opendirectories · 1 year
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mlc-raspberry · 6 months
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two mommies!
They are so pretty together! Neytiri is the 'man' tho! She's beautiful, strong and kind of masculine i guess? But doesn't matter just look how cute they are together!! 💕
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undressrehearsal · 1 month
hot take but ellie would've loved nickleback
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constellationdks · 9 months
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Tom riddle/Harry potter
Scene inspired from the book, Equals in life (partners in death) by reggieblk
Tom riddle confessed, " I do not understand you Harry Potter. What are you? "
Harry replied, " You don't need to. Many don't. I'm strange like that. "
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the-badger-mole · 2 years
Okay, but seriously, I think all this hate is coming from a very jealous place. Our ship isn't canon, but we have the most amazing, consistent artists, writers, and meta commentators in the whole fandom. Look at all this talent! On top of that, we've always got something going on. The Big Bang, Zutara Week, Zutara Month, exchanges. I even heard there might be a round robin coming up.
That's not to say other ships don't have talent, but it looks like we got the lion's share of artists of all kinds who are not only talented, but passionate and active. ATLA wouldn't be nearly as relevant if it wasn't for us. They have us to thank that they are getting more canon content for their ships, and yet they'd rather hate. Having someone try to throw the fact that Zutara isn't canon at us is laughable, because their ships actually are canon and they still aren't happy. Imagine being that pressed.
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lavender-witch128 · 5 months
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Enjoy these screenshots of Roblox and don't hate
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thecapuletjuliet · 16 days
scribing in my diary, writing with my plumiest of quills, inking with ink the colour of sweet salmon berry. kicking my feet, twirling my hair, stifling giggles.
how funny i have became since cupid pierced mine heart with his bow. ❤️
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navybrat817 · 2 years
Lovelies, I understand that not every story out there is for everyone. Every writer has a vision for the worlds we create and it may not match with yours. That being said, please, do not come in my inbox complaining about how other writers write their stories when they don't go the way you want them to.
Especially if it's a writer I interact with.
Try spreading kind words for the stories you do like. Read the warnings and scroll by if you don't like. But, again, don't send criticism about a story or series to other writers. I don't need that negativity and neither do they.
Thanks. ❤️
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I wanted to draw this in time for pride month but I just ended up changing things over and over and just- yeah. So I decided to post it with flat colors cuz it kinda looks fine that way?? Idk man 😭
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dhampiravidi · 2 years
Batfamily Audiovisual Headcanons, Part 1
Dick Grayson: sounds like either Loren Lester (B:TAS) or Neil Patrick Harris (UTRH), both of their voices are pretty similar. Tbh I think about Ian Somerhalder a lot when I’m writing him description-wise, but so as not to ignore Dick’s Romani background, Danny Shepherd (who played him in the great Youtube series Nightwing: The Series) is probably a better fit. I don’t know what his ethnicity is.
Jason Todd: OK, it’s easiest for me to think of Jensen Ackles (UTRH) when it comes to Jason’s voice. However, since hearing Alejandro Saab in the fandub of Wayne Family Adventures, my heart has found another. In terms of looks...*sighs*. I HC Jason as being half-Hispanic & half-Italian, with green eyes (whether they’re natural or because of the Pit, IDK) and curly hair. Lately I’ve been using Peter Gadiot as his FC. Just don’t forget the white streak & thick thighs!
Tim Drake: the only age-appropriate voice actor take I’ve liked was Cameron Bowen’s (YJ). Personally, I’m cool with Tim being any race, as long as it reasonably fits his floppy long-haired look. A buddy of mine recommended Ryan Potter to play Tim, and I like that (yes, I know he’s in Titans, playing Garfield Logan). Ryan’s Jewish-American & Japanese.
Damian Wayne: at least while Dami’s a teen, I think Stuart Allen’s voice acting in The Judas Contract is a good fit. Though biracial children can look more like either parent, I do like to see Damian portrayed with tan (rather than light) skin. Arsalan Ghasemi is too old to play a teenager now (he’s 27), but I can’t help thinking about him as the little guy. Picture him years ago.
Alfred Pennyworth: I really like David McCallum’s (Son of Batman; look at 3:29) take on Alfred’s voice. I tend to think of the animated version of him (B:TAS), who is sassy as hell.
Bruce Wayne: Kevin Conroy (JL:U) is the perfect Bruce/Batman voice, IMHO. I tend to imagine his look in the animated series B:TAS, but I guess someone like Eric Bana would make a good Bruce.
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masteroffakesmiles · 1 year
Almost everyone has bios of themselves so...why not?
Username: @masteroffakesmiles (RP Blog: @goofyrpmaniacs)
Age: 25
Nationality: Half-African American, Half Jamaican
Fave food: Sweets, (cookies especially), candy, pizza (comfort food), gyros, pasta, caesar salads, and burgers.
Likes: Drawing, internet browsing, graphic design, a bit of typography, Ace Attorney, Urusei Yatsura, Lackadaisy, Animaniacs, One Piece, Gacha games (NOT Gacha Life, there’s a difference), indie games, rhythm games (hi-fi rush is awesome go play it right now) listening to music, and sleeping.
Dislikes: Jamaican food (most of it anyway), bad manners, loud places, flashing lights, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, ill-mannered people, Sonic games/franchise (don’t ask why and don’t be mean to me about it. I just don’t see the appeal), jumpscares, and anything horror-related, 
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thebillyengland · 2 years
A group of black people and a group of white people were asked if they were “proud to be black/white”, this was the result.
End wokeness NOW!
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mlc-raspberry · 6 months
Okay okay, hear me out. I know a lot of you guys won't agree with me but I just have to share my opinion and after all it is my opinion.
In the first movie Neytiri doesn't want to mate with Tsu'tey and I believe if Jake never came, she would mate with a woman. But since Jake came and she HAD to teach him, she fell in love with him but otherwise she WOULDN'T!! Do you see my point? If he didn't came or she didn't have to teach him, she would mate with a girl.
So that's why I think that she's a lesbian. That's all, have a great day/night and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰
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Naps are great bc it's like saying bye to all your problems for 2 hours
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holylulusworld · 2 years
J*red haters are wild since JIB again...
I try to stay out of this. I don't want to be a part of the negative part of the fandom. I don't hate Jared only as I'm a Jensen/Dean fan.
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vamprisms · 3 months
i feel like a lot of the 'i hate kids' crowd would be more tolerant if they understood that due to a kid's limited experience of the world that 4 hour flight might just be the longest they've ever had to sit still for or that trapped finger might literally be the most pain they've ever felt in their short life or they might not have ever seen a person with pink hair ever so of course they want to touch it or nobody's told them yet that they can't run around the museum and they only just learned cheetahs are the fastest animals so of course they want to put that to the test. how were they supposed to know etc etc.
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