#Crowned chat-tyrant
alonglistofbirds · 6 months
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[2829/11080] Crowned chat-tyrant - Silvicultrix frontalis
Order: Passeriformes Suborder: Tyranni Family: Tyrannidae (tyrant flycatchers)
Photo credit: Marky Mutchler via Macaulay Library
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bluerosefox · 10 months
Courting Chaos (to Balance)
A KlarionxDanny brain worm that has spawned
Tim Drake, aka Red Robin gets kidnapped suddenly and very randomly by Klarion in the middle of a JL and others meeting.
Leaving with a
And fire and chaos in his wake.
While the JL, and others scramble to figure out what Klarion has planned this time, Tim manages to break free of whatever Klarion had used to kidnap him only to find himself on a couch and Klarion nervously petting Teekl on his lap while also sitting in a chair across from him.
When Tim goes to demand to know why Klarion kidnapped him Klarion finally speaks.
"Okay, I wanna strike a deal. I won't bug you or your little Young Just US buddies if you help me ask someone out..."
"...What the fuck Klarion?" Was Tim's only response.
So it turns out, every so often the three main entities and actual factions of Order, Chaos, and Balance get together to well discuss things happening in certain Realms, worlds, and timelines. Basicly to touch base, see where everyone was at. Etc etc.
Order was Order. Chaos was Chaos.
Very simple.
Both could be bad. To much order caused restraint and could snuff out growth. To much Chaos could get out of hand and cause ruin.
Both could be good. Order help stabilizes worlds and builds their future. Chaos allowed creativity to roam and brought forth wonderful things.
And Balance.
Well Balance was the very scales that kept both sides in check. They were neutral grounds. The ones that normally oversaw the meetings as well. And despite their low numbers they held powerful entities that more than made up for it.
Balance did their best to keep things in check, sure they do have their own preference sometimes and allowed the scales to tip a tiny bit but always corrected it later if it tips to much.
It was at this meeting, a meeting even Klarion knew better than to do anything too chaotic, pranks were fine but nothing too much, and had been chatting with a newcomer to the side of Chaos (Danielle, call me Ellie, Phantom. She did some heroing on the side but liked causing chaos in her wake to do so, he liked her so far though.) When the bells for the side of Balance to appear announced them.
Ellie had smiled brightly and said her brother was coming with his mentor, turns out her brother was apart of the Balance group which meant that he was strong, strong enough to need a mentor.
He watched as the members of Balance walked, teleported, flew, and other means into the meeting halls. And then froze when his eyes caught sight of him.
Floating next to a blue skined being that was switching ages was a beautiful otherworldly person.
Snow white hair that wisped upwards oh so softly. Glowing green eyes that were cat-like with their piercing glance. A galaxy cloak hanged around his shoulders and seemed to shift with each movement. Star like freckles decorated his face and seemed to glow a soft bluish white. A crown made of ice and aurora lights floated above his head as well.
All in all Klarion couldn't keep his eyes off of the being at all. He nearly spat his water out when Ellie commented that was her brother Danny, or rather.
High King of the Infinite Realms, Daniel 'Danny' Phantom. The Great One. Defeater of the Tyrant King. The Halfa. The Peaceful End. The Balance of the Undead. (And his mentor was the Ghost of Time itself. THE very Keeper of Time, Kronos original form himself.)
Klarion honestly didn't know what to think or rather what emotions he was feeling when he spotted Danny, nor why his face felt so hot and red when the young man looked over at them and smiled. (He was smiling at Ellie but Klarion for some reason hoped it was for him as well)
It wasn't until halfway in the meeting when a rather ingenious prank that Klarion, Ellie, and a few others had set up went off... thing was it strong enough that it had hit Danny's side of the meeting and had hit him.
Now, again pranks were okay but only after the meetings. It was one of the few rules many, even those in Chaos, took seriously because once it was done and over they could go do their things. So for it to happen in the middle of a meeting means someone set their time on the prank wrong and add the fact it hit a person on the Balance side...
Yeah not good.
Only instead of getting angry, even Clockwork who was seated next to Danny was chuckling, Danny threw his head back and laughed about it. And his laugh... was very cute.
And before he knew it, Klarion had already fallen.
"So yeah.... Since you have a boyfriend and know how to date in this modern age, I need your advice."
".... Klarion just because I'm dating Bernard doesn't mean I know how I did it..."
"Bernard? I thought you were dating that one Supes?"
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radiance1 · 1 year
The Justice League summon the ghost king for something something something like idk think of something.
Instead of the powerful, fear inducing, hardened being that practically screamed other, but that wasn't what they got. The being that stood atop one of the highest peaks of the Infinite Realms, one of the strongest ghosts in the hierarchy and was said to be a tyrant.
What appeared before them was not a being that looked like it belonged to the other side, no, what appeared before them was a small children's toy.
A Teddy Bear.
A sentient and sapient Teddy Bear at that.
A starry cloak tied around its neck, an ice crown that blows faint mist and has a constant, ever shifting constellation atop it, and what was most undoubtedly a ring- that looked more like a bracelet- around its stubby forelimb.
It blinked.
The Justice League stared incredulously.
It looked around.
One of the members cleared their throat.
It walked to the bounds of the circle.
Constantine light up a smoke.
It prodded at the invisible walls of magic keeping it contained with a few light pokes.
Constantine considered the summons a failure, for while it did summon a king, it seemed more like a king from some far-off child's paradise.
With a flicker and then mass spread of flame that rose and condensed into one giant, otherworldly entity. One dressed in medival armor from head to toe, a flaming crown hovering over his head, and a green ring around his finger.
[Pariah Dark entered the chat]
Quickly, yet gently pulling the fall smaller being into the palm of his hand, the league was met face to face with a glare that could give even the Batman a run for his money.
Either the Ghost King had a very weird taste for having alliances or Constatine fucked up the summoning.
[In fact, it twas neither. Danny was the to-be-king but is waaaaaay to young for that role, even though Pariah did in fact anoint him king on a whim after not checking his age, and decided to force his way into each and every summon so that his successor-to-be does not get taken advantage of.]
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You're right about the other villains not having as much depth as Octavian. With most of them, we don’t even know their backstories!
Oh yeah, I said that.
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I should make a list of the villains that have somewhat of a backstory/motivation:
Dr. Hare: Dr. Harvey Hare was the lead scientist for NISS (National Institute of Silly Sciences). There he engineered a top-secret mind control device. The device malfunctioned during testing on a bunny rabbit, fusing him with it.
Copy Cat: Copy Cat made millions selling illegally copied music, but she was caught when she offered a bootlegged computer game to an undercover agent.
Sir Rebral: Sir Rebral believes he is descended from royalty. He was apprehended while stealing the crown jewels from the Queen of Arturus from Astro-Knights Island.
Speeding Spike: Spike was a car thief, and loved speeding.
Ratman: Ratman used trained rats to help him steal money and jewels, but his pets "ratted" on him, leading to his imprisonment.
Crusher: Crusher once stole a monster truck and smashed cars in a parking lot for fun.
Betty Jetty: Betty Jetty was a pilot who flew without a license.
Director D: He is bald and is embarrassed that he is bald, so he wants everyone to be bald too.
Vince Graves: Vince is a renegade archaeologist who is often found in Egypt looking for rare artifacts, and is willing to steal artifacts if necessary. When he finds something valuable, he quickly sells it to the highest bidder and then leaves.
Binary Bard: Mordred (Binary Bard's original name) brought technology to the Kingdom of Arturus. His unnatural experiments (aka cyborgs) led to his imprisonment. Mordred escaped prison and fled into space. His unfinished ship crashed on Pewter Moon, where he was gravely injured. He rebuilt himself as part man, part machine in order to survive, becoming the space tyrant Binary Bard.
Gretchen Grimlock: Gretchen Grimlock is the wealthy owner of Gretchen's Beauty Products, Inc. Her company uses endangered plants and animals in its products. One day while searching for a rare orchid she was attacked by Bigfoot, which caused her to start hunting cryptids.
The Shogun: He and his brother Basho trained as Samurai, but Basho decided to become good and left to be a ninja. Basho was angry at his brother for leaving, and stayed with the Samurai, eventually becoming a tyrant ruling over old Japan. 
Mr. Silva: He wanted to be a fireman. But now he's stuck as a science teacher.
Holmes: Holmes was a robot created by the scientist Dr. Harold Langley to compete in game shows. Eventually he became resentful that Langley was getting all the praise.
Henry Flatbottom: Henry was best friends with Valiant, but he also had a crush on Valiant's girlfriend Fiona. Years after Fiona rejected him, Henry used his power (he's the magistrate) to organize Valiant's death so Fiona could choose him instead.
Count Bram: He was turned into a vampire, and tried for years to come up with a cure for it. Eventually his wife died (because she's a human) and Bram lost his mind.
Mark Hertz: Used to work at Poptropica Headquarters, but left for MegaFightingBots because Poptropica wouldn't allow children to type anything in order to chat with each other.
Ringmaster Raven: Bird Boy was an orphan who was born with avian-esque features. He was used as a side-show attraction in a carnival until he was left behind at a town (accidentally or intentionally). Some time later, Bird Boy was accused of burning down a shop, although it is very heavily suggested that he was most likely framed by the real arsonist. He went into hiding until he was caught, and was driven out of the town as a result.
Myron Van Buren: MVB is the last living descendant of the legendary Van Buren hunting family. He became obsessed with proving his worth.
Scheherazade: Scheherazade and her father were poor traders. One day, her father found a genie lamp, and wished to be a sultan and his daughter a princess. The Sultan became obsessed with the genie and his new wealth, forgetting about Scheherazade, causing her to eventually run away and form the Forty Thieves.
Chthonians: The Chthonians were at war with the Mole People for centuries, but only because the Moles took one of their eggs (the Moles not knowing what it was).
Rumpelstiltskin: The Red Queen captured him and kept him locked in the treasury/prison for years.
Dr. Gramston: Dr. Gramston was a dentist on the Blandside, but her business was failing because half of the townspeople (the Goofside residents) refused to brush their teeth. One day Gramston fell through a hole in her office into the sewers, where she discovered the magical crystals that could turn things goofy or bland. She created a plot to turn the entire island bland.
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flightfoot · 1 year
Miraculous Fanfic Recs for ongoing Miraculous fics
So I got an ask requesting me to give some ML fic recs, so I decided to focus on some ongoing Miraculous fics! All of these have updated within the past two months. Feel free to tag anyone who I didn't know the tumblr username of!
Boulangerella by @aidanchaser
Once upon a time, magic was wild. The two princes of the kingdom have been tasked with choosing their brides by the end of their 21st birthday celebrations. Crown Prince Adrien Agreste will have to choose between a woman who can protect his kingdom, a woman offering the power to wake his sleeping mother, and the woman he has loved and admired for the past year. Then there's also the seamstress that he is suddenly falling for. By the time he realizes he doesn't have the power to choose at all, it may be too late.
Kind of a Medieval Fantasy AU here, though with more resemblance to regular Miraculous than I normally expect with such AUs. Kwamis are actually fae, but aside from needing some sort of "deal" in order for humans to draw out their power, they function mostly the same, with Ladybug and Chat Noir being activated in order to help fight against Hawk Moth, even.
Oh yeah, this fic was written pre-S4, so there's some oddities because of that, like Felix actually having a good father, for instance. Adrien and Felix are both still sentimonsters though.
Lows And Highs (Of Adrien Agreste) by @blackcatsbutterflies
Adrien Agreste- Teenage supermodel, son of Gabriel Agreste, hero of Paris... Type One Diabetic. When Adrien is diagnosed with a chronic illness, he goes through the mental struggles of dealing with this new life. Nothing will ever be the same again, and if anyone were to find out, he'd be humiliated. The world would find him repulsing. Who would want to love someone who was constantly giving themselves shots? Marinette would. (Based off my real life, when I was diagnosed at 13 years old.) TW: Mentions of drugs (no one does them) and the following stuff that will appear in chapters: - Needles - Blood - Paralysis - Seizures - Fainting
Oh man this one is a real treat! I know some basic stuff about diabetes, but not so much what people's day-to-day lives are like, so it was interesting watching Adrien go through this, what he has to do nowadays in order to, well, live. And since he only just got diagnosed, he's going through major lifestyle changes which is pretty overwhelming, and he's feeling pretty awful about it because well, this is gonna hit hard. Though thankfully, Marinette is able to help quite a bit.
Bell the Cat by @heartfulselkie
Ladybug is the Miraculous Hero of Gallia. She has spent the past number of years fighting the minions of the tyrant Hawk Moth, only for the war to come to an abrupt end. News reveals that Hawk Moth was brutally slain by his own champion and captain of his own elite guard - the infamous knight Chat Blanc, known to wield pure destructon itself. With the disintegration of Hawk Moth's army, Chat Blanc is captured and imprisoned until his certain execution. Being a beloved hero and instrumental in the realm's defences during the war, Ladybug is offered a reward of her choosing. Instead of choosing a title or luxuries as expected she chooses...custody of Chat Blanc??? A new threat is rising in the chasm Hawk Moth left behind, and Ladybug believes Chat Blanc's knowledge and skill will be vital in what's to come. And perhaps he could also answer some questions that have plagued her since even before the war with Hawk Moth began..
This fic is awesome so far, I adore a good enemies AU and Fantasy AU, so both of them together is great! There's a lot we don't know yet, like the specifics of how akumas work in this AU, but I'm eager to know more. Just as Ladybug's eager to try to find out what happened to an old childhood friend of hers who vanished around the time Hawk Moth rose to power...
Madness series by @consistent-chaos-corporation
Summary for "Found", the first multichapter installment in the series:
Chat Noir and Ladybug need to tie up some loose ends. Unfortunately, one of those ends is Felix.
I've really been enjoying my time with this series, and if you like Felix-focused fics, you might too! In this universe, Nooroo and Duusu actually used to play with Felix and Adrien when they were little, but Gabriel made Adrien forget that happened - Gabriel and Emilie edited out a lot of little inconvenient things from Adrien's memory, as it turns out.
Anyway, we mostly follow Felix post-Strike Back as he figures out what to do now that he has the Peacock Miraculous. The heroes bursting in and confronting him about it kinda forces his hand.
He goes through a lot of character development here, which I adore, especially when it comes to realizing "oh crap, I sold out living beings to someone who I knew would mistreat them." This series tackled that subject better than any other fanfic I've seen, with Felix directly helping to recover the Miraculous and free the kwami, feelings guilty upon realizing how badly Gabriel had hurt them, and having to deal with a lot of the kwami not liking or trusting him for very justifiable reasons - though they ARE willing to understand why he did what he did.
Kintsugi - The Beauty in Broken Things by @xaran-alamas
When freed from Mayura's control, and given a chance at a normal life, the Sentimonster clone of Ladybug must learn what it is to be not only a hero, but also a human being, and part of a family. Meanwhile Marinette needs to figure out what to do with a hyper-energetic Kwami with a broken Miraculous. Updates Sundays and Wednesdays
I've always loved Sentibug Lives AUs (as you might guess from my having written two fics where she gets to stick around), and this is one of the best ones I've seen, and certainly the longest.
I love how we get to follow Centi (as she names herself) as she tries to figure out what to do now that she exists and is likely to stay that way, and as she tries to cope with the knowledge that her creator controlled her and when she disobeyed, tried to kill her. She's a nicely developed OC, her feelings are really delved into!
Not Part of the Plan by @kasienda
“What’s wrong, Marinette?” Marinette wiped her tears with her sleeve, and pulled away just enough to reach into her pocket. She gripped the pregnancy test and held it out to her mother. Sabine’s eyes widened as she took in the results of the test in her hand. Her gaze flashed back up to Marinette’s. “You’re pregnant.” And it wasn’t a question, but it was enough to send Marinette into devastated tears once again. Her mother pulled her back into the hug and just held her. “It’s going to be okay.”
Teen pregnancy fic here, which I know isn't everyone's cup of tea. I love how everyone comes together to help figure out what to do and to offer support - and not just to Marinette either, since Adrien's about to be a father as well.
True Blue by @rosie-b
Golden Bug and Chat Grise are the heroes of Paris, fighting to protect civilians from Hawk Moth and his akumas. Marinette is Gabriel Agreste’s young apprentice, training under the famous designer to become the next big name in fashion. But one day, Marinette finds an open safe with a beautiful peacock brooch in it... and suddenly, she’s not sure who the villain is anymore.
I love Enemies AU, as I've already mentioned. This is a more unusual one, with MARINETTE being the one on Hawk Moth's side instead of Adrien. I love how Rosie painstakingly weaves together Gabriel's manipulation and lies so you could actually believe that Marinette might be willing to help him - maybe not very enthusiastically, but believing that it's the best option she has. It's pretty impressive!
The Beauty of a Rose by properjitterbug
In the small town of Bellerose, Marinette and Adrien are childhood friends while secretly pining for each other. They lead happy lives until one day a long, forgotten promise is stirred awake; changing their lives in ways they couldn't imagine. With time marching on, Marinette is left to chase after ghosts of her past as a strange creature appears in the depths of the mysterious forest. Arc 1: Chapters 1-11: Complete Arc 2: Chapters 12-?: In Progress -- Werecat!Adrien x Marinette
Fair warning, this is an M-rated fic, and it earns that M rating, given it has several extensive sex scenes.
Anyway, I love a good fairy tale AU, and this is one of the better ones I've seen. I love how it's clearly inspired by Beauty and the Beast, but doesn't constrain itself by it. Adrien is not a jerk nor does he capture Marinette. Instead he randomly changes into a Werecat and is abandoned by his family, mistaken for a lumbering beast by the townsfolk, left alone for a year - until Marinette comes to visit the Agreste mansion, the home of her friend who just suddenly left one day, and she sees him in his werecat form...
I love this, Marinette is drawn to Chat, even with him looking pretty terrifying. Adrien's pretty insecure about his whole situation, but slowly opens up as he gets to reconnect with Marinette.
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okay eclipse thoughts here we go
first of all: subz
bitch is soooo soldier coded it's not even funny anymore. his inventory is always too full of fighting materials for him to take his armor off during discussions. he stands around silently until directly spoken to and even then he usually turns the conversation to someone else. when i picture purple duo in my head i get subz standing just in front of vitalasy in full armor with a sword. after vitalasy was killed on the prison subz immediately took off after the assailant saying 'this shit doesnt slide'. his first thought was 'no way zam betrayed' no way the man he swore to protect would turn on him. no way. he didnt stop to question whether mapic and ro were in on it, they were there and attacking him and he wanted a fight. this man is a bodyguard and solider and knows nothing except build pretty base fight fight protect grind fight protect fight. he trusts zam still. he isn't sure about vitalasy. he pushed vi towards being the villain. villain arc was his original plan. his morals are a grey area molded into whatever shape is convenient for whoever hes attached himself to. im not sure he'll be able to hurt zam when the time comes. im not sure he'll be able to leave vitalasy.
next on the chopping block: vitalasy
what a fucking conman. knows his way around words and USES it. hes not very good at talking on the spot and kinda works himself in circles but he knows how to press buttons and get people either on his side or secure an enemy he wants to have. he'll tell you hes not the leader he has no power over people but his power is more subtle than a crown on his head. when things got heated in the zam discussion he rose to the challenge, yelling right alongside zam and bringing up all the ways zam had fucked up to get him to see reason. when it didnt work he switched to victim coding himself until jaron killed him and he realized zam had betrayed. the acceptance (defeat) in his voice when he asked if zam had done that haunts me. he didnt want revenge like subz. he didnt immediately go for the attack. he just wanted to talk. after he died he kept swearing. he said fuck live on twitch.tv multiple times because of the emphasis it would give to his anger. he typed it in in-game chat to show zam how angry he was. hes stuck unable to stand up for himself against zam because of the tyrant label hes surrounded himself in. he used subz's gum under their shoes metaphor at the end to loop in back around and told him they were gonna be great villains. terrible, awful, amazing villains. what do you mean he was supposed to be good? this was the point all along. all roads led here. trust him.
and lastly: princezam
this motherfucker makes me so angry right now i swear. mans is so traumatized it blinds him. he sees so much bad in all people he hides the good from himself. everything is black and white with him. these people are bad, these people are good, these things are bad, these things are good. he didnt have to betray. he couldve just left and things would've ended differently. but thats not right. thats not the princezam way. if he doesnt want to be on their team they must be evil. and doesnt evil deserve to be killed? after the betrayal he was joking with 3ht. he was laughing and joking and had already moved on from eclipse. the attachment ended when he decided they were evil. there was no more love. no more care. black and white. good and evil. imagine a man who is so so traumatized and scared of being alone that also has to always be so so morally correct. are any of his decisions going to be logical? are his conclusions going to make sense? he said himself that he wants to push vitalasy and see if he reacts. if he reacts hes obviously been evil all along and zam was right. he still trusts subz. he thinks vitalasy has been lying and manipulating him the whole time. he did exactly what mapic said he would do because mapic knows zams betrayals. how long until 3ht do something he deems wrong. will he be willing to go on alone?
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enigmaincrimson · 2 years
Very quick and messy way to summarize Evie's activity on Avalice
Got left behind by gramps while running errands and as she is pretty much a broke foreigner with no ID, she ended up camping in the woods while she collected information.
Met Carol while camping on their first night, did not get off on the right foot. Admittedly, it was a particularly odd encounter anyway.
Managed to intercept a dangerous artifact, but not without the target using a malfunctioning set of strength enhancing gauntlets and going entirely Kaiju Hulk before being repelled and drawn out of the city limits. Did not help Carol's opinions of her all that much.
Damages from the rampage and surrounding area mysteriously disappeared after the fight with no sign or trace of how it is possible. The suspect was likely found by authorities later with little memory of what happened during the incident.
Evie met Milla at some point and chatted about Alchemy. No mention of the googly eyed stump.
At some point between hunting more dangerous artifacts, Evie took some time to restore the destroyed treehouse to its previously undamaged state and went on something of an errand running spree to afford replacing anything that would seem a little oddly suspicious upon close inspection, like food that was perfectly fresh despite being obviously past their expiration dates.
Eventually Evie would admit what she's actually been going through to Carol at some point, and they try to restart their relationship.
Evie has somewhat made herself at home at the treehouse by building herself a "new room" in a pocket space so as to not be as intrusive. (That and it makes going from her workspace and the kitchen or other places really convenient.)
Between essentially crashing at their place and doing a few subtle improvements to the treehouse and trying to resist doing anything more dramatic without asking, she's continued her task of hunting down anything dangerous her pesky "grandfather" might have sold to the unsuspecting or not so unsuspecting population.
Recently, she had basically intercepted and obliterated an "uprising" of machines under the control of someone wearing a crown of dominance... which really isn't the sort of thing you want running around unless you like dictatorships under the tight grip of a power-hungry psychic tyrant.
No idea what Lilac is going to say when she comes home, finds her old place back how it was before it was flattened... and another dragon napping on her couch, but I at least tried to break things down.
On the other hand, anyone that is expecting to find the treehouse still destroyed would be in for a surprise for that matter.
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Super Mario Bros. AU: The Spirit Animal Kingdom’s Sorceress
Name: Alice 
Spirit Animal (both species mixed below 👇):
Egyptian Cat
New Queen or the kingdom after Zoey (tyrant) 
King Marcos (childhood friend; formerly)
Queen Zoey (childhood friend; formerly by jealousy)
Lord Fawful (main sidekick to destroy Bowser)
Midbus (Assistant; hard worker; had a close bond)
Her Spirit Animal-African Wild Dog army
King Marcos (recently by jealousy)
Sheila (her main target)
King Bowser Koopa
Prince Bowser Jr.
The Koopalings
Mario Mario
Luigi Mario
Princess Peach
Princess Daisy
Donkey Kong
Fang the Tiger
Karen the Zebra
Parent(s): N/A
The lion with leopard spots is her father
Her mother is an Egyptian serval cat with tiger stripes.
Relative(s): N/A
Older sister
Twin sister
Younger brother
Family (formerly)
Not being chosen as queen
Her failed plans
Queen Zoey ( by jealously)
King Marcos and his family (by jealousy)
The Dark Star (secret weapon in case her weapons fail)
Alice is a spirit animal mixture of an Egyptian cat, serval, tiger, and a leopard. Her father was a lion mixed with leopard spots, her mother was a serval cat mixed with tiger stripes. Her family have the roles into making the kingdom a better place while Alice is looking forward into doing something magical, confusing her family. When Alice was a kitten, she used to befriend the Spirit Animal Kingdom’s Wolf Prince Marcos. His family contains a Wolf/Cape Buffalo hybrid. They are royal rulers of the kingdom; his father was a Cape Buffalo King, and his mother was a Wolf Queen who used to cast spells as her second role, much to Alice’s inspirations coming to her mind.
Marcos and Alice have been chatting for ages during elementary and middle school years and they become close friends. Their families, however, are friendly as well.
Days and weeks passed as Alice and Marcos became friends. Alice shows Marcos her magical skills and impresses him. During their years at high school in the kingdom, They have encounter a beautiful female dragon-horned and pony-eared lizard named Zoey. Marcos had a crush on her and Alice befriends Zoey, too. They told Zoey about Alice’s magical abilities and Zoey was stunned but glad.
As they graduated from school, Marcos had to stop going to school because he needs training to be king of the kingdom. Marcos made his goodbye to Alice and Zoey and he follows his royal family. By that, Alice still has Zoey and they still get along.
As years went by— now adults on this special day—  Alice and Zoey meet up with Marcos on the day he is going to be crowned as king. His parents offered to give Marcos a queen. Alice and Zoey were both pleased about it. But as Zoey was picked to be queen, Alice got a bit furious. She admitted that it has to be a mistake, but Marcos’s royal family replied that it is a requirement for their son. Alice suddenly feels ferocity and jealousy inside and SNAPS. She suddenly grabbed a sharp weapon and tossed it, but suddenly, it dug through Marcos’s father’s back. Zoey, Marcos, his family and his mother are horrified at what Alice had done. Alice was in tears, not realizing what she had done. Marcos’s family were furious with Alice and they shooed her away, causing the whole kingdom to attempt to expose her. But as Alice ran away, she meets with her family. She wanted to tell them something, but was upset by the looks on their faces. She saw only horror.
Marcos’s family caught Alice and they were furious with her for killing the king. The whole kingdom and Alice’s family are furious with her as well. Marcos’s mother commands that Alice is banished from the Spirit Animal Kingdom forever for the murder she has committed. Alice got enraged and she swore revenge to the kingdom. Her father scolds her to stay with the family or do the evil things of sorcery and madness she has committed. Alice couldn’t risk it and she chose to do sorcery, madness, and worst of all, REVENGE. Alice then runs away from the kingdom, never seen again. Her family burst in tears after seeing their daughter run away. Marcos and Zoey felt inconsolable that their childhood friend was banished, but it took time for them to get over it. Then, it was the day after the king’s funeral: Marcos and Zoey both got married and they became the new king and queen of the Spirit Animal Kingdom.
Time passed since Alice’s banishment. She was finding her ways in getting revenge on Marcos and Zoey for betraying her, but her mind is telling her something that could make Alice get back what she wanted and how to do that. With an idea, she puts on her caped hoodie, into making everyone assume that it wasn’t her. Alice believed that it will forever be a secret as she began sneaking into the kingdom without everyone knowing. As Alice caught sight of Marcos and Zoey holding a heir, she saw that it was a lizard-wolf princess named Sheila who is next to be queen. Alice menacingly grins and she goes into the laboratory of Luna the Ram— an old friend of Marcos and Zoey who was young and their adviser ever since the passing of Marcos and Zoey’s parents before Sheila was born— and begins her sorcery into making Marcos suffer. After creating the potion, Alice puts Zoey’s name and lays it on her throne, now leaving right away unnoticed. As she got far from the kingdom, she saw Zoey stumbling upon a potion, drinking it suddenly, but suddenly feeling a heartache, catching her family’s attention. Alice was full of pride during the time she saw Marcos, his daughter, Luna, and the whole kingdom surrounding Zoey’s grave after she died of a heart attack. Alice nearly felt her life complete, but then she unfortunately encounters a pack of African Wild Dogs. They were staring at her, not showing any signs of ferocity. The leader takes Alice in after having a look at her, and they took very good care of her. Alice was happy to have the African Wild Dogs care of her, but then she plans to become their leader, and they all treat her like a queen. After hiring the African Wild Dogs, Alice commands them to invade the Spirit Animal Kingdom to make Sheila suffer even more than Marcos. As the African Wild Dogs did so, causing Marcos to take Sheila to an orphanage as their separation, Alice was full of madness and LOTS of evil pride. 
Many years go on and on as Alice was busy making her plans to now get rid of Marcos once and for all. Months also passed as the African Wild Dogs sent in visitors of a little alien with swirly glasses and a pink warthog to Alice. They told her that the two have escaped from jail after kidnapping Sheila. Overhearing Sheila, Alice gets extremely jealous that she and Marcos are both still alive. Alice then decided to hire Fawful and Midbus into action after hearing that Sheila was protected by their enemy— King Bowser Koopa, whom she was married to before reuninting with her father. Alice hatches a new plan and she creates sorcery in the lab area of her African Wild Dogs’ hideout’s lair, and created the power of shapeshifting. Alice tells her army and allies that shapeshifting will help her give what her traitors deserve by transforming into any form of Sheila or her friends, to make Marcos and Sheila both suffer so that she can be queen of the Spirit Animal Kingdom once again. 
With their plan into action, Alice and her army started to invade the Spirit Animal Kingdom once again by enslaving everyone and trapping Marcos and his allies for them to suffer. With that, Alice became queen, but she is more than a tyrant. Midbus— looking forward to steal Marcos’s place as the new king— and Alice both had a close bond as her plan was complete. Fawful looks forward into being an adviser for Alice if she ever gets engaged with Midbus. While Alice hangs out with Midbus and Fawful, her African Wild Dog pack leader has arrived with the staff he invented and gave it to Alice, telling her that this staff was made to do magic of sorcery and some hidden secrets. Alice was pleased to hear it and she could use her staff in case her enemies get in the way.
Alice was alarmed by her army that Sheila has arrived to stop her, and she hides herself in her caped hoodie. Alice also performed sorcery to create the Dark Star, keeping it as a secret for Fawful, Midbus, and herself so that she could reveal her disguise when Sheila comes with her friends to save the Spirit Anormal Kingdom.
As Sheila arrived to her ransacked kingdom, she had her husband Bowser, her adviser-in-law Kamek, and her stepchildren— Junior and the Koopalings— alongside Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Toad, Donkey Kong, Yoshi, and especially her other friends who used to be bullies in the past until then— Fang the Tiger and Karen the Zebra— beside her. They saw everyone enslaved to the African Wild Dogs, but also Marcos and his allies trapped. They noticed a hidden person with Midbus and Fawful beside her— from what Sheila and her friends thought— and is revealed to be Alice after taking off her cape. Alice reveals to Sheila that everything was her doing— the murdering of Zoey, and the invasion of her kingdom— as part of her revenge on Marcos for not being queen. Sheila overhears and is even more furious than ever. Then, they all begin to fight— with Alice shapeshifting into Sheila or one of her friends to startle them and other stuff. But Sheila luckily gains help from her friends who are fighting Fawful, Midbus, and the African Wild Dog army.
As Alice and her army nearly lost to Sheila and their friends, she reveals to them the Dark Star that had been a secret between her, Fawful, and Midbus the whole time, and also part of Fawful and Midbus’s ultimate revenge after losing to Bowser for Sheila whom they kidnapped way before meeting Alice. Fawful and Midbus helped out by blasting the power of the Dark Star onto Alice’s tip of her staff. By that, Alice used the staff on herself, astonishing Fawful, Midbus, and the African Wild Dog army, who are armed to fight Sheila and her friends. But suddenly, the Dark Star gives Alice ALL the power of the stars and the other powerups in darkness, causing her to be a giant Koopa Queen, from what Sheila and her friends also thought. Alice then revealed her dark powers of shapeshifting and strength that can easily destroy everything, especially her dark colorful fire breath. 
The whole Spirit Animal Kingdom started fearing Alice, but Sheila and her friends were aware of it. They were suddenly weakened soon after, but with the powerups alongside the stars thanks to the team Super Mario Bros., she alongside her Koopa Family were able to unite together with them and gain the bigger chance to defeat Alice. Alice’s defeat has astonished the whole world including the Spirit Animal Kingdom.
As Sheila and her gang— including Marcos who was relieved for his daughter—  turned normal, they saw Alice back in her normal form. Marcos was glad and he thanked Sheila’s friends and also her for saving the kingdom. But all of a sudden, Alice crawls from the destroyed bricks of the ceiling. She grabs her staff and was about to aim at Sheila. Bowser sees Alice about to blast Shelia with her staff and he was in panic, much to their friends’ confusions. Bowser alarms Sheila as he runs over to her. Sheila hears Bowser yell her name and then she was pushed away with a gasp. Bowser had shoved her out of the way once Alice swung her staff and BLASTED her dark magic, hitting him directly on his chest. Bowser was slammed to the column, slipped to the ground, unconscious. Marcos and Sheila are shocked to see Bowser in a critical condition. Kamek, Junior, and the Koopalings could not believe what they just saw. Eventually Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Yoshi, Toad, Donkey Kong, Fang, and Karen could not believe it as well. Alice— in shock— saw that she had hit Bowser and was in anger. Alice had to recharge her staff, but Sheila and her friends still used the stars and the powerups to defeat her again, then as it worked, Alice’s staff broke into pieces and she was in panic. Noticing that she’s being turned to stone, Alice yells to Marcos and Sheila that she will not end up like Zoey. After these words, Alice had been turned into stone.
Marcos and Sheila were both frustrated a little bit after hearing Alice mention Zoey. Sheila’s other friends felt the same way.
Her African Wild Dog army alongside Fawful and Midbus both see that Alice had turned into stone and they plead to Sheila and her friends for mercy. Marcos blames them for Alice’s betrayal, murder of his father and wife Zoey, and all the crimes she and her army committed to the Spirit Animal Kingdom. As of that, Marcos sentenced Fawful and Midbus to a long time in jail than last time with a massive punishment coming to them  alongside the African Wild Dogs. He also tells them that they will be put in maximum security to make sure they don’t escape, and he commands the guards to take them away and they did so.
Just before the Spirit Animal Kingdom was fixed and back to normal, Fawful and Midbus were both arrested once again and given a long prison sentence, and they were all awaiting for their punishment which will be worse. The African Wild Dogs also gained a prison sentence, but they were enslaved to keep the prison clean as their punishment.
After Bowser was healed by Sheila and her friends with a help from Marcos and her nanny, Luna, they placed Alice on the pillar since they have seen that she had met her ultimate defeat.
Marcos was upset that he had failed his childhood friend, but Sheila and her friends including Luna both comfort him, cheering him up.
Alice— now becoming a statue after being turned into stone— has met her fate once and for all.
Thank you @beeanstalk09 for your ideas to put in for my character! 😁
Art/OC ©️ Me.
⚠️ Please don’t steal, trace, or copy.
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sentientcave · 3 months
I'm too shy to come off anon but I was wondering
What inspired you to write "heavy weighs the crown" the way you have?
like the roles that each of the men have, what made you choose to describe the reader character the way you did, etc.
Also what are your inspirations for fantasy?
idk if this makes any sense but yeah...I'm intrigued by your creative process
Hey Anon!
Don't worry, you make perfect sense. I will also endeavour to make sense. I put it under the cut because this got. uh. long.
Whenever I'm building an AU like this, I think about where the character came from, and transplant that over, so taking bits of their backgrounds that are known (either canon or headcanon, depending on how much information is available) and extrapolating out to fit the setting. I also think about what kind of story I'm telling, and where characters clash and overlap, because I want their interactions to be grounded and believable. I also think about the lies that characters tell themselves.
I haven't gotten into the meat and potatoes of the story yet so I'll do my best to talk about this without giving too much away, but I think about who the characters need to be to tell the story-- How do they fit into the roles, how do they *not* fit? Do they grow to fill the role? Do they sacrifice for it?
So when we take a look at our cast, John and his three closest knights, we have these four kind of standard fantasy tropes, The noble hero turned king; The mysterious masked knight; The court wizard; and the Squire (Or the Hound, really). How do their backgrounds play into the roles the take on? I don't think I've really touched on their backstories yet so I won't get too into the weeds, but I think about core tenants of their personalities when deciding how they fit the above roles. Price with his righteousness, his belief that he's in the right and that the ends justify the means. Simon coming from a very broken home, and both harnessing that anger and protecting himself with it. Kyle with his drive for perfection, the need he has to be the best of the best (you see this a few times in canon. Every time Price so much as hints that he might not be up for something, Kyle feels like he has something to prove). And Soap with a search for belonging (Like Kyle, he's looking to prove something, but it's to cement a place for himself. I hc him as someone with a lot of siblings, both older and younger, and I think when you're one of many you end up seeking out things that are for you and you alone).
And then for Sweetpea, we begin with a sort of fairy tale standard princess, who's wise, kind, and beautiful. Her arc is primarily about overcoming her fears of becoming a tyrant like her father and taking responsibility and recovering her agency when others might try to use her as a pawn (looking at you, John!). She's also black? Not that it really matters textually, but there are so many supposedly neutral readers out there with very white features, and I think black girls should get to see themselves in princess roles more often. It was also kind of just how she appeared to me in my mind and I tend to be faithful to my visions where I can be. I did try to keep her more like, reader neutral at the beginning but I find it difficult to write compellingly if everyone doesn't get to be a full and complete person, so I gave that up and allowed more of her appearance through.
My biggest fantasy inspirations are probably Ursula K LeGuin (The Earthsea cycle changed me on a fundamental level), Tamora Peirce, and N. K. Jemisin. They're all women who think very deeply about the worlds they create and how the layers and characters fit together, which is something I also strive to do.
I'm not sure if that uh. Totally answered your questions because the long and sort of it is that I am plagued by visions and dream of literary/media analysis. BUT please feel free to send another ask or message me if you have further questions or just want to chat about this stuff! I love stories and talking about structure and characterization. (To anyone reading this who isn't this anon, you can also message me if you want, I like talking to people)
(Sorry if none of this makes sense I destroyed a bunch of concrete with a big hammer today and brain cooked)
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soraavalon · 4 months
Tark: I wanna see what Rosaline thinks of that information. I wanna lay it out to her and be like 'In just your opinion after you've been to church and all of this and now this information is coming out.' Just like as a normal person. Rosaline: Okay... Tark: Figuring out this information. What's the vibe? What's your first impression of hearing this information, like 'does it make sense?' 'Are you revolted with it?' Rosaline: Yeah, I mean people always worship, you know, if something is powerful enough people are going worship it. If this is an old wall that maybe was, maybe there was something going on during the schism, maybe it was a period of time rather than one battle. I mean, even the Smiling Prince has cults, like, it's not unheard of and I mean that would be my thought if it was, if they were worshiped together too at some point then there was probably an actual schism. Eudora (OOC): [in chat] Found an earlier bit of conversation with Kelsandoral in the notes Rosaline: And I'm sure people disagreed with the Crown. They just... lost. Tark: Hmm. Eudora (OOC): So there's an earlier bit of information in Chapter 14. DM & Tark (OOC): Yeah? Eudora (OOC): Eudora is talking to Kelsandoral, he comments, 'His work is shaping up to be controversial and is contrary to what Valmoira has shared with him about Yuan-Ti theology.' So I guess it's 'cause she's on the theological side of things. Rough translation; 'The Platinum Tyrant grows jealous and paranoid of the figure called the [something] Queen. The Queen is trying to gather knowledge for their people, the Platinum Crown somehow became convinced that she sought to act against him and punished her for his paranoia and madness.' So we got this alternative view on what happened. DM: Further along Kelsandoral seen the words 'Soldiers' and 'War'
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madlymine · 8 months
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Episode 7 - Recap
♠ CHARACTERS: Aono the ghost (ML) Yuri the airhead (FL) Fuju the victim (ML's best friend) Mio the horror-enthusiast (FL's potential best friend)
+ Uchida: ace of the volleyball team (got hurt in ep4) + Midori: FL's older sister
♠ EP7: Mio's classmates tell Fuju that everyone is talking about Aono's curse and ask him why he isn't afraid of approaching his best friend's gf shortly after his death. Fuju dismiss the subject but talks to Mio afterwards, who tells him that she knew about the rumors from her class's chat. They agree to tell Yuri when the timing is right.
The new character turns out to be a psycho! She is the FL's older sister, Midori (7 years older - lives alone and came to visit). When Yuri returns from her date, Midori snaps at her because she is wearing her clothes. Midori tells her to undress at the doorstep o_o' Yuri is humiliated (with her ghost watching) but she doesn't protest and complies. Then Midori throws the clothes away and makes fun of her sister's makeup before walking away.
I'm not team FL but this scene was heartbreaking and shocking. The mother shows up and sees her daughter in her underwear and figures out what happened, she ignores the whole situation and tells Yuri to take a bath, since she took off her clothes anyway... Then she adds: "your sister is stressed from work. be nice to her."
EXCUSE mE! *sharpens knives*
[bedroom scene #357] Yuri tries to soften the blow by joking with Aono and telling him that her sister is just a little scary and selfish.
A: "there is something wrong with that woman! she is repulsive." Y: "huh?" A: "there is something wrong with your mother too!"
woah Aono. first time you say something right *claps*
Y: "you're exaggerating, saying it was humiliating.." A: "but it was." Y: "we're a family and all females. it's normal for them to see me naked." A: "being forced to undress by the entrance is normal? that woman is doing all that to assert dominance!" Y: "stop calling her that woman."
defense rests foreverrrrr. I mean, Aono will continue trying but I'm out!
Here is the story behind Midori taking the crown of a tyrant in the house, in Aono's words: "when your older brother died, little Midori went through a lot for her mourning family. she made a lot of sacrifices. when you were born that role was passed on to you. I guess you switch around the sacrifice in this house."
Y: "why are you saying such mean things?" A: "sorry.. I was raised badly."
the air gets heavy between them and Aono leaves for the day.
[outside the house] A: "maybe if I take her with me, she'll be happier." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcqqCIAGRpo ~♥
[next day - morning - FL's kitchen] Midori walks into the kitchen like a ray of sunshine and says good morning lovelies to her mother and sister. Then she asks Yuri to skip school and hang out with her at home, cause she is free. The mother doesn't encourage it and Yuri smiles sheepishly. Then Yuri receives a text from Mio "sorry about not joining your outing yesterday. lets hang out soon." Midori asks "who is that?" Yuri doesn't answer and leaves for school.
I think we got a possessive situation here. She bullies her sister but also wants all her love and attention. Yay..
[supermarket] Yuri buying (bloody) beef jerky to carry around as an item to expel the demonic version of her bf. Here Uchida slips an item in her bag to frame her for shoplifting. Aono notice the whole thing and tells Yuri about it. Safuuu, for now.
[school] Uchida is angry. He tells his friends that she caught him and the curse will kill him.
Dude. stay away from the girl and you'll be fine.
[somewhere else at school] Aono: "I can't believe he did that! He must be targeting you because I attacked him when he hurt you." Yuri: "he must be scared.. he is retiring in 2 years and he got injured without knowing why... but it's not your fault! it's nobody's fault." A: "You're always kind. Sorry about yesterday." Y: "It's fine." A: "I want Fuju to walk you to school and back home."
Well, you did use him enough but who is counting.
Y: "we can't ask him that.. i'd feel guilty. Uchida is not scary." A: "you want to protect me. I want to protect you too but it's impossible."
Yuri asks some girls about the location of Fuju. After she got her answer and left, the girls smirk to each other.
[near the gym's storage-room] Fuju is in charge of cleaning with a group of classmates but no one showed up but him. When Yuri finds him, he decides to skip out like the rest. Then Aono says with a worried expression: "there is something in the storage."
F: "why are we standing here?" Y: "Aono says there is something inside here." A: "lets go home. we can't be here!" seriously panicking o_o'
When they ask him what's wrong, he says he's got a bad feeling about this place. Of course, Fuju decides to check the storage room. Then Yuri tells Aono to wait outside for them and he agrees.
They find a 2-steps ladder full of fruits/food (that looks like an offering) and bouquet of white flowers on top! That is when the door gets locked behind them and the episode ends.
a year ago
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birdstudies · 5 years
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March 28, 2019 - Crowned Chat-tyrant (Silvicultrix frontalis or Ochthoeca frontalis)
Found in parts of the Andes in northwestern South America, these tyrant flycatchers inhabit elfin forests and scrubby habitats. They feed on insects, often foraging alone or in pairs in the undergrowth. Breeding between April and November depending on the area of their range, they build domed cup nests from mosses, ferns, and other plant materials.
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random1amfics · 3 years
Demon Tyrant of France (1)
Cackles echoed through the halls of Francoise Dupont, sending chills up every students' spine. The eerie variations of 'I'm back' that accompanied the cackles, sent all of the longer attending students of Francoise Dupont to stiffened in fear as if Medusa herself had turned them into statue. A figure clad in red and black stalked the halls, inciting surprise and terror at the sight of them for cackles and eerie voice belonged to someone much, much worse than the monsters from old stories.
The Demon Tyrant had returned.
In the classroom of students that had gained the nickname of 'Akuma Class' due to the large number of akumas from it, was one Chloe Bourgeois repeatedly hitting her head on the desk, groaning like there was no tomorrow. The other students, at least the ones who was in the school long enough, relayed horror stories of their (middle school/elementary) life and the reason behind Chloe's behaviour. They hope they can inform most of the others as much as they can before someone accidentally insults the Demon Tyrant and incite their wrath. The destruction they made in their anger left lasting impressions and nightmares for years to come. After an explanation, Kim had rushed out, saying something about offerings and sacrifices with a few following his example. Adrien sat in his seat, listening to Nino as he listed reasons why he should not anger this Demon Tyrant. He can't believe one of his classmates used to be like that.
"But why is the Demon Tyrant back to being you know? How do we know for sure that they didn't learned that being nice and kind is better?"
"Dude, listen, this is the absolute worst time for it to be over. We haven't been treating her nicely for the past few weeks. Yes, the Demon being all sweet and nice was weird at first but we have been taking it for granted and may have over done it. So Adrien, dude, I know you want everybody to be happy but the Demon can't be reason with, we can only try to appease her and hope for the best. As for why she stopped being nice and kind, Chloe?"
She had been the one to deliever the message about the Demon's Return to the class group chat.
She stopped her self-torture for a while.
"Fucking Granola De Vanilla couldn't hold out for a little while longer. I thought for sure, Lila Rossi would have made her crack but apparently, the rumours are true about the Demon having a skin of diamond. The bet they both had was about who could go the longest being great human beings. Now that FeFe lost, the bet is over, she has no reason to keep it up. At least, I will be spared."
"Oh please, you treated her like dirt for that first year. Don't you remember?"
"Yes but she expected him to get me to do something so he would win. She loves the challenge. She also basically did the same thing to him. I never actually went as far as to destroy one of her books. I really thought that would've been her breaking point."
"Oh fuck, I gotta find Alya and tell her about this." Nino exclaimed and rushed out.
Adrien seemed to have figured something out.
"Hey, Chlo, was my cousin Felix the one who made the bet with the Demon?"
"Yes, in fact they are best friends. Maybe even something more."
"Felix has a best friend? Why didn't he ever tell me about them?"
"Because Felix doesn't owe you anything, Agreste." A familiar voice came from the door. Adrien smiled, happy to see one of his best friends and turned to see Marinette who surprisingly was early to school. Except she wasn't Marinette Dupain-Cheng he knew. Her usual pink and grey colour scheme was gone replaced by red and black. A red blouse, black leather jacket and dark skinny jeans. Her hair was no longer in her signature pigtails and instead was loose and flow down her shoulders like an inky waterfall. She wore blood-red lipsticks and eyeliner wings so sharp it will cut anything. Her 5-inch heels made her taller but her confident aura made her seems even taller. She walked into the room, not even with a trace of clumsiness and all the grace and elegance of a ballerina. Adrein was stunned....and afraid. Marinette's eyes always held warmth in them but they were now icy and cold. Her smile didn't bring the usual bundle of joy and happiness to him instead, there was a pit of terror and despair in his stomach.
"Chloe," words rolled off her tongue like silk, "I hoped you enjoyed your time on the throne. But i would like you off it now."
"I really did. Thank you, your Highness, for choosing me to rule in your stead. It is a great honour to return the crown to its rightful owner." Chloe pulled a black velvet box out of her bag, and bowed her head, presenting it to Marinette. Inside the box was actually a gold diadem, decorated with rubies and sapphires. Anyone could tell that it was the real deal. Marinette put it on and seemed to relaxed as if the weight of the crown was something she missed holding.
"So, your Highness, what do you have planned?"
"Bold of you to assume that I am not just here to have fun until I can finally leave this god forsaken place, Bourgeois."
"You and I both know that now that there is nothing stopping you from retaliating, you are going to get back at who have wronged you. And you are going to have fun doing that anyways."
"True. Spoken like a true queen as always, Chloe."
"I am going to sit back and enjoy the show," Marinette went to her seat in the back where the class 'banished' her to,"for now."
Everyone quickly scrambled out of her way. Adrien looked at the normally pig-tailed girl, now sitting tall and proud like an Empress surveying her Domain. He wondered if this Marinette will keep the promise she made to him about Lila. They need to talk about it later.
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ampuru · 4 years
Technoblade Backstory HC (based on stuff he's said in the past and theories from people)
When techno was still a boy, he managed to save his village from a monster that ravaged the lands.
A neighboring tyrannical king (who happened to be king because both his parents died) caught wind of the story so, fearing this young pig's potential power, he orders his army to kill him.
Techno's biological parents determinedly hide him from the soldiers, both being murdered as a consequence.
He sneaks from house to house looking for shelter or even just a little bit of help, but all the villagers refuse due to fear of possibly being killed by the tyrant, too. Because of this, he learns to survive in the woods on his own and becomes much stronger.
Years of being alone gets to him, however, and he starts to hear voices in his head. He calls the voices Chat, and they only tell him one thing - that they crave for blood.
So he comes back to the village and to the tyrant's kingdom, slaughtering every guard in his way. He frees the people by slaughtering the king, too, wearing his crown and royal gown as a reminder that power corrupts.
Eventually, he meets Dadza. The pig finds his presence comforting, and somehow, he is "tamed". Phil adopts him, of course.
At one point, Philza suggests he take up farming as a hobby so he could chill for once. He ends up taking potato farming a little too seriously, going through great lengths to destroy a neighboring potato farmer's career.
Dadza is proud of him, nevertheless.
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ariadnaes · 3 years
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╭﹒❍﹒𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖑 — a writeblr re-introduction.
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hi, my name’s aurora (aura / rora) and i use she/her pronouns! i was previously @winteranarchy on writeblr but i’ve decided to rebrand and reintroduce myself. my writing will be posted here on this blog and a list of my current projects can be found on this page, but i’ll also start being more active on my writing twitter @rorawrites. you can also find me at my main @warstorm which is my litblr where i post and reblog edits.  i’m a scorpio, slytherin, i/entj and vietnamese-australia. i’m a lover of literature and mythology as well as classical and fantasy novels and some of my favourite books include the night circus, the picture of dorian gray and perfume: the story of a murderer. please feel free to add me to any of your tag lists or chat with me through my inbox or dms, i’d love to get to know more you lovely people and get acquainted with your writing too !
projects and taglist below the cut.
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⋆˚﹅♡⃕﹒𝕿HE 𝖁ISION !
₀₁・𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚏𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐
— The first installment in the Iron Star Duology.
Crimson Falling is the story of tempests, of serpents and of saints. It is the story of blood and the tragic fates of the decadent and the cunning. After a night of hallucinated memories leading to their nemesis’ body found floating in the school’s lake, a group of seven students become ensnared within a plot to cover up what they believe to be blood upon their hands. They soon begin to realise that their academy is not what it seems upon the surface, as they begin to unearth the curious evils that lie within the institute and the secrets thought lost and buried alongside the dead heiress.
introduction (coming soon!) | wip page | wip tag
₀₂・𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚒𝚕𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚜
— The first installment in the Silver Sun Trilogy.
The court has descended into madness. In a land where daylight rises and cedes in a cycle of seven weeks, a kingdom has awoken at the first fall of sun to their beloved monarchs beheaded; murdered by their own son and heir to their throne. The crown now falls into the lap of the youngest prince, a boy who never planned to hold such great power and had no clue on how to keep it. Amidst the battle for his rightful throne, Prince Castiel must not only deal with the rebellion that his brother ignited and his sister’s mysterious disappearance but also travel to the ends of the land to find the last enchantress, the only one who can save his decaying soul, before the sun sets on the seventh week. In a land of deceit, ambition and betrayal; with only one crown to be claimed and a desperate, incumbent prince determined to keep it in the wake of his parent’s assassination, tensions have never be higher within the Court of Silver Suns.
introduction (coming soon!) | wip page | wip tag
₀₃・𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚢𝚙𝚛𝚞𝚜
— A short story retelling of Pygmalion and Galatea set in the Decadent Era and inspired by Frankenstein, The Picture of Dorian Gray and Perfume: the story of a murderer.
When a single drop of blood falls into a sea of foaming sapphire and azure hues, a monster of beautiful destruction is created. The Birth of Venus catalyses within its sweeping strokes, an even greater beauty that it beholds; but even from the same likeness of the goddess, the Mériadec portrait outshines its predecessor both in aestheticism and in gore. At an Italian gallery exhibit in the year 1817, French portrait painter, Pascal Mériadec, is challenged by scornful critics to commission a portrait more beautiful than Venus herself. With each brush of paint upon his canvas, Mériadec slowly begins to fall obsessively in love with the woman in the frame; spending every waking hour with the girl whom he has named Eglantine, the Lady of Cyprus. Filled with the desperate desire for the love he shared with Eglantine to be real, the artist would do anything in his power to bring her to life, even if it meant leaving death in his wake.
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₀₄・𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚞𝚡
— The first installment in the Pantheon Duology.
A world basked in ivory and gold, painted with age old myth upon every surface; hides the flaws of a government whose corruption will cause the downfall of their people. Unbeknownst to the revelling and immoral power of the city, the seeds of rebellion have long since been planted, flowers now blooming in the cracked pavement where blood and tears have watered them. The House of Pollux, one organisation in a triumvirate of self-proclaimed saviours, has set their sights on overthrowing the government and fighting the rising discord that threatens the city. Seven abducted prodigies, stolen from homes that have never belonged to them and from names they will never remember, are tasked with the infiltration and assassination of their country’s leader. These gifted individuals who have grown where the light has not found them, have now come forth to reclaim the world that belongs to them and to save the country from the clutches of beautiful tyrants. And thus glorious mutiny arises, in the name of the Pantheon.
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₀₅・𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛'𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚢
— Standalone Novel (possibility of a prequel novella).
Eternity appears to be a rather long time for punishment, no matter how malicious the criminal was, however, in her liminal state drifting between immortality and mortality, the Empress didn't care, rather she loved it. The Duchess of the Netherworld floats between beautiful places, corrupting them with her presence, rendering victims mad only for her mere entertainment. And when she tires of her station, she finds herself a new arena for her twisted games, each time a new setting that she has only dreamt of in her eternal torture. She does not greet you as you are welcomed through the entrance of The Winter Anarchy; an opera house of such opulence and decadence so uncommon to mankind. The vestibules of hell embrace your tortured and devious soul and you are welcomed like the mad sinner that you are. You are not dead though, not quite yet at least. She has saved you from such a fate for now and you really ought to thank her for her ill intended grace. You are a puppet, merely here to play a game… her game. Win and you shall be graced with the eternal glory, freedom and power of beings such as she is but lose and you must pay the most treacherous price for every drop of unholy blood running through your veins.
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haymaker-mva · 4 years
--The Pigtails are Off -- (2)
Part 2: Before 
Backstory time!
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“If they’re such tyrants, why not take the throne?”
“What do you mean, Chloe?” Marinette asked, tilting her head.
“If they abuse the crown, then let’s just take it.”
“Such a doormat,” She said, snickering at Marinette.
Marinette held the broken project in her small hands, and glared at the rest of her group of four. They had made her do all the work, then they broke the object that she had made right after the presentation. They had known that she wanted to keep it. They had known that she was proud of her first little scarf.
And yet…
“They’re just such jerks!”
“Like tyrants!”
Marinette ranted to Chloe, her unlikely friend.
They had met the year before; Marinette had seen a bunch of the mean kids surrounding Chloe, and had pulled the blonde away, scared for her well-being. Turns out that they had been pestering Chloe for special things since she was the daughter of Andre Bourgeois, the owner of the famous hotel and the man who claimed to be planning to run for mayor in a few years.
Chloe explained this to Marinette, and Marinette called the other kids gold-diggers, and told Chloe that they could be friends instead. 
Anyway, back to Marinette ranting.
“If they’re such tyrants, why not take the throne?”
“What do you mean, Chloe?” Marinette asked, tilting her head.
“If they abuse the crown, then let’s just take it.”
Marinette and Chloe (and Sabrina) stood outside of their new school.
Françoise Dupont.
It was a part of a wide system of schools, known as the Dupont District, all nearby each other. It was a bit unorthodox, but the Dupont District was treated as a prototype to see if other places should follow in its footsteps, making it the first of its type of schooling. It would often do little exchanges with the other schools in it’s system, as all of them were connected. Students in the Dupont District often were close friends with students in the other schools, making it heaven for sociable people, and hell for loners.
Françoise Dupont specifically, was a high school and a middle school rolled into one, with the two connecting buildings separating the two.
It would do nicely for Marinette’s kingdom.
None of the students at Françoise Dupont knew exactly why Marinette, one of the two Red Queens, would play nice whenever students from the other schools in the district came to visit, or did an exchange. Or vice versa, when her class would be chosen for a mini exchange to some other school. 
Only Marinette, Chloe, and Sabrina knew why. It was because they weren’t tyrants. 
They would respect other kingdoms.
(Sure, they punished some people, but only ones who deserved it.)
Marinette opened the box, and out popped a red bug-looking thing.
Her eyes widened, and Marinette immediately grasped the small creature in her hands to keep it from escaping.
“What the hell is this…”
“Hi Mariette! My name’s Tikki! And I am your kwami.”
One year later...
Marinette sighed. Acting nice as Ladybug was tiring. During this past summer she had asked Tikki if she, the ruler of the school, the feared and powerful Marinette, was really suited to be some goody-goody superhero. Tikki had told her that no one was black or white, and Marinette was in more of a moral grey. Sure, Marinette may be infamous at her school, but that didn’t necessarily mean she was a bad person… She was just more of a… chaotic good then a Lawful Good, as Chloe had put it after Marinette asked the blond if Marinette was a bad person.
Anyway, it was a new year, and this year a new class would be permanently transferred here from some other school in the Dupont, due to overcrowding. Since it was a few people short, Marinette and a few others were being pushed into the class. (Chloe, Sabrina, Nathaniel, Juleka, and Nino.) 
Marinette knew these people. As the nice-Marinette, that is. She was kind of friends with them, which was strange to think.
This gave her an idea…
Marinette didn’t have to fake her blush as Adrien handed her his umbrella.
All the gum was supposed to be was a prank from Chloe, as she knew that Marinette had extra backups of clothing, and that Marinette had some crazy-good cleaning solution at home. It would also do well to sell their “Chloe-is-a-bully” thing.
But Adrien had messed it up. 
Marinette walked in to see him on his knees, trying to pick it up, and her anger had gotten the better of her.
It was literally the first day of her being a goody-goody again. And somehow, some-fucking-how, she was already being treated like a doormat! Luckily Tikki’s little tap at Marinette from her bag was enough to remind Marinette not to get too mad, and she had resolved it best she could.
And now here Adrien was, handing her an umbrella with the most sincere expression on his face. Marinette had almost lost faith in the fact that good people, not Chaotic-Goods like her, but real good people actually existed. (Except for Chat Noir, but that could really just be an act. It was harder to read people when they were wearing a literal mask.)
Marinette also didn’t have to fake the umbrella closing on her. Or her stuttering. (Only that first time though, she had to fake it after that to let the other students view her as harmless.)
Her laugh bubbled up from within her, and it felt good. So good.
But then Lila happened.
Mainette’s friends thought that she would lie about the new student just because she was jealous.
Marinette managed to not yell at Lila as Ladybug, though she did still tell Lila off, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t pissed. At the fox for manipulating her friends, and for stealing Adrien’s book and trying to manipulate her him with it.
That was the first crack.
Then Lila came back
Marinette’s “friends” doubted who they thought was a kindhearted doormat. A girl who would stutter just talking to her crush. The girl who would help them with the snap of a finger. The girl who was always there was such a jealous brat that she would lie about Lila and who would push said Lila down the stairs. They all knew that she had helped Adrien ask out Kagami on a date. And had suffered through it, and not tried to disrupt it once, but they thought that she would push some girl down the stairs because she was jealous. 
Alya had said that it had to have been a misunderstanding, but the noirette could see the doubt in her “best friend’s” eyes. In all of her classmate’s eyes.
She had just begun to consider them real friends too.
Not even mentioning Lila’s threat, or that she was moved to the back without a word. 
That was the second crack.
The final straw was when Alya renounced their friendship in front of the whole class, and when most of them agreed with her.
Screw that “nice-Marinette.”
The Red Queen was coming back.
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