#Cookies have such ambiguous genders
quibbs126 · 2 years
Me in Kingdom: Wait this Cookie is a man?!
Me in Ovenbreak: Wait this Cookie is a woman?!
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mellowwillowy · 3 months
Thinking about writing a sweet, gentleman with a high sense of justice... Have a Yan! Baker!
Reader's gender is ambiguous as it's never really stated and only assumed.
Yan! Baker who is your neighbor and also your favorite baker of the town! The man has just recently moved next door and started his own little business which is opening a bakery!
Yan! Baker who gingerly offered you a cutely wrapped box of cookies as some sort of housewarming gift. One bite and you immediately fell in love with his creations! It's the best cookies you've ever had and the next day you saw him open his bakery, you were the first customer to line up for his cookies.
Yan! Baker who often gives you extra for every purchase you make, a little tad too much sometimes to be considered an extra. A juice for a piece of bread, a box of confections for a box of macaroons, and a box of luxurious-looking chocolate for a jar of cookies.
"My treat for someone so gorgeous like you." He eased you down with his smooth voice as you fidgeted at the extra he gave you. His smile was so genuine that you thought he might have taken a liking to you. But that couldn't be true right? He had a ring wrapped around his finger after all. He's most likely to be married already but you have never asked him that.
You thanked him and decided to pop off your curiosity today by asking him about his marital status.
"Me? Ahaha, yes I am not married yet, just engaged."
Perhaps your expression shifted too fast to the point he patted your shoulder, "... I really love them, I was once their prince in shining armor."
You cocked your head to the side while trying your best to make a chuckle at his word prince.
"Mmh, a literal prince might I say," Noel now wrapped both his hands on your shoulder, guiding you inside the bakery while spinning tales for you to hear to the point you didn't realize that the front rolling door was shut.
"A long time ago, this town was once a bustling village of an empire."
He sat you down at the kitchen table while preparing some tea for you to drink, somehow your mind fogged by his smooth voice.
"I had a twin brother and one of us was supposed to be the next Emperor but you see," Noel stirred the teabag into the pot, "I was not chosen by the die and my younger brother instead was raised to be the Crown Prince."
Is Noel a writer? You thought to yourself.
"But I didn't mind it at all, I received just a fair amount of love and attention from my family. I was slow in studying unlike my brother so I honed my skill in weaponry instead."
"So you were a knight?"
Noel nodded. You nodded slightly as well.
"I was a royal knight who was meant to guard both the country and my brother. But you know what?" Noel placed a tray of cookies, your favorite. "I grew up with not only my brother but also my beloved."
"Childhood friends?"
"More than that. They were one of my mother's lady-in-waiting and also my brother's closest friend and me."
A woman, you noted.
"Long story short, we grew up and got engaged, just like a fairytale." Noel picked the strawberry with his fork and ate it, since when did he bring it? And since when were the teas served already? His voice...
"But my brother was not pleased with it, he was envious, drowned in an ugly shade of envy." You could hear the irritation in his voice a tad too clear, a voice that you had never expected to hear from him.
"I was discharged from my duty momentarily due to a leg injury from a dispatch. It didn't bother me at all until I realized I had no hope of recovering completely, making my mother strip me of my duty permanently."
"But guess what, it turned out my brother was ecstatic about this news. He sent me away to be some preacher which automatically cut off my engagement. I didn't even have the chance to explain myself to them, only through letter could I apologize."
Was it his voice that lulled you deeper into the tale to the point you could see yourself in the setting or was it the cookies?
"Erickson swooped my love away and made them the Empress. They both reigned the empire into glory until I came in."
Chill ran down your spine, and the room that was originally normal suddenly felt hot.
"According to the prophecy, one of us three would be the downfall of the empire." Noel pointed between himself and you. Your waist felt so tight out of a sudden as though a corset was tightly wrapped around you. You wheezed from how the lack of oxygen and your eyes teared up from the smoke.
"Me, Erickson, or you. The Priest, the Emperor, or the Empress. The Knight, the Crown Prince," Noel brought your hand to his lip, "or the Jester."
An identical ring to his was slid into your finger, it fit like a charm, not too tight and not too loose.
The once small kitchen shifted into a spacious bedroom lit by a blazing scarlet that consumed the whole room. The heat was so much for you that you could somehow feel your skin melting.
Two heads were laid on top of your lap, and both of them shared the same scarlet hair, their face was not really clear but you could see them peacefully resting against you as their final resting place.
Just before you lost sight of everything and blacked out, Noel's kiss brought you back to reality. Kiss.
"I've been waiting for you for so long." The room shifted back to normal and you were on the bed with him above you. "Millennium, I waited for you for millennium and when I found you, I couldn't contain the feelings that were stored in the ring."
It turns out that your baker next door is not just some baker. He was your knight, your fiance, and your--
"But now, I can finally share this long locked suffocating feeling and fate with you." Noel muttered into your lip.
Diary Entry.
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osleeplessflowero · 4 months
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It's been long enough, time to bring back some content for this series. I hope you all enjoy! (Also yay new lily divider! Gonna start putting these around my notes from now on :] credits are in the tags!)
*Notes - Reader Soultype: Bravery🧡 - Reader Gender: Ambiguous, They/Them pronouns by default - Horror goes by Sans - Context from the first two parts is needed for this one to make sense - Words: 3,906
☕Previous Part☕ 🎃First Part 🪓Oneshot Masterpost/List 💜💙 In-Progress Fics Masterpost/List💚💛
Content Warning: Swearing, Violence, Light Blood
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A while passed since your coffee meetup with Sans. You've been texting each other pretty much daily, discussing this and that and getting a good laugh out of each other from time to time. He's been really supportive of you since your emotions from your breakup had started hitting you like a truck, bringing your spirits back up when they started to spiral. You really appreciate him for that..
At the moment, you're currently sitting in your living room and replying to the last message your skeleton companion sent you. The two of you had been having a long conversation about something obscure he found, before the topic shifted to meeting his brother, like you'd asked about when you went to go get coffee. Upon being informed, Sans said he was delighted at the idea, and wanted to invite you over for dinner. You eagerly accepted, but not without saying you'd want to bring something over as well.. call it a gift exchange. Perhaps dessert would be best, since he's really looking forward to making dinner.
Thing is, you have no idea what this guy likes, so you don't know how well your decision making could be..
i mean i could just go to the store with you if you need help picking it aint like i have shit to do
You perk up at his reply, grinning. That's perfect! If anybody would know what he likes, it'd be him. And it's an excuse to hang out a little earlier than expected.
sounds awesome, where should we meet? i could just come pick you up tho idk if ur comfortable with me knowing where u live i mean its not like youd be coming over to kidnap me lmao i dont mind sent attachment sick ok i think i know where that is ill be there in a few alrrr i'll get ready then
You hop up from your seat on the couch, walking into your room and picking out some warm clothes so you're comfortable outside. The air has definitely gotten more and more chilly after Halloween, and you're not quite sure if you like that sensation or not.
Hopping a bit to pull on your shoes, you hear your doorbell ring and drop your leg to walk over and look through the peephole. Sure enough, you're met with the skeleton waiting with a bored expression before you open the door.
"Hey! Wow, I didn't think you'd get here so quick." You muse, earning a chuckle from the skeleton as you step aside to let him in out of the cold. Can skeletons feel temperatures? You assume not because of the lack of skin.
He puts his hands in his pockets as he enters, watching you close the door behind him. "i took a shortcut, didn't take long at all. nice place."
"Thanks, it's nothing big, but it's home. That's all that matters, right?" You smile, walking to your bathroom and heading inside to fix your hair how you like it (if you have any, that is.) You leave the door open, glancing over briefly when he stands in the doorway to speak with you.
"yeah, doesn't matter what size. home's a home, anyway." His eyelight drifts around as he inspects what he can see, learning a little bit more about you from observing some of your favorite things. You give him a smile before exiting the bathroom, walking over to the front door to hold it open for him. He follows you out silently, and the two of you begin your walk down the street.
"So..does he like any particular kinds of desserts? Cakes, cookies, brownies, etcetera.. throw me a bone here." You hold up your phone and open your notes app so you can get an idea of what to look for.
"well, anything made from the heart's gonna appeal to him right off the bat. but if you wanna go for something he'll really like.. he loves sugar cookies. like the kind with icing, he eats those up when i get 'em." He smiles, thinking back to a memory. You nod, saving "sugar cookies" to your phone. If you're gonna bake, then it's gotta be something he'd love! That's one way to win him over.
"Sugar cookies it is! Any specific kind of frosting flavor?"
There's a pause. You wait patiently, but when Sans' reply never comes, you look up at his face. His eyes have gone blank, almost like he'd shut down.
"Sans? Are you alright?"
"just..hang on, i..i know it's in there. i know i can remember that, i know i can." He speaks softly, and you frown, stopping in place and stopping him as well.
"Hey. Don't worry if you can't remember. I'll figure something out, don't strain yourself. It's okay, Sans." You reach your hands up, placing them on his shoulders with a reassuring smile. His eyelight slowly reforms in his eye, warbling a bit before returning to its usual large shape.
"..okay. thanks."
You nod, leading the big skeleton along until you finally reach your destination: the grocery store. A nostalgic song plays as you both hear the doors slide open, granting you both access. Thankfully not too many people are inside at the moment, which gives you more room to look and gives Sans a bit more peace.
Seeing as you probably won't need a bunch of ingredients, you settle for a basket and begin walking to look for the baking section. Sans simply walks right beside you, ignoring any stares from other people inside.
"Okay, sugar cookies..I need a box with a mix..I'm not getting the frozen ones, I just wanna make these myself. I could get some red icing maybe, like strawberry? Or cherry? Is there cherry icing? I'm sure there is." You mutter to yourself as you walk, unaware of Sans' fond smile as he watches you talk, making sure to pay attention in case you ask him something out of the blue.
"I could make cute little patterns on them- ooor I could just cover them..I dunno, we'll see how I feel when the baking starts." You smile, reaching your hand up to try and grab a box of the mix you need, but frown when you can't reach it. Gonna need a step stool..
Sans leans a little over you from behind, putting a hand on your shoulder and reaching up to grab the box for you. You smile up at him, thanking him promptly as he shrugs it off. You should ask him to shop with you more often, it'd definitely be easier than climbing the shelves. You used to do that when you were younger, and had gotten caught a few times..well, you won't get caught again!
You look through some different cookie cutters, debating cutting the cookies into shapes, and if so, what shapes in particular to use. Your peace is interrupted when you hear quiet whispering a good distance away, furrowing your brows when you overhear what some people are saying.
Sans tries to pretend not to notice, but you can tell it's really starting to bother him..
You hold out your arm. He looks at you with confusion, raising a browbone.
"Take my arm in yours." You whisper, earning even more confusion. "C'mon, just do it!"
He holds out his arm slightly, and you take that as a cue to wrap yours around it, walking with him down another aisle. When you walk beside the few whispering, you glare daggers at them before looking over some different cookie cutters that are much more to your liking, wondering why they hadn't put them where you were. Poor organization..
Sans keeps his skull turned away, a mix of a blue and red flush covering his cheekbones as he avoids looking at your face. You don't seem to notice, which he's admittedly a bit thankful for.
"Okay! I think that's all that I-"
You hear your name being called, stopping mid sentence. Your eyes quickly dart over to the source, spotting him..
Your Ex.
Your grip tightens on Sans' arm. He snaps back to reality, looking between you and them before realizing. You glare at him as he approaches.
"So. One day you just ditch me out of the blue and now you're hanging out with monster trash. Man, I didn't think you'd stoop that low."
"Shut up. Nobody cares what you have to say. You're the only one who's trash here. Just leave me alone, and get out of my life."
"Woah, easy." He holds up his hands in mock defense. "Got me shaking in my boots, babe! So scary.."
"Yeah, still scared after we spooked the shit out of you in the haunted house?" You tilt your head, a sly smile on your face. His face darkens, and his brows furrow.
"Whatever- Look, you-"
"I just want you to leave me alone. The only reason you finally want to spend time with me now is because I'm gone. You had your chance with me, and now I'm spending my time with way better people. We are through, we will always be through, so leave me be."
"You really think a monster is better than me? You're kidding yourself! Just.. look at him. He's probably an actual axe murdere-"
You move before you can think, punching him square in the nose and watching him stumble. It isn't until you see his blood on your hand and his widened eyes that you realize what you just did, quickly ushering Sans away and pulling him to the checkout section. You have what you need, time to get out of here.
It's quiet as you pay, before you both leave the store. Sans tugs a little on your hand, so you stop, facing him as you calm your breathing down.
"..you okay?" He sounds a little worried.
"Yeah. I'm..I'm alright, now. Are.. you okay?"
"you just punched a guy for me." He states, a smile creeping onto his face.
"Well, yeah. I hate him and he was being a jerk, of course I did. Nobody messes with the people I care about." You grab some napkins from the bag, wiping away your ex's blood as you both make your way across the street.
Sans bumps your hand with his, so you unclench your fingers, allowing him to hold it. ..He's..never done that before. That's new.
Heat rises to your face, and you pray to anyone above that it doesn't show. That's all you need right now.
You enter your home, turning on the lights. "Just go wherever, my house is your house and all that jazz. I'm gonna wear something for baking." You smile, walking to your room. He gives you a thumbs up before you go, sitting down on your couch and covering his face with his hands.
Stars, feelings are complicated. You just made his soul do a somersault twice in a row without even meaning to. It's not fair, why does he have to feel so- conflicted?! He moves his hands down, groaning before taking a deep breath as you walk back in.
"Okay. You wanna bake with me?" You smile innocently, completely unaware of the rollercoaster looping around in his skull. He nods, walking into the kitchen after you, simply watching as you grab an apron and set the oven up for baking.
Several seconds of ingredient hunting later, you set everything out on the counter and get to work. Crack the eggs, add some butter, throw in some oil.. mix. You move around like a robot, earning an amused chuckle from the skeleton as he sits on the same counter to watch you, sending some ingredients over when you need them using magic.
Once you have the cookie dough mixed up properly, you smack his hand away once with a spatula to make sure he doesn't try and snatch any up. Your focus then shifts to the icing, making a bit of a mess as you stir. A bit of it lands on your face that you don't seem to notice, but a certain someone with you does.
"hey, c'mere." He slides off the counter with ease, making you stop in your tracks. He holds his hand up to your cheek, resting his thumb over a small bit of icing. He pauses for a moment, the two of you staring into each other's eyes. Heat rushes to both of your faces, his cheekbones erupting in a blue and red mixed blush as he raises his thumb to his mouth, allowing his mixed tongue to lick away the icing in question.
Oh. Oh man.
You avert your eyes when he does, focusing back on the icing. That's new. A lot of things are new today.
The tension eventually fades out once the cookies have been brought out, now cut into lovely different shapes Sans is sure Papyrus will love. He shares a few stories he can remember from the past, you happily listening along and sometimes replying with witty comebacks to his jokes.
Time flies, and finally the cookies are finished, ready to eat! You almost feel kinda bad that these'll be gone soon..but it'll be worth it if he likes them! You hang up your apron, grinning slyly when you turn back to Sans. He raises a browbone in your direction, when you place a small bit of icing on his nose. He laughs, a determined glint to his eye as he tries to get some of the leftover stuff on you, the two of you chasing each other around the kitchen before you erupt into laughter.
He looks up from the floor at you, and his breath hitches. You have a really nice smile..he should tell you that some time. Not yet, though. No..it's too soon for that.
You grin, licking any leftover icing on you and walking to your room to change into the clothes you'd set out previously for when you go with Sans back to his house. Alright, first impressions are everything! Gotta look nice for the occasion.
Sans stares at the ceiling for a little bit while he waits for you, trying to remember some obscure TV show he watched once as a child with his brother he just can't seem to put a name on. You eventually walk back into the room, determined and ready to go. You walk into the kitchen and grab the lovely bowl of cookies you baked, holding it under your arm.
"So, shall we walk?" You smile as he walks up to you, but then raise a brow in confusion when he shakes his head. Maybe he'd prefer driving? You didn't see a car outside, though..
"i know a faster way to get there, if you're okay with it."
"Sure. What is it?"
"hold my arm for a sec. you might feel kinda dizzy for a little bit." He offers his arm to you, and you accept it quickly.
"OkaaAAAY-" You panic when the ground disappears from beneath your feet, holding onto him tightly and squeezing your eyes shut. It is only when you're back on the ground that you open them, glancing around. ..You appear to be in someone's driveway, someone who owns a very lovely home.
"aaaand we're here. tada." He grins, letting you regain your balance. How did he do that? When did he learn he could do that? Why did he not tell you he could do that befo- that's how he got to your house so fast. Of course. A "shortcut".
"You're really amazing, Sans." You smile up at him, chuckling a little to yourself when he looks away. He leads you up the porch steps to the front door, knocking in a rhythmic pattern and waiting for a moment before it swings abruptly open.
"AH! Brother, There You Are!" The much-taller-than-you'd-expected skeleton exclaims, pushing up his glasses a bit so he can see better. "And You've Brought The Human Along With You! Excellent! I've Just Gotten Started On Tonight's Dinner. Do Come Inside! It's Certainly Much Warmer Than It Is Out There. Sans, You Both Didn't Walk, Did You? It's Easy For Humans To Get Colds!"
You both smile at his rambling as Sans reassures him that he used a shortcut to get here. He's a total contrast to his brother, a ball of energy to counter his brother's overall tired and "lazy" demeanor.
Papyrus gestures for you to walk in, you both promptly remove your shoes at the door when you see that there are a few pairs of boots there already. You can assume literally all of them belong to Papyrus, because Sans is usually either wearing slippers or sneakers.
"Ah! Where Are My Manners." He clasps his gloved hands together, grinning down at you. "I Am The Great Papyrus! I'm Certain My Brother Has Told You About Me Already." He grins, his braces shining when the light of the ceiling fan above him hits them.
You smile, moving one of your arms to hold it out to shake his hand, watching him eagerly grab it. "It's nice to meet you in person, Papyrus." You tell him your name, and he makes sure to remember it for next time.
"Sans told me you were really looking forward to making dinner tonight, sooo I thought I'd bake some cookies! We can have them after dinner's over with, and you guys can keep them for a while until you run out. And if you like them, well..I'd be more than happy to make some more."
Papyrus gasps, putting a hand where his heart would be, as if he'd been struck right through it. "Oh, That's So Kind Of You! And Fitting For The Occasion! You Can Place Them On The Counter For Now, There Should Be An Open Space."
You do as instructed, admiring all the lovely little details in the home. They certainly tell you plenty about the two, and the things they like.. There's a ton of pretty patterns in the wood in some parts of the kitchen, presumably crafted by Paps himself. There are some red gingham curtains gently blowing with the breeze from outside before he closes the windows, and you briefly catch a glance of a clothesline with drying clothes. Huh, Papyrus must be into cosplay. That's cool!
Sans spooks you, giving you a pat on the shoulder as he walks up to his room. Ooh..this gives you an opportunity to see it..you would hate to pry, though. Maybe another time you can. You'll definitely be visiting later.
Deciding not to pester him, you focus your attention on Papyrus, who's happily humming a tune you don't recognize and cooking up something that makes your mouth water.
"So," His voice catches you off guard, making you jolt. "How'd It Happen?"
"How'd..what happen, exactly?" You smile, leaning a bit on the counter to watch him work.
"How'd You Meet, And How'd You Convince My Brother To Think So Fondly Of You?"
"We met at a- wait, he thinks fondly of me?"
"Well, Of Course He Does! Don't Tell Me You're As Blind As I Am Without Glasses." He lets out a nyeh-heh, stirring something. "He Talks About You Quite Often!"
"He does?.." Your voice is soft when you ask, heat creeping back up to your cheeks before you shake your head to try and make it go away.
"Indeed! Now, I'll Repeat The Other Part..How'd You Meet? I'm Very Curious About That."
"Well, it all started when me and my..well, he's my ex now-"
"Oh, Is This Drama? Now I've Certainly Got To Hear About This. I Love A Little Bit Of Gossip." He grins slyly, and you let out a laugh before going into detail about everything.
Papyrus is such a lovely person to talk to, even if you have to repeat what you say a few times because of his hearing problems. You can definitely understand why Sans thinks so highly of his brother.
Speaking of Sans, he finally joins you both downstairs after a while, having changed into an almost exact replica of the clothes he had been wearing before but much cleaner. Look at him, getting dressed up for the occasion..
Papyrus finishes making his masterpiece, and you all sit down at the table together. It's such a warm environment..Sans cracking jokes, Papyrus groaning but making a few of his own in return..the two sharing fond stories from the past..Papyrus talking about his work and what he loves to do..you could listen to him for hours. The food is immaculate, and you fight the urge to groan with delight at the taste.
When dinner is finished, you send your compliments to the chef, and the taste test for the cookies begins..you stare with anxious anticipation as he inspects a skull-shaped cookie, amused by your choice before biting into it. Silence fills the room before he grins in your direction, putting his hands on his hips.
"This Is Excellent! You Did Wonderfully! Stars, I May Run Out Of These Within The Week! GAH!" He puts his hands on his skull, you and Sans letting out a laugh at his expressions.
"Don't worry, Paps. I'll definitely make some more for you later."
"Wonderful! You Simply Must Show Me How You Make Them. They're Exquisite!"
"Maaybe..but good magicians never reveal their secrets, do they?" You smile slyly. He gasps in understanding, before placing his fist against his palm.
"Right. Fair Enough!"
You don't realize how fast time flies when you're having fun. You could spend eternity with these guys, without changing a thing. They're both so much fun to be around, and..it's really nice, being surrounded by such caring people.
Before you know it you're sitting on the couch, listening to Papyrus ramble about scandals in the monster celebrity world, promptly gasping when you hear something shocking. Sans simply watches the both of you with a lazy smile, chiming in from time to time before you all focus on whatever movie's playing on the TV.
One movie turns into several..
You feel your eyes slowly close as you lean against something big and warm, relaxing with a smile.
Sans freezes when he looks down at you, holding his hands in the air and unsure where to put them. Papyrus scoffs, motioning for him to put his arm around you. Sans looks at him with an expression that screams "are you crazy?!" before Papyrus shoots one back, rolling his eyes and waving him off before whispering a good night to him and heading upstairs. Fuck. What does he do? He couldn't just..could he?
His eyelight darts around until it rests on your sleeping form. He sighs for a moment, before abruptly shortcutting to your house and ensuring that the doors are locked, reappearing in the spot he had been sitting in before. You readjust your position, getting even closer this time.. His face flushes again as he lowers an arm over you, unable to look away. Oh jeez.. Ain't this complicated? Well..lots of things are, aren't they?
Hearing your soft breathing leaves him feeling calm..content. He's..alright with this. He'll embrace the moment for a little while, while it lasts. He focuses on the screen, until his eyes begin to close as well..maybe a nap wouldn't hurt.
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Made some art of determination!y/n and their outfit
Everything else is up to you including their gender since I try to leave them ambiguous. Normally they would have more jewellery like bracelets and necklaces but I was too lazy to draw them lol.Enjoy the memes I drew them in as well since it’s gonna be awhile for a new update on account of my classes and new workload.
Also fun facts!
1) i based y/n slightly off of sorbet shark cookie from cookie run outfit wise and on their little ship/raft
2)the general powers of y/n as mentioned in the first determination is based on Undertale
3) on Friday it’s my birthday 🎂
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chickenleafs-world · 1 year
The masculine urge to rant about how dating sims, despite being commonly made for wish fulfillment, have a culture of cisheteronormativity, amatanormativity, colorism, monosexism, and all kinds of other weird biases that don’t actually improve the wish fulfillment of some people but *do* hurt the wish fulfillment of others. I love Otome games and the like but also it gets on my nerves sometimes.
Like how most dating sims are aimed at straight people, with only on gender option and an assumed gender for the player. Or how even in games with multiple gender routes like Mystic Messenger, the queer routes are left ambiguous or friendships, despite the fact that most people choosing that route on a dating sim are probably aware it might be romantic. Games with “cookie cutter” protagonists or self inserts almost always using a white/pale/white passing default model for art. Most games using the “route” system, which forces monogamy in most cases. Games without the forced monogamy (like Obey Me) making the characters possessive and jealous with the expectation that the player chose one to be monogamous, or shame the player for choosing more than one option.
I could go on for days about the weird and unnecessary assumptions so many dating sim devs have, but we’d be here all day.
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annoyangle · 19 days
📑 - Knowing the names of Euclydia, Scalene and Euclid - all good stuff. Having Pretty Much Confirmation that Bill is bi/pan - good stuff. Alex was way ahead of a lot of stuff when it came to Bill dealing with like, 'gender' ('my dimension has 13 million genders, the paperwork is too confusing') and it has provided a lot of liberation to write a character that doesn't confirm to any human binaries of any type!
😒 - I try not to outright ignore much of anything; I'd rather adapt around the bits of canon I don't like, but I gotta say I'm so over the whole Theraprism aspect. Not to get all 'I know better than the author' here because that's not what I'm saying.
However, I don't think the Theraprism stuff is well thought out, either in its existing presentation or on its long-term effects for the verse. It feels like a tacked on ending. And it has the feel to me, as a reader, of the authors saying 'I need to punish this anarchic character for being anarchic because this book dips a toe into encouraging anarchism and that's bad'. It's like you have to be punished for eating your cookies first before dinner, the way the book luxuriates in its chaotic, antisocial vibes and then screeches to a crashing halt in the final few pages. The meanspirited, ableist vibes and outdated 'therapy' tropes presented in the Theraprism sequence may do more harm than good for some influenceable readers. Finally, the whole thing just feels counter to what I've perceived as a central theme of Gravity Falls, which has up to now pushed for understanding, redemption, and forgiveness for ALL its characters, including morally ambiguous folks like Stan and Ford. ⌨ - Well, I'm trying to do that very thing now, getting Bill into a redemption arc! He hates them, I don't! Just as the Muppets/Sesame Street knew there was a rightful place WITHIN society for the grouch, the weirdo, the anarchist, and the questioner, I think Gravity Falls should have a place for Bill as a performer of these functions as well. Expelling the grouches and weirdos from society doesn't actually make society better, righter, more just, or more complete. It doesn't mean he deserves ALL the spotlight, but he DOES deserve a place.
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sadtonight · 2 years
"Turn the lights on please!"
Summary: On a sleepover, you confess that you have a fear of darkness and much prefer some source of light being lit up. Now, boys have to decide how to handle this delicate issue;
Characters: first year students;
Warnings: mild mentions of monsters, swearing, reader is gender neutral, ambiguous relationship (possible crush behaviour?? Or not idk decide for yourself);
Side notes: OMG I HOPE I WROTE EVERYTHING OKAY, COUNTRY ENGLISH AND FRENCH ARE STRANGLING ME. Ahem. Wanna thank my Deuce simp bestie for Deuce part bc i had no ideas for him (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
— this orange bastard has the audacity to laugh straight at your face. Don't forget about tactless, blant remarks directed towards your "kiddy" fear;
— in spite of his mockery, Ace didn't taunt you because he dreamt of getting hit in the face by your pillow, but because he thought that there was nothing to be scared of while you're here;
—like, no spooky monsters and dangerous beasts will ever set their foot into Heartslabyul past bedtime. Obviously no poor creature will be in one piece after they encounter Riddle, who occasionally checks to see who dares to disobey the curfew rules;
— first year tricks you into playing card games including his dark blue haired roommate who was diligently studying prior to ginger's interference. Deuce stayed for a handful of rounds until he had enough of loosing all the time and went to bed early (Ace helped you cheat) until you lost a bet which was to sneak in the kitchen and steal some food for him;
— next thing you know you are forced out of the room with a flashlight in hands, Ace grinning from ear to ear. You had to sneakily rummage through the fridge looking for something that won't be missed by it's owner, tearing your eyes away from the task just in case of any potential "red threat";
— you avoided casting any glances into the darkness, feeling sicker by the seconds until you felt a hand on your shoulder, nearly making you screech in horror. The hand belonged to Cater, who instead of telling on you spared you on behalf of Ace helping him with something before. You sighed in relief and thanked green eyed male, swiftly retreating with a few leftover cupcakes, donuts and cookies all baked by Heartslabyul vice dorm leader;
— first year light-heartedly complained about you being slowpoke before taking a strawberry jammed donut and eating it in one go. You were about to take a small sugar cookie but Ace mildly slapped your hand away, insisting that he should feed you as you looked "dead tired", which you really were so you allowed him to feed you, ignoring boy's cheeky expression;
— you felt so worn out after food break that you managed to pass out right after your head hit the pillow, oblivious to how pleased ginger was with himself as he watched your chest rise up and down in a peaceful slumber.
— o-oh, you are afraid of the dark...? To be honest, when Deuce was young he had also considered darkness eerie, however he toughed it out and stopped paying any mind to it, even going as far as to having regular late night rides on the blastcycle as he grew up;
— he didn't know how to help with your fears but you assured him that's everything is under control by pulling out small star shaped night light and went up to the nearest socket, pushing the lamp into the wall;
—....however it didn't light up, making you feel cold sweat creep up your back when suddenly you heard blue haired boy behind you exclaim as if he had an idea in mind. And he indeed had: he could fix your night light in about half an hour minimum, and in the meantime you could help a little, at least emotionally!
— you naturally agreed, taking place on the fluffy carpet while Deuce fished out all necessary tools and joined you, getting comfortable on the floor as he had some work to do;
— blue eyed boy started to tell you about all strange things that he had ever repaired, from big and complex machines like blastcycles, up to tiny ones like tamagochi. Not to say he's able to solve all possible issues but hey, he could at least give it a try;
— thirty minutes have passed and Deuce was finished with fixing. He got up and eagerly plushed night light into the socket, expecting to see light, but instead saw lots of sparks until everything went dark and completely quite;
— now it was his turn to cold sweat form on his forehead as he heard lots of disgruntled voices coming from the other rooms. The voice that snapped him out of the trance was from Ace, who was having the time of his life, saying how "impressed" must you be by his excellent skills;
— Deuce promptly shut him up before returning to you and practically begging for you to come with him and fix the electricity problem. Naturally you were scared, but you couldn't just turn poor boy down...;
— fortunately for the first year, no major damage was done so the lights quickly reappeared and Deuce thanked the Seven, grateful that he didn't put a heartshaped collar on you alongside him because of his faults.
—Jack couldn't really grasp why would you be scared of something so trivial. You have nothing to worry about, no one dares to enter wolf's territory and even if they do, they won't get victory that easily. Hey, don't get the wrong idea, it doesn't mean that he will protect you, you'll have to look out for yourself alone!
— leaving a light source for the whole night is out of questions because he won't be able to get enough rest that way, which will negatively affect his performance in classes. But now Jack can't just leave you shivering in fear without while he sleeps like a log. What kind of asshole does that? Definitely not him!
— so it's settles: you will go out and do some exercises that are so intense they will make you drop dead asleep! Sorry, ain't no choice for you, beastman will tone it down if you have health issues but you are still running tiny, slow laps around the dorm;
— the plan was as following: you jog around and he chases you, acting like a monster from darkness. That way you will be more willing to put all your effort into running. Jack even turned into his wolf form, assuming that it would help with immersion;
— obviously it didn't help at all and it only distracted you from his original intend as you cooed and beamed at him, patting his head and telling him how you wouldn't run away from the wolf but stay and scratch behind his ears;
— Jack was terribly pissed and flustered with you at the same time, nudging your hands away with his paws and making protest sounds as if telling you to cut it out and get serious;
— after a patting session was over you finally complied and started to run in unison with him, not noticing that you have already run a lot of laps. At least you weren't fazed by darkness as much as before jogging session;
— when you finally were done with running, you and Jack went back to take showers and get some shut-eye. You had no energy left to keep moving, so as you were making your way into the room you leaned into nearest wall only to smack into Jack's body, startling drowsy beastman awake, stirring him up yet again.
— hmm really? Epel wasn't afraid of darkness, he lived in a village all his life thus the boy was more scared of strange sounds at night when he was like, three years old, but his grandma would always calm him down explaing that it's just wind and wild animals;
— as a Pomefiore dweller, simply one thing came to fair boy's head, it being to brew a potion that " 'ill put ya right to snooze";
— the two of you headed to dorm leader's room to request using dorm's laboratory, to which Vil immediately refused. However after explaining the situation, he agreed on the premise that Epel will be the one who deals with negative outcome just in case. First year agreed in a heartbeat and you two went to get lab coats;
— after getting his lab coat and borrowing another one for you from rather spirited Rook, Epel got to work on the safest sleeping potion, going for something that will also give you sweet dreams;
— the time it would take for potion to cool down was too long, prompting Epel to suggest going around dark corners of the Pomefiore and proving to you that there is nothing to be scared of. Initially you wanted to stay in a well lit room, but lavender haired promised to be there for you;
— both of you softly walked down the halls, entering each empty room, you listening to Epel's stories about his childhood in Harveston;
— the atmosphere was light and calm, until there was a sound of something falling down behind you, making you and first year to jump a little from sudden disturbance;
— petit boy immediately run infront of you, pulling his magic pen from coat's pocket and aiming it at the source of the sound. Epel shouted into the darkness, asking who it was, only to receive silence;
— then you heard "Parfait!" and "Très bien!", making lavender haired boy to lower his pen with a sigh. The hunter was there to inform you that the potion was done and ready to be consumed;
— when you at last have drunk the potion and let the sleep overtake you, Epel hoped you would see him in your dreams, as a brave, tall and mighty knight.
— what? How foolish, there is nothing to be frightened of, why would anyone even dare to approach the residence of master Malleus, especially in the dead of night when master Lilia is the most active??
— with help of self discipline and the remainder of the presence of a splendid portrait of dragon fae prince on the wall in his room, Sebek stopped paying any mind to whims of his imagination regarding dark;
— you, unsurprisingly, could not train such heights of tolerance to darkness meaning that some source of light was the only option left. Half fae with great reluctance admitted that he did not possess any knowledge of spells that might aid your situation;
— mid way through lamenting about his inability to serve his master properly, Sebek suddenly went quite, muttering something under his breath. He strided to the black wardrobe and started to change back into his dorn uniform, instructing you to do the same as he was planning to request Malleus to teach him a spell that could summon fireflies since it was still not too late for a visit;
— while making your way to Diasomnia dorm leader's room, Sebek gave you a thorough behavior code on what to do and say in presence of the fae royalty. When you arrived, he audibly knocked on the door, awaiting response on the other side only to be met with deafening silence;
— this instantly made Sebek spring into action: he invited himself in, calling out to his master and halting when he realised that the occupier was absent, which knight in training found odd;
— your hand was unceremoniously pulled by Sebek who rushed out into the halls, already up for a meticulous search for his master to ensure later's safely;
—you two had a full trip throughout the Diasomnia dorm, making sure not to miss a single corner until Sebek barged into Lilia's shared room and asked fae bat for the help. Mischievous fae danced around the topic before finally hinting that the prince could be enjoying cool, fresh air on the balcony;
— at last you and Sebek spoted Malleus surrounded by dozens of green fireflies. Intimidating male listened carefully to first year request and agreed to teach him a spell or two tomorrow. For now, he gave you a couple of fireflies and wished both of you to have a peaceful night;
— while watching green lights drift in the air in his room, Sebek made a promise that he would become a capable mage and knight with whom you, his master and his family shall never be afraid of darkness nor any danger.
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scoopflash · 2 months
The Enigma of Jaden Smith: Is He Really Gay?
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Jaden Smith, the son of Hollywood royalty Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, has always been a figure shrouded in mystery and intrigue. From his eclectic fashion sense to his philosophical musings on social media, Jaden has never shied away from challenging societal norms. One of the most talked-about aspects of his public persona is his sexuality. Is Jaden Smith gay? This question has sparked countless debates, rumors, and headlines over the years. 
Who Is Jaden Smith?
Before we dive into the heart of the matter, let's take a moment to understand who Jaden Smith really is. Born on July 8, 1998, Jaden is not just the son of two mega-celebrities. He's an actor, rapper, fashion icon, and a free spirit who defies categorization. Known for his roles in films like "The Pursuit of Happyness" and "After Earth," Jaden has also made a name for himself in the music industry with hits like "Icon."
The Early Life of Jaden Smith
Growing up in the spotlight, Jaden's childhood was anything but conventional. Homeschooled alongside his sister Willow, Jaden was exposed to a blend of education, creativity, and the pressures of fame from an early age. His parents, Will and Jada, ensured he had a grounded upbringing despite their glamorous lifestyle. This unique upbringing laid the foundation for Jaden's nonconformist approach to life.
Jaden Smith's Career
Jaden's career began with a bang when he starred alongside his father in "The Pursuit of Happyness." His natural acting skills were evident, and he quickly became a sought-after child actor. As he grew older, Jaden ventured into music, releasing albums that showcased his unique style and lyrical prowess. His career is a testament to his versatility and ambition.
Jaden Smith's Public Image
From the outset, Jaden's public image has been one of individuality and nonconformity. Whether it's his eclectic fashion choices or his philosophical musings on social media, Jaden stands out in a world of cookie-cutter celebrities. His willingness to challenge societal norms has endeared him to many and made him a polarizing figure to others.
The Role of Social Media
Social media has played a significant role in shaping Jaden's public persona. Platforms like Twitter and Instagram offer him a direct line to his fans, allowing him to share his thoughts, music, and life updates unfiltered. Jaden uses social media not just for self-promotion, but also as a space to express his views on various social issues, including sexuality and gender identity.
Jaden Smith's Statements on Sexuality
Over the years, Jaden has made several statements about his sexuality that have sparked discussions and headlines. He's known for his candidness and often uses his platform to challenge conventional views on sexuality. Jaden's approach to his identity is fluid, and he refuses to be boxed into any one label.
The 2018 Camp Flog Gnaw Carnival Incident
One of the most talked-about moments in Jaden's exploration of his sexuality occurred at the 2018 Camp Flog Gnaw Carnival. During his performance, Jaden announced that Tyler, The Creator, a fellow musician and friend, was his boyfriend. This declaration sent the internet into a frenzy, with fans and media outlets speculating on its authenticity.
Jaden's Relationship with Tyler, The Creator
The nature of Jaden's relationship with Tyler, The Creator remains a topic of interest. While some believe it was a genuine expression of their bond, others think it was a playful stunt. Regardless, their close friendship and collaborative efforts in music highlight a deep mutual respect and affection.
Public Reaction
Public reaction to Jaden's statements about his sexuality has been mixed. While many fans support his openness and bravery, others criticize him for what they perceive as ambiguity or attention-seeking. However, Jaden remains unfazed, continuing to live his truth and inspire others to do the same.
The Impact on LGBTQ+ Community
Jaden's openness about his sexuality has had a significant impact on the LGBTQ+ community. By challenging stereotypes and promoting acceptance, he has become a role model for young people struggling with their own identities. His visibility and influence help normalize conversations about sexuality and gender, fostering a more inclusive society.
Jaden Smith's Fashion and Gender Expression
Beyond his statements on sexuality, Jaden's fashion choices also challenge traditional gender norms. He frequently dons gender-fluid clothing, including skirts and dresses, and has modeled for brands like Louis Vuitton in their womenswear campaigns. His fashion sense is a bold statement against rigid gender binaries.
The Importance of Celebrity Influence on LGBTQ+ Acceptance
Celebrities like Jaden Smith play a crucial role in advancing LGBTQ+ acceptance. Their visibility and platforms allow them to reach a wide audience, breaking down barriers and challenging prejudices. Jaden's fearless approach to his identity encourages others to embrace their true selves, regardless of societal expectations.
Jaden Smith's journey through fame, sexuality, and self-expression is a testament to his courage and individuality. By refusing to conform to societal norms, he not only paves the way for greater acceptance but also inspires countless individuals to live authentically. In a world where conformity is often the norm, Jaden's story is a refreshing reminder of the power of authenticity.
Is Jaden Smith gay?
Jaden Smith has made statements about his sexuality that suggest he embraces a fluid identity, but he has not labeled himself strictly as gay.
What was the significance of Jaden Smith's announcement at Camp Flog Gnaw?
Jaden's announcement about Tyler, The Creator being his boyfriend at Camp Flog Gnaw sparked widespread discussion about his sexuality and highlighted his boldness in challenging norms.
How has Jaden Smith influenced LGBTQ+ acceptance?
Jaden Smith's openness about his sexuality and gender expression has had a positive impact on LGBTQ+ acceptance by promoting visibility and challenging stereotypes.
What are some notable aspects of Jaden Smith's fashion style?
Jaden is known for his gender-fluid fashion choices, including wearing skirts and dresses, and has modeled for high-profile brands in womenswear campaigns.
How do Jaden Smith's actions contribute to breaking gender norms?
By openly challenging gender norms through his fashion and public statements, Jaden Smith encourages others to embrace their true identities and defy societal expectations.
Jaden Smith continues to be a fascinating figure, always pushing the boundaries and inspiring many. Whether or not he's gay, one thing is clear: Jaden is unapologetically himself, and that's something to be celebrated.
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nectarage · 11 months
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mimsy "mims" chowdhury picked up their key from the front desk 10 years ago! the thirty-two year old uses [she/her] pronouns and is a teaching assistant at universidad de bellas artes de valparaíso from london, united kingdom. according to their apartment application, people have told them they look a lot like mishti rahman, and the character they identify with most is camille preaker from sharp objects. santa moneda gives you a warm welcome, and we hope you enjoy your stay.
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hello, hello everyone! (^..^)ノ   i'm soul ( she/her, 21, est ) and this is my very unhinged girl, miss mimsy! the header credit goes to thatporcelain. i'm a bit of a newbie to this side of tumblr, so please be gentle on me if i mess up or you see me post the same shit over and over again.
trigger warnings: familial death and mental health issues.
playlist. pinterest board. wanted connections.
ೀ basics .
full name: mimsy "mims" chowdhury. birthdate: february 21st, 1991. ( thirty-two ) zodiac: pisces sun, scorpio moon, libra rising. gender: cis woman. ( she/her/hers ) residence: one bedroom apartment with her pet bunny affectionately named momo after her favorite snack growing up. orientation: demiromantic/sexual. class: enrolled as a phd student at universidad de bellas artes de valparaíso, concentrating in physics, minoring in mathematics. currently a full time teaching assistant to the mathematics' department's head. also helps out with the debate team. neurological: lacks any sense of social propriety, which exacerbates her cognitive dissonance and emotional dysregulation. probably depressed, but she'll blame it on her burgeoning quarter-life crisis and go about her business like usual. will put herself in risky situations occasionally. tropes: ambiguous innocence, bratty half-print, broken ace, and uncanny valley girl.
tdlr: think… sikowitz from victorious if he slayed. beast mode, but make it girlboss. very much the cooky, zany, what-have-you scientist! a woman in stem! ( scheming, theorizing, eavesdropping, making plans )
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ೀ dig deeper .
positives: lion-hearted, observant, humorous, and thoughtful. very neurotic and high-strung. ( in a productive way, of course ) negatives: mendacious and reticent by fault. unreadable at times.
likes: exotic fruits, candid pictures, vanilla lattes, neon genesis evangelion, woodland animals, painting her nails, the smell of fresh laundry, arguing with a smile, fashion houses like sandy liang + blumarine + tong/shushu, sonny angels, reddit ( sigh ), game theory, people that live underneath her skin, and her pet bunny. dislikes: corny jokes + people, loud noises, being out in the heat too long, distant people ( even though she is ), fingernail tapping, and breaking down to taylor swift songs.
style: hyper-feminine, fond of flowy silhouettes, ruffles, and ribbons. never seen in pants, even during the colder months. already bought every piece from kimchi blue's urban outfitters line. prefers muted colors. cannot walk in high-heels whatsoever, so you'll always find her in her mary-janes. never seen without gold jewelry! will do her eyeliner no matter what, feels naked without it. known for putting bows in her hair and her side bang which is oddly shaped like a radical sign.
family: born and raised in london to an overly protective public safety worker, his estranged wife, and their first daughter who would soon pass after the couple's divorce. mimsy grew up in a tumultuous household, learning the art of people pleasing and inherently soaking up other people's grief as she did when her older sister passed away. she felt as if she had to out-preform in every aspect of her life after, haphazardly throwing away anything that couldn't aid to the betterment of her studies and professional life. since individuality was not appreciated nor encouraged in her upbringing, she struggles with her ever-shifting personality and by extension, letting others understand and know her. she thinks she misses her sister more than she remembers her. hobbies: collecting lip-glosses, jump-scaring her friends, grading papers, origami, and watching obscure movies.
personality: mimsy is very definition of female hysteria. clever and unconventional, priding herself in the personality she dug out of the semblance of a person she used to be back home. her mannerisms display her quirky character, often having a cheeky little grin across her face regardless of the occasion. silver-tongued and witty, plans her words carefully and meticulously, never at a loss for words. she likes to banter and will often take playful quips at others for the sake of stirring a reaction and can be rather sadistic about it. she is incredibly perceptive and observant. she picks up on things that no one else does, and can figure people and their feelings out flawlessly. she likes to think of herself as invincible, but she can be hilariously caught lacking if you look close enough. has a karmic pull to her, often acting as a beacon to others to express thoughts that they would otherwise keep to themselves. embraces the macabre despite her cutesy disposition and is honestly pathetically intense underneath all of her jokes.
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ೀ tidbits .
one unfortunate event away from turning into the joker.
moved to valparaíso, chile about ten years ago to complete her undergrad years far away from home, wanting to throw herself into being self-efficient and capable compared to how shackled she felt in her previous home life.
struggles a lot with her individuality as a person and how much of her life is really her own.
very fond about the ideology behind fate and the progression / patterns of time, mainly why she's so interested in game theory. surprisingly very devout despite not having a particular religion she believes in.
personification of the nerd with glasses and finger emoji combination, unironically goes "actually…"
that one friend who’s chill as fuck but is harboring a deep indescribable sadness!
into pretentious indie music. :eyeroll:
honestly... her pinterest says it all + i will be adding to this as i go on!
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ೀ wanted connections .
i have a few outlined plots as a pop-up on my theme, but here are some more ideas i would love to have for mimsy:
she's currently kicking her feet, giggling to herself because she's been planting little baby figurines all over the apartment building and your muse decides enough is ENOUGH!
i would love her to meet her match when it comes to intellect ( particularly in board games ) and have them always stump the other + always find themselves at standstills, completely frustrated knowing they're only two steps away each to another stand-off.
mimsy is constantly losing her shit and has to continuously label her belongings with her initials, so maybe your muse is hellbent on finding out who the hell "m.c" is?
"the reading comprehension in valparaíso is piss poor..." "who said we piss on the floor!?"
nonsensical banter threads are always wanted by me! i've been out of the tumblr game for a while; i much prefer getting to know other muses and forming connections based off conversations, so please don't hesitate when it comes to plotting!
always looking for your quintessential frenemies, fwbs, casual package thievery, unfriendly neighbors, severe angst with a sprinkle of unseriousness, whatever your little heart desires!
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
⭑ It was Morgana’s idea- 
⭑ She was desperate for some company, and although you had spent all day with her, she wanted you to stay overnight. 
    “I don’t think I’ll be allowed?” You replied, looking at Morgana at the castle steps. 
⭑ She kinda ... made you though. And you said Gwen had to come as well. 
    “Gwen? Of course! That’s a wonderful idea!” 
⭑ And this is before she’s overcome with vengeance. 
⭑ So she’s the light-hearted, humorous, well-intentioned Morgana. 
⭑ And Gwen is still a bit unsure of herself, especially a sleepover with the Princess! 
⭑ But you tell her that she doesn’t have any duties, and it’s simply some fun
⭑ And so she agreed!
⭑ Morgana hadn’t had a sleepover before, so she didn’t know what the expectations were
⭑ ... your face when you walked into her chamber ... oh god
⭑ She had sent the cooks to make as many sweets, pastries, cakes, cookies, slices, pies as they could 
⭑ There was a whole table of food
⭑ And she had requested bedding for both you and Gwen
⭑ “Morgana, this is ...”
⭑ Gwen actually bluSHED. She wasn’t used to so much ... elegance. And money? 
⭑ “What? Have I done something wrong? Is it not enough?” 
⭑ Within moments Morgana was in a flurry, her dress fluttering behind her as she went to call for more food 
⭑ “Morgana, no! This is ... amazing-”
⭑ You lit all the candles, making the room warm and cosy
⭑ While Gwen was lying on her stomach on Morgana’s bed
⭑ “So you have no feelings, for any of Arthur’s knights?” Gwen mused, her mouth partially full of cake
⭑ “No, they’re all so ... quiet. I want someone who can make me laugh-”
        “Morgana,” you replied, blowing out the flame on the end of the stick, “they’re intimidated by you.” 
⭑ The dark-haired Princess rolled her eyes 
⭑  “And what about you, y/n, who do you fancy?”
⭑ You shrugged, staring out of the window and into the starry night sky
⭑ The rest of the night was an ongoing of giggles and taunts 
⭑ Secrets were shared, you found out that Gwen hates cucumbers and has a soft spot for someone in the royal family
⭑ At one point, you had pushed the beds together and lay across them. But when you awoke, all three of you were snuggled against the other. 
⭑ It was an amazing sleepover. One that you and Gwen would cherish forever.
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sanjismuskyarmpits · 2 years
Aloe cookie
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Sexuality Headcanon: that’s a Noncommital Shrug from me dog
Gender Headcanon: gorl. she’s a butch gentlewoman of some variety or another.
A ship I have with said character: nothing tops whatever trixic bride of frankenstein homoerotic besties-turned-sour thing aloecy has going for it i’d say. they’re a good mix of really sweet and sort of fucked up and i’d love to see more interactions between them in the future :]
A BROTP I have with said character: hero. gentle-yet-morally ambiguous scientist 8 naïve college kid genius. kind of mentor/student relationship where “i want to be just like you :)” is reciprocated with a firm clasp of the shoulders and mildly panicked No You Don’t. Holy Shit.
A NOTP I have with said character: i’m vaguely lukewarm on her with any of the stembro trio but that’s about it i think? wouldn’t really call it dislike though :v
A random headcanon:
aloe is polite and laid-back and possesses a calming presence akin to a beloved schoolteacher while also programming world domination bots and conducting questionable experiments in order to bring back her bestie from the dead and overall being kind of an antivillain all things considered. i think it takes a bit of time and a bit of prodding for her to become self-aware of all that though.
General Opinion over said character: i could say i certainly think about aloe a little too much but i think that’s pretty easily extrapolated from all this innit
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triple-mayday · 1 year
It’s Pride Month Y’all 🏳️‍🌈
So, our community took quite a beating this past year, especially gender nonconforming and trans people. Which means there are several things I want you folks, allies included, to accept and commit to.
One: We are back to Pride being a protest. Stay safe, attend community events in groups, be bold, be loud, be absolutely UNAPOLOGETICALLY QUEER. Be mentally ready for right wing cannibals to attack us. Log off social media if you need to.
Two: Don’t let yourself be intimidated. Safety is important, but if you can be extra then go for it. Buy that cheesy gay pin. Wrap yourself in the colors that represent you. Eat cotton candy and dick shaped lollipops. Smear glitter all over your face. Attend a drag show. Flirt with that ambiguously gendered, beautiful stranger across the bar you’ve been staring at for the past thirty minutes. Be happy, meet friends, make love, this is your time.
Three: Bigots are a minority. A dangerous, genocidal, loud, scared, quickly diminishing minority. GOP’s culture war bullshit is not even popular among republicans, they are doomed. We will prevail no matter what. We will survive, we will live, and today we will be proud. Your life is precious. Your community wants to see you flourish. You are accepted by millions, and millions will stand up for you.
Four: People of color get the heaviest punch out of all of us. If you are white/white passing, go out of your damn way to be as welcoming and supportive as you can. Open your ears and listen. Open your heart and love. POC should never feel excluded from queer spaces. We are one community, we must stand up for our own. No tolerance for bullshit, no downplaying racism, no coddling “problematic” people, none of it. Housekeeping, folks. Clean up the space. Bigotry has no place in this community. That includes colorism, xenophobia, antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other flavors of hatred.
Five: Fuck TERFs. Trans people are human beings worthy of love, acceptance, and respect. Transgender, non-binary, intersex, nonconforming, and questioning people BELONG at Pride. We stand in union and we prevail. If you don’t understand these communities then ask THEM about their experiences (with respect and dignity). Do not slurp up diarrhea from some hate forum. Leave your house. Meet people. Be strong. They are not your enemy.
Six: NO INFIGHTING. None. Nada. I don’t care if you see a shitty take on bird app. Block. Move on. I don’t care if some teenager is awkwardly regurgitating a Frankenstein-esque perversion of progressive talking points. No. Not the time. Save it for the year we have all our human rights codified. This month, for the love of everything holy, clench your cheeks and DO. NOT. FIGHT. EACH. OTHER. No bullshit discourse, no oppression Olympics, no “kink at Pride bad”, fuck you, leather puppies do not bite, go eat a rainbow cookie and shut up. This year we are uplifting our community. Meet your elders. Support the kids. And whatever anger and vitriol you have, please, be a doll and throw it all at conservatives. If you need to terrorize someone, go to Matt Walsh’s Twitter and bully him for wanting to fuck underage girls and kill trans kids. Call your representatives and yell at them. If you want to rage, at least make it beneficial to democracy. Don’t target annoying dumbasses in your own community. Target people who are literally trying to murder you.
Stay safe.
Stay strong.
Stay true to yourself.
You are loved. You are wanted. You belong.
Happy Pride, everybody 🏳️‍🌈
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sammywolfgirl · 2 years
for the character headcanon thing, why not Stardust?
My boy!!!
Stardust Cookie
Sexuality Headcanon: AroAce, idk exactly where on the spectrum but definitely closer to the ‘no thank you’ part and ‘not really recognizing romantic signs’ spectrum
Gender Headcanon: I really haven’t though about this one and neither has he! But mask pronouns he likes. Maybe it was less a gender he was assigned and more pronouns he started using because they ‘felt right’ idk take that as you will
A ship I have with said character: none, unless stardust x therapy counts. I don’t really like him being shipped romantically honestly
A BROTP I have with said character: space doughnut is his BEST FRIEND they are BUDDIES they are going to eat SNACKS and have ADVENTURES!
A NOTP I have with said character: i just don’t like any ships with him but uh, I guess any where he’s shipped with an ambiguously aged character? Like sherbet or space doughnut. I don’t know about you but I see sherbet as a teen at best and space doughnut as a kid so yeah HARD NOPE FROM ME.
A random headcanon: he has the potential to become a full blown elemental legendary one day! But he’s more focused on figuring himself out first before even considering any training arcs. Also he makes bird noises sometimes
General Opinion over said character: my boy, my baby, my blorbo, my scrunkly scrimblo, I am squeezing him like a stress toy and sending him to therapy in a warm blanket.
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dragonfly0808 · 2 years
To be honest the only thing I can appreciate about fate is that they provided nuance and linear character development to Rivens character that doesn’t reset after a season without reason. I think they were really setting up the slow burn for future rivusa and I honestly thought they were the best part of the show. The only thing fate probably did better in addition to how anyone of all genders can be fairies or specialists was the nuance added to rivusas relationship and dynamic. The cartoon always made them the drama and reused plot points to pad runtime which is so infuriating. But I felt like fate kinda managed to keep their core dynamic (besides ultra petty arguments that were so unnecessary) of banter etc while maintaining Rivens bad boy persona while simultaneously being able to show he cares for Musa in some way (they definitely knew they were nostalgia bating with him carrying her in fate and even winx club official posted abt it on ig).
I will not lie though I kinda eh abt rivens casting too. Freddy thorpe is so hot and rlly has sexual tension with everyone but a cookie cutter white boy wasn’t exactly what I was expecting to be riven. I know riven is more racially ambiguous but I always thought he was Asian like Musa or waisian because of his narrower eyes. (I do acknowledge everyone does have a diff take on the race of this man and the purple onion head isn’t helping) Even if they wanted him to be a cookie cutter white boy, they could have at least gave him the magenta hair?? Like it probably doesn’t even need to be fully magenta like maybe magenta dip dye might have worked?? Could have given him manbun or a ponytail to give somewhat of a semblance to his spikey hair. Eh maybe future ideas for the new live action reboot of they wish for some accuracy
I will admit I was actually pretty invested in Riven and Rivusa in season 2. I always thought both Riven and Helia were mixed, bordering on white passing so the casting for me is also meh but he did a good job with what he was given.
The only thing I genuienly enjoyed (aside from Bea) was that they let Riven grow even if it was a little bit and they seemed to somewhat understand what made Rivusa appealing.
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rj-the-graverobber · 2 years
So adrian just got into anime and I decided to show him Ouran HSHC
First- it aged horribly. I’ve always loved the gender ambiguity of Haruhi, I could see myself in her. But the way they all talk about how she should wear girl clothes. The way they talk about her dad. Takeshi saying he loves her like his daughter but he also likes her and wants to date her ??? Gross
Second- Haruhi is autistic af. Completely oblivious of social cues around her. At one point the twins come up and eat a cookie out of her mouth and lick her face and she completely doesn’t care other than “well there’s plenty of cookies here and you can tell me I have something on my face” no neurotypical response to someone in your bubble. My friends in school would do that kinda shit to each other just to get a reaction and mine was pretty much exactly the same as hers. “Oh hey, you’re in my space now. Why?” Her special interest seems to be food
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crow-stars · 2 years
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it's starting to get chilly, dear readers, i hope you're all enjoying the season.
the ghosts have told me that they've seen some christmas anthology books from twisted wonderland in the back!
they told me that it's a twstmas series! now how silly are they?
✶the dates; it'll take me a bit to find them, but i'll have heartslaybul's out in the library starting on the 19th of this month and get all of them up to diasomnia up until the 25th, just in time for christmas!
❂from the ghosts; these stories will have ambiguous relationships, aka meaning you can see it as romantic or platonic, the reader will always be gender neutral, and i'll add any additional warnings under the character, if need be.
now then, let me show you little summaries from what the ghosts have told me.
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Riddle Rosehearts
a cup of liquid chocolate is always so warm. maybe, sometimes, it brings out a childlike joy in people.
Trey Clover
how fun to cook with the people close to you, creating something that you both worked on.
Cater Diamond
when the snow falls and settles on the ground, it truly looks like winter wonderland. it would be a crime to not capture this moment.
Ace Trappola
decorating the tree is a staple of the christmas time, the time for bonding with family and friends. (even if you have to force them to play along)
Deuce Spade
grocery shopping for that family feast should be easy. emphasis on the should.
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Leona Kingscholar
with the christmas season, along with the snow and jolly spirits, comes the question; “what do you want for christmas?”
Ruggie Bucchi
christmas shopping is always so hectic, but it's a bit better with someone else by your side.
Jack Howl
as the snow comes down, one of the main activities of the season is a snowball fight!
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Azul Ashengrotto
when december comes around, it is vital for businesses to decorate accordingly.
Jade Leech
with all the chaos and rushing of the christmas season, there are times where you have to slow down and enjoy a quick walk in the snow.
Floyd Leech
the snowy season is always the perfect time to do some sledding! granted you know how to, of course...
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Kalim Al-Asim
throwing a christmas party can be fun, gathering with your friends and playing games together.
Jamil Viper
some people enjoy romping in the snow, gathering together for parties, or just enjoying the cold weather. others prefer to just watch from afar.
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Vil Schoenheit
as with all other seasons, a proper outfit is vital to enjoy the festivities.
Rook Hunt
the christmas season holds such beauties and traditions, especially that little plant that hangs above people.
Epel Felmier
the holidays are always spent with the people you love and some can't help but reminisce about the past holidays.
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Idia Shroud
those little lights that change colors are so useful for decorating!
Ortho Shroud
the cold can be be deterring, but that certainly won't stop some from doing what they've set out to do.
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Malleus Draconia
with the fire by your feet and snuggled close to a body so warm, one can't help but fall asleep.
Lilia Vanrouge
baking christmas cookies are fun, but the best part is decorating!
sweaters, so warm and comforting and made with so much love.
Sebek Zigvolt
one of the best things about christmas is the stories told.
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