
“Come on, you can’t lie to me.” He furrows his eyebrows, looking at the couple standing not too far from you before centering his attention back on you again.
“I’m not lying.” You’re more defensive than you’d like and Hunter sighs in irritation, shaking his head and taking those last few steps towards you. The last thing he wants to do is embarrass you but he knows this conversation won’t go anywhere unless you willingly open up to him. 
“Then why is your heart racing? I can practically feel you shaking. You’re not even looking at me.” Your palms grow sweaty the more he reveals those little details about you. 
“Talk to me.” You never thought you’d hear him plead for anything and when you finally look at him, you see a genuine, heartfelt expression on his face, one that makes you feel even more horrible about the predicament you found yourself in. 
“It’s not important, don’t- just don’t worry about it.” You wave your hand around and turn around to walk away from him, only to feel a strong hold wrap around your wrist and stop you from going anywhere else. 
“Tech is a genius, but he can be incredibly dense at times.” Hunter waits until you meet his eyes again before he whispers that last sentiment. The shock of the exclamation sends your heart racing, and your eyes widen in horror at the prospect of everyone else potentially knowing your feelings for Tech. 
“Wha- how…how did you know?”
“I know mesh’la, I know.” He loosens his grip a little, but doesn’t let you go completely, not wanting you to run away from him. The two of you stand in quietness for too long to your liking, and you give up on trying to pretend you don’t know what he’s talking about. 
You give up on trying to make it seem like you’re okay. 
“Is it that obvious?” The chuckle is self-deprecating, and you avoid looking into his hazel gray eyes, afraid you’d cry if he continues to give you that horribly sentimental expression. 
“Not to the others, although Echo guessed just as much a while back. But no, the others don’t know.” Hunter lets go of you then, but he doesn’t move away from you, wanting you to know that he’s here to help in whatever you’ll allow him to. 
“How did you find out?” You move away from the crowd slowly forming around the town square, wanting to have some privacy from prying eyes, from Wrecker and Omega. 
“I notice the way your eyes light up whenever he walks in the room, or goes on one of those rants about kriff knows what.” Anyone else would have laughed at you, but you feel at peace knowing that Hunter would never tease you about something like this. He was too kind to joke about such an intimate little secret. 
“And your heart beats like you’ve just run across the whole of Coruscant.” Hunter adds as he comes to a halt in front of the house you reserved for yourself when you first got to Pabu. 
“Ahh, that is extremely embarrassing.” You turn away from him as you respond, not wanting to be at the receiving end of whatever comment he was going to throw your way.
“It’s not…it’s natural to react that way when you have feelings towards someone.” You’re a little surprised by his explanation, mostly because you never thought he’d be the type to speak so sweetly about something as awkward as emotions. 
“Right.” You can’t help but smile when you see him shrug at you, and as you’re about to unlock your door, Hunter turns around and grabs the knob, preventing you from reaching for it, let alone turn around and get away from him. 
“You know what you need?” He asks, and you shiver at the sudden drop in his voice, wondering why he was suddenly becoming so friendly with you. 
“Please enlighten me, because this whole conversation hasn’t been humiliating enough as is.” You laugh in an attempt to diffuse the tension slowly building in between the two of you, but Hunter doesn’t crack a single smile, roaming his eyes down your neck and taking in a deep breath before meeting your gaze once more. 
“You need to get your mind off of him, just for a little while. Find a distraction…sometimes you have to stay busy so you don’t feel.” You’re too distracted by the proximity between his body and your own to dwell on the true meaning behind his words. 
“Yeah well, good thing we’re staying here. Helping rebuild the city will definitely take my mind off of him and…ugh, I guess make me focus less on seeing the two of them together.” Looking past him to the slowly busying town square, you completely miss the way he bites his lower lip as he studies you closely and shakes his head at your response. 
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Oh yeah, what do you mean th-” Turning your focus back to him, the words die in your throat when you finally notice the way he’s looking at you. You part your lips in a gasp, finding it difficult to breathe as Hunter leans into your space and groans his intentions against your jaw. 
“I mean…you need to get your mind off of him, and onto something else…perhaps someone else.” Your body freezes at the unexpected intimacy of the moment, and although you know you should push him away and tell him to forget whatever was happening, you tell yourself that this might just be what you need to forget about Tech. 
“I s-see.” Hunter’s hand reaches for your waist, holding you against him until he’s sure you’re accepting his advances. He smiles at you, his eyes twinkling with mischief that sends a zap of lightning down your spine. 
It was a warm day in Pabu, but having Hunter flush against your chest makes you even more heated, and you gulp down whatever nervousness was threatening to make itself known in the form of a rejection, allowing your fingers to dance along his forearm before you grab onto his shoulders for support. 
“W-what do you have in mind?” He gets even more bold then, wrapping his arm around your back and pulling you in until you nearly bump your forehead against his nose. 
“I think you know.” His voice is gravely, and it occurs to you then that he may have always had this deep baritone, but you just never truly appreciated it until now. 
“Humor me, Sarge.” You smirk right back at him, eyes dancing from his lips to his piercing gaze in preparation for what he’s about to say. 
“Well, you’ll first need to find someone willing to help you out, someone who knows all about distractions. Then, you take them somewhere private and…how should I put this, kindly ask them to fuck your brains out…take the edge off a little…and if you start thinking of him again, you get on your knees and have them dick you down real hard…till you can’t think straight.” His lips graze across the skin of your cheek, down to your neck, as he promises you the filthiest sentiments, and if you weren’t sure you knew the man standing in front of you was far beyond the average man, you would have asked him how he had you melting into his arms in such a small period of time. 
“Maker,” you nearly reach up to kiss him but then quickly remember that anyone can see you. Before you can push him away, Hunter nudges you harshly to get your attention again, not wanting you to get distracted by your surroundings or if anyone might hear what the two of you have in mind. 
“Hmm, I think your body agrees with me sweetheart. Why don’t you have that tired brain of yours catch up?” He nods at your head, tilting his head to the side as if he was asking you a silent question. 
“Do you…do you know someone that can do all of what you just said?” 
“You’re right in luck baby, I happen to be free for the next couple of hours.” Hunter responds right away, knowing that it would be extremely difficult to have you like this again. 
“Ahhh, t-that saves me from looking then.” You smile when he rests against you and nudges your nose with his own, aquiline one. 
“So, what do you want?” Again, his voice is smoother than honey, sending you spiraling in a matter of seconds out of anticipation. 
“I thought you…don’t be cruel, please.” You kiss the corner of his mouth, feeling the rough stubble across his sharp cheeks burn you in the sweetest way. Hunter turns his head far enough to finally tough his lips with your own, the kiss ending far too quickly to your liking but leaves you begging for more. 
“Never…never. I mean, how do you want it mesh’la? You want it slow, soft, sensual…” He slithers his hands across your body, leaving a trail of fire across your skin with each sweet touch he graces you with. 
“Or do you like it hard and fast…till you can’t scream anymore?” He digs his nails into your curves then grabbing and squeezing your ass until you nearly fall against him.
“Oh fuck…I- Hunter, please.”
“You’re a big girl, use your words and tell me what you want!” Hunter combs his hand into your hair, tugging on it harshly until you throw your head back and give him access to your neck. He descends down on you like a madman, nipping and sucking on the soft expanse of your skin until you’re panting in his embrace. 
“You want me to be sweet with you…or do you want to feel me with every step you take tomorrow?” He licks the bitemarks he’s left behind, chuckling to himself when he feels you shaking in his arms and practically begging him to fuck you right out in the open. 
“Please Hunter, be- be rough with me. As rough as you want.” You reach for the collar of his shirt, fisting it in your hands as if you were holding on for dear life. You should have known that as everything else, Hunter would easily take you down without breaking a sweat. 
“A girl after my own heart.” He chuckles then, the sweet sound shooting straight into your chest and making you wish he just pushed the door behind you open and took you somewhere more private. 
“I’ll take my time with you next time baby, worship every fucking inch of your body as you deserve. But tonight…tonight I’m going to teach you how to take me…please me…open up for me and take my cum like the good girl I know you are.” He kisses across your damp skin in between words, finding it difficult to continue holding back when he could practically smell your arousal the more he whispers into your ears. 
“I’m going to fuck you into the next galaxy sweetheart, till the only name your pretty little brain can remember is mine and mine alone.” Your heart beats so fast Hunter thinks you might pass out, but as you melt into his arms and pull him closer to you, he knows that you’re enjoying this as much as he was. 
“And believe me when I tell you, I’ll know if you’re thinking of him. So be a pretty little sweetheart and focus on me.” He moves away to take a better look at you, raising a curious eyebrow when he finds you completely lost in every touch and every sweet word he was gifting you with. 
“Yes,” you barely manage to breathe out, waiting for whatever he still has in stock for you. 
“Yes?” Hunter asks, his expression turning more serious when you open your eyes and look right into his own. There’s something so erotic about how much he can sense every little reaction you have to his advances, but he sets his thoughts aside long enough to hear you openly consent to him. 
“Yes, sergeant.” Those two words are music to his ears, and he steps away instantly, but not before making sure you can still stand on your own two feet. You snap out of your haze when you no longer feel the heat of his body against yours. 
“Good girl.” He grabs your hand and leads you away from your home, down the tiled pathway towards the quieter side of the island. 
“Where…where are you taking me?”
“Some place where you can scream my name without worrying about anyone hearing you.” He nearly stops in his tracks when he hears you moan in response to his words, but he knows that if he looks back now, he might never make it to his own place. If anything, the reaction he gets out of you makes him walk quicker, not caring for how you stumble several times as he continues towards the smaller, but more private homes at the bottom of the island. 
You can’t look away from him, and as you follow him blindly, you find yourself surprised at not wishing he was someone else. Maybe because you’ve always found him objectively handsome, all the clones were if you were being honest, or perhaps because you’ve always wondered what it would be like to be with someone like Hunter, someone who you knew would be so attuned to every sound and every muscle twitch you’d have that he’d know instantly how to please you. But the longer you dwell on it, the more you realize that you’re lucky to have someone like him pay you this much attention, or even be willing to give you this favor. 
Little did you know that while you were longing for Tech, Hunter was struggling to keep his own feelings at bay. He didn’t want to take advantage of you, far from it, but he figured that maybe, just maybe, if he showed you how much he cares for you, you’d look at him instead of his brother. 
He can feel your eyes on him, and his heart skips a beat at the prospect of finally having your attention. Hunter wants to ask you if you’re sure about this, but as he approaches his residence, he finds himself less willing to break the two of you out of whatever cloud you’ve fallen under, afraid that you’d change your mind and leave. 
The thought nearly breaks his heart, but as he slows down and unlocks his door, he feels your hands shaking even harder, and he knows then that he needs to give you an out because you may not be able to take it yourself. 
“Sweet girl, you’re trembling.” He turns around and cups your neck, forcing you to look into his eyes so you’re sure he doesn’t mind if you walk away from him. 
“If you’ve changed your mind…if- if you don’t want this anymore, we can stop. It’s- it’s okay.” The words sound less convincing to his ears, but he braces himself for the rejection he’s sure you’re about to give him. 
“No, Hunter please.” Your instant response sends a wave of relief and reluctance through his chest, and his eyes widen for a fraction of a second before they soften again, knowing that if you noticed his expression, you might push through just to not upset him. 
“I won’t have you against your will baby.” He leans over and kisses the small space in between your eyebrows, waiting until you relax against him before he pulls away and meets your gaze again. 
“I want this, Hunter. I- I want you. I’d be lying to myself if I said otherwise.” You tug at his forearms, wanting him to not shy away from you, perhaps even afraid that he’d change his mind and tell you to leave. Your nerves slowly rise again and Hunter must sense your spiraling thoughts because he pulls you into the small space and shuts the door behind you, pushing you against the wall and stepping impossibly close to you so you can only feel him. 
“Tell me what you need. Right this moment.” 
“Can you just...hold me for a minute? I- I need to feel your arms around me.” You barely manage to breathe out the request, not because you think he’ll laugh at it but because you find yourself having a difficult time thinking of a single coherent thought. 
“Sure thing ad’ika, come here.” Hunter slowly walks back to the small bed at the edge of the wall, sitting down on the soft surface of the covers before pulling you into his lap. You follow him quietly, finding it oddly soothing to have him in control of your actions rather than your own mind. You throw your arms around him and rest your head on his chest, willing yourself to relax as soon as you feel his hands roam across your back soothingly. 
“I want you to focus on my heartbeat.” You do as he says, moving your head down a little further so you can listen to his heart. If you’re shocked by how much faster it is, you say nothing and dwell on the fact that he may be just as nervous as you are. 
“Take deep breaths,” Hunter slides one hand underneath your shirt to test the waters, shutting his eyes and smiling to himself when your muscles relax deeper into him. 
“Nothing else matters, little one. Only you, and me…right here and now.” He reminds you one last time, massaging your back and turning his head every once in a while to kiss you. Hunter shuts his eyes to commit this moment to memory, unsure of whether he’ll ever get to have you like this again or not. He says nothing after, wanting to ensure that you have all the time you need before the two of you do anything. 
You’re not sure how long you spend in his arms but when you no longer feel nervous at being in his presence, you pull away and rest your hands on his chest, willing yourself to be brave enough to look into his eyes after experiencing such an intimate moment with him. 
“Feeling better?” He reaches for your chin and moves it up softly to take a better look at you. As soon as he looks into your eyes, he smiles at you, waiting until you return the expression before doing anything else. 
“Then why don’t you lay back for me.” He moves you off of him and studies you closely as you maneuver yourself around his bed. You’re less shy than before, that he’s sure of, but you do as he says more confidently, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by Hunter, and makes him imagine all that he can do to you. 
“You know, I- I always thought you had a soothing voice,” you break the silence reluctantly, biting your lower lip when you notice Hunter smirking at the unexpected sentiment. 
“Yeah?” He questions as he kneels on the bed and slowly crawls towards you. 
“Yes, but now…now I’m realizing it’s your presence.” You waver in your response, finding it difficult to think of anything when he’s looking at you like you’re his prey. 
“Tell me more.” Hunter demands, dancing his fingers across whatever skin he has access to and watching as goosebumps erupt across your body at the simple touches. 
“It’s in your touch, your- kriff, your movements…your gaze.” You arch your back when Hunter digs his nose at the space just above the edge of your pants and takes a long whiff of your scent. You think that if anyone else has done something so strange, you’d be turned off by it, but this was Hunter, and scenting was important to him, especially since he must have been getting awfully close to you because he liked what he could smell. 
“Glad to be of service,” he comments in passing, nudging your shirt up to get more access to the skin of your stomach. He kisses your navel, breathing you in with each new bit of flesh he came across. 
“Gods above,” you can’t take it anymore, reaching for his shoulder and trying to pull him closer to you so he could speed things up a bit. 
“No sweetheart, it’s only me.” He chuckles at the whine you send his way, looking up at you as he parts your thighs and makes space for himself in between. 
“You’re d-driving me insane Hunter.” Hunter doesn’t move an inch as you try to bring him closer. If anything, he slows down even more and takes both of your hands into his own, softly kissing the wrist of each one before bringing them above your head. 
“If you’re still coherent, then I’m not driving you insane enough.” He’s teasing you, and if you didn’t know better, you’d think he was pushing you to a point where you could do nothing but beg for him. So distracted with the patterns he’s drawing across your arms, you don’t realize where the other hand is reaching until you feel his grip tighten around your throat. 
“Ahh, please.” You arch your back, grabbing the sheets beneath you in an attempt to keep your hands where he asked you to. You want nothing more than to wrap your arms around him and surrender to his lips, but you knew better than to disobey his orders. Hunter was a strict man in the field, and you were positive he wasn’t any different in this context. If anything, he was probably even more severe now. At least you hoped he would be. 
“And remember baby, it’s ‘Sergeant’ for you. Got it?”
“Yes, sergeant.”
“Now, do me a favor and keep your hands there.” He taps twice on them, waiting until you nod in agreement before he sits back up and takes your wrecked form. He hoped you’d open up for him easily, but he never thought you’d be so needy, let alone greedy for him. 
“But how will you take my clothes off?” You pout at him, the expression making Hunter wish he could flip you over and fuck you into oblivion. But he knew you needed him to be soft tonight, even if you were adamant in making him get a little rough with you. 
“Let’s not spoil the fun.” He warns with a pinch to your hip, chuckling at the way you jump and your thighs unintentionally close around him. 
“A bit sensitive, aren’t we?” He rests one hand near your head as he leans down and kisses the corner of your mouth, waiting for you to breathe before touching your lips with his own. It’s a chaste kiss, yet it sends your heart leaping through the roof because of how unexpectedly tender it is. 
“I…haven’t done this in a while.” You whisper against his mouth, chasing him along when he begins to pull away again. 
“Shame,” it’s such a simple comment, and yet you feel a string of butterflies in your stomach at the implication behind it. The fact that you held Hunter’s focus when so many on the island were begging for it makes you wish he could have approached you sooner. 
“Hmmph,” the sound of your moan reaches your ear instantly, and you try to hide from Hunter out of embarrassment, but he doesn’t let you, moving down your body slowly and continuing to drive you mad with need for him. 
“Go on baby, moan for me.”
“What if s-someone hears?”
“Everyone’s in town for the celebrations,” he reaches down and unbutton your pants, looking straight into your eyes as he pulls the fabric down your legs and throws it behind him. You try to close your legs quickly, afraid he could smell how wet you are. But Hunter is much faster than you, and he prevents you from moving another muscle, looking down once at the dark patch on your panties before meeting your eyes again, silently letting you know that he could smell you long before this very moment. 
“No one’ll hear you, mesh’la. So beg all you want, you’re mine tonight.” He slips one finger beneath the edge of your panties, thumbing at the skin of your hips to get you to calm down a little before he does anything else. 
“Only tonight?” You don’t mean to ask this question, not now at least, but you figured you may as well see if this was a one-time thing or not. 
“Oh I don’t get to decide that, you do.” He surprises you with his answer, and the shock must be visible on your face because Hunter tilts his head to the side and stares at you until you realize you really were in control of what goes on between the two of you. 
“So if I- oh kriff, if I want you to fuck me every night…”
“Then ask me nicely.” He slips one hand underneath your shirt, raising it above your stomach to your chest and laying it across your sternum to feel your heartbeat. When you don’t respond right away, he slides his hand a little further and draws random patterns just below your breast. 
“Better yet, beg me sweetly…and I’ll give you my cock whenever you like.” He promises as he continues to edge you into submission, something that makes you wish you could yell at him about and thank him for. 
“T-thank you, sarge.” Your breathing becomes erratic the longer he touches you anywhere but where you want him, and just as you begin to give up hope, he removes his hands completely from your form and reaches behind him. 
“Do you trust me cyar’ika?” The question is asked with hesitance, and you’re not sure why he’s asking you this all of a sudden, but when you hear the sound of a clasp coming undone, you know why he’s being so serious. 
“You know I do.” It’s the first thing you said since he dragged you behind him where you aren’t practically shaking beneath him, and once he’s completely satisfied with your response, he pulls out the blade from its holster and flips it around. You’re enamored by the swift movement of the weapon as it dances in between his fingers, and the faster Hunter plays with the knife, the more difficult you find it to breathe. 
“Then look at me.” He demands as he stops swinging the knife around, and you obey him instantly, gulping excitedly as he leans over your body once again and places the sharp end of the knife at the top of your shirt, inches below your neck.  
“Don’t,” Hunter warns slowly, nicking small holes into your shirt until the article of clothing rips down the middle, “move,” his voice is somehow even more gravely than before, and you stop breathing altogether, not because you think he’ll hurt you but because you can’t help but feel turned on by how focused he is on you and how safe you feel with something so dangerous, “a muscle.” He continues to ruin your shirt and you can’t find it in yourself to care one bit, knowing that being at Hunter’s mercy was worth far more than any shirt you could own. When he completely separates both sides of the fabric, he slips the wide edge of the knife beneath the fabric and pushes it to the side before grabbing the other with his fingers and displaying your nude skin to his hungry eyes. 
You let out a deep breath and refuse to look anywhere else but his dilated pupils, clenching your thighs tightly at knowing that you were the reason behind such a dramatic reaction from him. 
“I can smell you, little one. Does this turn you on?” He finally looks away from your heaving chest to your eyes, and when he finds you already staring at him, he smiles to himself and places the knife down gently on the small table near his bed. You’re disappointed that he clearly won’t be using it anymore, and Hunter notices the small expression because he trails his fingers down your front and pinches one nipple to get your attention. 
“Use your words and tell me.” You arch into his rough ministrations, whispering your response and moaning for more. 
“Y-yes, it does.”
“I knew you’d be fun.” He soothes the heated skin of your breast, drawing small circles around one nipple just as he leans down and takes the other in between his teeth. You whine his name over and over again, and Hunter growls his approval against you, lapping up the bitemarks he left around your hardened peak before sucking harshly on it again. 
“Fuck, I do love how sensitive you are.” He manages to say right before diving for the other nipple and tasting your natural scent along with the soap you use to shower. 
“And how hard your nipples perk at the touch of my fingers.” He thinks you’re about to move one hand so he reaches quickly for it, gripping it tightly and keeping it against the bed while he leaves angry marks across your chest. 
“Ahh maker, please sergeant.” Your moans are becoming louder, and Hunter decides then and there that if you were going to scream for him, it should be his name falling from your lips, not his rank. The only warning you get before he descends down your body is his hand slipping underneath your panties and instantly pushing two fingers into your cunt. You’re dripping for him, and his thick fingers rub against your tight walls with an embarrassing ease. 
“Kriff, I know I asked you to call me that, but forget it.” Hunter looks into your eyes as he lets go of your wrist and grabs the back of your neck, not bothering to say anything else as he lunges for your mouth and swallows your moans. You part your thighs and your lips for him, not caring for any rule he’s given you as you throw your arms around his neck and pull him closer to you. He fingers you slowly, but as begin to clench tightly around him, Hunter can’t hold back anymore and he moves off of you with a wet smack before crawling down your body. You’re shocked by the sudden urgency of his movement, and as soon as you reach for his hair and tug on it, you feel his warm lips close around your clit and his tongue aggressively lap at the engorged bundle of nerves. 
“I want you to scream my name, mesh’la. Scream my name as you come on my tongue.” 
“Hu- ahhh g-gods!” You’re not aware of what you’re saying, and the harder Hunter thrusts his fingers into you, the quicker you feel your release coming along. 
“You smell…so sweet.” Hunter manages to breathe in between his assault on your pussy, and you let go of his hair to grab for the sheets beneath you, not wanting to hurt him by how hard you’d pull on his hair. 
“But you taste so much sweeter.” He feels his cock harden as the taste and scent of you fill his nostrils. Normally, he’d find it overwhelming to be surrounded by so many strong scents, but the more you gush for him, the more he wants to dive into you and make you soak him with your arousal. 
“Hunter, oh right there…please.” You reach for his hair again, but this time, you pull so hard that his red bandana comes off in your hand and reminds you to loosen your hold so as to not overwhelm him with too many sensations. 
“Sorry, I-” You try to apologize but the words trail off when Hunter looks up and shakes his head at you. 
“I don’t mind, sweet thing. Go on, pull as hard as you want.” He leans down and kisses the hand near his head, nipping at your thumb to let you know that he was feeling more than okay. 
“But won’t that-” You don’t want him to feel like he needs to do this for you, but Hunter distracts you again, rubbing at your clit with his thumb to get you to listen to him. 
“Please cyar’ika, let me feel you…everywhere.” Hunter begs you, pushing your thighs apart even more in an attempt to get you to do as he says. He doesn’t wait for a response then, descending down on you again with more passion than you thought him capable of in such a setting, and before you know it, he has you right at the edge with his expert hands and his enthusiastic mouth. You should have known that he’d know what you like quickly, but something about him being so attuned to your responses pushes you closer to your orgasm, and before you know it, you’re shutting your eyes and letting the flood of sensations overtake you. 
“Hmm fuck, that’s it.” You scratch at his scalp as you pull on his hair, the action driving Hunter nearly mad and making him grab at your stomach to keep you planted to his face. 
“Hunter…I- I’m co-” His harsh breathing and how hard he continues to lick at your clit is all you need to fall apart, and as soon as he coils his fingers inside you and rubs your tight walls, you come around him instantly, shaking violently beneath his firm body and screaming nonsense into the damp air of the room. It’s becoming nearly too much, and although you want him to stop, you can’t find it in yourself to push him away, a part of you sensing that he may need this as much as you. So you let him continue his assault on your cunt, and before you realize what’s about to happen, Hunter pulls away and watches as you soak his arms and his bed with your juices. He doesn't let up once, plunging his fingers into you so quickly that you manage to wet even his thighs. When he hears your heart beating impossibly rapidly against your chest, he slows down and removes his hand from you, pulling away and watching as your panties hide you from his eyes again. 
He waits until you look at him before he slowly sucks on each of his fingers, smirking to himself when you hide behind your arms and close your thighs immediately. 
“I changed my mind.” His voice is rough, and you’re not sure if it’s because he’s turned on or because he’s having a difficult time breathing just as you. Then the words settle in your remind and you move your hands away to take a better look at him. 
“W-what?” You don’t have time to grab him as he gets off the bed and reaches for his shirt, throwing it away as well before unzipping his pants and pulling them down his thighs and stepping out of them before kneeling on the bed again. 
“We can do rough later. Right now, I want to watch you come undone…slowly.” He grabs your ankles and pulls them apart, not caring for how blatant he’s being with his staring as he moves towards you again. 
“Fuck baby, you’re gushing for me.” His disbelief sends a shiver down your spine and you softly smack his thigh to get his attention away from your heated core. 
“Hunter, don’t- don’t say stuff like that.”
“And why shouldn’t I?” He narrows his eyes at you, daring you to say anything in disagreement. 
“It’s…embarrassing.” You manage to whisper out, only to have Hunter shamelessly wipe the wetness over your legs with his hand. 
“No, it’s fucking sexy mesh’la….and if I had known taking my shirt off would turn you on this much, I would have walked around naked since you came on board.” He reaches for your hand and you squeal suddenly when he tugs you harshly until you nearly smack his chest. Looking down at you, Hunter bites into his lower lips as he pulls the rest of your shirt away and throws it away, not bothering to push you back into bed when you rest your hands against his naked chest and feel his muscles flex and unflex. 
“Speaking of taking things off…” You try to grab your panties but Hunter stops you, shaking his head and bringing your hand back to his skin. 
“No, keep’em on.” 
“These are mine now, and I want nothing more than to smell your cunt and my cum on them…when I take them.” Hunter nods down at the wet article of clothing as he swipes your hair away from your face and softly grazes your bruised lips. 
“Hmph, you’re a shy little thing aren’t you?” He wonders out loud when you turn away from and rest your forehead against his stomach, once again feeling a sense of pride wash over him at being the one to bring such a reaction out of you. 
“Do the honors.” He takes your hands and moves them down his rigid form, not missing the way your breath hitches when you feel the muscles on his stomach flutter at the soft touch of your palms. You don’t dare look up at him as you drag his boxers down his hips until his cock juts out from beneath the elastic. 
“Oh fuck me.” You stop what you’re doing as soon as you see the size of him, and Hunter uses your moment of distraction to his advantage, pushing you back into the bed and moving away to step out of his boxers before returning to you again. 
“Since you asked so nicely.” He remembers the biosheath and finds one in his drawer instantly, but before he can take it out, you take his wrist and bring it back to you. 
“Wait-” You stop him, unsure of what to say now that he was looking at you with such an unreadable expression. 
“You don’t have to- like I said, I haven’t done this in…in a while. And I’ve-” Your attempts to explain to him that you don’t have anything and that you wouldn’t mind it if he didn’t use a biosheath with you evaporate into thin air, and as you give up on trying to relay the message, Hunter shuts the drawer and lays on top of you. One look into his eyes gives you away and you turn from him to avoid whatever embarrassing words you’re sure he’s about to relay to you. 
“You want me to fill you with my seed, little one?” The question is asked in such a low voice that you nearly miss the playfulness in between. You refuse to acknowledge him, afraid of how much he’d drag this out if you told him outright that you wanted to feel him leak out of you. 
“You want me to fuck my cum deep inside your pretty little cunt?” He asks again, this time as he slips his hand in between your bodies and wraps his palm around his hard cock, lazily stroking his length while teasing your clothed clit with the tip of his dick. He goes on for too long, and when you can’t take it anymore, you moan in agreement, hoping that the outburst pushes him to finally, finally, fuck you. 
“O-ohh gods, please…please.” The way he cups himself and teases the both of you nearly sends you into overdrive, and just as you begin to give up hope, Hunter tugs aside your panties, and pushes his cock against your wet folds, giving you a taste of what’s to come. 
“Keep begging baby.”
“Please Hunter…I need you. I- I want you to come inside me, want to feel you all night long.” He was planning on making you cry for him, but the sound of your voice telling him everything he’s heard a thousand times in his dreams sends him reeling and before he can warn you, he pushes his cock into your slit, arms nearly giving out at finally feeling your cunt welcome him in. You arch your back as soon as you feel his thick, hard cock fill you, and although you should be embarrassed at how easily he slides into you, you don’t bother thinking about it, not when Hunter was finally giving you what you’ve been craving. 
“Kriffing hells, you feel so good mesh’la…so tight and hot for me.” He stops moving, the heat of your cunt making him nearly lose his mind and whatever bit of control left in him. 
“Hunter-” You don’t like the fact that he’s stopped pushing into you, but then he moves and you realize that maybe you needed a second to get used to him after all. 
“I know, love. I know, just a little bit more.” Hunter kisses your forehead, lips quivering at the thought of being too much for you to handle. He waits until you’re relaxed a little before he gives you more of his cock, and when you drag your nails across his arms and grab onto his shoulder, he stops again to soothe you. 
“You want to be a good girl for me, don’t you?” 
“Yes…oh maker yes.” Your voice breaks, making Hunter wish you weren’t so kriffing sensitive to him. 
“Then open up for me…take me.” He leaves a trail of wet kisses down your neck, licking and nipping at the taut skin in an attempt to distract you from whatever discomfort you were feeling. 
“Haa…ahh, you’re- so fucking hard.” Your words are unexpected, and Hunter fists his hands tightly into his pillows so he doesn’t do something he’d regret. He unintentionally thrusts the rest of his dick into your pussy, the action knocking the breath out of the both of you and sending a strike of pleasure down your spine.
“Only for you, sweetheart. O-only for you.” Hunter breathes against your chest, cursing at how much better you felt now than in his dreams. He could feel every inch of you squeeze him, and if it weren’t for the fact that you told him it’s been a while, Hunter would have begged to fuck you like he wanted. But it has been a while, and the last thing he wanted to do was to hurt you. When you wince at the slightest of movements, Hunter pulls back and studies you, carefully listening to your heartbeat and looking over you to see if you were too uncomfortable to do this now. 
“Are you okay?” He should be the one asking you this question, not the other way around, and even though a million compliments run through his mind, he barely manages to respond to your question. 
“Fuck, I’m more than okay.” He hisses out as you clench around him, and before he can let you know that he’s not reacting out of pain but of indescribable pleasure, you reach for his hair and tug him down, begging for him to do anything besides remaining still. 
“Then move…” You cross your legs behind his back to tempt him into moving against you, but Hunter remains impossibly still, resting his forehead against yours as he tries to tell you why he’s having a difficult time moving. 
“N-not yet, just let me feel you. Let me…feel all of you.” He hopes it’s enough for you to stop asking him to move, but he should have known better. 
“Is- is it too much?” Your shyness makes itself known again, and Hunter swears beneath his breath because he genuinely didn’t mean to come off so strained in his response. 
“No, it’s- you’re perfect.” It’s both everything he’s feeling and barely an explanation of what he’s reserved for you for so long, but he can’t find any other word to describe what he’s experiencing with you now. You’re about to ask him to keep talking when he finally listens to you and pulls out a little before thrusting back in. 
“Oh.” The simple word riles him up more than he cares to admit, and he sets a slow and sensual pace to calm himself down and give you what you desire. The small room fills with sounds of your harsh breathing and Hunter’s controlled growls, and before you know it, he’s hitting every inch of you in a way that makes you see stars. Then you look at him, and you find his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes shut tightly, and you just know that it’s because he wants to do more with you. 
“Hunter,” you call for him, soothing his back with your hands to let him know that you weren’t going anywhere. 
“Hmm?” His eyes flutter open instantly and you wonder if their color was always so intense and dark, or if this was just a product of what the two of you were doing. 
“Don’t h-hold back.” You cup his neck and pray to the maker that he listens to you.
“I already told you cyare, I want you to fall apart for me…nice and slow.” He pronounces each word with a soft push of his hips against you, and you know then that this would definitely not be the last time you sleep with him. It couldn’t be. 
“But I-”
“I want to commit you to memory. The way your heart skips a beat when I kiss your shoulders,” he leans closer against you and leaves a trail of wet kisses across your sternum to your shoulder, biting it playfully when he notices you trying to move along with him. 
“The way you bite your lips when I pinch with your nipples,” you throw your head back in ecstasy as he pinches your nipple and rolls it in between his thumb and his index finger. 
“The way your eyes shut when I sink my teeth into your skin,” Hunter takes one last look at the pleasure etched on your expression before taking the other hardened peak into his mouth, rolling his tongue around your nipple before biting down harshly just below the reddened skin. 
“The way your cunt clenches around my cock when I pull your hair,” you wrap your arms around his back and pull him flush against you when you feel him comb his fingers into the hair at the nape of your neck and pull harshly on it, the action letting you know that Hunter was most certainly capable of being rough with you, but was choosing to get your body used to his soft touch first. 
“And- fuck…ah fuck, the way your tight walls invite me in deeper when I play with your clit.” He lets go of your hair and slides his hand down your body, squeezing your hips and scratching along your thighs to leave his mark. As soon as you open your eyes and look at him, he begins to draw small circles around your clit, all the while picking up his pace just a little to get you closer to your climax. 
“I want it all baby,” he begs for you, roaming his eyes across your body to get his fill of you before he brings the two of you to the edge. You’re so sensitive from before, but something about having Hunter pay close attention to you makes you welcome whatever he has to offer you. 
“I- I’m close.” You manage to whisper to him as he continues to play with your body, and you realize the mistake you did in your claim when you hear him laugh and pause in his ministrations. 
“Already?” He doesn’t expect you to answer, but you whine his name and roll your hips around to get any form of friction. Hunter is distracted by the movement, and he resumes his attention to your clit, grunting with need when you reach down and scratch his stomach to urge him on. 
“D-don’t tease.”
“Never…never.” He responds immediately, thrusting into you with shallow pushes, already feeling the knot in his stomach slowly unwind the more he feels your heat pull him in. 
“I can feel your fucking heartbeat, can feel it singing for me the harder I fuck you.” Hunter cries out in a mixture of pain and pleasure, sitting up and moving the hand on his stomach down to your clit to get you to touch yourself.
“Please Hunter,” as soon as you start teasing your clit, Hunter grabs both of your hips and fucks into you with slow, languid movements, knowing that if he picks up the pace any further, he’d have you screaming so loud that the rest of the batch may actually hear you. 
“What do you want? Tell me.” There is a layer of sweat covering your body and making Hunter lose his mind. Your scent is more pronounced now that it has ever been, and he’s not sure if he’ll be able to interact with you normally now that he knew what you smelled like as you prayed for him to fuck you harder. 
“I want you to come with me.” Your request storms into Hunter’s mind, making him wish he could just tell you how he feels, how he’s felt for so long. 
“Kriff,” he throws his head back and looks at the ceiling, knowing that tonight would replay in his mind until you came to him and asked him to take you to bed again. 
“So close…so fucking close. Hunter, please…let me feel you come with me. Come inside me.” You grab one of his wrists in an attempt to remain grounded, and Hunter can’t help but whine at the desperation you were trusting him with. Never in his life did he think he’d have you so unabashedly wanton, but here you were, telling him that you wanted nothing more than to feel him come with you. 
“You’re killing me baby.” Hunter growls and looks down at where you’re joined, not caring for how crazed he must appear to you as his hair swings back and forth, and his face shines with sweat. 
“Oh-hhh f…fuck right there-” you scream into the darkening room, no longer able to hold back the pleasure from seizing you and showering you with a most beautiful distraction. 
“Mesh’la, I-” whatever he’s about to say is cut off by your lips as you pull him into you and mold your lips with his own. It’s a hungry kiss, and Hunter prays to the Force that you’re desperate for him out of necessity and not out of simple, physical attraction. He gives you what you want regardless, slipping his tongue into your mouth and surrendering himself to the pleasure just as your walls flutter around his cock and signal your orgasm. Feeling you tighten even harder around him is almost too much, and he doesn’t realize he’s thrusting so violently into you until you break the kiss and scream his name. He fucks into you without abandon, growling your name over and over again until he lets go and falls over the edge with you. You’re aware of how harshly you’re dragging your nails across his back, and before you can apologize for accidentally sending him into a sensory overload, Hunter is falling against you and sinking his teeth into your shoulders, shooting his cum so deep inside you that you feel the warmth of his seed spread across your body. Neither of you stop moving, wanting the other to reach absolute pleasure before you finally slow down. As you come down from your highs, you wonder if you should ask Hunter what he was going to say right before he came, but you get distracted by the way he begins to slowly move off of you. 
“No wait,” he’s about to move off of you when you throw your arms around his neck and keep him flush against you. You can almost feel his heartbeat sound against your chest, and you’re sure he can hear your own singing for him, but you pay no mind to it, instead focusing on the heat of his skin as it slides against yours. 
“Stay.” You ask once, hoping that he’d listen to you without wondering why you wanted to have him crush you with his weight. 
“Wrap your arms around me tightly.” He says after a while, and as soon as he knows you did as he said, he slips his hands beneath you and holds onto you as he rolls around. The action shifts his cock inside you, and both of you moan out in unison at the shock of oversensitivity that strikes across your spines. He is careful when he moves again, and once he’s comfortable on his back, he slides his hand up your body and grabs your neck. You pull back to look into his eyes, offering him a lazy smile before resting your cheek on his chest again. 
“Does this feel good?”
“I- I liked your weight on me…but yes, this is nice.” You decide not to lie to him, knowing that he may misunderstand your answer if you didn’t give him the whole truth. 
“Noted.” You can hear the smirk in his own voice and snuggle closer into him, not realizing that your playing with his hair until he nuzzles closer into your hands.
“Stay as long as you like, ad’ika.”
You make a mental note of asking him what all of those words mean later, but for now, you surrender to his embrace and the gentle touches he continued to grace you with. Neither of you say anything else as you relish the sweetness of the moment, and before long, you notice that Hunter’s heart was beating much faster than it should. You’ve been sitting without much movement for a long time, so you wonder briefly why his heart was threatening to leap out of his chest. The thought of being the reason behind such a reflex makes you think differently of Hunter, and you hope that your hunch is right or else you’ll end up making a fool out of yourself when you ask him to take you to bed again. 
Just thinking of doing this again with Hunter sends your spiraling and you unintentionally clench around him, but this time, you realize that he’s grown hard again. In fact, you could feel him pulsing inside of you, and you hope he doesn’t sense the shift in your body or else you’d have to explain to him why you were getting wet again. 
“Don’t forget our little agreement sweet girl. I told you I’d know if you were thinking of him.” Hunter breaks the silence suddenly, and you frown at the sentiment, not because it was far from the truth, but because Hunter thought you were thinking of Tech and not him. 
“I didn’t forget.” You pull away and pout at him, wanting him to see that you clearly weren’t lying to him. 
“Then what’s making your heart race so suddenly?” It’s the first time Hunter asks a question that he clearly doesn’t know the answer to, but when you look away from him and draw strange patterns over his chest, he knows instantly what it was you’re thinking about. 
“Interesting…” You roll your eyes at him, unable to hold back from giggling along with him when he cracks a smile and laughs at your obvious irritation. 
“H-Hunter,” you break the moment and gulp nervously when he meets your eyes and gives you his undivided attention. 
“Yes, mesh’la?” If there was ever a moment where Hunter was at his most peaceful, you think it may be this one. 
“Kiss me? Please?” You’re reluctant in your request, unsure of whether he’d draw the line here now that you weren’t actively trying to fuck each other. But as he’s done so many times in the past few hours, he surprises you with an answer that you’d later pinpoint as the first time you truly felt something deeper than attraction for him. 
“Never ask for what’s already yours, cyare.”
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replaytech · 25 days
clone headcanons (affection)🤭
- crosshair & fives 100% do that thing that drives me INSANE where they put one arm on the wall next to your head and then use the other to tilt your chin up with one finger so you can look him in the eye AHHHHH😫
Fives looks down at you with a small grin on his face before taking his finger and tilting your chin up, making you look him in the eye.
“I didn’t take you for the blushing type, mesh’la.”
- wrecker LOVES to pick you up and spin you around whenever he sees you, no matter how long y’all were apart. (i need this😭)
As soon as you lay eyes on wrecker, he gives you a big smile and wraps his arms around you. A giggle escapes your lips as he twirls you in the air.
You kiss his cheek, “I was only gone for a day.”
He places a gentle kiss on your forehead, “I know mesh’la, but I missed you anyway.”
- rex is a GENTLEMEN☝🏻 the way he shows affection is TOP TIER and it’s making me giggle and scream just thinking about it
Getting a moment alone with the captain was not an easy feat, but you two finally found a quiet moment together in an empty hallway.
His hand gently moves your hair out of your face, “You look beautiful, cyare.”
You give him a soft smile and cover his hand with your own, to which he holds and brings to his face, placing a gentle kiss on your knuckles.
You look at him like he’s the only other person in the galaxy, “Well aren’t you a gentleman.”
Rex lets out a small laugh before kissing your palm, “For you mesh’la, I find myself doing whatever it takes to see your pretty face blush.”
262 notes · View notes
kometqh · 4 months
𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
501st x F!Jedi!Reader General Skywalker clearly wasn't a reliable source of intell, having pointed you and Rex's squad into the icy tumbra of a long deserted planet, however, it was due to his calculated mistake that the Clones were able to reveal your deeply hidden desires. Being stuck in a cave with numerous handsome, attractive men was not on your to-do list, yet you weren't complaining. Word Count: 3028
Warnings: Unedited, random brain rainbow vomit I had whilst practicing writing techniques <3 It's somewhat (quite) spicy towards the end. There is a lot of fluff throughout most of it! A/N: This is mostly just Tup, Rex and Fives x reader as this was a very spontaneous fic T_T pls forgive me.
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"General Skywalker said this would be an easy mission," Fives hissed under his breath, the deep, reverbrating sound of his voice lost underneath the wolfish howling of the wind, clusters of snow beating at his helmet. This was supposed to be a quick and easy diplomatic trip, but where did he and the 501st Legion find themselves? Somewhere on a deserted, icy, snowy planet. "My toes are about to fall off!"
"Yeah, he promised us there'd be clear blue skies and hot weather. A beach even!" Echo added on, shrugging his shoulders in defeat. Rather than being on a hot, sandy beach, the brothers had found themselves treading through waist-deep snow, their fingers and toes turning into icicles, their blasters heavy in their grasps. 
"I thought this was supposed to be a diplomatic trip, Captain," Fives continued, his voice becoming white noise as Rex all but ignored his brother, gracing him with an occasional hum or grunt, to let him know he was listening. But he wasn't hearing. Rex was also unhappy with the circumstances, but it was his job to do this kind of thing. It's not like the clones could refuse not going on a mission, not going head-first into a battle, so he definitely would have appreciated General Skywalker's honesty, over trickery. 
The weather was only getting worse, the wind and snow beating at the men cruelly, the blue paint on their armour completely disappeared under the clusters of snow that had latched themselves onto the clones. 
He paused in his tracks, scanning the area through his optical goggles. He spotted something. Something dark, something round. His men stopped behind him, eerily silent as they anticipated their Captain's next words. 
Rex, turning to face his brothers, couldn't help the way his shoulders visibly relaxed as he relayed the news, "I see a cave entrance just a couple yards ahead, boys! We will seek shelter there!" He exclaimed, waving his arm, signalling for them to keep going, to keep following him. 
In the very back, just behind Tup and Jesse, a lone, female Jedi guarded their backs, one hand hovering protectively over her weapon, the other shielded away in the pocket of her coat. A backpack hung onto her shoulders, the leather material soaked and cold, receiving most of the onslaught of the weather. 
Her mind was wandering, body craving to feel the heat of a hot sun glazing against her bare skin, just as Anakin had hinted to. But instead, she was stuck walking through a blizzard, her body cold and tired.
She had also been excited to spend some quality time with the boys from the 501st, whom she had been recently often paired with for missions. The sight of them all relaxing and enjoying their time on the beach, with their tops exposed, tan skin glistening under the sunlight.. Yeah, that would have been a sight worth seeing.
A sudden, much harsher gust of wind jolted her from her thoughts, clumps of snow quickly settling against the icy skin on her face. 
Her robes, too, were soaked, struggling to maintain the warmth in her body as she did her best to follow the path created by the clones, snow crunching under her winter boots. 
She too wasn't made aware of the true conditions of the mission. She couldn't tap into the force either, to predict or to feel some kind of warning of the mission ahead. What was Skywalker thinking? He was lucky none of her men had fallen! The moment she'd get back, the moment her eyes would land on him, he would be wise to run for the hills. She could imagine the fear in his eyes as she comically choked him out, swaying the male back and forth in a fit of anger.
Relief flooded the squad as one by one, they made their way into the cave, it being cleared by their Captain and medic, Rex and Kix. 
Quickly setting camp, the clones hovered around their makeshift fire, some huddled close together, others snuggling under individual, soaked blankets. The snow had penetrated all of their supplies; food, water, tents and blankets. All they could do was hope that the fire would last long enough for the storm to pass, for their blankets to dry out and warm up. 
"What the hell was the General thinking?" Fives muttered, his eyebrows furrowed. He rubbed his bare hands together until they were warm enough, and then he shifted closer to the fire. 
His feet stung, the feeling just barely coming back to him after that gruelling tread. He was sure if his feet didn't fall off yet, then something else soon would. 
You exhaled a heavy sigh, a blanket resting over your shoulders as you extended your palms out towards the fire. Rex had been kind enough to lend you his blanket, noticing that your robes and skirt were practically drenched from the weather. Sure, you weren't dressed for the beach, but you also weren't dressed well enough for a blizzard. 
You were lucky to have been warned, or rather told, by Master Kenobi of the true conditions of your mission. If you hadn't been, your troops wouldn't have had enough time to prepare for the weather. 
Looking over your squad, you made eye contact with Tup. A worried frown ghosted over his rough features, the creases that you hated so much appearing on his forehead. 
Slowly, you made your way over to the trooper, one hand outstretched.
"Tup? Are you okay?" You asked, resting your hand over his shoulder. As if startled, the man looked to you, his brows quirked in surprise. 
"G-General? Why do you ask?" He questioned, gaze flickering down to your hand, before coming back up to stare into your eyes. A soft, pink hue dusted over his cheeks, and your heart fluttered at the sight. Sure, he was sweet and kind, he was the shyest of your men. He was almost like a puppy, his chocolatey brown eyes so deep, so sweet, you had lost yourself in them again. 
He was the only man who gazed into your eyes long enough for you to drown, a soft smile erupting on your face as you fought your best to not reach up and caress his cheek in your palm. 
"General? Are you listening?" He asked, his gloved hands reaching up to shake at your shoulders, gently. 
Your lashes fluttered over your eyes, taking in a deep exhale, you shrugged. Were you really okay? 
Taking a moment to respond, your gaze flickered up, noticing how wet his hair was. 
"Tup, d'you want me to dry your hair?" The words tumbled from your mouth before your brain could finish processing their meaning. Tup's eyes widened into saucers as he stood there, frozen. You had never been so caring to your men, at least, not like this. 
Remember that pink hue that dusted his cheeks just a moment ago? Yeah, now that's turned into a beetroot blush, the colour painting his ears, his face and neck in a deep shade of reddish-purple. Would it be okay for you to display such blatant acts of affection? Wouldn't that be against the rules and regulations of the Jedi council? Against the regulations of the GAR? If so, would his brothers snitch?
"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to-" You started, your mouth quickly dropping into the shape of an 'o' as Tup interrupted you.
"General, I would love for you to dry my hair." He said with a soft smile, scratching at the back of his nape.
Realising it was too late now to back out, you gave a small nod of your head before taking his gloved hand in yours, the leathery material scraping nicely against your soft skin, as you led him closer to the campfire. 
Motioning for Tup to sit down, you stood directly behind, and, above him, reaching to remove your dry blanket from your shoulders. You didn't have a towel, so a blanket should be a good enough substitute. Your hands reached to remove his hairtie, sliding it over your hand to rest on your wrist, your fingers quickly making their way to masssage Tup's scalp. 
As he leaned his head back into your soft hold, Tup couldn't help the relieved sigh that escaped his lips. Your fingernails grazed softly against his skin, tugging gently at his soft curls, sending eletric shivers down the male's spine. 
But it was when your hands slid from his scalp, over to his nape and shoulders, applying soft but firm pressure against his tired muscles that the involuntary groan escaped his lips, rumbling deep from within his chest. 
Your body stiffened, stopping your ministrations as a familiar spark shot through your heart, right down to your abdomen. 
Your eyes, wide and unblinking, stared into Tup's as the colour red flushed his cheeks once more. His eyes searched yours, a worried glint dancing across as he waited for your reaction. His lips stuttered as he was about to apologise, provide an excuse, tell you it was okay if you didn't want to continue. 
But the words fell short on his tongue as the corners of your lips tugged upwards, your hands applying the slightest bit more pressure to his sore muscles. 
A grunt was stiffled in his throat, his eye fighting hard to stay open, looking anywhere but at your face. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable, give you the wrong idea-
None of his brothers did. 
Though a lump formed in his throat as Tup looked around the cave, noticing the numerous lingering gazes of his brothers as they sat there, watching your movements. He could almost feel the jealousy vibrating off of Rex in waves, his gaze hardened as the corners of his lips fought to stay straight. 
A smirk tugged at Tup's lips, as he noticed Jesse squint his eyes at him. Deciding to add fuel to the fire, Tup groaned again when your hands pressed against a particularly tense muscle in his shoulder. 
"Woah, General, where did you learn this?" He asked, a familiar warmth blooming in his abdomen as your nimble fingers danced across his shoulders, tugging at the black suit he wore, exposed now as his armour rested beside a sleeping bag nearby. 
"Oh, you know, just learned bits here and there when I was stationed with Commander Wolffe," You chuckled, wetting your lips with the tip of your tongue, "That man was full of knots in his shoulders." You added, feeling Tup's shoulders relax more and more, until you had mentioned Wolffe. That's when his posture straightened, from a relaxed lean, to a pin-straight sitting up position. 
He tilted his head back to look at you, a curious yet worried glint in his golden eyes.
"Were you and Commander Wolffe close, by any chance?" He questioned, his breathing paused. 
If you were Wolffe's girl, then he knew the 501st couldn't, wouldn't pursue you. 
Or, if you weren't, then they knew at least they could ask the Commander of his previous.. Experiences, with you. 
Slowly, you caught onto Tup's drift, and your gaze travelled around the room. Some of the men were fully facing the two of you, legs spread, eyes laser-focused as they listened to your conversation, the cave suddenly, and eerily silent.
A shiver travelled down your spine, and a gentle smirk tugged at your lips.
"Oh, just you know, the occasional date here and there.." You said, shrugging your shoulders nonchalantly. Your smirk threatened to grow as you heard someone scoff, and you looked up to see Rex rolling his shoulders, a scowl on his face.
"Date? Isn't that, like, forbidden?" Fives questioned across from you, leaning over curiously, his eyebrows raised, resembling the blue markings on his helmet. 
A giggle escaped your lips as your hands returned to Tup's hair, suddenly remembering why you were giving him a random shoulder massage. You reached over to grab the blanket Rex had given you, placing soft curls between the two valleys of softness created by your hands, which were hidden underneath the soft cushion.
Your hands brushed through Tup's soft hair, gently dragging the strands through the dry, fuzzy material of your blanket. 
"I don't mean a romantic date, Fives, though I wouldn't be opposed to one." You mused, softly tugging at the locks. "I don't particulaly agree with the 'No Attachments' rule. But that doesn't make me less of a Jedi, or does it, do you think?" You questioned, your gaze softening, a small scowl now tugging at your lips. 
"Of course not, General," This time, it was Rex who spoke up, albeit too fast for his liking, "You're one of the most dedicated Jedi I've had the pleasure of working with," He stated, soft footsteps making their way closer and closer to you, "Plus, it is human to wish to form attachments." He whispered that last part, now standing directly above you as you twisted Tup's hair into the towel.
Your heart fluttered at the proximity, warmth enveloping your pinkening cheeks.
"Is it now, Rex?" You asked, looking up at him. Your heart palpitated at the close proximity, your hands gliding down to caress Tup's shoulders. Your gaze stayed unwavering, unbreaking as you looked into Rex's deep, honey-gold eyes. The Captain suddenly shifted, breaking eye contact as he stepped back a little. 
"I-I believe any of us s-should be able to form attachments," He paused, his gaze flickering from your eyes to your lips, and back to your eyes, "Romantic ones, especially." A chorus of 'Yeah's' and humms of agreement followed, catching your attention as you looked around.
The atmosphere in the cave seemed to have completely shifted, the sound of howling wind drowned out underneath the loud beat of your heart. You swallowed a forming lump, looking between Rex and his brothers, Tup now stood by your side, sandwiching your body between his and Rex's. 
Gloved hands came up to softly caress your shoulders, fingertips lightly tugging at the edge of your collar, grazing the skin underneath. 
"What do you think, Commander?" He whispered into your ear, hot breath fanning over your skin.
"Of?" You prompted, turning your head lightly to look at Tup. 
"Of close relations between Jedi and their Clones?"
Your eyes widened, feeling a familiar heat rush over your body, and you took inhaled a slow, deep, shaky breath. As you looked between Tup and Rex, the latter had made his way closer to your body, his hands making their way to your hips.
The sound of soft footsteps reached your ears, and you saw Echo, Fives, Jesse, Kix, Dogma and Hardcase making their way closer to the three of you, looking completely entranced by the conversation. You hadn't casted any spells on them, have you?
Your breath hitched in your throat, shivers overtaking your body as someone nuzzled their nose into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply, exhaling with a shaky sigh. As they spoke, your heart fluttered with recognition. 
"General, answer the question." Fives whispered, his voice gravelly and deep, one gloved hand gently grasping your chin, twisting it to face him. His gaze flickered to your lips,  just mere inches from his own. He could almost feel the taste of you on his tongue. Oh how he wished to kiss you, right then and there. He was so sure you'd let him, too.
Sure, maybe you did fantasise about the men from time to time, when your thoughts weren't preoccupied by ongoing battles and Jedi duties. How you wished to be allowed to form a connection deeper than General and Trooper, but did they?
"I- I.. I don't k-know?" You questioned, a soft whimper escaping your opened mouth, before you knew it, his lips crashed against yours, his hands latching themselves into your hair, pulling you closer, if physically possible.
The kiss was, to simply put it, sweet. His goatee rubbed nicely against your chin, his lips melting together with yours, as if they were always meant to. His tongue prodded at your bottom lip, asking for permission. Slipping in, it danced with yours, hot breaths mingling together as you felt something press up against your front.
You had almost forgotten you were trapped between Rex and Tup, too engulfed with the sudden kiss Fives had engaged you in.
The smell of pine and smoke invaded your nostrils, their scents overwhelming, flooding your senses as Fives became rougher, his hands tugging at the roots of your hair. With one hand, you grasped the side of his face, thumb rubbing soothing circles into his rough skin, your breath hitched as a groan escaped his lips.
"Okay, that's enough I think." Kix spoke, the kiss abruptly interrupted as he pulled Fives away by the scruff of his neck. 
"General? Are you okay?" Rex's voice was soft as he neared you, his breath fanning over the sensitive shell of your ear. 
Inhaling a shallow breath, you grasped his biceps with both hands.
"Call me Y/n.." You whispered, hazily meeting Rex's stare, his eyebrows raised, eyes wide.
"R-Right.. Y/n, d'you want us to continue?" He questioned, bringing a hand to gently clutch your chin. 
Your eyes widened as you took in the situation around you; eight men surrounded you, watching. Waiting. Ready to pounce, the moment they received your permission. 
And receive it, they did.
With a brisk nod, you allowed your eyes to flutter shut as Rex closed the gap between the two of you, his lips rough but warm as his body pushed roughly against yours, your back meeting Tup's chest in a close embrace. 
Your hands rested against Rex's chest, feeling the soft material of his shirt underneath your thumbs. His chest was warm and firm under your touch, the feeling of his heart racing beneath your hand had your own chest swelling with joy. A sigh left your lips as you felt a pair of lips press open-mouthed kisses against the expanse of your neck, a new pair of hands rubbing up and down your hips, encouraging you.
You weren't dreaming, were you? You weren't about to wake up, were you?
Your questions were answered as you felt Rex bite your bottom lip, his hands tugging at the roots of your hair.
No, this definitely wasn't a dream.
And if it was, it wasn't one you wished to wake from.
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zoeykallus · 2 months
Hello there!
Would you mind giving us something angsty? Like, Reader confesses her love to the batchers (and maybe Rex and Mayday?). They do feel the same, but they react in the wrong way somehow, so that reader gets hurt, but in the end there is something like a happy end? Like separate little short fics or one-shots.
I know that's probably a lot of work, so please don't feel pressured to do this.
Aloha! Yeah, I think I can do that 😊
The Bad Batch/ Mayday/Rex x Reader Prompts – Confessions
Part 1/7 - Tech
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Warnnings: Love Confessions/Angst/Hurt/Comfort/Fluff
Masterlist Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
AC: I tried to tackle this one with the thought in mind that Tech is/might be in some autistic spectrum. Now please don't throw any stones at me, I have no real life experience on that subject, so I kinda wrote this one the way I feel Tech after almost three season.
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You've had feelings for him for a while now. Your heart beats faster, you feel warm when he approaches you and your eyes meet. You could listen to him day and night, no matter what he talks about. You think a part of him knows this, must know it, because when he discovers something new and wants to tell someone about it, he usually comes to you automatically. Because you listen to him attentively, every time. Your feelings go beyond friendship, you long to be close to him, you miss him every second he's not around. But you know Tech is somehow different. Sometimes he's very forthcoming, seems to enjoy being around you, but other times, he's more distant, almost as if he's trying to keep you at arm's length, as if he can't handle your presence right now. You have no idea how exactly to assess this behavior, it often feels like a roller coaster ride. It's not always easy to deal with and adjust to. But you want to do the right thing, so you don't push him when you realize he's pulling away, even if it hurts.
But one day, you summon up all your courage. Tech and you are working on damage to the outer hull of the Marauder. Until just now, he was telling you about his idea to improve the alloy for the metal of the outer hull and how he plans to make certain modifications to the ship in the future. Now, however, there is a brief pause, and you continue to work in silence. Your gaze wanders thoughtfully from his helmet, which is resting on a toolbox behind him, back to him Your heart is pounding in your throat, your hands are even shaking a little as you decide to finally tell him, to tell him how you feel about him. "Tech?" His name comes over your lips, almost like a whisper. He heard you, though. Normally he would answer you and listen without looking up from his work, but something about the way you say his name catches his attention this time. He pauses, turns his head in your direction and looks at you, his eyes widening a little. "What's wrong?"
His gaze, those beautiful eyes, like dark brown amber. Your knees go weak. You try to hold his gaze, but every now and then, you blink and look to the side before looking at him again as you speak. "There's something I need to tell you" His brows move up questioningly. "Is it something important?" You hesitate for a second before saying, "I guess it's a matter of opinion. It's very important to me" Surprised, you watch as Tech puts down his tools and turns to you. "Then let me hear it," he says promptly. Now you have his undivided attention. Your stomach is tingling, your heart is doing wild tricks in your chest. Your mouth goes dry, and you hastily reach for the water bottle to take a few sips. As you put the bottle down, your hand trembles so much that you can barely put the bottle down properly. Tech doesn't miss this, of course, his brows draw together in concern, but he waits silently for you to tell him. "I have feelings for you," you suddenly say so quickly, with a look on your face as if you were ripping off a band-aid. Then you smile nervously, inwardly cursing at yourself.
He stands there, motionless, and looks at you. Occasionally he blinks. You don't know what you were expecting, but some kind of reaction would have been nice. You nervously hold your breath.
"Romantic?" he finally asks after what feels like an eternity.
You finally dare to breathe again. He sounds thoughtful, confused, maybe even overwhelmed, but you can't quite put your finger on it right now, your own thoughts and your heartbeat are so incredibly loud.
"Yes, Tech. You know, accelerated pulse when you're near me, tingly feeling in my stomach, the need to be close to you, to want to please you. Bittersweet nervousness..."
For a moment, he looks at you as if you have a rare disease that might be contagious, and your stomach tightens at the sight. You regret saying a single word. "I'm not sure how to deal with this," he says thoughtfully, averting his eyes, "I can't... process" You can't help but stare at him helplessly. You feel the blood drain from your face, and your whole body suddenly seems to become much heavier. You swallow and say in a helpless attempt to pretend everything is okay, "It's okay, Tech, we don't have to talk about it" You turn back to your work, avert your gaze, and you miss Tech's confused, questioning look as he asks, "Don't we have to? You said it's important to you" "No," you say and put the tool to work, "We don't have to, everything can just stay the way it was before" He looks at you silently for a while longer, lost in his thoughts, before resuming his work. _______ Over the next few days, you hardly speak a word, in fact you avoid him. You feel like an idiot, hurt and exposed. The thought that Tech knows about your feelings makes you feel like you're walking around naked and every one of his questioning, scrutinizing glances weighs heavily on you.
One evening, as you sit alone in the cockpit, you hear someone walk toward you, and by now you can already tell that Tech is approaching by the sound of his footsteps. You shrink into the co-pilot's seat and focus obsessively on the datapad in your hands. As he says your name, your shoulders shrink down, you try to make yourself even smaller, you don't look up as you answer, "Yes?" His voice sounds soft, but still in his very own matter-of-fact way, as he says, "A few days ago, when you told me about your feelings, you said we didn't have to talk about it and everything could be the same. But it's not. You're avoiding me, avoiding eye contact. I realized that my first reaction made you feel insecure, probably even gave you the wrong impression. I've come to the conclusion that nothing is the same as before and that there is a real need to talk about it" You sigh softly and ask, "Is there something on your mind?" Instead of answering, Tech leans down towards you. Surprised and a little startled, your eyes do wander in his direction. He kisses your cheek gently and chastely, then sits down in the pilot's seat.
Your fingers automatically move to the spot where his lips touched your cheek, leaving a soft, tingling sensation. You feel warm, but at the same time you are confused and can't help but stare at him questioningly. "After some time to process what I've heard, said and felt, I've realized that these feelings are apparently mutual. I hope that's not a problem" You blink several times and straighten up a little in your seat. A soft smile at the corners of your mouth. "That's not a problem, Tech, not at all" He nods, smiling. "Good, so we can explore this new territory together, right?" You resist the urge to fall around his neck, you know that Tech processes things differently, especially in the interpersonal sphere, that he takes longer and values physical contact very differently. You nod, your smile a little wider. "I'd love to, Tech," you say softly. Your heart almost leaps out of your chest with joy as he reaches for your hand, tentatively at first, but eventually with gentle determination. With a cautious smile, he says, "I hope you'll be patient with me" You laugh softly, gently, and beam at him as you reply, "I have all the time in the world for you, Tech"
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coffeeandbatboys · 4 months
Battle Scars (Wolffe x Reader)
Summary: Wolffe comes home to you, but when you learn about his injury, he’s afraid you’ll leave.
Warnings: mention of Ventress and the injury, angst angst angst. Hurt/comfort. Also Plo Koon calls reader little one, but in a father in law kind of way.
A/N these keep getting shorter and shorter.
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You waited off to the side of the hangar, making your presence known but not too obvious. Master Plo Koon crossed it and stood before you. One of the few Jedi who cared about the Clone’s personal lives, he allowed the relationship between you and Wolffe to thrive in the shadows.
“He had an…incident. Physically, he will be alright. But he is emotionally unwell.”
Your breath hitched as you saw Wolffe coming out of the ship. Half of his face was bandaged, while the other was twisted in pain.
“Thank you, General, for taking care of him.”
“He is a good man, little one. He deserves it.”
As the general walked away, you noticed that Wolffe had not come any closer, staying on the other side of the hangar. So you made a move, crossing towards him.
“Hello, Cyare.” He sighed, turning the bandaged side of his face away from you.
You reached up to caress his jaw “Oh, Wolffe. What happened?”
A slight shake of his head told you something serious had happened. So you lead him away to the barracks, hoping that maybe he’d be more comfortable speaking in private.
“Wolffe you need to talk to me. I’ve been waiting all this time to see you.”
He mumbled something incoherent. You hummed in question.
“I’m surprised you even want to see me.”
Your heart sank. Did he think you wouldn’t want him because he was injured? You carefully placed your hand on the bandages.
“Is this what this is all about?”
He nodded. You leaned forward and placed a feather light kiss to the medical cloth. You were ready to pull back when his arms locked around your waist and he held you like he’d never see you again.
“I love you Cyar’ika. I can’t…I can’t loose you.”
You chuckled a little bit. “I signed up for your bullshit, Wolffe. You’re stuck with me.”
“Promise?” He mumbled into your shoulder.
“I promise, love. Now want to tell me what happened?”
“Ventress. She…cut through my helmet.”
You thought for a moment.
“That’s something to be proud of. Not being killed by a Sith.”
He laughed dryly, holding you a little tighter.
“Yeah. I suppose so.”
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clangrogu · 4 months
Clones x Reader Fic Recs (Tech Edition)
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A Promise Made by @vodika-vibes (F!Reader, SFW, Angst, Order 66, Trauma, Jedi!reader)
The Quarry by littlelady1121 (F!Reader, Rated M, Smut, Angst, Violence, Kidnapping, Captivity, Trauma, Reader is an assassin)
Checkmate by @like-a-bantha (GN!Reader, Rated G)
Tiny Dancer by @vodika-vibes (F!Reader, SFW)
Blessed Silence by @mandos-mind-trick (Soulmate AU, NSFW, Smut, AFAB!Reader)
Shy Tech by @zoeykallus (F!Reader, SFW)
The Gift by spockulative (F!Reader, SFW)
Baby of Mine by @jedipoodoo (F!Reader, Mom!Reader, SFW, Babies, Breastfeeding, Dad!Tech)
Just Stay a Little Bit Longer by @dewdrop-lemonade (F!Reader, Pregnant!Reader, SFW)
Aay'han by @din-miller (GN!Reader, Jedi!Reader, SFW)
Loving Care by @zoeykallus (GN!Reader, SFW)
Star-Crossed Lovers by @seriowan (F!Reader, NSFW, Smut, Rated X)
Lighting Your Heart by @nahoney22 (F!Reader, SFW)
At the Seashore by @nahoney22 (F!Reader, SFW)
Almost Disasters by @ghostofskywalker (GN!Reader, SFW)
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Prompt List
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Hey! I am so sorry for not uploading for like five months! I really want to start uploading again but I think doing so many Taylor Swift inspired prompts burnt me out - if you sent a request or do send one I will get to it just give me time.
Here is a prompt list I'll be using from now on, like always if you have your own idea(s), send them in!
These's prompts include: "dialogue", 'anything in quotations is what the whole fic will be based around', 5 times plus 1, AU's and more!
Send in just one or merge some ideas together!
Click here to add yourself to my tag list! 🤍
1 - “You’re in love with her, you know that right?”
2 - “I didn’t know where else to go.”
3 - “I’m replaceable, you’re not.”
4 - “You kept it?”
5 - Leaning their head on their shoulder
6 - “Because that’s what you and I do, we protect each other.”
7 - “I swear on us.” “Why us?” “Because there is nothing I have ever believed in more.”
8 - Person A getting hurt protect Person B
9 - “Hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”
10 - “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you.”
11 - “Whatever you do, don’t let go.”
12 - 5 times Person A and B correct people about their relationship status and the 1 time they just accept it
13 - Everything is black and white until you meet your soulmate. The world goes back to black and white when they die.
14 - “For what it’s worth, I never gave up on you.”
15 - Accidental love confession
16 - “You’re staring at him/her again.”
17 - “Give me one good reason why I should trust you?” “Because no matter how much you hate me, you know I have never lied to you.”
18 - “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.”
19 - “If there was ever anybody meant for me, it’s you.”
20 - “You had your chance with her. You had your chance and you blew it, and this is my chance and I am not going to blow it because we are made for each other.”
21 - ‘I still hope there is more to our story. Maybe we just had to fall apart to find each other again one day.’
22 - “You weren’t there…why weren’t you there? I needed you! I needed you and you weren’t there!”
23 - “It’s my job to keep you safe, yes, but you could work with me a little to make it easier.”
24 - “Because I haven’t stopped thinking about you and you haven’t stopped thinking about me.”
25 - ‘I am usually an optimist but I have never hoped for a sad ending like I do for you and her.’
26 - “I can’t say if the day I met you was the best or worst day of my life.”
27 - “Don’t look at me like that.”
28 - ‘Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences.’
29 - “She’s my best friend, that’s never changed.” “Yeah, the only thing that changed was your feelings for her.”
30 - “How many fingers am I holding up?”
31 - “You’d die for her?”
32 - ‘He had that awkward tenderness of someone who had never been in love and was forced to improvise.’
33 - “I did it for you, you idiot.”
34 - “If I never see you again just know that I love you so, so much.”
35 - ‘He kissed her. Without warning, without permission. Without even deciding to do it, but simply because he couldn’t have done anything else.’
36 - “I thought you were dead!”
37 - Squeezing their hand reassuringly
38 - “Whatever you do, do not make a sound.”
39 - “I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
40 - “I can’t do this without you. I won’t do this without you.”
41 - “See? I told ya they’d get together.”
42 - ‘There is some good left in this world and it is worth fighting for.’
43 - Born with your soulmates first name tattooed on your body
44 - ‘There are some people that you meet and you just know from the get go that they are important, that you have to do anything to keep them in your life. He was that person.’
45 - “You came to me, begging me for help!”
46 - “Tell me about your life before all of this.”
47 - ‘S/he would always be my biggest what if.’
48 - “It turns out I’m absolutely terrible at staying away from you.”
49 - One being forced to hurt the other but refusing, getting themselves hurt instead
50 - “Why is it always the people you can’t trust saying “trust me”?”
51 - ‘If you were going to die, I was going to die with you.’
52 - “You can’t sleep yet kid, I need you to stay awake.”
53 - ‘We met at the wrong time. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway. Maybe one day, years from now, we’ll meet in a coffee shop, in a faraway city somewhere and we could give it another shot.’
54 - Five times they wanted to say ‘I love you’ and the 1 time they finally did
55 - “I always thought you were the bravest person I’ve ever met.”
56 - “I’ve never had a family before.”
57 - “I’m not leaving without her.”
58 - ‘Sometimes we do everything right and it’s still not enough.'
59 - “Hey, you’re bleeding.”
60 - ‘We’re in love, we just want to be together. What’s wrong with that?’
61 - “Take me instead. Leave her/him and take me.”
62 - Sitting together on a rooftop
63 - “I think…I’m in love with (Name.)” “Congrats on being the last one to find out.”
64 - Needing somebody else to point out the fact you have feelings for character
65 - “I know we’re not…friends or anything, but…I’m here for you, if you need someone to talk to.”
66 - Drunken kiss
67 - “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
68 - ‘Home is not where you are from. It’s where you belong. Some of us travel the whole world to find it. Others find it in a person.’
69 - “If I had it my way, we’d never leave this bed.” 
70 - ‘Everything that needs saying, truly saying, begins with a lump in the throat.’
71 - When mysterious injuries appear on your body, it’s because your soulmate got them.
72 - ‘For old times sake.’
73 - “I’m never gonna be good enough for you, am I?”
74 - “Don’t hurt him! Just stop hurting him, please!”
75 - ‘Sometimes there are no words that can help. Sometimes you just need to sit together in silence and try to come to terms with how the world works.’
76 - “When I let a day go by without talking to you, that’s just not a good day.”
77 – “Do you have a plan?” “I have a gun.”
78 - “How long did you think you could hide that?”
79 - “Leave with me.”
80 - ‘She was good and he needed a little good in his life because without it there was an awful lot of darkness.’
81 - 5 places Person A and B have kissed plus the 1 place where they did more than that
82 - “Honestly I wasn’t listening but I always disagree with whatever you say.”
83 - “There’s no way I’m sharing a bed with you.” “You’re more than welcome to sleep on the floor.”
84 - Person B is frowning all the time but Person A can always see when they are happy (Grumpy x Sunshine)
85 - ‘I want you to always remember me. Will you remember that I existed and that I stood next to you here like this?”
86 - “I’ll do it, but only because you asked me to.”
87 - 5 times Person A treated Person B’s injuries, plus 1 time Person B treated Person A’s injury.
88 - ‘Maybe one day we’ll meet again and I’ll be right for you and you’ll be right for me.’
89 - "Dying in the middle of nowhere doesn't seem so bad if you're here."
90 - “Oh no, you’re a morning person.”
91 - “I hate you.” “I love you too.”
92 - “No, don't stop, keep talking. I like hearing you talk.”
93 - “Are you cold?”
94 - “What do you want from me?”
95 - “Look, I know you hate me but I don’t know what to do and I really need some help.”
96 - “I’m not leaving you. Not this time.”
97 - “I wish things had been different.”
98 - “I can’t leave you alone for a second without you getting into trouble, can I?”
99 - “You’re not sleeping?” “Nope.” “Why not?” “Don’t want you to stab me the second I close my eyes.” “I won’t.”
100 - “This isn’t just an (object), it’s a promise.”
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Clones X reader y/n incorrect quotes!!! Pt. 2
Lol I was bored so I had to post these as well… REQUESTS ARE OPEN NOW!!!
Y/n: someone needs to take me out. Crosshair: like, on a date, or with a sniper?
Y/n: surprise me.
Y/n: this date is boring.
Fox: this isn’t a date, I said I was going to the stores.
Y/n: then why did you invite me? Fox: I didn’t. I specifically said, “don’t come with me”, and you said “I do whatever I want” and followed me here.
Rex and y/n: *hugging*
Obi-wan: aww you guys are so cute. You two are like siblings.
Fives singing quietly: ~sweet home Alabama~
Wolffe shouting: listen up, idiots! … no not you, y/n. You are an angel and we are all happy that you are here.
Drunk Fox pointing at y/n: that’s my girlfriend, suckers!
Jek: your wife, sir…
Fox: well…that’s even better!
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sailorkamino · 1 year
fights and hugs (crosshair's pov)
wildflower masterlist
relationship: twi'lek!jedi!reader x crosshair [gn, can be platonic or romantic]
summary: everyone thinks you're perfect but crosshair knows the truth - you're annoying, manipulative, and stupidly optimistic. so why does he get so protective when a creep harasses you?
word count: 1.8k
warnings: cross thinks kindness = emotional manipulation, jealousy, sexualization/verbal harassment, slavery, creep gets punched, protective cross, clones not having rights/unfair justice system, separation anxiety, soft cross, he's like a feral cat that secretly wants to be a house cat
ryl translations: chi'kan- pervert, keela- darling
a/n: i think i wrote cross like wednesday addams lmao
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Crosshair thinks you’re the most frustrating person he’s ever met. And he can’t even do anything about it. He might be a prickly bastard but he’s also a soldier and you’re his commanding officer. He can’t just pick a fight with you. Especially since you never take the fucking bait.
He gives you the bare minimum amount of respect required. He follows your orders on missions (they’re actually pretty smart but he’ll die before he admits that.) He calls you general or sir. He doesn’t outright insult you. But he certainly doesn’t worship you like his brothers.
They think you’re an angel. What makes you so special? You make Wrecker laugh obnoxiously loud. You encourage Tech’s messy collecting hobby. You play with Hunter's hair until he’s purring like a tooka. It’s pathetic. You’re probably using jedi mind tricks on them. The truth is you’re a manipulative little shit and if it didn’t make Crosshair so angry he might be impressed.
What he really hates is that satisfied look on your face when he does what you want. Like when he plays a stupid dancing game just to prove to you that he can do it better than Wrecker. Or smiling at him proudly when he doesn’t shoot a reg.
Then you have the audacity to compliment him? Disgusting. So why does he crave it? Why does he get annoyed when you praise his brothers instead of him.
One day you give him a piece of dark fabric. “You wear it to block out light when you sleep,” you explain with a bright smile. The cool material is like his blacks but softer. He can’t help but run his fingers along it. He mutters a thanks and quickly leaves.
That night he uses the sleep mask and to his horror likes it. Now he’s in debt to you. But he doesn’t have any credits. Fucking great. Why do you have to make his life so difficult?
Luckily he finds a gift for you within the next few days. After a mission he notices a rock that got caught in an explosion. It’s been cracked in half, exposing the crystalized insides. Jedi like crystals right? He grabs it and drops it in his pack.
Of course you make a big fuss when he awkwardly gives it to you. You almost hug him but don’t, thank the force. He doesn’t feel dissapointed at all. You show the rock to his brothers proudly. His face burns when they send him questioning looks. “Easily impressed,” he scoffs dismissively. Although secretly he’s proud of himself.
He’s having a sleepless night on some forgettable outer rim planet when you knock on his cabin door. He knows it’s you because his brothers would have barged in. “Hey Crosshair, wanna get some snacks? I’m paying,” you offer. You shake a satchel draped across your body, making the credits inside clank together.
He wonders if Hunter (who’s currently on watch) put you up to this, why else would you seek out his company? It's obvious you prefer his brothers anyways. Not that he cares. The thought of you being coerced into this makes his hackles rise, he doesn't need your pity, but then he imagines telling Wrecker’s that you got him nat born food tomorrow. That will be entertaining. He sharply agrees and puts on his boots.
He glances down at his GAR issued loungewear. He doesn’t know if they’re appropriate for a nat born store or wherever you’re taking him but you’re wearing sleep clothes too so good enough. You're swaddled in an oversized robe to be exact. How childish. Not at all endearing
As you exit the ship your eyes reflect in the dark just like his. That’s another annoyance. Enhanced eyesight used to be his thing. You began humming a tune under your breath. Crosshair almost says something but the sound isn’t too horrible so he lets you continue.
Within a few minutes you're at the store. He's instantly overwhelmed by the bright lights and endless options, who needs so many flavors of the same thing? He doesn’t know what any of this is but he doesn’t want to admit that so he begins recon. He grabs a crinkly bag that appears to be some kind of a cracker to inspect it.
That’s when Crosshair notices a stumbling man leering at you. He’s caught off guard by the sudden flash of protective anger he feels. Why is he so concerned? If you can handle yourself on a battlefield, you can handle one pathetic human. Your body language is the opposite of your usual demanor when talking to civilians. You’re usually very open and engaging, easily forming a connection with them. Not now.
Crosshair has seen you face hoards of battle droids with a smile. He’s seen you meditate while being shot at. He’s seen you make fun of General Grievous while fending off four sabers. But now you look shaken. Your colorful skin has paled, eyes wide in a mix of shock and horror. You suddenly look so young and so frightened.
He's beside you in a second. He tries to ignore the relief in your eyes, the way you subtly lean closer to him. It makes his chest feel odd.
“You their master?”
He sneers. Does he look like a jedi master? You go completely rigid beside him. That catches the clone off guard. You know how to keep a straight face. You’re not only a stupidly brave fighter, you’re a damn good negotiator. What could have possibly upset – then it hits him. This man was referring to a different kind of master.
You quickly recover, slipping into an emotionless jedi facade you rarely use. Crosshair’s jaw clenches so hard his toothpick snaps in half. He spits the broken pieces towards the man’s feet. “I belong to no one. The galaxy is much bigger than your prejudices,” you state evenly but there’s a fire in your eyes. “My friend and I are leaving now.”
Then the creep, who’s either stupud or plain suicidal, scoffs angrily. “You think you’re better than me? Tail head whore.”
The sniper sees fucking red. How dare this piece of shit demean his jedi? His self sacrificing, too nice, pain in the ass jedi. Only Crosshair is allowed to make your life difficult. The way the stranger judges you reminds him of every kaminoan that looked down on his brothers and his free hand is swinging.
The drunk is sent staggering to the ground, giving Crosshair a grim satisfaction. Before either man can recover your fingers wrap around the sniper's wrist to hold him in place as you bend down. “You want to go home and rethink your life choices," you instruct melodically, waving a hand in his face.
“I want to go home and rethink my life choices,” he repeats blankly.
You make quick work of charming the concerned worker, assuring that no police presence is necessary. Then you turn to Crosshair and in that fake calm voice he hates suggests he get a drink for his chips. For once in his life he follows instructions without complaint, watching you closely as you pay for your snacks. Your moves are less graceful and much more droid-like than usual.
Once you get outside you shakily sigh. He holds back an eyeroll. He’s lived with Hunter long enough to know when he’s going to get scolded. “You shouldn’t have done that, Crosshair. I was about to mind trick him.”
He stares at the ground with a tight jaw. He doesn’t know why he defended you when you didn't need it. He saw a creep harassing the only nat born who’s ever been kind to him and he just snapped. He’s still angry, honestly. Why aren’t you? “He deserved it.”
“Perhaps. But clones don’t have rights, you can’t just go around assaulting civilians. Even if it’s self defense you’re going to be painted as the aggressor.”
But Crosshair is only half listening. He's more focused on your unsteady hands. “You're shaking."
“Are you even listening to me? This is serious.”
He suddenly seizes your free wrist, mirroring your actions in the store. "So is this.”
You look like you want to argue for a moment then you slump in defeat. “I’m just… overwhelmed.”
Crosshair has experience with overwhelmed siblings. Hunter like space, Wrecker likes affection, Tech likes a listening ear. "What do you need?” He asks, surprisingly gentle.
This seems to be your boiling over point as you gesture wildly, swinging the bag in your hand. “I need sleep. I need to meditate. I need my master.” Your glowing eyes widen at your own outburst. The frustration morphs to sadness. “I guess I’m a little homesick. I thought spending time with you would be a good distraction but that chi’kan ruined it.”
This should be the point where he drops the subject. You already said what’s wrong and it’s not his responsibility to make you happy. But a voice that sounds suspiciously like Hunter points out that if the roles were reversed, you wouldn’t leave him to suffer.
He thinks back to the cadet days, when it was just him and his brothers against the world. He remembers the overwhelming anger when a reg hurt one of them. He was never good at comforting, he was good at revenge. But he can’t fight your emotions. And he already punched the chi’kan (he’ll have to find out what that means later.)
There’s only one option left. Out of his brothers you remind him of Wrecker the most and Wrecker likes physical reassurance when he’s upset. He awkwardly opens his arms and bites the blaster bolt. “Do you want a hug?”
“... What?”
“I’m not saying it again.”
Then you’re flying against him. Crosshair almost falls into the grass as you smash your face into his neck, fists balling into his sleep shirt. You’re warm and solid and your touch isn’t completely revolting. He slowly relaxes as he winds a long arm around you.
Crosshair will never admit it but he can understand your separation anxiety. As the sniper it’s his job to watch his brother’s backs. The instinct to protect is so engraved in Crosshair he needs to be near his siblings or know where they are at all times. Maybe that’s why he defended you tonight. He’s starting to accept you as part of the squad.
“Blossom?” He mutters, thumb absently stroking your lower back.
“Yeah, Cross?”
“If you tell anyone about this I’ll shoot you.”
You snort against the crook of his neck. "Whatever you say, keela."
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intricatechaosofyou · 9 months
Types of Kisses
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Pairing: Hunter x reader; Wrecker x reader; Tech x reader; Echo x reader; Crosshair x reader
Fandom: The Bad Batch; Star Wars
Summary: members of the Bad Batch as different types of kisses
Warnings: spoilers for season 2 ep. 13 on Hunter’s, blood and injury in Echo’s, storm in Crosshair’s, reader is mentioned being shorter than Wrecker but otherwise all are inclusive to all body types, genders, etc!! And if you feel that they aren’t, please tell me! I want to be as inclusive as I can!
Author’s note: this is the first time I’ve done something like this so tell me if you like it! Slight AU in which Crosshair has rejoined the Batch. Also, you are already in a relationship with your batcher at this point in time.
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HUNTER: kisses on the neck
You were leaning on the rocky wall, overlooking Pabu as the lights came on for the night. The sight was truly marvelous, bringing you a sense of tranquility that usually evaded you.
For the first time since Order 66 was given and your world was turned upside down, you truly felt like you belonged somewhere.
“What’re you up to?” A smoky voice questioned as two warm hands settled on your hips.
Leaning back into Hunter’s chest, you shrugged. “Just looking.”
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” He asked, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
You hummed in agreement as you felt his lips press against his spot on your neck. It never made much sense to you, but every moment like this, when things were calmer than usual, Hunter would press his lips to the same spot on your neck without fail. Every. Single. Time.
It didn’t bother you. Quite the opposite actually. You enjoyed the affection, but you just wanted to understand why.
“Hunter?” You whispered, reaching one of your hands back to card through his hair.
“Cyar’ika?” He responded, breath tickling your neck.
“Why do you always like to kiss me there?”
His eyes flickered up to yours. “Where?”
“That spot on my neck,” you answered with a laugh.
“It’s your pulse point,” he explained, voice lower and softer than normal. “Being able to feel it reminds me you’re here. Makes me feel closer to you.”
Your breath felt shaky and your eyes welled with tears. The sincerity of his admission coupled with the nervousness in his voice made you remember why you fell in love with him in the first place.
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum,” you mumbled, turning in his hold so you could look him in the eyes. You were sure your pronunciation was off, but the way his eyes softened told you he understood.
“Someone’s been practicing their Mando’a.”
“Are you impressed?”
“With you? Always.”
A grin broke out on your face at the admission, and you pulled him into an embrace.
“What if we stay here?” Hunter whispered.
You hummed, nuzzling your head into his chest. You’d be content in his arms forever. “I wouldn’t be opposed to it.”
“Neither would I,” he replied with an airy chuckle. “But I meant here as in…Pabu.”
“Permanently?” You asked, looking up at him. “As in, we stop being soldiers?”
He nodded slowly, beautiful brown eyes searching your face. “We could stop running, stop going on jobs for a few lousy credits. We could settle down.”
“Settle down?” You repeated.
“You, me, and Omega. We could have a house here in lower Pabu. We could be…”
“A family,” you finished for him.
His tongue swiped across his lips as he nodded. “Is that something you want?”
“More than anything in the galaxy, Hunter,” you replied, voice almost too quiet for him to hear.
A grin broke out across his face and he brought you into his chest, arms wrapping around your waist, yours coming to rest on his shoulders.
The two of you stood there holding each other as his lips found their spot on your neck and it was as if every star in the galaxy had aligned.
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WRECKER: kisses on the cheek
A sequence of splashes echoed throughout the small clearing, Omega’s amazed gasp following it. The Batch had been traveling for ages and had found a relatively secluded planet to take a short break on. When you discovered it had a small lake, you and Omega were the first ones there.
“Can you teach me how to do that?!” Omega begged, tugging on your arm.
Who knew skipping rocks would be so entertaining? Her child-like sense of wonder still managed to make you smile. Even after everything she had been through, she’d never lost her sense of innocence and hope.
“Course, ‘Meg,” you replied. “First thing you gotta do is find a flat rock.”
Listening obediently, Omega searched the ground, fingers trailing along the dirt much like Hunter’s did when he was tracking something. When she came upon a satisfactory rock, she held it out to you. “Will this do?”
You nodded. “Perfect. Now, you gotta hold it correctly.”
Demonstrating with your own rock, you showed her how her pointer finger and thumb should wrap around the stone. She followed suit, and you gently nudged her fingers so they were properly placed.
“Now when you throw it, you gotta flick your wrist,” you explained, moving your hand back and forth to show the motion. “Think you got that?”
Omega nodded vigorously, copying your motion almost perfectly.
“Good. Now, you wind up and throw.”
Rocking back onto her heels, Omega winded up and threw her rock. It hit the water’s surface and sank, causing a frown to form on her face.
“That’s alright, ‘Meg.” You offered her a reassuring smile and gently patted her shoulder. “You can try again.”
Suddenly, a large splash made you both turn towards the rippling water.
The booming laugh from your left alerted you to the fact the culprit was Wrecker. He grinned sheepishly and came to sit next to you and Omega. “And if you can’t, it’s more fun to just throw ‘em in!”
His statement made Omega laugh. You could always count on the large clone to bring the kid out of a stupor.
You smiled at the two and placed your rock in Omega’s hand. Nodding towards the lake, you squeezed her shoulder.
Taking a deep breath, Omega got ready to try again. Winding up and throwing, the three of you watched as the rock hit the water once…twice…three times.
All of you cheered, pride for the young girl swelling in your chest.
The young girl turned back to you. “Did you see that?!”
“I did, short stack. Good job,” you praised, gently ruffling her blonde hair.
She smiled at you before running down the path to find more rocks to skip, careful to stay within your line of sight.
With a content sigh, you moved to lounge on Wrecker’s lap as he sat down. “She’s a quick learner.”
“She had a good teacher,” Wrecker mumbled, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him.
You smiled and turned your head to press a kiss to his cheek. The mountain of a man was usually towering above you, his cheek too far above you to even think about pressing a kiss to it, so you took advantage of the situation.
The kiss made him blush and the red tint covering his cheeks made you giggle.
Laying your head on his shoulder, you closed your eyes. “Isn’t this nice?”
He nodded. “Yeah. Wish everyday could be like this.”
“Me too,” you whispered, looking up at the clone. “Me too, Wreck.”
The two of you sat there for as long as you could, content with just holding each other as you watched Omega skip rocks along the lake. And for once, the ever chaotic galaxy seemed to still to let you two have your moment.
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TECH: kisses on the nose
“Spanner wrench.” Tech’s hand stretched out towards you, waiting expectantly for the tool to be placed in his hand.
His head was under the control panel of the Marauder as he tried to recalibrate the controls after a particularly bad landing on the last mission. You volunteered to help him so Omega could go explore the town with the rest of the guys. But so far your “helping” had just consisted of handing him tools as you sat on the floor next to him.
You placed the tool in his hand, watching with amusement as his hand disappeared once again. It was the only part of him you’d seen for hours now.
“How much longer until the repairs are complete?” You questioned, leaning back on your forearms.
“Not much longer. Why?”
You shrugged, a smirk gracing your face. “Just wanted to know how much longer I have to go without seeing your handsome face.”
The clone froze mid motion, the spanner wrench almost slipping out of his grasp.
“Something wrong, handsome?” You asked, teasing lilt in your voice.
Finally, Tech removed his head from the control panel so he could look at you. His goggles were knocked askew and his nose was scrunched up like it always was whenever he didn’t understand something.
“Why are you calling me that?”
“Calling you what?” You blinked innocently, playing dumb.
“‘Handsome,’” he clarifies, eyebrows scrunching together. “You’ve never called me that before.”
You frowned and leaned towards the man, lightly kissing the tip of his nose. “Just because I’ve never called you that before doesn’t mean it isn’t true. You’re so unbelievably handsome.”
It took Tech a second before he got his bearings about him again. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, handsome,” you replied with a wink, kissing the tip of his nose again.
A faint smile made its way to his lips as he adjusted his goggles. “I happen to think you’re rather attractive as well.”
“Such a charmer,” you snorted.
“I am simply stating a fact. You are extremely attractive to the standards of many species across the galaxy.”
“And if it wasn’t a fact?” You teased.
“Then I’d still find you attractive,” he admitted, placing a hand over yours.
You felt heat creep up your neck at the admission. Although it wasn’t quite as romantic as the declarations of love you’d seen in the Holofilms, it was Tech’s own way of expressing his adoration of you. “Oh, Tech. I love you.”
“I am fond of you as well,” he responded, earning a light hit on the shoulder from you.
“Just fond?” You teased, faking a glare.
He smiled, leaning in to kiss the tip of your nose, just as you’d done to him. “I love you.”
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ECHO: kisses on the finger
“Dank ferrik!” You hissed, pulling your hand away from the blade you had been cleaning.
It had been a bad battle with the Batch, resulting in you and your opponents getting up close and personal. Thankfully, the six of you had made it out without any damage. The only reminder of the battle was the blood smeared across your favorite viroblade.
Now you had cut your own finger while trying to clean it. You watched as your blood mixed with that of your opponents and grimaced. You stood and made your way to the door to go and wash the blood off, but a gentle hand grabbing your wrist made you pause.
“Cyar’ika, what did you do?” Echo asked, a teasing lilt in his voice.
“Nothing,” you lied, heat crawling up your neck.
“So you didn’t just cut yourself?”
You frowned. You couldn’t get anything past Echo. Despite not having Hunter’s enhanced senses, he could always tell when something had happened to you.
“I’ll never understand how you can be so graceful with that knife in the field but so clumsy while cleaning it,” he chuckled. He was right, it wasn’t the first time you had cut yourself while trying to clean your blade. It was comical really that your only injury was due to your own clumsiness.
Jutting out your bottom lip just a little, you questioned, “Will you patch it up for me?”
“You don’t even have to ask,” he replied with a smile. He placed his scomp on the small of your back and led you to the fresher.
Once you two were in the cramped room, he turned on the sink and placed your hand under the stream of cool water to rinse out the wound.
As you held your finger under the water, Echo retrieved a small bandage and bacta spray. “Give me your hand,” he ordered.
You did as he said and he turned off the water.
“This might hurt,” he warned, grimace crossing his face.
“I’ll be fine, Echo,” you assured the clone.
He nodded. “Alright. Three, two, one.”
At one, he sprayed the small cut with the bacta.
Although it was a small cut, the spray still caused a sting. You hissed quietly, making Echo look up at you with concern.
“‘M sorry, cyare,” he muttered.
“It’s alright,” you assured him. “I’ve been through worse.”
The clone offered you a weak smile before wrapping a small bandage around it. “There. Not too tight?”
You shook your head. “Nope. It’s perfect.”
He smiled. “Alright then, cyare, you’re all patched up.”
“I am?” You asked, tilting your head with a pout. “Because it still hurts.”
A worried frown made its way to his face. Now he was concerned that your small cut was something bigger. He immediately cupped your face with his hand. “What do you need?”
Your heart clenched at his concerned tone. You hadn’t meant to scare him.
“I’m okay, Echo. I promise. Just want you to kiss it better,” you admitted with a bashful smile.
A relieved chuckle escaped his lips. “That I can do.” Slowly, he lifted your hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to the pad of your cut finger.
You smiled at him. “Much better.”
With a small smirk, he pressed a kiss to the rest of your fingers. “I’m glad.”
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CROSSHAIR: kisses on the temple
Rain pelted the surface of the planet you were on. It was a simple extraction mission for Cid but the storm prevented you from taking off to deliver the package. For now, all you could do was sit and wait.
Most of the boys were trying to get some rest while you had the downtime, but you sat in the cockpit, watching the raindrops hit the ship as you sat perched on the lap of the resident sniper.
“I still don’t understand why you like this,” he mumbled, eyes trained on a water droplet as it ran down the glass.
“You don’t find it relaxing?” You asked. Watching the rain had always proven relaxing to you ever since you were young. During rainstorms you were able to forget the chaos and war as you watched the rain cleanse the planet.
Crosshair’s arms tightened around you as thunder rattled the ship. “Relaxing?”
“Yeah. Don’t you feel the peace that comes in with the rain?” You questioned, glancing at the hardened face of the sniper.
“No,” he replied, voice curt.
Laughing quietly, you brought a hand up to cover his eyes. “You’re too focused. Let go of yourself.”
The clone hummed in annoyance as his sight was blocked, yet he made no move to stop you. For anyone else, touching was completely off the table when it came to Crosshair. However, he made an exception for you and your soft touches, your gentle caresses. It filled your heart with joy that he allowed you to do something so few others got the opportunity to.
You let out a content sigh as you laid your head on his shoulder. “Just listen to the rain. Don’t think about anything else. Just think about how delicately the rain falls.”
“Delicate?” He asked. You could feel the way his brows creased in confusion under your hand as he continued. “A flower is delicate. A baby tooka is delicate. Rain is not delicate. Not when it’s storming like this.”
Just then, as if to prove his point, a loud crack of thunder sounded, shaking the ship.
You couldn’t miss the way Crosshair’s grip on you tightened just the slightest bit when the Marauder rattled. For a man so hardened by the war, you could only imagine what the thunder claps reminded him of.
Gently, you tilted your head and pressed a kiss to the scar on his temple. “It can’t hurt us in here.”
The clone sighed and nodded, but his body didn’t relax.
“And I’m right here,” you assured him, pressing another kiss to his temple. “And so are you.” Another kiss. “And it’s gonna be okay.”
As you kissed him for that fourth time, finally you felt his fingers uncurl from your hips just the slightest bit and a little bit of the tension slip away from his body.
“I love you,” he murmured. You could barely hear his voice above the rain hitting against the ship, but still you caught the rare affectionate words from the man.
“I love you, too.”
And those four words made the rain not seem as bad.
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ttzamara · 1 year
Hello there! I wanted to say that I absolutely love your writing and that I think you're amazing and I hope you're doing great.
And if you're taking requests, could I have something were the reader is sleep walking and because she has feelings for Tech she walks to his bunk and cuddles him and, of course, tech has feelings for her too and let's her sleep with him and it all ends with smut?
It's just something I've had on my mind for a while now but I thought it will be better if you could write it
First of all thank you so much love i really appreciate the feedback <3 I hope u are alright too and have a lovely day!
,Second! thank you so much for this lovely request! Im so sad that it took me so long to write this, especially since this is one of my first requests but im so happy that its finally finished! Hope you enjoy it
I tried to inform myself about Sleepwalking as much as possible since i did not know a lot about it - if i made any mistakes with my current knowledge please tell me (;
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(Warnings: SMUT, Minors DNI, P in V (Wrap it before you tap it kids), Not proofread, Language, !!English is not my first language!!)
My Requests are open!
5.505 Words and 30.228 Characters
Even as a young child, people around you noticed how you suddenly got up at night and interacted with things around you without knowing anything about it when you woke up.
It was never a big problem, a little strange at first, but they quickly got used to it. Even the boys learned to deal with it. When Tech was going over your medical report before you arrived and read the word somnambulism, he made sure to learn about it and explain it to his brothers.
They were skeptical when Tech explained it to them, Crosshair even joked that he might accidentally shoot you if you sleepwalked through the Marauders and scared him.
But after Tech's explanation, they all took the time to read up on it, so Wrecker dismissed the idea of scaring you so you'd wake up, Hunter found a way to not let your wanderings overwhelm his senses, and Tech found the best way to handle your sleepwalking.
And even Echo, who came much later, found a way to deal with it. After his first couple of nights on the marauder he thought that you would just ignore him when you walked past him at night, but he found out more about the sleepwalking and your behavior during it, by asking Tech about your nightly behavior.
"Good morning (y/n)"
Said Echo with a coffee in his hand as you walked past him with heavy steps. Crosshair snorted in amusement as you ignored his brother and simply walked into the Fresher.
"Definitely a good morning when she looks like a bird built a nest on her head overnight."
Crosshair said, grinning as he polished the scope of his Sniper.
Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you looked up into the mirror of the ship and sighed. Why did you have to get up so early again? Oh, yes, because Tech wanted to explore Endor and its plant species. But of course, this idiot - handsome idiot - had to leave early so he wouldn't run out of time.
After you went to the toilet you took a refreshing shower to wake up. Slowly you stood under the running water and leaned your head back so that you looked directly at the ceiling of the marauder before closing your eyes and letting the warm water just wash over you.
The warm water was almost like a trance, felt so warm and soothing that you could fall asleep again. So warm, so warm, so coooooold!!
A shrill scream escaped you and you immediately snapped out of your trance as the warm water suddenly turned ice cold. A cackle sounded in front of the Fresher door, followed by muffled voices and then the warning voice of the Seargent.
You quickly got ready and put on your clothes to walk out of the fresher to see an innocently grinning Wrecker and an amused Crosshair.
"I hate you both"
you said and slapped Crosshair on the back of the head, who just grumbled under his breath before you went to your bed to put your sleep shirt on it and make your bed.
After you were done, you slowly walked into the cockpit of the ship and saw Echo and Tech hunched over his datapad talking quietly about something and Hunter sitting on one of the chairs with his eyes closed.
"Good morning guys"
You said quietly and gently put your hand on Hunter's shoulder who slowly opened his eyes and looked at you with a teasing grin.
"Had a nice shower?"
He asked and cackled as you gently punched him in the ribs, Tech and Echo both grinned as they looked at you and you huffed in annoyance.
"Oh yes, unbelievably pleasant shower, so pleasant that I hope I destroyed your eardrums with my scream."
you mumbled and sat down behind Echo on the chair.
Hunter chuckled and nudged you with his foot. You gave him an amused look and then looked at Tech who was engrossed in his datapad. His eyes kept shifting from left to right as he read the article and his teeth nibbled lightly on his lower lip. He looked so handsome when he was focused.
"So, where are we going today?"
You asked, leaning against the back of the chair. Tech looked up after a few seconds and looked at you.
"I found a holonet path in the woods near us that's pretty isolated from the locals. There are some sightings of the native plants of endor along this path, so we will go there."
he said, putting his datapad in the bag attached to his armor before standing up and indicating that we could head out.
"And why are we leaving so early?"
Echo asked, standing up to follow his brother out of the cockpit. The others, including you, also got up to follow Tech out of the ship.
"While no sightings of Gorax have been made in this area so far, we should still be on the lookout, as they mainly inhabit forests and are carnivores. However, they are much more active during the day, so we will leave before sunrise to arrive at the site at daybreak."
Tech said matter-of-factly and typed on his datapad while you fell into formation. First Hunter, next to him Tech, then Echo and you, and finally Wrecker and Crosshair.
"Carnivore, Great"
Echo grumbled. You agreed with a grunt and looked ahead of you, it was still relatively dark, the branching crowns of the trees made it seem even darker than it actually was.
The hike to Tech's place was about an hour and a half long and as good as silent, but the rising of the two stars around Endor made themselves visible and slowly lit up the sky. The place he led you to was incredibly beautiful, an open area within the forest.
Wrecker sat down almost directly against one of the trees and leaned against it with his eyes closed, Crosshair followed suit and lowered himself down next to Wrecker. Hunter stood around in the field and just looked at the sky, Tech and Echo were already walking to one of the bushes that were at the edge of one of the trees and had red berries on them.
You sighed, closed your eyes slightly, and just concentrated on the sounds that endor was bearing. Chirping of various birds, the rustling of leaves and a noise that sounded like flowing water?
You opened your eyes and looked to the left, from where the noise was coming, and slowly walked towards it. Tech had told you that there wasn't much water on Endor, so you walked towards it curiously.
Pushing through the branches you arrived at a small stream surrounded by beautiful flowers. Indigo blue plants surrounded by small insects that looked almost like a nerine flower.
You crouched down gently and looked at them closely, watching their stalks blowing lightly with the wind and the insects moving slowly back and forth on the flowers. Your head tilted slightly to the side as you softly touched them.
"It is called Aura Blossom, the favorite plant of the Ewoks... it is often used as decoration for the Festival of Hoods. It is known for its indigo blue color and for its bioluminescence, which describes the production and emission of light by a living organism. It is also sometimes confused with wisties or the firefolk."
said a voice behind you as he walked up to you and squatted down next to you.
"They are gorgeous"
you said softly and watched as one of the insects crawled lightly onto your finger before crawling back onto the plant.
Tech looked at you and slowly nodded before answering.
"Yes indeed, really beautiful"
You watched as he carefully took a sample of the plant and gently put it into one of the test vials to analyze it on the Marauder.
"Tech?" he hummed, looking up at you from the sample before you spoke again.
"What are wisties?"
he smiled slightly and stowed the probe in his pocket as he stood up and held out his hand for him to pull you to your feet. You slowly walked back to the others as he began to speak:
"Wisties, also called Fire People, are a small, radiant, sentient species native to the forests of Endor. Like the Ewoks with whom they share their homeworld, the fairy-like flying Wisties are fierce defenders of their forests, and the two species are allies. The Ewoks sometimes use pouches full of wisties as weapons against invaders. They throw the pouches in the direction of a target; on impact, the wisties emerge and attack the invaders. They are about the size of your palm"
"The size of my palm?"
You asked, looking at him with curious eyes. He stopped beside you and turned to you and carefully took your hand. His index finger gently began to draw a shape in your palm and you watched intently.
When he was finished he looked up into your eyes and left your hand in his grasp. Still looking at your palm, you slowly looked up at him with a smirk.
"Wow, so so small and the Ewoks just throw them at their opponents, a bit cocky isn't it?"
The brown-haired one grinned and looked you firmly in the eyes when you started to laugh at the thought, he also started to laugh slightly.
After you laughed you both grew silent, a comfortable quitness fell between you as you stood there, your hand still in his and a soft smile on your faces as you looked at each other.
His brown eyes shone so beautifully in the light of the stars, he looked so relaxed and the smile on his face made him look much younger than he sometimes looked on the battlefield.
His hand rested slightly on your hip and he gently looked down at your lips before looking into your eyes again, almost like a question. You nodded softly and he leaned down to you, he was so close, your noses were touching and it was only a few centimeters to-
Wrecker's loud voice pulled you apart and you stepped away from each other, you sighed in annoyance and Tech looked from you with red cheeks to Wrecker who came out from behind the branches.
"We are here, we were just on our way to you after taking a sample of the Aura Blossom".
Tech said quickly and cleared his throat before walking quickly to the others, Wrecker looked after him in surprise and looked at you, but you just shrugged and followed them. Admittedly, it stung a bit that he left so quickly after you almost kissed, but it was Tech.
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The walk back to the Marauder was quiet, you talked quietly with Hunter, Crosshair walked beside you two, wrecker in front of you and Tech and Echo in the very front talked about their samples.
"Did something happen?"
hunter suddenly asked and crosshair looked at you with an interested look.
"What should have happened?"
you asked confused and looked at hunter curiously. He just shrugged his shoulders and looked ahead.
"You tell me."
He answered and pushed you slightly to the side. After you looked at him even more questioningly, he sighed and gave you a slight teasing look.
"When you came from the river, your heart was beating incredibly fast, you were red and tech was exactly the same".
he declared and Crosshair next to you smirked in amusement. You groan in annoyance and looked ahead to where Tech was talking to Echo.
"He was just telling me something about the Aura Blossom and I got scared when wrecker called us, that's all."
you answered and Hunter looked at you with a skeptical look, he heard how your heartbeat quickened again and saw how your face grew hot but he didn't say anything else about it. Thank the maker.
After you arrived on the marauder, Wrecker made a small fire in front of the ship so that all of you could eat and sit around the fire afterwards to watch the light of the starts disappear behind the horizon. It was almost as beautiful as seeing them rise, but the starlit nightsky afterwards was even more beautiful than anything else.
It feeled like you were all watching the sky for hours, telling old stories and horrible jokes, as if there was no war in other galaxies. Life could be so beautiful sometimes, you just needed the right people to enjoy it.
"Okay everybody, bedtime! Tonight we're all going to bed and not going to the cockpit or anywhere else to sleep."
Hunter said, yawning as he gave Tech a firm look. Wrecker and Crosshair were still sitting outside by the fire when the four of you went into the ship.
Echo just dropped onto his bed and closed his eyes almost immediately, Hunter pulled his shirt over his head and ran shirtless into the fresher, Tech went into the cockpit to turn on the warning system, and you just stood there and waited for Hunter to finish getting ready, so you could go into the fresher and finally change.
you sigh and walk over to Echo's bed to nudge him lightly.
"Take off your armor, or you'll be complaining about the neck pain again tomorrow."
He grumbled, but got up to remove his armor pieces. As you began to help him, Echo smiled down at you gratefully and went to bed with a small 'thank you, good night' afterwards.
"Fresher's free"
Hunter said and walked past you to throw himself on his bunk. He was still topless and in one of his black pants, when the long haired man sensed you looking at him he lazily opened his eyes and grinned at you cheekily.
"See something you like?"
he asked, laughing softly as you gave him a bitter look.
"Ha Ha, did you even change your clothes?"
you asked and he hummed while putting his arm over his eyes. Yeah of course.
You took your sleeping shirt and went into the Fresher to change. You sighed, Maker, it felt so good to take off your bra after wearing it all day.
Your shirt was fortunately big enough to hide your butt behind the fabric, at first you were a little skeptical to use your usual sleeping clothes on the ship, but the boys didn't mind. Why would they?
After you were done you took your things, opened the fresher door and almost ran into Tech who flinched when he suddenly saw you.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you".
you said sheepishly, leaning slightly with your shoulder against the Freshers doorframe.
"It's okay, I should have known you'd go into the Fresher after Hunter".
the brown-haired man said, adjusting his glasses as he eyed you in the dim light.
You smiled warmly at him and pushed off the doorframe to go to your bunk. "Sleep well tech"
He glanced after you as you walked past him and a slight warmth rose up to his ears before he whispered, "Yeah, sleep well (y/n)."
You sigh as you finally snuggle into your bed. Sometimes you missed your own bed, especially since it was much more comfortable than the beds the GAR offered, but you had gotten used to it, so it wasn't that bad after all.
You suddenly remembered how you and Tech almost kissed... Would he really have kissed you if Wrecker hadn't interrupted? You sighed as you imagined it. Were his lips soft? Probably not, he didn't look like he was constantly caring about his lips. No, they probably weren't, he was constantly chewing on them.
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Tech sat on his bunk with one arm behind his head and the datapad in the other hand as he read more about the plants he had spotted today.
Rokna mushroom? he adjusted his goggles as he saw link
Rokna tree fungus or rokna fungus is a deadly, blue fungus that grows on the rokna tree found on the forest moon of Endor. The sharp spikes protruding from this mushroom could cause the death of those who came in contact with them. The highly addictive spice known as Rokna blue is extracted from the Rokna mushroom. definitely sounded interesting.
Sighing, Tech put the datapad on the side of his bed, took off his goggles and rubbed the red marks it left behind. He laid down on his side and closed his eyes, already feeling exhaustion overwhelm his senses...
A few hours had passed when Tech was suddenly awakened by a clatter, he looked tiredly behind him and tried to make out the cause of the noise in the darkness... with high probability it was you.
He sighed as he turned to stand up and was putting on his glasses when you suddenly appeared in front of him. A soft smile tugged at his lips when he looked up at you and caught sight of your hooded eyes.
"Hey (y/n), come on... bedtime, let's get you to bed."
he whispered softly and he was about to get up to lead you gently to your bunk when you laid down next to him and snuggled up to his side.
A choked sound escaped from the brown-haired man's throat as you pressed tightly against him, he tried to gently shake you awake, but to no avail. As he tried to free himself from your grip to sleep in your bunk, as he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable, he noticed how your grip around him tightened and how your head pressed against his bare chest.
He sighed in defeat and took off his goggles to hang them back on the wall and settled back down and gently wrapping one of his arms around your waist to find a comfortable sleeping position, his eyes slipping shut as he did so.
The warmth you radiated under his blanket was pleasant, your head against his chest was soothing and the way you wrapped your arms around him was something he could definitely get used to. It wasn't long before he sank into a deep sleep, lulled by your warmth and presence beside him.
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It was pleasantly warm as you slowly woke up, you sigh softly as you press yourself against the warmth. Why couldn't the marauder's wall always be this warm? A tired yawn sounded above you and the weight on your hips disappeared.
Suddenly you startled, What?
Your eyes snapped open and you saw a confused looking tech staring at you. His hair was all messed up and his slightly squinted eyes hinted that you had scared him awake.
"What are you doing in my bunk?"
you whispered anxiously, looking at him in confusion, he ran his hand over his eyes and flopped back down on his pillow.
"I am not in your bunk, infact you are in mine. You were sleepwalking again during the night and when I tried to lead you to the bunk you laid down next to me and didn't let me go, so i had no choice but to let you sleep in my bed. Well, I could have carried you over to your bunk, but after you held me so tightly it seemed like your consciousness was looking for a sleeping partner, which in that case was me. ".
he answered softly and closed his eyes again, he sighed lightly and pulled the blanket over you again.
"I'm so sorry tech"
you whispered embarrassed and started to push yourself up but he dragged you down and pulled you close to him.
"Shut up and let me go back to sleep"
He whispered and exhaled deeply. But suddenly his eyes snapped open and he looked at you shyly "unless of course you don't want to".
You smile softly at him and turn your back to him, pulling his arm around you so that he would put it back around your waist. He sighs contentedly and presses his nose gently into your hair before inhaling deeply, your scent occupies his senses in the best ways and he couldn't imagine anything better at the moment.
You almost fell back asleep, but you heard Tech huff in annoyance behind you and noticed him trying to turn away from you.
"You okay?"
You asked softly, turning your head slightly to the side to look at him. He blushed slightly as he looked at you and nodded.
"Come back, you're nice and warm"
You pleaded, tugging lightly on his arm. Tech gulped nervously, but settled back down on the mattress, this time with a much bigger gap between you two.
Tech seemed to close his eyes again and you tried the same. but your back started to get cold without his warm body and your body yearned for his warmth, which is why you scooted back a bit and pressed your back against his chest.
The brown-haired man's grip around your hips tightened and a slight mewl escaped him.
"Meshla, please just stay like that".
Oh? Ohhh.
Your eyes widened slightly as you realized why he was so nervous, it was far from the first time you had ever seen one of the guys with a hard-on, but it was the first time it seemed like you were the reason. were you even the reason?
you whispered softly and he cleared his throat before humming lightly.
"Would you allow me?"
you asked and a soft blush rose to your face you looked in front of you at the bed and saw that Echo was already awake, wreckers bed under yours was empty as well.
"allow wha- Ohh"
he asked confused but you gently grinded your butt against his crotch and he moaned softly.
The brown haired man whispered a soft 'yes' against your neck and started to grind against your butt, you followed his movements and heard him sigh as he pressed his nose into your neck and started to spread soft kisses on it.
His hands moved your hips firmly against his movements and he moaned softly, a warm shiver ran down your spine as he moaned your name and a pleasant warmth began to form between your legs.
"(y/n), please"
he rasped and you turned to him, he pressed his lips directly against yours and engaged you in a passionate kiss, his lips were warm, slightly chapped and moved strongly against yours.
He continued to rub his cock against you and his leg gently drove between your legs to let you gently grind on it.
you moaned softly into the kiss as you felt the pressure of his thigh against your crotch and he took the opportunity to press his tongue through your lips into your mouth to fight with yours for dominance.
His hand gently drove up to your neck to press you tighter against him, groaning into the kiss as you lightly bit his lower lip. His other hand slowly traveled under your shirt up to your breasts and he gently cupped one of them in his hand.
You moaned as you pulled away from the kiss and looked up at him. His eyes were hooded and his pupils were blown wide as his right thumb stroked your lips seductively.
"I want you so bad"
you pleaded, biting lightly on his thumb, he groaned as you ran your tongue over his fingertip.
He straightened up and climbed on top of you, with his arms on the sides of your head, to kiss you again. You sighed into the kiss and your hands went to the hair at the nape of his neck to pull it harshly.
He groaned as an annoyed grumble sounded over his bed. You jumped apart as long legs came into view on the outer side of his bed.
Crosshair jumped off his bunk with a small thud and looked at you both with a snide look. He had just woken up, his eyes still rimmed with sleeping sand and a tired look was in his narrowed eyes.
"It's fucking morning you perverts, you can't even sleep here without being woken up by two fuckers."
"It's not like I'm always walking in on you when you're enjoying yourself"
Tech sneered and Crosshair scoffed as he walks out of the room grumbling
You looked after him with a horrified expression and looked at Tech in shock, who in turn looked at you with an embarrassed grin.
"He'll definitely tell the others."
you muttered and Tech nodded in agreement, well shit.
"Theoretically speaking, if he tells the others, until you and I are done, no one else is going to come in here and interrupt us."
he said reassuringly, grinning at you as you gave him a smug look.
You firmly tug him towards you and press your lips against his while wrapping your legs around his hips and grind his dick against your pelvis.
He groaned when he noticed the wetness through your panties, his hand went down to your underwear and gently pulled them down.
"I bet you taste better than anything I've ever eaten".
he whispered against your lips and ran his finger through your labia, gently picking up wetness, and brought his finger to his mouth.
Your breath caught in your throat as you watched him eagerly lick your cum from his fingers, convinced that you had never seen anything so erotic.
He moved to climb between your legs but you held him by his shoulder.
"Another time, please I need you so much".
He looked up and looked deep into your eyes, you looked heavenly from this perspective. Your still dressed upper body moved with deep breaths, your hooded gaze and your red swollen lips.
Techs cheeks reddened as you sat up and pulled your shirt over your head, your breasts jiggling slightly as you threw your shirt to the side and he smiled in response.
"What, you see something you like?"
you asked, and he cleared his throat.
the brown-haired man replied, crawling up to you again to engage you in another passionate kiss. His left hand lightly squeezed your left breast and you panted as an electric shock ran down your spine.
Your hand went under the fabric of his pants and grabbed his cock in a gentle grip. He groaned and his hips thrust forward, the brown-haired man's lips parted from yours as he felt the pleasure of your hand movement and his forehead fell on your shoulder.
He gasped as his hips bucked with your motions and you placed gentle kisses on the side of his neck.
"kark, stop please i don't want to cum yet."
he panted and pushed your hand out of his pants. He frantically tried to get out of them and carelessly tossed them aside as he turned his gaze to you again.
you looked up at him with hooded eyes and put your palm to his cheek to kiss him again, your lips parted from his to whisper
"Please tech, fuck me...I have an implant".
He grunted, grabbing his cock to guide it to your hole and smearing your moisture on his member before gently guiding the head in.
You gasp as he slowly pushes in and clasps your hands behind his neck, he puts his forehead against your collarbone and moans softly.
"Maker, you feel divine!"
moaned the brown-haired man and intertwined your left hand with his.
You both gasp as he bottoms out. It felt so intense, you could feel every vein and felt him pulsing lightly inside you.
His grip on your hand tightened gently and he gasped as your insides tightened.
"mhh, please move tech"
Tech drove out lightly and then pushed softly into you. He started with light movements and his rhythm accelerated steadily, his lips enclosed one of your nipples and started to suck gently.
You gently tried to suppress your noises so as not to disturb the others and squeaky breathy moans escaped your throat.
"Please more, you feel so good".
Your head fell back as tech began to lightly nip at your throat in response to your request. His thrusts slowed down a bit, but got harder and the hand that was intertwined with yours went gently down to your clit to run firm circles on it.
A high-pitched moan escaped you and you pressed your lips tightly together to avoid another slip.
Your legs crossed behind Tech's hips to press him closer to you, whereupon he slightly changed your position and lifted your hips a little higher.
The new angle broke your will to suppress your sounds and your eyes rolled into the back of your head as your nails clawed down the brown-haired man's back.
Tech moaned against your mouth as the grasp of your walls tightened, your sounds blurred together and hot breath escaped your mouths.
"Come for me Cyare, please" (beloved)
he spoke breathy against your throat and the rhythm on your clit increased, he bit gently into your throat to leave a mark.
Your insides grew warm and a pleasurable pressure exerted inside your belly, a bond whose knot became tighter and tighter.
tighter and tighter, until it became harder and harder to breathe, white spots appeared in your gaze and your eyes closed as he gently pinched your nipple.
He whispered softly against your neck again and pressed a soft kiss against your forehead afterwards.
It suddenly felt so quiet, like the calm before the storm, and it took you a few seconds to realize how he was taking care of you, from the gentle movements on your clit to the hard thrusts of his cock inside you.
Your gaze slowly turned to the brown-haired man, his hair wildly disheveled and his eyes squeezed tightly shut, his hot breath hitting your neck and his movements faltered as he looked up at you.
you whispered and a loud moan escaped his lips as he heard you speak his native language.
"olaror ti ni ner kar'ta" (come with me my heart)
he cursed and his thrusts lost their rhythm, tech rutted into you with firm movements and locked his lips with yours.
Your hand gently went to one of his nipples to stimulate it and he whimpered as the pleasure ran down his spine.
"im cumming, olaror ti ni (y/n)" (come with me (y/n)
he pleaded and the knot inside you exploded as he bit your shoulder.
A long moan escaped you and his whimpering followed as he came inside you. Tech's cum was warm and a gentle pressure pressed against your Cervix.
"Gar cuyir bid jate, yaiyai'yc ni bid pirusti" (you did so good, satisfied me so well)
you praised him gently and he shuddered as your hand raked through his hair.
He sat up slightly to take one of his (clean) cleaning cloths to wipe you and his cock and leaned slightly to the floor to hand you your clothes while he put on his pants.
Afterwards he settled back on top of you and gently pulled the blanket over both of you to lay his head on your chest.
He opened his mouth to say something but you interrupted him.
"Sleep ner Kar'ta, we'll talk later". (My heart)
He closed his mouth and closed his eyes as you gently massaged his scalp. His arms hugged you as far as he could and a soft smile was on his lips as he yawned.
Your movements faltered as your eyes slowly closed and you also fell asleep.
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Hours must have passed when you next opened your eyes, the chrono clock showed 16:47 hours and your eyes widened as you realized how long you must have slept.
Tech was no longer on you, but you could hear light tinkering outside. You got up to put on your clothes and then went into the fresher to freshen up.
Fortunately, your sweater had a collar, because the mark Tech had left behind was clearly visible. Still, you cursed and rubbed at it
you strolled into the cockpit of the marauder and directly a sarcastic whistling sounded.
"Look who has awakened from her beauty sleep!"
the marksman's voice teased, and he chuckled as you gave him a somber look.
"You probably should have slept longer."
you countered and he grumbled under his breath as you gently pushed against his shoulder to sit down on a chair.
"No crosshair, gar ganar at tionir kaysh at olaror ti gar" (you have to ask her to come with you)
the Sargent quipped and laughed as you kicked his leg.
"I could have slept longer if my brother and his girlfriend hadn't had sex in the bed below me."
Crosshair replied, chuckling and crossing his arms behind his head as he leaned back.
You were about to answer, but a voice interrupted you.
"That's your problem Crosshair, experiencing what you've already done yourself is apparently not so nice after all?"
Tech looked at his datapad as he spoke to his brother and walked forward to the console. Hunter looked at you with a grin and shrugged his shoulders as if to say that Tech was right.
"Oh shut up."
Thank you for reading love!
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221bshrlocked · 5 months
Keep Your Religion
Pairing: Commander Wolffe x Jedi AFAB!Reader
Words: 7630
Warnings: 18+ only. Starts off angsty then gets to the smut. Softer than usual Wolffe because that man would be madly in love when he finds his special someone. Lots of Kissing. Possessive Behavior/Words. Dirty/Sweet Talk..but mostly Sweet. Exhibitionism Kink if you like squint! Oral Sex (female receiving). Penetrative, Unprotected Sex (wrap the shlong before you king kong my dudes). Slight Breeding Kink. Wolffe is insatiable yall!
Summary: You try to end things with Wolffe because you fear your relationship will end badly due to the rules set in place for the Jedi and the Clones. Wolffe convinces you otherwise.
A/N: Can you believe I finished another fic? Neither can I. It was about time for another Wolffe fic so here you go my lovely humans. I hope you enjoy. Comments are always always always appreciated so let me know how I'm doing please and thank you. I do apologize that I'm not tagging, it hasn't been working for some reason since post editor changed permanently to this new looking editor. I'll try to figure it out I swear! P.S. this is the second of hopefully many more submissions for @clonexreaderbingo
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Something about seeing him so relaxed and loose tugged at the strings of your heart. It was a rare sight, one you thought he would only grace you with when the two of you are alone together. But here he was, throwing back whatever shit drink the bar offered him and his brothers, all the while smiling at Cody’s remark about the new shinies embarrassing themselves in front of Anakin and Obi-Wan. You’re nursing your own drink in the corner, trying to find the best possible way to approach the booth without making a scene. He’d told you before that almost everyone close to him knew of your relationship, but you felt weird about dropping the pretenses. You were his boss, after all. Well, not completely his boss, but a commanding officer regardless. If you started acting extra friendly, you’re not sure how the rest of the Wolfpack would take it. 
As you swirl the spotchka around, you suddenly feel like someone is watching you, hunting you even. There’s only one man who’s ever made you feel so heated and just as you look up from the glass in your hand towards the group of Clones you were previously studying, you notice Wolffe staring you down, the slightest hint of a smirk flashing at you in an attempt to get you to react to his attention. 
Normally, you’d enjoy the subtle flirtatious expressions, even tease him a little to get a rise out of him before escaping to the nearest room to lure him for a private moment. Or, as private a moment as 79’s can offer a Jedi Master and a Commander of the Grand Republic Army. 
But tonight was different. Tonight, you came out to the Clone bar to decide the best way to end things with Wolffe. It was the last thing you wanted to do, but you didn’t want to push your luck any further. Things were getting worse by the hour, and you couldn’t afford losing Wolffe all because some assholes in the Senate didn’t think he deserved to love or to be loved by someone. Then there was the matter of the Jedi Council, and how strict they were becoming. It was already frowned upon before the war, and it only took a few months into this galactic conflict for them to push their ideologies even harder on everyone at the Temple. 
You would never forgive yourself if they punished him simply because you couldn’t stand being far away from him any longer. You narrow your eyes at Wolffe and down the rest of your drink, disappointed in yourself for not having the guts to tell him earlier. 
And for knowing that you probably wouldn’t be able to do it tonight. 
The smile on his face drops instantly when he notices you avoiding his gaze, and you curse yourself for ruining his night. It was going so well, and one look at you made the worry return to his mind again. 
Clutching your robes tightly, you pay the bartender quickly before excusing yourself and heading towards the bathrooms in the back. You could feel the tears threaten to spill down your cheeks and the last thing you wished for is for someone to see you and make a huge fuss about it. As you push through the crowd, you feel those same pair of eyes hold you down harshly, as if they were refusing you permission to leave without confronting them. 
Quickly wiping your eyes, you push open the doors and turn around to lock them behind you, only to nearly bump into the chest of the man you were hoping to avoid tonight. You gulp nervously, and before you can say anything, Wolffe tilts his head to the side and studies you closely, his eyes roaming down your body to see if anything needs his immediate attention. 
When he finds nothing out of the ordinary, he takes a step closer to you and shuts the door behind him, not bothering to lock it as he continues to back you up until you hit the wall. 
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you’re trying to avoid me.” His gaze is direct, unfaltering in the haze of lust he was sending you under. You furrow your eyebrows and try to look anywhere else but him, but as always, he doesn’t give you the easy way out. Grabbing the bottom of your chin, he turns you until you have no choice but to look straight into his eyes and respond. 
“What if I was?” You’re not sure what pushes you to say something so defensive, but the chuckle it gets out of him makes you realize you had already lost whatever game he was playing with you. 
“I’d say you should have gone to another bar.” He’s right. You know this, and he definitely knows this too. The ease with which he continues to have an effect on you would normally be welcomed, but you’re pissed at him. Pissed for being so weak for him. For not bothering to put up a fight. 
“But here you are…at the one place you knew I was coming to tonight.” Wolffe leans down and nudges your temple with his nose, breathing in the scent of your sweat and perfume, and forcing you to reach for him so you don’t topple over from the sheer amount of control he has on you. 
“So tell me mesh’la, what have I done to deserve the cold shoulder?” He whispers the question in your ear, slowly sliding his hands down your body until they reach your waist. You’re having a difficult time breathing, and you moan his name as you throw your head back when he squeezes your hips and pushes his chest impossibly closer into your own. 
“I- you didn’t…it,” you can’t form a coherent sentence, let alone a sensical thought, when you’re so overwhelmed by his presence alone. You thought he would laugh at you, but when his breathing becomes nearly as erratic as your own, you understand that he was genuinely trying to figure out if he’s done something wrong. His methods seldom changed, and you weren’t surprised that he was trying to get you to talk by touching you as intimately as possible without tearing your clothes off. 
“Don’t tell me I did nothing wrong…sir. Something must have happened, or else you would be begging me to have my way with you right now. So what is it? What have I done?” Wolffe repeats again, making you feel guilty for your behavior and for what you’ve been thinking of doing since the last time you were together. You remind yourself that he deserves someone better, someone who wouldn’t compromise his position in the GAR all because of their messed-up religion. He deserved so much more than you. 
And the mere mention of your rank made it worse.
“W-Wolffe, I umm, I can’t do this anymore.” You know this was the last thing he expected you to say because in the blink of an eye, he’s removing himself from you completely and putting space between your shaking body and his own wound up chest. When you muster up the courage to look into his eyes, a shiver courses down your spine. 
It has been so long since he’s given you such a look, one that was filled with nothing but suspicion and guardedness. He’s quiet for longer than you like, and when you reach for him in an attempt to console him, his frown deepens and he twitches away from you. You hadn’t expected such a reaction to hurt this much, but it does, and like before, you have no control over the stream of tears rolling down your chin. Again, it’s not what he expects to witness from you, certainly not after what you just declared to him, and when you sniffle to get yourself under control, he closes the space between you more aggressively than before, slamming his hands on both sides of your face and clenching his jaws tightly when he sees you pouting at him. 
“I don’t know what I’ve done, I don’t. But I’m sorry regardless. I am so very sorry. Whatever it is, we can talk it out. It’s not worth throwing away all that we have. Please. Just- krifff…tell me what it is I have done, and I will get down on my knees right now and beg for your forgiveness. But don’t do this, don’t give up on us.” In all your time knowing Wolffe, you’ve never once heard him speak with such a tone. He was always assertive, confident and unwavering in his commanding presence. 
But the only thing you could feel now is his fear. 
“You did nothing wrong, it’s me…it’s all me Wolffe.” You know this won’t be enough for him, but you try to convince him regardless. Then he drops his head against your shoulder and you know you won’t be able to hold out much longer. 
“I wasn’t born yesterday sweetheart. If you’ve ever held an ounce of respect for me, you’ll tell me what I did wrong. You owe me that much. I- I deserve to know.” If you didn’t know better, you’d think he was close to breaking down as well. 
“I do Wolffe, I respect you…more than anyone. You have to know that.” You hope he doesn’t turn away when you reach for him again, and as you cup his cheeks in the palms of your hands to raise his attention to you, you’re met with an expression you never thought you’d see on his features. 
“You haven’t done anything baby, it’s me. It’s…all me.” If you were a better person, you would have been consistent in your tone with him, but seeing him so torn down broke you, and you couldn’t not soothe him the way you always did whenever he comes back from a particularly difficult mission. 
“You deserve someone better Wolffe, someone who would never compromise your safety. Being with me is- it’s getting dangerous. The Council is becoming more strict…the Senate even worse. If they court martial you because you’re with me, I- I don’t know what I would do.” There’s something so gut-wrenching about the way he refuses to look away from your moving lips, and when you stop talking, he doesn’t blink once, his cybernetic eye focusing in and out before slowly blinking along with the other.
“Someone better?” It’s clear that he’s still hurt by the word vomit you threw at him, but whereas his voice showed it earlier, the shakiness and reluctance is gone now, replaced with a menacing, almost angry tone that you were too familiar with, one that you’ve witnessed during battle when his orders weren’t obeyed immediately. 
“I can’t give you what you want Wolffe, not without hurting you eventually…unintentionally. My- my religion, it’s becoming a threat to your well-being. It’s not worth the hassle. I am not worth the hassle. You could do so much better than-” Whatever you’re about to say gets lost in the damp air of the room as soon as Wolffe decides he’s heard enough of what was on your mind. He grips your neck tightly, winding his other arm around your back and violently pulling you into his embrace as he swallows your surprised shrieks. Your frown deepens for another moment before you surrender yourself to the possessive kiss, and Wolffe must feel you melting into his arms because he growls against your lips and claims your tongue without remorse. 
His hold on you only grows stronger when he feels your arms move to wrap around his neck, and when he’s sure you’re trying to get closer to him and not push him away, he tilts his head to the side and deepens the kiss, not caring for how messy or aggressive he’s being with you as he shoves his tongue past your lips and reminds you of what you could be missing if you got what you wanted and left him. 
As the need for air becomes difficult to ignore, Wolffe breaks the kiss and gives the two of you a moment of respite. When he opens his eyes and finds your orbs glistening with unshed tears, he swears beneath his breath and lunges for you again, the hand around your throat loosening for a fraction of a second before tightening around your jugular and forcing you to accept his rejection of your wishes. You moan into the kiss, allowing him to take whatever he wants from you, knowing that he wasn’t going to allow you to go through with whatever it is you thought you could get away with tonight. When he’s content with the reactions of your mind and body to his touch, 
“You nearly broke my heart, ner runi. Don’t ever say that to me again!” Wolffe refuses to let go of you, afraid you’d leave the room thinking that he agreed to the sentiment you dropped on him a second ago. When you say nothing in return, he shakes his head and crushes you into his arms, nuzzling into your neck and breathing you in to attempt and calm his nerves. He prays that you give him some form of an answer that confirms your understanding of what he just said, but when you don’t, Wolffe sighs heavily and pulls back enough to take a better look at you. 
“Wolffe, we need to talk ab-” Again, he doesn’t care for what you have to say and cuts you off, letting you know that this was definitely the end of the conversation. 
“No, we’re done talking. You can keep your religion sweetheart, I couldn’t care less for its consequences…but don’t you fucking dare and ask me to abandon mine.” His voice is firm, the familiar unyielding articulation confirming to you that he’s already made up his mind on the matter. There would be no more on the matter. 
As much as you hate to admit it, it feels like a bantha has lifted one of its feet off your chest. You look into his eyes and find them filled with a more familiar emotion, one that kept you going ever since you confessed your feelings to him. You thought it would be difficult to get him to accept your proposition, but you realize then and there that it was definitely harder for you to come to terms with your initial thoughts. 
You slowly smile at him, and it must be what Wolffe needs to hear to forget the last few minutes because his touches become less crazed and more soothing, a level of intimacy you’re always yearning for when the two of you are away from each other for too long. 
“And what...what is your religion?” You barely find the attention span to ask, the familiarity of his touch and his voice sending you down a spiral of lust-filled thoughts that only increased the longer Wolffe remained in your presence. 
“Your body is my religion cyar’ika, and I’m not planning on losing my faith any time soon.” The confession is lewd, mostly because he’s using your weakness to drive the message home. But as dirty as the admission sounded on his lips, you couldn’t help but sink into his embrace, wanting to hear more of him so you could forget about why you were here in the first place. 
“Is that s-so?” You’re practically shaking in his arms, and Wolffe uses your momentary distraction to tug your robes apart and leave a trail of kisses down your neck to where he wanted to bite you most. 
“Yeah,” he licks at your skin, wishing with all his heart he could have you right then and there. It’s not as if the two of you haven’t fucked at 79’s before. He just knew that you both needed something more, something that he can only accomplish in the privacy of his rooms. 
“Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to excuse myself for the night, tell the boys I have to finish reports for the General.” He slips a hand underneath the edge of your shirt, drawing circles on your waist until you slowly begin to roll your hips into him. 
“Ahuh,” you’re not really paying attention to what he’s saying, your body already frozen with anticipation now that it felt his hands and his tongue leaving marks across it again. 
“Focus,” he squeezes your ass, shaking it twice to get you to open your eyes and look past the haze to obey his next commands. 
“Yes sir.” You bite into your lip and giggle when he narrows his eyes at you and mumbles something about punishing you for being a tease. 
“You’re going to leave shortly after, something about being needed back at the Temple.” Your stomach twists in knots when you realize he’s using his ‘Commander’ voice on you, and you can’t help but wrap your arms around his neck and mold your lips with his own when you remember the last time he used that same tone on you. 
What a night it was. 
“And where w-will I actually be going?” You ask as soon as Wolffe pulls you away and breaks the kiss. 
“My room baby, where you’ll stay for the rest of the night.” He says matter of factly, as if you shouldn’t even be asking his such a question. 
“Pray tell, Commander. What will we be doing that- oh kriff, that will require me to spend the night in your quarters?” You throw your head back when his hand slithers up your body and cups your breast through your Jedi robes. You can almost feel the heat radiating off the palm of his hand, and the harder he gropes you through your clothes, the more you wish he would just push you down on all fours and fuck you into oblivion. 
“Well, I don’t know about you sweetheart, but I’ll be practicing my faith...and worshiping every inch of your body until the only thing you can feel is me.” The smirk on his face would be menacing if you weren’t so used to it by now, and you gasp lightly when he leans down and bites the skin of your shoulder peeking from beneath your cloak. 
“Oh gods-”
“That’s it, moan for me cyar’ika. I want the whole fucking bar to know who makes you feel good.” Wolffe shoves your thighs apart and pushes his leg in between, slowly moving you back and forth on him to give you a preview of what’s to come tonight. 
“Wolffe, please. I need you.” You fall forward against his chest, whining for him as he continues to move you across his thigh and dares you to come from such a simple touch. 
“Oh, now you need me?” You know he’s joking without looking at him, but the question throws you off guard and you snap your gaze up to see if he was hurt by what you said previously. 
“I- I didn’t…I’m sorry.”
“None of that.” Wolffe shakes his head, not wanting to ruin the moment by something so trivial. He slows down his touches but keeps you moving on him, hoping to distract you long enough to make this night a little better for the both of you. 
“Wolffe,” you call for him again, not in warning but in desperation, hoping that he can see how sorry you are for ever doubting what the two of you had. 
“That was cruel of me, forgive me sweetheart.” His voice is soft, so much sweeter than before, and you’re reminded by how quickly his mood changes whenever he senses you’re upset or angry. 
“How could you ask that when I am the one who hurt you?” You should drop it, everything that he’s done is proof that you should let this go and get back to more important matters, but you can’t stop yourself from asking him, wanting to know why he’s always so patient and caring with you when he was the one who deserved better. 
“You didn’t hurt me, cyare.”
“I did, I- I almost…”
“You could never hurt me, little one. Never.” Like before, he doesn’t care for whatever you have to say, not because he doesn’t value your words, but because he knows how difficult your relationship with him probably weighs on your mind. 
Even from the beginning. 
You study him for what feels like hours but is probably only seconds. And you wonder how anyone could ever think him cruel and rude when he was so loving and unbelievably long-suffering. Without warning, you throw yourself at him, mirroring his actions from before and shoving your mouth against his own to feel grounded. He doesn’t waste a second, pushing you harder against the wall and sucking on your tongue until you were a moaning mess in his embrace. 
“F-fuck, if you keep that up, I won’t- kriff, I won’t hold back.” Wolffe rests his forehead against yours, trying to keep himself in check so he doesn’t end up embarrassing the two of you by what his body is willing to do. 
“Then don’t!”
“You want me to fuck you right here, where anyone can walk in and see you getting filled with my cock?” He shouldn’t be surprised by how wanton you are, and although he knows he should step away and put some space between you and him, he can’t help but retort with his own teasing comment. 
“Please Commander.” You lean up and kiss his jugular, nipping at the skin just above his armor and soothing it with another kiss before laying your head back and meeting his intense gaze. 
“Always playing dirty. Just for that, you’ll have to wait.” Wolffe clears his throat and eyes you up and down before taking a few steps back. He barely manages to hold back from laughing when you stumble forward and nearly lose your footing. You’re about to complain when he raises a hand and silences you, furrowing his eyebrows at you in an attempt to look intimidating. 
“Another word, and I won’t give you my cock tonight.” He warns calmly, smirking immediately when you shake your head and tell him you’ll be good.
“No please, I’ll stop. I’ll behave, I swear.” 
“You’ll behave-?” The question trails until the room is silent again and you know instantly what you said wrong. 
“Commander.” You whisper to him as you try to fix your clothes and hair so you don’t look like you were fucked against a wall by the Commander of the 104th Battalion. You don’t dare smile at him, afraid he’d misunderstand the gesture for another one of your teasing expressions and completely throw the night away. 
“Good girl, now do as you’re told and I promise to reward you.” He watches you saunter past him and before you unlock the door, he smacks your ass quite harshly, watching you closely to see if you were going to behave or retort like you usually do. 
“Yes, sir.” You don’t dare give into his tricks, hoping to get through the next hour or so without getting distracted, or worse…caught. 
“Off you go.” He gestures for you to leave before him, and when you’re no longer in sight, he shuts his eyes and sighs in relief. Wolffe is not sure how the two of you got to where you are now, but considering the fact that he expected something like this to happen since you got together, he’s relieved that it was for reasons different from what his mind conjured up all those nights he spent alone in his bed. 
You walk out and move towards the bar again, your eyes roaming across the busy bar and waiting until Wolffe walks out before you make sure that no one noticed the two of you together. He follows you soon after, finding you almost instantly and winking at you before he heads towards his men. You watch as he tells Sinker to give him his helmet, and you assume they all roll their eyes not a second later because he told them he needed to get some paperwork done. 
But as soon as Cody looks at you, he knows what Wolffe is planning on doing, and before you can turn away from him, he raises his glass and smiles at you before downing the rest of his drink. You should be embarrassed at being seen, but something about the way the Commander gestures at you makes you smile, as if he was telling you that he hoped the two of you are okay. You shake your head at him and throw your hood up, walking to the Commander of the 21st Nova Corps to let him know you’ll be leaving earlier tonight. 
“Ah General, I was wondering when you’ll be joining us.” You smile at Commander Bacara and the boys, giving them a few credits to let them know the next two rounds were on you. 
“Sorry Bacara, I’m calling it early tonight. Needed back at the Temple!” You feel bad for lying to him, but as always, he doesn’t ask for an elaboration, telling you that he hopes you don’t have to do too much paperwork while you’re still on break. 
“See you later,” you nod at him and the others when they salute you, and just as you walk out of the bar, you vaguely hear them yell for the droid making its rounds to get them a round of quanya. 
“Hmm, didn’t peg them for the type.” You mutter to yourself as you step out into the chilly Coruscant air, looking around to see if Wolffe was anywhere to be seen or if he has already left. When you don’t sense his Force signature nearby, you make your way towards the speeder bike Anakin lent you and bring it to life, trying your best to contain yourself so you wouldn’t be caught by another Jedi nearby. 
You make your way through the streets as quickly as possible, and when you make it to the Temple, you park the bike nearby and think of the best way to make it through the barracks without being seen by any of the Masters…or Commanders. 
It’s not the first time you entered the barracks, and under normal circumstances, it wouldn’t be strange to see a Jedi making their way through the hallways. But it was nearly midnight, and you weren’t sure you could lie your way through a question if you were caught before you made it to Wolffe’s quarters. You’re about to reach out to the Force to see if anyone is awake when you hear footsteps approaching you from behind. The familiarity of its warmness sets your mind at ease, and you take a deep breath before you turn to face him. 
“General, is there something I can help you with?” He’s putting on a show for the surveillance cameras, and you clear your throat before you tell him something about wanting to review the plans for the next mission. 
“Very well,” he’s curt in his response, and you get the sense that he may be avoidant because he has about as much control around you as you do whenever you so much as hear the mention of his name. 
“Thank you, Commander Wolffe.” He nearly falters in his steps at hearing you call his name, and he swears beneath his breath as a way of warning. You nearly smile at his reaction, but you remember how closely the guards watch the cameras and you choose to switch your attention to the ground. Not another word passes between the two of you, and as you reach his room, you feel your heart threaten to leap out of your chest at the prospect of finally spending a night with him. 
Up until now, the two of you had to make do with stolen moments and short breaks, whether on missions or back here. Neither of you have ever spent the night alone, and you find it fitting that tonight would be it. It’s comforting and nerve-wrecking all at once, and as soon as you step into his quarters, you allow yourself to take in the calm before the storm. 
Before the door slides completely shut, Wolffe is on you like a moth to a flame, nearly ripping your clothes off of your body as he pushes you down onto his bed. 
“W-Wolffe, I-” You try to ask him why he’s so frantic and crazed all of a sudden but he lets go of you and stands to his height, making quick work of his armor in record time all the while keeping you still with the mere look in his eyes. 
“I can’t do slow tonight, can’t wait another fucking second without having you.” You always admired how much care he puts into his armor whenever he’s taking it off or putting it back on, so seeing him drop each pass to the ground sends a zap of lightning down your spine. 
You mirror his actions without another word, throwing your boots and socks away before struggling to take your pants off. Moments later, you feel the bed dip once Wolffe crawls towards you, his muscles flexing in such a menacing way that makes you fall back into the sheets and wait for him to tell you what to do next. 
But then he says nothing, and you’re torn between asking him what he needs from you and letting you do whatever the fuck he wants. He reaches for the edge of your pants and tugs them right down your legs, not once blinking as he violently takes your sweater off and throws it somewhere behind him. You’re left in nothing but your undergarments, and as you twist your arms to take your bra off, Wolffe shoves your thighs apart and makes space for himself in between. 
“I need you, now.” His voice should terrify you, it should be enough of a warning for what he has in store for you. But you find it exhilarating, knowing that only you could get him to lose this much control. You try to reach for him, wanting to feel his skin beneath the tips of your fingers, but Wolffe shakes his head and grabs both of your wrists in one hand, slamming them above your head and tightening the hold he has on them while he slithers his other hand down your nude body. 
“If it were up to me mesh’la, I’d tie you to this fucking bed and have my way with you whenever I want. I’d- kriff, I’d fill you with my cum every minute of every fucking day…so everyone would know you’re mine…so they know that I’m yours.” He teases you through your panties, rubbing lazy circles across the damp spot quickly becoming larger. 
“Wolffe, please…take me.” You whine his name in desperation, hoping he’d finally give you his cock and end your misery. 
“I swear to the maker sweet girl, I’m going to fuck you all night long…kiss every inch of you, mark you with my teeth and hands until you’re my very own altar. I’m going to worship you baby, but only if you promise me one thing.” Wolffe slips his fingers beneath the flimsy material of your panties, rubbing at your clit furiously to get you to focus on him and him only. 
“A-anything…anything Commander.” You turn to the side and kiss his forearm, hoping he’d see how willing you are to do whatever he asks of you. 
“Pray for me.” As you look bite into his skin, Wolffe pushes his hard dick into your cunt, not bothering to give you a moment to get used to being so full before he starts fucking into you with sharp thrusts. You’re screaming his name instantly, arching your back from the sheer amount of pain and pleasure he was bringing upon you so quickly. 
“FUck, there we go…such a good fucking girl for me, screaming my name so sweetly. Go on ner Jetii’ika, tell everyone who fucks you like the perfect cockdumb whore you are.” He leans down and bites the top of your breasts, letting go of your wrists for a brief second so he can rip the last bit of clothing shielding you from his hungry eyes. 
“Wolffe…f-ffuck, oh gods…Wolffe!” You twist your fingers into his bed sheets, crossing your legs behind his back and whining for him when he descends down on you and sucks on your nipple. His hand seeks out your own, and when he intertwines his fingers with yours, he grunts and growls against your skin, reaching for the other breast and groping you harshly until the only thing you can feel is his tongue, and his hands, and his cock wreaking havoc on you. 
Wolffe knows he should slow down, perhaps be a little less demanding with you. But something about seeing you in his bed when everyone else is asleep makes him more possessive, more needy with your body. And it didn’t help how you were reacting to his advances, how completely you surrendered your body to him without so much as a question. He opens his eyes and roams them over your already bruising skin, and when he finds you wanting for more, he increases his pace and fucks you until you couldn’t even breathe out his name. 
You sense his gaze on you, and as you look through heavy-lidded eyes, you find him completely focused on your dazed expression. 
“Wolffe, I- I love you.” You’re not sure what makes you say those words now, but a voice in your heart told you this was the right moment. You’ve spoken before about what this thing between the two of you was, and you knew, as well as he, that this would be it. There would be no one else, not for him, and definitely not for you. 
But you’ve never actually said those words out loud. You’ve said it in the way you kissed him, in the way you gave yourself to him…and Wolffe had pretty much conveyed them to you with every stolen glance and every quick touch he managed to sneak when the two of you passed each other on the General’s ship. 
Like before, Wolffe hasn’t expected to hear you part with such a confession, now of all times. He falters in his pace for a brief moment before he sinks his cock into you and stills completely, wanting to be as close and connected with you as possible when he finally said what he’s felt for you since you introduced yourself to him. 
“Ni kar’tayli gar darasuum…cyare.” You let out a quiet sob at the intimacy of the moment, and Wolffe wraps his arms around your neck and your waist to feel you against every bit of his skin. His thrusts are shallow, barely leaving you empty out of fear of losing this moment. You throw your arms around his neck and bring him flush against you, crying for him one last time as he seals your lips with his own and sinks into your wet cunt. 
The world comes to a halt around you, and all you can feel is Wolffe’s lips claiming your mouth just as he fills you with his seed. You come with him, shaking softly in his arms as his hot cum shoots into you and coats your walls with proof of his need to mark every fucking inch of you. It’s too much and not enough, and you push your heels into his ass in an attempt to bring him even closer to you. It’s not possible, you know that, but you want nothing more than to have him sink into your body until you weren’t sure where he ended and you began. 
Wolffe is fighting for his life, torn between giving you a second to breathe and quite literally stealing your breath to fill his lungs with your essence. He parts for a brief moment and looks at you, kissing your eyes softly before shoving his lips against yours again. You don’t dare ask him to give you a moment of respite, mostly because you’re sure you would miss him if he were to put space between your skin and his lips. 
Suddenly, the world turns around and you break the kiss unintentionally, gasping in surprise when he turns the two of you around until he’s laying on his back and you on top of him. You smile against his jaw when you feel his hands slide down your back and grab at your ass. As he starts moving your hips back and forth, you nuzzle into his neck and breathe in his scent, licking and kissing his skin the more he fucks his cum deep into your cunt. 
“I’m not done with you yet, ner kar’ta.” The promise is both teasing and terrifying, but you can’t find it in yourself to hesitate, not when he was promising you the stars all night long. 
And he does, he brings you the heavens until you can no longer breathe without tasting the cosmos on your tongue. With every touch of his fingers, you beg him for more…more of his sweet words, more of his sinful kisses, more of his needy cock.
He fucks you until you lose your voice, and when he’s sure he’s rung your body of every ounce of pleasure it can offer him, he fucks you some more, filling your pussy until you were nothing but a mess, a mixture of his seed and your juices.
And then he pushes you down and parts your thighs to pull you apart with his tongue, and you feel that familiar heat rise in your chest all over again. You tug on his hair, torn between urging him to make you cum again and pleading for him to stop because you could no longer stand the pleasure. You were so sensitive, and Wolffe knew very well how painful the ecstasy was becoming, but some twisted part of him wanted to mark your cunt with his teeth and tongue as well. He wanted to devour you, body and soul. Your release comes in the form of a silent cry, and Wolffe laps up your mixed cum until you can’t take it anymore, softly pushing his shoulders away so he can slow down.
There is a lazy smile on your features, one that deepens further when you see Wolffe crawling on top of you and leaving a trail of wet kisses across your sweaty skin.
“Satisfied?” He dares to ask, lightly pinching your nipples when you don’t respond right away. You giggle at the touch, pulling him closer to you so he can kiss you some more. He melts into your body, roaming his hands across the tired muscles until he has no choice but to fall beside you.
You hum in response, studying his relaxed expression and laying the softest of kisses on his forehead before pulling him into your neck. Neither of you say anything, and only when your breathing steadies does Wolffe pull away to make sure you’re comfortable and asleep.
He sits up on his elbows and takes in his handiwork, biting his lower lip when he sees the bruises already forming all over your body. The contentment falters for a split second, but his worries evaporate when you sleepily reach for him and bring him back into your arms. He mutters his love for you one last time before surrendering to the comfort of your embrace, falling into a deep sleep almost as soon as he rests his cheek on your shoulder. 
It’s hours later when you wake, and you groan tiredly when the sunbeams hit your eyes and make it difficult to escape them. You turn to the other side and peek through your lashes, only to find Wolffe already wide awake, softly touching the length of your arm with his lips and nose, as if he was tracing every little mark he left on your body from last night. He looks up when he notices your breaths coming in erratically, winking at you and smirking at the sudden spirit of shyness falling over your tired form. 
“I can taste the sunlight on your skin.” He moans against your clavicle, lightly nipping at the skin over the bone when you turn away from him and hide beneath the sheets. 
“Hmm…such a smooth talker.” You groan from underneath the shield you’ve created, giggling like a little girl when Wolffe tugs them away and attacks your face with playful nips and kisses. 
“Only for you cyar’ika.” He whispers into your ear before biting at the space just below it, his touches becoming less playful and more needy as he takes in the way your body is reacting to his advances. 
“Wolffe, your lips feel so good.” You throw your head back and sink your nails into the muscles on his back, gasping for air the longer Wolffe continues to mark you up. It’s almost as if he was looking for spots on your skin he hasn’t left his bite marks or fingerprints on. Not that you were complaining. 
“Just my lips, General?” You can hear the smile on his handsome face, and you nearly push back to edge him on, but you realize it would serve you better to give into him and tell him what he wants to hear. 
“N-no, it’s everything you do to me Wolffe. It’s in your touch…your- your voice…your cock.”
“My little Jedi can’t get enough of me.” He shifts you in his arms until you’re laying on your stomach, and when you try to look back to see what he has in mind, he combs his finger into your hair and pushes you into the pillows until he has access to your back. When he hears whine his name, he descends down on you like a crazed man, sinking his teeth into the skin he wasn’t able to reach last night while pulling on your hair to remind you who was in charge. 
“Oh gods…never, Wolffe. Never. I want you all the kriffing time, even now…I just want you to- to,” you forget what you want to say, the need to commit this moment to memory outweighing whatever information your mind wanted to part with. It must be the reaction Wolffe was wanting for because he chuckles against your heated skin and finishes your thought for you. 
“Claim you?”
“Please.” You try to push the sheets away from you so you can feel him against your back, and Wolffe lets go of you for a split second to let you do whatever you wish, returning flush against you once you’re completely nude to his eyes. He’s on you in the blink of an eye, teasing you with the head of his hard cock while keeping a firm hold on your hips so you don’t move against him.
“Can’t really do that now, can I mesh’la?” He struggles through his words, his hungry eyes picturing all the things he still wants to do to you as you lay there beneath him, willingly submitting your entire self to him without a second thought. 
“You’re already mine, little Jedi. You’re mine, have been since you came here all those months ago and told me you wanted me.” He massages your back with his calloused hands, trying to come to terms with the fact that he will never be close enough to you. He’ll never get tired of this. He’ll never not want to touch you with everything he’s got. 
“But since you plead so sweetly,” you moan into the sheets as you feel him part your thighs and slowly sink his cock into your swollen cunt, keeping you filled to the brim and refusing to move until you begged some more. 
“Wolffe...” You reach back and tug on his hair to bring him closer to you, the need to hear what you do to him igniting a flame in your chest, one that only he could put out by showing you how much he craves you. 
“F-ffuck, you’ve ruined the mornings for me cyare. Now I- I won’t stop thinking of your wet, tight pussy when I…kriff, when I wake up.” Wolffe bites into your shoulder as he rolls his hips into you, no longer able to control his desires from you. He wanted you to know the effect you have on him, the hold you had on his very soul ever since you walked onto his ship and offered your aid all those months ago. 
“I’m yours Commander, always. Y-you can have me whenever you want.” You sigh heavily when he growls against your skin and continues to fuck into you without caring for how rough he’s being. 
“E-even at sunrise, General?” Wolffe chuckles as soon as your cunt clenches tightly around him at the mention of the honorific, letting you know that he enjoys calling you by your rank as much as he does when you moan his. 
“Especially at sunrise-” You barely manage to breathe out, smiling through the assault he was bringing on your body as you surrender yourself completely to him.
“My little tracinya,” Wolffe nuzzles into the crook of your neck, content with the way you seem to melt the harder he fills you with his cock. A part of him knows he should maybe discuss the incident from last night, but he finds it difficult to pay any mind to your words when he already has you so willing and wanting beneath him. 
Later, he would consider the little issue of your religion later. 
But for now, he was adamant on showing you his own.
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replaytech · 23 days
just let me help you | tech x reader
warnings: small injury
(shoutout to my sister for this fic idea☝🏻)
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“Kriff”, was not the first irritated word to leave techs mouth.
He had been working on fixing a part of the marauders control panel for the last 20 minutes.
All of his efforts, however, are to no avail.
A pair of footsteps walks up behind him and sighs, “Tech, I’m calling in someone from the hangar”, hunter says.
Tech just adjusts his goggles and continues tinkering with the controls, “That is unnecessary, I can fix it.”
Hunter knows full well that tech is capable of fixing just about anything, but they were on a serious time crunch to get off of this planet.
You’re making some minor adjustments to one of your astromecs when a tall, dark haired man with a face tattoo walks up to you.
“Are you a mechanic?”
The hand that’s holding a wrench stills as you look down at your dusty coveralls and back at him with a “What does it look like?” look.
He laughs lightly, “Were kind of in a hurry and could use some help, we can’t pay much, but it would be really appreciated.”
You stand up, dust off your legs and push your glasses farther up your nose, “Payment isn’t needed, lead the way.”
You walk into the cockpit of their ship and see a man looking very frustratedly at some loose wires, “I am getting there, hunter.”
“I’ve never seen an omicron class attack shuttle with these modifications before.”
He stops what he’s doing immediately and turns around, “Pardon me, I thought you were my brother.”
The way he’s looking at you makes your face turn slightly pink, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to barge in or anything.”
He adjusts his goggles, “Who are you, exactly?”
You fiddle with your eyewear as well and tell him your name, “I’m a mechanic here at the hangar, your brother sent me.”
He looks at you silently for a second before swallowing and facing away from you, “I am Tech. However, I can manage this, you may go back to your duties around the hangar.”
You cross your arms and tilt your head, “Your brother said that you’ve been working on it for a while, can I just take a look?”
He glances at you sideways and moves over slightly, “I suppose a second opinion wouldn’t be a negative thing.”
You smile softly and make your way over to the control panel, looking at every single detail and focusing on each piece.
Tech, of course, notices how entranced you seem to be by the technology of the ship and can’t help but stare at you.
The way your glasses fall down your nose slightly, the way your eyebrows slightly furrow, the way you bite your bottom lip, he takes note of it all. Your focus might be on the controls, but techs focus is all on you.
Tech blindly reaches for some random wires, seeing how his gaze can’t be torn away from your face, and you notice, “Wait, don’t put those toget-“, your voice cuts off.
You warn him a little too late, and he brings a wire down onto another and shocks his fingers.
He lets out a startled sound and backs away, “Are you alright?”
He looks at you and the way that you’re worriedly checking his hand, “I, I think I will manage.”
You look up at him with a quirked brow, “It would kill you to ask for help, wouldn’t it?”
You swear he’s slightly blushing, “I suppose it wouldn’t cause extensive damage to my health.”
A grin breaks out onto your face as you both sit in chairs opposite from each other. You pull out a small med kit from your satchel.
You hold his hand and slowly peel off his glove. You start to feel almost nervous. All you’re doing is taking off his glove but it feels so… close.
You gently inspect his fingers, “It’s not too bad, you just got a first degree burn on your pointer finger and thumb.”
You look up to see him looking at you silently with his lips parted, but after a second or two, he clears his throat, “That’s the conclusion I came to as well.”
As you wrap his fingers in bacta patches and dry wraps, you speak up, “So, are you and your brothers soldiers?”, you gesture to his armor.
“My brothers and I are enhanced clones from kamino. I suppose we are technically still soldiers, just for a different cause.”
You furrow your eyebrows, “Enhanced? I’ve heard of clones because of the war, but I never knew there were enhanced ones.”
Tech adjusts his goggles, “Yes, each of my brothers has an enhanced trait. Hunter can track and sense any electromagnetic frequency on the planet, crosshairs marksmanship is unlike any you will ever see, wrecker has the strength of approximately 100 regular clones and I have what would be referred to as a brilliant mind.”
You finish bandaging his fingers but his hand stays loosely on top of yours, “I find that men with the highest intelligence quotients tend to be the most engaging and endearing.”
He looks a little flushed and maybe even taken aback, but recovers quickly, “That is one way to characterize those with a mind similar to mine.”
You look at him for a few seconds before awkwardly clearing your throat, “Well, we should probably get back to fixing up your ship. Try not to connect two opposing wires this time around.”
You once again feel nervous around the brilliant clone. The way he looks at you, it is almost as if he is seeing the beautiful blue lakes of Naboo for the first time.
He stands next to you as you resume inspecting the controls, “Technically, it was not my fault.”
You snort, “Is that so?”
“Yes. I am not used to being in the company of someone who has a mind like mine, it is very distracting. The amount of beauty you have in your face alone does not help my situation. Neither does the fact that every other part of you is equally radiant and stunning.”
You nearly choke. Tech thought you were beautiful?
Somehow, your face becomes more blushed, “I don’t know about my beauty being as much as you say”, you awkwardly laugh.
Tech glances over at you, “Those who do not acknowledge your beauty simply do not have the brain capacity to realize how exquisite you really are.”
You bite your lip to hide your smile, “You’re one to talk. I blush everytime you look me in the eye.”
He’s about to say something else but he catches the look of confusion on your face, “Is everything alright?”
You point to a switch below the controls, “Your power switch is turned off. Tech, there’s nothing wrong with your controls”, you can’t help but laugh.
You turn the switch on and the panel comes to life, “I did not realize that somebody turned off the switch.”
“You’re welcome.”
The two of you turn around to see a tall man with a tattoo over his eye and a toothpick in his mouth, one of his brothers, probably.
He points his toothpick at tech, “I had to get her here somehow. You’re welcome”, he walks away.
You grin and cross your arms, “So your ship was fine this whole time?”
“That is correct, but I was not aware of that.”
“And why would your brothers bring me here?”
“Perhaps they noticed my gaze linger on you for longer than usual when we first arrived.”
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kometqh · 4 months
𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓻𝔂..
Captain Rex x F!Reader x Fives
Pt. 2 Every night, without fail, you wake up crying, heaving as you realise the monsters of your nightmares have been long left behind on the battlefields you fought on alongside your beloved Clone Troopers, the 501st Legion. Every night, without fail, you note down all your thoughts and feelings onto paper, into your beloved Diary that your Jedi Master has given to you as a gift. What happens when the Captain and Trooper of the 501st get their hands on your prized possession? Word Count: 2845 Warnings: Very much unedited, most definitely not lore-accurate as I have just begun to watch Clone Wars. A/N: A spur-of-the-moment kind of fic, it will be a two parter story :) It does say Female reader as that is what I had in mind, however there are no pronouns or descriptions used that allude to the reader being female!
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Your body shot straight up, sweat rolling down the side of your temple, shoulders heaving up and down rapidly through heavy breaths. You wearily scanned the area, the room you found yourself in, your bedroom, hidden under a blanketed darkness. You could vaguely make out the different shapes of objects in your room; the steel wardrobe, the desk seated in a faraway corner, the tall frame of the door. The small line of light that peaked through provided some comfort, some more visibly.
A shaky hand reached for the night light beside your temporary bed - a silver steel, upright lamp that provided a bright, white light. It didn't provide much comfort as hard white light flooded the room, but it was enough to convince you that the terrors in your dreams weren't physically present in your waking days. 
Heaving a slow, heavy sigh, you slid back down into the pale comfort of your sheets, hugging a pillow to your body. 
As you laid there, light still on, eyes shut, you were engulfed in the sound of deafening silence. You could almost hear the light buzzing of the mechanical structures of the ship, ringing in your ears. 
You sighed again, turning your body to face the door. The light from the outside tickled at your eyelids, forcing them to flutter open. With a groan, you shoved your nose deeper into the soft material of your pillow, beginning to count down, hoping that, the mental image of numerous General's jumping up and down like innocent sheep, would lull you back to sleep soon enough.
Mini Skywalker's, Plo Koon's and Obi Wan Kenobi's cluttered your mind, hopping over a tall fence as you silently counted, 'One.. Two.. Three' and so on. It was definitely interesting image to think of, but in the meantime, it did little to stop your body from tossing and turning, heaving and sighing, twisting in your sheets.
With another, heavy sigh, you reached into your bedside draw, pulling out a small notebook and pen. You flipped it to the most recent page, jotting down the date and time, a small curse leaving your lips as you noticed the time; 01:25. 
You were going to become a zombie at this rate.
Nethertheless, you began spilling words onto the page, the crease between your brows easing as time passed, the fast pace of your heartbeat steadying with each word that slipped past the boundaries of your mind.
By the time sleep had finally pulled you into it's clutches, your mind could tell the ship was leaving hyperspace, and approaching a new atmosphere, your diary and pen abandoned at your side, left open on the most recent page yet again.
You awoke when the ship had landed; merely five hours later. The metal hit the ground with a thud, successfully forcing your eyes open. You laid there for a long while, ears twitching as you listened to the distant sounds of clone troopers wandering the hallways, accompanied by loud chatter and laughter. 
Those moments, those peaceful moments, where your men could take a moment to relax and unravel were your favourite. You fought hard to keep every single one alive, the guilt chipping away at your sturdy resolve, discipline and beliefs in the Jedi rules. 
You had broken one of the most important rules from the very beginning; it was forbidden to form attachments. How could you abide by such a cruel rule, when you were stationed with the same men for the last three years, getting to know them, living with them, laughing and sharing meals? To you, such a rule shouldn't exist. You could tell many other Jedi also disagreed with it - Anakin Skywalker being one amongst many. Even Obi Wan Kenobi, whose rebellious personality did very little to hide his affections for a certain Mandalorian Senator..
Taking in a deep breath, you slowly opened your eyes, looking around the room. 
A warm glow peaked through the tightly shut curtains, warming your skin in a gentle embrace. Even though your eyes burned with exhaustion, you had willed yourself to get up. It was already 07:00, your men were definitely up and ready for their mission briefing. 
Though they'd have to wait a little longer, you supposed.
This was meant to be an easy, diplomatic mission centred around a Neutral planet. You and your troops, the 501st, would be ensuring the citizens' safety, and potentially discussing joining the Democratic Republic. 
After spending some time getting ready, you left your quarters, silently stalking through the hallways, a distant rumble of the canteen ringing in your ears. The closer you got, the more shouts and lively conversations you could hear. 
All of those men shared the same exact voice, but the small differences in speech patterns, accents, tone and volume, were enough for you to be able to distinguish between your squadron without even seeing any of their faces.
Tugging your robes closer to your body, you entered the canteen, heading straight for the food buffet. It was going to be a simple mission - grab some toast, some water, and escape before anyone could notice you. 
And simple it would of been, if it wasn't for a certain Captain's sharp eyes and enhanced instincts; as if an alarm went off in his head anytime you appeared within his vicinity. 
In no time, you felt his warm breath fan over the back of your neck, his chest close enough for you to feel the coolness radiating off his body armour.
"Good morning, Captain." You spoke softly, a hint of tiredness still laced within your voice as you blinked slowly, placing a piece of toast on your tray.
"G'morning General," His voice came out a rolling, warm rumble, directly by your ear as Rex leaned over you, "What are you having for breakfast?" He asked, his honey-brown eyes scanning over your food tray. 
"Nuffin special, Captain, just a plain toast and water, how 'bout you?" You asked, moving away from the queue and to an empty table. You looked to Rex, noticing the corners of his lips tugging upwards, the sight warming your closed-off heart. You desperately wanted to cradle the side of his face in your palm, to soothe over the lines that wedged themselves between his eyebrows, noticing his exhaustion still showing even after a decent night's sleep.
"I've already had my breakfast with Fives and Echo, woke up quite early actually." He spoke softly, a chuckle escaping his lips as his palm rested on the small of your back, leading you to your seat.
Confusion took over your body as you sat down, bringing the toast up to your lips, taking a bite. "So, why are you here then, Captain?" You asked through a mouthful, eyeing him up and down, confusion clear as day across your face. 
At that, his face hardened into one he wore often during meetings and battles, an uncertain heaviness clouding his eyes. His fists clenched atop his lap, his lips pulling into a thin line. He wished to discuss the mission with you; hoping to lessen the number of men needed. Though he wasn't sure how willing you'd be to give your men a small vacation, he still wanted to attempt to provide his brothers with some respite. 
What kind of Captain would he be if he didn't consider his soldiers' health?
"Actually- I wanted to discuss the mission with you, General," He paused, breaking eye contact as his gaze dropped to his lap, then scaled back up to focus on the ice-blue, steel table separating the two of you, "I was thinking-"
"Thinking too much isn't good for you Rex, you've got enough lines on your forehead already." You joked, interrupting the clearly tense Captain. As you eyed him up and down with a soft smile, his shoulders visibly relaxed, the thin line his lips had become turning into the softest of smiles, his cheeks puffing up into marshmallows over the stretch. 
"W-Well, I was wondering if you could allow my men to take this time to rest." He stated, his voice dropping to a low rumble as he eyed you from underneath a curtain of lashes. He was using his best puppy eyes, knowing very well what effect those had on you.
You blinked once, then twice, your eyes widening owlishly as you stared at Rex.
Was he.. Trying to woo you?
You sat just the smallest bit straighter, your shoulders stiffening as you begged the Maker for Rex to not pick up on the sudden stiffiness that clutched onto your body with a steel grip.
Why was he making things so much harder for you?
"R-Rex.. I'm not sure I-" You started, your stomach dropping as he released a defeated sigh.
"I know General, I know.. It's just that, after the last mission, we're all still quite exhausted." He spoke, his gaze unwavering as he leaned closer to you, his scent invading your nostrils. He smelled of the Canteen's breakfast, a faint scent of aftershave lingering over him. Had he shaved already? You never got to see more than a hint of stubble on his jaw and chin, before it was gone with the wind; like it never even existed.
That's why you were grateful for Fives; that man's goatee could never disappoint. You were sure a beard of some sorts would suit Rex so well - it wasn't too difficult to imagine with his brother around, serving as an example. 
What would it feel like to feel the short hairs underneath your fingers? To feel the smooth skin of his cheek under your palm? The soft plushness of his lips against yours-
"General?" He interrupted your fleeting thoughts, a glint of hope shining in his eyes as you shook your head lightly. 
It was the defeated, gentle sigh that gave you away. 
If it were anyone else, Rex would never dare to ask such a question. But with you- with you, his men felt most comfortable, most safe. They respected you, and could feel you returning that respect every time you'd prioritise their lives over yours, telling them to retreat, to find cover as you had a handle on every situation, on every battle. You never abandoned them.
"Fine.. But I'll need at least one of you to accompany me." You paused, quirking a brow at the Captain, conveying your seriousness in just one look. "And I'll need the men to be on guard, okay? We can't risk being caught off guard if anything were to happen." You finally finished, your toast long forgotten, cooling down in the chilled canteen, as Rex graced you with the gentlest of smiles, his gaze softening the longer he listened to you.
He knew he could count on you, and he would prove to you that this wasn't a mistake. That it wouldn't be. 
Clearing his throat, Rex stood up from his seat, rounding the table to you. 
"Thank you General, I can assure you that the squadron will be ready for any and every circumstance, and I will personally escort you to the meetings. You have my word." He spoke, reaching his hand out for yours. Confusedly, you extended your hand into his grasp, a hint of pink dusting your cheeks as he pressed a swift kiss to your knuckles.
"R-Re- Uhm, Captain," You stuttered and paused, clearing your throat as you prayed for the blush to go away, "There is no need to thank me." You insisted, slowly getting up from your seat. His gaze followed you, tracing over your body with an unknown emotion hiding behind his thick lashes.
"Thank you General, now if you'll excuse me, I'll go inform the others that haven't heard." He stated, bidding you a goodbye, cheers following soon after as Rex lifted a hand, signing a thumbs up to some of his men behind you. Your gaze followed his form as you watched him exit the canteen, his head turning to look back at you one last time before the doors slid shut behind him. 
"What the hell was that.." You whispered, continuing your breakfast as your thoughts ran at tens of miles an hour, a blush permanently settled on your cheeks.
"Captain, are you sure this is a good idea?" Fives asked as he adjusted his helmet, following Rex as they made their way to your quarters.
"Yes yes, I'm sure. She should be in here anyway." Rex stated, waving his brother's concerns off as they rounded the corner, your bedroom doors coming into sight. "Besides, she said we should meet her at her quarters before we depart." He insisted, coming to a stop by your doors.
Raising his fisted hand, Rex knocked on your doors three times before backing away, waiting for a response. 
As a moment turned into a minute, and a minute turned into three, Rex knocked again, this time calling out your title. "General? Are you in there?" He asked, his voice raised in uncertainty. When he received no reply once again, he shook his head.
"I don't think she's in there." He turned to Fives, feet ready to start moving again as his brain racked over any other locations on the ship that you frequented. Fives looked at Rex, quirking a curious brow at him, though his helmet covered any and all expressions he shot in his brother's way.
"Maybe we should go in? Who knows, maybe the General got herself stuck in the refresher." He quipped, a smirk tugging at his lips as Fives made his way over to your door. Pressing a button, the doors swiftly opened before him. 
Walking over to the doors of your refresher, Rex followed after Fives, taking his helmet off, unable to, unwilling to, stop his eyes from wondering all over your room, taking note of the lack of personalised decorations in your bedroom. There was a desk, numerous multi-coloured folders stacked neatly on top of it, a small lamp next to them.
He looked over your wardrobe, his fingers itching to pull it open, to see what other articles of clothing you owned apart from your Jedi robes.
As Fives knocked at the refresher doors, his helmet at his side, Rex inched closer to your bed, noticing a small notebook hidden just beside your pillow, still open on the most recent page. His fingers reached over for it, eyes scanning over the yellow-coloured pages, gloved hands gliding over the leathery spine of the small book. 
"Oooh, what's that?"
Before Rex could react, the book was snatched from his grasp, his head snapping upwards to see Fives flipping through the pages, turning and closing the book, only to gasp. That had Rex's ears almost twitching, a curious brow quirked up. 
"What? What is it Fives?" Rex asked, standing next to his brother. 
The silence that followed made him uneasy, and leaning his head closer, he looked to the book, his lips gaping open.
"Do you see what I see?" Fives inquired, a smirk tugging at his lips as he turned his head to Rex. All that Rex could do was nod in stunned silence.
"Y/n's Personal Diary.." Fives whispered aloud, eyes scanning over the firsts page.
A lump built up in Rex's throat, his fingers twitching nervously at his sides as Fives read over the words you had messily written in your diary, his heart thumping as he recounted each memory, a soft smile tugging at both brothers' lips as they could feel every emotion you had spilled out onto the pages.
Though they quickly scrambled to hide the small book behind their backs, interrupted by the sound of your bedroom doors sliding open.
A scream left your lips as your gaze landed on the two armoured men, heart racing wildly at the unexpected scare. Their gazes didn't linger on you for too long, a faint pink ghosting over their cheeks as they looked anywhere but you.
"H-Hi General, we tried knocking but-" Rex begun, unsure of how to explain why he and his brother were snooping around your quarters.
"We were worried that you got stuck in the refresher when we heard no answer, so we wanted to make sure you were safe and ready for our trip." Fives finished Rex's sentence, casting his brother and Captain a side glance, his lips stretched into an awkward, innocent grin on his face. 
"R-Right.. Sorry, General, it won't happen again."
"That's quite alright, I'm actually flattered you men were worried about me," You spoke softly, hand covering your mouth as you giggled at their explanation, your heart warming at the thought that the two cared so much for your well-being. Though you wouldn't let yourself show just how much that thought made you blush. "Now come on, we've got meetings to go to." You exclaimed, waving the two men over as you made your way out into the hall.
Giving each other a knowing glance, Rex and Fives followed, quietly telling one another to hide the diary. Rex nudged Fives with his elbow, now too far gone to quietly and innocently return the book to its original place.
"Just shove it into your bag.." Rex hissed out through thin lips, rushing after you as he cast his brother one last glance, making sure the diary was stored safely in one of their backpacks. 
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zoeykallus · 10 months
Hello there! I hope you’re having a wonderful day or evening, depending on when you see this :)
I was wondering if you’d do a HC of how the batch reacts to being called the fem!readers husband! Whether for an undercover mission or they’re actually married is totally up to you! So sorry if you’ve already done this one and I just didn’t see it!
Lots of love
Aloha! No, I have not done this before. At least not that I can remember... 🤔🤔
I think, I smell some fun...
The Bad Batch x fem!reader HCs - The Husband
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Fluff/Comfort/Slightly Suggestive/Tech's Part Is Angsty
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Initial situation:
You two are not yet a couple, but you have feelings for each other. Sometimes you flirt and generally enjoy spending time together. While running errands together on a market, you are approached by a vendor.
"Hello, such a pretty couple! Can I perhaps interest you and your husband in some of my goods? We have exquisite exotic fruits with aphrodisiac effects."
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You hear a nervous little giggle from Hunter. You smile yourself, feeling your cheeks get hot. The way you keep smiling at each other, and the way you interact with each other, it was only a matter of time before someone mistook you for a couple.
Hunter clears his throat sheepishly and says, "Um, we're not married."
"But a couple for sure," the merchant says with conviction.
You shake your head, "No, not a couple either."
The merchant blinks.
"But you'd like to be one!" he insists.
Hunter nervously tugs at his bandana and says, "Well, that may be so"
You look at him in surprise; until now, you've never addressed this tingling tension between you.
Your eyes meet, then you both look shyly in another direction.
The merchant grins, "Ah, I see, shy huh? My fruits can change that."
You chuckle and say braver than you feel, "Okay, what would you recommend to two shy idiots like us who don't dare?"
You feel Hunter staring at you, but he doesn't contradict you, he comes closer and watches curiously as the merchant shows and explains some of the exotic fruits to you. Finally, you look at him and you both grin.
The merchant wraps a few of them for you and as he hands you the bag he says, "Come by as soon as you are a couple, my wife has a wonderful catering service for the wedding party."
His first reaction is a confused, "Huh?
"I just asked your wife if you two might be interested in my fruit."
Echo looks at you and you at him. You see his ears turn red, but he doesn't contradict the merchant.
He likes to cook, in general he likes to prepare food, it's a kind of hobby, and he's very good at it. Which you also mention to the merchant.
"Oh, a man with class, you are lucky".
You laugh softly and say, "Echo, take a look, maybe you can find some fruit for a stimulating dessert?"
Echo comes closer and says dryly, "Well, um, just the two of us will eat that, won't we?"
"Of course," you say with a soft laugh.
You buy some of the fruit and the merchant calls after you, "Recommend me further if you are satisfied."
After a while you say quietly laughing, "Husband and wife."
Echo murmurs, "Doesn't sound so bad"
"Oh nothing"
He laughs heartily, playfully pulls you close to him and squeezes you against his side.
"My little wifey and I are always interested in culinary delicacies," he says happily, playing along with the game.
You are so caught off guard at first that you just smile dumbly and try to process what is happening.
Wrecker is chatting heartily with the merchant, getting advice, picking out some fruit, and smiling at you all the while. He seems so adorably cheerful that you wouldn't even dream of admonishing him or correcting the mix-up.
Again and again, he winks at you mischievously, as if you were both about to play a prank. You're not quite sure what Wrecker thinks about you or you two together. But for now, you're enjoying this little game.
As you both finally walk away from the stand with a bag of fruit, he looks at you, he's grinning, his ears are red, and he says conspiratorially, "Funny, isn't it, that he thought we were a couple? Hey, should we maybe go to that little grove you like so much? The fruits are good for a picnic."
Your heart races.
"Wrecker, you know what aphrodisiac means, right?"
"Um, no, should I?"
You sigh, but you smile at him as you explain.
"It increases libido, sexual readiness, the desire to be intimate."
His eyes get big.
"Oooooh," he says stretched, after a brief pause he asks mischievously, "So, shall we go to the grove?"
His holopad is hanging on his belt for once, his attention was completely on you today, and you enjoy it to the fullest. It does not surprise you that one believes you for a couple. The way you look at him, and he smiles shyly at you, it is bound to happen sooner or later.
Tech adjusts his goggles and says matter-of-factly, "We're not married."
"But a couple, yes?"
"No, not a couple either," he says.
The dealer looks from one to the other.
"But you two are definitely in love with each other, you can tell from a distance".
You see Tech's ears turn red, the helmet he had tucked under his arm earlier hastily finding its place on his head again as Tech more or less tries to hide under it.
But then he says something that startles you.
"That would be unwise."
You feel yourself getting hot and cold, and your guts tighten. The merchant looks from one to the other, confused.
"Why is that?" he asks the question on your mind.
Tech sighs and says, "I have an unsteady life, a dangerous one at that. I couldn't offer a steady home to a partner or even a wife, no real security. So I guess I will remain single."
The merchant as well as you are speechless. You feel as if he has just kicked you in the pit of your stomach.
As you continue to walk, you are silent and stare ahead. You don't feel like exploring the market anymore. You feel like crying, but you hold back. You were so sure that he liked you too, so sure that sooner or later you would find each other, get together. Now you feel down, a shattered dream.
He stops at a stand with flowers, buys a beautiful bouquet and holds it out to you. When you look at him questioningly, he says, "I feel like I've made you sad."
You tentatively pick up the bouquet, stare at the flowers and bite your tongue, trying not to say anything stupid or start crying.
"Other people," he says after clearing his throat, "Shouldn't know how much I like you."
You blink and look up at him from the bouquet.
"What, I don't understand…"
He shrugs his shoulders uncertainly, pulls you into a quiet corner, and takes off his helmet again. His cheeks and ears are flushed, his hair a bit disheveled by the helmet. He looks so adorable it hurts.
"It's true that my life is uncertain, dangerous. The Empire is after me and my brothers, the occasional bounty hunter now and then. If people know how much I like you, they might try to hurt you to get to me."
Your heart almost leaps into your throat.
"So you do like me then?"
Tech blinks and says, "I thought it was obvious."
"And you don't want to stay single?"
He smirks softly at you.
He cocks an eyebrow at you, then at the vendor. Before you can say anything, Crosshair steps closer and looks at the fruit.
You stand next to him. He throws you a sly smile, then asks the vendor, "Which one has the most intense effect?"
You feel heat rising in your cheeks and ears. You wonder what he's up to.
Crosshair listens to the merchant's advice for quite a while, while you watch speechlessly as he packs an entire bag of the recommended fruit.
You sigh softly. You know that Crosshair is popular with the women, and you know that he has always enjoyed it, even though he hasn't had anymore womanizing for a while now.
You two find a quiet corner and sit down at a pretty fountain.
Quietly, you ask him, "So, which woman gets served these fruits this time?"
He unwraps one, takes his knife and cuts it into pieces as you watch in surprise.
"Well my wife, of course," he says perkily, holding out a piece to you, "Care for a slice, honey?"
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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coffeeandbatboys · 4 months
Hold me close Mesh'la (Commander Fox x Fem!Reader)
A/N I just really wanted to write a little something about making out but not something dirty. So here y'all are.
Warnings: an argument, make up and make out, Fox being insanely clingy. Mention of Fives' death and pretty angsty. Fox tries turning grief into love as a coping mechanism.
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"Mesh'la" Fox groaned, spinning your chair around and caging you in with his hands on both armrests.
Anger welled inside your chest. "Fox, for the last time, I'm kriffing busy can't you see?! I will come to bed when I'm done."
"You don't have any idea what I'm going through right now and I need help."
In any other mindset, you would have immediately switched gears and asked what was wrong, but you had a report to write and it was your top priority at the moment. Shoving him away, you grabbed your datapad and without saying a word, slammed the apartment door behind you. Deciding that the best place to work would be the caf shop down the street, you marched in that direction, angry thoughts buzzing in your head.
It was only after you'd written the last line of your report that you realized what he'd actually said.
"You don't have any idea what I'm going through right now and I need help.
Kriff. You hadn't even given him a chance to explain why he was so distraught when you'd gotten home. Were you really that focused on work that you'd neglected the love of your life's mental wellbeing?
You grabbed an extra cup of caf and rushed home as fast as you could, heart pounding in anticipation as the lift ascended into the tower.
"Fox, love?"
You found him in bed facing the wall. Little shivers told you he was crying, but knowing that you were standing right there, he tried to hide it.
You lowered your voice to a gentle whisper as you climbed in bed with him. "Kriff, Fox I'm so sorry. Do you want to tell me what happened?"
It was silent for a moment and the shivers stopped, but then his whole body shuddered as he let out a breath.
"I killed him. I didn't mean to. I swear it was set to stun but..."
Well that was certainly not the answer you were expecting.
"Killed who?" You asked hesitantly, not sure if you wanted to know.
Your heart sank. You'd heard about the ARC trooper that Rex had taken into the 501st. He seemed like a nice guy from what you'd been told.
Forgoing judgment, you wrapped your arms around Fox.
"Do you want to talk?"
Shook his head before turning to face you. "Can...I try something?"
You tilted your head to survey his face in the dim light of the bedroom. It looked almost pleading, and you nodded.
He got up on his hands and knees over you, caging you in once again, before lowering himself to kiss you. His chest pressed against yours, his lips perfectly slotted on your mouth.
Maker, your racing heart could be a side effect of the late night caf coursing through your veins. Or it could be something entirely different.
You reached up and threaded your fingers into his soft hair, pulling ever so slightly at the graying strands. A groan resounded through his chest and echoed on your lips. He pulled away to take a breath and whisper 'I love you' before descending to catch your lips again. You tasted the salty tears that had fallen on his own mouth as they mixed with the sweet caf you'd had before.
In a fluid motion he grabbed your waist and rolled over so that you were perched against his chest, never once breaking the kiss. You had to admit, he was a pretty damn good loverboy.
Finally you pulled away to cradle his face in your hands.
"M' sorry I got angry with you. I was really out of place. And I'm sorry you're going through this. You shouldn't have to do it alone."
He closed his eyes to keep more tears from falling.
"Just hold me close Mesh'la. I'll be okay."
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